
genii_786soul: So long as your bios supports booting to the USB00:00
_786soulgenii: Alright that sounds good enough. I'll be doing this on an eeepc so hopefully the partitioning will go smooth!00:00
genii_786soul: There is also an eeepc channel, #eeepc00:01
DavidCanariasCan anyone guide me with VLC for copying DVD videos??? I get so far and stumble!!! I need help to get over the stumbling point plse!!!00:01
TheZealotAnyone know which package I can apt-get that comes with dig and other networking tools?00:02
the_lost_oneTheZealot, i guess its bind-tools ?00:02
unavailableasus m70vm intrepid mic not working00:03
TheZealotthe_lost_one: thanks a lot00:03
unavailableim in ubuntu+1 too00:03
the_lost_oneTheZealot, np mate :)00:03
NWSmartHi - got a small prob with Pidgin - can someone tell me which channel I should use to ask for assistance?00:03
unavailablehow do i enable conference mode in x chat?00:03
geniiNWSmart: Possibly #pidgin00:04
NWSmartcheers genii - much appreciated00:04
geniiNWSmart: You're welcome. If it's an Ubuntu-specific issue just report back here afterwards00:05
Rideh slapd restart yeilds tls init def ctx failed: -1  any ideas?00:06
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TheZealotthe_lost_one: doh, doesn't look like bind-tools works, nothing found... I've been searching for this for 2 days, I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to find00:07
DavidCanariasDoes anyone know if there is a manual available anywhere on how to use VLC for copying DVD videos to the computer?00:07
bloodscorecan anyone help me with getting my wireless internet to work on my laptop?00:09
Ridehis there another channel for ubuntu server?00:10
_786soulWhat adapter are you using?00:10
akuma55i need some help installing mbuni. i got a error saying that it wont compile?00:10
lucaxi added cairo-dock to startup programs, and i dont know why it comes up a configuration window before starting the dock... can someone tell me how to just run the dock?00:10
bloodscorebroadcom is the company that makes it00:10
bloodscoreb43 i beleive00:10
Rideh slapd restart yeilds tls init def ctx failed: -1  any ideas?00:11
TheZealotthe_lost_one: ahh, it looks like the tools come in the package dnsutils00:11
kwyjiboanyone know of an X font that looks exactly like the vga text mode font when booting up?00:11
DavidCanariasNobody knows how to use VLC for copying DVD videos?? Can't believe it!!!!00:11
kwyjiboDavidCanarias: vlc isn't a dvd ripper00:12
Glad1While attempting to enable Lojban as a language, I checked the 'Support' checkbox for Lojban in Language Support. When I clicked 'OK,' then re-opened it, the checkbox had a line in it (rather than a check mark), and I am unable to set it as the default language. I have tried this all several times and have been unable to find any documentation online. Does anyone have any Ideas that may be able to help?00:12
onrekwyjibo, dunno if there's one readily made, but it wouldn't be that hard to just dump those off the character rom, if you know what you're doing. they're bitmaps, after all.00:12
kwyjiboonre: i don't know what i'm doing :<00:12
DavidCanariaskwyjibo: I was told yesterday that you could put in a DVD and copy it with VLC.00:12
akuma55DavidCanarias: use songbird00:13
kwyjiboDavidCanarias: i doubt it00:13
onrekwyjibo, then all i can suggest is googling for 'rom font' or something.00:13
DavidCanariasakuma55: What is songbird????00:13
dholbertDavidCanarias: Mozilla-based jukebox program00:14
dholbertDavidCanarias: (Google is your friend)00:14
bloodscorei need to manually install a driver. anyone able to help me? i have no idea here, i'm new to this00:14
DavidCanariasdholbert: akuma55: Thks I will google.00:15
RidehAnyone mind trying to help me with some ldap problmes?00:15
DavidCanariasakuma55: It's a jukebox. What I need is something to copy a DVD film video, not music. Someone suggested VLC yesterday and it does look it works, but can't find out how to do it successfully!!!! Any ideas guys???00:16
magnetronDavidCanarias→ i'd use any of the dvd backup/ripping tools in the repository00:17
magnetronDavidCanarias→ dvd:rip for instance00:17
deroCan anyone help me out with a little issue I'm having?00:17
_786souldero: what is this 'issue'00:18
DavidCanariasmagnetron: I have been using libdvdcss2 but had problems. Ripping isn't working for me.00:18
deroWhen I boot up my icons on my desktop appear for a second and then my home folder proceeds to open and close like 5 times00:18
deroAnd then my icons disappear and I can't access my home folder00:18
magnetronDavidCanarias→ you need a tool to rip, just plain libdvdcss2 will not help. try thoggen or dvdrip or any of the other fine dvdripping tools in the repos00:19
DavidCanariasdero: I had a similar problem last week and lost the icons. If you can get access then try adding a new user this resolved my problem.00:19
kushalsejwaldoes anybody uses Gambas here?00:19
DavidCanariasmagnetron: At one stage I could click on the DVD I had in my trap on the desktop and had the choice to copy disc. By copying disc it went into a folder with an iso. I didn't have to rip etc.,00:20
bloodscoreanyone know how to manually install a driver?00:20
smil3ybloodscore>  what driver?00:21
deroDavidCanarias Just ad another administrator in User and Groups?00:21
bloodscoresmil3y: driver for wireless adapter made by broadcom00:21
DavidCanariasdero: Yes when you boot normally it asks for a user right. Well create a new one and try this00:21
deroIf I make a new admin account will I still have access to all my files on this user?00:22
smil3ybloodscore>  you want restricted drivers for your kernel00:22
cabrioleurbloodboy, wireless drivers "made" by broadcom? That's suspicious.00:22
bloodscorethe adapter was manufactured by broadcom00:23
bloodscoreand what do you mean, smiley?00:23
kusanagi_ive got installed flashplugin-nonfree_10.0.12.36 but when i reopen ff, i go to complements and the plugin tab in ff it says i have installed shockwave flash 9.0 r999 gnash 0.8.4. The question is how do i install flash 10 in ff?00:23
smil3ybloodscore>  system> admin> hardware drivers, and enable broadcom driver00:23
deroDavidCanaris If I make a new admin account will I still have access to all my files on this user? Sorry I'm a n00b to ubuntu00:24
smil3ybloodscore>  if its not there, then search in synaptic for restricted drivers for your kernel which can be told by uname -a in a terminal00:24
bloodscorei get "While this driver itself is free software, it relies on proprietary firmware which cannot be legally shipped with the operating system. Your hardware will not work without the firmware."00:24
DavidCanariasdero: No you won't have access to the files of another user. The reason I suggested it is that there is an error. By creating another user then your desktop may go back to normal and the other user at the same time. At least it did for me. Give it a try. Good luck00:25
smil3ybloodscore>  yeah, enable it, its just telling you ubuntu doesnt maintain the driver so if theres bugs your out of luck00:25
bosky101anyone here got the xvfb to run on hardy?00:25
RaceDrv709I have an XP Pro/ Ubuntu Hardy dual boot and want to install Vista over XP.00:25
bloodscorei click enable, but it doesn't enable it00:26
smil3ybloodscore>  you have to reboot00:26
RaceDrv709Will I lose Ubuntu, or would I just have to reinstall GRUB00:26
DavidCanariasdero: Did you get my message? Do you know how to create a new user?00:26
bloodscorewhen my ATI driver did the same thing, it said "Needs restart to take effect" or something like that. the wireless driver doesn't say that00:27
Ridehhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SingleSignOn error in documentation step 3.2.4 step 2 -outserver.pem -keyout server.pem need to be differnt files00:27
Azhi_DahakaHmm... I installed texlive-latex-extra but \includepackage{soul} doesn't work00:28
smil3ybloodscore>  well what does it say then when you click enable?00:28
chaquihello :-) im looking for the source code so I can install a patch in wine, I can't tell what subdir its in, or what the file is called00:28
bloodscore"not in use"00:29
smil3ybloodscore>  are you on 8.04?00:29
bloodscorei beleive so00:29
bloodscoreyep, 8.0400:29
chaquiis makefile.in the source?00:30
Azhi_Dahakado i need to add a path or reload something?00:31
smil3ybloodscore>  well if youve enabled and rebooted, then i guess your card isnt supported, i dont know, i stick with atheros myself, someone else jump in here00:31
bloodscoreits telling me i need firmware i dont have, and i was told by a friend that i need to manually install the driver00:32
smil3ybloodscore>  yeah your going to have to google your card type, i have no experience with broadcom00:33
smil3ybloodscore>  from a terminal type lspci and look for your card type there00:34
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bloodscorewhat does that command do?00:35
smil3ybloodscore>  then express your frustration to broadcom in email form00:35
smil3ybloodscore>  lists pci bus00:36
bloodscoreah. and could i express my frustration with a bat and their employees knees? usually that way is more soothing. hehe.00:37
smil3ybloodscore>  yeah a bat is nice.00:37
shiloh7_sounds like my attitude when i tried to return the laptop i bought with Vista00:37
bloodscore"Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)"00:37
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shiloh7_it runs ubuntu perfect00:38
smil3yshiloh7_>  yeah lemme guess, you dual booted it, and they wont take it back00:38
blueeyezsomebody danish in here that is involved with amarok?00:38
shiloh7_no, none of my stuff worked on vista, camera, printer, etc00:38
shiloh7_so i tried to return it00:38
shiloh7_when that failed i wiped out vista00:39
akuma55if i have a server with 6 hotswap bays do i need lvm and what is it00:39
shiloh7_runs ubuntu only00:39
smil3yshiloh7_>  lol, and everything worked out of the box with ubuntu right00:39
shiloh7_including the wireless that didnt work with vista00:39
the_lost_oneshiloh7_, that´s amazing haha00:40
bloodscorethis is completely off topic, but i just wanna say that the best zelda rap out there is the one called "ganon slayer" by madhatter00:40
shiloh7_the_lost_one, yeah im still snickering00:40
niallNeed some help with a printer issue00:41
smil3yniall> you check openprinting.org to see if its supported or not00:42
crazyb0yanyone using wlassistant in gnome ?00:43
predator363hello i have taken intrepid off and installed hardy but now i cannot get my ar5009 to pick up wireless networks and my resolution will not go above 800x600 in 61hz i have a cq50-115nr with an atheros ar5009 and geforce 8200m on a generic pnp built in lappy monitor and dont know how to solve these problems00:43
crazyb0ypredator363: come to #madwifi i will help you00:43
Ridehtls init def ctx failed: -1   on slapd restart    openssl resonpse errno=29 connection refused following instructi]ons from00:44
predator363on my way00:44
predator363do i need to stay in here for the resolution problems?00:44
bloodscorehey smiley, should "driver bcm4318 ubuntu" find what i need through google?00:44
crazyb0yjust come there00:44
smil3ypredator363>  have you enabled the restricted driver for both of the cards?00:45
smil3ybloodscore>  yeah or even just broadcom firmware ubuntu00:45
predator363smil3y on the graphics card i d/led the newest nvidia drivers and installed them now i get the option to configure it when i first boot but to no avail as the screen hickups and then boots into ubuntu in 800x60000:46
=== finn is now known as sandaili
sandailiI have a stupid question00:46
sandailihow do I know if my monitor is digital or analog LOL00:46
skorzenhello guys00:47
Azhi_DahakaGetting this error with the Soul package on latex...00:47
Azhi_DahakaI can't find file `ectt100000:47
Pulpie_inlovesandaili: do you have a VGA or DVI input/output?00:47
skorzensomething strange is happening to me00:47
smil3ypredator363>  theres no need to download from nvidia, the drivers are already in the restricted driver package you just need to enable it00:47
Azhi_DahakaSeems like the installation is botched?00:47
csilksandaili,  what type of monitor you got/ flat screen or old style crtc (like a tv)?00:47
sandailium....no it's an LCD00:47
skorzenif i try to read an original dvd with mplayer, it's all ok00:47
csilkit's digital lol00:47
Pulpie_inlovecsilk: not true00:47
skorzenbut when that dvd is a copy, it won't read00:47
whileimhereIs there a faster, smaller footprint, secure browser alternative to Firefox?00:47
Pulpie_inlovecsilk: i have an LCD that does both and i use anoglog00:47
csilkwell, maybe, do you connect via vga or dvi?00:47
Pulpie_inlovesandaili: what video card do you have?00:47
Pulpie_inlovecsilk: he said he doesn't know00:48
skorzenhere's the output00:48
csilkPulpie_inlove,  did he sau he doesn't know how he plugs it in?00:48
aaronorosensandaill: lspci | grep vga00:48
sandailiit's okay guys I'll find out just a sec00:48
Pulpie_inlovecsilk: exactly00:49
bloodscorei think i may have got it, i'll be back.00:49
csilkPulpie_inlove,  yeah sorry.. me being short sighted, thinking everyone has ditched vga just because I have00:50
sandailiI'll bbiab :)00:50
Pulpie_inlovecsilk: :( just because my KVM switch doesn't support DVI i haven't00:50
d2tehpso anyone know why i cannot seem to build the vmware tools modules under 8.04.1, ive got all the nessicary tools00:50
Pulpie_inloved2tehp: define build00:51
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Pulpie_inloveiceman_: hey00:51
ubuntu__hi hm, is there ANY way to improve the image if you use an external output (dvi) on your notebook?00:52
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ubuntu__image quality*00:52
ubuntu__that is00:52
sandailiit's just weird because I have a diamond point nxm76lcd and it says they sold it in analog and digital which is why i'm confused00:52
Pulpie_inlovesandaili: check on the back of your computer.00:52
sandailibut it looks like the same kind of end as an older computer cord would be for a monitor00:53
Pulpie_inlovesandaili: then take it off00:53
d2tehpPulpie_inlove trying to run sudo ./vmware-install.pl and it always fails when it gets to the point of compiling vmxnet and others00:53
terrestrethere's a easy way to trasnform a lot of .odt files into .odt?00:53
Pulpie_inlovesandaili: get a picture of VGA and DVI and remember then unplug it00:53
Pulpie_inloveterrestre: huh00:54
sandailiis vga analog then :) thanks00:54
Pulpie_inloved2tehp: you mean compile00:54
d2tehpyea i guess00:54
Pulpie_inloved2tehp: USE PASTEBIN to give us a log of the compile00:54
terrestrethere's a easy way to take a lot of .doc files and change it to .odt?00:55
Pulpie_inloveterrestre: lol rename them.00:55
Pulpie_inloveterrestre: linux doesn't depend on file exts00:55
w0ls0n18K people in ubuntu LOL00:56
the_lost_onewe rock00:56
Pulpie_inlove18k? more like 1.3k00:56
w0ls0nI am setting up an nfs share and I am trying to mo0unt the share in EXSi. It won't allow me to mount it. My showmount -e shows Export list for ubuntu-backup:00:57
* w0ls0n was being sarcastic00:57
Pulpie_inlove1.3k isn't alot when you take away idle bots00:58
w0ls0nwhat are the default permissions supposed to be on that folder?00:58
w0ls0nyea true00:58
f|ukeHelp? I'm sharing my server:/home/user/ via NFS. I've mounted a 500gig drive in /home/user/drive/. I can access the contents and subdirs of /users/, but cannot see /drive/00:58
ARCKEDAI have have dreams you know.  Visions.  Nightmares.  Whatever you want to call them, they're there.  Artifacts of a part of my past long since buried, fragments of memories lost.  They're constant, woven in between my thoughts and actions, though try as I might I can never grasp them, they slip away as soon as reach out.  And try as I might I can never ignore them, they will always be there, like a splinter scratching against the back o00:59
ARCKEDAf my mind, driving me insane.00:59
f|ukethat is, all i get is an empty /drive/ directory00:59
ARCKEDACrap, sorry, ignore that, wrong channel.00:59
=== Tange2 is now known as fourwheels
the_lost_onef|uke. you must share also /home/user/drive as a unique export also00:59
Pulpie_inlovef|uke: define server how are you runing nfs on a linux server and why are you not mounting in /media ?00:59
DrXif your drive fails, do u have to repartition ur new or existing drive exactly the same way in order to restore the dd partition images?01:00
f|ukeWhy mount in media? its handy to have everything in my home dir.   the_lost_one,. I was going to try that, but i thought i might be able to fix it in /etc/exports/01:00
the_lost_onef|uke, and that´s because its a diferent mount point that /home/user01:01
f|ukewhen sharing in shfs, i dont have that problem01:01
d2tehpthe_lost_one i prefer to mount in /mnt and symlink to my home directory01:01
the_lost_onef|uke, its a not problem, its just how works :)01:01
f|ukethe_lost_one: haaaa. right ;) well thanks m8.01:02
the_lost_onef|uke, no prob, enjoy nfs :)01:02
w0ls0nI am setting up an nfs share and I am trying to mo0unt the share in EXSi. It won't allow me to mount it. My showmount -e shows Export list for ubuntu-backup:01:02
w0ls0n /backup/nfs ubuntu-backup01:02
w0ls0nany ideas ?01:02
bloodscoresmil3y, are you still here?01:03
the_lost_onew0ls0n, whats EXSi ?01:03
smil3ybloodscore>  yup01:03
w0ls0nVMWare without the host OS01:03
deathtechgot an issue with grub on my ubuntu install on a latitude C600, it takes an inordinate amount of time to actually get past grub, it sits there forever, then eventually boots, i dont see any odd flags, any thoughts ?01:03
deathtechOther Distros using grub oddly enough dont do this, only ubuntu....01:03
terrestrePulpie_inlove, i want those files get indexed by tracker01:03
Pulpie_inloveterrestre: what?01:04
bloodscoresmil3y, i got an error message that said i need to run "dpkg --configure -a"01:04
the_lost_onew0ls0n, the problem should be in /etc/exports, something like IP adress, or read write flags (rw)01:04
mgromanMay someone show me their config.h for dwm v5.2 please?  My rules[] are all fawked up01:04
bloodscoreit only gives me a message sayin i need superuser privelege01:05
D3RGPS31I'm on a remote machine, how do I launch a GUI application on my host machine?01:05
Pulpie_inloveterrestre: so rename them... tracker will update its self01:05
w0ls0nthe_lost_one /backup/nfs     ubuntu-backup(rw,no_root_squash)01:05
terrestreyou think tracker would be able to read the contents of those files?01:05
kexmanis ubuntu like kubuntu ?01:05
kexmani have a very veryvery big DISLIK about kubuntu right now01:05
deathtechUbuntu is Kubuntu with KDE rather than gnome :01:05
smil3ybloodscore>  yeah sudo dpkg --configure -a    means that everything downloaded didnt install yet, go ahead and run it in a terminal01:06
the_lost_onew0ls0n, that machine resolves properlly the network name ubuntu-backup?01:06
Pulpie_inloveterrestre: of course01:06
terrestrelets see01:06
w0ls0nno I am typing the ip address in the hostname01:06
the_lost_onew0ls0n, try setting up the Ip adress01:06
terrestrewhat is the command to do that? :)01:06
deathtechAnyone else ran into this ridiculous long grub boot time ?01:06
w0ls0ndeathtech what hardware?01:06
bloodscore"user is not in the sudoers file. this will be reported"01:07
kexmanso i managed to install kubuntu01:07
ubuntu__yay, thanks!01:07
kexmanhow do i install some additional programs now ?01:07
xiamxkexman, use aptitude01:07
Frogzoo_kexman: click on "add programs" in the menu bar01:07
geniideathtech: Yes, basically Kubuntu is just a different desktop but it can use the core of Ubuntu underneath01:07
kexmanFrogzoo_: cant find wine nor mozilla in there01:07
kexmanxiamx: i did01:08
ubuntu__hi hm, is there ANY way to improve the imagequality if you use an external output (dvi) on your notebook, with a nvidia go 7400?01:08
smil3ybloodscore>  try gksudo or sudo -s01:08
kexmanand i pressed update01:08
kexmanis that bad ?01:08
FloodBot1kexman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
deathtechw0ls0n: its a Dell Latitude C600. Not the fastest but its like 180 seconds before it actually looks like its booting the kernel. This has happend so far only on ubuntu oddly enough, I had ARchlinux, used grub no issue01:08
Frogzoo_kexman: use synaptic01:08
kexmanFrogzoo_: no synaptic installed by kubuntu01:08
xiamxkexman, you want wine, just apt-get install wine01:08
Frogzoo_kexman: and enable the multiverse repo01:08
w0ls0nthats after grub loads?01:08
kexmanxiamx: did that01:08
deathtechi select it and then get a nice blinking cursor01:08
kexmanwas told that wine (package) doesnt exists01:08
deathtechthen like forever later the kernel aactually starts booting01:08
kexmanall i did now is run aptitude and pressed "u"01:09
kexmanno idea what it does :P01:09
w0ls0nno idea there01:09
kexmani have gentoo01:09
kexmanfriend asked for linux01:09
kexmani recommended kde01:09
bloodscoresmil3y, i got a bunch of commands now.01:09
deathtechthe first message i see is some kind of K_init resume, so im wondering if it has something to do with the resume function ? i also heard that i could try compiling grub with -nofloppy and that has worked, but im unsure how to do so01:09
kexmannow he was one but we want to install mozilla and pidgin and wine and stuff like that on it01:09
smil3ybloodscore>  what do you mean01:09
jrib!enter | kexman01:09
ubottukexman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:09
xiamxkexman, try to build from source, the package version is buggy when running something in 3D01:10
jrib!repositories > kexman01:10
ubottukexman, please see my private message01:10
jrib!wine > kexman01:10
bloodscoreit came up with different commands i could use to do different things. e.g. --login --prompt01:10
D3RGPS31how do i run a GUI application from TTYx to TTY7?01:10
LjLD3RGPS31: DISPLAY:0 applicationname01:10
Commie_Carywhats the command to remove broken packages01:10
LjLD3RGPS31: DISPLAY=:0 applicationname01:10
jribD3RGPS31: set DISPLAY to match what it is on TTY701:10
D3RGPS31wooo \o/ thanks LjL01:11
smil3ybloodscore>  not sure what your talking about, you were suppose to run gksudo dpkg --configure -a01:11
bloodscorei did. got a message "unknown command --configure"01:11
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
xiamxIs there a precomplied version of mono in dpkg package?01:12
Ades holaaaaaaaaaaaaaa01:12
jribxiamx: yes01:12
xiamxIs there a precomplied version of mono 2.0 in dpkg package?01:12
smil3ybloodscore>  did you put a space before --configure?01:12
xiamxjrib, i don't see 2.0 in the repo01:12
jribxiamx: where are you looking?01:12
bloodscoresorry, it was unrecognized option, not unknown command01:13
xiamxjrib. ,mono2.0 dkpg package01:13
smil3ybloodscore>  no idea then, you have bigger problems than wireless then, you need to fix sudo first01:13
smil3ybloodscore>  that dpkg command works fine here01:13
jribxiamx: I'm on intrepid.  Let me check hardy01:13
mgromansmil3y: no01:13
xiamxjrib, ok thx, massage me later01:13
Ades che cual carjo hera el canal de argentina01:14
bloodscorehow would i fix sudo?01:14
jribxiamx: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/mono-2.0-devel is that what you want?01:14
cabrioleurbloodboy, visudo01:14
jribbloodscore: how exactly is it broken?01:15
xiamxjrib, ehmm, no, i want mono, not mono-dev01:15
bloodscorewhy do some see me as bloodscore and some as bloodboy?01:15
bloodscoreand i'm not sure how its broken. just not running a command that it should01:15
cabrioleurbloodscore, because of tab :-)01:15
smil3ybloodboy>  there not hitting tab enough times01:15
jribxiamx: mono-2.0-service then?01:15
smil3ysorry i just did it ;lol01:15
cabrioleurbloodscore, does it run everything else?01:16
jribbloodscore: you need to be more specific01:16
Dar1usAnyone know how I can get the kernel to reset tcp connections?01:16
Dar1usie on resume I want it to nuke all the previous tcp connections01:16
smil3yhes saying that --configure says not an available option for dpkg01:16
Dar1ustcpkill doesn't DTRT01:16
jrib!cn | siqi01:17
ubottusiqi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:17
xiamxjrib, i got it01:17
xiamxsiqi, join ubuntu-cn01:17
siqijoin ubuntu01:18
cabrioleurSlack quit? Heck, Pat was here :-D01:18
geniisiqi: /join #ubuntu-cn01:18
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siqizen me qu cn?01:18
bloodscorehold on... i will be back. sometimes restarting the computer helps for no apparent reason. just telling it to behave or it will sit in darkness forever, i guess.01:18
xiamxsiqi, 打 /join #ubuntu-cn01:18
adessq q cores for me you got against the Argentine vos01:18
jribadess: what?01:18
=== alvin is now known as Alvin
adessNo q resin corieron me a channel for q soi Argentine channel # apache01:19
jrib!es | adess01:20
ubottuadess: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:20
adessche q used with deep01:21
break_freeum, when I try to sudo a command it gives me: timestamp too far in the future: Oct 20 22:48:13 2008.... which is now. How is that the future?01:25
the_lost_onei whas to answer that one :(01:29
the_lost_onehey break_free01:29
break_freesorry, i lost connection01:29
the_lost_onetry this01:29
the_lost_one1. Check the timestamp sudo reports (will look something like below).01:29
the_lost_onesudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jun 17 08:17:55 200601:29
the_lost_one2. Use Adjust Date & Time to set the date/time to the sudo timestamp or later.01:29
the_lost_one3. Execute the 'sudo -k' command. (Clears the timestamp).01:29
the_lost_one4. Use Adjust Date & Time to set the date/time back to the correct values.01:29
zumeHey everyone <301:29
FloodBot1the_lost_one: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
kitchebreak_free: looks like your system time and your hardware time is different actually if sudo is complaining about that01:30
=== zume is now known as CuteKitten
break_freekitche, but the sudo time and the date/time in ubuntu are the same01:30
CuteKitten*raises hand*01:30
LjLbreak_free: try "sudo -k"01:30
terrestrethreres a commando to rename several files?01:31
LjLterrestre: it's called "rename"01:31
the_lost_onebreak_free, you can follow this thread that solved the problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17350501:31
terrestrethanks LjL01:31
break_freethe_lost_one, thanks01:31
the_lost_onebreak_free, np :)01:32
d2tehptrying to compile vmware tools on ubuntu 8.04.1, i have all the nessicary tools afaik (gcc, binutils, make, my kernel sources) keeps erroring out on the kernel compile though...heres the output http://pastebin.com/fab573a601:32
bloodscoresmil3y, you here still? :P01:32
d2tehpmy kernel headers ***01:32
LjLbreak_free: please don't change your system time unless you find no other working solution. try "sudo -k" and "sudo -K" first.01:32
CuteKittenCan someone quench my query. I'm curious about TextToSpeech in Ubuntu/Gnome. Orca makes me want to bash my screen in with a moose.01:32
break_freeLjL, i tried that and it kept saying that it's too far in the future01:32
LjL!cn | philo01:32
ubottuphilo: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:32
break_freeLjL, actually, the timestamp in terminal is 15 minutes ahead01:33
LjLbreak_free: then it'll probably fix itself in 15 minutes ;)01:33
bloodscorehow do i make myself a superuser?01:34
sicentIt is so noisy and crowdy, here, always, hehe01:34
d2tehpmake it http://paste.ubuntu.com/60324 sorry about the goofy characters in the last link, once again vmware tools install on ubuntu 8.04.101:34
LjL!sudo | bloodscore01:34
ubottubloodscore: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)01:34
kudakhey guys01:35
thinkl00pare there any repositories with the updated version of gtk-gnutella?01:35
=== j is now known as Guest47001
wartalkermy gconf has corrupted, how to recover it?01:35
sicentFloodBot is busy, heihei01:35
bloodscoresudo is what is giving me the trouble. wont let me run a --configure command01:35
LjLsicent, try to stay on topic01:36
jribbloodscore: what *exactly* are you running?01:36
LjLbloodscore: what's a --configure command?01:36
sicentLjL, no worries, nothing serious01:36
bloodscoredpkg --configure -a01:36
LjLah, so the command is dpkg.01:36
jribbloodscore: there is no sudo in that command01:36
LjLbloodscore: what exactly does it tell you?01:36
bloodscoredpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege01:37
thinkl00pis there any fast way of installing a .tar.bz2 in ubuntu?01:37
jribthinkl00p: what do you want to install?01:37
LjLbloodscore: err, you do need to put "sudo" in front of it. "sudo" won't magically know you're invoking it.01:37
LjLbloodscore: have you read the link at all?01:37
the_lost_onethinkl00p, are you sure you cant install that with apt-get ?01:37
Commie_Caryapt-get dosnt apear to be workering for this reason01:38
thinkl00pjrib: trying to install the latest version of gtk-gnutella. But through synaptic it only gets me an older version01:38
LjLthinkl00p: a .tar.bz2 file is merely a compressed archive (like a .zip, which you might have encountered). there's no way to "install" it without knowing what it contains01:38
LjL!latest | thinkl00p01:38
ubottuthinkl00p: Packages in a released Ubuntu version may not be the latest. Post-release updates are only considered for inclusion if they are: Fixes for security vulnerabilities, High impact bug fixes, or Unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit and very low risk. See also !backports.01:38
Commie_Carydose anybody know whats wrong?01:38
kudakguys, where can i view/edit the links between commands and path to execute ?01:38
bloodscorei was told by smil3y to put gksudo infront of it, and i was getting a bunch of stuf01:38
jribkudak: why?01:38
bloodscoreadmin@chris-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a01:39
bloodscore[sudo] password for admin:01:39
bloodscoreSetting up java-common (0.28ubuntu3) ...01:39
thinkl00pso what if its not the latest version... i have to manually install it?01:39
bloodscoreis what i just did01:39
jribbloodscore: then it is working01:39
Commie_CaryLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60326/01:39
sabauadear mak, PLEASE put OO.o3 into Itrepid!!01:39
bloodscorethen that worked? awesome01:39
adessAs che sell pendrai of 8g in U.S.01:39
adessAs che sell pendrai of 8g in U.S.01:39
kudakjrib: python open the 3 version, and i want it to open the 2.5v in /usr/bin/python, i dont feel like tryping the whole path every time :)01:39
bloodscore<-- complete linux nooblety\01:39
terrestrePulpie_inlove, thanks youe, now tracker read the doc renamed odt files01:39
bloodscoreand typing, too, apparently01:39
thinkl00pis there something else u can use besdies gtk-gnutella for getting mp3s then in ubuntu?01:39
guineapigwhat's a simple mail transport I can use? i want to send some mails to remote addresses from the command line or from cron jobs. Is exim or sendmail overkill?01:39
CuteKittenHow can I replace "distributor-logo.png"?01:39
Commie_Carycan someone help me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/60326/ <--- fix this prb01:39
jribkudak: what version of ubuntu is this?  python 3 isn't even released yet01:39
the_lost_onethinkl00p, try nicotine01:40
kudakjrib: i installed the source01:40
adessAs che sell pendrai of 8g in U.S. ???01:40
kudakjrib: and 8.0401:40
the_lost_onethinkl00p, it just rocks01:40
jribkudak: uninstall the source01:40
break_freeLjl, i set the hardware time to the correct time, but it still gives me the too far into the future thing01:40
kudakjrib: they are working independet, i can have both, i just want the 2.5 as default01:40
CuteKittenHow can I replace this, it wont let me: "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png"01:40
thinkl00pok thank you01:40
guineapigis there something easier to use than exim?01:40
jribkudak: yeah.  You need to install it correctly.  Use make altinstall, not make install01:40
the_lost_onethinkl00p, np01:40
LjLbreak_free: have you tried just rebooting?01:41
break_freeno, i'll try that and if it doesn't work I'll come nag you some more. :)01:41
guineapigis postfix the default ubuntu mail transport?01:41
Commie_Carycan someone help me? http://paste.ubuntu.com/60326/ <--- fix this prb01:41
kudakjrib: i have both 2.5v and 3v running and working perfectly, all i want is 'python' to go to v2.5 instead of 301:41
=== CuteKitten is now known as Reaper
jribthinkl00p: apt-cache search gnutella   will give you other gnutella clients01:41
ReaperErr... Can someone please inform me how to replace that dang .PNG menu logo.01:42
jribkudak: I understand.  And I recommend that you uninstall 3 and install it using altinstall. In any case, where did you install it to?01:42
LjLCommie_Cary: try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install binfmt-support"01:43
jribthe_lost_one: there's also frostwire (google, they have an ubuntu deb)01:43
LogicalThoughthey i was setting up my email in ubuntu for gmail the sending msg server is smtp.gmail.com01:43
LogicalThoughtis this correct?01:43
wartalkerhow to recorve gconf01:43
kudakjrib: tbh, i dont remember :), dude, i just need to konw how to make python go to /usr/bin/python2.5, i can make a script to do that and just write py or something, but i prefer to know how to change it for future uses..01:43
the_lost_onejrib, thank´s, i´ll check it :)01:44
jribkudak: 'which python' will tell you01:44
marshaliumanyone able to print from NetBeans?01:44
LjLwartalker: how is it broken?01:44
kudakjrib: wahh nice command, thx :), and /usr/local/bin/python01:45
ReaperSomeone mentioned FrostWire, but I don't see it in Add/Remove.01:45
WintervenomI can't figure out why Catalyst 8.10 does screen corruption in full-screen apps and games.  It goes away if I put them back in Windowed mode.01:45
LjLReaper: that's because it's not there. but there's a third-party .deb somewhere.01:45
LongbowSirOk I have cruised through the intro,but I still don't see clear instructions for how to add servers to th elist on here01:45
wartalkerLjL: i did it, i do not know what it does?01:45
WintervenomIt does this in both the new and the old X.org.  I have a Radon HD 3100 (IGP).01:45
jribkudak: rename it then.  I'm not sure if altinstall does more though.  So you would be better off just uninstalling and reinstalling using make altinstall as it's meant for this situation01:45
LjLwartalker: sorry?01:45
LjLyou did what?01:45
LjL!ar | adess01:46
ubottuadess: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe01:46
ReaperDo install badges (The diamond shaped blue icon) work yet in ubuntu beta?01:46
LordMetroidthe symbolic link I just created has a mode of 777 can I change it, I tried chmod -c 755 but it stayed the same01:46
jribLongbowSir: add servers to the list on where?01:46
jribLordMetroid: symlinks are always 77701:46
dulakLordMetroid: symlinks are always 777, since they just pass through to the perms of the target01:46
adess<LjL> GRAXXXX CAPO BUT I see q What are deep by aki01:46
LjLadess: parse error on line one01:47
wartalkerLjL: i delete .gconf/system/networking/wireless when i config network-manager?01:47
LordMetroidok, but doesn't that mean that unintended people can rewrite them?01:47
LongbowSirto add to the server list on xchat01:47
jribLordMetroid: try it out01:47
the_lost_oneLjL, lol at parse error01:47
ReaperWoohoo the FrostWire homepage has a huge Ubuntu logo!01:48
LordMetroidjrgp, good, I can't delete it from another user... *phew*01:49
jribLogicalThought: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1328701:49
LordMetroidthank you jrib for explaining it all01:49
=== adess is now known as ANTI-EMO
=== ANTI-EMO is now known as Ades
Reaper*Does the FrostWire-just-installed-super-easy dance*01:52
td123Hi, what's the easiest way to set up dual monitors on a laptop?01:52
ReaperDuel monitors of different resolutions in Ubuntu? Scary -_-'01:53
turkoi registered my nick but didn get the email to confirm, is there a way to re-send it?01:53
ReaperI gave up on Duel monitors :P01:53
td123Reaper: ya01:53
the_lost_oneturko, i think there´s no email to confirm01:53
td123Reaper: its not scary, its just boring..01:54
turkobut i cant join some channels because i am not registered....01:54
turkoand when i go to info on the nickserv it says my registrarion needs confirmation01:54
the_dudeturko, so do it :)01:55
turkobut i didnt get the email01:55
turkoso i cant confirm01:55
the_dudeturko, have you checked garbage and spam?01:55
the_dudeturko, so change the email maybe...01:56
the_dudeturko, whats the email service? yahoo? hot?01:56
turkocant do it either01:56
the_dudeturko, so i dont know man, what channel do you wanna get in?01:56
turkowhen i try to change it says i need to confirm the email first01:56
the_dudeturko, are you from the forum?01:57
pillow_ofdoomI have never been to an IRC. And i am confused as hell..01:57
turkoi need to register on the forum to access?01:57
pillow_ofdoomI had no fucking clue what an IRC was when some guy mentioned it.01:58
the_dudeTurko, i dont think so, but im from the forum, and i can maybe tell then this problem01:58
the_dudeturko, whre r u from?01:58
the_dudeturko, k wait a sec ill create a topic.01:58
turkook thx01:58
the_dudeturko, go to the another window01:59
stankilsAnyone knows of a gui firewall(like firestarter, but not) that can set up rules based on application, let's say allow only firefox to access any host but only on port 80? Is that possible to do manually using netfilter?01:59
Adessos de brasil02:03
Ades yo argentino02:03
hlfshellis there a package i have to install ot be able to open/deal with RAR files?02:08
dr_willis!rar | hlfshell02:08
ubottuhlfshell: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free02:08
hlfshellthank you dr_willis !02:08
dr_willishlfshell,  unrar is in the repos02:08
jken146rar is in medibuntu02:08
dr_willishlfshell,  ivve had to use wine with winrar.exe inthe past for some bad-behaving rars'02:08
hlfshelldo i have to add repositories to get the rar stuff?02:08
jken146unrar (for unpacking rar files) is in the ubuntu repos02:09
hlfshellactually nm found it in synaptic. thanks for the help guys.02:09
hlfshellill keep in mind the wine tip too02:09
jken146but if you want to make rar files you'll need the package rar (see medibuntu.org)02:09
guineapiganyone know a good guide on how to relay my outgoing mail through dreamhost's smtp?02:10
kunwon1guineapig, there's a #dreamhost on this network, with lots of people who know a lot about dh02:11
passivei receive an error while removing glom/postgres02:11
predator363anyone in?02:12
SpinachHeadhow to run archive manager as root?02:12
jken146gsku file-roller02:13
jribSpinachHead: why would you want to though?02:13
jken146indeed. why?02:13
dman777anyone here use slocate?02:13
SpinachHeadwont let me ectract to usr/local02:13
CapTechI do.02:13
guineapigkunwon1: thanks02:13
kunwon1np guineapig02:13
dman777CapTech, i can't get the -e flag to work for me. i want to exclude the /usr directory in my search02:14
predator363madwifi chat is dead can anyone help me and this guy crazyb0y were working to get my wifi working but he had to go can anyone help me?02:14
user_i have an eeepc with a 4GB sdhc card. i formatted it as ext3 but when i mount it in terminal, even with -w its read only. how do i make it read/write02:14
CapTechdman777: You have to: sudo slocate -u -e /usr02:14
CapTechdman777: That should work for you.02:15
CapTechdman777: You don't actually exclude it in your search.  You have to exclude it from your database build.02:15
jken146user_: check the permissions on the mount point.02:15
CapTechdman777: However, in order to readd it, you have to: sudo slocate -u again.02:15
SpinachHeadah, thx gksu worked02:16
dman777CapTech, so if i want to exclude a dir, i have to recreate the slocate database everytime?02:16
CapTechdman777: Correct.02:16
DILi want to add a login banner so i edited /etc/issue but i dont see the banner when i login what am i doing wrong02:17
dr_willisUsers can create ther own locate databases I recall..02:17
dman777CapTech, isn't that time consumeing defeating the whole purpose of slocate?02:17
jribdman777: just grep the output?02:17
CapTechdman777: Read the help file...02:17
CapTech   -e <dir1,dir2,...> - Exclude directories from the slocate database when using the -u or -U options.02:17
dr_willisDIL,  i was thinking /etc/issue got 'generated' at each boot up.  I forget what makes it however...02:17
dman777CapTech, i didn't have that last part in mine02:17
CapTechdman777: It only works with the -u or -U commands.02:17
user_jken146, its 77702:17
CapTechdman777: Which means when building the databases.02:17
dkulchenkoi've connected a pocket pc to ubuntu one, it was recognized and detected. then I unplugged it, tried plugging it again, but it is not detected as anything other than a USB device. what's wrong?02:18
user_jken146, but after i mount it hos 75502:18
alesanhi, how do I enable root login in gnome? which file should I modify. I know how to do that in KDE but I don't remember in gnome02:18
predator363madwifi chat is dead can anyone help me and this guy crazyb0y were working to get my wifi working but he had to go can anyone help me?02:18
jken146user: check mount options.  type 'mount'02:18
CapTechdman777: Sorry, that wasn't meant as a RTFM, I was trying to help you see what it shows for the -e flag.02:18
bloodscorei've another problem. when i play a music file (mp3 in this case)  it opens with movie player and it plays no sound. i have heard it play system sounds before though. what should i do?02:18
xomp!ask | predator36302:19
ubottupredator363: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:19
predator363i dident ask to ask a question wtf i streight up asked if somone could help me02:19
user_i have an eeepc with a 4GB sdhc card. i formatted it as ext3 but when i mount it in terminal, even with -w its read only. how do i make it read/write02:20
xomp!u | predator36302:20
ubottupredator363: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..02:20
alesanxomp: why the government officers are exempt?02:20
LjLalesan: why don't you ask us how to open up your network to hackers, destroy your data, and make the monitor explode? it would probably be swifter02:20
CapTechdman777: Did that answer your question, or do you need further help with slocate?02:21
chaddyalesan: like M and Q in James Bond02:21
dman777CapTech, kinda. i am doing a slocate rc -ue /usr and it is giving me nothing back even though there is a /etc/rc.conf file02:21
xomp!caps | predator36302:21
ubottupredator363: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:21
LjLpredator363: calm down, and drop the caps.02:21
alesanLjL: so you really thing that closing a graphical login in gdm will stop "hackers" (have you ever read the jargon file?)02:21
chaddypredator363: try writing in english02:22
Aquahallicj #ubuntu-mythtv02:22
alesanLjL anyway, it was simple, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf -> AllowRoot=True02:22
bloodscorecould anyone help me figure out why my sound isn't working when i try to play a song?02:22
user_can someone please help me02:22
predator363im getting gryped at from the chat bot and i dident even do the crap its saying i did02:22
user_i have an eeepc with a 4GB sdhc card. i formatted it as ext3 but when i mount it in terminal, even with -w its read only. how do i make it read/write02:22
dkulchenkopredator363: calmly ask the question02:22
jribpredator363: just state the issue or ask your specific question on a single line.  If someone can help you, they will02:22
LjLalesan: good, you found that out by yourself. now don't ever ask for support here if anything goes wrong.02:22
kitchepredator363: asking for help isn't really asking a question for support since most just ask the real question02:22
predator363i did omg you are all compleate retards02:22
CapTechdman777: Okay... one bit at a time.  The slocate -u is only used to build a database, not to search it.02:22
eeliotthekinghello all02:22
CapTechdman777: To search it, simply type: locate rc02:22
alesanchaddy: I am not familiar with those characters...02:23
FezzlerWhere do I find an old nvidia driver that is 100.14.19?02:23
eeliotthekingcan anyone help me? im having a couple of problems with GRUB02:23
dkulchenkoThank god predator363 left02:23
dman777CapTech, ok, now i am getting somewhere thanx. i thought locate was an alias/variable for slocate?02:23
Fezzleror nvidia-linux-x86-100.14.19.pkg1.tar02:24
alesanLjL: ok I will leave the channel before you ban me also, because I ask "taboo" questions02:24
CapTechdman777: It is, you could do: slocate rc02:24
jken146Fezzler: the nvidia-glx-legacy package?  does that work?02:24
CapTechdman777: But the -u is only used to build a database.  As such, the -e will only work to eliminate directories when building it, not while searching it.02:24
FezzlerI need that specific one02:25
Pulpie_inloveNew to linux, check out http://fushi.sf.net A program to help people to learn linux.02:25
dman777CapTech, ok. nextime i do a updatedb is that going to wipe out my exclude directory option i sat before when i did slocate -ue /usr?02:25
user_i have an eeepc with a 4GB sdhc card. i formatted it as ext3 but when i mount it in terminal, even with -w its read only. how do i make it read/write ?02:25
LjLPulpie_inlove, advertisement is not welcome here.02:25
eeliotthekingi know you guys probably get tired of helping people all the time, but may someone please assist me?  im having problems with GRUB even after re-installing it.02:25
samferryHello, CapTech :)02:25
CapTechdman777: Nope.  When you updatedb, it will update the db using the last settings you used when you ran the slocate -u command.02:26
jribuser_: did you set proper permissions on it?02:26
CapTechHello, Sam.02:26
bloodscoreanyone know why Movie Player would be outputting no sound?02:26
user_jrib yes02:26
engemec_whats you ubuntu version?02:26
Pulpie_inloveLjL: its not advertising its suggesting a way to learn which is endorsed by ubuntu.02:26
CapTechdman777: It will continue to use the last slocate -u settings until you run slocate -u again.02:26
kunwon1bloodscore, you're trying to play mp3s right? do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?02:26
dman777CapTech, ok, great. also, i did a which for locate and slocate and they appear to be two spereate executables. how is this?02:26
jribuser_: pastebin the output of 'mount' and 'ls -ld /path/to/mount/point'02:27
bloodscore8.04. mp3 and wma02:27
eeliotthekingi continue to recieve the "error 17" error even after re-installing GRUB and following directions on the site02:27
kunwon1!mp3 | bloodboy02:27
ubottubloodboy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:27
kunwon1oops, bloodscore see above02:27
Pulpie_inlovekunwon1: lol you think they would get that thing to notice or pm you02:27
Fezzlerit may be on my system.  how do i find it?02:27
CapTechdman777: technically slocate is a "security" enhanced version, however, I've never searched using slocate, I only build the DB's with it.02:27
eeliotthekingand im somewhat new to ubuntu still02:27
CapTechdman777: To each his own.02:27
kunwon1Pulpie_inlove, what?02:28
CapTechdman777: You can search with either.02:28
bloodscoreubuntu restricted extras are the codecs that it asked for when i tried to play a song at first, right?02:28
dman777CapTech, can i assume they use the same database?02:28
CapTechdman777: Correct.02:28
kunwon1bloodscore, yes, most likely02:28
bloodscorethose are installed.02:28
jken146bloodscore: could have been gstreamer-plugins-bad02:28
Pulpie_inlovekunwon1: the bot, it should pm people instead of flood the channel its used to oftend to not02:28
unopdman777, slocate only lists files that you have permissions to access02:28
kunwon1bloodscore, do you have the package ubuntu-restricted-extras installed? that's what you need02:29
dman777CapTech, will this work also? slocate -u -e /*/i_don't_want_dir02:29
jken146bloodscore: not that it really matters (sorry)02:29
kunwon1Pulpie_inlove, the bot offends you?02:29
bloodscorewhere would i find that at, kunwon1?02:29
Guest15839como se yama el canal02:29
jrib!es | Guest1583902:29
ubottuGuest15839: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:29
kunwon1bloodscore, you can install it with aptitude, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:29
Pulpie_inlovekunwon1: it just makes a mess of an already crowded channel02:29
kunwon1bloodscore, it takes some time02:29
eeliotthekinganyone please?  i am running ubuntu off of a 500 GB external firewire Hard drive, and i have Black XP installed on my main hard drive02:29
Omikanecan someone help me setup my samba sharing?02:29
kunwon1Pulpie_inlove, the bot is used as an aid to help inform people about things they need help with, which is the purpose of this channel02:30
jrib!samba > Omikane02:30
ubottuOmikane, please see my private message02:30
jribOmikane: I just right click -> properties -> share02:30
kunwon1Pulpie_inlove, and this is probably offtopic02:30
user_jrib mount output: /dev/sdb on /media/disk type ext3 (rw) other command output: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2008-10-20 19:56 /media/disk/02:30
dman777CapTech, i tried it but slocate did like the wildcard for the first dir02:30
jribuser_: only root has write permissions02:30
jrib!permissions > user_02:30
ubottuuser_, please see my private message02:30
CapTechdman777: Actually, that's how it is supposed to be used: slocate -u -e /path/to/exclude.  As to whether or not you can use a wildcard, I don't think so.02:30
Pulpie_inlovekunwon1: Im just saying they should follow in the foot steps of #debian like usual and have their bot pm/notice someone instead of spam in the channel.02:31
dman777CapTech, thanx. you've been alot of help!02:31
kunwon1bloodscore, I had to reboot after installing that, before my mp3s would play. you probably will too02:31
user_ok fixed it thanks02:31
=== Guest15839 is now known as Ades
CaptainMorgancrtoe, my laptop has a memory max of 4 gigs... our discussion over the weekend concerned my laptop that had currently only had 2 gigs... I installed the remaining to 2 gigs today and the vm along with the general ubuntu system itself have shown *dramatic* improvement.... the vm was previously only allotted about 748 mb - 1024 mb worth of memory, now it gets the full 2048, the issue with heat and performance are nearly gone... t02:31
CaptainMorganhe battery discharge also shows sign of reduced speed in discharge... memory, appears to solve vm issues too :)02:31
dman777CapTech, i'm using gentoo :) but i come here because the following is so large i can find good support for CLI questions02:31
kunwon1Pulpie_inlove, why is it spam? If it's in the main channel, others can learn from it too, other than the single recipient of a private message02:31
CapTechdman777: Thanks.  Please let me know if you need any more help.  :)02:31
After_MathWould it be ok to install VirtualBox that was intended for 8.04 on 8.10?02:31
Denisewhere is david02:31
kunwon1Pulpie_inlove, if you want to continue this conversation let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic02:31
geniiAfter_Math: No02:32
CapTechdman777: Best of luck to you.  :)  I love the CLI.  CLI FTW!02:32
After_Mathgenii, why not?02:32
After_Mathgenii, would I build it from source then. Oh propably because of the kernel?02:32
Pulpie_inlovekunwon1: no thanks02:32
geniiAfter_Math: Because basically it is for another distribution and kernel version02:32
eeliotthekinganyone know where i could go for help then?02:32
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After_Mathgenii, I could make it from source though right02:33
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geniiAfter_Math: Yes, you could02:33
After_Mathgenii, k thanks02:33
eeliotthekingnvm then02:34
Deniseeliot the king02:34
MordocaiDoes anyone know if ubuntu works well with the zd1211rw driver?02:35
Denisehow r u02:35
Pulpie_inlovesee at least im not like that guy.02:35
td123wow, I was stupid enough to click and that stupid link provided by ades02:35
eeliotthekingum pretty good02:35
eeliotthekingjust trying to get help with my problem02:35
Omikanejrib I get to properties and there is no share option. was at that website but was confused. That's why I came here02:35
geniieeliottheking: she spews nonsensical things here all the time, don't let it throw you02:35
jribOmikane: what version of ubuntu?02:35
Omikanejrib hardy 8.04 I think02:36
jrib!version | Omikane02:36
ubottuOmikane: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »02:36
Mowkhey, i recently purchased a External hardrive. I wouild like to partition it to have a few linux based operating systems on it, so i could boot off of it. How would one accomplish somthing like this.02:36
Omikanejrib yep hardy 8.0402:37
jribOmikane: it should be the last tab when you click properties02:37
adubwhats a good email server02:37
jaypurturko, pronto02:38
EnissayI have troubles with Amarok ==> There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was:  Could not open network socket  Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!02:38
After_Mathcan anyone tell me how I could get VirtualBox to run on 8.10?02:38
jken146Mowk: take about 10 GB for each distro.  You can partition in the installers of most distros, or beforehand using e.g. gparted.02:38
jribAfter_Math: #ubuntu+1 for help with intrepid02:38
After_Mathjrgp, forgot thanks :)02:38
Mowkjken146: Yes but how would i boot off of my external hardrive?02:39
Mowkand choose what linux one i wanted to use at the time, say if i had 3 on the same one.02:39
After_MathMowk, Bios02:39
jken146Mowk: install the bootloader to the first partition of that drive.  Then look in your BIOS settings to allow USB boot.02:39
MowkWhich bootloader.02:40
jken146Mowk: GRUB (bootloader) should automagically make a list of all the OSs installed.02:40
MowkThannks boss;)02:40
jken146Mowk: The process of how to do this differs between distros02:40
jken146MOwk: but for the popular ones it's quite easy and automatic(ish)02:41
Mowki can fool around, Even if i make a mistake its easy to reverse the prossess with a external drive with nothing to losse on it, correct?02:41
jken146Mowk: yes02:41
eeliottheking(01:25:49 AM) eeliottheking: i know you guys probably get tired of helping people all the time, but may someone please assist me?  im having problems with GRUB even after re-installing it.02:41
karab44what are gnome-build-1.0?02:42
karab44I need it but theres no package02:42
jken146eeliottheking: What problem?02:42
yoyonedeeliottheking: like what?02:42
Omikane_I got the share tab but it's still not showing up in my windows computer.02:43
eeliotthekingim getting the generalized error 1702:43
eeliotthekingafter installing it02:43
eeliotthekingand re-installing grub02:43
jrib!who | Omikane_02:43
ubottuOmikane_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:43
jribOmikane_: what options did you choose?02:43
eeliotthekingi have ubuntu installed02:43
eeliotthekingon a 500GB external firewire drive02:43
jrib!enter | eeliottheking02:43
ubottueeliottheking: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:43
zelrikriandohey what is  .lyxpipe.in02:44
=== Indoctrine is now known as Doc|LOLCode
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:44
eeliotthekinganyway, i have ubuntu installed on a 500GB external firewire drive.  I also have Windows XP (BlackXP) installed on my main hard drive (internal)  which is also 500GB02:45
Omikane_jrib I keep getting this "Ask the administrator to add the line "usershare owner only = False" "02:45
sancho21I see that I can request ubuntu cd now. But there is no option about choosing the architecture. Why?02:45
sancho21all is now in amd6402:45
jribOmikane_: right.  You can't ignore errors and expect things to work :)  I assume you are trying to share something that your user does not own then?02:45
eeliotthekinganyone know what i could do to possibly solve my problem?02:46
Flannelsancho21: Are you looking at shipit.ubuntu.com?02:46
Omikane_jrib trying to share some drives on this computer to all the other computers in the house inc the windows ones.02:46
sancho21Flannel: yes02:46
jaypurHi, may i help someone?02:47
jribeeliottheking: you want to state the problem on a single line with all the details (use paste.ubuntu.com if you have errors or logs) so people can actually see if they can help you02:47
jribOmikane_: pastebin the entire error02:47
jrib!pastebin > Omikane_02:47
ubottuOmikane_, please see my private message02:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:47
Omikane_jrib http://pastebin.com/m75bfdfbf02:48
jribOmikane_: k, so now you have to do as the error says: add the line "usershare owner only = False" to the [global] section of the smb.conf to allow this.02:49
Flannelsancho21: Hmmm, if it doesn't give you the option, file a bug report against it.  I don't want to accidentally request a CD to verify it.02:51
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eeliotthekinghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/60341/ - Alright, i have summed up my problem.  Can anyone think of what could be possibly causing this?02:52
Flannelsancho21: https://bugs.launchpad.net/shipit  I didn't see a bug like that already reported02:56
musikgoateeliottheking: what is your bios set to boot to first, the internal disk or the usb connection?02:56
Omikane_jrib lol I can't find it02:56
jribOmikane_: can't find what?02:56
Omikane_jrib  smb.con02:57
Omikane_jrib  smb.conf*02:57
Flanneleeliottheking: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installing%20on%20external%20or%20RAID%20hard%20disks  might be of some help02:57
eeliotthekingmusikgoat:  I have it set to boot to the internal disk first, but ive attempted to boot from both the firewire drive and the internal drive02:57
jribOmikane_: oh.  You can just do 'locate smb.conf', but it should be /etc/samba/smb.conf02:57
EnissayI have troubles with Amarok ==> There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was:  Could not open network socket  Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!02:58
sancho21Flannel: So, you've checked the shipit site by yourself and assume that it must be a problem?02:59
MadneXanyone here heard about boxee?? i have invitations for the alpha test.. i wanted to try but its no working on my distro yet www.boxee.tv02:59
FlannelMadneX: Please don't do that here.02:59
Flannelsancho21: I have not, no.  But if its not working for you, its a bug.  It'll either get confirmed, or someone will show you where the secret option is hiding.03:00
Happydoes 8.04 sometimes freeze keybord input? i had this 2-3 times today03:01
Happyby close an application, and re-open it, key input wakes03:01
MadneXFlannel, ???????? sorry i just want to be polite.. since i wait for 2 weeks until receive the invitation, and is only working on ubuntu, i'm a slackware user, anyway.. sorry03:02
mercutio22how can I find out if I have bluetooth on my pc?03:02
FFEMTcJmercutio22: read the manual03:02
FlannelMadneX: This is a support channel, your topic would be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic03:03
mercutio22FFEMTcJ: the manual is generic. I don't remember If I chose a bluetooth module when I bought mine03:03
FFEMTcJmercutio22: what make and model?03:04
mercutio22dell m173003:04
mercutio22FFEMTcJ: Dell M173003:04
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eeliotthekingalright, ive made a few changes.  im going to attempt to re-boot and see if its been fixed.03:05
jribOmikane_: you sort it out?03:06
kc8hfiis there not a search param to apt-get?03:06
Flannelkc8hfi: apt-cache search foo03:06
FFEMTcJmercutio22: i believe you should be able to log into dell's site and enter your computers serial number and find out03:06
eeliotthekingpossibly, if not ill go back to the site and read some more information03:06
eeliotthekingthank you guys for your help03:07
musikgoatkc8hfi: apt-cache search03:07
kc8hfiFlannel: what happens if the cache is out of date? tehre a command to make sure its up 2 date?03:07
the_found_onekc8hfi, apt-get update03:07
Flannelkc8hfi: sudo apt-get update03:07
mercutio22FFEMTcJ: ok, I will try that out. Isn't there a way for me to list devices I have on linux?03:07
Jordan_Umercutio22: lspci or lshal03:08
kc8hfithanks Flannel, the_found_one, and musikgoat03:08
passivecan anyone help me with setting permissions to postgres ? http://pastebin.com/d4f625f5003:08
=== the_found_one is now known as the_lost_one
Omikane_jrib well, I got the shares setup but it's still not showing up in my windows network places.03:09
passivehello ?03:10
jribOmikane_: no errors and you clicked "create share"?03:10
the_lost_oneOmikane_, whats happens if you type \\ip.of.linux.box ?03:10
FFEMTcJpassive: if someone knows or can help you they will.03:10
mercutio22Jordan_U: thanks03:10
Omikane_jrib  yeah, no errors this time around03:10
jribOmikane_: I would check "network places" in ubuntu to make sure they are setup right and then try what the_lost_one said on windows03:11
Omikane_the_lost_one bash: \ip.of.linux.box: command not found03:11
karab44how it goes with that install --prefix usr  ?? !!03:11
jribkarab44: huh?03:12
the_lost_oneOmikane_, hey, i mean on windows, start -> run03:12
karab44installation directory03:12
the_lost_oneOmikane_, and type the real IP, numeric :)03:12
jribkarab44: -ENOCONTEXT03:13
genesismachineI'm trying to start from scratch with apache, and I cannot seem to clear out all the config files with a remove... am I doing something wrong with apt-get remove? That should remove *everything* associated with the package right?03:13
karab44when it changes from local to usr03:13
karab44--prefix /blehblehbleh03:13
jribgenesismachine: you need to purge apache2.2-common (or similar)03:13
jribkarab44: what are you installing exactly and why are you not using the repositories?03:13
Omikane_the_lost_one bash the network path was not found with bash: |\ip.of.linux.box03:13
karab44i am installing anjuta with subversion and many other very usefull plugins. In repo is a crap03:14
the_lost_oneOmikane_, where are you typing that?03:14
karab44just compiled, trying to checkinstall that03:15
jribkarab44: erm, "in repo is a crap"?  You should be filing bugs if something is broken.  What's your question about --prefix?03:15
jrib!who | karab4403:15
ubottukarab44: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:15
Omikane_the_lost_one it prompts me for a password and it doesn't accept my login and password. I'm typing it in start>run03:15
karab44jrib: its not a bug, anjuta is configured... unfortunetly not good for me03:16
jribkarab44: you are contradicting yourself03:16
Omikane_jrib I check my ubuntu network and it all seems right.03:17
the_lost_oneOmikane_, try with \\ip.of.linux.box\share03:17
karab44jrib: no, i am developer and need tools03:17
karab44jrib: You are user and never understand my needs03:17
niallhey all, i have a quick question about sound output in ubuntu03:18
Omikane_the_lost_one same, it prompts me for login/pass03:18
jribkarab44: do you have an actual question?03:18
niallCan only one program at a time play sound?03:18
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mneptokniall: it is a known shortcoming of PulseAudio in Hardy03:18
jribniall: no.  But some programs will hog the sound card (like flash on hardy)03:19
the_lost_oneOmikane_, you have added a user and password for login into samba shares?03:19
jkoceanyone want to help a total noob?  i got ubuntu installed, and downloaded a bunch of updates...now it won't boot03:19
nialljrib, thanks. Any known work arounds?03:19
predator363i have an ar5009 atheros card and it does not seem to be recodnised by ubuntu how may i get this card working and connected?03:19
mneptokjrib: that PA, not Flash, sadly03:19
Omikane_the_lost_one I don't think so given I have no idea how. lol03:19
karab44jrib: yes03:20
the_lost_oneOmikane_, then you must follow some guide mate, lol03:20
jribniall: it's apparently fixed in 8.10, so when that is released at the end of the month, you shouldn't have the issue anymore03:20
jribkarab44: then ask it please03:20
jkoceanyone want to help a total noob?  i got ubuntu installed, and downloaded a bunch of updates...now it won't boot03:20
Flannelpredator363: It seems that it's likely a bug in the atheros driver.  Try doing this: echo "blacklist ath_pci" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:20
predator363flannel: just a sec ill do it03:21
nialljrib, great. Thanks  a lot, have a good nite03:21
Jordan_Ujkoce: What version of Ubuntu did you install?03:21
gwinbeehello, wubi user with a probably-dumb question.03:21
Flannelpredator363: once you reboot, that should disable the Atheros driver, and enable the free one.  See if that works.  If not, we'll remove that line and check about other stuff.03:21
jkoceJordan_U let me check, it was the most recent (dl'd it sunday)03:21
joe_chatthis conversation with karab44 is incredibly amuzing03:21
gwinbeehad some kind of catastrophe, had to chkdsk from windows, booted back up, should i force a fsck as well?03:22
gwinbeeand if so how?03:22
predator363flannel: it started a new blank line like it was going to do something but all it did was have a blinking box03:22
kc8hfihow do I list all the updates, but not install them?03:22
jkoceJordan: 8.0.4 desktop03:22
the_lost_oneOmikane_, follow this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba03:22
Flannelpredator363: What command did you give?03:22
jkoceright now it's stuck at "running local boot scripts"03:22
predator363blacklist ath_pci" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:23
Flannelkc8hfi: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade03:23
karab44jrib: i compiled sourcecode into .deb and it installs into /usr/local and want it to /usr/03:23
Flannelkc8hfi: the -s means "simulate"03:23
jribOmikane_: in share properties you set access.  It should be the user account you shared from by default03:23
Flannelpredator363: Right, you missed the echo and the first "03:23
predator363oh sorry lemme try again03:23
jrib!packaging > karab4403:23
ubottukarab44, please see my private message03:23
karab44jrib: some gyu says that it should be done before compilling..03:23
jribkarab44: I imagine you want to pass --prefix /usr/  when you ./configure03:24
Jordan_Ukc8hfi: Use update-manager or run "sudo apt-get update" and then choose not to install ( it will ask before actually upgrading )03:24
Flanneljrib, karab44: you mean /usr/local/, yes?03:24
karab44jrib: yes so ... now its too late?03:24
gwinbeeor is chkdsk alone sufficient03:24
predator363flannel: it said blacklist_athpci03:24
Flannelpredator363: Er, blacklist ath_pci, right?03:24
* jkoce has taken a number03:24
predator363flannel: lol yea03:24
karab44Flannel: yes, it installs into usr/local/  and I want it into /usr/03:24
Flannelkarab44: that's not really recommended.  Why do you want that?03:25
jribkarab44: "too late?"  just edit debian/rules to call ./configure properly03:25
Jordan_Ujkoce: Have you done anything other than install and update?03:25
Flannelkarab44: Oh, packaging.03:25
jkoceJordan: not really,  just installed flash plugin for firefox03:26
karab44jrib: but everything will be compiled once again i presume03:26
jribkarab44: yeah03:26
karab44jrib: You see03:26
bobpaulwhat package provides the /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree*.xml files? many of mine appear to be corrupt (apt-get/dpkg give parsing errors)03:26
predator363flannel: is that all i was suposed to do?03:27
karab44jrib: so its exactly ./configure --prefix /usr/    ?03:27
Flannelpredator363: reboot, see if it works, yeah.03:27
jribkarab44: yes03:27
predator363ki brb03:27
karab44jrib: thank You mate03:27
mineraleDoes ubuntu offer drivers for the verizon expresscard? (Kyocera V740)03:27
MrPocketshow to print to shared printer?03:28
Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: CUPS03:28
Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: Common Unix Printing System03:29
Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: point a browser to localhost:63103:29
dmotdhello, testing the ubuntu 8.10-deskop bootcd, fails to find screens on an old toshiba-satellite-a10.03:29
the_lost_oneMrPockets, you mean shared with NETBIOS?03:29
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Flanneldmotd: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks.03:29
D4RIU5anyone use synce to sync smartphone?03:29
MrPocketsthe_lost_one, a windows baching03:29
MrPocketssharing a pritneR?03:29
dmotdFlannel, no probs, thanks03:29
zhanxminerale http://www.evdoforums.com/thread1256.html03:29
Pulpie_inloveD4RIU5: I sync a palm tx03:29
=== kc8hfi is now known as kc8hfi_away
the_lost_oneMrPockets, i guess you need samba then03:30
jkoceJordan_U: any suggestions?  i could reinstall or is there some type of recovery startup?03:30
MrPocketsI've got sambe03:30
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Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: you dont need samba03:30
D4RIU5actually looking for wm6 sync...03:30
ArrPirateIf I choose to install the Intrepid beta now, in ten days will it be updated to any changes the official release has and therefor be just as good as the official release?03:30
MrPocketsbut i've got it anyway03:30
Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: you have ubuntu with a printer already right?03:30
predator363Flannel: my light is still red and i dont seem to be able to get a wifi signal03:30
D4RIU5can sync with ubuntu, but messes up my activesync on win.03:30
Omikane_jrib what do you mean user account?03:30
FlannelArrPirate: yep, but for further questions regarding intrepid, #ubuntu+1 is the place.03:30
Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: which computer has a printer, the windows or linux one?03:31
jribOmikane_: your user on ubuntu03:31
MrPocketsprinters on the XP machien03:31
D4RIU5most win users can't answer since they just use win03:31
MrPocketsi wanna print FROM the ubuntu machine03:31
Flannelpredator363: alright, what does this give you? lsmod | grep ath03:31
predator363flannel: just a sec03:31
ArrPiratethank you Flannel03:31
Pulpie_inloveMrPockets: oh then #samba if its easier if its on the linux machine which doesn't require Samba03:31
gwinbeeso uh, fsck on a wubi install?03:31
bobpaulMrPockets: Have you tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter03:32
gwinbeenecessary after hard reboot? not?03:32
predator363flannel: ath_pci               226880  003:32
predator363wlan                  253600  1 ath_pci03:32
predator363ath_hal               303520  1 ath_pci03:32
MowkHey, So im trying to partition my external HD to ubuntu but Gparted wont let me Make a new partition because tis already partitioned into NFTS what do i do03:32
gwinbeei've already run chkdsk03:32
Flannelgwinbee: You could try it, it ... shouldn't... hurt anything03:32
gwinbeeFlannel: fair enough, how do i force a fsck?03:32
Flannelpredator363: in the future, use pastebin (paste.ubuntu.com), but, we can see that we're not successfully blocking ath_pci to load.03:32
Flannelpredator363: er, from loading.03:32
MowkHey, So im trying to partition my external HD to ubuntu but Gparted wont let me Make a new partition because tis already partitioned into NFTS what do i do03:32
Flannelgwinbee: `sudo touch /forcefsck` then reboot03:32
gwinbeeas i recall, that'll cause a fsck at every reboot, correct?03:33
predator363flannel: sorry about the big paste wont happen again03:33
gwinbeeif so, how do i make it quit doing that after i've done it once?03:33
Flannelgwinbee: Nope, it removes that file after/during/whatever03:33
rspktany app that locks down the session at certain times?03:33
gwinbeeah, thanks.03:33
MowkHey, So im trying to partition my external HD to ubuntu but Gparted wont let me Make a new partition because tis already partitioned into NFTS what do i do03:34
Flannelpredator363: How big is the output of this: cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:34
the_lost_oneMrPockets, look this http://www.watchingthenet.com/connecting-to-shared-printers-on-windows-computers.html03:34
gwinbeethank you flannel, you're helpful and your name reminds me of my favorite kind of shirt. now i'm off to reboot.03:34
predator363flannel: just a sec03:34
bobpaulAnyone know what package provides the /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree*.xml files? 'dpkg -S' and 'dpkg-query -S' both return no results O_o03:34
hvgotcodeshey i installed artwiz fonts and can use them with conky, but the i cant select them in the gnome configuration dialog or in the gnome-terminal font selector -- what gives?03:34
predator363flannel: huge03:34
geniiMowk: Do you want to keep the ntfs data or not?03:34
=== Guest14027 is now known as Brucee
Mowkcouldnt care lessjsut abit of movies, guessm it would eb nice03:35
aflackcan someone help me view my windows files from ubuntu? like the windows partition?03:35
Mowki jsut want to have a 10gb ubuntu partition03:35
Omikane_jrib I don't know what that means03:35
geniiMowk: If not just delete it then and re-partition03:35
jribOmikane_: what is your username in ubuntu?03:35
Omikane_jrib nickolaus03:36
jkoceanyone want to help a total noob?  i got ubuntu installed, and downloaded a bunch of updates...now it won't boot03:36
Mowk i jsut want to have a 10gb ubuntu partition03:36
Flannelpredator363: hmmm, is there a line "blacklist ath_pci" at the end of that?03:36
aflackmowk, tried wubi?03:36
jribOmikane_: you can log in with that username and your ubuntu password when you connect to the share from windows03:36
Kr0ntabHeya Flannel03:36
geniigah wubi03:36
aflackwhats wrong with wubi03:36
predator363flannel: yes03:37
FlannelHowdy Kr0ntab03:37
Kr0ntabhow ya been?03:37
aflackanyone help me view my windows partition in ubuntu?03:37
Flannelpredator363: alright, apparently we're supposed to use another file.  So, go ahead and open that up in an editr with sudo (alt-f2, then type: gksu "gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist") then remove that last line, and save it again.03:38
Kr0ntabaflack: how many hard drives do you have?  one with multiple partitions?03:38
bobpaulaflack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G03:38
aflackive got one yes03:38
=== ferox is now known as feroxjb
Omikane_jrib oh, I've tried that. It just keeps prompting me.03:38
Kr0ntabaflack: you can take a look at the url bobpaul just recommended...03:39
Kr0ntabaflack: cool...03:39
jribOmikane_: hmm.  don't know then.  Never used a share from windows.  You could load a live cd on the windows machine and see if the share worked fine there.  Then you would know it was an issue with windows03:40
riegersnwhats the difference between the normal kernel-source and the kernel-source-2.6 ?03:40
=== blood_ is now known as blood_su
jkristhekinghey i got one simple question. why are java apps so slow on linux i mean sys specs are : intel celeron @ 2.4ghz/ 1gb drr/ geforece fx 5500 / 20gb hdd (OS) / 250 gb external03:40
Omikane_jrib yeah, I recall the last time I set it up I edited the smb.conf file.03:40
riegersnjkristheking, not sure but i doubt you 20gig hd and external drive have anything to do with java speed issues03:41
jribOmikane_: personally, I just used the gui on ubuntu and was able to see the shares on other ubuntu and osx machines03:41
jkristhekingha i know idk why i listed them -.-03:41
predator363flannel: it said can not open display when i typed gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklis03:41
Flannelpredator363: Alright, go ahead and do this then: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:42
jribriegersn: you mean "linux-source"?  linux-source just depends on the latest linux-source-* package03:42
riegersnpredator363, nano /etc/modprobe.d......03:42
riegersnjrib, yea... what about the 2.6 source03:42
rspktany idea on how to schedule a time when ubuntu automaticly locks up?03:42
riegersnjrib, how can i decide what would be best for me?03:42
the_lost_onepredator363, thats because gedit is a graphical editor and needs X window03:43
jribriegersn: erm, linux-source probably depends on linux-source-2.6 or whatever03:43
predator363flannel: k its open03:43
Flannelpredator363: scroll down to the very bottom and remove that line, then save (ctrl-o)03:43
Flannelpredator363: We're following the instructions on this page, by the way: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/18248903:44
hvgotcodeshey i can use the artwiz fonts in xfontsel and with conky via xft, but i cant see any of the fonts in gnome apps (the gnome appearance program, terminal, etc) -- how can i get gnome to see the fonts03:44
GoanHi. I am getting this error "The custom vm you have chosen is not a valid executable" when I open eclipse on my kubuntu machine. Anyone knows how to correct this error?03:44
predator363flannel: should i just falllow these or am i better off with you?03:44
jkocehey if anyone wants to help a noob...i can't get my GUI to start (says unable to connect to x server)03:45
Flannelpredator363: If you'd like to follow that, you can.  Be sure to read the full thing before starting (because the earlier workrarounds aren't necessary now that proper fixes are in place).  In a nutshell: The fix has been applied to the backports (hardy-backports) repository, so you need to install that package, and then apparently also get rid of the ath_pci module (intsructions are in that near the bottom) to allow the backported one to work.03:46
aflacki tried the link for the viewing of the windows partition in ubuntu, and im kind of lost... can you give me the link again03:47
=== Tniffoc is now known as Tniffoc^Away
Flannel!away > Tniffoc^Away03:47
ubottuTniffoc^Away, please see my private message03:47
jribaflack: the link should just tell you to install and run ntfs-config03:47
jrib!ntfs > aflack03:47
ubottuaflack, please see my private message03:47
Wickedusing xinerama is causing xorg to use 90% cpu....anything i can do?03:47
joe_chati lovve xmms and it is not on03:49
predator363flannel: i think i'll just stic with you man now im just confused03:49
predator363did flannel go bye bye?03:51
Wickedjoe_chat, yea xmms was good. but check out audacious...its just like xmms...ive actually grown to love it more...and i was a die hard xmms fan03:51
mlinsSo, I'm looking to setup some automated backup.03:51
mlinsCan I use the backup user?03:51
mlinsor should I create my own user for backup?03:52
the_lost_oneGoan, its seems that eclipse its complaining about your java Virtual Machine which is setup by JAVA_HOME variable, i googled a bit and you can make it work with the -vm paremeter03:52
joe_chati did and really miss xmms03:52
FFEMTcJmlins: check out rsnapshot03:52
Goanthe_lost_one, I know about the workaround too03:52
Tniffoc^Awaysoz for the away msgs I only thought it would affect the channel I was in...  soz03:52
judojohnnydoes anyone know if u can add files to a ubuntu distro03:52
