
ASTURIAScsilk: I'm trying to change the password using "passwd" and mounting the drive using the Live CD00:00
bluescreenofdeain order to see if the connection works ill have to unplug from this computer to check the other one00:00
fluffycloud12345Then restarting Pidgin.00:00
DanskmandZackeroo: Nothing in /var/log ?00:00
zackeroofluffycloud12345 : yes .... I have also completely removed and reinstalled Pidgin a dozen times00:00
zackerooDanskmand : what should be there?00:00
csilkASTURIAS,  I wasn't aware you could change the password without knowing it00:01
zackerooDanskmand : I can show you the error if that will help ..00:01
ASTURIASYes, it is possible00:01
drogcsilk, you can't, I'm sure ASTURIAS is very used to the security holes in windows00:01
azharcs!info xen00:01
ASTURIAScsilk: but an error occurs00:01
ubottuPackage xen does not exist in hardy00:01
fluffycloud12345Zackeroo, have you tried installing Pidgin as root?00:01
csilkASTURIAS,  drog   > https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/303900:01
=== penguen is now known as gyroscope
Danskmandzackeroo: Oh, it throws an error - ok...what are the words ?00:02
dulakollie: you get that voodoo3 working?00:02
zackerooDanskmand :  http://pastebin.com/d32f1c5e700:02
csilkdulak,  he is still working on it00:02
csilkso far, no00:02
LjLhow would i go about getting nm-applet to connect to my wireless network straight away without resulting in a keyring password being asked on login?00:02
olliewhats the difference between green and white people?>>>00:02
zackeroofluffycloud12345  : I don't think I need to or should do that00:03
csilkLjL, right click the nm-applet> edit wirelss netowrks00:03
zackeroofluffycloud12345  : it should be working as is ..00:03
LjLcsilk: ok, and then?00:03
csilkadd the netowrk to taht list00:03
LjLcsilk: it is in that list00:04
csilkYou should no longer be prompter for a password then00:04
LjLcsilk: but it's always been in that list00:04
bluescreenofdeak i rebooted but no change00:04
csilkunless you are using feisty fawn in which case it's an old bug00:04
LjLno, hardy00:04
csilkLjL,  so the keyring is asking for the wifi pass everytime you boot?00:05
LjLcsilk, note again, it's asking for my *keyring password*, not the network's key00:05
csilkah rite00:05
csilksorry I missed that bit00:05
dulakisn't that expected behavior?  keyring pass once per session to protect your keyring?00:05
dr_willisdulak,  yes - i think it is.. but people seem to hate it.00:05
LjLdulak: it probably is generally speaking (for web passwords that's fine, for instance), but i don't really don't want that for my network...00:06
LjLi want my network to be connected asap00:06
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:06
twfxfnxfnfhow is ubuntu-server coming00:06
bluescreenofdeabobertdos: any other ideas?00:06
ruhello what is the hot ubuntu topic tonight.00:08
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: yes00:08
dulakLjL is your keyring password the same as your login password?00:08
DavidCanariasHi. I am using libdvdcss2 for copying DVD's but when I go to open the copied DVD on my computer it says error can't unlock file.? Any ideas00:08
csilkru,  a aguy with a grfx card from 1997 that cant get any res higher then 800x600 ;)00:08
LjLdulak, well yes00:08
bluescreenofdeawhatcha got?00:08
dulakLjL: then you are in luck00:09
dulakLjL: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/12/automatically-unlocking-the-default-gnome-keyring-pam-keyring/00:09
zackerooDanskmand : you still there?00:09
DanskmandYes I am :-)00:09
Danskmand...Trying to help zackeroo :-)00:10
DavidCanariasHelp with libdvdcss2? Anyone with experience here with us tonight00:10
ActionParsniphi all00:10
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
ActionParsnipdoes anyone use lmms?00:10
zackerooDanskmand : ok ...00:10
unitedpotsmokershi all, i have 2048mb of RAM, what is the best size of my swap partition?00:11
MHz128My laptop trackpad has been disabled somehow, is there a package available for track pad settings?00:11
csilkunitedpotsmokers, 1 gig00:11
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: Try sudo dhclient eth000:11
dulakunitedpotsmokers: that depends on if it's a workstation or a laptop00:11
unitedpotsmokersok thanks csilk00:11
unitedpotsmokersim using laptop00:11
LjLunitedpotsmokers: there's no "best" size, but if you ever want to use hibernation, you should have at least 2048mb00:11
csilkdulak,  what difference will that make?00:11
darkhammhey people, every time i click in some place of the menu Places, Totem runs00:11
dulakunitedpotsmokers: you want 2g + a little for hibernation on a laptop00:11
unitedpotsmokersahh ic..00:12
darkhammhow can i set gnome correctly?00:12
dimmi have Riva TNT2 M64 . what should i have if i install drivers from www.nvidia.com?00:12
unitedpotsmokershibernation.. hmm im still thinking...00:12
csilkWho the hell uses hibernation?00:12
LjLanyone who doesn't use standby for some reason?00:12
unitedpotsmokersyeah, i dont ever use hibernation... err what is hibernation?00:12
olliecan i acces ubuntu irc on my itouch?00:12
dulakstandby uses battery00:12
Danskmandcsilk: Me, when trying to sleep in a train ;-)00:13
unitedpotsmokersoh.. yeah u true.. dont need... so 1024mb should enough..00:13
DanskmandBut youre right....00:13
ollieall i can use is hybernation00:13
LjLollie: not without jailbraking it afaik (unless there are irc clients in the apple store) - except, you could use a web gateway to irc00:13
ollieall my other options became unavailable00:13
unitedpotsmokersok friends... brb...00:13
azharcsWhen will Firefox 3.1 beta added to repos00:14
willebankshowdy all00:14
Veninhttp://rafb.net/p/IZ43XD45.html ..whats wrong?00:14
LjLazharcs: likely never, unless it fixes some serious bugs or security issues00:14
rampagehi, is it possible to export the display of a gui application to multiple x servers (say the one on the local machine and one on a remote machine)?00:14
bluescreenofdeabobertdos: it say no DHCPOFFERS recieved and no working leases in persistant database - sleeping00:14
ByteJugglerit's possibly with NX00:15
ByteJugglerdont think its possibly with vanilla X00:15
rampageByteJuggler, that aimed at my question?00:15
azharcsLjL : So i can't use tracemonkey at all.00:15
ByteJuggler(for petes sake... what *is* it with me and the Y key)00:15
csilkVenin,  what are you compiling?00:15
kitcherampage: well yes but the application must be ran on every display\00:15
ByteJugglerrampage: yes00:16
ByteJugglerin NX terminology I think it's called "shadowing"00:16
ollieis there a way 2 acces this irc on my itouch?00:16
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: Okay, on to something else. Go to System->Administration->Network. Unlock it, and then under your ethernet connection, tell me what the settings are.00:16
=== Linus` is now known as Linus
gwkalrodif you can get an irc client on it, sure00:16
csilkollie,  I'm sure google will answer that question for you00:16
rampagethanks ByteJuggler will read up on NX00:16
remoadminis it at all possible to eliminate bell (system) [lowering the volume doesn't help]00:16
dr_willisollie,  there are web browser based irc clients also, but they may not be very useable00:17
dr_willisremoadmin,  'xset 0 0 0 ' gets rid of it in most apps for me.00:17
ollielike what?00:17
gwkalrodunplug the motherboard audio connector00:17
ByteJugglersee here00:17
csilkollie, ask google00:17
ollieand how do i do a highlighted message?00:17
olliei have asked google00:17
darkhammif i click on a folder in Places menu, Totem start00:17
csilkollie,  no one here really knows, that's why no one has given you the answer you are looking for00:17
rampagekitche, ByteJuggler, I wanted to leave say LinuxDC++ running on my desktop and access it from the laptop from time to time without having to vnc in every time. Is such a setup possible00:17
darkhammhow can i set gnome correctly?00:17
RovinIf I have Wubi installed - can I update to the next Ubuntu automatically?00:17
ByteJugglerrampage: I think that's what you're after00:17
LjLdulak: that doesn't work, it causes gdm to give me "Authentication failed" before even being able to login. however, i think this is already done by default on Hardy, except that i had automatic login enabled - i guess the keyring doesn't like that00:17
ByteJugglerah yeah00:18
gwkalrodollie http://arstechnica.com/journals/apple.ars/2007/09/11/mobile-colloquy-irc-client-released-for-iphone00:18
DanskmandDoes someone know the answer to my question ?00:18
bobertdosdarkhamm: We fixed this for someone else just recently by changing a certain program association, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was.00:18
ByteJugglerfor that you don't need multiple simulatneous connections00:18
ByteJugglerjust a single persistent session (terminal server like)00:18
bluescreenofdeaautomatic config (DHCP)    ip:      subnetmask:
ByteJugglera default NX session does that for you00:18
ByteJugglerthats exactly what I do in fact00:18
gwkalrodrampage, ssh + xming?00:18
csilkollie,  google.com  search: irc on itouch 4th result00:18
csilkseriously, you didnt googl eit00:18
ByteJugglermy server runs an NX server00:18
csilk*google it00:18
rampageByteJuggler, ok could you point me to the correct documentation if you have it at hand00:18
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: First, try setting it to Roaming.00:18
ByteJugglerand I just connect to it from whatever machine I want00:19
ByteJuggleron the session is a persistent X desktop session00:19
ByteJugglerwith browsers, bittorrent/whatever00:19
willebanksdhcp shouldnt return a 169 ip....your not connecting00:19
fluffycloud12345Bobert, this is what I was trying to say from the beginning. :D00:19
DavidCanariasAnybody with experience copying DVD's to give me a helping hand???00:19
ByteJugglerok hang on 1 sec00:19
Veninhttp://rafb.net/p/IZ43XD45.html ..whats wrong?00:19
dulakremoadmin: you can add the pcspkr module to the blacklist: echo "blacklist pcspkr"  | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:19
darkhammnobody can help me about program associations?00:19
gwkalroddavid, are they protected?00:19
csilkVenin, what are you trying to compile?00:19
dulakremoadmin: after a reboot no more system beep00:19
bluescreenofdeaanything else?00:19
rampagegwkalrod, i've tried xming and ssh but can't get it to display the gui thats already running. do you know how i could get it working00:20
Venincsilk: a patch for rtll8187 chipset00:20
rampagethanks ByteJuggler00:20
eitreachdarkhamm: right-click on the file you wish to associate with a program, and click on the Open With-tab.00:20
bobertdosdarkhamm: actually, try just changing the association for any folder in nautilus00:20
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: are you asking me?? If so then yes I am talking of a normal DVD you buy in the shops! Can you help?00:20
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: No, just that for now00:20
bluescreenofdeak brb00:20
willebanksooh thats an ill eagle00:20
dulakLJL: not sure what to try to fix that00:20
gwkalroddavid, are they videos?00:21
darkhammbobertdos, eitreach, i've only this issue if i click on a folder in "Places"00:21
DavidCanariasgwkalrod, yes they are videos00:21
gwkalrodrampage, i know someone that has xming working gerat, want his aim?00:21
csilkVenin,  the errors are a series of syntax errors00:21
darkhammeverywhere i haven't problem00:21
LjLdulak: it's probably 100% intended - no password at all (not even the login password), no access to the keyring. it's reasonable policy... except well, it's an eeepc and i'd rather have it up and running when i flip the screen open00:21
gwkalroddavid, VLC open disc and check the stream/save box, then burn the saved video file onto a dvd00:21
ubuntu_toddmy wireless is ok with dhcp, but i wanner assign a static ip to my wireless so that i can do some port forwarding. Any suggestion?00:21
rampagegwkalrod, yes please00:21
LjLdulak: no huge deal, anyway00:21
Venincsilk: it has worked before... i dont get it.. maybe something to do with intrepid?00:22
fluffycloud12345Did Bluescreen get online?00:22
gwkalrodrampage, "dotaazn"00:22
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: I installed libdvdcss2 and it was working do you know anything about his?00:22
rampagegwkalrod, thanks00:22
csilkvenger,  try make clean then ./configure again00:22
gwkalrodnope, but vlc works fine for that00:22
csilkVenin, ^^ 3 up00:22
willebankscan u access your wireless router00:22
ByteJugglerrampage: http://www.nomachine.com/select-package.php?os=linux&id=100:22
ByteJugglerthere's some notes there on what you need to do and links to documentation00:23
bluescreenofdeabobertdos: nope that didnt get it either00:23
rampagethanks ByteJuggler, will read up now00:23
ByteJuggleralso there's a howto somewhere on the internet, not that you need it really00:23
ByteJuggleryou need to basically ensure you install openssh server00:23
ByteJugglerthen install nx pacakges in correct order00:23
ByteJugglerand that's mostly it00:23
Venincsilk: doesnt use configure.. http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=r818700:23
zenowhat will happen to /dev/sda5 if i format /dev/sda4? will i lose /dev/sda5? if so how do i not and still use sda4?  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14t0rno&s=400:23
darkhammnobody knows i can chenge program association when i click on a folder in "places"?00:23
ByteJuggler(it used to be a bit more involved but the latest packages are basically installed like that)00:24
SpinachHeadwhere can i see an officiall copy of /etc/apt/sources.list   ?00:24
darkhammnobody knows where i can change program association when i click on a folder in "places"?00:24
fluffycloud12345Bluescreen, try a different PC on that cable and see if it can get online.00:24
csilkVenin,  that link told me nothing00:24
bluescreenofdeafluffy, im on a different one with it right now00:24
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: Okay, first go back to the terminal and do dhclient again. If that doesn't work, let's try a static IP.00:24
bluescreenofdeai just switch back and forth when i check the other one00:25
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: Also, you might consider rebooting your modem and router.00:25
Venincsilk: under r8187 is what ive done.. hehe00:25
rampageByteJuggler, may i pm?00:25
Veninsorry.. wrong link00:25
dulakwhat are YOU up to?00:25
Venincsilk: http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=r818700:25
fluffycloud12345Bluescreen, I don't want to confuse you, Bobert is giving great advice.00:25
ericrostcan linux-restricted-modules be installed independently of nvidia-kernel-common? I have an nvidia card unsupported by the driver in the repos and an atheros based chipset wifi card I need madwifi for00:26
csilkVenin,  ok, the errors you were having are all C syntax errors00:26
azhar27!info netbeans00:26
ubottunetbeans (source: netbeans): Integrated Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 813 kB, installed size 1924 kB00:26
bluescreenofdeahow do i reboot the modem?00:26
Lerxst51ericrost: there are a seperate package set for linux-restricted00:26
gwkalrodhey rampage, did you im him?00:26
zenoericrost: just install the other stuff it wants to install separate00:27
bluescreenofdeadhclient is the same00:27
Venincsilk: ive installed build essentials00:27
ericrostso the madwifi drivers are contained in a subpackage, good, I'll dig it up thx!00:27
jclbrtcan ubuntu utilize 4 cores?00:27
rampagegwkalrod, i don't use aim, just reading through how to use it00:27
bobertdosbluescreenofdea: I usually just unplug for ten seconds or so, and plug back in. Modem gets plugged back in first, router second.00:27
jclbrtdoes it multithread00:27
fluffycloud12345Bobert, you are a patient man!00:27
zenoericrost: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules, hit no, then copy paste the other stuff deleting nvidia-kernel common00:27
zenowhat will happen to /dev/sda5 if i format /dev/sda4? will i lose /dev/sda5? if so how do i not and still use sda4?  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14t0rno&s=400:28
dsch04How can I install a .deb file ?00:28
bobertdosfluffycloud12345: I kinda have to be. Customer support is my job too.00:28
lbokenhi all i got a problem when i try to install mysql5.0 server ( during the  installation i get  many time : error found option without preceding group in config file /etc/mysql/my.cnf at line :100:28
Lerxst51dsch04: if you double click it, the package manager will open an guide you00:28
fluffycloud12345Right on Bobert.00:28
dsch04Ah, OK00:28
dsch04How about from a command line?00:28
dulakzeno: once you have a logical partition sda5 then sda4 is no longer available as a primary partition00:28
csilkVenin,  yeah, but still, the errors were all syntax errors00:28
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: I opened VLC and copy disc, bu what do I do after to import the DVD?00:28
ByteJugglerdsch04: dpkg -in package.deb00:29
ericrostzeno: when I did that, it was just the version of linux restricted for my kernel, and when I put that it still wants to install nvidia-kernel-common00:29
Venincsilk: ok.. what do i do? :p00:29
ByteJugglerdpkg -i package.deb00:29
dulakzeno: you cannot use sda4 at all, for anything once you have a logical partition, you would use sda6 as the next logical partition00:29
csilkVenin,  i suggest going to the irc chen etc.. of the software vendor or start googleing00:29
dsch04Damn, dependencies!00:29
lbokenall i did becfor to have isnsalled the my sql server(i tough i did installed it yesterday) so i when to edit it to change the to
Venincsilk: tried both, hehe00:29
kooldudehey does anyone know how to set graphics card drivers00:29
ByteJugglerGDebi (the gui tool) will attempt to resolve those00:29
Venincsilk: but thanks00:29
ericrostzeno: it in fact depends on it00:29
gwkalroddavid, simply go to file, open disc, and make sure you check the stream/save box, select location to save it, then let the disc play00:29
csilkVenin,  what did you find out?00:29
gwkalrodit saves the output00:29
gwkalrodno copy protection00:30
Venincsilk: nada00:30
ByteJuggleralternatively, install the dependencies manually00:30
csilkVenin,  somebody must of said something00:30
ByteJugglerthen try again00:30
Venincsilk: no respons in irc chan.. googling the best i can00:30
ericrostis there any way to force apt-get to ignore the dependency?00:30
ericrostI can't have nvidia-kernel-common installed00:30
zenoericrost: dulak ok, how do i use that space as sda6?00:30
kooldudehey does anyone know how to set graphics card drivers because mine freaked out00:30
darkhammnobody knows where i can change program association when i click on a folder in "places"?00:30
Lerxst51ericrost: use the name of the dependencies to install the subpackages00:31
dulakzeno: just create a new logical partition it should automatically go to sda600:31
gwkalrodprogram assocation for a folder?00:31
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: Thks I am going to try again. Let u know what happens OK00:31
gwkalrodkk, gl00:31
ericrostLerxst51: its not a metapackage00:31
zenodulak: ok... ill look up how to do that00:31
exco1Is there a way to enable multiple dictionaries (e.g. german and english) when writing (openoffice, pidgin, ...)?00:31
ericrostLerxst51: the package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-generic actually contains the madwifi kernel drivers as well as nvidias fglrx00:32
zackerooDanskmand : did I miss anything?00:32
ericrostits a REALLY poor packaging decision00:32
gwkalroddarkhamm, elaborate?00:32
ericrostbecause now I have an unusable system00:32
dulakericrost: install it, then blacklist the modules that cause you problems00:32
bobertdoskooldude: What happened, exactly?00:32
ericrostits not the module00:32
csilkericrost,  that sounds serious, you should file a bug report against the package00:33
kooldudehey does anyone know how to set graphics card drivers because mine freaked out, i have a nividia graphics card... it worked for a wile but then it freaked out and set the wrong driver!00:33
ericrostits the fact that the kernel headers for the mismatched nvidia driver are going to be installed00:33
dulakericrost: that package is nothing but modules00:33
fluffycloud12345Where did Blue go?00:33
ericrostdulak: yes but it depends on nvidia kernel common00:33
fluffycloud12345Did you fix him Bobert?00:33
Lerxst51ericrost: you may have to compile and install madwifi then00:33
kooldudei have a nividia graphics card... it worked for a wile but then it freaked out and set the wrong driver!00:33
darkhammgwkalrod: when i click on every folder in "Places" menu, Totem starts, not nautilus00:33
ericrostLerxst51: thx00:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:33
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: I put in the DVD, opened VLC went to File, open disc, checked stream/save Box and then I had to open the DVD and then got lost00:34
bobertdosfluffycloud12345: No, he probably disappeared because I told him to reboot his equipment.00:34
darkhammhow can i change this?00:34
ericrostLerxst51: I can handle that but wasn't even thinking of it00:34
Lerxst51ericrost: no problem00:34
ericrostLerxst51: that's why I come here when I get in a huff sometimes00:34
fluffycloud12345Oh okay, Bobert.00:34
ericrostI may very well file a bug against the package so that the modules are all subpackages00:34
fluffycloud12345I am interested in seeing if he will ever be able to get online00:34
bobertdosfluffycloud12345: I only set static IP's as a last resort, so I'll have people try pretty much anything before that.00:34
Lerxst51ericrost: a metapackage would make more sense00:34
dulakericrost: yeah that's a good idea, kinda retarded deps on that00:34
gwkalrodafter you chekc the box and choose your save settings in the settings button, just press ok00:34
Venincsilk: is it this one http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=r8187#passed_3_arguments_but_takes_just_2..._compile_error_message00:35
Venincsilk: it kinda looks similar00:35
ericrostdulak Lerxst51 I may very well get back the fact that its non free stuff, but this IS ubuntu, not exactly the bastien of idealism, so I hope they'll be a bit pragmatic00:35
fluffycloud12345Bobert, I don't blame you, I am the same way. DHCP service is pretty solid so unless it craps out or is disabled on the OS or his router etc he should be able to get online fairly quickly. Unless there are issues w the OS, the browser or spyware etc.00:36
ericrostoff to get it working before I worry about the bug though, it's holding up my mythtv build00:36
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: Seems so easy this way. The film came on I clicked play and it's playing. Is it recording it anywhere while its playing?00:37
kooldudebobertos: my card was working fine until one time i restarted and ubuntu said that it didn't have the right drivers for the display and card! then i had to do it manualy and it freaked!!!00:37
zackeroolook like I am back to square one00:37
ericrostis madwifi pretty much configure make make install?00:37
JangariI'm stuck behind a firewall, a university one, but I'm tunnelling out via vpn, because I can't seem to run updates, I'm just getting thie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59920/ I've tried using the automatic proxy (it should let all http through) and I've tried the cache proxy settings. Anything I can try?00:37
bobertdosfluffycloud12345: Plus, static IP's (even though they can be useful) leave 'ya more vulnerable.00:37
gwkalrodin the settings button next to the stream/save checkbox, you can select where it'll save the output file to00:38
fluffycloud12345Bobert, good point.00:38
tscmgahow to check which version is current ubuntu ,like uname -a?00:38
ericrostawesome, madwifi even has .debs all packaged up!00:38
tscmgahow to get the current version of ubuntu of my system ?00:38
bobertdostscmga: lsb_release -a00:38
zackeroo it has been 3 weeks and countless visits to this IRC chat .... but I am still unable to use Pidgin ... is there anyone here willing and able to go the distance in helping me sort this out? Here is the output of Pidgin in the terminal : http://pastebin.com/d32f1c5e700:38
kooldudebobertos: my card was working fine until one time i restarted and ubuntu said that it didn't have the right drivers for the display and card! then i had to do it manualy and it freaked!!!00:38
lbokenhow do i resore  the original my.cnf from   mysql?00:39
lbokenmysql-server 5.000:39
tscmgabobertdos: :) . get it . haha00:39
MHz128Does an ad-hoc ftp server exist for ubuntu? what is it called?00:39
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: Is this the customize box: It says vd:///dev/scd0 what does this mean?00:40
chris4585anyone know of a way to stop/kill NetworkManager without root privileges?00:40
yoyonedMHz128: there are pleny of ftp servers, but I'n not sure what you mean by as hoc00:40
Holidayanyone using 8.10? I think I found a bug but not sure if it's an isolated problem or not00:40
Jangariwhat is it, Holiday00:41
node357Holiday, ask in #ubuntu+00:41
node357Holiday, ask in #ubuntu+100:41
ubottuHoliday:: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu00:41
MHz128yoyoned, wireless ad-hoc connection.... maybe ssh?00:41
MHz128yoyoned,  for transferring files between two computers, only wirelessly00:41
DavidCanariasgwalkrod: Or should I be in the file section? where it says customize?00:41
yoyonedMHz128: what are you trying to do?00:41
gwkalroddavid, sry i didn't make this clearer, in the settings button next to the stream/save checkbox, you check the "file" checkbox under outputs, and select the dir to save it in00:41
bobertdoskooldude: Which ones were you originally using?00:41
kooldudebobertdos: my card was working fine until one time i restarted and ubuntu said that it didn't have the right drivers for the display and card! then i had to do it manualy and it freaked!!!00:41
yoyonedMHz128: use scp00:42
darkhammit's hard to set a program association???00:42
MHz128yoyoned, for wireless? what is scp?00:42
oliver_how do i edit xconfig?00:42
oliver_well xorg.config00:42
bpat1182Okay, I've got my triple monitors working; however, my right-most monitor is being placed as the left-most screen.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/59922 is my xorg.conf00:42
bobertdosoliver_: In the terminal, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf or if you want graphical: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:43
csilkoliver_, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:43
twfxfnxfnf  Such a question is not uncommon among those curious. For example, “Is mathematics science or art?”, is the same type of question that has been broached by dabblers now and then. We can also detect such dilemma in the titles conferred to blathering computer jockeys: which one are thee: baccalaureate of science or baccalaureate of arts? It really makes no fucking difference.  Ultimately, fantastically stupid questions like these are not discus00:43
kooldudebobertdos: nvidia 6600 mx00:43
kooldudeplus a graphics accelerator00:43
DavidCanariasgwalkrod: Apologies is not clear still. Once clicked on open disc the file has 6 tabs. In Disc I check the stream/save. I cant find OUTPUTS??00:44
bobertdoskooldude: Are there restricted drivers for the MX line? I don't remember.00:44
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gwkalrodgo to file, click open disc00:44
gwkalrodthere will be a stream/save checkbox00:45
kooldudebobertdos: yes00:45
gwkalrodcheck it00:45
MHz128yoyoned, can a windows machine connect to an ssh server using an ftp client?00:45
gwkalrodnext to that checkbox, there is a button marked settings00:45
gwkalrodclick it, select file under outputs00:45
dulakMHz128: only if the ftp client supports sftp00:45
dr_willisI just use winscp to connect to ssh servers.. dont need ftp :)00:46
dulakMHz128: the quick and easy solution is to have the windows user download winscp, it looks just like a normal ftp client but uses ssh00:46
bpat1182Can anyone see a reason why my screen2 is being placed to the left of screen1 when it should be to the right of screen0?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/59922/00:46
kooldudebobertdos: yes00:46
MHz128dulak, thats awesome, you are the man00:46
darkhammmy issue is impossible?00:47
kooldudebobertdos: yes00:47
donjr_KSI burned a divx video onto a CD, from CD plays fine on my windows box, but won't play on my ubuntu box.  I do have the divx codecs from the repository, any other suggestions?00:48
DavidCanariasgwalkrod: ahaha, that seems better thks. Does this mean while the film plays it files at the same time where I told it to?00:48
bobertdoskooldude: Let's see.......How about using dpkg to reconfigure x11-xorg-nvidia (or whatever those packages are). I don't remember the exact names for Nvidia.00:48
dr_willisbpat1182,  i normally just drag the screens  around in the nvidia-settings tool.    I though it normally set up absolute settings coords.  But ive never used 3 screens befor.00:48
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bpat1182dr_willis, yeah, I can do that, but I lose a bunch of settings I've already configured.00:48
kooldudegime a sec00:48
bpat1182dr_willis, I'd rather get this running right without nvidia-settings00:48
phantomcircuitany idea when there will be an installer for flash10?00:48
gwkalrodit should, yes00:49
MHz128dulak, how are wireless file transfer speeds?00:49
dr_willisbpat1182,  backup the xorg.conf, try the nvidia-settings see if it does it better.. then compare the 2 different xorg.confs perhaps...00:49
gwkalrodyou can check in the meantime by lookingin that directory00:49
jribphantomcircuit: it's available in intrepid due for release at the end of the month00:49
bpat1182dr_willis, worth a shot00:49
kitchephantomcircuit: probably 8.10 probably will have a security update for 8.04 soon00:49
bobertdosphantomcircuit: It'll be in the repos for Intrepid. You can get the deb file for now if you want.00:49
phantomcircuiti guess i should mention im on x86_6400:50
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phantomcircuitso the package by itself doesnt help me much00:50
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: I looked in the directory and nothing is there? Should it be there already after 2 minutes?00:50
dulakMHz128: whatever the wireless signal supports, the encryption overhead from ssh isn't a big deal on a recent cpu00:50
bobertdosphantomcircuit: Native 64-bit support still isn't quite there, but you should still be able to apply the wrapper to it....I think00:50
bobertdosphantomcircuit: You may actually want the tar.gz in that case.00:51
gwkalrodhmm, you made sure you checked file under outputs, and selected a valid directory, then clicked ok, and ok at the open disc menu?00:51
donjr_KSany help playing divx on ubuntu?  Plays fine on my windows box, but not on ubuntu, and I do have the divx codec from the repo00:51
gwkalrodmake sure you select DVD no DVD(menus) too00:51
kooldudeit says it's already configured00:51
jribphantomcircuit, bobertdos: that "just works" now.  In intrepid, you have 64bit flash through the package manager.  If you really need it on 8.04, you need to build the latest nspluginwrapper00:51
kooldudebobertdos it says it's already configured00:52
bobertdosphantomcircuit: At any rate, I'm sure since 10 is in Intrepid's repos, the wrapping will take care of it.00:52
kooldudebobertdos: it says it's already configured00:52
ASTURIASI tried changing the password using "passwd" and I receive this errro "Authentication server cnnot retrieve authentication info". I forgot all my passwords and using a Live CD.00:52
bobertdoskooldude: Please don't repeat yourself so frequently. Did you use dpkg-reconfigure?00:53
jribASTURIAS: just use "recovery mode" from the grub menu00:53
ASTURIASI tried it also00:53
jribASTURIAS: and?00:53
ASTURIASit ajrib:ppears the same error.00:53
ASTURIASjrib: same error occurs in all the terminal I;ve tried00:53
jclbrtis Ubuntu Multithreading00:54
jclbrtwow... got suddenly quiet in here00:54
jribASTURIAS: and you have no clue as to why?00:54
jclbrtmust be something I said00:54
FloodBot1jclbrt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:54
ASTURIASjrib: No, that's why I'm here00:54
kooldudebobertos: same error00:54
jclbrtwhat?...  i didn't even type anything00:54
dulakASTURIAS: were you using ldap for authentication?00:54
ASTURIASdulak: ldap ?00:54
dulakASTURIAS: if you don't know what it is, you weren't using it00:55
oliver__hi how do i force resolutions?00:55
bpat1182omg... even with absolute positioning, it still doesn't work...00:55
ASTURIASdulak: no00:55
bobertdoskooldude: I may not be able to help much more. My experience with Nvidia cards is a bit outdated and I've never used one with Ubuntu.00:55
jclbrtoliver_ what do you mean by force resolution?00:55
dulakASTURIAS: did you chroot into the partition where your system was stored?00:55
ASTURIASdulak: yes00:55
kooldudebodertdos: k00:55
jclbrtis ubuntu multithreading00:56
jribASTURIAS: is that the full output except for the typos?00:56
ASTURIASjrib: yes, it says something below that, I will try it again now and post it here...00:56
Deadboysanyone having problems with Intrepid Ibex00:57
bobertdosjclbrt: I've always kind of wondered that too, to be honest. I think it is at least on a certain level, because it recognizes both sides of a duo core chip.00:57
Deadboysi cant seem to get it to install00:57
jribASTURIAS: it really seems like you've changed the way users login though00:57
Deadboysim trying to install it on my compaq cq5000:57
ASTURIASjrib: Nevermind, below it says, "Password Unchanged"00:57
wintermutehello. what shortcut keys allow you to change the screen00:57
wintermutelike virtual screens left and right00:58
wintermuteand there is this thing which is like expose in mac00:58
Deadboyscan anyone help me with this00:58
kooldudewhats the command to reconfigure Xorg?00:58
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: Slowly getting there thks, but a few hiccups. I am selecting a directory OK as you said but can't find anywhere click OK, I have to use the X at the top right of the page. Cant find OK at the open disc menu either?00:58
wintermutedeadboys: what is the problem00:58
jrib!xconfig | kooldude00:58
ubottukooldude: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes00:58
jribwintermute: ctrl-alt-<arrow key>.  For the expose-like feature, check with #compiz-fusion or look in ccsm00:59
bobertdosDeadboys: Go to #ubuntu+1 if you want help. I'd wait a week and a half for final release, if I were you, to be honest.00:59
Deadboyswhen i try to install intrepid it says my screen will run on low graphics mode, and i cant get past that screen00:59
jribDeadboys: intrepid help in #ubuntu+100:59
DavidCanariasgwalkrod: At least in the directory where I told it I can now see the file name. Does this mean something? jejeje?00:59
koshari!FixRes | koshari00:59
gwkalrodyes, that means it's recording to it00:59
jclbrtbobertdos: well most OSes recognize bother cores00:59
gwkalrodjust let it play out, and you can then burn that file to another dvd00:59
jclbrtjust whether they use it in the way it is suppose to is the question00:59
jribASTURIAS: googling "Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info" (with quotes) turns up lots of hits.  See if any of them help01:00
ASTURIASjrib: ok01:00
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: Thks a lot. Can I burn it to DVD with VLC?01:00
bobertdosjclbrt: You could always write a java app to figure that out, haha01:00
gwkalrodno, VLC is just a media player, you should be able to google "burning a video file" or something to that effect to find a program that can hurn it01:01
jribASTURIAS: do /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow all exist?01:01
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DavidCanariasgwkalrod: OK I could try k3b or Gnomebaker perhaps. Would I click DAta DVD??01:02
gwkalrodi honestly don't know what kind of disc to make for a dvd video, you'll have to ask around01:02
ASTURIASjribL let me check01:03
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: Thanks a lot in case you've been very helpful.01:03
jrgphow often should I restart my ubuntu server?01:03
munchingfoocould someone tell me the place in my file system xchat will be installed if I installed it using apt-get install?01:03
gwkalrodnp, gl with burning01:04
nocit`s easy01:04
dulakjrgp if it's an actual real server, once a month is a good rule of thumb01:04
DavidCanariasgwkalrod: cheers!!!01:04
dulakjrgp: if it's not a real server, in production, however often you like01:04
nochello all01:07
ASTURIASjrib: /etc/shadow does not exist I just see a shortcut called shadow-01:08
dulakASTURIAS: that's a huge problem, is /etc/passwd there?01:08
ASTURIASdulak: yes, it is there and group too, but not shdow01:09
dulakASTURIAS: ok in passwd, is the second field for your username a *?01:09
jribdulak: I'm not familiar with /etc/shadow-.  On my system it seems to just be a copy of /etc/shadow.  Do you agree it would be a good idea to just copy it as /etc/shadow?01:09
dulakASTURIAS: sorry my bad, is the second field for your username in passwd an x?01:09
dulakjrib: I'm trying to see if he has shadow enabled first01:10
dulakjrib: but yeah that's what I was gonna have him do, copy it over, and blank out his password for his username01:10
ASTURIASdulak: here -> myusername:x:1000:1000:01:11
dulakASTURIAS: ok good, you need to copy that shadow- file to shadow01:11
gwkalroddoes ubuntu have a memory limit, similair to windows xp's 3.25gb limit?01:11
CokeFTWis this the live ubuntu irc help01:11
ASTURIASdulak: open it, and then create a new file called shadow and paste all the content in it?01:12
dulakASTURIAS: cp -a shadow- shadow01:12
jribCokeFTW: yes, welcome01:12
dulakASTURIAS: then edit shadow, look for your username, blank out the second field01:12
jribdulak, ASTURIAS: erm, why blank it out?01:12
csilkgwkalrod, no operating system has a limit01:12
dulakjrib: so he can login with no pass and then set one?01:12
csilkit's the filesystem01:13
contrastGreets, everyone...01:13
jribdulak: he's resetting the password with passwd anyway01:13
csilkthe new ext4 filesystem has a massive limit, several hundre petabytes i believe01:13
CokeFTWOkay good, I have this problem. I just recently crossed over to ubuntu from windows, but I can't seem to get any of my drives to mount in ubuntu, flash drive/external HDD. Does anyone know the fix to this?01:13
dulakjrib: good point01:13
contrastAnyone here use Kino? I'm trying to figure out how to select the audio track on an imported .vob.01:13
ASTURIASdulak: should I try passwd again?01:13
dulakASTURIAS: sure01:14
gwkalrodlol, os/filesystem, w/e, but ty for the anweser01:14
jribgwkalrod: on 32bit there's some sort of limit.  On 64bit you won't have a problem01:14
ASTURIASdulakL ok, one sec...01:14
csilkjrib,  that affects file systems upper size limits?01:14
ASTURIASdulak: passwd: password updated successfully01:14
jribcsilk: no, I assumed his original question was about ram01:15
dulakASTURIAS: ok you are set, somehow your shadow file got lost, you went to a backup and now you should be good01:15
boumacan i ask the best/right way to make my other drives mount automatically, so say file paths a valid after a reboot, is it to edit the fstab ??01:15
csilkjrib,  i assuedm hard disk space :)01:15
gwkalrodyes, memory = ram01:15
csilkfair enough01:15
ASTURIASok, I will try to log in again, I'll be back if anything occurs, thanks a lot!01:15
jribCokeFTW: what happens when you try?01:16
boumacan i use a gui instead of editing fstab by hand ?01:16
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CokeFTWonce I plug the drive in it says something like : Mount error: etc01:16
Digital7I've got an open question -- a thinker -- for anyone here willing to participate. Here is the scenario: A hard drive is failing with I/O errors and/or MFT corruption. Only so much data can be copied before (1) the files on the drive all disappear or (2) all files become 0kb ghosts.  Copying all the files manually is unfeasible, because when the drive begins to fail; some corrupted 0kb files get copied. Any suggestions?01:16
jribbouma: There is ntfs-config for ntfs formatted drives.  The other gui tool I know of is pysdm (but I have not used it recently).  Editing by hand is not that hard and I don't mind helping you01:17
jrib!who | CokeFTW01:17
ubottuCokeFTW: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:17
dulakDigital7 write a script that copies files 1 at a time, checking if the copy is 0kb after the copy operation01:18
CokeFTWubottu: okay01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about okay01:18
TulimaqCokeFTW, pastebin the error01:18
dulakDigital7: you could also have it check for an existing file first, and skip any dupes so you can keep running the copy over and over to get the most data off it before full failure01:18
keveycakescan anybody help me set up a wireless internet? I have a new wireless card and the ndis wrapper program doesn't work with it, it's something else i have to use and i can't find any site to hekp me?01:18
Digital7dulak, could you pastebin an example script for me? I'm willing to try that method -- but I'm not yet familiar enough with Unix commands to do it.01:18
Digital7keveycakes: is it a laptop?01:19
CokeFTWMount error: invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume.01:19
Tulimaqkeveycakes, what wifi card u have ?01:19
csilkwhy doesn't virtualbox work out of the box?01:19
dulakDigital7: that's more work than I'm willing to put in on a volunteer basis01:19
keveycakeslet me check right now01:19
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Digital7dulak: I'm actually doing a volunteer effort myself..this is for a friend of mine. Could you at least point me in the right direction..perhaps a site with such commands listed?01:20
dulakDigital7 that I can do01:20
Scunizicsilk: you have to "join the vbox" group in System/Admin/UsersGroups01:20
Azhi_DahakaI'm looking for a good audio player... Rhythmbox lacks two important features for me: Jump to song and Equalizer...01:20
ScuniziAzhi_Dahaka: songbird (a Mozilla program), Amorak and many others.01:21
csilkScunizi,  and that will fix the kernal driver problem???01:21
Lerxst51Digital7: you can use a recover system like Knoppix, and there is a system for backing up a .img from a corrupted hard drive, and recovering files from it. Let me see if I can find directions for it01:21
Azhi_DahakaAmarok will run ok? I'm on Gnome...01:22
Scunizicsilk: you didn't mention that.. open Synaptic and search for virtualbox.. you will see the kernel driver for your kernel there.01:22
dulakDigital7: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html and http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/01:22
CokeFTWTulimaq: Mount error, invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume01:22
keveycakes Wireless Intel® Wi-Fi Link 5100AGN (1x2) is the card that I have iun my laptop. I had a friend put linux on and he's been busy for a few days so I don't know how to fix my wireless problem01:22
aflackcan someone help me im having problems with my sound...01:22
csilkScunizi,  osrry I assumed everyone would of had the same error after ubuntu update01:22
keveycakesI updated some programs and my friend said most likely a kernel was updated that made the wireless drivers not work01:22
Scunizicsilk: ah.. you had it running and then it stopped because of the kernel driver.. ?  Load the new one and you'll be fine. I did this morning.01:23
TulimaqCokeFTW, what file system u have on that drive01:23
aflackexcuse me..01:23
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CokeFTWTulimaq: I believe its fat3201:23
csilkScunizi,  well, I never used iot befor ethe update, but I assume it's the update that "broke" it01:24
Digital7dulak: Thanks01:24
keveycakesdigital7, are you still there to help me? or did you leave01:24
Digital7keveycakes: I'm here.. kind of.01:24
aflackcan someone please help..01:24
der|kunstlerhow do I make icons organize from right to left instead of left to right ?01:24
Scunizicsilk: the update did break it.. but after fixing try to load it and see what happens.. you may have to fix other things.01:24
Digital7keveycakes: I had the same trouble on my laptop01:24
exodus_MSaflack, post your problem. everyone here is working on a volunteer basis.... be patient01:24
csilkScunizi,  any idea why the play button would now be greyed out?01:25
Amphi too all01:25
Digital7keveycakes: open up a private window with me so I can keep track01:25
aflackim having problems with my sound, it comes out all staticy and wrong...01:25
TulimaqCokeFTW, and  what command u are using to mount it01:25
contrastAnyone here use Kino? I'm trying to figure out how to select the audio track on an imported .vob.01:25
der|kunstlerhow to I put my gnome icons on the right by default ?01:25
Scunizicsilk: you might have to reboot to get the kernel driver update to take effect, restarting the vbox service.01:25
csilki'll give that a spin01:26
CokeFTWTulimaq: I don't know how to manually mount so I have not used any command. Thats just what it tells me when I pop in the drive.01:26
aflackcan someone help me im having problems with my sound .01:26
exodus_MSaflack, pls be more specific. sound card, ubuntu version etc. what are you trying to listen to. have you checked the physical connection01:26
csilkin fact, you know what Scunizi i dont have the patience to do this right now, I'm not gonna test this package on xubuntu01:26
der|kunstlerexodus_MS, do you know how to set up the icons from right to left in gnome ?01:26
csilkif it doesnt work I'll just fix it when the bug report comes in01:26
Scunizicsilk: k.. try later or tomorrow.. :)01:26
ayhanhi all01:26
aflacki am not exactly sure what sound card i have, but i have the latest ubuntu all updated with 8.04, and any sound comes out staticy and wrong, im playing from my monitor speakers which work ok in vista01:27
csilkScunizi, it's the upstream being really pissy with me about packaing their software, they said it "HAS" to work on xubuntu.. To be fait, the package request came from someone using gnome so I'm not too fussed about xubuntu users01:28
TulimaqCokeFTW, it can happen when u dont use "safe remove" in windows, u need to force mount then01:28
CokeFTWTulimaq: how do I force mount?01:28
aflack i am not exactly sure what sound card i have, but i have the latest ubuntu all updated with 8.04, and any sound comes out staticy and wrong, im playing from my monitor speakers which work ok in vista01:28
Scunizicsilk: it should.. xubuntu uses mostly gtk libraries.. but vbox also works on kde so xubuntu is right there too.01:29
der|kunstleris it possible on gnome to switch your icons from the left to the right ?01:29
aflack i am not exactly sure what sound card i have, but i have the latest ubuntu all updated with 8.04, and any sound comes out staticy and wrong, im playing from my monitor speakers which work ok in vista.... very bad sound problems help anyone?01:29
Azhi_Dahakawould amarok run ok, if i'm using gnome?01:30
exodus_MSder|kunstler, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/3728/01:30
contrastAzhi_Dahaka: yep01:30
ubuntuThe new ubuntu 8.04 will not load.  Now it will if I load it under VMWare?01:30
bel666could someone help me to get to work any gateway/router applitation on my ubuntu?01:30
regeyaamarok will work fine with gnome01:30
aflack i am not exactly sure what sound card i have, but i have the latest ubuntu all updated with 8.04, and any sound comes out staticy and wrong, im playing from my monitor speakers which work ok in vista01:31
regeyaif you want to, the latest kde4-based amarok can even use gstreamer plugins if you want...the "regular" amarok ubuntu package just ships with the xine backend, iirc01:31
Azhi_Dahakaseems like Exaile is some sort of GTK Amarok clone01:31
TulimaqCokeFTW, 1) Create a folder in /media using:-   sudo mkdir /media/force   2) Mount the drive on the folder using:-    sudo mount -t vfat /dev/path-of-drive /media/force01:31
regeyaI'll have to try it again, Azhi_Dahaka because every time I've tried it...not so much, no.01:32
regeyait LOOKS a lot like Amarok tho :->01:32
Azhi_DahakaDidi it have hotkeysand equializer?01:32
aflack i am not exactly sure what sound card i have, but i have the latest ubuntu all updated with 8.04, and any sound comes out staticy and wrong, im playing from my monitor speakers which work ok in vista01:32
regeyano but to be fair the latest amarok doesn't either01:33
Veninany ideas? http://rafb.net/p/Hg81VR25.html01:33
regeyahave an equalizer that is01:33
regeyathe latest amarok does have hotkeys tho01:33
csilkVenin, error: asm/semaphore.h: No such file or directory01:33
Curtisi am going to install 8.04 right now and i have a really weak wireless signal... is there any way that i can not install all of the updates?01:33
bel666could someone help me to get to work any gateway/router application on my ubuntu??01:33
domino14i dont understand why i cant have rhythmbox playing music and firefox flash videos playing music too without having to restart either01:34
* regeya cranks disposable heroes, makes a note to make sure it's in his playlist at work too01:34
Azhi_DahakaOn to the next, then... which good media player have an equializer?01:34
domino14i mean, this is a basic operating system feature01:34
aflackyeah my audio is messed up also01:34
aflackbut no one responds to me for like 10 minutes so im going to try later01:34
regeyaum...well...audacious has a software equalizer :->01:34
Venincsilk: know what that means?01:34
Tulimaqdomino14, try aoss01:34
csilkerror: asm/semaphore.h: No such file or directory   yes it means the file it is looking for cannot be found01:35
exodus_MSaflack, http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=583165701:35
domino14ttwhats an aoss01:35
Venincsilk: yeah, hehe.. but why01:35
domino14this sucks, i mean, this is a clean install, how is this feature not default01:35
CokeFTWTulimaq: so where "path-of-drive" is, do I replace that with "8.0 GB MEDIA" or however it shows up under my system tab?01:35
csilkVenin,  that's the killer question ;)01:36
jribdomino14: it's a known bug involving flash and pulseaudio.  It's resolved in 8.10 (released at the end of this month)01:36
Tulimaqdomino14, install alsa-oss package and run programs  "aoss name-of -the program"01:36
exodus_MSaflack, like i said before. no one here HAS to help you. there are many folks here that are very knowledgeable, please be patient in the future. the link i sent you was found by doing a simple search on the web01:36
deftonehow can i get kubuntu 8.10 ?01:37
contrastAnyone here use Kino? I'm trying to figure out how to select the audio track on an imported .vob.01:37
TulimaqCokeFTW, sudo fdisk -l      its something /dev/.....01:37
Venincsilk: check out last post at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/18247301:37
contrastdeftone: kubuntu.org - but to be honest, if you don't know how to figure out where to get it, you might want to stay away from the pre-releases. ;-)01:37
ludditeis madwifi gonna be in the new ubuntu?01:38
Venincsilk: :D01:38
complexityI just made a fresh install of ubuntu and everthing worked perfect , I got the update and now the gnome desktop does not work01:38
deftonei went there already.....only gives me the option to download 8.0401:38
DonHi, can anyone help me01:38
complexityafter i rebooted01:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:38
CokeFTWTalimaq: Okay did that and I got sdb1, then I ran that in the previous command, so now what do I do?01:38
domino14ok i'll wait for 8.1001:38
csilkVenin, is that a fix for your problem?01:39
complexityany ideas?01:39
the_darkside_986How do I _force_ nvidia-glx-new to go to a specific, correct monitor resolution. My monitor should be 1366x768 regardless of what the nvidia card thinks (not 1440x900 as it insists)01:39
contrastdeftone: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/Beta/Kubuntu01:39
kyrksaeteroraHi all. I recently installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and since 8.04 doesn't have drivers for my wireless card, I used NDISwrapper to install them. The drivers are properly installed, however I am having difficulties configuring the computer to use the wireless. It shows me both an eth0 and a wlan0 interface so I know the card is working (also the card works under windows), but I don't know how to tell Kubuntu to use the wlan0 conne01:39
DonI have /etc/reolve/conf missing when trying to diapup in kppp01:39
TulimaqCokeFTW, try to open "/media/force" folder01:39
Venincsilk: apparently... no errors now :D01:40
csilkbrilliant ;)01:40
Killer--Tuxneed help with sound01:40
CokeFTWTulimaq: is there a command I need to do that01:40
complexityanyone get the updates and gnome does not work anymore?01:40
csilk!ask | Killer--Tux01:40
ubottuKiller--Tux: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:40
MersaultHow do I setup an interface to be up but unconfigured at boot time?01:40
complexitycd /storage/01:40
DonI have /etc/resolve/conf missing when trying to dialpup in kppp01:40
Killer--Tuxwhen i open a application that uses sound it work but after i try to open another application with sound it works only in the first app01:41
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deftonedo i have to download compiz-fusion seperately ?01:41
m3thodanyone having trouble updating to firefox 3?01:41
keveycakesDoes anybody know if I can roll my computer back 3 days or more?01:41
csilkdefD,  seperatly to what?01:41
csilkdeftone, ^01:41
csilkwe need more context01:41
jribdeftone: nope, just use system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects01:42
jrib!ccsm | deftone01:42
ubottudeftone: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:42
TulimaqCokeFTW, just use nautilus... file manager01:42
contrastdeftone: yeah, there's an app included to walk you through it though.01:42
deftonesweet...thanks guys01:42
deftonethough i don't know if my Intel GM965 is on the blacklist.01:43
CokeFTWTulimaq: I don't know what that is, sorry, I just switched to ubuntu yesterday01:43
exodus_MSkeveycakes, are you trying to undo an 'update'01:43
nevermindhi all, does anyone here have experience with b43 modules?01:43
keveycakesexodus: yeah01:43
DonI have /etc/resolve/conf missing when trying to dialup in kppp, anyone help please?01:43
nevermindor knows the right channel for wireless support?01:43
exodus_MSkeveycakes, try selecting the prev kernel at boot time01:44
domino14so this computer has one single hard drive, and has ubuntu on it -- if i want to dual boot with win xp, and i don't want to reformat.. i'd like to just add a second hard drive and put xp on that. how do i do this?01:44
keveycakesexodus: well, I'm a newb to ubuntu, how do i select kernels when i start up?01:44
TulimaqCokeFTW, Places > Computer01:44
domino14what do i have to edit so that it switches to the right hard drive at boot time01:44
Dondomino, windows has to be installed first01:45
kyrksaeterorayou want to install winXP on the second drive first, then re-install ubuntu and GRUB should pick up on the two installs01:45
TulimaqCokeFTW, filesystem > media > force01:45
CokeFTWTulimaq: OMG THANK YOU!!!!!! Now would I have to do this everytime I plug in the drive?01:45
the_darkside_986Does anyone know how to configure 1366x768 resolution on Nvidia 7300 GS on Ubuntu 8.04? I can't select that resolution anywhere much less change GDM01:45
Azhi_DahakaWell, Exaile DOES have an equilizer01:46
exodus_MSkeveycakes, you will see the 'grub menu' load before anything, just hit enter before the time expires. you will then see a list of kernels you can select from01:46
kyrksaeteroraHi all. I recently installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and since 8.04 doesn't have drivers for my wireless card, I used NDISwrapper to install them. The drivers are properly installed, however I am having difficulties configuring the computer to use the wireless. It shows me both an eth0 and a wlan0 interface so I know the card is working (also the card works under windows), but I don't know how to tell Kubuntu to use the wlan0 conne01:46
dasickiswhere do i find my RS232 devices?01:46
MtStGabrieldumb question here....01:47
complexityanyone have problems after updates.. Firefox does not work and gnome desktop does not load01:47
dasickisi tried /dev/ttyS* but I can't find the one i want01:47
AnzaInstalling Cedega it said 3D Acceleration test failed, said Graphic card doesnt appear to be setup correctly, where and how can I fix that?01:47
MtStGabrielIf I'm trying to install ubuntu on an intel core 2 duo, do I want the 64 bit version, or the regular version?01:47
TulimaqCokeFTW, run  "sudo umount /media/force"  and replug usb drive, i should automount now01:47
kyrksaeteroraMtStGabriel that's a matter of prefrence, as it can run both.01:47
DonI have /etc/resolve/conf missing when trying to dialup in kppp, anyone help please?01:47
CokeFTWTulimaq: Thanks problem solved01:48
complexityis opera in apt-get?01:48
keveycakesthank you exodus and thank you digital, i'm gonna go try those things right now01:48
tritiumcomplexity: yes01:48
MtStGabrielWell, then in that case...01:48
TulimaqCokeFTW, nps01:48
complexitywhat is the name of it tritium01:48
tritiumcomplexity: opera01:48
tritium!info opera01:48
domino14damn.. theres no way to tell grub that ive installed windows01:48
ubottuPackage opera does not exist in hardy01:48
kyrksaeteroraMtStGabriel I don't know how well ubuntu deals in a 64 bit environment, though01:48
tritiumcomplexity: it's in the partner repository01:48
Dondomino, install windows forst01:48
crtoestill don't have opera 9.6, not even 9.501:48
complexitytritium, do you use the update manager?01:48
tritiumcomplexity: it runs in the background, yes.  Why?01:49
crtoei'm running intrepid ibex too, so i can only hope jaunty will have it01:49
complexityi did it and now firefox does not work or the gnome-desktop01:49
domino14then i have to reinstall ubuntu, silly01:49
MtStGabrielI tried running the 64 bit version, and I used MagicDisk to mount the image, and I tried to install it as my only operating system, and i just got stuck at the command line with no instructions as to what to do except "help"01:49
izinucsMtStGabriel, you might consider that most programs are 32 bit and will run in a 64 bit environ. but with special libraries... more tweeking required.01:49
MtStGabrielI've used ubuntu before, but I've never installed it.01:49
tritiumcomplexity: what was upgraded?01:49
Doncan noone help?01:49
DonI have /etc/resolve/conf missing when trying to dialup in kppp, anyone help please?01:49
contrastcrtoe: opera has debs for newer releases on their site, iirc.01:49
complexitytritium, I dont know I let it do the 140 updates, it was a fresh install01:49
tritiumcomplexity: of hardy?01:49
tritiumHi randancing.01:50
exodus_MSDon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19008801:50
complexitywhat can I type to see what it is tritium the ubuntu version01:50
tritiumcomplexity: lsb_release -a01:50
complexityya codename hardy tritium01:51
exodus_MSDon, any luck?01:51
tritiumcomplexity: have you rebooted since the upgrade?  I'm fairly certain there's a newer kernel in what you installed, which would require a reboot.01:51
complexityyes I rebooted tritium right after the upgrade and now gnome desktop does not load , and firefox is broken01:52
Donexodus, I am on vista at mo' is there a file i can d/load to use on 8.0401:52
crtoecontrast: using opera 9.2x is like using firefox 1.5 at this point. it's sad that canonical still doesn't have it in the partner repositories01:52
complexitywhat browsers can I apt-get so i can look this problem up . firefox does not work01:52
tritiumcomplexity: if gnome does not load, how are you able to check firefox?01:53
Azhi_DahakaExaile is AWESOME01:53
complexitytritium, I got fluxbox01:53
tritiumcomplexity: epiphany, for one01:53
complexitythanks tritium this sucks fresh install and everything01:53
ark3qqqDoes anybody know if dmg2img has gained large file support?01:53
crtoewow, aptitude show exaile makes amarok look like it can't compete01:53
contrastcrtoe: there is a more up-to-date repo for opera, or at the very least, .debs for the current version. google is your friend. ;-)01:54
MtStGabrielLet me try copying this to a CD, and see what happens.01:54
the_darkside_986Does anyone know how to add a custom LCD model to displayconfig-gtk? I need to add acer x163 because it's not on the list and it can't auto detect its settings.01:54
Dondriving me nuts this kppp01:54
crtoecontrast: i like to keep my repo list small, and i definitely don't download random deb packages. it still doesn't address the root problem01:54
complexityanyone know the command to open the update manager01:54
MtStGabrielI'll see what happens...01:55
dulakcomplexity: update-manager01:55
exodus_MSDon, does /etc/ppp/resolv.conf exist? if it does, try symlinking it to /etc/resolv.conf01:56
DonIs there a file I need to d/load to solve, /etc/resolv/conf missing in kppp01:56
Dondoesn't exist it says01:56
complexitywell this sucks01:56
complexityim surprised no one else had this problem01:56
kyrksaeteroraHi all. I recently installed Kubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and since 8.04 doesn't have drivers for my wireless card, I used NDISwrapper to install them. The drivers are properly installed, however I am having difficulties configuring the computer to use the wireless. It shows me both an eth0 and a wlan0 interface so I know the card is working (also the card works under windows), but I don't know how to tell Kubuntu to use the wlan0 conne01:56
crtoekyrksaeterora: got chopped at but I don't know how to tell Kubuntu to use the wlan0 conne01:57
CaptainMorganrunning vmware workstation really decreases my 9 cell battery by a substantial amount... would say 10-15% faster than normal... without installations or applications running in the virtual machine, my host - 8.04, running the system monitor shows 20-40% of cpu usage between the two cpus and about 4/11ths (not quite half) of the memory being used... why is the battery discharging so fast and do you have any thoughts?01:57
exodus_MSDon, sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak then sudo ln -s /etc/ppp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf01:57
wartalke1why my network-manager does not show the wireless ?01:57
kyrksaeterora( crtoe ): the rest of it is "instead of eth0"01:57
R0b0t1Does anyone have a link that tells you how to get the MinGW compiler working?01:57
melleryI lost sound in vlc and movie player, I think its pulseaudio, but I still hear everything on the soundtests, and startup sounds, how can I figure out the problem?01:57
R0b0t1(To compile for Windows from linux)01:57
crtoeCaptainMorgan: it's running a virtualization environment -- in effect two operating systems, what do you expect?01:57
Donexodus, thanks, I reboot in 8.04 and try that, cheers01:58
crtoeCaptainMorgan: you could tune the memory settings, don't know/remember the cpu settings (though amd/intel virtualization enabled cpu advancements do make it faster)01:58
crtoeCaptainMorgan: obviously, your battery, etc. would all last longer, but you'll get degraded performance out of vmware01:59
CaptainMorgancrtoe, I expect that if the vm was installing something or running an application - then it's acceptable... but the vm wasn't even doing anything... :/01:59
ark3qqqWhere do I find development man pages? Like man 2 open, for example.01:59
Tulimaqkyrksaeterora, what is your "iwlist scan wlan0" output01:59
crtoeCaptainMorgan: do you have an operating system running at least? if not, then i agree, that's weird. but if so, then obviously... you have another operating system running, what do you expect?01:59
crtoeark3qqq: i think it's libc-dev02:00
R0b0t1Does anyone have a link that tells you how to get the MinGW compiler working? (To compile Windows programs on Linux)02:00
CaptainMorgank, thanks crtoe02:00
kyrksaeterora( Tulimaq ): 'iwlist: unknown command 'wlan0' (check 'iwlist --help').02:00
ark3qqqcrtoe: Yep, that seems to work. Thanks much!02:00
crtoeno problem ark3qqq :)02:00
complexity** (epiphany-browser:6861): WARNING **: Unable to connect to system bus:02:00
Tulimaqkyrksaeterora, "iwlist scan" then02:01
mi1may i know how or what is the updated version of Pidgin for feisty fawn?02:01
the_darkside_986Where does the nvidia-glx-new store screen modes? if it's not in xorg.conf I still need access to it badly to fix it.02:01
__mikemI need help. I can't get wireless to work at all on my laptop. I have a bcm4311 wireless card. I have the proprietary drivers installed, but i can't get the thing to talk to any networks02:01
mi1im currently using Pidgin 2.2.1 but there's limited functionality02:01
kyrksaeteroraTulimaq comes up with a bunch of wireless networks near my house02:01
=== mrpockets is now known as TehCAFpimp
crtoeCaptainMorgan: i would suggest virtualbox or something other than vmware if you don't need all the features though. i've found from very unscientific, anecdotal, personal evidence that virtualbox is faster in most respects compared to vmware.02:01
kyrksaeterora( Tulimaq ): i don't want to post the whole list thought 'cause it's info on six networks, so02:02
RazorsKissvmware rocked virtualbox's house for usb recognition, though.02:02
Tulimaqkyrksaeterora, no need02:02
kyrksaeteroraTulimaq please pm me any other stuff, i will be afk a moment02:03
__mikemdoes anyone have an answer to my wireless problem?02:03
* RazorsKiss is burning an alternate install cd for an old sony laptop02:03
dulakif you tune vmware right it will rock virtualbox, it's just by default it's not tuned for crap02:03
RazorsKissbanzai! ubuntu + fvwm-crystal02:04
=== noc is now known as Marks`Man
dulakespecially in a duo core environment, virtualbox doesn't use the virtualization features on new cpus02:04
RazorsKisstrying to get a cd to burn right - this old cd drive is a big fat pain for installing anything on.02:04
Marks`Manhow to check driver cd/dvd room in ubuntu?02:05
Marks`Mansomeone..help me please02:05
__mikemHow do I make my wireless card work!??02:05
Marks`Manfor server?02:05
=== TehCAFpimp is now known as MrPockets
__mikemMarks`Man: no02:05
RazorsKisscd-rom?  hrmm02:05
kyrksaeteroraTulimaq I am back02:05
Marks`ManRazorsKIss : yeahh...you know bro?02:06
RazorsKisssystem>administration>hardware drivers02:06
RazorsKissI think02:06
RazorsKissat least on hardy02:06
memeemeeehow do I get ubuntu to load into a different wm without reinstalling? is there a way to add the option to the login screen?02:06
Marks`Manwhen i insert my disc to cd-room02:06
dulakmemeemeee: yes when you install a wm, it shoudl show up as an option in the login screen02:07
regeyamemeemeee: on most the ubuntu-packaged windowmanagers, new sessions are added for windowmanagers02:07
yoyonedmemeemeee: it will be added automaticly when you iastall a new WM02:08
Marks`Manit`s not fuctioned02:08
RazorsKissMarks: you want to check the drivers for the cd-rom drive?02:08
memeemeeehmmm. not doing that.02:08
memeemeeei was using jwm because it seems to be the most streamlined02:08
Marks`ManRazorsKiss : yeah..02:08
NuryFVsomebody can help me with a question?02:08
__mikemNuryFV: most of the channel ops and people who generally know what they are doing are not around right now02:08
memeemeeeis there a config file where I can add my own wm to that list if ubuntu doesn't see it?02:09
RazorsKissMarks: if you want to check the drivers for your drive, go to system>administration>hardware drivers02:09
NuryFVok, i sorry, excuse me02:09
redDEADI was trying to reinstall Ubuntu 8.10 Beta on my Dell Mini 9. Instead of going to a LiveUSB desktop it keeps throwing me into a BusyBox Shell I get the error: [ 0.749487] ACPI: GC: GPE storm detected, disabling EC GPE Loading Please wait... BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-1ubuntu4) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-commands.02:10
jribredDEAD: intrepid support in #ubuntu+102:10
__mikemjrib: thank god, I need help getting my wireless to work02:11
__mikemI need help. I can't get wireless to work at all on my laptop. I have a bcm4311 wireless card. I have the proprietary drivers installed, but i can't get the thing to talk to any networks02:11
* RazorsKiss is fighting with bad cd burns, even at 4x :/02:11
Ridehhow do i purge an openldap database02:12
jrib__mikem: don't know anything about that card.  Did you check the wiki?02:12
yoyonedRazorsKiss: did you check teh md5sum02:12
complexityhow do i downgrade stuff that updated in the update-manager it broke my gnome desktop and firefox .. wierd02:12
Marks`ManRazorsKiss : It`s not functioned bro...02:12
Marks`Mani`ll trying02:12
__mikemjrib: I've tried everything that used to work in 8.0402:12
RazorsKissyoyoned, yes - good md5, bad burns.02:12
Marks`Manbut...not detect02:12
__mikembut it did no good02:12
memeemeeeis there a config file where I can add my own wm to that list if ubuntu doesn't see it?02:12
jrib__mikem: you're on 8.10?02:13
__mikemjrib: yes02:13
__mikemjrib: is there a known problem?02:13
izinucsmemeemeee, what did you load that didn't show up?02:13
yoyonedmemeemeee: do you know if you are using gdm or kdm02:13
RazorsKissMarks: probably a bad driver file for your cd-rom drive, then02:13
avbmemeemeee: just create ~/.xsession script :)02:13
jrib__mikem: try #ubuntu+1.  I thought I heard something about a new driver for broadcomm.  Don't hold me to that though02:13
Marks`Mani think so02:13
memeemeeethanks avb02:13
yoyonedmemeemeee: what wm are you trying to use and how did you install it02:13
avbmemeemeee: and do chmod +x on it02:13
izinucsmemeemeee, shouldn't it show up in "sessions" on the login screen?  have you looked there?02:13
jribmemeemeee: jwm automatically gets added to the option list in gdm02:13
RazorsKissbrand new cd-drive, too, which is making me scratch my head02:14
memeemeeei installed jwm with get-apt install and it works if i call jwm from the cl02:14
RazorsKissit's tanked two disks on integrity checks now - but the md5 is good02:14
MindVirusHi. I just got an AES3500 fingerprint scanner.02:14
MindVirusAny drivers available?02:15
RazorsKissthat might be a toughie :D02:15
jribmemeemeee: Do you have a /usr/share/jwm/xsessions/Jwm.desktop file?02:15
memeemeeelm check02:15
snuxoll MindVirus yes, actuall02:15
Marks`ManRazorsKiss : lol02:15
MindVirussnuxoll, ?02:15
snuxollMindVirus: your fingerprint scanner02:16
the_lost_onehua! my Aspire One now rocks with ubuntu!02:16
=== techsupport is now known as orudie
MindVirussnuxoll, which drivers?02:16
ludditei have a aspire 4315 : tell me the_lost_one : does the wifi work OTB?02:16
memeemeeejrib, yes i have that file02:16
snuxollMindVirus: gimme a minute02:16
* RazorsKiss is hoping the install makes it all the way through this time02:17
MindVirussnuxoll, thanks a lot!02:17
snuxollMindVirus: most how-to's are based around the thinkpad fingerprint readers02:17
the_lost_oneluddite: nope, i had to build madwifi mysqlf to get it work02:17
RazorsKissgood download, burned at 4x, to make DOUBLE sure02:17
MindVirussnuxoll, I know -- that's the sad part.02:17
ludditefuck thats shit02:17
jrib!ohmy | luddite02:17
ubottuluddite: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:17
ludditethe_lost_one : anything else? like the microphone?02:17
jribmemeemeee: so at the gdm login screen, go to "options" and then "select session"02:17
Digital7Is there a bash command to stop/start feeding electricity to a USB device?02:17
RazorsKissand the diskcheck still failed02:18
ludditejrib: ;-)02:18
=== jklyekai_ is now known as jklyekai
snuxollMindVirus: http://www.reactivated.net/fprint/wiki/Main_Page02:18
memeemeeei did. it wasn't there. I'll try restarting02:18
snuxollMindVirus: best I can do for you02:18
the_lost_oneluddite: yeah, mic too, and fan control02:18
MindVirusThat's more than good enough, snuxoll. Thanks.02:18
snuxollMindVirus: your reader is supposedly supported by libfprint, so it should work for you02:18
jribmemeemeee: yes, gdm may have to be reloaded if you just logged out02:18
ludditeand fan- oh but that actually worked in 8.0402:18
Marks`Mansnuxoll : that`s mindirus for ubuntu?02:18
the_lost_oneluddite: not for me then, lol02:19
ludditethe_lost_one : oh well - is yours a 4315?02:19
memeemeeeis there a way to restart gdm without rebooting?02:19
orudiehow can i check which version of samba i have intsalled ?02:19
the_lost_oneluddite: mine is the one with sata hard disk, not SSD02:19
snuxollmemeemeee: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:19
* RazorsKiss crosses his fingers that he doesn't get any more extraction errors02:19
jriborudie: apt-cache policy samba02:19
the_lost_oneluddite: model 150 Ab02:20
Decepticonwhen im booting livecd ubuntu 8.04 ,, i am using a s-video out to tv to see it, i see everything uptil when i say run ubuntu without any changes, and then the progress bar fills up and theres a black screen forever until i restart02:20
Decepticonplease advise02:20
snuxollDecepticon: what video card/chip do you have?02:21
snuxollDecepticon: do you have any other outputs hooked up?02:21
Decepticonsnuxoll its http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814141052R02:21
DecepticonBIOSTAR VP5200SL16 GeForce FX 5200 128MB 64-bit DDR AGP 4X/8X Low Profile Ready Video Card02:21
snuxollDecepticon: newegg.com doesn't work for me02:21
Decepticongeforce fx 5200 agp02:21
snuxollDecepticon: ahh, thank you....uhm, the GeForce 5XXX series is no longer supported02:21
cafuegoYup, that'll be using the vesa driver on the livec, which would not support s-video.02:21
Decepticonso what should i do02:22
lightdragonhello... please bear with me i'm a noob to linux and irc02:22
MindVirussnuxoll, actually, it's in the unsupported devices list.02:22
Decepticoni have a geforce fx 550002:22
lightdragonbut i have a technical question about networking which i'm also a noob on02:22
snuxollDecepticon: all I can say is use a different output, or buy a new video card02:22
Decepticonwith svideo out as well02:22
snuxoll!ask | lightdragon02:22
ubottulightdragon: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:22
MindVirussnuxoll, but that's cool -- they apparently are working on a driver.02:22
cafuegoDecepticon: That card should work fine with the close-source nvidia driver installed.02:22
Ridehlightdragon: gotta start somewhere, get on with it02:22
snuxollMindVirus: good then02:22
RazorsKisshanging at "configuring apt sources"02:22
orudiejrib, ok, it shows me current installed version and other available versions, how can i specify the version i want to install  ?02:22
wartalkermy network-manager does not show the wireless, help?02:22
Decepticoncafuego thats nice but i need to install ubuntu first02:22
snuxollcafuego: I thought nvidio dropped official support for everything below GeForce 6XXX ?02:23
Decepticonwith this video card or my other geforce fx 550002:23
cafuegoDecepticon: Can you flip to console (alt-F1) ?02:23
ltcabralhello... where can i ask about latex questions??02:23
Decepticoni have no monitor and these cards allow me to see the screen on the tv02:23
snuxollltcabral: #latex02:23
jriborudie: you should usually install the latest one (and that happens automaticall).  Is there a reason you want to install an older version?02:23
Decepticoncafuego i havent tried, but i bet it would work, because i can defintlye see output on the tv from bootup (bios post etc)02:23
StyleCHMhey all, is anyone else having DMA issues with ATA CDROMs?02:23
Decepticonit just farts on me when i try to livecd02:23
snuxollStyleCHM: nope02:24
cafuegoDecepticon: Yeah, it lacks that driver.02:24
lightdragonthanks guys, i'm trying to get my linux networked to windows so that i can have complete access both on my windows box and my linux box. I've checked online and installed samba as per directions, but i'mlsot when it comes to the mounting part... what exactly am i supposed to mount and where to?02:24
Decepticoncafuego will ubuntu 8.10 support it02:24
snuxollDecepticon: try installing on a different output firt02:24
cafuegoDecepticon: ... so it defaults to vesa.02:24
cafuegoDecepticon: based on what snuxoll says, I wouldn't count on it.02:24
orudiejrib, i'm having problems with the one i have installed, it keeps giving error "network drive is no longer available" in the middle of copying files to or from samba server / share02:24
StyleCHM"WARNING: ATAPI DMA disabled for reliablity issues."02:24
Decepticoni have no other way to do this... all i have is s-video to tv, with either geforce fx 5200 or geforce fx 5500... i have no monitor02:24
snuxollDecepticon: after you've finished the install, install the restricted nvidia driver, and reboot, although I'm still pretty sure nvidia dropped support02:24
StyleCHMthis is on intrepid tho02:24
redDEADI was trying to reinstall Ubuntu 8.10 Beta on my Dell Mini 9. Instead of going to a LiveUSB desktop it keeps throwing me into a BusyBox Shell I get the error: [ 0.749487] ACPI: GC: GPE storm detected, disabling EC GPE Loading Please wait... BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-1ubuntu4) built in shell (ash) Enter 'help' for a list of built-commands.02:24
zeelothey guys, I cant seem to install/update anything I get message saying I need to run 'dpkg --configure -a' but that command freezes my machine, anyone know what I can do?02:25
snuxollStyleCHM: I'm on intrepid as well02:25
snuxoll!intrepid | redDEAD02:25
ubotturedDEAD: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu02:25
memeemeeejrib, that did not work02:25
jriborudie: you can try to install a different version with: sudo apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION02:25
Decepticonsnuxoll ok so it wont black screen on me during install?02:25
Ridehlightdragon: samba allos you to serve files to linux boxes, however it doesnt handle associating the windows with the linux box. for that you need to mount the windows volumes within the linux file system02:25
StyleCHMubottu: thanks mate02:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks mate02:25
jribmemeemeee: do you see a list of any wms?02:25
snuxollDecepticon: like I said, try a different output, use VGA or DVI02:25
memeemeeethere's no option for jwm in my sessions02:25
snuxoll!bot | StyleCHM02:25
ubottuStyleCHM: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:25
cafuegoDecepticon: it will, use the alternate cd - which can run in text mode.02:25
Ridehlightdragon: *serve files from linux to windows boxes02:25
StyleCHMhahaha, a bot, nice :D02:25
redDEADsnuxoll, sorry wrong box, i ment to ask in that channel02:25
orudiejrib,  sudo apt-get install 3.0.24-6etch1002:26
orudiereturns package not found02:26
StyleCHMI should pay more attention :D02:26
Decepticoncafuego ok so thats another download i gotta do?02:26
orudiejrib, returns couldnt find package02:26
jriborudie: you forgot the PACKAGE part02:26
memeemeeeXserver script, Gnome, failsafe gnome, failsafe terminal02:26
cafuegoDecepticon: Yup... and you really don't have any guarantee that it'll work :-(02:26
lightdragonsorry rideh i'm not following so far02:26
jribmemeemeee: let me install jwm here and see02:26
RazorsKissok, burning with brasiero this time, at _1x_ :P02:26
HaSHhello all. i have a slight issue with xfce. i enabled 3d effects and it worked fine and all. i then selected xfcewm to manage the windows and now my xfce menu is ALWAYS on top...even full screen video. so reran compiz and the menubar does NOT stay on top...but with compiz get frame tearing...so how can i reenable xfcewm and tell the menu bar to not always be on top02:26
RazorsKissAND checksum safety02:27
Decepticonas long as i can get a text console and get ubuntu installed, i have the drivers sitting around (i made the geforce fx 5500 with tv out work on debian with them)02:27
* cafuego wonders how long beforee his 6200 will stop being supported :-P02:27
Ridehlightdragon: you state that you want windows and linux to work together.  samba will allow the windows box to work with linux, but not vice-versa thats where mounting the windows volumes within linux comes in02:27
zeelotplease anyone? it's eben like this for a while and I really dont want to reinstall the OS02:27
Decepticonwhy do they stop supporting old hardware?02:27
avbmemeemeee: just install openbox and run dpkg -L openbox in order to find where is session file is located or checkout gdm.conf02:27
snuxollcafuego: nvidia would be stupid to stop supporting the 6XXX and 7XXX cards02:27
lightdragonRideh: How do i mount the windows volumes within the linux file system then?02:27
avbits pretty easy02:27
cafuegoDecepticon: no commercial reason for them to02:27
