
=== dantalizing is now known as danizaki
=== danizaki is now known as dantalizing
=== dantalizing is now known as dantalizing_away
denndaHi. We (i.e. #ubuntu-de-*) need a new info bot. Is the code of the official bots available somewhere?11:22
denndaping LjL11:23
Rafikdennda, https://code.launchpad.net/~tsimpson/ubuntu-bots/tweak11:26
denndaRafik: is there any documentation for users / developers?11:43
Rafikdennda, not that I'm aware of11:44
denndaok, too bad11:44
Rafikdennda, stdin and jussi01 may help you11:45
jussi01dennda: its a supybot11:45
ubottuUbottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additionals plugins that are available at http://tinyurl.com/3s8roe11:45
denndadid any loco already successfully localize ubotu and adjust it to their needs?11:46
jussi01dennda: several, but cant really remember which ones11:46
denndaok good11:47
jussi01dennda: stdin may know11:47
jussi01dennda: if you have specific plugin questions, please ask in #ubuntu-bots :)11:48
jussi01dennda: looks like fr have done some of it11:49
denndawe'll check, thanks11:50
jussi01[NikO]: is your man11:50
* jussi01 waves to [NikO]11:50
[NikO]which kind of things you need?11:50
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
dennda[NikO]: an infobot module reacting to things like !offtopic is quite important, as well as a connection to our wiki via commands like !synaptic16:17
[NikO]you mean wiki search ?16:26
[NikO]do you have an op channel for -de ?16:26
[NikO]i will explain use of the bot16:26
[NikO]ping dennda16:27
dennda[NikO]: yes we have. we'll discuss that later next week. we got no time at the moment. we need something like !ALSA which makes the bot spit out the first few lines from that article and provide a link to the article16:28
[NikO]ok, where is your op channel ?16:29
dennda[NikO]: #ubuntu-de-op16:32
LjL!botclone | [NikO], dennda16:42
ubottu[NikO], dennda: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additionals plugins that are available at http://tinyurl.com/3s8roe16:42
* dennda knows16:42
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL

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