
bdmurraybryce: did you see the updates to bug 248521?00:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248521 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "vmmouse seems to register incorrect x,y values for mouseclick" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24852100:56
brycebdmurray: hrm01:00
bryceI knew I should have asked him to give a debdiff...01:00
brycebdmurray: ok reopening bug01:01
brycetjaalton: I guess I don't know what you mean with your comment on my patch for 26197701:16
brycetjaalton: if execution reaches my section of code, it's already gone through trying to use the .ids files, so not really sure what you mean.01:17
bryceheya federico102:26
brycebdmurray: uploaded02:27
federico1yo bryce02:37
tjaaltonbryce: hmm, I realize that it shouldn't be a problem after all, since we use the .ids files05:44
tjaaltonbut otherwise it would be, since matches[0] would be occupied before it reaches the vendor-id -based autoconfigure05:44
bryceheya tjaalton06:03
brycetjaalton: well perhaps I misunderstood your original description of the problem, because I understood that having maches[0] be occupied was exactly the intent?06:04
brycetjaalton: I assume that if you are not using an xorg.conf, that it would go through the .ids files to detect the driver to use, and only if no .ids files match, would it use -vesa06:06
tjaaltonbryce: yes, you understood me correctly, and I misunderstood the implications of the patch :)07:21
tjaaltonin other words, we should be covered because we have the .ids files07:22
bryceah ok07:22
tjaaltonI just forgot that yesterday07:22
brycehas anyone tested the patch so far?07:23
tjaaltonI haven't tested it yet, but will do so ASAP07:23
tjaaltonmm, what's that smell..07:23
* tjaalton goes to the shower07:24
tjaaltonsuperm1: ping? you have an opinion on bug 282203?08:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 282203 in wacom-tools "Wacom tablet hotplug is no longer enabled by default" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28220308:10
tjaaltonI'm having second thoughts08:10
tjaaltonsuperm1: and since you added the N-Trig to the fdi-file, I think you'd like to keep the hotplug working, even if it's not fully working and would need more work to get it to work locally08:12
tjaaltonsigh, I'm done with joysticks for now08:21
bryceyeah, those guys have also been sending me email directly08:24
bryceI just referred them back to your comments on the bug08:24
tjaaltonI should probably play games more08:24
brycewe went through the same situation with video back a few releases ago when xrandr came in08:25
tjaaltonhappy living on the edge08:25
brycethere are some problems that just require going through breakage for a release or so before it restabilizes and so the original issue finally goes away08:25
brycealthough of course we *still* can't do triple-head, like could be done in feisty, but....08:26
tjaalton"stick to hardy" is my next reply08:26
bryceor "send a patch"08:28
tjaaltonheh, yeah those things need more work on the foundations, and AIUI things are coming together now that the memorymanager is finally in 2.6.28rc08:28
brycereally, intrepid is intended to push envelopes a bit08:31
tjaaltonI think we are doing well in that regard08:33
brycewell, it's definitely something I thought about early on, after the xrandr experience08:34
brycewe could have held off one more release before adopting input-hotplug08:34
bryceand then in theory upstream would have independently solved issues with various input devices and such08:34
tjaaltonI think we've helped upstream with this, like the crasher with joysticks08:35
brycealso, we'd have had to go through some amount of pain regardless, whenever we adopted it08:35
bryceintrepid is a good point, because it's right on the heels of an LTS08:35
bryceso for business type users, end users, and others who can't handle some instability, hardy is still right there on hand08:36
brycebut for developers, power users, and others who want to see the latest and greatest stuff, this is useful08:36
bryceI'm glad it's joysticks and wacoms we're worried about, and not keyboards and mice08:37