snuxollcafuego: since they're the only ones that work properly under linux :P02:27
bobertdos!mount | lightdragon02:28
ubottulightdragon: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap02:28
cafuegoDecepticon: Drop support, force upgrades, increase sales, limit development requirements...02:28
lightdragonRideh: is there a way or a place that could give this to me step by step?02:28
cafuegoDecepticon: ... why does any proprietary corp drop support...02:28
snuxollcafuego: because you don't want to maintain stuff forever02:28
Ridehlightdragon: check out bobertdos & ubottu they did that for u02:28
snuxollcafuego: Ubuntu drops support on old software too, we don't want to support ancient software for the rest of our lives02:29
cafuegosnuxoll: that last one was rhetorical.02:29
snuxollcafuego: ahh, I see02:29
jribmemeemeee: here you go: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jwm/+bug/205431 workaround in the comments.02:29
snuxollcarpediem: wasn't following very well02:29
lightdragonubotto: isn't partitioning strictly local though? i'm looking at two seperate boxes02:29
cafuegosnuxoll: I think you'll find apache 1.0 rusn fine on Ubuntu, if you put in a bit of effort ;-)02:29
memeemeeethanks jrib02:29
snuxolllightdragon: you want to use samba then02:30
Ridehlightdragon: your confusing mounting and partioning02:30
boostiesHI All02:30
snuxoll!hi | boosties02:30
ubottuboosties: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:30
lessthanxWhats a good newbie guide for understanding ubuntu logs.  I'm especially interested in network access logs for outgoing and incoming requests.02:30
boostiesDoes anyone use Amrock?02:30
the_lost_oneboosties: yeah02:31
danbh_intrepidlessthanx: you might want to try searching on help.ubuntu.com02:31
cafuegolessthanx: Applications *may* log incoming conenctions, outbound isn't logged.02:31
Donhow can I fix /etc/resolv.conf missing in kppp? help please02:31
Ridehlightdragon: http://blogs.koolwal.net/2008/05/19/mount-a-windows-network-share-on-linux-using-sambacifs/02:32
cafuegoDon: Create /etc/resolv.conf with a text editor02:32
Doncafuego tried02:32
lessthanxthx for the two responses. Not logging connections is a little disappointing.  I'll check help.ubuntu.com02:33
lightdragonRideh: Thx i'm following that link02:33
snuxolllessthanx: there should be no incoming connections by default anyways02:33
snuxolllessthanx: as for logging, that's software dependent02:33
cafuegolessthanx: You can add firewall rules to log them; doing it by default would mean disk would fill up with mainly useless logs far too quickly.02:33
=== noc is now known as Marks`Man
Nick2hey i02:34
Nick2have a problem with the LiveCD02:34
snuxoll!ask | Nick202:34
ubottuNick2: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:34
Veninwhats the command to insert a line into a file at line number 500 for isntance02:34
Veninthe file is too big to open02:35
l1208i need help installing dreamweaver on ububntu 5.10 can anyone help02:35
Donhow can I fix /etc/resolv.conf missing in kppp? in 8.04 help please02:35
oliver__have u tried wine?02:35
r2scan thre recent version of openvpn connects to  an older version of openvpn ??02:35
Nick2i have a problem booting Ubuntu 8.04 from the livecd02:35
crtoe5.10? 6.06 was the _last_ lts, why would you stick with 5.10?02:35
snuxollDon: sudo touch /etc/resolv.conf02:36
oliver__whats the problem?02:36
danbh_intrepidl1208: 5.10?  thats pretty old02:36
snuxollDon: sudo chmod 777 /etc/resolve.conf02:36
After_MathNick2, what problem?02:36
Nick2i just choose to run ubuntu from the disk, and then it freezes02:36
snuxoll!breezy | l120802:36
ubottul1208: Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.02:36
After_MathNick2, check the checksum of the cd02:36
l1208yeah i know that was the only copy i could get my hand on02:36
zeelothey guys, I cant seem to install/update anything I get message saying I need to run 'dpkg --configure -a' but that command freezes my machine, anyone know what I can do?02:36
After_MathNick2, could be a bad download02:37
snuxolll1208: unfortunately we can no longer support breezy02:37
oliver__nick2 talk to me in private02:37
r2scan the recent version of openvpn connects to  an older version of openvpn ??02:37
snuxollr2s: yes02:37
cafuegor2s: Unless README.txt says otherwise, yes.02:37
AlgorithmicContrI can't access my screen saver preferences, when I attempt to run I get "Could not load the main interface Please make sure that the screensaver is properly installed". Running gnome-screensaver the output yields" ** (gnome-screensaver:32253): WARNING **: screensaver already running in this session" Any suggestions?02:37
l3r1kI'm having issues installing ubuntu 8.04. Whenever I use the LiveCD, it boots me into a BusyBox 'ash' shell and I cant get out of it. Whenever I use the alternate install CD, it complains that it cant find the CDROM in the drive after it autodetects my keyboard layout. What can I do?02:38
wartalkermy network-manager do not show wireless network, why, i hanve changed the interface.02:38
Donsnuxoll, I try, i gotta reboot in linux from vista, tnx02:38
snuxolll3r1k: did you try reducing the burn speed and verifying the CD's integrity?02:38
r2scafuego: thanks02:38
l3r1ksnuxoll: yes02:38
l3r1k2x burn speed02:38
snuxolll3r1k: did you verify the ISO then?02:38
l3r1kYes sir, snuxoll.02:39
snuxolll3r1k: is your CD/DVD drive PATA or SATA?02:39
l3r1kI'm not exactly sure really.02:39
snuxolll3r1k: big fat connector, or nice little small connector?02:39
l3r1k(C:) Local Fixed Disk (Free: 135.82GB(72.9%)/186.3GB, NTFS, label: unknown) (D:) CD-ROM Disc (No disc) (E:) CD-ROM Disc (No disc) (F:) Removable Disk (No disc) (G:) Removable Disk (No disc) (H:) Removable Disk (No disc) (I:) Removable Disk (No disc) (J:) CD-ROM Disc (No disc)02:39
l3r1k(HD drives) 186GB total space, 135GB(72.9%) free02:39
FloodBot2l3r1k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:40
l3r1kLet me look in it real quick.02:40
CapaHQuestion, I lost httpd.conf --- how can I restore it? I tried apt-get remove and apt-get install apache2.2-common etc --- no success, any ideas?02:40
the_lost_onel3r1k: how old is your machine?02:40
CapaHI want to restore the original default httpd.conf that comes with the installation - all I am getting is an empty httpd.conf file02:40
l3r1kNot sure as to that either, a few years.02:40
l3r1ksnuxoll: I'll look in it real fast for you. One minute.02:40
After_Mathhi munchingfoo02:40
complexitydoes anyone use the update manager and get an update with hardy and have it break gnome desktop and break firefox and I cant fix it02:40
After_Mathcomplexity, what do you mean exactly by breaking your desktop?02:41
danbh_intrepidcomplexity: try this command to reinstall the defaults for your system!  sudo apt-get install (k|x)ubuntu-desktop^             and dont forget the ^02:41
After_Mathcomplexity, you cant run in graphical mode ?02:41
l3r1ksnuxoll: there's a very wide, thin cable and a power cable plugged into it.02:41
complexityAfter_Math, I made a fresh install of hardy .. got all the updates and rebooted , now gnome desktop does not load  but fluxbox works and firefox does not load in fluxbox02:42
snuxolll3r1k: mind taking a picture?02:42
l3r1kUh.. Sure. One sec.02:43
complexityclear enough After_Math02:43
After_Mathcomplexity, Im not sure what that could be. Maybe something to do with xorg.conf02:43
After_Mathcomplexity, ya02:43
CrellHi folks.  I have java installed on my Hardy system, but $JAVA_HOME appears to not be set.  I've been advised to set it in /etc/environment, but what should it be set to on a typical Hardy system?  /usr/share/java or something else?02:43
complexityAfter_Math, I really think it was an update of some sort because I reinstalled this morning after getting the same problem last night...and i didn't do anything last night at all02:43
complexityAfter_Math, open your update manager and install all the updates.. see if you can get back here to chat with me after, if you use gnome02:44
After_Mathcomplexity, Updates could possibly override some kind of configuration but Im sure there isnt an update that could break your system. Why not try the new beta?02:44
After_Mathcomplexity, I use the beta. and every time I do an update it gets better for me :)02:45
complexityAfter_Math, can I update to that from here?02:45
After_Mathcomplexity, ya02:45
After_Mathcomplexity, one sec02:45
oliver__how do i give people red messages?02:45
munchingfooCrell - which java package are you trying to use?02:45
danbh_intrepid!who > oliver__02:45
ubottuoliver__, please see my private message02:45
l3r1ksnuxoll: One minute, uploading now.02:46
Crellmunchingfoo: The OpenLaszlo compiler.  It's not an Ubuntu package.02:46
Crellmunchingfoo: Or do you mean which JRE is installed?  sun-java6-bin02:46
complexityAnd if that doesn't work, 5 dollars for anyone who finds out what is breaking systems, I mean, I reinstalled a couple month old install of ubuntu because of this02:46
After_Mathcomplexity, I would back up all the info you want first before doing this02:46
complexityAfter_Math, haha, don't worry about that02:46
complexityjust reinstalled02:46
After_Mathcomplexity, ok then press Alt+F202:46
oliver__!nick2 u there?02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nick2 u there?02:47
l3r1ksnuxoll: http://i35.tinypic.com/2z8voft.jpg02:47
oliver__grrr didnt work02:47
After_Mathcomplexity, and type in 'update-manager -d'02:47
complexityAfter_Math, here goes nothing, thank you02:47
l3r1kIt's 90 degrees to the right, so .. tilt your head. I guess.02:47
oliver__can anny1 help me please? i have the voodoo glitch02:47
After_Mathcomplexity, then it should tell you about a New distribution release is availabe, CLick upgrade02:47
complexityAfter_Math, alright, thanks02:47
After_Mathcomplexity, np02:48
oliver__if anny1 knows how to fit the voodoo glitch please help me02:48
Gneaoliver__: the voodoo glitch?02:49
zeelothey guys, I cant seem to install/update anything I get message saying I need to run 'dpkg --configure -a' but that command freezes my machine, anyone know what I can do?02:49
Gneazeelot: freezes?02:50
danbh_intrepidzeelot: can you pastebin any error msgs you are getting?02:50
zeelotno errors, machine completely freezes and I have to shut it down manually02:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:50
Gneazeelot: you can't switch consoles?02:51
snuxolll3r1k: sorry about that02:51
Gneazeelot: and alt-sysrq doesn't work?02:51
l3r1kIt's ok.02:51
snuxolll3r1k: you have a PATA drive02:51
zeelotkeyboard and everything goes unresponsive02:51
l3r1kWhat do you reccomend I do about it, snuxoll?02:51
snuxolll3r1k: I'm unsure, it should 'just work'02:51
danbh_intrepidzeelot: maybe try this: dpkg -l | grep ^ii               I think thats it02:51
Gneasysrq usually tends to work even when the keyboard appears unresponsive... what arguments did you try?02:51
munchingfooCrell, so it's usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-(some numbers here)/02:51
munchingfooCrell, look for that in your filesystem02:51
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: what then? I get a bunch of info02:52
danbh_intrepidzeelot: I got the command wrong... hold on02:52
CrellLooks like /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun is a symlink to there.02:52
Crellmunchingfoo: Looks like /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun is a symlink to there.02:52
Snapnekohey guyz im having issues with partioning/resizeing my disk for a dual XP and ubuntu boot setup02:52
RazorsKisshow come I can burn a cd at 1x, get a good integrity check - and have it fail on this forever-to-be-cursed laptop...02:52
Gneazeelot: what about sudo apt-get -f install02:52
l3r1ksnuxoll: :/ I've been trying for about 4 days now.. I've been using linux all my computer career basically. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened.02:52
Gnea!dualboot | Snapneko02:53
ubottuSnapneko: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:53
zeelotE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:53
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
snuxolll3r1k: I don't get why this is happening.....mind downloading and burning a 8.10 ISO to see if it's a 8.04 specific issue?02:53
RazorsKissthe graphical installer dies on arrival - laptop's too old02:53
Gneazeelot: any errors in dmesg?02:53
Donplease help, must be someone here with definate answer to fix /etc/resolv.conf missing in kppp02:53
danbh_intrepidzeelot: dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii02:53
snuxollDon: I just told you how to fix it ;(02:53
danbh_intrepidzeelot: I forgot the -v I think02:54
l3r1kSure snuxoll. Where do I get the 8.10 beta from?02:54
SnapnekoGnea i know i got https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html open and http://apcmag.com/how_to_dual_boot_windows_xp_and_linux_xp_installed_first.htm?page=3 open02:54
Gneasnuxoll: you'll need to explain the problem, please.02:54
snuxolll3r1k: just go to http://ubuntu.com02:54
munchingfooCrell, hmm - mine contains a symlink and the real files...02:54
Donsnuxoll, tried those commands,02:54
snuxollGnea: kppp is telling him that /etc/resolv.conf is missing02:54
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: what do I do with the output02:54
munchingfooCrell, not sure why02:54
l3r1kThanks snuxoll: i'll report back after I try it.02:54
RazorsKissI can't get the pcimcia card to show up in puppy...02:54
Gneai mean02:54
danbh_intrepidzeelot: pastebin it02:54
Crellmunchingfoo: Well, setting that to my JAVA_HOME seems to work, so I'll take it for what it is. :-)02:54
snuxollGnea: tould him to use touch + chmod to create it and make it world writable02:54
GneaDon: you'll need to explain the problem, please.02:54
munchingfooCrell - cool02:54
CrellCould be that this system begin life as Feisty.02:54
Gneasnuxoll: sorry, mis-tabbed02:54
Local-Hostl3r1k, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/beta02:54
l3r1kthank you,
StargazerI'm trying to resize a window in finch but in the terminal that command gets me a new terminal window. any ideas ?02:55
RazorsKissall the cds die when I try to install the alternate02:55
Dongnea, when I try to connect with kppp, it tells me /etc/resolv.conf is missing02:55
RazorsKissthere's no place like
GneaDon: and is it?02:55
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: http://paste.ubuntu.com/59954/02:55
Donno file in /etc02:56
GneaDon: did kppp ask you for any dns servers?02:56
Local-Hostl3r1k, np02:56
lightdragonRibeh: on the link you gave me it says to use the command #apt-get update but it doesn't seem to do anything on the terminal. there's another #apt-get install smbfs smbclient that also doesn't seem to do anything02:56
Donit auto02:56
GneaDon: do you know your isp's dns servers?02:56
GneaDon: how are you connected to the internet now?02:56
Donvista same modem i use linux02:57
danbh_intrepidzeelot: so, its mysql thats causing the problem02:57
GneaDon: so you're using linux to connect to a remote vista?02:57
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: how do I solve it? my mysql server seems to be running fine though...02:57
DonI am on windows Vista at mo'02:57
the_lost_onewich scripts can be safelly removed (on a fresh install) from the cron dirs to reduce hard disk usage on a small laptop? mlocate seems to be one, anymore?02:58
GneaDon: okay - glad we cleared that up.02:58
Dongnea, I use same ext' modem on linux02:58
Donworks all other linux distros02:58
GneaDon: now, what dns servers did it give you in vista?02:58
Donnon, it auto02:58
danbh_intrepidzeelot: maybe remove mysql, and try to reinstall?  I dunno..02:59
RazorsKissthere can't be this many corrupted files in 4 different cds I've burned on a new cd drive.  No freakign way.02:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:59
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: how do I remove it? I can't use dpkg for anything02:59
RazorsKissall the md5's check out, too02:59
GneaDon: auto will always 'automatically' give you dns servers. clearly you don't know how to check. please open a command prompt and type this:  ipconfig /all   it will tell you the dns servers.02:59
Donall i need is the missing /etc/resolv.conf file02:59
amepQuick question: Does anyone know of any instructions on how to use a AT&T USBConnect Quicksilver (or similar cell internet dongle) on Linux? I cannot find any via google.02:59
RazorsKissit's got to be this cd drive on the laptop02:59
munchingfoothe_lost_one, have you considered using compact linux releases?  Do you specifically need the one you have?03:00
Dongnea i have to reboot into linux all time03:00
Snapnekoit wont allow me too resize the windows partition03:00
GneaDon: do you want help or do you want to keep chasing your tail?03:00
danbh_intrepidzeelot: sudo dpkg --force-depends --purge (or --remove) mysql-server-5.003:00
RazorsKissriddle me this.03:00
DonI just need to know which file I can d/load here on windows03:00
GneaDon: i have just explained to you the first step you need to take. if you are unwilling to work with anyone in here on this, then you are unwilling to connect via dialup using ubuntu.03:01
the_lost_onemunchingfoo: well, i like to have stuff and so, you know :-)03:01
Dongnea, i can connect on kppp on about 20 other linux distros, just not this 8.0403:01
histoDon: those are you DNS settings from your isp03:01
tiggerswhat are the pro's and cons of 64 bit Ubuntu vs 32 bit? Do I need to install 64 bit if I have 3Gb of Memory and dual processors?03:01
histoDon: you can use other ones though if you like in the resolv.conf03:01
casperrhey, so compositioning doesnt work with my video driver and dual monitors for some reason03:01
histoDon: like namserver
casperrbut I really wanna use awn, is there an awn replacement that doesnt require compiz to run ?03:02
casperror anything like awn ?03:02
lightdragoni'm looking at a sight that says to use the command #apt-get update but it doesn't seem to do anything on the terminal. there's another #apt-get install smbfs smbclient that also doesn't seem to do anything.... am i doing something wrong?03:02
histolightdragon: yes03:02
GneaDon: then you and i have nothing further to talk about.03:02
mochabchaif I wanted to start creating my own widgets where would i start03:02
Local-Hostlightdragon, what exactly are you trying to do03:02
histolightdragon: apt is used to install software. apt-get update will update your local database of files availible. apt-get install <package name> will install a perticular package.03:02
histo!apt | lightdragon03:02
ubottulightdragon: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)03:02
histolightdragon: You can use Synaptic or Applications > Add/remove to install software as well.03:03
casperranyone ?03:03
mochabchaif I wanted to start creating my own widgets where would i start03:03
histo!best | casperr03:03
ubottucasperr: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:03
RazorsKissI'm trying to install ubuntu on an older laptop - I've gone through 4 cds to try and get a "good" burn - the problem is, they verify correctly on my desktop.  When I check it on the laptop, they all fail the integrity check, although I *just* did on on the desktop.  Bad cd drive?03:03
histomochabcha: maybe check out the screenlets project or desklets03:04
casperrwell im just looking for a dock application03:04
RazorsKissthe md5 is correct - on the iso, and the cd03:04
casperri just was asking people to list some off so I can try different oens03:04
danbh_intrepidRazorsKiss: are you burning at a slow speed?03:04
histoRazorsKiss: bad drive or maybe the drive doesn't like the media that you are burning on.03:04
RazorsKissyes, 4x and below, in all 4 cases03:04
mochabchahisto: I like screenlets better because they seem to work better with compiz but what language03:04
histoRazorsKiss: try a different brand of cdr or a slower like 4x burn speed03:04
mochabchahisto: python03:04
hitman1985hi everyone, whats the best way to setup a house internal remote desktop viewer (got a server (winxp) what i need to control) from ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron03:04
RazorsKisshisto: just installed puppy with the same media batch, earlier today03:04
histomochabcha: I would contact the author of the application to find out more info.03:04
histoRazorsKiss: then try a 4x burn.03:05
RazorsKisshisto: everything has been 4x and below03:05
mochabchahisto: great idea03:05
the_lost_onehitman1985: i use remote admin under wine03:05
RazorsKisshisto: first two were 4x, 3rd was 2x, 4th was 1x03:05
Dongnea, the distro is linux mint 5, obviously the /etc/resolv.conf is not on the dvd, all I want to know is how to install it03:05
histoRazorsKiss: hrm.. thats wierd that they are failing.03:05
hitman1985the_lost_one: think teamviewer will run under wine ?03:05
RazorsKisshisto: they don't fail on the desktop.03:05
histoRazorsKiss: there are other methods of installing.03:05
histo!install > RazorsKiss03:05
ubottuRazorsKiss, please see my private message03:05
hitman1985the_lost_one: never liked radmin :(03:06
GneaDon: does this look like the linux mint support channel?03:06
the_lost_onehitman1985: haha, good question, let me check it03:06
Donit is ubuntu03:06
RazorsKisswell, this is a 733mhz03:06
mochabchahisto: i want to create custom widgets that handle all my programs common functions so I don't have to03:06
histoDon: resolv.conf is just a file that points at nameservers.  Youc an make one up like I told you earlier.03:06
hitman1985the_lost_one: no need runing now03:06
lightdragonoh i get it.. i'm not supposed to type the # I had no idea. thanks for that... and to answer Local-Host I'm trying to network my windows and linux boxes together. Rideh gave me a link to follow.... But i'm a complete noob all around and really feel lost in this... I'm comfortable on windows, but have never done networking, and have always stayed away from the confusion of linux until ubuntu arrived. I have a03:06
lightdragonlways wanted to do linux instead of windows... but i'm still lost...03:06
RazorsKissso my options are limited already.03:06
RazorsKissit won't usb boot03:06
fallorethe file explorer (i don't know what it's called :/) froze. how can i end the process without messing up everything else?03:06
hitman1985the_lost_one: just didnt remember i had wine tho ;) easier things are always  the worst to realize03:06
RazorsKissand the cd drive is my only option,03:06
histoDon: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and put in there nameserver
danbh_intrepidzeelot: have you gotten things working?03:07
histoDon: that will work for the time being.03:07
RazorsKissI installed 2 other OS' on it today, so the cd drive works at least that well03:07
nappi use remote desktop viewer from synaptic and VNC on windows03:07
mochabchahisto: like if I wanted to make a call or send an email, I want to create a collapsible contact widget that syncs with my phone and allows me to email, im, call or edit any of my contacts03:07
mcasprogI just installed hardy on my vostro and activated the driver for my BCM4310 card. It works fine, but I have to keep re-enabling this each boot. Any ideas?03:07
Ridehlightdragon:  i'd recommend starting with the basics and building strong fundamentals03:07
histomochabcha: I don't know anything about them.03:07
RazorsKissI installed win2k just for kicks, to see if it'd work - and puppy instaleld realyl fast.  However, puppy won't find my wireless card.03:07
Isilionhi. problems with ATI radeon 9800 pro. im sure drivers are correctly installed and it works perfect in winxp. but launching 3d apps (like openarena or compiz) in xubuntu make display freezes and is need a hard-reboot. details at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766699&page=5 (last post) thx03:08
danbh_intrepidRazorsKiss: are you using the alternate cd?03:08
mochabchais there a widget irc channel03:08
RazorsKissdanbh_intrepid, yes.03:08
histo!ati > Isilion03:08
ubottuIsilion, please see my private message03:08
Gneamochabcha: like gtk widgets?03:08
the_lost_onehitman1985: yeah, working like a charm :-)03:08
danbh_intrepidmochabcha: maybe try a gnome channel03:08
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: yea seems fine thanks a lot03:08
hitman1985the_lost_one: just surprises me that they dont have a linux version yet, that is actually bad points for them from my position :)03:08
histomochabcha: /j #screenlets03:08
mochabchadanbh_intrepid: name one03:08
mcasprogI also noticed the checkbox will not stay checked, but it says 'in use'03:09
turtle_i need help with gnash for 8.04 6403:09
lightdragonRideh: sounds good, but I never seem to have the time for that... I know bad idea but I do the best I can... I kinda got thrown into Ubuntu because windows refused to notice my ethernet card but ubuntu was quite happy with it so i decided to just abandon windows ...03:09
hitman1985the_lost_one: thanks im still dling it :)03:09
danbh_intrepidzeelot: did you just reinstall mysql?03:09
the_lost_onehitman1985: 100% agree :(03:09
RazorsKissdanbh_intrepid, every cd I've tried has failed on the base config/install section03:09
histoRazorsKiss: intrepid support is in #ubuntu+1  that may be your whole problem.03:09
casperrwill compiz ever work with ati & dual monitors ?03:09
RazorsKissand they all fail the integrity check - but the md5 is correct, and the cd's themselves validate on the desktop03:09
RazorsKisshisto: intrepid?03:09
=== lucifer_ is now known as lu6cifer
Isilionhisto -> driver its correctly installed. its ATI propietary. that doesnt is useful03:09
RazorsKisshisto: this is the alternate install cd for hardy.03:10
redrebelwhich web based ssh client do you guys recommend ?03:10
hitman1985the_lost_one:  i started with linux about 3 month ago, and i got all my work apps runing on ubuntu so far, wont go back for work to M$03:10
the_lost_onehitman1985: but hey, now whe have first wine estable, and its awesome ow good works03:10
Ridehlightdragon: well good luck but even with the ubuntu crowd being the most gentle to get started with many will take for granted some knowledge03:10
turtle_is there a channel for x64 users?03:10
histoRazorsKiss: lol nvm that was someones name you typed03:10
tritiumredrebel: what do you mean "web based"?03:10
fallorei killed the firefox process and now it won't start back up. do i have to restart x?03:10
danbh_intrepidturtle_: you know, there probably should be03:10
redrebeltripps, like using a web browser to ssh to my computer03:10
Ridehlightdragon: for the record i started with gentoo did a phase 1 install until i figured it out :)   was great for me to undestand the why's03:10
zigzagshi, the scrollbar part of my laptop's touchpad will sometimes, somehow, press 'ctrl + b'.  anyone know what might be causing this?03:10
histoturtle_: no but there is #gnash03:10
the_lost_onehitman1985: yeah, thats the idea haha03:10
mcasprogwas 8.04.1 supposed to fix bcm43xx out of the box?03:10
RazorsKisshisto: it's frustrating.  Nothing's workin for me :/03:11
redrebeli know of ajaxterm, but idk if it's secure03:11
RazorsKisshisto: plus, I'm almost out of cds :D03:11
hitman1985the_lost_one: wine is nice and neat but i still prefer to have the ubuntu repos involved rather then runing "mounted" stuff03:11
histoRazorsKiss: well I highly doubt all those cds are bad.03:11
casperrhas anyone in here managed to get compiz running on dual monitors with an ati card ?03:12
turtle_histo: any idea why gnash isnt working03:12
lu6ciferhi, I'm trying to compile something on 8.04. It had no config file, so I just typed 'make'. It's coming out with a bunch of errors, but the first one on the list is : "stdio.h: No such file or directory." I thought Ubuntu was installed with gcc? So why wouldn't it have the standard header file? How do I get it?03:12
the_lost_onehitman1985: of course, but, for work, i must use some stupid stuff like radmin, and i must get it working hehe03:12
histoRazorsKiss: its most likely an issue witht he drive you are using. As I mentioned before there are other ways to install via usb. etc...03:12
zeelotdanbh_intrepid: yea seemed to do the trick03:12
zigzagshi, the scrollbar part of my laptop's touchpad will sometimes, somehow, press 'ctrl + b'.  anyone know what might be causing this?03:12
histoturtle_: no idea you have to elaborate a little on your problem and someone might be able to help you.03:12
histolu6cifer: install build-essentials03:12
hitman1985the_lost_one: im planing on having the ubuntu tower as work machine, pleasure / gaming i use xp and media center will be xp as well :( cuz linux is just not as good in media playback options yet in my opinion03:13
histolu6cifer: sudo aptitude install build-essetials03:13
DigitalFizwhats the command to update lib symlinks?03:13
tritiumhisto: "build-essential"03:13
turtle_i have gnash installed on 8.04 64bit and youtube video will not play03:13
histohitman1985: you haven't seen all the software availible then for media center on nix03:13
danbh_intrepidzeelot: cool03:13
histo!info build-essentials03:13
ubottuPackage build-essentials does not exist in hardy03:13
histotritium: my bad03:13
lu6ciferit doesn't?03:13
the_lost_onehitman1985: hey.. which ones have you tried?03:13
Digital7hitman1985: who made you think Ubuntu was inferior for media playback?03:13
histolu6cifer: sudo aptitude install build-essential03:14
hitman1985histo: i havent researched yet, still waiting on a good tv to come out that has 3 dvi in :)03:14
Digital7hitman1985: it's actually superior in many ways03:14
RazorsKisshisto: can't boot from usb03:14
RazorsKisshisto: old sony vaio, no usb-boot support03:14
zigzagshi, the scrollbar part of my laptop's touchpad will sometimes, somehow, press 'ctrl + b'.  anyone know what might be causing this?03:14
the_lost_oneDigital7: exactly03:14
tritiumhitman1985: that likely won't happen.  They'll have HDMI instead.03:14
Isilionhi. problems with ATI radeon 9800 pro. im sure drivers are correctly installed and it works perfect in winxp. but launching 3d apps (like openarena or compiz) in xubuntu make display freezes and is need a hard-reboot. details at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766699&page=5 (last post) thx03:14
histoRazorsKiss: what about a network install03:14
the_lost_onehitman1985: tell us your story then huh? :-)03:15
hitman1985Digital7:  me ! since the flash playback is laggy as anything! and also regular stuff what i can watch of a 1.8 ghz win pc will laggggg with ubuntu03:15
RazorsKisshisto: dunno - it might work, but it's wiped right now - I'll check it out, and see03:15
Digital7hitman1985: flash playback of flv files? or on websites?03:15
hitman1985Digital7:  sites :)03:15
turtle_histo:on websites03:15
Digital7hitman1985: what video card is being used?03:15
slestak_having trouble setting up a pptp vpn connection on II.  asked at +1, but noone was sure.  using the NM gui, it tries to connect, but fails with no valid secretes file.03:16
hitman1985Digital7:  the 3 pcs will be runing on the one and same monitor / lcd tv03:16
histohitman1985: you should check out linuxmce03:16
slestak_i manually updated the chap-secrets file, bit noticed there was nothing in the peers dir for this connection, but there is in my functional gutsy install.03:16
hitman1985Digital7:  i was using a 5200 fx what serves the purpose (atm) i only got a 25 inch crt tv so therefor no need for superior quality, but deifinatly no lag03:16
turtle_could flash and nash be conflicting?03:16
Digital7hitman1985: were you using the nvidia drivers?03:17
histo!flash > turtle_03:17
ubottuturtle_, please see my private message03:17
hitman1985histo: sure i ll dl it right away and give it a shot next week03:17
Digital7hitman1985: nvidia restricted drivers03:17
lightdragonRideh: Not sure what gentoo phase 1 is... but thanks for the advice and understanding.. I have some coworkers who are helping me out with the transition too. So I'm not completely blind... But I'm learning as I go... Learning alot!03:17
lu6ciferApparently, I already had build-essentials--it didn't upgrade anything and I still can't compile it03:17
hitman1985Digital7:  yes03:17
casperrbleh I guess its just impossible to get to work xDC03:17
slestak_the new flash10 is awsome on II.  hulu.com finally works03:17
=== Narfee is now known as Narfi
histohitman1985: that will take care of most of your media center needs.03:17
munchingfoowhat is the error message you get lu6cifer ?03:17
histo!pm | turtle_03:18
ubottuturtle_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:18
wartalkerhow to restart network-manager03:18
turtle_sorry, its just so busy03:18
hitman1985Digital7: i really got to come up with a plan anyways soon, i need one machine to run file storage, one for work , one for gaming and one for media playback03:18
slestak_wartalker: /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart03:18
the_lost_onehisto: can you repeat what media center you said? i lost it03:18
slestak_wartalker: your irssi or irc session will not survive :)03:19
Digital7hitman1985: what are your current plans?03:19
tim__is there a shortcut to get a terminal in ubuntu?03:19
histothe_lost_one: linuxmce its an addon to kubuntu but can be installed on any flavor pretty much.03:19
slestak_the_lost_one: linuxmce.  looke at elisa too03:19
ziroday /j #xchat03:19
histotim__: ctrl+alt+F1  through F6  F7 will get you back to Desktop03:19
Digital7hitman1985: i've got a little test for your flash issue03:19
Digital7hitman1985: do you have a flv file available?03:19
the_lost_onethanks histo slestak_ iĺl check it03:19
slestak_gonna tray reboot03:20
hitman1985Digital7:  just getting done with project 1 (file server) which im gonna run in xp as mshome network, just to easy to setup and very fast adjusted if someone visits to get stuff over wifi03:20
turtle_histo:would a reboot do it?03:20
tim__histo, thanks03:20
hitman1985Digital7: at the moment im sitting on a amd 2600+ socket a / 5200fx / 1.2 gb ram ddr 1 still :) which will be later on the work pc03:21
histoturtle_: I have no idea what you are talking about.03:21
turtle_should flash and gnash be installed, or just gnash?03:21
drandosshas anyone had ubuntu hardy 8.04 amd64, extract a Iso with ;1 after every file?03:21
Isilionhelp with ATI radeon 9800 pro. installed ATI propietary drivers (catalyst 8.1003:21
eodchopanyone have any luck with their acer aspire one's wireless with intrepid03:21
Digital7hitman1985: when you find a flv (flash) file that lags your browser, try running it in VLC and see if the issue is resolved03:21
hitman1985Digital7: so therefor i cant really go from these meassurements03:21
hitman1985Digital7:  flash in vlc is a little bit better, but like i said i dont have it figured yet what i need for media center, any recommendations ? or should i maybe put media center and data center in one machine ?03:22
Digital7hitman1985: what all types of media will the media center be playing? is it a PVR (tv) also?03:23
Digital7hitman1985: tv card?03:23
hitman1985Digital7:  but like i said data center has to be hot swappable w/o issues of any kind03:23
zigzagshi, the scrollbar part of my laptop's touchpad will sometimes, somehow, press 'ctrl + b'.  anyone know what might be causing this?03:23
tim__histo, thanks, but i was hoping for a shortcut to open a console in gnome03:23
Isilion) because i need 3d acceleration. Its properly installed, fglrxinfo shows ati, xorg.conf shows ati, gears work. but display freezes at launching openarena or compiz in example, and is needed a hard-reboot. details and more info at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766699&page=503:23
histotim__: you can set one via System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts03:23
hitman1985Digital7:  plain avi maybe some dvds but no tv signal, tv is goin thru comcast :) no need to pull that into my media pc03:23
Isilionhelp with ATI radeon 9800 pro. installed ATI propietary drivers (catalyst 8.10) because i need 3d acceleration. Its properly installed, fglrxinfo shows ati, xorg.conf shows ati, gears work. but display freezes at launching openarena or compiz in example, and is needed a hard-reboot. details and more info at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766699&page=5 (sorry mistyped)03:24
histotim__: also you might want to check out something like tilda or guake they are drop down terminals like in FPS's03:24
hitman1985Digital7:  and of corse some mp3 and maybe for karaoke night some mp3+gs, not sure yet03:24
tim__histo, what about remapping my up key to shift and vise versa?03:24
lightdragonRideh: The link you gave me mentions the command smbclient -L infohighway - U Kushal where infohighway is the NetBIOS Name of my computer and kushal is the username on the windows machine... is the NetBIOS name for my Linux box? and where do I find out what that is? and is the Username on the Windows Machine like the computer name, host name, my own personal username or what? do you know?03:24
turtle_ill just try it in virtual box  :)03:24
jrossaanyone here know how to setup squid?03:24
tritiumhitman1985: I've not followed your conversation too carefully, but have you looked at mythbuntu?03:24
jbroome_jrossa: apt-get install squid03:25
Ridehsmbclient -L machine -U user works fine however attemping to mount with cifs  //machine/share returns tcpname not found, no ip addresss specified and hostname not found... cifs wont use netbios i need to add to /etc/hosts?03:25
histotim__: check in system > preferences > keyboard03:25
tim__tilda -- are you talking about a desktop?03:25
eodchopanyone have any luck with their acer aspire one's wireless with intrepid03:25
paggasi'm using debian testing, but have also installed some packages from the ubuntu repos, my question is, is there a way to list critical bugs of ubuntu packages when installing/upgrading them? liek what apt-listbugs does for debian packages. thanks!03:25
=== madmax is now known as Guest23604
tritiumeodchop: #ubuntu+1 for intrepid questions03:25
jrossayeah.......i know that it is installed and running03:25
eodchopcool ty03:25
eodchoptritum-thank you03:25
jrossaconfigure squid  it keeps refusing connections03:25
hitman1985tritium: not really cuz like i said , im just planing at the moment , dont really have enough pcs to test out with yet :)03:26
Ridehlightdragon: your configuring this on your linux box so you dont need to tell it who it is. the information it needs is about the remote host (your windows box)  netbios name of your windows machine, and username on the windows box03:26
* histo slaps himself for deleting his conky config03:26
tritiumhitman1985: I recommend it03:26
Digital7hitman1985: i'm not the most experienced with basic MCEs, but i believe that histo's suggestion would be a worthy look03:26
Digital7hitman1985: linuxmce, that is03:26
hitman1985Digital7: yeah i think ima go with that for now, and check that runing on my dell tower hehe03:27
zigzagsguys what is your preferred audio player? rhythmbox and banshee suck, and vlc skips all the time.03:27
hitman1985Digital7: my mediacenter pc will have something like either quadro fx in it or maybe a 9series geforce03:27
Isilionzigzags: Mplayer03:27
the_lost_onezigzags: amarok? audacious?03:27
* hitman1985 is goin to the BR lil quick will be right back03:28
zigzagsmplayer is not a good audio player what is wrong with you03:28
tim__histo, what do you mean by FPS's?03:28
zigzagsif all i want to do is have a nice long list of files, sure03:28
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:28
zigzagsi will try amarok and audcaious, thanks03:28
histotim__: first person shooters. The drop down consoles in games? like counter strike quake etc....03:29
MersaultHow do I get eth1 to be enabled but unconfigured at boot time? I need it to be up so that a vmware guest can bridge on it, but I don't want the host to use it at all.03:29
zigzagsbot == people??03:29
lightdragonRideh: thx... looking that up now... new to me still since I've never paid attention to this stuff in windows either. so doing research.03:29
tim__histo, got you03:29
the_lost_onezigzags: enjoy :)03:29
Isilionzigzags it works perfect for me. opens video and music and streams sources from internet :)03:29
* hitman1985 is back :)03:30
the_lost_oneIsilion: yeah, so powerful, of course, but maybe you must be a little bit ninja, you know? :-)03:31
wartalkerNetworkManager not show the wireless network, anyone help?03:31
hitman1985Digital7: ok, here is my plan for storage tower/server for files / media / music : 5 x 1 tb hdds in hot swap front cages, decent 8 port sata mobo (gigabyte) and a cheap graphics card for just the basics a amd x2 cpu and 2 gb ram03:31
eaterany idea what modules I need to reload or other tweaks to make my laptop see my USB Palm cradle after resume from suspend?03:31
n8tuserwartalker-> sudo iwlist wlan003:31
drandossAynone ever get a ;1 after every file in a iso? example: setup.exe;103:32
RazorsKisshisto: going to try making one partition a bootable "cd", and booting from that to install to another :D03:32
wartalkern8tuser:iwlist: unknown command `wlan0' (check 'iwlist --help').03:33
drandossAynone ever get a ;1 after every file in a iso? example: setup.exe;103:33
zigzagshi, the scrollbar part of my laptop's touchpad will sometimes, somehow, press 'ctrl + b'.  anyone know what might be causing this?03:34
=== |Jelly|Ghost is now known as |Jelly|
coilhi how do i find ouot the fastest ubuntu mirror for me03:34
wartalkern8tuser:my wireless network is OK, but i want the network-manager to control it03:34
Isilionno one can help me with mi radeon issue? :(03:35
slestak_i had to reboot, so not sure if anyine responded to the pptp vpn issue i posted 5 minutes ago03:36
coilhi how do i find ouot the fastest ubuntu mirror for me03:36
slestak_coil: Administration -> Software SOurces03:37
slestak_there is a test setup there to pick a mirror03:37
Digital7hitman1985: do you have a backup plan for those drives?03:38
Digital7hitman1985: there's some really nice (automated) backup solutions on linux03:38
jclbrthow can I remove pidgin03:38
jclbrti need to reinstall it03:39
jclbrtfor some reason it just stopped launching03:39
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
jclbrtand I havent done anything to it03:39
hitman1985Digital7: the linux stuff is to complicated to setup or ? since im runing a mix of linux  / win xp / win vista and mac03:39
the_lost_onejclbrt: can you run it on console please?03:39
Digital7hitman1985: hmm, i believe i recall one of them that does backups over the network03:40
zigzagsthe_lost_one: audacious is great!! its just like winamp, and not as crap as xmms03:40
hitman1985Digital7:  im tryin to have it easiely compatible to most pcs, because if i use linux i cant just give my friend a hdd of the hot swap cage and put it in his pc since the formats are totally different ?03:40
jclbrtnothing happens the_lost_one03:40
the_lost_onezigzags: no prob mate, and i used xmms in the past for years :)03:40
jclbrtjust creates a new line03:40
After_Mathwhere might I find commands to control the compiz fusion effects?03:40
Pici!ccsm | After_Math03:41
ubottuAfter_Math: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:41
After_MathPici, thanks03:41
jclbrtAfter_Math: Advanced desktop effect settings03:41
yoodleshey guys, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and i am trying to customize my desktop through compiz fusion, and emerald manager. but when i try to change the effect in the desktop background, i get a message saying "desktop effect could not be enable". i do not know what to do for god's sake!! :(03:41
jclbrtdownload it from synaptic03:41
yoodleswhat jclbrt?03:41
yoodleswere u talking to me?03:41
Digital7hitman1985: I'm finding it for you03:41
yoodlesi got kicked out03:41
hitman1985Digital7:  excuse me for a couple mins, got to setup a ts server lil quick :(03:41
jclbrti was talking to After_Math03:42
rooly|awayso...does anyone know possible causes to an unstable ubuntu system?03:42
yoodleshey guys, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and i am trying to customize my desktop through compiz fusion, and emerald manager. but when i try to change the effect in the desktop background, i get a message saying "desktop effect could not be enable". i do not know what to do for god's sake!! :(03:42
yoodlescan u help me?03:42
rooly|awayi haven't run the memtest yet03:42
rooly|awaybut i'll do it tonight03:42
After_Mathjclbrt, I have downlaoded it already, Ijust dont know the commands03:42
jclbrtit's not a command line application03:42
yoodleshey guys, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and i am trying to customize my desktop through compiz fusion, and emerald manager. but when i try to change the effect in the desktop background, i get a message saying "desktop effect could not be enable". i do not know what to do for god's sake!! :(?03:42
Zapppi need some help with resizeing my disk for a dual boot setup i have sevral guides open telling me how to setup the dual boot but none say what to do if the option to resize the windows partion is unavailable03:43
FloodBot2yoodles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
jclbrtAfter_Math: go system-->preferences03:43
jclbrtit should be in there03:43
jclbrtZappp download Gparted03:43
jclbrtyes gparted03:43
DonGuess I will stick with Vista, cannot even connect on dialup with 8.0403:44
jclbrtbut burn it to a boot disk03:44
yoodleshey guys, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and i am trying to customize my desktop through compiz fusion, and emerald manager. but when i try to change the effect in the desktop background, i get a message saying "desktop effect could not be enable". i do not know what to do for god's sake!! :(03:44
jclbrtu dnt want to resize a hard drive u are running off03:44
jclbrtyoodles we heard u03:44
rooly|awaydoes anyone have any ideas to possible causes for an unstable system?03:44
Zapppok ill do that03:44
OrbixxHe was just doing the same thing in ##linux03:44
interflopThe Ubuntu 8.10 beta doesn't seem to work with my bcm4318 card.  The driver manager says it's activated but I don't see any wireless networks.03:44
yoodlesim waiting for someone to help. thanks03:44
Orbixxyoodles: Do not repeat yourself.03:44
the_lost_onerooly|away: what you understand for unstable system?03:45
jclbrttry going to the compiz fusion channel03:45
yoodlesorbixx im just trying to find some help03:45
OrbixxThis is the reason why you were banned from ##linux03:45
yoodlesrelax orbixx03:45
OrbixxI'm telling you for your own good.03:45
jclbrtor rather #compiz03:45
OrbixxIf you wish to receive help, it is best not to get banned, yes?03:45
jclbrtjust chill out03:45
rooly|awaythe_lost_one: as in freezes and crashes often03:45
yoodlesbut after while no one heard me..so?03:45
Doni cannot get help either03:45
rooly|awayit only started recently, however...within a week03:46
interflopThe Ubuntu 8.10 beta doesn't seem to work with my bcm4318 card.  The driver manager says it's activated but I don't see any wireless networks.  Is there any known issue with the bcm43xx driver?03:46
jclbrtit's ok to post occassionally03:46
rooly|awayi figure it may be a motherboard or memory problem, i just haven't had time to run a memtest yet03:46
jclbrtbut one after the other is annoying03:46
progekmI have trouble hearing sound while playing .3g2 video files. VLC shows the video, but spits out this error in terminal:  main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `mp4a'03:46
munchingfoohello tickleme_eddie03:46
the_lost_onerooly|away: you checked all hardware?03:46
Digital7hitman1985: still looking03:46
rooly|awaythe_lost_one: it's a laptop so...03:46
yoodlesok im just posting occasionally now..03:46
tickleme_eddiedoes anyone know someone with windows can talk with "konversation03:46
yoodleshey guys, i just installed ubuntu 8.04 and i am trying to customize my desktop through compiz fusion, and emerald manager. but when i try to change the effect in the desktop background, i get a message saying "desktop effect could not be enable". i do not know what to do for god's sake!! :(03:46
rooly|awayyoodles: what's your video card03:47
DonI had the simplest of ? here, but noone knows answer03:47
interflopyoodles: did you install your video driver?03:47
OrbixxIgnore him, he's trolling.03:47
progekmyoodles, do you have your drivers installed?03:47
rooly|awayahh, okay03:47
yoodlesim running on dell 430003:47
yoodlesi have windows xp before03:47
progekmglxinfo | grep rendering03:47
rooly|awaythat's not a video card03:47
After_Mathwhat is the super button?03:47
yoodlesi know that know03:47
OrbixxAfter_Math: The windows key.03:47
interflopAfter_Math: your windows key03:47
progekmyoodles type glxinfo | grep rendering03:47
yoodlesbut i dunno the video card name03:47
FloodBot2yoodles: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:48
progekmwhat does it say?03:48
After_MathOrbixx, interflop thanks03:48
the_lost_onerooly|away: you tryed leaving the laptop with a livecd and see what happens?03:48
OrbixxAfter_Math: Confused me too, at first.03:48
Zapppjclbrt: if use gparted will my windows installation be ok?03:48
rogan_After_Math: its the windows jey03:48
yoodlesit says03:48
yoodlesdirect rendering yes03:48
jclbrtyes Zappp i03:48
rooly|awaythe_lost_one: nah. i hadn't considered the harddrive since i get no mount errors03:48
hitman1985Digital7: its all good, im still workin on the ts server, had to redo everything :(03:48
ink-hello, would anyone point me to a guide with COM port i/o under c++ with linux?03:48
jclbrtZappp:  just select the partition and resize it... gparted does not delete information03:49
jclbrtunless u want it to03:49
Orbixxjclbrt: Resizing windows partition?03:49
tickleme_eddiecan anyone one tell me where i can find "konversation" that will run on windows03:49
interflopThe Ubuntu 8.10 beta doesn't seem to work with my bcm4318 card.  The driver manager says it's activated but I don't see any wireless networks.  Is there any known issue with the bcm43xx driver?  It worked fine in 8.0403:49
jclbrtOrbixx: any partition03:49
OrbixxI had a bad experience with resizing an NTFS partition with gparted.03:49
Digital7hitman1985: i believe http://sourceforge.net/projects/backuppc/ /may/ be the one i was thinking of03:49
OrbixxSpecifically, it crashed and my NTFS partition was shot.03:49
Zapppjclbrt: thats good too know because i lost my windows XP install disk long ago ._.03:49
jclbrtOrbixx: I've never had a problem03:50
jclbrtexcept once i lost my boot record03:50
Orbixxjclbrt: Could've just been me - I just assumed it must happen often.03:50
jclbrtbut i was able to get that back03:50
OrbixxIt was the first time I used gparted to resize anything.03:50
the_lost_onerooly|away: it happens at any time, or when the laptop stays some time running?03:50
jclbrtas long as he does not delete his partition he should be fine03:50
Digital7hitman1985: there's some tutorials out there as well, such as this one http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_backuppc03:50
tickleme_eddieIs it possible to run Konversation on Windows XP03:51
Orbixxjclbrt: I got my partition back too by recovering the raw data and using software to recognise the data and split them into files appropriately.03:51
AeonisAnyone have "VirtualBox"?03:51
OrbixxA long, drawn out task...03:51
Digital7hitman1985: it supports both linux and windows, and supports far more than 5 PCs03:51
Digital7Aeonis: yes03:51
jclbrtAeonis: I do03:51
Orbixx!anyone | Aeonis03:51
ubottuAeonis: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:51
Donwhere can I get /etc/resolv.conf, so I can get kppp working in 8.04?03:51
OrbixxDon: kppp?03:51
Eidahi..how to merge /dev/sda7             4.9G  4.9G     0 100% /03:51
Eidano space left03:52
OrbixxMerge... With what?03:52
l3dhere is a thought I was wondering if it would be possible to change the volume display icon thingy?03:52
OrbixxEida: Find things to delete before you try messing with partitions.03:52
hitman1985Digital7: thank you very much, ill do my best reading up on it, and hit u back up mid next week probably ok ?03:52
AeonisOkay.  For those of you with VirtualBox - I see that there are 2 editions.  Is it the "Open Source Edition" that is free?03:52
Donorbix, yes dialup in kde on ununtu 8.0403:52
the_lost_onel3d: haha03:52
Zapppdownloading gparted...03:52
OrbixxAeonis: Likely.03:52
=== SunWuKung|away is now known as SunWuKung|away|a
Eidahow to clean un used file in root?03:52
OrbixxDon: Why would resolv.conf have anything to do with dialup software?03:53
Digital7hitman1985: you'll have to catch me on MSN, i'm not often here03:53
OrbixxEida: Depends on your partition structure.03:53
Zapppwhile i wait for gparted to down, jclbrt should i backup any peticular system files just in case you think?03:53
OrbixxEida: Do you have just /home and / ?03:53
Eidai use ext303:53
Digital7hitman1985: but i've never used it myself, just was something i had planned on doing03:53
tickleme_eddiedigital7 do you know how to run konversation on windows xp03:53
Donorbixx, because that error i get when trying to dial03:53
tritiumOrbixx: because it defines DNS servers, which would be provided by a dial-up ISP, for example.03:53
Donit telling me it missing03:53
Digital7tickleme_eddie: sorry, I don't -- but if it's possible -- someone here likely will03:54
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx03:54
Eidanop...when i try to save any file..it said no space left..03:54
hitman1985Digital7: mymsn is mc.andre.goebel@freenet.de :)03:54
AeonisWhat's wrong with this line in installing the VirtualBox?  "sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules-`uname -r`"  When I try to run it, it just goes to another line with a ">" and nothing else.03:54
OrbixxAh right, it refuses to dial without any DNS servers specified.03:54
tickleme_eddiedigital7 tks03:54
hitman1985lmk when u got some time03:54
OrbixxEida: What partitions do you have? (Not filesystems)03:54
the_lost_onetickleme_eddie: there are some how-to to build kde on windows, but hey, that sounds enougth hard :-)03:54
EidaFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:54
Eidatmpfs                1006M     0 1006M   0% /dev/shm03:54
tritiumOrbixx: the DNS servers would be provided one the dialup connection is established, actually.03:54
OrbixxAeonis: It's missing a closing quote.03:55
EidaFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:55
Eidatmpfs                1006M     0 1006M   0% /dev/shm03:55
DonDunno why you ask about dns servers03:55
Orbixxtritium: Odd, then. It seems strange that the program would require resolv.conf at all then.03:55
Donnothing to do with dial up on kppp03:55
tickleme_eddiedigital7 cool ill take a look03:55
hitman1985Digital7:  hope that worked :) im not too sure how pidgin handels stuff03:55
drandossHelp, Thundar Mass removal "search and replace"  Any way too remove the ;;;;;;;  key?03:55
OrbixxDon: Resolv.conf has stuff to do with dns servers.03:55
Aeoniswhere orbixxx?  I see 'uname -r'  but didn't see another one.03:55
jclbrtZappp No....03:55
interflopThe Ubuntu 8.10 beta doesn't seem to work with my bcm4318 card.  The driver manager says it's activated but I don't see any wireless networks.  Is there any known issue with the bcm43xx driver?  It worked fine in 8.04.03:56
jclbrtdo you have access to another computer Zappp03:56
jclbrtthat way i can talk you through gparted03:56
progekHas anyone ever gotten sound to play on .3g2 video files? They are videos taken from a phone03:56
njdoyle_is there a way to get rid of the default "ubuntu" user? Or specifically, how can I get the system to not log in to the 6 VTs automagically?03:56
AeonisI did it again and it is working now...  Beginner here.03:56
Donorbixx, I use kppp on many distros, this 8.04 has /etc/resolv.conf missing03:56
tickleme_eddiei would really lik to know how i could run konversation on Windows XP03:56
OrbixxAeonis: Best thing to do if you don't see it is to run "uname -r" and paste it to where it should be located in your line.03:56
FloodBot2tickleme_eddie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
Zapppjclbrt: ya this one im on right now is anonther one comp and i got an external if any backing up is needed03:56
Aeonis!uname -r03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uname -r03:56
Orbixxtickleme_eddie: Try another question mark. Someone might answer.03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uname03:57
the_lost_oneDon: if you miss that file, then just create it03:57
AeonisOrbixx:  What is "!uname -r"?03:57
OrbixxI didn't say !uname -r03:57
Donthe lost one, tried many times03:57
OrbixxI said uname -r03:57
OrbixxIn your terminal.03:57
OrbixxDon: Just create /etc/resolv.conf then03:57
OrbixxIt's format is as such:03:57
Dontried many times03:58
tritium!enter | Orbixx03:58
ubottuOrbixx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:58
OrbixxAnd so forth.03:58
the_lost_oneDon: and what happens? is there some aplication removing it all times or?03:58
Donthe lost one it not there and I cannot create03:58
EidaOrbixx: look at this --> http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/51/spacedr2.th.png03:58
[BMBU]Anyone know how to get certified in ubuntu?03:58
zigzagsdon: 'gksu nautilus' to give you root abilities to be able to create files in that location03:59
R_YoYo_R[BMBU], www.ubuntu.com has links03:59
drandossTrying too get rid of a ;1 after every file in a ISO...   Setup.exe;1   too many files too manualy change every file,,, there must be a way03:59
progekI have gstreamer* installed. Is there a way to get audio with 3g2 files?03:59
the_lost_oneDon: what happens when you open a terminal and tipe sudo touch /etc/resolv.cof ?03:59
Donzigzags, kde03:59
progekI've tried mplayer and vlc03:59
Donthe lost one, nothing04:00
nellerydrandoss: try doing it from terminal using *;104:00
the_lost_oneDon: thatś good04:00
OrbixxEida: Do you have access to a GUI, or are you connecting through SSH?04:00
OrbixxI'm guessing you're using putty.04:00
Eidai'm using ssh only..this server to far from me04:01
OrbixxEida: Use the "du" command to get total sizes of directories and to work out what you can delete.04:01
dimedoes anyone know why my onboard nic would suddenly drop every other hour or so?04:01
Zapppjclbrt you said i have to burn the gparted image (.iso) to a CD right?04:01
OrbixxEida: For your information, the root partition (/) contains everything that isn't specified as a partition elsewhere, so try not accidentally deleting something that does not require to be deleted that is on a different partition to the root partition.04:02
Zapppk just checkin04:02
jclbrtzappp: yes u do04:02
jclbrtin theory you can run it from linux, but i dnt ever do that04:02
jclbrti dnt trust that feature04:02
OrbixxEida: Does that help?04:02
lu6ciferhow do I get four desktops in ubuntu 8.04?04:02
EidaOrbixx: how to check size using "du" command? i'm newbie only04:03
dimein v/l/m, it shows Link speed = undefined!, then Link speed = 100Mbps.04:03
R_YoYo_Rlu6cifer, lower right hand corner04:03
OrbixxEida: Try changing directory to root, and typing "du -h".04:03
Aeonislu6cifer:  I've seen that before.  I'd like to do the same04:03
lu6ciferyea, but there's only two desktops04:03
=== nevermind is now known as monster_truck
R_YoYo_Rlu6cifer, right click it04:03
R_YoYo_Rlu6cifer, preferences04:04
lu6ciferI see04:04
the_lost_oneDon: so, you have now created a resolv.conf empty file, maybe you must add some dns servers, or maybe kppp should complete the work04:04
nellery!pm | drandoss04:04
ubottudrandoss: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.04:04
nellerydrandoss, using mv *;1 new_filename04:04
Donthe lost one, I give up, sticking with Vista thanks04:04
kuthuxhi, can i login via ssh using the username "apache" while the system is running the apache service ?04:05
drandosssorry am new04:05
luckyonehmm, the thermal sensor applet I just added to my panel doesn't let me show my processor04:05
drandossYes I tryed the *;1 I get  *;104:05
drandossbash: 00000001.TMP;1: command not found04:05
drandossbash: 1: command not found04:05
the_lost_oneDon: cool mate :-)04:05
AeonisIs there a way to switch between the desktops in Ubuntu?  Like a hot key like "Alt + Tab"?04:05
drandossso wait I have too do that a single file at a time?04:05
izinucsctrl+alt+arrow keys04:05
tritiumAeonis: Ctrl-Alt-<arrow keys>04:05
luckyoneI installed a lot of packages, some of those should let me display the temp of my proc on the panel04:06
Aeonisflippin a that is awesome tritium04:06
tritiumAeonis: ;)04:06
TheZealothey folks, I am having a problem with ftp permissions using vsftpd. I want all the files I upload to have the permissions 755, and I have set the file_open_mode=0755 and local_umask=0755, but neither are functioning properly04:06
TheZealotany clues?04:06
nellerydrandoss: looks like it.  However, using tab completion in a terminal will make the job a lot easier04:07
OrbixxTheZealot: Restarted the ftpd?04:07
Zapppjclbrt: im burning it to a CD now04:07
TheZealotOrbixx: yes, after every change I restar and reload04:07
OrbixxHeh, just checking ;)04:07
OrbixxEasy to forget.04:07
drandossah yea that doesnt help me, and how is your chat red too me nellery?04:07
drandossthis is unreal tournament every single file has a ;104:08
Orbixxdrandoss: Because he highlighted your nick.04:08
OrbixxJust like I did above.04:08
OrbixxWhen someone mentions your name, it colour codes it.04:08
drandossorbixx oh thats awsome04:08
Zapppjclbrt ok its done burning04:08
Ridehi really wish ldap used an xml structure04:08
=== CapTech is now known as VorteX|Bed
=== VorteX|Bed is now known as CapTech
aaronorosenHey some how i don't have any files in /boot is there anyway to restore my MBR now?04:09
Orbixxdrandoss: That's why you see a lot of sentences in these places start with people's names. It's to get their attention and stop people from missing things - especially in a big room like this.04:09
aaronorosenwith out reinstall ubuntu04:09
Orbixxaaronorosen: Reinstall your bootloader (probably grub)04:09
aaronorosenOrbixx: I can run the grub command when i chroot to that partition off of a live cd.04:10
aaronorosenOrbixx: when i run root (hd0,0) i get an error 21 saying selected disk does not exist04:11
aaronorosenAlso i have no tab completion there.04:11
nick__two questions: how can i increase the number of virtual desktops i have (i deleted the switcher on my panel and adding a new one doens't work)04:11
Orbixxaaronorosen: Check which disks exist then - the contents of /dev/ will likely be different on a livecd.04:11
nick__and my system under the new kernel is bricked upon instillation of a wireless card driver04:11
izinucsaaronorosen, is it a sata drive?04:11
* Zappp pokes jclbrt04:11
nick__how can i get rid of the new kernel or fix it?04:12
aaronorosenyes it is sata04:12
izinucsnick__, boot to the old one.04:12
deathcatjoin #22804:12
izinucsaaronorosen, just guessing but if it is plugged into the secondary port for sata the system might read it as hd1,004:12
jclbrtyea wats up Zappp sorry04:12
jclbrti have 9 ppl asking for help04:13
woliwant to have 10?04:13
wolii have a script at init.d that won't run at startup04:13
Zapppjclbrt oh ya do? and i got gparted burned to a CD so whats next?04:13
nick__sorry about that04:13
jclbrtZappp boot from it04:14
aaronorosenbefore i chroot how can i mount my /devs because from the chroot isn't seeing those04:14
Zapppjclbrt from the gparted disk?04:14
kuthuxsorry, repost. can i login via ssh using the username "apache" while the system is running the apache service ?04:15
the_lost_oneaaronorosen: mount -o bind maybe ?04:15
aaronorosenthe_lost_one: where do i want to mount it thouhg.04:15
drandossOmg I think im going too have too write something in python too get ;1 off all these files04:15
aaronorosenI have the partition mounted to /test04:15
the_lost_oneaaronorosen: then you must create /dev04:16
aaronorosenand i can run chroot /test and i have all my files but for some reason /dev isn't completely coming along.04:16
aaronorosenso create a /dev/ in /test?04:16
After_Mathwhat would stop an Emerald theme from taking affect?04:16
wolii have a bash at init.d but it won't execute. Could somebody please help me?04:16
After_MathI loaded a theme, and clicked on it, but no change04:16
wolibash script04:16
Zapppjclbrt ok i got gparted booted up, next step?04:16
After_Mathwoli, is the srcipt executable04:17
the_lost_oneaaronorosen: and maybe proc too04:17
wolii can run it via sudo04:17
aaronorosenthe_lost_one: i'm sorry i'm  little confussed here.04:17
After_Mathwoli, then how do you know its not04:17
aaronorosenso i have a dir /test and then /test/dev04:17
wolibecause i have a tablet that requires that script to run.04:18
After_Mathwhat does the script do04:18
wolibut since a couple of days the tablet stoped working. and i have to manually run it for it to work04:18
woliit activates the drivers04:18
wolii have not changed the script04:18
After_Mathwoli, you have to uodate-rc04:18
jclbrtZappp: go to gparted website04:18
jclbrti dnt have gparted started up right now04:19
jclbrti am on IRC04:19
wolicommand not found04:19
After_Mathwoli, have to update-rc with some commands for that file04:19
After_Mathwoli, one sec04:19
wolithere is update-rc.d though04:19
sleepyhhi, i was wondering if someone could give me a example of a useful applicaiton they would like but do not have.04:19
B1BLancer1Hi folks.  I'm very new to Ubuntu.  I hope you don't mind a clueless idiot type question.  Ubuntu has asked me a couple of times to enter my default keyring password.  I have no idea what it would be.  Help?04:19
sleepyhwhich can be put into simple words04:20
izinucsB1BLancer1, not sure but have you tried your normal password?04:20
R_YoYo_RB1BLancer1, its the same password you use to log in04:20
woliopen System > Preferences > Encryption and keyrings04:20
the_lost_oneaaronorosen: for the proc, you must type mount -t proc none /test/proc04:20
After_Mathwoli, in terminal do "update-rc.d 'scriptname' defaults"04:21
NillerzI'll just leave this here...04:21
After_Mathwoli, let me know if that fixes the problem04:21
woligoing to restart to see if it helped...04:22
B1BLancer1R_YoYo_R: Tried that.  It didn't work04:22
smm289I have a remote PC, WAN, what would be the best method to access a drive on the remote system, similiar to as if it was a LAN network drive04:22
anewsonhi all04:22
Zapppjclbrt it wont let me make it smaller D: only bigger04:23
the_lost_onesmm289: maybe a ftp server?04:23
jclbrtwell... no... it wont make it smaller as the info may not fit04:23
graemeanyone know of good data recovery software04:23
jclbrtyou may need to delete it04:23
drandossnellery thanks for the help, I did figure out a way too remove huge chunks of characters GPRename is the program thunar works too but not for the odd characters04:23
jclbrtthen recreate it04:23
smm289the_lost_one: Ya I thought about that, just wondering what my other options might be04:23
jclbrtbut if you delete it u will lose info04:24
After_Mathgraeme, off a drive or cd?04:24
Zapppjclbrt i deleted 50% of the HDD space though04:24
nellerydrandoss: great!04:24
graemedrive would be prefered I need to recovery a partition04:24
Isilionhelp with ATI radeon 9800 pro. installed ATI propietary drivers (catalyst 8.10) because i need 3d acceleration. Its properly installed, fglrxinfo shows ati, xorg.conf shows ati, gears work. but display freezes at launching openarena or compiz in example, and is needed a hard-reboot. details and more info at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766699&page=504:24
jclbrtare you trying to delete the partition completely?04:24
jclbrtand make it one big partition?04:24
After_Mathgraeme, you could easily use Ubuntus livecd04:24
the_lost_onesmm289: samba over openvpn?04:25
graemewhat is the software called04:25
After_Mathgraeme, mount the partitions and transfer what you want into a usb or ecternal04:25
After_Mathgraeme, just ubuntus livecd04:25
Zapppno i want to divde the one largest partition into 2-3 so i can install ubuntu as a dual boot04:25
graemewell i fomated it when I installed ubuntu04:25
woliAfter_Math: it worked! thanks..04:25
After_Mathwoli, sweet np :)04:25
After_Mathgraeme, your out of luck my friend :)04:26
anewsonhey all having a problem with my new hardy install... i upgraded from 7.10, the did a fresh install of 8.04 when the upgrade didn't work... basically i think the problem is that hardy is seeing my IDE hard drives as scsi or something04:26
B1BLancer1Can anybody tell me what the default keyring password is supposed to be?  I tried my login password.  Apparently, that's not it.04:26
anewsoni'm a little new so i'm not sure that's right04:26
After_Mathgraeme, I dought youll be able to get any information off a drive thats been formated and have a OS installed on04:26
anewsonbut cfdisk shows my partitions as sdx instead of hdx04:26
Zappp@ jclbrt no i want to divde the one largest partition into 2-3 so i can install ubuntu as a dual boot04:26
izinucsanewson, hardy labels all drives as sdXX04:26
pajamiananewson: that's normal for hardy04:27
anewsonah yeah?04:27
After_Mathanewson, and Intrepid04:27
anewsoni'd love to get the exact part the boot dies on04:27
anewsonbut i can't seem to mount the sdxs04:27
pajamiananewson: yep, it does the same for my drive which is ATA04:27
anewsonubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo mount -t auto /dev/sda2 /mount04:27
anewsonmount: special device /dev/sda2 does not exist04:27
anewsonsda2 is taken from cfdisk04:28
anewsonit should be there04:28
anewsonif i can get my hard drive mounted i'll pastebin the dmesg04:28
After_Mathanewson, maybe you have to be specific with the type04:28
tritium!enter | anewson04:28
ubottuanewson: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:28
anewsoncheers trit04:28
izinucsanewson, try sudo fdisk -l to locate it04:28
fiberhi, anyone know of a project like imposter that is recent... i need a standalone player for impress that can also hopefully play inbeded media (export to swf/pdf doesn't do that)04:28
pajamiananewson: what version of ubuntu are you using to try to mount the drives, and what version of ubuntu is the cfdisk taken from?04:29
Isilion!ati | Isilion04:29
ubottuIsilion, please see my private message04:29
anewsoni'm on the 8.04 live cd atm04:29
pajamiananewson: and the cfdisk?04:29
anewsonditto, i'm using cfdisk here on the live cd04:29
pajamiananewson: ok, just checking.04:29
karexHI, anyone could help me with axxio zetta issue?04:30
anewsonspecifying the boot type doesn't seem to be working either04:30
anewson**fs type04:30
TheZealothey folks, I am having a problem with ftp permissions using vsftpd. I want all the files I upload to have the permissions 755, and I have set the file_open_mode=0755 and local_umask=0755, but neither are functioning properly--I have restarted the daemon04:30
After_MathTheZealot, you might want to try FileZilla :)04:31
pajamianTheZealot: umask should be the opposite, 022 I think.04:31
TheZealotoh really? ok let me give that a try04:31
=== bruenig is now known as what
=== what is now known as hmmmmwhat
anewsonanyone else with ideas on why mount can't see my filesystems?04:32
memeemeeesomeone tell me how to load the power applet in x?04:32
jclbrtthen make a new partition out of the larger one what are you trying to shrink ???04:32
B1BLancer1Can anybody help me with a keyring password issue?04:32
After_Mathban OSX04:32
Orbixx!ops OSX, posting inappropriate links04:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:32
pajamiananewson: can you see sda2 in your /dev directory?04:32
Rideheasiest way to append the output of a command to the end of a file?04:33
After_Math!ops | OSX04:33
ubottuOSX: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:33
tritiumAfter_Math: yes?04:33
After_Mathtake a look at the link OSX gave04:33
Zapppjclbrt it wont let me >_> also says there is a bad sector. if i delete it and try making a new one would i have to reinstall windows?04:33
anewsonpajamian: hmm actually no04:33
izinucsTheZealot, hve you seen http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Vsftpd-in-Ubuntu-45753.shtml04:33
anewsonpajamian: sda is the only one there04:33
naliothtritium: taken care of04:33
After_Mathtritium, inappropriate04:33
pajamiananewson: that would be your problem, then.04:33
anewsonlol guess that explains it. but why aren't the devices there?04:33
pajamiananewson: what about hda*?04:34
TheZealotpajamian: it worked! Thank you! Why does it have to be set at 022. That doesn't make sense to me...04:34
memeemeeesomeone tell me how to load the power applet in x?04:34
tritiumnalioth: ;)04:34
anewsonpajamian: no /dev/hdx04:34
pajamianTheZealot: umask specifies the bits that will not be set for file permissions, so it is the opposite of the permission bits.04:34
karexHI, is it necessary to defragment the disk in ubuntu?04:34
mikmorgI'm trying to run Flash/Firefox audio through a second sound device, but all of the tips i've read (such as using `aoss`, or linking /tmp/.esd-1000) aren't working; sound is always being directed to the on-board sound device. Can anyone help?04:34
pajamiananewson: probably something to do with udev not seeing the partitions, then.04:35
Isilionanyone has an ati radeon working in his pc? with 3d accel?04:35
TheZealotpajamian: well, that's interesting =) I'm very appreciative of that advice, I would never have figured that out on my own.04:35
anewsonpajamian: which is also probably why ubuntu won't boot, yeah?04:35
mikmorgside note: rhythmbox is correctly being redirected to the second device after i changed the seetings in System->prefs->sound04:35
pajamiananewson: and I wish I could say that I'm an expert on udev, but I'm not, but at least now you know a bit more about where to look.  Maybe you can find some info from googling, now.04:36
Zapppjclbrt it wont let me >_> also says there is a bad sector. if i delete it and try making a new one would i have to reinstall windows?04:36
anewsonyea hold that thought, i'll take a look- thanks for the help sofar pajamian04:36
pajamiananewson: yw04:36
jclbrtyes Zappp you would04:36
jclbrtyou should repair the disk first04:37
Zappphow do i do that?04:37
pajamianTheZealot: yeah, it is confusing.04:37
jclbrtwith like fdisk or something like that04:37
jclbrti just use Apple's Disk utility normally04:37
jclbrtbut ur on PC i dunno how on that04:37
ajhtiredwolfSomething got seriously messed up, my screen resolution will not go to anythinb but 640x480 now, I tried doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that has only made things worse04:38
After_MathZappp, reformat it with fdisk or cfdisk04:38
Zapppim fine with reformatting as long as it doesnt require a reinstall of windows XP wich i cant do04:39
tgraupmannIs there a mac emulator that works on Ubuntu? I wanted to run a dmg package04:39
jclbrtZappp reformatting would require a reinstall of XP04:39
After_MathZappp, sorry I misunderstood04:39
B1BLancer1Can anybody help me with a default keyring password issue?04:39
LV_HomeI have a T20, and was trying to debug sound-after-resume, and now I have no sound at all... I'm a linux expert but a desktop noob... how do I get sound wokrrking agian?04:41
tgraupmannActually it's an emulator for mpkg04:41
After_MathB1BLancer1, for your network?04:41
izinucsB1BLancer1, did you happen to change your primary password prior to this keyrinig problem?04:42
B1BLancer1After_Math : I was trying to get evolution mail set up, and in the set up process it said I needed to enter the password to unlock the default keyring.04:43
Zapppok i got an idea how i can do this but i need to know if/how to convert a .rar to a .iso04:43
After_MathB1BLancer1, i see04:44
liza0can games like WoW be played on ubuntu ?04:44
ghotimasterif you have a super fast computer04:44
izinucsliza0, yes via "wine"04:44
ghotimasterand wine04:44
B1BLancer1izinucs : I don't think so.  I wouldn't know how to do that.04:44
nelleryliza0: WoW is compatible with Wine04:44
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:44
=== smG_ALONE_ is now known as Cow_smG_ALONE_
ghotimasteryou got wine liza0?04:45
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:45
liza0i will install it04:45
pajamianZappp: that depends on what is in the .rar04:45
After_MathB1BLancer1, maybe this? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-813201.html04:45
vengerubottu should mention the #winehq channel for the !wine factoid04:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:45
nelleryyes he should..04:46
Zappppajamian: its got a .ccd, .img and a .sub in it04:46
pajamianZappp: the .img is probably the same as a .iso04:46
Zapppbut do i need the other two files also?04:47
After_MathB1BLancer1, also maybe this System->Preferences->Encyption and Keyrings then04:47
After_Mathhighlight the password keyring "login" then click Remove Keyring then reboot.04:47
After_Mathsorry for double post04:47
pajamianZappp: what is it for?04:48
memeemeeesomeone tell me how to load the power applet in x?04:48
B1BLancer1After_Math : ok.  I'll give that a try.  Thanks!04:48
bpat1434I'm having an issue with xorg, for whatever reason if the screensaver goes active, x seems to shut down even though I have it set up not to04:48
Zappppajamian: its a .rar called windows XP pro SP2 image and it has image.ccd , image.img and image.sub in it04:49
After_MathB1BLancer1, np04:49
the_lost_oneZappp: command file will say what kind of file is, just a tip that sometimes help when dealing with that :) and you only need the img file04:49
liza0would there anything extra that  would need to do if running wine on 64 bit Ubuntu ?04:50
pajamianZappp: right you only need the img file, the other files are probably text files and may contain helpful info, so read them with a text editor (or less)04:50
kuthuxhow to show available usernames on a system ?04:51
After_MathHow do you enable emerald themes?04:51
pajamiankuthux: I usually just: cat /etc/passwd04:51
maddashkuthux: users04:51
maddashkuthux: less typing with mine. cleaner, simpler, more efficient. releases less greenhouse gases too04:52
Zapppi opened one with a text editer and its just gibberish04:52
kuthuxpajamian: there is a long list of users04:52
izinucsmaddash, why when typing "users" I get my user name listed 3 times?04:53
kuthuxmaddash: root isn't displayed. is it alright ?04:53
maddashkuthux: i think root is ALWAYS there.04:53
maddashkuthux: hence the name, "root"04:53
izinucsmaddash, root didn't show up for me either.04:53
pajamiankuthux: users won't display all users, just the normal ones.04:54
kuthuxmaddash: ok then. thx04:54
bpat1434I'm having an issue with xorg, for whatever reason if the screensaver goes active, x seems to shut down even though I have it set up not to04:55
pajamiankuthux: actually users does something entirely different04:55
the_lost_onethats why i always cat passwd :)04:55
pajamiankuthux: users displays a list of *logged in* users04:55
kuthuxmaddash: users - print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host04:55
izinucspajamian, why would users list my username 3 times?04:55
pajamianizinucs: because the system sees you as logged in 3 times04:56
memeemeeesomeone tell me how to load the power applet in x?04:56
Isilionif i only just bought a nvidia...04:56
Isilionhelp with ATI radeon 9800 pro. installed ATI propietary drivers (catalyst 8.10) because i need 3d acceleration. Its properly installed, fglrxinfo shows ati, xorg.conf shows ati, gears work. but display freezes at launching openarena or compiz in example, and is needed a hard-reboot. details and more info at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766699&page=504:56
izinucspajamian, does that mean something is amiss?  I've only logged in once for the machine.04:56
the_lost_oneizinucs: try "who"04:57
pajamianizinucs: nope, don't worry about it, it displays my username 10 times04:57
ajhtiredwolfIsilion, I am in here trying to get help with a nvidia problem, it isnt all golden :P04:57
kuthuxpajamian: about the user on the list in /etc/passwd , they are not all available to login via ssh, right? or can i use any of them to log in ?04:57
pajamiankuthux: no, you can't04:58
izinucsthe_lost_one, I've got tty7 (the gui) .. pts/0 & pts/1.. not sure what pts is.04:58
Kr0ntabizinucs: users shows you how many user sessions are active.  each terminal and various applications create their own session.04:58
Isilionajhtiredwolf at least nvidia drivers are good, propietaryes and opensourced. ATI drivers just sux. cant install by themselves and doest work at all...04:58
the_lost_onekuthux: pay atention to the shell they have /bin/nologin or /bin/false04:58
kunwon1kuthux, some are, usually just standard users and root, also depending on your ssh configuration04:58
izinucsKr0ntab, that makes sense04:58
Kr0ntabone is typically your desktop session... the second is your terminal...  open another terminal and you'll see the third04:58