mlinsFFEMTcJ: I'm user rdiff-backup03:52
the_lost_oneGoan, oh k :)03:52
Goanbut i am looking to fix my eclipse link in programs menu03:53
mlinsjust trying to figure out if I can user the built-in backup user to03:53
FFEMTcJjudojohnny: you can create your own distro03:53
willwhhi folks - does anyone have Teamspeak working & able to play at the same time?03:53
Flannelwillwh: There's some howtos in the forums regarding teamspeak, they might be a good place to look03:53
judojohnnyhow hard is that, im really only lookin to add a few flash files for my school comp03:53
willwhFlannel: really? I will check it out thanks03:53
predator363how do i install the atheros ar5009 drivers?03:54
Flannelpredator363: First we'll install the backports package, then we'll see about blacklisting.03:54
wczimmermanGot a question: I'm getting a "Bus Error" when trying to run wireshark on Hardy-anyone seen that before?03:54
predator363flannel: ok how do i do that?03:54
willwhwczimmerman: nope03:55
Markosis there any software to control fan speed on ati cards in linux03:55
willwhwczimmerman: http://wiki.wireshark.org/Development03:55
Markosdamn thing is loud03:55
Markosrivatuner like application out there or am i sol?03:55
willwhwczimmerman: looks like its glib and gtk+ version issue03:56
wczimmermanI'll check that03:56
willwhthat took me like 2 secs in google? :P03:56
willwh"wireshark bus error03:56
Flannelpredator363: Ugh.  Ok, we're going to enable backports, even if its not my favorite idea, but that'll be the best future proof way.... actually...03:56
|chiz|_is there a way I to troubleshoot resuming after suspend?03:56
Flannelpredator363: You could try Intrepid.  This is a fresh install, right?03:56
wczimmermanreinstalled gtk already but forgot glib03:57
predator363flannel: yes and i tryed intrepid but i worked even less than hardy so im waiting for the official release03:57
Flannelpredator363: Its only a development version, but it's due out in two weeks, and would probably be a lot simpler for you.03:57
Flannelpredator363: Alright, we'll go with Hardy then.03:57
Flannelpredator363: go ahead and enable backports.  Go to Administration > Software sources and check then hardy backports repository03:57
predator363flannel: took me a week and 6 distro's to find one that worked03:58
Flannelpredator363: This fix should work by default in Intrepid, as I understand that bug report.  Or at least, once intrepid is final.  As for your other stuff, I'm not sure.03:58
willwhFlannel: great aoss works a treat03:58
willwhonly issue being...03:58
willwhmy teamspeak sound jittery now03:59
willwhargh, can't type for toffee tonight :(03:59
predator363flannel: i dont see any kinda backports anything to check03:59
Flannelpredator363: alright, lets just do this then: echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy-backports main restricted" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list04:00
^Cheekyhey what programs as in chat wise, pidgin and such support web cam, ?04:01
the_lost_oneamsn, kopete, konversation04:02
predator363flannel: i did it04:02
predator363now what?04:02
^CheekyKonversation ?04:02
kindofabuzzI have scrot setup as a launcher, srot screen.png -s, how can i set it to store screen.png to Desktop? I tried putting ~/Desktop/screen.png04:03
kindofabuzznet split?04:05
Kr0ntabkindofabuzz: nah...04:06
Kr0ntabkindofabuzz: just a busy channel04:06
kindofabuzzi see no one talking though04:06
predator363flannel: ?04:06
MTeck|MoreMePitykindofabuzz: it's been a slow week all over the internet04:06
m3thodhi there. How do i update to firefox 3?04:06
=== MTeck|MoreMePity is now known as MTecknology
Flannelpredator363: Sorry, I can't seem to find backports packages listed, so you're going to have to be my eyes for a bit.04:07
kindofabuzzm3thod, are you not on Hardy?04:07
jribm3thod: what version of ubuntu?04:07
predator363flannel: sure how?04:07
Flannelpredator363: sudo apt-get update, and then apt-cache search linux-backports-modules, and pastebin the output of the apt-cache search please.04:07
GMWeezelhow can i run a script when my screensaver is executed?04:08
predator363flannel: k i pasted it04:09
Flannelpredator363: Give us the URL ;)04:09
predator363http://paste.ubuntu.com/60352/    sorry04:10
UbubeginIn my terminal console, currently i can only scrollback to maybe 100 lines or so.. How can i double that...04:10
JenjenI looking for someone who can give me a hand on a problem I have. Im on a windows-pc and read that gimp should have a function that I'm was searching the last hours. Is someone kind enough to help me out?04:10
jribUbubegin: edit -> current profile04:10
JenjenI wanna know if the result of an filter in gimp has the affect I hope it has04:10
copprook, I'm trying to upgrade early to Intrepid04:10
Flannel!upgrade | coppro04:11
ubottucoppro: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:11
Flannelcoppro: Also, see #ubuntu+104:11
jribJenjen: ask #gimp04:11
copprowell, it's really a package manager issue04:11
copproI'll see if it's on the notes04:11
Jenjenthx, I will try04:11
Ububeginjrib: cool.. found it.. thanks04:11
MTecknologyGMWeezel: I don't know of anything to do that. What do you want to happen?04:12
MowkHey guys, i went to install ubuntu on my external hd and partitioned it to 10 gb of it. i insaltled it and it installed grub also. now even when i dont have my external hd up it comes to grub and theres an error i cant boot in windows now.    How can i uninstall ubuntu please04:12
copprothe issue is, I'm using the newer PPA versions of KDE404:12
MTecknologyMowk: what's the error?04:12
copproand apt is thinking it needs to uninstall them all04:12
Mowk232 i belive04:12
copprois there any way to downgrade packages to the repository versions?04:13
GMWeezelMTecknology: Well, right now it's so I can dismount certain encrypted volumes I don't want mounted when they aren't in use. I have a solution but it's one I don't like; I'll rename gnome-screensaver to gnome-screensaver-bin and replace the original with a shell script more than likely is what i will do04:13
copproas a batch command?04:13
Mowkcan i jsut remove ubuntu its not even workin...04:13
predator363flannel: did i paste it right?04:13
Mowkim running from a live cd04:13
Flannelpredator363: Aye.  Alright, what kernel are you running? (uname -a) it's only one line, so you can go ahead and paste it in the channel04:13
MTecknologyGMWeezel: that's not a horrible option. The other thing you could do is have a cron task that checks if the screen saver is running every 5 min04:14
MowkHow can i remove ubuntu?04:14
FlannelMowk: What would you like to end up with?04:14
ransommowk: rm -rf /* always worked for me04:14
MTecknologyMowk: xp or vista?04:14
Markosfound the solution, if anyone wants to set ati fan speed04:14
Flannel!danger | ransom04:14
ubotturansom: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:14
Markosaticonfig --pplib-cmd "set fanspeed 0 40"04:14
predator363flannel: Linux ubuntu 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 25 16:57:51 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:14
MowkIts not letting me boot in vista..04:14
Markoswhere 40 is percentage of fan speed04:14
ransomi got in trouble04:14
Flannelransom: Please don't *ever* do anything like that here.04:14
MowkI dont get how grub is running i dont have my external disk in where i installed it.04:14
MTecknologyMowk: 232 isn't a grub error.04:14
ransommy apologies04:15
MowkI dont want grub to run either.04:15
GMWeezelMTecknology: well maybe not horrible but it seems like there should be something in place to do that already. ive skimmed all the config files to no avail too. hadnt thought to check to see if the screensaver was running. i prefer that.04:15
FlannelMowk: grub installs to your MBR, you'll need your Vista disk, and then you can replace it.04:15
GMWeezelMTecknology: the reason i dont like to do "Wrapper" scripts is because it complicates uninstalling programs if i forget ive wrapped them later on.04:15
FlannelMowk: as far as Ubuntu is concerned, just remove the partition (after dealing with GRUB) and re-absorb the space04:15
MTecknologyMowk: grub installed to your first hd. It's not finding entried in your /boot though. You can boot to a vista install cd and have it restore itself to the MBR04:15
nicle_yanganybody know how to query the glibc function "open" with info04:16
nicle_yang"info open" just tells how to use the shell command open04:16
MowkHow would i restore it to the mbr04:16
MTecknologyGMWeezel: I'd do the cron if I were you - easy check04:16
Flannelpredator363: alright, install this package: linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-19-generic  with, sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-2.6.24-19-generic04:16
Mowkreinstall windows?04:16
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:16
MTecknologyMowk: in the install cd, click next, then there's a repain option04:16
MTecknologye-frame: not grub04:16
predator363flannel: any way we can get this done in about 15 mins? iv got to leave and if we cant finish i may have to use vista untill tommorow when i can come back for help04:16
MowkWould a recovery disk work?04:17
Mowkthe ones you make.04:17
MTecknologyMowk: probably04:17
Flannelpredator363: This?  Perhaps.  But Just keep that bug in your bookmarks or whatever and then ask about it tomorrow.04:17
GMWeezelMTecknology: yeah, that's probably what i will end up doing. thanks. i was trying to think of how to do it with cron but it never dawned on me to check to see if the screensaver was running. too much time on windows. anyway, thanks a lot.04:17
Mowkhow do i delete the partition of ubuntu04:17
predator363flannel: its d/ling04:17
e-frameMTecknology: doesn't Mowk just want to have his vista back ?04:17
bubuntuhello, how can i run CSS on ubuntu? i see the menu at the beginning but the letters are absolutely illegible and it is choppy. i havent even played the game yet04:17
GMWeezelmowk: why would you want to do such a thing?04:17
MTecknologyMowk: for more help, you should go to ##windows. You're just trying to restore the vista mbr04:17
FlannelMowk: Use your favorite partition manager.  Partition Magic, or whatever.04:18
predator363flannel: done04:18
Mowkits not working04:18
MTecknologye-frame: he wants the original boot loader back04:18
MTecknologyGMWeezel: don't ask him that - i hate that question04:18
e-frameMowk: if u want to dual boot, we'll help. but if u want to get rid of ubuntu, u should gtfu04:18
Flannelpredator363: Alright, now we need to blacklist that module.  We do it by editing: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist04:18
AussieGuyhi, im getting a weird error. I have about 30,000+ hard links and now I get .... /bin/ln: creating hard link to `/home/robbie/shared_file': Too many links04:18
MTecknology!u > e-frame04:18
ubottue-frame, please see my private message04:18
MowkIm not getting rid of it. im getting it off and re installing correctly.04:19
Flannelpredator363: and then at the end, type "blacklist ath_pci" (without the quotes), save, reboot... and... I think we're done?04:19
predator363flannel: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist then what?04:19
predator363flannel: oh sorry hold on04:19
GMWeezelMTecknology: well, i ask because i always like to understand why people want to uninstall ubuntu. helps me with converting more people. also, ive had people phrase questiosn poorly and not really want to uninstall ubuntu but rearrange their boot settings, things like that.04:19
bubuntuis there a specific room for ubuntu gaming?04:19
MTecknologyMowk: then read above about grub. I'd suggest getting everything working with grub since it's more flexible04:19
MTecknologyMowk: but we need to know the error it's throwing04:19
predator363flannel: k brb gonna reboot04:20
=== Guest14027 is now known as Brucee
e-frameif Mowk has problem about booting, doesn't mean he has to reinstall everything, right?04:20
EruditeHermithi, does anyone know how jockey-gtk detects hardware to see whether restricted drivers for a system can be installed?04:20
MTecknologyGMWeezel: sounds good - usually the reason i hear it is "you're an idiot, you suck if you want to do something like that"04:20
MTecknologye-frame: no04:20
MowkThen what shall i do?04:20
Mowkrecovery disk?04:21
e-framethen just tweak the boot04:21
MTecknology!grub | Mowk (Read through this)04:21
ubottuMowk (Read through this): GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:21
MTecknologyfirst link04:21
e-framei've told ya all04:21
MTecknologyMowk: but you should install /boot to your main hard drive04:21
GMWeezelMTecknology: no, im not the linux-elitist type and if i were i would probably be criticizing him for using "winbuntu." not my style; everyone has preferences, needs. also, i just realized gnome-screensaver is a daemon and there.fore always runnings so ive hit a wall for using cron.04:21
Mowkim confuzed:(04:22
MTecknologythe reason you're getting an error (most likely) is that you have /boot on a different drive and it's not being seen. /boot needs to be read to boot anything.04:22
predator363flannel: still no wifi04:22
GMWeezelMTecknology: ok, think i just figured out the fix-- check to see if it's sleeping or active.04:22
e-framemowk, you want a dualboot or what?04:22
predator363flannel: but now i have a thing that sais i have a bunch of updates04:23
MTecknologye-frame: ya he does - but he wants ubuntu on an external drive04:23
MowkI want to jsut get so i have vista working normally again then start over04:23
MTecknologyso /boot needs to exist on the first drive04:23
e-frameMTecknology: no problem, just plug and tweak the grub, according to device map / partition table04:23
MTecknologyMowk: then use the vista install cd and it has an option right away to fix problems with booting04:23
Flannelpredator363: right, those are backports, not supported (and this is why I didn't want to enable backports).  Unfortunately, I think we'll have to sit tight until tomorrow.04:24
predator363flannel: it sais its doing a distro upgrade but it sais it's upgrading to hardy. how can hardy upgrade to hardy?04:24
MowkIl be back if other problems occur04:24
predator363ok see you tommorow04:24
HoNgOuRuis there any way to install flashplayer for x86_64 architecture?04:25
e-framedeftone: mowk lefts04:25
MTecknologydeftone: he's fixing grub04:25
HoNgOuRuis there any way to install flashplayer for x86_64 architecture?04:25
deftoneah there's an easier way04:25
deftonehe said he wanted to start over04:25
jribHoNgOuRu: visit http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/ and click on the yellow bar04:26
MTecknologydeftone: I think he's going to sit frustrated until he's back inside vista04:26
deftoneI want to delete the kde 4 folder so that my desktop is the default like when i first installed ubuntu04:27
MTecknologydeftone: he did everything fine except he needed /boot on sda04:27
deftonecan i do it while i'm in kde considering i have kubuntu and kde is the default?04:27
deftoneMT: so he can't boot vista at all right now?04:27
MTecknologydeftone: you can do it, just log out right away - some settings might get stuck04:28
MTecknologyhe'll be ok04:28
deftonehe need to insert his vista cd and repair the mbr04:28
deftonetakes like 1 min04:28
=== family is now known as GamerZFX
MTecknologyonce in a while... it actually works04:28
deftonei did it last night04:29
e-framehe may use easybcd04:29
deftoneblew away fedora 904:29
deftoneand installed kubuntu04:29
deftonei like it much better04:29
GMWeezelMTecknology: ok so that didnt work. any suggestions on checking if the screensaver is running?04:29
MTecknologywhat app?04:29
MTecknologygnome-screensaver ?04:29
MTecknologyGMWeezel: what screensaver are you using?04:31
the_lost_oneGMWeezel, you cant just check it with ps aux?04:31
GMWeezelthe_lost_one: it's always running-- it's a daemon. i tried that.04:31
GMWeezelMTecknology: gnome-screensaver04:31
MTecknologygnome-screensaver-command -q04:31
MTecknologythat's exactly what ya need ;)04:32
GMWeezelMTecknology: wow thanks. that's so simple04:32
MTecknologyusually is - just need to find it04:32
the_lost_oneah, do query04:33
MTecknologyGMWeezel: now that I think about it - your wrapper idea wouldn't have worked :P04:33
kc8pxyhow much does it matter if i i do an ltsp install to/from ubuntu vs. edubuntu?04:34
GMWeezelMTecknology: yeah because the program isnt invoked since it's a deamon04:34
GMWeezelMTecknology: well, i could have wrapped each screensaver binary but that would be a huge pain.04:34
MTecknologyyou would have to have wrapped gnome-screensaver-command04:34
the_lost_oneah, does anyone know why the video screen of any player i tryed does not moves properlly while the compiz cube is moving?04:37
MTecknologythe_lost_one: videa card a little slower?04:37
the_lost_oneMTecknology, no its  not that, i meran i get a black screen inside the player if i move the cube04:38
MTecknologythe_lost_one: could be the same reason... direct rendering enabled?04:39
the_lost_oneMTecknology, glxinfo says yes04:39
MTecknologythe_lost_one: could be justa  copmiz thing. I don't use compiz though04:40
the_lost_oneMTecknology, for example webcam dysplays properlly while moving the cube04:41
the_lost_oneMTecknology, its really a strange efect04:41
MTecknologythe_lost_one: more than likely, it's just an issue with the application and compiz04:41
MTecknologyand your hardware most likely04:41
redDEADim trying to install ubuntu from the alternative CD via a usb drive. its hung up on the detect and mount cd-rom04:41
the_lost_onesure, will fix it someday04:41
MTecknologythe_lost_one: you could file a bug against it if you want - or search launchpad04:42
FlannelredDEAD: I've heard of that before.  Get the minimal CD instead, it won't need to mount the CD04:42
Flannel!minimal | redDEAD04:42
ubotturedDEAD: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:42
MTecknologythe_lost_one: there's a good chance there's a work-around out there04:43
MTecknologyredDEAD: Do you have a cd drive?04:43
the_lost_oneMTecknology, yes, i just find this thing today, i dont googled nothing :)04:43
semanticpcmy laptop speakers wouldn't cut off when i connect my headphones in my Sony Vaio Laptop04:43
redDEADMTecknology, no its a netbook. no cd drive04:43
MTecknologyredDEAD: how did you make the usb install?04:44
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:44
redDEADMTecknology, with my desktop04:44
root______semanticpc that's normal, mute the speakers.04:44
MTecknologyredDEAD: doesn't answer the question - what method did you use04:44
semanticpcit mutes my headphones as well04:44
redDEADMTecknology, usb-creator04:45
semanticpcroot______, there a key S1 for mute but it is not mapped04:45
MTecknologyredDEAD: 8.10 or 8.04?04:46
redDEADMTecknology, both04:46
root______semanticpc is that intel hda ?04:46
MTecknologyredDEAD: exact same problem?04:46
redDEADMTecknology, yup with the regular and the alt04:47
semanticpcroot______, yes04:47
root______semanticpc this might help    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto04:47
MTecknologysemanticpc: I have a VGN-FZ240E - I've been working on the hardware support for 8.10. It had been making leaps and bounds... more of that works for me and some others04:47
kindofabuzz!intrepid > kindofabuzz04:48
ubottukindofabuzz, please see my private message04:48
MTecknologyredDEAD: so you've tried regular and alt of both 8.10 and 8.04?04:48
the_lost_onethat reminds me i had to rebuild alsa to get the internal mic working on the acer one04:48
MrPocketsif i stopped my samba service04:51
MrPocketshow do i start it again?04:51
LoneShadow|workI am getting "Ubuntu is running low graphics mode" when I boot with the 8.10 beta livecd, I have Nvidia 7050pv chipset, whats the best way to move forward ?04:51
MrPocketsLoneShadow|work, install it...04:51
semanticpcMTecknology, does the S1 and AV Mode keys work for u ??04:51
Jenjenjoin #gimp04:51
MTecknologywhat are they supposed to do again?....04:52
LoneShadow|workMrPockets: the GUI options are confusing, do I need to install the drivers from alt-f1/f2 console ?04:52
MrPocketsyou're running on a live CD you say?04:53
LoneShadow|workyea, was trying to check out the 8.10 livecd04:53
MrPocketsinstall it04:53
MrPocketsto the HDD04:53
MrPocketsthen install the restricted drivers for the nvidia card04:53
semanticpcMTecknology, S1 mutes the volume of laptop speakers when headphones is connected04:54
MTecknologysemanticpc: I don't have any headphones to test with - I might be able to check later04:54
vaquerohi!i'm looking some information.does anybody can help me?04:54
e-frame!ask > vaquero04:55
ubottuvaquero, please see my private message04:55
the_lost_oneMrPockets, maybe the fast way is typing "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start" or whatever is called the samba daemon04:55
root______S1  ?04:55
root______S1 = !   ???04:55
MTecknologyroot______: vaio specific key04:55
semanticpcroot______, S1 is a specific to Vaio04:55
MTecknologysemanticpc: what's the other key supposed to do?04:56
semanticpcMTecknology, i don't remem ..... its useful in windows but i don't use Windows at all04:56
MTecknologyI see my cursor disappear when I press it04:56
predator363flannel: you in here still?04:57
semanticpcMTecknology, those keys are not interpreted by acpi04:57
Jenjenseems like the guys from #gimp doint have time. Is someone here who has gimp installed and can do a 20 second procedure for me (because im on a window system)04:57
MTecknologysemanticpc: I'm gonna figure it's a safe bet they're both working04:57
the_lost_onethe aspire one comes with no windows key, instead it cames with a nice home icon... lol04:58
grizlo42E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-96_96.43.05-0ubuntu10_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1', which is also in package libgl1-mesa-glx04:58
grizlo42what does that mean?04:58
MTecknologyif I was talented - I'd make the thing into a tux icon04:58
grizlo42im using intrepid04:58
predator363flannel: i just realised i dident thank you before i left04:58
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu04:58
zigzagsmy music skips and hangs every few seconds, for a few seconds, thru all of my audio players, but only for files played over my local network.  How can I get them to stop skipping all the time??04:58
semanticpcMTecknology, is there any way to cut-off laptop speaker output when headphones are connected ???04:58
copproquick, what's the lightest-weight PDF viewer I probably have installed, not KDE04:58
LoneShadow|workMrPockets: It fails while loading X, if I try to install it04:58
e-framecoppro: evince04:59
MTecknologycoppro: I use either xpdf or evince04:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evince04:59
MTecknology!info evince04:59
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 861 kB, installed size 6276 kB04:59
the_lost_onezigovr, maybe you must increase the cache of your players04:59
coppronot installed :(04:59
=== blood_ is now known as blood_su
root______coppro xpdf would be, but you probably don't have it installed   (yet)04:59
the_lost_oneops, i meant zigzags04:59
copproI'm upgrading to intrepid, so my KDE viewers are broken, so I need one that will work while my KDE upgrades04:59
copproI recall something really lightweight for PS...04:59
root______coppro xpdf05:00
copprocould be05:00
copprounfortunately, that's not installed either05:00
copprono command-line ones or anything05:00
zigzagsatm its at 2000ms (2 seonds, right?) and the audio skips usually every 8-12 seconds, rarely less than that05:00
LinuxFanhow do I restart the indexing daemon?05:01
zigzagsis it bad to set the cache at 5 minutes?05:01
SoldierXI am interested in setting up ubuntu server on a dual opteron server and need some help getting started. I want to have a virtual machine setup with 2 vms, one for a Lamp config, and a second for a Nexuiz Game server. Where can I get help?05:01
willwhhi folks - anyone have any tips for stuttering sound when using aoss? (alsa-oss)05:01
SoldierXI am familiar with Linux, just not ubuntu Server edition05:01
willwhSoldierX: that seems pretty straightforward05:01
willwhSoldierX: aptitude (the package manager) is your friend05:01
SoldierXyes, i know what I want, i just want to get some information before I tackle the job05:02
willwhSoldierX: you'll want virtualbox installed for VM's05:02
LinuxFanhow do I restart the indexing daemon?05:02
willwhsudo apt-get install <package-name>05:02
willwhif you'd like a GUI for your server, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:02
MTecknologyuse aptitude not apt-get05:02
root______zigzags only bad if you want to use 800mb ram to play a 3m audio file05:02
SoldierXthat was goignn to be my next qustion05:02
LinuxFanwhat MTecknology said05:02
MTecknologyit's slower but more stable05:03
=== blood_ is now known as blood_su
SoldierXonce I get everythign up can I turn off the gui?05:03
willwhsimply remove the package, yes05:03
root______zigzags err don't want too ^05:03
SoldierXwhat do I use for remote access?05:03
root______SoldierX ssh and yes05:04
willwhjust make sure to make it run on a non-standard port05:04
willwhotherwise people will just hammer your box with login scripts05:04
zigzagsroot____: do you know how i can get my network audio files to stop freezing for a few seconds at random intervals?05:04
copprowait, I probably have pdf2something installed05:04
the_lost_onewillwh, i use denyhosts for that05:04
root______zigzags no. sorry.05:04
SoldierXwould it be good to setup ssh on the local and the vms?05:04
the_lost_onezigzags, you must increase the cache of your players05:05
root______coppro so type in pdf[tab][tab]05:05
zigzagsThe_lost_one it doesnt skip every 2 seconds, which is that the cache is set at05:05
zigzagsits completely random05:05
MTecknologySoldierX: "sudo aptitude install openssh-server denyhosts" us a good first step on any server05:05
ferfactorwhat is the name of windows fonts?05:05
root______SoldierX you mean sshd? (the server)05:05
f|ukezig, the cache sets a buffer, to make skipping less likely05:05
the_lost_onezigzags, which player u have normally?05:06
copproferfactor: ms-ttf-corefonts or something like that05:06
f|ukezig, are you playing mp3's over a network?05:06
zigzagsbut it happens in VLC as well05:06
willwhzigzags: what is your hardware like?05:06
the_lost_onezigzags, i have amarok, vlc and mplayer05:06
willwhmemory etc05:06
ferfactorcoprro thanks bro05:06
f|ukezig: how are you sharing? nfs? over ethernet?05:06
copproferfactor: zigzags was correct05:06
copprocredit him :)05:07
SoldierXwhen buying a server for a use as mine, is it best to get a rack type server or just any desktop?05:07
zigzagsi mount it as CIFS05:07
SoldierXi was looking at this one for its price http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=E326-R&cat=SYS ??05:07
root______SoldierX most linux installations come default with ssh (the client)    if you want the server you can either call it speciffly or use the meta package "ssh" <name of client and meta package for both client and server.05:07
gunzniperhow do i get started on ubuntu with a nvidia 7900 geforce05:07
f|ukezig: is it a local share?05:07
ferfactorthanks :D05:07
zigzagsim not sure, do you just mean is it on my own local network? then yes05:08
SoldierXroot______: so Ubuntu Server has ssh server already installed05:08
zigzagsim connected thru eth to my router, the other comp is connected using a wireless setup05:08
_786soulHow can I install two OSs on an SD card. Will grub automatically be installed?05:08
f|ukeYes. Not over the internet. CIFS =Common Internet File System05:08
f|ukeYou should use NFS or samba05:08
gunzniperi think i installed the drivers for my 7900 geforce, but i still can only access an extremely low resolution. any help?05:09
root______SoldierX actually i'm not sure if ubuntu-server comes with sshd or not.  but it's as simple as "sudo apt-get install ssh"  on any ubuntu* system05:09
gunzniperalso im a complete noob to linux05:09
SoldierXwhen working with Apache remotly, is it best to setup an ftp client to update your website??05:09
zigzagsto use NFS or samba, do I only need ot change 'cifs' to 'NFS' or 'samba' in the mount command?05:10
the_lost_onezigzags, i can tell you for mplayer, adding the option --cache05:10
SoldierXor does apache handle that?05:10
willwhyou mean an FTP server?05:10
root_______786soul on an sd card ?    can your system boot from an sd sloot ?05:10
SoldierXoops yes, server05:10
f|ukeyou need to install the NFS or Samba server / client files05:10
deftonehas anyone reset to the default desktop sucessfully in kubuntu?05:10
willwhyou need to install an FTP server05:10
_786soulroot_______:Yes I use an eeepc it can boot from the sd card slot05:10
_786soulHow could I get it to work?05:11
bimberiSoldierX: Apache doesn't handle that.  Yes an FTP server, or use SFTP (provided by a SSH server)05:11
f|ukezig, let me get you the howto i used a few days ago05:11
willwhsftp = win05:11
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:11
root_______786soul ah, ok,   well any "normal" install should also install a boot loader (grub by default on ubuntu)05:11
zigzagsah f|uke I will try to do that....which do you think is better, NFS, or samba?? ill look at both, but im new to both as well05:11
SoldierXis virtualbox difficult to setup?05:12
Azhi_DahakaHmm... everytime Synaptic installs something, my computer gets ultraslow05:12
root______!install > _786soul05:12
ubottu_786soul, please see my private message05:12
MTecknologyincredibly easy05:12
_786soulSo would it matter if for example I install ubuntu first, then Backtrack 3? Or would I be better off doing it the other way around?05:12
SoldierXthe server im looking at doesnt have a cd drive, how would I setup initally? via usb?05:12
gunzniperis there a step by step installation guide for a nvidia 7900 geforce on linux?05:12
MTecknologyI'd suggest vmware server over virtualbox though if it's for server use05:12
f|ukezigzags: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html05:12
Azhi_DahakaIs there a way to... tame it?05:12
f|ukezig - use Samba for Windows compatability05:13
root_______786soul general rule.  most reliable, trouble free, and flexable systems should be installed last05:13
zigzagsthanks fluke05:13
michaelwilliamcagot a question to ask about tweeking a slow ubuntu box05:13
lancerockehi all05:13
willwhgunzniper: nvidia-xconfig05:13
willwhif you have the drivers installed05:13
the_lost_onezigzags, if you have 800 mhz and you watch over nfs or samba, you shold try mplayer with -cache kBytes and -framedrop options, that shuld do the trick05:14
LinuxFanhow do I restart the indexing daemon?05:14
gunzniperwhat does taht mean05:14
rahali have a weird problem :   make  : unset  command unknown in kubuntu while running a makefile05:14
_786soulroot_______: so are you implying I install Backtrack 3 first? then ubuntu? that makes sense to me I guess?05:14
root_______786soul general reasoning behind that is that if one is going to puke, let it puke alone, and not on it's mate.05:14
willwhgunzniper: system > Administration > Hardware Drivers05:14
michaelwilliamcaany one good with tweaking slow computers ??05:14
willwhgunzniper: also, refrain from saying "wtf" when people are trying to help you.05:14
gunzniperya it says in sue but my resolution is still extremely low and i cant turn it up05:14
willwhor, they simply won't bother to help you05:14
willwhopen a terminal05:14
lancerockei remember there was an app for gnome that would allow me to control the style of all kde application i run on it globally. sort of like a kde config kinda thing. anyone know what that was?05:14
willwhand do; nvidia-xconfig05:15
zigzagsthe_lost_one: ok but I havent set up either of those yet, atm ive been using CIFS mout type05:15
michaelwilliamcaany one good at tweaking slow ubuntu setups ??05:15
michaelwilliamcasend me a PM if you can help at all05:15
root______michaelbuckbee no.05:15
f|ukezig: btw, dont forget to open your firewall (assuming you have one). That was the problem I had setting it up.05:15
csilkgunzniper, your grfx card is supported in "hardware drievrs"05:15
emendoI found some good battery time extension tips from this site http://sheehantu.wordpress.com/2007/06/21/saving-battery-life-in-ubuntu/    Does anyone have others they can share with me?05:16
gunzniperit doesnt seem to be working with any drivers05:16
michaelwilliamcahelp needed tweaking a slow linux box05:16
gunzniperand i don't know how to properly unpack the drivers from teh nvidia website05:16
csilkgunz does it list your driver or card?05:16
gunzniperin the terminal when i entered that command?05:17
csilkwhat command?05:17
the_lost_onezigzags, cool, come here when ya tested, and tell us how it goes :))05:17
gunzniperit said this after i entered that05:17
gunzniperWARNING: The CorePointer device was not specified explicitly in the layout;05:17
gunzniper         using the first CorePointer in the config input list.05:17
gunzniperWARNING: The CoreKeyboard device was not specified explicitly in the05:17
gunzniper         layout; using the first keyboard device.05:17
gunzniperERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'.05:17
FloodBot1gunzniper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:17
mib_f91pa435michaelwilliamca: try using xubuntu05:17
zigzagsokey I will05:17
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:17
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gunznipernvm apparently taht would be flooding05:18
csilkyou think?05:18
root______michaelwilliamca three things. 1) turn off all un-needed services. 2) dont load un-needed modules. 3) don't use highend graphics in lowend boxen.05:18
rahalHow to unset a variable set with export in a makefile ( inside the same makefile )..  is it possible ?05:18
Azhi_DahakaSeriously, it'sa HUGE pain in the ass... isn'there a way to make Synaptic less greedy?05:18
root______rahal unset05:19
rahalroot______:  doesn't work05:19
gunzniperive tried guides on how to unpack the downloadable nvidia driver but it never seems to work05:19
the_lost_onemichaelwilliamca, and maybe compile the most used apps05:19
root______Ralfm set it to '' and export it ?05:19
gunzniperhow should i install ti from the terminal?05:19
rahalroot______:  also tried MYVAR='' , MYVAR=   ..05:20
root______rahal ask in #C++  ?05:20
rahalexport also but the variable doesn't seem to change05:20
csilkgunzniper, doesnt "hardware drivers" insatll the driver for you?05:20
jim_pcan someone suggest me an alternative to network-manager? some guy told me yesterday about one, and i lost the damn link05:20
gunzniperbut that didnt work05:21
csilkso whats the prob?05:21
rahal no regular makefile using /bin/sh05:21
csilkgunzniper, please be more specific05:21
theDochey all, quick question. I have a lenovo x61s and for some reason, the stock install of Ubuntu heron goes well but the graphics looks like crap. Anyone could give a hand?05:21
gunzniperit says it installed, but my resolution only goes up to 640x48005:21
root______rahal unset should work.05:21
root______rahal what var is it ?05:21
theDocIt's more of a when I move my windows around, the time it takes to redraw the windows are way too long and it's looking very jerky05:21
csilk!resolution > gunzniper05:22
ubottugunzniper, please see my private message05:22
bushidoalgun dominicano por aca?05:22
clocksysis there a tool to change the control/font looks of non-gnome apps ?05:22
rahalroot______:   JELIX_CONFIG  ( a php framework  specific var )05:22
zigzagsf|uke i just reread our convo and saw you said somethin about using samba for windows shares.  are you saying NFS wont work if the other computer that has the (music) fileson it wont work?05:22
Azhi_Dahaka!es | bushido05:22
ubottubushido: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:22
root______rahal test    unset JELIX_CONFIG05:23
binMonkeymy sound is going funny.  after one app using sound, say runescape, the next app, say amarok, has no sound.  how can i fix this?05:23
rahalroot______:  it's inside a target in my makefile ( can this be a probleme ) ?05:23
SoldierXI want to thank MTecknology root______  and willwh for helping me out05:24
rahalalready tested  unset ( the command is unknown ) , but works outside my script :(05:24
SoldierXand answering my questions05:24
root______rahal subprocess can not affect parents    if that's what you mwan05:24
willwhSoldierX: not a problem mate, that is why the community rocks.05:24
theDocAnyone might have an idea to the x61s jerky graphics when redrawing windows?05:24
SoldierXtrue that05:24
root______SoldierX welcome.05:25
rahalroot______:  my var is initialised before targets , and i need to unset it before  some commands ..05:25
K_DallasGood evening! I installed 8.10 and had a look at xorg.config and it looked to much lighter than what I had seen previously. Does it keep some of the config data in another file or that generic monitor and ... are really all i am getting? Thanks05:25
Azhi_Dahakatried renice synaptic and no luck05:25
K_Dallasand is there an xorg.config tool to run?05:25
paul68!8.10 |K_dallas05:26
ubottuK_dallas: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu05:26
gunzniperhey its asking me to enter my password to restart the x window system, in i think im entering it right but it keeps coming out as wrong.05:26
gunzniperdo i need to include a seperate word before my password?05:26
willwhgunzniper: is your capslock key on?05:26
gunzniperlol no05:26
copproare you on a separate terminal?05:26
K_Dallasubottu, sorry my bad05:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry my bad05:26
jim_pK_Dallas: itd smaller because the stupid xorg developers are trying to make it obsolete05:26
K_Dallasoops, i meant paul6805:26
K_Dallasjim_p, i see05:27
paul68k_dallas no problem05:27
GoanHow can I use google talk05:27
binMonkeymy sound in firefox is working funny.  after youtube runescape sound won't work.  i have to reboot to get sound.  any have ideas?05:27
Azhi_DahakaGoan: you don't need to05:27
jim_pGoan: though pidgin05:27
willwhguys - anyone know how to fix stuttering sound when running things with aoss? (specifically teamspeak) - rhythmbox plays fine :)05:27
Azhi_DahakaPidgin handles Google Talk chats05:27
willwhit does indeed05:27
GoanPidgin does not allow me to voice talk05:28
jim_pGoan: then you need to look for some other app. skype for instance05:28
Azhi_DahakaHmm... there's Skype and Meebo I think05:29
copprogtalk has voice now?05:29
Azhi_DahakaI guess it does05:29
willwhSkype works very well (the native linux client)05:29
willwhgoogletalk howto; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24671705:29
willwhGoan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24671705:30
willwhin fact, wait, that is for dapper (:O)05:30
r_hi everyone05:31
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Azhi_Dahakano ideas?05:31
Azhi_Dahakai can't even browse properly...05:31
GMWeezelMTecknology: so ive run into another problem with my script. when it's running as cron, gnome-screensaver-command is run from a terminal and not the X server and therefor does not function properly.05:31
Grueliussilly question but does anyone know hwere i could get scripts that would play music tracks through the pc speaker/system beep?05:32
Grueliusive been given shell access to a mates PC he has in his bedroom.... muaauahaha >:)05:32
danielm_mchey i'm having a problem with my x61 atheros driver after the latest updates.  it won't connect to my router anymore and says that "authenticating with AP <mad addr> timed out"05:33
Grueliusits headless but i sold it to him and i know its got a pc speaker :D05:33
danielm_mcbut it doesn't seem like it's trying05:33
Azhi_Dahakahow can i freeze a process?05:34
Grueliusazhi_Dahaka: in a console?05:34
Azhi_DahakaI know the Ctrl+Z, but it works if it's currently running05:34
Azhi_DahakaI want something similar to renice05:34
Azhi_Dahakayes, console05:34
zigzagsquestion about using Samba as a file sharer: I want the server to be my windows machine.  Do i need to install some sort of samba software on the windows XP comp, or simply make the folder shareable, and then install the samba Client in this(ubuntu) machine??05:35
Grueliusno need to install any software on the xp comp05:35
zigzagssweet thanks05:36
Azhi_DahakaGruelius: Yes, in a console05:36
Azhi_DahakaBut not a process running on a console... from the cli05:37
Azhi_Dahakalike renice or kill05:37
willwhguys can people have a look at this thread? (do you think the third post is correct? (I'm sceptical) - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59664105:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ttf05:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about truetype05:38
badfishwhat's my truetype font directory?05:39
Azhi_Dahaka.ttf? (Wild guess)05:39
danielm_mcanyone ever troubleshoot an ath5k module issue?  after upgrading my thinkpad won't connect to my AP anymore..05:39
badfishi'm pretty sure it's in the filesystem somewhere05:39
willwhbadfish: you might need to create it05:39
willwhif it doesn't exist05:39
willwhI didn't have a .fonts after a fresh install last time05:40
Azhi_DahakaAh... .fonts05:40
Azhi_Dahaka~/.fonts it is05:40
Azhi_Dahakathat's the system's ttf folder, not yours05:41
gunzniperi restarted the x  window system and it left me at a black screen saying it ran some scripts,etc. so i had to restart and nothing changed05:42
badfishthat's what i just added my new ones to to get it to show in the oo dropdown menu05:42
Azhi_Dahakait should work with the fonts added to yout .font folder05:43
Azhi_DahakaAnyone knows how can i freeze a process?05:43
Azhi_Dahakanot Ctrl-Z (the process is not running on a console), something on the same lines that renice or kill??05:43
willwhAzhi_Dahaka: « Windows: you failed at failing [pic]05:44
willwhBash shell FAQ »05:44
FloodBot1willwh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
michaelwilliamcai agree floodbogt05:44
willwhsorry, mis-clicked ;/05:44
willwhAzhi_Dahaka: use CryoPID05:44
Azhi_Dahakanice... i need to freeze synaptic05:45
Azhi_Dahakaeverytime it runs, it makes my computer super sluggish05:45
Azhi_Dahakai can't browse!05:45
Azhi_Dahakatried renice and no luck05:45
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: are you running an update with synaptic? plus, chech what app does the most memory or cpu usage in top/htop/gnome-system-monitor05:47
Azhi_Dahakait's installing texlive-complete05:48
Azhi_Dahakait's hdd bounded, i guess05:48
Azhi_Dahakamemory usage is not on the critical numbers05:48
Azhi_Dahakaand cpu usage is cool05:49
Azhi_Dahakaso, it should be hdd05:49
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: the only time i notice some sluggish effect is when it has downloaded all packages and it installs them. loads of reads and writed on the hdd you see05:49
Azhi_Dahakathat's why i need to freeze it05:50
Azhi_Dahakai want to be able to at least, check mail05:50
danielm_mcahh probably linux-restricted-modules05:51
zigzagswhats the command to make a file, like mkdir for files05:52
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: wait until its done with installing. how many MB was the installation/download05:52
owen1any vaio user that can't use the video-out button?05:52
Kr0ntabzigzags: touch filename05:52
Azhi_Dahaka1 GB05:53
Kr0ntabzigzags: no prob05:53
zigzagswhy is it 'touch' ?  that sounds strange05:54
Azhi_DahakaLucky me... :D05:54
lancerockei remember there was an app for gnome that would allow me to control the style of all kde application i run on it globally. sort of like a kde config kinda thing. anyone know what that was?05:55
Kr0ntabzigzags: that's just one of the easiest ways to create a file... its actually used to modify timestamps on files...05:55
Azhi_DahakaThat's blasphemy... kde apps running on gnome... what madness would follow, uh?05:56
jim_pzigzags: i think because the developer wanted to imitate god's touch and make stuff out of nowhere :P05:56
Kr0ntabyou can also create files by redirecting output... for example:  cat /dev/null > newfile.txt05:56
Kr0ntabbut touch is simpler.  :-P05:56
apathadeuscat dev null05:57
jim_plancerocke: qtconfig-qt3 and qtconfig-qt4 for qt3 and qt4 aps respectively05:57
paducahguyis there an rtorrent channel I can go to for support ?05:57
jim_plancerocke: qtconfig-qt3 is inside the polymer package. i dont remember where qtconfig-qt4 was05:58
=== VodkaTonic is now known as GinTonic
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lancerockethanks again bro05:59
zigzagspaducahguy what torrent program? or are you lookin for info about torrents in general?05:59
paducahguyrtorrent actually is the name of the program zz..06:00
Daft_Punksometimes when i open FLV files in totem (mplayer) it will use 100% cpu even after i turn the video off... how to kill it? i tried 'sudo killall totem' and ive tried using htop as sudo06:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rtorrent06:01
omkarhello guys06:02
=== Robb_M is now known as Alan_M
omkarI have install RedHat Enterprize Server 5 at my pc06:02
omkarn I had windows Xp n Ubuntu in my System06:02
omkarnow I can access Windows but I can't access Ubuntu as the Grub has been newly installed06:03
omkarof my RedHat Server06:03
omkarany one who can help me  a bit06:03
omkarI knw there has to be some changes to be done in /etc/grub.conf06:03
paducahguyzigzags .. the program is like irssi.. a txt based torrent program with all the whistles and bells that the major programs have....06:03
omkarUbuntu is of Version 8.10 Interprid06:04
omkaranyone there?06:04
=== droog4 is now known as hogdog
paducahguyomkar go to http://www.supergrubdisk.org/ and burn the iso ... then follow it's instructions to restore ur original mbr and or add all of the operating systems you want to a grub boot list and it will write it to your mbr ;)06:05
majortoolOne of life's great questions: Does Totem Video Player actually do anything or is it meant to be as lazy as my brother, Doug.?06:05
riegersnis there a way to (in bash script or something) to exec a command when the network reconnects?06:05
jim_pomkar: i am not sure, but i think redhatr uses lilo, right? if this is the case, grub overwrote it06:05
riegersni would like to remount my nfs drives when network goes down and comes back up06:06
Azhi_DahakaTotem is one fine player when you don't want to bring out the Heavy Weaponry06:06
gleesond_I'm not sure what flags to pass fsck in order to fsck my root partition.06:06
kindofabuzzman fsck06:06
majortoolAzhi_Dahaka, gedit does a better job than totem06:06
gleesond_yeah I already read the man page06:07
hogdoggleesond_ just keep passing random ones until you get the desired result.06:07
omkarhmm hey jim06:07
Azhi_Dahakaanyway, VLC rules over every single video player in this side of the Galaxy, so...06:07
omkarI suppose Red Hat uses Grub not LILO06:08
omkarn ya i Wrote the Grub on MBR06:08
nikhil_join #foss06:08
Azhi_Dahakawho ordered his Intrepid disc today?06:09
majortoolAzhi_Dahaka, yes, it is the jesus of video players06:09
zigzagsf|uke: i got samba working and shit aint skipping anymore!! thanks!  sidenote: its not possible to use NFS with a windows comp as the server, is it?06:09
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: definitely not me, i am not moving to inteprid until ati fixes fglrx06:09
zigzagsomg its still skipping :(06:10
majortoolzigzags, yes it is.  you have to get unix tools for windows06:10
jim_pzigzags: you probably need an extra app to do the file sharing06:10
Azhi_DahakaCrappy Intel Video Cards FtW!06:10
majortoolzigzags, it's an actual microsoft product06:10
omkarjim my case was I had Ubuntu n Windows running 5n06:10
majortoolzigzags, comes with my student msdn subscription06:11
zigzagsmkay ill try that if I need to, using samba ATM though06:11
omkarbut I am n RHCE student so I wanted Red Hat Enterprize Edition to be installed in my System06:11
majortoolzigzags, samba should be fine in most cases where permissions aren't needed06:11
omkarSo I installed it n I overwrote the RHEL 5 Grub over the Ubuntu one06:11
omkaron MBR06:11
jim_pomkar: cant you use virtualization/06:11
omkarI didn't wanted Virtualization06:12
omkarI wanted a new fresh OS on my System06:12
omkarI have very less memory of just 1GB06:12
omkarso wasn't in a mood to have Virtualization06:12
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:12
zigzagsI switched to Samba because my music was skipping or freezing for multiple seconds when played over my local network.....and it still is, at random intervals.....anyone know what might be causing this?06:12
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jim_pzigzags: low samba transfer speeds and huge traffic on the network06:17
majortoolzigzags, lack of buffering06:17
majortoolprobably the music client06:17
user__anyone know how to install the latest wine? where do i get the source file wine 1.1.6? and how do i compile it?06:17
zigzagsno traffic on the network atm,except pidgin(IM client), and the audio im trying to play06:18
jim_pzigzags: for the low samba speed, windows sharing and asmba are responsible. for the trafic, install a 1Gbps card on that server06:18
jim_puser__: wine is in the repos06:18
zigzagsmajortool: how can I set up buffering06:19
user__yes but it's version 1.0.106:19
user__i need 1.1.606:19
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majortooljim_p, a one gig card?  ... he should have no problem playing the music on a 10mb connection06:19
user__hasn't been released yet as stable06:19
user__it's in development06:19
TimeFXHello ALl06:19
majortoolzigzags, what client are you using?06:19
zigzagsin audacious I have the buffer set at 2000 milliseconds,and its freezing every 15 seconds or so, not 2, and freezing for a long time06:19
jim_pmajortool: in case other pcs draw data from the server06:19
zigzagsyou mean for music? Audacious, and this happens in VLC as well06:20
majortooljim_p, still 100mb would have no problems06:20
jim_puser__: then wait06:20
TimeFXI setup my samba share for a linux partition to be used on my Laptop running Windows, now the share is visible but I cant connect to it, it says connection failed both from the Windows PC and even locally from this box, what might that be?06:20
user__i'll be 100 when it gets out06:20
majortoolzigzags, can you copy the file to your desktop, then try to play it?06:21
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
jim_pmajortool: i have a friend that stores all his photoshop works on a server and at the same time he draws songs from it and plays them on winamp. that is insane traffic usage, although its only 1 user06:21
jim_puser__: let me look at wine repo06:22
majortooljim_p, how is that a lot of usage?06:22
Azhi_Dahakaphotoshop files can get really big, really fast06:23
zigzagsit seems that every once in a while the local network stops responding entirely.  i just opened up the shared folderand it hung on a blank screen, and my network activity was at 0 bytes/second for about 6 seconds, then it shot up to 2mbs/s o load the folder06:23
majortooljim_p, for a 3meg song on a 10 mb connection you're looking at about 5 seconds to transfer the entire file.06:23
majortoolzigzags, then you have a problem with the network06:24
majortoolzigzags, ping -t yourrouter06:24
jim_pmajortool: well he always complains about sluggish photoshop performance and sound stoppping. he is on 10M and the server is on 100M i think06:24
majortoolzigzags, ... sorry just ping yourrouter06:24
jim_pzigzags: do you use static ips?06:24
majortooljim_p, then the fastest connection is 10m06:24
user__i think i've managed do get it06:25
jim_puser__: i fount it in deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/06:25
majortooljim_p, i don't think this is a reverse dns issues.  he says he gets connected, it says 0kbps ... then it goes06:25
jim_puser__: you need this Ubuntu Hardy (8.04): 1.1.6 i38606:25
razelhello everyone what is the #channel for postgresql?06:25
zigzagsjim_p: i cant remember.  my router uses a dns thingy to give me 192.168.0.*** addresses locally, external hasnt changed in a few months06:25
zigzagsi think itcan be changed ifi bitch to comcast06:26
majortoolzigzags, dhcp06:26
Azhi_Dahakahmm, is there a nice pidgin replacement on the same vein that irssi?06:26
majortoolzigzags, ... ping
zigzagsoh and by ping is 220-240 ms06:26
jim_pmajortool: i dont care of what he does. i told him to make a nfs share there and stream music to the network with mpd and connect there with media player. what he did is to install win200006:26
zigzagswait, nvm thats 0.220 or 0.24006:27
majortoolzigzags,  what is your max ping?06:27
zigzags0.409 so far06:27
majortoolzigzags, no problem there06:27
jim_puser__: ok now?06:27
user__i've installed it06:27
nclifehey. How can I mount a hard drive with the cl? I unmounted it and I don't know how to remount it.06:27
user__trying to get war3 running and garena06:27
zigzagsmajor what did you mean by 'dhcp'06:28
Azhi_Dahakanclife: is it on yout fstab?06:28
majortoolzigzags, i was correcting you.  you said dns, i said dhcp06:28
user__how do i find which version of ubuntu i have? 8.04/8.10 ?06:28
user__and can i upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?06:28
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, how can I check that?06:28
Azhi_Dahakacat /etc/fstab06:28
jim_puser_: uname -r will give me a clue to tell you what version you have06:29
DrUnKnMuNkYuser_: lsb_release -rd06:29
majortoolzigzags, your issue is a bugger06:29
jim_puser__: uname -r will give me a clue to tell you what version you have06:29
Azhi_Dahakajim_p: uname will give you  the kernel ver, not Ubuntu ver06:29
user__so i have 8.0406:29
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, there is a hda2 listed06:29
zigzagsknow any tests or stuff I could run that could help identify the problem06:29
majortoolzigzags, say you transfer a very large file ... does it stop several times in the middle of the file?06:30
user__8.10 is available?06:30
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: well if he has 2.6.24, it means he is on hardy and so on. ubuntu does not change kernels in mid release06:30
Flanneluser__: Not yet, no.06:30
user__can i upgrade from 8.04?06:30
Flanneluser__: yes06:30
kunwon1Azhi_Dahaka, finch06:30
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, deaults,errors=remount-ro 0  106:30
user__when will it be available?06:30
zigzagsno it went smoothly,max of 2.9 MB/s06:30
jim_puser__: yes, but not now. wait until 30th october06:30
Azhi_Dahakajim_p: actually, i got a kernel update the weekend06:30
razelhow can i createuser at postgresql?06:31
Azhi_Dahakaanyway... check the mount point06:31
kunwon1Azhi_Dahaka, finch is a non-gui IM client06:31
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: i mean a major kernel update, eg  2.6.24 to 2.6.2506:31
=== blood_ is now known as blood_su
majortoolzigzags, i bet the other drive is shutting down from inactivity ... or something along those lines .. the process might not be getting enough attention06:31
binMonkeyhi guys.  my sound in firefox is working funny.  after youtube runescape sound won't work.  i have to reboot to get sound.  any have ideas?06:31
majortoolzigzags, is the computer you're getting from really old?06:32
Azhi_DahakaAh, ok06:32
jim_phow can i see the dependencies of wicd without installing it? this is the repo http://apt.wicd.net06:32
user__anyone here plays war3 ?06:32
zigzagsnot at all, upgraded itlast december06:32
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, mount /dev/hda2 says that it cant be found in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:32
user__on ubuntu that is06:32
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Azhi_Dahakanclife: did you catch the mount point of your disk06:32
majortoolzigzags, os?06:32
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jim_puser__: hosstest does :P06:32
yao_ziyuanhow does System Cleaner work?06:32
zigzagsand I bought it about 6months prior to that06:32
zigzagsXp pro06:32
TimeFXI dont know if anyone can pleae look at my log of Samba and tell me whats going on and how I can fix my samba share so that I can access it from my Laptop running windows http://pastebin.com/m688b5f3206:32
yao_ziyuanit seems to remove some useful packages06:32
Azhi_Dahakaok, so you manually need to set it or modify yout fstab...06:32
user__and is there someone that plays war3 on garena?06:32
majortoolzigzags, what is your current cpu usage?06:33
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, oks. How can I do that?06:33
user__that's a program that enables people to join and play games together across internet without needing the battlenet channel06:33
Azhi_Dahakawell, it depends of the type of partition that you have06:33
Azhi_Dahaka!fstab | nclife06:34
ubottunclife: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:34
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, ext3?06:34
zigzagsmajor: about 48%06:34
chakrilogmein in ubuntu?06:35
=== Tegal^Cape-Kerja is now known as Tora
zigzagsnope, cpu1 is goibn between 18-26%, cpu 2about the same,but not exaclty the same as cpu106:35
majortoolzigzags, up your audacious buffer to 10 seconds06:35
TimeFXI dont mean to be an annoyance but why is no one answering my question about how to fix my Samba share, is it because I asked wrong or is my English that bad that no one understands me?06:35
nclifeAzhi_Dahaka, thank you06:35
zigzagsok i dont know if itl help though06:36
majortoolzigzags, you smoke?06:36
zigzagsonly weed06:36
zigzags>.> why06:36
binMonkeyhi guys.  my sound in firefox is working funny.  after youtube runescape sound won't work.  i have to reboot to get sound.  any have ideas?06:36
TimeFXbinMonkey: outside of firefox the sound doesnt work or just in general no sound in any app?06:37
majortoolzigzags, can i get a pack of white ziggys is something i've said many times in my life06:37
hogdogbinMonkey hmm, were you watching semi-erotic vids?06:37
zigzagslol are ziggy's cigss?06:37
majortoolno white zigzag papers06:37
munichlinuxis there any tool to monitor cpu, memory, i want to load the application and see the amount of CPU, memory that the application consumes.06:37
binMonkeyTimeFX: sometimes it's only in ff, sometimes it's all apps.06:37
binMonkeyhogdog: semi-erotic is for wusses.  i go for the hardcore.06:38
majortoolzigzags, ziggys = zigzag papers06:38
zigzagsoh sometimes the music hangs for so long that audacious will jump to another player instead of trying to load more of the current song06:38
jim_pI LOVE wicd. not only it is a perfect install, it conflicts with network-manager piece of crap! its written in python though :/06:38
zigzagsi see i havent heardof em but I dont even know how to properly rolla joint. i can but i like bowls, especially since ive made all but 1 of my bowls06:39
zigzagsand audacious is still hanging at random-ass intervals06:39
majortoolzigzags, you say that when you transfer a file with what program does it hang at 0%06:39
Azhi_Dahakaliar, binMonkey... there's no hardcore on youtube06:39
hogdogAzhi_Dahaka exactly.06:40
majortoolAzhi_Dahaka, http://hardcoretube.com06:40
Azhi_Dahakathat's not youtube06:40
binMonkeyAzhi_Dahaka: i was watching the other you.... site.  then i had to go to you tube to watch vids of kittens to settle mysefl down.06:40
majortoolAzhi_Dahaka, you're not youtube06:40
hogdogwhat sort of a person would smoke joints over cones/bowls?06:41
zigzags0% what?  imjust transferring with nautilus, and it nevr hangs there, only  once did it hang when i was trying to look at the shared folder06:41
Azhi_Dahakaalso, tube8 owns 'em all06:41
hogdogsome sort of animal.06:41
binMonkeyany ideas on the sound problem?06:41
hogdogthe bong is the finest cannabis delivery technology available today06:41
binMonkeyAzhi_Dahaka: but the kittens, man...the kittens.06:41
majortoolzigzags, when you copy a file from a samba share does it hang at all at the beginning?06:41
binMonkeyany help with sound?06:42
zigzagsi tested with multiple files too, and some large ones06:42
majortoolzigzags, did you try to copy a file and play it locally?06:42
Azhi_Dahakaah, you're a fellow youlolcat visitor06:42
zigzagsyeah it worked perfectly06:42
zigzagswith 3 files06:42
binMonkeyi will buy you hopheads smoke if you help me with sound.06:42
majortoolzigzags, maybe someone in #samba knows.  sounds like it should be a common issue06:42
manguyI have a vps set up with an ssh key, everything working fine and dandy.  Today I signed up for another vps and would also like to set that up with an ssh key login; however, apparently if I call the key a different name (the first server is using id_rsa, so I named the new one id_rsa_test), I get a Permission Denied (publickey) error.  Where am I going wrong?06:43
zigzagsits def some stupid network prob, cuz when audacious lags, the network use drops to nothing, or maybe a few kb/s for some internet crap but thats it06:43
zigzagsok ill check it out06:43
zigzagsthanks for the help majortool06:43
Azhi_Dahakathat's a weird issue, zigzags06:44
majortoolzigzags, i would doubt it if large files don't hang over a longer period06:44
Azhi_DahakaI stream movies from XP all the time... :S06:44
zigzagsif i mount a share with /etc/fstab  using a CIFS type, that is different than installing the samba client and then using Places >> Connect to server...   correct??06:45
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bonchubuntu live cd does a great job autoconfiguring my video card, and i'd like to use the configuration for a non-ubuntu distro.  however, xorg.conf is nearly empty.  is there a way to extract the configuration X is using?06:45
binMonkeyAzhi_Dahaka: hogdog, zigzag, any ideas on my sound problem?06:45
jim_pzigzags: fstab is permanent solution06:45
Azhi_Dahakaare you using pulseaudio?06:45
zigzagsbin, completely exit out of firefox, then run your video06:45
zigzagsi have to do the same with opera after watching youtube, to get any sound to work06:46
binMonkeyAzhi_Dahaka: no it's alsa.06:46
binMonkeyzigzags: i've tried that and no luck.06:46
Azhi_DahakaI had this issue, sound stopped working after playing flash audio (deezer) and then, no luck with sound with Totem or VLC06:46
majortoolzigzags, binMonkey, i had the same issue in gentoo.  fixed it by reading the output from firefox -v06:46
Azhi_Dahakamoved to pulseaudio and the error went away06:46
binMonkeyhow do i move to pulseaudio?06:47
VonGuardnetwork manager doesn't list any wireless networks on my laptop, and the manager crashes when i play with wireless settings. won't let me hit OK to change the settings either.06:47
VonGuardin hardy06:47
zigzagsjim_p: what i meant is, is CIFS different from samba06:47
zigzagscuz i as using CIFS prior to SAMBA, but they both skip the same way06:47
zigzagsso i dont think its the way i mount the file system06:48
binMonkeyVonGuard: try wicd.  add the repo, update, and it'll take care of any dependencies.06:48
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jim_pzigovr: no i think its not different06:48
byonixhi, i'm trying to update my system from the main online repository, i think is very (7X) slow, are there problems with the repos06:48
zigzagsagh damn06:48
Azhi_DahakabinMonkey: I followed this thread -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957806:49
zigzagsgonna try NFS then.  are there any other ways to mount??06:49
jim_pbyonix: change the server to another less packed one06:49
Azhi_DahakaI'm not saying that it would fix your specific issue, but that fixed mine06:49
byonixjim_p: I use the default one06:49
binMonkeyAzhi_Dahaka: so pulseaudio is not dependent on hardware/06:50
jim_pbyonix: change it to one closer to you06:50
jim_pbyonix: i am greek and i use a german one06:50
majortoolzigzags, have you tried to create a local share, then mount it and play a file06:50
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majortoolzigzags, try that with both computers06:51
zigzagswhat do yu mean by local share06:52
majortoolzigzags, try to mount a share at localhost06:52
zigzagsi dont get it lol06:53
majortoolzigzags, create a directory in windows like c:\share, share it, then assign it through network neighbourhood to z:\, then try to play a song from z:\06:54
majortoolzigzags, make a share on the same computer you're trying to play the song from06:55
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
majortoolzigzags, test it with both computers06:55
bullgard4/etc/init.d/module-init-tools starts with the message: 'log_begin_msg..." * Loading menual drivers...".' What are 'manual drivers'?06:55
zigzagswhat is network neighborhood?  you mean the 'map network drive' option in windows??06:55
majortoolzigzags, essentially what you're doing is using the loopback to mount shares06:55
majortoolzigzags, that's one way to do it06:56
majortoolzigzags, go to start/my network places/and browse for your own local share in there06:57
zigzagsyou want me to make a shared folder on windows comp, then on the windows comp, map it to drive z:, then use the windows comp to play a file thats in the shared folder on the windows comp??06:57
zigzagsessentially testing to make sure the shared folder isnt being stupid or something06:57
majortoolzigzags, exactly .. then do the same thing with linux to make sure samba isn't being a whore06:58
goOKdobro jutro/ bonjour toutes et tous06:58
zigzagsi see i see06:58
Azhi_Dahaka!fr | goOK06:58
ubottugoOK: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr06:58
majortoolzigzags, you don't always have to map a drive to access the share in windows06:58
BruteFrceinjected leaf meat of fruit scales?06:59
majortoolbadfish, tell me are you a badfish, too?06:59
jim_pdebian will release 25GB BLUE RAY isos that will contain the entire, massive, debian repo. 1 iso per arcjhitecture!06:59
=== badfish is now known as Badfish69
BruteFrceya long live bradley06:59
pJupiterthat's like trying to burn dvds of wiki06:59
jim_ppJupiter: lol06:59
majortoolBruteFrce, damn skippy07:00
pJupitersort of loses that "living document" feeling07:00
Azhi_Dahakathat would fit in a DVD9 if they compress audio and cutscenes07:00
BruteFrcei love feelings of cream07:00
jim_pAzhi_Dahaka: lol07:00
jim_pactually, the entire debian repo is so big thet it needs 4 DVDs to fit now07:00
BruteFrceor a fraction of a blue ray07:01
zcat[1]only 4 ?07:01
BruteFrcevery small fraction07:01
BruteFrceespecially with 100gb blieray now07:01
anon1hey anyone?07:02
BruteFrcehello... is there anyobody out there....?07:02
xman_anybody here can help me installing opensolaris in vmware????????07:02
majortoolmy place is not a home, don't make no difference, but i have found, that i neeeeeeEEEEEeeed a place to stay, i never listen what the landlord man say07:02
BruteFrcewere just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year....07:02
anon1yeah i need some quick help07:02
anon1if anyone would oblidge07:02
jim_pBruteFrce: well, 4*4.7 GB = ~20GB !07:03
Azhi_Dahakadon't ask to ask07:03
anon1yeah mine is network realted07:03
Azhi_Dahakajust ask07:03
majortoolyou shoulda seen all the flops in my house, we was jumping on walls and kicking ceilings.  now a days people listen to me, when i say, "GET OUT!"07:03
anon1my other laptop07:03
anon1has an atheros card07:03
AussieGuyhow do you give other users permission to access your X server?07:03
BruteFrcejust soot... as my wife says07:03
anon1it is a toshiba satellite u405d07:03
anon1and the problem is that when i go into network manager (i run hardy heron)07:04
anon1there is no connection information07:04
anon1and it says there are no devices07:04
anon1so what can i do to get wireless07:04
Badfish69is there a terminal command to empty trash?07:04
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:05
zcat[1]Badfish69: rm .local/share/Trash/* -rf07:05
Rinderwahnzigzags here, on windows comp.  playing files thru the shared folder is working fine, no hanging07:05
anon1can anyone even see what im typing07:05
anon1thank you07:05
jim_p:O debian repo is 5 dvd isos!07:06
zcat[1]anon1: no07:06
anon1anyone got any ideas as to my problem07:06
anon1im sorry to be impatient07:06
majortoolBadfish69, rm -rf /07:06
anon1i know that07:06
bonchwhen i start the ubuntu live cd, is there a way to see what settings X has autodetected?07:06
majortoolBadfish69, that's a joke if you don't know07:06
anon1dont do it07:06
majortoolBadfish69, don't do that ..07:07
Badfish69majortool: what is going on?07:07
Badfish69dear god07:07
Rinderwahnmajortool: this is zigzags.  im playing files fine thru the shared folder07:07
Rinderwahnno laggin/haning/skipping07:08
majortoolRinderwahn, you're my hero07:08
Rinderwahnglad to uh....be of service07:08
majortoolRinderwahn, lol ... yes ... i don't know what's going on yet07:08
anon1so anyone?07:08
Oprtzi want to watch a streaming video ( http://www.santabanta.com/video.asp?video=1627 ) but ubuntu firefox dont play the video, which softwares to install for this ?07:08
majortoolRinderwahn, i can play em just fine07:08
anon1can anyone help me out07:08
anon1with my network issues07:09
BruteFrcehow did ubuntu come out of nowhere, copy mostly all od ubuntu, and the become easily the most popular distrobution?07:09
IndoctrineIs there any way to see what's using my flash drive? It won't unmount and nothing is opened with it but it says it's in use.07:09
majortoolanon1, what do you think the chances are that he actually did that?07:09
anon1he hasnt typed in a while07:09
majortoolBadfish69> majortool: what is going on?07:09
majortool<Badfish69> dear god07:09
zcat[1]Oprtz: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:09
fat_rat!enter | anon107:10
ubottuanon1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:10
majortool* Badfish69 has quit ("Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over IRC.")07:10
Oprtzzcat[1]:  okie07:10
anon1err my bad07:10
anon1i will try07:10
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majortooloh my god im such an ass07:10
BruteFrcei squirted you with thick information.07:10
Oprtzzcat[1]:  its done, but i cant play the video :(07:10
anon1so guys can you guys help me out?07:11
e-frameany tricks to fix bad sector ?07:11
anon1ive been beating m head over this wireless issue for so long07:11
Azhi_DahakaHmm... is there a cli web browser that shows images and css?07:11
anon1its the only reason why i dont delete winblows07:11
BruteFrceanon1 i love all camels07:11
majortoolseriously .. if he did that ... well it's the funniest thing that has ever happened ... but i feel soooo bad07:12
anon1yeah i feel bad too07:12
zaggynle-frame: yes, and the best one is buying a new hdd :(07:12
BruteFrceazhi and how could you show an image in framebuffer?07:12
majortoolim posting that to bash07:12
zaggynlfilesystems can mark bad sectors though e-frame07:12
bonchwhen i start the ubuntu live cd, is there a way to see the settings that X has autodetected?07:12
BruteFrcein acsiih07:12
e-framezaggynl: so what's the solution ?07:13
zcat[1]Oprtz: weird. It plays fine here07:13
Oprtzzcat[1]:  :(07:13
zaggynle-frame: backup your data, run a fsck I think07:13
jim_pbonch: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:13
zcat[1]Oprtz: did you restart firefox after installing the plugin?07:13
bonchjim_p: on the livecd, xorg.conf is nearly empty and has no settings07:14
e-framezaggynl: it's an ntfs partition. i'm dualbooting. can i run fsck to ntfs ?07:14
Oprtzzcat[1]:  do i need to uninstall from my computer? because i follow instuction of guys and install a hell of codecs for firefox07:14
BruteFrceseriously how could you expect something that runs in framebuffer to show images?07:14
renzcoldsunbonch: you can try less-ing /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:14
zaggynle-frame: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1085107:14
jim_pbonch: in ubuntu 8.04 live cd?07:14
e-framezaggynl: no space left to make a backup :D07:14
paul68!wireless > anon107:14
ubottuanon1, please see my private message07:14
Azhi_DahakaThat's the question, BruteFrce07:14
OprtzNO i dont restart it, let me close  forefox and then cheke it07:14
bonchrenzcoldsun: ah, i hadn't thought of that07:14
bonchjim_p: yeah07:14
joshualanyone running flock browser? every time i play something with sound in flock browser, i cant use an application that requires sound outside of flock without rebooting first...07:14
XavuraOk, so I use gnome (ubuntu-desktop)07:14
XavuraI just installed xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop07:15
BruteFrceumm hi uhh is there like a cli movie player...07:15
Xavurabut when I try either, the fonts are HUGE covering the whole screen07:15
zcat[1]Oprtz: no, they should be causing any problems.. they just probably won't help either.07:15
jim_pbonch: then i dont know any other way. do you have a specific problem that i can help you?07:15
XavuraI can't find anything on Google for it07:15
XavuraThe fonts literally take up the full 1280x1024 screen07:15
Xavuraon both kubuntu and xubuntu07:15
zaggynlI mean, boy that's gotta be annoying07:15
Azhi_DahakaI want big fonts... :(07:15
Xavuraso I can't navigate through menus07:15
bonchjim_p: X autodetects the settings for my intel integrated card and enables decent acceleration.  i'm actually trying to set up X on a non-ubuntu system and wanted to borrow the X settings07:15
=== iratsu is now known as bork
XavuraIt's totally unusable.07:16
majortoolwhat's wrong anon107:16
bonchjim_p: X autodetects on the Live CD, i mean07:16
XavuraAnyone know how to fix that?07:16
anon1so major07:16
anon1my wirless on my other laptop is busted, its a new toshiba satellite u405d07:16
anon1and the network manager says no interfaces detected07:16
zaggynlXavura: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/22426207:16
jim_pXavura: dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig07:16
anon1idk if it needs drivers07:16
anon1or what07:17
jim_pbonch: what do you use as a driver there?07:17
bonchjim_p: the "intel' driver07:17
Xavurajim_p: Will that fix it for Kubuntu and Xubuntu? Gnome 'tis fine obviously, using that now07:17
XavuraI want to try all 3 ;D07:17
majortoolanon1, lspci -v ... does your card show up there?07:17
XavuraErr Xfce and KDE07:17
anon1kk one sec07:17
bonchjim_p: i have to use Option "NoAccel" to get X up.  but when i run the ubuntu live cd, X is able to display compiz effects.  so i'm trying to figure out what settings it has detected07:18
anon1it shows up as an atheros card07:18
abstortedmindshow do i change the order of which the kernels are specified upon startup07:18
Xavurajim_p: Do I need to run that command from in KDE and XFCE or from here? Although KDE is 100% unusable, but XFCE I think I can manage to get a terminal07:18
jim_pbonch: because i have to leave for an hour, do you mind if we do it later?07:19
renzcoldsunbonch: try copying ubuntu live cd's xorg.conf to your /etc/X11, but make a backup first07:19
zcat[1]absheva: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:19
jim_pXavura: on any terminal, even outside x07:19
Xavurajim_p: so I can do it now on my Gnome session?07:19
bonchjim_p: oh, no problem, i'll figure it out07:19
jim_pXavura: yes07:19
jim_pok brb07:19
paul68absortedminds you can adapt the /boot/grub/menu.lst07:20
bonchrenzcoldsun: the live cd's xorg.conf has no settings.  X is using autodetection07:20
anon1yeah major, it shows up07:20
majortoolanon1, iwconifg07:20
renzcoldsunawwwwwwww ok07:20
majortoolanon1, iwconfig07:20
bonchi have the livecd booted up.  i'm going to check xorg.0.log now07:20
anon1lo   no wireless extensions07:20
e-framezaggynl: fsck doesn't work. it says fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found07:20
abstortedmindsthanks got it07:21
anon1yeah major, "lo      no wirless extensions"07:21
zcat[1]e-frame: try ntfsfix ?07:21
e-framei did07:21
paul68anon1: http://hamzakc.wordpress.com/2006/12/11/atheros-wireless-setup-ubuntu/  read this07:21
e-framezcat[1]: it's still remain07:22
anon1thanks paul ill try that07:22
majortool!madwifi | anon107:22
ubottuanon1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:22
paul68anon1: and this one to http://www.stchman.com/ath_drv.html07:22
e-framezcat[1]: i'm gonna shrink the partition and move to avoid the bad sector. but how to find out where the bad sector is?07:23
anon1thanks ill try both and get back to you07:23
Xavurawhat's the package name for the nice looking new shiny KDE?07:23
Xavuranot kubuntu-desktop, that's v3 or whatever07:23
zcat[1]e-frame: seriously, if a drive is showing bad sectors it's dying.. get a new drive and trasnfer all the data over while you still can.07:24
LVis there a wizard to re-init sound settings?07:27
LVi'm using hardy07:29
CruX|hello all07:33
CruX|why kcheckpasswd is always broken ?07:33
CruX|after KDE update ?07:33
Azhi_DahakaKanji in console looks cool07:35
VonGuardbuh, i can';t get the damn wireless card up07:35
VonGuardhave the driver, used ndiswrapper07:35
VonGuardbut nothing else likes to see it07:35
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:35
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia07:36
VonGuardnetwork manager is so broken!07:36
Azhi_DahakaWell, kinda07:36
VonGuardwhere can i erase the configs in network manager07:37
Azhi_DahakaWhich wireless card do you have?07:37
=== Mordocai is now known as Mordocai_away
VonGuardit's a dell broadcom chiopste07:37
tiglionabbithey guys, how do I get ytalk to work?07:38
Azhi_DahakaVonGuard: lspci | grep -i broadcom07:38
=== Badfish is now known as Badfish69
stodanhi, how can i disable compiz for another user? it seems to crash display07:47
TraceRouteanyone running 8.10?07:48
macvrhi all... does anyone know the SED stream editor? im tryin to get an output correctly?07:49
hateballTraceRoute» they're in #ubuntu+107:49
macvr hi all... does anyone know the SED stream editor? im tryin to get an output correctly?  ${execpi 60 DKV=`date +%_d`; cal | sed '1d' | sed '1e' | sed '/./!d' | sed 's/^/ /' | fold -w 33 | sed -n '/^.\{21\}/p' | sed /" $DKV "/s/" $DKV "/" "'${color1}'"$DKV"'${color0}'" "/} this output doesnt get fully printed... i'm not sure if sed is cutting it short or if the cal command is doing it!07:52
krishnaanyone to help me configure sendmail on webmin to manage windows boxes?07:54
=== chad is now known as kai696
=== Mendnwngs_ is now known as Opr8Ive
ziroday!webmin |  krishna07:58
ubottukrishna: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.07:59
anon1hey how do i add a cd rom as a software source07:59
zirodayanon1: go to System > Adminstrator > Software Sources07:59
Flannelanon1: Do you already have the CD? or you're creating one?07:59
anon1i have a cd07:59
Flannel!caps | krishna07:59
ubottukrishna: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:00
krishnaoh sorry08:00
Flannelanon1: Then yeah, software sources can handle it.  Or theres a CLI command (apt-cdrom add) to do it as well.08:00
