
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
Riddellit's my very favourite antipodaean hedgehog00:14
JontheEchidnaSo, sup?00:14
RiddellRC testing waiting on new images00:15
JontheEchidnanice, nice00:15
Riddelltranslations importing still ongoing00:15
* JontheEchidna hopes adept bugs aren't in too bad of a shape00:15
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: haha, so the favorites problem was because of a patch00:21
JontheEchidnabig suprise00:21
apacheloggerjust like I said00:21
* JontheEchidna wonders if his brother applied any updates while he was away... probably not00:21
apacheloggerbut this apachelogger fool didn't strace kbuildsycoca4 earlier and thus always looked at the wrong patches00:21
Czessimorning :.-)00:22
JontheEchidnalooks like I missed a good meeting :(00:22
a|wenhi Czessi00:22
JontheEchidnaa|wen: congrats on membership though :)00:23
a|wenthx JontheEchidna :)00:24
CzessiHi a|wen00:26
* a|wen wonders who broke kdepim 3.5.10 so badly in all the cornercases00:30
Czessii'm too busy the last time. i've installed intrepid some days ago on my msi notebook and i've still some problems with bluetooth. is this problem known (kbluetooth chrashed)?00:30
a|wenCzessi: there was a lot of talk lately about bluetooth beeing completely broken ... actually don't know if anybody managed to fix it00:32
Czessia|wen: thanks for this information. i've  backport the bluetooth packages to hardy and have still some problems too.00:38
a|wenCzessi: bluetooth works fine for me in hardy00:40
Czessia|wen: for me too, but not the kde4 backported  stuff00:43
a|wenoh ... that i know nothing about00:44
freeflyingRiddell: yes, skim make scim-bridge unusable in kde4 by now01:42
apacheloggerfreeflying: there ain't is no skim for KDE 401:52
apacheloggerfreeflying: how would skim interfere with scim-bridge anyway?01:53
freeflyingapachelogger: seems the scim-panel-kde01:54
apacheloggerI wondered today wy we have that in the default install01:55
freeflyingapachelogger: skim?01:55
apacheloggerI figured it might make sense for the few KDE 3 apps we have left01:55
apacheloggerfreeflying: yes01:55
freeflyingapachelogger: yes, its make no sense for kde401:55
apacheloggerwell, amarok for example is still at KDE 301:55
apacheloggersame for digikam01:55
freeflyingapachelogger: skim is just thekde front end of scim01:56
apacheloggerfreeflying: so it would work as well without skim?01:57
freeflyingapachelogger: sure01:57
freeflyingapachelogger: and with gtk-qt-engine-kde4, users may not know scim is a gtk stuff :)01:58
* apachelogger falls off his chair because drunk quite an amount of rum 02:00
apacheloggerI seriously shouldn't do conversation when I am unsober02:01
apacheloggerfreeflying, Riddell: anywho, I think we should remove skim02:01
apacheloggerit didn't look too nice too me earlier02:01
apacheloggerthe fact that there is no KDE 4 frontend (released, or in a RCS) doesn't make it any better IMHO02:02
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
jjessegrumble updated my kubuntu install and can't connect to the wireless anymore03:01
JontheEchidnaAnybody know how to disable tap-touchpad-to-click with Intrepid?03:02
vorianisn't it in keyboard settings03:03
JontheEchidnamy dad couldn't find it...03:05
JontheEchidnatapping always initiates a double click and it's driving him crazy03:05
ScottKapachelogger: Thanks for finding the Ark patch.  Now can you make it work if I click on a diff.gz in Launchpad using Konqueror?03:38
rgreeninghey jtechidna03:38
ScottKrgreening: I didn't have scrollback when I was here earlier from my phone.  Thanks for looking into it.03:38
rgreeningnp. I figured out it wasnt getting to the plugin... apachelogger found why03:39
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Hobbseea surprising number of people still want kde3 for intrepid04:15
jjessebeen reading kubuntu-users lately?04:15
Hobbseei only read the bits that fall in the moderation queueu04:16
jjesseit seems like all they talk about that mailing list04:16
jjessehow much they hate kde4 and then they never want to contribute to make it "better"04:16
Hobbseeof course htey don't - they're users, and just want to whine04:18
yuriystart a kubuntu-whiners ml04:18
jjessethat's pretty much all that they do04:19
rgreeningI hated KDE 4.0 as it was really feature lacking. However 4.1.2 is a lot better04:21
jjessei like 4.1.2 as well04:21
rgreeningespecially the nice additions we have all added04:22