After_Mathis there some app out there that is better then the original system manager. Something like super task manager for windows?04:58
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izinucsKr0ntab, yep I've got 2 terminal open..04:58
ajhtiredwolfIsilion, ive had problems with both :(, people hardly respond to question about nvidia or ati in here htough, I think because they are usually hard to answer04:59
izinucsverified.. thank Kr0ntab04:59
pajamiankuthux: what the_lost_one just said about shell, also if the user_id (third column) is 1000 or greater then chances are it's a normal user and you can log into it via ssh.04:59
Kr0ntabizinucs: np  :-)04:59
goldieHello, I want to install windows xp but its not installing it goes straight to linux even if I make boot 1st cd rom.05:00
Isilionajhtiredwolf not so usually. this is the first time that noone answer me for hours. last time it took 5 mins05:00
the_lost_oneizinucs: about pts, easy, http://linux.die.net/man/4/pts05:00
ajhtiredwolfIsilion, ive only been able to get help with a display problem in here once :-P. The solution was to reinstall though unfortunately hah05:00
kuthuxthe_lost_one n pajamian thx, i'll try.05:00
izinucsthe_lost_one, thanks for the link.  interesting05:01
the_lost_oneizinucs: yeah, linux power :)05:01
Zapppurg i tried booting from the .img disk but it didnt work05:01
hensonok, this is going to sound idiotic: Is there anything like msconfig in Ubuntu that I could use to disable unnecessary startup items & services?05:01
kuthuxthe_lost_one n pajamian, users that i can use to login have "/bin/bash" right ?05:02
vengerajhtiredwolf, what card model and what driver version?05:02
pajamiankuthux: yes, usually05:02
the_lost_onekuthux: rigth05:02
kuthuxthe_lost_one & pajamian thx@lot guys!05:03
Isilionajhtiredwolf that doesnt bother me. i have a clean xubuntu install with ati propietary drivers properly installed (fglrx shows ati, xorg.conf sows ati, ati is everywhere in every command that can list it; and gears work. but for some reason, openarena, compiz, whatever3d hagns computer and i need to harreboot.) waiting for someone who tells me whats wrong05:03
the_lost_onekuthux: np :)05:03
ajhtiredwolfvenger, the 8800gt, im trying to use the latest nvidia driver. But it doesnt work without it either, vesa doesnt recognize it.05:03
goldieHello, I want to install windows xp but its not installing it goes straight to linux even if I make boot 1st cd rom.05:04
ajhtiredwolfvenger, when starting I have to select it manually, nvidia, 8 series, then it will boot in this super low resolution, right now I dont have the nvidia hardware acceleration driver enabled.05:04
Isilioni sent tickets to ati support to, and they only do automated replys till the moment. now 2 complains are in the Work-in-progress state. in One i suggest them to fix the driver, in the other i tell them that the driver doesnt work at all05:04
izinucsgoldie, it's a conspiracy.. perhaps ##windows can answer that question05:04
the_lost_onegoldie: your computer dosnt want windows again :)05:04
vengerajhtiredwolf, what method are you using to install?05:04
smil3ygoldie>  apt-get downgrade-windows  or join a windows channel05:05
ajhtiredwolfvenger, the nvidia driver? that is already been installed. It has been working for quite a while, what happened was it crashed while loading a program that had a different resolution ( a virtual desktop )05:05
ajhtiredwolfvenger, so what i did was sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, that made things worse05:05
anewsongoldie: you just walked into a ferrari dealership and asked for help parking your civic05:05
abstractEntityhi i need some help to install jboss seam05:06
goldiei wanted to have both windows and linux. so I installed linux first.05:06
kunwon1ajhtiredwolf, have you tried nvidia-settings?05:06
ajhtiredwolfkunwon1, i havnet, i dont currently have that installed05:07
kunwon1should be able to redo your xorg.conf properly for your card05:07
smil3ygoldie>  do you have a partition thats empty on your drive?05:07
abstractEntityi downloaded a tar.gz file05:07
beebirdoh,if you installed linux first, maybe it is hard to install windows.05:07
pajamiangoldie: you need to change the boot order in your BIOS configuration.05:07
smil3ygoldie>  large enough for it?05:07
ajhtiredwolfkunwon1, let me try and install that and see if it can do anything05:07
vengerajhtiredwolf, again, what method did you use to install? envy? binary installer?05:08
abstractEntitywho can help me?05:08
goldiei put hdd1 for linux to take all 40 gb05:08
lliw00is there a way to use both a wired and a wireless connection at the same time on hardy/05:08
the_lost_oneabstractEntity: whats up05:09
ajhtiredwolfvenger, to install the nvidia driver? The update manager downloaded it automatically. to install it, i just uded the "Hardware Drivers" program05:09
abstractEntityhi the_lost_one05:09
goldieok i am going to reinstall linux and put 20 gb only05:09
abstractEntityhow can i install jboss seam in ubuntu?05:09
anewsonhey all an update on my problem... although the livecd cfdisk sees my sda1-4 partitions, they don't appear in /dev/... however, my second hardrive which is NTFS, shows up as /dev/sdb1 and mounts fine05:09
vengerajhtiredwolf, dmesg | grep -i nvidia plz05:09
predator363all: i am having display issues with ubuntu i am fairly new to linux and dont know what to do (more details apon response)05:09
goldieill be back in a hour if i need more help05:09
smil3ygoldie>  well you need to partition the drive and take maybe 10 gig for windows05:09
ajhtiredwolf[   34.346790] nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.05:09
ajhtiredwolf[   34.598795] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  169.12  Thu Feb 14 17:51:09 PST 200805:09
anewsonseems like the problem is just for that drive... does that mean it's any more or less likely it's udev? is there some way to try and detect sda again, and log the output?05:10
abstractEntitythe_lost_one i have a tar.gz file05:10
the_lost_oneabstractEntity: you checked first with apt-get?05:10
predator363all: i am having display issues with ubuntu i am fairly new to linux and dont know what to do (more details apon response)05:10
goldiesmil3y is there a way to do it without reinstalling ubuntu05:11
ajhtiredwolfvenger, do you think I should try running nvidia-xconfig?05:11
vengerajhtiredwolf,  you should try to reinstall the restricted drivers or personally i would removed it and get on a newer version using the binary installer05:11
izinucspredator363, what kind of vid card?05:11
predator363nvidia 8200m05:11
the_lost_oneabstractEntity: then you migth find it in a easy way05:11
vengerajhtiredwolf, the dpkg-reconfigure should have simplied the xorg, did you ever put nvidia under the driver section back in?05:11
kavonso i've got a 1.5 terabyte transfer a month, 150gb web server sitting around not being used like at all... can i become a mirror for ubuntu?05:11
ajhtiredwolfvenger, well first it needs to be able to detect my card correctly and create a valid xorg.conf is that correct?05:11
predator363izinucs: sorry forgot to put your name infont05:11
anewsonabstractEntity: if you want to use the tar.gz you have to extract it, then compile the program yourself... type "man tar" in a terminal05:12
anewsonabstractEntity: like the_lost_one says though, it will be much easier if you find it in a repository05:12
izinucspredator363, check under system/admin/hardware drivers and see if there is a restricted driver there that needs to be activated05:12
tasd"partial" install problem with wubi.  advise would be appreciated05:12
abstractEntityok thank you05:12
vengerajhtiredwolf, off the top of my head  Driver "nvidia" under device i believe05:12
ajhtiredwolfvenger, I think it does when you enable the driver, right now my xorg is the false safe one generated from selecting the card manually05:12
predator363izinucs: it wont let me past the warning! running in low graphics mode screen05:12
proqesithe fstab format has changed.  could someone explain how I would modify the hard drive device when it isn't displayed in human readable text? (like /dev/hdb1 instead of /dev/hda1)05:13
izinucspredator363, what warning?05:13
predator363izinucs: i am currently in vista05:13
ajhtiredwolfvenger, want me to rundpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and hten add it?05:13
vengerajhtiredwolf, pastebin your xorg.conf05:13
tr-eeI am trying to get iptables to allow incoming connections on port 80 and forward them to an internal apache server. I can not get it to work. Could someone look at my iptables rules and tell me if there is something wrong?05:13
izinucsproqesi, use blkid to identify the uuid of drives/partitions05:14
ajhtiredwolfvenger, http://pastebin.com/m1eb4a7a405:14
pajamianproqesi: just put /dev/hdb1, it should work just as well.05:14
Decepticonis ubuntu smart enough that i can turn it off, add a new wifi card and a pvr150 tv tuner card, and reboot, that it'll recognize the stuff and use it05:14
the_lost_onetr-ee: use pastebin, and will see05:14
predator363izinucs: when i boot into ubuntu it loads the x server and then pops up a little window telling me to choos the options of troubleshooting (which does nothing) or configureing displaydrivers (which iv tinkered with and havent chaged anything cos i can figure it out)05:14
h1k0is there somebody that well know about ubuntu security? i need somebody to help me to check my server vulnerabilities05:14
tr-eethe_lost_one, is it ok if I link you to my forum post?05:14
pajamianDecepticon: yes05:15
tasd"partial" install problem with wubi. Able to get to heron background, but then the 'format space for partition never loads.  any thoughts?05:15
the_lost_onetr-ee: no prob05:15
vengerajhtiredwolf, you have a modeline for 640x480 and you are also telling it to use it with the modes entry...are you working with a tv or a monitor?05:16
anewsonhey all what's this "Hardware Testing" on the livecd? it wants me to submit a report to launchpad.. i just want to see the diagnostic- it's not going to make a new question on launchpad is it?05:16
ajhtiredwolfvenger, with a tv05:16
ajhtiredwolfvenger, sorry with a monitor*05:16
predator363izinuc: ?05:16
ajhtiredwolfvenger, flat screen 22in, wanting the resolution 1680x105005:17
=== kuthux is now known as Guest49600
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about debports05:17
kulfilooking for some advice on which Ubuntu to install (desktop or server)05:17
izinucspredator363, well ya gotta get your feet wet sometime.. go with the configuring display drivers and see what you can do.. it's much easier to help when you're actually in the system.  Google "irssi" for a command line irc client in linux.. it's actually easy.. ctrl+alt+F2 will get you to a text screen to install and load irssi.. ctrl+alt+f7 get's you to the gui.. by bouncing back and forth you can fix the system.05:17
kulfii'm looking to set up a sandbox web dev environment (Apache, mySql) and would also like samba + remote desktop05:18
Decepticonhow do i get to the terminal05:18
Decepticonwith virtual consoles05:18
kulfishould i install server or desktop editions for that?05:18
ajhtiredwolfvenger, when it doesnt recognize the card, a widnows comes up asking me to select the card manually, i do so, i tell it nvidia, and then select 8 series, and it creates that xog.conf05:19
predator363izinuc: yea i know how to get into command line how would i install the command line irc from say a thumb drive?05:19
memeemeeeanyone know how to load battery applet in X11?05:19
vengerajhtiredwolf, the nv driver probably can't handle a 8800gt.   remove the restricted driver package, download the latest nvidia binary for your arch, switch to vt and stop gdm, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, sh  NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.80-pkg2.run and let it update the canned xorg.conf05:20
izinucskulfi, server and if you need a gui at some point you can install it on top05:20
lliw00how do i change the port that ssh operates on?05:20
kulfiso server comes w/o gui?05:20
tasdwubi load problem.  'format space ofr partition ubuntu/disk/...' never loads.  (stuck at 0%) any ideas?05:20
kulfi@izinucs, server doesn't have a windowing system?05:20
predator363izinuc: also im on a wireless connection its all i can get for now05:20
=== kti676 is now known as Riley
anewsonok new info all.... gparted says of my sda partitions (which it sees): WARNING - the device /dev/sda1 doesn't exist. Probably /etc/mtab is missing05:20
=== Chris__ is now known as Hix-Nix
izinucspredator363, not sure.. but if you're at the command line then "sudo apt-get install irssi"  ... then irssi to start.. then "/server irc.freenode.net"  .. then /join #ubuntu05:21
tr-eethe_lost_one, are you lookin at my post?05:21
anewsonwhat's /etc/mtab, and could it have anything to do with this?05:21
ajhtiredwolfvenger, sorry I dont mean to be a pain but how do you remove the restricted driver package, where can I find the binary driver for my arch and what is vt, how do i stop gdm?05:21
Decepticonpajamian what do toyu mean by yes05:21
Decepticonpajamian or is it better to do a reinstall with the hardware in place05:21
izinucskulfi, server is text based only.. to install a gui on top you can sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop05:21
predator363Izinuc: how would i configure a wireless connection in command line?05:22
the_lost_onetr-ee: yeah, im looking at my rules05:22
kulfithanks izinucs!05:22
jacostaif i unstall the ubuntu 8.10 beta, ill I be able to upgrade it after the official launch05:22
izinucspredator363, that I don't have the answer to .. sorry05:22
vengerajhtiredwolf, you should be able to just use the driver manager icon and remove it since you installed it via the same icon, no?05:22
scottI would sudo aptitude rather than apt-get for installing a gui (in case you want to return to remove the package later)05:22
paul68!8.10 |jacosta05:22
ubottujacosta: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu05:22
Azlxhello everyone.05:22
izinucskulfi, np :)05:22
ajhtiredwolfvenger, nahh there is just an option to enable disable it there, is that what you meant? just disable it?05:23
mooeeehm weird05:23
mooeeemy web browsers arestuck as if the net's dead05:23
mooeeebut im obviously connected05:23
=== johnson is now known as Guest2359
predator363im gunna go to ubuntu+1 cos intrepid is all i can get runnign at all on my machine05:23
vengerajhtiredwolf, ya disable it -- i think it uninstalls the package, but don't quote me on that since i haven't used that method in ages05:23
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu05:23
Azlxok, here latly my dtpc is running ubuntu, and its running pretty much everything SLOW, to the point of me concidering switching back to windows xp, I NEED HELP, save my soul from windows!!!05:24
ajhtiredwolfvenger, is there a different mehtod, because for some reason it is saying it is enabled ( even though it isnt and the box next to enable isnt checked )05:24
ajhtiredwolfvenger, but understatus it says that it is " in use"05:24
anewsonis there some way to manually run udev detection?05:24
hensonalright.. thunar or rox?05:25
anewsononly problem with rox is there's no shortcut to rename files05:25
vengerajhtiredwolf, lets check pkgs first, pastebin the following:  dpkg -l "nvidia*"; dpkg -l "*restricted*"05:25
anewsonother than that it's far sexier05:25
hensonanewson: The whole, "an application is a directory" thing sort of scares me05:26
hensonI'm afraid it'll just leave junk everywhere (somehow)05:26
ajhtiredwolfvenger, http://pastebin.com/m2d6129c105:26
the_lost_onetr-ee: i have iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to ip:8005:26
sCOTTohey guys - if I want to use the live feeds of a TV station and stream it to a website how do I go about that using Linux ?05:27
memeemeeeanyone know how to load battery applet in X11?05:27
karab44_is 8.10 safe ??05:27
the_lost_onetr-ee: sorry, i mean iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p -tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to ip:8005:27
Azlxneed help speeding up ubuntu!05:27
karab44_is there know any danger chrash??05:27
lliw00if i run ssh off port 80, will i be able to browse web pages and ssh at the same time?05:27
thiebaudekarab44_"I have no problems05:27
Nytelordneed help with video drivers05:27
tr-eethe_lost_one, if you run an online port scan does it show port 80 being open for you?05:28
Nytelordin ubuntu05:28
karab44_thats good becouse ive just finished upgrading ;)05:28
=== w4ett is now known as w4ett-away
Enissaywhen i try to read an .mpg video with vlc or Movie Player, i got a black screen!!! how can i fix that please?05:28
anewsonis there some way to manually run udev detection?05:28
vengerajhtiredwolf, sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new nvidia-settings05:28
the_lost_onetr-ee: of course, but first i open the port with another rule05:28
ajhtiredwolfvenger, done05:28
=== johnson is now known as Guest81223
anewsonhenson: application dirs? isn't that only for the rox desktop?05:29
goldieIs there a way to format my hdd and wont load gurb.05:29
tr-eethe_lost_one, well, when I do that for mine it does not show port 80 being open05:29
vengerajhtiredwolf, go to nvidia.com and download the binary driver 177.80 -- are you on 64 or 32bit?05:29
ajhtiredwolfvenger, 6405:29
sd32ubuntu is from the isle of man?05:29
vengerajhtiredwolf, enter the criteria the package will be the same as i had posted05:30
hensonanewson: I heard it uses this zero install thing.. http://0install.net/05:30
Enissaywhen i try to read an .mpg video with vlc or Movie Player, i got a black screen!!! how can i fix that please?05:30
izinucssd32, if the isle of man is located in south africa05:30
anewsonhenson: ah yea that's for rox desktop05:30
the_lost_onetr-ee: iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p TCP --dport 80 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT05:30
anewsonhenson: not for the file manager05:30
sd32izinucs: that is the origin  of ubuntu in distrowatch05:30
the_lost_onetr-ee: that opens the port for me05:30
=== BaD-CrC is now known as BaD-Laptop
ajhtiredwolfvenger, lol im really sorry to ask this, but can you link me to it, the resolution is so small i cant dispaly the page properly05:31
Nytelordhelp please.05:31
anewsonrox is a little less familiar than thunar, but it's really far sleeker once you get the swing of it, imo05:31
anewsonthough like i said, the lack of a rename shortcut is a real pain05:31
tr-eethe_lost_one, i'll try it05:32
d2tehpi cannot seem to get vmware tools to compile its modules using vmware server 1.0.7 and ubuntu 8.04.1 as my guest...fails compiling the modules, but i have all the required programs and stuff...05:32
vengerajhtiredwolf, http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/177.80/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.80-pkg2.run05:32
ajhtiredwolfvenger, thanks man I appreciate it05:32
izinucssd32, they got that wrong..05:32
the_lost_onetr-ee: ok :)05:32
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:32
=== Guest14027 is now known as Brucee
sd32izinucs: huh05:32
UUooi have a question, i have installed ubuntu8.04, but i can not adjust Volume, my audio device is Realtek ALC861(OSS Mixer),  help me thanks05:33
ajhtiredwolfvenger, alrighty now how do i switch to vt?05:33
vengerajhtiredwolf, next step is log into a VT -- hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, login as you user, hit Alt-F7 to come back here05:33
ajhtiredwolfvenger, and stop gdm*05:33
ajhtiredwolfvenger, gotcha05:33
vengerajhtiredwolf, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:33
the_lost_oneAzlx: explain please05:34
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ajhtiredwolfvenger, alright that will probably crash this, I will be right back05:34
ajhtiredwolfvenger, actually let me get on here on my laptop, one sec05:34
vengerajhtiredwolf, sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.80-pkg2.run  in the vt05:34
vengerajhtiredwolf, reconfigure first though to clean up xorg05:34
karab44_i go sleep, good night/have a nice day05:34
ajhtiredwolfvenger, good call, let me come in here on my laptop05:34
izinucssd32, unless Canonical is located in the isle of man..05:34
vengerajhtiredwolf, alright brb05:35
sd32izinucs: did you think that i meant the origin of the word?05:35
ajhtiredwolfvenger, rightio05:35
manishis there some way to tagg documents in Kubuntu 8.04 : like we do in technoratti or wordpress or for that matter any blog. i want t otagg all me documents and then use a search feature to find relevant docs when needed05:35
Azlxthe_lost_one, well it really doesnt matter what i do, internet, dls everything is just running slow...05:35
sd32izinucs: i meant the origin of the distro05:35
Azlxive tried doing port forwarding, still not working, running slow.05:36
izinucssd32, check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_Ltd.05:36
ubuntu__hello. i can't log in after a huge update of about 16 programs earlier. the screen just flickers when i put in my password and push enter. then it goes back to the blinking password screen.05:36
izinucssd32, Canonical is Mark Shuttleworth's company and the same person that started Ubuntu05:36
manishIs there some way to tag the documents in Hardy. KDE 3.505:36
sd32izinucs: ohh "registered in"05:36
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
tr-eethe_lost_one, still not open :/05:37
=== Mariejos is now known as Mariele
sd32izinucs: thanks05:38
manishok that means there is nothing to have tagging enabled in kubuntu or ubuntu ....right???05:38
ubuntu__is this the ubuntu help channel?05:38
Robb_Myes ubuntu__05:38
ubuntu__hello. i can't log in after a huge update of about 16 programs earlier. the screen just flickers when i put in my password and push enter. then it goes back to the blinking password screen.05:38
izinucssd32, np :-)05:38
manwalkermy wlan0 just disappeared after a reboot! iwconfig doesnt show anything! how can I fix this? i need to up my wlan0 again!05:38
ajhtiredwolfvenger, you still there?05:38
tr-eethe_lost_one, I asked my ISP tonight if they allowed incoming connections on port 80 for residential cable modem users. they said they did...05:38
ubuntu__anybody else having troubles after today'supdate?05:39
the_lost_onetr-ee: how is setup your network?05:39
ajhtiredwolf1venger i have no clue why... but alt f1 isnt taking me to the other init it always has in the past05:39
ubuntu__i think it updated the kernal, too05:39
vengerajhtiredwolf, f2?05:39
tr-eefirewall/router > desktop computers and servers05:40
ubuntu__anybody know how to go back to an older version of the kernal or something?05:40
ajhtiredwolf1venger nothing, f2 brought up the shutdown menu05:40
manishthe_lost_one: can you please help me to tag docs in kubuntu05:40
vengerajhtiredwolf1, no i meant ctrl-alt-f2..05:40
tr-eethe_lost_one, firewall/router > desktop computers and servers05:40
ajhtiredwolf1venger yeah thats what im doing05:40
the_lost_onesorry manish i have no clue about that :)05:40
vengerajhtiredwolf1, ctrl-alt-backspace to kill x05:40
the_lost_onetr-ee: and the firewall is the linux box rigth?05:40
ajhtiredwolf1venger still wont let me05:41
tr-eethe_lost_one, yes, and the web server is behind that box05:41
ajhtiredwolf1venger i dunno man... this has never happened to me before05:41
vengerajhtiredwolf1, in term /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:41
flourishhello, ask a question about apache's permission:05:41
manishtheres a way in gutsy. can you check that and suggest an alternative way in hardy. this is the url05:41
manwalkerI was using my laptop ok... then i needed to restart. After I did that my connection stopped working. There were no connections avaible on nm-applet. After some research I found that my wlan0 went down! If I do lspci on terminal I can see my wireless chipset. If I do iwconfig I can't see wlan0!05:41
the_lost_onetr-ee: the script you pasted before is the complete one you use for that box?05:42
ubuntu__nobody's ever not been able to log in w/ their password after an update???05:42
ajhtiredwolf1venger k cool that worked05:42
tr-eethe_lost_one, yes.05:42
the_lost_onetr-ee: but commented rigth? i mean with #05:42
manishi have given you the url.  can you see it please05:42
tr-eethe_lost_one, yes05:42
the_lost_onetr-ee: ok05:42
tr-eethe_lost_one, i don't run it as a script, i have been copying and pasting those rules05:43
flourishto authenticate a valid user, i generate a userfile "UserFile" with htpasswd, what i want to ask is the minimum permission to read the file when login05:43
manishok am waiting for you : the_lost_connection05:43
flourishnow i give it 644 and owned by root:root05:43
complexityanyone know how i install x11-dev-stuff05:43
flourishadd, I use the file for authenticate of webalizer05:44
michaelwilliamcacan anyone help me figure out why my filesharing is NOT working at all05:44
WIGGMPkIs there an application I could use to "slipstream" my current installation of Ubuntu, say onto a DVD or something? My ultimate goal is an installable version of ubuntu that comes with all the current system/user settings, including all the installed applications, backgrounds, etc..???05:44
ubuntu__is there a way to uninstall ur last updates?05:44
ubuntu__or maybe go back to an older kernal?05:44
ubuntu__can't log in05:44
ITScottI have 5 hours of time to kill.  What's the best time-wasting game in the Ubuntu repos?05:44
liza0do you guys know of any download manager where you can control download speed05:44
kunwon1ITScott, nethack05:45
ITScottbeen there, done that :(05:45
anewsonITScott: warsow!05:45
flourishubuntu__:  I think you can use older kernel when choose in grub05:45
WIGGMPkITScott: worumx is fun and addictive05:45
complexityanyone know how i install x11-dev-stuff05:45
kunwon1ITScott, wesnoth05:45
Robb_M!ot | ITScott and others05:45
ubottuITScott and others: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:45
ZapppITScott WoW via wine its a complete waste of time lol05:45
Decepticonim installing ubuntu :D05:45
michaelwilliamcaany one any good with filesharing ??05:45
ubuntu__they don't seem to be any different. i don't know05:45
ubuntu__tried them05:45
manishtr-ee: u got something of how to do in in Hardy05:45
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
tr-eemanish, what do you mean?05:46
ITScottMy bad my bad...05:46
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..05:46
ajhtiredwolf1venger alright its done05:46
anewsonhey all for anyone interested in my (possibly) udev problem, please check out my post on launchpad: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850705:46
ubuntu__can u reinstall an older kernal?05:46
losherWIGGMPk: google "make your own ubuntu live cd"....05:46
ubuntu__or uninstall recent updates?05:46
SpudzHi all.  I'm recieving internet thru a wireless USB modem.  How can I broadcast a wifi network off my wireless card, so the other computers in my house can connect thru it?05:46
vengerajhtiredwolf1, where you at now05:46
ajhtiredwolf1venger sfhould i start the gdm using the same method?05:46
ajhtiredwolf1venger i ran the sh nvidia.....05:46
manishtr--ee: this is the URL for the thing i requested you...05:46
WIGGMPklosher: thats your answer? google it.. thanks chief, been there and wasnt satisfied with the results05:46
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..05:46
vengerajhtiredwolf1, ya if that was full sucessful and you told it to edit xorg at the end then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:46
tr-eemanish, what url?05:47
manishtheres a way in gutsy. can you check that and suggest an alternative way in hardy. this is the url05:47
manish[10:11] <manish> http://brib.wordpress.com/2007/10/18/howto-enable-tagging-in-ubuntu-gutsy-in-4-simple-steps/05:47
WIGGMPklosher: btw, I dont want a livecd, I want a slipstreamed installation with the alternative installer.. livecd is careless sometimes05:47
michaelwilliamcaanyone got any help to lend on file sharing ?05:47
ubuntu__no way i'm really this screwed... i just did a normal update, and now i can't log in (think the kernal was updated, too, by the way)05:47
ubuntu__nobody's heard of this problem?05:48
ajhtiredwolf1venger sighhh still nothing above 640x480 available to me05:48
losherWIGGMPk: I googled it first to make sure there was something. It looks like remastersys does what you want...05:48
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
tr-eemanish, i think you are talking to the wrong person. I am trying to get my http server visible to the internet05:48
Zapppco_cakepcaricew you do know 'hai' is japanese for yes dont you?05:48
vengerajhtiredwolf1, pastebin xorg.conf05:48
manishtr-ee: i want to add tags to my docs in hardy; Kubuntu. is it possible. van you check this url and see i fsomethign similar can be done in hardy also05:48
tukanglastaun 2008 masih ada to yang namanya sugi05:48
vengerajhtiredwolf1, /etc/X11/xorg.conf to be exact05:48
michaelwilliamcafile sharing help ??05:48
WIGGMPklosher: didnt see that one in the results.. ill check it out.. "hey check out remastersys" is a better answer then google it05:48
manishok seems there is some misunderstanding. sorry to bother bro05:48
=== BlinkyToon is now known as Don_Miguel
ajhtiredwolf1venger www.pastebin.com/m13befa0005:49
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..05:49
vengerajhtiredwolf1, empty05:49
ajhtiredwolf1venger woops change that www to http://05:49
complexityi get his error05:49
losherWIGGMPk: remastersys was the top entry, but not the only one...05:49
complexityChecking for XOpenDisplay(0) in C library X11... no05:49
complexitymissing x11-dev-stuff, install it.05:49
ubuntu__where's all this fancy technical support and whatnot??05:49
ubuntu__i just can't log in05:49
ubuntu__can't be that complicated05:49
WIGGMPklosher: sorry, i didnt mean to come off as and ass... thanks for your input05:50
vengerajhtiredwolf1, http://www.pastebin.com/m13befa00 is empty05:50
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with file sharing in Ubuntu 8.04 hardy... i have samba installed and still cant get it working with many tutoprials tried and still no results05:50
DorothyJeanhi. just wanted to know how to make windows boot regularly and how to make ubuntu my secondary os.05:50
ajhtiredwolf1venger without the www ;005:50
anewsonlol ubuntu__: you have nooo idea05:50
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with file sharing in Ubuntu 8.04 hardy... i have samba installed and still cant get it working with many tutoprials tried and still no results05:50
DorothyJeanI'm a new LINUX user.05:50
losherWIGGMPk: no problem. support is sometimes a frustrating business for all involved05:50
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with file sharing in Ubuntu 8.04 hardy... i have samba installed and still cant get it working with many tutoprials tried and still no results05:50
Spudzubuntu__: what do you get?  You get a login prompt?05:50
DorothyJeansupport please.05:50
Q_ContinuumOkay, this bug is getting annoying.  After my laptop's been on for 8+ hours, apps will hang on launch, and despite me killing the process, never launch again until I reboot.  Also, all the gnome bars (top and bottom) on the desktop are 'hung' as well.  Restarting X doesn't work, I have to drop to one of the other terminals to force a reboot.05:50
ajhtiredwolf1venger http://pastebin.com/m13befa0005:50
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with file sharing in Ubuntu 8.04 hardy... i have samba installed and still cant get it working with many tutoprials tried and still no results05:51
WIGGMPklosher: aye, i dread going to work everyday because i usually deal with less then ideal intelligences in people05:51
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..05:51
DorothyJeanwhy does it do what it does when I boot my  computer?05:51
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with file sharing in Ubuntu 8.04 hardy... i have samba installed and still cant get it working with many tutoprials tried and still no results05:51
WIGGMPklosher: who often get frustrated much like I did, when people ask questions instead of just deliver answers05:51
michaelwilliamcadorothy what is it doing ??05:51
losherWIGGMPk: if everyone was a genius, our salaries would go down...05:51
DorothyJeanIt gives me four options.05:51
WIGGMPklosher: haha good point05:51
WIGGMPklosher: thank the pharmacies for vicodin05:52
ajhtiredwolf1venger those vert and horiz values are wrong05:52
ubuntu__yes, i get the regular login promt (it's the one for kubuntu; i installed the packages for kubuntu on my ubuntu 8.04 install), but gnone is the default gui....05:52
DorothyJeanfour options... for ubuntu and two for windows... they both load but I'd like to just stick with two.05:52
ajhtiredwolf1venger that much i can see05:52
vengerajhtiredwolf1, right and i dont see why they'd be put in there anyway -- try my xorg05:52
losherWIGGMPk: i snort ambien myself, but each to their own...05:52
WIGGMPklosher: LMFAO05:53
vengerajhtiredwolf1, http://pastebin.com/dcaeb1d705:53
ajhtiredwolf1venger I knws what they ARE supposed to be, should i put them in manually?05:53
ubuntu__when i type the correct password, it flickers for a couple seconds like normal, but then goes back to the login screen w/ the blinking cursor (not the "login failed" or incorrect password" or whatever message)05:53
losherWIGGMPk: good luck with remastersys...05:53
anewsonhey all, sorry to be constantly plugging my problem, but this livecd is getting boring... it's a hardware detection/udev problem, available for your viewing pleasure here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850705:53
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with file sharing in Ubuntu 8.04 hardy... i have samba installed and still cant get it working with many tutoprials tried and still no results05:53
michaelwilliamcaany one have any help PLEASE PM me05:53
WIGGMPklosher: thanks, wish there was a frontend gui for it though05:53
vengerajhtiredwolf1, the driver is pretty smart at auto detecting things, i go with that first until it fails05:53
ajhtiredwolf1venger should i use the whole thing?05:53
ajhtiredwolf1venger or just parts?05:53
vengerajhtiredwolf1, ya use it it will rely on dpms to get data05:53
losherWIGGMPk: I've never used it myself, which is why I redirected you to google05:54
anewsonubuntu__: sounds like the X server is crashing, and it's restarting GDM.. could be a lot of reasons. take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:54
Spudzcan anyone prime me on the basics: how to make my ubuntubox share its interenet via wireless card?05:54
complexityanyone know what this means missing x11-dev-stuff, install it.05:54
anewsondid you try updating your video drivers last time you were on?05:54
SpudzI don't know where to start05:55
vengerajhtiredwolf1, you can dump Option "DynamicTwinView" "False" if you want i use that to make a wine app happy05:55
ubuntu__what should that tell me? if it's crashing?05:55
anewsonubuntu__: exactly, and hopefully why05:55
ajhtiredwolf1venger let me see if thi swroks first05:55
ajhtiredwolf1venger o kalright to just ctrl alt backspace?05:56
ajhtiredwolf1venger i just changed it to your xorg05:56
vengerajhtiredwolf1, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:56
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..05:56
complexityanyone know what this means missing x11-dev-stuff, install it.05:56
anewsonubuntu__: come to think of it, i'm not sure i'm on the right track... if GDM is booting, then your X server can't be that wanked05:57
ubuntu__what if it updated my video drivers, and that was it?05:57
anewsonyea i don't think it would just update those without asking, though i don't really know05:57
the_dudewhats the command line to search for the name of the app. like search firefox, and then it appears the name to install or remove, like fire3_005:57
ajhtiredwolf1venger sighhh still only one res for me to choose from05:57
anewsonalso like i said, if you see GDM, it can't be that messed up... maybe try another session? like xfce instead of gnome, or kde or something?05:57
vengerajhtiredwolf1, what panel is it?05:58
ubuntu__i can log in w/ the command prompt after pushing control + alt + f205:58
ajhtiredwolf1venger the one in preferences screen reoslution05:58
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..05:58
ajhtiredwolf1venger system preferences screen resolution05:58
ubuntu__and in the graphical mode, i can restart x server w/ ease05:58
vengerajhtiredwolf1, i'd stop using that setup, that is what's dumping those config options in there... did you do that again after you put in my conf?05:59
ajhtiredwolf1venger I just opened it05:59
vengeropened what05:59
benzssi just removed something accidentally from 'startup programs' in sessions and want to put it back, only i don't fully remember its name... it was something like 'gshare daemon'. does anyone know the full name?05:59
ubuntu__it does the same thing when i select kde / gnome  as the session type or whatever05:59
ajhtiredwolf1venger screen resolution in preferences05:59
ajhtiredwolf1venger whaht manager should i use?05:59
anewsonubuntu__: ok. did you check out that log?06:00
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the_dudewhats the command line to search for the name of the app. like search firefox, and then it appears the name to install or remove, like fire3_006:00
karab44Hi once again... I do not have an Transmission tray icon... somehow06:00
vengerajhtiredwolf1, don't worry about picking devices thats for presets, we dont want that here ... make sure my conf is at /etc/X11/xorg.conf and is clean of any new options06:00
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ubuntu__no. i'll have to reboot and reinstall this program again to get back w/ u after i check that out06:00
ubuntu__(i'm on the live cd)06:00
anewsonthe_dude: not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you could just do a 'locate'06:01
ajhtiredwolf1venger it looks to be yes06:01
vengerajhtiredwolf1, to next step is to pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:01
ubuntu__what if i uninstalled my video drivers?06:01
anewsonubuntu__: ok..which program?06:01
the_dudeanewson, yes its not for me, its for a guy at the forum, i told him that a few minutes ago06:01
the_dudeanewson, thx man!06:01
the_dudeanewson, i thinks thats the command :)06:01
anewsonthe_dude: cheers mate06:01
ubuntu__i'm saying i'll have to download and stall xchat again after i reboot when i read that... taking my time.06:02
the_dudeanewson, cheers!06:02
anewsonubuntu__: ahh wait06:02
the_dudeanewson, bye, and good night06:02
wartalkernetwork manager does not show the wireless netowrk, why?06:02
anewsonubuntu__: you should be able to mount your partitions from the livecd06:02
anewsonthe_dude: night dude06:02
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DorothyJeanI have vista and LInux Ubu on the computer and I want to know how to make the Vista the primary OS and the Ubu the secondary OS when it boots.06:02
histohrm. tab completion isn't working for me in terminal?  Like I can't tyep in sudo apti<tab> it won't complete. Anyone have an idea of how to fix it?06:02
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ajhtiredwolf1venger pastebin.com/m7516079f06:03
anewsonubuntu__: yeah. in a console, type "sudo fdisk -l"06:03
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karab44Ive just have fixed the problem thanks :))) (that was stupid)06:03
Dekkztercan anyone help me get lilo or grub working on my computer? when i isnatlled grub with the ubuntu installation on the live cd it only said grub on the whole screen when i rebooted it..06:03
anewsonwhen you see the partition that root is mounted on, do "mount -t auto /dev/(whatever) /mnt"06:04
DorothyJeanhow do you make the Vista OS the primary and the Ubu the secondary OS.06:04
anewsonreplace (whatever) with the root partition06:04
anewsonexample: /dev/sda106:04
ajhtiredwolf1DorothyJean do you mena in grub?06:04
vengerajhtiredwolf1, (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device DFP-0 --- what make model is the panel that you are using?06:04
lliw00when i enter the command over ssh "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload" i am returned with the error "Unknown option -t" any ideas?06:04
anewsonDorothyJean: you can edit menu.lst in /boot/grub06:04
ajhtiredwolf1venger the monitor?06:05
DorothyJeanum. I'm new to the linux stuff and i just installed it today.06:05
ubuntu__now what?06:05
vengerajhtiredwolf1, or crt if so be it06:05
DorothyJeanthey both work.06:05
vengerajhtiredwolf1, ya the monitor06:05
anewsonDorothyJean: you want it so that if you don't press any buttons when grub loads, it will boot windows instead of linux?06:05
ajhtiredwolf1DorothyJean Open up /boot/grub/menu.lst change the order of the operatings systemd in there06:05
DorothyJeanbut when it boots it give me a black screen with many options of which operating system to use.06:05
anewsonwhat ajh said :)06:05
ajhtiredwolf1venger It is a chimei cmv221d06:06
anewsonsorry to keep plugging my problem, all, but i really need a hand: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850706:06
ajhtiredwolf1DorothyJean type this sudo pico /boot/grub/menu.lst in a terminal06:06
DorothyJeanit tells me permission denied06:06
anewsonneed that 'sudo' in there06:07
DorothyJeanwhat next?06:07
ajhtiredwolf1venger i kno the vert and hor rates06:07
predator363hey ubuntu+1 is dead so can someone here help me. before i rebooted and tryed what he said someon in there told me sudo mv/etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf~ would solve my video problem but when i typed it in command it said no such file or directory so what should i do or what am i doing wrong?06:07
ajhtiredwolf1venger if that helps06:07
lliw00anyone know how to get ssh working on a different port otehr than 22?06:07
anewsonDorothyJean: there should be comments in the actual file06:07
ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 did you try changing the port in the sshconfig ?06:08
vengerajhtiredwolf1, with no edid you could end up having to list modes, modelines as well06:08
l1208i need upgrading from ubuntu 5.10 to 8.0406:08
anewsonDorothyJean: the comments should walk you though what to do06:08
ubuntu__it says only root can do that06:08
ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 or are people just not being able to connect to it on that port?06:08
ajhtiredwolf1DorothyJean the operating systems listed in theer are the ones that you can choose from, move the one you want as default to be  the first one listed in that file06:08
anewsonhey ubuntu__- talking to me? still trying to mount that root filesystem?06:08
wartalkernetwork manager does not have wireless network, why06:09
ajhtiredwolf1DorothyJean make sure that you make a backup of that file first06:09
DorothyJeanum... i 'm not sure.06:09
predator363hey ubuntu+1 is dead so can someone here help me. before i rebooted and tryed what he said someon in there told me sudo mv/etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf~ would solve my video problem but when i typed it in command it said no such file or directory so what should i do or what am i doing wrong?06:09
kunwon1predator363, mv is a command, needs a space after it, and I believe the directory is named X11 not x11, case matters06:09
anewsonubuntu__: you need to type "sudo" in front of the mount command06:09
predator363OH!! yea im so stupid i dident cap06:09
lliw00ajhtiredwolf1: i changed the port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and when i entered the command sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart, it said unknown option -t06:09
predator363gonna try again06:09
predator363so what is the exact command i should type so i make sure to get it right06:10
anewsondoes anyone know if i can run /sbin/hotplug to create some missing /dev/ entries? or am i barking up the wrong tree06:10
ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 try stop then start06:10
DorothyJeanhelp. how does it change the boot?06:10
lliw00ajhtiredwolf1, im doing this over ssh, so if i stop it, i cant restart it06:10
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ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 good point06:10
ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 I think i remember that happening to me too06:11
anewsonDorothyJean: find the part in the menu.lst file where all the different operating systems are listed, then move your windows one to the top, like ajh said06:11
ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 make sure that the file is syntatically correct06:11
EdUdERunning intrepid ibex and my screen goes black when i try to resize a movie anyone else expireincing this?06:11
vengerajhtiredwolf1, http://www.taet.com.au/mb.nsf/d6plinks/WEBB-79HERK06:11
HoNgOuRuhow can I install flashplugin with swiftfox and intel x86_64 ?06:11
lliw00ajhtiredwolf1, /etc/ssh/ssh_config, or /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:11
lliw00because as far as i can tell, both are correct06:12
ajhtiredwolf1lliw00 hang on oen sec, brb06:12
DorothyJeandid i mention that I have a partitan? I don't see the vista operating system.06:12
l1208is it possible to upgrande from 5.10 to 8.04 just by typing sudo aptitude upgrade06:12
DorothyJeanwhat's its code.06:12
kunwon1l1208, no06:13
l1208i need you help if you dont mind06:13
ajhtiredwolf1venger alrighty so put that line under screen in xorg.conf?06:13
tritium!upgrade | l120806:13
ubottul1208: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:13
kunwon1l1208, you'll have to upgrade to each individual release between 5.10 and 8.04, it will take many hours06:13
vengerajhtiredwolf1, no he basically resorted to a custom EDID bin file which doesn't seem to be available on that site06:13
kunwon1l1208, easier to reinstall if that's at all possible06:14
ubuntu__i says it's mounted. nothing happened though. just siad i'm out of disk space06:14
ajhtiredwolf1venger crap06:14
l1208but i dont have all the cds06:14
vengerajhtiredwolf1, that would be ideal, your other option is to use custom modelines or you may need to rollback before 169.12 on the drivers06:15
ajhtiredwolf1venger Let's try modelines how would I do that?06:15
kunwon1l1208, you're looking at about two to three hours per upgrade probably, and five of them to do I think.. it would probably be much less time consuming to download the cd images, burn them, and install them06:15
HoNgOuRuhow can I install flashplugin with swiftfox06:16
HoNgOuRuhow can I install flashplugin with swiftfox and intel x86_64 ?06:16
vengerajhtiredwolf1, search that panel make model + xorg.conf, look for those who have a solution, you dont want to reinvent the wheel on this, much time to be spent mucking with modelines06:16
aflackthe audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help?06:16
ubuntu__what do i do w/ my partition now that it's on /mnt???06:17
ajhtiredwolf1venger crap, so after all this time it is just the monitor?06:17
aflacklol ^ ^ ^06:17
vengerajhtiredwolf1, ya in conjuction with code changes since 169.12 i do believe06:17
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help? :)06:17
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ajhtiredwolf1venger how irritating, the monitor being one of the most pricey parts to replace heh06:18
anewsonhey all, my problem in a nutshell: although my hard drive shows up in lshw, it doesn't show up in /dev/. cfdisk also sees the partitions, but without the /dev/ entries, i can't mount them... how do i get /dev/ entries for them?06:18
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help? please :)06:18
ajhtiredwolf1vengerhmm i see a post saying that a guy just inserted the resolution manually into his xorg, how would i do that?06:19
ajhtiredwolf1venger unfortunately some times people forgot to say specifically what they did, instead of what worked06:19
anewsonajhtiredwolf1: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:19
ajhtiredwolf1anewson I know but i dont know how to insert custom resolutions06:20
anewsonright at the bottom where the other resolutions are, just add your own06:20
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help?06:20
histoAlright wierd problem with tab completion. I can use tab completion on the first command ex: sud<tab> would type in sudo but I can't do sudo apti<tab> it won't complete.  or screen irss<tab> etc....06:20
anewsonwith the refresh rates, etc06:20
anewsonand make sure it's on the top so it loads by default... however if the system doesn't think you can support that resolution, it will skip to the next one06:20
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help??06:21
l1208y is it when i type a command and i put my password in it tell me couldnt find package06:21
ajhtiredwolf1anewson there are nno resolutions in my xorg.conf or refresh rates06:21
aaron__hi, I'm trying to get wacom tablet working on my toshiba tecra M4, I've messed with fdi wacdump and others, it's on /dev/ttyS0 , /dev/input/wacom06:21
anewsonajhtiredwolf1: are you using hardy? think that's a hardy thing06:22
ajhtiredwolf1anewson yes I am06:22
SpudzIs this the right chan for a wireless networking question?06:22
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help? please help... =[06:22
anewsonajhtiredwolf1: can't help you any further.. sorry =/06:22
ajhtiredwolf1anewson s'ok06:23
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:23
raytruzif i have a script running on cron, how can i redirect it to a certain ssh session?06:23
raytruzredirect the output that is06:23
predator363ok i moved xorg.conf but i am still having the same problem as i was before. ubuntu boots up and displays a screen saying im running in low graphics mode and then pulls up and option box and wont let me past it06:23
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help???06:23
anewsonSpudz: i don't think there are any gurus on06:23
aaron__predator363: that happened to me before after I botched the xorg.conf config.06:23
jim_pwhat is that command that apt uses to grab packages from deb-src repos?06:23
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Spudzanewson: prolly too early in the morning for em ;p06:23
anewsonseems like it's nubs helping nubs at this point06:24
predator363aaron: what did you do to fix it?06:24
aflacknubs lmao?06:24
aflacknot to be mean but are you like 12?06:24
aaron__predator363: so, what you need to do (or what worked for me) is run the instructions in the xorg.conf file that say how to reconfigure it automatically...06:24
Spudzanewson: owell it is a good way to learn06:24
anewsonaflack: 11, actually06:24
l1208y is it when i type a command and i put my password in it tell me couldnt find package06:24
aflackwow no wonder06:24
predator363aaron: how do i do that?06:24
aaron__predator363: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:24
hiptobecubicanyone tried using any dj software in linux?06:25
predator363and what will that do?06:25
anewsonaflack: tbh i'm amazed you can do more than spam06:25
aaron__predator363: if you want to be reminded of how to do it: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the command is right up there ... This should work if you tweaked it yourself poorly.06:25
aaron__predator363: and it was working before...06:26
aflackanewson: i'm amazed you call that spamming, im asking a question and no one answers so i ask again. and im amazed people still use the word nub.06:26
kunwon1aaron_, he's on intrepid06:26
predator363i dident do any tweaking it did all this on a fresh install06:26
=== aaron__ is now known as MrDarkUser
aflack the audio coming from my speakers is staticy and echos while any sound tries to play through it, anyone help?06:27
anewsonaflack: right, but there comes a point when even an 11 year old knows when to shut up and stop spamming his question, and maybe wait a while06:27
MrDarkUserkunwon1: I am too... Intrepid kubuntu makes me happy for the most part but my wacom tablet doesn't work.06:27
anewsonno one knew 40 seconds ago, no one knows now, chill for a bit06:27
kunwon1aflack, when you ask the question often enough that it's on my screen three times, it's spamming :D06:27
predator363aaron: its a fresh install and it did this someone told me to remove xorg.conf and it would solve all my troubles but it dident change anything06:28
kunwon1MrDarkUser, fair enough :D06:28
aflackwell then bye i guess ill never be able to listen to music on ubuntu06:28
MrDarkUserpredator363: have you looked at your /var/log/ xorg stuff?06:28
predator363mrdarkuser: you wouldent beleave how new i am to linux06:29
predator363mrdarkuser: i have no idea what you just said06:29
anewsonanyway, on that note, anyone know anything about how /dev/ works and why my hard drive isn't showing up there, please check my q: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850706:29
cmykanewson: you need udev running, the disk driver loaded too.06:30
MrDarkUserpredator363: ... I can believe it.    in your file browser, go to /var/log and start looking at those files.06:30
jim_pwhat will this do        sudo apt-get source packagename             ?06:30
Lion-Oyou tell me ;)06:30
cmykjim_p: download source?06:31
Ayabaraare there any good p2p-clients for linux. I've used amule until now, but I hope there is something else out there :-)06:31
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cmykAyabara: aria2c I like.06:31
anewsoncmyk: ps aux tells me udev is running, and what driver would that be?06:31
MrDarkUserpredator363: ibex isn't for the brandnew, btw what kind of computer / display and video card?06:31
cmykanewson: lsmod | grep ata06:31
anewsonit's an IDE drive, but now they're all considered scsi right?06:31
predator363mrdarkuser: im in vista right now so i will need step by step instructions on how to possibly fix this so i can write them down lol06:31
cmykanewson: there should be one for your HW. For example, ata_piix for Intel PIIX chipsets.06:31
jim_pcmyk: thats what i want. it wont make / make install anything, right ?06:31
cmykjim_p: right06:31
MrDarkUserpredator363: get vmware and poke with it in there06:31
cmykjim_p: it grabs the dsc, .tar.gz and patches IIRC06:32
anewsoncmyk: hmm... there are a bunch loaded, not sure if the one i need is there. can i figure out which i need from lshw?06:32
MrDarkUserpredator363: you can also get cygwin from cygwin.com and play with linux type stuff06:32
jim_pcmyk: AND patches. omg! this is it!06:32
histoAlright wierd problem with tab completion. I can use tab completion on the first command ex: sud<tab> would type in sudo but I can't do sudo apti<tab> it won't complete.  or screen irss<tab> etc.... ?????06:32
predator363mrdarkuser: nvidia 8200m and laptop screen. also i tryed vmware and everything worked amazingly and i loved it but not in actual install06:32
cmykanewson: lshw I dunno, but from lspci it's usually clear06:32
Ayabaracmeme, which networks does that one connect to? I see it says http/ftp/bittorrent.06:32
blakHas anyone had success with ekiga 3.0 working on ubuntu?06:33
SuperTMI can't seem to be able to get the Ubuntu disk to load and bring up normal install.  I however, can install from within windows with Wubi, and use "Start installer with ACPI workarounds".  I do not see such an option for the normal installing of Ubuntu, would I need the alternative CD to do such?06:33
SuperTMWithout having to install within windows (Wubi) ?06:33
jim_pcmyk: i owe you big time06:33
neil_dI am using the command "fax2ps ... | lpr " to print faxes :-) but lpr is cutting of the the very bottom of the fax :-(  I have confirmed that the fax2ps is doing the right thing.   what can I do to fix this ?06:33
anewsoncmyk: it will show up in lspci? even though it's an ide drive? i don't see it in lspci06:33
jim_pSuperTM: what mobo are you on?06:33
SuperTMjim_p: whatever comes with Dell Inspiron 53006:34
blakI only have 2.0 available as latest in synaptics package manager, not 3.0 for ekiga... so i was wondering if 3.0 will work.. or how you could tell synaptics package manager to look for it and install it?06:34
MrDarkUserpredator363: ... I can't help you with the exact syntax because I don't know gnome06:34
jim_pSuperTM: linux kernel has ahci mode drivers ready inside06:34
jim_pSuperTM: can you do an lspci now?06:34
MrDarkUserpredator363: have you found a good tutorial site?06:34
SuperTMjim_p: I have no idea what you are talking about.  I am still within windows06:34
Decepticonhow do i check what hard drives are connected to my machine and how do i mount a newly inserted hdd to a /place/on/filesystem ?06:35
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predator363over the last week iv learned alot tho like 5 days ago thee was no way i could even get ubuntu installed06:35
jim_pblak: are you sure ekiga 3 is out? you may have to wait for 8.10 that has gnome 2.2406:35
anewsoncmyk: here's my lsmod|grep ata: http://pastebin.com/d16786a1906:35
SuperTMjim_p: I want to be able to install Ubuntu normally, and get rid of windows.  However that's the only possible way I have seen to get inside of the Ubuntu disk or installer.06:35
jim_pSuperTM: cant you boot from the bootable disk?06:35
SuperTMjim_p: Is though Wubi , and the "Start installer with ACPI workarounds"06:35
SuperTMjim_p: no06:35
blakjim_p: there is an ekiga 3.0 but synaptics package manager for ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron does not show there is a latest version of 3.006:36
jim_psuper_absorbant: why?06:36
cmykanewson: pata_amd06:36
SuperTMjim_p: I do not see the same option on the bootable disk to "start with ACPI work arounds"06:36
SuperTMjim_p: As with Wubi06:36
cmykanewson: there should be something like "IDE controller: AMD ..." in lspci output06:36
Spudzanewson: I'm n00b, but if it helps:  When Linux detects plugged-in-h/w, it looks thru /etc/udev/rules.d06:36
DekkzterI need help with grub/lilo.. when i boot my computer ut only says GRUB on the entire screen.... anyone able to help me please?06:36
Decepticonhow do i check what hard drives are connected to my machine and how do i mount a newly inserted hdd to a /place/on/filesystem ?06:36
anewsoncmyk: no, but there's an IDE nvidia ATA controller06:37
SuperTMjim_p: just for the record this happens with all versions of Ubuntu06:37
cmykanewson: ah ok06:37
jim_pSuperTM: noacpi i think. (i messed up acpi and ahci !!!)06:37
Spudzanewson: so if someone said u havea udev prob, they mean that there is no code in that folder that mounts the hdd when it's detected06:37
cmykanewson: sata_nv is likely taking care of that already (some sata modules implicitly do pata too, it's not always obvious)06:37
predator363ahh screw it im gonna just forget ubuntu and go back to vista im so tired of things not working......vista actualy runs great for me so ...06:37
cmykata_piix for example does both sata/pata06:37
jim_pSuperTM: you put it in the line of custom boot options06:37
DekkzterI need help with grub/lilo.. when i boot my computer ut only says GRUB on the entire screen.... anyone able to help me please?06:37
SuperTMjim_p: OK, so I need to select the "other options" and add noacpi ?06:37
fortesi have a problem on screen resolution, can someone help me?06:38
cmykanewson: there once was a tool called udevmonitor, but it's kinda gone in the newest releases. maybe you have it?06:38
SuperTMjim_p: to the little line06:38
kunwon1predator363, try hardy, it's a stable release, unlike the current version of intrepid06:38
anewsoncmyk: no, unfortunately06:38
blakjim_p: you have any idea on that last thing i said?06:38
jim_pSuperTM: yes. i dont have a live cd handy yo put in vbox06:38
predator363hardy will not even install it is not in anyway compatable with my video or wireless card06:38
anewsoncmyk: think i should try and find and get it?06:38
SuperTMjim_p: do I need to do it like -noapi, or any special things?06:38
jim_pblak: if ekiga3 is part of gnome 2.24, you have to wait for 8.1006:38
Dekkzterja bryr mig inte om de är lilo eller grub... bara ja kan välja windows eller ubuntu så e ja nöjd06:39
DekkzterI need help with grub/lilo.. when i boot my computer ut only says GRUB on the entire screen.... anyone able to help me please?06:39
blakjim_p: oh ok, thanks06:39
predator363i got hardy running after a while but could not make it detect wireless networks or run the proper display drivers06:39
jim_pSuperTM: no. and no dashes. in case this does not work, try acpi=off06:39
SpudzDekkzter: look at /boot/grub/menu.lst (thats an ell not a one)06:39
SuperTMjim_p: I suppose I shall reboot and try?06:40
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cmykanewson: does sda show up after running udevtrigger?06:40
predator363i guss atleast it booted at all is a good start06:40
jim_pSuperTM: yes06:40
predator363i'll just go back to windows and try intrepid when its a full release06:40
DekkzterSpudz: well.. i cant boot in to mu ubuntu installation... i am on the live cd now06:40
anewsoncmyk: can't find udev moniter06:40
predator363now to go fix my mbr and destroy my linux partition06:40
Spudzanewson: My guess would be: First try to mount the hdd manually.  then when u have that sussed, fiddle with udev06:40
cmykpredator363: vista beta2 was not ready either :)06:41
anewsonhow can i mount it without a /dev/ entry?06:41
Sa[i]nTpredator363: I would'nt lose hope in the failure of Intrepid -beta-.06:41
cmykanewson: create the dev entry manually... for the time being06:41
cmykcmyk: will only last until reboot though06:41
predator363im not losing hope im just hoping the final release will work06:41
anewsonah yea but don't i need the UUID for that?06:41
cmykpredator363: other distros also work - right now :)06:41
histoFigured it out no .bashrc file06:41
cmykanewson: no?06:41
predator363ill get it in about a month when its been out a while and all the kinks are worked out06:41
anewsoncmyk: lol k, how?06:42
cmykanewson: the uuid is something that's, ahem, stored on sda2. You can't get there without sda2 :p06:42
Spudzpredator363: Suggest u dualboot linux n vista06:42
cmykmknod /dev/sdb2 b 8 $[16+2]06:42
cmykI think...06:42
predator363i cant get any other distros to work on my pc tho hardy is the only one that worked and i could never get my vid or wifi fully operational06:42
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anewsonyea that's what i thought.. nevermind i was confusing making symlinks with what you're talking about06:42
anewsonthanks, i'll check out the man page06:43
predator363and i am duel booting vista and ubuntu06:43
cmykb 8 1806:43
cmykwell 16+2 is 18 :d06:43
wartalkernetwork manager does not have the wireless network, i post the log, but i do not know why?06:43
wartalker NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_dbus_get_networks_cb(): error received: org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks - There are no wireless networks stored..06:43
jim_pwartalker: disable the network manager06:44
jim_pbecause it is responsible for a lot of inconveniences like yours06:44
wartalkerjim_p: i have to use it?06:45
ToipilasWhat is good WHM?06:45
anewsoncmyk: mount: /dev/sdb2 is not a valid block device06:45
rogan_will adobe air run on wine?06:45
anewsonthat's to you too Spudz06:45
predator363i geuss ill put 8,04 back on since it at least worked and i start learning more06:45
historogan_: check wine's appdb06:45
jim_pwartalker: do you use some wep key yo connect to your wireless network?06:45
cmykanewson: hm, cat /proc/partitions?06:45
rogan_histo: ty06:46
anewsonsda, sdb, sdb106:46
cmykso don't try to use sdb2 :p06:46
anewsonbut there's 4 partitions on sda, i can see them in cfdisk06:46
wartalkerjim_p: yesterday, i have used wireless network, but now is wired.06:46
cmykanewson: if they're not in /proc/partitions, it's not a udv issue06:46
anewsonthought i did sda06:46
omfgitsasharkhey can anybody help me... i am trying to install fluxbuntu on my older laptop... i mounted the standard pc iso... but when i hit install it get this "your cpu does not support long mode. Use a 32bit distibution"06:46
cmykanewson: maybe you forgot to reload the partition table?06:46
anewsonoh no? so what is it =/06:46
anewsoncmyk: reload the partition table? in cfdisk?06:47
jim_pwartalker: let me think of a network manager alternative06:47
cmykwell usually my fdisk (not cfdisk) automatically does it... but you can also trigger it on the shell06:47
anewsoncmyk: nah i know they're there06:47
cmykwell the kernel thinks otherwise06:47
anewsoncmyk: i could mount them fine using 7.1006:47
jim_pwartalker: do you see the wireless network when you double click the networks icon on the tray?06:47
enzotibomfgitsashark, are you using a 64bit distro?06:48
cmykanewson: is any of sda or sdb mounted right now?06:48
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tengulreanybody here from china?06:48
wartalkerjim_p: my problem is that, it has not the wireless network06:48
anewsoncmyk: yeah, i mounted sdb106:48
anewsoncmyk: it's NTFS, it mounts fine... just none of the sda partitions show up06:48
anewsonbut they do in lshw06:48
omfgitsasharki just went back and looked i accidently downloaded the amd64 instead of the i38606:48
omfgitsasharknext time i need to red the link a little better06:49
cmykanewson: blockdev --rereadpt /dev/sda06:49
cmyktry that06:49
wartalkerjim_p: only have wired network, iwlist wlan0 scanning can find the wireless AP06:49
twfxfnxfnfwhat's the command that changes the "last modified" data of a file to a specified date06:49
omfgitsasharktalk about a waste of a c06:49
enzotibtwfxfnxfnf, touch06:49
* twfxfnxfnf thought it was "finger" for a minute :(06:49
anewsonwoa hang on... all the sda1-4 just showed up in dev... let me see if they mount06:49
jim_p_busywhat happened?06:50
cmykjim_p_busy: someone set you up the bomb06:50
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anewsoncmyk: weird... they all show up, but they don't mount - "not a block device"06:50
jim_pcmyk: lol. shall i call the isp now?06:50
cmykjim_p: hehe06:51
cmykanewson: odd!06:51
jim_pdoes anybody know a nice gui for configuring wireless?06:51
anewsoncmyk: i think the blockdev worked06:51
jim_pwartalker: do you see the wireless network when you double click the networks icon on the tray?06:51
neil_dI have a pdf, can I get lpr to scale the pdf to fit on the page ?06:51
anewsoncmyk: you're a mad genius, it worked06:51
iNutshelljim_p: what about wicd ?06:52
jim_piNutshell: let me look it up06:52
wartalkerjim_p:only have the wired network, and i am sure my wireless is OK.06:52
jim_piNutshell: perfect. does it need network manager too?06:52
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cmykanewson: had you perhaps partitioned it just before?06:53
cHiOscan anyone explain how is it possible that X messes up my netconnection?06:53
iNutshelljim_p: i don't know :P06:53
anewsoncmyk: no, it hasn't been partitioned in a while06:53
anewsoncmyk: so how/why would this be stopping me from booting?06:53
wartalkerim_p:my log:06:54
wartalkerNetworkManager: <info>  Updating allowed wireless network lists.06:54
wartalkerNetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_dbus_get_networks_cb(): error received: org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks - There are no wireless networks stored..06:54
wartalkerNetworkManager: <info>  User request to disable wireless.06:54
FloodBot2wartalker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:54
cmykanewson: did it?06:54
anewsoncmyk: yes, i can't boot into hardy06:54
wartalkerFloodBot2:i am sorry06:54
anewsoncmyk: and i think it's the same problem.... it doesn't read my hard drive correctly06:54
cmykanewson: well where does it fail06:54
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jim_pwartalker: did you disable network manager altogether? have a look here for wicd http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php06:54
anewsoncmyk: says some stuff about scsi drives.... i'm looking through the logs on the partition i just mounted06:55
cmykanewson: if it does not boot, what are you on right now?06:55
anewsoncmyk: hardy livecd06:55
jim_piNutshell: dude that app seems awesome!06:55
cmykwut, and hardy livecd works neither? lol :p06:55
wartalkerjim_p: thanks, i have tried it, it works. i only want to repair the network manager.06:55
anewsonnah livecd works fine06:56
[ipc]-michaelanyone messing with goog widgets?06:56
anewsonit just doesn't read /dev/sda on the first go... i think that's the same problem that's stopping me from booting06:56
jim_pwartalker: network manager is a piece of crap software. seriously, remove it and dont rely on it06:56
wartalkerjim_p: thanks, OK.06:57
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jim_pwartalker: a friend of mine connected ONCE to another wireless network, other than his home one, and ever since network manager was trying to connect there!! he removed network manager 2 days later06:57
wartalkerjim_p: i am installing the wicd now.06:58
jim_pwartalker: ok06:59
wartalkerjim_p: thanks.06:59
anewsoncmyk: strange... nothing is logged to the log files since i installed hardy, nothing from my attempts to boot07:00
anewsoncmyk: actually i guess that makes sense, because it can't mount the hd07:00
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Spudzjim_p, wartalker: I need to create a wireless network to distribute internet to other pcs in the house... Any chance you guys could help me get started?07:02
tonyyarussojim_p: Your friend realizes that he could just remove the other network from his list, right?07:02
Spudz(or anyone else...)07:02
jim_ptonyyarusso: the network was not on the list :p07:03
tyberion_hm, guys, whats easiest way to install Java Virtual Machine to ubuntu?07:03
anewsonsorry spudz, no wireless networking know-how07:03
tyberion_e.g. what package?07:03
ziroday!java > anewson07:03
ubottuanewson, please see my private message07:03
anewsonnot me ziroday07:03
tyberion_!java > tyler_d07:03
ubottutyler_d, please see my private message07:03
wartalkerSpudz: sorry, i am new to wireless.07:03
tyberion_!java > tyberion_07:03
ubottutyberion_, please see my private message07:03
zirodayanewson: oh woops, sorry07:03
anewsonlol np07:03
deftoneI have a dual boot system with vista and fedora 9...wanna blow away fedora and install kubuntu. what's the safest way to do that?07:04
jim_pSpudz: do the other pcs use static ips?07:04
anewsondeftone: pop in the kubuntu CD07:05
deftoneanewson: that's all?07:05
T-Hawkis there a max limit for the GID when creating a group? have a vista box connected over NFS, and it seems to access with the user and group no: 429496729407:05
zirodaydeftone: run the kubuntu livecd and just overwrite the partitions where you have fedora installed. Also kubuntu questions should be in #kubuntu :)07:05
cmykubottu:no way07:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about no way07:05
alexanderchey could someone open gconf and tell me what the type is for /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins ?07:05
anewsondeftone: yea you just want to format fedora right? just go through the regular install of kubuntu, you'll be given a chance to format your fedora partition07:05
alexandercI am kind of terminal jockeying this here and I don't want to fuck it up - I just need to disable a compiz plugin from the terminal07:06
alexandercoh sorry about the language07:06
zirodayalexanderc: the type is list07:06
Spudzjim_p: They are macbooks.  So I guess they can be configured to use static ips or dhcp...(?)07:07
zirodayalexanderc: you can also ask in #compiz-fusion for more compiz help07:07
jim_pSpudz: yes. so you need to make the pc act as a wireless router?07:07
dekushrubi tried to plug in an external hard drive and i was told it could not be mounted because it needed to be safely removed in windows, anyone know anything about this07:07
zirodaydekushrub: yes you need to mount if with the -o force option, it should tell you about that in the error message07:08
Spudzjim_p: Yes!  How do I start?07:08
tyberion_hum ziroday Ive got teh sun-java6-jre installed still If I try to insatll a certain application it tells  me I need to install the JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE... hm..07:08
dekushrubziroday, how do i do that?07:08
zirodaydekushrub: if you read the error message it will give you the command you need, unfortunatly I can't remember it07:09
Decepticontheres no way for my pc to live a normal ubuntu life if i use a unsupported card like nvidia geforce 5200 or 5500?07:09
jim_pSpudz: look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc07:09
zirodaytyberion_: what application?07:09
zirodayDecepticon: what do you mean by "normal life"?07:10
tyberion_ziroday: some tool I need for college, www.verifun.org :<07:10
alexandercphew so glad that worked07:11
tyberion_java -server -version also gives me that java se runtime environment 1.6.0_07 is installeed07:11
alexandercman never turn on the reflect plugin with the reflect windows option07:11
zirodaytyberion_: ah, I recommend you send an email to the developers reporting your issue07:11
tyberion_ziroday:  ok :(07:14
Decepticonziroday, will the desktop that i eventually put on the pc with such a videocard, will it be different from that of a pc with a videocard thats supported straight out of the box07:14
iNutshellhookman: english here07:14
ziroday!zh | hookman07:14
ubottuhookman: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:14
Decepticonwo shi zhongguo ren07:14
anewsoncmyk: still around? any idea how i can get hardy to see my sda when i boot?07:15
Indoctrine!ch | hookman07:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch07:15
IndoctrineStupid bot07:15
iNutshellDecepticon: me too07:15
DecepticoniNutshell not really, thats all the chinese i remember how to say07:15
Decepticonkinda heard to learn that language.07:15
zirodayDecepticon: you will need to download restricted drivers, a wizard will guide you through that procedure. There are opensource nvidia drivers which also support those cards07:16
ziroday!nvidia | Decepticon this is the procedure to install the drivers07:16
ubottuDecepticon this is the procedure to install the drivers: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:16
iNutshellDecepticon: :)07:16
anewsoncmyk: it's something to do with the partition table right? hardy got installed on an old partition table? how do i 'refresh' it?07:16
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Decepticonziroday well okay, so ill have to do this via ssh, but once i do install the correct drivers, will the desktop that appears, will it be much different from a desktop that wouldve resulted from a install with a supported video card07:18
Decepticonand out of the box07:18
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Decepticonis there any first time hardware recognizing or configuring done on the first appearance of the desktop? by gnome or otherwise?07:19
hansoffatehi, i got a problem with apache2.  I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error when trying to access a newly made cgi-bin folder (just trying out some perl cgi).    Anyone got any ideas?07:19
hansoffatebtw, i made a forum thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95320607:19
william56hey, i've got an "ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia" sound card, and it worked immediately after a fresh install, but the sound is barely above a whisper with my media player and system's volume controls maxed out07:20
zirodayDecepticon: it would be the same. and yes there is a little balloon pops up informing you that you need to install drivers07:20
kingsofleonlong time since i used apache but edit httpd.conf07:20
kingsofleonand setup permissions in there07:20
Decepticonziroday, and that wouldve happen with either my situation or a straight out of the box supported videocard07:20
william56anyone know anything that might help me?07:20
kingsofleonati isn't that good with ubuntu man07:20
zirodayDecepticon: the popup only appears if there is restricted drivers needed07:21
deathdotcomhey can anybody tell me how to get the view where i can see the cube not just rotate it07:21
zirodaymc_art: please stop.07:21
hansoffatekingsofleon: thanks for the help.  i'll check it out.07:21
MHz128Can anyone recommend any fun multiplayer games that anren't very graphics intensive?07:21
IndoctrineMHz128: FPS?07:22
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mc_artwww.dot frenster07:22
Decepticonziroday, how do i see the desktop so that this popup can come up and inform me to install drivers seeing that i have a unsupported video card07:22
MHz128Indoctrine, anything, as long as it will play with onboard video07:22
Decepticondo i switch to vesa in some xorg.config07:22
zirodayMHz128: strategy game, or shooting game?07:22
MHz128ziroday, either! i only have a Celeron 2ghz 512mb ram07:22
IndoctrineMHz128: I play UrbanTerror occasionally on onboard graphics (laptop)07:23
zirodayDecepticon: no, you can take a look at the wizard, its in System > Administrator > Hardware Drivers07:23
Decepticoni dont have a gui ziroday07:23
kingsofleondoes anyone here use virtualbox?07:23
Decepticonim trying to get a gui07:23
MHz128Indoctrine, cool, is there a buntu package for UrbanTerror?07:23
zirodayDecepticon: so you are trying to get a gui, and your card is?07:23
Irreducibilis_MHz128: Quake III Arena07:23
kingsofleonyou can play quake 3 arena on linux??07:23
Irreducibilis_I am pretty sure it runs in wine07:24
IndoctrineMHz128: No, their site gives info on adding the program to your repos though07:24
roganmc_art: stop with the links07:24
rliregister rli07:24
MHz128Indoctrine, cool ill check it out07:24
Decepticonziroday yes im tryin to get a gui, my videocard is geforce fx 5200 via svideo07:25
Indoctrine!games | MHz12807:25
ubottuMHz128: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:25
Decepticonim looking at the console via my tv via svideo out on the fx 520007:25
Decepticonziroday ^^07:25
zirodayDecepticon: did you follow the instructions I have you?07:25
ziroday!nvidia | Decepticon07:26
ubottuDecepticon: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:26
deathdotcom_does anyone know how to get the cube out away from the screen so you can see the skydome mine just rotates up close and its kinda annoying07:26
Decepticonziroday, that guide assumes i have a gui07:26
Decepticon"The easiest way to install binary drivers is to use the built in Hardware Drivers manager in Ubuntu. In Hardy and newer, this is found under System->Administration->Hardware Drivers. In older supported versions (Feisty and Gutsy) it is called Restricted Driver Manager and is found at System->Administration->Restricted Driver Manager. "07:26
Decepticoni dont have no gui to go to the Hardware Drivers manger07:27
zirodaydeathdotcom_: you can edit the zoom setting in the cube settings area07:27
kingsofleondeception.... are you at a command prompt trying to configure xorg to recognize your fx5200 card?07:27
deathdotcom_where is the cube settings area07:27
rliwhere i can get some help on mutt in emacs?07:27
ziroday!ccsm | deathdotcom_07:28
ubottudeathdotcom_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion07:28
Azhi_Dahakahmm... I want this process to be killed in 4 hours, is there a way to do from the cli?07:28
kingsofleondeception.... have you tried 'dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'?07:28
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: at 11.30 killall firefox07:29
bastid_raZorDecepticon; http://pastebin.com/ff745021    .. i have the same card and i use svideo .. check my xorg out. it should help07:29
Decepticonkingsofleon ill try it07:29
Decepticonbastid_raZor, do you use your tv as a monitor?07:29
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: i am not sure about the 100% correct of the syntax07:29
tyberion_Please define INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME to point to a suitable JVM.07:29
tyberion_You can also try to delete the JVM cache file /home/syntax/.install4j07:29
bastid_raZorDecepticon; yes07:29
Decepticoni have no internal graphics so all i have is this fx 5200 and a tv07:29
Decepticonbastid_raZor cool thanks, ill try it out07:29
tyberion_hm how do  I do this..? to find out where my JVM is located?07:29
Azhi_Dahakaare you sure, jim_p?07:33
Azhi_Dahakathe man page doesn't seem to help a lot07:33
hateballHmm, is the PPA for Openoffice 3 supposed to be working? Because for me it doesnt seem to be07:33
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: i am not sure about the syntax:(07:34
Decepticonkingsofleon typing 'dpkg -reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' gives a error: dpkg: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--removee)07:34
Decepticonkingsofleon is that the correct command?07:34
Decepticondpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg07:34
kingsofleonah sorry yeah no space :)07:34
Decepticonthats how?07:34
Kartagishas anyone tried wakeonlan lately and verified that it's actually working? because it's not working for me07:35
goldiei just download flash player 10 which is in a tar.gz how do i install it07:35
traxxKartagis: works for me07:35
Decepticonhow do i restart X07:36
kuthuxDecepticon: ctrl+alt+backspace07:36
Azhi_DahakaCtrl+Alt+BackSpace, I think07:36
histoDecepticon: that or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:36
Kartagis!configure | goldie07:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about configure07:36
Decepticoni dont have the gui working p\roperly07:36
Decepticonso i need to restart it via console07:36
Decepticonthanks histo07:36
kuthuxDecepticon: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:37
Kartagisgoldie, ./configure make make install07:37
kuthuxDecepticon: that was restarting gnome desktop manager07:37
histogoldie: extract it and read the instructions07:37
histogoldie: basically you can put the .so file in your firefox plugins directory.07:37
kuthuxDecepticon: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart07:38
Kartagistraxx, I first thought it could be because of network and isolated it, tried it and it didn't work07:38
bullgard4What does the abbreviation 'ABI' stand for in the name of the directory /usr7share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.24/Documentation/ABI/  and /boot/abi-2.6.24-16-generic?07:39
traxxKartagis: how are you using it?07:39
Azhi_Dahakai'm too stupid for that command07:39
Azhi_Dahakaany other alternatives to kill a task on a given time?07:39
Kartagistraxx, wakeonlan -i ip macaddress07:40
traxxKartagis: ``ip'' meaning what?07:40
histoAzhi_Dahaka: sleep  then a kill would work.  What are you trying to do exactly07:40
traxxKartagis: -i should have the broadcast as argument07:40
Kartagistraxx, IP address of the PC07:40
Azhi_Dahakakill a task at 3AM07:40
histoAzhi_Dahaka: you should use cron then07:41
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm07:41
Azhi_Dahakaonly once07:41
traxxKartagis: try '-i <broadcast>' instead07:41
histoAzhi_Dahaka: yeap cron can do that.07:41
kuthuxAzhi_Dahaka: use at or cron07:41
kingsofleonyeah use cfon07:41
histoAzhi_Dahaka: check out the message from ubottu07:41
scuserhi all, how can I disable simple bind in openldap ?07:42
Kartagistraxx, man wakeonlan says Destination IP address. Unless you have static ARP tables you should use some kind of broadcast address I have it fixed07:42
Azhi_Dahakai want something that only uses the cli... tried the man page of at but i didn't get it07:42
goldieok thanks guys got flash to work07:42
Azhi_Dahakaand google... well,try googling at :D07:42
Azhi_Dahakakinda hard, actually07:42
Decepticonbastid_raZor how did you install the nvidia driver and get aeveryhing to work?07:42
kuthuxAzhi_Dahaka: crontab -e07:42
traxxKartagis: i always use the broadcast address and it works with that07:42
histoAzhi_Dahaka: just read the howto from ubottu its pretty simple.07:43
kingsofleondeception >  i take it that didn't work then07:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about at07:43
histo!cron > Azhi_Dahaka07:43
ubottuAzhi_Dahaka, please see my private message07:43
umarzukiis there such thing as inttab in ubuntu because i couldn't find any07:43
umarzukior something that does the same as inittab?07:43
william56anyone know a method of increasing volume in ubuntu, aside from the system's volume window, and the volume control on whatever's making the sound?07:44
Decepticonkingsofleon nope07:44
Kartagistraxx, let me try that07:44
traxxwilliam56: alsamixer07:44
william56already got that maxed out07:44
histoumarzuki: rc.d07:44
Decepticonkingsofleon i did that command, it said something about autoconfig, and then i restarted gdm and im still seeing a black screen so i stopped gdm07:44
kingsofleonwhat did you do beforehand in terms of installing drivers?07:44
Decepticonkingsofleon i did that command about dpkg-reconfigure, it said something about autoconfig, and then i restarted gdm and im still seeing a black screen so i stopped gdm07:45
Decepticoni have done nothing07:45
Decepticonive just installed ubuntu07:45
kingsofleonyou need to install nvidea drivers first then do that command07:45
kingsofleon1) choose which drivers to install07:45
kingsofleon2) install the drivers07:45
kingsofleon3) do the command I gave you07:45
traxxwilliam56: does muting it in alsamixer have any effect at all?07:45
histoumarzuki: update-rc.d to be more specific. Check out the man pages for it.07:45
kingsofleon4) reboot07:45
william56traxx: yes07:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:46
Kartagistraxx, I tried with broadcast IP too07:47
traxxwilliam56: i thought maybe your app might be using pulse instead07:50
traxxKartagis: did that help?07:50
Kartagistraxx, no :( in my previous installation it used to work (gentoo),07:51
Azhi_Dahakaawesome, thanks07:51
SekyourboxMy firefox is fubar, the back and forward button doesnt work, and the navigation bar stays on the first page typed in...07:51
traxxKartagis: so it's an ubuntu box that's not waking up or not doing the wake up?07:51
Sekyourboxuninstall and re-install firefox?07:52
Kartagistraxx, exactly. i will now install gentoo in a vmware environment and try again07:52
Laurencebhi, how can I convert an eps to png?07:54
Rav2hey gyus, I have som eprocess called mount.ntfs taking up a like 10-20% processor power all the time, what is this?07:54
Laurenceband control the size without interpolation07:54
Rav2Laurenceb: gimp?07:55
Laurencebyeah anything command line?07:55
LaurencebI want to do it from a script07:55
karab44_non important question is intrepid wallpaper a Mars surface ?07:55
jim_pLaurenceb: imagemacik07:55
LaurencebI used convert07:55
Laurencebyeah convert is from there07:55
Laurencebbut its interpolating07:55
Laurencebeps is vector right?07:56
Pitel_laptopshuld be07:56
Laurencebso I should be able to blow it up a bit without interpolating07:56
Laurencebcan I do it with convert  ?07:56
Laurencebok nvm07:58
Laurencebanother question, my keyboard has gone to us07:58
Laurencebbut its a UK one, how do I fix it?07:58
Sekyourboxhwo do I use the Synaptic package manager to uninstall?07:58
boumawhats the best way to collect device names before editing fstab ??07:59
boumasudo fdisk -l ?07:59
Indoctrinebouma: If it's just hard drives, it probably is.07:59
Frogzoobouma: for x in a b c d e ; do sudo fstab -l $x ; done08:00
boumahey ive either found a bug in Xorg or im pwnd :P08:00
Frogzoobouma: for x in a b c d e ; do sudo fstab -l /dev/$x ; done08:00
kingsofleonsek > select the check box next to teh software and selet uninstall08:00
lifebughello all! how can i activate changes, made under the grub recovery mode, so that my default kernel will use it? i use hardy08:00
boumaXorg is using 85% still .. my music is even skipping a little bit.. this is a E6750 something is not right08:01
kingsofleonlifebug you need to explain more!08:01
Frogzoobouma: grrrr... finally: for x in a b c d e ; do sudo fstab -l /dev/sd$x ; done08:01
jim_pbouma: fdisk -l && ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/08:01
Frogzoobouma: for x in a b c d e ; do sudo fdisk -l /dev/sd$x ; done08:01
Frogzoobeen a long day...08:01
lifebugkingsofleon. i set the wrong screen-resolution in the startup-manager, so my default kernel stayed black after booting.08:03
nnulli have an odd issue with a panel, when i select properties and try to change its orientation, once ive selected anything but bottom, it automatically changes itself back to bottom, this also happens if i try change it in gconf... why would this happen?08:04
boumajim_p: should i be using UUID in fstab ?08:05
boumajim_p: the last time i edited fstab it was hda .. not sda08:05
jim_pbouma: no. avoid it at all costs. however, do use it if you swap disks in and out a lot08:06
Laurencebso, I go to keyboard options and select uk, but it makes no difference08:06
Laurencebits still usa08:06
boumajim_p: where does the name that i will see in gnome come from, ie the disk label ?08:06
boumajim_p: or the dir08:06
Laurencebany ideas?08:06
jim_pbouma: the "enumeration" of the drives from hdx to sdx changed some kernels ago08:06
haxguillaume_ has quit (Client Quit)08:07
jim_pbouma: the mountpoint? in fstab08:07
boumajim_p: right. i just asked about the gnome name. in computer:///08:07
jim_pbouma: can i show you a pic of mine and you tell me what you mean ok?08:08
boumajim_p: i mean the name you see when running nautilus. and navigative to computer:///08:08
boumajim_p: navigating08:08
jim_pbouma: see mine http://i38.tinypic.com/2hn8jk6.png08:09
lifebughow can i activate options made under the recovery mode for my default grub boot-kernel?08:09
jim_pbouma: like where it says the /mnt/windows (58.6GB)?08:09
boumajim_p: yeah08:10
Laurencebcan anyone help me with my keyboard issue?08:10
Isilionhi. i think someone is trying to get access to my computer. how can i know it for sure?08:10
LaurencebI go to keyboard options and select uk, but it makes no difference08:10
Laurencebits still usa layout08:10
Laurencebany idea?08:10
jim_pbouma: this is the name of the mountpoints in fstab. i have named them myself08:10
lifebugwrong screen resolution let my default boot option stay black-screened ...08:10
jim_pLaurenceb: well, it still writes english right??08:11
nnulli have an odd issue with a panel, when i select properties and try to change its orientation, once ive selected anything but bottom, it automatically changes itself back to bottom, this also happens if i try change it in gconf... what would cause this happen?08:11
boumajim_p: the last one just has a name no full path08:11
Laurencebyes, but the key layout is wrong08:11
Laurencebi.e. \ is #08:11
Laurenceband " is @08:11
jim_pbouma: the last one is the / filesystem08:11
Laurenceb~ is |08:11
jim_pLaurenceb: well change your locales08:12
Isilionhelp plz08:12
boumajim_p: fair enough. what should i use for type field in fstab.. ext3 ?? and ntfs.3g ?08:12
LaurencebI tried that08:12
SpudzI am having a truly horrible experience creating a wireless network between an ubuntu box, a mac and an XP08:12
Spudzjust thought I'd share that08:12
cryingtuxi wanna know which ubuntu repo will get me casper and ubiquity. packages? i need them on my debian system08:12
jim_pIsilion: can you see activity at some port?08:12
Laurencebkeyboard preferences right?08:12
Laurencebit doesnt seem to be working08:12
LaurencebI set it to uk and it makes no difference08:12
jim_pbouma: for which partition?08:12
Isilionhow do i check it JiBEsH08:13
Isilionhow do i check it jim_p08:13
boumajim_p: im adding about 4 entried to fstab a couple of ntfs parts, and some ext3 ones08:13
Laurencebsystem-preferences-keyboard  ?08:13
jim_pIsilion: if you dont see activity at some port, but activiry on the network, it may be someone jist pinging your pc. it may even be the update manager scanning for updates08:14
jim_pbouma: can i pm you mine?08:14
boumajim_p:  sure08:14
jim_pbouma: its /dev/sda only with ntfs and ext308:14
NallepI'm looking for a simple mail server, doesn't have to be a full fledged server, just something to send cronjob messages and such to another account, any suggestions?08:15
Isilionjim_p how do i check ports activity?08:17
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall08:17
histoIsilion: netstat08:17
histoIsilion: try netstat -ta08:17
nnulli have an odd issue with a panel, when i select properties and try to change its orientation, once ive selected anything but bottom, it automatically changes itself back to bottom, this also happens if i try change it in gconf... what would cause this to happen?08:18
jim_pnnull: i had a same situation with the top panel some time ago. i think its a bug08:19
jim_pnnull: killall gnome-panel will do it08:19
nnullahh k jim_p .. :x08:20
nnullwill do what08:20
nnullgive me no panels? :D08:20
ubuntuPrimeHiya ppls08:20
ubuntuPrimeJust booting the Live CD here08:20
ubuntuPrimeworks nicely08:20
ubuntuPrimehow do I add a server to xchat?08:20
nnull#xchat read the topic of that channel and it tells you everything to know about xchat08:22
nnullubuntuPrime¬ ^08:22
ubuntuPrimenot seeing where to add a new server08:23
histoubuntuPrime: I think he meant the faq link. www.xchat.com/faq08:24
KartagisubuntuPrime, CTRL+S08:26
SpudzI'm creating a wireless network.  I want a mac and a xpbox to use it.  I've clicked on the network icon -> Create New wireless network.  It crreates it.  both other puters can see it. but neither can get a webpage.  and both report (different) ip's of 169.254.x.x08:28
Spudzwhat's going on?  Do i need to run some sort of dhcp server on my ubuntubox?08:29
brez_hello, quick question: in the terminal it connects as brett@host, when I ssh to a shell it auto pops brett@shellhost, the username I want to connect with needs to be different08:32
brez_hope I made sense ;P08:32
jim_pbrez_: you dont want to use your name on the other pc to login?08:34
brez_eg: my shell username is brez08:34
brez_needs to be brez because there's another user with "brett@shellhost" so it wont accept my pw :P08:34
jim_pbrez_: why dont you just ssh hostmane and let it propmt you for username and pass08:36
brez_that's what I'm doing :P08:36
umarzukibrez, perhaps that's the default user?08:36
brez_when I use putty on win it prompts me for username08:37
umarzukitry ssh brez@pc-IP08:37
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brez_on ubuntu it doesnt08:37
umarzukiyeah because ssh needs you to supply the exact one08:38
umarzukior else it'll log in as root user if i'm not mistaken08:38
brez_seems as though I need to 'edit' my account name for it to be able to work :)08:38
brez_any way not to get it to root08:39
MTecknologyBetween a USB cord of 1ft to 8ft - how much am I going to lose on transfer speed??08:40
Jaffarkelshaci am using reaplayer 10 to play rmvb files but its annoying me, i cant get sound whenever firefox is opened, i have to close firefox and then restart playing to get sound08:44
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karab44Damn newest anjuta made me suprised!08:45
karab44no scintrilla editor, no svn ?!08:45
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php08:46
idefixany webcam knowhow here?08:46
idefixmy webcam image looks like this since I installed the latest version of Ubuntu: http://members.home.nl/v.vanbruchem/pictures/webcam-1224488659.png08:46
DIFH-icerootidefix: just ask your question08:46
jim_pJaffarkelshac: use mplayer if possible and dump realplayer. and use pulseaudio08:47
idefixDIFH-iceroot, what's wrong with my cam?08:47
solid_liqidefix: ouch08:47
jim_pidefix: how does it appear in lsusb?08:47
idefixsolid_liq is my cam broken, it worked fine before my ubuntu upgrade08:47
PeoplesAdvocatei need help vsftpd08:47
PeoplesAdvocatei need help with vsftpd08:47
solid_liqidefix: looks like a v4l or driver issue, probably how the driver talks to v4l, or maybe the wrong driver08:48
getyamindrit/msg ubottu08:48
getyamindritwow that worked great08:48
idefixjim_p http://pastebin.ca/123163008:48
jim_pPeoplesAdvocate: say qour question08:48
jim_pidefix: let me investigate :P08:49
PeoplesAdvocateJim_p: My question is, how can i set it up to where i can connect to it in sftp mode. And also how do i add users?08:50
PeoplesAdvocateim new to this08:50
Jaffarkelshacjim_p: that works, but it does not go to full screen, it remains at the same res08:50
jim_pJaffarkelshac: do you use the right drivers for your card?     cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver08:51
getyamindritAnyone here have any experience getting the onboard sound to work in 8.04 on an asus p5q-em (realtek alc1200)08:51
idefixall people here are techies08:51
jim_pJaffarkelshac: other than the drivers, you need the right video output08:51
giusefHi all. Connecting with my Huawei E220 hsdpa modem it seems that the download speed is limited to 60 kB/s but under Windows the speed is 250 kB/s. Using a cell phone the speed is limited too. Does anyone know why?08:51
jim_pgetyamindrit: does it appear in lspci?08:51
Jaffarkelshacam using nvidia jim_p08:52
idefixjim_p any luck on the lsusb?08:52
jim_pJaffarkelshac: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver08:52
jim_pidefix: some sites only, no particular solution08:52
getyamindritjim_p I'm not seeing it08:52
idefixjim_p, what do you mean 'some sites'?08:53
jim_pidefix: i googled for a solution since its not on the wiki08:53
jim_pgetyamindrit: :O lspci | grep Audio08:53
idefixyou just entered the pastebin in the query-field?08:53
brez_umarzuki: figure it out $ shh -l brez server.com08:53
jim_pidefix: no lol. i entered "046d:0840 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express"08:54
jim_pidefix: can you install cheese?08:54
getyamindrit00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller That's a loopback type interface for the hdmi output which I have disabled08:54
idefixwhat is cheese?08:54
halyconI am trying to run a program called Shrinking Man Diet Tracker and I am getting the following error message: ImportError: No module named utils.iso860108:55
ubuntuPrimeMe likey this Ubuntu a lot08:55
julianHi, I recently upgraded to 8.10 64 bit.  I am having a problem with my syslog. It has grown so big that whenever I try to open it, it crashes my system.  I tried sudo cat /dev/null > /var/log/syslog but am having the same problem. It there a another way for me to delete the syslog.08:55
jim_pgetyamindrit: THAT is audio on some intel P45 mobo which is not supported by the current ubuntu jernel08:55
ubuntuPrimeworks really nice right off the Live CD even08:55
umarzukibrez_: thanks for the info. Simply $ ssh brez@server-IP won't do?08:55
idefixjim_p cheese?08:55
getyamindrityeah it's not on this board howeer08:55
getyamindritit has alc1200 onboard I can look at the chip and see it :-/08:56
mongolaiidefix:  cheese is a program for using the webcam08:56
brezno, it said unknown host ;)08:56
jim_pgetyamindrit: for full support of the P45 chipset, you need at least kernel 2.6.25. ubuntu 8.04 is on 2.6.2408:56
idefixlike Camorama Webcam viewer08:56
idefixmonoglai ^08:56
idefixmongolai ^08:56
jim_pidefix: cheese is an app in synaptic08:56
mongolaiidefix:  don't know, never used Camorama08:56
getyamindritI was under the impression this is the lastest version?08:56
idefixjim_p mongolai well, it's quite certain my cam doesn't work because of the new ubuntu instal08:57
getyamindritI've never recompiled a kernel tbh it sounds scary08:57
PeoplesAdvocateDoes anyone know how to connect to a vsftpd server through SFTP protocol08:57
halyconcheese never works for my webcam either08:57
jim_pgetyamindrit: sorry mate :( you can use 8.10 beta or some other live cd distro on 2.6.25+ to verify it works08:57
idefixjim_p mongolai since it stopped giving a nice picture after it08:57
halyconit worked in other programs tho08:57
PoopinClumpincan anyone recommend an IR receiver for an ubuntu HTPC. I want to be able to turn the pc on/off with a universal remote08:57
idefixare you a sheep?08:57
jim_pgetyamindrit: it is hard to compile a kernel. just sit there and wait for 8.10. it has 2.6.2708:57
getyamindritit's weird my speakers beep very faintly when I backspace too much08:58
idefixjim_p mongolai it just looks like there is some signal processing error08:58
jim_pgetyamindrit: i dont know why :P08:58
getyamindritit's not the onboard speaker lol08:58
PoopinClumpingetyamindrit: i bet your bios beep is set to off but the soundcard is picking up line noise from the bus08:59
getyamindritmeh I'll install the beta ver then I guess08:59
idefixjim_p will installing cheese change the way the webcam signal is processed?08:59
getyamindritthanks for your help jim_p08:59
getyamindritPoopinClumpin:  that's probably the case08:59
jim_pidefix: probably yes08:59
halyconI am trying to run a program called Shrinking Man Diet Tracker and I am getting the following error message: ImportError: No module named utils.iso8601 does anyone know what I could do to fix it? I looked on the website of the program and there is no info on it09:00
jim_pgetyamindrit: you are welcome09:00
idefixjim_p how quaint!09:00
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd09:01
idefixhow are you so sure jim_p?09:01
jim_pidefix: for cheese? i am not. you dont miss something to try09:01
idefixyou're not sure09:01
getyamindritI'm not seeing the beta release available for download?09:01
jim_pgetyamindrit: ask in ubuntu+109:01
idefixit just seems weird, what in ubuntu is the acces port of hardware signal processing?09:01
idefixcan you change things as IRQs and the whole rataplan in ubuntu?09:02
idefixjim_p I get a TV test image in cheese09:02
julianhi..anyone can help me delete my overgrown syslog.  when I try to open it, keeps crashing my system.09:03
idefixdo I need to buy a new webcam?09:03
jim_pidefix: do you get image from the camera09:03
idefixwell the weird image I sent you09:03
jim_pidefix: no. it may be some module missing but since the gentoo wiki that tells all in detail is out, i cant find the module09:04
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idefixhow long do we have to wait jim_p?09:04
jim_pidefix: dunno. it has been like so all weekend09:05
jim_pidefix: is there a quickam module loaded?09:06
idefixjim_p it just looks like some sawtooth signal is wrongly interpreted09:06
jim_pidefix: lsmod | grep quick09:06
idefixi have camorama and cheese now09:06
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jim_pidefix: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191770&page=1509:07
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idefixjim_p still installing drivers outside synaptic hardly ever works on my PC, actually never09:08
jim_pidefix: so it is!09:08
tusharhi all09:08
idefixwhat is so it is?09:09
idefixthe pastebin, what did you conclude?09:09
jim_pidefix: that the proper module IS loaded. but the camera scrambles output09:10
tusharam a bit confused as am a novice with this OS09:10
idefixare modules like processes running in your CPU which request interrupts?09:10
tv7497guys where do i find java installed in my file system i meant in which directory ?09:11
jim_pidefix: module == driver09:11
Frogzooidefix: you mean driver modules? then yes09:11
koshariidefix modules are basically subroutines.09:12
tusharI was using windows formerly now have just installed ubuntu09:12
nnulltushar¬ how long did you use windows for09:12
tusharand getting a very peculier problem with mozilla09:12
jim_ptushar: let me guess... crashes on flash sites?09:12
tusharfor a very long time09:12
Frogzootv7497: dpkg -L sun-java5-bin09:13
tusharnope i have taken a screen shot09:13
PeoplesAdvocateIs a computer with 800MHz CPU, 256mb RAM adequate to run a server for SSH to use as a Internet proxy from home?09:13
tusharof this problem with mozilla09:13
FrogzooPeoplesAdvocate: sure09:13
tv7497well i was installing jcreator using wine anyone can tell me where is java installed in the system i used sudo apt to install jdk 609:13
nnulltushar¬ what im trying to say is, you didn't know everything about windows as soon as you sat down to use it, takes time to learn the different aspects of a different OS, how much time depends on you alone09:13
idefixjim_p anyhow, how do we fix the scramble? it seems a bit coincidental that my cam breaks down at the exact same moment as my new ubuntu installation09:13
koshariPeoplesAdvocate i would imagine it would be fine without a gui09:13
_rubenPeoplesAdvocate: i've run similar setups on much less powerfull hardware09:14
PeoplesAdvocateyeah thats what im plannin09:14
jim_pidefix: i think its a broken module on the new kernel09:14
nnullall these ppl using wine to code in java makes me sick! >:x09:14
tusharrite nnull09:15
koshariPeoplesAdvocate people use xboxes for such tasks and they are closely specced to yhe hardware you are suggesting09:15
PeoplesAdvocateI thnk i am going to do that09:15
tv7497nnull: i just bought java for dummies which uses jcreator09:15
jim_pidefix: now what?09:15
nnulltv7497¬ jcreator is some kind of windows java GUi program or?09:15
* domi235 used BlueJ at school09:16
tv7497nnull: exactly :(09:16
idefixwhat happens with a new installation? I had a small error while upgrading: http://pastebin.ca/123164409:16
tusharok my problem is the internet connection is messed up on my pc or something is not proper;y installed in mozilla09:16
nnulltv7497¬ well if you need to use the program to start off fair enough, but keep in mind java's main strength is that is doesnt really on the OS, it can run on pretty much anything.09:16
idefixthe thing is, in the status screen of the installation I wanted to copy some text but I accidentally sent an interrupt signal (ctrl-C) could that be the problem?09:17
idefixjim_p ^ ?09:17
kosharitv7497 you may want to check out netbeans for a java dev app09:17
jim_pidefix: that is nothing with the cam. it just stopped iptables (firewall app) violently09:17
tusharcan someone have a look and tell me as to why mozilla is goin in a blackout mode every time i connect to the internet09:17
idefixwhat problems could that cause?09:17
tusharwuld b very thankful09:18
jim_pidefix: were the rest of the packages done with installing?09:18
tv7497nnull: where will be java installed generally i couldnt find it in my /bin or /home koshari well i would certainly sir i am just taking my first step with a little dummies book :d09:18
idefixdo I need to reinstall my firewall for safety?09:18
nnullmy flash full screen no longer works, really annoying :< just maxamises for a second and then goes back09:18
idefixi think so yes09:18
jim_pidefix: you updated today?09:18
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:18
idefixno a week or two ago09:18
nnulltv7497¬ depends, /etc/? just use search from / for java09:19
jim_pidefix: can you update normally since, or do you get errors?09:19
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jim_pidefix: do a         sudo apt-get -f install09:19
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nnulland tv7497 ##java might come in helpful09:20
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tv7497nnull: ok sir :)09:20
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idefixwhat happens when a program stops responding, is there then a problem with the IRQ?09:21
jim_pidefix: welll... you screwed the update! can you      sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a        ?09:21
PeoplesAdvocateOk so the specs are good to run the SSH, but if it is a FUJITSU netbook laptop P1120 model, I can consume less power with it than my main computer. It does not have a fan to cool it. Do ya still recommend it or will it get too hot and burn my house down?09:21
jim_pPeoplesAdvocate: lmao. put a fire extingusher next to it for safety reasons09:22
nnulljim_p¬ ive got a USB extingusher for that very reason.. lawl09:22
jim_pnnull: lmao09:23
brez_I have mine running on my laptop09:23
idefixwhat does it reconfigure? what is apache?09:23
brez_it's been up for a good 30 days, lol09:23
whatvnhi, everyone! I write a simple script called script.sh, how can I use crontab to run it every 30 minunutes?09:23
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idefixis apache a web server!? you mean I can put stuff on my local harddisk and get a url to point to it?09:24
jim_pidefix: yes. but why do you need it?09:24
idefixmy PC asked me if it should be run at startup09:24
jim_psay no09:24
idefixwhat's so funny?09:24
idefixwhy? what if I want to share stuff with my friends?09:25
koshariwhatvn you will need a cron entry,09:25
jim_pidefix: how did you get apache installed if you dont lnow its purpose?09:25
idefixI realize the potential of ubuntu, yet i am a beginner09:25
jim_pidefix: thats another story, use ftp09:25
instyHi~ Just installed Ubuntu and having issues with getting the network to start, any suggestions? Also, coming from Fedora :P09:25
idefixcan people just ftp my PC?09:26
jim_pidefix: you need apache if you are about to make a site09:26
PeoplesAdvocateuse vsftp. THANKS to jim_p i can learn to configure it better09:26
jim_pidefix: yes09:26
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idefixI always thought my only acces to internet was the harddisk of my internet provider09:26
idefixto offer stuff, you know09:26
jcal87oh my09:26
idefixI have a site09:26
jim_pidefix: use ftp. far better for file sharing09:26
whatvn@koshari: I want that script run after every 30 minutes, I wrote a cronjob like :15 1 * * * /usr/local/sbin/script.sh? is it ok?09:26
idefixI have a fancy CSS site09:27
jim_pwith this and that, i forgot about dpkg-reconfigure09:27
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.09:27
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:27
unitedpotsmokershi, can i install a wine and playonlinux both on my ubuntu?09:27
koshariwhatvn i use gnome-schedule to add my crontabs,09:27
idefixwhat's the windows analog of dpkg?09:27
PeoplesAdvocateok so since we are talking about ftp, apache and ssh stuff, can someone explain to me what MYSQL is?09:27
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whatvn@koshari: where is it on my ubuntu?:(09:27
jim_pidefix: double click installation09:28
idefixso i say no to apache09:28
idefixdoes apache consume much resources?09:28
koshariyou would need to install it, but i found it makes the cron syntax easier, sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule and run gnome-schedule09:29
jim_pPeoplesAdvocate: mysql is a form of database along with the tools needed to make it and manipulate it09:29
bentob0xthere was an error while doing the fsck on a HD, in the /var/log/fsck/ folder there are two files: checkfs and checkroot, none of them have the report, where can I find it?09:29
jim_pidefix: nope09:29
=== unitedSmotPokers is now known as idefix_is_a_kook
PeoplesAdvocateok so where does it come in play with AMAROK?09:29
jim_pwhat is that stupid command that we issue every time apt fails? dpkg-reconfigure ... ?09:29
jim_pPeoplesAdvocate: amarok uses a database to store its songs and categorise them09:30
whatvn@koshari: please help me, i cant find it:(09:30
idefixhow many dates with different women should you have per week if you're still single?09:30
PeoplesAdvocateohhh, ok, I guess i will learn how to set one of those up then. LOL09:30
jim_pPeoplesAdvocate: like windows media player does. this is the main reason i dislike amarok. the other one is kde!09:30
idefix_is_a_kookcan bushy beaver be upgraded to hoary hedgehog?09:30
idefixoh sorry, that was ratter off-topic09:31
jim_pidefix: 1-209:31
koshariwhatvn you will need to install it can you cut and paste this in a terminal, sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule09:31
boumajim_p: hey. im still trying to figure out how to set the nautilus visible names09:31
whatvn@koshari:is there an way to do a cron job using only terminal?09:31
cagnazzoanyone know if theres a particular reason why scrollkeeper update is using 100% of my cpu?09:32
PeoplesAdvocateI LOVE UBUNTU, I came into about a year already and Ive learned so much, especially the terminal!!!09:32
jim_pbouma: where did you get stuck?09:32
boumajim_p: is it drive lables part of the partition table ?09:32
idefixthe reconfig is done kim_p09:32
boumajim_p: or something on the disk? do i use fdisk to set the labels ?09:32
jim_pboubbin: like sdx ?09:32
mediocre-ninjahello everybody,09:33
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idefix_is_a_kookhello mediocre-ninja09:33
jim_pidefix: does update work now?09:33
cagnazzomy laptop must be like 80degrees C09:33
mediocre-ninjahow could I get a "unaffiliated" hostname in IRC ?09:33
boumaunder fdisk it lists 'b edit bsd disklabel'09:33
ikoniamediocre-ninja join #freenode and ask for help with a cloak09:33
=== idefix_is_a_kook is now known as toastyLaptopDude
fcrickcan i set up ubuntu so windows machines can just address it by the hostname?09:34
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ikoniafcrick you need a name service such as dns, or put an entry in the hosts file on the WINDOWS machine09:34
jim_pidefix: dpkg --configure -a09:34
koshariwhatvn the way you are doing it should be fine, it looks to me that your cron job 15 1 * * * will run the app only in the first hour at 15 minutes, i think you want 15 * * * *09:34
toastyLaptopDudei have to go09:35
toastyLaptopDudesee you all later09:35
fcrickikonia: ahh i didn't select dns server on install - how do i install that now (installation just finished)09:35
koshariwhatvn however i dont think you can run at 15 minute intervals continuousely09:35
boumajim_p: perhaps the disklabel varies for different partition types ?09:35
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jim_pbouma: thats what i was about to say :P09:35
insty`Hi~ Just installed Ubuntu and having issues with getting the network to start/work, any suggestions?09:35
boumajim_p: ok so there is e2label ?09:35
ikoniafcrick put the name servers in the resolv.conf file, or even better, open the networking application from the system -> administration window and enter them there09:35
jim_pinsty: wired / wireless?09:36
jim_pbouma: dunno09:36
boumajim_p: should i use e2label for my ext3 partitions ?09:36
boumajim_p: i dont get paths like you do in nautilus09:36
whatvn@koshari:so if I want to run this script every 2 hours? what should I add to cron job?09:36
tv7497is there a way to find where my java is installed ?09:36
cagnazzoanyone got any ideas as to why scrollkeeper update is eating resources and as to its importance?09:36
insty`Worked fine on Fedora, Kubuntu and Opensuse :<09:36
jim_pbouma: name them normally like /mnt/windows09:36
boumajim_p: just imprecise names like media, media2, New Volume09:36
fcrickikonia: the name servers?  i just have a hardware router on cable09:37
idefixis ~ this a hyphen?09:37
boumajim_p: these names are unrelated to the mount points09:37
jim_pbouma: thjen its some automation mechanism that kicks in09:37
fcrickwhy can't it just do what windows does and just work09:37
whatvn@Koshari: I add 120 * * * * , i get error :|09:37
jim_pbouma: some gnome one i thing09:37
idefixdpkg: status database area is locked by another process09:37
idefixjim_p ^09:37
ikoniawhatvn thats not a valid cron entry09:37
idefixjim-p it works now I quit synaptic09:38
idefixjim_p it works now I quit synaptic09:38
whatvnIkonia:cron can't run a script every 2 hours?09:38
jim_pidefix: do you have synaptic or aptitude or apt running?09:38
jim_pok sorry09:38
ikoniawhatvn yes, but your entry of 120 * * * * is not valid09:38
sauvinWhat was the "120" part supposed to be?09:39
idefixthis comman " sudo apt-get -f install " it installs a package with no name, what is the -f argument for?09:39
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koshariwhatvn IMO you cannot have 120, the minute field has to be between i and 5909:39
koshari1 and 5909:39
ikoniasauvin he meant 120 minutes09:39
fcrickisn't there just something i can type that will make it work?  like, so it does whatever windows does to make name resolution work on a local network?09:39
jcookeIs there a fix for when flash causes alsa to eat it and firefox crashes, and won't reload.09:39
sauvinFeh, just do a * 2 * * *09:39
idefixjim_p I cannot see in the manual09:39
whatvnIkonia:if I want this script run after every 2 hours?09:39
jim_pidefix: it forces installation of half installed packages in case you broke the installation procedure in half09:39
ikoniasauvin: that won't work either, that will only run at 2 oclock09:39
jim_pidefix: its in !apt09:40
idefix0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:40
koshari* 2 * * * is every minute between 2.00 and 2.5909:40
bhindihy i install ettercap through packet manager its download and install but now where i can found this program for run09:40
ikoniawhatvn: * 00,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * *09:40
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PeoplesAdvocatein terminal09:40
sauvinGrr. I'll bet you're right, and I shouldn't have keyed up like that. I tend to look at the man page on those rare occasions I have to do a cron.09:40
PeoplesAdvocatesudo ettercap09:40
bhindihow PeoplesAdvocate09:41
jim_pidefix: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:41
koshariwhatvn afaik you can have every 2 hours, howevet you could have multiple entrys of the same job to cover it if they dont clash09:41
bhindihy i install ettercap through packet manager its download and install but now where i can found this program for run09:41
idefixjim_p can I just concatenate those commands09:41
jim_pconcatenate = ?09:41
ikoniakoshari: one job will do09:41
whatvniknonia:i think i understand what you say ^^09:41
jim_ppaste them at a terminal09:41
ikoniawhatvn: good09:41
YaskinAnyone here that can help me out, im trying to install  8.04 on a mac,09:41
jim_pidefix: paste them at the terminal09:41
bhindiany body help me09:41
idefix0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:42
koshariikonia i wasnt aware you can use commas09:42
jcookeikonia, that'll run every minute of those hours09:42
ikoniabhindi what is the issue09:42
whatvnthank you, Iknonia and Koshari ! have a good day!09:42
bhindihy i install ettercap through packet manager its download and install but now where i can found this program for run09:42
idefixconcatenate is put behind each other09:42
jim_pbhindi: open a terminal and type ettercrap09:42
sauvinAnyhow, I have a Q. I've installed bandwidthd, but it doesn't launch automatically when I start the computer. I have to do a sudo /etc/init.d/bandwidthd start manually. Where do you suppose I should put this line so it starts when the computer doesS?09:42
idefixthe && command is like sort of piping the second command to the first, no?09:43
ikoniakxjono it won't "minutes, hours, days, months, day of week09:43
bhindisir thats message appear09:43
Yaskinanyone here that can help with mac and ubuntu?09:43
ikoniajcooke the format is minutes hours days of month, month day of week, so that will run ever 2 hours as I sigguested09:43
jcookeikonia, it would be 0 for minutes09:43
jim_pidefix: the && states that once the 1st command is done with no errors, proceed to the 2nd and so on09:43
=== Doc|Pizza is now known as Indoctrine
bhindisir ikonia09:43
jcookeor else it'll run every 60 times in those hours09:43
idefixis there also something for running the second command if the first doesn't work?09:44
ikoniajcooke ah so 0 instead of * for the minutes, yes09:44
jcookeikonia, right09:44
ikoniajcooke: typo09:44
jim_pidefix: ||09:44
jim_pi think09:44
ikoniabhindi: what ?09:44
idefix0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:44
bhindisorry sir09:44
AdvoWorkwhats the best way to print to pdf from the latest firefox? is there a program I can download, that actually keeps formatting etc09:44
* jim_p scratches head09:44
bhindii found jim_p sir09:44
jim_pbhindi: what was it?09:45
idefixyes it is jim_p09:45
bhindii said to ikonia09:45
jcookeAdvoWork, is the default PDF printer not formatting right?09:45
bhindihe said 2 me wat u want09:45
jim_pbhindi: ok then09:45
Slack_how do i unzip a zip with unzip and have the files extracted in the same dir as the zip file09:45
bhindioks thanxs09:45
jim_pyou are welcome09:45
idefixhow were we solving the webcam problem?09:46
jim_pSlack_: right click > extract!09:46
AdvoWorkjcooke in firefox I can go print > print to file (so i can choose location) then select pdf, then select location(it keeps forgetting settings??) but it just seems long winded, any suggestions?09:46
bhindiand plz tell me how i can use this ettercap software09:46
PeoplesAdvocateuse wireshark09:46
jim_pidefix: what is your              uname -r          now09:46
PeoplesAdvocateits better to my opion09:46
RichEdhi ajsa09:47
zaggynlits maintained09:47
zaggynlcan't say the same of ettercap09:47
ajsaRichEd, ping09:47
jcookeAdvoWork, you should be able to add a PDF printer in the printer setup under System09:47
zaggynlAnyone knows of an alternative to cain & abel for linux?09:47
jcookeAdvoWork, I can't recall if it's available by default, but assuming cups is installed it should be09:47
AdvoWorkjcooke do they remember the formatting etc though?09:47
PeoplesAdvocatebhindi: install wireshark09:47
sauvinIn /etc/rc5.d, there are files named K[0-9][0-9]* and others named S[0-9][0-9]*. What is the diff between the K* and S* files?09:48
whatvn@bhindi: tcpdump do it good!09:48
jcookeAdvoWork, it depends, if the webpage has styles for printing, it'll print in that format09:48
bhindiis that fit 4 me r like ettercap soft09:48
PeoplesAdvocateand when you run it do it in the terminal (sudo wireshark) it shoud bring up gui of program09:48
AdvoWorkjcooke yeah it has09:48
jcookeAdvoWork, I've never tried to ignore the print styles set, but I'm sure there's a way, worst case you could use firebug to disable print styles09:48
jim_pidefix: :O what ubuntu version are you on ? 7.04?09:49
jcookeAdvoWork, or save the page then edit out the stylesheet that's set for print media09:49
AdvoWorkjcooke ive added a pdf printer, but i cant see where i can set the options for location?(this is with cups pdf so it seems)09:50
PeoplesAdvocateanyone here use Aircrack-ng?09:50
jcookeAdvoWork, unfortunately my firefox crashed and I haven't resolved being able to fix it without rebooting yet09:50
jim_pidefix: i have to leave in like 10 minutes!09:50
AdvoWorkjcooke ahh ok, the thing is, it pdfs ok, but i dunno where it saves to lol09:51
jim_pPeoplesAdvocate: you are going to make us illegal :P have a look in youtube for a vid09:51
jcookeAdvoWork, ~/PDF09:51
AdvoWorkyeah, found it. can i change that location though?09:51
PeoplesAdvocatei know how to use it i was just wondering if anyone else here has?09:51
xB4hi all09:51
jcookeAdvoWork, careful also because printing from the same site/page, but a different output, will overwrite the last one printed from the same location09:52
jcookeAdvoWork, not sure, let me check09:52
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:53
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jcookeAdvoWork, edit /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf09:53
jcookeAdvoWork, probably have to restart cups after that09:54
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sauvinAnyhow, I have a Q. I've installed bandwidthd, but it doesn't launch automatically when I start the computer. I have to do a sudo /etc/init.d/bandwidthd start manually. Where do you suppose I should put this line so it starts when the computer doesS?09:55
insty`Hi~ Just installed Ubuntu and having issues with getting the network (wired) to start/work, any suggestions?09:55
Ziggyzxxylanyone here know how to use acidrip dvd ripper?09:55
ActionParsnip!startup > sauvin09:55
ubottusauvin, please see my private message09:55
sauvinActionParsnip: thanks!09:55
PeoplesAdvocateis it connected to a ehternet cable?09:55
insty`Haven't had problems with Kubuntu or Fedora with this.09:56
ActionParsnipZiggyzxxyl: isnt that a windows application?09:56
Ziggyzxxylmore specifically.. how do I set Acidrip to rip all the video files on a DVD rather than one at a time?09:56
ZiggyzxxylAcidrip is a linux version in the repos09:56
ActionParsnipinsty`: run lspci to see what hardware it uses09:56
ActionParsnipZiggyzxxyl: ok cool09:56
ActionParsnipZiggyzxxyl: tried man pages?09:57
ZiggyzxxylActionParsnip: nope ;)09:57
giusefWhere can I get Ubuntu 8.10?09:57
wizkoderhy everybody09:57
ZiggyzxxylI'm way too lazy.09:57
strAlanwhat is character-based telnet?09:57
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idefixsorry I was gone for a sec jim_p09:57
wartalkernetwork manager does not show the wireless net, why?09:58
ActionParsnipstrAlan: its a console connection to a server running a telent server, all keypresses are unencrypted09:58
wizkodercan anybody recommend me a good network backup solution? we have 3 servers here that need to be backupped without shutdown.09:58
wolfeySIhello i have intel PRO/Wireless 5100 and ubuntu 8.10 beta09:58
wolfeySIWPA personal works09:58
insty`ActionParsnip,  Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI express gigabit ethernet controller09:58
wolfeySIenterprise doesnt09:58
strAlanActionParsnip, is it any different than just regular telenet ?09:58
wolfeySIany solution?09:58
ikonia!ibex > wolfeySI09:58
ubottuwolfeySI, please see my private message09:58
AdvoWorkjcooke cheers! how do you restart cups? /etc/init.d/cups restart or something?09:58
ActionParsnipstrAlan: sounds identical, ssh is a better solution as it is encrypted09:58
jim_pidefix: will you be here in like 4 hours?09:59
idefixjim_p thank God  you're still there09:59
strAlanActionParsnip, I'm familiar with the differences between telnet and ssh, I'm just wondering why there's "character-based" telnet09:59
strAlanand how it's different09:59
jcookeAdvoWork, yes, also, one other thing, sec09:59
strAlanbut thank you :)09:59
AciD-GhostGood morning09:59
jim_pidefix: i have to go !09:59
idefixyes, in four hours, very well09:59
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jim_pok see you then09:59
idefixsee you at 2 GMT09:59
=== Dweeb is now known as Dwob
jcookeAdvoWork, also, change Label 0 to Label 1, and it'll add a job ID to each filename to prevent overwriting09:59
erkinhi, i want to open my webserver, which works fine on lan, to wan . I have set my server as dmz host. What else should i do? (i use ubuntu 8.04, tomcat 6.0.16, usr9108 router/modem)09:59
idefixa little bit later jim_p10:00
jim_pidefix: and please o please upgrade to 2.6.24 kernel10:00
ActionParsnipstrAlan: telnet is character based...weird10:00
jcookeAdvoWork, sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart10:00
ActionParsnipinsty`: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58245310:00
ActionParsnipinsty`: id have a look at the script to see what it actually does10:00
idefixwhat is 'kernel'?10:00
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:01
DwobI just installed 7zip, but cant fint it on my computer! Where did it go ? Its not in the programs tab :-/10:01
insty`Thanks, I'll take a look.10:01
bullgard4":~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart; * Reconfiguring network interfaces...; Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1.; Ignoring unknown interface eth2=eth2.; Ignoring unknown interface ath0=ath0.; Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0." Still the LAN works now all right. Why does it not respond with: "* Reconfiguring network interfaces...OK]"?10:01
jcookeAdvoWork, glad you asked about PDF printing, that filename thing has been annoying me for a year10:01
strAlanidefix, it's the guy that leads his troops into battle10:01
AdvoWorkjcooke cool, saying that though ive just thought of one issue.. the things that are being saved are pdf quotes, so we need to save them as say 12345.pdf where 12345 is the jobnumber :/ can you still do that?10:01
idefixnice description10:01
ZiggyzxxylI Lyekka Kai10:02
ActionParsnipZiggyzxxyl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=230112 may help, you really should read the man pages though10:02
jcookeAdvoWork, PDF quotes?10:02
ActionParsnipbullgard4: if you run ifconfig do you see those devices10:02
AdvoWorkjcooke we call them pdf quotes, basically we're pdfing a page, which to us is a quote, so we need to be able to choose a filename :10:03
bullgard4ActionParsnip: This is true but does not answer the question which I have put.10:03
selig5 10:03
Yaskinwhy wont my mac boot from the iso HH 8.04 when the image is restored onto a hard drive, it sees linux is on there but it wont boot up.10:04
ganeshow to get the output of grub prompt to any file10:04
ActionParsnipbullgard4: its a weird one i'll give you that10:04
jcookeAdvoWork, there's no way currently to choose a filename with cups-pdf I don't think, I believe you can with kdeprint though, which does run under gnome10:04
ActionParsnipbullgard4: id log a bug with that data as well as the output of ifconfig10:04
AdvoWorkjcooke ahh ok, ill give that a look10:04
ikoniabullgard4: can you paste your interfaces file please10:04
jcookewith Label 1, the filename will be job_#-Page_Title.pdf10:04
ActionParsnipbullgard4: or try later, maybe someone different will have an answer10:04
ikoniapastebin I should say10:04
magnetronYaskin→ you need to install a bootloader.10:04
ikoniabullgard4: pastebin your interfaces file please.10:05
Yaskinmagnetron i have no idea10:05
ActionParsnipbullgard4: /etc/network/interfaces file please10:05
Yaskinis the disk no a bootable image?10:05
kuthuxYaskin: have u install / repair grub? does your hdd have a boot flag?10:06
ActionParsnip!grub | kuthux10:06
ubottukuthux: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:06
insty`ActionParsnip, <3 Script fixed it.10:06
jcookeAdvoWork, in order to use it in gnome you can point lpt to the kprinter binary(wherever it is)10:06
ikoniabullgard4: pastebin your interfaces file please.10:06
kuthuxActionParsnip: don't send it to me10:06
ActionParsnipinsty`: awesome10:06
dekkongHello!! does anyone use awsome in here_10:07
ActionParsnipkuthux: yeah sorry man10:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about awesome10:07
ActionParsnip!info awesome10:07
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): dynamic and tiling window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.final-1 (hardy), package size 42 kB, installed size 200 kB10:07
insty`Next question, is there a way to make it so I don't need to auth for everything?10:07
bullgard4ikonia, ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/392480/10:07
AdvoWorkjcooke and is that easy/hard?10:07
jcookeAdvoWork, easy I think, you just configure it in the gnome print manager10:07
ikoniabullgard4: can you now please paste ifconfig -a please.10:08
ikoniaas in pastebin10:08
ActionParsnipbullgard4: what happens if you uncomment the lines that start #iface10:08
AdvoWorkjcooke cool, just doing aptitude install kdeprint so will get that going10:09
kelvin911if i boot from liveCD, how do i mount the hd??10:09
ActionParsnip!mount | kelvin91110:09
ubottukelvin911: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap10:09
ActionParsnipkelvin911: make a directory someplace10:10
ActionParsnipkelvin911: sudo fdisk -l will show you your partitions10:10
ActionParsnipkelvin911: then sudo mount /dev/<partition name> <mount point>10:10
bullgard4ikonia: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/392481/10:10
AdvoWorkjcooke once its installed, do you know how to even get it working, or do i need to add the new printer?10:11
kelvin911what is partition point?10:11
ActionParsnipbullgard4: there is no eth1 in your system10:11
kelvin911can u be more concrete?10:11
ikoniabullgard4 if you look at your ifconfig -a output you have devices missing10:11
kelvin911i mean mount point10:11
ikoniabullgard4: thats the problem, remove them from the interfaces file unless they appear in ifocnifg -a10:11
ActionParsnipkelvin911: no as the partitions will be unique for your system10:11
ActionParsnipkelvin911: example:10:11
ActionParsnipkelvin911: sudo mkdir /mnt/test; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test10:11
ActionParsnipbullgard4: you also dont have wlan010:12
ActionParsnipbullgard4: you have wifi010:12
TerryChangi have configed nginx ,and i can access it successfully on my computer,but i use other pc in Lan,it can't work correctly10:12
ActionParsnipkelvin911: you need to run sudo fdisk -l to see what partitions you have10:12
kelvin911ActionParsnip: is there a way to install ubuntu on a usb stick?10:13
ActionParsnipkelvin911: then mount to empty folder10:13
kelvin911so i can use it on other computer10:13
ActionParsnip!usb | kelvin91110:13
ubottukelvin911: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:13
ActionParsnip!info nginx10:13
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, but very powerful and efficient web server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.33-1 (hardy), package size 212 kB, installed size 592 kB10:13
=== jklyekai_ is now known as jklyekai
ActionParsnipTerryChang: do you have your firewall configured correctly?10:14
TerryChangi don't use any firewall10:14
kelvin911ActionParsnip: i dont want Install Ubuntu from a USB stick10:15
* sauvin hopes TerryChang has all his ports locked down10:15
kelvin911ActionParsnip: i want to install linux os into the usb10:15
ActionParsnipkelvin911: For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:15
TerryChangi think ,i dont describe my problem correctly10:15
ActionParsnipkelvin911: that guide will tell you10:15
=== Indoctrine is now known as Doc|Pizza
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TerryChangi config 404 error redirect,and it correct worked ,but on other PC in Lan ,it doesn't work10:15
ActionParsnipkelvin911: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79625110:16
iameliteIf i have a second harddrive for random files maybe games, is there a difference between what partition i would want to use? besides the obvious "not ntfs"10:16
ActionParsnipTerryChang: try httping to the servers ip address rather than name10:16
ActionParsnipiamelite: its storage so doesnt matter10:16
iameliteActionParsnip, thx10:16
erkinhi, i want to open my webserver, which works fine on lan, to wan . I have set my server as dmz host. What else should i do? (i use ubuntu 8.04, tomcat 6.0.16, usr9108 router/modem)10:18
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ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings10:19
kelvin911does installing the ubuntu into usb shorten the usb's life?10:19
stevem_is it possible to use twinview - and have fullscreen games on just one screen?10:20
ActionParsnipkelvin911: if you use ext3 then yes as the journal is written to a fair bit10:20
errennekelvin911: doing anything with a usb stick shortens its life10:21
kelvin911ActionParsnip: how short?10:21
kelvin911ActionParsnip:a year?10:21
ActionParsnipkelvin911: but they do have a limited amount of read / writes but if you make an iso backup to another location you can simply restore the image when it finally dies10:21
ActionParsnipkelvin911: something like that, depends on use10:21
Spudz(repeating because I got disconnected)...10:21
SpudzDear all, I just wasted a whole morning trying to share my internet with my housemates using wireless.  It left me in a state of idiots rage.  Both other pcs (mac and xp notebook) can see the cnxn, and join.  but the ip's are 169.254.x.y, and they cant load webpages.  can anyone explain to me what's going on?10:21
kelvin911ActionParsnip: lets say i will use it everyday10:22
kelvin911ActionParsnip: how long does it last before it dies?10:22
ActionParsnipkelvin911: id imagine it vrys from day to day. id do some research10:22
kelvin911ActionParsnip: and does it gives me a warning before it dies?10:22
dVs--i downloaded vmware and its a .bundle how do I go aboput trying to install that ?10:22
ActionParsnipkelvin911: you'll get disk read / write errors. if you keep a backup image of the disk it wont matter as you can simply restore10:23
xB4can somewone help me10:24
kulfii've installed ubuntu server. and then then ubuntu-desktop so that i had a gui. this came with vino-server (vnc server).10:24
xB4I dont know how I can join LAN games10:24
szuper-thi jahman10:24
kulfiis there any way to start vino-server at startup? so that i can run the machine 'headless'?10:25
ActionParsnipkulfi: you may as well have got the desktop iso then10:25
ActionParsnipkulfi: running x servers on servers is a bad choice10:25
kulfi@ActionParsnip - got any advice re vino-server?10:26
ActionParsnip!startup > kulfi10:26
ubottukulfi, please see my private message10:26
kelvin911ActionParsnip: i guess maybe it is better to use external esb drive instead of usb memory10:26
ActionParsnipkelvin911: have a look around dude, you might be suprised10:26
kelvin911ActionParsnip: i can install ubuntu on a external hdd right?10:26
ActionParsnipkelvin911: usb is cheap enough to be disposable10:26
ActionParsnipkelvin911: you can install it on any storage10:26
kulfithanks ActionParsnip, i'll give that a try10:26
kelvin911ActionParsnip:  but i dont it dies when i am working on my projects10:27
xB4is somewone able to read this or do i have a problem?10:27
dVs--how do i install a .bundle ?10:27
ActionParsnipkelvin911: then backup10:27
dVs--i can see ya xb410:27
kelvin911ActionParsnip: i dont backup things everyday or not even every month10:27
ActionParsnipkelvin911: then if you get a crash or disk failure you will be rolling back a good way10:27
xB4can somewone tell me how to change my name?10:27
ActionParsnip!nick | xB410:28
ubottuxB4: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode10:28
dVs--on irc ?   type /nick <new-nick>10:28
master_Hae, which command does one use inorder to view the dns addresses at the terminal10:28
ActionParsnipdVs--: ive not heard of a .bundle for vmware server. it usually comes down as a compressed archive with an install script10:28
Jmaxhost domain.org10:28
xB4I cant go futher than 3 letters of my nick10:29
ikoniamaster_: dig, or nslookup, or host10:29
ActionParsnipmaster_: cat /etc/resolv.conf10:29
dVs--thankx ActionParsnip , i tried making it exe and running it but nothing10:29
bhindihy any 1 know using wireshark10:29
ActionParsnipdVs--: its a linux package i hope you downloaded. exe is for windows. ubuntu is not windows10:30
vxpis that even a word10:30
firestormAnybody here running the latest unstable (intrepid) ? How do you find it?10:30
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ikonia!ibex > firestorm10:30
ubottufirestorm, please see my private message10:30
ActionParsnip!intrepid  | firestorm10:30
ubottufirestorm: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu10:30
bhindii dl frm packet manager10:30
vxpi dont10:30
dVs--yeah i know ..  i meant i made it ececutable10:30
kellihi all10:30
ActionParsnipdVs--: exe is not an executable in linux, thats windows10:30
kelvin911why ubuntu changes version so quickly10:30
vxphi i hate you10:30
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bhindithen tell me plz10:30
vxpbecause unbut sux10:31
bullgard4ikonia, ActionParsnip: Thank you for your help.10:31
kelvin911and when it releases it isnt stable10:31
firestormthanks all10:31
kelvin911why not just make it stable and make it stay for at least 1 yr?10:31
ActionParsnipkelvin911: you can stay on hardy you know, you dont HAVE to move to intrepid10:31
ActionParsnipim going to stay with hardy til the support expires10:31
=== xB4 is now known as xB4s1Cx
ActionParsnipkelvin911: if it works...don't fix it ;)10:32
bhindihy any 1 know using wireshark10:32
kelvin911last time i upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04.  lots of thing breaks10:32
ActionParsnipkelvin911: did 7.10 work for you, all hardwrae ok?10:33
kelvin911sound problem is one the major one10:33
=== Doc|Pizza is now known as Indoctrine
kelvin9117.10 is fine10:33
ActionParsnipkelvin911: then why did you upgrade?10:33
kelvin911it is in the update mananger10:33
kelvin911i press update10:33
kelvin911then it tooks 2 hrs to download and install10:33
ActionParsnipkelvin911: thats a dist-upgrade, if you only run upgrade it will update apps only10:34
=== Guest35575 is now known as satanic
kelvin911after i update to 8.04 i can't get more than 1 app to play sound10:34
kellii'm having trouble with movie player when i open it to full screen it goes blank can someone help?10:34
ActionParsnipkelli: do you have suitable codecs?10:35
ActionParsnipkelli: and have you installed your graphics drivers?10:35
kelvin911after i uninstall pulseaudio everything works again10:35
kellithe movies work on small screen10:35
bhindiany 1 know using ettercap10:35
=== satanic is now known as {afk}
ActionParsnipkelli: have you installed video drivers for your gfx card?10:36
master_Hae, I need to run  a windows application on ubuntu, between crossover and wine which is the best?10:36
kelvin911kelli: properly using different output method will solve10:36
ActionParsnip!best | master_10:36
ubottumaster_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:36
kellithe computer was set up when i got it10:36
ActionParsnipmaster_: crossover is closed source and paid software10:36
bhindiany 1 know using ettercap10:36
ActionParsnipkelli: try glxinfo | grep direct10:37
master_Thanks guys10:37
kellihow do i do that?10:37
ActionParsnipkelli: in terminal10:37
ActionParsnipkelli: does it say direct rendering: yes10:38
ActionParsnipor no?10:38
kellii'll need help i'm new to linux10:38
kellisorry guys10:38
magnetron!pm | Yaskin10:38
ubottuYaskin: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.10:38
ActionParsnipkelli: paste the command in terminal and press enter10:39
ActionParsnipkelli: it will say direct rendering yes or direct rendering no10:39
kuthuxany kind of wubi to install ubuntu from mac ?10:39
ActionParsnipnot wubi :(10:39
kuthuxActionParsnip: then what10:40
kelliwhat do i type in terminal10:40
ActionParsnipkuthux: i just hate wubi10:40
ActionParsnipkelli: glxinfo | grep direct10:40
ActionParsnipkelli: you can copy and paste to and from terminal10:40
kuthuxActionParsnip: i'm not looking for wubi, but that kind of stuff for mac10:40
ActionParsnipkuthux: virtualbox / vmware10:41
kuthuxActionParsnip: no, not virtual10:41
master_Kelli: to paste to teminal use ctr+shift+v10:41
ActionParsnipkuthux: what do you think wubi is?10:41
magnetronYaskin→ keep it in the channel, please don't pm me10:42
kuthuxActionParsnip: yes, but wubi is not like vmware. we can boot directly to installed ubuntu. only the partition is virtual10:42
ActionParsnipkuthux: i have no idea, im not a mac guuy or wubi guy. i dislike both10:42
kelli yes10:43
ActionParsnipkuthux: its not an ubuntu question, its a mac question10:43
kusanagi_hi, http://rafb.net/p/PtS4iK53.html <-- lsusb list the usb device but i dont know how to read it... anybody know how to mount it or where should it appear?10:43
ActionParsnipkelli: so you have direct rendering?10:43
kelliit said yes10:44
kusanagi_its a mp3 player btw10:44
kuthuxActionParsnip: a person who is trying to install ubuntu on his mac. is it OOT ?10:44
chadster_hi guys10:44
ActionParsnipkelli: please direct your text, notice how i put your name at the start of every line10:44
ActionParsnipkuthux: you want a piece of mac softwrae to run ubuntu as wubi afaik is windows only10:44
kellidont know how?10:44
ActionParsnipkelli: you type part of my name and press tab10:44
ActionParsnipkelli: then it highlights your name when i reply10:45
kelliActionParsnip, thanks10:45
kelvin911why buying a mac and install ubuntu or xp in it?10:45
shadowchaserhi, do you know why when i'll install something via apt-get after few days it's uninstalled? strange, i know, it neever happen on debian10:45
kuthuxActionParsnip: this man wants o install ubuntu, and he has only the iso file. so now what?10:45
ActionParsnipkelli: in a room of 1300 people when it gets heated it saves you having to search the text as the words jump out10:45
ActionParsnipkuthux: md5 check it and burn it to cd10:46
kelliActionParsnip, dose work/10:46
defryskwhat source package does the usb mouse ?10:46
kuthuxActionParsnip: i wouldn't ask u if he could do that10:46
ActionParsnipkelli: ok, what app are you playing your video in and what format is the video10:46
master_shadowchaser: how can a uninstall happen without someone instigating it? explain what happens, may be you delete some crucial fiels by  a mistake!10:47
* defrysk needs it for a bug-report10:47
kelvin911kelli: try VLC or MPlayer10:47
kelliActionParsnip,  movie player10:47
shadowchasermaster_: well, i'm doing nothing for sure, but system is on vps, so maybe my provider is doing it, but why and how can i track it?10:47
acp_shadowchaser, have you check on the logs? thats is really strange10:48
ActionParsnipkelli: try sudo apt-get install vlc10:48
ActionParsnipkelli: and open it with that10:48
kelliActionParsnip, flv10:48
ActionParsnipkelli: the "movie player" you state is really called totem but it just makes it easier for peopleunfamiliar with the system10:48
kuthuxActionParsnip: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/8700/10:49
kelvin911it is better to play flv with MPlayer10:49
master_Shadowchaser: one good thing about unix systems in permissions, try and use sophisticated passwords and also enhance your firewall10:49
ActionParsnipkelli: yeah vlc can play flv videos10:50
kelvin911kelli: make sure in video output in Mplayer is X11/Xv10:50
kelliActionParsnip,  it the defalt on with ubuntu10:50
kelvin911vlc can play flv but u cant move the bar10:50
ActionParsnipkelli: i believe totem is. if you try and install it and its already installed it wont harm anything10:50
kelvin911i mean forward and backward10:50
kelvin911totem is piece of crap10:50
master_Hi guys: gmplayer and mplayer are the best amongst other all, been using it for many years10:51
kelliActionParsnip, totem10:51
ActionParsnipkuthux: i gues you are waiting then. or you could maybe resize the mac partition to make space10:52
kelvin911install mplayer10:52
kelliActionParsnip, it is totem10:52
kelvin911and u need also the w32codec or something like that10:52
ActionParsnipkuthux: im unsure of mac resizing partitions using gparted as ive never done it10:52
ActionParsnipkelli: sudo apt-get install gmplayer10:52
kuthuxActionParsnip: this is about Yaskin's question. tell him, not me10:52
ActionParsnipYaskin: id research into maybe resizing the mac partition using gparted but ive not done it10:53
NeaaiI have a dual boot system, with debian on /dev/hda2 and ubuntu in /dev/hdb1.  GRUB is installed in /dev/hda.  Each os puts its kernel in it's own root partition's /boot.  Is there any way to have GRUB detect the other partition's kernels and put those entries in the menu.lst correctly?10:53
bhindirunning ettercap10:53
bhindiplz tell janni10:53
moljac024I need some help10:53
bhinditell me any 110:53
ActionParsnip!ask | moljac02410:54
moljac024non-ubuntu related10:54
ubottumoljac024: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:54
moljac024but still10:54
bhindime 210:54
moljac024something is wrong with my pc10:54
moljac024I need help diagnosing it10:54
kelliActionParsnip, cant find package10:54
ActionParsnipmoljac024: if its not an ubuntu support question then take it to offtopic10:54
ActionParsnipkelli: ok try sudo apt-get install mplayer10:54
kelvin911moljac024: whats wrong?10:54
bhindiActionParsnip:  tell me plz running ettercap10:54
moljac024the pc sounds like a cable is caught in a fan10:54
moljac024like shredding sounds10:54
ActionParsnipbhindi: no idea what it is dude10:55
moljac024but no cable in the fan, I disconnected the fan to make sure10:55
moljac024it's it10:55
kelvin911moljac024: case fan probably10:55
moljac024but the pc still makes that sound10:55
broken1Is it possible to set up sshfs as a normal user?10:55
moljac024case fan ?10:55
bhindibut i install it10:55
moljac024what can be wrong with it ?10:55
HNValuedCustomerdust build up10:55
kelvin911or cpu fan or videocard han10:55
bhindibut i cannot find how it run ActionParsnip10:55
ActionParsnipmoljac024: try dropping some wd40 in the fan to lube it10:55
moljac024wd40 ?10:55
kelvin911it is dieing and make noice10:55
moljac024It's not the cpu fan, i'm sure of it10:56
ActionParsnipwd40 is non conductive but try not to get it all over the place10:56
moljac024i disconnected it10:56
master_kelli: gmplayer has graphical inteface while mplayer runs from the terminal using commands, the best way to install them is you download source code from mplayer website, you can google search, I hope you know how to install a source package10:56
moljac024i don't have any wd4010:56
kelliActionParsnip, installing now10:56
ActionParsnipmoljac024: its a lubricant with no electrical conductivity10:56
moljac024don't even know what it is actually :)10:56
moljac024oh, ok10:56
moljac024don't have it10:56
moljac024but as i said, it's not the cpu fan10:56
ActionParsnipmoljac024: find something equivelant and lube up your fans10:56
moljac024but you're sure it has to be a fan ?10:56
kelvin911could be video card fan10:57
kelvin911maybe hdd10:57
kelvin911or powersupply fan10:57
ActionParsnipmoljac024: if you stop the fan momentarily with  finger (be gentle) you can identify the sound10:57
ActionParsnipmoljac024: only stop it for like half millisecond just to test10:57
moljac024video card is a radeon x55010:58
Cesarenetciao a tutti10:58
B|ackPantherIs it possible to view the contents of an mp3 file? i want to search the web and assign songs i have to their artists but i dont  want to use the names of the songs. I want to at least use some of its contents for the search.10:58
ikoniaB|ackPanther: an mp3 file is encoded music - what do you hope to gain viewing that10:59
ActionParsnipkelli: ok now in terminal run: mplayer /path/tofile.flv (obviously replace the file name with the name of your flv file)11:00
moljac024this video card fan11:00
moljac024is tiny11:00
moljac024i'm not sure it's a fan actually11:00
ActionParsnipblackkatt: you could perform some task on it to pull the artist from the tags11:00
moljac024it shouldn11:00
moljac024't be called a fan11:00
ActionParsnipmoljac024: its derived from hand fans used to move air11:01
eirik__what's a good socks4 or socks5 proxy server for ubuntu? (preferably in repos or available as.deb)11:01
ActionParsnipeirik__: squid11:01
ActionParsnip!info squid11:01
ubottusquid (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.18-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 627 kB, installed size 1584 kB11:01
B|ackPantherikonia, you know when you enter music files in like windows media player,you can can get the files with their names and all the other information,how do they do that ?If i can know how i will be fine.I want to do the same in ubuntu even if i have to write my own program.11:02
moljac024it sounds like it's coming from the video card fan direction11:02
moljac024is it safe for me to try to stop it ?11:02
ikoniaB|ackPanther thats id3 tagging and cddb11:02
ActionParsnipmoljac024: do it but only very VERY briefly11:02
victamoweris the Pulseaudio system used by default in Hardy, or do you have to set it up?11:02
moljac024sounds dangerous11:02
kelvin911probably the fan in the video card is starting to stop working11:02
moljac024what if i just remove the video card ?11:02
sanineed help with installing firefox on ubuntu 6.06 :d11:02
moljac024wouldn't that be safer ? :)11:03
ActionParsnipmoljac024: its fine as long as you dont hold it for like 10 seconds11:03
kelvin911usually when the fan is spinning slower will generate noice in my experience11:03
B|ackPantherikonia,thanks, i will look at what that is.11:03
ActionParsnipmoljac024: your system needs a graphics card or it will fail pos11:03
moljac024I know11:03
moljac024but I will see if that sound is still there11:03
moljac024upon poweron11:03
ActionParsnipmoljac024: just put a finger on it then off straight away11:03
saniCan someone help with installing firefox on ubuntu 6.06 ? :D11:03
ActionParsnipif the sound stops for that moment you ave gold11:04
moljac024well, it's in a really akward place11:04
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins11:04
moljac024are you sure a finger ?11:04
moljac024can i lose my finger this way ? :P11:04
ActionParsnipmoljac024: on the centre of the fan and gently11:04
ActionParsnipno not at all11:04
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser11:04
moljac024I'm afraid i won't be gentle enough11:04
kelvin911couple yrs ago when i had one of those 9000RPM volcano cpu heat sink, i cut my thumb with it11:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epiphany11:05
kuthux!hello > ubottu11:05
ubottuubottu, please see my private message11:05
moljac024in any case, if it is the vid card fan, I should replace the card then, right ?11:05
bimberivictamower: Pulseaudio is default in Hardy (like the nick btw :) )11:05
ActionParsnipmoljac024: its not made of glass, they can take a bit of stick dude11:05
kelvin911if the fan in video card stops working your video card will get quite hot11:05
moljac024ActionParsnip: lol :)11:05
victamowerbimberi: on my system it's disabled by default?  under Sound Preferences, esd is enabled11:06
kelvin911pulseaudio is horrible11:06
kelvin911it cant play sound in more than 1 application11:06
=== Tcl is now known as EggNet
=== EggNet is now known as Egg-Net
eirik__kelvin911: it should. i use it11:07
ActionParsnipkelvin911: if you only stop it a millisecond and the sound stops you know where the sound is coming from, the fan will spin up11:07
kuthuxkelvin911: what apps use puleaudio11:07
bimberivictamower: I'm going by this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio - and my recollection of what came out of the box.  I've done some fiddling since.11:07
saniso do I have to enter that code / script to console?11:07
kelvin911ActionParsnip: why when i have pulseaudio i cant play sound in more than one app?11:08
moljac024it's the video card fan11:08
ActionParsnipkelvin911: not sure, im sticking with tried and tested alsa11:08
kelvin911for example, if i am playing mp3, i can get sound in youtube11:08
ActionParsnipmoljac024: did you stop the fan?11:08
moljac024ActionParsnip: yes11:08
ActionParsnipmoljac024: and did the world end?11:09
moljac024and the horrible sounds from hell stopped as well11:09
moljac024ActionParsnip: no lol11:09
ActionParsnipmoljac024: told you11:09
kelvin911go buy the new video card11:09
moljac024I'm always afraid of messing sth up11:09
moljac024when dealing with hardware11:09
ActionParsnipmoljac024: maybe it just needed reseating, you can reseat those fans easy enough11:09
saniwhy can't I find the console from applications menu, like while testing with a CD?11:10
moljac024I could tru11:10
ActionParsnipmoljac024: they can take enough stick as long as you dont throw them round or go heavy handed11:10
kuthuxsani applications>accessories>terminal11:10
moljac024yea, i figured that11:10
moljac024thanks for your help ActionParsnip11:10
ActionParsnipsani: you could right click desktop -> run command and type terminal11:11
ActionParsnipmoljac024: np man11:11
Tyrathhow do you launch chatzilla from terminal?11:11
moljac024you type chatzilla ?11:11
moljac024a radical concept, i know11:11
ActionParsnipmoljac024: that sort of thing is offtopic and shoulve een taken to offtopic channel11:11
Tyrathdoesn't work for me11:11
moljac024ActionParsnip: sorry11:11
saniActionParsnip I'm only having Sun xVM VirtualBox at accessories11:11
Tyrathi get bash: command not found11:11
ActionParsnipTyrath: dont you have to run firefox with some funky options?11:12
saniand no terminal showing anywhere at desktop right click11:12
ActionParsnipTyrath: its terminal11:12
Tyrathyeh maybe11:12
kuthuxsani u can show / hide menu from System>Preferences>Main Menu11:12
moljac024ActionParsnip: but would i get this insightful help from you in offtopic ?11:12
ActionParsnipoic Tyrath brain fart11:12
ActionParsnipmoljac024: i dont go there11:12
Tyrathfirefox -chatzilla11:12
moljac024there, you see11:12
Tyrath- or something11:12
kuthuxsani or press alt+f2 then type gnome-terminal11:13
ActionParsnipTyrath: try mozilla-chatzilla11:13
saniah got it11:13
Tyrathdidn't work11:13
kelvin911did u install chatzilla?11:14
moljac024tyrath: updatedb && locate chatzilla11:14
Tyrathi'm running chatzilla11:14
ActionParsnipTyrath: firefox -a chatzilla11:14
kelliActionParsnip, did not work11:14
Tyrathah sweet11:15
ActionParsnipkelli: what errors did you get?11:15
ActionParsnipTyrath: man firefox11:15
moljac024wait a minute11:15
moljac024what do you mean chatzilla from terminal11:15
ActionParsnipTyrath: thats all i did11:15
kelliblank screen11:15
moljac024isn't that a firefox extension11:15
Tyrathsweet, thanks for the tip11:15
Tyrathoh another thing11:15
Tyrathregarding openoffice11:15
diskinhi guys, if my system freeze (nothing works, even keyboard lights do not switch), and after reboot I see nothing in kern.log, it indicates a hardware problem?11:15
ActionParsnipmoljac024: yeah, -a hooses an application to start on loadup11:15
Tyrathdoes the latest version work on ubuntu11:15
kelliActionParsnip,  when i went to full screen11:15
moljac024Tyrath: try weechat11:15
Tyrathcause when i sudo apt-get upgrade it won't update11:15
saniActionParsnip it say's about missing target file?11:16
ActionParsnipkelli: fire up add / remove programs and install win32codecs11:16
kelvin911Tyrath: what a dumb question11:16
saniwhen I did about mozilla backup11:16
Tyrathkelvin911: how so?11:16
kelliActionParsnip, ok11:16
FlannelTyrath: You won't get OOo 3 in Hardy, no.  Versions of software are more or less going to stay the way they started each release11:16
kelvin911why do u need the newest version?11:17
ActionParsnipkelli: mplayer -fs /path/to/file.flv11:17
kelvin911i found them all the same really11:17
moljac024Over here at Arch, we're rolling OOo 311:17
victamowerlooks like I'm only using ALSA either way11:17
* kuthux sleepy11:17
ActionParsnipvictamower: i prefer alsa, it just works for me11:18
victamowerI'm not bothered, just looking for a way to swap left and right stereo channels.. and I've found a pulseaudio way and an Alsa way11:18
Tyraththanks for the help11:18
kelvin911pulseaudio dont work here11:18
kelvin911i stick with alsa11:18
kelliActionParsnip, cant find win32codes11:18
kelvin911w32codec or win32codec11:19
NeaaiI have a dual boot system, with debian on /dev/hda2 and ubuntu in /dev/hdb1.  GRUB is installed in /dev/hda.  Each os puts its kernel in it's own root partition's /boot.  Is there any way to have GRUB detect the other partition's kernels and put those entries in the menu.lst correctly?11:19
ActionParsnipkelli: try searching for codec11:19
Flannel!medibuntu | kelli11:19
ubottukelli: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:19
saniActionParsnip: When I did sudo tar -jxvf firefox-3.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt to the console thing, it asks for password11:19
victamowerI think it's all working now, thanks11:19
ActionParsnipsani: yeah as you are running sudo11:20
ActionParsnipsani: type your login password11:20
kuthuxNeaai: maybe u should update the grub config. which one is the default boot now ?11:20
sanican't type, do I have to press enter first?11:20
ActionParsnipsani: why are you doing it that way, firefox is in the repos11:20
ActionParsnipsani: the password entry is hidden11:20
sanihow then?11:20
bimberisani: it won't echo the password as you type it11:20
Flannelsani: What version of Ubuntu are you usin?11:20
ActionParsnipsani: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install firefox-3.011:20
kelliFlannel, thanks11:21
saniFlannel: 6.0611:21
kuthuxsudo grub > Neaai11:21
Flannelsani: You should consider upgrading to 8.0411:21
diskinhi guys, if my system freeze (nothing works, even keyboard lights do not switch), and after reboot I see nothing in kern.log, it indicates a hardware problem?11:21
moljac024sani: really11:21
moljac024you should upgrade11:21
saniI've downloaded it on this PC (linux pc next to me) but boot disc failed a bit11:21
Flannelsani: You can upgrade in place, actually.11:21
Flannelmoljac024: Please be helpful.11:21
moljac024advising someone to upgrade is not helpful ?11:22
dragonlawhello, i have a problem with my college wireless network. I can connect to the wireless network and enter the college intranet, but I cannot connect to the internet. When I use XP I can connect to the internet. Is there any configuration that I have to do?11:22
Flannelmoljac024: The manner in which you're participating in this channel isn't as helpful as it could be, no.11:22
kelliubottu, having problems watching movies in full screen11:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
kuthuxfind /boot/grub/stage111:22
moljac024Flannel: I'm sorry11:23
moljac024I will try to do my best11:23
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: can you ping URLs? Can you ping IPs of websites11:23
saniFlannel: what do you mean with upgrade in place? No need to download the newer version?11:23
kelvin911ubot is a bot11:23
Flannelmoljac024: Much appreciated11:23
Neaaikuthux: Currently I'm in the ubuntu boot. the idea is that when I install grub, it puts ok it's own part but doesn't see there's another system and another /boot directory with other kernels at the /dev/hda2. Can I have ubuntu's grub detect the debian entries too so I can boot into any of them?11:23
Flannelsani: You can upgrade through the package manager, you don't need to reinstall or anything.11:23
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: try
dragonlawno the websites dont come on when i ping it11:23
N1ckRInteresting, just spent ages trying to get my hdd on my laptop to powerdown... turns out that for my drive the APM setting in hdparm actually overrides the spindown time setting !11:23
