
BuffaloSoldierwhat's the future plan for default MTA? Is it will still be Postfix? Any plans to change to Exim or etc?07:04
henkjani've not seen any discussion about the default MTA in ubuntu07:05
henkjanbut both postfix and exim are in main, so fully supported07:06
tonyyarussoThere hasn't been any mention of a change on the mailing list at least.07:08
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BuffaloSoldierthanks henkjan and tonyyarusso for the info :)08:46
highvoltagesoren: howdy08:50
sorenhighvoltage: Hey :)08:51
henkjanALL IN CAPS TODAY08:53
highvoltagesoren: I hope it's ok for me to ask you directly, but I assumed that pretty much any core 2 duo supports the virtualisation required to use KVM, was that a bad assumption?08:53
hadsNot all08:53
highvoltageah, I just found out that my specific one isn't supported :'(08:54
* highvoltage crawls into fetal position and cries08:54
henkjanhighvoltage: bad luck08:54
henkjanhighvoltage: its not only your mobo that has VM extensions disabled?08:55
highvoltagehenkjan: a friend just let me know that the T5750 (which I happen to have) is one of the few cpu's that don't support it. I guess it's just bad luck. next time I'll check that carefully before buying new hardware.08:57
henkjanhighvoltage: ah, i found a list with core 2 duo's without VT at http://www.chiplist.com/ChipList2/chiplist_display_section.php?id=2205&page_number=&chiplist_version_major=&chiplist_version_minor=&chiplist_version_revision=&chiplist_version_extension=&chiplist_version_release_date=&chapter_number=19&section_number=2&subsection_number=0&paragraph_number=0&view_mode=tree2a&expansion=208:58
henkjanhighvoltage: realy bad luck for you08:58
sorenhighvoltage: Yeah, I'm afraid there's a few that don't. I never quite understood why :/08:59
Koonhenkjan: also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization#Intel_Virtualization_Technology_.28Intel_VT.2908:59
Koon"Core 2 Duo all except E8190, E7xxx, E4xxx, T5200-T5550, T5750"08:59
hadsAnd some older ones09:00
henkjanhighvoltage: any change to return your proc to the shop for a VT enabled one?09:00
highvoltagehenkjan: that's a good idea. I'll call them today09:02
Koonhighvoltage: if you tell them you want a T7xxx they will probably be happy to sell you a extra $$09:03
* Koon grumbles for having missed bug 28712609:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 287126 in tomcat6 "/var/lib/tomcat6/temp not writable by tomcat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28712609:04
highvoltageKoon: *nod*09:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #287420 in likewise-open (main) "likewise winbindd dumps core on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28742009:26
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Helder_GeocreteHere's the thing... My company need's to assemble a new server, and i'm thinking on a VPN solution for the job, using the Ubuntu Server Edition. The idea is to remotely share folders and maybe printers (dunow if it is possible), authenticate using the server dhcp and work as if they were working on the LAN. Plus, I'm may need to remotely administrate the server, so if anyone has any...10:49
Helder_Geocrete...sugestion on tools or suggestions that I can use for the job, I'd be thankfull (sorry for my english, I'm portuguese :))10:49
Helder_GeocreteBTW - I've searched the web and came up with the openVPN and openSSH solutions, dunow if they will do the trick :)10:50
hyljehmph, box doesn't like booting from the cd10:50
Helder_Geocrete(forgot to mention that the client machines will be using windows XP professional)10:51
hylje(it's a ibm eseries xseries 335 from circa 2003-2004)10:51
hyljewith no ability to produce floppies i'm leaning towards network setup; would that be feasible at all?10:52
hyljeHelder_Geocrete: look up samba and what it can do for you. it doesn't however do VPN, that's for sure10:53
KoonHelder_Geocrete: by "remotely" you mean "over an untrusted network" ?10:54
KoonHelder_Geocrete: if this is the case, there are two different issues in your project : secure remote access and print/fail sharing10:54
Helder_Geocretethat's the thing i'm after10:55
KoonopenVPN can handle the first part in a Windows-firendly way10:55
