
soundrayronzilla: yes, that sounds like a well-supported setup00:00
soundraySylphid|work: okay, makes sense00:00
Sylphid|worksoundray, since its working fine guess i was right.... looking back it prolly wasnt the safest choice00:00
ronzillasoundray, will the dual video work you think?00:00
coeuscsilk, well both gstreamer extra plugins and ubuntu restricted extras both say "mp3 support" .. I'll reinstall both00:00
MrD1hi doess any one know any thing here about aircrack and driver problems with the new ubuntu00:00
Stargazeris there a way to quit gnome-panel temporarily ?00:00
Sylphid|worksoundray, thanks again for the help00:00
csilkdjungelkraem,  yeah I know the feeling, if you can live with the problems you have right now you can always wait a week for intrepid to be released then you can upgrade and see how the latest drivers go. That's what I'll be doing00:01
soundrayronzilla: yes, I think it will00:01
soundraySylphid|work: pleasure00:01
DavidCanariasjrib: my error. I redid it and up came lots of info about files being overwritten00:01
csilkcoeus,  yeah, there's no harm in re-installing both00:01
ronzillathanks for your help00:01
jribDavidCanarias: then you've probably already run it once before00:01
DavidCanariasjrib: shall I paste and copy you in a pm message00:01
outbriStargazer: pkill or killall gnome-panel00:01
DavidCanariasjrib: How can I delete or clear it to start again00:01
Stargazeroutbri: i was thinking something like how i quit from nautilus so it doesn't run till i open a folder. ( nautilus -q )00:02
sanadoHey there everyone, I have a problem with one of my flash cards, it's a 512MB card that for some reason stopped working in windows well over a year and a half ago (formatting it failed), but after switching to Ubuntu, I thought I'd give partitioning it with Gparted or fdisk a shot. I tried Gparted first because I'm a sucker for GUIs. Gparted showed that the drive existed (/dev/sdc) and that it was indeed 512MB, it also showed that it was unfo00:02
sanadormatted. I tried to create a new partition but then it sai it needed to create a new disklabel, which I said was ok. After a while an error dialog came up saying  "Error while setting new disklabel."  After Gparted failed I went into the terminal and did some fdisking. I first formatted the entire thing, but that failed saying "The partition table has been altered!00:02
jribDavidCanarias: it should be fine, just let it finish00:02
sanadoCalling ioctl() to re-read partition table.00:02
sanadoWARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.00:02
sanadoThe kernel still uses the old table.00:02
FloodBot3sanado: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:02
sanadoThe new table will be used at the next reboot.00:02
djungelkraemcsilk: how do you know its coming the near week? and whats intrepid repo? cant find it00:03
DavidCanariasjrib: errors are coming up00:03
outbriStargazer: Ah, I'm not sure then.00:03
DavidCanariasjrib: reading title VOB at block .....00:03
geniisanado: Exit fdisk with W so it updates the partition table before next reboot00:03
csilkdjungelkraem,  intrepid will be released in 8 days00:03
Stargazerthank you for trying anyways. :P00:03
outbriI do what I can. :P00:03
sanadogenii: I have exited with W.  "Disk /dev/sdc: 524 MB, 524288000 bytes00:04
sanado17 heads, 59 sectors/track, 1020 cylinders00:04
sanadoUnits = cylinders of 1003 * 512 = 513536 bytes00:04
sanadoDisk identifier: 0x77277eae00:04
sanado   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System00:04
FloodBot3sanado: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
djungelkraemcsilk: so that repo aint active yet?00:04
sanado/dev/sdc1             100         800      351551+  83  Linux00:04
csilkdjungelkraem,  yes it is active00:04
djungelkraemcsilk: they have a website?00:04
djungelkraemcsilk: oh is 8.10 = intrepid?00:05
csilkdjungelkraem,  not all of the stuff in there is in a wokring state and some of it isn;t compatible with hardy, there is nothing to tell you what works and what does < just a wanring..  http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/00:05
csilkyes. 8.1000:05
coeuscsilk, still not working :(00:05
csilkcoeus, sorry, that's as far as my knowledge of all things codec goes.00:05
DavidCanariasjrib: It seems to be stuck on the erros reading title on Block 673 etc., Does this mean anything to you?00:05
LjLsanado, the floodbot was being serious00:05
jribDavidCanarias: nope00:05
djungelkraemcsilk: you know what version of ati drivers will be in there?00:05
csilkyeah one sec00:06
csilkdjungelkraem,  http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xorg-driver-fglrx00:06
demontagerSomebody know currency gdesklets or plugin Firefox or program?00:06
sanadoSorry about that, I didn't know of that feature.00:06
soundraydemontager: can you rephrase that?00:07
DavidCanariasjrib: Thks00:07
djungelkraemcsilk: thankyou :)00:07
demontagerI want see current currency rate like plugin or widget00:07
sitwonI think he's looking for a currency converter00:07
csilkdjungelkraem,  I'm worried that my card has been removed from the compatibilty text!00:08
demontager1 US doll=2 Pounds00:08
csilkhmm, i'll have to see how it goes ;)00:08
geniisanado: So after exiting fdisk you ran some command like:   sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdc1          ?00:08
droopsta915Why does my computer stop working and goes into a black screen? I have a pastebin, can anyone help, please.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/60725/00:08
sanadogenii: Yes, and it says that that device does not exist.00:08
demontager<soundray> Did you understand what i mean?00:09
djungelkraemcsilk: mine has been added if X1900 counts as x1900-series meaning X1950Pro for example00:09
_786soulHow can I get grub to work on an SD card to boot Backtrack 3 or Ubuntu? Everytime I start it I get an error00:09
sanadoI think that has to do with "Error closing file"00:09
geniisanado: Does: sudo fdisk -l                        show it?00:09
csilkdjungelkraem,  I'm contacting the package maintainer to tell him he missed some cards off, there's no way the updated drivers dont support the High Def range...00:09
soundraydemontager: yes, I think so... searching00:10
djungelkraemcsilk: yeah do so00:10
djungelkraemcsilk: do you think X1900 means X1950pro for example?00:10
sanadogenii: Sadly no, "Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table00:10
sanadoI have also tried running partprobe and that didn't doanythign either00:11
_786soulwhy do I get an error "fille missing" when using grub to boot off an SD card?00:11
csilkdjungelkraem, I'm not really sure, sometimes specific model numbers aren't written properly00:11
sanado_786soul: have you gotten it to boot succesfully before?00:11
geniisanado: You ran fdisk with duso when you changed the table of it?00:11
csilkI should think you would be fine though00:11
djungelkraemcsilk: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/hppa/xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd theres both mine and yours00:11
geniisanado: With sudo   rather00:11
sanadogenii: yes I did00:12
csilkif there are problems when you try the new drivers be sure to file a bug report00:12
demontager<soundray> I also searched in, but can't find, only found russian soft FOX Pro and for windows00:12
LjLsanado, chances are that the drive is faulty, which the fact it took several minutes before it gave you an error strongly hints to (as well as the fact that it stopped working in windows)00:12
_786soulsanado: Backtrack 3 booted by istelf but as soon as I insstalled Ubuntu on another partition things went wayward and I keep getting the error00:12
demontagersorry I mean this Pro (ExchRate)00:13
soundraydemontager: there is a panel applet called Invest. You can set it up to display currency exchange rates -- for real/$ the symbol would be BRLUSD=X00:13
geniisanado: Probably it's just kaput. You can only rewrite to them so many times00:13
sanadoLjL: and there'd probably be no way of getting around that then?00:13
_786soulBut it's a new partition and a brand new SD card...00:13
droopsta915Why does my computer stop working and goes into a black screen? I have a pastebin, can anyone help, please.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/60725/00:13
demontagerok, I'll try00:13
LjLsanado: if the damage was on the part of the drive that holds the partition table, unlikely00:13
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djungelkraemcsilk: where are you from?00:14
sanadoLjL: that's probably the case, it's a shame too, it was one of those GBA flash cards00:14
demontagerand where can I see available options for other currencies?00:14
wowbagger421how come ubuntu doesn't have a .bash_profile and where do I change my $PATH variable?00:14
sanadoI was running linux on my GBA00:14
natalisushkaHi, does kubuntu have a compiz manager?00:14
vengerdroopsta915, are you saying on boot up your screen switches from the splash progress bar to the text based startup output and then hangs?00:14
csilkdjungelkraem, I'm in London. The driver you jsut linked me too, will that be included in the intrepid repo?00:14
geniisanado: You could try something like to fill the drive with zeros or such00:14
LjLsanado: is there currently any important data on it?00:14
_786soulWill reformatting and repartitioning work to fix everything?00:14
jribwowbagger421: ~/.profile00:15
wowbagger421thank you jrib00:15
sanadogenii: how would I do that?00:15
soundraydemontager: http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/currency00:15
kr0n05931I installed java but I can't seem to get .jnlp files to work right00:15
_786soulsanada: no important data but will a total reformat/repartition work?00:15
=== L3PP3RS is now known as Leppers
soundraydemontager: you have to select the currencies and click Convert. Then it will show the symbol in the result table.00:15
sanadoLjL: no, no important data, However, one interesting thing is that the manager for the GBA does boot up, leading me to believe that the "OS" of the card is on an entirely different physcal part.00:16
thinkl00panyting else besides gtk-gnutella that u can use in ubuntu to download mp3s?00:16
cs_studentYay, I was getting so mad that my net connection sucked.  Just installed a new driver for my NIC and went from 10kb/s to ~1mb/s :)00:16
kr0n05931I tried whereis java, and did /usr/bin/java <filename> and /usr/share/java <filename, but they don't work00:16
demontagerok, thanks thats what i need soundray!00:16
djungelkraemcsilk: i really dont know00:16
kr0n05931how can I fix this?00:16
geniisanado: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdc                This will take a while.00:16
droopsta915venger:this happens when i'm logged in. sometimes i try to close a window and it goes into the prompts you see in the pastebin.00:16
LjLsanado: that's possibly, i've really no idea how the GBA would manage its stuff...00:16
LjLsanado: if you do what genii said, though, you'll also lose that00:16
vengerdropbear, ok so perhaps the X server is crashing?  does the machine hard lock and you cannot open a VT (ctrl-alt-f1)00:17
nick327alright, for some reason, the shutdown icon on the top right of the screen doesn't work for me00:17
nick327it just freezes up gnome00:17
eitreachSomething is completely maxing my cpus. how can I find out what it is? I've tried looking at the system monitor, but it isn't very useful.00:17
nick327i usually hit ctrl alt f1 and use the cli to shutdown00:17
LjLeitreach: "top"00:17
nick327any ideas why the icon doesn't work? is this a known issue?00:17
csilkdjungelkraem,  there is no way they would remove support for our cards. I'll assume everything will "just work". I guess the driver will be moved over into the repo before the release date.00:17
vengeroops i meant droopsta915 not dropbear00:17
=== Ascorbic is now known as Ascorbic_Acid
sanadoLjL: That is assuming that the "OS" is on that same physical drive. My theory is that I can't even read the section that contains the OS, It's a rather simple OS.00:18
droopsta915venger: lol, its ok. yes it goes into the screen and i cant get out unless i push the power button on my computer.00:18
Ascorbic_AcidMay someone tell me what to type to install compiz, Thanks00:18
LjLsanado: the GBA OS itself is most likely in the internal ROM00:19
soundrayAscorbic_Acid: which version of Ubuntu do you have?00:19
LjLAscorbic_Acid: Compiz is installed by default in Ubuntu 8.0400:19
cs_studentHow do I install an ubuntu .deb?00:19
vengerdroopsta915, so you did try ctrl-alt-f1 at that point?00:19
LjL!gdebi | cs_student00:19
ubottucs_student: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.00:19
Ascorbic_AcidWell how can i get to the settings manager and make it activate?00:19
LjLAscorbic_Acid: System / Preferences / Desktop Effects00:19
zigzagshow can i get my system monitor to stop resetting its 'Processes' tab's 'Information Fields' to the default view every time I close it? I keep setting it to show how much memory each process is using, but every time I close themonitor, its settings reset.00:20
soundrayAscorbic_Acid: System-Preferences-Appearance-Visual Effects00:20
LjLor System / Preferences / Appearance / Desktop Effects00:20
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Ascorbic_AcidOne more question... my chat here is huge and doesn't minimize.. how can i fix this?00:20
jaypurAscorbic_Acid,  click on the box simbol?00:20
LjLAscorbic_Acid: it definitely should minimize when clicking the minimize button...00:20
soundrayAscorbic_Acid: try F1100:21
djungelkraemcsilk: im from stockholm, sweden if it was me you were asking :) and no i dont think so either. you know what difference there is between radeonhd driver and the fglrx?00:21
sanado_786soul: Check and see if your drive appears as the same drive (for example if the drive was sdb when you installed on it, check and make sure that it's not sdc now)00:21
HaweredI cannot find drivers for My Diamond graphics card and My Screen's resoultion as well as colors are Horible. Any sugestions?00:21
thinkl00pwhere can i get new themes for ubuntu? like colour schemes and stuff00:21
LjL!themes > thinkl00p    (thinkl00p, see the private message from Ubotu)00:21
ubottuthinkl00p, please see my private message00:21
MrD1Hi does any one know how i can completely remove the rtl8187 driver from ubuntu00:22
Ascorbic_AcidIt does not have a minimize button... I had Ubuntu before and it started like this but it fixed somehow.....00:22
zigzagsanyone know why my system monitor resets its settings every time I close it??00:22
droopsta915venger: no i didnt, what does that do?00:22
Ascorbic_Acidoh well... i will be back00:22
AboSamoorI have awn 3.1 but the open windows are not appearing in awn ? any idea ?00:22
csilkdjungelkraem,  not a clue, I assume they will app be lumped into the fglrx package when it's time for release00:22
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:22
ShakedownHow can I found out if my hardware supports 64 bit?00:22
soundrayMrD1: removing isn't necessary. Blacklisting should be all you need to do00:22
csilk**all be00:22
soundray!blacklist > MrD100:22
ubottuMrD1, please see my private message00:22
ArtIntHi all00:22
LjLShakedown: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm00:22
vengerdroopsta915, it opens a virtual console terminal where you can log in as user -- if that works then the computer is not hard locking00:23
droopsta915venger: ok, thanks. I know windows has a control-alt-delete, is this similar?00:23
JoseBravoMy ssh client isn´t working, how can I reinstall it?00:23
MrD1soundray, not sure the problem is i have the new ubuntu and it wont let me install the driver from aircrack for packet injection im just guessing i have to remove it will black listing it do the job and if so how do i go about it thank you in advance if you can help00:24
soundrayJoseBravo: can you explain how it's not working?00:24
ShakedownLjL: Then what?00:24
soundrayMrD1: yes, blacklisting will help. Ubottu sent you a message with a helpful link00:24
csilkJoseBravo, what errors you getting?00:24
LjLShakedown: tell me what it says00:24
vengerdropbear, no different concepts00:24
JoseBravosoul1, Im trying to connect to many servers, when it ask to me the password it just got freeze00:24
gonzaloaf_laptophi, where do I have to add the process or commands that I want to run at boot?00:24
LjL!boot > gonzaloaf_laptop    (gonzaloaf_laptop, see the private message from Ubotu)00:25
ubottugonzaloaf_laptop, please see my private message00:25
MrD1soundray, ok thanks just saw the link ill give it a try00:25
droopsta915venger: thanks for the help (droopsta915, lol)00:25
zigzagshow can i get my system monitor to stop resetting its 'Processes' tab's 'Information Fields' to the default view every time I close it? I keep setting it to show how much memory each process is using, but every time I close themonitor, its settings reset.00:25
ArtIntpplz, I can't setup network connection under the ubuntu, now I networking under win. I'm connect to the internet through PPPOE, where in ubuntu I can setup such type of connection?00:25
LjLShakedown: it's 64 bit00:25
GodfatherofEireAnybody here know of any encryption programs that can be programmed for certain ciphers and the equations behind them?00:25
soundrayJoseBravo: when it asks you for the password, you have to enter it blindly. There is no feedback. Type the password and hit return & tell me what happens then.00:25
gonzaloaf_laptopLjL, if I want to do it manually, what file do I have to add the line?00:25
ShakedownLjL: Tell me how you know?00:25
vengerdroopsta915, its just the tab completion picking the first match instead of requiring me to type more characters :)00:26
LjLShakedown: it says "lm"00:26
ArtIntGodfatherofEire, TrueCrypt?00:26
ShakedownLjL: ...00:26
droopsta915UBUNTU is the Master!!!!!00:26
LjLgonzaloaf_laptop: didn't the bot tell you? /etc/rc.local00:26
x3o what do i need to start to make fn+brightness work? after i start gnome-power-manager it works but i dont want to use it00:26
ShakedownLjL: My crystal ball doesn't have the Linux plug-in00:26
LjLShakedown: it stands for "long mode"00:26
JoseBravosoundray,  I do the enter and nothing happens.00:26
GodfatherofEireArtInt: Does that allow me to take an algorithm, apply it to a set of data, and use that as a key?00:26
casdfany ideas on when firefox will stop crashing so much? 8.10 release, or much much later?00:26
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soundraycasdf: probably when you remove the rogue plugin00:27
ShakedownLjL: So if those lm's were sm, that would be 'short mode' and it would only support 32 bit?00:27
jken146casdf: It's pretty stable in intrepid00:27
LjLShakedown: no, if it were a 32 bit processor, there would be simply no "lm" flag at all00:27
soundrayJoseBravo: does it return to a $ prompt?00:27
JoseBravosoundray,  I tried with many openssh servers, im not so newbie. I know that I need to do enter after the password.00:27
aflackis there anyway to get my xbox 360 to recognize media on my ubuntu00:27
GodfatherofEireArtInt: also not AES encryption, but more old-fashioned00:27
JoseBravoNo, it didnt00:27
GodfatherofEireLike Vignere, ROT13, Caesar, and Cyclical?00:27
LjLShakedown: if you type "lm 64-bit cpuinfo" into google, you'll see what i'm saying confirmed00:28
kenoisaflack: i can only speak for xbox 1, but i have XBMC running on it through samba, works fine00:28
soundrayJoseBravo: how do you get back from there, then? Ctrl-C?00:28
JoseBravoAnd If I do more enters it dosnt do anything.00:28
aflackil try it00:28
MiescoIs there a program to get a section of an image and save it as a new image?00:28
sanadoI also have one more question thats not quite as hardware related, but I am currently running Ubuntu off a USB drive because one day, when I restarted my laptop, it wouldn't go past the BIOS. After some tie I determined the cause to be the SATA port. Which caused the BIOS to hang if a drive was attached to it. I tried different drives but same result. Could my SATA hardware be messed up or is it possible that the BIOS drivers got messed up so00:28
kenoisaflack:  a bit unprecise, the files i play are streamed via samba :)00:28
ShakedownLjL: Ah, ok. Thanks. So if I wanted to upgrade to 64 bit, is there other hardware I need to check for support?00:28
JoseBravoControl-C and Control-Z for sleep dosnt work.00:28
LjLMiesco: the GIMP can do that... or do you want one that does it without any user intervention?00:28
MrD1soundray, sorry to be a pain i do airmon-ng and this shows up  wlan1Realtek 8187Lrtl8187 - [phy1] do i just copy and paste all of it or just some of it00:28
JoseBravoI just need to close the terminal, im using Eterm and the one that comes with ubuntu.00:28
JoseBravoSame problem.00:29
JoseBravoMe try directly froma tty00:29
LjLShakedown: possibly some proprietary drivers that only have a 32-bit version, i don't know if there are such things. also, you'll have difficulties using things like Flash00:29
soundrayMrD1: I don't know, sorry00:29
MrD1soundray, ok no probs00:29
MiescoLjL: Well I want to make a rectangle border around something in the image as well00:29
GodfatherofEireArtInt, also, I'm only using the program to create a secure, yet recoverable password00:29
meoblast001how do i specify in a "ffmpeg -i INPUT OUTPUT" command that i want theora and not vorbis00:30
popenfreshhow should shell scripts be encoded? ascii? utf-8? something else?00:30
LjLMiesco: the GIMP can do that too.00:30
soundrayJoseBravo: can you use the -vv parameter and paste the result on http://paste.ubuntu.com00:30
ShakedownLjL: Geez. Do you know of some guide where I can check everything?00:30
sanadoMiesco: do you just want to be able to do this? or have it done with very little user effort?00:30
GodfatherofEireUnfortunately, to do all these layers of encryption by hand would be VERY painful.00:30
LjLShakedown: "everything" is a lot of stuff ;)00:30
=== __mad is now known as snkmad
JoseBravoOpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 200700:30
AscorbicThanks everyone for your help. My only problem now is my scroll wheel on mouse going to fast... Any ideas?  In windows it is set just fine.00:30
JoseBravosoundray, OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1.2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 20000:30
sanadoMiesco: because you could just edit the image in xpaint or the gimp00:30
=== c is now known as Charitwo
PiciJoseBravo: He means to add the -vv as arguments to your ssh command.00:31
zigzagssystem monitor is stupid and will not keep any settings I apply to it once I close it.  how do i get it to keep the settings I apply to it to stay permanently00:31
soundrayJoseBravo: I didn't ask for the version, I asked for a debug log. Do not paste stuff here, please00:31
SpinachHeadhi, the libxine-ffmpeg is not downloading. Is there a better guide to get mp3 support?00:31
Miescosanado: Well how in the Gimp would I just save the selection I made?00:31
JoseBravosoundray, directly from tty1 1 get the same problem.. Ill pastebin the output00:31
ShakedownLjL: Yeah...well...damn. I just got my desktop with 4 GB and I didn't realize that 32-bit OS can't use all 4 GB00:31
ArtIntpplz, I can't setup network connection under the ubuntu, now I networking under win. I'm connect to the internet through PPPOE, where in ubuntu I can setup such type of connection?00:32
PuppyNeed some help installing Ubuntu, Windows convert here :D00:32
LjLSpinachHead: it's not downloading because it doesn't exist00:32
LjL!mp3 > SpinachHead    (SpinachHead, see the private message from Ubotu)00:32
ubottuSpinachHead, please see my private message00:32
ShakedownLjL: And my processor supports 64 bit, so I'm considering making the switch00:32
soundrayTux: moinmoin00:32
Pici!pppoe | ArtInt00:32
ubottuArtInt: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE00:32
geniiPici: Beat me to it :)00:32
kr0n05931I can't seem to find the Java Mozilla plug-in in the repositories00:32
sanadoMiesco: You could copy the selection and create a new file. The new file's size attributes should by default be to those of what you have copied. Just paste and save.00:32
PuppyWhen i go to the Ubuntu Installer, it just loads up a " chatbox " instead og the installer.. ny ideas ?00:33
jken146kr0n05931: sun-java6-plugin00:33
LjLShakedown: you can also use >4Gb in 32-bit mode by enabling a CPU extension that allows that. some people say it's not quite elegant, though, and in any case, that option is only enabled in the Server kernel for Ubuntu (unless you go and roll your own kernel). but i'm saying it just for completeness.00:33
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kr0n05931not there00:33
=== Ascorbic is now known as Ascorbic_Acid
bloodscoreOk I'm looking for help I'm trying to get sound to play for mp3's and I can't get it to. I've tried to restricted packages, and several different audio players. Hell I've even tried installing itunes and running it on wine. Note: Itunes would not install for me it said it had encountered errors so if you know how to fix that it would be helpful. also, it plays sounds at logon. please help!00:33
Guest71974Ok so my firefox has stopped displaying the top bar, It covers my whole screen and won't let me click my taskbar and does not have the "x" close button... however it is not in fullscreen mode. Any suggestions?>00:33
jken146kr0n05931: should be00:33
kr0n05931is the java plugin availible for x64 users?00:33
Miescosanado: I want the size of the file to be just the part of the image I selected00:34
jken146kr0n05931: not sure00:34
HaweredI cannot find drivers for My graphics card and My Screen's resoultion as well as colors are Horible. Any sugestions?00:34
LjLbloodscore: what does "apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras | grep Installed" say?00:34
ShakedownLjL: Hm, currently my system monitor tells me I've got 3.2 GB of RAM. I don't know if it's worth the trouble to upgrade to 64 bit for that extra 0.8 GB of RAM.00:34
kr0n05931ok, what about java web start? that's not their either00:34
LjLShakedown: that's up to you00:34
bloodscoreLjL: will find out, brb00:34
LjLShakedown: i doubt you'll ever even use 3.2Gb honestly00:34
sonyagmFor some reason I got something messed-up, reinstalled nvidia drivers with envyng, and now the screen resolution won't go above 640x400, I remember having to do something before but I forgot what it was, does anyone know?00:35
PuppyWhen i go to the Ubuntu Installer, it just loads up a " chatbox " instead og the installer.. anyone ?00:35
csilk3.2 is quite alot fo ram!00:35
sonyagmscreen res is usually 1200x1024 or whatever.00:35
Haweredsonyagm: I am having the same problem00:35
GodfatherofEirecsilk, you know of any old-style encryption programs?00:35
buckLast week I had a functioning Hardy install.  While trying to get my new AT&T USBConnect Mercury USB modem to work I followed a suggestion to upgrade to Intrepid.  Now I still can't get the USB modem to work and I lost my Broadcom wireless card too.  I haven't found the solution in the forums.  Anyone out there able to point me in the right direction?00:35
PiciPuppy: We aren't sure what you mean by a chatbox.00:35
csilkGodfatherofEire, "old-style" ?00:35
Guest71974Using Ubuntu 8.10, Firefox 3.0.3 and top bar in firefox disappeared but firefox is not in fullscreen mode. Must be able to alt-tab in order to use my gnome top bar as firefox covers it up. Any suggestions on how to fix this?00:35
LjL!intrepid > buck    (buck, see the private message from Ubotu)00:36
ubottubuck, please see my private message00:36
LjLPici: (busybox)00:36
JoseBravosoundray, http://pastecode.com/987200:36
GodfatherofEireLike Vignere cypher, Caesar, etc/00:36
PuppyPici like a cmd window.. say blah blah blah type help for a list of commands00:36
GodfatherofEireNot like AES, etc00:36
kr0n05931!botsnack > kr0n0593100:36
ubottukr0n05931, please see my private message00:36
bloodscoreLjL: it didn't do anything. I typed it in terminal exactly how you said.00:36
PuppyPici - dies the same if i select install or run without changes00:36
HaweredLjL: If your dual booting You must fully boot into Windows and then restart00:36
PiciPuppy: Have you tried downloading and using the Alternate installer CD?00:36
LjLHawered: ?00:37
PuppyHawered - can you not install Ubuntu on a seperate drive ?00:37
waterwheelanyone knowledgeable about file permissions, gid and sgid stuff? what gidlist does a program take on when run as sgid or even when its not sgid?00:37
GodfatherofEirecsilk, Also, preferably something that can have input functions for transforming data sets00:37
PuppyPici i have - ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i38600:37
JoseBravosoundray, the server is working good I can connect using putty for example, I have tried that with more than 5 servers.00:37
Puppyburnt to cd from iso00:37
Pici!alternate | Puppy00:37
ubottuPuppy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent00:37
HaweredPuppy: Not that I know of.00:37
csilkGodfatherofEire, The only encryption app i use is gpg00:37
HaweredLjL: I thaught you were Puppy. Sorry XD00:37
sonyagmDoes anyone know how to fix envyng screen resolution problems?00:38
bloodscoreLjL: it didn't do anything. I typed it in terminal exactly how you said.00:38
PuppyHawered - so i woudl need to install either ubuntu or XP ? cant have 1 on 1 harddrive and one on another00:38
soundrayJoseBravo: does 'ssh localhost' work?00:38
LjLbloodscore: then you didn't actually follow the guide to install the restricted codecs.00:38
LjL!mp3 > bloodscore    (bloodscore, see the private message from Ubotu)00:38
ubottubloodscore, please see my private message00:38
PuppyPici - is there a http dl ?00:38
jken146Puppy: yes you can do that easily00:38
PiciHawered, Puppy: You can install Ubuntu and Windows on 2 hardrives, on one harddrive, on pretty much any config you can think of.00:38
sanado3 HARD DRIVES!00:39
soundrayJoseBravo: to answer your original question: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install openssh-client'00:39
HaweredPuppy:  Reboot into windows. Then shutdown Properly. Then retry00:39
PuppyPici - thats what i thought, thanks00:39
PiciPuppy: On the regular Ubuntu download page there is a checkbox for the alternate CD.00:39
LjLbloodscore: although, i'll make it easier for you - type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"00:39
PuppyPici - ill go get it now00:39
zigzagshow cna i get system monitor to stop resetting its settings to default every time i close it00:39
PuppyPici - shoudl i run the installer so i can tell you exactly what is doing, before letting this dl ?00:40
PuppyPici - or just give this a try ?00:40
JoseBravosoundray, nothing I reinstalled the openssh and get the same...00:41
PuppyPici - ill go get a shot of whats happenign00:41
ivanhoesaludos a todos00:41
JoseBravoIll install openssh server and try to connect locally.00:41
sonyagmIs there some place besides here to get help with envyng/resolution problems?00:42
MrD1Hi i think im getting some were with the problem i have, well i have two wifi drivers 1 with wlan0 and the the other is wlan1 dows any one know how i can swap them round so wlan0 is wlan1 if some one could please help00:42
wowbagger421how do you edit the places dropdown menu?00:42
soundraywowbagger421: open a nautilus window and drag to/from the side panel00:43
kroisisanybody in here ever used a geoforce CMX2A card to capture video with any software on ubuntu?  Is this even possible?00:43
matthew_make sure you close the side panel so it doesn't get caught up00:44
bloodscoreLjL> i type in sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and it says ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest00:44
matthew_when transferiing I hate it when that happens00:44
wowbagger421thanks soundray00:44
sanadoIs it possible to boot Ubuntu from a SD card if my BIOS does not boot from it? Like having a USB that I use to boot from my SD card?00:44
geniisanado: Yes00:45
bloodscoreSanado> i think if you have a USB plug to put an sd card in a USB port, yes00:45
Guest71974Using Ubuntu 8.10, Firefox 3.0.3 and top bar in firefox disappeared but firefox is not in fullscreen mode. Must be able to alt-tab in order to use my gnome top bar as firefox covers it up. Any suggestions on how to fix this?00:45
drumstyk1has anyone had issues with the eye candy (ie wobbly windows and other desktop effects) turning themselves off after rebooting?00:45
soundrayGuest71974: ask in #ubuntu+1 please00:45
Guest71974k thanks Sound00:46
sanadoOh, I'm sorry, I want' clear enough. I have a laptop with a SD card reader built in that I can't boot from. Would I be able to boot off this using a USB drive or CD temporarily, like just at the begning and aftertwards runnign solely off the SD card?00:46
PuppyPici - BusyBox v1.1.3 Bilt In Shell00:47
smarthi all i have problem in my Drivers i can't update it what to do ??00:47
smarti don't have any drive setup00:47
soundraysanado: it might be, but I would recommend putting the SD card in a USB card reader and booting that way00:47
PuppyAnyone else ?00:49
PuppyI try to install Ubuntu - get BusyBox instead ?00:49
smarti need help please00:49
wowbagger421what's the problem smart?00:50
Puppyno one :(00:50
PiciPuppy: Thats what I assumed you were getting, Make sure that your disc passes the 'check cd for defects' test and if it does then download and use the alternate image instead.00:50
jken146Puppy: Try the alternate Cd00:50
smarti need to update my drivers what can i do i have Gigabyte Ga-8i945G Pro00:51
Ascorbic_AcidMay someone tell me if there is an option for my mouse scroll wheel speed on Ubuntu somewhere?00:51
Picismart: Drivers for what?00:51
Puppyok, ill check the disk, brb00:51
soundraysmart: what makes you think you need to update your drivers?00:51
smarti cant open hight games like secound life00:51
smartsound working but i think it working by defult00:52
jaypursmart, is the proprietire drive on?00:52
smarti'm new so i don't know how to found it :(00:52
digitigIs there anybody about who can give me a bit of advice on partitioning for a dual Windows XP/Ubuntu installation?00:53
bloodscorehow do i get rid of the joined the room left the room messages?00:53
soundrayjaypur: it doesn't need proprietary drivers00:53
jaypursoundray, so what could be the problem???00:53
Ascorbic_AcidDoes anyone think I should get Wine to install my Mouse and keyboard applications? Would that work for my Scroll wheel speed?00:53
soundraysmart: what do you mean by 'I can't open...'?00:53
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smartwhen i open the game i got low graphic card error00:54
smartthe game did't see my Viga00:54
soundrayAscorbic_Acid: no00:54
After_Mathwhy would any UDP ports be open on Ubuntu?00:54
JoseBravosoundray, any idea of my problem?00:54
soundrayJoseBravo: what happened with the local connection?00:55
Ascorbic_Acidsoundray: Thanks, Any ideas about scroll wheel speed.... Ubuntu doesn't have any options for it... I can't believe it..........00:55
digitigI'll try being more specific!:)00:55
soundraysmart: did you run winecfg?00:55
PuppyPici - Yeah that takes me to the same place :d00:55
smartjaypur what is proprietire Drive that u asking for ??00:56
drumstyk1does anyone know how to make wobbly windows auto-enabled on startup? or perhaps how to keep it from being disabled at shutdown as the case may be?00:56
soundrayAscorbic_Acid: not sure -- there is a mouse help page, don't know if it'll help, but here goes00:56
soundray!mouse > Ascorbic_Acid00:56
ubottuAscorbic_Acid, please see my private message00:56
smarti don't know winecfg00:56
JoseBravosoundray, let me try it.00:56
PuppyPici - Alt disk will take an hour to DL, thanks a lot for the help, ill let you knwo how it goes00:56
PiciPuppy: You can try this while you're waiting: Press F6 at the screen where you have the list of choices (Install, check CD for errors, etc) and type "all_generic_ide" without the quotes.00:57
bloodscoreI'm now playing music in ogg but i cannot hear it. i think pidgin should be making sounds too, but i dont hear those. maybe my sound card driver?00:57
digitigI have a working Windows XP installation. I've installed a second hard disk drive, 600Gb, of which I want to use about half for Ubuntu, the other half for Windows. How should I partition it? Pretty new to partitioning, so I'm a bit lost...00:57
smartthere is any idea for Gigabyte Ga-8i945G Pro Drivers Update ??00:57
PuppyPici i need to cancle the DL and reboot to try that00:57
JoseBravosoundray, locally works fine.00:57
smartthere is any idea for Gigabyte Ga-8i945G Pro Drivers Update ??00:57
smartthere is any idea for Gigabyte Ga-8i945G Pro Drivers Update ??00:57
drhe|lapis there anyway to resume a local session from nxclient?? say i started a session here at my desktop pc. then left to school. could i resume that session with nxclient? does anyone know?00:57
Vantraxdigitig what driver is your sound using? I remember I had to get it using alsamixer properly before sound would show00:58
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soundraysmart: you don't need new drivers. Run winecfg and configure your graphics appropriately for running games under wine00:58
PiciPuppy: Don't worry about it then, I thought you were on two computers.00:58
Ascorbic_Acidsoundray: That looks really hard, but thanks00:58
jken146digitig: 10 GB for / in ext3, RAMx1.5 (but no more than 1 GB) for swap, the rest for /home00:58
PuppyPici - well i can be.. But this is the machine i want it on00:58
kroisisis there a channel relating to video capture in ubuntu?00:58
Picisoundray: I thougbt secondlife had a native linux client... I could be wrong though.00:58
Vantraxerr make that for blood:P00:58
PuppyPici - If it works on the other, dont mean it will fix this one will it :P00:58
PiciPuppy: Right, I understand.00:58
sonyagmCan someone who knows something about screen resolutions/envyng PLEASE help me for three minutes?00:59
soundrayAscorbic_Acid: from scanning the page quickly, it doesn't look like there's any help there, sorry00:59
digitigVantrax: I'm not the one with a sound problem (working great in Ubuntu demo mode), I'm the one who wants partitioning advice!00:59
soundray!pm | smart00:59
bloodscorevantrax: not sure, how do i find out?00:59
ubottusmart: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.00:59
jribsonyagm: best to just ask the channel your question00:59
PuppyPici - thansk for the help though, need o go hunt down anther bloody blank cd lol00:59
soundrayPici: I see00:59
=== Doc8404 is now known as DocUSN-USMC
sanadosoundray: sorry, i had to brb, but the main reason I want to run off the SD card reader built into my computer is because it is a laptop and I wan to be able to run Ubuntu without things sticking out01:00
v1s1ti have a shared folder on ubuntu 6.06 but when i try to view the folder from my xp  machine it asks for a login and password i'd like it to be available without is there any way to accomplish this01:00
smartok i wil not pm any one any more sorry01:00
smartwhat is winecfg and how can i open it or get it ??01:00
Ascorbic_Acidsoundray: Thanks.... im sure i will figure it out01:00
sonyagmjrib, I have and I got no response, I installed envyng drivers for nvidia 6800XT, working fine, recently had a power surge and now screen res is maxed at 640x, used to be over 1280x102401:00
drumstyk1bloodscore: when i have sound issues like that it is frequently because i have a tab open in firefox or something else that is using the audio01:00
LifesaGardenIs there any way to check if there's a trojan on your machine?   I think someone is viewing my desktop without my permission.01:00
sonyagmI know there is something I am forgetting to do01:00
jribsonyagm: tried using nvidia-settings?01:00
soundraysmart: did you get a Linux client for Second Life?01:00
sonyagmjrib, yes01:00
bloodscorevantrax: not sure, how do i find out?01:00
=== joshua__ is now known as joshual
jribsonyagm: and?01:00
digitigjken146: Thanks. What about primary and logical partitions? Put all the Ubuntu stuff in Logical partitions within one primary?01:00
kroisissmart i'd suggest googling winecfg, there's plenty out ther on it01:01
sonyagmWhat am I supposed to be doing in there? It has the same resolution options.01:01
bloodscoredrumstyk1: i never get any sound except for startup01:01
roxoAlguem do brasil?01:01
sanadosoundray: I'm actually currently running Ubuntu off a 4GB USB drive and it's a tad worrysoe to have this almost 2 inch thing constantly sticing out of y USB port01:01
smartok i will google for winecfg01:01
Woody86LifesaGarden -  Look for the guy sitting on top of your computer with a big funny helmet and a spear :D01:01
jrib!br | roxo01:01
ubotturoxo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:01
soundraysmart: hold  on01:01
sonyagmjrib ?01:01
smartyes ?01:01
Craihhgneywhere should i start to learn about linux networking?01:02
drumstyk1is ubottu a real person? =-O01:02
v1s1tI have a shared folder on ubuntu 6.06 but when i try to view the folder from my xp machine it asks for a login and password. I'd like it to be available without. Is there any way to accomplish this?01:02
Vantraxits a bot01:02
soundraysmart: I thought Second Life was a Windows app. If not, then the winecfg advice doesn't apply (thanks Pici)01:02
jribsonyagm: what does 'xrandr' give you?01:02
Craihhgneyi dont mean the basics of networking01:02
Craihhgneyi mean the nitty gritty01:02
sonyagmjrib, is that a terminal command?01:02
kroisisCraihhgney, i'd suggest looking up http://www.ugu.com01:03
drumstyk1i thought so but it seems to be pretty eloquent01:03
soundraysmart: what framerates do you get when you run glxgears?01:03
jribsonyagm: yeah01:03
smarthmm but i down load it for linux and when i set it up i found it in my games and it's runing fine01:03
kroisisCraihhgney, it's unix guru's universe01:03
basyHowto install ubuntu on RAID 0 disk...?01:03
soundraysmart: what framerates do you get when you run glxgears?01:03
sonyagmjrib, http://pastebin.com/df561c9501:03
jribsonyagm: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:04
smarti don't knwo :(01:04
Craihhgneykroisis:  u get my pm?01:04
sandailican anyone let me know what sound card they have (if it works) lol01:04
soundraysmart: so run glxgears and find out01:05
JoseBravosoundray, did you see the output of my ssh?01:05
smartwhat is glxgears ??01:05
soundraysmart: it is a program. Open a terminal and type glxgears01:06
sonyagmhttp://pastebin.com/d9c1811 for the former01:06
JoseBravoIm trying to compile ssh, but I get an error that say: C compiler cannot create executables. any idea?01:06
jribsonyagm: other not needed.  Look at your xorg.conf01:06
sandailiI have to return mine :( doesn't work01:06
sonyagmjrib, I don't know how to edit it.01:06
usserJoseBravo, why are u trying to compile it?01:07
smartok done there is three things runing with red green and blue colore01:07
soundrayJoseBravo: the -vv log? Yes, I saw that. No problem is reported in the logs01:07
sonyagmhttp://pastebin.com/m524c0368 - just so you can see01:07
jribsoundray: what version of ubuntu is this?01:07
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JoseBravousser, because my actually ssh dosnt work.01:07
soundrayJoseBravo: you could 'sudo apt-get install puttyssh' and run that instead of openssh01:07
smartand this runing in my terminal01:07
smart3562 frames in 5.0 seconds = 712.371 FPS01:08
smart3540 frames in 5.0 seconds = 707.885 FPS01:08
smart3613 frames in 5.0 seconds = 722.530 FPS01:08
smart3837 frames in 5.0 seconds = 767.341 FPS01:08
smart3974 frames in 5.0 seconds = 794.711 FPS01:08
smart3669 frames in 5.0 seconds = 733.644 FPS01:08
FloodBot3smart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
soundrayjrib: smart's? dang, I forgot to ask01:08
=== c is now known as Charitwo
JoseBravosoundray, I have the putty already installed. But I want to use openssh :)01:08
basyhow to install ubuntu on hardware raid 0 Disk plz?01:08
soundraysmart: interrupt this with Ctrl-C01:08
jribsonyagm: what version of ubuntu is this?01:08
JoseBravosoundray, can you check this error please: http://pastecode.com/988401:08
jribsoundray: nah, tab-error01:08
sonyagmjrib, 8.0401:08
sonyagmjrib, rebooting, brb01:09
jribsonyagm: I'm pretty sure you don't need most of this stuff.  And a lot of it is duplicated.  Start by making a backup: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.backup}01:09
smartsorry i don't know why the Irc closed :(01:10
smartso what to do ?? :(01:10
soundrayJoseBravo: oh dear, you're going down the compile-from-source route... Okay, you need to 'sudo apt-get install build-essential', then try again01:10
JoseBravosoundray, I only want the ssh compiled maybe I dont need to do the make install01:11
smartsoundray ??01:11
soundraysmart: your graphics are perfectly capable. I don't know why Second Life won't run. I suggest you contact Linden Labs and ask them about the problem.01:11
soundraysmart: patience!01:11
dulakJoseBravo: why are you compiling ssh from source?01:12
JoseBravodulak, because the one that comes with ubuntu dosnt work for me.01:12
sonyagmOk jrib, I edited it so it was at 1280x1024, but there's screen scrolling, so it's not truly at that resolution01:12
dulakJoseBravo: how do you mean it doesn't work?01:12
jribsonyagm: ok, but it's hard to help you if start doing your own stuff01:12
soundraydulak: it seems to be a strange interaction between ssh and the terminal. ssh -vv shows no error messages.01:13
sonyagmjrib, ok, well what am I supposed to do?01:13
Trinithishow can i disable ALT+MouseClick = window move?01:13
b3lorixxdoes anyone knwo how to uninstall teh U3 sotware on a thumb drive in ubuntu?01:13
jribsonyagm: backup your current xorg.conf01:13
JoseBravodulak, http://pastecode.com/9872 it get freeze01:13
sandailiwell I guess last time, I really have looked at lists but everything I buy ends up being half supported, I'm just looking for a model that someone has working01:14
jribJoseBravo: ubuntu version?  I've had this bug a long time age01:14
jaypurHi, im having a problem with my network, its unstable, and when i turn off my pc, it has a lot of error messages, and then it freezes, can someone help me?01:14
sonyagmdone, jrib01:14
jribsonyagm: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:14
soundraydulak: ssh localhost works01:14
dulakJoseBravo: nifty01:14
sonyagmjrib, and now?01:15
jribsonyagm: pastebin your new xorg.conf01:15
JoseBravojrib, Ubuntu 8.04.101:15
aaron_what kill parameter can I run to kill my firefox01:15
jribaaron_: kill firefox01:16
dulakaaron_: killall -9 firefox01:16
soundrayJoseBravo: when it appears to be frozen, can you abort it by typing Return ~ . (that's three keys in succession)?01:16
jaypurHi, im having a problem with my network, its unstable, and when i turn off my pc, it has a lot of error messages, and then it freezes, can someone help me?01:16
jribaaron_: pkill firefox    I wouldn't -9 firefox01:16
sonyagmhttp://pastebin.com/df7b5805, jrib01:16
JoseBravosoundray, I tried with Control+C and Control+Z and dosnt work.01:16
sonyagmhttp://pastebin.com/df7b5805 rather01:16
aaron_it still won't die01:17
soundrayJoseBravo: please try with Return Tilde Period01:17
jribsonyagm: now, sudo nvidia-xconfig01:17
sonyagmsudo or gksudo, jrib ?01:17
jribsonyagm: either (it's a terminal app though)01:17
sandailican someone please help01:18
jribsandaili: best to just ask the channel your question01:18
jaypursandaili, whats the problem?01:18
zigzagsmy system monitor  always resets to the default settings after I close it, how can i stop this01:18
sandailiI did a couple of times - I just bought three sound cards all of them have been on lists that supposedly work01:18
aaron_got it thanks01:18
JoseBravosoundray,  nothing, if I put enter it dont do anything.01:18
sandailiI just wanted to know any card anyone has working01:18
sandailiand I'm going to buy it. I'm at my wits end01:18
sandailisorry if I was unclear01:18
kindofabuzzand the card is...?01:19
soundrayJoseBravo: please try ALL THREE keys, one after the other: Enter, ~ (tilde) and . (period or full stop)01:19
JoseBravojrib, how did you fix the problem with your ssh?01:19
sandailiwell right now this one is a x-fi and I just want to return it rather than recompile my kernel01:19
sonyagmjrib, http://pastebin.com/d413a00af is the message I got01:19
jribJoseBravo: let me see if I can find the bug again01:19
jribsonyagm: pastebin new xorg.conf01:19
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sonyagmjrib, http://pastebin.com/d965003901:19
tarelerul1Can you install Ubuntu on one system and take out the hard drive it is installed on and put it into a different system ?01:19
sandailitarelerul1, I think you can if you set it to be the master disk01:20
kindofabuzzsandaili, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/01:20
Zapppquick question guyz i managed to get both XP and unbuntu setup too dual boot but for some reason is XP loads up right away instead of the unbuntu screen that lets me choose wich OS to load. how do i fix it?01:20
jribsonyagm: do you know how to either restore your xorg.conf or come back here if X fails when you restart it?01:20
Puppypici - found a disk :P01:20
soundrayJoseBravo: do you understand what I mean?01:20
sonyagmjrib, yeah, I can go into irssi or w/e if it fails.01:21
jribsonyagm: k, logout and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' from a tty01:21
JoseBravosoundray, yes, also the problem only happens with the password match :S01:21
sandailithanks kindofabuzz , I was already on that page but if you recommend it then I will go for it01:21
soundrayZappp: grub doesn't seem to be installed. Follow the RestoreGrub instructions:01:22
soundray!grub | Zappp01:22
ubottuZappp: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:22
kindofabuzzsandaili, i never recommended it, i just asked what card, and i have no idea what a x-fi is01:22
jribJoseBravo: does it actually login and give you a prompt before it freezes?01:22
Zapppty soundray01:22
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bloodscorei am getting no sound. any suggestions?01:22
sandailioh I meant you said to look at the site I just meant the site :)01:23
soundrayJoseBravo: please enter the correct password, then try the key sequence. It should then return to the $ prompt, proving that it's actually making a connection (just not displaying it)01:23
JoseBravojrib, I put the password and if its the correct password it create newline and later freezes01:23
soundrayjrib: do you think it could be an issue with the LANG environment?01:23
jaypurHi, im having a problem with my network, its unstable, and when i turn off my pc, it has a lot of error messages, and then it freezes, can someone help me?01:23
JoseBravosoundray, Enter ~ . right?01:23
jribsoundray: no idea really, I think in my case it was an issue with some password cacher01:23
soundrayJoseBravo: yes01:24
JoseBravosoundray, nothing...01:27
bloodscoreFor some reason my laptop has stopped making any noise. can anyone help me?01:27
soundrayjrib: can that be it, though, if it works for localhost?01:27
jribJoseBravo: here's the bug report, I would try the workaround there just to rule it out as your problem is hard to debug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/6347901:27
soundraybloodscore: probably the fans have turned off, because there's little work to do and little heat to dissipate01:27
jribsoundray: probably not then01:27
bloodscoresoundray: i mean through the speakers. sounds may be more of an accurate description?01:27
sonyagmok jrib, the screen res is up to 1024x768, which is a marked improvement, but still lower than it was before.01:27
jribsonyagm: do you have any options now when you do xrandr?01:27
sonyagmOptions? There's a lot more resolutions, but all below 1024x76801:28
silasgtcsGood night. I'm having problems with "NetworkManager" Ubuntu v8.04. To shut down or reboot the pc it appears several error messages in "NetworkManager" and hangs. The Internet is totally unstable. Time works, time does not work. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?01:28
jribsonyagm: which one did you want again?01:28
sonyagmjrib, nevermind, under nvidia x server settings others were available, and it seems to be working fine now. Thank you very much for your patience and help.01:29
jribsonyagm: cool, no problem01:29
soundray!sound > bloodscore01:29
ubottubloodscore, please see my private message01:29
piju_is ubuntu support for intel GMA X4500 ?01:32
soundraypiju_: generally, Intel graphics work very well. I have no specific info about that chipset, though.01:33
piju_soundray, i have tried hardy on it, it doesnt support yet01:34
DocUSN-USMCanyone here familiar with using wireless printers. im thinking of using a brother all in one, for faxing, printing, scanning, and making copies.... any good or bad news? or is HP better?01:34
SlimeyPetepiju_: try asking about Intrepid support in #ubuntu+101:34
soundraypiju_: it's worth trying intrepid, then. Maybe wait until next week, when it will be released.01:36
piju_soundray, can i upgrade my hardy using intrepid cd ? im not sure about that01:36
soundraypiju_: you can upgrade using the alternate CD, or online.01:37
soundraypiju_: but please follow SlimeyPete's suggestion and ask in #ubuntu+101:37
rafael_Good evening01:37
piju_soundray, i dont have wide band width to upgrade online01:37
Dedipiju_: you can upgrade vom hardy to intrepid with just one command01:38
piju_do-release-upgrade Dedi ?01:38
DocUSN-USMCsudo apt-get update?01:38
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: no, that only updates the package lists for your installed release.01:39
piju_DocUSN-USMC, sudo apt-get update only upgrades the pkg01:39
piju_pkg list01:39
DocUSN-USMCso how do i update the system then:P01:39
piju_Docal, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y01:39
casdfjken146: i just upgraded to 8.10 beta, and its crashing even more though01:39
DocUSN-USMCall the software at once?01:39
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'01:39
piju_soundray, ;-)01:40
=== Pete3 is now known as Babam
DocUSN-USMCanyone here familiar with using wireless printers. im thinking of using a brother all in one, for faxing, printing, scanning, and making copies.... any good or bad news? or is HP better?01:41
Dedipiju_: im not sure it was somehing like update-manager -(something)01:41
silasgtcsGood night. I'm having problems with "NetworkManager" Ubuntu v8.04. To shut down or reboot the pc it appears several error messages in "NetworkManager" and hangs. The Internet is totally unstable. Time works, time does not work. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?01:41
piju_Dedi, update-manager -d ?01:41
Dediyeah think :)01:41
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: HP are making an effort with free software. Brother are ignorant.01:42
DocUSN-USMCnice lol... so brother doesnt like open software?01:42
BabamHey I need some help, I've been using OSS for my sound, and I had wine configured to use it as well, well I had to make wine force quit while trying to get WoW working and my sound was gone, I switched to Pulse Audio Sound Server, and I still don't have sound in FireFox. Help?01:42
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: all I can tell is that they are ignorant. I haven't noticed any active dislike, but no effort whatsoever.01:42
BabamBRB food01:43
JeruvyI would not use brother on ubuntu, rather I can't use it since it won't work.  HP is great.01:43
kindofabuzzoh yeah food01:43
JoseBravojrib, Im following this steps: http://live.gnome.org/Seahorse/SessionIntegration do you remember if that were the solution?01:44
passbeim trying to find a basic list of supported usb tv tuners for linux / ubuntu, i have been to the v4l website but its not the best, does anyone have any resources i could use ?01:44
DocUSN-USMChp doesnt make wireless printers... so id have to plug it into the router :(01:44
ryuhoso is sudo ok for non graphical stuff like apt-get?01:44
jribJoseBravo: no, you probably don't want to do stuff there.  Try just killing the agents01:44
JeruvyDocUSN-USMC: that won't work either ;)01:44
soundraypassbe: most USB tuners are supported these days, however if in doubt, buy Hauppauge.01:45
sa-evoOkay, so lately my Update Manager has been telling me that there is a problem when checking for updates... When I click on the icon in the taskbar, it loads up about halfway and then quits. Same thing happens when I load up the Synaptic Package Manager. What should I do?01:45
DocUSN-USMCcrap lol... i need a network printer... and im not down for buying more stuff other than the printer lol01:45
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izinucsDocUSN-USMC, you looking for a printer that will network ok? and maybe with a wireless option?01:46
soundrayDocUSN-USMC: you can attach it to a cheap wireless bridge01:46
the_lost_onesa-evo, run it on command line, try for starters sudo apt-get update, see if trows errores, go and paste to pastebin site01:46
DocUSN-USMCizinucs its gotta be all in one... scanner, fax, printer, copy01:46
sa-evoPaste to pastebin site?01:47
soundray!pastebin | sa-evo01:47
ubottusa-evo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:47
the_lost_onethx soundray01:47
passbesoundray: the one im looking at is a Leadteak Winfast thing01:47
soundraypassbe: do you have a USB ID?01:48
passbesoundray: i haven't bought it yet, can i find that online ?01:48
sa-evoOkay, here it is:01:48
=== x-mue is now known as mue
izinucsDocUSN-USMC, ah.. I just logged on so I missed a lot of the previous conversation.. do you have one already? if not the previous suggestions of HP is correct.. samsung also makes printers with linux drivers. not sure about their all in ones though.. best place to start for a compatable suggestion is the linux printing database.  Unfortunatly, most model numbers are European not us numbers.01:49
murjoh_i am having problem with a Mac Mini and video flickering every so often ... it's kind of strange and I can't pinpoint exactly when it's happening as it's intermittent and only for a split second01:50
passbesoundray: to be exact => http://www.leadtek.com/eng/tv_tuner/overview.asp?pronameid=41301:50
murjoh_are there any known issues with mac mini intel video drivers and the apple cinema displays?01:50
the_lost_onesa-evo, i search on forums and it apears to be fixed when removing some cache packages01:51
izinucsDocUSN-USMC, here's a link on the forums about a samsung all in one.. might provide some insight  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-453362.html01:51
sa-evothe_lost_one, nice. But, I am not sure how to do that.01:52
the_lost_onesa-evo, run this carefully and try again: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin01:52
dextercan anyone suggest me some good web browsers other than firefox01:52
murjoh_dexter - opera01:52
PuppyPici - ok burnign alt disk now :d01:53
izinucsdexter, evince.. fast but bombs occationally.. opera is pretty good too01:53
bloodscorehow to i get out of the /etc/modules thing?01:53
soundraypassbe: this should be supported by the em28xx driver, which comes with the stock Ubuntu kernel01:53
sa-evoWas it supposed to do anything in Terminal, or by going to another input line mean that it finished fine?01:53
the_lost_onesa-evo, it means the command has finished01:53
usserdexter, konqueror01:54
passbesoundray: lovely thankyou, how did you find this out ?01:54
sa-evoAwesome, thank you. Should I try and check for updates now?01:54
the_lost_onesa-evo, try apt-get update again and see if the segmentation faulty tree error desapears01:54
dexterusser, izinucs, murjoh_ : i used firefox and swiftweasel, both seems to be crashing even though i use the latest01:55
izinucsdexter, did you upgrade to your current system or fresh install?01:55
bloodscorehow to i get out of the /etc/modules thing?01:55
usserdexter, its not firefox's fault its most likely flash player that crashes01:55
Coded1I following the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing guide and it looks really good, will I have to do this each time my computer reboots?01:55
sa-evoLooks the same to me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60769/01:56
dexterizinucs: its fresh install, hardy heron01:56
izinucsdexter, and did you install any additional plugins afterwards?01:56
ronzillawhat do i need for dell d400 laptop video drivers01:57
dexterizinucs; ya i did...01:57
the_lost_onesa-evo, are you shure? look at both, i dont see the segmentation faulty tree error, and you?01:57
BabamHey I need some help, I've been using OSS for my sound, and I had wine configured to use it as well, well I had to make wine force quit while trying to get WoW working and my sound was gone, I switched to Pulse Audio Sound Server, and I still don't have sound in FireFox. Help?01:57
dexterusser; how do i update my swiftweasel01:57
sa-evoAh, I scanned over it to quickly, hahaha. My bad.01:57
izinucsdexter, that might be part of the problem.. you could rename ~/.mozilla to something else and try Ff again and see if it happens.01:57
usserdexter, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade also go to adobe.com and get latest flashplayer .deb im not sure if it was updated in hardy01:58
the_lost_onesa-evo, :)01:58
dexterizinucs; kkk01:58
soundraypassbe: it's mentioned in this post on the em28xx mailing list: http://www.mail-archive.com/em28xx@mcentral.de/msg01332.html01:58
d4t4min3rquestion... i cant add any like event notices to the callender in the top right corner without setting up evolution ?01:58
sa-evoSo now I can go check for updates and work in Synaptic?01:58
d4t4min3ris there a way i can.. without setting up evolution01:58
the_lost_onesa-evo, but tell me if you see the damn error or not01:58
BabamAny one?01:59
csilkd4t4min3r, I'm pretty sure that calendar is just an extension of evolution so no?01:59
passbesoundray: champion thank you very much for your help02:00
soundrayd4t4min3r: if you skip the email config, there isn't much to set up02:00
soundraypassbe: pleasure. I'd still buy Hauppauge ;)02:00
sa-evoOkay, it all ran through just fine. Didn't see any error.02:00
dexterizinucs; opera isnt in my repository02:00
the_lost_onesa-evo, ok, the it seems to be working again :)02:00
sa-evoThank you very much for the help. Should I run that cache removal everynow and then?02:01
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin
LinuxFanyou dont want the opera  in the repos, its outdated, get the .deb from opera's download page instead02:01
soundraydexter: maybe your issue with firefox can be fixed?02:01
izinucsdexter, see LinuxFan post above02:01
dextersoundray; how??02:01
the_lost_onesa-evo, no you dont have to, only if the case you see again that problem, but i dont think so02:02
soundraydexter: I don't know, since I don't know what the issue is yet...02:02
the_lost_onesa-evo, and it whas a pleasure :)02:02
izinucsdexter, did you install the flash-nonfree from the repos?02:02
cygoku_How can I set my Ubuntu to always open a folder using PCMan File Manager instead of Nautilus ?!?!?!02:02
dexterizinucs; ya i did...02:02
soundraydexter: have you got gnash installed as well?02:03
dextersoundray; its that my firefox suddenly closes.....02:03
izinucsdexter, k.  just checking.. works for me.  oh yea.. what soundray says.. don't have more than 1 "flash" installed at a time02:03
sa-evoSounds good. I've got another question though... I use Rhythmbox for my music and such, but lately the Jamendo store won't load. The Magnatude one will though. I checked the sites for both and didn't see any announcements or anything to indicate they are having issues. Is there something I can do?02:03
PuppyWell, so far so bad, The Install CD just loads Busy box, and the alt dc juts flashes a tab at me for 10 mins02:03
dextersoundray; ya i did02:03
PuppyAny ideas ?02:03
soundraydexter: remove gnash. That should stop it crashing.02:03
PuppyPici you baout ?02:04
dextersoundray; kk i'll do it now02:04
KingerlightQuick question -- I just received a Live CD of Ubuntu 8.04.1 Desktop, and it froze during installation, so I checked the integrity.  Said it found an error in 1 file.  Should I just request a new CD?02:04
izinucsKingerlight, or download a fresh copy so you don't have to wait02:04
dextersoundray; done....now will it work without any problems02:05
KingerlightOnly problem with that is I can't reboot and install it alongside Windows, I have to install it on top02:05
dextersoundray; is it that firefox is the best browser02:05
KingerlightSince an ISO emulation doesn't work when the computer's off lol02:05
izinucsdexter, make sure you close FF and reload02:05
the_lost_onesa-evo, sorry, dident know much about rhythmbox, but normally programs trow errors if you run them on a terminal, so try that, maybe you find some more information about the problem02:05
soundraydexter: restart firefox when you're done. Then it should be okay02:05
izinucsKingerlight, no.. but you can mount your drive.. save the iso there and burn it02:05
KingerlightSo I can02:06
BabamHey I need some help, I've been using OSS for my sound, and I had wine configured to use it as well, well I had to make wine force quit while trying to get WoW working and my sound was gone, I switched to Pulse Audio Sound Server, and I still don't have sound in FireFox. Help?02:06
KingerlightDidn't think about that02:06
soundraydexter: if not, come back and ask again02:06
dexterizinucs; ya i'll do dat,,,,but can u explain y my swiftweasel is also crashing02:06
KingerlightThanks izi!02:06
dextersoundray; much thankful buddy02:06
izinucsdexter, sorry don't use swiftweasel..02:06
izinucsKingerlight, np02:06
dextery so??02:06
PuppyAnyone any idea why both of the installers would fail ?02:06
dexterizinucs: y so??02:06
the_lost_onesa-evo, you have upgraded that package? (rythmbox)02:06
cygoku_How can I set my Ubuntu to always open a folder using PCMan File Manager instead of Nautilus ?!?!?!02:07
soundraydexter: swiftweasel will have had just the same conflict between flashplugin-nonfree and gnash02:07
misc--if I want to install ubuntu on a xeon, do I just use the standard i386 install?02:07
izinucsdexter, swiftweasel is FF rebranded..  I've never loaded it02:07
sa-evoI'll have to try that, once I figure out really how to run stuff in the Terminal. I just did what usually solves similar problems (at least in Windows XP), trying to do an uninstallation and re-installation (but got the issue with the package manager).02:07
sa-evothe_lost_one, nope, didn't upgrade it.02:07
dextersoundray, izinucs; now i understand the problem.....02:07
aflackCan someone help me with my sound... its all staticy and often lags and echos...02:08
soundraymisc--: depends on your Xeon. Recent ones run more efficiently with the 64bit version (you may still prefer i386 for compatibility with closed-source packages)02:08
aflackthis happens whenever any sound tries to go through them02:08
feroxjbNew drivers perhaps?02:08
aflackwhere to get them and how do i know which sones\02:08
misc--soundray: ahh ok, this one is about 3 or 4 years old, so probably safe to stick with i38602:08
izinucsaflack, what does it sound like when sound doesn't try to go through them?  :)02:08
the_lost_onesa-evo, just type as normal user on a terminal rythmbox and make the program crash or something it will tell you why02:08
Puppyno one can help me with this install /.02:09
aflacknothing lol02:09
dextersoundray, izinucs; do u know any gud messengers...i used pidgin....but then it doesnt support voice chat...i login with yahoo and gtalk02:09
soundraymisc--: is it dualcore?02:09
sa-evoI typed in: rhythmbox music player, but just got Segmentation fault.02:09
aflackizinucs: sounds like nothing02:10
izinucsdexter, nope.. other than Gizmo which is sorta like skype..02:10
misc--soundray: I'm pretty sure it's not, no02:10
the_lost_onesa-evo, just rythmbox :)02:10
Puppywell that sux, guess ill erm.. try and fix it on my own ..02:10
izinucsaflack, ah good.. if it was any different I'd wonder...02:10
sa-evoTried that too, got the same thing.02:10
aflackizinucs: so how do i know which drivers to get and where to getem02:11
JoseBravojrib, Im doing kill -9 pid but the process continue running with the same pid :S02:11
the_lost_onesa-evo, can you paste that?02:11
soundraymisc--: you can't go wrong with i38602:11
dexterizinucs; soundray; hey i used firefox now...it just closed by itself again...i just restarted the application and used it02:11
izinucs!sound | aflack02:11
ubottuaflack: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:11
izinucs!p2p | scunizi02:12
ubottuscunizi: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information02:12
soundraydexter: exit firefox, open a terminal and run   firefox -safe-mode02:12
sa-evoThis is what I put in and got back: http://paste.ubuntu.com/60775/02:12
dextersoundray; do i have 2 do that every time i open firefox02:12
soundraydexter: then see if you can make it crash again02:12
LightTitanHaving problems with an applet in firefox. Can't get it to run. I try to select add the URL to whitelist but it just locks up my Firefox. I added the URL manually, but it still says it can't run it. Here is the error it gives me: http://pastebin.com/m264328b902:12
soundraydexter: no, it's just once for diagnostics02:13
Puppyubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386 wont work with a 32 bit AMD processor ?02:13
dextersoundray; kkk02:13
michaelwilliamcahello i am needing help with the i8k plugin for gkrellm02:13
soundrayPuppy: why not?02:13
michaelwilliamcahello i am needing help with the i8k plugin for gkrellm02:13
michaelwilliamcahello i am needing help with the i8k plugin for gkrellm02:14
Puppysoundray - ive downloaded the ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386 and that just loads BusyBox.. and ive downloaded ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386 and that just leaves a tab blinking for 20 mins...02:14
soundray!repeat | michaelwilliamca02:14
ubottumichaelwilliamca: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:14
dextersoundray; ya i did02:14
soundraydexter: can you provoke the crash?02:14
michaelwilliamcaok thanks sorry about that didnt mean to seem really impatient02:14
dextersoundray; in the sense02:15
soundrayPuppy: it usually means that an important piece of hardware isn't supported02:15
Puppysoundray - there is nothing special in the system :( how can i find out ?02:16
slaytonwhere can I get the intrepid nightly builds?02:16
BabamIs there any one who can help me with this? Hey I need some help, I've been using OSS for my sound, and I had wine configured to use it as well, well I had to make wine force quit while trying to get WoW working and my sound was gone, I switched to Pulse Audio Sound Server, and I still don't have sound in FireFox. Help? Please?02:17
the_lost_onesa-evo, whas rhythmbox working yesterday and now not? maybe its a problem with the prefrences02:17
soundrayPuppy: have a look at the forums, e.g. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23464102:17
sa-evothe_lost_one, yes, it was. Now it isn't even starting up.02:17
soundrayPuppy: sorry, can't provide any specific help02:17
soundray!intrepid > slayton02:18
ubottuslayton, please see my private message02:18
Puppysoundray - im installing within windows to see if that works, and ill check the forum now, thanks02:18
soundraydexter: is firefox still crashing when you run it in safe mode?02:18