Flannelsani: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Upgrade%20from%206.06%20LTS%20to%208.04%20LTS11:23
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: did the link i give you bring up www.ask.com?11:24
kelvin911kelli: what problem u have there?11:24
kuthuxNeaai: is grub also installed on debian ?11:24
kelvin911kelli: did u try vlc?11:24
Neaaikuthux: yes.11:24
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: if you ping names do they resolve to IPs?11:24
moljac024does upgrading without a fresh reinstall work without much hassle in Ubuntu now ?11:24
dragonlawthe college wifi should bring me to an authentication website - i need to provide my username and password11:25
dragonlawbut it cant connect11:25
kelvin911moljac024: last time i upgrade, fonts, sounds are mess up11:25
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: maybe it doesnt like your browser11:25
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: maybe its an IE only thing11:25
dragonlawer no i use firefox for xp and i can connect to the wireless11:25
kuthuxNeaai: sudo grub11:25
kuthuxNeaai find /boot/grub/stage111:26
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: ok11:26
ActionParsnipdragonlaw: then ask your admins11:26
dragonlawok thanks then11:27
grillmorning ya'll11:27
grillwhen is the full release of 6.10 coming out?11:29
Flannelgrill: 8.10 you mean?  the 30th11:29
saniFlannel: When I tried to open update-manager, it says only one package manager is allowed to be opened. How can I be sure / close the others, since I just rebooted the PC there can't be anything opened :S11:29
kelvin9116.10 already out11:29
grillyes thank you11:30
kelvin911yr ago11:30
moljac024sani: it's probably checking for updates11:30
moljac024in the background11:30
saniow lol11:30
saniat right top11:30
diskinhi guys, if my system freeze (nothing works, even keyboard lights do not switch), and after reboot I see nothing in kern.log, it indicates a hardware problem?11:30
sani219 updates available11:30
velesÀ ïîääåðæêó äëÿ  ðóññêîÿçû÷íûõ ïîëüçîâàòåëåé ãäå íàéòè ìîæíî?11:30
ActionParsnipdiskin: try a different driver11:31
Flannel!ru | veles11:31
ubottuveles: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:31
aaron_a few days I asked what is a good accounting program....I said gnu cash was not....I was wrong....after learning about it with the tutorials....it a pretty neat program....11:31
ActionParsnipdiskin: or replace11:31
sanimoljac024, when I tried to open the update thing at background, it also says that something else is turned on same time :D11:32
Mihamina1Hi all11:32
moljac024so close it :)11:33
drownerhi Mihamina111:33
sanino button for that. :/11:33
moljac024did you open11:33
diskinActionParsnip, for example, which driver? The system worked fine with current drivers.. It started to freee periodically after I replaced power source.11:33
saniI didn't open anything11:33
moljac024the package manager11:33
sanijust the update-manager11:33
saniwhen I try to install the updates at background, it gives error, E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure' blabla.11:34
sanishall I try to run that script?11:34
ActionParsnipdiskin: try a memory test, there is an entry for one in grub11:34
moljac024sani: well, go ahead11:35
ActionParsnipsani: yep, its telling you how to fix it11:35
diskinActionParsnip, thanks, it's a good idea. I will try next time.11:35
Mihamina1I am lookin for the status of the sis190 NIC driver. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/38994 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/247889 make me think it should have been solved in the latests intrepid relase, bu tit's not...11:35
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Mihamina1have you got any news?11:35
Anarhistwhy is the sound on my laptop crashes all the time now11:36
sanimoljac024 / ActionParsnip: it says that dpkg needs main user's acces11:36
ubi-laptopanybody did install google sketch up and has a bad response from the grafic card (with nvidia settings)11:36
sweetozkellii'm back11:36
sanitho I'm logged in as main user and it doesn't ask any password in the terminal window11:36
erkinhi, i want to open my webserver, which works fine on lan, to wan . I have set my server as dmz host. What else should i do? (i use ubuntu 8.04, tomcat 6.0.16, usr9108 router/modem)11:36
ActionParsnipsani: add sudo to the start of the command11:36
moljac024have you tried with sudo ?11:37
sweetozkellihad to reboot to get back in11:37
sanisudo dpkg ...?11:37
ActionParsnipsani: ANYTHING you do with packages needs sudo11:37
ActionParsnipsani: yep11:37
saniow oke11:37
jjulian_hi, ive no sound on my laptop and ubuntu 8.04 maybe someone can help me. ive run 2 scripts by alsa to get information about my hardware. output of these hardware information scripts are here: http://pastebin.ca/1231730 and here: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=31c6f5760242343e5df8210e659d4e2157ccfc6111:37
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions11:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about also11:37
sweetozkelliActionParsnip, vlc did not work full screen11:37
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:37
ActionParsnipsweetozkelli: did you get the codecs from the medibuntu repos?11:38
sweetozkellii'll try11:38
jjulian_nobiody any idea about my sound problem? can someone have a look?11:40
webashello..is there any webcam page with 100% support list for ubuntu/kubuntu ?11:40
jjulian_webas, youve looked a stickam.com ?11:41
kuthux!google > webas11:41
ubottuwebas, please see my private message11:41
jjulian_is that what your searching for11:41
saniActionParsnip: VirtualBox isn't showing at Add & Remove files -menu, can I delete it manually somehow?11:41
webasim going to try there..thanks11:41
Anarhistjjulian_, what's your problem, could it be the same as mine?11:41
webasnah you havent understood.. jjulian_ i wanted a page where is a list of webcams that supports kubuntu/ubuntu so i can choose any and buy,...11:42
elvis123Hi where can I find documentation for installing raid 5 and then ubuntu?11:42
ActionParsnipsani: dpkg -l | grep -i virtual11:43
jjulian_Anarhist, i dont know if it could be the same. i just have no sound at all from laptop speakers. and crackling low from one of the jacks11:43
ActionParsnipsani: remove any packages from there you deem suitable11:43
disting[ GrEEtiNgS EvERyOnE ]11:43
ActionParsnip!raid | elvis12311:43
ubottuelvis123: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:43
kuthux!hello | disting11:43
ubottudisting: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:43
Anarhistjjulian_, sounds different, have you tried to restart alsa and pulseaudio?11:43
ActionParsnip!sound | jjulian_11:44
ubottujjulian_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:44
distingkudak need help.. is there any messenger from which i can sign in all accounts at a time11:44
chmacIs there any way to log out of my gnome-session from a terminal?11:44
distinghotmail yahoo or gamail11:44
distingat once11:44
jjulian_Anarhist, i had never sound11:45
distingis there any messenger11:45
xmanhi all, i am facing problems with half life on the internet. When i join a server, its kicks me and says your ping is too high but i am having a very good download speed. Someone told me to do port forwarding in my router for it. I did that too but didn't worked. Can anyone tell me what to do how to overcome the problem?????11:45
jjulian_ActionParsnip, i tried nearly all of that11:45
webasis software raid safe on ubuntu/kubuntu? :)11:45
chmacCan I somehow terminate my X session?11:45
chmacI guess ctrl-alt-backspace would do the trick...11:45
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:45
saniupdate sign from right top is gone now11:45
saniupdate-manager works now :)11:46
Neaaikuthux: I'll reboot and see how it goes that GRUB configuration.11:46
saniActionParsnip: Update-manager says my system is up to date? :D11:46
ActionParsnipsani: cool11:46
chronographeranyone good with mpd and pulseaudio? I got this error in mpd's log: problems opening audio device while playing ...11:46
kuthuxNeaai: ok then. make sure u typed correctly11:46
saniActionParsnip: how can upgrade to 8.04 then?11:46
ActionParsnipsani: you can check with: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade11:46
ActionParsnip!upgrade | sani11:47
ubottusani: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:47
chronographerCannot connect to server in PulseAudio output "My MPD PulseAudio Output" (attempt 1): Connection refused11:47
chronographerooh i found it: 'add mpd to pulseaudio groups'  !!11:48
elvis123thanks ubottu11:49
kuthux!hello | Lareth11:50
ubottuLareth: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:50
LarethI want to setup my apache2 to be able to use the Public folder of my user account11:50
ActionParsnipi always laugh when people thank ubottu11:50
ActionParsnipLareth: use a symlink11:50
ortsvorsteherwhy not be friendly to ubottu? :D11:50
ActionParsniphe doesnt care11:51
ActionParsniphe loves coffee too much11:51
ActionParsnip!coffee | ortsvorsteher11:51
ubottuortsvorsteher: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java11:51
ortsvorsteher:) ActionParsnip11:51
LarethActionParsnip: How would I do that?11:51
ActionParsnipLareth: i the apache2 start folder use: ln -s /path/to/folder11:52
saniActionParsnip, what means: Enable the "dapper-updates" repository.11:53
ActionParsnipLareth: that will make a link to the data and will be accessible as if the data is in both places, but its only stored once11:53
ActionParsnipsani: not sure, give it a websearch see what you find11:53
LarethActionParsnip: I remember that you need to add some things in the httpd.conf11:54
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ActionParsnipLareth: if it can be done that way then cool11:55
ActionParsnipLareth: man httpd.conf11:55
ljsoftnethow can i upgrade nautilus?11:55
nawbisn't there a way of mounting harddrives by drive id (/dev/mydriveID) instead of /dev/hda1 ?11:56
ikonianawb uuid is the norm now11:57
nawbuuid, thanks.. didn't recall the name for that id :)11:57
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: sudo apt-get install nautilus will upgrade it (and only nautilus) if there is a newer version on the repos11:58
PeoplesAdvocateWhat is up everyone?12:04
=== johnson is now known as Guest39193
Larethwhen I try to restart apache2 using 'apache2 -k restart' I get the following error12:07
Larethapache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}12:07
bimberiLareth: sudo apache2ctl restart12:09
=== johnson is now known as Guest13827
Larethbimberi: thanks12:11
Wavesonicshey, im looking to buy a UPS, but I want one that has some software for Linux that can should down my server if the power goes out, any sugestions?12:11
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:11:23). - Reason: away!12:11
darius12hi, is there a standard way of building multiple versions of a package?12:13
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:13
darius12like e.g., building both vim-gnome and vim-tiny from the same source12:13
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:13
ActionParsnipWavesonics: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312350&highlight=ups+shutdown12:13
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:13
bimberi!away | tyfoo12:13
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:13
ubottutyfoo: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»12:13
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:13
ikonia!away > tyfoo12:13
FloodBot2tyfoo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:13
ubottutyfoo, please see my private message12:13
ActionParsniptyfoo: thats not needed12:13
Wavesonicsawesome, thanks ActionParsnip12:13
ActionParsnip!away | tyfoo12:13
ikoniatyfoo: please disable that script12:14
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:14
sanihow can I run some simple .exe file? ;D12:14
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:14
Opr8iVequick Q, how can I ignore join / part msgs? New to Xchat..12:14
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:14
Mihamina1sani : use windows12:14
* tyfoo is currently away (since 13:13:10). - Reason: test -.-!12:14
kuthuxtyfoo:  is flooding12:15
darius12sani: use wine12:15
sanisecond time using ubuntu, help is needed.12:15
Mihamina1darius12: I heard it works not so bad on ubuntu....12:15
darius12if the .exe file is simple then it will work12:15
Mihamina1sani: why using ubuntu to run .exe?12:15
Opr8iVesani: start a terminal. type sudo apt-get install wine12:16
saniI'll try :o)12:16
Kartagishow do i specify an installation prefix to a Makefile.PL?12:16
Opr8iVeonce wine is installed, it *should* grab an .exe you double click on, and try to run it12:16
Wavesonicshhmmm.... If i get a UPS with output of 220W, im not gonna be able to run a 400W PSU off of it huh...12:17
LilinallteHi, using hardy on acer 9920 laptop. Trashcan has one empty directory, which cannot be removed (system states it's not empty). Any suggestions on how to completely remove this empty directory from trash?12:17
jasomjahi, where is defined default run level on ubuntu  ?12:17
jasomjathatt is replaced vith system V, but i cant find file or something where i can cnage it12:18
Opr8iVeLilinallte, you could try sudo rm -f /whatever/directory, but read up on rm before playing with it, as you can easily delete needed system files12:18
Lilinalltetnx, will try. this was a user directory made by myself (copied from memory stick...)12:19
saniOpr8iVe, terminal says the packet is not available. Some other guy said I could just google it and install the wine? :p12:19
Opr8iVeHmmm.. Is the wine package in the nonfree repositories? I don't remember12:20
maheshcan any one help me12:20
maheshi've one problem using firefox that, when i'm refreshing the page while searching for results page, the page is not displaying12:20
Opr8iVemahesh, Im not sure I understand you12:20
maheshi mean, i'm getting that the page not found12:20
Kajoverhey.. i need help.. i tried every possible way to install ubuntu through bootcamp on my macbook pro but it wont work.. it cant see the hard disk (not bootable)12:21
bimberiOpr8iVe: it's in universe12:21
alltaxHi all. I have a problem with my wacom and google wont help me. When I plugg the wacom to my USB it is like the wacom press the left mouse button and keep doing that. The right button works and I can move the arrow on my desktop12:21
maheshbut, when i see in the address bar, the address of the result page was appended in the address bar..., with "\" symbol12:21
wershow do i make conky run on startup? :)12:22
Opr8iVemahesh, sorry, not real familliar with firefox.. Perhaps someone else in here can help12:22
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ActionParsnipsani: wine12:23
maheshanyway, thanks for the response12:23
Kajoverany idea??12:23
Opr8iVewers: System > Prefrences > sessions > Add12:23
wersOpr8iVe, there's a problem with taht. if i do that, conky appears on only one workspcae12:24
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* Opr8iVe doesnt use conky, so My knowledge is limited, but isnt that a setting in the .config file?12:25
utopianpls help me, wht linux that best suites my 64mb ram, 4gb, intel celeron old laptop? except puppy (coz i already have one)12:26
Opr8iVeKajover, Sorry I have absolute zero mac experience.. (other than owning an iPod)12:26
gnothi all. can i get a file from an ubuntu cd without downloading the image? Is there a directory containing all the CD contents?12:26
ikoniautopian: ubuntu will not run on that host12:26
Kajoverthank you.. do you know how i can get help (sounds weird)12:27
Opr8iVeutopian, Check out gentoo.. I think they hava a minimalistic build thats pretty nice12:27
utopianthank you ikonia, pls can u recommend a linux for my OS?12:27
ortsvorsteher!ask | Kajover12:27
ubottuKajover: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:27
utopianthank you Opr8ive, ill check it out12:28
gnotsorry for asking. i am not familiar at all with the way ubuntu releases are organized on the web12:28
Opr8iVeHe was asking a question12:28
ikoniautopian: join ##linux for general linux help12:28
utopianthank you ikonia! i really appreciate it12:28
utopianbye guys!!! thank you again!12:29
farciarz84hi man!12:29
KajoverQUESTION: Installed Ubuntu on Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa)STOP Won't show up as bootable drive STOP What can I do? STOP Thank You12:29
Kajoverbetter? :P12:30
ikoniaKajover: you may want to look into the macs bios/efi boot options12:30
farciarz84pls tell me is there a posibility to search under console in ubuntu? I mean not seraching file but text at my screen12:30
MarkRichmanCan someone tell me where CA.pl is located?12:30
Opr8iVeKajover, Sorry was away.. You may try #ubuntu-powerpc12:31
farciarz84in poland12:31
kuthuxfarciarz84: do u mean serach for a text in a file ?12:31
farciarz84I know grep12:32
farciarz84I mean serach like in firefox ctrl+f and look for pharse in my window12:32
kuthuxwant to search on your current terminal screen12:32
Opr8iVeMarkRichman, Mines at /usr/lib/ssl/misc/CA.pl12:33
MarkRichmanOpr8iVe: thanks12:33
kuthuxi don't know if this work, but maybe screen buffer can be read to search some text12:33
Opr8iVeMarkRichman, next time, try locate CA.pl at a prompt, It may be faster :)12:33
MarkRichmanOpr8iVe: i didn't have slocate installed...but i do now ;)12:33
Opr8iVeer, the command "locate"12:33
Opr8iVeAh.. Cool beans12:34
Opr8iVeWow.. Being in this channel kinda makes me feel like Im not a know-nothing noob.. (even tho I am)12:35
kuthuxfarciarz84: in certain apps we can do that12:35
kuthuxfarciarz84: such as in vi , elinks, or less12:36
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kuthuxfarciarz84: i usually press / then enter phrase, and it's highlited12:37
farciarz84but i mean no text-editor or browser but raw console output12:37
kuthuxi see, maybe u should export the raw output first :D12:37
farciarz84then it not be so quick12:38
PaymoxIs it only me or does the CPU FAN sound more/work more in ubuntu than windows?12:38
farciarz84maybe there is some ubuntu-shortcut to go for searching that12:38
scuserhi all, how to configure an ldap client not to do simple authentication ?12:39
kuthuxfor output that already on the screen :)12:39
Opr8iVePaymox, On my dell laptop it does, but not on my HP lappy12:39
PaymoxOpr8iVe, hmm ok.. strange :s12:39
Paymoxits getting annoying12:40
Opr8iVePaymox, but thats kind of to be expected.. The default settings for *nixs thermal managment are bound to be different than for Microsoft12:40
Opr8iVePaymox, Im sure theres settings for that, I just don't know where.. you may want to try google12:41
JewingGumI <3 2 eat toothpicks12:41
PaymoxI will, thanks12:41
* Opr8iVe likes to drink lava lamps12:41
Opr8iVe... Gotta have something to wash down the crayons12:41
* JewingGum chews toothpicks until they are chopped on small pieces, then he swallows them12:42
IdleOne!ot | JewingGum12:42
ubottuJewingGum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:42
Opr8iVeAt least your stomach lining wont have unsightly plaque buildup12:42
Opr8iVeOops.. Sorry12:42
r3c0nplease does anyone know how to fix cisco vpn client with the latest kernel? It was working fine and dandy for me but not any longer.. it still compiles just fine but fails to connect12:43
r3c0ni would really hate to boot into windows just for vpn :/12:44
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Opr8iVer3c0n, this wouldnt happen to be through a broadcom BCM4328 wireless modem, would it?12:44
r3c0nno Opr8iVe through the same wired ethernet12:44
=== JewingGum is now known as HashTable
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=== Hash is now known as HideousHashimoto
r3c0nall i did after the install was vpn_uninstall and then vpn_install and started the service through /etc/inet.d/nameofservice start12:45
r3c0nand then vpnclient connect profile_name12:45
Opr8iVeOh, okay.. Cant help you then, LOL.. Sorry.. Just know that the -21 finally supports that wireless modem mostly, but still seems to have weird issues12:45
IdleOneHideousHashimoto: stop with the nick changes12:45
r3c0nOpr8iVe: is cisco vpn client working for you on the latest kernel?12:45
r3c0nipsec udp?12:46
Opr8iVer3c0n, Im not using any vpn currently. Sorry (dont let me fool you, Im just a noob)12:46
Opr8iVeSorry about that.. See what happens when I think I know something? LOL12:49
moesHow do I correct the following error at startup in Hardy 8.0.4..."undefined video mode number 2F6"12:51
Opr8iVemoes, check your xorg.conf for errors12:53
khussein78_khussein78, as12:54
legend2440moes: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77438112:54
Opr8iVeSounds like there may be a typo in there, or perhaps in the bootline in your menu.lst12:54
greensunhi sdfgsfg12:54
greensunhow areu12:54
greensuni can not hear a thing12:55
greensunmy sound device is notworking pls help me12:56
KillerJinnhow to run windows inside linux12:58
legend2440moes: http://blog.edirectories.info/2008/04/how-to-fix-undefined-video-mode-number-in-ubuntu/12:59
Opr8iVeKillerJinn, Virtualbox.12:59
KillerJinnthx Opr8iVe12:59
moeslegends2440/Opr8iVe...Thanks for the links will try menu.lst12:59
Egg-Netor dont :)12:59
Opr8iVetheres quite good tutorials on the internet12:59
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elvis123on my installation i want to change my "Use as:" to "physical volume for RAID" but it is not listed as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID. installing Ubuntu 8.04.1 amd64 server13:02
elvis123please help13:02
=== ljl_ is now known as LjjjL
AnarchidSo, here's a question: I've managed to thrash my dependency tree by installing a newer version of libc6. Now, the system refuses to install any new packages until it's fixed, and synaptic offers to "fix" it by uninstalling six broken packages. And everything else that depends on those: that means *everything else*. How do i fix meself without levelling and reinstalling?13:07
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TychoQuadcan someone tell me how i would remove kubuntu after installing it via apt?13:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pureubuntu13:11
* mediocre-ninja 13:11
legend2440!puregnome | TychoQuad13:11
ubottuTychoQuad: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »13:11
IdleOnethanks legend244013:11
nureyif i have two NICs, how do i set which one is the default route?13:12
TychoQuadummm, i don't suppose there's an ibex version?13:12
IdleOneTychoQuad: should be the same13:13
tulpe_does anyone know why custom icons for nautilus actions don't get shown in the menu? build-in icons work13:13
bhindihy allz13:14
greensunwhat is the commad for opening a document13:14
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/13:14
LjjjLgreensun: gnome-open13:14
bhindican any body tell me how i can change my ip address i m using wimax13:14
legend2440TychoQuad: try channel #ubuntu+1 for intrepid support13:14
bhindican any body tell me how i can change my ip address i m using wimax13:15
bhindiany 1 home13:15
KillerJinnany app similer to ms paint in windows ?13:15
bhindican any body tell me how i can change my ip address i m using wimax13:15
LjjjL!repeat | bhindi13:15
ubottubhindi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:15
bhindican any body tell me how i can change my ip address i m using wimax13:16
jribKillerJinn: Try 'apt-cache search -n paint'.  There's GIMP as well (installed by default)13:17
LjjjL!pm | greensun13:17
ubottugreensun: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.13:17
stperehi, there is a bug in shipit.ubuntu.com13:17
LjjjLgreensun: well of course it's asking you for the URL, how would it know which document to open if you don't tell it?13:17
jribgreensun: gvfs-open FILE    should open FILE with an appropriate application13:18
definitelyHello all i have some problems. I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex AMD64, and after install i got peeeeeep signal and it doesnt stop... it is something with kernel. In btw i am using Intel Core 2 Quad13:18
stperethere is no place to enter a quantity, but it's written that they will send my 1 copy, then when I submit, it tells me I didn't enter a quantity13:18
jribdefinitely: #ubuntu+113:18
AnarchidSo, here's a question: I've managed to thrash my dependency tree by installing a newer version of libc6. Now, the system refuses to install any new packages until it's fixed, and synaptic offers to "fix" it by uninstalling six broken packages. And everything else that depends on those: that means *everything else*. How do i fix meself without levelling and reinstalling?13:18
LjjjL!pm | bhindi, i'm running out of patience13:18
ubottubhindi, i'm running out of patience: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.13:18
bhindiok sir13:19
bhindican any body tell me how i can change my ip address i m using wimax thats 113:19
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/13:19
LjjjLbhindi: please type /msg ubottu etiquette, and learn how to be a proper netizen of this channel13:19
LjjjLbhindi: as for your question, why do you want to change the IP in the first place? aren't you on DHCP?13:19
jasuntoanyone know how to check the status of a download that is using wget but is in background13:20
bhindifor megashare download sir13:20
jribstpere: yes, happens to me too.  You can file a bug at launchpad.net against the website, but I'm sure it should be fixed soon enough13:20
LjjjLbhindi: sorry, i'm not sure i see how megashare download has anything to do with your IP13:20
bhindioks thanxs13:20
bhindi4 giving me information13:21
bhindii think u dont know13:21
the_lost_onejasunto, it migth have created a logfile13:21
jasuntoanyway to check wget download progress when it is running in background13:21
jasuntono way to make it back like when i first typed command?13:21
LjjjLjasunto: how did you put it into the background?13:22
jasuntowith percent and the bar13:22
jribjasunto: check -b in the man page.  Depending on how you put it in the background, it says it will write to "wget-log"13:22
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greensungvfs-open is an application13:22
jrib!who | greensun13:22
ubottugreensun: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:22
jasuntoi ssh'ed into computer at home and did wget on a file and disconnected, now i ssh'ed back in adn want to see progress13:22
LjjjLif my neighbors are using wifi channels 1, 6 and 11 (and 5 with very weak signal), is there any preferred channel i'd best put my own network on?13:22
jribjasunto: are you sure wget is still even running?13:22
greensuni want to open a file or folder wat command do i use13:23
jribgreensun: I told you the command.  Is that not what you wanted?13:23
LjjjLgreensun: i think i told you. gnome-open.13:23
elvis123on my installation i want to change my "Use as:" to "physical volume for RAID" but it is not listed. installing Ubuntu 8.04.1 amd64 server. why is it not showing13:23
mkhlnshhi. does anyone know what is this message from Tiger? i really don't gett it... did it read that password? the password has UTF8 chars, is this unusual? --FAIL-- [pass009f] Login user1 has an unusual password content13:24
jribLjjjL: gnome-open is broken in 8.04, gvfs-open does the right thing13:24
IdleOneLjjjL: trial and error I would assume till you get the best connection13:24
coopsterI am running Hardy and have Matlab installed.  After I installed matlab i removed a NIC from my machine (it has two).  Matlab locks the license for the program to the MAC of eth0.  I am using hwaddr in ifconfig to set the MAC of eth1 to be the same as what eth0 used to be, but how can i configure ubuntu to stop naming the interface eth1?  There is no eth0 in this machine anymore.13:24
jribmkhlnsh: what is Tiger?13:24
jasuntoyes i checked processes13:24
LjjjLjrib: how broken?13:24
greensungnome-open ask for url13:24
greensunhow do i go about the url13:25
jribgreensun: do you just want to open the current directory in the File Browser?13:25
jribLjjjL: doesn't respect your default apps13:25
LjjjLgreensun: ... yes, you said that before. and i told you that, yes, it isn't a mindreader, you DO have to provide the FILENAME that you want opened13:25
mkhlnshjrib, it's an automatic security auditor. http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/tiger13:25
RazorsKisssahweet - installing ubuntu alternate from an ISO, after downloading the iso to another partition through a puppy install :D13:25
jribgreensun: nautilus .13:25
rageHey, whats a command I can pipe some input through to take multiple lines onto one line seperated by spaces?13:25
greensunit is on my desktop13:25
jribmkhlnsh: are you using intrepid then?13:25
jasuntops -aef shows wget http://theurl.com13:25
RazorsKissone of the weirdest OS installs I've ever done :D13:25
ragee.g "input\nwith\nnew\nlines" | command | "input with new lines"13:26
mkhlnshjrib, yes...13:26
greensuni have a file on my desktop i want to open13:26
jribrage: tr maybe?13:26
jribmkhlnsh: #ubuntu+1 for help with intrepid13:26
ikoniagreensun open nautilus, browse tot he file13:26
ikoniato the file13:26
LjjjLjrib: uhm gvfs-open isn't provided by default though is it?13:26
TuniX12greensun: with an extension?13:27
jribjasunto: did you check for wget-log?  If it's not there then I suggest you just check the file size of the file it is downloading to get an idea of how far along it is13:27
greensunis there a command that can open it just by typing it13:27
jribLjjjL: right13:27
greensunit is txt13:27
jasuntonot sure where log is stored13:27
LjjjLgreensun: NO, because it CAN'T KNOW what you want to open, why do you think your computer can ever read your mind?13:27
TuniX12greensun: just doubli-click it13:27
jribjasunto: would be in the directory you ran wget from I guess13:27
greensuni try gnome-open the file name and the extension13:28
defryskgreensun: maybe you should install mc13:28
LjjjLgreensun: and what happened?13:28
the_lost_onejasunto, then wget is doing is job, you can kill the PID of wget and start again resuming the download with -c13:28
ikoniaLjjjL: what is teh issue with using nautilus to browse to the file?13:28
LjjjLikonia: i don't know, ask him, he wanted a "command"13:29
IdleOnewhy not use gedit file13:29
jim_pidefix: are you still there?13:29
defrysknautilus /path/to/file13:29
ikoniaLjjjL he keeps ignoring the question, so I thought i'd ask the organ grinder13:29
TuniX12ikonia LjjjL he sais its a text file in the desktop13:29
LjjjLgreensun: i can't accept DCC CHATs. please talk in the channel.13:29
ikoniagreensun what is the issue with opening nautilus and browsing to the file13:30
=== FalseDuck is now known as FalseProphet
IdleOnegreensun: if you want us to help you need to help us a little also.13:30
* defrysk senses a troll13:30
LjjjLis there any way to check how long a laptop has been running since last being disconnected from AC?13:31
IdleOnedefrysk: prolly just a noob13:31
ikoniaLjjjL normally hover over teh battery icon13:31
ikoniaLjjjL: normally says running on batter for X minutes %83 remaining13:31
TuniX12greensun: you have a file with .txt extension cant you open it or find it??13:31
LjjjLikonia: it just tells me how long it remains13:31
ikoniaLjjjL ahh, darn13:32
RovinHello :)13:32
the_lost_oneLjjjL, mayme acron for vevery minute that writes the date and our in a text file?13:32
greensunLjjjL:i typed the file name but it did not work it.ask  for the  The location or file could not be found.13:32
ikoniagreensun what is the issue with using nautilus to browse tot he file13:33
ikoniagreensun: why is this not an option for you ?13:33
LjjjLthe_lost_one: i could write a script to do it, sure, just wondering if there was anything in /proc or whatever13:33
RovinI got this: "Your computer failed to suspend" :(13:33
kulfii've installed ubuntu server, how do i check if i'm running a DNS server?13:33
greensuni do not want it13:33
ikoniakulfi search for the named process13:33
ikoniagreensun: why ?13:33
LjjjLgreensun: can you answer ikonia please?13:33
the_lost_oneLjjjL, oh hehe :)13:33
serenehi , is there any way to convert a rpm package to debian package on fedora system ( i am new to ubuntu pls can anyone help me )13:34
jonathan_iemand wat voor een stable?13:34
greensunif i can ope  the file with  a command i must be able to do that13:34
LjjjL!nl | jonathan_13:34
ubottujonathan_: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl13:34
jribserene: it's usually better to find a proper debian package.  What software is this for?13:34
ikoniagreensun: what is the issue ? that way you can see the file is there13:34
IdleOnegreensun: ok where is the file located?13:34
LjjjLgreensun: and you can. gnome-open filename   (or gvfs-open filename since apparently gnome-open is a bit broken)13:34
greensunon my desktop13:34
defryskserene: ask in #fedora13:35
LjjjLgreensun: if it says the location is not found, then you're typing the pathname and filename wrong.13:35
ikoniagreensun browse to it an open it through nautlius to see if there is a problem13:35
TuniX12greensun: linux is case-sensitive remember13:35
IdleOnegreensun: type this in terminal, cd Desktop13:35
the_lost_oneserene, if you cant find any deb, then try alien13:35
jim_pidefix: are you still there?13:35
defryskthe_lost_one: he is on a fedora system13:35
=== dvyjones_ is now known as dvyjones
jim_pserene: dont try the alien rpm solution, compile the code to a .deb package13:36
IdleOnegreensun: now type ls ( tell me if you see the file listed )13:36
the_lost_onedefrysk, and that means he cant install alien?13:36
defryskthe_lost_one: it means its a fedora question imo13:36
the_lost_onedefrysk, ah :)13:37
scuserhi all, can anyone tell me what are the available SASL_MECH options in the ldap.conf file ?13:37
greensun No such file or directory13:37
LjjjLgreensun: what did you type?13:37
serenejim_p :- how do i do tat13:37
serenei didn't get u13:37
serenecan u be more clear pls13:37
IdleOnegreensun: show us what you typed please13:37
jim_pserene: use checkinstall13:38
defryskcheckinstall is handy dandy13:38
greensun gnome-open New Text Document.txt13:39
TuniX12greensun: open Terminal and type cd Desktop then type ls what do you see?13:39
jim_pdefrysk: i prefer checkinstall and sompiling from installing an rpm ugly thing13:39
LjjjLgreensun: i think you were asked to type "cd Desktop" now.13:39
LjjjLgreensun: although i suggest you type "cd ~/Desktop" instead13:39
defryskjim_p: I agree13:39
greensuni did13:39
LjjjLgreensun: then, you were asked to type "ls"13:39
IdleOnegreensun: you did what13:39
the_lost_onejim_p, never tryed checkinstall13:39
greensunand it changed13:40
kulfithanks ikonia. my network is getting confused whether to use the ubuntu DNS or my ISPs. i'd only like to use it with local IPs (e.g. --> sandbox.local). is this possible?13:40
jim_pthe_lost_one: i have tried it a LOT recently13:40
kulfior should i disabled ubuntu's DNS?13:40
IdleOnegreensun: it is very frustrating trying to help you when you dont answer us and when you are not clear with your answers13:40
the_lost_onejim_p, thank's i'll try it :)13:40
LjjjLgreensun: anyway, you can't type filenames containing spaces like that. type      gnome-open New    then hit the TAB key.13:40
greensuni  am trying13:41
* defrysk lacks patience and respects the patient ones big time13:41
serenejim_p : what does checkinstall do13:42
jim_pserene: checkinstall makes a .deb file from the source code13:42
LjjjL!info checkinstall | serene13:42
ubottuserene: checkinstall (source: checkinstall): installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-5ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 113 kB, installed size 548 kB13:42
greensunthanks all who help me it did work13:42
defryskserene: run checkinstall instead of make install and you get a .deb for personal usage13:43
LjjjLserene: "apt-cache show checkinstall" will give you a longer description of it. that works for all packages.13:43
LjjjLgreensun: it could have worked 10 minutes ago, if you had answered our questions as asked. still, cheers.13:43
kulfiany advice whether i can use DNS to resolve just local IPs? currently other PCs on the network sporadically get confused when trying to browse to external websites13:43
* IdleOne gives LjjjL ikonia defrysk a cookie each13:43
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!13:44
IdleOnesam__: /nick samam3113:44
LjjjLkulfi: sorry, i didn't get you. you want a DNS server that *only* resolves local IPs?13:44
kulfiLjjL. yes, i'd like to set up a sandbox server, and browse to http://sandbox.local from other PCs13:45
KDB9000I have 2 wifi cards. one of them is internal and the other is USB external. How can I make it so the USB wireless doesn't connect to any wireless but I can still use it with a program (like kismet)?13:45
kulfiLjjjL ^^13:45
thomasiteHi. Can anyone please tell me what command(s) to issue at the terminal so that I could know what graphics card my laptop has? Thanks.13:45
the_lost_onekulfi, maybe you need to tweak /etc/hosts ?13:45
jim_pi am thinking of making a local repo for rare packages! like wbar and whatever does come in a .deb, its free and it is not in a repo13:45
kulfithe_lost_one, and disable DNS?13:45
defryskthomasite: lspci13:45
IdleOnethomasite: lspci13:45
sam__hi all13:45
serenethanks for info on checkinstall i wil go through it13:45
thomasiteThanks, defrysk and IdleOne13:45
kekeku( System: Linux 2.6.24-21-generic on Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E4400 @ 2.00GHz )( Bogomips: 8005.42 )( Memory: total: 2025.9 MB used: 315.4 MB [||||||||||] )( Disks: total: 1145.5 GB used: 86.2 GB [||||||||||] )( Uptime: 32min 35s )( Load avg: 0.31 0.37 0.35 )( Vpenis: 238.9 cm )( eth0: Rx: 20.4 MB [21.1 kB/s] Tx: 1.5 MB [629 B/s] )13:46
the_lost_onekuldeep, nope, dns is checked in second state if its not on hosts file13:46
smm289what would be a good program to wipe clean a hard-drive.  Fill it with zero's or some other method for a secure cleaning.  Using Hardy13:46
IdleOnekekeku: not in here please13:46
defryskkekeku: stop that please13:46
kulfithe_lost_one, was that for me (kulfi)?13:46
the_lost_oneops, soory i mean kulfi13:46
kulfithanks :)13:46
kekekusorry, i just tested13:46
IdleOnekekeku: test in #testing13:47
the_lost_onekulfi, np :)13:47
jim_psmm289: dd ! dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sda13:47
smm289Jim_p: do you know a program with a GUI front-end13:47
kulfithe_lost_one, dns is checked in second state by other PCs on the network, or just the ubuntu instance>13:47
the_lost_onekulfi, of course, just ubuntu box13:48
kulfithe_lost_one, ok it's the other network PCs that are getting confused. sounds like i should disabled DNS on the ubuntu server13:48
jim_psmm289: no :(13:48
the_lost_onekulfi, but, whats exactly the issue?13:49
pindakaas117when will the latest version of pidgin be released in the ubuntu repository?13:49
sapi just added mediabuntu using the line wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - & sudo wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list and now my add/remove programs update and other software sources are not working how do i remove these sources13:49
sapany help pls13:49
kulfithe_lost_one - i'd like to browse to http://sandbox.local, and also not have other network PCs confused (as the currently, sporadically are) when trying to browse to external websites13:50
jim_pbrb guys13:50
IdleOnesap edit /etc/apt/sources.list13:50
jribsap: you are using outdated instructions.13:50
kulfii'm guessing the confusion is due to multiple DNS servers (ubuntu and my ISP)13:50
jrib!medibuntu > sap13:50
ubottusap, please see my private message13:50
greensunsorry friends but i chanhed the name and it will not open again13:50
LjjjLkulfi: well you can most certainly install a dns server and tell it to not look up anything on higher-tier dns servers. i use "dnsmasq", which is relatively simple to configure... i use it as a dns cacher, but i guess it can do what you want if you just don't give it any dns addresses (and instead, put in a list of local addresses yourself)13:51
LjjjLkulfi: typing "apt-cache search dns server" will provide a lot of alternatives to that, though. some of them claims to be "small" or "lightweight", for what is worth.13:51
sapyes i get that but now how do i remove the sources so i can then add the correct ones13:51
the_lost_onekulfi, then you have a dns server in ubuntu and this one is used to resolve names by the rest of boxes?13:51
IdleOnesap: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:51
jribsap: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list13:51
matteus_matteus8ciao ragazzi13:52
LjjjLgreensun: well, of course you'll now have to type the command using the new name. what is it, by the way?13:52
LjjjL!it | matteus_matteus813:52
ubottumatteus_matteus8: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:52
kulfithanks LjjjL, i'll try that. the_lost_one, yes that is the current set up.13:52
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sapthanks IdleOne  jrib ubottu13:52
pindakaas117when will the latest version of pidgin be released in the ubuntu repository?13:52
MuelleJA software package I am trying to install is requiring libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3, can I install the libstdc++-libc6.2-2 package from gutsy in hardy?13:52
LjjjLkulfi: but then you *do* want to resolve external names...? the solution i gave you will *not* allow you to resolve anything but stuff you put in mannually13:52
TuniX12sap ubottu is a bot :p13:52
IdleOnesap: jrib's way is faster my way lets you look and see what you are doing. both work13:53
LjjjLMuelleJ: no. absolutely not.13:53
BlueEaglepindakaas117: Software is added/upgraded in the repository after it's been tested.13:53
LjjjLMuelleJ: what package are you trying to install?13:53
pindakaas117k thanks BlueEagle13:53
kulfiLjjjL, yes, i'd like to be able to visit http://google.com, and http://sandbox.local13:53
smm289I just installed a program using synaptic, but im not sure how to run it, or were the command was installed13:53
sapthanks anyway all of u13:53
BlueEaglepindakaas117: You can always "roll your own" from source if you need the newest features, but when you're on the cutting edge you must be prepared to bleed some.13:54
kulfii'm going to turn DNS off for now, and try editing hosts to see what happends13:54
sapand damn i am such a noob in this13:54
MuelleJLjjjL, BackupExec. I downloaded the installer from Symantec and used alien to convert the RPM to DEB and it installed, but now when I run it wants libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3. I had it running under Gutsy since there was a package, but now I set up a new server with Hardy.13:54
BlueEagle!build-essentials | pindakaas11713:54
ubottupindakaas117: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:54
greensunthe name is site13:54
macvrhi all... i'm trying o edit the LCDDisplayCapsSSi font using fontforge bu when i save the font it becomes unreadable?the font viewer doesnt recognize it! any ideas?13:54
LjjjLMuelleJ: converting .rpm to .deb is a bad idea in and of itself. changing the version of core system libraries is an idea that will invariably result in non-recoverable system breakage.13:55
LjjjLMuelleJ: there are several free backup solutions available in the ubuntu repositories, have you considered using them?13:55
pindakaas117BlueEagle: I already found the source code on their site I will have a look at it13:55
MuelleJLjjjL, some things you just have to do. We use BackupExec at work.13:55
BlueEaglepindakaas117: Read the link from ubottu for tips on compiling packages from source. :)13:55
the_lost_onekulfi, ok, then you must configure in your dns server sandbox.local.com to the IP where its stored13:55
greensuni want to add a printer over the network13:55
pindakaas117BlueEagle: thanks^^13:56
the_lost_onekulfi, or write sandbox.local in every hosts file of your boxes13:56
BlueEaglegreensun: Does the printer have a dedicated NIC or is it shared trough samba (windows sharing)?13:56
greensunthe printer is a network printer13:56
kulfithe_lost_one, i see, the clients' hosts files need to know where to find http://sandbox.local, w/o DNS the server can't do that13:57
greensunit it samba13:57
the_lost_onekulfi, rigth13:57
=== viviersf is now known as viviersf{gone}
BlueEagle!cups | greensun13:58
ubottugreensun: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:58
ikonia!away > viviersf{gone}13:58
ubottuviviersf{gone}, please see my private message13:58
Larethwhen I do 'sudo apache2ctl restart' I get apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName13:58
the_lost_onekulfi, try it with one client13:58
ikoniaLareth you need to put a FQDN into the ServerName directive in the apache2.conf13:58
BlueEaglegreensun: The last link from ubottu should probably help.13:58
kulfithanks the_lost_one, LjjjL13:58
Larethikonia: how do you do that?13:58
ikoniaLareth open it with a text editor and put in the FQDN13:59
LjjjLMuelleJ: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186128 there is this thread about it. please, try *anything* you can to avoid having to change versions of system libraries13:59
scientusdont debate me on merit, how do i give root a passwor without allowing root logins?13:59
Larethikonia: what is the FQDN?13:59
the_lost_onekulfi, no prob :)13:59
ikoniafully Qualified Domain Name13:59
scientusset root shell to /dev/null?13:59
the_lost_onescientus, changing the shell of root in /etc/passwd ?14:00
ikoniascientus: what ?14:00
scientusor blank?14:00
TuniX12scientus: there is no standard root login under ubuntu14:00
scientusgive root a password withot enabling the account14:00
ikoniascientus: what are you talking about ?14:00
LjjjLscientus: err, i won't debate on merits, but why would you give it a password if you'd still be unable to login with it?14:00
scientushaving a diff sudo passwd from regular passwd14:00
TuniX12scientus: you have sudo command14:00
scientusby giving root a passwd14:00
ikoniascientus sudo is based on your user password14:01
scientusbut it can be changed14:01
TuniX12scientus: you shoul enable root account first14:01
bastid_raZorscientus; you could add the user to admin group14:01
LjjjLscientus: sudo passwd root14:01
ikoniascientus: you can change your own password yes,14:01
BlueEaglescientus: I do not see any reason to do this, but setting the shell to /dev/null will disallow any shell based login (local and ssh) but you may open a can of worms if you allow root to log in trough ftp.14:01
scientusnoo ftp, i use samba or ssh14:01
swuboo ikonia:  I think he knows that, but he wants the password used for login and the password used for sudo to be different.  Probably because other people use his account, but he doesn't want to give them root access.  My guess, anyway.14:01
ikoniascientus: well samba there is no need for root login14:02
scientusno dpnt want to type in a long passwor to gain root14:02
ikoniascientus: your not making any sense14:02
BlueEaglescientus: Then I see no reason to define a root password tbh.14:02
scientusthen i do 310 on /bin/su14:02
swubooAh, or that.  That makes sense, too, I guess.  So you want a long password to increase the security of SSH, but a short password for sudo to make it more convenient?14:02
axel_shi, I'm not sure of which FS to use with my new Ubuntu installation... Does anybody know good benchmarks, tests, experiences?14:02
LjjjLscientus: you could also use an entirely different solution, i think14:02
ikoniascientus: 310 ???14:03
LjjjLscientus: type "man sudoers" and search for "runaspw"14:03
scientusi specify exactally who can run su14:03
ikoniascientus su isn't needed14:03
ikoniascientus: it doesn't matter who can run it if they don't know the password14:03
LjjjLscientus: why would you use su?14:03
scientuswell befor it was log in as someone else then su to real user14:04
scientusbut i dont like that14:04
greensuni am on a network i want to be able to view other desktop how do i do that14:04
TuniX12axel_s: ext3 : compromise between stability and performance14:04
LjjjLscientus, if you want a root shell, you just type "sudo -i"14:04
scientusso i need to give my real user a tough password14:04
ikoniascientus: your not making any sense at all14:04
MuelleJ!vnc | greensun14:04
ubottugreensun: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:04
scientus*******i want a differnt sudo password from log in password(*****14:04
scientusthats it14:04
ikoniascientus: why ?14:04
LjjjLscientus: i told you. "man sudoers" and search for the "runaspw" option.14:05
LjjjLthat's just what you asked for.14:05
ikoniawhy make 2 different users, or setup sudoes to not proompt your user as a password14:05
axel_sTuniX12, what about XFS? Seems to have very good features and performance14:05
ikoniaaxel_s: the average hoem user will not notice the differences in file system performance14:05
ikoniahome user14:05
TuniX12axel_s: yes for very large volumes14:06
TuniX12axel_s: home user does not need that14:06
Lilinalltedefine 'very large'14:06
BlueEagleaxel_s: If I remember correctly XFS is very very prone to corrupting data in case of an unclean mount.14:06
ikoniathe_lost_one thats not when XFS becomes "good"14:07
ATA_Dark_Shadowgreetings, is there a way to disable hash sum check in apt-get ?14:07
LjjjLATA_Dark_Shadow: uhm, that's a question that just begs a "why would you want to"14:08
peterzanybody know about runaway loop modprobe binfmt-464c when trying to boot a 64bit kernel on i386 intrepid?14:09
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:09
TuniX12Lilinallte: for large volume XFS and JFS are better than ext14:09
Pici!ibex | peterz14:09
ubottupeterz: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu14:09
ActionParsnipTuniX12: why so?14:09
ActionParsnipTuniX12: and how do you define large?14:10
ATA_Dark_ShadowLjjjL on my clients the check fails, and i checked them on my local repository a step before. As the clients does need to get updated and that wont work for some reason, i figured to disable should make them work again14:10
scientushow do i set runaspw for only 1 user (mysqlf)14:11
TuniX12ActionParsnip: XFS is a 64-bit file system. It supports a maximum file system size of 8 exbibytes14:11
LjjjLATA_Dark_Shadow: well your local repository is either set up wrong, or the checksums are failing for a valid reason (like faulty HD). i'd look for the root cause of the problem rather than just blindly disabling that14:11
ActionParsnipTuniX12: wow, nice14:11
TuniX12On 32-bit Linux systems, this limits the file and file system sizes to 16 terabytes.14:11
jribscientus: are you just trying to make sure mysqlf can't sudo?  I never understand the usecase for runaspw14:12
ActionParsnipTuniX12: not really a limit, 16Tb is loads14:12
scientusno i want a differnt login and sudo password14:12
ActionParsnip!adduser | scientus14:12
ubottuscientus: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo14:12
LjjjLscientus: create another use and give it any password. give the usre /bin/false as a shell.14:12
sam__hi, looking to use squid peering to load balance two ADSL lines, don't know if its a good idea, or even the best option to distribute load over multiple internet connection and also support some basic failover14:12
sam__any ideas?14:12
Piet44when i do sudo tar cvjf /storage/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-backup-`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.bz2 /var/www/dokuwiki/conf /var/www/dokuwiki/data /var/www/dokuwiki/lib , it will be saved in the .tar.bz2 like /var/www/dokuwiki/ folders. I want to see when i open the .tar.bz2 directly the 3 folders. Someone knows how i can do that ?14:13
TuniX12ActionParsnip: XFS is more performant on veeeeery large volumes14:13
cakeyrver irc.gamerzplanet.net14:13
ActionParsnipTuniX12: sounds like it. A single partition of that size is a bit impractical14:13
ActionParsnipTuniX12: imho14:13
pindakaas117wow build-dep owns14:13
scientusLjjjL, then how do i make that users passwd apply to my sudo and only my sudo?14:13
axel_sSo for my two 300G disks it actually doesn't matter at all what I use?14:14
axel_sWhat's best for safety/stability?14:14
crazyb0yaxel_s: ext314:14
ATA_Dark_ShadowLjjjL agreed, i get the error with every repository, no proxy of some sort, read the 2 or 3 bugs containing this problem, which leads to the client setup as such, where would i look to? how would i check if possible the python libary could be wrong on that setup?14:14
ActionParsnipaxel_s: id say ext314:14
jribaxel_s: ext3 gets the most attention14:14
Kajoverhey... installed ubuntu with refit on my mbp selected linux to boot but it wont boot... there is just a blinking dash for minutes14:14
LjjjLscientus: that's something "man sudoers" tells you14:14
TuniX12ActionParsnip: i mean raid14:14
crazyb0yor wait for ext4 =)14:14
axel_sAnyone with experiences with JFS?14:15
KenBW2if i were to look into developing apps for ubuntu what's the best language to go for?14:15
scientusim there LjjjL i see runaspww but dont know how to set it up onl for me,14:15
LjjjLATA_Dark_Shadow: have you tried just clearing the archives (sudo apt-get clean) and re-downloading the bad packagse?14:15
ActionParsnipKenBW2: C, C++ i'd say14:15
pindakaas117axel_s: i got a 1TB exernal hard drive on my linux server, but it is formatted into ntfs , so I can unplug it and use it one my windows laptop when I want :)14:15
TuniX12axel_s: you really dont need that unless you have big servers14:15
=== greensun_ is now known as greensun
KenBW2ActionParsnip: i know Js and PHP, how hard do you reckon itd be for me14:16
TuniX12with a high storage capacity14:16
complexityanyone use ipager?14:16
magnetroncomplexity→ do you use ipager?14:16
opbithi, inside "Monitor resoultion settings" i see it say: "screen unknown and it set refresh rate to 50hz" how can i tell it what my screen is? (i am using dell xps 1330)14:16
ActionParsnipKenBW2: should be fine if you can code already14:16
n8tuseropbit try xdpyinfo14:17
ActionParsnipKenBW2: you can code in anything you like as long as it'll run on linux14:17
complexitymagnetron, I try but I cant get it installed in ubuntooth14:17
Craihhgneycould someone tell me if there's a way to run iso files on ubuntu without burning them to disk?14:17
opbitn8tuser:i ran it, but how can i tell it what my screen is? (i know the model...)14:17
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:17
ATA_Dark_ShadowLjjjL if im not mistake i cant get the lists of the packages to download "binary-amd64/Packages.bz2 " for example14:18
n8tuseropbit the line  #screen or display14:18
ActionParsnipCraihhgney: mount them14:18
ATA_Dark_ShadowLjjjL and yes i did apt-get clean14:18
colehi all, does anyone know anything about rootkit hunter? im looking for some help on rkhunter log14:18
opbitn8tuser:yea, but where do i insert the changes?14:19
Craihhgneyhow do you mount?14:19
LjjjLscientus: no i'm sorry, i think i was mistaken and runaspw can only work globally for all users14:19
bastid_raZor!iso | Craihhgney14:19
ubottuCraihhgney: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.14:19
KenBW2my borther's laptop has scroll buttons on the trackpad. Up scrolls down and Down scrolls up - how do I fix that?14:19
ActionParsnipCraihhgney: ubotuu (a bot) is telling you14:19
n8tuseropbit changes to what?  look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?14:19
LjjjLATA_Dark_Shadow: then what about you pastebin the output of your "sudo apt-get update" so we can see just what it's telling you and about what repositories14:20
ActionParsnipCraihhgney: you need to make an empty folder to mount to first14:20
scientuswell LjjjL im the only admin right now but that not exacttly te best solution, still i dont know how to set it to some random user14:20
Brawny18ïðèâåò âñåì!!! åñòü êòî ðóññêèé??14:21
hogdogI'm sitting in a CS class and we just got told that ubuntu was a toy debian .. is this true????14:21
LjjjL!ru | Brawny1814:21
ubottuBrawny18: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:21
noam_is there any harm in installing the flash 10 .deb manually?14:21
pindakaas117BlueEagle: woohoo pidgin is compiling^^14:21
magnetronhogdog→ Wikipedia runs Ubuntu on all their servers. how's that for a toy?14:22
ActionParsniphogdog: some people like it some people don't14:22
TuniX12noam_: no14:22
greensunhow can i open a network folder wit a $14:22
LjjjLscientus: anyway basically you want to have a weak password for your own user, but a strong password for when you sudo, is that understanding correct?14:22
ATA_Dark_ShadowLjjjL http://paste.ubuntu.com/60114/ but i doubt its anything apt-get related14:22
raytruzIts called troll.14:22
LjjjLBrawny18: /join #ubuntu-ru14:22
noam_TuniX12: thank you.14:22
scientuscorrect LjjjL14:22
ActionParsnipgreensun: mount it but you'll need to use "s i think. Check out smbmount14:22
hogdogI'll be needing answers!14:22
ActionParsniphogdog: everyone does14:23
raytruzis there anyway to save cron script output or redirect it to a shell session?14:23
ActionParsniphogdog: just ask the right questions14:23
hogdogActionParsnip ah ok. Am I allowed to rebuild my kernel, just for kicks?14:23
hogdogOr does the ubuntu GUI mafia say "NO!"?14:23
hogdogI'll be needing answers14:23
ActionParsniphogdog: sure if you want. Without changing anything you will have the same kernel you currently have installed14:23
hogdogand i'll be needing them now14:23
[ipc]-michaelcan you stop formatting with enter hogdog14:24
hogdogActionParsnip I'm strippin that puppy to the bone14:24
[ipc]-michaelone line is fine14:24
ActionParsniphogdog: then thats fine14:24
pindakaas117I compiled a kernel once14:24
hogdog[ipc]-michael you would have wasted less bits by ignoring it. I had stopped14:24
ActionParsniphogdog: its still linux, using the linux kernel14:24
raytruzCron script output: can you save it to a file?14:24
hogdogActionParsnip but without the cruft.14:25
hogdogmodules I don't need pappy14:25
pindakaas117it was done compiling so I booted it and got kernel panic14:25
ActionParsnipthen compile them or find a package that provides it14:25
pindakaas117taht was awesome14:25
hogdogYes, I know the performance enhancements are negligible, but it's fun14:25
ActionParsniphogdog: no doubt. I personally cant be bothered as Im on computers all day14:26
ytsestefany ideas why my creative webcam doesn't work anymore in intrepid ibex? it used to work fine in hardy.14:26
ActionParsnipits my job to use computers lots so i just want an easy life14:26
ActionParsnip!intrepid | ytsestef14:26
ubottuytsestef: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu14:26
[ipc]-michael@hogdog, you seem to be trolling. anyone with appropriate knowledge of linux and its kernel should know it possible to strip or recompile at will. if you need those types of answers Google may be your best friend. In short - yes, you're free to do what you please with the condition of your kernel running on your machine. but you already know that....14:26
serenehow to build alien( pls can anyone tel me the  steps to build alien frm source)14:26
ytsestefoh, sorry!14:27
hogdogActionParsnip I'm over building kernels. I was just asking. I too am a big man who works with computers and such14:27
[ipc]-michaelthre are people here in need of real help14:27
=== sk_ is now known as _sk
ActionParsnipserene: go to the alien website, download the sourcecode and compile14:27
hogdog[ipc]-michael officious prick14:27
serenehmm i need the compiling steps14:27
[ipc]-michaelhogdog - ignored troll...14:27
hogdog[ipc]-michael it's ppl like you that turn others off ubuntu14:27
ActionParsnip!compile | serene14:27
ubottuserene: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:27
magnetronserene→ you don't build alien from source, install it from the repos. otherwise you're on your own14:27
Aberrantraytruz: Use >> /path/to/saved/file to save the output to file...think that's what you're after?14:27
serenei am very new to linux..can anyone say this pls14:27
Pici[ipc]-michael, hogdog: Both of you stop.14:27
Piciserene: Why do you need to compile alien?14:28
hogdogPici aye aye14:28
raytruzAberrant: I shall try.14:28
* RazorsKiss is trying to install from an ISO on the HD on one partiion, to another, on a laptop that doesn't like the cd drive install14:28
RazorsKissfun fun :D14:28
ActionParsniphogdog: from what ive seen its folks with webcams that they need SOOO bad that makes them hate it after getting exaspired with driver support. that or people with high end creative soundcards14:28
serenei need it14:28
greensunhow do i enter the computer on my network14:28
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: got usb stick?14:28
TuniX12serene: just apt-get install it14:29
c0de1greensun: what network? +tilt+14:29
Aberrantraytruz: Basically any commands you run in the shell script you use "command >> /path/to/saved/file" which will save the output to a file.  Any more complicated like changing filenames and all that get a bitbeyond my knowledge14:29
Piciserene: Most software can be found in the package repositories, have you tried looking there before using alien (or even trying to install alien)?14:29
serenehmmm no i need to build it using source code14:29
greensuni see the computer but i do not see a thing in there14:29
ActionParsnipgreensun: try smb:// in the address bar of your file browser14:29
LjjjL*compile alien*? is there any limit to absurdity?14:29
raytruzAberrant: yeah, but it seems like there is some output that makes it to the terminal that doesn't get written to the file, but I'm going to try that again.14:29
serenepls can nayone say me the steps ( since its perl script i need to know how to build it)14:29
ActionParsnipLjjjL: i wish they'd remove alien so very much14:29
raytruzAberrant: maybe it will catch everything I need to debug this script14:29
c0de1ah, talking about samba?14:30
Aberrantraytruz: Cool, good luck :)14:30
raytruzAberrant: Seems like it did, thanks14:30
ActionParsnipc0de1: more smbmount, trying to access share on a windows box I believe14:30
raytruzAberrant: but I think in the past there have been cases where the >> output didn't write EVERYTHING to the file.14:30
RazorsKissthis isa hard install :D14:30
RazorsKissok, see if this makes sense.14:31
Piciserene: What, by chance, do you need to use alien to install?14:31
RazorsKissI installed an iso of the alternate cd on a 1 gig partition, set grub to boot from it in a puppy livecd, the only thing I've got to boot from the cd drive14:31
ActionParsnipgood q pici14:31
SlyBylahoffhi all14:31
SlyBylahoffwhen the new version is coming ?14:31
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to force the client not to do simple authentication, which configuration file should I modify ?14:31
ActionParsnip!usb | RazorsKiss14:31
ubottuRazorsKiss: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:31
Pici!intrepid | SlyBylahoff14:32
ubottuSlyBylahoff: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu14:32
enihello everyone>> i hqve fujitsu siemens amilo m1451g and running ubuntu 8 04 but the fan is on all the time, is there any bug??? can i solve this problem ???14:32
RazorsKissActionParsnip, old laptop, no usb boot.14:32
c0de1SlyBylahoff: what version?14:32
RazorsKissthanks, though :D14:32
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: usb cd drive?14:32
KenBW2eni: try cleaning it out14:32
ActionParsnipscuser: when does this authentication occur?14:32
RazorsKissif I wanna spend another hundred bucks on a free 733mhz laptop - which I don't :D14:32
SlyBylahoffc0de1 8.1014:32
Aberrantraytruz: Mebbe, I gots nothing :P14:32
c0de1well, probably soon ;)14:32
eniKenBW2: what do you mean ??14:32
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: thats not a bad deal14:33
SlyBylahoffI expect it this month do14:33
KenBW2eni: how old is the laptop14:33
scuserActionParsnip: when I try to login to the system14:33
SlyBylahoffwith great passion ;)14:33
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: do you have a lappy hard drive to PATA adapter?14:33
eniKenBW2: 1 and half yo14:33
RazorsKissActionParsnip, nope - but there's instructions to do it from an iso, if you can access the HD14:33
greensunmy file brower has not got an adress bar14:33
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: you could then install the system in a regular system then put the drive back in the laptop14:33
eniKenBW2: it worked better with last ubuntu version14:33
holyjujui'm having a problem configuring Evolution with Exchange, can anyone help me?14:33
RazorsKisswhich I can :D14:33
RazorsKissnah, it's installing14:34
RazorsKissI just have to set brug back up on the parition I installed it to14:34
Craihhgneyis there a way to downgrade back to hardy once you've upgraded to ibex?14:34
greensunmy home network14:34
LjjjL!downgrade | Craihhgney14:34
ubottuCraihhgney: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.14:34
KenBW2eni: try installing "computertemp"14:34
RazorsKissit's on the software install right now14:34
indian_munndacan anyone tell me any program for burning virtual image??? Like image drive???14:35
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:35
RazorsKisshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux <-- alternate CD procedure 214:35
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: do you mean burn an iso to cd?14:35
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: or do you mean read the iso like a cd?14:36
scientuswhere are gnome-terminal pref kept?14:36
indian_munndaActionParsnip: no i mean burn an iso on the hard drive from the cd.14:36
RazorsKissActionParsnip, that's what I'm up to14:36
LjjjLscientus: i guess in gconf14:36
raduhi there14:36
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: you could dd the data over14:36
indian_munndaActionParsnip: sorry but didn't get you.14:36
radui have an compaq 6715s and i have problems with my wireless connection, can anyone help me please?14:36
ActionParsnip!info dd | indian_munnda14:36
ubottuindian_munnda: Package dd does not exist in hardy14:36
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i have installed hardy14:37
eniKenBW2: ok i installed it14:37
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: dd copies bit-by-bit the data from one device to another14:37
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KenBW2eni: it'll give you a panel applet that tells you how hot the CPU is. Add it (Right-click Panel > Add to panel_14:37
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eniKenBW2: i was already using the GNOME default one14:37
greensunpls can any one yelp help me14:37
indian_munndaActionParsnip: but ubottu its not in hardy14:37
eniKenBW2: it showed me 90 % usage14:38
KenBW2eni: yea, you need to add the applet14:38
* RazorsKiss has to now reset grub to boot from the new ubuntu install14:38
KenBW2eni: no, temperature, not usage14:38
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: its in every *nix out there, its just not a package14:38
RazorsKissthat should be fun :D14:38
LjjjLhow could i go about automatically enabling wifi and connecting when there's actually a connection attempt from a program, and disable it when there's not been any connections for a while?14:38
greensuni want to enter the hdd of my sever it it not sheard but i can see it14:38
indian_munndaActionParsnip: is there any other GUI tools for that14:38
eniKenBW2: 73 C14:38
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: not that i know of, its easy to use man14:39
RazorsKisstext-based install almost done14:39
KenBW2eni: there's your problem. my laptop's fan kicks in at 5514:39
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i m checking man dd14:39
ideasman_42histo, trying to install ubuntu 8.10 on my macbook and it dosnt recognice the keyboard on the boot prompt screen14:39
eniKenBW2: maybe i should switch to another kernel14:39
Pici!8.10 | ideasman_4214:39
ubottuideasman_42: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu14:39
ActionParsnipgreensun: all partitions in windows are shared y default with a $ share which only admins can access. Its a hidden share14:39
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: good move ;)14:39
KenBW2eni: just try cleaning it out, that helped a friend of mine14:39
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: you will also see it IS in hardy14:39
indian_munndaActionParsnip: yes it is in hardy. :)14:40
greensuncan i open it?14:40
eniKenBW2: cleaning it out ?? what do u mean ?? its a laptop im not used opening laptops14:40
ideasman_42yeah, but the boot screen not loading, if there is a workaround Id be ok with it14:40
RazorsKissok, grub is currently installed in sda4 - adding another grub instance to sda314:40
ideasman_42tried both alternative and mainline installs14:40
holyjujucan anyone help me with a problem I am having configuring evolution for Exchange please???14:40
RazorsKisswill reboot, delete grub instance in sda414:41
KenBW2eni: neither was i. all you do is unscrew the bottom cover and blow around everything to clear out the dust14:41
scuserActionParsnip: any ideas ?14:41
ActionParsnipgreensun: sure just like any oter share, its just a $ at the front of the partition name (c$ d$ etc014:41
RazorsKissand set sda3 as /boot...14:41
Piciideasman_42: 8.10 support is in #ubuntu+114:41
LjjjLgreensun: your file browser does have an address bar. it shows up as soon as you hit /, or the button on the left14:41
ideasman_42Is it possible that AMD64 dosnt work on my laptop? -14:41
greensuncan i open it?14:41
ActionParsnipgreensun: theres also admin$ which is WINDOWS\SYSTEM3214:41
eniKenBW2: i dont think thats the problem>> in windows it runs ok14:41
ideasman_42thanks, joined that room14:41
ActionParsnipideasman_42: if the laptop has a 64bit chip then it will work, as will 32 bit14:41
indian_munndaActionParsnip: but is does seems that it will make an ISO of the cd.14:42
RazorsKissgot it working14:42
ideasman_42ActionParsnip, I always assumed it did but maybe not ;/14:42
* RazorsKiss does a happy dance14:42
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: not if you write to a partition on your system14:42
rhadoox1233hi there14:42
ideasman_42Intel Core Duo - are they 64bit?14:42
ActionParsnipideasman_42: check the manufacturers website or your laptops bios14:42
rhadoox1233i have an compaq 6715s and i cannot see wireless networks14:42
ActionParsnipideasman_42: it will tell you14:43
rhadoox1233can anyone help me?14:43
RazorsKissw00t - into the terminal14:43
ideasman_42Its a mac, they dont tell you technical stuff like rthat14:43
ActionParsniprhadoox1233: have you configured your wireless drivers?14:43
TuniX12ideasman_42: yes14:43
ideasman_42looking at theire web site now :/14:43
rhadoox1233how can i do that?14:43
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i want to make an iso to use it as a cd on the computer like daemon tools, nero image drive,virtual cd etcc in windows.14:43
ActionParsnipideasman_42: then websearch other sites to see whats what, the system may tell you what cpu model and stuff like that so you can search for the exact chip to get moe info14:44
greensuninternet  brower have one not my file bower can i use the firefox browser14:44
ideasman_42ActionParsnip, sure, I understand14:44
KenBW2eniyoure out of my knowledge then sorry14:44
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rhadoox1233ActionParsnip: how can i do that?14:44
ActionParsnipideasman_42: find out exactly what cpu you have, down to the exact model number, then you can websearch that14:44
hakrIs there a nice program for linux to create slideshows?14:44
ActionParsniprhadoox1233: is your wireless usb or internal?14:45
KenBW2hakr: OpenOffice14:45
* RazorsKiss installs fvwm-crystal14:45
ActionParsniprhadoox1233: run lspci in your terminal, one line will be your wifi device14:45
raytruzKenBW2: computertemp doesn't even work :-)14:45
ActionParsnip!impress | hakr14:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about impress14:45
raytruzit hasn't changed from 104 degrees since i installed it14:45
ActionParsnip!info impress | hakr14:45
ubottuhakr: Package impress does not exist in hardy14:45
ideasman_42ActionParsnip, been running 32bit ubuntu on it for over a year, just would like to use it for automated building so 64bit is more useful14:46
RazorsKiss!info fvwm-crystal | Razorskiss14:46
ActionParsniphakr: open office has a program called impress as part of it, its like powerpoint14:46
ubottuRazorsKiss, please see my private message14:46
rhadoox1233ActionParsnip:  Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 02) this one?14:46
darksiferindianmunda: use Gmount-iso to mount iso files14:46
TuniX12ActionParsnip: its not independent package :p14:46
ActionParsnip!broadcom | rhadoox123314:46
ubotturhadoox1233: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx14:46
rhadoox1233ActionParsnip:  thank you, i hope i will solve it14:47
TuniX12!info openoffice.org14:47
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fvwm-crystal14:47
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: ok so what do you want to make an iso fo/14:47
LjjjLhow could i go about automatically enabling wifi and connecting when there's actually a connection attempt from a program, and disable it when there's not been any connections for a while?14:47
RazorsKiss!info fvwm-crystal14:47
ubottufvwm-crystal (source: fvwm-crystal): Pretty Desktop Environment based on fvwm. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.3.dfsg1-0.1 (hardy), package size 3471 kB, installed size 13796 kB14:47
* RazorsKiss is installign that for his old laptop, now14:48
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i wanna make a ISO of the game cd which only runs with cd14:48
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: looks like a ruined fluxbox14:49
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: dd is what you need then14:49
RazorsKissit'll run on a 733mhz laptop with 256 ram, too14:49
felixhello! just installed ubuntu 8.10, the 64 bit version. is there any workarounds on java mozilla plugin?14:49
indian_munndaActionParsnip: ok let me try it14:49
Pici!8.10 | felix14:49
ubottufelix: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu14:49
indian_munndaActionParsnip: for the firest time14:49
RazorsKissno matter what you do, gnome or KDE will NOT :P14:49
felixok thank you14:49
RazorsKissso... :P14:50
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: most cd burners have it built in so you can use a pretty gui14:50
Antharielfelix, refer to the Sun's Java site, everything is clearly explained :)14:50
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: kde but not kwin14:50
jmotahi all14:50
jmotahave a problem, when i change compiz to metacity, via compiz fusion icon, or by alt-f2 metacity --replace, an error message apear: Screen is not composited error: screen isn't composited. please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager14:50
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i have installed brasero cd buring software package also14:51
jmotawhat can it be?14:51
RazorsKisswell, I found a nice install procedure for a laptop with my specs, where this setup works just great14:51
hateball!jp | staunch14:51
ubottustaunch: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい14:51
RazorsKissI have 3 desktops with all the eye candy ubuntu already14:51
TuniX12i think he is chinese14:51
RazorsKissthis is an ancient sony, sooooo :P14:51
bazhang!cn | staunch14:52
ubottustaunch: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:52
Antharieljapanese I think regarding the letters14:52
bubui'm new in linux and i want install winrar for linux and i can not install, somebody can help me14:52
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: that should let you14:52
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: i hate eyecandy14:52
Antharielbubu, winrar doesn't exist but you can find rar in non-free packages14:52
indian_munndabubu: install rar14:52
TuniX12maybe korean14:52
ActionParsnip!rar | Anthariel14:52
ubottuAnthariel: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:52
cypherdelicbubu: watch medibuntu: winrar does not exist14:52
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RazorsKissActionParsnip, okay :D14:53
cypherdelicits unrar-(nonfree)14:53
RazorsKissActionParsnip, but I have the systems for it - this is a laptop to run a much smaller desktop envirnment14:53
ActionParsnipjmota: id head to #compiz14:53
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: oh all my systems will easily lap up compiz and all that other garbage. I just cant stand it14:54
RazorsKissif I don't like the desktop, I'll get another :P14:54
TuniX12cypherdelic: i think its free but rar is non-free14:54
jacopoil bono14:54
RazorsKissbut this one, I KNOW will run on my system14:54
sar4jI have a problem with Adobe Flash not able to detect my web cam for some reason.. Can some one help me.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95254114:54
RazorsKissand it's an old. slow crawler14:54
RazorsKissthat my wife has to use occasionally14:54
indian_munndaActionParsnip: there is no option for burning image to harddrive.14:55
maggi821i want to add a DVD to my software source14:55
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: no image writer?14:55
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i mean in brasero14:55
jmotaactionparsnip: ty14:55
maggi821i am edite the source.list but it reguct to save change14:55
indian_munndaActionParsnip: is can burn images from the hdd to cd but not vice versa.14:56
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/MyScreenshot.png?t=122443075614:56
Pici!sudo | maggi82114:56
ubottumaggi821: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)14:56
maggi821i am tryed to change the permissuion of the but no use14:56
RazorsKissminmalist :D14:57
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2769/ubuntu_how_to_create_iso_image_from_cd_dvd/14:57
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: oh definately14:57
TuniX12maggi821:  permission of what?14:57
ActionParsnipRazorsKiss: i gots 3Gb DDR2 but im still minimalist14:57
albackerwhere can i find the SMP kernel ?? apt-cache doesnt find it !!!14:57
Picialbacker: The -generic kernel handles smp just fine.14:58
legend2440maggi821: in terminal type  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   but i don't think you can use a dvd as a repo14:58
ActionParsnipalbacker: uname -a14:58
ActionParsnipalbacker: do you not already have it?14:58
albackerActionParsnip: Linux madgeek2 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 25 17:32:09 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:58
ActionParsnipalbacker: you already got it14:59
albackerActionParsnip: just that it doesnt run that good as it used to.. it makes more noise,, and it stays always above 60 C14:59
ActionParsnipalbacker: then you could compile and remove some of the unnecessary fluff14:59
albackerActionParsnip: thats the long way15:00
ActionParsnipalbacker: well what else are you gonna do?15:00
LjjjLhow could i go about automatically enabling wifi and connecting when there's actually a connection attempt from a program, and disable it when there's not been any connections for a while?15:00
Pici!generic | albacker15:01
ubottualbacker: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)15:01
ActionParsnipLjjjL: how do you mean "no connections for a while"15:01
albackerActionParsnip: dunno thats zhy im asking =D15:01
mariushey guys, ny gnome panel aplications menu not working :D15:01
ActionParsnipalbacker: that all i can suggest15:01
albackerActionParsnip: thanks15:01
sar4jI have a problem with Adobe Flash not able to detect my web cam for some reason..15:01
AntharielWho do know NFS ?15:02
indian_munndaActionParsnip: i have executed the command from the page you provided and the process has been started and i hope that it will solve my problem totally. So thanks in advance Andrew. right??15:02
holyjujuIS anyone having any problems updting ubuntu15:03
LjjjLActionParsnip: well, nothing showing up in netstat, i guess. no tcp connections. (i guess udp might be a problem)15:03
DanskmandHowdy :-) - How can I download the kernel-sources for my Hardy Ubuntu ?15:03
LjjjLalso, disabling wifi when no network is available in the first place15:03
TuniX12holyjuju: some guys reported that issue yesterday15:04
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stevem_Hi, as soon as I in installed Ubuntu all the windows keep wooshing onto the screen, and wooshing off - and turning grey when they wait ... whats that called?15:06
holyjujuTuniX12, so i had to reinstall after the updates partiall installed and now the hard drive is dead, i had to reinstall on a new drive. I'm not sure how but in addition to problems updating, ubuntu somehow made a drive have problems.15:06
Piciholyjuju: What version of Ubuntu are you running?15:06