Koonsamba is your best bet for the second part10:55
Helder_Geocreteso I don't need openSSH, right?10:56
Koonwell you could do the VPN tunnel with openssh too10:56
Helder_Geocretebut openVPN is more windows Friendly, right?10:57
Koonbut I would advise using openVPN as it is better integrated with Windows10:57
Helder_Geocreteyep...a must in this project...10:57
Helder_Geocretethanks for the tips10:57
KoonHelder_Geocrete: np, I hope you'll succeed ;)10:58
Helder_Geocretebtw hylje, don't you need to boot from cd in order to access the network setup?10:58
Helder_Geocreteor does the PC boots itself from the network?10:58
Helder_Geocretethanks ;)10:58
Koonmathiaz: about bug 287126, I prepared a debdiff on that bug, should I subscribe ubuntu-release now or just look for sponsoring first ?11:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 287126 in tomcat6 "/var/lib/tomcat6/temp not writable by tomcat" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28712611:17
mathiazKoon: I've subscribed ubuntu-release and will sponsor it once we've got the ack.11:24
mathiazKoon: it's not RC critical, so that will have to wait until RC is released.11:24
OmahnHello server people. I noticed in the recent server team minutes that you are looking for testing on ESX. I have access to a ESX cluster and would be more than happy to assist as we're currently evaluating Ubuntu server to run on it anyway, sounds like a nice win win to me..11:48
[Solars]can a server have multiple identd running with different idents11:49
mathiazOmahn: ^^11:51
mathiazOmahn: that seems like a good plan - please have a look at the url above11:51
mathiazOmahn: we're currently testing the isos for 8.10 RC11:51
mathiazOmahn: let me know if you have other questions.11:52
Omahnmathiaz: I'll check it out, thanks.11:52
mathiazOmahn: if you could register at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/11:53
mathiazOmahn: this is where we track the results11:53
mathiazOmahn: for the -server cds, there is a test case for JeOS on ESX11:53
mathiazOmahn: this is the test you could help with and report whether it succeeded or not11:53
mathiazOmahn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Procedures <- gives an overview of the ISO testing procedure11:54
OmahnCopied that too, thanks.11:55
OmahnI'm at a Linux expo tomorrow but hopefully I'll have some results on Friday.11:57
mathiazOmahn: ok - by then 8.10 RC should be out11:58
mathiazOmahn: so you could test that one.11:58
OmahnNo problem.11:58
Helder_Geocretehey... is it advisable to have a minimal graphical support (Xserver, for instance) in a Ubuntu Server for remote administration?11:59
mathiazHelder_Geocrete: remote administration is mainly done via ssh and the command line12:01
Helder_Geocreteis webadmin a good tool?12:01
mathiazHelder_Geocrete: if you still wanna have a gui on the server, you may wanna check the servergui page12:02
mathiaz!servergui | Helder_Geocrete12:02
ubottuHelder_Geocrete: Ubuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.12:02
Helder_Geocretethanks for the tip :)12:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #287126 in tomcat6 (main) "/var/lib/tomcat6/temp not writable by tomcat" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28712612:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #287452 in tomcat6 (main) "/var/lib/tomcat6/temp directory could be cleaned up at each tomcat6 restart" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28745212:56
OmahnAm I right in thinking that Ubuntu JEOS is just an option from the Ubuntu Server ISO now?13:27
W8TAHexcuse me?13:27
DeepsW8TAH: sorry, bad joke.13:27
mathiazOmahn: correct13:27
Omahnmathiaz: Thanks.13:27
mathiazOmahn: the JeOS iso hasn't been merged into the -server iso13:27
W8TAHahh -- W8TAH != waiter   W8TAH = whisky eight tango alpha hotel -- my amateur radio call sign13:28
Omahnmathiaz: I'm guessing it was just a different seed anyway?13:28
mathiazOmahn: you can choose it by pressing F4 at boot13:28
Omahnah, ok. Is it a different kernel too?13:28
mathiazOmahn: correct - a different seed is selected.13:28
mathiazOmahn: the -virtual kernel is used and only ubuntu-minimal is installed.13:28
mathiazOmahn: technically the -virtual kernel is just the -server kernel13:29
