
memeemeeewas i banned from #ubuntu?01:23
Picimemeemeee: One moment.01:24
Picimemeemeee: Could you please disable your public away messages while in #ubuntu. It adds unnecessary traffic to an already busy channel.01:25
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»01:25
memeemeeeI did01:27
memeemeeei thought01:27
PiciJust now?01:27
* memeemeee is away: I'm busy01:27
memeemeeeoh!!!! I see01:27
PiciYes, thats what we'd like to avoid01:27
memeemeeewow I didn't know. must be xchat01:28
memeemeeeok. i turned it off. didn't know it was even on. 01:29
PiciOkay, one moment then01:29
Picimemeemeee: Okay, you can rejoin #ubuntu now01:30
ubottuAfter_Math called the ops in #ubuntu (OSX)04:33
rogansomeone ban <mc_art> in #ubuntu for spaming random links every few seconds07:23
Hobbseelooks gone now07:26
Tm_Tsorry for spamming but...07:48
Tm_T0946.01 -!- ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu07:48
Tm_T0946.02 -!- ubuntu is "Live session user"07:48
Tm_T0946.24 < ubuntu> kubuntu sucks07:48
Tm_T0946.27 < ubuntu> you all fucking suck07:48
Tm_T0946.29 < ubuntu> go fuck yourself07:48
Tm_T0946.38 < ubuntu> ill kick your ass irl07:48
Tm_T0946.42 < ubuntu> stupid geeks07:48
Tm_T0947.08 -!- ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]07:48
* Hobbsee sets the stupid guy on fire.07:48
Hobbseeproblem solved.07:48
ikoniasome of the trouble makers from achlinux-offtopic have returned to #ubuntu, should they be allowed to stay ?09:48
ikoniaone specific one I am not comfortable with him lurking 09:48
ikoniahe was a real issue in #ubuntu/-ops09:48
ikoniaahh he's ban evading09:49
ikoniaor is he......09:49
ikoniaapparantly I unbanned him ??? don't remember doing that, not a problem09:52
ikoniaI don't rememebr doing it though, and he's made a slight change to his nick09:52
ikoniait seems odd I unbanned him 9 minutes after he started, but his attitude went on for about 25 minutes at least so I don't see why I would have unbanned him09:53
acp_hi I would just like to ask why I'm banned from #ubuntu?10:27
Tm_T@bansearch acp10:28
ubottuNo matches found for acp!*@* in any channel10:28
Tm_T@bansearch acp_10:28
ubottuMatch: *!*@ by FloodBot1 in #ubuntu on Oct 09 2008 13:40:36 (ID: 5344)10:28
acp_so Im using an IP that flooding?10:30
Tm_Tno idea actually10:30
Tm_Tacp_: I'll try to let you in in a moment...10:31
acp_ok thanks10:31
Tm_Tacp_: try10:31
Tm_Tacp_: please try to get in?10:35
acp_Im in thanks10:35
Tm_Tok, have fun (:10:36
Tm_Tacp_: now I ask you to read a topic of this channel10:36
acp_ok, thank you10:37
Tm_Tacp_: now I ask you to leave us until we are needed again (;)10:39
acp_oh sorry10:39
Tm_Tnp son10:39
ikoniatyfoo: what's the issue ?12:20
tyfoothe studip script contunied spamming and flooding even i stopped clicking on it12:21
ikoniayes,  I asked you to stop12:21
tyfooand than i restartet my client that it ends finally12:21
ikoniayou kept going12:21
tyfoonot i kept going. the script ^^12:21
ikoniaI asked you to stop, and removed you, you kept going12:21
ikoniaI asked you to stop again you said "ok" and kept going12:22
ikoniaI shouldn't have had to ask you 3 times, and remove you before you said "ok"12:22
tyfooi didnt noticed that12:22
ikoniano, because your script was flooding the channel12:22
ikoniayou shouldn't have been testing it in ubuntu12:22
ikoniado you think 1300+ want to watch you test an away script ?12:22
ikoniatyfoo: what assureances do I have that if you are allowed back into the #ubuntu channel you won't start using scripts again, or that you know how to control your irc client12:25
tyfoono sorry. i didnt know that the script sends chan-overlapping12:25