Phoulcan anyone tell me where i can find this file: libxpcom.so02:18
slaytonsoundray, ya I know that but that doesn't give me a url02:18
dextersoundray; no it didnt02:18
soundrayslayton: ask in #ubuntu+1 -- intrepid is offtopic here02:18
bonhofferanyone  know a good app to edit pdf files on ubuntu?02:19
soundraydexter: that proves that the problem is in one of your addons02:19
michaelwilliamcawaht is intrepid ??02:19
Ceiling_CatQuestion - I need to recover a deleted svg. Foremost doesn't seem to be able to recover them02:19
Ceiling_Catis there another program I can use?02:19
Phoulcan anyone tell me how to find the file libxpcom.so02:19
Ascorbic_AcidHello everyone... Hmm  I installed Frostwire from www.frostwire.com  I got the ubuntu version and it will not load. Could anyone tell me what I need to make it load? Like java or something or how can i install those kinda programs easily? Thanks02:19
Puppysoundray - if it installs within windows, shoudl it install on its own partition ?02:19
soundray!intrepid > michaelwilliamca02:19
ubottumichaelwilliamca, please see my private message02:19
bonhofferPDFEdit is pretty lame02:19
the_lost_onesa-evo, try renaming your prefrences directory /home/sa/.rhythmbox and see if now starts02:19
izinucsbonhoffer, pdfedit is in the repos .. I haven't had much success with it.. one page at a time and you can use Inkscape.. also I heard that the new Openoffice 3.0 gives pdf edit capability02:20
soundrayPuppy: it's impossible to predict without knowing why it's not booting02:20
Ceiling_CatHow do I recover a deleted svg (which foremost cannot undelete)?02:20
dextersoundray; kkk02:20
LightTitanwhat does "GNU Classpath's security implementation is not complete." mean when I am trying to use a logmein.com webpage in firefox?02:20
Puppysoundray - well its installed fine within windows, and i dont get any error messages, lookign for somewhere to head next on the forums now02:20
soundraybonhoffer: I've had best results (albeit with limitations) importing PDF into kword02:21
bonhofferizinucs, yeah it is a very clunky program -- i guess i could try acrobat over wine -- i was hoping for a really good app, but i guess linux might not be ready for easy pdf sorting02:21
bonhofferi have never installed wine -- does it really hurt performance?02:21
izinucsbonhoffer, pdf can be converted to ps and then loaded in other programs.02:21
LightTitannot of your Linux02:21
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soundraydexter: exit firefox and start it normally. Open about:plugins as the URL, select the entire page and paste it on http://paste.ubuntu.com02:22
Ascorbic_Acidbonhoffer: I don't think it hurts anything.02:22
LightTitanIn Firefox whenever I try to trust any applet it freezes Firefox, any suggestions?02:23
bonhofferizinucs, so here is my problem -- we are paperless, all our bills, etc. when i scan in I get a large pdf -- i need to split out and sort all the files, this is really tedious with acrobat -- hoping for a better solution on linux -- but not sure if there is one02:23
sa-evoOkay, I'll try that, and be right back.02:23
soundrayPuppy: the fact that wubi works indicates that the CD boot has trouble reading your CD-ROM drive02:23
bonhofferAscorbic_Acid, i'll try to install it tonight02:23
the_lost_onesa-evo, cool :)02:23
RyeBryeIf I want to use distcc on my amd64 ubuntu machine to help compile stuff off of a normal i686 machine - do I need to build a cross compiler to get it to work properly?02:23
michaelwilliamcafrom my experience it doesnt hurt nay thing... only thing is is when its running ( on my box anyway) it sucks up most of my ram.. i dont have all that much arm any way so i would say depends on your box's specs02:23
soundraybonhoffer: there is Ubuntu-specific help for wine02:24
soundray!wine > bonhoffer02:24
ubottubonhoffer, please see my private message02:24
Ceiling_Catnevermind, I figured it out02:24
bonhofferthanks ubottu02:24
izinucsbonhoffer, I know.. I'm in the same boat.. I deal with multipage pdf's and tiff all the time.. in windows I use "messenger" from j2.com.. works great for tiffs.02:24
* Ceiling_Cat ambles off02:24
PrymaLI've upgraded to 8.10 beta this morning, anyone got any idea's why the session manager is not remembering the running programs?02:24
Ascorbic_Acidbonhoffer: Yes, Wine shouldn't hurt your performance.. but I never really got much to work with it.... But i heard it can run lots of things.. Even world of warcraft. =)02:24
izinucsPrymaL, because it's beta?  you should be asking in #ubuntu+102:25
PrymaLizinucs, thanks02:25
the_lost_oneAscorbic_Acid, i can trust that :)02:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:25
kpuljeki need help on xorg.conf and nvidia 6600 on ubuntu 8.1002:25
cygoku_How can I set my Ubuntu to always open a folder using PCMan File Manager instead of Nautilus ?!?!?!02:26
izinucskpuljek, you should be asking in #ubuntu+102:26
Ascorbic_Acidthe_lost_one: You think I am lying? I read a long how to on world of warcraft in Wine02:26
kpuljekok, thanks02:26
mattva01ok , dumb issue, /etc/hosts is being ignored for some reason , nsswitch is correct, anywhere else I should check?02:26
Ascorbic_AcidI g2g02:26
the_lost_oneAscorbic_Acid, im telling you i have world of warcraft installed on wine... lol02:26
bonhofferizinucs, "messenger" cool -- but doesn't work with pdfs?02:27
xtremeDoes anyone know the channel for eee pc?02:27
bonhofferacrobat is tedious to work with . . .02:27
soundray!eeepc | xtreme02:27
ubottuxtreme: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC02:27
RyeBrye!distcc | RyeBrye02:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about distcc02:27
bonhofferxtreme, #eeepc02:27
RyeBrye!nothin | RyeBrye02:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nothin02:27
xtremesoundray, Thanks!02:27
bonhofferxtreme, i am running ubuntu eee on my 1000h02:27
izinucsbonhoffer, no.. it will write to them. and it's a scanning program.. I've yet to get it working in wine.. I run an old copy of win2kpro to use it and my scanner, which is also not recognized or usable in linux02:27
bonhofferizinucs, sounds similar to what i do . . .02:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cross02:28
izinucsbonhoffer, the win2k I use in a VM using Vbox on one machine and vmware server on another02:28
soundray!msgthebot | RyeBrye02:28
ubottuRyeBrye: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:28
bonhofferizinucs, i have an old dedicated box for that02:28
sa-evoBack, the_lost_one. Okay, how do I rename the preferences folder without the program starting up? I went to my /home/sa directory but there isn't a folder like that.02:29
izinucsbonhoffer, I hate switching keyboard or having to turn around to use a different machine.. so VM works for me.02:29
kpuljekso, if i upgraded the nvidia driver to 177 and have noticed that i have glitches with it, and restored the old driver, and restored the old xorg.conf, why does ubuntu keep telling me that it's unable to start the nvidia kernel, and keeps running in low graphics mode? where else does ubuntu store graphic information?02:29
bonhoffervbox should work great02:29
the_lost_onesa-evo, you enabled "see hidden files" on nautilus?02:29
bonhofferis that in the ubuntu repositority02:29
soundray!virtualbox | bonhoffer02:30
ubottubonhoffer: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:30
sa-evoOh, nope. I was wondering how to do that too.02:30
izinucsbonhoffer, it does if you get it from vbox.. w/usb support.. vmware I use the beta version which allows me access to the vm from any machine through FF02:30
xuanhow install a .deb file to /usr/lib32 on amd64?02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about legal02:30
Teianaerf :(02:30
sa-evoActually, if I had taken two seconds to look myself, I would've found it, hahahaha.02:30
=== Teiana is now known as Exaltia
izinucsxuan, double click the .deb and it will instsall.02:31
the_lost_onesa-evo, yes, dont be that lazy man hahah02:31
soundraysa-evo: that's actually not funny, but sad02:31
sa-evoVery true, the_lost_one and soudray.02:31
xuanizinuce,it install to /usr/lib,not /usr/lib3202:31
bonhofferizinucs, through firefox?02:32
dextersoundray; thers nothin like about: config02:32
izinucsxuan, the .deb has instruction built in for where it should go.. if you need it in a different location build it from scratch02:32
Exaltiai have some questions regarding ubuntu, and the gpl license, is there someone there to help about that ? it's all about modified ubuntu and  redistribution02:32
izinucsbonhoffer, yep.. the ui will generate a link you can email anywhere.. :)02:32
soundraydexter: I never said that02:32
sa-evoOkay, still no folder for Rhythmbox. Should I go ahead and make one?02:33
soundraydexter: it's about:plugins02:33
bonhofferizinucs, i need to look into that02:33
soundraydexter: anyway, it's getting too late for me02:33
dextersoundray; ya i opened02:33
izinucsbonhoffer, it version 2.xx beta.. but runs great.. nice for your dedicated box.02:33
bonhofferizinucs, so you bought it from vmware?02:34
izinucsbonhoffer, no .. it's free02:34
bonhofferreally, do you have a link with more info?02:35
izinucsbonhoffer, sure.. hang on.02:35
bonhofferizinucs, thanks02:35
xuanizinucs,i has a binary software,it dependence libgl 32bit,how can i do02:35
izinucsbonhoffer, http://vmware.com/download/server/02:35
izinucsxuan, look in synaptic for libgl and install that first.02:36
bonhofferizinucs, thanks02:37
sa-evoSorry if I missed out on a reply, the_lost_one, Pidgin randomly quit...02:37
izinucsbonhoffer, you'll need to install build-essential to install02:37
bonhofferizinucs, thanks02:37
the_lost_onesa-evo, no you don't02:37
izinucsbonhoffer, np02:37
=== PrymaL is now known as PryMaL
TigionHey folks, this is the Ubuntu support room, correct?02:38
LinuxFanyes Tigion02:38
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izinucsyep for hardy.. for vs 8.10 goto #ubuntu+102:38
fsufitchi was wondering if anyone else is having issues with the nvidia restricted drivers for hardy. ever since i installed hardy a few days ago, and i installed the restricted drivers, my computer no longer seems to have shader support for programs. the ones i have tested it with are (yes, games) toribash and sauerbraten, both native to linux. anyone else encountered this?02:38
TigionNah, I've got 8.0402:39
xuanizinucs,i done those,but the software said  not find ligGl.so.1,look like it find liggl.so.1 in /usr/lib3202:39
TigionI think thats it, the one that's not in Beta02:39
brand0conubuntu froze and refuses to start on my eee pc.  im getting a message stating that that one of my drives (presumably root drive) is drdy and it keeps giving the same set of 3 errors on boot02:39
brand0conhow can i drop to shell to try and fix the problem02:39
izinucsxuan, this is beyond me.. sorry .. maybe someone else can help02:39
sa-evothe_lost_one, okay, so should I try to re-re-install?02:39
KevinOanyone know how to get rid of flash in ff3? i just reinstalled and i cant get it to work02:39
brand0conrecovery mode asks for root password when dropping to root shell and i dont have one02:39
TigionI've been having some trouble with running a few things, namely firefox and pidgin, pidgin to a lesser extent02:39
alabamahitHi, I have found that I might be able to show my backup files.....I did this by ALT +F2, typing gconf-editor and in that i navigate desktop/gnome/file-views/show_backup_files/  I have check the box to view backup files but they are not showing...is there something else I'm supposed to do?02:39
TigionThey keep crashing, at random intervals02:39
ronzillaI have a dell d400 laptop trying to run dual screen, not working...what can i try??02:40
TigionI dual boot vista 64 bit home premium02:40
TigionIs this common?02:40
the_lost_onesa-evo, so you renamed the .rhythmbox and tryed to start it ?02:40
fsufitchTigion, is your ubuntu 64 bit too?02:40
sa-evoThere isn't a .rhythmbox in that directory at all.02:40
Tigionfsufitch: yes02:40
dubsidedWhen I try to launch gdesklets, it just hangs trying to load gDesklets Shell, how can I get it to launch?02:40
brand0conhow can i drop to shell on boot to fix an issue preventing me from booting02:41
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:41
fsufitchTigion, i've *personally* had issues with ubuntu 64-bit, 8.04 and 8.10b both02:41
brand0conronzilla you might want to try editing your xorg.conf file02:41
the_lost_onesa-evo, then ok, go ahead with reinstalling/upgrading rhythmbox02:41
TigionYeah, I figured 64 bit would cause some problems02:41
purei am newbe, i have problem with my ubuntu 8.04. my desktop usually trouble when startup. always appear UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY ; RUN fsck MANUALLY02:41
fsufitchTigion, i think there are some issues with gtk or xulrunner on 64 bit or some other weirdness02:41
Tigionyou got any advice or the whatnot?02:41
brand0conbut be cautious and back up the file before doing anything02:41
fsufitchi never got to the bottom of it, but just found workarounds in forums, lp bugs, etc02:42
fsufitchTigion, my honest recommendation is to install 32 bit ubuntu :-P for me it works fine on my 64 bit machine02:42
TigionI'll look at the forums02:42
sa-evothe_lost_one, okay, will do. Thanks for your help (even though I'm probably really slow at this).02:42
ronzillabrandoc0n: can you point me in a direction, not sure how to do that02:42
the_lost_onesa-evo, np, that your time for this :)02:42
pureHow to run FSCK manually02:43
sa-evoOh great... Now the package manager is doing the exact same thing again.02:43
Vantraxthere are too many problems with the  64bit linux destros still02:43
brand0conronzilla: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file youre going to want to backup and maybe manually edit.  have you installed envy?02:43
Vantraxaside from the fact that flash doesnt work in x6402:43
jribVantrax: flash works fine02:44
Vantraxoohh they fixed that did they?02:44
ronzillanope, im pretty new to this....02:44
Vantraxusing open or adobe?02:44
jribVantrax: they worked around adobe's stupidity02:44
PuppyI get error - Unrecognised Partition table for drive 80 - please use FDISK or something when i tr to load it from inside windows ...02:44
Enissaywhen i type sensors in a terminal i got this:http://pastebin.com/d1206ed98i've duc core processor, i can't believe that temp1 and temp2 are htos for my two processor02:44
ronzillaI was able to get the video drivers to work on my new machine, but i need that to run things that wouldnt work on linux, so i figured i would throw it on the laptop but i would like to get the dual screen to work on it02:44
Vantraxhe he he bout time, i gave up on it and used 32bit after fussing over it for a month or two02:45
the_lost_onepure, just type fsck and hit enter key, every question it ask's you, hit enter, when it has finished type exit, and reboot02:45
brand0conronzilla: sudo apt-get install envy-ng i believe02:45
fsufitchi'm asking again, but has anyone but me had problems with shaders with the nvidia restricted drivers?02:45
Vantraxprobably:P have you checked the ubuntuforums?02:45
sa-evoOkay, sorry to bug you about it again, but what was the Terminal code that clears the cache for Synaptic (since that worked for this issue)?02:45
the_lost_onesa-evo, sudo rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin02:46
the_lost_onesa-evo, also you have the history command for that02:46
drjimmhow does one install new fonts?02:46
purethank the lost one, you are master. it works02:46
jrib!fonts | drjimm02:46
ubottudrjimm: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:46
dr_willisdrjimm,  i normally copy them to the .fonts directory (make it) oruse the fonts special fonts:// location02:47
the_lost_onepure, haha :) have fun again02:47
sa-evoHistory command?02:47
drjimmI used to use "font installer"02:47
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
the_lost_onesa-evo, type history, dont be lazy :)02:48
dr_willisdrjimm,  not sure waht ya mean.. try that fonts:// thing in gnome file manager.. or was it fonts:\\ or fonts:///02:48
sa-evoThat's all I have to do, is type history in the Terminal (really, I'm still new to this).02:48
ronzillabrand0ncom pb02:48
drjimmDo I copy them in user/share/fonts?02:49
sa-evoThat's pretty cool, actually.02:49
thiebaudehow do i start synaptic in a terminal with administrative privileges?02:49
the_lost_onesa-evo, no prob, maybe you should look at some typical linux commands on some website, they are tons02:49
Fireridergreetings, I have a problem with audio, ubuntu 8.04. The case is if I stop listening something (music, videos or games by a time) later don't work the audio in anything. neither in Amarok, nor in Totem, nor in the games. Somebody that could help me?02:49
dr_willisdrjimm,  i copy mine for my user in the users .fonts directroy. that special fonts:// had a 'user' and 'system' fonts directory last i checked it out.02:49
sa-evoI really need to. I'm thinking about getting the Ubuntu thing that will help me learn it all.02:50
drjimmthanks dr_willis!02:50
obxdoes anyone know how easy it is to install ubuntu on a hp dv9930us?02:50
the_lost_onesa-evo, yeah its a good starting point02:50
dr_willisobx,  perhaps tell us whats so hard about using a bootable cd?  - You couldmake a bootable thumbdrive.02:51
sa-evoI'll have to wait for it though, don't really have much cash flow, hahahaha.02:51
obxi'm just wondering if there's gonna be a lot of work arounds02:51
PuppyWell, im completly stuck :(02:51
obxthat's...all i was looking for02:51
dr_willisobx,    you could check the forums.. the live cd is a good test. :)02:51
dr_willisobx,  my HP DV2000 - works flawlessy now under ubuntu. (well i am using 8.10 on it now)02:52
MindVirusHow do I remove editra?02:52
the_lost_onesa-evo, oki then, i must go bed, have fun and take a look around, cheers :)02:52
bullgard4Where can I find a manual for ALSA?02:52
swimnmaniacanyone in here wanna help me with apache2 or will u all simply give me 10 trillion more sites to look at?02:53
sa-evoGood night, the_lost_one, thank you for the help.02:53
dr_willisapache2 is a big topic. :)02:53
geniiswimnmaniac: Maybe ask in #ubuntu-server02:53
=== zielony is now known as GreenMan
PuppyAny idea's how i could find ou why this is not working ?02:54
PuppyTryed normal cd, normal alt cd, tryed windows install, nothign nothing nothing02:55
=== trigger is now known as Trigger
geniiPuppy: Does it even begin to boot from the cdrom ?02:56
Puppyyeah, then i go to install, or to run from disk, and it just throws me into BusyBox02:56
Puppygenii ^^02:56
geniiPuppy: Sounds like it can't understand where the cdrom is or how to use it.02:58
aflackhow do i make my audio go from speakers to headset that i plugin02:58
Puppybut how can it read the initial menu ?02:58
Puppygenii ^^02:58
swajakwahaaa.  Google requires Ubuntu (or Mac):  http://source.android.com/download02:58
alabamahitHi, I have found that I might be able to show my backup files.....I did this by ALT +F2, typing gconf-editor and in that i navigate desktop/gnome/file-views/show_backup_files/  I have check the box to view backup files but they are not showing...is there something else I'm supposed to do?02:59
geniiPuppy: It begins to boot, then when it comes time to load the live filesystem, it can't find a device to load it from. This sometimes happens on SATA cdroms for instance, where the chipset driver for the SATA controller is not loaded into the initrd of the kernel03:00
=== GreenMan is now known as Ivnz
Puppyyeah im using sata drives03:00
Puppyany idea how i might be able to go about fixing it ?03:01
sa-evoGuess Rhythmbox just doesn't want to work with me...03:01
Puppysounds like you could be onto summin03:01
geniiPuppy: You may have in your bios an option where all the sata drives can be seen as traditional IDE types. If so perhaps try this and see if the cd loads further03:01
hlfshellWhat's a good download manager that allows pausing and resuming thats compatible with firefox?03:02
Puppyill go set them to ide and ee what happens. thanks brb03:02
geniihlfshell: DownThemAll            extension03:02
hlfshellthank you03:02
michaelwilliamcaanyone know much about gkrellm ?03:03
Kr0ntabmichaelwilliamca: if you have a question about something... just ask away...03:05
=== Trigger is now known as Rabbidry
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LinuxFanim I lagging or did It just get really quiet?03:06
=== trigger is now known as Rabbidry
michaelwilliamcai am having problems with gkrellm and its plugin gkrellm-i8k..... when running the plugin it LAGS hardcore.. was wnating to know if anyone know what might be wrong03:06
td123LinuxFan: your not lagging03:07
td123its probably the same way before a storm comes (release of 8.10) :D03:07
carlinhos88boa noite03:07
carlinhos88a todos03:08
aflackhow do i make audio play through a headset i plugin and not the speakers..03:08
Ascorbic_AcidOk...... This is annoying... Please someone tell what to type in the terminal to get Java03:08
aflackAscorbic_Acid: do you have 64bit or 32bit processors03:09
michaelwilliamcaacid ---- first you need to find out what version of java you need03:09
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: what do you want to do with java?  browser plugin?03:09
michaelwilliamcaha you beet me to it03:09
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: I want to open Frostwire03:09
michaelwilliamcado a sudo apt-cache search  java03:09
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: I want to open frostwire in ubuntu.. i downloaded the ubuntu version but it won't load Can you help me?03:09
aflackcan someone tel me how to get sound to go througrh a headset and not speakers when u plugin the headset03:10
College_trainedim curious as what the difference is between KDE and GNOME if anyone has a moment to enlighten me03:10
michaelwilliamcawhen you find th version you need do a sudo apt-get install *package name*03:10
obxdoes anyone know how to use a tv-tuner?03:10
obxjust out of curiousity03:10
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
michaelwilliamcain ubuntu ??03:10
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: first verify you dont already have it03:11
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: java -version03:11
aflackso no one knows how to get sound to play through a headset you plug in and not speakers wow03:11
ronzillahaving a tough time getting my laptop video drivers working.  its a dell d400 about 3-4 years old03:11
Fireridergreetings, I have a problem with audio, ubuntu 8.04. The case is if I stop listening something (music, videos or games by a time) later don't work the audio in anything. neither in Amarok, nor in Totem, nor in the games. Somebody that could help me?03:11
michaelwilliamcaaflack---- on my box running ubuntu 8.04 it works as your saying yours isnt03:11
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: i typed java -version into the termial... nothing was found03:12
aflackwell my sound is completely sucky .... may have something to do with it03:12
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin03:12
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: it let me test my java at teh website.. said it was not working .. and I couldn't see the dancing animal or w/e03:12
michaelwilliamcacould be a bad card... bad connection03:12
aflackif i listen to anything through  my speakers it echos and is staticy and is messedup and no one has told me how to fix it for 4 days03:12
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michaelwilliamcaor bad drivers too03:12
aflackthey refer to troubleshooting which i have done03:12
aflackwell how do i get new drivers03:13
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: Thank you it is installing03:13
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: also   "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts"03:13
=== trigger is now known as Rabbidry
Kr0ntabthat's for your browser...  :-)03:14
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: Thanks, I will type those next03:14
nikitisQuestion:  In metacity GTK themes.  How do you choose the colors of your active title bars?03:14
aflackffs people stop talking to me then leaving its pretty damn annoying03:15
Xcercawith the new version of flash out, flash 10 ,   is there a way to update our flash players ?03:15
=== cars___ is now known as cars__
Puppywell, that did nothign03:15
PuppyExactly the same as before03:15
aflackdoes anyone know how to update sound drivers??03:16
Puppywhen i tryed to laod it within xp i got an error saying " Unrecognised partition in table 80 :S03:16
Puppythats the onlt error ive ver seen03:16
aflackthis channel has been no help to me for a week... ive had 2 problems and 2 problems only its really annoying..03:17
Kr0ntabaflack: it's understandable that some can get frustrated when having issues... but please be patient.03:17
* jamnz trying to install vmware workstation 6.5 on Ubuntu 8.04. Having problems. There are some basic installs on google for this, but not working or thorough. Any help???03:17
Xcercai gparted also for defraging hard drives ?   or it that even somthing i should do everyonce in a while ?03:17
[Solars]how do i share a printer connected to my Ubuntu box with everyone on the network?03:17
jamnzcp: cannot stat `/tmp/vmis.uk5126/install/vmware-installer/bootstrap': No such file or directory03:17
XcercaSolars i've heard that you can use Samba for stuff like that03:18
jamnzwhen running sudo sh vmware*.bundle03:18
Pici!printing > [Solars]03:18
ubottu[Solars], please see my private message03:18
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: Thank you very much... It is working now.03:18
aflackkr0ntab: alls i want to do is install fucking java plugin in firefox, and anything anyone says to do is wrong or they tell me to do something, and leave and i didnt do it right but i cant get any help... can anyone help me installing java plugin for firefox03:18
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: cool deal...03:18
jamnzaflack, java on Ubuntu?03:18
brrybndsjamnz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server03:18
Kr0ntabaflack: language...  please.03:18
Kr0ntabaflack: understand tho...03:18
Kr0ntabaflack: you running ff3?03:19
aflackkr0ntab: yes yes and what language03:19
aflackkr0ntab: nvm i see.03:19
jamnzbrrybnds, that is for server. not workstation 6.5. or is it all the same????03:19
geniiaflack: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin03:19
Kr0ntabaflack: genii just gave you the set of commands to run... but I'm assuming you ave done this already?03:20
jorg1good eve, everybody, i'm trouble. after i installed kubuntu on my laptop (dual boot) i got, grub loading, error 1703:20
* jamnz is confused. How is VMWare Workstation same as Server?03:20
aflackgenii: Package sun-java6-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:20
aflackThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:20
aflackis only available from another source03:20
dsmith_jorg1: super grub cd03:20
jorg1somabody can help me?03:20
ganeshixHi all.03:21
Kr0ntabaflack: sounds like there's another issue at hand...03:21
bullgard4Sourcforge.net writes: "Gujin is a PC boot loader which can analyze your filesystema. It finds the Linux kernel images available, as well as other bootable partitions...". Where can I find the kernel images in Ubuntu 8.04.1?03:21
jribaflack: tell us the output of: uname -m03:21
jorg1really, i'm new on linux03:21
geniiaflack: You need to enable the repository called "multiverse"03:21
dsmith_all the questions I see on here, the majority of them can be figured out via google03:21
geniiaflack: Do this in Synaptic Package manager, then try again the command I gave03:21
ganeshixCan somebody point me to a nice tutorial to enable wpa wireless in ubuntu?03:21
bonhofferwhat mail client do folks on ubuntu most frequently use?03:21
jorg1dsmith, i'm on the live session03:21
dsmith_super grub cd03:22
dsmith_bonhoffer: I used thunderbird03:22
Yum_KimilDoes some one know how I can move my transparent terminal so its more left of my desktop. Im using alltray03:22
aflackgenii:what do you mean multiverse and how do i do it lol03:22
bonhofferdsmith_, thanks03:22
College_trainedaflack: go to system > administration > software sources and enable it there03:24
geniiaflack: Open up Synaptic Package Manager. Go to "Settings"  then choose "Repositories"    make sure all the ones in there are checked off03:24
aflackthey are03:24
geniiaflack: Alternately follow College_trained's advice03:24
brand0conmy root disk wont boot because its labeled dirty.  how might i fix this03:25
aflackgenii: its the same exact menu03:25
m1dn1ghtHey guys - I installed Flash 10 but it's acting quite buggy for me and I wan't to revert back.  I installed it via a .deb file so I'm not sure how to uninstall.03:25
jribm1dn1ght: synaptic03:25
m1dn1ghtjrib: don't know why that didn't occur to me :)  Cheers.03:25
geniiaflack: What Ubuntu are you running?03:26
jribaflack: tell us the output of: uname -m03:26
jribaflack: now go bug sun about them not providing a java plugin03:26
jribfor 64bit03:27
Ascorbic_AcidAnyone wouldn't happen to have any ideas to make the scroll wheel on the mouse go slower? Mine is extremly fast and the "mouse" options on ubuntu doesn't have it.03:27
aflackwhy does it work in vista03:27
jribaflack: what does that have to do with anything?03:27
aflackwell its vista 64bit03:27
KiraffeHi, I just updated my sound with a new amarok update i just had like yesterday, and now my sound is all fsck'd up. I can not hear a thing. When i turn up the sound all the way its fuzzy and very low sound. I have tried messing with the sound preferences already and no results. Can someone help me?03:27
jribaflack: sun does not provide a 64bit java plugin for linux.  Either use an open java like gcjwebplugin or install 32bit firefox (see !java64)03:28
geniiaflack: In Terminal:      echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy multiverse" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list03:28
jorg1thanks dsmith03:28
geniiaflack: Then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin03:28
jribgenii: that does not exist on 64bit03:28
Xcercai have a folder in my Trash can that i can't delete / it says that i don't have permission , how can i delete it ...  it was just a quakewars folder that i don't need anymore..03:28
geniijrib: Really??03:29
geniijrib: My bad then03:29
jribXcerca: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/.local/share/Trash/03:29
augustoalguem do brasil para dar uma ajudinha03:29
Pici!br | augusto03:29
jrib!br | augusto03:29
ubottuaugusto: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:29
augustocomo entro?03:30
PuppyANy idea's before i go to bed, cant get it to install, tryed cd, tryed alt cd, tryed loading into windows.. nothgin helps03:30
jribaugusto: /join #ubuntu-pt03:30
KiraffeMy sound is not working since i updated Amarok, can someone help me?03:31
Yum_KimilHow can I add a command to a lancher to position it more to the left of the desktop03:31
bullgard4Sourcforge.net writes: "Gujin is a PC boot loader which can analyze your filesystema. It finds the Linux kernel images available, as well as other bootable partitions...". What directory holds the kernel images in Ubuntu 8.04.1?03:32
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prometheanfireI seem to be having an issue with the nvidia driver in my ubuntu install03:33
ezzieyguywufif i want to try out kubuntu as opposed to the gnome ubuntu i'm running now, would just installing KDE and re-logging in do it for me, or would a fresh install give me a smoother and more accurate experience of what the new KDE environment is like 'properly' integrated.03:33
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GourdCaptainI can't get the .deb package of unetbootin to install. I enter my password and the installer shows back up, refreshes its state, and quits.03:34
prometheanfirejust installing kde will be fine03:34
jken146ezzieyguywuf: Just install kubuntu-desktop and log out and in again.03:34
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ezzieyguywufjken: and that will be completely identical to a fresh install of a kubuntu image?03:34
jken146GourdCaptain: go to unetbootin.sourceforge.net and get it from there.  Make executable and run the file.  easy03:35
ezzieyguywufis kubuntu the best integration of KDE or would somethin like mandrake be smoother?03:35
krielOkay; so. I'm on a laptop with a synaptics touchpad. Using Xubuntu, earlier today; i copied my xorg.conf out. I had the touchpad set up using the synaptics driver to not listen to scrolling or tapping events. Now; using the same xorg.conf, it won't shut off. Is there a way to tell what devices the current X screen is using?03:35
geniiezzieyguywuf: Or the kubuntu-kde4-desktop03:35
GourdCaptainI'm having this problem with every .deb also. Gpodder 0.13, usb-creator, also.03:35
ezzieyguywufgenii: whats the difference?03:35
jken146ezzieyguywuf: It's ther same thing03:35
kriel(Oh; I installed ubuntu; and copied the xorg.conf from old xubuntu -> new ubuntu)03:35
geniiezzieyguywuf: kubuntu-dekstop is kde3.5 kubuntu-kde4-desktop is kde403:36
ezzieyguywufgenii: oh ok.03:36
ezzieyguywuffinally, i've done this once before and had all the KDE apps show up in my gnome session. is there a way to avoid this?03:36
prometheanfirewhenever I try to use the nvidia driver it gives me a blank screen at login03:37
Lilinallteezieyguywuf: I've had both installed (kubuntu and the 'normal' gnome ubuntu). Main difference for me was, oddly, that the kubuntu install didn't recognize all my hardware correctly, and the gnome one did...03:37
Lilinallteso it's more than 'just' a different desktop:)03:37
ezzieyguywuflilinalte: i find that very interesting.03:37
Lilinalltebelieve me, so did I:)03:38
ezzieyguywufwell then, is there a way to change the focus characteristics in gnome like there is in kde? as in, instead of having to click to focus a wndow, i can just hover the mouse?03:38
GourdCaptainHello? How can I fix Gdeb?03:38
kpomanhi to all ! guys, how do we know all the files that compose a package ? is there a database or some file listing the package contents after installed ?03:38
ezzieyguywufeh, nvm found it in system>preferences>windows03:39
ezzieyguywufbut its not as robust as what i saw in kde....03:39
Enissayi've a problem of cutting characters from a terminal: http://pastebin.com/d5b38e157, what i want is to cut sparately the two temperatures03:39
joeb3_kpoman, dpkg -L packagename.  Get the name of the package with dpkg -l.03:39
kpomanjoeb3_: where are all the package descriptions in the filesystem ?03:40
ezzieyguywufis there a package that extends the options of the focus windows options in gnome-metacity?03:40
kpomanjoeb3_: say for example in gentoo you got /var/db/pkg and there you have all03:40
joeb3_kpoman, don't know if they are in the filesystem03:40
GourdCaptainCan I just not install too recent of packages?03:40
SammyDear all, Please help me my acer aspire 4520 the sound card not working. help me pls??03:41
PiciGourdCaptain: Whats wrong with the packages in the repositories?03:41
ezzieyguywufeff it, i'm goin to check out kde03:41
GourdCaptainPici: Some aren't availible in the repositories, others I just want new features.03:42
GourdCaptainThe packages are listed on the app's websites as being for Ubuntu/Debian, so...03:42
tarelerul1I have wireless card I use ndiswrapper for it.   Just sudo modprobe  ndiswrapper does not make it so I can use my wireless card.  remember running  b43 then ndiswrapper .   Then removed b43 and re-load ndiswrapper and my card worked ,but it don't any more.  How should I load it ?03:42
geniiEnissay: sudo hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sdb | cut -d' ' -f3                            might work03:42
LilinallteSammy: I remember finding something through Google on that, involving changing from Alsa to one of the others... maybe check on Google?03:42
Lilinallterunning on an acer 9920 myself:)03:43
PiciGourdCaptain: You should at least get an error with gdebi03:43
bullgard4What is the function of the file /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic?03:44
GourdCaptainPici: No error, it just accepts my password then quits.03:44
MindVirusI don't know what to do.03:45
MindVirusI ran quodlibet and I can't start it.03:45
MindVirusI tried reinstalling a bunch of shit.03:45
PiciGourdCaptain: How are you running it?03:45
dulakbullgard4: that's an initial ram disk used to boot03:45
Enissaygenii: nope03:45
GourdCaptainDouble clicking on the downloaded package, hitting install, entering password.03:45
MindVirusAny suggestions?03:45
GourdCaptainSynaptic works, though.03:45
GourdCaptain(As in, synaptic still installs things. It doesn't have what I want to install.)03:46
aijamI installed vncserver and config xstartup. Then install vncviewer in client with windows xp. When I connect with vncserver, only gray background and a terminal display, no desktop appear.03:46
aijamI execute some program like firefox. It open and work normally.03:46
aijamI run startx and system show me " X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.".03:46
PiciGourdCaptain: does dpkg -l packagename say that its installed?03:46
ShiftyPowersanyone running intrepid ibex and can't get the gnome panel to change when you change a theme?03:46
ignacioHola a todos03:47
Pici!ibex | ShiftyPowers03:47
ubottuShiftyPowers: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu03:47
GourdCaptainPici: No, it does not.03:47
dulakaijam: by default vnc runs the crappiest window manager, you can edit the file it uses and tell it to start gnome, I just don't remember the name of the file to edit03:47
geniiEnissay: Strange. It worked here when I did it on my 6 hd all which have varying name lengths03:47
GourdCaptainPici: Should I try using Synaptic to reinstall Gdebi?03:47
dubsidedWhich OSX like launcher do you all recommend?03:48
dubsidedI mean like Application Dock03:48
PiciGourdCaptain: You can try03:48
joeb3_dulak, xstartup in .vnc03:48
dulakaijam: there you go, xstartup file in .vnc directory03:48
aijamdulak: I have edit it and add a line to execute a windows manager "lxde". But It don't work .03:49
dulakaijam: did you put & at the end?03:49
dulakaijam: also can you run lxde from a normal X outside of vnc?03:50
chetnickGuys, i am about to change motherboard, am i gonna have to install clean ubuntu or i can use the old one?03:50
GourdCaptainPici: Still doesn't work. *sigh*03:51
College_trainedcan anyone describe to me the difference between GNOME and KDE?03:52
shiloh7_chetnick, when i swaped mine everything was fine, although, i bought a mother board by the same manufacturer, asus, not the same board though, everything was fine03:52
aijamdulak: Yes. I add & at the end of line. And Lxde work good in server.03:52
mmcjineed some help03:52
dulakaijam: not sure what's wrong then03:53
shiloh7_College_trained, thats a matter of taste and opinion, Gnome is more simplistic and user friendly than KDE03:53
zirodayCollege_trained: they are nearly impossible to explain, its the best to just try both yourself :)03:53
chetnickshiloh7_: ok thanks, mine is also the same manufacturer (gigabyte) with newer chipsets.03:53
mmcjiI am trying to use recordmydesktop with the 64 bit version of xubuntu 8.0403:53
mmcjisound works on the laptop, but I am not getting any sound on ogg video recordings03:53
joeb3_aijam, gnome uses /usr/bin/gnome-session.  is there a lxde-session?03:53
mmcjianyone worked through this before or have a direction i can look in03:54
LilinallteCollege_trained: main diff to me, apart from the totally diff desktop, was that KDE had issues with my sound, build-in webcam and wireless, and gnome didn't have any issues...03:54
shiloh7_College_trained, imo, when i migrated from windoze, KDE was a nightmare, Gnome was allot friendlier for me03:54
College_trainedthanks shiloh7_ and ziroday03:54
GourdCaptainThe command line version works.03:54
geniiEnissay:Since your hard drive names have spaces in them maybe: sudo hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sdb | cut -d':' -f3                           instead03:54
GourdCaptainRunning the GTK version with gksudo also works.03:56
aijamjoeb3_: I found lxsession under /usr/bin/, and it seems this file has same function with gnome-session.03:56
ronzillahaving a tough time getting my laptop video drivers working.  its a dell d400 about 3-4 years old03:56
ronzillait works as a clone screen, but i cant expand it03:56
ronzillalast thing i need to be able to do03:57
joeb3_aijam, so try /usr/bin/lxsession &03:57
Q_ContinuumGnome hangs every once in awhile, as do all apps I try to launch after that.  I can interact with the desktop and any open apps, but the Gnome bars (top and bottom) lock up.  Is this a Compiz bug, or something else?03:57
wishieanyone know where i can get a backported 2.6.27 kernel for hardy heron ? i want to test the hp-wmi stuff..03:57
bullgard4dulak: I have got informed what a RAM disk is. I think that the function of the file /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic is more than just being a RAM disk.03:58
aijamjoeb3_:   ** ERROR **: LXSession is already running03:58
Enissaygenii: that works when i changed f3 to f4 : sudo hddtemp /dev/sda /dev/sdb | cut -d' ' -f4, but i still want to axtract the tempearatures separately not all off them at once03:58
kc8pxywhy does ubuntu require a system reboot when i enable restricted drivers?03:58
aijamjoeb3_: lxde is runing in server side.03:58
dulakbullgard4: it's the intial ram disk the kernel uses to boot, it contains a minimal filesystem with drivers for things like filesystems and what not that the kernel needs to boot03:58
Pollywogdoes anyone know whether the OSE version of Virtualbox has USB enabled?03:59
PollywogI do not see USB but I had it in the non-OSE version03:59
fufinacheHello everyone03:59
Sammyhow to check my wifi active or no??04:00
ganetwhich part of the "lshw" command tells whether I need the 32 bit or 64 bit version of Ubuntu?04:00
bullgard4dulak: Thank you for explaining.04:00
the_trapperPollywog, the OSE version of VirtualBox doesn't have USB...you have to use the "freeware" binary version to get that04:00
Pollywogthe_trapper: ty04:00
the_trapperPollywog: np04:01
fufinacheI'm trying to run lilo but I keep getting a VolumeID read error04:02
fufinachefor /dev/sdb but /dev/sdb isn't installed on the computer,04:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:02
kc8pxyganet:  what cpu do you have?04:02
fufinacheand there's listing in my lilo.conf04:03
fufinacheanybody have an idea what it might be?04:03
mmcjii have not used lilo in ages. sorry04:04
ganetkcpxy: just a minute, not all of the output fit in the terminal.  I'll have to output to a file...04:04
fufinachemmcji -> I've got bt3 installed all except for the boot loader, is it possible to use grub from a live xubuntu CD to work with hard drive install?04:05
ezzieyguywufi synapticed kubuntu-desktop and got a bunch of these: "W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k". am i missing something here?04:05
bullgard4Sourcforge.net writes: "Gujin is a PC boot loader which can analyze your filesystema. It finds the Linux kernel images available, as well as other bootable partitions...". What directory holds the kernel images in Ubuntu 8.04.1?04:05
mmcjiforgive me, what is bt3?04:05
zirodayHi, how could I convert an outlook express .dbx file to a mbox file.04:05
formodeHello, I'm seeking a Linux/open source related email host, anyone aware of any?04:05
zirodaymmcji: Backtrack #04:05
fufinachebacktrack 3 linux04:05
tarelerul1Is there  portable movie play like the ipod that is well supported in linux.  I lost my ipod nano black 8gb .04:06
fufinacheformode > google runs linux04:06
zirodayformode: you mean one already setup for you, or the actual software?04:06
fufinacheformode > you can use gmail04:06
formodeziroday, No I desire something like a @(Linux related word here).com email04:07
kc8pxyziroday:  there is software out there to do that..  gnu even, i believe :)04:07
unavailableis it possible to replace gnome04:07
zirodaykc8pxy: thanks :)04:07
fufinacheunavailable > with which desktop environment?04:07
zirodayunavailable: yes04:07
ganetokay, under *-cpu:0 it says "width: 64 bits"04:07
unavailablewell i scrapped ubuntu went to kubuntu04:07
unavailablenow i got konquerer04:08
ganetbut before that, it says "width: 32 bits" in the very beginning which is confusing04:08
unavailableand want to replace gnome-bar and anything else that can help make things faster04:08
unavailablei do want to fully scrap nautilus first04:08
mmcjifufinache: cool, i had looked at auditor a few years ago when i was looking at forensics computing as a possible direction to go in.  I have not see backtrack before.  neat04:09
kc8pxyunavailable:  is it simple to convert to kubuntu from within a ubuntu install?04:09
unavailablenot sure04:09
zirodayunavailable: you could take a look at fluxbox or openbox as a window manager04:09
unavailablenot fully there yet04:09
mmcjiso you want to install it to had fixed disk?04:09
fufinachemmcji: the live CD /flash drive is cool, it's hard to install on the hard drive though04:10
wishieanyone know of a 2.6.27 kernel backport for hardy heron ? i need to test the HP-WMI stuff (which i believe it only in 2.6.27)04:10
zirodaywishie: the kernel will not be backported04:10
=== chris____ is now known as appellation
zirodaywishie: you can use the intrepid livecd if you want to test it04:10
wishieziroday: and if i find i need hp-wmi to make my laptop behave properly ? im forced to use intrepid ?04:11
kc8pxyziroday:  is the intrepid livecd pretty much set now?04:11
zirodaywishie: yes04:11
wishiewell that is a very bad policy04:11
zirodaykc8pxy: more or less, ask for more info in #ubuntu+104:11
zirodaywishie: intrepid goes stable in 9 days, you can use it then and it (should) be as solid as hardy04:12
fufinachemmcji: makes cracking wep easier than install easier than using microsoft office04:12
wishieziroday: and kde3.x ?04:12
wishieziroday: i dont want to have to use kde4.x04:12
mmcjiwep, i used to use kismet for that04:12
zirodaywishie: am not sure about kde, ask in #kubuntu, #kubuntu-kde4 or #kubuntu+104:12
mmcjibut haven't messed with that sort of thing in a few years now04:13
kc8pxywishie: IIRC intrepid has kde4 as standard.04:13
fufinachemmcji: kismet doesn't inject packets does it?04:13
mmcjisorry im of no use,04:13
mmcjii can't remember, i used it for some wireless audits at user conventions for my work04:13
kc8pxywishie:  but I'm no expert.04:14
mmcjilike i said it has been a few years.04:14
aflackjust curious, is there nay video editing software available for ubuntu 8.04??04:14
mmcjithere are several04:14
mmcjii personally like kino04:14
aflackwhats a good noe04:14
aflacklet me check it out one second04:14
winfernoaflack: I'm using Blender at the moment, just learning it, but you can use it to do video editing / compositing, with audio.04:15
aflackwinferno: check that out also04:15
bastiand dvd authoring software?04:15
ronzillaanyone know the name of the video driver i need for a dell d400 laptop to run an external monitor04:15
winfernoaflack: I have it all set up to render out x264 video, using ffmpeg. It's pretty cool, imo.04:16
wishieziroday: oh joy.. kubuntu (intrepid) has kde4, and no kde3.. so i can upgrade to have 2.6.27, and no kde3, or stay on hardy (with kde3) and have no 2.6.27 kernel.04:16
zirodaywishie: have you asked in #kubuntu about using kde 3.x in intrepid?04:16
aflackhow do i make a .ogg from recordmydesktop to a .avi?04:16
winfernowishie: well, if you were on Windows, you'd be asking 'should I stick with windows XP or go to Vista'. =)04:17
wishieziroday: i asked in #kubuntu+1 and my answer was "if you want to use kde3, dont upgrade to intrepid)04:17
zirodaywishie: well there's nothing more we can do for you, sorry04:17
wishiewinferno: but this isnt the way with any other distro ive used (and ive used linux for around 10 years now).04:17
winfernoaflack: are these audio files?04:17
wishieif i can get the patches applied to hardy kernels, ill apply them by hand to 2.6.2704:17
aflackwinferno: no its a screenrecorded video from recordmydesktop04:18
winfernowishie: I'm a relatively new convert from FreeBSD myself, so a lot of the Debian ways are new to me.04:18
Gun_Smokewhat a jump04:18
aflackwinferno:so do you know how to make a video .ogg to a .avi04:19
winfernoaflack: well, you could give ffmpeg or mencoder a look.04:19
formodeAnyone know any linux/open source related email providers?04:19
mmcjiwishie: There is certainly nothing wrong with trying to do something your own way with linux, it just is not going to be easy or supportable.  With FreeBSD, if you self compile from source you break other parts of the system, with ubuntu, if you install something outside of the rep's that's fine, but most of the time, it causes more trouble than it is work...imo04:20
Gun_Smokeformode, sdf04:20
formodegunsmoke, sdf?04:20
jpurformode, thunderbird?04:20
winfernoaflack: ogg is a 'container' format, so maybe it's ogg/theora that you've got for the incoming video file?04:20
frenchy_does anyone know if there is a way to add a file extension to multiple files where an extensions doesn't already exist04:20
formodejpur, Providers. People who host your email.04:20
Gun_Smokeformode, sdf.lonestar.org04:20
formodegun_smoke, Thank you04:21
zirodayaflack: there are many ways to do it, command line programs such as ffmpeg and mencoder can. You can use avidemux if you prefer a gui04:21
GMFlashdoes anyone know what theme this is at the top with the wooden background? http://tuxgeek.me/2008/10/what-should-the-next-version-of-ubuntu-bring-us/04:21
GMFlashor where to get that background04:21
winfernofirewall27: hi04:21
zirodayGMFlash: lemme see If I can find it for you, one sec04:22
=== shocm_ is now known as notShocm
GMFlashziroday: i tried but couldn't locate it on google04:22
firewall27somebody speak spanish?'04:22
zirodayGMFlash: what screen resolution?04:22
ziroday!es | firewall2704:22
ubottufirewall27: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:22
firewall27lol thk!!!! ;)04:23
GMFlashziroday: what's the largest you have available?04:23
gaintsuradoes anyone have the mysql 'debian-start' file from /etc/mysql/ ?04:23
GMFlashziroday: i'm at 1900x120004:23
GMFlash1920x1200 i mean04:23
zirodayGMFlash: still finding one sec, you can also get a gdm theme _similar_ to the one in the pic but not the same04:23
GMFlashi really like that wood background :(04:24
zirodayGMFlash: take a look at this http://daenim.com/wp/?p=1804:24
zirodayGMFlash: unfortunatly both are at 1680x105004:25
GMFlashziroday: aww and also he only has the screenshots not the background04:26
GMFlashthank you for locating it. i'll msg the author04:26
zj3t3mjuanyone know the progress name of "Gnome System Monitor"?04:26
zj3t3mjufor fast run with Alt+F204:26
zirodayGMFlash: you can get them from the download link on the left04:26
GMFlashit just downloads a full size version of the screenshot here04:27
prometheanfiredpkg --configure -a    comes back with too many errors04:27
prometheanfireany help?04:28
zirodayGMFlash: look at the links in the third paragraph04:28
jpurcan i help some1?04:28
zirodayGMFlash: also look at these http://galaxygui.deviantart.com/art/Wood-Wallpaper-87332101 http://oliuss.deviantart.com/art/Wood-Wallpaper-2-8762381004:29
GMFlash3rd paragraph? it just has links to the other two screenshots on deviantart, part 1 and 204:30
GMFlashpart 2 and 3 i mean04:30
zirodayGMFlash: here are the links http://mosqu1t0.deviantart.com/art/Vista-Ultimate-Wood-No-Glass-71941528 http://nosrepa.deviantart.com/art/wood-wallpaper-9406464204:30
zirodayGMFlash: and the GDM theme http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/Willwill-s-Intrepid-GDM-94051500?offset=10#comments04:31
GMFlashyou're awesome! thanks!04:31
zirodayGMFlash: they were all in that blog post :P, thank the author not me04:31
GMFlashwell... thanks for putting up with me then :)04:32
Zapppim back again...lol, this time tho i cant get my wireless connection to work on ubuntu D: what should i do?04:32
Cha0sOSwhat would cause my terminal to no respond?04:32
zirodayGMFlash: haha, no problem04:32
=== pandoraslavegirl is now known as EmblaPandora
l3r1kHello all.. I'm trying to install adobe flash player 10 in Firefox... I've tried both downloading it via synaptic and via the adobe download site and restarted firefox... But nothing works!04:33
Zapppalso it wont let me type in the terminal when it asks for my password04:33
kavonhow do I use the & to run a command in the background ?   command [options] args &  ?04:37
smokeymirrorhey guys04:37
smokeymirrorcan i ask a quick question04:37
smokeymirroranyone home?04:37
l3r1kAsk away, sme2k8.04:37
smokeymirrorok i wanted to get a zune04:37
smokeymirrori have a ipod but im kinda tired of it04:38
kavonsmokeymirror: but then your brain kicked in? (jk)04:38
smokeymirrorbut i am able to connect my ipod and use gstreamer to play music04:38
smokeymirrori dont know if zune will be able to do the same thing04:38
smokeymirrori have close to the 120gb limit and i am having a tough time choosing, so i use ubuntu after i ditched vista04:39
smokeymirrorso what im getting at is, is zune worth it, or just deal with the ipod?04:39
Zapppi cant get my wireless connection to work on ubuntu what should i do? also it wont let me type in the terminal when it asks for my password04:39
smokeymirrorzappp when it ask for your password it still types04:40
smokeymirrorjust put your password and hit enter04:40
ReaverbotZappp: ¿You can enter from another pc?04:40
smokeymirrorif you have a new laptop with a intel 5000 series card wait for the 30th for the new ibex release04:40
Zapppnothing happens when i type tho04:40
smokeymirrori know it doesn't show your password04:40
smokeymirrorjust type it and press enter04:41
n8tuserZapp what command did you typed in the cli?04:41
Zapppi put in "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"04:41
Zapppand it asks for my pass04:41
n8tuserZappp-> wrong command to bring up an interface..its  ifup wlan004:42
ReaverbotZappp: If you put your pass, what happens?04:42
musikgoatand you cannot type anything, hitting enter doesn't return you with an invalid password?04:42
Vantraxerr that command will still work04:42
Zapppn8tuser tried that says access denied04:42
tarelerul1Lost my ipod and I wanted to get other video player . Is there one that do the same thing the video ipods ,but have software support .   So i can manage the movies , song , picture  easy .04:42
ZapppReaverbot nothing04:42
n8tuserZapp sudo ifup wlan004:43
Zapppsays no such file or directery04:43
smokeymirrorso the zune isn't a good idea?04:44
n8tuserZapp sudo /sbin/ifup wlan004:44
retwhy doesn't ubuntu work with WEP.04:44
musikgoatsmokeymirror: dunno, if its mass storage compliant than it will work04:44
smokeymirrori mean, the ipod sucks so i wanted to try the zune but i dont want to deal w/ dual boot04:44
musikgoatret ubuntu does work with WEP04:44
Zapppn8tuser same thing04:44
n8tuserZapp you dont have /sbin/ifup ?04:44
smokeymirrorat least on the ipod i can use gstreamer and just listen to the music does anyone know if zune has that same ability?04:45
Zapppguess not is its says its not there04:45
thinkl00pwhats a good program in ubuntu to use to burn a .avi file to play on my dvd player. Like burn it as a video dvd kinda thing04:45
n8tuserZapp it doesnt look like you have a good install04:45
tarelerul1The ipod has good support under linux . via gtkpod .  I just want one that has better support . So I can get all the cool  feature like album art working good.04:45
smokeymirrorhmm really04:46
Zapppi only installed ubuntu yesterday and this is the first time of trying to set it up04:46
musikgoatZappp: is this on a laptop?04:46
madkatdo you guys support 8.10 beta disks?04:47
musikgoatcan you sudo anything, like sudo cat /etc/hostname?04:47
Zapppya that worked04:47
n8tuserZapp it looks like you did not have a completed install04:47
musikgoatpastebin lspci04:48
madkatSomeone help me with an install please?04:48
Zappphow could it not be complete?04:48
Vantraxerr n8tuser i dont have that file in my sbin either and have noproblems...04:48
Vantraxit is complete, you just have extras possibly from previous installs or kbuntu04:48
musikgoatZappp: wireless driver might not be loaded, if it worked before04:49
Flannelmaqtillo: #ubuntu+1 would be the place for that04:49
Vantraxmadkat: what you want to know about the install?04:49
Zapppi got the wireless drivers setup for the XP half of the dual boot04:49
jeeves_Mosscan someone help me go through my samba install from the ground up to help me figure out why I can't connect to it?04:49
madkatI did a media check with the 8.10 beta disk, and it said no problems.. I ran the install and it failed with "[Errno 5] Input/output error: '/rofs/usr/share/doc/libilmbase6'"04:49
n8tuserVantrax-> you dont have which? are you also missing  /sbin/ifdown ?04:49
maqtillohow to run beryl04:49
musikgoatok Zappp pastebin the command lspci04:50
VantraxZappp: your driver might not support it under windows04:50
Vantraxerr under linux04:50
Vantraxwhat wireless you using zapp04:50
murlidhar any ideas how to change the fonts in tty terminal ?04:51
Zapppits my home network04:51
Vantraxsorry, what wirelesss hardware04:51
meoblast001does anyone here know why KdenLive isnt rendering my Volume effect when i export?04:52
meoblast001i have 3 volume effects on 1 clip04:52
meoblast001no errors04:52
meoblast001it just doesnt render to the file the effects04:52
smokeymirrori think im going to get a ipod04:52
n8tuserVantrax-> you dont have which? are you also missing  /sbin/ifdown ?  <-- your respsonse to this?04:52
Zappplspci shows it as a broadcom corp. wlan mini-PCI04:52
murlidhar any ideas how to change the fonts in tty terminal ?04:52
Deadboysthis should work right http://swiftprog.pastebin.com/md6f8c04:52
musikgoatZappp: broadcom, thats the problem04:53
Sammymy wifi still can't connect, acer aspire 4520 with ubuntu 8.0404:53
DeadboysSammy i had the same problems04:53
madkatmusikgoat: my broadcom worked out of the box on the live CD04:53
Deadboysdid you instal the ath9k driver?04:53
Zapppso what do i do?04:53
Sammyany body can help us??04:53
Deadboysi just did04:54
musikgoatmadkat: not everyone has problems04:54
musikgoatDeadboys: the ath9k driver is for an atheros chipset04:54
JenALhi...how add more partition from putty?04:54
tarelerul1smokeymirror ,  If you get the ipod  It works with about 90% ,but some of the extra features don't work as well as you might hope.   To have album art to all the songs in a album I had to add the cover art to every song .04:54
Deadboysi know thats whats in an aspire 452004:54
Deadboysisnt it?04:54
musikgoatZappp: is it a bcm94311MCG?04:54
smokeymirroroh geez04:54
smokeymirrorwell its all good tarelerul1 cuz its better than it not working at all right04:55
smokeymirroranyone interested theres a 30% cashback off any purchase at ebay04:55
Zapppits BCM94311MCG04:55
smokeymirrorfrom the buynow button, check it out, if you've had your eyes on anything04:55
musikgoatZappp: ^^^04:56
tarelerul1smokeymirror:  I see that . I just like all the cool features . Plus I remember  you can't change a lot of tags at the same time.   If you rip all your stuff you fine.  Or you feel like useing  good tag editor for mass tag changing.04:56
* Zappp clicks04:56
LVOK: I'm an expert at linux systems and a n00b at desktops.. I just got my first laptop, a Thinkpad T20, and the sound stopped working.  Is there a config wizard or or a dpkg-reconfigure cmd I can use to to kick it back into gear?04:56
musikgoatzappits an install of ndiswrapper04:56
Deadboyssammy what wireless card do you have04:56
smokeymirrorwell can you give me some tips tareleru04:56
smokeymirrorbasically i just plug my ipod in and get rythmbox to play it04:57
smokeymirrorbut i use my ipod also as a portable hdd to store files but i dont know how that will work on ubuntu04:57
murlidharany ideas how to change the fonts in tty terminal ?04:57
musikgoatsmokeymirror: that part will work just the same04:57
tarelerul1rythmbox is great for playing the songs ,but if you want the videos and song . I would use the newest version of  Banshee . It is great program for that.04:57
Zapppbut musikgoat how can i down the drivers on there if i have no internet connection?04:58
musikgoatyou can access the ipod and throw stuff in it in ubuntu04:58
retcould i get a link to alternative terminal fonts for ubuntu, or am i the only one that hates coding with these.04:58
musikgoatZappp: from windows?04:58
Vantraxyou dont have a wired option?04:58
smokeymirroroh cool04:58
retand what's the favoured media player on ubuntu.04:58
smokeymirrorso banshee04:58
smokeymirrorill get that from the repository04:58
Zapppmusikgoat oh i have to get out of ubuntu and go to windows?04:59
tarelerul1Smokeymirror  banshee can library all the songs and vidoes on you computer plus read the ipod.04:59
LinuxFanret I like VLC04:59
musikgoati dunno, unless you have wired04:59
Heather34So...perhaps this has been covered elsewhere that I've been unable to find, but....How is Ubuntu's SMP support?04:59
DeadboysRet i use VLC aswell04:59
GetYaMindRitvlc = win05:00
isilionhi! cannot install ati driver (nor radeon nor fglrx). i edited xorg.con but x fails at startup05:00
GetYaMindRitanything else = wtfbronze05:00
meoblast001does anyone here have KDenLive tha knows how to change project FPS05:00
tarelerul1smokeymirror , I would tell that banshee don't cover .mkv and I think since it use gstream it don't cover h264 well05:00
Zapppmusikgoat the download link for the drivers has 404'd05:03
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retmacd: you here?05:04
tarelerul1smokeymirror , you can get  Floola well let you take vidoes , songs off the ipod on any computer.  Mac, windows , Linux.  It can mess you database if you use gtkpod and it .05:04
LVI mean, I get OSD when I hit the volume keys, I get mixer, and the player time advances... but I can't hear anything.05:07
retcould i get a link to alternative terminal fonts for ubuntu, or am i the only one that hates coding with these.05:08
dnb1997is there a room for the countdown party?05:08
Vantraxisilion: whats it say when your  run fglrxinfo05:10
Xcercawhats the command for when you're trying to install a i386 deb on x86_64 ?05:12
Vantraxi didnt know there was a special one...05:12
Xcercai remember --forcearchiteture but i forget what else05:12
Xcercaok , it's sudo dpkg -i –force-architecture    then the .deb05:13
MarupaHi everyone, I have a printer/scanner all in one, HP Officejet 6210, I can scan ok, but the color quality is like I've scanned a JPEG at around 10% quality, or something.  Any suggestions?05:17
retcould i get a link to alternative terminal fonts for ubuntu, or am i the only one that hates coding with these.05:18
Deadboyswhen i use apt-get to install OpenSSL on my dedi what is the default directory that they will be in05:18
AussieGuycan a host port forward to itself? for example if Im running service x on port 6555, can I set something up so that traffic to ports 6554 and 6553 get redirected to 6555?05:18
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AussieGuyall on the one machine05:19
chaddyAussieGuy: that sounds like a job for iptables05:19
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macdret, just edit the terminal profile (if gterm)05:20
AussieGuycould be...I want to allow multiple connections to my gnutella servent for a single file. So ill send "x-alternate-location" headers with different ports as locations05:20
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AussieGuywith those ports being forwarded to the port my servant is listening on05:20
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halberdI am trying to install a window manager on Ubuntu server, on a macbook, but I am getting a problem when I try to run XXorg -configure05:20
halberdit says that the ABI version is wrong (1) when it should be 205:21
TristamI'm pretty sure I could do that with pf on my pfsense box, but I have no idea how to do it in linux05:21
Deadboyswhen i use apt-get to install OpenSSL on my dedi what is the default directory that they will be in, anyone?05:21
MarupaAny suggestions for my printer issue?05:21
halberdand then it says "failed to load module psb"05:21
halberdanybody have any idea what I could do to fix this?05:21
Vantraxyour trying to run compiz window manager?05:22
Vantraxor emerald or beryl or?05:22
halberdno actually I was trying to run the enlightenment window manager, not that I have a special preference, but I'm having a problem just getting the X server set up05:23
Vantraxhrm, sorry, never used that one05:23
halberdI did apt-get install xserver-xorg05:23
halberdalso apt-get install xdm05:23
halberdthen I tried to run Xorg -configure05:23
Deadboysdoes anyone know how to go about setting up an ipv6 broker?05:23
chaddyhalberd: why not just aptitude install enlightenment and let it grab it's own dependencies?05:24
SeaHorseet toi05:24
halberdI did apt-get install enlightenment but it couldn't run because there was no x server05:24
halberdI'm not 100% clear on the process for installing an x server and window manager from scratch05:25
chaddyhmm, seems flawed05:25
isilionproblem with fglrx. launchin compiz or 3d games makes computer completely to hang up. in the desktop, or 2d games is ok.05:25
chaddyhalberd: usually I'd just install ubuntu-desktop or similar and let it grab the lot05:26
RHorsehalberd, i'd a thot enlightenment would have brought in the X server as a dependency, no?05:26
retmacd: hmm, i'm using gnome-term; but the fonts available are pretty shit.05:26
reti guess i can make do.05:26
retwell, for coding anyway.05:26
halberdwell I don't know05:27
eternalswdI just installed a LiteOn dvd drive into my machine.  It has vendor ATAPI, model iHAS120   6, revision 7L08.  It is supposed to support burning dvd+rw and dvd-rw, but when I run cd-info, it lists both as not being able to write.  Is there something that I need to do to enable this?  Could cd-info be getting bad info?05:27
halberdwhen I try to run enlightenment it says it could not connect to the display named in $DISPLAY05:27
halberdwhich is :005:27
RHorsehalberd, google installing x server ubuntu enlightenment or similar05:27
halberdand it suggests further that the problem is that I have no X server running05:27
chaddyhalberd: you don't run window managers directly05:28
chaddyhalberd: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:28
halberdwhen I run xdm it exits with no error, but then when I run enlightenment again it gives me the same error05:28
MarupaAny ideas?05:29
halberdalso I tried running xinit but it exited with an error that it can't find /etc/X11/X which I guess should point to a server05:29
halberdbut I tried linking that to xdm and it didn't work05:29
chaddyhalberd: sudo aptitude install gdm05:30
RHorsehalberd, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?05:30
chaddyMarupa: what app are you using to scan, sane?05:31
Marupaxsane, yes.05:31
chaddyMarupa: this might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=498484905:33
aaron_sERVer6can someone help me?05:34
Vantraxtends to depend on the problem05:35
chaddy!ask> aaron_sERVer605:35
ubottuaaron_sERVer6, please see my private message05:35
nir0hi all05:38
nir0 5735 root      20   0 1308m 1.2g 2256 R   64 61.8   8:00.13 NetworkManager05:39
nir0is this normal?05:39
SquichieHow does IRC work anyways?05:39
Marupanir0, No.05:39
MarupaSquichie, Packets of information are sent and decoded by clients.05:39
aaron_sERVer6okay. I have a friend who has BSoD on win XP HomeEdition and I want to thrill them with Ubuntu. They hired me to fix said machine, but I don't support Windows or other MS products in the least. So, I wanted to provide my client with Ubuntu and I don't know if I should give a liveCD or install to HD. The clients hard drive is NOT broken and I was able to access all parts from my ubuntu box. What should I do?05:39
Squichieoh, thanks05:39
Squichiethats what I was going for05:39
kitcheSquichie: IRC is just text back and forth really05:40
LinuxWizard_hi ppl05:40
Flannelaaron_sERVer6: Give them a liveCD.  And the contact info of someone who can fix their windows install.05:40
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nir0Marupa: so what should i do to repair that?05:41
Marupanir0, Reboot?  Kill it and start over?  Restart X?05:41
LinuxWizard_any idea how to activate an application once screensaver is on?05:41
chaddynir0: sudo kill -9 5735 should sort it05:41
nir0Marupa: i already killed05:42
nalfienHey, anyone know how to get Warhammer Online working on Ubuntu?05:42
nir0Marupa: i don't think it's kind of repair :)05:42
aaron_sERVer6They are no longer interested in using windows(a little help from me...LOL) and want to use another.. more reliable sys to access Limewire and such...   still give liveCD. PLUS, I cannot provide support for windows or MS products as they are totally against my end desire for my clients.05:42
Marupanir0, If you killed it and it's still there, you didn't kill it.05:42
nir0Marupa: it isn't there05:43
Marupanir0, problem solved?05:43
nir0Marupa: i just think it could happen again05:43
Deadboyscan someone help me with this script05:43
Marupanir0, I've never had that happen, so could be a bad installation maybe?  Or maybe something else.05:43
Deadboyssec pasting it05:43
Flannelaaron_sERVer6: This topic would be better off in #ubuntu-offtopic05:44
Deadboyswhen i try to run it i get this error05:44
Deadboysgrep: /etc/sysconfig/iptables: No such file or directory05:44
Deadboysgrep: /var/log/secure: No such file or directory05:44
Deadboysgrep: /var/log/secure: No such file or directory05:44
Deadboysgrep: /var/log/secure: No such file or directory05:44
Deadboyswc: ttt: No such file or directory05:44
FloodBot3Deadboys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:44
Deadboysshouldnt those directories be there by default?05:45
chaddyDeadboys: no05:45
chaddyDeadboys: is this script for a redhat system, by any chance?05:46
Deadboysit probably is05:46
nir0Marupa: ok, thanks anyway05:46
Deadboysits not mine05:46
Deadboysim just trying to buff up my ssh security05:46
Deadboyson my dedi05:46
Tyrathis there a way to quick key the application menu - ie, press M- and the app menu opens up05:46
Deadboyshow can i make that script work in ubuntu05:47
Deadboysim pretty clueless to writing scripts05:47
LinuxWizard_what is that for?05:47
VantraxTyrath: use compiz advanced effects manager05:47
TyrathVantrax: how do I acess that?05:48
nir0tyrath ccsm05:48
Tyrathdoes it have a terminal word?05:48
Deadboysthe script is to prevent people from trying to brute force into my dedi via ssh05:48
Tyrathah thanks05:48
thismamacooks200/msg ubottu etiquette05:48
Deadboysand to block the repetetive ips05:49
FlannelTyrath: Alt-f105:49
Deadboysusing iptables05:49
chaddyDeadboys: I'd look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103329 for starters05:49
Tyrathum its telling me ccsm isn't installed, should I install it? or is it supposed to be there already?05:49
nir0Tyrath: but i dont think it could help you05:49
FlannelTyrath: ccsm isn't installed by default, no.  But just hit alt-f105:49
chaddyTyrath: aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager05:49