mathiazOmahn: the difference is in the modules that are shipped.13:29
OmahnJust trying a test ESX install now..13:29
mathiazOmahn: the -virtual kernel doesn't have *all* of the -server kernel modules13:29
mathiazOmahn: -virtual has around 30M of modules while -server has more than 100M of modules13:30
OmahnThat makes sense. Is it tuned to any particular hypervisor or just enough modules to cover kvm/esx?13:31
OmahnOh dear. Caused a panic in the VCPU.13:32
mathiazOmahn: hm - good question. soren or zul may have a better answer for that one13:32
OmahnOct 22 13:31:36.999: vcpu-0| [msg.log.monpanic] *** VMware ESX Server internal monitor error ***13:33
OmahnOct 22 13:31:36.999: vcpu-0| vcpu-0:NOT_IMPLEMENTED devices/lsilogic/lsilogic_monitor.c:1033 bugNr=4542013:33
OmahnThat's not good.13:33
sorenOmahn: It's meant to cover any known hypervisor.13:33
zulafaik its not optimized for one hypervisor over another13:33
zulOmahn: what if you use an IDE drive?13:34
Omahnzul: IDE is not supported on ESX.13:34
zulreally? that sucks13:35
sorenzul: IDE? Yeah, tell me about it.13:35
OmahnJust trying again with a BusLogic SCSI adapter instead of LSI.13:35
sorenThe LSI one ought to work, though. Hm..13:36
OmahnLSI one in 8.04 works13:37
sorenOh, shite.13:38
sorenOmahn: Could you please try with the server kernel?13:38
Omahnsoren: This is the server iso.13:39
Omahngeneric kernel by the looks of it though.13:39
sorenOh, this is still in the installer, of course.13:39
OmahnESX panic'd in the installer as soon as the modules loaded.13:40
sorenYes, the installer always uses the generic kernel, but might install a different one.13:40
OmahnOk, installs fine with BusLogic adapter.13:42
Omahn*installs and boots13:42
OmahnHasn't installed linux-virtual though.13:43
OmahnHas anyone else tested this on ESX yet?13:43
OmahnGuess not. I'll file a report.13:45
sorenDon't know.13:46
nijabaOmahn: I think mathiaz was trying to test virtual on ESX but had some connectivity issues13:48
mathiazOmahn: nope13:48
mathiazOmahn: how did you check if linux-virtual was installed?13:49
Omahndpkg -l linux-virtual13:49
OmahnI'm more concerned about the ESX panic. Just reporting it as a bug now.13:50
mathiazOmahn: right - that's more important13:50
mathiazOmahn: is ubuntu-standard installed?13:50
Omahnmathiaz: Yes.13:51
Omahnmathiaz: What logic are you using to determine the platform?13:51
mathiazOmahn: hm - what do you mean?13:51
mathiazOmahn: you have to manually select to install a minimal virtual machine at the boot?13:51
OmahnOk. I just wondered if some auto detection was going on.13:52
OmahnJust trying again with LSI.13:52
mathiazOmahn: no. soren has some plans to figure out if the machine is running as a guest. But that's not for intrepid.13:52
mathiazOmahn: Boot CD, select your language and press F4, pick "Install a minimal virtual machine"13:52
mathiazOmahn: ^^ that's what you have to manually do to install the -virtual flavor.13:53
sorenOmahn: It was meant to happen, but I never got around to it. I've got detection code for several different hypervisors already. It just needs to get implemented in the installer.13:55
OmahnF4 gives 'Install a minimal system', is that the same as install a minimal VM?13:55
OmahnCool. Trying amd64 this time.13:55
mathiazOmahn: no13:55
mathiazOmahn: you should get an 'Install minimal vm guest'13:56
mathiazOmahn: there should be three options when you press F4.13:56
Omahnmathiaz: Afraid not. I get 'Install a minimal system', and only two options.13:56
mathiazOmahn: which iso are you using?13:56
mathiazOmahn: which version?13:56
Omahnboth x86 and amd64, server-beta. md5s to follow:13:57
mathiazOmahn: hm - I don't think the beta have the third option.13:57
mathiazOmahn: could you try the latest iso?13:57
mathiazOmahn: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20081022/13:57
OmahnYeah, no problem, downloading now..13:58
mathiazOmahn: the LSI bug may also be fixed13:58
OmahnAnd now we have three options :-)14:01
yann2nijaba > "iscsi support for interpid14:02
yann2kirkland looked into fixing existing bugs but it was decided that it was too late in the cycle to try fixing them. Work on iscsi has been deferred to the next cycle."14:02
yann2you got me worried - I thought iscsi was perfectly supported in hardy?14:02