anon1ut when i do sudo apt-cdrom add -d /media/"Ubuntu 8.04,1 amd64" it says cannot stat mount point08:00
anon1no such file or directory08:00
=== erich is now known as erna
=== erna is now known as erich
Flannelanon1: Just "sudo apt-cdrom add" should be fine08:02
anon1ok so when i do that it says mounting cd rom then it says failed to mont08:03
ogzyi have a problem with my fn keys, i defined the setkeycodes and Xmodmap file, when i enter xev i can see that the key combination is assigned to a some keysyms like XF86Launch3, i add a file that define global keybindings for the keysyms under /usr/share/gconf/ but it is not working somehow am i defining it at the wrong placa?08:04
anon1Flannel: ok so when i do that it says mounting cd rom then it says failed to mont08:08
casdfhi; i just dist-upgraded to 8.10beta, and now firefox crashes when loading most anything08:09
casdfknown issue? or did i screw up?08:09
kai696Hey, I kinda need someone advanced in using Ubuntu/Linux. Is anyone availabe?08:09
nyaaI have a bit of an odd question08:09
csilk!ask | kai69608:09
ubottukai696: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:09
ttmrichterIs there a trick to making trackerd and the tracker applet never, ever start up no matter what?08:09
kai696^^ sorry,08:10
casdfi think you can disable it via sessions?08:10
SammyHi all08:10
kai696My issue, I need to rewrite Linux GRUB, and enable my vista machine to be shown from vista08:10
SammyI'm A new guy here08:10
nyaaIf I go to system > administration > Login Window, and then to the Local tab, it gives an option to set the position of the window, but both x and y coordinates are capped at 100.. and it moves them in pixels instead of %'s. Is there a fix for this?08:11
kai696Hey Sammy08:11
Azhi_Dahakasee ya, guys08:11
kai696shown from the boot list****08:11
Sammyhi all08:11
scuserhi all, does any one know how to force a linux box not to use simple bind when trying to login ?08:12
kai696..wrong place! sorry!08:13
marc1975EN UBUNTU08:13
kai696Mac1975, English only08:13
nyaaIf I knew what lans was I'd have that sentence down =(08:14
ghalebhello, how can I echo a statment at the top of a file ?08:14
marc1975Hello I would like to know where I can can see in ubuntu my lan configuration?08:14
marc1975Hello kei69608:17
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kai696Hey marc1975,08:18
casdffirefox crashing a lot since i distupgraded to 8.10 beta. any ideas?08:19
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csilkcasdf,  mine does that an 8.04 -_-08:20
StylesHow do I install KALarm?08:20
kai696casdf, I have noticed this as well, Althought most of the time it was while running java/flash08:20
pamchique tal??08:20
csilkmainly flash08:21
csilkit's a bug08:21
scortit happens to me on 64bit08:21
scortflash works about %50 of the time now08:21
pamchihello, i'm new over heare...08:21
halyconHey everyone I am trying to get this bluetooth syncing program with thunderbird working and it says I require libopensync.so.1 and libxpcom.so does anyone have these files or know where I can obtain them I have tried installing a package called libopensyncgnokii and a whole bunch of the opensync stuff but I am not having any luck08:22
kai696scort, I hear your pain, I am running x64 as well.08:22
anon1ok so i need some help too08:23
anon1i keep trying to install build essentials08:23
anon1but i have no internet, and the disk wont mount for some reason08:24
Tankadohow can i make chmod work recursively on a dir?08:24
anon1( no internet on other comp)08:24
Tankadolike want to change the mode for all files/dirs in that dir08:24
node357Tankado chmod -R08:24
anon1i need to add the cdrom as an installer08:24
anon1but its not working08:24
kai696Anon1, USB stick?08:24
StylesHey I need an alarm clock, I read KAlarm is the best, but how do I install it?08:24
anon1dependency hell08:24
csilkanon1,  cant you set it in software sources?08:25
anon1i try but it wants to connect to the internet08:25
anon1which i dont have08:25
hischildStyles, sudo aptitude install kalarm?08:25
node357anon1, sudo apt-cdrom add08:25
anon1cannot mount disk08:25
node357damn :(08:26
acp_Styles: or you may use Add/Remove program08:26
Stylesacp_, I can't find it though08:26
hischildanon1, try this, as it may give us a clue on whatś wrong ---> sudo aptitude install pastebinit && dmesg >> tmp.log && cat tmp.log | pastebinit && rm tmp.log08:26
StylesI looked08:26
Styleshischild, sudo aptitude install kalarm, aptitude isn't found08:27
casdfkai696: any idea if this is going to be fixed on release? cuz it worked for me on 8.04...08:27
hischildStyles, wait what? no aptitude? o.O08:27
acp_Styles: how about apt-get?08:27
acp_use apt-get install kalarm08:27
casdfany non-K alarmclocks that dont leak memory? the one i am using now does :|08:28
acp_strange you don't have Add/Remove if you have a gui installed08:28
anon1ok: pastebinit is not found08:28
anon1no command08:28
anon1it says can be install by typing sudo apt-get install pastebinit08:29
Styleskalarm isn't found :(08:31
bsusahello all08:31
XinuXehm.. what topic is today gay?08:31
zhuzhixinhello, will some one please tell me the command of creating a launch of some applications, as there is something wrong with my nautilus08:31
hischildanon1, yeah i have jst been told that aptitude apparently is no longer installed by default .... so use apt-get then.08:33
Styleswill Xmms wrok as an alarm clock?08:33
acp_Styles: check your /etc/apt/source.list may be its empty08:33
hischildanon1,  sudo apt-get pastebinit && dmesg >> tmp.log && cat tmp.log | pastebinit && rm tmp.log08:33
bsusaim having abit of trouble changing my resolution in 8.04 it only likes the maximum resolution 1400x1050 every time i change to any different resolution it becomes distorted and shows 2 seperate distorted desktops. Could someone help please?08:33
acp_Im mean its commented08:33
zhuzhixincan some one help me,08:34
acp_Styles: its possible but I think you need to right a script08:34
csilkzhanx,  your first question doesnt make sense08:34
csilkbe more specific08:34
csilkzhuzhixin, ^08:34
anon1invalid operation pastebinit08:35
zhuzhixini want to create a launch for certain app, i know i can right click on the desktop and then choose "create a launch"08:35
zhuzhixinbut there is something wrong with my nautilus08:35
anon1i just want to install build essential XD08:35
zhuzhixinso i want to popup the dialog with command line08:35
hischildanon1, apt-get install build-essential08:35
zhuzhixincsilk: can you help me08:36
hischildanon1, with sudo ofc08:36
joshzarhi, i'm stuck trying to install my broadcom 43 wireless network driver08:36
csilkzhuzhixin,  yes i can08:36
hischild!broadcom | joshzar08:36
ubottujoshzar: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx08:36
ganeshow to pass the grub prompt output to any file08:36
acp_Styles: I know try to read about cron its a scheduler run a script that will run xmms on your desired time08:36
anon1it keeps asking me for the disk and when i press enter08:36
anon1it does nothing08:36
zhuzhixincsilk: howto do this08:36
csilkzhuzhixin, I'm still not sure what you want to do08:36
zackerooI need help to sort out a Pidgin issue ...08:37
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm08:37
kraft__can anybody help me with [al]pine?08:37
hischild!ask | kraft__08:37
ubottukraft__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:37
zhuzhixincsilk: ^_^ I want to create a launcher of certain app.08:37
zackeroocan someone help me sort out a Pidgin issue?08:37
csilkzhuzhixin, right click desktop "create launcher"08:38
zhuzhixincsilk: usually i can just right click on desktop and choose "create a launcher",08:38
zhuzhixincsilk: yes, but there is a bug with my nautilus, so i close it08:38
hischildzhuzhixin, then please tell us why that doesnt work08:38
zhuzhixincsilk: every time i open nautilus, the usage of cpu will grow up to 100%08:38
magnetronzackeroo→ don't wait for anyone to offer their assistance, just ask straight out until someone answers08:39
hischildzhuzhixin, what do you use then to control your desktop? by default that will eb nautilus08:39
hischildzackeroo, but dont spam ofcourse08:39
Sammydear all, please help me how to configure my wifi acer 452008:39
bsusaim having abit of trouble changing my resolution in 8.04 it only likes the maximum resolution 1400x1050 every time i change to any different resolution it becomes distorted and shows 2 seperate distorted desktops. Could someone help please?08:39
csilkzhuzhixin,  I have no idea why that happens, I'd ned to know way more info about your system and previous activity to even begin to guess why that is happening08:39
zackeroocan someone tell me where the fix is that's suposed to be here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/17388608:40
zhuzhixinhischild: I do not use my desktop, almost i do everything with command08:40
hischildzhuzhixin, Are you in graphic mode or text mode?08:40
hischildSammy, you need to tell us a bit more about your system. Which wifi card does it have?08:40
joshzarhmm, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy this is great, but doesn't tell me what to do08:40
zhuzhixinThanks all. I am in graphic mode, but without file-manager which is nautilus.08:40
casdfso any idea on when the firefox crashing on loading java/flash bug will be fixed? i think its an issue introduced in 8.10...08:41
zhuzhixinI close the nautilus for its bug on my computer08:41
hischildzhuzhixin, ok. The graphical background is being controlled by nautilus.08:41
Sammyhischild the card is Atheros AR500708:41
csilkcasdf,  it wasnt introduced in 8.1008:41
casdfcsilk: i see. well, i had less issues with it in .0408:42
casdfcsilk: any suggestions on what to do?08:42
hischildSammy, an Atheros AR5007EG by chance? then i would like to point you to --> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html08:42
=== beilabs is now known as Guest32920
zhuzhixinhischild: yes I know this. so i wonder if i can visit the dialog which when create a launcher by command line08:42
joshzari tried installing ndiswrapper following the instructions here: http://invaleed.wordpress.com/2007/11/20/install-bcm94311mcg-wlan-mini-pci-ubuntu-710/ but that didn't work08:42
Stylesthere is NO good alarm clocks that work!08:42
StylesI'm crying inside!08:42
hischildzhuzhixin, it would open up the very same graphical screen you get by opening it via the cbackground.08:42
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zackerooStyles: is that true?08:43
csilkcasdf, sorry I have none, I just totally abandoned firefox yesterday, I won't be using it again until it's fixed08:43
joshzari get an error message when trying to install ndiswrapper from source08:43
casdfcsilk: mind telling me what you're using then?08:43
zhuzhixinI just close Nautilus. As i know it just a file manager.08:43
hischildjoshzar, it does actually tell you what to do. Please read more carefully what the text says.08:43
casdfcsilk: im on opera atm, dunno if thats optimal08:43
Styleszackeroo, I'm guessing I can't find any! Kalarm, I can't get to work so... yea08:43
hischildzhuzhixin, it also controlls your background and sorts.08:43
csilkcasdf,  same08:43
hischild!find kalarm08:44
ubottuFound: kalarm08:44
zhuzhixinhischild: Yes. ^_^ but i do not need the background08:44
Sammyhischild you are my hero thank man...08:44
acp_Styles: How about Symanaptic do you have its under System -> Administration08:45
zackerooStyles, I too have been looking for something easy to use ...  but have not had any real luck ...08:45
hischildzhuzhixin, Gnome depends on nautilus iirc ..... perhaps a reinstall of nautilus and its packages might fix it for you.08:45
legend2440casdf: i had problem with firefox that every time i would start a you tube video firefox would close completely. flash 10 fixed it for me08:45
hischildSammy, i am by no means some1 his hero ... im merely offering my assistance wher ei can08:45
Stylesacp_, I don't have deb, dkpg how can i install .deb files?08:45
hischildacp_, *synaptic08:45
OmoikaneI'm trying to ssh into a computer of mine and I keep getting this error Host key verification failed how do I clear the keys?08:45
acp_why not use crontab as an alarm clock08:45
purehello, i have a question for all master in this room. how to refresh my ubuntu?08:46
pureim newbe08:46
casdflegend2440: no i think i do have flash1008:46
pureyes like in windows08:46
casdfShockwave Flash 10.0 r1208:46
hischildOmoikane, in your home folder there is a hidden folder called .ssh. Use Ctrl + H to make it visible.08:47
joshzarhischild, I read over the text and still don't know what to do to make my network card work08:47
pureis it common in all the world?08:47
acp_stand corrected its synaptic08:47
zhuzhixinOh, sorry, i don't like nautilus for long time. and i seldom use it08:47
Indoctrinepure: As in refresh a folder in Ubuntu?08:47
Omoikanepure what?08:47
Indoctrinepure: F5 works, if your folder doesn't automatically refresh.08:47
pureoh okay, all off you is good08:48
DDTПривет всем!!!08:48
Omoikanepure you do ctrl+alt+backspace? did that work?08:48
hischildOmoikane, then you can remove the offending key in known_hosts08:49
acp_Styles: dpkg -i <packageName.deb> but first you have to go to there site and get the package08:49
hischildjoshzar, the first part of the text talks about which packages are needed to make certain cards work.08:49
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
hischildjoshzar, it is under New b43 and b43-legacy Drivers08:49
Omoikanehischild I opened it in gedit and it's almost unreadable. Looks like compiled code.08:49
Indoctrine!ru | DDT08:49
ubottuDDT: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:49
hischildOmoikane, itś not compiled code. Its the way that a computer is identified via SSH.08:50
Omoikanehischild but how do I tell which bit of it is the offending key?08:50
pureand how to end task?08:51
hischildOmoikane, if you connect it tells you which key is the offending one. You have to count from the top down and start with 0 being the first one.08:51
Omoikanesystem > admin > sys mon08:51
purei meant when any trouble had08:51
hischildOmoikane, note that this only happens if the PC youŕe connecting to has its ip changed.08:52
FloodBot3serge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:52
hischildserge, please dont spam08:52
DJones!ops | serge08:52
ubottuserge: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:52
puremaster in the room, how to end task if any trouble08:53
Omoikanepure system > admin > sys mon08:53
scuserhi all, does anyone know where is the login authentication file ?08:54
FloodBot3serge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:54
Omoikaneserge please stop08:54
acp_pure: open a terminal the type kill -9 <PID of the job/task>08:54
jjulian_hi i got a problem with sound on my laptop, the problem is i hear no sound at all from speakers and just from the first jack very ow crackling sound. can anybody help? here is what alsa-info.sh says: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2eb65cdd85337cebe12255d3ed31fbaff7e51f1b and here what tsalsa says:  http://pastebin.ca/123254408:54
hischildacp_, please dont use kill -9 on first sight.08:55
john_how to uninstall ubuntu?08:55
hischildFor now i say farewell to you. untill soon08:55
acp_pure: do a ps -auxx or -ef to know the pid of the job or use System monitor if you have a gui08:55
joshzarhischild, following the document tells me that bcm43xx driver (via manual install) is now considered to be deprecated. there is no instruction as to what to do instead. could you please help me install the wireless network card?08:56
pureok i have write all of suggestion08:56
acp_pure: System ->Administration -> System Monitor08:56
joshzarhi all. i'm still having trouble getting my wireless network card to work, could someone help me?08:57
faria_khanhi every one09:00
faria_khancan i install gui mode for server edition ???09:00
ianRGgreets gents. any applications on ubuntu that can make me download youtube vids?09:01
purei had use ctrl+alt+bckspce and the result is my desktop turn off immedietly, like restart09:01
robertw__sound stopped working in Firefox for flash movies09:01
ianRGpure: that's xserver restarting. very normal09:01
robertw__I'm using the non-free flash plugin, I've tried reinstalling it, restarting X and rebooting09:01
robertw__sound works in other applications09:02
purebut all of my running application is lost09:02
mgolischrobertw__: do you use pulseaudio? if so try installing libflash-support09:02
mgolischor so09:02
robertw__mgo: no, I don't - when I installed pulseaudio was off by default09:02
nyaaIf I go to system > administration > Login Window, and then to the Local tab, it gives an option to set the position of the window, but both x and y coordinates are capped at 100.. and it moves them in pixels instead of %'s. Is there a fix for this?09:03
robertw__could it be firefox _thinks_ I'm using pulseaudio?09:03
jointmanXubuntu is so moody. There are days when it reads my router just fine, and other times it just doesn't work. But when I use Windows XP it works just fine. What the heck's the problem?  Why does something so simple as connecting to the internet such a hassle?09:03
misteralexanderI'm wondering if anyone knows how to "reboot" my sound system, in Ubuntu.  Every once-in-awhile audio in Amarok & VLC will just stop.  The only solution (thus far) is to reboot my laptop.  Does anyone have a better, quicker solution?09:03
mgolischrobertw__: no unless you install libflashsupport flash plugin allways tries to use alsa directly09:03
mgolischrobertw__: sure you haz no pulse?09:03
mgolischit should be enabled by default09:04
=== nick_ is now known as nich^
robertw__$ ps ax | grep pulse -> nothing09:04
pureianRG, is any way to refresh my desktop?09:04
robertw__mgo: it either wasn't, or went way when I installed XFCE and xubuntu-defaults09:04
ianRGpure: xserver restart closes the running applications afaik09:05
ianRGpure: and there's no way to reopen them. unless they were background processes, you've lost your unsaved work.09:05
ianRGpure: merely speaking from experience here, i`m not fundi09:06
magnetronhi, i was wondering if there are any tools designed to for making you own "services". something that can restart a software if it disconnects09:06
mgolischrobertw__: if you dont use pulse, it might just be that the alsa device is blocked by something elese09:06
pureim newbe, so i guess is like the way right click+refresh on windws09:07
robertw__mgo: nothing else is running, and if I e.g. start Kaffeine I get sound, or start Rhythmbox I get sound09:07
mgolischrobertw__: hm, what output plugins do those use?09:08
=== SoulSlayer is now known as anewbie
mgolischmaybe you have installed libflashsupport and thats why flash doesnt try alsa..09:08
robertw__mgo: Kaffeine uses auto, I set it to ALSA and it works09:08
mgolischi see09:08
pureany suggest to chose mp3 player?09:09
robertw__mgo: I've done apt-get remove --purge libflashsupport - I did install it  but only after the problem started09:09
mgolischi see09:10
koshar1misteralexander you could prolly rmmod and then modprobe your osund module09:11
misteralexanderkoshar1:  You might as well be speaking latin there . . . could you break that down for me?  LOL.09:11
robertw__got it!  I create a .asoundrc to swap my stereo channels around09:12
robertw__removing it gets me sound in flash again09:12
koshar1misteralexander if you know the name of the module your sound hardware loads, (it will be listed if you run lsmod) you can unload that module/ rmmod and then reload the module /modprobe09:13
misteralexanderkoshar1:  Ah-ha . . . okay, I understand that.  I'll give that a try . . . THANKS!09:14
koshar1you will need to use sudo09:14
=== sean is now known as Guest76955
zllanghow install grub in scsi hard disk09:16
MTecknologyanybody know much about grub?09:16
ikoniazllang: same as any other disk09:17
ikoniaMTecknology: what's up09:17
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zllangikonia, no i couldnt use root sda09:17
ikoniazllang what ?09:17
ikoniazllang: grub references disks as HD09:17
SpudzI just modified /etc/network/interfaces.  Do I have to reboot to implement changes?  Or is there another way?09:18
ikoniazllang: eg: hd0,0 for first disk, first partition09:18
ikoniaSpudz: stop/start the networkingi nit script09:18
spidlaSpudz: /etc/init.d/network restart09:18
SpudzMTecknology: Be more specific09:18
MTecknologyikonia: I want to install grub to my sd card. I made an ext2 partition on it and then I used rsync to copy everything from /boot to the sd card. Now I want to install the MBR on the SD card so I can boot off of that instead.09:18
MTecknologySpudz: how's that?09:18
spidlaSpudz: sorry /etc/init,d/networking restart09:18
Spudzspidla: ikonia: thanks09:18
MTecknologySpudz: I type slow ;)09:18
ikoniaMTecknology well, it should be treated as any other disk09:19
ikoniaMTecknology: just be aware you bios has to be able to boot from the SD card first09:19
ikoniaMTecknology: is that possible ?09:19
MTecknologyit can09:19
zllangikonia, when use "root hd0" it say unrecognizde device string09:19
ikoniazllang: are you in the grub shell ?09:19
MTecknology# /dev/mmcblk0p109:20
ikoniazllang: the command is root (hd0,0) (assuming first disks and first partition09:20
ikonia!grub > zllang09:20
ubottuzllang, please see my private message09:20
koshar1zllang use hd,009:20
ikoniakoshar1: no09:20
kc8pxyi need some help  deciding which ubuntu cd iso to download. anyone up to help me decide?09:20
ikoniakoshar1: that is not correct09:20
zllangubottu, thanks09:21
ikoniakc8pxy: wht's the issue ?09:21
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:21
zllangkoshar1, i try09:21
MTecknologykc8pxy: Personally, I'd wait 9 days until 8.10 is released or just get the beta now and trust it will be reliable09:21
spidlazllang do you see your disk in the dmesg ?09:21
nyaaIf I go to system > administration > Login Window, and then to the Local tab, it gives an option to set the position of the login window, but both x and y coordinates are capped at 100.. and it moves them in pixels instead of %'s. Is there a fix for this?09:21
MTecknologybut I don't know the details either09:21
scuserhi all, any help with this error "pam_ldap: error trying to bind (Server is unwilling to perform)09:22
koshar1root (hd?,?) it is actually from a grub shell09:22
ikoniascuser your system can't bind to the requested ldap server09:22
scuserikonia: so how to change the bind method ?09:23
koshar1zllang setup from the grub shell uses setup (hd0)09:23
ikoniascuser you don't need to chagne the bind method09:23
ikoniascuser: you need to debug why it can't bind09:23
MTecknologyikonia: any ideas how to get it all installed on the sd card?09:23
=== JewingGum is now known as HideousNashimoto
ikoniaMTecknology what part are you stuck on ?09:23
MTecknologyinstalling the mbr on the sd card I think is what I have left09:24
kc8pxyikonia:  I'm installing a ubuntu to be a ltsp server, on an amd64 (64-bit is a given) but it has a nvidia 8800 in it, so I'm thinking of going desktop.  thoughts?09:24
zllangspidla, excuse me what mean?09:24
scuserikonia: it can't bind because the server disallows simple bind, and the client is trying to use simple bind, I can't change the server configuration but the client09:24
ikoniakc8pxy well, if you want to support the graphics card I'd advise the desktop version unless you have more than say 16 gig ofr ram installed09:24
kc8pxyMTecknology:  it's going to be a production box, I'd rather not roll the dice, and it's needed ASAP.09:24
spidlanothing .. sorry misunderstanding09:24
ikoniascuser so what do you want to use ?09:25
ikoniakc8pxy: production box = 8.04 for LTS support and stability, no question09:25
MTecknologykc8pxy: then get 8.04.109:25
zllangkoshar1, my harddisk is scsi ,i couldnt use hd009:25
MTecknologywow - I need to read what people post before me09:25
=== HideousNashimoto is now known as JewingGum
ikoniazllang how many hard disks do you have09:25
JewingGumSay 609:26
JewingGumsay Six09:26
zllangonly one09:26
ikoniazllang: in total, scsi/sata/ide09:26
misteralexanderkoshar1: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE did it for me.09:26
ikoniaJewingGum: what ?09:26
zllangikonia, only one09:26
MTecknologyikonia: if I try to use the find command in grub to see where the disk is located it says error 15: file not found09:26
kc8pxyMTecknology: ikonia: so verdict is hardy, 64, desktop,     jury still out on alternate? or should i not bother unless i plan to possibly raid?09:26
Spudzcan anyone help me set up a wireless access point from my debian-laptop? it's getting internet thru a usb-modem-thingy.  I'm finding all the guides too confusing.  I don't know this stuff.  Please help on #spudz - appreciated!09:26
scuserikonia: any method other than simple bind, perhaps SASL with kerberos09:27
unitedpotsmokerswhat is instant messenger can support webcam?09:27
MTecknologykc8pxy: for raid - get either alternate or server09:27
JewingGumSpudz, why don't you try #debian?09:27
ikoniazllang: scuser well thats your ldap.conf09:27
ikoniazllang: how many partitions on that disk ?09:27
SpudzJewingGum: good idea.  I will now!09:27
scuserikonia: great then what should I do with that file :) ?09:27
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zllangikonia, one09:27
zllangit,s be format with ntfs09:28
ikoniazllang: what ?09:28
ikoniascuser: first determain what your ldap server needs09:28
ikoniazllang: why are you trying to put grub on it09:28
Deadboyscan anyone help me, i cant seem to get my atheros AR5009 network card to work09:28
ikoniazllang: you don't have ubuntu installed on this disk09:28
scuserikonia: SASL09:28
kc8pxyMTecknology:  kk,  seeing as it's on a a8n sli premium mobo, with 8 sata connectors, i thin kyou hooked me on alternate.09:28
zllangi want install to mbr09:28
ikoniascuser: not use that config myself09:28
ikoniazllang: why - you don't have a grub setup09:28
ikoniascuser: not used that should read09:29
ikoniascuser: let me se if I can find some docs, it's normally just a few options int he ldap.conf to change the bind options/method09:29
zllangikonia, yeh,i want use livecd install it to mbr09:29
edlvmy 5.1channel speakers arent working. only front speakers working. help please.09:29
ikoniazllang: you can't do that09:29
ikoniazllang: you don't have any grub data on the disk09:29
scuserikonia: do you think so :?09:29
ikoniazllang: you only have one ntfs partition09:29
zllangikonia, yeah09:29
ikoniascuser: normally, the kerberos stuff I've done is just a few lines and that was quite complex09:30
ikoniazllang: so you can't do it09:30
ikoniazllang: why do you want grub on your mbr if you have nothing to boot with it09:30
MTecknologyikonia: ya - my issue is figuring out how to install grub on the sd card... I've only ever done it to hd0,0 or 0,109:30
ikoniaMTecknology: give me a second09:30
MTecknologyok - ty09:30
zllangikonia, i want use grub to install ubuntu with a iso file09:30
ikoniaMTecknology: the disk is seen as a sca disk (thanks libata) so the options should be hdX,X the same as another disk09:30
kc8pxyMTecknology:  touch a file on the sd card. then use find to get the grub drive syntax.09:31
ikoniazllang: it doesn't work like that09:31
Deadboyscan anyone please help me ive been searching for solutions and trying to figure this out for days and im truly stuck surly one of you knows the solution to my problem09:31
zllangikonia, oh ,thanks09:31
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo09:31
ikoniaMTecknology: in your /boot/grub/ directory is there are reference tot he card in device.map09:31
ActionParsnip1sup Deadboys09:31
Deadboysim just trying to get my Atheroths AR5009 wireless card to work09:31
zllangikonia, thank you very much ..09:31
MTecknologyikonia: I doubt it. It wasn't present when I installed Ubuntu09:31
spidlaDeadboys: do you have proper module loaded ?09:32
kc8pxyDeadboys:  madwifi?09:32
zllangikonia, i try other method...good bye09:32
koshar1zllang as ikonia said all grub drives are hd, look as your devices file, it will give you the correct hd entry for your sd09:32
ikoniaMTecknology ok, so my suggestion is use fdisk to find out what device it is currently assigned to and add an enty to the device.map09:32
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu09:32
spidlaDeadboys: paste your dmesg09:32
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=929012 seems complete09:32
ikonia!pastebin | dexem09:32
ubottudexem: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:32
click170Ok so in a lot of those videos of vista versus beryl/compiz you see wobbly windows and all that, and then theres how the windows dissappear in what looks like very colorful fire.  I can't find that one though, the only fire one I can find is all orange... anyone know what I mean?09:32
ikonia!pastebin | Deadboys09:32
ubottuDeadboys: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:32
MTecknologyikonia: (hd0)   /dev/sda09:32
erossanyone play with the cairo compiz manager?09:33
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: you seen that page?09:33
ikoniaMTecknology I find that most unusual09:33
MTecknologywhy's that?09:33
ikoniaMTecknology: your %100 your sd card is /dev/sda09:33
Deadboysyeah ive seen that09:33
ActionParsnip1eross: head over to #compiz09:33
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: seems spot on...no good?09:33
Deadboysim fairly new to linux09:33
Deadboysnot really sure what to make from that09:33
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: gksudo gedit /etc/modules09:34
MTecknologyikonia: no - my hard drive that I installed ubuntu to is /dev/sda - I also have a /boot on sda2.... I'm trying to move it to an sd card09:34
Deadboysthen just download and install that pakage?09:34
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: add the line it specifys at the bottom, did you do that?09:34
Deadboysalso will that work in Inrepid ibex09:34
ikoniaMTecknology ok, so we need to find out what device your sd card is09:34
Deadboyswill that work in intrepid?09:34
=== ntinos_19 is now known as ntinos_
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: ALL interpid help is in +1, no intrepid help here09:34
ikonia!ibex > Deadboys09:34
ubottuDeadboys, please see my private message09:34
MTecknologyikonia: I have it opened w/ fdisk09:34
kc8pxyikonia:  touch and find is more likeely to be right..  been there,  never found the needle in that haystack.09:34
ikoniaMTecknology so what device is it09:35
Deadboysi tried asking in that channel09:35
MTecknologythis is the closest i see - Disk identifier: 0x58aeca1d09:35
Deadboysnobody responds09:35
ikoniakc8pxy: yes, touching a file is an easy example09:35
ikoniaMTecknology: are you able to mount your sd card ?09:35
ikoniaDeadboys: then wait it out09:35
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: intepis is not officially released so is not officially supported in the official room.09:35
Deadboysseriously can you just forget the rules for one second and specify yes or no09:35
ikoniaMTecknology: ok so what device /dev/sd* is it ?09:35
Deadboyswell then pm me09:35
ikoniaDeadboys: no09:35
MTecknologyikonia: it's mounted to /boot now09:35
ActionParsnip1Deadboys: try later on when someone is in there09:35
ikoniaDeadboys: please ask for support in #ubuntu+109:35
MTecknology/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /boot type ext2 (rw)09:36
ikoniaMTecknology: what DEVICE FILE is it09:36
MTecknologysorry, it's late and i haven't been sleeping much - I'm kinda tired :P09:36
ikoniaMTecknology: right so before you sync grub put an entry in your device.map file on your boot partition09:36
ikoniaMTecknology: putting the entry in your device.map file will make it a static map so that a removable device like your sd card is will be ok09:37
MTecknologyikonia: should I map to hd0 or 1?09:37
ikoniaMTecknology soemthing not already in use int hat file09:38
ikoniain that file09:38
binMonkeyhi guys.  i run a command to check my load cycle count and send  it to a txt file using >>.  how do i make it add a couple of spaces everytime i run it?09:38
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: echo "   " >> <file name>09:39
MTecknologyikonia: k - I mapped it to hd109:39
ikoniaMTecknology ok, so now sync your grub /boot partition and the /boot parttiion on your sd card09:39
=== JewingGum is now known as systat
MTecknologyikonia: did that. the sd card is mounted at /boot now and has all the files09:39
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: have a play with a test file09:39
ikoniaMTecknology ok so now enter a grub shell09:40
=== systat is now known as JewingGum
MTecknologycould take a bit to load up09:40
ikoniaMTecknology: the options root (hd1,0) and setup (hd1) should now work09:40
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: > means put this in the file. >> means add it to the existing file contents09:40
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: sorry i meant add c couple of enter lines.  blank lines between entries.09:40
MTecknologyikonia: ty09:40
binMonkeyActionParsnip1:can i echo an enter keystroke or an end of line?09:41
MTecknologyikonia: the best part is... I'm not modifying grub on my primary hd so I can do this safely :)09:41
mgolischbinMonkey: yeah echo -e "\n" should work i think09:41
MTecknologystill waiting fot grubby to loady :P09:41
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: echo '\n' >> <filename>09:41
skurakai1hi. which e-book reader application you prefer?09:41
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: as i say make a test file to experiment09:41
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: i'm trying it now.  thanks.09:42
BruteFrceis there an alternative to gcc?09:42
MTecknologyikonia: http://pastebin.com/d3b83066309:43
mgolischBruteFrce: why? what bad about gcc?09:43
nyaaIf I go to system > administration > Login Window, and then to the Local tab, it gives an option to set the position of the login window, but both x and y coordinates are capped at 100.. and it moves them in pixels instead of %'s. Is there a fix for this?09:43
ActionParsnip1BruteFrce: g++09:43
MTecknologyikonia: Error 15 seems to pop up a lot for me when I'm in grub....09:43
ActionParsnip1BruteFrce: gcc is a very standard compiler09:43
BruteFrcemgolisch i dont like monopolies lol im just wondering if there is anything else.09:44
legend2440nyaa: what version of ubuntu?09:44
sirMajid!hp wireless09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp wireless09:44
sirMajiddoes anybody know how to install hp wireless driver on ubuntu?09:44
J-_!wireless | sirMajid09:45
ubottusirMajid: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:45
MTecknologyikonia: This too - http://pastebin.com/d7ad06ae209:45
sirMajidj-_: tnx09:45
BruteFrcehp wireless driver... can you be more specific... im pretty sure hp uses more than one wireless card09:45
=== Oric_ is now known as Oric
||arifaXsirMajid: which *buntu on which hardware09:46
ikoniaMTecknology: ok so thats seelcted parttiion is not valid09:46
ActionParsnip1click170: head to #compiz09:46
ikoniaMTecknology: so can you should me your device.map please.09:46
Sammyhai all09:46
ActionParsnip1gah @ lag09:46
sirMajidit is ubuntu 8.4 and I think there is only one wireless card that hp uses09:46
Sammyhow to set path java09:46
BruteFrcelol no theres not09:47
click170ActionParsnip:  Thanks, actually just got the solution from there ;)09:47
ActionParsnip1BruteFrce: what does lspci and lsusb say it is?09:47
sirMajidso how do I know the model09:47
MTecknologyikonia: http://pastebin.com/d682d281a09:47
BruteFrcethey use a wide variety of hardware09:47
sirMajidok...how should I know what model is mine?09:47
BruteFrceAcTionparsnip1 what?09:48
legend2440nyaa: what version of ubuntu? i am using hardy and i dont see that option in Login Window09:48
J-_sirMajid:  type, "lspci". See if the card is listed in there.09:48
ikoniaMTecknology can you please show me "ls -la /dev/mmcblk0"09:48
pureany suggest player for mp3, flv and mpeg09:48
J-_sirMajid:  In terminal09:48
MTecknologyikonia: brw-rw---- 1 root plugdev 179, 0 2008-10-21 02:03 /dev/mmcblk009:48
BruteFrceif not read the fcc id from the card and look it up09:48
ClimDanwhich is the best CEO program?09:48
ikoniaMTecknology ok, that looks reasonable09:48
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: sorry.  i have egrep in there and it's trying to read the echo command.  it goes "smartctl -a /dev/hda | grep '(load cycle count)' >> count.txt"   i can't figure out where to put the echo to make it \n.09:49
ActionParsnip1!best | ClimDan09:49
ubottuClimDan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:49
ikoniaMTecknology ok so use grub with root (hd1,0)09:49
sirMajidI found it09:49
pureany suggest player for mp3, flv and mpeg09:50
J-_sirMajid:  What is it?09:50
BruteFrceso gcc is the only c compiler ever mde for linux?09:50
koshar1pure vlc09:50
MTecknologyikonia: same outpyt as before - just echos what i put w/o complaint09:50
ikoniaBruteFrce no there are others09:50
sirMajidit is Atherus communication Inc . AR242x 802.11avg09:50
ikoniaMTecknology thats most odd09:50
BruteFrcewhats another well supported one?09:50
MTecknologyikonia: is it supposed to say something else?09:50
mgolischBruteFrce: none09:50
ikoniaBruteFrce: have a google, there is a solid one from intel09:50
BruteFrceyoull need to use a wrapper09:51
mgolischBruteFrce: allmost all software is made to work with gcc, you will just have pain using something else09:51
BruteFrcei have googled im here foropinions09:51
BruteFrcefor opinions09:51
MTecknologyikonia: I assumed that was what was supposed to happen :P09:51
sirMajidJ-_: ok, I can't find the driver09:51
koshar1MTecknology did you sudo grub?09:51
BruteFrcewhat software are you talking about?09:51
J-_sirMajid:  Hold on, I'm googling.09:52
MTecknologykoshar1: I'm doing it as root09:52
sirMajidJ-_: tnx09:52
yugohi,guys~~~How to edit read only keys in gconf-editor?09:52
BruteFrcei dont need it to work with any software, just build source09:52
MTecknology Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no      Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no09:53
sirMajidJ-_: sorry it is Atheros and it is abg09:53
MTecknology-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 2008-10-21 03:53 stage109:53
MTecknologyis that right?09:53
J-_sirMajid:  pastebin your lspci09:54
BruteFrcedoes ubuntu supoert enlightenment as a wm/dm at all?09:54
mgolischMTecknology: but where is that file?09:54
mgolischBruteFrce: why not?09:54
J-_!pastebin > sirMajid09:54
ubottusirMajid, please see my private message09:54
legend2440yugo: you could try in terminal  gksudo gconf-editor09:54
BruteFrcewhy not what?09:54
MTecknologymgolisch: ls -l /boot/grub/stage109:54
mgolischMTecknology: and this is realy the partition you have as root ?09:55
zigzagshe means yes, brute09:55
MTecknologymgolisch: heh?09:55
zigzagsi think09:55
mgolischMTecknology: if grub searches for that on the partition you have as root (hdX,Y)09:55
guyvdb_I am trying to set up traffic shaping in the kernel. How can i tell if htb & dsmark are supported in ubuntu 8.04 server kernel?09:55
omkarguys I want a help09:55
MTecknologymgolisch: ya - that's the right partition as per devices.map09:56
zigzagshow about 2 helps09:56
omkarI had Installed RHEL 5 server at my place09:56
omkarI had Ubuntu previously09:56
binMonkeyi'm running "smartctl -a /dev/hda | grep '(load cycle count)' >> count.txt"   i can't figure out where to put the echo to make it \n.09:56
BruteFrceaw i see, meaning you guys will help a user with any desktop manager they decide to use, but i meant.. is there a project like kubuntu for kde?09:56
mgolischMTecknology: just do a find /boot/grub/stage1 in the grub shell09:56
omkarnow Ubuntu is not on the grub09:56
erUSULguyvdb_: grep in kernel config? /boot/config-*09:56
mgolischMTecknology: and see what devices it returns09:56
J-_sirMajid:  are you running a 32 or 64bit system?09:56
guyvdb_erUSUL: thx09:56
omkarI tried to mount the partition which is for linux Ubuntu09:56
MTecknologymgolisch: comes back file not found - error 1509:56
MTecknologymgolisch: that was happening before this though09:57
omkarbut I am unable to find grub.conf file09:57
sirMajidJ-_: 64 bit09:57
sirMajidJ-_: why? you found something?09:57
omkarcan anyone help me to put the entry of grub.conf of ubuntu in Redhat Server's grub.conf09:57
J-_sirMajid:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76616909:57
omkarthe MBR was overwritten by Redhat's Server09:57
pureai @yahoo09:57
mgolischMTecknology: yeah then something is wrong, did you chroot properly? are you in the system right now? or on a livecd?09:57
pureai @yahoo09:58
MTecknologymgolisch: I'm in the ssytem09:58
sirMajidJ-_: tnx, let me read it...09:58
yugolegend2440, it does not work~~~a  key is locked by myself and now I can not unlock it.09:58
J-_sirMajid:  It may work with the AR242x. It was just a google.09:58
ikoniaMTecknology: it's supposed to work from that, I can't understand why that wouldn't find it, more so after you've specificed a static map in device.map09:58
legend2440yugo: which key?09:58
edlvmy 5.1channel speakers arent working. only front speakers working. help please.09:58
binMonkeyis -e  the same thing as echo?09:58
mgolischMTecknology: maybe the map is wrong ?09:58
ikoniaMTecknology: your %100 your device.map on your original and sd partitions are in sync09:59
Cyr4xhow to redirect a port with iptables?09:59
MTecknologyikonia: eh....09:59
Cyr4xi want to redirect 443 to 2209:59
MTecknologyI missed that part09:59
sirMajidJ-_: ok I'll try that tnx09:59
Ohmu_why does iwconfig report wifi0 and wlan0?  I have only one wireless card.09:59
Cyr4xi've tried iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 22 but doesn't work09:59
mgolischMTecknology: is this sw raid?09:59
ikoniaCyr4x: join #netfilter or #iptables09:59
ikoniamgolisch: it's just an sd card09:59
BruteFrcehow do i build a toolchain for ARM?09:59
MTecknologyI just unmounted /dev/sda2 , copied everything to /dev/we , mounted /dev/we to /boot09:59
ikoniaBruteFrce: thats quite a complex process10:00
MTecknologyand I've been working from that10:00
Robroynewbie here ... ubuntu is great10:00
ikoniaMTecknology: give me a minute to walk this through in my head,10:00
BruteFrceokay well google isnt helping much so some one wanna help with it?10:00
RazorWolfhooo ubuntu channel10:00
ikoniaBruteFrce it's too complex for an IRC chat, there are tons of docs on the web10:00
yugolegend2440, /apps/panel/general/toplevel_id_list ~~~it was set as blank10:00
RazorWolfwhere is da warez channel10:01
BruteFrceikonia nothing is  complex for someone to help with it, i have googled and cant find anything i can follow10:01
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ikoniaRazorWolf thats not funny and not a dsicsuion to have in this channel10:01
J-_!piracy > RazorWolf10:02
ubottuRazorWolf, please see my private message10:02
ikoniaBruteFrce it's quite hard to spell out on irc, there are a lot of "depends on" what you want to do10:02
RazorWolfthat was the comment  wanted10:02
Cyr4xhow it goes? #net-what?10:02
ikoniaRazorWolf: if your trying to provoke something - stop now10:02
RazorWolfI dont care about private msg -still ubuntu rulez10:02
BruteFrcethis guy is taking stuff a lil to seriously10:02
ikoniaCyr4x: #netfilter10:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about csop10:03
Cha0sOSjust installed 8.04 i was using 7.04 berly isnt supported to 8.04 if not i cant get my cude effect to work with compiz to work anyone know why all other settings work10:03
Cha0sOSi have cube reflection but it only has 2 desktops behind each other10:05
BruteFrcelike i said i need someone to elp me if you cant dont weat it, but your not helping anyone by aying rtfm10:05
jointmanhow do i make xubuntu detect my modem/router?10:05
erUSUL!ccsm | Cha0sOS10:05
ubottuCha0sOS: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion10:05
BruteFrcei hate the keypad on my phone, im not even correcting my typos anymore10:06
ikoniaBruteFrce: I'm not telling you to read the manual, map out what you want to do then ask specific question10:06
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to make a script that runs automatically and renews a kerberos ticket in certain time every day?10:06
koshar1Cha0sOS use fusion10:06
BruteFrceikoni just dont "help" me anymore, thanks.10:06
ikoniaBruteFrce: then listen to what's being said10:07
MTecknologyikonia: is there any chance there's an issue w/ grub in 8.10 and I would be better off doing this exact same thing on a live cd by first mounting the partition to /boot in the live environment and then using root(hd1,0) setup(hd1) ??10:07
koshar1scuser could you crontab the script?10:07
ikoniaBruteFrce: this sin't a 2 minute discussion, what do you want to do, a tool chain ON arm, or a tool chain FOR arm on a different arch, what version of a toolchain, your own, your own compatible, or the ubuntu one10:07
scuserkoshar1: what's the meaning of crontab?10:07
BruteFrceno, your the only one saying it, and i dont care your your lazy crude methods, so dont talk to me anymore, undersand?10:07
ikoniaMTecknology really shouldn't matter10:08
e_eHow do I disable the gnome login on startup and go straight to terminal whenever I boot up my OS?10:08
MTecknologyikonia: k - Oh... I also encrypted my whole system except for /boot - although that shouldn't matter ether10:08
MTecknologyikonia: what time is it for you?10:08
koshar1scuser its a cronological tool that deploys events such as scripts and programsat curtain times10:08
ikoniaBruteFrce: that attitude and insulting is not welcome, but just please listen to waht's being said, I've built many toolchains in the past so I'm trying to find out what you want10:08
ikoniaMTecknology: 10:0010:08
ikoniaMTecknology: the encyption shouldn't matter as it only wants info from /boot10:09
e_ekoshar1 was that a reply to my question?10:09
MTecknologyif I go to sleep now, would you be around in 5hr?10:09
BruteFrceikonia quit telling people what to o and stop addressing me.10:09
fariai am using server edition10:09
BruteFrceto do10:09
ikonia!attitude > BruteFrce10:09
ubottuBruteFrce, please see my private message10:09
scuserkoshar1: great thanks a lot I'll search for crontab :)\10:10
fariaand i install blackbox gui interface10:10
ikoniaBruteFrce: I'm trying to get more info from you to suggest what is needed10:10
koshar1e_e sorry my replay was for scruser10:10
fariabut i cant execute the blackbox plz tell me how can i run blackbox ???10:10
BruteFrceikonia quit making me repeat myself, quit adressing me.10:10
ikoniaBruteFrce then don't ask the question, because more info is needed to help10:11
mechaanyone know what the command would be to mount my bluetooth hub on auto so i dont have to unplug/plug it in every time i reboot?10:11
koshar1faria use startx10:11
MTecknologyikonia: it's 4:15am - I have class at 9:30am - will you be around then if I get some sleep now?10:11
BruteFrcedude, i dont care for your advice, this isnt your channel. i can sk whtever i want.10:11
sirMajidJ-_: IT WORKED...10:11
ikoniaMTecknology I'll be around all day, I'm just checkign for something specific at the moment as what you have should work10:11
e_ehow do I disable the automatic x-win startup? I want to go straight to console when I boot my OS10:11
sirMajidj-_: TNX MAN10:11
J-_sirMajid:  wooo hooo10:11
rkalittanågon som pratar svenska här?10:12
MTecknologyikonia: aight - thanks for looking. Sleep and a break often helps :)10:12
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:12
sirMajidj-_ : TNX MAN Bye10:12
MTecknologyikonia: I'll see ya in a short while ;)10:12
koshar1e_e do you mind using gdm?10:12
fariai am using server edition n i install blackbox gui mode for server now how can i execute blackbox ???10:12
notdkwe_e: change your run level to 3.10:12
e_ehow and where exactly?10:13
zambahow do i create the appropriate video dvd files from a .mpg?10:13
koshar1faria if blackbox is your only window environment startx should do it10:13
notdkwe_e: edit /etc/inittab10:13
zambathe mpg is encoded using the correct audio and video codecs for dvd video and the same with dimensions10:13
fariaok koshar110:13
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zambaso now i just need the vob files10:13
farialet me try10:13
unopnotdkw, that file does not exist on ubuntu10:14
rkalittacan anybody help a novis with nautilus?10:14
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notdkwunop: must be my redhatness coming through... :)10:14
fariakoshar1 it asked to install xinit ?10:14
koshar1faria btw you may need to have xorg installed but i would assume it would be taken care of with the blackbox metapackage10:14
e_enotdkw: I can't find such file on my OS. this is a fresh install I just installed it10:14
unope_e, you have to disable the GDM (or KDM) service10:15
unop!startup | e_e10:15
ubottue_e: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:15
truehi to every one10:15
binMonkeyi'm getting closer to figuring this thing out.  thank you to actionparsnip and mgolisch.10:15
e_ethanks I will check it10:15
binMonkeygood night, guys.10:15
koshar1faria blackbox is a graphical app like all WMs so there may be xorg related dependencys10:15
unope_e, actually see !boot10:15
zambadvdauthor, found it10:15
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:16
fariabit how can i found that koshar110:16
koshar1e_e or you could create a new gdm entry with your requirements10:16
unopfaria, you might have to install the xserver-xorg package10:16
rkalittacan anybody help a novis with nautilus?10:17
fariaok unop10:17
nyaarkalitta no one will know until you ask =)10:18
K10hi @ll10:18
K10wie kann ich ne bootable-cd von einem usb-stick starten?10:18
=== johnson is now known as Guest1887
ikonia!de > K1010:18
ubottuK10, please see my private message10:18
nyaanon sprecken zie deutsh?10:19
K10ubottu, thank you ;)10:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you ;)10:19
rkalittanyaa: I want to sign e pdf, but someting isn't right.10:19
hischildnyaa, wir sprechen deutch, aber das deutsche channel ist am #ubuntu-de10:19
edlvhow i do i make the cube thing to appear.?10:19
driftwood_@whois nyaa10:20
hischildedlv, install your graphical drivers and compizconfig-settings-manager. Then you can edit your settings under system -> preferences10:20
jointmanis there any terminal command which can reread my ip address? similar to window's ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew10:20
hischildjointman, sudo dhclient10:20
koshar1edlv you need advanced effects enabled10:20
hischildkoshar1, doesnt give me the cube, need to enable it manually\10:21
binMonkeyI FIGURED IT OUT!!!!10:21
edlvyes. i have done that. but the cube doesnt appear.10:21
binMonkeywill someone look at what i've done to see if maybe there's a better way to do it?10:21
hischildedlv, what have you done?10:21
binMonkeyi was able to add blank lines to a text file using a script.10:22
koshar1edlv you need to select the cube plugin10:22
binMonkeyn00b stuff, to you maybe.  but to me, i feel like superman.10:22
edlvi have enabled extra effects. and selected cube option.10:22
koshar1aftr you install advanced desktop effects manager and select the plugin,10:22
hischildedlv, also enable rotate cube plugin10:22
ignu_anybody is there who will works for drupal10:23
koshar1edlv then use cont/alt left mouse to rotate the cube10:23
sam__hi, need a simple firewall, want to setup a basic iptables + squid transparent proxy & gateway box10:23
hischildsam__, firestarter perhaps?10:23
binMonkeywill anyone look at what i did?10:23
hischildbinMonkey, there's no need to spam it.10:24
sam__have tried firehol, but don't like that it routes all "LAN" to squid..10:24
binMonkeyhischild: i'm sorry.10:24
legend2440!paste | binMonkey10:24
ubottubinMonkey: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:24
edlvthe desktop rotates. but a big cube appears rite? that isnt coming.10:24
sam__even the request for the local webserver sitting on the gateway..10:24
sam__hischild: does firestarter work without X?10:25
hischildsam__, not sure. \10:25
erUSULsam__: shorewall; firehol ?10:25
hischildsam__, otherwise you can setup a box with iptables manually ...10:25
bullgard4/etc/init.d/module-init-tools starts with the message: 'log_begin_msg..." * Loading menual drivers...".' What are 'manual drivers'?10:25
TechN9ne1730I have installed dual boots of WinXP/ubuntu before, but is there any difference when duall booting vista and ubuntu?10:26
hischildTechN9ne1730, no10:26
TechN9ne1730hischild, thanks10:27
ikoniabullgard4: perhaps modules you have manually specfied that are not part of the kernel, or thignsl ike the nvidia ones (just guessing)10:27
koshar1edlv and rotate cube as well?10:27
hischildedlv, middle mouse button on the background10:28
jointmanNo DHCP offers received, No working neases in persistent <-- this is what i saw with sudo dhclient10:28
hischildjointman, then there's no dhcp server active on the network10:28
bahaa2008_i want to move from wubi installtion to real installtion10:28
jointmanhischild: what should i do?10:28
hischildjointman, i dont know what your situation is ...10:28
jointmanhischild: what info do you need?10:28
hischildjointman, the whole situation and what's wrong10:29
BruteFrceso im trying to build a vanilla kernel to run on my phone i have the screen and keyboard patches but i have no clue how to setup a toolchain for the arm architechture, can anyone tell me the first step?10:29
jointmanhischild: do you mind if i PM you so its easier?10:29
hischildjointman, go ahead. Thanks for asking.10:29
binMonkeyok.  sorry i got so excited before.  i wanted to add a blank line after i ran this command.  is there a better way than this to do it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/60431/10:29
ikoniaBruteFrce: is this a toolchain on an arm for an arm, or is this an a toolchain on another arch FOR an arm10:29
edlvkoshar1: yes.10:29
ikoniaBruteFrce: is this an ubuntu toolchain, or a generic toolchain10:30
magnetronBruteFrce→ wow, that would be very system-on-chip related. there are some good books on the subject, try asking in #edeb10:30
magnetronBruteFrce→ i mean #edev10:30
cbrodehlcan i ask some questions about a webcam?10:30
BruteFrceokonia i thought we talked about this...10:30
edlvhischild: middle button not working10:30
ikoniaBruteFrce: respond to the questions if you want advice10:31
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:31
ikoniaBruteFrce: is it on an arm for an arm, or on another arch for an arm, is it an ubuntu toolchain or a generic one, what host are you using (hostOS)10:31
BruteFrcemagnetron i have been reading alot, everything says i ned this custom toolchain first so thats what i am doing10:31
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/60431/10:31
magnetronBruteFrce→ #edev is the channel for you10:31
BruteFrceikonia i dont want your advice, for the 5th time please leave me alone, thanks.10:31
cbrodehli have a microdia webcam,,,10:32
nyaaIf I go to system > administration > Login Window, and then to the Local tab, it gives an option to set the position of the login window, but both x and y coordinates are capped at 100.. and it moves them in pixels instead of %'s. Is there a fix for this?10:32
ikoniaBruteFrce: then this is nothing to do with ubuntu if you can't respond to teh questions as we can't determain your host and target system, please join a more appropraite channel10:32
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: is it good?10:32
hischildedlv, i'm not sure how to get it then.10:32
cbrodehlekiga has a video... but in skype ther isn't a video there is only a green screen10:32
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: instead of /home/rich1 you can put ~/10:32
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: it works but i wanted to know if there's a better way to do it.10:33
BruteFrcemagnetron im doing this on an ubuntu box, #htc-linuc is even more specific but no one is alive  there or the channel you mentioned10:33
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: if it works, dont fix it10:33
ActionParsnip1cbrodehl: is skype set to use the correct video device?10:33
ihtarlikHey guys!  I am trying to install Intrepid Beta, and Xorg refuses to load.  Does anyone know how to access the expert installer (if it exists)?10:33
ikoniaBruteFrce: what arch is the host, and what is the target arch, is it an ubuntu or a generic toolchain you require ?10:33
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: thanks for the help!!!!!10:33
BruteFrceikonia, i am answering the questions just not your, again dont address me anymore.10:33
cbrodehli hope so... it is set to /dev/video010:33
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: nice scripting skills10:33
mgolischikonia: just give up, that guy is a fag10:34
XavuraWhere are my bookmarks in Thunar?10:34
ActionParsnip1cbrodehl: compare it to ekiga to see whats different10:34
cbrodehlbut camorama could load video device /dev/video010:34
ikoniamgolisch: thhats uncalled for10:34
XavuraThey seem to have disappeared.10:34
Ohmu_BruteFrce: You are hilarious.  You have no chance of getting any help on this channel with the way you behave.10:34
cbrodehli think ther is a problem with v4l210:34
ikoniaOhmu_: guys just leave it please.10:34
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ActionParsnip1!ohmy | mgolisch10:34
ubottumgolisch: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:34
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: i'm learning and it's cool.10:34
cbrodehlcould it be?10:34
magnetronBruteFrce→ your ubuntu box is working just fine, we can't provide support for your from-scratch ARM builds. good luck.10:34
XavuraAnyone use Thunar as their file manager?10:34
hischildXavura, yes.10:35
_sawWhy isn't openoffice3 in repositories jet ?10:35
ActionParsnip1Xavura: i used to, then i just ditched file managers and used cli10:35
nyaaI'll head out and try a few more tweaks to see if I can fix it, good luck in here10:35
BruteFrcei mean seriously obviously the host system is a regular x86 arch and im building for the phone, which has the arm arch10:35
Xavurahischild: Where are all my bookmarks? I have bookmarks for FTP etc. but I can't find them10:35
bahaa2008_i want to move from wubi installtion to real installtion10:35
ActionParsnip1_saw: it may be on a different repo you dont have10:35
ikoniaBruteFrce it is not obvious your host is x86 0- hence why I was asking10:35
Ohmu_ikonia: I think its needed.  Otherwise he will think it is something personal.  If he hears it from 3 places he may learn.  I don't feed trolls.  Thats my last word on the topic.10:35
hischildBruteFrce, the problem is that your target system isn't ubuntu specific. The host system is of no concern, you could even run windows for it10:35
ikoniaBruteFrce: this is beyond the scope of this channel, so I rquest you drop the topic10:35
Xavurahischild: Like if you go to Places > Bookmarks, why aren't they in Thunar?10:36
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ihtarlikHey guys!  I am trying to install Intrepid Beta, and Xorg refuses to load.  Does anyone know how to access the expert installer (if it exists)?10:36
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: if you put that in a script in /usr/bin you can call it anytime you like10:36
ikoniahischild: his host is relevant as it's going to be a cross compile, hence why I was trying to get that info, as a straight and cross compiled toolchain are different10:36
ikonia!ibex > ihtarlik10:36
ubottuihtarlik, please see my private message10:36
BruteFrceikonia no its not past the topic, im using an ubuntu dstro, im sking questions regaurding the gcc that came on my ubuntu install10:36
_sawActionParsnip, I tried like this apt-get install openoffice.org3. Is this correct ?10:36
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: sorry to bother you, but what does the -e after echo do?  it's some kind of switch, right?10:37
ikoniaBruteFrce your asking about cross compiling toolchains, which is beyond the scope of this channel, please drop it,10:37
ActionParsnip1_saw: try tab completing. If its not there then try finding another repo that it is on and add it to /etc/apt/sources/list10:37
milligan_I'm using vacation.pl for my postfix installation. The problem is that the autoreply cache is never emptied it seems. This implies that an autoresponse is only sent to a user once. How can I prevent this from happening, and clear old cache etc ?10:37
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: man echo10:37
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: thakns!10:37
dusty_Hey guys I have a Mobile Broadband USB stick (E160 HSDPA USB Stick).   It works fine in windows, but under ubuntu nothing happens.  I have scoured the internet and forums for answers and it should be configurable from network manager, I cannot seem to do it in there.  I am running Ubuntu 8.04 any ideas how to get this to work ?10:37
ikoniamilligan_: what are you using to enable/disable the script10:38
ActionParsnip1dusty_: what does lsusb say?10:38
milligan_ikonia, postfix checks the vacation table upon receiving email.10:38
ikoniamilligan_: so you've enabled it by default10:38
dusty_ActionParsnip1, I will have to unplug it from here ( and disconnect ) then plug it into my ubuntu machine, while i do that is there anything else you would like me to run ?10:39
milligan_ikonia, I don't follow. Postfix will send the email to the perl script, if the user has an active vacation status.10:39
ActionParsnip1dusty_: use pastebin for the output10:39
ikoniamilligan_: yes, but how is teh active status being set10:39
ActionParsnip1dusty_: lsusb and lspci10:39
milligan_ikonia, through postfixadmin... a webbased interface.10:39
ikoniamilligan_: the reason I asked is that I've seen teh cache not get cleared when a user removes the status but it doesn't actually remove it10:40
bullgard4ikonia: Your answer triggered me to examine the /etc/init.d/module-init-tools shell script's source text. 'Manual drivers' simply are all drivers stored in /etc/modules.10:40
edlvmy 5.1channel speakers arent working. only front speakers working. help please. it was working previously before i installed ubuntu.10:40
ikoniabullgard4 so "manually loaded" ones, that makes sense10:40
ActionParsnip1edlv: what sound card?10:40
rampageoberonHi, I want to learn more about the u32 extension in iptables and tc but can't find any proper documentation out there. Could someone please point me in the right direction10:40
cbrodehldoes anyone can help me with my webcam?10:40
ikoniarampageoberon http://www.netfilter.com10:40
dusty_actionParsnip i wont be able to pastebin, but i can type it out, ill be right back.10:40
binMonkeyActionParsnip1: thanks for the help.  i really appreciate it.10:41
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ActionParsnip1edlv: run lspci to give the hardware, then paste the single line for the device10:41
rampageoberonikonia: couldn't find much about u32 on there unfortunately10:41
ActionParsnip1binMonkey: np man, you might help me one day10:41
roxancbrodehl, whats the problem?10:41
ikoniarampageoberon try #netfilter or #iptables channel10:41
rampageoberonthanks ikonia10:41
roxananybody here use screen?10:41
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rampageoberonroxan yes10:42
jokeusaHello guys and grrls10:42
hischild!ask  | roxan10:42
ubotturoxan: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:42
cbrodehlthank you10:42
edlv00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)10:42
ActionParsnip1hi jokeusa10:42
cbrodehli have a microdia webcam10:42
cbrodehlin ekiga i get a video10:42
cbrodehlbut in skype i only get a green oicture10:42
cbrodehlno green video just a green screeen10:43
XavuraAnyone use Thunar?10:43
roxanrampageoberon, my screen blinks . how can i stop it in screen10:43
roxan!ask | Xavura10:43
ubottuXavura: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:43
Xavuraroxan: I asked like 3 times.10:43
milligan_ikonia, it's a problem in postfixadmin? It doesn't empty the cache upon setting a new away message?10:43
MiLK_MaNhello, im using ubuntu intrepid, and was presented with a question asking if i wanted a combined status and logout button. i chose yes, but it spat out an error. any way on manually trying to do it?10:43
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ikoniamilligan_ I have seen that10:43
rampageoberonroxan: what application are you running?10:43
ikoniamilligan_: that doesn't mean it's your problem10:43
milligan_ikonia, it does seem like it.10:44
ikoniamilligan_: the guys on postfixadmin support know about it10:44
cbrodehlis 4vl2 the reason why skype is only green=?10:44
roxanMiLK_MaN, for intrepid i think there is another channel10:44
ikoniamilligan_: maybe check with them, see if it is the same issue10:44
roxanrampageoberon, like terminal10:44
milligan_ikonia, cheers10:44
MiLK_MaNroxan: i tried #ubuntu-intrepid, noone is there10:44
MiLK_MaNahh i see the topic10:44
mgolischisnt it ubuntu+1 ?10:45
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:45
cbrodehlno one here, to help me?10:45
rampageoberonroxan: no idea, doesn't blink for me10:45
roxanrampageoberon, instead of beeps my screen blinks.10:45
rampageoberoncheck your terminal profile roxan10:46
cbrodehli think no one could help me with my webcam?10:46
spantherhttp://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php   <--- still working with 8.10 ?10:46
hischildmilligan, still worked for me even though it gave an error.10:46
DVS01if i make a user's shell be a script that establishes an ssh connection to another machine, authenticating using ssh keys, would logging on as this user be equivalent to performing the ssh connection manually?10:46
Ohmu_guys, is there a better channel to ask about setting up a wireless access point?  I happen to be using ubuntu, but I guess it's not really a ubuntu specific thing...10:46
ikoniaOhmu_ ##networking ?10:47
XavuraOhmu_: All the network gurus are in ##linux :P10:47
Ohmu_ikonia: thx10:47
hischildOhmu_, perhaps ask the question? there might be an easy solution ...10:47
Guillem__my laptop's CPU temp rises up to 73 deg Celsius when compiling.... is that normal????10:47
Ohmu_Xavura: thx10:48
ortsvorsteherin evolution i will get a sound when new mails come in. how do i modify this?10:48
=== tony_ is now known as `TonY
ikoniaGuillem__ cpu is busy - so it will get hot10:48
hischildGuillem__, mine went up to 83 .... it's rather intensive for ur laptop ..10:48
Ohmu_hischild: the problem is I don't understand enough about the topic to even follow the internet guides.  I really want to learn.  But it's all too much for me.  I need some help on the basics.10:48
roxanGuillem__, its cpu consuming task10:48
mgolischortsvorsteher: try gconf-editor if there is no setting in evolution itself10:49
ortsvorsteheri try mgolisch10:49
hischildOhmu_, aight, so what are you trying to accomplish?10:49
Ohmu_hischild: I'm getting internet thru a usb modem thingy.  I want to share thru my wifi, so my housemates can get it.10:49
Guillem__ikonia, hischild , roxan, I don't remember it getting so high...  the peak has been around 79-80. At which temp should I get worried?10:50
ikoniaOhmu_ so you wantt o make your ubuntu laptop a wirless ad-hoc access point10:50
ikoniaGuillem__ you shouldn't your bios should kick in if there is a problem10:50
dusty__ActionParsnip1, Ok back, got the ifno.10:50
roxanGuillem__, your computer takes care of it.10:50
ljsoftnetGuillem, what temperature is that for?10:50
Ohmu_ikonia: exactly10:50
ActionParsnip1dusty__: hit me10:50
hischildGuillem__, bios should kick in10:50
ljsoftnetGuillem__, what temperature is that for?10:50
Guillem__ikonia, hischild , roxan, Oh, OK.10:50
Guillem__ljsoftnet, is CPU10:51
ikoniaOhmu_ there is a doc for that on https://help.ubuntu.com but I don't think it's %100 stable/accurate and it depends on the card model10:51
`TonYhello all10:51
dusty__ActionParsnip1, Bus 002 device 002: id 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co, LTD. E220 HSDPA Modem <-- that is the output of lsusb, lspci mentions nothing about the device, when i do wvdialconf it finds the modem on /dev/ttyUSB0 and config is written /etc/wvdial.conf10:51
Guillem__my Nvidia GPU is stabilized around 60 degrees because of compiz.10:51
roxanOhmu_, its pretty simple actuaylly. click your nm applet and choose create a nework connection10:51
dusty__ActionParsnip1, I also see info about modem usb in dmesg.10:51
cbrodehlany idea if the webcam microdia?10:52
cbrodehlin skype online green screen10:52
cbrodehlbut in ekiga a good video10:52
ActionParsnip1dusty__: as long as you have info about the device we can websearch10:52
Guillem__ikonia, hischild , roxan, I'm using a kernel from backports (or proposed, I'm not sure). If the kernel was wrong, I can trust the BIOS so will shut down the machine, Isn't it?10:52
ljsoftnetGuillem__, in my CPU manual for Pentium 4 it recommends to limit it to 70 degrees, and its suggested temperature is 3210:52
dusty__ActionParsnip1, i am doing that just now, let me know if you find anything interesting10:52
Ohmu_roxan: have done. And other machiens can see my box.  but they cant eg ping google.com or fetch a webpage. and the ips look fishy.  169.254.blah iirc10:52
ikoniaGuillem__ thats down to your bios - not the kernel10:52
hischildGuillem__, the bios should not be affected by your kernel10:53
heath|OTGanyone know how to restart the usb subsystem ?10:53
Guillem__So the kernel does not take any decision about cooling, then....10:53
roxanOhmu_, you need to seup ip manually or use dhcp server in ur system10:53
heath|OTGafter my laptop wakes up usb won;t sork10:53
ljsoftnetGuillem__ if it gets more than 32 degrees it will lower its processing speed10:53
spantherhttp://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php   <--- still working with 8.10 ?10:54
hischildGuillem__, the kernel can try to affect those decisions, but the ultimate choice is up to the bios10:54
Ohmu_roxan: which ip do you mean?  The ip for each machine that will use the network?10:54
darenHELP! Please..... I am new to linux I have downloaded  "pharosc 8.4 tat but how do I install it??10:54
Astral_Projectiothere's a beep sound when i shutdown on restart my comp. how can i turn this off?10:54
ganeshow to pass the grub prompt output to any file10:55
bimberispanther: seems so - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Adding%20the%20Repositories10:55
ActionParsnip1dusty__: i need your info dude10:55
debasysibex coming around end of this month right?10:55
Guillem__ikonia, hischild , roxan, ljsoftnet, I thank you very much.10:55
heath|OTGdaren, did you download a .deb ?10:55
darennot sure10:56
ljsoftnetGuillem__ ok10:56
bimberiyes debasys10:56
heath|OTGwhat's the extension?10:56
ActionParsnip1debasys: absolutely10:56
darenI will have a look at what it's called10:56
roxan!intrepid | debasys10:56
ubottudebasys: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu10:56
debasysActionParsnip, bimberi  :)10:56
ActionParsnip1debasys: if hardy works 100% for you then i wouldnt upgrade as theirs no reason to10:56
roxanOhmu_, you need to use some private ips10:56
darenthe file is just called "pharosc_8.4"10:57
roxanActionParsnip1, debasys i feel intrepid is faster10:57
Ohmu_roxan: theres 2 housemates.  So my ubuntu box needs to create 2 private ips?  How to do this?10:57
debasysActionParsnip, yeah though it works fine, i am having hanging issues with my laptop's touchpad/keyboard since ages10:57
ActionParsnip1roxan: might be slower for other users10:57
heath|OTGdaren, where did you download it? Do they have any install instruction for linux10:57
debasysroxan, then gr8, coz i have only 512 MB RAM on a celeron laptop10:58
ganeshow to pass the grub prompt output to any file10:58
darenI just need a file like winrar or winzip10:58
heath|OTGapt-get install zip10:58
darenhag on I will get the address10:58
heath|OTGapt-get install unzip10:58
ActionParsnip1!rar | daren10:58
ubottudaren: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:58
DVS01daren, use the 'file' command on your file10:58
heath|OTGapt-get install rar10:59
ndoHi guys. I have a question. How do you do "ipconfig/all" in linux? i know "ipconfig" command but it doesnt show me a Gateway. Anyone? plz. ty. :)10:59
heath|OTGdaren, what distro are you running10:59
ActionParsnip1daren: heath|OTG: sudo apt-get unrar10:59
e-framendo: ifconfig -a10:59
TheFillerAfter a fresh install of Ubuntu, my network device (eth0) worked flawlessly, but after I have restarted just once, it fails to work. I cannot even ping my own router anymore. What can I do to get it working again?10:59
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roxanndo, netstat -rn10:59
darenI got it from here10:59
DVS01daren, use the 'file' command10:59
roxanOhmu_, i think you need to read some tutorial. its little complicated if you dont know the basics11:00
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: if you run ifconfig eth0 does it show a valid ip address?11:00
ndoe-frame: ty11:00
ndoroxan: ty11:00
ljsoftnetTheFiller, try to turn off your rounter for 2 minutes and turn it on again11:00
heath|OTGits a tar file11:00
DVS01oh what you got is a .tar.gz file, which you could have figured out using the 'file' command i mentioned previously11:00
DVS01however, the filename you gave us is NOT the filename thats on the site.. you didn't include the .tar.gz when you told us11:00
TheFillerActionParsnip1: Yes, both IPv4 and IPv611:00
ActionParsnip1tar zxvf <file>.tar.gz11:00
idefixwhat is wrong when programs in ubuntu are starting up but stop that after a while?11:00
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: are you using static ip?11:00
TheFillerljsoftnet: I don't think it's a router problem, since I can access the internet via this computer over this very same router11:01
roxanidefix, which program?11:01
TheFillerActionParsnip1: Yes11:01
Ohmu_roxan: how to find one?  sorry for being hopeless but I'm a bit lost here.11:01
debasys  11:01
DVS01daren: you can extract the file using 'tar -zxvf filename' and then go into the subdirectory that's created, and compile the source. usually the steps are: ./configure ; make ; sudo make install11:01
idefixcamorama webcam viewer but also jin chess player11:01
ljsoftnetTheFiller, ah ok11:01
roxanOhmu_, area 3 machines ubuntu?11:01
DVS01each step has to work properly, so its better to say ./configure && make && sudo make install11:01
DVS01thats the simplest way of doing it, but each package should have its own instructions11:01
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: well if you cant ping your router you have a bad ip / subnet, the routers port is down, the router is off, the cable has a break or the computers interface is down11:01
e-frameany link about huawei e220 in ubuntu hardy ?11:02
darenI think I have it extracted to my desktop but I cant find out what to do with it now?11:02
Ohmu_roxan: no, mine is ubuntu.  others are a macbook and an xp11:02
DVS01i also recommend reading up on how to package a .tar.gz install into a .deb11:02
idefixroxan? camorama webcam viewer but also jin chess player11:02
bahaa2008_i want to move from wubi installtion to real installtion11:02
DVS01you get the benefit of an easy uninstall and managing the package from apt11:02
roxanOhmu_, do you know how to setup ip on xp and mac?11:02
TheFillerActionParsnip1: The router works perfectly, I'm using it to send this message to you right now using a windows PC. I guess it's more of a configuration problem.11:02
roxanidefix, you mean?11:03
jokeusaAnybody that could help me with setting port forwarding under ubuntu? I need to forward traffic to transparent Squid3 proxy. I know Squid is running ok because when i set firefox to connect through proxy ip:[Localhost] port:[3128] it works according to what i set in /etc/squid3/squid.conf (dehashing and hashing http_access allow localhost). I tried with "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128", but it doesnt se11:03
Guillem__e-frame, I use that one11:03
Ohmu_roxan: I was hoping to use dhcp on ubuntu box, so I wouldn't need to worry about that.11:03
nyaais there an easy way to move the login window so that it doesn't block a picture I put as the login picture? (I just want to move it to the lower left corner)11:03
idefixroxa, the two programs that don't work anymore11:03
e-frameGuillem__: firefox runs flawlessly with huawei e220, but pidgin not.11:03
Guillem__e-frame, oh. I've not tested that11:03
Ohmu_roxan: I don't know how to set ip on mac or xp, no11:03
idefixdamn,, it is twelve o'clocl already11:04
boguhhi, how can i see if an ethernet device has a 100 or 1000 mbit connection?11:04
dusty__ActionParsnip1, any luck ?11:04
heath|OTGdaren, what does it do11:04
roxanOhmu_, obguh ethtool11:04
ActionParsnip1dusty__: ive not had any of the outputs from you as far as i can tell, can i have a pastebin of them please11:04
roxanboguh, ethtool11:04
roxanOhmu_, sorry it wasn't for you11:04
ActionParsnip1boguh: ifconfig11:05
boguhroxan dont have ethtool11:05
hischildboguh, also shows in dmesg  iirc11:05
boguhActionParsnip1 cant see, which lines shows me the conenction?11:05
TheFillerActionParsnip:  /etc/network/interfaces seems like it is configured (I have given it a static IP), sudo ifup eth0 tells me it is already configured and it worked before the last restart. ifconfig -a shows the device, with both a static IPv4 and IPv6 address, but a very high number of dropped packages.11:05
roxanboguh, then ifconfig11:05
ActionParsnip1boguh: if its usb , websearch for the id codes11:05
roxanOhmu_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66794711:05
DVS01is it possible to combine deep packet inspection using something like snort, and make it invoke a transparent squid proxy to that specific connection, effectively making http connections to any destination port get transparently proxied?11:06
darenit's just a yellow folder on my desktop  with about 10 folders & one file inside11:06
e-frameGuillem__: it works on win***s, but not fully here in hardy. there must be a way11:06
e-frameGuillem__: coz firefox run well.11:06
hischilde-frame, that 1 thing works does not mean that the other will also run perfect ...11:07
Guillem__e--frame I have to set firefox "online", and also happens the same with evolution11:07
Guillem__e-frame, I mean, manually11:07
darenthats what is inside the folder11:07
ActionParsnip1Guillem__: theres a hack for the firefox offlineness11:08
e-frameGuillem__: at first, firefox run in offline mode, so that i have to untick the "work offline" checkbox11:08
hischilddaren, you can't link us to a local file on your pc ...11:08
ActionParsnip1Guillem__: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faq/9611:08