ScottKHobbsee: Even I like 4.1.2 and I hate everything new.04:23
rgreeningmr crotchety04:24
ScottKrgreening: You forgot "Old and ..."04:24
rgreeningI didn't want to throw stones in a glass house (as it were)04:24
ScottKFortunately none of the whiners seem to have found my blog post from today.04:25
ScottKI got some "Does this work" questions, but that's it.04:26
jjessei should post on the kubuntu users mailing list then04:28
jjessei stoped responding "if you don't like it so much have made any suggestions to improve it or write code to get improved"04:28
rgreeningWell, with Hardy backports, they can keep KDE 3.5 for a while yet...04:28
ScottKrgreening: Except 3.5.10 is in -updates now.04:29
ScottKNo need for backports.04:29
rgreeningyou know what I mean hehe04:29
ScottKThere's no reason I want fgrlx-modaliases on a box with Intel graphics, right?04:30
rgreeninghmm... no dun believe so...04:31
* ScottK ponders moving the laptop over by the 17 year old's bedroom door (she went to be a long time ago) and playing fretsonfire.04:35
* rgreening needs to update python plasma from trunk...04:44
superm1Hi kids, could someone using KDM comment about the directories used for auth files?07:48
superm1do they actually end up in /var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles/* or somewhere else?07:48
jussi01Morning all!08:29
metelliusapachelogger: yes, I noticed it08:44
metelliusthumbs up08:44
HobbseeScottK: hah.  I'll have to try it, with the iso testing09:18
Riddell < slangasek> Riddell: kubuntu alternate and desktop are all updated and eager for testing10:37
Riddellget testing folks!10:37
Riddellah, Tonio_, just the man for some CD testing :)10:45
davmor2don't call you subtle Riddell for nothing then ;)10:52
Riddellanyone fancy doing https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/RC/Kubuntu ?10:58
kwwiiRiddell: clicked on link, nothing happens11:02
kwwiihrm, the usplash gets a different resolution as the ubuntu images from yesterday11:08
kwwiiubuntu looked good and kubuntu is huge and scaled11:08
Riddellkwwii: the wiki page?  that's because someone needs to create it11:08
kwwiiRiddell: I need to file a bug about the install window on the live cd, which package is that?11:14
Riddellkwwii: ubiquity11:15
Riddellkwwii: what's the bug?11:15
kwwiiRiddell: the Release Notes link cut off (bottom half not visible)11:16
Riddellkwwii: I've fixed than in bzr11:16
kwwiiRiddell: ok, then there is no need to file a bug then :-)11:16
kwwiiouch...Xsession: unable to launch failsafe X session --- x-terminal-emulator not found; aborting11:29
kwwiiRiddell: it appears that kde was not selected after first reboot11:30
seaLneweird after updating and rebooting this morning kdm login was on the left head and the run command appears on the left aswell now, previously they were on the right head11:49
seaLnethe fun unpredictability continues ;)11:51
jussi01seaLne: which graphics card do you have?11:51
jussi01hrm, I had preference for my dvi on my nvidia - it should clone IMHO11:52
kwwiiRiddell: I made a bug for kdm-kde4, hope that is the correct package11:53
seaLnefor intrepid wouldn't it just be kdm?11:53
Arbykwwii: I had something similar, do your symptoms resemble bug 281950 at all?11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281950 in ubuntu "KDE Cannot start from kdm or gdm" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28195011:59
kwwiiArby: no, for me kdm starts fine, but after I type username and password I get an ugly X error message saying the Xsession failed...when I look at the session menu nothing is selected...selecting kde then makes everything work12:03
Arbyhmm, so slightly different bugs with the same work around12:03
seaLnekwwii: encrypted /home?12:03
kwwiiseaLne: nope12:04
seaLneRiddell: to confirm the rc wiki page dosen't seem to exist12:04
kwwiiwierd, when I log out and go back to kdm nothing looks selected in the session menu but it does add "previous" to kde and starts fine12:04
RiddellseaLne: I know, I was requesting someone made it :)12:05
seaLneah :P12:05
apacheloggerkwwii: known glitch12:10
kwwiiapachelogger: well, now there is a bug for it :-)12:11
apacheloggeroh, where?12:11
Riddellapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/bugs/28748812:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287488 in kdebase-workspace "xsession not set to kde, cannot start desktop with message xsession failed" [Undecided,New]12:12
apacheloggerkwwii, Riddell: the 'after installation' part is a bit puzzling12:14
