
PuppyScunizi - ive tryed running as raid, as native ide, and legacy ide00:00
PuppyScunizi - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fkCvYLOfoaE00:00
ScuniziPuppy: just an idea.. but have you tried the gparted live cd?  I saw the video..00:00
PuppyScunizi - this is the new one00:00
PuppyScunizi im dling it now00:01
theJKHDo I just go sudo apt-get install sn9cxxx00:01
PuppyScunizi - gparted will be down in 5mins00:02
ScuniziPuppy: if it works setup 3 partitions, root as 10-12gib, swap as 1gig, the rest /home00:02
PuppyScunizi - ive got 80gb, shoudl i not let 3bg swap ?00:03
schnooworki have ubuntu on my laptop, is there a way to install XP as a dual boot but make the boot device still be grub and not windows ?00:03
ScuniziPuppy: 3GiB swap.. ?? no.. it's rarely used..00:03
theJKHWHat does Dependency is not satisfybe00:03
Joker_-_I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server on a new server I got and I get an ERROR 17 at grub loading...00:04
MellowDudepuppy try this site it might help www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-ubuntu8.04-with-software-raid100:04
Joker_-_I googled for that but I dont find much helping...00:04
kitcheJoker_-_: means grub can't find the partition for root mainly00:04
Joker_-_kitche: well, I dont quite understand since the whole drive is dedicated to linux...00:04
Joker_-_kitche: this isnt a dual-boot or anything00:04
kitcheJoker_-_: it usually means grub needs reinstalled00:05
MellowDudewell joker reinstall then pick use entire drive00:05
Joker_-_kitche: is there an "easy" way to do so without re-installing the whole system?00:05
Jake_can someone help me i reinstalled amaya on terminal then opened it through it again but it keeps closing once i open it00:05
Jake_pm me plz00:05
Joker_-_MellowDude: thats mainly what I did00:05
kitcheJoker_-_: how did you install since you can use a livecd to fix it00:06
MellowDude1. Boot your computer up with Ubunto CD00:06
MellowDude2. Go through all the process until you reech "[!!!] Disk Partition"00:06
Joker_-_kitche: oh, live CD... ok.00:06
PuppyMellowDude - i dont get that option, because it cant even see the drive00:06
Joker_-_kitche: thx00:06
kitche!grub > Joker_-_: you want this link00:07
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:07
Joker_-_kitche: sadly, the server CD doesnt have a live thing :(00:08
n0merhi all00:08
MellowDudejoker check ur pm i told u how to do it00:08
MellowDudewith out reinstall the whole thinng00:09
Joker_-_as said, there is no LIVE on server cd00:09
Joker_-_I'm simply re-installing00:09
* datalock retornou do away; janta - duração[30m42s] -=[Cyber]=-00:09
Joker_-_But I dont see what will happend different... I feel it's gonna just be the same00:10
isilionplease look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578300:10
=== sale_ is now known as sale
Jake_anyone know00:13
Jake_what do i do if some programs when i pen them they just close00:13
Jake_anyoen know00:14
=== carpeliam|away is now known as carpeliam
AdoleoJake_, you'll need to do some more research to find out why they close00:15
n0merdoes anyone know news on intrepid rc?00:15
Pici!ibex | n0mer00:15
ubottun0mer: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu00:15
n0merubottu: thanks00:16
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:16
AdoleoI love that bot00:16
Real_UbotBoten Anna with Basshunter00:16
n0merAdoleo: me too00:16
Real_UbotNot mich tlk here, most people logs in or out00:17
BBHosshi, can anyone tell me how to grow an ntfs partition with ntfsresize?00:18
theJKHWhere can i download easycam 2?00:18
theJKHWint that have the creative webcam drivers?00:18
theJKHi addedthe repotys but they ddint work00:18
theJKHis there a diffrent way to get it00:20
WarriorSlsomeone help me, i'm trying to use a program that uses oss with aoss to mix the sound with other sound in my pc, but the program don't outputs and inputs any sound00:23
PuppyGpart picks up the drives fine, but ubuntu does not....00:25
LjLi'm trying to use "diald". it doesn't seem very happy using the sl0 interface. it can also use "ethertap", but it can't get a "tap0" interface up. how can i get ethertap working, or does anyone have any hints about making it work with SLIP?00:26
TuxUbuntu sux !00:26
kitcheLjL: did you create a tap0 interface?00:27
PuppyDasEi - gparted sees the drives00:27
Tuxand I'm using one right now :p00:27
theJKHShould easycam find my webcam00:27
LjLkitche: no, but i figured that if the ethertap driver is actually available, then just bringing it up would work00:27
LjLwhat are the steps to "create an interface", for that matter00:27
LjL(besides, even better, if there's a ready-made solution to turn a wifi card on and off on demand when connections are requested... i'd just ditch diald)00:28
=== yell0w_ is now known as yell0w
kitcheLjL: see if tun is loaded in the kernel00:29
Joker_-_kitche: Ok I know that the partition I need to boot (root) is /dev/sda1. I have rescued 3 times to make sure that I do have selected /dev/sda1. I also got to a console shell, mounted /dev/sda1 and the system IS there. I still have that Error 17... What the hell is wrong?00:29
kitcheJoker_-_: can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst00:29
LjLkitche: it wasn't, it is now. i didn't know it was related to tap00:30
Joker_-_kitche: I wish I could but I'm in the "buzybox" without anything fancy00:30
kitcheLjL: well it's tun/tap really00:30
kitcheLjL: now try and see if it works00:30
jaaaaakkeI also am in the busybox, and cannot install Ubuntu00:30
ohzieI'm having some issues with a TV :[ Anyone know about getting widescreen TV's working as secondaries in their widescreen mode?00:31
sirMajiddo you know how to install unrar-free without synaptic?00:31
ohzieI can make it work at 1024x768  and other 4;3 resolutions, but that's it.00:31
LjLkitche: it's still "no such device" when trying to bring tap0 up00:32
arlogholaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ALGUNA AMIGA DE PERU???????????00:32
ohziesirMajid, "sudo aptitude install unrar-free -y"00:32
ohziesould do it00:32
LjL!es | arlog00:32
ubottuarlog: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:32
sirMajidohzie: tnx00:33
LjLarlog: estos son tambien canales de *ayuda tecnica*00:33
ohziesirMajid, No problem.00:33
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
kitcheLjL: what does tunctl do for you?00:34
ozzysorry I'm french I'm in it to lern Englich lol00:34
jaaaaakkeI cannot install Ubuntu, and I can't access the live desktop from the cd...00:35
jaaaaakkeis there any alternative?00:35
kilroy_yo test00:35
ozzyyour CD is breacken00:35
Puppyozzy - nope, cd is verified00:35
ozzyoki sorry00:36
kilroy_ozzy est français,yeahhhh00:36
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr00:36
Joker_-_kitche: I just mounted the partition and checked menu.lst... seems like it's a default file... Nothing realy customized in there besides hd(2,0) (does it means /dev/sda1?)00:36
ozzyyou must speack in english?00:36
kitcheJoker_-_: no that sdc1 I believe been a while sicne I actually looked at a grub menu.lst00:36
ozzyhave tou a good liste?00:37
Joker_-_kitche: what should be /dev/sda1?00:37
LjLozzy: rejoinde #ubuntu-offtopic si tu veux seulement converser en anglais, cet canal est pour aide tecnique00:37
kitcheJoker_-_: can you pastebin it like I said for you to do?00:37
Joker_-_kitche: I dont have access to grub binary tho... I'm kinda lost in there... can I chroot?00:37
Joker_-_kitche: can't pastebin man, I'ts buzybox00:37
kc8pxyhow do i play et on ubuntu-64-bit?00:37
LjLkitche: err, where do i get tunctl? it's not quite installed, and packages.ubuntu.com seems down00:37
mkhlnshhello. how can i contact a Launchpad administrator?00:37
LjLmkhlnsh: try #launchpad00:38
sirMajidI have a problem with my graphic card...00:38
kitcheJoker_-_: well your probably looking at something else besides your systems menu.lst then00:38
mkhlnshLjL, thanks00:38
ozzyso change you graphique card00:38
sirMajidmy ubuntu doesn't show the videos fine00:38
Joker_-_kitche: nvm, I'll chroot and dig around00:38
ozzycaus ubuntu can use anly Gforce00:38
Joker_-_kitche: the old gentoo way ;)00:38
theJKHIs there any msn clients for linux that have WEBCAM support???00:38
sirMajidI changed the xorg.conf file to match with my graphic card(which is ati)00:38
ozzyAmsn support00:39
=== bruenig is now known as hmmmmmmmm
jaaaaakkeIs there a possible way to access the Grub editor without accessing the Live desktop from teh cd?00:39
ozzyamsn support the cam00:39
sirMajidand when I do that, my graphic card gets disabled automatically00:39
sirMajidvideos become fine00:39
ozzybut your can muste support linux00:39
Gumbyhi all.  I am trying to install mythbuntu and the disk formatting fails.  I am trying to run cfdisk via terminal but I need to input a password to be able to use sudo.  Of course there doesnt seem to be a password set so I cant use sudo00:39
sirMajidbut my visual effects get disabled eitehr00:39
carrera's up sirMajid00:40
sirMajidand it doesn't let me enable that00:40
theJKHKay how do I get a mic to work?00:40
sirMajidcarrera: I just said my whole problem00:40
=== hmmmmmmmm is now known as bruenig
theJKHIts plugged in like the red jack and everything00:40
theJKHjust i rrecord a video with cheeze and no audio comes out00:40
=== cooldude13233|aw is now known as cooldude13233
kitcheLjL: it's in uml-utilies but if you can only grab it from packages.ubuntu.com your a bit out of luck it seems since it does indeed seem down00:41
sirMajidcarrera: you know anything about this problem?00:41
carrerasirMajid, sorry dude, I just logged on. I meant how r ya?00:41
sirMajidcarrera: aha...tnx:D00:41
kc8pxyanyone know how to run 32-bit apps on a 64-bit ubuntu?00:42
carrerasirMajid, what's the problem anyway?00:42
carrerasirMajid, are u Iranian?00:42
sonicrules1234i have a prob too: whenever i pick a custom command for opening a file, it sticks to the right click menu it wont change any more00:42
sirMajidcarrera: yep and u?00:42
smil3ytheJKH>  cheese only does video as far as i know00:42
sirMajidcarrera: iranian either?00:42
carrerasirMajid, no00:42
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:43
sirMajidcarrera: so how do u know?00:43
bronzewalla84i can't get X to start on an Intel GM965, VGA-Out works fine, but no display on the laptop, can anyone help?00:43
LjLkitche: no i can grab it from the repositories, i just thought that wasn't really the right package00:43
theJKHOh okay00:43
carrerasirMajid, but I could u are by the way u use "that" and "either" in the wrong places00:43
theJKHBut a regular mic00:43
carrerasirMajid, oh and your name00:43
theJKHwill work with linux00:43
juanej1how do i clear the command log from terminal?00:44
carrerasirMajid, what are u doing up so late anyway?00:44
smil3ytheJKH>  yeah but cheese doesnt support audio00:44
sirMajidcarrera: where are u from?00:44
carrerasirMajid, take a guess00:45
sirMajidcarrera: I'm trying to solve my problem...00:45
carreragood for u00:45
kitcheLjL: I m kind of looking at a tutorial mainly to refresh myself since I haven't used linux tap in a long time00:45
sirMajidcarrera: there are over 200 countries, that will take a lot of time00:45
carrerasirMajid, I guessed and it took me only 1 try00:46
sirMajidcarrera: u really guessed?00:46
smil3ykc8pxy>  32 bit apps run on 64 bit,  you talking about flash or something like that?00:46
thewalrusanyone can help me to install enlightement on intrepid??00:46
carrerasirMajid, your name and your English give it away00:47
sirMajidcarrera: what do you mean give it away?00:47
LjLkitche: ok, diald didn't really get any better than when it was using sl0, but the tap0 interface now works and is used by diald, thanks00:47
carrerasirMajid, give it away == make it obvious00:47
LjLshame that diald apparently wakes up the processor so often, anyway... it would have been a nice way to control the wifi card, but if it sucks up more power than the card itself, then no thanks00:48
sirMajidcarrera: aha...really. My english is that bad?00:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:48
kitcheLjL: not a problem you could try niceing it but I don't know how well that will work00:48
sirMajidcarrera: but actually my name is not pure persian it is arabic. so you had to guess one of arabic countries00:49
LjLkitche: it's not a matter of keeping the CPU *busy*, it's just a matter that it wakes it up all the time. that's not good when you're on battery on a so-called power-saving processor, or at least so powertop claims00:49
carrerasirMajid, oh, no... your English is very good. It's just that u said "either" instead of "too"00:49
kc8pxysmil3y:  enemy-territory00:49
=== stickyboy is now known as stickboy
Blaenkwhen's the next ubuntu due again?00:49
carrerasirMajid, that's not entirely true. There are lot's of Persian men called Majid00:50
xomp!latest | Blaenk00:50
ubottuBlaenk: Packages in a released Ubuntu version may not be the latest. Post-release updates are only considered for inclusion if they are: Fixes for security vulnerabilities, High impact bug fixes, or Unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit and very low risk. See also !backports.00:50
carrerasirMajid, I knew a cool guy in England00:50
thomcis there any performance advantage doing a fresh kubuntu install instead of just installing kde on top of ubuntu?00:50
Joker_-_kitche: FYI - seems like the00:50
Joker_-_installer can't cope with sata / ide combination.00:50
theJKHwhen i use my printer it says its printing and then complete but nothings happening???00:50
mgromanI AM A TROLL!00:50
kc8pxysmil3y:  running it on amd-64 in gentoo is seemless. but it seems not so for ubuntu :-(00:50
Joker_-_kitche: It's in the bug list00:50
mgromanPriceChild: I AM A TROLL!00:51
Joker_-_kitche: sata + ide are inverted during install versus normal boot00:51
sirMajidcarrera: yeah there are. but it is originally an arabic name.a lot of arabic words have entered persian language.00:51
Joker_-_kitche: kinda tricky00:51
sirMajidcarrera: so you are from england?00:51
kitcheJoker_-_: ah yeah means you have to edit grub's menu.lst most likely then00:51
theJKHanyone know the problem00:51
mkhlnshLjL, i got no answer on #launchpad. what i need is to reactivate an inactive signature of a code of conduct? any ideea?00:51
Joker_-_kitche: thats all?00:51
xomptheJKH, is it an HP printer?00:51
Joker_-_kitche: I update menu.lst then I have to re-run grub-install or something00:51
bruenigjrib: hi00:52
jribbruenig: hi00:52
flybacksempron 64 box, ati radeon 9500 pro which has been supported in 2d by X for yrs00:52
carrerasirMajid, let's take this private before we offend people00:52
flybackthe last 2 ubuntu releases I get a blank screen unless I force vesa mode00:52
ozzycomment on fait pour aller sur ubuntu en francais sil vous plai00:52
kitcheJoker_-_: well I never had to run grub-install really but you might need to make sure the boot record is on the right drive00:52
flybackfedora works with the video but fedora is a fucking unstable piece of fucking shit that the developers have jusitifed the use of pipe bombs against00:52
* flyback is bitter00:52
bruenigwhen I click on the green button, it doesn't work00:52
FloodBot1flyback: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:52
luigi_someone konw why in pre-order intrepid cd I can't find the 64bit version00:52
xomp!ohmy | flyback00:53
ubottuflyback: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:53
mgromanxomp: omp?00:53
DocUSN-USMCwhats the command to update openoffice to 3.000:53
DocUSN-USMCor the newest whichever00:53
flybackxomp BITE MY "CANUCK"00:53
flybackis that better?00:53
kitcheDocUSN-USMC: well what's in the repos is the lastest00:53
mgroman!hi | flyback00:53
ubottuflyback: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:53
bruenigDocUSN-USMC: sleep 6 months ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:53
LjLmkhlnsh: no clue really, sorry... perhaps try asking in #ubuntu-irc00:53
DocUSN-USMCsleep 6 months?00:53
kitcheDocUSN-USMC: unless you grab a 3rd party package and install it00:53
mkhlnshLjL, thanks, i'l try there too...00:53
smil3ykc8pxy>  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71212600:54
FarmCretinhey, is it possible to install Ubuntu eee on a desktop PC?00:54
bruenigI don't think the sleep syntax is correct, but you can use the man page to figure out what six months is00:54
LjLflyback: no, it's not better. if you aren't calm enough to use irc, waiting before using it is generally good advice. i'll give you some pointers i'd like you to check out.00:54
LjL!etiquette > flyback    (flyback, see the private message from Ubotu)00:54
ubottuflyback, please see my private message00:54
smil3ykc8pxy>  you need 32 bit libraries, see the link00:54
mgroman!hi > flyback00:54
bruenigoh no00:54
bruenigban hammer00:54
* flyback laughs at his despises himself and this miserable God created joke known as life, let know worrying about being polite in a channel00:55
brueniguh oh00:55
LjLi'm not sure whether i speak english or, dunno, turkish00:55
bruenigthat is bad grammar for a suicide note00:56
Falcons_roostwhat do i need to install to view these videos http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/media.php00:56
flybackit's not a sucide note00:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:56
flybackyou go to hell for offing yourself or I would have done it LONG LONG ago00:56
bruenigcome on guys00:56
bruenigFalcons_roost: mplayer00:56
xompFalcons_roost, quicktime00:56
kc8pxysmil3y:  understood.  i had founf a different howto. but I'm glad that works :)00:56
Falcons_roosti have it00:56
Joker_-_kitche: Worked...00:56
FarmCretinso i take it you CANT install ubuntu eee on a desktop pc?00:56
Joker_-_kitche: nice bug :P00:56
flybackanyone know of any ubuntu specific problesm with X showing a blank screen off the livecd or installer00:56
flybackor with STUPID CANUCK ati cards00:57
bruenigFarmCretin: special kernel, probably won't work with your hardware00:57
* flyback blames canada00:57
Joker_-_thx for the help everyone.00:57
bruenigban hammer00:57
mlinsI understand this is kind of vague, but my sound stopped working after I did an update.  I believe the update that cause it was the linux kernel upgrade.  I've tried so many thing, but nothing works.  The funny thing is digital pass-thru works fine, but no PCM whatsoever.  Can anyone help?00:57
Falcons_roostis there a hot link for .deb or will the max os x due00:57
bruenighopefully he doesn't figure out how to change his nick00:57
bruenigwhat is a hot link?00:58
thewalrusanyone can help me to install enlightement 17 on intrepid??00:58
DocUSN-USMCopenoffice 3.0 is pay for?00:58
DocUSN-USMCits not free anymore :(00:58
bruenigDocUSN-USMC: it's free00:58
xompthewalrus, #ubuntu+100:59
kc8pxythewalrus:  E is still alive??:)00:59
ubottuthewalrus:: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu00:59
DocUSN-USMCbruenig whys it say 2.99 for a year subscription?00:59
theJKHDoesn installing a printer require a restart00:59
thewalrusah ok01:00
theJKHbecuase it installed the drivers01:00
bruenigDocUSN-USMC: I don't know what you are talking about, perhaps support? anyhow, it is free, I got it for free01:00
theJKHbut nothings printing01:00
theJKHand it says its no connected01:00
FarmCretinP4 1.8ghz and 768ram. should  i install ubuntu or Xubuntu01:00
xomp!enter theJKH01:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter thejkh01:00
xomptheJKH, I asked you what printer you had, but you've yet to respond..01:00
thewalrus<kc8pxy> why u say that?01:00
kunwon1__FarmCretin, I use regular ubuntu with p4 1.8 w/256mb ram01:01
bruenigPuppy: screaming is off topic01:01
bruenigcome on guys01:01
theJKHI have HP Deskjet f428001:01
Puppybruenig - you spend 3 days trying to install Ubuntu and see if you dont lol01:01
dannyHello all. Anyone every use Headtracking software in Ubuntu?01:01
theJKHAnd it installed the deskjet_f4200 series01:01
DasEiFarmCretin: whatever you like01:01
theJKHbut it says theres nothing connected01:01
mx-tvt3 days installing ubuntu?01:01
bruenigPuppy: you don't seriously expect anyone to watch a 5 min video of your problem do you?01:02
FarmCretinkunwon1__:  no noticeable sluggishness?01:02
xomptheJKH, ahh, I have an HP, took me 3 months to get it working in ubuntu. Good luck finding help on the web as the majority of information out there is way WAY outdated.01:02
theJKHwhen i go to hplip01:02
kunwon1__FarmCretin, maybe occasionally01:02
xxporis there some way to tell if a server you can ssh to is running a RAID setup?01:02
xomptheJKH, is it USB?01:02
Puppybruenig - it takes about 20 mins to explain ..01:02
kunwon1__FarmCretin, it's easy to switch between the two afterwards, anyway01:02
Puppybruenig - thats video 1 of 501:02
theJKHit just says ts ot connected even though it is01:02
xomptheJKH, what does "lsusb" show in terminal? be sure to pastebin the output and not paste here.01:02
theJKHit shows the printer01:02
bruenigPuppy: good luck with that01:03
theJKHHewlett Packard01:03
theJKHShould I do a restart or something01:03
xomptheJKH, you can always try the dying channel known as #cups01:03
theJKHEverytime i print it says complete but nothing happens and when i go to hplip it says its not connected01:03
xomptheJKH, as a last resort if nobody here can help :( I'm no good at printers, sorry.01:04
dannyBruenig what's the problem? You can't install ubuntu at all?01:04
DasEi bruenig: Puppy: its a problem with a asus-mobo, the ata-drivers don't work01:04
theJKHits okay01:04
atdogI installed nvidia driver on my nb(ubuntu 8.04 desktop),but after reboot ,the screen is whole white01:04
theJKHwoud i restar help01:04
DasEidanyy: its puppys prob01:04
xomptheJKH, probably not, but I would do it for "sheets and geegles" :)01:04
dannyIs it on a USB or parallel?01:04
bruenigPuppy: love the music by the way, top notch01:04
PuppyDasEi - that sounds resonable, but any way to work towards a resolution01:04
PuppyDasEi - gparter picks the drives up fine01:04
DocUSN-USMClinux, linux x-86.deb, linux with bundled jre... which one:P thiers three01:05
dexterhey my filesystem has errors...how can i clean this off01:05
DasEiPuppy: how did you get in gparted at all now ?01:05
PuppyDasEi - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=H9OR2uvUYe801:05
PuppyDasEi - thats what gparted shows01:05
DasEidexter: use e2fsck01:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about e2fsck01:05
theJKHIf i can get my printer to work the i can make the switch!!! form wndow to ubuntu01:06
dexterDasEi; wen i do dat on terminal..it says that this operation can cause severe damage01:06
dannyJKH bring me up to speed on the problem.01:06
DocUSN-USMCbruenig linux or linux x-86 .deb or linux with bundled jre01:06
DasEidexter: use live, make sure hd isn't mounted for that01:06
dannyI've been fighting with printers for a couple of weeks and finally got them. I'm sure we can fix it if we put our heads together01:07
dexterDasEi; wats live01:07
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.01:07
theJKHOKay Danny here we go I have a HP deskjet f4280 and it installed the deskjet_f4200 series now when i print it says its completed printing but nothing happens and when i go to HPLIP it says the pinrt is not connected01:08
theJKHand it shows up on lsusb and everything01:08
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DasEiPuppy: how did you get there ?gparted live cd?01:08
PuppyDasEi - yeah01:09
dannyThis is gonna sound really harsh but did you set the printer as default?01:09
=== leslie is now known as dmsuperman
dannyIt defaults to PDF printing I believe01:09
theJKHyeah lol01:09
theJKHI did01:09
dexterhey my filesystem has errors...how can i clean this off01:09
dannyk good.01:09
theJKHit says processing then complete01:09
theJKHand nothing happens01:09
theJKHis there a way to uninstall the driver and then perhaps have ti find it again01:10
theJKHor something01:10
DasEidexter: use live, make sure hd isn't mounted for that, as said already01:10
Blaenkhey guys when's the next version of ubuntu due again? october what?01:10
ballzeeis there a repository with azue on it ?01:10
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu01:10
DocUSN-USMCim on linux ubuntu 8.04, running compiz fusion on a t2400 intel 1.8ghz processor. i need to know for downloading open office 3 since i have to uninstall mine to upgrade. which do i get. linux... linux .deb... or linux bundled with jre?01:10
Blaenkthanks DasEi01:10
dexterDasEi: wats live01:10
ubottudexter: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.01:10
csilkDocUSN-USMC, go for linux .deb unless you needd java in which case you should get the one with the jre01:11
crdlbDocUSN-USMC: what's wrong with the OpenOffice.org version bundled with ubuntu 8.04?01:11
theJKHany indea danny01:11
DocUSN-USMCits 2.4 and doesnt have the new functions i need01:11
* Puppy is about to give up lol01:11
onthefence928what would be the command to find the full file path of file if all i know is the end of the path? in my example "Interface\FrameXML\GameTooltip.lua" (it's within wine)01:11
csilkcrdlb, it has bugs and less features than the new one -_-01:11
* Puppy cant justify spending 5 days tryign to install an os01:11
csilkcrdlb,  that's usually the case with all older software01:12
dannytheJKH: In printers on the settings tab for that printer does it say usb://(something?)01:12
JeruvyI am having trouble after the cups update, when I try to 're-add' the printer it tells me 426, then errors out as it tries to convert hostname into www.hostname.com which bombs out.  But I cannot add the printer to cups?01:12
DocUSN-USMCcsilk unless i need java? as in i want to make flash? or as in i need a java version of the program?01:12
DasEiPuppy: already tried another distro ? suse live ?01:12
csilkDocUSN-USMC,  what do you mean when you say "want to make flash"?01:12
rebel_kidugh, more ssh problems, im getting permission denied (public key) what does that mean?01:12
theJKHin HPLIP?01:12
PuppyDasEi not on this machine, but i only wanted to try ubunt01:13
DocUSN-USMCcsilk im going to be making flash scripts and things yes... so thats why i ask what do you mean by need java01:13
bronzewalla84i can't get X to load with intel GM965 card, can anyone help?01:13
DasEiPuppy: already tried another distro ? suse live ?  >>figure out correct ata-driver01:13
csilkDocUSN-USMC, flash has nothing to do with java01:13
DocUSN-USMCcsilk so then what did you mean by need java?01:13
PuppyDasEi - gpartition has the drivers, but i dunno how to find them01:13
csilkDocUSN-USMC,  you said "should i get linux .deb or the one with JRE", jre is the java runtime, if you dont have java installed already then get the one with JRE bundled, otherwise just get the .deb one01:14
DocUSN-USMCoh ok01:14
theJKHit does say hp:/uab/deskjet_f4200_series ect01:14
dannyJKH back in a min01:15
DocUSN-USMCcsilk what does 3.0.0rc4 mean?01:15
DasEiPuppy: modprobe -l | grep ata01:15
PuppyDasEi in the boot options /01:16
csilkDocUSN-USMC,  that's just the version number of the software01:16
DasEiPuppy:nope, in a terminal.... does gparted provide it at all ? << other distro01:16
PuppyDasEi nope, i cant get into any terminal :901:17
kduboisi'm trying to use blender, which needs ALT+key combinations. whenever i press that though, it looks like gnome intercepts, and i cant use the program. how to fix? ive already disabled everything i can in gnome control center01:17
LjLscientus, i did that hours ago ;)01:18
kduboislike, alt-i opens up the "insert" menu in pidgin, because the i is underlined. i need to stop that01:18
scientusyeah well i just noticed your pm , i was away01:18
DocUSN-USMCcsilk if i downloaded the tar. do i have to uninstall the current version and then install this version? or will it just do an update?01:18
isilionplease look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578301:18
noglorpHrm, when I build GTK+ 2.14.4, how should I install the include files?01:19
Lloydkdubois look in desktop shortcuts01:19
csilkDocUSN-USMC,  I'm not 100% sure, I always thought openoffice prefers to be installed if you are going to install a new version01:19
Jake_if someone can help me with apps closing right when i open them start a person channel with me plz01:19
noglorpId get the -dev package but the only gtk+ packages are super old01:19
JoseBravoHow can I install flash plugin to my firefox if im using ubuntu at 64bits01:19
theJKHDanny it says its useing the f4100 driver01:19
csilkbut like I said , I'm not 100% sure, i guess there is no harm in unistalling the old one first01:19
csilkDocUSN-USMC, ^01:19
Lloydkdubois,in System/prefs01:20
scientushow do i save restore gnome sessions?01:20
noglorpanyone know how I should go about installing GTK+ from source, since the standard install procedure doesn't give me the include files?01:20
kduboisLloyd: i dont see desktop shortcuts. i have disabled all keyboard shortcuts already01:21
DasEiJake_: using hardy ?01:21
scientusany way i can turn up my mouse speed even more?01:22
Lloydno other idea :(01:22
crdlbnoglorp: bad idea01:22
scientusi have a 1800 spi mouse and i turned it up all the way and i want it faster01:22
crdlbnoglorp: install libgtk2.0-dev01:22
noglorpcrdlb: ok01:22
noglorpis .14 unstable?01:23
Jake_can anyone help me when ever i open some programs they close instantly and i cant find the port01:23
MoryddDon't know if there's a better place to ask, but I'm trying to establish a vnc connection between an ubuntu machine and a mac (ubuntu controlling mac) I can see the mac in KRDC, but no connection seems to be established.01:23
isilionplease look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578301:23
Lloydin system/prefs,there's somethings to set menu items,dunno the english name,my sys is in french01:24
noglorpor rather, does libgtk2.0 rever to the latest in the 2.0?01:24
crdlbnoglorp: it does01:24
JeruvySorry cups is just 'really slow, needed to wait 10 minutes to add a printer.  sorry to bother.01:24
Lloydu can set the desktop shortcuts from there01:24
noglorpk thanks01:24
crdlbnoglorp: hardy has 2.1201:25
Konnerwhy does hardy suck for wireless cards?01:25
Konnergusty worked just fine :l01:25
noglorpusing ndiswrapper?01:25
noglorpfor me gutsy didn't work with my N card, but I never tried with hary01:25
Lloydin Pidgin prefs,maybe01:26
After_Mathhelp, the top part of my firefox window is gone, I cant minize or maximize or close01:26
Konnermy card is a linksys WMP54GS and it worked in gusty. but now in hardy it doesnt.01:26
Konnermine was doing that earlier o_o01:27
DocUSN-USMCis a tar usually only 30kb?01:27
DocUSN-USMCfor an entire program?01:27
Konnerand then my internet kept disconnecting over and over01:27
jrib /what01:29
DasEi DocUSN-USMC: possible, very various01:29
redheat_hi everyone01:29
csilkDocUSN-USMC, it's probs some online install client01:30
DocUSN-USMCi tried doing the tar -zxvf but it didnt work01:30
redheat_folks, I need a little help here if possible,01:30
DocUSN-USMCi tried ./config but nothing01:30
csilkDocUSN-USMC,  what file format is it?01:30
csilkDocUSN-USMC, so it's a torrent?01:31
bronzewalla84can someone help me get an intel GM965 graphics card working in hardy? 800x600 display and no compiz is really taking the fun out of ubuntu01:31
bastid_raZorDocUSN-USMC; that is a for a torrent client.01:31
compengiwhere are iptables.rules file located? shouldn't it be in /etc/iptables?01:31
DocUSN-USMCdownloaded it off openoffice.org website01:31
redheat_I've just installed the driver for my USB wireless Belkin adapter which uses the rt73usb driver, and right now under hardware drivers it shows RT73 WIRELESS LAN LINUX DRIVER in use01:31
LloyddocUSN remove the .torrent01:31
FlannelDocUSN-USMC: Get the /lastlog -clear01:31
redheat_now the problem is like this, my wireless router uses wpa, with psk, and no matter what I do it my adapter won't let me log in..01:32
cadsI need a little help with the ubuntu liveCD... I installed a module for my USB wireless adaptor, but I don't know how to get NetworkManager to recognize it... I loaded the module, yet ifconfig or iwconfig doesn't register it01:32
FlannelDocUSN-USMC: sorry.  There's OOo in deb format on their website, grab that if you can't wait for Intrepid.01:32
dannyJHK you there?01:32
mnasoshi all!01:32
madHi, I was looking to creat a usb boot drive and saw this https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html in the ubuntu docs section will it work for other images besides the ubuntu ones or is there something specific it looks for in the images that could cause other images to not work?01:32
Puppyanyone $50 for fixing my problem ?01:32
mnasoscan someone help me to mound a device on xubuntu01:32
madPuppy: whats the problem?01:32
DocUSN-USMCok i didnt understand either of those lol... ive only been doin this two weeks. the the /lastlog -clear?01:33
csilkPuppy, re-ask, it got lost in the noise01:33
DocUSN-USMCand the 00o?01:33
FlannelDocUSN-USMC: ignore that first bit01:33
FlannelDocUSN-USMC: OOo is OpenOffice.org01:33
lolmaci ordered a cd01:33
mnasoscan someone help me to mount a device on xubuntu01:33
lolmacubuntu 8.0401:33
lolmacfrom the website01:33
Puppycsilk mad - cant install ubuntu, cos its not pickign up my drives and hanging with sata01:33
Flannel!enter | lolmac01:33
lolmacbut it was cancelled01:33
Jake_can soemoen help me find the port numbers to Nessuss01:33
FloodBot1lolmac: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
ubottulolmac: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:33
Jake_pm me plz01:33
DocUSN-USMCooooh ok Flannel. well i downloaded this off thiers p2p...01:33
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kduboiswhat is the thing called that when i hit alt-f it opens up the file menu, because F in file is underlined.01:33
DocUSN-USMClemme look again01:33
FlannelDocUSN-USMC: does it have debs in it?01:33
dannyHas anyone tried Headtracking with just a Webcam? I can't seem to install OpenCV from CVS01:33
csilkPuppy,  how are you trying to install?01:34
carreracan someone help me config sound on my Asus P5E please?01:34
redheat_folks, can anyone help me01:34
DasEiJake_:are you kidding ?01:34
Puppycsilk - tryed live, tryed alt neither work, it gts to the partition stage and cnt find the hd's01:34
lolmacI order cds from ubuntu in the website shipit, but my last request was cancelled, no reason showed up, a friend of mind ordered 8cds total and didn't have problems01:34
lolmachow can i order again?01:34
DocUSN-USMCit says not in gzip format ugh lol01:34
Flannellolmac: shipit.ubuntu.com would be the place.  Does it tell you that you cant?01:34
csilkPuppy, I'm not an installation guru so I don't think I can really help with your issue, sorr01:35
DasEi mnasos: go ahead or pm me01:35
Puppycsilk :( ty anyway01:35
DocUSN-USMCoooh ok, just double click it... err01:35
Flannellolmac: Also, a faster way to get CDs might be your LoCo team.  You should try getting in touch with them, see what they can do for you.01:35
bronzewalla84can anyone help with an intel GM965 graphics card?01:35
DocUSN-USMCFlannel omg this is going to take days lol01:35
lolmacit tells my ordered was cancelled01:35
lolmacit doesn't tell me i can't, but there no place i can order it01:35
redheat_folks..anyone..some help over here..01:35
Lloydin desktop shortcuts01:36
DasEilolmac:why not dld it ?01:36
dannyredheat it would help if you said what the problem was01:36
lolmacDasEi: delete?01:36
Flannellolmac: you can email them at shipit@ubuntu.com and ask.  But definately look into seeing what your LoCo can do for you.01:36
FarmCretinwhen making a swap partition in the ubuntu install, i'm using manual. is swap a primary or logical?01:36
DasEilolmac:download, errm, lol01:36
JakeMonis there no webdav package for apache?01:36
lolmacbut what is loco?01:36
csilk!ask | redheat_01:36
ubotturedheat_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:36
bronzewalla84no one can help with getting X to load?01:36
Flannel!br | lolmac01:37
ubottulolmac: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:37
Flannellolmac: Its a Local Community Team, basically people close to you.  You could get it a lot sooner, days instead of weeks, etc.01:37
redheat_I just did, and in bold fonts just scroll up..again..the problem is like this I've already compiled a driver for my usb wireless adapter, it's a belkin that uses rt73usb, and right now it shows under my hardware devices as rt73 lan linux driver..01:37
After_Mathhelp, the top part of my firefox window is gone, I cant minize or maximize or close01:37
csilkFarmCretin,  I made mine primary01:37
theJKHDanny didu find anything?01:37
DocUSN-USMCwow peer to peer blows lol... errr01:37
redheat_and next to it it say in use..the problem is I can't login to my wireless network..01:38
KonnerCan someone help me to get my wireless working on xubuntu01:38
csilkAfter_Math,  sounds like a compiz/window manager issue, use the system monitor to close the firefox process01:38
dannyNo I was off but I was off for dinner.01:38
theJKHoh lol01:38
dannyWhat's that about it using 4100 drivers for a 4200 unit?01:38
redheat_my router uses a wpa-psk method of encryption01:38
redheat_so can anyone help me? I'm stating my problem for the second time..01:38
compengiwhere are iptables rules file located? shouldn't it be in /etc/iptables?01:39
csilkredheat_, that may of looked bold to you, but not to anyone else01:39
kelderDoes anyone know why a server give page A when you enter the url, but page B when you enter its IP? ip as in resolved from the url01:39
theJKHWell it says its useing the f4100 drivers when the printer is f428001:39
Flannelredheat_: "can anyone help me" doesn't accomplish anything.  Just state your problem, if no one answers, ask again in about 30-40 minutes, etc.01:39
dannySounds like that might be the issue.01:39
redheat_I stated the problem TWICE..01:39
dannyIt detected the printer as a 4200 though right?01:39
After_Mathcsilk, is it just a temp glitch maybe?>01:40
theJKHwell read this here and tell me if this makes any sence01:40
usserkelder, theres such things as virtualhosts apache can distinguish how client accesses page one name gives one page another name gives other both are resolved to same ip01:40
csilkAfter_Math, Probably, have you closed firefox yet?01:40
theJKHYeah it does01:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualhosts01:40
After_Mathcsilk, just killed process with htop01:40
Flannelbronzewalla84: that card should work fine out of the box.  compiz was originally blacklisted, but I believe that's been resolved.01:41
After_Mathcsilk, still happening01:41
kelderusser: thank you.. so the url doesnt really have a (single) ip attached to it?01:41
csilkredheat_, yes, and twice no-one replied because a) people are busy b) people dont know c) you didnt give nearly enough info to rouse anyones attention01:41
usserkelder, take a look here http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/01:41
GumBallhow do i install java01:41
csilkAfter_Math,  hit log out, then log back in again, that will restart x and compiz01:41
GumBallit wont work :(01:41
usserkelder, well yea each url has only one ip associated to it, ip can have many urls01:41
csilkGumBall, any errors for us?01:41
bronzewalla84Flannel: it didn't work out of the box, i switched to vesa drivers and am now stuck at 800x600 display with no compiz01:42
kelderusser: so you couldnt redirect another url to that ip?01:42
dannyHave you tried that already JHK?01:42
kelderusser: to get the same page i mean01:42
Puppy$50 to get ubuntu installed on this pc ?01:42
Flannelbronzewalla84: Is this an upgrade or a fresh install?01:42
GumBallcsilk, npe01:42
bronzewalla84fresh install01:42
usserkelder, yes sure you can, trick is how you configure your http server01:42
GumBallwhats the package?01:42
csilkPuppy, I suggest you try google for 30 mins then come back and ask anyone if they know about the installation process if you;re still not sorted01:42
bronzewalla84Flannel: i've tried feisty, gutsy, hardy, and intrepid. Server and desktop versions01:42
DocUSN-USMCwow it really does take days to do peer to peer of linux software doesnt it :(01:43
csilkGumBall,  so what do you mean when you say "it wont work"01:43
Puppycsilk - ive been lookign into this for 3 days before i even came to IRC01:43
GumBalli mean01:43
kelderusser: ok thanks.. ill make the request to my hosting company then01:43
GumBalli need to install it, whats the package name?01:43
bruenigDocUSN-USMC: depends on the swarm and your bandwidth, and whether or not you volunteered to murder people01:43
usserkelder, in apache virtualhosts have to be setup explicitly, if a virtualhost for a url is not setup then, apache serves the default page01:43
csilkPuppy,  so basically Ubuntu isn;t detecting your SATA drives?01:43
Puppyin basic yeah01:43
Puppycsilk ^^01:43
dannyJHK did you try that site you showed me?01:43
bronzewalla84GumBall: java.sun.com and download/ install JRE01:44
DocUSN-USMCwhats murdering people got to do with this? they found a talent for my serial killing01:44
After_Mathcsilk, ok thanks01:44
Flannel!java | GumBall01:44
ubottuGumBall: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:44
Puppycsilk - but xp does, bois does and gparted does01:44
deserteaglehas anyone had issues upgrading to the latest VLC? (ver. 0.9.4)01:44
kelderusser: thanks for your time ;)01:44
deserteaglesynaptic won't show the new version :(01:44
FlannelPuppy: does the liveCD/Alternate CD?01:44
csilkPuppy,  it's a bios issue01:44
redheat_can anyone help me now? if possible01:44
theJKHYeh im reinstalling hplip01:44
PuppyFlannel - live goes to busy box, alt loads and runs until partition stage, then cant find drives01:44
dannyk I was just gonna say if that don't work try this http://meandubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/12/29/installing-my-hp-laserjet-printer-in-ubuntu/01:45
Flannelredheat_: Again, state your question, wait for answer, if its been 30-40 minutes and no one has answered, ask the question again.01:45
mike-solidushey, i installed apache2 and php5 but i dion't think php is getting loaded, how can i check?01:45
csilkPuppy,  alot of the time vendors will make crap bios firmware but make just good enough so it works with windows, this badly coded non standard bios firmware can sometimes play havok with OS's that aren't MS based01:45
Puppycsilk - ive tryed every different setting, native ide, legacy ide, raid01:45
carreraI followed instruction on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound but still don't have sound01:45
carreraany ideas?01:45
dannyRedheat I still haven't seen your question. What was it?01:45
redheat_flannel, are you kidding?01:45
Puppycsilk but i need a bois that will run with wincraps01:45
Flannelmike-solidus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  will get you all set up.  You likely don't have the apache module01:45
scientus__how do i remove a specific audio device from my system01:45
Flannelredheat_: no.01:45
Shawnchey how come i can't connect to any network with a WEP key?01:46
redheat_what I have to state a question for 10 times before I get any help01:46
scientus__so it will use the other one01:46
scientus__ubuntu sucks when it comes to specifying a audio device01:46
csilkPuppy,  The problem here is vendors not wiritng the bios firmware to the relevent standards and using black magic to get windows to work, what motherboard you got?01:46
csilkand bios version if possible01:46
kr0n05931I have heard that there is something call a "minimal" ubuntu cd, what is this?01:46
Shawncyes GumBall?01:46
GumBallthe shawnc?01:46
Flannelredheat_: Obviously no one here right now knows the answer, you'll need to wait for new people to wake up, etc.  Spamming the same people over and over isn't going to get it resolved01:46
redheat_actually it sucks on so many levels like so many other linux distros01:46
dannyForget it. I'm not looking to help anyone who will only once state what problem they are having. And not at all when someone offers to help.01:46
ShawncWhat GumBall?01:46
PuppyAsus - MR2R32-MVP01:46
GumBallNm :\01:46
Puppycsilk ^^01:47
Flannelkr0n05931: its the alternate CD except it doesn't have a package cache on it, so it downloads them from the internet during the install01:47
scientus__whats the prob redheat_ ?01:47
kr0n05931oh ok, thanks :)01:47
csilkredheat_,  someone will answer when they are ready, and you still havent given neough info to fic your problem anyway01:47
csilkthanks Puppy01:47
DevourerHow can I check to see if PulseAudio is installed?01:47
redheat_scientus..don't know..I'm01:47
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redheat_csilk, I can't find a solution for this problem..simply I can't login to my wireless network...01:48
ShawncHey how come i can't connect to any network with a WEP key, but i can connect to an unsecured network?01:48
redheat_my wireless adapter card which is a USB card has its driver compiled and ready to fire up, and yet I can't login to my wireless network..01:48
redheat_and I googled that..01:48
dannyShawnc you might wanna check that the WEP key is hex.01:48
redheat_no answer to that question..01:48
dannyIt could be using the other one.01:49
csilkredheat_, thats a crap question01:49
csilkfor google that is01:49
=== JESUS is now known as Jesus
noglorpis there a better way to use GTK's includes without using pkg-config?01:49
jribnoglorp: what could be better?01:49
noglorpum... not having to type and extra 40 characters01:49
noglorpId like to do "gcc main.c -lgtkwhatever"01:49
redheat_csilk, you read the question before, you don't wanna help that's fine, no need for crap talking please01:49
csilkPuppy, is there a setting in your bios that claims to be compatible with win2k?01:50
noglorpinstead of `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`01:50
Puppycsilk erm... probably, depends which area of the bois your talkign abuot01:50
noglorpbecause everything includes "gtk/gtk.h" and those all include "cairo/cairo.h" etc etc etc01:50
noglorpand yet the packages put includes in other directories01:50
noglorpwhich strikes me as contrary to the entier point01:50
csilkredheat_, I'm just trying to tell you to stop being a whining petty child and respect the fact NO-ONE has to help you. eben though at some point someone will, now do some legwork and turn off your wep/wpa and tell me if you can login with no security01:50
JabberWalkietheJKH: good for you :)01:51
crdlbnoglorp: why do you think pkg-config exists?01:51
Lokiancsilk: the word your looking for is HELP VAMPIRE01:51
dannyWelcome to the real world JHK. The free world01:51
noglorpto fix this problem?01:51
csilkPuppy, anything to do with HDD config01:51
noglorpbut why is the problem there in the first place01:51
theJKHOMG tanks im so glad to be out of windows!!!01:51
Puppycsilk nope, want a video of my settigns regarding HDD ?01:51
redheat_csilk, that's crossing a line..show some respect..you don't wanna help fine, just don't cross the line..01:51
csilkPuppy,  yeah sure01:51
Puppycsilk brb01:51
noglorpdo most people need to use multiple different versions of these libraries at the same time?01:52
crdlbnoglorp: there _is_ no problem, pkg-config makes everything easy as cake01:52
csilkredheat_, I just offered help, i asked you to do a basic test fo rme01:52
csilk*for me01:52
mike-solidusFlannel: i've followed that guide and the troubleshooting tips and it still asks me if i want to download the php files instead of parsing them01:52
redheat_thank you but no thanks..01:52
eugmanIs there a way to sync files but have the file names converted to something compatible with fat32? I've got some music files that I wanted to update copy to my music player but cp -R -u chokes on a few of them.01:52
isilionhow can i look for wattage of power supply?01:53
noglorpis there an option for people who don't need to have more than one version of these libraries at once01:53
Flannelmike-solidus: and you do have libapache2-mod-php5 installed?01:53
csilkredheat_,  ok, you dont want my help?01:53
mike-solidusFlannel: yes01:53
Flannelmike-solidus: and you've restarted apache?01:53
noglorpbecause... to me typing 40 more characters is harder than not typing those characters01:53
crdlbnoglorp: what are you talking about?01:53
chetnickhi, i have a problem with sound, i changed the motherboard and the sound card today. Now my sound is messed up. When i watch let's say youtube, i have to switch my speakers to integrated realtek sound controller. Now when i watch some movie in VLC media player i need to switch to sound card which is HD Omega Striker 7.1 . How do i solve this problem. How to setup ubuntu to use just Realtek integrated mic and sound?01:53
mike-solidusFlannel: and i've restarted apache since then, it give me the warning aobut not bieng able to find localhost, but that shouldn't affect it loading modules01:54
noglorpwell.. why does pkg-config even exist?01:54
crdlbnoglorp: gcc is a low-level tool that has no way of knowing where to look for header files and libraries to link against01:54
isilionis ther a command to show power supply wattage?01:54
redheat_csilk, if you wanted to help you could have done that before it went down the toilet..one time I'm a crying baby the next I ask crappy questions..01:54
crdlbnoglorp: pkg-config is a high-level tool used to fill that gap01:54
redheat_so please mind your own business..01:54
noglorpah... it handles all the libraries too huh01:54
noglorpnot just include paths01:54
kunwon1__isilion, no, you have to read it off the p/s itself01:54
noglorpkay I see the point ><01:54
powertool08is wpa_supplicant still needed to connect to wpa2 networks? (prefer to stick to cli (iwlist) and avoid the gui wifi-radar apps)01:55
admin_masu3701Hello there, I have a question01:55
csilkredheat_, yes, your question was pretty crappy and yes you were whining that people don't want to spend their spare time nursgin you. We can end our dialogue now if you please01:55
kunwon1__admin_masu3701, shoot01:55
Flannelcsilk: enough01:55
crdlbnoglorp: the most important thing is does is handling dependencies, eg if you use gtk, you need to link against X11 too01:55
=== Craihhgney is now known as MothOnLovesFlame
admin_masu3701i have 2 partition01:55
GumBallit doesnt work, help pls01:56
kunwon1__admin_masu3701, try to ask your question all on one line, so it's easier to follow please :)01:56
Flannelmike-solidus: eh, this problem is one thats oddly common, and I think the most common solution is to remove apache completely (purge apache2.2-common) and reinstall it; or at least, I don't know of any other solutions (and have never encountered the problem myself).  But #ubuntu-server might be able to give you better answers.01:56
dannyHas anyone tried using a basic webcam for HeadTracking? End goal is headtracking for X-Plane.01:56
admin_masu37011 for linux and 1 for windowns but dont use windows that much no more and i would like to use it partition to make my linux partition bigger01:56
csilkGumBall,  what exactly are you doing?01:56
Flanneldanny: check out 'motion'01:56
GumBalli did01:56
csilkGumBall,  talk me through the process01:57
GumBallsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre01:57
dannythere is a channel called motion? Cool01:57
kunwon1__admin_masu3701, you can use gparted to do that01:57
GumBalland it updated two packages01:57
csilkGumBall,  that what output do you get?01:57
mike-solidusFlannel: so just purge apache2.2-common, and leave the php packages as they are?01:57
csilkoh rite01:57
GumBallthe output looks gud :)01:57
Puppycsilk - uploading now01:57
csilkGumBall,  well in that case you now have a fully updated JRE :)01:57
dannyThanks Flannel01:57
admin_masu3701kunwon1: do you know how it works?01:58
GumBallit doesnt work tho01:58
GumBallgive me a java applet to test pls csilk <301:58
csilkGumBall,  how do you know it didn't work?01:58
kunwon1__admin_masu3701, yes01:58
Flannelmike-solidus: I'd purge the four packages: apache2.2-common, apache2.2-mpm-worker (or whatever variant is installed), apache2.2, and then libapache2-mod-php501:58
Puppylol, you tube = dead01:58
GumBallcus i know it doesnt :(01:58
csilkGumBall,  java applets will require a plugin for your browser01:58
Puppycsilk can you watch 3gp files /01:58
comicinkeris it possible to avoid passwords on a multi-user - system?01:58
csilkPuppy,  where just about to find out :)01:59
Flannelcomicinker: what are you trying to accomplish?01:59
GumBallwhat package for firefox pls01:59
admin_masu3701kunwon1: ok am installing it now...could you help me do it?01:59
Puppycsilk, its ok i think ut ok now01:59
kunwon1__comicinker, why?01:59
comicinkerFlannel: login without typing the password. for guests.01:59
Vantraxcan anyone tell  me why this error would come up: /bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off.01:59
kunwon1__admin_masu3701, read the documentation, then if you have any specific questions, ask in this channel02:00
Megancsilks :((02:00
theJKHhey guys how do i actavate the cube thing i think its beryl02:00
Flannelcomicinker: Intrepid actually includes a guest account by default, so if you can wait another week, you can have that without any of the hassle.  Otherwise, there are some ways to specify trivial passwords yes, and you can also have an account that logs in automatically, check login screen setup02:00
csilkGumBall,  I'll need 2 mins to find the package name02:00
EdLinI have a dell mini 9, I lost sound support somehow in the Ubuntu included02:00
FlanneltheJKH: compiz.  It's already installed, you just need to change it to use a cube.  install ccsm (see the factoid, you have two choices of ccsm)02:00
redheat_again for a fourth time, I have a wireless usb adapter, belkin, with its driver rt73usb already compiled and checked as "in use" under the hardware devices, yet I can not login into my wireless network which? can someone help me?02:00
Flannel!ccsm | theJKH02:00
ubottutheJKH: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:00
=== MothOnLovesFlame is now known as GNUnet
=== kunwon1__ is now known as kunwon1
Puppycsilk some additional info, im using the hd's now, on my xp boot, the disk if verified and working ( tested on another machine, and ran check ) and ive tryed well, you will hear in vid02:01
Megankk ty csilk <302:01
GumBallalright :D02:01
Puppycsilk - uploading02:01
GNUnetanyone here ust JanusVm, Freenet, GNUnet, I2P, JAP or Tor?02:01
FlannelPuppy: videos are horrible support methods.02:01
FlannelGNUnet: Please take that elsewhere.02:01
csilkGumBall,  easiest way to do this is, go to a website that requires the java plugin, firefox will ask if you want to install it02:01
PuppyFlannel - spend 30 secs watchign a vid of exactly what happened without any chance of misunderstanding02:02
Puppyor listen to me drone on for 30 mins ...02:02
GNUnethi megan how r u02:02
GumBalli did csilk02:02
csilkPuppy,  hows the vid coming along?02:02
EdLindoes anyone know how to get audio working on the dell mini 9?02:02
GumBallit wont install it02:02
Puppycsilk waiting for youtube to rerender02:02
FlannelGNUnet: please take conversations and other non-support topics elsewhere, thanks.02:03
csilkGumBall, ok I'll track the package down02:03
comicinkerFlannel: I don't want to login automatically, because I have a normal user (me). Intrepid offers a guest session, but I saw it was only available during a normal session, not after booting. Is there a way to avoid entering the password for login?02:03
Puppycsilk http://uk.youtube.com/user/DanSNorth if you want to watch 1 - 5 lol02:03
GumBallkk ty :D02:03
mike-solidusFlannel: i've tried purging them all and i get the same result when re-installing them02:03
Puppycsilk, of just watch me kicking my cr through a tunnel lol02:03
GNUnetflannel why cant i ask ubuntu related questions here?02:03
csilkGumBall,  in the mean time please paste the out put of the command  java -version02:03
kunwon1comicinker, you can do auto-login from the login screen administration panel02:03
FlannelGNUnet: you can ask a support question.02:03
GumBalljava version "1.6.0_07"02:03
GumBallJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)02:03
GumBallJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode, sharing)02:03
Flannelcomicinker: Hmmm, really?  I thought it was an option at GDM.  Try setting an empty password on an account.02:04
comicinkerkunwon1: please read my last post again.02:04
=== nick_ is now known as Skky
GNUnetcan anyone here help me with JanusVm, Freenet, GNUnet, I2P, JAP or tor?02:04
SkkyWhen I sudo apt-get install apache2, where does ubuntu install it?  i.e. where is my httpd.conf file?02:04
comicinkerFlannel: not long enough02:04
PuppyGUmball your JRE wont install ?02:04
carrerawhy do I get a low volume chuppy sound?02:04
kunwon1comicinker, sorry, mis-read you02:04
csilkGumBall,  ok thanks, the ubuntu packages site is being slow right now please give me a minute02:04
EdLindoes anyone know how to get audio working on the dell mini 902:04
FlannelSkky: ubuntu desn't use httpd.conf, it uses the debian style of configuration, which uses a slew of other files to configure various things.  What are you trying to change?02:05
csilkunless anyone knows tha name of the package that includes the firefox java pluging?02:05
SkkyFlannel: How can I access my apache server widget thing, to restart/turn off apache/02:05
Puppycsilk - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vDCotNwOTEo02:05
Odd-rationale!java | csilk02:05
ubottucsilk: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:05
csilkPuppy,  yeah i'm watching on my other monitor now02:05
matjuhow do i get deadkeys (and compose-key) to work in Skype and/or Kate/KDE ? many apps seem not to get it. I have Ubuntu 6.06 but I tried 8.04 and it's even more trouble with the accents02:05
MiGueLL_hi, I'm trying to install postgresql on my ubuntu system and I have the following error when trying to init the postgresql database, please help me...02:06
carrerahow can I solve low-volume and chuppy sound output pls?02:06
MiGueLL_creating template1 database in /usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1 ... FATAL:  XX000: failed to initialize lc_messages to ""02:06
MiGueLL_LOCATION:  InitializeGUCOptions, guc.c:266602:06
MiGueLL_child process exited with exit code 102:06
FloodBot1MiGueLL_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
KJ83Does anyone know if i can get a software verision of the buttons i have on my monitor thats changes the possition and size?02:06
csilkOdd-rationale,  thanks for the help.. but i'm not looking for the jre and I cant access the ubuntu site due to network issues02:06
FlannelSkky: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart02:06
FlannelSkky: none of those are in httpd.conf, for the record.02:06
EdLindoes anyone know how to get audio working on the dell mini 9?02:06
jribcsilk: sun-java6-plugin  for the one from sun02:07
Flannelcomicinker: If you do it from an administrator, with sudo, I believe it doesn't check.02:07
csilkGumBall, > <jrib> csilk: sun-java6-plugin  for the one from sun02:07
jerry_hi everyone02:07
SkkyFlannel: I did apt-get install php5 also, but where do I save my php files to have them execute properly on localhost?02:07
Puppycsilk - i knwo you cant see everythign, hence me talkign through it02:07
GumBallcsilk, already installed02:07
csilkGumBall,  so thats sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin02:07
Skkyi.e where is "localhost" looking at on my computer?02:07
jerry_is there gonna be a new theme for the 8.1002:07
FlannelSkky: /var/www/ is your document root by default02:07
Flanneljerry_: #ubuntu+1 for intrepid questions, thanks02:08
comicinkerFlannel: I don't understand02:08
csilkGumBall, ok, if you have the jre and the plugin installed your going to have to describe exactly what problems your having and what your doing when you get the problem02:08
Puppycsilk nothgin in there i have not tryed playign with :S02:08
dr_willisjerry_,  it looks about the same as befor.. perhaps changed.. the wallpaper is differnt.. but does it matter. :) its easy to change themes02:08
GumBallcsilk, no i meant i already read what he said and installed it02:08
Konneramg amg02:08
Konneri got my wireless working02:08
GumBallmy java works, thanks :P02:08
carreraanyone good with sound config?02:09
jribcarrera: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you02:09
theJKHwhat do i do in the compiz settings to make like the atl tab thin be a cube I can look through with the mouse02:09
carrerahow can I solve low-volume and chuppy sound output pls?02:09
csilkPuppy,  video 2 looks like a vga problem02:09
jrib!ccsm | theJKH02:09
ubottutheJKH: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:09
Flannelcomicinker: sudo passwd guest02:09
carrerajrib, I asked a couple different ways to no avail02:09
SkkySo when I install mysql-server will PHP automatically know where to look for it when I call MySQL functions?02:09
FlannelSkky:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP will get you all set up02:10
jribcarrera: ok, but "anyone good with sound config?" is not helpful.  I have no idea if I can help you or not after reading that.  Just repeat the actual question on a single line every 15 minutes or so02:10
deserteagleumm no02:10
Flannelcomicinker: if that doesn't work, we can temporarily remove the complexity restrictions, so you can set the guests password, and then put it back02:10
carrerajrib, ok, thanks02:10
Puppycsilk, the hold up is on the hd, when you take off quiet you can see D:02:10
deserteaglecarrera: just be more specific in your question02:10
comicinkerFlannel: ok, I try...02:10
KJ83Does anyone know if there is a software verision of the buttons i have on my monitor thats changes the possition and size? i try to run ubuntu with my tv as monitor but i cant see the whole interface02:11
carrerahow can I solve low-volume and chuppy sound output from an Intel HDA  AD198x pls?02:11
deserteagleKJ83: look into X.org's settings02:12
deserteaglecarrera: what program is outputting the sound?02:12
carrerahow can I solve low-volume, distorted sound output from an Intel HDA  AD198x pls?02:12
deserteaglegood god...02:12
FROMBRAZILI am not able to install Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop02:12
ubottucarrera: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:12
carreradeserteagle, Audicious but the test beep is the same02:13
jerry_how come FROMBRAZIL02:13
FlannelFROMBRAZIL: You'll have to ask better questions than that: What have you tried, what does it do? what do you see, etc02:13
FROMBRAZIL[jerry_]: 02:13
CaptainMorgangonna have to be more specific FROMBRAZIL02:13
FROMBRAZILis a black screen02:13
matjuwhat can i do about applications in which dead-keys do not work?02:13
DasEicarrera:tried alsa ?02:13
carreraDasEi, didn't repeat. I was asked to be more specific02:13
csilkPuppy,  in the final video now02:13
FROMBRAZILone moment02:13
carreraDasEi, I guess as I used the alsamixer to change volumes02:13
jerry_don't know02:14
KJ83deserteagle: yeah ppl tell me to do that but i dont know what to look for, i had the same problem in windows but there i had a addon to my graphicdrivers that alowed me to manualy set the size02:14
deserteaglecarrera: set all the of the servers to ALSA and try it out02:14
Puppycsilk nos02:15
dr_willisKJ83,  the nvidid drivers have that nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig tools -   I think ati has a similer tool, but i dont use ati.02:15
FROMBRAZIL[jerry_]: Insert the CD of ubuntu, I ask him to install carries the first part and then stays in UAM black screen and not get out more02:15
deserteagleKJ83: is your graphics card NVIDIA or ATI?02:15
KJ83yeah there is but not that specific function02:15
KJ83NVIDIA 9600 with new drivers made by some guy on swedish ubuntu02:16
csilkPuppy,  when you boot into the live cd can you see your drives from there?02:16
FROMBRAZILInsert the CD of ubuntu, I ask him to install carries the first part and then is put on a black screen and not get out more02:16
comicinkerFlannel: it worked with passwd -d guest. however not with gdm. will have to work on that02:16
=== Puppyz is now known as Puppy
carreradeserteagle, do u mean change all devices in Sound Preferences from AutoDetect to ALSA?02:17
=== scientus__ is now known as scientus
FlannelFROMBRAZIL: try using the alternate CD to install instead of the Desktop CD02:17
DasEicarrera:terminal : modprobe snd_hda_intel02:17
FROMBRAZIL[Flannel]: desktop cd02:17
DocUSN-USMCis there a better program than firestarter?02:17
theJKHI would just actually like to say thank you to everyone here who helped me Ubuntu 4 life thank you again I have now made the swith frm Windows to Ubuntu!!02:17
theJKHThank you!02:17
DasEicarrera:apps>preferences>sound    alsa and right default card02:17
csilkPuppy, sorry for the insulting question but are you using the right installation cd for your architecture... 32 bit.. 64  bit etc?02:18
dr_willis!firewall  | DocUSN-USMC02:18
ubottuDocUSN-USMC: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:18
FlannelFROMBRAZIL: yes, if you can, try the alternate CD02:18
DasEicarrera:you can raise alsamixergui without getting errors ?02:18
DocUSN-USMCdr_willis i have firestarter it sucks lol02:18
Puppycsilk - yeah lol, i386 and i386 alt, its an AND 32bit proc02:18
strangehey guys, im having trouble with my iwl4965 wifi, mounting smb shares02:18
Konnerhow can i do init 3 x_x02:18
LinuxFanis there like a macro program for Ubuntu?02:18
carreraDasEi, no output from modprobe snd_hda_intel02:18
DevourerHow can I disable a soundcard in Ubuntu?02:19
dr_willisDocUSN-USMC,  the bot just mentioned Guarddog. or use the UFW tool.. I dont use any. :)02:19
FlannelKonner: what are you trying to accomplish?02:19
Konneri need to shut off the x server to install the  nvidia drivers.02:19
DasEicarrera:you can rise alsamixergui without getting errors ?02:19
Puppycsilk - it goes through the installer, until it gets to partitioning the HD's02:19
FlannelKonner: ctrl-alt-f1, log in, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:19
Puppycsilk - then it cant find the drives, if it could find the drive, id partition it and done02:19
ShakedownWhy would you want linux on a thumbdrive?02:19
histo!info istanbul02:19
ubottuistanbul (source: istanbul): Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-2 (hardy), package size 73 kB, installed size 616 kB02:19
dr_willisDocUSN-USMC,  check the package manager also.. theres dozens of 'iptable tools'/front ends out.. depends on what you want.02:19
histoShakedown: Then you can use any computer like its your own home pc02:19
matt___what is the "ubuntu offtopic" channel?02:19
Konnerk thanks Flannel :]02:20
jribmatt___: #ubuntu-offtopic02:20
dr_willisShakedown,  I have my THumbdrive set where it boots ubuntu live cd i can install.. and i have anotehr with PuppyLinux and AntiVirus software...02:20
Flannelmatt___: #ubuntu-offtopic02:20
histoShakedown: all your bookmarks. stored files, etc...02:20
FROMBRAZILFlannel: 02:20
FROMBRAZILtried with other CDs of ubuntu and none of them worked, the same thing happened02:20
FlannelFROMBRAZIL: alternate CD shouldn't have that problem.02:20
deserteagleanyone know how to make VLC play MP4 files? mine won't output video02:20
scientushow can i allow any user with a ssh key to connect but only certain users by password02:20
FROMBRAZIL[Flannel]: yes02:20
FlannelFROMBRAZIL: "Alternate CD" doesn't mean another CD, its another kind of CD02:20
ShakedownWhat about if your OS is broken, would you be able to boot from your thumdrive and access the files on the computer?02:20
Vantraxits a special type of install CD02:21
VantraxShakedown: yes02:21
dr_willisShakedown,  I can boot the thumbdrive and do anything I need. :) yes I can acccess the files.02:21
carreraDasEi, I don't have  alsamisergui but I can run alsamixer without any problems02:21
VantraxAs long as the disk is intact and just the OS is corrupted02:21
DasEicarrera: same, does it show the right s-card in its title ?02:21
carreraDasEi, lemme run it again pls02:22
FROMBRAZIL[Flannel]: 02:22
ShakedownHm, thanks for the replies02:22
FROMBRAZILOkay, I could explain better ?????02:22
csilkPuppy,  ASUS M2R23 with an AMD 580X Crossfire chipset < would that descirbe your system?02:22
Puppycsilk yeppers02:22
Flannel!alternate  | FROMBRAZIL02:22
ubottuFROMBRAZIL: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent02:22
KonnerHow can i get the libc header files02:22
scientusi need a lot higher dpi mouse02:23
Konnerwhats the apt-get thing for it02:23
FlannelKonner: build-essential02:23
DasEiKonner:apt-cache search libc*02:23
csilkPuppy,  ok, this is a docuemented bug for your hardware, can you try installing with the option all_generic_ide  ?02:23
Puppycsilk yeah tryed that02:23
Puppycsilk where is this bug ?02:23
genefitzThe Alternate CD I have found to be the most reliable install version, especially if you are using Ubuntu as the primary operating system.02:23
carreraDasEi, Card: HDA Intel. Chip: Analog Devices AD1988B. which seems correct02:24
genefitzThe regular install, for me, has always been a hit-ro-miss, but the alternate always seems to work.02:24
csilkPuppy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/20945402:24
Tniffoc_leave #ubuntu gone02:24
carreraDasEi, aplay -l output:  card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog]02:24
chetnickguys, i really need help with this. I have sound problem. When i watch youtube (using realtek integraded sound card) i have sound. When i play movie in VLC or other player, i dont have sound. If i switch my speakers to HD Omega sound card, i have sound when i wathc movies but not in youtube. What the hell is going on here? Please HELP.02:24
McGyverscientus: are you lookinf for something like ssh-keygen?02:24
DasEicarrera: so right driver is installed, the main part02:25
scientusi have keys02:25
csilkPuppy,  see the very bottom post on the bug discussion, it has been advised that you try with the newer kernel and see how that goes02:25
scientusbut i want to fine grain with Allowusers02:25
scientusbut have all allowed with valid ssh key02:25
Puppycsilk how woudl i go about doign that lol02:25
carreraDasEi, that's great but what else could be wrong?02:25
scientusbut only allowuserrs with password02:25
DasEicarrera: apps>preferences>sound           ...set to alsa, right default card...02:25
csilkPuppy,  i'd just download the beta version of ubuntu intrepid and see if that installes, if it does then the issue is fixed, then you only have to wait 6 days for ubuntu intrepid to be released02:26
Puppycsilk that is my exact error though, lemmi finsih reading02:26
csilkPuppy,  one of the bug report respondents said that intrepid works with your hardware, (one post up from the bottom)02:27
genefitzcsilk is right. I mean, if you are going to install, might as well go with the latest and gratest in 6 days, instead of loading the current and upgrading in 6 days..02:27
carreraDasEi, just looked it up in my Asus P5E manual and it's bang on. Manual says ADI 1988B02:27
genefitzseems like twice the work..02:27
Puppycsilk what is intrepid02:27
EdLinI'm running a  dell mini 9 netbook, and can't get sound working02:27
csilkgenefitz, he needs the newer kernel which adddresses a known bug with his hardware02:27
isilionplease look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95578302:27
csilkPuppy,  intrepid is the code name of the new ubuntu which is to be release in 6 days02:27
ubottuPuppy: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu02:28
geniicsilk: 8 days02:28
DocUSN-USMCanyone here know how to open ports with firestarter its being retarded02:28
genefitzcsilk, I see. Ya know, it didn't even click..02:28
Puppyi see, ill dl the iso tonight and give it a try tomorrow :D02:28
genefitzIntrepid Ibex.02:28
Puppyor shall i just wait02:28
Puppyis this confirmed fixe d?02:28
carreraDasEi, I've all 4 set to ALSA and my Default Mixer Tracks set to HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer)02:28
Puppycsilk - I have the same problem on an ASUS A8V-MX motherboard. Tried the 2.6.25 kernel from the PPA above as well, but same error occurs.02:28
csilkgenii,  well, it's 7 actually ;)02:28
EdLinhelp! <grin>02:29
geniicsilk: In my time zone still 8 :)02:29
isilionis there anyway to force a process to get killed automatically before it hangs computer? so it can be runned in console and debug?02:29
csilkPuppy,  yes but that was just the kernel upgrade which may not work properly with this version of ubuntu, look at the 3rd post up from the bottom02:29
Puppycsilk im still readingi down :d02:30
genefitzI haven't checked, but will Intrepid be a little more friendly with the eeepc? I have a monster of a time with Hardy.02:30
EdLinI'm running a  dell mini 9 netbook, and can't get sound working02:30
csilkgenii, ah your behind my timezone, maybe you need tim eto catch up with me ;)02:30
PuppyI'm having this exact problem on an asus a8v-mx.02:30
PuppyI read here: http://lkml.org/lkml/2008/3/18/10302:30