Tyrathk thanks05:49
Tyrathcant I just use apt-get?05:50
Deadboysthanks Tyrath05:50
chaddyaptitude just tab completes easier, for me05:50
Tyrathoh now I see why you're showing me the alt-f1 lol05:50
Tyrath- ok is there anyway I can rebind alt-f1?05:50
Vantraxthat allows bindings05:50
Tyrathor do I need ccsm?05:50
Vantraxfor desktop actions and launching apps05:50
Tyrathah k05:51
Tyrathwill install it now05:51
nir0do you use compiz?05:51
Vantraxsome good info in ubuntu forums for compiz05:51
nir01st question :)05:51
eternalswdTyrath, go to System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts05:51
Tyrathum its telling me it cant find package ccsm05:51
Tyratheternalswd: I tried that the other day. only works for window shuffling and key binds05:52
nir0Tyrath: do you use compiz05:52
a1lenHey guys, the packages that I have to find with Firefox - after I install them they just hand out on the desktop. Can I delete them? Or do I need to store 'em?05:52
FlynsarmyWhen is ibex scheduled to be released?05:52
nir0Tyrath: why05:52
Tyrathi don't think, unless I'm using it and i don't realise i am05:52
halberd2I am using screen and somehow it froze... I tried doing C-a q to send the xon signal, but that did not help, and no matter what I do it does not display any change05:52
Tyrathbc i don't know what it is05:52
nir0Tyrath: :)))05:52
Vantraxcompiz, emerald, AWN ftw:P05:52
halberd2that is on TTY 1 that I have that problem now I am on TTY 2205:52
chaddya1len: you can delete them no bother05:53
a1lenchaddy: thanks man05:53
chaddya1len: handy to keep any drivers about05:53
eternalswdTyrath, what are you wanting alt-f1 to do?05:53
a1lenchaddy: Where does the system default-store all the ones in the package manager?05:53
nir0Tyrath: ok you should learn more about compiz-fusion, emerald, avant-window-navigator... use wikipedia.org for start05:54
Tyrath- so that's going to help me bind05:54
chaddya1len: /var/cache/apt, I think05:54
Vantraxthose three make my linux box look nicer than OSX05:54
cwraigim looking for some kind of ubuntu benchmark app that i can use (i have a netbook with ubuntu installed on internal SSD and an external HDD and i want to compare overall performance)05:54
Tyrath- because i just installed it05:54
a1lenchaddy: Thank you very much.05:54
Vantraxthere are settings in compiz to allow you to bind key combos to effects and programs05:55
chaddya1len: /var/cache/apt/archives, even05:55
Vantraxso you can have one set to open the menu when you hit a combo05:55
chaddya1len: you're welcome ;)05:55
Vantraxit does other nice things too05:55
Tyrathcompiz just changed my whole interface05:55
nir0Tyrath: maybe  yes... but binding keys is in gnome-keyboard-properties\05:55
Tyrathlike its made it like a mac05:55
formode<cwraig>, I beleive Compiz has a benchmarking tool. If not try to use synaptic. :)05:55
Tyrathnir0: is that binding everything?05:56
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Tyrathok no offence but heavy GUI stuff gives me the craps05:56
Vantraxnir0: hes trying to bind desktop effects05:56
Tyrathcompiz seems to be heavy GUI05:56
Vantraxyou can disable those05:56
Vantraxyou dont need to run all of it05:56
Vantraxthats what options are for05:56
nir0Tyrath: smthng like Alt-F*05:56
Vantraxi run none of the extras05:56
Tyrathso how do I take off the extras?05:56
cwraigformode, thanks ill have a look05:57
Tyrathi like a chill interface that does the job when i cbf using console :P05:57
Tyrathi get that with ubuntu alone05:57
Tyrathso is there a command that stops compiz doing graphical stuff?05:58
FlannelTyrath: alt-f2 then metacity --replace05:58
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Tyrathah sweet ty05:58
nir0Flannel +105:58
anarchatattempting a 7.10 to 8.04 upgrade :)05:58
jabagaweeanarchat, good luck05:58
Flannelanarchat: read the release notes first.05:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hosts05:59
Vantraxtyrath: head to System -> Preferences -> Advanced Desktop Effects Settings to tweak05:59
nir0anarchat: good luck :)05:59
anarchatFlannel: ack05:59
formodeanarchat, Maybe try 7.10, to 8.04 upgrade first?05:59
Tyraththanks both05:59
TyrathI did what Flannel said and it fixed it05:59
* anarchat will google05:59
Flannel!upgrade | anarchat05:59
ubottuanarchat: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:59
Vantraxthat same panel has the binding bits for desktop effects in it under general05:59
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:59
Flannelanarchat: That links to the Hardy specific ones, which links to a few things you probably should read05:59
jvmhi. hibernation on my system stopped working after i installed nvidia drivers. i deinstalled them since. it does still not work. what to do?06:01
Tyrathgah struggling to find the bind key function in prefs :(06:02
Tyrath- sorry i mean settings manager06:02
anarchateverything seems okay after reading the upgrade notes and release notes06:03
anarchatexcept the need to reboot in a new kernel06:03
anarchatolder kernel :)06:03
anarchatwhich i'll do06:03
anarchatnow :)06:03
FloodBot3anarchat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
Tyrathok, searching for bind and key won't work06:03
* Tyrath contemplates finding a tutorial06:04
Sammydear all, how to run appserver in java??06:05
KattmanI deleted "libhal.so.1 !  how can i get it back06:05
sjeahi guys06:06
Tyrathhey if I apt-get remove firefox -a chatzilla will it remove chatzilla or firefox or both?06:06
Tyrath- and i don't particularly want to test to see what happens cause i've set up firefox to work the way i like it06:06
anarchatsorry for the earlier flood06:07
FlannelTyrath: try -s (for simulate)06:07
sjealol i love doing that06:07
Tyrathso apt-get remove firefox -a chatzilla -s ?06:07
nir0Tyrath: i dont think apt-get touches settings in ~06:07
Sammyhow to run java web server06:07
Tyrathactually, I shouldn't even ask. I can just uninstall the plugin from firefox - i just remembered06:08
halberdah I found out what happened I accidentally detached my screen from the tty06:08
chaddySammy: start by atomizing your questions06:08
halberdso I have reattached it but I still have the problem that TTY1 is frozen06:09
thismamacooks200if I run a repeating playlist or a long video in *any* media player, it stops playing and the player eventually stop playing sound at all until I close and restart it. I also have the same problem with audio in firefox. Games also will not make sound if firefox or a media player are opened first.06:09
halberdI have my screen session back but not TTY106:09
markyliciousHi guys.06:09
halberdhow can I recover it?06:09
markyliciousI got a cd from ubuntu06:09
Tyrathhey so you know how I installed compiz - is that compiz fusion or no?06:09
markyliciousIt says 8.04.1 LTS desktop edition.06:09
Tyrath- do i need to install compiz fusion as well?06:09
markyliciousI cant install it with my xp.06:10
markyliciousPlease help.06:10
heyitsJillhelp! my drivers don't work :(06:10
markyliciousI got this message when I try to boot it up: stats {DRDY ERR}06:10
markylicioussometing like that06:10
markyliciousCan anyone help?06:10
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odracir34did you write you drivers specs on a piece of paper06:10
nir0Tyrath: compiz-fusion is named compiz, and installed by default06:11
odracir34if you did06:11
KattmanI need "libhal.so.1"  from usr/lib  will someone copy theres to  http://filebin.ca/  ?  PLEASE06:11
odracir34google for it06:11
Neelabhcan anybody help me with webserver softwares, how they work under linux?06:11
heyitsJillI have an nvidia 9500M GS and followed the instructions in the forum to build the .deb files. I installed the deb files but nothing seems to have changed. What do I do now?06:11
nir0Tyrath: for complete installing you need just drivers for your video and ccsm06:11
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nir0bb all06:12
NeelabhHello! everybody06:12
Neelabhcan anybody help me with webserver softwares, how they work under linux?06:12
chaddyNeelabh: probably better06:12
Tyrathmarkylicious: there's a ubuntu plugin for firefox - i'm searching for it but can't find it06:12
chaddyNeelabh: google "ubuntu lamp how to"06:13
jim_pNeelabh: web server software as in? what do you need to make an frp server for instance?06:13
Neelabhlike apache06:13
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Tyrathnir0: its just that on wikipedia it said i need fusion06:13
Neelabhlamp isnt properly working06:13
Neelabhi tried a lot06:13
Neelabhthere is somehing wrong i can' figure the problem06:13
Squichie1hey all06:14
nir0Tyrath: there is no compiz and beryl anymore, just compiz-fusion stays... but package is called simply compiz06:14
Tyrathis there not a quick command to bind keys on compiz?06:14
Squichie1I have a wireless connection which connects me to the Internet, and a Ethernet connection which connects me to a file server. I can be connected at both times, however, when I have the Ethernet, my Internet stops working, presumably because it is trying to receive it from the file server, and not the wireless. how can I fix this in intrepid?06:14
Tyrathnir0: ahhh fe06:14
a1lensquichiel: Try disabling your wireless and rebooting, see what happens, and reactivate if you need to.06:15
jim_pNeelabh: sorry i dont know about lamp :(06:16
a1lensquichiel, it was odd. I was having similar problems.06:16
Squichie1yah ill give it a shot? back in a .gif06:16
Tyrathok I found a tutorial on compiz06:17
Tyrathwhat's the super key?06:17
Tyrathah k thanks06:18
Tyrathso its M-06:18
StevenXHey, guys, when are we going to get the new Open Office on the repos?06:18
a1lenMadWifi-tools is different than the MadWifi everyone's always talking about, isn't it?06:18
Tyrathgah the command isn't working06:18
Deadboyshow can i change the port i ssh into06:18
Vantraxnot till the next version06:18
TyrathI'm trying to Ctrl, Alt, Super and Shift06:19
Tyrathaccording to this tutorial06:19
Vantrax3.0 should be in 8.10 but it wont be added to the repos for 8.0406:19
VantraxTyrath: you need a non special key as well, not just modifier keys06:19
Tyrathwhy do i get the feeling this key binding thing is just going to be for window modifications and stuff, like I want to bind combinations of keys to open files and the like...06:19
Vantraxyou can do that too:P06:20
chaddyDeadboys: sshd -p <port>06:20
Tyrathnot i my current state, I can't even work out how to open the bind keys thing :P06:20
Vantraxbut the primary  purpose for it is to bind things to open menus, and run apps06:20
FlannelDeadboys: As far as the server is concerned? or from clientside?06:20
Vantraxfor example i have ctrl alt delete set to open the system monitor06:20
Deadboysserver side06:20
Vantraxcall  it nostalgia06:21
nir0Tyrath: ok wait i'll say you wht to do06:21
FlannelDeadboys: /etc/ssh/sshd_config06:21
Deadboysi changed it in there06:21
afinck86Hello everyone06:21
FlannelDeadboys: right near the top06:21
dman777is there a general chat room for ubuntu?06:21
Deadboysbut i couldnt connect from the port i tried06:21
Deadboysdman777 yes your in it06:21
Vantraxthere is an off topic one06:21
chaddy#ubuntu-offtopic, dman77706:21
dman777no i mean off topic one06:21
Vantraxbut this is the general one for ubuntu help06:21
FlannelDeadboys: did you restart the server after changing it?06:21
nir0what program do you need06:21
Deadboysthats why then aye?06:22
nir0Tyrath: what program do you need06:22
FlannelDeadboys: that'd be your issue, yeah.  sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart06:22
StevenXVantrax: How can I remove it if I installed it using some of the guides online? Such as this article: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-openoffice-3.0.0-on-ubuntu-8.0406:22
FlannelStevenX: howtoforge is a horrible place to go for Ubuntu stuff, by the way.06:22
Tyrathnir0: one that will allow me to key bind06:22
DeadboysFlannel sudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found06:23
Ascorbic_AcidCould someone tell me the default shortcut to Force Quit please?06:23
Tyrathnir0: i installed compiz but i can't work it06:23
Tyrath- even with the tutorial06:23
FlannelDeadboys: sorry, just ssh, not sshd06:23
FlannelStevenX: However, with those, just remove the packages you installed.  They should all have openoffice and 3 in them.06:23
Tyrathit's telling me to use this super key which isn't working06:23
Ascorbic_AcidTyrath: Did you install the compiz settings manager06:24
Tyrathi think so06:24
Tyrathi used the link nir0 gave me06:24
Tyrathwell the install command06:24
Tyrath- cause it didn't work with apt-get06:24
Tyrathand then i turned off the graphic stuff i didn't need06:25
Ascorbic_AcidTyrath: try to go to system/pref/advancded desktop w/e it is06:25
murlidharhow to change the tty terminal fonts using consolechars . man page didn't make me understand enough to use it06:25
Tyrathas in CompizConfig Settings Manager?06:25
Tyrath- i've got that open06:25
Vantraxyou want to change the terminal font in gnome-terminal?06:25
volandhello to everybody06:25
FlynsarmyWhen is ibex scheduled to be released?06:25
Tyrathmulidhar go to profiles in terminal06:26
Tyrathand click edit06:26
Ascorbic_AcidTyrath: why is it telling you to use the Super key, what for?06:26
nir0Tyrath: ps ax | grep compiz06:26
Tyraththis is a tute06:26
halberd2how can I list currently installed aptitude packages?06:26
nir0Tyrath: just to make sure you're runnin compiz06:26
Tyrathnir0: that didn't do anything06:26
Tyrath- well actually it did06:26
Deadboysmay i pm you06:26
Tyrathit displayed stuff06:27
VantraxMulidhar: in the terminal go edit -> profile -> edit then click the checkbox and change the font06:27
Tyrathjust directory stuff06:27
murlidharTyrath: i am talking about console fonts not terminal fonts06:27
Tyrathmurlidhar: ah fe sorry06:27
FlannelDeadboys: If you want.  Or you can just do it here.06:27
nir0Tyrath: copy that06:27
murlidharTyrath: the one you see without using xorg06:27
nir0Tyrath: to me06:27
Tyrathwill people get annoyed if i paste it here?06:27
VantraxI dunno about that one, ubuntu forums or trusty old google i guess06:27
Ascorbic_AcidTyrath: I just installed compiz today I will tell you exactally what I did06:28
Tyrathor do you want me to /msg you?06:28
nir0Tyrath: there should be 1 or 2 strings06:28
nir0Tyrath: rows06:28
Tyraththere's three06:28
murlidharhow to change the tty console fonts using consolechars . man page didn't make me understand enough to use it06:28
Guest9741anybody help to create views.py for admin06:28
nir0Tyrath: ok i see you're raunnin it :)06:28
Tyrathnir0: do you want me to /msg you the lines?06:29
nir0Tyrath: no06:29
nir0Tyrath: so you got to compiz settings?06:29
Tyrathnir0: yep06:29
Squichiehello again06:29
Tyrathhi Squichie06:29
a1lensquichie: How'd it work?06:30
nir0Tyrath: hmmm... you should /msg me ps ax | grep compiz :)06:30
Squichieit didnt06:30
a1len:( sorry about that.06:30
Squichieno probs06:30
Tyrath10058 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep compiz06:30
SquichieI was wondering if I could just configure firefox or something06:30
Flannel!universe | Deadboys06:30
ubottuDeadboys: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:30
a1lenAnyone know where to get a .deb for madwifi?06:31
Tyrathgah so you need to do a query before you can do a copy paste :(06:31
Tyrath- i didn't realise that06:31
Flannel!pastebin | Tyrath06:31
ubottuTyrath: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:31
Squichieeither that, or I was going to go to brainstorm and submit an idea about letting the user choose which network connection you wish to grab internet off of06:32
Tyrathubottu: thanks. im well familiar with pastebin. that was an accident before - i'm sorry06:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:32
markylicioushi everyone06:32
markyliciousI badly need help.06:32
Tyrathmarkylicious: there's a ubuntu plugin for firefox06:32
Tyrathi would give you the address if I new it06:32
Tyrath-use the plugin to install ubuntu06:33
markyliciousIm trying to run the disc that I have but it always give me a black screen with bunch of errors06:33
Tyrathi have XP also and it worked for me06:33
Tyrathmarkylicious: oh. can't help you there06:33
markyliciousI would love to install it but I dont have it installed yet06:33
FlannelDeadboys: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add in universe (more likely uncomment it), but on... all of the non-dapper versions, its enabled by default.  Have you updated your package cache since installing?06:33
murlidharhow to change the tty console fonts ?06:33
markyliciousgot a message "buffer I/O error on device sdb, logical block 0. Tried google, no luck06:34
Flannel!repeat | murlidhar06:34
ubottumurlidhar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:34
murlidharFlannel: when was the last time i repeated ?06:34
StevenXFlannel: thanks. I'll try to find it.06:35
Flannelmurlidhar: five minutes before that.06:35
murlidharFlannel: what is the interval time i should repeat my question ?06:35
Flannelmurlidhar: 20-30 minutes is generally a reasonable timeframe.06:36
murlidhargreat thanks Flannel06:36
markyliciousCan I install ubuntu without installing wubi or virtualbox?06:36
isilion_any idea what is  AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x23 to 0x72 in xorg.0.log?06:36
Flannelmarkylicious: give it its own partition06:37
Ascorbic_AcidWho can tell me what a benchmark is.... the compiz has one for Super+F12 shortcut...... This only to show my FPS..... What else does this do? thank you06:37
markyliciousi have windows installed on C:06:37
markyliciousI have a partition D:06:38
Flannel!dualboot | markylicious06:38
ubottumarkylicious: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:38
|sonic|Hi ! Is it ok to install Ubuntu inside windows and on external HDD ? (alongside the warning that it will slow down the disk transfer that way)06:38
riegersnmarkylicious, D: is just your cd/dvd drive not a partition06:38
Onyxanyone know how i can get wma playback with mplayer?06:38
Ascorbic_Acidriegersn: D:\ can be a hard drive... I have a partition as a D:\06:38
riegersnAscorbic_Acid, not by default06:39
Ohmuhttp://pastebin.ca/1232818  Problem creating Wireless Access Point.  I'm beat.  2 days and stymmied.  Can anyone help fix it or bury it for good?06:39
markyliciousD: is my hard drive. my cd drive is H: and I:06:40
riegersnAscorbic_Acid, and show me a pc that is sold without a cd/dvd drive, and if he built it himself he most likely would not need this help ;)06:40
riegersni stand corrected06:40
jon_high9000sorry to intrude but i have been tried to load gdeskets and it won't load for some apparent reason.06:40
jim_pdoes this package  >>    b43-fwcutter         include some exotic or modified b43 module other than the kernel one?06:41
Ascorbic_Acidriegersn: Didn't mean it did not have a cd drive..... All im saying is I got C: and D: hard drive split into two and E:\ for my cd/dvd drive.... other then that i don't know what he talking about not paying attention. LoL06:41
Deadboyshow do i remove python2.406:41
markyliciousOnce you have the CD, insert it into your CD-ROM drive and reboot your PC.06:41
markyliciousIf the computer does not boot from the CD (eg. Windows starts again instead), check your BIOS settings and fix as appropriate.06:41
markyliciousIf successfully booted from CD, the Ubuntu logo will be displayed on the screen. Press Enter to continue.06:41
bullgard4What is a 'kernel image'?06:41
Deadboysi have python2.5 already and i didnt know06:41
markyliciousi tried it.. I didnt work06:42
Ascorbic_AcidWho asked about running Ubuntu as an application?06:42
Flanneljim_p: that grabs the firmware from the card06:42
|sonic|Hi ! Is it ok to install Ubuntu inside windows and on external HDD ? (alongside the warning that it will slow down the disk transfer that way)06:42
|sonic|it's me06:42
|sonic| Ascorbic_Acid i asked06:42
Pookywhen I do a file list, some files show up with their permissions and other information displayed as ?'s, how do I remove them?06:43
afinck86On average, how long does it take the normal person migrating from Windows to learn Linux, especially Ubuntu ?06:43
isilion_afinck86,  between a week and a month06:43
Flannelafinck86: Depends on what you want to do with it, of course.06:43
whileimhereHi I am using XFCE as my desktop  right now and when I add the volume manager to my taskbar (top or bottom) it doesnt show up. Any idea why?06:44
Ascorbic_AcidIt does not hurt your windows install... I am running Ubuntu as an application now.. I don't know anything about an external drive as I have never used one.... As for performance on Ubuntu It is plenty fast for me, I don't think its much diff06:44
jim_pFlannel: and why is it different from the one in the kernel?06:44
isilion_afinck86,  just dont forget that most errors and issues are solved and can be viewed googling :)06:44
|sonic|Ascorbic_Acid, ty06:44
|sonic|do you tried video manipulations , editing ?06:44
Kr0ntabAscorbic_Acid: heya.  You referring to having installed Ubuntu using WUBI?06:45
isilion_any idea what is  AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x23 to 0x72 in xorg.0.log?06:45
|sonic|more complex processes ?06:45
Flanneljim_p: The firmware is closed source, etc.  I'm no expert.  But even on windows, the "drivers" just know how to download and interface with the firmware on the hardware06:45
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: I am talking about installing ubuntu as an application inside windows06:45
|sonic|Ascorbic_Acid , i'm installing it now will tell u my opinion06:45
Kr0ntabyeah WUBI...  cool.06:46
jim_pFlannel: i see, thank you06:46
Ascorbic_AcidKr0ntab: what does WUBI mean?06:46
Kr0ntabubuntu installer for windows....06:47
|sonic|kr0ntab what is your opinion abiut this method ?06:47
|sonic|sorry for caps06:47
Kr0ntab|sonic|: no sweat.  I think it's a wonderfully exciting way of installing Linux....06:48
|sonic|yeah but the performance ?06:48
|sonic|i want to work video compositing06:48
Kr0ntab|sonic|: anythign that makes it easier for someone to experience Linux as easily as possible is a good thing...06:48
|sonic|so performance is very important06:48
halberd2is it possible to test installing an aptitude package, but making it possible to clean-up everything afterwards if it doesn't quite work?06:48
halberd2including cleaning up all installed dependencies06:49
Vantraxyep, the same way you installed it06:49
Kr0ntab|sonic|: almost no major performance hit... minor disk performance decrease... but other than that... you're using all of your hardware the way it was supposed to be...06:49
Ascorbic_Acid|sonic|: I think it's very close to the same... but I have never used Ubuntu directly. You can always just delete it06:49
halberd2well I can do apt-get remove <...> but that only removes the single package not its dependencies06:49
|sonic|kr0ntab , tyvm06:49
|sonic|Ascorbic_Acid , tnx06:50
halberd2and then I can do apt-get autoremove to clean up SOME things06:50
RaynesI need to get a new modem before I can use ubuntu :(06:50
Ascorbic_AcidWho can tell me the shortcut for Force Quit please?06:51
Vantraxuse the synaptic package manager06:51
jim_pAscorbic_Acid: ctrl+c ???06:51
Vantraxfor both install and removal06:51
Vantraxthen you  know exactly what you added06:51
Kr0ntab|sonic|, Ascorbic_Acid: its a fully native installation.. with the exception of the disk.  Instead of formatting or partitioning the hard drive.. you create a virtual disk that is merely a file located on your ntfs file system.  it's mounted as a disk and you don't even know the difference....06:51
halberd2I don't have a window manager06:51
halberd2I am working on the command line06:51
halberd2I am TRYING to get a window manager06:51
a1lenIs Madwifi-Tools the MadWifi patch that everyone always talks about?06:52
yugohello,guys,how to modify read-only keys in gconf-editor?06:52
xTheGoat121xSo, I've got an odd problem... I dual boot my laptop, and I notice that 100% volume in Ubuntu is significantly softer than 100% volume in Windows.06:52
a1lenI mean, not patch.06:52
Ascorbic_Acid|sonic|: Did you read that somewhere?06:52
Vantraxthen you can do it with apt-get install and remove but make sure you note what dependancies it installs, not the ones it needs06:52
Kr0ntabwhats cool about that is uninstalling is simply removing the extra boot option... and removing the parent ubuntu folder from your ntfs file system.  :-)06:52
Vantraxelse you might remove too much06:52
halberd2what you just mean manually06:52
halberd2that's the worst way to do it06:52
Vantraxits the cleanest way06:53
Ascorbic_Acid|sonic|: I have installed and removed Ubuntu as an application before... it's very simple to get rid off if thats what your saying06:53
|sonic|Ascorbic_Acid , i read it now , tnx06:53
rakesh_hello swati06:53
Vantraxyou can just remove then use the auto commands to clean it up, but it wont be as clean as doing it manually06:53
|sonic|yeah that one i saw06:53
halberd2why won't it be?06:53
RaynesI have ubuntu installed as an application, it's awesome.06:53
rakesh_yeah ..06:53
Ascorbic_AcidAs do I06:53
rakesh_wubi ..is kool06:53
Vantraxauto tools are never as good as someone doing it manually that knows what to do06:54
rakesh_but there are some performance issues with it06:54
halberd2what would autoclean do wrong?06:54
|sonic|installing done , need to reboot and try 64bit Ubuntu06:54
|sonic|c ya later06:54
Kr0ntabhave fun06:54
FloodBot3|sonic|: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:54
avgjoeI recently installed ubuntu after purchasing a computer with vista installed. I upgraded the graphics card to an ATI Radeon 3650, but the drivers I installed are not compatible with linux. I googled 'ati linux drivers', and was sent to the ati website. I selected all the appropriate options (os, card, etc.) and downloaded the installer...but I don't know what to run it with. Can anybody help me? Googling (so far) hasn't shed any light, b06:54
Ascorbic_Acid|sonic|: it will have to install more, lol06:54
RaynesI can't even use my installation until I get a new modem -_-06:54
Ascorbic_Acid|sonic|: but have fun06:54
RaynesLucky you.06:54
|sonic|thanks :)06:54
|sonic|c ya06:54
Vantraxavgjoe: your talking abotu the restricted package manager?06:55
halberd2wait a minute autoclean doesn't actually uninstall anything06:55
Ascorbic_Acidrakesh_: What kinda performance issues are their with it?06:55
Vantraxautoclean can remove unused packages:P06:55
avgjoeI'm not sure, total noob06:55
Kr0ntabVantrax: he may not know what that is06:55
avgjoebut when trying to run the driver installation, it requires I select a program to run it with, would that be it?06:56
Vantraxwhats the file called?06:56
halberd2according to man aptitude, autoclean merely cleans up the cache06:56
bullgard4What is the 'kernel image'?06:56
Kr0ntabVantrax: you may want to walk him through restricted driver install... via front end tool.06:56
halberd2the thing is that I don't want to install more junk than I need06:57
feng14how to view the same domain computer in the shell?06:57
avgjoedl link: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html06:57
isilion_avgjoe, dont run the installer06:57
isilion_avgjoe,  it wont work. wait a min, i will show you a howto06:57
avgjoethank you06:57
karab44_each time i turn on my computer is compiz.real generated a problem and its going to close06:58
Kr0ntabavgjoe: yeah... you probably dont even need to run anything.  Ubuntu includes the option to run open source and proprietary drivers... your choice, but will work without having to download anything special...06:58
rakesh_samething is happening with me ..06:58
rakesh_I am using 8.10 beta06:59
avgjoewell, right now everything looks terrible, text is a variation of green/black, all images are filled with pixalized green, etc.06:59
=== rahal_ is now known as rahal
rakesh_compiz.real crashes every time06:59
Vantraxavgjoe:  only run the fglrx (ATI) driver if it needs to do something the default wont06:59
karab44_rakesh_: yes06:59
feng14check the system logs06:59
karab44_but indeed nothing happens06:59
halberd2I have no manual page for X06:59
halberd2but enlightenment directs me to read the man page for X07:00
halberd2how can I get the manual for X?07:00
Ascorbic_AcidWhere do I go to delete stuff from my menus... LIke my applications menu and games and stuff?07:00
karab44_where i find compiz.real or system log?07:00
mwcI updated to 8.10, everything went smoothly. On reboot, GDM is unable to start any gnome sessions (login stuff fades away, left with only orange background and pointer.) I can start a failsafe X term, but not a failsafe gnome07:01
mwcany idea? I can't find a relevent bug on launchpad07:01
joueur_ranko ranko :D07:02
DigitalFizwow ubuntu still only has e16 enlightenment thats super old guess e17 is to much of a task?07:02
Vantraxanyone know the symantec ghost command line switch to preserve the grub bootloader in the image07:03
bullgard4mwc: You will get a faster answer in #ubuntu+1.07:04
kai696Does anyone know DivX well? (Web player)07:04
deftoneHow do i get 32bit drivers installed on a 64bit version of ubuntu?07:08
bullgard4kai696: DivX is a brand name of products created by DivX, Inc. Please specify your product.07:08
kai696defttone, onl x64 will work on x64 systems, What specifically are you trying to install?07:08
dmg2008Hey everyone: does anyone know if using a windows formatted ipod 80Gb can be stuffed up if it plugged into a linux machine and accessed through amarok... my friend who put all hismusic on his ipod using vista attached his ipod to my machine so we could listen to some music from it and afterwards the ipod acts asthough there is no music there when he uses it and when he connects it to his vista machine...?07:09
deftonei'm using ndiswrapper to install my wireless drivers07:09
kai696bullgard4: I am not sure, DivX Web Player is what the Bundle came with and that seems to be hosting the issues. It's giving me an error saying to check my connection, however my connection is fine07:09
deftonei have a marvell topdog wireless card07:09
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
kai696dmg2008, you are referring to set to discmode?07:10
kai696deftone: Unfortionatelly I am not familiar with ndiswrapper. I apologise07:10
dmg2008kai696: Not exactly. It may have been set to discmode prior by him... he's a bit clueless. When i tried to use the ipod with vista it made out as though the DB was unreadable.07:11
deftonei thought there was a package that enabled you to install 32bit apps in 64bit os?07:12
|sonic|ok i have installed 64bit Ubuntu as application into windows , i have core 2 duo CPU ....... After the installation finished i got message to eject the CD and to reboot , then i got the option on startup to choose OS , choosed Ubuntu and got command prompt , GRUB />07:12
|sonic|what should i do ?07:12
Flannel!chroot | deftone07:12
ubottudeftone: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box07:12
dmg2008kai696 so I wonder if amarok wrote to it for some reason even though there was no music transferred to it07:12
kai696deftone, Upon installing Ubuntu, I had installed the x64, and had to recompile manually the sound drivers.07:12
kai696dmg2008, Please hold when I do some research07:12
erpoI try to run javac and it tells me to install sun-java6-jdk to get it. I install that package and javac still isn't present on my system. Why?07:13
dmg2008kai696 thanks in advance... i tried googling but came up with unrelated results07:13
kai696Aye, I have a nack for finding things.07:13
karab44What is pulsaudio ?07:13
karab44when I do have an alsa installed do I really need pulsaudio?07:13
erpokarab44: If you don't know if you need pulseaudio, you don't need pulseaudio.07:14
kai696dmg2008, WHat version of Windows Vista?07:14
karab44erpo but what is it?07:14
erpokarab44: It's a sound server like esd or arts.07:14
dmg2008kai696 I have no clue about vista but it is probably standard home version07:14
karab44erpo: it is installed as default and autoboot when logging07:15
karab44so what does it do?07:15
erpokarab44: Have you tried googling for pulseaudio?07:15
Tyrathis there a way to edit syntax colours in vim?07:15
manirhi there07:15
Tyrathhi manir07:15
manirTyrath: do you guys know how to connect ubuntu to windows xp wirelessly?07:16
kai696Firstly, Have you tried a different USB port, dmg2008?07:16
Tyrathmanir: no idea, use wine07:16
karab44i have error in userlog  main.c setrlimit failed Operation not permitted07:16
|sonic||sonic|: ok i have installed 64bit Ubuntu as application into windows , i have core 2 duo CPU ....... After the installation finished i got message to eject the CD and to reboot , then i got the option on startup to choose OS , choosed Ubuntu and got command prompt , GRUB />07:16
Tyrathmanir: but wine didn't work for me :(07:16
karab44its pulseaudio error07:16
manirTyrath: I just wanted to internetwork two computers07:17
|sonic|please someone help....07:17
manirone is using ubuntu and the other is xp07:17
Tyrathmanir: click on places/network07:17
user_what's the command to see all the hdd and partitions from the console?07:17
Tyrathmanir: wireless network07:18
manirTyrath: I have tried that,didn't work07:18
TyrathI don't think I know how to07:18
Tyrathgooge it07:18
Tyrathgoogle it07:18
FloodBot2Tyrath: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:18
TyrathI did see it in a help file somewhere...07:18
halberdso I just successfully started X, but it monopolized my screen07:18
halberdI had no way to get out of it07:19
|sonic||sonic|: ok i have installed 64bit Ubuntu as application into windows , i have core 2 duo CPU ....... After the installation finished i got message to eject the CD and to reboot , then i got the option on startup to choose OS , choosed Ubuntu and got command prompt , GRUB />   ... What should i do now ?07:19
TyrathI think if you go to the ubuntu website it is there somewhere07:19
halberdalt-right didn't get me to a different terminal07:19
user_what's the command to see all the hdd and partitions from the console?07:19
manirTyrath: can i use wine to install every .exe file system07:19
=== e-frame is now known as kuthux
erpouser_: ls /dev/sd*07:19
dmg2008kai696 i don't think we did... because the music was no longer accessible from his machine I used my machine to transfer all the music to an external hard drive (which requires 2 usb ports) then plugged it into his laptop on the side with 2 ports and the ipod to the other side (where there is only 1 port) in the attempt to put the music back on the newly formatted ipod... unfortunately vista claimed to have installed the driver for the ext hd but would not s07:19
Tyrathmanir: I couldn't use wine, ask one of the ops they should be able to help you out07:19
=== kuthux is now known as e-frame
manircan anyone tell me how to use wine?07:20
kai696dmg2008: does it detect any music in Itunes? If not, Can you verify that the songs are on the Ipod?07:20
karab44erpo: why advanced tools like pulseaudio are installed by default? Does ubuntu using them?07:20
Flannel!wine | manir07:20
ubottumanir: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:20
erpokarab44: Yes.07:20
karab44You said that I don07:21
Tyraththanks for the help everyone07:21
karab44*You said that I dont need pulseaudio but question is ubuntu needs it07:21
genius_The only difference from selection that i can make in setup (Use whole disk and use encrypted LVM) that i had to glue two physical volumes with LVM, created volume group and encrypted volume, then on top of it- LVM with my new volumes.07:21
genius_In my case LVM envolved before and after authentication process, so ubuntu installer forgot to add PAM like it did before. How to fix?07:21
xjkxI have an extended partition with 2 logicals inside it. I am trying to resize partition sda5 to install Ubuntu. But gparted says a crazy message like this: "the filesystem is already x bytes long. Nothing to do !" instead of x, it says a big number i won't tell here. what the hell is that ? I run control+r and its still not resized.07:22
KartagisPackage webmin has no installation candidate <--- i get this but webmin exists and all my repos are enables07:22
kai696xjkx, check filetype of logical partition. Unmount before resize and format the new partition07:23
dmg2008kai696 no itunes thinks the ipod is empty of songs but does register that it was at 40% capacity. Amarok confirms the music is there. I assume this means the DB is forked but amarok can still read it... That's why I was able to get the music off it. So yes the music was still there but itunes and the ipod didn't register it.07:23
Flannel!webmin | Kartagis07:23
ubottuKartagis: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.07:23
kai696Run a diagonistics mode on your Ipod, Hopefully this can fix it, if not, the ipod might have to be forced out of any updates and reinstalled.07:23
xjkxkai696: its not mounted. its ext3. i tried formating the new one and not formating and had the same result07:23
kai696xjkx, Size of partition and size after split?07:24
dmg2008kai696 I tried using amarok to repopulate the freshly formatted and updated ipod... this went well until we disconnected the ipod and found that it didn't think there was any music on there07:24
kai696dmg2008: For Diagnostics mode, if it's a fifth gen, just do a hard reset and hold the left button and the center button at the same time07:24
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox07:24
kai696Ouch dmg2008, :S That is diffinately an uncommon problem07:24
xjkxkai696: my extended has 28. my logical has 27, i am resizing 27 to 17, so having 10 free to make a new one07:26
dmg2008kai696 i tried left and center but that didn't work... then i tried menu and center ... that restarted it but didn't give me diagnostics mode07:26
pat_what program can i get to download mp3's using ubuntu?07:26
kai696dmg2008: http://www.command-tab.com/2006/03/30/hidden-ipod-commands/07:27
=== smG_CYBER is now known as Cow_CaKep_MuPenG
kai696Hard reset, then diagnostics mode. Just use the buttons at the bottom,07:27
xjkxpat_: amule ? :>07:27
pat_whats a mule? im new to IRC and ubuntu07:27
kai696xjkx:  Your not working with a lot of space :P07:27
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin
xjkxkai696: no but why the error07:28
kai696xjkx, PM07:28
dmg2008kai696 go it...07:28
dmg2008kai696 got it sorry07:29
OverandWhat provides the 'special' tab completion - for program parameters, not just file/pathnames in ubuntu (in BASH) ?07:30
halberdso I got enlightenment running on my macbook! but I have a few questions, first off is it possible to run a window manager and ALSO switch between TTYs?07:31
Flannelhalberd: ctrl-alt-f1 through ctrl-alt-f6 are TTYs, ctrl-alt-f7 is X again07:31
OverandFlannel: that may behave differently on a mac07:32
Flannelindeed it may.07:32
OverandI believe they lack a standard console, but I *think* that would work07:32
halberdah that works fine thanks07:32
Oprtzmy screen resolution is 1024 x 768, but the screen resoultion is 1208 x 1024 when ubuntu shows login screen, how to convert it to 1024 x 768 ?07:32
UUser<user__> mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb2 is already mounted on /media/sda207:32
UUser<user__> mount failed07:32
UUser<user__>  how do i fix this?07:32
=== smG_CYBER is now known as Cow_CakEP
halberdI had to reboot a couple times because I started the X server but had no way to get back out to the command line since alt-left didn't work but ctrl-alt-f1 does work07:33
=== Cow_CakEP is now known as CoW_CAkep
steve_hello everyone  nice to meet youo\07:37
Oprtzmy screen resolution is 1024 x 768, but the screen resoultion is 1208 x 1024 when ubuntu shows login screen, how to convert it to 1024 x 768 ?07:38
jedimindi have dual monitors ... how do i get an app from one monitor to the next one?07:39
jedimindclicking and dragging only rotates the view port on the current display07:39
kai696jedimind, what graphics card?07:39
Lokianhas anyone seen that Mac app that lets you type words and it creates a large text bubble displayed on your screen? and do they have a ubuntu counter part?07:39
StevenXIs there a command or something that I can run to make sure that all windows move to desktop 1? I want this because sometimes I have windows on all different desktops and I can tell what I have open.07:39
kai696I am dual-screening right now actually, Video on one side and this on the other :)07:39
jedimindkai696: nvidia chipset07:39
halberda large text bubble?07:39
halberddo you mean stickies?07:40
kai696Do you have the control panel installed, Jedimind? and How are you using to connect? HDMI?07:40
Lokianit's sort of like how amarok displays the song title07:40
=== jason_ is now known as hex0
jedimindkai696: not sure how those questions are relevant.. i just want to drag one window from one monitor to the other07:40
jedimindwhat control panel are you talking about ?07:40
dmg2008kai696: I was trying to go through the diagnostics and got stuck .... I did a search for the step I'07:40
kai696Jedimind, Once the Nvidia control panel is setup, It runs you through a setup of dual-screens07:40
Lokianit's sort of like a giant notify in the middle of your string but you can type words to be that notify on the spot07:40
dmsupermanAnybody have a clue if there is a fix for this yet: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42020707:41
dmsupermanIt's almost a year and a half old :(07:41
kai696Then it was just as easy as connecting, choosing whether or not I wanted to duplicate my screen or extend to a second desktop07:41
jedimindkai696: my monitors are setup and working just fine07:42
dmg2008kai696 ...I'm at and found a page where someone has the same problem. The answer is that sometimes files become corrupted (I guess the DB) and the only solution is to format it and resync. I can only assume that amarok is corrupting the DB somehow.07:42
jedimindi just want to .... drag a firefox window from one monitor to th eother07:42
jedimindbut i cant07:42
jokeusaHi there! Anyone that could tell me how do i use IPTables to redirect traffic to go through Squid3 on a PC that is a stand-alone? (as in not working as a router, squid is intended to filter stuff going out if the same machine its installed on)07:42
jedimindmore specifically; my video player is not loading up on the right screen; when i double click on a movie file on secondary monitor, the video player opens up on my primary; it didnt used to do this; just started today not sure what changed07:43
kai696dmg2008, :P if Itunes can be installed, i would recommend it as it has a recovery option07:43
kai696jedimind, Should just be able to haul it over from the first screen to the left or right07:43
Kr0ntabsorry about all the joins and ghosts...07:43
Kr0ntabnet probs07:43
dmg2008kai696 the only problem now is that my external hd is not being registered by vista... I can't get the music off the hd onto his machine so that he can resync07:44
jedimindkai696: no shit07:44
jedimindcan someone who knows what they're talking about please venture an idea?07:44
dmg2008kai696: I'll see about getting another ext hd... Thanks for your help.07:44
kai696jedimind, pardon your langauge.07:44
ubuntu_toddI have intel core2 Duo. So how many CPU do I have? one or two?07:44
kai696Jedimind, I am using two screens currently, I must know *something* about it.07:45
jedimindwell you apparently cant read07:45
Flannelubuntu_todd: You have two cores.07:45
ubuntu_toddFlannel: Does two cores mean two CPUs?07:45
kai696Jedimind, Does your second screen have the ability to show anything.07:46
Flannelubuntu_todd: more or less07:46
jedimind<jedimind> more specifically; my video player is not loading up on the right screen; when i double click on a movie file on secondary monitor, the video player opens up on my primary; it didnt used to do this; just started today not sure what changed07:47
ubuntu_toddFlannel: In my system monitor there shows CPU1 and CPU2 in my CPU history. So that means there are two CPUs, but my friend says "you just have one Cpu with two cores."07:47
ubuntu_toddFlannel: I am so confused07:47
erpoubuntu_todd: You have one CPU with two cores.07:48
Flannelubuntu_todd: You have one chip, inside of that chip, there are two processors.07:48
ubuntu_toddFlannel: So two CPUS07:48
Flannelubuntu_todd: As I already said, yep.07:49
ubuntu_toddFlannel: Two central processing units but only one chip.07:49
|sonic|hello , I installed 64bit Ubuntu inside windows on external HDD , seems it doesnt work ...07:50
Kr0ntabone man.. two kidneys.  one bowl of chilli.. two chips...07:50
|sonic|uninstall also doesn't work07:50
retWEP authentication doesn't seem to work, out of the box.07:50
ubuntu_toddFlannel: So back to my original problem, can I do parallel computation in my CPUs?07:50
retany clues?07:50
|sonic|i think it show some bad sectors in external HDD07:50
Flannelubuntu_todd: Yes.  They're more or less independant of each other.07:51
reti'm using intrepid beta.07:51
Flannelret: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks07:51
ubuntu_toddret: how is the feeling?07:51
retflannel: i think it's a generic ubuntu problem.07:51
retubuntu_todd, what?07:51
|sonic|Kr0ntab can you help me dude ?07:51
Kr0ntab|sonic|: sup bro07:51
yesitisjustmeubuntu told me this lol --> This aptitude does not have Super Cow Powers.07:52
|sonic|Kr0ntab well i think my external HDD shows errors07:52
|sonic|and i could't load Ubuntu07:52
|sonic|and then i couldn't uninstall07:52
retyesitisjustme: well it doesn't.07:52
|sonic|i removed the registry and mbr files on my external HDD with Revo Uninstaller07:53
retare you expecting it to do things _for_ you, as opposed to you instructing it to do something.07:53
|sonic|and deleted the Ubuntu folder07:53
|sonic|i have backup on that procedure07:53
Flannel!enter | |sonic|07:53
ubottu|sonic|: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:53
Kr0ntab|sonic|: okay... so with disk errors... you should try to focus on getting important data off... and replace the disk.07:53
|sonic|ok sorry07:53
Tyrathis there anyway to read a file on the internet?07:53
Tyrath- like through FTP07:53
Tyrath- i mean from terminal07:54
FlannelTyrath: ftp07:54
retchrist, some people.07:54
deftonehow can i get 32bit support for ubuntu 64bit OS?07:55
|sonic|Kr0ntab , because i deleted Ubuntu manually i'm afriad of the boot now , not to get some problems loading , tough i'm not sure about disk errors. But couldn't load Ubuntu07:55
OptikCan you guys digg this for me? Thanks much: http://digg.com/odd_stuff/TheMillionDollarDonation07:55
Kr0ntab|sonic|: pm me07:55
retdeftone: you're running 32 bit ubuntu on a 64 bit computer?07:56
retor ...07:56
retchrist, you aren't making any sense. 64 bit architectures support 32 bit processing.07:56
deftonerunning 64bit ubuntu and i need to run some 32bit drivers and apps07:56
retwell, not all applications. however.07:56
Flannelret: Please be polite07:56
retwell, have you attempted to run them yet?07:56
deftoneyes i have07:56
retFlannel: please don't do that again.07:57
retdeftone: and what errors do you get?07:57
deftonesomeone mentioned there might be a package i can install07:57
Flannel!coc | ret07:57
ubotturet: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:57
retFlannel: please do not do this again.07:57
deftonei don't get any errors...i installed my wireless card through ndiswrapper and it detected hardware and said the driver is present07:57
deftonebut i suspect i don't have everything i need to run the 32bit driver to get it going07:58
retflannel: does the conception of authority meddle with your ego?07:58
retwhat a child.07:58
retdeftone: sorry?07:58
nacitarmkinitrd: command not found... what package is that in?07:58
Kr0ntabret: seriously... this is a help channel... if you cant give support without belittling or offending people... then this isn't a place for you to be.07:59
deftonei thought you could run 32bit apps in a 64bit environment08:00
Flannel!chroot | deftone08:00
ubottudeftone: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box08:00
nacitaris there a tutorial that explains how to add a .ko driver to be built into the kernel?08:06
Tyrathone you open up ftp on terminal and have connected to the server, how to you use a program to open a file?08:07
jokeusaAnyone that could tell me how do i use IPTables to redirect traffic to go through Squid3 on a PC that is a stand-alone? (as in not working as a router, squid is intended to filter stuff going out if the same machine its installed on)08:07
TyrathI tried ftp> vim filename.html   - but ftp won't let me do that :(08:08
Tyrathit tells me that vim is not a command08:08
nacitarnano -w08:08
Tyrathftp> nano -w ?08:08
Tyrathlike i'm taking in ftp mode08:09
Tyrathso in terminal type ftp08:09
Tyraththen type open08:09
Tyrath- servername08:09
Tyrathusername & password08:09
Tyraththen what08:09
neggeI've logged in to my server a couple times today, I've been testing some network stuff so the connection has gone on and off a few times and now there are 3 ghost logins on the server. How can I log these off?08:09
ohzieHey. I'm having some trouble with my usb hard drive, and I solved it one time when I found a thing online that gave me a line to modprobe(sp?) a usb 1.0 module instead of the 2.0 module.08:11
ohziebut now I can't remember how to do that, and I can't find the same thing on google. Everything is telling me to load hci and stuff like that08:11
ohzieI just want to change to the usb 1.x module. Can anyone tell me how to do that, or point me in the right direction? O_o?08:12
Tyrathok i think i found it08:12
Tyraththanks anyway08:12
rubydiamondjoin #rubyonrails08:13
newlifeHi - I have Ogle DVD player installed but can't seem to get a GUI menu up - I figured out how to start and play it from Terminal with all the keyboard commands - but would be nice to a GUI - Any idea's ? ?08:14
newlifenice have a GUI08:14
deftoneret: thanks bud...i'll look into it.08:16
cTnhello guys, can anyone recommend me good player for HD movies? (i am in gnome btw)08:22
mib_eyb1dmhi i have a running single root partition with debian etch, now i wanna move to ubuntu 8.04 and dont want to lose the data.. the resizing is not much hopeful from the livecd.. can i resize the root partition with debian to create a new small partition for ubuntu without data loss?08:23
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)08:24
Flannelmib_eyb1dm: you can't resize partitions that are mounted, so you'll need to use some sort of live system.  But yeah, you should be able to shrink your current partition and then install to another one.08:24
mib_eyb1dmFlannel: is shrinking fault free for ext3?08:24
mib_eyb1dmFlannel: also i didnt get it working from the direct method in the live cd.. so would like to try it on the debian itself..08:25
mib_eyb1dmoh ok its not possible:)08:25
Flannelmib_eyb1dm: You won't be able to shrink the partition while its mounted, but shrinking isn't a high risk move, no.08:25
Kr0ntabcTn: mplayer and I believe VLC08:26
mib_eyb1dmFlannel: shrinking releases free space right? ok checking..08:26
cTnKr0ntab: thank u verry much, i didnt had much luck wth vlc in windows lets hope it could be better in linux ( i had problems when i was resizing 1080p, because i have only 1680x1050 monitor08:27
cajun2k66i'm havin a problem playin video's  with s3 virge ... choppy playback i'm not sure if i have tha right driver ....???? any help ?08:28
DanskmandHowdy :-) - I want to deinstall a program with "sudo apt-get remove courier-mta". Then it offers me to deinstall the courier-mta, but also my capisuite, which I want to keep....How can I prevent that ?08:28
w3rd__gawd damn, ubuntu svr just works awesome in my esxi config, even with my virtual center server in a vm hot keys and all!! i have new purpose in life, ty ubuntu08:28
Kr0ntabw0rd w3rd__08:29
w3rd__rofl-copter like stylee!! jumpin fo joy up in hur !!!! yeh yeah!  ;)08:30
cajun2k66anyone available to help ?08:31
Kr0ntab!ask | cajun2k6608:31
ubottucajun2k66: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:31
Kr0ntabHi cajun2k66, by te way.08:31
SylentI'm restoring an Everex VA1500V to it's original gOS using gBook_recovery.iso from their site. However, the file is 765MB whereas a CD is 700MB. I currently have Ubuntu installed on the laptop. Anyone know what I can do here? O_O08:33
cajun2k66lol k08:33
Kr0ntabSylent: you can write it to a DVD?08:33
Kr0ntabhehe no sweat cajun2k66 :-)08:34
SylentKr0ntab: It does not let me08:34
Kr0ntabSylent: what doesnt let you?08:34
cajun2k66it took me a while to install ubuntu because of tha default depth , but now i've got my s3virge workin , only i can't play video's , very sloppy playback...08:34
SylentKr0ntab: Nero burning rom08:34
African :) Greetings08:35
DanskmandDid you see my question ?08:35
user__when i do sudo fdisk -l i get this /dev/sda2            1276        9728    67898691   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS08:36
user__ how do i make it unhidden ?08:36
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: I'm not familiar with the card or it's supported features... what resolution are you capable of running for for the desktop... and what depth?08:37
jokeusaIf i add a specific forwarding rule with IPTables, where/how can i later see that rule? i08:38
r2s1does the wireless mouse of A4TECH G6-20D working on ubuntu or any linux distro?08:38
Kr0ntabSylent: an ISO should be able to burn to a DVD without any issue... you may want to try reinstalling Nero or use another burning app...08:38
cajun2k66umm its a fairly old card , i'm running 1024x768 , 24 depth08:39
SylentKr0ntab: here is what i found when googling http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19475008:39
Kr0ntabcajun2k66:  ok... nothing crazy... how is the performance of desktop functions... e.g. moving windows around... bowsing the web...08:40
Kr0ntabbrowsing even.  :-)08:40
ucawhats the problem08:41
Kr0ntabSylent: did you download an ISO or a zip file that has just contents in it?08:41
Sylentthe ISO08:41
cajun2k66its aight , tha machine isn't that great either .... although i can run xp and watch video's ..08:41
Kr0ntabSylent: are you familiar with burning ISO's?  because there should be no difference with this one....08:41
F-3000Slart: you there?08:42
r2s1does any wireless mouse works with ubuntu or linux ?08:42
r2s1is there a listing for compatiblity?08:42
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: I'm just asking about basic desktoip functions... because those should at least be functioning somewhat decent...08:42
SylentKr0ntab: i've done many iso in the past, it simply rejects my DVD as a viable target for the CD iso burning08:42
Kr0ntaboh oh... then perhaps the media is bunk?  do you have other clean blank DVD's?08:42
cajun2k66well ya sorry ... everything else is fine .. moving windows around etc ..08:43
Kr0ntabsorry if I'm asking basic questions... just need to ask...08:43
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: cool... what video are you playing?  DVD?  MPG?08:43
SylentKr0ntab: no worries, i totally understand that. I'll try another blank DVD from the case08:43
Kr0ntabSylent: cool.. yeah give that a shot...08:43
F-3000Sylent, there's situations when RWs are well worth their value. :)08:44
cajun2k66umm well  actually i've noticed that mpgs run smoother than any other format ... but when i stream a video online it plays like 1frame/sec08:44
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: see it depends on the media player and potentially the format.  for instalce... if you are using mplayer or xine.. they each can use different video output libraries...  like xv, x11, or something else..08:45
Kr0ntabif the libarry isnt optimal for the card.. then you get crap performance...08:45
Kr0ntabso what videos are bad?08:46
Kr0ntabin flash?08:46
Kr0ntabor something else?08:46
cajun2k66well the thing is , only mpg are decent enuff to attempt to watch , but its still slow playback ... but how come when i watch a youtube video or anything else its soo slow ?08:46
SylentKr0ntab: AHA, turns out i just overlooked something. It automatically detected the iso was a CD so picked CD burning as an option. It was just a pull down menu and I picked DVD this time LOL08:47
Kr0ntabSylent: coool!  thats good mate.08:47
SylentKr0ntab: one of the reasons I always comply with even the basic questions. You never know what you missed.08:47
metaperlhow would I check to see if a new kernel has been installed08:48
jokeusaAnyone here that knows iptables pretty well?08:49
Kr0ntabSylent: excellent outlook.  :-)08:49
Kr0ntabmetaperl: to view current kernel version...08:49
Kr0ntabmetaperl: run the following command...  uname -r08:49
metaperloh ok08:50
Sylentthanks again, see you around08:50
* Sylent gives Kr0ntab a metal08:50
Kr0ntabSylent: u 2.  hehe08:50
cajun2k66can i change depth without editing xorg?08:50
metaperlyes, but cant I go to some directory and do an ls and see the various kernels08:50
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: yes...  System... Preferences... screen resolution...08:51
Kr0ntabediting your xorg manually should always be a last resort...08:51
cajun2k66well i have ubuntu lite ...08:52
cajun2k66i dont know where anything is in this one08:52
Kr0ntabmetaperl: you can have multiple kernels installed... but you only run one at a time...08:52
metaperlyes, but I once tripped up on a directory and saw two kernel directories there08:53
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: ubuntu lite?  can you expand on that?  you mean xubuntu?08:53
metaperlI think maybe I was in /etc08:53
cajun2k66yeah thats it , sorry me = noob to this stuff08:54
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: no sweat... I'm not real familiar with the x controls built into xfce... the default window manager installed in xubuntu...08:55
FD_Fhello i have law monitor refresh rate (51Hz ) and i cant use more in system -> screen resolution- how can i fix it ? thanks08:55
Kr0ntabperhaps the folks in #xubuntu can help?08:55
Kr0ntabmetaperl: you have your kernel images in /boot08:56
cajun2k66well i wanna install reg ubuntu but when i try it has tha "default depth" problem so it doesn't start xserver or x or watver , so installation is impossible ?!?08:56
Kr0ntabthats where the actual static images are...08:56
metaperlok thanks08:56
Kr0ntabyou also have kernel modules... which are in /lib/modules08:56
jeeves_Mossdoes anyone know what "[2008/10/22 00:40:12, 2] smbd/service.c:make_connection(1137)  [homes] share not available for this user because it was not found or created at session setup time" would cause?08:56
Kr0ntabcajun2k66: try alternate install disc08:57
Kr0ntab!alternate | cajun2k6608:57
ubottucajun2k66: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent08:57
cajun2k66i've got about 4 diff copies , i'll give it a try ...08:58
TLEDanskmand: Hey, if you are Danish you can also ask for help in danish in #ubuntu-dk09:00
stihello room09:01
stican anybody help me09:01
magnetronsti→ just ask your question09:01
koshar1sti this is the support room, for idle chat use #ubuntu-offtopic or just ask your question09:01
stican anybody helpme to install adobe flash in ubuntu09:02
Kr0ntab!flash | sti09:02
ubottusti: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:02
elkbuntusti, go to youtube.com, install it like you've always installed extentions09:03
stican you help me09:03
magnetronsti→ just go to a flash website (except youtube.com ) and it will ask if you want flash09:03
elkbuntumagnetron, youtube doesnt? d'oh09:03
stibuts its said archive not supported?09:03
magnetronelkbuntu→ it's silly, i know09:04
magnetronelkbuntu→ those javascripts09:04
elkbuntusti, orisinal.com will work, it's what i've always used.09:04
MltShiftHi i get error09:04
elkbuntumagnetron, yeah. i've never used it, i just figured i'd suggest it since most people will know it's flash and not argue. now i know better.09:04
[lazy]i have a question about an ubuntu install.09:05
elkbuntuMltShift, what does the error say?09:05
elkbuntu[lazy], we cant answer it until you ask it :)09:05
MltShiftIt say to key node Segfault09:05
[lazy]:) - when i get past the install part asking for the time where i click a timezone, it asks for a cd-key.09:06
elkbuntuMltShift, what were you doing at the time?09:06
[lazy]does anyone have a key for me?09:06
MltShiftI were install doing09:06
elkbuntu[lazy], ubuntu requires no key. are you sure you're installing ubuntu, not windows?09:07
[lazy]well, it says ubuntu.09:07
[lazy]everything is colored orange and is pretty.09:07
phrosthow do you debug a kernel crash, does it drop a dump / core file anywhere09:07
MltShiftI have Debug crash may?09:08
MltShiftI donut no Have09:08
elkbuntuphrost, /var/log/messages tracks all kernel activity09:08
zirodayMltShift: what is your first language?09:08
=== sean is now known as Guest93862
MltShiftLanguge my war Russicher09:09
cajun2k66another quick question .... is there any program to make it easier to share files between windows n' ubuntu?09:09
MltShiftCan Help i are haven?09:10
phrostelkbuntu: it's throwing a nasty 5 page fault on the console but not logging naything (hard freeze, has to be power cycled)09:10
ziroday!ru | MltShift09:10
ubottuMltShift: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:10
koshar1[lazy] the official version dont ask for a key, i dont know what your installing,09:10
phrostbut i cant see enough on the console to see where the fault is really tripping at09:10
stiMagnetron tnx09:11
stigot it09:11
stiim new in ubuntu...09:11
[lazy] ____ ___ ____ _  ______09:11
[lazy]|  _ \_ _/ ___| |/ / ___|09:11
[lazy]| | | | | |   | ' /\___ \09:11
[lazy]| |_| | | |___| . \ ___) |09:11
FloodBot2[lazy]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
stithnx guys GBU09:12
e-frame[lazy] lol09:12
lolwutzzz ____ ___ ____ _  ______09:12
lolwutzzz|  _ \_ _/ ___| |/ / ___|09:12
lolwutzzz| | | | | |   | ' /\___ \09:12
lolwutzzz| |_| | | |___| . \ ___) |09:12
FloodBot2lolwutzzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:12
e-framelolwutzzz lol09:12
cajun2k66how do i share files between windows and ubuntu or at least whats tha easiest way to access my windows shared folder ?????09:12
e-framecajun2k66: use samba09:12
e-frame!samba > cajun2k6609:13
ubottucajun2k66, please see my private message09:13
ktnei have installed mysql for ubuntu, but what users are created by default? i have to create a database but i can't log in09:14
cajun2k66i have about 3 different samba clients installed but they dont work ,09:14
spxzahi all, I'm creating a custom cd, following the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization. I left it as default, running a test iso in virtualbox, and have the installer complaining about not being able to find a PPPoE collector.09:14
zirodaycajun2k66: can you verify the server is working correctly?09:14
cajun2k66yeah like i can access from all my other windows computers ...09:15
stican anybody put me a link on FEDORA?.09:15
cajun2k66but just can't seem to get ubuntu to communicate with windows09:15
OhmuCan someone help me edit my /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file?  I'm using this as a template.  http://oob.freeshell.org/nzwireless/dhcpd.html.  I need to mod it - I don't have a router.  My internet's coming thru ppp0. (http://pastebin.ca/1232818)09:16
spxzaThe host does not use PPPoE at all, and this perplexes me. Any pointers?09:17
spxzaconnector i meant.09:18
e-framei got problem with hdd. this is the output of fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/60902/ actually the disk is only 150GB. how could this be? can't boot to it, only /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda7 can be mounted. any ideas?09:19
cajun2k66is there a way to access my windows shared folders ?? i dont wanna make a samba server , i want to pull files from windows using ubuntu09:20
e-frameeven parted cannot recognize it http://paste.ubuntu.com/60904/ gparted shows 150GB unallocated09:20
e-framecajun2k66: i use smbmount to mount the windows share folder to a mountpoint in my local folder.09:21
cajun2k66is it easy to set up ?09:22
e-framecajun2k66: yes, use apt-get09:22
cajun2k66i can't use terminal , for some reason when i load terminal from inside ubuntu it crashes and restarts09:23
napsy_Hello. I installed the gtk+-2.0 debug packages but when I recompile my program it doesn't use them. Any ideas? Do I have to specify them?09:23
elkbuntucajun2k66, how are you opening the terminal?09:23
cajun2k66applications , accessories , terminal ...09:24
e-framecajun2k66: u can use synaptic to add/remove packages09:24
cajun2k66ya i'm searchin for it now09:24
cajun2k66didn't find it tho09:24
e-framecajun2k66: install smbfs, so u can get the command smbmount09:26
e-framecajun2k66: smbmount //<host>/<share> <mountpoint> -o username=<user>09:28
e-framei got problem with hdd. this is the output of fdisk -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/60902/ actually the disk is only 150GB. how could this be? can't boot to it, only /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda7 can be mounted. any ideas?09:28
e-frameeven parted cannot recognize it http://paste.ubuntu.com/60904/ gparted shows 150GB unallocated09:29
AdvoWorkhi there, got big problems, i normally do: //terastation1/Completed$ /home/NEWcompleted_artwork cifs exec in etc/fstab. just tried sudo mount -a and its saying: mount error: could not find target server. TCP name terastation1/Completed$ not found No ip address specified and hostname not found09:29
AdvoWorkI can ping it though.. any ideas please?09:29
Raylzcan i create a live usb with on my gentoo with ubuntu 8.10 beta iso?09:29
tsoloxI need a way to know what current language an Ubuntu user is into, ...is this in LANG environment variable?09:29
jim_pRaylz: yes. look at pendrivelinux.com09:29
zirodayHi, evolution seems a lot slower at retrieving my mail then thunderbird09:30
jim_pAdvoWork: does that terastation use a static ip address? use the ip then eg //
Raylzjim_p: problem is, that my sony drive doesnt take burned cds09:31
Raylzjim_p: i can only boot from a hardy live cd atm09:32
cajun2k66where do i even type that command ?09:32
cajun2k66i can't use terminal remember09:32
e-framecajun2k66: click places>network09:33
AdvoWorkjim_p its a fixed ip :/09:33
e-framecajun2k66: it will show you the windows network09:33
cajun2k66nah it doesn't09:34
e-framecajun2k66: windows share can only done with samba.09:34
mib_627oezFlannel: thanks a lotttt buddy! i had a successful install!!!09:35
cajun2k66ok , i get that , but samba does what cuz i have like 3 different things that i installed09:35
e-frame!samba > cajun2k6609:35
ubottucajun2k66, please see my private message09:35
cajun2k66and none of them get me to windows network09:35
AdvoWorkjim_p can i still use an ip in the etc/fstab?09:36
{alejandro}Compiz/Emerald is driving me crazy09:36
mib_627oezFlannel: am the guy who asked you about shrinking ext3..:) i had to be extra cautious! it initially went to install on the whole hdd.. i just made it sure by going backward and checking the partition and there i went for manual and assigned the free space with /09:36
e-framecajun2k66: even on live cd i can see windows network09:36
Vesperongia se olous09:36
{alejandro}So basically I reset my compiz09:36
cajun2k66well your lucky ...09:37
jim_pAdvoWork: sorry i was on the phone. i think fstab can handle the ip09:37
e-frameno cajun2k66: you can't even run terminal. what will u do without it?09:37
{alejandro}and used compiz-fusion icon to turn emerald on09:37
koshar1cajun2k66 can you ping a winbox from your ubuntu?09:37
{alejandro}then every time I reboot GNOME doesn't  start with any window manager whatsoever09:37
Jangaridoes anyone know how to use xrandr to add a screen resolution setting?09:38
e-framecajun2k66: it's not about luck. i suggest you check your installation09:38
{alejandro}How do I make GNOME start with Metacity then switch to Emerald in that order?09:38
cajun2k66i dunnno i was hopin to solve some problems with my version today lol09:38
cajun2k66i have xubuntu lite09:38
jim_pAdvoWork: or you can give a name to that pc in /etc/hosts  and use it instead of its ip from now on09:38
AdvoWorkahh ok, jim, it works on 192... but not the name, dns messing up?09:39
jim_pAdvoWork: did you place the ip and name "relationship" in /etc/hosts ?09:39
bullgard4On 2 Ubuntu-8.04.1 computers System -> Administration > Software Sources > Ubuntu Updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted. The  1st computer automatically offered kernel 2.6.24-21-generic for download. The 2nd did not. /etc/apt/sources.list includes in the 1st computer a line 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted', in the 2nd 'deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates ...09:40
bullgard4... main restricted universe multiverse'. Why does the 2nd computer not offer automatically the kernel 2.6.24-21-generic for downlad?09:40
Raylzjim_p: hm tut looks like i can do it in my gentoo, thx for the tipp09:41
nachi_hey. i got a offline website project and i want over the network to work with my workers, so once they made a change it will be applied but i will able to return to pervious versions etc... i know there is Subversion server i can install on my ubuntu but i understood that i need everytime to push the project into my hd and work it locally then apply it and then copy it manually into /var/www server... is there a method to do it without 09:42
jim_pRaylz: you are welcome09:42
e-framebullgard4: where is thekernel 2.6.24-21-generic ? is it on universe / multiverse ? u don't have em on 2nd computer's sources.list09:42
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
jim_pnachi_: correct me if i am wrong, but subversion is one-way-view and manipulation of the files. eg you check the svn, download the files locally and do your job like compile etc. the finished job cant go back to the server09:43
e-framebullgard4: try to copy the sources.list of 1st comp to the 2nd one. update and try again to install the package. ( make backup first of current sources.list)09:44
nachi_im looking for working on web project09:44
nachi_in this way09:44
=== Lokian_ is now known as Lokian
gluonmanFor whatever reason, my external hard drive no longer mounts at the same point it used to. How can I make it automatically mount at /media/disk as it always did instead of /media/disk-1 as it does now?09:45
ikoniagluonman what is the label of the volume09:45
gluonmanikonia, it is 500.1 GB Media09:45
bullgard4e-frame: I do not understand why you want to associate a kernel to universe / multiverse. I think that a kernel shluld be independent of unvierse or multiverse.09:45
extorAll my apps that were on the bottom panel vanished and now the panel is empty even though I have xchat and firefox open. Is there any way to bring back the apps without restarting X?09:45
ikoniagluonman thats teh disk label09:45
ikoniabullgard4 kernel is not in multiverse or universe but the core repos09:46
jim_pextor: killall gnome-panel09:46
gluonmanikonia, then FreeAgentPro09:46
ikoniagluonman sorry, that was a question, "thats the volume label ?"09:46
ikoniagluonman: I'm asking because the mount point of hot plug disks is normally determained by the disks "name"09:46
gluonmanikonia, Oh. Sorry. I guess.09:46
extorjim_p, it is still blank09:46
