
Teianais there a channel dedicated to ubuntu mobile help or this one is suitable ? i need help once more :)10:41
persiaTeiana, It's help + development.  Anything Mobile related is fine.  We don't know everything, and if it's not Mobile specific, we might send you to more general Ubuntu channels.10:48
Teianait is mobile specific :)10:58
Teianathanks for the answer persia10:58
Teianaso, here i go10:58
Teianadoes ubuntu mobile support the acer aspire one internal card readers (there is 2)10:59
persiaI'm going to go with a Maybe on that one :)10:59
persiaTry one of the intrepid live images (URLs in the /topic) and see.  Just boot off a USB key : it won't affect your machine.11:00
Teianai'm already on intrepid image :)11:00
Teianai AM intrepid ;)11:00
* Teiana giggles11:01
persiaOK.  Do the card readers work?11:01
Teiana(btw, i installed the intrepid, this machine is suited to be affected)11:01
Teianano automount reaction11:02
persiaHmm.  -mid or -mobile?11:02
Teianaand i don't know where to search to know how is called the card reader11:02
persiaOK.  Do they show up in lspci or lsusb?11:02
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Teianano explicit mention of card reader, just lot of pci brider, smbus, isa bride, ide interface (a card is actually present in the reader)11:04
Teianamodel is acer aspirone A110 (ZG5)11:04
persiaHm..  The other thing to check is dmesg, but from your description so far, I think they don't work.11:05
Teianabuhuhuh :(11:06
Teianajust found a good bunch of Buffer I/O error on device sr0 :s11:08
Teianaaccording to dmesg11:08
persiaThat's not good.  Sounds like you have two bugs to file, instead of just one.11:08
Teianasr0 is the ssd drive isn't it ?11:09
Teianaor could it be an external cdrom drive on usb?11:10
Teianain the second case, that's not a bug, that cdrom drive is "tired" and have difficulties reading cdrom11:10
persiaI actually don't know what /dev/sr* is.  I usually see things as /dev/sd* or /dev/mmc*11:11
Teianalets tail that dmesg and plug that drive :)11:11
Teianai confirm, it is that damn cdrom drive who is called sr011:12
Teianaso let's forgot that buffier I/O error, i think11:13
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:13
persiaThen it's back to one bug.  File the output of lsusb -v and lspci -vvnn to a bug, and report that the card reader isn't working.11:14
Teianaok :)11:14
persiaOh, and file the bug against the "linux" package.11:16
Teianathe one about ubuntu mobile being uninstalled when i wanted to uninstall the idontknowanymorethepackagename cd burned apps ?11:17
persiaNo, that's not a bug.11:17
persiaUninstalling "ubuntu-mobile" shouldn't break your system, unless you let it uninstall lots of other related stuff.11:17
Teianasorry to not understand what you'r talking about that linux package11:18
persiaHowever, to have an Ubuntu Mobile system, you need to have ubuntu-mobile installed.  Lots of people run custom systems, but there's no guarantee that upgrades work smoothly between releases.11:18
persiaWhen you file the bug about the card reader not working.11:18
Teianaha, ok, i see11:19
Teianabug category :)11:19
Teianatime to eat soon, thanks again for the help11:20
persiaNo problem.11:21
Teianacould it be a missing option at the kernel compile time ?11:21
persiaThat, or a missing driver.  I think most of the broad types of readers are supported : at least two of the ones in front of me work.11:22
persiaBut I don't do anything other than insert memory cards.11:22
Teianatime to eat11:25
=== Teiana is now known as teiana_afk
teiana_afkand with a surprise Oo12:10
teiana_afkpersia : i forgot to put the charger on the acer, so it shuted down due to battery power lack, and when powering it up again, tada! my sd card is readed12:11
persiateiana_afk, In that case, you don't need to file a bug :)12:12
persiaStrange that it needs a power event though.  Probably worth fiddling with : I suspect there's some way to make it work better.12:12
teiana_afkso it may be due to suspending it who desactivate the reader ? i have the same behavior on another computer, a notebook, standart, 15 inch screen and so one, asap you suspend it, the card reader is unusable until reboot12:13
persiaYeah, it would be exactly the same problem.  The suspect/resume isn't sending the right wakeup signal.  You do want to report that then, as it may be possible to fix.12:14
teiana_afkwich log do you need?12:14
persiaProbably just either lspci -vvnn or lsusb -v depending on how the device is connected, and a clear description of the problem.12:15
teiana_afkok :)12:15
teiana_afkwill be a pleasure to do12:15
teiana_afksubmission done :)12:45
persiaThanks.  Intrepid is so close to release that I don't really expect it to be included, but perhaps for the next release.12:46
teiana_afkno problem, this is not, at my eyes, a critical bug12:54
