
=== blacknred0 is now known as blacknr_
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dindaping jjesse18:52
dindaping nixternal18:52
DoruHushI have a question regarding the Ubuntu Training Course translation into Romanian18:52
dindaDoruHush:  trying to find you someone who might be able to answer your question18:53
DoruHushwe manage to translate the course18:53
dindajenda: ping18:53
DoruHushdinda: I hope they will read sometime today what I write, I'm not in a hurry18:54
dindaI'll see if I can get nxvl over here too18:55
dindago ahead and post your question and someone will read it and respond - hopefully :)18:56
DoruHushSo, we manage to translate the course but we have problems with18:57
DoruHushwith the conversion from xml to pdf18:58
DoruHushwith the diachritics18:58
jjesseping dinda18:59
DoruHushit can't convert ș Ș ț Ț , they are not recognized18:59
DoruHushif I use cedilla instead of comma-below alls well19:00
DoruHushjjesse: hello19:00
DoruHushdinda ping you for me19:00
DoruHushif you can help with my problem19:00
dindanxvl is on his way over too19:01
nxvli'm here actually19:01
dindanxvl - meet DoruHush19:01
DoruHushhello nxvl:19:01
dindacan you tell your problem, one more time please, DoruHush?19:02
nxvlso, what am i good for?19:02
DoruHushI try, is hard19:02
DoruHushI have a question regarding the Ubuntu Training Course translation into Romanian19:02
DoruHushwe manage to translate the course19:02
DoruHushbut we have problems with19:03
DoruHushthe conversion from xml to pdf19:03
DoruHushwith the diachritics19:03
DoruHushit can't convert ș Ș ț Ț , they are not recognized19:03
DoruHushif I use cedilla instead of comma-below alls well19:03
nxvlyou can actually use rosseta (launchpad translation module) for transtaling19:03
nxvli'm sure it will manage to build correct .po files19:03
nxvlyour problem is with the system building those19:04
nxvli'm not sure if xml supports that tough19:04
DoruHushI use the script from the bzr repo of the course19:04
nxvlit may have a notation like html's acute;19:04
DoruHushno, I have po files19:04
nxvlmy repo19:04
DoruHushmaded with xml2po19:04
nxvlyeah, that's mine19:05
DoruHushand worked very well19:05
DoruHushno problem there19:05
nxvli'm not sure about a solution, i'm more a developer than a translator, but yes that's an issue with unicode19:05
DoruHushxml to pdf is the problem19:05
nxvlin spanish we use UTF-8, that works in Romanian too?19:06
nxvlDoruHush: oh, ok, the problem is with the encoding19:06
DoruHushshould I set an environment variable somwere?19:06
nxvlhow is that you are making the xml2pdf19:06
DoruHushutf-8 is the only that work19:06
DoruHushif have to use utf-8 what should I do?19:08
DoruHushI made the xml2pdf with the sacript from the bzr repo of the course19:09
DoruHushI use the makefile (make or make with options)19:10
nxvlcan i take a look at that script19:11
DoruHushit is that one19:12
nxvland how did you generate the xmls from the pot files?19:14
nxvli'm sure there is a way to generate the .po's, then translate everything there19:14
nxvland then build the pdf's from the original xml's and using the .po's too19:15
nxvlthe problem is, how?19:15
DoruHushfor each xml  file I made a pot file19:15
DoruHushafter that I made a po file from pot19:15
DoruHushafter that I made the translations19:16
DoruHushaftre that back to the xml19:16
nxvland you shold stop there19:16
nxvlthen run the makefile19:16
nxvland everything should be done automagically19:16
nxvlthat's the idea of the .po files19:17
nxvlnow, how to make that happend19:17
nxvli have no idea19:17
DoruHushI don't know how to use po file to make the pdf19:18
DoruHushthe makefile only deals with xml files19:20
DoruHushI've made the pdf, and work well if I use cedilaa instead o coma-below19:21
nxvlyeah, i'm not sure how it works, really19:21
nxvli hope i can help, but i have no idea19:21
nxvlwith TeTeT we get into this problem too, but i never got the time to solve it19:22
DoruHushyou said something about utf-819:22
nxvlthat's why we left this just here19:22
nxvlthat encoding19:22
DoruHushhow do I use them ?19:22
nxvlyou might ask in -translation if there is such a channel19:22
DoruHushok, thanks for all19:23
nxvlDoruHush: run this in a terminal please:19:23
nxvlecho $LANG19:23
DoruHushI read a lot (not understand much) about LaTex19:24
DoruHushand those characters are a really problem19:25
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel

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