wgrantLots of people are complaining at the breakage.09:05
tjaaltonwgrant: joystick?09:05
wgranttjaalton: And input config and the like.09:05
wgrantBut they eventually shut up after a bit of an argument about how we need to break things due to bad timing sometimes.09:05
tjaaltonwell, pitti replied to the thread, and if hal can be fixed to handle joysticks properly, then this issue is easy to fix09:07
tjaaltonbut sure, that's not all09:07
wgranttjaalton: I checked HAL specs last night, and input.joystick is already defined.09:09
wgrantIt's just not used, at least in Ubuntu.09:09
* wgrant sighs.09:10
tjaaltonhald/linux/device.c probably needs fixing09:10
wgrantHow does my university manage to get their 2009 reenrolment form to not work in Firefox 3?09:10
wgrantI'm sure at least 90% of the student population uses Firefox 3.09:10
tjaaltonwhat, it already checks for joysticks09:11
wgrantAnd it's a basic POST form, but the Java server manages to crash.09:11
wgranttjaalton: Does it!?09:11
tjaaltoncheck the file09:11
wgrantI didn't see that last night.09:11
tjaaltonhal source09:11
wgrantI glanced over it a bit.09:11
tjaaltonI should also write a 30min presentation about Ubuntu for Thursday, but oh well, RC coming up09:12
wgrantI agree with the TODO...09:12
wgrantThat check looks about as arbitrary as one can get.09:12
wgrantAnd why does a joystick become a tablet as well in that case?09:13
wgrantWhat a strange piece of code.09:13
tjaaltonnight bryce09:15
wgrantNight bryce.09:15
tjaaltonyep, the patch for bug 261977 works fine09:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261977 in dell "nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26197709:45
jcristautjaalton: vesa as fallback is only ok on x86 afaik. but i guess ubuntu only ships those so.. :)10:27
tjaaltonjcristau: right..10:28
tjaaltonjcristau: well, the fallbacks could be added still10:28
tjaaltonfbdev I mean10:28
tjaaltonppc is busted anyway :)10:28
jcristauyeah what's up with that?10:29
tjaaltonno news, but it's not the xkb patches10:30
tjaaltonactually, dan did update the bug (bug 28161010:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281610 in ubuntu-ps3-port "[regression, intrepid] Xorg servers broken "No core keyboard" and "failed to initialize core devices"" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28161010:30
jcristautjaalton: i suspect the casts in DeviceSetProperty() could break things10:49
jcristaubecause endianness10:50
tjaaltonyeah somehow I don't think 1.5.2 is to blame..10:50
jcristauDisableDevice(inputInfo.keyboard) -> fail10:50
jcristauor something like that10:50
jcristauthat said dev->enabled is a Bool, so maybe not10:53
jcristauin any case investigating that might help10:53
tjaaltonok, I'll have a look11:07
* albert23 thinks he found a bug in xxi-evdev that causes the joystick problem in intrepid12:15
albert23#define TestBit(bit, array) (array[(bit) / LONG_BITS]) & (1 << ((bit) % LONG_BITS)) seems to be wrong12:15
albert23it must be: #define TestBit(bit, array) (array[(bit) / LONG_BITS]) & (1l << ((bit) % LONG_BITS))12:16
albert23I found my gamepad claimed to have button 287, which does not really exist12:16
albert23Then I tested the TestBit macro, and found it returned values not equal to 2^31 for Testbit(287, key_bitmask)12:17
albert23So I made the above change in evdev.c, and now evdev no longer manages the gamepad.12:18
jcristaualbert23: care to file this on bugs.freedesktop.org?12:48
albert23jcristau: I can do that. Is that for product xserver?12:51
jcristaualbert23: product xorg, component Input/evdev12:52
albert23jcristau: OK12:52
albert23jcristau: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1815013:14
ubottuFreedesktop bug 18150 in Input/evdev "evdev detects non-existing button as mouse button" [Normal,New] 13:14
tjaaltonalbert23: thanks, that's probably why it doesn't manage my rumblepad on i386, which is correct13:22
tjaaltonum, I mean that it worked on 32bit13:22
jcristauthat would explain the difference persia was getting between 32 and 64bits13:23
albert23I got the same difference between i386 and amd6413:23