berry__hi. It seems my VMWare install doesn't work anymore under Ubuntu, my collegue seems to have the same issue. Any thoughts?09:46
ikoniathe only reason a disk would be re-named to disk-1 is if "disk" was already in use09:46
ikonia(assuming both where labled disk"09:47
gluonmanikonia, it is not in use.09:47
jim_pextor: the panel is there but it does not have open windows listed?09:47
Raylzbtw, does the beta iso, you can download from ubuntu.com still contain the broken e1000 driver?09:47
ikoniagluonman the system may thaink it's still in use depending on how it was unplugged (of course if you've rebooted this should be void)09:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:47
jim_pberry__: remake the modules?09:47
extorjim_p, correct09:47
gluonmanikonia, the only thing I can think of is that I used my laptop to create to fix a friend's external because she disconnected it unsafely. I created a mount point for it, and when I opened my own on that laptop, it mounted to that point. Now it's mounting at disk-1 on this desktop instead of the former disk.09:48
extorand neithere does it have that thing at the bottom left, the all-windows minimizer09:48
berry__jim_p: I could. Just wondering if anyone had seen this issue yet.09:48
berry__jim_p: I'll do that. Thanks.09:48
bullgard4ikonia: /etc/apt/sources.list does not include a 'core' string. Where can I find "core repos"?09:48
gluonmanikonia, but I can't think of anything I did on this desktop that would cause this behaviour.09:49
gluonmanikonia, I just want to find out how to get it to mount at the original point it was mounting at.09:49
jim_pextor: right click on an empty panel area and "add to panel" > "window selection" maybe (i am in greek and i dont know if its correct translation)09:49
ActionParsnipbullgard4: my sources.list doesnt contain the string "core" or any case combination09:49
ubuntu_toddWhen I use firefox to play music, there is no sound in vlc or mplayer or other audio player.09:49
ubuntu_toddAnd firefox even makes the system do not work.09:50
ActionParsnip!sound | ubuntu_todd09:50
ubottuubuntu_todd: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:50
extorjim_p, I have a window selectOR not selection...I tried it but it just added an x-chat icon to the bottom panel which is otherwise blank09:50
ActionParsnip!caps | MltShift09:51
ubottuMltShift: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:51
jim_pextor: let me make a new panel to find what it is09:51
ubuntu_toddActionParsnip:  I choose that choice.09:51
_2i have an sshd that i can't seem to start.  it answers /etc/init.d/sshd start    as [ok] but checking for the pid it's not running,  anyone have dias ?09:51
jim_pextor: window list ??09:51
donkeyboyis there a place where I can find out what software packages (and their versions) ship with each version of ubuntu?09:51
ActionParsnip_2: ps -ef | grep -i ssh09:52
bullgard4ActionParsnip: This is what I said too. But ikonia seemed to imply that it should.09:52
_2ActionParsnip as i said it's not running.09:52
ActionParsnipbullgard4: my system is working 100%09:52
extorjim_p, that did it. They look a bit odd but yeah they are back09:52
jim_pextor: right click > add to panel > window list ??09:52
ActionParsnip_2: try ssh <username>@localhost09:52
gluonmanikonia, still there?09:52
bullgard4ActionParsnip: My 1st computer does too, but the 2nd doesn't.09:52
_2ActionParsnip it's not running.09:52
extorjim_p, yeah that worked09:52
jim_pwell done extor09:53
ActionParsnip_2: then purge uninstall it then reinstall09:53
Raylzfor a ssd i dont create a swap right?09:53
ActionParsnipbullgard4: are the sources.list files identical?09:53
_2so anyone have a clue how i can get sshd to start ?09:53
jim_pRaylz: swap existance and size depends on the jobs you do on the pc09:53
ActionParsnip_2: are you allowing traffic to the ssh port in your firewall (if you have it configured)09:53
bullgard4ActionParsnip: As I said above, the are not.09:53
Raylzjim_p: its an acer aspire one 110L originally with linpus linux09:54
e-framebullgard4: try to copy the sources.list of 1st comp to the 2nd one. update and try again to install the package. ( make backup first of current sources.list perhaps you want to revert back)09:54
Raylzjim_p: 8gb ssd and 512 mb ram09:54
_2ActionParsnip and that will affect whether or not it starts, how just exactly ?09:54
ActionParsnipbullgard4: then copy the working one to the system that is having issues, back up the bad sources.list then instate the new one09:54
Raylzjim_p: im going to format with ext2 and no swap09:54
ActionParsnip_2: it'll reinstall the binarys09:54
jim_pRaylz: and you want to install ubuntu there?09:54
jim_pRaylz: ext3!!!!09:54
ActionParsnip_2: maybe you have a bad binary09:54
_2ActionParsnip the firewall will ? j pfft09:55
Raylzjim_p: ext2 reduces i/o operations on the ssd09:55
ActionParsnip_2: you could apt-get clean to remove the old .debs so you download a fresh version from the server09:55
* _2 rolls eyes09:55
jim_pRaylz: i see09:55
Raylzjim_p: and swap is generally bad for ssd09:55
cajun2k66so when i'm installing ubuntu i need to edit tha xorg.conf for depth , but can't write to it using "ubuntu@ubuntu$" how can i change to root so i can install ????09:55
jim_pRaylz: really?!09:55
e-framecajun2k66: use sudo09:55
AdvoWorkjim_p no didnt place the relationship in etc hosts, shall i?09:56
Raylzjim_p: yes, cause ssds are limited to i/o ops and swap wrights a lot09:56
cajun2k66and it will let me write to the xorg.conf09:56
e-frame!sudo > cajun2k6609:56
ubottucajun2k66, please see my private message09:56
jim_pAdvoWork: yes! no wonder it is still searching!09:56
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:56
cajun2k66will that edit in root mode ?09:56
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: indeed09:56
AdvoWorkjim_p but its worked fine for about 2 weeks like it was before?09:57
Raylzjim_p: i consider purging ubuntu-desktop and putting xubuntu-desktop on it afterwards09:57
e-framecajun2k66: see the permission of Xorg.conf?09:57
cajun2k66because i can't install unless i edit xorg cuz i need 16 depth09:57
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: gksudo for gui apps (like gedit) sudo for command line apps (like, cp, rm, apt-get)09:57
e-frame!gksudo > cajun2k6609:57
ubottucajun2k66, please see my private message09:57
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: under kde, kdesudo == gksudo09:58
jim_pAdvoWork: you dont lose something to do like i said. and it will work forever because this is the "formal" way of doing it09:58
bullgard4e-frame, ActionParsnip Thank you for your advice.09:58
Raylzjim_p: do you own a nettop?09:58
ActionParsnipbullgard4: np bro, backup the bad one first just in case09:58
jim_pRaylz: do you have enough gentoo experience?09:58
bullgard4yes I will.09:58
e-framebullgard4 :)09:58
jim_pRaylz: no i only have a desktop09:58
ActionParsnipbullgard4: good lad09:58
Raylzjim_p: yes, but im putting ubuntu onto it09:58
cajun2k66so if i type gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and save it will write  ?09:59
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: affirmative09:59
e-framecajun2k66: yup09:59
Raylzjim_p: gentoo live cd comes with kernel 24 and the eth driver is in 27 kernel09:59
jim_pRaylz: then install ubuntu server edition and isntall xfce on top of it plus any packages you need09:59
cajun2k66does the cd copy files to tha harddrive before it installs ?09:59
gluonmanCan anyone help me reassign my external HDD to a mount point?09:59
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf runs the app as you. You only have read access, you need root to edit09:59
gluonmanI was being helped, but suddenly got ignored.09:59
ActionParsnipgluonman: is it in /etc/fstab?09:59
Raylzjim_p: i take the normal live cd ;) already downloaded it (i have 46kbyte/s conn)10:00
jim_pcajun2k66: it copies some to ram, not on the drive, unless you have a little amount of ram10:00
roselgani was wondering if i could get some help with phpmyadmin plz....i am new to linux and having problems10:00
Raylzroselgan: what problems you got10:00
jim_pRaylz: ok10:00
cajun2k66so gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf wont work ? i will have to change to root ?10:00
gluonmanActionParsnip, it's not specifically listed in fstab, but it has always mounted at /media/disk. Now it's mounting at /media/disk-110:00
Raylzjim_p: plus i dont want to compile on an intel atom proc :D10:00
ActionParsnipcajun2k66: gksudo gives you the same access rights as root, just like sudo does10:00
ActionParsnipgluonman: how are you mounting it?10:01
jim_pRaylz: i didnt tell you to install gentoo there!!!10:01
cajun2k66lol ok ...10:01
gluonmanActionParsnip, it mounts automatically.10:01
cajun2k66thanks peace..10:01
ActionParsnipgluonman: i think the automount thing reads the label of the drive10:01
gluonmanActionParsnip, how do I determine the label of the drive?10:01
ubottuTo rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.10:02
gluonmanActionParsnip, thank you.10:02
roselganraylz i have pm'd you10:02
ActionParsnipnp bro10:02
* ActionParsnip hates automount10:02
AdvoWorkjim_p so what kind of entry do i need in hostss?10:02
jim_pAdvoWork: one like this         
jim_pAdvoWork: one like this            jim10:03
jim_pAdvoWork: on a blank line10:03
jim_pget me?10:04
ActionParsnipwell that was fruitless10:05
ikoniagluonman: apologies I wason the phone10:07
gluonmanikonia, no problem, man. :)10:07
ikoniagluonman how you getting along10:07
gluonmanikonia, I'm using ntfslabel to restore the label of my device to what it was before. Somehow it got changed.10:08
ActionParsnipgluonman: all green now?10:09
jokeusaAnyone familiar with IPTables and wouldnt mind helping me with redirecting traffic?10:09
ikoniagluonman ahh it's an ntfs drive too, how annoying10:10
ActionParsnipjokeusa: id use firestarter, its easier10:10
ikoniajokeusa: #netfilter and #iptables have specialist guys10:10
gluonmanActionParsnip, ikonia, I did figure out the re-labeling process. The actual reason it mattered to me is because my external is my movie collection, and I had all of the folder images set to the movie covers and filmmakers. When I mounted it and it mounted to disk-1 they were all just regular folders. I didn't want to have to go through the whole process of changing the pictures, but now that I've renamed it disk, the pictures are still n10:12
gluonmanot there.10:12
Wavesonicshi all10:12
Wavesonicsdoes anyone know if Ubuntu 8.10 will have ext4 enabled?10:13
ActionParsnipgluonman: unmount it and mount it manually, you'll probably have more joy10:13
ikoniagluonman I'm not sure how the mount point related to the pictures, could you expand on that10:13
ActionParsnip!intrepid | Wavesonics10:13
ubottuWavesonics: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu10:13
ActionParsnipgluonman: you could add a line for it in /etc/fstab so its mounted at boot10:14
gluonmanikonia, I'm not too sure. All I know is that I have a folder with all of the images located on it saved on the external. Whenever I mounted the external before (and it has been almost a year) it always showed the folders in my movie collection with the pictures of the movie covers, etc. Suddenly, it mounts disk-1 and the pictures are not showing on the folders anymore.10:14
gluonmanikonia, that's why I connected the two.10:14
ikoniagluonman ok, now I understand10:15
SerafeimHallo i want to mount a usb flash driver10:15
ikoniagluonman where is the disk currently mounted ?10:15
gluonmanActionParsnip, I'm not sure what mounting it manually has to do with it. Can you explain more?10:15
Serafeimit's not plug n play10:15
gluonmanikonia, it is now mounted at /media/disk since I used sudo ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 disk10:15
ActionParsnipgluonman: do any files show? What is shown rather than the images?10:15
ikoniagluonman are you %100 certain it's mounted on /media/disk ?10:16
ActionParsnip!mount | Serafeim10:16
ubottuSerafeim: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap10:16
gluonmanActionParsnip, all the files are still there. My movies are fine (otherwise I'd be crying). But the folders are just the normal theme folders.10:16
ActionParsnipgluonman: can you expand on "normal theme folders"10:16
gluonmanikonia, you know what? I just checked the /media/ folder and found that it's mounted at /media/disk_10:17
ActionParsnipgluonman: if you rn mount on its own it will show you where everything is mouonted10:17
ActionParsnipgluonman: thats why i hate automount10:17
ikoniagluonman: ok so lets manually mount it on /media/disk to see if that solves the prolem first10:17
ActionParsnipgluonman: if i mount it, I know for a fact where it is10:17
gluonmanActionParsnip, you know how you can have different themes like human or flux, etc? They have folder images. You can manually change a folder's image to whatever picture you want if you go to its properties. All the work I did manually changing the folders of movies to the DVD covers is no longer present. They are just the normal theme folders images.10:17
gluonmanikonia, alright. I'm assuming I umount it and then type something like mount /media/disk right?10:18
ActionParsnipgluonman: no idea dude, i use cli for file management, gui is too slow10:18
gluonmanActionParsnip, I don't think you're getting what I meant.10:18
ActionParsnipgluonman: i dont use file managers so no I wont10:19
Serafeimi don't have any partitions. I have only one. My problem is that when I plug-in a usb, it can be recognised10:19
gluonmanActionParsnip, Alright. I don't think it really matters.10:19
ikoniagluonman unmount it, great, then you need "sudo mount /dev/$disk_address /media/disk"10:19
ikoniagluonman: replace $disk_adress with your device file for that disk10:19
erkiSerafeim: Would it be correct to assume that you mean it *can't* be recognized?10:19
gluonmanikonia, alright.10:20
Serafeimerki: can't, sorry!!10:20
erkiSerafeim: Any error messages?10:20
Serafeimerki: nothing10:20
gluonmanikonia, :-* that fixed it.10:20
erkiSerafeim: Hmm, I'm only useful when there are clear and informative error messages :)10:21
gluonmanikonia, thank you very much.10:21
gluonmanActionParsnip, and thank you for your insights as well.10:22
ikoniagluonman: ok, so thats interesting, the mount point is right,10:22
ActionParsnipgluonman: if you add a line to your fstab it will always mount there10:22
FlynsarmyI have a cbp file. when i double click on it a dialogue pops up asking if i want to run in terminal, display, cancel or run. if i select open with - codeblocks, the next time i run it it still shows the dialogue. if i right click - properties it already has codeblocks selected in 'open with'. ideas?10:22
gluonmanActionParsnip, alright.10:22
Serafeimerki: i have just installed gparted and recognize the usd (dev/sdb1) but with unknown filesystem10:22
gluonmanikonia, I had a hunch the picture thing was related to the mount point. Because both those things changed at the same time.10:22
Serafeimerki: maby I have to format the usd, right??10:23
Serafeimerki: *maybe10:23
erkiFlynsarmy: I'm guessing you copied that file from a FAT (or similar) file system, and it is set to be executable (which it probably shouldn't be), try removing the executable flag via chmom.10:23
ikoniagluonman be itnerested in where the disk auto mounts on a reboot10:23
erki*chmod*, I was channeling Freud again...10:23
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gluonmanikonia, yes. I'll find that out later.10:24
ActionParsnipikonia: i bet automount borks it10:24
erkiSerafeim: That seems a bit strong... Unless you are sure that you have nothing important on the USB, in which case it can't hurt to try :)10:24
ikoniaActionParsnip possibly10:24
gluonmanActionParsnip, autmount has never done this before.10:24
Serafeimerki: The usb is new! Which filesystem i have to try in order to be compatible with windows and unix-os??10:25
ActionParsnipgluonman: maybe its learned from the mounting you just did10:25
Flynsarmyerki, that got it, thanks10:25
hateballSerafeim» FAT/FAT3210:26
ActionParsnipSerafeim: sudo fdisk -l will show you10:26
gluonmanActionParsnip, yes. I think something changed when I fixed my friend's external after she unsafely removed it from her comuter10:26
erkiSerafeim: FAT/FAT32 if you want maximum compatibility. NTFS if you don't mind booting up windows to mount/unmount every once in a while )10:27
ActionParsniperki: fat32 can corrupt data if its not treated right. ntfs is more robust10:28
Trashlordand it also can't hold single files larger than 4GB10:28
Serafeimi can' format it to ntfs, only on fat/fat3210:29
erkiActionParsnip: Thanks for pointing that out!10:29
digitigHi. New to Ubuntu. I can't work out how to make new applications available on the desktop. I've just added IDLE, and it starts just fine from the "New application has just been installed" box but I can't work out what file that's starting -- searching the file system for "idle" doesn't turn up anything that works. Can anyone help?10:31
Wavesonicssuppose no way no how to upgrade a ext3 filesystem to ext4 later huh...10:31
jdowniehow can I find out at the command line if my ethernet is on gigabit or still at 100MBit?10:32
jdownieifconfig -something?10:32
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erkidigitig, look for something like "Main menu" under preferences or whateveritscalled10:32
ckebabohow can i set access-right for user on samba's shared folder?10:32
erkidigitig: Not sure what it's called in regular ubuntu.10:32
WIGGMPk? How can I use/make the script described by "soapee01" in this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/222428 bug report to occur not only when putting my laptop to sleep & resuming, but also hibernating & resuming and also restarting my laptop? basically I need this script to run indefinitely every time the computer is restarted, put to sleep/hibernated and resumed or just cold booted.10:32
ActionParsnipjdownie: ifconfig10:33
=== jklyekai_ is now known as jklyekai
ubuntu_toddhow to see my sound drvier?10:33
ubuntu_toddsound driver?10:33
ActionParsnipjdownie: it will only got at gigabit speeds if the thing you are connecting to is gigabit and you are using the correct cable type10:33
jdownieActionParsnip: i've done that. maybe i am just not reading the output properly. which field will tell me?10:33
jdowniei'm into a new gigabit switch and i bought cat6e cables10:33
ActionParsnipckebabo: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf10:34
sadlederon an update to intrepid, how is set encrypted private directory set up?10:34
digitigerki: Ok -- got it, thanks.10:34
guyzmoI'd need an up to date version of ocaml (3.10.0 is in hardy). 3.10.2 is in intrepid10:35
jdownieActionParsnip: do you know which field will tell me?10:35
guyzmois there a good way to use intrepid sources just for the packages I need ?10:35
jdownieI thought there used to be a BW field10:35
ActionParsnipjdownie: it should say the speed, read the entire screen10:35
guyzmo(like how debian backports works)10:35
ActionParsnipjdownie: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-62821.html10:36
=== knewco is now known as kevin7kal
snowjhi is there any way to set the internal screen of a laptop to 1280x800 while the external is set to be 1920x1200, BOTH showing the whole screen??10:37
jdownieActionParsnip: while I read that, does this make any sense to you?...10:37
guyzmosnowj - only using compiz-fusion10:37
darren__Hi to every body, question as always, i have installed ubuntu 8.10 but i would also like to be able to boot into ubuntu 8.04 hardy  as well does any one know how to download this maybe in synaptic i think some one told me about headers once but the version does not seem to appear if some one could please help10:37
snowjguyzmo: Im getting it10:38
snowjguyzmo: how?10:38
guyzmothere's a plugin where you can mirror screen, adapting the size of one to the other10:38
snowjguyzmo: whats the plugin called?/10:38
guyzmoyou hit a key stroke, and drag and drop one screen to the other10:38
jdownieActionParsnip: ethtool did the trick. thanks!10:38
ActionParsnipjdownie: np bro10:38
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guyzmosnowj - clone output10:38
znagHi there, everytime i delete a package with apt-get remove it keeps on reinstalling when i add more software packages, it also reinstalls when using apt-get autoremove10:38
znagdependcies seem to be broken10:39
snowjheh guyzmo my goal is not to edit my xorg_conf when I switch home location to some other place10:39
snowjok,guyzmo thanks :D10:39
guyzmosnowj - and for that you need to configure outputs so you have two displays side by side10:39
snowjguyzmo: hmm, dont really understnd that part.>:(10:40
guyzmosnowj - well, you need a desktop of 3200x1200 composed of the two screens10:40
ubottuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead10:41
guyzmoand then you use the module to mirror one screen on the other10:41
snowjguyzmo: Ahh, now I got it.10:41
guyzmosnowj - the display configuration utility can help you do that easily10:41
snowjguyzmo: nvidia-settings that is, right?10:43
WIGGMPkHow can I use/make the script described by "soapee01" in this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/222428 bug report to occur not only when putting my laptop to sleep & resuming, but also hibernating & resuming and also restarting my laptop? basically I need this script to run indefinitely every time the computer is restarted, put to sleep/hibernated and resumed or just cold booted.10:44
ActionParsnip!startup | WIGGMPk10:44
ubottuWIGGMPk: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:44
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: but its not a program per say10:44
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: you could manually run the script when you wake the system up. I am unsure of the mechanics of waking up but you'll need to throw it into that mix10:45
bullgard4What is meant by 'hardy-updates' in packages.ubuntu.com?10:45
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: if you put it in a scrip and make it executable it becomes a program10:45
darren__hi does any one know how i can boot into the new ubuntu or hardy i can not seem to see hardy in linux headers or image to i have to add a link or some thing thank you10:46
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: i see.. the location /etc/pm/sleep.d/ im not very familiar with and not really comfortable with just calling it at login without knowing the dynamics behind it... I guess what im trying to say is, is that the best location to place the script?10:46
ActionParsnipdarren__: have you compiled a new kernel and want it adding to your grub list?10:46
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: id have a look at what that folder actually does and how it works and what the files inside it mean10:48
unitedpotsmokershello guys, i want ask you, what is a different between playonlinux and wine application. can some one help me?10:48
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: Ive checked out /etc/pm im gonna guess pm = power management? I notice a sleep.d, power.d, and config.d... does this make sense?10:48
darren__ActionParsnip,  ok im new to ubuntu ill try and explain i have to download drivers from aircrack to work for packet injection on my wifi i had hardy version 24-19 i think and i reinstalled my pc with ubuntu 8.10 now i would like to be able to boot into the older version as well,  because the drivers were fine on that, does this make any sence10:49
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: looks like you can just copy stuff to the folder10:49
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: thanks for the insight.. appreciate you quick response, I got disconnected before.10:50
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: ive never used sleep / hibernate as i deem it worthless to myself10:50
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: eh, it has its faults but comes in handy when it works10:50
ActionParsnipWIGGMPk: id look at the files and folder in the sleep.d folder to see whats what10:51
erkiunitedpotsmokers: "PlayOnLinux is an application to ease the installation of Windows games using Wine. It uses an online database of scripts to apply to different games that need special configurations" courtesy of Wikipedia10:51
darren__ActionParsnip, so i would like to be able to have the both hardy and ubuntu 8.10 and pick one to boot into but the older version does not appear in synaptic any more to be able to install10:51
WIGGMPkActionParsnip: there's nothing in any of them (config.d, sleep.d, power.d)10:51
sabwabanybody using qdvdauthor?10:53
MltShiftdarren__: had there towns to be also as factories, was, are white bigger car10:53
ActionParsnipdarren__: not sure, i think you'd need a dual boot sort of thing. I could be wrong10:56
ActionParsnipdarren__: does hardy work 100% for you?10:56
Raylzhi, i dont have much space and im planing to purge gnome and install xubuntu-desktop10:56
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX10:56
Raylzproblem is, that there is no meta package for gnome installe10:56
Raylzso which apps do i have to remove?10:57
bullgard4What is meant by 'hardy-updates' in packages.ubuntu.com?10:57
ikoniaRaylz ubuntu-desktop10:57
Raylzikonia: its not installed10:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purexubuntu10:57
erkiRaylz: Isn't there something called "ubuntu-desktop"?10:57
ikoniabullgard4: updates to the hardy packages10:57
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:57
Raylzthats the problem10:57
Raylzits not installed10:57
ikoniaRaylz: I only saw half the issue, can you summerise the problem10:57
sabwabhey all,10:58
sabwabnobody using dvdauthoring software?10:58
ikoniasabwab just ask teh question10:58
darren__ActionParsnip,  now it does not its a shame i just would like to boot into kernal hardy 8.04 24-19 or 8.10 but thanks for the help11:00
RaylzActionParsnip: no stuff on ibex yet11:00
ActionParsnipteh is sooo 199011:00
ActionParsnipdarren__: you could install to usb to test it11:00
ActionParsnipdarren__: see if its better11:01
_2trying to start sshd i get this error in auth.log: Oct 22 04:40:43 123 sshd[5962]: fatal: daemon() failed: No such device11:01
_2Oct 22 04:57:13 123 sshd[6119]: fatal: daemon() failed: No such device11:01
darren__ActionParsnip,  true i just carnt remember what i did befor because i had 24-19 which updated to kernal 24-20 and i was still able to boot into the bothç11:02
bullgard4ikonia: Why is it necessary to differentiate between hardy-updates and hardy proper in packages.ubuntu.com?11:02
_2so i'm assuming a device is missing ?11:02
ikoniabullgard4 so there is a base hardy - and updates made to that base hardy I assume11:02
ActionParsnipdarren__: yes as they are both hardy kernels11:02
gnychisi accidently slaughtered /lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/kernel/sound/ ... how can i reinstall this directory?11:02
ActionParsnip_2: let me websearch11:02
ActionParsnip_2: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/sshd-fatal-daemon-failed-no-such-device-279664/11:03
jensensI try ubuntu beta with my projector. it does not detect it correctly. i know the missing modeline. is it possible to get this into the release so autodetection works?11:03
bullgard4ikonia: Hm.11:03
darren__ActionParsnip, ok last question sorry to be a pain do you think there is any way of adding the hardy repositrys to the new ubuntu synaptic to be able to download the older kernal as well11:03
ActionParsnipgnychis: maybe reinstall that kernel?11:03
erUSULgnychis: reinstall linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic11:03
ActionParsnipdarren__: you could but i wouldnt recommend it11:04
ActionParsnipdarren__: you may be able to backport it, not sure11:04
jim_pdoes anyone know what latex is? a program? a language? a set of both?11:05
darren__ActionParsnip, ok thank you for your help i think i will just have to find a way of getting the wifi patched in this new version thanks again11:05
ActionParsnipdarren__: id ask in +111:05
ubottutex is a language for describing a document, commonly used especially for scientific publishing. Information and instructions for installing TeX and other related packages can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX11:05
ActionParsnip!info latex11:06
sabwabIkonia, had a problem using some mpeg2 files in qdvdauthor11:06
ubottuPackage latex does not exist in hardy11:06
erkijim_p: I would probably describe it as an environment. It has binary stuff, lots of scripts and I seem to remember that it differs from TeX language-wise.11:06
sabwabso probably there are other packages that are not so critic about files11:07
magnetronActionParsnip→ you install the tetex distribution of LaTeX, see the page ubottu linked to11:07
jim_pthanks erki11:07
sabwabbut qdvdauthor has the most interesting options yet11:07
_2ActionParsnip ah bingo. it's the old "/dev/null is a file" bug rearing it's ugly head again..  thanks.11:07
ActionParsnipmagnetron: its for jim_p not me11:07
ActionParsnip_2: np bro ;)11:07
ActionParsnip_2: all sweet now?11:08
jim_perki: so i can say to someone who is looking for some program to do latex in linux, that texlive is one?11:08
jim_pActionParsnip: lol! magnetron thanks11:08
ActionParsnip!find latex11:09
ubottuFound: auctex, dblatex, latex-beamer, latex-xcolor, linuxdoc-tools-latex (and 56 others)11:09
_2ActionParsnip yeah fixed.   just couldn't find enough info to put my fingure on it.11:09
magnetronjim_p→ TeX Live seems to be better11:09
erkijim_p: Hmm, I'm not sure texlive includes an editor. But you can definately compile latex using texlive.11:09
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erkijim_p: Personally I use Eclipse + TeXlipse for LaTeX editing, but I think some might find that to be excessive :P11:10
magnetronjim_p→ use aptitude to install, this will make it a lot easier to remove the dependecies when you don't need them later11:10
jim_perki or magnetron : some site that has tex live? i mean the devs site to use it as a reference11:10
snowjerki: you write latex files with eclipse???11:11
erkijim_p: http://www.tug.org/texlive/11:11
erkisnowj: Yes, work like a charm. Autocompile on save and all that stuff11:11
snowjerki,nice I got to try that out11:11
girrrI'm having troubles with multiple nics in intrepid, can't seem to find anyone with the same problem though. Anyone here that's heard of routing problems?11:11
erkisnowj: Code completion and templates too11:11
snowjany resource for it?11:11
magnetronjim_p→ you just install the texlive or texlive-full package with aptitude, then you every LaTeX tutorial will guide you11:11
erkisnowj: http://texlipse.sourceforge.net/11:12
snowjerki thanks!11:12
jim_perki & magical thanks guys. its for a guy thet does a study in order to get his degree11:12
user-04what is this???11:12
ActionParsnip!intrepid | girrr11:12
ubottugirrr: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu11:12
magnetronjim_p→ you?11:12
jim_puser-04: 2 dashes?11:12
sabwabanybody know of good dvdauthoring software for ubuntu?11:13
magnetronsabwab→ devede for one11:13
user-04aq mag taq menetri!!!!!11:13
user-04me\ menangis11:13
jim_pmagnetron: no, a friend. he wants latex, mapple, matlab and DCtool. DCtool was suggested by a professor in his university and its linux only. thats why he wants linux11:14
jim_psabwab: or mandvd11:14
magnetronjim_p→ dctool? what's it?11:14
znagsabwab: you should also take a look at DVDStyler, KMediaFactory11:15
sabwabkmediafactory is one i didnt know of allready11:15
sabwabthanks all11:15
jim_pmagnetron: some scientific plot making app i guess!11:15
phimichello all11:15
ActionParsnip!hi | phimic11:15
ubottuphimic: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:15
sabwabcould it run on win-ws?11:15
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phimici have installed ubuntu 8.10 and have problems installing the nvidia driver11:16
ActionParsnip!nvidia | phimic11:16
ubottuphimic: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:16
metaperli'm running stackless python and it cannot import zlib ... what package should I install so that it can link to zlib?11:17
jim_pis matlab or maple opensource?11:17
cypherdelichttp://paste.ubuntu.com/60935/ - Latest kernel updates proke parts of my appearance, still X is running, any ideas?11:17
phimicubottu: which driver should i use for a 5 years old card like NVIDIA GeForce4 420 Go AGP 4x11:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:18
erkijim_p: I strongly doubt matlab is F/LOSS, maple doesn't sseem to be either11:19
DJonesphimic: You should ask in #ubuntu+1 as thats were support for Ubuntu 8.10 is for the next week until the final version is released11:19
jim_pthanks erki11:19
ActionParsnipphimic: id go for nvidia-glx11:23
phimicActionParsnip: ok will try11:23
jim_perki: its dStool, sorry :(11:24
jim_perki: http://www.cam.cornell.edu/guckenheimer/dstool.html11:24
erkimagnetron: Forward: http://www.cam.cornell.edu/guckenheimer/dstool.html11:27
magnetronjim_p→ dead link11:27
erkiI wasn't the one asking, but thanks anyway :P11:27
magnetronno wait, works now11:27
greensunhi all11:28
jim_pmagnetron: http://www.apmaths.uwo.ca/~mkarttu/dstool.shtml11:28
greensunhow do i formar my pendrive11:29
ikoniagreensun open gparted and use the options11:29
jim_pgreensun: with gparted ...?11:29
anezchgreensun: usually, i open terminal and type sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdxx11:30
nikki_Hey guys, I know this is an Ubuntu channel, but can I ask a quick C++ question? I seem to have forgotten something...11:30
anezchgreensun: where sdxx is your pendrive device name11:31
nikki_We can't seperate the definition and implementation of a function that uses templates right?11:31
ikoniagreensun: use the gparted gui - you'll fidn it easier11:31
ActionParsnipnikki_: ask in #c++11:31
roxan!welcome | cads11:33
ubottucads: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.11:33
cadsI'd like to install ubuntu on a partition that already has data on it.. none of the folders coincide with the folders of a standard ubuntu instalation, and so I was wondering if the installer gives me the option of not formatting the drive11:33
cadsI thought I'd ask here instead of being surprised later11:33
jim_pcads: is that partition in ext3 filesystem?11:34
jim_pcads: i suppose you can install it there then if you tell the installer not to format it. keep a backup just in case though11:35
ActionParsnipcads: should be fine, just choose custom install and you can set the partitions to be mounted and installed to11:35
ActionParsnip!fstab > Serafeim11:35
ubottuSerafeim, please see my private message11:35
greensunwhen i do not safe remove my extenal harddrive from my windows i can not mount it on my linux how do i mount it11:36
nyvhaxhello everybody11:37
ikoniagreensun you need to chkdisk it in windwos11:37
ikoniagreensun you need to stop doing unsafe removals in windows11:37
nyvhaxi've got a problem11:37
erkinyvhax: Just ask!11:37
yclianif I mistakenly changed /etc/sudoers ownership, how can I reset it back as i can't do sudo anymore?11:38
ikoniayclian you need to boot into a recovery shell11:38
ikoniayclian: access that from the grub menu11:38
nyvhaxi'm trying to download a film with the linux bittorent client but it isn't finished it so i see the preview of the film and i've this message: "Content is recently blocked! Visit data.torrentsu.com to unlock this media protected film" so i visit this website and Torrentsu is like a decoder.. how can i do to fix this problem and to read this video right ?11:38
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo11:38
nyvhaxthere is some free software on ubuntu to decode this video ?11:39
ikoniaikonia visit the website as suggested11:39
yclianikonia, it's a server located somewhere that i can't access to, so, well, that'll be the only way hey. :S11:39
ActionParsnipcome on ubottu11:39
ikoniayclian sorry11:39
ikonianyvhax no, contact the torrent provider to ask about linux software11:39
yclianikonia,  ;D11:39
ActionParsnipyclian: remove the user from the admin group11:40
ikoniaActionParsnip he ca't sudo11:40
yclianikonia, he meant something else.11:40
auczniowie3bjest ktos?11:41
jim_pnyvhax: use mediainfo , a standalone app, to see the make of tyhevideo like avi, divx, xvid etc and tell us11:41
_luserIs there a list of ubuntu releases with the kernel versions they ship with11:41
nyvhaxjim_p, with "Mediainfo" i'll be able to decode this video ?11:42
_luserI'm looking for a live CD (not install) for PPC64 which has 2.6.17 or newer11:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:42
ikonia_luser the hardy ppc build should have it11:42
jim_pnyvhax: ho. with media info you will be able to see the videos encoder11:42
ikonia_luser: be aware that ppc is now community supported11:42
nyvhaxah ok lol thanks11:42
jim_p_luser: why not install?11:42
ActionParsnip_luser: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases11:43
_luserikonia - are the {k,x,}ubuntu releases all the same kernel?11:43
ikonia_luser I believe so11:43
ActionParsnipomg, next ubuntu is Jaunty Jackalope11:43
_luserjim_p - it's not my machine, can't install, can only use11:43
jim_pnyvhax: are you there? this is a proprietary codel. it forces you to pay money for it11:44
nyvhaxso i've to download another torrent ?11:44
jim_pnyvhax: so you have to find a dvm free version of the video11:44
_luserActionParsnip - that link does not list kernel versions11:45
anezchActionParnsip JAunty Jackalope? are you serious11:45
jim_p_luser: use debians. debian supports 12 architectures!11:45
xinuxany body now how to use Xchat anti band, Kick on ubuntu11:45
ActionParsnip_luser: not sure about shipped kernels but you can update to any kernel you wish from repos11:45
jim_panezch: yea that is the name of 9.0411:45
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA11:46
_luserjim_p - I'm 100% debian on my own machines, but it doesn't have a live CD11:46
xinuxany body now how to use Xchat anti band, Kick on ubuntu11:46
xinuxor what more software for IRC11:46
ikoniaxinux what ?11:46
jim_p_luser: well... this year debian decided to follow the trend. debian lenny beta 2 is a live cd!11:46
_luserActionParsnip - since when have you been able to change kernels while running.11:47
ActionParsnipanezch:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases11:47
jim_p_luser: you mean upgrade to a newer one?11:47
ActionParsnipanezch: you tell me11:47
anezchtell what?11:47
nachi_hello all! hey. im looking for a way to install subversion on my development apache server, so i will able to change the files in /var/www and then can have subversions of it... is that possible? or i need everytime to re-sync between my local hd and the webserver path? ... thanks!11:47
ActionParsnipanezch: its a horned jack rabbit11:47
jim_pActionParsnip: yea. i dint like that animal either. its like a pokemon11:48
_luserjim_p - he said I could grab a new kernel from the repos. as I boot from CD, in order for his advice to be useful I'd have to be able to switch kernels on the fly.11:48
xinuxsome one always band me if I in room IRC11:48
anezchActionParsnip the name is like a joke to me...11:48
jim_p_luser: why dont you use a live cd that has 2.6.26 kernel and do your job? or you want 2.6.17 in particular?11:49
xinuxsome one always kick me if i on room11:49
erkixinux: I hope there is no way to get around bans in Xchat. Banning is there fore a reason.11:49
ActionParsnip_luser: debian can be live11:49
A[D]minS^Workhow i can download everything inside directory using wget ?11:49
_luserjim_p I want something which has case fan control. that needs >=2.6.1711:49
darren__ActionParsnip, sorry to be a pain and hi again dont spose you know how to compleaty remove a wifi driver from ubuntu11:50
jim_p_luser: ubuntu 8.04 = 2.6.24. debian live 2.6.26. sidux 2.6.26! what else do you want?11:50
ActionParsnip_luser: http://live.debian.net/11:50
NeMeSiS_when i do not safe remove my extenal harddrive from my windows i can not mount it on my linux how do i mount it11:51
erkiA[D]minS^Work: Something like wget -r -l 0 [Address]11:51
xinuxso i want to software for anti kick or anti bans11:51
ActionParsnip_luser: i heard someone say you can quite recently11:51
erkiA[D]minS^Work: But there are definately tons of examples to be websearched for.11:51
ActionParsnipjim_p: its still ubuntu, were you happy with a gibbon?11:51
NeMeSiS_when i do not safe remove my extenal harddrive from my windows i can not mount it on my linux how do i mount it11:51
erkiNeMeSiS_: Mount it again in windows and do a safe removal11:51
xinuxany body help me11:52
jim_pActionParsnip: i am happy with existant animals, not fictious ones11:52
_luserjim_p - all I need is a shell and a compiler. that's why I'd rather Xubuntu rather than kubuntu or ubuntu11:52
jim_p_luser: or an xfce one?11:52
ActionParsnip_luser: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/10069/11:52
erkixinux: Teaching people how to circumvent IRC bans is probably not a main goal of this channel...11:52
darren__Hi every body does any one know how to compleatly remove a wifi driver from ubuntu11:52
jim_pdarren__: what driver?11:52
A[D]minS^Workerki, thx :D11:53
erkinachi_: Why subversion? Do you need file history?11:53
NeMeSiS_but is it always to be so11:53
darren__jim_p, i think itsa beta driver with the new ubuntu rtl818711:53
bimberiapt-get install dont-be-a-prat-on-irc ?11:53
erkiNeMeSiS_: Until the linux-ntfs devs decide that they can safely handle unsafely removed NTFS-disks, I gues yes11:53
jim_p_luser: well., 2.6.17 kernel is as old as dapper or edgy. try a live cd of these11:54
_luserErm - this really doesn't look like supporting 12 architectures: http://live.debian.net/cdimage/etch-builds/current/11:54
paducahguy1hello ?11:54
_luserjim_p 7.10 fails to boot11:54
jim_pdarren__: how did you install it?11:54
xinuxo I see11:54
xinuxthanks erki11:54
jim_p_luser: use 8.04 or sidux or debian11:54
NeMeSiS_but i guess it will not be so wit fat11:54
ikoniaxinux: that doesn't exist, just behave yourself and you won't get kicked11:54
=== paducahguy1 is now known as Ximal
darren__jim_p, i belive its installed with the new ubuntu because my wifi worked with just pluging in11:55
erkiNeMeSiS_: Correct, FAT doesn't have [as much / any] journalling, so there are no unsafe dismounts (wild guess)11:55
jim_pdarren__: ok, so what is the problem?11:55
ikoniadarren__: please take this discusion tio #ubuntu+1 only instead of discussing all your problems in both channels11:55
xinuxbut I don't now why I always kicked bay OPS11:56
_luserjim_p 8.04 looks like epic fail: "Note to PowerPC (PPC) and SPARC users: These types of computers are not supported by the newest versions of Ubuntu. "11:56
jim_p_luser: use debian then. debian does not do these11:56
ikoniaxinux: that is not for discussion here11:56
nachi_erki: i working with my brother on a project and i need to able to go back everytime or work on the same file and see the changes11:56
_luser"However Ubuntu 6.06 is still supported and available for your machine." - but 6.06 turns the case fans into helicopter mode.11:56
jim_p_luser: hahahahahahahahahaha11:56
anezch_luser: what do you mean?11:57
xinuxok sorry ikonia..11:57
_luserjim_p I'm yet to find a debian live CD for PPC64, but still clicking away11:57
abe3khello , I have a serial/usb converter connected to a device but ubuntu fails to detect the device, is there any drivers for serial/usb converter that I should know of ?11:57
NeMeSiS_thank erki11:58
jim_p_luser: let me look11:58
erkinachi_: Ah, so what you want is to have the web server serve files DIRECTLY from the subversion server storage?11:58
jim_p_luser: is it different than ppc?11:58
erkiNeMeSiS_: yw11:58
Raylz_luser: just use the normal ppc cd of debian11:59
_luserjim_p ppc and ppc64 are unified now11:59
nachi_so once i do change its shown on www server but i will able to go back11:59
abe3khello , I have a serial/usb converter connected to a device but ubuntu fails to detect the device, is there any drivers for serial/usb converter that I should know of ?11:59
jim_p_luser: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/lenny_di_beta2/powerpc/iso-cd/ this?11:59
NeMeSiS_do i have to worry about linux12:00
Raylzif you ask me, installing from livecd is harder than from the alternate12:00
erkinachi_: Why not just have a cron job do an SVN update to the /var and /www directorys? I'm not entirely sure that subversion storages are suited for direct reading from apache.12:00
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: in what way?12:00
_luserjim_p - which one's the live CD?12:00
jim_p_luser: the cd112:00
ActionParsnip1abe3k: does anything show in lsusb?12:00
jim_p_luser: or no?12:01
NeMeSiS_like attack12:01
jim_p_luser: gentoo also supports a bunch of architectures12:01
_luserjim_p is is possible to see a list of packages that are available if I boot from that CD? I need a compiler.12:01
nachi_so is there a better solution?12:01
abe3k<ActionParsnip1> : this is what I get Bus 005 Device 002: ID 1058:0702 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. Bus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:000012:02
abe3kBus 004 Device 002: ID 03f0:7904 Hewlett-Packard12:02
abe3kBus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:0000  Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000  Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000  Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000012:02
erkinachi_: Better than what? I rather liked my solution actually ;)12:02
_luserjim_p I'd rather stick pineapples up my arse than use gentoo.12:02
ActionParsnip1abe3k: please use pastebin in future12:02
abe3kthe device is a gsm 3.5g dialup modem12:02
erki_luser: Yeah, don't do that, it hurts. A lot.12:02
jim_p_luser: hahahahahhahaha12:02
jim_p_luser: well you only need a ppc live cd!12:03
NeMeSiS_because i a file stack in my trash and it will not empty12:03
piasdomshould i use canonical from my source ? (hardy)12:03
NeMeSiS_because i a file stack in my trash and it will not empty i was thinking it is viurs12:03
RaylzNeMeSiS_: not every problem is a virus12:04
RaylzNeMeSiS_: try to remove it as root12:04
ActionParsnip1abe3k: is the model turned on?12:04
abe3k<ActionParsnip1> : the device is on12:05
bronchmxHow can I change gnome-terminal key assignments so F1 doesn't show me up Help screen12:05
abe3k<ActionParsnip1> : it shows a blinking light when it has power12:06
ActionParsnip1abe3k: http://blog.mypapit.net/2008/05/how-to-use-usb-serial-port-converter-in-ubuntu.html12:06
Skandalisthow can I absolutely delete PPPoE connection which was made with pppoeconf?12:06
NeMeSiS_how do i remove as root12:06
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: what are you removing? a folder or a file?12:07
erkibronchmx: edit: keyboard shortcuts. Scroll down and change Help F112:07
RaylzNeMeSiS_: type in: sudo nautilus12:07
ActionParsnip1Skandalist: run the config and delete the connection, maybe?12:07
RaylzNeMeSiS_: and open the trash12:07
bronchmxerki: i couldnt find where to configure it12:07
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:08
bronchmxerki, i right click on terminal but "edit current profile" doesnt seem to contain any shortcut preferences12:08
erkibronchmx: Use the menu at the top, there is an "edit" menu12:08
Raylzwhat was that console jabber client called like again?12:08
bronchmxerki, man thank you so much i forgot that I disabled menu12:08
erkibronchmx: yw12:09
ActionParsnip1!jabber | Raylz12:11
ubottuRaylz: jabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org12:11
NeMeSiS_i could not display contents .it says operation not supported12:11
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: what are you trying to do?12:12
SkandalistI've changed my modem to a smarter one, which has web interface and all setttings are stored in it so I don't need to configure something in computer - just put DHCP for network card... In win98/2000 all works fine... In linux nothing works... I even can't get access to modem web interface... Why?12:13
ActionParsnip1Skandalist: can we see your ifconfig output as well as your /etc/network/interfaces file please12:14
ActionParsnip1!paste | Skandalist12:14
ubottuSkandalist: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:14
RaylzActionParsnip1: i currently have no X installed12:14
ActionParsnip1Raylz: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop12:14
NeMeSiS_do empty a folder in my trash12:15
NET||abusehmm, i want to get an ssl cert for my servers management interface.. where should i go to buy it?12:15
ActionParsnip1!trash | NeMeSiS_12:15
ubottuNeMeSiS_: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash12:15
RaylzActionParsnip1: i know how to install it ;)12:15
NET||abusethis is for email interfaces and the ispconfig interface(really like that project)12:15
NET||abuseWho's a good vendor for ssl certs that isn't stupid pricey12:16
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: cd ~/.local/share/Trash && rm -rf *   will o to the trash folder and empty it and all subfolders12:16
RaylzActionParsnip1: im installing xubuntu-desktop right now and looking for some console app for jabber conversation12:16
RaylzActionParsnip1: im in irssi atm ;)12:16
ActionParsnip1Raylz: Freetalk12:17
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RaylzActionParsnip1: ty12:18
NeMeSiS_it is not working12:19
erkiNET||abuse: godaddy claims to have SSL certs for $15/yr, but I've heard some bad stuff about them over the years...12:19
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: so you have stuff in your trash you wont removing?12:20
NET||abuseerki: hmm, i see.12:20
erkiNET||abuse: Try to find a review from a trusted source (or three review from marginally trusted sources).12:21
NET||abusesuppose so.12:21
NET||abusefor 15 bucks, this is just the server i share with a few work buddies, fairly light administration needs.12:22
NeMeSiS_what causes that12:22
C_Mehello every ubuntu users :)12:22
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: are there files in ~/.local/share/Trash ?12:22
NeMeSiS_i do not want it in there12:22
ActionParsnip1C_Me: howdy12:22
therobotwhere does ubuntu add default PATH? I don't see neither in /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc (ubuntu 8.04 server)12:22
C_Mecool thx n u12:22
ActionParsnip1therobot: ~/.bashrc12:23
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: i dont know how to move the trash dude12:23
ActionParsnip1NeMeSiS_: you could create a folder and symlink it12:23
jokeusaHello...anyone able to help with a specific IPTables rule? I have a "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o lo -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128"...it is supposed to redirect all traffic going out from local PC on which Squid is installed, to go through squid first. (that PC is a stand alone computer - not a router -works as a filter of pornography).12:24
therobotActionParsnip1: cat .bashrc | grep -i path (does not shown anything as well)12:24
jokeusaThe thing im not sure of, is '-o lo' right?12:24
theroboti'm on my home directory12:24
mr_danielI am using a ftp server from time to time to transfer some data between two computer in my local network12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about path12:24
jokeusaOr should it rather be '-o eth0'12:24
=== C_Me is now known as CWave
mr_danielI dont know if there exist better solutions then ftp so transfer data between computers in a lan12:24
mr_danielI am using proftpd as ftp server and I am using it just a couple of times in a week12:24
mr_danielI am starting the ftp server with "/etc/init.d/proftpd start" and stop it with "/etc/init.d/proftpd stop"12:24
mr_danielmy problem: proftpd also starts everytime when I boot my system what I do NOT want it to do,12:24
ActionParsnip1therobot: http://www.newlinuxuser.com/howto-add-a-directory-to-my-path-statementvariable/12:25
mr_danielbecause I am not using it every day12:25
mr_danielhow can I stop proftpd from starting on every boot?12:25
erkimr_daniel: scp is pretty decent12:25
CWavecan u pls tell me why my connexion can only can get to some websites not all ?12:25
erkiCWave: Possibly a temporary routing problem  at your ISP12:25
vegamr_daniel: update-rc.d -f proftpd remove12:25
therobotActionParsnip1:  Ok, thanks12:25
ActionParsnip1mr_daniel: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/09/removing-or-editing-a-startup-script/12:26
piasdomg'mornin all12:26
ActionParsnip1CWave: are your dns's ok12:26
jokeusaAnyone? :/12:26
CWaveerki how can u fix it ?12:26
CWaveyes are12:26
CWavei even fix it in auto DHCP12:26
CWaveand still same12:26
erkiCWave: If it's a routing problem, the only thing to do is wait.12:26
ikoniajokeusa saying anyone is pointless, if someone didn't see your question "anyone" doesn't tell them what it is, if they don't know the answer, saying "anyone" won't make them know the answer12:27
CWaveyes im connecting to a rooter12:27
mr_danielworks, thx vega + AccessExcess12:27
mr_danielI mean ActionParsnip112:27
ActionParsnip1CWave: try rebooting router and modem if its extrnal to the router12:29
CWaveActionParsnip1 i did reboot manytimes nth work12:30
riddleboxwhat is the apt command to get all packages needed to build a specific package?12:30
ActionParsnip1CWave: the its your provider12:30
ActionParsnip1riddlebox: build-essential12:30
CWaveno ActionParsnip112:30
CWaveat home is working ok12:31
erkiriddlebox: build-dep12:31
riddleboxActionParsnip1, I know that one, there is a specific one that will get all dependencies12:31
riddleboxerki, thats it12:31
ActionParsnip1riddlebox: no, thats why we have apt-get and binaries12:31
piasdomwhat a good backup utility to use to backup to a network location ?12:31
ActionParsnip1CWave: so where is it not working?12:31
ActionParsnip1!backup | piasdom12:31
ubottupiasdom: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:31
riddleboxActionParsnip1, ubuntu's binary of asterisk is old and takes forever to be updated and thats all this machine will do is be an asterisk server12:32
piasdomthanks ActionParsnip12:32
CWaveActionParsnip1 i have pc home is working fine but here in cyber cafe im  installing a pc too with ubuntu but i can only can access to some  lil websites12:32
ActionParsnip1CWave: if you ping the sites name do you get an ip address/12:33
piasdomwhich one has a good gui ?12:33
ActionParsnip1piasdom: no idea, i use a cron'd cp job to a usb disk. try them see which you think is good12:34
CWaveyes ip adress and hostname12:34
piasdomand for hardy12:34
piasdomok thanks again12:34
ActionParsnip1CWave: can you http to the ip address?12:34
error404notfoundmy system is stuck at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [OK]", though I can ssh it, I tried commenting out the only line "exit 0" in rc.local but no use...12:34
ActionParsnip1CWave: instead of the na,e12:34
CWavecan u explain i didnt get u dude12:35
ActionParsnip1CWave: ping the website name (E.g. ping www.bmezine.com)12:35
CWaveworking fine12:35
ActionParsnip1CWave: this resolves to an ip address12:35
CWavebut cant  appear12:35
ActionParsnip1then in your browser put that ip address, this will check if dns is at fault12:36
CWave64ms of ping12:36
ActionParsnip1can youo webbrose to the ip address the name resolves to?12:36
* ActionParsnip1 gets his spoon out12:37
CWavecan i paste it here12:37
ActionParsnip1CWave: sure12:37
ActionParsnip1if its lots of lines12:37
CWavewww.c.la /www.absba.org12:37
ActionParsnip1use patebin12:37
CWaveonly i can access too12:37
beznikiyhow i can invert X or Y axis in ubuntu ?12:37
rjdHi. I have nvidia gfx, visible in lspci. My graphic works on the laptop monitor, but nvidia-settings says I dont use a nvidia driver. Is there a good graphical tool for choosing/testing drivers/configurations for xorg?12:38
rjdbeznikiy: interesting, I need to do the same thing12:38
ActionParsnip1CWave: ok try
CWaveok :)12:38
piasdomshould i use canonical from my source ? (hardy)12:38
beznikiyrjd: Option "SwapXY" work in your xorg.conf ?12:38
ActionParsnip1CWave: thats what www.absba.com's ip is12:38
beznikiymy system ignores this option :(12:39
ActionParsnip1CWave: then your DNS is screwed12:39
CWaveappach is fonctionaly normaly12:39
ActionParsnip1CWave: the system changing website names to IPs is broken12:39
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CWavei see12:39
CWavehow can i resolve that12:39
erkiCWave: so www.absba.org doesn't work when you browse it? Only by IP?12:39
CWaveno it works12:40
CWavebut google or yahoo msn ... not working12:40
CWaveis worried12:40
ActionParsnip1CWave: does that work?12:40
e-frameDNS spoofing :D good >:)12:40
CWaveabsba and c.la are working12:40
CWavebut google and yahoo and others is not12:41
ActionParsnip1CWave: you have no DNS to change names to ip addresses which is what the internet uses12:41
CWaveonly those websites12:41
manishhi guys , there is something wrong with my zimbra. Its not downloading the latest mails from yesterday. I think it is syncing the actions like deleting mails i deleted while offline but when it comes to downloading mails it is not doing so ... what do you think can be the reason and how can i correct it ....12:41
ActionParsnip1CWave: what is in your /etc/resolv.conf ?12:41
CWavelet me see12:41
ActionParsnip1CWave: use pastebin if its multiple lines12:42
ActionParsnip1!paste | CWave12:42
ubottuCWave: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:42
CWaveActionParsnip1 im new in ubuntu sorry if i ask much :)12:42
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ActionParsnip1CWave: we all learned one day. today is your turn12:42
CWavethx much :)12:42
Slartmanish: perhaps you'll get better answers from a channel dedicated to zimbra, if there is one12:42
SylphVanWindhi guys. I need LOGO programming language program/compiler - anybody know wny?12:42
e-frameCWave: can u ping to
CWavein my resolv.vonf is  my dns ip12:43
e-framethat's www.google.com's IP :)12:43
Slartmanish: but who knows.. you might find someone here using it12:43
manishStart: there is a channel but no body's responding there12:43
manishthats why i turned in here12:44
ActionParsnip1CWave: well its not working12:44
ActionParsnip1CWave: try nslookup www.bmezine.com12:44
ActionParsnip1CWave: does give an ip12:44
CWavee-frame works fine the ping12:44
jim_pdoes anyone know a good alternative to putty?12:44
e-frameCWave: then open on browser12:44
ActionParsnip1jim_p: for ssh from ubuntu?12:44
CWavebut is 399 ms is12:44
jim_pActionParsnip1: yes12:45
ActionParsnip1jim_p: you can ssh from terminal12:45
CWavee-frame not working still :)12:45
Slartjim_p: I just use ssh from a terminal.. but I don't think you get profiles and stuff12:45
ActionParsnip1CWave: you need to sort your dns server out dude12:45
e-frameyour browser doesn't work with that IP ?12:46
jim_pActionParsnip1: can you give me an example12:46
e-frameCWave: your browser doesn't work with that IP ?12:46
iahello, everybody. if someone use intrepid beta, then could you check and try to reproduce this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/287134. It's very strange bug and I think that only I have it.12:46
jim_pSlart: like ssh ip:port ?12:46
ActionParsnip1CWave: add one of these to /etc/resolv.conf12:46
Slartia: #ubuntu+112:46
ActionParsnip1CWave: http://www.tech-faq.com/public-dns-servers.shtml12:46
CWaveno e-frame12:46
e-frameActionParsnip1: CWave cannot open google with the IP. so it's out of DNS problem :)12:46
CWaveActionParsnip1 have i to change my dns ?12:46
Slartjim_p: something like that.. check man ssh for the gory details12:46
ActionParsnip1CWave: i thought you said you could connect to google via the ip ?12:47
CWaveno is not12:47
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:47
jim_peven the bot suggests putty!!!!12:47
erkiCWave: So browsing to doesn't work?12:47
bastid_raZorjim_p; for windows.. not ubuntu12:47
erkijim_p: I don't see why you wouldn't want to use putty :)12:47
Slartjim_p: for windows..12:48
CWavemy browser can only get to some websites not to all12:48
CWavecant get to google yahoo .....12:48
e-framewell, CWave ask your ISP :)12:48
pfifo_i tried to disable disk checking in fstab but my system still insists on doing the disk check, how do i disable the boot up disk checking?12:48
Slartjim_p: what is wrong with putty btw?12:48
jim_pbastid_raZor: ? i want a gui app for the job. and putty looks like !@#$ i cant even tell what is ticked and whats not12:48
erkiCWave: Please test the link I sent so we can draw a conclusion12:48
CWaveok dude momento12:48
Slartjim_p: gnome-terminal + ssh would be gui... or gui-issh =)12:49
Picimanish: Floodbot2 will not respond to you, its a bot.12:49
bastid_raZorjim_p; for ssh using the terminal is by far the best way to go about it.12:49
erkiIf it works, it's a DNS issue. If it doesn't work, it might be a routing issue (which might be your ISP messing it up)12:49
pfifo_aside from deleting 'e2fsck' is there a way to disable disk checking?12:50
skrofshi guys, i just installed my 3d card using envyNG. Looks like everything worked out perfectly:) ubuntu, yeey!!:)  I used a tool called glxgears to check if 3d was working, but i dont relly understand the output, if its working or not.. at 1240x1024 i get 40-41 framerates pr sec.. is this ok for a old nvidia FX5500? 120Mb Ram12:50
ktnehow can i change console size?12:50
manishPici: Thanks for telling me , How do u know whether someone is a bot or not12:50
CWaveActionParsnip1 the dns u gave me is for us only i guess12:50
Picimanish: Usually because the have the word 'bot' in their name...12:50
CWaveerki i didnt see the adress u gave dude can u paste me again pls :)12:50
ktnedo i have to use vga=ask or is there another method that doesn't require a reboot?12:50
erkiCWave: So browsing to doesn't work?12:50
Slartpfifo_: afaik doing the fstab config thingy should disable it.. sure you did it right?12:51
jim_pok. thanks bastid_raZor and slackd00d and erki . can you give me an example? i want to ssh computer on ip on port 22222. i provide username and pass12:51
manishthat was so dump of me not to notice it12:51
erkijim_p: With putty?12:51
CWaveerki with those symbles too ?12:51
bastid_raZorjim_p; ssh -p22222 iphere12:51
pfifo_Slart, i think12:51
erkiSymbols? Just copy-paste and paste it in your browser address bar12:51
jim_perki: withe terminal or whatever12:51
CWavewell im here in windows and pc beside me with ubuntu12:52
manishPici: thanks any ways ... do you have some info about zimbra... i have posted a query regarding a problem and no one has answered it yet...12:52
pfifo_Slart, ohh i marked the wrong partition lol12:52
CWaveso i trying to type it12:52
erkijim_p: Ok, then do what bastid_raZor suggested :)12:52
jim_pbasti: cant i do ssh
Slartjim_p: I would try "ssh username@" .. might be wrong though12:52
Picimanish: I know nothing about zimbra, sorry.  Have you tried #zimbra ?12:52
jim_pbecause thats what i do :P12:52
torgrimjim_p: -p port12:52
jim_pi was doing it all wrong!!!!!12:53
Slartjim_p: bah.. sorry.. ssh username@ -p 2222212:53
manishya nobodys responding ... the IRC is  dead with  no activity for half and hour now....12:53
jim_pso its "ssh -p [number] ip ?12:53
Picimanish: Not every channel is nearly as active as #ubuntu12:53
jim_pso its "ssh -p [port] [ip] ?12:53
erkijim_p: Correct.12:53
jim_pi will try it later on12:53
erkiEven ssh -p port username@ip if you want12:54
erkiOtherwise it will assume that it is the same usernname as you have on your own computer, which might or might not be correct12:54
bastid_raZorjim_p; if your username is different you'll need to specify the username like erki has just shown12:54
jim_perki: i want to connect as normal user there, so i dont provide a username12:54
manishPici; Ya i can see that now...12:55
CWaventh still erki12:55
manishi will post the problem once again here so that there can be some response from teh new entrants12:55
manish there is something woring with my zimbra. Its not downloading the latest mails from yesterday. I think it is syncing the actions like deleting mails i deleted while offline but when it comes to downloading mails it is not doing so ... what do you think can be the reason and how can i correct it .... has anybody faced a similar problem earlier.... Has it something to do with the mail download limits ... can i change them12:55
CWavewb ActionParsnip12:56
erkiCWave: If browsing to the IP doesn't work, than I believe the problem might be out of your hands.12:56
skrofshi guys, i just installed my 3d card using envyNG. Looks like everything worked out perfectly:) ubuntu, yeey!!:)12:56
CWavei beleive is in my rooter12:56
CWavebut how i donnu12:56
erkiskrofs: I don't know if 40fps is reasonable for FX5500 :)12:56
erkiskrofs: I on12:57
ActionParsnipCWave: try: tracert
erkiI don't even know how the benchmarking works. But I do own a Geforce FX5200 Go, and I can tell you that that card is preeeeetty slow12:57
CWaveto connect to it ?12:57
CaMasonis there a command like GREP that can show me the number of instances of a match in a file?12:57
ActionParsnipCWave: oops in linux its tracroute
ActionParsnipCWave: no, to see where the connection bails12:57
sparkeyanyone here got some experience when it comes to HLDS (Half life dedicated server) ?12:58
CWaveok 1 min12:58
ActionParsnipCaMason: grep started in linux12:58
jribCaMason: grep -c  (see man grep)12:58
skrofsYeah it sounds slow:)   are there other ways of testing 3d and if card is working properly?12:58
manishActionParsnip: can you help me out with Zimbra please....12:58
erkiCWave: Minor correction "traceroute". Minor spelling error12:58
CaMasonjrib: I didn' think to check grep itself! Thanks, i'll try that12:58
ActionParsnipmanish: dude it was so long ago and you havent said what is wrong with it12:58
CaMasonworks perfectly12:59
manishActionParsnip:  there is something wrong with my zimbra. Its not downloading the latest mails from yesterday. I think it is syncing the actions like deleting mails i deleted while offline but when it comes to downloading mails it is not doing so ... what do you think can be the reason and how can i correct it .... has anybody faced a similar problem earlier.... Has it something to do with the mail download limits ... can i change them12:59
ActionParsnipmanish: all youu've said is "can you help" and without any other information, the answer is "no"12:59
CWavecommand introvable :/12:59
erkiWut? Introvable?13:00
manishActionParsnip1:so now this is the problem and I really have no idea of what could have gone wrong...13:00
ActionParsnipCWave: did you use traceroute13:00
CWavetracert is not installed13:00
ActionParsnipCWave: sudo apt-get install traceroute13:00
CWavewhere can i d/l it13:00
erkiWill be exciting to see if apt-get works when most of the internet is broken :)13:01
ActionParsnipmanish: check username and password and pop settings13:01
manishthey are the same as when it was working13:01
CWaveit says some files are miss13:01
manishi have not changed them ever since i created an account13:01
kakazzaHi, does ubuntu come with a GUI for VPNC?13:01
ActionParsnipmanish: thats all i got, sounds like the mail client is flakey. id use something else personally13:01
ActionParsnipkakazza: vpnc?13:02
ActionParsnipkakazza: do you mean vnc?13:02
ActionParsnipkakazza: or vpn?13:02
CWavemaybe have to installl again ..?13:02
manishgot it ... this time i wont trouble u further... have a nice time....13:02
ActionParsnipCWave: if you have the install cd you can add it as a repo and install from that13:02
skrofsI need a framebuffer for using mplayer and fbi in console.. Anyopne know why the file fb0 is missing?13:02
CWaveok )13:02
kakazzaI mean VPNC13:03
ActionParsnip!info vpnc13:03
kakazzaVPN for Cisco 3000 somethng...13:03
ubottuvpnc (source: vpnc): Cisco-compatible VPN client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.1r275-1 (hardy), package size 74 kB, installed size 252 kB13:03
SlartActionParsnip: vpnc is.. vpn/cisco something.. ?13:03
kakazzaI'd love a GUI for that13:03
kakazzato have*13:03
Slartbah.. fancy shmancy bot commands.. =)13:03
ActionParsnipkakazza: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9533413:04
jezzzzzwhat command in terminal to know the name/address of my usb device?13:04
ActionParsnipkakazza: theres kvpnc if you use kde13:04
ActionParsnipjezzzzz: lsusb13:04
Slartkakazza: looks like there is a network manager plugin for it.. network-manager-vpnc13:04
Slart!info network-manager-vpnc13:04
ubottunetwork-manager-vpnc (source: network-manager-vpnc): network management framework (VPNC plugin). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4svn2422-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 53 kB, installed size 452 kB13:05
jezzzzzaction, thank you13:05
kakazzaI use Gnome tho13:05
kakazzasudo apt-get network-manager-vpnc, right?13:05
ActionParsnipkakazza: if you read the post it tells you how to do it without gui, looks simple enough13:06
trigpini knwo wrong channel , has anyone updated to ubuntu.10 intrepid any problems ?13:06
kakazzaI know how to do it without :)13:06
ActionParsnipkakazza: then why add bloat when its not needed13:07
trigpinwould anyone recommend updating to intrepid ?13:08
ActionParsniptrigpin: nope, i wouldn't personally13:08
kakazzaWanna try it on antoher PC13:08
ActionParsniptrigpin: does hardy work 100% for you?13:08
trigpinActionParsnip,  yes its great , but if i can have something better =)13:09
ActionParsniptrigpin: if it works, why fix it?13:09
jribtrigpin: I would try a desktop cd (live cd) and wait for release to actually upgrade13:10
cypr1nushey, I have a problem with debugging programs - despites compiling g++ -g program.c -o program  ; after core dump i don't get core file, whats' wrong?13:10
Slarttrigpin: as you said.. wrong channel.. or you don't trust the people in #ubuntu+1 to tell you the truth? =)13:10
trigpinSlart,  heh wouldn't go as far as that ;)13:11
trigpinil try live cd see if im not missing to much13:12
ActionParsniptrigpin: id stick with hardy, its still got life in it yet13:13
kakazzaActionParsnip, but if I want to install it, that's the right command, is it?13:13
jribcypr1nus: ulimit -c    returns?13:13
bzil_pepeol ?13:14
erkikakazza: I think it's sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc13:14
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:14
cypr1nusjrib: ulimit -c    return 013:14
IdleOne!ot > bzil_13:14
ubottubzil_, please see my private message13:14
ActionParsnipkakazza: yeah looks ok, try typing a few of the characters and press tab, you can tab complete package names too13:14
kakazzaAh, problem13:15
bzil_what private message, where ?13:15
jribcypr1nus: that's why.  That's the limit on the size of core files.  change it.  You can change limits in /etc/security/limits.conf if you want to make it permanent13:15
kakazzaThe PC I want to install it on doesn't have internet yet, hah13:15
cypr1nusjrib: thanks ;]13:15
ActionParsnipkakazza: then run the command on the good pc13:15
ActionParsnipkakazza: then copy the debs in cache to a cd13:15
bzil_where french ?13:16
karoogahi, anyone know what " TLS init def ctx failed: -64" means?13:16
jrib!fr | bzil_13:16
ubottubzil_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:16
jribkarooga: no, but some context might help13:16