e-frameGuillem__: it's always like that11:08
ActionParsnip1e-frame: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faq/9611:08
Ohmu_roxan: thanks! reading...11:08
darenok mate thanks I didnt know11:08
idefixroxan, if you want to help reply, if you don't don't11:09
e-frameActionParsnip1 says: Guillem__: theres a hack for the firefox offlineness, but this is not about it11:09
Guillem__e-frame, perhaps pidgin happens to go somewhat offline as well but seems not to have an option to online it.11:09
e-frameActionParsnip1: pidgin is the one11:09
e-frameGuillem__: i think so11:09
ActionParsnip1e-frame: "Guillem__: e--frame I have to set firefox "online", and also happens the same with evolution" .... I saw that and figured it was an issue11:10
ActionParsnip1e-frame: hence the link11:10
e-frameActionParsnip1: read, know what we are talkin about, then give the relevant answer11:11
ActionParsnip1its a simple mistake...chillax winstan :D11:11
idefixwhat happens behind the screens when you have a starting up indication in your panel?11:11
dareninside the folder it has :  aliance-bin-gif-html-magic-synopsys-xcurcit-help.html-license.txt-readme.txt * revisions.txt ???11:11
idefixwe all want to help ubuntu, but we can't if we don't help each other11:12
Guillem__e-frame, ActionParsnip1, I find that link useful11:12
koshar1how do you place tiling in the background of a nautilus applet lie this, http://www.xshot.org/files/screenies/20080912140925screenshot.png11:13
e-frameGuillem__: then what's the solution? i still can't use pidgin with the modem11:13
jokeusaSooo..anyone able to help me with that forwarding/iptables issue?11:14
idefixok, I'm going back to windows...11:14
nnullwhen i try maximise flash movies (eg youtube) it goes fullscreen for a second then goes back, cant get it to go fulscreen.. do you think this would be java related?11:14
nnullkoz it was working11:14
Guillem__e-frame, probably to force a dummy network interface so the machine thinks is always online. Not sure, though11:15
Guillem__e-frame, I don't use pidgin when I use the modem....11:15
ActionParsnip1e-frame: usful is good :)11:15
Guillem__so I've not tested :(11:15
magnetroni'm using xubuntu and have installed a gtk2 theme by unzipping it into the ~/.themes folder. now how do i start using it? i can't find the theme manager11:16
idefixyou'r not easily impressed, are you?11:16
ActionParsnip1e-frame: so with pidgin yu have to make your account online each time yu load it up?11:16
idefixI'm going back to WINDOWS!!11:16
ActionParsnip1idefix: its your computer, use what you wanrt11:17
idefixunless you help me11:17
Guillem__idefix, calm down11:17
nnullyea idefix lets not do anything rash11:17
idefixwhat happens when you see a 'starting-up-indication' in your panel?11:18
roxankoshar1, its very easy11:18
e-frameActionParsnip1: pidgin cannot connect with the modem11:18
nnullidefix¬ usually means something is starting up.11:19
roxankoshar1, , edit, background and preferences11:19
idefixso what happens and what does not when that just goes away after a while?11:19
ActionParsnip1e-frame: try making a script to make the modem dance before loading pidgin11:19
MaximB1 I have adsl 5/512 connection, and it disconnects at least 1 time a day, the command "sudo /etc/networking restart" doesn't help at all, restarting the router sometimes helps, but all I can do is restart ubuntu. what can I do ?11:19
e-frameActionParsnip1: i have to untick "work offline" in firefox11:19
Sammydear all how to check my USB modem?? please11:19
roxanMaximB1, are you sure its ubuntu's fault?11:19
roxanSammy, lsusb11:20
e-frameActionParsnip1: then firefox works well11:20
ActionParsnip1e-frame: not with that hack i gave ;)11:20
nnullidefix¬ the last thing you said was in too much of a riddle for me to understand11:20
idefixwell, it just goes away after a while, that indication11:20
e-frameActionParsnip1: what hack u gave ?11:20
ActionParsnip1e-frame: you need to trigger the modem to dial before you do anything11:20
bahaa2008_i want to move from wubi installtion to real installtion11:20
nnullwhat does it say is starting up11:20
MaximB1roxan:  no, but the command sudo /etc/networking restart should have allowed my connection to go up again without restarting ubuntu, like "service network restart" works in redhat11:20
idefixnnull, so then what is wrong? how can I debug?11:20
ActionParsnip1e-frame: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faq/9611:20
e-frameActionParsnip1: of course yes, i know that11:20
e-frameActionParsnip1: u just don't get what i mean11:21
idefixknowledge is power11:21
ogzyi need to run a script at each run but with user privilidges, how can i do it?11:21
heath|OTGMaximB1, check your routes11:21
nnullidefix¬ dunno, id use htop "sudo apt-get install htop" have a look through your processes see whats having a whinge11:21
ActionParsnip1e-frame: you have a usb modem that must dial to get a connection. Its not connected so your apps go offline?11:21
roxanMaximB1, does it gives any error sudo /etc/init.d//networking restart11:21
MaximB1heath|OTG:  how ?11:21
heath|OTGtype route in the cli11:21
idefixhow is htop different from top?11:21
heath|OTGit will give you a list... make sure you only have 1 default11:21
nnullidefix¬ its got sexy F1 shortcuts and such lawler ;)11:22
e-frameActionParsnip1: no11:22
MaximB1roxan:  it gives me no errors, but it seems very very fast (the restarting networking process) so I don't know if it really worked out11:22
nnullidefix¬ just easier..11:22
Sammy/dev/ttyUSB3: No such file or directory11:22
roxanMaximB1, whats the error?11:22
ActionParsnip1e-frame: then whats the deal?11:22
idefixis it worth the time to install!?11:22
heath|OTGMaximB1, it sounds to me like your routing table is getting messed up...11:22
MaximB1roxan:  no errors, I just can't ping to nothing , not by ip and not by name11:23
nnullidefix¬ yea its worth the whole 1second it takes to install imo.11:23
e-frameActionParsnip1: the modem works, i can ping anywhere, but to browse, i have to untick the "work offline" in firefox, because firefox always run in "offline mode".11:23
roxanMaximB1, do you get any error while restarting11:23
e-frameActionParsnip1: and pidgin can't connect to server11:23
e-frameActionParsnip1: so the connection is established11:23
idefixnnull but you can damage your system by installing junk11:23
e-frameActionParsnip1: got it ?11:24
idefixif it is junk that is11:24
SammyI cant detect my usb modem.Please help me guys11:24
nnullidefix¬ trust me htop wont break anything11:24
e-frameActionParsnip1: i think it's bug about firefox or network manager11:24
nnullidefix¬ its tiny.. its like a little utlilty11:24
heath|OTGSammy, lsusb should show the model11:24
nnullidefix¬ or just use top..11:24
e-frameActionParsnip1: and i'm trying to find out the solution11:24
idefixhtop reminds me a bit of DOS11:24
ActionParsnip1e-frame: yeah, are the pidgin settings correct? The firefox behaviour you are decribing I have seen in here thousands of times and I always give that same link. its even in my favourites11:25
heath|OTGMaximB1, have you tried the route command yet?11:25
idefixwhy do you not all have beards?11:25
e-frameActionParsnip1: i use the same setting and it works everyday in my office LAN11:25
ActionParsnip1idefix: i have a beard11:25
roxanMaximB1, i dont think its ubuntu's problem11:25
idefixwhy.. the program is in htop but I cannot see it11:25
roxanMaximB1, whats the reply of ping11:25
MaximB1maximb@maximb-home:~$ route11:26
MaximB1Kernel IP routing table11:26
MaximB1Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface11:26
MaximB110.0.0.0        *            U     0      0        0 eth011:26
MaximB1default         UG    0      0        0 eth011:26
FloodBot3MaximB1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
idefixis there a command for making visible some process if you have the PID?11:26
heath|OTGMaximB1, pleae repaste at pastebin.com11:26
ActionParsnip1idefix: ps -ef | grep <pid>11:26
RaynesIf you want more direct help, use the forums. It's not as hectic.11:26
idefixActionParsnip1, do you have just a weekend beard or a really long Santa Claus beard?11:26
ActionParsnip1e-frame: with pidgin i'd check yur proxy settings if you use any at any place and check the server settings for the account type as well as verify username and password11:26
MaximB1maximb@maximb-home:~$ route Kernel IP routing table Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface        *            U     0      0        0 eth0   default         UG    0      0        0 eth011:27
Guillem__idefix, also, gnome-monitor lets you search processes, and so on11:27
JacobSinghMy Sound is not working! No errors, everything looks like it should be playing11:27
Guillem__idefix, gnome-system-monitor11:27
roxanMaximB1, what is the output of ping to the router?11:27
idefixit is running 'behind the scene' or so11:27
RaynesAnd threatening to go back to window only harms yourself.11:27
Sammydear all how to install JAVA?? please11:27
JacobSinghbut nothing comes out of the speakers, both laptop speakers and external11:27
idefixhey, did I start a hype?11:28
roxanSammy, sudo apt-get install java...11:28
MaximB1roxan:  the replay is "destination host unreachable"11:28
JacobSinghany ideas where to look?  It worked yesterday...11:28
roxanMaximB1, ethtool eth0?11:28
heath|OTGMaximB1, is that the entire table getting pasted11:28
heath|OTGor is it getting cut off11:28
MaximB1roxan: eth011:28
idefixSammy, using synaptic doesn't work?11:28
Sammydear all how to install mysql?? please11:28
enovativhello to all11:28
MaximB1heath|OTG:  I used "route" command ,11:28
idefixwe all have to be satisfied11:28
roxanMaximB1, what is the output of ethtool ?11:29
roxanSammy, its sudo apt-get install package_name11:29
idefixGuillem__ the program is in a system monitor but I cannot see it, not with alt-tab not with ctrl-alt right etc. :(11:29
ActionParsnip1idefix: http://photos-a.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v286/243/74/656121613/n656121613_1039456_7212.jpg11:30
ActionParsnip1idefix: my hair is braided now and i have no tash11:30
MaximB1roxan:  what option should I use with the " ethtool" command ?11:30
roxanMaximB1, ethtool and your interface11:31
balrogi cannot get sound to come out of my laptop.  it sees my soundcard, and it could play music on the last boot, but evidently it decided to be tempramental and quit making sounds.11:31
roxanMaximB1, ethtool eth011:31
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edlvhow do i burn multisession disks?11:31
balrogoh, i forgot to ask a question.  anybody know how to get sound to _consistently_ work on an hp 2710p?11:31
Ohmu_roxan: from that page I learned that I have to install dhcp3-server (which I did), and edit the /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.con file, (which I have - with the example text on the page).  Now I've run sudo dhcpd3, and it says it's not configured to listen on any interfaces.  What does this mean?  What's an interface?11:31
idefixwhat's a tash? (it's not in my dictionary)11:31
=== deniz is now known as Guest73879
ActionParsnip1idefix: moustache11:31
roxanbalrog, does it play only or doesn't even play also11:31
MaximB1root@maximb-home:~#  ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0:         Supported ports: [ TP ]         Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full                                 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full                                 1000baseT/Full         Supports auto-negotiation: Yes         Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full                                 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full                                 11:31
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: do not flood the room, use pastebin11:32
roxanOhmu_, try the name of your wireless interface11:32
roxanMaximB1, what is the ouptu of link detected?11:32
MaximB1ActionParsnip1:  it's pastebin11:32
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: its not or itd be a hyperlink11:32
onrehi folks. anyone installed sk98lin driver on ubuntu? sky2 driver fails with my other network card, and this is an office router... i put in an old 100Mbps Intel as a temporary fix, but i'd like to get the other card working, too.11:32
balrogroxan: thank you in advance.  some music players look like their loading the files (album artwork changes, etc), but the progress bar doesnt move.  some music players load and move the status bar, but nothing comes out.11:32
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:33
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs11:33
Guillem__idefix, if you know what program is it, you could just launch it from command line to see if you see any messages there11:33
onrefails, as in, it works for some time, then spits out a message about hardware malfunction. however, earlier this card worked for months with solaris 10.11:33
MaximB1roxan:  the output is "yes"11:33
roxanbaldur_, there is some uglyplugin. try installing that11:33
Ohmu_roxan: as a param?  sudo dhcpd3 wlan0?  I have wlan0 and wifi0 ... duno why I have 211:33
balrogroxan: i have double checked that its not muted, but i could still be wrong because its very early in the morning here and i just finished writing a paper.11:33
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60452/11:33
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: thats what itd be if it was a pastebin11:33
jronhas anyone been having major problems with the default network manager with pretty much anything more advanced than dhcp?11:33
Guest73879did shipit stop shipping 64 bit discs?11:33
roxanbalrog, please be sure.11:33
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: as i said, dont flood the room11:33
roxanbalrog, there is some ugly plugin11:33
ikoniajron what do you mean more advanced11:33
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: and fyi, logging in as root is a REALLY bad choice11:34
Sammyhow to set path java incase javac??11:34
idefixgerman food make you nauseous11:34
roxanMaximB1, what ip are you trying to ping as a gateway?11:34
jronit seems like that application and my interfaces config fight for dibs to the network11:34
balrogroxan: holy crap.  skreemr makes noise.  wtf?  could the problem be flash?11:34
ikoniajron what application ?11:34
ikoniajron: what are you trying to do ?11:34
jronikonia: static IP with a bridge for virtualbox11:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about path11:35
roxanbalrog, i dont know. which player you use?11:35
MaximB1ActionParsnip1  1. so I just need to give the links to pastebin with my output ?11:35
MaximB12. I login as regular user, but when I open a terminal I can change to root, no harm there11:35
ikoniajron: ok, so the static IP should be set in network manager and should just "stick"11:35
idefixwhat would you all be doing if the computer had not been invented?11:35
ikoniaMaximB1: yes that has potential harm11:35
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: yes the link, notice how i didnt make the page scroll like crazy11:35
ikoniaidefix: offtopic please11:35
irfanused IFS11:35
ActionParsnip1MaximB1: just so you know. I assume nothing in here :D11:35
balrogi usually use banshee-1.0, but i also tried rhythmbox (ha, like that ever works for anything), amarok, noatun, and vlc11:35
jronikonia: I had my network working perfectly by using the interfaces config file then after a reboot everything was busted again.... so I uninstalled the network-manager11:35
idefixikonia but not you all listen to offtopic..11:36
irfani am gonna use it11:36
irfanand wonder if it is stable11:36
spantherLinDVD isnt downloadable. Any other player which looks like a nice DVD GUI Player?11:36
Ohmu_roxan: gtg thanks for the help11:36
roxanOhmu_, ok11:36
=== Ohmu_ is now known as Ohmu_bbl
balrogroxan: and now banshee thinks its playing away, but all i hear is the music from flash on skreemr.com...11:36
ActionParsnip1Sammy: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-43923.html11:36
MaximB1roxan:  I don't think it really matters in this cease, I pinged to www.google.com11:37
roxanbalrog, try playing form only one app11:37
roxanMaximB1, it matters a lot11:37
irfanExt2 IFS driver  ?????11:37
MaximB1roxan:  I should have reached it IF my connection was ok11:37
roxanMaximB1, pinging something inside your network and outside your network are two different thing.11:37
grillmorning ya'll11:37
roxanMaximB1, if your connection was ok you would not have been here. now you are do what i suggest11:38
idefixwhen I enter the comman at the command line it doesn't respond11:38
idefixthe command11:38
ActionParsnip1spanther: xbmc is ok11:38
MaximB1I just can't understant why do I need to restart ubuntu and not restarting the networking11:38
balrogroxan: i closed the skreemr tab, and restarted banshee.  its progress bar is not moving,  but it did load a song and try to play it (loaded album art too)11:38
Guest73879spanther, doesnt totem play dvds?11:38
roxanbalorg try installing ugly plugin11:38
spantherGuest32920, it does :-)11:39
Ohmu_bblroxan: Will you be here in 2 hours?  I'll be back then...11:39
ActionParsnip1!info xbmc11:39
ubottuPackage xbmc does not exist in hardy11:39
roxanbalrog, or try playing with sound in preferences11:39
ActionParsnip1ok so its 3rd party but its glossy to the max11:39
roxan!info uglyplugin11:39
ubottuPackage uglyplugin does not exist in hardy11:39
roxanOhmu_bbl, i cant say11:39
jroncan anyone find anything wrong with my network config? http://pastebin.com/m695a7dfc11:39
roxan!info ugly-plugin11:39
ubottuPackage ugly-plugin does not exist in hardy11:39
ActionParsnip1!find ugly11:39
ubottuFound: elisa-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse-dbg, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-dbg (and 1 others)11:39
ziroday!msgthebot > roxan11:39
ubotturoxan, please see my private message11:39
TheFillerAfter a fresh install of Ubuntu, my network device (eth0) worked flawlessly, but after I have restarted just once, it fails to work. I cannot even ping my own router anymore. /etc/network/interfaces seems like it is configured (I have given it a static IP), sudo ifup eth0 tells me it is already configured and it worked before the last restart. ifconfig -a shows the device, with both a static IPv4 and IPv6 address, but a very high number of dro11:39
jronthe above config use to work before my reboot. =(11:40
idefixwhat happens if you don't have a chance to ponder the answer to one of your questions?11:40
MaximB1roxan:  any suggestions ?11:40
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:40
jronit seems like settings are being stored somewhere other than interfaces11:40
roxanMaximB1, please ping your router and tell me the output11:40
TheFillerActionParsnip1: didn't work11:40
TheFillerActionParsnip1: already did that11:40
TheFillerActionParsnip1: I also did this:  http://www.pastebin.ca/123262511:41
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old11:41
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: then reboot11:41
roxanjron, can you remove the bridge stuffs11:41
balrogroxan: the ugly plugins for gstreamer are installed, and do you have any suggestions as to what particular preferences i should fiddle with?  the main volume, the microphone volume, etc?11:41
jronroxan: right now i'm running dhcp so it is removed ;P11:41
MaximB1roxan:  offcourse it works now as my connection is now ok, buy it will disconnect today for sure11:41
roxanMaximB1, i believe its not problem with ubuntu.11:42
idefixActionParsnip1, you look cool on the picture, I'm halfway to your length of hair..11:42
roxanMaximB1, maybe your cable goes loose or router dies11:42
roxanjron, so you dont have any problem?11:42
Sammybro how to send mail with mailx?? please11:42
bahaa2008_i want to move from wubi installtion to real installtion11:42
roxanbahaa2008_, so11:42
jokeusa<sigh> guess ill try once again: Anybody that could help me with setting port forwarding under ubuntu? I need to forward traffic to transparent Squid3 proxy. I know Squid is running ok because when i set firefox to connect through proxy ip:[Localhost] port:[3128] it works according to what i set in /etc/squid3/squid.conf (dehashing and hashing http_access allow localhost). I tried with "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT 11:42
jronroxan: mind if I pm you my story? hehe11:42
ActionParsnip1idefix: its in braids right now so i can get dreads11:42
roxanjron, no i wont mind11:43
veroshow is ubuntu different from debian?11:43
balrogveros: ubuntu is a heck of a lot more friendly to new converts11:43
roxan!debian | veros11:43
zirodayveros: we have a release cycle instead of rolling release is one of them11:43
ubottuveros: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!11:43
balrogveros: and i tell you this as somebody who learned part of his stuff on debian before being turned on to ubuntu11:44
ActionParsnip1veros: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/debian11:44
ActionParsnip1veros: at the end of the day if you can use one you can fairly easily use t'other11:44
veroswhat if I was a pro? would debian be better for me?11:44
zirodayveros: only you can decide that11:45
ActionParsnip1veros: all distros have advantages and disadvantages11:46
ActionParsnip1veros: if you think you're pro try gentoo or slackware11:46
balrogveros: if you want to become a pro, i would start off with ubuntu.  if you are currently a pro and want to setup a server, i suggest debian.  if youre a pro and you want to setup a user workstation (ie: desktop), i suggest ubuntu with landscape.  and no, i dont work for or anybody affiliated with Canonical11:46
MrD1Hi could some one let me know if i download the new version of ubuntu today and install, will it update to the stable version in 9 days, or is it best to wait 9 days thanks in advance.11:47
veroswith landscape?11:47
verosI'm not english, sorry, what do you mean by that?11:47
roxanMrD1, dont wait if you have good internet11:47
zirodayMrD1: it is highly recommended to wait the 9 days when it becomes stable, alot of changes are still going on11:47
stankilsMrD1; it will update to the stable version when it comes out11:47
MrD1ok so who is right then11:48
zirodayMrD1: basically it means that its your choice :)11:48
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:48
verosok, I think I'll stick to ubuntu, because I like easy gui inerfaces=)11:48
MrD1ok thanks for the advice11:48
balroganybody have any insight on how i can get sound to consistently work on my hp 2710p?11:48
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roxanbalrog, maybe you have used pulse and the daemon isn't up yeat11:49
=== kiosk is now known as coinvisible_chn1
roxanbalrog, did you see the sound preferences?11:50
roxanbaldur_, or alsa-mixer11:50
roxan!info alsa-mixer11:50
ubottuPackage alsa-mixer does not exist in hardy11:50
balrogroxan: yes11:50
dennda!info memaker11:50
ubottumemaker (source: memaker): MeMaker is a program that alows you to create themed avatars. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.4-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 118 kB, installed size 1280 kB11:50
ziroday!sound | balrog you might want to go through this11:51
ubottubalrog you might want to go through this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:51
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about th11:51
roxanits ok ubottu11:52
sawyer_hello guys and gals11:52
e-frame!hello | sawyer_11:53
ubottusawyer_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:53
sawyer_my brother just moved to ubuntu from windows (congrats!) but he's having trouble11:53
sawyer_basically we have a Western Digital usb hard disk11:53
sawyer_that it recognized and mounted automatically (through HAL, i'm guessing)11:53
sawyer_but suddenly today it won't do it11:53
sawyer_it says it cannot mount the volume11:53
sawyer_because he's not superuser11:54
AdvoWorkhi there, just installed wine, i can get to drive_c from the terminal, but not the file browser, its not listing .wine in my home/user dir, any ideas please?11:54
zirodaysawyer_: can you pastebin the exact error message please11:54
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.11:54
sawyer_now, this happened with an SD card but i wrote him a shell script that mounts it and put it in the netbook remix interface as a button in the menu11:54
Sammydear thanks for help me. I have to go. bye all see ya11:54
roxanAdvoWork, because its hidden folder11:54
ziroday!botabuse > e-frame11:54
ubottue-frame, please see my private message11:54
roxanAdvoWork, press ctrl+h in nautilus11:54
sawyer_ziroday, sure give me a sec11:54
AdvoWorkcool, thankyou11:55
roxanAdvoWork, cool indeed11:55
greensuni am trying to open a a network folder with a $ sigin how do i do that11:55
sawyer_ziroday, http://pastebin.ca/123264011:56
sawyer_i've read online that its caused because the HAL doesn't recognize it or something - which is weird since it at least did it yesterday11:56
balrogroxan: thank you for showing me those, but none of those addressed my problem.  do you have anything else that i can try?11:57
zirodaysawyer_: that link doesn't seem to be working could you try a different pastebin site please. I will also need the output of sudo fdisk -l when the drive is plugged in as well as its model11:57
sawyer_ziroday, my brother took out the SD card and now the hard disk is recognized again and automatically mounted11:58
coaxCan any of you point me in the way of some decent software to get access point functionallity, it needs to do at least WPA1 for encryption11:58
zirodaysawyer_: that is most odd11:58
sawyer_i think the problem starts with the SD card...11:58
roxan!sound | balrog11:58
ubottubalrog: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:58
zirodaysawyer_: can you pastebin the copy of your shell script please?11:58
zirodayroxan: I gave balrog those links before11:59
sawyer_it's just "mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdcard"11:59
sawyer_er... gksudo mount... whatever11:59
coaxsawyer_, i once had a problem booting with an SD card, due to the fact that the SD-card was detected as sda and the HD as sdb...11:59
zirodaysawyer_: okay, can you plugin both items, pastebin the output sudo fdisk -l11:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parallels11:59
sawyer_coax, the hard disk here (eee pc) is a solid state, it's sda, the sdcard is recognized as sdb11:59
zirodaysawyer_: and not run your script12:00
roxanziroday, i was practiciing :P12:00
sawyer_not mount any of them?12:00
sawyer_which order do you want them?12:00
zirodaysawyer_: if they automount thats fine, any order will do12:00
sawyer_sd card goes first12:00
coaxsawyer_, i dit'nt catch all the conversation... i just thourght it was the same problem...12:00
sawyer_holy shit it mounted it12:00
sawyer_err.. sorry for swearing12:01
indian_munndacan any one tell me how do i coinfigure parallels according to my running kernel???12:01
roxandoes anyone know how to disable screen blinking12:01
ziroday!language | sawyer_12:01
ubottusawyer_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:01
sawyer_yeah sorry12:01
roxan!info screen12:01
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 576 kB, installed size 980 kB12:01
zirodayroxan: its a compiz settings, its called visual bell I believe12:01
ziroday!msgthebot | roxan please read this12:01
ubotturoxan please read this: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:01
sawyer_ziroday, this is weird12:02
magnetronhi, i'm trying to set my eth0 speed to 100 but it won't change from 10 Mbps when using mii-tool or ethtool. since i have a 100/10 internet connection, this is  a loss to me. need advice12:02
sawyer_i think i'm starting to grasp what's going on here12:02
zirodaysawyer_: care to explain12:03
sawyer_yeah sure, sorry12:03
sawyer_if i enter the SD card first it recognizes12:03
sawyer_then the HD (elements), it doesn't12:03
sawyer_if i switch the order (first Elemented - the HD), then the SD card - it shows the elements but not the SD12:03
sawyer_which means that it recognizes the first but not the second - whatever it may be12:04
zirodaysawyer_: that is odd, please try to keep your responses on one line. Did you manage to pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l12:04
sawyer_yeah okay i'll do that now12:04
indian_munndamagnetron: i think it is not in your control it can only be done from the ISP's end12:04
balrogwell, so much for sound tonight.  thanks for your help roxan.12:05
magnetronindian_munnda→ i'm speaking of the mode used in my NIC. auto-negotiation is disabled.12:05
sawyer_ziroday, fdisk -l what?12:05
sawyer_each one?12:06
roxanmagnetron, i dont think you have more than 10mpbs internet connection?12:06
zirodaysawyer_: no, you just need to type in sudo fdisk -l and pastebin the output12:06
zambai want to duplicate my whole system over to new drive.. how can i do this? and especially the part about grub12:06
zirodaysawyer_: note the sudo at the front12:06
stankilsmagnetron; your ethernet card says it supports 100 in ethtool output?12:06
WDCIs there a command to see how big a file is?12:06
zambaWDC: 'du'12:06
magnetronrodimus→ i have a 100Mbps internet connection12:06
ActionParsnip1WDC: do /path/to/file12:06
magnetronstankils→ yes12:07
zirodayzamba: take a look at a program called clonezilla12:07
DanskmandJim_p - are you there ?12:07
WDCzamba: ActionParsnip1 Thanks!12:07
ActionParsnip1WDC: du -h is better (-h == human readable)12:07
magnetronroxan→ i have a 100Mbps internet connection12:07
zambaziroday: not a package in ubuntu repo?12:07
zambaziroday: ah, i see what it is and does12:08
roxanmagnetron, that must be your network speed12:08
zirodayzamba: yes basically its an open source version of norton ghost12:09
magnetronroxan→ no, i pay for 100Mbps downstream12:09
zambaziroday: hm, ok..12:09
idefixhave you used that word 'lother' I suggested to add to English language the other day?12:09
jron_roxan: just wanted to let you know that my bridge is working again. I removed network-manager (or network-admin) whatever that POS is called. :P added my etho settings and all is well.12:09
zambais it recommended to run swap off a ssd?12:09
ziroday!offtopic > idefix12:09
ubottuidefix, please see my private message12:09
jron_network-manager should really work off the config files instead of trying to take things over. it just creates confusion.12:09
roxanjron_, nice will it work after the reboot then?12:09
roxanmagnetron, you might not be getting a 100mbps from other end too.12:10
jron_roxan: i'll find out in min. brb =)12:10
magnetronroxan→ exactly, but my CARD is set to 10Mbps12:10
roxanmagnetron, try calling your isp too12:10
roxanmagnetron, what is the medium of your internet?12:10
TheFillerActionParsnip1: Whoa, it works now, after I have uninstalled the network manager... I guess it messed up with my network configuration12:11
jaymhelp... running mplayer or totem on a quicktime video it opens and i get no error but video never starts12:11
magnetronroxan→ but the problem is on my end. in the network card. this is a straight 100base-Tx to the apartment, fiber to the house12:11
zirodayzamba: you might want to read this regarding swap http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ssd_write_limit12:11
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
sawyer_ziroday, http://pastebin.com/d24a71c5012:11
jaymi can also move videos position within its timeframe and i see that part of the clip but it never continues12:11
ActionParsnip1TheFiller: you could use another like wifi-radar maybe12:12
roxanmagnetron, media converter could be problem too12:12
magnetronroxan→ it's just a cable, no converters or hubs or routers12:12
emorrishi, is there a way to get commands to run on shutdown? Like /etc/rc.local, but for shutdown12:12
roxanwell you need a media converter between fiber and ethernet12:12
roxanemorris, yes12:12
magnetronroxan→ but i don't have fiber to my apartment. it's 100Base-Tx , that is copper!12:13
ActionParsnip1emorris: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43634612:13
roxanmagnetron, where do you get that copper from12:13
magnetronroxan→ it's an outlet in my apartment. my ISP put it there.12:13
ActionParsnip1emorris: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1288412:13
jron_roxan: still working. =) For anyone having issues with their "advanced" network config, just uninstall network-manager. =)12:13
jaymi have tried running mplayer and totem from commandline as well no errors12:14
indian_munndamagnetron: i have mostly seen at homes that the connection which are not having routers, hubs etc they only get 10mbps but in vice versa case they get 100 mbps12:14
ActionParsnip1magnetron: your modem connects to that12:14
ogzyhow can i run a script at the gnome desktop startup, i am looking for the settings file not the system->preferences->session thing, i want to globally set a script that will run for every user when they initialize the desktop12:14
zirodaysawyer_: thanks12:14
jron_magnetron: what trouble are you having?12:14
emorrisActionParsnip1: ok, thanks, I'll have a look at them12:14
ActionParsnip1!startup | ogzy12:14
ubottuogzy: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:14
magnetronActionParsnip1→ no, i have no modem. i don't need one, since i have a 100base-tx into my home12:15
sawyer_ziroday, thank you, for assisting me :)12:15
ActionParsnip1magnetron: then grab a cable modem and put that line in the wan port12:15
zirodaysawyer_: okay both drives are detected, do icons for them appear on in nautilus?12:15
zambaziroday: page not loading..12:15
zirodaysawyer_: no problem :)12:15
roxanmagnetron, they auto negotiate . your end with the other one.12:15
magnetronActionParsnip1→ you have no clue12:15
ogzyActionParsnip1, you didn't read what i wrote12:16
magnetronroxan→ the first thing i said was that i already tried that12:16
roxanmagnetron, your end will say lets work on 100 and if the other end agres then they will12:16
zirodayzamba: ah, lemme see if I can find another link12:16
zambaziroday: i see 2.6.27 has support for the ubifs filesystem.. could this be something to look into?12:17
ActionParsnip1ogzy: for all users?12:17
sawyer_ziroday, yes, an icon for each driver.12:17
zirodayzamba: basically the root of the matter was that you shouldn't have swap, ask in #eeepc for more in depth discussion12:17
Enissayhey, i want to upgrade VLC to 0.9 but in synaptic i found just the 0.8.6!!!! how can i do it please?12:17
magnetronjron_→ my NIC won't go into 100Mbps mode, it just chooses 10Mbps half duplex. neither mii-tool or ethtool can change it to 100, neither will they enable auto-negotiation12:17
zirodaysawyer_: and you can click on them and they mount just fine?12:17
sawyer_the SD card i can. the Elements hard disk i can't.12:17
ogzyActionParsnip1, yes is there any settings of Gnome that i can set startup programs globally?12:18
zirodaysawyer_: so when you click on it nothing opens up?12:18
magnetronroxan→ i already told you that auto-negotiation can't be enabled. that is my problem12:18
sawyer_ziroday, exactly.12:18
zirodaysawyer_: does a folder appear in /media for it?12:19
ActionParsnip1ogzy: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/12:19
zambaziroday: i'm rarely ever using my swap on this machine anyway, so12:19
zirodayzamba: don't get a swap partition :)12:20
LilinallteHi. I can double-click a .bin file in XNC to execute it, but not from the 'normal' filemanager. What's an easy way to create a desktop icon to this .bin file, so that i can open/run it from the desktop?12:20
sawyer_ziroday, now i've noticed something. /media/disk is usually where it mounts the Elements. and it appears, but the content is of SD card. so it seems like that's where it mounted the SD card.12:20
zambagood, good12:20
sawyer_perhaps that12:20
ogzyActionParsnip1, but update-rc.d makes the scripts run with root privilidges. I need to run it as a user12:20
sawyer_.. perhaps that's why it couldn't mount the Elements HD?12:20
ActionParsnip1ogzy: hmmm12:20
zirodaysawyer_: it should then mount it to /media/disk2 or something similar. Try deleting both drivers12:21
zirodaysawyer_: I mean the /media/disk folder12:21
sawyer_ziroday, i should umount it first though, right?12:22
ActionParsnip1ogzy: how many users do you have, a per-user basis may be needed12:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about port_forwarding12:22
ActionParsnip1ogzy: i think you can edit the default profile somehow so all future users will get the setting12:22
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org12:22
ogzyActionParsnip1, so where if this profile?12:22
ActionParsnip1jokeusa: read your routers manual12:22
ActionParsnip1ogzy: i believe its /etc/skel12:23
jokeusaActionParsnip - there is no router...12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nat12:23
Lilinallteyou need a router or routing firewall to do nat:)12:23
sawyer_ziroday, when i "eject"ed the SD card (which was mounted to /media/disk), it removed the /media/disk folder.12:23
ActionParsnip1jokeusa: so how do you plan to portforward?12:23
jokeusaI want to forward traffic to squid3 installed on the same machine.12:24
jokeusa(which doesnt work as a router btw, stand alone machine)12:24
bahaa2008_guys i want to move wubi partations to real partations12:24
e-frame!wubi > bahaa2008_12:25
ubottubahaa2008_, please see my private message12:25
ogzyActionParsnip1, so if i put my script to /etc/skel/.profile will it run for every run time as a user ?12:25
ActionParsnip1bahaa2008_: you could create iso's of the partitions then write them to real partitions in a live environment12:25
ActionParsnip1ogzy: for every future user when they pick up the skel profile12:25
e-framebahaa2008_: can do it with lvpm12:25
ogzyActionParsnip1, picking up the skel profile? so do they ned to open terminal ?12:26
bahaa2008_but how to use ubuntu after that12:26
ActionParsnip1ogzy: no, when a user first logs in they get a default profile created. This is a copy of the skel profile12:26
bahaa2008_how to mount the partions again12:26
ActionParsnip1!mount | bahaa2008_12:27
ubottubahaa2008_: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:27
bahaa2008_or it'll be mounted automatic ?12:27
ogzyActionParsnip1, ok will try it and also this one http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/5012:27
ogzyActionParsnip1, /etc/X11/Xsession.d can be a right place to put the script12:27
StasOnneed help! How to configure VPN in ubuntu 6.06?12:28
jokeusaHmm..are there any specific things i need to do before i run 'iptables REDIRECT{forwarding ports}' ?12:28
bahaa2008_e-frame, how to mount the partions again or it'll be mounted automatic ?12:28
bahaa2008_e-frame, i mean when i use lvpm12:29
ActionParsnip1ogzy: just remember to backup the file so you can rollback if you come unstuck12:29
* omolina is away: en la U!12:31
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
Pici!away > omolina12:33
ubottuomolina, please see my private message12:33
=== deployer is now known as biggyla
Keloreni keep getting "build not found" when trying to compile a driver, on the server disk, what do i need to apt-get from the disk to get build to work ?12:35
hischildKeloren, build-essential is installed?12:36
Kelorenhischild: yeah first thing i did when i first saw the error12:36
F-3000Hi! How I change the keymapping which is loaded while booting? I can't login to Ubuntu due to this problem, as the keyboard-setting doesn't match my alphabets.12:36
AdvoWorkanyone here use kompozer?12:36
hischildKeloren, can you pastebin the entire error please?12:36
SlartF-3000: have you checked in system, administration, login window?12:37
hischildAdvoWork, ask the question and perhaps someone will know the answer.12:37
Kelorenhischild: i wish, [network driver is what im trying to build], ill pastebin it manually12:37
AdvoWorkhischild im trying to open a shared drive,its only listing normal locations, anyway I can get it to work?12:37
F-3000Slart, login window is the problem. And if I go into the terminal before login-window loads, there's same thing.12:37
hischildKeloren, does it give you any clue on what's wrong, like a file or program that went wrong?12:38
hischildAdvoWork, i didnt mean directly to me :-) the channel might know.12:38
hischildF-3000, you should be able to change those settings from in there.12:38
F-3000hischild, how? That's what I'm asking. :)12:38
rocksknock knock anybody is there???12:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary12:39
ikoniarocks yes, a support cahnnel of 1300 is here12:39
saniNeed some help installing / enabling Java12:39
aghaIman!dictionary for ubuntu12:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:39
SlartF-3000: if you click on system, administration, login window you'll find all kinds of settings for the login window12:39
Kelorenhischild: http://pastebin.com/m51712f1112:39
hischildF-3000, what you can do is reboot into recovery mode, use startx to get a graphical window .... then change the settings12:39
SlartF-3000: if you're using regular ubuntu, that is12:39
hischildSlart, he can't even login ...12:39
rockscan u help me about views12:39
fewi installed texlive 2008 from the texlive-dvd. my problem is that i can't install kile because it wants to install texlive-2007. how do i tell synaptic that texlive is already installed?12:40
ikoniarocks view's in regard to what12:40
SlartF-3000, hischild: oh.. didn't realise..12:40
hischildKeloren, are the kernel headers installed?12:40
rocksi have created the calendar clone12:40
hischildSlart, me neither ... until he said how ...12:40
Kelorenhischild: proberlly not12:40
rocksi want it to display it in page content12:40
F-3000Slart, hischild: I'll try the recovery mode.12:40
hischildKeloren, you might want to install those as well.12:40
SlartF-3000, hischild: then.. well.. I have no idea... don't you get questions about localization during the install?12:41
hischildfew, 2007 and 2008 may be very different. You will probably have to install both.12:41
ikoniarocks what are you talking about ?12:41
hischildSlart, F-3000 i recommend using recovery mode and use a graphical view from there. Then change the settings. Slart your opinion please.12:41
F-3000Slart, you do, but those settings are screwed up, it seems.12:41
knut_is there a software for mounting all drives on startup (fstab) without using the terminal or a text editor?12:41
hischildknut_, /etc/fstab is the location for it.12:42
hischild!fstab | knut_12:42
ubottuknut_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions12:42
hotkingI can get eps file with "pdf2ps filename.pdf"12:42
gms3gri have trouble installing my webcam drivers12:42
ikoniaknut_ no, fstab is a text file, you just edit it with a text editor12:42
hotkingand "ps2eps filename.ps". But how can I get12:42
hotkingeps file without ps file with these two commands in a single command line?12:42
gms3grcan anyone help plz?12:42
cyberixJust updated to the new beta release12:42
Kelorenhischild: yeah, now antoehr error but thats the driver itself errroring12:42
ikonia!ibex | cyberix12:42
ubottucyberix: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu12:42
Kelorenhischild: thanks12:42
SlartF-3000, hischild: recovery mode will get you to a root shell without doing the login prompt... perhaps startx will work, I've never tried it that way12:42
hischildKeloren, yw12:42
rocksdo u know that?12:43
hischildF-3000, Slart, startx will work yes.12:43
knut_ikonia: i a lil afraid editing the fstab that way, is there a program with a gui to mount the drives?12:43
Pici!enter | rocks12:43
ubotturocks: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:43
ikoniaknut_ no12:43
fewhischild, from what i ready it shouldn't be possible to install both. the texlive is already working, i can compile things with texmaker. the only problem is that kile has texlive as dependency.12:43
rocksikonia are u there?12:43
ikoniaknut_ it's a plain text file - what are you not certain about12:43
ikoniarocks: yes, I am here but your questions don't make any sense12:43
hischildfew, if texlive is the dependency, then it should just work without needing 2007.12:43
Picirocks: You need to ask your qeustion all on one like, we don't know what you are asking.12:43
SlartF-3000: what keeps you from logging in at the regular login prompt? speciel characters in login name or password? keyboard settings making it impossible to input username/password? something else?12:43
rockswel will explain u12:44
rockssee i have calendar module k12:44
ikoniarocks what sort of calander module ?12:44
hischildrocks, your question on 1 (one) line.12:44
F-3000Slart, "keyboard settings making it impossible to input username/password".12:44
knut_ikonia: i dont know what happens when i do something wrong, for example: forget some letter12:44
ikoniarocks: an application, a web page, a dock applet ?12:44
ikoniaknut_ it doesn't mount that line12:44
rocksits simple calendar12:44
ActionParsnip1knut_: can we have a pastebin of your fstab file, maybe we can advise12:44
* sber ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)12:45
ActionParsnip1!paste | knut_12:45
ikoniarocks what type of application12:45
StasOnneed help! how to configure vpn in ubuntu 6.06?12:45
rocksa web page12:45
jim_pi want to say a big "excuse me" to anyone in here that i promised to return in an hour and i returned in ~6. i am terribly sorry guys12:45
ikoniarocks: it's a web page - ok12:45
ActionParsnip1!vpn | StasOn12:45
knut_ActionParsnip1: ok just a moment12:45
rocksya ofcourse12:45
carreraGreetings!  :)12:45
fewhischild, yes it probably would work if synaptic would install it. but it won't because it wants to install texlive-2007 (which will probably overwrite my texlive-2008) and my question i: how do i make it install kile while ignore the dependency12:45
knut_ActionParsnip1: whats the command?12:45
ubottuknut_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:45
ubottuStasOn: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD12:45
ActionParsnip1knut_: open /etc/fstab and use pastebin to give us the text12:46
SlartF-3000: it isn't possible for you to create a starting user with a very international username and password? (only a-z and so on) and then try to create another user with the username/password you really want?12:46
hischildfew, you can probably dl the .deb yourself and force it to install while skipping all deps .... but i doubt that'll work ...12:46
paul68ActionParsnip1: for a second I thought that ubottu was in lunch break :-)12:46
carreraI've an Asus P5E with onboard sound card, but don't get any sound whatsoever12:46
hischildknut_, use this command --> sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/fstab | pastebinit12:46
fewhischild, will try that12:46
ActionParsnip1paul68: me too, thats why we need to abuse him sometimes. keeps him on his toes12:47
gms3grplz i need help12:47
paul68!sound |Carrera12:47
ubottuCarrera: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:47
lastmanHow do I delete the runlevel for avahi?12:47
ActionParsnip1paul68: just ask him about his love of coffee in the lulls12:47
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:47
paul68!help| gsm3gr12:47
ubottugsm3gr: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:47
ActionParsnip1!ask | gms3gr12:47
ubottugms3gr: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:47
paul68ActionParsnip1:  lol12:47
knut_ActionParsnip1: http://pastebin.com/f25b4ea8012:48
hischildoh the almighty help shout ....12:48
gms3gri just installed ubuntu and i can't find any drivers for my webcam12:48
knut_hischild: that command was cool12:48
ActionParsnip1knut_: ok so thats your / partition and cd drive mounted12:48
hischildknut_, i know :-) works nearly always.12:48
paul68!webcam |gms3gr12:48
ubottugms3gr: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:49
ActionParsnip1knut_: what else needs mounting?12:49
thomasiteHello, everyone. Is there a command I should issue at the terminal or a package/software that I have to download for me to know what my broadband/DSL speed is? Thanks!12:49
Slartgms3gr: webcams are weird beasts in linux land.. some work sometimes.. most only work when you don't need them..12:49
knut_ActionParsnip1: is there a command for showing the actually mounted roves?12:49
Slartgms3gr: try typing "lsusb" in a terminal and try to identify which line is the webcam.. then tell us which line it was12:49
hischildthomasite, www.speedtest.net  ?12:49
hischildSlart, and they work when you don't want them to work ...12:50
thomasitehischild: I12:50
Slartthomasite: it's very hard to get that kind of info from just your computer.. it's far easier to just check the bill/contract12:50
thomasiteI'm currently using speedtest.net but for a minute or two now, it's still unfinished.12:50
Slarthischild: =)12:50
the_lost_onethomasite, try also iptraf (ncurses)12:51
hischildthe_lost_one, that one doesn't give u max speeds now, does it?12:51
paul68ActionParsnip1:t  do you know a good howto in order to get a more advanced dhcp server in combination with bind?12:51
thomasiteSlart: The problem is that, I heard a rumour that while we are supposed to have 1 Mbps, we're only actually enjoying (?) about 500 kbps12:51
sirMajidI have a problem with my graphic card12:51
the_lost_onehischild, if you make any downloads uploads it will record the max speed you reached12:51
thomasitedo I just type iptraf?12:52
sirMajidI can't watch videos12:52
=== jasonh is now known as h_jason
ActionParsnip1paul68: ive never configured one short of setting up my router12:52
gms3grBus 005 Device 003: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller12:52
sirMajidI mean I can but not ok12:52
aghaImanI want a dictionary for ubuntu12:52
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: have you installed codecs?12:52
hotkingI can get eps file with "pdf2ps filename.pdf"12:52
hotkingand "ps2eps filename.ps". But how can I get12:52
hotkingeps file without ps file with these two commands in a single command line?12:52
Slartthomasite: try those online speed sites.. or download a big file from someone with a much faster connection than you have12:52
TheFillerHey, ubuntu update warns me about software that cannot be authenticated. What does that mean and should I install it too?12:52
hischildthe_lost_one, giving you your current speed and possible max of it, but that still won't give you the max speed you could get from it.12:52
caribou_Do you know any mp3 library player which is not using gnome libraries ?12:52
brunnerHi all12:52
paul68!grafhics |sirMajid12:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grafhics12:52
brunnerWill gzip maintain timestamps?12:52
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: and installed graphics drivers?12:52
Slartcaribou_: mpd?12:52
brunnertar, rather12:52
caribou_Slart, it's just a sever no ?12:52
knut_ActionParsnip1: is there a command for showing the actually mounted drives with all attributes in a list?12:52
paul68ActionParsnip1:  ok no problem12:52
ActionParsnip1brunner: man tar12:52
ActionParsnip1knut_: mount12:53
idefixwhere can I get a source URI?12:53
the_lost_onehischild, thats true12:53
caribou_Slart, i need a gui then like sonata i thought...12:53
ActionParsnip1knut_: on its own in terminal12:53
hischildcaribou_, does exaile use it? or amarok, but that's kde stuff again ...12:53
Slartcaribou_: hmm..ah.. it might be.. but I think there are text only guis for it..12:53
sirMajidthe problem is not codecs12:53
zambaanyone got suggestions to running ubuntu on a ssd drive?12:53
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: then get video drivers installed and checked12:53
hischildSlart, caribou_ , mpd is also cli controllable with mpc.12:53
caribou_Slart, no there are a few graphical software using mpd12:53
Slartzamba: I do that.. haven't done anything special..12:53
ActionParsnip1zamba: use ext2 fs12:53
sirMajidActionParsnip: yes my graphic card is installed either12:53
the_lost_onehischild, but for that you need a ponit to point programm12:53
caribou_hischild, yes same problem with kde libraries12:53
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: whats the output of glxinfo | grep -i direct12:54
caribou_hischild, I'm trying to use no gnome/kde apps and especially for background apps12:54
hischildthe_lost_one, yup .. or try to DL from some highspeed site ... i usually use pcextreme.nl to test it, because i know it's close to me.12:54
zambaActionParsnip1: you mean skip the journaling?12:54
aghaImani want to add dictonary12:54
knut_ActionParsnip1: http://pastebin.com/m5481b97e12:54
zambaSlart: are you using swap?12:54
the_lost_onehischild, i used kernel.org :)12:54
gms3grSlart: Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller12:54
hischildcaribou_, use mpd with mpc or gmpc  ... the latter is a gui, the middle a cli app.12:54
ActionParsnip1zamba: yeah it writes to the disk a lot so you can lengthen the ssd's life12:54
drowneranyone here, by any unbelievable chance, remember my problem with non-gnome desktops randomly kicking me out?12:54
drownerI solved it12:54
sirMajidActionParsnip: let me check that12:55
Slartzamba: yes.. not that I've ever used it.. but I don't have the swap on the ssd12:55
zambaActionParsnip1: so i basically need to convert my fs to ext212:55
caribou_hischild, gmpc is a gnome frontend >_>12:55
zambaSlart: i'm using this on a laptop, so i guess i have to remove the swap partition12:55
ActionParsnip1zamba: you dont HAVE to. I just recommend it12:55
hischildcaribou_, is it? iirc it was gtk based12:55
knut_ActionParsnip1: the missing drives shown there i want to mount on startup12:55
ActionParsnip1knut_: ok give me a pastebin of that output and i'll give you the line to add12:55
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aghaImandoes any one know about dictionary12:56
caribou_hischild, i just read "gnome music player client"12:56
webashey guys i found a video which is a real threat to security of linux.. http://www.techamok.com/?pid=5254 .. does this applies to ubuntu/kubuntu also?12:56
emorrishi, how do i get changes made to the main menu to 'apply'12:56
ActionParsnip1!info dictionary12:56
ubottuPackage dictionary does not exist in hardy12:56
Slartgms3gr: those numbers are unique for your usb camera.. try searching for them in google or the ubuntu forums12:56
knut_ActionParsnip1: http://pastebin.com/m5481b97e12:56
sirMajidActionParsnip: it returned12:56
hischildcaribou_, i dnt see gnome deps for it .. but i might be wrong ... i read it as graphical music player client12:56
hischildcaribou_, commonly used on gnome, true ... but it's GTK based ... but then i'd jst recommend using mpd with mpc12:57
ActionParsnip1knut_: which /dev is it you want auto mounting?12:57
F-3000Slart, hischild: now I've succeeded to switch console into finnish alphabets, but login screen still doesn't recognize some of the finnish letters.12:57
sirMajidActionParsnip: direct renderin: NO(LIBGL ALWAYS INDIRECT set)12:57
knut_ActionParsnip1: all12:57
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: then its not installed12:57
caribou_hischild, ok i'll have a look then thank you12:57
emorris!info gnome-dictionary | aghaIman12:57
ubottuaghaiman: Package gnome-dictionary does not exist in hardy12:57
ActionParsnip1knut_: np, gimme 212:57
hischildF-3000, that's at least a start. did you get X working?12:57
aghaImanhow can i use it12:58
sirMajidbut it is enabled in hardware drivers12:58
SlartF-3000: hmm.. let me fire up a virtualbox ubuntu and see what I can find12:58
emorrisaghaIman: type a work in look up12:58
aghaImanwhat is look up12:59
sirMajidActionParsnip: System > Hardware drivers12:59
webasnoone seems to respond to me? :D12:59
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emorrisaghaIman: there is a text box at the top of the application called "look up"12:59
knut_ActionParsnip1: i dont understand :) .. i want all three to be mounted13:00
Slartwebas: people have "2girls1cup" anxiety.. I wouldn't click on a video-link either13:00
ActionParsnip1knut_: http://pastebin.com/m2bed40f013:00
ActionParsnip1knut_: add those to the bottom of /etc/fstab13:00
ActionParsnip1knut_: you'll need gksudo gedit /etc/fstab so you have writability13:00
aghaImani dontkhnow13:00
knut_ActionParsnip1: ok thank you.. ignore my last sentence13:00
webasslart..dont be ridiculous..its a serious webpage..i always go for tech news to see.. its not some lame website13:00
aghaImani dont know13:00
ActionParsnip1can someone please verify those lines in my pastebin13:00
hischildActionParsnip, the options ? 0 013:01
ActionParsnip1knut_: nice mountpoint names btw, data and disk13:01
Slartwebas: try giving us the important stuff in text.. or find a link to a text version.13:01
tavishhow do i do fsck13:01
ActionParsnip1hischild: oh ya13:01
hischildActionParsnip, parse and dump ones :)13:01
ActionParsnip1knut_: add 0 0 at the end of the 3 lines13:01
emorrisaghaIman: don't know what? also, please prefix emorris to responses so i get alerted13:01
Slartwebas: I can't speak for the rest of the people here.. just for myself13:01
jribwebas: that's not hacking.  That's a feature if you need to recover your computer.  It only works if you have physical access to the machine.  And anyone with physical access can do anything they want to your machine unless you encrypt your drive13:02
webasnevermind then..if you are so scared.. i will talk in the evening with few friends who should be online..about linux13:02
knut_ActionParsnip1: for every line?13:02
ActionParsnip1knut all the 3 i gave13:02
hischildknut_, AFTER the lines, not in front13:02
webasjrib - so it cant be done via lan? only just to this personal pc?13:02
ActionParsnip1knut_: hischild had my back ;)13:02
emorriswebas: post the question again13:02
jribwebas: correct13:02
webashey guys i found a video which is a real threat to security of linux.. http://www.techamok.com/?pid=5254 .. does this applies to ubuntu/kubuntu also? - i was worried it can be done via lan this way too or something..13:03
emorriswebas: ignore me13:03
emorrisah, ok13:03
webasthen there is no need to worry for me.. :)13:03
sipiortavish: unmount the partition you're looking to fix. after verifying that the partition is not mounted, simply run fsck /dev/<disk> as root, with the obvious substitution.13:03
tavishsipior: its my root disk13:03
sipiortavish: then you'll be booting from a live cd :-)13:03
ActionParsnip1knut_: id give it a reboot just to make sure everything is ok from a cold boot13:04
jribwebas: that way is even the dumb way.  You have a "recovery mode" choice in ubuntu's grub menu that will give you a root prompt so you can fix your computer if you messed something up13:04
knut_hischild: "/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0" ... can i tuse the "0    0" drom that row and copy it?13:04
emorriswebas: yes it does apply to ubuntu and variants13:04
ActionParsnip1knut_: you can always edit the lines out if you get errors and reboot if there are issues13:04
fewhischild, looks like it works to have them both installed because the texlive-2008 installer installs its files in /usr/local. so i just need to add it to PATH.13:04
SlartF-3000: I've got a "change language" button on my login screen.. do you have one of those?13:04
webasye, no worry, because it cant be don via lan or from remote control.. :)13:05
F-3000hischild, Slart: earlier I wasn't able to start login window-panel when I got into X.13:05
tavishsipior: ok. why didnt i think of it? and also i have it installed on ntfs13:05
F-3000Slart, it has no use. It's finnish already, but keyboard's still messed up.13:05
emorriswebas: it also applys to mac os x13:05
aghaImani have gnoem-dictionary13:05
hischildknut_, all you have to do is add 0 <space > 0 at the end of each line.13:05
ActionParsnip1too late13:05
* ActionParsnip1 crosses his fingers13:06
ActionParsnip1i think he got it13:06
mark_shi all, I am looking for a programm for our school, where the kids can comment on special things. For example: What do you think about christmas? Now every user should be able to commit an answer and edit it. But the user should  be allowed to see but not to edit the answers of the others. Is there a open source solution out there???13:06
hischildfew, you don't need to edit path, the program should pick that up by itself13:06
sipiortavish: ntfs? heh, i don't believe there's a fsck for ntfs volumes...13:06
webasdoes mac-os has same security ( with root passwords ) also? :)13:06
ActionParsnip1mark_s: setup a wiki server13:06
jribmark_s: sounds like a forum13:06
hischildsipior, tavish there is in ntfsprogs13:06
ActionParsnip1webas: mac-os is loosly based on bsd so id say yes13:07
sipiorhischild: and is it reliable, as in no trashing the filesystem?13:07
fewhischild, this did not work and the texlive readme told me to do so13:07
mark_sActionParsnip1: In a wiki you can edit all13:07
hischildsipior, saved my local file system and 1 of my external drives. Windows messed up though ..13:07
ActionParsnip1mark_s: not if you set it up properly I elieve13:07
hischildfew, ok.13:07
tavishi mean that i am using it on a ntfs partition. there was an option to install it as a program13:07
F-3000How I kill the login window? I'm unable to do startx due to it, from another console.13:07
tavishin 8.0413:07
emorriswebas: it has a disabled root password like debian, ubuntu, etc, which means that you can, in effect do the same thing. I know someone who bought a mac off ebay, but they did not give him the password(s), so he changed them this way.13:07
SlartF-3000: pkill gdm might work13:08
hischildF-3000, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop13:08
jribF-3000: just do 'startx -- :1' and you can keep both.  If you really want to stop gdm, do: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop13:08
alteregoaheh is firewall by default installed?13:08
ActionParsnip1mark_s: or you could use some script for a web style thing they log in to and submit answers13:08
sirMajidwhen I type glxinfo into terminal, it returns direct rendering:no13:08
hischild!firewall | alteregoa13:08
ubottualteregoa: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:08
ActionParsnip1knut_: all groovy?13:09
sirMajidthe how should I install my graphic card13:09
mark_sjrib: a forum is to big. The result should be like a one document with diffrent paragraphs.13:09
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: lspci will tell you13:09
F-3000jrib, that worked. :)13:09
knut_ActionParsnip1: now he cant mount the drives event when i click on em in nautilus13:09
hischildActionParsnip, can u link me that pastebin again?13:09
hischildknut_, a second :-)13:09
ActionParsnip1knut_: can you access them from terminal?13:09
mark_sActionParsnip1: to script it is too difficult for me13:09
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sirMajidAction...: it just tells model of my graphic card13:10
Slartmark_s: I've never seen what you describe.. forums are very common and afaik quite easy to setup.. a wiki might not be what you're looking for although you might be able to lock it down13:10
knut_ActionParsnip1: when u give me the command :-)13:10
ActionParsnip1hischild: output of mount: http://pastebin.com/m5481b97e13:10
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jribmark_s: don't know of such a thing.  You would probably have to write a small web app13:10
sirMajidAction...: you mean then I google the model and get the driver?13:10
ActionParsnip1hischild: output of old /etc/fstab: http://pastebin.com/f25b4ea8013:10
Slartmark_s: but if you've got the time and the know-how it might be relatively easy to write one yourself13:10
hischildActionParsnip, perhaps add something like auto or user?13:10
tavishi am using it on a ntfs partition. there was an option to install it as a program in windows13:10
ActionParsnip1mark_s: what you are asking isnt an easy thing to do13:10
fr4nk-kis there a way to set the standard browser in .bashrc??13:10
mark_sSlart: I haven't seen anything like it myself. I was hoping to find an answer here13:11
knut_to look if the drives can be mounted, can i press ctrl alt backspace?13:11
hischildknut_, jst a second. Can you do this for me? -->13:11
ActionParsnip1fr4nk-k: BROWSER=opera13:11
fr4nk-kk thx13:11
ActionParsnip1fr4nk-k: for example13:11
knut_hischild of course13:11
hischildknut_, sudo aptitude install pastebinit && dmesg > log && cat log | pastebinit && rm log13:12
hischildknut_, and give that link to me here?13:12
mark_sActionOarsnip1: Something like the book reviews at Amazon. with the chance to edit your own answer.13:12
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ActionParsnip1hischild: gotta love pastebinit :D13:12
hischildknut_, uh wait .... change aptitude into apt-get13:12
khaimeis there a way to apt-get install xen 3.3.0 ?13:12
Slartmark_s: might something like this work? http://webscripts.softpedia.com/scriptScreenshots/Simple-Forum-PHP-Screenshots-38636.html13:12
aghaImanemoris: i found that13:12
jribmark_s: it sounds similar to the django book comment system they used while they were editing the book.  I don't think that code was ever available anywhere though13:12
khaimewant to use it on ubuntu 8.0413:12
hischildActionParsnip, yeah ... but apparently aptitude is no longer installed ... most of my macro's depend on it -,-13:12
mark_sSlart: thank you, I will check it13:13
fr4nk-kActionParsnip1: you're sure it isn't: export BROWSER=opera ??13:13
ActionParsnip1hischild: i've always wrenched it out. I only use apt13:13
ActionParsnip1fr4nk-k: if you use opera, yes13:13
knut_hischild: http://pastebin.com/f2a83f8ab13:13
F-3000Now the whole thing went haywire. (raw translation) "Login window application seems to crash. Attemting to use another."13:13
ActionParsnip1fr4nk-k: put it in that file13:13
mark_sthank you for your time and advice13:13
emorriswebas: also bear in mind that windows xp has no default administrator password. it is very difficult to secure access to a machine which has physical access to it. one solution would be to set a grub password, but could be overruled by a GRUB boot disk.   Whatever you did to secure your OS, anyone could still come along with a linux live cd, pop it in, log in as root, and access/delete all your stuff.13:13
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: we need the make and model, paste the line your graphics card is detailed on13:14
ActionParsnip1it does have a default password, its set at install time13:14
webasemorris - one way to solve this is to create ( secure dvd roms with fingerprints ) to open it .. haha lol.. but maybe not..13:15
sirMajidActionParsnip1: it is in terminal...I can't copy it13:15
hischildActionParsnip1, not always.13:15
Marks`Manhello all13:15
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: you can copy from terminal as well as paste13:15
hischildknut_, are the discs mounted?13:15
ActionParsnip1hischild: depends who set it up ;)13:15
hischildActionParsnip, the default xp doesn't set a password ... at least it doesnt for me ...13:15
sirMajidActionParsnip1: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M24 1P [Radeon Mobility X600]13:15
aghaImani want a dictonary13:15
sirMajidActoinParsnip1: yes I can:D13:16
ActionParsnip1hischild: did you install your own xp or was it preinstalled?13:16
the_lost_oneaghaIman, apt-cache search dictionary13:16
hischildActionParsnip, by myself ...13:16
knut_hischild: after your command i shoud restart?13:16
dusty_ActionParsnip1, any luck ?13:16
aghaImanok wait13:16
hischildknut_, no .. it only gave me a log of what happens / went wrong when you started ur computer ... but nothing about the discs ...13:17
ActionParsnip1hischild: theres a section where you specify the password, most windows users just next away and forget to set it13:17
ActionParsnip1dusty_: nothing man, id try later13:17
ganeshow to pass the grub prompt output to any file13:17
hischildActionParsnip, odd ... i've never seen it, though i've checked all screens ... it's not even in my guide on how to install XP that i had to do for school where i screen every thing you get .. o.O13:17
aghaImanshould i download it13:18
dusty_ActionParsnip1, what do you mean try later |13:18
fr4nk-kActionParsnip1: didn't work. I set BROWSER=firefox and yet epiphany is used :(13:18
hischildknut_, i'm not sure what can be wrong ... perhaps that ActionParsnip has an idea :-)13:18
knut_hischild: "nosuid" ... change to "user" ??13:18
ActionParsnip1dusty_: later different people may be in here13:18
ActionParsnip1fr4nk-k: set the default browser in the app13:18
hischildknut_, haven't had enough experience with fstab to say that for sure ...13:19
ActionParsnip1hischild: im al out13:19
dusty_ok thanks13:19
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: im guessing its some laptop, what is its make and model?13:19
knut_when i want to acess the drives in nautilus it says that i am no root13:19
sirMajidIt is Dell Latitude D81013:19
sirMajidActionParsnip:  It is Dell Latitude D81013:20
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  It is Dell Latitude D81013:20
F-3000How many tests Memtest86 do?13:20
fr4nk-kActionParsnip1: thanks, it worked!13:20
jokeusaPeeps, is it true that "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128" will only redirect connections from external IP's to my machine and NOT the ones made from localhost?13:20
zaggynlsirMajid: you can use ubcd4win to reset the windows password, there are linux tools to do so as well I believe13:21
zaggynlmay I ask, why do you need to change the password?13:21
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: http://www.lazy8.nu/delld180/DebianLinuxOnDellLattitude810laptop.html13:21
Slartjokeusa: I'm no iptables guru but I don't see anything that would restrict to external ip's only..13:21
SlartF-3000: it goes on until you stop it13:22
sirMajidzaggynl: how can changing the password solve my graphic card problem?13:22
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  let me check the link13:22
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: ok scrap that13:22
F-3000Slart: looks like it's a good thing I asked. :D13:22
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/laptop-testing-team/2005-August/000022.html13:22
jokeusaSlart - cite from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/iptables: "Note: if you launch this command on your computer it will only work for external IP addresses connecting to your machine. Connections from localhost do not traverse the PREROUTING chain in the "nat" table."13:22
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: near the bottom there is an xorg.conf sample13:22
SlartF-3000: =)13:22
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: your card is supported by Driver "ati"13:23
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: which is part of a standard ubuntu install13:23
jokeusaWell, it wasnt exactly that line, the oryginal was: "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080", but its not much of a difference is it now?13:23
F-3000Slart: you know how fast it is to determine if the memory got any faults?13:23
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sirMajidActionParsnip1:  well, then why it isn't installed13:23
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sirMajidActionParsnip1:  ?13:24
Slartjokeusa: well.. guess I'll go sit in the corner wearing the pointy hat =).. as I said.. I'm no guru.. wikipedia sounds like it knows what it's talking about13:24
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: it is installed, your system isnt configured to use it yet13:24
jokeusa<sigh> thx anyway13:24
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  so how should i configure my system to use the driver13:24
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  ?13:24
SlartF-3000: I've never had a memory problem that didn't show up in the fastest test.. but I guess some errors are more sneaky than others13:24
zaggynlsirMajid: oh sorry, misunderstood13:24
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: its at the bottom of that post, copy the video driver config lines, and the screen config lines to your xorg.conf13:25
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: you'll need gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get write access13:25
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  let me try to try that:D13:25
F-3000Slart: Just wondering, as this PC keeps crashing with Ubuntu. :( Wasn't able to install on the HD in the first place, until I booted the live with noapic & nolapic.13:25
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: dont cange any header names though13:25
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  ok13:26
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: if you bork it, press esc at grub, choose failsafe for your kernel then repair xorg13:26
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: you're gonna be wrestling that file a bit13:26
SlartF-3000: mm.. you're not alone.. those two must be the two most common switches for people to use13:26
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  now I'm a little bit scared...:D I'll do that13:26
ActionParsnip1F-3000: is there a new bios for your pc?13:27
F-3000Slart: Just need to figure out how I insert them into the grub. :/13:27
SlartF-3000: ah.. but that's pretty easy.. can you get to the grub menu?13:27
SlartF-3000: or you meant how to put them in grub permanently?13:28
F-3000ActionParsnil: Not certain, altho I think it's original. (1,2GHz Duron)13:28
F-3000Slart, yes, permanently.13:28
ActionParsnip1F-3000: it may help, id also check bios settings for power13:28
ActionParsnip1make sure its all friendly13:28
SlartF-3000: have you got ubuntu running? if so do this "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" in a terminal..13:29
F-3000Slart: I13:29
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: when you've editted it, save the file then give a reboot and see what you get13:30
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: id favourite up that page13:30
F-3000Slart: I'll do just that after reinstall.13:30
SlartF-3000: ok =)13:30
F-3000ActionParsnipl: I'll check the power-settings. :)13:31
ActionParsnip1and bios revision13:31
ActionParsnip1its drastic but may help13:31
iameliteRight then, quick question. Im about to apt a couple extra desktop environments, will that crash me?13:32
kane77I was installing number of updates. I suspended my laptop and it didn't wake up so installing of those packages was aborted (it was already in stage of configuring them), do I need to worry? how do I reconfigure them?13:32
the_lost_oneiamelite, no i think so, i have 613:32
ActionParsnip1iamelite: it'll be fine13:32
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  I can't find video driver config lines and screen confing lines13:32
iameliteThanks much, just wanted to check as i havent done it before13:32
sirMajidActionParsnip1:  which sections do you mean?13:33
ronin13hi all!!!! i just intalled ubuntu on my laptop and i have trouble getting the drivers for my built-in webcam.... any ideas? thnx in advance.....13:33
kane77ronin13, what laptop/webcam it is?13:33
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: yours will say Section "Configured Video Device"13:33
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: the bit in the post that says Driver "ati", add all that stuff in there13:34
iameliteOne more question, if i wanted an extremely light Desktop for wine/VMware/Vbox games or such, what might you pick?13:34
ronin13i have the innovator 17 945PM laptop13:34
ronin13and i think it has the BisonCam13:35
sirMajidActionParsnip1: in the post, there is no section named "ati"13:35
ActionParsnip1ronin13: id run lspci and lsusb to start your crusade13:35
wig0french chan somewhere ???13:35
Pici!fr | wig013:36
sirMajidActionParsnip1: and in my xorg.conf there is no section named Configured video devices13:36
ubottuwig0: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:36
wig0thx :)13:36
sirMajidActionParsnip1: but in one section in the post it says "ati" in the driver field13:37
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: can i see your xorg.conf please?13:37
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: ok thats cool13:37
sirMajidActionParsnip1: yes how can I show you that?13:37
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: plase13:37
sirMajidActionParsnip1: what do you mean by plase?13:38
ActionParsnip1(sp) please13:38
ronin13i ran lsusb and it gave me "Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller"13:38
aghaImanhow can i use stardict13:38
sirMajidActionParsnip1: aha...how should I show my xorg.conf to you?13:39
sirMajidI paste all the text?13:39
Kalamot Helo, my volume control does not save my settings after reboot in hardy, does anyone have a fix ?13:39
ActionParsnip1!paste | sirMajid13:39
ubottusirMajid: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:39
HolyGoatAnyone happen to know if there is a backport of php5 for dapper drake that has PDO support?13:40
sawyer_so can anyone tell me why my ubuntu won't mount my usb right?13:41
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: replace fglrx with ati13:41
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: then on the line below add: usID        "PCI:1:0:0"13:42
sirMajidActionParsnip1: ok I did that...what else?13:42
ActionParsnip1well, BusID13:42
doglino :)13:43
F-3000ActionParsnipl: I don't feel skilled enough with updating bios. :P13:43
sirMajidActionParsnip1: Ok I just replaced fglrx with ati? and I didn't understand the next thing you said13:43
ActionParsnip1F-3000: ok well stay off man, it can damage your motherboard13:43
kane77I was installing number of updates. I suspended my laptop and it didn't wake up so installing of those packages was aborted (it was already in stage of configuring them), do I need to worry? how do I reconfigure them?13:44
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: under that line add the next line in the pst i gave13:44
F-3000ActionParsnipl: I know, and that's why I'm not going to fool around with it. :)13:44
ActionParsnip1F-3000: wise man13:44
ActionParsnip1sirMajid: if you read the site i gave you also you will see a section "screen"13:45
sirMajidActionParsnip1: wait...wait... I didn't understand...below which line should I paste the line you said13:46
ronin13ActionParsnip1,  i ran lsusb and it gave me "Bus 005 Device 003: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller"13:47
sirMajidActionParsnip1: Pleaaaaaase answer fast...I should go and I can't leave my xorg.conf like that13:48
F-3000When installing Ubuntu, can I make separate partition like /home, and does the OS save all personal data into there?13:48