persiaWell, you have a device that doesn't need it.  I have one device that has only 128MB SSD, and uses an SD card for real storage.  If I had the bug on that device, I'd be extremely frustrated.  (I don't actually run Ubuntu on that device though, so it's a false comparison).12:56
teiana_afkas this bug occurs also on this other computer of mine, who is running windows12:56
persiaHeh.  That might be a hardware problem then, rather than just a kernel issue.12:56
teiana_afkyou'r true :)12:56
teiana_afki may edit my bug and add that fact ?12:56
persiaYou certainly could, but in case it's actually software problem rather than a hardware problem I wouldn't.  Be better to have a kernel developer look at it.12:57
teiana_afkbut ubuntu mobile != ubuntu mid ?12:57
persiaMaybe there's a way to make it work : might just be not suspending that device (making suspend use batter power a little faster).12:57
persiaNope.  Two different flavours.  Two different operating environments.12:58
persiaThey're probably about as similar as Ubuntu Desktop and Xubuntu Desktop.12:58
teiana_afkok :)12:58
teiana_afki wished to change the ubuntu logo during the pre X11 loading stage, but i'm not sure if the howto i found about usplash are the way to change it13:01
teiana_afkdo u have an idea ?13:01
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persiaNo, but I can tell you that looking at various other usplash-theme packages is probably the best route to an answer.13:02
Teianathanks :)13:02
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Teiananow i'm impressed!13:29
Teianaeven my 3G usb dongle work!13:29
Teiana(excepted a little tcp configuration problem :p)13:31
amitkogra: do you know of other mobile devices that use atheros chips for wifi?13:38
ograamitk, eeePC 13:38
amitkogra: they seem to work with ath5k :-/ and even happen to have the same pci id. So we can't comment out that pci id.13:39
amitkogra: do they use the -mobile image?13:39
amitkor stock ubuntu?13:39
persiaamitk, No reason they shouldn't use the -mobile image, but they might use stock.  Switching between the two is trivial post-install.13:40
ograamitk, many do and i think one even commented on the bug seeing the same issues13:40
amitkwe are in a rock-and-hard-place situation. madwifi works for some and ath5k for others for same pci id :-/13:42
amitkogra: have you already tried lbm on mobile images?13:43
amitktim mentioned he had uploaded a slightly more uptodate ath5k13:43
ogranot yet13:43
ograwould that be pulled in by meta ? 13:44
ograor do i need to get it manually ? 13:44
ograi'm just writing todays image to USB, i can give you more info within the next 30min13:45
ograbut the ML shows that many people seem to have probs with ath5k13:45
amitkogra: not by meta, needs to be done manually13:45
* amitk updates his samsung13:48
ograamitk, ok, seeing todays image ath5k is even loaded *after* ath_pci ... modprobe -r ath_pci kills all networking though13:57
amitkogra: try lbm14:00
ograhard to do without network14:00
ogralet me do an install first :)14:00
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ograasac, any objections to have a package for drag and grab in jaunty ? 14:04
ograthat way i could use normal firefox in -mobile 14:04
ograwith drag-n-grab preinstalled in the image 14:05
asacogra: open a wishlist bug against firefox-extensions project in launchpad. someone will package it ;)14:17
asacogra: you dont want to use fennec?14:18
ograasac, well, worst case i'd do it myself ... i really love it on my laptop14:18
asacogra: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/firefox-extensions/+filebug14:18
asacogra: no. please follow that procedure. we have a more or less good extension community so this should happen quite reasonably14:19
ograthe fennec version i have tried didnt convince me yet, depends where its at in jaunty14:19
asacogra: if you want to package it, please use our branch mechansims14:19
asacogra: which version did you try?14:19
asacogra: we have a page here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Firefox3Extensions14:19
ograknows tharer are policies for extension packaging ... wouldnt do it without that14:19
asacusually we ask users to fill out that table for their extension so we can "auto" package it ;) but in your case we can make an exception14:20
ograasac, about two months ago on the n800 ... not sure what version that was14:20
asacogra: ok. try the lastest in fta archive.14:20
asacits quite nice ... though not really feature complete14:20
ograbut it put the url bar *into* the pacge 14:20
ograso it scrolled away and you had to scroll to the top to even type in an url14:20
asacogra: doesnt do that anymore ... at lesat the versoin i used here14:21
ograand there were various other usability things i found really annoying14:21
ograbut i'll try the new one14:22
asacogra: just install the package and lets talk about that. i would love to forward reasonable suggestions14:22