karooga(sorry this is for ldap server on hardy... with tls)13:17
kakazzaHow do i add a package mirror to ubuntu?13:17
kakazzaMy Uni hosts it13:17
jribkakazza: system -> administration -> software sources13:17
kakazzaAnd I am inside the uni network13:17
jribkakazza: it will be really fast then :)13:17
ActionParsnipkakazza: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sources.lst13:18
erkidammit :)13:18
ActionParsnipkakazza: and add it in that file13:18
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:18
karoogajrib: this is an error msg from ldap13:19
ActionParsniperki: i wish theyd setle on a single extension for that13:19
kakazza"deb /path/to/ubuntu/ main"?13:20
erkiActionParsnip: Yeah, it's a tad confusing, actually13:20
jribkakazza: no.  Just change the URLs to your university one and leave the rest alone13:20
vltHello. I created an audio cd image file using k3b's mode "clone copy". How can I create a copy on a CD-R now?13:20
kakazza"Download from:" Says "server for my_country"13:21
ActionParsnipvlt: open k3b again and then file -> open the iso13:21
kakazzaI can't add them there, only in the third party tab13:21
catrinac e qualcuno?13:21
IdleOne!it > catrina13:21
ubottucatrina, please see my private message13:21
ActionParsnipkakazza: the "tab" you refer to simply updates that file13:21
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:21
vltActionParsnip: The image file doesn't appear in the file open dialog. Which extension does k3b expect?13:22
jribkakazza: In the "Ubuntu Software" tab (first one), click on the "Download from" drop down menu and select "other"13:22
kakazzaE: The list of sources could not be rad.13:22
ActionParsnipvlt: iso13:22
jribkakazza: hrmm, that doesn't seem to let you add a repo there.  See if you university is already on the mirror list though13:22
kakazzaok, sec13:23
ActionParsnipvlt: or you can right click the iso and select open with k3b13:23
vltActionParsnip: It's not an ISO image. It's a clone copy of an audio cd.13:24
qahI have a question. How do you download files from the internet with ubuntu server edition?13:24
qahSince everything is command line13:25
jribqah: wget or curl13:25
kakazzaCan I manually add it to the sources.list?13:25
vltActionParsnip: When trying to open it, k3b says "unable to open file" after several minutes of reading (the 600 MB file)13:25
jribkakazza: sure, you can do as ActionParsnip suggested13:25
qahjrib: So if I type wget and the path to the file, it will download it?13:25
jribqah: yep13:25
jribwell, "url to the file" really13:25
kakazzaThe way ActionParsnip suggested only lets me add a new source to "Third Party Applications"13:26
ActionParsnipvlt: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-do-i-burn-iso-with-k3b-154361/13:26
kakazzaNot in the main tab tho13:26
qahjrib: Okay. Thanks alot. I am typing to you right now with irssi in ubuntu server edition. I am using VMWare though. :P13:26
ActionParsnipkakazza: doesnt matter, as long as its IN that file it will work13:26
jribkakazza: nah, that was *my* suggestion.  ActionParsnip said you could do: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list that you can change the URL13:26
vltActionParsnip: Yes, I know. But it is not an ISO file.13:27
jribhe should have waited to learn about screen...13:27
Jan5001hi.. can i display the content of my  ram in the console13:28
ActionParsnipvlt: what sort of file is it?13:28
vltActionParsnip: It's a "clone copy" image k3b made from an _audio_ cd.13:28
ActionParsnipvlt: what does file /path/to/data say?13:29
vltActionParsnip: "data"13:30
kakazzaHow do I force apt-get to use MY server and not the first in the list?13:30
ActionParsnipvlt: useful, id delete it and create an iso of the cd, then you can burn that dead easy13:30
erkiJan5001: CONTENT of ram? As in ones and zeroes?13:30
ActionParsnipkakazza: man apt-get13:30
=== cO_Co is now known as chelsien_shin_ho
kakazzaOk :x13:31
jribkakazza: put your server first (or just get rid of the other servers)13:32
vltActionParsnip: You can't create an iso image of an audio cd, can you?13:32
ActionParsnipvlt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65764813:33
ActionParsnipvlt: why would you not be able to, its 1s and 0s like a data cd?13:33
Ciscamcan anyone help me? my pc like goes back to the loginscreen about every hour .. even while i am working on it .. and if i log back in the session is lost ..13:33
vltActionParsnip: Yes, but I thought it's not ISO9660 formatted ....13:34
kakazzajrib - erm, stupid question, since my installation is not in English, how do I start network-manager from the terminal? XD13:34
ActionParsnipCiscam: does it do it with other usernames?13:34
erkiCiscam: Does it look the same way it does if you press [DONT PRESS THIS IF YOU HAVE WORK GOING ON!!!] ctrl+alt+backspace?13:34
ActionParsnipvlt: as long as it works its ok13:34
Ciscamwait, i'm gonna try13:34
ActionParsniperki: nice save13:34
erkiActionParsnip: ty :)13:35
ActionParsnipvlt: if you just wanna copy a cd you can choose that in k3b and it will realise you only have 1 drive and ask you to put a blank cd in13:36
jribkakazza: commands don't change with language, it should be the same.  I don't know the command but try "network" TAB TAB or "nm" TAB TAB13:36
lasitagreetings i have a dvd-rom ide drive which is plugged into usb-ide enclosure. I want to set the device speed to 1x, hdparm and eject fail to do so, what other options to set the speed to i got?13:36
Ciscamactually it's the machine of my friend.. but i was the one to install ubuntu .. and he like doesn't even know what irc is :P13:36
Jan5001erki: a list like "ls -al"13:37
Jan5001the filecontent13:37
CiscamActionParsnip>i think theres only one user registered on that machine13:37
erkiof the RAM?13:37
erkiRAM doesn't have files13:37
ActionParsnipCiscam: make a new user, just to test13:37
erkiIt has pages.13:38
CiscamActionParsnip>okay, brb13:38
ActionParsniperki: in linux, ram is a file ;)13:38
erki"cat ram" then :)13:38
ActionParsniperki: everything is a file13:38
erkiBut still, the content of the RAM is not files. It is data, divided into pages ;)13:39
ActionParsniperki: cat /dev/ram13:39
mathieu_447c'est quoi ici?13:39
Pici!fr | mathieu_44713:39
ubottumathieu_447: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:39
caris_mereI need help getting my projector to work...I've looked through the forums and all, but to no avail13:41
Ciscamerki>yes, it did the same thing as he pressed ctrl-alt-backspace13:41
erkiCiscam: So X restarts every hour. Or something similar.13:41
ActionParsnipcaris_mere: laptop or desktop?13:41
Jan5001my problem is ...i have 4gb ram and free says 29mb free..but i dont know which programm take this space.. top and ps says 0.0. % by all programms13:41
caris_mereActionParsnip: laptop13:41
ActionParsnipcaris_mere: how does the projector connect?13:41
ActionParsnipcaris_mere: you tried the fn + f8 key?13:42
SlartJan5001: cache13:42
Ciscamerki>you mean xserver? so do you know how to disable xserver from restarting every hour?13:42
erkiCiscam: I have never heard of anything similar, unfortunately, so I won't be of any use :S13:42
Ciscamerki>thanks anyway .. i'm one step closer now :)13:42
caris_mereActionParsnip: connecting in the monitor port...tried fn + F8, but doesn't work13:42
soneilJan5001: in top, does it have a repsectably large number next to 'buffers' ?13:43
ActionParsnipcaris_mere: does it hook up via a vga cable?13:44
SlartJan5001: take a look at this page , the gentoo wiki is down at the moment but the google cache might work13:44
caris_mereActionParsnip: I'm not sure what that is. It is vga on the computer side, but flatter on projector side13:45
DrthTaterNew ubuntu user here13:45
DrthTateralso new to linux13:45
erki!welcome | DrthTater13:46
ubottuDrthTater: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.13:46
scuserhi all, how to mount a file to a folder /0/vicepa ?13:46
erUSUL!iso | scuser13:46
ubottuscuser: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.13:46
ActionParsnipcaris_mere: id check the connector tpe then play from there13:46
ActionParsnipscuser: is it an iso?13:47
soneilthose instructions should work for any file that's formatted as a filesystem.  iso is just the most common use-case13:47
scuserActionParsnip: I want to mount a file which I've created, it's an empty one, to a point /vicepa13:47
erUSUL!ram | Jan500113:47
ubottuJan5001: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html13:47
scuserActionParsnip: it's not an iso13:48
ActionParsnipscuser: mount it like an iso and it should be fine (i believe), try it13:48
manirguys do any of you have compaq presario V3000 series Laptop?13:48
royani have bad internet connection. does $ sudo vim can improve my connection13:48
jribroyan: vim is an editor, it has nothing to do with your internet connection13:48
erkiroyan: No, "sudo vim" won't improve your connection13:48
Slartroyan: sudo vim won't do anything to your internet connection.. nor anything else13:48
ActionParsnipmanir: ask you question im assuming its harware related13:48
scuserActionParsnip: mount -o loop img /vicepa doesn't work :(13:49
erkiscuser: does /vicepa exist?13:49
manirActionParsnip: yes13:49
ActionParsnipscuser: you could symlink to the file which will make it seem mounted13:49
guyvdb_scuser: what is it you are trying to mount?13:49
soneilscuser: if it's an empty file, it'll need to be formatted first.  use mkfs on it just as you would a disk13:49
ActionParsnipmanir: ask away, laptop make and model means very little, its whats under the hood that counts13:49
soneilscuser: if it's not empty, don't mkfs, because you'll blow away anything that's already in it13:50
scusersoneil: it's an empty file13:50
manirActionParsnip: I want to ask about the general laptop battery price13:50
guyvdb_scuser dows it have a file system on it?13:50
ActionParsnipmanir: thats offtopic13:50
manirActionParsnip: for my laptop13:50
ActionParsnip!ot | manir13:50
ubottumanir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:50
scusersoneil: how can I format it ?13:50
Picimanir: ##hardware would be a better place, not #ubuntu13:50
sparkeyanyone here got some experience when it comes to HLDS (Half life dedicated server) ?13:50
manirok thanks13:50
manirPici: thanks13:50
guyvdb_man mkfs --- basically you want to use mkfs.ext3 more than likeley13:51
ActionParsnipmanir: this room is for support of the ubuntu operating system only13:51
royansorry my script was't complete. it should be sudo vim /etc/syscl.conf.  does it improve connection speed13:51
erkisparkey: Try us!13:51
ActionParsniproyan: do you know what vim is?13:51
caris_mereActionParnsnip: on the back of the projector it says PJ MULTI, I'm trying to figure out more13:51
ActionParsnip!info vim | royan13:52
scuserActionParsnip: how can I symlink to the file to seem mounted ?13:52
ubotturoyan: vim (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 790 kB, installed size 1552 kB13:52
jribroyan: where are you getting these commands?13:52
royanactually no. i read this on hardy heron FAG13:52
manirActionParsnip: I have some other question relating to ubuntu os the ulimate edition, is there any yahoo messenger client for ubuntu?13:52
guyvdb_scuser: what do you intend to do with this file/filesystem? you cannot make a filesystem on a non-block device13:52
lirelhi, a bug i filed was marked as invalid, the comment says it would be a duplicate, but i can see no link to the original one, where can i follow this one up? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/287198)13:52
ActionParsnipscuser: if you symlink the file, any edits to the file in on place will be seen in the other13:52
zielstrebighi. i've mounted an nas in /etc/fstab with cifs. in nautilus i can read, write an execute everything on it but when i try to save document from e.g. openoffice or adobe reader, it fails. the errormessage is "general input/output error".13:52
Picilirel: #ubuntu-bugs13:52
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ActionParsniproyan: how does opening a text file improve connection speed13:53
ActionParsniproyan: your linkwill only go as fast as you are paying for13:53
guyvdb_scuser: what are you trying to do?13:53
Piciroyan: Do you mean FAQ? Can you provide a link?13:54
caris_mereActionParnsnip: On sites, it seems to say the connector is a projector to "component output"13:54
sparkeyI am having som latency problems with hlds. The latency is shifting betweeen 10 - 20. I want to make the latency stable like it stays for example at 11-12. Have tried to compile a custom kernel with HT off, cpu freq 1000hz etc :/ anyone got som experience?13:54
scuserguyvdb_: I just want to mount a file (an empty file), to a folder /vicepa cause I don't have any free partition, so it could appear as a mounted partition13:54
royanpici: yes13:54
_luserpah - 8.04 fails to boot on my powermac in the same way that 7.10 did13:54
_luseranother coaster burnt...13:54
domi235sparkey: there is nothing wrong with that little latency is it?13:55
ActionParsnipcaris_mere: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-69670.html13:55
yinni hoa13:56
erkisparkey: Are you sure it's not due to link saturation or something?13:56
sparkeydomi235: ye its jumping to much. Tried a windows computer on the same connection and it was 11-1313:56
sparkeyerki: ye tried another computer13:56
domi235hm, thats odd indeed13:56
domi235arr !13:57
ActionParsnipscuser: if=/dev/zero of=~/disk count 100000013:57
domi235ow wait, it's no talk like a pirate day13:57
ActionParsnipscuser: will make a file 1Gb big (I think)13:57
erkisparkey: It could just be a problem with the linux source, otherwise I have no idea13:58
ActionParsnipscuser: you can then mount it with loop and mk2fs it13:58
tim__bHi! I want to cat some text file and grep only some letters out of it. For example: I got "Video stream: 2069.615 kbit/s  (258701 B/s)  size: 62047055 bytes  239.840 secs  5997 frames" and only want to have 2069 (the next four digits after "Video stream: "). Is there a way to get that information on shell?13:59
ActionParsnipscuser: http://arstechnica.com/articles/columns/linux/linux-20040107.ars13:59
ActionParsnipscuser: nice guide there13:59
ActionParsniptim__b: man awk13:59
jribtim__b: see the -o option in 'man grep'13:59
tim__bthanks ActionParsnip and jrib , will do so.13:59
domi235sparkey: there is a command that hlds clients can use to specify the amount of data they can send in a packet. Are you using the same packetsizes on both the servers?14:00
domi235sparkey: sorry, cant remember the actual command14:00
domi235its been some time since i used hlds14:00
royanpici: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/ubuntu:hardy14:00
darksiferhi everyone14:02
Piciroyan: Making changes such as those would marginally affect your network speeds.14:03
Omar87What do I need to be able to extract .rar files?14:03
PuppyPici - still no luck here man :(14:03
`TonYhey !14:03
`TonYOmar87, unrar14:03
jrib!rar | Omar8714:03
ubottuOmar87: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:03
guyvdb_Omar87 unrar14:04
darksiferis there a way to know it your isp has blocked your username for specific service. i mean the bandwidth allocated to you? because i am having poor download speed by xdcc??14:04
guyvdb_Omar87 at the command prompt type: sudo apt-get install unrar14:05
guyvdb_Omar87 after that type:  unrar e rar-file-name14:05
`TonYdarksifer, http://www.bandwidthplace.com/14:05
erkidarksifer: 1. Call the ISP and ask. 2. Get someone with the same ISP in your area to do the same test you do, and see if the speed matches.14:05
darksiferthanks 'TonY14:05
SlimGxsupplicant isn't available in the intrepid repos, what has happened to it?14:05
`TonYdarksifer, run the test and see the results14:05
=== manir is now known as neer
`TonYdarksifer, most welcome14:06
Omar87guyvdb_: Thanks.14:06
guyvdb_Omar87: np14:06
ActionParsnip!intrepid | SlimG14:06
ubottuSlimG: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu14:06
burghello. i install ubuntu, then it tells me that my videoboard (nvidia geforce 8200) needs the drivers, it downloads, installs it and requires restart14:06
burgafter the restart, when i boot to ubuntu, is all black, like i have no videocard installes. this happened to me twice14:07
PiciPuppy: Try asking the channel the question again then. Maybe someone else has a better idea.14:07
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ActionParsnipburg: reboot, hit esc to see grub menu and recover xorg, then reboot to desktop14:07
domi235burg: you meen x doesn't get booted?14:07
burgi can`t even see the console, not just14:08
burgnot just x14:08
=== Jan5002 is now known as Jan500
PuppyOk, well, Ive tryed Installing off the CD, and the ALT CD, and Installing inside Windows, none of them work, When i install from CD, i get BusyBox, from ALT cd, i get a dash repeating, and from inside windows i get an error " unrecognisedpartition table " not sure wheere to go from here14:08
erkiburg: Check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82231514:09
[smb]burg, reboot in recover mode, and run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:09
[smb]hi yok3r14:10
jaypurbom dia a todos.14:10
sparkeydomi235: no maybe i dont :/14:10
clint_hello room14:10
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jaypurclint_, hi, can i help you?14:11
sparkeydomi235: what does it mean if they are sending a different amount of data?14:11
TarBarI'm hoping to install ubuntu on an old imac g3, once i download it how do i put it on a cd? is it as simple as dropping and dragging then burning?14:11
clint_new to ubuntu jaypur14:11
domi235sparkey: it can influence the latency14:11
clint_i need to change the color on my nick on irssi,14:11
jaypurclint_, so what would you like to know?14:11
[admin]TarBar, it is alerady an .iso image, so all you have to have is a burning application14:11
clint_its white and im trying to find the command for it .14:11
sparkeydomi235: okay. i will check that out right now!14:12
jaypurclint_, what command?14:12
clint_change the font on my nick14:12
clint_color of the font its white . i want it to be not white.14:12
jaypurclint_, what nick man?14:12
jaypurclint_, nick from?14:12
clint_nick id on irc.14:12
linkinxphello how can i change environment  variables. for PIdgin! im trying to compile a script but it says that it cant find Pidgin14:12
TarBarMy imac g3 has nothing on it the hd was completely wiped. Will the cd still be recongised?14:13
Piciclint_: see irssi.org's documentation.  Also, their theme section.14:13
clint_ok ty14:13
jaypurclint_, change the font, i think you cant do that...14:13
jaypurclint_, whats your client xcha?14:13
Piciclint_: The font itself is whatever your terminal's font is.14:13
clint_love it the irssi14:13
jriblinkinxp: what are you compiling exactly?14:13
jaypurclint_, ah ok, so go to that site, hope i helped ya14:13
_lusertarbar - does your imac have OpenFirmware?14:13
domi235sparkey: I can ask someone who maybe knows the command, sec14:13
[admin]linkinxp, for example t="ok" ; export t14:13
_lusertarbar - if so, then just hold down 'c' after powerup, and it will boot from CD14:14
[admin]linkinxp, export will add / update the env. variable14:14
TarBari have no idea14:14
linkinxpjrib, http://jon.oberheide.org/projects/pidgin-rhythmbox/14:14
linkinxp[admin], ill see14:14
[admin]linkinxp, be sure ur using the same variable the compile asked you for14:14
sparkeydomi235: great, thx14:14
guyvdb_linkinxp: what is the error message exactly?14:15
TarBar_luser if it doesn't will it not work?14:15
willwork4fooCan anyone point me in the right direction for running some kind of service on my ubuntu PC that makes it look like an AirTunes device for iTunes?14:15
linkinxpi get this14:15
_lusertarbar - it is openfirmware by the looks of it.14:15
PuppyIs there anywhere i can buy pro help with this ?14:15
jriblinkinxp: have you tried pidgin-musictracker from the repositories to see if that does what you want?14:15
linkinxpjrib, it suppose to! but it doesnt change!14:15
jriblinkinxp: did you file a bug or check for an existing one?14:16
linkinxpjrib, not really14:16
yok3rwhat is the best music player for ubuntu, i need synchronize to my ipod.14:16
domi235sparkey: cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate are the commands, but, as said, they're for clients14:16
TarBarTo put the iso on a cd can i burn it using the windows xp thingy or does it require a seperate ap14:16
willwork4fooyok3r: amarok14:16
jriblinkinxp: bugs.ubuntu.com.  As for you current problem, you probably need pidgin-dev installed14:16
oliver_no songbird14:16
domi235yok3r: amarok14:16
linkinxpjrib, let me see14:16
ActionParsnip!best | yok3r14:16
ubottuyok3r: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:16
oliver_u can download song on songbird14:16
[admin]yok3r, search for gtkpod14:16
guyvdb_linkinxp you might need to install pidgin-dev   -- sudo apt-get install pidgin-dev14:17
willwork4foonever heard of songbird, oliver_ - does it work nicely with iPods?14:17
linkinxpim on it!14:17
linkinxpwill that fix the musictracker?14:17
sparkeydomi235: ye but you can set the maxupdaterate and maxcmdrate in the server config, both mine is set to 101 which is good14:17
[admin]TarBar, nero / ashampoo any application on any platform to burn14:17
domi235sparkey: ah, didn't knew that14:17
sirMajidI can't open my rar files...do you know any library for archieve manager that helps opening rar files?14:17
ActionParsnip!rar | sirMajid14:17
ubottusirMajid: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:17
[admin]sirex`, sudo apt-get install unrar-free14:18
jriblinkinxp: no, installing pidgin-dev won't fix musictracker, but it will probably let you get farther in compiling pidgin-rhythmbox.  To fix musictracker, you need to file bugs so developers are aware of the issue (or comment on the existing bug if it is already reported)14:18
guyvdb_sirMajid: first -- sudo apt-get install unrar     --- then  --- unrar e rar-file-name14:18
[admin]sirex`, then unrar-free [rar_file]14:18
oliver_how do i do highlighted text?14:18
[admin]-e ofcourse14:18
linkinxpi got it thanks! ill file the bug14:18
jrib!rar | sirMajid14:18
ubottusirMajid: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:18
sirMajidtnx... let me try that14:18
jribsirMajid: unrar-free is pretty useless, just use the link ubottu has given you14:18
sirMajidjrib: ok let me see that tnx14:19
guyvdb_just sudo apt-get install unrar (sirMaiid)14:19
domi235mithras: as in got-mithras?14:20
oliver_how do i highlight text?14:20
jriboliver_: in what context?14:20
mgromanHi, is there an Xorg configuration how to?14:20
mgromanlike a man page?14:20
domi235mithras: cool :) hi!14:20
TarBarWhich ubuntu would i want? is the imac g3 a 64bit AMD or is it just a standar?14:20
Picimgroman: man xorg.conf14:20
CWaveActionParsnip i find the solution dude14:20
ActionParsnipmgroman: you're better with websearches14:21
ActionParsnipCWave: whats the deal?14:21
mithrasdomi235: hi ;)14:21
linkinxpi just installed the Plugin ( compiled) and it doesnt change either! will have something to do with my permissions?14:21
jriboliver_: you just put a persons name in front of what you type.  The person's client highlights the text, just like your client is highlighting this because your name is at the beginning14:21
CWaveActionParsnip u know french ?14:21
[admin]mgolisch, begin with this ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397314:21
ActionParsnipun peut14:21
oliver_jirb like this?14:21
CWaveActionParsnip  : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/feisty_internet_problemes14:22
oliver_jrib like this?14:22
jriboliver_: exactly14:22
oliver_jrib yay14:22
jrib!tab | oliver_14:22
ubottuoliver_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:22
bernhardhi, how can i get my screen resolution?14:22
kriis it possible to listen to webradio thats support real player and windows media player somhow?14:22
jribbernhard: system -> preferences -> screen resolution14:23
guyvdb_TarBar is the imac not an intel chip? If it is you want the 32bit image14:23
ActionParsnipbernhard: what gfx card you got?14:23
jribkri: mplayer with w32codecs can play most of that stuff14:23
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bernhardjrib: i mean the one which X is using14:23
erkiCWave: What command helped? Disabling IPv6?14:23
jribbernhard: me too14:23
[admin]bernhard, gnome-display-properties14:23
[admin]bernhard, run gnome-display-properties14:23
ActionParsniperki: im going with yes14:23
krijrib: well dunno its web based player14:23
bernhardjrib: those resolutions are often false14:24
CWaveerki : i add this line net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 87380 174760 to /etc/sysctl.conf14:24
jribbernhard: source?14:24
bernhardActionParsnip: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME14:25
jribkri: there's a plugin: mozilla-mplayer14:25
kriapt-get install mozilla-player14:25
bernhardjrib: it shows me 640x480, real resolution is 1024x60014:25
mgromanSorry, My question is: Using nv driver, is it possible to "maximize" a window only to one screen in a dual-monitor layout?  As of now, maximizing a window maximizes it over both screens14:25
jribbernhard: what does 'xrandr' say?14:25
krimplayer did work14:26
=== Guest38672 is now known as bananin
linkinxpany good tool to make websites.....BlueFish??14:26
Pici!html | linkinxp14:26
ubottulinkinxp: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/14:26
=== Raynes_ is now known as Raynes
joshuxhow to use plip in ubuntu14:26
linkinxpmmmmmmmmmm :D14:26
mgromanlinkinxp: vim + firefox (with firebug extension)14:27
karoogahi, is anyone running ldap + tls successfully under hardy?14:27
mgroman<3<3<3<3<3<3 hardy14:27
erkiCWave: I am officially amazed that that line in sysctl.conf made it possible to connect to certain websites!14:27
linkinxpmgroman, ill check it ! thanks!14:27
=== oliver_ is now known as olican
linkinxphey intrepid its good :P14:27
ActionParsnipbernhard: is it an EEE PC or similar?14:28
TarBarguyvdb, nope not intel its about 9 years old lol.14:28
gnomefreaklinkinxp: for intrepid see #ubuntu+114:28
bernhardActionParsnip: yes, its an acer aspire one14:28
_lusertarbar - for a G3 you want the 'ppc' or 'powerpc' versions14:28
TarBaroh ok14:28
ActionParsnipbernhard: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?p=6325214:28
bernhardjrib: ActionParsnip :195mm x 113mm 1024x600       60.0*+ 640x480        59.914:28
_lusertarbar - I had some luck with Yellow Dog Linux in the past14:29
erkijoshux: Is this of any help? http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/PLIP-Install-HOWTO.html14:29
jribbernhard: is that your *current* resolution then?  And you are just asking how to change it to a higher resolution?14:29
TarBarNo luck with ubuntu?14:29
joshuxerki, thanks14:29
_lusertarbar - I don't have a PPC that I can install onto currently14:29
olicani hae the biggest resolution problem (voodoo)14:29
TarBarubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-powerpc.iso would that be right for me?14:30
_lusertarbar - it's what I'd use in your position, yes14:30
TarBaror yellow dog..14:30
joshuxif I buy the official ubuntu book on amazon, will the money goes to support ubuntu ?14:30
joshuxto the foundation or something14:31
[admin]joshux, if the authors are ubuntu, yup , otherwise nop14:33
popeyjoshux: i dont think so14:33
popeyjoshux: some will go to the publisher, and some to the authors14:33
=== cosf is now known as cosf_
bernhardjrib: ActionParsnip it seems to be several problems14:34
bernhardjrib: the resolution might be ok, but my fonts are huge14:34
olicanwho can fix voodoo resolution problem?14:35
bernhardjrib: i found something in the gentoo wiki, problem is, after i applied it, xorg reported a broken conf14:35
olicandid u back it up?14:35
jribbernhard: I'm still not sure what the issue is.  What do you believe is your current resolution?14:35
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olicanbernhard what graphics card are you running?14:36
CWavewell gotta go thx one more time ActionParsnip and erki14:36
ohzieDoes anyone know how I'd load the not usb 2.0 module? I read somewhere that it's bugged and to use a usb 1.x module for my usb hard drive, but I don't know how to load the old one.14:36
bernhardolican: intel chip14:36
popeyohzie: sudo rmmod ehci_hcd14:36
ohziepopey, Will this solve that, then? :O14:37
popeyworkaround, not solve14:37
popeyehci_hcd is the usb2 driver14:37
mick02Alright folks, quick question ... is it true that 32-bit Operating Systems can only utilise 3Gb of RAM?14:37
olicanbernhard i dont know what the problem is then this error is usually to do with voodoo14:37
popeymick02: no14:37
ikoniamick02 no, but the quick answer is "yes"14:37
bernhardjrib: i think i got 1024x600 with huge fonts^^14:37
jribbernhard: why do you believe that to be your resolution (instead of 640x480)?14:38
olicanmick02 it can but its difficault14:38
bernhardjrib: the icons look right and the panel too14:38
yok3rany have recommend me a good window manager (Fluxbox, Enlightenment, AfterStep) (i'm new in linux)14:38
=== boa is now known as DayDreamer
mick02Can someone explain then? How or why is it difficult?14:38
olicanyok3r yes gnome14:39
ohzieNext question14:39
ohzieHow do I figure out where my usb hard drive has holed up, /dev wise? :[14:39
olicancan anny1 fix voodoo3 error?14:39
ohzieIt was sdd earlier this evening, and now it's not.14:39
jribbernhard: I think you need to approach this as your current resolution is 640x480 and you need to get it to use whatever instead14:39
bullgard4What will be the file /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic used for on my Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer?14:39
yok3rolican tnks14:39
Pici!anyone | olican14:39
ubottuolican: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:39
popeyohzie: dmesg14:39
ohzieOh now it's sde, nevermind.14:39
ohzieThis is crazy14:40
olicanyok3r n/p14:40
popeybullgard4: thats the initial boot kernel, without it your machine will fail to boot14:40
ohziepopey, What does it mean when it starts kirking out about failing directory breads?14:40
olicancan anybody help me with a voodoo graphics card?14:40
ohzieolican, www.newegg.com :[14:41
ohzieOr search for voodoo in uh14:41
_luserohzie look at the /var/log/messages14:41
erkiolican: Check http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81501614:41
olicanerki tried that 114:41
bullgard4popey: I thought that /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-gneric is my initial boot kernel.14:41
olicanohzie that 1 dosnt work14:42
popeybullgard4: no, initrd first, then vmlinuz14:42
bernhardbtw, does a livecd contain a valid xorg.conf?14:42
popeybullgard4: initrd is the initial ramdisk - hence the name14:42
xmanhi all, i am facing problems in booting the ubuntu cd. When I try to boot it, a message comes "boot from cd: _" and curser starts blinking but It does not boots and straight away the grub bootloader comes.14:42
popeybullgard4: we dont really need an xorg.conf much any more, x can work without one14:43
bernhardjrib: my livecd worked fine14:43
AgainstTheFlowDo you need antivirus software for Linux? If so is there a free one?14:43
bernhardjrib: if i just copy the xorg.conf, will it work14:43
jrib!virus | AgainstTheFlow14:43
ubottuAgainstTheFlow: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:43
popeyAgainstTheFlow: depends who you ask, i dont bother, some do14:43
jribbernhard: sure14:43
jribbernhard: you can try anway14:43
bernhardjrib: :P14:43
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:43
cwraigAgainstTheFlow, i dont bother either14:43
popeybullgard4: if you backup and remove your xorg.conf you'll probably find it works14:43
bernhardjrib: im yet bound by ibex updates^^14:43
AgainstTheFloweven if I run a dual boot and windows?14:44
AgainstTheFlowI have AV on the windows side of the house14:44
jribbernhard: if you're on ibex, you should be asking in #ubuntu+1 as this channel assumes you are on hardy or before14:44
xmanhi all, i am facing problems in booting the ubuntu cd. When I try to boot it, a message comes "boot from cd: _" and curser starts blinking but It does not boots and straight away the grub bootloader comes.14:44
ohziepopey, Thank you so much sir.14:44
popeyAgainstTheFlow: windows can be infected by windows viruses, linux can't be infected, but a windows virus could damage files on the linux partitions..14:44
bernhardjrib: i just needed some general info14:45
bernhardjrib: nothing ibex specific14:45
jribbernhard: you're having resolution issues on an intrepid install right?14:45
bullgard4popey: I have heard that Ubuntu does not need xorg.conf as much as in the past. But How does that relate to the question that I have put? Do you mix me with bernhard?14:45
jrib!ohmy | UbTu214:45
ubottuUbTu2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:45
popeyUbTu2: language14:45
AgainstTheFlowEverything I use on the windows side will run with wine so I am about ready to be windows free anyway14:46
=== lmr[lunch] is now known as lmr
Picibernhard: There were many xorg changes between Hardy and Intrepid.14:46
xmanpopey: do you have any idea about my problem?14:46
bernhardjrib: i needed some infos for xorg, how to get the resolution14:46
bernhardPici: i know14:46
popeyxman: what problem?14:46
bernhardi guess its using 7.4 now14:46
xmanpopey: i am facing problems in booting the ubuntu cd. When I try to boot it, a message comes "boot from cd: _" and curser starts blinking but It does not boots and straight away the grub bootloader comes.14:46
bernhardxorg 1.514:46
* [admin] away 14:48
xmanpopey: not only ubuntu cd but all bootable cds are bahaving in the same manner.14:48
bernhardjrib: my inet is too slow for googling ;)14:48
bernhardjrib: thats why i needed some basic stuff14:48
popeyxman: sounds like a hardware issue14:48
demontagerhow to use gnome-voice control applet? I see "calibrating" what I should to do now*?14:48
jribbernhard: you need to ask #ubuntu+1, not here14:48
Pici!away > [admin]14:49
ubottu[admin], please see my private message14:49
xmanpopey: any ideas?14:49
_luserxman - can you boot from CD if you disconnect the HD?14:49
bernhardjrib: ill try, ty so far14:49
[admin]Pici, is /me away an annoying scrolling large message ?14:50
geronimaldohey you´ll14:50
vexeuquick ??14:50
rinaldi_Are there any 64bit ar242x drivers out yet or is it still ndiswrapper?14:50
xman_luser: i was able to boot in the morning but when i switched off my PC after that i m not able to boot till yet14:50
geronimaldoi know ubuntu´s firewalling is disabled by default14:50
Pici[admin]: Its unnecessary information for this channel.14:50
_luserxman - very weird14:50
vexeucan anyone tell me whats a good video converter thats simple on ubuntu14:50
JC_Denton_trying to start gnustep development but having some problems. adding . /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh to .profile stops me from logging in because it cannot find filesystem.sh14:50
[admin]Pici, i was helping though, telling everyone, i can't help coz i have to do some business14:51
elvis123ubuntu 7.1014:51
* xman slaps Xman14:52
elvis123even though I downloaded 8.0414:52
TarBarHas anyone used infrarecorder, is it safe to use?14:52
ubottuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!14:54
ras_je cherche des programmeurs en serpents14:54
drtrolllo! i want to install the java binaries from the sun website (disregarding the ones in the repository). is there a tutorial to help me integrate them so everything will work?14:54
ras_ow too bad it's the wrong channel14:55
erki!fr | ras_14:55
ubotturas_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:55
geronimaldodrtroll; i´m a newbie myself but I managed to install it just using the instructions given on the site14:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:56
geronimaldodrtroll, and then setting the enviromet parameters14:56
dmsupermanI go to an FTP location in nautilus and it immediately redirects me to my home directory...any ideas?14:58
dmsupermanThis only happens when the ftp location includes a username14:58
drtrollgeronimaldo, okay, thank you, just wanted to know upfront if they are any bigger problems to except, but it seems not so :)15:00
krijrib: it takes long time to open the streams with mplayer and that mozilla-codec did not do it15:00
kriand how come i can only have 1 mplayer running i most close it to run another15:01
geronimaldodrtroll, not that I encountered. except I didn´t know where to set my variables but you might already know that :)15:01
mxdoomI have a problem with my sound where when I mute it, sound still comes through my head phones. I can mute my head phones too, but I must go the properties of my sound control to do it. Can I make it so when i raise the volume and mute the volume I control all of my sound?15:03
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.25-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?15:04
olicanmy pidgin has stopped workin15:05
olicanwhen i send a message it just closes15:05
edlvhow do i enable multiple workspaces. it just got disabled.15:05
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.24-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?15:05
Bit_Breakerhi all15:06
bullgard4edlv: Right-click onto the icon.15:06
terrenceIf Python is not building because it cannot find '_hashlib' what ubuntu package would I install for that?15:06
terrencestackless python that is15:06
edlvbullgard4: the icon just disappeared.15:06
=== user3 is now known as Andries
DemisMhi guys, I have the current situation. I've got mails i'd like to print, but I don't want to waste a page per mail, I want continuous printing of my mail. Any idea of how I can do this? I was thinking of using redirecting output and appending it all to a file, but no idea how to do this. Any ideas?15:06
lovrei need some help. Im using wpa_supplicant to connect to internet from the LAN network. Yesterday it suddenly couldnt connect. Still cant. Im on windows now so the account must be valid. What can i do about it?15:08
silsonedlv it's just an applet you can add it with rightclick taskbat add to panel and what you need its the workspace applet15:08
silsonor panel as they are called15:08
edlvsilson: thanks mate15:09
olicanmy pidgin isnt working can anny1 help?15:10
jon__is there any working video editor for ubuntu15:10
silsonolican what's it not doing?15:10
=== bob is now known as Guest83542
olicansilson when i send a message pidgin just closes15:10
silsonI heard about that happening olican - It's never happened to me - but I hear it happens when using msn?15:11
erkilovre: I would probably install wicd and be done with it. I love me some wicd15:11
Guest83542hello, everyone15:11
olicansilson anny network15:11
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silsonolican how many have you set up? It happens on all of them?15:12
olicanumm 515:12
olicansilson 515:12
jon__avidemux is weak, kino pitvi not working cinerella crashes15:12
wikzoI am trying to patch a ROM of the GBA game "Mother 3" with the new English fan translation. I have downloaded an execuatable file, but I don't know how to run it. What should I do? There is a short FAQ how to do it in Linux here: http://mother3.fobby.net/or/15:12
bob_Hello, Everyone15:12
jon__Can I edit videos on ubuntu?15:13
silsonolican: Try disabling them and enable one at a time to see which is causing the crash.15:13
olicansilson thx15:13
mick02jon__ try cinerella15:13
wirelessdreamerif I install the ibex beta now, will I be able to update to stable when it is released?15:13
olicansilson it wont start up now...15:13
jon__crashes at start15:13
erkijon__: Check http://ubuntustudio.org/15:13
jamiejacksoni don't mind my external hard drive auto-mounting, but i don't like how it launches nautilus. is there a good way to stifle the nautilus launch?15:13
jamiejackson(my hdd has three partitions on it, so the auto-nautilus is a bit annoying)15:14
mick02jon__ http://cinelerra.org/15:14
silsonwirelessdreamer that worked for me with Hardy beta so I assume it will be the same for Intrepid15:14
wirelessdreamersilson: thanks15:14
bob_Is there a good Screen Recording App15:14
jon__I did all step by step to finally understand that cinerella is not working with hardy15:15
silsonolican you mean the whole app is crashing? There's no icon on the panel?15:15
mick02jon__ I have it working with Hardy15:15
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erkijamiejackson: gconf-editor apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount_open15:15
mick02jon__ Yep really!15:16
jon__I have it too - only its mot working15:16
silsonolican Go to System > Adinistration > System Monitor and see if it's still listed in the process viewer.15:16
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CaesiI have a *.tar.gz how exactly do I install it? :)15:17
jribCaesi: what are you trying to install?15:17
Guest65251join #dot15:17
erkijamiejackson: Or possibly Edit:Preferences:Media:Browse media when inserted (in Nautilus)15:18
Caesi@ jrib15:18
jrib!compile > Caesi15:18
ubottuCaesi, please see my private message15:18
silsonCaesi I'm not familiar with that what is it?15:18
silsonI mean what doe sit install ?15:18
Caesiit's a tool for using 3G bla15:18
Caesithanks jrib15:18
silsonAh cheers15:18
Caesinp :)15:19
a_okhowcome after logrotate the mail log is not filled anymore?15:19
drazziltar xvfz umtsmon-0.9.src.tar.gz    then cd umtsmon-0.9.src  and look for a README or INSTALL file for instructions15:19
[matrim]Quick questeion, if ai add the config for SSL/HTTPS in apache on my ubuntu server, will it apply for all virtual hosts?15:20
jon__I'm instaling win98 on virtbox, got some green stripes on scren at end of install15:20
jon__How big video memory must be?15:20
a_okthe right should be just fine (syslog is owner). however it starts logging after sysklogd is restart15:20
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cryingtuxanybody knows anything about getting kde 3 on ubuntu 8.10? is it possible? or only kde4?15:22
swimnmaniacdoes anyone in here want to help me setup nginx?15:23
jon__All is Ok15:24
jon__Is there any way how to get greatre compression on  Avidemux15:25
stormcrowHi! How I can configure the sound frequency? I want change it from 22Khz to 44KHz15:25
danbh_intrepidcryingtux: packages.ubuntu.com15:26
jensenswhich module and db/list behind handles monitor autodetection?15:26
geronimaldook my usb mouse keeps dying and i can´t make sense of the error message in dmesg15:26
jon__will ubuntu 8.10 have something better?15:26
geronimaldobut can´t copy paste without my mouse. . any command line shortcut suggestions15:27
cryingtuxjon__, hope so at least that vga bug that haunts me in 8.04 might be gone15:27
danbh_intrepidgeronimaldo: install pastebinit15:27
jon__I hope my radeon 9250 vill be detected15:27
danbh_intrepidgeronimaldo: dmesg | pastebinit15:28
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:28
jon__And my analog videocard will run15:28
geronimaldodanbh_intrepid, iḿ just using apt to install it now15:28
aminhhey guys has anyone used munin here?15:28
aminhi have an ubuntu server running munin with apache15:29
aminhi was wondering if i could use the ubuntu server's user/pass accounts for the munin web authentication login?15:29
aminhperhaps it can be an apache login?15:29
cryingtuxis there ay net install version of ubuntu iso?15:29
danbh_intrepid!netinstall > cryingtux15:29
ubottucryingtux, please see my private message15:29
cryingtuxi dont want what all comes on a cd, i wanna get what i want15:30
jensensaminh: apache task, not munins15:30
thiebaudecryingtux:check the ubuntu home page15:30
aminhjensens: ok so how would i do that for apache ?15:30
=== lmr is now known as lmr[away]
geronimaldook danbh_intrepid done15:30
jon__Is there a ubuntu what I could put on 200Mhz comp?15:30
cryingtuxdan_, thanks15:30
jensensaminh: usally with a htpasswd file. no idea how with system users15:31
cryingtuxdanbh_intrepid: infact15:31
geronimaldodanbh_intrepid, the url is http://pastebin.com/f35b9a09115:31
geronimaldoi hope i typed that correctly15:31
aminhjensens: thats what i was trying to figure out if you could do it with system users15:31
ikoniaaminh you can15:31
PuppyIs there anywhere i can buy professional support for installing Ubuntu ?15:32
ikoniaadamb: although it's not's not a great idea15:32
danbh_intrepidjon__: ubuntu needs at a minimum of 256 mbs for a graphical desktop.15:32
thiebaudejon_:i don't know if your able to run the installer15:32
ikoniaPuppy: sure, ubunt.com look at the support package15:32
Puppyikonia ty15:32
thiebaudethanks ikonia i wasn't sure15:32
jensensjon__: ask at #xubuntu ?15:32
jon__Puppy doesn't understand my language15:33
geronimaldodanbh_intrepid,  thanks for pastebin btw.. it´s kinda awesome!15:33
PuppyJohn__ ?15:33
Puppyjon__ ?15:33
danbh_intrepidgeronimaldo: well, I haven't a clue, but yeah, there is the paste15:33
egofluxanyone know why firefox won't load some websites15:33
egofluxlike mbusa.com15:33
Puppyikonia - in not lokign for long term support, i just want the thing installed and running, ive been f$%king about with this for days now15:34
geronimaldook cheers for looking. .15:34
cryingtuxdanbh_intrepid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD        this looks cool, hope it works for 8.10 also15:34
ikoniaPuppy don't star out swear words, if you can't speak without swearing - don't bother15:34
jon__I tried puppy, but it have no Lv craracters15:34
ikoniaPuppy: there is a "per incident" support package15:34
jensensegoflux: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:34
rebel_kidwhat is the terminal command to show permissions, i know chmod to changes them but how do i find them15:34
ikoniarebel_kid: ls -la15:34
thiebaudeegoflux:it works for me, i know it loads flash first15:35
geronimaldocan anyone else help. my usb mouse keeps dying and it appears to be something to do with it not accepting an interrupt address15:35
geronimaldobut i´m clueless :(15:35
scientesmy computer wont start15:35
scienteshow do i read the messages from a live cd15:35
scienteswhere is the lof15:35
thiebaudeegoflux:do you have flash installed?15:35
egofluxi do15:35
Puppyikonia - i dropped them a mail, I will see what i get back :d15:36
egofluxit just loads a blank screen15:36
Puppyikonia - thanks for the link.. I just want Ubuntu working :915:36
ikoniano problem15:37
egofluxother flash sites work15:37
thiebaudeegoflux:its a flash problem, somewhere15:37
thiebaudeoh ok egoflux15:37
jon__Is there any program for .LIT files (ebook)15:37
scientesdmesg <--15:37
Puppyso are there no debugging tools for pre installation ?15:37
PuppyI cant even get the installer to laod...15:38
scientesit stops at the   193.724085] ata4.00: status: { DRDY }15:38
ikoniaPuppy many15:38
scientesand then wont boot15:38
Puppyikonia - i searched the forums for 3 hours today :S15:38
ikoniaPuppy what's the issue15:38
ohzien64 emu for ubuntu15:38
thiebaudeegoflux:since other sites work with flash and that one doesn't then i dont know what the problem is15:38
Puppyikonia - Ive downlaoded the install CD, that just loads me into busybox, i got the alt cd, that loads nothing, i tryed loading inside windows, i get nothign again15:39
Puppyjust a repeating _15:39
ikoniaPuppy sounds like your burns are a bit of a mess15:39
scienteshow do i dfind alternate superblocks in my filesystem15:39
jon__.LIT eBooks  how to open15:39
ikoniaPuppy: do you have any unusual hardware15:39
scientesit woulds and fsck right though15:39
scientesbut wont bot15:39
Puppynothing special, azz mb, amd 6000 fx, x195015:40
Puppy32 bit15:40
Puppyraid drives15:40
Puppy2x 320 gb15:40
scienteswhy didnt my computer boooootttttT???????????????15:40
ikoniaPuppy fakeraid ?15:40
Puppylol, real raid15:40
scientes[193.724085] ata4.00: status: { DRDY }15:40
ikoniascientes: just ask in english - we don't need boooooooooooooooooooooott??????????????????15:40
ikoniaPuppy what card15:40
scientesit stops on that line15:40
Caesijrib, ?15:41
scienteswhile booting15:41
Puppyill do youa d xdiag15:41
scientesaboot :D ikonia15:41
ikoniaPuppy just tell me the card make/model15:41
CaesiI keep getting bash: ./configure: No such file or directory15:41
ocshi. where can i find a list of usb gsm modems compatible with kubuntu ?15:41
scientesi keep losing ubuntu installs15:41
ocsubuntu, sorry15:41
scientesi can mount them from the live cd but they dont boot so i have to reinstall15:41
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:42
scienteslast time grub was curopted and wouldnt reinstall but this time its in te boot process15:42
Puppyikonia - http://pastebin.com/m13b6173215:42
ocsthiebaude: what's the problem ?15:42
DeathzorzHi, has anyone had success upgrading Totem Movie Player to latest 2.24.2? I keep getting a dependancy error for GTK+ when I try to ./configure.15:42
der|kunstleris there a way to take a screenshot and select the area of the screen that I want ?15:42
egofluxno flash sites are working15:42
danbh_intrepid!intrepid | Deathzorz15:42
ubottuDeathzorz: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu15:42
ikoniaPuppy I just asked for the raid card make a model15:43
ikoniaPuppy: not all that stuff15:43
Puppyikonia - it is xfire enabled, but removed 2nd card for tetsing15:43
ikoniaPuppy RAID card15:43
Puppyikonia - appologies, this machine is sata15:44
Deathzorz@danbh_intrepid: So you're saying Totem 2.24.2 isn't supposed to work for Hardy Heron?15:44
Puppyi eblive15:44
Puppyyeah ob sata15:44
ikoniaPuppy what RAID CARD are you using15:44
ikoniaPuppy: onboard15:44
scienteswhat do i do about DRDY errors?15:44
scienteson boot15:44
ikoniaright - thats "Fakeraid" then - not real raid15:44
Puppyikonia - ob sata15:44
ikoniaPuppy: I need you to speak in english - what does "ob sata" mean - on board ?15:44
ikoniaPuppy: and sata is not a chipset or "card" thats a technology, the card models i an X chipset, or a Y card15:45
danbh_intrepidDeathzorz: exactly.  Gnome 2.24 is the core suite of programs in intrepid.15:45
ikoniaPuppy: from the output your sending me it looks like your using an onboard intel chipset to drive a fake raid disk setup15:45
der|kunstleris there a way to take a screenshot and select the area of the screen that I want ?15:45
Puppyikonia - im not sure what you mean by " card "15:46
ikoniaPuppy: does that sound right /15:46
Deathzorz@danbh_intrepid: Okay cool, I can see why now. Thanks. Is there a version I can upgrade to that won't break and that will play MKV files a little better? Like how VLC does?15:46
ikoniaPuppy: what raid hardware are your disks hangign off15:46
ikoniaPuppy: you said you had real raid - that means it must be using a raid card as real raid devices don't come on motherboard15:46
danbh_intrepidDeathzorz: is that why you want to upgrade totem?15:47
Puppyikonia - give me a min, let me look15:47
the|NavigatorOur ubuntu 7.04 is stick in low-graphics mode... what can I do?15:47
ikoniaPuppy are the disks plugged into the motherboard or a pci card ?15:47
jon__Does radeon 9250 usualy works on ubuntu?15:47
garutachi tried and tried to get my ATI card working on my laptop.  But X keeps failing to start, I have to go in and change fglrx to vesa15:47
Deathzorz@danbh_intrepid: Yeah. And I like the interface a bit better than VLC, and since Totem is the default, I figure it should perform better as the movie player.15:47
Puppyikonia - board15:47
ikoniaPuppy right, so it's not real raid, its a technology called £fake raid"15:48
ikoniaPuppy: and that is most likley your problem15:48
Puppyikonia - never heard of it, do we have a solution ?15:48
ikoniaPuppy: fakeraid is a windows software raid setup, that is terrible, and has even worse linux support, your dropping to the busybox prompt because grub cannot see your fake raid disks at boot time15:48
ikonia!fakeraid | Puppy15:48
ubottuPuppy: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:48
ikoniaPuppy: my tip / suggestion is do NOT use fake raid, it's a terrible solution15:49
scientesHD drive problem wont let me boot, fsck loks fine mounts fine from live cd15:49
Puppyikonia - a guy helpign me before had be change the bois to read as native ide / legacy ide, and that didnt help :S15:50
garutachi01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M15:51
garutachi Is this card supported?15:51
ikoniaPuppy I disagree15:51
jon__Is radeon 9250 suported?15:51
tuckcan anyone tell me if theres a log file that contains the status of the last automatic fsck that ran at bootup?15:51
Puppyikonia - im a little confused here, sata drives run on raid technolody ?15:52
tucke.g. how many files were corrupt15:52
jon__I have ? cose I have ati driver but catalist says I dont have15:52
Puppyikonia - JMicron JMB36x RAID Controller Drivers are being used if thats any help :S15:52
=== benjamin__ is now known as b3nw
=== pandoraslavegirl is now known as EmblaPandora
b3nwI just did an update on ubuntu 8.04.1 and now my X is running in low graphics mode, how do I reload the nvidia driver? Its not showing up in hardware drivers like before15:54
punkrokkHI, I have ubuntu server8.04 installed on an ESX Server, and I can't get it to see the network interface.15:54
punkrokkthere is no eth015:54
punkrokkany help is appreciated15:54
Puppyikonia - can i use sudo dmraid -ay in busybox to check if it can find my drives ?15:54
the|NavigatorMy display was working but now it goes straight into low graphics mode, the display is 800x600 and any attempt to change it results in a blank screen - not a monitor warning, and it's perfectly within ranges...15:55
rebel_kidi have to put ssh on an odd port but when i try and ssh user@<ip>:2222 it says name or service not known, is it not possible to ssh on a port other than 22?15:55
b3nwthe|Navigator - did you just install the update too?15:56
Picirebel_kid: use the -p argument to specify a different port.15:56
b3nwthe|Navigator - after reboot graphics mode is broken?15:56
oOarthurOoHi, I'm looking for some suggestions for a calendar program that can be used on Windows and linux. Something like Sunbird is very nice because it uses ics format, and integrates fairly well on both OS. It's the best I've found, but I'm curious if I'm missing some others?15:56
punkrokkdoes anyone have experience getting networking working in VMWare?15:57
syuroff_rebel_kid: it's possible to move sshd... sounds like yours isn't working right.15:57
=== ricky_ is now known as Guest60412
rebel_kidsyuroff: hmm i can see the service on 2222 tho15:58
Gun_Smokepunkrokk, bridge it?15:58
guyvdb_rebel_kid once sshd is configured do ssh user@server -p odd-port-no15:58
rebel_kidoh thank you15:58
syuroff_oh yeah... if you move it, you have to tell the other side that it's not in the usual place anymore15:59
punkrokkGun_Smoke: it is bridged, but Ubuntu used to see it, then I moved it to a different ESX server, and now it doesn't notice it15:59
Guest60412how can i install compiz fusion on ubuntu15:59
jribGuest60412: it's already installed15:59
jrib!effects | Guest6041215:59
ubottuGuest60412: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu15:59
the|Navigatorb3nw: I don't know it's the same update15:59
jribGuest60412: erm, just go to System -> preferences -> Appearance15:59
=== |Jelly|Ghost is now known as |Jelly|
the|Navigatorb3nw: My issue has been occurring for a week or two now16:00
b3nwthe|Navigator - mmm I just install some updates, it had me reboot and i'm the same boat you are now16:00
Guest60412no compiz fusion is not installed16:00
the|Navigatorb3nw: I'm stuck in VESA graphics and a plug and play 800x600 screen16:00
b3nwyea, same here16:00
b3nwthe|Navigator - nvidia graphics card?16:00
the|Navigatorer, I don't have a graphics card16:00
the|NavigatorIt's a GMA-ey kinda thing, built in16:01
punkrokkis there a way to force Ubuntu to detect new hardware via command line?16:01
guyvdb_punkrokk: what have you plugged in? what new hardware?16:01
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:01
Gun_Smokepunkrokk, so you moved your ubuntu VM to a different server?16:01
Puppyikonia - i fall at the first jump, because the resolution asumes you are getting the initial installer screen which i am not.16:01
punkrokkan network interface, from VMWare host16:02
Guest60412how can i access .rpm file on ubuntu?16:02
punkrokkGun_Smoke: yes16:02
Puppyikonia - and i have a complety seperate drive ready for ubuntu, so win / lin dont need to raid to the same drive16:02
jribGuest60412: you don't use rpm in ubuntu.  Did you do what I said to enable effects?16:02
ikoniaPuppy wel you need to boot the machine with safe graphics mode16:02
punkrokkGun_Smoke: and it won't see the NIC, and I also installed VMware tools, and it doesn't see the VMXnet interface16:02
punkrokkGun_Smoke: seems that I may have to disable the PCInet first16:03
Puppyikonia - how ?16:03
punkrokkbut I'm confused16:03
punkrokkjust don't know ubuntu that well16:03
ikoniaPuppy: is there not an option on the boot menu to boot into safe mode16:03
punkrokkfrom a hardware angle16:03
Puppyikonia - for windows, yeah16:03
ikoniaPuppy you've also got a really bad video card for linux support16:03
Guest60412jrib: yes i have but the cube effect is not available on my current compiz version16:03
ikoniaPuppy: no when you boot from the cd16:03
jrib!ccsm | Guest6041216:03
ubottuGuest60412: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion16:03
Puppyikonia - nope, i get ry install check disk, check mem etc..16:04
Puppyikonia - let me go look again16:04
Gun_Smokepunkrokk, yeah I'm a little lost myself.. I haven't taken that approach yet.. (swapping VM's to servers)16:04
scienteshttp://pastie.org/298070 cant boot ^dmesg16:04
scientesDRDY problem anyone???16:05
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punkrokkgun_smoke, oh ok, thanks!16:05
ikoniascientes DRDY ?16:05
rebel_kidok im ssh-ing to my box now but i get the message "An application wants to access the private key.....blah blah" asking for my password, i enter the only password i use on either of these systems and it just pops up again16:06
ikoniarebel_kid what user name are you trying to use16:06
ikoniarebel_kid: what is the exact password prompt say16:06
magnetronrebel_kid→ you need the password you typed in when you generated the keys16:07
jellyHi, where does ubuntu get the tarball for fglrx-installer from?  I can't find a link to the upstream on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/16:07
scientespunkrokk: read the dmesg16:07
ikoniamagnetron check the password prompt first if it's a key prompt or a password promt16:07
magnetronikonia→ should i?16:07
ikoniascientes: is that a sucess or failed boot16:07
rebel_kidikonia, "An application wants to access the private key "id_rsa" but it is locked"16:08
ikoniamagnetron: yeah, if it is asking for his system password or the key passowrd, they are different prompts16:08
rebel_kidmagnetron: im using that password16:08
ikoniascientes so how did you get that output onto screen ?16:08
scientesit ounts fine from livecd16:08
ikoniascientes how did you get that output though16:08
scientes /var/log/dmesg16:08
scienteson other partition16:09
blip-hi all, my laptop doesn't connect to wifi N when i'm on linux.  If i reboot into windows right now it connects at 130Mbps (N)... but right now from linux it's 54 Mbps (G)   ... any idea what configuration can be done to enable N ?   I'm using Intel 4965 AGN  card.16:09
blip-does the drivers support N yet ?16:09
ikoniascientes how do you know thats the failed boot ?16:09
chervacan I make wget to overwrite an existing file ?16:09
scienteswell im not sure16:09
scientesbut it looked somehtingl ike that :D16:09
ikoniarebel_kid: check the permissions on your id_dsa file in your home dir16:10
ikoniascientes thats not much help16:10
scientesits from /mediadisk(root hd)/var/log/dmesg16:10
ikoniascientes: need to know if thats the exact error, as there is no error in that dmesg16:10
scienteswhere i though it always got written to16:10
scientesbut maybe not16:10
punkrokkscientes: it says: Found vmxnet?PCI at 0x1424, irq 1616:10
rebel_kidikonia, permissions are all me and its in ~/.ssh16:10
ikoniascientes this is ubuntu 8.1016:10
ikoniascientes: please join #ubuntu+1 for ubuntu8.10 support16:10
punkrokkscientes: then it says something I've never seen before16:10
ikoniarebel_kid check what the permissions are though, not the owner16:11
punkrokkscientes: renamed net interface eth0 to eth216:11
punkrokkscientes: do you know why it would do that?16:11
scientesno i didnt16:11
rebel_kidikonia, 174316:11
ikonia!ibex | scientes16:11
ubottuscientes: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu16:11
Naisenuhi i have a new system built hardware-wise -- trying to install from the live-cd, but not finding the SATA2 HD (only my EIDE 250GB data drive).16:12
ikoniarebel_kid change it to 600 for me please16:12
ikoniarebel_kid: it may sound silly but key permissions are very fussy16:12
Ohmu_just tried to watch a movie off my external HDD.  In ubuntu, it won't play the voices-audio.  (it's a japanese animation.. I guess the voiceover is on a different track, and the player cant handle this).  So swapped to my housemates mac.  It wont even see the hdd.  So  we boot up the windows box.  Good ole windows.  And it doesn't have the codec.  And I can't get either the mac or hte xp box online, as wifi access point is mission impossible.  LOL technology!16:12
ArtVandalaeHi all, when I double click on an MP3/Vorbis/music file, Totem opens the file, I want Rhythmbox to open the file. Any ideas how to configure this?16:12
scienteshmm why doesnt the dmesg dump bios time when it boots?16:12
ikonia!ibex | scientes16:13
Puppyikonia - that didnt help16:13
ikoniaPuppy: what's the current situation16:13
rebel_kidikonia, same story16:13
ikoniarebel_kid: ok - so what command are you using to ssh in16:13
Ohmu_really, how can I fix the ubuntu problem?  And the audio level is so low despite player level and syslevel being on max.  can anyone help?16:13
Puppyikonia - still the same16:13
ikoniarebel_kid: sorry to be specific, but it helps to know16:13
Puppyikonia - installer will not load16:13
ikoniaPuppy: and your using 8.04 ?16:13
Kr0ntabpunkrokk: check out the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:13
scientesOhmu_: there are many audio controls often, you have to check them all16:13
Puppyikonia - ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i38616:13
rebel_kidikonia, ssh freecoders@ -p 222216:13
Kr0ntabpunkrokk: it defines your NIC's and the names they receive16:14
Puppyikonia - ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso16:14
Ohmu_scientes: where to find them?16:14
legend2440ArtVandalae: open nautilus then edit>preferences>media16:14
ikoniarebel_kid ok try this ssh -vv freecoders@ -p 222216:14
Kr0ntabpunkrokk: you'll have to reboot after changing the name...16:14
ikoniaPuppy it's hard to work out due to your ati video card16:14
rebel_kidikonia, same story only with a lot more readout16:15
pawanhi there16:15
pawanwhats up16:15
ArtVandalaelegend2440, thanks16:15
kc8pxy_how do i view my  system sensors? like lm-sensors?16:15
Puppyikonia - ubunt does not support ati cards ?16:15
pawanpawan form india16:15
pawananyone form india16:15
pawanwanna caht16:15
ikoniaPuppy: when you boot the cd, at the bottom there is an option to set the resolution, try setting the resolution to a resonable midrange resolution16:15
ikoniarebel_kid: pastebint the output please.16:15
terrenceWhat package would I install if stackless Python cannot build bsddb185?16:15
ArtVandalaelegend2440, everything looks the way it should though... ah nvm, I'd just rhythmbox to open my mp3 files :)16:15
ikoniapawan: this is a support channel, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:15
knoppixwith the /whois command, people who are not online should still be given info of, no?16:15
piasdomhello all16:15
Puppyikonia - i only get option for save gfx, no res options16:15
piasdomhow do i reinstall evolution mail ?16:16
ikoniaPuppy it's in grey at the bottom it says something like press F6 for kernel options press F4 for graphics, something like that16:16
punkrokkKr0ntabL: thanks! I got it!16:16
Ohmu_pawan: keep it on one line eh :p  I'm in india. (not from).  & cant chat.. rsi.  Try #indlinux too16:16
Ohmu_damn the floodbots are flooding the channel16:16
Puppyikonia - sec ill go look16:16
Kr0ntabpunkrokk: w00t!16:16
rebel_kidikonia, http://pastebin.ca/123386416:16
ikoniarebel_kid: give me a minue to look16:17
rebel_kidikonia, np16:17
ikoniarebel_kid: ahh there we have it16:17
legend2440ArtVandalae: or right click a .mp3 file choose properties then Open With16:17
rebel_kidikonia, wow that was fast16:17
bobbyrayHallo :)16:17
ikonia rebel_kid debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-----BEGIN'16:17
ikoniarebel_kid: your key is not valid16:17
ikoniarebel_kid the locked message is a read herring16:18
rebel_kidikonia, local or remote? and how do i create a new one16:18
danbh_intrepidDeathzorz: to play MKV files that is?  anyway, the release candidate for intrepid comes out sometime tomorrow.    sorry, I had a phone call16:18
ikoniarebel_kid well this looks like your local private key is messed up16:18
indian_munndaHi All, can anyone help me, i am facing problems in logging into my router using telnet on the CLI?  Its says login incorrect when i pass username and password to it. But I can login using mozilla using the same username and passwd. Any one help please....?16:18
rebel_kidikonia, can it be recreated?16:18
ikoniaindian_munnda thats a router issue, contact your vendor or vendor support services16:19
kc8pxy_i have a system that is prone to overheating. i need access to teh temp monitors. how do i get that?16:19
ArtVandalaelegend2440, thanks, that worked!16:19
indian_munndaikonia: see this is the error16:19
ikoniarebel_kid it also looks like it's trying to use id_rsa rather than id_dsa16:20
the|NavigatorI'm really confused.  If I go into kernel diagnostic mode then resume, Ubu works fine.  If I just allow it to boot in normal mode, the screen stays blank, ideas?16:20
ikoniaindian_munnda that is a router issue16:20
indian_munndaikonia: ok16:20
ikoniarebel_kid: what is in your ~.ssh dir16:20
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Puppyikonia - no res options16:20
ikoniaPuppy hang on16:21
rebel_kidikonia, id_rsa  id_rsa.keystore  id_rsa.pub  known_hosts16:21
ikoniarebel_kid ahh ha, thats interesting16:21
Thesmythhey, if I have 6.10 and I want to update it, what serveri should I use? The main ones don't have the packages anymore16:21
ikoniarebel_kid: so the application wants to use dsa but you've got an rsa key16:21
Psyckoi have a little problem16:21
ikoniais your key an rsa key or a dsa key16:21
XintruderI love u!16:21
Psyckocan someone help me plz16:21
ArtVandalaePsycko, just ask16:21
rebel_kidikonia, i cant even remember making that key, i just finished setup on the remote, didnt do a thing to the local16:22
Psyckoi have an acer 5920G and i can't install any driver for my sound card16:22
ikoniaPuppy: the option is F4 modes16:22
Puppyyeah no ress options in thee16:22
ikoniarebel_kid run "file" against rsa_id16:22
Puppyikonia - and i tryed safe gfx16:22
rebel_kidikonia, and it is asking for "id_rsa"16:23
ikoniaPuppy there is no safe gfx mode listed16:23
ikoniarebel_kid ahh sorry, I thought it was asking for id_dsa, my mistake16:23
Xintruderikonia, I love u too. u been here for like what? 2 years?16:23
Puppyikonia - there is for me :S16:23
Puppyikonia - id take a screen shot if i coudl16:23
ikoniaPuppy: look at this image, is this what you see http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://bp1.blogger.com/_crimgO_xQv0/R_UY7n48uGI/AAAAAAAAA1w/58mZl7bUeGY/s400/Opening-Screen.png&imgrefurl=http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2008/03/look-at-upcoming-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html&h=300&w=400&sz=39&hl=en&start=3&um=1&usg=__--wY4zMg6GvEA3tOSgPZY8TCpJc=&tbnid=NoyrQjqiBq6gwM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dubuntu%2B8.04%2Bboot%2Bscreen%26um%3D1%26hl%16:23
ikoniawhoaaa, sorry16:24
Psyckoi did not found any instruction about my computer on the ubuntu page16:24
Puppyikonia - exactly that16:24
Kr0ntabikonia: hehe... yeah see http://tinyurl.com16:24
Puppyikonia - but no ress options in f416:24
ikoniaPuppy where is the safe graphics mode on that page16:24
rebel_kidikonia, got two no such file or directory errors (one for against and one for rsa_id) must have run your command wrong16:24
Puppyikonia - when i pres f4 - it loads up 4 menu items16:24
Puppyikonia - 1 of them is safe graphics mode16:24
ikoniarebel_kid one moment please16:25
ikoniaPuppy I can only assume your card is not supported then16:25
IntangibleLiquidhas anyone tried XO Sugar on Hardy?16:25
Deathzorz@danbh_intrepid: Yeah, to play MKV files. No worries about the phone call16:25
Puppyikonia - let me look into it16:25
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  i couldent figure out the interface.. :)16:25
the|NavigatorHow do I change the drivers I want ubuntu to use for graphics?16:25
the|Navigatorit appears as though I'm using NO drivers, the box is blank.16:26
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: weird, after it loads, there's only a search box with two options on the right, which renders me clueless as to what to do next16:26
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ikoniarebel_kid: look at the first line of your id_rsa look like this -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----16:26
dextercan anyone help me..i have a problem with drive checking16:26
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  :) ive even tried the xo stuff under vmware.. and couldent really figure out the itnerfcace. heh..  Not sure if its missing somthing.. or i need to read the docs..16:27
Puppyikonia - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43350016:27
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  or i may need a little kid to show me how to use it.16:27
Puppyikonia - this guy has a x1950 and got it installed :d16:27
rebel_kidikonia, yeah looks exactly like that16:27
ikoniarebel_kid ehck for spaces at the end of that line16:27
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: were you able to actually navigate around the OS, I was even not able to hang around16:27
ikoniaPuppy: there are diferent vendors16:27
rebel_kidikonia, none16:28
clinthexabinhi guys16:28
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  Hmm..  i clicked a few things   but never did get any programs to actually launch.16:28
ikoniarebel_kid look at lines 09/12 in your pastebin poit and it looks like the descriptor line is on 4 lines rather than one16:28
Puppyikonia - everyone seems to be able to get it running, i woudl ty the OB gfx card, but i dont have a screen that will plug it :S16:28
garutachi01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M16:28
garutachi  Is this card supported?16:28
Ohmu_why does ubuntu sometimes not mount my hdd when i plug it into the usb?  can i runn a command to kick its butt?16:29
ikoniaPuppy there have been problems iwth it16:29
danbh_intrepidDeathzorz: as I was saying, the release candidate is supposed to come out tomorrow.  Thats not supposed to be that bug laden.  You may want to check it out16:29
ikoniagarutachi: any ati card is a fight in linux16:29
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  ive noticed a lot of the 'not common' desktops dont get configured properly when you apt-get install them. :( ya have to tweak jwm a bit for example.16:29