ikoniawhy did you test it in #ubuntu ?12:26
ikoniayou where in many channels and only #ubuntu got flooded12:26
tyfooi tested it in #drum'n'bass but it seems that my script send away messages to every chan i was in12:26
tyfoothat was my fault12:26
tyfoono, nut only in #ubuntu12:27
ikoniado you have ANY scripts currently running12:27
tyfooi got kicked it round about 20 chans now12:27
ikoniaif I remove the ban from ubuntu do you agree to use/test no scripts while in any #ubuntu channels ?12:27
tyfooyes, sure12:28
ikoniaok, ban is removed, you can re-enter #ubuntu, please please, be more careful in future12:28
tyfoookay, thank u12:29
ikoniatyfoo: if theres nothing else, it would be appriciated if you left this channel unless you need any help from us ?12:30
tyfoookay, thx for unban. bye12:31
jussi01ikonia: nicely handled. :)12:42
jribfile not found of course13:28
LjjjLjrib: yeah i know13:28
LjjjLbut i want him to give me the darn eror13:29
PiciI cleaned up some of the Feisty factoids.  Its EOL was yesterday.14:09
* LjjjL pats Pici14:09
PiciThe repositories  are still active though.14:10
LjjjLPici: well, not everyone in ubuntu is as efficient as the irc ops!14:13
LjjjLtake jdong for instance14:13
PiciLjjjL: I'd really rather not.14:15
ikoniaha ha14:22
geniiGood morning/afternoon/evening15:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:14
jussi01hello genii!15:56
* genii hands jussi01 a large Kubuntu coffee15:57
genii<and then runs from the non KDE people>15:57
jussi01genii: dont worry, they will get over it15:58
emmaHello friends.16:04
emmaHi there. 16:05
emmaThe other day, two nights ago I think, I had a bouncing connection while I was sleeping. I was redirected to ##fix-your-connection in a few ubuntu channels. Could that be reverted?16:06
Piciemma: Ah, yes.  I can remove the bans in #ubuntu+1 and #kubuntu for now, I don't have access to the other channels. Hold on.16:08
emmaSure thanks.16:08
* LjjjL wonders just how safe it is to auth over mibbit16:16
LjjjLnot that i don't trust the mibbit fellow but16:16
LjjjLthough then again freenode auth is quite unsecure to begin with16:16
* jussi01 walks back in16:19
jussi01emma: anything else you need?16:20
emmaI'm not sure. I'm 'holding'.16:36
ubottuIn #ubuntu, thiebaude said: ubottu:there is a bug i reported to launchpad16:37
Picijussi01: she needs to be unbanned in the rest of the channels I don't have acess too,.16:37
Picijussi01: see her bansearch results.16:37
PriceChildI just info'd automated-addition...16:38
jussi01someone needs to do bugs and motu - ive no access there16:39
stdinPriceChild: "Automated-Addition" is when ubottu wasn't there when the ban was set and syncs with the server16:40
PriceChildi know :P16:41
stdinhmm, while emma's here, I'd like input on the usefulness of the "UbuntuMan" plugin for supybot16:42
LjjjLjust what is automated-addition again?16:42
LjjjLwhat plugin would that be16:42
stdinlets you '@man <command>' and retrieves part of the manpage from manpages.ubuntu.com16:43
LjjjLstdin: "part"?16:43
stdinwell, the manpage can be huge, so it's a shortened version16:43
emmaThanks stdin :)16:43
PiciIs it really needed?16:44
LjjjLstdin: of course, but how shortened? unless it fits in one line it really isn't doable in #ubuntu, and if it *is* one line, then i'm not sure what could fit16:44
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything* ;)16:44
emmaLjjjL: If you want to try it out you can /query ubnotu and type: man mv 16:44
emmaLjjjL: We made it to fit in one post. Not longer than !info.16:45
stdinit will always fit in one line, the bot will use @more otherwise16:45