ograwill do, i'm currently to busy with image testing14:22
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amitkogra: why does the q1's screen periodically come on by itself when it is idle?16:13
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ograamitk, no idea why the bug was closed, there was one open for compiz/gnome-screensaver that i also still see on my laptop16:18
amitkogra: have a bug #?16:19
ograno, i cant seem to find it, i always accessed it from the critical bugs list for intrepid where it doesnt show up anymore16:21
ograamitk, its bug 27811216:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278112 in xorg-server "Screensaver doesn't start" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27811216:38
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Teianabug 117:14
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Won't display info)17:14
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cypherdeliclol in wine for every solved bug came at least one new :D18:38
cypherdelicsry wrg ch18:38
Exaltianp :)18:38
juliuxhey ogra what should i do with all the ubuntu-mobile marketing stuff?18:55
ograjuliux, papermache ? 18:58
ograput it op on booths indeed :)18:58
juliuxogra: the next one is cebit;)19:04
juliuxand it is realy heavy19:04
juliuxnow i know why you give it me;)19:04
ograsusie agrees, she tried to lift it from the trunk :)19:05
ograsorry, i thought it would be helpful for you in some way19:05
juliuxi will write kate that the stuff is now in my basement so perhaps canonical has a use for it a cebit;)19:05
ograunless they are printing new ones for UNR19:06
ograbut i wouldnt think so19:06
juliuxi don't think they will do new ubuntu hardy flyer19:06
ograthere wont be an intrepid UNR19:06
juliuxah ok19:07
ograUNR is supposed to be based off the LTS release19:07
ograso the fylers will likely be still valid for cebit19:07
ograjuliux, btw, what was that about tablet support recently ? 19:10
ograyou moaned but didnt answer later19:10
juliuxogra: with the default xorg.conf from interpid my tablet is not working19:10
ograthe default xorg.conf of intrepid should be ampty19:10
juliuxalso if i uncomment all the tabletpc sections in the xorg.conf the tablet is not working19:10
juliuxmy one was not empty, i made an upgrade from hardy19:11
juliuxand the xorg.conf at hardy was working fine19:11
ogratry moving it away19:11
juliuxi search for a working one at launchpad;)19:11
juliuxand i still have the brigthness bug19:11
ograhal handles input devices in ntrepid19:11
juliuxit takes a long long time after waking up from suspend until the brigthness keys are working19:12
ogra(you can override it in xorg.conf, but should always try the default first)19:12
juliuxi will try it with an empty xorg.conf19:12
ogratry removing hotkey-setup, its likely interfering with hal 19:12
ograi know mdz recently worked on brightness key stuff for ibm lappies19:14
juliuxok 19:17
ian_brasil__not a mobile question as such but the gconf gtk_theme is set to Human-Clearlooks but there is no entry on /usr/share/themes or .themes for this19:24
ian_brasil__maybe i will ask in ubuntu-art19:36
juliuxogra: should i open bug reports about bugs in my tablet or should i wait after intrepid released?19:58
juliuxogra: clearing the xorg.conf is not working;)20:05
ograjuliux, see bug 28220320:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 282203 in wacom-tools "Wacom tablet hotplug is no longer enabled by default" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28220320:47
juliuxogra: btw removing hotkey-setup doesn't helps20:52
juliuxogra: i am looking realy forward to test with you tablet pc support on the next development cycle20:56
juliuxogra: bug 282203 doesn't helps here i still need a special xorg.conf21:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 282203 in wacom-tools "Wacom tablet hotplug is no longer enabled by default" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28220321:01
ograjuliux, please add your info to the bug21:01
juliuxogra: i will do21:01
ograslangasek refuses to let the hal way in so he needs info if xorg.conf works21:02
juliuxogra: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wacom-tools/+bug/282203/comments/1921:04
juliuxthere is also my xorg.conf21:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 282203 in wacom-tools "Wacom tablet hotplug is no longer enabled by default" [Medium,Triaged] 21:04
ograjuliux, does it work with that xorg.conf (and did it in hardy as well with the same file ?)21:05
juliuxogra: it was not working with my old xorg.conf from hardy that one is a new on i found at the web21:05
ograplease note that the hardy one didnt work and you had to create a new one for intrepid21:06
ograthats very important21:06
ograthanks :)21:08
juliuxogra: i found somebody how will test it with a x61 tablet21:19
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