apacheloggerI did about 10 installations within the last couple of days and never faced that issue12:14
kwwiiapachelogger: did you format the drive? ie is it getting that setting from some previous installation?12:17
apacheloggerkwwii: no, completely formatted drive12:18
kwwiiapachelogger: hrm, freaky...I think I will install again and see if it happens again12:18
Riddellkwwii: you previously had kde 4 from hardy on that machine?12:19
kwwiiRiddell: no, it had an ubuntu install from yesterdays daily12:19
Riddellhmm, so maybe it's trying to start gnome and failing12:20
Riddellit really should do that warning though12:21
kwwiiRiddell: the thing is, why doesn't it start some failsafe system?12:23
seaLneits not designed to?12:23
Riddellthat would be too clever12:24
kwwiiseaLne: erm, so if kde doesn't start you shouldn't be able to use your computer at all?12:24
kwwiibut anyway12:25
seaLneshould kget leave its icon in the middle of my screen while running? not realy played with it before12:25
RiddellseaLne: yeah, there's a reason we don't have kget on the CDs12:26
seaLnekwwii: i was just sugesting why it dosen't not saying that in all circumstances it was good12:26
kwwiiyou know, it is kinda hard to test kde4 for bugs...there are so many little things wrong12:26
Riddellit has the weirdest UI12:26
kwwiiseaLne: yeah, I understand12:26
kwwiilike clicking in the menu to logout, getting the logging out window, clicking on logout to do it immediately, returning to the desktop and then after a few seconds loging out, same thing with shutdown12:28
seaLnethe returning to the desktop i find more confusing than being asked to confirm12:29
* supert0nes loves the new adept, but will like it even more when it uses the extenders notifications12:30
Riddellsupert0nes: hugs go to mornfall12:30
Riddellsupert0nes: extenders notifications?12:30
supert0nesi just read a blog about them on planet12:31
apacheloggerkwwii: it would eventually start the failsafe session, but Riddell didn't allow me to add the failsafe's deps to kubuntu-desktop :P12:32
supert0nesahh yes aseigo posted something. very nice notification system12:32
kwwiiRiddell: so I can confirm that on a clean formated install this does *not* happen12:34
kwwiikdm works fine, the desktop starts, etc12:34
apacheloggerit woudl have been nice to know what the actual .dmrc entry was when it didn't login12:35
kwwiiapachelogger: yes, that probably would have been good :p12:36
kwwiiapachelogger: now that I look at it again...there was a gnome entry before and now there is not12:37
Arbyapachelogger: I did my upgrade in a VM, I could revert to previous snapshot and try again if that's useful12:38
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
kwwiishouldn't konqueror open to a size in which the whole start page is shown without scrolling?12:40
Riddellseele is the dudette for default window sizes12:40
kwwiiahhh, so the size is simply set somewhere...ie there is no logic behind it12:41
kwwiierm, not saying that women do not use logic12:42
RiddellDescription=Konqueror initial default size12:42
Riddellof course it might depend on your font settings, which might depend on your monitor12:43
apacheloggerkwwii: would be very helpful, if an entry is not valid KDM would show http://aplg.kollide.net/images/osiris/snapshot175.png so this issue is kind of weird12:43
kwwiiapachelogger: totally agree. in addition it would be nice if the selected option showed up as selected12:44
kwwiiall radio buttons are empty every time I start kdm, even if something is selected12:45
kwwiibut when I click on a selection it then shows as selected12:46
seelekwwii:i actually made the konq size a little bigger than the programmed default but it still seems to be too small for some screens.  The font wraps weird and not all the boxes show up12:54
seelekwwii: the problem with 800,600 is that is too big for eees :(12:55
seelewe should probably think about two different configs for mobile vs desktop12:55
kwwiiseele: in my case the start page gets cut in half...not the best representation but I understand the problem12:57
kwwiion an eee it should probably just have a smaller formated start page or some logic to make things work better12:57
seelehum.. that shouldnt be the case at all.. can you send me a screenshot?12:57
kwwiisure, one second12:57
kwwiiwell, it is no exactly cut in half, I take that back...http://sinecera.de/screen.png13:01
kwwiistil ugly though13:01
seeleyeah, i'ts not 600 in height :-/13:03