OmahnIt's looking good...14:03
mathiazyann2: the state of iscsi in intrepid is the *same* as the one in hardy14:03
mathiazyann2: there are a couple of issues with iscsi that were alredy present in hardy14:03
yann2yeah that's what I understood - does it mean it is perfectly usable for mission critical usage?14:03
mathiazyann2: these haven't been fixed in intrepid14:04
yann2I'll have a look at launchpad...14:04
yann2mathiaz > is there any "serious" bug that should be considered in iscsi deployment?14:06
mathiazyann2: hm - I'm trying to find the bug kirkland had been working on14:08
OmahnThat daily server iso works *perfectly*14:08
mathiazyann2: but I don't find it anymore. There are issues with the init script order IIRC14:08
mathiazyann2: that's what kirkland was working on.14:08
mathiazyann2: you'll get more detail once he is online14:08
yann2thanks :)14:09
mathiazOmahn: great!14:17
mathiazOmahn: both amd64 and i386?14:17
nijabayann2: iscsi issues we wanted to but did not fix are: booting from iscsi and iscsi boot order when publishing NFS from it.14:20
Omahnmathiaz: Just tested amd64 and that works too. Cool.14:20
OmahnI've updated the iso tracker with successes.14:20
mathiazOmahn: are you pre500 on the iso tracker?14:21
Omahnmathiaz: Correct.14:21
mathiazOmahn: are you subscribed to the ESX test cases?14:22
OmahnJust trying to work out how to :-)14:22
Omahnaha, I see.14:22
mathiazOmahn: awsome!14:24
nijabaOmahn: thanks a lot for your involvement here :)14:24
mathiazOmahn: you'll get notified whenever there is a new build ready for testing14:24
OmahnPhew! I was getting worried with ESX panic'd with that beta ISO.14:24
Omahnnijaba: No problem. I've got access to a couple of large ESX clusters so I'll lend a hand whenever I can. Plus I'm hoping to move a lot of our systems to Solaris. It's a win win. :-)14:25
nijabaOmahn: great to hear.  Let us know if you think there is something we should improve in this area14:26
Omahnnijaba: Will do. I'm going to try and get more involved with the server stuff, time (and 7 month old baby!) permitting.14:27
eagles0513875i got a question related to dns granted im running it on kubuntu but if i experience sluggish internet load times for webpgs is that a sine that somehow my dns cache has become poisoned14:34
eagles0513875cuz i ran dns-clean script and things are back to normal14:34
eagles0513875does the dns cache need to be flushed once in a while14:34
eagles0513875can anyone enlighten me14:36
ScottKNo and No.14:37
eagles0513875ScottK: ok and ok14:39
nxvlmathiaz: should say JauntyJackalope here -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/IdeaPool14:43
mathiaznxvl: fixed. thanks :)14:45
* nxvl HUGS mathiaz 14:46
mathiazkirkland: thanks for fixing the raid installation.14:47
mathiazkirkland: could you confirm that a manual installation of raid0 and raid5 works on amd64?14:48
* eagles0513875 :(14:48
\shwhat? frozen bubble should be removed? WAR !14:52
kirklandmathiaz: sure, no problem15:07
sergevndaturan: i fixed the problem with my tcp daemons, it was NFS, stopped it and now my servers keeps working perfect. :)15:08
Eeyore-Jrhi.  will ubuntu-ltsp clients work over a wireless connection?  well?15:27
Eeyore-Jris it possible to use stand alone clients (those that do not connect to LTSP) and still have network login, home, and storage directories?15:32
Eeyore-Jrcan i use ubuntu-ltsp server to serve e17?15:35
espacioushi which packets should i install on my server to just access cacti over a browser?15:40
espaciouscacti - Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services15:40
espaciouscacti-cactid - Multi-Threading poller for cacti15:40
espaciouslibpam-blue - PAM module for local authenticaction with bluetooth devices15:40
espaciousups sorry for the dumb paste15:41
jcastromathiaz: it's that time of the year! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Prep15:47
nijabajcastro: I think a more accurate statement would be it is that time of the *semester*15:54
mathiazjcastro: hm - should I put up a session about the server team?16:01
jcastromathiaz: sure, or multiple ones. :D16:01
jcastromathiaz: something I think would be neat would be an overview of new server features16:02
mathiazjcastro: hm - that could be interesting indeed.16:03