PuppyI changed sata to ahci in the bios, added only the line pci=nomsi to the kernel boot line, and it seems to be working.02:30
csilkPuppy, admittadly the post I'm refering to has different hardware, but I would bet intrepid addresses this bug. Give it a try02:31
carreraDasEi, did that but I still get choppy sound02:31
DasEicarrera:found your solution : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto02:31
geniigenefitz: Perhaps some ppl in the #eeepc channel are running it, you could ask there what their experience has been02:31
Puppycsilk its exactly the same error :d02:31
Puppyill try this fix02:31
carreraDasEi, I've that page loaded02:31
PuppyI am new to UBUNTU but I think I partially solved the problem.02:32
PuppyMy pc specs:02:32
PuppyASUS M2R32-MVP02:32
FloodBot1Puppy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
carreraDasEi, but I was wondering if the problem could be resolved without having to rebuild new kernel modules02:32
genefitzgenii, I just reverted back to the original software (the asus version) I just just think that ubuntu may be a bit nicer on it..02:32
compengiwhere are iptables rules file located?02:32
genefitzNo real worries though02:32
csilkPuppy,  if the fix works please post a message on the bugtracker saying so02:32
carreraDasEi, it sacred me when he said, "(Please read the Caveats section!)"02:33
Puppycsilk of course, ive already been speaking to a dev regarding this issue lol, im dumbfounded how he didnt see this02:33
geniigenefitz: The Knoppix provided by Asus has been tweaked for some of their hardware, so sometimes it can be difficult to get running on other linux without getting your hands dirty02:33
DasEicarrera:there are few more people had same problem... only thing solved could find was that02:33
Puppycsilk ok testing now02:33
admin_masu3701I have gparted open with windows partition on 1 side and ubuntu on the other and a swap partition in the middle. Now i want to make linux partition biger. so what shuld i do at this pooint ?02:33
geniigenefitz: Or I think is Xandros (their dist by default)02:33
gotamaHi! I've installed ubuntu 8.04 with LTSP. A thin client uses a pentium I cpu. It works but too slow. Is there any solution. Or it's possible to install LTSP 4.2 on ubuntu 8.04? Please help.02:33
genefitzgenii, I found that out really quickly. I had most of it working for a bit, but the wireless, I never could get to work, at least not for any length of time..02:34
lungrenim looking to dual boot windows and ubuntu but ubuntu is taking up almost all of the hard drive space.  im trying to use partition editor to free up the space for windows but it wont edit.  any help?02:34
genefitzgenii, that was always a worry when I bought it. I am usually not much for proprietary gear..02:34
genefitzLungren, how much hard drive space do you have?02:35
lungrentotal i think 335 or something02:35
genefitz335 Gigs?02:35
csilklungren,  sometimes partitin editors can't resize certain parts of a filesystem, when this happens there is nothing you can do about it other than format and re-insatll, after sizing the partition of course02:35
Killer--Tuxhello what is the command to listen on any given port02:35
geniigenefitz: Well, your best bet here on freenode irc for finding out what might or might not work is as I said, the #eeepc channel. I know some there already are using 8.0402:35
lungrenso i have to delete and re-intall the partitions?02:35
carreraDasEi, I've only seen "backports" in the Software Sources, Update tab. I don't even know what a backport is, let alone create one!02:35
csilkmaybe not02:35
FAJdoes the new linux kernel have proprietary support for nvidia cards?02:36
genefitzgenii, I will have to try that after Intrepid comes out.. Thanks :-)02:36
csilklungren,  how big is the HDD and how much space are you wanting to move around02:36
geniigenefitz: You're welcome02:36
lungrenis hdd the hard drive?02:36
genefitzLungren, using gpart, you may be able to shrink your home partition. In Ubuntu, the root is usually very small, and the swap (if used) is tiny.02:36
genefitzMy guess is that you have probably 250 - 300 gigs in home that should be free and resizable through gpart02:37
lungrenis "partition editor" the same as gpart02:37
lungreni remember seeing gpart in the program02:37
ubottucarrera: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging02:37
geniilungren: It's the backend to gparted and qtparted02:38
Killer--Tuxhow can i see all the ip connected to my computer02:38
genefitzlungren, gpart is *a* partition editor. Usually a little more flexible..02:38
lungrenok ill look02:38
genefitzIt should be in the officially supported software..02:38
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports02:38
FAJdoes the new linux kernel have proprietary support for nvidia cards?02:38
lungrengnome partition editor, yeah.  i have it already02:39
GNUnetcan anyone tell me if there's an alarm for ubuntu that i can set to remind myself to go to appointments at a certain time every day and take medications at a certain time every day, with loud sounds?02:39
lungreni was trying to edit it there but it wont let me do anything really02:39
DasEicarrera:the current kernel has probs with your s-card, also could try F6 at Bootup, then : pnpacpi=off02:39
pipegeekhowdy, folks02:39
genefitzHowdy pipegeek02:39
pipegeekany idea what's going on with packages.ubuntu.com?02:39
keanneis youtube freezing konqueror a known problem? is there a known fix?02:40
genefitzlungren, unfer "all software" in add/remove, type in partition.02:40
carreraDasEi, how do u know that?02:40
genefitzThere are usually about a half dozed parition editors.02:40
genefitzunder even'02:40
DasEi FAJ:current has, xorg 7.4 still probs02:40
FAJDasEi: in the newest kernel that was just released into mainstream?02:41
=== GNUnet is now known as MothOnLovesFlame
DasEicarrera:from others with your mobo02:41
MothOnLovesFlamecan anyone tell me if there's an alarm for ubuntu that i can set to remind myself to go to appointments at a certain time every day and take medications at a certain time every day, with loud sounds?02:41
mrpocketscan you not get openoffice 3.0 for Ubuntu?02:41
lungrenill try them02:41
lungrenthank you02:41
ubottuFAJ: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu02:41
Flannelmrpockets: It will be in Intrepid, which is scheduled for release in about a week.02:41
mrpocketswtf is intrepid?02:41
FAJDasEi: not intrepid. the newest 8.04 kernel02:41
csilk!intrepid | mrpockets02:41
ubottumrpockets: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu02:41
carreraDasEi, cool. Thanks for all your help dude!02:41
dannynext release of Ubuntu02:41
gotamaHi! I've installed ubuntu 8.04 with LTSP. A thin client uses a pentium I cpu. It works but too slow. Is there any solution. Or it's possible to install LTSP 4.2 on ubuntu 8.04? Please help.02:42
mrpocketsoh my!02:42
pipegeeklungren: are you certain that the partition in question is unmounted?02:42
DasEiFAJ:nvida supported02:42
mrpocketsbut the broken software part...  would you not recomend switching over right away?02:42
lungreni think its mounted....02:42
FAJDasEi: .21-generic?  really....02:42
MothOnLovesFlamecan anyone tell me if there's an alarm for ubuntu that i can set to remind myself to go to appointments at a certain time every day and take medications at a certain time every day, with loud sounds?02:42
dannywhat it means is that stuff may BREAK.... between now and then02:42
c0mp13371331337mrpockets: Meh, I just did a fresh install the other day.  Had a few minor application crashes, but nothing serious.02:42
FAJwould i need to go in and tell it to use it in the new kernel?02:42
dannyit's a matter of stuff will need to be updated for the new one02:42
lungrenthe one im trying to edit down says it cant be unmounted02:42
ubottuFAJ: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection02:43
* FAJ hangs head02:43
pipegeeklungren: you're unlikely to be able to resize a filesystem while it's mounted ;)02:43
FAJi am using a supported card that works in .19-generic, and then when i booted into .21-generic, it gave me the wonderful low res screen, should i just run in low res and try to enable restricted?02:44
lungrenit doesnt unmount tho02:44
carreraDasEi, would trying OSS instead of ALSA help?02:44
genefitzMoth, I am not sure. You may want to check in OpenOffice.org for the Calendar. I don't think it will sound an alarm, but it will usually give you a reminder in the way of a pop-up message..02:44
lungrenso is there anyway to edit this down without starting over?02:44
FlannelFAJ: did you use restricted drivers manager to install your drivers before?02:44
genefitzYou just have to tell it how far in advance..02:44
pipegeekgotama: a pI is a little undermuscly, even for ltsp.... the site recommends having at least a pII-233.  Sorry, siddhartha02:44
MothOnLovesFlamecan anyone tell me if there's an alarm for ubuntu that i can set to remind myself to go to appointments at a certain time every day and take medications at a certain time every day, with loud sounds?02:44
pipegeekgotama: that said, try using a slightly less graphically intense desktop environment than gnome02:45
freetos00do i have to boot up a newer version to upgrade it or can i upgrade while running a prior version02:45
FAJFlannel:  i went into hardware drivers and clicked enable in the old kernel (not dist)02:45
DasEicarrera:no, but sth really simple : are the icons of alsamixer green (unmuted), the ones above the sliders ?02:45
pipegeeklungren: absolutely.  But I'm getting lost in the comments in here---so that I can find your responses, could you please mention my nick when responding?02:45
pipegeekor, better yet,02:45
lungrenpipegeek: sorry02:45
pipegeeknp :)02:45
FlannelFAJ: well, try enabling it in this one yes.  If it doesn't work, it sounds like a regression and you should file a bug.02:46
FAJflannel ok.02:46
genefitzMothOnLovesFlame: Try the calendar in OpenOffice.org.02:46
genefitzIt won't give an audible alarm, but should pop-up a message for reminder.02:46
DasEiFlannel:carrer... known already, and found a solving02:46
FAJhow hard is it to use a HDD on one mobo and then swtich it over to another one?02:46
jramseyanyone know how to set the line spacing in open office writer to something other than single, 1.5 and double?02:46
lungrenpipegeek: the whole reason im trying to dual boot is so i can play my windows games.  is there anyway i can do something else with ubuntu that will allow that?02:47
pipegeeklungren: what you need to do is to unmount the partition you want to resize.  That can usually be accomplished by right-clicking on the icon on the desktop, and going to "Unmount...".  However, if what you want to resize is the main ubuntu partition ("/"), you'll need to reboot using an ubuntu livecd, so that the computer can be running despite the main filesystem not being mounted02:47
FAJFlannel:  sometimes my system will just inexplicably freeze up too, there is never anything in the logs, can you think of anything?02:47
pipegeeklungren: if you have a windows license, that's probably the best way to go02:47
DasEiFAJ: wihout reinstalling ?02:47
pipegeeklungren: shall we take this out into PM?02:47
lungrenpipegeek: sounds good02:47
FAJDasEi:  running on two different computers ;)02:47
carreraDasEi, I checked those already. Mine are below the sliders and they are mostly green EXPECT Analog M02:47
reportingsjrdoes anyone know any decent video editing software that will import mpg and output wmv?02:48
FAJoooo DasEi my bad bad read on my part; ummm ya don't wanna reinstall, that would be a pain.... :(02:48
jramseyanyone know how to set the line spacing in open office writer to something other than single, 1.5 and double?02:48
genefitzreportingsjr: none in Linux that I know of, primarily because of the proprietary wmv codec02:48
reportingsjrgenefitz: will mpg play in windows media player?02:48
FAJDasEi:  maybe this kernel will fix it?  i did have bootchart running on my computer under the old kernel, but that shouldn't cause freezes...02:48
Vantraxanyone know the ghost commandline switch that allows it to preserve the grub bootloader (not -ir)02:49
DasEiFAJ: if the archtitecures of the machine are similar.. with a lot of good luck...maybe02:49
genefitzreportingsjr: depends on if you have the codec.02:49
reportingsjrgenefitz: any that would be on a school computer automatically?02:49
FAJDasEi:  ok... what about these random freezes that i am reporting?02:49
FlannelFAJ: check your RAM (do memtest)02:49
DasEiFAJ: install conky to see what fills your ram02:49
genefitzwmv (Windows Media Video) is proprietary to Microsoft, and though, there are codec packs for Linux to decode them, I don't know of any that will encode WMV02:50
reportingsjrbah, forget it then. I'll just take in an mpg!02:50
genefitzreportingsjr, what os is the school computer using?02:50
dranyami know this sounds terrible but i just installed ubuntu 8.04 to my dell mini and I thought I used my normal login and pass02:50
reportingsjrgenefitz: do you know any that will import/export mpg then?02:50
FAJFlannel:  memtest i have done, for about 5 hours, no errors reported02:50
dranyambut its telling me its wrong02:50
reportingsjrgenefitz: windows xp, of course :)02:50
reportingsjrwell, :(02:50
dranyamis there any way I can login with another account02:50
dranyamlike is there a root acount02:50
Vantraxim pretty sure VLC plays WMV files02:51
genii!root | dranyam02:51
ubottudranyam: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:51
reportingsjrVantrax: I need a video oditor though02:51
genefitzreport, most XP computers will automatically decode mpg (layer 1) without additional codecs.02:51
reportingsjrI need to edit out bits of a clip, and make it 30 seconds long.02:51
genefitzAVI would probably be a no, unless they installed a codec pack.02:51
reportingsjrgenefitz: sweet, but I need an editor for them for linux :)02:51
jribdranyam: you are going to have to reboot and select "recovery mode" from the grub menu.  Then you can do this command to remember your username: ls /home  .  And once, you know your username, reset your password with: passwd YOUR_USERNAME  .  Then reboot02:52
FAJuggh  Flannel if i was using ndiswrapper to get on the internet, then will i have to reinstall with the kernel update ??02:52
FAJb/c wifi isn't working either...02:52
genefitzreportingsjr: let me check packages, brb.02:52
reportingsjrgenefitz: ok, I'm searching too02:52
geniidranyam: Best bet is boot to livecd, then mount the / of your hard drive. Then use the chroot command to temporarily make yourself superuser there and change the password of the user you normally want to use when it boots from hd02:52
Wickedhello all. is there anyway to tell how long ubuntu has been installed for?02:52
reportingsjrgenefitz: ah, apparently kino can export many formats, I thought it would only do DV files. I think I'm cool then.02:52
genefitzreportingsjr: Great, I was having no luck. I am using OpenSuse on this computer.. Don't have the binefit of Ubuntu's package manager.02:54
FlannelWicked: check /var/log/installer/02:54
genefitzGlad you found something though :-)02:54
FAJFlannel:  omgosh  what is going on????  ndisgtk shows that my drivers are installed, but wifi isn't working??02:54
WickedFlannel, ah ok ill check it out thanks!02:54
dranyami typod on the username02:54
dranyamjesus im a tard02:54
dranyamthank you jrib02:55
Ddordathe restart and the quit has gone from the system>quit, and i can't load the "login window" application neither! what shall i do?02:55
reportingsjrgenefitz: ah02:55
FAJin the goot up, it says that ndiswrapper is not found??02:55
FlannelDdorda: whats the output of "groups"?02:55
Ddordador adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin kqemu02:56
genefitzreporting 3 computers, 3 different OS's This one, my Ubuntu computer, and my Windows unit.02:56
pipegeekFAJ: argh, ndiswrapper is a pain >.<  But no, if you're using an ubuntu-provided kernel, it should come with the ndiswrapper module already included02:56
scientuswtf i turned my comp on with a new sound card, sound worked, then five minutes later no sound02:56
pipegeekhmm, seems I'm slow on the draw02:56
scientusok alsa-utils restart worked02:57
FAJpipegeek:  unfortunately it's the only way to get my stuff to work, but in the new kernel it says that ndiswrapper is not found02:57
Alca7razok, I have a pretty odd problem. My cursor changed to a crosshair suddenly during normal use. If i click the mouse, the cursor changes back for a couple seconds, then returns to a crosshair. It also beeps when it changes. While its a crosshair it cant click anything and theres no mouse-over effects, so to open a menu i have to click twice, etc. Its quite annoying.02:57
genefitzscientus, have you gotten any notice from Ubuntu about needing updates? (little star in the upper right?)02:58
lungrenpipegeek: i have the livecd but what do i do with it that allows me to edit partitions?02:58
pipegeekFAJ: how did you install the new kernel?  Sorry, I'm clearly jumping in mid-conversation02:58
admin_masu3701hello there can any body help me out with gparted to resize partitions?02:58
Vantraxscientus: check to see if its using pulse or alsa to actually output02:58
FAJpipegeek:  all good that's fine.  through the repos, mainstream02:58
scientusrestarting alsa worked02:58
Vantraxworks, but you might have to keep doing it02:58
pipegeekFAJ: that's odd.  Do me a favor, and, in a terminal, type "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper", and tell me whether it prints an error02:59
DdordaFlannel: dor adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin admin kqemu02:59
jonahHi all anyone know where i can talk to someone about intellectual rights to ubuntu?!02:59
Vantrax... what you want to know about that jonah02:59
FAJpipegeek:  already one step ahead of you :P  FATAL Error:  module ndiswrapper not found.02:59
ubottuchetnick, please see my private message02:59
=== w3rd__ is now known as w3rd_
FlannelDdorda: yeah, I saw it.  Not what I was expecting.03:00
alesshi, do you know if ubuntu server do some cpu usage limitation per process?.03:00
FAJpipegeek:  correction .24-19-generic03:00
jonahI have a possible project i would like to work on but i need permission and possibly someone from the ubuntu teams guidance inorder for my project to come into existence03:00
pipegeekFAJ: hmm.  hold on03:01
admin_masu3701Ok..I have gparted open. and i see 2 partitions.windows and linux. i want to make linux space biger...how do i do that?03:01
FAJpipegeek:  ok03:01
kr1shnsHello there! I setup my wireless card ok, but now it's not showing any connection avaible for wireless! And I know there at least 5 besides mine (Windows computer is saying that). How can I fix this? Hope I can have an answer!03:01
FAJpipegeek:  PM?03:01
pipegeekFAJ: aha!  Make sure the "linux-ubuntu-modules" package for your kernel is installed ^_^03:01
MothOnLovesFlamewhat do you put as the server for gmail for evolution setup?03:01
=== w4ett is now known as w4ett-away
mrpocketshow do i mount a networkdrive?03:02
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver03:03
alessis it possible to limit the cpu usage per process?03:03
jonahvantrax am i in the correct place?03:03
admin_masu3701can anybody help with gparted in ubuntu?03:03
geniialess: Not sure on that exact Q. But you can use the renice command to allocate more or less resources to a running process03:03
RetrogradeCulturis there an ubuntu xwindows shortcut to minimize all windows?03:04
kr1shnsMy wireless connection showed up but no network avaible has been detected (and there is some avaible for sure). Am I doing anything wrong or there are any thing I need to do before?03:04
Ddordathe restart and the quit has gone from the system>quit, and i can't load the "login window" application neither! what shall i do?03:04
jribRetrogradeCultur: system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts03:04
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
alessgenii, thanks03:05
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: that doesn't make a lot of sense to me...if your wifi net is showing up, it should be available..03:05
Fahhey, does anyone know what package provides the fglrx kernel module for ATI cards in 8.10?03:05
overriderhey, i often feel that firefox somewhat chokes on certain sites. example just now was godaddy.com . anyone knows what i mean? it feels like a massive cpu spike with firefox sometimes03:05
RetrogradeCulturie you should at least be able to try to connect, whether successful or not03:05
Alca7razI have a pretty odd problem. My cursor changed to a crosshair suddenly during normal use. If i click the mouse, the cursor changes back for a couple seconds, then returns to a crosshair. It also beeps when it changes. While its a crosshair it cant click anything and theres no mouse-over effects, so to open a menu i have to click twice, etc. Its quite annoying.03:05
RetrogradeCulturty jrib03:05
jribDdorda: what happens *exactly* when you try to load the "login window" application?  And how are you loading it?03:05
rebel_kidim trying the command scp -p id_rsa.pub remoteuser@remotehost: how can i specify a port other than 22?03:06
tim__i just want to say that linux and ubuntu rules all03:06
RetrogradeCulturi need to see if my neighbor is trying to connect/connected to my wifi net03:06
Ddordasystem > administration > login window03:06
Ddordait's get in the application03:06
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver03:06
geniialess: You're welcome03:06
jribrebel_kid: with -P.  Take a look at 'man scp'03:06
Ddordaand close it immediately03:06
DevourerIs there a way to see what is using a module?03:07
jribDdorda: run it from a shell and pastebin the output03:07
Ddordajust did, it said nothing03:07
Ddordajust closed it03:07
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: the wlan0 is up, but there are no networks available. My connection here is name "Josh-point" and its doesn`t even appear, none network appears. But when I`m using Windows all of them appears ok.03:07
Ddordalike i did Ctrl+C or something03:08
kr1shnsI don't know why it's not detecting.03:08
jribDdorda: ps -ef | grep gdm03:08
Ddordaroot      5715     1  0 03:32 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/gdm03:08
Ddordaroot      5716  5715  0 03:32 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/gdm03:08
Ddordaroot      5722  5716  2 03:32 tty7     00:00:56 /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt703:08
Ddordaroot      5913  5722  0 03:32 tty7     00:00:00 /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt703:08
Ddordador       7598  7477  0 04:08 pts/1    00:00:00 grep gdm03:08
FloodBot1Ddorda: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:08
tim__can any one help me with my sound problem?03:08
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RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: refresh your wnet list03:09
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: also try rebooting03:09
RetrogradeCulturif those don't work, perhaps you should make sure your wifi router is broadcasting03:09
Ddordahere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61313/03:10
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: any hint on how to do it via terminal? I already rebooted and stuff like that. If I try to refresh using GUI it doesnt change anything either.03:10
RetrogradeCulturif it's not broadcasting an SSID you won't pick it up03:10
RetrogradeCulturbut you should still be able to connect manually03:10
Ddordajrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/61313/03:10
RetrogradeCulturvia console no clue03:10
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: also, if possible, can you help me checking my wifi configuration?03:10
gaintsurais there a way to change the umask on a virtualbox shared folder? Shared with a virtualized windows XP03:10
RetrogradeCulturbut i mean, if you can connect in Xwin you should be able to log out to console and use it still I think03:10
Puppycsilk ?03:11
jribDdorda: hrmm, why are there 2?  Have you tried stopping gdm, making sure all instances are gone, then starting it again, logging in and running gdmsetup?03:11
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: do you know your WIFI SSID?03:11
Jac1dDoes anyhone know where to find your current ip address in /proc or /sys ?03:11
Puppycsilk - i got it installed, but now it does the same thing when it trys to boot up03:11
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: yes, i know the SSID and the WAP Personal passkey.03:11
csilkPuppy,  intrepid?03:11
gaintsuraJac1d: you could always just http://www.whatismyip.com03:11
Puppycsilk - pci=nomsi made it install03:11
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: go to your wifi set up, go to manual configuration and plug in the info03:11
RetrogradeCultursee if that'll help03:11
csilkPuppy,  you also need to boot with that too03:12
Puppycsilk - is there a way i can set pci=nomsi for bootup ?03:12
csilkI think03:12
Puppycsilk i like your thinking :p03:12
RetrogradeCulturit may be that your adapter doesn't work with ubuntu03:12
csilkPuppy,  yes in the grub.conf file03:12
Puppyhow can i get to that ?03:12
pipegeekPuppy: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:12
Alca7razI have a pretty odd problem. My cursor changed to a crosshair suddenly during normal use. If i click the mouse, the cursor changes back for a couple seconds, then returns to a crosshair. It also beeps when it changes. While its a crosshair it cant click anything and theres no mouse-over effects, so to open a menu i have to click twice, etc. Its quite annoying.03:12
Puppycsilk you get my pm ?03:13
pipegeekhaha.  Have you tried logging out and in again?  Does the problem persist?03:13
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: I tried this before. I'm thinking it's something related on firmwares for my Intel 3945ABG Wireless card.03:13
roselganis there someone here that could help me with phpmyadmin plz.... i am new to linux03:13
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: if you WLAN adapter works with windows and not linux then i'd venture to say your card doesn't, at this time, work with linux03:13
RetrogradeCulturie it's not compatable03:13
admin_masu3701can anybody help with gparted to resize partitions?03:13
Alca7razI have logged out/in and eve rebooted, the problem persists03:13
RetrogradeCulturstart with physical/hardware problems first03:13
RetrogradeCulturthen move up03:13
pipegeekAlca7raz: how very odd.  Lemme think about this03:14
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver03:14
PuppyHow can i set Ubunto to laod with parameter pci=nomsi03:14
RetrogradeCulturyou can't worry about software problem if your HW doesn't work right with your pc and os etc03:14
Vantraxsome WLAN cards just arent compatable, and others have issues with encryption standards, wireless and webcams are the two areas that still need alot of work03:14
Jac1dgaintsura: you are assuming the machines that are requiring this info have access to the internet03:14
jamesishPuppy: edit menu.lst, I believe.03:14
RetrogradeCulturyeah Vantrax03:14
Puppyjamesish - i cant get it to load lol03:14
Puppyjamesish - i cant load ubuntu :s03:15
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: it works with Windows and some other Distros I tried before. I'm having problems just now. Do you know anything about firmwares to wireless drivers?03:15
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RetrogradeCulturfor instance, most newer/usb wlan adapters (in my exp, given it's only been 2 of them) work great with ubuntu03:15
Ddordajrib, no. how do i do that?03:15
jamesishPuppy: in grub, use the edit menu to append the flag to the boot line.03:15
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns:  what makes you think it's firmware?03:15
Puppyjamesish - how can i get into grub ?03:15
roselgancan someone help with phpmyadmin plz03:15
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jamesishPuppy: presumably by turning hte computer on?03:15
HMSI follow driver instructions and after "Sudo make clean modules I get an error03:16
murjoh_i need help with a mac mini and display issues i've been having. Can anyone help ?03:16
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: I tried dmesg and it pointed "Failure" on some firmware information. That's why I'm betting on it.03:16
roselganis there something like sqlyog in linux03:16
jribDdorda: easiest way then is for you to just reboot and try to start gdmsetup immediately03:16
Mike804Question: Can an expert help me install the Tascam US-428 - its the last thing stopping me from using UBNTU fulltime - I know its supported - but impossible for a beginner - msg me please03:17
geniimurjoh_: There is an #ubuntu-powerpc channel where they are likely better to assist you in this issue03:17
roselganhi sammy03:17
Ddordai tried doing it. maybe i should put it in the sessions and restart with a script?03:17
pipegeekAlca7raz... I mean, until you said you rebooted, I was thinking there was some sort of screen-grabbing program running in a loop for some wacky reason, and clicking once caused a screenshot to occur, causing the program to exit, and giving you back your cursor until the program started again.... but I don't know how the system would get into that state, much less continue in it after a reboot03:18
jribDdorda: no, what does 'ps -ef | grep gdm' return right after  you log in?03:18
pipegeekwhat an odd problem03:18
jribDdorda: after a reboot03:18
murjoh_thanks genii.03:18
pipegeeknot helpful, I realize03:18
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: i can tell you how you may be able to break this down very quickly.....03:19
Ddordaehmm, let me check & i'll come back for you03:19
Ddorda1 min :P03:19
geniimurjoh_: If no joy there, perhaps try here again03:19
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns: use the adapter's manufacturer site and or/google to see if it's compatible03:19
Ddorda1 thing, what is the restart script?03:19
RetrogradeCulturif it's not compatible with your os..then there ya go03:19
Ddordacouse now i cant reboot03:19
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Alca7razpipegeek: no its not, thanks for trying though03:19
RetrogradeCulturalso try updating your system if you haven't already03:19
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver, can someone?03:20
roselganquestion.... is there a program like sqlyog for linux.... my phpmyadmin wont let me import a big enough file... or how do i change the settings in phpmyadmin03:20
Ddordaoh.. found it03:20
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RetrogradeCulturkr1shns:  system -> admin -> update manager03:20
Vantraxheya roselgan im guessing that no one knows the answer, id try the ubuntu forum03:20
csilkroselgan,  first of all make sure it is a phpmyadmin problem and not a linit set by your ooh.ini03:20
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns:  but first check to make sure you're using a compatible wifi adapter03:20
csilk** roselgan php.ini03:21
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: ok, wait up a second.03:21
RetrogradeCulturyou should be able to find that out on the web03:21
lightdragonHey, I'm running a windows box and a linux box, and i'm really inexperienced with Ubuntu or linux in general. But it seems that I've been able to network the two computers through my wireless router successfully. Unfortunately though, I can't see any files when I look at the network in ubuntu... Any ideas why? or how to fix it?03:21
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns:  there used to be a linux compatibility list on the web somewhere03:21
Mike804Tascam US428 USB soundcard - Need assistance, san provide links to ALSA instructions: Need assistance in translating the instruction into novice install03:21
pipegeeklightdragon: as in, you can't see files on your windows machine from your ubuntu box?03:21
jamesishlightdragon: presumably you've not been able to network the two computers successfully.03:21
RetrogradeCulturI can't remebmer where03:21
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pipegeekyet both are on the same network, and both can access the internet?03:21
lightdragonpipegeek: that's right03:22
pipegeeklightdragon: It's possible you just haven't turned on file sharing on the windows box03:22
roselgani am new to this would u pm me with help to find it and what to change plz03:22
pipegeekit's not on by default03:22
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lightdragonpipegeek: I checked that.. it is on I've also enabled it so my entire c drive is shared03:22
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver, can someone please?03:23
pipegeekHmm.  Well, it's also possible that the two machines aren't in the same "workgroup" (god, I hate windows networking)03:23
pipegeeklightdragon: but, regardless, you can force ubuntu's hand, even if it isn't showing up automatically:03:23
pipegeeklightdragon: go to the Places menu, pick "Connect to server..."03:23
geniiIf you use IP you can span workgroups easily enough03:23
admin_masu3701Hello there...I need help resizing partitions using Gparted..Can anybody help?03:23
lightdragonpipegeek: they're in the same workgroup so far as i know. if it helps i'm using samba on ubuntu03:23
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refriedbeansoh no03:23
_Zeus_what happened?03:24
* csilk smells netsplit03:24
refriedbeansthats what its called!03:24
pipegeeklightdragon: select "Windows share", put the ip address of the windows machine in Server: , specify a username, and try connecting03:24
bruenigthe floodbots go crazy for the netsplits03:24
pyr0Hey, ive just got a new HD and wanted to install Ibex beta rather than wait until the 30th. Will this cause me any problems or will any changes in the final release just come through as updates?03:24
refriedbeansi forgot for a sec03:24
pipegeekhere we go03:24
bruenigthey put their hats on03:24
csilkand that's what we call re-sync03:24
refriedbeansnetsplit :)03:24
Flannelpyr0: you'll be able to go to final via regular updates03:25
Ddorda1jrib, i'm back03:25
pipegeeklightdragon: samba's the file server.  So, to get to the windows box from the ubuntu box, it doesn't matter whether or not you have samba installed03:25
jribDdorda1: k, does 'sudo gdmsetup' still fail?03:25
pyr0ok, thanks.03:25
kr1shnsRetrogradeCultur: just found a website that teaches how to configure it. Thanks a lot! I`ll give a try on the website and then I'll come here!03:25
asdklfalsjfdanyone have any luck using a fingerprint scanner03:26
pipegeeklightdragon: but, as for workgroup---the workgroup that ubuntu uses by default isn't configurable, except by hand-editing /etc/samba/smb.conf03:26
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver, can someone please?03:26
pipegeekunless I'm out of date03:26
jribDdorda1: what does 'ps -ef | grep gdm' look like?03:26
lightdragonpipegeek: yeah that's what i did03:26
RetrogradeCulturkr1shns:  okay :) good luck03:26
Ddorda1but still i can't restart and shutdown by the quit system03:26
JoseBravoAll my GTK applications in KDE, including FireFox appears very ugly. How can I fix that?03:27
jribDdorda1: wait.  Does gdmsetup open or not?03:27
pipegeeklightdragon: okay.  Were you able to connect to your windows box by specifying its ip address manually?03:27
pipegeekIe, in Places/Connect to Server...03:27
Ddorda1yes, open03:27
Bogaurdi have an ubuntu machine which I use as a router - once it has very high uptime (around 100 days), I find that things become very slow, especially building the route table when links come up/go down, it takes several minutes - could anybody suggest why this is?03:27
OrbixxBogaurd: What's the memory usage?03:28
pipegeeklightdragon: Also, can the machines actually see each other?  For instance, can you ping your windows box from your linux box?03:28
arbiranybody has used usb to boot ?03:28
lightdragonpipegeek: Still working on that. had to get the ip...03:28
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arbirI keep getting error 17, when i try to boot from the USB03:28
HMSI am new to ubuntu and need some help installing a NIC driver, can someone please?03:28
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lightdragonpipegeek: how do i find the linux ip?03:28
arbirlightdragon: ifconrfig03:28
arbirlightdragon: ifconfig03:28
jribJoseBravo: tried with gtk-qt-engine ?03:29
lightdragonpipegeek: though presumably they can, as ubuntu fins it in network places03:29
pipegeeklightdragon: right-click on the network icon in the upper-righthand corner and pick "Connection Info"03:29
pipegeeklightdragon: or, alternatively, type "ifconfig" in a terminal03:29
BogaurdOrbixx: it shows as having about 179MB cahced, 5mb free, and 150mb active..03:29
pipegeekwas unaware of that03:29
pipegeekSo, at what point does the connection actually fail?03:29
OrbixxBogaurd: Then you're out of memory.03:29
arbirpipegeek: do you know about error 17 in grub ?03:29
pipegeekarbit: not off the top of my head.  How are you getting it?03:29
JoseBravojrib, I installed gtk-qt-engine-kde4 but how can I use it?03:29
jribDdorda: ok, well in the "Local" tab, under "Menu Bar", have you checked "Show Actions menu" and the thing below it?03:30
arbirpipegeek: i made a parted magic bootable USB. and each time i boot it, i get error 1703:30
BogaurdOrbixx: hmm. why would it happen gradually?03:30
Bogaurda memory leak or something?03:30
Ddordanow did03:30
OrbixxQuite possibly.03:30
pipegeekarbir: ah.  Sorry, don't have any experience tehre03:30
Ddordathank you ^^03:30
OrbixxThat's the first thing I thought.03:30
jribJoseBravo: I believe you have to configure it in kde settings.  Try #kubuntu maybe03:30
arbirthanks pipegeek03:30
Mike804Tascam US428 USB soundcard - Need assistance, san provide links to ALSA instructions: Need assistance in translating the instruction into novice install03:31
BogaurdOrbixx: any ideas on how to track down the culprit? :)03:31
Puppycsilk - that dir does not exist03:31
pyr0Can anyone tell me if it is very difficult setting up full disk encryption using the Alternate install CD?03:31
admin_masu3701HEllo can someone help with gparted to resize partitions03:31
_Zeus_admin_masu3701: what's up?03:31
Mike804Pyro - very simple check the net there is a walk through03:31
csilkPuppy, then you must of not been in /03:31
OrbixxBogaurd: top, then shift+m03:31
Puppyi get root bin lin var etc...03:31
csilkPuppy, did it install ok?03:31
pipegeeklightdragon: at what point does your attempted connection to your windows box fail?03:31
Puppycsilk i dunno lol, i cant boot it03:31
pipegeeklightdragon: Does ubuntu actually ever ask you for a username?03:32
RetrogradeCulturwhat param do I use in nmap to scan from -
csilkPuppy, ok, ignoring the fact you cant boot, do you think it installed?03:32
Puppycsilk seems to yeah, it said it worked ok03:32
_786soulAnyone here help me with this problem? I got ubuntu booting from an SD card along with backtrack 3 from grub. Everything boots correct but ubuntu won't get to the desktop, rather giving me a blank screen with a mouse. This is AFTER i log in with user and pass in the respective boxes. Any help?03:32
BogaurdOrbixx: thats what I thought, but the only thing using any significant amount of memory is mysqld, using 8% of my memory, and 124mb of virtual memory03:32
Puppycsilk is complete the install process03:32
csilkPuppy,  ok give me a sec03:32
Puppycsilk and its 4am :p03:32
OrbixxBogaurd: Then you just simply do not have enough memory.03:32
admin_masu3701_Zeus_:  I have gparted open. I have windows and ubuntu on my pc. i want to make linux partition bigger cause i dont use windows that much anymore..how can i cut some space from windows partition and add it to linux?03:32
chetnicksome crazy stuff today, first with the sound card problems, now my restart button disappeared as well as System>Administration>Login Windows settings. It wont prompt login screen so it brings me to console, i startx from console and went to check Login Window settings to find out that it disappeard. How can i fix this?03:32
OrbixxTake it down, install more RAM.03:33
JoseBravojrib, thank you.03:33
csilkPuppy,  yeah i know lol, I have a 9am lecture tomorrow aswell :(03:33
_Zeus_admin_masu3701: are you on a live cd?03:33
Puppycsilk shoudl get some slep lol03:33
Ddordajrib, you're the best! thank you for saving me :P03:33
OrbixxIt's the caching to the swap file that's slowing your system down.03:33
BogaurdOrbixx: fair enough. weird that it runs fine for around 100 days though =\03:33
Mike804Tascam US428 : need help installing - ALSA has instruction that I cant quite follow, please msg me03:33
csilkPuppy,  i'll probs sleep in the lecture hahah03:33
RetrogradeCulturwhat param do I use in nmap to scan from -
Vantraxadmin_masu3701: you can edit ntfs in gparted without having problems03:33
zloogchetnick: In general you want to avoid startx, just sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:33
zloogchetnick: I bet that will get you the login window back03:33
_Zeus_!language | Puppy03:33
ubottuPuppy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:34
csilkPuppy,  does grub load?03:34
OrbixxBogaurd: A few different services always end up consuming a little more memory over time, even when idle.03:34
Vantraxits just tricky03:34
admin_masu3701_Zeus_:  no..i have ubuntu installed and windows (dual boot)03:34
Puppycsilk - so if i can see root / var / bin / this is in BusyBox03:34
_Zeus_admin_masu3701: if you want to resize ubuntu, you can't be running ubuntu03:34
BogaurdOrbixx: cheers :)03:34
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usserBogaurd, result of sloppy programming :)03:34
_Zeus_admin_masu3701: you will need to boot to the ubuntu CD and use gparted on that03:34
RetrogradeCulturlol @ being scolded for an acronym03:34
_786soulAnyone? Why do I have a blank screen after putting in my user and pass when ubuntu starts up? Just a blank screen with a mouse...03:34
OrbixxBogaurd: You're welcome.03:34
Bogaurdusser: haha, yeah. i'm actually suspect of one of my own apps the machine is running :P03:35
Puppy_786soul tryed giving it a min ?03:35
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_Zeus_RetrogradeCultur: what do you mean?03:35
csilkPuppy,  which command did you use to install?03:35
RetrogradeCulturanyone wanna tell me what the param is to scan from x.x.1.1 to x.x.1.255 with nmap?03:35
genii_786soul: Does it eventually dump you back to login screen?03:35
Puppycsilk i went throught the alt cd installer03:35
admin_masu3701_Zeus_ : I want to take cut off some disk space from windows and add it to linux03:35
RetrogradeCultur_Zeus_:  in regards to what?03:35
chetnickaaa fuck this i am gonna format this bitch, i am sick of this shit.03:35
_Zeus_│(22:34:46) RetrogradeCultur: lol @ being scolded for an acronym                                                              │03:35
csilkPuppy,  yeah but which command made the hdd detection work/03:35
_Zeus_!ohmy | chetnick03:35
ubottuchetnick: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:35
lightdragonpipegeek: okay so pinging from each box works... as for when the connection fails, what happens is when I select the Windows Network icon from the Network - File Browser, it takes a long time to say it's done being busy but then there's no files shown in the window...03:35
Puppycsilk pci=nomsi03:35
_Zeus_admin_masu3701: you want to make ubuntu bigger, right?03:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:36
_786soulPuppy, genii: I have waited a good ten minutes. Also it just sits at that screen with a mouse by itself. No background no desktop at all03:36
admin_masu3701_Zeus_: Yes..by cutting space from windows cause i dont have empty space03:36
lightdragonpipegeek: oh and I couldn't connect with the Connect to Server... route03:36
Puppycsilk let me try and get in grub03:36
kunwon1RetrogradeCultur, specify the ip address as 192.168.2.* or 192.168.2-5.1-255 or any combination.. ranges and wildcards are both legal03:36
lightdragonpipegeek: at all03:36
genii_786soul: Does the mouse move?03:37
pipegeeklightdragon: Very odd indeed.03:37
lowslungstriderhow do I use .pcf fonts in xubuntu?03:37
_786soulgenii: Mouse moves perfectly. and ctrl+alt+f2 bring me to CLI and i can login there and access my root. So i know i've got the right user and pass03:37
Alca7razdoes anyone know what would cause the cursor to change to a crosshair on its own?03:38
Vantraxadmin_masu3701:  id resize windows using a tool like partition magic, gparted can do some funny things with ntfs03:38
pipegeeklightdragon.  Weird.  I'm *guessing* that it's trying to connect using a username that doesn't actually have access to the shared directory on the windows machine, because the behavior you describe is consistent with that scenario, but I don't know03:38
FlannelAlca7raz: is it an X?03:38
ubuntu__how can I get the real xchat installed instead of xchat-gnome? I hate this interface03:38
Flannelubuntu__: install xchat (its in universe) instead of xchat-gnome03:38
Alca7razFlannel: no03:38
dranyamI may have bit off more than I can chew trying to install ubuntu on this dell mini 903:38
Vantraxadmin_masu3701: after that boot off a live cd and use gparted to increase the linux partition03:38
dranyamnot install as its already installed03:38
johnfis anyone having problems with latest java packages on 64 bit? ie 6-0703:39
Vantraxdranyam: i think there was a site dedicated to ubuntu on mini 9s03:39
dranyamive got an atheros AR5008 card and it still not showing up03:39
dranyamVan yeah I was just reading some of it03:39
Vantraxyou should be using intrepid on a mini 9 anyway, the support is better03:39
ubuntu__Flannel: couldn't find package xchat03:39
dranyamwell it said beta03:39
dranyamand I got scared03:39
zloog_786soul: I think you might be running a diffrent window manager, you might want to try control alt backspace, then go look at changing the session before logging back in03:39
Flannelubuntu__: do you have universe enabled?03:39
genii_786soul: Hmm. Possibly some permissions in it's home dir are afftected.    if username is "joe"    try something like:    sudo chown -hR joe:joe /home/joe                from the console03:39
Vantraxhave a chat to the guys on #ubuntu-1 about it03:40
dranyami desperately want to free myself from windows03:40
admin_masu3701Vantrax: Ok ...so go to windows and resize it.. then book from ubuntu cd and use gparted?03:40
ubuntu__Flannel: I don't know, it's a live cd. is it enabled by default?03:40
Vantraxone of the major improvements in  intrepid is for netbooks03:40
geniizloog: Conceivably he could be in TWM or so I suppose03:40
Flannelubuntu__: It should be, yes.  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat03:40
rebel_kidhow can i find out what device i am connected to such as eth003:40
Mike804Tascam US428 : need help installing - ALSA has instruction that I cant quite follow, please msg me03:40
dranyamso should I wait 8 days03:40
dranyamor just download the beta03:40
ubuntu__Flannel: that's the very first thing I did upon booting03:40
Vantraxbeta, its not gonna change much, and you can just update when it goes live03:41
_2can someone point me at a howto, or walk me through opening port 22 on a dsl modem   (or forwarding it)  ???03:41
dranyamat least Im not bored anymore03:41
* dranyam wanders off to ubuntu.com03:41
* Vantrax waves goodbye03:41
Flannelubuntu__: Alright, well, make sure universe is enabled (software sources), and then grab xchat.  It is in universe, and the package is "xchat"03:42
Jangariin screen resolution settings, i don't have the right options for the res of my 22"lcd, it only goes as high as about 1268x1024 when it should go up to 1680x1050. Can I manually add screen resolution settings somehow?03:42
_786soulgenii: The command didn't work. I log in again however the same still appears. Just the blank screen and a mouse. No loading sign or cursor change either03:42
_786soulzloog: Same is the result, no change when I log in again.03:43
genii_786soul: Do you have a dulahead video adapter, or an onboard plus secondary? Might be outputting desktop to another output03:43
_2guess not huh ?03:43
Puppycsilk loaded into grub03:43
Puppycommand didnt work03:43
Jangari_786soul: did you enable virtual resolution settings, by any chance?03:43
Puppydid find menu.lst that came up with nothing03:43
csilkPuppy, where did you put the command?03:43
lightdragonpipegeek: Ok, how about from the other direction? My windows box doesn't seem to see any network places for my ubuntu... How do I set shared access up on Ubuntu?03:43
csilkoh wiat03:43
csilknew instructions03:43
Puppywhen it first loaded i his escape03:43
Puppythen c for console03:43
_786soulgenii: Uhm well I've got an eeepc, and I just did a straight install to the SD card so I havent done any modifications at all. This has been happening since the first boot03:43
Puppysaid grub>03:43
csilki'll pm, dont wanna flood03:44
ubuntu__Flannel: assuming that ubuntu uses /etc/apt/sources.list, it isn't enabled by default afterall03:44
_786soulJangari: Haven't changed any settings. This has been happening since I installed onto the SD card.03:44
Flannelubuntu__: Interesting.  It is once you install.03:44
Jangarihmm, try installing afresh, then03:44
CShadowRunxanadu10 ?03:44
ekowif i install the ibex beta right now, will it be significantly different than if i wait till the 31st for the release?03:44
sirjoebobhey all. what log file will tell what users log into a system?03:44
ubuntu__Flannel: in fact, every line in that file is commented out. I don't know how it was able to fetch xchat-gnome03:45
_786soulJangari: Ah =( I was afraid of that. I'm keeping it as my last resort if theres nothing I can try to do to fix it03:45
ubuntu__Flannel: or why it didnt error on apt-get update03:45
Mike804Sound issue - can someone good with ALSA help?03:45
Jangariwell, you could try looking at your xorg.conf file,03:45
Flannelubuntu__: well, it won't error with the update, since you're just not telling it to check anything03:45
Jangari /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:45
_2howto open port 22 on a dsl modem   (or forwarding it)  ???03:45
Jangariand try running the command $sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:46
_786soulJangari, genii: See thing is a get the graphical log on, its not a CLI at that point so im perplexed as to why the desktop just wont come up03:46
Jangaribut the mouse is showing up03:46
ubuntu__Flannel: ok, that explains that part of it. then the only question is how did it know where to grab xchat-gnome from?03:46
CShadowRun_2 if you have a DSL modem that is connected directly to your PC, all ports are open.03:46
_786soulJangari: Yes mouse shows up and can move around03:46
Flannelubuntu__: no idea03:46
Jangariso it is your Xsession,03:46
ubuntu__Flannel: well, looks like it found it now03:46
_786soulJangari: Xsession?03:47
Jangaribut nothing else shows up, even if you, for instance, hit right-click, no menu, right?03:47
_2CShadowRun: then why can't i see port 22 open?    would you please check from there?03:47
JangariXsession is what the graphical interface is called03:47
genii_786soul: I've seen this often in cases where items in home dir where used as root or accidentally changed ownership from their rightful one. This is why I suggested earlier the chown command for that.03:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsession03:47
_786soulJangari: Nope, nothing else. Its just a plain moving mouse and a blank screen behind it03:47
CShadowRun_2 i don't know, if you have a standard DSL modem it should not block ports. Modems arn't NATS03:47
ekowif i install the ibex beta right now, will it be significantly different than if i wait till the 31st for the release?03:47
_786soulgenii: Yeah the chown didnt work =(03:47
Ascorbic_AcidOk all please read... I am trying to get Youtube videos to go full screen in Firefox.... it has not worked since i installed Ubuntu... it tries to go full screen but then goes back... Anyone know why?03:48
Flannelekow: #ubuntu+1 will be able to answer that question.03:48
Jangari_786soul: i'd try reconfiguring xorg.conf first and see what happens03:48
ekowok thank you03:48
christo_manyone else have issues with wine and steam03:48
christo_mi cant seem to purchase a game03:48
christo_mi click the purchase button and it does nothing03:48
pipegeeklightdragon: hmmph.  I'm clearly not much help.  You already have samba installed and configured, and the windows box can't connect to \\<linux-ip-address>\ ?03:48
genii_786soul: Perhaps check the ownership of the hidden files and directories in your /home/username    with  ls -la /home/username         and see if anything jumps out as not owned by the default user there03:49
_2CShadowRun i'm trying to get sshd usable. and i can ssh in locally but can't using my inet ip.03:49
CShadowRun_2 i have no idea sorry.03:49
jamesishpipegeek: just take it one step at a time. If there's something going on, that's the way to shimmy and move. What's the steps for files over the network with samba? Presumably verify machines are on the same subnet, start the service, verify permissions and shoot from the hip?03:50
CShadowRuni just assume that dsl modems don't forward ports, i'm not an advanced user03:50
liquidI have a dell m1330 with biometrics on it and I cant get it to work, I installed think finger but dont know how to run it, I havent used linux in years03:50
_786soulJangari: Reconfiguing the xconf didnt work, still the same03:50
lightdragonpipegeek: To be honest, I'm not sure how to tell windows to connect directly to linux ip address. I just know that it's not showing in "My Network Places"03:50
rebel_kidwithout screwing anything up can i check if my wireless card is capable of bridging03:50
pipegeeklightdragon: what you'd do is open an explorer window (or start menu/run) and enter \\<ip address here\03:51
_2CShadowRun: k thanks03:51
Jangaridoes anyone know how to manually add resolution options to the screen resolution settings dialogue box's list of options? Is there a config file that should contain that info?03:51
Flannelliquid: Read the thinkfinger documentation.... let me grab the file path for you, it'll explain how to get it to work.03:51
liquidDoes anybody know anything about thinkfinger?03:51
liquidFlannel: Thank you sir03:51
kunwon1CShadowRun, have you modified your ssh config file?03:51
pipegeeklightdragon: whereas the simplest way to check if it's working from ubuntu would be to open a nautilus window and type "smb://username@<ip address here>/"03:51
_786soulgenii: Nothing seemed to be out of order. My username is there for all the entries I could see but not all were on the screen. How do I scroll up to see the higher entries?03:52
liquidFlannel: I found a article on thinkwiki03:52
genii_786soul: shift-pageup   usually03:52
liquidFlannel: But it wouldnt load03:52
Flannelliquid: Alright, packages.ubuntu.com seems to be taking its sweet time.  Lets do it the quick way:  dpkg -L thinkfinger | grep Debian03:52
Jangari_786soul: run the command egain with "| more" at the end, it'll split it up into pages03:53
yhyhas anyone come from China?03:53
Flannelliquid: The README.Debian file is the one you want to read, it explains how to add it to PAM03:53
Flannelliquid: then once you've done that, you just need to enroll (tf-... something) and then you're done!03:53
Jangariis there a howto document somewhere on setting up ssh keys for automatic logging into remote servers?03:54
_786soulgenii, Jangari: Alright tried it but everything has my name by it so I'm guessing everything is in place. Only thing that doesn't is the ".." entry03:54
liquidFlannel: Its saying thinkfinger isnt installed but I just did it, configure.make.make install03:54
Flannelliquid: er.......03:54
Flannelliquid: package management.  Don't compile stuff.03:54
Jangarithe ".." directory is the relative link to the directory above, _786soul03:54
liquidFlannel: I said the same thing03:54
CoRnJuLiOxis there any way to hack the ubuntu boot screen? so that it displays something other than the ubuntu boot logo03:54
Jangariand "." is the directory you're in03:54
liquidFlannel: I did it by hand03:54
Flannelliquid: don't.03:54
kaervekquick question:  I'm sure there's a way to remove multiple files at once via bash with the rm command, how might I do this?03:55
Flannelliquid: remove whatever you did, and then sudo apt-get install thinkfinger03:55
Jangariyes, CoRnJuLiOx03:55
kaervekas opposed to rm'ing once for each file.03:55
liquidFlannel: Really, I tried the apt-get thing, still new to that03:55
genii_786soul: OK. Some other thing then03:55
_786soulJangari: Oh okay so I'm guessing that aside everything is in place.03:55
liquidFlannel: I couldnt find it03:55
Flannelliquid: its there.03:55
Guest73106hello!!. I want to install xmms but it requires libglib1.2 ... how do i get this package? its not in synaptic. If that cant be done what is another program like xmms i can use? im using xmms because I use streamtuner for the free radio station03:55
Flannel!synaptic | liquid03:55
pipegeeklightdragon: oh, and I just realized you don't have to edit smb.conf directly03:55
ubottuliquid: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto03:55
Mike804Sound issue - can someone good with ALSA help?03:55
CoRnJuLiOxJangari, is there a guide to doing this?03:55
pipegeeklightdragon: run "shares-admin"03:55
dulakkaervek: you can use wildcards, like rm *.gif03:55
Jangariit sounds like it, _786soul. I'm still convinced your problem is an xsession thing03:55
liquidFlannel: Thank you03:55
=== _Zeus_1 is now known as _Zeus_
cllaudyuhello can i get some help here? am i in the wright place? i don't know to to delete a locked filed on the desktop it's making me mad plase tell me how to do it if someone can...03:56
remitaylori have an alternate install CD.  i'm trying to rescue a system.  the rescue option crashes (stuck at '...TIMER') ... is there another way that i can get a shell from the alternate install cd?  i tried running the console and getting a shell - i get busybox ... but it doesn't seem to have fsck, which i need?  anyone know?03:56
_786soulJangari: Does xsession only come into play after I log in though?03:56
Flannel!info libpam-thinkfinger | liquid03:56
JangariCoRnJuLiOx: dunno, possibly. I only know it's possible. UbuntuStudio changes the load screen, so it must be possible, although, it does load a separate kernal03:56
ubottuliquid: libpam-thinkfinger (source: thinkfinger): PAM module for the STMicroelectronics fingerprint reader. In component main, is extra. Version 0.3+r118-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 17 kB, installed size 128 kB03:56
liquidFlannel: Maybe you can answer answer another question, why do some pages load and some dont?03:56
Jangari_786soul: yep, in fact you could try changing the 'session' when you log in,03:56
favro!usplash | CoRnJuLiOx03:57
ubottuCoRnJuLiOx: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork03:57
Flannelliquid: no idea.  Sorry, actual package is libpam-thinkfinger, which makes sense.  But I've gotta run.03:57
Guest73106cllaudyu: go to terminal and use rm /path to file03:57
cllaudyuand after that?03:57
vocal9i was trying to install flock it gives me this error if i try to /.flock03:57
vocal9./flock-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:57
Jangariand, _786soul, try booting to 'recovery mode' and run 'xfix' from there. It may help.03:57
liquidFlannel: Thanks buddy its DLing now03:57
wikidпривет, психам03:57
liquidFlannel: Do you know if there is a gui?03:57
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:57
_786soulJangari: what session might I try to see? and what is Xclient Script? Will running it do anything?03:58
sjeahello all03:58
lightdragonpipegeek: What is a WINS Server?03:58
liquidubottu: Do you know if there is a GUI to the thinkfinger?03:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:58
oalephi. im running a ubuntu live cd on my sucky messed up windows laptop, i need to back up some data, but ubuntu didnt installed the disks, how can i mount them?03:59
RetrogradeCulturhow do I check my MAC address on my adapter vis console?03:59
liquidRetrogradeCultur: Try going to terminal and typing ifconfig03:59
Mike804Sound issue: Can someone help - Tascam US428 look for ALSA info - cannot understand it03:59
pipegeeklightdragon: something horribly microsoftian.  Manages NetBIOS names04:00
pipegeekI show my bias (= ignorance) here04:00
pipegeekbut it's roughly equivalent to dns, but for windows networking04:00
lightdragonpipegeek: so not necessary then? And btw am able to access ubuntu box via ip on windows04:01
kaervekdulak: ahh, okay, that helps a bit.  I'm managing a directory of .mp3's.  It contains dozens of files. For instance 10.01.08_Howard_Stern_Show.mp3, and 10.01.08_Wrap_Up_Show.mp3, etc etc.  I've catenated these into a single files(10.01.08_Howard_Stern_+_Wrap_Up.mp3, etc) and now would like to remove the 2 originals.  Eesh - I hope that makes sense...04:01
kaervekin other words, I'm not certain a wildcard will help in this case.04:02
Guest73106can someone please help me with getting libglib1.304:02
pipegeeklightdragon: yeah04:02
Guest731061.2 even04:02
pipegeeklightdragon: also, yay!04:02
dulakkaervek: not really but you can use wildcards anywhere in the name, so you could do rm 10.01.08*.mp3 or rm 10.01*.mp3 or whatever04:02
skhshippinghello there04:02
skhshippingcould someone with a default samba3 install please paste me the contents of /etc/init.d/samba ?04:02
sjeawhy is my evolution email asking me for keyring all of sudden ?04:03
sjeaanyone know04:03
kaervekdulak: aha! excellent.  getting a tad scatterbrained - should have realized that =X04:03
lightdragonpipegeek: And was able to make a shortcut to the ip thereby giving me access from windows to ubuntu box04:03
pipegeekoh great04:03
pipegeekglad to hear it :)04:03
liquidim trying to get my shares on my windows box and it wont find it in the network04:03
lightdragonpipegeek: YAY! But still can't see from ubuntu04:03
EyesOfARavenanyone here know the difference between the "Ubuntu Eee" and "eeebuntu" distribution remixes of Ubuntu?04:03
pipegeeklightdragon hmm.  I feel like it's *got* to be a configuration problem on the windows box, but I don't know what it is04:04
lightdragonpipegeek: Can i do something similar from the ubuntu side? like type inthe ip into nautilus or sometihng?04:04
pipegeekor, potentially more usefully,04:04
oalepVantrax owns people lol. thanks man04:04
Vantraxlol np mate04:04
Vantraxgood luck with getting windows back up04:05
Guest73106damn, there has never been help in this channel. goodness04:05
Guest73106ill see if debian can give me an answer04:06
Vantraxwhats the question?04:06
pipegeekGuest73106: Patience :)  It may require repeating the question at 10-minute intervals, but chances are someone who knows the answer will notice04:06
_2if an isp is blocking port 22 what port might i be able to get through on ?04:07
genii_2: You can make openssh-server run on whatever port you like04:07
pipegeekGuest73106: and libglib1.2 is in ubuntu04:07
pipegeekpackage name is libglib1.2ldbl04:07
maf54do some isps actually block port 22?04:08
MiescoHow do I make my pptp tunnel my default route yet keep my wlan0 connection?04:08
Vantraxspecially if your ISP is a university or something similar04:08
=== nickdias is now known as Kingston5
pipegeekGuest73106: actually, even better---there's a package libglib1.204:09
halberdI am trying to install wireless with ath9k, from the command line, and it doesn't work when I did apt-get install compat-wireless-ath9k-generic04:09
pipegeekno, I lied04:09
halberdit just doesn't load04:09
halberdI rebooted and also tried modprobe ath9k04:09
Vantraxso it installed and didnt load?04:10
halberdyes it installed and did not load04:10
halberdiwconfig gives me nothing04:10
Vantraxmaybe try a sudo depmod -a to make sure that its loaded04:11
Kingston5Mi nied som help fi set da Ubuntu.04:11
Vantraxer make sure that the dependancies are set and its at least trying to load.04:11
halberddepmod -a exits with no output04:12
HMSHello, I need help instaling a network driver, can someone help please?04:13
widgon!ask > HMS04:14
ubottuHMS, please see my private message04:14
jkristhekinganyone know how to get the linux mint menu on ubuntu?04:14
jkristhekinganyone wanna help meh?04:15
thor1is anyone else getting a connection refusal to freeproxyserver.net when trying to update via synaptic???04:15
jaypurim here04:16
geniijkristheking: Yes we are alive in here04:16
jkristhekingdo you know how to get the mint menu in ubuntu?04:16
jaypurdownloading themes?04:17
Deadowl87I'm a new ubuntu user (from a fairly knowledgible windows background) and my wireless card (bcm4318 rev 2) isn't supported "out of the box.  can anyone help me set it up?04:17
jaypurjkristheking, search for the website, gnome look04:17
jkristhekingfor the mint menu?04:17
Vantraxjkristheking look up compiz emerald and awn04:17
Vantraxyou will go away happy:P04:17
HMSI am folowing instructions to install Realtek r8101 diver in 8.04.1, first I cant remove old driver {rmmod r8169} and I get error, then after {sudo make clean modules} I get a few lines and then {file 8101.ko not found}, error04:19
Deadowl87HMS - I am hoping for wireless help here as well04:20
lightdragonpipegeek: when you say username are you referring to the windows username? or the ubuntu whatever-desktop type name?04:20
HMSmine is not wireless but wired NIC04:20
thiago_my name is thiago04:20
bimberi!bcm43xx | Deadowl8704:21
ubottuDeadowl87: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:21
thiago_i from brazil04:21
lightdragonpipegeek: okay, cuz I'm not getting any recognition from username or ip... unless i've somehow got those infos dead wrong04:21
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=== gm0 is now known as m0
Mike804Sound issue: Can someone help - Tascam US428 look for ALSA info - cannot understand it04:21
HMSmi pc has no conection at all, but i dont care wireless i want wired04:21
pipegeeklightdragon: is port 139 even open on your windows host?04:21
halyconserver irc.gnome.org04:22
pipegeeklightdragon: if you're certain you have file sharing enabled on the windows host, make sure windows firewall isn't configured to block it04:22
jediborgerHas anyone here performed a firmware upgrade on a printer using linux? I have some firmware files for a HP printer and the page says you can use a UNIX derivative to just send the firmware to the printers ip address, but no command is given and I'm at a loss as to how to just send a file to a device.04:22
ociosoAMEROS.. HOW ARE YOU04:22
lightdragonpipegeek: i'm sorry port 139? and yes I've checked the firewall.... though I really couldn't make haeds or tails outta that04:23
Mike804Who can I ask for sound help?04:23
aetherealizeSound problem: I'm fairly new to ubuntu and can't get sound to play. The soundcard shows up with aplay -l and is not muted in alsamixer. Can someone help?04:23
ociosoWat's UP MIKE04:23
thor1hey whats the website where you paste errors into?04:23
ociosoHI loco04:24
xanadu10hello I am trying to install ubuntu and it is giving me the following error "<a number> Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0" I am very new to linux can anyone help me04:24
Deadowl87how can I tell A:  if the wireless configuration (ssid and encryption method) is correct, and B:  see what driver I'm using?04:24
ociosoSe ya locos04:24
macdunbarhello does anyone know of a simple tutorial for using ubuntu server 8.04 as a replacement for a windows server?04:24
Mike804xanadu=did you search the net?04:25
Mike804macdubar - I thnk the Ubuntu site has docs -04:25
aetherealizeIt's really confusing because I get no errors when I try to play files, and nothing is muted. Yet, no sound. Any ideas?04:25
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209804:26
xanadu10yea they said something about removig the dvd combo and putting in a simple cd-rom but i don't have a simple cd-rom04:26
jediborgerxanadu: sounds like your floppy drive has some errors, are you using a cd-rom to install?04:26
vocal9 xubuntu is pretty slow on this comp..is there maybe a faster browser than firefox/flock ? also any tips on making xubuntu run a bitfaster im on 566mhz / 392 or something ram, p2, 20gb hd04:26
Mike804aetherealize: I have sound issues as well -04:26
thor1can anyone help me with this error: http://pastebin.com/d339f576304:26
macdunbarMike804 - i checked the best i could find was for ubuntu 7 and i spent the last two days repeatinig the steps but i get stuck at the same part everytime04:26
xanadu10i don't have a floppy drive, yes i am installing from the cd-rom04:27
xanadu10i burned the image i downloaded from the website04:27
EdLinI'm having a hard time getting sound to work on my Dell mini 9, any clues?04:27
ociosoaetherealize change de server sound.. let se04:27
pipegeeklightdragon: sorry.  tcp ports 139 and 445 are the smb/cifs (windows file sharing) ports, respectively.  I'm just curious if it's even listening for connections, if your connections are timing out.  One easy way to find out would be to install nmap on your ubuntu box, and then, in a terminal, do "nmap <windows-ip-address>", and see if those ports are open.04:27
Randal1sudo modprobe nvidia04:27
Randal1Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:27
jediborgerxanadu : so you have no floppy disk drive at all attached to the system?04:27
Randal1That comes up when i do that command sorry about pasting i forgot04:28
HMSaetherealize: I had that problem once, I had to select in the program options the sond card i was using04:28
ccb9x45hey, to get surround sound using digital optical out from my turtle bay sound card, using mplayer I have to use -ac hwac3, which works when the file supports ac3, but if the file doesnt use ac3 there is no sound... and I have to manually switch it back, is there an option I can use that is the best of both worlds so I can get surround when its available and not when its not?04:28
xanadu10no i don'y have a floppy attached to the system04:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209804:28
darkbishop#join samba04:28
EdLinI'm having a hard time getting sound to work on my Dell mini 9, any clues?04:28
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
jediborgerxanadu At what point of the install does if give you that error?04:29
Randal1anyway to fix this?sudo modprobe nvidia04:29
Randal1Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:29
xanadu10i select install ubuntu, then the ubuntu logo appears then it goes into that04:30
ociosoaetherealize Speak Spanish loco04:30
xanadu10it keeps giving that like several times then it goes into busybox04:30
scunizito upgrade vbox versions do you have to uninstall the previous version?04:30
Mike804Sound issue: Can someone help - Tascam US428 look for ALSA info - cannot understand it04:30
jediborgeris this a relatively modern computer or a several years old?04:31
ccb9x45hey, to get surround sound using digital optical out from my turtle bay sound card, using mplayer I have to use -ac hwac3, which works when the file supports ac3, but if the file doesnt use ac3 there is no sound... and I have to manually switch it back, is there an option I can use that is the best of both worlds so I can get surround when its available and not when its not?04:31
Vantraxedlin try using pulse audio04:31
xanadu10its relatively new, i made it about 2 years ago, it has a sata dvd drive i don't know if thats the problem04:31
Mike804Need help:  Can someone help install tascam USB sound card?04:31
Randal1sudo modprobe nvidia Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:32
jediborgerfd0 should only be a floppy drive, have you tried checking the BIOS and seeing if maybe it's reading something accidentally as a floppy drive?04:32
Randal1is there a what to get by driver installed?04:32
ociosoCheck de compatibility,. USB sound Car man04:32
xanadu10let me check the bios04:33
Vantraxhow did you install the nvidia driver04:33
jamesishI want to make a little slideshow; what's a good piece of software for making one?04:33
lightdragonpipegeek: Okay I had to run it as nmap -PN because it seems to be blocking the pings, however it reports that 139/tcp is open; service: netbios-ssn ... port 445/tcp is open, service: microsoft-ds... and 3389/tcp is closed; service: ms-term-serv... does this help you at all?04:33
HMSI am folowing instructions to install Realtek r8101 diver in 8.04.1, first I cant remove old driver {rmmod r8169} and I get error, then after {sudo make clean modules} I get a few lines and then {file 8101.ko not found}, error04:34
Randal1i haven't yet really but my xorg.conf file is like missing stuff? should i post my xorg.conf file?04:34
Vantraxerr  not here04:34
Vantraxid post it to the ubuntu forums04:34
Vantraxthen if  neccesary ask about it and link it in here04:35
csilkpackages.ubuntu down?04:35