seelekwwii: if you think it is a big deal we might be able to change it to 600 since it is one little option13:04
seeleRiddell: ^?13:04
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=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_lunch
apacheloggeroh my, it is capslockday again13:19
apacheloggerNightrose: PLING13:22
kwwiiseele: my guess is that it is too late for changes like that13:22
Nightroseapachelogger: PLONG13:23
apacheloggerNightrose: YOU ARE ON INTREPID?13:23
NightroseNOPE HONEY13:23
* apachelogger COULD USE HIS VM13:23
kwwiiapachelogger: is there something I can test for you?13:24
mornfall: - P13:24
Nightroseapachelogger: are you aware that kde.nightly on hardy currently has update problems?13:29
apacheloggerNightrose: HOW SO?13:29
NightroseSEC ;-)13:29
Nightroseapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/m3818d7f313:30
Nightrosetry again what?13:30
Nightrosei did13:31
apacheloggerNightrose: OR TRY DIST-UPGRADE13:31
ScottKapachelogger: Is your shift key broken?13:31
apacheloggerScottK: http://capslockday.com/13:31
Nightroseapachelogger: doesn't help13:31
apacheloggerNightrose: TWICE13:31
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:32
Nightroseapachelogger: still13:32
=== davmor2_lunch is now known as davmor2
ScottKArrrr. I'd rather me be talking like a pirate.13:33
apachelogger<3 TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY13:34
Riddelldavmor2: wubi installs work for you in kubuntu?  you get ubiquity showing up on reboot?13:47
davmor2Riddell: yeap13:47
davmor2it takes a while but it shows up in the end :)13:48
jtechidnaapachelogger: HAI2U, AND GOOD MORNING13:58
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
apacheloggerHOLA JontheEchidna13:58
* JontheEchidna WONDERS13:59
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:59
Riddellgood morning rgreening14:18
rgreening:) how are thou Riddell14:19
Riddellspacious, my lodgers have moved out14:19
rgreeningah.. room to grow14:20
rgreeningwhat's on todays radar that I can help with?14:21
ScottKISO testing14:21
rgreeningI need a new computer... so I can keep one for mucking around with14:23
Riddellyou can try virtualbox or the like14:23
ScottKPlus there are Live CD test cases too.14:24
rgreeningI have vbox and tested intrepid with it. seemed fine14:24
rgreeningScottK: ok, point me to them14:24
rgreeningRiddell: I assume a vbox install of hardy and up to intrepid would be useful then too14:24
Riddellrgreening: certainly would14:25
rgreeningRiddell: how should I up in hardy then, via adept release upgrade or launch from iso or something14:25
Riddellrgreening: follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu14:26
ScottKRiddell: It'd be handy to have the link to the iso tracker in /topic14:26
RiddellScottK: go for it14:27
ScottKRiddell: Right.  Then I'd have to find it.14:27
ScottKOK.  In a moment.14:27
* rgreening loads vbox with hardy14:27
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Please test RC candidates and upgrades http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all
rgreeninghey claydoh14:43
claydohhi rgreening14:43
rgreeningyou still looking at a FAQ for Kubuntu KDE4 users.... want some assistance...14:43
claydohyes,will get mor typed and posted somewhere today i have some partial stuff typed out,14:44
rgreeningok, let me know. I'll help fill in the gaps :)14:44
* claydoh hates his 12+hour days at work14:44
claydohok and thanks!14:45
kuboturgreening listened to "Flawless (Go to the City)" by George Michael [Patience, 2004] 17 hours ago14:45
rgreeningomg... oops14:45
* rgreening must remember to turn of random song selections14:47
claydohnothing wrong with that ;)14:47
claydohhow cold is it up in your area,m rgreening?14:48
claydohwe have our first snow threat here in MAine14:48
rgreeninghaha... you had snow before I did14:49
rgreeningIt's quite mild today14:49
claydohno, just the threat here rain instead14:49
ScottKclaydoh: Where in Maine?14:49
rgreeninghrm... here's hoping we can hold it off14:49
claydohBangor, Brewer actually14:49
rgreeningI was in Bangor last year... well drove through... on the way to Kittery14:50
ScottKAh.  I've spent winters in Bath and Portland.14:50
rgreeningMaine is beautiful14:50
claydohScottK: well tha's just northern Mass anyway :)14:50
ScottKWell I've also spent a winter in Iceland and it was far colder in Maine.14:53
Riddell14:52 < pitti> Kubuntu DVD images available on cdimage and ISO tracker14:57