jcristaui'll apply the fix upstream tonight if nobody beats me to it13:24
tjaaltonhum, need to get that account :)13:24
tjaaltonthat patch alone should have been enough then to fix the crasher13:33
tjaaltonalbert23: so, with this patch you can use /dev/input/js* normally?13:39
albert23tjaalton: Yes indeed. jscalibrator says it uses that device and works fine13:39
tjaaltonalbert23: win :)13:40
tjaaltonoh right, you mentioned that on b.fd.o13:42
tjaaltonhm, could the strncpy's be replaced by xnfstrdup..15:37
superm1tjaalton, ideally yeah i'd like to keep it working, but it's not critical.  it was more of something nice to do16:08
tjaaltonsuperm1: yep, it'll be back after RC16:09
tjaaltonwacom-tools, evdev uploaded, post RC17:26
tjaaltonmorning bryce.. looks like a number of bugs got resolved today :)17:32
tjaaltonthe joystick issue should be close to being fixed17:33
brycegreat, yeah I was going through old bugs last night closing them too17:33
tjaaltonalbert23 found out that the problem was on amd64 only, and a one liner made evdev to reject joysticks like on 32bit17:34
tjaaltonand mjg59 posted a patch for hal to use input.joystick, so x-x-i-j should be easy to fix use that17:34
tjaaltonbryce: the patch for "nv chosen.."; it used strncpy's, what about using xnfsrtdup like with the fallback drivers?17:35
tjaaltonthen you wouldn't need to check for the memory17:36
tjaaltonand it should check for at least __powerpc__ and use fbdev there17:37
tjaaltonit got the green light, will get in post-RC17:38
brycetjaalton: sure I can make that change17:41
tjaaltonwould make it shorter as well :)17:42
tjaaltonit's pushed to git.d.o btw17:43
bryceoh?  link?17:43
tjaaltongit fetch?-)17:43
tjaalton& rebase origin/ubuntu17:44
bryceoh, I thought you meant it was taken upstream17:44
tjaaltonah, no17:44
mnemobryce: i've been trying to get this patch cherry picked into intrepid (so that G45 machines dont freeze xorg on startup) --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/28557217:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285572 in linux-meta "X freezes right after login when using EXA on G45 machine" [Undecided,New] 17:47
mnemodo you know if it's a lost cause of can stuff still be fixed?17:47
mnemoi dont want to waste time trying to convince people if there is some rule saying stuff can never be merged later than this or that deadline etc17:47
tjaaltonyeah, radeonhd deathmatch on xorg@17:49
tjaaltonmnemo: it could be done post-release17:49
tjaaltonvesa should work on the livecd17:50
superm1tjaalton, the nv thing is slipping as a post-rc?17:51
tjaaltonsuperm1: yeah..17:51
superm1tjaalton, <shrug>....17:51
tjaaltonsuperm1: but it works, I tested it with various ways17:52
superm1tjaalton, is there any way/thing that i'd be able to do to help it for going in at RC? 17:52
tjaaltonsuperm1: bug pitti/slangasek?-)17:53
bryceyeah xnfstrdup cuts out some lines, nice17:53
superm1tjaalton, it's been blocking testing on at least 2 laptops for us from vendors not technically inclined enough to know how to handle the problem and work around it :(17:53
tjaaltonbryce: good17:53
tjaaltonsuperm1: yeah, should've tried it yesterday but there simply was no time ./17:54
tjaaltonnow the only remaining bug that is IMO serious is the one with properties breaking input devices on big-endian platforms..17:55
superm1what architectures are supported that are big endian?17:57
superm1I thought i386 and amd64 were both little endian17:57
tjaaltonright, none :)17:57
tjaaltonbut ps3-owners will be/are pissed17:58
superm1oh I thought powerpc supported both little endian and big endian17:58
tjaaltonwell, it's broken there anyway17:59
tjaaltonbut jcristau pointed out that it's likely DeviceSetProperty() that fails, and as a result disables the device18:00
brycetjaalton: ok, fixed up the patch and pushed18:01
brycetjaalton: I also added the non-vesa fallbacks for sun, &tc.18:01
bryceerf, wait18:01
* bryce fusses with git18:01
bryceok in now18:01
tjaaltonbryce: great18:03
bryceif you wouldn't mind running one more test?  then I can upload, unless you're waiting on anything else?18:15