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: oh dear, it looks like i have to move the arrow to the far right, checking things out, will let you know16:29
dextercan anyone help me..i have a problem with drive checking16:29
Ohmu_... and get some action?  like udev_refresh type thing...?16:29
ikoniadexter: just ask the question16:29
rebel_kidikonia, (assuming im understanding) i have a single line descriptor with no spaces at the end16:30
Puppyikonia - any idea where i can go from her e?16:30
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.24-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?16:30
ikoniarebel_kid well yes and no, your errors conflict with line 7016:30
dexterikonia; my system goes 4 drive checking wen i start my system... then it asks me root password...after that..the system gives me few messages stating that some commands in bash shell are not found16:30
garutachiIkonia: I have tried various ways of installing fglrx and every time I reboot X fails to start16:31
rebel_kidikonia, im a bit confused by this, im not sure what your telling me16:31
ikoniadexter get the exact messsages16:31
ikoniarebel_kid: I'll go through it with you now, but the bottom line is your key "looks" corrupt16:31
Ohmu_Sometimes my USB HDD gets detected automatically and an icon appears on the desktop.  Sometimes not.  Can anyone help me out?16:31
ikoniarebel_kid: got the pastebin16:31
ikoniarebel_kid: lets go through it16:31
rebel_kidikonia, got it16:31
knoppixdoes anybody know jim_p?16:32
ikoniaok lines 09/12 seem to suggest that your key header is split onto multiple lines - even though visually it's not16:32
rebel_kidikonia, ok16:32
DasEimodprobe -r ehci-hcd  , re-plug afterwards , Ohmu_:16:32
MarkRichmanWhich is the fastest mirror in the US?16:32
dexterikonia ;    bash: no job contro in this shell                         bash: lesspipe: command not found                                  bash: The: command not found                    bash dircolors: command not found                     bash: The: command not found16:32
dexterikonia ;    bash: no job control in this shell                         bash: lesspipe: command not found                                  bash: The: command not found                    bash dircolors: command not found                     bash: The: command not found16:33
ikoniarebel_kid: but scroll down to line 56-59 that makes the key look good16:33
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ikoniadexter: what is the warning before it asks you for the root passsword16:33
rebel_kidikonia, alright16:33
ikoniarebel_kid: line 70 also shows a valid id_rsa key16:33
ikoniarebel_kid: followign so far ?16:33
rebel_kidikonia, following16:34
dexterikonia; it just says give root password for system maintanence16:34
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ikoniarebel_kid then go down to 74 - it tries a non-existant key (.ssh/identify) fails on that and moes onto your key (.ssh/id_rsa)16:34
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: some activities work, some don't, i'm looking for applications beyond games, can't seem to find them anywhere16:35
indian_munndaOhmu_: when it is not detected automatically that time is it be mounted or you need to do that?16:35
rebel_kidikonia, ok16:35
kc8pxy_ok, i found out how to get lm-sensors to work, but all i can do is get it to show on CLI.  where can i get a GUI monitor (a la Gkrellm) for my k8temp ?16:35
Puppyikonia - do i need to go get a different card ?16:35
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  you may need to install abiword seperately. I think that XO was supposed to use abiword as its word processor16:35
ikoniarebel_kid: 76 - it sends the key but something happens as it doesn't like the response/key and moves on to try id_dsa which you don't have and then tries a straight password16:35
ikoniaPuppy: don't know - I don't use ati because they are bad16:35
legend2440MarkRichman: open synaptic >settings>repositories>ubuntu software tab choose download from Other then Select Best Server it will do a speed test to choose best one16:35
Puppyikonia - bad for Ubuntu mebby ...16:35
rebel_kidikonia, yeah16:35
ikoniaPuppy bad for anyl inux16:36
dexterikonia; it just says give root password for system maintanence16:36
MarkRichmanlegend2440: i am just trying to download the installer .iso16:36
Ohmu_DasEi: That doesn't seem to do anything16:36
ikoniarebel_kid that something is what can't be explained16:36
ikoniadexter: it needs to give a warning before that16:36
PuppyAnyone can help me to get my X1950 Pro running ?16:36
legend2440MarkRichman: oh ok thought you already had it installed16:36
DasEi Ohmu_:does lsusb find the drive ?16:36
dexterokkk i'll check it out16:36
rebel_kidikonia, ok, i understand now, but what do i do?16:36
MarkRichmanlegend2440: nope...cant find anything that goes faster than 80kbps16:36
Ohmu_DasEi, indian_munnda: Maybe when I pull it out and plug it in again, it wont show til I restart...16:37
ikoniarebel_kid my personal feeling is deelte your key directorys stuff as you've got a few odd files in there, re-create the keys and re-set it up16:37
Kr0ntabMarkRichman: try http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/hardy/16:37
ikoniarebel_kid: thats my personal feeling, it will only take 10 minutes16:37
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: i was hoping XO works well on ubuntu, because that would mean a significant start for my project16:37
DasEi Ohmu_:when plugged in, does lsusb find the drive ?16:37
rebel_kidikonia, your talking locally right? and just rm -rf the ~/.ssh directory?16:37
Ohmu_DasEi: Yup! it got it16:37
Kr0ntabI get about 1.5MB/ps in firefox...16:37
garutachidamn ATI pisses me off!!!!16:37
ikoniarebel_kid not the whole directory no16:37
rebel_kidikonia, just all the keys?16:38
Kr0ntabdesktop iso in about 5 mins16:38
ikoniarebel_kid: you'll need to do this locally, but you'll need to get your new public key put on the target server16:38
DasEi Ohmu_:and can't find it in /media  or /mnt ?16:38
ikoniarebel_kid: yeah, just the keys16:38
Puppygarutachi - not having problems with X1950 are you ?16:38
rebel_kidikonia, id_rsa.pub is a key i sent over from the remote, delete that and resend?16:39
scientescan somone upload a default /etc/passwd16:39
garutachipuppy: nope.   ATI 350M16:39
scientesmine got eaten16:39
Puppygarutachi - can you load the installer ?16:39
ikoniarebel_kid: delete *rsa* - recreate new private/public keys and re-send the .pub key16:39
DasEiPuppy: running hardy ?16:39
garutachipuppy: which installer?  fglrx?16:39
rebel_kidikonia, so i need to create new keys remote and local?16:40
PuppyDasEi - pardon ?16:40
ecravenafter updating a few days ago, my firefox shows only underlines, no text, on google.com16:40
Ohmu_DasEi: it has  /mnt/OhmusHDD  but that folder's empty16:40
Ohmu_DasEi: I'm wondering if maybe it doesn't 'unmount' when I yank it out.  So next time I plug it in, maybe it wont mount again as it thinks it's already mounted...(?)16:40
ecravenalso most other pages16:40
ikoniarebel_kid no you need to create a public and a private key locally and put the public key you created locally on any host you wantt o access remotly in the authorized_keys file on the remote host in your home/.sh dir16:40
DasEiOhmu_:if you type : mount             usb found ?16:40
Puppygarutachi - ive try both install cd's16:40
ecraveni have msttcorefonts, i tried NO_PANGO, both don't help16:40
ikonia/home/$user.ssh dir rebel_kid16:40
legend2440garutachi: open system>administration>hardware drivers is there a box to enable ati drivers? is it checked?16:41
DasEiOhmu_:you always got to safely remove/unmount it before unplugging, else you will have to force (not good) it at remount16:41
ikoniarebel_kid: you may find this useful http://www.laubenheimer.net/ssh-keys.shtml16:41
Kr0ntabecraven: have you tried determining if it's only a firefox font issue?  close firefox... rename ~/.moxilla directory... reopen firefox.16:41
DasEiPuppy: running hardy heron or ibex ubuntu?16:41
rebel_kidikonia, ty16:41
ecravenKr0ntab: fonts work fine in openoffice and other applications16:41
garutachiwell I can install it manual but X fails to start on reboot and I have to edit xorg.conf and put vesa inplace of fglrx16:41
Ohmu_DasEi: Shouldn't udev detect it's removal and auto-unmount it?16:42
Kr0ntabecraven: try that anyway... just to rule out the firefox configuration16:42
ecravenKr0ntab: renaming .mozilla changes nothing16:42
PuppyDasEi - not sure, go tthese ISO's ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso and ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso16:42
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: some hope these will be fixed by ubuntu 8.1016:42
venkat_parthahello - wanted some help with respect to sound extracter16:42
NaisenuI have a new system built hardware-wise -- Live-CD (8.04) is not finding the SATA2 HD (only my EIDE 250GB data drive). Any idea why, how to fix?16:42
Kr0ntabecraven: so you've already tried that...16:42
ecraveni get pango warnings: shaping failure, expect ugly output,  and failed to create cairo scaled font16:42
ecravenKr0ntab: yes, just now :)16:42
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound extractor16:43
Kr0ntabecraven: oic.16:43
garutachilegend2440: No driver option for me to click on16:43
DasEiPuppy: hardy, so - I got a x 1600 running fine with the firmware-driver from ATI16:43
ecravenany suggestions? this leaves firefox unuseable.. it only happened since the update two days ago16:43
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:43
Ohmu_DasEi: mount finds 9 entries. /dev/sda3, proc, /sys, varrun, varlock, udev, devshm, devpts, lrm, sercurityfs  - it might be /dev/sda316:43
dr_willisIntangibleLiquid,  i wouldent bet on it. I imagine the olpc/xo/sugar stuff is just some packages tossed in for people to play with.. start up a wiki page on making it useable under ubuntu, and check the forums I guess. :)16:43
Kr0ntabecraven: have you looked in your appearance settings?  for Gnome?16:43
PuppyDasEi - are you agp or agpx ?16:43
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:43
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:44
DasEiPuppy: PCL-ie16:44
Kr0ntabecraven: system.. preferences... appearance...  fonts tab16:44
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:44
IntangibleLiquiddr_willis: thanks, i'm talking to my friends to see what they think :-)16:44
profxavierwhat does a 'session open' in the proftpd log refer to, as no user is listed as logged in ?16:44
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:44
DasEiOhmu_:so you will have to force-mount it and next times unmount it before unplugging16:45
ecravenKr0ntab: yes, mostly Sans, once Sans Bold, once Monospace16:45
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:45
Kr0ntabecraven: yeah that's normal...16:45
Kr0ntabecraven: when did this happen?16:45
PuppyDasEi - coudl the problem me pci express ?16:45
legend2440garutachi: do you have ubuntu installed or are you using the cd?16:45
ecravenKr0ntab: my mother updated two days ago16:45
DasEiPuppy: no, same here16:45
venkat_parthahow to enable lame mp3 on sound juicer16:46
Ohmu_DasEi: ok ... can I create a udev rule to automate that?16:46
venkat_parthaHow do I enable lame mp3 on sound juicer ?16:46
Kr0ntabecraven: hmm...  okay... try this... create a brand new desktop user account...  system ... administration... users and groups....16:46
Ohmu_DasEi: I don't think it's /dev/sda3 as I tried to umount it, but says 'cant -dev is busy' - but it's unplugged!  So I think that must be some partition of my internal hdd.16:46
DasEiOhmu_:no, whats the name of the device ?16:46
legend2440garutachi: here are some instructions  http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide16:46
Kr0ntabecraven: and log into that account.  see if problem is user specific....16:46
DasEiOhmu_:plug it in, use sudo fdisk -l to get right device name16:47
Ohmu_DasEi: it's a Western Digital HDD.  I don't know what it gets seen as, cos I can't see it right now.16:47
Ohmu_DasEi: ok!16:47
garutachiLegend2440: I have tried that twice with no luck16:47
DasEiPuppy: tried the firmware from ATI ?16:48
ecravenKr0ntab: same behaviour16:48
Kr0ntabKr0ntab: ick...16:48
PuppyzDasEi - so yoru runnign the same card as me ?16:48
ecravenmy xorg.conf didn't have any Files section, so i added one with the usual paths (including defoma)16:48
Kr0ntabecraven: ack16:48
rebel_kidikonia, got it workin thanks so much16:48
Ohmu_DasEi: /dev/sdc or /dev/sdc116:49
Kr0ntabecraven: ok... well that ain't good....16:49
Kr0ntabecraven: hehe but guess you dont nmeed me to tell ya that16:49
ikoniarebel_kid: good man16:49
ecraventhough as i said firefox seems to be the only application with that problem16:49
DasEiPuppyz: no, i got a X160016:49
ecraveneverything else i tried works fine :(16:49
ecravenwhat other app uses pango/cairo?16:49
NaisenuCan I get some assistance figuring out why a new system build isn't seeing my SATA2 HD?16:49
Kr0ntabecraven: yeah... let me search for firefox font locations....16:49
DasEiOhmu_:filesystem ?16:50
Kr0ntabecraven: give me a sec...16:50
ecravenstrange thing is, start.ubuntu.com/8.04 works fine16:50
Ohmu_DasEi: NTFS16:50
mrwislrcan i install 32 bit ubuntu on 64 bit chip?16:51
ecravenmrwislr: yes16:51
Naisenuecraven: I think it's cached or the system has a local copy stored16:51
mrwislrthought so16:51
mrwislrnow even more16:51
ecravenmrwislr: though you can't if you have a 64bit itanium for example16:51
dr_willismrwislr,  i do it all the time.. :) i am testing 64bit now however.. so far its very good under 8.1016:51
mrwislri only have one ide port and a few sata spots16:51
DasEisudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1       /mnt/OhmusHDD -o force16:51
Naisenuecraven:  It showed up on my system when i had my non-functional onboard NIC16:51
mrwislrthe cdrom and harddrive are on the same ide slot  can i still install as normal?16:52
PuppyzDasEi - so s it likly my card is causing th e problem ?16:52
DasEiPuppy: tried the firmware from ATI ?16:52
ecravenNaisenu: the problem is not the page content, but the fonts16:52
DasEisudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1       /mnt/OhmusHDD -o force     ,Ohmu_16:52
mrwislrif the cdrom and harddrive are using the same ide cable will a cd install still work16:53
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DasEiOhmu_:did it mount ?16:54
mrwislrDasEi: neither the live cd nor the alternate cd of 8:10 works16:54
NaisenuCan I get some assistance figuring out why a new system build isn't seeing my SATA2 HD?16:54
ubottumrwislr: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu16:54
reqqitanyone else have the problem where amsn freezes your whole system when offline messages open up?16:54
maniheerreqqit, aMSN?16:55
DasEimrwislr:use hardy16:55
mrwislrDasEi: boy that is coming down to the line then        i thought surely the installer would work fine16:55
DasEimrwislr:its still a beta with many issues like xorg 7.416:56
reqqitmaniheer, let's repeat a word I say, with a question16:56
maniheerreqqit, whoops16:57
maniheerreqqit, I had the same problem16:57
Ohmu_DasEi: First time it gave '$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 1) WARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile.' and hung there.  and I checked the folder and nothing.  So I ran it again.  this time: 'fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/SamHDD: Transport endpoint is not connected' and still no joy16:57
maniheerreqqit, I just installed emesene16:57
reqqitmaniheer, emesene?16:58
maniheerMSN client16:58
maniheersudo apt-get install emesene16:58
DasEiOhmu_:does the mountpoint exist ?  (see my talk about unclean shutdown above^^)16:58
reqqitI'll try it.16:58
mrwislrDasEi:  what worried me was this was an I/O error locating drive and when i did finally found the drive it failed the format so i thought maybe they couldn't be on the same IDE cable16:58
Ohmu_DasEi: /dev/OhmusHDD? yes it's there, just empty16:59
DasEimrwislr:no problem that two on one IDE16:59
fredreichbierHi. I have a ZyXEL ZyAIR B-122 WLAN PCMCIA card. I read that ZyAIR B-120 is supported, does that mean that b-122 is supported, too?16:59
DasEiOhmu_: what says      mount        now, mounted Hdd ?16:59
dr_willisfredreichbier,  would totally depend on the chipset..   so theres no guarentee that it would be.17:00
Kr0ntabecraven: I have found nothing .... only references to people upgading firefox... so likely this points to an isolated issue of your firefox installation getting messed up some how.  You can try purging firefox and xulrunner related packages... and reinstalling.  It's a little drastic, as it will remove a few other packages, but they are easiliy reinstalled.  You can also try the reinstall function in Synaptic to see if that clears it up.17:00
Ohmu_DasEi: No it hasn't appeared.  mount returns the same readout as before.17:01
fredreichbierdr_willis: ok, thanks. I'll check the chipset.17:01
DasEi/mnt/SamHDD     , ?? Ohmu_ ?17:01
ecravenKr0ntab: thanks17:01
dr_willisfredreichbier,  ive seen companies even have identical cards with different 'version' numbers with radically different chipsets. :(17:01
SwolfwarriorEsto es una chimba17:01
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:02
kc8pxyhow do i  get a listing of the files a packages provides, on ubuntu? i know how to on my other distro.17:02
HDreadyhello folk... i've a problem ;)17:02
SwolfwarriorOK, sorry ubotty17:02
maniheer!hi | HDready17:02
ubottuHDready: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:02
kc8pxyHDready:  shoot.17:02
jribkc8pxy: dpkg -L PACKAGE17:02
NaisenuCan I get some assistance figuring out why a new system build isn't seeing my SATA2 HD?17:02
Ohmu_DasEi: yep . .. soz I changed the name to keep it easy.  must have slipped up tho.. the correct name is /mnt/SamHDD.  Yes the entry is there.  just is an empty folder.17:02
HDreadyi've a .pdf file pw-protected and after entering this i should click on a link so that i can view the .pdf file17:03
DasEisudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1       /mnt/SamHDD  -o force     ,Ohmu_17:03
HDreadybut i can't see this link with the standard ubuntu document viewer17:04
DasEi Naisenu:sudo fdisk -l17:04
Ohmu_DasEi: yep thats the command I've been doing.  It fails.17:04
HDreadywhen i log myself into a win platform i can see it... but there i use the acrobat reader....17:04
erUSULHDready: acrobat for ubuntu is aviable in medibuntu17:05
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:05
kc8pxy.......    why does ltsp-server provide plugin files for gentoo?17:05
Ohmu_DasEi: Got it! had to umount it, then mount it17:05
Ohmu_thanks dood!17:05
Ohmu_DasEi: ThankYou!17:05
HDreadyyes thats right.. but there's noway to open it with the standard vpdf viewer?17:05
DasEi.safely remove, np Ohmu_17:05
NaisenuDasEi: I don't want to partition it yet ... I want to *see* it ...17:06
Ohmu_DasEi:  CAn I add umount /mnt/SamHDD somewhere in udev rules?17:06
reqqitok so I have this app that is likely to take down the whole system17:06
DasEi Naisenu:did fdisk find the drive ?17:06
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Ohmu_DasEi: (just curious, not gona try tonite)17:06
reqqitshort of running a whole linux system in a VM, is there a safety wrapper I can put around this app to sandbox it?17:06
reqqitapp is amsn17:06
DasEimanually safely remove, Ohmu_17:07
Guest82734is the ubuntu8.10 finish yet ?17:07
kunwon1reqqit, it depends on what you're trying to prevent from happening17:07
Ohmu_DasEi: mmk17:07
DasEi Naisenu cmd just lists drive, no formatting17:07
reqqitkunwon1, I am trying to stop it freezing the whole system and bringing about a catastrophe that could endanger the lives of everyone17:07
DasEi Naisenu: sudo fdisk -l17:07
kunwon1reqqit, there's very little defense against poorly written software.17:08
DasEi Naisenu: did you add the drive later ?17:08
reqqitkunwon1, we are all doomed17:08
reqqitHave you seen what most of the world are running?17:08
krupa^how can i discover if my ubuntu is server versoin or desktop version?17:08
kunwon1reqqit, what's amsn? Are you looking for an IM app?17:08
SlimeyPetekrupa^: they're the same thing17:08
SlimeyPetekrupa^: if you've got graphics then it's either the desktop version or the server version with added graphics17:08
SlimeyPeteif no graphics then it's probably the server version17:09
NaisenuDasEi: Yes but it doesn't contain a valid partition table. So why can't the installer find it?17:09
DasEi krupa^:uname -r17:09
HDreadyyes thats right.. but there's noway to open it with the standard vpdf viewer?17:09
reqqitkunwon1, I am looking for an alternative yes, but I have some messages in amsn, and I want to check them17:09
choreboyhey is openoffice3 in the repos yet?17:09
reqqitbut, this version has a unique 'kill the system when you open lol' feature17:09
DasEi Naisenu:did you add it to a running system ?17:10
Kr0ntabchoreboy: I don't believe so... not even for Intrepid...17:10
NaisenuDasEi: The drive has always been attached. It's new build17:10
DasEi Naisenu: sudo fdisk -l      ,drive found ?17:10
kunwon1reqqit, I'm not familiar with amsn, but if I were you I'd try to fix the problem that crashes the system. If amsn is a gui app, you might be able to get more feedback (in the way of error messages) by running it from a terminal. Just a shot in the dark :)17:10
NaisenuI answered that17:10
reqqitkunwon1, I have another question, from TTY1 (right term?) can I open a GUI app to show in alt-f7 (what is the right term?)17:12
reqqitbecause, the gui on the terminal might freeze, and I can't ctrl-c the app17:12
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DasEi Naisenu: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:12
darkmoonhi everyone i need start a service what is the right command ?17:12
kunwon1reqqit, you can open a terminal in your desktop environment, rather than switching out to a virtual terminal17:13
Naisenukbd needed new batteries17:13
thinkl00pi got a .avi movie file i'd like to burn to dvd to watch on my DVD player on my tv. Whats a good program to do that with?17:13
kunwon1reqqit, then you'd have the app and the launching terminal both on the same screen17:13
jadedotodarkmoon: You can go to System > Administration > Services17:13
reqqitkunwon1, I won't be able to alt-tab / click on it, because the system freezes, but alt-f1 term works17:13
SlimeyPetethinkl00p: I think k3b does it17:13
NaisenuDasEi: Can't find package ... I am running off LiveCD 8.0417:14
jadedotodarmoon: or if you know the service /etc/init.d/XXX start where XXX is the service name17:14
reqqitI've kills amsn (wish8.5) and gnome-* and other apps, but system is still frozen when it happens17:14
burgi tried to fix ubuntu with nvidia geforce 8200, by installing other kernel and do whatever some tutorials on net said, but still not working17:14
thinkl00pSlimeyPete: i can run k3b in ubuntu using gnome?17:14
darkmoonfrom comand line ?17:14
enzohi, i have a problem, i use jce to add a flash component, but when i add a src="/foo.swf", JCE keeps deleting the / in front of foo.swf, any idea to force jce to let this slash ?17:14
thinkl00pisn't k3b for KDE?17:14
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.24-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?17:14
mib_b0qvnkhi, i know im not supposed to do this and ask over at the #windows channel, but theyre in some flamewar about china and no one responded to my question. im running winXP and my dvd-rw drive reads everything fine, but no program recognizes it to burn! if you have any ideas could you please PM me? (so i dont spam this channel more)17:14
burgubuntu 7.10 has the same problem with nvidia 8200?17:14
kunwon1reqqit, ctrl+alt+backspace will restart your gui when that happens. I'd just be worried about finding the error messages and trying to fix them. Does your app put any logs in /var/log?17:14
Kr0ntabthinkl00p: so does "tovid" and "tovidgui"17:14
enzooups, error17:14
legend2440!info devede | thinkl00p17:15
ubottuthinkl00p: devede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2592 kB17:15
Kr0ntabdevede is nice too17:15
SlimeyPetethinkl00p: yes. It's a KDE program but you can still run it in GNOME if you wish.17:15
SlimeyPeteit'll work fine.17:15
jadedotodarkmoon: You can use the GUI to do it. If you want to do it command line then yes, "sudo /etc/init.d/SERVICE_NAME [start, stop, restart]"17:15
akahigeBeen playing with some Nautilus configurations and something confuses me... there's a checkbox (e.g. for permissions) that can be checked, unchecked (i.e. blank), or it can have a bar in it... what's the bar signify?17:15
darkmoonjadedoto thanks :)17:16
reqqitkunwon1, I'll rerun it with ctrl-alt-backspace in mind, thanks17:16
kunwon1reqqit, np, good luck17:16
reqqitsadly, or happily, very little goes wrong, so I don't have the same 'error-fu' as I have when encountering my daily windows issues17:16
dandrethere are three tftpd servers available as debian package: tftpd, atftpd and tftpd-hpa. Which is the best?17:17
NaisenuDasEi: pastebinit is installed17:17
Kr0ntablegend2440: it's a thankless world we live in.  :-P17:17
dandreWhich one is the most meined?17:17
Grim76__dandre: Do you need an tftp server or an ftp server?\17:18
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legend2440Kr0ntab: lol sadly it is. thank you for pointing that out17:18
Grim76__dandre: I used tftpd once a long time ago and it worked rather well.17:18
Kr0ntabdandre: I actually prefer atftpd17:18
Kr0ntablegend2440: hehe17:19
SOGMan, I wanted to ask a question, but then I Forgot ;o17:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:20
plaerzenhey, is the package ssh-krb5 the ssh daemon with krb5/gssapi support built in??17:20
* e-frame gotta reboot..17:20
NaisenuAnd the user helping me has apparently gone MIA *sigh*17:20
mis1how can i set my resolution i've nvidia card drivers already installed but cannot set my resolution more than 1024*768 i need to set it to 1360*768 please help17:21
Kr0ntabopenssh- server already supports it...17:21
Kr0ntabssh-krb5 is a transitional meta package I believe...17:21
Kr0ntabplaerzen: ^  that was to you, sorry.17:22
plaerzenwhat does that mean?  I knoe ssh already supports kerberos login, but I need gssapi specifically17:22
burgcan anyone tell me please?17:22
Kr0ntabgssapi is supported as well..17:22
blip-hi, anyone know a tool i can use to test my laptop mic ?   like a simple voice recorder17:22
mis1how can i set my resolution i've nvidia card drivers already installed but cannot set my resolution more than 1024*768 i need to set it to 1360*768 please help17:23
plaerzenKr0ntab, hrm, ok.  SO I shouldn't have to patch it or anything in order to accept kerberos logins on this machine, correct ?17:23
blip-mis1: you;re using official nvidia drivers ?    If so try the nvidia-settings gui config tool17:23
Kr0ntabsee /etc/ssh/sshd_config if you have the server component already installed.... you will find the references you need.  also see openssh.org for documentation...17:23
legend2440blip-: open applications>sound&video>sound recorder17:23
mis1i am usind default drivers installed by ubuntu17:24
Kr0ntabplaerzen: no you shouldn't have to patch anything..17:24
blip-legend2440: do you know the command line name of it ?17:24
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.24-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?17:24
plaerzenKr0ntab, ok.  What's the meaning of transitional package ?17:24
legend2440blip-: gnome-sound-recorder17:24
blip-bullgard4: maybe that upgrade isn't recommended ;)17:24
Wavesonicsdoes Ubuntu's Server CD come with raidtools or mdadm?17:25
bullgard4blip-: Your answer is wrong.17:25
mndohi there!17:25
blip-mis1: you're better of17:25
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jadedotoplaerzen: Those are usually when the naming of something changes, or if it's a dummy trans package, it's a metapackage that tells when packages to install17:25
mis1blip - i am using nvidia drivers provided by ubuntu17:25
Kr0ntabplaerzen: it's an empty package that only references dependencies.  installing it will in turn install other packages that are replacing it's functionality.17:25
blip-mis1: you're better of installing the official drivers17:25
AxzHi there guys17:25
Kr0ntabplaerzen: they can be removed after they've worked their magic.17:26
=== RandomCake_ is now known as RandomCake
Axzany way to fix those gray flash movie17:26
burgi tried to fix ubuntu with nvidia geforce 8200, by installing other kernel and do whatever some tutorials on net said, but still not working17:26
plaerzenahh, ok, I see.  Thanks guys.17:26
sfearshello, having problems with my dvd player recognizing dvd medium that's inserted in the tray, plays cds fine.  Any help??17:26
Axzbecause those flash movie work prefect but after w while they turn to gray windows17:26
mis1i dunno my card model no i've to lot of searching can u help17:26
burgdo i have the same problem with ubuntu 7.10 ?17:26
* MANIAKA7000 zdraveite!!!17:26
Axzand movie cant be watched17:26
Axzonly after killing the browser17:26
blip-mis1: you can use the Hardware Drivers manager to do that.  it will install it for you17:26
mis1yea i installed the driver using hardware driver manager17:27
blip-bullgard4: i got the upgraded kernel today, it automatically recommended it on Kubuntu 8.0417:28
Ohmu_This is very strange.  I'm playing a movie (its a ghibli animation), and the volume level of the speaking is so low I can hardly hear it.  The overall volume's pretty low usually, but loud enough in places.  Is it possible the movie is using 2 audio tracks and there's imbalance between them?17:28
Ohmu_Could this be a codec problem?  How to fix?17:28
mis1but how can i change resolution17:28
mis1blip help me17:29
sfearsmis1.. are you using nvidia?17:29
kunwon1Ohmu_, possibly a poorly recorded movie? :D17:29
sfearssudo nvidia-xconfig17:29
bullgard4blip-: I got it on one Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer some days ago but I do not get it on another Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer.17:29
Ohmu_kunwon1: I've watched it from an XP box and it was fine iirc17:29
blip-mis1: what does "glxinfo | grep vendor" say17:30
jxw002could someone please help me with grub's menu list?17:30
mis1where can i find it17:31
robbievhey all. I'm trying to setup a syslog server. I've added "-r" into /etc/defaults/syslogd and restarted the server. I can see the the process is running with the -r flag, but port 514 is not open.. Any ideas?17:31
kunwon1!ask > jxw00217:31
ubottujxw002, please see my private message17:31
mis1i mean glxinfo17:31
kunwon1mis1, it's an application you can launch from a terminal17:31
sfearsjxw002: what is your problem?17:32
Kr0ntabrobbiev: do the syslog files you are referencing exist?17:32
robbievKr0ntab: yes, I edited them.17:32
Kr0ntabrobbiev: what user is the process set to run as17:32
robbievKr0ntab: syslog. The user exists and when the process runs, its running as syslog17:33
robbievKr0ntab: syslog   15065  0.0  0.0  12296   788 ?        Ss   09:32   0:00 /sbin/syslogd -m 0 -r -u syslog17:33
formodeHello everyone, I'm having problems getting my LiveUSB to boot on my computer, I have an ASUS p5K SE/EPU motherboard...17:33
jxw002i have have a new kernel, i used update-grub, it founds the kernel, but menu.lst doesn't have it17:33
mis1server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation17:33
mis1client glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation17:34
mis1OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation17:34
mis1thi is what glxinfo says17:34
FloodBot1mis1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
=== nospam is now known as Guest48680
Kr0ntabrobbiev: You looking at UDP port 514?17:35
robbievKr0ntab: I'm doing an nmap on localhost and see nothing.17:35
Kr0ntabrobbiev: do netstat -ln17:36
blip-anyone know how to find out if the driver for my Intel 4965 AGN... supports IEEE 802.11N draft  ?17:36
robbievKr0ntab: udp        0      0   *17:36
Kr0ntabrobbiev: yay its working then17:36
blip-yes mis17:36
mis1i just said what glxinfo says17:37
robbievKr0ntab: I see.. Looks like I need to work on my clients then. thanls17:37
Kr0ntabrobbiev: udp does not respond like TCP for port scans...17:37
Kr0ntabrobbiev: no sweat...17:37
kunwon1robbiev, you need to explicitly tell nmap to do udp scans, by default it's just tcp17:37
jxw002do I need to elaborate a little more on my questions?17:37
mis1blip: so what do u you suggest..17:37
blip-ok so it looks like you have the drivers installed i believe.  try running "glxgears" now17:37
blip-mis1: run it in a console17:37
robbievkunwon1: i see thanks17:38
kunwon1robbiev, good luck17:38
sfearsif you have installed the nvidia restricted drivers & rebooted your computer, type "sudo nvidia-settings" into a command line and your resolution settings are in the settings mis117:39
sfearshello, having problems with my dvd player recognizing dvd medium that's inserted in the tray, plays cds fine.  Any help??17:40
Kr0ntabsfears: what media are you trying to work with?  video dvd's?  data dvd's?17:40
PuppyzAnyone can help with me being unable to get the intaller loaded, i have X1950 and sata drives ...17:40
sfearsvideo dvd's Kr0ntab17:41
Kr0ntabsfears: commercial dvd's?17:42
sfearsit has worked previously, stopped working after i instsalled a few things... not sure what caused the issues.. yes, commercial dvds17:42
Kr0ntabsfears: if so... have you installed libdvdcss2?  it's a library that allows you to decrypt retail DVD's...17:42
sfearsi have libdvdcss2 & libdvdread3 packages installed17:42
mis1blip: i tried running glxgears and saw gears on my scree with some fps calculation on my screen and that is it how do i cahnge resolution now17:43
mis1sfear: i am getting command no found17:43
PuppyzDasE1 - any other idea's ?17:43
PuppyzDasE1 - urly it shoudl show some sort of error ?17:43
sfearsmis1: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings"17:43
WhiteDwarf_Hi, does anyone know where i can look up the mapping (e.g. disk-by-path <-> /dev/dm-01) the DeviceMapper does when using FiberChannel disk on a SAN?17:44
mis1sfear: it is installing a new setting package let us wait and see....17:44
sfearsKr0ntab: not sure if it means anything, but the light on my player stays solid while there's a dvd in.. i try to "sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/mnt" and i get a "no medium found error"17:45
DasEiPuppyz: took the installer package from ati ?17:45
Naisenuawww crap ... how can i burn an ISO when I'm using a LiveCD?17:45
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ninjafuryHi. I have an external drive formatted as HFSPLUS. I can write to it if I'm root, but not as a normal user. How do I fix permissions permanently?17:45
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mis1sfear: after the package is installed what should i do17:45
Kr0ntabsfears: yeah that's weird... it sounds like drive issue?17:45
sfearsit happend after an upgrade of sorts.. not sure what programs were updated, but it has worked on my current version 7.10 last week17:46
Townyanyone think I should have any problems installed ubuntu-server on a hp ze4300 laptop?17:46
Kr0ntabsfears: that would be my assumption.  yeah... when you insert the disk... look at /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages17:47
Kr0ntabsfears: it will give you info about read errors... or other useful info...17:47
FlannelTowny: It could be that the server kernel doesn't agree with your hardware.  What are you looking to use the laptop for? (why the server version?)17:48
blip-mis1: once you have the package,  just run nvidia-settings in a console and you'll get a nice easy tool to change resolution and much more17:48
levenewhat do i install to get the info pages for the gnu coreutils?17:48
Reformer81How would I go about downloading certain applications (and dependencies) so I can transfer them to a computer without internet connection?  I've looked at AptOnCD, but it doesn't appear to do it.17:49
FlannelReformer81: aptonCD will indeed do it.17:49
Reformer81Flannel: From what I've seen with AptonCD, it only does it for SOME of the applications that I have installed on this computer.17:50
B|ackPantherhow  can i  install inconsolata in ubuntu? Tried searching and nothing helpful is coming up.17:50
mis1blip: sfear: thank you for you help..........17:50
Reformer81Flannel: If I want to include a package that isn't currently installed, it doesn't seem to let me.17:50
* Kr0ntab needs to look into aptoncd some time. sounds like fun.17:51
Ad0my iec958 is always muted on boot in alsa mixer, why does it's settings get reset every boot ?17:51
FlannelReformer81: It allows you to use whatever packags you have in your cache (the deb files you have, not the packages you have installed).  However, you can always download extra packages (even if you don't install them) and then they'll be available.17:51
FlannelReformer81: apt-get with -d is download only,17:51
Reformer81Flannel: Okay... thank you.17:52
leveneanyone got the info page for the paste command installed? i don't know where to get it.17:52
sfearsKr0ntab: is there something in particular i can grep.. i'm not sure what to do with all the information in that output17:52
ninjafuryGoogle's not helping. If i open an external drive in Thunar as root on an HFSPLUS drive, they work and are editable. If I'm not root, its read only. How do I fix this?17:52
sfearsmis1 your welcome17:52
sfearsAd0: iec958 should be muted.. that is used for S/P DIF digital audio cards17:53
Kr0ntabsfears: sorry mate.  yeah... just do a tail -f /var/log/syslog  and in another terminal... tail -f /var/log/messages17:53
=== HymnToLi1e is now known as HymnToLife
Kr0ntabsfears: so when you load the DVD in the drive... you should see messages that might mean something...17:53
Reformer81Flannel: So using aptoncd will make sure that I have all the dependencies required to install the package on the host machine, right?17:54
FlannelReformer81: Yeah, it'll make sure the depends exist on the CD too.17:54
Reformer81Flannel: Alright... thanks again.17:55
delineatorheya folks, im just gonna ask my dumb qestion:  ive got a laptop with vista 64 ultimate, and i would like to dual boot ubuntu for development on the same system without having to redo all my software etc.  is this possible?17:55
sfearsKr0ntab: i only see a bunch of stuff about pcmcia & my wireless networks17:55
Flannel!dualboot | delineator17:55
ubottudelineator: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:55
a1lenDoes anyone know what the Ubuntu 8.10 channel is?17:55
Flannela1len: #ubuntu+117:55
ninjafurydelineator: if you've got enough space on your hard drive, its possible17:55
sfears#ubuntu+1 a1len?17:55
janesthello i am new to ubuntu. I want to setup an Lamp Server to host a few websites. I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu Server and i am not trying to install vnc server so i can work on the server remotely. I installed x11 vnc-java but i can not connect to the server. Can ne1 help me17:56
Kr0ntabsfears: do CD's work?17:56
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delineatorwould a core2 duo be considered an x86?17:56
ninjafurydelineator: yes17:56
Kr0ntabsfears: yeah, then i'm not sure mate.17:56
sfears#/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660,user,ro,unhide     0       017:56
delineatorthanks, yall are speedy17:57
denndadelineator: it supports 64 bit if that is the question17:57
sfearsis there something in the file system types that should be dvd specific?17:57
ninjafurydelineator: but you can also install the amd64 version on a core3duo17:57
zetaif i first built my kernel with genkernel all, i dont' have to rebuild it to get alsa support right? (for my HDA intel)17:57
denndawhich I don't recommend you to use :-)17:57
delineatorhahah ok17:57
sfearsKr0ntab: do you know somewhere i might be able to get some more help on my DVD issue?17:57
Kr0ntabsfears: that one is commented out...  do you have an entry in fstab about a /dev/scd0 ?17:58
delineatorlets say i wanna develop in flash/AIR on ubuntu with standard to full installs, any ballark figured on how much HDD space i may need?17:58
Kr0ntabyou don't have to paste in here...17:58
ninjafurydelineator: its faster if you use the 64bit version, but some software may only be available as 32bit17:58
sfearsit's not commented in my fstab Kr0ntab, and no, there's nothing about /dev/scd017:59
sfearsdo i need a uuid listed for the dvd drive?17:59
blip-help,  i get no input from my microphone with skype nor with audio recorder.  I tried each of the drop-down choices in the input option of skype.  could it be confused since my Dell XPS has 2 microphones ?  thanks17:59
Reformer81Flannel: How do I redownload a package that is already installed but NOT in my apt cache?  Running apt-get install -d reports that it's already the newest version.17:59
delineatori dont need the extra progs, 64bit may be just fine for me, but does that mean i have to do the amd64 install?17:59
TownyFlannel: I have this laptop that doesn't really work as a laptop anymore (you haev to plug it in) so I though of using it as a server18:00
gonzaloafhello, how do I specify the default soundcard, I have two soundcards...18:00
squidlyanyone ever bridge a wireless card and a NIC?18:00
Daremonaihow can i update the 'locate' database?18:00
squidlyDaremonai: sudo updatedb18:01
FlannelTowny: Try the alternate CD.  It'll allow you to install a CLI-only version, and it uses the generic kernel, so you're less likely to have hardware issues18:01
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu18:01
a1len_Is anyone on 8.04 having issues with the Aircrack-ng that's available in synaptic?18:01
Daremonaisquidly: thanks18:01
squidlyDaremonai: np ;)18:01
daedra8 DAYS18:01
delineatorninjafury, can i PM you?18:01
FlannelReformer81: hmmm, thats a good question that I dont have an immediate answer to.18:02
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daedra8 DAYS18:03
Townyas long as it supports the network card in the laptop that's fine18:04
jxanderwhere can i see what packages and what changes will be in intrepid?18:05
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.24-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?18:05
gonzaloafhello, how do I specify the default soundcard, I have two soundcards...18:05
scientus_how do i change a fat32 partition lable?18:07
noodlesgcgonzaloaf possible in gstreamer-properties18:07
djungelkraemAnyone know why my system is using MESA when i just installed ATI driver 8-6 through EnvyNG?18:07
bullgard4jxander: You will get a faster answer in #ubuntu+1.18:07
dekkonghello i'm running ubuntu 8.04. I'm using virtualbox to get into windows xp.. does anyone in here know how to install Guest Additions?18:08
jxanderthanks bullgard418:08
bullgard4scientus_: Use GParted.18:09
scientus_gparted doesnt like the filesystem18:09
scientus_but fsck doesnt do anything and it works fine18:09
blubhello, I'm having problems with nautilus which takes 30+ seconds to open windows and to navigate to a different folder18:10
sambagirlhsa anyone had any success in getting ebox to work?18:10
sambagirlsomoene in here told me to try it but it just doenst work18:10
lovebothow do i reconfigure my startscreen^^18:12
lovebothe displays my login in the bottom right corner18:12
mxmassteri just reinstalled ubuntu on my dell laptop18:12
lovebotyea wayne18:13
canhnmI want to fix some apache error18:13
scientus_wtf mlabel uses dos C: D: etc18:13
mxmassterand it did not autodetect my wireless card (assuming because i had the ethernet cable plugged in)18:13
mxmassterhow do i make ubuntu aware of the wireless?18:13
canhnmanybody help me ?18:13
canhnmbi oi18:13
canhnmsao de bit' ku nao la support cua ubuntu18:13
bullgard4scientus_: I gave you a bad advice. If you create a fat partition you can use 'mkdosfs -n <label> <other options>'. But you can change a FAT partition label in Windows.18:14
canhnmPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613/curl.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613/curl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 018:14
canhnmhow to fix this error ?18:14
scientus_supposedly mlabel can do it but it doesnt take block devices and want dos alables18:14
alteregoais there an option within ubuntu to enable write caching for ext3 ?18:14
krihm cant listen to my music in audacious at the same time im streaming radio with mplayer18:15
lovrehi all18:15
krishould i change audio codec in audacious?18:15
lovreneed help, cant connect to the internet with wpa_supplicant nor with the xsupplicant...18:15
alteregoathe computer is connected over a UPS18:15
scientus_maube it makes them into hda, hdb but ubuntu used sda etc18:15
sanguisdexis there a way to fix (or just reset, w/o reboot when it happens) the audio crash that happens when I suspend18:15
Fahsanguisdex: try unloading and reloading the related sound modules via modprobe?18:17
canhnmPHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613/curl.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613/curl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 018:17
canhnmhow to fix this error18:17
ninjafurywhy is it that when I delete files from an external drive, they first get copied to the main drive's trash folder?18:17
datrui can't install python-apt. can anybody help me?18:17
xjkxi am not a server, its a personal machine. and i am not sharing this conection, but anyway, i'd like to set a limit to downloads because when it reaches the max my pings gets too high18:18
ninjafurydatru: trying to install regular python?18:18
datrui want to install update-manger-core and this requires python-apt18:19
datruthe normal python works18:19
whatvn@datru: apt-get install python18:19
djungelkraemAnyone know how to make the fglrx driver active instead of MESA?18:19
ninjafurydatru: did you try sudo apt-get install python-apt?18:19
bullgard4mxmasster: Try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:21
IrishDavidhello, I have installed eclipse (downloaded package and extracted to /usr/local/eclipse) but I want to add eclipse to my path so that I can type eclipse in a terminal and it launch. I tried using ln but that didnt work as it cant find library18:21
datrui used aptitude install python-apt: Richte python-apt ein ( ...18:21
IrishDavidwhat do I need to do?18:21
datrudpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von python-apt (--configure):18:21
emma_goldsteinthere's no services-tab in my bluetooth-applet - any idea how to recover the services-tab ? bluetooth-services are up and functional.18:21
IrishDavidbtw, I need version 3.4 so I'm not using apt-get install18:21
lovreIrishDavid: put a file in /usr/local/bin with the line that runs eclipse. Name it as the command you would like to have for eclipse, for example "eclipse". chmod +x it, and just run from terminal with "console"18:22
Xcercawhere can i find all of the icons that are used in gnome ?18:22
ZenithDKhi, does someone know of problems with intrepid not remembering your session?18:22
Xcercaon my filesystem18:22
ZenithDKXcerca: /usr/share/icons18:22
Gnea!intrepid | ZenithDK18:22
ubottuZenithDK: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu18:22
ZenithDKGnea: oh, thanks :)18:23
ZenithDKXcerca: var så lidt :)18:23
IrishDavidthanks lovre18:23
pea_brainhi all, i am from the rpm world.. i am trying to understand if there is a command similar to 'rpm -qf /file/name' ( which allows us to find out which rpm the /file/name balongs to ). can anyone tell me whats the equivalent command using apt / aptitude / anything else..18:23
lovrenp IrishDavid18:23
SchneeSchwarzpea_brain: dpkg -S /file/name18:24
bullgard4ninjafury: I believe it is intended as a security measure.18:24
ZenithDKpea_brain: /win close18:24
ZenithDKhehe, sorry :P18:24
xjkxi downloaded the flash player from adobe link on youtube, ran the .deb, installed and i still have the error18:24
datrui thin my problem is this message: update-python-modules: not found18:25
lovreis there a channel i can get help with xsupplicant?18:26
xjkxi opened about:config and flash is there :o but i have an error when i try to watch on youtube18:26
pea_brainthanks SchneeSchwarz, it works like a piece of beauty.. also, if i need to search for someting based on package descriptions in aptitude, how should i do that ?18:26
xjkxno, wait, i think the flash thing is a totem thing18:26
bullgard4pea_brain: Use packages.ubuntu.com18:27
euxneksxjkx: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:27
euxneksthat might help...?18:27
xjkxeuxneks: and why the other way didnt work ?18:27
ninjafurycan anyone help with my drive problem, really frustrating?18:27
euxneksxjkx, might be something you missed in installation? Also, did you restart firefox after you installed the plugin?18:28
SchneeSchwarzpea_brain: Don't know. If I want the package descriptions searched also, I use: apt-cache search <whatever>18:28
xjkxi did18:28
bullgard4pea_brain: You can use the program Synaptic for search.18:28
datrui think my PYTHONHOME is wrong18:29
datruhow can i change my PYTHONHOME variable?18:29
xjkxworked :> ty euxneks18:30
Blackshark|can someone tell me the parameters for "ls" to group by size and get the totalsize of a recursive listing?18:30
euxneksxjkx, sweet!18:30
euxneksxjkx, glad to help :)18:30
dublpawsBlackshark|: do you know about the du command?18:31
rosacolals --help18:31
pea_brainSchneeSchwarz, thanks again, apt-cache search does the job to perfection :)18:31
Blackshark|rosacola: i've searched the --help18:31
Blackshark|dublpaws: nope i do not18:31
mabc99has anyone got any experience with R ?18:32
rosacolasorry i read your question  \wrong18:32
pea_brainbullgard4, i am running ubuntu in console more, i guess synaptics requires GUI. will try out later. thanks.18:32
sysdocls -S to sort by file size18:32
bullgard4Why does my the Update Manager of Ubuntu 8.04.1 not offer to download the 2.6.24-21-generic kernel although System > Administration > Software Sources > Updates > Ubuntu updates > Recommended updates (hardy-updates) is asserted?18:32
matveev_Hi! Why am I the only who can log in to my workstation with Ubuntu 8.04 over ssh? For others neither the RSA/DSA keys are accepted nor the password. Why am I so different?18:33
Blackshark|sysdoc: yeap i did that but i would like to have the total size aswell18:33
dublpawsBlackshark|: try $du -h ./18:33
pea_brainone important support related question, in an LTS release of ubuntu, does the packages from universe & multiverse repos get supported upto LTS timeframe ?18:33
datrucan someone say me the correct PYTHONHOME path?18:34
euxneksdatru, I have python installed but echo $PYTHONHOME doesn't return anything.. are you sure you need that?18:35
datruim not sure. but i dont know what elso to do18:36
SchneeSchwarzpea_brain: np. If you're interested go to http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ . aptitude allows rather complex searches and you should be able to search the descriptons also.18:36
bullgard4pea_brain: Yes.18:37
Ubuntu1I upgraded from ubuntu8.04 to 8.1, after upgrading i am connected to router wirelessly but cannot browse. please if any body could help18:37
NibblynHi! OpenOffice v3 is out. will it be placed in guitsy/hardy/intrepid repos? maybe as a backport?18:37
blu1okay, I have a really serious problem -- everything related to the filesystem is experiencing unpredictable (up to 30 seconds) delays18:37
blu1even ls in a terminal18:38
noodlesgcUbuntu1 intrepid support in #ubuntu+118:38
euxneksdatru, are you getting an error that tells you PYTHONHOME is incorrect?18:38
alarmhello, for some nice 3d effects, i need compiz or compiz fusion ?18:39
blu1in fact, make that multi-minute delays18:39
alarmi mean is there any difference ?like one of them being outdated ?18:39
blu1opening nautilus, ls, ANYTHING18:39
mabc99im installing a package and its looking for sql.h ? where do i find sql.h and where do i install the libraries ?18:39
noodlesgcalarm compiz has become compiz-fusion18:39
bullgard4Nibblyn: May be later in a backport. But not in Intrepid in the forseeable future.18:39
alarmokieee thank you18:39
alarmi just cannot figure out what packages i finally need18:40
pea_brainbullgard4, why is main repo called as fully supported ? the universe & multiverse packages are supported differently ?18:40
w0ls0nhello all. I can in here yesterday and asked about supported addon SATA cards that ubuntu recognized. Does anyone have that URL? I can't seem to find it18:40
noodlesgcalarm the packages you need should be installed by default18:40
datrueuxneks: im getting this error: update-python-modules: not found18:41
sfearswhat are you trying to do datru?18:41
alarmso all i need is just to install compiz-fusion ? cause i see something like plugins , emerald compizconfig-settings-manager and other stuff18:41
datrui want to install update-manager-core18:41
woden1how do I make it so that Rhythmbox reencodes wmv to mp3 when I add it to my ipod?18:41
dEagLEhi i'm unable to mount my external hard drive. ..what shud i do..18:41
datrubut the system cannot install python-apt18:42
Nibblynbullgard4: ok. i need it because of a compatibility problem with cross-references with MSoffice. So, for now the only way to install it is by yourself. That's correct?18:42
noodlesgcalarm you can enable compiz in system->preferences->appearences then visual effects tab. If you want the configure it you need the settings manager18:42
sfearsalarm.. compiz comes with a basic set of plugins.. extra plugins will give you additional effects.. emerald does the themes for the window border (maximize minimize etc..) the settings mangaer let's you configure all the installed plugins18:42
sfearsyou will want most of them18:42
alarmokie, i think i got it a bit :)18:43
sfearsand you need to make sure you have a video card capable of doing 3d effects18:43
hubarhi all, Is there a kill file like addon for thunderbird?18:43
alarmnvidia 8600gs m , i want to hope i wont have problems with it18:44
punzadayou shouldn't18:44
bullgard4pea_brain: I am not sure if I understood you 100%. Ubuntu Hardy will support the Universe and Multiverse as well as the Main repository throughout the Hardy lifecycle.18:44
nroot7hi. When I boot ubuntu it performs the filesystem check and fails. I can login by pressing cntrl+D but how can I remove any problems with filesystem ?18:44
sfearsalarm.. under system/administration do you have the "restricted drivers manager" listed in there18:44
euxneksdatru, I think you need to install a package: sudo apt-get install python-support18:45
alarmi have nvidia drivers allready installed18:45
bullgard4Nibblyn: This is correct.18:45
sfearsok.. first install compiz.. it will tell you the necessary dependencies18:45
pea_brainbullgard4, what i am trying to understand is why the repos are classified as "main", "universe" & "multiverse" ?18:45
sfears"sudo apt-get install compiz"18:45
tillux1heya. I've got a problem with my dvdrom-drive. since I plugged in an external-dvd-device (and unplugging that again) ubuntu doesn't recognize my internal-dvdrom drive (IDE) anymore18:45
Nibblynbullgard4: thanks18:46
woden1_What is an easy way to convert videos to mpeg-4 to put on an ipod?18:46
datrusfears: im getting the same error: /var/lib/dpkg/info/python-support.postinst: 8: update-python-modules: not found18:46
datrudpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von python-support (--configure):18:46
sfearsdatru: have you tried to install python-support18:47
elbacAnyone know what AT&T 3G cards work with Ubuntu?18:47
euxneksdatru, sudo apt-get install python-support18:47
bullgard4pea_brain: Have a look at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components18:47
hubarhi all, Is there a kill file like addon for thunderbird?18:47
sfearstillux1: private message me with you /etc/fstab file18:48
bullgard4pea_brain: An important aspect are different licensing conditions of the software.18:48
Wavesonicswill ubuntu cure my genital warts?18:48
datrusfears: wenn i try to insall python-support i get teh same error as before.18:48
bullgard4Wavesonics: Stop it.18:48
woden1_Is there an easy way to convert videos to mpeg-4 to put on an ipod?18:48
sfearstillux1: do you have a dvd in right now18:49
tillux1sfears: yes18:49
spiritssight1which irc channel would be good with geting help geting websever to work18:49
pea_brainbullgard4, thanks.18:49
sfearstillux1: "ls /media/cdrom0"18:50
Aetarici need help writing a bash script18:50
mabc99cheers folks18:51
euxnekswoden1_, http://code.google.com/p/podencoder/18:51
scampbellDoes anyone know how to fix the keyboard mapping problem with xrdp and rdesktop under hardy?   It's a known problem that the keys get mismapped but I can't find the real solution to it.18:51
darkblue_Bhow can I kill a stuck pgAdmin?  (too many things in top to find the PID)18:51
=== Slade is now known as Guest52730
euxnekswoden1_, that's CLI but it works really nicely18:51
natalisushkaHi, I have just bought a new Mic, but i can't get it to work, although I made sure the recording sound configuration are enabled. is there anything I can do or install?18:52
woden1_euxneks: i was hoping for a nice gui18:52
RolfCoptrdarkblue_B: killall -918:52
scampbelldarkblue_b:  ps -ef | grep -i pgadmin  will find the pid for you too18:52
darkblue_BRolfCoptr: not!18:52
tillux1sfears: an empty dir... (I'm not a totally noob to ubuntu [using the ubuntuStudio64 dist for almost 2 years now]) I wouldn't have come up here if I hadn't tested that already *g* so... any clue?18:52
emma_goldsteinthere's no services-tab in my bluetooth-applet - any idea how to recover the services-tab ? bluetooth-services are up and functional.18:52
Aetarici need to grep all files in a dir. for a pattern ("IP = ") and run nslookup on each line18:52
euxnekswoden1_, also here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11494618:52
darkblue_Bscampbell: ok trying18:52
euxnekswoden1_, good tutorial and multiple options then :)18:53
brian_I need to find a way to disable the right click menu in Gnome18:53
rl_försöker lägga till server til XChat; irc.flight.org; lyckas inte18:53
nroot7hi. When I boot ubuntu it performs the filesystem check and fails. I can login by pressing cntrl+D but how can I remove any problems with filesystem ?18:53
Guest52730hello guys, i have a problem with my desktop effects... they are disabled on them self and when i go to turn on the effects it say that could not be enabled ???18:53
darkblue_Bscampbell: thx !18:54
natalisushkaHi, I have just bought a new Mic, but i can't get it to work, although I made sure the recording sound configuration are enabled. is there anything I can do or install?18:54
Guest52730why is that ?!18:54
=== Guest52730 is now known as Slade92
scampbellGuest52730: that is because you either do not have the proper video driver or have an unsupported video card.  What video card do you have?18:55
sfearstillux1 "sudo lshw -C disk"18:56
Slade92scampbell, nVidia 7200 LE18:56
sfearspaste that in the PM18:56
rl_hur lägger jag in en ny server..18:56
FinnishHow do I see what DVD-player I have in my laptop, via Terminal. What command?18:56
|Dreams|rng window18:57
scampbellSlade92: I believe you need to install the nvidia driver, let me see if I can't get the exact name for you...18:57
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
scampbellSlade92: install nvidia-glx  and (optionally but recommend) nvidia-settings18:58
Slade92scampbell, i think that the video card is not the problem... i instaled and every thing was Ok but today i wanted to make my ubuntu desktop into a Mac Os18:58
scampbellSlade92: BTW, nvidia-settings will show up as separate program in you Applications menu, it allows you to set other options.18:58
scampbellSlade92: to verify you can look in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and see what device driver you are loading,  it must be nvidia.18:59
dEagLEhi i'm unable to mount my external hard drive. ..what shud i do..18:59
scampbellSlade92:  grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf will list all the drivers in the file, mouse, keyboard, video, the name should clue you.19:00
dEagLEhi i'm unable to mount my external hard drive. ..what shud i do..19:00
Slade92scampbell, i is nvidia... and sais that the driver i have is in use...19:00
mpalatniki have a script in if-pre-up.d that works fine if run manually19:00
scampbellSlade92: interesting, does  nvidia-settings run for  you?19:00
mpalatnikbut ubuntu wont run it when i bring the interface up19:00
dEagLEhi i'm unable to mount my external hard drive. ..what shud i do..19:01
Slade92scampbell, it does but that is the problem..19:01
MltShiftdEagLE: dEagLE dEagLE dEagLE19:01
dEagLEii need some assistence19:01
MltShiftdEagLE: ask in #linux motherfucker19:02
scampbellmpalatnik: be sure to use full path names in your script, your PATH is probably different during initialization then it is from the cli19:02
scampbellSlade92: I don't follow, nvidia-settings works but that is the problem?19:02
mpalatnikscampbell: dont follow19:03
mpalatnikscampbell: the system runs all files in that directory, why does the path matter19:03
MltShifti have never seen so much join/part spam as in this chan19:03
mpalatnikturn it off in your client MltShift19:04
scampbellmpalatnik: for example, if you use 'ls' you need to state /bin/ls'19:04
bullgard4Finnish: sudo lshw -class disk19:04
DawnLighthey. does anyone know about a bug where my kded doesn't start automatically?19:05
scampbellmpalatnik: that's a bad example because /bin is always in the path but that's the idea, be sure to call out the exact pathname to commands you run in init scripts19:05
zumeHi everyone. I'm using xChatGnome and I'm not seeing a list of usernames on the left. IS that normal?19:05
Odd-rationalezume: yes.19:05
Odd-rationalezume: just click the thing at the bottom of the left pane19:05
dulakzume: on the bottom of the channel list on the right there is a user button, shows the number of users, if you hover over it, it will show the users19:05
mpalatnikits not an init script scampbell19:05
mpalatnikits the if-pre-up.d directory19:05
DaremonaiI want to be able to remote control my downloads on my ubuntu server, how can I do that? - through the web?19:05
dulakzume: on the left even19:06
scampbellmpalatnik: my guess is it runs that script but the script fails, I suggest this is usually because of pathnames, if I'm wrong cool, just stating that's the number one reason for scripts to fail under cron, init, etc when they run fine from a shell19:06
zumeThank you 0dd and dulak! <319:06
MltShiftDaremonai: ssh & wget19:06
mpalatnikthat doesnt apply here, scampbell but thanks19:06
ymeHi, I'd need some help with an Apache problem19:06
jim_phi guys19:06
tykhow can i install ubuntu and keep my windows vista?19:06
DaremonaiMltShift, I want a web interface, because I can't ssh from my uni to my server.19:07
luboszwhat is like tail, but for a whole file?19:07
tillux2Daremonai: like webmin?19:07
DawnLighttyk: read the docs about this19:07
zumeIf I may, is xChatGnome the recommended IRC Client? It looks a wee un-themed. Anything prettier? I also had to do a LOT of reading to get on here. The whole /join and such. Must it be that hard?19:07
scampbellmpalatnik: another trick that might be helpfull.  Put   exec > /tmp/rpt 2>&1  near the begining of your script, when it runs the output and errors will be directed to /tmp/rpt so you can see what happened.  hopefully helpful.19:07
tillux2lubosz: less19:07
tykcan u link me?19:07
ymeSuddendly my apache wasn't responding anymore. I ran a ps -ef|grep apache and I found maaany apache2 processes running. Why could that be?19:07
tyki just found the one to keep only linux19:07
MltShiftzume: try irssi :P19:08
scampbellyme: it's normal for many apache2 servers to run19:08
jim_pi installed fluxbox, i decided i dont like it and i removed it. however an entry in gdm still says fluxbox! how do i remove it from there?19:08
lubosztillux2: thx19:08
dEagLEno i'm using ubuntu u chut <MltShift>19:08
tillux2zume: well, try pidgin ;)19:08
Daremonaitillux2: perhaps, but i remember webmin being very 'vulnerable' and it gives much more than what i want19:08
scampbellyme: check your /var/log/apache2 directory for  logfiles that will give you clues.19:08
mpalatnikscampbell: thanks will try19:08
NET||abuseHey guys, has anyone used a good remote assistance setup for linux before?19:10
kobzeci_hi i installed ubuntu 8.04 on my hp compaq presario cq50,but i cant establish wired the internet connection, i tried open dns,and disabling ipv6 but still no connection i cannot even ping my modem, i had the sama problem in mandriva but editing modprobe.conf -> /bin/true ipv6 solved please help19:10
ymescampbell, thanks19:10
NET||abuseI setup my 11 year old little brother with Ibex, compiz has messed up on him, he was fiddling with compizconfig so he set something, but i wanted to setup a remote assistance thingy19:11
tykis it hard to keep windows?19:11
NET||abusei am looking at gitso, on google code, but it's not working for me at present.19:11
zumeOh wow the GooglePhone has a big banner on the Google.Com main page! Any one know how to put Ubuntu on the GooglePhone?19:11
PuppyI have a video of my issue up - This is what happens - v19:12
tillux2NET||abuse: well, just use one of the vnc apps? there are a lot of them in the repos19:12
=== Puppy is now known as [Puppy]
zumeI've never heard of a video of an issue. That just shows how YouTube has transformed the Internet into something amazing :D19:12
[Puppy]zume - easyer than tryign to explain it no ?19:13
Mr_Fixitanyone running virtual name hosts on their box?19:13
scientus_how do i start a process so it doesnt exit when i exit?19:14
scientus_the ssh session19:14
Mr_Fixitprocess &19:14
NaisenuHi ... installing 64 bit version on a 160GB SATA2 drive ... trying to leave an approx 80GB FAT32 portion at the front to install Windows on and just install Ubuntu for now ... Already tried to install it ... finished the install ... rebooted the computer (no CD in drive) & it just sits there apparently unable to find the new OS it just installed ...What am I doing wrong? (the remaining 80GB was split 77GB for / and 3GB swap)19:15
newlifeIs there a place to change my mouse cursor - other than the default under preferences ? ?19:15
plikscientus_:  sounds like a job for screen19:15
regeyascientus: you want to leave a ssh session connected after you log out?  how about screen19:15
chickenfuego2oooh thx Puppy, I discovered busybox thank to you!19:15
regeyaplik beat me to it :->19:15
scientus_i dislike screen19:15
scientus_cause it break scrolling and causes flickering19:15
[Puppy]chickenfuego2 - that video helped you in some way ?19:16
=== [Puppy] is now known as Puppy
scientus_there should be a native screen capability built into tty or ssh19:16
chickenfuego2scientus_, you might use & at the end.19:16
plikscientus_:  set it up properly it works fine :)19:16
scientus_thats optional of course19:16
Ridehhaving issues installing openldap with ssl support19:16
Ridehhas anyone done it recently? i'm not doing anything unusual but it is still not working at all19:16
regeyascientus_: flickering???  plus, I use screen on linux and os x machines, no flickering, scrolling works fine.  I'm using screen right now.19:17
newlifeI would like to change my mouse cursor to a different color - Is there away to do this ? ? ?19:17
Ridehnewlife google19:17
scientus_hit backspace when you are at the start of a command19:17
scientus_the whole screen flashes19:17
scientus_that sucks19:17
plikscientus_:  thats the error bell set to visual... your screenrc can fix that19:18
plikalong with adding status line etc19:18
regeyawhat vintage serial terminal are you using, scientis? :->  ohhhhh, I see...heh, when you said 'flashing' my brain went to 'flickering'19:18
Sa[i]nTnewlife: Settings->Cursor Selection? That's where mine is.19:18
scientus_what do i put in there19:18
Puppyno one any idea about http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZOVGfH6Dbk19:18
kes_hi... anyone feel like taking pity on a newbie trying to install?19:19
scientus_i actually said flickering19:19
scientus_but it is flashing19:19
regeyaoh heh19:19
* regeya scrolls up19:19
Puppykes_ - i can join you in the newbi corner, i cant get it runnign either19:19
scientus_what do i set to turn that off19:19
NaisenuKes: I'm trying to do the install part too ... but i'm not new anymore19:19
kobzeci_what is the best way to kill ipv619:19
_luser^A ^G19:19
scientus_i kinda like the system beep that i get normally19:19
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:19
legend2440Puppy: was that the LiveCD that was trying to boot?19:19
kes_getting "failing step is: Select and install software" problems on 8.1 on a Thinkpad x2119:20
scientus_although i hate beeps and such---the internet explorer 'click' sound :), the beep has programmed my mind i guess19:20
Puppylegend2440 - yeah, i have the alt cd also19:20
regeyasure enough...sorry.  I need to work on my screenrc too.  on a debian machine here, if I run screen, the backspace key is set to be delete (I've been too lazy)19:20
kes_oops i meant 8.0419:20
zume?!?!?! irssi is NOT simple and easy, lol!19:20
plikscientus_: vbell off19:20
scientus_wonder if i can turn it off though19:20
zumeirssi is a lie! :P19:20
JoseBravojrib, are you there?19:20
legend2440Puppy: alt cd does sme thing?19:20
plikscientus_:  it's all in the man page19:20
Puppylegend2440 - alt cd just laeves a repeating tab19:20
Puppybo busy box19:21
Ridehanyone able to help with an openldap installation/19:21
NaisenuTake 2 for help ... installing 64 bit version on a 160GB SATA2 drive ... trying to leave an approx 80GB FAT32 portion at the front to install Windows on and just install Ubuntu for now ... Already tried to install it ... finished the install ... rebooted the computer (no CD in drive) & it just sits there apparently unable to find the new OS it just installed ...What am I doing wrong? (the remaining 80GB was split 77GB for / and 3GB swap)19:21
scientus_how do i turn of the general bash sys bell?19:21
Sa[i]nTscientus_: That should be in your terminal settings. Such as one of the options in the profile.19:22
outbackwifinaisenu: where did you install grub?19:22
Freddchenkönnen hier welche deutsch?19:22
scientus_i dont see the noise bell in the screen manpage19:22
chickenfuego2Freddchen, ja.19:22
scobbyFreddchen: versuchs mal in #ubuntu-de19:22
plikscientus_:  vbell [on|off]19:23
plik       Sets  the  visual  bell setting for this window.19:23
scientus_but turning it off set the noise bell on19:23
outbackwifinaisenu: was it on mbr or root partition?19:23
Puppylegend2440 - any ideas ?19:23
legend2440Puppy: see post #14   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=719725&page=219:23
Naisenuoutbackwifi: whereever the installer generally wants to put it19:23
JoseBravoIm having problems trying to do ssh connection while Im under gnome. I killed the seahorse-agent but It didnt help me, I also changed the env var SSH_AUTH_SOCK, any idea? When I entered the password requested by openssh-client if the password match my terminal get freeze19:23