ScottKDebian Bug 503095 only affects making updated translations, not using ones we have, right?15:03
ubottuDebian bug 503095 in lokalize "lokalize: sometimes remove all non-Cyrillic characters from po-files" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/50309515:03
Riddellapachelogger: I just had the kdm problem on an upgrade from kde 4 hardy15:09
Riddell.dmrc had Session=default15:09
apacheloggerRiddell: upgraded from a stock KDE 4 installation?15:24
Riddellapachelogger: yes15:25
ScottKRiddell: For Jaunty should we have a spec on Akonadi integration?  How much do we want?  Do we want it by default?  ...15:45
apacheloggerScottK: that depends in every single aspect on upstream15:46
apacheloggernot much choice we have there, if KDE decides akonadi integration is stable/usable enough for 4.2 then the legacy stuff will only be supported through akonadi15:47
* ScottK is not looking forward to the day his mail gets stuffed in some opaque file structure.15:48
apacheloggerdbs > file :P15:48
ScottKI can't grep that.15:48
apacheloggeryou can query it15:48
ScottKAnd yes, I do use grep on may maildirs15:48
apacheloggerin any case it should be more reliable than the old scheme15:48
jcastroI am looking for Kubuntu sessions for openweek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep15:49
jcastroholler at me if you have questions!15:49
* apachelogger thinks JontheEchidna could do a session15:49
JontheEchidnaso do we want a general "LOL HALP US" type session?15:52
JontheEchidnaor maybe something a bit more interesting...15:52
apachelogger<3 interesting15:52
jcastroyeah, something interesting, I'm trying to shake it up to make the sessions more unique15:53
* JontheEchidna thinks about it for a bit15:53
jcastroinstead of rehashes from the last time15:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: "Why Kubuntu's KDE release handling is superior to any other" :P15:54
JontheEchidna"lol we are awesome, the end"15:55
JontheEchidna*cue awesomeness wallpaper15:55
rgreeningI may be interested in presenting something... but I need to think on it... get some ideas15:56
ScottKrgreening: Usability feautres for the elderly?15:57
rgreeningcodine for coders15:57
apachelogger<3 codeine15:57
* rgreening can't spell15:57
apacheloggerthough it had rendering glitches15:58
* apachelogger is one package away from a KDE trunk desktop :D15:58
* rgreening is updating plasma python... maybe fixed the example...15:58
apacheloggeri386 build of kde-nightly-kdebase 20081022+svn874850-0neon1 in ubuntu intrepid RELEASE16:01
apachelogger Build started 1 minute ago on iridium (virtual)16:01
freeflyingapachelogger: how many kde3 applications do we have in kubuntu intrepid?16:09
supert0ne1rgreening: that example worked for me the clock16:10
apacheloggerfreeflying: apt-cache rdepends kdelibs4c2a16:10
rgreeningsupert0ne1: ?16:10
rgreeningsupert0ne1: but the hands/time isn't, right?16:11
rgreeningcuase I commented out the dataengine16:11
supert0ne1i guess i didn't look that far into it16:11
supert0ne1so thats why it runs now16:11
rgreeningI have an update for the package. building it now16:12
rgreeningso, I may have a 10% working clock soonish16:12
davmor2Riddell: around16:35
nixternalOK, I don't think the issue I am seeing is 100% X, I think krandr is the issue and it is a pita to figure out16:35
nixternalhrmm, I have even nuked my krandrrc and still have the issue16:36
davmor2Guys oem is broke on kubuntu again16:47
davmor2Riddell: I think it might be tied into your issue with wubi too it sounds similar16:52
davmor2Riddell: also heno I think is running a desktop install to confirm on desktop version too16:53
txwikingerMy plasma crashed16:57
kwwiimy lcd is working fine :p17:03
claydohrgreening: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/kubuntu/KDE3-KDE4Migration bare and ugly so far17:06
rgreeningclaydoh: thanks. I'll have a read17:20
apacheloggerclaydoh: it suggest an upgrade with 9.0417:20
apacheloggerwe are trying to support upgrades from 8.04 => 9.04 as good as possible, can't say the same about 9.10 really17:21
apacheloggers/suggests/should suggest17:21
claydohso 8.04 to 8.10 are unsupported officially17:22
apachelogger8.04 => 9.10 aren't17:23
apachelogger8.04 => 8.10 is supported but not prompted automagically because of the "I might want to stick with KDE 3" cases17:23
apacheloggerbut AFAIK 8.04 will prompt for upgrade once 9.04 is release, which is then suggested because upgrades to 9.10 can cause problems17:24