mathiazjcastro: I've added an Ubuntu Server Team slot16:03
mathiazjcastro: I could run the same introduction to the server team16:03
mathiazjcastro: I'll think about it16:04
mathiazjcastro: that's the week after release right?16:04
jcastromathiaz: yep16:06
akuma55hello ppl has anybody tryed to install ird-hybrid16:24
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hyljeif i'm to install a server using netboot through a crossover cable to another computer, i do to put up services for 1) providing internet to the netbootee 2) providing the ftp for the boot image 3) provide a dhcp instructing the netbootee16:29
hyljedid i forget anything before i commit into it?16:36
=== k00n is now known as Koon
Chipzzhylje: yes. you don't use *FTP* for the boot image, you use *T*FTP*17:56
Chipzznot the same thing17:56
Chipzzhylje: I've recently set up a lot of debian servers with netinstall, and I used 1) dhcp server 2) tftp server 3) some apt cache thing17:58
Chipzzyou can replace 3) with internet access oc if you only need it for one server17:58
Chipzzand 4) nameserver17:59
Chipzzwhich you don't need oc if you give it internet access17:59
Eeyore-Jris this a dev only channel?18:01
ScottKEeyore-Jr: No.18:01
ScottKEeyore-Jr: Please read /topic18:02
Eeyore-Jrwhat is the landscape tool?18:03
mathiaz_Eeyore-Jr: http://www.canonical.com/projects/landscape18:05
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
Eeyore-Jrthx.  landscape is for canocial customers only i see18:08
Eeyore-Jrupon installation of ubuntu server there is no ltsp option.  is that now a pay only option ?18:09
sommerEeyore-Jr: you probably want edubunt18:10
Eeyore-Jredubuntu comes with a lot of educational software and ubuntu iirc.  i was considering e17 instead of the ubuntu desktop18:11
Eeyore-Jrbut i'm unsure18:11
sommeryou can always install whatever desktop you'd like then switch to it, or set it as the default18:11
hyljeChipzz: thanks18:26
hyljethe notion of setting up a (minimal) repository instead seems more ideal and less risky18:52
spiritssight1can I get help with geting my server working again18:52
hyljewhat problem(s) do you have?18:53
Chipzzhylje: I wasn't suggesting that; there's software like apt-cacher and apt-proxy that can do the same18:53
spiritssight1when I type the address (URL) it says it can not connect18:53
Chipzzbut if you're only installing one machine and are planning on getting it right the first time, that probably isn't necessary18:53
hyljewell there's a lot to be said in setting up the network18:54
spiritssight1How can I tell if the server is running correct apachie and php stuff18:55
spiritssight1I am using 8.10 of ubuntu desktop with lamp installed18:55
hyljewhat's the exact error message?18:55
hyljecan you ping the machine?18:56
spiritssight1go to http://cpe-eagle.homedns.org/\18:57
spiritssight1I don't know much about this stuff, so how would I try to ping18:57
* Chipzz frowns18:57
Chipzzwho is working on landscape here?18:58
Chipzzhylje: apt-cacher and apt-proxy all work to a different degree (they all have their problems iirc)18:59
Chipzzdon't remember which one I used for that setup though18:59
Chipzzapt-proxy apparently19:00
Chipzzhylje: using a tool like apt-proxy will save you the trouble of doing the mirroring etc19:00
Chipzzwrt landscape: I administer a number of debian machines, and was planning on creating my own system based on apticron + an MTA + procmail/something similar to parse the mails apticron sends19:02
spiritssight1hylje: how do I ping and how do I check to see if apachie and the php stuff is running19:03
Chipzzanyway just wondering how far landscape is, and if contributions would be accepted19:03
spiritssight1I just looked in the sesion area and don't see any thing in there19:03
Chipzzspiritssight1: echo '<?php phpinfo() ?>' > phpinfo.php19:03
Chipzzin a directory that's accessible through apache19:03
Chipzzand then access the phpinfo.php file through your browser19:03
Chipzz"session area"?19:04
Chipzzanyway bbl19:04
spiritssight1ok I have done that now what would I type to access it in the FF localhost://phpinfo.php or different19:07
spiritssight1Ok I can access my website using http://localhost but its not working for the public19:11