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holyjuju8.04 lts15:06
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: indeed15:06
ActionParsnip!webcam | sar4j15:06
ubottusar4j: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:06
indian_munndaActionParsnip: but there is an input/output error dude15:07
holyjujuI', also having problems installing applications through package manager.15:07
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: maybe the cd is jittering15:07
indian_munndaActionParsnip: may be15:07
indian_munndaActionParsnip: anyways thanks dude for your kind help15:07
baliforhey, im having a little bit of trouble getting the firefox flash player to work can anyone help?15:08
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: np man15:08
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: let me try find something better15:08
holyjujuI get failed for contacting some of the repository servers and in add/remove I get the errors15:08
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=650915:08
indian_munndaActionParsnip: ok15:08
maverick340any r-studio alternative for linux ?15:08
Piciholyjuju: Can you access the internet from that computer?15:08
maverick340file/data recovery15:08
holyjujuPici, yes sir, im on it now.15:08
indian_munndabalifor: install flashplugin-nonfree15:09
Piciholyjuju: Can you pastebin the errors from 'sudo apt-get update' ?15:09
Pici!paste | holyjuju15:09
ubottuholyjuju: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:09
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ActionParsnipmaverick340: look into dd_rescue and testdisk15:09
holyjujuPici im worried about updating ubuntu via the update manager becuase on of the updates is an invidia drive but i dont have an invidia card its ati. last time after installing this i had to reinstall but my pakage manager wants me to !15:09
ActionParsnipmaverick340: or theres the ubuntu-rescue-remix live cd15:09
TuniX12Pici: he is not the first one maybe there are problems on ubuntu servers15:09
maverick340uh no i want to get some from the Sony MSPD15:10
Tyrathhow do you install .sl files?15:10
ActionParsnipmaverick340: easiest way is to clean install and restore data from your backup15:10
maverick340no, dont want to erase any info15:10
maverick340want to recover from a cam15:10
ActionParsnipTyrath: can i have the full filename please15:10
geniiTyrath: .sl or .sh ?15:10
ActionParsnipmaverick340: a digital camera you mean?15:11
ActionParsnipmaverick340: for taking still shots15:11
maverick340ActionParsnip,  yeah15:11
TyrathActionParsnip: php.sl15:11
maverick340some pics got deleted15:11
mabc99hiya guys I am wondering if you can help me15:11
mabc99that's if there is anyone here15:11
holyjujuPici, W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems15:11
maverick340seeing if i can recover them15:11
gothenburgholyjuju: runt apt-get update?15:11
Piet44how to configure crontab to send mails to me?15:12
ActionParsnipmaverick340: yeah testdisk and dd_rescue are what you need. dd_rescue will create an iso of the data which you can check for errors, then mount15:12
maverick340btw : f-spot is also giving some error of not able to lock to device , unable to open it15:12
holyjujugothenburg, did15:12
Piciholyjuju: Is that the only error?15:12
gothenburgholyjuju: or you can fetch the key from their webpage15:12
Tyrathbasically I'm trying to install phpmode15:12
Tyrathand apt-get install phpmode won't work15:12
gothenburgNow trying to reboot15:12
Guest33995hi jim_p15:13
Guest33995I am idefix15:13
ActionParsnip!find php15:13
=== Guest33995 is now known as idefix
TuniX12holyjuju: what server do you use ?15:13
ubottuFound: cakephp, cakephp-instaweb, cakephp-scripts, cakephp1.2, cakephp1.2-scripts (and 170 others)15:13
geniiActionParsnip: If it's a software licence file he needs it in /lib or /usr/lib15:13
maverick340ActionParsnip, i want GUI tools, still new to ubuntu15:13
holyjujuPici, the only error yes. It did ignore some of the servers. in the update manager it shows the ignored as failed, I didnt pastebin unfortunetly I couldnt figure out how to run that command. I'm a bit new with some of this stuff.15:13
DanskmandCan someone help me with my problem ?15:13
ActionParsnipmaverick340: its what ive used, cli isnt that hard man15:13
macvrhi all... when a file gets moved to trash the file is listed in ~/.local/share/Trash/files ~/.local/share/Trash/info is there any other place which lists the trash files?15:13
ActionParsnip!ask | Danskmand15:13
ubottuDanskmand: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:13
Piciholyjuju: You can run this to fix it:  wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -           see http://winehq.org/site/download-deb for more info15:13
TyrathActionParsnip, how do I put it in there?15:13
jim_phi idefix15:13
maverick340trying testdisk15:13
baliforindian_munnda: i get an error saying error: dependency is not satisfiable15:13
geniiTyrath: php-mode is the packagename15:13
demontagerhow to run terminal in current folder (gnome)?15:13
ActionParsnipTyrath: sudo cp <file> <location>15:14
Piciholyjuju: Make sure to include the dash on the last 'add' command.15:14
jim_pidefix: any luck with upgrading?15:14
DanskmandHehe :-) - I did ....(16:03:54) Danskmand: Howdy :-) - How can I download the kernel-sources for my Hardy Ubuntu ?15:14
TyrathActionParsnip: thanks15:14
indian_munndabalifor: which ubuntu version are u using?15:14
javiergHow hard is it to install a stripe raid on windows (seperate hard drives) and configure it with gurb on a pre existing Ubuntu system??15:14
baliforindian_munnda: hardy15:14
Tyrathand does the . indicate root?15:14
holyjujuPici, anyone idea on the problems with the update manager tho?15:14
ActionParsnipmaverick340: seriously its simple15:14
Tyrathas in ./blah/blah15:14
idefixjim_p I was at work, I had no time and waited for you15:14
tonyyarussodemontager: nautilus-open-terminal15:15
jim_pTyrath: tha . indicates a hidden file or folder15:15
Piciholyjuju: That error could cause update-manager to not function15:15
maverick340okay, will i need to complie from source or can i get a deb ?15:15
Tyrathjim_p: ahh k thanks15:15
macvr hi all... when a file gets moved to trash the file is listed in ~/.local/share/Trash/files ~/.local/share/Trash/info is there any other place which lists the trash files?15:15
PiciTyrath: Or it means the current direcotry.15:15
ActionParsnipmaverick340: sudo fdisk -l will show you the partition name, have the camera plugged in before you start15:15
idefixjim_p my cam picture is still not right15:15
jim_pin ./bla/bla in indicates current direcrty15:15
holyjujuPici, the cmd you just asked me to run only fixes getting wine tho.15:15
idefixwhat exactly happens when you upgrade your ubuntu?15:15
Piciholyjuju: Yes, you said there were no other errors.15:15
TyrathPici, so how do i indicate i want a hidden folder or the current directory or is it based on where it's put15:15
idefixis it possible that webcams ceaes to function once you have?15:16
Piet44how to configure crontab to send mails to me?15:16
ActionParsnipidefix: you upgrade the programs you have installed to the ones in the next release15:16
maverick340ActionParsnip, will look up docs for that. Will i need to download the source ?15:16
reya276Morning, Flash 10 was release, should I install the .deb file from their site or should I wait until Ubuntu updates the repos and send it as an update?15:16
PiciTyrath: If its before the slash, its the current directory, after the slash, its part of the filename and thus a hidden file/folder.15:16
Tyrathah k thanks Pici15:16
jim_pidefix: i massive upgrade happens and a lot of packages are upgraded to the newest version. however, keep your fingers crossed in case something breaks15:16
idefixbut ubuntu itself does not upgrade?15:16
ActionParsnipmaverick340: all on repos dude15:16
Tyrathif I wanted help with sirc where could I go?15:16
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demontager<tonyyarusso> but i've installed this package and not work Ubintu 8.1015:16
tonyyarussoreya276: That depends - what do you need Flash 10 for?15:16
indian_munndabalifor: what tool are you using to install that?15:16
maverick340ActionParsnip, lol, thanks man15:17
indian_munndabalifor: synaptic?15:17
tonyyarussodemontager: #ubuntu+1 for all Intrepid questions.15:17
javiergHow hard is it to install a stripe raid on windows (seperate hard drives) and configure it with gurb on a pre existing Ubuntu system??15:17
staunchhas someone solved the intel X3100 drive problem,in the ubuntu8.04 system15:17
jim_pidefix: it updates the packages only if you dont tell it so15:17
holyjujuPici, to be sure how do i do a paste bin? that was only eror that I saw.15:17
KenBW2reya276: Flash 10 from deb works fine here15:17
reya276oh just for browsing the web, but I heard their is tons of new functionality15:17
macvr hi all... when a file gets moved to trash the file is listed in ~/.local/share/Trash/files ~/.local/share/Trash/info is there any other place which lists the trash files?15:17
idefixwell if you went from dapper to hardy you updated packages!15:17
KenBW2reya276: you did? i heard otherwise15:17
heyanyone here15:17
Piciholyjuju: Just paste everything that comes from 'sudo apt-get update' to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give me the url.15:18
demontager<tonyyarusso> thanks15:18
FloodBot2mabc99: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
Picihey: hi.15:18
ActionParsnipmaverick340: dd if=/dev/<partition name (eg. sda5)> of=~/cam.iso bs=4k conv=noerror,sync15:18
thiebaudeyo yo yo15:18
ActionParsnipyo yo yo thiebaude15:18
Tyrathbasically I was just wondering how to scroll up in sirc, or can't you. and if you can't how do you read messages that have gone outside the screen?15:18
heyhi key15:18
indian_munndahey: do you have any queries?15:18
jim_pidefix: are you on dapper now?15:18
reya276KenBW2: don't know I guess some of the articles I've been reading are false, I don't know good question let me look into it15:18
legend2440Danskmand: sudo apt-get install linux-source15:18
thiebaudeactionpasnip"that's your saying, :)15:18
holyjujuPici, http://paste.ubuntu.com/60131/15:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:19
reya276KenBW2: so the .deb file from adobe site worked for you with no problem15:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sirc15:19
Piciholyjuju: Now does update-manager work?15:19
javiergI am getting "Your system does not contain a ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop or edubuntu-desktop package and it was not possible to detect which version of Ubuntu you are running. Please install one of the packages above first using synaptic or apt-get before proceeding." whats that mean?15:19
genii!info sirc > Tyrath15:19
ubottutyrath, please see my private message15:20
holyjujuPici, it appears to but if I watch the servers it hit it still appears to fail to contact some of the servers.15:20
indian_munnda!factoids > holyjuju15:20
ubottuholyjuju, please see my private message15:20
jim_pDanskmand: what are you trying to do, i lost track!15:20
holyjujuPici, I'm think about rebooting to see if I can get the error messages to come back15:20
MatBoymhh it seems that CUPS is not working anymore, only my printer light flashes and PDF is also not printed15:20
Piciholyjuju: If you're talking about the ignores, those are normal.15:20
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:20
ActionParsnipjavierg: what system do you have installed?15:20
javiergActionParsnip, Ubuntu15:20
scientusmy numpad is completely dead15:20
scientuson both usb (apple alluminum) and ps/215:21
reya276does anyone one know when OpenOffice 3.0 will be release for all versions of Ubuntu?15:21
Tyrathubottu: sorry i don't understand. does that mean scrolling is optional? or are you telling me what sirc is? - im using sirc at the moment15:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:21
holyjujuPici, it says ignore in sudo apt-get update but in the package manager it reports as failed. Failed and ignored usually mean very different things.15:21
ActionParsnipjavierg: dpkg -l |grep ubuntu-desktop15:21
ActionParsnipjavierg: does that show anything?15:21
javiergActionParsnip, No.15:21
DanskmandJim_p: I am trying to install the fcpci-driver (Fritzcard) so it supports the FAX-protokoll. The built-in seems not to be able to fax....15:21
TuniX12Tyrath: ubottu is a bot :p15:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:21
macvr hi all... when a file gets moved to trash the file is listed in ~/.local/share/Trash/files ~/.local/share/Trash/info is there any other place which lists the trash files?15:21
ActionParsnipjavierg: then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to install it15:21
jim_pDanskmand: and you need the kernel sources?15:22
ActionParsnip!bot | Tyrath15:22
ubottuTyrath: please see above15:22
Piciholyjuju: Are you still getting the errors in update-manager, can you paste those somewhere?15:22
indian_munnda!flood | tyrath15:22
Tyrathoh, does it use up resources to use multiple consoles?15:22
ubottutyrath: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:22
MatBoyhave more people had problems with cups lately ?15:22
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
javiergActionParsnip, hmmm. Interesting. How was that uninstalled? So I can avoid this again.15:22
DanskmandI dont know :-) - Its the desparate move to make it work !!15:22
Piet44how to configure crontab to send mails to me?15:22
TuniX12javierg: are you installing something?15:22
ActionParsnipjavierg: no idea, remember to read the screen when playing with packages so you know whats in and whats out15:22
idefixjim_p sorry no in hardy15:22
indian_munndaTyrath: u can pm ubottu to check factoids15:22
Tyrathahh k t15:23
BlueEaglePiet44: I think that's in the manual: man crontab15:23
ActionParsnipPiet44: i believe php has a mail function15:23
anabolixi have a problem with opening windows, they appear normally but they are always positioned at the top so that i cant actually click the maximize and minimize or close buttons on the top right... any idea how to fix this?15:23
holyjujuPici, I'm going to reboot and see if I can get the errors to come up. they typically stop after running the package manager a few times. is there a way to delete the content that the package manager already downloaded but has not installed? I just want to be 100% sure it checks for all updates accordingly.15:23
BlueEaglePiet44: make that: man 5 crontab15:23
javiergTuniX12, Yes, im installing some new updates that popped up today.15:23
ActionParsnipanabolix: until you get a fix, if you hold ALT you can drag it from anyplace on the window15:23
TuniX12anabolix: compiz activated?15:23
cdavis_Evolution is just not a stable/reliable client for connecting to Exchange. Are there any other good alternatives?15:24
Danskmandjim_p: When I compile it, I get : http://pastebin.com/dba6224315:24
ActionParsnipanabolix: if its compiz then head over to #compiz15:24
holyjujucdavis, install wine on ubuntu and install outlook on it15:24
TuniX12then disable it15:24
ActionParsnipcdavis_: outlook 97 runs ok in wine ive heard15:24
scarfacehey guys -- how do I revoke admin privileges once I have been granted them?  Like if I open Synaptic, I'm prompted for my password.  After I enter it, I can open and close Synaptic without being prompted for some number of minutes.  I want to undo whatever has cached my credentials, so that Synaptic will prompt for the password again.15:25
sledgeare there any commands to search for things in man pages..15:25
sledgeor commands15:25
sledgewhat are .rc files?15:25
SlimeyPetesledge: press / then type your search phrase and press enter15:25
sledgeand how do aliases work?15:25
ActionParsnipsledge: usually config files for an app of the same name15:25
SlimeyPetesledge: then press 'n' to skip to next instance of the search phrase15:25
cdavis_ActionParsnip, I was hoping to avoid a MS product :(15:25
idefixjim_p uname -r 2.6.15-52-38615:26
jim_pDanskmand: do you have linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server installed?15:26
BlueEaglesledge: http://www.lugaru.com/man/search-man-pages.html15:26
ActionParsnipcdavis_: ms are really good at blocking non ms apps15:27
Danskmandjim_p: When I look at the dir "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server", I see only this: http://pastebin.com/m687eb53d15:27
jim_pidefix: that kernel is old. what version of gnome are you on?15:27
Danskmandjim_p: uname -r -> 2.6.24-19-server15:27
ActionParsnipcdavis_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdExchange15:27
ActionParsnipcdavis_: bit of a ball ache but appears its gold15:28
piasdomanyone know how i can get my desktop to fit my screen ?15:28
jim_pDanskmand: are you sure you have the above package insalled?15:28
tonyyarussoscarface: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=179048 - I think if you set that variable to 0 you'll get the behavior you want.15:28
DanskmandWhich package do you mean ? - No, I am not ??15:29
indian_munndaActionParsnip: cdavis i think thunderbird is another option.15:29
ActionParsnippiasdom: use a lower res if its too big or use a higher res if its soo small15:29
idefixjim_p is gnome version 2.22.3 new?15:29
jim_pDanskmand: linuxi-headers-2.6.24-19-server15:29
jim_pidefix: yes15:29
ActionParsnippiasdom: im guessing you are on a laptop thats not stretching the display15:29
indian_munndapiasdom: set ur screen resolution15:29
holyjujuPici, when I try to install wine I get the error E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package binfmt-support. E: Unable to lock the download directory15:30
idefixjim_p so why doesn't my webcam function?15:30
Tyrathok cp isn't working for me15:30
idefixhey jim_p did you take a plane from France to Greece?15:30
holyjujuPici, this is the error I get when I try to install a lot of applications15:30
Tyrathi've tried putting in the .15:30
piasdomActionParsnip:i'm on a desktop and i only have two res15:30
cdavis_ActionParsnip, Thanks, I'll check it out15:30
ActionParsnippiasdom: you need to install graphics drivers then15:30
indian_munndapiasdom: use alt+f1 to goto to system -> prefrences -> screen resolution15:31
piasdommy desktop is hugh :)15:31
ActionParsnippiasdom: if you run lspci you will see what you have15:31
jim_pidefix: can you install a newer kernel 2.6.24-whatever?15:31
Tyrathbasically i've been doing it like: cp ./blah/blah/sql.sl ./usr/share/blah15:31
Danskmandjim_p: Thats what apt-get tells me: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server -> linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server is allready at its newest level (translated from German..)15:31
jim_pidefix: i have never been outside the borders of my country15:31
mustakimnajibinstall new kernel15:31
idefixjim_p why? I just upgraded 1-2 weeks ago15:31
Tyrath- is this correct?15:31
ActionParsnipTyrath: you need sudo to copy to /urs15:31
idefixwhich is greece.15:31
Tyrathah k15:31
maverick340ActionParsnip, F-sopt is not able to import pics from the digi cam15:31
jim_pidefix: the kernel is like 1.5 years old now15:32
holyjujuPici, you there?15:32
ActionParsnipTyrath: otherwise the command is being executed by you (user) who doesnt have write access15:32
maverick340gives an error about unable to lock to device15:32
idefixwhat's the Alphabetical name of the latest version then?15:32
jim_pDanskmand: let me think then15:32
ActionParsnipmaverick340: is it pointed at the correct device?15:32
mustakimnajibuse opensuse will settle all your problem15:32
idefixis the newest version better in spite of newness bugs?15:32
Danskmandjim_p: But I am not sure if it IS installed....15:32
DanskmandOk :-)15:32
ActionParsnipmaverick340: try running the f-spot with gksudo15:32
jim_pidefix: uname -r = ?15:32
idefixjim_p uname -r 2.6.15-52-38615:32
ActionParsnipmustakimnajib: yes but then you get the problems of opensuse15:33
piasdomActionparsnip: i only have two res. 640x480 and 1280x102415:33
DanskmandDid you note the links in the directory only point to themselves ?15:33
ActionParsnippiasdom: have you installed graphics drivers?15:33
jim_pidefix: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.24-generic15:33
mustakimnajibthen, use fedora.. so you dont have opensuse probs15:33
ActionParsnipmustakimnajib: no OS is flawless or everyone would use it15:33
Tyrathok typing sql.sl is useless when the files name is php.sl - sorry i only just realised i was doing this15:33
Tyrathok so now i've moved the file15:34
ActionParsnipmustakimnajib: its a ridiculous propostion and you'd never get productive for installing new OSes15:34
Tyrathwhat's the command to edit files?15:34
Tyrathis it sudo edit filename15:34
jim_pTyrath: soudo gedit ...15:34
jim_pTyrath: sudo gedit ...15:34
ptuxhello, i'd like exchange my ubuntu's hostname permanently, but if i give it a new hostname with sudo hostname, it is up to the restart..15:34
ActionParsnipTyrath: only if you need root, you'll need gedit /path/to/filename15:34
idefixjim_p E: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.24-generic15:34
ptuxcan anybody help me?15:34
mustakimnajibgedit, kwrite nano etc15:34
Tyrathah thanks15:34
piasdomActionparsnip: i ran dkpg-reconfigure...but it didn't give me option for res15:35
ActionParsnipTyrath: to edit files in /usr and such use gksudo gedit /path/to/file15:35
ActionParsnip!ask | ptux15:35
ubottuptux: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:35
BlueEagle!who | mustakimnajib15:35
ubottumustakimnajib: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:35
jim_pidefix: apt-cache search linux-image | grep generic15:35
jim_pidefix: what does it rerutn15:35
ActionParsnippiasdom: you could restore your xorg config back to failsafe15:35
jim_pidefix: and yes i am from greece15:35
maverick340ActionParsnip, dd_ didnot work15:36
piasdomActionparsnip: how ?15:36
joaopintoptux, open a root shell with "sudo -i" and change both /etc/hostname  AND /etc/hosts15:36
ActionParsnippiasdom: but have you installed graphics drivers on your system.15:36
idefixjim_p a lot15:36
mustakimnajibblue eagle.. i'm ubuntu fan15:36
idefixjim_p what is your complete asl?15:36
ActionParsnippiasdom: reboot, press esc to show grub options and choose the recovery mode for your current kernel15:36
ActionParsnippiasdom: you will then get a menu from there15:36
idefixjim_p http://pastebin.ca/123187215:36
piasdomActionparsnip: thanks...brb15:37
ActionParsnipmaverick340: dd_rescue is what you need, check some guides15:37
mustakimnajibblue eagle.. find me at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy or http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid15:37
ptuxok joaopinto , thanks. now i'll restart the pc to test the situation.15:37
maverick340Testing gphoto path = usb:15:37
maverick340PortInfo Universal Serial Bus, usb:15:37
maverick340Error Lock: LibGPhoto2.GPhotoException: Could not lock the device15:37
maverick340  at LibGPhoto2.Error.CheckError (ErrorCode error) [0x00000]15:37
maverick340  at LibGPhoto2.Camera.Init (LibGPhoto2.Context context) [0x00000]15:37
FloodBot2maverick340: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
maverick340  at GPhotoCamera.InitializeCamera () [0x00000]15:37
holyjujuwhat does sudo apt-get clean do?15:37
maverick340when i ran from terminal15:37
ActionParsnipmaverick340: use pastebin dude, dont flood the place15:38
maverick340sorry sorry :-)15:38
ActionParsnipmaverick340: you could try an fsck on the device15:38
BlueEaglemustakimnajib: When you split "BlueEagle" into two words my IRC-client does not highlight the line and things may be lost. See also !tab and for good measure !ot.15:38
maverick340what is fsck ?15:38
ActionParsnipmaverick340: try taking the storage out of the camera and putting it directly into your pc15:38
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:38
DanskmandJim_p: Do you mind telling me privatly if you find something ? - Then I can do something else and dont have to stare on the conversation :-)15:39
=== alexandre is now known as Guest17919
ActionParsnipi gotta split kids15:39
ActionParsnippeace out15:39
* genii imagines the parsnip chooping children in two15:40
GlennLapWhat's the command to clear clipboard?15:40
mustakimnajibwhy they always asking same question..15:40
maverick340funny, the mount point of the camera is gphoto2://[usb:004,008]/15:41
lacrymologymy computer is oldie.. but it shouldn't die running xubuntu, should it?15:41
geeky_goowylacrymology: no mayt.. it should work just fine..15:42
scarfacetonyyarusso, I'm not sure but it looks like that setting will apply to sudo on the command line.  You can use "sudo -k" to revoke permission like I want but it only applies to the CLI, and has no effect on starting admin tools via the gui.15:42
geeky_goowylacrymology: xubuntu is meant for low-end and old systems..15:42
sapoh i have a question which one is better kubuntu or ubuntu?15:43
alexandrebonjour qui me recoi15:43
lacrymologygeeky_goowy: exactly.. and it still dies15:43
geeky_goowysap: depends.. kubuntu is graphics rich.. thanks to KDE.. but overall, they're somewhat even..15:43
=== alexandre is now known as Guest31405
geeky_goowylacrymology: whats the config?15:43
geniisap: It's all subjective.15:44
tonyyarussoscarface: You tested it?15:44
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_
idefixmy binocular enlarges 10x, but it still functions the 11th time15:45
scarfacetonyyarusso, I'm trying to, but it wants you to use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers, and I'm finding that my vi skills are rusty :)15:45
lacrymologygeeky_goowy: any tool that won't make me have to parse lshw?15:45
MatBoyman this is odd, Cups is doing weird :S15:45
MatBoyno printing at all15:45
MatBoyany more15:45
Topgun1000Hi, Sorry to barge in here with a question, but can somone kindly explain how i can allow the user www-data to view the processes of ther users? Tried googling but no luck.15:45
cjsAny idea how I get firefox to clear the input box rather than show source when I hit ctrl-U? I changed that gnome setting, but it didn't work for firefox.15:45
cjs(Worked great for xchat, though.)15:46
mustakimnajibhow to chat using YM 9 beta? installation ok, login ok, but can't chaT. Who has fix this problems?15:46
hubar[TD]What is YM 9 beta?15:46
Topgun1000yahoo messenger?15:46
defryskmy god..15:46
mustakimnajibcan't wait for YM 9 full release15:47
BlueEagleTopgun1000: Which restrictions do apply?15:47
mustakimnajibmaybe there's surprise for linux15:47
Tyrathok i'm going to need to know again how to edit files if i do sudo gedit filename nothing happens15:47
Tyrathfurthermore if i do dksudo gedit filename nothing happens15:47
Tyrathdksudo = gksudo15:48
hubar[TD]I would just stick with pidgin. :)15:48
Topgun1000if i do ps -aux as www-data i can only see www-data's own processes (apache).15:48
=== schmick_ is now known as Schmic
=== Schmic is now known as Schmick
wishiewhat can i do if some of my laptops 'extra' keys dont work ? By 'dont work' i mean, dont generate any sort of event/keysym/scancode etc.15:48
mustakimnajibI stik with kopete and gyachoo (from indonesia)15:48
Tyrathand when i open up nano, and try i manual edit i get permission denied15:48
Tyrathor is there someway you can do nano -sudo15:49
Tyrath- or something like that15:49
Tyrathor sudo nano15:49
geniiwishie: Look up your laptop model on the Laptop Testing Team wiki pages and see if there may be some known issue or workaround15:49
legend2440Tyrath: sudo nano file.txt15:49
geniiTyrath: The second one15:49
Tyrathah k thanks15:49
Tyrathlegend, what if the file is an .sl file?15:50
Tyrath- same thing?15:50
wishiegenii: i think ive looked there before, but ill check again. as for speaking to the laptop team, #ubuntu-laptop says its not for 'support' so how the hell am i to get this fixed ? pressing my "enable/disable touchpad" button even causes programs to crash!15:50
liza0_hello all15:51
mustakimnajibOne day, YM will be compatible with linux (Mac osx can, linux also can)15:51
scrotei installed linux15:51
scarfacetonyyarusso, Your suggestion worked, I get prompted for my password each time it needs it.  Thanks!15:51
scrotewhooo hoooo i installed linux15:52
scrotehow do i hack shit15:52
mustakimnajibyou cn't hack shit15:52
scrotewhat do i have to type to send forged emails to my high schools admin, forging the 'from' as other teachers, offering sexual favors to fix the printer.15:53
BlueEagleTopgun1000: the syntax should be : ps aux15:53
wrzaskd_scrote, A sledgehammer.15:53
geniiwishie: It's conceivable you have a broken keyboard15:53
scarfacetonyyarusso, But I guess I'm still looking for a way to revoke permission once it's been granted.  When I played with Red Hat way-back-when, it would display a key icon on the panel when you had root privileges.  It would timeout after a few minutes, but there was also an option on the icon to "revoke now".15:53
BlueEagleTopgun1000: without the dash. That may or may not fix the issue.15:53
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:53
geniiscrote: You won't find much help here in those areas anyhow15:54
wishiegenii: works in the 'other' OS15:54
mustakimnajibgenie.. I love genie effect on awn dock15:54
hubar[TD]It puzzles me why linux-mag.com would host windows/mac only webinar.15:54
hubar[TD]Isn't that just stupid?15:55
mustakimnajibyes.. so stupid damn$h!T15:55
Juhazof course it is. that's media for you, what else is new?15:55
hubar[TD]I wrote them an email complaining about it, but I never got any response. :(15:56
mustakimnajibmust change to vista-mac.com, not linux-mag.com15:56
MatBoyno-one has had the error in cups: "No Pages found!"  ?15:56
BlueEagleTopgun1000: also, when I sudo to www-data ps aux and ps -aux gives me the entire list.15:56
geniiwishie: If you're not getting some event from the keys it's difficult. Any way to enable numlock  in bios?15:56
dfgashow do i install flash 10 on 64bit15:57
mustakimnajibupdate your repo first - dfgas15:57
wishiegenii: numlock ? not in bios i dont think, but that key works on the keyboard. its 2 of the 'media' buttons (QuickPlay and DVD) that dont work, aswell as some bugs with a few others15:58
maverick340i am unable to mount any USB devices15:58
mariushey guys15:58
mariuswhere's applications.menu file hiding? I've lost all my applications entries15:58
mustakimnajibfind latest sources.list (google it) - dfgas15:58
maverick340my iPod used to mount fine till yesterday , after an update it no longer mounting :<15:58
jameswf-homeI really need to wipe this machine what is the risk of doing 8.10 10 days early15:59
mariusand I want to bbring them back15:59
mustakimnajib-marius, you use gnome?15:59
xeiterHi I have a php script that uploads files to my webserver. This directory has www-data set for grooup/user permissions. When I upload files using that php script, the files are put in the uploads directory with strange permissions -rw-------. I cant use those files in my php scripts unless i change permission manually. How can i make it so correct permsiions are set on upload ?15:59
NET||abusekebo: hi15:59
maverick340should not have tried to attempt to start with a bets i guess !15:59
NET||abusekebo: so you should explain your problem with your kernel here15:59
gaelf1so I just did a fresh install of Hardy, I tried to enable b43 wireless driver (restricted on), it said it succeeded, but I still can't use wireless. Syslog shows some error along the lines of "YOUR FIRMWARE IS TOO NEW! PLEASE DOWNGRADE YOUR FIRMWARE"15:59
NET||abusekebo: basically we need to know what it is with the kernel that's going wrong, type in the kernel errors16:00
NET||abusenot too long though.16:00
legend2440marius: right click Applications on top panel choose edit menus16:00
kebomy ubuntu freeze and i have to turn off power and reboot16:00
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...16:00
geniiwishie: Perhaps check into keytouch package.16:00
keboi dont know it just right alot of texts after booting16:00
javiergHow do you remove the logon so that you need the terminal to logon?16:00
kebomy system dont work well , and freeze alot it was working good for amonth , and suddenlly it turned to that16:01
gaelf1javierg: you mean alt+F2?16:01
NET||abusekebo: ok, well, where does land when it is finsihed writing text.16:01
javierggaelf1, Yes. BUt instead of having the ubuntu logon I want just the terminal view.16:01
kebofirst it load much time in grub not like before in second and tell me loading grub16:02
Vi1Hi folks. Noob here, how do I set a program, say Firefox to auto start on logon?16:02
NET||abusekebo: also, have you tried booting into an earlier kernel in he boot menu?16:02
gaelf1javierg: oh, you mean you want the default to be terminal login?16:02
keboand i have problem with partition ntfs it dont open and it open in live cd16:02
javierggaelf1, Yes. is it Apt-remove gdm? or something like that I just forgot the command16:02
keboi have to write command to open it on my ubuntu 8.0416:02
|chiz|Does anyone have any ideas for what I could install on a table top display, open sourcewise to impress people the demo it?16:02
|chiz|I came across moblin, basically turn it into a giant smart phone16:02
|chiz|or handheld device16:02
|chiz|It is a touch screen that has the ability to register two touches16:03
gaelf1javierg: whoa, maybe you don't want to go that far. if you are in the graphical version now, your name should be displayed in the bar at the top of the screen16:03
=== jarias_ is now known as jarias
BlueEagle!enter | |chiz|16:03
ubottu|chiz|: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:03
NET||abusekebo: hmm, one sec16:03
legend2440Vi1: open  system>preferences>sessions>Startup programs tab   add16:03
gaelf1javierg: you right-click it, select setup login screen and then set the default session in the first tab to FAILSAFE terminal16:03
BlueEagle!ntfs | kebo16:03
ubottukebo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:03
fu210gurahi, who can help me? i have a problem with my wireless connection16:04
keboyeah , i have another ntfs partition16:04
Vi1Legend, brilliant thanks!16:04
BlueEagle!anyone | fu210gura16:04
ubottufu210gura: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:04
capitoli have a small nfsv4 problem, i have exported a directory from my fileserver, and that directory have some more directories mounted into it with --bind, but i can't see the files in those directories on the client16:04
mariusI've been using gnome16:04
mariusapplications panel was just empty16:04
mariusedit menus not working16:04
marius/home/marius/.config/menus/applications.menu was empty16:04
BlueEagle!enter | marius16:04
ubottumarius: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:04
fu210guraok, i have an hp compaq 6715s running on ubuntu and i cannot connect to wireless networks, please help :D16:05
mariussorry :D16:05
gaelf1javierg: does that help at all?16:05
marius/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu was full so I copyed all text to the first one and it fixed everything :D16:05
BlueEaglefu210gura: Do you know which wireless chipset it uses?16:05
fu210guranot really16:05
gaelf1gah, in Pidgin, how do you disable the enter/exit room text?16:05
javierggaelf1, Sorry was on the phone. Ummm. I would just prefer no graphical log on at all. Just the pure terminal where I put my name password and then type startx16:06
Vi1Legend, where do I find the programs in the system? i.e windows 'program files'?16:06
* mr_lou is getting tired of his locale issue16:06
BlueEaglefu210gura: to find out running this command in a terminal often helps: lspci |grep wireless16:06
gaelf1javierg: well, I think if you change the default session to FAILSAFE terminal, that should give you what you want16:07
BlueEagleVi1: Very often in /bin, /usr/bin and /opt/16:07
scpOlá, bom dia16:07
javierggaelf1, Sweet. I will try that.16:07
BlueEagleVi1: However most programs install themselves in the default path so you can invoke them by just typing the name of the command in a terminal or in the run-dialog.16:07
scpalguem fala portugues (brasil) ?16:07
fu210guraBlueEagle: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 02)16:07
gaelf1javierg: but if you are bent on removing gnome, then I personally would install the server version rather than the desktop version16:07
gaelf1javierg: of ubuntu that is16:08
javierggaelf1, No don't really need the server version. But thanks though!16:08
BlueEagle!broadcom | fu210gura16:08
ubottufu210gura: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx16:08
gaelf1javierg: ok, just saying ;)16:08
scientushow do i change through a menu weather a windows has decorations in metacity?16:08
BlueEaglefu210gura: Hope that helps. :)16:08
fu210guraBlueEagle thank you.16:08
BlueEaglefu210gura: You're welcome.16:09
gaelf1I just enabled the restricted driver for my wireless card (bc43xx - restricted driver), and after I restarted, my wireless still doesn't work and syslog gives an error along the lines of "Your firmware is too new!" How do I downgrade the firmware?16:09
Tyrathok im getting nowhere with following thees instructions on how to install modes for jed16:10
Vi1Blue Eagle thanks, I am setting some to auto start on logon16:10
BlueEaglegaelf1: Which broadcom device is it exactly?16:10
Tyrathwhen i try to compile the bytecomp.sl file it fails16:10
Tyrathand i'm inserting the names of the files like it asks16:10
BlueEagleVi1: which <command> wil give you the path to the spesific command, ie: which ps16:10
BlueEagleVi1: and you're welcome.16:11
gaelf1how do I disable all the login/logout messages in this chatroom from appearing in pidgin?16:11
felipe__Hello all !16:11
felipe__I m new in linux and need some help16:12
lacrymologywhat on?16:12
BlueEaglegaelf1: I would be suprised if that ins't covered in the documentation for pidgin. For irssi it's "/ignore #channel join part quit" and pidgin may or may not have a similar feature.16:12
felipe__How I install my new video drivers16:12
BlueEaglefelipe__: That depends on your graphics card.16:12
lacrymologyfelipe__: what video card do you have?16:12
felipe__I have a geforce 660016:13
BlueEagle!nvidia | felipe__16:13
ubottufelipe__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:13
felipe__already download last files16:13
felipe__hey nvidia16:13
BlueEaglefelipe__: Please take the time to read the link ubottu provided.16:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jed16:13
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ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:14
idefixsome of my hardware drivers failed to startup, how can I check which one?16:14
BlueEagleidefix: /var/log/dmesg might be a good place to start.16:14
jameswf-homeidefix: dmesg16:14
mustakimnajibdo you know older nvidia version work well with kubuntu only?16:15
SpudzHello all, I just wasted a whole morning today trying to share my internet with my housemates using wireless.  Both other pcs (mac and xp notebook) can see the cnxn, and join.  but the ip's are 169.254.x.y, and they cant load webpages.  can anyone explain to me what's going on?  Do I need to do something fancy with the linuxbox?16:15
idefixwhat does [17179948.664000] stand for?16:15
idefix(in dmesg)16:15
jameswf-homeSpudz: do  you have a DHCP server16:15
msian_tux_loverSpudz, perhaps you can run firestarter....quick ans easy net sharing16:16
lliw00is there a way i can set up a ups to be able to reset when given commands via the internet? or at least over a router16:16
errrI have installed rpm on my ubuntu system. Is there a way for me to populate the rpm database with the packages I have installed though apt-get16:16
BlueEagleSpudz: Hello. First off we need to know a bit more about your network setup. Is your linux box set up between your modem and your wireless router?16:16
Spudzjameswf-home: I don't know.  I just clicked on the network manager, and started a wireless network.  then joined it from the other boxes.16:16
jameswf-homeSpudz: is an apipa range means your network is not right16:16
BlueEagleidefix: That is most likey a time stamp.16:16
Spudzawesome!! the gurus are at home :) I tried 8 hours ago and no answer16:17
DaveTarmacHi guys16:17
* jameswf-home is at wok16:17
=== jameswf-home is now known as jameswf
DaveTarmacI'm looking for a decent FTP client for Ubuntu - can anyone recommend something?16:17
uhhhhhanyone put ubuntu on a umpc?16:17
Vi1How well will Xubuntu run on an AMDK6+ 450 with 256mb Ram?16:17
jameswfDaveTarmac: I use fireftp16:17
msian_tux_loverDaveTarmac, gftp?16:17
BlueEagleSpudz: So your linux box is a computer (laptop?) with a wireless card in it and you want to use it as a wireless access point?16:17
SpudzBlueEagle: I get internet from a USB Wireless Modem16:18
DaveTarmacmsian_tux_lover: tried it,I'd like something that integrates a bit nicer with gnome - so I can drag things from nautilus16:18
piasdomcan someone tell me how to find my graphic drivers ?16:18
Decepticonwhat drivers am i supposed to download to make nvidia geforce fx 5200 work16:18
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:18
Decepticonim sitting at http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html and i see a lot of choices16:18
jameswfpiasdom: lspci16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm431816:18
javiergHow hard is it to install Windows Vista with a stripe raid on two seperate hard drives, while leaving the original Ubuntu installation (and hard drive) still working?16:18
jameswfpiasdom: lspci + google16:18
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dfgasmustakimnajib, what do you mean find the latest sources.list?16:18
Under_Wrapspiasdom: when was the last time you saw them :)16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm4316:19
BlueEagle!broadcom | nassty16:19
ubottunassty: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx16:19
SpudzBlueEagle: Yep!16:19
piasdomi just installed ubuntu16:19
BlueEaglenassty: You're welcome.16:19
nasstythanks BlueEagle16:19
mustakimnajibdfgas, you will get what you want16:19
nasstyyou can read my mind BlueEagle16:19
piasdomispci gives me a bunch of stiff i don't understand16:19
dfgasmustakimnajib, i can't find what i need though16:20
BlueEaglenassty: No, I just passed that link off to someone else a few minutes ago. ;)16:20
legend2440piasdom: open system>administration>hardware drivers is there a box to enable drivers?16:20
uhhhhhanyone? ubuntu on an eee or aspire one?16:20
nasstyI think I've this problem at the edge of the cliff16:20
BlueEagleSpudz: I'm sorry, but I have to pass on that one. I tried setting it up but I didn't get the other wireless machines to find the right network.16:20
BlueEagle!anyone | uhhhhh16:20
ubottuuhhhhh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:20
msian_tux_loverDaveTarmac, I usually just use nautilus for simple FTP, for command line ncftp is good16:21
SpudzBlueEagle: np16:21
nasstyBlueEagle, can I throw you an error and tell me where can I start looking for?16:21
Decepticonfor nvidia geforce fx 5200, do i use NVIDIA-Linux-x86-169.12-pkg1.run or NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.80.pkg1.run to install the drivers?16:21
k26606#nick erlz16:21
uhhhhhokay...well im trying to find out how long it takes for ubuntu to boot one one. they say some os's boot in like 7 seconds16:21
BlueEaglenassty: I've never used a broadcom device in my life, but if you throw the error at google it often finds something useful.16:21
lrbabeHello everybody, I just tried to install 8.10, after successfully installing it to my hardrive, I have run an update using the update ma,ager and it get stuck at the end of the update process on those command:16:21
geeky_goowyVi1: should do well..16:21
gaelfxI'm having problems with my wireless card, I am trying to use the restricted driver, but Syslog gives me this about every 3-4 seconds: http://pastebin.com/d4f37c604, how do I fix it???16:22
jameswfpiasdom: pastebin the output of lspci -vvvvvv16:22
lrbabesuppressing linux-headers-....16:22
errpastWhat is good Ubuntu app to rip mp3s from CDs?16:22
BlueEaglenassty: Also please do read the link provided by ubottu and see if the instructions there help.16:22
thomasiteHello. Is there any Ubuntu equivalent to FrontPage? (Sorry for the otherwise silly question)16:22
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geeky_goowyerrpast: use the inbuilt ripper mann..16:22
BlueEaglethomasite: Are you thinking a WYSIWYG editor?16:22
thomasiteSomehow, BlueEagle. :)16:22
jameswfthomasite: frontpage bad... w3schools and vi good16:23
nasstyBlueEagle, can't find anything useful anywhere, just a guy who solved it in a livecd distro for wifi security16:23
piasdomledgen2440: no prop drivers on system16:23
legend2440lrbabe: #ubuntu+1 is channel for 8.10 support16:23
Decepticonwhat does it mean when i try to do 'sudo apt-get install elinks' that it says 'reading state information ... done ... E: couldn't find package elinks"16:23
idefixBlueEagle, I get frame lost with my webcam very often, what's up?16:23
BlueEaglethomasite: http://webdesign.about.com/od/htmleditors/tp/aatpwyslinux.htm16:23
legend2440piasdom: what video card you have?16:23
idefixBlueEagle help is very much appreciated16:23
SpudzDo i need to run a dhcp server?16:23
BlueEaglethomasite: googled for linux wysiwyg and that was the first hit.16:23
piasdomlegend2440: motherboard16:23
Decepticonwhat does it mean when i try to do 'sudo apt-get install elinks' that it says 'reading state information ... done ... E: couldn't find package elinks"16:23
gaelfxcan someone please help me with a wireless card problem?16:24
piasdomlegend2440: k8m800  micro am216:24
jameswfDecepticon: Means couldn't find package elinks16:24
Topgun1000id you get my PM blueavle? It makes do difference if i do ps -aux or ps aux.16:24
SpudzDecepticon: Maybe you don't have the right repository that contains that package.16:24
genii!info elinks16:24
jameswfpiasdom: pastebin the output of lspci -vvvvvv16:24
ubottuelinks (source: elinks): Advanced text-mode WWW browser. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.3-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 451 kB, installed size 1088 kB16:24
defryskthomasite: compozer,16:24
defryskor bliefish16:24
geniiDecepticon: Since it's in main repository should be available by default. Try first:   sudo apt-get update16:25
DecepticonSpudz ubottu thinks that package exists... so whats the deal16:25
BlueEagleidefix: I'm no good with webcams.16:25
jameswfbluefish is not wysiwyg16:25
legend2440piasdom: in terminal type    lspci | grep -i vga  that should say which card16:25
gaelfxcan anyone see what I have written?16:25
jameswfgaelfx: no16:25
BlueEaglenassty: If you find the network ssid with the other machines then perhaps I can help in any case.16:25
gaelfxjameswf: thank you :D16:25
=== Oric_ is now known as Oric
defryskthomasite: that means compozer is your option16:25
freebsd_fanwhat is the most versitile gui package to manage VPN internet connection?16:25
freebsd_fanone that installs well please.16:26
jameswffreebsd_fan: networkmanager16:26
pindakaas117BlueEagle: Sorry^^ thanks for the help!16:26
defryskthomasite: its kompozer16:26
jameswfin by default16:26
Decepticondo i have to tell ubuntu to use my LAN or my wLAN, i have both hooked up and it seems like it doesnt know which one to use, the wlan is not connected to anything, but the lan is16:26
BlueEaglenassty: What you need to do is provide network topology information to the peers that connect to your network. You do this most easily by running a dhcp server. Since you also want to forward network information I suggest you have a look at dnsmasq.16:26
SpudzDecepticon: Go System->Admin->sw sources16:26
Decepticoni dont have a gui16:26
BlueEaglenassty: It can both provide dns information and forward network traffic for you.16:26
thomasiteThanks, BlueEagle and defrysk16:26
SpudzDecepticon: you'll need to check some box.  which one - ull have to find out16:26
DecepticonSpudz i dont have a gui16:27
freebsd_fancouldnt find package16:27
Decepticonand i dont think my internet is working16:27
defryskis quanta also wysiwyg ?16:27
jameswfDecepticon: install webmin poof a gui16:27
Decepticoneven though my lan is connected and wlan is hooked up16:27
Decepticoni cant install anything because my internet doesnt seem to be working16:27
mustakimnajibto change you older sources.list, find here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy16:27
freebsd_fanjameswf, the network manager doesn't have any vpn options.16:27
Decepticonif i do ping google.com i see the ip address, but 100% packet loss16:28
mustakimnajibI paste sources.list there..16:28
albeciAOA TUTTI16:28
Decepticoncan someone help me troubleshoot my internet please16:28
SpudzDecepticon: I can't help you further.  If ur internet isnt working you wont be able to apt-get install, will you now16:28
gaelfxhttp://pastebin.com/d4f37c604 How can I get my wireless card to work?16:28
thomasiteQuestion: There are Debian and RedHat packages and a Linux tarball in the Downloads section of the Kompozer website. As I am running Ubuntu, which of the three shall I get? Thanks.16:29
DecepticonSpudz yes, so im trying to figure out why its not working16:29
idefixwhat happens when you get frame lost messages? your computer doesn't keep up with your webcam, how to solve it? is it solvable?16:29
Oli``Is it possible to see who's using my samba shares (like you can in Windows)?16:29
gaelfxthomasite: debian16:29
Decepticonhow can i reconfigure the network configuration16:29
geniiOli``: smbstatus16:29
xeiterHi I have a php script that uploads files to my webserver. This directory has www-data set for grooup/user permissions. When I upload files using that php script, the files are put in the uploads directory with strange permissions -rw-------. I cant use those files in my php scripts unless i change permission manually. How can i make it so correct permsiions are set on upload ?16:29
Oli``genii: excellent. thanks16:30
jameswfpiasdom: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=342115&page=2 post #1716:30
geniiOli``: You're welcome16:30
kane77how do I find out where the grub is installed?16:30
mustakimnajibfor hardy who like to try intrepid, you can find sources.list at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid16:30
BlueEaglexeiter: Which owner:group does the files have?16:30
cabrioleurkane77, whereis grub16:30
Spudzplease can someone help me understand how to create a wireless network, on #spudz?  This chan's too busy...16:30
jameswfI am debating weather to wipe now and go intrepid or wait 10 days16:31
xeiterBlueEagle, www-data16:31
defryskjameswf: if in doubt, wait16:31
kane77cabrioleur, I meant on which disks bootsector it is16:31
mustakimnajibspudz: pm with piju, he use wireless16:31
BlueEaglexeiter: Well -rw------- is read and write for the owner so it should be accessible for www-data if www-data is the owner.16:32
* jameswf not bothered by bugs, but annoyed by mass updated16:32
thiebaudejameswf:it's better to wait16:32
BlueEaglexeiter: What might be the case is that the directory is located some place where www-data cannot access it due to restrictions in php safe mode or apache document root.16:32
tonyyarussothomasite: None of the above.  KompoZer is in the Ubuntu repositories.16:32
xeiterBlueEagle, is there a way to change the permsission to soemthin more open - just for testing ?16:33
defryskjameswf: a dist-upgrade now might couse loss of packages to resolve deps16:33
xeiterBlueEagle, locatino of www root is default /var/www16:33
Spudzmustakimnajib: There's no piju here16:33
freebsd_fanwhen i try to install vpnc there are tons of dependency problems!16:33
freebsd_fanubuntu is starting to wind me up, it doesn;t have a clue where to find stuff16:33
mustakimnajiboh.. maybe he was away16:34
freebsd_fanapt-get cock16:34
BlueEaglexeiter: You change permissions with chmod, but it should not be required. Where do you move the files after they are uploaded?16:34
mustakimnajibhe's my friend16:34
jameswfno i have been through 3 dist upgrades this round I am going clean, dist-upgrades are he** on the os16:34
xeiterBlueEagle, the files are placed into /var/www/uploads.  They do indeed get placed in there but their permissions are -rw--------.16:34
defryskjameswf: then , good luck ;)16:35
kane77how do I get the list of installed packages?16:35
thiebaudejameswf:when i order the 8.10 cd, it will be a clean install, right now i did upgrade.16:35
BlueEaglexeiter: Then you should be able to refer to those files as /uploads/filename.ext16:35
xeiterBlueEagle, I then have my script move the uploaded files from /var/www/uploads into /var/www/uploads/processed and thast when it fails. I assuem due to permissions16:35
thiebaudei'm never going to have an ubuntu that is more than 6 months old, :)16:36
aadilfreebsd_fan, how long u using ubuntu?16:36
BlueEaglexeiter: Is the processed directory accessable to www-data?16:36
cabrioleurkane77, cat /boot/grub/device.map16:36
maniheer!yay | thiebaude16:36
ubottuthiebaude: Glad you made it! :-)16:36
thiebaudeubottu:there is a bug i reported to launchpad16:37
BlueEaglexeiter: Also you may want to take this question to #php. It's likely that they can help you more.16:37
xeiterBlueEagle, thank you. take care16:37
aadilfreebsd_fan, https://lug.wsu.edu/wireless/pptp/ubuntu16:38
aadili think it's what u are looking for16:38
cabrioleurkane77, in synaptic you can check "installed"16:38
maniheer!language | aadil16:39
ubottuaadil: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:39
BlueEaglexeiter: You're welcome.16:39
aadilmaniheer, oh - my bad16:39
aadilsowwy then16:39
legend2440kane77: dpkg --get-selections > my-packages  will make file called my-packages with list of installed packages16:39
maniheer!botsnack > aadil16:39
ubottuaadil, please see my private message16:39
lacrymologyI'm going to ask something evil16:40
cabrioleurlacrymology, I like evil questions.16:40
lacrymologycan I make my windows key open up the xfce menu somehow?16:40
aatkJust a quick question, if I install the Ibex beta, it should upgrade fine when it's officially released?16:40
lacrymologyI just hate seeing a utterly useless key on the keyboard16:41
maniheer!intrepid  | aatk16:41
ubottuaatk: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu16:41
kane77legend2440, cabrioleur, thank you, I am preparing to reinstall to 8.10 (after 3 years of just upgrading) and I want to make sure it will be smooth so I am backing up everything :)16:41
aadilmaniheer, u making ubottu cybering with me?16:41
aatklacrymology, you should be able to do that using the keyboard settings16:42
cabrioleurlacrymology, yes, there was a way. xfce menu is a command. You can bind it to the key in configuration.16:42
GaMbi_DKanyone have any good ideas for getting winds (movies) onto second screen (Separated X screen) - GaMbi16:43
legend2440!clone | kane7716:43
ubottukane77: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate16:43
maniheer!xinerama | GaMbi_DK16:43
ubottuGaMbi_DK: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead16:43
anewsonhey all, thought i'd come and plug my problem16:43
maniheer!hi | anewson16:44
ubottuanewson: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:44
kane77legend2440, thank you once again, I'm not sure I want to install all of packages that are installed but I want to keep the list for future "inspiration" what to install16:44
GaMbi_DKmaniheer, if I enable xierama my compiz dosnt work16:44
anewsonplease check it out- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=953322 hardy won't boot because it doesn't read the partition table of my primary hard drive correctly (i think)16:44
maniheerGaMbi_DK, life is cruel .......16:44
geeky_goowyhi, did anyone try requesting Ubuntu/Kubuntu 8.10 CDs from shipit using the standard option?? It showed an error saying "Number of CDs were not specified".. But ironically, there was not box to enter no of CDs!! :P16:44
cabrioleurlacrymology, xfce4-popup-menu is the command to invoke menu in xfce16:44
GaMbi_DKmaniheer, true :)16:45
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GaMbi_DK!DualHead | GaMbi_DK16:46
ubottuGaMbi_DK, please see my private message16:46
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lacrymologycabrioleur: amazing, thanks16:46
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tyberionhello guys! can anyone recommen me a good external soundcard, usb, taht runs fine with ubuntu?16:47
rogerioOlá tem alguém que possa me ajudar?16:47
Tyrathwhere should i go if i need support for jed?16:48
anewsonhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=953322 - hardy won't boot! possibly misreading my partition table? please take a gander and get back to me16:48
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:48
rogerioI'm from Brazil and I need some help!!!16:48
maniheer!hi | rogerio16:48
ubotturogerio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:48
jameswfyou need help cause your from brazil?16:49
rogerioI've some problems with my ubuntu 8.0416:49
maniheerwe all do16:49
legend2440Tyrath: there is achannel called   #jedit    not sure if that is same as jed or not16:49
maniheerwat is the problem?16:49
lacrymologybut the shortcut doesn't seem to work16:49
davidfraserI got this from my PPA:16:49
davidfraserUnable to identify file gimp_2.6.1.orig.tar.bz2 (graphics) in changes.16:49
davidfraserFurther error processing not possible because of a critical previous error.16:49
davidfraserAny ideas?16:49
Tyrathi will try it thanks16:49
FloodBot2davidfraser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:49
lacrymologyit appears like Super+Super_L but nothing happens16:49
rogerioMy ubuntu recognize only 4GB but I've 8 gb!!!16:49
uhhhhh4gb of what16:50
maniheerrogerio, Hard Drive, RAM?16:50
uhhhhh64 bit? or 32?16:50
maniheerrogerio, 32 bit?16:50
anewsonthat's a lot of ram16:50
rogerioJust A little16:50
jameswf32 needs PAE extensions16:50
davidfraserrogerio: You need to use a 64-bit kernel or have High memory kernel - the server ones work16:50
geniirogerio: Use server kernel if 32bit CPU or else switch to 64bit if your CPU supports it16:50
Decepticonhelp i am on command line ubuntu, and i cannot access the internet, if i ping google.com it catches the ip but there is no reply... please advise, i cannot use apt-get at all because of this16:50
uhhhhhhow are you on irc if you have no internet? :-P16:50
Decepticonim on another computer16:51
rogerioyes 32 bits16:51
GuilhermeCunharogerio, use a 64bits system16:51
lacrymologyrogerio: can't have that much memory on a 32bit system16:51
anewsonDecepticon: does your ISP do the pppoe thing or just dhcp?16:51
GuilhermeCunhai'm using Ubuntu 64b16:51
Decepticonits dhcp16:51
anewsonDecepticon: do you see an IP when you ifconfig?16:51
Decepticonanewson, yes16:51
liza0_GuilhermeCunha: as a desktop ?16:51
VletI accidentally wiped a few config files for postgres, so I removed the packaged and then re installed it, but it did not replace the config files. How can I get apt to completely reinstall a package?16:52
Decepticonanewson i have a ip for eth0, and i also have a wlan0, but theres no ip for wlan016:52
rogerioOKay....But 32 bits  can recnognize 8 GB ?16:52
easyDecepticon, type ifconfig and tell me what is there16:52
lacrymologyrogerio: either use a 64bit system, or if you can't someone said a server kernel might be able to address all that16:52
jameswfrogerio: with PAE16:52
Decepticoni did ifconfig -a | less....16:52
geniirogerio: The server 32bit can16:52
D7I got a USB hard drive today, and I was wondering what the best filesystem to format it with would be, I want to use this with windows computers, and ubuntu...16:52
uhhhhhZFS FTW16:52
lacrymologyI want 8GB RAM...16:52
lacrymologyI got 256Megs16:52
VletD7: Fat1616:52
rogerioI've installed the 8.04.1 LTS Desktop Edition16:53
D7Vlet, funny16:53
Decepticonand eth0 link encap:ethernet hwaddr 00:06 long number, inet addr:, bcast: mask:
lacrymologyI'm just one step above a typewritter16:53
Decepticoneasy theres too much to type16:53
lacrymologyrogerio: install a server kernel16:53
rogerioOver the deskop ?16:53
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cabrioleurD7, windows is using vfat and ntfs only, so those are your choices.16:53
VletD7: no really though, fat32 would prolly be best16:53
anewsonD7: nah he's serious, fat16 is np for windows or linux16:53
uhhhhhD7: ZFS16:53
Decepticoneasy i see a section for eth0, lo, wlan0, and wmaster016:53
lacrymologyrogerio: not so much "over" as "by it's side", but yes16:54
jameswfneat when you do: `cat /dev/zero >/dev/mem` you get a panic every time16:54
anewsonhate to plug, but... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=953322 - hardy won't boot! possibly misreading my partition table? please take a gander and get back to me16:54
lacrymologyrogerio: just the kernel, should be fine, no need to reinstall16:54
Decepticonhelp i am on command line ubuntu, and i cannot access the internet, if i ping google.com it catches the ip but there is no reply... please advise, i cannot use apt-get at all because of this16:54
cabrioleuranewson, change in grub from sda to hda16:54
rogerioI'm affraid because its in Production.16:54
puremichaelwhich package do i need to resolve '/usr/bin/nm-ppp-startet: file not found' error ?16:55
D7cabrioleur, does ubuntu have full ntfs support?16:55
lacrymologyrogerio: well, don't uninstall your current server16:55
lacrymologyI mean kernel16:55
cabrioleurD7, yes, linux does have full ntfs support.16:55
anewsoncabrioleur: you think it's a grub problem? didn't even occur to me... hang on i'll check it out16:55
lacrymologyjust install the other one, boot from it, and check if everything works16:55
dvyjonesAny programs that can put a "widget" on my desktop printing out system info with a low-opacity background?16:55
geniusI have full / which resides on sda1. How to determine which files lie on this partition?16:55
drandossDecepticon what kind of network are you getting connection from? Wireless? lan? Router?16:56
tdnHow do I change user details on a system user? (The ones that I am asked when running adduser and that is stored in /etc/passwd)16:56
lacrymologysudo apt-get install linux-server should work, it should add a new option to your grub menu, and that's it. Your old kernels will still be there16:56
Decepticondrandoss im supposed to have a idle wlan0 (not connected to a wlan) and a active eth0, via lan, via dhcp16:56
lacrymologyand you're not doing anything to the system itself16:56
cabrioleurgenius, type "mount" and you will see where partitions are mounted. If the file lies withing the mounted path, it is on this particular partition.16:56
ShakedownI get a dcopserver problem when I try and open Amarok. Anybody familiar with this?16:57
easyDecepticon, are you using dhcp?16:57
lacrymologyrogerio: you might need to install any modules you added manually, in their linux-server versions16:57
anewsoncabrioleur: unbelievable... i think that might be it, the grub entries are hd0 instead of sd016:57
Decepticoneasy, for eth0 yes16:57
bidiis there a specific shortcut to switch to, let's say Desktop 3 ?16:57
easyDecepticon, I suggest you use static connection16:58
cabrioleuranewson, let's hope that's it.16:58
Decepticoneasy i dont have any choice in this matter16:58
Kajoverhey.. i have problems connecting to my _encrypted_ wireless network - macbook pro (santa rosa), broadcom drivers, 8.10 beta (all updates)16:58
anewsonok, trying a reboot, brb16:58
Decepticonis it becase my wlan card is interfering?16:58
Decepticonwhat should i do16:58
maniheerrogerio, or you can give me the 4GB :D16:58
Decepticonshould i take out my wlan card?16:58
cabrioleurKajover, can you give more info?16:58
Kajoverwhat info do you need?16:59
freebsd_fanwhats missing if i cant see the network management icon?16:59
cabrioleurKajover, what tools are you using, what kind of encryption etc.16:59
Kajoverit connects with no encryption (WPA/WPA2 on the router) and it doesnt connect with wpa216:59
Pici!ibex | Kajover16:59
ubottuKajover: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu16:59
Kajoverrouter is a fritzbox16:59
anewsoncabrioleur: update-grub will put my new menu.lst in the MBR right?17:00
easyDecepticon, try using ifup eth017:00
cabrioleuranewson, yes, but corrupted one. if it did the first time, it will do it next time as well (that's my expectations)17:00
Decepticonis that a command i should use?17:01
dvyjonesAny programs that can put a "widget" on my desktop printing out system info with a low-opacity background?17:01
cabrioleuranewson, update-grub does change your menu.lst. In grub it checks menu.lst every time you reboot17:01
Decepticoneasy it says "ignoring unkown interface eth0=eth0"17:01
rohani am trying to use the shipit service, however it gives an error saying "the number of requested CDs was not provided"17:01
anewsoncabrioleur: ahh i didn't know that, k brb wish me luck17:02
cabrioleuranewson, good luck17:02
easyDecepticon, which kind of a machine are you using? laptop or Desktop?17:02
rogerioSorry but I can't17:02
Decepticoneasy its a desktop,17:02
easyDecepticon, check where the NIC Card is loose17:02
GlennLapPupUsera1ce1c: English please17:02
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:03
Decepticoneasy the nic is integrated17:03
easyDo you know webmin17:03
Decepticoneasy ubuntu has caught an ip address for itself, i can verify that with ifconfig... and its also recognizing a ip addy for google.com but its getting a very big time to reply (like almost infinite)17:03
Decepticoneasy i cant really install anything if i dont have the internet17:04
rogerioThanks every one i'll attempt..17:04
rogerioThanks maniheer17:04
Bilzim trying to get the bookmarks from firefox, is it stored in some file? im accessing my account remotely (ssh)17:04
drandossdecepticon what does Nslookup sit out?17:05
cbk486hello, I see that flash 10 is available for linux. I installed fp 9 from a tar.gz, can I just run the new one and it'll rewrite over it?17:05
cabrioleurDecepticon, have you tried power-circle your modem/router?17:05
Decepticonnsloopkup for google.com gives and 2 other ips17:05
cabrioleurDecepticon, (kind of naive question)17:05
Decepticoncabrioleur i dont have a modem router17:06
VletI accidentally wiped a few config files for postgres, so I removed the packaged and then re installed it, but it did not replace the config files. How can I get apt to completely reinstall a package including it's config files?17:06
Decepticoncabrioleur im connected directly to the wall via lan17:06
Bilzim trying to get the bookmarks from firefox, is it stored in some file? im accessing my account remotely (ssh)17:06
Decepticoncabrioleur and getting my ip via dhcp17:06
daklanVlet: with the --purge option17:06
easyDecepticon, type use nano /etc/network/interfaces and configure the eth0 from there17:07
mongolaiBilz:  look for bookmarks-(some date).json ...17:07
maniheerrogerio, ur welcome17:07
cabrioleurDecepticon, are you on the same network right now, with different computer?17:07
giggseyDoes anyone know of any good media centres for ubuntu?17:07
maniheerdamn hes gone17:07
Bilzmongolai, where should I find it?17:07
maniheergiggsey, mythbuntu?17:07
Decepticoneasy /etc/network/interfaces says: auto lo; iface lo inet loopback; auto eth0... and thats it (without the commented lines of course)17:08
cabrioleurgiggsey, elysa (if you like something small), mythbuntu (if you like something big)17:08
Decepticoncabrioleur, i am on a different network on a different computer right now17:08
giggseymaniheer, I had a quick look at that, and that only seems for TV17:08
mongolaiBilz:  ~/.mozilla/firefox/(random thing).default/bookmarkbackups  -- the random thing is generated. different for everyone17:08
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Kajoverno one answered me in ubuntu+1 so again:17:08
Bilzahh cheers17:08
Kajoverhey.. i have problems connecting to my _encrypted_ wireless network - macbook pro (santa rosa), broadcom drivers, 8.10 beta (all updates) didnt use ubuntu before so cant tell if the problem is new.. router is a FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 714017:08
daklanmaniheer: Linux MCE is based on kubuntu, if you care to take a look at it17:08
cabrioleurDecepticon, it looks like your computer is o.k. Do you have any opportunity to connect different computer to your net adapter? It looks like ISP problem.17:08
maniheergiggsey, there is LinuxMCE but its only 7.1017:09
PiciKajover: Then you need to be patient there, the question is offtopic for this channel.17:09
maniheer8.10 is about to come out17:09
easyDecepticon, cool, what is under eth0?17:09
Decepticoncabrioleur ive used this computer on the connection that ubuntu is using, and it works17:09
tyberionhello guys! can anyone recommen me a good external soundcard, usb, taht runs fine with ubuntu?17:09
GaMbi_DKHi guys.. I need my TV-out!! with "separated X screen" without xinerama: I cant drag to windows to my TV.. with xinerama: Compiz effects dosn't work... Twinview: dont allow me to change desktop without changing TV desktop (removing the video im watching).. also new files to desktop jumps to TV.....    So Id like a "Separate X screen" that allows me to get windows(movies etc) from my monitor and onto my TV... any ideas?17:09
Kajoverpatient you have to be young padawan :P17:09
Decepticonhowever, when i plug it into ubuntu, i am experiencing the problems i just described17:09
Kajoveralright cu17:09
Decepticoneasy, in /etc/network/interfaces all it says is 'auto eth0'17:09
Decepticon"#iface eth0 inet dhcp" is commented out17:10
RazorsKissok, here's some fun stuff.17:10
KillerJinnany app that works very best for yahoo messenger in linux. it seems yahoo messenger does not work by wine? or is there a substitute to use yahoo. i want all or most features of original yahoo messenger , like webcam and voice chat?17:10
crdlbGaMbi_DK: nope, you've covered all options and correctly stated the disadvantages of each17:10
cabrioleurDecepticon, have you checked if your IPv6 is enabled? Sometimes it's causing problems.17:10
RazorsKissmouse movement displays up and to the left of actual17:10
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:10
easyDecepticon, it seems that your eth0 is not configured, contact me via boniemx@gmail.com for more info now17:11
Decepticoncabrioleur in ifconfig -a, i can see inet6 addr: fe80::206:5bff:fea4:c5c3/6417:11
cabrioleurKillerJinn, any multi-protocol tool: pidgin, kopete, empathy etc.17:11
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, :) there has to be a simple way to get a window moved to TV (e.g. rightclick -> send to TV)17:11
Decepticoneasy ok17:11
anewsoncabrioleur: no dice17:11
Decepticonim trying to connect to the ubuntu computer via ssh, and im getting connection refused17:11
jamiejacksonsince recent kernel upgrade, i'm getting the SYSTEM BEEP for some stuff, like hitting the backspace key too much. i remember 1+ year ago, i killed this system beep for when i was in the terminal. terminal's still quiet, but this thing's developed in non terminal apps. what's the solution?17:11
crdlbGaMbi_DK: no, if they're on different screens, that cannot happen17:12
anewsoncabrioleur: i should have mentioned, hardy STARTS to boot, but hangs17:12
cabrioleuranewson, at what point, and what errors?17:12
ivangarciaDeception, can u ping that machine ?17:12
anders__jamiejackson, i disabled the pcspeaker by putting the pcspkr module in the blacklist17:12
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, so my only option at this point is to open the movie on my TV?17:12
jamiejacksonk, looking into that, anders__17:12
anewsoncabrioleur: unfortunately i can't save any of the logs, but it starts saying some stuff about the sd devices17:12
maniheerjamiejackson, i ripped it out, but the PC didn't work to well after that :D17:13
anewsoncabrioleur: Attached SCSI something to sd1, sd2, etc17:13
cabrioleuranewson, is your computer right next to you?17:13
maniheer!hi | nguyencong17:13
ubottunguyencong: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:13
anewsoncabrioleur: unfortunately it's this computer, i'm on the livecd now17:13
nguyencongi want17:13
Decepticonivangarcia i am getting a ping reply17:13
drandossdecepticon try this, if anything it will give you more info on your dhcp .... Terminal ->  Sudo dhclient17:14
KillerJinncabrioleur which one gives most features like webcam and voicechat?17:14
cabrioleuranewson, I will try to recreate error you are heaving.17:14
bidiis there a specific shortcut to switch to, let's say Desktop 3 ?17:14
geniiHmm. "sd1 sd2"   should be something more like sdX1 sdX2 where X is a letter17:14
jamiejacksonlooks like before, i solved the terminal beep with: set bell-style visible in /etc/inputrc, but will look into disabling it with blacklist17:14
Decepticondrandoss, i did it17:14
anewsongenii: yeah it is, sorry that was a really rough recreated error message17:14
cabrioleurKillerJinn, non of them supports webcam. Kopete does, but I don't think it works with yahoo yet.17:14
erikgis there a program which lets you switch windows/desktops in X by "sliding" them across the screen?17:14
jamiejacksonanders__: any adverse side effects that you can think of?17:14
Decepticondrandoss sudo dhclient says "wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801" and then it says a bunch of normal stuff17:14
nguyenconghi anewson17:15
anewsonhere's a link to my forum post:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332217:15
RazorsKissokay, this might be really simple... but it might not.17:15
anewsonhi nguyencong17:15
bidiis there a specific shortcut to switch to, let's say Desktop 3 ?17:15
maniheernguyencong, have you got a question?17:15
maniheeryou can ask it straight away17:15
jamiejacksoni'll just try "rmmod pcspkr" for a while. thx anders__17:15
RazorsKissthe cursor displays up and to the left of where it actually is - in every desktop I've tried - fvwm, openbox, fluxbox, and now gnome17:16
KillerJinncabrioleur so i cant use webcam in yahoo. while useing linux?17:16
RazorsKisswhich tells me something is wonky with either the video, or the touchpad detection.17:16
GaMbi_DKmaniheer, maybe he is just saying hi? ^^17:16
cabrioleurjamiejackson, you can simply go to system-preferences-sound and disable it in the last tab.17:16
nguyencongmy question about ubuntu17:16
GaMbi_DKmaniheer, guess not :)17:16
drandossdecepticon the last 3 on that list are good too see.... wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801 is always there so dont worrie bout that.   take a look at DHCPREQUEST17:16
maniheerGaMbi_DK, LOOL17:17
nguyencongmy english is very bad17:17
cabrioleurKillerJinn, unfortunately, not yet. There are other options: skype, sip (ekiga), etc, but yahoo does not support linux platform.17:17
drandossdecepticon it should be  showing you what requested address are being made17:17
RazorsKissalso pluggin in a usb mouse - same issue.17:17
KillerJinncabrioleur so no yahoo webcam in linux?17:17
maniheernguyencong, where are you from, what is your first language?17:17
cabrioleurKillerJinn, no, as far as I know.17:17
GaMbi_DKnguyencong, if your question is about ubuntu.. this is the right channel.. ask away17:17
KillerJinncabrioleur k17:18
Decepticondrandoss, i see dhcpdiscover on wmaster0 to port 67 interval 7; dhcpdiscover on wlan0 to port 67 interval 6; dhcprequest of on eth0 to port 67; dhcpack17:18
nguyencongi am from viet nam17:18
Decepticondhcpack of from
KillerJinncabrioleur and original yahoo messenger wont work with wine?17:18
Decepticondrandoss, bound to -- renewal in 229348 secfonds17:18
cabrioleuranewson, can you paste bin your menu.lst?17:19
RazorsKissanyone have an idea of what to do for a mouse pointer that doesn't display where it actually is?17:19
maniheernguyencong, what language is that?17:19
anewsoncabrioleur: i'll pastebin it, one sec17:19
Kr0ntabKillerJinn: have you tried  GyachI ?17:19
Decepticondrandoss that looks pretty normal to me17:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vietnamese17:19
RazorsKissthe pointer displays up and to the left of where it actually is17:19
KillerJinnKr0ntab no. whats that17:20
GaMbi_DKWTF! it happened again! I get a typing delay some times (now) is this a known problem and what can I do?17:20
Kr0ntabyahoo im chat with webcam support17:20
Kr0ntabI havent used it personally....17:20
ivangarciathe ssh machine is in ur local network or outside17:20
Kr0ntabbut it may be what you are looking for17:20
nguyencongi can speak english17:20
KillerJinnKr0ntab realy. its an app. ok.17:20
drandossdecepticon yea seems too be in check. Hmm wierd man wierd17:20
Decepticonivangarcia the ubuntu machine having trouble accessing the internet is on another ntwork17:20
kuthuxKr0ntab: i've tried gyachi but my cam doesn't work. it's v4l217:20
nguyencongbut my english is very bad17:21
Decepticondrandoss do you think its my wlan17:21
anewsoncabrioleur: http://pastebin.com/d1f6df32317:21
Decepticondrandoss what if i shut it down and take out the wlan card and then restart17:21
ivangarciaDecepticon, did you install ssh in the other machine?17:21
drandossdecepticon  Yea the only thing I can see that might be the problem is that dhcp is trying too feed the Wlan17:21
RazorsKissmouse pointer does not display where it's supposed to be - any suggestions?17:21
Decepticonivangarcia im on winxp, and im using putty to connect to the ssh on the ubuntu machine, but im getting connection refused17:21
KillerJinnKr0ntab  i cant find it in repos. any link to dl it?17:21
GaMbi_DKnguyencong, you told us.. what do you need help with?17:21
RazorsKissit displays up and to the left of actual - on laptop touchpad, as well as usb mouse17:21
drandossdecepticon  I would defently try removing it and seeing if that does anything17:21
Decepticondrandoss ok so ill try it, give me 5 minutes17:22
esacit seems ive pulled in a new build of flashplugin-nonfree last night and i restarted firefox and flash no longer works. does anybody know how to fix, or revert to the previous version?17:22
RazorsKissany suggestions?17:22
ivangarciaDecepticon, do you have physical access to that machine?17:22
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto17:22
nguyencongabout ubuntu17:22
Kr0ntabnot sure if there's a lot of active development on it...17:22
ivangarciaare u able to connect ssh from other machines?17:22
Decepticonivangarcia yes17:22
Decepticonivangarcia i cannot use the internet at all on the ubuntu machine17:22
ivangarciacan u check if you have ssh in that ubuntu?17:22
maniheernguyencong, just tell us the question17:22
Decepticonhow to do that ivangarcia?17:22
kuthux!ask > nguyencong17:22
ubottunguyencong, please see my private message17:22
ivangarciaps -aux |grep ssh17:22
nguyencongi can not about ubuntu17:22
RazorsKisscan anyone give me somewhere to look, to find out why my mouse pointer doesn't show up where it's supposed to?17:23
RazorsKissit displays up and to the left of actual - menus, desktop, everywhere.17:23
RazorsKissand in multiple desktop managers, as well17:24
Decepticonhwo do i restart ssh17:24
ivangarciaDecepticon, check if the answers shows something like /usr/sbin/sshd17:24
kuthuxRazorsKiss: looks like it needs to be calibrated. but i dunno how :D17:24
Decepticonivangarcia it doesnt look like ssh is running17:24
RazorsKissso it's something wrong in the underlying core.17:24
Decepticonhow can i start ssh17:24
RazorsKissor in the driver for the video.  Not sure.17:24
anewsoncabrioleur: see anything suspicious?17:24
ivangarciasudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart17:24
nguyencongsory i am busy17:24
Decepticonivangarcia i did that, it says sudo: /etc/init.d/ssh: command not found17:24
ivangarciaok, u need to install ssh17:25
Decepticoni cant17:25
ivangarciasudo apt-get install ssh17:25
Decepticoni dont have the ineternet17:25
nguyencongsee you again17:25
kuthux!ask | nguyencong17:25
ubottunguyencong: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:25
Decepticonbase install doesnt include ssh? thats stupid as hell17:25
cabrioleuranewson, replace root=UUID=* with root=/dev/sda?17:25
ivangarciahmm, insteresing, well, then u'll have to download some .deb from another machine17:25
ivangarciaand copy to ur ubuntu machine to install ssh17:25
Kr0ntabDecepticon: there's no reason why you would need SSH off the bat... unless you're trying to run it as a server...17:26
GaMbi_DKnguyencong, we know that you dont speak english well.. we know you got a question about ubuntu... what is the question?17:26
Decepticonfair enough17:26
anewsoncabrioleur: ahh i was changing the grub root (the hd0,1)17:26
anewsoncabrioleur: i'll try that, brb17:26
kuthuxDecepticon: if your box doesn't run ssh-server, then it won't run as a host17:26
Decepticonkuthux what do you mean run as a host17:27