e-frame!hello | bsusa04:35
ubottubsusa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:35
bsusais their are way of changing the boot order when u have Ubuntu and Win Xp Installed?04:35
bimbericsilk: seems so04:35
Deadowl87How can I tell what wireless driver I have, and if my network settings are correct?04:36
e-frame!grub | bsusa04:36
Deadowl87basically a self test to see why the wireless isn't working04:36
ubottubsusa: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:36
bimberibsusa: yes, by editing (as superuser) /boot/grub/menu.lst04:36
waldenastahello all04:36
EdLinVantrax: I tried that, it didn't work.04:37
waldenastahave a question04:37
RHorsewaldenasta, tnx fer the warning04:37
xanadu10jediborger:  there was a floppy in bios which i deactivated, but now it just goes directly to busybox but I can't even use the keyboard04:38
EdLinI'm having a hard time getting sound to work on my Dell mini 9....04:38
Vantraxedlin:  there was another fellow here working on a mini 9 earlier04:38
EdLinVantrax: who?04:38
Vantraxthere is a site dedicated to ubuntu on mini 9s04:38
Vantraxdont remember >.<04:38
EdLinVantrax: what's the site?04:38
Vantrax!hello | waldenata04:38
ubottuwaldenata: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:38
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waldenastayes...I cannot seem to get my laptop to hibernate or sleep04:39
jediborgertry booting without the "quiet" and "splash" options, I don't remember exactly but f4 or one of the function keys should allow you edit the boot command04:39
waldenastaeverytime I close the lid it just gives me a blinking cursor04:39
VantraxEdlin: http://www.ubuntumini.com/  i think04:39
waldenastais there a way to fix this?04:40
Vantraxwhat laptop?04:40
maf54vocal9: use fluxbox instead of xfce.  you really shouldnt be using xfce at all04:41
waldenastaalienware m975004:41
EyesOfARavenmaf54: there is no reason to suggest not using XFCE, nothing is worng with XFCE. if your opinion is against it, that's fine, but dont push it on others.04:41
gluonmanI'm getting some strange behaviour from the mounting process of my external HDD. Before, it would automatically mount at /media/disk. Then for some strange reason, it suddenly started mounting at /media/disk-1, and as a seeming consequence, folder images switched to default. I fixed that and manually mounted it to /media/disk and the folder images returned. However, in the properties, the permissions are weird. I access nautilus as root04:42
gluonmanand I cannot change group permission from create and delete files to access files. What's wrong?04:42
Vantraxmaybe take a peak aat http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2371/ubuntu_laptop_suspend_hibernate_mode_close_the_lid/04:42
Vantraxmine worked straight away so im  not sure04:42
maf54EyesOfARaven: hey, fucktard.  he's using a 500mhz processor.  stfu and read his problem04:42
EyesOfARaveni used XFCE on a 400mhz processor and it ran fine04:42
waldenastaok...let me take a look and get back...thanx04:42
RHorseEyesOfARaven, on that computer, better to go with fluxbox. maf54 is right04:42
halberdwhat is the first step to getting my computer to recognize my wireless card04:43
halberdis it supposed to do that automatically04:43
waldenastaubuntu community is the best!!!04:43
halberdhow do i get it to show up so i can iwconfig it04:43
halberdand does it show up BEFORE you install the drivers04:43
jamesishhalberd: you have to teach the computer how to recognise shapes from a very early age. Then it can start to understand what a face is.04:43
Vantraxhalberd: it depends on the hardware04:43
lightdragonpipegeek: Well I gotta get going to bed.... thanks for all the help though! I've gotten a lot farther with your help tonight than any other time I've tried to work on this! Thanks!04:43
halberdit is a macbook airport04:43
Vantraxsome hardware is recognised, some you have to use an ndis wrapper04:44
pipegeekgood night, and good luck04:44
maf54EyesOfARaven: yeah, well, i use 333mhz, 256mb ram and xfce doesnt cut it.  i kinda doubt 500mhz is going to be much better with it04:44
halberdthose are drivers04:44
Vantraxhrm, dunno, never done that one04:44
halberddo I need a driver for the interface to show up04:44
halberdor is it supposed to show up without any driver04:44
jediborgerHas anyone here performed a firmware upgrade on a printer using linux? I have some firmware files for a HP printer and the page says you can use a UNIX derivative to just send the firmware to the printers ip address, but no command is given and I'm at a loss as to how to just send a file to a device.04:44
halberdby show up i mean on ifconfig/iwconfig04:44
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Vantraxit should only show up if it finds the wireless card, which means it would need a driver04:44
halberdyou're saying it can't find the card until it has a driver for it?04:45
Vantraxyou might be able to find the hardware, but ifconfig wont work till it has a driver04:45
dimmhello! How I can know about what FileSystemCharset I use?04:45
gluonmanCan anyone help me figure out how to change the permissions of my external HDD so that group can only access files?04:45
halberdhow can I find the hardware without the driver04:45
bsusathankyou all04:46
halberdperhaps ubuntu is simply incapable of recognizing the device whether it has drivers or not and that's why it's not working... how do I determine if that's the case?04:46
geniihalberd: Have you checked the hardware compatability list?04:46
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:46
Mike804Anyone here know how to get HDA INTEL sound working - Asus P5B motherboard etc - ?04:46
hd5Hi. I'm starting postfix with "sudo postfix start", but it doesn't start. No error messages appear in the terminal, but it's not running when prompted by status. Where do I find postfix process error messages?04:46
mike-solidushey, my firefox is messed up, it wont load php files on my server, it asks me to download them04:46
mike-solidusi checked with konqueror and the php was parsed correctly04:47
halberdI know it is possible to do, there is a website that says to do it04:47
halberdbut it doesn't seem to work and I think I am just missing a step04:47
gluonmanI solved my own problem.04:47
halberdthere is a community doc for installing ubuntu on the macbook04:47
karstenRunning Kubuntu, current.  Keyboard has been grabbed by some application in my primary X session.  I can start a secondary session, but am tryin to figure out what's grabbed focus in the first.  Any suggestions?04:47
halberdthe fly in the ointment in my case is that I am on ubuntu-server not desktop04:48
halberdso everything must be done from the command line and there may be dependencies or extra steps that I have to take04:48
Mike804boy you would think someone with sound problems would get hlpe - some channel?04:48
lucaxsince i have ubuntu on a pendrive and im moving from different computers, i have to be downloading and uninstalling drivers all the time, can i download the drivers and let ubuntu check what drivers for xorg will load at system startup?04:48
halberdwhat are the steps to getting ubuntu to work with a wireless card, from the command line?04:49
rodbaacabei de efetuar atualização no meu linux 8.04 e agora apos reiniciar ele esta dando erro na inicialização fail04:49
rodbaquam pode ajudar?04:49
Vantraxwhy do you want the server version?04:49
karstenActually, I can get focus from xdpyinfo (run from the second session), which tell s me which window has focus.  How do I kill that window or find out what application it is?04:49
halberdvantrax for some reason I can't install the desktop version04:50
HMSI am folowing instructions to install Realtek r8101 diver in 8.04.1, first I cant remove old driver {rmmod r8169} and I get error, then after {sudo make clean modules} I get a few lines and then {file 8101.ko not found}, error04:50
halberdmy CDs get corrupted somehow04:50
Vantraxhalberd: tried the alternate version?04:50
halberdbut only for the desktop version04:50
rodbaHELP-ME! I finished to effect update in mine linux 8,04 and now after to restart it this giving error in the fail inicialização04:51
halberdwhat alternate version?04:51
Vantraxwhere are you downloading them from too04:51
halberdfrom the ubuntu website04:51
halberdand I checked the checksums04:51
karstenrodba: What's the error?04:51
Vantraxthere is a desktop and a desktop-alternate that works with just about anything in  case the desktop version has an issue with your hardware04:51
rodbastarting anac(h)ronistic vron acron04:52
halberdwell I don't want to give up on the server version so quickly04:52
csilkPuppy, hi04:52
csilkPuppy, anygood?04:52
VantraxHMS what instructions?04:52
maf54Vantrax: it's not the desktop that is having problems with your hardware, man04:52
emendoI just purchased a new small external HD with 250 GB. I formatted it to ext3 and now I have no writer permissions (I used gparted). I really could use the help.04:52
maf54unless i misunderstood you04:53
rodbakarsten: starting anac(h)ronistic vron acron  FAIL04:53
csilkPuppy,  also could you link me to the bug report that we looked at earlier. I'll add our recently gained knowledge to it04:53
halberdlisten, I do apt-get install <the_ath9k_package_name>04:53
emendoOOPS! "write permissions."04:53
karstenrodba: Ignore that for the moment.04:53
karstenrodba: It's one of the services, didn't startup properly.  Any other major issues?04:53
halberdthen I add a line to /etc/modules saying ath9k04:54
halberdthen I reboot the computer04:54
halberdand nothing seems to have changed04:54
halberdis there a step that I am missing04:54
halberdalso if I do modprobe ath9k it can't find the module04:54
rodbakarsten: all good I finished ignoring and only passed that my screen this all distorted I lost the formatting of the visual effect04:54
lucaxhey guys, since i have ubuntu on a pendrive, and im moving from one computer to another, i have to be downloading and installing xorg drivers from every computer... can i download all drivers and let ubuntu which one it should load at system startup?04:55
Vantraxlucax you might want to drop that one into the ubuntu forums04:55
rodbakarsten: it has as to come back toward the previous point before the update04:55
Monkey_Hey... DustyTheme rocks! Just want to tell whoever designed it!04:55
hugleosh: /BANLIST: not found04:56
karstenrodba: Sorry, I don't understand "my screen this all distorted"?04:56
lucaxVantrax, thanks04:56
LinuxFanwhat is a good photo organizer for Ubuntu?04:56
Vantraxits a little specific, and its probably gonna have some major scripting:P04:56
karstenrodba: Sorry, I don't understand.04:57
Vantraxyou've got me there halberd that should theoretically work..04:57
Monkey_LinuxFan: http://www.linux.com/feature/5888704:57
Monkey_Should help you04:57
rodbakarsten: I lost the previous formatting the visual effect and this with low maximum resolution 640x32004:57
LinuxFanok thanks Monkey_ ill take a look at that now :)04:57
lesLinuxFan: ubuntu comes with F-Spot. It's not bad. not what you're looking for?04:57
rodbakarsten: it has as to come back toward the previous point before the update04:58
rodbakarsten: it has as to come back toward the previous point before the update04:58
LinuxFanto be honest I never tried it les04:58
Monkey_LinuxFan, I would try Picasa and see if you like it.04:58
Monkey_Unless youwant a free alternastive04:58
gluonmanMy drop down menus are showing up behind my windows instead of in front of them. What's up with that?04:59
mawwhich video cards typically have better support with Ubuntu... ATI or nvidia?04:59
Monkey_I guess there should be a photo manager based off of pigment. Now that would rock =)04:59
VantraxSignificantly better05:00
gluonmanDoes anyone know why drop-down menus would be showing up behind windows instead of in front of them and what could be done to fix that?05:00
jimmacdonaldIs there anyone who can hop over to Ubuntu+1 and give me a hand? noone is answering over there.05:00
mawya I have a ATI 3850 or something... the ATI restricted drivers just crash my box05:00
Vantraxmight not be compatable with your card05:01
cabrioleurmaw, intel05:01
karstenrodba: So:  you've lost your high X11 screen resolution?05:01
VantraxATI had a list from memory05:01
=== Raven is now known as EyesOfARaven
cabrioleurgluonman, turn compiz off05:01
Vantraxcabrioleru thats kinda a drastic fix05:01
gluonmancabrioleur, that would mess up a lot of other things. This is the first time having this problem, but I did not change anything. I just booted and it was like this.05:02
mawhehe... I want to turn compiz on!05:02
mawbut video card is fail05:02
Vantraxcompiz+emerald+awn FTW05:02
cabrioleurgluonman, reset X's? I don't trust the new one at all...05:02
mawI had to downgrade my sound card05:02
mawI had Audigy FX and it wasn't working with ALSA or OSS05:03
mawbut SB Live 5.1 is fine05:03
cabrioleurmaw, did you try to install ati drivers from their website?05:03
Monkey_gluonman, check your focus & raise behavior05:03
gluonmancabrioleur, I'm sure a reboot might fix the problem, but I would pass up an opportunity to learn the cause and solution. But if I can't get help, I'll probably just reboot.05:03
mawcabrioleur: no I haven't05:03
Monkey_in the compiz control manager05:03
cabrioleurgluonman, just log out and log in.05:03
mawsince I am not playing games, going back to my nvidia card isn't that bad05:03
mike-solidusanyone know if there was a bug fixed where firefox doesn't recognize .php files05:04
gluonmanMonkey_, all my compiz settings are fine and untouched. This just happened after rebooting the last time, no changes in settings were made.05:04
Monkey_Ah, ok05:04
gluonmanYou know? I'm just going to restart.05:04
csilkmike-solidus,  that's not a firefox bug05:04
mike-soliduscsilk: whats it a bug on then?05:04
cabrioleurrodba, cron failer is not fun. do you have any logs, or what happens when you run manually?05:04
mawbrb in a bit05:04
cristos_good morning all of you.i just make the first test05:04
csilkmike-solidus, doesnt sound like a bug to me at all unless you have information suggesting otherwise05:05
RHorsemikael79_, there is a fix on the web. I had same thing. Check the Forums.05:05
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.05:05
mike-soliduscsilk: when i go to a .php page on localhost, firefox asks me if i want to download it, when i go to one on my server through konqueror, the php gets parsed and an html page gets put out05:05
RHorsesri. mike-solidus05:05
Monkey_mike, that seems to be a server issue05:06
csilkmike-solidus,  one browser working and the other not sounds very strange, generally when a browser tries to download a php file it's because php is not cinfigured properly05:06
mike-solidusMonkey_: why would it only happen in firefox then?05:07
csilkMonkey_, he is the server05:07
Monkey_Are you sure Apache is recognizing the php files and running them thru ?05:07
Monkey_csilk, I know, but I meant in relation to the server05:07
csilkmike-solidus, did you install libapache2-mod-php5 ?05:07
Deadowl87how come when I type a command in terminal, sometimes it takes away the prefix with the $, so I can't type in any more commands until I close it out and open it again?05:08
mike-soliduscsilk: yeah, and it gets loaded correctly and everything, I looked on the forums and apparently someone was having the same problem with pre firefox 2.0 and it got fixed with an update05:08
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Monkey_Hmmm... so konqueror properly shows the parsed php and firefox doesn't?05:08
sjeai have a sorta simple question05:08
RHorsemike-solidus, are you running apache?05:09
sjeamy rar files are asking for password and i know that they are passworded?05:09
csilkmike-solidus, what version of ff you using?05:09
cabrioleurDeadowl87, because you have an application running there already. If you want to avoid it, put & sign at the end of a command, or press ctrl+c to terminate running one (or kill it or do something with it)05:09
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:09
mike-solidusRHorse: yep, and php5.conf and php5.load are in modules-availabe and linked to modules-enabled05:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jolt05:10
RHorsemike-solidus, thot so. See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94357005:10
mike-soliduscsilk: 3.0.3-nobinonl05:10
sjea!info unrar-free05:10
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB05:10
Deadowl87so in the code snippet:05:10
geniimike-solidus: Is the particular php script you are trying to run marked executable in whatever /var/www directory it resides?05:10
csilkvery strange, thing is, it's not the browser that sould be at fault05:10
csilkmike-solidus,  its not the browser that decides how it handles php files05:11
Deadowl87sudoedit /etc/network/interfaces05:11
Deadowl87add the line05:11
Deadowl87iface wlan0 inet dhcp05:11
jimboMy external volume controls stopped working after I installed XUBUNTU help05:11
Deadowl87it won't let me enter any more commands after sudoedit05:11
csilkmike-solidus, clear the browser cache and restart ff05:11
csilk**restrta apache05:11
csilksudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart05:11
r3c0n_hello folks05:11
chuxxsssanyone no how to install chrome-theme.so in login manager its telling me it not a theme05:12
sjeaany thoughts?05:12
m1ndctrlsjea: your question does not make any sense.05:12
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=== pinky is now known as Pinky
r3c0n_anyone knows why empathy shows "No error specified" when trying to connect to yahoo/aim? It works perfectly fine for gtalk with ssl05:12
konnerHow can i make emerald my default window manager?05:12
sjeaaw sorry05:13
mersaultI'm looking for some advice. I'm planning to use a spare disk I having lying around exclusively for my incoming torrent files (using torrentflux to feed a house full of nerds). What filesystem should I use on this disk? given the type of filesystem traffic BT generates, it can fragment even XFS partitions into an unholy mess. Is XFS still the best bet?05:13
jimboanyone know how to get external volume controls to work05:13
konnerHow do i make emerald my default window manager05:13
nikitisOk, I've googled the hell out of this question.  I can't seem to find a straight answer.  My question is:  "Why can't I add Treble and Bass options?"05:13
gluonmanEver since the label of my external HDD got switched, I cannot change its folder image when it is mounted at its original mount point. How can I fix this and make it automount at this desired point?05:13
sjeaok i have some rar files that when i try to unrar them it is asking me for a password?  now i know these files are not protected05:14
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liquidHello All05:14
m1ndctrlsjea: then just press ok.05:14
liquidWhat would I type in apt-get to install GTK++2.0?05:14
jim_pmersault: do you use a ups? then xfs. it will be faster for multiple users ("multitasking").05:14
m1ndctrlsjea: however, if they were not password protected it shouldn't be prompting you.05:14
sjearight and when i hit ok it prompts is still05:14
nikitisAnyone know how to make bass and treble show up?  They aren't listed in my preferences.05:15
mersaultjim_p: no UPS, but power is pretty stable where I am.05:15
sjeatrying to uninstall the reinstall05:15
jim_pmersault: ok then, go with xfs if you feel it05:15
cabrioleurgluonman, change the label of the partition.05:15
m1ndctrlsjea: I would try recreating the archive. If it occurs again try removing your software and reinstalling.05:15
gluonmancabrioleur, I've done that.05:15
jim_phow do i rename from the terminal? screenshot.png > scrot.png for instance05:15
m1ndctrlsjea: I would use autoremove to remove and dependancies that may not be functioning properly as well05:16
liquidWhat would I type in apt-get to install GTK++2.0?05:16
gluonmancabrioleur, for about a year it happily mounted at /media/disk. And I changed the folder image so that an image of the HDD appeared on my desktop, rather than a default folder.05:16
RHorsenikitis, I believe they are a plugin in the better mp3 players. I don't think linux has a standalone equalizer app.05:16
jamesishI have imagemagick installed, but digiKam is asking me for the path to an executable imagemagick. I thought imagemagick was  a library, not an executable?05:16
legend2440konner: http://openswitch.org/journal/how-to-enable-emerald-in-hardy-heron-80405:16
sjeaok thax will try05:16
gluonmancabrioleur, then something changed all of that and it started mounting at /media/disk-105:16
neerI am trying to connect my laptop(running on ubuntu) with another laptop(running on xp) for sharing files05:16
michaelwilliamcahello im needing help installing ubuntu as console ONLY05:16
gluonmancabrioleur, somebody suggested that the label got changed, so I used ntfslabel to call it disk, but since doing that it automounts at /media/disk_05:17
neerdoes anyone have any idea?05:17
m1ndctrlneer: samba.05:17
cabrioleurgluonman, It's still the same? Then you have to right click on the drive icon, preferences, go to the volume tab, and in setting in mount point type the new mount point :-)05:17
michaelwilliamcaneer: do yo uahve samba isntalled ?05:17
neermichaelwilliamca: yes I have05:17
cabrioleurgluonman, make sure you don't have an existing directory /mount/disk05:17
sjeahumm well guest it is what it is05:17
gluonmancabrioleur, I do have that existing directory. But it was created for this external.05:17
michaelwilliamcaneer: what is the problem your having05:18
neermichaelwilliamca: both pcs have wireless cards installed as well05:18
m1ndctrlneer: then simply mount a share.05:18
m1ndctrlas 'windows share'05:18
neermichaelwilliamca: I am not able to see the other computer05:18
gluonmancabrioleur, I wouldn't be so picky about the point, but the folder images of movie directors and DVD covers that belong to my 500GB sized movie collection doesn't show in any other mount point.05:18
neerm1ndctrl: mount a share?05:18
cabrioleurgluonman, gnome-mount creates directories on its own, and will not use already existing. After you erase it the HD will be mounted in disk.05:18
aetherealizeDoes anyone know of any special reason that would prevent sound from working with ubuntu properly on iMac?05:19
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m1ndctrlneer: if you want to do it through gui click places -> connect to server -> select windows share from drop down... then input info05:19
aetherealizeI just compiled the latest stable alsa drivers without success.05:19
gluonmancabrioleur, I'm afraid to erase it because I don't want to have to go through that whole process of assigning DVD cover images and images of film directors to every single folder I have in my movie collection (which took me 5 days the last time).05:19
aetherealizeAnd I have no clue what else to try05:19
m1ndctrlneer: you can ping from one box to the other right?05:19
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jim_paetherealize: kernel not supporting the hardware05:19
cabrioleuraetherealize, wrong recognition.05:19
gluonmancabrioleur, I just don't understand why after a year of happily automounting at that point, it suddenly changed to another point.05:20
bradAnyone for Java help?05:20
jim_paetherealize: extreme situation, but plausible05:20
neerm1ndctrl: I cannot detect anything05:20
gluonmancabrioleur, and I just want it back to where it was.05:20
m1ndctrlneer: 'detect' how?05:20
Monkey_Anyone know how to get my windows to resize without showing the outline?05:20
michaelwilliamcaany help for isntalling a console only machine05:20
cabrioleurgluonman, it was at disk, and you want at disk, right?05:20
gluonmancabrioleur, yes.05:20
cabrioleurgluonman, unmount it for now.05:21
gluonmancabrioleur, okay.05:21
cabrioleurgluonman, not in terminal "sudo rmdir /media/disk"05:21
jamesishAnyone know any decent software for making a small slideshow?05:21
gluonmancabrioleur, it's unmounted.05:21
cabrioleurjamesish, openoffice is too big?05:22
michaelwilliamcaPM me if you can help with a console only install.. not trying to be impatient just trying to help someone else with a problem05:22
liquidHow would I know what to call programs to install them from apt-get?05:22
mike-solidusgenii: they weren't marked executable, thanks, sorry it took long to get back, got a phone call05:22
RHorseliquid, apt-cache05:23
jamesishcabrioleur: I didn't know I could make one in OOo.05:23
gluonmancabrioleur, I typed that command.05:23
karstenliquid: search.05:23
karstenliquid: Such as?05:23
cabrioleurgluonman, now mount your disk back.05:23
RHorseliquid, apt-cache search regex05:23
karstenliquid: aptitude search <expression> will find packages with names/descriptions matching <expression>05:23
cabrioleurgluonman, I'm assuming it did not spit out any errors.05:23
liquidkarsten: Well im trying to install gtk 2.005:23
Ohmu_Rather than do sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /mnt/SamHDD -o force every time I connect my HDD, how can I have it as an icon on the desktop, and just click it?05:23
cabrioleurjamesish, it's powerpoint compatible if you save it so. A nice tool.05:24
sjeahow do i run a root again?05:24
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:24
karstenliquid: for more advanced stuff, you can use auto-apt, which intercepts calls to specific files, particularly useful if you're building apps.05:24
sjeasu righ t05:24
gluonmancabrioleur, I don't know about errors. You told me "not in terminal" so I used Alt+F2.05:24
m1ndctrlOhmu_: likely you need to force a check on the drive in windows - if not - check where it is - if it's sdb1 for example i note that many times /etc/fstab has this inside... comment that line out and voila.05:24
karstenliquid: You're looking for support libraries or dev libraries?05:24
gluonmancabrioleur, which seems strange to me.05:24
liquidkarsten: Im kinda new to linux05:24
mike-soliduswhat dyn update client would you suggest for dyndns?05:24
cabrioleurgluonman, hehe, I made a mistake. Sorry buddy.05:24
gluonmancabrioleur, but when I mounted the drive again, it still mounted at /media/disk_05:25
cabrioleurgluonman, can you unmount and do it in terminal?05:25
m1ndctrlsjea: sudo or su05:25
karstenliquid: OK.  So, the usual question at this point is "why are you doing that"?05:25
gluonmancabrioleur, alright. I'll do it again in terminal.05:25
m1ndctrlsjea: or sudo su05:25
cabrioleurgluonman, sorry :-)05:25
legend2440sjea: sudo -i05:25
gluonmancabrioleur, no problem05:25
liquidkarsten: Well I understand, im using aptitude and its perfect05:25
karstenliquid: My point is:  what are you trying to accomplish by installing gtk2.0?05:25
liquidkarsten: I want to install airsnort05:26
juannicolasHi, can someone telme how to save iwconfig configuration?05:26
karstenliquid: 'aptitude search gtk.*2.0' should provide a list of packages.05:26
cabrioleursudo is a nice tool, but in ubuntu is taken to n(th) level of ridiculousness05:26
karstenliquid: Of which:  'libgtk2.0-0' appears to be what you want.05:26
karstenliquid: OK.  Then install airsnort.05:26
liquidkarsten: How would I know the right one05:26
liquidkarsten: If you wouldnt of told me05:27
PuppyHey Guys, I have got Ubuntu up and running, but its not giving me wireless options05:27
michaelwilliamcaneeding help with FTP as well as setitng up a console only computer05:27
PuppyAnyone migth be able to help ?05:27
karstenliquid: I'm presuming your *actual* question is something like "I'm trying to install airsnort and I'm getting error XXX, what do I do now?"05:27
cabrioleurPuppy, what do you mean as wireless options?05:27
michaelwilliamcahey guys : left click on the connection icon on your panel05:27
Puppycabrioleur - uploading images now05:27
gluonmancabrioleur, now it doesn't seem to be automounting at all. And when I type 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1' it says it is not recognized.05:27
karstenliquid: educated guess.  I'm kinda old to Linux.  libgtk2.0-0-0 looks like it's the most likely package for a specific library.05:27
jamesishhttp://pastebin.com/d364323f0 -- anyone have any ideas?05:27
michaelwilliamcahey guys: it should pop up with  a list of available connections05:27
Sammyquestion.. can we install oracle in ubutu. thats posible??05:28
Puppycabrioleur - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/network2.png05:28
Puppycabrioleur - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/network2.png05:28
karstenSammy: Probably.  Google for install or see if someone knows specifically.05:28
Puppycabrioleur - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/network2.png05:28
liquidkarsten: Your correct. But I understand the error and how to fix it, I used to use linux and unix like 8 years ago and forgot most of it but its coming back so I understand the process but there are some advancments like apt-get and all that good stuff05:28
cabrioleurgluonman, remove the cable and plug it back (it's external, right?)05:28
gluonmancabrioleur, that's what I did. It won't automount when I plug it back in.05:28
legend2440Puppy: hi. how did you get it to work? as i remember you were having busybox problems05:28
Puppycabrioleur - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/netwrokcard.png05:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iwconfig05:28
karstenSammy: My general understanding is that Oracle's actually working specificaly with Ubuntu though they may target specific LTS releases.05:28
Puppylegend2440 - its installe dnow and runnign05:28
Puppyjust getting the wireless up05:29
m1ndctrlcabrioleur: technically it's supposed to be safer, but also there is only one password to compromise with sudo...05:29
karstenliquid: Please provide:  the commands you issued.  The errors you got.  I don't want your interpretation, I want the command/error.05:29
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karstenliquid: Specifically:  aptitude update; aptitude install airsnort.  Then what?05:29
Puppyim using dynamode pci care05:29
liquidkarsten: I was installing airsnort by hand05:29
karstenliquid: Don'05:29
karstenliquid: don't do that.05:30
=== blah is now known as keram
karstenliquid: You've got the most f*cking awesome package manager ever conceived.  Use it.05:30
karstenliquid: If you do do that, then know how to resolve stupid stuff like dependencies by yourself.05:30
liquidkarsten: Why is everybody telling me that. Is that old school?05:30
cabrioleurm1ndctrl, right, after installation of sshd the default configuration for instance does not allow root (good), but you can log in as user and play with sudo as much as you want. What kind of safer is that?05:30
liquidkarsten: I kinda do understand how but its been a while05:31
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=== blah is now known as keram
michaelwilliamcaneedd help with FTP05:31
karstenliquid: The whole idea behind Ubuntu/Debian (I'm mostly D but am using U ATM) is that you let the package management system sort out stupid stuff like that.05:31
jim_pi have a toshiba satellite laptop A100 that is this close to migrating to linux. however, i cant find the ubuntu 8.04 live cd. i only found 7.10, i put it in and it seems it recognised almost everything. even wireless works with the laptop on/off switch. is there some other check i miss, other than sound and the usege of the cards slot?05:31
m1ndctrlcabrioleur: agreed... but one is best off using private key encryption for ssh sessions - at the least for sessions that run across the internet.05:31
karstenliquid: So yeah, installing packages by hand is pretty old school.  I typically have maybe two-three packages I hand-install.05:31
gluonmancabrioleur, what should I do since it won't automount?05:31
liquidkarsten: What is D, and ATM?05:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nivida05:31
karstenliquid: ... and I think there's an installer for google-earth now, so that's now _one_.05:32
cabrioleurgluonman, open up the terminal.05:32
karstenliquid: d == debian atm == at the moment.05:32
karstenliquid: shorthand.05:32
gluonmancabrioleur, alright05:32
liquidkarsten: Gotcha05:32
karstenliquid: u == ubuntu05:32
cabrioleurnow do ls /dev/sd* and tell me if you can see your drive.05:32
Sammydude how to created crontab??? please05:32
cabrioleurgluonman, and if you see it what it is.05:32
karstenSammy: as user or root?05:32
Cpudan80Sammy: there is alredy a crontab file05:32
michaelwilliamcaany one know any thing about FTP or console installs05:33
liquidkarsten: So I did aptitude search airsnort and nothing05:33
karstenSammy: As user:  'crontab'.  As root:  edit /etc/crontab, or better, /etc/cron.d/<file>05:33
Cpudan80Sammy: edit /etc/crontab05:33
jim_pmichaelwilliamca: ME!05:33
Sammykarsten i'm root05:33
karstenliquid: Point ;-)05:33
sjeahow hard is it going to be for a newbi to upgrade the new Ubuntu05:33
gluonmancabrioleur, you know what? I just noticed that the old label of the drive shows up in /media as an unknown file. Do you think changing the label as an attempted fix did something to change all of this?05:33
Cpudan80sjea: Well you figured out how to login to IRC and and ask a question... so you pass ;-)05:33
liquidkarsten: So if I find the program wanted using aptitude then just do the apt-get?05:34
Sammythanks dude05:34
karstenliquid: It may be in multiverse.  I'm not sure if Ubuntu has an equivalent packages.debian.org05:34
jim_psjea: if you have ati and fglrx, the after upgrade situation will be tough05:34
karstenliquid: Hell yes!05:34
cabrioleurm1ndctrl, that's against the advertisement of ubuntu, where everything is pre-configured. The default security is not restricted to public keys. The first thing I always do is root password and visudo, for security.05:34
sjeacool love that05:34
m1ndctrlgluonman: if it doesnt make sense there, try dmesg.05:34
liquidkarsten: Okay, so im lI needooking for the x11 and it found like a billion how do I know which one05:34
Cpudan80sjea: Be advised, wifi cards and ATI video cards can cause major headaches05:34
karstenSammy: Root also has its own user corontab (maintained with the 'crontab' command and installed in /var/spool/cron/ (I think), but Don't Use That in general.05:34
liquidkarsten: Okay, so im looking for the x11 and it found like a billion how do I know which one need05:34
Cpudan80sjea: if neither of those things apply - should be smooth sailing05:34
karstenliquid: You need what?05:35
liquidkarsten: x1105:35
Sammyroot@samsul:~# /etc/crontab05:35
Sammy-su: /etc/crontab: Permission denied05:35
karstenliquid: aptitude install xserver-xorg05:35
sjeahope it fixes a few of my problems nope im invidia05:35
karstenliquid: It's gotten *really* good.05:35
Cpudan80Sammy: dont run it - edit it05:35
sjeawell close05:35
m1ndctrlcabrioleur: ubuntu is convenient because it incredibly fast to install and many things work by default, I don't think that is however a reason to rely on pre-configuration, linux is about learning too no? ;)05:35
gluonmancabrioleur, I don't know.05:35
Cpudan80Sammy: running at the raw root prompt is dangerous and not recommended05:35
sjeato that spelling05:35
gluonmancabrioleur, /dev/sdb1 is no longer recognized after the last command.05:35
sjeai have to reboot often to get my video to be the right color05:36
liquidkarsten: So aptitude is the same as apt-get?05:36
karstenliquid: Looks like there may not be an airsnort packaged for Ubuntu.  I've got it for Debian though.05:36
sjeamy video turn green05:36
cabrioleurgluonman, are you sure it didn't change to sdc1 for instance?05:36
Cpudan80liquid: no -similar - same package lists05:37
cabrioleurgluonman, can you give me your dmesg log in pastebin?05:37
karstenliquid: aptitude superscedes apt-get.  They're effectively the same, though aptitude does better dependencies checking, logs stuff, and is all-around better.  It is a bit slower as a result, don't be fooled by that.05:37
gluonmancabrioleur, I'll try it.05:37
karstensjea: Bad tubes?05:37
gluonmancabrioleur, remind me how to use pastebin?05:37
newlifeInstalled Wine and running uTorrent - Was using Deluge - When click on torrent wants to still use Deluge but would like to use uTorrent - Can't figure out to make uTorrent default app to run. Anyone have fix ? ?05:37
liquidI see05:37
Ohmu_can I add a special comment to the first line of a config file that makes gedit show it in nice colors (eg with the # comments greyed)?05:37
sjeano i hope not05:37
cabrioleur!pastebin > gluonman05:37
ubottugluonman, please see my private message05:37
karstennewlife: Should be able to configure default apps somewhere in the GNOME or KDE control paenel(s).05:37
sjeaonly in my video nothing else and sound goes bad05:38
sjeaafter reboot it works well05:38
sjeasorta like windows xp lol05:38
liquidkarsten: So it would be sudo aptitude install "prgram"05:38
karstenliquid: Yes.05:38
sjeacontrol alt delete05:38
gluonmancabrioleur, the dmesg is so long the terminal doesn't remember all of it.05:38
m1ndctrlOhmu_: are you talking about syntax recognition? this is application specific not file specific. Although you can use color configuration files with nano for example.05:38
mouseboyxnewlife, download a torrent file, right click it > properties > open with > add > custom command > wine /path/to/utorrent.exe05:39
karstenliquid: You can also run aptitude interactively.  It's a console-based application (like vim or top), very handy that way.05:39
newlifekarsten: Rt click on saved torrent file and go to properties to change - but uTorrent not showing up as selection.05:39
cabrioleurgluonman, "sudo dmesg > log.log" will create a text file log.log with informations in it.05:39
theJKHHey guys really qick question is there any way to increase the MIC senstivity at all? and also is there any programs for recoding voice??05:39
karstenliquid: It also includes a tetris game.05:39
dbboltonwhich debian package supplies "gthread"?05:39
karstentheJKH: Through your mixer control.  Try aumix or alsamixer05:39
cabrioleurtheJKH, one of your options in alsamixer should be mic boost.05:39
liquidkarsten: Im doing it and it looks like its working but its not installing it when I try to do ./configure it still says missing05:40
karstentheJKH: ... if there's not a GUI mixer on your dock already.05:40
theJKHSweet is taht a package i download?05:40
m1ndctrltheJKH: in sound properties.. if u cant find it - add it from the menu...05:40
karstenliquid: Sorry, doing what?05:40
theJKHi nees a mic booster05:40
RHorsetheJKH, arecord05:40
karstennewlife: NFC, sorry.05:40
liquidkarsten:  Im trying something else let me see if this fixes it05:40
karstenliquid: OK. Not sure what "it" is.05:40
gluonmancabrioleur, http://paste.ubuntu.com/61358/05:40
HMSHow do I log in as root from the log in screen05:41
sjeais there anyway to do a repair install ? or am i way off05:41
Ohmu_m1ndctrl: yes.  gedit will color in certain files eg c++ files.  but others, it won't.  like /etc/network/interfaces05:41
liquidkarsten: Okay configure: error: *** Could not enable any of FreeType, X11, Cairo, or Win32 backends.05:41
sjeastill really new to this os05:41
liquidkarsten: Thats the error05:41
newlifemouseboy: That should do it - Thanks much.05:41
m1ndctrlOhmu_: well, thats probably because it doesn't have specific syntax highlighting support for that file format.05:41
cabrioleurgluonman, it says sdb1 is there.05:41
cabrioleurgluonman, when you type in terminal ls /dev/sdb1 does it return the file?05:42
m1ndctrlOhmu_: I bet if you cp one of those files as a .c and then open u will see the keywords of c syntax highlighted even though it is not c.05:42
RHorseHMS I don't think X allows root logins05:42
gluonmancabrioleur, well, when I type 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1' it says mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab05:42
RHorsetoo insecure05:42
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cabrioleurgluonman, :-) that's something else.05:42
newlifemouseboy: Slight problem here - not sure where to find uTorrent app ?05:42
cabrioleurgluonman, lest's edit fdisk now :-)05:43
gluonmancabrioleur, but when I type ls /dev/sdb1 it does return /dev/sdb105:43
m1ndctrlHMS: if you ahven't set passwd on your box then you can't, as root technically does not have a permanent password.05:43
newlifemouseboyx: Neub here - will try05:43
HMSRHorse: Thanks05:43
gluonmancabrioleur, alright. Don't know how to edit fdisk, but lead the way.05:43
cabrioleurgluonman, correct. Let's find the cursed writeup. "gksu gedit /etc/fstab" will open text editor with mount point and option.05:43
memeemeeeanyone using vnc4viewer?05:43
RHorseHMS, np. Just run gksudo when you need to run an X app as root.05:44
gluonmancabrioleur, I opened the fstab05:44
Ohmu_m1ndctrl: ya correct.  .. ok gtg breakfast bbl05:44
MimiIf I get xubuntu, will it have Add/Remove on the menu?05:44
HMStoday i used gksudo nautilus, very useful thanks05:44
karstenliquid: Sorry, reboot.05:45
cabrioleurgluonman, sorry for that but can you open another terminal first (you can live the rest open for now)05:45
gluonmancabrioleur, sure.05:45
karstenliquid: That error came from *what* command?05:45
newlifemouseboyx: Not sure where to browse to to find uTorrent app. I know I need to drill down through my newlife/Home/ ? Not where to go from here?05:45
RAdamsHi. I have two servers. One I have full ssh (root) access to, the other I only have access to ftp for one account. I need to copy files from the server I have root on to the other server. How do I do that?05:45
cabrioleurgluonman, and do a command "sudo gnome-mount -d /dev/sdb1"05:45
karstenliquid: O:  trying to build airsnort?05:45
liquidkarsten: ./configure05:45
karstenRAdams: Most (good) SSH servers restrict root access.05:46
newlifemouseboy: Not sure where to find - sorry .05:46
RAdamskarsten: it's my server.05:46
gluonmancabrioleur, it mounted.05:46
karstenliquid: You're building airsnort?05:46
cabrioleurgluonman, :-)05:46
liquidkarsten: Can I just use aptitude to install gtk++205:46
cabrioleurgluonman, is it as "disk"?05:46
RHorsebye all05:46
RAdamskarsten: it's ssh key controlled, but that's not the point.05:46
m1ndctrlanyone know a good place for super wide wallpapers? i need 5040x105005:46
mouseboyxat the open with add menu newlife, put that in as a custom command05:46
karstenliquid: Yeah, you're going to need the -dev library though, FYI.05:46
gluonmancabrioleur, yes, and thankfully, the folder images for my movies are showing. But the icon on my desktop is still that stupid half-folded piece of paper rather than my .ico for the device itself.05:47
liquidkarsten: Okay now whats the diff. between dev and the other?05:47
karstenRAdams: Then enable root access.  /etc/ssh/sshd_config05:47
cabrioleurgluonman, what version of ubuntu are you using?05:47
karstenRAdams: ... and reload the ssh server:  /etc/init.d/ssh reload05:47
RAdamskarsten: that has nothing to do with my question05:47
gluonmancabrioleur, 8.04.1 Hardy05:47
karstenliquid: One works a lot better if you're trying to build software.05:47
karstenRAdams: Really?05:47
gluonmancabrioleur, do you think I aught to change the label back to default?05:47
RAdams"Hi. I have two servers. One I have full ssh (root) access to, the other I only have access to ftp for one account. I need to copy files from the server I have root on to the other server. How do I do that?"05:47
cabrioleurRAdams, man sdc.05:47
RAdamsI need to copy files from one server to the other.05:47
karstenRAdams: Doh... OK, se.c05:47
RAdamsNot enable root05:47
RAdamschecking man sdc now05:48
cabrioleurgluonman, yes, but first unmount it.05:48
gluonmancabrioleur, alright.05:48
m1ndctrlRAdams: or scp.05:48
m1ndctrlwait.. nvm.. no ssh on other side.05:48
RAdamsm1ndctrl: yeah >.<05:48
liquidkarsten: Gotcha, it found a million packages how can I narrow it down?05:48
gluonmancabrioleur, it's unmounted. How do I change the label back to default?05:48
cabrioleurm1ndctrl, RAdams that's what I meant :-) scp05:48
karstenRAdams: lftp is my preferred file transfer tool, though a lot of apps give that to you and allow multiplle protocols, including konqueror, mc, and (I think) nautilus, the otherwise-crap GNOME file browser with a specification problem.05:48
karstenliquid: aptitude search libgtk2.*-dev05:49
cabrioleurgluonman, did you change it in gnome properties, or ntfs tool?05:49
m1ndctrlcabrioleur: i dont believe u can use scp for ssh <-> ftp05:49
RAdamskarsten: I suppose I could invoke ftp from the server I can ssh into...05:49
gluonmancabrioleur, I used ntfslabel, which is a part of ntfsprogs05:49
m1ndctrlssh supports encryption and ftp does not...05:49
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)05:49
karstenliquid: The -dev libraries include the headers which are required to build and link software.  The non-dev libraries have only the shared-object files to dynamically link at runtime.05:49
Coldhakis there a shell command to find out what vid card i have?05:49
liquidkarsten: Thank you05:50
cabrioleurgluonman, it's a good program. You can use it again.05:50
karstenRAdams: Are bot hof thes remote to your curren tlocation or what?05:50
newlifemouseboyx: I cut-n-paste command like you said but when click on torrent file does not open in uTorrent.05:50
lesColdhak: lspci | grep VGA05:50
karstenRAdams: I'm assuming you've got ftp-*only* access to one system?05:50
gluonmancabrioleur, is there a command that removes the 'disk' label I gave it and resort to default?05:50
newlifemouseboyx: What if use browse to ? and locate app ?05:51
karstenRAdams: Other than the standard "ftp transmits your username/pass in the clear and shouldn't be used" lecture:  i'd log into the system I canSSH to, and ftp from there to the FTP server (with lftp or mc), and copy over the files I needed.05:51
karstenliquid: NP05:51
Coldhakles, thanks05:51
a1lenIf you install a new repository list, do you have to load the old one if you want to do an apt-get install for something that was on the 1st list?05:51
m1ndctrla1len: are you replacing the list or appending?05:52
liquidkarsten: I found kismet on the aptitude, would that be better?05:52
a1lenm1ndctrl, I saved one and want to switch back to the original one. I can combine the two?05:53
karstenliquid: Yeah, actually, I was going to suggest that.05:53
m1ndctrla1len: yes you can add more sources to the existing list, there should be no reason I can think of to create a new list.05:53
karstenliquid: it's an ncurses/console app, seems to work pretty well, and is generally what I use when I'm out hunting networks.05:53
liquidkarsten: Is there a GUI for kismet?05:53
gluonmancabrioleur, this is just a guess, but if I type 'ntfslabel /dev/sdb1' perhaps it will make the label default? Or would it just give me whatever the current label is?05:54
karstenliquid: Not sure.05:54
RAdamskarsten: sorry, comp crashed. to answer your question, yes, I am remote from both servers05:54
* Mimi asks: any bunnies know what's the command for the Add/Remove program? 05:54
cabrioleurgluonman, no, it will display the label :-)05:54
liquidkarsten: When I type kismet this is what I get, kismet05:54
liquidLaunching kismet_server: //usr/bin/kismet_server05:54
liquidSuid priv-dropping disabled.  This may not be secure.05:54
FloodBot3liquid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:54
karstenMimi: aptitude05:54
a1lenm1ndctrl, so do you know how I make it recognize the original one so I can just copy and paste the rest in it?05:54
gluonmancabrioleur, well, then how do I reset it?05:54
cabrioleurcabrioleur, that's what man says, sorry I was reading documentation.05:54
karstenliquid: Run as root.05:54
liquidkarsten: let me try05:55
Mimikarsten, mmmmm that's terminal based, am I missing something? ^^; I'm talking about the GUI found in the "start" menu05:55
michaelwilliamcaftp loads from inside local netowrk but not over internet05:55
dranyamsites like youtube and hulu seem a bit choppy05:55
dranyamwith 8.1005:55
liquidkarsten: So I need to read about it alittle bit05:55
dranyambut at least it had my wireless drivers05:55
cabrioleurgluonman, I would try sudo ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 ''05:56
cabrioleurgluonman, or leave it as disk (it doesn't hurt at all)05:56
karstenMimi: yeah, there's one, I forget the name.05:56
JoseBravoI see the fonts on my ubuntu dosnt look so good, its possible improve it?05:57
karstenRAdams: NP.  See my previous response.05:57
gluonmancabrioleur, well I wouldn't think, but for some reason, the moment I changed the label from 500.1 GB Media to disk, the folder image on the desktop changed from a nice picture of the external to a stupid white piece of paper.05:57
m1ndctrlMimi: synaptic?05:57
gluonmancabrioleur, no matter what I do to change it back to the nice image, it will not allow me to change it. Same when I'm lookin in /media/ with nautilus.05:57
karstenMimi: I think it's called adept.05:58
cabrioleurgluonman, if it does, it's a bug report in nautilus...05:58
Mimikarsten,  i just right clicked on it on the menu (didnt know you could do that), selected add to panel (didnt know you could do that either), then right clicked on the new icon that was created on the panel, and it gives the path for the command: its gnome-app-install :P So intuitive haha05:58
karstenMimi: ... that said, I'd *storngly* recommend aptitude, which cna be used batch or interactively.05:58
Mimikarsten,  i prefer apt-get ^^;;05:58
karstenMimi: Sure.  I'm a little old-school.05:58
cabrioleurgluonman, but lets try sudo ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 ''05:58
gluonmancabrioleur, so from now on it should automount at /media/disk?05:58
gluonmancabrioleur, alright.05:58
karstenMimi: aptitude is better and (at least on Debian) strongly recommended over apt-get.05:59
ociososee ya.. locos.. you found me on #supremos05:59
Mimikarsten,  how / why so ?05:59
nano404hey all05:59
cabrioleurgluonman, if you leave the icon, then yes. if you don't, the the first mounted external drive will be mounted as disk.05:59
RAdamswith ftp (from terminal) why does it only transfer one file when I "put *" ?05:59
cabrioleurgluonman, I meant when you leave the label.05:59
bullgard4What messages are logged in /var/log/apt/term.log and what messages not?05:59
gluonmancabrioleur, alright.05:59
karstenMimi: Sec...06:00
karstenMimi: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2004-04/3181.html06:00
gluonmancabrioleur, so we don't need to do anything with fstab, then?06:00
Mimithats funny karsten  i just happened to be reading that site (not that article though)06:00
cabrioleurgluonman, no, you can safely close it :-)06:00
mib_z814z0http://snackpetition.blogspot.com/ please read that link, it is a matter we would like to resolve as soon as we can, and public is the only people that can help.06:01
geremyanybody know how to set an application (in this case, the netbook remix launcher) to start on gnome startup?06:01
cabrioleurgluonman, and about the icon, can you right click on the icon of your disk and go to preferences?06:01
karstenMimi: It's a *very* large mailing list archive.  That post is written by the guy who does most fo the work on the Debian installer package.  He knows his sh*t.06:01
RAdams!spam | mib_z814z006:01
ubottumib_z814z0: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...06:01
Mimigeremy, you mean like "Sessions"? found under preferences06:01
gluonmancabrioleur, even though I typed the command to change the label to "500.1 GB Media", when I typed sudo mount /dev/sdb1 it still couldn't be found. But when I typed sudo gnome-mount -d /dev/sdb1 it mounted with 'disk' as the label and the icon was still that stupid piece of paper.06:01
mechaanyone here gotten OS X to work on virtualbox?06:02
nano404I'm having a problem with ubuntu, I cant get on the internet...06:02
geremymimi: I'm looking for a way to do it globally, and preferably via conf file06:02
HMSwired network problem, already insalled driver, but it doesnt show when i conect or disconect the cable as it should, have no conection either.06:02
RAdamsmecha: doing so is a violation of the EULA, and ought not be discussed here.06:02
karstennano404: How are you trying to get on the Internet?06:02
gluonmancabrioleur, actually, right-clicking the icon and changing any preferences doesn't solve anything. Any changes get automatically ignored, or changed back.06:02
karstenmecha: Google is your friend.06:02
nano404Karsten: wired06:02
DrRabbitmib_z814z0: plzing to be ontopic plz06:02
cabrioleurgluonman, it's not in the fstab. The new way to do it is "gnome-mount -d /dev/sdb1"06:02
JoseBravoFonts on my ubuntu dosnt look so good, its possible improve it? Im using 1280x800 resolution.06:02
cabrioleurgluonman, with sudo06:02
mechaRAdams: actually the EULA was changed to add a clause about allowing OS X to be virtualized06:02
karstennano404: Do you have local LAN access?  What's your gateway?  Are you using some sort of hardware cable modem / DSL modem / Linksys-type router?06:03
eX3CuTehow can I find what name (/dev/...) my flash drive has ?06:03
RAdamsmecha: on OSX machines, using approved virtualization setups, yes.06:03
gluonmancabrioleur, alright. But it used to show up on my desktop with 500.1 GB Media as the label. It's still showing as disk.06:03
cabrioleurgluonman, or right click on it and pick mount.06:03
mechakarsten: i already have. no useful info that's why i'm here06:03
cabrioleurgluonman, right, standby.06:03
powertoo108Does anybody use wpa_supplicant? I'm getting this error: ioctl[SIOCSIWAUTH]: Operation not supported <next line> WEXT auth param 4 value 0x006:03
nano404Karsten: i had ubuntu on a laptop before, and it wasn't working, my teacher kept saying something about confuiguring the modem to work with linux, but never elaborated06:03
karstenmecha: General drill is:  check NIC seating, link light, media (cable), configuration (ifconfig;drivers etc), gateway, route, forwarding on gateway, DNS resolution, local (LAN) and remote (forwarded) ping targets.06:04
nano404Karsten: LAN, router06:04
karstenmecha: Modem or NIC?06:04
RAdamsi think you're meaning to talk to nano404, karsten...06:04
mechakarsten: for what, i don't understand the question06:04
karstenmecha: Right.06:04
karstennano404: ^^06:04
cabrioleurgluonman, do you have gparted?06:04
RyanPriorI'm having trouble with SSH, and I'm a noob when it comes to security, so if anybody can help me figure out how to proceed, that would be really useful. I'm getting a "IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!", a message about an "offending key", some other warnings, ending with "Host key verification failed."06:05
HMSwired network problem, already insalled driver, but it doesnt show when i conect or disconect the cable as it should, have no conection either. in network tools i clik configure eth0 and it returns,: interface does not exist06:05
karstenRyanPrior: It's the first time you've connected to a host.06:05
mechakarsten: whoa hey there dont get nasty06:05
gluonmancabrioleur, yes. I even have a live CD of it. But I just tried something. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it automounted with the label 500.1 GB Media.06:05
poostation3link me to ubuntu live cd plz06:05
RyanPriorkarsten: This is a host I've connected to before, but not in awhile.06:05
gluonmancabrioleur, the only problem is that it mounted to /media/500.1 GB Media_ instead of /media/disk06:06
karstenRyanPrior: SSH checks to see if the server (remote host key) is known, and if it's not, it gives you that warning.  If you happen to know the remote server key, check it.  If you don't, standard (though not best) practice is to just say 'y' to the prompt.06:06
gluonmancabrioleur, this is getting too confusing.06:06
karstenRyanPrior: ... in which case the remote host key may have changed.  If you know the administrator, I'd drop him/her an email and ask wassup?06:06
Vantraxbtw i dont remember who was askin but the reason to use aptitude instead of apt-get is that aptitude will remember the packages and when you go to remove the app, apt get will just remove the one you manually specify, and not the dependancies06:06
karstenmecha: I'm not.06:06
karstenmecha: ... just brief.  Was acknowledging you, appreciate your mentioning it.06:07
geremykarsten: host name checking may also have failed, which would be very common in home setups06:07
mechakarsten: i told you i don't understand the question and you responded with "Right."06:07
karstengeremy: Point.06:07
nano404Karsten: Router06:07
theJKHWOW i have to my lips right up to the microphone for it to hear me and the mics up full blast anyone know a soultion???06:07
cabrioleurgluonman, then right click on it, preferences, the volume tab and as a mount point type disk06:07
mechakarsten: maybe you could have just re-phrased the question instead of shunning me06:07
karstenmecha: Sorry, repeat.  Where were we at?06:07
RAdamsmecha: he was saying "right" to me, who was pointing out he meant to type to nano404.06:07
cabrioleurgluonman, it should be fine from now on.06:07
karstennano404: OK:  can yo ping the router?06:07
gluonmancabrioleur, alright. let me try that.06:07
RyanPriorkarsten: As far as I know, there is no published server key. When I first connected, it just set everything up automatically.06:08
HMSHow can I enable an inteface in 8.04.1, in my case eth006:08
nano404Karsten: havent tried, how do I?06:08
poostation3link me to ubuntu live cd plz post link tia06:08
karstenmecha: Lose the 'tude.  I'm trying to help folks, not intentioanally doing anything, and it's a hell of a busy channel.  Also got my own stuff I'm up to.  What was your question.06:08
karstennano404: ping <router IP>06:08
RyanPriorpoostation3: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download06:08
RyanPriorpoostation3: Also, read topic.06:08
mechaRAdams: "<karsten> mecha: Right." I believe that was directed at me06:08
karstenRyanPrior: Just say yes then and hope that nothing nasty is happening.06:08
crashedataCan some one please help. I currently have both KDE and Gnome installed. The problem is that while with Gnome, I get about 2 hours of battery time (I use it on a laptop). With KDE I only get about 10 minutes of battery time. I perfer KDE so is there a way to fix this?06:09
RyanPriorkarsten: It doesn't give me a yes/no, it just fails.06:09
poostation3ryanprior: that is not link to live cd! that is to install06:09
JoseBravoI have problems with ubuntu, my fonts appears very ugly. How can i fix that, please?06:09
mechakarsten: My question is simple. has anyone here gotten OS X to run in virtualbox?06:09
karstenRyanPrior: One sec.06:09
mechait's yes or no06:09
karstenmecha: Probably.06:09
karstenmecha: Google is your friend.06:09
gluonmancabrioleur, everything is normal now, but the folder image on the desktop is still that stupid piece of paper.06:09
gluonmancabrioleur, but hold on, must feed my daughter.06:10
RyanPriorpoostation3: We like to do things in an efficient way: we made the LiveCD also be the install CD. :-)06:10
bullgard4crashedata: You will most likely get a faster answer to your porblem in #kubuntu.06:10
crashedataok thanks.06:10
mechakarsten: like i said before, i've tried all the google links and found no useful information so i'm here06:10
geremyryanprior: invoke ssh with the -o CheckHostIP no option06:10
RAdamsmecha: for the last time, this is not the place to ask that. It is a violation of the EULA to virtualize OS X on a non-Apple computer. We are trying to be polite and helpful.06:10
karstenmecha: And no, you're not going to browbeat an answer out of me because that's all I know.  HAND.06:10
HMSHow can I enable an inteface in 8.04.1, in my case eth006:10
FloodBot3doctah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:10
monica0519hello, i just installed 8.04 on my lappy, and it doesnt detect my wireless device, my card i imagine, how can i fix this?06:10
theJKHcheck restricted drivers06:11
cabrioleurJoseBravo, go to system -> preferences -> appearance -> Fonts and mark subpixel smoothing.06:11
mechaRAdams: who says i'm using a non apple computer?06:11
theJKHanyone know why i ahve to have mt lios basicly on the mc for it to hear me06:11
poostation3ryanprior: very funny guess ill have to learn how to partition drive and put it on side by vista06:11
theJKHeven though i got mic all the way p06:11
nano404Karsten: It pings06:11
karstenRyanPrior: 'ssh-add -d <hostspec>' will delete any known key values for a given host.06:11
karstennano404: OK, that means your local networking is set up.06:11
nano404it is...06:12
roganStill unable to play a DVD have tried VLC (disc starts running then vlc closes down) Mplayer starts to read disk (can hear music form dvd start to play then gives me some sort of connection error) Kaffine player does not work06:12
roganany suggestions06:12
karstennano404: Run the following commands and pastebin output:  /sbin/ifconfig -a; /sbin/route -n06:12
cabrioleurtheJKH, usually because of your card being recognized wrong (missing parameters) or because of quality of drivers.06:12
RyanPriorpoostation3: No joke. No need to repartition anything. The install CD will boot into a LiveCD environment first. If you're interested, there's also Wubi, which lets you try out Ubuntu without repartitioning.06:12
PuppyAnyone i could please take a 5 min phone call to help me while im loaded in ubuntu with installing this wireless card06:12
Sammyquestion...what's meaning crond.pid??06:12
cabrioleurrogan, you need libdvdcss206:12
theJKHOh shityy...06:12
karstenRyanPrior: Since the known-hosts file now hashes hostnames/identifiers, you can't manually delete keys as easily as yo used to be able to.06:12
nano404Karsten: I cant pastebin output? It's on a different computer?06:13
Puppyi woudl be most geatfull, its 7am here.. and i been doing this all night06:13
bullgard4HMS: Try 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'06:13
Puppylegend2440 ?06:13
mechaRAdams, karsten: LOOK, I didn't come here to be pushed into a corner, i can to ask a question. so if you want to argue take it to the forums. otherwise help or don't. whetever you may think i am trying to do to upset anyone, you are wrong. please i just want answers not a confrontation06:13
rogancabrioleur: thank you06:13
karstenSammy: cornd.pid is a file that contains the PID (process ID) of the currently running cron daemon.  Sometimes the file hangs around after cron has died.  What's the error message?06:13
legend2440Puppy: yes06:13
RyanPriorkarsten: I'm not sure what the hostspec would be. Can you give an example?06:13
Puppylegend2440 - any chance you coudl give me 5 mins on the phone ?06:13
poostation3ryanprior: i tried wubi before but it messed up my computer with xp on it. I now have vista x64 so hopefully it works?06:13
karstennano404: Then write it down and type it back in, or transfer it on a floppy / flash drive / clay tablet.  You're a bright guy, sort it out.06:13
karstenRyanPrior: ip address.  Hostname.  However you attempted to connect to the remote host.06:14
RyanPriorpoostation3: The LiveCD should be safer, but as far as I know Wubi works well on Windows Vista.06:14
bullgard4What messages are logged in /var/log/apt/term.log and what messages not?06:14
karstenbullgard4: The ones that are there are logged there, the ones that aren't aren't ;-)06:14
legend2440Puppy: i don't have wireless. i wouldnt be any help06:14
SammyI cant made crontab karsten. please teach me step by step. you know I'm a newbie06:14
* karsten ducks.06:14
Puppylegend2440 the problem is not wireless, its extracking files to usr06:15
bullgard4!language > theJKH06:15
ubottutheJKH, please see my private message06:15
karstenSammy: What are you trying to run?  What do you want to have happen and when?06:15
Puppylegend2440 - i can explain in 1 min on the phone06:15
Puppylegend2440 and run through it with you and im sure you will know what im doing wrong if you haev been usign this for more than a month06:15
poostation3ryanprior: well see if it works. i still have 2 days to return this new laptop with 15% restocking fee.06:15
Sammyi'm a user I want to run my shell unix script06:15
Puppylegend2440 - can we try, nothign to loose.. im about to uninstall it and say fck it06:15
karstenSammy: My suggestion would be to look at /etc/crontab, /etc/cron.d/, and/or /etc/cron.{hourly,daily,weekly,monthly}06:15
RyanPriorpoostation3: Is it a well-known laptop brand?06:15
karstenSammy: As a user?06:16
karstenSammy: ... as opposed to by root?06:16
bullgard4karsten: Was this a wise answer?06:16
karstenSammy: 'crontab'06:16
hadi57hi i have Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) and not working any body can help me fix this problem?06:16
karstenSammy: man 5 crontab will give you the file format.06:16
karstenSammy: <minute> <hour> <day of month> <month> <day of week> <command>06:17
karstenbullgard4: It was technically accurate but probably not helpful06:17
RyanPriorkarsten: I'm confused about how to use ssh-add: what should I put after -d?06:17
Sammyplease expample??06:17
karstenRyanPrior: Hostpec.06:17
karstenSammy: RTFM06:17
ballzeeis there a repository with azue on it ?06:17
bullgard4hadi57: "not working" is not an exact description. Any error messages?06:17
RyanPriorkarsten: What do I read to find out what a hostspec looks like?06:18
cabrioleurhadi57, you need the new version of madwifi-hal from their website, from savanah. It works fine up there.06:18
cjsHey, I'd like to change the cursor used when the pointer is in an xterm from the thick one to the old thin style. Any thoughts on how I might do this?06:18
karstenRyanPrior: The hostspec is however you attempted to conne t to the host.06:18
hadi57can you guide me please?06:18
karstenRyanPrior: if I tried:  ssh www.google.com, then:  ssh-add -d www.google.com06:18
RyanPriorkarsten: is it me@myserver, or just myserver06:18
RAdamsmecha: no one is shoving you into a corner. We're trying to explain to you that we can not help you violate Apple's EULA. Is their EULA stupid? Sure. Take it up with them. It is the policy of this channel not to assist with violating EULAs, though -- sorry.06:18
karstenRyanPrior: Just the server component, I think.  Just try it.06:18
RyanPriorkarsten: That gives me "bad keyfile", which is why I assumed I must be doing it wrong.06:19
bullgard4What messages are logged in /var/log/apt/term.log and what messages not?06:19
beekthis 8.10 installed at 1920xsomething and my monitor wont show it, and now i find that there's no xorg.conf?  what is this wackiness ?06:19
poostation3ryanprior: its hp06:19
karstenRyanPrior: OK.  The other option is to delete the key by the entry in the known_hosts file.06:19
gluonmancabrioleur, every time I mount it, it's mounting at /media/500.1 GB Media_ instead of /media/disk06:19
RAdamsbeek: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. and your xorg.conf is in /etc/X11/06:19
mechaRAdams: i understood that before i joined. i simply asked if anyone has gotten it to work. i din't ask someone to help me violate the EULA06:19
karstenRyanPrior: sed -i -e '<nn>d' ~/.ssh/known_hosts06:20
RyanPriorkarsten: There are a bunch of them and they all look like gibberish. How do I decide which one to nix?06:20
gluonmancabrioleur, even though I put disk in the mount point bar in the volume tab of preferences.06:20
RAdamsmecha: the answer is no.06:20
karstenRyanPrior: ... where <nn> is the line number given by your ssh access attempt fialure message06:20
mechaRAdams: ur face is a no06:20
karstenRyanPrior: yeah, as I said, SSH hashes (renders non-hukman readable)_ the hostname.06:20
RAdams!manners > mecha06:20
beekI can't seem to get it to boot to a non-gui mode, Radams, and the xorg.conf is there, but it doesnt seem to be used anymore.06:20
karstenRAdams: I ignored him a ways ago.06:20
RAdamswake up ubottu06:21
Vantrax!manners | mecha06:21
ubottumecha: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:21
RyanPriorkarsten: That doesn't output anything, unfortunately.06:21
Vantraxthat does however06:21
karstenRyanPrior: Try ssh connect again and pastebin the error06:21
RAdamsbeek: is grub installed and working?06:21
beekyas, R06:21
cabrioleurgluonman, what directory you have in /media ?06:21
oalepcan i install the grub from the ubuntu live cd without installing ubuntu?06:22
Vantraxwhy would you want to?06:22
bimberi!grub | oalep06:22
ubottuoalep: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:22
Vantraxshould have installed the first time06:22
oalepto try to boot windows from grub. but i dont want linux in that laptop06:22
gluonmancabrioleur, if I automount, it will mount at /media/disk. But if I manually mount it mounts to /media/500.1 GB Media. I think the whole ntfslabel thing screwed something up.06:22
RyanPriorkarsten: I'm very sloppy with all this stuff - I just tried the original ssh command again and it connects just fine. I'm not sure which thing I did worked in particular, but thanks for giving me ideas.06:22
oalepjust to check, that would avoid me formatting06:23
gluonmancabrioleur, and I still can't get the white paper image to change to my desired .ico.06:23
Vantraxyou  can do it06:23
Vantraxnot what would be recommended06:23
beekoooh, i got to a prompt.  nice.06:23
RyanPriorkarsten: It makes the security feel like a farce, though. Someday I'll learn how the whole system works, perhaps.06:23
Vantraxyou would need a little grub partition06:23
oalepVantrax if it doesnt work, ill just format like i had planned to06:23
RAdamsoalep: grub is really only useful if you're booting multiple OSs. what specifically are you trying to do?06:24
Vantraxit does work, just not as easy as it sounds:P06:24
histo_Anyone able to get recordmydesktop to record audio?06:24
RAdamsi should clarify: it's not very useful for booting windows, it just happens to be able to do it.06:24
click170Does anyone know why an apt mirror (created with `apt-mirror`) doesn't mirror the debian-installer folder or any of the associated folders which are required for a pxe-booted install?06:24
tdawgedoggwhen i restart i get stuck at a shell screen that says bin/sh cant access tty; job control turned off (initramfs)06:24
karstenRyanPrior: One sec.06:25
* karsten is afk06:25
oalep the initial mess is so big, that i cant afford explaining all :) but believe me, if i install grub standalone. and it can boot windows (thing i cant do right now) it will be AWESOME06:25
cabrioleurgluonman, it shouldn't it's just the label. More likely gnome-mount is doing things different way than you are used to.06:26
rebel_kidi tried to add another public key and thus another user to my ssh server, but i get Permission Denied (publickey).06:26
RelegatedCan someone help me get my sound working, I got nothing, using Intrepid Ibex06:26
oalepVantrax my man if you know how to please pm me :)06:26
RAdamsRelegated: #ubuntu+106:27
gluonmancabrioleur, just yesterday I was able to use sudo mount. What happened?06:27
bullgard4Relegated: Please ask this question in #ubuntu+106:27
gluonmancabrioleur, but none of this seems to explain how the hell I get my folder image back on the desktop whenever the disk is mounted.06:27
RAdamsoalep: ok... well, you will need to make a small partition for grub to operate from. The grub documentation can explain the installation and setup procedure, and you could use parted or gparted from the Ubuntu live cd to make the partition. I have to sleep now, sorry06:28
lzy-sjtuis anyone know how to enable gdm face browser in 8.10?06:29
cabrioleurgluonman, if you were able to use sudo mount that means it was in fstabs.06:29
ziroday`lzy-sjtu: ask in #ubuntu+106:29
gluonmancabrioleur, what on earth erased it from fstabs?06:29
gluonmancabrioleur, and how do I add it back in?06:29
sjeahelp :0)06:29
cabrioleurgluonman, copy and past your /etc/fstab and we will see what's in there.06:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about somba06:29
gluonmancabrioleur, alright.06:29
ziroday`!samba > sjea06:30
ubottusjea, please see my private message06:30
ziroday`sjea: its called samba, not somba :)06:30
FAJALOUcan someone help me out; my wifi card was working fine, and then poof it's not working at all now,  it's a d-link dwa-642, and it just stopped06:31
gluonmancabrioleur, http://paste.ubuntu.com/61371/06:31
=== ShitalC is now known as ShitalLin
FAJALOUcan someone help me out; my wifi card was working fine, and then poof it's not working at all now,  it's a d-link dwa-642, and it just stopped i was right in the middle of using it too and it just cut out.  it will connect fine to an unencrypted link, but not at all to an encrypted one06:31
bullgard4What messages are logged in /var/log/apt/term.log and what messages not?06:32
FAJALOUbullgard4:  me?06:32
sjeai have more trouble setting this up for othe rxp computers06:32
bullgard4FAJALOU: No.06:32
karstenRyanPrior: ssh offers a number of means of protecting and authenticating your session.  They work both ways -- you authenticate to the remote server, it authenticates to you (via the host key), and the entire channel is encrypted.  This is several steps up from earlier methods, or alternate systems such as SSL/TLS.  There are still ways in which the process can be subverted.06:32