apacheloggerTonio_: drf__ in #kde-devel seems to be (wants to be) working on policykit integration for 4.2, you should talk to him17:24
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
\shapachelogger: just a reminder: 11th january -> \sh birthday -> please send this as birthday present: http://www.comsciences.com/product.htm18:14
apacheloggerNightrose: what do you say, should we get \sh such a thingy?18:19
Nightroseapachelogger: if you pay for it yes ;-)18:21
* apachelogger was thinking about a shared effort :P18:21
Nightrose<- poor student, remember?18:21
apachelogger<- poor unemployed18:21
apacheloggerNightrose: best idea, we just sell our xmas presents18:22
Nightroseheh nope18:22
Nightrosenot gonna happen18:22
apachelogger\sh: Nightrose ain't loving you18:23
Nightroseapachelogger: you know my heart belongs to you, don't you?18:23
Nightroseohh wait18:23
Nightrosenot true18:23
* apachelogger feels the lies18:24
rgreening_Sime: you around?18:24
apacheloggercauses a very weird vibration in the force18:24
\shapachelogger: hehehe18:25
* \sh 's heart belongs to apachelogger ,->18:26
apacheloggeralso applies vice versa18:26
\shok...EOB for today...going home now18:28
apacheloggerRiddell: apparently kdm-kde4 doesn't get removed18:45
Riddellapachelogger: the init script and config files don't18:46
Riddellwe can't purge it because the config script is now used by kdm18:47
apacheloggerhm, ok18:47
jjesseyay back up over 1000 juice points... more amazon gift certificates :)19:12
jjessedoh wrong channel sorry bout that19:12
Riddellcongratulations though, on whatever that is19:13
_Simejuice is normally healthy. Well done jjesse!19:18
_Simergreening: yessssss19:36
_SimeRiddell: do you (or anyone else) know when Guidance was first shipped as part of Kubuntu?19:36
rgreening_Sime: hey... I'm playing with the plasma python stuff19:37
_Simeand you are having trouble building everything??19:37
rgreening_Sime: and have an issue. the pyclock crashes when connecting to pytime19:37
rgreeningit's all built....19:37
_Simewell done. Now grab the SIP & PyQt4 snapshots from riverbank and rebuild again.19:38
_Simethat's a known bug.19:38
rgreening_Sime: oh...19:38
_SimeI've got a half written wiki page here describing how to set this up...19:38
_Simeand what you need.19:39
rgreening_Sime: omg... link....19:39
_Simeit is just that you people are faster and keener that I had expected. ;-)19:39
rgreening_Sime: I've been wanting this sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad19:39
rgreening_Sime: the other potential issue is the sip files for 4.1.2 vs what's in trunk. you used twine to gen those... do you have details on getting this accurate for 4.1.2 using twine? or some hints?19:40
* rgreening bows down to _Sime19:41
_Simethe wiki page is actually just in my email client right now.19:41
_SimeYou're really keen to get that on 4.1.2. why exactly?19:42
rgreeningsome missing bits I want to implement in plasma/python19:43
rgreeningsome things I miss from KDE 3.5 and couldn't be bothered with coding them in C++ atm19:43
rgreeningplus trying to learn python... and want a stable/release of KDE to work in (it's my only desktop)19:44
_Simejust run trunk in a nested X.19:44
_Simethat is what I do.19:44
_Simeworks well.19:44
rgreeningI want the apps I make available to me in a production env is the problem19:45
rgreeningany change you can fwd me what you have written?19:45
rgreeningand then i'm in your debt and owe you a favor sometime :)19:46
yuriy_Sime: dapper IIRC, but not sure, could have been breezy19:46
_Simeyuriy: wasn't dapper the longer term release? maybe it was edgy.19:47
yuriyno, it was definitely already in dapper19:48
yuriy_Sime: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance19:49
_Simeyuriy: ok, thanks.19:49
Riddellsime guidance was in the first kubuntu i think19:50
Riddellcertainly the second19:50
Riddellso hoary or breezy19:50
_SimeI don't think so...19:50
_SimeI swear I had kubuntu before I had guidance going.19:50
Riddellmaybe i'm wrong19:51
yuriyit was in breezy https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+publishinghistory19:51
_Simewas it that long ago???19:52
rgreening_Sime: do you know what specific commit(s) in SIP PyQt4 fixes the issue?19:53
_Simergreening: no, the snapshots don't really show commits.19:53
rgreeningoh... hmm... ok. thanks.19:54
rgreening_Sime: could it be simply due to the non-export of certain symbols? I seem to remember having a similar issue with pyqt and sip a long while back with Gentoo...19:56