prodigelhi all. I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and I only get one sound channel. I've used alsa before, but now when running mplayer I see [pulse] on audio. Is this a misconfiguration? or ?19:23
zumeIs Pidgin really that easy an IRC Client? I hope to find an IRC Client that has the basic Ubuntu & Linux rooms built-in so I don't have to hunt them down. I only use IRC a few months a year and would like something more appealing.19:24
outbackwifinaisenu: if  on root then use fdisk to mark your root partition as active19:24
Puppylegend2440 - al_generic_ide it is, ill brb19:24
Sa[i]nTzume: Konversation19:24
zumeDoes Konversation work out of the box in Ubuntu under Gnome?19:24
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Sa[i]nTzume: Yeah it should.19:25
LordMetroidWhy don't the archive manager handle .rar files?19:25
LordMetroidIs there a license issue?19:25
yotamyaelhi guys19:25
FD_Fbash: /usr/bin/virtualbox: No such file or directory19:25
FD_F, where he could be ? (i follow virtualbox site instructions ), thanks19:25
kitcheLordMetroid: it does you just need to install unrar-free or unrar19:25
zumeSa[i] if Konversation works well for me, you're my new best friend lol19:25
yotamyaelI have a machine running freshly installed kubuntu.19:25
newlifeSa[i]nT: Is that in KDE desktop - I'm running Gnome - Hardy Heron ?19:26
dEagLEhow do i remotely connect a machine in ubuntu19:26
LordMetroidkitche, Why isn't it installed by default?19:26
Sa[i]nTzume: If you don't like it, you can try KVIrc, which is my favorite.19:26
yotamyaelMy sound card doesn't functino well, it get stuck on tone played19:26
dEagLEhow do i remotely connect a machine in ubuntu19:26
yotamyaelhow can I fix it?19:26
Sa[i]nTnewlife: Well it is made for KDE, but will run in gnome.19:26
JakeMonwhen browing the package list with aptitude what does it mean when a package is highlighted green?19:26
dEagLEhow do i remotely connect a machine in ubuntu19:26
kitcheLordMetroid: umm considering it's a license issue19:27
zumeSa[i], awesome I've been seeking out these kinds of programs! I'll give it a shot. <319:27
LordMetroidt-9 days till ubuntu 8.10 Wohoo19:27
LordMetroidI see19:27
dEagLEkilller ..19:27
dEagLE<LordMetroid> n how do we get ubuntu 8.1019:28
zumeI've been running 8.10 for months now and it's pretty sweet, but I'm still wondering... Why wont it detect my freakin' wifi lol. Not a big problem for me, but still. Maybe a fesh install once it's officially released will work better.19:28
LordMetroidOkay, yes, when I refer to 8.10 I mean final build19:29
edlvhow do i edit clip info in real player?19:29
LordMetroidzume, you reported it?19:29
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Puppylegend2440 - i added the " all_generic_ide" parameter and it still does the same thing19:29
yotamyaelanyone at all?19:30
=== Guest8300 is now known as Ashwin
zumeLordMetroid, would I use LaunchPad for that? No I haven't reported it. I joined the Ubuntu Forums, though. Just not really used that site yet.19:30
LordMetroidI have no idea how to report bugs...19:30
legend2440Puppy: post #61 maybe  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765195&page=719:31
zumeReporting bugs is something that the future will handle nicely. Until then, I think we must hold tight to the Ubuntu Forums and ask them what to do. :P19:31
legend2440Puppy: what make and model laptop?19:32
Puppylegend2440 its not a laptop19:32
Puppylegend2440 - custom made - http://pastebin.com/m13b6173219:32
Puppylegend2440 - brb trying new para19:32
legend2440Puppy: oh that problem usually afflicts laptops19:32
Puppylegend2440 - its a good spec desktop lol19:32
Puppybrb on para19:32
alarmhello, i need some help to figure out something :) i installed compiz fusion and its configuration application, but also emerald. are all those settings on compiz fusion and emerald something different or is emerald an allready set up environment ? dont get the meaning of the existance of emerald actually19:33
=== marcos_ is now known as psys
prodigelHi all. mplayer freezes when I'm playing youtube in firefox. It's probably related to pulse, but I don't know how to fix this. any suggestions appreciated19:35
natalisushkaHi, what do I need to have installed to make have mic (recording) work in ubuntu? My sound works, except when I run a sound from the internet (flash or something), then it stops working in my computer. What can i do to solve both problems? I made sure recording settings are enabled in sound properties, what can i do?19:36
trigpin!alsa | prodigel19:36
ubottuprodigel: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:36
yago__9978 holaaaaaaa19:37
scampbellalarm: you don't really need emerald for compiz.  emerald used to be the window manager for beryl, now compiz has it's own but can work with emerald too if you like.19:37
scientus_starting synaptic and it immediately crashes19:37
alarmso settings that are in emerald are also in compiz or how is it ? or i can find some extra features that are not listed sometimes on each of them19:38
trigpinhow can i get the globe plugin for compiz ?19:38
scientus_apt-get is totally broken19:38
Deathzorzhey guys19:38
scientus_wait maybe just the gui19:39
tagIs there any chance that swing apps will start rendering correctly in compiz in an upcoming release?19:39
scientus_how do i reinstall synaptic19:39
DeathzorzJust came back from being booted into Windows, and now Nautilus seems to have the following issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77713619:39
Deathzorzand unfortunately there is no solution posted anywhere19:39
Deathzorzif anyone has any ideas or a way to help me, I'd really appreciate it. :)19:40
PA-CarryHello all.. looking for some Swat assist. Anyone that might be able to help me?19:40
scientus_how do i reinstall synaptic when ubuntu-desktop is dependant on it19:40
tagremove synaptic, and then install ubuntu-desktop again19:41
tagubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, removing it doesn't actually remove anything19:41
Deathzorz@scientus_: ubuntu-desktop isn't a necessary thing to install, its only necessary when you want to upgrade your version of ubuntu.19:41
pderis it possible to use software applications in ubuntu?19:41
sahedciao a tutti19:41
sahedavrei bisogno di aiutino19:42
sahedho appena installato amule19:42
Doonznixgot a question for you guys as always19:42
scientus_dose ubuntu purge old kernels now?19:42
zumeSci: Ubuntu 8.10 so far does have a System Cleaner program, so i think yes19:43
DeathzorzI just booted into Ubuntu after being in Windows (was in Ubuntu before that), and now when I try to go to Places > Computer, I get the following message: Couldn't display "computer:". Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.19:43
pdercan ubuntu be installed on a computer?  secondly, is it possible to use ubuntu to perform computing tasks?19:43
zumePder: Are you serious? Yes on both! I love Ubuntu! I use it for everything.19:43
scientus_is there any meta package for desktop install terminal stuff like man page autocompleteion19:43
DeathzorzI don't think he's serious zume. ;)19:44
NaisenuHow do i mark a section of my hard drive as the bootable section when i'm installing (no access to fdisk) and manually partitioning my drives??19:44
scientus_my server started from jeos and is lacking in some departmnts19:44
Doonznixim lookin at upgrading my ubuntu box. Im looking at installing my os on a software based Raid 5. But my question is i currently have another raid 5 array built when i do the reinstall will i loose the other array ( Its on its own raid card only contains data and it as well is another software base raid setup)19:44
scientus_i think it initially started without man19:44
scientus_wtf pder19:45
natalisushkaHi, what do I need to have installed to make have mic (recording) work in ubuntu? My sound works, except when I run a sound from the internet (flash or something), then it stops working in my computer. What can i do to solve both problems? I made sure recording settings are enabled in sound properties, what can i do?19:45
* scientus_ has same opinion of this channel and ubuntu users as pder19:45
=== scientus_ is now known as scientus
zumeAnyone know if I can run GoogleAndroid (it's an OS for mobile devices) as an application on my Ubuntu desktop PC? I want to tinker and develop, and also to port Android software on to Ubuntu!19:46
=== kane77 is now known as znechuteny
scientuszume, http://code.google.com/android/download.html19:47
formodeHello, I'm having an issue with Wine,  all wine apps I'm using are appearing on all viewports of Compiz. Anyone know why?19:47
DeathzorzI believe there are many more people here asking questions than there are providing answers... heh19:48
scientusDeathzorz, welcome to #ubuntu !19:48
MrMistI've got problems with a 3ware hardware raid. Everything seems ok, it's just that no partition appear, and I know it's already partitioned.19:49
NaisenuDeathzorz: you're probably right19:49
sabwabdoes anybody do dvdauthoring in linux here?19:49
zumeSci: Very cool. I hope it installs without much messy technical crap. I want people to be able to install it and immediately have fun with it, to get them into quality programming.19:49
scientusi tend to supply answers when i need them19:49
scientusbut if your answer is easy it will get answerred19:49
scientusif its hard well , good luck19:49
formodeI'm having an issue with Wine, when running any app it appears in all compiz "Viewports" anyone know why?19:49
fastkeys38MrMist: which 3ware card is it?19:50
zumeFreaking compiz... :P19:50
Puppylegend2440 - still no luck19:50
legend2440formode: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=67257419:50
NaisenuHow do i mark a section of my hard drive as the bootable section when i'm installing (no access to fdisk) and manually partitioning my drives?? anyone?19:50
max|-re j ai une question on peut choisir manuelement la sortie de periph /dev/dsp ?19:50
max|-pour le sons ?19:50
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:50
scientuswhats the update manager package name19:50
scientusi need to reinstall it19:50
MrMistfastkeys38: 9650SE19:51
thiebaudesalut max19:51
scientuswait i did reinstall it and it doesnt work19:51
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:51
scientuswith --purge19:51
fastkeys38MrMist: I have one of those working on a VM server we run19:51
gambiI forgot: Where do I put commands that I want the run on startup? (compiz --replace)19:51
scientussynaptic and update manger crash when i launch them19:51
fastkeys38MrMist: I didn't have to do anything clever to make it work IIRC19:51
formodelegend2440, I don't understand, o.o It's about filesystems.19:51
formodeI'm having an issue with Wine, when running any app it appears in all compiz "Viewports" anyone know why?19:52
scientusi purged and reinstaled them too19:52
lucaxhow do i configure sound 5.1??19:52
nivinHi all, How to remove a driver? I installed nvidia driver (glx new) Please help19:52
fastkeys38MrMist: What did you use to partition it?19:52
lucaxnivin, sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx19:52
scientuszume no H.263 support in android19:53
admin_masu3701hello anybady19:53
natalisushkaPeople any one can help me have my microphone working? Everything looks installed and configured! And although i just bought this microphone, it's not working!19:53
CSWookieI'm having trouble making flash work in Firefox 3 on Hardy.  It will play flashvideos (grudgingly) but flash apps don't work.19:54
CSWookieCan some one help me figure this out?19:54
fastkeys38natalishushka: what kind of mic is it? USB? attached to your sound card?19:54
NaisenuCSWookie: Last I knew Flash and FF/Ubuntu don't like each other (at least for my system)19:54
formodeI'm having an issue with Wine, when running any app it appears in all compiz "Viewports" anyone know why?19:55
MrMistfastkeys38: Don't know19:55
CSWookieNaisenu: Really?  I thought I was the only person with this problem.19:55
RolfCoptrformode: window set stickyy?19:55
fastkeys38MrMist: I presume you have data you want/need on the arrays on the drives?19:55
DeathzorzMake sure you guys have the latest Flash 10 player for Linux19:55
DeathzorzIt just came out a few days ago19:55
Puppyok, $20 to the person who gets ubuntu installed lol19:55
CSWookieNaisenu: Everyone I know just gives me surprised looks and says, "Really?  Works fine for me."19:55
NaisenuCSWookie: i gave up on flash/ff19:55
formoderoflcoptr Hm? It wasn't doing it about.. 5 minutes ago. But then I lauched an application and activated "Expo" and it bugged, I think. But now all appliactions are doing it.19:56
CSWookieNaisenu: That's really not a long-term option for me, I need the combo for work.19:56
=== rubydiam_ is now known as rubydimond
Naisenuthis is however doing wonders for my laundry folding by not getting computer work done19:56
lampliterI need to control the print subsystem on my wife's ubuntu machine.  I'm not at home and need to know what command brings up the printer gui?  she is running 8.0419:56
Naisenui have nearly folded my two baskets worth of clothes19:56
nivinlucax, thank you. but ubuntu is not detecting my graphics card19:56
MrMistfastkeys38: Found out it's using xfs file format19:57
natalisushkaHi, what do I need to have installed to make have mic (recording) work in ubuntu? My sound works, except when I run a sound from the internet (flash or something), then it stops working in my computer. What can i do to solve both problems? I made sure recording settings are enabled in sound properties, what can i do?19:57
fastkeys38CSWookie: Doesn't flash get installed with restricted-extras package? Assuming you can live with the freedom-hating ness of that19:57
fastkeys38MrMist: That's fine then - Ubuntu can mount an xfs filesystem19:57
pogohello everybody, can you heklp me?19:57
CSWookiefastkeys38: I installed flashplugin-nonfree.19:57
CSWookiefastkeys38: And no one hates freedom better than me, if it'll get the job done.19:57
danny_hello, does anybody here has an idea how to spin down a scsi harddisk like you can do it with an ide device and hdparm19:57
Pelmen!ask | pogo19:58
ubottupogo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:58
fastkeys38CSWookie: so what happens. Does FF hang, crash?19:58
formodeI'm having an issue with Wine, when running any app it appears in all compiz "Viewports" anyone know why?19:58
Naisenufastkeys38: for me when i did that it gave me plugin errors with FF & flash19:58
Scunizi!trash > scunizi19:58
ubottuScunizi, please see my private message19:58
CSWookiefastkeys38: It doesn't load the flash app.19:58
zer0oi get this error message on closing dolphin Unable to save bookmarks in /home/zeroo/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.19:58
zer0owhat's that?19:58
MrMistfastkeys38: But the partition doesn't show up when I'm using fdisk -l.. only /dev/sda ... and it seems empty19:58
=== rubydimond is now known as rubydiamond__
brian_I need to disable right click menu in Gnome19:58
djungelkraemAnyone want to help me with ATI drivers?19:59
brian_I have scowered the earth via google and can not find a definite answer19:59
=== kelder is now known as KELDER
fastkeys38MrMist: what's telling you it has an xfs fs on it?19:59
x0mega24xI'm having trouble moving files on my desktop,  when i drag and drop it copies the file rather than move it... Where do I change the setting so I don't have to hold the shift key?19:59
djungelkraemjim_p: there?19:59
NaisenuHow do i mark a section of my hard drive as the bootable section when i'm installing (no access to fdisk) and manually partitioning my drives?? anyone?20:00
soundrayHow can I find out the hardware address of a remote host on the LAN via the network?20:00
fastkeys38CSWookie: In ff, go to edit, preferences -> main tab. Then manage addons, then plugins. Is Flash listed?20:00
jim_pdjungelkraem: here!20:00
JakeMonhow can i query what packages are available to install?20:00
TJ-42what tool would you all recommend for resizing an ntfs partition?20:00
strAlanhow do I uninstall openoffice 2.4 so I can install openoffice 3?20:00
djungelkraemjim_p: thankyou for the help yesterday... though my drivers went all nuts :P i had to reinstall ubuntu20:00
x0mega24xTJ-42 gparted?20:00
qwergood bye20:00
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:00
fastkeys38TJ-42: gparted or partedmagic20:00
MrMistfastkeys38: A forum for the software we used to run on the machine20:01
CSWookiefastkeys38: Yes, Shockwave Flash 9.0r12420:01
TJ-42ok thank you x0mega24x, thiebaude, fastkeys38 :-)20:01
x0mega24xI'm having trouble moving files on my desktop,  when i drag and drop it copies the file rather than move it... Where do I change the setting so I don't have to hold the shift key?20:01
soundrayJakeMon: use System-Administration-Synaptic Package Manager20:01
fastkeys38Naisenu: Does the installer do this automatically now - even in manual mode. I don't recall setting it last time i did a manual partition20:01
JakeMonsoundray: i don't have a gui, just the command line20:02
fastkeys38MrMist: And you're certain that the array didn't become unusable and has been rebuilt blank by the raid controller?20:02
MrMistfastkeys38: yep20:02
fastkeys38CSWookie: I think you're best bet is to remove the non-free flash plugin and try Flash 1020:02
Naisenufastkeys38: it should otherwise it won't boot20:02
fastkeys38CSWookie: I'm running the intrepid beta with v10 and it's working ok here!20:03
CSWookieOK.  Can't do worse than continue not working.20:03
gambiwher do I put commands that I want to run on start up?20:03
soundrayJakeMon: then 'apt-cache search keyword'20:03
CSWookiefastkeys38: intrepid?20:03
ubuntuhelp plix20:03
fastkeys38Naisenu: Yeah - I know that. I did an 8.04.1 manual the other day and I don't remember having to set it.20:03
ubuntuhelp pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee20:03
soundraygambi: really on startup or on login?20:03
JakeMonsoundray: thanks. is there a way to have it list out everything available?20:03
x0mega24xI'm having trouble moving files on my desktop,  when i drag and drop it copies the file rather than move it. Holding down the shift key prevents it from copying but I was wondering how to get it back to the default setting so I don't have to do that...20:04
fastkeys38CSWookie: The next Ubuntu release 8.10.20:04
TomTheBomb__i just have a really quick question - my eth0 interface renamed itself to eth2, and i want to rename it back to eth0, am i going to have to set a udev rule or is there an easier way20:04
ubuntured hot chili peppers é mto phodah........................20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp20:04
Pici!br | ubottu20:04
ubottuubottu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:04
gambisoundray, whats the difference?20:04
Pici!br | ubuntu20:04
ubottuubuntu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:04
CSWookiefastkeys38: Ah.  Well, hopefully it will work in this release as well.20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring20:04
soundrayJakeMon: it would be an incredibly long list. Try aptitude20:04
kitcheTomTheBomb__: udev rule20:04
zumeAnyone know how to stab ORCA in the face because its voice shatters windows, and at the same time get a good text-to-speech program that might be able to speak my irc text to me?20:05
fastkeys38MrMist: That's very strange then. All I can think is that something odd has happened to the drives in the array.20:05
JakeMonsoundray: i tried aptitude but it seems a little too complicated to understand the gui20:05
soundraygambi: you can have a program run on startup (meaning before you log in), or each time you log in.20:05
fastkeys38MrMist: Do you have some spare drives you could try builing an array on and then partitioning/formatting to prove the controller/OS are OK together?20:05
TomTheBomb__whatever happened to ifrename from dapper?20:05
soundrayJakeMon: spend a little time with it, it's worth it20:05
MrMistfastkeys38: I'm quite sure nothing has happened to them. they were fine 2 hours ago20:05
Doonznixim lookin at upgrading my ubuntu box. Im looking at installing my os on a software based Raid 5. But my question is i currently have another raid 5 array built when i do the reinstall will i loose the other array ( Its on its own raid card only contains data and it as well is another software base raid setup)20:06
zumeDie Orca die.20:06
fastkeys38MrMist: So what changed?20:06
gambisoundray, guess it dosnt matter :P how do I do it?20:06
x0mega24xI'm having trouble moving files on my desktop,  when i drag and drop it copies the file rather than move it. Holding down the shift key prevents it from copying but I was wondering how to get it back to the default setting so I don't have to do that...20:06
MrMistfastkeys38: I installed a new OS on a SSD20:06
soundray!startup > gambi20:06
ubottugambi, please see my private message20:06
fastkeys38MrMist: Firmware upgrade? Disk order? OS upgrade?20:06
fastkeys38MrMist: OK - what was the previous OS?20:06
MrMistfastkeys38: New OS..20:06
soundray!boot > gambi20:06
ubuntualguem ai sabe como eu uso o ubuntu?20:07
MrMistfastkeys38: http://www.open-e.com/20:07
MrMistfastkeys38: based on debian20:07
soundrayIs there a tool in Ubuntu to find out the hardware address of another host on the LAN?20:07
mongolaiI seem to recall that there was an apt management tool a few years ago that was frowned upon, and it may have been aptitude. If that is the case, is aptitude considered OK nowadays?20:07
JakeMonsoundray: last time i just tried to install subversion from aptitude it installed over 6gb worth of stuff haha20:07
kakooniahey.. im looking for a good program for dj'ing a little party, something that can fade away songs and stuff and bring in some other.. and some nice visualisation that maybe come with it for an external screen.. any ideas?20:07
Pici!br | ubuntu20:07
ubottuubuntu: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:07
thiebaudemongolai:i used aptitude and didn't like it20:08
regeyakakoonia:  don't know about the viz but amarok will do it, party playlist and all.20:08
x0mega24xwhy don't you like aptitude?20:08
mongolaithiebaude:  did it mess up your system, or did you just not like the interface?20:08
fastkeys38MrMist: It's not one I'm familiar with. Perhaps the partition table has been blanked accidently when you installed the new OS?20:08
Piciubuntu: escribe /j #ubuntu-br20:08
fastkeys38MrMist: Something like gparted might be able to guess the partition table for you and restore it20:08
thiebaudemongolai:i could not add any packages20:09
JakeMonsoundray: x0mega24x: i used my arrow keys to get on top of the svn package and when i clicked "g" i think it was to download and install then it started installing that and a whole bunch of crazy so called dependencies... apt-get didn't put even 2% of the things aptitude did... maybe i used it wrong? idk20:09
TJ-42I just added a new drive solely to store pictures from my camera and was thinking of just mounting it as /home/myusername/Pictures20:09
TJ-42How do I make this happen automatically?20:09
soundrayJakeMon: aptitude installs suggested dependencies as well as required ones. You can change that behaviour20:09
zumeI heard there is a TTS (Text To Speech) program for KDE. Anyone tested this on regular ol' Ubuntu?20:09
brian_I need to disable the right click menu in gnome.20:09
dankanhi all20:09
brian_Is this possible20:09
dankanI'have a problem. When I press customize in the toolbar is all mess up! is there a way to restore firefox without reinstall all plugins?20:10
thiebaudeim getting to the love the CLI more than the GUI20:10
kakooniaregeya : is there a good gnome app for it? beside amarok, that is currently my default solution.20:10
CSWookiefastkeys38: Nope.  It still hates me.20:10
kansanhow do i format /dev/sdc1 to fat16?  from the command line?  gparted is taking forever to scan for devices and it looks broken :(20:10
thiebaudei use amiwm and i enter commands to start a program20:10
soundrayJakeMon: man aptitude is useful20:10
=== elorin_ is now known as elorin{sleep}
x0mega24xI'm having trouble moving files on my desktop,  when i drag and drop it copies the file rather than move it. Holding down the shift key prevents it from copying but I was wondering how to get it back to the default setting so I don't have to do that...20:11
fastkeys38CSWookie: Sorry then dude. I've no other suggestions. #fail :(20:11
CSWookieWhat's the command-line way to say, "What things have I installed with a name of *flash*?"?20:11
soundrayCSWookie: 'dpkg -l \*flash\*'20:11
x0mega24xmaybe apropos?20:11
soundrayCSWookie: that wouldn't, however, find gnash for example20:12
dankanno one?20:12
zume*Silently shakes fist at Orca and anyone who likes it*20:12
thiebaudehaha zzume20:12
CSWookiesoundray: I've previously tried and removed gnash.20:12
x0mega24xso anyone know how to change the default drag and drop behaviors on the desktop?  mine started copying files rather than moving them20:12
mongolaizume:  what is it you don't like. is it the voices?20:12
thiebaudei tried gnash before and it was a no-go20:12
Daremonaihttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html <-- followed this to compiling kernel, and on boot am getting this: failed to execute /init kernel panic - not syncing: no init found. Try passing init= option to kernel20:13
fastkeys38xOmega24x: It's not something dumb like your shift/ctrl/alt key being stuck?20:13
zumeMongolai: Orca is the stuff of nightmares! Its screeching impossible-to-understand voice, it's slow startup, its "Please log out and back in to use" complications. It's just aweful. I have to go through some crazy terminal thing to turn it on, then it takes an hour to turn it back off because it ignores some clicks. Its slow. It kills me inside.20:14
diskindankan, do you have 'restore defaults' in customize? like that: https://url.odesk.com/a1x8p20:14
zumeOther than Orca, I'm peachy keen :P20:14
x0mega24xfastkeys38: no,  all my keys are working fine, I've tried multiple reboots, digging through ~/.nautilus looking for something that might be useful,  google, im stumped20:14
mongolaizume:  are you familiar with TTS apps in general?20:15
zumeMongolai, thank you for asking. I absolutly love TTS and in Windows used to use many of them. My favorite was ReadPlease2003. I hope I might be able to emulate this program.20:15
x0mega24xwhat process handles drag and drop events?20:16
fastkeys38xOmega24x: If you make a new user account and logon as that, does it revert to normal?20:16
x0mega24xi'll try that and get back to you20:16
diskinx0mega24x, maybe it copies when destination is on another filesystem?20:17
mongolaizume:  TTS is one of those things where the proprietary folks seem to have the upper hand. I have experimented with TTS and TTS programming, but on windows 2000 (although recently). Lemme see if I can find some of the tools that I used...20:17
MrMistfastkeys38: hmm... seems like LVM has been used to make the partitions in it. Do you know anything about that ?20:17
fastkeys38MrMist: Yeah - a bit. It should still have a partition table though when you fdisk -l on it.20:17
zumeMongolai: Thank you so much! I'm fairly comfortable with Ubuntu/Gnome, but I'm not technically oriented at all. So be easy on me. :)20:18
pisseMy sound in Firefox doesn't work, eg youtube. I've tried a few tricks but no success.. anyone who can help? Is there a good how-to I've missed?20:18
mongolaizume:  I'll try :) the programs might suggest a significant learning curve, though...20:18
fastkeys38MrMist: Ubuntu should just pickup LVM and put it in /dev/something/somethingelse where the first is the volume group name and the second is the volume name20:19
x0mega24xYes everything works fine in the other account20:19
zumeMongolai: Anything is possible. I too shall seek out ways to make TTS work. I love TTS, as with audiobooks, I can play in fast forward and really hear many hours of audio in a short amount of time. It's like speed-hearing, lol.20:19
Administrateurhello. i need help to configure my wifi, someone's expert?20:19
fastkeys38xOmega24x: You're right it being gnome settings then. No idea which one though?!20:19
mongolaizume:  how familliar are you with TTS technology? That is -- do you have a basis of understanding of how TTS works?20:19
max|-who have install wifi with RT73 or 28 ?20:20
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Are you particularly attached to your gnome prefs? You could blow away your .gconf .gconf2 directories20:20
zumeMongolai: No, unfortinuatly, I'm not familiar with the underlying tech. I know there are 3 compartments: the voice, the engine, and the front-end graphics.20:20
fastkeys38xOmega24x: or at least move them temporarily20:20
x0mega24xwould they rebuild?20:20
AdministrateurHow can i change my name in this channel?20:21
fastkeys38xOmega24x: If they don't autobuild, there must be a defaults set in /etc/skel as that's the only place they'll get copied from20:21
JakeMonrpm -qa doesn't seem to work with... how do i query what packages are already installed?20:21
RolfCoptrAdministrateur: "/nick NewName"20:21
=== Administrateur is now known as XFM
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Worst case is you move them, and they don't rebuild, so you log in as failsafe session and put them back20:21
zumeMongolai: If I remember right, M$ used to call the engine "SAPI".20:21
XFMRolfCoptr: tks20:21
XFMIs there an appropriate channel for wifi configuration?20:22
mongolaizume:  that's basically correct. The voice is terribly important. This is the part where the proprietary software companies really have the upper hand. Things like AT&T's "Natural Voices", and even Microsoft's Voices (Like MS Sam!) are where the TTS chain really breaks down in other systems. And yes, MS calls TTS SAPI20:22
x0mega24xstill have the same problem.  i'm gonna try rebooting with them gone and cross my fingers20:23
RolfCoptrXFM: i dunno, depends20:23
RolfCoptrdepends what your problem ist20:23
DrXhow do you view your RAID driver version?20:23
fastkeys38xOmega24x: ok20:23
x0mega24xcould I replace them with the ones from my other account?20:23
sdh"# commented out by update-manager, HAL is now used20:23
zumeMongolai: My brother has registered three AT&T Natural Voices. Expensive buggers. So I do have those, but no way to use them, haha.20:23
MrMistfastkeys38: Hmm... then i don't know20:23
fastkeys38xOmega24x: I've never tried it. In theory I supose so - but you'll need to fix the permissions up20:24
mongolaizume:  there's also the phoneme parser. This is the part that actually breaks down the written text into phonemes, or "sound particles" These phonemes are what the voice engine uses to decide what sounds to play. And this is why the voice modules are *so* omportant...20:24
mongolaizume:  they might help..20:24
fastkeys38MrMist: Try booting a gparted live cd - see what it thinks the partition table is. If it sees LVM partitions then it could be an ubuntu specific issue20:25
XFMRolfCoptr: I have an ubuntu that is unable to connect to my wifi networks. the network works (windows can access) i think that there are perhap's several drivers installed for same card. Do you know how to uninstall everithinhg and reinstall properly one driver, aircrack for exemple?20:25
zumeMongolai: That is really good information on TTS. I wasn't aware of the PhonemeParser.20:25
x0mega24xnope no good20:25
sfearsXFM what kind of wireless card do you have?20:25
RolfCoptrXFM: can you see the networks?20:25
XFMsfears: 2200BG Wireless20:25
sfearsis that a linksys?20:25
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Hmm. I'd have thought Nautillus etc settings would be under .gconf or .gconf2. Maybe not then20:26
Myyogahey guys, I have a couple of ISO files I would like to mount and then run to install stuff on Wine, How do I mount the iso image?20:26
XFMRolfCoptr: yes, I see them, then wicd says it is connected, but i can't even ping my adsl box20:26
RolfCoptrXFM: do you get an ip assignedß20:26
RolfCoptrdoes syslog give any hint?20:27
_lusermyyoga - mount loop device20:27
fastkeys38Myyoga: mount -o loop /path/to/iso.iso /path/to/mountpoint20:27
PuppyAll i really have to say is Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh20:27
Puppyive never spent so long on 1 problem in my life20:27
XFMsfears: I have months ago tried to install other drivers, I fear that I have install some shits and made conflicts20:27
Puppyi give up, im staying on XP20:27
mongolaizume:   the reason I tell you that is because there are plenty of decent phoneme parsers, even open source that will do a good job, but one needs good voice modules to use them well :) there is one that I've experimented with called "eSpeak" that is a good parser, and some of the supplied voices are, er, OK, but nowhere near as good as the "Natural Voices", or even the Microsoft voices...20:27
x0mega24xfastkeys38:  do you know much about the .nautilus folder?20:28
sfearsPuppy what's wrong?20:28
=== jono_ is now known as jono
Puppysfears - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZOVGfH6Dbk20:28
XFMRolfCoptr: If I use DHCP, I can't connect, but if I precise an IP in the good range, Wicd connects20:28
Myyoga<_luser> is there a graphical way of doing it?20:28
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Just looking now. I'd be inclined to do the same as before. Move it somewhere else, then logout/in and see if that changes thingsw20:28
x0mega24xjust seems to have a bunch of xml files with default positions20:29
zumeMongolai: eSpeak, eh? Is that some kind of script, program, or chunk of code? Is there a file extension? I think if I can track it down, I could get someone to help me impliment it.20:29
RolfCoptrxfm: put syslog info to pastebin20:29
x0mega24xwell lets give that a shot20:29
zumeMongolai: Here is an interesting page on KDE's TTS. Have you tried it? http://accessibility.kde.org/developer/kttsd/20:30
mongolaizume:  It's sort of a "middle man". It is a phoneme parser and a collection of voices, but that's about it. It's *NOT* a screen reader20:30
XFMRolfCoptr: I don't know syslog, is it a cmd?20:30
qahWhat is the package name for the theora libs?20:30
zumeMongolai: Middle men can come in quite handy if we find someone who is good at getting the code to dance.20:31
x0mega24xfastkeys38: *sigh* just like I thought, thats just icon positions20:31
fastkeys38xOmega24x: The other one to try would be .gnome2 if that didn't solve it20:31
qahWhat is the package name for the theora libs?20:31
XFMRolfCoptr: the file /usr/include/syslog.h ??20:31
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Looking through those are the only likely candidates20:31
RolfCoptrargh no20:31
sfearsi'm not able to see that puppy.. but do i see that your having a problem with directx?20:31
RolfCoptrXFM: /var/log/syslog /var/log/messages20:31
Puppysfears - nono, i cant even get it to install20:32
Puppysfears - just loads to busy box instead of loading the installation apps20:32
sfearsdirectx doesn't work with linux.. directx is a microsoft thing20:32
thiebaudepuppy:are you using the live cd?20:32
Puppysf49 - tryed live, ad alt cd's20:32
qahWhat is the package name for the theora libs?20:32
GodfatherofEireIs there any way to set up the sound so that my comp can play more sound from more than 1 application at once?20:32
Puppythiebaude - tryed live and alt20:32
sfearsand programs dependannt on the directx runtime libraries won't function correctally on linux20:32
sfearswithout proper hacking of course20:32
x0mega24x nope that didn't work either, looks like ill either have to make a new account or get used to the shift key20:33
thiebaudepuppy:did you install ubuntu after you installed windows?20:33
mongolaizume:  that's true :) Also, there is "Festival" which is another TTS engine. I haven't used this one, but it seems promising. At any rate, I'm sorry I can't just say "Use (such and such) because it's the best", because I haven't found that myself, but at least maybe you have a few more ideas ?!20:33
RolfCoptrXFM: the relevat lines only, ofcoz20:33
Puppythiebaude - yeah, but i have a seperate HD for Ubuntu ready to go20:33
qahWhat package name should I type into apt-get to install the theora lib files?20:33
sfearswhat are you trying to install puppy?20:33
Puppythiebaude - shoudl i try removing the windows drive ?20:33
thiebaudeoh ok,puppy20:33
Puppysfears - Ubuntu lol20:33
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Sorry. No other ideas. I'd suggest moving data etc in to a new account rather than living with it. Things like that get you down after a while :D20:33
XFMRolfCoptr: ok sorry its a bit long, but i'm not on the good pc so I need to move file20:34
fastkeys38xOmega24x: Sorry I couldn't fix it20:34
thiebaudei dont know,puppy20:34
sfearsohh.. IC, what method of install are you using?20:34
Puppysfears thiebaude - ive been pissing about with this for 3 days now lol, i dont know either20:34
thiebaudepuppy:how big are the hard drives?20:34
qahWhat package name should I type into apt-get to install the theora lib files?20:34
x0mega24x's alright,  i appreciate the help.  the funny thing is this is a replacement account for the last one which had all the emerald title bars die on me20:34
Puppythiebaude - 320 / 8020:34
x0mega24xcest la vie20:35
qahWhat package name should I type into apt-get to install the theora lib files?20:35
LjL!repeat | qah20:35
ubottuqah: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:35
thiebaudepuppy:can you afford the re-install xp?20:35
zumeMongolai: You've given me some really great ideas! I sucessfully installed KMouth from Ubuntu's Add/Remove. It seems easy and its running, but I cant get it to speak. I think I have some tinkering to do. :D20:35
diskinx0mega24x, could it be that another account uses compiz (or doesn't use)?20:35
Puppythiebaude - why woudl i reinstall when i can jst tkae the hd out ?20:35
qahubootu: okay20:35
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
LjLqah: i'm thinking that searching for "theora" in Synaptic, or typing "apt-cache search theora", would tell you very quickly.20:35
thiebaudepuppy:ok, good suggestion20:35
TJ-42what does the "relatime" option mean in fstab?  I can find few details on this.20:35
qahLjL: Oh okay.20:36
XFMRolfCoptr: too many lines, what do I choose the relevant lines?20:36
Puppythiebaude - shall i try that, just put the formatteddrive in ?20:36
x0mega24xno its the same basic settings,  I'm gonna  just do a new account20:36
qahLjL: Thx20:36
x0mega24xwell see yah guys20:36
LjLTJ-42: normally, every time you access a file, the file's "last access time" information is updated on the disk20:36
thiebaudeyes, puppy, lets try to get this thing working20:36
mongolaizume:  I almost forgot!! For win32 there is PyTTS -- this is what I was using. It is a set of Python modules for windows that uses MS's SAPI to create an easy interface for the TTS API. If you are so inclined, it would probably work in WINE.20:36
thiebaudelets try one hd20:36
Puppythiebaude - its on this machine, so ill need to drop off to get it on lol20:36
LjLTJ-42: that causes more disk writes than necessary, so the "noatime" option can be used to stop that behavior. but "noatime" fools some backup programs and other things20:36
RolfCoptrXFM: decide for yourself, what appears to be network/dhcp/wifi relevant20:36
thiebaudekewl, puppy20:36
Puppythiebaude - ill go try it now :D *grabs his screw driver *20:36
qahLjL: What did you say I have to type again.20:37
thiebaudeand i grab my heienken20:37
zumeMongolai: Thats really good news, I shall give it the old college try. :D20:37
LjLTJ-42: so "relatime" is a compromise that avoids writing that information *most* of the time (although i don't remember exactly when it does and when it does not), but enough of the times that those programs need20:37
SchneeSchwarzTJ-42: "man mount", then type "/relatime"20:37
mongolaizume:  well, good luck. Perhaps KMouth will be just what you need :)20:37
LjLqah: i think i said "apt-cache search theora"20:37
TJ-42LjL: ah thank you20:37
qahOh okay. Thanks20:37
zumeMongolai: My UbuntuForums username is roycebarber.com so let me know there if you find any TTS method that we can spread to the world.20:37
TJ-42SchneeSchwarz: Ah I see, I was looking in the man page for fstab and it had no details on it20:38
qahThat worked thanks20:38
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mongolaizume:  gotcha! cool beans20:38
TJ-42so relatime should generally be used?  I noticed that's the default for the drives detected during installation.20:38
mistformi need to resize my ubuntu partition.20:39
LjLzume, mongolai: Festival is most definitely the widest used free speech synthesis engine (at least for English, although it supports a few other languages). you can see a list of programs, including graphical front-ends, that use it by typing "apt-cache rdepends festival"20:39
fastkeys38TJ-42: I'd have thought it would make little difference on a single home PC. On a server with millions of files and hundreds of concurrent accesses it makes a huge difference20:39
mistformit would be best to do it via liveCD, I understand.20:40
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mistformthe only ububntu CD I haev is an old Dapper/Edgy CD20:40
blue112Hello, how can I downgrade KRDC ?20:40
mongolaiLjL:  that's interesting. I knew it was well renown, but now I'm more intrigued!20:40
TJ-42fastkeys38: oh ok, thanks20:40
GleepGlopmistform: is should work. yeh, never try to resize a mounted filesystem20:41
LjLmongolai, zuma: specifically, "gnome-orca" and "lsr" are two graphical applications that act as "screen readers", basically saying aloud anything on the screen20:41
mistformGleepGlop, have you ever done a liveCD from a USB stick?20:41
GleepGlopmistform: yes20:41
mistformis there anything particular required? other than mounting the ISO on the drive20:41
GleepGlopmistform: you mean booting a livecd image that is on a USB stick?20:41
mistformand selecting to boot from USB20:42
zumeLjL: Very cool. I will have to research Festival. I typed the command you gave into Terminal, and it brought up some weird text, but I suspect I'll eventually figure it out. :D20:42
GleepGlopmistform: yeah, it gparted should see your hard disks20:42
_786soulWould anyone be able to help me with a small problem? I've got ubuntu 8.04 booting off a SD card, but after typing in username and pass all I get is a blank screen with mouse but nothing to click. Desktop doesn't load at all. What should I do?20:42
GleepGlopstrike *it20:42
Puppythiebaude - didnt work, but i found sometign out20:43
mistformGleepGlop, I just installed gparted onto my drive. does the Ubuntu liveCD have Gparted on it?20:43
Puppythiebaude - its tryign to read the floppy drive !!!!20:43
mistformi wasn't sure if it would be gparted or another20:43
DrXwhy would the dmesg file appear to contain garbage and then turn the command prompt into garbage characters after you tail or edit it?20:43
thiebaudehmm, puppy20:43
GleepGlopmistformed: yes, the ubuntu livecd has gparted20:43
Puppythiebaude - indeed :D20:43
mistformkk then20:43
mongolai_786soul:  did you create a username/password20:43
PiciDrX: How are you tailing or editing it?20:43
mistformGleepGlop, thanks for the reassurance :).20:43
Puppythiebaude - its somethign new to point me in a new direction20:43
thiebaudepuppy pm me20:43
mistformi'll be headed out now, Later #ubuntu20:43
GleepGlopmistformed: there is also a gparted livecd that has saved my ass many times20:43
DrXvi /bin/dmesg or tail /bin/dmesg20:44
LjLTJ-42, fastkeys38: even on a home computer, while the performance hit may in most case be almost negligible, it's not completely negligible. that's because, even in normal computer usage, several small files are often read in a row, and these files are often well scattered on the disk, so updating atime will involve a lot of drive head "seeks", which take time. they also move the head more than required, theoretically shortening the drive's lifespan20:44
DrXPici: or gedit /bin/dmesg20:44
_786soulmongolai: I'm pretty sure I did. I typed ctrl+alt+f2 to bring up CLI and login worked there to get me to the root20:44
PiciDrX: Thats the actualy binary there, you don't want to touch that.20:44
nomikegood evening20:44
GleepGlopmistformed: no prob, be careful and think twice before applying20:44
mongolai_786soul:  so you can log in in the CLI then? If so, are you there now?20:44
isilionhi!!! Someone expert in ATI or Radeon Users please reply this post ->>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578320:44
Pirate_Hunterwhat is gnome-art-ng i've read the info but couldnt find examples of it online, can someone explain, isit similar to theme switcher in gnome or something?20:45
LjLin other words, unless you just need to know files' access times for some reason, there's no reason to do the atime updating, and there are several theoretically sound (although *perhaps* practically negligible) reasons to avoid doing it20:45
PA-CarryCould some one help me with starting Samba?20:45
_786soulYes I'm at the CLI now. I want to get the desktop to come up though. ctrl + alt +f7 only bring up that blank non-loading screen with the mouse20:45
TJ-42LjL: good to know, thank you LjL.  You're always very helpful :-).20:45
DrXPici:  where's the text version?20:46
XFMRolfCoptr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61166/20:46
mongolai_786soul:  just a sec, lemme try to find the apropos log file...20:46
PiciDrX: use tail /var/log/kern.log   if you want to look at the file itself, or maybe /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog , depending on what you are looking for20:46
_786soulmongolai: Thank you20:46
DrXPici: I'm trying to find my hardware RAID driver version20:47
case^woo utorrent 1.8.1 works lovely under wine20:47
CSWookiefastkeys38: After getting rid of the swfplugin thing that came with the computer, flash 10 has made the world beautiful. Thanks for your help.20:47
mongolai_786soul:  are you using IRC from *that* particular computer right now?20:47
_786soulmongolai: No im on another laptop right now. The one with the problem is beside me20:48
XFMRolfCoptr:and my syslog seams to be always the same20:48
RolfCoptrmonitor it while trying to connect to a wlan20:48
mongolai_786soul:  ok good. That might help. So, do you know about pastebin?20:49
PiciDrX: /var/log/kern.log contains the same information as dmesg20:49
XFMRolfCoptr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61171/20:49
nomikeI'm here at my brother and try to install ubuntu 8.04 on his asus laptop. He has a "Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)" WLAN card, but iwconfig or any other network utility doesn't show it. There is a notice in the system tray that proprietary drivers are loaded and acive for the card ("Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)" and "Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards."20:49
mongolai_786soul:  like XFM ^^20:49
_786soulmongolai: Not too much but I know people post stuff up for others to read?20:49
fastkeys38CSWookie: Woot. Glad to be of help.20:49
nomikedid I do anything wrong?20:49
mongolai_786soul:  right...20:49
_786soulmongolai: Need me to put something up on it?20:50
XFMmongolai: yes, hard day20:50
mongolai_786soul:  I just realized it might be hard for you to do that....20:50
mongolai_786soul:  ...just a sec....20:50
RolfCoptrXFM: Oct 22 18:58:29 xfm-laptop dhclient: There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid with pid 13451907220:50
_786soulHaha yeah not the that comp.20:50
fastkeys38Got to go. Cheers all.20:50
kthakorehi ppl I am trying to capture sound that gets send to /dev/snd to a file with some encoding how do I do that20:51
XFMRolfCoptr: seen that, what's the meaning?20:51
RolfCoptri'm unsure if it's serious20:51
kushalsejwalmy webcam is working with Cheese. So this confirms that my webcam is getting detected and I can use it with other programs like skype too?20:51
XFMRolfCoptr: when I execute dhclient it says that20:51
RolfCoptrbut while trying to acquire a dhcp lease there's already a dhclient detected running... anyways, dhcp seems to work in _some_ way, coz the client releases an ip20:52
djungelkraemwhy is packages.ubuntu.com down?20:52
RolfCoptrXFM: what do you use for network connecting? nm-applet?20:52
TJ-42ok I just created a new ext3 partition and assigned it a label with e2label.  It shows up fine (including the label) in 'blkid', but it's missing from /dev/disk/by-label  why would this be?20:52
agnitioI need some help installing ubuntu from a usb drive, is there a simple way to go about it?20:52
XFMRolfCoptr: no, Wicd20:52
RolfCoptrXFM: and why do you start a dhclient manually?20:52
PA-Carryhow do I start samba?20:53
DavidCanarias1I used dvd95 converter for the first time yesterday and its great except the DVD I burned din't have any sound? Does anyone know why???20:53
XFMRolfCoptr: when I execture dhclient, it says that i already have a PID file. Then he kills old process and removes PID file20:53
RolfCoptrto be honest, i didn't use wicd so far, but i think you shouldn't have to care about a dhclient running20:53
RolfCoptrmmh, ok20:53
erUSULPA-Carry: sudo /etc/init.d/samba start ?20:53
TJ-42PA-Carry: http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-start-restart-stop-samba-from-the-command-line20:53
RolfCoptrand wifi authentication works fine? do you see your node on your AP?20:53
XFMRolfCoptr: just followed a tutorial to resolve my problem20:53
XFMRolfCoptr: ok20:54
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PA-CarryThanks TJ-4220:54
mongolai_786soul:  ok. Just look at the last line of /var/log/Xorg.0.log    <- that's a 0 in the middle.  Can you tell us if the last line starts with an (EE)? Or if there any lines that start with (EE) ?20:55
XFMRolfCoptr: in the logs, apparently my drivers are ipw2200 . In my dir /kernel/drivers/net/wireless, I have lots of files, apparently from different drivers. Don't u think this could cause conflicts? How can I remove everithing and install one driver20:56
isilionany with ati knowledge read this thread ->>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578320:56
zumeI have to leave you all gents. Thanks for the Ubuntu support and lively conversing. I'm still stumped on getting KMouth to work, but I've got to go. Find me on UbuntuForums as username: "roycebarber.com" if you come up with any TTS tips! Bye for now!20:56
ninjafuryHELP! I've got an external HD and when I delete a file, ubuntu copies it to my main drive's trash folder.... why?20:56
mongolaizume:  good luck, mate!!20:56
zumeMongolai: <3 :)20:57
cris1234hi i'm a new ubuntu user, and y need an uml modeling tool that includes GUI modeling. i've already tried DIA and KIVIO but none of them has a stencil for GUI desing. do you know any tool that has that type of stencil?20:57
DavidCanarias1Anybody here use dvd95 converter???20:58
_luserninjafury - does this happen when you delete from the command line?20:59
chris4585how does a group relate to a command?20:59
ninjafury_luser: no, only through thunar20:59
hasanibrahimgood days everybody20:59
ubuntu_toddI wanner find the file which has the text FIREFOX_DSP, is there any command so that I can do that?20:59
KevinOhello i just reinstalled ubuntu now i cannot get flash to work, any ideas?20:59
tulipanshould "fonts:///" as url in nautilus still work?20:59
hasanibrahimi have a problem with vbox20:59
chris4585or how does a group correspond to a command?20:59
chris4585hasanibrahim, what is the problem?21:00
biouserwhat might be the best way to run a windows installer that connects to a webapp from within ubuntu?21:00
hasanibrahimThere is a window called spawning session21:00
_luserninjafury - good, so it's not ubuntu as such doing this, it's just some buggy application.21:00
mongolaiubuntu_todd:  find or locate perhaps?21:00
hasanibrahimand couldn't open os21:00
ninjafury_luser: is there a way to fix this though?21:01
XFMSomeone knows where are installed the hardware drivers, and how to remove them?21:01
chris4585hasanibrahim, there should be more clues then just that21:01
TJ-42how do I get the system to update /dev/disk/by-label and /dev/disk/by-uuid ?  I created a new partition and labeled it, and the partition shows up in neither, only by-path and by-id.21:01
soundrayninjafury: try holding down Shift when you delete. That should delete irreversibly instead of moving to trash21:01
biouserwhere is a good howto for using vmware to access windows partition while in my favorite OS, ubuntu...21:02
hasanibrahimchris4585: i click vbox from applications system tools21:02
hasanibrahimthan click os to start21:02
hasanibrahimbut it's not starting21:02
hasanibrahimthere is a window writing on "spawning session"21:02
RolfCoptrzum koptern?21:02
ninjafurysoundray: Is there a way to make it use a trash folder on the external drive?21:02
hasanibrahimi wait for about 50 minutes21:02
hasanibrahimbut it didn't open21:02
mongolaininjafury:  you said that delete just copies files to trash?21:03
chris4585hasanibrahim, I'm not too sure, try google is all I can help21:03
ninjafurymongolai: it copies to trash on main hard drive, as opposed to external drive21:03
soundrayninjafury: don't know, sorry. Isn't there a help menu or man page for thunar?21:04
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mongolaininjafury:  OK, so "deleted file" fron 2nd HDD is copied to .Trash on 1st HDD when you hit delete then? Is this more in the ballpark?21:04
ubuntu_toddmongolai: that finds the file name not the text in it21:04
ninjafurymongolai: exactly21:04
hasanibrahimis tehere anybody who has an idea ?;21:04
mongolaininjafury:  and you just want the file deleted totally when you say so?21:05
smoovepAnyone here Uses RoundCube??21:05
noriyukiwhats the server for ubuntu intrepid?21:05
RolfCoptrsmoovep: i do21:05
ninjafurymongolai: well, I'd like it to be put in .Trash on the same drive21:05
noone00110011Hey guys! alittle help please :) DOes anyone know of any programs that can keep a schedule and notify me if I have any appointments coming up?21:06
noone00110011at all?21:06
noone00110011Id really apreciate it21:06
noriyukiwhats the server for ubuntu intrepid?21:06
soundraynoone00110011: standard in Ubuntu is evolution21:06
ninjafurynoone00110011: just google for calendar apps21:07
soundray!intrepid > noriyuki21:07
ubottunoriyuki, please see my private message21:07
ubuntu_toddnoriyuki: #ubuntu+121:07
noriyukinoone00110011, I dont know any but evolution.. but you can try typing in google "calendar" or organizer for ubunutu21:07
Ursus88Does anybody mind if I ask a rather newbie question about ubuntu-eee on a bootable USB?21:07
Stevexthiebaude - hey man21:07
mongolaininjafury:  Then, you basically want the "deleted" file to be moved to.Trash, ostensibly so you can un-delete it should you choose to, but you'd like the .Trash file to map to the physical HDD that the deleted file resides upon?21:07
noone00110011cool guys thanx for all the suggestions21:07
thiebaudehi stevex21:07
Daremonaihttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-26.html <-- followed this to compiling kernel, and on boot am getting this: failed to execute /init kernel panic - not syncing: no init found. Try passing init= option to kernel21:07
SchneeSchwarz!ask | Ursus8821:07
ubottuUrsus88: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:07
noone00110011really appreciate it ;)21:07
=== banain is now known as bananin
ninjafurymongolai: exactly21:08
rniamo_hi, is there somebody who know how allow anonymous checkout for subversion ?21:09
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KevinO    21:09
Ursus88Okay ... I have ubuntu-eee 8.04.1 on a bootable USB stick.  I was wondering, when using essentially a "live CD" on a USB stick if I should be able to access the Internet.  The reason I ask is that I cannot and I was wondering if that means I won't be able to access AFTER I install ubuntu-eee either.21:09
charlesheya guys, i got a slight problem i cannot boot any kind of live cd, i tried both gentoo and ubuntu's21:09
charleswhen i run the ubuntu live cd i get some major error about src0 drive something21:10
charlesim running it with the noapic start flag21:10
charlesanyone got any suggestions?21:10
biouseranyone know of the latest vmware howto/documentation for Hardy?21:10
KevinOhello i just reinstalled ubuntu now i cannot get flash to work, any ideas?21:10
thiebaudeKevinO:is flash installed?21:11
soundrayUrsus88: the Eee PC has some rather difficult hardware both for wired and wireless networking21:11
charleskevin0, download it manualy21:11
ninjafuryKevinO: did you try reinstalling flash?21:11
charleskevin0, the buildin installer for flash in firefox never works21:11
soundrayUrsus88: what version do you have?21:11
Ursus88According to the ubuntu-eee website it's supposed to be optimized for the eee.21:11
mongolaininjafury:  I wish I could give you a good answer, but I don't think that GNOME does things that way. */.Trash, frankly is a bit of a kludge as it is, and I can see no way that the good GNOME developers had envisioned what you desire. There might be some setting in gconf-editor, but other than that ???21:12
Ursus88Version of what ... the hardware?  I have an Eee PC 901.21:12
abizmolHow can I create another virtual desktop in ubuntu?21:13
abizmolJust 2 sux21:13
Ursus88Ubuntu-eee looks awesome on the 901 ... I'm just concerned that if wireless doesn't work with the live USB stick, it won't work when I install the OS.  I guess I can mucky muck around with it after the fact, but I'd rather avoid as much hassle as I can.21:13
KevinOthiebaude, charles , I started firefox for the first time, it asked me to install something, cant remember what it was, but there were two of them and i got the "ugly" version as well. In firefox, under plugins, there is a "shockwave flash" and i can enable or disable, i cannot remove it. if i go to adobe and try to install the deb, it says its already installed. i reinstall with the same outcome.21:13
ninjafurymongolai: Appreciate it. Seems pretty stupid that files would be copied onto a separate drive before being deleted. Waste of drive I/O.21:14
mongolaiUrsus88:  the Asus eee pc computers have a prety good record of playing nice with linux.21:14
Ursus88I just can't stand the Xandros.  It's really hard to use and stuff keeps disappearing and it takes an act of Gawd to fix it.  It's too much trouble.21:14
soundrayUrsus88: I don't know specifics about Ubuntu-eee, sorry. I'd go ahead and install it, though21:14
mongolaininjafury:  no doubt21:14
abizmolHow can I create another virtual desktop in ubuntu?21:14
hasanibrahimi solved problem21:14
KevinOall flash apps have a placeholder that looks like a large play button21:14
soundraymongolai: no, they don't. They use hardware that requires proprietary drivers21:14
Stevexwho was helpignpuppy21:14
mongolaininjafury:  but it's one of those things -- I think that is probably low on the list of GNOME developer's lise21:14
chris4585hasanibrahim, what was the issue?21:14
StevexIm half way through the installer, and its not detecting my drives.....21:14
abizmolHow can I create another virtual desktop in ubuntu?21:15
Lokianabizmol: what do you mean by virtual desktop. an another OS running or simply another workspace21:15
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abizmolLokian, work space21:15
hasanibrahimchris4585: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup this is the solving21:15
Ursus88In for a penny in for a pound, I guess.  I like the look n' feel of the ubuntu eee ... so I guess we'll give it a shot.21:15
abizmolFluxbox calls them virtual desktops, Lokian21:15
chris4585abizmol, see the switcher on the bottom?  right click preferences21:15
smoovepQyestion: Why all emails sent by RoundCube shows localhost.xxx.com21:15
biousercan vmware run the windows already installed on another partition?21:15
mongolaisoundray:  I stand corrected, however, they *do* have ways of getting the hardware to work with Linux...21:15
chris4585hasanibrahim, ah, glad you got it working :)21:15
abizmolLokian, I now love you21:15
hasanibrahimchris4585: note someplace it :D21:15
abizmolLokian, Im going to give you a hug21:15
Lokianabizmol: there is something called workspace switcher21:16
abizmolComing in for the real thing big guy21:16
* abizmol hugs Lokian 21:16
djungelkraemjim_p there?21:16
Lokianabizmol: love me all you want. just dont repeat questions21:16
Lokianabizmol: goto your panel, do you see a workspace switcher?21:16
abizmolLokian, Ill do what I want, when I want. How I wanna do it *throws down a remote*21:16
mrwislrhi everyone21:16
abizmolLokian, I added it already21:16
Stevexthiebaude ?21:16
Lokianabizmol: try ctrl+alt+<left arrow or right arrow>21:16
StevexAnyone can help me with installation21:17
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XFMSomeone knows how to remove a prog installed, if i have the files used to compile and install it?21:17
Stevexdont know which drivers to use to find my drives21:17
XFMmake remove does'nt works21:17
mrwislri am trying to install ubuntu from a cd   the cd and hard drive are currently connected to the same ide port with one ribbon   and each time i get to partitioning it says can not mount drive21:17
Stevexmrwislr - any idea how to figure out which drivers to use to detect my raid drives /21:18
khgiuygHey Guy's I just have a quick question here, I have a Nvidea Gforce Fx 5700LE With DVI and VGA and i was wondering if UBUNTU supports Dual Screen for that video card? Is there anything I need t download in buntu to get it to work? becuase it just says that there is no connection on my DVI monitor21:18
indoranyone have fresh list of yum.conf21:19
khgiuygIfI can get that to work im gonna make the switch from windows!21:19
joshritgerhow do I remove the icon from the applications menu, I have figured out how to replace it with a blank icon, but I want to completely remove it.21:19
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charleskhgiuyg, dual screen works out of the box with nvidia-settings21:20
charlesafter you installed the drivers for the nvidia card you should be able to access that program21:20
Scunizikhgiuyg: the nvidia driver does support dual screens.. just don't have both hooked up when you install.. pick one.. if it doesn't work on dvi use the vga connected monitor.21:20
khgiuygWhere would I find taht program though21:20
charlesit will detect any screens connected to your computer that are turned on21:20
charleskhgiuyg, sudo nvidia-settings21:20
Scunizikhgiuyg: do you already have ubuntu installed?21:21
charlesthe beta for 8.10 supports dual screen even better but i dont suggest you use it untill the stable version is relased21:21
hotmonkeyluvhas anyone here used any UML plugins for eclipse? If so, which ones can you recommend?21:21
khgiuygYes first all i saw were a bunch fo pixels then i did the updates and what not and now it just says there is no connection21:21
khgiuygon the DVI side21:21
Scunizikhgiuyg: ah.. so both are hooked up and only one is working?21:22
StevexAnyone can help me with gettign the installer to detect my drives >21:22
khgiuygYeah exactly21:22
annimardoes anyone else here also encounter this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/28485721:22
Scunizikhgiuyg: have you enabled the restricted nvidia driver?21:22
annimaror could it be something wrong with my installation21:22
khgiuygWell can I go on my Ubuntu machine and get back to you guys21:22
mgromanannimar: Is ubuntu better than redhat?!21:23
mrwislri am trying to install ubuntu from a cd   the cd and hard drive are currently connected to the same ide port with one ribbon   and each time i get to partitioning it says can not mount drive21:23
khgiuygSO i can give you more of a perspective21:23
khgiuygWill you be aopund in 15 mins?21:23
annimarmgroman: why?21:23
=== SunWuKung|away is now known as SunWuKung|away|a
Scunizikhgiuyg: brb  phone21:23
mgromanannimar: but I am asking you21:23
Scunizikhgiuyg: yep.. address me by my nick21:23
annimarmgroman: are you a chatterbot? ;-)21:24
khgiuygOKay thanks!21:24
mgromanyea teehee!21:24
* mgroman runs away21:24
grover_hello everyone, I'm trying to get networking to work on a Dell Vostro 200.  I installed e1000 (downloaded from Intel's site), but the nic is not recognized. It's a 82562V-2.  I followed the instructions on various forum posts, but nothing worked.  The driver version is 8.0.6.  Can anyone help?21:24
StevexAnyone, need to get Ubuntu installer to detect my drives21:24
=== dooglus is now known as dooglus_
annimarcould someone in here please check if this bug also happens on their machine (running intrepid). https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/28485721:26
incognito247im trying to help my friend fix his ubuntu box, this is what he gets when he types "start x" - start: Unknown job: x21:26
=== nick_ is now known as Skky
node357incognito247, the command is startx21:27
hateballincognito247» try startx instead21:27
SkkyDo I have to do anything special with Ubuntu to use CIFS?  Or should it work out of the box?21:27
Scuniziincognito247: did he install "server"?21:27
=== dooglus_ is now known as dooglus__
annimarSkky: It should work ootb21:28
Stevexno one can help me with drivers to detect my drives ?21:28
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:28
incognito247scunizi it says X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. giving up. xinit. No such file or directory (errrno 2): unable to connect to X server xinit: No such process (errno 3): server error.21:29
SkkyOk, I am having trouble.  I am trying to mount a shared drive I have on Windows.  I created it on C:\Photos and shared it, giving read/write permissions21:29
TopRamenhey guys, I'm setting up two development servers... well, one is development and the other will be for staging. The machine I would like to use for development has a 64-bit AMD 3700+ in it and the other machine, for use with staging, is only a 32-bit Intel. I would like to give the 64-bit Ubuntu a try on the development machine because, from what I've read, it will show improvement in various areas such as database access; however, I'm concerned for two r21:29
ActionParsnipSkky: check smbmount21:29
kambiz_totally not really an ubuntu question, but is anyone here familiar with writing regular expressions?21:29
Scuniziincognito247: does he have Ubuntu Desktop installed or Ubuntu Server installed?21:29
SkkyOn Ubuntu, I try: sudo mount cifs //host_windows/Photos /home/me/RemotePhotos21:29
Skkybut it doesn't work21:29
Flannelkambiz_: #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place for that21:29
Skky(host_windows is valid)21:29
=== dooglus__ is now known as dooglus
kambiz_Flannel: thanks for the suggestion, I'll ask there21:29
annimarSkky: Although the share actually should be found through Places/Network21:30
incognito247scunizi hes running hardy heron not the server edition21:30
ActionParsnipSkky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently21:30
smoovepAnyone Uses RoundCube ???21:30
ActionParsnipSkky: its not cifs with windows21:30
Scuniziincognito247: try ..  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start.. and see if that works.21:30
annimaranyone using abiword in here?21:31
TJ-42I have a new partition that I'm mounting to /media/mediadrive with the same options in fstab as my '/' and '/home' drive, but my user only has read access (no write access) to the drive.  do I need to chown /media/mediadrive to the user, or what?21:31
ActionParsnipsmoovep: roundcube?21:31
SkkyYou cannot access Windows through CIFS?21:31
hadi57hi, i am have problem with wireless cant connect, it is Atheros wlan, any body can help me?21:31
DasEiTJ-42:modify fstab21:31
SkkyI know for Windows to Linux you need to use Samba, right?21:31
ActionParsnipTJ-42: did you add any options to the mounting line?21:32
ActionParsnipSkky: if its not linux to linux its samba21:32
DasEiTJ-42: options : user,auto,rw21:32
TJ-42ActionParsnip: no, I didn't... i figured I didn't have to because there were no options for the '/' partition21:32
smoovepActionParsnip: Yep, RoundCube for Webmail .. all emails going out shows up as localhost.mydomain.com.. if i send a client.. its fine..21:32
TopRamenso? no help on 32-bit vs 64-bit for a server?21:32
BadElvishow can i connect via ssh to a machine running ubuntu live cd21:32
Stevexno one can help during install with drivers to detect my drives ?21:32
ActionParsnipTJ-42: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19861421:33
incognito247Scunizi: it says sudo: /etc/init.d/gdm: command not found21:33
DasEiStevex: I just came in, your problem ?21:33
ActionParsnipTJ-42: you need some options like iocharset=utf8,umask=000    0 021:33
kriI have troubles running simultainus audio processes, any ideas?21:33
ActionParsnipSkky: the link tells you all21:33
TJ-42ok, thank you DasEi, ActionParsnip21:33
incognito247im on his computer via ssh btw hes several states away21:33
annimarStevex: I guess this is just not enough information you provide. e.g. what drives? scsi? what format?21:33
smoovepActionParsnip: that makes not sense.. OK .. if i use RoundCube webmail to send email, it shows up as me@localhost.mydoamin.com .. if i use a email client software, it shows up as me@mydomain.com21:33
TJ-42it seems so complicated to add a new hard drive to an existing ubuntu installation21:34
ActionParsnipsmoovep: dude this thing looks awesome21:34
Scuniziincognito247: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start         just like it's written.. no ":" and make sure you use start at the end.. spacing and caps/small characters make a difference.21:34
DasEiTJ-42: it isnt, wanna paste your fstab ?21:34
ActionParsnipTJ-42: not really, a simple extra line in /etc/fstab and  you are golden21:34
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:34
smoovepActionParsnip: it works.. well up until this morning.. the config fill looks fine..21:34
eX3CuTeanyone tried getting wifi working on msi wind?21:35
incognito247Scunizi: still says command not found21:35
StevexDasEi annimar - im gogin through the installer, ive got the the partition bit, and its not picking up my drives, but it is cgeckign my floppy. i have 2 hd in the macine, one is a maxtor, 1 is an hitachi, there both sata drives21:35
Scuniziincognito247: is this a fresh install?21:35
DasEiStevex: recognized by the bios ? are in live-cd now ?21:35
Flare183How much does a regular ubuntu server install take?21:36
incognito247he says hes had it installed since gutsy gibbon21:36
StevexDasEi - yes recognised by bios, and im on alt cd21:36
ActionParsnipsmoovep: so am i right in thinking it is an email client with a web based interface?21:36
BadElvishow can i connect via ssh to a machine running ubuntu live cd?21:36
annimaragain: Could anyone in here check for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/28485721:36
annimarshould be done in no time21:36
ActionParsnipBadElvis: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:36
Scuniziincognito247: so he did an upgrade.. did he have problems right after the upgrade?21:36
ActionParsnipBadElvis: on the livecd system21:36
DasEiStevex:use gparted, drives show up ?21:36
BadElvisActionParsnip: ok21:36
piasdomis there a setting where i can send mail to the outside world ?(thunderbird)i can send mail on comp network but not outside21:37
ActionParsnipsmoovep: is that correct or am i readnig this wrong?21:37
StevexDasEi - what is gparted :?21:37
ActionParsnip!gparted | Stevex21:37