spiritssight1any one able to help I can not access my server from a brower but I can if I type localhost19:15
indigo23Is there a free Cpanel Interface out there for hosting multiple websites? I need something where i can create user accounts so that my webdesigners can create sites and test them.19:25
hyljegreat, dnsmasq works19:29
hyljenow to figure out how to NAT the net19:29
indigo23anyone here familiar with VHCS Pro 2.219:32
=== steve__ is now known as sbeattie
J_Ppeople, in my server on http area show this line: "Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 with Suhosin-Patch mod_wsgi/1.3 Python/2.5.2 Server at Port 80" How I do for change that value, for example hide the name Ubuntu and so one ?19:39
indigo23what is the command to verify you have a certain package installed19:41
J_Pindigo23: apt-get insatll package19:43
nijabaindigo23: dpkg -l | grep pkgname19:43
[Solars]whats the chmod number for the typical read/write/move19:49
[Solars]this are media files and some docs19:50
hibana[Solars]: depends19:51
hibanawhat you mean with move?19:51
* hibana only knows about read/write/execute19:52
[Solars]i guess allow users to move the files, read the files, delete the files, etc19:52
[Solars]so i guess just metn r/w19:53
hibanaread (4), write (2), and execute (1)19:53
hyljeyaaaay the contraption network-wise works19:53
[Solars]hibana so what magic number ? 766?19:54
hibanathen there is the matter of user / group / others19:54
hibanaand also file vs folder19:54
[Solars]right right19:55
hibanachmod 764 would give a use all rights, the group read and write and all others just read19:56
hibanas/a use/a user/19:56
hibanaa folder with chmod 750 would give a user all rights, the group list and chdir rights and all others no rights19:57
hibanato be allowed to delete you need write rights19:59
[Solars]i thnk 764 is what i wanted20:01
[Solars]now i have 4 folders that I don't want to be deleted20:01
[Solars]but the contents within can be manipulated20:01
hibana[Solars]: manipulated using what?20:02
=== lionel_ is now known as lionel
ScottKleonel: How's clamav patching going?20:21
ScottKleonel: 0.94.1 releases 3 Nov, so expect likely more then.20:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #287736 in php5 (main) "package libapache2-mod-php5 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3 failed to install during upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04LTS (thru the update manager)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28773620:31
=== hibana_ is now known as hibana
ClaesBasWhy does "do-release-upgrade -d" want  88.1M free space on /boot????20:53
sommerClaesBas: the kernel, the initramfs, and such20:59
leonelScottK: the patch is ready, but I really didn't saw a critical one as you can see on launchpad, and sorry  it got down on the Todo list ...20:59
leonelScottK: let's roll for 0.94.1   ... will it be ported  to hardy ??  what can  I do ?21:00
ScottKleonel: The first step is going to be getting it tested on Intrepid as I hope to get permission for a post-release update there.21:01
ScottKThen backports should be fairly straightforward.21:01
ScottKleonel: http://www.kitterman.org/ScottK/2008/10/clamav_plans_in_ubuntu.html21:01
ClaesBassommer: You can't mean that Ubuntu needs 88M on /boot for a upgrade!?21:02
ClaesBasI think this is a bug!21:02
ClaesBasI have 12M on my /boot now (before my try to upgrade and 79M free)21:05
ClaesBasLet me see, if it's not a bug, then 8.10 needs more then 7 times the space then 8.04...21:07
leonelScottK: great !21:14
sommerClaesBas: it may be a bug, you'll probably get a better answer #ubuntu-installer21:17
ClaesBassommer: Thanks, I try that channel...21:21
ClaesBasWhy does "do-release-upgrade -d" want  88.1M free space on /boot ?21:21
ClaesBasI only have 12M on my /boot now (8.04)!21:22
ClaesBasI have to go there also.....21:22
=== hibana_ is now known as hibana
=== hibana__ is now known as hibana
=== agep is now known as logging7834
=== logging7834 is now known as logging8472
=== hjst1 is now known as hjst
=== hibana_ is now known as hibana
uvirtbotNew bug: #287781 in nut (universe) "Nut UPS user does not have access to the serial ports." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28778122:11

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