_Simewhat's the problem?19:57
rgreeningi'll paste.. 1 sec...19:57
rgreening_Sime ^20:06
apacheloggerkde rev 86430920:07
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=864309&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 86430920:07
rgreening_Sime: and there is a time engine already in plasma. should the pytime one not use pytime (the files contain time as the engine)20:07
_Simergreening:  pytime is just a demo. The plugin names should be different now.20:08
_Simergreening: I'm a bit fuzzy on what the .desktop file should contain.20:08
_Simergreening: I can't only assume that PyQt was built against the wrong version of Python(??)20:09
rgreeninghmm... ok. So pyclock uses the system time dataengine. that's clearer now. :)20:13
rgreeningI'll check on the PyQt build... see if a rebuild fixes...20:14
rgreening_Sime: you indicated a issue needing newer SIP/PyQt4 though... and that's related to the segfaults... correct?20:14
rgreeningsorry to be a bother :'}20:15
_Simergreening: SIP is needed otherwise it all crash when data is sent from the data engine.20:16
_Simergreening: new PyQt is needed for the events to work correctly in Plasma applets.20:16
_Simergreening: (an event type wasn't being correctly downcast in PyQt)20:16
rgreening_Sime: okies :)  cool.... ty...20:17
_Simeif you have something useful to add to the page, then plz do so.20:22
ScottKWe prefer kdesudo over kdesu, right?20:24
rgreening_Sime: 2 last things and I'm out of your hair while I try and beat this into submission 1) how do I re-generate the proper .sip files for 4.1.2 (twine?) and 2) do you know roughly what snapshot it started working for PyQt and SIP?20:29
* apachelogger points his laser screwdriver at kdm20:29
apacheloggerScottK: yes, kdesu doesn't exaclty work very well with sudo20:29
* apachelogger feels a disturbance in the force when he points his laser scewdriver at genkdmconf20:30
_Simergreening: twine isn't 100% automatic. So no, running it to generate the sip files is definately not trivial. But if things are missing then they should fail at compile time.20:30
rgreening_Sime: ok. I used your .sip files and had to mod in 3 places... it compiles fine then...20:31
apacheloggerRiddell: I am not sure when or who genkdmconf is executed, but I think it is directly related to the session issue20:33
apacheloggerRiddell: see the 08_genkdmconf.diff patch in workspace, it removes the session action and replaces it with . /etc/X11/Xsession20:36
apacheloggerthat is probably why default tries to launch x-terminal-emulator and not startkde20:36
JontheEchidnakubotu: facts about patches20:41
kubotuI know nothing about patches20:41
JontheEchidnakubotu: facts about workarounds20:41
kubotu[6/12] "...and apachelogger hates workarounds"20:41
ScottKapachelogger: You might want to mention that here: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/10/22/network-upgrade-for-kubuntu-desktops-804-lts-810/20:42
apacheloggerbah, the kdm/xdm code is so confusing :S20:43
apacheloggerRiddell: according to the changelog you added the patch, please take a look at it, I can't find anything else that relates as strong to the issue20:53
apacheloggeralso kdm is not very helpfulwith debugging :S20:54
Riddellbusy install testing just now20:54
Riddellthat isn't from debian?20:54
apacheloggerRiddell: no20:57
apacheloggerRiddell: was looking at the wrong package, it is in debian as well20:58
apacheloggerthe changelog doesn't indicate when it was added though, so I guess it is from KDE 320:58
Riddellwhat is the upstream?20:59
parananybody know how to get oprofile to detect symbols in the libQt<blah>.debug files from libqt4-dbg?21:29
paranI am trying to determine why kmail in intrepid eats 100% CPU and is really really unresponsive21:30
ScottKSo who's been busy all day doing release notes for the RC?21:39
ScottKnixternal: Any chance you could bang out some release notes for us?21:45
nixternalwhen are they do?21:46
nixternalI can work on them tonight some I think21:46
ScottKRC is tomorrow.  slangasek was asking for NOW, but if you can do it tonight, I don't see anyone else raising their hand.21:49
ScottKnixternal: ^^21:49
nixternalright, I won't be able to work on them for about another 3 to 4 hours at a minimum21:50
ScottKGo for it.21:50
ScottKa|wen: Thanks for continuing to follow up on KDE 3.5.10 bugs.21:51
nixternalScottK: ^^ that is where they will live21:52
nixternalin roughly 3 hours, ping me again so I don't forget like an idiot :)21:52