joaopintoF-3000, you can do, but there is no need for it, by default ubuntu does not overwrite /home during install13:49
nikki__Guys, I tried the EnvyNG and official nVidia drivers, but the two latest ones don't work. 71.x works though. GeForce FX 5600. TF2 requires later driver but (under Wine). Is there some more 'low level' method of getting nVidia drivers? Like building it or something? That could make it work.13:49
joaopintoF-3000, all user data will go into /home13:49
dhalsimmcan you suggest me an python uml editor especially for eclipse?13:52
F-3000joaopinto: thanks.13:52
Ohmu_bblHello All.  I'm trying to create a Wireless Access Point with DHCP.  Following this guide: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/dhcp.html I've installed dhpd3-server, edited /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf thus: http://pastebin.ca/1232720 Now I sudo dhcpd3.  it says "Not configured to listen on any interfaces!".  What do I do?13:53
tony__edit the /etc/ script , and look for the Listen command13:53
=== tony__ is now known as `TonY
Ohmu_bbl`TonY: There isn't one13:54
`TonYwhereis dhcp3-server13:54
dhalsimmhey guys, I am trying to automount my creative mp3 player (it's fat32). when I plugged it in it says: cannot mount, it can be mounted only by root (I'm using Turkish so I don't know exact English message). my fstab entry is: /dev/sdb1/media/CREATIVE vfatiocharset=utf8,umask=000   0   013:55
Ohmu_bbl`TonY: I don't know ... I just installed it from the package manager13:56
`TonYthere is Interfaces13:56
`TonYgo and edit13:56
`TonYrestart the server13:56
`TonYto apply13:56
iamelitePermissions in... what the craps the file. Users are set to root for strange reason on the new drive mountingness13:57
iameliteI had the same issue with my sata, i dont remember how i fixed it exactly13:57
F-3000joaopinto: So, if I select "use whole disc" while doing the installation, the /home will be spared even so?13:57
`TonYGuided -> yes13:58
iameliteF-3000 if you do that, you will destroy the world.13:58
F-3000iamelite: what kind of reinstall will save the user-stuff?13:58
=== j is now known as Guest98041
joaopintoF-3000, erm, I am not talking about recreating a partition, that will remove whatever is on it, I mean if you choose just to use an existing partition with /home on it (without repartitioning), it will be kept13:58
iameliteF-3000 reinstall normally and let the isntaller import the data13:59
`TonYhello back physics13:59
=== Guest98041 is now known as jago25_99
joaopintoF-3000, you want to use an existing partition, not create a new one13:59
`TonYdon't forget to remove the tick on format14:00
physicsdoes anyone know is you can get the compiz working on a laptop with an intergrated video card it had 328 mb shared.14:00
physicsdoes anyone know is you can get the compiz working on a laptop with an intergrated video card it had 328 mb shared.14:00
Kelorenif i wanted to run apt-get off a usb drive, what do i have to change in the sources list so it accepts it, e.g. cdrom:<version> = off cdrom, do i just hae todo usb:, or do it have todo its mount pount, /mnt/usb:14:00
F-3000joaopinto, iamelite: which option I should pick from the "diskspace preparation" then?14:00
iameliteF-3000, alternatively you could resize your partition on a live cd, move your valuables to new smaller partition, reinstall the bigger one, and swap em back and delete the smaller backup one and resize to full14:00
`TonYphysics, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76463314:01
physicslet me check it out tony14:01
milligan_I need to find all files, recursivly, in a directory that are located in a folder named FolderName, and are equal to, or older than 4 weeks. Can this be done with find ? If so, how=14:02
Ohmu_bbl`TonY: Do yo uknow how to restart dhcp3-server?  the man page is massive and I cant find any --restart param by skimming14:02
Kelorenif i wanted to run apt-get off a usb drive, what do i have to change in the sources list so it accepts it, e.g. cdrom:<version> = off cdrom, do i just hae todo usb:, or do it have todo its mount pount, /mnt/usb:14:02
F-3000iamelite, joaopinto: as it is required step with installing the Ubuntu.14:02
iameliteF-3000, perhaps i misunderstood your question14:03
`TonYOhmu_bbl, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76463314:03
joaopintoF-3000, let me redo the question, are you doing a new install, or, do you already have a linux installed and are upgrading ?14:03
physicsthis is the one and only chatroom you can enter ??14:03
`TonYOhmu_bbl, sorry wrong paste , Usage: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}14:03
msconfig 2008Äê 10ÔÂ 21ÈÕ  9•r 3·Ö 28Ãë Tuesday14:03
nikki__physics: there are 'channels'.14:03
DJonesphysics: I'm able to use compiz on a laptop with only 32Mb of dedicated video memory14:03
nikki__physics: there are 'channels'.14:04
physicshow can i change channel?14:04
=== msconfig is now known as acetaminophen
physicsdont really see that option14:04
`TonYusage / join [#channel]14:04
Pici!irc > physics14:04
ubottuphysics, please see my private message14:04
F-3000iamelite, joaopinto: Lets say that I have Ubuntu installed already, but it's gone so broken that I need to do reinstall. Yet, I'd like to save all stuff in /home, which is intact regarding the ubuntu (as OS) breaking.14:04
acetaminophen F-3000  ¾ÃÎ¥ÁË£¬ÀÏÐÖ£¡14:04
`TonYno space between / and join14:04
iameliteF-3000, can you boot till the command line?14:05
F-3000`TonY, you can say /join.14:05
`TonYmiss type14:05
nikki__!irc > nikki14:05
joaopintoF-3000, you can use a single partition, on the future reinstall ubuntu will not overwrite /home14:05
nikki__!irc > nikki__14:05
ubottunikki__, please see my private message14:05
nikki__How to open PM in irssi?14:05
iameliteoook sendin nikki messages14:05
jago25_99I have a pretty ropey 3G connection. Can anyone recommend something better than ping to test it? http socket connections fail, yet ping is ok14:06
acetaminophen jago25_99  ÐÒ»áÐһᣡ14:06
F-3000iamelite, I can, but in current state, it's easier to reinstall than try to repair.14:06
Pici!zh | acetaminophen14:06
ubottuacetaminophen: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:06
acetaminophen ubottu  ÍøÓÑÄãºÃ£¡14:06
jim_pnikki__: like pm jim_p?  /quote jim_p14:06
iameliteI notice the name nikki, cause i had a friend named nikki. Girlfriend acctually. She died in a plane crash. She was on the ground when it happened, very sad.14:07
=== `TonY is now known as usr
=== usr is now known as `TonY
Ohmu_bbl`TonY: Thanks ;)  i do restart, and the stop and start both fail.  any ideas?14:07
`TonYwhat did you do with the Interfaces ?14:07
iameliteF-3000, Honestly i would recommend learning how to repair it, its quite easy14:07
jim_pacetaminophen: why do your messages appear with weird characters on me? i use utf8 as encoding and i can even see chinese, but now yours!14:07
acetaminophen jim_p  ¶¼ºÃ¶¼ºÃ14:07
`TonYOhmu_bbl, paste me that exact line, in private14:08
joaopintoiamelite, it depends, if he did a chmod -R is not that easy :P14:08
Pici!en | acetaminophen14:08
ubottuacetaminophen: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:08
F-3000joaopinto, so if I choose "use whole disk" in the disk-partition while installing (as like with earlier install), /home will be spared?14:08
acetaminophen F-3000  ÄãÒ²ºÃ14:08
Piciacetaminophen: stop14:08
bazhang_!cn | acetaminophen14:08
ubottuacetaminophen: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:08
acetaminophen ubottu  ¾ÃÎ¥ÁË£¬ÀÏÐÖ£¡14:08
bazhang_acetaminophen, please speak english here14:08
F-3000acetaminophen, Sorry, I don't understand. I believe your writing doesn't even show correct for me.14:08
jim_pF-3000: nope :( whole disk means whole disk, not just partitions14:09
joaopintoF-3000, no, on next install you need to use the existing partition14:09
iamelitejoaopinto, HA... ya... nah not really.... nah14:09
joaopintouse whole disk = remove evrything14:09
acetaminophen joaopinto  你好!14:09
bazhang_acetaminophen, /j #ubuntu-hk14:09
jim_pacetaminophen: can you read our messages? answer with !! for yes and -- for no14:10
F-3000joaopinto: How I do that? There's no such option.14:10
droopsta915why do my windows fade out to a gray and i cant use them?14:10
joaopintoF-3000, do you have linux partitions right now ?14:10
Slartdroopsta915: they do that when you application "hangs"14:10
jim_pdroopsta915: fade to gray as in..?14:10
F-3000joaopinto: Did earlier Ubuntu install in that way (use whole disk).14:10
joaopintoF-3000, go to customo partitioning14:10
Slartdroopsta915: *your14:10
KalamotHelo, my volume control does not save my settings after reboot in hardy, does anyone have a fix ?14:10
joaopintoand set the / mount point, on your current linux part14:11
jim_pKalamot: open a terminal, sudo alsactl store14:11
F-3000joaopinto: that makes sense... I'll try that.14:11
iameliteIS there a program in ubuntu that tests dependencys and conflicts and stuff?14:11
SlartKalamot: is it a known bug? have you searched in launchpad?14:11
iameliteor is it automatic?14:11
iameliteam i an idiot?14:11
Slartiamelite: afaik apt takes care of that14:11
joaopintoiamelite, it's automatically managed by apt14:11
droopsta915slart:how can i fix it?14:11
jim_piamelite: apt does the job! the big brain behind synaptic14:11
acetaminophen jim_p  С妹妹你好!14:11
iameliteso the correct answer was....14:12
Slartiamelite: it only works if you install stuff using apt/synaptic/aptitude .. not if you install stuff using source14:12
iamelite"You ARE an idiot"14:12
jim_pacetaminophen: now i can read some chinese glyphs !14:12
Gnuboihow to install drivers for nvidia graphics card14:12
jim_pGnuboi: what nvidia card?14:12
iameliteah cool14:12
droopsta915thanks for the help, gotta get to work:)14:13
jim_pGnuboi: 6xxx and later or 5xxx series and earlier?14:13
iameliteIm sure i have extra redundant GUI crap in my GDE14:13
Slartiamelite: well.. you were new to ubuntu... the idiot part is still undecided so far ;)14:13
Kalamotjim_p: is that it ?14:13
iameliteHey man, i learn as much as i can get my hands on indiscriminately.14:13
KalamotSlart: I dont know I googled it for two days now and dint find any solution14:14
acetaminophen 2008年 10月 21日  9時 14分 02秒 Tuesday14:14
jim_pKalamot: well you need to set the levels first, and this will store it in alsa's configs14:14
acetaminophen jim_p  你好!14:14
bazhang_acetaminophen, stop.14:14
iameliteComputers, Biology, Astronomy, Quantum physics in 11 dimentions14:14
Gnuboijim_p, what does series mean14:14
jim_pacetaminophen: sorry i am not chinese, i am greek. and i only know greek, english and some french14:15
acetaminophen jim_p  久违了,老兄!14:15
hateballAny idea when/if OOo3 will get into Hardy backports?14:15
Kalamotjim_p: ok i ll try, but seems weird everytime you  I to change something in the mixer  I would need to use this option14:15
acetaminophen Kalamot  早上好!14:15
jim_pGnuboi: lspci | grep VGA         at a terminal and paste the output here14:15
* `TonY watching scrubs 14:16
jim_pKalamot: well this will store it to alsa config, and revert it in next boot!14:16
jim_pKalamot: i assume you do use alsa right?14:17
Gnuboijim_p:  bash: lspci: command not found14:18
`TonYsudo /sbin/lspci14:18
jim_pGnuboi: sudo lspci | grep VGA14:18
F-3000iamelite and joaopinto: Thanks for the tips how to save /home. :)14:18
joaopintoyw :)14:18
Gnuboijim_p: i had already done su14:18
jim_pdoes lspci need sudo in your machines guys?14:18
Kalamotjim_p: yes I do use alsa, but my point still stands that everytime I would need to use this command if I change a setting, we should not be forced to use the terminal for such things :)14:18
Slartjim_p: nope14:19
ortsvorsteherjim_p: nope14:19
jim_pGnuboi: apt-get install pciutils14:19
`TonYnope also here, but not to stuck with other ( permission errors )14:19
jim_pKalamot: i thought the problem was alsa not saving the sound levels uppon reboot!14:19
F-3000joaopinto: you know why swap is at the end of the disk?14:20
Gnuboijim_p, i found it is 6xxxxxx14:20
jim_pGnuboi: then you need to install nvidia-glx package14:20
idefixjim_p you're back!14:20
Gnuboijim_p: does ubuntu has prop driver in own repo14:20
jim_pGnuboi: and add Driver "nvidia" in xorg.conf14:20
jim_pGnuboi: yes, do not use nvidias installer14:21
idefixjim_p how's the weather down there in Greece14:21
jim_pidefix, i am terribly sorry about yesterday.14:21
joaopintoF-3000, I am not sure there is any special reason for that, it would need to be at the end, or at the start :P14:21
Gnuboijim_p, why14:21
F-3000Is there a way to find out why an application crashed/vanished? Installer did just that.14:21
idefixjim_p the girl I was talking to who I left had a diamond piercing in her face14:21
`TonYF-3000, tail /var/log/messages14:22
SlartF-3000: check the system log? tail /var/log/syslog14:22
F-3000`Tony, Slart: thanks. :)14:22
joaopintoF-3000, regardinf the swap position, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-installation-40/should-i-put-the-swap-partition-at-the-beginning-or-the-end-of-the-drive-365793/14:22
bazhang_!ot | idefix14:22
ubottuidefix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:22
jim_pGnuboi: because next time nvidia or the kernel upgrades, things will brake. stick to apt!14:22
`TonYF-3000, most welcome14:22
Kalamotjim_p:  well yes , my volume-contol goes back to 81% at every reboot , and it does not matter how i set it so I think it is related to alsa14:23
GnuboiGnuboi: oh14:23
jim_pKalamot: so ... set it to 100, sudo alsactl store, reboot, and it will stay to 100%14:23
Kalamotjim_p: It didnt work, after reboot still 81% and IEC985 uncheked in the switches tab14:25
jim_pKalamot: are you sure you are using alsa? in gnome-sound-properties ...?14:25
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo14:26
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java14:26
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.14:26
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository14:27
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:27
jan500hi.. why interpret bash $#  everything after # as an comment i thought $# is an special variable.. ii wrote an function in /etc/bash.bashrc14:27
=== RachedTN is now known as Rached
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:27
F-3000What folks say about this log? Anything suspicious? http://pastebin.com/m154a900d14:28
djungelkraemAnyone wanna help me with ATI-drivers?14:28
Kalamotjim_p: yes,  sudo alsactl store 0 before reboot and sudo alsactl restore after reboot works but i don't want to do it a every reboot a little bit anoying14:28
jim_pdjungelkraem: me ... i think... possibly14:28
jim_pKalamot: i think alsa loading script does it automatically14:29
Picijan500: It is a special variable.  Is it just your editor coloring it as a comment or is it actually commenting it out when you run it?14:29
Slartjan500: ar you sure you didn't mean $* ? or $@ ?14:29
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
ActionParsnip1!ati | djungelkraem14:29
ubottudjungelkraem: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:29
Kalamotjim_p: not in my case I guess :)14:29
PiciSlart: $# should be the number of parameters14:29
Slartjan500: nevermind me14:29
SlartPici: yes.. found it now14:30
nikki__ALSA + ESD rocks!14:30
F-3000Slart, joaopinto, `TonY: Anything suspicious in this log? http://pastebin.com/m154a900d14:31
tavishwhere can i upload a screenshot of errors in firefox14:31
guixiaohuoIs there any Chinese?14:31
jribtavish: imageshack.us14:31
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:31
djungelkraemjim_p: ah thankyou14:31
SlartF-3000: not that I can see.. not sure what the grep error is about though14:31
`TonYF-3000, what is exactly your problem ?14:32
djungelkraemjim_p: ive tried installing it 2 or 3 times now but everytime my gnome-login fucks up... i cant login.. but i can login on tty 214:32
jim_pdjungelkraem: how did you install?14:32
bazhang_!language | djungelkraem14:32
ubottudjungelkraem: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:32
F-3000`TonY: Installer on live just vanished.14:32
dundelubuntu 8.10 is going to be released on what date?14:32
bazhang_oct 30 dundel14:32
dundelsweet :)14:33
`TonYF-3000, sorry couldn't fully understand14:33
jan500Pici: bash: [: missing `]'14:33
F-3000`TonY: Installer on LiveCD, it just disappeared while doing an install.14:33
jan500Pici: is this correct? if [ $# -ne 2]14:33
djungelkraemjim_p: ive tested both via envyng and this method: http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=260&threadid=10098814:33
`TonYF-3000, reboot and choose the second choice of the bootable cd14:34
jribjan500: space after the 214:34
jan500thx ;)14:34
joaopintoF-3000, yes, /target/etc/apt/sources.list, it was supposed to be available on the specified FS, and it is not14:34
Picijan500: Thats messed me up many times too.14:34
F-3000`TonY: It ignores noapic nolapic options, and installer will certainly fail to install.14:34
jim_pdjungelkraem: is it with the use of ati's piece of !@#$ installer?14:35
djungelkraemjim_p: one time14:35
F-3000joaopinto: Got any ideas why's that?14:35
mxdoomdoes the free version of Evolution mail support public folders for Exchange?14:35
joaopintoF-3000, are you trying to install into an existing partition ?14:35
djungelkraemjim_p: think the problem with envyNG though, was that i activated the propr... drivers from hardware drivers options in ubuntu14:35
jim_pdjungelkraem: the other time?14:36
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
F-3000joaopinto: chose "use whole disk". Unlike I earlier made you understand, there's nothing worthy to save there YET, but I was asking how to save /home for future purposes. :)14:36
ortsvorstehermxdoom: yes. at my office it works14:37
mxdoomortsvorsteher: how do I enable public folder view?14:37
djungelkraemjim_p: first i used envyNG then i used ATIs installer14:37
djungelkraemjim_p: after reinstalling ubuntu14:37
ActionParsnip1djungelkraem: what ati card do you have?14:38
jim_pdjungelkraem: can you uninstall?14:38
djungelkraemactionParsnip X1950Pro14:38
djungelkraemjim_p: yes uninstall ubuntu and installing it again14:38
ortsvorstehermxdoom: it enables your folders allone when you connect with evolution to exchange. cause the folders are there.14:38
=== ivangarcia_ is now known as ivangarcia
joaopintoF-3000, which version are you tryingt to install ? I don't have much knowledge about the installer to help you debugging :\14:39
F-3000joaopinto: is there a tool on the livecd that I can use to examine the HD that it's all okay? It's old enough not to have SMART.14:39
jim_pdjungelkraem: no i mean uninstall all this thing with envyng and ati installer did14:39
F-3000joaopinto: 8.04.14:39
`TonYF-3000, try using noapic acpi=noirq or noapic acpi=off or noapictimer or noapictimer irqpoll or noapic acpi=noirq nolapic14:39
alexmaxHi there, I believe I found an issue with package mnogo-client.  It refuses to automatically configure itself because mysql says that when I try to configure it, it's not actually sending it a password, even if I specify a password in the installation script.14:39
mxdoomortsvorsteher: Ok, but how to I actually see and enable them? I have it setup and connected to exchange via the exchange plug in but I cant see or find my public folders.14:39
joaopintoalexmax, launchpad.net, file a bug report14:40
BaldrHi all ^_^Can someo tell me please ubuntu italian's IRC ?14:40
smoovepQuestion? when I ifconfig up.. i get connection timed out.. any ideas?14:40
joaopintoF-3000, no idea :\14:40
Pici!it | Baldr14:40
ubottuBaldr: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:40
ActionParsnip1djungelkraem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36772914:40
djungelkraemjim_p: i think so: i ran this command: cd /usr/share/ati14:40
djungelkraemsudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh14:40
alexmaxjoaopinto: I was hoping that someone here might be able to verify that I did run into a bug and not overlooking something, but okay14:40
jaypurhi, can i help someone?14:40
F-3000`TonY: Will try.14:40
joaopintoalexmax, ah, sorry14:40
`TonYF-3000, hope it helps14:40
ActionParsnip1djungelkraem: http://www.mepis.org/node/1364714:40
jim_pdjungelkraem: ok do so14:40
`TonYF-3000, good luck14:40
Picialexmax: You can ask in #ubuntu-bugs for verification and/or bug reporting help14:40
smoovepjaypur? do you know how to bring up a eth1 in ubuntu?14:41
Jefois there a command to get a bios sound?14:41
djungelkraemjim_p: ive done that14:41
djungelkraemjim_p:  dont know if that fully uninstalled it though14:41
ortsvorstehermxdoom: there must be at left your inbox. look down if there is a triangle to click in it and open the folders14:41
ActionParsnip1smoovep: sudo ifup eth114:41
neW1Hi guys14:41
jaypursmoovep, see if this may help you - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=555114:41
neW1i need help14:42
jim_pdjungelkraem: sudo apt-get install fglrx14:42
Pici!ask | neW114:42
ubottuneW1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:42
smoovepActionParsnip1 .. i get interface already configured..14:42
neW1ubottu, nevermind, i will ask on ubuntu-server, it's  better suited14:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:42
ActionParsnip1smoovep: then ifconfig to see what the dealio is14:42
mxdoomortsvorsteher: I have all the folder trees expanded, I dont see my prublic folders14:42
jim_pdjungelkraem: NO NO. its sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx14:43
IrishDavidis there anyone here who has used mpif90?14:43
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ortsvorstehermxdoom: sry, im not at work yet, so it is hard to analyze now from here.14:43
jaypursmoovep, got it?14:43
|chiz|_After resuming from suspend with either xf86-video-ati or radeonhd my screen doesn't come on and as far as I can tell the system is unresponsive. Resume does work with fglrx, any ideas on how I can troubleshoot this?14:44
smoovepActionParsnip1 .. ifconfig eth1 up .. Connection timed out14:44
DavidCanariasHi everyone. Can anyone let me know where I can find out how VLC media Player works?14:44
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:44
ActionParsnip1smoovep: what does /etc/network/interfaces say for the interface14:44
PiciDavidCanarias: Try #videolan ? I'm not sure if thats what you want though.14:45
bullgard4Where can I find an introduction to ALSA? (What Wikipedia writes is of low quality.)14:45
jribDavidCanarias: you want to read the source code?14:45
DavidCanariasortsvorsteher: What does the ! sign before vlc mean?14:45
Slartbullgard4: there is an #alsa channel.. they might have some links.. but they are asleep most of the time, afaik14:45
PiciDavidCanarias: Its a trigger for ubottu, but that doesnt have any information you'd need.14:46
DavidCanariasPici: En videolan I can't find any manual.14:46
smoovepActionParsnip1 .. auto eth1 ... iface eth1 inet dhcp14:46
DavidCanariasjrib: Why do I need to read the source code?14:46
F-3000`TonY: Trying noapic nolapic noacpi, since for some odd reason I couldn't type some letters into the command-field at the very beginning.14:46
perfectexodus|chiz|_: I had that same problem for a long time, then I discovered that I had multiple drivers installed.  Did you check that?14:46
ActionParsnip1smoovep: ok cool14:46
ortsvorsteherthx Pici14:46
DavidCanariasI am trying to use VLC for copying DVD videos and can only get so far.....14:46
ActionParsnip1smoovep: you could try static ip and set a suitable ip to ping your dhcp server to test connectivity14:46
jribDavidCanarias: you said you wanted to know how it works.  To me that means reading source code.  Do you just want to know how to *use* vlc?14:46
bullgard4Slart: They are most of the time absent. And I put a question there, and I got the answer that they cannot help me.14:46
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: id look at ffmpeg and mencoder14:47
Slartbullgard4: well... sounds like you found the right channel at least =)14:47
DavidCanariasjrib: Sorry I don't know what yo9u mean by reading source code? Yes all I need is some instructions or kind of manual14:47
smoovepwhen i repload dhcp .. i get SIOCSIFADDR .. No such device14:48
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Convert-DVD-Video-to-AVI-with-Avidemux-54002.shtml14:48
physicsGoodmorning i have a question for you guys.How exactly do you get the burning window effect to work and also.i have messed with so many options in the advanced desktop effects settings that i really would like to put it back at defualt before i messed everything up14:48
DavidCanariasActionParsnip1: Thks. what are ffmpeg and mencoder??14:48
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: its too complex to decribe here14:48
ActionParsnip1!info mencoder | DavidCanarias14:48
ubottudavidcanarias: mencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13 (hardy), package size 3603 kB, installed size 8356 kB14:48
jribDavidCanarias: http://www.videolan.org/doc/ is the manual, but there are a lot of programs in the repositories who copy DVDs14:48
|chiz|_perfectexodus: I do have multiple drivers installed, radeon and radeonhd are both installed, I didn't think it would be an issue since X should only load one of them14:48
bullgard4Slart: May be I should put another question there and not give up at the first time.14:49
Piciphysics: If the effects are working, #compiz-fusion can help you set up specific options.14:49
DavidCanariasActionParsnip1: do I go to terminal and type in    !info mencoder       ?14:49
smoovepActionParsnip1 .. what is SIOCSIFADDR .. can i just tell it to use eth1 ?14:49
ActionParsnip1smoovep: i have no idea man, id set staitc ip to test whats going on14:49
Slartbullgard4: I'm not sure it will help.. isn't there an official alsa site somewhere?14:49
Steve[cug]morning everyone!14:50
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: www.ask.com www.google.com14:50
Steve[cug]Has anyone had any experiences getting a Dell SAS 5/E Card working properly?14:50
Steve[cug]I keep getting errors like the following: Oct 21 03:36:54 nfs2 kernel: [  266.076553] end_request: I/O error, dev sdf, sector 3214:50
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: avidemux seems to be a gui to the apps14:50
ActionParsnip1Steve[cug]: fsck disk sdf14:50
bullgard4Slart: The official website is http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page14:51
tavis1i am having these errors in firefox, http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/tavishnaruka/UntitledAlbum#5259603251726479922   and also im having some hard disk problem. but ff works fine sometimes14:51
SaxonHi All! I have a small problem - I can't create a folder in FileSystem.. what i must do?)14:51
PiciSaxon: Where are you trying to create a folder?14:51
Steve[cug]ActionParsnip1: only abotu half of the disks show up.  the others just report the errors14:51
Steve[cug]I havent had a chance to setup multipath yet though14:52
jribSaxon: why not use ~/.themes/ for your user?14:52
Slartbullgard4: did you check the unofficial wiki linked from that site?14:52
DavidCanariasActionParsnip1: I couldn't make Avidemux work.  All I want to do is to insert a DVD and copy it to the computer. But it's not easy!14:52
ActionParsnip1Steve[cug]: id boot to live cd and check syuff, could be a dying disk or a bad cable connecting14:52
Steve[cug]ActionParsnip1: it's not.  This is a SAS 5/E controller HBA from Dell.14:52
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: there are a few apps to do it but command line offers the greatest power14:52
SaxonOk, I will use it, thank)14:52
Steve[cug]it connects to a PowerVault MD300014:52
bullgard4Slart: Ironically, the ALSA project itself asks: "Please help us to provide better content and organization on this wiki."14:52
jribDavidCanarias: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs14:53
jribDavidCanarias: personally, I use 'dvdbackup', but it is a terminal command14:54
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: http://idolinux.blogspot.com/2008/09/encode-dvd-to-avi-with-mplayer-on-linux.html14:54
DavidCanariasjrib: is it easy to do with terminal14:54
DavidCanariasActionParsnip1: Thks for this interesting info. Thks also to the others that have offered assistance.14:55
jribDavidCanarias: I insert the dvd and run 'dvdbackup -M', so yeah.  It doesn't reencode it, you get a copy of the actual dvd14:55
ActionParsnip1DavidCanarias: its a community remember ;)14:55
jcadamHello. I have a problem on ppp connection. Please help me.14:56
DavidCanariasjrib: Thats exactly what I want. Where do I get dvdback -M from14:56
DavidCanariasActionParsnip!: That's the great thing about Linux, its community and help14:56
jribDavidCanarias: sudo apt-get install dvdbackup14:57
tavis1error in firefox  http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/tavishnaruka/UntitledAlbum#525960325172647992214:57
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository14:57
DavidCanariasjrib: Thks a lot I will try after lunch. If you are around I will let you know how I get on.14:57
ncashanyone good with Tar and Gzip?14:59
jribncash: best to just ask the channel your question14:59
ActionParsnip1ncash: yeah not bad, wassup14:59
ncashWell I backed up my Ubuntu with Tar and gzip and when I go to extract it it errors out with an Output error and tells me to test the integrity with gzip -tvv backup.tar.gz115:00
ActionParsnip1ncash: id do that15:01
ncashWhen I do that 1 block has an error out of the whole thing and I was wondering if there was a way to extract it with the option to ignore errors15:01
ActionParsnip1ncash: did you create it with tar -cvzpf backup.tar.gz /path/to/folder15:01
Ohmu_bblPlease can someone help me get a DHCP server going? http://pastebin.ca/1232787 I've been trying 2 days and I'm getting disheartened15:01
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AppiahUSB wirelss modem15:02
Appiahoh my15:02
Dmolesomeone please help me with setting up static ip on an fresh ubuntu 8.04 install15:02
ActionParsnip1Ohmu_bbl: is this for a wireless dhcp?15:02
ActionParsnip1Dmole: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:03
tavis1i think the link was wrong http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/tavishnaruka/UntitledAlbum#15:03
ncashor cli sudo ifconfig eth0 (ipaddress) netmask (netmask) assuming your wired is eth015:04
ncashifconfig -a will show you15:04
Picitavis1: FloodBot1 is a bot, not a person.15:05
tavis1Pici: i just wanted to see wat would it reply. like ubottu15:05
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Picitavis1: Okay.15:05
ncashproblem is the HDD I had backed my backup onto must've had a bad sector on it because out of the 15GB backup only 1 block of 847KB is bad15:05
ncashI have lots of music I downloaded on Itunes in it and I don't feel like rebuying it all.15:06
ncashplus family pictures.15:06
ActionParsnip1ncash: is the original ok?15:06
ncashheh no.15:06
peterereritunes doesn't allow redownload?15:06
ActionParsnip1so the backup and the original are screwed?15:06
ncashThe original backup I moved to the HDD and did a complete re-install on my system.15:07
peterererif only 1 block is bad... it should be recoverable?15:07
ncashi was just hoping there was a option to ignore the errors.  Or to extract up to block 1900 and skip 1901 (badone) then restart at 1902 to the end of the file15:08
ActionParsnip1ncash: dd_rescue15:08
ActionParsnip1ncash: will create an image but not cry like a baby when it hits errors15:08
ncashI'm unfamiler with dd_rescue what is it.15:08
ActionParsnip1ncash: you can then fsck the image and get your data back.15:08
ActionParsnip1ncash: its like dd but doesnt stop on errors15:09
ActionParsnip1ncash: just keeps going15:09
jago25_99ncash, I guess we've got to low level read it, using things like dd on the umounted device. the closest I got to this was partitioning around the problem rather than rescuing it. The problem I find in these situations is that the drive just clicks away, by a process of elimination I could eventually find the faulty sectors and avoid them. There has to be a better, automated way, especially as use seemed to grow the problem15:09
ncashI will try that.. Thanks alot.15:09
HtheBhi all :)15:10
HtheBI have a question15:10
HtheBWhen I play a song (like using amarok), and run Firefox, it doesnt have sound on Firefox15:10
jago25_99ncash, also investigate google searches for `forensics` or `sector recovery` and things like that,15:11
baonushi, I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 on an HP tx2100 tablet. For some reason my monitor will turn off (I assume for power saving) but will not come back on. Google wasn't much help; any ideas what might cause this? or how to stop it from happening any more?15:11
HtheBI have to close both apps (Ff and amarok) and restart Ff to get sound on firefox. but when I want to listen to music with any player (like amarok) i have to close firefox first again :S15:11
HtheBis this problem common?15:11
jago25_99ncash, read up on sleuthkit and foremost; most apt-get-able15:11
jribHtheB: known in 8.04.  Fixed in 8.10 (due by the end of the month)15:11
Ohmu_bblActionParsnip1: Sorry, powercut. back.15:12
HtheBThanks jrib15:12
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
_daqingI've just installed ubuntu 8.10 beta on MacBook 402, but I cannot connect to the wireless network using network-manager15:12
ncashok thanks for the outside the box thinking fellas15:12
ActionParsnip1ncash: theres testdisk too15:12
PhopsyHi, I'm having some trouble with audio backends - I get no audio except in programs specifically written for KDE4.015:13
Pici!ibex | _daqing15:13
ubottu_daqing: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu15:13
baonusI've use testdisk and it worked like a charm for rebuilding the partition tables15:13
Phopsytestdisk is epically good :) got holiday photos back with testdisk15:13
werswhat makes xorg eat more ram?15:13
Ohmu_bblI want my ubuntubox to provide wireless internet to 2 pcs15:14
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baonusOhmu_bbl: have you looked at iptables for forwarding packets?15:15
HtheBdo you also know if the bug is fixed for the sound bug of hda intel?15:16
jribHtheB: I don't know, check bugs.ubuntu.com15:16
ActionParsnip1Ohmu_bbl: you neded to make the wifi adapter on the dhcp server have a static ip15:16
HtheBThank s:)15:16
mantoothCan someone please direct me to a online guide (that works)  that describes how to install vmware tools on ubuntu 8.04. the vm I am using is really slow.15:16
ShinobiTenohello! I learn scripting now, and I have a question( , whats the difference between `pwd` output and `.` ? Anyone?15:17
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bebehello all15:18
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ShinobiTenoboth ls `pwd` and ls . return home directory...15:18
bebeany one in the US?15:18
DmoleActionParsnip1: thanks I can now ssh to it because the link you sent helped but it's not finding my dns servers now...15:18
DavidCanariasjrib: Hi again. I have installed dvdbackup, but it seems to work from the command line only is that correct?15:18
PhopsyHi, I'm having some trouble with audio backends - I get no audio except in programs specifically written for KDE4.015:18
ActionParsnip1Dmole: then set it in /etc/resolv.conf15:18
jribDavidCanarias: yes15:18
Ohmu_bblActionParsnip1: How to do this?15:19
DavidCanariasjrib: I am clueless in that case how to do this? Any possibility you can explain - if you have time? Or when I can get instructioins??15:19
bebefinger ubuntu15:19
jribDavidCanarias: the link I gave you before I recommended dvdbackup had several gui apps, but I've only used thoggen and that reencodes to ogg, so I can't speak about the others on the page.  You just open a terminal and run 'dvdbackup -M -v'15:19
DmoleActionParsnip1: thanks!15:21
ShinobiTenohello! I learn scripting now, and I have a question( , whats the difference between `pwd` output and `.` ? Anyone?15:21
DmoleActionParsnip1: you are just so helpful15:21
jribShinobiTeno: one prints the current working directory and the other sources files...15:22
DavidCanariasjrib: Thks, then I will have to consult somewhere. Ciao15:22
HtheBdoes anyone else have the ALC889 (soundcard)15:23
jribShinobiTeno: type 'help pwd' and 'help .'15:23
ShinobiTenojrib, sources files? both "ls `pwd`" and "ls ." return current directory... Thats why question. They behave same..?15:23
jribDavidCanarias: it's that one command, there's really nothing else to it15:23
ShinobiTenojrib, didnt know "man ." works. thx!15:24
F-3000Slart: When editing the grub's menu.lst, should I just put "noapic nolapic" after "ro quiet splash"? (without quotes, naturally)15:25
jribShinobiTeno: that's not what you asked.  `pwd` is the output of the pwd command, . is a link in your current directory pointing the current directory15:25
beautifulsnowHi guys, everytime I hit ALT+Right Click,  a window menu pops up. I disabled it on Keyboard Shortcuts and on CCSM. What else do I need to do? Thanks in advance!15:25
jribShinobiTeno: . is also a command though, but not if you use it like 'ls .'15:25
ShinobiTenojrib, but same results...(15:26
F-3000When editing the grub's menu.lst, should I just put "noapic nolapic" after "ro quiet splash"? (without quotes, naturally)15:26
* MANIAKA7000 guten tag!15:26
jribShinobiTeno: sure, same results15:27
ubottu***MANIAKA7000: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:27
F-3000maniaka7000: jawohl!15:27
ShinobiTenojrib, that made me wonder...15:27
KaiForcea while back, an update borked certain Sony Vaio laptops - anyone know what needs to be done to resolve that?  It bombs during boot with "ACPI: read timeout, command = 128"15:28
F-3000jrib: you'd know an answer for my question?15:28
jribF-3000: if those are the options you want, sure15:29
fevelim having  little problem with my dns server, when I ping to corporativo.agiweb.com.br it resolves to an old ip number when pinging from inside my LAN, I guess the ip is somehow cached. Is there a command that I could clear this cache?15:29
F-3000jrib: Thanks.15:29
ShinobiTenofevel, /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart15:29
madmanwalkingrndc flush should work also15:30
LynetKaiForce: Try removing "quiet" from the kernel line (in grub)15:30
alexmaxHow do I determine what files are installed by a particular package?15:30
KaiForceLynet:  roger wilco15:30
alexmaxOr is there a way to search for a package containing a specific file?15:30
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fevelthanks ShinobiTeno15:31
Picialexmax: dpkg -S /path/to/file  if its already installed./15:31
ShinobiTenoalexmax, right click the package in synaptic->properties->installed files.15:31
LynetKaiForce: If I remember correctly, it is some sort of race condition (Linux tries to access something before it is quite ready). Removing the "quiet" slows te boot process down enough for it to work.15:31
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Gneaalexmax: and dpkg --contents /path/to/the.deb15:31
erUSULalexmax: dpkg -L packagename15:32
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cabra1what is the "easiest" way to install Windoze after Hardy?15:32
Lynetcabra1: In a virtual machine.15:32
Gneacabra1: use virtualbox or vmware15:33
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* beautifulsnow asks: Hi guys, everytime I hit ALT+Right Click, a window menu pops up. I disabled it on Keyboard Shortcuts and on CCSM. What else do I need to do? Thanks in advance!15:33
Gnea!vbox | cabra115:33
ubottucabra1: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:33
mixed1234 i can no longer shutdown my machine from within gnome, i think this is related to compiz, anybody has a work around??15:33
binarymutantmixed1234, sudo shutdown -h now15:34
Lynetcabra1: That won't give you accelerated graphics in the Windows virtual machine, though. So if you are installing windows to play games, that won't help you much.15:34
smoovephow do i get eth2 to show up as eth1... there is no other NIC card in the machine.. but the machine seems to think so..15:35
mixed1234binarymutant, so I cannot use "quit" then "shutdown" anymore?15:35
aho_smoovep: look up udev rules15:35
cabra1Evolution is not displaying messages, I have to double click on the message title and then it opens another window, where I read the message...15:36
binarymutantmixed1234, idk why you wouldn't be able to but the terminal command is a really good failsafe/workaround if you cant15:37
ShinobiTenomixed1234, try what binarymutant sayd. Then at least youll know where the problem lies.15:37
thiebaudemixed1234:the terminal is a powerful tool15:38
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:38
blueeyezsomebody in here know a good music converter program? i have tried soundconverter but it fails15:39
mixed1234binarymutant, yes, i can do it through the terminal but i create icons on my deskstop so I can just click in a second, I installed KDE on my distro with compiz and when I came back to gnome I was't able to shutdown bycliking on "quit-->shutdown"15:39
redheat_hi everyone  i need some help if possible15:40
blueeyezspeak out? otherwise people cant help ya15:40
Picitavis1: Do you get the same errors if you disable or remove your extensions?15:40
DenhartHi, can anyone help me with getting my Wifi to work on  2.6.24-19-generic with this network card :  Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Network Connection (rev 61)15:40
Gneablueeyez: convert what to what?15:40
user_i've got a question15:40
redheat_my sound card stopped functioning properly ...15:40
tavis1pici: i dont know, havent tried. let me see15:40
user_how do i remove ubuntu desktop so that i can have gnome/kde15:41
blueeyezdoes any one in here know a sound converter program?15:41
binarymutantmixed1234, idk, on my dekstop with compiz I can still shutdown in gnome... ctrl+alt+del should shutdown too for another quick work around15:41
Gneauser_: ubuntu desktop *is* gnome15:41
thiebaudeuser_:you can add it in synaptic15:41
user_and which is better gnome/kde? which uses less resources15:41
=== alevine is now known as alevine_nothere
mixed1234user_,  if you want KDE just go ahead and install it15:41
Piciuser_: They both use about the same.15:41
Gneablueeyez: to convert what format to what format?15:41
thiebaudeuser_"i use fluxbox15:41
tavis1pici: should i disable the ubuntu firefox mod adoon too15:41
Gneablueeyez: wav to mp3? ogg to flak?15:41
Picitavis1: No, that one should be okay.15:41
SlartF-3000: sorry.. missed your message there.. how did the reinstall go?15:41
ShinobiTenouser_, GNOME uses less resources on start, but more if a lot of progz are open.15:42
mixed1234user_, gnome uses less resources, it takes a bit to get used to, KDE is more visually pleasing although it consumes more resources15:42
F-3000Slart: Smoothly. Currently installing updates (138 left).15:42
smoovepQuestion? how can i turn eth0 to premiscuous mode? ... and if anyone can give me detail to what it means... thanks.15:42
user_i'm used to both15:42
binarymutantuser_, try fluxbox if your concerned with resources, or icewm, or even dwm ;)15:42
user_i want a desktop interface that uses less resources15:42
thiebaudeuser_:to me kde has too many menus15:42
SlartF-3000: there is a line starting that, on my machine, looks like this "# defoptions=quiet splash"15:42
Gneauser_: e17 will use the least resources15:42
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox15:42
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.15:43
mixed1234user_, you want to use xubuntu, xfce15:43
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:43
thiebaudeuser_"there are soo many options15:43
SlartF-3000: you just add your extra things there, after the other stuff.. then save the file and run "sudo update-grub"15:43
ubottufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/15:43
F-3000Slart: How important the "update-grub" is?15:44
dumb_questionnot sure if this is the right place to ask this, but: is there an easy way to alias a drive to "C:" so as to preserve e.g. windows bookmarks etc that I've copied over? I have a large Zotero library that I've copied over, but it's looking for all the files under C:/Documents and Settings/etc instead of /mount/disk/Docu... - is there an easy way to set up an alias or something to solve this?15:44
ShinobiTenouser_, you can aso use rox, its somewhat different.15:44
user_i'll take a look15:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rox15:44
SlartF-3000: you *can* edit the kernel lines directly if you want to.. but those changes will be wiped out when there comes a new kernel15:44
user_at fluxbox and xubuntu15:44
Gneadeb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu/ hardy e1715:44
F-3000Slart: So it's not late to do that update-thing?15:44
tavis1pici: yes, i am getting the same problems. its like firefox cannot read or write stored data. i dont have any history or bookmarks. but sometimes, when it works absolutely fine, i do get all my history and bookmarks back15:45
SlartF-3000: the update-grub thingy moves those options to all the kernel lines further down in the file.. and does it to any new kernels you might install in the future15:45
smoovepQuestion? how to set eth0 to premiscuous mode.. Thanks.15:45
binarymutantaren't they making enlightenment for mobile devices now?15:45
SlartF-3000: no, you can do that next week if you want to.. =)15:45
Picitavis1: have you used the chmod command recently?15:45
user_but i don't want the windows look15:45
F-3000Slart: as long as I haven't updated the kernel, right?15:45
SlartF-3000: correct15:45
user_i HATE win15:45
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents15:45
user_messed up my partition15:45
tavis1pici: what does chmod do. i remember using it, but dont know why15:46
F-3000user_: Don't bother with hating. Despising is usually enough. ;)15:46
Gneauser_: you can also check out www.elivecd.org if you'd like to try it before installing15:46
zambahow can i set up grub on a second hard drive that's just got the whole system mirrored?15:46
Gneauser_: e17 and fluxbox are probably the least-like windows out of them all15:46
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blackbox15:46
F-3000user_: What kind of mix you're trying to make?15:46
Gneablueeyez: please keep it to the channel15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dwm15:46
user_any web page for e17 ?15:46
thiebaudethere are tons of window managers in synaptic15:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about geubuntu15:47
jbroome_user_: enlightnement.org is a good start15:47
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
smoovepifconfig eth0 -promisc ????15:47
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:47
=== JewingGum is now known as OxDEADBEEF
Gneauser_: www.enlightenment.org is the main one,  deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu/ hardy e17  <-- that will get you packages that work just fine in hardy herring15:47
Picitavis1: It changes the owner and permissions on files.  What does    ls -l ~/.mozilla/    say?15:48
blueeyezdoes anyone in here know a music/video file converter program? that supports most of all types?15:48
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=== oxdeaded is now known as oxdeadedd
user_i just want a desktop to use on my pc - nothing too fancy , i need a web browser (firefox), a chat like ymsgr(pidgin? - not the best choice probably), wine for war3 and garena - a program that emulates lan games over the internet15:48
Gneablueeyez: for audio, i usually go with audacity.. for video, avidemux15:48
thiebaudeuser_:If you ever want to check out fluxbox:sudo apt-get install fluxbox15:48
* beautifulsnow asks: Hi guys, everytime I hit ALT+Right Click, a window menu pops up. I disabled it on Keyboard Shortcuts and on CCSM. What else do I need to do? Thanks in advance!15:48
=== oxdeadedd is now known as OxDEADEDD
Pici!nickspam > OxDEADEDD15:48
ubottuOxDEADEDD, please see my private message15:48
tavis1yes, i did use that or something like ls -l ~/.mozilla/ to restore settings in firefox. but i did that because i was having the same problem15:49
blueeyezoka i will check if it will work for me:)15:49
Picitavis1: What does the output of that command say?15:50
Slartbeautifulsnow: hmm.. is that menu generated by gnome or compiz?15:50
mixed1234anyone knows what login manager gnome uses and how I can switch it back?15:50
binarymutantmixed1234, gdn15:50
binarymutantmixed1234, gdm *15:50
tavis1pici: should i do it again?15:50
beautifulsnowSlar, gnome, because when I run failsafe terminal, and load metacity, the menu still comes up15:50
mixed1234binarymutant, do you know how to enable gdm??15:50
Ohmu_bblcan anyone rescue this or bury it? http://pastebin.ca/1232818 (attempt to create wireless access point off ubuntu box)15:50
case^can amarok rip cd's?15:50
Picitavis1: Yes, this command doesn't change anything, just tells us what the permissions are set for that folder.15:51
thiebaudeis gdm in synaptic?15:51
binarymutantmixed1234, sudo apt-get install gdm, and then sudo apt-get remove kdm15:51
Slartbeautifulsnow: ah.. hang on.. I'll take a look, see if I can find anything15:51
binarymutantmixed1234, or through synaptic15:51
mixed1234binarymutant, i think gdm is already installed, how do I check to see if it's installed already?15:51
tavis1wats the full command -l ~/.mozilla/ ?15:51
user_and how can i remove all the programs that i don't need that were installed from ubuntu cd?15:51
blueeyezaudacity does not support wmv or flv15:51
Picitavis1: ls -l ~/.mozilla/15:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purge15:52
binarymutantmixed1234, type gdm into a terminal and hit tab, or you could just look at synaptic15:52
tavis1total 815:52
tavis1drwx------ 3 tavish root 4096 2008-10-17 17:32 extensions15:52
tavis1drwx------ 3 tavish root 4096 2008-10-17 17:32 firefox15:52
Slart!pastebin | tavis115:52
ubottutavis1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:52
F-3000Slart: If the whole Ubuntu hangs up so badly that all I can do is press power/reset-button, what you'd consider as a source for the problem?15:52
Pestgey is here someone from Crete,Greece ? :(15:52
Picitavis1: sudo chown -R tavish:tavish ~/.mozilla/15:52
Pici!gr | Pest15:53
ubottuPest: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:53
mixed1234binarymutant, i have gdm installed, you know how to enable and disable kdm?15:53
blueeyezdoes anyone know a program that special supports mp3, wmv and flv? and a lot more video/audio files?15:53
blueeyeza converter program15:53
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geniiffmpeg will use whatever codecs you have installed15:53
SlartF-3000: no matter what you do? it's not just happening when you run something special? I would suggest the noapic and nolapic stuff but you're already using those15:53
binarymutantmixed1234, well I would remove kdm, which you can do in synaptic but there are ways to do it in the terminal as well15:54
Pestubottu i alredy tryed in this channles noone can give me hand dare :(15:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:54
Pestthx anyway15:54
blueeyezi have tried it but didnt work15:54
thiebaudebye guys,later15:54
tavis1pici: its working fine now!!  thanks a lot pici !15:54
F-3000Slart: Now it froze while booting, and two lights are flashing on keyboard. I assume it did use those parameters I did input into menu.lst.15:54
ShinobiTenoPest, what problems do you have?15:55
SlartF-3000: did you have a chance to run update-grub?15:55
F-3000Slart: ctrl+alt+del has no effect.15:55
Ridehhey how can i tell what package dependencies something is compiled with? i want to see if openldap compiled with openssl s15:55
F-3000Slart: I did it before reboot.15:55
Picitavis1: Great :)15:55
Gneablueeyez: i told you: avidemux and audacity.15:55
kk_ubuntuhello, I use recordmydesktop on ubuntu hardy and find that when I finish my recording and play the out.ogg file in vlc, the video and sound is not in tandum.  the vidio comes late and audio come early.  it is not syncronised. has some one faced this problem?15:55
SlartF-3000: there is some kind of "secret handshake" key combo to force a reboot.. can't remember it though15:55
SlartF-3000: just powercycle it15:55
Gneablueeyez: audacity does support audio files15:55
ShinobiTeno@everyone, is there a way to make Audacity work with PulseAudio????15:56
blueeyezaudacity didnt work15:56
Gneamaybe you didn't take the time to get to know it right15:56
SlartShinobiTeno: isn't audacity oss only?15:56
F-3000Slart: Any way to see what went wrong at last boot, in case the system starts now?15:56
SlartF-3000: well.. there's always the logs15:56
blueeyezwell yea but i need flv and wmv converted into mp315:57
ShinobiTenoSlart, thats the problem. It requires some exclusive access...15:57
SlartF-3000: /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog, /var/log/kern.log15:57
ShinobiTenoSlart, using mxWaveEdit instead...15:57
kk_ubuntuthe recordmydesktop is being run on hardy 64 and the video lags wen the output is played15:57
F-3000Slart: Wrote those log-names down...15:57
F-3000Slart: Now it froze on white screen. I think login crashed.15:58
blueeyezoka i found a way:P15:58
SlartF-3000: can you use the recovery option in grub?15:59
F-3000Slart: Again it doesn't respond at all.15:59
blueeyezor well its mp3 now but its still filling 23 MB15:59
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F-3000Slart: That's what I'm going to try next.15:59
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Jefois there a command to get a bios sound?15:59
PiciJefo: What is bios sound?15:59
blueeyezGnea dont you know a music/video converter in same program?16:00
Slartbeautifulsnow: hmm.. I took a look in gconf-editor.. there are lots of shortcuts for nautilus and metacity.. but as far as I could tell it was all keyboard stuff. notthing for the mouse16:00
JefoPici, i mean the sound that comes from the mainboard, not the soundcard/speakers16:00
Jefosystem sound16:01
beautifulsnowOh Slart where may i find that file? the shortcut is not listed as Alt+Button 2 or something?16:01
Gneablueeyez: i've already told you what they are in ubuntu.16:01
scientus_according to mount /etc/mtab has my drive mounted but via umount it is unmounted, i cant deleate or look at mtab m=but mount tells me what actually is mounted, how do i mount without consultng mtab??16:01
Jefolike for a boot error16:01
Ridehis there a way in ubuntu to specify support to be compiled in when using apt-get - example slapd+openssl16:01
Gneablueeyez: if you want to get extra fancy, there's always ffmpeg, but it's not a gui16:01
zambai've just mirrored my hard drive to an other hard drive, using cp -ax / /new-drive16:02
PiciRideh: No, because apt-get doesn't compile things, it just gets binaries.16:02
zambanow i want to set up grub16:02
zambahow do i do this?16:02
RidehPici:  ty, i miss gento's use flag portage setup.. oh well16:03
PiciRideh: You could use apt-get source and compile yourself (or use apt-build, but I'm not too familiar with that)16:03
tMishintrepid is too raw for me. going back t 8.0416:03
bastid_raZor!grub | zamba16:03
ubottuzamba: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:03
PiciJefo: Before Ubuntu has booted?16:03
zambabastid_raZor: i've tried this.. but when entering root hd1,0 it says unrecognized device string16:03
oikyafter rebooting, some of my settings (eg kopete xchat) were lost. anyone knows what the problem?16:04
JefoPici, i just want to know how to make that system sound16:04
zambabastid_raZor: and that find command just gives me the file..?16:04
F-3000Slart: kern.log's last line before crash: [59...] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions16:04
railsbobmsg nickserv identify anup123416:05
Picirailsbob: Time to change that password.16:05
codebluecan some one help me, I made an account with adduser --disable-login rt16:05
codebluenow i cant use "screen" on that account16:05
F-3000Slart: messages log says same.16:05
codebluehere is the error: Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/2' - please check.16:05
Slartbeautifulsnow: just run gconf-editor in a terminal.. it's a tree structure.. much like the windows registry if you've ever messed with that16:06
SlartF-3000: I don't think that's the one..16:06
markalsahello, i am trying to do record of my desktop but all the programs dont work16:06
SlartF-3000: can you pastebin the system log?16:07
markalsaistanbul, recordmydesktop, xvidcap16:07
SlartF-3000: sudo apt-get pastebinit; cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit16:07
markalsaall have problems16:07
bastid_raZorzamba; from the 2nd link did you try the Reinstalling grub option of using the Ubuntu CD16:07
F-3000Slart: While syslog's last message was avahi-daemon[4606] : Registering new address record for MAC-address on eth0.*.16:07
hoontekeI have a few bad bits in one of my ram chips.  I understand there is a kernel module "badram" that deals with this automatically by taking those bits out of the allocation algorithm.  Does Ubuntu use this kernel module, and how do I find out my setup?16:08
aaron_my firefox is taking up my entire desktop16:08
aaron_how do I switch it back16:08
SlartF-3000: I doubt it's avahi.. I would guess apic/lapic problems or graphics problems..16:08
Slartaaron_: double click the title panel16:08
Slartaaron_: or press F1116:08
F-3000Slart: How I check if that noapic actually kicked in?16:08
aaron_thanks how do I save the setting...still opens and takes my whole desktop16:10
SlartF-3000: try this "grep -i apic /var/log/dmesg16:10
Slartaaron_: afaik it should save it between sessions.. without doing anything16:10
F-3000Slart: There's 8 lines returned.16:11
aaron_I close it and it opens and takes my whole desktop16:11
CoiotesHas anyone here exported Apple Mail settings/contacts to Evolution/Thunderbird on Linux? Having trouble finding a guide to do it easily.16:11
goukiIs there a minimal CD image of Intrepid already? Can't seem to find it.16:11
SlartF-3000: you can compare it to my output from the same command.. http://pastebin.com/f5962bac216:11
F-3000Slart: And apt-get pastebinit gives "E: Invalid operation pastebinit"16:11
Gneagouki: they should know in #ubuntu+116:12
SlartF-3000: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit16:12
SlartF-3000: forgot the install =)16:12
Slart!info pastebinit | F-300016:12
ubottuf-3000: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB16:12
ActionParsniphey all16:12
Slartello ActionParsnip16:13
ActionParsnipif i force an fsck will it scan both partitions on my one and only internal disk16:13
scientus_according to mount /etc/mtab has my drive mounted but via umount it is unmounted, i cant deleate or look at mtab m=but mount tells me what actually is mounted, how do i mount without consultng mtab??16:13
Gneascientus_: just use the mount command16:13
F-3000Slart: Had to do "dhclient" to get net-access. :P16:14
scientus_ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda116:14
scientus_mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/sda116:14
Gneascientus_: df16:14
scientus_ df16:14
scientus_df: cannot read table of mounted file systems: Stale NFS file handle16:14
ActionParsnipor if i force the fsck will it only scan /?16:14
scientus_and i dont use NFS16:14
scientus_and have never used it16:14
FloodBot3scientus_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:14
scientus_and this persisted through restarting16:14
sam__how can i optimize squid for downloads, i have windows & mac users who download fairly large OS and antivirus updates, i don't want the same file coming down the wire each time16:15
SlartF-3000: hehe.. recovery mode is hard to work with =)16:15
Gneascientus_: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab?16:15
F-3000Slart: http://pastebin.com/f6799682316:15
SlartActionParsnip: I remember seeing that info in some man page.. can't remember where though.. didn't find it in man shutdown, man fsck, man reboot16:15
Gneasam__: #squid16:15
ActionParsnipsam__: setup a local windows update server and local antivirus server to spread out updates16:15
ActionParsnipSlart: cheers man16:16
F-3000Slart: Gotta say, I'm a lot easier one to help at, as I've installed FreeBSD, and fooled around with it a lot. :)16:16
SlartF-3000: never messed with freebsd.. it's on my todo list though.. check line 62 in your pastebin.. it says "#16:17
SlartOct 21 17:33:25 markku-desktop kernel: [    0.000000] Kernel command line: root=UUID=884f6f6f-e9f5-4e78-99b7-0c09230128bd ro quiet splash noapic nolapic16:17
Slartbah.. sorry everyone16:17
FloodBot3Slart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:17
F-3000Slart: So that's supposed to mean that apic is off the game?16:18
Gneascientus_: looks like /media/sda1 is already setup automatically16:18
scientus_but its not mounted16:18
scientus_and mount -a doesnt work16:18
SlartF-3000: that's my guess.. but then there are lines claiming "bla bla bla apic enabled" and such..16:18
Gneahow do you know that?16:18
scientus_i understand the basics but i have some wierd corruption that prevents me from resetting mtab16:18
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F-3000Slart: I noticed same.16:19
F-3000Slart: I'll try boot with apic enabled.16:19
Gneawell, we're going to have to run through the basics to get anywhere, i'm not going to assume what you do/don't know. that would be counterproductive.16:19
SlartF-3000:do that.. it's not like it can get worse16:19
scientus_rm wont remove it16:19
Guest41531hej są tu polacy??16:19
mixed1234how do you report a bug???16:19
flourishhello everyone, one day i saw a command: maybe it is : find ./ -iname "*.cue" | xargs chmod 644 + , what deos the "+" here mean and where is it from?16:19
dusty-stsHey guys I have purchased mobile broadband from T-Mobile and they have bundled this modem with it: Bus 002 device 002: id 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co, LTD. E220 HSDPA Modem.  It works great under windows, but I am fighting with it to get it working under Ubuntu, it appears to be supported by my kernel and recognises it fine.  I just can't seem to configure it to connect to the net, no matter what I try..  Has anyone in here had any e16:19
dusty-stsxperience with this ?16:19
Slart!pl | Guest4153116:19
ubottuGuest41531: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl16:19
Gnea!bug | mixed123416:19
ubottumixed1234: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:19
scientus_!launchpad | mixed1234,16:19
ubottumixed1234,: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/16:20
F-3000Slart: It might even fix it. :D Altho if that's the case, I'll be tolly confused. Since I wasn't able to do installation with apic on.16:20
Gneascientus_: what's this /mnt/www ?16:20
mxdoomWho here uses exchange?16:20
scientus_its just a samba driev Gnea16:20
Gnea!ask | mxdoom16:20
ubottumxdoom: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:20
scientus_it works fine16:20
Slartmxdoom: exchange on linux? sounds like fun.. using wine? =)16:20
mxdoomSlart: ;p16:21
mxdoomGnea: don't make me call the qq police.16:21
FreshUbuntuNoobflourish, + adds the specified modes to the specified classes16:21
mixed1234Gnea, so we can't report a bug anonymously?  we have to create an account?16:21
scientus_how do i force deleate the /etc/mtab file, rm wont work16:21
Gneamxdoom: heh, go right ahead16:21
Gneamixed1234: that's right.16:22
binarymutantmixed1234, anonymously = spam16:22
Gneamixed1234: anonymous is weak.16:22
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code16:22
=== skillz is now known as skilledone
geniiscientus_: Since that file keeps getting dynamically re-made by the system you will never get rid of it16:22
Slartscientus_: I'm not sure mtab is a normal file.. or it's generated .16:22
mxdoomI'm looking for an exchange compatible client, but evolution sucks! It doesn't support all types of public folders and it doesn't support css! That i terrible! I need a email client that support CSS, exchange, public folder, and calendar and contact support that exchange offers but I need it on ubuntu.16:22
user_sorry to bother you again but how do i install e17 desktop shell16:22
F-3000Slart: How did I edit with vi again? :D I (letter) doesn't work this time.16:23
SlartF-3000: I hate vi.. can't you use nano instead?16:23
Gneascientus_: alright, let's go with a pastebin of dmesg16:23
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida16:23
scientus_no gneii, i think its corrupt and by removing it will work again16:23
zer0nehi, can anyone explain why my atheros wifi card no longer works under or 21 kernels. the kernel is not loading the appropriate mdules..?16:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about exchange16:23
flourishFreshUbuntuNoob: thanks, i find the original command: find ~ -iname '.DirIcon' -exec tar uPvf icon.tar {} +16:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about email16:23
ubottumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com16:23
flourishFreshUbuntuNoob: where does the "+" come from?16:23
SlartF-3000: but to answer your question.. I thought 'i' was for insert mode..16:23
Gneascientus_: if you think that will fix it, then just do it16:24
geniiscientus_: If you remove it then the system will not know what filesystems are mounted16:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emailclient16:24
FreshUbuntuNoobmxdoom, AFAIK, there is no fully compatible client with Exchange16:24
SlartF-3000: I don't know any other secret keys to make it work16:24
MTecknologyikonia: hi16:24
scientus_rm /etc/mtab16:24
scientus_rm: cannot remove `/etc/mtab': Stale NFS file handle16:24
scientus_i cant do it16:24
user_anyone know how to get e17 desktop?16:24
Slartscientus_: why do you want to remove it?16:24
F-3000Slart: nano did the trick. :D16:24
Gneascientus_: ls -l /etc/mtab  perms?16:24
binarymutantmxdoom, never heard of a linux email client that works well with exchange, you could turn IMAP or POP on though16:24
binarymutantuser_, e17 is still in development I think, but I know you could get e1616:25
Gneauser_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-e17-enlightenment-desktop-in-ubuntu.html16:25
user_thank you16:25
F-3000Slart: I use edit on FreeBSD, vi on my webhost (SSL), and... heck, haven't yet found out "works on them all"-type for linux. :P16:25
Gneabinarymutant: e17 is stable enough to recommend now16:25
Gneabinarymutant: www.elivecd.org  only requires 100mhz and 64MB of ram.16:26
binarymutantGnea, is it going to be in intrepid? I've been waiting for it to get into the repos16:26
savidHow do I browse a windows share that requires a password?16:26
F-3000Slart: It booted all cool.16:26
Gneabinarymutant: i doubt it16:26
SlartF-3000: *sigh*.. one of these days I'll have to sit down and learn vi.. or emacs.. or both.. then my tranformation will be complete.. I can uninstall gnome and just run in textmode.. with the occasional text mode quake session.. ;)16:26
binarymutantGnea, :*(16:26
SlartF-3000: with apic enabled?16:27
F-3000Slart: Yep.16:27
lungrenWhen i installed ubuntu it deleted vista but i still want a windows on here dual-booted.  is there any way i can get a copy of xp using my proof of purchase or something?16:27
Gneascientus_: hrm, it says your samba server isn't responding16:27
scientus_thats cause i hibernated16:27
SlartF-3000: it's a weird weird world.. but still, this time it's actually good.. you've got a working ubuntu install16:27
Picilungren: You'll need to contact your vendor for that, or ask in ##windows16:27
lihoo_hosojust use vBox..16:27
scientus_but yeah im not sure its up right now, but i had this prob when it was up16:28
F-3000Slart: Not said yet. I need to see if it crashes on it's own again.16:29
Gneascientus_: yeah, hibernation will screw things up sometimes16:29
=== mediacenter is now known as Torway
t2hi all,  since source-o-matic is down forever, is there any other website that will let me configure my sources.list ?   Where can i find a list of all ubuntu repositorys ie location based and also the non-official stuff like the Opera Browser repo ?   thanks16:29
F-3000Slart: And it did *just* that when I opened updater.16:30
TorwayHi, I have had the same reoccuring problem now for over a week... Everything seems to be working fine but sound is not working in such applications as Miro, Youtube and Myspace. Sound IS working when testing through Sound settings and watching DVDs... (its an new mediacenter PC wtih AMD64 etc) Any ideas please??16:30
Gneascientus_: see if you can boot the livecd and remove the mtab that way16:30
scientus_seriously why isnt there a force rm16:30
echinos_rm -f?16:30
F-3000Slart: No any kind of reaction.16:30
scientus_just remap where that file pointer points to16:30
scientus_rm -f didnt work16:30
SlartF-3000: sigh.. nothing in the logs this time either I suppose?..16:30
F-3000Slart: ctrl+alt+del doesn't work. ctrl+alt+F# doesn't work...16:31
lbcitorway: have you played with the mixer settings? maybe on a diff channel16:31
F-3000Slart: Gotta check once it boots.16:31
SlartF-3000: just be happy it isn't a laptop =)16:31
Torwayibci: What is the mixer settings?16:31
dusty-stsHey guys I have purchased mobile broadband from T-Mobile and they have bundled this modem with it: Bus 002 device 002: id 12d1:1003 Huawei Technologies Co, LTD. E220 HSDPA Modem.  It works great under windows, but I am fighting with it to get it working under Ubuntu, it appears to be supported by my kernel and recognises it fine.  I just can't seem to configure it to connect to the net, no matter what I try..  Has anyone in here had any e16:31
dusty-stsxperience with this ?16:31
F-3000Slart: No way? I began with Kubuntu and a laptop!16:32
Luis_help please16:32
aguiteldusty-sts, is usb modem ?16:32
hoontekewill badram or equivalent functionality be included in Intrepid?16:32
binarymutantLuis_, help w/ what?16:32
kunwon1hoonteke, ask them in #ubuntu+1 :)16:33
Luis_I cant connect.16:33
hoontekethat's a channel?16:33
hoontekecool, didn't know16:33
F-3000Slart: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/F300016:33
kunwon1hoonteke, yes16:33
binarymutantLuis_, are you on it right now?16:33
Luis_I have a MEDION laptop and a ADVENT computer running ubuntu16:33
Luis_im on my laptop right now totalk to you16:33
user_what's the command to see what version of ubuntu i have?16:34
bastid_raZoruser_; lsb_release -a16:34
Gneauser_: lsb_release -a16:34
bastid_raZortwo answers is too much for that guy.16:34
ThexLeopardhello all, i have a problem with my java runtime environment, it wont run java programs, anyone have any ideas what the problem might be?16:35
binarymutantLuis_, so are you connected by ethernet cable or wifi?16:35
ubunt2i have problems with my installation of 8.04 on my desktop16:35
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Luis_Well, laptop = wifi, but I have ethernet connection for the ubuntu PC, it just doesnt connect.16:35
F-3000Slart: Man, my memory sucks. :D16:36
ubunt2i have windows installed and a former ubuntu version and the installation gets stck 4 hours now16:36
binarymutantLuis_, hmm, type sudo dhclient into a terminal, but it sounds like a router or internet problem16:36
F-3000Slart: "If you need to use special commands while booting with LiveCD, and you need to add the same commands into boot with installed Kubuntu, just slip them into GRUB."16:36
Luis_I done the command16:36
oalephello, im running a ubuntu live cd on my crappy windows laptop, i connected my pendrive but i dont know how to access it,16:36
ubunt2live cd starts normally16:37
oalephow can i see the list of storage units?16:37
SlartF-3000: ok, back again..  .. oh.. you've done this before =)16:37
geniioalep: sudo fdisk -l16:37
F-3000Slart: Installed Kubuntu on laptop which has Vista.16:37
ubunt2but during the installation on the harddrive, 8.04 seems to try to reduce a windows partition instead of using unpartitionned disk space16:38
Luis_I done the command, now what?16:38
F-3000Slart: Done it twice, actually.16:38
user_anyone know a different address on a tutorial on how to install e17 desktop? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-e17-enlightenment-desktop-in-ubuntu.html didn't work16:38
F-3000Slart: But per my experience, Kubuntu is relatively unstable.16:38
binarymutantLuis_, if it worked you should see an ip and be able to connect to the internet, if not check the wires and make sure they are plugged in16:38
ikoniauser_: is it available as a package in synaptic ?16:38
Adamany one know any other wireless config tools other than wireless manager?16:38
ThexLeopardneed help with java runtime environment16:38
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user_i think not16:38
F-3000Slart: *especially* if you customize the appearance. More customized, more unstable.16:38
Adami mean network manager16:38
=== Adam is now known as Guest36019
ikoniauser_: then you'll have to build it yourself16:39
jronnew question... why can't my default user edit files created under a nagios:nagios when my default user is part of the nagios group?16:39
=== Guest36019 is now known as AdamDH
SlartF-3000: I've been so lucky when it comes to ubuntu so far.. installed it on 1 laptop and 2 desktops.. no problems .. working wireless, graphics etc etc16:39
jronnew = newb. :P16:39
Luis_I didn'tget an IP. But I did get things appearing.16:39
F-3000Slart: Did you know, that if you want to make MP3s with Kubuntu, all you got is command-line tool? :P16:39
user_ok where do i get the source?16:39
binarymutantLuis_, what does it say?16:39
ubunt2from ubuntu.com16:39
Luis_It says:16:39
lobo0I chose to not install the bootloader in "Advanced" when I installed Ubuntu. Does this mean that I can't boot Ubuntu from Vista's bootloader, or that I just won't see grub when I first start up?16:39
elli222anybody using xnest here? i seem to have a problem connecting to myself...16:40
ikoniauser_: the e17 website16:40
lucaxhey guys, is ibex coming with clear intrepid as default gnome-theme?16:40
SlartF-3000: well.. command line is pretty nice.. I'm using irssi for irc16:40
F-3000Slart: I discovered that last week.16:40
Slartlucax: better ask in #ubuntu+1 , that's where the beta people hang16:40
elli222oh ill go there too16:41
F-3000Slart: Well, it's useful and stuff, but... if you don't know how to write a script, and want to import your favorite CD as MP3, you're in serious trouble with Kubuntu. :/16:41
Luis_"Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.6"    "Copyright 2004-2007 Internet Systems Consortium."    "All rights reserved."    "For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/'sw/dhcp/"16:41
Luis_Then at the bottom "No broadcast interfaces found - exiting."16:41
lucaxSlart, thanks16:41
dusty-stsyup usb16:42
WhitorHi, I just installed a program... argus ... when I try to run it, it tells me that the program is not installed, I may install it by typing "sudo apt-get install argus-server"   ... which I did, and it told me that it was already installed ... I ran a locate argus and found the executable in /usr/sbin ... but when I try to run it, it still tells me its not installed... whats up ? how do I fix this ?16:42
Slartlucax: you're welcome16:42
F-3000Slart: One of the things I love in linux is that you can switch desktops on the run. I succeeded to crash one game, all I needed to do is ctrl+alt+F2 and killall -15 gamename, and switch back.16:42
ikoniaWhitor ehck your path variable16:42
Whitorikonia, where ?16:42
binarymutantLuis_, type lspci into a terminal16:42
binarymutantLuis_, and then pastebin it16:42
Luis_Woah, loads of text.16:42
ikonialobo0: sayign anyone is pointless, if they missed the question "anyone" won't help them see it, if they dont' know tha answer saying "anyone" won't make them know it16:43
ikoniaWhitor: echo $PATH16:43
Luis_Pastebin? Sorry, I'm new to ubuntu.16:43
SlartF-3000: yup.. I really like that you can almost always ssh from the laptop and kill whatever program is being stubborn16:43
`TonYWhitor, sudo apt-get install argus-client , if you are trying to do so16:43
lobo0I chose to not install the bootloader in "Advanced" when I installed Ubuntu. Does this mean that I can't boot Ubuntu from Vista's bootloader, or that I just won't see grub when I first start up?16:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:43
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ikonialobo0 the windows boot loader cannot boot linux16:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:43
ikonialobo0: it can boot grub16:43
Slartlobo0: I think so, yes.. I doubt Vista will help you boot ubuntu..16:43
hwildeis there any way to really debug why livecd dumps to busybox initramfs ?16:44
MTecknologyikonia: well - after all that - I'm just going to leave grub on my hard drive. I was trying to lock down my laptop but it's coming at the expense of too much battery life....16:44
lobo0so I have to go back and install grub?16:44
Whitorikonia, yeah, that lets me see the $PATH ... hod do I chang eit ?16:44
ikoniaMTecknology ooh really, thats asid16:44
Luis_This is gonna take aLONG time to copyout..16:44
ikoniaWhitor is /usr/sbin in your path16:44
ikoniaMTecknology "sad"16:44
Whitor`TonY, I nstalled argus-client aswell ...16:44
F-3000Slart: GUI crashed while we were talking... :/16:44
ikoniaMTecknology: I ran a test on my laptop and grub went onto the SD card, no problem16:44
Whitorikonia, yes it is16:44
Baldrciao a tutti16:44
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Pici!it | Baldr16:44
ubottuBaldr: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:44
ikoniaWhitor: ok, so ls- la /usr/bin/$program_name16:44
ikoniaWhitor: ok, so ls -la /usr/bin/$program_name16:45
BaldrOps sorry english one :D16:45
MTecknologyikonia: I'm wondering if grub couldn't detect that as a valid drive... maybe my hardware is still too new16:45
oalephi, wich command can show mne all my storage units and their sizes in MB16:45
ubunt2is there a less noisy chatromm to discuss install questions?16:45
Whitorikonia, so create a simlink in /usr/bin ?16:45
F-3000Slart: This is interesting..16:45
ikoniaMTecknology well, that shouldn't be a problem16:45
SlartF-3000: found something?16:45
bastid_raZoroalep;  df -h16:45
Whitoris that whats thats doing ?16:45
outbackwifioalep: sudo fdisk -l16:45
ikoniaWhitor: no - I said do "ls -la /usr/sbin/application_name16:45
ikoniaMTecknology: if ubuntu can see it - grub should be able to see it16:46
MTecknologyikonia: I'm probably doing something wrong. Thanks for helping me though. I appreciate it.16:46
F-3000Slart: http://pastebin.com/f51e1a60616:46
Whitorikonia, he, no you said <ikonia> Whitor: ok, so ls- la /usr/bin/$program_name16:46
ikoniaMTecknology not at all, if you want to try again - say and we'll work thorugh iwth it16:46
ikoniaWhitor I corrected myself the line under it16:46