karstennano404: Still here?06:33
karstennano404: How goes?06:33
cabrioleurgluonman, it is not there. But you know that by mounting it the old fashion you will have no icon in the "Computer" at all?06:34
LogicalThoughthow do you find your ip and host info in command-line?06:34
gluonmancabrioleur, actually, over the past year the icon I desired showed up perfectly fine with automount and with sudo mount ''06:34
sjeawhat am i doing wrong why can t i set up samba06:35
gluonmancabrioleur, now it will not change it from the white paper image no matter how it's mounted or where.06:35
tonyyarussoLogicalThought: ifconfig, hostname06:35
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:35
tonyyarussoLogicalThought: Note that you can't get your public IP that way if you're behind a NAT router.06:35
cabrioleurgluonman, when you opened your "preferences", what does it says as a type?06:35
bullgard4LogicalThought: ifconfig06:36
gluonmancabrioleur, the type is folder06:36
cabrioleurgluonman, that's wrong.06:36
gluonmancabrioleur, what should it be?06:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:36
karstennano404: OK, so you've got network and routing.  I'm assuming your router is at
karstennano404: Can you ping (that's one of Google's IPs).06:38
drksofthello, i just recompiled the kernel and im trying to use compiz but it isnt working06:38
drksoftall i get is No whitelisted driver found06:38
FAJALOUbullgard4:  me?06:38
nano404ummm, i think in ubuntu it shows as
FAJALOUcan someone help me out; my wifi card was working fine, and then poof it's not working at all now,  it's a d-link dwa-642, and it just stopped i was right in the middle of using it too and it just cut out.  it will connect fine to an unencrypted link, but not at all to an encrypted one06:38
nano404Karsetn: ummm, i think in ubuntu it shows as
karstennano404: ??06:39
Kr0ntabFAJALOU: what have you to try to fix it so far?06:39
karstennano404: Your *own* IP is  Your router is at, which is your gateway.06:39
Vantraxthats a local ip address handed out by a router06:39
bullgard4FAJALOU: I repeat: No.06:40
Vantraxyour routers external address can be found by going to www.whatismyip.com06:40
gluonmancabrioleur, if the type should not be folder, what should it be and how can I change it if that's what it was before?06:40
FAJALOUbullgard4:  sorry accidentally got that.06:40
nano404Karsten, yeah it pings, my brain truns off at 10pm... bare with me06:40
FAJALOUKr0ntab:  well it was just working and then it totally just cut out.06:40
FAJALOUKr0ntab:  trying to find if it is supported by mad-wifi yet06:41
Kr0ntabFAJALOU: have you rebooted since it "gave out"06:41
FAJALOUKr0ntab:  yes06:41
FAJALOUKr0ntab:   it literally was connected then not connected06:41
sjeado i need to make a new user in samba?06:41
karstennano404: Can you resolve it?  "host www.google.com"06:41
FAJALOUKr0ntab: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=935573   that is my howto that has gotten it to work in the past, but no avail now06:42
cedriczgHi people. Can anyone let me know how to check if I am using ubuntu hardy? I tried uname -a but I get the kernel version...06:43
gluonmancabrioleur, I fixed that problem. I tried using another picture and it worked, so all I did was move the .ico of the external image to another folder, and voila.06:43
Alan_Mcedriczg: lsb_release -a06:43
ociosowith system Monitor06:43
Alan_Mcedriczg: in terminal06:43
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cedriczgAlan_M, thanks\06:43
drksofthello, i just recompiled the kernel and im trying to use compiz but it isnt working06:43
TarBaris burning ubuntu onto a cd the only way or would a dvd disc work06:43
Alan_Mcedriczg: sure :D06:43
drksoftall i get is No whitelisted driver found06:43
FAJALOUKr0ntab:  pm/06:43
gluonmancabrioleur, but that still leave me with just the one problem of getting "sudo mount /dev/sdb1" or "sudo mount /media/disk" to work.06:44
cedriczgAlan_M, I am actually on hardy. I was almost sure :)06:44
neerGuys does anyone know how to connect two computers in adhoc manner?one running on ubuntu and the other on xp06:44
Kr0ntabFAJALOU: I'm in the middle of helping a couple others... but I figured I'd throw some questions out there.  get the dialog going and someone else might jump in as well...06:44
FAJALOUKr0ntab:  o... ok06:44
neerI am not using a router06:45
FAJALOU!samba | neer06:45
ubottuneer: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:45
karstennano404: ??06:45
ociosoMY Ubuntu: http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs232&d=08434&f=milinux382.png06:45
Kr0ntabFAJALOU: get some info ready though.... and paste it into http://pastebin.ubuntu.com    commands such as:06:45
neerubottu: I am not using any router06:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:45
nano404Karsten: it pings06:45
neerubottu: just using two computers06:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:45
TarBaris burning ubuntu onto a cd the only way or would a dvd disc work06:45
Kr0ntabFAJALOU: sudo lshw -C net     lspci -v06:45
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karstennano404: OK.  So what doesn't work about connecting to "the internet"?  All the basics seem to be working.06:45
FAJALOUKr0ntab:  unfortunatey i can't:  different computers ...06:46
cabrioleurgluonman, sorry, phone. "sudo echo "/dev/sdb1      /media/disk        ntfs    defaults        0       0" >> /etc/fstab" will fix it.06:46
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cedriczgI have updated a bug for gnome-art application. Can someone look at it and let me know his/her thoughts? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-art/+bug/23650006:46
gluonmancabrioleur, thank you so much for helping me at such length.06:46
drksoftcan anyone help me06:46
Sammydear please help me I cant update gdb06:46
bullgard4What messages are logged in /var/log/apt/term.log and what messages not?06:47
=== Tako|sleeping is now known as Tako-san
TarBaris burning ubuntu onto a cd the only way or would a dvd disc work06:47
SammyW: Failed to fetch http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/gdb_6.8-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb06:48
Sammy  404 Not Found06:48
FAJALOUTarBar:  yes...06:48
FAJALOU!usb | TarBar06:48
ubottuTarBar: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:48
karstenSammy: What are you trying?  What error doe you get?06:48
TarBarits an old imac g3 and all i have are dvd dics.06:48
sjeais there any easy way of setting up samba?06:48
Sammykarsten I cant update gdb06:48
neercan anyoe give an idea on file sharing between two computers running on ubuntu and windows xp respectively06:48
sjeait is startign to dirve me crazy06:49
ljsoftnetneer, if you use ubuntu you can, browse your windows xp files06:49
LinuxFan!samba | neer06:49
ubottuneer: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:49
nano404Karsten: I don't know... it owrks fine on xp..... it just times out on Ubuntu.....eventually06:49
ljsoftnetneer, if you use windows xp, you cant browse ubuntu files06:49
nano404Karsten works*06:50
drksoftcan anyone help me, im having problems getting compiz to work06:50
cedriczgI got diconnected. Was someone able to look at my update on bug report  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-art/+bug/23650006:50
karstenSammy: So I gathered.  Please provide the command used and error message received.  Pastebin these.06:50
karstennano404: .. and what's the current situation?06:50
ociosodrksoft wats up06:51
Sammyin update manager and error : W: Failed to fetch http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdb/gdb_6.8-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb06:51
Sammy  404 Not Found06:51
cedriczgljsoftnet, actually there are ways to look for files on ext3 partitions from windows06:51
sjeaLinuxFan:  i have read that and have it set up on this box but just can t get xp to see it so i know i m doing something wrong but just do not see it06:51
drksoftocioso, im after compiling the latest kernel, and trying compiz i get this06:51
karstenSammy: Run an update.06:51
neerljsoftnet: really?06:51
karstenSammy: .. and retry.  Ensure you don't have any networking issues.06:51
n00bierhey.. if ubuntu clock is set correctly.. when i boot to windows.. the time is like 10 hours less.. any ideas why?06:52
drksoftChecking for Xgl: not present.  No whitelisted driver found aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity06:52
neerljsoftnet: then how am I suppose to share files then06:52
karstenSammy: If you haven't updated package lists and the package file has been removed you'll get that message.06:52
drksoftany ideas ocioso06:52
n00bierso like now ubuntu will say 4 pm.. while windows says 6 am06:52
ljsoftnetneer, ubuntu currently supports ntfs files, you you can view or browse files in windows xp06:52
cedriczgAlan_M, As you already helped me to do my update to the bug. Can you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-art/+bug/236500 and let me know your thoughts?06:52
FAJALOUhow can i switch my wifi drivers from ndiswrapper to ath_pci?06:52
SammyOK karsten I'm try06:52
crdlbdrksoft: you compiled your own kernel? O_o06:52
drksoftcrdlb, yes06:53
karstenn00bier: Your hwclock isn't set to UTC, or, if you're sharing with Windows, it is and it shouldn't be.  Ensure you've got an ntp service installed, not sure what's standard for Ubuntu.06:53
drksoftfrom the sources06:53
crdlbdrksoft: why?06:53
cedriczgneer, what are you trying to do or want to know?06:53
crdlbdrksoft: also, what video card do you have?06:53
Alan_Mgive me a few seconds cedriczg :D06:53
drksoftos[Linux x86_64] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000+ (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.61GHz] mem[Physical: 2.0GB, 82.2% free] disk[Total: 446.5GB, 67.3% free] video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600 GTS] sound[USB-Audio - PnP Audio Device        1: USB-Audio - USB Device 0x46d:0x8d7]06:53
ljsoftnetneer, if you want to share files to be accessible to both operating system, transfer the files to the windows xp partition06:53
drksoftthose are my specs06:53
cedriczgAlan_M, :D06:53
drksoftcrdlb, cuz i wanted the latest kernel06:53
nano404Karsten: 0153 hrs, ubuntu running, connected to network but the browser is timing out, future looks grim, over and out...06:53
n00bierkarsten, so i should set the bios clock to UTC ?06:53
crdlbdrksoft: that's a terrible reason06:54
Ohmucan I choose which codec Totem uses to play my movie?  (the current one is doing a poor balance between the speech and non-speech audio channels)06:54
karstenn00bier: sudo hwclock --localtime; sudo hwclock --systohc06:54
Alan_Mcedriczg: i cant truly fully triage this bug as i dont have 64bit....06:54
Alan_Msorry dude, wish i could help! :(06:54
karstennano404: OK.  Not sure.06:54
VantraxOhmu: id say just use vlc06:54
crdlbdrksoft: regardless, you're on your own now, and you'll probably need to install the nviida driver manually now06:54
OhmuVantrax: thx I'll try it06:54
drksofti did06:54
crdlbI don't think the linux-restricted-modules system can be coerced to build a new module06:54
karstennox-Hand: Windows doens't manage the HW clock at UTC, so you're stuck with using localtime, which is stupid (both systems will try to adjust for DST/Standard time shifts.06:54
karstenn00bier: ^^06:55
drksoftin other words im f*cked?06:55
karstenn00bier: So the fix is to set Linux to use HWclock at localtime, and run a network time service in both OSs, if you're dual-booting.06:55
joaquinalguien habla español06:56
FAJALOU!es | joaquin06:56
ubottujoaquin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:56
karstenn00bier: I think you want to install ntp, not sure of that.06:56
joaquinok gracias06:56
FAJALOUde nada06:56
cedriczgAlan_M, ok. Actually I'm not sure if this is a 64-bit issue06:57
Alan_Mwell, sorry to say but my battery is dying06:58
Alan_Mso...im gonna have to leave06:58
Alan_Msorry cedriczg06:58
karstenneer: The usual solution i sto have a "transfer partition" set up formatted vfat (max size 32 GB IIRC) to handle file transfers, or to run one or the other OS virtualized and transfer files over the virtual network (Xen, Virtualbox, VMWare, qemu, et.c).06:58
baby-dsup all06:59
alka_trashhey all07:00
alka_trashanyone need some help07:00
=== liam is now known as baddog
alka_trashwhat up, hit me07:01
FAJALOUwifi :|07:01
FAJALOUcan someone help me out; my wifi card was working fine, and then poof it's not working at all now,  it's a d-link dwa-642, and it just stopped i was right in the middle of using it too and it just cut out.  it will connect fine to an unencrypted link, but not at all to an encrypted one07:01
alka_trashno connection07:01
FAJALOUliterally just stopped working, just poof07:01
FAJALOUwas working fine07:01
alka_trashjust some basics07:01
alka_trashdid you restart07:01
Vantraxlater everyone07:02
alka_trashwhat type of security do you have07:02
bullgard4What messages are logged in /var/log/apt/term.log and what messages not?07:02
FAJALOUwpa -psk07:02
FAJALOUhold on onnnne sec....07:02
cedriczgbrett, hello07:02
=== brett is now known as Guest93621
Puppyanyone can help me with ndiswrapper ?07:02
ziroday`!anyone | Puppy07:03
ubottuPuppy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:03
FAJALOUalka_trash: literally rebooted like 5 times and now it works07:03
feng14brett hello07:03
FAJALOU!ndiswrapper | Puppy07:03
ubottuPuppy: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:03
FAJALOUalka_trash:  can you think of anything that i could check the logs or something to make sure it doesn't happen like this again?07:03
alka_trashFAJALOU: gmmm07:03
PuppyFAJALOU - yeah i been through that, got it installed, got the win drivers loaded07:03
FAJALOUpupppy ok what's up then?07:03
PuppyFAJALOU - i still cant see my wireless config07:03
VeyronWhy can't I change the screen resolution in Hardy Heron? (ATI X200M with fglrx/restricted drivers)07:04
FAJALOUPuppy:  you mean your wifi connection?07:04
alka_trashFAJALOU:  I hate to say it but I hope the the latest release in 9 days fixes it for good07:04
PuppyFAJALOU yeah07:04
i-is-da-besthello,is here a way i can get Adobe Flash Player via the terminal07:04
FAJALOUalka_trash:  ya really i hope so.... holding out but....07:04
PuppyFAJALOU - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/Wireless.png07:04
FAJALOU!flash | i-is-da-best07:04
ubottui-is-da-best: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:05
Veyronalka_trash, you guys talking about Broadcom wireless?07:05
histo_i-is-da-best: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree07:05
PuppyFAJALOU - and ive double checked its exactly the same driver07:05
FAJALOUwell alka_trash here's the funny thing; i literally have to run my card through both ath_pci and ndiswrapper to get it to work... -.-07:05
alka_trashno, but I have one07:05
FAJALOUPuppy:   try      sudo modprobe ndiswrapper07:05
PuppyFAJALOU - check the screenshot, already have07:05
maxxistanyone else just absolutely love xubuntu under virtualbox?  the guest additions are phenomenal!!!07:06
FAJALOUya alka_trash  http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=93557307:06
FAJALOUthere is how to get my card to workkkk.07:06
maxxistvirtualbox is not as fast as parallels  but its more than good enough.  and free is good ;P07:07
FAJALOUalka_trash:  any thoughts?07:07
alka_trashFAJALOU: Wow!,07:07
FAJALOU!caps | brett07:07
ubottubrett: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:07
=== brett is now known as Guest45689
maxxistwhats up brett?07:07
FAJALOUya..... -.-07:07
Puppy!anyone brett07:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anyone brett07:07
Guest45689i cant get ubuntu to play dvd's for the life of me07:07
FAJALOUand then sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't07:07
linux_manjuWhy does mksquashfs /tmp/arena/new/ test.sq -noappend  results in /new/files&folders not /files&folders ?07:07
FAJALOUis your cd capable of reading dvds?07:07
linux_manjuCan any one help mw here please07:07
maxxistbrett did you install the codecs?07:08
PuppyFAJALOU - once you got the card workign, you shoudl get wirless network options under network right ?07:08
maxxistbrett did you try installing vlc?07:08
FAJALOUPuppy:  do you see the little applet upper right hand corner right?07:08
FAJALOUleft-click on that; can you see your wifie?07:08
Guest45689i did07:08
PuppyFAJALOU - the network thing yeah, when i click that it only shows moden and lan07:08
PuppyFAJALOU - no wireless07:08
maxxistvlc wont even play them?07:08
FAJALOUalka_trash: can you think of anything else ?? :(07:08
Guest45689i used wine and installed the windows one07:08
VeyronSomeone familiar with the XandR extension? Can't change my screen resolution07:09
maxxistuse the linux version.  its in the repos07:09
Guest45689is there one for ubuntu?07:09
oalepi loved vlc until i used bsplayer, and bsplayer owned vlc07:09
alka_trashFAJALOU:   well, from personal experience I don't trust network manager 607:09
Guest45689do i want bsplayer instead?07:09
FAJALOUya iv'e heard that one before...07:09
maxxistoalep really? never even heard of it07:09
alka_trashtry using iwconfig tool07:09
FAJALOUi'm 99.9999% sure it's network manager07:09
Puppyalka_trash - you know much about settin gup wireless card ?07:10
FAJALOUnot a real steady hand with iwconfig tools....?07:10
oalepmaxxist well dont know if it has been ported to linux, but you can wine it07:10
maxxistbrett.  I suggest VLC in the repos07:10
Guest45689alright. i will give it a shot07:10
Puppyalka_trash - any idea why its not bringing up wireless settings for me ? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/Wireless.png07:10
maxxistbrett i dont know of any file or dvd VLC wont play07:10
alka_trashFAJALOU: you could try network manager from PPA repos07:10
Guest45689and um. the only wireless i can get to work on my machine is the USB adapter i bought07:10
alka_trashFAJALOU: or maybe upgrading to Ubuntu 8.1007:11
oalepmaxxist true that, but some of the codecs of vlc, have dab displaying with certain graphic cards. dont ask me why07:11
Guest45689the card is like it's not even there07:11
FAJALOUwhere would that be?07:11
=== PEAKTOP is now known as PEAKTOP^work
alka_trashFAJALOU: Which one?07:11
ubuntu_toddWhat's good program in ubuntu so that I can watch TV just like live station in Mac?07:11
maxxistsorry man i am no good with wireless on  ubuntu07:11
Guest45689me neither i just stick with what works07:11
maxxistoalep good to know07:11
bullgard4ubuntu_todd: Kaffeine07:12
FAJALOUalka_trash:  haha i don't trust 8.10 quite yet07:12
FAJALOUalka_trash:  to the ppa ones?07:12
Guest45689ugh i got school tomorrow. high school sucks sleeping sucks. VLC then bed.07:12
alka_trashFAJALOU: I understand, just a sec07:12
ubuntu_toddbullgard4: are the channels good? are the quality good?07:12
FAJALOUPuppy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=601441907:12
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out07:13
PuppyFAJALOU - what am i looking at there ?07:14
PuppyFAJALOU - iwconfig ?07:14
maxxistGuest45689  let me know if it works for you.07:14
FAJALOUdo you know if you are on 32-bit or 64-bit machine?07:14
alka_trashFAJALOU: do you know how to add a repository?07:14
FAJALOUalka_trash:  more or less ;)07:15
PuppyFAJALOU i go try it07:15
alka_trashFAJALOU: okay  -   https://launchpad.net/~network-manager/+archive07:15
FAJALOUif you just give me the links i can save them.07:15
bullgard4ubuntu_todd: I like the channels. The qualtiy is as good as the DVB-T standard allows. Very good.07:15
FAJALOUthanks alka_trash07:15
maxxistGuest45689 may i suggest installing the mozilla-vlc plugin also.  works good for websites07:15
alka_trashFAJALOU: you bet - I haven't done this,  so good luck, these personal packaged directory07:16
FAJALOUok thanks, it's working.... for now. so thanks agian07:16
alka_trashFAJALOU: if it doesn't work, you should remove it and re-install the old one07:16
FAJALOUor go with wicd :P07:16
FAJALOUanyhoo night07:16
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:16
maxxistok peeps.  I am so sold on VirtualBox 2.02   its awesome!!!!  ubuntu is flawless under it on my mac.07:17
sjeado i need cup aswell as samba?07:17
n00bierkarsten, thank you.. ill try :)07:17
histosjea: what are you trying to do?07:18
histomaxxist: vbox rocks07:18
sjeahave xp see my printer07:18
sjeaif worked on this fo rabout 3 weeks i know im missing something07:18
histosjea: just share the printer07:19
sjealol will try that07:19
histosjea: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP07:20
maxxisthisto i am surprised a virtual machine of this quality is free!!!07:20
karstenn00bier: NP.07:21
histomaxxist: yeah i've been using it since it came out.07:21
histomaxxist: well vmware is free also.07:21
maxxisthisto  what??  really?07:21
sjeaok it was shaired07:21
maxxisthisto  i heard it has better 3d capabilities????07:22
sjeanow i have to ad url07:22
histomaxxist: vmware player is free07:22
sjeathat did not seem to work last time07:22
=== suparjo_parmin is now known as ce_cesilia
node357histo, can you run any OS in VMWare?07:22
=== Badfish69 is now known as badfish69
histonode357: yeah just like virtualbox. I Prefer using virtualbox because its ose07:22
maxxistnode357 have you tried vbox2 yet?  its quite polished!!07:22
tim__How's everyone doin?07:23
node357maxxist, nom I've never tried it07:23
node357hi tim__ doing okay you?07:23
tim__hangin in there!  trying to figure this whole thing out....new to linux07:24
maxxistnode357 go download it from suns site.  I have run everything from windows, dos, ubuntu, fedora.  without a hitch.07:24
node357maxxist, awesome. I may try it07:24
maxxistI am going to try a VM within a VM.  I bet its gonna be slow07:24
powertoo108Can anyone help me with a wpa_supplicant connection error ioctl[siocsiwauth] operation not supported07:25
node357hah yeah that would probably be pretty slow07:25
maxxistnode357 make sure after the os is installed and all updates are done.  you install the guest additions.  makes the VM waaay faster and ads better support for video.  my ubuntu X resolution resizes on the fly when I resize the window its in.  even to full screen.07:26
badfish69how can i add a blank line to grub?07:27
maxxistnode357 evertime you install an updated kernel you will have to reinstall te guest additions.  so dont do kernel updates too often.07:27
roganhow can I get Amarok to corectly play and read m4a and id3v2 tags07:28
legend2440badfish69: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4051107:28
powertoo108badfish69: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst follow the template of the others with a title of spaces?07:28
maxxistwow.  on my mac.  I have spaces working with virtualbox.  so my second desktop is my xubuntu full screen.  works really nice.07:28
n00bierwhen i use internet browsers in ubuntu.. they grey out all the time.. if i use same browsers in windows.. that doesnt happen.. any ideas? its a netbook..07:29
Puppylegend2440 - http://pastebin.com/d764d01a4 - any ideas ?07:29
=== histo_ is now known as histo
rogann00bier: use firefox07:29
monica0519can someone plz help me with a wifi problem?07:30
monica0519its complicated07:30
Puppymonica0519 - im also having wifi issue, whats the problem ?07:30
roganwhats wrong with it07:30
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:30
jwilsonlooking to fix hotkey fn f2 on eeepc07:30
Puppyrogan - recon you coudl help me with this - http://pastebin.com/d764d01a407:31
monica0519oh boy, well, my pci card isnt recognized by the system07:31
n00bierrogan, firefox is even worse than opera..07:31
Puppymonica0519 - is that the problem ? what card is it ?07:31
maxxistmonica0519 is it a supported card?07:31
eagle_no sounds07:31
monica0519web browsers that are cool: galeon, epiphany, netsurf07:31
VeyronHelp, I can't change my screen resolution - something about XRandR...07:32
paul68morning is there anybody who knows how to convert local ip adresses to A6 records for the DNS config07:32
roganmonica0519 may need a new driver07:32
monica0519it is an Atheos card07:32
Puppymonica0519 - whats the card ?07:32
maxxistmonica0519 may need to build a driver07:32
jwilsonany one know eeepc and fn f2 issue with crashing?07:32
monica0519Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)07:32
Puppymonica0519 you mean Atheros07:33
paul68!madfiwifi |monica051907:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about madfiwifi07:33
tonyyarussololz.  Just read a blog post predicting the demise of Wikipedia, Google, Huffington Post, and YouTube.07:33
powertoo108!madwifi | monica051907:33
ubottumonica0519: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:33
Indoctrine!offtopic | tonyyarusso07:33
paul68!madwifi |monica051907:33
ubottutonyyarusso: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:33
Puppymonica0519 - look at - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1881.html07:33
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monica0519i installed that, i blacklisted the other drivers as well per the community doc, but i cant find a driver07:34
sjeathis can't be this hard07:34
tonyyarussoIndoctrine: doh, sorry - I thought that was my active tab...07:34
Indoctrinetonyyarusso: Hehe07:34
killyour1vHello everyone!07:34
Puppymonica0519 - installed what ? the drivers ?07:34
monica0519from synaptic07:34
maxxistsjea what cant be?07:34
jwilsonfn f2 crashes ubuntu on my eee pc07:34
killyour1vDoes anyone know of the current alsa bug in 8.04?07:35
sjeastill stuck on this printer sharing07:35
Puppyrogan - any chance you coudl take a look at my issue ?07:35
sjeasorry for getting mad07:35
sjeabut just can;t figur this out07:35
eagle_help,i install the ubuntu in the VMware,it has no sounds,whats wrong?07:35
roganwhat your wifi card?07:35
maxxistsjea what cant you figure out?07:35
Puppyrogan - dynamode gl 60007:35
sjeai guess configuring samba07:36
maxxisteagle_ did you turn on audio for that vm in vmware itself?07:36
killyour1veagle, wich version of ubuntu ?07:36
sjeaso that my xp box can see printer07:36
Puppyrogan - WL-GI-600XA (54Mbps Wireless PCI Card)07:36
=== blaylok is now known as blay
maxxisteagle_ sorry i dont know vmware at all.  but is there guest additions to install that may install the driver?07:37
killyour1vi also habe problem with sound in 8.0407:37
roganPuppy: is it recognised at all?07:37
killyour1vnot in the repository07:37
Puppyrogan - yeah its picked up, did you look at he pastebin ?07:37
killyour1vyou have to compile the additions yourself07:37
Puppyrogan - line 4 http://pastebin.com/d764d01a407:38
Puppyrogan also see - http://pastebin.com/d764d01a407:38
Puppyrogan - also see - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/Wireless.png07:38
maxxistkillyour1v  this probably is not going to help but VirtualBox has a really nice installer for its additions.  and my sound works...07:39
roganhave you tried to connect without wifi encryption?07:39
killyour1vpersonally, i prefer virtualbox over vmware...07:39
killyour1vdoes anyone know about the alsa bug in v8.04?07:40
maxxistkillyour1v  right now i certainly do.  it is working awesome for me.07:40
killyour1vi have sound, but can't control alsamixer07:40
maxxistkillyour1v  oh.  but isnt 8.04 running pulse?07:40
roganPuppy: have you tried to connect w/o wifi encryption?07:40
ubuntu_toddbullgard4: I just installed live station07:41
killyour1vyes, but i tried to switch to alsa...and didn't get it running :(07:41
maxxistkillyour1v  no likey pulseaudio??07:42
puffHiyall... I'm temporarily stuck on an ubuntu live CD until my new laptop HD gets here.  For some reason I can't watch flash videos (youtube, etc).  They tell me to update flash, I follow the link, install adobe's flash 10 apt, restart but they still tell me to update flash.07:42
killyour1vi'm just not used to it :)07:42
bullgard4ubuntu_todd: I do not know the term "live station".07:42
killyour1vok, i think i have to read the pulseaudio docs...07:43
maxxistkillyour1v  ditto.  but my audio needs are limited in linux.  i use ssshhhh macosx for everything else.07:43
Puppyrogan - i cant even get the wifi menu up07:43
OhmuIs LV around?07:43
mattsqzintrepid is great so far07:43
mattsqzeverything works just tots on this dell lappy, installing on the toshiba now07:44
ubuntu__hi there, anyone around?07:44
ubuntu__i need help installing, can u help me to set partitions, whats recommended to use?07:44
SebbohI'm sure a few of the 1280 people in here are awake, ubuntu__.07:45
ubuntu__3gig ram -> 4 gig swap, rest firing as logical partition in / ?07:45
mattsqzmain desktop has it and the media center is getting it right now, if it works then it gets mythbuntu07:45
maxxistubuntu__  the guided partitioning works good.07:45
ubuntu__or better use a /boot partition too?07:45
ubuntu__maxxist: yeah but I need to get rid of old partitions07:45
maxxistubuntu__  but i really suggest a seperate partition for /home07:46
Sebbohubuntu__: if you've got a whole harddrive to spare, with nothing on it, then use the "pick for me" option.07:46
ubuntu__guys, sda1 is windows vista...07:46
ubuntu__thats my problem:D07:46
PuppySebboh - any good with wireless problems ?07:46
Puppykillyour1v - hey, dasei said your good with wireless07:46
ubuntu__ok here we go07:46
maxxistubuntu__  what size drive?07:46
ubuntu__I got 68 gig07:46
ubuntu__to spare for ubuntu07:46
annimarhi there. I already tried it yesterday without success. So here I go again.07:46
maxxistubuntu__  how much you give vista?07:46
ubuntu__vista has 27 gig07:47
annimarCan anyone check if this bug affects him/her: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/28485707:47
SebbohPuppy: actually, no.  I'm good at many things, but 802.11* isn't one of them.07:47
maxxistubuntu__  o suggest 8gb for /      - 2-4gb for swap.     and rest for /home07:47
PuppySebboh - well it more related to gettign the hardware to show up than the actual wireless configuration07:47
ubuntu__is 8gb enough I ve im gonna use lotsa stuff compiz/oo/gimp ?07:48
maxxistubuntu__  no problem07:48
SebbohPuppy: gah.  Use lspci to find the name of your wireless hardware, then google for that name +ubuntu07:48
ubuntu__maxxist: thank you :)07:48
maxxistubuntu__  linux software is nowhere near the same size as windows07:48
JointYeah. true07:48
maxxistubuntu__  mainly because of shared libraries07:49
Jointbut linux is getting better. than windows that's for sure.07:49
feng14ubuntu__  100M for /boot07:49
Sebbohmaxxist: uh, I'd do more than 8g for /, but maybe that's just me.07:49
prodigelHow can I reset my keyboard settings? Some keys stopped functioning after I've upgraded to intrepid, and after days of updates still don't work.07:49
ubuntu__i will make 100mb /boot (primary) rest logical and 4 gig swap, 8gig /home and rest /07:49
ubuntu__8gig / and rest home07:49
Jointubuntu_ you from argentina07:50
ubuntu__Joint: no, unfortunately no..07:50
annimaris anyone in here using abiword?07:50
maxxistubuntu__  everyone else says more for /07:50
PuppySebboh - i kinda got that already07:50
Jointjust wondering.07:50
SebbohPuppy, see, told ya I wasn't much help. :)07:50
PuppySebboh - habve a look at - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/Wireless.png and - http://pastebin.com/d764d01a407:50
killyour1vPuppy, what problem do you have with wireless?07:50
maxxistubuntu__  i never needed more than that.  but....07:50
Sebbohno, actually, I've got an issue of my own right now..07:50
Puppykillyour1v - habve a look at - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v638/DivineDSN/Wireless.png and - http://pastebin.com/d764d01a407:51
ubuntu__maxxist: well Im wondering, whats the max that I need...07:51
maxxistubuntu__  like i say i never needed more than that.  remember they can fit almost a whole desktop OS on a live CD.  which is only 700 mb07:51
maxxistubuntu__  which is the stuff that will end up in /.     so i think 8gb is more than enough07:52
woden1Does anyone know of an easy way to reencode wmv into mpeg-4 for an ipod?07:52
feng14ubuntu__ just do it, 8gig is enough07:52
ubuntu__thanx guys you really helped me07:52
annimarubuntu__: 8GB really is enough07:52
xTheGoat121xHas anyone in here tried FunPidgin, or CarrierIM as it is now called?07:53
roganPuppy: did you try to install the driver with ndiswrapper?07:53
Puppyrogan yeah07:53
maxxistubuntu__  remember all of your data and content is stored in /home.  thats why you want it to be the biggest07:53
SebbohQuestion: I'm looking at an apt repos, and I see Packages.gz..  But, what should my deb line look like in sources.list?  http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/monkeyiq/xUbuntu_8.04/ that's the repos.  The structure isn't what I'd expect.. Can I still work with it?07:53
annimaragain: is there someone here who has installed abiword on intrepid?07:53
puffFlash, anybody?07:54
Puppythe driver is sinstalled. the .inf anyway, do i have to do the .sys also, i thought the inf shoudl do that07:54
maxxistannimar  abiword problem?07:54
ubuntu__maxxist: ok, I got it:D07:54
ubuntu__can you adivse me any guide on ubuntu?07:54
annimarmaxxist: Yeah, I just wanted to know if this bug only affects me (on intrepid), so that I can tell if my setup is screwed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/28485707:55
wzjHello Everyone i'm new07:56
Puppywzj welcome :d07:56
Puppywzj - i hope you have a better time installign than i am lol07:56
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ubuntu__maxxist: like if you want to install stuff that isnt in /etc/apt/sources.list, (e.g. ~x86 of compiz or fluxbox) what is the best way to install those?07:56
ubuntu__maxxist: compiling by hand form the downloaded source?07:57
maxxistubuntu__  find other repos i find to be the simplest.07:57
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
ubuntu__maxxist: mh, are those always exisiting?07:57
maxxistubuntu__  when you start compiling stuff yourself you can buggar up your dependencies and such...07:58
ubuntu__maxxist: yup thats the problem...07:58
tdawgedoggwhen i get to > in terminal how do i get back?07:58
woden1Ctrl + c07:58
maxxistubuntu__ no not always available.  sometimes bleeding edge software isnt worth it anyways.07:58
maxxistannimar  sorry man mine works fine.07:58
annimarmaxxist: damned. :-(07:59
maxxistannimar   english though07:59
annimarmaxxist: I tried it in English as well. Crashes here too. :-/07:59
sarthorHi, Driver E: on my windows forlder is shared, how can i synchronize my Linux Drive with remove drive, the Windows ip is help please.07:59
tdawgedoggdo i put " around the website when i use wget?07:59
ubuntu__maxxist: ok, well for fluxbox and compiz i need to go for developer releases tho.07:59
Ohmu__I'm trying to setup a Wireless Access-Point from my Ubuntu box.  I have got a DHCP-server running.  Can someone help me set up NAT/MASQ/etc?07:59
wzjCan you tell me where are you from?07:59
woden1tdawgedogg: man wget07:59
Sebbohtdawgedogg: if the url contains & and such, yes.07:59
maxxistannimar  really?   wow odd.  submit bug report?07:59
Sebbohwoden1: be more productive.  It's a shell question, man wget will not help.08:00
maxxistubuntu__  you can build em yourself.  i just suggest using the repos.  better compatibility08:00
mattsqzfluxbox and compiz..interesting08:00
annimarmaxxist: To the abiword folks? I already did that. They couldn't reproduce it on their Debian installation. Now there is only my launchpad bugreport left you've just read.08:00
Sebbohtdawgedogg: you can use ' around the url for best results.  But it's not required for simple urls (that don't contain a bunch of ?foo=bar&foo=bar junk).08:00
ubuntu__mattsqz: not in combination ofc.08:01
maxxistyeah i didnt know there was many compiz effects for flux08:01
mis1i cannot set my resolution beyond 1280*800 the ideal resolution of my monitor is 1360*768, i've nvidia graphic card and already installed the drivers anyone help08:01
ubuntu__maxxist: there arent any... :S08:01
annimarubuntu__ I woul only install non standard software that is not in the repos if really absolutely necessary. You can get really into trouble when you upgrade to a new Ubuntu release. My suggestion: Stay with the official repos.08:02
maxxistannimar sorry bro.  maybe also submit to ubuntu team???08:02
maxxistannimar maybe bad ubuntu build.08:02
maxxistannimar also i am using xubuntu...  maybe different08:02
mis1i cannot set my resolution beyond 1280*800 the ideal resolution of my monitor is 1360*768, i've nvidia graphic card and already installed the drivers anyone help08:03
maxxistmisl what kind of nvidia card?08:03
MowreyHello. How may I install a driver for my dial-up modem?08:03
ubuntu__annimar: yeah, but I just need some of those features, thats my problem.. isnt there a way to easily uninstall software that you compiled from source?08:03
annimarmaxxist: Yeah, xubuntu might be different08:03
mis1graphic card08:03
maxxistmisl dont spam the channel08:03
Puppythis is killign me.. im sooo close lol08:03
maxxistmisl which nvidia chipset is it?08:03
MowreyI can't use my Ubuntu on the Internet, because I can't get it to connect to the Internet.08:03
rodrif /quit08:04
mis1you mean the model number08:04
roganPuppy: try looking through http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=5012509808:04
annimarmaxxist: Maybe I find someone in here who is running ubuntu and can give it a shot.08:04
DaSkreech can someone look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/61397/ and tell me why it's failing?08:04
karstenubuntu__: WRT partitioning:  1) most people don't do multiple partitions, 2) I don't dual boot and 3) I _like_ multiple partitions.  That said, if you want to have an idea of how much space to allocate to various partitions, see:  http://linuxmafia.com/~karsten/Linux/FAQs/partition.html08:04
DaSkreechThere doesn't seem to be a explicit fail message08:04
mis1maxxist: it is 7200Gs08:05
maxxistmisl  which geforce is it?08:05
ubuntu__karsten: cheers,thanks08:05
=== Indoctrine is now known as Doccy|PS2
DaSkreechThere is a  lot of no at the end08:05
DaSkreechbut I can't see what's missing08:05
Puppyrogan trying08:05
cedriczghi again08:05
puffCan anybody help me get flash video working in firefox?08:05
n00bierwhen i use internet browsers in ubuntu.. they grey out all the time.. if i use same browsers in windows.. that doesnt happen.. any ideas? its a netbook..08:05
karstenDaSkreech: For starters, you've got the wrong package name.08:05
DaSkreechkarsten: Hmm ?08:05
maxxistmisl did you see nvidia logo when you started into the GUI???08:06
annimaris someone here running abiword on ubuntu (intrepid) - not xubuntu, edubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu studio, christian edition and other derivatives ;-) ?08:06
ShitalLinHow i can open the port in firewall???08:06
puffn00bier: Try installing flashblock.08:06
maxxistmisl just to check if the driver is working...08:06
karstennode357: Define "gerey out"08:06
DaSkreechkarsten: Which package ?08:06
n00bierpuff, i want the flash.. hehe08:06
cedriczgpuff, check on http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux08:06
badfish69i changed the background on my login screen, but i still get that orangish brown screen between the splash and the login and between login and desktop. how can i change that to black?08:06
karstenDaSkreech: Well, linux-source-=2.6.22 isn't found.  Modulo typos.08:07
puffn00bier: I had a similar problem.  First of all, that graying out happens when the application process stops responding.  Second of all, it turned out it stopped responding because of an out-of-control flash ad.08:07
puffn00bier: flashblock just replaces the flash with an icon you can click if you decide you actually *want* to run it.08:07
n00bierkarsten, the windows is grey and i cant click on anything for some seconds08:07
puffcedriczg: Yeah, that's what I did.08:07
DaSkreechkarsten: Oh already did a install linux-source08:08
sarthorHi, Driver E: on windows forlder is shared, how can i synchronize my Linux Drive with remove drive, the Windows ip is help please. my linux ip is
cedriczgpuff, If you get a gery flash instead try to restart firefox08:08
DaSkreechSo that pulled in 2.6.2408:08
n00bierpuff, does flashblock work for opera?08:08
karstenDaSkreech: So what's the problem then?08:08
cedriczgpuff, I found Opera does a good job although I hadn't used it much.08:08
karstenn00bier: Dunno.08:08
karstenn00bier: What browser(s)?08:08
DaSkreechkarsten: That's what I'm asking :) At the end of the Creative installer routine it just stops08:09
karstenDaSkreech: What are you installing?08:09
puffcedriczg: Selected deb-for-ubuntu, downloaded & installed & restarted, but still get "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. "08:09
n00bierkarsten, hm?08:09
MowreyHello, I want to connect to the Internet through Dial-Up on an Inspiron|E1505.08:09
cedriczgDoes anyone know why ubuntu window manager set by default, does not show the personalized message in the login screen?08:09
DaSkreechCreative SB X-Fi08:09
MowreyHow can I do that?08:09
n00bierkarsten, using opera08:09
puffn00bier: Flashblock is a firefox plugin, but I'm sure there's an eqiuvalent for opera.08:09
cedriczgpuff, oh. ok. The other issue08:09
puffcedriczg: The other issue?08:09
karstenn00bier: <<shrug>  I don't use Opera.  Might see what behavior you get with Firefox or Konqueror.08:10
ubuntu__question, can you turn off ubuntus bootlogo /08:10
cedriczgpuff, I mean it's not even working for you08:10
sarthorplease correct me.  rsync /media/Data/ sarthor@\e$  what is the syntax to write the Windows Drives , with "/" or "\"???08:10
puffcedriczg: Yes.08:10
n00bierkarsten, the issue is much worse in firefox actually08:10
cedriczgpuff, what site are you trying?08:10
Frogzooubuntu__: you can change all the boot menus08:10
puffcedriczg: youtube.com08:10
puffcedriczg: But I haven't been able to get it anywahere.08:10
ubuntu__Frogzoo: Frogzoo ok, how do I get to take changes there?08:10
karstenn00bier: I guess I'd have to see it.08:10
Frogzooubuntu__: you google "ubuntu boot screen"08:11
cedriczgpuff, try installing opera to see if you have same kind of issues08:11
puffcedriczg: er, I haven't been able to get any video to install.08:11
DaSkreechCreative SB X-Fi Extreme Audio if it makes a difference karsten08:11
n00bierkarsten, yeah.. i just think its weird since my older, slower netbook, didnt do it as often as this one08:11
karstenDaSkreech: Um, you're installing some sort of Createive Blaster/Soundblaster driver?  No f*ing clue, sorry.08:11
karstenn00bier: Got me.08:11
zizhanHello. My laptop uses nvidia 9600GT, and My system is ubuntu 8.04. I install nvidia's newest dirver 177.78. However, I feel my firefox and terminal runs very slow. By the program "top" I find that Xorg usually consumes a large part of cpu(from 30% to 70%). How can I solve this problem? thanks a lot.08:11
ubuntu__Frogzoo: ok, when my ubuntu is back up working that is I will do. thanks08:11
n00biercedriczg, i dont think puff is having that problem.. hehe..08:11
n00biercedriczg, i think puff was helping me :p08:11
DaSkreechkarsten: no clues as to what it might want from the compiler output?08:11
sarthorplease correct me.  rsync /media/Data/ sarthor@\e$  what is the syntax to write the Windows Drives , with "/" or "\"? PLEASE HELP A BIT08:11
annimarsomeone using abiword on standard ubuntu intrepid here?08:12
OpenPsychohere animar08:12
OpenPsychoannimar, yes i am using it!08:12
puffn00bier: I am in fact having a problem getting flash video to work.08:12
cedriczg Does anyone know how to set ubuntu window manager's message for ubuntu default screen login?08:12
MowreyNobody helps, just as I figured.08:12
n00bierpuff, hehe08:12
annimarOpenPsycho: could you check if this bug affects you, too, o that I can see if my setup is screwed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/28485708:12
MowreyNo problem...08:13
puffcedriczg: Odd,sudo aptitude search opera --> no matches.08:13
OpenPsychoannimar, ok08:13
puffcedriczg: Oh, I was thinking of konquerer, which I've installed from apt before.08:13
annimarOpenPsycho: You mean, the dialog works for you?08:14
OpenPsychoannimar, i am checking please wait.08:14
puffcedriczg: Still, do you think opera might work?08:14
cedriczgpuff, it's in non-free repositories08:14
maxxistomfg  a .deb for adobe flash.  i am shocked!!!08:15
cedriczgpuff, you don't lose anything to try and it's a very good web browser08:15
puffcedriczg: Isit in a custom repo?08:15
bofh80cedriczg, System > Administration > Login Window ?08:15
puffcedriczg: I have universe, multiverse, etc, enabled.08:15
OpenPsychoannimar, yes it crashed!08:15
cedriczgbofh80, yes. I went there. But after setting it it wont appear08:15
cedriczgbofh80, can you try and let me know?08:15
maxxistannimar sweet you arent crazy!!!  hehe08:16
cedriczgpuff, try non-free as well08:16
annimarOpenPsycho: Can you add to the bug report that this affects you too, or don't you have a launchpad account?08:16
bofh80cedriczg, you are setting it on the Local display and not he remote yes?08:16
annimarmaxxist: Can't say what a relief that is. ;-)08:16
cedriczgpuff, http://packages.medibuntu.org/08:16
OpenPsychowait i will create one right away08:16
maxxistannimar i bet!!08:16
cedriczgpuff, not sure if it's in those repos08:16
sarthorplease correct me.  rsync /media/Data/ sarthor@\e$  what is the syntax to write the Windows Drives , with "/" or "\"???08:17
cedriczgpuff, try to add it to your repository sources08:17
OpenPsychoannimar, can the error log be pasted?08:17
cedriczgpuff, under system > administration08:17
cedriczgbofh80, that's right08:17
annimarOpenPsycho: Of course it can be, but I couldn't find any crash log.08:18
cedriczgbofh80, the strange thing is that I can see it with other themes for login screen08:18
OpenPsychoi got alot of crash log!08:18
maxxistannimar I hope it gets fixed soon then.  Abiword is an awesome word processor.08:18
OpenPsychocan i dump it on ur messenger window ?08:18
OpenPsychoyea maxxist it is!08:18
annimarmaxxist: I hope they fix it before 8.10 final08:18
scuserhi all, any help with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/61404/ ?08:18
OpenPsychoannimar, can i dump the logs in ur messenger window ?08:18
cedriczgbofh80, for example I can see it using debian greeter08:18
annimarOpenPsycho: You can dump it as a comment to the bug report if you like08:19
OpenPsychook sure08:19
cedriczgbofh80, but whn trying out with 'Human' no message appears...08:19
Woody86does anyone know if switching between gnome, xfce, and KDE really make a difference in battery life on a laptop?08:19
OpenPsychoannimar, did u try running it from the console?08:20
cedriczgWoody86, I think it may depend on processor consumption08:20
mattsqzwoody86 i dont know but now i want to...will take days to find out08:20
annimarOpenPsycho: no, not yet. Right now I'm at work and can't check on it.08:20
OpenPsychoannimar, i tried running it from console...and there are these logs...posting it!08:21
maxxistWoody i would say yes.  but its an uneducated guess.  it makes sense that it would use less cpu cycles for a simpler gui.  and therefor use less power????08:21
annimarOpenPsycho: Thanks! That would be a great addition to the bug report08:21
Woody86cedriczg -  well, just running a web browser usually08:21
cedriczgWoody86, But I don't think it would do much difference. Have you found any?08:21
maxxistWoody86 i think that would esspecially make sense with a newer scaling processor08:22
roganPuppy: any luck?08:22
OpenPsychoannimar, my pleasure:008:22
DaSkreechAnyone familiar with installing from source ?08:22
Woody86mattsqz -  I know, I have an 8 hour battery life in Ubuntu, so it would probably take a couple days to find out :(08:22
cedriczgDaSkreech, what program are you trying to install?08:22
DaSkreechcedriczg: Driver08:23
killyour1vi can't turn on/off my wireless chip, does anyone know where i can configure the key binding?08:23
Woody86cedriczg -  I haven't tested yet :(08:23
cedriczgDaSkreech, have you read the readme file already?08:23
DaSkreechcedriczg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61397/08:23
maxxistwoody86  8HRS!!!! wtf???  how? what system.  thats awesme08:23
Woody86maxxist -  I have a Celeron M, so no scaling08:23
cedriczgWoody86, you can let us know after you test it ;)08:23
kosharikillyour1v what pc do you have, you may need a module for the specific pc08:24
mis1maxxist:I had a disconn08:24
Woody86maxxist -  just an old Compaq, 1.73 Celeron M, 2GB ram, and a huge battery off eBay :D08:24
mattsqzone of my lappys..the toshiba. 1hr battery life when brand new :(08:24
maxxistWoody86  must be nice though.  8 hours.  i bet it doesnt heat up too much then too??08:25
killyour1vkoshari - i have an fujitsu siemens amilo pro v821008:25
mis1maxxist; What do you suggest my solution is08:25
Woody86I know on my old battery KDE would slow down when the battery gets low08:25
maxxistmisl hehe.   do you know for sure your nvidia driver is installed?08:25
mis1yeah sure08:25
killyour1vwhat could be the name of the module?08:25
kosharikillyour1v have you searched linux laptops to see ifanyone else has got it working?08:25
Woody86mattsqz -  Yeah, before I replaced my battery I was getting 10min before it would die08:25
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
Woody86maxxist -  it is very nice, I can charge it overnight, and use it all day without any problems :) It doesn't get too warm, but my fan runs quite a bit08:27
maxxistmisl  have you tried manually adding the resolutions to your xorg.conf?08:27
rogancharge fully unplug your charger then let it die > then charge it to full without running your laptop .. usualy works08:27
mattsqzi get about 30-45min nowadays..i just got this dell and frankensteined it into decency with parts, havent had it up long enough to test battery life08:27
kosharikillyour1v for example i have an acer TM which needs the acerhk package for the wifi and BT functions to turn off and on08:27
mis1how do i do that08:27
killyour1vit worked in an older version of ubuntu...i've been able to control the volume either...all this is not working in 8.04..08:27
DaSkreechcedriczg: Anything that looks funny as  to why it would die?08:27
cedriczgbofh80, did you find what I was talking about?08:27
kosharikillyour1v ok well you can prolly disregard my advice08:27
killyour1vkoshari : thanks for that hint... i will ask google of any modules08:27
cedriczgDaSkreech, I was checking. Couldn't find yet any packages you may be missing.08:28
maxxistmisl well you need to check it out first.  look at the file itself.  its /etc/X11/xorg.conf   view and and read on how to properly edit it.08:28
annimarOpenPsycho: Did you already add your comment to the bug report?08:28
maxxistmisl  its actually not too hard.08:28
OpenPsychoannimar, no i am adding it please wait.08:28
kosharikillyour1v if you still have an earlier live disc it worked with you could lsmod and see what modules are loaded in relation to it08:28
cedriczgDaSkreech, did you check this: *** Please make sure that the same compiler version was used for building kernel.08:28
maxxistmisl let me find you a link that might help to understand it.08:28
mis1maxxist: how do i open the file, i am in the directory08:30
OpenPsychoannimar, you are using the updated kernel is it?08:30
Ohmu_wtf_I'm trying to setup a Wireless Access-Point from my Ubuntu box.  I have got a DHCP-server running.  Can someone help me set up NAT/MASQ/etc?08:30
OpenPsychoannimar, it crashed on me on generic-2.6.24 !!08:31
puffcedriczg: added medibuntu repo, got the key, updated, still get nothing from "sudo aptitude search opera"08:31
annimarOpenPsycho: yes, intrepid with all the latest updates08:31
maxxistmisl  "gedit xorg.conf"   will open it in read only mode.08:31
maxxistif you want to edit it you will need to "sudo gedit xorg.conf"08:31
annimarOpenPsycho: This seems to be a high level problem.08:31
killyour1vkoshari : thx for your help...i try to figure out which version worked...and i need to get an old live cd ;)08:31
=== Ohmu_wtf_ is now known as Ohmu
roganHow can I get Amarok to play M4a format and correctly display/read id3v2 tags?08:32
J-_http://pastebin.com/m3fbb79f0 Does that look right?08:32
portablejimWhen I try to md5sum a CD, it keeps soming up with the error: "md5sum: /dev/scd1: Input/output error"08:32
Woody86what's the best looking IRC client out there?08:32
cedriczgpuff, ~$ sudo aptitude search opera08:32
cedriczgi   opera                           - The Opera Web Browser08:32
OpenPsychoannimar, for now i hope it gets solved!08:32
onealðóññêèå åñòü ?08:32
maxxistmisl  may i suggest really reading about this before your bork your GUI.  you dont want to be reinstalling right away. hehe08:32
cedriczgpuff, let me check again which repos you may need to add08:32
maxxistwoody86 xchat!!!08:33
annimarOpenPsycho: I am quite curious if your crashlog gives any further info on where the problem might be08:33
blue-frogJ-_: do you resolve names correctly?08:33
onealðóññêèå åñòü ?08:33
puffWhere do I list the actual plugins, etc, in firefox, to see if firefox thinks flash is installed?08:33
maxxistpuff  about:plugins08:33
Woody86maxxist -  does that still have that annoying X logo?08:33
J-_blue-frog:  no08:33
onealîòâå÷àé áëÿ08:33
Woody86and still have a tray icon while it's open?08:33
maxxistwoody86 lol yeah08:33
blue-frogJ-_: you give nameservers names instead of IP.08:34
mis1maxxist: what about me pasting the entire parameters in the file to you adn you analysing it for me08:34
Woody86maxxist -  that's actually the reason I got rid of it :)08:34
blue-frogJ-_: so you are trying to resolve names for the nameserver itself08:34
blue-frogJ-_: while your machine doesn't know where to resolve names. dog bites its tail08:34
maxxistmisl  look down into the screen section.08:35
onealwho knows is command AND1 MixTape ?08:35
cedriczgpuff, did you add uri:http://packages.medibuntu.org/ distribution:hardy (for me) components:free non-free08:35
J-_blue-frog:  so the DNS entries should have my server's name?08:35
blue-frogJ-_: IP not names08:35
cedriczgpuff, under third party tab08:35
ori /server irc.w3.org 666508:36
mattsqzwoody, i used to like irssi havent used it in a long time though things may have changed08:36
blue-frogJ-_: except if your DNS server is your aown machine eventually08:36
cedriczgpuff, add one for binary and one for source08:36
onealPeople !!!08:36
maxxistmisl see some resolutions listed??   make a backup of the file  first with a command like "cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak"08:36
annimarOpenPsycho: Thanks for the crashlog08:36
roganHow can I get Amarok to play M4a format and correctly display/read id3v2 tags?08:36
J-_blue-frog:  The DNS I'm using is from afraid.org.08:37
J-_Now I'm really confused.08:37
OpenPsychoannimar, pleased to be of some help.08:37
puffcedriczg: I tried that at first, but it didn't like it (gpg keys didn't match) so I removed those via the GUI and then followed the instructions to use wget, etc, at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu08:37
OpenPsychoannimar, you received it right?08:37
mis1maxxist: There is no resolution listed in the screen section not anywhere in the file08:37
OpenPsychoannimar, I posted it moments ago.08:37
blue-frogJ-_: is your own physical machine you are on right now your DNS server?08:37
annimarOpenPsycho: It's all there now. :-)08:37
maxxistwtf really08:37
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annimarI'm trying to check back on #abiword (irc.gnome.org) to see if one of the abiword devs have a clue what goes wrong there.08:38
J-_blue-frog:  My own LAMP server, and I'm using afraid.org's DNS.08:38
puffcedriczg: Odd, the about:plugins page doesn't show a flash plugin, or any occurrence of the word flash or adobe, except in the entry for totem.08:38
blue-frogJ-_: resolv.conf > nameserver
maxxistmisl  wow man.  sorry mine too.  maybe they changed the way X identifies your monitors.08:38
PuppyMorning all, really need help with this wireless isue, anyone can give me a litle time ?08:39
J-_blue-frog:  where does the IP point to?08:39
mis1so anyother possible suggestion08:39
maxxistmisl.  thats wierd.  how the heck do you do a manual x now08:39
cedriczgpuff, did you check if all packages are getting downloaded while refreshing?08:39
maxxistmisl  i gonna go read for a minute.  be back08:39
cedriczgpuff, maybe you need to try a differente location to download the packages...08:39
Uplinkis tinyedit available for ubuntu?08:40
ljsoftnetis debian easy to install?08:40
joaopintoljsoftnet, this is not a debian support channel08:41
blue-frogJ-_: your dns08:41
ljsoftnetoh yeah, sorry08:41
DIFH-icerootljsoftnet: easy like windows08:41
joaopintoUplink, not on the repositories08:41
maxxisthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto    misl08:41
maxxistmisl lets start there08:41
Uplinkis there a tinyedit on linux version?08:42
owen1how to send videoout command from terminal?08:42
PuppyMorning all, really need help with this wireless isue, anyone can give me a litle time ?08:42
joaopintoUplink, google.com, we are not familiar with all the software available on the world :)08:42
mike_hi all08:43
maxxistmisl this is probably way more help than i could be.08:43
maxxistmisl is directs you how to manually probe your monitor and configure accordingly08:43
mike_can I run xfce on ubuntu along with gnome and kde?08:43
cedriczgpuff, these packages are suggested by opera package: flash-npapi-plugin | flashplugin-nonfree | swf=player | libflash-mozplugin | mozilla-plugin-gnash08:43
cedriczgpuff, hope I have writen them ok as I had to type then because couldn't copy the text08:44
maxxistmike_ yes08:44
mis1maxxist: will read and solve thx..08:44
cedriczgpuff, swf-player *08:44
joaopintomikael79_, yes08:44
maxxistmisl sorry i led you on awild goose chase08:44
joaopintoon the login screen you will be able to select the window manager08:45
maxxistmisl this is the right direction though08:45
J-_blue-frog:  Doesn't work.08:45
PuppyMorning all, really need help with this wireless isue, anyone can give me a litle time ?08:45
scuserhi all, I'm trying to execute the command "sudo vos create sc02.sc.bibalex.org /vicepa root.afs -localauth" but this error arouse "Could not get an Id for volume root.afs" any help ?08:45
epscylonbhey,, i commented out the localhost line in my /etc/hosts file, yet localhost still resolves to
epscylonbanyone know why ?08:45
zambai need the ssl module for python.. as a package.. where can i find that?08:46
mike_ubuntu works great08:46
maxxistmike_ you can run any number of different desktops.08:46
mike_i have got kde and gnome running now08:46
maxxistmike_ there is tons to choose from08:46
mike_ok its got to be the xubuntu so it will register on the options menu right?08:47
blue-frogJ-_: I don't know what you are doing. (ns1.afraid.org) do not respond t ping. Is it alive and kicking. why don't you use the DNS of your ISP?08:47
maxxistmike_ xfce is really light and fast.  and i love the themes it comes with.08:47
epscylonbyeah the xp theme is the besti have seen08:47
maxxistmike_ no.08:47
mike_ok all the desktops are on synaptic package manager08:47
mike_ok I am using xfce on puppy linux and it works great08:48
cedriczgCan someone test on ubuntu hardy for window manager message on Human and Debian greeter. As I cannot see the greeting message on Human Theme on login screen...08:48
Puppymike_ puppy linux ?08:48
maxxistmike_  just look for xfce in synaptic.  if you install xubuntu meta package it will install the whole OS08:48
mike_yes puppy linux its sounds crazy but its the only linux I could easily get to work on a usb stick08:49
mike_ok the meta package great08:49
Puppycool, i got ma own linux :P08:49
joaopintoit's xubuntu-desktop, is not a whole OS, is a set of packages :P08:49
maxxistPuppy has been around a while now too!08:49
mike_so the meta package will download all the extras so I dont have to do it one at a time?08:50
J_Manyeah, a meta package is just a dummy package that "depends" on a bunch of others08:50
cedriczgcan someone please check on the greeting message for login sesion, if it appears under Human theme?08:50
J_Manit doesn't actually install anything, but it pulls a bunch of stuff in08:50
joaopintomike_, it will install all the  XFCE related apps08:51
maxxistjoaopinto wont it remove his existing desktop in favour of the other?  or will it just install the stuff for xfce?08:51
joaopintoJ_Man, it actually installs a lot of things08:51
mike_I finally got free from windows for a year now :)08:51
mike_ubuntu works well on this gateway laptop08:51
maxxistmike_  it feels good eh08:51
cedriczgmike_, congrats :) I still ahve dual boot with Vista on my laptop08:51
xTheGoat121xI just need to say one thing, I have successfully weaned my girlfriend off of Windows.08:51
mike_yep it sure does08:51
J_Manmike_ - what model gateway?08:51
joaopintomaxxist, it will just install yet another window manager, it will not remove the existing, on the login screen you will be able to select the WM08:52
J_ManI've got a MX6425 that's dual-boot right now08:52
Puppycool, i got ma own linux :P08:52
maxxistjoaopinto  thanx for the clarification.08:52
PuppyMorning all, really need help with this wireless isue, anyone can give me a litle time ?08:52
mike_I dont have to hit ctrl alt delete 10 times in a row any more08:52
xTheGoat121xThe ML3109 isn't bad with Ubuntu either.08:52
mike_I have vista and its worse than xp08:52
mike_I only use it now to play a game with my daughter thats it lol08:53
J_Manonly real major issue I have is wireless - not too fond of the b43 driver on that wireless chip08:53
cedriczgmike_, Just be aware that if you do so in linux you may get restarted the system ;)08:53
mike_i have gutsy on this gateway but it wont run with heron for some reason08:53
Gneamike_: are you familiar with wubi?08:53
J_Manthe b43 driver limits the BCM4318 wireless chip to 11Mb08:53
maxxistmike_  dont try this now.  but if X is ever broken.  use CTRL-SHIFT-Backspace.  it restarts X  without restarting your computer08:53
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mike_yes I used wubi - whenever windows would crash it would wreck it around every 3 weeks so I did a hard drive install08:54
mike_yes I have used that :)08:54
Gneaoh my :)08:54
mike_wubi wouldnt work for me but this hard drive installation works great08:54
J_Manwubi is just a CoLinux thing isn't it?08:55
Puppycan you get k-lite codex pack for Ubuntu ?08:55
Gneamike_: you should, perhaps, see if you can get back to XP08:55
mike_I am triple booting vista, puppy linux and ubuntu08:55
annimarOpenPscho: I thought that abiword was more widely used. There must have been more people experiencing this bug. :-/08:55
joaopinto!codecs | Puppy08:55
ubottuPuppy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:55
mathieu_447comment on va dans le resau france08:56
mike_well I dont have xp paid for vista it  is slower on network transfers and by 30 to 40 % till the fix08:56
Puppyjoaopinto - yeah i think will be easyer to load them once i got the ubuntu on the net08:56
cedriczgmike_, and other tip is you can get just terminal log (you can try now) by pressing ctrl + alt + F1 (to F6) and back to graphic interface with F708:56
mike_I have got everything I need running in ubuntu so I dont need windows any more08:56
mike_ok that sounds interesting08:57
cedriczgmike_, I mean back with ctrl + alt + F708:57
maxxistcan someone suggest a really light and simple audio player?  that will play streams too?08:57
Puppyive installed ndiswrapper-1.53 and ive gone through the setup, and ive installed the windows driver, but its still not showinf as wlan0, any idea why ?08:58
cedriczgmaxxist, Don't know if you can call it simple but I like very much amarok08:58
mike_hey I even got some windows 3.11 programs to run in wine with wobbly windows lol08:58
cedriczgmaxxist, amarok is kind of similar to itunes08:59
maxxistcedriczg  too big08:59
maxxistthanx though08:59
mike_well the terminal thing works well :)09:00
maxxistcedriczg something really light on memory and cpu. for xfce09:00
cedriczgmaxxist, I see09:00
JackWinterhow do i disable scanning of file systems at bootup ?  it might be very inconvinient if it would happen at the wrong moment when i'm in a hurry for some  reason.  big partitions can take a lot of time...09:00
osfameronwill a USB->DVI adaptor work with Linux (something like http://www.microdirect.co.uk/ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=27314&source=googleps ) ?09:01
mike_trying to get the cube to work in kde now downloaded the kde compiz09:01
osfameronsadly my thinkpad doesn't have DVI out builtin :-(09:01
joaopintoJackWinter, sudo tune2fs -c counts device09:01
joaopintoJackWinter, for details, man tune2fs09:01
PuppyI ahve XP on 1 HD, and Ubuntu on another, at the moment to change OS, i chang boot priority in the bois, is there a way i can change the MBR to show both os ?09:02
mike_does kde have its own compiz manager? in ubuntu or does it use the one from ubuntu?09:02
joaopintoanyway, on the latest releases if you have a graphical boot sequence you can skip the checking with ESC09:02
cedriczgmaxxist, Minirok: a small music player written in Python and inspired by Amarok09:02
cedriczgmaxxist, just found it looking under add/remove software ;)09:02
WIGGMPkCan anyone help me, Im currently in the LiveCD when I boot up my laptop, it goes to Grub then I see the splash screen and this happens, http://pastebin.com/d718e0bff and then it drops to busybox09:03
maxxistcedriczg  thank you I will check it.09:03
joaopintoPuppy, you just need to install grub on your primary hard disk, and set it as the boot device on your bios09:03
cedriczgmaxxist, don't know if it supports streams09:03
joaopintoand make sure the grub has the entries for the OSes that you need09:03
Puppyjoaopinto im sure that sounds easy to you lol09:03
paul68morning is there anybody who knows how to convert local ip adresses to A6 records for the DNS config in Bind09:03
joaopintoPuppy, that is a standard ubuntu install, installing the mbr into the firts disk09:04
Puppyjoaopinto - either cn be the primary drive, its no matter, how to i edit grub to pick up windows09:04
J_ManWIGGMPk, you've got a bad filesystem there, looks like09:04
joaopintoPuppy, grub picks windows by default, at least during the install phase09:04
cedriczgmaxxist, http://chistera.yi.org/~adeodato/code/minirok/09:04
Puppyi had the hd disconected durign install09:04
cjsWhere would I find someone to talk to about the lack of a definition of RES_USE_DNSSEC in /usr/include/resolv.h?09:04
WIGGMPkJ_Man: please tell me this is fixable?09:05
J_ManMAYBE you could boot with the livecd and run fsck on the partition09:05
J_Manother than that, no probably not09:05
maxxistcedriczg needs kde though.  i am trying to keep the system light.   good try09:05
WIGGMPkJ_Man: =( a shed of light is all I need, how does this happen? last night I was burning a movie onto a dvd and then went to bed. Today its f'ed09:06
Dextorionmaxxist, cedriczg, Perhaps Audacious. If that one still exists.09:06
owen1how to send vide-oout command from terminal? or is it a change in xorg.conf?09:06
WIGGMPkJ_Man: must I use "sudo" with the fsck command?09:06
cedriczgmaxxist, Audacious09:06
J_Manyes, it needs root privledges09:07
cedriczgmaxxist, that's the other I just found09:07
shaz\join #poky09:07
cedriczgmaxxist, yes I found it on repositories09:07
J_Manalso need to pass it the partition designation of your filesystem09:07
Dextorioncedriczg, that one used to be a good light one anyways :)09:07
Puppyjoaopinto - can i not add a record to the Win MBR to pick up grub on the other drive ?09:07
J_ManWIGGMPk, i.e. fsck /dev/hda1 (or whatever)09:07
maxxistcedriczg dextorion lmao09:07
WIGGMPkJ_Man: i found this post online that says to try "fsck -f" what is the -f option?09:08
JackWinter_joaopinto: thanks for the info.  i was caught out by booting without gfx, and having to wait for a 500mb disk to check.  now i have a gfx boot so then i'll leave it as is.  if i need to i can always escape....09:08
floydummm hello09:08
floydthis is cool09:08
joaopintoPuppy, well, for windows is not the MBR, you would need to setup on the windows boot manager, I dont know if/how that can be done09:08
cedriczgmaxxist, lol if you go here http://www.audacious-media-player.org/ you will get a really simple page...09:08
traskhello floyd09:08
J_Manaudacious rocks! :)09:08
floydim happy i found this09:08
floydpleasure to be with ya guys09:08
Puppyjoaopinto - both OS were installed completly seperate, 2 dif HD's neither were present when the other was installed... was this a mistake ?09:08
J_Manfloyd: welcome, and prepare for the flood09:09
J_Manit's hard to keep up in here09:09
e-frame!hello | floyd09:09
ubottufloyd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:09
maxxistcedriczg It Works!!09:09
* J_Man glares at ubottu "Stupid bots"09:09
Puppyutils version is too old!09:09
floydhey so what do u guys use to burn dvds in ubuntu ive wondered that since day one09:09
Puppycan i solve this without being online09:09
cedriczgmaxxist, I just installed it ;)09:09
joaopintoPuppy, it was not a mistake, it will just give you more work now to setup grub09:09
J_Manif you want a GUI, you can apt-get install k3b, or Brasero if you prefer GTK stuff09:10
maxxistcedriczg diddo09:10
Puppyjoaopinto - well ill put that on the " to-do " list behind getting ubuntu online09:10
dulakPuppy: you can actually take a copy of the bootsector from the second disk, put it on the windows disk and use boot.ini to boot the second disk09:10
maxxistcedriczg supports winamp2 skins09:10
Dextorionfloyd goneBaker09:10
Puppydulak can you explain that using windisk and ubudisk09:10
joaopintofloyd, brasero09:10
dulakPuppy: the windows boot loader can load a boot sector from a file09:10
Puppyso throw a line in boot.ini pointing to the other drive ?09:11
dulakPuppy: http://www.linux.com/feature/11394509:11
cedriczgmaxxist, right I think I had used it before now that I remember...09:11
floydthank you very much guys09:11
floydi dearly aprecaite it09:11
dulakPuppy: unfortunately the windows boot loader sucks balls and can't do that directly but you can fake it09:11
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floydokay so i could find brasero09:11
floydin the add/remove09:11
floydbut gonebaker failed to appear when i searched for it09:12
Puppydublpaws lol, lemmi read this09:12
dulak!info gonebaker09:12
aaronfloyd, it's "gnomebaker"09:12
ubottuPackage gonebaker does not exist in hardy09:12
dulak!info gnomebaker09:12
maxxistcedriczg  looks nice09:12
ubottugnomebaker (source: gnomebaker): application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 989 kB, installed size 2968 kB09:12
cedriczgmaxxist, yep09:12
traskfloyd: sudo apt-get install gnomebaker is how i would install it09:12
cedriczgmaxxist, Can you do me a favor?09:12
maxxistcan try09:13
cedriczgmaxxist, are you using ubuntu hardy or similar now?09:13
maxxistxubuntu-restricted-extras meta package just borken my system09:13
maxxisthardy xubunut09:13
phimichi all09:13
phimicis there an backport for openoffice 3 for hardy?09:13
K-O-Dif I have an nvidia card and I want to enable that neato torpedo 3d cube desktop, what do I need to do other than install the neccesary Nvidia drivers?>09:14
Dextorionfloyd, my bad. GnomeBaker. But brasero would probably be a better one nowdays.09:14
Puppydulak - c:\bootsect.lnx="Linux" - how do i know what drive windows sees the linux drive as, as windows does not detect it09:14
rajecGuys I would like to create Relation Diagram from database I have. If you know what I mean. Is there any program on this?09:14
dulakPuppy: read the whole article, you make a file that is a copy of the boot sector from the second drive and put it on the first drive, faking the boot loader from windows into booting the second disk09:14
Puppydulak do you knwo anythign about ndiswrapper09:14
aaronK-O-D, you just need to make sure in enable the nvidia driver in System>Administration>Hardware  then install  compiz-settings-manager09:15
Puppydulak - yeah im dling the software nowe09:15
maxxistWTF!!!!  damn restricted-extras.  broke my xubuntu09:15
dulakPuppy: I know a little about ndiswrapper09:15
karstenWhat in kubuntu manages the screen brightness controls under KDE?09:15
floydfloyd@floyd-laptop:~$  sudo apt-get install gnomebaker09:15
floyd[sudo] password for floyd:09:15
floydE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:15
floydfloyd@floyd-laptop:~$  sudo apt-get install gnomebaker09:15
floydE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:15
FloodBot3floyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
K-O-Dwow, thats amazing, and does Ubuntu use the latest nvidia drivers with the built in driver manager or should i download the latest myself?09:15