stdinand non-identified users can't @more16:45
LjjjLwait, that just doesn't have anything to do with the actual manpage i have on my system...?16:45
stdinit should use the same manpages, if you have them installed16:46
PiciI thought it used the website?16:47
emmaIt does.16:47
stdinthe website has all(?) the manpages available16:47
LjjjLuhm right, it's the same manpage as the one on the site16:48
emmaIt uses http://manpages.ubuntu.com16:48
LjjjL... but then why is the manpage on the site so completely different from the installed one?16:48
emmaLjjjL: Are you using hardy?16:48
LjjjLemma, yeah16:49
LjjjLfor starters, all manpages i'm familiar with have the synopsis with uppercase letters ("mv SOURCE TARGET")16:49
stdinthe manpage for mv on the site is from manpages-posix16:50
emma(man <command> [--rel <release>]) -- Displays a manual page from the Ubuntu Manpage Repositor.16:50
stdinthe one installed seems to be from coreutils16:51
stdineither way, it gives the command and a brief description of what it does16:51
emmaWe made it so that it never invokes @more actually. 16:52
stdinyou think you did ;) but I'll take that up with henux later16:53
emmaCool :)16:53
LjjjLi don't know16:56
LjjjLthere's always a tradeoff with these functions16:56
LjjjL(like with !find for instance)16:56
LjjjLon one hand, you have an expedient way to tell users stuff16:56
LjjjLon the other hand, they risk not learning how to dig that information themselves using system commands16:56
LjjjL(or in the case of !find, at least that there is packages.u.c)16:57
stdinif we stuck to that argument !info would not exist either, apt-cache gives you the same info16:57
LjjjLyes indeed16:57
stdinthis is why I thought some discussion about it would be good :)16:58
LjjjLstdin: what about you make it add "(type « man <command> » in a shell for more)" at the end16:59
LjjjLand for that matter, same with !info16:59
stdinit may be possible in the future to also make the command locale-aware (eg in LoCo channels)16:59
geniiThe !info is very useful17:00
stdinyeah, the "teach a man to fish" thing is good :p17:00
LjjjLi'm not even remotely suggestion that it isn't17:00
emmateach a man to man.17:00
emmaHey thanks very much guys. I'll talk to you later on. Before I pop out I just want to properly give credit to henux for authoring the plugin, and bascule for maintaining our info bot. 17:02
emmaWe would really be happy to contribute in any way, and we appreciate things you guys do.17:06
emmaGood afternoon.17:06
RainCTHey, troll in #ubuntu-motu19:29
ubottuScottK called the ops in #ubuntu-motu ()19:29
RainCTnow he's flooding19:30
PiciNuryFV: How can we help you today?19:36
NuryFVmmm, well i need a program, is que visual turing, i found that program in java but don't work here19:38
Seeker`NuryFV: This isn't a suppotr channel19:38
NuryFVyes, thats  the problem im in the wrong place19:39
NuryFVthanks, bye19:39
PiciSeeker`: There is a forward.19:39
geniiAre there plans to merge #kubuntu and #kubuntu-kde4 after Intrepid or so?20:27
PiciI sure hope so.20:27
PiciAnd Yes, but I don't know when.20:27
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, __mikem said: !forget mikem20:35
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !dmsuperman is I like potatoes20:35
PiciSomething I saw today reminded me of mneptok.20:42
PiciI was afraid and disturbed.20:42
Seeker`Pici: Something IRL?20:42
PiciSeeker`: Online comic actually.20:43
Seeker`ah, ok20:44
Seeker`its when IRL stuff starts reminding you of people on IRC you have to worry :P20:44
PiciThe chalkboard <.<20:44
mneptokmmm ... sex jelly ...20:49