tjaaltonno it's fine, I'll rebuild it18:17
bryceok cool18:18
mnemobryce: are you willing to push the xf86-intel patch for G45 if I find someone who will push the agp kernel patch? still talking about this bug (keith packard replied now and recommended we cherry pick these patches) --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/28557218:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285572 in linux-meta "X freezes right after login when using EXA on G45 machine" [Undecided,New] 18:34
brycemnemo: looking18:37
mnemobryce: this will enable us to boot on the very latest intel motherboards (that started shipping in july 2008)18:38
brycemnemo: fdo not responding; can you post the x driver patch to the bug tracker?18:41
jcristaubryce: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/driver/xserver-xorg-video-intel.git;a=commitdiff;h=8971411781c5bd0b9e9d4c2c776ba6e21c313f0018:42
bryceaha thanks18:43
brycemnemo: yes I'd be willing to push that patch18:44
mnemogreat then I will try to find someone who can push the kernel part18:45
mnemobryce: it seems that Amit Kucheria is willing to take the patch for intrepid19:08
mnemobryce: can you take it from here or do you need me to do something else for this to happen?19:13
mnemo[20:17] <amitk> mnemo: patch is in. Go after bryce.19:17
mnemobryce: please merge the xf86 part now19:18
brycemnemo: on it19:24
tjaaltonoh, the joystick fix was rejected for release19:27
brycetjaalton: :-/19:40
brycemnemo: will this close 272157?19:40
bryce(trying to figure out which lp# to attach the fix to)19:40
bryce(I mean, besides 285572)19:41
mnemoive not tested with that particular motherboard but I think its highly likely19:45
brycewell, I'll use 285572 and ask the other bug to re-test after it's uploaded19:46
mnemothis is the same bug for my motherboard19:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285572 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "X freezes right after login when using EXA on G45 machine" [High,Triaged] 19:47
mnemoah yeah thats the one you mentioned :)19:47
brycebuilding, then I'll upload19:47
brycemnemo: uploaded19:50
tjaaltonbryce: well, it's ok as an SRU19:51
mnemobryce: so tomorrow both the kernel fix and the xf86intel fix should be included in the daily ISO? --> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ 19:55
tjaaltonmnemo: likely after the RC19:55
mnemoi will test it asap and report back results on the relevant bugs in lp19:57
brycetjaalton: need my help with the sru?20:07
bryceok I got to run a friend to the train station; be back after lunch20:08
federico1tseliot: pingety ping20:35
tseliotfederico1: hi20:36
federico1tseliot: I'm shaving a yak before I can look at your patches... I'm adding GError throughout the GnomeRR/GnomeRRConfig API, so that g-s-d and the capplet can at least present useful errors instead of failing silently20:37
tseliotfederico1: what errors? The ones about the virtual resolution?20:37
tseliotor errors in general?20:38
tseliotfederico1: BTW here you will find the patches that we have applied to the packages in Ubuntu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/27597720:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275977 in gnome-control-center "Setting the Virtual resolution should be easier" [Wishlist,Fix released] 20:41
tseliotaah, you said GError, ok, forget my question then20:42
federico1tseliot: basically, I want callers of gnome_rr_* to know when the XRR functions return an error20:42
federico1or when Something Bad(tm) happens like not being able to read the config file20:43
tseliotfederico1: yes, that would be nice20:43
tseliotfederico1: BTW I'm writing python bindings for RandR with XCB so that all the functions available in gnome-desktop (included the ones to read EDID) are available in Python too20:46
tseliotfederico1: now, back to the topic, let me know if you need a hand with either the GNOMERR stuff or with my patches20:47
tjaaltonbryce: nah, it's pretty certain that it'll get in. just need to upload it to -proposed21:16
tjaaltonbryce: ok, the xorg-server patch is now tested again, and works21:27