karsten... or is that hardware?09:16
floydgnome baker09:16
AdvoWorkhi there, anyone got any ideas how I can upload a file to ftp(filename will contain current date - so it will change) via a cronjob, if its possible?09:16
floydi gotcha!09:16
floydill just stick with brasero09:16
floydthanks guys09:16
floydu rock09:16
FloodBot3floyd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
floydi shall not09:16
_luseradvowork - try scp instead?09:16
aaronK-O-D, ubuntu uses a fairly up to date nvidia driver09:16
mikelhello when i start up ubuntu it stops at starting powernowd whats the problem and how do i fix it?09:17
dulakAdvoWork: scripting ftp is a real pain in the ass, scp with a key is the way to go if you have ssh access09:17
AdvoWork_luser i use winscp manually, but im looking for something automatically, or isnt that what you mean?09:17
cedriczgmaxxist, Can you try something out if you are using ubuntu now?09:17
mike_bye all09:17
Puppydulak brb testign this09:17
aaronto install the compiz-settings manager just do sudo "apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"09:17
K-O-Dthank you aaron09:17
FrogzooAdvoWork: if you stick with ftp, man netrc09:18
aaronnp K-O-D09:18
maxxistcedriczg give me 2 minutes.  sun-java broke my dependencies.  fixing.09:18
K-O-Dif I've only got 2g ram on my system, is there any benefit to running 64 bit ubuntu?09:18
cedriczgmaxxist, ok. good luck09:18
aaronK-O-D, yes, because you will be able to utilize the full potential of your hardware09:19
FrogzooK-O-D: nope, not really09:19
SlartK-O-D: perhaps some theoretical advantage.. nothing noticable if you ask me09:19
maxxistcedriczg what would you like me to try?09:19
K-O-Dwell, that certainly settles things :D09:20
dulakI didn't notice any difference from 32 bit to 64 bit myself09:20
mikelthe only point of the 64bit archetecture is that 32bit maxed out a 3.8 gigs of ram where as 64 maxes somewhere arouns10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000gig'09:20
roganHow can I get Amarok to play M4a format and correctly display/read id3v2 tags?09:21
wrzaskd_mikel, That's not true.09:21
mikelnot exactly but closly similar lol09:21
wrzaskd_mikel, amd64 arch has additional 64bit registers available.09:21
Dextorion64bit cpu can use 64 long instruction sets09:21
aaronmikel, are you sure about that?  I know thats true for windows09:21
floydanyone ever get this error message when trying to install your ubuntu updates E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:21
floydE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:21
ArvanI need some help to get my DvD menues to work, i have tried what i think is everything =)09:21
K-O-Dill go w 64 bit, my only problem was FMS and i guess the new version runs on 64 linux now09:21
Dextorionwhat wrzaskd_ said09:21
AdvoWorkthis worked :) scp -r localfile.txt username@  but the only thing is, it asked me for a password, so its not automatic, any suggestions please?09:21
technopaganK-O-D: I ran both a 32 and 64Bit Ubuntu on my laptop and with the 64Bit version, my fan stayed silent a little longer09:21
Frogzoofloyd: so run dpkg --configure -a09:21
dulakAdvoWork: you need to create a key that it will use instead of a password09:22
floydin the terminal???09:22
K-O-Dwow techno - now THATS a serious system boost!09:22
Frogzoofloyd: yes09:22
wrzaskd_mikel, It's especially important for things like databases, which make a lot of int calculations.09:22
mikelanywhoo do i need to re ask or am i just wait?09:22
AdvoWorkdulak how do you do that? ;/09:22
annimarOpenPsycho, maxxist, the bug is triaged now. It's a dependency problem with abiword. A workaround has been published at the bug report09:22
mikelcos i know your all busy right now09:22
mikeland i dont wanna be imatient09:22
floydfrog i get this message now --------> dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege09:22
aaronmikel, I didn't catch your question09:22
floydwhen i try to enter it into the terminal09:22
K-O-Di've noticed the xorg.conf is a lot different than I am used to, how do I configure the monitor?09:23
mikeloh ill reask theb09:23
Frogzoofloyd: it's telling you you need to use sudo09:23
roganArvan: do you have libdvdcss2 installed?09:23
floydwhere is sudo09:23
mikelwhen i boot up ubuntu it stops at loading powernowd and never goes further what do i do?09:23
Arvanrogan,  i think so, im not sure :S09:23
K-O-Dfor some reason my crt (the one I use for linux) reports the wrong EDID info, I need to manually set my monitor refresh rates09:23
Frogzoofloyd: sudo dpkg --configure -a09:23
roganArvan: check :)09:23
dulakAdvoWork: on the client run as the user you are transferring as: ssh-keygen -b 1024 -N ''09:24
Dextorionfloyd sudo dpkg --configure -a09:24
Dextorionah Frogzoo beat me too it09:24
floydthanks man09:24
stevenw9Hello :D09:24
Joint_hey how do i mount a windows drive09:24
maxxistannimar nice job man.  any idea what the dependancy issue is?09:24
Joint_!windows mounting09:24
Puppydulak - well that filed, but i will sort it later09:24
stevenw9So... i've learned never to touch ubuntu with a nvidia driver... XD09:25
mikelaaron: did ou miss it again lol09:25
scuserhi all, any help with this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/61419/ ?09:25
Puppydulak pm09:25
OhmuLV - are you around?09:25
AdvoWorkdulak ok so do: ssh-keygen -b 1024 -N ''  then what? whats the '' for?09:25
Puppydulak - any ideas about the errors in that log09:25
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Arvanrogan,  I had css2 but not livdvdcss2-dev09:26
cedriczgmaxxist, didn't hear your message09:26
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rogantry them both then restart09:26
dulakAdvoWork: that makes the passphrase on the key blank, so you don't have to type anything when you transfer a file09:26
mikelany one elts?09:26
cedriczgmaxxist, I would like you to add a welcome message on the window manager for the Human theme and check if it appears on the logon screen09:26
aaronmikel, I saw it that time, but I don;t know what you could to to bypass that09:27
AdvoWorkdulak is that safe though? can anyone do that and upload to my site?09:27
PuppyAnyone know anything about ndiswrapper09:27
roganArvan: I had the same problems and I installed those then restarted and it worked09:27
mikelaaron: dang09:27
mikelaaron: it boots sometime09:27
cedriczgmaxxist, I found on the debian greeter it is shown. But not on human theme. I just wanted to be sure it's not me09:27
dulakAdvoWork: no they would have to have access to copy their key to the server, there is a second step here09:27
Arvanrogan,  Il try to install both, Then il come back to ya =) thanx for helping09:27
AdvoWorkdulak so after ive done that theres something else?09:27
Joint_hey how do i mount a windows drive09:28
maxxistcedriczg i dont have the human greeter in xubuntu.  its quite different.09:28
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AdvoWorkdulak i did: ssh-keygen -b 1024 -N '' and it said: You must specify a key type (-t)09:28
_luserjoint - man mount09:28
dulakAdvoWork: the second step is you take the .ssh/id_rsa.pub file you created with that command, and scp it over to the server, then you do something like "cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys" on the server, as the user you are transferring as09:28
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mikelanyway how do i install the nvidia 177 drivers from command promt as i cant get into ubuntu without them?09:29
dulakAdvoWork: my bad, been a while: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -N ''09:29
maxxistcedriczg but i have used the greeting changer before.  and it worked for me.  mind you that was in 7.1009:29
cedriczgmaxxist, k. then no luck. I will have to ask somone else. Thanks anyway09:29
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Joint_mount –t ntfs  umask=0222 /dev/sda1 /mnt09:29
Joint_what's wrong with that?09:29
Joint_or this  mount –t ntfs –o umask=0222 /dev/sda1 /mnt09:29
AdvoWorkdulak ive done that, it says: Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):  shall i just use the same file it says?09:30
cedriczgmaxxist, It has added changed the greeting message only for some of the themes. Don't know why Human theme does not show the welcome message.09:30
mikelaaron: what is power nowd?09:30
maxxistcedriczg audacious isnt working for me.09:30
cedriczgmaxxist, I tried an mp3 and it did work09:31
dulakAdvoWork: yes09:31
cedriczgmaxxist, what issue are you facing?09:31
DextorionJoint_, its a ntfs drive, yes?09:31
maxxistcedriczg i tried a stream.09:31
Joint_Dextorion, yes09:31
Joint_it is09:31
_luserjoint - you've got non-ascii characters in those lines09:31
DextorionJoint_ sudo apt-get install ntfs-config09:31
AdvoWorkdulak that worked, you say scp it over to the server, where on the server does it need to go?09:31
maxxistcedriczg i think that the codecs didnt get installed when java broke synaptic.09:31
cedriczgmaxxist, you mean using play location?09:31
Joint_Dextorion, done?09:31
Joint_now what Dextorion09:31
DextorionJoint_ applications->system tools->ntfs configuration09:32
dulakAdvoWork: scp the file .ssh/id_rsa.pub to the server, anywhere, then login to the server and run "cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys"09:32
cedriczgmaxxist, then try sudo apt-get install --fix-broken (if I am right)09:32
maxxistcedriczg  actually i fixed that already.09:32
DextorionJoint_ check boxes or something. and that should do it.09:32
mikelhow do i install the nvidia 177 drivers from command?09:33
Joint_Dextorion, how do you mount it with command though so i can learn?09:33
cedriczgmaxxist, what stream did you try and how?09:33
maxxistcedriczg but i dont think the codecs got in.  so i try again09:33
maxxistcedriczg i loaded groovesalad from somafm.com playlist.09:33
JackTophow do i update from kubuntu hardy to interprid beta ?09:34
maxxistcedriczg it loaded the file.  but then it crashed when it tried to play it.09:34
mikelaaron: do you know how to install nvidia 177 from command?09:34
roganArvan: that do it?09:34
K-O-Dhow big should i make the swap partition on a 64 bit ubuntu system with 2g ram?09:34
maxxistJacktop  wait 10 days for the non beta to be released and it will appear on your update manager.09:34
K-O-DI was thinking 2g but I was thinking 4g might be better09:34
Arvanrogan, im on it right now..just had to find something to check with =)09:34
dulakK-O-D: 2g is plenty09:35
maxxistJackTop then you wont have to worry about running a beta09:35
AdvoWorkdulak done most of that now, but: cat id_rsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys   -bash: .ssh/authorized_keys: No such file or directory09:35
dulakAdvoWork: you're in the home directory on the server?09:35
tdawgedogghow do i run a .run file i juts downloaded in shell09:35
Joint_im actually doing mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt but only root can view. those files how can i give normal users to view them?09:35
dulakAdvoWork: mkdir .ssh if so09:35
Joint_any help please?09:35
JackTopmaxxist: i want to prepare and see what implications the new kde will have for me.  so thought i would install on my laptop and play with it a bit before updating my main system..09:35
AdvoWorkdulak i copied the file to /root/.ssh  and im in that same dir?09:35
AdvoWorkso I need to be in the /home/?09:36
cedriczgmaxxist, maube you can check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66165409:36
instyHi~ quick question, currently running ubuntu 8.10 and when I restart my HD's unmount them selves and remount when I load them from the pref menu. This is causing applications like amarok to lose  the database of music and for my desktop icons to vanish. Any ideas? Cheers.09:36
dulakAdvoWork: no, in /root/.ssh: cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys09:36
tdawgedogghow do i run a .run file i juts downloaded in shell09:36
cedriczgmaxxist, good bye09:36
peterererinsty: check /etc/fstab09:36
mikelright click on it and run in terminal09:36
maxxistJackTop  there is a command you can run.  google it.  it is still self automated if you tell the updater to do it.09:36
AdvoWorkdulak cool,thatworked, is there any other steps? do I need to do anything ontop of: scp -r localfile.txt username@
petererer(noauto, remove it, probably)09:37
DextorionJoint_, mount /dev/**** /mnt/windrive -t ntfs or something. Take a look at /etc/fstab aswell. You can make it mount at boot, and some options for who will be able to read and write too it i belive.09:37
maxxistcedriczg night night09:37
tdawgedoggno im not in terminal....failed to boot into xserver09:37
mikeloh where's the .run saved?09:37
tdawgedoggi dunno09:37
tdawgedoggi wget it09:37
tdawgedoggso i assume its in the same directory im in09:37
floydthanks again guys im off now09:37
tdawgedoggwhich is /home/user09:37
mikelthen it ran already lol09:37
instyThanks petererer  :>09:38
WIGGMPkI am having a problem booting, I get "group descriptors corrupted!" and it fails to mount the root partition. I am currently in a live cd and I tried running fsck on the boot partition and the LVM (the boot partition is fine) but the LVM says "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in a short read while trying to open /dev/sda2, Could this be a zzero-length partition?" I dont know what to do09:38
instynoauto was lurking there.09:38
tdawgedoggi just downloaed it09:38
mikeltype ls to see if its there09:38
dulakAdvoWork: nope as long as the username you are using in your scp is root09:38
forcesubuntu studio use Gnome or Xfce?09:38
tdawgedoggyes its there09:38
tdawgedoggnamed what.run09:38
mikelthe type sudo /home/user/namehwta.run or whatever its named09:39
maxxistJackTop https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu09:39
tdawgedoggthanks it worked! :_)09:39
mikelno prob09:39
Puppyanyone here in the UK ?09:40
dulakI gotta find a website for that ssh-keygen stuff that took too long to explain the long way09:40
mikelnow if only someone could help me lol09:40
Puppymikel - i fonly we knew what was wrong09:40
Arvanrogan, it works with a dvd that is on a disc, will try on something that is a .iso or .img file and see how that works..thanx =)09:40
roganArvan: great09:40
sushanthme 209:40
mikelpuppy: asked 3 times lol thanks for he reply how do i install the nvidia 177 drivers fro command09:41
AdvoWorkdulak cool, do i ever have todo anything else? or just that09:41
AdvoWorkit works by the way :)09:41
Puppymikel - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90931109:41
WIGGMPkI am having a problem booting, I get "group descriptors corrupted!" and it fails to mount the root partition. I am currently in a live cd and I tried running fsck on the boot partition and the LVM (the boot partition is fine) but the LVM says "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in a short read while trying to open /dev/sda2, Could this be a zzero-length partition?" I dont know what to do and I really dont want to rei09:41
mikelpuppy: thanks man i'll chek it out09:42
Puppymikel hope it helps09:42
dulakAdvoWork: nope, that just lets ssh use that key you made instead of a password, so when you scp or ssh from that user on that client as that user on the server, it will just use the key instead of a password09:42
tdawgedoggwhere do i get the nvidia kernel source files09:42
Woody86anyone know where I can download a 64 bit version of Kubuntu?09:42
tdawgedoggi need them to build a nvidia driver09:43
K-O-D i dont think nvidia gives out the source, but they give you enough to buld a driver09:43
Puppyanyone from UK ?09:43
AdvoWorkdulak nice, cheers for the help!09:43
AdvoWorkdo you know if you can do like regex's within it? ie: scp -r localfile.txt username@
AdvoWorkbut localfile.txt can be different?09:44
K-O-Dhttp://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html tdawgedogg09:44
dulakAdvoWork: you can use wildcards but not regex09:44
scuserhi all, any help with this error "bos: failed to create new server instance ptserver of type 'simple' (entity already exists)"09:45
ikoniascuser: what are you trying to do ?09:45
tdawgedoggKOD how do i download it?09:45
K-O-Dtdawg - are you in command line or something?09:45
scuserI'm trying to run the command "sudo afs-newcell"09:46
tdawgedoggdebian btw09:46
scuserikonia: I'm trying to run the command "sudo afs-newcell"09:46
AdvoWorkdulak know of any examples for using wildcards? its basically in this format: OurBackup 22-10-2008.002  but the date will change09:46
ikoniascuser afs ?#09:46
K-O-Dtdawgedogg, no problem , what card do you have?09:46
scuserikonia: there is no one there :)09:46
tdawgedoggcan u message me KOD so i dont clutter up the channel09:46
ikoniatdawgedogg your using debian09:46
ikoniascuser: no, I meant what is afs ?09:46
tdawgedoggyes...the phokes in #debian dont like to help though09:46
scuserikonia: a distributed file system09:47
K-O-Dtdawgedogg, cmon man - its a chat channel, and there's probably other people that can help09:47
XandriXi guess i screwd up my setup beacuz now everytime i come to apt-get either check or -f install or just install it says read error read (5 input output error)09:47
K-O-Dand yeah tdawgedogg those people are mentally ill09:47
ikoniatdawgedogg: this is not the correct place to get debian help - spl ease take it to #debian09:47
K-O-DI actually stopped using debian because the community is so screwed up09:47
ikoniascuser: just having a little look into it09:47
dulakAdvoWork: OurBackup*09:47
dulakAdvoWork: Should catch any file that starts with OurBackup09:47
tdawgedoggso anyways i downloaded the newest nvidia drivers file.... the .run file09:47
AdvoWorkso just simply: scp -r OurBackup* username@   ?  is that 1 or more files?09:48
scuserikonia: any way I was trying to setup an openafs cluster but in vain09:48
tdawgedoggbut during installation it says i dont have some stuff needed to build a kernal09:48
ikoniatdawgedogg please take it to #debian09:48
dulakAdvoWork: that will copy any files, as many as match the wildcard09:48
ikoniatdawgedogg please stop, and take it to #debian09:48
K-O-Dahhh tdawg you need to install build-essential I believe09:48
K-O-Dapt-get install build-essential09:48
ikoniascuser the error message appears to suggest an instance is running, but I need to read more09:48
rajecguys is there any program which could create relation diagram from mysql database?09:48
ikoniaK-O-D: this is not debian support, your welcome to support him in private or in #debian09:48
AdvoWorkdulak cool!! thankyou!09:49
scuserikonia: have a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/61419/09:49
PryMaLj ubuntu-server09:49
ikoniarajec I'm aware of some applications for the windows platform, but not on linux that I'm aware of09:49
K-O-Dnah no thanks. tdawgedogg you are on your own.09:49
K-O-Dif i were to support anything, it'd be ditching debian and moving to ubuntu09:49
axisyshow do I convert a dvd to iphone format?09:50
Dextoriontdawgedogg, and perhaps the kernel headers?09:50
ikoniaDextorion: this is not debian support09:51
ikoniatdawgedogg: please take it to #debian09:51
karstenSo, how to mess with your LCD brightness on a Lenove T61:  for f in $( find . -name brightness ); do echo ">>>> $f <<<"; echo -n 20 > $f; sleep 1; echo -n 100 > $f; sleep 1; don09:51
ikoniaDextorion: the user is running debian09:51
Dextorionikonia, oh, alright.09:51
karstenAs root.  It'll show you which of the various acpi brightness files actually controls what you want.09:51
ikoniakarsten: who are you talking to ?09:52
Dextorionikonia, well... the problem is kind of a general one, no?09:52
* karsten basks in his shiny bright screen.09:52
ikoniaDextorion: no09:52
dulakAdvoWork: just as an aside, it's bad to allow direct ssh as root on your server, you should really use a normal user and either sudo commands or use su - to get root access09:52
Dextorionikonia, alright. i dont agree09:52
phimicis it possible to use intrepid backports for openoffice in hardy09:52
AdvoWorkdulak ahhh ok09:53
Dextoriontdawgedogg, feel free to pm me if you get more problems.09:53
ikoniaphimic as intrepid is not stable, I'd be surprised if there was back ports09:53
ikoniaDextorion: perfect, thank you09:53
Dextorionikonia, no problem :)09:53
karstenikonia: The channel.  Sharing wisdom.09:53
AdvoWorkdulak you know you were saying about: scp -r OurBackup* username@  can i use a script or something to actually specify the name of the file? ie instead of ourbackup* it'd be "ourbackup " + todaysdate(in a certain format) ?09:53
phimicikonia: https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive09:54
ikoniakarsten: it's a support channel, no one was asking about it, maybe better to post it on the forum so that it's "logged" or "stuck" so that people can search on it09:54
dulakAdvoWork: yes you can get a date in format, sec09:54
ikoniaphimic they are PPA's for the 8.10 target09:54
ikoniaphimic see the big wawrning at the top "OpenOffice.org 3.0.0 - INTREPID ONLY"09:55
karstenikonia: Where?09:55
ikoniakarsten www.ubuntuforums.org09:55
karstenikonia: I figure there's regulars here.  I'm usually in #debian.  Maybe add it as a factoid to a bot or something.09:55
ikoniakarsten: makes it more searchable rather than scroll of screen and be forgotten09:55
karstenikonia: Dig.09:55
JonnyHi all - I have an install that is failing due to a hash mismatch for a .deb on the CD. Can I reconfigure the installer to use the network as a package source without needing to reboot/change anything? (I'm looking at /target/etc/apt/sources.list wondering if that is the config file for the installer)09:56
mikelpuppy: hey that site dident say anywhere on it how to install the nvidia drivers form command ...which is what i asked09:56
Jonny(Sorry, by 'change anything' I was thinking of the CD I'm using to install)09:56
chamuscaspeople i need the c language libraries what should i download ?09:56
ikoniaJonny you can change /etc/apt/srouces.lst to use the net, but as the cD is read only you can't make any perminant changes09:57
ikoniachamuscas: which c libraries ?09:57
ikoniachamuscas: thats a header09:57
Jonnyikonia, that file doesn't exist in the install environment. I'm doing a text install.09:57
dulakAdvoWork: OurBackup\ `date +%d-%m-%Y`*09:57
dulakAdvoWork: try that09:57
chamuscasok and what's that an header ?09:57
ikoniaJonny really, that file should exist, are you %100 certain09:57
ikoniachamuscas yes, thats a header09:57
chamuscasikoni, but what is it ?09:58
ikoniaa header file09:58
ikoniachamuscas: what are you trying to do ?09:58
Jonnyikonia in the install environment it doesn't, I am 100% certain :)09:58
chamuscasto use strcmp function09:58
chamuscasikonia, strcmp function09:58
chamuscasi have to go sry, later09:59
Ishnu-I need some help setting up telnet - I am following the quick tutorial on http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-a-telnet-server-in-ubuntu.html, but this command doesn't work after I install telnetd: sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart09:59
ikoniaJonny I can't see hoa dpkg would be able to install the packages then on the isntall routine09:59
ikoniaIshnu-: doesn't it use xinetd - not inetd10:00
Ishnu-Ok, I will try that10:00
ikoniaIshnu-: is there a script in /etc/init.d/ called inetd10:00
dulakthat tutorial is old as hell10:00
Ishnu-No there isn't10:00
Ishnu-But there is a inetutils-inetd10:00
juanejwhen is 8.10 released?10:01
ikoniaIshnu- I'd ignore that guide - it looks a bit rubbish to be honest10:01
ikoniaIshnu-:  a lot of people have issues with that site10:01
ikoniajuanej 30 october10:01
Jonnyikonia, I'll have a play. It uses a chroot at /target which includes the standard apt configuration, I can only guess it's using that10:02
Ishnu-30 october eh? That's a pretty good birthday present for me10:02
ikoniaJonny sorry, I should have been clear /etc within the target environment10:02
Jonnyaaah :)10:02
Brian88hi, can I upgrade ubuntu 8.04 with Kubuntu 8.10 live cd? does kubuntu 8.10 live CD I received from shipit uses kde4??10:02
ikoniaJonny: I didn't mean /etc on the actual running OS / CD10:03
Jonnyikonia, right. Well in that case /etc/apt/* does exist ;) That's the file I'm playing with now10:03
ikonia!ibex > Brian8810:03
=== ntinos__ is now known as ntinos_
ikoniaJonny: good man10:03
Ishnu-ikonia - if that guide is rubbish? What should I do? A google search hasn't shown up with anything much else10:03
dulakthat ubuntugeek.com guy is a dbag10:03
ikoniadulak easy - don't need that comment, but I agreee the guides are poor10:03
Brian88ikonia: ???10:04
Brian88ikonia: what does you want to say??10:04
Puppyanyone from the UK here ?10:04
ikoniaBrian88 sorry , the bots died10:04
ikoniaBrian88: 8.10 support is in #ubuntu+110:04
ikoniaPuppy: yes, why ?10:04
AdvoWorkdulak i tried: scp -r SageBack\ `date +%d-%m-%Y`*  and it said:  SageBack 23-10-2008*: No such file or directory   the two filenames are: SageBack 21-10-2008.001  SageBack 22-10-2008.00110:05
dulakAdvoWork: they are not today's date10:05
dulakAdvoWork: What I gave you was for today's date10:06
AdvoWorkdulak ahh yea10:06
AdvoWorklet me check10:06
ikoniaIshnu-: I'll telp you10:06
ikoniaIshnu-: what inet service ar eyou using, inetd or xinetd ?10:06
Jonnyikonia, I get 'a non-dpkg owned version of this package is installed' (and so on)...10:06
ikoniaJonny Hmmm where did you changed teh sources.list to point ?10:07
Jonnyikonia, that's for libc6, dpkg insists it's unsafe to upgrade/install the c library 'in this situation'10:07
dulakI feel bad for puppy, he has to fully reboot into ubuntu to try everything I have him try to get ndiswrapper working10:07
Jonnyikonia, at gb.archive.ubuntu.com (I left the cdrom: url in there), and then did apt-get update (within the target environment)10:07
Arvanrogan, darn! It works fine on a dvd that is on a disk, not if played from harddrive10:07
ikoniaJonny: did you remove the cd line at the top of sources.list10:08
=== Ohmu_wtf_ is now known as Ohmu
Ishnu-ikonia: What do you mean?10:08
ikoniaIshnu-: are you plannign to use inetd or xinetd as a launcher for the telnet daemon10:08
roganArvan: hm10:08
Ishnu-I am not sure what they are10:08
AdvoWorkdulak that works, in a bash script, can i do: sageFileName="SageBack\ `date +%d-%m-%Y`*"  so i can specify scp - $sageFileName ?10:08
ikoniaJonny: did you also do an apt-get update to re-parse the source10:08
Ishnu-Which one should I use?10:08
Jonnyikonia, ah no - that'd be required? I'll reboot and try again. I only change the sources.list once it complains about this particular package install failing10:08
Jonnyikonia, yeah I did an update10:08
roganArvan: funo how to fix that one :(10:09
dulakAdvoWork: probably, you'd have to test it10:09
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:09
ikoniaJonny remove teh cdrom line, thats certainly worth doing10:09
dulakAdvoWork: I'm real rusty with bash, I'm a php/perl guy10:09
sushanthi am unable to mount my thumb drive can someone help me to mount it10:09
Arvanrogan,  it works for you with menues when you play from harddrive?10:09
ActionParsnipsushanth: sudo fdisk -l10:09
ikoniaIshnu-: what version of ubuntu are you using/10:09
* Wobert looks around10:09
ActionParsnipsushanth: that will show its device name10:09
Ishnu-The latest10:09
Jonnyikonia, rgr.10:10
Ishnu-sushanth: Go to this site: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/mounting-windows-partition-onto-ubuntu-linux/10:10
ikoniaIshnu-: do an apt-cache search xinetd - is there anything int he repos10:10
roganArvan: did you burn a iso ?10:10
Ishnu-The command at the bottom should help10:10
mikelhi when i boot on fresh install i get ee no screens found how can i fix this?10:10
Arvanyes, and that worked..The thing is that i do not burn so much stuff, i rather play it direktly10:10
roganI understand10:11
ActionParsnipmikel: boot recover mode from grub (esc at boot) and choose recover xorg or fix x server10:11
ActionParsnipmikel: i forget the exact wording10:11
WobertHi guys can anyone help me on this : http://pastebin.ca/123452610:11
dulakArvan: I do that too, I just use xbmc for ubuntu, it will read damn near every format of video I've ever found, and it will read isos and videos inside rar files10:12
roganArvan: may have to ask someone else about that10:12
ikoniaWobert therei s no problem10:12
Ishnu-ikonia: Here is the output10:12
Ishnu-sudo apt-cache search ipod10:12
Ishnu-xinetd - replacement for inetd with many enhancements10:12
Ishnu-rlinetd - gruesomely over-featured inetd replacement10:12
Wobertikonia: the newest version of ubuntu is 7.01 ?10:12
FloodBot1Ishnu-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:12
sushanthActionParsnip, this is the error --   Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'AJINKYA 4GB'.10:12
ikoniaWobert no, 8.04 and your using 7.0410:12
ActionParsnipWobert: looks like a success to me, wassup?10:12
JonnyWobert: 8.0410:12
ikoniaIshnu- install xinetd package10:12
ActionParsnipsushanth: what is the name of the folder you are trying to mount to ?\10:13
Arvandulak, xbmc you say..Will try that one for sure. I tried with VLC and with Mplayer so far..The movie plays, but i can choose subs or stuff like that10:13
Ishnu-Ok done10:13
ikoniaIshnu- now do you have an /etc/xinetd.d directory ?10:13
dulakArvan: I don't know anything about subs, but xbmc rocks for downloaded video10:13
mikelactionparnship: its a fresh install so recovering only gives me the same error....hold on im reading a post that might help10:13
Ishnu-Yes I do, ikonia10:14
Wobertikonia: ActionParsnip - I want to upgrade my system to 8.0410:14
ikoniaIshnu- what's in it  (summerise)10:14
ActionParsnip!upgrade | Wobert10:14
ikoniaWobert thats not how you upgrade10:14
ikoniaActionParsnip: the bot's dead10:14
dulakubottu died10:14
JonnyWobert http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading10:14
Arvanthe sub part is not the big issue since i prefer without, the thing is with dvds that requiers you to by the menue change chapters or parts.10:14
Ishnu-Some files called - chargen, daytime, discard, echo, time10:14
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=== Jordan_u is now known as Jordan_U
ikoniaIshnu- ok, great, now do you have the telnet daemon installed ?10:15
WobertActionParsnip: , ikonia well i get a bug if i try "normal" upgrade from gui10:15
thomasit1Hello. Is there any package I can use to trace the location of an IP address? Thanks.10:15
Ishnu-the telnetd?10:15
Arvandulak,  where do i find that amazing player? =)10:15
dulakArvan: if it's an iso of a dvd xbmc gives you full access to the menus10:15
ikoniaIshnu- correct10:15
ActionParsnipWobert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:15
Ishnu-Indeed I do10:15
ikoniaIshnu-: ok, now your goingt o have to do a little bit of thinking here as I can't see your system10:15
Ishnu-I think it works now10:15
WIGGMPkCan anyone PLEASE help me with this http://pastebin.com/d3fa41afd I want to save my hard drive if I can, but right now I want to mount my LVM partitions and backup my data. Please Help, I dont know what to do and I have a lot of school work on here.10:15
* ActionParsnip misses ubottu10:15
OhmuAll, I am trying to set up a Wireless Access Point.  Yesterday I got dhcp working.  /etc/init.d/networking restart and /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart both succeeded.  However today, in following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=713874 networking is failing to restart correctly.  Can anyone help me?10:16
Ishnu-Trying to character is '^]'.Ubuntu 8.04.110:16
WobertActionParsnip: I know how to upgrade, there is a problem - some kind of bug - ill post screens - hang on10:16
karstenikonia: Is that your screen name at ubuntuforums as well?10:16
ActionParsnipmaybe i can lure him with coffee10:16
dulakArvan: http://xbmc.org10:16
Ishnu-Thank you ikonia10:16
ikoniaIshnu- well done10:16
lesthomasit1: traceroute10:16
ActionParsniples: it needs apt-getting10:16
ikoniakarsten yes10:16
karstenikonia: OK.  You're my referrer ;-)10:16
ikoniaWIGGMPk are you using dmraid within lvm10:17
ikoniakarsten: thank you10:17
lesActionParsnip: that's also the package name...? what's your point? :)10:17
ikoniaWIGGMPk or just lvm device mapper10:17
ActionParsniples: just pointing out its not a standard command unlike in windows10:17
WIGGMPkikonia: im not sure I follow you. im not very savvy with Ubuntu or LVM yet10:17
Wobertikonia: , ActionParsnip - > http://www.buckie.dk/images/Screenshot2.png10:18
ikoniaWIGGMPk ok - have you ever mounted /dev/luggs-mbl/root before10:18
method1how can i see the source of the airprime driver in my kernel ?10:18
Jonnyikonia, same error again. It get's it when trying to install libc6.10:18
ikoniaWobert read the log file10:18
Arvandulak,  im on it..Lets se if i can get this sucker runin10:18
WIGGMPkikonia: never manually10:18
dolfofflinehey people. My usplash doesn't work properly anymore.10:18
ikoniaJonny even when it's forced to go to the net for the package10:18
Dextorionwhat happend to ubottu? poor thing10:18
dolfofflineI get the orange bar moving from left to right, but nut the normal progressbar afterwards10:19
ikoniaWIGGMPk: has dev/luggs-mbl/root ever been mounted at all10:19
ActionParsnipWobert: how about sudo appt-get clean first to empty out and old debs laying around10:19
dolfofflineit just displays the normal text bootup10:19
dulakArvan: they have a hardy repo so you can apt-get install it10:19
Jonnyikonia, yeah. I did an apt-get clean to try to clean the cache... I'm not sure if it actually did or not.10:19
dolfofflinethe same when I shut down10:19
ikoniaJonny can't explain that10:19
dolfofflineI installed kubuntu-desktop a while ago, but changed the usplash theme back to the ubuntu one (with update-alternatives)10:19
WIGGMPkikonia: yes, before I got error's booting "group descriptors corrupted" then it failed. I usually see it as "/dev/mapper/luggs--mbl-root"10:19
Arvandulak,  im sort of new to this linux thing =) but i get the point atleast.10:19
joshhuntHey guys10:20
WobertActionParsnip: im trying that out10:20
dolfofflineI don't know if the usplash problem exists since then, I already have it for a while10:20
joshhuntIs it possible to run sshd not as a daemon?10:20
ActionParsnipdolfoffline: does you're kernel option say quiet?10:20
Jonnyikonia, yeah. Think the CD is damaged, but I have no more CDRs I can burn to10:20
ikoniaWIGGMPk out of interst what happens if you fsk dev/luggs-mbl/root10:20
joshhuntAnd change the port it runs on with a switch?10:20
ikoniaWIGGMPk it looks like the file system is corrupted10:20
dolfofflineActionParsnip: I'll check10:20
dulakjoshhunt: it has a debug mode where it won't fork to the background10:20
ikoniaJonny what a drag, but you should be overriding that by going to the net10:20
joshhuntdulak: Excellent. How can i do that?10:21
WIGGMPkikonia: not sure yet, but I might have to find and hug you10:21
dolfofflineActionParsnip: both the defoptions and the individual kernels say "quiet"10:21
ikoniaWIGGMPk let me know what fsck says10:21
Jonnyikonia, yeah... I don't get this 'non-dpkg-owned' message. The actual file owner is root for everything here, so it sounds almost like it's doing some other tracking somewhere. It has me stumped anyway.10:21
dulakjoshhunt: /usr/sbin/sshd -d10:21
ikoniaJonny I've never seen that10:21
dulakjoshhunt: you can set the port with -p10:21
WIGGMPkikonia: ive tried previously running "fsck /dev/sda2" but cause it was LVM i really couldnt do that. and im a n00b to say the least10:21
=== Raymond_CN is now known as Raymond_CN_away
ikoniaWIGGMPk no no, never do that, sda is in your lvm is it no ?10:22
ActionParsnipdolfoffline: hmmm, id check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplash and make sure its all set right10:22
WobertActionParsnip: oh my god - that  sudo appt-get clean - seems to have fixed the problem, thx m810:22
ikoniaWIGGMPk run it agaisnt /dev/luggs-mbl/root10:22
OhmuI'm befuzzled.  /etc/init.d/networking restart worked.  Now I edited a couple of config files.  And it doesn't.  I removed the edits.  It still doesn't work!  This is so wrong!10:22
nnullive had a look at the ubuntu webby about it, it lists many programs.. what do you guys recommend for a mailserver, its only small for the homenetwork.10:22
WIGGMPkikonia: aye, it failed when I did it anyway lol. It is currently showing this: "Inode 1999643, i_blocks is 716984, should be 716760.  Fix<y>? " thats after "Pass 1: checking inodes, blocks, and sizes10:23
ActionParsnipWobert: i run it every time i install stuff, gets rid of the clutter. its great for dialup to store old debs but for broadband its kinda moot10:23
Arvandulak, i enterd the lines of code that i found on the website..The response was "command not found" i probably did it all wrong but im a big noob as i told you =)10:23
ikoniannull are you on a dhcp connection10:23
dulaknnull: postfix, it's pretty easy to configure compared to most of them10:23
nnullikonia¬ yea10:23
ikoniaWIGGMPk ok, so you do have corruption10:23
sushanthActionParsnip, i am new to ubuntu the pen drive works fine on other ubuntu except my laptop10:23
dolfofflineActionParsnip: I already found that one :)10:23
ActionParsnipsushanth: ok where are you trying to mount it to?10:23
WIGGMPkikonia: id imagine I want to select "y" for this right hahaha10:23
ikoniannull then don't run a mail server as you'll probably be blacklisted10:23
ketshi, anybody can help me with a prism54 softmac mini-pci card? I'm getting a problem while loading the eeprom and cannot make it work10:23
ikoniaWIGGMPk well thats debatable10:23
nnullblacklisted from what ikonia ?10:24
dulakArvan: the lines of code it gives you are for the repositories, you have to add them to your /etc/apt/sources.list file10:24
joshhuntdulak: Thanks10:24
ikoniaWIGGMPk you have a risk to try to fix teh file system with fsck10:24
dolfofflineActionParsnip: I'll reinstall all the usplash packages10:24
nnullikonia¬ this mailserver is to serve on the LAN only.10:24
ikoniannull isp's/mail rbl lists10:24
ActionParsnipdolfoffline: i dont use splash screens as I find them completely redundant. Just takes time to make a pretty picture10:24
sushanthusing this command but its not workin # sudo mkdir -p /media/d10:24
sushanth# sudo mount -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000 /dev/hda1 /media/d10:24
ikoniannull but it gets/sends mail from a dhcp address10:24
ActionParsnipsushanth: please put my name at the start of lines10:24
nnullikonia¬ only to other pcs on the LAN?10:24
WIGGMPkikonia: which are usually what ? it doesnt work? i really dont see a downside to my current situation10:24
dolfofflineActionParsnip: yeah, but it looks nicer :) And it doesn't deter the windows users which sometimes look over my shoulder10:24
ActionParsnipsushanth: just like i do you, makes finding your text easier in the text of 1300 users10:24
ikoniannull so it's not connected to the internet at all10:25
dolfofflinenice promotion when you're working in a busy train10:25
ActionParsnipsushanth: are you logged in as root?10:25
ikoniaWIGGMPk: ok so sudo fsck -y -t ext3 nnull10:25
nnullikonia¬ it is, but it wont be used for any internets10:25
ikoniaWIGGMPk: no10:25
ikoniaWIGGMPk: sudo fsck -y -t ext3 /dev/luggs-mbl/roo10:25
ikoniannull: go for it then10:25
ActionParsnipsushanth: you can tab complete names in irc10:26
WIGGMPkikonia: can you break down those options for me? what is -y and -t?10:26
ikoniaWIGGMPk y is "auto fix" -t is force file system ttype10:26
mikelok iv tryed a million things im on a fresh install of ubuntu and when i boot i get a screen telling me im in low grapgics mode when i click ok it gives me 2 options troubleshoot and reconfigure graphics what do i ned to do?10:26
WIGGMPkikonia: thanks, im very much appreciating your help10:27
ikoniaWIGGMPk don't worry10:27
ActionParsnipmikel: what graphics card do you have?10:27
Jonnyikonia, yep, a very weird problem. In the target environment, an apt-get -f install gets me 'Internal error, cannot do immediate configuration for libc6' (or words to that effect)10:27
mikelnvidia 820010:27
Arvandulak, they should be under 3rd party software right?10:27
seravitaehi there, im trying to boot into GDM/X without a monitor attached. i keep getting (II) intel(0): Output VGA disconnected (EE) intel(0): No valid modes. is there any way to force my system to ignore the fact theres no vga connected?10:27
sushanth<ActionParsnip>: i didnt get you10:27
ActionParsnipsushanth: when you logged in did you use root or your own user name?10:28
dulakArvan: http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=18573810:28
mikelActionParsnip: 8200m10:28
=== Raymond_CN_away is now known as Raymond_CN
ActionParsnipmikel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90215910:29
mikelactionparsnip: k lemme try it10:30
ActionParsnipmikel: have you tried envyng-gtk?10:30
mikelactionparsnip: i havent been able to get into ubuntu yet to set up my internet so i cant get envy or anything10:31
ActionParsnipmikel: are you using a wired connection?10:31
karstenikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6017471&postcount=68 FYI10:31
OhmuThis is strange.  /etc/init.d/networking start works fine.  but <blah> stop fails.  'Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : (/n) SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported. (/n) Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) : (/n) SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.(/n)   I think the lines generating the error are in in /etc/network/interfaces (wireless-mode master   and   wireless-essid spoink)   Any ideas?10:31
ActionParsnipOhmu: can we see your /etc/network/interface file as well as the output of ifconfig10:32
NeMeSiSwat is the command to view desktop10:32
ActionParsnipOhmu: use pastebin10:32
ActionParsnipNeMeSiS: startx10:32
sushanth<ActionParsnip> : normal user, not root10:32
ActionParsnipsushanth: just checking10:32
WIGGMPkikonia: should I run fsck on the swap partition?10:33
ActionParsnipsushanth: ok, run sudo fdisk -l and give me the /deb of the partition you want to mount10:33
karstenWIGGMPk: No.10:33
karstenWIGGMPk: swap doesn't have consistency issues.10:33
blackdayzhello, I'm having a problem running vmware server 2.0 with ubuntu 8.0.4 hardy10:33
blackdayzany takers? (:10:33
karstenWIGGMPk: It's not a filesystem, it's virtual memory, and it's basically re-done each reboot.10:33
ActionParsnipblackdayz: sure, wassup10:33
WIGGMPkkarsten: how does this (the corruption) happen?10:33
NeMeSiSand the the command to open a folder in your home or on the desktop10:33
karstenWIGGMPk: if you have prolems with swap _during_ system operation, you've got worse issues than filesystem inconsistency.10:34
ActionParsnipNeMeSiS: how do you mean?10:34
karstenWIGGMPk: What's the corruption issue?10:34
silson<blackdayz> I gave up on Vmware and used Virtualbox :)10:34
ActionParsnipNeMeSiS: please be more specific10:34
sushanthDisk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes10:34
sushanth255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders10:34
sushanthUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes10:34
sushanthDisk identifier: 0x11a8ba3810:34
sushanth   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:34
sushanth/dev/sda1               1         764     6136798+  12  Compaq diagnostics10:34
FloodBot1sushanth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:34
karstenlastlog -file foo WIGGMPk10:34
ActionParsnipsushanth: ok, where do you want it mounting to?10:34
mikelactionparsnip: nope im sitting in a chair with both of my laptops infront of me and can only get wireless10:34
blackdayzsilson: this is for my ms dir class though, so I have to stick to vmware. I have heard good things though.10:34
ActionParsnipmikel: can you get wired for now, just until you get on your feet?10:35
sushanthi didnt get you10:35
seravitaehi there, im trying to boot into GDM/X without a monitor attached. i keep getting (II) intel(0): Output VGA disconnected (EE) intel(0): No valid modes. is there any way to force my system to ignore the fact theres no vga connected?10:35
blackdayzActionParsnip: I installed vmware, but the vmware server console doesnt show up under applications/system10:35
ActionParsnipsushanth: the folder in /media where you are going to mount to, whats its name?10:35
mikelyea but how do i set it up without being able to get into ubuntu?10:35
ActionParsnipblackdayz: in terminal type vmware &10:35
WIGGMPkkarsten: well last night I was burning a DVD and went to bed, today I booted up my laptop and it said "group descriptors corrupted" and then wouldnt mount the root paritions and such10:35
ActionParsnipblackdayz: include the &10:35
silson<blackdayz> I think you might get better answers in #vmware10:35
Arvandulak,  i got it =)10:35
NeMeSiSsay i got a folder in my home /dir wat is the command to open it10:35
mikelactionparsnip: yea but how do i set it up without being able to gt into ubuntu10:35
karstenWIGGMPk: If you look at /var/log/messages or /var/log/kern.log or dmesg, do you see anything indicating disk errors?10:36
WIGGMPkkarsten: the command did nothing10:36
WIGGMPkkarsten: im currently in the Live CD10:36
ActionParsnipmikel: if eth0 shows up in ifconfig, you will get dhcp10:36
karstenWIGGMPk: Have you ... OK, so you're rebooted.10:36
karol^hi, I have some problems removing some oo3 beta packages that show up with dpkg --list | grep -i ooobasis3.0 I always get an error "Couldn't find package", it doesn't allow me to install oo3 final, anyone can help?10:36
karstenWIGGMPk: Can you mount any of your partitions?10:36
ActionParsnipblackdayz: you can add the item anywhere you please on the menu, it just doesnt make one10:36
NeMeSiSand the command to open a folder on the desktop10:36
dulakArvan: let me know how you like it10:36
Jonnyikonia, after a lot of pissing around with dpkg and apt I think I'm getting somewhere...10:36
WIGGMPkkarsten: didnt try yet..10:36
mikelactionparsnip: k just a sec10:36
OhmuActionParsnip: Thanks! http://pastebin.ca/123453510:36
blackdayzActionParsnip: I did. and it brought up my browser, attempting to run the ssl. but failed.10:37
WIGGMPkkarsten: alright now I was able to mount /dev/luggs-mbl/root after completing the fsck10:37
blackdayzActionParsnip: it works under though10:37
karstenWIGGMPk: Same drill:  Mount whatever it takes to get /var up and checck your system logs.  messages and kern.log will be of interest.  You might also start seeing disk errors from within the livecd boot, so dmesg may also tell you stuff.10:37
ActionParsnipNeMeSiS: open in what way, to cd to it or to open it in a file manager, and if yuo want to use a file manager...which? You cant just say "open a folder"10:37
silson<ActionParsnip> does vmware try to use bridge by default? I think that was the issue I had but it was awhile ago now so I can't remember properly :(10:37
karstenWIGGMPk: WTF is the luggs-mbl stuff?10:37
blackdayzit does use bridge by default.10:37
ActionParsnipblackdayz: theres a gui you can connect to vmware servers with10:38
silson<blackdayz> nat works better unless you especially need bridge.10:38
K-O-Dwhat was the package I needed to install for the pretty cube desktop?10:38
NeMeSiSjust to open a folder and view it content10:38
ActionParsnipOhmu: do you not use wep or wpa?10:38
WIGGMPkkarsten: long story, was building a server for a school project and didnt know what to name it (Linux Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Server) was what I came up with.. the mbl just denotes mobile (laptop) on my network10:38
karstenK-O-D: beryl, I think.10:39
ActionParsnipsilson: you can bridge the network connection10:39
karstenWIGGMPk: OK.10:39
OhmuActionParsnip: I don't think I use either.  I havent set either up, and I';m not intending to.10:39
K-O-Dno it was compiz-settings-manager or something10:39
karstenWIGGMPk: And why is that in /dev?10:39
blackdayzActionParsnip: I got 3 firefox:4879 errors after I typed vmware &10:39
karstenK-O-D: That's right.  compiz == beryl.10:39
karstenK-O-D: More or less.10:39
sushanthi dont have any folder in media except these10:39
OhmuActionParsnip: I'm aiming for a quick and dirty wifi to all the house10:39
blackdayz(btw, your guys ability to keep up with multiple users in this room is impressive)10:39
WIGGMPkkarsten: *shrugs* that was my volume group id when I installed the LVM10:39
karstenWIGGMPk: Ok.  *That* was the missing piece.10:40
ActionParsnipblackdayz: its hard some days10:40
halberdwhat modules should I get in order to get kernel headers + source (which apparently I need to compile a driver)?10:40
bimberiK-O-D: compizconfig-settings-manager10:40
karstenWIGGMPk: LVM.  OK, so you've fscked it and mounted?10:40
WIGGMPkkarsten: WIGGMPk = n00b10:40
ActionParsnipblackdayz: vmware & is a terminal command10:40
karstenWIGGMPk: Do yourself a favor and mount read-only.10:40
ActionParsnipblackdayz: nothing to do with firefox10:40
silson<ActionParsnip> ok I've forgotten entirely Vbox seems so much easier and I can't see what Vmware offers, though I realise blackdayz has no choice.10:40
karstenWIGGMPk: NP.  old fart here.10:40
WIGGMPkkarsten: aye, and im slowly getting to the files you told me to check for disk errors (i really appreciate your help)10:40
ActionParsnipsilson: its part of the vmware install to configure outward reaching LAN devices10:41
dulaksilson: vmware supports vx virtualization on newer cpus, virtualbox does not10:41
dulaksilson: if you have a dual core cpu, vmware smokes virtualbox10:41
rajecfkc is there any progrma which could create database diagram based on sql or connecting to database?10:41
karstenWIGGMPk: NP.  The classic message is 'read-seek complete error' or anything with 'CRC' in it.  Generally means incipient (or already happening) drive failure.10:41
silson<dulak> I suppose I'd have realised that if I could afford a brand new computer :)10:41
halberdhow can I apt-get my kernel source + headers?10:42
dulaksilson: that's the only difference, if you're on a single core cpu, virtualbox is much easier to use and will get you the same performance as vmware10:42
MenZaAnd Virtualbox is Free Softare. :)10:42
MenZaHeavy argument, that.10:42
silson<dulak> I am on fast P410:42
khtwhay.  Any-one having success connecting to undernet these days?10:43
blackdayzActionParsnip: what is the default login name/password for the gui?10:43
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ActionParsnipOhmu: is you SSID in lower case (i thhink its case sensitive). I'd also try different wireless-modes to see if you can get connected10:43
karstenhalberd: apt-cache search linux source10:43
bob_Hi! MenZa, vmware server 1.0.x & 2.0 is free, too.10:43
ActionParsnipOhmu: if its unsecured its possible someone snook in and changed something10:43
sushanthsushanth@SushiX:/media$ ls10:43
sushanthcdrom  cdrom0  OS 210:43
MenZabob_: Only as in beer :)10:43
MenZa!free | bob_10:43
dulakbob_: it's not really free, you don't get source code10:43
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OhmuActionParsnip: Doubt it.  Nobody else in the village knows what a computer is!10:44
ActionParsnipblackdayz: for the localhost gui there isnt one10:44
joaopintoit's free, not open :P10:44
ActionParsnipOhmu: id check just in case10:44
MenZabob_: Freedom, in this case, means that you get the source code, you're allowed to modify and redistribute it. That's what free software is about - freedom.10:44
blackdayzActionParsnip: then what am I missing?10:44
bob_I mean it's free for use...10:44
silson<dulak> I do use the player simply because there's so much already out there for Vmware, but hopefully that will change. We should suppose the FOSS option when we can.10:44
K-O-Dwhich button is the <super> button10:44
joaopintobut I still find vmware performance superior to vbox10:44
MenZaK-O-D: your "Windows" or "Meta" key.10:44
K-O-Dthank you10:44
MenZaNo problem. :)10:45
AnGeL_EyEi want to open a folder on my desktop to view the content in it wat is the command for that10:45
ActionParsnipblackdayz: so you run the frontend using vmware &. Then select local host. then click ok10:45
dulaksilson: I use virtualbox on my amd box, but for my dual core boxes vmware uses a lot less cpu than virtualbox for the same virtual machines10:45
MenZaAnGeL_EyE: You change to the directory with "cd Foldername/" and use "ls" to view the files/folders in it.10:45
mikel1actionparsnip: k im wired now what?10:45
halberdkarsten that gives me far too many results10:45
Hisamuthere's a mirc-like irc client for ubuntu?10:45
ActionParsnipmikel1: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart10:45
AnGeL_EyEi try that but did not work10:46
karstenhalberd: Trye:  apt-=cache search linux-source then, or filter the output through grep/less whatever.10:46
MenZaAnGeL_EyE: Are you sure the folder exists, and contains anything?10:46
halberdI have pretty much found my header file using "apt-cache search linux-header | grep `uname -r`"10:46
ActionParsnipHisamu: xchat, bitchx has good script support10:46
Hisamuxchat is the best option? :/10:46
halberdalthough that only narrows it down to 310:46
ActionParsnipHisamu: there is no "best" ANYTHING10:46
silson<dulak> I'm a bit lazy. I always use the easier option :)10:46
thomcwhat's the release after Jaunty Jackalope going to be called? Kinky Kinkajou?10:46
ActionParsnipHisamu: you need to ditch the word "best"10:46
MenZaHisamu: Depending on what you want - irssi and xchat are really good clients. xchat if you want a GUI client; irssi if you want a terminal one.10:46
MenZaAnGeL_EyE: What's the name of the folder?10:46
odracir34i did get some ubuntu updates on my ubuntu i install them, but now i cant come in to my usb sticks, do somebody know how i can fix this pproblem10:47
dulaksilson: easy is good, I'm not down on you for choosing it, you wouldn't see any difference moving to vmware anyways on your cpu10:47
MenZaHisamu: Although the list of IRC clients goes on; irssi, bitchx, xchat, konversation, xchat-gnome, etc.10:47
AnGeL_EyEit is on my desktop10:47
mikel1actionparsnip: k now what?10:47
Arvandulak, i got it working and so does the menues...The problem now is that the movies plays very very fast and i don have any sound.10:47
Hisamui'll give bitchx a try10:47
MenZaAnGeL_EyE: ok; open a terminal. What language is your desktop set to?10:47
halberdokay so I am doing apt-get install linux-source10:47
dulakArvan: I am not sure about that, mine worked great out of the box, you might check the xbmc forums for ideas10:48
DigitaL_FreaK08Arvan: Try downloading latest audio-video codecs... ;)10:48
WIGGMPkkarsten: there were only 2 lines with "CRC" in kern.log from 2-3 days ago, I didnt find anything in messages or dmesg10:48
ZmAYhow can i install .package file10:48
dulakDigitaL_FreaK08: it's xbmc, no codecs10:48
WIGGMPkkarsten: you think its ok to reboot and try it out?10:48
* ntinos_ is away: efiga leme :P10:48
karstenWIGGMPk: What were thay?  Go ahead a paste here.10:48
AdvoWorkhow can I test /etc/fstab? like an entry, can i manually test one line rather than doing sudo mount -a?10:48
MenZaAdvoWork: Try mount /mount/point10:48
WIGGMPkkarsten: Oct 16 06:00:40 luggs-mbl kernel: [14449.899170] sr 0:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Id CRC or ECC error10:48
MenZaAnGeL_EyE: Try "cd Desktop/ivan"10:49
* karsten tries to remember what sr0 is.10:49
WIGGMPkkarsten: Oct 17 01:58:11 luggs-mbl kernel: [  137.620760] sr 2:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: Id CRC or ECC error10:49
karstenWIGGMPk: That's a SCSI error probably from a USB device, likely something you can ignore.10:49
halberdwill apt-get install linux-source also install the headers?10:49
karstenWIGGMPk: http://linuxgazette.net/issue76/tag/10.html is typical of failing disk messages10:49
dulakhalberd: headers are a seperate package10:50
MenZaZmAY: You need autopackage. This isn't in the repositories; I can recommend that you search for a .deb package with the software.10:50
halberdbecause I was reading something that said I would have to look for both source and headers separately10:50
dulakhalberd: apt-cache search linux-headers10:50
K-O-DI have the 3d desktop effects enabled10:50
halberdyes dulak that narrows it down to 310:50
MenZahalberd: headers are in linux-headers-`uname -r` (where `uname -r` is your kernel version)10:50
mikel1actionparsnip: ???10:50
K-O-Dhowever i only have two desktops and not a total cube, even though I've selected the desktop cube effect10:50
dulakhalberd check your current kernel with uname -a, and get the headers and source that match10:50
AnGeL_EyEit is not working10:50
ActionParsnipmikel1: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade; sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade10:50
ActionParsnipmikel1: was a quick phone call dude10:51
OhmuActionParsnip: Thanks! You were right.  I just had to sub allow hotplug wlan0 instead of auto wlan010:51
halberdlinux-headers (plain), linux-headers (lbm) and linux-headers (lum)10:51
nikolamhi. Is there anyone that has issues with 2.6.24-21 on amd64, regarding network and no adsl working like it should and system freezes?10:51
ActionParsnipOhmu: nice one dude10:51
nikolamHere is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/28741610:51
WIGGMPkkarsten: im still confused. this just randomly happens? was it a PEBKAC?10:51
halberdI guess I'll just go with the plain one10:52
ActionParsnipOhmu: id add that file to your backup now so you dont have to mess around if you want to reinstall10:52
ActionParsnipmikel1: that will get you fully updated to the latest hardy10:52
ogzyi want to change the defined email address of my user, while i am running dch command and editing changelog files it is adding an invalid mail where does the user's email address info is kept?10:52
OhmuActionParsnip: Yeah I'm noting everything down!!10:52
silsonback in a minute10:53
ActionParsnipOhmu: just put the file on your backup media, way easier10:53
mikel1actionparsnip: sorry man just dident know if you were stil there ok the upgrades turned up 0 on all of those but with no errors10:53
halberdI kind of like not having a GUI to mess with, just using "screen"10:53
ActionParsnipmikel1: ok whats the output of uname -r10:53
halberdit forces me to think about what I'm doing instead of looking for things on the monitor10:53
bimberiogzy: from the DEBEMAIL environment variable, otherwise I think it builds one using username@hostname10:54
rajecis there any progrma which could create database relation diagram based on sql or connecting to database?10:54
AnGeL_EyEthis sign show up > i tried the cd Desktop/ivan now i can not exit .10:55
AnGeL_EyEi still can not open the folder on the desktop10:55
bimberiogzy: so put a 'export DEBEMAIL=the.address@that.you.want' in ~/.bashrc10:55
ActionParsnipmikel1: and what's the output of lsb_release -a10:55
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ogzybimberi, ok thanx10:55
ActionParsnipmikel1: what release number?10:56
binarymutantAnGeL_EyE: try ls ~/Desktop/ivan10:56
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: nautilus ~/Desktop/ivan &10:56
PokolokoGood morning everyone10:57
ActionParsniphi Pokoloko10:57
nikolamgm 2u210:57
AnGeL_EyEhi pokoloko10:57
blackdayzthanks for the help ActionParsnip (:10:57
ActionParsnipblackdayz: all better?10:57
OhmuActionParsnip: I think I've done everything: ip forwarding, nat, dhcp and configuring the wifi card.  No errors.  But my xp machine doesnt see a network.   Can I test on the ubuntubox whether it's actually transmitting?10:58
ActionParsnipOhmu: you could ping your gateway and the xp box by name and ip10:58
halberdhey how come the headers are actually larger in size than the source10:59
AnGeL_EyEi want to open a folder on my desktop to view the content in it wat is the command for that10:59
AnGeL_EyEi want to open a folder on my desktop to view the content in it wat is the command for that10:59
AnGeL_EyEi want to open a folder on my desktop to view the content in it wat is the command for that10:59
AnGeL_EyEi want to open a folder on my desktop to view the content in it wat is the command for that10:59
FloodBot1AnGeL_EyE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:59
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: we told you10:59
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: cd ~/Desktop10:59
binarymutantAnGeL_EyE: try ls ~/Desktop/ivan10:59
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: ls10:59
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: is the folder on your desktop named ivan?11:00
smm289is anyone here using Hardy and an Intel 4965 wireless card (notebook xps1330) and able to connect with 802.11n speeds?11:00
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: ok11:00
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: in terminal: cd ~/Desktop/ivan; ls11:00
K-O-Dhow do I make my desktop show up on the top and bottom of the cube too, or is that not an option?11:01
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: if you want it in the gui then type: nautilus .11:01
ActionParsnipAnGeL_EyE: you need to put the .11:01
Puppyanyone else on here good with ndiswrapper11:01
Puppyanyone from the UK at all ?11:01
ActionParsnipPuppy: its not hard11:02
smm289anyone able to connect with 802.11n speeds using Hardy ?11:02
ActionParsnipPuppy: im from leeds11:02
PuppyActionParsnip you say that11:02
WIGGMPkkarsten: THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH. Im back in my system and everything looks like its working great.11:02
PuppyActionParsnip - can i pm11:02
K-O-Dwow this desktop is truly impressive - this is way better eye candy than vista11:02
binarymutantK-O-D: compiz?11:02
K-O-Dyeah Binary - this is amazing11:03
K-O-Dwobbly windows rule11:03
K-O-Dcube desktop11:03
method1i kinda like the wall better11:03
ActionParsnipK-O-D: millions would disagree11:03
smm289compiz rOCKS,  gotta love the cube and the zoom out feature that shows all your desktops, also love the raindrop water effects11:03
method1cube is just flashy11:03
binarymutantits good there's plugins too11:03
K-O-Dand it actually made glxgears run faster =- and yes i know its not a "benchmark" even though it sort of it11:03
ActionParsnipK-O-D: millions would agree11:03
localh0stsmm289: compiz is only slowly wm...11:04
K-O-DActionParsnip, its a shame Ubuntu doesn't put out some commercials to make fun of vista11:04
mikel1actionparsnip its 8.1011:04
K-O-Dthe mac ones are a riot11:04
method1the windows one suck11:04
K-O-DI am a PC lol11:04
binarymutantIs it possible to play GL video games like Open Arena while compiz is on if given great hardware?11:04
ActionParsnipK-O-D: its above poking fun. its more mature11:04
method1K-O-D:  i actually like the wall better than the desktop... cause when i zoom out it's like i can see everything at once11:04
K-O-Dthats where Ubuntu ought to have a commercial - I'm a PC, and I dont SUCK and cost 400 bucks11:04
WIGGMPkSo, does anyone know why when I execute "sudo alsa force-reload" it replays the default login sounds when I have my own custom sound set under the accessibility tab of "Login Window"???11:05
mikel1actionparsnip: 8.1011:05
ActionParsnipK-O-D: notice how Linux has done very little advertisng and still gets great press with a decent userbase11:05
K-O-DI havent played with "wall"11:05
jokeusaHello there. Need small help with Squid: Wont redirecting port 80 from the same PC and the same ETH0 to port 3128(squid working here) put it in an endless loop? As in user>p:80>redirect_3128>squid>p:80>redirect_3128(...)?11:05
ActionParsnipmikel1: then its intrepid and beta software. Its considered broken. Head off to #ubuntu+111:05
ActionParsnipmikel1: intrepid support is NOT here11:05
K-O-DAction - yeah its good stuff, although I have to say, I was very impressed with OsX11:05
MrKeunerhi all, is it possible to run a user cronjob only when the user logged in?11:06
koshariK-O-D commercials cost money, besides i prefer to research and by products of my preference rather than let commercials decide what i use11:06
K-O-Dtoo bad I can't afford a mac11:06
ActionParsnipK-O-D: its offtopic for a support channel dude11:06
dulakjokeusa: why would you redirect port 80 on the same nic to squid?11:06
dabdhi could someone help me with xrandr (external monitor) configuration?11:06
K-O-Dkoshari, im not talking about commercials to sell a product - just to harass MS11:06
binarymutantMrKeuner: yes11:06
dulakjokeusa: are you sure you aren't trying to redirect port 80 outbound to squid to force a transparent proxy?11:06
Fish-Gutshi folks. i have a problem. i just updated some stuff, also the kernel with the update manager. after reboot i get "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VSF : Unable to mount root fs on unkonown-block(0,0)". I'm using hardy 8.04... any help?11:06
jokeusadulak - its a stand-alone PC that has Squid3 running, kids are using it so we use Squid to filter bad stuff and block DL'ing files.11:06
MrKeunerbinarymutant: would you care to tell me how?11:06
mikel1actionparsnip: i came here cos ubuntu+1 is dead and i had the same problem with hardy and the fix that worked with hardy worked in intrepid last time but i dont remember what it was all i had to do was get 177 drivers installed11:06
binarymutantMrKeuner: crontab -e11:07
dulakjokeusa: yeah then you are proxying outbound port 80, not port 80 on the same nic11:07
jokeusadulak - thats why i want to redirect outgoing traffic to go through port 3128 first11:07
Arvandulak, Still the same :S But while uppdating the codecs and all that i got to a sertain point where i could not press <ok> i think that might have bin the problem.11:07
kosharii found osx rather boring, the default billetted steel theme is really beginning to age, and i just cant get used to the panel changing with application focus11:07
ActionParsnipmikel1: then you gotta wait11:07
MrKeunerbinarymutant: that edits the file yes, so what?11:07
alteregoais there a termcap variable for cygwin?11:07
mikel1actionparsnip: how come?11:07
ActionParsnipmikel1: you are using what is considered broken software, untill its officially released its not supported in the official room11:07
jokeusaIll tell you what exactly is my IPTables redirect: "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128"11:08
dulakjokeusa: you are forwarding port 80 on the internet to 3128, not port 80 on your linux box11:08
jokeusaIm not 100% sure what it does11:08
ActionParsnipmikel1: it comes out in 8 days time, you can get a lot of testing in that time11:08
dulakjokeusa: yeah that's on OUTPUT, so anything going out to the internet on port 8011:08
binarymutantMrKeuner: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto11:08
jokeusagoes to the same machine to port 312811:08
dulakjokeusa: INPUT would be anything coming from the internet to your computer11:08
MrKeunerbinarymutant: nevermind11:08
jokeusadulak - right?11:08
kosharibut at least osx has a desktop pager which is something ms really needs to rip off, its like tabbed browsing for the deaktop and should be the norm for all desktops11:08
dulakjokeusa: there is a config option in squid you turn on so it knows it's behind a proxy and it will fix the loop11:09
jokeusadulak - But i dont want to filter incoming stuff...i want to filter stuff before it goes out11:09
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alteregoaif i open a ssh terminal i see some wrong fonts11:09
dulakjokeusa: you want to filter sites on the internet, which is OUTPUT11:09
mikel1actionparsnip: iv had help in here before and installing the same way i did in hardy worked with this one. so just help me as if i had hardy.... please please how do you install 177 drivers in command?11:09
Fish-Gutsnobody an idea?`:(11:09
alteregoawhat can i do to set cygwin using utf-8?11:09
localh0stalteregoa: check you locales11:09
dulakjokeusa: think of it like this, your browser goes OUT to the internet and gets stuff on port 8011:09
localh0stalteregoa: yeah, i think11:10
alteregoalocalh0st: in win?11:10
jokeusaGah, i hate being a linux newb :<11:10
localh0stI had irssi on windows, and i had unicode11:10
alteregoalocalh0st: actualy ubuntu is unicode11:10
halberdahh I finally found out I have a kernel that is too old for ath9k11:10
jokeusadulak - So my IPTables conf line is wrong?11:10
halberdis upgrading my kernel a simple process?11:11
alteregoalocalh0st: maybe those ssh stuff for win isn't using utf811:11
jokeusadulak - it should be 'input on eth0' redirect to 3128?11:11
halberdor would I be better off reinstalling the whole system?11:11
RetrogradeCulturhow can I mount a USB device?11:11
localh0stalteregoa: xchat using unicode utf-811:11
ActionParsnipmikel1: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-177 i think, try tab completing11:11
alteregoalocalh0st: not for irc, just SSH11:12
dulakjokeusa: actually you shouldn't be on output at all11:12
dulakjokeusa: sec and I"ll paste a link11:12
localh0stalteregoa: putty11:12
bimberihalberd: what ubuntu version?11:12
dulakjokeusa: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-setup-transparent-proxy-squid-howto.html11:12
dulakjokeusa: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/TransparentProxy.html11:13
RetrogradeCulturhow can I mount a USB device?11:13
halberdbimberi 2.6.24-21-server11:13
mikel1actionparsnip: how do you tab complete?11:13
jokeusadulak - "Eth0 connected to internet and eth1 connected to local lan i.e. system act as router."11:13
jokeusadulak - its totally different, my PC is not a router11:13
RetrogradeCulturmikel1: you type some of the command and hit tab11:13
localh0stRetrogradeCultur: what is your usb devide?11:13
jokeusaa stand-alone11:13
localh0stpendrive, memory card?11:13
bimberihalberd: so hardy then :)11:13
RetrogradeCulturlocalh0st: it's a flash disk11:13
halberdyes bimberi but I need 2.6.2711:13
ikoniahalberd why11:14
halberdfor ath9k11:14
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dulakjokeusa: look at the iptables lines though, notice they are not on the OUTPUT but on PREROUTING?11:14
localh0stRetrogradeCultur: so try sudo mount -t vfat /dev/device /mount/catalog11:14
jokeusadulak - yes, i've tried these, they did not work at all11:14
halberdso I guess I shouldn't have much trouble with a kernel upgrade should I?11:14
mikel1actionparsnip: bad command but lemme try google maybe you steared me in the right direction11:15
localh0stIf four device is forrmated in fat/fat32 - default filesystem11:15
bimberihalberd: wait 8 days for intrepid then?11:15
dulakjokeusa: hmmmm, let me see if I can find anything about a stand-alone transparent proxy11:15
ActionParsnipmikel1: sudo apt-get install nvidia<press tab>11:16
Fish-Gutshas really no one ever had a frigging kernel panic? i can't figure out what todo, any help would be terrific11:16
nnullwhats the difference between 8.04 and 8.04.1 ?11:16
jokeusadulak - problem is, when i used "iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3128" it actually started working...as in redirected outgoing stuff to transparent Squid...i know this because firefox was working OK before running that command, and after running it, Squid blocked my PC (was set on http_access deny all).11:16
RetrogradeCulturlocalh0st: it doesn't give me any output11:16
localh0stsudo fdisk -l11:16
RetrogradeCulturlocalh0st: i enter the PW and it doesn't do anything11:16
localh0stand then find your device name11:16
localh0stOk, then do11:17
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: check dmesg | tail11:17
halberdah I see11:17
cburyis it possible to list all my packages with apt-get?11:17
halberdthat is bizarre11:17
=== dian is now known as priyo
jokeusadulak - unfortunately, i can only see that it redirects that traffic to squid...if i set Squid to let my PC access net, all requests get timed out11:17
localh0stcbury: check man11:17
RetrogradeCulturyeah 'sudo fdisk -l' doesn't give any output either11:17
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: ive never had one as I only EVER use stable official stuff11:18
bimbericbury: 'dpkg --get-selections'11:18
alteregoalocalh0st: the problem is, if i connect to an ubuntu shell, of my friend i see everything ok, but if i connect to my own pc from win, i see garbage11:18
nnullanyone got any god reasons not to go from 8.04 to 8.04.1 ?11:18
jokeusadulak - seems to me they're in an endless loop...as i said earlier...request_p:80>iptables_redirect_3128>squid>request_p:80>iptables_redirect_3128(...)etcetcetc11:18
dulakjokeusa: http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq/InterceptionProxy#head-779feb6af81cda62fc6dce049030d3434c13ee0511:18
alteregoalocalh0st: i tested it with mc11:18
halberdthe error I am getting is /home/bparkis/downloads/compat-wireless-2008-10-22/config.mk:28: *** "ERROR: You should use compat-wireless-2.6-old for older kernels, this one is for kenrels >= 2.6.27".  Stop.11:18
ActionParsnipnnull: cant see why not, its an official release11:18
Fish-GutsActionParsnip: i'ts happnening only when i try to update my kernel as sugested by my update manager11:18