F-3000Slart: Line 4 and 5.16:46
ikoniaWhitor: and ls is not a link16:46
MTecknologyI'll remember ya for when I do try again since I most likely will16:47
Whitorikonia, in oyur third statement, oyu changfe bin to sbin ...16:47
F-3000Slart: Line 6 is just saying that I typoed the password after GUI crash, which forced me to re-login.16:47
SlartF-3000: anacron?16:47
outbackwifiubunt2: this is a support channel16:47
ikoniaWhitor ls -la /usr/sbin/$application_name16:47
alexmaxI am trying to compile something on a ubuntu system, and it attempts to grab one too many header files and errors out.  It comes down to this line: #if (HAVE_PGSQL).  How do I ensure that directive fails from my ./configure line?16:47
ikoniaalexmax look at the configure options16:47
alexmaxI dont want to install header files for postgresql since I dont actually use it16:47
Baldr ,can someone telle me please the italian ubuntu's IRC ?16:48
alexmaxikonia: Yeah, but I have no idea if it's called a 'feature' a 'tag' or what16:48
alexmaxI dont know C well enough to be able to tell what that actually is16:48
ikoniaalexmax read throught eh configure script16:48
hwildeis there any way to really debug why livecd dumps to busybox initramfs ?16:48
alexmaxso I can disable it16:48
alexmaxokay thanks16:48
outbackwifialexmax: you will have an option to not install postgresql support for the application you are building16:48
ikoniaalexmax what are you trying to compile ?16:48
IdleOne!it > Baldr16:48
ubottuBaldr, please see my private message16:48
Whitorikonia, that didn't change anything16:48
outbackwifialexmax: it should be ./configure --diable-postgres or something16:48
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ikoniaWhitor it shouldn't do16:48
alexmaxI'll check the configure script16:48
ikoniaWhitor: it should list the permissions on the file16:48
outbackwifialexmax: ./configure --help should help you16:49
ikoniaalexmax: what are you actually trying to build/16:49
predator363Hello all16:49
F-3000Slart: But what's this? "gdmgreeter[5348]: segfault at 00fe26c8 eip b7ef0bba esp bffe2640 error 6"16:49
outbackwifi!hi | predator36316:49
ubottupredator363: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:49
Whitorikonia, it returned this : lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 2008-10-21 09:54 /usr/sbin/argus -> argus_linux16:49
ikoniaWhitor ok, so it's a symlink so "ls -la /usr/sbin/argus_linux"16:50
aguiteli have an yahoo e-mail  ,how backup all ?16:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdmgreeter16:50
ikoniaaguitel yahoo mail is held on yahoo's servers16:50
SlartF-3000: I would say that seems more relevant to your crashing =)16:50
F-3000Slart: Makes more sense than anacron.16:51
Whitorikonia, ls: cannot access /usr/sbin/argus_linux: No such file or directory16:51
ikoniaWhitor thats the problem then16:51
aguitelikonia, for security i want to make backup for all my emails16:51
SlartF-3000: the greeter is the thing.. eh.. the thing.. where you write your password, I think16:51
ikoniaaguitel they are held on the yahoo mail server16:51
Whitorikonia, but synaptic thinks its installed16:51
predator363so i ended up accedently stumbleing upon the salvation to my no wifi prob last night. (im on it now) but in trying to fix my scratchy sound i seem to have flubbed my graphics drivers now im in 800x600 and cant change it and have no visual effects. so my question is how do i fix my problem with my vid driver and how do i un doodoo my sound?16:51
ikoniaWhitor the package is installed but the binary isn't16:51
F-3000Slart: So called "login window".16:51
aguitelikonia, if server crash ?16:51
lbciaguitel, dont know bout personal, but yahoo business accounts have backup in options16:51
Whitorikonia, ok, thnaks, I'll look into this16:52
F-3000Slart: But why it's crash kicks me out from Gnome?16:52
SlartF-3000: why is it crashing at all16:52
lbciaguitel, otherwise you have to use pop client with leave messages on server checked...16:52
Luis_binarymutant: here's the pastebin16:52
F-3000Slart: That's another neat question.16:53
TheFillerHey, when I'm installing a test version of Ubuntu, (alpha or  beta) and then update it regularely over the internet while the version becomes more and more stable until the alpha becomes the beta and the beta becames a stable version, will I finally get the stable version out of this process or do I have to re-install then?16:53
F-3000Slart: Is there a log that shows what updates I've done?16:53
aguitellbci, i know16:53
Stormx2How can I disable desktop effects from command line?16:53
Pici!final | TheFiller you should be fine16:53
ubottuTheFiller you should be fine: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:53
SlartF-3000: I think there's a log for apt in /var/log16:53
aguitelStormx2, compiz ?16:53
Stormx2aguitel: Yes.16:53
aguitelStormx2, metacity --replace16:53
TheFillerthanks Pici16:54
binarymutantLuis_, are you positive your wire is connected and the internet is on?16:54
aguitelStormx2, alt+f216:54
Luis_I have a red wire.16:54
Symmetriais there a command I can issue to a ubuntu box to force it to reboot as if I'd hit the reset buttom16:54
tavishi am getting permission denied whenever i try to write something on my pen drive. i mount using, sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/stick4 -t vfat -o rw,user16:54
Luis_And I will brb to reset the modem.16:54
Steve[cug]anyone here familiar with multipathing on linux?16:54
SlartSymmetria: sudo reboot doesn't do it for you?16:54
Tuxtonyhit here16:54
ikoniaSteve[cug]: as in fibre - sure16:54
SlartSymmetria: not sure if you can do a cold reset from software though16:54
aguitelStormx2, install fusion-icon frm repo16:55
Steve[cug]ikonia: I'm having an issue with a SAS 5/E controller16:55
Steve[cug]ikonia: http://pastebin.com/m49624e6616:55
F-3000Slart: Is there a command alike tail, that will show me the whole file, not just tail of it?16:55
outbackwifiF-3000: less filename16:55
SlartF-3000: cat will show you the whole file16:55
SlartF-3000: but "less" is much better for big files16:55
Luis_The iunternet is 100% plugged in.16:55
predator363should i repost my question or wait. i dont wanna get flamed for doing something wrong again/16:56
=== goOK is now known as keskia
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:56
hwildeis there any way to really debug why livecd dumps to busybox initramfs ?16:57
Jeruvytavish: see 'man chown'16:57
binarymutantLuis_, do you know if your router does dhcp?16:57
predator363so my question is how do i fix my problem with my vid driver and how do i un doodoo my sound?16:57
outbackwifipredator363: what video card do you have?16:57
predator363Origional post: so i ended up accedently stumbleing upon the salvation to my no wifi prob last night. (im on it now) but in trying to fix my scratchy sound i seem to have flubbed my graphics drivers now im in 800x600 and cant change it and have no visual effects. so my question is how do i fix my problem with my vid driver and how do i un doodoo my sound?16:57
Luis_binarymuted, I am not sure, how could I check this?16:57
Symmetriaheh echo b >/proc/sysrq-trigger <=== about as hard a reboot as you can ask of a linux box it seems ;p16:57
predator363outbackwifi: geforce 8200m16:57
SymmetriaI don't suggest typing that if you don't want your box to bounce btw ;p16:58
outbackwifipredator363: are you using envy?16:58
outbackwifi!envy| predator36316:58
ubottupredator363: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk16:58
predator363forgot all about envy lol16:58
outbackwifipredator363: just check what driver your xorg.conf is using?16:58
binarymutantLuis_, um...every router is different usually you can just go to or to check it out16:59
DavidCanariasjrib: Hi again. Tried what you said I wrote "dvdbackup -M -v" but it just tells me teh ifo, bup menu/dvd/volume  exits will try to overwrite it and nothing else happens? Is that right?16:59
predator363thats a problem16:59
ikoniaSteve[cug]: what version of ubuntu is this ?16:59
binarymutantLuis_, how does your laptop connect to the internet?16:59
ikoniaSteve[cug]: where did you get multipahtd ?16:59
ikoniamultipathd /16:59
predator363outbackwifi: hold on lemme do the paste thing16:59
Luis_My laptop is connected via wireless.16:59
w0ls0nanyone here know of any supported SATA addon cards for ubuntu? I don't have any onboard SATA Ports and would like to use a SATA drive.16:59
oalephow is it called the program to see ext3 partitions in windows?16:59
rahee1Luis_ some uses by default. so check that out also16:59
outbackwifioalep: ext2fs16:59
ganes1like screenshot is it possible to take screen video? if yes how ?16:59
ikoniaw0ls0n 3ware and lsi are the main ones16:59
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org16:59
Steve[cug]ikonia: Ubuntu 8.04.1 and the multipath-tools package was straight from the repos17:00
ikoniaSteve[cug]: 1 cable plugged into each controller ?17:00
Luis_Im not on my NETGEAR wireless router.17:00
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60579/17:00
erUSULw0ls0n: most should work17:00
Luis_I want to connect to the internet via a wire on ubuntu.17:01
outbackwifipredator363: can you edit files?17:01
ikoniaSteve[cug]: these are fibre ? (I don't know the md3000)17:01
knut_hi does anybody know a plugin for rhythmbox like coverflow for itunes?17:01
w0ls0nLuis_, connect it to the ethernet port17:01
predator363outbackwifi: like how?17:01
w0ls0nerUSUL, how would I know what does/doesn't work?17:01
outbackwifipredator363: just add the line Driver  nv in your configured video device section17:01
Luis_How would I connect the wire to the ethernetport?17:01
Luis_Imnot good at networks./17:01
outbackwifipredator363: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.xonf17:01
Steve[cug]ikonia: no...it's a SAS interface.  Direct-attach17:01
outbackwifipredator363: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:01
Luis_[All wires are plugged in already btw]17:01
ikoniaSteve[cug]: ahh sas, sorry you did say17:02
ikoniaSteve[cug]: so in that case, 1 cable is fine, you don't need a loop17:02
Luis_Yeah why did you want me to go to the netgear smartwizard?17:02
ikoniaSteve[cug]: let me have a quick poke at that card and array - I don't know that one personally17:02
Luis_it's Wireless router. I would like to connect in ubuntu through wired.17:02
erUSULw0ls0n: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html17:02
binarymutantLuis_, I dont know the specific of your home network but you should go to whichever router is connected to the internet17:02
predator363outbackwifi: its open17:03
Steve[cug]ikonia: np.  the SAS controller act's just like most other HBAs I have played with17:03
MTecknologyikonia: I'm checking to see how much battery this sucks. I forgot that the calibration is off since I was running a virtual machine from an external drive on battery power a few times. I'll tell ya later if I'm up for finishing the task. :)17:03
outbackwifipredator363: scroll down to a section called "Configured Video Device"17:03
LinuxFanIs there a good, free program that you can create screencasts in Ubuntu? I need something that does more than just records the desktop.17:03
Luis_binary, I went to that url you told me, but it says it's wireless.17:03
binarymutantLuis_, and make sure the cables are connected to a router that is connected to the internet17:03
Luis_Is there a way to connect via wire?17:03
Pici!screencat | LinuxFan17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screencat17:03
Pici!screencast | LinuxFan pardon my spelling17:03
ubottuLinuxFan pardon my spelling: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:03
gonzaloafhi, I have booted my latpop as a client, but it freezes while the start logo of ubuntu appears, then caps lock led is blinking too, what could be happening_17:03
erUSULLuis_: System>Admin>Net17:03
popeyLinuxFan: what else do you want to do?17:03
F-3000Slart: How I print on screen a content of file from a specific point? Like tail, but ability to determine where it starts.17:04
predator363outbackwifi: it does not say that anywhere17:04
Luis__Yeah, how do I connect to the internet on ubuntu via a wire?17:04
Luis__It works fine on XP.17:04
LinuxFanpopey like to be able to add text and stuff (since my mic dont work) and maybe zoom feature17:04
ThexLeopardi cant run java applets on my computer, i have the ubuntu java plugin and open jdk installed and it still wont work17:04
Luis__Just doesn't seem to work on ubuntu.17:04
outbackwifipredator363: can you pastebin the complete file?17:05
w0ls0nLuis_, is the nic supported in ubuntu?17:05
popeyLinuxFan: unfortunately those features aren't available in any linux screencast systems17:05
LinuxFanpopey for like HOWTO tutorials and what not17:05
LinuxFanah ok thanks popey17:05
popeyLinuxFan: i use xvidcap and recordmydesktop for http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/17:05
Stormx2Also, looking on getting dvd stuff working. At the moment my drive seems to spin up the dvd for ages, but in the end it can't read it (VLC say main input error: no suitable access module for `dvd:///dev/scd0'). I have libdvdcss installed...17:05
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60580/17:06
SlartF-3000: hmm.. there is "head" to print the first lines of a file, "tail" to print the last lines.. there might be switches to these commands.. also check "man cat" if there are switches for that command17:06
LinuxFanok popey ill check into thanks again17:06
outbackwifiF-3000: you can use head or tail to do that if you know how many lines17:06
burgif i install ubuntu after windows (dual boot) - when i open my pc i see that screen where it asks me that os to start - how to uninstall ubuntu so, after, it will open windows dirrectly? last time i did that it shown an error page (error loading grub)17:06
binarymutantLuis_, connect it to your netgear router I guess17:06
F-3000Slart: pastebinit and find within browser. No?17:06
tavishi did, sudo chown -hR tavish /media/stick4 it says operation not permitted17:06
SlartF-3000: that might work too17:06
Luis__Binary I am using the netgear router.17:06
F-3000outbackwifi: Thanks. :)17:06
Luis__That's the thing.17:06
Luis__If I plug it into the xp laptop17:07
Luis__i connect via ethernet.17:07
Luis__but it doesnt seem to work on Ubuntu.17:07
dulakburg: boot windows and type fdisk /mbr and it will clear grub out of the mbr and only boot windows17:07
binarymutantLuis_,  but if you plug it into your desktop it doesn't work?17:07
Kr0ntabStormx2: commercial DVD's require libdvdcss2... a decryption library...  see medibuntu repository...17:07
Luis__Atleast, I can't get it towork17:07
Kr0ntab!medibuntu | Stormx217:07
ubottuStormx2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:07
outbackwifipredator363: your xorg.conf seems kinda screwed17:07
burgdulak: type that wherE?17:07
Luis__On XP it goes: Local Area Network connected.17:07
predator363outbackwifi: crud17:07
Jeruvyburg you probably have a boot loader now, see grubs documents for removing.  My experience says it's faster to wipe the disk and start with a fresh install.17:08
Luis__But on Ubuntu nothing happens.17:08
ScuniziI'm in panic mode.. I have sda, sdb & sdc on my pc. sdb had several partitions the 1st was WinXP, 2nd=/ for hardy install #1, 3rd=23Gib of storage, 4th=extended, 5th=storage, 6th=/swap.  I tried to resize #3 and it ended with an error. Now I can't boot into my 1st install of Hardy but I can into winXP (with a long delay)... Booting into 2nd install of Hardy takes a while but works. Gparted now only discovers sda1 &2 and sdc.  Sdc is wher17:08
Scunizie the 2nd install of Hardy lives. Sda is my /home for the 1st install.  Any help getting sdb working again?17:08
predator363outbackwifi: how to fix?17:08
mixed1234anyone knows how to fix the package manager?  I am unable to update and install software17:08
digdugI can't switch workplaces with effects enabled (ubuntu 8.10 beta)17:08
dulakburg: boot windows, login as an admin, run the command line then type fdisk /mbr17:08
Pici!ibex | dulak17:08
ubottudulak: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu17:08
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview17:08
Picidulak: sorry, that was for digdug17:08
Picidigdug: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid/8.10 support/discussion.17:08
burgdulak: that when i also have windows and ubuntu ?17:08
Tha_Stighey guys, anyone know how i can set up what my laptop does when i close the lid?17:08
st_I have a question. I'm putting XP & ubuntu on a friends computer. He's never used ubuntu/linux before but he's interested. Should I put 8.10 on it or 8.04? He's going to be using basic stuff like internet/music/iPod Thanks a lot.17:08
outbackwifipredator363: can you recreate it using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:09
linbeeewhats the alternative for fdisk ? in command line17:09
binarymutantLuis_, thats really strange, I don't think I can help anymore than I have. Have you tried surfing the web because Ubuntu won't say anything about it being connected17:09
dulakburg: you just asked how to make it only boot windows and uninstall the part where it asks what OS to boot17:09
outbackwifipredator363: use sudo17:09
erUSULlinbeee: parted or cfdisk17:09
Luis__Yeah I have tried surfing the web, it just says "Firefox cannot connect to this server" blahblahblah17:09
Luis__the page load error thing17:09
JeruvyLuis__: who are you talking to?17:10
predator363outbackwifi: Package `xserver-xor' is not installed and no info is available.17:10
Luis__and it cant install the effects from anything17:10
outbackwifiLuis__: pastebin sudo ifconfig17:10
lbcist_:8.10 will give better hardware support on newer computers, i personally am using 8.10 with no problems17:10
Luis__and in the top left it has 2 comps with a exclamation mark17:10
outbackwifipredator363: xserver-xorg you missed the 'g'17:10
mattgyver83st_, you should probably install 8.04 right now, then have him updgrade when 8.10 is live.17:10
ganes1is there any screen recorder for ubuntu?17:10
F-3000Slart: I don't see anything fancy on the apt log...17:10
linbeeek thnx but my problem is that fdisk is not showing unpartioned space is there any way to get around that?17:10
burgno, i asked how to correctly uninstall ubuntu17:10
predator363outbackwifi: oh yea duh17:11
erUSULLuis__: go to system>Admin>Net choose to edit your net card. Disable roaming mode and choose dinamic ip configuration17:11
binarymutantLuis_, it doesn't make too much sense that windows could connect but ubuntu couldn't, it's the same concept17:11
Luis__In network I only have Point to point connection17:11
=== AJC_Z0- is now known as AJC_Z0
erUSULLuis__: then you mast be using a modem an not a router....17:11
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up17:12
Luis__Binary so there's no chance of it not be compatible/.17:12
dulakburg: to uninstall ubuntu do what I said, but then after the fdisk /mbr, go to admin tools and the disk manager and you can erase the ubuntu partition and format it for windows17:12
erUSUL!adsl | Luis__17:12
ubottuLuis__: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE17:12
ayilmazanybody upgraded to OpenOffice 3.0 in Hardy by using launchpad repos?17:12
SlartF-3000: why not try reinstalling gdm.. just to see if it fixes the problem, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm17:12
predator363outbackwifi: its done17:12
binarymutantLuis_, standards dont change with the OS17:13
F-3000Slart: Going to do a test... I'll let the PC idle for some time. If it crashes, it has something to do with anything that triggers after certain time of idling (acpi?).17:13
outbackwifipredator363: can you now open up xorg.conf in an editor>17:13
Luis__When doing sudo pppoeconf17:13
ScuniziI tried to resize 1 of 5 ext3 partitions on sdb and now sdb is invisible to blkid, fdisk -l and Gparted.. What's up with that?17:13
Luis__it says no working ethernet card detected.17:13
predator363outbackwifi: how?17:14
SlartF-3000: sounds reasonable17:14
Luis__and that i should run the modconf17:14
Coded1I have a bluetooth usb dongle with a BroadCom 2035 chipset that I cant get going for the latest version of xubuntu17:14
Coded1any ideas?17:14
outbackwifipredator363: like how you did before; sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:14
F-3000Slart: Good excuse to take a break. :D17:14
binarymutantLuis_, your not doing pppoeconf, your just trying to pull a dhcp requst, ppp is for modems17:14
outbackwifi!intrepid| coded117:14
ubottucoded1: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu17:14
burgi`m on windows now, i tried fdisk command, but it sais unknown command17:14
SlartF-3000: go get some coffee =)17:14
Luis__Im confused..17:14
dulakganes1: there is a great desktop recorder called recordmydesktop, it has a gtk frontend for gnome called gtk-recordmydesktop17:14
Coded1are some that I have tried17:15
FloodBot3Coded1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:15
Luis__I am using a wired connection.17:15
outbackwifiScunizi: your disk just committed harakiri :)17:15
krupa^hey, where can i get tutorial how to install & use CVS system on ubuntu?17:15
predator363outbackwifi: oh yea sorry im dumb and barely awake at school17:15
Luis__How do I connect via wire?17:15
Coded1sry FloodBot17:15
outbackwifiLuis__: how do you do that in windows?17:15
predator363outbackwifi: want me to paste bin it?17:15
outbackwifipredator363: sure17:15
Luis__Plug the wire inand it'll say "Local Area Network detected"17:16
Scunizioutbackwifi, that's what I thought but winXP lives there too and I can still boot to that but not my first install of Hardy. (I have 2 installs of hardy)17:16
Luis__and itll find the IP,all that, then after about a few seconds or so im connected,.17:16
ubottucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/17:16
F-3000Slart: Now as you mentioned coffee, which I don't drink... Tea sounds tasty.17:16
outbackwifiLuis__: what version of ubuntu is that?17:16
Luis__LTS Desktop.17:16
binarymutantLuis_, if its plugged up everything should be automatic too, or type sudo dhclient17:17
outbackwifiLuis__: can you  pastebin sudo ifconfig17:17
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60585/17:17
outbackwifipredator363: have you got the file open?17:18
predator363outbackwifi: hold up lemme re open i17:18
predator363outbackwifi: k yes its open17:18
outbackwifipredator363: scroll down to line 41 and insert a new line after that line and type in Driver           "nvidia"17:18
outbackwifipredator363: before the Option line17:19
outbackwifiLuis__: have you pastebinned your ifconfig?17:19
Luis__Im writing it.17:19
predator363outbackwifi: Identifier"Configured Video Device"?17:19
outbackwifipredator363: yes insert a new line below this one17:20
predator363outbackwifi: and just type nvidia?17:20
outbackwifipredator363: you dont seem to read too well :) ; type Driver press tab and nvidia17:20
predator363outbackwifi: lol sorry not while im at school on 3 hours of sleep in 48hrs17:21
predator363outbackwifi: i typed and saved it17:21
outbackwifipredator363: restart your X  server by pressinng ctl+alt+backspace17:22
Luis__Have you read the pastbin?17:22
burgdulak, ok, i understand17:22
outbackwifiLuis__: and its not good, your nic is not up17:22
burgcan i use the same command if i have vista?17:22
Luis__can I not connect to the internet because of this "nic" being down?17:23
outbackwifiLuis__: can you type sudo ifup eth017:23
outbackwifiLuis__: yes17:23
dulakburg: I am not sure if fdisk /mbr works in vista, I don't use vista17:23
F-3000What is the most system-taxing games that get installed with default Ubuntu-installation?17:24
krupa^is SubVersion and cvs are the same?17:24
binarymutantF-3000, nibbles?17:24
F-3000binarymutant: Thanks, I'll give it a try.17:25
=== Adam is now known as AdamDH
mixed1234anyone knows how to reenable GDM?  I installed KDE and now I am unable to shutdown my machine from within GNOME using a GUI17:25
AdamDHany one know a better wireless tool than network-manager?17:25
alkisg1Hello, how can I synchronize evolution to an Ericsson Z800 mobile phone? multisync, opensync, openobex...?17:25
outbackwifiAdamDH: wicd17:25
outbackwifi!wicd| adamdh17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd17:25
mixed1234AdamDH, as far as I know network manager is one of the best around?  what are you trying to accomplish with network manager that you aren't able to?17:25
gonzaloaf_laptophi, I have installed the last kernel  2.6.24-21-server but it doesnt created the entries on the grub menu.lst, how can I force it to create the entries?17:25
binarymutantF-3000, its not really 'taxing' though17:26
Luis__Ill try re-seating it and if not then I'll just get another card.17:26
outbackwifiLuis__: what was the output of the sudo ifup etho?17:26
binarymutantLuis__, it actually recognizes your card you dont need to reseat it17:26
Luis__Oh,so does that mean the card is broke?17:26
outbackwifiLuis__: did you mean reset when you said reseat?17:27
Luis__No. I meant reseat.17:27
binarymutantLuis__, no it doesnt mean it its broke, it means it's fine17:27
Luis__Hm...So why isn't it working?17:27
binarymutantLuis__, dunno, when you did lspci it showed up17:27
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:27
Luis__So what is the reason any POSSIBLE reason I cant connect?17:28
AdamDHwifi manager will not connect to our cisco based wlan network that is secure with wpa, TKIP, AES CCM17:28
wishieis it safe (in hardy) to remove hotkey-setup ? ie, is HAL matured enough to hardy to cover the tasks of hotkey-setup ?17:28
AJC_Z0What is a simple way to get Update Manager to stop stealing focus?17:29
binarymutantLuis__, I'm still thinking your not plugged up right, pastebin sudo lsmod and then i can narrow it down17:29
Luis__are you crazy?17:29
Luis__lsmod is humungous17:30
Luis__I cant write that out!17:30
binarymutantdont type it, just copy paste17:30
Luis__I cant.17:30
Luis__2 different computers.17:30
binarymutantLuis__, lol nm i forgot17:30
=== stevem_ is now known as fantasticmrfox
F-3000binarymutant: Looks like...17:31
Luis__Any SPECIFIC info on the ls command you needed?17:31
outbackwifiAdamDH: i am able to connect to wpa networks   using network manager17:31
AdamDHah so might be an issue with network manager then17:32
=== Guest14027 is now known as Brucee
AdamDHhow do I go about using Wicd in intrepid ibex?17:33
* omolina is back (gone 05:01:47)17:33
* outbackwifi its actually a program called wpa_supplicant that does this in the background17:33
=== alevine_nothere is now known as alevine
Pici!intrepid | AdamDH17:33
ubottuAdamDH: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu17:33
outbackwifiAdamDH: are you on intrepid?17:33
binarymutantLuis__, give me a sec17:33
AdamDHoutbackwifi: yes17:34
Luis__wrong chat, Adam.17:34
outbackwifiAdamDH: you need to be on ubuntu=117:34
outbackwifiAdamDH: you need to be on ubuntu+117:34
AdamDHok will move over17:34
binarymutantLuis__, do you still have that lspci pastebin link?17:34
Luis__is it the one with host bridge pci bridge etc?17:34
binarymutantLuis__, nm i found it17:35
outbackwifiLuis__: what does dmesg|grep AMD tell you17:35
aflackhey can someone help me install java for firefox in ubuntu 8.04? im having trouble..17:35
Vonoram on kubuntu 8.10 beta and noticed two flaws: #1 I got an atheros wlan card and the udev setup tries to load both, the kernel based ath5k driver and the atheros hal driver (ath_pci, ath_hal etc etc), fixed that by blacklisting the ath5k module (which doesn't work for my card)          #2: klogd starts dd as childprocess to write the logfile (odd enough!) and uses 50% cpu time -which is in my case 100% of one of the cores I got on my cpu17:35
unop!8.10 | Vonor17:35
ubottuVonor: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu17:35
Luis__dmesg|grep AMDdoes nothing17:35
jedimindtrickhey... i had a power outage and ubuntu shut down unexpectedly, now that i booted back up - i dont see any icons on my desktop .... any ideas?17:36
outbackwifiLuis__: your nic is listed as AMDtek17:36
outbackwifiLuis__: change that to ADMtek17:36
gonzaloaf_laptophi, I have installed the last kernel  2.6.24-21-server but it doesnt created the entries on the grub menu.lst, how can I force it to create the entries?17:36
dinamizadorque coño es esto17:37
Luis__my nic is listed as ADMtek?17:37
aflack hey can someone help me install java for firefox in ubuntu 8.04? im having trouble...17:37
Vonorunop: am not looking for support, just wanted to mention those things (and please don't reply to use the bugtracker...i won't register to another one, as I already can't keep track anymore of where I am registered already :D)17:37
ubottudinamizador: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:37
outbackwifiVonor: even then you are on the wrong channel17:37
dtoljFrom nautilus I specify to open file with vi, but it dosnt work17:37
Neaaiaflack: what about the troubles with java ?17:37
aflacki just need help installing the plugin for firefox..17:37
outbackwifiLuis__: this is what you have --> ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/10 0 (rev 11)17:38
unopVonor, 8.10 is still pre-release - bugs are expected - if you want to notify people, use #ubuntu+117:38
dinamizadorhola hay alguien que hable español17:38
Neaaiaflack: have you checked what the cocumentation says ?17:38
aflackthat what O.O17:38
binarymutantLuis__, look for tulip and or dmfe in lsmod17:38
christianhello everybody17:38
christianif i have any questions about ubuntu am i right to post them here in the channel?17:38
sudobashthe Cocumentation17:38
Woody86Can anyone tell me how to make gthumb the default picture viewer rather than Eye of Gnome?17:39
gonzaloaf_laptopdinamizador, yo, pero aqui de preferencia se habla en ingles17:39
Coded1anyone have experience with using juniper networks vpn client?17:39
aflackwhat documentation17:39
unopchristian, yes - off course17:39
gonzaloaf_laptopdinamizador, para español #ubuntu-es17:39
Luis__found tulip.17:39
outbackwifi!ask | christian17:39
ubottuchristian: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:39
dinamizadorpero como lo hago17:39
dinamizadorcomo puedo iniciar en español17:40
aflackNeaai:  hello?17:40
Neaaiaflack: You read around at www.sun.com about installing java runtime for linux. And how.17:40
dinamizadorlo necesito porque tengo que hacer unas pruebas17:40
outbackwifi!java | aflack17:40
ubottuaflack: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:40
gonzaloaf_laptopdinamizador, /j #ubuntu-es17:40
Neaaiaflack: if not using the ubuntu bundled package.17:40
aflackNeaai: i tried it and it says to type su in terminal then do the password and i did but it says it fails to authenticate and thats where im stuck lol..17:40
dinamizadorpara realizar un curso17:40
ThexLeopardoutbackwifi, what if youve done all that, and tried every alternative, and it still wont work?17:40
binarymutantLuis__, okay I'm convinced its not plugged in, I can't think of any other reasons, your card was detected the driver was loaded but it still doesn't work.17:41
dinamizadoralguien que me ayude17:41
Luis__Here's the thing17:41
outbackwifiThexLeopard: what wont?17:41
Neaaiaflack: oh. I could tell you another way but that'd be dangerous afterwards with what you do.17:41
Luis__I have the leadin the back of the computer17:41
ThexLeopardoutbackwifi, any java runtime environment17:41
Luis__I have the wire in the router downstairs.17:41
aflackNeaai: uh well what do you mean by dangerous17:41
Luis__any other wires i should no about?17:41
outbackwifiThexLeopard: you mean it wont get installed?17:41
dinamizadorpor favor necesito ayuda17:42
Neaaiaflack: instead of "su -" (root-password)   try  "sudo bash" (personal password)17:42
sudobashAre there back doors in Ubuntu for Government use, which would be for spying?17:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:42
aflackNeaai: is that dangerous?17:42
binarymutantLuis__, I guess, the cat5 connects to your pc and router, everything else is automatic if your using dhcp17:42
predator363outbackwifi: whatever we did killed my x server to death and i had to boot in recovery mode and do an xrestore17:42
ThexLeopardoutbackwifi, they all install fine, i can select them all as the default fine, but they wont run java applets17:42
Luis__so theres something else that might not be plugged in?17:42
dulakNeaai, aflack: the correct usage would be sudo su -17:42
Coded1sudobash: of course17:42
Neaaiaflack: Not dangerous per-se. But it will put you in administrator powers with which you can easily mess things up if you err.17:42
outbackwifipredator363: if your xserver goes down, you dont have to boot in recovery, login into text mode and just modify xorg again17:43
Neaaidulak: What's the gain with that form of usage ?17:43
binarymutantLuis__, if your not using dhcp you would have had to manually set up your networking in windows17:43
jamushowdy folks17:43
Luis__ill ask my dad17:43
aflackNeaai: wait one second...  neaai do you think you can pm me this text is hurting my eyes + i have a headache17:43
outbackwifiThexLeopard: what do you get when you type java -version in a terminal17:43
predator363outbackwifi: oh well im still stuc in 800x600 with scratchy sound and no visual effects *cry's*17:43
dulakNeaai: sudo bash doesn't give you a full login, so for instance ~ would still be pointing to your user home directory and not /root17:43
dulakNeaai: sudo su - gives you a full root environment17:44
Neaaiaflack: But here it's so all the others can see and also so someone else can offer ideas too.17:44
outbackwifipredator363: did you run your nvidia configure utility on it?17:44
kesihi all, anyone got a sec to help a wine-newbie install something?  I keep running into issues.17:44
predator363outbackwifi: lemme try again and see if it will work now17:44
sudobashso if there were back doors potentially all we have to do is find them in the code...17:44
outbackwifipredator363: just change the nvidia to nv and it should work fine (inside xorg.conf)17:44
dtoljkesi: are you using crossover office?17:44
aflackNeaai: well, im probably just doing something wrong, as i already think i am instead of it not working i think im doing it wrong... if we run out of ideas cant we just switch back to public?17:44
Luis__ill just try a network test.17:44
Luis__ill disconnect.17:45
ThexLeopardoutbackwifi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/60591/17:45
kesidtolj, not sure what that is.. I'm on HH using wine to install a DVR remote software17:45
rrenaudi just installed 8.04, but it doesn't seem to want to play sounds from both the browser and pidgin at the same time, is there an easy fix?17:45
jamuskesi:  speak man17:45
codebluecan someone here pleas help me17:45
codebluertorrent wont report the correct stats or running time to my trackers17:45
codeblueIv spent 2 days configuring rtorrent and wtorrent and dont want to have to change client17:45
jamuskesi:  or woman ...17:45
kesijamus, on HH trying to install and SDVR remote software under wine. woman.17:45
dtoljkesi: it may not be supported17:45
Neaaiaflack: Before the installation, instead of doing "su"  do  "sudo su"17:45
aflackok one second17:45
outbackwifiThexLeopard: launch firefox from the terminal and try to browse some site with the java applets; if it doesnt work, see the messages on the terminal17:45
Neaaiaflack: and then continue as stated in the docs17:45
user_what is dmraid17:46
aflackgot it, see i told you i was doing it wrong lol17:46
predator363outbackwifi: it seems to be all crudded up again17:46
ikoniauser_ a tasty fake raid technology17:46
lucaposthi all!17:46
outbackwifipredator363: how?17:46
ikoniauser_: avoid at all costs (in my view) if posible17:46
aflackNeaai:  now where do i install to? and which package should i dl from the java site..17:46
outbackwifi!hi | lucapost17:46
ubottulucapost: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:46
kesijamus, dtolj I run "wine setup_file.exe" and the setup for the program launches and seems to go through but then a cmd window comes up scrolling over and over again and I think it's prompting me to overwrite c:\Program but I can't read it.17:46
user_sudo mount /dev/sda2/17:46
user_$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).17:46
user_Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Input/output error17:46
user_NTFS is either inconsistent, or you have hardware faults, or you have a17:46
user_SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows17:46
user_then reboot into Windows TWICE. The usage of the /f parameter is very17:46
FloodBot3user_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:47
Neaaiaflack: hold on I check17:47
predator363outbackwifi: not sure maybe when i fixed the xserver but now even when i boot up i have to log in via command prompt and type startx17:47
kesijamus, dtolj,  should I be using sudo?17:47
ThexLeopardok outbackwifi java seems to be loading some applets but not the one i actually need17:47
predator363outbackwifi: erhrhm sudo startx17:47
outbackwifiThexLeopard: it isnt that choosy :)17:47
user_how can i run chkdsk /f from ubuntu ? or is there a utility that can do just the same?17:48
predator363outbackwifi: lemme see i think i have an idea to fix my xorg17:48
ikoniauser_ you can't17:48
ikoniauser_: you need to boot into windows17:48
outbackwifipredator363: this usually happens if gdm doesnt start; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart should help17:48
user_i don't have17:48
ThexLeopardoutbackwifi, i know its not o; it must be a problem with the university, never a quick fix for anything, tah anyway17:48
ikoniauser_ then why do you have ntfs data ?17:48
user_and i can't mount my ntfs partition17:49
user_i had windoes17:49
user_let me explain17:49
jedimindtrickhey... i had a power outage and ubuntu shut down unexpectedly, now that i booted back up - i dont see any icons on my desktop .... any ideas?17:49
aflackNeaai: done checking lol?17:49
predator363outbackwifi: nah man i cant figure it out/ why wouldent gdm start?17:49
kesijamus, dtolj, the scrolling text reads: "C\Program (Y/N)?Overwrite C:\Program..."17:49
user_i have a 80 gb sata seagate drive, this was devided in 2 partitions c: 10gb and d: 70gb17:49
ikoniauser_: well you need to boot into windows to run windows disk tools17:49
Luis_all works.17:49
Neaaiaflack: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html17:49
outbackwifiLuis__: what did you do?17:50
Luis_I connected to the internet via the same cable just now.17:50
user_i installed ubuntu over windows partition17:50
Luis_on xp.17:50
user_so i don';t have windows17:50
predator363outbackwifi: it sais i'm missing the section device  configure video device but i dont know where to put it to try and fix it17:50
Luis_and it worked,but in ubuntu it doesnt.,17:50
Neaaiaflack: you want the JRE. Running environment17:50
Luis_it just has 2 screens with an exclamation mark17:50
jamuskesi:  well ... im not really familiar with the app ur trying to install but as general help i suggest u go to http://appdb.winehq.org/ and look up the compatibility issues17:50
=== OxDEADEDD is now known as OxDEADED
aflacki thought there was java 6 or 7 not 2?17:51
Luis_Is it 100% not incompatibilities?17:51
kesijamus, well... should I be installing under wine using sudo?17:51
jamuskesi: wait a sec17:51
F-3000Slart: So far so good.17:51
outbackwifipredator363: didnt you just have that?17:51
aflackNeaai: i thought there was java 6 or 7 not 2?17:51
binarymutantLuis_, on your windows machine pastebin your ipconfig17:51
Flecha2Hello! I had a problem installing Fluxbuntu. The installer didnt intalled grub. I dont know why. But I have another linux installed in the same machine, so I edited the menu.lst of it so I could load Fluxbuntu. Added these lines: "title fluxbuntu" "root (hd0,5)" "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=/dev/sda6 ro quiet splash" "initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic" Fluxbuntu is installed in the first of the exte17:51
rrenaudi just installed 8.04, but it doesn't seem like i can get sound to play in both pidgin and firefox at the sametime17:51
SlartF-3000: ok.. so you've got a computer that doesn't crash when you leave it alone =)17:52
Neaaiaflack: I think it is a difference between java runtime and java develop17:52
predator363outbackwifi: my brain just exploded i dunno what i did lets start over lol17:52
SlartF-3000: did you change anything since the last crash?17:52
F-3000Slart: Leaving it alone doesn't crash it.17:52
jamuskesi: is ur ubu running on  different partition then windows couse when it asks overwrite there is a slight  chance thet u erase something important17:52
aflackwell ill dl the one you gave me one second17:52
Luis_I cant copy and paste it.17:52
F-3000Slart: Done only updating.17:52
Neaaiaflack: But why not use the .deb package for that in the repository ?17:52
Luis_btw you see when i do ipconfig17:52
binarymutantLuis_, why not?17:52
F-3000Slart: I'm starting to think that noapic with *installed* Ubuntu caused the crashes.17:52
Luis_doesthat have to be the wireless enabled17:52
Luis_or with wire enabled?17:53
aflackNeaai: when i tried installing it like that it said something about wrong structure17:53
binarymutantLuis_, wire17:53
HexbomberOkay.. so this is a really bizzare problem I have been having. I got it to work, then pushed my luck.. and now I am back to square one. I have a dell 1525 with the Broadcom 1505 Wireless N Mini card, and when connecting to my school's wireless nothing happens. I can see the network in the top right hand corner, when I connect it says connected, and theres good signal strength.. but nothing else happens. I can't ping anything, and I can't17:53
Hexbomberaccess any websites..17:53
Luis_ima d/c again.17:53
Hexbomberany ideas?17:53
jamusgenerally u just use the windows installer and it works fine try to stay out of commandlines when possible17:53
Neaaiaflack: Normally, the installer will put a file in your home directory somewhere where firefox/iceweasel will look for it. That's all.17:53
user_what's the command for unmount?17:53
jedimindtrickHexbomber: i used to run a company called hexabomb17:53
Neaaiuser_: umount17:53
rrenauduser_: umount17:53
ikoniauser_ umount17:53
F-3000Slart: But what I do wonder, is that why the CD-ROM's light is flashing? It's almost unnoticeable. Drive's empty.17:54
aflackNeaai: err okay?17:54
aflackNeaai: It wont let me install from the package installer thing it said wrong structure i cannot click anything besides cancel17:54
Luis__i cant copy things fromcmd.17:54
aflackNeaai: do i want rpm or normal to download?17:54
ikoniaLuis__ what is the error17:54
Luis__just cant select the txt.17:55
ikoniaaflack you can't use rpm's on ubuntu17:55
F-3000Slart: Also, I'm doing the installs in 1-10Mb bursts, not all at once.17:55
Neaaiaflack: then try the one you got from the java site.17:55
predator363outbackwifi: ok lets start one step at a time, earlyer today i was trying to fix the sound on my lappy fallowing a instructional forum i deleated the acpi thread and reinstated it then restarted when i did so i had no audio i was stuck in 800x600 video and my login gui wouldent start i was ticked17:55
ikoniaaflack: what is wrong with java from the ubuntu repo17:55
binarymutantLuis_, try holding shift down17:55
Flecha2Hexbomber: Are you using ndiswrapper?17:55
SlartF-3000: sounds weird17:55
Neaaiaflack: the normal. The rpm is for some other distros.17:55
aflackNeaai: ok i dont know i tried playing a game, and it said instal java and it gave  me the site link17:55
ikoniaaflack: java is in the ubuntu repos17:56
ikoniaaflack: open synaptic and search for "java" and install the package you want17:56
predator363outbackwifi: and the only thing iv been able to fix is the sound i got it back but its still all scratchy17:56
Flecha2Hexbomber: I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 and have just installed the driver. Its working here17:56
JeruvyI noticed before last week that any tiny images I saved were thumbnailed in a ZOOM display mode.  A patch fixed this and now the images are displaying normal size, however I still have a 'boundary' that is the original size.  How do you fix this?17:56
outbackwifipredator363: ok, first thing to check is whether your xorg is using the right driver17:56
jamuskesi:  u still here?17:56
Neaaiikonia: for some reason he said it said something about a "wrong structure"17:56
F-3000Slart: I succeeded to screw up the very first Kubuntu install by doing "full update". What screwed it, was that the updater crashed in midway, and left ALL packets as if they'd be updated.17:56
kesijamus, sorry17:56
ikoniaNeaai: Id' get the exact error, as he's not making much sense17:56
jamuskesi:  its fine17:56
kesijamus, I have windows running on a separate partition17:56
outbackwifipredator363: if you can pastebin /var/og/Xorg.0.log that could be a start17:56
aflackwhich one do i install there is hella lot more than just java showing up17:57
mrunagihow do you save a file in nano i cant ever remember17:57
Neaaiikonia: is the package name "default-jre" ?17:57
ikonia!java > aflack17:57
ubottuaflack, please see my private message17:57
F-3000Slart: I had to do reinstall after it.17:57
ikoniaNarfi: I think so, pm I've just sent him will expalin it all17:57
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aflackalready saw that17:57
maniheermrunagi, Ctrl + O17:57
LinuxFanmrunagi ctrl+O17:57
mrunagithank you17:57
ikoniaaflack: what part is not clear ?17:57
maniheerLinuxFan, HAHA17:57
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:58
F-3000Slart: If using Ubuntu comes out as success, I'm going to abandon Kubuntu. Just as my father did. :D17:58
Luis__thats the ipconfig on windows.17:58
jamuskesi:  use add remove to install wine and then take windows app installer and double click it  and it should work17:58
predator363outbackwifi: no such file it sais17:58
aflackhold on i have a headache im not sure what part is not clear alls i am rtrying to do is play a damn game on java, whenever  i tried the jgi whatever plugin it just closed when it tried to load something java17:58
cedriczgF-3000, if I am not wrong you can try sudo apt-get install --fix-broken17:58
kesijamus, reinstall wine?17:58
jamuskesi:  but check for compatibility first to be sure17:58
bibi__I pushed on media direct button :(17:59
outbackwifipredator363: look in /var/log/Xorg*17:59
F-3000cedriczg: could have helped half year ago... :) But I'll write that down, so thanks. :)17:59
binarymutantLuis_, okay on your ubuntu pc go to System->Preference->network configuration17:59
cedriczgF-3000, what do you mean? now it won't help?18:00
Luis__there is no network config18:00
Luis__just network proxy18:00
byaHello everyone !18:00
cedriczgbya, hello18:00
outbackwifibinarymutant: i dont think his card i up at all18:00
maniheer!hi | bya18:00
ubottubya: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:00
Neaaiaflack: I'm also trying the install of that file.18:00
byaCan i take a little of your time please?18:00
outbackwifi!ask | bya18:00
ubottubya: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:00
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60598/18:00
jamuskesi:  find a windows installer for winamp or emule (windows versions) and try to run it18:00
maniheeri'm bored anyway18:00
F-3000cedriczg: I had that problem with my very first Kubuntu/Linux installation, which happened over half year ago. :)18:00
cedriczgbya, ask what you want18:00
binarymutantLuis_, is it in administration?18:00
aflackNeaai: which one??18:01
maniheerKubuntu 7.10 puxed with bugs18:01
cedriczgF-3000, ok, I got it ;)18:01
Neaaiaflack: j2re-1_4_2_18-linux-i586.bin18:01
jamuskesi:  im out for a smoke brb18:01
byaWell, here is the thing (I am french but in #ubuntu-fr it seems to be people-less), one of my friend came to my home today, and i told him i will help him18:01
maniheerjamus, smoking = bad for health18:01
binarymutantoutbackwifi, the driver showed up though, and it shows in lspci...18:01
F-3000cedriczg: Now I'm installing (and testing) Ubuntu.18:01
aflackNeaai: ok i just started to dl that to my desktop18:01
predator363outbackwifi: also is envy a good choice and how do i get it running everytime i try to install it, it doesent want to install18:01
byaHis issue is the following one : He turns on his computer, but he gets no signal18:01
BertoHi - My firefox automatically downloads PDF files.  How do I make it give me the CHOICE again?18:02
cedriczgF-3000, which version?18:02
aflackNeaai: ok its dled...18:02
outbackwifipredator363: your xserver is using the vesa driver18:02
maniheerbya, on the screen?18:02
predator363outbackwifi: how do i fix that?18:02
byamaniheer, Yeah, not even the Nvidia logo18:02
Neaaiaflack: Put that in a directory in your homedir and execute it.18:02
aflackNeaai: one second18:03
maniheerbya, is ur PC alive?18:03
cedriczgbya, you tried the live CD?18:03
maniheertried another monitor18:03
outbackwifipredator363: can you do an ls -l of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers and pastebin that?18:03
byayeah it is alive18:03
kesijamus, I installed utorrent with no problem.18:03
binarymutantLuis_, is it in administration?18:03
outbackwifipredator363: need to check if you have the nvidia driver at all18:03
aflackNeaai: you cant execute .bin...18:03
F-3000cedriczg: 8.04. Tho, I'm a bit sceptic regarding that version number, as when I updated Kubuntu from 7.10 to it, it basically broke the Kubuntu (-> reinstall....). Most problematic with that was, that it wasn't my laptop.18:03
cedriczgbya, Est-ce que tu as esayé le live CD?18:03
Neaaiaflack: that's an executable. Do:   chmod u+x that.file.bin  ;   ./that.file.bin18:04
Neaaiaflack: (replace "that.file.bin" with the name of the .bin file)18:04
byaCause when he reboots (by shutting down electricity) it tells me that the pc shutted down by the wrong way, and that it has to go threw bios18:04
cedriczgF-3000, I am using ubuntu 8.04 and I'm happy with it since june. What laptop do you have if I may know?18:04
F-3000cedriczg: You have any idea, why the cd-drive's light keeps flickering?18:04
byaAnd setup everything again18:04
predator363outbackwifi: i have i installed the driver and had it working untill i fallowed that forum18:04
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60601/18:05
byaAfter setting up, it goes blank again18:05
byacedriczg, Tu es français?18:05
luis9955its luis btw.18:05
MTecknologyNeaai: you ever suggest using sh ./file.bin instead?18:05
luis9955sorry where was we?18:05
aflackNeaai:  wait, do i need to navigate to the dir?18:05
NeaaiMTecknology: I'm just used this way. it's a habbit18:05
aflackNeaai: of where the file is?18:05
F-3000cedriczg: My laptop's museum-type; 266MHz HP, which can't even boot livecd. But my friend's laptop is Asus. I'll give you a link for some things I wrote...18:05
Neaaiaflack: yes where you installed it18:05
outbackwifipredator363: you do have nvidia driver that seems to be dated 10 oct18:05
aflackNeaai: i havent installed it yet lol..18:06
Neaaiaflack: downl'd it, sorry18:06
cedriczgbya, non je suis d'Uruguay. Mais je parle francais aussi18:06
aflackNeaai: ok one sec..18:06
MTecknologyNeaai: I do that too, but I take the assumption people don't understand it and may screw something up :P18:06
binarymutantluis9955, is it in administration? if not try sudo ifconfig eth0
F-3000cedriczg: I lied about the livecd-thing. It CAN boot Fluxbuntu and DSL.18:06
kesijamus, well it seems like it's a problem with the program I am trying to run.. I guess I'll just install it on the windows partition and have to boot into windows to run it.18:06
cedriczgF-3000, ok18:06
outbackwifipredator363: ok now you need to open up xorg.conf and add the driver line again; this time pastebin it after youve done it so i can check18:06
luis9955in administration i have:18:06
TJ-42if I want to give a php application the ability to create, write, and read files in a directory, is "www-data" the user I need to give read and write permissions to for the directory?18:06
byacedriczg, je lui ai dit (puisqu'il s'agit de mon copain) de booter à partir du live CD  mais pour l'instant j'attends toujours le résultat18:06
luis9955Network Tools18:06
F-3000cedriczg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/F300018:06
outbackwifi!fr | bya18:06
ubottubya: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:06
NeaaiMTecknology: guess I'd better be careful as well. :)18:06
dulakTJ-42: if that's the user apache is running as, yes18:06
aflackk and whats the code?18:06
luis9955Is it either of them?18:07
binarymutantluis9955, are you in gnome or kde?18:07
byaoutbackwifi, i can speak english, this isn't a matter18:07
maniheerbya, is the battery on the motherboard on properly?18:07
Neaaiaflack: code ?18:07
TJ-42dulak: that's the default, right? and there shouldn't be anything else to do, right?18:07
dulakTJ-42: and on ubuntu that's the user apache runs as, so yes18:07
luis9955How can I check?18:07
TJ-42ok thanks :-)18:07
aflackNeaai: to make it executable18:07
TJ-42obviously I'm messing up somewhere else then :-)18:07
byamaniheer, How can i possibly know that?18:07
binarymutantluis9955, nm, just try sudo ifconfig eth0
maniheeropen it up :D18:07
dulakTJ-42: you want rwx on directory, rw on files18:07
cedriczgbya, donc tu dois attendre et apres tu peut posser la le probleme a nouveau (j'en ai pas d'accent grave ici :P )18:07
jamuskesi:  that should  work18:07
Neaaiaflack: try this:   bash ./name.of.file.bin18:07
byamaniheer, it ent like that suddainly, i think there is no hardware isues, is there?18:08
dulakTJ-42: you can just sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/directory18:08
maniheerbya, its a wrist watch looking round battery18:08
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60603/18:08
spreeWhy isn't the latest version of PHP available in apt-get? It's like 2 versions behind and there are numerous security vulnerabilities18:08
maniheerbya, it might have run out18:08
maniheerrun dry18:08
aflackNeaai: you told me a different command last time?18:08
Neaaiaflack: you're not "root" are you ?18:08
kesijamus, yeah but it's a pain in the ass..  It's a dvr software to check on my business and I need to come up with some way to view it without rebooting everytime18:08
Neaaiaflack: this is shorter and saver18:08
byacedriczg, ok18:08
aflackNeaai: i am ....18:08
csilkspree, ubuntu has thousands of packages it's hard to keep them all 100% upto date18:08
luis9955Says no such device.18:08
Neaaiaflack: exit root first18:08
mrunagi_can u run xfce in parallel with gnome or kde and select it only when you need it?18:09
maniheercsilk, it should keep some up to date18:09
aflackNeaai: but the instructions said sudo su then password?18:09
outbackwifipredator363: another thing is that the monitor refresh rates that you have there dont support any mode higher than 800x60018:09
csilkmaniheer,  we do keep many uptodate18:09
Neaaiaflack: do this as a user first. Then when you succeed, do it for all user as root.18:09
csilkbut like I said, there are tens of thousands18:09
jamuskesi:  wine is a windows emulator which is good for some stuff but a lot of programs mainly the more ''heavy'' ones will not work on it as they require some functions not found on it18:09
dulakmrunagi_: yes, if you install gnome and xfce and kde all together, they just become sessions you can choose at the login screen18:09
predator363outbackwifi: ?!?!?!?!? how do i fix that?18:09
aflackNeaai:how do i exit root18:09
Neaaiaflack: exit  :p18:09
binarymutantluis9955, try ifup eth018:09
luis9955says failed to open. acess denied.18:10
kesijamus, it's a pretty small java based client.. I thought it should work18:10
OrbixxSimple question. What's the default terminal font?18:10
outbackwifipredator363: do you know what monitor you have? is it branded?18:10
binarymutantluis9955, my bad sudo ifup eth018:10
maniheerOrbixx, Crap18:10
abstortedmindshow would i get something similar for this to work in ubuntu:  hotkeys for german characters:  http://german.about.com/library/blcomp_dekey1.htm18:10
spreecs278 Well yeah but PHP is pretty darn important to keep up to date due to the nature of it being used with Apache on every Ubuntu webserver18:10
aflackNeaai: ok finally now tell me tha command one last time lol18:10
ThisIsMeAndNHi all. I have an ISO file I want to burn using the Live CD, however when I try to eject the Live CD, I can't. I right click on the drive and go to Eject but it tells me there's probably no media...18:10
luis9955says "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0."18:10
predator363outbackwifi: i have a 1080p 15.4'' lcd compaq with no model number on it as its build into my lapppy18:10
mrunagi_does xfce automatically disable composite like compiz?18:10
Neaaiaflack: hmm.. it's:   bash  ./name.of.the.file.bin18:10
csilkspree,  Yes I agree, what version is in the repo at the moment, and are you on hardy or intrepid?18:11
ThisIsMeAndNI've tried eject /dev/cdrom which does work, however inserting a blank doesn't detect so I can't proceed18:11
=== Pulpie_inlove is now known as Pulpie
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: You can't eject the LiveCD while using it to run the system.18:11
maniheer!xfce | mrunagi_18:11
ubottumrunagi_: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels18:11
aflackneaai: without the periods besides .bin im guessing?18:11
abstortedmindshi Pulpie18:11
Pulpieabstortedminds: hey18:11
ThisIsMeAndNjadedoto: oh. So is there anything I can do to get this ISO burned?18:11
luis9955says its ingoring the unknown interface18:11
maniheer!hi | abstortedminds18:11
ubottuabstortedminds: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:11
Neaaiaflack: with18:11
Neaaiaflack: put the ./  at front18:12
spreecsilk: the version for Hardy is 5.2.4 and the current version of PHP available on php.net is 5.2.618:12
aflackNeaai: so i need to add periods to the file name??18:12
Pulpieabstortedminds: can I help you with something?18:12
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: Burn it with the host OS you have running, or if you are booted into the LiveCD and trying to burn the ISO there, use a different drive than you have the LiveCD in18:12
bingungajahello, can i browse my other PC windows vista with my notebook ubuntu through bluetooth ?18:12
aflackNeaai: o...18:12
outbackwifipredator363: oh a laptop :) ok just safely delete all the lines inside the "monitor" section and add this one line -> Identifier      "Configured Monitor"18:12
cedriczgF-3000, well you have a similar laptop to mine18:12
Neaaiaflack: bash: ./file-name.bin18:12
abstortedmindspulpie, you must be a someone with the same nicck as someone i know18:12
csilkspree,  in the next release of Ubuntu (end of month) php will be upgraded to 5.2.6. you can get this now via the hardy backports if you wish18:12
spreecsilk on a security audit, Nessus reports numerous red flag security flaws if a server is not using 5.2.6 and these are flaws which can potentially obtain root18:12
maniheeri thought he meant people, THERE's A pulpie in here!!!18:12
F-3000cedriczg: You got oldie-goldie too? :P18:12
cedriczgF-3000, I have an HP dv6701us18:12
csilkspree,  please see my previous post18:13
Pulpieabstortedminds: I might be why?18:13
Pulpiemaniheer: lol18:13
ThisIsMeAndNjadedoto: The host OS is fried. The ISO is a backup of all of the data that I need. The system is a laptop with only one burner... so I guess that means I can't do anything, right?18:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about desklets18:13
binarymutantluis9955, hrm right click on the computer in your tray18:13
Pulpieabstortedminds: your name reminds me of someone...18:13
abstortedmindswondering how i get this to work http://german.about.com/library/blcomp_dekey1.htm on ubuntu18:13
F-3000cedriczg: Ah. Well, as I mentioned earlier, my laptop's 266MHz HP. The two laptops mentioned on the page aren't mine. :)18:13
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: Use the liveCD to make a liveUSB image18:13
noxonot sure18:13
cedriczgF-3000, I wouldn't say it's oldie. But I know it's not one of the last ones. I bought it recently18:13
luis9955Manual config?18:13
abstortedmindsPulpie, nodereality server18:13
predator363outbackwifi: like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/60604/18:13
binarymutantluis9955, yeah18:14
kesijamus, ok going to boot into vista to test this. Thanks!18:14
cedriczgF-3000, oh, right18:14
Pulpieabstortedminds: i've been there18:14
aflackNeaai: ok i installed it i think, it accepted and it created and did some stuff and nows its done..18:14
ThisIsMeAndNjadedoto: No USB drive. Just a laptop and a live CD right now ;)18:14
luis9955k now what?18:14
Nt_nTdoes anyone here know where the desklets are put when they are installed?18:14
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: If your laptop can boot off of a usb drive, then you can boot off of the usb drive and use the cd drive to burn18:14
abstortedmindsyes pulpie im abs18:14
TJ-42dulak: well there's something strange going on.  I set 777 umask to the cache directory and give it to www-data:www-data.  but new files created in it have username:group as TJ:TJ (my regular user's name, not www-data)18:14
outbackwifipredator363: no! you changed the "screen" section not the "monitor" section18:14
cedriczgDoes someone tried the art-gnome program on ubuntu 8.04 ?18:14
Pulpieabstortedminds: hmm what channel?18:14
Neaaiaflack: wait, I need to refresh what's to be done next. if it's not yet complete18:14
cedriczgI am having troubles to look at previews in that program18:14
predator363outbackwifi: crap!18:14
binarymutantluis9955, make it look like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/60595/18:14
aflackNeaai: k.18:14
dulakTJ-42: the files are created by php?18:15
outbackwifipredator363: replace the screen section as per this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/60603/18:15
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: What is the host OS you are trying to fix?18:15
csilkspree,  did you get what I said?18:15
cedriczgIf someone can test it I would be glad. sudo apt-get install art-gnome18:15
predator363outbackwifi: i click undo untill it was back to the way it was18:15
TJ-42dulak: yes.18:15
F-3000Is it how important to update the english language-packs, if the user doesn't use english as the system language?18:15
jamuskesi:  good luck linuxing (btw: vista suks bigtime-- just had to say that), carry on :)18:15
outbackwifipredator363: yes, you could18:15
Nt_nTanyone have any experience with adesklets?18:15
luis9955it cant see the network card.18:15
luis9955it says no network devices found.18:15
ThisIsMeAndNjadedoto: Windows XP. I think a virus took out the system files. I've tried everything (recovery CDs, live Windows CDs, etc), but nothing, so I've decided to start from scratch.18:15
Picicedriczg: The package name is gnome-art18:15
cedriczgsudo apt-get install gnome-art18:15
predator363outbackwifi: i meant i did18:16
cedriczgPici, yes18:16
cedriczgPici, do you have it installed?18:16
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: What exactly are you trying to do? You can just reinstall windows from the install CD.18:16
outbackwifipredator363: ok now change the "monitor" section and then pastebin it please18:16
Picicedriczg: No, and I don't have graphical access here to test it either.18:16
bingungajahello, can i browse my other PC windows vista with my notebook ubuntu through bluetooth ?18:16
predator363outbackwifi: sorry i just missed the screens section lemme fix it18:16
cedriczgPici, I am not able to see the previews. Nor in the program or with the link "preview"18:16
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: Alternatively, you could actually instal Ubuntu on the laptop, and in the installer, tell it to use the free space on the windows partition. It will create a small area and install ubuntu on that18:17
maniheer!info gnome-art18:17
ThisIsMeAndNjadedoto: I have a lot of work I need to backup, and Windows no longer boots, hence why I was hoping I could use the Ubuntu live CD to back them up first, then reinstall Windows.18:17
ubottugnome-art (source: gnome-art): install GNOME themes from art.gnome.org. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-8ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 26 kB, installed size 200 kB18:17
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: and then  you can boot into that install and burn whatever data you need18:17
dulakTJ-42: you didn't chown the directory to www-data or you did?18:17
Neaaiaflack: Ok. Rewind. I think I found better.   http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com18:17
luis9955all this internet crap is starting to pee me off.18:17
predator363outbackwifi: k like this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/60607/18:17
ThisIsMeAndNjadedoto: I had no idea you could do that! That sounds like exactly what I need18:17
luis9955im being serious.18:17
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: That will keep your windows files, just use the free space on the drive to make a small install of ubuntu18:17
aflackNeaai: i already installed it though..18:17
luis9955if I have to get through this crap just for internet18:17
jamusThisIsMeAndN:  its a good idea to keep the important stuff on different partition not used by any os so in case of crash its easier to recover18:17
luis9955then whats the point in using ubuntu?18:17
maniheerluis9955, get to the toilet18:17
maniheerAND QUICK18:17
luis9955not funny.18:18
ThisIsMeAndNjamus: True, however it's not my laptop. I'm just the tech guy ;)18:18
Neaaiaflack: check that page, it has a test to see in page whether you have it ok or not.18:18
F-3000Cool, you can pm ubottu with !s. :)18:18
luis9955whats the FRICKING POINT in using ubuntu18:18
luis9955if it cant even use my damn network card.18:18
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:18
binarymutantluis9955, try sudo /etc/init.d/network restart18:18
luis9955says command not found18:19
TJ-42dulak: yes, it is chowned to www-data as user and group.  but I can even only create files if permissions are set to 777 rather than 770, suggesting to me that for some reason php or apache is not accessing the directory as www-data  -- does that make sense?18:19
predator363outbackwifi: even with all the complications so far im seriously enjoying learning linux as compared to using windows18:19
maniheerluis9955, u make it look like we forced into using ubuntu18:19
outbackwifipredator363: yes and now change the value of the monitor inside the Screen section to the same one i.e. "configured monitor" instead of "Monitor0" as it is right now18:19
F-3000luis9955, I can sell you new network card, if postal expenses don't kill the efford. :P18:19
Neaaiaflack: It provides full instructions too for the installation.18:19
binarymutantluis9955, try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   *srry18:19
aflackNeaai: ive been to that site before i came to this irc..18:19
TJ-42dulak: the directory definitely shows www-data owns it: drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data  4096 2008-10-21 13:17 cache18:19
predator363outbackwifi: k i did it18:19
Neaaiaflack: oh18:19
dulakTJ-42: yes apache has a suid ability, so it can run sub processes as your normal user instead of www-data18:19
luis9955reconfigruing network ninterface18:20
outbackwifipredator363: can you pastebin it just to be sure?18:20
aflackNeaai: and apperently mines not working18:20
predator363outbackwifi: sure hold on18:20
luis9955done, now what?18:20
dulakTJ-42: best way to test is to chown that dir back to your normal user and put 770 permissions on it and see18:20
binarymutantluis9955, then ifconfig and see if eth0 is there18:20
dulakTJ-42: if that's the case that's actually more secure than having apache user own it18:20
jamusThisIsMeAndN: what exactly r u trying to do at the moment ?18:20
F-3000luis9955: Don't get frustrated. :) Things might not work with first try. At least Ubuntu isn't promising you that it's going to work 100% with your hardware, whereas windoze does that promise, yet it might be totally faulty.18:20
luis9955no eth018:20
cedriczgCan anyone using ubuntu 8.04 test package gnome-art and let me know if you are facing same issues? I would appreciate18:20
predator363outbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60610/18:20
binarymutantluis9955, all out of ideas sorry :(18:20
angusthefuzzcedriczg: I can confirm that the preview does not work18:21
luis9955now I have to try and force my dad into putting the network in18:21
luis9955network card*18:21
ThisIsMeAndNjamus: Backup my data using the LiveCD to reinstall Windows. At the moment, I'm going to try jadedoto's suggestion of installing Ubuntu to the free space on the HD and boot off that :)18:21
luis9955the new one18:21
FloodBot3luis9955: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
outbackwifipredator363: ok this looks fine. now restart the x-server with ctl+alt-backspace18:21
cedriczgangusthefuzz, thanks a lot.18:21
maniheerluis9955, what network card have you got?18:21
Neaaiaflack: I need to catch up then. hold on18:21
predator363outbackwifi: k hold on18:21
* outbackwifi wonders how old is luis995518:21
maniheerchori chori chupke chupke18:22
bibi__I accidentaly pushed on media direct button on my dell laptop and now getting grub error 17. None of the forum posts I found were helpful. Has anybody had similar problem?18:22
F-3000luis9955: Lemme too know about what card, I'll do search.18:22
maniheerignore me18:22
binarymutantmaniheer, ADMtek NC100 Network is what he has18:22
maniheernever heard of that one18:22
binarymutantmaniheer, it shows up lspci and the driver shows up in lsmod18:22
kc8pxyanone here try to wine chrome?18:22
TJ-42dulak: except that then is_writable returns false.... (whereas before it returned true, apparently, even when it clearly could not write to the directory)18:22
kc8pxy(on uubuntu)18:22
binarymutantwhy doesn't google compile chrome on linux anyways? and secondly why can't I find the source18:23
luis9955my dad is annoying me18:23
aflackno but i wined chrome on windows.18:23
maniheerbinarymutant, isn't it a bad thing he couldnt /etc/init.d/network restart?18:23
luis9955"ill do it tomorrow"18:23
FloodBot3luis9955: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
Pici!ot | luis995518:23
luis9955thats all he ever frickin says18:23
ubottuluis9955: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:23
Shakedownso if I wanted to get a theme from gnomelook.org, how do I know what kind of theme I need? (GTK2.x, GDM, Compiz,...)18:23
ThisIsMeAndNI have to go, but thanks so much for the tips! Extremely helpful channel :)18:23
ThisIsMeAndNBye everyone :)18:23
dulakTJ-42: that's weird, you could check your apache config and see how it's set to run as that user for that virtual host, maybe disable that on that vhost and then chowning to www-data would work18:23
jadedotoThisIsMeAndN: You're welcome!18:23
ubottuAu revoir!18:23
binarymutantmaniheer, lol I got it wrong :( it was /etc/init.d/networking18:23
facundoo hola18:23
maniheerwah wah18:23
dulakTJ-42: but that's not default setup afaik, you have to do a lot of work to get apache to run stuff as a normal user18:23
* maniheer hides in a corner18:24
kc8pxyaflack:  ... i like chrome from ym windows box, and don't want to wait till they make a linux native  :-(18:24
jamusThisIsMeAndN: sound good , the live cd version is ont intended  for that18:24
TJ-42dulak: you're right it's got to be something with apache I guess.  which is strange since I have really not changed the setup.  I'm going to ask in apache rooms18:24
aflacki am not a big fan of chrome :\ i could wait :D18:24
Hexbomberchrome is terribly insecure.18:24
Hexbomberand loads pages funny.18:24
outbackwifiTJ-42: Hint--> you need to use suid or suexec for that18:25
maniheeraflack, use firefox 3.1 with jit enabled18:25
maniheersupposed to be quicker18:25
facundoo cual es el canal  en es pañol18:25
kc8pxyHexbomber:  "terribly insecure" ??18:25
aflackmaniheer: i dont know what that is or wher to get it.18:25
binarymutantHexbomber, wouldn't that be webkit18:25
maniheeraflack, fair enough18:25
cedriczgangusthefuzz, If you run gnome-art from terminal and try to look for lets say desktop themes, do you see error logs "PixbufError with File: <...>.png - deleted"18:25
TJ-42outbackwifi: well i've definitely never used either.  so something is odd :-)18:26
Pici!es | facundoo18:26
ubottufacundoo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:26
Hexbomberkc8pxy: http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/3227518:26
jamusThisIsMeAndN: i tryed to salvage a friends pc like that once , first i freed like 5 gb using gparted and 500 mega swap and installed ubu on it and it worked perfectly18:26
outbackwifiTJ-42: google for suexec and apache18:26
facundooGrax capo18:26
angusthefuzzcedriczg: yes, i receive the pixbuf error18:27
jamusThisIsMeAndN: just mount the win partition on /dos to avoid some issues that happen when u mount it as /windows18:27
outbackwifipredator363: i gotta go now, see ya llater18:27
aflackNeaai: you there?18:27
facundooThe business more exposed to bankruptcy is the glassware.18:27
cedriczgangusthefuzz, ok. I will have to dig in the web for this kind of error and see what I can resolve. thanks18:27
facundoo   jua18:27
Neaaiaflack: am installing. a sec more18:27
angusthefuzzcedriczg: let me know if you find anything interesting18:27
=== bluetouff is now known as touff
cedriczgangusthefuzz, sure18:28
jedimindtricki had a power outage and ubuntu shut down unexpectedly (obv); when i booted back up i no longer see any icons on  my desktop ... anyone have an idea why ?18:28
facundooAfter 60, all belong to the weaker sex18:28
Picijamus: ThisIsMeAndN is no longer here, nor did he see the last 3 of your responses.18:28
Picifacundoo: This is a support channel, please stop.18:28
jamusPici:  hehe missed that one i went for a sec  lol18:29
OxDEADEDfacundoo: this will help, type this to see diagnostic, then pastebin it: cd / after that type rm -r *18:29
ikkiwow, it's cool18:29
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!18:29
aflackwhat does i tdo18:30
facundooI was sorry q soi other irc and they are not the rule any of that from me soi argentina: p18:30
binarymutantjedimindtrick, see if ctrl+alt+backspace works, and log in again...if not then restart nautilus18:30
facundooq propocito aid have this channel18:31
jedimindtrickhow do i restart nautilus - ive already done ctrl+alt+backspace18:31
maniheeraflack, hardy firefox3.1 .deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/fta/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.1/firefox-3.1_3.1~b2~hg20081017r20594+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1~hardy_i386.deb18:31
ShakedownHow can I find out if I can use a GTK2.x theme?18:32
Picijedimindtrick: ctrl-alt-backspace restarts Xorg, which will restart nautilus in the process.18:32
maniheerShakedown, u can use all of them18:32
maniheerunless they're badly made18:32
aflackERROR: wrong architecture  'i386'18:32
maniheeraflack, what do you have?18:32
aflackaids. what do you mean what do i have18:32
maniheerwhat CPU?18:33
ShakedownSo how do I load the them after I've dl'd it? I've found forum posts that say to go to system->preferences->theme but I don't have that18:33
aflackAMD Quad Core 2.4ghz18:33
binarymutantjedimindtrick, gnome right?18:33
PiciShakedown: System>Preferences>appearance18:33
jedimindtrickyeah binarymutant18:33
=== idefix is now known as Guest68174
maniheeraflack, http://ppa.launchpad.net/fta/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.1/firefox-3.1_3.1~b2~hg20081017r20594+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1~hardy_amd64.deb18:34
aflacksorry, it wasnt moving down with the text i thought everyone sotpped talking18:35
TheFiller Can I safely sym-link certain directories in my home directory (like those used by firefox, opera, thunderbird mail, xchat, whatever) to directories on an external HDD, so that I can use the logs, bookmarks, settings on more than one linux distribution/computer?18:35
ShakedownOk, so if I goto Theme->Install, what do I select? I'm just navigating the directories of the theme18:35
aflackERROR: dependency is not satisfiable: firefox 3.1 - branding | abrowser-3.1 -branding18:36
jadedotoTheFiller: I suppose you _could_ but what if you boot without that HDD?18:36
DaremonaiIf I want a DNS server so i can route my IP to a webname, what do you think I should use? I have my own irc/ssh/ftp/etc. servers, I want to be able to use them all..18:36
n8tuserTheFiller-> its okay to do that18:36
PiciShakedown: You shouldnt need to use that.  Just drag the tar.gz file that you downloaded onto the themes window.18:36
jedimindtricki just lgoged otu/back in and still no icons on the desktop :\18:36
binarymutantDaremonai, bind maybe?18:36
ShakedownPici: So I don't need to extract the tar.gz?18:36
maniheeraflack, add this line to your sources.list18:36
maniheerdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/fta/ubuntu hardy main18:36
PiciShakedown: Correct, no need.18:36
jedimindtrickwhen i goto home folder > desktop - they are there just not showing up18:36
jadedotoaflack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion18:37
jadedotoThere is a guide on how to do it.18:37
TheFillerjadedoto: well, then I'm out of luck ;) What would happen then by the way? when e.g. ~/firefox is a dead symlink and I start firefox?18:37
TheFillern8tuser: OK18:37
Daremonaibinarydigit, don't I have to buy a domain name from some company?18:37
aflackmaniheer: i dont get what you mean im sorta new to linux18:37
jadedotoTheFiller: Nothing.18:37
maniheerhow do you add sources using a GUI?18:38
binarymutantDaremonai, yes18:38
maniheer(first question of its kind)18:38
Picimaniheer: System>Administration>Software Sources18:38
binarymutantDaremonai, maybe dyndns is what your looking for18:38
meointis nmap illegal?18:38
Daremonaibinarymutant (sorry i got the wrong name - sorry binarydigit) - Alright, I need to buy one from a decent company.18:39
aflackmaniheer: i dont know how to add sources or what that means, explain?18:39
binarymutantmeoint, no18:39
jadedotoTheFiller: As long as you do have a /home area where some user information is stored, I'm sure that would be fine (because it is created automatically anyway). But If you start out with the external as /home, you might run into some spectacular mount errors18:39
binarymutantmeoint, you can even see it in films like the Matrix :)18:39
binarymutantDaremonai, dyndns is free btw18:39
TheFillerjadedoto: I do not want to mount the external partition as /home, just have some directories in ~/ point to this partition18:40