nixternalerr, I have this great feature called a freakin' reminder in Kontact :P21:52
a|wenScottK: no problem; i'll continue to do that, so just add the kde3.5.10 tag if any new pops up21:54
ScottKGreat.  Because in 3 hours I'll be schlepping children to/from ballet classes.21:54
ScottKa|wen: Will do.  apachelogger has been good about flagging them.21:54
* DaSkreech opens Khelp to look for 'Freaking reminder'21:54
ScottKDaSkreech: I suspect you need a special Chicago language pack for that.21:55
DaSkreechwhadda talkin' bout?21:56
moenickeyay Chicago :)21:56
a|wenScottK: yeah, I saw that :) ... though sadly the kdepim regressions seen atm is far from trivial21:57
DaSkreechPackages for Beta 2?21:57
ScottKWell the Freakin Reminder was for nixternal to do release notes for the Intrepid RC.21:58
ScottKThe kdepim discussion is about KDE3.5.10 in Hardy21:58
DaSkreechScottK: I meant are there any packages for Beta 2 available :)22:03
ScottKBeta 2 of what?22:04
ScottKOh.  No idea.22:05
nixternaldon't be dissin' chicago homeslice22:05
nixternalit is cold in chicago today....i would like to hit up the pubs tonight, but I have to do release notes instead :P22:06
txwikingernixternal: you talking Chicago Pie again?22:08
Arbya|wen yet another kdepim one for you then, bug 17756622:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 177566 in kdepim "marking a recurring kontact to-do as complete causes application crash" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17756622:08
nixternalI am talking Chicago's finest beer, Goose Island's 31222:09
a|wenArby: is it a kde3.5.10 regression?22:10
Arbynot a regression no, just a crash that still occurs. are you just looking for regressions?22:11
a|wenArby: i'm atm specifically looking for regressions between 3.5.9 and 3.5.1022:12
Riddellparan: i suspect that doesn't work22:12
DaSkreechRiddell: Do you know of any Koffice Beta 2 packages for Ibex ?22:13
RiddellDaSkreech: yes we had packages last week when it released see kubuntu.org22:18
Riddellparan: i think the way the libraries point to the debug ones is wrong22:20
ScottKnixternal: slangasek is mostly interested in the bad news kind of release notes, upgrade instructions, warnings, etc.22:23
paranRiddell: would seem that way... I just noticed that simply replacing the real library with the .debug one seems to work though22:32
Riddellparan: ah, interesting, if inelegant22:32
seelewas RC today or tomorrow?22:46
DaSkreechCan't see koffice 2 in adept for some reason23:10
Riddelldid you add the repository?  is this adept manager not adept installer?  try searching for "koffice2"?23:11
DaSkreechIt's there on the command line23:11
DaSkreech I can apt-cache policy koffice-kde4 and install etc23:12
DaSkreech can't see it at all in Adept23:12
DaSkreechBeta 223:12
Riddellmight need xapian updated23:12
DaSkreechAs in Adept Beta 223:12
DaSkreechlatest version23:13
Riddellrun /usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index23:13
DaSkreechRiddell: :-)23:20
jameswfSoooo i have a system i need to wipe, how close are we if i upgrade now wil god kill a kitten or.......23:31
Riddelljameswf: works for me23:32
DaSkreechjameswf: you down with KDE4?23:37
jameswfeh no23:40
jameswfI am waiting for KDE 4.9923:41
DaSkreechjameswf: Loooong wait23:45
* DaSkreech sighs23:46
DaSkreechNo kubuntu-desktop in adept either23:46
DaSkreechAm I correct in saying that for Ibex we will have KDE3 but not a Kubuntu KDE3 ?23:48
seelethere are backports, but there is no Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex KDE3 edition23:48
DaSkreechThere will not be a kubuntu-desktop package for KDE3 but you can install KDE323:48
JontheEchidnaRiddell: maybe adept should rebuild xaipian index when reloading packages after modifying sources.list via s-p-kde?23:49
DaSkreechWOuld be nice23:50
JontheEchidnaiirc mornfall either made xapian updates not happen very often at all if at all since it takes so long and it rebuilt on every startup in the alphas23:50
JontheEchidnamornfall: ^thoughts?23:50
DaSkreechseele: Doh! I was to check on you bringing in Wine :-)23:50
seeleDaSkreech: i have to still make sure i can go23:51
DaSkreechseele: So you install KDE3?23:51
DaSkreechOr just blessed apps?23:51
seeleDaSkreech: i am teaching a uni class and the semester begins the same week23:51
seeleDaSkreech: i havent run kde3 since 4.1.1 came out23:51
DaSkreechMove the class here :)23:51
DaSkreechseele: The metaphorical you in Ibex :-P23:51

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