localh0stalteregoa: and?11:18
Fish-Gutsi cannot boot at all only with my gutsy live cd11:18
halberdis that supposed to be a joke11:19
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:19
RetrogradeCulturlocalh0st:  I got it now thx :)11:19
bimberinnull: because the lord... o darn you corrected the typo ;P11:19
RetrogradeCulturI unmounted it and now I got it working. thanks :D11:19
dulakjokeusa: you have to use the loopback in that example11:19
=== Raymond_CN is now known as Raymond_CN_away
nnullbimberi¬ heh ;)11:19
Fish-GutsActionParsnip i am using hardy11:19
localh0stRetrogradeCultur: no problem ;)11:19
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: that command works on any debian based system11:19
noogahow to use ACL file access rights under ubuntu? Do I need some preparation?11:19
dabd hi could someone help me with xrandr (external monitor) configuration?11:19
alteregoalocalh0st: where are those "locales" and termcap variables sstored?11:20
Fish-Gutshow am i supposed to make a shell based dist upgrade when i cannot boot?$11:20
ninjafuryIs there a way to permanently set a default aspect ratio in xine?11:20
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: you could boot to an old kernel, or boot to live cd and chroot11:20
cburyis it possible to check if package x is installed before11:20
cburytypeing apt-get install x11:20
bimberiFish-Guts: can you boot into recovery mode (from the grub boot menu)?11:20
localh0stalteregoa: i dont remeber, but in my Arch linux is it in /etc/locales.gen11:20
jokeusaso from what i understand, lo is my input device, and eth0 output? (logical thinking?)11:20
dulakcbury: dpkg -l | grep packagename11:20
dulakjokeusa: yes11:21
ActionParsnipdulak: i'd add -i to your grep11:21
Fish-GutsActionParsnip: i booted with my live cd, and from there i don't know what to do11:21
mikel1how do i download envy and install it via terminal11:21
kosharican you chroot to a different kernel version?11:21
deusI would like to test the difference between REJECT and DROP in iptables. To do this, I run this command on my firewall machine: iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -j REJECT. From a different machine, I try to connect to a system behind the firewall (nc Result: nothing happens. Shouldn't I receive a Host Unreachable ?11:21
ActionParsnipmikel1: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk11:21
ActionParsnipmikel1: ive never setup envy from cli11:21
AdvoWorkhi there, im doing:  sudo mount -a and its saying: mount: mount point  does not exist Could not resolve mount point /home/sageBackups    any ideas?11:21
dulakjokeusa: you have to set squid to run on the loopback interface, and you'll use the loopback like eth1 in that other example11:21
mikel1awsome lemme try it11:21
localh0sti think, better idea is chroot to "not avainable" system from livecd11:21
jokeusadulak - studying that linky atm :)11:22
method1can i not get an advanced configuration tool for synaptics ?11:22
bimberichroot continues to use the booted kernel11:22
WIGGMPkSo, does anyone know why when I execute "sudo alsa force-reload" it replays the default login sounds when I have my own custom sound set under the accessibility tab of "Login Window" and under the "Sounds" options I have "Login" sound disabled???11:22
dulakjokeusa: basically you are using the loopback as the second nic to fake the router aspect of things11:22
koshariAdvoWork you have that mount point? and why are you trying to mount a user directory?11:22
mikel1actionparsnip: it sais couldent find package11:23
ActionParsnipmikel1: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk11:23
jokeusadulak - excuse the ignorance, what is nic?11:23
ActionParsnipmikel1: try tab completing then envyng bit11:23
dulakjokeusa: network interface card11:23
Fish-Gutsdo I need to downgrade my kernel or something? i really don't know11:23
dulakjokeusa: short hand for network card11:24
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: boot and press esc to see yuor grub menu, then choose and older kernel11:24
Fish-Gutsi don't have an older kernel! update manager removed all of 'em11:24
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: once in the old kernel you can view logs11:24
localh0stActionParsnip: older kernel isnt removed in update?11:25
EarthLionhow can i make my server resolve a hostname to itself?11:25
ActionParsniplocalh0st: not on my boxes11:25
mikel1actionparsnip: downloading thanks11:25
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: id check just to make sure11:25
* bimberi uses Update Manager and has a slew of old kernels ;)11:25
joaopintoEarthLion, edit /etc/hosts11:25
* ActionParsnip uses apt-get then removes all but the last 2 good kernels11:26
Fish-Gutslast stable kernel version was 2.6.24-1811:26
Fish-Gutsno there anymore11:26
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: is that what you see when you view the grub menu?11:26
Fish-Gutsonly 2.6.24-19 and 2.6.24-2111:26
bimberiActionParsnip: neat-freak! ;P11:26
Fish-GutsActionParsnip no i look in my boot directo5ry11:26
Fish-Gutsboot partition11:26
ActionParsnipbimberi: i just like minimal stuff on my system (also hence fluxbox)11:26
jokeusadulak - is that first iptable line even necessary? it looks like one used when my box's a router11:27
binarymutantActionParsnip: have you used dwm yet?11:27
ninjafuryAnyone help please? Where can I set the DEFAULT aspect ratio of xine?11:27
ActionParsnipFish-Guts: ahh so you are reading the menu.lsy file?11:27
AdvoWorkhmmm, im now getting: mount error: mount point /home/sageBackups does not exist  how come? home/sageBackups exists?11:27
mikel1actionparsnip: now im installing the 177 drivers thanks man11:27
Fish-GutsActionParsnip: nope. i checked al vmlinuz-.... version i have in my boot partition11:27
koshariAdvoWork pastebin your fstab entry11:28
dulakjokeusa: http://www.mail-archive.com/squid-users@squid-cache.org/msg14384.html11:28
dulakjokeusa: he solved the problem you are having11:28
EarthLionright so on ubuntu sudo vi /etc/hostname11:29
EarthLioni have placed my external hostname but in there11:29
EarthLionthat should mean when the server sees that it should just connect to localhost right?11:29
dulakjokeusa: basically his rule checks if squid is the one originating the request, allows that, then forces anything else through squid11:29
dulakjokeusa: that should fix up your loop11:30
Fish-Gutsman that sucks11:30
Fish-Gutsi cano't do anything11:30
Fish-Gutsi can't even chroot11:30
=== Raymond_CN_away is now known as Raymond_CN
nnulli installed postfix, how do i like do stuff with it now heh11:31
Fish-Gutsi now checked the menu.lst11:32
dulaknnull: http://www.postfix.org/documentation.html11:32
sneexnnull: see #postfix channel11:32
Fish-Gutsi removed all except 2.6.24-19 and 2.6.24-19 recovery mode.... stilll crashing11:32
jokeusadulak - thx, initial post looks exactly the same as my problem, hopefully solving it now11:32
Fish-Gutshow can i install the 2.6.24-18 kernel again from my live CD?11:32
dulakjokeusa: let me know if it works I"m gonna do a blog post about it, was moderately hard to find the solution11:33
jokeusadulak - aight11:34
mikel1how do i enable nvidia restricted drivers in terminal?11:34
blip-hi all,  where can i get a list of all non-standard repositories so i can add them to sources file... e.g. Medibuntu, Opera, and others ?   the ones mentioned here for medibuntu don't work    http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#sources.list11:35
ActionParsnipmikel1: you manually edit xorg.conf11:35
AdvoWorkkoshari got it working now I think11:35
bastid_raZor!medibuntu | blip-11:35
mikel1in xorg do i just ad "driver"   nvida?11:35
ActionParsnipmikel1: heres mine at 1024x76811:35
bastid_raZorhttp://www.medibuntu.org  blip-11:36
mikel1k i'll check it out11:36
blip-bastid_raZor: yes i have that... what i mean is there a complete list ?   I mean there may be useful repos which i don't know about... i know only about opera and medibuntu, but i'm sure there is more good stuff elsewhere11:37
dulakubottu died11:37
ActionParsnipyeah i know it sucks11:37
jokeusadulak - failed..."Bad OWNER UID value 'squid'"11:38
jokeusawhen running first command11:38
dulakjokeusa: look at the squid process and see what it's running as11:38
ActionParsnipsomeone send a magic packet to ubottu11:38
dulakjokeusa: ps auxw | grep squid11:38
seekingtruthhello sinners11:38
ActionParsniphey seekingtruth, sinning is good11:38
seekingtruthActionParsnip: you can tell that to God at judgement day11:39
bastid_raZorblip-; oh i see what you mean. it is all according to what you're wanting. for example a new dock. Cairo-Dock . you would need to add a repo for that.11:39
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ActionParsnipseekingtruth: im sure i will11:39
seekingtruthActionParsnip: yes you will11:39
bastid_raZorActionParsnip; why feed the troll :\11:39
ActionParsnipbastid_raZor: looked hungry11:39
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: define troll11:39
AdvoWorkhas VIM got a way todo select all text to delete?11:39
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: shame hes ficticious11:39
dulakAdvoWork: you can delete a whole line with dd11:39
AdvoWorkdulak dd?11:40
__BradCmmm.. the latest kernel update for 8.04 appears to have broken my FTDI USB UART ..11:40
dulakAdvoWork: in command mode dd deletes the entire current line11:40
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: When a person judges or is critical of you and what you say or do, then the reason is because this person has judged aspects of their own appearance and their own self, that they deep down cannot tolerate.  Therefore they externalises it onto someone else.  So in oyher words, you think youre a troll :)11:40
ActionParsnip__BradC: did the old kernel work 100%?11:40
AdvoWorkhow do you use it then?#11:40
bastid_raZorAdvoWork; vimtutor is a great way to learn more about vim and all it can do.11:40
__BradCalways ActionParsnip11:40
blip-bastid_raZor: ok i'll check that out thanks,  one more question please,  in the medibuntu page they tell me to do "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list"   ......... is this correct ?   Because it is not modifying my sources.list.... what's sources.list.d for ?    thanks11:40
ActionParsnip__BradC: then why did you upgrade?11:40
dulakAdvoWork: I'm not understanding what you mean?  you hit esc, then type dd and it will delete the current line11:41
__BradCBecause the update manager had it there to upgrade. I always tend to apply the updates Ubuntu feeds to me on that machine11:41
ActionParsnip__BradC: the only real reason to upgrade the kernel is if it supports something that doesnt work in your current kernel11:41
__BradCand local or remote exploits.. security patches are always a valid reason to upgrade11:41
dulakjokeusa: squid runs as the user proxy, so switch squid to proxy in that iptables rule11:42
jokeusadulak - it outputs this: htttp://paste.ubuntu.com/61468/11:42
arquebuscan someone tell me what this is about? http://img368.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotys2.png it looks like I have shadow partition11:43
bastid_raZorblip-; that will link it to your source.list and still be checked with apt-get.. look in /etc/apt/source.list.d/medibuntu.list ..11:43
jokeusadulak - ah, yes, so that s an username11:43
dulakjokeusa: yes, in that iptables rule swap squid to proxy and it should work11:43
Trashlordhi, I have a Radeon 9200 video card. and apparently DRI is disabled, how do I enable it?11:44
bastid_raZorblip-; sources.list.d tells apt-get to also look else where for repositories.11:44
Trashlordthat's the output of glxinfo11:44
Adam434Hello , i am new to Ubuntu , does it possible to use ls command or other command from terminal to count files in the folders ?11:45
__BradCls | wc -l11:45
koshariTrashlord radeons 9200 restricted binary dont support dri11:45
Trashlorddo you know where can I get the open source driver for it?11:45
ihcerhello everybody11:46
Fish-Gutsfolks no ideas left?11:46
dulakls -l | wc -l11:46
arquebuscan anyone tell me what is wrong, why I have two of the same partition showing up? http://img368.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotys2.png11:46
Woody86is there a spanish version of #ubuntu?11:46
binarymutantdpkg !portuguese11:47
localh0starquebus: whats your gtk theme?11:47
arquebuslocalhost, Im just using the stock desktop11:48
monstahany recomendations for a identd?11:48
Slartarquebus: I'm not sure if you can mount the same paritition twice but it seems to be what you have there.. one is mounted normally and one using fuse.. the user space file system thingy11:48
monstahoidentd or pidentd?11:48
Woody86dulak -  Thank you :)11:48
dulakjokeusa: that working?11:49
arquebusSlart- this happened when I did an update, and it installed two kernels at the same time, I uninstalled the old kernel but that did not fix it, I guess it installed on my empty partition11:49
Woody86had a new member pm me, and I have no clue other than "Se habla espanol?"11:49
Slartarquebus: I have the exact same thing on my computer11:49
arquebusSlart- what should I do?11:50
dulakI also have that listed in system monitor11:50
dulakI believe it's a gnome thing11:50
Sfc-2008Good Morning!11:51
nomoaarquebus: it's a normal behaviour11:51
halyconhey everyone I am just wondering if there is someway to have programs minimize to the system tray on startup? I have a program called Tasque and Tomboy Notes and I want them to startup and miminize to the system tray instead of opening in full view11:51
Slartarquebus: about your partition showing up twice? nothing I guess.. I dubt it's even a bug.. might be used for something11:52
Sfc-2008Bom dia11:52
arquebusnomoa, Im sure its not, my computer makes an awful growling noise when it boots, I think I should wipe out the partition11:52
Sfc-2008Preciso de ajuda11:52
Sfc-2008alguem pode me ajudar??11:52
VirusKongenis it anyway to tweak nvidia on xorg.conf?11:52
dulakarquebus: all 3 of my ubuntu boxes show that double partition in system monitor, I believe it's normal11:53
nomoaarquebus: the double mount by gnome is normal, your problem elsewhere11:53
Slart!br | Sfc-200811:53
dulakjokeusa: you there?11:53
arquebusdulak, nomoa, ok, thx, I'll see what else it could be11:53
VirusKongeni just got 700-800 fps on glxgears11:53
VirusKongenwith my FX520011:53
VirusKongenis this good?11:53
Slartare the bots having a day off?11:54
dulakubottu died11:54
dulakVirusKongen: that's what I get on my 620011:54
sharp_eyeshow are u all11:54
sharp_eyesis ther any body who can help me.... plz11:54
VirusKongenok dulak11:55
LVso I just reinstalled ubuntu on my t20... only this time there is no SUSPEND option on the shutdown menu11:55
Slartsharp_eyes: just ask your question, if someone knows they will answer11:55
VirusKongenand with compiz it is 400 fps11:55
__BradChalycon, have a look at devilspie. It allows you a bit of flexibility in what apps do and where they go on startup11:55
dulakVirusKongen: mine is 700-800 with compiz11:55
LVhow do I re-enable suspend on the shutdown menu?11:55
VirusKongeni can play tuxracing and stepmania with all grapich settings on max :)11:55
sharp_eyesi want to update my ubuntu 8.4 in mediuntu11:55
Fish-Gutshi again. i with my kernel panic i just noticed in my menu.lst that there is an entry called root=UUID.... shouldn't i changed that to my root partition?11:55
DangerofDaveHey everyone, I'm gonna enter the fray with:  "aticonfig --tv-info" insists my TVout is PAL-B, not PAL-I.  Even though the entry in xorg.conf is "PAL-I".  Im guessing this explains the flickering colours on my tv...  Any Ideas?11:56
LVFish-Guts, i'd guess that IS your root partition11:56
jokeusadulak - yea, boss aggressively running around, was occupied, trying it now11:56
SlartVirusKongen: glxgears isn't a good benchmark (or a benchmark at all).. it doesn't really measure anything meaningful.. there are other benchmarks available in the repos11:56
VirusKongenhow do i fix this virtual box error?11:56
VirusKongenThe VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..11:56
VirusKongenVBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE).11:56
VirusKongenResult Code:11:56
FloodBot1VirusKongen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:56
Fish-GutsLV when i boot after an update, i get a kernel panic11:56
Fish-Guts"Kernel panic-not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"11:57
LVFish-Guts, ok, try using root=/dev/hda1 on the boot line11:57
dulakVirusKongen: sudo adduser username vboxusers11:57
jribVirusKongen: add your user to the vboxusers group11:57
Fish-Gutswhat is the boot line? *g*11:57
LVdoes ANYBODY know how to enable the suspend option?11:57
Fish-Gutsnever mind11:57
firestormHi. I have a SMB share that I would like to mount automatically. As the share is not always available, is there a way for me to mount if avail and not already mounted ... and if it can't be mounted, retry every say 5 mins or something ?11:57
LVFish-Guts, "Loading grub, hit esc to see the menu",11:57
sharp_eyesany body here for help11:58
tomecekdco kenas11:58
sharp_eyeshow can i install irc in ubuntu 811:58
LVsharp_eyes, so add the servers to the apt sources list and install the stuff11:58
jribsharp_eyes: client or server?11:58
LVsharp_eyes, like, I just installed xchat using apt-get11:58
Slartsharp_eyes: there are several irc clients in ubuntu, try "sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome"11:59
Fish-GutsLV didn't work, still kernel panic11:59
DangerofDaveAny ideas about the tv-format problem I;m having? :)11:59
LVFish-Guts, do you have an IDE drive11:59
alteregoais there a way to back-up settings?11:59
LValteregoa, most settings are just files11:59
Fish-Gutsit's on my notebook11:59
=== c is now known as Charitwo
Fish-Gutsi did add "sda1" though11:59
LVFish-Guts, gSTA?11:59
DangerofDaveIt's set to PAL-B, but It should be pal I...and I cant get it to change...11:59
halycon__BradC, thanks for your help I give them a shot12:00
LVFish-Guts, try /dev/sda1 instead12:00
Fish-GutsLV i meant SATA12:00
Slartalteregoa: copy the /etc folder to somewhere else.. that will get the global stuff.. your home folder has your personal settings12:00
dulakalteregoa: most settings are in the /home/username directory, making a backup of that will catch most of your desktop and application settings12:00
Fish-GutsLV that's what i did12:00
Fish-Gutsmy boot partition is /dev/sda112:00
alteregoaso can i just copy all the /etc/ stuff and install the 64v, and put it back?12:00
Fish-Gutsi guess that kernel i fucked12:00
Slartalteregoa: 64v?12:00
LVFish-Guts, is that the only kernel in your boot menu?12:00
__BradCFish-Guts did the initramfs build properly when you installed the new kernel?12:01
neXyonhello, if I use umtsmon, I always have to mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0 first, how can I make sure, that /dev/ppp is always there?!12:01
Slartalteregoa: it might work, yes..might run into some problems though12:01
LVboot the install cd as a livecd then look at your fstab12:01
Fish-Guts__BradC i don't know, i did it with mya update maanger12:01
drownerHi guys. I have an external drive (ext3) upon which is my music. 2 of my folders contain file(s) which are corrupted, i know this as they crash music players and make GTKPOD bail when syncing. Is there a way to check which are the bum files?12:01
VirusKongencan i play wow on pol with FX5200 AGP 128 MB, 1024 MB DDR RAM and Celeron D 2.8 GHZ??12:01
alteregoabecause i buy a new motherboard with 16gb mem and stuff so i have to use those amd6412:01
Slartdrowner: fsck for checking the file system.. I think there are some command line utils for checking mp3s too12:02
seekingtruthhello sinners :)12:02
__BradCFish-Guts sounds like you might have to boot off a live-cd to fix it then.. bummer12:02
bastid_raZorVirusKongen; probably will be a bit choppy, disable compiz all together when you try.12:02
drownerslart: cool. Can you fsck just one folder?12:02
Slartdrowner: nope.. not as far as I know at least..12:02
VirusKongeni dont use compiz just the original extra effects12:02
drownerslart: will fsck identify a corrupt file?12:02
Fish-Guts__BradC that's what i've been asking for the last hour... i did reboot with my live CD but no one could tell what to do next :(12:02
VirusKongenwhich came when i installe dhardy12:02
Slartdrowner: you'll have to do the entire partition12:02
halberdhow can I test if my wireless connection is working without disconnecting the wired connection?12:02
Slartdrowner: perhaps.. it might print something out in the terminal when you run it12:03
__BradCright Fish-Guts.. are you using an i386 version of Ubuntu ?12:03
VirusKongeni think it may work if i set the graphics settings for wow to minimum12:03
ortsvorsteherhalberd: set your wired connection down and then start your wireless connection12:03
bastid_raZorVirusKongen; if the game is overly choppy then disable even that to see if it helps.12:03
drownerslart: do you fsck the mount point or the /dev/sdaX bit? Does it need to be mounted or otherwise?12:04
Fish-Gutsi tried to chroot into my boot partition to reinstall the old kernel with apt12:04
Fish-Gutswouldn't let chroot there12:04
__BradCoh? what error did it give you ?12:04
Slartdrowner: it should only fsck an unmounted partition.. and use the /dev/sdaX notation12:04
__BradCI was just about to suggest that12:04
halberdortsvorsteher: if I disconnect my wired connection I disconnect from this chatroom.. can I activate both at the same time?12:04
drownerslart: nice12:04
Slartdrowner: it's all there in "man fsck" I think12:04
Fish-Guts/bin/bash: no such directory12:04
sharp_eyesany body here for help12:04
warrendnewbie here, what are some free programming languages for ubuntu? e.g a counterpart for vb.net and c# .net.12:05
jribsharp_eyes: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to answer you12:05
drownerslart: yeah, reading now12:05
halberdwarrend try python!12:05
__BradCFish-Guts can you do an ls -la on <yourmntpoint>/bin/bash to make sure it's actually there ??12:05
halberdalso java is similar to c#12:05
kunwon1warrend, c, c++, perl, python, erlang, lisp.. the list goes on12:05
ortsvorsteherhalberd: no, this is impossible. but you can come back here after your test12:05
jokeusadulak - WORKS!!12:05
Fish-Guts__BradC: i CAN chroot to my root partition12:05
thomasit1Hello. What do I do to listen live to BBC radio? I'm using Rhythmbox but I don't know how to listen to BBC. :( Thanks!12:05
Fish-Gutsbut not to my boot parttition12:05
dulakjokeusa: sweet, I'm posting a blog entry about it12:05
__BradCOh, I'm sorry.. right..12:06
warrendare these programming languages free? c, c++, perl, python, erlang, lisp like linux?12:06
Slartsharp_eyes: just ask your question, if noone answers try rephrasing the question and ask again in 5 minutes or so.. use the time to search the ubuntu forums, use google etc12:06
jokeusahehe, now the bigger problem12:06
__BradCso your root and boot are on separate partitions ?12:06
Fish-Gutsno they aren't12:06
kunwon1warrend, yes12:06
jribwarrend: yes12:06
halberdwarrend yes those you listd are free software12:06
Fish-Gutssda1 is boot and sda3 is root12:06
drownerslart: to confirm: it would be fsck -v /dev/sdb312:06
halberdand Java is free too now, I think12:06
Slartwarrend: I'm sure if the language itself is free. but there are free implementations of it12:06
__BradCyes, so they are separate partitions.12:06
drownerwill that repair too?12:06
Slartdrowner: looks right to me.. might need a sudo too12:06
jokeusadulak - hehe, now the bigger problem, setting forwarding between Dansguardian>squid>clamav :)12:06
kunwon1warrend, and that's only a short list of free programming languages, there are many many others12:06
drownerslart: Its a USB plug in, so it might not?12:06
__BradCso mount /dev/sda3 as root, and mount /dev/sda1 into <rootmntpoint>/boot then chroot into your root..12:07
jokeusadulak - but i spose i gotta rtfm about DG and clamav 1st12:07
halberdso what also is involved specifically in starting a wireless connection besides iwconfig12:07
Slartdrowner: nothing will explode if you try without sudo first =)12:07
blip-bastid_raZor: thanks, i checked medibuntu.list and it correctly shows "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ hardy free non-free" ..  thanks for the help12:07
drownerslart: this is true. And repair - will it do it for me?12:07
halberdbasically I just did iwconfig wlan0 <essid>12:07
halberdso you're saying if I now shut down eth0 the wireless will automatically connect?12:07
warrendmany tnx to all who replied about free programming languages for linux.12:07
Slartdrowner: yes.. you might need a switch or something for it to actually do the repair12:08
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:08
Fish-Gutsokay, done12:08
drownerRight, OK12:08
Slartdrowner: -f perhaps..12:08
sharp_eyesfish u can help me?12:08
__BradCnow, you should be able to chroot into your root and have access to your /boot from in there to install a new kernel12:08
Fish-Gutsnow i chrooted to my root partition12:08
bastid_raZorblip-; sure :)12:08
sharp_eyesfish can u help me?12:08
__BradCcan you see contents of /boot ?12:08
Fish-Gutsk i'll try __BradC stand by12:09
Fish-Gutsyes, boot is all there12:09
__BradCexcellent.. you _should_ be able to reinstall your kernel then12:09
drownerslart: i think its -r12:09
drownerbut its default behaviour, apparently12:09
sharp_eyesfish do u help me in updrading of mediuntu??12:09
Fish-Gutsnow just apt-get install linux-image.... ?12:09
Slartdrowner: you're the one reading the man page =)12:09
__BradCyou will probably need to add --reinstall after install, but yes12:09
drownerbut that's for e2fsck12:09
drownerwhich i think is different12:10
zaapielsup mah ninjas12:10
drowneri'll stick it in there anyhow12:10
Fish-Guts__BradC i get a dpkg error12:12
__BradCok, what's it say ?12:12
fredreichbierhello. i am trying to use ndiswrapper for my pcmcia wlan card. ndiswrapper -l says 'driver installed, device present', but sudo modprobe ndiswrapper takes an infinite time. any idea?12:12
Fish-Gutscould find image (/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-18-generic)12:12
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: try sudo ndiswrapper -m12:13
__BradCjust for kicks.. try this.. update-initramfs -k all -u12:13
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: and gksudo gedit /etc/modules to add the word ndiswrapper at the bottom of the file12:14
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: then save, exit and reboot12:14
ramoni need to stabilize the volume of some files (mp3) in a folder...any program or scripting line suggest to do so?12:15
Fish-Guts__BradC: output was: generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic12:16
Fish-Gutssame for 2.6.24.-19 and 2.6.24-1812:16
ActionParsniphow can we get ubottu12:16
__BradCok, so you have a few old kernels lying around there. if they generate ok and the initrams is listed for each one in /boot/grub/menu.lst then you _should_ be able to boot from one of them12:17
zombieriphi I updated to Linux zombie-desktop 2.6.24-21-386 #1 Mon Aug 25 16:58:26 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux and now only one cpu shows up I have an amd 62 daul core12:17
bimberijussi01: ping (ubottu is down)12:17
ActionParsnipzombierip: you need the SMP12:17
fredreichbierActionParsnip: now it hangs on startup :/12:17
ActionParsnipzombierip: kernel12:17
Fish-Gutshow do i check whether they generate okay12:17
zombieripwhats the SMP12:18
__BradCit will complain if they don't..12:18
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: on loading ndiswrapper by any chance?12:18
ActionParsnipzombierip: its what dual cores need12:18
__BradCdo a ls -la of /boot and have a look to make sure you have some initramfs in there and they are referenced from menu.lst12:18
zombieriphow do i get that?12:18
Fish-Gutsbtw in my menu.lst is only the 2.6.24-1912:18
ActionParsnipzombierip: install it how you installed the other kernel12:19
=== kuba is now known as Guest77592
Fish-Gutsvmlinux-2.6.24-18 is missing12:19
amanullawhile i reinstalled windows12:19
zombieripi installed the other kernal from the update icon12:19
__BradCFish-Guts that sounds like some of your kernels have not installed properly then..12:19
nnullis there anyway to send email on the LAN only? like i have some routers that can email logs etc.. but i don't really want the data going out to the internet and the coming back..seem's silly that way.. how can i send the emails to a computer on the LAN directly?12:20
Fish-Gutsis the 2.6.24-21 table?12:20
Fish-GutsI'll use that one then12:20
__BradCI'd try that one..12:20
binarymutantnnull: email server?12:20
fredreichbierActionParsnip: i'd say  on loading ndiswrapper, yes12:20
halberdI did ifconfig eth0 down and then waited a few seconds but nothing was happening... another thing is that my power level for wlan0 is 0 db12:20
nnullbinarymutant¬ i installed postfix.. but now i dunno what to do with it12:20
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: ok boot to livecd and edit the /etc/modules file back12:20
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: what wifi card do you have?12:21
seekingtruthActionParsnip: repent :)12:21
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: i will block you if you dont quit it12:21
Brian88hi, does kubuntu 8.10 shipped with KDE 3 or KDE 4???12:21
ActionParsnipBrian88: i believe they'll do both12:21
Fish-Guts__BradC: root hd(0,0) should be correct, rogjt?12:22
fredreichbierActionParsnip: ok. it's a zyxel zyair b-122; not recognized by ubuntu 8.10 live cd, so I thought i should try ndiswrapper12:22
binarymutantnnull: postfix is hard to configure :/12:22
__BradCFish-Guts, if your boot partition is /dev/sda1 then yes, root(0,0)..12:22
ActionParsnipfredreichbier: 8.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 as its not released yet12:22
halberdwireless doesn't seem to be working12:22
binarymutantnnull: I can give you some links though if you want12:22
seekingtruthActionParsnip: why do you not worry about being thrown into the lake of fire?12:23
nnullbinarymutant¬ :x what do youn recommend then12:23
halberdI do ifdown eth0 and then I wait...12:23
seekingtruthhalberd: it will in 7 days12:23
halberdmy wireless interface is apparently wlan012:23
=== c is now known as Charitwo
__BradCnnull exim is dead easy to configure..12:23
Fish-Gutsi rewrote my menu.lst to kernel 2.6.24-21 and am rebooting now12:23
halberdbut I can't do ifup wlan012:23
seekingtruthhalberd: it will work in 7 days12:23
Brian88Does Kubuntu 8.10 ship wuth KDE4 or KDE3???12:23
amanulla!grub | amanulla12:23
halberdI want it to be working a lot sooner than 7 days from now seekingtruth12:23
__BradCFish-Guts did you remember to specify the correct initramfs ?12:23
seekingtruthhalberd: ok12:23
nnull__BradC¬ does it work on server tho?12:23
Fish-Guts__BradC yes12:24
zaapielhow does one mount an mdf file in linux?12:24
halberdso what can I do now12:24
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: no, its just offtopic for the channel12:24
__BradCnnull I guess so, I'm running it on 6.06 server anyway (and a couple of debian boxes)12:24
jribBrian88: #ubuntu+1 for questions about intrepid12:24
paul68!8.10 |Brian8812:24
ForsakenSoulhey guys ...I have a ubuntu disk copied on a usb stick ... what should I add to the sources.list so that it would be added12:24
seekingtruthActionParsnip: :)12:24
Fish-Gutsbut it's still panîcking....12:24
halberdhow can I troubleshoot my wireless connection12:24
ForsakenSoulif it's mounted on /media//cdrom0/12:24
Fish-GutsKernel panic-not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)12:24
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: offtopic you can point fingers at anyone you want and say they are going to wherever12:24
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: here is for ubuntu based suport questions12:25
Fish-Gutsi reboot from the live cd again... be right back12:25
__BradCFish-Guts that generally indicates it can't find the driver for the drive controller.. *or* you have multiple drives on multiple controllers and its loading them in the wrong order..12:25
fredreichbierok, thanks ActionParsnip12:25
seekingtruthFish-Guts: ok12:25
paul68ActionParsnip: is ubutto sleeping?12:25
ActionParsnippaul68: yeah ive been bribing him with coffee all day12:25
piasdomwhat mail program will work /w micro exchange in ubuntu 8.04 hardy12:26
paul68ActionParsnip: ah ok was wondering where he was hiding ;-)12:26
Slartpiasdom: micro exchange? what is that?12:26
ortsvorsteherpiasdom: try evolution12:26
piasdommicrosoft exchange server12:26
doors98is there an FOSS model for an internet cafe?12:27
Slartpiasdom: ah.. evolution is the only one unless you use imap I think12:27
ActionParsnippiasdom: you can run outlook 97 via wine12:27
ForsakenSoulhey guys I have an ubuntu installation disk put on a usb stick and I'm trying to put in the repository list because I have no cdrom ....12:27
piasdomActionParsnip:just 97 ?12:27
__BradCdoors98 I believe OutKafe is supposed to be good12:27
ForsakenSoulI've installed the system from it ... but how do I add it to the sources list if it's mounted on /media/cdrom0/12:28
Fish-Guts__BradC the strange thing is it worked perfectly fine until i did an update this morning12:28
doors98whats outcafe Brad?12:28
amanulla ! mbr12:28
ortsvorsteherwho has killed ubottu? ;)12:28
ActionParsnippiasdom: yep afaik, check the winedb12:28
__BradCdoors98 its an open source internet cafe manager12:28
ActionParsnippiasdom: exchange is good at blocking non-ms clients12:28
amanullawhere   is ubotuu12:28
ikoniait's dead at the moment12:28
ActionParsnipamanulla: hes sleeping for some reason12:28
amanullaubotuu:u there12:29
piasdomActionParsnip:Tells me about it .....no don't :)12:29
paul68Actionparsnip is feeding him coffee12:29
doors98brad, i mean the apps that will be installed to be used in an internet cafe12:29
Delvien typing from my g1!12:29
ActionParsnippiasdom: exchange is really neat. just wish theyd allow 3rd partys to connect12:29
ActionParsnippiasdom: but thats not their style12:29
_3mendahello every one12:30
ActionParsniphi _3menda12:30
sharp_eyeshi action parsnip12:31
sharp_eyeshi emenda12:31
sharp_eyeshow are u.. all12:31
sharp_eyesany body here to helo me12:31
kunwon1just ask your question sharp_eyes, all on one line12:31
hateball!hi sharp_eyes12:32
ActionParsnipsharp_eyes: ask away12:32
ActionParsniphateball: ubottu os sleeping12:32
hateballActionParsnip» arf12:32
sharp_eyesi want to upgrade my ubuntu 8.4 to mid ubuntu12:32
sharp_eyesdo u know how to do it12:32
ikoniasharp_eyes mid ubuntu ?12:32
kunwon1sharp_eyes, what is mid ubuntu?12:32
ActionParsnipmid ubuntu is not something ive heard of12:32
lapinferocewhat that mid ubuntu12:33
Fish-Guts__BradC i rebooted and i will now reinstall the kernel using apt-get install12:33
__BradCFish-Guts, I'm at a bit of a loss then..  it looks pretty convincingly like something is broken in your system as dpkg aborts when you try and install it..12:33
halberdI do iwconfig wlan0 txpower on12:33
halberdthen I do iwlist power12:33
halberdand it still says that wlan0 is off12:33
ActionParsnipsharp_eyes: isnt that for PDAs and PMPs?12:34
halberdwait I needed to do iwlist txpower12:34
ikonia1sharp_eyes where does that say mid ubuntu ?12:34
halberdbut it says it is -1 dBm12:34
halberdis that normal??12:34
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:34
sharp_eyessee this link12:34
ikoniasharp_eyes ahh I see12:34
ikoniasharp_eyes: ubuntu mobile is a different OS than ubuntu12:35
halyconDoes anyone know how I would get a video whose audio is using the Qualcomm Pure Voice codec to play in Ubuntu12:35
ikoniasharp_eyes: you need a mobile device to run it on12:35
sharp_eyesok ikonia12:35
kunwon1sharp_eyes, #ubuntu-mobile is their channel if you want more information12:36
amanulla#ubuntu main12:36
halberdyes the power is 012:36
ActionParsniphalberd: is the device turned on?12:37
thomcIs it necessary to specify the filesystem type when you mount a device from the command line, I seem to be able to do it without doing so?12:38
halberdactionparsnip it is an internal laptop card12:38
Fish-Guts__BradC thanks for your help... I will reinstall my system now... might be the best12:38
ActionParsniphalberd: have you pressed the hotkeyt to enable it or switch to turn it on?12:38
halberdand I tried ifup wlan0 but it did not work12:38
kunwon1thomc, that won't always work, but sometimes you can get away without it12:38
halberdthere is no switch12:38
kunwon1thomc, depends on the type of filesystem12:38
Slartthomc: I think it will be a more or less educated guess if you omit the fs type12:38
ActionParsniphalberd: there is12:38
halberdno, it is a macbook AirPort card12:39
ActionParsniphalberd: there is on every laptop to turn it of and on12:39
K_DallasHi guys! Since transmission is the defsault torrent client, I started using it but darn it was too slow and I thought it was my isp. Then I read that I could install utorrent via wine and I did so. The difference is immense! Why is that and is there another native client for ubuntu which offers the same quality? Thanks12:39
halberdthere is no physical switch12:39
thomcOk thanks kunwon1 and Slart12:39
halberdnot on the macbook12:39
ActionParsniphalberd: which macbook do you have?12:39
halberdmacbook core duo I think12:39
Misterjoshey, i have a question about twinview: these are my metamodes: "CRT: 1280x1024 +0+0, DFP: 1680x1050 +1280+0; CRT: NULL, DFP: 1680x1050 +0+0" but when i start urban terror, my crt monitor doesn't work, which is good, but the urban terror in full screen starts only from the middle of my 1680*1050 screen, someone know a way how to shoot the trouble?12:39
__BradCFish-Guts, ugh.. that must be the absolute last resort. I'm really sorry I could not help further, I'm just crap at remote assistance. I need to have the patient in front of me..12:39
doors98can pidgin connect to YM?12:40
ActionParsniphalberd: look on the bottom. core duo is the cpu inside which most have12:40
halberdin OS X you control whether the port is on or off entirely through software12:40
ActionParsnipdoors98: it can connect to yahoo12:40
halberdthere is definitely no physical switch12:40
humboltcrimsun: are you there?12:40
SlartK_Dallas: check out deluge.. or azureus12:40
ActionParsniphalberd: no FN + F key hotkey12:41
_3mendaHi every one .. I have a big problem .. I used to have a NAS (storage) and seems to be since this morning wont start any more, is a WD mybook world 500giga, so I tried to take the hhd and put inside a USB case and try to read but is impossible, because there is a ext3 filesystem with raid flag and doesn't mount ... what I can do ?? in advance thanks to every one12:41
sharp_eyesis ther any messnager like msn12:41
halberdah actionparsnip I'm not sure about that but I've never used it if so12:41
ActionParsnipsharp_eyes: amsn or pidgin12:41
ActionParsniphalberd: i bet its off12:41
SlartK_Dallas: also make sure you are being connectable.. ie reachable from the internet to some port you chose in the client12:41
halberdactionparsnip I have never had to use any kind of physical switch from OS X12:42
defrysksharp_eyes, also kopete for kde12:42
halberdit is done through a menu option12:42
Fish-Guts__BradC don't worry about it... i reall appreciate your help :)12:42
ActionParsniphalberd: well now you are using linux12:42
__BradChalberd there is no physical wireless switch on macbooks12:42
doors98can a ym user call to a pidgin user?12:42
defryskdooglus, if the other user also has a yahoo account, yes12:42
defryskdoors98, that is12:43
ActionParsnip__BradC: they may be a key combination12:43
kunwon1K_Dallas, there are a number of reasons why utorrent might run faster for you. You might want to look into what's making transmission slow. Could be you have to forward a port from your router.12:43
K_DallasSlart: ok.12:43
doors98can a ym user call to a pidgin user?12:43
halberdwell one thing I could do is simply manually configure all the things, like TxPower set to 15 based on what someone else reported on the web12:43
K_Dallaskunwon1: I do port forwarding on the router for utorrent12:43
halberdand see if that works12:44
kunwon1K_Dallas, but not for transmission? That might be a reason why it's faster12:44
K_Dallaskunwon1: should i add another entry for transmission?12:44
ActionParsniphalberd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook_Santa_Rosa12:44
K_Dallaskunwon1: I see. I thought they used the same ports12:44
MajorCis there a working guide to successfully activate 3d acceleration on ati radeon cards?12:44
ActionParsniphalberd: why put ubuntu on a mac, just buy a cheaper pc that will perform then same and buy beer12:44
=== blip- is now known as newBornChink
defryskK_Dallas, transmission is a bit slow, better to try deluge12:45
K_Dallasdefrysk: thanks. I'll give it a try as well12:45
halberdparsnip I already have a mac that's why12:45
K_Dallasdefrysk: btw, it is not just a little bit but terribly slow ;)12:45
kunwon1K_Dallas, the port for transmission isn't set in stone, you could change it to what you want it to be or figure out what it is so that you can institute forwarding, from the preferences menu12:46
Dillizarwhere i can get a .deb programs i know only www.getdeb.com12:47
ActionParsnipK_Dallas: ktorrent is decnt if you are running kde12:47
defryskDillizar, apt-get perhaps ?12:47
ActionParsnipDillizar: websearching is good12:47
bastid_raZorkTorrent is even nice if you're not running kde12:47
defryskK_Dallas, ktorrent is fine too yes12:47
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:47
Dillizari cant find a real player .deb12:47
doors98can a ym user call to a pidgin user?12:47
=== newBornChink is now known as zqw
K_Dallasdefrysk: ActionParsnip, I read that ktorrent was kind of similar to utorrent so I'll try that too. Thanks12:48
ActionParsnipDillizar: its not a deb12:48
ActionParsnipDillizar: http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-install-the-realplayer-multimedia-player12:48
kunwon1!torrent | K_Dallas a few more options12:48
ubottuK_Dallas a few more options: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:48
domeecUbuntu Itaky?12:48
ActionParsnipsorry for caps12:49
ActionParsnipdomeec: /j #ubuntu-it12:49
K_DallasActionParsnip: :) noted12:49
K_Dallaskunwon1: so many clients :):)12:49
ActionParsnipK_Dallas: you'll need sudo apt-get php-cli to get it working12:49
DillizarActionParsnip: i am trying to find a deb12:50
kunwon1K_Dallas, it's a popular protocol, and for every client you'll find a group of people who says it's too slow :)12:50
halberdhmm how come I can't apt-get install bitchx12:50
halberdit says it can't find the package12:50
K_Dallaskunwon1: I know. the same under windows and I am just too used to utorrent12:50
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:50
ActionParsnipDillizar: it doesnt exists afaik, you donload an installer script from the real website, theres helixplayer too which i think does realplayer12:50
halberdis bitchx multiverse or something12:51
kunwon1K_Dallas, why not stick with it then? No shame in using wine :D12:51
ActionParsnipDillizar: try searching synaptic for realplayer12:51
bastid_raZor!info bitchx12:51
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in hardy12:51
ActionParsnipbastid_raZor: hes sleeping12:51
halberdoh sorry that's it, it's universe12:51
K_Dallaskunwon1: it was the first time i used it under linux and it seems to be pretty stable. if it continues to behave, I might just do that12:51
halberdso what then, irssi I suppose12:51
ActionParsniphalberd: pidgin does irc pretty well12:52
kunwon1K_Dallas, sounds like a plan, good luck12:52
halberdI'm looking for a command line client parsnip12:52
K_Dallas:) thanks kunwon112:52
shyam_kdpkg-reconfigure locales is not showing me the list.. how to make it show? tried setting the priority of debconf to medium/low but no way..12:52
defryskshyam_k, use sudo ?12:53
shyam_kops yeah its there12:53
shyam_ki mean i tried it with sudo itself..12:53
bhindihy allz12:53
bhindireaching root directry cmd plz12:53
kunwon1bhindi, cd /12:54
TheNo1Yetio I'm building a new web server and I'm trying to decide on which web server to go with.  Right now I'm torn between ngnix, apache, & lighttp.  Anyone have any experience/suggestions/etc on which is the best.  Especially in a low memory environment?   The server is running Ubuntu 8.04 also.12:54
kunwon1you are welcome.12:54
ActionParsniphalberd: theres ircii or irssi12:54
case^TheNo1Yeti: lighttp AND apache?12:54
bhindinothing  happen with this cmd kunwon112:55
halberdparsnip I'm using ircii and switching to irssi12:55
kunwon1TheNo1Yeti, I've run lighttpd, I can recommend it.. relatively easy to use, fast, and minimal footprint. I ran it with php as a cgi on a VPS with 64mb of RAM12:55
ActionParsniphalberd: weedchat12:55
yedidiahi guys!12:55
ActionParsniphalberd: epic12:55
bhindinothing  happen with this cmd kunwon112:55
shyam_kbhindi: look behind the prompt, it would have / in it12:55
kunwon1!repeat | bhindi12:55
ubottubhindi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:55
yedidiaqulqu'un parle francais ?12:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr12:55
TheNo1Yetikunwon1: Okay thanks.  I have always ran apache before so I am use to it.  Have used lighttp once but never long enough to get a real feel for it.   Thanks for the info12:55
kunwon1bhindi, what are you trying to do?12:55
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java12:56
bhindii want 2 reach on root12:56
kunwon1TheNo1Yeti, no problem12:56
bhindii type cd but nothoing happen12:56
bhindiits same12:56
kunwon1bhindi, do you mean the directory /root or the root of your filesystem?12:56
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:56
bhindior root command12:57
kunwon1bhindi, to get to the root of your filesystem, type 'cd /' in the console without the quotes. To get to the /root directory, type 'cd /root'12:57
bhindioks thanxs12:57
shyam_ki have been seeing this at every place, did dpkg-reconfigure locales depricate the facility to show the list?12:58
Puppyi am completly stuck with this wifi :(12:58
=== Skyfury is now known as skyfury
Puppyandyone good with wifi ?12:58
Puppyanyone in the UK ?12:58
defrysket phone home ?12:59
ActionParsnipPuppy: they dont have to be from uk to help in irc12:59
ikoniaPuppy yes, why do you need someone in the uk12:59
PuppyActionParsnip / ikonia - that was 2 different questions12:59
nnullmaybe he only speaks ukanese12:59
ikoniaPuppy "hy do you need someone in the uk"12:59
Puppynbull you speak it12:59
defryskah a Ukanian12:59
Puppyikonia - i have ubuntu runngin on this machine, im after womeone i can chat to on the phone13:00
case^Puppy: you want someone to give you there number13:00
Puppyikonia - cos it takes forever tryign somethig, rebooting, giving results, rebooting again13:00
ikoniaPuppy you don't need phone support, you can't share info well13:00
case^Puppy: 0800-DIAL-A-MUG13:00
Puppyikonia - its not about sharing info, its about having to reboot try something, reboot, tell them what happened, reboot try something else, reboot tell them that didnt work13:01
Puppytakes forever13:01
ikoniaPuppy yes but you can't share info over the phone - it's goot to have it visable13:01
IdleOnePuppy: takes just as long if the person is on the phone13:01
Puppycase^ - im happy to give my number, and have you withold number, i got no interest in your priv data13:01
PuppyIdleOne are you crazy13:01
ikoniaPuppy: don't fish for phone numbers in here13:01
Puppyikonia - read up13:02
Puppyikonia - read before you throw stupid insults about13:02
defryskPuppy, be polite13:02
IdleOnePuppy: reboot time is the same. waiting on irc for you to return with info or waiting on the phone is the same13:02
md22_can World of Warcraft be played on Ubuntu ?13:02
ikoniaPuppy: I'm not throwing insults, I'm asking you to not fish for phone numebrs as you just have done13:02
PuppyIdleOne no its not, cos it means i dont have to reboot...13:02
kunwon1md22_, yes13:02
case^Puppy: look up the canonical tech support number13:02
Puppyikonia no i havent. read again13:02
ikoniamd22_: it can run through wine - but people have varied expereinces13:02
IdleOnePuppy: now that is stupid13:02
Puppycase^ already have13:02
mclurewhat am I supposed to do in order to let a maximized window frame lay beneath the unexpanded gnome main panel?13:03
PuppyIdleOne they wont support the hardware, say i need to speak to manafacturer, manafacturer say 2 ill get back to you "13:03
* IdleOne leaves it to the experts to deal with. ikonia I see a kick in your future 13:03
bullgard4Where to find an introduction or a manual to ALSA? The articles in the German and the English Wikipedia and on the ALSA homepage are of poor quality.13:03
ikoniabullgard4: not an ubuntu question13:03
bullgard4ikonia: ALSA is no part of Ubuntu?13:04
mclureunchecked the setting 'constrain Y' in compiz configconfig settins manager, but doesn't affect the maximize function13:04
ikoniaPuppy: just state your question and someone will work it through with you13:04
Puppyits upsetting when even the official support for a product cant tell you what is wrong13:04
ikoniabullgard4: yes, but alsa documentation and alsa it's self is nothing to do with ubuntu13:04
Puppyikonia - ive had 3 diff peopel work through the same issue13:04
ikoniaPuppy: right, so if it's fixed, great, if it's not lets worth through it some more13:04
ikoniaPuppy: what official support is this /13:04
bullgard4ikonia: ALSA and ubuntu are very well linked.13:04
ikoniabullgard4 no they are not13:05
ikoniabullgard4: alsa is nothing to do with ubuntu13:05
ikoniabullgard4: ubuntu uses alsa - thats it13:05
Puppyikonia on the site " payed support, cant remeber the name13:05
Puppybegin with a c lol13:05
kunwon1!enter | ikonia13:05
ikoniaPuppy is it because your hardware is not supported on linux ?13:05
ubottuikonia: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:05
Puppyikonia nope, others have it working13:05
ikoniakunwon1 I'm not using enter as a key I'm talking to multiple please.13:05
Puppyikonia its a damn wireless card13:05
ikoniaPuppy thats not what I asked - I asked if you ahrware was supported13:06
Puppyahh, im not sure " officially "13:06
ikoniaPuppy if you've spoken to canonical - what reason did they give for not being able to support you ?13:06
Puppyalthough people say there shoudl be generic drivers for it, i think dasei said this13:06
Puppyikonia - i needed to speak to the manafacturer regardign the drivers13:06
ikoniaPuppy ok and what have the manufacuturere said ?13:07
ikoniaPuppy: what type of card is it ?13:07
Puppyikonia - after the idiot asked me what linux was... the he woudl " look into it, and get back to me "13:07
halberdwell I'm going to reboot13:07
Puppyikonia - dynamode13:07
RictooDamn, I can't remember the name of some application that starts with an M (I think) and is used for downloading shows and such13:07
ikoniaPuppy he's not an idiot - it's not unreasonable to ask13:07
halberdI've had a few hours of uptime in which I've installed a lot of stuff13:07
halberdmaybe it will start working on reboot13:07
Rictooany help? :\13:07
halyconcan anyone explain what fuse is? I stll dont understand it after reading the wiki and the faq13:08
ikoniahalycon user space file system13:08
Puppyikonia - nono, he really was an idiot, and i dont use that word lightly.. he was even looking at his own legacy website ( they changed recentally is seems )13:08
ikoniaPuppy: google - first hit http://list.driverguide.com/list/LINUX/company336/index.html13:08
halyconikonia, what is the point of it though? Like what does it allow you to do13:09
ikoniaPuppy checking the first link in google.....perhaps the guy on the phone was not an "idiot" after all13:09
ikoniahalycon it allows a user to mount and have his own "personal" file system access (access is the key)13:09
ActionParsnipbest way is to shop smart13:09
Puppyikonia - first link in google when searchign for13:09
Puppyikonia - ive already trye dthoes drivers13:09
ikoniaPuppy: your driver name and linux13:09
ikoniaPuppy: right - so they are the official drivers from your manufacturere,13:10
ikoniahalycon: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/13:10
ikoniahalycon: overview on that page13:10
Puppyikonia - the official drivers have never worked for me13:10
Puppyikonia - not even on windows13:10
halyconikonia, why is there a wikipedia and a gmail thing though for it13:11
ikoniaPuppy then you may want to consider changing cards/buying supported hardware13:11
ikoniahalycon not sure what you mean13:11
ikoniaPuppy: exactly what model card is it ?13:11
Puppyikonia - second13:12
drownerpuppy: The official drivers don't work on linux OR windows? Stupid question: Are you sure you know what card it is?13:12
ikoniadrowner: hence my question13:12
case^drowner: sensible question13:12
Puppyikonia - its pci 11mbs, which makes it ...13:12
ikoniaPuppy which makes it what ?13:12
Puppyikonia - WL-XI-600XA13:13
halyconikonia, I thought i had read something about it and gmail and wikipedia13:13
toggles_wis 8.10-rc out? i'm going to upgrade a friends windows box, is 8.10-rc worth it or stick with 8.04?13:13
ikoniahalycon not that I'm aware of13:13
ActionParsnipPuppy: give them the line from lspci13:13
IdleOnetoggles_w: stick with 8.04 for now13:13
ikoniaPuppy: that is the official driver http://download.driverguide.com/driver/WL-XI-600XA/Dynamode/d387066.html13:14
toggles_wIdleOne: thanks mate13:14
halyconI have all these video files and I cannot hear the audio for them they use a really obscure codec called Qualcom Pure voice that came with Quicktime 3 or something does anyone know how to get it to work with Ubuntu13:14
toggles_wIdleOne: oh.. is there an upgrade path to 8.10? (sorry I use gentoo, not familiar with ubuntu)13:14
kunwon1halcyon, tried VLC?13:14
Puppyikonia - yeah, like i said, i already tryed it :D13:14
ActionParsnip!upgrade | toggles_w13:14
ubottutoggles_w: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes13:14
nekotoggles_w, there's almost always an upgrade path in ubuntu13:14
ikoniaPuppy: and here they are from the official dynamode site http://www.dynamode.co.uk/support/drivers/wireless/wl-xi-600xa/wl-xi-600xa-LINUX.zip13:14
ActionParsniptoggles_w: 8.10 isnt out for 8 days13:15
toggles_wneko: thanks, i remember the old days where you reinstalled...13:15
ikoniaPuppy other than that it is not listed as a supported chipset in the kenrel docs13:15
nekoyeah ;)13:15
nekotoggles_w, honestly linux has come a long way13:15
halyconkunwon1, yeah i have they play the video but not the audio13:15
Puppyikonia - indeed, do i tryed the ndiswrapper with the win drivers i have on this machine which i know work cos im usign them now13:15
Puppyikonia - adn that didnt work either :S13:16
toggles_wneko: true, but i switched to gentoo years ago and never looked back, just not "friendly" to a windows person... thanks for your help13:16
ikoniaPuppy you just said they didn't work in windows ?13:16
ActionParsniptoggles_w: i think its fine13:16
Puppyikonia - the official drivers dont13:16
ikoniaPuppy ndiswrapper is not a "stable" technology13:16
drownerikonia: i think he means the drivers he is using NOW, possibly?13:16
Puppyikonia - i figured that out13:16
ActionParsnipPuppy: you need the right windows drivers for ndiswrapper to work.13:16
ikoniaPuppy: your card is not supported, and there are vendor drivers - if the vendor drivers don't work I suggest you get support from tehm from your vendor13:17
Puppyikonia - i tryed it with official windows, and the drivers i have runnign on this xp now13:17
ActionParsnipPuppy: go to the manufacters site and download the latest drivers that will work13:17
drownerPuppy: What are the drivers that do work supposed to be for?13:17
PuppyActionParsnip - it didnt, why do you think i spent 4 ohurs pissing about with wrapper13:17
ikoniaPuppy moderate your language please.13:17
ActionParsnipPuppy: did you get an install cd with it?13:17
PuppyActionParsnip - they are the drivers that are makign the card work as we speak13:17
zombieripI still only have one cpu13:18
PuppyActionParsnip - yes, and they never worked with windows, but i have tryed loading them into wrapper also13:18
ActionParsnipPuppy: are you running a 32bit version of ubuntu or 64bit?13:18
drownerPuppy: And what are those drivers for? Where did you get them, if the official ones do not work?13:18
Puppyikonia - appologies13:18
Puppydrowner - no, if i install the official drivers onto XP, it does not pick up the card, the ones that i am using now, that work with xp, i cant remeber where i got13:19
Puppydrowner - but ive tryed official and these13:19
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Puppydrowner - even drivers for other card versions, none work13:19
zombieripcan anyone help me get my ubuntu to show both cores of my processor13:19
ikoniaPuppy contact teh vendeor13:19
ActionParsnipPuppy: did you try the link i gave you with the firmware stuff13:19
ikoniaPuppy: support@dynamode.co.uk13:19
drownerPuppy: It sounds like its a problem with your card. But I want to know which drivers do work. Maybe they have more than one chipset or somerthing?13:19
Puppyikonia ive had them on the phone there " gettign back to me " remeber13:19
ikoniaPuppy great, so wait for them to get back to you13:20
ikoniaPuppy: as people in here can't support a 3rd party driver,13:20
Puppyikonia - i was waiting 2 weeks from them when i 1st had the issue on windows regarding the card not workign lol13:20
ikoniaPuppy thats their issue13:20
ikoniaPuppy you need to take that up with them13:20
Puppyikonia - there issue, but my problem13:20
ikoniaPuppy yes, that is true13:21
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Puppyikonia - im sorry if im comming across as an ass, ive been at this for over 24 hours strait now :S13:21
=== Bas is now known as Bastidas
ikoniaPuppy: then fo and take a break13:21
_3menda! mount raid ext313:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mount raid ext313:21
LjjjLis there any alternative to diald for running something when a network request is detected, and running something else when there's been no network activity?13:21
Puppyikonia - i will once i ge this runnign well13:21
=== Bastidas is now known as Bastidash
_3menda!mount raid ext313:21
ikoniaPuppy itsn't not going to happen13:21
Puppyikonia - it took me 3 days to get the thing installing because of my software raid lol13:21
ikonia_3menda: what's the problem13:21
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:21
Puppyikonia - yes it is13:21
ikoniaPuppy I'm reading through the docs now - it's not going to happen13:22
drownerPuppy: the problem is: your card, as far as I can tell. It won't work with official drivers on more than one OS.13:22
_3mendaikonia I want mount raid ext3 volume13:22
_3mendaand I can't get13:22
ikonia_3menda what type of raid13:22
Puppydrowner - its not on more than 1 os13:22
ActionParsnipsoftware raid sucks, get a raid card to see real speed13:22
Puppydrowner - there completly seperate installs,13:22
ikoniaPuppy I can see why the 3rd party driver isn't working13:22
PuppyActionParsnip - does the job for me13:22
drownerpuppy: yes it is. You said yourself that the official drivers didn't get your card running on Windows OR linux13:22
Puppyikonia - can you ?13:23
_3mendaikonia this hhd was a nas (WD mybookworld) but doesn't go  on lan anymore so I decided to take the hhd and put in a usb case but I can't read anythink13:23
Puppydrowner - i will get it to work13:23
ikoniaPuppy UI can see 2 things, the first in the "README" that comes witht eh drives that says it's last support for linux is Redhat 9 (a 2.4 kernel)13:23
=== Bastidash is now known as Basti_dash
ActionParsnipPuppy: turn the wake on lan of windows off in device manager. Ive seen it make it affect network adapters13:23
supravathi Melissa13:23
ikonia_3menda you can't just take disks out and expect them to "raid"13:23
escolabom dia a todos13:23
PuppyActionParsnip - the ob lan is completly disabled13:23
cb__i have a question - is it possible to copy the installation back to a live cd keeping all modifications?13:24
ActionParsnipPuppy: it can affect wifi lan too13:24
escolapreciso de ajuda pra montar uma rede com 1 impressora13:24
ActionParsnip!es | escola13:24
ikonia!es > escola13:24
ubottuescola: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:24
ubottuescola, please see my private message13:24
drowner!po | escola13:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about po13:24
PuppyActionParsnip - let me rephrase, there are no LAN Ethernet drivers runnign on the machine, therefor no configs13:24
drowner!pt | escola13:24
ubottuescola: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.13:24
PuppyActionParsnip - this is a gutted win xp.13:24
_3mendaso ikonia what I can do ?? I really need to recovery my data !! please13:25
ikoniaPuppy the drivers was last updated 2003 - it's not supported13:25
ActionParsnipPuppy: does the system you are setting up wireless have windows on it at all?13:25
ikonia_3menda put it back in the nas and fix the issues in the nas13:25
PuppyActionParsnip - im talking to you on it13:25
PuppyActionParsnip - through the wireless card13:25
_3mendahow I can fix I guess there is some problem on the boot partition13:25
ActionParsnipPuppy: then you need to turn off wake on lan capability13:25
ActionParsnipPuppy: i think its termed allow this device to wake the system up13:26
ActionParsnipPuppy: it can make lan devices go wonky13:26
nekotoggles_w, i'm about to try an upgrade path from hardy to ibex13:26
nekoso i went and marked every installed package for removal, then marked ubuntu-desktop for re-installation...13:26
nekothen unmarked it...13:26
nekothus dependancies for anything in ubu-desk stays ;)13:26
FloodBot1neko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
nekomy personal hack for going back to 'vanilla install' without _actually_ doing so13:26
PuppyActionParsnip - that option is set an enabled when the device is activated ad detected in wondows13:26
nekoit's still removing the l's lol13:26
PuppyActionParsnip - that have never happened on this machine13:26
PuppyActionParsnip - but i will check for the sake of checkign13:26
PuppyActionParsnip - brb need to reboot to enable lan13:27
neko_o jeez thanx FloodBot113:27
_3mendaikonia so doesn't exsist any chance to mount that volume ?? on linux distribution ??13:27
neko__3menda, what filesystem type?13:27
_3mendaneko_ ext3 ---> raid13:28
neko_thats easy13:28
neko_is the raid corrupted or anything?13:28
neko_data erased?13:28
neko_or you just need to mount an old raid?13:28
_3mendaneko is an hhd from a nas system ... it wont start anymore so for recovery my data I put that hdd in a usb case but seems to be impossible to mount13:29
ikonia_3menda you won't be able to amke the raid stripe outside of the nas box13:29
_3mendamay be is corrupted something ...(probaly thats why doesn't start anymore) but the partition of the data seems to be ok13:29
neko__3menda, how was the box setup13:30
matt____I have a server running Ubuntu. A while back I accidently ran rm -r on my home directory, but I stopped it before any serious damage was done. It works, but I'm having trouble using tab completion. It turns out that all of my config files were wiped...meaning .*13:30
neko_raid 1, 0 , jbod, 5 ?13:30
matt____What I'd like to know is what config file "helps" tab completion? I can't use it at apt for all.13:30
neko_matt___, it may complain about missing files13:30
b64aa6What's the most ovious reason for why a utf-8 filename (in ext2) is being displayed in question marks like ?????? and so.13:30
neko_to fix those just create another user13:30
_3mendaneko I don't know  the maker is ... WD mybook world 500giga13:30
neko_and whatever file it complains about, move to your home and take ownership13:30
neko_just make sure to kepe permissions the same13:31
neko__3menda, is it making noise or anything?13:31
ikonia_3menda a mybook is just one disk isn't it ?13:31
neko_ikonia, can be either.13:31
neko_90% are single tho13:31
ikonianeko_ never seen multiple disk mybooks13:31
_3mendais only one disk ... and make the normal noise .. as any hhd13:31
ikonia_3menda how can it be raid in only 1 disk13:31
tARrAScHHello! When I boot, occasionally it makes the partition checks. Recently I discovered it says that some  partitions are about ~10% noncontiguous. What actions will it do about it?, and what actions should I do about it? And what does it mean?13:32
neko_its probably lvm not raid13:32
neko_if youve lvm2 package installed then do vgscan and some stuff like that13:32
vbabiyHey does any one know when the RC will be out13:32
_3mendaikonia I know is strange .. .but probaly is in raid because there is a linux partition (for the boot and all this thing) and athor for data another may be for  web interface13:33
ikonia_3menda you can't have a raid system with 1 disk13:33
_3mendaikonia how I can check ?? to be 100% sure ??13:33
ikonia_3menda I am %100 sure13:33
_3mendagparted  was printing FLAG raid13:34
ikonia_3menda: you can't have a raid setup with 1 disk13:34
ikonia_3menda plug the disk in and do "sudo fdisk -l" and put the output in a pastebin please.13:35
_3mendaso wich software I can run to see ??13:35
_3mendaok  one second13:36
Kage_Jittaihow do I install frame buffer devices?13:37
b64aa6filesystem (ext2) with UTF-8 filename is displayed like "??????????" . Could anyone nudge me in the right direction?13:37
jribb64aa6: i'd fsck13:37
joaopintob64aa6, it's not related to utf-8, that is fully supported by ext2/313:38
b64aa6joaopinto: So it's my terminal?13:38
lkundrakwhere do I find kernel package's changelog? I'm specifically interested in what changed between 2.6.24-19 and 2.6.24-2113:39
_3mendaikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/6150413:39
halish_what time is the rc released?13:39
LjjjLis there any alternative to diald for running something when a network request is detected, and running something else when there's been no network activity?13:39
joaopintob64aa6, most likely your FS is corrupted :P13:39
cha0xm1ndhello all13:39
ikonia_3menda: according tot he output of fdisk - you only have 1 drive (your system drive) the external drive appears dead / not seen13:40
b64aa6joaopinto: Filesystem is good. (at least from my winNT4) I think it's from me messing up the setting, but not sure how.13:40
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joaopintob64aa6, erm, winnt ? winNT does not support ext213:40
joaopintoif you used the extfs driver for windows, it is not that stable, and it may be the root of your problem13:41
b64aa6joaopinto: It' only from the console (xterm) that's the prob. Btw, lookup ext2win (rather old softweare) that you can use to view ext filesystem from windows13:41
tdawgedoggim using a router and connected directly to the modem and i cant get an internet connection...works fine in windows....network is trying to connect via dhcp i think13:41
tdawgedogghow does that work?13:41
_3mendaikonia at the moment I'm running 8.10 beta but with gentoo I saw the hhd ...13:41
ikoniatdawgedogg your using debian, please take this to debian13:41
_3mendacan I go in gentoo and try againg13:42
joaopintob64aa6, can you browse it properly from nautilus ?13:42
ikonia_3menda: please do13:42
_3mendaok one sec13:42
b64aa6good grom gthumb, as well13:42
ikoniatdawgedogg please stop asking debian questions in this channel13:42
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b64aa6joaopinto: yes13:43
ikoniatdawgedogg: you have not joined debian since the last time we spoke about this, and have persisted to ask in this channel about debian issues.13:43
Skhaenwhois Skhaen13:43
ikoniatdawgedogg: do you understand ?13:43
joaopintob64aa6, so it's a xterm issue :P13:43
joaopintouse gnome-terminal :P13:43
b64aa6joaopinto: i guess...13:43
b64aa6joaopinto: xconsole?13:44
TorwayHi, I have a sound problem that I can not seem to figure out how to solve. I have a new AMD64 bit with ATI Radeon HD3200 graphics and using a HDMI cable to connect the computer to the LCD TV that I use. I can not seem to get any sound out of the TV speakers, but when I plug in headphones into the computer the sound works just fine. I am new to Ubuntu and feel certain that this problem is due to my limited understanding of how to set up the13:44
Torwaysystem with HDMI and so on. Any ideas please!?13:44
writinghow do i install readline?13:44
LjjjLwriting: it will get installed automatically when a package needs it13:45
mynameistuxhow do I remove banshee and all config files, is it "sudo apt-get purge banshee -1" ?13:45
b64aa6joaopinto: thanks13:45
ikoniatdawgedogg: please acknowledge you understand13:45
IdleOnemynameistux: sudo apt-get purge --remove package13:46
IdleOneor is it remove --purge13:46
tdawgedoggsure ikonia whatever man13:46
BOZGremove --purge I think.13:46
ikoniatdawgedogg: please join #debian - I spoke to you about this earlier and you have just ignored it13:46
IdleOneyeah remove --purge makes more sense. ( remove package then --purge configs )13:47
cha0xm1ndwell i have been trying to install Ubuntu 8.04x64, it installs without problems, but when i reboot it stops at the boot loader13:47
mynameistuxso, sudo apt-remove --purge banshee-1 right?13:47
LjjjLit's either "aptitude purge package" or "apt-get --purge remove package"13:47
_3mendaikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/6150713:47
IdleOnemynameistux: according to LjjjL it is apt-get --ppurge remove package13:48
ikonia_3menda ok - so the partition type is set to raid, that doesn't mean it's using raid13:48
writingI'm having trouble compiling postgresql on ubuntu13:48
_3mendasorry some txt will be in italian .. but I'm pretty sure that you'll reconize anyway13:48
writingwhen I ./configure it can't find readline13:48
LjjjLIdleOne: where you put the --purge makes no difference13:48
LjjjLalthough options are generally put before commands13:48
ikonia_3menda: as root mkdir -p /mnt/mybook-disk && mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt/mybook-disk13:48
zirodaywriting: why are you trying to compile postgresql?13:48
_3mendaso ikonia what do you subjest ?13:48
writingI need to hack it13:48
_3mendaok one second13:48
LjjjLwriting: then you don't really want readline, but you want the development package for it13:48
IdleOneLjjjL: ok thanks13:48
writingwhat is it called?13:49
LjjjLwriting: then why don't you fetch the source package from ubuntu repositories, and hack from that, so you don't have to ask such questions, because needed packages get installed automatically?13:49
zirodaywriting: try install libreadline5-dev13:49
LjjjLwriting: type "sudo apt-get build-dep <13:49
LjjjLdarn ziroday13:49
LjjjLwriting: type "sudo apt-get build-dep <package-you-want-to-compile>"13:49
arpegiuswhat package has ifconfig/13:50
LjjjLwriting: that will install all the build dependencies you need (including readline). then type "apt-get source <package-you-want-to-compile>", and you will have a directory with the source code13:50
_3mendaikonia it says tha t the special devicie /dev/sdb4 doesn't exit13:50
ikonia_3menda ls -la /dev/sdb413:50
=== AJC_Z0-- is now known as AJC_Z0
arpegiusnvm... needed to sudo ifconfig13:51
writingok thanks13:51
_3mendaikonia there is only /dev/sdb13:51
ikonia_3menda: there is a problem with that disk then if the devices are not being created13:52
TumieHi guys, when can I download the Intrepid Ibex Release Candidate, If i watch the ReleaseSchedule, he need to come today..13:52
_3mendaikonia /dev/sdb4 no such file or directory13:52
_3mendaso no way to make it up ??13:52
mynameistuxif you want to upgrade to it, run update-manager -d in the alt-f2 box13:53
ikonia_3menda: you can make it but if it's not being detected and make is't self, I'd guess the the disk does have an issue13:53
mynameistuxTumie: if you want to upgrade to it, run update-manager -d in the alt-f2 box13:53
zirodayTumie: the release candidate will arrive when the release candidate arrives :), please ask your questions in #ubuntu+1 regarding intrepid13:53
Tumieziroday: thanks13:54
_3mendaok ikonia thanks for your help anyway ..13:54
writingwhat's the drill for compiling software? make, make deps, make install?13:54
writingis that right?13:54
joaopintowriting, it depends on the software, check the README or INSTALL doc13:54
gnomefreakwriting: ./configure13:54
joaopintousually, its, ./configure; ./make; ./make instal13:55
gnomefreakjoaopinto: no ./ for make makeinstall'13:55
joaopintoops, sorry, neither for make13:55
gnomefreakok be back breakfaast13:55
blip- hi, i don't know what happened I just restarted my system after installing some image manip tools (i believe it was imagemagick and nbpm or something like that) and now upon boot im presented with a text login.   I can run openbox,.   but KDE was somehow uninstalled... i reinstalled kdebase-bin and kdm, but kdm doesn't give me the kde session on login ?   Any idea how to fix this ?    Thanks13:55