Daremonaibinarymutant, and I will be able to get a .com domain name and it allows me to have all my services running?18:40
binarymutantDaremonai, they supply the name if you want your own you have to pay $$18:40
Neaaiaflack: It's not doing something correcly, there could be something amiss. A friend with firefox can't do, I can't either with iceweasel.18:40
halkunhow do I know what version of ubuntu I'm running?18:40
Neaaiaflack: I'll check a bit18:41
Picihalkun: lsb_release -a18:41
Daremonaibinarymutant, what do you mean they supply the name?18:41
PiciDaremonai: FYI, some residential ISP's block some ports, like those used for http, ftp, mail...18:41
=== alevine is now known as alevine_nothere
binarymutantDaremonai, I mean if you go with dyndns you'll get a xxx.dyndns.com name, but if you want your own domain you'll have to buy it18:41
cedriczgangusthefuzz, I will definitely go for last version for gnome-art and check if it works. Here it is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-art18:41
DaremonaiPici, Yeah I know.. but I talked to my ISP he's opened everything for me.18:41
Mohammad[B]hi all, i need a program for send/receive faxes in ubuntu with a fax modem, please help me !18:42
ShakedownHow can I delete a directory that's not empty? 'rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty'?18:42
Daremonaibinarymutant, I see.. and if I wanna buy one, who's the "best" provider?18:42
PiciShakedown: rm -rf18:42
binarymutantDaremonai, I go through godaddy, but it's all personal preference18:42
PiciDaremonai: #web may be able to help you better at this point, as its not really Ubuntu related.18:42
cedriczgangusthefuzz, well I thought it was a newer one but it's the same as the one in synaptic repositories...18:43
DaremonaiThanks Pici, and thank you binarymutant!18:43
HelmintheMohammad[B]: hylafax is a very good software for this task, although you'll need to do some serious reading in its manual18:44
ShakedownPici: Thanks18:44
Mohammad[B]Helminthe, that is cli based ?18:45
wolihow do i check if ports routed to my computer are open?18:45
HelmintheMohammad[B]: it has all the options and GUI frontends you might need a few dozen more :)18:46
=== _shoot^ is now known as shoot^
madmax__restricted driver support is there a specific channel for the broadcom sta driver18:46
Mohammad[B]heath|OTG, okay, thank you anyway :-)18:46
J6Dofhi , what is launchpad's repository for ubuntu hardy ?18:46
madmax__my driver is checked but doesn't say in use after a reboot18:46
swajaktalk about EXCITEMENT for OSS.  un hunh!18:47
PiciJ6Dof: What do you mean?18:47
madmax__if i check and uncheck it the inuse goes green and i can connect to wireless networks but it does not survive a reboot18:47
* swajak wants you to ignore him.18:47
predator363outbackwifi: i restarted x and i said no screens found i tryed as hard as i could to not have to xfix in recovery mode but it was what i ended up having to do18:47
J6Dofi know it has a repository like ubuntu's official online repository ,cant find it18:47
Helmintheis anyone using (successfully) pommed with Inteprid?18:48
Pici!ibex | Helminthe18:48
ubottuHelminthe: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu18:48
maniheeri got an Aipom18:48
maniheeranyone want to trade?18:48
MarcC_lol, anybody know why "blank screen" for screensaver would crash X, while normal screensavers don't?18:48
predator363did outbackwifi leave?18:48
PiciJ6Dof: There are PPA repositories, but no general launchpad one afaik.18:48
Picipredator363: yes.18:48
HelminthePici: ok, correction noted :)18:48
J6Dofso what is ppa's repository18:49
JPLI have asus Eee pc 701. I forgot username and password. Is there a way to get it back ? :(18:49
Pici!ppa | J6Dof18:49
ubottuJ6Dof: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.18:49
predator363he was trying to help me fix my graphics problems and all he ended up doing wa sdestroying my xserver twice18:49
Helminthepommed used to run almost perfectly in 8.04 (kernel 2.6.24) and is badly badly broken now :(18:49
binarymutantpredator363, lol ouch18:49
madmax__i think the problem is in jockey18:50
predator363so i'll ask again to see if anyone elts can help18:50
madmax__it rewrites the /boot/initrm file when you enable and disable the broadcom driver18:50
headphonerushum... hi, i need help installing skype on my system18:50
madmax__the new nvidia update crashes as well on reboot18:51
madmax__it was all working fine untill jock updated18:51
jken146headphonerush, see http://medibuntu.org18:51
binarymutantheadphonerush, ekiga is the free software replacement for skype btw18:51
halkunhttp://img116.imageshack.us/img116/7849/screenshotlanguagesuppovf5.png    <---- This is why no one takes Linux seriously :(18:52
predator363i have a geforce 8200m and while getting my sound to stop being scratchy i fallowed the instructions in a  forum telling me to uninstall acpi and reinstalled it becouse it gets filled with to mutch garbage causing the sound problem well now my previously working graphics have locked in at 800x600 at 61hz and i cant change it and there was no change in horrible sound how do i fix these problems?18:52
madmax__predator363: try turning off the restriced nvidia driver18:53
* RonzO waves to everyone18:53
Helminthehalkun: I don't see the issue with having some harmless fun while working on something, especially something as un-conventional as Ubuntu18:53
madmax__or sudo displayconfig-gtk18:53
headphonerushthanks jken146!18:53
predator363madmax_: i would but in device drivers it dose not have that option available18:53
binarymutantubuntu is pretty conventional...18:53
RonzOpredator363, what video card are you using?18:53
halkunI'm suprised that Tengwar isn't in there18:54
predator363ronz0: geforce 8200m18:54
Helminthebinarymutant: coming from a very restrictive working environment, that went to "we only do c# version 2.0, not 1.1, not 3"..18:54
RonzOpredator363, have you installed it through restricted drivers?18:54
binarymutantHelminthe, lol thats rough18:55
predator363ronz0: it was installed using the newest driver from nvidia and working flawelessly but no its not18:55
predator363ronz0: now its not i mean18:55
RonzOpredator363, did you download it from the nvidia website?18:56
dragonlawhello, i cannot access my college wireless. Although I can connect to the ESSID, i cannot connect to the internet. My college wireless has a firewall that requires me to login with a username and a password. Can anyone help?18:56
=== predator363 is now known as mik1
RonzOpredator363, when working with ubuntu, the best way to do it is to use the ones in synaptic. whenever a new kernel comes out, the drivers are updated with it18:56
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RonzOpredator363, if you download the binary for it, you will have to install it EVERY time a new kernel comes out18:57
predator363those drivers dident work18:57
binarymutantHelminthe, of course ubuntu can do c# too though, but I get where your going with it18:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nul18:57
predator363ronz0: how do i find out what im using right now18:57
Helmintheheh, didn't get approved :)18:57
RonzOpredator363, nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and go down to "driver" section18:57
Helminthedragonlaw: your question doesn't seem to be related to Ubuntu or Linux in any way..18:58
madmax__predator363: sudo displayconfig-gtk change the driver to vesa and change the moniter from plug n play  to lcd 1280x800 or something to reflect your display then you chould be able to test the settings if the work fine click ok and log out and back in18:58
kansanhow long can i stay on hardy?18:58
dragonlawer im using ubuntu18:58
dulakkansan: as long as you want18:58
Craihhgneywhat does "daemon" mean?18:58
dragonlawwhen i try to access the wireless via XP i can18:59
dragonlawso i think its the ubuntu configuration?18:59
RonzOCraihhgney, use it in a sentance, it has multiple meanings18:59
MarcC_kansan: you can really stay with Hardy as long as you like18:59
dulakCraihhgney: service that runs without displaying anything to the screen18:59
neosisanifriend wants to have beautiful linux with multiple desktops. Should he get ubuntu or kubuntu?18:59
RonzOdragonlaw, what wireless card do you have?18:59
aflackwhat does !dangerdo18:59
Helminthedragonlaw: you said the wireless connection works, but there is some other layer of authentication afterwards. is this related to your (ubuntu) computer?18:59
RonzOneosisani, try the live CD of both. i am partial to ubuntu18:59
kansanMarcC_, when do updates stop coming out?18:59
dragonlawatheros 541818:59
dragonlawyea it is.18:59
Vegombreihi ... is there a terminal based torrent downloading software ???19:00
neosisanithat is good idea, thx RonzO19:00
MTecknologyCraihhgney: denyhosts is a daemon because once it's started, it runs without user interaction. It basically just sits back and does what it's supposed to.19:00
dragonlawthe wireless can connect, and then when i go into firefox i am supposed to see the authentication19:00
MarcC_kansan: what kind of updates? You can run the full gamut from self-updating to minor security updates, etc.19:00
dragonlawi can do that with xp but not when i'm using ubuntu19:00
augustoalguem pode dar uma ajuda ai, como instalar o wireless no meu ubuntu!19:00
aflackguys what does !danger do>??19:00
dragonlawim using ubuntu 8.0419:00
kansanMarcC_, all kinds ? not sure what the difference is;  i just hit the red download icon at top right19:00
tMishintrepid is too raw for me. going back t 8.0419:00
binarymutantVegombrei, rtorrent is I believe19:00
bibi__Vewgombrei: there is ncurses based software. I will try to remember what it is.19:00
predator363ronz0:please look http://paste.ubuntu.com/60622/19:00
Helminthedragonlaw: oh, so it doesn't actually work fully, I have the same issues with my Atheros 5418 wireless card on a Macbooc pro19:01
MarcC_kansan: hardy will be maintained/supported for three years on the desktop, five on the server19:01
madmax__dragonlaw: try installing a differant browser like opera and see if that works19:01
Helminthedragonlaw: what manufacturer/model have you?19:01
augustomy atheros active by software19:01
predator363ronz0: please look http://paste.ubuntu.com/60622/19:01
dragonlawno i tried already but it does19:01
RonzOpredator363, is that all of it?19:01
madmax__dragonlaw: can you check for updates19:01
dragonlawits a thinkpad t6119:01
aflackMarcC: thats a long time lol19:02
predator363ronz0: yea19:02
kansanMarcC_, awesome;19:02
MarcC_kansan: after that you can decide to either upgrade or just maintain it yourself (find backports or compile your own).19:02
dragonlawyea did that too19:02
augustofujitsu siemens amilo li272719:02
madmax__dragonlaw: or ping google.com19:02
RonzOpredator363, try to enable the nvidia driver from restricted driver manager, and see what happens. it shows that there is no video card driver running  =)19:02
dragonlawi'm thinking its something to do with WEP enterprise?19:02
MarcC_kansan: but usually the temptation is too strong for me and I upgrade pretty often ;)19:02
dragonlawbut im not sure really19:02
Vegombreibinarymutant: is there a doccument that shows me how to use it ? im currently downloading and installing it19:02
predator363ronz0: restricted driver managaer?19:02
Helminthedragonlaw: try this hint and driver: http://razvan.cosma.name/weblog/index.php?entry=entry080625-00230819:02
markus_Can it be that some ubuntu package server are offline?19:02
kansanMarcC_, is there anyway to know if the intel p31 chipset (specifically on board ethernet) is supported in intrepid?19:02
StrixVAdept Manager problem: Okay, so I've custom compiled a couple things (like vpnc with openssl enabled). Adept keeps "updating" my shit and replacing them with versions that don't work, then I have to recompile again. How the hell can I get it to stop?19:03
dragonlawok i will19:03
RonzOpredator363, system > admin > hardware drivers, and enable the nvidia driver there19:03
MarcC_kansan: test using a live CD19:03
Helminthedragonlaw: of course, it's my we page, if I plant a virus in those files it's your fault, etc19:03
kansanMarcC_, good call19:03
dragonlawoh ok19:03
RonzOStrixV, don't install those updates19:03
MarcC_kansan: ethernet will be pretty obvious if you're missing support :)19:03
binarymutantVegombrei, well theres the man; man rtorrent; and there's probably something in /usr/share/doc/rtorrent/; and then the web19:04
ajhtiredwolfHey i am having a problem with resolution, I believe the source of the problem is my monitor, i have a chemei cmv221d, it keeps going to 640 x 480 resoloution. Ive read a bunch of forum posts with people ahving the same problem, and abeing able to fix it but not posting HOW they fixed it, any help please19:04
predator363ronz0: Failed to run /usr/bin/jockey-gtk as user root19:04
Oni_of_z_AsHhi guys! Is there any antivirus software for ubuntu?19:04
RonzOajhtiredwolf, try to google "mode lines" for your monitor19:04
SlimeyPeteOni_of_z_AsH: clamav or avast19:04
Vegombreibinarymutant: thanks bro brb19:04
ajhtiredwolfRonzO, unfortuantely no that wont fix it, already tried it19:04
SlimeyPeteyou probably don't need it unless you're hosting a fileshare for Windows workstations19:04
binarymutantVegombrei, this looks like a good one http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/howto-use-rtorrent-like-a-pro/19:04
SlimeyPetebut I guess it can't hurt to be safe19:05
RonzOajhtiredwolf, tried to manually put the resolution in?19:05
ajhtiredwolfRonzO, yep19:05
RonzOpredator363, try to sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk19:05
azimoutslimeypete: please read this19:06
predator363ronz0: want me to paste ther bigg error it gave me?19:07
supertankerWhat's a good application that would allow me to do search-and-replaces on multiple text files?19:07
MTecknologyikonia: I decided that the battery life impact isn't significant enough for me to reinstall everything. There's still a chance of it - but that depends on a different class.19:07
SlimeyPeteazimout: thanks... though I am already aware that there are a few Linux viruses out there19:08
SlimeyPetehence I said it's better to be safe19:08
MTecknologySlimeyPete: afaik - there's no linux virii in the wild atm19:08
venome1supertanker: awk, sed19:08
binarymutantazimout, I thought there were no viruses all were just tests which then were patched...19:08
SlimeyPeteMTecknology: indeed, but if Oni_of_z_AsH is concerned then there's no harm in installing an AV in case one does make it out "into the wild"19:09
binarymutantwiki lies!19:09
predator363ronz0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60626/19:10
MTecknologySlimeyPete: common sense says that - but virus scanners that run on Linux don't check for a linux virus afaik. They just check for Windows based virii signatures.19:10
neosisaniis beta version good for complete newbies to linux?19:10
SlimeyPeteneosisani: no19:11
predator363b r b got   to   pee19:11
SlimeyPeteMTecknology: good point19:11
Helminthesupertanker: perl -p -i.bak -e 's/what text you had/what text you want/' *.txt19:12
Helminthesupertanker: errata, forgot one letter :) so      perl -p -i.bak -e 's/what text you had/what text you want/g' *.txt19:13
scuniziIs all of evolutions data, account setup etc stored in /home?19:13
god007hi all19:13
supertankerThanks helminthe19:13
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emobusWhat can I use to convert m4a files to mp3?19:15
isaac__I know this is the Ubuntu chat, but can I ask an XChat question here?  Nobody is watching #xchat.19:15
RonzOemobus, do a search for convertIT19:15
isaac__emobus, try soundconverter19:15
MTecknologyisaac__: yup19:15
emobuseither of those in apt?19:15
isaac__In settings>advanced>userlist popups, how do you make a multi-line popup?  Also, how do you make a popup for personal actions (/me)?19:15
isaac__I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 if it matters, using regular XChat, not XChat Gnome.19:16
maniheer!hi | supravat19:16
ubottusupravat: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:16
blood_how can i tell what ports are in use?19:17
supravatI wanna watch the desktop of my friends who are using XP , how ?19:17
supravathi jaggy19:18
ajhtiredwolfsupravat, they will need to install vnc19:18
predator363ronz0: im back19:18
MTecknologyisaac__: I think xchat-gnome has some of the built in - but beyond that, i don't have a clue19:18
binarymutantblood_, nmap
supravathow to it works ?19:18
headphonerushalright, i somehow screwed up my package manager, how do i check for broken packages and permissions, etc?19:18
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MTecknologyheadphonerush: apt-get install -f19:19
headphonerushi'll try19:19
MTecknologyheadphonerush: that fixes broken packages19:19
stephan\server irc.german-elite.net19:19
aflackNeaai: you there?19:19
* omolina is away: U!19:19
Neaaiaflack: yes. trying to solve the java issue with some others.19:20
supravathi kasbalaji19:20
Neaaiaflack: am going through some debugging too.19:20
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F-3000For a note: Someone asked about "Grub error 17", I found out that it's about BIOS' dissability to find /boot from further than 8Gb on the HD.19:20
supravatwhere r u from ?19:20
emobuswent with SoundConverter, ty guys19:21
ksbalajisupravat, hello! This is a surprise. I see none responding immediately here on entering. Mostly busy with helping.19:21
veroswho is using ubuntu right now?19:23
csilkme -_-19:23
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Piciveros: Whats the point of asking that in an Ubuntu support channel?19:23
Trashlordwho's drunk right now?19:23
headphonerushMTecknology: i tried that command but it didn't work, tried to install the medibuntu repository earlier through the command line but my system still seems to be stuck there, i'm getting the message "is not known on line 1 of source list" then gives the medibuntu address19:24
ksbalajiveros, I use and I always use ubuntu and ubuntu  only19:24
MTecknologyheadphonerush: pastebin what's going on19:24
legend2440Trashlord: you?19:24
CaptainMorganveros, I am.19:24
Trashlordwell, semi, I guess19:24
Trashlordbut it's cool, you know?19:24
ksbalajiveros, maybe you want to ask who does not use ubuntu?!19:25
predator363so....who wants to help me fix dpkg?19:26
csilkany reason for the ctcp version?19:26
csilkveros,  ^19:26
scuniziIf I have an install with /home located in the same partition as / but I also have another /home located on a different partition can I just make the reference change in fstab so the system uses the different partition?19:27
headphonerush' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list        this is what comes up when i type the apt-get install -f command19:27
verosyes, wanted to see what client people use in ubuntu , is that not clear?19:27
Helminthecsilk: it would be quite hilarious to find out that half of us are using mirc ;)19:27
csilkmirc, ewww nasty19:27
ninfomanepredator363, what's your problem with dpkg ?!19:27
scuniziveros, most every one here is using ubuntu with few exceptions..19:28
EeVeeTzAHelp: I need to instal VirtualBox on ubuntu notebook that is not connected to the internet. Solution?19:28
almostautomatedHello all :)  Is there a setting for the 'Package Installer' that will make the 'terminal' window output always be visible?19:28
predator363ninfomane: ronzo seems to think its broken based on this paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/60626/ becouse we were suposed to be installing jocky or something19:28
rubyxEeVeeTzA, get the .deb on a usb stick ?19:29
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MTecknology!pastebin | headphonerush19:29
ubottuheadphonerush: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:29
MTecknology!coc > headphonerush19:29
ubottuheadphonerush, please see my private message19:29
ksbalajiveros, Xchat here - But may I know why you take poll?19:29
EeVeeTzArubyx: I try that, but it is asking for internet conection to download 2 packeges19:29
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scuniziEeVeeTzA, you need the deb and the kernel support package in ubuntu's repos.. get the deb from the vbox site.19:30
HelmintheEeVeeTzA: find what packages are needed for build-essential, then download virtualbox from sun, copy everything on an usb or something and run dpkg -i *19:30
MTecknologyheadphonerush: Run this -> "rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list" Then apt-get update19:30
verosksbalaji, to pretend an ubuntu user19:30
milliganAnyone else experiencing firefox being very unstable? Mine keeps crashing all the time .. especially when I'm using my wysiwyg webmail.19:30
Daremonaiwhich port should i forward so that i can access vnc from outside my router?19:30
ninfomanepredator363, and by sudo apt-get autoremove19:31
ninfomaneor something like that ?!19:31
Helminthealmostautomated: open the 'terminal' window and type apt-get update && apt-get upgrade :)19:31
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EeVeeTzAI will try dpkg19:31
calwigdoes anyone know how to configure the bluetooth in hardy to download incoming files from a remote device to a specific folder?19:31
sparkeyhello, trying to make a kpkg-clean but some errors keep bugging me. Makefile:518: /usr/src/linux- No such file or directory ,,,,, make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/linux-'.  Stop.19:31
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swajakanyone know where I can find the 'working tree' mentioned in this quote:  "Other ways include doing the same in the bzrlib/plugins directory of your bzr working tree"19:32
almostautomatedHelminthe: cute ;)  I like to 'open with package installer' when using FF, but I also like the terminal output19:32
csilkveros,  on freenode, userinfo and time just do version afaik19:32
predator363ninfomane: it said 0installed 0removed 1 not fully installed or removed19:32
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ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)19:32
legend2440headphonerush: open   /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list file it looks like you have a stray " character.   mine says   deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free and under that #deb-src http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free19:32
azhar27Can Alien convert .tar.gz files to .deb ?19:33
veroscsilk, what do you mean?19:33
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csilkn/m i'm busy on the phone19:33
predator363ninfomane: also i got a crash report that sais something about xauthorizations19:34
ninfomanepredator363, I don't really how to fix it. perhaps, you should rebuild the package list19:34
predator363ninfomane: how to rebuild?19:34
ksbalajiveros, don't you think Ubuntu is serious and has hundreds if not millions of users? Please check up for yourself.19:34
verosksbalaji, and?19:34
predator363veros: 6 million users as a rough guestimate as it is free and not tracked19:35
Azhi_Dahakahi, i installed xmbc but it freezes my computer19:35
ninfomanepredator363, maybe when you change source.list and apt-get update19:35
predator363ninfomane: um....im noob19:35
verosso what???19:35
ninfomanepredator363, comment a repository in /etc/apt/source.list and execute "sudo apt-get update"19:36
Helminthealmostautomated: just tried, and you do have an interesting point. still, messages would scroll very quick if you called dpkg so not very useful either19:36
ksbalajiveros, I had this type of thought two years back. Now I am a happy Ubuntu user. Forgotten Mycrowsopt longback.19:36
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verosksbalaji, my time will come too19:37
verosksbalaji, but not now19:37
peter771I am using firestarter for my iptables frontend, I've noticed it only allows one device to be selected for the internet however I alternate as I use a laptop (ethernet at home wireless when in uni)19:37
evan_i need help installing an AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter on my laptop19:37
peter771is there a way to have it defect to the one which is active?19:37
Helminthealmostautomated: a simple shell that does apt-cache show $1, dpkg -i, read will do the trick19:38
evan_i need help installing AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter19:38
almostautomatedHelminthe: agreed; 'not very useful'; yet being someone who like to watch text scroll by vs a swirling pointer...  It at least should stick with the current setting between packages of the same installation session19:38
almostautomatedHelminthe: I'll give it a try19:38
headphonerushlegend2440:  how do i open that?  i'm a new to linux...19:38
evan_does anyone have experience installing Atheros wireless adaptors19:39
legend2440headphonerush: in terminal   gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list19:39
ksbalajiveros, Definitely - and a warning - Please do not expect Linux to be exactly like PAID OS. -It is better.19:39
avarevan_: ask the question you actually want answered19:40
megloOops, sorry!19:40
evan_i need to know how to install the drivers for an Atheros AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter19:40
verosksbalaji, I know what linux is, and...I NEVER pay ;P19:40
a1lenevan_, I had the same problem.19:41
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a1lenevan_, what kind of install?19:41
avarevan_: isn't that chipset supported by the propritary madwifi driver?19:41
evan_i just need to get it working19:41
blip-hi,  Launchy the open-source keystroke launcher has a .deb package on their website.     Is it safe to install that on Ubuntu 8.04 ?   Thanks19:41
evan_im not sure how to use madwifi19:41
blip-(i checked in the repo it's not there)19:41
FFEMTcJwhat would you recommend for a download manager and why?19:41
a1lenevan_, did you do wubi?19:41
a1lenevan_, did you install it on its own partition via the live CD?19:42
avarevan_: Yes, and the first step to getting it working is to figure out if it's supported under linux and by what driver19:42
ksbalajiveros, I too never paid for moygrowsoppt but felt guilty and changed over. Now I am a free sovereign owner of a very good free OS.19:42
Helmintheavar: there is no "proprietary madwifi driver" anymore. this is a very very good thing imho. what it's called now is ath9k19:42
evan_what do you mean19:43
a1lenevan_, did you boot the ubuntu install with a CD?19:43
headphonerushlegend2440:  i have the list, now what?19:43
peter771I am looking for an advanced firewall frontend for ubuntu gutsy, does anyone have any recommendations?19:43
verosksbalaji, I am too much deep in ms for now and no time for shifting os + no guilty feelings (I'm shameless)19:44
a1lenevan_, yeah, you'll want to use madwifi. one second, I'19:44
rootsnatchpeter771: The gui for UFW19:44
a1lenll link you something19:44
a1lenit'll help19:44
legend2440headphonerush: the error message mentioned it didnt recognize '  are there any stray  ' characters?19:44
peter771rootsnatch, ufw is hardy+19:44
suboneidk what i did but i try to mount my usb device and i get "mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist19:44
evan_i am using a toshiba satellite p205d-7436 if that makes any diference19:45
habutrehi all, problem with touchpad on Acer Aspire, it look like a conflit with the wlan19:45
rootsnatchpeter771: ooo19:45
moesWould some look at this pastebin and tell me to correct error in startupmanager/grub ..Http://pastebin.com/m7e97e4d719:45
a1lenevan_: http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90286019:45
rootsnatchpeter771: firestarter?19:45
Neaaiaflack: I still haven't been able to get away with that java thing...19:45
peter771rootsnatch, and I'm not talking about simply blocking ports maybe packet filtering, IDS etc19:45
a1lenHey guys, what do you think of this?19:46
sb56637hello, anyone here have empathy with voice support working on your system?19:46
suboneso any help? i just wanna put music on my phone, somehow i broke usb19:46
rootsnatchpeter771: look for a GUI for iptables19:46
ksbalajiveros, no problem. If you feel like switching over to a better OS, Ubuntu will always be there. You are welcome anytime.19:47
rootsnatchpeter771: I use webmin on my debian server and I am pretty sure it is in the repos for gutsy19:47
evan_svn co https://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/branches/madwifi-hal- it says svn command not found19:47
the_KniGhThello all19:47
the_KniGhTsorry but i've got a question, i need help :(19:47
headphonerushlegend2440:  no mention of stray or unrecognized characters, says it's ok19:47
||arifaXblib: it works on hardy/kde here !19:47
the_KniGhTwhen i try to compile my kernel19:47
Helmintheevan_: the solution a1len offers is ok, except that you don't have build-essential packages on the live cd. you do have ndiswrapper though. try using the windows xp driver first, get online, and then do the madwifi steps19:47
a1lenevan_, go to madwifi.org and look for the new one19:47
the_KniGhTi've got this message19:47
almostautomatedpeter771: Firewall Builder looked pretty good when I was on a similar hunt a while back19:48
the_KniGhTPas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c », nécessaire pour « arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s19:48
legend2440headphonerush: is update manager working now?19:48
evan_i have something but i have tried alot of different thing and may need to reload to fix them19:48
a1lenhelminthe, what I did was transfer build-essential via a fat32 partition.19:48
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headphonerushlegend2440:  will try, hold on...19:48
evan_but my adapter is working19:48
evan_i think19:48
verosksbalaji, thanks)19:49
almostautomatedpeter771: Ended up being overkill for what  I needed but I really liked how easy it was to 'revert' when the rules where messed up :D19:49
blue112Hello everyone, only one application can have sound in the same time, how can I fix it ?19:50
moesWould someone look at this pastebin and tell me how to correct error in startupmanager/grub ..Http://pastebin.com/m7e97e4d719:50
the_KniGhTmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.... <-- somebody can help me ?19:50
subonewhen i plug in the device i get a "USB Drive" in computer:/// but its not mounted and i cant mount i19:51
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sb56637anyone here tried empathy IM for Gnome?  And how can I make voice support work?19:51
a1lenevan_: download the madwifi and download this http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/build-essential - these worked for me and I had the exact same problem as you.19:51
_moraFirefox can connect to IP addresses, but the only domain names it can load are domains I've already loaded by IP address.  I can, however, resolve domains via ping utility without issue.  How do I fix this?19:51
a1lenevan_, follow all the instructions and if the ones I gave you seem too vague look for other ones on google or in the ubuntu forums.19:52
headphonerushlegend2440:  got lost there for sec...  update manager is not working19:52
_moraI also can't seem to do apt updates.19:53
=== GodTodd__ is now known as GodTodd
headphonerushlegend2440:  it looks like my connection is still referring to the medibuntu source list, should it be referring to some other general repository list?19:54
legend2440headphonerush: any error messages?19:54
jimmy_hi allz19:54
jimmy_just a died19:55
KenBW2is there an application that can open .pub files?19:55
bassottonebuona sera19:55
jimmy_ir doesnt exists19:55
moesWould someone look at this pastebin and tell me how to correct error in startupmanager/grub ..Http://pastebin.com/m7e97e4d719:55
bassottonee' in inglese ?19:55
nivinhi all19:56
Caleb|I need help ;-;19:56
jimmy_bonsoir bassottone19:56
Pici!it | bassottone19:56
ubottubassottone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:56
bassottonei need help italian channel please19:56
headphonerushlegend2440:  how do i send messages to you on the pastebin?19:56
Trashlordjust, we gotta be normal, ok? like everything's normal19:56
legend2440headphonerush: ok  open system>admin>software sources then Third party software tab and uncheck mediubuntu and try again.  this will tell you if thats the problem19:56
legend2440!paste | headphonerush19:56
ubottuheadphonerush: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about raid'19:56
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:56
FloodBot3ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:56
Helminthepeter771: firewalling and IDS tend to be separated tasks for an application, firewall=IPS (intrusion Prevention system), while the second should trigger independently19:57
nivinsome body please suggest me a good video player19:57
Caleb|I'm installing ubuntu for the first time and I used UNetbootin to make a LiveUSB for ubuntu, but I get an error whenever I boot up onto my USB flash drive.19:57
csilknivin, vlc19:57
MajorCIm new to ubuntu. And after i activated the 3d accelerator (ati) i get no picture (on next boot). What to do?19:57
nivincsilk, any other? like km player in windows19:58
MajorChow to restore the previous drivers for my ati x125019:58
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legend2440moes: i dont think there is a problem.  i get the same messages when i run startupmanager from the terminal but it works fine19:58
Helminthenivin: mplayer (and its frontends, gmplayer, kmplayer, etc) is by far the one who has the most capabilities19:58
Caleb|I get "Could not find kernel image: Linux"19:59
CaptainMorganwhat is the preferred raid 1 solution for you folks? ie: software or hardware? and if either, can you delve into it deeper?19:59
Caleb|Could someone please help?19:59
nivinhelminth, thanks19:59
ajopaulMajorC: by any chance u had backed up xorg.conf ?19:59
headphonerushlegend2440:  yeah... mediubuntu is not even in that list, i only show archive.canonical and archive.canonical (source code)20:00
Caleb|I'm new to ubuntu, and am not sure what to do.20:00
=== yago__9978 is now known as Ades
Caleb|Could someone please help?20:00
bronzewallajust installed Gutsy on my laptop, and can't seem to get a network connection, internet works fine on vista and on intrepid desktop20:00
MajorCajopaul: im afraid not.20:01
Caleb|Someone please help.20:01
HelmintheCaptainMorgan: hardware raid means paying for a hardware solution, one that takes care of monitoring if your disks spin, that the data gets to them intact, maybe a battery-backed buffer to improve speed and reliability..20:01
nivinonce i saved my session. how to i undone it?20:01
Caleb|I'm in quite a bit of a tight spot.20:01
KenBW2nivin: i think on the login screen you can choose "Default GNOME session"20:01
legend2440headphonerush: ok lets rename that file and try again in terminal type   sudo mv etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list.old   and try update again   ok?20:02
CaptainMorganHelminthe, which do you employ and/or prefer?20:02
Caleb|Someone please help.20:02
HelmintheCaptainMorgan: software raid means you (the linux kernel) are responsible for all of the above, with no support from the computer manufacturer20:02
scriptxis anyone in here running ubuntu server?20:02
Caleb|Please.  I'm quite desperate.20:02
Pici!ask | Caleb| scriptx20:02
ubottuCaleb| scriptx: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:02
Caleb|I'm installing ubuntu for the first time and I used UNetbootin to make a LiveUSB for ubuntu, but I get an error whenever I boot up onto my USB flash drive.20:02
MajorCajopaul: any ideas on how to restore the previous drivers without to much hazzle?20:02
Caleb|I get "Could not find kernel image: Linux"20:02
scriptxuh, i did ubottu..20:02
ajopaulMajorC: you have to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg after u backup ur xorg.conf and get into vesa so u can atleast get in and debug20:03
_moraFirefox can connect to IP addresses, but the only domain names it can load are domains I've already loaded by IP address.  I can, however, resolve domains via ping utility without issue.  How do I fix this?20:03
KenBW2Caleb|: sounds like you should try it again20:03
scriptxCaleb| what did you do prior thtat happening?20:03
Piciscriptx: Ask something beyond 'is anyone'.20:03
CaptainMorganHelminthe, I understand the basics... what I'm concerned about is whether Ubuntu provides a stable software solution to this... or whether I should purchase a hardware controller20:03
MajorCajopaul, where to get more information on how to approach this matter?20:03
scriptxPici: i'm considering replacing a slackware server with ubuntu server, but wanted some perspective first.20:03
ajopaul_mora: what does ur /etc/resolv.conf have ?20:04
scriptxPici:  no need to be a prick.20:04
nivinKenBiz, I clicked (Remember Currently Running Aps) under Session Preference20:04
scriptxCaleb|: also, what bootloader are you using?20:04
=== Martin__ is now known as kane77
Caleb|I just booted from my USB drive.  I downloaded Ubuntu from the website (the iso file, 8.04) and put it into Unetbootin,.20:04
=== antoine is now known as antonono
ajopaulMajorC: http://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FBinaryDriverHowto%2FATI&ei=tyf-SPGjPIqEsQO_-Igz&usg=AFQjCNEVa0g6UZ67GDypa0RdcpqtfMDBVQ&sig2=LWV03Ple5-04sj79KZJO6Q20:04
KenBW2nivin: yea, pick that option on the login screen20:04
Caleb|I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a newbie.  I'm not amazing at tech stuff.20:04
_mora(should i pastebin the output?)20:04
HelmintheCaptainMorgan: software cannot supplement the lack of a battery when power fails. Nor can it watch a hard disk unless the (cheaper) hardware controller reports accurately its status. so..20:05
scriptxi'm unfamilar with the usb ubuntu20:05
headphonerushlegend2440:  just saw your last message, will try20:05
scriptxbut you're booting it, and it returns no linux kernel image found?20:05
nivinKenBW2, ok let me try thanks20:05
legend2440headphonerush: ok lets rename that file and try again in terminal type   sudo mv etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list.old   and try update again   ok?20:05
Caleb|That's what I get.20:06
stumpy_Does anyone know where the dpkg irc channel is ?20:06
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KenBW2stumpy_: whats the question20:06
scriptxwell i doubt you were supposed to compile and include your own kernel.. perhaps the image didn't write correctly?20:06
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.20:06
scriptxdo you have the resources to re-download and try agan?20:06
cyris|i need to install some ldap tools that will allow me to do some queries against an ldap server. isn't their a package called openldap-tools or something that will give me ldapsearch?20:06
ajopaul_mora: may be u have not put a valid or working nameserver try adding "nameserver" to /etc/resolv.conf20:06
scriptxthat would be a good first try20:06
MajorCajopaul, thanks for helping me out20:06
Caleb|Or maybe I should try to boot ubuntu on another computer to see if it works.20:06
j0nrevening all20:06
Caleb|Would that be helpful>20:07
j0nrcan anyone help me with a wireless card issue?20:07
stumpy_how do i make "Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !" work it does not know if im piping it or not...20:07
_moraajopaul:  should i put it at the top or bottom of the other entries?20:07
j0nri have a broadcom f5d7000 'nearly' working20:07
scriptxPici:  i like how your only input to this channel is to troll a newcomber and how they formulated a question.  that's a real shame.20:07
=== pyrak_ is now known as pyrak
ajopaul_mora:  at the top20:08
_moraah!  that fixed it, ajopaul.20:08
_morayou are my new hero.  :)20:08
ajopaul_mora: NP :)20:08
Caleb|Scriptx:  would that be helpful, to try to boot ubuntu from another computer?  I've already tried formatting the usb and then running UnetBootin again.20:08
nivinsuggest me a good torrent downloder application20:08
Piciscriptx: I can't help if you didn't ask a question, I didn't mean to make it sound annoyed.  Anyway, our channel guidelines can be found in the channel topic.20:09
j0nrbroadcom wireless card shows up as installed but does not detect wireless network20:09
headphonerushlegend2440:  no such file or directory20:09
ajopaulj0nr: have checked this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBroadcom20:10
legend2440headphonerush: can i pm?20:10
scriptxok, boss.20:10
chao1hello. I installed a theme on my computer that changes the look of the login prompt when my screen is locked. I can't remember what that is called and was wondering if anyone knows20:10
nkei0so how do i paste from an upgrade details window?20:10
nivinsome body please suggest me a good torrent application20:10
nkei0or rather copy20:10
_morai use deluge20:10
Killeroidnivin: deluge20:10
_mora(for torrents)20:10
stumpy_nivin: vuze20:10
_morait's GTK-specific, so if you're in KDE it might not be optimal20:10
nivinkilleroid, i am using that one any other20:11
legend2440headphonerush: ok to private message?20:11
headphonerushlegend2440:  yeah that's coo20:11
Killeroidnivin: deluge is the best around IMO, you can also try transmission20:11
nkei0I'm in the intrepid ibex beta, and i am doing a partial upgrade (some wouldn't work for some reason) and it's seemed to have paused on the cleaning up section, how do i copy it so i can nshow you guys whats wrong?20:11
j0nrajopaul: thanks...but i think i am a bit lost... i have followed many guides and none seem to go to plan...20:12
chao1(*) Can anyone tell me what the login prompt is called where you login from a locked screen20:12
DaremonaiMy ISP has some problems with certain websites, such as intel.com, it can't load it due to some routing issues (or so they told me), is there a way to be able to get to these websites? is it a DNS (can i use openDNS?) or do i have to use a proxy?20:12
j0nrajopaul: its kinda there but not 'on'20:12
IsisDaremonai: if it really is a routing issue, get a new ISP. But it might just be a DNS issue. I use OpenDNS quite successfully20:13
nivinkilleriod, ktorrent is little more faster i thing20:13
=== geo is now known as geo05
andycanI cant figure out, how do i make gtk themes work? Every time i install a theme, it goes back to fail-safe theme (grey, very minimalistic). Im using system-pref-appearance to install a theme. Tried installing over 10 themes with same results20:13
Xima1can anyone here tell me how to turn off the autostarting of Xserver which brings me into this gui whenever I boot my machine ?20:13
DaremonaiIsis, I already use their DNS, can I include more than one?20:14
scriptxXima1: it depends on the runlevel you are booting into20:14
scriptxwhat would you prefer?20:14
IsisDaremonai: Yes - but the first one that resolves will be used.20:14
nivinhow can i check a port is opened and how can i open a port?20:14
Xima1well scriptx : i want to be able to run irssi and rtorrent when i boot... in text mode20:14
IsisDaremonai: gotta go - sorry.20:14
Xima1that's all to be honest...20:14
DaremonaiIsis, no worry, and thanks20:14
scriptxwhich bootloader do you use, Xima1?  Grub?20:14
Xima1super grub did my boot loader for me20:15
scriptxXima1: is aye a yes?20:15
dulakXima1: system-> administration -> services, unlock it then uncheck the graphical login manager or gdm20:15
scriptxok, as root, look in /boot/grub, is there a mnu.lst file?20:15
CaptainMorgancan anyone recommend a hardware controller they're using that is compatible with Ubuntu ?20:15
CaptainMorganhardware raid 1 controller20:15
nivinhow can i check a port is opened and how can i open a port?20:15
scriptxnivin your question doesn't make much sense without any context20:16
scriptxnivin:  a port for what?  what is your goal20:16
nivinscriotx, how can i check a port is opened or not?20:17
kindofabuzzput your finger in it20:17
nivinscriptx, to check a specific port is opened or not20:18
ajopaulj0nr: what does /sbin/iwlist scan return ?20:18
scriptxwell there are multiple ways..20:18
scriptxyou can do a netstat -an, to see if one is listening locally20:18
scriptxor you can try telnet <host> <port> (assuming it's a TCP port)20:18
KenBW2nivin: did it fix your problem?20:18
calwigdoes anyone know how to configure the bluetooth in hardy to download incoming files from a remote device to a specific folder?20:19
j0nrajopaul: wlan0 No scan results20:19
j0nrajopaul: the lights on the card aren't on which doesn't look right20:19
KenBW2calwig: try "Bluetooth file sharing" in Add/Remove20:19
nivinscritx, let me try thanks20:19
j0nrbut the computer knows it is there20:19
yfkdoes my "print to pdf" printer have windows drivers so jobs may be sent over network?20:19
nivinKenBWZ, Let me try20:20
Ximalhello.. just wandering if you can see this , snip ?20:21
stumpy_Does anyone know how to make dpkg -lI "gedit" work ? it gives an error about "Options marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !"?20:21
erUSULstumpy_: pipe it through `less' or `more' --> dpkg -lI "gedit" | less20:21
nivinGood night to all20:22
ThePandemic82Hello.  How do i completely uninstall nvidia graphics driver in 8.10??20:22
Ximalok i did the graphical kill but it did not work.. i was wandering if there's a less laggy version than irssi that's able to be ran from terminal ?20:22
stumpy_erUSUL sure i know how to pipe but dpkg does not know im :P20:22
calwigdoes anyone know about bluetooth or a bluetooth forum for Dell laptops?20:22
LjLj0nr: does it show up when you type "ifconfig"?20:22
LjL!bluetooth | calwig20:23
ubottucalwig: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup20:23
Ximalanything ?20:23
LjLXimal, what in the world are you actually talking about? :)20:23
broonsparrowhow can I run a email mailing list from ubuntu? I currently use group mail on windows but that's the only thing I now boot up into Windows for (apart from Civ 4!) so if I can find a way of doing it in ubuntu that'd be good.20:24
calwigLjL: thank uu :)20:24
j0nrLjL: yes20:24
XimalI am trying to go just text based and not have to start x or any visual program unless needed...20:24
Ximaland irssi is soo lagged that it's unreal20:24
erUSULbroonsparrow: mailman is the most used package. majordomo is also used20:24
calwigLjL: actually it works, i would just like to change the download folder of the receiving files20:25
stumpy_erUSUL: went I pipe it. it gives the same error.... I need to pass a flag to dpkg but i can not find it.20:25
LjLXimal, irssi itself isn't "lagged", your connection might be20:25
j0nrLjL: actually no sorry, but it does if i do iwconfig20:25
Mixed_--_anyone knows how to connect to a samba share from ubuntu?  I can connect from a windows machine just using my machine's host name, I can't connect from within ubuntu!20:25
scriptxhi, Xima120:25
erUSULstumpy_: the problem is -I that option does not exist for dpkg20:25
scriptxwhere did you go before?  I was trying to help you.20:25
j0nrwlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:""   Mode:Managed  Channel:0  Access Point: Not-Associated    Tx-Power=0 dBm    Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2346 B    Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0 Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:020:25
LjLj0nr: ok, then try "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up", then see if it shows up in "iwconfig", and if it does, try the scanning again20:25
scriptxXima1 We need to change your runlevel to 3 in grub.20:26
Ximalnah... xchat is getting .1 s lag while irssi is getting 15 to 30 seconds of lag..20:26
erUSULXimal: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove20:26
erUSULXimal: hatr will disable the boot of X window20:26
Killeroidwhat is the command for killing a process and prevent it from restarting?20:26
erUSULscriptx: runlevels are all equal in debian/ubuntu they all launch X window by default20:27
Ximalhatr ?20:27
j0nrLjL: its weird, it shows in iwconfig but not in ifcinfig20:27
erUSULXimal: that*20:27
Ximalaye erusul : many thanks..20:27
scriptxthey do, erUSUL?20:27
LjLj0nr: it's not weird if it's not up. does it show in "ifconfig -a"?20:27
erUSULXimal: fat fingers and sllepy state leads to keyboard disaster XXDD20:28
scriptxthat's news to me..20:28
=== gambi is now known as GaMbi_DK
j0nrLjL: yes20:28
broonsparrowty erUSUL I'll give them a try.20:28
erUSULscriptx: yes they are all equal by default (except 0-1 and 6 of course)20:28
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, are you there? :)20:28
Ximalso now i just have to type startx if i want to go graphical.. correct ? erusul ?20:28
erUSULXimal: yep or "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"20:29
LjLXimal: or "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start"20:29
j0nrLjL: jonrserv@jcrserver:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up20:29
j0nrSIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory20:29
Ximali'll do the lazt startx ;)20:29
Ximalazy* ... <--- has fat fingers too ..20:29
Ximallazy * rather..20:29
tMishDoesn't ubuntu use 'upstart' ?20:29
Ximalim going to reboot the pc now to see what kind of trouble i've done..20:30
nkei0how do i copy text from the terminal?20:30
=== bascule is now known as ba5cu13
LjLj0nr: what do "cat /proc/net/wireless" and "cat /proc/net/dev" say? (use the pastebin please)20:30
piasdomhighlight it then right click20:30
LjLnkei0: select, right click, and copy.20:31
=== ba5cu13 is now known as bascule
nkei0LjL it won't let me get a menu, because it's during an upgrade20:31
_mora...Okay, correction.  Apparently my DNS resolution is still sporadic and I don't know why that worked earlier.  Can't resolve domains I haven't visited, still - however, I tried using ifup/ifdown and it said that eth0 doesn't exist.  What now?20:31
LjLnkei0: then you're in a virtual terminal? text mode?20:31
piasdomhow do i backup my system and drivers ?20:32
nkei0like it paused so i clicked on details20:32
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, remember my TV-out issue with separate X screen? and / or Twinview: not being able to drag movies to TV or compiz wont work or files will put itself on the TV.. well Mandrake that smart ass bastard guided me to write a little shell script (one line) and now everything is A OK! :P20:32
erUSULnkei0: select it then middle click to paste old good unix way20:32
LjLnkei0: ah. well if you can select the text, then you can just select it and then paste it somewhere by clicking the middle mouse button20:32
LjLif you can't select it in the first place, tough luck20:32
j0nrLjL: http://pastebin.com/m3eced2ca20:33
crdlbGaMbi_DK: what does the shell script do?20:33
nkei0i don't have middle mouse button20:33
LjLnkei0: then try clicking both buttons at the same time20:33
bimberi!backup >  piasdom20:33
ubottupiasdom, please see my private message20:33
blackosomebody of you can join to the channel #papirux ?20:33
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, opens my videos on the TV in full screen :)20:33
piasdombimberi: thanks20:33
sleoni have a problem, that after i hibernated my computer, it stopped starting with acpi mode on20:33
stumpy_erUSUL: thanks. 'i' is install opps! 'I' for info. it does not like '-IL' does not like both at ones20:33
Azhi_Dahakawhat's console kit daemon?20:34
Sylphid|workhello, i had installed another linux distro after ubuntu that reinstalled grub.... i have since removed that distro and now grub cannot find the config files in the ubuntu install20:34
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, simple and allot of ppl might know how to do it.. but why havent anyone posted on the net or given me that answer on IRC? :)20:34
LjLj0nr: what card model is it again?20:34
^Naveed^Hey, when I try to ping a server using its domainname it takes several seconds before I get a reply. If I ping the same server using its ip address, I get a reply instantly. What might be the reason ?20:35
j0nrLjL: broadcom f5d700020:35
LjL^Naveed^: slow DNS20:35
LjL!ipv6 | ^Naveed^20:35
ubottu^Naveed^: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv420:35
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:35
LjL(that *might* be the cause)20:35
bimberi!grub > Sylphid|work20:35
ubottuSylphid|work, please see my private message20:35
Azhi_Dahakano ideas, *people*?20:35
Sylphid|workfind /boot/grub/stage1  returns an error 1520:37
ChaoZerodoes anyone have experience with the RTL8187b wifi card under 8.10?20:37
Sylphid|workfile not found20:37
GaMbi_DKcrdlb, you seems like a guy who are on IRC 24/7.. am I the first to ask about separated X screen moves to TV? :) if not.. you could give them this info... really the only (and maybe best) thing to do! in my situation anyways..20:37
=== alevine_nothere is now known as alevine
LjLj0nr: what does "sudo lshw -C network" say?20:38
LjL!8.10 | ChaoZero20:38
ubottuChaoZero: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu20:38
ChaoZerookay thank you!20:39
a1lenDoes anyone have Ubuntu 8.10 installed?20:39
Sylphid|workbimberi: find /boot/grub/stage1      returns Error 15: File not found20:39
erUSULa1len: many in #ubuntu+1 ;P20:39
LjLa1len: look at the message just above the one above yours.20:39
Sylphid|workbimberi: but i know the configs are on sda620:40
LjLa1len: ah wait, you hadn't joined. ignore me.20:40
a1lenerusul, is that the 8.10 channel?20:40
erUSULa1len: yes20:40
a1lenoh, thanks. sorry.20:40
j0nrLjL: http://pastebin.com/m2901b47720:40
erUSULa1len: no problem20:41
LjLj0nr, uhm, to me it doesn't seem like the driver for the card is fully present.20:41
LjL!broadcom | j0nr20:41
ubottuj0nr: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx20:41
mifritscherhow can I route dound from my tv-card, which appears as a alsa soundcard, and my normal soundcard?20:42
LjLj0nr: there is a thread here http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=194172 also, which describes your problem... it would make it seem like one needs to upload the firmware to the card20:42
LjLj0nr: although it's not talking about your very same model20:42
j0nrLjL: I have really been struggling to get the right driver installed in the right way... i'll try again.20:42
broonsparrowhi. i've installed mailman using synaptic package manager - but where is the programme to run it? It's not in my programme menu - everytime i've installed something in the past it's just been there,so I'm now lost (probably missing something really obvious!)20:42
j0nrLjL: thank you. I will read now.20:43
LjLj0nr: have you used a "fwcutter" tool?20:43
kindofabuzzbroonsparrow, did you type mailman?20:43
bimberiSylphid|work: not sure sorry.  That process usually works OK.20:43
j0nrLjL: yes i believe so... also the ndiswrapper20:43
SoliloquialI get great speeds on the ubuntu torrent...it's really fast20:43
j0nrLjL: found it hard to find the right driver to begin with20:43
broonsparrowkindofabuzz: where? in terminal?20:44
Soliloquialatm 1.68 MB/s20:44
kindofabuzzbroonsparrow, umm umm yeah20:44
LjLj0nr: the forum thread is about fedora, so take everything with a grain of salt20:44
broonsparrowkindofabuzz: yeah - command not found20:44
kouthhi ... my ubuntu hardy is not recognizing my nvidia card 9800GT ...no metter how nvidia driver install from synaptic ..20:45
Sylphid|workbimberi: .... now im confused... now ubuntu only sees sda4 which is the holding partition for my logicals ... its not reading the logicals at all20:45
bimberibroonsparrow: mailman has a web interface, no gui.  https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/mailman.html20:45
kindofabuzzbroonsparrow, mailman is something you use along with apache20:46
aflackis there any way to configure these screensavers in ubuntu20:46
kindofabuzzbroonsparrow, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mailman20:47
geniusI've just installed ubuntu on encrypted LVM, but ubuntu installator did not added PAM auth for encrypted HDD. I've created encrypted vg from two pv. I think it can't install PAM automatically. How to fix?20:47
bimberiSylphid|work: that's what 'sudo fdisk -l' shows you?20:47
j0nrLjL: ok just ran thru fwcutter method again...going to reboot...fingers crossed20:48
DanskmandHowdy :-) - I am waiting for someone called Jim_p.....Does someone know him and how often he is online ?20:48
broonsparrowum ok. no idea what that is!  obviously more complicated that I thought! Cheers for links I'll look into it....i'll probably be back!20:49
_moraFirefox can't resolve DNS (although it seems that some other apps - like ping - can) and ifup says that the interface eth0 is unknown.  ifconfig reports that eth0 exists, however.20:49
belle_whenever I go to move a file on my desktop ubuntu creates a copy instead how do I fix that?20:49
LjLbelle_: drag with the right mouse button instead of the left?20:49
kindofabuzzbelle_, you can hold shift down i think to move20:49
n3himadoes anybody know, is there a syslinux equivalent to grub's configfile command?20:50
Sylphid|workbimberi: /dev/sda4               1       12161    97683201    5  Extended .... thats all it shows20:50
aflackis there anyway to configure the screensavers in ubuntu?20:50
Sylphid|workit does not show the logical partitions at all20:50
belle_yes but before it would move by default,  somehow that got changed where do I go to change the defaults so I don't have to hold shift20:50
jken146aflack: System>Prefs>Screensaver20:50
aflacki mean configure..20:50
RyanPriorIs there Free Software for creating animated GIFs?20:50
Ximalis there anything besides irssi for linux that's text based irc ?20:51
winter-mutehi, I am having trouble using my DVD burners one is s-ata and other is pata20:51
n3himaXimal, bitchx20:51
winter-muteany one knows if there is a solution to that?20:51
bimberiXimal: weechat20:51
sparkeyi keep getting this while trying to make kpkg-clean :S http://paste.ubuntu.com/60657/ . I dont have that Xen folder so i can understand its nagging me about it but what is it?20:51
RyanPriorXimal: Lots of them. Try bitchx for example.20:51
Ximaldon't like bitchx20:51
winter-muteDvd don't play at all, but drive mo8unt20:51
Grim76__RyanPrior: weechat works quite well.20:51
Ximalwhat's weechat ?20:51
RyanPriorXimal: So what are you really looking for?20:51
TJ-42I want to create an ftp account that will write to the apache server's directory root -- is it safe to add the ftp user's group as ownership over the directory (changing from ownership which is currently root:root)20:51
RyanPriorIs there Free Software for creating animated GIFs?20:51
belle_bitchx has a lot of inherent vulnerabilitis try ircii20:51
GohaeCan anyone help me with something? :(20:52
Ximali just don't like progs with cursing in their name..20:52
Enissaymy conky 'window' stay on the top of all my other windows, please how can i change that, the .conkyfc file i'm using is the one given here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20586520:52
Grim76__Ximal: Install weechat and try it out that is the only way that you will know if you like it or not.20:52
aflackso is there anyway to actually configure a screensaver on ubuntu?20:52
Ximalbut im looking for a low latency chat program that's text based and irssi is failing me sorely20:52
bimberiSylphid|work: Not sure about that sorry.  If no-one else here knows I'd by trying reboot, try another CD, google ...20:52
DavidCanariasI am trying to blank a DVD by using command line. I am told sudo unmount is an error???? Can anyone clarify plse?20:52
Ximalit's umount not unmount sir..20:53
belle_How do I change the default action for drag and drop on my desktop, somehow it got changed to copy I would just like to rearrange the icons20:53
jken146DavidCanarias: umount, not unmount20:53
belle_without holding shift preferably20:53
DavidCanariasGohae: Best to state what your problem is if anyone is to reply!!20:53
GohaeCan anyone help me in my retarded ways? I'm trying to set up wireless on my laptop and I've got no clue.20:53
belle_what is your wireless card?20:53
Ximalyes gohae ..20:53
DavidCanariasjken146: Can I be that stupid!!! Will try again then! jejeje20:53
Azhi_Dahakais there something similr to kubuntu or xubuntu but with e17?20:53
GohaeHow can I find out? :/ I really am completely new to ubuntu, as far as doing it on my own.20:54
CCedilhauau tons of people20:54
belle_How do I change the default action for drag and drop on my desktop, somehow it got changed to copy I would just like to rearrange the icons20:54
spt_49Does the new version of Ubuntu support password protected directories within the home directory?20:54
_moraAzhi_Dahaka, yeah - a couple, actually.20:54
Caleb_Hey, I need some help.20:55
Ximalbelle try checking to see if u have a sticky setting enabled..20:55
Lokian!wifi | Gohae20:55
ubottuGohae: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:55
_moraalthough i don't know if any of them are really stable yet.20:55
spt_49*jken146 thanks20:55
winter-mutea question, anyone had trouble using s-ata dvd burners in linux? ... it looks like I am burnt onthat oneDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.1"20:55
belle_ximal where would I go to check that?20:55
winter-muteDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.1"20:55
Caleb_Could someone please help me?  I'm installing Ubuntu from windows desktop, so I can dual boot, because every other method I have tried has not worked.20:55
Caleb_Here is my question:  Is it possible to, once I get into Ubuntu, reformat my computer and have just Ubuntu installed?20:56
Ximalwell did u try just left clicking on the desktop to see if a menu comes up ?if so it's your mouse... after that try checking your accessibility options under Syste>prefs>Assistive Technologies..20:56
LokianCaleb_: if you wanted to reformat, why not just install ubuntu in the first place?20:56
jken146Caleb_: Yes.  Install gparted20:56
LjLCaleb_: "reformat" what?20:57
nkei0Hello, I just installed Intrepid Ibex beta, and started the upgrade, now that it's mostly done...  I get this when i click on details, what should i do?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/60660/20:57
Ximalsometimes belle_ ' you can enable by accidental press of a hotkey you didn't know you had and this will happen..20:57
LjLCaleb_: computers cannot be "reformatted". hard drive partitions can be.20:57
Caleb_It won't work.  Installing Ubuntu doesn't work, my computer won't boot up into my USB flash drive for some reason.20:57
XimalGrim76_ ; weechat installed but won't come on when i type weechat20:57
DavidCanariasjken146: I read the following but want to blank a dvd ... sudo umount /dev/cdrom cd record dev=dv/cdrom blank fast. I changed to dvdrom and was told dev=dv/dvdrom doesn't exist. Any ideas?20:57
LjLCaleb_: don't you have a CD-ROM?20:57
blood_could any1 tell me how to redownload the apache2 httpd.conf file by itself?20:57
sparkeyi keep getting this while trying to make kpkg-clean :S http://paste.ubuntu.com/60657/ . I dont have that Xen folder so i can understand its nagging me about it but what is it?20:57
Caleb_Nope.  This computer doesn't.20:58
LjL!smartbm | Caleb_, try this20:58
Caleb_I can only install via USB flash drive.20:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smartbm20:58
LjLerr... what was it called again20:58
LjL!smartbootmanager | Caleb_20:58
ubottuCaleb_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:58
LjLCaleb_: smartbootmanager should let you boot from USB, hopefully. anyway, i don't see what this has to do with "getting ubuntu installed and then reformatting"20:59
woliis intrepid ibex buggy?20:59
Caleb_I'm sorry, I'm bad at wording stuff.20:59
spt_49i have had no problems with it20:59
Lokianwoli: it's a beta.20:59
hwilde!intrepid | woli20:59
ubottuwoli: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu20:59
Robb_M!intrepid | woli20:59
hwildeRobb_M, too slow20:59
wolithats the reason for which i asked...20:59
woliis it buggy?20:59
jken146woli: Working fine for me.  Do ask in #ubuntu+1 though :)21:00
Caleb_It's not that my computer can't boot into USB flash drive, it can.  But when I boot to USB flash drive this computer gives me an error.21:00
bronzewallacan't get wired connection to work in gutsy, can someone please help?21:00
LjLCaleb_: perhaps you should have said that... what error is it?21:00
belle_ximal no menu's pop up when i left click,  under the assistive technologies dialog I can't find anything relating to a "sticky" setting.  I'm running gutsy btw21:01
eitreachQuick question - is "Ubuntu" - the word, a registered trademark?21:01
bimberiblood_: find the package with the the file in it via http://packages.ubuntu.com - download the package - open it using the archive manager and extract the file you want21:02
[Solars]how do i 'connect' a shared printer from my network21:02
jken146eitreach: Yes, of Canonical21:02
Caleb_I'm not sure.  Want me to reboot and then tell you the error.21:02
eitreachjken146: alright then. thanks.21:02
Caleb_I'll just go ahead and do that, LjL.21:03
Ximalhave you tried rebooting... thinking maybe you have a stuck key or a hung process21:03
Ximalcan anyone tell me the command to start weechat ?21:04
bimberiXimal: weechat-curses21:04
Ximaltht's just wrong21:04
Ximallol... is there a way to change it's startup command..21:04
bimberii knew you'd say that ;)21:04
mneptokXimal: your environment variables21:05
reehanXimal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WeeChat21:05
macvrhi all... is it normal for the cpu usage of Xorg to shoot up 10-15% when playing video files? it happens for with both vlc and totem...21:07
peter771firestarter seems to only configure one network device so when I connect to a network using wireless the firewall rules arn't active??21:07
reehanYup its fine macvr21:07
lucaxhow faster are sd cards vs pen drives?21:07
spt_49i have a question about how do you add my ubuntu laptop to a windows domain to access the active directory files....21:07
Caleb__LjL:  The error I get is "Could not find Kernel Image: Linux"21:07
macvrreehan: thanx21:07
reehanmacvr: no problem21:07
reehan!hi | Soliloquial21:08
ubottuSoliloquial: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:08
reehan!hi | shadowfx2221:08
ubottushadowfx22: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:08
[diablo]evening.. can anyone tell me please the name of the new script that rebuilds the nvidia module please?21:09
shadowfx22I could use some support on how to get my wireless card working!  I have a Broadcom 4318, that's what I know.21:09
Caleb__Could someone please help me?  On this computer (no other computer, though) whenever I try and install ubuntu from my flash drive (thumb drive, pen drive) I get the error "Could not find Kernel Image: Linux".  Some help would be great, thanks.21:10
Lokianshadowfx22: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4321:10
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DanskmandHowdy :-) - How can I install the kernel-sources with apt-get on my ubuntu Hardy server ?21:10
shadowfx22Lokian: Thanks!21:10
Ximalfor belle_ does anyone know how to disable the keyboard on a laptop in the event there is a usb or serial type keyboard plugged in ? her/his shift key is nurfed..21:10
j0nrLjL: hey... hmm not a lot seems to have changed21:11
soundrayDanskmand: 'sudo apt-get install linux-source'21:11
reehanshadoefx22 : what laptop are u using? is it dell?21:11
bustaplzWhat is the best way to set a script to run on boot?21:11
soundraybustaplz: call it from /etc/rc.local21:11
reehanshadowfx22 : what laptop are u using? is it dell?21:11
Ximalbelle_'s issue is beyond my spectrum of knowledge.. please help her.../ him...21:11
bustaplzsoundray: can you elaborate?21:11
newbie2Can someone tell me what I need to install to get the "ip" command ?21:11
paducahguymuch less lag than irssi ;)21:12
soundraybustaplz: have a look at /etc/rc.local and see if you need any more elaboration21:12
shadowfx22reehan: Not a laptop.  Desktop.21:12
GohaeI went to Network Settings from System>Admistration>Network and under connections, it says Wired Connection and Point to point connection. on the Wifidocs on the website, it shows wireless connection, ethernet connection, and modem connection. Which mine doesn't have.21:12
bustaplzsoundray: can I just stick $sh <scriptname> in there?21:12
soundraybustaplz: no21:12
soundraybustaplz: only /path/to/scriptname21:13
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bustaplzsoundray: sweet, I'll give that a try, thank you very much.21:13
soundraybustaplz: make the script executable with 'sudo chmod +x /path/to/scriptname'21:13
DanskmandSoundray: In my /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server directory there are only links that point to themselves....Is that ok ?21:13
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soundrayDanskmand: have a more careful look. You will see that they aren't actually pointing to themselves.21:14
Caleb__Could someone help, please?21:14
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:14
a1i don't know how to bring back the ICON with the All the connections in the list21:14
a1its WAP no?21:14
newbie2I can't even find what package the "ip" command is from by googling it21:14
newbie2This is brutal21:14
Caleb__On this computer (no other computer, though) whenever I try and install ubuntu from my flash drive (thumb drive, pen drive) I get the error "Could not find Kernel Image: Linux".  Some help would be great, thanks.21:14
piasdomshould i use canonical from my source ? (hardy)21:15
aho_Caleb:__: you piece of shit21:15
aho_you need to figure out what grub sees your thumbdrive as21:15
stevenhp1987hello, I am trying to mount a samba drive to media/server, but am having no luck21:15
soundraynewbie2: dpkg -S /sbin/ip reveals that it's part of iproute21:15
newbie2soundray: promptly writing that one down, thank you very much21:15
a1i don't know how to bring back the ICON with the All the connections in the list21:16
Caleb__I don't even know what that fucking means.21:16
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:16
soundray!ops | abuse from aho_21:16
ubottuabuse from aho_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:16
Danskmandsoundray: AH !! - You just opened my eyes !! - the links are in /linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server, the links point to /linux-headers-2.6.24-19    !!!! - without the "server" !!! that means I will have to install the header-files for the "normal" 2.6.24-19 !! - Not the server one !!21:16
Caleb__I came on here for a little friendly help, it's not necessary to call me a "POS"21:16
GohaeWell then what can I do to set up my network? :(21:16
Mixed_--_anyone knows how to connect to a samba share from within ubuntu?  I can connect to the share using windows just fine, i can't connect from within ubuntu21:16
Danskmandsoundray: Actually both....21:17
soundrayCaleb__: you are right.21:17
soundrayCaleb__: but please do not retaliate21:17
Caleb__soundray: Sorry.21:17
a1and IF some1 want to know how to SETUP Wireless USB Card i can help21:17
GohaeThat's what I'm asking help for>>;21:17
j0nra1: how about wireless pci card?21:18
ShakedownHow can I see what's using my RAM?21:18
Gohaeit calls it a USB for some reason, but it's not plugged into a USB port if that even exists.21:18
csilkj0nr, you got wifi problems?21:18
soundrayShakedown: top or gnome-system-monitor21:18
j0nrcsilk: yup21:18
ShakedownI'm not doing anything, why is 20% of my RAM in use as cache?21:18
Caleb__But, seriously.  Could someone help me boot up into the Ubuntu install?21:18
j0nrcsilk: trying to get broadcom to work21:18
csilkj0nr,  has "hadrware drivers" offered you a driver21:19
Bit_Breakercaleb: did u install to your harddrive?21:19
TJ-42if I want to simply append one file to another, what command am I looking for?21:19
j0nrcsilk: recently yes...but i cannot enable it for some reason21:19
ShakedownTJ-42: cat21:19
GohaeMay someone help me with setting up my network?21:19
soundrayTJ-42: cat21:19
csilkj0nr,  any errors?21:19
TJ-42Shakedown, soundray: thank you21:19
Danskmandsoundray: Can I actually install 2 headers ?21:19
j0nrcsilk: i have done the bcm43xx-fwcutter approach21:19
lucaxdoes anyone know which device is faster usb pen drives or sd cards?21:19
Gohaetotally distrought :|21:19
Caleb__I can't install ubuntu to my hard drive.  Whenever I boot up into ubuntu I get an error.21:19
delphiukwill a radeon 9200 and 9600 work with 3d "out of the box" on Ubuntu 8.10?21:20
soundrayTJ-42: as in 'cat file2 >>file1' or 'cat file1 file2 >file3'21:20
j0nrcsilk: when i try to enable? no...i tick the box, it asks if i want to enable, i say yes/ok then it just reverts back to be disabled21:20
soundrayDanskmand: yes21:20
a1i just got my usb wireless card workin :)21:20
ShakedownHow come I've got 4.0 GB of RAM but my system monitor says I've got 3.2 GB?21:20
Gohaea1 can you help me?21:20
=== gambi is now known as GaMbi_DK
j0nrcsilk: the cadr seems to be installed a bit.... as in it is definately there...but no lights physically on it are on. but there is a wlan0 in ifcinfig21:21
TheFillerWhat about the stable version of Ubuntu? Are those ISO images of the alternate CD updated regularely?21:21
Sylphid|workim having problems...... I had installed ubuntu and another distro  (ubuntu first) ... the 2nd distro reinstalled grub..... i just removed the second distro leaving only ubuntu and now it wont boot ..... attempting to reinstall grub isnt working either as all my ubuntu partitions are logical and the live cd is no longer recognizing them21:21
soundraylucax: your question is unanswerable, as it depends on the kind of flash memory installed in either. It's also offtopic -- try ##hardware21:21
fryguy--I've got a package on my system that I don't want to upgrade. I've use aptitude to hold the package back manually, and locked it at it's current version, but the update manager still continues to prompt me to update the package, is there anything I can do to make package manager ignore this package?21:21
GohaeI have a wireless usb card and I want to know how to get my internet working.21:21
macvrShakedown: if RAM isnt used it gets progressively cached... its not bad21:21
Oakenfold_UbuntuHola.. mare.. este IRC es en Ingles21:21
sparkeyi keep getting this while trying to make kpkg-clean :S http://paste.ubuntu.com/60657/ . I dont have that Xen folder so i can understand its nagging me about it but what is it?21:22
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lucaxsoundray, thanks21:22
Flannel!es | Oakenfold_xD21:22
ubottuOakenfold_xD: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:22
csilkj0nr,  sometimes the hardware lights don't work without another driver, that usually isn't a problem21:22
GohaeI responded :(21:22
Shakedownmacvr: That's why system monitor says I've got 3.2 GB of RAM when I have 4 GB installed, or that's why 20% of my RAM is in use as cache and I'm not doing anything?21:22
j0nrcsilk: ok...it doesn't scan21:22
CHaiNScan somebody point me to how to install the newest kde4 in ubuntu 8.10 please?? thanks...21:22
soundraySylphid|work: how do you mean 'no longer recognizing' the partitions?21:23
fryguy--Shakedown: you can't use 4GB of ram on a 32-bit system21:23
Oakenfold_xDSorry, ok, thx, I go From #ubuntu-es .. Thx .. Ubuntu is ANALSEX! Good !21:23
j0nrcsilk: /sbin/iwlist scan returns wlan0 no scan results21:23
isilionhi! i need help with an ati radeon 9800 pro. im in xubuntu 8.10, im using the latest driver (the one that has been released last week from canonical). games or compiz freezes the skin. when i use "grep agp", console hangs (thats symptom of anything?), but fgl_glxgears works.21:23
macvrShakedown:  why 20% of my RAM is in use as cache and I'm not doing anything?21:23
GaMbi_DKHi guys.. anyone who can tell me how I can have my NTFS drive auto mounted? I can rw with no problems when I manual mount.. but id like it to be mounted on startup.. fstab:"/dev/sad2    /media/Stash    auto [what to put here]" ?21:23
Shakedownfryguy: Ah, so...uh...did I waste my money getting 4 GB of RAM or can I switch to a 64-bit system (is it even recommended)?21:24
Shakedownmacvr: Oh, thanks21:24
fryguy--Shakedown: just switch to 64-bit21:24
Caleb__On this computer (no other computer, though) whenever I try and install ubuntu from my flash drive (thumb drive, pen drive) I get the error "Could not find Kernel Image: Linux".  Some help would be great, thanks.21:24
Shakedownfryguy: is it just that easy?21:24
fryguy--Shakedown: yes21:24
Shakedownfryguy: Where can I found out if I have 32 or 64 bit system?21:25
Sylphid|worksoundray, fdisk -l only shows the extended partition sda4 which houses 5 other partitions..... but the others arnt found only sda4 is21:25
fryguy--Shakedown: uname -a will tell you21:25
csilkShakedown, what cpu you got?21:25
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fryguy--I've got a package on my system that I don't want to upgrade. I've use aptitude to hold the package back manually, and locked it at it's current version, but the update manager still continues to prompt me to update the package, is there anything I can do to make package manager ignore this package?21:25
Danskmandsoundray: YOU MADE MY DAY !!! - One "sudo apt-get remove  linux-headers-2.6.24-19 linux-headers-2.6.24-19-server" and an install did it !!!!!!21:26
Caleb__Is there any way to fix this problem?21:26
a1some one want to know how to Connect from USB wireless card?21:26
pingu_anyone knows a good GUI program for (X)Ubuntu to define which single files should be backuped to f.e. /home/me/backup-YYMMDD when i start it or maybe periodically?21:26
Danskmandsoundray: I've been sitting her for 2 whole days and getting more and more blind about what could be wrong....21:26
Shakedowncsilk: Intel Pentium Dual CPU E2200 @ 2.20 GHZ21:26
sparkeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/60657/ . Whats the problem?21:26
soundrayDanskmand: happens to the best of us21:26
soundrayCaleb__: it's not worth repeating your question at this frequency. Nobody knows an answer for you at the moment -- please give it 10 or 15 minutes, then ask again as new people will have joined21:28
csilkShakedown, isn't that a 64bit cpu?21:28
Shakedownfryguy: uname -a gives me this: Linux <my machine name> 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux21:28
fryguy--Shakedown: so 32-bit21:28
* Danskmand hands a lifelong coupon for "Hawaiian ice tea" to soundray....21:28
Caleb__Soundray:  That hurts me.  That hurts me down here.  *points to heart*21:28
Shakedowncsilk: I don't know...I bought my desktop from Dell a few weeks ago21:28
csilkyeah, your os is 32bit looking at your uname output21:28
Sylphid|worksoundray, sda4=extended sda5=/ sda6=/boot sda7=/home  sda8=swap  sda9=fat partition21:29
Shakedownfryguy: where does it say 32 bit?21:29
Bit_BreakerCaleb: what is the issue21:29
csilkShakedown,  1686 = 32bit21:29
fryguy--Shakedown: i686 = 32bit21:29
csilksnap, i win :D21:29
ShakedownAh, what's 64 bit look like then?21:29