Seeker`!seeker is test20:50
ubottuI'll remember that, Seeker`20:50
Seeker`!forget seeker20:50
ubottuI'll forget that, Seeker`20:50
Seeker`anyway I can get factoid priviledges on ubot5 as well? Seeing as that is the bot in -uk at the moment?20:51
naliothSeeker`: ubot5 should update from ubottu's db regularly21:00
Seeker`nalioth: When I did the !seeker is... I got  a PM from ubot5 saying that my request has been forwarded21:01
Seeker`or do you mean that the factoid database is updated regularly21:02
naliothSeeker`: that is what the non primary bots are supposed to do21:04
Seeker`fair enough21:04
naliothwe load ubottu with factoids > ubot3 and ubot5 and ubot-whatever grab the ubottu db regularly21:04
Seeker`sorry, my brain isn't working properly tonight21:04
__mikemcan someone please replace the factoid pici made of my nick with one that makes more sense21:45
Seeker`"makes more sense"?21:46
__mikemSeeker`: Its currently an alias to !no, and i am not even norwegion. Could you replace it with something like "Don't mess with the underscore man"21:46
Seeker`I can tell it to forget your factoid, if that helps21:47
__mikemSeeker`: Well, several other people have their own factoids (real ones) and I want one to. :(21:47
Seeker`If you find the existing factoid annoying / offensive, I will remove it for you21:48
__mikemSeeker`: well I guess i can settle for that21:48
Seeker`If you just want to change it to a different "joke"/meaningless one, I wont21:48
Seeker`!forget mikem21:48
ubottuI'll forget that, Seeker`21:48
__mikemSeeker`: it is only in #ubuntu-offtopic and its still in ubottu's database21:49
Seeker`!forget mikem-#ubuntu-offtopic21:50
ubottuI'll forget that, Seeker`21:50
Seeker`__mikem: anything else we can help you with?22:00
__mikemI forgot i was still in here22:01
Piciheh. He asked for a factoid..22:24
Some_PersonWhatever happened to ubotu (not ubottu)?22:28
Seeker`long story22:28
LjLthat's a mystery that only science might solve in perhaps millennia22:28
Some_PersonWell what happened?22:29
jussi01ubotu died, and was reincarnated as ubottu22:29
jussi01thats all22:29
* jussi01 really goes to bed now22:29
Some_PersonWell how did ubotu die?22:30
Seeker`the bot monster got him22:30
Seeker`its the IRC bot equivalent of the monster under your bed22:30
jussi01Some_Person: if you havent noticed yet, its not a really topical subject for here. do you have any other queries we can help you with?22:30
* jussi01 hugs ubottu22:32
jussi01and now I _really_ am going to bed. nini!22:32
* Seeker` wonders how many more times jussi01 will say that tonight22:32
Sergiucan i be unbanned from ubuntu,ubuntu+1 please?22:40
Seeker`Sergiu: You need to speak to the op that banned you22:42
Sergiuhow do i know ?22:42
Sergiuthe op that banned me22:42
Seeker`Sergiu: It was mneptok in #ubuntu22:44
Seeker`Sergiu: And ompaul in #ubuntu+1, but he isn't an op at the moment22:44
Sergiumneptok scoate banul te rog daca nu tii greu , frate22:44
Sergiumneptok hi22:44
SergiuSeeker` thanks22:45
Sergiumneptok can you unban me from ubuntu22:45
SergiuHey, why you put ban for a long time if someone accedentaly commit an mistake? and that person must come here for a 2-3 times and wait for a 1 hour 22:47
Sergiui am bored22:48
ubottuIn ubottu, magnetron said: !pony is <reply> No, you can't have a pony, you wouldn't take good enough care of it.22:48
Sergiui start to hate ubuntu22:50
Sergiui will wait when mneptok will be available for asistence me..22:50
LjLmneptok speaks romanian?22:50
Sergiudon't think so22:51
mneptokSergiu: noapte buna22:53
Sergiumneptok, sal, vorbeiti romana?22:53
mneptokSergiu: nu22:54