=== bananin is now known as Guest9949
LjjjLwriting: no, "apt-get source package", edit the source, "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b"13:58
blip-quick question,  if i reinstall ubuntu without formatting my home directory... will it keep the program settings etc.. ?13:58
storkhey guys, isn't there a program that picks the fastest mirrors for sources.list for you? I tried to google it but I couldn't find it, anyone know?13:58
blip-i just found out this Adept piece of crap package manager uninstalled almost EVERYTHING on my system !  Even stuff like yakuake terminal and conky...!13:58
LjjjLblip-: if you do keep your home directory, yes, but it's not trivial to tell the installer to keep it... i believe you'll need the alternate cd for that13:59
IdleOneblip-: kubuntu-desktop is the package you want13:59
LjjjLblip-: uh, then just type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" to get stuff restored13:59
zirodaystork: apt-spy is a commandline program to do that. You can also  use the software sources program to find the fastest mirror for you as well13:59
storkziroday: the software sources program?14:00
blip-lemme check.  i hope i don't have to reinstall.  i am really sick of reinstalling linux everytime something breaks instead of fixing it :(14:00
zirodaystork: you can find in the menu System > Administration > Software Sources14:00
joaopintoblip-, you are advised to read the list of what is about to be removed before clicking "Yes" !14:00
LjjjLblip-: then don't... i haven't reinstalled my Kubuntu in years14:00
blip-stork: there is an option there i believe that automatically sets the fasters mirror. but you are better of selecting it manually14:00
IdleOneblip-: the option selects the closest mirror IIRC not necessarily the fastest14:01
IdleOnebut manual selection of mirror works better for me also14:02
mynameistuxbye all, will be in ubuntu=114:02
IdleOnemynameistux: thanks for the warning14:02
blip-gotta plugin the ethernet cable.  will be back to report . thanks14:03
IdleOnewonder why an app like imagemagik would remove kde14:03
storkcheers guys, I found a mirror run by my ISP :)14:03
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squarebracketwhich packages do i install to update my kernel?14:04
TorwayHi, I have a sound problem that I can not seem to figure out how to solve. I have a new AMD64 bit with ATI Radeon HD3200 graphics and using a HDMI cable to connect the computer to the LCD TV that I use. I can not seem to get any sound out of the TV speakers, but when I plug in headphones into the computer the sound works just fine. I am new to Ubuntu and feel certain that this problem is due to my limited understanding of how to set up the14:04
Torwaysystem with HDMI and so on. Any ideas please!?14:04
IdleOnesquarebracket: when a kernel update is available update manager will let you know14:04
stork1800kB/s downloads :)14:05
storkhappy happy happy.14:05
squarebracketIdleOne, is the number after the - irrelevant, then?14:05
IdleOnesquarebracket: not at all14:05
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squarebracketIdleOne, so... it is relevant?14:06
IdleOnesquarebracket: run uname -a what kernel you running14:06
squarebracketIdleOne, 2.6.22-14-rt14:07
squarebracketoh, -a14:07
kiagagehello all Im thinking of picking up the 8.10 RC as soon as it's out, Im a little impatient, should i rather wait for the final release?14:07
squarebracketIdleOne, you want the full -a?14:07
IdleOnesquarebracket: just need the kernel version14:07
kunwon1ziroday, you use apt-spy on ubuntu? What do you use to parse the package lists?14:07
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kunwon1mirror lists, I mean14:07
LjjjLwhere is apt-spy to begin with14:07
kunwon1LjjjL, it's been pulled from ubuntu repos14:08
IdleOnesquarebracket: I am running ubuntu beta release so I am not certain what kernel your ubuntu version is using14:08
LjjjLkunwon1: unmaintained?14:08
squarebracketIdleOne,  2.6.22-14-rt14:08
bebene 1 up?14:08
bebehey all14:08
IdleOnebebe: probably all sitting14:08
bebeme too14:08
bahadunnI am sitting14:09
charlesIs any14:09
kunwon1LjjjL, ubuntu doesn't provide an easily parseable list of mirrors that can be used by apt-spy, and no one did the work of figuring out how to parse the e.g. wiki page that lists the mirrors, and without a proper list of mirrors it's useless14:09
charlesdam i cannot boot my dam live cd14:09
bebeany one know if i can use two nic cards and use them as so i can use twice the bandwidth??14:09
hateballbebe» bonding14:10
bahadunnbebe: its called interface teaming or bonding14:10
LjjjLkunwon1: uhm, doesn't seem to me a good enough reason to pull it... you could just have the package provide a built-in list of mirrors, they're not even hard to figure out, given they're all xx.archive.ubuntu.com14:10
IdleOnecharles: give the cd " all_generic_ide " option before hitting enter14:10
bahadunnbebe: and yes it is possible to do that14:10
charlesIdleOne, explain...14:10
amikropHello. I installed a theme, but it only applies to my user, not the root.14:10
amikropHow can I make it apply for the root, too?14:10
bebethank you bahadunn14:10
bebei will look it up14:10
bahadunnbebe: no problem14:10
charlesamikrop, themes are installed in ~/.gnome* copy that folder to root14:10
amikropActually, not only it didn't apply for root, but it removed the "Human" theme for root.14:11
kunwon1LjjjL, I'm reading the bug report, wherein it was stated that it's been removed from ubuntu >= feisty. Maybe I'm misinterpreting something :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-spy/+bug/178014:11
IdleOnecharles:when the Options come on screen to " Try Ubuntu" or Install Ubuntu you type in ( all_generic_ide ) and then select Try Ubuntu14:11
charlesIdleOne, currently trying to boot with noapic flag, getting tons of errors14:11
charlesIdleOne, oki14:11
amikropcharles: Now root does not have "Human", but another, uglier.14:11
redheat_hi everyone14:12
kunwon1LjjjL, I'm guessing someone decided that it would be unacceptable to have to update the package whenever the list of mirrors changed14:12
charlesamikrop, why do you want root to have a theme anyway?14:12
IdleOnecharles: if that works then test the cd. also using the Alternate Install cd might work better for you14:12
charlesamikrop, you need to move the gtk conf files too14:12
charlesIdleOne, i have never hadt this problem before14:12
IdleOnecharles: things happen :)14:12
charlesOki restarting14:13
amikropcharles: where are they?14:13
charlesamikrop open nautilus to your user directory and press ctrl+h that shows hidden folders14:13
redheat_folks,  I was wondering if anyone can help me with this problem, I have a wireless adapter, a Belkin, and it's it should be working fine, since I see all the wireless networks in my area listed in the network manager, but everytime I try to login by entering my WPA key, I use a wpa-psk security key for my network, the process keeps going for a while and then it stops..nothing happens.?!..can anyone help with that..14:13
LjjjLkunwon1: they basically found it dangerous to have the Debian archives there, and it is. it still seems stupid to pull it to me, however. just provide it with a darn *empty* list of packages, i can add my own, thanks!14:13
charlesi cant remeber exactly witch folder you might need14:14
ikoniaredheat_ what version of ubuntu are you using /14:14
amikropcharles: I know, I ask where the gtk conf files, are (to copy them to /root).14:14
charlesIdleOne, So now i got the Try Ubuntu page up14:14
redheat_8.04 ikonia14:14
charlesamikrop, .gtk?14:14
DeeJayTwoEven tough I've got daily update selected in "Software sources", I have no more automatic updates on my system..14:14
IdleOnecharles pass all_generic_ide option same as you did for noacpi14:14
amikropcharles: alright. do I need to reboot, after the copy?14:14
DeeJayTwoSince I upgraded to 8.1014:14
cens0reddoes anyone have any good links on compiling your own kernel? I need to install a kernel patch, so as to solve this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6018054#post601805414:14
kunwon1LjjjL, I'm thinking about trying to get it re-added.. it sounds like a useful tool.14:14
DeeJayTwoIs there a package responsible for this?14:14
ikoniaredheat_ from what you've said it's either a.) the key is wrong b.) your card's drivers are not supporting the encyption method you want14:15
ikoniaredheat_: is theer anything int he syslog14:15
bahadunnis 8.10 out yet?14:15
kunwon1LjjjL, I've never been a maintainer, but seems like this package wouldn't need much work to be made useful again14:15
charlesIdleOne, combined with the noapic flag?14:15
ikoniabahadunn no14:15
HymnToLife!kernel | cens0red14:15
ubottucens0red: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages14:15
charlesbahadunn, not yet14:15
IdleOnecharles: if you like but try without14:15
bahadunnthought it was not14:15
redheat_ikonia, how can I access the syslog..just bear me for a little while14:15
DeeJayTwobahadunn : No.. it's the not yet released version ;)14:15
ikoniaredheat_ it's a text file in /var/log14:15
bahadunnDeeJayTwo: got ya14:15
redheat_roger hold on a second14:15
cens0redHymnToLife yeah thanks but I've been following that page faithfully, and not getting anywhere.14:16
charlesIdleOne, with the () brackets ?14:16
DeeJayTwobahadunn : Anyway.. I got to fix some stuff in package dependencies and maybe I deleted the package responsible for the automatic update...14:16
bahadunnI see on the website it says 7 days to go14:16
DeeJayTwoI don't know its name.... does anybody know it?14:16
IdleOnecharles: no brackets14:16
amikropcharles: Do I need to restart X?14:16
HymnToLifecens0red: then you'll have to ask a more precise question. Where are you stuck?14:16
DeeJayTwobahadunn : Want 8.10?   sudo update-manager -d14:16
escolabom dia a todos14:16
cens0redHymnToLife http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6018054&postcount=2214:16
redheat_ikonia, I opened the file..is there something in particular I should look for?14:16
LjjjLkunwon1: should be a matter of getting the source package from Feisty repositories, patching the list of mirrors, and reopening the bug report with the patch attached14:16
TiMiDoescola, #ubuntu-es14:17
LjjjL!pt | escola14:17
ubottuescola: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:17
bahadunnI wonder if it will be safe to upgrade right when 8.10 is out of if I should wait for it to get refined a bit14:17
LjjjLTiMiDo: no ;)14:17
IdleOnebahadunn: don't upgrade yet. not ready for general use, unless you want to help with bug fixing14:17
LjjjLbahadunn: the latter, if yyou ask me14:17
escolaobriga ubottu14:17
kunwon1LjjjL, I'll give it a whack after work, thanks for your thoughts14:17
ikoniaredheat_: scroll down to the bottom and scroll up and see if there is anything obvious about your network14:17
cens0redHymnToLife as my link shows, I get my first error in the Modify The Source To Your Needs Section14:17
DeeJayTwoI have no stability problems since last week14:17
defryskbahadunn, just wait, its just one week to go14:17
DeeJayTwoJust no more automatic updates...14:17
LjjjLkunwon1: keep me updated, i will back you (i'm LjL here normally)14:17
IdleOneDeeJayTwo: #ubuntu+114:17
bahadunnI meant once 8.10 is officially out14:17
kunwon1LjjjL, I know, and thanks :)14:18
IdleOnebahadunn: update manager will offer to upgrade when released14:18
LjjjLbahadunn: i still say "wait". in my experience, it's common for upgrading flaws to be discovered after release14:18
bahadunnfor example there were some problems with 8.04 when first relased right?14:18
defryskbahadunn, once its out it should be pretty stablen ubuntu is not mandriva ;p14:18
charlesIdleOne, it alot slower then previus maybe this time it will boot :=)14:18
kunwon1bahadunn, correct14:18
bahadunn8.04.1 was much better from what I understand14:18
HymnToLifecens0red: the drive where you extracted the source is FAT32, right?14:18
IdleOnecharles: hope so14:18
bahadunnso will the same thing happen with 8.1014:19
kunwon1bahadunn, only time will tell14:19
bahadunnmaybe I should wait for 8.10.1 or whatever14:19
LjjjLbahadunn, do we look like we have a crystal ball?14:19
bahadunnfair enough14:19
IdleOnebahadunn: if we knew that we wouldn't have to worry about it now would we14:19
bahadunnLjjjL: you do14:19
LjjjLbahadunn: we don't know. but if you want to be on the safer side, wait14:19
cens0redHymnToLife no, don't have any FAT32 partitions14:19
bahadunnLjjjL: tell me where will I be in 5 years?14:19
erkibahadunn: In the bottom of a pyramid scheme, based on current observations14:20
LjjjLbahadunn: i don't know, my vision is shaded by the fact you're on a proxied host14:20
defryskbahadunn, ubuntu13.414:20
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cens0redHymnToLife also, in this part of the howto ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#Get%20the%20kernel%20source ) it says I should get the source for the modules, but doesn't actually tell me what to do with it.14:20
bahadunnerki: bottom of the pyramid scheme?14:20
charlesIdleOne, i will be so depressed it i cant revive my system, i would have to rewrite tons of software for my boss again..14:20
erkibahadunn: Just being stupid, ignore me14:21
FlyzoolaMorning, guys. I'm having problems with ubuntu booting up, getting "kernel panic" error after I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 earlier last night. Any idea what to do? I'm not very knowledgeale on ubuntu14:21
bahadunnerki: understood14:21
IdleOnecharles: you did not back anything up?14:21
redheat_ikonia, my WLAN's name is mentioned in a sequence of lines that begins with Deactivating wlan0 and it ends in what appears to be a sequence of stages regarding the initiation into my network..the important line, in my opinion, is this one..access point ..(my WLAN's name) is encrypted, but no Valid key exists, New key needed14:21
charlesIdleOne, most of it but not all, and not the lastest database schema...14:21
erkiFlyzoola: Can  you boot Ubuntu in recovery mode?14:22
ikoniaredheat_ looks like your encyption method is not support14:22
IdleOnecharles: you might want to consider a more agrresive approach to your backup schedual14:22
ikoniaredheat_: or not setup correclt14:22
HymnToLifecens0red: well, you very possibly do not need any additional module than those that are shipped with the kernel, so don't worry about that14:22
charlesIdleOne, i was just about to implement one..14:22
redheat_but the devices is functioning properly right ikonia14:22
charlesIdleOne, crap i thing its hung itself...14:23
redheat_that's what I thought yesterday, i didn't need a new driver, it\s all about the encryption..14:23
IdleOnecharles: what version of ubuntu you using?14:23
Flyzoolaerki: Well, before it boots up I press esc, and I get to chose from a list. 4 out of the 6 options don't work. The other two only take me to my login manager. After I log in, I am not taken to my desktop.14:23
charlesIdleOne, you know any other way to replace the kernels in /boot without beeing able to boot the live cd ?14:23
erkiFlyzoola: Is backing up and reformatting an option? That's what I used to do with Windows, anyway :)14:24
IdleOnecharles: I don't know how you would install a package without being able to boot or mount the drive14:24
charlesIdleOne, i cant mount the drive14:24
charlesIdleOne, i _CAN_ (typo)14:24
redheat_ikonia, does that mean I should install that WPA supplicant thing? or not...14:24
akin0ohi all !!14:25
ikonia not sure, hand on heart14:25
Flyzoolaerki, well my CD-Rom drive doesn't work. And I think backing everything up is going to be impossible now, since I can't access my desktop anyway. I mean, after I log in, I get sent to a blank screen. I can see my cursor, but nothing more.14:25
redheat_hi akin0o14:25
erkiFlyzoola: Wait wait, you get to the graphical login?14:25
charlesIdleOne, Super grub diskt14:25
md22_on a 64 bit processor is 64 linux much faster than 32 bit linux ?14:25
akin0ocan anyone help me about sharing folders between windows and ubuntu??14:25
lucaxdid anyone try time vault?14:25
charlesIdleOne, its got a gentoo system on it14:26
paulo_ola pessoal14:26
paulo_podem me tirar uma duvida?14:26
erki!english | paulo_14:26
ubottupaulo_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:26
redheat_anyhow.thanks ikonia..thank you for your help..truly appreciate it..14:26
IdleOnecharles: does gentoo boot? if so boot to gentoo then mount your ubuntu partiton and fix what you need to fix. Don't ask me how #gentoo might be of help to you14:26
ikoniaredheat_: dudb;t help much, don't use wpa much so don't know much about it14:26
redheat_nah friend, don't say that ...at least I know where the syslog is lol...14:27
charlesIdleOne, main problem is how do i get the kernels for Ubuntu ?14:27
Flyzoolaerki, yes. I can get to my graphical login. But you know after you log in how you get the little ubuntu splashscreen that has what's being loaded? I don't get that. I just get taken to a blank (well, peach-colored) screen with my cursor14:27
IdleOnecharles: packages.ubuntu.com14:27
FlyzoolaI can't click or anything, though, but I can move it around14:27
redheat_ I spent 8 hours yesterday trying to figure a driver for my wireless adapter card and for nothing..14:27
redheat_it's an encryption problem14:27
erkiFlyzoola: When you get to the graphical login, try presssing ctrl+alt+f1 (or maybe f5) and you will get a terminal login. If you can login there we might be able to do something.14:28
redheat_hopefully they'll fix that in the next relief..by the way this problem didn't exist in the previous version..7.10 never ever did it happen, and I always use WPA..never WEP14:28
akin0opls anyone can help me ??14:28
Flyzoolaerki: alright, I am going to try it now. I have the computer in another room, but I will let you know once that is tried. I'll be right back14:29
paulo_erki, pvt14:29
IdleOne!samba > akin0o14:29
ubottuakin0o, please see my private message14:29
dvyjonesHow do I set my background to a completely black one?14:29
akin0oidleone: my problem is that i cant view the windows' folders from ubuntu!!14:30
IdleOnedvyjones: right click on dESKTOP AND CHANGE BACKGROUND. then play with the settings. ( sorry bout the caps )14:30
md22_I have a 64 bit CPU (AMD Athlon x2 5400) and wondering if the there is a significant speed increase in using 64 bit version of ubuntu instead of the 32 bit version14:30
IdleOneakin0o: you need to share the windows folder from windows14:30
akin0oidelone: i've did that!!! but from other windows terminals i see them, from ubuntu one not14:31
IdleOneakin0o: read the link ubottu gave you it might help. I don't use windows or share with windows14:32
afallenhope|workanyone know if I could use the restricted drivers for an  ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300].. I want 3D support.. Anytime I try to use the restricted drivers, I lose my display...14:32
paulo_Hello friend, just install ubuntu, say can be an intermediate users .. the problem is that the sound n works, says that "you do not have the correct plug-in of GStreamer installed, or you do not have a sound card set up."14:32
huppikhi, how to register nick? sorry, i am new in here14:32
akin0oIdleOne: ok thx14:32
soulinxhey..I m trying to compile a driver for msi wind wifi but I get this errormake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.14:32
soulinxam I missing any pkg?14:33
erkimd22_: I would guess not so much, but that depends on what way you use the compute.14:33
Flyzoolaerki, yes! I was able to get a terminal (It looks like a windows Command line, yes?) Should I log in completly?14:33
mojo_hallo did somone know how to stream vmwhd video to xbox 360 ?14:33
erkiFlyzoola: No harm in trying14:33
Flyzoolaerki, ok now I'm logged in. What should I try??14:34
jgoguen!anyone | afallenhope|work14:34
ubottuafallenhope|work: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:34
md22_erki:i usuall write apps using python and postgresql, encoding video,play games such as unreal tournament 2004 and WoW14:35
erkiFlyzoola: Umm, no idea relly. But at least we know you can access your system. Might be a good idea to backup any important files while it's still possible14:35
erkimd22_: Without any formal education in the subject, I will venture a guess: You won't notice any performance enhancements.14:36
Flyzoolaerki, hahaha do you think I can run anything through this? Or can I fix the kernel through this?14:36
Jane_uxwhich command using grep can I use to find all the matches for a given name (eg. name) in the file names and within the source of each file of a given folder  ?14:37
afallenhope|work!twat | jgoguen14:37
md22_thanks for response erki. i greatly appreciate it14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about twat14:37
kakooniahey.. someone here has the netgear wn11 usb wi card?14:37
erkiFlyzoola: If there is any way you can fix it, this is the way :)14:37
RaynesIs it possible to get a pre-compiled version of Gnome-PPP?14:37
erkimd22_: x64 seems to be good for two things nowadays: Running 64-bit apps and handling more than 3.something GB ram14:37
afallenhope|workANYONE (just for you jgoguen) know if I could use the restricted drivers for an  ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300].. I want 3D support.. Anytime I try to use the restricted drivers, I lose my display...14:37
Flyzoolaerki, sweet :D do you know of any guides I might follow to fix this? I've looked around, but found nothing14:37
erkiFlyzoola: I have no idea. You should probably try to get more info out of the "kernel panic" message.14:38
erkiFlyzoola: And then google for it. Or paste it here, and see if anyone has a clue.14:38
blip-hi, i'm trying to install the lastest 177 drivers from nvidia... the setup tells me i am missing the kernel module and offers to download and compile it. should i let it, or i should use some package in the ubuntu 8.04 repos ? thanks14:38
erkiFlyzoola: Personally I'm more of a "nuke-and-pave" person :)14:38
Jane_uxwhich command using grep can I use to find all the matches for a given name (eg. name) in the file names and within the source of each file of a given folder  ?14:38
DiskaCan anyone enlighten me on how to preseed the answers to the questions about the private encrypted homedir and the landscape client in the Intrepid installer?14:39
Flyzoolaerki, as am I, but without a CD rom drive, backing everything up is going to be hard. Ideally, I'd just start over fresh, but that's not possible right now haha. I just need to know how to fix the kernel.14:39
blip-Jane_ux: i think you want something like "grep -r <searchword> ."   this will recursively search all files in the current directory and below it.14:40
FlyzoolaThe error I get at startup is "12.090335 kernel panic-not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block (0,0)"14:40
blip-Jane_ux: add -i to ignore case14:40
Jane_uxblip: thanks14:41
Jane_uxblid: but this also apply to the file name??14:41
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:42
blip-hmm,  sorry i didn't understand you last time.  you want to look for occurrence of a word inside the names of files...  hmm14:42
blip-Jane_ux: ^14:43
Jane_uxblip: yes, inside the file but also in the file name14:44
blip-Jane_ux: not sure if this works, but try pipping the output of ls.  so do ls -l | gawk{$4} | grep <searchterm>14:44
Jane_uxblip: ok thanks14:44
blip-Jane_ux: you're welcome14:44
marlunWhy does this not work: find . -type f -exec iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 {} > {} \;14:44
erkiFlyzoola: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4286914:44
Jane_uxblip: but now do you know any script to find all the matches and replace them with other string??14:44
erkiFlyzoola: Supposedly it's trying to boot from the wrong drive or something. But that should be unrelated to the fact that you cannot login using the graphical interface...14:45
Skyfuryis there a possibility to set up unbuntu beside a running windows system? please /msg me for a howto or an answer14:45
slayerI found an awesome browser that is made especially for ubuntu, it's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyN9_Za_RlU14:46
slayerYou must see it14:46
slayerEspecially for ubuntu users14:46
Puppyikonia ?14:46
vmeloare we gonna have 8.10 RC available today?14:47
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ikoniavmelo: you've asked in here twice today14:47
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Frozeehelp me please14:47
ramondoes anyone know "sox"...i am not sure what the command to make all the tracks from a play list (m3u) the same volume...help please?14:47
Frozeeiam new in ubuntu14:47
khtwcan anyone help me on getting onto undernet.org?14:47
vmeloikonia: I've just arrived14:47
PuppyGood news is, i have Ubuntu workign with a wireless card14:47
ikoniakhtw /join #freenode14:48
Puppybad news is, it wont connect to my network .......14:48
Puppywill this ever end14:48
khtwsomething seems to be wrong there14:48
Frozeehelp me please14:48
Skyfuryis there a possibility to set up unbuntu beside a running windows system? please /msg me for a howto or an answer14:48
ikoniaPuppy: I've got your drivers installed on my test machine here, there are some massive limiations with them (I've not got a card to verify them)14:48
PuppySkyfury - im doign it now D:14:48
Puppyikonia i got another card14:48
ikonia!dualbook | Skyfury14:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualbook14:48
khtw8.10 - as far as I know only 30th it will be available14:48
Puppyikonia - now i cant find the wondows drivr sfo rit14:49
ikoniaPuppy: what card are you using now?14:49
ikonia!dualbook | Skyfury14:49
Puppyall the info i have is14:49
ikonia!dualboot | Skyfury14:49
ubottuSkyfury: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:49
slayerFUCK ! Bill Gates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyN9_Za_RlU14:49
Skyfurythanks ikonia!14:49
Puppyikonia - Atheros 802.11 wireless lan adapter AR5212 / AR5213 168c:001314:49
ikoniaSkyfury: no problem, any questions please ask14:49
ikoniaPuppy: ahh the atheros chipset, that has reasonable support14:49
Puppyikonia for ubun mabby, but cant get it working on XP14:50
Puppyi have 2 wirelesscards in at the mometn14:50
ikoniaPuppy can't help you witht that, thats not an ubuntu issue14:50
Puppyikonia - i know, im workign on it now14:50
ramonikonia would you have a look to sox manual and see if i am missing something there?...i am trying to make the same volume to the tracks of a m3u file (play list)...ogg files14:50
Puppyikonia if i can get it working on xp, then sorted14:50
Puppyikonia - but still ubuntu woudl not connect to my network :D14:51
ikoniaramon sox ?14:51
PuppyMarvell - Networking - Marvell Yukon 88E8001/8003/8010 PCI Gigabit Ethernet Controller14:51
khtw7 days too soon vmelo14:51
ramonikonia i am trying to make the same volume to a m3u file14:51
Puppyikonia thats not it lol, thats an update because ive turned my lan on14:52
w0ls0nhow do I correctly change my hostname? What file do I edit?14:52
ikoniaramon I don't use sox to be honest, so I've no idea off the top of my head14:52
TheNo1Yetiip route add via   will null route hacking attempts from that ip as opposed to iptables -D INPUT -s -j DROP  which drops the packets right?14:52
ramonikonia have you ever burn a music cd?14:52
ikoniaramon: yup14:52
Doonznixim lookin at upgrading my ubuntu box. Im looking at installing my os on a software based Raid 5. But my question is i currently have another raid 5 array built when i do the reinstall will i loose the other array ( Its on its own raid card only contains data and it as well is another software base raid setup)14:52
ramonikonia how you make the songs play the same volume?14:53
ikoniaDoonznix linux software raid, or fakeraid14:53
Doonznixum its using mdadm14:53
ikoniaramon: just use gnome baker they all came out at the same volume14:53
Flyzoolaerki, I'm lost haha I just read over that but that didn't make any sense. I don't know what GRUB is. I just wish to be able to actually access my PC through the GUI. Is it the kernel or what?14:53
ikoniaDoonznix: great ! good choice14:53
ramonikonia is that a cd burner?14:53
ikoniaDoonznix: you shouldn't lose your raid config, backup /etc/mdadm.conf to make certain though14:53
ikoniaramon: correct14:54
Doonznixso i should be able to just reinstall ubuntu using the alternative cd and create my os raid set and then just remount the other raid array?14:54
ramonikonia, thanks i will try that14:54
ikoniaDoonznix you may have to manually start the array the first time, but yes, that should be it14:54
* Doonznix runs off to order his new parts14:55
kairobinHi Guys14:55
agep98712Hi! When I lock my screen, my screensaver shows up. But when I then hit a key to get the unlock window, the unlock window is invisible and/or flickering, I can however enter my password. How can I get rid of the flickering?14:55
NET||abuseanyone using exaile? I want the global hotkeys to work, not happening so much14:56
zirodaykunwon1: woops never used apt-spy on ubuntu myself. Had always used it on debian though and thought it would work nicely. I was obviously wong14:58
GaMbi_DKI get keyboard delays when my system has been on for 3-6 hours ~(with no real reason - app wise) and wont go away untill I reboot...Now I discovered that if I unplug the keyboard from my front USB port and plug it in the back the problem goes away without rebooting. so I figured that the problem lies in my front USB port... is this fixable? my cord isnt long enough to be plugged in the back of my puter14:58
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Skyfuryi really need to free 10gb for a ubuntu partition?14:59
ne2k__Skyfury: no. you can install it in about 9.93GB14:59
Skyfuryso its 9.93gb + 2gb swap ?14:59
ne2k__Skyfury: lol15:00
charlesGuys what format should the boot partion be?15:00
w0ls0nhi all15:00
ne2k__Skyfury: 10GB will give you a comfortable amount of space to install and try out lots of different stuff and not have to worry about it15:00
Skyfurythats what i read15:00
Skyfuryhmn okay, whats the minimun instead?15:01
ne2k__Skyfury: and then, allocate about twice your physical ram as swap15:01
akonkwa_Hi everyone. I'm trying to change permission on a mounted hard drive. the file system is a linux file system. Can anyone tell me what line I should add in Fstab?15:01
lylesongdid the rc is out?15:01
w0ls0nhow do I correctly change from dhcp to static IP? I have in /etc/network/interfaces auto lo and iface lo inet loopback15:01
ne2k__Skyfury: depends on what you install.15:01
ne2k__w0ls0n: man 5 interfaces15:01
FlyzoolaHow do you fix the "kernel panic" error when ubuntu is loading up? This happens to me since I upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10. I don't get graphical access to my PC, but I can access the graphical user login. I am also able to access through terminal, but I don't know how I'd fix my problem.15:02
ne2k__Flyzoola: any more info on the panic?15:02
w0ls0nne2k__, thats, exactly what I was looking for15:02
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Skyfuryjust a clean desktop system + i'm interested in this xgl15:02
ne2k__w0ls0n: if you don't have anything about auto eth0 in your /etc/network/interfaces, though, you may be using something different15:02
ne2k__w0ls0n: can't remember what it's called... roaming mode or something15:02
w0ls0n I have in /etc/network/interfaces auto lo and iface lo inet loopback15:03
ne2k__w0ls0n: are you using graphical desktop? go to the network icon in the top bar and click on manual configuration, then change it in there15:03
erkiFlyzoola: Sorry about the late reply: Grub is the "boot manager". It seems to have some trouble finding the correct drive to boot from.15:03
w0ls0nah yea15:03
w0ls0nthanks. Didn't think of that.15:03
Flyzoolanek2__, it says "12.090335 kernel panic-not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block (0,0)"15:03
ay^What could possible cause a ubuntu 8.04.1 install to randomly right click at times?15:03
ne2k__ay^: faulty mouse? does it do it with the mouse unplugged?15:04
ay^ne2k__: yep, its on a laptop Dell 1525, does it with or without USB-mouse plugged in15:04
ne2k__Flyzoola: you need to check that you are passing the correct partition name to the kernel in grub15:04
Flyzoolaerki, can you elaborate :o15:04
ne2k__ay^: ah, laptop. built in trackpad or nipple? can you turn those off in the bios?15:04
Skyfuryor lets clear first - xgl works with ubuntu 8.04.1 ? if yes whats the minimum space required for this install i want to do?15:04
Flyzoolanek2__, how do I do that. Is there a simple guide to follow? I'm not very ubuntu savvy15:05
Puppyikonia - ok i got it workign on windows15:05
ne2k__Flyzoola: my nick is ne2k__ ;-) can you past your /boot/grub/menu.lst in the pastebin?15:05
ay^ne2k__:  trackpad, I haven't tried disabling them, will give it a shot next reboot and see what gives. Thanks for the pointer :)15:05
Puppyikonia - now for Ubuntu ( i can smell the end )15:05
ne2k__ay^: pointer, hah!15:06
erkiFlyzoola: I'll just build on what ne2k__ said: Log in to the terminal and type "sudo cat /boot/grub/menu.lst"15:06
ay^ne2k__: you are the first one ever to give me any kind of direction on this matter :)15:06
ne2k__erki: I have a feeling that he can't boot it15:06
ne2k__ay^: no, as in, like pointer, mouse, pointer, get it?15:06
erkiFlyzoola: I'm guessing it won't be possible to copy-paste anything since it's on the other computer, but we are most likely only interested in a few lines anyway15:07
Puppyikonia - its a 108Mbps High Speed wireless network adapter15:07
Flyzoolane2k__ and erki, ok, I'll come back in a bit with the info.15:07
erkiFlyzoola: Nononon15:07
ay^ne2k__: haha! I actuallt didn't get it at first, what a shame :)15:07
erkiFlyzoola: menu.lst is LONG15:07
ne2k__Flyzoola: you also need to find out what partition you are trying to boot15:07
FlyzoolaThat computer is just Ubuntu15:07
FlyzoolaI don't have any other OS on it15:07
lylesongme too15:07
Doonznixanyone good with xchat?15:08
ne2k__Flyzoola: it would appear that you are trying to boot (hd0,0) (i.e. hda1), but that is not where your disk is15:08
Doonznixtrying to figure out how i can see who is all in the channel15:08
Flyzoolane2k__ so is there a way I can figure out where it is, and correct it?15:08
erkiFlyzoola: Could you check if that menu.lst has any "root (x,y)" under a line saying "Ubuntu 7.04"? Preferrably one of those choices that made it possible to log in.15:09
ne2k__Flyzoola: well, which partition is your root partition?15:09
XB23guys, is there a way to make ubuntu reload /etc/resolv.conf15:10
XB23only it wont resolve any hostnames15:10
XB23but can ping the ip15:10
XB23just get host unknown when pinging a hostname15:10
Flyzoolane2k__ I don't remember, I haven't messed around with my installation in over a year15:10
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ne2k__Flyzoola: it's normally done with root=UUID=... parameter to the kernel now, rather than anything else. this means that you can move the disk around between controllers and it will still work15:10
jcadam_Hello, I get a problem on PPP connection. Would you please help me.15:10
ne2k__XB23: what is in /etc/resolv.conf? there is no need to "reload" it -- it's read each time15:10
Flyzoolane2k__ I'm lost haha I'll see if I can get the lines from the .lst15:11
perfectexodusmornin, why when I go to save a text document in my text editor do I see all these directories that start with "." (symbolic?) but in Openoffice I dont see tbose directories15:11
ne2k__jcadam_: tell us what you're trying to do, what went wrong, what error message you got, what you tried, and what happened15:11
jcadam_OK. This is the situation: I have got a ppp0 interface by gnome-ppp.15:11
ne2k__perfectexodus: . means (by convention, not magic) hidden directory15:12
jcadam_but it still can not surf web.15:12
jcadam_And I tried to ping a ip address. It failed either.15:12
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ne2k__perfectexodus: if you use applications that use different gui toolkits, they will have different configuration for whether or not to display hidden files, etc. applications from, e.g. the gnome suite /should/ obey your user-preferences and display a consistent set of dialogues15:13
jcadam_--> Ignoring malformed input line: ";Do NOT edit this file by hand!"15:13
jcadam_--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.6015:13
jcadam_--> Cannot get information for serial port.15:13
jcadam_--> Initializing modem.15:13
jcadam_--> Sending: ATZ15:13
ikoniaperfectexodus: you won't get that speed out of ubuntu15:13
jcadam_--> Sending: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D215:13
XB23ubuntus resolver is differnetly /etc/resolv.conf yeh15:13
jcadam_ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D215:13
ne2k__jcadam_: DO NOT PASTE!15:13
jcadam_--> Modem initialized.15:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pasteebin15:13
jcadam_--> Sending: ATM1L3DT*99***1#15:13
joaopintojcadam_, use pastebin !15:13
ikoniajcadam_: stop15:13
jcadam_--> Waiting for carrier.15:13
ne2k__!flood jcadam_15:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flood jcadam_15:14
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:14
jcadam_--> Carrier detected.  Waiting for prompt.15:14
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ne2k__THANK GOODNESS for that15:14
rebel_kidok apt-get remove apache2, killall apache2, doesnt that mean apache shouldnt be running?15:15
Frijolie1hey all, how do you verify what your language locale is set to? System > Administration > Language Support ?15:16
ne2k__why has FloodBot1 just told me that I may speak again?!15:16
joaopintoFrijolie1, from the terminal type: locale15:16
Frijolie1joaopinto: Hmm..I'm getting erratic language(s) in OOo15:17
joaopintoFrijolie1, thats the default, american english15:17
XB23mmm for some reason my dns isnt resolving hostnames15:17
XB23any ideas?15:17
joaopintoFrijolie1, you are using Intrepid right ?15:17
XB23/etc/resolv.conf has some resolve ips15:17
jcadam_I am so sorry....15:17
erkiXB23: Maybe your ISP's DNS is down?15:17
ne2k__XB23: I asked you for the contents of /etc/resolv.conf seven minutes ago, but you didn't respond15:17
Frijolie1joaopinto: yes, you can tell from the locale?15:17
XB23oh sorry15:17
Flyzoolaerki, well the lst is too long, and I can scroll through it... but the "root" is at (hd0,0) but it's for "ubuntu 7.10" not 7.04 (on the particula kernel I used)15:18
FloodBot2XB23: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:18
andros /join #ubuntu-it15:18
joaopintoFrijolie1, no, but from your question on the proper channel, which is #ubuntu+1, keept it there please, people on this channel are hardy users :P15:18
androsjoin /#ubunti.it15:18
erkiFlyzoola: 1. Write down or remember the title of the menu choice that allows you to log in (terminal). 2. Look for that title in menu.lst. 3. Write down or remember the line below it (something like "root     (x,y)" 4. Write it in the channel.15:18
androsjoin /#ubuntu-it15:19
erkiandros: "/join #ubuntu-it"15:19
Frijolie1joaopinto: nobody answers even as much as you did there, is Hardy and Intrepid's handing of language locales is vastly different?15:19
XB23«ne2k__» did u get that15:19
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:20
joaopintoFrijolie1, your system is not related to locales in general, it's related to OpenOffice, the version available on Intrepid15:20
ne2k__XB23: can you ping any of those addresses?15:20
XB23lemme try15:20
joaopintoerm, your system= your issue15:20
Slarthmm.. when I do a search in Songbird, a beta media player, it not only stops responding, itself, but also gnome takes a short coffee break until the search is finished. Isn't gnome supposed to be continue working even though one application misbehaves a bit?15:20
Frijolie1joaopinto: you cant get OOo v 3 to install on Hardy?15:20
XB23yes ping fine15:21
joaopintoFrijolie1, oh OOO3, that is not on the official repositories15:21
ne2k__XB23: how are you connecting to the internet? is there a firewall in the way?15:21
Frijolie1joaopinto: so you can't "support" anything that's not in the official repos?15:21
joaopintoFrijolie1, you will need to ask to whoever provides those packages....15:21
TorwayHi, I have a sound problem that I can not seem to figure out how to solve. I have a new AMD64 bit with ATI Radeon HD3200 graphics and using a HDMI cable to connect the computer to the LCD TV that I use. I can not seem to get any sound out of the TV speakers, but when I plug in headphones into the computer the sound works just fine. I am new to Ubuntu and feel certain that this problem is due to my limited understanding of how to set up the15:21
Torwaysystem with HDMI and so on. Any ideas please!?15:21
XB23just via standard ipconfig15:21
XB23no firewalls in the way15:22
saint-takeshianyone know why, since i went up to intrepid, the "places" in my menu don't open in nautilus, instead they launch audacious15:22
joaopintoFrijolie1, nope, because most of use do not have those packages installs to do testing, and we have no idea on how those packages were built, you will get better help from whoever provides them...15:22
ne2k__Torway: you need to find out what device is representing the HDMI sound interface, and select that for sound output15:22
Flyzoolaerki, this is the information you need, I believe: "Ubuntu 7.10 Kernel 2.6.20-15-generic      root: (hd0,0)15:22
Slartsaint-takeshi: try asking in #ubuntu+1, that's where the intrepid people hang15:22
joaopintosaint-takeshi, please ask on #ubuntu+115:22
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myeggoi have an ubuntu server stable and i need install tcl8.515:22
Frijolie1joaopinto: ok, that's a fair statement.15:22
Torwayne2k: how do I go about finding out that?15:23
myeggowhere can i find it? repos only has 8.515:23
ne2k__Torway: it will probably be a different device from the one that drives the headphone output on the front. if not, it will probably be handled through a mixer, and you might have to do something in the BIOS (unlikely)15:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:23
XB23ping www.google.com just says host unknown15:23
agep98712Hi! When I lock my screen, my screensaver shows up. But when I then hit a key to get the unlock window, the unlock window is invisible and/or flickering, I can however enter my password. How can I get rid of the flickering?15:23
saint-takeshisure, yeah, sorry, i dunno if it's intrepid related, i thought maybe somebody had dealt with this before15:23
dinarthere are two icecast15:23
dinarserver and 215:23
marnanelIs there a way of getting apt-cache or apt-get or aptitude to display the URL it would fetch a package from if it was going to install it?15:24
ne2k__Torway: go to system->preferences->sound->devices and see what devices are listed under the sound playback section dropdown15:24
dinarwhich to use what is difference15:24
ne2k__marnanel: man apt-get15:24
nekooh yeah real sexy, ubuNext is ;))15:24
Slartmarnanel: not sure.. but you can check out packages.ubuntu.com if you just want a single package or something15:24
joaopintosaint-takeshi, the nautilus version on intrepid is different, so yes, your question is related to intrepid ;)15:24
ne2k__XB23: can you dig @ www.google.com15:25
Flyzoolane2k__ so how do I find which partition is my root partition?15:25
marnanelne2k__: thank you15:25
joaopintomaraker, apt-cache show  package15:25
bloodelybayHey guys.  Thinking about using Ubuntu, on a small ewayco fanless PC, with ELO touchscreen for a kiosk application.  Probably use Qt4 as well.  Your thoughts?  Suggestions?15:25
ne2k__XB23: btw, you never pastebinned your /etc/resolv.conf15:25
SlartFlyzoola: cat /etc/mtab, there should be a line for the root partition15:25
a_okis there a difference bewteeen auth.log and security? if not what is the standart one?15:25
XB23yes that works fine ne2k15:25
SlartFlyzoola: or sudo blkid15:25
erkiFlyzoola: You said you press esc at boot. What exactly does the line say that allows you to log in through the terminal?15:25
XB23it resolves all the ips15:25
roganWhat do I need to do to get Amarok to play m4a format and properly id id3v2 tags?15:25
dinarwhat is difference between icecast2 and ucecast-server?15:26
XB23oh im sorry, lemme pastebin it now15:26
Flyzoolaslart, is that sudo cat? or just cat?15:27
Flyzoolaerki, I'm going to go check. Gimmie a sec..15:27
murlidharnone of the ntfs partitions are accessible now  after installing xp  .15:27
murlidharwhat to do .15:27
murlidhari see the partitions in the file manager but not  able to mount them automatically15:27
XB23ne2k__ http://pastebin.com/m77b9417515:27
SlartFlyzoola: I think just cat will work..15:28
kakooniahey, someone here knows howto configure the Evolution mail daemon? or how to run it or something.. i want it to be running in the background..15:28
joaopintoevolution provides a mail daemon ?15:29
ne2k__XB23: how did those lines get into that file? it's not in a valid format. you need nameserver, etc.15:29
OxDeadC0de1is youtube.com/get_video?video_id= not working for anyone else as well?15:29
dinar<joaopinto> no15:29
ne2k__XB23: man resolv.conf15:29
apelgatehello guys. is it possible to run 32 bit binaries on linux with a 64 bit processor?15:29
Slartapelgate: yes15:29
karab44how to print in FF3 all opened tabs (about30)15:29
apelgatejust running them?15:30
joaopintokakoonia, Evolution is a client, not a daemon :P15:30
Slartapelgate: you might need 32-bit libraries too15:30
Slartapelgate: yes15:30
joaopintoapelgate, yes it is, using ia32-libs, or a 32bits chroot15:30
XB23works now15:30
akahig1am trying to write a bash script to chmod in nautilus and nothing I do works. can anyone help?15:30
XB23cheers ne2k__15:30
Slartapelgate: some stuff doesn't need libraries.. for example wine is only distributed as a 32 bit application15:30
joaopintoSlart, wine depends on ia32-libs15:31
HSNewsWhere I can read "what's new" in 8.10?15:31
thiebaudeHSNews:on the ubuntu web site15:31
Slartjoaopinto: it does?.. hmm.. let me have a look15:31
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HSNewsi can't find there an information15:32
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joaopintoHSNews, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/beta15:32
damien3anyone has experience with nachos?15:32
apelgateSlart: thank you15:32
damien3im stuck15:32
Slartjoaopinto: wow.. it does.. I always thought wine was just a big blob without dependencies.. I'll go sit in the corner now =)15:32
Slartapelgate: you're welcome15:33
damien3does anyone have experience with nachos15:34
storkntfs can't hold user permissions can it?15:34
damien3i wrote a selftest with semaphores15:34
zambadamien3: it's great with salsa15:34
damien3i dont see any results15:34
alteregoais there soemthing like webdav for linux?15:34
zambadamien3: and you must add cheese15:34
storkand cheese.15:34
alteregoawhere you can add folders for users?15:34
legend2440HSNews: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha5#New%20Features%20in%20Intrepid15:34
damien3zamba ive heard a lot better15:35
damien3and its not funny15:35
damien3cause i cant go home if i dont do the program15:35
thiebaudefor sure, damien315:35
roganWhat do I need to do to get Amarok to play m4a format and properly id id3v2 tags?15:36
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok15:36
erkialteregoa: What exactly do you mean by "folders for users"?15:36
Flyzoolaerki, the line is "Ubuntu 7.10 Kernel 2.6.20-15 generic" There is also "2.6.20-17 generic" and "2.6.22-15 generic" but only 2.6.20-15 lets me even go to the login manager.15:37
erkiFlyzoola: Hmm. And if you look in menu.lst, all those choices have the same "root    (x,y)" values?15:38
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Flyzoolaerki, yes that is correct.15:39
Flyzoolathey all have (hd0,0)15:39
erkiFlyzoola: Okay, in the kernel line below, do they all have the same "root=" values?15:39
=== nick_ is now known as nich^
Flyzoolaerki, yeah. Kernel 2.6.20-17 and 2.6.22-15 both have root (hd0,0)15:40
eddyp_work /msg ubottu etiquette15:41
thered3vilI'm having a problem mounting my pen drive:( can someone help me do that15:41
bloodelybaythat sounds painful.15:41
bloodelybayany suggestions for a Ubuntu based kiosk on a small fanless PC?15:41
erkiFlyzoola: As in something like "/boot/blahblahblah root=(hd0,0) ro quiet splash"15:42
eddyp_workis there a way to select the architecture in the shipit page?15:42
Woody86anyone know how I would go about making a Windows driver for my monitor work in ubuntu?15:42
ikoniaWoody86: there is no such thing as a monitor driver15:43
ikoniaWoody86: just an inf file that lays out the monitor specification15:43
Woody86ikonia -  well I have a cd that came with the monitor.....oh, how do I do that, then? :D15:43
ikoniaWoody86 you shouldn't need to15:43
Woody86ikonia -  well I do, the correct resoloution for my monitor isn't in the list15:44
ikoniaWoody86 that doesn't mean you need a windows ini file15:45
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Woody86ikonia -  ok, then what do I need to do?15:45
erkiFlyzoola: Did you get my last message? The one about "/boot" etc. etc.? I need to know if all lines look roughly the same15:46
ikoniaWoody86 what monitor do you have and what video card ?15:46
Puppyi got it workign15:46
PuppyUbuntu is online15:46
stevenbinionanyone here a developer with eclipse and subversion for c/c++ and idl15:46
PuppyNow how do i install xchat /.15:46
Puppyikonia: how do i install xchat ?15:47
ikoniaPuppy open the package manager and search for the xchat application15:47
erkiPuppy: xchat is in synaptic15:47
pau|cIf I log in as root, my path is different to when I sudo -s. sudo -s appears to ignore /etc/environment. http://friendpaste.com/mSsBeyB215:47
scuniziPuppy, sudo apt-get install xchat.. didn't you have a sata drive problem?  how'd you fix it?15:47
Puppypackage manager ?15:47
stevenbiniondid you try in console to type :> sudo apt-get install xchat ?15:47
pau|chow do I ensure the path is unchanged after running sudo?15:47
Woody86ikonia - Samsung SyncMaster 2232BW 22" monitor, and an MSI NX8600GT15:47
ikoniaPuppy yes, system -> administration -> package manager15:47
Dextorionstevenbinion, not using idl15:48
ikoniaWoody86 MSI NX8600GT is that an nvidia card ?15:48
Puppyscunizi ive had a lto mroe problems with that, as soona s i get on proper irc, ill tell ya al abot it15:48
Flyzoolaerki: no, after I type in "sudo cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" I just get the list. It says the version, the root, and the kernel. But it says this for the kernel15:48
Woody86ikonia -  yup15:48
Br4v3_bUtChlam kenal y15:48
Puppyikonia:  sudo: unable to resolve host Dark-Ubuntu15:48
ikoniaWoody86 do you know what driver your using for this card15:48
andresmhhow do I know what version of ALSA drivers I am using?15:48
bonez45 I am thinking of upgrading my mail/web server machine.. to ubuntu. ..I am considering installing the Server edition instead of the Desktop edition.. just curious about the server edition. the documentation says it doesn't install normally with X...would I have to install X after the installation?15:48
ikoniaPuppy ughh, you've got an non-resolveable hostname15:49
stevenbinionthanks, Dextorion cause my development setup seems find. I just seem to be missing the idl to c++ compiler or eclipse is looking for /usr/local/bin/idlc anyway.15:49
Puppyikonia:  - its synaptic packet manger now15:49
stevenbinionI gather svn updates and all.15:49
ikoniaPuppy: you need to boot into recovery mode and a recovery shell, edit /etc/hosts to include an entry for your hostname bound to a localhost application15:49
Woody86ikonia -  none as of right now, I'm reinstalling 8.10 on my system from scratch, so it's not installed anymore15:49
ikoniaPuppy: that will fix your error15:49
Puppyikonia:  0 packages found15:49
csilkhi Puppy  how goe sthings?15:49
ikoniaWoody86: ok - you need to join #ubuntu+1 for 8.10 support15:49
ikoniaPuppy: you need to fix your sudo issue first15:50
sorsishow do i reset alsa?15:50
Woody86ikonia -  ok thanks15:50
Flyzoolaerki "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=739367f4-5181-48ad-82c0-e7d028c6cf44 ro quiet splash"15:50
Puppyikonia: sudo issues ?15:50
charlesBuffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block *15:50
Flyzoolaerki: that's under the "kernel" part, right underneath "root"15:50
Puppyikonia:  please not more problems15:50
Dextorionstevenbinion, no idea what idl is15:51
ikonia5:48 < Puppy> ikonia:  sudo: unable to resolve host Dark-Ubuntu15:51
erkiFlyzoola: That must have taken a while to write ;) Anywho, can you compare it to the "kernel" part for the 2.6.22-kernel?15:51
Puppyikonia:  thats the name of the machien15:51
stevenbinionthanks any way, I do some more searchs on ubuntu & idlc then15:51
Flyzoolaerki I was doing that as I wrote that down, the only difference really comes after "ro"15:51
ikoniaPuppy yes and if you scroll up you'll find I explained the problem15:51
Puppysorry this irc is soo crap15:52
erkiFlyzoola: Hmm, then that is wierd. It knows where to boot from, but it still claims to be unable to boot.15:52
stevenbinionI know c/c++ and all I know is idl is another set of coding they're using on the project that I get off the SVN host15:52
Puppyikonia: entry for your hostname bound to a localhost15:53
Puppylocalhost Dark-Ubuntu15:53
legend2440Puppy: paste your    /etc/hosts     and       /etc/hostname    files15:53
Puppy127.0.0.1 localhost Dark-Ubuntu.Dark  # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts15:53
Flyzoolaerki, well, I can't really check the 6.2.22 because I can't scroll up, but I'm sure (From reading what is legible) that it's the same15:54
ikoniaPuppy remove dark-ubuntu.dark to dark-ubuntu15:54
Puppyin hostnames15:54
Flyzoolaerki: because the other 4 kernels all have the same data15:54
rynpaintrI had a question (its proly a stupid answer) i just did a cp of a folder to another location and the folder was 68gb but when i checked the new folders size it was 79gb and ideas?15:55
stevenbinionI'm currently using Ubuntu 8.04.1 anyone know when 8.10 will be ready for final release?15:55
Pest i`m having problem to setup external monitor recognition with laptop ....any help ? :(15:55
geniirynpaintr: Perhaps it already had other files in it15:55
Chousukestevenbinion: It should be released in a week :P15:55
Dextorionstevenbinion, alrighty. Find out where you get the idl compiler from and install.15:55
Chousukeunless the date changed.15:55
Puppydnorth@Dark-Ubuntu:/etc$ sudo apt-get install xchat Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package xchat15:55
rynpaintrgenii: i just created the folder i moved it to15:56
Chousukeit's going to be 8.10 so... :)15:56
ikoniaPuppy it's not called xchat15:56
stevenbinionworking on that and trying to work at the same time...15:56
Puppyikonia:  lol, whats it called lol15:56
erkiFlyzoola: You can type "sudo less /boot/grub/menu.lst" to get scrolling. End with q15:56
ikoniaPuppy: I said open synaptic package manager - not apt-get install15:56
Puppyikonia: and search for ?15:56
csilkHi Puppy15:56
ikoniaPuppy: open synaptic manager and SEARCH for xchat, then mark it for install15:56
erkiFlyzoola: I have to go now, but I'll summarize what we found out (so you won't have to do it all again): 1. Booting to the new kernel fails with "Unable to mount root fs". 2. Booting to the old kernel makes it to the graphical login, but hangs. Terminal login ok. 3. menu.lst hast the same root and kernel-"root=" settings for both the new and the old kernel.15:56
Puppyikonia:  0 found15:56
rynpaintrgenii: i was moving from an fat32 external drive to a freenas server i just created15:57
geniirynpaintr: Conceivably you also copied the actual abjects of symbolic links or so15:57
Pesti`m having problem to setup external monitor recognition with laptop ....any help ? :(15:57
ikoniayour searching for xchat and your having nothing found15:58
stevenbinionDextorion: there was one other issue I was having on another box of my, I set both up the same way, except the one is a CD install, the other is a VMware image15:58
sambagirlis anyone here using ebox?15:58
Puppyikonia: im updating now15:58
movedxWhat's 64-bit Ubuntu Linux like?15:58
stevenbinionbut the cd install that I setup from scratch. when I try to start an SVN project in Eclipse it says it can't find the default svn client15:58
ikoniamovedx fine15:58
Dextorionstevenbinion sudo apt-get install svn15:59
amengwhen will 8.10 rc release?15:59
movedxikonia: No issues like Windows has 64-bit issues?15:59
ikoniamovedx there are issues, but no more/less than a 32bit install15:59
Puppyikonia: so what else do i want to be downlaodign ?15:59
Puppyikonia:  can i pm you ?15:59
admin_masu3701Hello there. I have a question on updating15:59
ikoniaPuppy I'd rather you didn't15:59
stevenbinionlol.. ok. I tried close.. heheh only I thought I needed to be specific15:59
ikoniaPuppy: search synaptic and try things that you like15:59
movedxikonia: Issues that I can safely work with?16:00
ikoniaor like the look of16:00
stevenbinionI did sudo apt-get install rapidsvn16:00
ikoniamovedx depends how the issues effect you, what do you plan to do16:00
stevenbinionit was a subversion client16:00
Puppyikonia:  er,... you sure you dont want a pm ?16:00
AdvoWorkwhats the best way to just zip a file, from say myfile23102008.whatever to myfile23102008.whatever.tar or whatever?16:00
ikoniaPuppy quite sure thanks16:00
Puppyikonia:  its not for elp questions lol16:00
Dextorionstevenbinion, just a guess. But i guess the machine just doesnt have the svn client installed.16:00
ikoniaPuppy nah, it's fine, thank you though16:00
Dextorionstevenbinion, ah16:00
movedxikonia: I'm looking to upgrade my Pentium-D to a C2Q. I generally just watch videos, listen to tunes, maybe play Nexuiz every now and then. A bit of C# Mono coding, etc. General usage really.16:01
sambagirlis anyone here using ebox?16:01
bloodelybayhmmm, what's stevenbinion?16:01
stevenbinionexcuse me?16:01
bloodelybayjust looking into the ubuntu line now.16:01
ikoniamovedx from that point of view, no issues, the ony thing to be aware of is win32 codecs = 32bit only see need a bit of configuring16:01
bloodelybayOH, thought it was some release or something.  Sorry steven.16:01
sambagirlis anyone here using ebox platform?16:01
bloodelybaywhat is being released in a week?16:02
ikoniaPuppy what /16:02
stevenbinionubuntu 8.1016:02
_luseradvowork - you're confusing compression with creating an archive of multiple files16:02
admin_masu3701Could anyone help with apt-get update16:02
Puppythis is the best IRC ubuntu has /.16:02
ne2k__can you run cygwin on wine?16:02
=== c is now known as Charitwo
ikoniaPuppy search for irc and you'll see the clients16:02
ikoniaPuppy: synaptic also provides a short description of each16:02
admin_masu3701I am getting an error message. Cant update16:02
bloodelybayAh..   just in time for my kiosk project.  :)16:02
Puppyikonia, last chance for a pm lol16:03
burgis ubuntu 7.10 compatible with nvidia geforce 8200 video board?16:03
Puppyikonia,  its a good one16:03
ikoniaPuppy  fine16:03
rynpaintrgenii: what do you think the chances of anything corrupt are?16:03
movedxikonia: From medibuntu's repository how-to, there seems t be 64-bit codecs?16:03
ikoniaPuppy: go ahead16:03
ikoniamovedx plenty of 64bit codecxs, just not the windows codec16:03
bingungajai'm using notebook with dedicated nvidia 8600 vga card, how can i check if the vga really dedicated not shared ?16:04
* Puppy wows16:05
movedxikonia: "sudo apt-get install w64codecs"16:05
mgolischbingungaja: crack the cover open and look if it has memory soldered onto it?16:05
ikoniamovedx your call - I don't use them, but %100 your call16:05
admin_masu3701Can anybody help with apt-get update or synaptic package manager...I cant update..it returns an error message saying : Faild to fetch automatix.....16:05
ikoniaadmin_masu3701: automatix is dead16:05
ikoniaadmin_masu3701: machiens that use automatix are not supported16:06
movedxikonia: So you use 32-bit codecs but just play with configuration a bit?16:06
Puppya good movie / music player16:06
bingungajamgolisch : ....16:06
admin_masu3701iknoia: how can i fix that problem and be able to run update?16:06
histoadmin_masu3701: why are you using automatix?16:06
ubottuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »16:06
Puppyikonia,  installign the codecs was easy as pie16:06
admin_masu3701i dont know..i never install it16:07
bloodelybayI must say, your varient is a bit stabler than sabayon.   ;)16:07
PerfectExodusWhy is it when I go to save a file in the text editor, I get a list of all the directories starting with "." but in openoffice I do not/16:07
histoadmin_masu3701: is the machine connected to the internet?16:07
bingungajaanyone can help me ?16:07
FlyzoolaI upgraded from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 last night and now I can't boot up :/. I get the error "kernel panic-not syncinc:VFS:unable to mount root fs". Booting to the old kernel makes it to the graphical login, but hangs... I can log in through terminal. the menu.lst has the same root and kernel-"root=" setting for both the new and old kernels. How can I fix this so I can get on my computer again?16:07
admin_masu3701histo: yes it is connected16:07
histoadmin_masu3701: did you recently change anything wiht your sources.list ?16:08
jamnzhow can I make my external Western Digital Passport USB 2 drive bootable with the Ubuntu installation software??? I'd like to use it for installation purposes instead of using DVD's / CD's. Thanks!16:08
poopuserhi all.i am trying get the arch working on virtualbox in banto hardy.the problem is network.ican ping my onw geateway but packages exiting machine are 100% lost.arch community redirected me to here .can somebody help?16:08
admin_masu3701histo: i believe..but i dont remember16:08
rinmanhi, I'm trying to install 8.04 from USB stick. I get the comp to boot from the USB stick (created with UNetbootin for win) but then it wants a CD-ROM drive, which I don't have. What am I doing wrong? :o16:09
histoadmin_masu3701: You don't remember editing the sources.list? When did the problem start?16:09
admin_masu3701histo: 2 days ago16:09
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histoadmin_masu3701: can you paste your sources.list ?16:09
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histo!paste | admin_masu370116:09
ubottuadmin_masu3701: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:09
scientus_whats the default window title font, i overrided it16:10
histoadmin_masu3701: and paste the /etc/apt/sources.list file in there.16:10
histoscientus_: sans bold16:10
FlyzoolaI upgraded from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 last night and now I can't boot up :/. I get the error "kernel panic-not syncinc:VFS:unable to mount root fs". Booting to the old kernel makes it to the graphical login, but hangs... I can log in through terminal. the menu.lst has the same root and kernel-"root=" setting for both the new and old kernels. How can I fix this so I can get on my computer again?16:11
histoGod this new igoogle sucks16:11
rinmanso, installing from USB stick, why does the installation want a CD-ROM drive?16:11
historinman: its looking for packages to be installed.16:13
v0lksman_how do you perform a headless upgrade from gutsy to hardy?16:13
admin_masu3701histo: ok let me paste it16:13
histov0lksman_: connect remotely and perfor the upgrade.16:13
rinmanhisto: but the entire installation is on the USB, that is the whole point of booting the installation from the USB stick, right? tso i don't need a CD, yet it want one16:13
v0lksman_histo: yeah...what command though?  apt-get dist-upgrade?16:14
rinmanam I missing some steps?16:14
historinman: just have the installation pointed back to the usb.16:14
histov0lksman_: Do you only have ssh?16:14
v0lksman_histo: yep16:14
admin_masu3701histo: i did paste the sources.list...16:14
veryangrymanhey hey hey!16:15
histov0lksman_: hold up let me look for something.16:15
veryangrymanlo, anyone uses ubuntu+firefox and have noticed a strange sound when closing and sometimes openning a tab while listening to music? i use cmus as a player... and never had problems.. i think this is new from a firefox update... anyone can confirm this ? (this sound is like a flange, some milisecs ... around 0.4 second in lenght)16:15
krupa^hello all! hey, im intersting to start working with subversion on my development apache/php server , the problem is that i used to work with windows & php editor, i tought to install on each development workstation a local webserver and then once the developer is ready he svn the version to the development server.... the problem is that xampp is bad cause he misses lot of things an ... thanks!16:15
histoadmin_masu3701: you need to post the link for the paste16:15
v0lksman_histo: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-a0f862c29168f1440cb912b38220b7f4992f7d9016:15
Puppyikonia, when i finish installing somethign i always get an error :S16:16
dextervip7How do install PHP SSH2 Extension by yum?16:16
v0lksman_histo: do-release-upgrade?  is that right?16:16
Kira_revolutioni want joke16:16
admin_masu3701histo: where do i get the link? from the address bar?16:16
admin_masu3701histo: it is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/61553/16:16
histov0lksman_: basically you would have to edit your sources.list and then do a dist-upgrade16:16
histoadmin_masu3701: yes16:16
Flyzoolado you guys think if I upgrade through the terminal login (since I can't get graphical) the problem will go away??16:17
admin_masu3701ubottu: the paste link is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/61553/16:17
ikoniaPuppy what error16:18
Gothfunchi.  trying to mount a cifs share.  i do chmod 777 /mnt/blah then do mount //ip/blah /mnt/blah -t cifs -o username=blah,password=blah.  when i do ls -l /mnt it tells me /mnt/blah is mode 700.  if i chmod 777, ls -l shows 777, but it goes back to 700 after a little while :S  anybody know what could be wrong?16:18
Puppyikonia,  ill tell you when the next one finishes16:18
Dextorionubottu!! is alive!!16:18
scientus_how do i reset uids for nfs?16:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is alive!!16:18
ikoniaGothfunc your changing permissions on the mount point, not the mount it's self16:18
scientus_i changed it and i still dont have permisions16:18
ikoniascientus_ reset ?16:18
histoadmin_masu3701: yeah you have all that garbage from automatix down at the bottem.16:18
ikoniaadmin_masu3701: if your using automatix, I suggest you re-install16:19
scientus_over nfs16:19
scientus_nfs is a kernal thing so i have no idea, no service to restart16:19
Gothfuncikonia: sorry...  could you read my problem again?16:19
halsteadAnyone know of ubuntu friendly audiobook sales sites?16:19
scientus_do i have to restart16:19
Gothfuncikonia: unless i'm missing something which is possible, permissions shouldn't change themselves16:19
Puppyikonia,  E: driverloader: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 116:20
admin_masu3701iknonia: i did try to delete it and reinstall...but nothing seem to work...I am kinda new to linux16:20
histoadmin_masu3701: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61554/16:20
ikoniaGothfunc if you have a dir say "/mnt" and you change it's permissions, thats great, however when you mount something on /mnt it takes the permissions of the disk you've just mounted, not the disk mount point you just chmodded16:20
ikoniaPuppy: have you fixed the sudo problem16:20
histoadmin_masu3701: That one is fixed I removed the last few lines of all the automatix garbage. Don't use it its bad. And also intrepid support is in #ubuntu+116:20
histov0lksman_: what version are you upgrading from and to?16:21
Puppyikonia,  yes sir16:21
wolfie2xi need help in reporting a bug for intrepid..16:21
Puppywell, i did what you said16:21
Gothfuncikonia: so ubuntu automatically changes permissions of the mount point back to 700 on purpose?16:21
Gothfuncikonia: but not straight away, but after a while?16:21
Gothfuncikonia: like a few hours16:21
admin_masu3701histo: so  replace that new sources.list with that one?16:22
wolfie2xfirst need to know if anyone else has this problem or it's already reported16:22
ikoniaGothfunc no if you unmount it you'll see the permissions change, but while it's mounted you'll see the permissons are the permissions of the mounted disk - NOT the mount point16:22
ikoniaPuppy: as a test do "sudo apt-get update" what happens16:22
legend2440wolfie2x: intrepid help is channel   #ubuntu+116:22
Dextorionwork day over. now for afterwork :) bye bye you guys.16:22
ikoniaadmin_masu3701 if you've used automatix I suggest you do a clean install16:22
wolfie2xlegend: isn't that only for developers?16:22
admin_masu3701ikonia: how to do so16:22
histoadmin_masu3701: yes but I would back up your old one first just in case you need it. sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list~   then replace /etc/apt/sources.list with the new one.16:23
PuppyHit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/restricted Sources16:23
PuppyHit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main Sources16:23
PuppyHit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/multiverse Sources16:23
PuppyHit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/universe Sources16:23
PuppyHit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/universe Packages16:23
PuppyHit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/multiverse Packages16:23
FloodBot2Puppy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:23
ikoniaadmin_masu3701 get a cd - boot from it, click "re-install16:23
legend2440wolfie2x: no thats for intrepid support16:23
ikoniaPuppy: what are you doing /???16:23
Gothfuncikonia: i think i understand what you're saying, but the permissions are CHANGING THEMSELVES16:23
ikoniaGothfunc: explain to me what your saying16:23
ikoniaGothfunc: explain what your doing I sould say16:23
ikoniaGothfunc: walk me through it16:23
Puppyikonia,  hats what i get16:23
wolfie2xlegend: sorry for the noob question.. how do i change the channel?16:23
ikoniaPuppy I just wanted to check sudo was working, you don't need to flood the channel16:24
ikoniaPuppy: what package are you trying to install16:24
admin_masu3701ikonia: re-install what? from what cd? live cd?16:24
legend2440wolfie2x: /join #ubuntu+116:24
ikoniaadmin_masu3701 correct16:24
wolfie2xlegend: thx16:24
ikoniaadmin_masu3701: install the whole OS16:24
ikonia!automatix | admin_masu370116:24
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »16:24
Gothfuncikonia: hold on, i'll pastebin16:24
histov0lksman_: basically you need to run the following command: sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list~ && sudo sed -e 's/\fiesty/ gutsy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:24
alteregoamap network drive in intrepig?16:24
Puppyikonia,  i sent what you told me to send16:24
ikoniaGothfunc ok16:24
ikoniaPuppy I asked you what happened, not "please flood the channel"16:25
alteregoafeisty volksman16:25
ikoniaPuppy: what are you trying to install16:25
=== mndo is now known as _mndo_
mis1I am having terrible graphic problems i am new to ubuntu please help16:25
Puppyanythign i install i get the same errror16:25
ikoniaPuppy: give me an example16:25
alteregoamis1: do you use nvidia geforce 4?16:25
admin_masu3701ubottu: am confused now..should i re-install the Os or just replace the old sources.list with the new one you pasted?16:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:25
histoadmin_masu3701: please go to #ubuntu+1 for support you are running the development version of ubuntu and its supported there. Also don't use automatix16:25
_mndo_joaopinto, now you should not have any more problems with m nick :)16:25
mis1no i use nvidia 7200GS16:25
Puppyikonia,  amsn xvnc16:26
alteregoawhats the problem?16:26
ikoniaadmin_masu3701 re-install the whole OS16:26
pau|cmy sudoers file contains 'Defaults env_keep = "PATH"', but when I sudo my path doesn't appear to be preserved. what am I doing wrong?16:26
histoadmin_masu3701: jsut replace the sources.list with the one I gave you.16:26
jadedotomisl what sort of problems do you have?16:26
histoadmin_masu3701: and sudo aptitude update16:26
ikoniaPuppy: ok, so if you do "sudo apt-get install amsn" please paste teh whole thing into a pastebin16:26
mis1my resolution is very low16:26
histohisto: and I am not ubottu I'm a real person.16:26
FlyzoolaI upgraded from Ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 last night and now I can't boot up :/. I get the error "kernel panic-not syncinc:VFS:unable to mount root fs". Booting to the old kernel makes it to the graphical login, but hangs... I can log in through terminal. the menu.lst has the same root and kernel-"root=" setting for both the new and old kernels. How can I fix this so I can get on my computer again?16:26