wgranttseliot: I've got input property stuff in my local python-xlib for testing purposes. Are you also adding it to python-xlib?21:29
tseliotwgrant: I was thinking of doing python-xcb-xinput21:31
tseliotbut I have to finish python-xcb-randr first21:31
wgranttseliot: How are you implementing it? Using ctypes directly on the libs?21:31
wgrantI see no python-xcb...21:32
tseliotwgrant: it's all python. I'm using xpyb21:32
tseliotwhich in turn requires the latest xcb-proto21:32
wgrantseb128: There's no package of xpyb?21:32
seb128wgrant: what is xpyb and why should I know? ;-)21:33
tseliotxpyb 1.0 was released last friday21:33
wgrantseb128: It means "I hate keyboards"21:33
seb128buy a mouse? ;-)21:33
tseliotseb128: xpyb = python bindings for xcb21:34
seb128ah ok, still not the right guy now, I don't work on python or xcb21:34
seb128I'm a GNOME guy ;-)21:34
tseliotwgrant: were you looking for Sebastian Heinlein?21:35
tselioti.e. glatzor21:35
wgranttseliot: No, I was looking for t and hit tab.21:35
wgrantBut I hit s and tab instead.21:35
wgrantSorry seb128.21:36
tseliotand no, there's no package of xpyb in ubuntu. Let's introduce it in time for Jaunty21:37
jcristautalking of xcb, if someone tells me how the hell i'm supposed to package the new xcbproto, that would be nice21:37
wgrantjcristau: What's special about it?21:37
jcristauships some python files that are used when building libxcb21:38
jcristauand i have no idea how/where to install those21:38
wgrantWhy install them if they're only for building?21:38
tseliotjcristau: I have provided a patch for an xml to the author, therefore if you need a hand21:38
jcristauwgrant: they're in xcbproto, they're needed when building libxcb21:38
tseliotthey are automatically generated from the xml files21:39
jcristau(don't ask me why)21:39
wgrantThat is just strange.21:39
jcristauxcbgen/* in proto21:39
wgrantWhere does libxcb look for them?21:39
jcristauby default they're installed in /usr/share/python2.X/site-packages, which sucks because it depends on the python version21:39
wgrantSo you'll need python-(support|central)21:40
jcristauthat too. but that's not enough21:40
jcristauthat build system is just weird21:40
wgrantI like to keep away from stuff at that level.21:41
tseliotjcristau: wgrant is right. Then the files will be installed to /usr/share/pyshared/21:41
jcristaulibxcb looks for them in `pkg-config --variable=pythondir xcb-proto`21:41
wgrantpkg-config for Python? Kill me now.21:41
jcristauwell. at least pkg-config i can understand somewhat. python not so much21:42
* wgrant wonders how people can not know Python.21:43
* wgrant -> uni21:44
tseliotjcristau: is the package maintained somewhere (git, bzr, etc.)?21:44
jcristauthe xcb stuff? there's a debian branch upstream, but it's probably outdated21:45
tseliotyes, xcb-proto21:45
jcristaulet me push what i have somewhere21:47
tseliotok, good21:52
tseliotI'll have a look at the source21:52
tseliotI will really need that package ;)21:53
sbeattiebryce: got any ideas on bug 287215 ? Is -evdev even the right component for that to be filed against?22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287215 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "[intrepid] xmodmap settings not getting honored when keyboard devices are hotplugged" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28721522:34
brycesbeattie: -evdev probably isn't the right component23:07
brycexkeyboard-config might be a better place for it23:08
sbeattiebryce: okay, done. Any ideas as to where I should be poking to fix it?23:16
jcristauin the server23:20
brycesbeattie: yeah I think tracing in the code to see a) what code is used to set things up with xmodmap, and b) the code that runs when the keyboard is plugged in, and make sure that when b runs, that it appropriately triggers a as well23:38
brycesbeattie: short of that, upstream the bug.  :-)23:39
sbeattie/etc/gdm/Xsession is doing the initial setup of xmodmap. I don't understand hal/udev enough to know what gets invoked in that path.23:41

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