Sergiumneptok: atunci cum ati raspuns in romana?22:54
mneptokSergiu: only enough to find hotels and toilets.22:54
mneptokSergiu: well, i'm polite ;)22:54
Sergiumneptok eee22:55
Sergiuwhy you banned me22:55
mneptokone moment, trying to access the bantracker.22:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:55
mneptokURL, please Meester Bot22:56
Sergiumneptok unban me please22:57
* Sergiu bored22:58
mneptokSergiu: the !ops trigger is not to be used for educational purposes.22:58
mneptok17:57 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by mneptok22:59
Sergiuis ompaul is not available at the moment?23:00
Sergiuis ompaul available at the moment?)23:00
Sergiuor he is no longer an op...23:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, magnetron said: !no, pony-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> No, you can't have a pony. You're not paying enough attention to the herring i gave you.23:02
Sergiu!seen ompaul 23:03
ubottuI have no seen command23:03
Sergiu+Seeker`, to whom i need to speak to unban me on #ubuntu+1, to ompaul?23:03
=== Sergiu is now known as Myself
naliothMyself: Sergiu: is there anything else we can help you with?23:06
Myself+nalioth, who is ompaul?23:07
elkbuntusergiu, you were banned in #ubuntu+1 for the following 3.5 minute routine. join->question->demand someone fix it remotely->insult the project->swear23:07
naliothMyself: ompaul is ompaul23:07
Myselfnalioth it's an op?23:07
Myselfelkbuntu man23:08
naliothMyself: "he" is ompaul.  there are no 'it's here23:08
Myselfelkbuntu i inslut not the project, but myself23:08
elkbuntuMyself, dont try worm out of it.23:08
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:09
Myselfelkbuntu i swear then becuse of my bad english language23:10
Myselfbut the word "fuck" i writed correct ,,,23:10
elkbuntuMyself, no, you swear because you have no manners, as manners would have you use something more appropriate.23:10
Myselfelkbuntu yes , i shoudl't not swear 23:11
elkbuntuMyself, read the guidelines please23:11
Myselfit's my mistake23:11
Myselfi should not swear in that manner23:12
Myselfyeah,i see that Don't abuse the !ops trigger23:14
Myselfnalioth, yeah, sorry23:15
Myselfthanks for correcting me.23:15
Myselfnalioth so, i am banned permanently from ubuntu+1 with no possible to be unbannned?23:20
Myselfi can wait with ban is stiky..23:20
Myselfor i need to wait23:23
Myselffor ompaul23:23
Myselfwhen he comes23:23
Myselfi think23:23
Myselfif he unban me of course.:)23:23
Seeker`elkbuntu: nalioth: Do one of you want to deal wit hthis23:28
=== Myself is now known as Sergiu
naliothSeeker`: what's that?23:29
Seeker`nalioth: Sergiu 23:30
naliothSergiu: if there's nothing else we can help you with at this time, please don't idle here  :)23:30
Sergiucan you please unban me from #ubuntu+1, i will never say an swear like this 23:31
Sergiuin that manner23:32
naliothwe do not unban on request, but we'll consider it23:32
Sergiunoapte buna:)23:36
Sergiugood night23:36
geniiPersistent fellow23:38
mneptokgenii: "persistent" is not aliased to "fucknannoying" in this channel, kthxbye.23:39
* mneptok polishes his halo23:39
Seeker`mneptok: the horns are only there to keep the halo on?23:39
mneptokSeeker`: "chicks dig it"23:39
* genii puts on a fresh urn of coffee for the channel23:46
geniiSeeker`: Sorry if coffee isn't your choice of beverage :)23:48
Seeker`coffee is ebil!23:48
geniiBut it's chock-full of vitamin B and caffeine!23:49
Seeker`and nasty taste23:49
mneptoki take mine black and sweet. like me.23:57
mneptokoh ... wait ...23:57

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