lucaxShakedown, i68621:29
huayrabug #121:29
fryguy--Shakedown: x86_6421:29
huayra!bug #121:29
soundraySylphid|work: how do you get this listing? fdisk?21:29
niuqhi, i'm using sbackup tool, but it does not seems to do nothing at all, there is anything i can do to test if everything it is well configured?21:29
ShakedownSo, is it better to be on a 64 bit OS?21:30
Sylphid|worksoundray, fdisk -l21:30
soundrayThanks Danskmand21:30
* soundray looks at coupon, wondering...21:30
Caleb__Bit_Breaker:  Whenever I boot up from my flash drive I get "Could not find kernel image: linux"21:30
GneaShakedown: depends what you want to do... in general, yes21:30
zapHello! Anybody knows if it's possible to leave DHCP client running, my DHCP server has a 1 day lease expiration time and I have to disable/enable interface after that to get it registerd again.21:30
soundraySylphid|work: so what do you mean by "the others aren't found"?21:30
GaMbi_DKwhats a good program for downloading torrents from ubuntu21:30
ShakedownGnea: What are the cases when I DON'T want 64 bit?21:31
fryguy--zap: dhclient stays running automatically21:31
Bit_BreakerCaleb: did u install ubuntu on Usb?21:31
Gneazap: most dhcp clients stay running21:31
isilionHi! "grep agp" hang my console. anyone help?21:31
fryguy--Shakedown: pretty much nothing21:31
JewStyleKungFuIf someone accidentally overwrites a folder in XP, and subsequently loses files in subfolders, is there an open source utility I could use to recover those files from the hard drive?21:31
GneaShakedown: when something won't work in 64-bit21:31
fryguy--isilion: press ctrl-c, and read the manpage on grep for proper usage21:31
zapGnea: indeed, just looked at it and its in the process list21:31
Sylphid|worksoundray, hope i didnt add to confusion.... the partitions are from memory with the except of sda421:31
fryguy--GaMbi_DK: rtorrent21:31
zapIn this case I don't understand why it does not renew the lease21:31
a1any1 have problem to SETUP USB wireless card ???21:31
Bit_BreakerCaleb: what version of Ubuntu?21:31
soundraySylphid|work: so your partition table is wrecked?21:31
Caleb__Bit_Breaker: I used UnetBootin to put it on USB flash drive.21:31
Caleb__Bit_Breaker:  It's 8.04.21:32
Sylphid|worksoundray, sda4 is the only partition shown by fdisk -l21:32
Gneazap: well, without the client running, the connection would drop if the server decided that it didn't like the mac address of the system21:32
soundraySylphid|work: I've used gpart once to recover from a similar situation21:32
ShakedownHah, so if I've got the hardware to support 64-bit I should switch? Will a google search lead me in the right direction or is it as simple as a single command line?21:32
soundray!info gpart | Sylphid|work21:32
ubottusylphid|work: gpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (hardy), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB21:32
Caleb__Bit Breaker:  Also, whenever I boot up with another computer using my USB drive, Ubuntu works.21:32
Sylphid|worksoundray, thanks ill give that a whirl21:32
mercutio22what is the application that lets me access gconf?21:32
soundraySylphid|work: another program that is designed to fix such problems is testdisk21:32
Gneazap: leases only get renewed every so often - whatever is set on the server21:32
soundray!info testdisk | Sylphid|work21:32
ubottusylphid|work: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-1 (hardy), package size 690 kB, installed size 2640 kB21:32
soundraySylphid|work: please read the docs carefully, your data is in danger21:33
Mixed432anyone knows of a graphical client for samba???21:33
WesGnielI just installed hardy inside of windows, I have 3 gigs of ram and a 1.8 ghz system. My keyboard is very very slow in responding. My mouse responds normally and everything responds normally. I checked the keyboard settings including assessability and they appear to be set correctly I check ram and cpu usage and they are fine. What should I do to speed up my keyboard response?21:33
Flannelmercutio22: gconf-editor21:33
mercutio22Flannel: thanks21:33
Sylphid|worksoundray, is it ill advised to resize an extended partition?21:33
Bit_BreakerCaleb: try this way http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar21:33
Sylphid|worksoundray, for future reference21:34
LokianWesGniel: NOT use hardy inside windows. or clean your keyboard21:34
_moraFirefox can't resolve DNS (although it seems that some other apps - like ping - can) and ifup says that the interface eth0 is unknown.  ifconfig reports that eth0 exists, however.21:34
LokianWesGniel: hardy is a tad slower if you use it inside windows21:34
WesGnielthanks lokian21:34
LokianWesGniel: i'd believe that to be your case21:34
DavidCanariasUsing the terminal can anyone tell me the command for blanking a DVD. Is it sudo umount /dev/cdrom21:35
DavidCanariascdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom blank=fast   but changing cdrom to DVDrom?????21:35
Gnea_mora: if the interface exists and no ip is attached to it, and no default route is set, and your /etc/resolv.conf doesn't have any dns servers, then yes, firefox is operating as it should21:35
soundraySylphid|work: I wouldn't have thought so, but I would always shrink the contained logical ones first, then the extended one21:35
soundraySylphid|work: and if you're enlarging, enlarge the extended first, then the contained ones.21:35
Caleb__Bit_Breaker:  I don't have a computer running Linux.21:36
Caleb__Bit_Breaker: All my computers run Windows.21:36
sparkeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/60657/ . Someone plz :(21:36
Bit_BreakerCaleb: oh ok . do u have any Linux VM`s21:36
_moraGnea: resolv.conf does indeed have dns nameservers.21:36
Gnea_mora: can you ping them?21:36
Caleb__Bit_Breaker: No.21:37
macvrcsilk soundray : guys i have this file /boot/initrd.gz and when i open it it points has the older kernel 24-19... is this normal? why i'm concerned is because the default option in my grub points to this initrd file... though i have an option in the grub for 24-21 & 24-19 kernels... is this normal?21:37
ShakedownSo if I've got the hardware to support 64-bit I should switch? Will a google search lead me in the right direction or is it as simple as a single command line?21:37
_moraGnea: yes.  I can also view some sites by domain name, but only after I load them by IP.21:37
Bit_BreakerCaleb: Can i have info on the PC`s in question then21:38
Gnea_mora: what happens if you click on the 'try again' button a few times?21:38
yoyonedsparkey: is there a config file, have you ran make menuconfig or something similar21:38
_moraGnea: same deal.21:38
sparkeyyoyoned: yep right after make menuconfig21:38
Gnea_mora: are the dns servers local or from your isp?21:38
soundraysparkey: does /bin/sh link to /bin/dash on your system?21:38
the_eraserwhy are there so many audio layers :(21:38
_moraGnea: local.  i've also tried using OpenDNS, to no avail.  for the record, none of the other machines on the network have this issue.21:39
sparkeysoundray: will check :)21:39
Gnea_mora: i have no idea how your network is setup. try using non-local dns servers.21:39
MrD1Hi i dont know if any one can help. i have installed the new ubuntu, and i am trying to install my alfa network driver from aircrack that i used on the older version but it will not make, make install and i need this for packet injection does any one know if its because a new version or some thing else if any one could help please21:40
SirDuckystupid question:  when installing ubuntu, it asked me for an account name and password, but no root password.  What's the default ubuntu root password?21:40
_moraGnea: like openDNS?  already said, makes no difference.21:40
LjL!root | SirDucky21:40
ubottuSirDucky: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:40
Gnea_mora: i'm sure that verizon has their own set of dns servers for its paying customers to use21:41
eXeCuTehey, I want to get an eee pc 1000h, anyone knows if its possible to install ubuntu on it from a disk on key?21:41
Lokianubottu: your the greatest bot ever21:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:41
GneaeXeCuTe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC  and #ubuntu-eeepc21:42
_moraGnea: while I'm sure they do, the fact that changing the DNS servers to an outside service (without success) indicates to me that the issue lies elsewhere.21:42
eXeCuTecool, didn't know there's a channel for that21:42
JetekusSirDucky: The root password's hash is set to !, I believe (in other words there is no password). You can change the root password, so it's available to use, but I believe it's discouraged.21:42
Soliloquialis ubuntu currently the most-used linux desktop os?21:43
sparkeysoundray: ye it does21:43
LjLSoliloquial: that's a good question for #Ubuntu-offtopic21:43
Gnea_mora: could be a firewall on your end or a faulty ethernet cable21:43
NeremorHello! I' try to install my 5.1 system with Alsa. I have sound, and it surrounds me ;)... But currently I can just use 4 channels. The front center speaker isn't making any noise... I ran the test for that and every speaker except the front center one sayed to me that it is available. Its the only thing that isn't working right now, does anyone have any idea what I have to do to fix that? :)21:43
GneaSoliloquial: according to distrowatch.com, yes.21:44
soundraysparkey: do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' and follow the steps to make it point to bash, then try the make-kpkg again. Better yet, find a way of getting by without compiling your own kernel ;)21:44
SirDuckyJetekus:  thanks.  I would like to enable my root user and create a password for it.  How do I do that?21:44
_morait isn't a firewall, because this occurs on no other machine on the [standard verizon DSL router] network.  i doubt it's the cable, as i'm getting no packet loss between this machine and the router.21:44
sparkeysoundray: okay will try that :) thx m821:45
Gnea_mora: what happens if you connect the machine directly to the dsl modem?21:45
[TiZ]Hey there. Still working on my LiveDVD. I have one question. If you aptitude purge software while in the LiveDVD environment, will it still be installed when you use Ubiquity? Example: I already have OpenArena, Gridwars, Zsnes, etc on there. I might also want to add Eclipse and MonoDevelop. Should someone not want any of those, could they "sudo aptitude purge blah blah blah" in order to prevent from installing it?21:46
a1Can some1 know how to bring back the ICON that i can chose connection point? please!21:47
sparkeysoundray: the thing is that the Xen folder is not there so its not strange that its saying its not there. What is Xen?21:47
a1i don't find it21:47
JetekusSirDucky: It's 'sudo passwd root', though bear in mind it's not recommended.21:47
LjLSirDucky: why would you need to?21:47
Gneaa1: icon?21:48
a1in the panel21:48
Gneawhat panel?21:48
soundray!xen | sparkey21:48
ubottusparkey: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen21:48
Gneathe panel on the top or bottom?21:48
chaddya1: right click the panel and add a notification area21:49
a1nm. how to chose a connection point21:49
Soliloquial"kernel" should sound more scary21:49
Dillizarthe 8.10 iso its live cd?21:49
Gneaa1: still lost... 'connection point'? do you mean, for internet?21:49
LjLDillizar: yes, like every desktop cd of ubuntu21:49
_moraGnea: the situation is unchanged with the machine connected directly to the router.21:49
Azhi_Dahakawhy should i get an alsa error from an app that uses PulseAudio?21:49
LjLDillizar: but, #ubuntu+1 for 8.10 discussion.21:49
Dillizarok 10x21:49
[TiZ]Hey there. Still working on my LiveDVD. I have one question. If you aptitude purge software while in the LiveDVD environment, will it still be installed when you use Ubiquity? Example: I already have OpenArena, Gridwars, Zsnes, etc on there. I might also want to add Eclipse and MonoDevelop. Should someone not want any of those, could they "sudo aptitude purge blah blah blah" in order to prevent from installing it?21:50
Dillizar10x i am on it21:50
Gnea_mora: how long as the machine been doing this? just recently or the whole time?21:50
_moraGnea: the machine has been doing this since i distupgraded last night.21:50
a1thanks with this all ICONS!! :)21:51
kexmanhi guys21:51
kexmani installed kubuntu21:51
Gnea_mora: what did you distupgrade from/to?21:51
sparkeyubottu: okay. is it needed? or can i compile without it?21:51
kexmanset up ppp to work with a huawei modem21:51
_morafrom heron to intrepid.21:51
kexmankopete works with it21:51
a1so many icons21:51
kexmanso do ssh and others21:51
sparkeyoops a bot haha :D21:51
Gnea!kubuntu | kexman21:51
kexmanbut konqueror is not happy21:51
ubottukexman: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE21:51
kexmancant browse no page with it21:51
FloodBot3kexman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:51
Gnea_mora: then you should inquire in #ubuntu+1, we don't support intrepid here quite as well yet21:52
Gnea9 more days, then we will21:52
Gnea_mora: the problem is clearly with intrepid, though.21:52
sparkeysoundray: is it needed or can i compile without it?21:53
Dillizaryo my 8.04 is crashing all the time! can i reinstall it wihtout formating?21:53
untermenschI'm having a problem. I have the live cd in my friends new toshiba laptop, (64 bit) but when i try to start the live cd the X server is all messed up.21:53
_moraGnea: support for my hardware (forceware integrated ethernet) isn't on the list of (known) issues.  and in any case, a networking problem still ought to be solvable by reasonable methods.21:53
soundraysparkey: I think you ought to be able to compile without it, but you probably have to disable related items in make config21:53
soundraysparkey: I must say I'm not up-to-date on kernel compilation any more, though. Ubuntu made me lazy that way.21:54
soundraysparkey: if I wanted 2.6.27 badly, I'd upgrade to intrepid.21:54
pingu_Anyone knows a good GUI program for (X)Ubuntu to define which single files should be backuped to f.e. /home/me/backup-YYMMDD when i start it or maybe periodically?21:55
Mixed432anyone knows if there is anything equivalent to "smbmount " for ubuntu???21:55
[TiZ]Hey there. Still working on my LiveDVD. I have one question. If you aptitude purge software while in the LiveDVD environment, will it still be installed when you use Ubiquity? Example: I already have OpenArena, Gridwars, Zsnes, etc on there. I might also want to add Eclipse and MonoDevelop. Should someone not want any of those, could they "sudo aptitude purge blah blah blah" in order to prevent from installing it?21:55
soundraypingu_: sbackup perhaps21:55
Gnea_mora: i've already explained the support position, and i really don't know much about intrepid right now. just trying to help you get your problem solved. :)21:55
[TiZ]Man, are all my questions really this hard?  I guess I should take it as a good thign.21:56
[TiZ]thing, rather21:56
=== KeithGS is now known as Keith
sparkeysoundray: okay i see =/ the thing is i tried another kernel but same shit =( need to set 1000hz cpu freq.21:57
soundray[TiZ]: my guess is: no, what you install or don't install in the live environment has no impact on what ubiquity will install21:58
soundraysparkey: no fecal references please21:58
soundraysparkey: why do you need to set a specific frequency?21:58
WintervenomHow do I get things to play though both my laptop speakers and external speakers at the same time?21:58
WintervenomI think what I am wanting to turn off is called "jack sense," but I can't find anything that says how to turn it off.21:59
[TiZ]soundray: Alright. I'm trying to do research via google and the forums, but it's tough to find things that pertain to my problem rather than using the livecd as a repository21:59
[TiZ]Thank you.21:59
soundrayWintervenom: I don't think you can. Most laptops have hardware "jack sense".21:59
niuqif i want to run an application every time the computer starts, how could i make it?22:00
WintervenomWell, on Vista, for some reason, sometimes, if I put my headphones in, it would play on both speakers.22:00
soundray!boot | niuq22:00
ubottuniuq: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:00
Wintervenom(At least until the driver got updated.)22:00
WintervenomBut now, I want that back, 'cause my external speakers don't do treble too well.22:01
soundrayWintervenom: ah, so you do have software jack sense. Then it would be a matter of the Linux driver supporting it. In other words, don't get your hopes up...22:01
sparkeysoundray: hlds runs much smother with 1000fps22:01
soundraysparkey: hlds?22:01
pingu_soundray: sbackup does not show hidden folders with point at the beginning22:02
KenBW2did hardy remove Control Centre?22:02
pingu_so i cannot backup .Mozilla configs f.e.22:02
niuqsoundray, thanks22:03
soundraypingu_: if you explicitly set $HOME/.mozilla to be backed up, sbackup should do it.22:03
winridhow do i send a comand to my server?22:03
KenBW2winrid: ssh22:03
Kr0ntabwinrid: can you describe what command you ad in mind?22:04
winridKenBW2: Hey ken. Shh wont work. I get "connection refused22:04
winridKenBW2: I just want to see the memory and cpu usage of my headless server22:04
KenBW2winrid: you need to add your PC to a list of allowed connections22:04
niuqsoundray, well the application i wanted to start is sbackup,  i should put sbackupd over /etc/rc.local?22:04
pingu_soundray: i cannot type directories manually22:04
soundrayKenBW2: shouldn't he make sure that sshd is installed and running on the server first?22:04
pingu_only the way with browsing, but the folder is not shown22:04
winridKenBW2: how?22:05
KenBW2soundray: probably, i cant remember setting upo ssh on my PC22:05
soundraypingu_: give me a minute, I'll try to reproduce22:05
Kr0ntabKenBW2: ssh is not installed by default...22:05
KenBW2Kr0ntab: it must be or it would tell him so22:05
pingu_soundray it works22:05
soundrayKr0ntab: ssh client is, just not the server22:06
aatkAnyone know how to launch the restricted modules dialog from the command line?22:06
soundraypingu_: ah, good22:06
Kr0ntab~sigh~  of course I meant the server component guys..22:06
robert__how do i update gnome apps that aren't updated by canonical?22:06
winridrebort: manual download :)22:06
robert__winrid, how?22:07
soundrayrobert__: you don't22:07
vondererhello there… is there any way to remove some packages without resolving dependencies?22:07
winridrobert: search for your stuff on www.softpedia.com in the linux section :)22:07
KenBW2robert__: go to the program's website22:07
soundrayrobert__: check backports and proposed to see if Ubuntu really hasn't provided updates22:07
winridrobert: or you could add dependencies22:08
soundrayKenBW2, winrid: please don't recommend bypassing the package manager without giving appropriate warnings ( robert__)22:08
[TiZ]Is there anyone who can give a definite answer? I'm really hoping this will work. I want to make it so that my LiveDVD is full of software, but some of it can be removed before installing. I want to know if "aptitude purge" while inside the LiveDVD environment will have any effect on what is installed from Ubiquity, or if there's any way to make it have an effect. Thanks for any guesses that have been given or will be given.22:08
OrbixxUbuntu. I connect to my WLAN, it's fine. I go away, restart, Ubuntu throws wobbly, does not like WPA key. I change security, it works, I go away, restart, same again. Repeat, repeat, repeat.22:08
KenBW2soundray: warnings?22:08
soundrayKenBW2: like "bypassing the package manager to upgrade individual packages will break apt updates"22:09
soundray!backports > robert__22:10
ubotturobert__, please see my private message22:10
KenBW2soundray: you mean if you install apps from somewhere else they wont be updated by apt anymore?22:10
Kr0ntabKenBW2: for many people just learning about Ubuntu, let alone Linux, it's beneficial for them to keep within the realms of packages software.  to prevent breaks, etc.  Thats all he was saying.22:10
soundrayKenBW2: yes, and that's not the worst thing that can happen.22:10
sparkeysoundray: half life dedicated server :)22:11
KenBW2soundray: malicious apps etc?22:11
FlannelKenBW2: not playing well with others22:11
KenBW2Flannel: well, i suppose22:11
kandjarhi there22:12
soundrayKenBW2: I was thinking more of breaking the ability to upgrade to intrepid22:12
soundrayniuq: still here?22:12
MadneXhi, i want to switch from slackware to kubuntu,(tired of complications and resolve dependencies on hand ;-?) but i want to use the kde 4... its the 8.10 good to use?? or better download the 8.04??22:13
kandjarI have an issue running ubuntu server, I can't get the remote display working through ssh22:13
Robb_MUbuntu is LTS...but the edubuntu addon cd isnt?22:13
KenBW2MadneX: 8.10 isn't released yet. if you wait till the 30th you might as well use 8.10 then22:13
FlannelMadneX: 8.04 has a variant that has KDE4, but #kubuntu-kde4 is probably your best place to ask22:13
soundrayniuq: sorry, got caught up in that other discussion. I seem to remember that you can set unattended regular backups somewhere in the sbackup settings. Can you not use those?22:14
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FlannelRobb_M: what makes you think that?22:14
soundraykandjar: can you specify more exactly what you are trying to do, and what doesn't work?22:14
kandjarsoundray: I setup a ubuntu server box,22:15
Robb_MFlannel: says support for 18 months on the site here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2008-April/002579.html22:15
robert__are there epiphany plugins?22:15
kandjari m trying to ssh to it (using ssh -X or -Y) with display support22:15
[TiZ]Is there anyone who can give a definite answer? I'm really hoping this will work. I want to make it so that my LiveDVD is full of software, but some of it can be removed before installing. I want to know if "aptitude purge" while inside the LiveDVD environment will have any effect on what is installed from Ubiquity, or if there's any way to make it have an effect. Thanks for any guesses that have been given or will be given.22:15
[TiZ]If no one currently here knows for sure, I'll just ask again later.22:16
MadneXFlannel, Thx22:16
kandjarfirst I notice that the variable DISPLAY wasn't setup at all once logged in the server, and even after settings that up it does work22:16
kandjarI have the same issue on LAN or WAN22:16
FlannelRobb_M: Interesting.  Well, all of Edubuntu is in the repositories.  So, even if "edubuntu" isn't supported, your packages will all be.22:16
MadneXKenBW2, are you sure??i found kubuntu 8.10 beta to download right here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/Beta/Kubuntu22:16
soundraykandjar: what's running on the local side (where you issue the ssh -X command)?22:17
FlannelRobb_M: I guess that means the Edubuntu specific artwork and stuff won't be.22:17
soundrayMadneX: note *beta*22:17
Robb_MFlannel: oh, ok...i just saw that and was like "what the heck"? lol22:17
Robb_Manyways, thanks for the insight :D22:17
kandjarsoundray: linux box, either ubuntu 7 from LAN or debian from WAN22:18
FlannelRobb_M: yeah, its a little odd, but shouldn't affect you as far as security goes that I can see.22:18
soundraykandjar: and X forwarding from the debian box works?22:18
KenBW2MadneX: yea, thats the beta22:18
pingu_soundray, what's that?22:19
FlannelRobb_M: Oh.  If youre using Kubuntu on KDE, those are only 18 months.  I haven't kept up with Edubuntu on KDE.  But Kubuntu isn't LTS, so after 18 months, KDE stuff will go stale.22:19
kandjarsoundray: both ssh are done to the ubuntu box, I either do a ssh -X from a debian box trough WAN to the ubuntu server22:19
FlannelRobb_M: er, Edubuntu on KDE22:19
pingu_i included only three little files and backup folder grows up to 200mb not stopping22:19
kandjaror from a ubuntu desktop through LAN to the same ubuntu server22:19
soundraypingu_: what's what?22:20
kandjarboth dont work22:20
pingu_big "files.gtz" and cant open it22:20
=== EnjoyMe is now known as Four86DXtwo
soundraykandjar: what I'm trying to establish is whether ssh -X works when you use another remote machine instead of your Ubuntu server.22:20
pingu_how can i stop this backup process?!22:21
=== antonono is now known as spike\
kandjarsoundray: actually it's a bit more tricky :)22:21
mowkI have seen topics about error 21, but i think it would be very helpful for some advice to me. The problem is when i got my new external hardrive i decided i would install ubuntu on it(not knowing much) So it went along and installed grub also. But i guess this changes something in the system. So without the ubuntu disk i cannot boot into anything. they only way i can go into windows is go to ubuntus disk and go to boot from first drive then gru22:21
kandjarsoundray: first, I didnt try from the ubuntu client to another computer since it's the only other linux computer I have22:22
kandjaron my lan22:22
acuI want to capture Video and Audio from webcam (Logitech Pro9000) which works well with EKIGA and luvcview - is any functional software which can capture video and audio from the webcam ?22:22
soundraykandjar: okay. Try 'ssh -X localhost xlogo'. Does that work?22:22
kandjarthen, from the debian, I m actually connected to the debian from a winxp box (in LAN) which already redirect the display to the win box22:22
kandjarand it works22:22
jadedotoacu: Try Cheese22:23
mowkI have seen topics about error 21, but i think it would be very helpful for some advice to me. The problem is when i got my new external hardrive i decided i would install ubuntu on it(not knowing much) So it went along and installed grub also. But i guess this changes something in the system. So without the ubuntu disk i cannot boot into anything. they only way i can go into windows is go to ubuntus disk and go to boot from first drive then gru22:23
=== Guest32920 is now known as beilabs
mowkI have seen topics about error 21, but i think it would be very helpful for some advice to me. The problem is when i got my new external hardrive i decided i would install ubuntu on it(not knowing much) So it went along and installed grub also. But i guess this changes something in the system. So without the ubuntu disk i cannot boot into anything. they only way i can go into windows is go to ubuntus disk and go to boot from first drive then gru22:25
pingu_soundray how can i stop this backup process?22:25
soundray!repeat | mowk22:25
ubottumowk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:25
kandjarsoundray: so, to sum up, I m currently connected from a windows box (with a x server running) to the debian box22:25
kandjarthe redirection work22:25
LeboHi all22:25
soundraypingu_: find out its PID (ps aux | grep backup) and run 'sudo kill PID'22:26
kandjarI also did: ssh -X localhost xlogo on the debian box, and the redirection worked too22:26
soundraykandjar: on the server, have you checked that X forwarding is enabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?22:26
LeboIs there a way to disable the wireless killswitch with the iwl3945 driver? (For whatever reason fujitsu decided to disable RF scanning by default so in windows it has to be enabled via some stupid key combo, there is no option in bios to disable this behaviour), rmmod iwl3945 && modprobe iwl3945 disable_hw_scan=1 has no effect.22:27
kandjargrep X11 /etc/ssh/sshd_config22:27
soundraymowk: you can resize the Windows partition on your first disk, create a small extra /boot partition for grub to live in, and reinstall grub using that.22:27
kandjar> X11Forwarding yes22:27
kandjar> X11DisplayOffset 1022:28
soundraykandjar: no pasting please22:28
kandjari didnt past22:28
kandjarI typed it :P22:28
soundraykandjar: still, a simple 'yes' would have been sufficient22:28
kandjarok :)22:28
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kandjarI jsut wanted to make sure I didnt miss something22:29
LeboAny ideas?22:29
kandjarsoundray: I don't understand why it's not working...22:29
soundraykandjar: and you don't have a $HOME/.ssh/config on the server?22:29
kandjarsoundray: so I have to install a X server on the ubuntu server???22:29
testolahow do i setup a website on local network? working fine with apache on localhost. Is it a firewall question o my router that needs to be reconfigured?22:30
mowksoundray: thanks but im not sure quite how to install grub because ubuntu did that for me, cept on the wrong drivXD22:30
aflackis there anyway to configure the screensaver you set22:30
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kandjarsoundray: nop22:30
soundraykandjar: no22:31
FA3Hello, I just have a quick question about Ubuntu Server, I have been searching but can't seem to find the answer. I would just like to know how many users it supports.22:31
soundray!grub | mowk22:31
ubottumowk: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:31
soundraymowk: you can use the RestoreGrub instructions ^^22:31
warzhey all, i'm trying to remember where the apache config files are located on ubuntu. anyone mind reminding me?22:32
Kr0ntabwarz: /etc/apache222:33
soundraykandjar: what do you get from a    ssh -X server 'echo $DISPLAY'22:33
warzKr0ntab: ahh, thanks.22:33
aflackhow do you configurew the screensavers??22:33
soundrayFA3: interesting question... I don't think the number is limited for all practical purposes22:34
_moraGnea:  After a lot of swearing/hair-pulling/violence, I determined it's a kernel issue (& is already reported in Launchpad.)  Anyone else asks, the solution is to reboot back into 2.6.24 and then everything's ducky again.  :)22:34
warzi did apt-get install wordpress, but i don't know if this will be easier than just downloading it and installing it manually.22:34
lisa_is there a way to get winrar to run on ubuntu?22:34
warzbecause i have no clue where it put wordpress.22:34
_moralisa_: why?22:34
warzoh, well, i found wordpress, nevermind.22:34
_moralisa_ there are way better tools in ubuntu.22:34
Lebolias_: unrar22:35
lisa__mora, go away22:35
_moralisa_ uh!  what.22:35
soundraylisa_: is that how you treat people for trying to help you?22:35
lisa__mora, i didnt ask yoir opinion. I asked about winrar22:35
lisa_soundray, he didnt try to help me, he was trying to give advice which wasnt asked for!  He went off track from my topic22:36
kandjarsoundray: empty22:36
kanolisa, http://rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.8.0.tar.gz22:36
kandjarsoundray: looks like DISPLAY hasnt been set22:36
kanocommand line only22:36
lisa__mora, let me try that again.  How can I use winrar on ubuntu?22:36
lisa_kano, thanks :)22:36
_moralisa_ and i didn't ask for your attitude.  you feel like talking to me like a grown-up, or would you like to find someone else to help you?22:36
lisa_kano, perfect, thats what I was after, cheers22:36
LeboIt was hardly help though was it? It was a condescending remark when 'unrar' or other tool would do.22:36
kandjarand if I try to set it by hand, the app freeze for a bit without showing anything, and then report a fail to connect22:37
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LjLtake a deep breath everyone22:37
lisa__mora, go away!  dont give advice which isnt asked for.  I didnt ask you if there exists anything better than winrar.  I asked HOW I CAN USE winrar.22:37
lisa_LjL, ok :-)22:37
sirMajidhi guys22:38
_moralisa_: sounds like you've got it all figured out.  have fun.22:38
sirMajidI have a problem with my visual efects22:38
_morasirMajid: you talking about compiz?22:38
LjLlisa_: for most people, it would be completely unreasonable to use WinRAR in Ubuntu, since unrar together with file-roller do the job nicely. so _mora did well to point that out to you.22:38
soundraylisa_: if we only ever gave the precise advice that people ask for, we'd be giving lots of very bad advice22:38
_morathanks, ljl.22:38
sirMajidwhen I turn them on, it says they can't be enabled22:39
lisa_LjL, i have my reasons and im not "most people"22:39
_moralet me point out that offering a superior alternative is in no way offensive.  you may have your reasons but that does not excuse causeless rudeness.22:39
lisa_LjL, I want to encrypt a file in Ubuntu and then send it to my other windows email account, so I can decrypt it on windows.  I only know how to do that using Winrar.   Any other ideas?22:39
LjLlisa_, and how would we know that beforehand? anyway, it appears that you ended up using "rarlinux", which is command line only, just like "unrar", how's that any different - out of my curiosity?22:39
jken146lisa_: Install rar from medibuntu and use file-roller22:40
lisa_jken146, file-roller?22:40
LjLlisa_, well, if you only know how to do that with "WinRAR", then using "rarlinux" isn't going to help you either22:40
LjLsure, file-roller. which i just hinted to.22:40
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:40
lisa_LjL, ok. so how can I encrypt a file in Ubuntu that will be able to be decrypted in Windows Vista?22:40
kandjarsoundray: any idea?22:40
jken146lisa_: file-roller a.k.a. Archive Manager22:40
LjLlisa_: so, see, *that* was your real question, not "how to use WinRAR".22:41
soundraykandjar: when you set it by hand, what are you setting it to?22:41
_mora...and it is the question i answered and got flamed for.22:41
KenBW2anyone know an IE6 theme for FF3?22:41
lisa_LjL, no! my real question was how to use winrar on Ubuntu so I can decrtypt a file on windows22:41
lisa_LjL, but if you claim to have a better alternative, im listening now22:42
lisa_LjL, if not, then I stick with winrar as thats only way I know22:42
LjLlisa_: from "man rar", i see:  -hp<password>              Encrypt both file data and headers.  The password is case-sensitive. If you omit the password on the command line, you  will  be  prompted  with  message "Enter password".22:42
GaMbi_DKanyone who can tell me why I cant make a playlist for Rythmbox music player? or if there is a better music player out there (winamp like)22:42
kandjarsoundray: the address of the computer I trying to log from22:42
jken146lisa_, go to medibuntu.org and odd the repo following the instructions there.  Then install the package rar nad use the default Ubuntu archive manager (file-roller)22:42
kandjarsoundray: with :0.0 at the end22:42
lisa_LjL, yes thats what I want!  encrypt using rar.22:43
jken146GaMbi_DK: vlc is more like winamp; you should be able to make playlists in Rhythmbox.22:43
lisa_LjL, you see? that was the answer I wanted!  Sudo apt-get install rar.22:43
LjLlisa_: yes, and that's done with the very tool that mora was suggesting you use.22:43
jken146lisa_, Do what I said then.22:43
LjLlisa_: then you asked completely the wrong question. i'd apologize to mora if i were you.22:44
lisa_jken146, i did it by using "sudo apt-get install rar"22:44
lisa_LjL, mora didnt suggest rar22:44
FA310? 20?22:44
jken146lisa_, yup, that's it :)22:44
LjLlisa_: was about to, except you told them off before they even could.22:44
soundraykandjar: then the server will set up a separate, unencrypted channel to your X. That's insecure and inefficient, and it requires you to run the xhost command locally (xhost + to enable X connections from anywhere)22:44
lisa_LjL, 1. you are not me. 2. mora didnt suggest rar. 3. i only apologise when its due. 4. you should see the pm he sent me22:44
uwehello, i have a problem with wine and the sound, can somebody help me22:44
LjLlisa_: well, unfortunately i only see the public messages in this channel. so i can only strongly suggest that you read the following22:45
LjL!guidelines > lisa_    (lisa_, see the private message from Ubotu)22:45
ubottulisa_, please see my private message22:45
jken146uwe: Go on.22:45
Malik_i jus found out Ubuntu has a server edition too22:45
Ridehgrr i locked myself out on a client machine after setting up pam to use ldap22:45
_morathe private messages she's talking about are here:  http://pastebin.com/me625f9622:45
CaMasonhi guys. I've been advised to upgrade samba to the latest version (SVN issues). I'm using 8.04, and the latest version seems to show as 3.0.28a. Any ideas on the best way to update it?22:46
lisa_anyway, thanks jken146. I found the answer I wanted.  Using rar to encrypt in ubuntu!  send file to my windows email account and decrypt in windows using winrar :-)22:46
uwemy english is not the best, but i will try22:46
FA3server edition sounds interesting. I wounder how many users it supports?22:46
_morai assure you that i did not say anything inappropriate in PM.  or much of anything at all, heh.22:46
LjL_mora, let's just consider the matter closed at this point22:46
kandjarsoundray: so I shouldn't set it up by hand22:47
_moraljl: sure.22:47
lisa__mora did NOT say anything inappropriate in PM to me, I never claimed he did.  I just said, "you should see the pm he sent me" :)22:47
uwei wish to run the game Homeworld 1 with wine 1.1.2 and the the game does not start with the alsa22:47
GaMbi_DKjken146, I got VLC for playing movies.. but I dont find it fitting for music playback... can you tell me how to make a play list? when I do "Music->playlist->save to file" on a playlist.. shut down the player.. and when I try to open the playlist It opens in "movie player"  when I try to open with Rythembox music player.. it opens the player and shuts down.. any hints? this is ubuntu 7.0422:47
Malik_does any1 hav experince with a server here22:47
soundraykandjar: definitely not if you're using the WAN connection and you value your privacy and security22:47
lisa__mora, ok ok! im SORRY if I jumped to wrong conclusions. thanks for trying to help me. I know you meant well22:48
uwei search google, but find no woraround22:48
lisa__mora, i know your intentions were honourable22:48
kandjarsoundray: ok understood, I was just trying to get it working...22:48
ikoniaMalik_: just ask the question22:48
lisa__mora, were you going to suggest rar when I asked about winrar?22:48
_mora yeah.22:48
lisa__mora, be honest now :)22:49
kandjarsoundray: any idea about what I should do?22:49
_morarar is what i use.22:49
lisa_your nose is growing :022:49
Malik_so when a server is made and it has files on it how do the other computers acess it is it liek a website22:49
LjLlisa_: would probably have suggested "unrar", without knowledge that you'd be wanting to *compress* and not *extract*22:49
jken146GaMbi_DK: Not sure I can help you much with the rhythmbox problem.  You could try a different player, e.g. exaile though. Perhaps an upgrade to Gutsy (and then to Hardy maybe) would fix the issue.22:49
ikoniaMalik_: you need to run a webserver on it22:49
lisa__mora, if you use rar, then tell me.. how do I create a file using a password?22:49
jribDavidCanarias: still around?22:49
ikoniaMalik_: keep in mind you can do this on a desktop - you don't need a special server install22:49
Malik_u donot?22:49
GaMbi_DKI just got my ubuntu -> compiz .7.6 to work with separate X screen and Im still able to watch movies on 2nd screen (TV) and change desktops on monitor :P22:49
Malik_then wat r the special sever editions22:49
lisa__mora, you use rar, so you would know the command, right?22:49
LjLlisa_: there's not much else one could have suggested, anyway - "rar" and "unrar" are the only tools in Ubuntu that allow working with RAR files. anyway, why don't we just consider the issue closed as i said? this is just keeping the channel busy now.22:49
lisa_LjL, ok cheers22:50
ikoniaMalik_: for enterprise hardware (not meant for home use)22:50
Malik_so is a router a server to22:50
LjL!it | anarkia22:50
ubottuanarkia: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:50
soundraykandjar: I'm not sure. Maybe your server is missing X-related packages that would, when installed, enable X forwarding -- but I don't know. Perhaps the people in #ubuntu-server will know what the problem is22:50
Malik_cause with it i can share printers22:50
Malik_and share files22:50
GaMbi_DKjken146, im using hardy .7.622:50
Malik_in the sharing fodler22:50
ikoniaMalik_: a router is a different technology22:50
lisa__mora has gone to look up how to create a password rar file :)22:50
jken146Malik_: The server edition basically has another kernel, optimised for server hardware.  It doesn't have the GUI installed at all by default either22:50
Malik_so how is a sever diffrent from a router22:50
LjLlisa_, enough, please22:51
Malik_i can share files with a router and share printers22:51
jken146GaMbi_DK, Oh ok, I thought you said you were on 7.04. Never mind!22:51
kandjarsoundray: mmm ok :)22:51
ikoniaMalik_: a server is something that "serves" services and people, a router provides network routing22:51
kandjarsoundray: thanks anyway, I'll try the ubuntu-server channel then :)22:51
ikoniaMalik_: you may want to check wikipedia for defintions22:51
GaMbi_DKjken146, 8.04 :P22:51
Malik_so lets say u hav a server22:51
aflackcan someone help me with java.. i have it installed the plugin but it isnt working22:51
uwecan some help me? please22:51
Malik_and u want me to connect to it22:51
HelmintheLjL: salve is a greeting in a few more languages :)22:51
lg29hi i'm an ubuntu newbie, wondering if anyone can tell me the basics of setting up a local development environment for a couple of projects. I'm not sure how to configure for multiple "sites" though22:51
Malik_how will i conneect to it form here22:51
jribaflack: what happens exactly?  How doesn't it work?22:52
_moraSirMajid, are you still there?22:52
ikoniaMalik_: web / http, ssh, telnet, ftp what ever you need22:52
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jken146lg29: Web server?22:52
aflackjrib: well i instaleld it, but it isnt working.. it doesnt show up in my browser it doesnt work when i do java apps in my browser22:52
NeelabhHello Everybody22:52
LjLHelminthe: on the other hand, is an IP belonging to Telecom Italia22:52
NeelabhI need help regarding installing Apache on ubuntu22:52
jribaflack: what package did you install?  And have you restarted your browser?22:52
Malik_how does the enviroment of a server look is it jus liek what ever i put in my sharing folder will be on ur computer22:53
HelmintheLjL: ah you did your homework first :)22:53
jrib!lamp > Neelabh22:53
ubottuNeelabh, please see my private message22:53
_moraSirMajid: you need to enable restricted drivers.  Should be in your System > Administration menu, s'far as i recall.22:53
pyrakhow do check to see how much ram i have, and what speed its running at?22:53
lisa_LjL, I cant fogure out the command to create a password rar file22:53
aflackjrib: it qwasnt a pack it was from the site and dur i restarted my browser22:53
pyraki just upgraded and want to make sure it's working correctly22:53
lisa_LjL, any ideas pls?22:53
LjLpyrak: you could boot into memtest22:53
ikoniaMalik_: no22:53
Neelabhhey jrib , if i download the source files in tar.bz2 format then22:53
blip-hi , is there a problem with codecs on amarok on ubuntu 8.04 ?   I installed the win32 codecs and non-free codecs as well as amarok engines... and i can't get it to play shoutcast audio streams.. even though vlc can22:53
lg29jkenl46: yep. don't need to access it remotely though, just for testing.  I have lamp running, just not sure what to do for multiple test sites (eg = localhost, 127.0.0.x = mytestsite1, 127.0.0.y = mytestsite2, etc)22:53
blip-it just complains about the decoder...22:53
LjLlisa_, i don't know how that's done from inside file-roller (since i'm a KDE user), but from the command line, it's just rar's "-p" option22:53
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soundrayNeelabh: no. Read the page that ubottu sent, it tells you how to use the package manager to install apache22:54
jribaflack: right.  You should use the packages from the repositories.  They set things up for you.  You need to install the sun-java6-plugin package if you want sun's java plugin22:54
lisa_LjL, lol22:54
soundrayNeelabh: more general advice for installing software is here:22:54
soundray!software > Neelabh22:54
ubottuNeelabh, please see my private message22:54
Malik_i wana know of how it looks on the giving computer and reciving computer22:54
jken146lisa_: file-roller can do it.  It's in 'other options' in the 'save as' box when you choose rar as the type of archive22:54
lisa__mora, you are an avid rar user you said, so can you pls tell me how I create a password rar file?22:55
lisa_jken146, what?22:55
aflackjrib: this is under synaptic?22:55
LjLlisa_, now you're just being a troll.22:55
jribNeelabh: it's recommended you install from the repositories.  No need to download any tar.gz yourself.  See ubottu, but poke me if you are unsure about anything22:55
jken146lg29: the Ubuntu apache2 community doc page tells you I think22:55
lisa_jken146, i didnt understand what u said22:55
jribaflack: right22:55
LjLlisa_: "man rar". the "-p" option is explained there. go read it.22:55
lisa_LjL, dont judge22:55
lisa_jken146, what do you mean?  It's in 'other options' in the 'save as' box when you choose rar as the type of archive?22:55
aflacki serached exactly what you said and nothing cxame up22:55
aflacksorry for typos lol22:55
lisa_anyone know how to create a rar file with a password?22:56
jribNeelabh: ubottu is just a bot by the way, he can't really have a conversation :)22:56
jriblisa_: did you try reading the information LjL told you about?22:56
Bit_Breakerjoin #PS322:56
jken146lisa_, That's where I found the password option.  Start file-roller.   Create a new archive.  Choose rar sa the format.  Expand the other options just below the format choice menu and enter a password.22:57
aflackjrib:nothing came up from search22:57
Craihhgneyanyone here use JanusVM, Tor, GNUnet, Freenet or I2P ?22:57
HelmintheLjL: on a more serious note, are you aware of similar localized resources of help that canonical supports/hosts? i.e. is there a i22:57
jribaflack: tell me the output of this command please: uname -m22:57
Adriaanhi! does someone know the name of the sidebar tool that is on the right (behind OO) on this image http://www.mikesplanet.net/images/darktheme.png?22:57
AdriaanhI would like to compile it seperately22:57
aflackcommand not found22:57
aflackoh wait22:57
HelmintheljL: e .irc.ubuntu.com etc?22:58
jrib!who | aflack22:58
ubottuaflack: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:58
LjLHelminthe: join #ubuntu-ops please22:58
LjLHelminthe: actually, join #ubuntu-irc22:58
lg29jklen146: ok, ill check there, thanks22:58
Craihhgneyanyone here use JanusVM, Tor, GNUnet, Freenet, JAP or I2P ?22:58
aflackjrib: x86_64..22:58
jribaflack: sun does not provide a 64bit java plugin.  Your only options on 64bit are to either use an open java like gcjwebplugin or to install a 32bit firefox as described in !java6422:59
AdriaanCraihhgney, i sometimes use Tor..22:59
jribAdriaan: your link is timing out22:59
aflackjrib: where can i get a 32bit firefox then22:59
jrib!java64 | aflack22:59
ubottuaflack: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava22:59
CraihhgneyAdriaan do you know anything about chaining proxies with tor?22:59
=== _mora is now known as mora
demontagerhow to connect to ftp server via gnome-commander?23:00
=== mora is now known as mora_
demontagerI need this adress http://www.stardict.org/wikipedia/23:00
jribaflack: oops, issue was on my end.  That's conky.  Why do you want to compile it?  It's in the repositories23:00
=== kira is now known as Guest272
ubuntuwhat you mean23:01
Craihhgneyanyone here use JanusVM, Tor, GNUnet, Freenet, JAP or I2P ?23:01
elli222im thinking of installing and trying KDE, is there anything i should know?23:01
Adriaanjrib: are u sure.. its working here? maybe some referer http protection :S?23:01
Guest272hi all!  how can i make a link or mount a ftp folder? i can connect over gnome but i cant go with vim to edit files there23:01
AdriaanCraihhgney, sorry can't help you with that :(23:01
Craihhgneyid really appreciate hearing from a janusVM user out there23:01
ubuntuany one use KDE23:02
Craihhgneyoh thats ok thanks23:02
elli222im thinking of trying out KDE, should I or is gnome better?23:02
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kandjarsoundray: mmm is ubuntu-server the right channel??23:03
jribGuest272: Maybe with curlftpfs, but you can edit ftp files directly from vim, see    :he netrw23:03
hsinamhi, how can i rename multiple files to asdf001, asdf002, asdf003 ... etc,  but before renaming, the files need to be sorted by date modified.23:03
formodeHello everyone, I'm currently making a LIVEUSB of Ubuntu, I use 64 bit ubuntu, would it be safe to use that on the LIVEUSB, or should I go with 32 bit? (Will the 64 bit not work with most computers?)23:03
jken146elli222: matter of personal preference.  Install both and see which you like best.23:03
bruenighsinam: a for loop23:04
dimmhello! who now about problem rtorrent + lvm?23:04
jken146formode: 64bit won't work on 32bit comps23:04
dimm Storage error: [File chunk write error: Success.]23:04
formodejken146 So I should go with a i386 build for a travel version?23:04
soundraykandjar: not with those people there...23:04
jken146formode: I would23:05
formodejken146 Alright, thanks.23:05
acujadedoto: are you still around - it seem that cheese captures some video - but no audio - where I can configure Cheese capture resolution ?23:05
kandjarsoundray: :)23:06
soundraykandjar: can you run a debugging session (ssh -X -vv) and paste the log on http://paste.ubuntu.com23:06
formodeDoes anyone know the size of the 8.04 -> 8.10 upgrade?23:07
ikoniaformode: depends on what you have installed23:07
formodeikonia, I have 64 bit ubuntu 8.04, fully updated.23:07
ikoniaformode: it depends on what additional software from the base23:07
ronzillaanyone here have an iphone and linux? if so have you managed to make it sync or get itunes working?23:08
formodeikonia, Ah, ok. :)23:08
ikoniaronzilla: it doesn't sync well23:08
a1nokia hi23:08
ronzillawhat about if i create a virtual build23:08
ronzillaof windows23:08
formoderonzilla, currently Iphone 2.0 software does not work with linux. :( The onyl way to do it is to SSH, which I'm not sure if that works anymore.23:08
ikoniaronzilla: what about it ?23:08
ronzillato run itunes23:09
ronzillaand sync my iphone23:09
ikoniaronzilla: yes ? what about it23:09
ikoniathats windows - nothing to do with ubuntu23:09
ronzillajust wondering if it will23:09
ikoniaronzilla: thats windows23:09
dubbyhey anyone, how would i fill a feature request23:09
dunasMy friend is asking about Linux on a http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=9052945&type=product&id=1218012528210, can anyone give me some idea how that'd work?23:09
formoderonilla, The thing is, that, ubuntu doesn't even recognize the device mount. So a virtual windows won't pick it up.23:09
ikoniadunas: looks fine23:10
=== alberto is now known as Guest39263
formoderonzilla May I suggest, in the future, checking compatability before pruchasing?23:10
soundraykandjar: are you doing it?23:10
jrib!brainstorm | dubby23:10
ubottudubby: Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!23:10
ikoniadunas: looks like generic hardware mostly23:10
mouser-Hi, I'm trying to set-up shortcut keys for compiz, and am apparently unable to use the super/windows key, as it opens the main menu.  I'd like to use the super key if i could.23:10
ronzillalooks like i have to go back to XP23:10
TheFillerHow can I get an automatically created link to my mounted devices on my desktop? Usually it does that by itself, but after a reinstall it won't do that anymore23:10
formoderonzilla Yes. :) If you have a complaint please mail steve@apple.com23:10
jribmouser-: turn off the shortcut key for the menu.  Should be in preferences -> keyboard shortcuts23:10
ronzillahaha yeah i i really like this OS too =/23:11
formoderonzilla, Well, why not dual boot?23:11
MrD1Hi could some one please help who knows about drivers i have installed the new ubuntu, and i tryed installing the same drivers i got from aircrack for my rtl818 alfa network wifi, but now when i get to the make make install it appers with an error does it have a conflict with the ubuntu drivers or is there some thing else that it wrong also is there away of downloading the old linux headers because they dont seem to appear in synaptic if som23:11
MrD1e one could help plaese thanks in advance23:11
ikonia!ibex > MrD123:11
ubottuMrD1, please see my private message23:11
ronzillai dont really want to bother booting between 2 different OS's just to sync my phone23:11
formoderonzilla I gave up my ipod touch for linux. :-P23:12
lg29hmm, so, still trying to figure out quickest way to (drupal, multi site) development environment. i found this "drubuntu" vmware image here - http://groups.drupal.org/node/6260 .  Can anyone advise/discourage me about whether this is a good solution?  vmware player is already set up. thanks!23:12
mouser-jrib: I looked there, but couldn't find the correct setting.23:12
formoderonzilla, Then why did you buy the phone without checking if it would work?23:12
ronzillayeah but im stuck 2 years with my iphone and AT&T23:12
ronzillai had the phone, i just installed linux over the weekend23:12
soundrayTheFiller: in gconf-editor, tick the checkbox for /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible23:12
ikoniaronzilla: sorry23:12
jribmouser-: Desktop -> Show the panel menu23:12
GodfatherofEireIs there any way of using the Find/replace function in OO.o that can replace spaces with tabs or returns?23:13
formoderonzilla, go tell the phone company it won't work with your computer, maybe they'll give you a different phone :)23:13
ronzillai dont want one :(23:13
mouser-ronzilla: It's probable due to its popularity that someone will make it compatable in the future, as well, if Virtualbox/VMware/etc or dual-booting isn't a solution23:13
formoderonzilla Linux or iphone then, is your question. Linux, in the future, will probably support the iphone, it just needs to be cracked.23:13
jribronzilla: you can sync your iphone, but you need to jailbreak it (see help.ubuntu.com)23:14
GodfatherofEireNever mind23:14
formodejrib, he's refering to iphone 2.023:14
soundrayGodfatherofEire: you have to enable regular expressions in the dialog and use escape codes for tab and return (might be ^t and ^$, but better to look it up in the help)23:14
GodfatherofEireYeah, just found that23:14
TheFillersoundray: thank you, but it is already checked :S23:14
GodfatherofEireBut thanks for the help Soundray23:14
soundrayTheFiller: ah23:14
kandjarsoundray: done23:15
soundraykandjar: so?23:15
mouser-jrib: that setting shows a panel menu next to the mouse cursor, but doesn't disable the super key opening that menu.23:15
kandjari pasted it23:15
* soundray taps his fingers23:15
JoseBravoIm having problems doing ssh connections from any terminal from my ubuntu, when I put the password the terminal got freezed.23:15
* soundray waits for the URL23:15
JoseBravoI have tried with many different server, Putty works fine!23:16
jribmouser-: it opens the main menu23:16
kandjarsorry :)23:16
kandjarnot used to it :)23:16
TheFillersoundray: but it apparently does not work. How can I get it to work?23:16
chronographerhi all. I want to make some of these changes permanent: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio#Version_0.12.0_and_later.. Specifically these lines: sudo usermod -a -G pulse-access mpd23:16
chronographeris there an easy way?23:16
chronographeror a beter way to grant rights?23:16
AnzaWhy thunderbird is not sending my emails complete? I mean, people receive like haft of the sentence I typed, incomplete mails, does anyone could tell me how to fix that?23:16
soundraykandjar: there's a clue in 10923:16
ikoniaAnza: thats going to be down to your smtp server23:16
Anzaikonia,  and how could I fix it?23:17
ikoniaAnza: depends on your problem23:17
soundraykandjar: do you have the xauth package installed on the server?23:17
soundraykandjar: can you find out?23:18
mouser-jrib: Correct.  It looks like it was a custom menu applet that was masquerading as the main menu that was causing the problem.  I removed it and restored the correct main menu and it works now.  Thanks.23:18
Anzaikonia, how could I know? :S23:18
kandjarsoundray: how?23:18
cs_studentI just switched over from debian to ubuntu. For some reason my internet on ubuntu is extremely slow.  How can I figure out why?23:18
ikoniaAnza: what / who's smtp server are you using23:18
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:18
visik7anyone has flash 10 installed ? do you got a strange right click behavior ?23:18
soundraykandjar: sudo apt-get install xauth23:18
Anzaikonia, yahoo?23:19
ikoniaAnza: your using yahoo's smtp server ?23:19
JoseBravoIm having problems doing ssh connections from any terminal from my ubuntu, when I put the password the terminal got freezed. I have tried with many different server, Putty works fine!23:19
sirMajidhi guys23:19
sirMajidI have a problem with my ubuntu23:19
kandjarsoundray: it did something23:19
mouser-sirMajid: what is the problem?23:20
Guest39263hello to all , i cannot create a internet connection share (from a wireless ath0 to a eth0 one), is there any link for try again to configure it??23:20
sirMajidIt becomes really slow23:20
sirMajideven the mouse moves slow23:20
TheFillerHow can I get an automatically created link to my mounted devices on my desktop? Usually it does that by itself, but after a reinstall it won't do that anymore23:20
soundraykandjar: when done, disconnect and reconnect with ssh -X23:20
Anzaikonia, I mean, its happening with yahoo account, when I go to addons / preferences in webmail it says the SMPT server is running!23:20
sirMajidand the windows open really late23:20
f|ukeGuest, are you using firestarter?23:20
ikoniaAnza: your using webmail ? I thought you where using thunderbird23:20
sirMajidit usually happens after restart or hibernate23:20
f|ukeGGust39263: http://www.blank89.net/2008/05/how-to-setup-ubuntu-804-as-a-dhcp-router/23:21
sirMajidand sometimes it happens suddenly when I'm working23:21
jribTheFiller: do they still get mounted?  (They just don't show up on the desktop)23:21
soundrayTheFiller: might be worth mentioning that volumes_visible is set23:21
ronzillahow do you think obuntu will run on a dell d400 laptop23:21
Craihhgneyanyone here use JanusVM, Tor, GNUnet, Freenet, JAP or I2P ?23:21
TheFillerjrib: yes23:21
ikoniaronzilla: depends on the spec23:21
t35t0rhas anyone used an esata connected drive in ubuntu? does it work like a removable usb or firewire drive (user mountable and unmountable) or does it work like a new HDD (only root can mount/umount?) ?23:21
Anzaikonia, webmail, as an add on, to run the email accounts in thunderbird23:21
kandjarsoundray: ooooh!!23:21
sirMajidmouser-: do you know what the problem is?23:21
kandjarsoundray: looks like its working!!! :)23:21
Guest39263iread, one moment i give a look (i have tryed with firestarter without succces)23:21
ronzillai think its a 1.4 P4 with 1 gig ram23:22
soundray!yay | kandjar23:22
ubottukandjar: Glad you made it! :-)23:22
jken146ronzilla: How much RAM does that have?23:22
ronzilla1 gug23:22
jken146ronzilla: Should be OK23:22
ikoniaronzilla: should run "fine"23:22
sirMajidhas anybody had my problem?23:22
mouser-sirMajid: Did you recently install Ubuntu?23:23
jribTheFiller: what does this command return: gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible23:23
* kandjar feels stupid now :)23:23
sirMajidmouser-: yeah about a week and half23:23
kandjarsoundray: thanks a lot!!!23:23
ikoniaAnza: probably a problem with the addon then, as yahoo mail only supports paid pop3 support, which you don't seem to be using23:23
soundraykandjar: it's strange that xauth wasn't installed -- the openssh-server package depends on it23:23
sirMajidmouser-: but my friends installed it at the same time but they have it working fine.23:23
Guest39263f|uke, is very different from the previous try, i'll try it: but is strange that a diffused distro like ubu gve this kind of prob23:23
kandjarsoundray: wow the connection is REALLY slow :):):):)23:23
Guest39263f|uke, thx23:24
=== cherry is now known as Charitwo
soundraykandjar: remind me, is your server version 8.04?23:24
kandjarjust opening a text ed (emacs) it really slow :) it's maybe just the startup point :)23:24
f|ukeGuest, I used that with success. Good luck23:24
=== richard is now known as Guest90532
kandjarsoundray: yeah23:24
Guest39263i hope too23:24
kandjarsoundray: it is23:24
a1wen she move that thing23:24
cs_studentanyone here use the wusb54GC NIC on Hardy?23:24
Anzaikonia, no, never paid anything for any email account, but it was working well all along till today, so, I just wonder if somehow I broke something LOL, I mean the configuration of something...23:25
soundraykandjar: try with ssh -XC (enables compression)23:25
ikoniaAnza: probably the addon by the sounds of it23:25
TheFillerjrib: it returns true23:25
visik7anyone has flash 10 installed ? do you got a strange right click behavior ?23:25
jribTheFiller: do you have any icons on your desktop?23:25
TheFillerjrib: yes, plenty23:26
sirMajidhasn't anybody had a problem like mine?23:26
sirMajidno one?23:26
cs_studentI'm wondering if I should use the default rtx200 drivers given by default in hardy23:26
Guest90532i have a challenge with ubuntu 8.10 firefox23:26
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:26
ikoniasirMajid: saying "no-one" is pointless, if someone didn't see the question "no-one" doesn't explain it, if no one responded then no-one had that problem and saying "no-one" won't make someone have the problem23:27
jribTheFiller: you made sure the icon is not *under* another icon?  If your desktop is full, that may happen23:27
Guest90532when i go on the bbc iplayer i di not have any sound23:27
Kr0ntab!8.10 | Guest9053223:27
ubottuGuest90532: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu23:27
Guest90532anybody have the same problem??23:27
=== Bella is now known as C3s4r
visik7Guest90532: url ?23:27
f|ukeOctober 30th.. so close23:27
Guest90532should i paste it in the bin23:28
f|ukeI wonder if they're working madly on bug squashing23:28
Kr0ntabf|uke: :-)  yup.  gonna be great.23:28
visik7Guest90532: give me the url23:28
kandjarsoundray: thanks, seems fas23:28
Kr0ntab79 packages this morning...23:28
sirMajidikonia: I'm not sure ikonia is a robot or human23:28
ikoniasirMajid: I'm a human23:28
jabagaweeikonia, that proved like... nothing :P23:29
visik7Guest90532: ops I can't test I'm not in uk23:29
sirMajidikonia: ok then you have a lot of free time criticizing my words23:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:29
ikoniasirMajid: no, I'm advising you how to get a response by better phrasing your question23:29
Guest90532well it is a web browser player anyway??23:29
sirMajidikonia: well, I thought maybe someone pays attention that's all23:30
sirMajidikonia: as you did23:30
ikoniasirMajid: they are paying attention23:30
TheFillerjrib: yes, and I just found out that it works if the mount point is either in /media or in the home folder. It does not work anywhere else23:30
ikoniasirMajid: but as I said saying "no-one" doesn't help get a response23:30
sirMajidikonia: ok23:30
visik7Guest90532: anyway as reported on google iplayer is not available for linux23:30
visik7Guest90532: http://bbciplayerlinux.sourceforge.net/index.php/Main_Page23:30
ikoniavisik7: google or bbc iplayer23:31
Guest39263f|uke, did the newest ubuntu release add some additional support to this internet connection share?23:31
visik7ikonia: come on...23:31
ikoniavisik7: what do you mean, come on ?23:31
ikoniavisik7: I'm asking which one23:31
ikoniavisik7: I miss-read your statment23:31
Craihhgneywhat do i do with this file? VMware-Player-2.5.0-118166.i386.bundle23:31
visik7reported on google = if you do a search on google23:32
ikoniavisik7: ye, I miss-read23:32
Guest90532well the strangest thing is that when i was with 8.04 it was working23:32
visik7Craihhgney: chmod +x  VMware-Player-2.5.0-118166.i386.bundle ./ VMware-Player-2.5.0-118166.i386.bundle23:32
ikoniaGuest90532: you can access iplayer through tools like mencoder with the right urls23:32
visik7Guest90532: dunno sorry23:32
Craihhgneyvisik7: same line23:33
ERROR_SUCCESSis there a program to create flow charts in linux?23:33
visik7Craihhgney: no23:33
LjLERROR_SUCCESS: open a terminal and type "apt-cache search flow chart"23:33
LjLERROR_SUCCESS: although, i suggest you try out "dia" too, which is not mentioned there23:34
Kr0ntabERROR_SUCCESS: a quick search also turned up kflowchart23:34
Craihhgneyvisik7:  that didnt do anythinh23:34
milesonwheelzAnyone know how I can get my wireless to work on my macbook with ubuntu linux installed?23:35
visik7Craihhgney: ?23:35
ERROR_SUCCESS<Kr0ntab> ty too23:35
Craihhgneyvisik7:  that didnt do anything.23:35
Starkshooray for insipid!23:35
Starksos[Linux 2.6.27-7-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "intrepid" 8.10] cpu[2 x Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2050  @ 1.60GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.60GHz] mem[Physical: 1000.3MB, 42.1% free] disk[Total: 142.5GB, 90.9% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel1: Bluetooth SCO - BT Headset]23:35
visik7Craihhgney: something must happen an error or something23:35
Kr0ntabhehe   insipid?23:35
ikoniaStarks: please stop23:36
ikoniaStarks: we don't need to see what your running23:36
LjL!ot | starks23:36
ubottustarks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:36
Craihhgneybash: ./: is a directory23:36
visik7Craihhgney: sorry without the space23:36
Craihhgneythats what it output23:36
visik7Craihhgney: without the space23:37
visik7does it works ?23:38
iamawakeif i background a process in one ssh session can i foreground said process in a second ssh session?23:39
Guest90532by the way i am watching bbc iplyer right now, but i still not have sound23:39
Guest90532with firefox23:39
Guest39263f|uke,sorry, did you know if the 8.10 release add some kind of setup for the internet connection share? or better to try the link you posted?23:39
kandjarI have another question, I have ubuntu gutsy installed on my laptop, it was a real pain to setup the wifi network... I'm still encountering issue with the hybernate mode (it sometimes crashes / or reboot on wake up)23:39
kandjarI'd like to move to hardy... however I don't want to reencounter the painful network setup... do you know if it improved?23:40
MrD1hi does any one know were the rtl8187.ko file would be in the lib/ some thing i think i would like to black list it thanks in advance23:40
kandjarsetup network setup include: wpa wifi mode23:41
csilkkandjar, you can always wait a week or so and upgrade to Intrepid23:41
visik7kandjar: try a live cd23:41
beilabsCan anyone recommend a nice graphical user interface to interact with a git repository?23:41
kandjarcsilk: sure i m willing to wait a week :) but will it get better?23:41
csilkvisik7,  live cd's dont tell you too much about hardware compatibilty, for example, my wifi card doesnt work on the live cd but does when you install to disk23:41
csilkkandjar, of course it will23:42
MrD1does any one know where i need to go to black list my rtl8187.ko file23:42
DigitalFizwhat printer is gonna have more support in ubuntu?23:42
kandjarsame, I tried live cd and wifi/blutooth didnt work23:42
DavidCanariasAfter copying a DVD film to file, when I try to open pops us this error: An error occurred. Could not open location, you might not have permission to open the file. Does anyone know why this is happening???23:42
visik7csilk: if you can setup it from installed you can do it also from the live cd23:42
Sylphid|worksoundray, i was able to recover my partitions with the tools you suggested however im having problems reinstalling grub in the appropriate place ..... find /boot/grub/stage1 gives an Error 15: File not found23:42
linkmaster03how do I edit GNOME screen rotation from terminal?23:42
visik7linkmaster03: xrandr23:43
csilkvisik7, of course you can, from the live cd i can compile the source etc etc butf rom disk ubuntu does it automatically, for some reason the live cd doesnt see it as a supported card23:43
kandjarcsilk: I know ubuntu will obviously get better, but I m wondering if they made a lot of changes on the wifi part of it23:43
soundraySylphid|work: /dev/sda5 is your root partition, correct?23:43
visik7csilk: ubuntu doesn't compile it automatically23:43
csilkkandjar,  yes since gutsy wiki is  better supported23:43
DavidCanariasDoes anyone know why I can copy some DVD's successfully and others I can't. Are some more protected than others23:43
csilkvisik7,  ok, skip the obvious logical flaw in what I just said and I'm sure you can still understand what I mean23:44
visik7csilk: btw what's the wifi chipset ?23:44
kandjarside funny note: I have a bluetooth microsoft mouse which work perfectly fine under linux, but I can't get it to work under winxp :):):):)23:44
Sylphid|worksoundray, /dev/sda623:44
Sylphid|worksoundray, it is currently mounted to /boot23:44
csilkvisik7,  atheros23:44
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: What application are you using to view them?23:44
soundraySylphid|work: do you have a directory /boot/boot/grub ?23:44
visik7never had problems with atheros cards quite strange23:44
kandjarcsilk: what's the best way to move to intrepid? install on top of gutsy, or reinstall from scratch?23:45
Redhammer_the_Olhi all of a sudden my arrow keys do not work anymore on my hp tx1000 laptop, they are physically ok as they work in windows23:45
Redhammer_the_Olany ideas23:45
csilkvisik7,  not have I other that in the live cd23:45
Sylphid|worksoundray, no  only /boot/grub23:45
csilkkandjar,  from gutsy I would (personally) go for a clean install from disk23:45
kandjarcsilk: ok23:46
soundraySylphid|work: are you on the live system at the moment?23:46
DavidCanariasKrOntab: To be honest I don't know. Someone helped me install mediubuntu -keyring and libdvdcss2??? and on the DVD I just click to copy? Any ideas?23:46
Sylphid|worksoundray, ok i found it omitting /boot ....23:46
csilkkandjar,  it sure beats when I used to use slackware, had to compile kernal header, install kernal headers then do the same with the madwifi driver ;)23:46
Sylphid|worksoundray, yes....23:46
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: oh so you're trying to copy DVD's...23:46
soundraySylphid|work: what did you find?23:46
kandjarcsilk: :)23:46
Sylphid|worksoundray, (hd0,5)23:46
Sylphid|worksoundray, i think i understand from here23:47
Cbaonlinehi everyone23:47
kandjarcsilk: I used to use slackware too :), then move to redhat, then suse, then mandrake, then ubuntu :)23:47
Cbaonlinesomeone wanna talk ?23:47
DavidCanariasKrOntab: Yes I just want to copy but have one drive so put it in the computer first and then just copy to DVD23:47
f|ukeYou can make flow charts in openoffice23:47
soundraySylphid|work: I don't... but as long as you're happy, I am, too :)23:47
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: success is pretty subjective... but I can recomend two apps...  k9copy  and dvd9523:47
visik7anyone has flash 10 installed ? do you got a strange right click behavior ?23:47
Kr0ntabthe latter is what I've been using lately... and it's just very easy to use..23:47
kandjarcsilk: i forgot fedora before ubuntu :)23:48
Sylphid|worksoundray, can you explain why /boot is unneeded .... does it automatically scan all mount points?23:48
DavidCanariasKrOntab: Thks very much, I am interested, but how can I find out how to do the copying?23:48
soundraySylphid|work: I don't think it does, and I don't understand what you're up to, so I honestly can't comment.23:48
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: I don't have specific links... but if you want to just start playing with these applications... they're available in the repositories...23:49
f|ukevisik7, no, seems normal. small menu for "about" and "settings"23:49
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: and a quick search for the project home pages on google will serve you well...23:49
ryuhohey, where should i extract "eclipse" folder? I think it's the whole program.. is it a good idea to put it in ~/ ?23:49
visik7f|uke: I got the firefox menu and the flash menu one over the other23:50
jribDavidCanarias: did you ever figure out dvdbackup?23:50
csilkryan8403,  i did it in /home/username23:50
Sylphid|worksoundray, one last question .... after recovering my partitions all the flags were lost.... since my boot partition is a logical partition should the boot flag be on the extended partition or the logical partition...or perhaps both23:50
DavidCanariasKrOntab: I will give it a try, but I have had so many suggestions I can't make any work.23:50
soundrayryuho: you shouldn't extract eclipse at all -- install it through the package manager instead23:50
soundray!software > ryuho23:50
ubotturyuho, please see my private message23:50
csilksoundray,  the package manager has an old version23:50
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: personally speaking... I use dvd95 to rip the DVD's to ISO's... and then just right click on the newly created ISO... and burn it via nautilus.23:50
csilkhe probably wants the latest23:50
DavidCanariasjrib: Hi again. No I couldn't get anywhere. I got to a certain point and got lost when it came to giving a location and file name23:50
Falcons_roostAnyone know good laptop to buy @ 700 to 800 so so price range23:51
csilkFalcons_roost, dell 152523:51
jribDavidCanarias: but it's just one command, it copies it to your current worknig directory23:51
Kr0ntabDavidCanarias: feel free to pm me as this question isn't necessarily ubuntu specific.23:51
soundraySylphid|work: I never bother with boot flags. Grub ignores them, as far as I know. They are only relevant with DOS MBRs.23:51
DavidCanariasKrOntab: With the one I have installed I don't need to rip, it copies automatically to an iso and I just copy to disc. It seems some DVD's won't open after copying.23:51
ryuho soundray, ubuntu's repo is outdated23:51
soundrayryuho: have you checked backports as well?23:52
Sylphid|worksoundray, ahh fair enough thanks for the help.. your a life saver23:52
ryuhothey only have 3.2 in repo, but the software it's self is already 3.423:52
Sylphid|worksoundray, or at least a data saver23:52
ryuhosoundray,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53280023:52
kandjari have a security question,23:52
DavidCanariasjrib: Do you use dvd backup?23:52
jribDavidCanarias: yes23:52
vincenzoHi, is there any way to automatically download all deb files that are installed on a given system?23:53
soundraySylphid|work: I'm glad you think I've helped you ;)23:53
kandjarwhile booting, it's possible to start with "init 3" which allow anyone with a physical access to the box to reset the root pwd and do whatever they want with it23:53
kandjaranyway to prevent that?23:53
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geniivincenzo: PErhaps not automatically. But they are all in /var/cache/apt/archives  you can just copy them wherever23:53
kandjarwithout putting a system pwd?23:53
DavidCanariasCan you explain to me pass by pass what to do if you have time?23:53
DavidCanariasMaybe pm?23:53
jribkandjar: why?  anyone with physical access can do whatever they want anyway23:54
geniikandjar: init levels 2,3,4 and 5 are identical on ubuntu system23:54
visik7kandjar: remove the entry from the boot and put a password in the grub edit mode23:54
jribDavidCanarias: there's nothing to explain.  I just put my dvd in the drive and run 'dvdbackup -M -v'.  That's all23:54
coeushey, I'm having problem with playing mp3s on ubuntu. I am able to play other media where the audio plays, but for some reason, mp3s are not playing back.23:54
csilkcoeus,  re-install the codec23:55
djungelkraemanyone know if theres a repo with newer versions of fglrx (ati drivers)23:55
soundraykandjar: ubuntu uses upstart instead of the old style SysV init levels. Yes, you can boot an Ubuntu machine to a root shell without a password by selecting Recovery mode at the grub menu. I second jrib's comment...23:55
DavidCanariasjrib: Ok I put the DVD in as you say and then open Terminal and type in    dvdbackup -M -v23:55
jribDavidCanarias: exactly23:55
DavidCanariasjrib: then I will try and tell you what happens OK23:56
jribDavidCanarias: sure23:56
csilkdjungelkraem,  the intrepid repo has newer versions23:56
coeuscsilk? Which one do I reinstall? gstreamer? ubuntu restricted extras?23:56
djungelkraemcsilk: you run those drivers?23:56
Sylphid|worksoundray, just wanted to let you know that my system is back up and operational as normal thanks again for the help23:56
kandjarjrib, soundray: I agree anyone with a physical access will be able to access it, it doesnt mean you should give him the key23:57
csilkdjungelkraem,  no, I'm useing the fglrx-xorg ones for ATI from the hardy update repo23:57
Sylphid|worksoundray, from what i gather it seems that growing my extended partition never succeeded with gparted and it actually deleted all of my logicals23:57
jribkandjar: encrypt your drive if you actually want to do anything effective.  Setting a bios password may slow someone down for a minute too I guess23:57
csilkdjungelkraem, probably the same ones your using23:57
kandjarjrib: I agree with the systemn pwd, but encrypted a sever without monitor attached to it, is quite painful to boot23:58
djungelkraemcsilk: i think so23:58
BitWisene1 know if theres a app like papers for linux? http://mekentosj.com/papers/23:58
soundraySylphid|work: did you run e2fsck on the logical partitions after recovering the partition table?23:58
kandjarjrib I thought about it actually23:58
csilkdjungelkraem,  why do you want newer ones?23:58
kandjarand tried23:58
jribkandjar: I'm just giving you the facts about what you are asking23:58
djungelkraemcsilk: i heard from someone that the newer versions solved much of X1950Pros problems23:58
vincenzogenii: well, I periodically run apt-get clean :-)23:58
coeuscsilk, what codec do I need to reinstall? The gstreamer package?23:58
kandjarjrib: I knwo :) I m just pointing out that I tried and it's not practical for a server box23:58
csilkdjungelkraem,  oh rite, i wouldnt know as I'm using a 2400 HD23:59
ronzillaok im back on my laptop, its running winXP.  its 1.7 Ghz pentium M.  2 gigs of RAM and has an intel 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics controller....will all that work OK with ubuntu? Dual screen as well?23:59
csilkcoeus, Whichever one came with the mp3 codec?23:59
Sylphid|worksoundray, no i didnt ...all of the partition changes were done from a live image not from the hard drive so it didnt seem necessary23:59
DavidCanariasjrib, no luck, this is what happened :  bash : -v: command not found23:59
djungelkraemcsilk: ok.. well im seriously afraid of installing any other drivers since its #!&!! my gnome login/ totally made the computer go nuts23:59
jribDavidCanarias: paste what you typed exactly23:59

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