sqawerlzI have a problem installing WIne, but I think I'm having a problem with my OS. When i try sudo apt-get install wine I get E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package binfmt-support.17:27
Kr0ntabDecepticon: ssh is on the install disc... you can install from that using apt-get as long as the CD is still part of your sources.17:27
InExilehoping someone can help me with Totem on Ubuntu before I pick up my computer and throw it our the closest window17:27
kuthuxu're trying to login to a box, so the box must run ssh server17:27
Kr0ntabInExile: ask and someone migt answer17:29
Fzangmy bios is buggy and won't run the kernels found in 2008 versions of linux, does that mean the new ubuntu kernel will just fail on me as well?17:29
esacthe new version of flashplugin-nonfree does not work. i want to go back to the old version. it got fed to me via updates. how can i revert? thanks17:29
cabrioleurFzang, yes17:29
Fzangaw :(17:29
kuthuxInExile: throw it away..17:29
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* RazorsKiss is trying to find out why his mouse/touchpad is displaying up and to the left of the actual location17:29
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Rocksheephi all17:30
maniheer!hi | Rocksheep17:30
ubottuRocksheep: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:30
cabrioleurFzang, can you update your hardware firmware, or user kernel options to prevent kernel panics?17:30
Gladywhat can I do if it says that dpkg was interrupted?17:30
Rocksheepi got some problem with hardy heron17:30
Fzangyes, I can use ACPI=off to boot, but then wireless device gets disabled17:30
InExileok ... wanted to make sure someone was paying attention first .... I first tried to play aDVD  and I got some streaming error ..... then I tried playing an .mp4 ... it said I need a codec ... downloaded and installed 2 .... now, both movies try to play, but they are on perma-pause17:30
kuthuxGlady: try apt-get -f install17:31
Rocksheepcan some one help me with a problem :D17:31
cabrioleurGlady, sudo dpkg --configure -a17:31
InExilenot sure if sound is working or not since they are not moving forward17:31
Kr0ntabInExile: have you installed the restricted formats meta package?17:31
kuthux!ask > Rocksheep17:31
ubottuRocksheep, please see my private message17:31
chillitomhow do i switch between installed JDKs?17:31
chillitomand JREs17:31
Kr0ntabInExile: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:32
InExileummmm ... I am not sure .... I should have written down what I installed ... I just installed the two Ubuntu offerred17:32
Kr0ntabjust to make sure you have all the codecs you typically would want....17:32
cabrioleurInExile, unless you are living in USA then it's illegal.17:32
talntidis there a way, to delete all folders named 2008-06-06 through 2008-10-06 ?17:32
realinhi guys,, how do i install tweet for gnome-do17:32
talntidbut leave all the others?17:32
InExileit is illegal if I live in another country?17:32
cabrioleurInExile, mostly no.17:33
Kr0ntabInExile: no worries mate... it's not as big a deal as some make it out to be.17:33
GaMbi_DKI get delay on my typing some times(now).. is this a known problem and what can i do abut it? (after pushing a key it takes time for it to show up)17:33
InExilenow I am confused ... I live in Guatemala ... but not sure what that has to do with a DVD that played just fine in Windows17:33
cabrioleurKr0ntab, law is serious.17:33
liza0i am builing a PC to be a linux workstation an i want to know if the motherboard an processor will do ok in linux : AMD Phenom X4 9850 Black Edition17:33
liza0 K9N2 SLI Platinum motherboard,17:33
RocksheepHey guys I have a problem, hardy heron keeps freezing randomly and I don't know the problem. I am just a rookie. So does someone here know how to solve this?17:34
GladyI always got a menu about configuration of sun-java6 and a license text17:34
Gladyand then I m locked there17:34
realinhi guys,, how do i install tweet for gnome-do17:34
Gladycant get out17:34
cabrioleurInExile, then you don't have to worry about. You can do it.17:34
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  is your hdd swapping at the time of the lag?17:34
sirjoebobhello all. I have a windows partition I mount in Ubuntu and wondered how I could change the volume label for it. Do I need to edit the fstab or what?17:34
geniiGlady: Use tab key to make "OK" active then hit Enter17:34
Decepticondrandoss, i took out the wlan card, but im still getting no ping reply from google.com17:34
Glady                            17:34
mjkI have an issue with spamassassin and claws-mail that's probably easily fixable. Can anyone help me?17:34
InExileok .... I give .... I can do what?17:34
cabrioleurmjk, what's the problem?17:34
GaMbi_DKmongolai, the delay is on every type...17:35
mjkspamassassin either can't communicate with spamd and/or spamd isn't running17:35
GladyI dont neeed that package17:35
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  how much RAM do you have?17:35
cabrioleurGlady, in the blue menu use space and tab to move between elements.17:35
GaMbi_DKmongolai, dosnt stop before I do a relog17:35
GaMbi_DKmongolai, 4 gig17:35
Gladyshould I cancel the installation?17:35
mjkcabrioleur, where do I put the spamd daemon so it starts at boot17:36
sqawerlzI need help installing wine, I'm getting some strange errors. http://paste.ubuntu.com/60173/ please help!17:36
Kr0ntabInExile: anyway... sorry about the tangent... here's the deal... in order for you to actually play a number of types of media out there... you need to various codecs...17:36
Kr0ntabin order for you to play DVD's and such... there are other libraries you need...17:36
InExileI think I installed all offered by Ubu17:36
drandossdecepticon  Sudo dhclient  agian, and see if anything has changed17:36
bgolaHi, anyone using the HP 2133 mini notebook with ubuntu? I'm having some trouble with the webcam (yes, i have already installed the UVC drivers from the Subversion)17:36
Kr0ntabso.. InExile, make sure you install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:36
bastid_raZor!medibuntu | InExile17:37
ubottuInExile: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:37
RazorsKissthink that's strange, try your mouse pointer displaying 75 pixels up and to the left from where it's actually at :D17:37
cabrioleurmjk, sudo dpkg --configure -a17:37
InExileI did17:37
cabrioleurmjk, sorry17:37
Decepticondrandoss , no numbers have changed17:37
cabrioleurmjk, /etc/rc.d/init.d/17:37
pushnellHey all.  My mpd is 'unable to bind port 6600: Cannot assign requested address', but 'lsof -i4 -P' shows nothing on that port.  How can I troubleshoot this?  (btw I'm sure mpd is not already running.)17:37
GaMbi_DKmongolai, im not running any heavy programs.. my swap is 8 giggggg17:37
Decepticondrandoss it just doesnt include the wlan bits17:37
RocksheepHey guys I have an issue with Hardy Heron, it keeps freezing randomly and then I wont be able to do anything but hard reboot. Does anyone here know how to resolve this?17:37
kuthuxsqawerlz: apt-get update before install17:37
drandossdecepticon  great, ok thats good17:37
sqawerlzkutlux, I did.17:37
Kr0ntabit will install a number of very useful packages that make your internet and multimedia experience much more enjoyable and consistent with the rest of the world.17:37
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  hmmm. usually input lag is caused by system resources being maxed out. is there a runaway process somewhere? Did you configure swap manually?17:38
InExileok ... where should I get the extra codecs?17:38
Kr0ntabit's in the repos...17:38
pushnellRocksheep: probably the first thing to do is to run a thorough memtest.  Then try different video drivers (if using free, try the proprietary, or vice versa.)17:38
Kr0ntabInExile: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:38
kuthuxsqawerlz: package index files corrupted,17:38
GaMbi_DKmongolai, no runaways .. config swap? :S17:39
Rocksheeppushnell, thx i am gonna try that now :O17:39
mjkcabrioleur, nope that's not the right one17:39
drandossdecepticon we can rule out that the wlan  card is having anything too do with it at least17:39
sqawerlzkuthux, ok so how do i fix that?17:39
mjkcabrioleur, it doesn't exist17:39
Decepticondrandoss i suppose17:39
kuthuxsqawerlz: try again, or use another repo17:39
Decepticondrandoss do you think my eth0 is unsupported?17:39
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  what's top have to say about load average, mem use, swap use, and cpu use?17:39
sqawerlzthe indexes from where i;m trying to downlod are not corrupt. Maybe it is becuase the directory is locked?17:39
InExilesorry ... <--- newbie ... no idea what sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras means17:39
cabrioleurmjk, /etc/init.d17:39
circeeAny one who knows how to prevent gnome-power-manager from monitoring the battery in my wireless mouse?17:39
cabrioleurmjk, sorry, wrong terminal window :-)17:39
kuthuxsqawerlz: what directory is locked17:40
mjkcabrioleur, that's where I thought also, but it doesn't start. Rather, that doesn't fix the problem. Let me check if it starts17:40
Kr0ntabInExile: are you familiar with Synaptic?17:40
sqawerlzkuthux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/60173/17:40
Kr0ntabInExile: ah... so you need a crash course in installation of applications....17:40
drandossdecepticon its possible, few qestions, what company is modem from? Comcast?17:40
sqawerlzkuthux, if you look it says the directory maybe locked17:40
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InExilemy first experience with Linux was yesterday17:41
Kr0ntabInExile: congrats!  let me PM you....17:41
ClocksworkFound this today downtown, Ubuntu is now in a can http://www.clockswork.org/?p=2017:41
Decepticondrandoss, its a integrated nic on a dell optiplex gx24017:41
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ivangarciacongratulations InExile17:41
ivangarciadid you survive to it?17:41
ClocksworkGratz InExile17:41
drandossdecepticon yea but the modem that the cable leads too?17:41
circeeDoes anybody know how to prevent gnome-power-manager from monitoring the battery in my wireless mouse?17:41
GaMbi_DKmongolai, CPU is at 5% and 7% ~ mem is 15% stable swa 0.1% stable17:41
kuthuxsqawerlz: send me the last link17:42
Decepticondrandoss, there is no modem, im conencted directly from eth0 to the wall via a lan wire17:42
RazorsKissMouse calibration: any idea how I can get my mouse calibrated to display the pointer where it's actually at?17:42
giggseyI'm trying to boot the livecd on my laptop, and it keeps going to busybox. Any ideas?17:42
drandossdecepticon so your on like  a school server?17:42
sqawerlzkuthux i just pmed you the link and ive pasted it several times in this17:42
geniigiggsey: Use the alternate CD17:42
sqawerlzkuthux ttp://paste.ubuntu.com/60173/ please help!17:42
Decepticondrandoss, my apartment complex gives ip out by dhcp, and each of us have a ethernet jack in our rooms17:42
kuthuxsqawerlz: wait17:43
cabrioleurmjk, add symlink to it in /etc/rcS.d and make sure it starts with capital S17:43
drandossdecepticon mm k, Gotcha. Yea that leads too quite a few things that could be wrong17:43
cabrioleurmjk, thank you ubuntu for complexity.17:43
GaMbi_DKmongolai 4 GiB ram 2x2.66GHZ17:43
Decepticondrandoss i used to have a debian machine that used to work fine in this same setup last year17:43
mjkcabrioleur, what will this do17:43
anewsoncabrioleur: back, didn't work =/17:44
RazorsKissany idea on how to calibrate a mouse pointer?17:44
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  hmmm. the only other thing I can think of is perhaps an X issue, or video driver... Does input work in avirtual terminal -- ie Ctrl+Alt+f1?17:44
drandossdecepticon oh yea it -should- just connect auto... what build now? hardy 8.04?17:44
GaMbi_DKmongolai,  yea17:44
kuthuxsqawerlz: nothing says directory locked17:44
Decepticondrandoss, yes17:44
Decepticondrandoss i had to install hardy 8.04 because of my graphics problem (unsupported geforce fx 5200)17:45
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  then I'm thinking more of an X or vid driver, but other than that, I dunno.17:45
Decepticoni was going to get drivers for that card, but haha the internet doesnt work17:45
Decepticon*i had to install hardy 8.04 ALTERNATE17:45
ClocksworkGaMbi_DK: What is the problem?17:45
Decepticonusing the alternate text cd17:46
sqawerlzkuthux, i got through the locked error. I killed apt-get. http://paste.ubuntu.com/60177/ Look at my new pastebin17:46
cabrioleuranewson, do you have different error now?17:46
anewsonno, was the same17:46
anewsoni saw some write errors that scrolled past17:46
anewsonbut really it goes too fast to get a good look17:47
cabrioleuranewson, i see.17:47
GaMbi_DKmongolai, had to relog.. couldnt take it anymore :P17:47
cabrioleuranewson, I'm 99% sure it's grub.17:47
mjkcabrioleur, how exactly do I make a syslink. the readme isn't as descriptive as I would like.17:47
cabrioleurmjk, run the script at startup. That's all.17:47
drandossdecepticon hmm, seeing alot of folks in the web with a simalar problem with dhcp setups like yours17:47
anewsonreally? i'd think it was the kernel17:48
kuthuxsqawerlz: unmet dependencies,17:48
mjkcabrioleur, not what it does. How do I make one17:48
anewsoni mean, i can't mount my partitions even when i boot from the livecd17:48
kuthuxsqawerlz: now apt-get autoremove --purge17:48
drandossdecepticon have you tryed some of the obvious stuff like a static ip?17:48
anewsonseems like the same problem17:48
Decepticondrandoss, no i havent done that17:48
cabrioleurmjk, symlink? it's like a shortcut on your file system. ln -s path/to/original /path/to/symlink17:48
GaMbi_DKmongolai, I think Im gonna do a clean install of ubuntu.. guess I did some mistakes earlier... thx for trying tho :)17:49
Decepticondrandoss how do i do that17:49
mjkcabrioleur, right I remember learning about that. Thanks17:49
drandossdecepticon  k, head too Administration under system... go too Network Tools17:49
kuthuxsqawerlz: move /etc/apt/source.list.d/winehq.list to somewhere else17:49
Decepticondrandoss i dont have a gui17:49
mongolaiGaMbi_DK:  np. Good luck.17:49
kuthuxsqawerlz: then update again and apt-get install wine17:49
Decepticondrandoss i dont have a gui because my vidoe card isnt supported, i was trying to get the drivers for it, but my awesome internet doesnt work17:49
drandossdecepticon heh and the rabbit hole gets deeper. mm k17:50
cabrioleurDecepticon, did you try vesa drivers?17:50
Decepticoncabrioleur i dont know how to do that17:50
RazorsKisshow do I fix a mouse pointer that doesn't display correct?17:50
RazorsKissit's off by like 75 pixels on any desktop manager I use17:50
Decepticoncabrioleur how do i tell it to use vesa drivers17:50
anewsonRazorsKiss: i'm still not sure i get your problem17:51
kuthuxRazorsKiss: have u try another mice ?17:51
RazorsKissyes, kuthux17:51
anewsonhow is the mouse always off by 75px? can't you just move the mouse on the mousepad?17:51
kuthuxRazorsKiss: and was it just the same ?17:51
RazorsKissanewson, the mouse pointer displays 75 pixels up and to the left of the actual location17:51
RazorsKisskuthux, correct.17:51
RazorsKisskuthux, also in fvwm, openbox, fluxbox, and now gnome.17:52
cabrioleurDecepticon, first you have to make backup "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup1"17:52
kuthuxRazorsKiss: interesting.. but there should be a calibration tool17:52
RazorsKisskuthux, it is NOT the desktop manager - it's something in the core system.17:52
RazorsKisskuthux, so I assumed :D17:52
RazorsKisskuthux, no luck finding it yet.17:52
sqawerlzkuthux, same error E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package binfmt-support.17:53
kuthuxRazorsKiss: i found something about tablet pc calibration, but it's not what we're looking for17:53
cabrioleurDecepticon, now, "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"17:53
drandossdecepticon ok, we try this then  auto iface eth0 inet dhcp17:53
Decepticoncabrioleur gotcha17:53
RazorsKissanewson, the mouse pointer displays 75 pixels or so to the left and up of where it actually is, like, say, you go into the mouse options, and click "show position when ctrl is depressed"17:53
anewsonenough time has passed i'm going to plug my problem again... hardy is misreading my partition table, and won't boot- check it out here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332217:54
RazorsKisswhen you do that, and hit ctrl - it's down and to the right of where the cursor is17:54
Decepticondrandoss, what lines do i want to replace with this17:54
drandossdecepticon Then after that do : sudo ifup eth017:54
RazorsKissit's really, really weird.17:54
sqawerlzkuthux, I did sudo apt-get autoremove --purge and then moved the file you told me to, and ran sudo apt-get install wine but it is still saying E: The package index files are corrupted. No Filename: field for package binfmt-support.17:54
anewsonRazorsKiss: ahhh i see17:54
drandossdecepticon type as is17:54
Decepticonon the command line?17:54
RazorsKissanewson, this is a very low-memory install17:54
kuthuxsqawerlz: have u update the list yet?17:54
drandossdecepticon Yea on the command17:54
anewsonRazorsKiss: that's bizzare17:54
Decepticondrandoss where do i write " auto iface eth0 inet dhcp"17:54
RazorsKissanewson, but I'd still like to have a desktop that I can click on without guessing :D17:55
Decepticondrandoss that seeems like it should go in /etc/network/interafces17:55
anewsonlol well your brain will probably adapt eventually17:55
sqawerlzkuthux, i did try sudo apt-get update before running sudo apt-get install wine17:55
RazorsKissanewson, I've eliminated the particular mouse/tyouchpad as the issue17:55
RazorsKissanewson, it isn't gnome - it happens everywhere, in every desktop manager17:55
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kuthuxsqawerlz: can u pastebin your sources.list ?17:55
Decepticondrandoss, my /etc/network/interfaces looks like this right now17:55
anewsonRazorsKiss: yeah..bizzare17:56
RazorsKissanewson, it's something very, very weird.17:56
RazorsKissanewson, it works fien in puppy17:56
sqawerlzkuthux, yes just a minute17:56
RazorsKissbut, puppy can't find my wireless card17:56
drandossdecepticon it just should ensure everything is auto dhcp17:56
drandossdecepticon and the secound command sudo ifup eth017:56
xjkxI am running the livecd and i tried to install wine but it says that there is no more space :S how can i install wine anyway ? I mean, I dididn't install anything else...it shouldn't be happening17:56
RazorsKissmakes me wanna slap my grandma - because this is like OS install attempt 12-13 at this point :D17:56
marekthi i have a problem with playing video files, they are awfully slow processed, although i have nice laptop, i think it is because configuration of xorg.conf, because recently i used xfix, can you tell me how aaan i change it?17:56
Decepticondrandoss i still dont understand where you want me to stick "auto iface eth0 inet dhcp", this is a command?17:56
marektor rather what should i write there?17:57
RazorsKiss_trying_ to find something other than windows that can use work.17:57
drandossdecepticon  yea its a terminal command..17:57
RazorsKiss*actually work17:57
Decepticondrandoss no sudo required for the 1st command?17:57
drandossdecepticon  uh you may need a sudo17:57
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RazorsKissnobody have any ideas? :/17:58
drandossdecepticon  try it and if it doesnt go through use a sudo ;)17:58
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errrI am trying to listen to amarok and also use twinkle (soft phone) but for what ever reason if I am listenign to music in amarok twinkle can not access the sound card for the mic or the sound. Any idea why?17:58
Decepticondrandoss ... i did 'sudo auto iface eth0 inet dhcp' and it says 'sudo: auto: command not found"17:58
Decepticonthat didnt seem like a command to me17:58
* kuthux ninja rantaro \:D/17:58
drandossdecepticon mm17:59
Decepticondrandoss its very likely thats supposed to be put into /etc/network/interfaces17:59
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Decepticoni just dont know what to replace or delete from my current /etc/network/interfaces file which looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/60182/17:59
HaweredHello, I have used Ubuntu for quite some time now and about an hour ago installed it on this computer. The resolution is horible and gives me only two options. I want options for larger resolutions and the colors are aslo very bad. Any ideas?18:00
xjkxi cant install wine. it says there is no more space, how do i get some more ? is it by closing or uninstalling applications ?18:00
anewsonHawered: you need to install video drivers18:00
G__81i am not able to get sound in youtube videos18:00
G__81what do i do i am using 8.0418:00
G__81can someone help me on this ?18:00
abchirkxjkx more uninstalling... :P18:00
HaweredThanks you anewson!18:00
anewsonG__81: what flash are you using? trying the nonfree?18:00
G__81how do i check that18:00
sqawerlzkuthux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/60183/18:00
drandossdecepticon  ok yea, sorry thats too be added too your  /ect/network/interfaces18:01
xjkxabchirk: funny thing is that apt-get remove cries that there is no more space and do not uninstall evolutiion, lol18:01
JonnyUbuntu doesn't have any official packages for JavaEE does it?18:01
kuthuxsqawerlz: i'll check it out18:01
sqawerlzkuthux, sorry I did the same thing and I got the same error as before about a dependency.18:01
anewsonG__81: open synaptic, search flash, see which one you have installed... if you're using the free one, try the nonfree18:01
Decepticondrandoss, are you sure its to be added, does it not replace some line in /etc/network/interfaces... where do i put it in my file ( my file looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/60182/ )18:01
abchirkxjkx :-! try to make apt-clean.... or delete some file by hand in /var/apt/cache/archives18:01
G__81anewson, using the nonfree18:01
abchirkxjkx /var/cache/apt/archives18:01
anewsonanewson: then i'm not sure =/ sorry... you could try the free one18:02
xjkxabchirk: you sure its the right path ? didnt work here18:02
sqawerlzkuthux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/60184/18:02
anewsonoops, that was for G__8118:02
abchirkxjkx see last path ;)18:02
MarkRichmanI have many sequentially numbered pieces of a file a1.txt a2.txt a3.txt etc....how do i concatenate them?18:02
abchirkxjkx how big is your harddisk?18:03
kuthuxsqawerlz: the libasound2 version is conflicting18:03
Decepticondoes the server version of ubuntu have a gui?18:03
anewsonMarkRichman: try cat?18:03
xjkxabchirk: i am running a livecd so i think thats not important, anyway i have a 60gb and a 80gb18:04
=== iwaterball is now known as ifireball
abchirkxjkx ... ;)18:04
anewsonMarkRichman: cat file1 file2 >> newfile.txt18:04
sqawerlzkuthux, yeah it appears that way. What to do?18:04
MarkRichmananewson: can i glob them and preserve the order? some of these are in 100 pieces18:04
abchirkxjkx if you like it, install it. :P18:04
kuthuxsqawerlz: get the version that required by wine18:04
smoovepeth1 not showing up in ifconfig18:04
xjkxabchirk: ;)18:04
sqawerlzkuthux, how?18:04
anewsonMarkRichman: not sure, try a cat *.txt see what happens18:04
[gloom]I have installed ubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu server, and I have removed the links in the runlevels, so I can start gnome manually. The problem is that when I try to stop gnome with /etc/init.d/gdm stop, it keeps starting again autmatically. Is there a way to stop it cleanly, (not killing the process)???18:05
kuthuxsqawerlz: if it's not on the current repo, then try another.18:05
smoovepCan someone assist.. eth1 not showing up.. but i do see it loaded as e100 in lspci or dmesg.. Thanks..18:05
[gloom]Decepticon: yeah, just install the package ubuntu-desktop18:05
kuthuxsqawerlz: or u can remove the current libasound2, then update, and try to install again18:05
LuYuhas anyone had firefox refuse to start in hardy?18:06
sqawerlzkuthux, I get what i need to do, im just not sure exactly how?18:06
[gloom]smoovep: have you tried sudo ifconfig eth1 up?18:06
LuYuwell, a process starts, but i dont see anything on the desktop18:06
jimcooncatMarkRichman: , it should, but you need to watch out for file2.txt being put in after file19.txt -- file02.txt and file19.txt would work right18:06
kunwon1MarkRichman, maybe something like..    for i in `find`; do cat $i >> ~/concatenated_files.txt; done18:06
kuthuxsqawerlz: before doing that, are u in an upgrade right now ( which required restart for some upgrade package)18:07
kunwon1MarkRichman, but can't have anything but text files to be concatenated in the directory where you run that command18:07
sqawerlzkuthux, no.18:07
MarkRichmankunwon1: oh18:07
puma472pidgin allways open the IRC clinet18:07
kuthuxsqawerlz: ok then are there any upgrade notification on the top panel ?18:08
sqawerlzkuthux, no18:08
drandossdecepticon  well your config already has the auto18:08
drandossdecepticon  try the Command sudo ifup eth018:08
kunwon1MarkRichman, if the directories are filled with clutter, you could refine the find command, man find18:08
kuthuxsqawerlz: so your system should be up to date18:08
sqawerlzkuthux, yeah18:08
Decepticondrandoss 'sudo ifup eth0' gives 'Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.'18:09
sqawerlzkuthux, can i just run sudo apt-get remove libasound218:09
kuthuxsqawerlz, wait18:09
pharmsj4i am having probelms deleting stuff from trash. They're big files (deleted from an external hard drive) and they are not located in ~./local/shared/trash or ~/.Trash and they are wasting a lot of drive space. When i try to delete them from Nautilus i get permission denied. where can i find them to delete them?18:09
kuthuxsqawerlz: try another repo first18:09
drandossdecepticon  Ahhhhh ok... one moment think I got the fix18:09
sqawerlzkuthux, i get it, but how to do switch to another repo/18:10
kuthuxsqawerlz: the wine package depends on later version than the repo has18:10
abchirkpharmsj4 is the dribe stil connected to your PC?18:10
puma472what 2 do18:10
puma472pidgin allways open the IRC clinet18:11
pharmsj4abchirk, yes18:11
pharmsj4abchirk, but they show up in trash:// or whatever nautilus calls it.18:11
anewsonenough time has passed i'm going to plug my problem again... hardy is misreading my partition table, and won't boot- please check it out here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332218:11
abchirkphaero maybe try to look in .Trash in the drive.. /media/drive/.Trash18:11
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abchirkehm I meant pharmsj4 :P18:12
abchirkhi ssc|18:12
Alexssonhi @18:12
sss yoi soi de argentina18:12
abchirkAck, a tab issue. :(18:12
=== sss is now known as FACUNDO
drandossdecepticon ok then the command ifconfig eth0 down    and then after that ifconfig eth0 up18:12
smoovepi cannot see eth1 under ifconfig18:12
pharmsj4abchirk, i figured, there was some stuff in there i already deleted, still a couple in there though.18:12
abchirksss not really english here. :P18:12
FACUNDO che  nadie  abla castellano18:12
kuthuxsqawerlz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu18:12
Alexssonhat anyone some expirience with using ubuntu on a thinkpad t60 ?18:12
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:13
drandossdecepticon try google after you turn it on and off18:13
abchirkpharmsj4 there are not those files you deleted?18:13
kuthux!repo > sqawerlz18:13
ubottusqawerlz, please see my private message18:13
shane_Is it possible to customise rhythmbox's selection of library structures? I'd like to have a filename of "<number> <title>.format"18:13
user281i have some trouble with the installation of ubuntu 8.04 on a fakeraid... i tried to make /boot on an usb device but grub did not work propper, i get only the grub command line. has anybody some idea?18:13
smoovepi can see the NIC card under dmesg loaded as e100 module, but not listed in ifconfig18:13
pharmsj4abchirk, nope.18:13
smoovepAny IDEAS?18:13
Decepticondrandoss after those 2 commands, pinging google.com gives 'ping: unknown host google.com"18:13
abchirkpharmsj4 but in the normal trash???18:14
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pharmsj4abchirk, in trash:// in nautilus but i cant find them anywhere else hahaha, even with locate.18:14
smoovepis there a network tool to setup eth1 ?18:14
FACUNDO<abchirk> che toi capo or pressing the tradutor of google by q do not understand a cock of this country canl q?18:14
puma472I RUN N,Y18:15
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abchirkpharmsj4 maybe you can run nautilus as sudo and try then to delete them18:15
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Decepticondrandoss i did those 2 command sa couple of of times, and now ping google.com gets a ip but takes infinite time to reply... this is just like the situation before18:15
soundrayabchirk: please recommend gksudo with graphical programs18:16
Kr0ntabsmoovep: how many NIC's do you have?18:16
abchirkok sorry.18:16
FACUNDOq che of the country you are from argentina I soi18:16
Kr0ntabok... and is eth0 working?18:16
drandossdecepticon  mm k, were getting there though... narrowing all the things down.... static Ip will be last resort18:16
puma472I RUN N,Y18:16
smoovepKr0ntab : yes18:16
drandossdecepticon ifconfig eth0 down dhcp  then do ifconfig eth0 up dhcp18:16
drandossdecepticon then try google agian18:17
Kr0ntabsmoovep: lshw -C net18:17
smoovepyes, that works ..18:17
Kr0ntabthat will show you some detailed info about the cards....18:17
saniJust got 8.04 installed, how can I get wine working on it?18:17
FACUNDOyou are in Canada or the U.S. ????18:17
soundraysani: 'sudo apt-get install wine'18:17
soundray!wine | sani18:17
ubottusani: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:17
kunwon1pharmsj4, something like kdirstat might be helpful18:17
kuthuxsani sudo apt-get install wine18:17
abchirksani install it via synaptic or a other package manager :)18:17
saniow :D18:17
Kr0ntabsmoovep: that command will tell you the logical names the cards are identified by...18:17
FACUNDONO en tieno nadaaaaaa18:18
kuthuxsani m/f ? =))18:18
Gteci got a small question on linux18:18
FACUNDO no se inglesss18:18
FACUNDO q kilovooooooo18:18
kunwon1!es | FACUNDO18:18
ubottuFACUNDO: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:18
saniwhat kuthux18:18
Decepticondrandoss i did 'sudo ifconfig eth0 down dhcp' and it complains 'dhcp: unkown host" and "ifconfig: --help gives usage information"18:18
smoovepKr0ntab: The card is loaded as module e100 .. i can see it also as intel under lspci and dmesg... but nothing under ifconfig18:18
kuthuxsani :D18:19
puma472pidgin allways open the IRC clinet18:19
drandossdecepticon intresting18:19
Kr0ntabsmoovep: did you run that command I told you?18:19
abchirkpuma472 maybe delete the IRCaccount?18:19
Kr0ntabsmoovep: lspci -C net18:19
sekyourboxhow do you completely uninstall Firefox.  I tried to do it with synaptic but it didnt work18:19
kuthuxpuma472: what's exactly your problem ?18:19
Kr0ntabit will list your installed network cards... ad their logical names...18:19
smoovepKr0ntab: yes. and it shows logical name eth1 ..18:19
kunwon1sekyourbox, see the --purge argument to aptitude18:20
Kr0ntabokay... type ifconfig eth118:20
sekyourboxI dont think its in aptitude18:20
GaMbi_DKIm about to download EnvyNG-kgt.. is there a way to check what version im about to download? (command used: sudo apt-get install envyng-ktg)18:20
soundraysekyourbox: the ubuntu-desktop package depends on firefox -- best to keep it around. Why do you want to remove it?18:20
smoovepKr0ntab: Yep.. its there.. if i reboot, will it go away?18:20
kuthuxpuma472: u can choose what protocol to use in pidgin. several protocol can work simultaneously18:20
puma472wen i run pidgin. it is allways run the irc clinet18:20
kuthuxpuma472: click on accounts, then manage accounts18:21
Kr0ntabsmoovep: it just means your nic is not configured or turn on.  "ifconfig eth1" demonstrates that your NIC is there... you just need to do something with it.18:21
sekyourboxsoundray, its messed up, the forward and back button dont work, and the navigation bar only shows the first page you type in.18:21
kuthuxpuma472: configure it as your needs18:21
Kr0ntabsmoovep: what is your goal.. if eth0 is up and working...  what do you want to do with eth1?18:21
smoovepKr0ntab: i want it to be my main NIC .. dhcp18:22
puma472kuthux: where the account at to change it?18:22
drandossdecepticon kk, try this sudo dhclient eth018:22
kuthuxpuma472: click on accounts, then manage accounts18:22
Kr0ntabsmoovep: cool.. then you need to configure it as your primary NIC...18:22
anewsonenough time has passed i'm going to plug my problem again... hardy is misreading my partition table, and won't boot- please check it out here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332218:22
soundraysekyourbox: you might try and fix it by deleting your configuration directory18:22
Kr0ntabsmoovep: brb mate...18:22
puma472kuthux:no accounts show18:23
pharmsj4abchirk, got it, it had moved to another partition .Trash-1000, thanks!18:23
sekyourboxsoundray, do you know the correct location for that?18:23
Decepticondrandoss, i did, it gave a bunch of messages of listening on, sending on, dhcprequest of, and dhcppack of, and then bound to
=== hari_ is now known as hari
abchirkpharmsj4 np :)18:23
puma472kuthux:account are at pidgin? no?18:23
soundraysekyourbox: exit firefox and run   mkdir ~/firefox-backup ; mv ~/.mozilla/*.default ~/firefox-backup18:23
smoovepdrandoss: dhclient eth1 shows Network is Down .. but all the lites are up on the card18:23
kuthuxpuma472: pidgin main menu18:23
soundraysekyourbox: sorry, mistake18:23
kuthuxpuma472: on buddy list18:24
soundraysekyourbox: exit firefox and run   mkdir ~/firefox-backup ; mv ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default ~/firefox-backup18:24
puma472main menu not showed at all18:24
kuthuxpuma472: click the icon on tray to view main menu18:24
klaxianX/gnome seems to be crashing or freezing during login.  does anyone know how I can find out what is causing that?18:24
sekyourboxcannot stat `/home/user/.mozilla/*.default': No such file or directory18:24
complexityanyone know the path to X11/libs18:24
soundraysekyourbox: please see my correction ^^18:24
puma472its automatic run the irc18:24
drandossdecepticon no google ping?18:25
kuthuxpuma472: the accounts config is in ~/.purple/accounts.xml18:25
Decepticondrandoss its doing the same thing. it knows the ip but its taking an infinite time to get a reply18:25
kuthuxpuma472: u can easily edit from pidgin menu18:25
drandosssmoovep did you mean too direct that too me?18:25
soundrayklaxian: log into a failsafe session and examine ~/.xsession-errors18:25
gaintsurahey all, Last night when the system upgrades came out (at least on my system) I went and installed them, but now the updated linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic is considered a broken package (which broke 2 other packages and is preventing the rest of my system from updating) could anyone help me fix this?18:25
sekyourboxmv: cannot stat `/home/user/.mozilla/*.default': No such file or directory18:26
klaxiansoundray: i did that, but nothing looks too problematic there18:26
kuthuxpuma472: from buddy list, press ctrl+a18:26
kuthuxpuma472: that's it18:26
soundraysekyourbox: I'm sorry, I made a mistake. The second version I posted was correct. I'll put it in again:18:26
soundraysekyourbox: exit firefox and run   mkdir ~/firefox-backup ; mv ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default ~/firefox-backup18:26
[gloom]does anyonw know how to prevent gnome to start automatically after doing /etc/init.d/gdm stop?18:26
puma472kuthux: can i run this command (~/.purple/accounts.xml) from address bar?18:26
kuthuxpuma472: no, that's the config file18:27
=== FACUNDO is now known as Ades
kuthuxpuma472: can u view the pidgin's buddy list ?18:27
kuthuxpuma472: do u see pidgin's icon on tray ?18:28
soundrayklaxian: have you been able to login successfully before this problem occurred, or is this a fresh installation?18:28
macvrhi all....    is this file always present? ~/.local/share/Trash/info/cd.trashinfo ???18:28
kuthuxpuma472: are u running pidgin now ?18:28
puma472im under xp right no18:28
Scunizikuthux: interesting that passwords are in the clear for accounts listed in ~/.purple/accounts.xml18:29
mongolaisekyourbox had the wrong directory...18:29
klaxiansoundray: i was able to successfully log in in hardy, but i just upgraded to intrepid (i know this isn't the right channel).  my laptop runs intrepid fine, but i cna't log in to my desktop now18:29
puma472i can't even change server18:29
soundraymongolai: I know, my mistake18:29
kuthuxScunizi: that's how i login as my friend's account :D18:29
Kr0ntabsmoovep: in /etc/network/interfaces you should have one line that says "auto eth0"... just change that to "auto eth1"... reboot... and make sure your e100 nic is plugged in...18:29
klaxiansoundray: i tried making a new user also...no luck18:29
puma472kuthux: i can't even change server18:29
soundrayklaxian: the wonders of beta software18:29
kuthuxpuma472: u have to run pidgin to do what i said18:29
mongolaisoundray:  did s/he log of?18:30
klaxiansoundray: perhaps, but i've had it working on several other computers.  i was just hoping for a way to figure out what is actually crashing so i can remove it18:30
soundraymongolai: yes, I think s/he read my correction the second time around18:30
macvr hi all....    is this file always present? ~/.local/share/Trash/info/cd.trashinfo ??? could someone check if this file exists in their setup?18:30
puma472ok. but i can't change server to access to this channel18:30
drandossdecepticon yup theres the problem Im figuring the dhcprequest and ppack need too be on...18:30
soundrayklaxian: difficult, if there's nothing in .xsession-errors18:31
klaxiansoundray: the .xsession-errors file looks the same as another computer i have except it just stops half way through.  the last line is "x-session-manager[6702]: WARNING: Application 'gnome-wm.desktop' failed to regi..."18:31
TheFillerIs there another driver than fglrx for HD 4850 cards that allow for hardware acceleration? I had some problems with this driver.18:31
Decepticondrandoss how do i do that18:31
smoovepi get .. siocsifflags connection timed out18:31
Decepticondrandoss im starting to give up and wanting to resinstall18:31
sekyourboxfirefox is really broken now18:31
drandossdecepticon workin on it for terminal18:31
soundraysekyourbox: how?18:31
sekyourboxFirefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.18:31
mongolaimacvr:  no. not here18:31
sekyourbox--did restart18:32
sekyourboxtried killall firefox18:32
kuthuxScunizi: so don't let anyone reach your box when u logged in via pidgin18:32
soundrayklaxian: you could reset your gnome configuration with gconftool --recursive-unset /18:32
macvrmongolai:  ~/.local/share/Trash/info/cd.trashinfo so can i delete this file?18:32
mongolaisekyourbox:  dir you try a killall firefox?18:32
soundraysekyourbox: did you run firefox as sudo?18:32
mongolaimacvr:  I don't know.18:32
klaxiansoundray: i made a brand new user so that i could test with default settings and it still didn't work18:32
sekyourboxmongolai, look up18:32
=== richard is now known as Guest851
puma472kuthux: better to reinstall pidgin?18:33
Scunizikuthux: no kidding.. how do you prevent someone "reaching" my box.. remotely I assume.. not physically there.18:33
mongolaisekyourbox:  sorry. missed it...18:33
Decepticondrandoss do you have somethjing or should i just reinstall18:33
klaxiansoundray: i'm just not sure how to troubleshoot this one18:33
kuthuxpuma472: no need18:33
sekyourboxsoundray, same error as sudo18:33
kuthuxpuma472: are u running pidgin right now ?18:33
puma472no no18:33
soundraysekyourbox: that was a question, not a suggestion18:33
pdlnhrdis there a command line utility that converts windows newline feeds to unix line feeds?18:33
soundraysekyourbox: you should never, ever run 'sudo firefox'. It *will* break18:33
[gloom]does anyonw know how to prevent gnome to start automatically after doing /etc/init.d/gdm stop?18:33
mongolaisekyourbox:  did you get the correction of the ~/.mozilla/firefox/(whatever).default?18:33
sekyourboxlol, thanks18:34
kuthuxpuma472: so how can we do if your pidgin is not running? how can u see the main menu if u don't run it ?18:34
kuthuxpuma472: it's not gonna work18:34
puma472kuthux: i can't access to this channel from ubuntu18:34
abchirk[gloom] you mean to restart gnome and gdm?18:34
soundraysekyourbox: answer my question18:34
Guest851Hello. I'm trying to install Call of Duty 4. I've followed the guide posted on the forum at (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=641987&page=2) but I receive this error when I try to run the game: http://paste.debian.net/19640/  --- Could anyone offer me some help ???18:34
puma472kuthux: i can't access to this channel from ubuntu18:34
Decepticondrandoss im reinstalling18:35
puma472kuthux: im running xp right now18:35
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete18:35
sekyourboxSoundray, only ran it as sudo right now18:35
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kuthux!pidgin > puma47218:35
ubottupuma472, please see my private message18:35
smoovepHELP - eth1 is programmed with an ip yet does not show in ifconfig and does not access the internet..18:35
kuthuxpuma472: rtfm18:35
soundraysekyourbox: was the mv command successful, or did it generate an error?18:35
TheFiller Is there another driver than fglrx for HD 4850 cards that allow for hardware acceleration? I had some problems with this driver.18:36
sekyourboxthe last one you gave me was a success18:36
sekyourboxsoundray, the last one you gave me was a success18:36
noodlesgcGuest851 have you read through this: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1280418:36
soundraysekyourbox: right now, do you have a *.default directory under ~/.mozilla/firefox/ ?18:36
mongolaisekyourbox:  I missed your original problem. could you restate it, please?18:37
ozzloyuname -r tell me i have 2.6.24-19-generic as my kernel, but on another machine i have 2.6.24-21-generic18:37
Adestodos son ee.uu18:37
Ades todo son maraca  creo18:38
Ades pues18:38
Ades ?18:38
rrittenhouseDoes anyone know how to make a /dev/raw1394 device work with Flash in Firefox?18:38
sekyourboxsoundray, profiles.ini only18:38
drandossdecepticon well one last thing, before I give up with you in this too.... try sudo dhclient -r etho18:38
soundraysekyourbox: what version of Ubuntu do you have?18:39
=== xtor_ is now known as extor
noodlesgcozzloy either you have not upgraded your kernel or you have not booted off of the new one. press esc when grub is loading and see the list of installed kernels18:39
sekyourboxmongolai, I couldnt use the back and forward button, the default webpage wouldnt load, navigation bar would only display what is typed in...18:39
ozzloyactually my real goal is to get VirtualBox working18:39
Aberrantfdisk -l returned nothing when running from LiveCD.  The Partition tool didn't see any of my drives either (suspect same issue).  Suspecting my motherboard isn't supported - where can I confirm that (P35 intel MB)18:39
klaxiansoundray: i have now killed every process running by the user attempting to log in.  however, the screen is still frozen.  perhaps gdm itself crashes?18:39
Decepticondrandoss ok one sec18:39
Adeshttp://es.youtube.com/watch?v=wRA4F4mTB88 ----------  ojala q mueran asi los ee.uu18:39
mongolaisekyourbox:  did you install some new theme or add-on or anything like that?18:39
ozzloynoodlesgc: i checked as i booted, i'm booting the latest kernel listed in grub.  and the updater says nothing18:40
noodlesgc!es | Ades18:40
ubottuAdes: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:40
ozzloynoodlesgc: i'm running a Dell with Ubuntu on it though.  might that affect it?18:40
soundrayklaxian: you can bypass gdm to check: Ctrl-Alt-F2 for text mode, log in and run startx18:40
sekyourboxsoundray, how do i get my exact version?18:40
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ozzloyif so, how do i convert this box to a full on ubuntu box without wiping/reinstalling?18:40
soundray!version | sekyourbox18:40
ubottusekyourbox: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »18:40
klaxiansoundray: ctrl-alt-f2 doesn't work, the keyboard is unresponsive18:40
Scuniziozzloy: you trying to get vbox working now or are you working on a different issue?18:40
noodlesgcozzloy no, that should not be a problem. check in Software Sources and see if the correct updates are checked18:41
klaxiansoundray: i am ssh'ing into the machine to try things18:41
sekyourboxUbuntu 8.04.118:41
ozzloynoodlesgc: i'll check that.18:41
ozzloyScunizi: i'm very much trying to get vbox working18:41
Decepticondrandoss i did that, and tried ifconfig eth0 down and then up, and pinged google. and im still getting infinite reply time18:41
klaxiansoundray: i will try to kill x and start again18:41
sekyourboxsoundray, Ubuntu 8.04.118:41
Decepticondrandoss im going to reinstall now, thanks for the help18:41
soundraysekyourbox: can you try 'firefox -safe-mode'18:41
mongolaisekyourbox:  did you try:  firefox -safe-mode    in a terminal?18:41
sekyourboxmongolai, no but i lost power18:42
sekyourboxmongolai, no18:42
sekyourboxsoundray, no18:42
mongolaisoundray:  same time suggestion ;)18:42
[gloom]abchirk: No. this computer starts in console mode. I can start gdm manually with /etc/init.d/gdm start. The problem comes when I try to stop gnome and gdm. I type /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and it starts automatically again. Is like a failsafe for the GUI....18:42
sekyourboxsoundray, not sure where to get into safe mode,18:43
soundraysekyourbox: both mongolai and I gave you the *exact* command18:43
ozzloyScunizi: software sources has all the sources checked18:43
Scuniziozzloy: if it's installed and you're getting kernel errors search synaptic for virtualbox and you'll see the appropriate kernel driver to load with your current kernel.18:44
sekyourboxsoundray, same error18:44
sekyourboxmongolai, same error18:44
soundraysekyourbox: hm, very unusual18:44
noodlesgcozzloy did you check the updates tab of software sources18:44
mongolaisekyourbox:  what's the output from:  ps -ef | grep firefox?18:44
JuJuBeeI have kind of a crazy question.  I sometimes need my students to not have access to any websites other than a select few (3).  The simplest way to accomplish this that I have is to turn off dansguardian (content filter)  Since I have explicit rules to allow the 3 sites and not filter them this has worked.  The problem I am having is that if I turn off dansguardian in the morning, something is restarting it some time later and I cannot figu18:44
ozzloyaptitude search virtualbox|grep `uname -r` gives nothing18:45
sekyourboxsoundray, think it was hacked?18:45
soundraysekyourbox: maybe 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install firefox-3.0'18:45
sekyourboxmongolai, user      6398  6381  0 13:45 pts/3    00:00:00 grep firefo18:45
* Ades conpro kawasaki 1000cc police doi 4 million dollars18:45
Decepticonin the ubuntu installation, asking about partitioning disks, which disk is master: SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) OR SCSI1 (0,1,0) (sdb)18:45
ozzloynoodlesgc: daily, only important security updates18:45
drandossdecepticon yea strange deal, man Good luck.18:46
noodlesgcozzloy so is the error that virtualbox gives is that you dont have the correct modules?18:46
Lordvedaany openchrome bugs in Intrepid?18:46
DaveKongDecepticon: The first one is normally the master18:46
soundray!intrepid > Lordveda18:47
ubottuLordveda, please see my private message18:47
Cha0sUbuntuso my udate manager updated some files and now my xorg cant load the graphic interface crashed should i try to repair or instal 8.04 im currently running 7.0418:47
sekyourboxPlease restart all running instances of Firefox-3.0, or you will experience problems.18:47
Scuniziozzloy: noodlesgc you need the "virtualbox-ose-guest-modules-2.6.24-21-generic" in Synaptic18:47
ozzloynoodlesgc: no, i haven't installed virtualbox because aptitude search virtualbox|grep `uname -r` is an empty set18:47
gambisorry.. forgot the command for checking version :) apt-cache (what here) [package]18:47
soundraysekyourbox: but it did reinstall?18:47
sekyourboxsoundray, yes18:48
soundraysekyourbox: see if it made a difference18:48
noodlesgcozzloy i g2g but I think Scunzini can help18:48
sekyourboxsoundray, same error18:48
soundraysekyourbox: no, I don't think it's been hacked18:48
ozzloynoo<tab>  thanks for the hlep!18:48
anewsonenough time has passed i'm going to plug my problem again... hardy is misreading my partition table, and won't boot- please check it out here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332218:48
bagheera2khello, i need help, where GNOME saves its boot logs, cuz when i log in gdm into GNOME, i only got BLANK orange screen with solid gray window, witch is propably an error notification, but i'm unable to read information, font is invisible -.-'18:49
sekyourboxok clean wipe of system?18:49
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Scuniziozzloy: so you installed vbox and you get an error.. have you installed the module I mentioned yet?18:49
ozzloyno, i have not install vbox18:50
Scuniziozzloy: ok.. the one you want is on the vbox site.. not the one in synaptic..18:50
soundraysekyourbox: you could run more diagnostics, but if reinstalling is an option for you, I'm all for it18:50
kevin__gos sux. agree?18:50
soundraysekyourbox: is it a fresh installation?18:50
derekjwwDuring the live disk the sound worked but now that I've installed ubuntu 8.04 I don't have any sound and when I double click on the sound icon it says "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."18:50
sekyourboxsoundray, /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/ should have a default folder?18:50
ozzloyaptitude search virtualbox|grep `uname -r` gives me nothing to install.  i'll go check their site18:50
puma472The command : HACK MICROSOFT -desnt work?18:50
saniHow can I install JAVA on 8.04 ?18:50
sekyourboxsoundray, no18:51
soundraysekyourbox: yes, when you run firefox, it should generate one18:51
sekyourboxHows konqurer doing these days?18:51
TheFillerIs there another driver than the official catalyst fglrx driver for HD 4850 cards that allow for hardware acceleration? I had some problems with this driver.18:51
hypn0sani: openjdk is already installed I think18:51
soundraysekyourbox: slaving for Apple under the name of Safari18:52
Scuniziozzloy: also look here for advice.. look further down on the page where they talk about the .deb available on their site and it's added benefits.18:52
Scuniziozzloy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:52
Adescall of dutty 218:52
soundraysekyourbox: just kidding. You can try konqueror, of course18:52
DaveKongDecepticon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282018 has some explanation of partition notation18:52
derekjwwDuring the live disk the sound worked but now that I've installed ubuntu 8.04 I don't have any sound and when I double click on the sound icon it says "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." How do I get the sound working?18:53
mongolaisekyourbox:  did you try to delete the .parentlock file?18:53
ozzloyScunizi: the first thing it tells me to do is apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-`uname -r`, but no such package exists18:53
Scuniziozzloy: here's a better tutorial http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howto-install-virtualbox-in-hardy-heron.html18:54
ozzloyScunizi: oh cool.  looks promising.  thanks18:54
derekjwwDuring the live disk the sound worked but now that I've installed ubuntu 8.04 I don't have any sound and when I double click on the sound icon it says "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."18:54
sekyourboxmongolai, no18:55
soundray!repeat | derekjww18:55
ubottuderekjww: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:55
lliw01is there a way to set up a file server that operates over port 80?18:55
Scuniziozzloy: np.. that last page you were looking at you didn't read it all. further down talks about getting the package directly from vbox which I think is what the new tutorial does.18:55
mongolaisekyourbox:  try deleting .parentlock   it's in the *.default folder. that might do it18:55
sekyourboxmongolai, There is no default folder18:55
soundrayderekjww: the help pages have a troubleshooting section for sound:18:55
soundray!sound | derekjww18:56
ubottuderekjww: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:56
movedxI get the following error when trying to play MP3 files via Audacious: "MADPlug-Message: failed to open audio output: XMMS reverse compatibility output plugin" -- Can anyone assist me with this?18:56
keith_hey everyone - i  just reinstalled and am having a hlel of a time getting wifi to work - im wired in right now. i followed the tutorial for the dell inspiron e1505 to get it running, but it didn't work this time. can someone help me iwth wifi please?18:56
TheFiller Is there another driver than the official catalyst fglrx driver for HD 4850 cards that allow for hardware acceleration? I had some problems with this driver.18:56
mongolai~/.mozilla/firefox/(whatever).default/  <--that folder18:56
mongolaisekyourbox:   ~/.mozilla/firefox/(whatever).default/  <--that folder18:56
ozzloyScunizi: i did read that, but i wanted to try the repo packages route if i could18:56
sekyourboxmongolai, There is none18:56
sekyourboxmongolai, didnt create one18:56
mongolaisekyourbox:  no file called .parentlock     not even with a ls -a18:57
Scuniziozzloy: the repo version doesn't have usb support that's the primary difference.. Aside from the version of the package which is newer on the vbox site.18:57
ozzloyyeah, i don't care about usb in this case18:57
keith_anyone capable of helping me out with wifi?18:57
JetSilverTheFiller: there is the default one installed, plus a propriatery one in Hardware Devices18:57
soundraymongolai: might it be worth trying with a new user?18:57
ozzloyalthough the mismatch on the kernel version is a bit odd to me.18:58
JetSilverTheFiller: There is also one you can get from ATI, but that takes a bit more effort to install.18:58
ozzloycrap.  dependency issues were encountered18:58
[gloom]This computer starts in console mode. I can start gdm manually with /etc/init.d/gdm start. The problem comes when I try to stop gnome and gdm. I type /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and it starts automatically again. Is like a failsafe for the GUI.... Anyone?18:58
JetSilverTheFiller: I got it working but it would not run two screens, one on DVI one on VGA with different resolutions so I gave up18:58
mongolaisekyourbox:  yea, try that. first try   locate .parentlock18:58
sekyourboxmongolai, no18:58
MalfermitaKodoRala Avaramiki! Can you help me to set up a VPN connection to my college?18:58
sekyourboxmongolai, locate .parentlock didnt work18:59
MalfermitaKodoI tried this entire afternoon, read a number of guides, but it's still not working18:59
JetSilverTheFiller: Searching my notes now. In the meantime, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI18:59
Blinkiz Hi. Is it possible to see version of a individual file? I mean, on a binary file. Like "ssh"?18:59
mongolaisekyourbox:  heh! it was worth a shot :)  I gotta go for now. good luck18:59
TheFillerJetSilver: Thank you for your response. I guess the link you gave me is for installing the one from ATI, right?19:00
sekyourboxmongolai, thanks for your help19:00
MalfermitaKodoBlinkiz: what kind of file?19:00
JetSilverTheFiller: Yes - I am trying to find that one that installs the very latest drivers.19:00
ozzloyok, can someone help me figure out why i have 2.6.24-19-generic instead of 2.6.24-21-generic19:00
getyamindritIs it possible that someone could help me get the sound working on my asus p5q-em motherboard. the audio chipset is realtek alc1200 and I'me running 8.10 with all the updates.19:00
soundraysekyourbox: I would create a new user, log in under the new name and try firefox as that. That will definitely tell you whether the problem is system-wide or just in your $HOME19:00
ozzloymore to the point, how do i get 2.6.24-21-generic?19:01
TheFillerJetSilver: Just to give a little more information: mythtv, the video capturing software, gives me a very weird screen when started, which makes it unusable. I guess it's an opengl issue caused by the driver.19:01
Decepticonin the ubuntu server installation, im on the 'configuring apt' step, it has been stuck on 71% - 'scanning the security updates repository' for about 20 minutes... is it supposed to take this long?19:01
scientustotem youtube is like 1 frame per second19:02
scientusim not kidding19:02
BlinkizMalfermitaKodo: I need to know if ubuntu is really loading my newly installed libvirt (libvirtd) or not. I though it maybe exist a tool so I can check what file version libvirtd has?19:02
scientuswyh is it so slow?19:02
ScuniziDecepticon: could be the servers are busy19:02
scientusits all downloaded19:02
JetSilverTheFiller: Ahh, you got me there. Not tried Myth (on the to-do list!)19:02
BlinkizMalfermitaKodo: I have compiled libvirt and installed it on top of existing libvirt from respository19:02
scientusits that damn fflash sound bug19:02
scientushow do i completely reset flash19:02
MalfermitaKodoI see19:02
scientusrestanting firefox use to work19:03
* MalfermitaKodo actually has no idea whether a tool for that exists19:03
getyamindrits it possible that someone could help me get the sound working on my asus p5q-em motherboard. the audio chipset is realtek alc1200 and I'm running 8.10 with all the updates.19:03
BlinkizMalfermitaKodo: Okay, checking the timestamp then19:04
soundraygetyamindrit: ask in #ubuntu+1 please19:04
RidehOne common way to set up Kerberos administration is to allow any principal ending in /admin  is given full administrative rights. */admin@SOMEREALM.COM    *     (my confusion is in the use of principal, as in host?)19:04
JetSilverTheFiller: TO be honest I had so many problems with ATI stuff on Linux I bought a nVidia card and never looked back19:04
TheFillerJetSilver: hmm :/ I don't really want to dump the card just because of this one issue :(19:05
JetSilverTheFiller: I hear you. Still looking but this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56965419:05
sekyourboxsoundray, thanks for the help19:05
Ridehmy question comes from the page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SingleSignOn19:05
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JetSilverTheFiller: Looks like the MythTV site has some info on ATI config19:06
TheFillerJetSilver: Yea, it basically says that the fglrx drivers from 8.5 and up don't work19:07
TheFillerTheFiller: However, 8.4 is supposed to work, but I cannot install it, it gives me an error19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sso19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acl19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kerberos19:07
MalfermitaKodoanyone here can help me?19:08
MalfermitaKodoI followed various guides for VPN, but it's nonfunctional on my setup19:08
JetSilverTheFiller: Try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=757298 on 8.4 install issues19:09
MalfermitaKodoafter the start, the route table is cleared or starting is simply impossible19:09
AlexKarevCan someone answer this Cairo-Dock question for me? Are there any other themes anywhere other than the pre-installed ones?19:11
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xodeushello. can anyone please tell how how long time it is going to take to resize a 300 gig partition to 100 gig with ntfsresize thanks19:12
Ridehxodeus depends on fragmentation, what tool, drive type, ram a lot of factors19:13
annkashow do I mount my harddrive when I have booted on an Ubuntu cd?19:13
unopxodeus, that depends on how fast your CPU is, how fast your harddrives are, how much RAM you have, etc - let's say about an hour19:13
chillitomxodeus, i think it depends a lot on the data and fragmentation of the drive19:13
xodeusthanks then...19:13
AlexKarevThanks anyway guys.19:14
ra_join #ubuntu19:14
soundrayannkas: open a terminal and type 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt'. To find the proper device name instead of /dev/sda1, type 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if you can identify your Ubuntu partition.19:14
xodeusit's a quite new hp laptop, have used 70 gigs, I have defragged in windows19:15
soundrayannkas: after that, your partition data should be available under /mnt19:15
jovaroI am getting a lot of messages in syslog, kern.log and messages with something that looks like tcp packages from my external ip. Can someone help me find out what it going on?19:15
annkassoundray, thanks - I will boot it now on a cd and try19:15
JetSilverjovaro: gives us a clue - how about what the messages are?19:16
jovaroi'll give you one, hang on19:16
Guest85628I'm trying to run mkdir /var/log/apt on startup, would I add such a script to rc1 to have it run for all runlevels?19:18
=== Guest85628 is now known as le_ming
jovaroOct 20 09:45:01 poppie kernel: [ 2167.096134] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC="mac" SRC="external ip" DST="internal ip" LEN=44 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=24608 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60190 DPT=80 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=019:18
kunwon1le_ming, you make a script in /etc/init.d/ and then put symlinks to it in all the rc directories, if you want it to run for all runlevels19:19
jovarolike this, several per minute19:19
TheFillerJetSilver: thank you very much for your help, I'll check that out19:19
kunwon1le_ming, but some of those runlevels should probably be skipped19:19
JetSilverjovaro: that looks like an IPTables message19:19
JetSilverTheFiller: no problem19:20
zmovecan someone help me setting up (again) my WLAN?19:20
liza0have any of you guys that moved from windows to Ubuntu feel you want to move back to windows even though everything you are acustom to using has a good alternative available in Ubuntu ?19:20
le_mingkunwon1: I want it to be run on startup for desktop and single-user19:20
mxdoomUbuntu 8.04 LTS, any known issues with connecting to SMB shares and servers?19:20
jovaroany clue to why I am seeing them JetSilver?19:21
le_mingbasically in any case where I'd run apt-get19:21
Decepticoncabrioleur i think ive figured out whats going on with my wierd internet connection19:21
soundrayliza0: not really a support question... Try #ubuntu-offtopic19:21
le_mingso probably not halt or reboot19:21
MalfermitaKodoliza0: I had that in 1999... :/19:21
kunwon1le_ming, man telinit19:21
JetSilverjovaro: Looks like you have logging enabled in iptables. This is an HHTP packet routing out19:21
kunwon1le_ming, that will tell you what the runlevels are19:21
a1HOW to see user-list in x chat Plaese?19:22
jovaroJetSilver, so I am having loads of traffic on my website?19:22
lakituhey - installed windows after ubuntu, wiped out my bootloader. tried following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows but it didn't work.. =/ any help?19:22
mxdoomUbuntu 8.04 LTS, any known issues with connecting to SMB shares and servers?19:22
le_mingkunwon1: But atleast it's not run in a layered method right?19:22
kunwon1le_ming, I don't know what that means19:22
soundraylakitu: can you be more specific than "didn't work" please19:22
le_mingas in rc1 won't be run before entering another runlevel?19:22
scientushow do i restart the sound system?19:23
saniwine installation doesn't work. It says atp-get: command not found19:23
lakitusoundray: yes: boots straight to windows19:23
soundraysani: apt-get19:23
kunwon1le_ming, no. rc scripts are run when the runlevel they apply to is explicitly called for19:23
saniah right :D19:23
sanimy bad19:23
soundraylakitu: how many hard disk drives?19:23
JetSilverjovaro: Possibly. You probably get one of these for every hit. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244966  on how tto turn off logs19:23
le_mingkunwon1: ok, thanks :)19:23
lakituwindows is on hd(1), & ubuntu is on hd(0).19:23
kunwon1le_ming, good luck :)19:23
lakitu2 soundray19:23
a1 HOW to see user-list in x chat Plaese?19:23
kunwon1a1, are you using xchat or gnome-xchat?19:23
jovaroJetSilver, ok, thanks. But I shouldn't be getting that many hits, there is nothing interesting on my site....19:24
soundraylakitu: could it be that your computer, unbeknownst to you, is booting from (hd1)?19:24
mongolaial view>userlist19:24
jovaroMy router shows lots of dropped packages as well19:24
kunwon1a1, ctrl+f719:24
a1 gnome-xcha19:24
lakitusoundray: evidently it is - but why, after i reinstalled grub?19:24
jovarocould that be a really lame ddos or something?19:24
a1 gnome-xcha19:24
kunwon1a1, get regular xchat, gnome xchat doesn't have a userlist feature as far as I can tell19:24
JetSilverjovaro: Yes. Time to get a firewall. I use Firewall Builder. Nice GUI and easy to use and reconfigure.19:25
lakitusoundray: oh, do you mean i have to change it in the bios?19:25
soundraylakitu: if grub installed itself to the master boot record of (hd0), but your BIOS only ever reads the MBR of (hd1), that would explain the problem19:25
annkassoundray, dev/sda2 and dev/sda5 seem to be partitions on my harddrive - but I cant mount it. sda2 is reported as extended and sda5 Linux LVM - I can't mount them. What do I do?19:25
gambianyone who can tell me why my graphic is acting up when I move my windows? (only think it is when moving vertical)19:25
lakitusoundray: ah, let met try19:25
mxdoom/home/joe/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/OFFICE11/OUTLOOK.EXE19:25
user281oh another one with problems with grub...19:26
Kr0ntabRovin: ask away...19:26
soundrayannkas: LVM requires a special procedure that I'm no expert in, sorry. Please ask the channel for how to mount an LVM partition from a live system, and read ubottu's LVM link while you wait for replies:19:26
jovaroJetSilver, my router drops everything except port 22 and 80. Have Firestarter on my pc, that should be ok I think? Or is there more I can do?19:26
soundray!lvm | annkas19:26
ubottuannkas: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO19:26
mxdoomUbuntu 8.04 LTS, any known issues with connecting to SMB shares and servers?19:27
mongolaiis there a way to display timestamps in the chat window using regular XChat (2.8.4)19:27
RovinCan I upgrade my Ubuntu (when the next version is released) automatically? I have Wubi, can I upgrade via the "Update Manager"?19:27
Kr0ntabRovin: yes....19:27
RovinOh cool, thanks :)19:27
lakitugood detective work, soundray - that was it. i would've been stuck for hours. thanks man =)19:28
Kr0ntabRovin: no sweat.  that was an easy one.19:28
JetSilverjovaro: If your happy with that then no. Maybe just drop the messages or send them to a different logfile if they are bugging you19:28
annkassoundray, ok - thanks19:28
kunwon1mongolai, settings>preferences>interface>text box19:28
soundraylakitu: so did you fix it from the BIOS setup?19:28
lakitusoundray: yep19:28
annkasHow do I mount an lvm partition from a live system?19:28
mongolaikunwon1:  thanks. I had a blind spot for a while there!19:29
soundraylakitu: glad it worked19:29
lakituharddisk drives were in the wrong order19:29
kunwon1mongolai, np19:29
lakitusoundray: me too ;))19:29
jovaroJetSilver, thanks19:29
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dekkonghello does anyone know how to change keyboard layout in awsome19:30
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annkasHo do I mount my hd from a live cd? My previous installation was etch19:31
scientushow can i restart sound system?19:32
Kruxerhi all19:34
Ridehannkas: make a place to mount it, then use the mount command19:34
Kruxeri want to request free cd in shipit.ubuntu.com19:34
soundrayannkas: do you get any output when you run 'sudo vgdisplay'?19:34
ubottuannkas: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:34
soundrayRideh: it's LVM19:34
Grimni1is this the place to ask for help with ShipIt?19:34
Kr0ntabscientus: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart19:34
soundrayannkas: please mention that it's LVM in your question19:34
Kruxerbut i haven't enough space to write my address :P19:35
Kruxerwhat can i do?19:35
Kr0ntabscientus: "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset" as well19:35
Ridehsoundray: makes a bit of a difference )19:35
prof_1Hello is there someone who can help solve the problem with installing a DLT VS160 tapedrive?19:35
Ridehits taking me as long to get openssl +openldap +kerberos + TLS working as it did for me to get 3 clients and all the other services on this server going19:36
prof_1I've tried a lot of places but I can't seem to find what I need.19:36
scientusdidnt work Kr0ntab19:36
anewso1hey all... hardy is (i think) misreading my partition table, so i can't boot... please take a gander: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332219:36
prof_1I really need to solve this.19:37
Kr0ntabscientus: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=274232719:37
prof_1I can't get tubuntu to see mt-st.19:37
soundrayprof_1: you haven't really said what the problem is19:37
annkassoundray, sudo vgdisplay gives command not found19:38
anewso1well i sure have! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332219:38
Grimni1hey all :) I get this error "The number of requested CDs was not provided." when trying to submit an order to ShipIt, but there is nowhere to choose a number. What should I do?19:38
prof_1soundray: I've installed a tapedrive(DLT VS160 and I can't get ubuntu to see the SCSI .19:38
prof_1It does see the tapedrive but It does'nt respond.19:39
Kruxeri want to request cd but shipit says: The number of requested CDs was not provided.19:39
anewso1is there any way i can pay like a one-time fee to get some phone tech support just once?19:39
Kruxerwhat's wrong?19:39
soundrayprof_1: could you try to describe this in a consistent and precise way, all on one line please.19:40
soundrayprof_1: it might help if you pastebinned commands and output on http://paste.ubuntu.com19:41
=== hax0r_ is now known as logicalthought
onthefence928what's teh keyboard command to reset compiz and if theer is none, how about resetting all of X?19:42
scientuslsof just freezes or seems to freeze19:42
mongolaionthefence928:  ctrl+alt+backspace  will restart X19:42
scientuswell no,19:42
annkasRideh, I have a place to mount it /mnt and I have written:  sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt - output is unknown filesystem type lvm2_member19:43
annkasCan anyone help me to mount an lvm partiton on the local hd, when booting on a live cd?19:43
anewso1i'm sure this isn't kosher, but i'd be willing to paypal someone 10$CDN if they can fix my problem.. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4850719:44
soundrayanewso1: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.html19:44
joaopintoanewso1, you could start by moving your input to the proper place, a bug report, not a question...19:46
anewso1joaopinto: i'm not sure it's a bug19:46
joaopintoanewso1, if your /dev/* does not contain the partitions listed on fdisk, it's a bug19:46
SyLis there a way to tell ubuntu to not install a new kernel when I do an update?19:47
anewso1yeah? i'll do that then, thanks19:47
abstortedmindsanyone know a image ripper program to traverse sites recursively19:48
anewso1soundray: interesting article, but i think my problem falls under: The basic principles of reinforcement and rewards certainly work, but in a restricted context” — restricted, that is, to tasks that are not especially interesting.19:48
Kr0ntabSyL, check out the aptitude "hold" command...19:49
kunwon1anewso1, http://www.ubuntu.com/support/paid19:49
hicarophalguem falar portugues19:49
joaopinto!pt | hicaroph19:50
ubottuhicaroph: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:50
soundrayanewso1: you're probably approaching the wrong crowd here, though. All of the helpers here who I know are doing it for the love of it.19:50
anewso1soundray: yeah i realize19:50
Kr0ntabSyL sudo aptitude hold linux-image-`(uname -r)`19:50
anewso1soundray: but so far i'm not having much luck, unfortunately19:50
soundrayanewso1: I'm having no luck at all retrieving your link (launchpad hasn't been inaccessible for me all day)19:51
saniNeed some help with opening .exe with wine19:51
anewso1soundray: hasn't been accessible or inaccessible?19:52
Falcons_roosthow do i free spce on hard drive19:52
Falcons_roostHow do I free space on Harddrive19:52
anewso1Falcons_roost: delete something?19:52
soundrayanewso1: not accessible, sorry19:53
anewso1soundray: well there really isn't that much more info there19:53
danbh_intrepidFalcons_roost: maybe try: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean19:53
Falcons_roostAre there logs cache files temp files stuff like that19:53
Oli``sani: be more specific19:53
soundrayFalcons_roost: remove outdated package archives from the cache: 'sudo apt-get autoclean'19:53
anewso1basically, from the livecd, i can't mount any of my sda partitions until i run blockdev --rereadpt19:53
SyLKr0ntab: is there a way to block it forever? future kernle updates?19:53
saniI used cd Työpöytä (= desktop) so now it should select files from desktop19:53
looneywtf... where the hell do I get normal xchat... which doesn't support just ubuntu chanels?19:54
sanithen I did wine kgs.exe19:54
Falcons_roostty I will try that19:54
anewso1when i try booting into hardy, it halts after some errors that go by too fast to read19:54
saniso it should open the file past wine, right?19:54
Kr0ntabSyL it will stay locked for as long as you have it in the hold status19:54
saniit gives error "module not found"19:54
kunwon1looney, what's your actual problem19:54
joaopintolooney, xchat supports any IRC network, you just need to select or set it up19:54
danbh_intrepidanewso1: try dmesg19:54
anewso1i'm pretty sure it's the same problem... when i mount my sda partitions from the livecd the lots are unchanged19:54
looneyno, it doesn't19:54
soundrayanewso1: depending on where those errors are displayed, you may be able to halt the scrolling with the Pause key19:54
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saniOli`` saw what I typed?19:55
Oli``sani: does it say which module isn't found?19:55
soundrayanewso1: it's not perhaps a timing problem with your partitions becoming available only after a critical point during booting? Just speculating19:55
saniit says:19:55
Falcons_roostWhat is the easyest way to find files with big amount of disk space19:56
anewso1ahh this is interesting... didn't think to check the dmesg of the livecd19:56
Falcons_roostcache is clean19:56
anewso1seems like the same errors19:56
geniiFalcons_roost: "find" or "whereis" or "locate"19:56
saniI will pm it to you soon, it's 4 rows19:56
Oli``Falcons_roost: use the disk space analyser (in accessories)19:56
anewso1i'm going to post my dmesg to pastebin, one sec19:56
Falcons_roostty you again19:57
symore_ubuntuhello all19:57
symore_ubuntunewbie here19:57
euxnekseveryone's newb to something19:57
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kunwon1hi symore_ubuntu19:57
javiergHow hard is it to install Windows Vista with a stripe raid on two seperate hard drives, while leaving the original Ubuntu installation (and hard drive) still working?19:57
Lordvedato Linux or to ubuntu?19:57
symore_ubuntumay i ask for some help ?19:57
kunwon1!ask | symore_ubuntu19:57
ubottusymore_ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:57
anewso1here's my livecd dmesg... you can see some hard drive errors: http://pastebin.com/m57f8680b19:58
Lordvedasymore_ubuntu: that question is for you19:58
symore_ubuntuthanks i created a website in root /var/www for an intranet site but i can't seem to be able to ftp to the root of the site19:58
Strife89Woah! I tried changing my resolution from 1024x768 to 800x600, then I tried to activate Desktop Effects (the latter failed). I had to download an NVidia Legacy Driver and reboot; now I can't change my resolution back.19:59
kunwon1symore_ubuntu, assuming you installed apache to create a website, you'd also need an ftp daemon to support ftp19:59
DaveKongwhat would be the effect of running a 32 bit OS in virtualbox from 64-bit Ubuntu? Can this be done? and vise versa?19:59
anewso1soundray: check out the errors around lines 400-50019:59
geniiFalcons_roost: If you mean to find files which are using a lot of space then Oli``'s suggestion is easiest graphically19:59
symore_ubuntui did install proftp server19:59
Strife89The graphics card is a RIVA TNT2, if I'm not mistaken. Can anyone suggest a way to upsize my resolution again?20:00
soundrayanewso1: seen them, looks worrying, but I can't claim any ability to make sense of it all20:00
kunwon1symore_ubuntu, did you configure it? see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958820:00
csilkStrife89,  isn't an old card?20:00
csilklike, really old20:00
Strife89csilk: Truth be told, *all* of my hardware is old. :)20:01
anewso1soundray: =/ the boot halts at around line 58220:01
Falcons_roostI found what is taking up 42 gb it is backup20:01
symore_ubuntupardon pur ftp20:01
Falcons_roostWhat can i do to lean that up20:01
csilkStrife89, oh tire, do you have the grfx driver installed?20:01
MrD1Hi could any one tell me if i download the new version of ubuntu tomorrow will it update to the stable version in 10 days. or shuld i wait 10 days to install thanks in advance20:01
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu20:02
Strife89csilk: I believe that installing the (restricted) driver is that cause of the problem.20:02
erUSULMrD1: it will20:02
csilkstrig I see, in that case can't you un-install the driver?20:02
erUSULMrD1: it will upgrade to stable if you accept the proposed updates20:02
MarcC_is it pretty easy to set up a home network of ubuntu machines that can talk to each other?20:03
MrD1erUSUL, ok thanks so no problems then to install tomorrow, and thank you for the reply20:03
Strife89Aha! "Hardware Drivers"!20:03
Falcons_roostI used simple backup and it saved me once but i don't need it now20:03
Falcons_roostwant to clean out the backup file  in var20:03
soundrayanewso1: occasionally, there are conflicts between SATA and PATA. I've seen this on an MSI mainboard, but it's been reported on launchpad for other hardware20:03
a1Hi. How to Disyble On-Borad wireless card please?20:04
Falcons_roostAny answers20:04
bidiWhere is set, that Key XF86Launch5 Locks the Screen ??20:04
anewso1soundray: interesting...20:04
csilkStrife89, yeah that's a pretty handy menu ;)20:04
anewso1soundray: can i tell the installer to use one over the other? lsmod tells me i have a bunch of pata and satas loaded20:05
symore_ubuntuhow would i access the var/www folder with dreamweaver20:05
soundrayFalcons_roost: you could do 'sudo rm -r /var/backup/*' or give it a more specific location to delete. Note, recursive rm is *dangerous* -- don't mistype20:05
Strife89csilk: I've been using Ubuntu for a while, so I was looking for "Restricted Drivers" insted.20:05
Falcons_roostyes i have heard that20:05
csilksymore_ubuntu, same why you would access any other folder20:05
Falcons_roostI will try backend first20:06
soundrayanewso1: I don't think so -- I'd try to solve this kind of problem on the hardware front.20:06
annkasI try to ssh into an ubuntu live session - is it possible- what is root's password in a live session?20:06
csilkStrife89,  that menu was removed and merged with "hardware drivers" in last version :)20:06
Strife89csilk: So I noticed. :)20:06
soundrayannkas: the root account is locked in Ubuntu -- no password set20:06
Strife89csilk: Rebooting now, let's hope it works.20:06
mathias__nick /mat20:06
symore_ubuntuwell when i connect it goes to the root of the user i setup in ubuntu20:06
symore_ubuntuit won't let me use root as a login20:07
Pici!sudo | symore_ubuntu20:07
ubottusymore_ubuntu: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)20:07
csilksymore_ubuntu, why do you want to use root as a login?20:07
annkassoundray, ok20:07
symore_ubuntuwell it looks to me that the www folder is in the root folder20:08
symore_ubuntuso when i use the user steve forinstance it takes me to the steve user folder20:08
phytegthe IrMC options in multisync won't let me set my connection type as bluetooth20:08
soundrayannkas: I think you can configure Remote Desktop in a live session like in a normal system (System-Preferences-Remote Desktop)20:08