ubottuStevex: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php21:37
bailackhoi is someboady here who has some knowledge about the cisco vpn client under linux?21:37
annimarSteveX. http://gparted.sourceforge.net/21:38
smoovepActionParsnip: its Webmail Client.. it's basically PHP scripts that attach to your already existing mail server...21:38
ActionParsnipbailack: did yuo ask earlier?21:38
DasEiStevex:you are on alternate cd ?in a terminal (command-line) ?21:38
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php21:38
bailackActionParsnip: no21:38
smoovepActionParsnip: Its a cool software.. you need LAMP installed and the RoundCube php files..21:38
ActionParsnipsmoovep: im trying to run a headless pc and if i can access my locally stored mails via web page then sweet21:38
RetrogradeCulturhow can I access synaptic package manager (full privs) without switching users?21:39
incognito247Scunizi: he says it happened like a week ago and he was updating his entire system and after that it didnt work21:39
StevexDasEi - in on alt cd, going through the installer, its asking me to choose a driver for my drive21:39
BadElvisActionParsnip: what should i use for password /username?21:39
smoovepActionParsnip: Headless.. that sounds fun... PXE boot ?? yep.. i have a few here cause the workstations is dog old..21:39
mrwislri am trying to install ubuntu from a cd   the cd and hard drive are currently connected to the same ide port with one ribbon   and each time i get to partitioning it says can not mount drive21:39
TJ-42http://paste.ubuntu.com/61198/  here's my fstab -- it's now giving me errors (before with just the relatime option), it was only read only21:40
jaaaaakkeDoes anyone know what an error with ata3.01 means?21:40
Scuniziincognito247: if he has a text screen he can log into he could sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and see if that gets him anywhere.21:40
DasEiStevex:so you speak from another machine, hmm, my sata installed automatically, what a pc ?21:40
RetrogradeCulturhow can I access synaptic package manager (full privs) without switching users?21:40
mirakwhere can I find fixboot and fixmbr ? they are not on ubuntu anymore21:41
StevexDasEi - i built it myself, yeah im talking on 1 machine, installign on another21:41
ScuniziRetrogradeCultur: System/Admin/Synaptic Pkg Manager.. enter your password.21:41
smoovepActionParsnip: Question, if my PXE Boot machines started preforming like crap.. is it the local hardware or the host? thnx21:41
DasEi mirak:google for super grub cd and also see:21:41
ActionParsnipsmoovep: possibly the lan21:41
SchneeSchwarzmirak: I don't think they ever were21:41
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:41
incognito247Scunizi: do you know of an IRC client besides BitchX that runs in the terminal21:41
Scuniziincognito247: irssi21:41
ActionParsnipsmoovep: try pinging across to check latency21:42
RetrogradeCulturScunizi: the thing is that it only shows up (Synaptic) when I'm logged in as an admin21:42
DasEiStevex:wich board ?  have options to choose from ?21:42
mirakSchneeSchwarz: they where, you are mistaken21:42
ScuniziRetrogradeCultur: right.. if you're other login is limited as a guest or has specific actions restricted then you won't be able to .21:42
StevexDasEi - i dont understand ?21:42
smoovepActionParsnip: Its only 5 users on Gbit LAN Switches.. hmmm.. i think the term server needs a kick.. i'll do this later tonight..21:42
StevexDasEi - its an asus board21:42
DasEiStevex:wich asus board ?21:43
mirakI think they removed it because they think the bootloader of windows is compyright protected21:43
SchneeSchwarzmirak: prove it21:43
StevexDasEi - wait ill go get the model number21:43
ActionParsnipsmoovep: sounds like it too21:43
incognito247scunzi ty21:43
Scuniziincognito247: np21:43
RetrogradeCulturokay Scunizi. how can I allow permission for access to that on this user?21:43
mirakSchneeSchwarz: proove what ? I told you I used it from linux command line21:43
AboSamoorhow can I test the mic , I have 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03), but I can not record using the mic I just get crappy noise ?21:43
ActionParsnipsmoovep: id still check the lan, just for completness21:43
ociosoel cubo no me funka21:44
ociosoya puse sus 4 lados en el compiz managher21:44
ociosoy nada21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp21:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:44
StevexDasEi - Asus - M2R32-MVP cross fire x 320021:44
ScuniziRetrogradeCultur: you have to log in as administrator and change the permissions on the restricted user to allow synaptic use..21:44
thiebaudethanks DasEi21:44
ociosono saben español21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr21:44
ociosoyo se ingles y español. deberian saber tambien21:44
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:45
bailackplz need help with cisco vpn client!!!21:45
Scunizi!vpn | bailack21:45
ubottubailack: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD21:45
Scunizibailack: also you might check with ##linux21:45
StevexDasEi - Asus - M2R32-MVP cross fire x 320021:45
bailackScunizi: thx for the tip ;)21:45
TJ-42ok with this pastebin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/61201/ I am able to mount /media/mediadisk, but I still can't create or edit files on /media/mediadisk without using sudo.  how do I make it something my user can always access (I'm using a synthetic link in my home folder to this partition)21:46
ActionParsnipbailack: whats up?21:46
Scunizibailack: sure.. some things just aren't as common as others and you have to pull from a different pool of users.. you could also try #ubuntu-server21:46
AboSamoorhow can I test the mic , I have 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03), but I can not record using the mic I just get crappy noise ? I am using hardy21:46
thiebaudeyo yo yo21:47
ActionParsnipyo yo yo thiebaude21:47
thiebaudehi actionparsnip, mate21:47
SkkySo to mount a Windows drive I could use this command?  sudo mount -t smb //host_windows/Shared MyShared  ?21:47
ActionParsnipSkky: id use that, its all on the post i gave you21:48
bailackActionParsnip: after i get a connection with the cisco vpn client my pc hangs up... and ive no idea what the problem could be21:48
DasEiStevex:two ideas : bootoption doscsi21:48
ActionParsnipbailack: do you mean freezes?21:48
DasEiStevex:or try the netinstaller-cd  , board isn't in ubuntus hardwarelist21:48
bailackActionParsnip: yes it freezes21:49
SkkyActionParsnip: in the link you gave me they have you editing your fstab file but the type of mount in it is "cifs" - I thought cifs couldn't access windows?21:49
DasEiStevex:does the installer suggest any drivers or gives it just a blank to type sth in ?21:49
ActionParsnipSkky: thats my understanding, mind you that link is the official documentation. id stick with that21:49
ActionParsnipbailack: then check logs and dmesg21:50
=== Bruce is now known as Brucee
sap1ok i have a problem i try installing ubuntu on my friend's laptop and the grub loader does not install it gives an error at 94% i tried installing the loader from the live cd but it still dint work while other distribution boot loaders do install ubuntu's does not any help21:50
bailackActionParsnip: nothing to find...  all is like the boot befor21:50
SkkyOk, one more question.  I have this line in my fstab: //host_windows/Photos RemotePhotos cifs rw,user 0 021:50
ActionParsnipsap1: did you md5 check the cd before burning?21:50
Skkyand when I do a sudo mount -a i get this:21:51
Skkywrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //host_windows/Photos, missing codepage...21:51
KevinOhello i just reinstalled ubuntu and then started firefox for the first time, now flash doesnt work. it asked me to install something, cant remember what it was, but there were two of them and i got the "ugly" version as well. In firefox, under plugins, there is a "shockwave flash" and i can enable or disable, i cannot remove it. if i go to adobe and try to install the deb, it says its already installed. i reinstall with the same ou21:51
RobbiewinXp is disgusting hha21:51
ActionParsnip!flash | KevinO21:51
ubottuKevinO: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:51
sap1the thing is i had the same problem from a cd that ubuntu sent and also from an ubuntu cd i burnt from an iso file i downloaded21:52
thiebaudei agree robbie21:52
sap1so i am guessing its not the cd problem21:52
LogicalThoughthey i have a question i'm trying to mount my external maxtor 250gb but i get "Cannot Mount Volume"21:52
KevinOActionParsnip, did you read my post before you posted that?21:52
ActionParsnipSkky: http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Filesystems/Mounting_smbfs_Shares_Permanently.html21:52
sap1i dint do the md5 check though actionparsnip21:52
LogicalThoughtmount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/disk -o is this correct?21:53
sap1but i did check the cds for errors21:53
ActionParsnipKevinO: install flashplayer-nonfree and nspluginwrapper and you should be ok21:53
ActionParsnipsap1: possibly is a bad cd then21:53
djungelkraemi want to copy a file from dekstop to /etc/x11 and renaming it - whats the command in terminal?21:53
ActionParsnipsap1: do you still have the iso?21:53
Danny16ñúîå ú'ôä !21:53
Danny16 ;)21:53
ActionParsnipdjungelkraem: sudo cp ~/Desktop/<whatever its called> /etc/X11/21:54
Danny16çç âí àúä ôä ?21:54
Danny16àéæä ÷èò21:54
Danny16úéøàä ëîä îçåáøéí ìçãø äæä21:54
Robbieëëä æä ..21:54
Robbieëï îìà21:54
=== agep is now known as logging7834
djungelkraemActionParsnip: tyvm21:54
ActionParsnipLogicalThought: you dont need the -o21:54
=== logging7834 is now known as logging8472
LogicalThoughtalright let me try that thx21:55
Danny16àôùø ìäúçáø âí îà÷ñôìåøø. àáì æä îòôïï21:55
ActionParsnipLogicalThought: or if you want options (for example to enable user writability) then add those WITH -o21:55
Danny16îä ùèåá ùàôùø ìòöá äåãòåú21:55
Robbieæä äöàè äøéùîé ùì ìéðå÷ñ21:55
ActionParsnipLogicalThought: the hanging -o will cause an error if you run that command21:55
DasEiStevex:so ?21:55
Danny16ùì àáåèå21:55
SkkyHow can I tell if samba is installed/running on ubuntu?21:55
w00wnew user21:55
ActionParsnipSkky: ps -ef | grep -i samba21:55
Danny16 8-)21:55
guntbert!ask  | w00w21:56
ubottuw00w: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:56
w00wis there a tuto somewhere to understand this irc world21:56
DasEiDanny16:have a question ?21:56
cobb28i'm trying to get photos off of a CF card in my canon rebel...the canon shows "Err" when the CF card is inserted...i tried photorec and it sees my hard drives but not the cf card...any ideas on how to make ubuntu show me the card?21:56
Skkyit shows "1001 5253 5194 0 12:27 .." does that mean it is running?21:56
thiebaudeand robbie do you have a question21:56
sap1actionparsnip:yes i do21:56
Robbieno thanks thiebaude  .. I okay21:57
ubottuDanny16: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:57
sap1actionparsnip:but then two cds being spoilt whats the odds21:57
ActionParsnipsap1: get it checked, if it passes then you may need to disable acpi or dma until you get installed21:57
thiebaudeyw robbie21:57
Robbie :)21:57
ActionParsnipsap1: if its the same iso for both then its very possible21:57
SchneeSchwarzw00w: http://www.irchelp.org/21:58
SkkyActionParsnip: it shows "1001 5253 5194 0 12:27 tty1 00:00:00 grep -i samba .." does that mean it is running?21:58
RobbieNice here  :D21:58
=== black_ is now known as bailack_
ActionParsnipSkky: thats the pid of the command you just ran21:58
guntbert!ot > Robbie21:58
ubottuRobbie, please see my private message21:58
SkkyActionParsnip: nothing else showed up21:58
jaaaaakkehey guys21:58
ActionParsnipSkky: yu only need to run samba on the system to share files from yuor linux system if memory serves21:58
chetnickhi, i just changed my motherboard, i am still using old ubuntu system (did not do clean install) everything works fine except sound. Can somebody please help me, and guide me with what can i do to troubleshoot the problem.21:59
SkkyActionParsnip: yes, I am also trying to do that21:59
sap1ActionParsnip:thats the thing its not one cd was from the shipit service ubuntu provides21:59
ActionParsnipSkky: i thought you were mounting the windows partition?21:59
DasEi chetnick:running hardy ?22:00
chetnickDasEi: yes22:00
admin_masu3701can someone help me out22:00
ActionParsnipchetnick: run lspci to see what sound hardware you have and websearch from there22:00
SkkyActionParnsip: both22:00
guntbertjaaaaakke: do you have a question?22:00
sap1ActionParsnip:another from an iso i downloaded22:00
AboSamoorcan anyone help to record my voice using an external mic ?22:00
DasEi chetnick:correct to pm you ?22:00
Puppythiebaude still no luck22:00
admin_masu3701i am new to this22:00
eX3CuTeRobbie, please keep it english, mefagrim :\22:00
PuppyDasEi - stil wont detect it < - Steve22:00
ActionParsnipSkky: oic, then you need sudo apt-get install samba22:00
chetnickDasEi: ok22:00
guntbert!ask | admin_masu370122:01
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:01
admin_masu3701i would like to get a lil help22:01
thiebaudepuppy:that's hard one to figure out22:01
Puppyyeah short of going through all the drivers lol22:01
chuxxsssany one know where i can get a 64 bit flashplayer it not on adobe site22:01
admin_masu3701how to you talk to 1 person only22:01
SkkyActionParnsip: error - "Could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com Failed to fetch..."22:01
thiebaudesteve, are you going to go with one HD?22:01
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: install nspluginwrapper and flashplayer-nonfree22:01
albeubuntu is the best22:01
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: you can then run flash through that and its fine22:01
guntbertadmin_masu3701: please ask the question22:02
Scuniziadmin_masu3701: ask your question and whoever responds will put your nick at the beginning of the line.22:02
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: if you want true 64bit flash there's gnash22:02
admin_masu3701how can i talk to only 1 person?22:02
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: but its not massively amazing22:02
riddleboxhrmm I am trying to install something that tells me to install ncurses, I have installed libncurses5 and libncurses5-dev, but it still says it?22:02
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: ask the room, one of us will answer22:02
lucaxhow can i change menu bar icon? ive tried using gconf-editor but it doesnt change it22:03
Scuniziadmin_masu3701: if you know who you want to talk to .. then you put their nick at the beginning of the line.22:03
ActionParsnipriddlebox: does sudo apt-get install ncurses help any?22:03
thiebaudepm them with their permission,admin_masu370122:03
SkkyActionParnsip: any reason why apt-get install samba won't work?22:03
KevinOActionParsnip, i cannot find nspluginwrapper in apt22:03
ActionParsnipSkky: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install samba22:03
scopecreepanyone running eve-online on linux able to tell me how to alt-tab in xfce?22:03
KevinOSkky, use sudo22:03
admin_masu3701<guntbert>:did u get the question22:03
wardolbcould anyone help with a problem i cant seem to find an answer for22:03
chuxxsssthanks ActionParsnip22:04
ActionParsnipKevinO: sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper22:04
admin_masu3701whats the problem <wardolb>22:04
SkkyActionParnsip: error - "Could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com Failed to fetch..."22:04
ActionParsnipSkky: then the repo is down22:04
guntbertadmin_masu3701: no, you should ask your question here in the room - if it is about ubuntu-support :)22:05
ActionParsnipSkky: here's my hardy repos http://pastebin.com/f4323076e22:05
chuxxsssActionParsnip, the site is tell me it not supported22:05
wardolbive got an ubuntu box at home that i plan on while im at work using ssh..but all of a sudden it wont all any incoming connection ssh, webmin, http, ftp??what gives22:05
admin_masu3701oh ok...thanks <guntbert>22:05
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: if you install flashplayer-nonfree it installs with it afair22:05
* Puppy is back to being stuck again22:05
wardolbthis happens from time to time with no warning22:05
AboSamoorI am trying to record my voice using an external mic, I just get a crappy noise my card is 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:06
ActionParsnipwardolb: did you port forward on your router?22:06
Pirate_Hunterhi ive just used gconf-editor to hide my desktop however it is still showing, is there another way to force gnome/nautilus not to show desktop?22:06
Reynizzleim having a hard time getting sound from my .avi videos in my movie player22:06
wardolball my services are port forwarded22:06
djungelkraemanyone know how i can check what packages a certain app installed?22:06
Reynizzlehow to get more codecs?22:06
chuxxsssim using 8.10 beta its pointing me there22:06
riddleboxActionParsnip, nope it doesnt22:06
ActionParsnipwardolb: did you set the ubuntu system to static ip so it wouldnt change when its lease expired?22:06
ActionParsnip!intrepid | chuxxsss22:06
ubottuchuxxsss: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu22:06
ActionParsnip!codecs | Reynizzle22:07
ubottuReynizzle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:07
KevinOActionParsnip, i meant that nspluginwrapper is not in the apt repositories.22:07
chuxxssssome one need to test it to help22:07
jaaaaakkecan someone help me analyze this error when i intsall ubuntu....22:07
ActionParsnipKevinO: its where i got mine from , weird22:07
PuppyAnyone any idea how i can find out what drivers i need to find my drives for the installer22:07
jaaaaakkei get a ata3.01: exception 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen22:08
ActionParsnipchuxxsss: all intrepid suport is in +1, not here22:08
jaaaaakkeand just keeps repeating..22:08
=== blu is now known as blu2
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88014322:08
admin_masu3701<guntbert>:  i have 2 partitions on my pc. 1 has lunix and the other vista. i dont use windows that much any more..so i would like to know if i could take some disk space from windows partition and assign it to linux partition22:08
=== blu2 is now known as Guest65184
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: you could resize it with gparted22:08
ActionParsnipadmin_masu3701: backup any important data before you start just in case22:09
admin_masu3701<ActionParship>: but how do i do that? where can i get enzo22:09
KillerJinnhow to save a flash file (flash movies or any flash file) which i can see in a website or web browser?22:09
PuppyAnyone any idea how i can find out what drivers i need to find my drives for the installer im asumning i cant use the windows drivers22:10
ActionParsnipKillerJinn: firefox has an addon ;)22:10
KillerJinnActionParsnip which addon?22:10
DasEiPuppy: the installer stops, does it give you options to choose from ?22:10
Pirate_Hunterhi ive just used gconf-editor to hide my desktop however it is still showing, is there another way to force gnome/nautilus not to show desktop?22:10
ActionParsnipPuppy: lspci and lsusb will detail your hardware22:10
AboSamoorwhy I can not get help any where for my recording problem ? please help me or give me any useful resources :)22:11
PuppyDasEi - no details, just gives me a long list of drivers, or the option to install from floppy22:11
PuppyDasEi - the bois picks up the drives fine22:11
X_ohow do i know security is good on ubuntu ?22:11
* ActionParsnip takes out his spoon22:11
ActionParsnipKillerJinn: firefox download youtube videos22:11
DasEi ActionParsnip: pupp... got an  Asus M2R32-MVP.,whichs ata isn't autodetected22:11
ActionParsnipKillerJinn: https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/239022:12
ActionParsnipDasEi: its it enabled in bios?22:12
_luserX_o - read security/exploit related mailing lists.22:12
DasEi ActionParsnip: yes, not whitelisted hw22:12
PuppyActionParsnip - yeah it is, picked up fine, and detected both my windows22:12
DasEiPuppy: did you try the bootoption I gave you in the above ?22:13
PuppyDasEi - all_generic_ide ?22:13
ActionParsnipDasEi: whitelisted?22:13
Puppyohh i see22:13
DasEi ActionParsnip: supported hw22:13
cobb28how do I mount a compact flash card in ubuntu? it's in my canon rebel camera, f-spot opens automatically and asks to retrieve pics but i beleive the card is corrupt...22:13
Puppyput that in the boot options ?22:13
admin_masu3701ActionParnish: how do enzo work? and where can i get it22:13
ActionParsnipDasEi: doesnt matter if it works 100% out of the box. If its not turned on in the bios its not gonna get picked up by an operating system ever22:14
PuppyDasEi - put that in the boot options22:14
PuppyActionParsnip - im using them both now on XP :d22:14
DasEi ActionParsnip: checked bios already22:14
ActionParsnipDasEi: what does lspci say they are?22:14
DasEiPuppy: try netinstall-cd22:15
ActionParsnipcobb28: sudo fdisk -l will show it up, then you can mount it22:15
DasEi ActionParsnip: nothing, as the installer stopped so far and its an alternate installer22:15
ActionParsnipDasEi: in the live environment can you run lspci to show the devices?22:15
DasEi ActionParsnip: pupp speaks from another machine22:15
PuppyDasEi - that machine is offline now, where do i put these commands ?22:16
ActionParsnipPuppy: are you DasEi too?22:17
* ActionParsnip in confused22:17
PuppyActionParsnip - no, im just me now22:17
DasEiPuppy: at bootup, it shows press functionkey (?F5??) for options (the installer cd)22:17
Reynizzlethe link I got was alot of help22:17
Reynizzlethank you guys for a great service!22:17
ActionParsnipPuppy: ok im not crazy22:17
PuppyDasEi - put them both in ?22:17
ActionParsnipReynizzle: np man22:17
DasEi ActionParsnip: nope me trying to help pupp22:17
ReynizzleI can sure get use to this OS22:17
Reynizzlelater, heroes22:18
DasEiPuppy: at bootup, it shows press functionkey (?F5??) for options (the installer cd)     >>doscsi22:18
untermen1chI'm having some problems with the x server on a toshiba satellite. Can anybody help me?22:18
ActionParsnipDasEi: ok man sweet. id boot to live cd  and see what hardware they are. You could try your kernel with noacpi and no dma just til you get installed22:18
wolidoes anybody know about a good visio-like flow chart creator?22:18
PuppyDasEi - ok ill go put them in22:18
PuppyDasEi brb22:18
bambooforesthi, i am having issues with sbackup, maybe someone could help me out, i just did all the configurations, but not sure why is not doing the backup, the only thing that it does, it sets some files and directories in the path i  want the backup is done, besides that, it gets kind of stuck22:18
LjL!equivalents > woli    (woli, see the private message from Ubotu)22:18
ubottuwoli, please see my private message22:18
DasEi ActionParsnip: he uses the alternate, so no live-system22:19
LjLwoli: (i'd try Dia first)22:19
DasEi ActionParsnip: my pc runs fine, messed a nick ?22:19
ActionParsnipDasEi: thats fine, when you boot the kernel add the extra options to the boot22:20
LjLwoli: although if you're looking for UML / programming charts specifically, that might be another story (Umbrello might be better)22:20
untermen1chHello.. I am having some problems with a messed up X server on a new toshiba satellite. it's got an intel graphics card in it. whenever the computer turn on lines just shoot across the screen and proceed to move across the screen. Can anybody help me?22:20
DasEi ActionParsnip: my pc runs fine, messed a nick ?22:20
pedro_Hey guys.22:20
=== untermen1ch is now known as untermensch_
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: reboot and press esc to see boot menu, select recovery then fix xorg from there22:21
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: next boot you will get an xserver and you can review what you did22:21
ActionParsniphi pedro22:21
cobb28ActionParsnip: i see the drive now how should i mount it? the drive is sdb122:22
ActionParsnipcobb28: where would you like it mounting?22:22
untermensch_ActionParsnip: I don't think i can get to a recovery22:22
ActionParsnip!mount | cobb2822:22
ubottucobb28: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:22
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: you can, when it says "press ESC for grub menu" press ESC22:22
untermensch_ActionParsnip: good point, i forgot about that.22:23
=== pedro_ is now known as Fret18
KillerJinnActionParsnip that addong is for older versions of ff. i need an app22:23
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: im mad but not crazy22:23
cobb28ActionParsnip: i just want to mount it anywhere so i can see it22:23
bambooforesti need help with sbackup, it does not make the backup22:23
ActionParsnipKillerJinn: then ive no idea22:23
untermensch_ActionParsnip: how would that make you crazy?22:23
=== w4ett-away is now known as w4ett
cobb28ActionParsnip: i'm not sure what mount command to use22:23
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: people often question my methods but i get results22:24
untermensch_ActionParsnip: so i booted into recovery, now what do i do?22:24
DasEicobb28: filesystem ?22:24
Fret18ActionPanrsnip: does the 3D desktop thing works well with GNOME?22:24
untermensch_ActionParsnip: i have four options. resume, dpkg, root, xfix?22:24
ActionParsnipcobb28: well where do you want it mounting (something like /media/data is common)22:24
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: xfix22:24
ActionParsnipcobb28: ok and what file system does the device use?22:24
untermensch_ActionParsnip: ok, and now resume?22:24
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: yes22:24
cobb28it's a ntfs22:24
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | cobb2822:25
ubottucobb28: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions22:25
untermensch_ActionParsnip: didn't work.22:25
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: ok do the same but drop to root prompt22:25
DasEicobb28: open a terminal..22:25
untermensch_ActionParsnip: so do xfix then shell prompt?22:25
Fret18Do you guys know if the 3D desktop work well with GNOME?22:25
DasEicobb28: sudo mkdir /media/ntfs22:25
cobb28DasEi: k got it22:26
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: drop to shell prompt and run this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:26
RolfCoptrFret18: you mean compiz?22:26
LinuxFanFret18 you mean like Compiz Fusion?22:26
DasEicobb28: sudo mount -t ntfs  /dev/sdb1   /media/ntfs                         <<<<<<<<<< setr correct device name22:26
ActionParsnip!compiz | Fret1822:26
ubottuFret18: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:26
Fret18Yes, yes. I'm new to this.22:26
LinuxFanyes it will work Fret1822:26
Fret18Thank you.22:26
ActionParsnipDasEi: i'd add some options or only root will have write access22:27
Fret18I installed Ubuntu yesterday. It's still a Universe to explore. ;)22:27
LinuxFanCompiz Fusion is built into Ubuntu 8.0422:27
DasEi ActionParsnip: or fstab, next step..22:27
wolialso, has anybody played 20000 light years into space?22:27
Fret18I've installed Ubuntu through Wubi.22:27
LjL!ot | woli22:27
ubottuwoli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:27
wolii would like to know how those games are called...22:27
wolioops sorry22:27
Fret18I think its version is around 7.x...22:27
ActionParsnipsudo mkdir /media/storage; sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/storage -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00022:28
Azhi_Dahakahi, i need some troubleshooting with some nat address redirection22:28
PuppyDasEi - it didnt do anythign different22:28
ActionParsnipAzhi_Dahaka: jow do yuo mean?22:28
Azhi_Dahakai added the proper lines to natd.conf, i restarted the daemon and i aliased the network interface22:29
Azhi_Dahakaand i just notice that i'm asking on the wrong channel... XD22:29
LinuxFanFret18 you'll need to download compizconfig-settings-manager and then you'll see the options to set it up in SYstem>Preferences>Advanced Desktop Effect Settings22:29
untermensch_ActionParsnip: ok i ran that..22:29
ActionParsnipAzhi_Dahaka: great. what are you trying to achieve?22:29
untermensch_ActionParsnip: now what?22:29
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: sudo shutdown -r now22:29
PuppyActionParsnip - was i ment so see somethign different by adding lspci ?22:29
Fret18LinuxFan: I first have to download the 'program', right?22:29
untermensch_ActionParsnip: -r? out of curiosity(sp)22:29
Azhi_Dahakastatic address redirection22:29
LinuxFanFret18 compiz is already installed by default if you have 8.0422:30
untermensch_ActionParsnip: back to recovery?22:30
ActionParsnipPuppy: lspci shows you your hardware, you can then websearch to see if the SATA controllers are nice to Ubuntu and if you need to do anything to make them work22:30
Fret18I think I don't have it.22:30
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: no, regular22:30
Fret18Where can I see the Ubuntu version?22:30
untermensch_LinuxFan: wow really? I had no idea.22:30
PuppyActionParsnip - but where can i put the command in lol22:30
DasEiPuppy: there are some more options: noacpi, and see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:30
ConstantineXVIhow do you find out what sort of webserver a website's running again?22:30
bambooforestmmm, any of you have ever used sbackup?22:30
ActionParsnipPuppy: any command line you can get your hands on22:30
PuppyActionParsnip - erm.. none lol22:31
LinuxFanFret18 search synaptic package manager for Compiz22:31
ActionParsnipPuppy: so you boot up the cd and you cant get a simple prompt?22:31
untermensch_ActionParsnip: didn't work.22:31
PuppyActionParsnip - em.. no....22:31
DasEiPuppy: if all experiments do not work, isn't there a suitable ata-driver suggested by the installer ?22:31
ActionParsnipPuppy: so what happens when you boot the cd?22:31
Puppyonly 1 sata and that didnt work22:31
ActionParsnipPuppy: did you check the iso with md5sum?22:32
PuppyActionParsnip - i go to install it goes through until it gets to the partition stage, and it cant find my drives22:32
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: try dropping to root shell and renaming xorg.conf22:32
untermensch_ActionParsnip: what do you mean?22:32
PuppyActionParsnip - iso runs great on my other machine22:32
pedrobroethow can i detect the values of joystick buttons?22:32
=== recon_etc is now known as recon
ActionParsnipPuppy: dont select install, there should be other options available on the cd22:32
PuppyActionParsnip - yeah but nothign regarding a prompt22:33
coopsterI am trying to copy a /home directory from one machine to another.  I'd like to preserve permissions and all (i.e. cp --archive), but the UIDs on one machine do not match the UIDs on another.  Is there a tool or utility that will let me do this?22:33
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old22:33
Slartpedrobroet: I think there's a utility in gnome for joysticks.. gnome-jstick or something like that22:33
Fret18LinuxFan: Can I use "sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager" in the Terminal?22:33
ActionParsnipPuppy: which cd are you using?22:33
bambooforestcoopster, i think rsync it might help you out22:33
Puppyill pm you the options i get22:33
untermensch_ActionParsnip: and now what?22:33
PuppyActionParsnip - ill pm you the options, and i have live and alt cd, curently usign alt22:33
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: reboot22:34
coopsterbambooforest: i'm familiar with rsync, but are there options to re-map UIDs on the fly?22:34
Slartpedrobroet: hmm.. I didn't find it when I searched in synaptic.. but there are lots of other joystick utils available22:34
LinuxFanFret18 you can run lsb_release -d -s -c to see what version of ubuntu you have22:34
DasEiPuppy : pm the installers driver options, yes22:34
untermensch_ActionParsnip: into recovery?22:34
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: no regular22:34
carpeliami'm trying to install JeOS, and supposedly "pressing F4 on the first screen will allow you to pick "Install a minimal virtual machine"" - but i don't see that option, I only see "normal" mode when i press F4 - anybody have any ideas?22:34
pedrobroetSlart: thanks, I'll check it22:34
bambooforestcoopster, i thought you wanted to stick with the uids you had22:35
LinuxFanFret18 assuming you dont already have compiz installed yep22:35
ActionParsnipSlart: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6876622:35
coopsterbambooforest: nono, that's exactly the problem.  i want the same usernames to have the same permissions, but username joe on machine A and username joe on machine B have different UIDs22:35
Fret18Alright, I'll check my version.22:35
Fret18Thanks LinuxFan.22:35
untermensch_ActionParsnip: nothing.22:35
untermensch_ActionParsnip: still messed up.22:36
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: whats it say when its stopped?22:36
Azhi_DahakaI'm trying to map an internal ip into an external one22:36
DasEiPuppy : these are the bootoptions, you can give in with F622:36
untermensch_ActionParsnip: `when it's stopped where?22:36
PuppyDasEi - they are the options that are in the bash line22:36
plasmaroxim having a problem downloading the repositary indexs, pm me?22:36
Fret18Fret18: My version is 8.04.122:36
Fret18Duh, Fret18 is me. :P22:37
Fret18LinuxFan: My version is 8.04.122:37
DasEiPuppy : BUT when the installer is running, it stops at certain point>the ata drivers... no choices possible there ?22:37
ScuniziAzhi_Dahaka: usually that's done in the router.. tell it to send traffic to a specific internal ip on a specific port22:37
Puppyyeah it stops with a drive list wth like 200 drivers in it22:37
Puppyone of them says sata in it, but it dont work22:37
LinuxFanyou should have it then Fret18  but you'll still need to install compizconfig-settings-manager22:37
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: what do you have onscreen when you say its stil bad? are there errors? a picture of the Queen?22:38
carpeliamanybody have any JeOS advice? can't seem to install it from the Server Edition ISO like I've been reading22:38
Fret18LinuxFan: Correct. How can I enable it?22:38
LinuxFanSystem>Preferences>Advanced Desktop Settings22:38
mirakSchneeSchwarz: http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/  that's it22:38
coopsterI am trying to copy a /home directory from one machine to another.  I'd like to preserve permissions and all (i.e. cp --archive), but the UIDs on one machine do not match the UIDs (ie the usernames are the same, but 'joe' on machine A may be 1001, and on machine B be 1005)  on another.  Is there a tool or utility that will let me do this?22:38
bambooforestcoopster, not sure if cfengine have some options to deal with the uid22:38
LinuxFanerr "Effects"22:38
untermensch_ActionParsnip: it is completely white, with small black lines (about 1/8th of an inch apart) that randomly scroll to the right, sometimes forming dots, sometimes moving across the screen. moving more so when the keypad is touched.22:38
coopster(sorry for repeat, was adding info)22:38
DasEiPuppy :can burn a cd ?  also used the check media for defects option ?22:39
bambooforestcoopster, you may check it out, and get if it works to you22:39
bambooforestcoopster, btw have you ever used sbackup?22:39
LinuxFan"Advanced Desktop Effects Settings"22:39
coopsterbambooforest: no, i'll look up sbackup before22:39
PuppyDasEi - done, done the disk check, dont the meme test, and the disk works fine on my other machine22:39
coopsterbambooforest: errm, look it up now.22:39
chamuscashello, i need the string.h library does any one know where to search for it ?22:39
DasEiPuppy :can burn a cd ?22:39
PuppyDasEi - yeah i did burn them to cd22:40
Mixed432anyone knows of a utility that will sync folders in 2 linux computers over a network?  I want to have a folder in my laptop and a folder on my samba share synchronized22:40
DasEiPuppy : try the netinstaller-minimal cd22:40
ScuniziMixed432: rsync but I don't know how to set it up22:40
LinuxFanMixed432 I believe rsync does that22:40
DasEiPuppy : ..asuming you got intrneton the other, too22:40
scientushow do you prevent jobs that 'job &'ed from closing when you close ssh22:40
LinuxFanI dont either Scunizi :)22:40
PuppyDasEi - but im on wireless22:40
bimberiMixed432: another option is "unison"22:41
PuppyDasEi - im gonna try this ActionParsnip • then add to the kernel: noacpi dma=off brb22:41
coopsterMixed432: I highly recommend unison22:41
SchneeSchwarzscientus: nohup, screen22:41
untermensch_ActionParsnip: still there?22:41
LightTitanWhat is the command you use to extract all of the files from an *.exe?22:42
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: try sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:42
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: did you modify the xorg.conf yourself?22:42
untermensch_ActionParsnip: no, it was messed up from install.22:42
untermensch_ActionParsnip: as soon as it was done installing, i booted up and blamo22:43
=== XJS is now known as Xjs
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: hmm, did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as check the burned cd for defects??22:43
pejmanhello room22:43
untermensch_ActionParsnip: how would i check it for defects?22:43
ubottupejman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:43
untermensch_ActionParsnip: and no :( i was being lazy22:43
Mixed432cooper and LinuxFan, thanks!  I will try first unison and then rsync22:43
untermensch_and cp didn't wor.22:43
LjLLightTitan: an .exe, if you mean a Windows executable program file, it a single file - it doesn't contain other files22:43
LinuxFannp good luck Mixed43222:44
LightTitanLjL: I could have swore that I extracted files from a windows *exe file at one time.22:44
LjLLightTitan: then it was a self-extracting ZIP or RAR archive22:44
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: yuo use md5 to check the iso and part of the cd boot is to check the cd. TCP is a very solid protocol but its not flawless and downloads can still have errors22:44
justizinhiya, i've got clients wanting features i plan to provide by upgrading to intrepid ibex, which i've been testing and am quite impressed with.  just curious if the RC freeze is on schedule for tomorrow.22:45
LjLLightTitan: you need to know what it actually is first, anyway22:45
ActionParsnipLightTitan: you can use unzip on it22:45
LjLLightTitan: or, of course, you could just run it in WINE22:45
ActionParsnipLightTitan: or cabextract22:45
LightTitanah, cabextract maybe that was the one.22:45
LightTitanThanks guys22:45
mirakSchneeSchwarz: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/ms-sys/22:45
ActionParsnipLjL: dell package stuff in .exe format and you can pull data out with unzip or cabextract22:45
untermensch_ActionParsnip: ah yea.. well i prob should've.. :( i'll check it when i can get ahold of it next.22:46
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz
ActionParsnip!intrepid | justizin22:46
ubottujustizin: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu22:46
=== rahal_ is now known as rahal
Fret18LinuxFan: I found out it wasn't pre-installed. I had to add it via the Add/Remove Programs.22:46
LjLActionParsnip, many things are archived in .exe format, but if the question was "how can i extract file from an .exe", which it was, there is just no right answer. it could be zip, it could be rar, it could be probably 1000 other things22:46
ActionParsnipuntermensch_: i bet you got a bad disk22:46
LightTitanMeh, it's not a cabnet, oh well... I will figure something out22:46
ActionParsnip!md5 | untermensch_22:46
ubottuuntermensch_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:46
untermensch_ActionParsnip: possibly.22:46
LjLLightTitan: type "file filename.exe", see if it tells you22:46
AboSamoorI am trying to record my voice using an external mic, I just get a crappy noise my card is 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:47
LinuxFanFret18 that's odd, but ok.22:47
Fret18Anyway, thanks for the help.22:47
LinuxFanyw :)22:47
justizinthanks ActionParsnip, and I apologize for gumming up the main channel, I know that release anticipation can be annoying, just had an email storm this AM about SVN 1.5 support, thanks to Tortoise pushing all the Windows users to use something which can't merge with any previous version. :/22:47
justizinreportedly, at least.22:47
MetalHeadDeadwhere is the up to date date on Intrepid?22:47
ActionParsnipLjL: LightTitan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47900922:47
PuppyActionParsnip DasEi - still didnt work, but i turned off quiet and saw the following22:48
isilionplease look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578322:48
ActionParsnipMetalHeadDead: 30th22:48
MetalHeadDeadI was looking for something that would tell me about it's features and such22:48
MozelHello, is there some sort of a program that contains all the drivers necessary for the most popular 56k dial-up modems, so that you wouldn't need to go onto the internet when you don't have the access to internet to download drivers? thanks :)22:49
LjL!intrepid > MetalHeadDead    (MetalHeadDead, see the private message from Ubotu)22:49
ubottuMetalHeadDead, please see my private message22:49
LjL!offline | mozel22:49
ubottumozel: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ (now with Gutsy and Hardy support)22:49
ActionParsnipMozel: most are winmodems22:49
ActionParsnip!modem | Mozel22:49
ubottuMozel: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto22:49
PuppyActionParsnip DasEi - http://pastebin.com/d1d7e4b4a22:50
=== nutella_ is now known as adac
MozelActionParsnip: well, I am on that page right now... but to download all those drivers? I'm a bit confused :P22:50
ActionParsnipIsilion: have you tried envyng-gtk?22:50
Mozelright now I'm on broadband, mmm :}22:50
Mozelthanks ActionParsnip  :)22:50
DasEiPuppy:can you boot the desktop-live cd ?22:51
plasmaroxim having troubles downlloading the depostitaries indexes when i update22:51
PuppyDasEi - no, that laods me to busybox22:51
ActionParsnipPuppy: id check the disks are healthy using the tool from the manufacturers site as well as run a memory test22:51
Puppyim assuming because fo this problem - http://pastebin.com/d1d7e4b4a22:51
LightTitanAnyone know of a good small program for linux that will add a terminal button to my file manager window so that if I click it, it opens a terminal window that is already "cd" to that directory?22:52
PuppyActionParsnip - already have done, mem test pased 100% and im usign them both on windows as we speak22:52
DasEiPuppy:so problem is to figure out right driver in installer choice, but first try netinstall, too22:52
isilionActionParsnip, yes, ive tryed all drivers, including ati and radeon. drivers are properly installed, as post commands reads; the only problem is launching 3d in linux; in winxp it works perfectly so isnt broken :S22:52
Jake_i got a question r there any experienced linux hackers here22:52
PuppyDasEi - i cant try netinstall because im using wireless, not cable22:52
LjLLightTitan: that would depend on which file manager you use ;) Dolphin does that by default, but if you're on GNOME, i doubt you'd like that22:52
LightTitanThis is Ubuntu channel, not a hacking channel >.>22:52
Jake_i know22:53
Jake_o srry22:53
LightTitanlol, I am in Gnome22:53
Jake_i just am having troubles wit some apps22:53
LjL!ask | Jake_22:53
ubottuJake_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:53
ActionParsnipisilion: have you installed envyng-gtk and installed it that way?22:53
DasEiPuppy:no way to change that ? is it a laptop ?? self-build ???22:53
LightTitanand what does app problems have to do with hacking Jake_?22:53
Jake_when i open some apps its closees right away22:53
ActionParsnipJake_: run the program from terminal and you will get intelligent outputs22:53
PuppyDasEi - self build, and no way i can get a hardwire22:53
LightTitanwhat program Jake_?22:54
Jake_how do i do that i just switched to linux for first time22:54
LjL!info nautilus-open-terminal | LightTitan22:54
isilionActionParsnip,  yes, same issue at launchin openarena or compiz22:54
ubottulighttitan: nautilus-open-terminal (source: nautilus-open-terminal): nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 22 kB, installed size 636 kB22:54
Jake_amaya and another22:54
LightTitanLjL: Do they have any good ones for gnome that you know of?22:54
esmaeelim new to linux. how can i get my wifi working22:54
LjLLightTitan: see above22:54
LightTitankk, thanks22:54
LjL!wifi | esmaeel22:54
ubottuesmaeel: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:54
DasEiPuppy:so, as it will be hard to get all the choices here, you will have to try it out at the installer then22:54
ActionParsnipesmaeel: lspci if its internal or lsusb from termina and websearch from there22:54
aflackWhats a good video editor for Linux that i can edit .avi's on?22:55
DasEiPuppy:is it a laptop ?22:55
Jake_one sec22:55
PuppyDasEi - no custom build dekstop22:55
ActionParsnipisilion: which ati thng do you have?22:55
DasEiPuppy:so why not put a network nic in it ?22:55
LjLaflack: /join #ubuntu-bots and type "list every video editor"22:55
Puppycos the router is in the attic, were all wireless22:55
zzlwhen is 8.10 coming out.//22:55
reti have an issue with gnome-terminal fonts fonts.22:55
LjL!8.10 > zzl    (zzl, see the private message from Ubotu)22:56
ubottuzzl, please see my private message22:56
eddVRSaflack, have you looked at the ubuntu studio distro, there might be some stuff on there?22:56
Jake_i am still consued22:56
retsome fonts 'just don't show up properly/at all'22:56
PuppyDasEi - router is in the attic, only line into the house, and im not draggin g my pc int the loft lol22:56
isilionActionParsnip, ati radeon 9800 pro. service support of ati told me that theyre working on it, so all help i can hope is from you22:56
LjLeddVRS: well, Ubuntu Studio has the same packages that normal Ubuntu has available22:56
retlike with my irc client, things look inconsistent, until i grab the entire screen.22:56
eddVRS...yes, good point *doh*22:56
MozelActionParsnip: so is there some sort of a unified package, ?22:56
untermen1chwhat do i need to control compiz again22:56
DasEiPuppy:or connect it to your current machine22:56
aflackeddVRS: im just looking for a small video editor similar to sony vegas and movie22:56
ActionParsnipisilion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578322:57
MozelActionParsnip: so is there some sort of a unified package, ? I mean, for modems.22:57
isilionActionParsnip, concretely, ati told me tham imnot a huge corporation with hundreds of same issues. but googling ive noticed that every ati user has problems. perhaps ive we all together complain..22:57
PuppyDasEi - this is the machine im installing on ....22:57
ActionParsnipisilion: http://www.rage3d.com/BOARD/showthread.php?t=3393419722:57
PuppyDasEi - its dual HD22:57
ActionParsnipisilion: ati and linux are weird22:58
DasEiPuppy: every line sth new.. lol22:58
isilionActionParsnip,  that post is mine too22:58
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip : i took a look at that thread, but I can't access the Grub editor22:58
untermen1chwhat is the program needed for compiz managment?22:58
PuppyDasEi - im just reading a similar cas eon the boards22:58
DasEiPuppy: I'm not 100% sure if netinstall will work, I gues gonna try all suggested drivers, then22:58
ActionParsnipuntermen1ch: ccsm22:58
beastuntermen1ch: ccsm22:58
ActionParsnip!grub | jaaaaakke22:59
ubottujaaaaakke: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:59
DasEiPuppy: found some (unsolved), too22:59
LinuxFanuntermen1ch compizconfig-settings-manager22:59
aflackWhat video editor for linux do you guys recomend?22:59
untermen1chthank you all22:59
scientusis it possible to add hardware while the computer is runing wth hibernate?23:00
scientuscan ubuntu instal while running?23:00
aflackWhat video editor for linux do you guys recommend?23:01
Jake_can anyoen help me when i open some apps they close right away23:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avidemux23:01
ubottuaflack: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:01
ActionParsnip!info avidemux23:01
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - gtk version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-0.0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2979 kB, installed size 7880 kB23:01
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:01
jaaaaakkeAction : how am i suppose to access a terminal when i dont have linux installed23:01
Jake_anyone plz23:01
Jake_when i open some apps they close right away wat do i do23:02
gm04030276look at the logs23:02
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: you do it from the livecd23:02
Jake_anyone plz23:02
LjLscientus: that sounds like a bad idea23:02
ActionParsnipJake_: run terminal and launch the program from there23:02
gm04030276jake_ or try running it from terminal23:02
LjL!please | jake_23:02
ubottujake_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience23:02
Jake_how do i launch it from terminal i am new srry23:02
ActionParsnipJake_: if it crashes you wil see some output you can websearch for23:03
scientuswell is it possible LjL ?23:03
zutmeI just did a fresh install of intrepid and fully updated, but I get no sound in flash. Any ideas?23:03
DasEiscientus:what hardware ? pci ? NO!23:03
ActionParsnipJake_: put my name at the start of you text to me23:03
scientusive heard you can install ram while linux is runiing23:03
Jake_how do i start a program in terminal23:03
LjLscientus: if you want your computer to go dead.23:03
ActionParsnipJake_: do you know how to run terminal23:03
SlimeyPetescientus: you heard wrong23:03
SlimeyPetefor a start you'd be risking an electric shock23:03
kitchescientus: well you can install virtual ram23:03
DasEiscientus:bad idea23:03
Jake_ActionParsnip is this ok23:03
SlimeyPetescientus: some sevrers allow hotswap RAM IIRC23:03
SlimeyPetebut that's only on high-end equipment23:04
SlimeyPetenot a standard desktop box23:04
scientusi think thats pretty cool imho23:04
LjLuseful, too23:04
shadowfx22I'm back!23:04
jaaaaakkeAction : when i boot from the cd, i get the instal menu...am i suppose to open the terminal from there?23:04
shadowfx22I have a question.  I've downloaded ndiswrapper and the firmware for my Broadcom 43xx, how do I install ndiswrapper?23:05
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx23:05
shadowfx22I transferred ndiswrapper off of my flashdrive but I don't understand how I go about installing it.23:05
LjL!tab | jaaaaakke23:05
ubottujaaaaakke: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:05
Raynesjaaaaakke: when you boot from the CD it should display a list of options, one of them being to install ubuntu.23:05
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: press tab to complete my name so it highlights23:06
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: much like mine highlights when i address you23:06
DigitalFizwhos them23:06
DigitalFizerr wrong window lol23:06
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: boot to the live distro23:06
LightTitan_LjL: I installed the program and rebooted X but the terminal window option does not show up in my rightclick menu23:06
Raynesjaaaaakke: type Act then hit tab.23:06
LightTitan_oh wait... nevermind23:06
LightTitan_it shows up if I click in the window, not in the address bar23:07
scientuslol if there's a market, there will be a product. Think vending machines for Japanese schoolgirl panties. Someone apparently wanted hot-swap RAM as well.23:07
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: i dont understand when it means to "boot to live distro"23:07
ActionParsnipscientus: you can hotswap ram in dell servers23:07
jaaaaakke(sorry for the nickname mistake btw)23:07
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: the live desktop on the cd23:07
d4rkmonkeyIs it just me, or is anyone else having problems with pidgin connecting to MSN?23:07
ActionParsnipd4rkmonkey: mines fine, you gotta use http method in advanced settings23:08
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: Is that the option where I can use linux without having to install it?23:08
SlimeyPeted4rkmonkey: works for me23:08
DasEi jaaaaakke:option try ubuntu without changing computer23:08
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: yep23:08
SlimeyPete(not using http)23:08
RaynesTo boot from the live CD, put the CD in the computers CD drive and turn off your computer and turn it back on.23:08
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: i cant access that either23:08
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: what happens when you try?23:08
profxavierif i want to add a new user to my linux box, and for that user to have ssh axx, do I just use the adduser command?23:08
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: I get that same error when I try installing ubuntu23:08
d4rkmonkeyActionParsnip, thanks, that fixed it... twas working fine like 5 minutes ago then I started having problems connecting23:09
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: the ata5.01: blah blah blah23:09
shadowfx22How do I install ndiswrapper after I transferred the files from my flashdrive to my computer?23:09
ActionParsnip!adduser | profxavier23:09
ubottuprofxavier: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo23:09
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | shadowfx2223:09
ubottushadowfx22: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:09
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: do you have an installed system?23:10
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: I have vista23:10
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: i meant a linux system23:10
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: no23:10
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: on the pc23:10
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: this is my first one23:10
=== felix-da-catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
xaashihi, i wondered if anyone could help me understand how to mange automounting usb drives23:10
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: my specs are Q6600, Abit Ip35 pro mobo, 8800GT eVGA23:10
xaashii need my usb stick to always be mounted to the same folder23:10
redheat_hi everyone23:11
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: i custom built my pc23:11
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: doesnt matter if you have a p2 366Mhz23:11
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: gotcha23:11
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: i just dont understand the errors im getting23:11
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: check your cable connections on the system when its off23:11
profxavierActionParsnip, thats all nice reading, but can you answer my question directly?23:11
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: I have, it's all sata23:12
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: try using different power connectors from different parts of the psu. ive had that help before23:12
redheat_folks, I gotta a question, I have a usb wireless adapter and I have already downloded its linux driver, the chipset manfuacturer Ralink, does provide a linux version of its windows drivers for the chipset. I was wondering if anyone can show me how to install using a command line23:12
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: The thread you gave me had identical errors, but the person fixed it by editing her Grub23:12
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: is that not possible for me?23:12
ActionParsnipprofxavier: its all there, install ndiswrapper then read the guides on how to give it the windows driver23:12
redheat_hey ActionParsnip, how are you mate? just checking to see how you're doing..23:12
ActionParsnipredheat_: fast and furious :D23:13
redheat_folks, the package23:13
redheat_is a .tar23:13
case^not sure how to phrase, open avi file at default res eg 400x600 then hit F11 to full screen and the resolution doesn't scale up?23:13
case^using totem and vlc23:13
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: you need some form of bootable system (cli or otherwise) to get it sorted.23:13
profxavierActionParsnip, I think that reply was for someone else, I was asking about ssh axx for a new user23:13
MetalHeadDeadthe forums are slowww today23:13
jaaaaakkeActionParsnip: bootable system?23:13
ActionParsnipprofxavier: yes add a user and they will have access23:14
profxavierMetalHeadDead, forums can be fast? :)23:14
MetalHeadDeadhaha, no i mean the loading is slow right now23:14
fillemvsdo any of you know the tcls?23:14
profxavierActionParsnip, so adding a user will give ssh axx, no group adding required?23:14
ActionParsnipjaaaaakke: something to edit grub. gentoo minimal will do it23:14
MetalHeadDeadim waiting five minutes on a search now lol23:14
JC2051I am having installation problems with Ubuntu server. I keep getting an error message "No multichannel peer found" - Not sure what the problem is23:14
profxavierthanks ActionParsnip23:14
ActionParsnipprofxavier: yeah they'll have access23:14
redheat_how to install .tar packages23:14
=== m_newton is now known as god2
jaaaaakkei cant believe how freaking complicated installing linux is23:15
ActionParsnipredheat_: tar xvf /path/to/file.tar23:15
ActionParsnipredheat_: what is it for?23:15
ArvanSome help getting the harddrives to mount on startup23:15
ActionParsnipredheat_: usually apps are on the repos23:15
fillemvsHow do I use the tcls?23:15
redheat_it's the linux driver for my usb wireless adapter23:15
fillemvsor is it tickles?23:15
ActionParsnip!fstab | Arvan23:15
ubottuArvan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:15
ActionParsnipredheat_: ok cool. just checking.23:16
=== god2 is now known as m_newton
fillemvsso so so23:16
ActionParsnip!info tcls23:16
ubottuPackage tcls does not exist in hardy23:16
droobleZHey, I have a question about Ubuntu should I just ask it here?23:16
peter_fire away23:16
fillemvs!info tcls23:16
=== peter_ is now known as cewihfdlv
fillemvs!info tcl23:16
ubottutcl (source: tcltk-defaults): The Tool Command Language (default version) - run-time files. In component universe, is optional. Version 8.4.16-1 (hardy), package size 3 kB, installed size 56 kB23:16
redheat_no mate, thank you so much..I'm just so numb..I mean I've been working on installing three OS beside my two windows os for the past 7 hours straight and my head feels like a paperweight..23:17
droobleZAlright I just installed Ubuntu Desktop Version and I'm trying to connect to my Wireless Network and have no idea how to do this... Can you guide me a bit?23:17
cewihfdlvsee what u need to do is issue something along the lines of...23:17
cewihfdlvdd if=/dev/urandom of=/23:17
cewihfdlvsomething like that23:17
ActionParsnipdroobleZ: is it internal or external?23:17
cewihfdlvgive it a try23:17
cewihfdlvin the terminal23:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dangerous23:17
cewihfdlvrun it with root23:17
ActionParsnipdroobleZ: lspci will tell you what it is23:18
FloodBot1cewihfdlv: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:18
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!23:18
shadowfx22I need help installing ndiswrapper without having an internet connection23:18
cewihfdlvwhats dangerous23:18
redheat_Actionparsnip..always indebted to you mate..by the way did you check this..http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20081020#feature23:18
scientusANYTHING WITH dd IF wotentially dangerous23:18
scientusal dd commands ARE VERY DANGEROUS23:18
redheat_I know it's more of a help to a noob like me rather than to you..but hey it's info right?23:18
case^not sure how to phrase, open avi file at default res eg 400x600 then hit F11 to full screen and the resolution doesn't scale up? using totem and vlc23:18
askandWhat should I keep in mind when planning to build a computer that will run Ubuntu? Any tips welcome!23:19
ActionParsnipredheat_: its a tonne of stuff dude23:19
case^don't worry about a poor gfx card23:19
LjL!hardware > askand    (askand, see the private message from Ubotu)23:19
ubottuaskand, please see my private message23:19
redheat_I know, but it's cool..and it continued like that for the past three or four weeks, but it rocks..23:20
=== Jesus is now known as JESUS
dcomxxcan someone tell me how i pass the time command format options ?23:23
MetalHeadDeadif i push alt+f2, how do i get out of it when im finished there?23:23
eddVRSanyone using the 8.10 beta?23:23
dextervipCan anyone translate it to me please "Put the patch in the ssh2-0.10 directory, run patch < php-libssh2.diff and compile as usual."23:24
LjL!beta | eddVRS23:24
ubottueddVRS: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:24
shadowfx22How do I install NDISWRAPPER from a downloaded file transferred from my USB flash drive?23:24
LjLdcomxx: the what?23:24
LjL!gdebi | shadowfx2223:25
ubottushadowfx22: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.23:25
Jowihello. hardy thinks I have two screens. "xrandr -q" show VGA and something called TMDS-1. Both are connected at different resolutions. how can i disable/disconnect TMDS-1 which is incorrect?23:25
MetalHeadDeadif i push alt+f2, how do i get out of it when im finished there?23:25
Jowi"xrandr --output TMDS-1 --off" does not work23:25
dcomxxthe format options for the time command23:25
dcomxxi read in man pages but didnt work like that23:26
eddVRSMetalHeadDead: there's either the cancel button or the run button, no?23:26
Jowiscreen-shot here if it can help (same in all desktop environments) http://burninghands.eu/pics/xrandr-kde4.png23:27
MetalHeadDeadno, when i push alt+f2 it goes to a black screen that reminds me of MS-DOS, but typing exit doesnt leave23:27
dcomxxfor elapsed real time it tells me to use the format -f %E23:27
Arvanmy wallpaper does not stay on the screen when i reboot..Where should i put it do do so?23:27
MetalHeadDeadoh, wait hang on, wrong button combo23:27
MetalHeadDeadi thinks it23:27
eddVRSMetalHeadDead: ctrl+alt+F7 should wokr23:27
MetalHeadDeadah thats it , thanks23:27
dcomxxtime -f %E  gives me a command not found already23:29
dcomxxhow i got to enter that ? :(23:29
voglsterMetalHeadDead, ctrl-alt-f723:30
ActionParsnipdcomxx: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=523:30
PuppyActionParsnip - DasEi - still no workey23:30
ScuniziI'm looking to remove "Auto connect enabled" for the USB in VMware server 2.x beta.. anyone familure enough with it? #vmware is dead #ubuntu-offtopic doesn't reply and ##linux has nothing..23:31
dcomxxwhats with that site ?23:31
dcomxxthe time command alone is working23:32
ActionParsnipdcomxx: its the gentoo handbook, shows you the time format and the syntax23:32
dcomxxbut not with options or formats23:32
DasEi? anybody knowing the correct ata-driver for   Asus M2R32-MVP   ? tell >Puppy23:32
dcomxxthat site is about installing gentoo i dont see anything about the time command there :S23:33
PuppyActionParsnip DasEi - im upload vid of what happens23:33
J2000_caDoes anyone know where the Keyboard Shortcuts util is editing? I'm trying to manual edit it to allow me to set mod4 + L as the lock screen keyboard combination23:33
DasEiPuppy: sorry for that, no further ideas, maybe try another distro to figure out the driver ?(e.g. Suse)23:34
PuppyDasEi - thanks a lot for trying23:35
Real_UbotHow do I change vbetween two channel in Irssi?23:35
PuppyDasEi - its nice of you to try so hard, i just wish it woudl work :(23:35
erUSULPuppy: is your lspci aviable on pastebin?23:35
Real_UbotI'm logged into two channels at the same time, how do I ge tback to the first one?23:35
PuppyerUSUL i dont know how to get my lspci23:35
erUSULPuppy: run "lspci"23:36
Husainihow to make iptables ?23:36
Husainistill error23:36
PuppyerUSUL - yeah no where to rubn it lol23:36
ScuniziPuppy: asus has a linux chipset driver for your board.. not sure how to enable it .. have you tried it yet?23:36
erUSULPuppy: ooops the problem is installing?23:36
PuppyScunizi - im using wondows as well23:37
DasEierUSUL:the prob is that the ata-issuse prevents puppy's cd to boot even live23:37
egofluxhow's it goin?23:37
PuppyerUSUL DasEi ActionParsnip Scunizi - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=teytJq4A55M23:37
Real_UbotHow do I change to another IRC channel? I have logged into two channels, how Do I get back to the first one?23:37
PuppyDasEi erUSUL - it will boot in alt, and go through installer, until it tryes to partition, and it cant find the drive, watch vid :d23:37
Husainihow to config iptables ?23:38
Husainistill error23:38
mechaneed help: when i try to launch a virtualbox i get this message:The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups23:38
mechahow would i do that?23:38
dulakmecha: adduser username vboxusers23:39
ActionParsnipPuppy: i put you na amusing comment23:39
ScuniziPuppy: looks like it hangs on the sata controllers.. they must be the newer fast ones.. is there an option in bios to turn them "down" to the older version?23:39
* datalock está away; janta - site[n/a] email[none@none] uin[none] log[off] pager[off] -=[Cyber]=-23:39
case^btw my video resolution was fixed by dumping xbmc23:39
* Husaini confuse23:39
dulakmecha: sudo adduser username vboxusers23:39
ActionParsnipScunizi: good call23:39
PuppyScunizi erm, it has SATA native ide legacy ide and IMPC(?) something liek that ...23:39
* Husaini so long waiting23:39
michael__Does anyone know why my computer freezes when I try to end the screensavor? (it does this like one out of every three times.)23:39
mechadulak: thanks dude23:40
=== michael__ is now known as mikebot
ScuniziPuppy: put it on legacy and see what happens.23:40
mikebotDoes anyone know why my computer freezes when I try to end the screensavor? (it does this like one out of every three times.)23:40
PuppyScunizi - ok brb23:40
theJKHHey guys quick question does Ubuntu supprt webcams and if it does does anyone know if it would support Creative Live! Cam ??????23:40
theJKHI got dual screen to work now im just wandering about my webcam23:40
theJKHis there a package i should download23:40
DasEitheJKH: 2times yes and:23:40
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:41
theJKHjust it hasnt reconied my cam automaticly23:41
theJKHso i dont know what package i should download23:41
ech0dishwhats the best way to make a ubuntu machine unusable? if you have root access...23:41
DasEitheJKH: plug it in, type: lsusb23:41
DasEitheJKH: not mentioned ?23:41
Webpainok, I need some help here. im stuck. its about ubuntu->apache2->rails and phpmyadmin23:41
theJKHwhere do I type that at23:41
DasEitheJKH: in terminal23:42
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:42
theJKHokay i did that now what23:42
theJKHis there any program i can test the cam out23:42
DasEitheJKH: camera not found ?23:42
theJKHits there23:42
theJKHSays creative technology23:42
Webpainanyone know where to get server issue support?23:43
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:43
=== birdmanblair is now known as birdwin
ubottutheJKH, please see my private message23:43
theJKHOkay last question is tere any software with ubuntu to test my cam23:44
Jowihi all. I solved my problem. I need to tell xorg.conf to ignore monitor "TMDS-1". that was all23:44
nacitarare modules built in the initrd "compiled into the kernel".. or are they just kernel modules.23:45
Puppyno luck23:45
Puppysame error23:45
nacitar(so, could I use it at boot time)23:45
garutachiI am fed up with this damn ATI driver crap.  I have tried and tried to get it to work with no luck :-(23:46
thinkl00pdid xmms2 replace xmm1? i tried installing xmms and its not in the repositories23:46
MellowDudeif i change CONCURRENCY=none to CONCURRENCY=shell will that speed up boot23:46
Puppycant remeber who was helpng now lol23:46
pedrobroettheJKH: mplayer, for instance. I usually type in the console: mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0:noaudio23:46
theJKHOKay thank you23:47
theJKHcould Skype also test out my webcam23:47
theJKHWill there EVER be iphone support for Ubuntu?23:48
garutachineed an expert ATI installer to help me out....23:48
PuppyDasEi - can you rmeeber who tole me to try legacy ide23:48
pedrobroettheJKH: mine (Webcam Labtec Pro) works with Skype23:49
PuppyMy installer is hanging trying to detect my raid drives, any ideas anyone ?23:50
alesanwhat is the package to install the current kernel's sources?23:50
egofluxare there any light versions of firefox?23:50
DrXHow do I get out of (repair filesystem) # after deleting an array with a bad stripe?23:51
alesanI'm running 2.6.24-21-generic23:51
Falcons_roostany one any good with Linux speech recognition23:51
PuppyMy installer is hanging trying to detect my raid drives, any ideas anyone ?23:51
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MellowDudealesan what kind cpu u have23:51
alesanMellowDude: I use architecture i38623:52
DasEisudo apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r),sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, alesan23:52
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alesanDasEi: I need the kernel sources for my current kernel, not modules23:52
egofluxhas anyone tried flock?23:52
alesanMellowDude: why?23:52
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MellowDudetheres different kernels for diffrent cpu's23:53
alesanDasEi: I'm compiling my very own modules out of tree and I need the matching sources.23:53
MellowDudei usr the i686 i have an inel23:53
alesanMellowDude: different kernel images, not kernel sources23:53
DasEiPuppy:don't know > legacy23:53
PuppyDasEi - well, im back to being stuck again, really dont know what else i can try :( another whole day spent on this23:54
MellowDudek7 i think is for amd23:54
alesanok bye23:55
Real_UbotAnybody know some free Ubuntu learning videos?23:55
theJKHWhen I type ls /dev/video it sas no such file or directory does tat meen it cant find my webcam driverss???23:55
MellowDudethe best way to find out how to set every thing in ubuntu is to play around with the settings23:56
MellowDudeand after a little while u find out how to set every thing up right23:56
Real_UbotDoes anyone know anything about free ubuntu learning videos?23:56
DasEiapt-cache search linux-source*  ,alesan23:56
theJKHbut  dont know wat settings to screw around with to get my creative cam to work23:57
PuppyMy installer is hanging trying to detect my raid drives, any ideas anyone ?23:57
alabamahitj/ #ubuntu+123:57
Real_Ubottobias: Tobias sounds Swedish?23:57
MellowDudethejKH trying to install Sn9cxxx drivers from linux projects23:58
=== carpeliam is now known as carpeliam|away
MellowDudethat shouold get it working23:58
theJKHokay thank you23:59
MellowDude np23:59
theJKHbecuase is it a good thing if its showin up on lsusb?23:59
theJKHit just says creative but that mst meen it found the cam23:59
MellowDudeyeah it found it then23:59
ScuniziPuppy: are you trying to run raid?  is it software raid as in a bios setting to turn it on.  If that setting is on.. turn it off.23:59

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