kunwon1GreatBeaver, yes :D20:09
PiciGreatBeaver: Yes, thats what this channel is about.20:09
bidiWhere is set, that Key XF86Launch5 Locks the Screen ??20:09
GreatBeaverwhere does the name ubuntu come from?20:09
Pici!ubuntu | GreatBeaver20:09
ubottuGreatBeaver: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:09
PiciGreatBeaver: see the website.20:09
annkassoundray, yes, well I haven't mounted my hd yet, so I think I will use time on that20:09
csilksymore_ubuntu,  what are you talking about?20:09
soundrayanewso1: I'm leaving now. Hope you can fix it.20:10
Decepticonhow long does the dkesotop install take20:10
anewso1soundray: thanks for you help =)20:10
GreatBeaverdell doesn't take money off when is eelect ubuntu20:10
anewso1soundray: and yea, me too20:10
xfmhello I need help to configure my wifi on ubuntu 8.0420:10
soundrayanewso1: good luck. Bye20:10
kunwon1GreatBeaver, baby steps.. at least they're making it available20:11
symore_ubuntuwhen i ftp to the ubuntu box i use my creds "steve" the only folders i see in there are specific to that user i want to get to the root of the website var/www which i believe is in the root20:11
xfmI can see the20:11
Picisymore_ubuntu: You'll need to modify your ftpd's settings and add that folder.20:11
xfmwifi, but cant connect to it20:11
csilksymore_ubuntu, you www folder is in /var/www not in the /root directory20:12
csilksymore_ubuntu,  why dont you move /www to /steve/www ?20:12
symore_ubuntuif i moved it then would i just change the apache config ?20:13
xfmhello I need help to configure my wifi on ubuntu 8.04, where can I find help?20:13
csilksymore_ubuntu, yes20:13
csilkxfm,  what hardaware you got?20:13
csilkand whats the problem, specifically?20:13
rockyrockubuntu doesn't want to mount my NTFS external Hard :(20:13
symore_ubuntuwould it affect anything like mysql or anything like that ?20:14
csilksymore_ubuntu,  no,20:14
Enissayi've installed conky yesterday, and it's working fine, but i've 2 questions:20:14
Enissay1/ Is it normal that all my windows had no borders!! so i can't move them then..... how can i fix this?20:14
Enissay2/ Conky window is on the top of all my other windows.... how can i change that?20:14
Enissaythe .conkyrc file i'm using is the one given here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20586520:14
FloodBot2Enissay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:14
Falcons_roostty worked like a charm :)20:14
=== sam__ is now known as valahul
phytegrockyrock:  type "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/whateveryoursdadeviceis /dev/somefolder"20:14
xfmcsilk: don't know exactly. I have ubuntu 8.04, and wicd manager. iwconfig find the wifi card, and I can see the wifi in the network manager, but I can't connect (have and ip)20:15
rockyrockphyteg: i can't find my hard in /dev :(20:15
Falcons_roostNow i fell safe downloading some more packages20:15
gustavol1I tried to install ubuntu on a usb drive, now I can't boot the computer anymore. Can you help me?20:15
phytegrockyrock: i mean /media/somefolder instead of /dev/somefolder20:15
jimboSo I this is my first day of linux usage and i have questions about media player probs20:15
csilkxfm,  list the output of lscip at paste.ubuntu.com20:15
csilk** lspci20:16
Thisdudejimbo just ask20:16
rockyrockphyteg: yeah i'm talking about the first argument: /dev/whateveryoursdadeviceis20:16
rockyrockphyteg: can't find it there!20:16
phytegrockyrock: it should start with sd20:16
phytegrockyrock: like sda1 or sdb220:17
jimbototem will not recogonize DVD movies20:17
Thisdude.avi or off the dvd20:17
Decepticonim trying to install ubuntu, im on the 'select and install software' step in the alternete text intstall... its been stuck at 97% 'cleaning up' for a loong time... how longs it supposed to take??20:17
jimbooff the dvd20:17
xfmcsilk: I have posted the results of this command and some else : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=26107020:18
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Strife89csilk: Thanks for the pointer. :)20:18
Thisdudeu just need to go to applications add/remove20:18
Thisdudethen select media & video20:19
Strife89I was beginning to get claustrophobic. ;)20:19
Thisdudeogles a good one20:19
csilkStrife89,  did uninstalling work?20:19
xfmcsilk: the fact is, it worked until last week so I know it's possible to make it work with my hardware20:19
csilkxfm,  your card is installed and working according to that log you posted, if youc ant connect ot a specific netowrk then I'm not sure it's an ubuntu issue?20:20
Strife89csilk: Yep; I'm back in the joy of 1024x768. :D20:20
anewso1shameless plug for my problem with getting my root hard drive recognized by hardy at boot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95332220:20
csilkthat's a nice 1990's resolution ;) Strife8920:20
rockyrockphyteg: i couldn't mount it normally! I had to force the mounting :( like this: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdf /media/rockyrock -o force20:20
Strife89csilk: My monitor was made in 1997. Go figure. :)20:20
rockyrockI want ubuntu to mount my external Hard disks normally and automatilcally20:20
Strife89csilk: My graphics card? 1999.20:21
xfmcsilk: yes, 'cause a microsoft windows os is currently connected on this wifi20:21
phytegrockyrock: well, that happens if you don't "reject the device safely" in windows20:21
Strife89csilk: I mean, c'mon. Every time I open the case, I swear I smell rotting wood. ;)20:21
csilkxfm,  wep or wpa?  try connecting with neither and see what happens20:22
unfevIf i got an i686 wich installation cd should i choose?20:22
Strife89phyteg: You mean "eject"? Nothing, as long as no programs are running.20:22
rockyrockphyteg: no i rejected the device normally in Windows! Ubuntu doesn't mount any NTFS external Hard drive20:22
rockyrockphyteg: and now i can't unmount it!!!!!20:22
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl20:23
rockyrockthe system says it can't unmount the device20:23
xfmcsilk: I have tried both, no one works20:23
* csilk points Strife89 to extremely cheap modern components that support resolutions higher than 1024x76820:23
phytegrockyrock: i'm sorry, can't help you20:23
csilkxfm,  have you tried without encryption?20:23
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se20:23
Strife89phyteg: However, if you have files open, or if the device is being written to or read from, there's a chance you'll destroy data, or even the drive, if you don't safely eject first.20:23
aho_does anyone know if the proprietary ati drivers support hi def tv-out over component ?20:24
* Strife89 tells csilk that Strife89 has $40 to his name.20:24
scientusmount -a mount: can't open /etc/mtab for writing: Stale NFS file handle20:24
scientusroot@shawn-desktop:/home# cat /etc/mtab cat: /etc/mtab: Stale NFS file handle20:24
* csilk feels sorry for Strife89 20:24
scientuswhat do i do20:25
rockyrockGuys i have a problem: Ubuntu doesn't mount any external NTFS Hard Disk, it says that it can't mount it eventhought i rejected the devices normally in Windows!!! So what to do???20:25
gustavol1I tried to install ubuntu on a usb drive, now I can't boot the computer anymore. Can you help me?20:25
xfmcsilk: and I am currently connected to a network with no key that I find, strange that it works in that case and not with my network20:25
dany_21a_scientus: is your /etc on a NFS mount? if so, try renounting20:25
scientusno its a harddisk20:26
scientusi have no NFS mounts20:26
scientusand never have20:26
csilkxfm,  try turning wep/wpa off and connecting to your network, if this works then obviously you have problems with encrypted networks and we can move from there20:26
dany_21a_scientus: what does the command "mount" say (without params)20:26
Strife89csilk: Have some spare time? Treat yourself: http://strife89.deviantart.com/gallery20:26
scientuso that prints everything20:26
jimbohow do I adjust the external volume controls of the computer, i have already been to settings to no avail.20:27
ubuntu_toddhello. There was one problem with my gnome. It doesn't show up the desktop, but I can log in tty1-tty6 in the command modes. After 10 min when I used alt+F7, the desktop shows up and there is waring messages that says "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon". Any suggestions?20:27
ubuntu_toddAnd now even I am in the desktop, but the theme and visual effects changes a lot.20:28
csilkinteresting pictures Strife8920:28
Strife89csilk: Thank you. :)20:28
dany_21a_scientus: post the line which shows the partition containing etc20:29
a1how do i setup new usb wireless card?20:29
a1and disybale that on borad?20:30
corpis there a way to install packages with required interactives steps...non-interactively?20:30
corpin particular, i want to automate postfix install20:31
Strife89a1: It largely depends on the card.20:31
mongolaicorp:  what is the method of postfix install. is it a dot ( . ) script?20:31
corpapt-get install20:32
scientus_i rebooted and it stills says stale nfs file handle20:32
Strife89a1: The Wiki is a good place to look for hardware-specific information.20:32
scientus_how do i just torch that file and remake it20:32
a1Strife89: what card?20:32
mongolaicorp:  are you talking about the Yes/No prompts ?20:33
a1that on-borad?20:33
corpmongolai: no - an interactive install that asks questions20:33
Strife89a1: Both your USB wireless card and the one on your motherboard.20:33
a1i don't get it20:33
unfevwich installation cd should i use if i have: Intel Atom N270 processor? I have tryied the x86, i386 but it says i got i686 :(20:33
Strife89a1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkDevices20:34
a1i have tryed on the opions20:34
mongolaicorp:  after the apt-get is successful, then? er, after the fetching part you mean?20:34
erUSULunfev: use 32 bit x8620:34
Petengyhi to all20:34
corpmongolai: i want a shell script to automate postfix install. since it's an interactive install, i cant do that.20:34
corpmongolai: try installing it, you'll see20:34
mongolaicorp:  ok. just a minute...20:34
unfeverUSUL: i have download it, but when im trying to install it it says stop.. and say that i have i686 and its have no support for it or something20:35
mongolaicorp:  ...ok, the fetching was --- Ahhh, now I see...20:35
erUSULunfev: i think you have amd64 no 32 bit ...20:36
unfeverUSUK okey20:36
rodhashHi there... it's my first time here... I found it amazing !!  here all you talk about ubuntu issues ?? any topics ??20:36
DaPapaSchlumpfhey guys, i got a problem with my intel wifi link 5100, the drivers r installed, i can find my router via wicd network manager, but i cant connect, after 30-60seconds he just stops connecting while "Validating authentication", any solution?20:36
mongolaicorp:  ...just a sec...20:37
corpmongolai: cheers20:37
corpi guess postfix does need some config up front. but i want to just specify 'no configuration' from the command line.20:37
unfeverUSUL: cyou think so? because i just got Single Core processor :/20:37
harryjrhey, i only have a kubuntu install cd, but would like to just install a command line system, is that possible?20:38
mongolaicorp:  ok. why do you need an auto install?20:38
corpmongolai: because sysadmins automate installs on servers.20:38
aho_does anyone know if the open source ati drivers (radeonHD or radeon) support hi def tv-out over component ?20:38
erUSULunfev: complining that you have i686 is something the amd64 installer will d if you try to install on a 32 bit propcessor like the atom20:39
mongolaicorp:  are you deploying the same configuration to multiple machines, or  different configurations to multiple machines for that matter?20:39
aho_I hate ati20:39
corpmongolai: no config, yet.20:39
erUSULunfev: so check again that you indeed have the i386 version of the livecd/instaler20:39
=== Chris_Britton is now known as strAlan
mongolaicorp:  I mean, what is your intention. If you just need one install, you can set it manually, if multiple same a script, or multiple different is a can of worms, if you get my meaning...20:40
the_lost_oneharryjr maybe using "custom" option when booting livecd?20:40
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:41
corpmongolai: i just want to know how to stop interactive packages from asking questions.20:41
Stupendousstevecorp, install from source20:41
mongolaicorp:  this is not a "package" issue -- it's an issue with the postfix install itself. Ostensibly an issue inherent to all postfix installs.20:42
corpso are you guys telling me nobody ever automates postfix package install?20:42
ubuntu_toddjrib: Hi.20:42
a1Strife89> thanks. im reading about. but how do i disyble on-board card20:42
Stupendousstevea1, probably need to do that in the bios20:43
a1oh no20:43
a1i ahte that20:43
mongolaicorp:  no, I'm not saying that, but I'm saying it is an issue that you probably need to take up with the postfix people. That's part of the reason why I asked if you need multiple different configurations, or multiple same configurations. It depends on how you intend to deploy this.20:43
littlewookiehey anyone ever used the MARVELL SD8686 wlan chip???20:44
histoHaving trouble getting windows to boot residing on a slave drive. Grub is pointed at hd(1,o) any ideas? Do I need to edit he boot.ini on the windows drive as well?20:44
Stupendousstevecorp, if you download the .deb you may be able to see how it 's configured20:44
ActionParsnipa1: why, just find the part that says onboard vga and set it to disabled or similar20:44
corpStupendoussteve: i do ahve the deb. i just wondered if there was a way to stop the configure phase with dpkg20:44
Strife89a1: I really can't help you much more without looking at the hardware itself.......20:44
Strife89a1: Just keep looking.20:44
mongolaicorp:  no. that's what I mean by a postfix issue20:44
cjcwhat a  you say  ??20:44
=== DaPapaSchlumpf is now known as DerPapaSchlumpf
DerPapaSchlumpfhey guys, i got a problem with my intel wifi link 5100, the drivers r installed, i can find my router via wicd network manager, but i cant connect, after 30-60seconds he just stops connecting while "Validating authentication", any solution?20:45
mongolaicorp:  the .deb knows nothing about the mechanics of the actual configuration and install itself20:45
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ActionParsnipcorp: isnt there a switch you can perform with dpkg20:46
corpActionParsnip: nope20:46
corpnot that i see20:46
piko_wateris there any vnc for the ubuntu ?20:46
symore_ubuntuwhere do i change the location for the root www folder from var/www to another home folder20:46
ActionParsnip!vnc | piko_water20:46
ubottupiko_water: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:46
the_lost_onesymore_ubuntu check httpd.conf file in /etc/apache or /etc/apache220:47
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: is it internal or external?20:47
DavidCanariasCan anyone advise me on a problem I am having with VLC when I copy a DVD video please??20:47
jim_pDanskmand: are you still there?20:48
histoThink I found a solution brb20:48
DerPapaSchlumpfActionParsnip internal20:48
symore_ubuntuis it apache2.conf ?20:48
symore_ubuntuhttp.conf is empty20:48
the_lost_onesymore_ubuntu prolly yes20:48
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: laptop or desktop?20:49
DavidCanariasHelp copying a DVD video using VLC??? Anyone familiar with it??20:49
Strife89I'm looking at the laptop list on the Wiki, and cannot find my model. Are there any Toshiba Satellite users around at the moment?20:49
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: maybe a bios update or get better drivers. do you need a firmware in a particular place to make it work?20:49
colehi all, does anyone know if you can set a password to prevent opening of hidden folders/files?20:50
Strife89My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite 1805-S254 (circa 2002)20:50
ActionParsnipStrife89: dont worry about the model, its the hardware inside you have to worry about20:50
piko_waterwell i dont need vnc server i need vnc client like ultra vnc, is there any similar application available for ubuntu20:50
claesAnyone knows how to make ubuntu recognize USB disks before fstab is processed?20:50
ActionParsnipcole: you can use chown and chmod to set permissions to prevent acess20:50
DerPapaSchlumpfActionParsnip i've installed drivers for my wireless card, but they seem not to work. with windows i got no problems20:50
symore_ubunturight now it says server root "/etc/apache2  is this what i need to change to my home folder www ?20:50
piko_waterclaes, well its should automatically detect the usb disk when you plugin20:51
claesI mean at boot time20:51
Strife89ActionParsnip: The reason I'm asking is because I'm looking foe similar models' results (and therefore, similar - or even mostly the same - hardware).20:51
piko_wateri need vnc client like ultra vnc, is there any similar application available for ubuntu20:51
guntbertpiko_water: the simplest is vncviewer20:51
ActionParsnippiko_water: search synaptic for vnc20:51
DerPapaSchlumpfActionParsnip i've dowloaded and installed these drivers: http://intellinuxwireless.org/?p=iwlwifi&n=Downloads20:51
ActionParsnipStrife89: which bit of hardware are you having issues with20:51
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: are you using ndiswrapper?20:52
coleactionparsnip how would i change the permissions for certain folders?20:52
ActionParsnipcole: check out chmod20:52
JannoTTHey guys! Inside what package is assmbly thingy calld GAS? :/20:52
DerPapaSchlumpfbut i've tried the ndiswrapper driver with wcid network manager20:52
coleactionparsnip: kool thanx for that20:52
Strife89ActionParsnip: Well, I'm not sure. I used the Wubi app to install *Xubuntu*, and at the end of the installation (and during all subsequent boots to Xubuntu), it simply quit.20:52
claesMy issue is this: I have a NTFS usb disk that needs to be mounted at boot time, but when fstab is processed, the disk has not yet been recognized by ubuntu - it sees it after fstab has been processed20:53
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61974820:53
ActionParsnipStrife89: ive never used wubi20:53
Strife89ActionParsnip: With that said, I know I need to get a driver for a Wi-Fi PC-Card: a Microsoft MN-720.20:53
guntbertcole: but mind; accress right have git nothing to do with "hidden folders", "hidden" in linux is just a question of convenience, not of security20:53
ActionParsnipStrife89: i think its a horrific concept20:53
ActionParsnipStrife89: what does lspci say it is20:54
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DerPapaSchlumpfActionParsnip: IPW3945 != WiFi 5000 series, some guys in other forums tried the drivers, it doesnt work20:54
Strife89ActionParsnip: I'm not sure, and at the moment I can't look.20:54
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: i know but it appears yuo need to blacklist the ipw394520:54
the_lost_onesymore_ubuntu see if you this file /etc/apache2/sites-available/default20:54
|thunderhey all, whats a good site I can upload a mp3 of a radio show too and put a flash player widget on a blog ?20:55
KillerJinnhow to check which kernel version iam runing now?20:55
aho_|thunder: why the heck would you ask here ?20:55
aho_KillerJinn: uname -r20:55
|thunderKillerJinn; uname -r20:55
ActionParsnipStrife89: well thats what counts. the brand and model means nothing, its the chip inside that counts which can very between countries and even time20:55
|thunderaho_; cuz this chan is nerd deep20:55
ryanakcaIs there a command to background a process? ^z doesn't seem to work20:55
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: did you blacklist the one thats bad?20:55
KillerJinnaho_ |thunder thanks20:55
aho_ryanakca: run it with &20:55
DerPapaSchlumpfi'll try20:55
ryanakcaaho_: it's already running ;)20:56
guntbert!ot | |thunder20:56
ubottu|thunder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:56
Decepticonbastid_raZor, are you there20:56
gambiback from reboot.. WHY do I get those typing delays? this time the only thing I had running was a inactive terminal and Xchat... when I get this delay: Takes ½-1½ sec for characters to appear after typing.. cant type anything before the character is shown.. any ideas? (this is a clean installation of ubuntu 7.04)20:56
aho_just leave it alone then20:56
Strife89ActionParsnip: I'm rather busy, but I'll come back with my laptop running and supply details another day. :)20:56
ActionParsnipDerPapaSchlumpf: i dont paste links for laughs theres usually a nugget of info someplace in the page20:56
ryanakcaaho_: doesn't help :)20:56
|thunderguntbert; thanks, but a simple answer would have been much less distracting, lol20:56
FuriousGeorgei just did this:  dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -9 | ssh re.motecomputer.com "gzip -d -| dd of=/dev/sda" and it worked. (after a reboot on liveusb drive) i was able to assemble, rebuild, and mount my raid1 arrays, and see my lvm volumes on one of em20:56
ActionParsnipStrife89: im sure someone will be able to help20:56
claesanyone can help? (how to ensure ubuntu recognizes an usb disk before fstab is processed at boottime)20:56
a1simple qustion. can i change the color of the folders?20:57
FuriousGeorgeso what else should i be doing?  both computers are identical20:57
mongolairyanakca:  bg (pid#)20:57
FuriousGeorgei should delete the udev rule that has the MAC for the other computer's NIC (i guess they're not so identical), right?20:57
ryanakcamongolai: thanks20:57
FuriousGeorgeor is the MAC address assigned on boot?20:57
Strife89a1: System/ Preferences/ Appearence should have the option.20:57
FuriousGeorgewhat about /dev?20:57
FuriousGeorgeleave it?20:57
errpasthow do I increase mp3 bit rate beyond 160 kbps with soundjuicer?20:57
ActionParsnipclaes: if the disks are visible in bios, ubuntu will see then. fstab will then automount the partitions as you specify20:57
mongolairyanakca:  you also know that you can bg programs with the & char in a terminal?20:57
claesI tried,  but when I boot, I get an error about the /dev/sdb1 does not exist20:58
Strife89a1: On the Themes tab, pick a theme to start with (or leave it alone) and then click on "Customize" near the bottom.20:58
node357errpast, I don't know much about sound juicer, but can you use "variable bitrate" ?20:58
claesif I then manually mount -a after login, the disk is there20:58
ActionParsnipFuriousGeorge: its burned into the card when its manufactured, you can use /etc/network/interfaces to override it20:58
ryanakcamongolai: sorry, I'm trying to suspend it, my bad20:58
xfmcsilk: I'm back. With my IAP, it's impossible to desactivate the WEP/WAP key.20:58
ActionParsnipclaes: try adding uuid to the line20:59
corpfor those of you who care, to turn off interactive prompts: env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install postfix20:59
claesI tried too20:59
csilkxfm, thats pretty strange20:59
mongolairyanakca:  ctrl+z didn't work? there might have been a SIG* code. is this a CLI program?20:59
ryanakcamongolai: (^z doesn't work, and it's making X slow, so I'll resume it when I go to bed...)20:59
claesthat worked once, but at next boot, the disk was not recognized until after fstab was processed20:59
ryanakcamongolai: grep :)20:59
csilkxfm,  well, I'm not really sure what your problem is20:59
mongolairyanakca:  what was the cmd-line that cused this?21:00
xfmcsilk: but true. Quite a good IAP mm?21:00
ActionParsnipclaes: the disk will be recognised, you mean the partition21:00
node357errpast, http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/05/how-to-rip-mp3-cd-using-sound-juicer-ubuntu-tips.html21:00
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ryanakcamongolai: grep -rin awordfrommyLUKSpassphrase ~/*    ...  would SIGSTOP be what I want?21:00
claesMust be yes21:01
xfmcsilk: When I try to connect to my network, Wicd manager says: "Connecting" then "waiting for authentication" then ... finished21:01
jellehow can i know what process is taking a port? i see with netstat that the port is taken, but i need it for an other application so i have to close the connection to free up the port21:01
ActionParsnipclaes: add sudo mount -a to startup asa workaround21:01
markw_wow...  lots of users. :)21:01
guntbertjelle: 'lsof -i'21:01
Strife89markw_: Probably more here than on any other channel on Freenode. :)21:02
claesyes I did, and that works, but I have it as a server, and it is unattended21:02
jellethanks guntbert21:02
ryanakcamongolai: oh, looks like ^z finally caught up...21:02
ryanakcamongolai: thanks :)21:02
Glady2007 logs21:02
guntbertjelle: np :)21:02
mongolairyanakca:  or SIGHUP on the tty? I dunno. Is it consuming resources?21:02
mongolairyanakca:  neat21:02
claesyes, I could do that, but then the next problem arises, I also have vmware server running, and it's services runs at startup and it needs those disks21:02
markw_I've had a few times in ubuntu where it'd stop launching apps, recently (5 minutes ago), it stopped launching terminals. :(  I'm thinking some background process is silently dying and killing off the desktop stuff, reboot :( or init single/exit fixes it.21:03
* markw_ hates rebooting.21:03
claesActionParsnip: what I was thinking of, would it be possible to change the order of things while booting?21:04
Strife89markw_: Does [Alt]+[F2] work?21:04
andycaswhen installing gtk theme from appearance, it says it installed fine, but when i select the theme it goes back to very minimalistic and ugly. Whats wrong?21:04
mongolaimarkw_:  what does top have to say? Load avg. cpu% mem use?21:04
guntbertmarkw_: what does 'top' tell?21:04
claeslike, see the partition, then fstab is processed21:04
guntbertmongolai: :)21:04
mongolaiguntbert:  what?21:05
xfmcsilk: perhap's if I remove the drivers and reinstall them?21:05
guntbertmongolai: you beat me :)21:05
csilkxfm,  that would be the first port of call21:05
csilkuse synaptic21:05
mongolaiguntbert:  :) I see it now!21:06
markw_mongolai: everything looked normal.  Strife89 yes, went to the first virtual terminal, and restarted services.21:06
markw_didn't really have time to investigate it.21:06
markw_I'm thinking it's got to do with hald.21:06
mongolaiandycas:  sometimes theme files aren't properly made, and sometimes you need to go into the "customize" configuration and set the parts manually21:07
After_Mathwhat port does xchat run on?21:07
Decepticonhow do i stop X from starting over after i stop it21:08
guntbertAfter_Math: try 'lsof -i |grep xchat'21:08
markw_After_Math: it's going out, so it will pick a random port > 102421:09
mongolaiDecepticon:  how are you calling X -- is it automatic, or are you calling startx or X or whatever?21:09
markw_After_Math: generally irc defaults to 666721:09
Decepticonmongolai it just starts up on reboot21:09
mongolaiDecepticon:  that is probably a runlevel issue. Do you *not* want X to start?21:10
Zerothisis there a vnc type server-client combination that lets the client switching between desktop users?21:10
Decepticonim trying to get out of 'low graphics mode'21:10
DerPapaSchlumpfActionParsnip i try the kernel, i've heard they hv integrated drivers for my wlan-card, but thx fpr help21:10
mongolaiDecepticon:  X usually starts on boot/reboot because is's told to for that runlevel. Is there an underlying problem that needs to be fixed, or do you just want to log into a plain CLI environment?21:12
InfernalordHello, could someone tell me how can I repair my MBR? I have grub installed but it wasn't correctly installed, then a friend of mine tried to use bootpart and now I can't start Linux, because it is not well configured. What should I do?21:14
thiebaudemongolai:how do i just log into a CLI enviroment without starting x?21:14
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:15
family_thiebaude, if you're at the GDM login screen you can press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and you can log in there21:15
thiebaudeok thanks family_21:16
family_you're welcome21:16
mongolaithiebaude:  what family_ said works, but if you *don't* want X to start, you need to set the default runlevel21:16
geniithiebaude: alt-f7 to get back to the gui login after that21:17
Decepticonhow do i reset x so its like it was on first install21:17
thiebaudeok, genii21:17
scientus_what is going on?21:17
thiebaudegenii:and i will use less resources then?21:17
scientus_i cant open /etc/mtab but 'mount' shows stuff21:17
family_yes thiebaude21:17
mongolaiDecepticon:  I hate to say this, but it depends on what X did on the first install.21:17
scientus_also its not mounted21:17
Decepticoni dont want to reisnstall ubuntu21:18
Ab3Lgood night21:18
guntbertmongolai: I thought ubuntu doesn't follow the usual concept of runlevels21:18
ivangarciahi Ab3L21:18
erUSULmongolai: all runlevels in debian/linux are equal in debian/ubuntu by default (except 0,1 and 6 of course) and all run gdm (X). Btw ubuntu no longer has inittab file21:18
pyroare there any software engineers around?21:18
pyroor engineers period?21:18
geniithiebaude: The gdm will be running if you just ctrl-alt-f1    so not really. Although you will not have loaded the desktop which consumes a fair bit of resources. So in that way yes. But X will still be running by way of the login manager stilll21:19
erUSULmongolai: debian/ubuntu* sorry21:19
ivangarciapyro: i am, why ?21:19
claesthere is a guide here to fix the MBR using your ubuntu live CD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:19
Infernalordclaes: Thank you very much21:20
symore_ubuntuis my root /home/steve or just /steve ?21:21
mongolaierUSUL:  I admit, I'm not to familliar with the debian way. However, there is a script in the boot up sequence that determines when to start X. *That* is the question, and I was probably wrong with suggesting runlevels.21:21
symore_ubunturoot for the user21:21
the_lost_onesymore_ubuntu best call it home21:21
geniisymore_ubuntu: It's /home/username      so /home/steve    in this case21:21
bosky101hi, has anyone had success getting xvfb working on gutsy , i have the same problem as in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84606121:21
Zerothissymore_ubuntu: your home is "/home/steve" your root is "/"21:22
guntbertsymore_ubuntu: check yourself - type 'cd' then 'pwd'21:22
erUSULmongolai: yep but by default this script is called in all runlñevels that's the point i tried to make. you can off course configure it to not boot in any runlevel or pnly in the ones you want but as i said by default it run in all runlevels.21:22
* MANIAKA7000 bye all!21:23
thiebaudewhen i did ctrl+alt+f1 i couldn't open a program?21:23
erUSULmongolai: also as i mentioned there is inittab in ubuntu (now it uses upstart instead of classic system V init)21:23
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:23
Dio445thiebaude: that should open a full screen system console, not start a new program.21:24
symore_ubuntuthanks i will soon be on my way to much better wondoz free environ21:24
thiebaudeoh, ok dio44521:24
family_thiebaude, if you want to launch a program by typing its name you press Alt+F221:25
mongolaierUSUL:  ok. that's interesting! I'm still looking into that stuff. GNU/Linux systems, Ubuntu in particular is a moving target that can be hard to track sometimes. That doesn't take away from my initial assertion though :)21:25
thiebaudeok, family_21:25
thiebaudei got it21:25
Dio445thiebaude: Oh, and ctrl-alt-f7 should bring back your desktop after a ctrl-alt-f121:25
Decepticon"Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode" "Your screen and graphics card could not be detected correctly. To use higher resolutions, visual effects or mutpliple screens, you have to configure the display yourself." Configure/Shutdown/Continue21:25
Decepticonplease tell me how to do this.. i just installed the NVIDIA drivers for geforce fx 5200, and rebooted21:26
thiebaudekewl, dio44521:26
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pyroIvangarcia, that could be structurally fragile and solid, dynamically, what would you call it?21:26
pyroivangarcia, sorry, that was two trains of thought crashing21:27
pyroivangarcia, what i meant to say was, what would you, as an engineer, and object  that could be structurally fragile and solid, dynamically.21:27
pyrocall an object...21:28
guntbertpyro: keep to the topic please :)21:28
pyroactually that is on topic21:28
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pyrobut I'm trying to get the opinion before I explain the reason21:28
guntbert!ot > pyro21:29
ubottupyro, please see my private message21:29
* the_lost_one is really lost...21:31
erhaniyi geceler21:33
=== LinuxFan is now known as LinuxFan73
thiebaudei tried to enter a program name after alt+f7 and it says no display specified21:33
a1where i can change the SIZE of the folder please?21:34
a1if can21:34
movedxHow does one make 'cp' copy hidden files, too?21:34
ompaula1, you change the size of a folder by reducing that inside it21:34
Flannela1: What do you mean?  the size of a folder is determined by the contents21:34
ompaulmovedx, cp .* target21:35
movedxompaul: AH, good call. Quite obvious, in fact as hiddne files are hidden by the '.' notation.21:35
a1i see that i can change the font21:35
Decepticoni installed nvidia drivers, rebooted, enabled proprietary drivers (the popup at the taskbar suggested to do so), and rebooted, it says 'ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode, your screen and gfx card could not be detected correctly. to use higher res, visual effects, or multiple screens, you have to configure the display yourself" and then theres buttons configure/shut down/continue21:36
Decepticoni need help doing config21:36
guntberta1: do you want to change the size of the icon?21:36
thiebaudeal1:right click on the icon21:37
a1not the fonts21:37
toastis it possible to mount my ubuntu partition in vmware ?21:38
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cyris||what package is ldapsearch apart of?21:39
J-a-K-eDoes anyone know If it's possible to setup a creative x-fi card so the speakers have a low pass filter and bass redirection to the subwoofer channel with high pass21:39
SpinachHeadwhen installing the nvidia drivers from nvidia it says i need the precompiled c headers. which are these?21:39
mongolaiDecepticon:  I can't help you directly since I don't have an NVidia card, but perhaps if you posted something like " I have an NVidia (such and such card) what Xorg.conf configuration do I need"  might yeild better results21:40
pippo_ciao sono nuovo, qualcuno mi spiega un po come funziona21:40
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:40
[TiZ]Hi there. I want to create a disk image to move some sensitive data onto, that way it would have to be mounted in order to access it. Is there any way to do this? Encryption would be a bonus.21:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:40
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claestoast: you want to load your partition from another system?21:40
Decepticonmongolai sure, i got a nvidia geforce fx 5200, but ive already installed the nvidia drivers, and the propetary things the taskbar told me to, now when i restart im being told im in low-graphics mode because my screen and gfx card cannot be detected. my gfx card is still the geforce fx 5200, but im using a TV as a screen via svideo out21:41
rockyrockubuntu doesn't mount my memory card, it mounted another one but didn't mount mine :(21:41
rockyrocki'm sure that the problem isn't from my card reader21:42
SpinachHeadthe problem is i cant run nvidia-glx or envyng because my cosole screen wont scroll. So  i have to compile the kernel inteface21:42
rockyrockbecause windows Xp can read the card21:42
Coeus82hi, I want to install ubuntu alongside my windows installation. I was wondering, however, if I should use wubi or create a separate partition and install it there?21:42
SpinachHeadenvyng has a huge text menu ad i cant make a chice21:43
mongolaiDecepticon:  is there an issue when you use the regular vid-out on the card (vga, hdmi, or whatever it is?21:43
Decepticonmongolai i dont use the regular video out because i dont have a monitor21:43
[TiZ]Coeus82: If you use wubi, you won't be able to write to your windows partition. Use wubi to try it out, see if you like it. And if you do like it, do a dedicated partition install21:43
mongolaiDecepticon:  so you *need* the svid then?21:43
Decepticonmongolai pretty much21:44
Coeus82ahh.. I'm already using Ubuntu on my laptop (I like it)... so I guess it's better for me to install it on a separate partition21:44
claestoast: the last time I attempted that, I think vmware stronly warns you about booting a physical partition in vmware. but I just tried anyway, did not work.21:44
Decepticonmongolai, im seeing the message about running in low graphics mode on the tv21:44
[TiZ]Most definitely.21:44
SpinachHeadoh, looks like i need build-essential21:44
[TiZ]I want to create a disk image to move some sensitive data onto, that way it would have to be mounted in order to access it. Is there any way to do this? Encryption would be a bonus.21:44
SpinachHeadubuntu interepid21:44
mongolaiDecepticon:  sorry to say, but you have a somewhat fringe case there... You could try the VGA X driver, but that would only do so much. I don21:45
mongolaiDecepticon:  ...(don't) even know what resolution that would be21:45
psycosehi, i would like to add a PPA repository to get firefox-3.1 but i don't want my system to upgrade other package that are provided by this PPA, how could i handle this ? thanks21:45
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xfaderIs there a way to upgrade ubuntu 8.04 32 bit to the 64bit edition, without installing from scratch?21:45
Scunizixfader: nope.. but it's easier if your /home is on a separate partition.21:46
xfadera fresh install it is then21:47
Scunizixfader: you gotta jump through hoops to get flash to work on 64bit anyway.. not to mention most programs are 32bit21:47
a1again_ i can't find where to change the SIZE of the ICONS21:47
psycosehi, i would like to add a PPA repository to get firefox-3.1 but i don't want my system to upgrade other package that are provided by this PPA, how could i handle this ? thanks21:48
mongolaial: what was your original problem again?21:48
Scunizi!patients | psycose21:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patients21:48
mongolaial: with the icons?21:48
xfaderthe only real reason i wanted to run the 64bit edition was to run win2k8 64bit under vmware, but i guess if the jump to 64bit is going to cause me more problems i will just sitck to what i've got21:48
claesoh dear, I am talking to someone who left after asking a question :/21:48
a1to change the zise of them21:48
itsatrickI need an opinion: is it worth it to upgrade to Ibex yet?21:49
a1no options21:49
Scunizixfader: you might find that 64 bit os's work as vm's in vmware.. ask in #vmware about that.21:49
the_lost_onea1 you mean the icons you see with nautilus or?21:49
a1on the Desktop21:49
the_lost_onea1 ok, Start Nautilus file browser, Menu Edit -> Preferences . And try to set icon zoom level in the "Icon View Defaults" section. This affects icons on the desktop as well.21:50
xfaderthanks Scunizi21:50
Scunizia1: right mouse click and choose Stretch Icon to resize.21:50
Scunizixfader: np21:50
mongolaial: or right-click and select "Stretch Icon"21:50
claesActionParsnip: anyway, thanks for the help. I think I will drop a post at the ubuntu forum21:50
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harryjri have a kubuntu install cd. can't i enable a more advanced installation= i would like to be able to select packages etc manually. actually, deselect.21:53
the_lost_oneharryjr you tryed "custom" option wen booting?21:53
mww113Is linux-headers a necessary package?21:53
Scuniziharryjr: the install cd has a preset grouping of packages that is standard.. I'm not aware of a way to deselect certain packages.21:53
mww113a1: k21:53
claesif you want to compile stuff21:54
a1i can't see any option21:54
mww113how do I delete a menu from the main menu?21:55
InExiletwo problems .... first on totem ... installed ubuntu-restricted .... but now I get this error Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument21:56
gaintsuraduring an upgrade my gnome system went kaput, I can get in via failsafe, but something in my previous session (I'm led to believe that it is cairo-dock) is killing gnome and overlaying a white screen over the desktop where I can't see anything more than the mouse pointer. Anyone have any ideas?21:56
the_lost_onemww113 there´s a tool under system -> preferences for that21:56
jribmww113: right click on the ubuntu icon and edit menu21:57
ubuntuforever234does anyone know the IFS2 driver21:57
a1any other option to change the SIZE of the Desktop icons ?21:57
mww113I know that, but is there any way to completly remove it?21:57
mww113so that it doesn't even show up in edit menu21:57
krihi how do i apt-get search for avaible programs?21:57
ubuntuforever234ext2 ifs21:57
Scunizia1: I take it you'd like to have all the icons the same size? It's been driving me nuts for some time now.. I haven't figured out how to resize all of them to the same as yet.21:58
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jribmww113: uninstall the corresponding app completely21:58
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FephistoYo, I have a laptop, I'm thinking about getting ubuntu, but I'd kinda like to dual-boot with XP without destroying the data on the HD, which I've heard re-partitioning is prone to do.  Is it really worth it to install ubuntu?21:58
the_lost_onegaintsura maybe you want to move your .gnome preferences dir while debugging the problem21:58
gaintsurathe_lost_one: I've gone as far as removing .gnome2 and trying again, but I get the same thing21:59
a1Scunizi: if you can tell me21:59
a1im just looking all over21:59
InExileany ideas on my "Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument" problem?21:59
jribFephisto: try a desktop cd to try out ubuntu without installing.  you should have backups of your data anyway wgether or not you install ubuntu22:00
Scunizia1 me too.. arg.. one of my pet nigglies that I'd love to fix22:00
mww113Fephisto: Use wubi22:00
mww113you can then install and uninstall ubuntu like any windows aplication22:00
kriim in the apt-get --help i cant find the command for search22:01
the_lost_onekri its apt-cache search22:01
Fephistomww113:  That's awesome. (thanks anyone jrib)22:01
dulakkri: apt-cache search packagename22:01
krineed to write this down22:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:02
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:02
claesFephisto: I still use my wubi installation, and it runs like a charm22:02
krihm funny my home folder is desktop?22:02
jribFephisto: make sure   you tead the wubi faq before you decide to install that way22:02
InExilestart to feel like the one guy in a crowded room that stands on the side and talks to himself  :(22:02
kri../user/ = /Desktop/22:02
krihows that?22:02
jribkri: chech gconf22:03
krijrib: command not fond22:03
fluffycloud12345Kri, do you like psytrance?22:03
krifluffycloud12345: why?22:04
kriits allright22:04
jribkri: i didn't give you a command.  you probably want gconf-editor22:04
jgoguenInExile: chances are no one who's reading knows the answer...if everyone who didn't know said so, the room would get pretty crowded with "I don't know" :)22:04
fluffycloud12345Kri, coz I know a DJ named Kri that likes psytrance here in the US.22:04
a1MAKE YOU*22:04
psycoseIs ti possible to tell apt to only use package A updates of a repository containing also package B & C updates ? thanks22:04
krifluffycloud12345: is not me. :(22:04
fluffycloud12345Kri, np man :p22:05
InExilelol ... good point jgo22:05
=== madmanwalking_ is now known as madmanwalking
InExilenot helpful ... but very good point22:05
ss4a1, listening to your grammar makes all of us idiots22:05
=== ss4 is now known as Supersaiyan_IV
Decepticonhow do i see where my video card is located? i want to look up "BusID" so ican put it in xorg.conf22:06
jribDecepticon: lspci22:06
a1and dancing like monkys?22:06
InExileI will give one millllllllllllllllion dollars for the correct answer ..... as long as someone is willing to take it in $0.50 annual payments22:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:06
carrerashould I install MediaWiki with apt-get or just unpack the latest version myself?22:08
InExileshows you what one millllllllllllllllion dollars will buy you now days!22:08
a1why hear to Trance music if you can do POP22:08
the_lost_onecarrera apt-get much safer and easyer22:08
Decepticonwhat is the bus id if lspci says: "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)"22:09
FephistoSee you.22:09
carrerathe_lost_one, thanks, but only problem is that it's two minor versions behind - 1.11.2 vs 1.13.222:09
a1or listen to CLASSSSSSSSSSSSIC?22:09
carrerathe_lost_one, why is it safer?22:09
a1like mozart22:09
jgoguen!ot | a122:10
dulakDecepticon: the first column is the busid22:10
ubottua1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:10
InExileOK ... me and my one milllllllllion dollars are ourt of here ... wait ... I said I have two questions .....22:10
the_lost_onecarrera because you can be sure apt-get does the work properlly, like file permissions and so on22:10
Decepticondulak is this busid compatible to fit into the syntax of xorg.conf22:10
dulakDecepticon: I believe so, not 100% sure on that22:10
a1Scunizi ? about the SIZE of tha ICONS ?22:11
InExilethe other question ... on some programs ... if I maximize the screen, then everytime I try to click on something on the screen it moves the screen a little so I can see the top or bottom ... but actually clicking on it is nearly hopelesss22:11
Scunizia1: what didn't you understand.. I have never found an answer to that.22:11
the_lost_oneInExile are you on ultra movile laptop?22:12
krigconf-editor sounds intresting22:12
InExilenope ... desktop22:12
krilooks lige gpedit.msc for windows :)22:12
a1it can possible?22:12
the_lost_oneInExile ok, i had to enable some tweak in compiz to solve that kind of issues, on a ultra movile laptop :)22:13
InExileok ... think it will work here?22:13
the_lost_oneInExile, yes i think so22:13
InExileseems like it has to be a common problem that I am just not understanding22:13
askandHow do I check what COM-port my bluetooth is on?22:14
kriif somone is good a Gconf-editor where do i find if any setting for 'Desktop=URL' or how should i put it...22:14
kribecause it went loose so ~/home/usr/ = desktop22:15
kunwon1a1, right click on the icon, click 'stretch icon'22:15
the_lost_oneInExile my problem whas that i cant being able to move windows that are too large to fit on the screen at once.22:15
a1how do i do that for all the icons?22:16
faria_khani installed server edition now i want to login from ubuntu to server plz guide me how can i access my server from ubuntu ??22:16
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Guest53105picche, non va , che funzioni solo usando una rete 192.168.0?22:16
InExileI am afraid I am getting close to returning to Windows hell .... or at least doing a complete reinstall and trying again from there22:17
krifaria_khan: ssh22:17
Guest53105il sito di firestarter fa sempre riferminto a quella22:17
drogsay I want to move files beginning with alsa- but not files that end with .bz2... how would that be done? mv alsa-*!.bz2?22:17
the_lost_oneInExile, try this, to move a hidden part of the window into view, click and drag with the left mouse button on any part of the window while holding down the ALT key. However, you won't be able to drag windows so the top of the window is above the top of the screen unless you tweak compiz22:17
faria_khanKri ssh command plz22:17
fryguy--How can I get xinerama configured with 3d acceleration on both monitors using the fglrx driver22:18
a1how do i do that for all the icons?22:19
InExilethe problem is ... I can not even click on it to resize ... as soon as I click on it ... the window shifts up or down22:19
a1i mean22:19
HaSHhello all. im using ubuntu server and when i log in it says i have new mail..so i type "mail" and i can see all the mail if from running cronjobs...and there is over 1k mails..how can i erase them all?22:19
the_lost_oneInExile, also while pressing ALT?22:19
fryguy--HaSH: man mail should give you a list of commands22:20
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HaSHi tried "d *" "del *" "delete *"22:20
HaSHfryguy--, none of them are actually removing the mails though22:20
InExilesweet ... did not fix the overall problem that it does that ... but it did allow me to make it smaller and resize it22:21
a1there is no simple option to change them all?22:21
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the_lost_oneInExile, cool mate, maybe you need also to run gconftool-2 --set /apps/compiz/plugins/move/allscreens/options/constrain_y --type bool 022:21
kunwon1a1, go to nautilus preferences>views>icon view defaults, change default zoom level22:21
sudobashwhy isnt there a bot in here that answers a lot of common questions automatically?22:22
kunwon1sudobash, there is22:22
sudobashwithout the !22:22
sudobashyeah i know that but not one that knows when it can answer and when it cannot22:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:22
sudobashon its own22:22
kunwon1sudobash, that would be a very difficult bot to write22:22
HaSHand spammy22:23
sudobashnot that bad really it is really how you code it22:23
kunwon1sudobash, programmatically interpreting conversational english is all but impossible. you're welcome to give it a try, though :D let us know how it goes22:23
InExilecool ... thanks lost22:23
sudobashnot if your good at programming22:23
jason_why cant i download and run adobe flash player22:23
fryguy--sudobash: being good at programming doesn't change the complexity of the problem22:23
ompaul!offtopic | sudobash bot programming is not for here thanks ;-)22:24
ubottusudobash bot programming is not for here thanks ;-): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:24
sudobashactually I have they don't allow users bots in here you should know that22:24
carreracan install packages from Debian repos too. i.e. munin to monitor my box?22:24
mediacenterI just installed Ubuntu the newest version and I am wondering about how to install Java. Can anyone tell me?22:24
a1kunwon1: nautilus?22:24
sudobasha good programmer will find a solution22:24
kunwon1a1, start a terminal, type nautilus, then open the preferences dialog from the menu, it's in there somewhere22:24
Picisudobash: Do you have a question about Ubuntu itself? If not, you can discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic22:24
kunwon1a1, then look for the setting I mentioned22:24
jason_why cant i download adobe22:25
fryguy--sudobash: yes, and solutions have been discovered, and their implementations leave a lot to be desired.  Take a look at a lot of the search related topics of information theory.  Things like latent semantic indexing.  You'll get a quick handle on how difficult the problem is22:25
fryguy--How can I get xinerama configured with 3d acceleration on both monitors using the fglrx driver22:25
sudobashi know where the limitations are and I know of some solutions to the problem....22:25
gerard`Hay I've destroyed my laptop monitor22:26
ThexLeopardis anyone else having trouble with downloading files from the repository?22:26
fryguy--ThexLeopard: no22:26
LoneShadowIs beta to release candidate to final release, just updation of packages ?22:26
carreramediacenter, Applications->Add/Remove Apps then search for Java. Finally click on OpenJDK Java Runtime and Apply Changes22:26
gerard`and I'm trying to get it to work on an ecternal monitor22:26
gerard`but I can't figure out how to configure it without x22:26
Pici!fina; | LoneShadow yes22:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fina;22:26
Pici!final | LoneShadow yes22:26
ubottuLoneShadow yes: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:26
ThexLeopardfryguy--, am i missing some files that are involved in the package manager then?22:26
fryguy--ThexLeopard: no22:27
mediacentercarrera: thanks. So that is the best option? Heard someone saying a forum that it might not be the ultimate option...?22:27
a1kunwon1: thanks!22:27
denizdoes ship it not send 64 bit discs anymore??22:27
kunwon1a1, no problem22:27
=== deniz is now known as Guest6473
ThexLeopardfryguy--, even if ive been messing around with bits and bobs in an attempt to get my java runtime environment to work?22:27
{alejandro}hm my compiz is all messed up now22:27
carreramediacenter, why not? you can also use the Synaptic Software Manager in System->Administration22:27
{alejandro}I installed emerald and used it for a while and then compiz stopped working altogether when I reset my computer22:28
carreramediacenter, err, Synaptic Package Manager22:28
klynci just downloaded the flash installer .deb from adobe.com ... says wrong arch (x86, but I'm on ia64)... what gives?22:28
{alejandro}and dpkg-reconfigure doesn't do anything there...22:28
mediacentercarrera: not sure about what their logic was.. But ill try what you said:)22:28
fryguy--klync: you almost certainly aren't on ia6422:28
mstokes_vpnhey thre22:28
lbciklync, they are diff arch's:(22:28
carreramediacenter, you can always remove it, if it wasn't what you wanted22:29
klyncfryguy--: x86_6422:29
mstokes_vpnI have a macbook pro version 5, 1, and I am trying to find driver support for it, anyone that can help?22:29
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!22:30
mediacentercarerra: thanks for the help. I just installed Ubuntu and then installed Flash and Java. Are there other "basic" things that I should install while im at it?22:32
{alejandro}How do I reset my gnome/metacity/compiz/emerald settings?22:33
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mstokesso um?22:33
mstokesanyone that can help me here?22:33
mstokesnew generation macbook? anyone know where there is ubuntu driver support?22:34
mstokesor at least info on it at all22:34
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:34
liritwhat is the command to upload the ssh pub key to a server?22:34
Some_Person{alejandro}: Ok, why do you need to reset gnome, metacity, compiz, and/or emerald settings?22:35
sudobashwhats not working on your mac?22:35
ortsvorsteherlirit: try it with scp to the server, copy it into authorized_keys22:35
xenos90trying to run openoffice and firefox at the same time crashes pc, same with openoffice and pidgin, basically office and an internet application together invariably causes crash, any ideas?22:35
kunwon1mstokes, have you considered intrepid? might have better support for newer hardware. In lieu of a more complete description of your problems, that'd be my recommendation :)22:35
Decepticonhow do i stop this "low graphics mode' dialog box and get higher resolution, i have a geforce fx 5200 outputting via svideo to my tv as the only monitor... i can see stuff but the resolution is too small at 800x60022:36
Supersaiyan_IVmstokes, i dont think there is full centrino 2 support in linux yet, and even if it exists, the drivers are yet to be made by nvidia22:36
Some_PersonDecepticon: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx22:36
deniz_did shipit stop shipping 64 bit discs???22:36
=== Stars2 is now known as Starsie
mstokesso far, I have no driver support for the video card, multi touch pad, blue-tooth, sound card, backlighting for the keyboard.22:38
mstokesso are the things i cannot figure out22:38
sudobashcan I link from my website straight to an ubuntu download mirror if I wanted?22:38
{alejandro}oh sorry I was up Some_Person - I was messing around with Compiz and Emerald and got them working and for some reason nothing seems to be working anymore22:39
{alejandro}after I reset22:39
{alejandro}well metacity works22:39
{alejandro}but no compiz and I would at least like to start over again22:39
Supersaiyan_IVmstokes, did you install intrepid?22:40
Some_PersonYou can start over with compiz by deleting ~/.compiz22:40
{alejandro}ok thanks22:40
skathlirit, ssh-copy-id22:41
kristill the same problem here22:42
kricant find any setting to restore the Desktop folder to /usr/me/"Desktop"/22:42
retro89dsaffdsacan anyone help me I need to get my atheros wireless card to work22:42
mnk i'm making a fedora dvd from one i have for one of my friends.  i have the dvd but how do i make a .iso of it?22:43
Some_Person!wifi > retro89dsaffdsa22:43
ubotturetro89dsaffdsa, please see my private message22:43
chaddymn: dd22:43
retro89dsaffdsaok how do I do that?22:43
chaddymn: use dd22:43
tinman08help on installin virtual pc22:44
chaddymn: you can probably also try k3b22:44
xenos90openoffice + any internet app = crash no idea why22:44
retro89dsaffdsaneed help with my atheros wireless card22:46
arnadelosomeone has installed ubuntu 8.04 on a dell optiplex?22:46
retro89dsaffdsaneed help with my atheros wireless card22:47
guisshi guys, I am testing an Ubuntu 8.10 fresh install on a GA-P35-D3SL with a core2duo 8400 processor and after installation Ubuntu reboots everytime I select 2.6.27 kernel on grub, any help?22:47
kunwon1!repeat > retro89dsaffdsa22:47
ubotturetro89dsaffdsa, please see my private message22:47
coledoes anyone know how i can password protect a folder in home dir, so that the root password box appears before the dir will open. i have chmod to 000 but doing this just tells me i dont have permissions to open and no password box22:48
Supersaiyan_IVguiss, join #ubuntu+1 it's intepid only there22:48
Some_Person!wifi | retro89dsaffdsa22:48
ubotturetro89dsaffdsa: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:48
rdancera program says i'm running JDK 1.4 and it needs JDK 1.5 -- just done apt-get install kaffe -- what should i do?22:49
Peloanyone have a suggestion how I could add about 2 minutes of silence at the end of a .mp3 ?22:49
soulsearcherat cole: use something like truecrypt22:49
=== danopia is now known as dan``
mnchaddy: i couldn't figure out how to do it with dd so i am using gnomebaker.22:49
rdancerPelo: edit the file in audacity?22:49
Pelordancer, , go in synaptic and do a search for java22:49
colesoulsearcher i dont really want to go down the seamonkey/truecrypt road22:49
Some_PersonPelo: Why the heck would you do that? Anyway, you can use Audacity22:50
rdancerPelo: i've searched, and it gives me a crapload of packages22:50
mediacenterHi. I just installed Ubuntu today. have installed Java and Flash. Are there other "basic" things that I should install while I am at it?22:50
Pelordancer, is audacity fixed ?22:50
soulsearchermmm. i understand22:50
rdancerPelo: has it been broken?22:50
kunwon1mediacenter, do you need to play mp3s?22:50
PeloSome_Person,  for a dvd menu,  the music is too short , it loops back to quickly22:50
Some_PersonPelo: Since when was audacity broken?22:50
soulsearchersorry,can't help ya...22:50
rdancermediacenter: proprietary codecs22:50
Pelordancer, search for sun java22:50
rdancerPelo: still shitloads of packages22:51
PeloSome_Person,  it's never worked well for me , keeps telling me it can'T edit mp3 for some reason22:51
Pelordancer, add  jdk to the search22:51
mediacenterrdancer: what is prprietary codecs?22:52
rdancerPelo: use mencoder to convert to wav22:52
=== dan`` is now known as danopia
Pelordancer,  sun-java6-jdk22:52
mediacenterkunwon1: downloaded VLC and Elisa Median Center22:52
kunwon1mediacenter, vlc is a good choice :)22:53
rdanceris there no free implementation of jdk 1.5?22:53
Some_PersonWhen you install sun-java6-jdk, does that give you Java32 or Java64 on Ubuntu64?22:53
_786soulIf I install multiple operating systems on an SDHC card, is it possible to have it dual boot like choose which to start up? Say installing ubuntu and bt3 on one sdhc card?22:53
Pelordancer, sun-java5-jdk22:53
ReelBigDickdoes anybody knows some good bruteforce for ftp22:53
ThexLeopardis there any way of checking i havent corrupted an important part of my system?22:53
kunwon1!ot | ReelBigDick22:54
ubottuReelBigDick: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:54
_786soulReelBigDick: wrong place to ask22:54
Chousukerdancer: the java6 icedtea jdk is the first one with no proprietary dependencies AFAIK22:54
ReelBigDickmaybe pm?22:54
ReelBigDick_786soul, ??22:54
_786soulAs in this is UBUNTU and not a pentesting channel22:54
rdancerChousuke: what's the package name?22:54
Chousukerdancer: search for openjdk22:54
ReelBigDickthat's bad22:55
ReelBigDickgreats from russia22:55
_786soulI can point you towards remote-exploit channel however which is another operating system but deals with 'security'22:55
ReelBigDick_786soul, it'b nice22:55
kriwhat was that free alternative to vmware?22:55
ReelBigDick_786soul, it'd nice22:55
mediacenterI can watch youtube.com videos but there is no sound (even thoug the sound is workign when wathcin a DVD from the computer for example). Any idea what I should download or do to fix this?22:55
kunwon1ReelBigDick, check out ##security. Also, you might want to consider changing your nick, it's quite offensive.22:55
microhaxo Hello, is there any way i can install linux via VMware that will allow me to seemlessly switch between an active windows session to an active linux session by simply hitting a hotkey?22:56
ReelBigDickkunwon1, for russia it's normal22:56
lucaxis there any application like time machine for ubuntu?22:57
_786soulAnyone know if I can dual boot off a SDHC card? BT3 and Ubuntu choose at startup?22:57
rdancerChousuke: will that give me /usr/bin/java ? i've installed kaffe, but there are like a dozen packages that provide /usr/bin/java. i'm not sure which one i should use22:57
alinuxkunwon1, don't worry, for russia occupying Georgia is normal too22:57
deniz_kri, virtualbox-ose22:57
Chousukerdancer: you want the openjdk packages.22:58
Flare183!anyone | mic22:58
ubottumic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:58
Flare183!anyone | microhaxo22:58
ubottumicrohaxo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:58
Chousukerdancer: kaffe is mostly useless.22:58
microhaxoI already asked it.22:58
microhaxo Hello, is there any way i can install linux via VMware that will allow me to seemlessly switch between an active windows session to an active linux session by simply hitting a hotkey?22:58
krideniz_: virtualbox-ose and thats the best?22:58
Agrajag-g'day. when using pulseaudio, my volume levels are much lower than they used to be, and i can't turn it up very high. and my mic recording volume is extremely low too. any ideas how to fix this?22:58
alinuxReelBigDick, please change your nick.22:58
ReelBigDickAliena, why shoul i?22:59
alinuxas kunwon1 said it's quite offensive.22:59
deniz_kri, virtualbox supposedly has a few additional features but virtualbox-ose is free in every sense of the word (further than the extent of money)22:59
the_dudemy ubuntu cd doesnt boot.....22:59
Cwavehello :)22:59
_786soulthe_dude: did you burn the iso file correctly?22:59
ThexLeopardi need help with the package manager22:59
microhaxodeniz, should i use virtualbox as well for my question?22:59
kunwon1!ask | ThexLeopard23:00
ubottuThexLeopard: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:00
=== ReelBigDick is now known as ReelBigXYU
alinuxReelBigDick, please read what kunwon1 wrote above.23:00
the_dude_786soul, ive downloaded and then i open the nero, and copied the files inside to the cd...23:00
ReelBigXYUhere it is23:00
askandHas anyone been able to request a CD from shipit?23:00
kunwon1ReelBigXYU, thanks :)23:00
ReelBigXYUhope nobody knows russian23:00
=== |Jelly|Ghost is now known as |Jelly|
ThexLeopardkunwon1, it wont connect to the repository23:00
alinuxXYU is not acceptable too.23:00
ReelBigXYUAliena, russian spelling23:00
krideniz_: but i can install it on my ubuntu with out changing any file system? and run xp on it?23:00
Rev_hello can someone help me with the video_out issue of mplayer? it plays only the sound of the video :23:00
kunwon1ThexLeopard, what is it?23:01
_786soulthe_dude: make sure you have the burn iso image option selected. I also assume upon startup that your boot device priority is set to be from your cd drive first?23:01
=== ReelBigXYU is now known as bed-man
Cwavethe_dude  u burn it as iso file or just add normal file .?23:01
bed-manmaybe this?23:01
tgb_Having issues gettinng sdlmame to see the joystick, jscalibrator sees it fine.  Can anyone point me in a helpful direcction? Thanks in advance!23:01
microhaxoWhat program should i use (if any) to allow for seemless switching between my windows os to ubuntu live, vmware virtual box? which one will do that?23:01
Enissayi deownloaded some themes and when i try to install them with emerald, it says that it does not appear to be a valid theme!!! please help23:01
rdancerthx, Chousuke et al.23:01
deniz_kri, i think u can get virtualbox-ose thru repositories with apt-get install virtualbox-ose but for virtualbox u need to download the .deb from its website23:01
the_dudeCwave, add lika normal one23:01
alinuxbed-man, that's ok dude.23:02
microhaxowhen i say live i mean when active, like press a hotkey and im in linux, press again and im back into windows.23:02
Cwavethe_dude is not you should burn it as iso file so the cd will boot correctly :)23:02
the_dude_786soul, i can boot windows from both drivers23:02
_786soulthe_dude: it will not work this way. Choose the option that is specifically named 'Burn ISO image"23:02
ThexLeopardbasically kunwon1, i was trying to reinstall my java runtime environment, removing stuff through synaptic package manager, because it wouldnt load java programs on firefox, and now the package manager wont grab files from the repo23:02
the_lost_onemicrohaxo, vmware tools do that23:02
kunwon1ThexLeopard, what program are you using? what command are you issuing to it? what do you expect to happen? what's actually happening? any error messages / pastebinning of actual output would be helpful23:02
bed-manAliena, thx a lot23:02
the_dudeCwave, hm now i got it! maybe ill try it with 8.1023:02
the_dude_786soul, got it man!23:02
Cwavethe_dude go for it :)23:02
bed-manalinux, 2 U above23:02
=== alberto is now known as Guest82881
the_dudeCwave, hell yeah thx man23:02
the_dude_786soul, thx man23:03
natbetanyone know how to get around the 2048x2048 resolution max in compiz?23:03
kunwon1ThexLeopard, elaborate on 'wont grab files from the repo' please. what is happening? How do you know it's failing to get the files?23:03
Cwaveyw dude :)23:03
krideniz_: what a hell is the different between virtualbox-ose and virtualbox and to my question can i install windows when i have succesfully installed without any new partions? (my disc is ext3 + swap).23:03
retro89dsaffdsaDoes anyone know how to get the atheros wireless card to work?23:03
microhaxothe_lost_one, does it do it really well?23:03
microhaxoi have dual monitors.23:03
ThexLeopardkunwon1, it wont start downloading them, so when i cancel it gives me the failed to fetch errors23:03
twfxfnfsorry, wrong window23:03
FloodBot2twfxfnf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:03
the_lost_onemicrohaxo, really well, trust me :)23:03
Cwaveanyway know why my connexion is not estabilished to some websites ?23:03
twfxfnfmake that23:03
_786soulretro89dsaffdsa: do you have the drivers installed for that atheros card?23:03
=== keith_ is now known as hlfshell
deniz_kri, ya ur gonna make a virtual harddrive which is a file on ur current linux partition and the difference is a few features such as usb support which can only be found in virtualbox23:03
hlfshellmsg NickServ identify firebolt23:04
microhaxoso VMware Workstation v6.5.0 will work nicely then right?23:04
the_lost_onemicrohaxo, just move the mouse out of vmware and that´s it, your are now controling ubuntu23:04
Picihlfshell: You'll want to change that.23:04
kunwon1ThexLeopard, try closing synaptic, going into a console, typing sudo aptitude update, then restarting synaptic to see if it fixed your problem23:04
hlfshelllol yup23:04
hlfshellanyone happen to know the command to change that?23:04
blueeyezis zepto znote 6625wd fully supported in ubuntu?23:04
=== Sergiu is now known as Myself
_786soulIs it possible to dual boot two operating systems off a sd card?23:04
Cwaveany one  know why my connexion is not estabilished to some websites ?23:05
retro89dsaffdsa_786 soul, im me please23:05
ThexLeopardkunwon1, stuck at 95% waiting for headers23:05
the_dudeCwave, maybe its your internet provedor23:05
Cwaveno :)23:05
Cwaveis working fine with xp23:05
the_dudeCwave, sometimes it happened to me at windows, and suddendly came back23:05
tgb_Wow.. perhaps too busy.  I'll go back to researching on my own... ;)23:05
Cwavebut not with ubuntu23:05
kunwon1ThexLeopard, sounds like maybe one of the repos is down23:05
Cwaveno it open some websites and some not23:05
krideniz_: * No suitable module for running kernel found.23:06
the_dudeCwave, i dont know man, i think the best thing to do is wait....23:06
Cwaveis woried23:06
kunwon1ThexLeopard, which repo is it stuck on?23:06
microhaxoWhats the latest version of ubuntu 8.10?23:06
Cwaveyah im waiting for my hero lol23:06
hlfshellso i have two usb sticks that when i plug them it the system says "can not mount". I cant figure out how to get these mounted, but they work on my other (win xp) system. what can i do to get them mounted in ubuntu?23:06
blueeyezis ubuntu supporting drivers in zepto znote 6625wd?23:06
the_dudeCwave, yeah... and some websites works on other pcs23:06
lucaxis there any application like time machine (macos leopard backup) for ubuntu?23:06
the_dudeCwave, lol i thinks thats not a problem from ubuntu, and it is maybe from your internet maybe23:06
deniz_kri, ask sum1 else about install kernel modules but i think its apt-get install wtv ur kernel is -modules or sumtin lioke that (uname -r tells u wat kernel u have) im sry but this is the end of the help i can offer u23:07
ThexLeopardhttp://security.ubuntu.com hardy security/multiverse sources is the last entry befor it gets stuck kunwon123:07
Tux2K8how do I check if a specific port (22) is blocked (iptables)???23:07
the_lost_oneTux2K8 iptables -L23:08
Cwavebut what can be the pb23:08
blueeyezis zepto znote 6625wd supported in ubuntu?23:08
ThexLeopardi reckon ive accidently removed something important kunwon123:08
Uplinkhow do i change the system sounds?23:08
the_lost_oneCwave, you can try some traceroute to those webservers and see if your box can reach them23:09
kunwon1ThexLeopard, if you want to pastebin your sources.list i'll take a look at it23:09
BubblegumTateI've destroyed my laptop's monitor and I'm running in the terminal with an external monitor, but it won't startx (or rather it does startx but the screen stays blank) how can I get it to magically work from the terminal? I've tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"23:09
BubblegumTateHelp please!23:09
kunwon1ThexLeopard, the problem you describe is unlikely to be caused by your removal of software23:09
Cwavethe_dude no is not the ping is fine but some websites arnt reashed23:09
ThexLeopardyou mean the list it gives when i update apt kunwon1?23:09
blueeyezdoes anyone in here use ubuntu on a zepto znote 6625wd??23:10
kunwon1ThexLeopard, I mean the file /etc/apt/sources.list23:10
ThexLeopardoh ok23:10
kriso when i 'sudo apt-get purge X' and y everything goes away?23:10
the_dudeCwave, man, i had this problem once in windows, i didnt nothing and it came back...23:10
BullterdEvening All23:10
Cwavewindows works fine23:11
ThexLeopardwhats the link for pastebinning again kunwon1?23:11
Cwaveonly ubuntu23:11
kunwon1ThexLeopard, /topic23:11
Bullterdwhen im setting up a cron job and im specifying a script.sh - What does that .sh compromise off ?23:11
Bullterdis it the equiv of a batch file in windows ?23:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:11
blueeyezis there a page that shows what zeptos ubuntu support?23:11
ThexLeopardkunwon1, http://paste.ubuntu.com/60280/23:12
kunwon1ThexLeopard, I don't see any glaring problems in your setup, how long have you been experiencing this problem?23:12
ThexLeopardfew days kunwon123:13
ThexLeopardbut before a restart would sort it out, now it wont23:13
kunwon1ThexLeopard, I've heard tell that this problem can be solved by switching to different mirrors, but I don't have any experience with that23:13
dimeis there a flash viewer i should be using?23:13
Armaturaать же ж бля ублюдки23:13
kunwon1ThexLeopard, I don't have any other suggestions, sorry23:13
ThexLeopardok well thanks anyway kunwon123:14
=== keith_ is now known as hlfshell
kunwon1!ru | Armatura23:14
ubottuArmatura: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:14
dimeatm, i'm using shockwave flash23:14
dimeis there a better one?23:14
kunwon1dime, that's the best choice for most users23:15
kunwon1dime, the standard flash plugin I mean23:15
sudobashyou were waiting to do that weren't you....23:15
dimekunwon: the reason why i ask23:16
krican you stay online in some way in sleep mode?23:16
dimeis because i tried loading a forum page that had roughly ~20 or so youtube videos on it23:16
dimethe embedded ones where it loads the image and you can click play from the page23:16
dimeand it causes a segfault in npviewer.bin everytime23:17
dimethen none of them load23:17
blueeyezis nvidia 8600m gt supported in ubuntu?23:18
dimecheck the ubuntu hardware compaibility guide23:18
dimeit's there.. next time, do a search23:19
KingOfDosblueeyez: i've got a 8600GT. but indeed, search :)23:19
KingOfDosfor installing right drivers, use envy23:19
KingOfDosor do it manual23:19
retro89dsaffdsaneed help etting my atheros card to work?23:19
kunwon1envy is the last choice, not the first choice23:21
csilkretro89dsaffdsa, aren't atheros cards suppported ot of the box via "hardware drivers" menu?23:21
retro89dsaffdsacsilk , not sure23:22
Uplinkhow can i change my sounds?23:22
jrble819hey all, I'm having trouble with my turtle beach catalina WDM sound card... I am looking for a good driver or a way to get it working with ubuntu... anyone have any ideas?23:22
retro89dsaffdsacsilk, message me23:22
the_lost_onecsilk i´ve bougth a acer aspire one last week and dident work, i had to setup madwifi by hand23:22
blueeyezdoes anyone know a windows program that can check if youre hardware is supported in ubuntu?23:22
the_dudebye guyz23:22
csilkthe_lost_one, I'm surprised at that, did you have to compile from source?23:22
the_lost_onecsilk, yeah23:23
NeZZawhere can i change my name?23:23
magnetron!hardware | blueeyez23:23
ubottublueeyez: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:23
csilkthe_lost_one,  was it the ng (new generation) code base you had to use?23:23
csilke.g. madwifi-ng23:23
geniiblueeyez: There's no "Linux compatability check" software that I'm aware of. If it runs the livcd it usually works however23:23
the_lost_onecsilk, that one, madwifi_ng23:23
goldieHello, I am looking to format my hard drive. How to format and wont get a grub error.23:23
kitcheNeZZa: hello what name you need to be more detailed23:24
kunwon1nezza, in the US you generally have to get a judge to approve it, legal fees, etc23:24
csilkthe_lost_one, sorry to hassle you.. after the installation did you have to modprobe ath_pci ?23:24
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jrble819I'm having trouble with my turtle beach catalina WDM/ENVY24 sound card... I am looking for a good driver or a way to get it working with ubuntu... anyone have any ideas?23:24
retro89dsaffdsacsilk, let me try23:24
mercutio22is the theme in intrepid ibex settled yet?23:24
kunwon1mercutio22, try #ubuntu+123:25
the_lost_onecsilk, its ok dude :), i just load it with the drivers app menu, same as doing with modprobe23:25
csilkthe_lost_one,  ok cool23:25
mercutio22kunwon1: ok, thanks23:25
kunwon1mercutio22, :)23:25
the_lost_onecsilk, have fun with atheros :)23:25
nick327quick question: how can i delete a read only file in cli, or change it so it can be deleted?23:26
nick327its in /etc/init.d23:26
kunwon1nick327, sudo rm file23:26
Gneanick327: why do you need to remove it? so it won't startup?23:26
nick327it says its read only23:26
nick327ya, i copied it there via typo23:26
nick327and now gnome won't boot23:27
csilknick327, sudo rm -f23:27
nick327tried that, didn't work23:27
sYskkanyone else is running ubuntu inside vmware workstation ? I can't get to install vmware tools. I see the CDROM icon, but when I list it content it says 0 files/directory. Any idea ?23:27
Gneanick327: what file?23:27
nick327its a script i wrote to mount a partition23:27
nick327shoudln't have put it there, but hey live and learn23:27
Gneanick327: what perms does it have?23:27
nick327wats a quick way to check?23:27
geniisYskk: So you're trying to run a virtual machine inside another virtual machine?23:27
Gneanick327: it shouldn't matter if it's there as long as you didn't run it through update-rc.d23:27
Gneanick327: ls -l /etc/init.d/file23:28
komputeswhat is the equivalent in debian for the command 'rpm --verify <packagename>' (verify an installed package & list all files that do NOT pass the verify tests (size, MD5 sig, etc)23:28
kunwon1nick327, sudo chmod 666 file_to_delete && sudo rm file_to_delete23:28
NeZZahey guys. how can i change my nick. where have I to put in /Nick23:28
GneaNeZZa: /nick newnick23:28
the_lost_onesYskk, you can type mount on a terminal and see where its mounted the vmware tools, /media/cdrom it should contain a tar.gz file23:28
=== NeZZa is now known as newnick
nick327it still says its read only23:29
=== newnick is now known as NeZZa
nick327anyway, i have to go23:29
nick327i'll be back in like half an hour23:29
jrble819I'm having trouble with my turtle beach catalina WDM/ENVY24 sound card... I am looking for a good driver or a way to get it working with ubuntu... anyone have any ideas?23:29
=== Myself is now known as Sergiu
jrble819does anyone happen to know of any WDM / Envy24 sound drivers for ubuntu linux?23:31
NeZZaok I understand this now23:32
retro89dsaffdsahow do I set up wireless connection?23:33
Gnea!wifi | retro89dsaffdsa23:34
ubotturetro89dsaffdsa: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:34
FloodBot2Amministratore_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:35
jrble819I'm having trouble with my turtle beach catalina WDM/ENVY24 sound card... I am looking for a good driver or a way to get it working with ubuntu... anyone have any ideas?23:38
sYskkgenii: neg. VMWare tools isnt a virtual machine, it's just a software you install on your virtualized OS23:41
michelecsI'm going to buy a webcam that is supported by Linux (the Quickcam e3500). Will the integrated microphone work?23:41
Ridehanyone gone through the single sign on tutuorial?23:45
Ridehquestions regarding the SSL certs - documentation starts to get a lil fuzzy23:45
=== Pamela_Stark is now known as _2Dum2Kno
_2Dum2Knocan someone help me with a  Ubuntu Server Issue?23:47
KenBW2im on a wubi install. would it screw things up if i temporarily unmounted /host?23:48
the_lost_one!ask | _2Dum2Kno23:50
ubottu_2Dum2Kno: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:50
_2Dum2KnoHeres the Issue, it seems my issue is that the PHP5 install is not reading to apache2.2 right, its giving me a Unknown Error on line 0, also, i seem to be having issues with PROFTPD? can someone help me troubeshoot?23:52
KenBW2im on a wubi install. would it screw things up if i temporarily unmounted /host?23:53
BullterdWhen I tar a file in a bash script, how do i tell it to overwrite any existing file ?23:53
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Bullterdlike if my script creates the tar /home/ollie/foo.tar - how do i get my bash script to overwrite it without asking me ?23:54
kunwon1Bullterd, you could just remove it first23:54
magnetronBullterd→ isn't that the default?23:55
BullterdI dunno23:55
tekstacyCan I install Ubuntu on a machine with an  Atom?23:55
LjLtekstacy: yes23:55
MalfermitaKodotekstacy: yeah23:55
magnetrontekstacy→ yes.23:56
tekstacyYAY! My truck gets Ubuntu!23:56
tekstacyThanks guys.23:56
tekstacyYeah, I am building a small machine for my truck.23:57
magnetronJUST an atom isn't enough23:57
BullterdAh, A carputer23:57
the_lost_onetekstacy, i have one, they rock23:57
BullterdTouch screen mounted in dash =p23:57
tekstacyYeah, found a cool 7" screen that works out of the box w linux23:58
_786soulIs it possible for me to install 2 operating systems on an SDHC card?23:58
LjL_786soul: if you partition it, i suppose...23:58
genii_786soul: Yes if there's room.23:59
_786soulgenii: It is a 16GB card so I think it would be more than enough. Dual boot would work though?23:59
tekstacyThanks everyone.   Off to order parts.23:59
the_lost_onetekstacy, im curious, which model is? i have the aspire one 150 Ab, 120 GB HDD23:59

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