ikoniaadmin_masu3701: if you've used automatix - a clean install is the only way to go back to known "good" state ubuntu isntall that can be supported16:26
Puppyikonia, amsn is already installed16:26
jadedotomisl: are you using the proprietary NVIDIA drivers?16:26
alteregoago to the tab hardware drivers16:26
alteregoaand enable it16:26
Flyzoolado you guys think if I upgrade through the terminal login (since I can't get graphical) the problem will go away??16:26
Puppyikonia, the install works fine, it just throws that error16:26
ikoniaPuppy ok, so lets do a test16:26
mis1I don't know how to install them16:27
Puppyill install summin else16:27
ikoniaPuppy: do "sudo apt-get install conky" and pastebin it16:27
alteregoajust click it16:27
adedovhi! I've written udev rule for automounting usb-drive. but when it actually strikes, a volume is mounted and no files named with national characters can be seen.16:27
histoFlyzoola: did you get any errors?16:27
admin_masu3701histo: ok but when i open the sources. list with with kwrite i cant save it..it wont let me save any changes16:27
mis1can u please guide me16:27
GaMbi_DKoff topic: anyone knows what a varta battery costs? cold test count over 50016:27
ikoniaadedov udev doesn't mount, hal/debus does, udev just creates a device node16:27
ikoniaGaMbi_DK: join #ubuntu-offtopic16:28
histoadmin_masu3701: open a terminal and type in : sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list~ && gksudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list16:28
Puppyikonia,  http://pastebin.com/m12cae62a16:28
alteregoamis1: do you use nvidia geforce 4?16:28
histoadmin_masu3701: or copy and paste that in to a terminal.16:28
adedovikonia: I could not found how to make hal mount device specified in fstab16:28
Puppyikonia,  cool app16:28
jadedotomisl: Try installing a program called envy, it should automate the process mostly.16:28
alteregoamis1: system System properties, or something then hardware drivers or something16:28
histoFlyzoola: did you get any errors during the upgrade or experience any problems?16:29
ikoniaPuppy its teh driver loader application thats erroringt16:29
Flyzoolahisto: what do you mean? Whenever I try to boot up I get "kernel panic-not syncing:VFS:unable to mount root fs on unkown-block (0,0)" I guess that can be considered an erro etc.16:29
Gothfuncikonia: http://rafb.net/p/KeS9nZ35.html16:29
ikoniaPuppy: where did you get that package "linuxant DriverLoader"16:29
mis1i don't know16:29
Flyzoolahisto: I don't recall any errors throught the installation. I was sleeping while it updated16:29
Puppyikonia, thats how i solved the wireless problem16:29
ikoniaGothfunc ok I see16:29
mis1i have very big fonts and most of my menus are hidden16:29
alteregoadon't install envy if you can click those restricted thing on the hardware stuff16:29
ikoniaPuppy I asked where you got that application16:29
mis1i can open terminal16:30
alteregoaits in fact a single click, and i never had to use envy for ubuntu with a 730016:30
Puppyikonia, erm...16:30
Puppyikonia, linuxant.com16:30
mis1my resolution is ver very low16:30
ikoniaGothfunc the only thing I can suggest (and this is based on no fact just previous issues) is that the nas mount is going state so actually "unmounting", and when you next use it, it's re-mounting16:30
histoFlyzoola: do you have initrd-tools installed on the system?16:30
ikoniaPuppy: there is the proble, your using a 3rd party product thats not fully compatible16:30
Puppyhow do i remove :p16:30
Gothfuncikonia: ah interesting thought16:31
julianhi anyone knows how to mount a mac osx installation disc? im here on ubuntu livecd and want to copy a file from the disc to my mac. i read about sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom but that fails with hfs unable to find hfs superblock16:31
ikoniaGothfunc same as "stale NFS mount" hanging a system,16:31
Gothfuncgotcha ok16:31
GaMbi_DKadmin_masu3701,  or edit the file: "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list".. it should allow you to save changes :) (sorry if i missed the point)16:31
Puppyikonia,  how can i remove it lol16:31
dvyjonesI'm having lots of network connections now (server timeout), but only on some internet pages. Pings work nice. Any idea why?16:31
ikoniaPuppy: do you know the package name you used to install it16:31
Flyzoolahisto: I don't believe I do. Not if it'd not bundled with ubuntu I don't16:31
Puppyi didnt install from package, i dled16:32
histoFlyzoola: are you on the machine now?16:32
admin_masu3701histo: i did replace it ... so should i try to run apt-get update now?16:32
Gothfuncikonia: mystery solved i guess.  i have a user on this machine and a user on the nas but the ids differ, (1000 on this machine and 1002 on the nas).  any idea how i can fix that?16:32
ikoniaPuppy you downloaded it, it must have installed as it's in your syanptic reop16:32
histoadmin_masu3701: yes but first you need to join #ubuntu+1 I can't talk about intrepid in here any longer.16:32
ikoniaGothfunc the only way around that is to sync the two uid's or use an external service like ldap/nis to make a common uid schema16:32
HDreadyhow can i delete a file? terminal cmd?16:32
mis1I have a graphic problem i installed driver but i am unable to change resolution16:32
HDreadydel doesnt work16:33
histoHDready: rm filename16:33
HDreadykk ty16:33
Gothfuncikonia: at the moment synching would be best16:33
alteregoarm blah16:33
admin_masu3701histo: ok thank you16:33
alteregoarm bananas16:33
ikoniaGothfunc create a new user witht he matching id, remove the old user, rename the new user16:33
Flyzoolahisto: no, I'm on another computer. I've been going back and forth on it all morning haha so it's no deal. Do you need any info for it16:33
alteregoadel is qdos stuff16:33
alteregoaand rm is unix16:33
Gothfuncikonia: gotcha.  thanks :)16:33
Puppyikonia, its gone16:33
mis1ikonia: i have a serious graphic problem can u help me16:33
ikoniamis1 sorry no16:34
alteregoamis1: i told ya what to do16:34
alteregoaenable the hardwre driver in the settings16:34
ikoniamis1 I'm a little busy at the moment and a few people have offered you sound advice16:34
histoFlyzoola: well on the broken computer try doing a dpkg-reconfigure of the linux-image-`uname -r`16:34
Gothfuncikonia: given that the user is the first user defined in the installation, will anything break if i remove it?16:34
admin_masu3701histo: i did update with not return errors...so i guess it works now16:34
histoFlyzoola: actually scratch that you don't need to get in to that.16:34
ikoniaGothfunc yes, you need to make sure the new user is in the same grups (gid) as the old one, and most importantly make sure its' in the "admin" group so that you can use sudo16:34
histoFlyzoola: try to reinstall the kernel and update-grub16:35
mis1alteregoa: i am inable to what u said me to do. okay how dow i detect whether i have geforce 4 using terminal16:35
alteregoasometime i smell ubuntus16:35
wolfspiritok I'm annoyed now... I'm trying to connect to a remote mysql database.  Both hosts are ubuntu 8.04 and I'm trying to do this to get a remote frontend working with mythtv.  Anyways, I commented out the bind address on both my local and remote server but when I connect to the remote host (WOLFMEDIA or it continuously thinks I'm trying to connect to the local host still.  If I telnet to port 3306 it works just fine. and if I stop the m16:35
ikoniaGothfunc: if the users gid's match up with the old user, nothing will break16:35
Gothfuncikonia: sure, but will it matter that there is no 1000 id anymore?16:35
alteregoamis1: it doesn't matter if you have a geforce 4 or not16:35
ikoniawolfspirit make sure you use mysql -h hostname16:35
ikoniaGothfunc nope16:35
alteregoamis1: i just ask you because the geforce4 series doesn't work with the "new" ubuntu16:35
mis1alteregoa:so what do i do know.......16:35
Gothfuncikonia: cool cheers :)16:35
Flyzoolahisto, how do I re-install the kernel and update-grub?16:35
alteregoamis1: go to the system properties16:36
admin_masu3701histo: how to i join #ubuntu+116:36
alteregoaand find a hardware, or restricted drivers icon16:36
wolfspiritikonia: yup using mysql -u root -h wolfspirit.homelinux.org -p16:36
histoFlyzoola: the problem may just be with your /boot/grub/menu.1st file on the system. But with out seeing the file its hard to tell.16:36
mis1i cannot my graphics are too clogged16:36
ikoniawolfspirit and it thinks your connecting on localhost/16:36
histoFlyzoola: type in update-grub16:36
wolfspiritikonia: yeah... but only if the remote mysql server is on..16:36
ikoniawolfspirit: is wolfspirit.homelinux.org an atcual physical remote box, or just a remote host id16:36
mis1i mean my grapgics are so big that my user name and time are overlapping my system button and i am unable to click16:36
histoadmin_masu3701: type in this window /j #ubuntu+116:36
|TheBarold|quick question about Trash, I have a item that will not delete from my trash, tried "rm -rf" and still nothing, tried nautilus too, any other ideas?16:36
Flyzoolahisto, I can tell you about my menu.lst16:36
ikonia!trash > |TheBarold|16:37
ubottu|TheBarold|, please see my private message16:37
histoFlyzoola: are you able to paste it?16:37
histo!paste | Flyzoola16:37
ubottuFlyzoola: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:37
wolfspiritikonia: oops sorry.. that was another attempt..  mysql -u root -h -p is what I'm typing16:37
dfgasi am looking for something that when linux knows i put a dvd in it will rip it to a avi or what ever format. is there a program that will do that. audio cd ripping would be sweet too  :D Legal of course, for a media center computer16:37
ikoniawolfspirit and is a seperate physical machine16:37
Flyzoolahisto, no, but I have information for it.16:37
ikoniawolfspirit: (note physical)16:37
mis1altegeroa: How do i access system properties using terminal16:37
wolfspiritikonia: yes.. the one I'm on is  (not a virtual machine)16:37
askandWhat command can I use to check from commandline how big my harddrive is?16:38
Tal_KormasGood morning everyone...16:38
Flyzoolahisto, menu.lst. has the same root and kernel-"root=" setting for both the new and the old kernel16:38
alteregoayou can probaly start the screen resolution thing16:38
julianhi anyone knows how to mount a mac osx installation disc? im here on ubuntu livecd and want to copy a file from the disc to my mac. i read about sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom but that fails with hfs unable to find hfs superblock16:38
ikoniawolfspirit what happens if you ssh to that box - does it go to the right box16:38
alteregoabut i have no clue of the name of this thing16:38
admin_masu3701histo: am in. thankx...but whats the differences between #ubuntu and #ubuntu+116:38
dvyjonesI'm having lots of network connections now (server timeout), but only on some internet pages. Pings work nice.16:38
dvyjonesAny idea why?16:38
alteregoaask someone else here, how to open the resolution thingy with terminal16:38
histo!itrepid | admin_masu370116:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about itrepid16:38
histo!ibex | admin_masu370116:39
ubottuadmin_masu3701: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu16:39
mis1Anyone please solve my graphic problem16:39
wolfspiritikonia: yeah and telnet to the box on 3306 works as well16:39
Flyzoolahisto: what exactly do you need to know about my menu.lst16:39
ikoniawolfspirit I can't see what would stop that then, as mysql uses your boxes tcp resolver,16:39
|TheBarold|ikonia: everytime i try to delete from there, it deletes, then pops back up16:39
Tal_KormasI have problem, but I'm not sure if it got anything to do with Ubuntu... I have ubuntu 8.04.1 installed, and every time I reboot (not the original boot), the system freezes on the bios window just after presenting the IDE configuration.... I've nailed it down to my Wifi card RTL-8185 using ndiswrapper....16:39
admin_masu3701ubottu: ok..so whats #ubuntu for?16:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:39
ikonia|TheBarold|: what files are they16:39
histoFlyzoola: does your menu.1st have initrd images listed under each kernel?16:40
|TheBarold|ikonia: some random folders, couple of debs, and trashinfo16:40
wolfspiritikonia: leaving for lunch.. I'll continue working on it16:40
wolfspiritikonia: thanks for the suggestions16:40
histoFlyzoola: and also what is the version of the kernel you are trying to boot 2.6.????16:40
mis1Anyone please solve my graphic problem16:40
ikoniawolfspirit not done anything so far, need to ponder that one16:41
alteregoamis: open ina n terminal16:41
alteregoasudo gnome-display-panel16:41
Flyzoolahisto, is this is? "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=739367f4-5181-48ad-82c0-e7d028c6cf44 ro quiet splash"16:41
ikoniaTal_Kormas saying anyone is pointless, if they didn't see your question "anyone" doesn't tell them what it is, if they don't know the answer saying "anyone" won't make them know16:41
|TheBarold|Tal_Kormas: does your wifi card have its own boot sequence?16:42
Flyzoolahisto, I can log in throguh terminal using 2.6.20-15, I can get to graphical login, bot it hangs.16:42
histoFlyzoola: under that line should be something like initrd /boot/initrc.img-blah16:42
histoFlyzoola: is that there?16:42
mis1i am getting an errot genome-display=panle command not found....please help16:42
coldbootWhy is the default Firefox-3.0 version for Dapper an alpha version?16:42
ikoniamis1 thats not a valid command16:42
histoFlyzoola: alright log in to the machine in recovery mode and run update-grub16:42
Tal_KormasTheBarold: What do you mean by it's own boot sequence?16:43
ikoniacoldboot never fully back ported16:43
ikoniaTal_Kormas if your PC hangs on the bios - thats nothing to do with ubuntu16:43
mis1ikonia: Can u solve my graphic problem now .....16:43
coldbootikonia: So what's the best way to get a non-crap version of Firefox 3?16:43
|TheBarold|Tal_Kormas: like for instance, when my pc boots up it has a mobo boot, then a network card boot16:43
ikoniamis1 you've been told what to do many times16:43
dextervip7Anyone know if Cpanel install PHP SSH2 Extension?16:43
ikoniacoldboot is that the latest version thats in the repos ?16:43
|TheBarold|i can adjust what boots up from either one16:43
Tal_Kormasikonia: Well, it's only hangs there at the second reboot, after ubuntu loaded and normally reboot command issued.16:43
ikoniadextervip7: cpannel is not an ubuntu product16:43
mis1ikonio: But i cannot access my system properties16:44
coldbootikonia: I'm not sure, that's what you get when you install "firefox-3.0"16:44
ikoniacoldboot: looks like thats all there is in the repos16:44
ikoniacoldboot: unless it's int he backports or proposed repos16:44
Tal_KormasTheBarold: No, I think I have a single boot, it's booting the normal ubutnu rc5.d scripts and automatically connects to my network.16:44
mis1Anyone interested in solving my graphic problem16:44
coldbootikonia: I guess I could just upgrade.16:45
|TheBarold|Tal_Kormas: have you tried using the bios to only boot up drives?16:45
askandWhat command can I use to check from commandline how big my harddrive is?16:46
mis1I have a serious graphic problem please help16:46
Odd-rationaleaskand: try df -h16:46
vallhalla81is it Possible to Instant Message people using the Terminal? Such as if I wanted to send someone a quick message and his IP was x.x.x.x could I do that?16:46
nutzeris this an english or german chat+16:46
Flyzoolahisto, sorry I was at the other machine. The old kernel (that I can get up to the graphical lagin to) has this line: "initrd:  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-15 generic"16:46
ikonianutzer english16:46
ikonia!de | nutzer16:46
ubottunutzer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:46
Tal_KormasTheBarold: you mean to turn off PCI? No, but I did pull out the PCI card and reboot, that worked perfectly, 3 reboots in a raw... It's definitely has something to do with the RTL-8185 card... I am getting some error messages on the reboot that it could not reset the essid to ''.16:47
histoFlyzoola: okay. does the new one have a similary line just with the updated version numbers of 2.6.whatever16:47
nutzerok danke#16:47
Flyzoolahisto: but the new kernel is missing that particual line. Should I still run the grub-update?16:47
histoFlyzoola: yes. grub-update will try to recreate your menu.1st automatically is all.16:47
alteregoasomething like that is output /dev/md0              2.8T  990G  1.7T  38% /media/daten16:47
mis1histo: Can u help solve my graphic problem16:47
histoFlyzoola: after grub-update is done check the menu.1st and you will need that initrd line for the new kernel. I'm just hoping it will add it for you.16:48
alteregoamis1: i told ya, ask someone how to open the display properties in terminal, i don't know the command for gnume16:48
ikoniamis1 open a terminal ant type this "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx  then reboot16:48
|TheBarold|Tal_Kormas: maybe try a different driver for your wifi card16:48
histomis1: i'm sure if you ask your graphic problem to the channel someone will help.16:48
Flyzoolahisto: ok. so just run at terminal "grub-update". Once that is done, do you need the new kernel initrd or should it work?16:49
Puppyikonia, time to start customising the gui :d16:49
Tal_KormasTheBarold, I did but it seems like on the RTL-8185 drivers for XP is working using ndiswrapper. I've just re-installed it, connection is more stable but it still getting stuck on reboot...16:49
Puppyikonia, maybe i try to code an IRC capable of installing no named script16:49
Puppyikonia,  thanks for the help, i ReALLY need to sleep now lol16:50
histoFlyzoola: yes run "update-grub" at a terminal. Like I explained it should add the initrd line you need. but you can check yourself after it is done.16:50
ikoniaPuppy seeing as you can't code I'd put that on the back burner16:50
ikoniaPuppy: no problem16:50
Tal_KormasTheBarold: I think it might has something to do with Ubuntu trying to reset the card configuration (like I said, there is an error message about resetting the essid to '')...16:50
zambai'm running a web server that's heavily loaded.. lots of the data on it is dynamic data that has to be generated upon the different requests.. i know there's tools to remedy this situation and make it scale much better.. what do i need to look at?16:51
zambasome web throttling stuff?16:51
Jaybob<<<-- Newb. Needs help. Just installed Ubuntu a few days ago. Really trying to use as everyday OS. However it won't restart or shutdown properly and I have to hard boot the machine. Ps I did install Intrepid Ibis, I know it's beta but I couldn't wait 10 days. :)16:52
Tal_KormasTheBarold: I don't know if Ubuntu must release the resources for the PCI card or else it will get errors on bios checks... The thing is, it's completly freezes, I can't even do Alt+Ctrl+Del to reboot again once it freezes, so it tells me it's a complete hardware deadlock.16:52
Gothfuncikonia: hi again.  about renaming a user.  how do you do that?  usermod -l won't accept non existent users as an argument :s16:52
ikoniaGothfunc ahh sorry, thats a dirty hack16:52
morrocualcuno parla italino?16:52
|TheBarold|Tal_Kormas: can you do Alt+Sys Rq+B?16:52
remoteCTR1hi guys!16:53
Jaybobum what's that?16:53
bazhang!it | morro16:53
ubottumorro: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:53
ikoniaGothfunc: open the password file and change the name the front of the user, do the same in the /etc/shadow file16:53
ikoniaGothfunc: little dirty, I know16:53
Gothfuncikonia: ok, np16:53
remoteCTR1i got a quite weird error here when i invoke sudo stating that the timestamp is too far in the future and gives me a time two hours ahead from now, systemtime is correct, any ideas please?16:53
=== luis_lopez is now known as luis_lopez_away
|TheBarold|Tal_Kormas: the only thing I can think of is maybe to make some script the will power off he wifi card before shutting down/reboot and delaying it power during power on16:54
ikonia!away >luis_lopez_away16:54
ubottuluis_lopez_away, please see my private message16:54
Tal_KormasTheBarold: Nop, that's not working either16:54
=== luis_lopez_away is now known as luis_lopez
Tal_KormasTheBarold: The Sys Lock does not work either16:54
Flyzoolahisto, that didn't add the line... do I need to upgrade maybe? I tried using another kernel, I am going to see if that works.16:54
IzinucsIs there a difference between using dpkg -i <somefile.deb> and just doubleclicking on the .deb to install?16:55
rinmananyone that has used UNetbootin?16:56
histoFlyzoola: I would try adding the line myself. Just copy one of the other ones the only thing that needs to change is the version number at the ends 2.6.etc....16:56
Jaybobanyone know how to fix reboot issues? I've tried adding "reboot=b" to the grub menu.lst That didn't work16:56
histoFlyzoola: ifyou look at one of the entries that has the line its pretty self explanitory.16:57
danyhi all16:57
Flyzoolahisto, how do I add that like?16:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:57
=== Guest94250 is now known as Basti_dash
histoFlyzoola: edit the file with nano16:57
danyI have installed  ubuntu16:57
histoFlyzoola: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst16:58
danyI need wikipedia toolbar16:58
danyI have tried a plugin that add it to firefox16:58
Flyzoolahisto, thank you, and just add it?16:58
histoFlyzoola: after you are done editing save the file by hitting ctrl+w16:58
dany but it adds a lot of functionality also that I don't want16:58
remoteCTR1is something wrong with the repositories?16:58
danyI only want the single toolbar16:58
remoteCTR1i keep getting weird errors here16:58
histoFlyzoola: yeah just add it like the working kernels have.16:58
danydo you know what I have to do?16:58
histoFlyzoola: youc an back it up first to by sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst~16:58
Izinucs(since we had a netsplit I thought I'd repost) Is there a difference between using dpkg -i <somefile.deb> and just doubleclicking on the .deb to install?16:58
|TheBarold|dany: have you tried to configure the addon?16:59
marc1975Hola alguien tiene url de emisoras para escuchar en ubuntu a través de rythmbox16:59
Izinucs!es | marc197516:59
ubottumarc1975: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:59
Gothfuncikonia: er... i've logged in and there are tons of errors, and i get a black screen with "computer" and "deleted items" icons, without any menus or normal gnome stuff.  errors keep popping up when i do things :(16:59
marc1975is the same I speak in english17:00
danyyes but it seems impossible to obtain the single toolbar without all the others stuff (sorry for my english :) )17:00
|TheBarold|dany: what are you using the wiki toolbar for?17:01
Gothfuncikonia: error example: "An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-terminal. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly."17:01
ortsvorsteheris there been a helicopter flying in the nicklist?17:01
bazhangits a netsplit17:01
orgthingycan you repeat again?17:01
orgthingyi couldnt read17:01
|TheBarold|dany: what are you using the wiki toolbar for?17:01
marc1975Is there anyone to help me to add url of radio staions in my ryttmbox?17:01
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theBishopwhat's the best way to share a folder between 3 computers over the internet?17:01
danyto search quickly things :)17:01
Jaybobcan anybody help with ubuntu restart?17:01
lucaxtheBishop, use samba17:02
Woody86how can you make VLC repeat a video/song/playlist?17:02
defryskJaybob, sudo shutdown -r now17:02
bazhangorgthingy, what does lspci say about the card17:02
orgthingybazhang : second17:02
theom3gahi there I have a problem: the ubuntu's shutdown panel (the one that should appear when I click the shutdown button on the corner) takes up to 2 minutes to appear17:02
lucaxJaybob, sudo shutdown -r now17:02
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
Jaybobdefrysk, is that a shutdown or restart?17:03
orgthingybazhang : http://codepad.org/ZJMQbLvS17:03
marc1975I'm looking for url of radio stations that work with ubuntu but I'm unable to find it. Is there anyone who share with me his url and tell me its?17:03
ortsvorsteherJaybob: click on the little green man upside right ;)17:03
defryskJaybob, a restart (-r)17:03
Tal_KormasTheBarold: Here is an interesting message "nm_device_802_11_wireless_set_essid(): error setting ESSID to '' for device wlan0: Invalid argument", next message is "message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/wlan0"17:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:04
bazhangorgthingy, how about lsusb17:04
Gothfunche's gone and now my installation is broken :(17:04
Gothfuncso much for dirty hacks17:04
orgthingybazhang : ok17:04
Jaybobdefrysk, I think I tried that. But I will again. THe system hangs on shutdown and restart . at GDM shutdown and after I press the power button at ALSA shutdown17:04
orgthingybazhang: http://codepad.org/3qWpULfC17:05
orgthingyI have realtek wireless card, and i wonder how i can download drivers for it..?17:05
lucaxorgthingy, try madwifi web17:05
bazhangorgthingy, does ifconfig show it?17:05
yvlasovHello can anyone recomend me a tool for testcase managment17:06
Flyzoolahisto: even after adding in the line, it says the file isn't found... Should I download the kernel again or..?17:06
vallhalla81is it Possible to Instant Message people using the Terminal? Such as if I wanted to send someone a quick message and his IP was x.x.x.x could I do that?17:06
defryskJaybob, if it stalls , ctrl-alt-backspace17:06
lucaxwhere is firefox 3/res directory placed on ubuntu?17:06
orgthingybazhang : im connected through ethernet if you're wondering17:06
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orgthingybazhang: http://codepad.org/2ouA3Lko17:07
bazhangorgthingy, but you want to get wireless going right?17:07
orgthingybazhang : yes17:07
* orgthingy really wants to use wireless17:07
bazhangorgthingy, what does sudo dhclient wlan0 return (assuming you have a wifi hotspot there)17:08
Puppyikonia, is ther e a problem with flash player17:09
Puppyikonia, i cant watch youtube vuds :917:09
comicinkerquestion about pam: I want only one user to user an encrypted user directory. the other users don't need that pam mounting.  how can I restrict pam_mount to only specific users?17:09
histoFlyzoola: what do you mean the file isn't found?17:09
orgthingyBAZHANG : Its listing some things.. but slowly17:09
orgthingybazhang : ill copy-and-paste it to you when its finished :P17:09
bazhangorgthingy, no dhcpoffers sleeping?17:10
ortsvorsteherPuppy: try flashplugin-nonfree then youtube works. uninstall all öther flash player for your browser before...17:10
GamingXHi, my friend has a 7200 GS nVidia video card, and a widescreen monitor. But he is not able to set the resolution to more than 800*600. The optimum resolution for the screen is 1360*768. Do any drivers need to be installed?17:10
bazhangorgthingy, if you get that you may need to associate the ap with your card17:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:10
FlyzoolaHisto, that's what it said. and that I have to chose another kernel17:11
orgthingybazhang: http://codepad.org/5oZ6OtZA17:11
Flyzoolahisto: I guess the kernel didn't download properly. Do I have to re-download it?17:12
Puppyortsvorsteher,  trying17:12
Puppyso where are all the funky 3d effects then ?17:12
histoFlyzoola: did the error message change?17:12
bazhangorgthingy, this is with wep, wpa wpa2 or open AP17:13
dannyboyhow can install my webcam with ubuntu?17:13
orgthingybazhang : ?17:14
Flyzoolahisto, there's no more "problem syncing" or whatever message, but now it says that the file can't be found. I can still access the other kernel, but it still hangs at graphical login..17:14
Jaybobrestart problems. sudo shutdown -r now, does not work, reboot=b in the grub menu.lst, does not work. Any ideas?17:14
dannyboyhow can i install my webcam with ubuntu?17:14
histoFlyzoola: sudo aptitude install initramfs-tools17:14
histoFlyzoola: then update-grub again.17:14
bazhangorgthingy, is this encrypted hotspot (AP) or open17:14
Flyzoolaokok :D17:14
orgthingybazhang : encrypted, and it's my network (WPA2 i think)17:15
orgthingyWPA* not WEP17:15
chrisredHi all, I'm struggling to get remote connections to a MySQL install on hardy.  I can get to other ports remotely 22,80 - no iptables and the bind-address is set in my.cnf17:15
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comicinkerdannyboy: it should work out of the box17:16
Jaybobon shutdown/restart hangs at the GDM shutdown, I hit power button which moves it along to the Ubuntu splash with progress bar, then hangs again at ALSA shutdown17:16
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Jaybobthese hardboots are not good for my system or nerves. :)17:17
GamingXWhats the command for installing nVidia binary drivers?17:17
Guest95729How can i fix the ACPI on Ubuntu 8.04 ?17:17
GamingXThe nvidia glx driver?17:17
bazhangorgthingy, scroll about one-third down this link for the terminal code on how to connect to that (not the serialmonkey link) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57118817:18
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:19
=== skyfury is now known as Skyfury
orgthingythird-down this link, bazhang?17:19
* orgthingy didnt understand what bazhang meant17:19
bazhangorgthingy, 1/3 of the way down17:20
orgthingybazhang : im doing some updates right now, but wait.. i cant even s17:21
askandATI or nVidia videocard? What do you think I should buy? What works best with Ubuntu nowadays?17:21
orgthingy"see" networks that are available17:21
JerseyMonkey-SHi folks, I'm using the Ibex and whenever I use my Fn+Brightness keys, my keyboard is disabled unless I kill X and restart my session.17:21
orgthingybazhang : so, is this _gonna_ work? because i dont know if realtek wireless driver is even recognized by linux17:21
bazhangorgthingy, that is because it is encrypted most likely17:21
bazhangorgthingy, if ifconfig sees the card, then you should be good to go17:22
dannyboyhow can i install my webcam with ubuntu?17:22
orgthingydannyboy : download "cheese" (program)17:22
GamingXWhat do I do to activate the video card in Ubuntu?17:22
Jaybobcan't restart or shutdown without a hard boot. any help appreciated17:23
JerseyMonkey-Saskand: nvidia is fairly well supported in linux, whereas i've had issues with ATI cards.17:23
coldbootATI support in Linux has been historically crappy, and still isn't up the nvidia's standards.17:24
FlyzoolaHisto, is there a command to just get 8.04? to uplgrade that is? because I don't think this will work... wouldn't it be easier just to upgrade to the 8.04 kernel etc?17:24
coldbootThe company isn't inherently Linux aware at all.17:24
JerseyMonkey-SMy keyboard becomes unresponsive after using Fn+Brightness Key on my Dell Lat. (Using Ibex) Any idea how to stop this?17:24
JaybobI have my 3870x2 working. But this is just recently fixed apparently17:24
dannyboyofter i download it how does it work? FTErrgthinGy17:25
Jaybobmakes linux look very nice, I must say17:25
piasdomi can't login to a company's secured site..keep saying company name incorrect...name is correct...is there a setting or command ?17:25
ActionParsnipis there a frets on fire irc channel or server anyone knows of?17:25
SlartJerseyMonkey-S: check the logs to see if anything crashes when you use that key17:25
JerseyMonkey-SSlart: What logs would you recommend I view?17:26
SlartJerseyMonkey-S: system log would be a good start17:26
antohow do i force a kernel upgrade/replacement?17:27
ActionParsnipJaybob: fluxbox makes linux look great :D17:27
Slartanto: you can install kernels using apt17:27
ActionParsnipanto: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:27
orgthingyLatest GNOME + Compiz Fusion = :D17:27
JaybobActionParsnip: just been using Compiz-fuzion. I look at that later though17:28
* ActionParsnip hates compiz17:28
dannyboyorgthingy: how does cheese work?17:28
comicinkerquestion about pam: only one user on my system needs an encrypted home directory. now GDM fails to login as it still tries to make use of pam_mount for users with no encrypted directory.  how can I restrict pam_mount to only specific users?17:28
* orgthingy doesnt like any kinds of effects because effects dont matter to him17:28
orgthingydannyboy : Applications > graphics > cheese17:28
orgthingydannyboy : it just.. works, thats how17:29
GamingXHow do I know what applications are running in the background?17:29
Jaybobhelp with shutdown? system hangs17:29
ActionParsniporgthingy: then why yu running compiz if you arent bothered for effects?17:29
orgthingyim not running compiz17:29
orgthingyim just saying that it's pretty17:29
dannyboyorgthingy: yea but if i want it to work with amsn or kopete how do i do that?17:29
orgthingydannyboy : it should work there as well17:29
orgthingyif not, then download drivers for webcam17:29
ActionParsnipJaybob: does sudo shutdown -h now make it die?17:30
dannyboyorgthingy: regardless of the chipset or driver?17:30
orgthingydriver i think.. im no good at drivers and stuff17:30
orgthingyso, dont ask me xD17:30
Jaybobactionparsnip: I've tried sudo shutdown -r but not -h. what's the h options?17:31
ActionParsnipJaybob: -h == halt17:31
ActionParsnipJaybob: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34001617:31
dannyboyorgthingy: well yea thats what im trying to do but i dont even know where to get the drivers or what kind of chipset i hav?17:31
FlyzoolaHisto, is there a command to just get 8.04? to uplgrade that is? because I don't think this will work... wouldn't it be easier just to upgrade to the 8.04 kernel etc?17:31
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antoActionParsnip, Slart: how come that didnt place the new kernels in my boot folder?17:32
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cabrioleurCustom kernel is the way :-)17:32
JaybobActionParsnip: checking it out, I'll be back to let you know17:32
IzinucsFlyzoola: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:32
askandHows realtek soundcards with ubuntu?17:32
ActionParsnipanto: dpkg -l | grep -i kernel17:32
s0l1dsnak3123<ActionParsnip> - try adding the acpi=force command into the kernel when trying to shutdown17:32
cabrioleuraskand, which one.17:32
Slartanto: afaik it does17:32
mini-manYet another microphone problem... I have done everything repeated millions of times on the forums, check alsamixer, gnome-volume-control, capture, etc etc... I swear i have done all that, and still no dice... currently downloading and compiling alsa 1.0.17, i have 1.0.16, but any ideas before that?17:32
ActionParsnipanto: will show you all installed kernels17:32
askandcabrioleur: ALC888S17:32
FlyzoolaIzinucs, do you think that might fix the problem?17:33
antoActionParsnip, yeah but it still does not place my kernel in my boot folder?17:33
IzinucsFlyzoola: I just came into the room and didn't see your previous posts.. the line will make sure you have all the latest packages on your system that are available for your release..17:33
IzinucsFlyzoola: it's usually the first thing you do to try fixing things.. at least I do.17:34
ActionParsnipanto: weird, try a reboot and see if its in the boot menu17:34
cabrioleuraskand, that's what lspci is saying?17:34
antoit aint17:34
FlyzoolaIzinucs http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=956534  think updating everything will make it all work again??17:34
ActionParsnipanto: then add it yourself17:34
antoI cant locate the kernel file17:35
askandcabrioleur: No I havent bought it yet :)17:35
Slartanto: is there a new kernel to update to?17:35
histoFlyzoola: you would have to update your /etc/apt/sources.list and change all references to gutsy then do a dist-upgrade.17:35
Slartanto: what did you do to install the new kernel?17:35
antoSlart, dont ask me because im not quite sure what happend17:35
ActionParsnipanto: you could uninstall it then reinstall it to maybe kick it into adding itself. Maybe you should strip some older kernels out to make space17:36
Flyzoolahisto: crap really?? so that's even more things to take care of. Daaaamnnn :/17:36
antoActionParsnip, thats what i just did i forgot that i normally had that problem17:36
Wind67le terminal s'est planté !17:36
cabrioleuraskand, it shouldn't have any issues. It depends what chip it is actually using, but all of them are "workable"17:36
histoFlyzoola: what do yOU mean?17:36
zambawhat's the max number of files that can be in one directory?17:36
rubenHi. I want to "share" my ubuntu apps on the net with other ubuntu pc's and windows machines. Is there a way I can achieve this without using vnc??17:37
IzinucsFlyzoola: can't get to the site right now.. too many things going on on my comp and it's getting s.l.o.w. with video issues.. (large file copy via gui does it to me every time.)17:37
histoFlyzoola: Like I said it soundslike you are missing some packages particularly the inittramfs-tools17:37
histoFlyzoola: sry one t there.17:37
ActionParsnipzamba: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext317:37
Flyzoolahisto: well I figured that if I upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04 through the terminal, that might fix the problems :/17:37
Tulgasomeone has experience VPS Proxy?17:38
Flyzoolahisto, I tried getting the initramfs-tools, but it said I gotta disable something... and I don't know exactly what it is17:38
askandcabrioleur:  ok thanks17:38
cabrioleur!french > cabrioleur17:38
ubottucabrioleur, please see my private message17:38
ratsgood morning #ubuntu17:38
cabrioleur!french | Wind6717:38
ubottuWind67: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bulgarian17:39
histoFlyzoola: well you need initramfs-tools to generate the missing file.17:39
IzinucsFlyzoola: if you have a seperate /home partition just reinstall fresh and tag but don't format the /home partition.. that's the easiest way to fix what's going on.. if you don't have a separate /home.. make one and move your files there.17:39
e-frame!botabuse | Dreaman17:40
ubottuDreaman: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:40
e-frame!botabuse > Dreaman17:40
ubottuDreaman, please see my private message17:40
ActionParsniphe needs abuse, keeps him awake. he dozed off earlier17:40
ActionParsnipi love you ubottu17:41
ActionParsnipwhats he gonna say17:41
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.17:41
axisyshow to convert dvd to play in iphone?17:42
cabrioleuraxisys, you can do that in acidrip17:42
cabrioleuraxisys, or dvd::rip17:43
ActionParsnipaxisys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49141917:43
bakermdI have created a Bookmark to a network location - how do I delete it?17:43
bakermdin Gnome - Places -> Bookmarks17:43
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.17:44
axisyscabrioleur, ActionParsnip thnx17:44
zambai need a oneliner to search for a line in a file and if i find it, remove it and the line before and after..17:44
zambafrom the file17:45
bakermdzamba, That's not gonna be a one liner17:45
zambabakermd: ok, i'll settle for two :)17:45
tim__bAnyone in here managed to compile avisyth3 with hardy? sticking with "configure: WARNING: Boost library (1_33) not in /usr/lib" while "./configure --disable-assembly --with-boost-includedir-path=/usr/include --with-boost-libdir-path=/usr/lib --with-boost-lib-name=libboost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_34_1". ibboost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_34_1.* files are in /usr/lib/.17:45
bakermdtim__b, You sure thats the issue? Usually warnings are ignored  - is there an Error as well?17:47
piasdomubuntu doesn't come /w a calculator ???17:47
bakermdSure it does17:47
bakermdApplications -> Accesories -> Calculator17:47
axisyscabrioleur, ActionParsnip so iphone recognizes mp4?17:47
tim__bbakermd; configure: error: "Boost is needed !"17:47
piasdomi can't fine mine :)17:47
piasdomthere she be...thanks17:48
tim__bbakermd ./configure can find Boost header files in /usr/include (as i added to ./configure)17:48
nixboxcan i install the latest 2.6.27 kernel on hardy? or do i have to upgrade to intrepid?17:48
tim__bbakermd but not the lib file, which is there for sure17:48
ActionParsnipaxisys: yep mp4 for iphone17:49
tomahowkhi guys how do i connect to the xubuntu channel within Xchat?17:50
ActionParsniptomahowk: /j #xubuntu17:50
Kr0ntabnixbox: if you want a nice .deb package of the kernel... Intrepid has it.  Otherwise... anyone can upgrade their own kernel if needed....17:50
tomahowkah tahnk you action =D17:51
Kr0ntabnixbox: but it requires some work... and practice...17:51
ActionParsniptomahowk: this is the same with all irc clients17:51
bakermdSome require the whole /join instead of the shorthand /j17:51
vallhalla81is it Possible to Instant Message people using the Terminal? Such as if I wanted to send someone a quick message and his IP was x.x.x.x could I do that?17:52
tomahowkactionparsnip never used IRC clients before XD17:52
Kr0ntabnixbox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile17:52
nikitisOk, I have a truely geeky question for all of you very smart people out there.  Does ubuntu support the Avant Stellar keyboard 116 key?17:52
nikitisWith programable macros and 24 function keys17:53
ActionParsniptomahowk: np man17:53
ActionParsnipnikitis: if the escape code shows up in xev then yes17:53
MelsenAfter the recent upgrade to 2.4.24-21... my envyng/nvidia stopped working.. I've tried to remove envyng and install it again with apt-get and synaptics with no luck, and after attempting to install envyng again, it doesnt add the envyng icon in the system menu17:53
Melsennvidia-xconfig doesn17:53
Melsennvidia-xconfig doesn't work either17:53
MelsenAnyone who can tell me what to do?17:54
e-framedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xog17:54
nikitisActionParsnip, the keyboard is modeled after the old Northgate Omnikey 101 except it has 12 extra function keys17:54
nikitisWhich linux supports17:54
nikitisActionParsnip, but  I need to know before I buy a $185 keyboard, that linux can support 24 function keys17:54
Melsene-frame: `xserver-xog' is not installed and no info is available.17:55
JaybobActionParsnip: Sudo Shutdown -h now does not work either17:55
sfearsMelsen.. chances are that the newest nvidia drivers havn't been released for the newer kernel17:55
MelsenIve search the ubuntu forums though.. I havent seen any other people have this problem17:55
Melsenso right now Im running 800x60017:56
nikitisActionParsnip, what do you mean by "escape code"17:56
Tulga_do you know hyperVM clone?17:56
lawstudent hi, folks. I've installed debian-eeepc with lxde. i need a timer as i do a practice exam. what application do you recommend that can do countdown (with some beep preferably)?17:57
JaybobActionParsnip: there is some info about adding acpi=force to grub menu.lst, but I'm not sure where and I can't find it. ever heard of it?17:57
joaopintolawstudent, if you want a terminal app, you can use sleep and beep :)17:58
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lawstudentjoaopinto: but will sleep give me a current countdown time ?17:58
nikitislawstudent, write a bash script17:58
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joaopintolawstudent, nope17:59
coopsterbah, you people.  the person wants a stopwatch and you tell him to "use sleep and beep" or "write a terminal script"  ?17:59
joaopintolawstudent, if you ned a graphical app, you can use alarm clock17:59
joaopintonot sure it shows the counter either :P17:59
coopsterlawstudent: there's a program called stopwatch17:59
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PrototypXXSuperchi there...17:59
coopsterlawstudent: sudo apt-get install stopwatch, or run synaptic and install stopwatch17:59
lawstudentcoopster: thanks17:59
=== PrototypXXSuperc is now known as sLashi
nikitisHow do you tell linux to support 24 function keys?18:00
sLashisomebody can help me with a little problem @ conky?18:00
Similianmy firefox is running extremly slow only on one core out of two why?18:00
case^sLashi: I'll try18:01
MarkFeatherstonIs it possible to check how many users are on a windows terminal server from linux?  Like pstools psloggedon for windows18:01
yudigadgetdoes anyone here use print server device? i have question about IPP, does IPP allow me to add printer device from print server without specify/install printer driver on computer(ubuntu)?18:01
=== tekky is now known as Guest80024
azathare there any official resources on working with the debian/ubuntu decision to no longer build against openssl? like ways around it for things that don't yet work with gnutls, etc... I've been searching forever and can't seem to find anything concrete.18:02
Jaybobhaving problems restarting. Same problem with gui (shutdown/restart), sudo shutdown -r or -h. System hangs I think at GDM( I see a quick "Gnome display manager shutdown message) after I press the power button. Then the splash, then a few modules shutdown but hangs when it gets to ALSA shutdown. At this pouint I have to hardboot. Any thoughts18:02
Helmintheyudigadget: the communication method can be parallel, usb, tcp/ip, samba share etc, this does not change the fact that you need a driver that formats your documents in an output the printer itself can parse18:03
Helmintheyudigadget: for a lot of modern printers you can use a generic postscript or pcl driver, but no guarantees, especially with cheaper ones18:03
=== tak is now known as tak11
nikitisNobody here uses a keyboard with 24 Function keys?18:05
yudigadgetHelminthe can you more specific about generic postscript and pcl driver, are those already include with ubuntu 7.04 and 8.x?18:05
csilknikitis,  that's rather alot of function keys18:05
csilkwhat do you use them for?18:05
nikitiscsilk, macros, shortcuts, etc18:05
SimilianCan i run an app (firefox) on one core only somehow?18:05
Fret18_Hi! :)18:06
nikitiscsilk, gaming mostly18:06
yudigadgetHelminthe or should i install something more?18:06
rakgeniushello guys18:06
falstaffmy keyboard and mouse is some kind of locked in X, any idea? immediatly after x started, i cant type anything (eg. user/pw). Even Ctrl+alt+Backspace doesnt work18:06
Helmintheyudigadget: yes and yes. look into cups, foomatic, hpijs, ghostscript for more printer choices18:06
Fret18_Do anyone know how to install Last.fm software in Ubuntu?18:06
rakgeniusyes i kno18:07
=== Guest7797 is now known as gaurav_
yudigadgetHelminthe ok thanks..18:07
Fret18_Can you please explain me?18:07
nikitiscsilk, I want to buy this keyboard that's $185 Heavy duty, with tactile mechanical keys, also with 24 Function keys.  i want to know if Linux will be able to use them, and if so, how would you go about mapping them?18:07
csilknikitis, honestly, I wouldn't know, I've never had a need for such an odd keyboard. Sorry18:08
coopsterfalstaff: does control+alt+f1 work?18:08
Fret18_rakgenius: can you please explain me how to install Last.fm?18:08
coopsternikitis: i wrote a howto for the logitech G15 that would be somewhat similar to what you'd have to do a while back - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LogitechG1518:08
falstaffcoopster: yes18:08
nikitiscoopster, you probably should have told him about control+alt+F618:08
jochenhhi@all! I have a big problem with dcopserver,which make firefox broken. can please anyone help me?18:08
nikitiscoopster, err F718:08
falstaffnikitis, coopster: All consoles work, F1-F6, with keyboard. F7 shows me x with the gdm login screen, but i cant type anything!18:09
GaMbi_DKhmm.. what unreal tournament is best? (that can run on linux)18:09
coopsternikitis: the relevant sections are adding the key symbols to X and then using xmodmap to map the keycodes to the symbols18:09
cacojoin #xubuntu18:10
jamey-ukI'm running Ubuntu Server Edition and I just did "apt-get install cron", I've checked and cron is running. I put "0 0 * * * touch /home/website/cron-is-running.txt" in my user's crontab file but no file is being created in my home directory. How can I get cron to work properly please?18:10
rakgeniusfret18 u der?18:10
nikitiscoopster, ah ok18:10
rakgeniussudo apt-get install lastfm18:10
rakgeniustry dis18:10
coopsternikitis: to find out the keycodes to use i had to run xev and push the keys and see what it reported18:10
nikitiscoopster, this keyboard is similar to yours in amount of keys, but is styled more like the old IBM keyboards.  However, this keyboard I'm purchasing is brand new18:10
Hamsunsup ya'll?18:10
HamsunI have a really bad rash on my groin-area.18:11
Hamsunany help?18:11
Fret18_rakgenius: looks like it'll work. Thanks. :)18:11
coopsternikitis: in theory that same process would work for any buttons18:11
ubottuhamsun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:11
rakgeniusno probs18:11
Fret18_I hate Ubuntu. It's so addictive. :P18:11
nikitiscoopster, it has a PROM built in so that you can program macros.  the macros are stored in the keyboard itself.18:11
nikitiscoopster, very handy for linux18:12
lawstudentcoopster: i've installed stopwatch.18:12
jochenhCan anyone help me with my dcopserver problem, which make firefox broken?18:12
coopsternikitis: then the macros would work, you'd just have to insert entries for the 24 function keys18:12
lawstudentthanks, coopster. it's perfect. only wish it would beep when the timer is down to zero.18:12
coopsterlawstudent: yeah, sorries.  that's the one thing it doesn't do18:12
bimmaxFret18_, wow, that is wholly drived by the improbability drive18:12
mrunagiwhat is the script that ctrl alt esc executes18:13
lawstudentcoopster: no prob18:13
Fret18_Guys, I must have at least 4 desktop areas to make Compiz cube work well, right?18:13
coopsterlawstudent: perhaps you could use sleep/beep at the same time to get that effect18:13
setupwacom in tx251018:13
coopsterFret18_: no.  it works with any number18:13
nikitiscoopster, http://www.ergonomicsmadeeasy.com/ProductImageGallery.asp?ProductID=9&GalleryItem=118:13
mrunagiFret18_:  no you can have 218:13
mrunagiit just wont be a cube18:13
rakgeniusmin 4 for a cube18:13
joinerici am running 8.04 on an old pIII laptop and my resolution is a jacked 800x600 with black blocks around the screen18:13
Fret18_That's what I meant.18:13
coopsternikitis: _that's_ the $185 keyboard?18:14
coopsterdoes it do dishes?18:14
Fret18_With two desktops only, it's like a sheet of paper.18:14
RonzOwhat is a good program for taking music and renaming it using the ID3 tags? have some music i pulled off of an iPod18:14
lucaxdoes anyone here have a nice UserContent.css that i can borrow for gtk black themes? i cant get mine look good...18:14
Tundrayeti312RonzO: I like EasyTag18:14
nikitiscoopster, It's solid Industrial strength metal, and has the "clicky" feel.  Built just like the old IBM keyboard18:14
RonzOTundrayeti312, ty ty. ill check it out18:14
rakgeniusany1 knows hv 2 enable compiz in ubuntu 8.0418:15
csilkrakgenius,  you got your grfx drivers installed?18:15
jamey-ukI'm running Ubuntu Server Edition and I just did "apt-get install cron", I've checked and cron is running. I put "0 0 * * * touch /home/website/cron-is-running.txt" in my user's crontab file but no file is being created in my home directory. How can I get cron to work properly please?18:15
nikitiscoopster, that's not plastic your looking at.  It weights a solid 7 pounds18:15
Fret18_I have 8.04.18:15
csilkrakgenius,  that's the problem then18:15
Fret18_First you have to download the settings manager, rakgenius.18:15
coopsternikitis: huh, ok then.  not too shabby.18:15
Fret18_Actually, you must have the graphics card, yes.18:16
csilkFret18_,  you don't have to first download the manager to get compiz working -_-18:16
nikitiscoopster, it's also as long as my 24 inch monitor lol18:16
Fret18_Mine works with GFX;18:16
csilkcompiz works without the settings manager Fret18_18:16
Fret18_I had to, csilk.18:16
Fret18_It didn't work without it.18:16
csilkFret18_, your talking about ccsm right?18:16
At0m1cc1rclehi all, is there anybody who can give me some help getting wireless working with broadcom card and acer aspire 3634 laptop18:16
MimiAnyone know how to stop xfce from giving me 6 workspaces? when i go to the settings manager and set it to 2, save changes, it will still show 6 even after log out and in. no i dont have compiz ^^;18:16
nikitiscoopster, i'm just glad there's a company out there making the old IBM style keyboards that are brand new and black ;)18:16
csilkFret18_,  right, well compiz works without when you set visual effects to normal18:17
tak11i can help you,18:17
Fret18_csilk: mine was set to extra. Maybe it was that.18:17
csilkFret18_, even then compiz still works without ccsm, you must be mistaken18:18
csilkrakgenius,  what grfx card you got?18:18
rakgeniusjus inbuilt..not extra 118:18
Fret18_csilk: Yes, I must have made something wrong.18:18
nikitiscoopster, I wanted this one, but I can't even find one available on ebay anymore.  I've searched the whole net. http://www.adesso.com/images/big/bigger/MCK-142Pro.jpg18:18
csilkrakgenius,  do you know what grfx card it is?18:19
coopsternikitis: looks like you couldn't actually program macros in linux though18:19
Fret18_Is it me or the download through the Terminal is faster than through browser? :O18:19
csilkrakgenius,  ok, maybe I wasn't clear the frist or second time... please could you tell me what grfx card/chip you have?18:19
Guest809So does anybody know if Ubuntu 8.10 will support Asus EEE PC 1000 by default? (wpa2 enterprise support also?)18:20
rakgeniusi dont va grphx card18:20
nikitiscoopster, you should be able to.  All you do with the keyboard, no software needed, is hit the program button, type the button you want to be macro'd, and then the macro, and the select button again and bam.18:20
rakgeniusdats d prob18:20
RonzOTundrayeti312, <3 working great!18:20
csilkrakgenius,  you do have a grfx card/chip18:20
Tundrayeti312RonzO: Glad to hear it :)18:20
csilkrakgenius,  yes you do, now please paste the out of the lspci command at paste.ubuntu.com18:21
nikitiscoopster, pushing one button can do up to 72 keys, but macros can be chained as well for a maximum of 862 characters per macro18:21
=== Guest809 is now known as GamesMasta
rakgenius00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0e)18:22
nikitisthat's some true computing power18:22
Fret18_rakgenius: Last.fm worked. Thanks a lot. :)18:22
jochenhI have a Problem with dcopserver which make my firefox broken, can someone please help?18:22
csilkrakgenius,  thank you, so your grfx chip is an intel 82915G/GV/910GL18:23
Fret18_I'm leaving.18:23
Fret18_Goodbye guys!18:23
blessed_guesshave fun18:23
rakgeniusits a chip dat comes along wit mother board rite18:23
MimiAnyone know how to stop xfce from giving me 6 workspaces? when i go to the settings manager and set it to 2, save changes, it will still show 6 even after log out and in. no i dont have compiz ^^;18:24
csilkrakgenius,  yes that is right18:24
coopsterMimi: do you have compiz?  sometimes that does it.18:24
rakgeniusand i call it as jus a chip not a card...it smy own convention18:24
MimiI said I dont have compiz coopster  ^^18:24
csilkrakgenius,  hence me saying card/chip  . I'm looking for drivers for you now18:25
jochenhcan anyone please help me with my dcop problem which make my firefox broken?18:25
rakgeniusthnx...pls help18:25
nikitiscoopster, well thanks for the guide.  I'll look into that.  I think i'm going to buy that keyboard for christmas18:26
lawstudentcoopster joaopinto. how do i use sleep and beep to give me an aural alert after 35 minutes?18:26
coopsterlawstudent: in a terminal -  sleep 35m && beep18:28
csilksudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel      rakgenius  i think that is the driver you are looking for18:28
csilkkey word being THINK18:28
=== Hamsun is now known as cybian
coopsterlawstudent: you'll have to `apt-get install beep` first18:28
EyesOfARavenblinking cursor of death - why?18:28
=== cybian is now known as eqoch
EyesOfARavenfresh install of eeebuntu to an sd card on my eee, and it boots to it, and poof, blinking cursor that doesnt end18:29
rakgeniusits showin already installed18:29
csilkrakgenius,  you may also need to add some things to xorg.conf, but we will cross that bridge if/when we ceom to it18:29
csilkrakgenius,  ok18:29
=== eqoch is now known as failsuf
csilkin that case you need to do some xorg.conf editing, please do   sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and paste the file at paste.ubuntu.com18:30
* EyesOfARaven needs assistance18:30
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
csilkalso, make a backup of that file by doing  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.cong.BACKUP18:30
GamesMastaSo does anybody know if Ubuntu 8.10 will support Asus EEE PC 1000 by default? (wpa2 enterprise support also?)18:31
EyesOfARavenfrom what i hear it will18:31
jackal_posso fare una domanda?18:31
joaopintoGamesMasta, please ask on #ubuntu+1, this channel is for Hardy support18:31
GamesMastaNice. Thanks eyes.18:31
EyesOfARavengamesmasta: i just installed on my eee and im getting blinking cursor - any idea?18:31
PuppyWhy wont wireshark see my card :( it does on XP18:32
joaopinto!it | jackal_18:32
ubottujackal_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:32
csilkPuppy,  need to run as root18:32
EyesOfARavengamesmasta: eeebuntu thatis18:32
GamesMastaSorry. I haven't gotten my 1000 yet... It's in the mail lol.18:32
EyesOfARaventhanks anyway18:32
=== failsuf is now known as ecoch
GamesMastayup thanks and good luck guys18:32
csilkPuppy,  XP allows non admin users to use low level sockets, linux is a little more secure than that and only allows root to do so, so you need to run it as root (sudo)18:33
Puppycsilk you r a good one18:33
rakgeniusi pasted it18:33
azathso I'm trying to run dpkg-buildpackage on freeradius, but I get this line: "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: warning: can't parse dependency libsnmp-dev libssl-dev"  Only libsnmp-dev and libssl-dev are both installed. Any ideas?18:33
csilkrakgenius,  link please18:33
BullterdI cant get cron jobs working no matter how hard I try :(18:33
krazykri1hi i just switched from fedora ... how do u do a tail -f /var/log/messages and see realtime messages? is there any buffering of messages before being committed to /var/log/messages? and wats with the strange format of the messages file ?18:33
r00t_hi im in need of  amedia player that can search my computer and add music/video to its library18:33
BullterdDoes anyone have a tut that actually works ?18:34
azathr00t_: check out banshee ?18:34
csilkrakgenius,  sorry, xorg.conf has changed since the last time I looked at it, it no longer has modelines or resolutions??18:35
rubenIs it possible to run my applications (like ooffice or gimp) from a web browser??18:35
rakgeniusi donno18:36
azathkrazykri1: I use less with shift-F... which does live monitoring... though here most stuff is logged to syslog18:36
lawstudentcoopster:  beep doesn't make any sound on my eeepc18:36
jamey-ukMy user's crontab isn't working, how do I get it to work?18:37
coopsterlawstudent: :-/  well, you could replace beep with any command that you like, so it could be replaced with a command to play an MP318:38
=== George_ is now known as Daremonai
csilkanyone know why xorg.conf no longer has grfx device or resolution details like it used to have?18:38
Assassyni don't know how to configure second card to give internet to clients. i want to make ubuntu server as router. installed second card after ubuntu was already installed18:40
kitchecsilk: it still has it, just that X doesn't automatically put them in anymore18:40
csilkkitche, so do they need manually adding if you were wanting to change the "Driver" field?18:40
kansanwhat is the difference between the orange download button and the red download button18:41
kitchecsilk: not exactly you could do it automatically just that the ubuntu tool for generating xorg.ocnf doesn't add it really18:41
csilkkitche, rakgenius has the driver installed it;s just that X isnt using it, how can we tell X to use it, I've only done it by manually editing the xorg.conf18:42
usuario_hola carito18:42
nosemiajFALA PESSOAL... Possuo Windows XP no meu PC, porém, após passar a utilizar o sistema UBUNTU em meu PC, gostaria de mantê-lo para que não perdesse as configurações e arquivos já nele contido, porém queria manter somente o UBUNTU e exterminar o WINDOWS, alguém pode me dar uma dica ou endereço de tutorial no FORUM?18:42
carito  · :.+ .·°·: www.chat-full.com un chat para todos los argentinos .°:·.·.+ ·18:42
kitchecsilk: by manually editting xorg.conf or by using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if you don't want to do it manually18:43
SlimeyPete!spanish | nosemiaj18:43
ubottunosemiaj: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:43
rakgeniusguys reply 2 csilk comment18:43
usuario_algo en español18:43
Luminussee my page...is about computer, internet, etc www.teckboard.pt.vu18:43
Lokian!es | carito18:43
ubottucarito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:43
csilkkitche,  the xorg.conf no longer has the fields that I would usually edit so that makes editing a little hard18:43
Azoffwhere do the java certificates (trusted .jar profiders) get stored in (k)ubuntu?18:43
csilkrakgenius, try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:44
nosemiajOk! Muchas gracias, SlimeyPeteubottu18:45
Assassynhow can i set NAT on ubuntu to give acces to xlients to the inetrnet?18:45
Assassyni want to configure a router on ubuntu server18:45
=== ecoch is now known as Hamsun
csilkAssassyn, I think that kind of question would be better answered by reading the manual18:46
hellraisersalve riuscite a linkarmi il server per parlare in italiano?18:46
rakgeniuscsilk, its givin module battery not found18:46
dulak!it | hellraiser18:46
ubottuhellraiser: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:46
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter
EyesOfARavenmy ubuntu is booting to a lovely blinking cursor so i was gonna reinstall grub - it keeps saying the disk doesnt exist though18:46
=== Vonor_ is now known as Vonor
Ridehif i used apt to install openldap and i need to get rid of it completely what command would i issue?  apt-get purge openldap?18:47
EyesOfARavenit is sdc118:47
EyesOfARavenso i was using root (hd2,0)18:47
EyesOfARavenand it says there's no disk18:47
dishayui can't go beyond 800x600 reso, amd 2000+ nforce2 chipset 32 mb onboard, it runs on 1280 x 1024 in windows, please help...18:47
csilkEyesOfARaven, SATA?18:47
EyesOfARavenSD card, actually18:47
csilkcd card?18:47
EyesOfARaveneffectively its a usb device18:47
csilkoh rite18:47
dishayui can't go beyond 800x600 reso, amd 2000+ nforce2 chipset 32 mb onboard, it runs on 1280 x 1024 in windows, please help... ubuntu hardy clean install... PLEASE HELP...18:48
EyesOfARavenwhat do i use instead of "hdX" for the grub menu18:48
piasdomdishayu:i think you need to install the graphic drivers...i had to after installing ubuntu18:49
EyesOfARavensomeone gonna finish helping me? :p18:50
dishayupiasdom : did, still doesn't do it..18:50
csilkrakgenius,  sorry, xorg config isn't my strong point anymore, you'll have to ask someone else18:50
piasdomdishayu:did you reboot ?18:50
dishayupiasdom : yes, i did18:50
remotei'm trying to mount a memory card in an hp desktop, when i insert the card i see a green light on the box but i don't see the card when running `sg_map -i' does anyone know if i need to take other action before i can see and access the card?18:50
rakgeniuscsilk, 1 more help18:51
piasdomdishayu:then that's all i know...new here also...sorry18:51
EyesOfARavenim screwed, nobody will help me18:51
* EyesOfARaven sighs18:51
Ridehcan apparmor interfere with ldap working properly?18:52
lswestEyesOfARaven, what's the problem?18:52
EyesOfARavenmy eeebuntu won't boot18:52
dishayupiasdom : np, i've had a bit of experience 7.10 onwards, so, i know the most basic things i'd say :)18:52
lswestwhat's the error message?18:52
EyesOfARaveni have come to the conclusion that it is likely a grub problem18:52
EyesOfARavenit boots to a blinking cursor18:52
EyesOfARavenwith no error message18:52
EyesOfARavenand just hangs there18:52
kitcheEyesOfARaven: grub actually only really understands hdX or sdX18:52
piasdomdishayu:good luck18:52
lswestat the grub screen hit "e" on the entry and delete "quiet" from that line18:52
lswestit should show you if there's an error18:53
EyesOfARaveni dont have a grub screen18:53
EyesOfARavenit literally doesnt get that far18:53
EyesOfARavenso i determined it must be a grub issue18:53
lswestthen try re-installing grub18:53
EyesOfARaveni was tryin to do just that18:53
lswestkk one sec18:53
rakgeniushow 2 instal windows after installin ubuntu18:53
EyesOfARavenbut cant figure out the drive string for SDC118:53
lswesttry that how-to18:53
hellraisersorry who know the client bittorrent?18:53
lswestI think it might help you figure it out18:53
EyesOfARavenu see, im installing to an SD card18:53
lswestwhat's the output of fdisk -l?18:54
=== Spec[x] is now known as Spec
EyesOfARavennothing at all18:54
bronzewalla84can't get compiz to load  with ATI Raedon card, can anyone help?18:54
lswestwith a sudo before it?18:54
EyesOfARaventhat helped18:54
kitcheEyesOfARaven: it would be sd2, 0 most likely if not then it would be hd2,0 depends on how your bios see's the SD card really what you put18:54
EyesOfARaven/dev/sdc1 is the one i want18:54
Lokianbronzewalla84 details18:54
EyesOfARavenwhich i already knew18:54
EyesOfARavenkitche:i tried both of those18:55
lswestso it'd be (3, 1) I think18:55
lswest3rd drive, 1 partition18:55
Lokianbronzewalla84 did you make sure that you to change the windows manager to compiz18:55
rakgeniushow to instal windows after installin ubuntu18:55
lswestif you're installing from the liveCD18:55
LynetEyesOfARaven: You sure the bios on your pc supports booting from an sd?18:55
kitchelswest: umm no grub starts at 018:55
EyesOfARavenlynet: yes18:55
lswestgo to the advanced option at the end of the install process18:55
lswestchoose where to install GRUB to there18:55
lswestit should work that way18:55
EyesOfARaven"root (sd2,0)" says error while parsing number18:56
lswestleave out the sd18:56
EyesOfARavenlswest: yeah except its the install that failed to do it in the first place18:56
lswestit's just (2, 0)18:56
rakgeniusafter installin windows?18:56
EyesOfARavenlswest: that says unrecognized device string18:56
lswestroot (2,0)18:56
Lokianrakgenius: you don't go back.18:56
EyesOfARaventhats exactly what im talking about18:56
EyesOfARavenlokian: i dual boot for games :p18:56
bronzewalla84Lokian: i just ran compiz --replace, and it errored out, and when i try and enable visual effects from Appearance it tells me 'Desktop Effects could not be opened'18:56
cwilluanyone know of any poker tournament managers for ubuntu/linux?18:57
Lokianbronzewalla84 install the fusion icon18:57
kitcherakgenius: you just install it then you need to reinstall grub easier to install windows first then linux18:57
Lokianbronzewalla84 use that to replace instead18:57
bronzewalla84do u know the package name?18:57
Lokianbronzewalla84 it should be fusion icon. use synpatic18:57
lswestare you sure there are no typos in your command?18:57
rakgeniusi ve updated ubuntu nv..dont wanna lose it..18:57
lswestspace between root and the bracket, no space after the comma?18:58
EyesOfARavenlswest: ll yes.18:58
LokianEyeseOfARaven: as do i. Ill need to get my windows up to par especially for Fallout 3!18:58
EyesOfARavenfallout 3 FTW18:58
EyesOfARaveni am waiting so hard18:58
rakgeniuskitche: i don ve windows..so wanna instal it18:58
lswesttry root (hd2, 0)18:58
Lokiando you think ps3 would be beter than xbox or pc for it?18:58
yvlasovHi how can i get debootstrap rpm for centos 5.218:58
EyesOfARavenlswest: nope18:59
lswestthen I don't know18:59
Lokianrakgenius: gparted a partition for windows first, than try to instsall windows onto that partition18:59
lswestsorry man18:59
EyesOfARaveni need someone who's amazing with grub18:59
lswestnever tried to install to an SD card18:59
rakgeniuslokian: but grub ll b lost18:59
EyesOfARavenrakgenius: then u boot live and reinstall grub after18:59
lswestEyesOfARaven, check this out: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-eeepc-devel/2008-March/000172.html see if it gives you any idea of what you're missing19:00
rakgeniuseyes: i donno hv 2 do it19:00
yvlasovHello anyone... how can i get debootstrap rpm for centos 5.219:00
bronzewalla84Lokian: I did that and now my window borders disappeared19:00
BullterdWhy are my goddamn crons not runnig19:00
Lokianbronzewalla84 you'll also need a window decorator19:00
bronzewalla84like emerald?19:01
transcendois there anyway that i can set a maximum download limit of one torrent at a time in Transmission?19:01
Lokianbronzewalla84 i suggest emerald if yyou dont have one19:01
Lokianbronzewalla84 yes, get emerald. and than activate emerald in fusion icon under window decorator19:01
piasdomEyesOfARaven:try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB19:01
rakgeniusany1 knows command 2 instal grub manually19:01
EyesOfARavenpiasdom: been there19:02
Lokian!grub | rakegenius19:02
ubotturakegenius: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:02
lswestalso might help you eyes: http://eeesite.net/2007/12/restoring-eee-pcs-boot-sequence.html19:02
Luminus93see my page...is about computers, internetnews,etc www.teckboard.pt.vu19:02
roukounhi all19:02
roukounis there any way to change the color of the cursor in gnome-terminal ?19:03
rakgeniusthnx ubottu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:03
lswestroukoun, what do you mean exactly? the colour of the font?19:03
lswestright-click and choose "edit current profile"19:03
piasdomrakgenius:can you get to win ?19:03
rxMokkaanyone beenable to get compiz/beryl 3d desktop rotation inside VBox hardy guest?19:04
piasdomrakgenius:look in c:\19:04
rxMokkaI can in VirtualPC Fedora guest19:04
roukounlswest: not the fonts! i want to change the color of the blibking cursor ::19:04
lswestI believe the change of the font affects the cursor19:05
okbarthow easily can I network a vista machine to this ubuntu one and share the internet connection this machine has?19:05
piasdomrakgenius:in there is either boot ot ini file...boot loader...type in you harddrive19:05
lswestbut I don't know if you can change the cursor without the font change19:05
BullterdHow can I view what time and date crontab thinks it currently is ?19:05
piasdomrakgenius:ot = or19:05
Ridehanyone know of a working openldap package and instructions that work ?   i've tried it 4 times now on 3 machines with no success19:05
dulakBullterd: type date19:05
okbarthow do I `su` on livecd?19:05
rakgeniuspiasdom: i didnt get u19:06
dulakokbart: sudo su -19:06
EyesOfARavenokbart: sudo su19:06
Ridehfollowing 2 tutorials from ubuntu, 1 from openldap and various odds and ends from ubuntu19:06
Bullterddulak: Ok, So Why isnt my cron task runnign ?19:06
EyesOfARavenokbart: or alternatively sudo bash19:06
Bullterd6 19 * * * ./backup3.sh19:06
BullterdDoes not run19:06
piasdomrakgenius:you have to edit win boot file to see your harddrive19:06
=== Chetic_ is now known as Chetic
piasdomrakgenius:it under c:\...you may need to "show hidden files"19:07
dulakBullterd: put the full path to backup3.sh example: /home/username/backup3.sh19:07
okbartis there a shortcut key to open terminal?19:08
AgentHeXi'm trying to compile an opengl application in eclipse, but it fails to find the GL, GLU, and SDL libraries despite being in the project.  i used synaptic to install libglu1-mesa-dev, but the problems still exist.  anyone have experience setting this up in hardy?19:08
lswestokbart: you can set one in system-->preferences-->keyboard shortcuts19:08
piasdomrakgenius:it under c:\...either boot.ini or win.ini19:09
rootsnatchokbart: I don't think so, but you can set one in the keyboard shortcuts menu19:09
rakgeniusnow 1 more problem19:09
Jaybobtrying to burn cd for printer drivers, burning programs keep telling me I don't have permission to some of the files19:09
rakgeniusgrub is der..but none of the os is bootin19:09
drrobyciao a tutti19:09
Ridehis there another ubuntu channel for those running ubuntu server?19:10
okbarthow do I change my keyboard  config to UK instead of US?19:10
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lswestokbart: system-->preferences-->keyboard19:10
akahigecan anyone tell the the bash script syntax for doing a recursive chmod? the usual "-R" doesn't seem to do it19:11
outbackwifiakahige: why not?19:11
veryangrymanQuestion for you, who use "FireFox + Ubuntu Hardy": anyone uses ubuntu+firefox and have noticed a strange sound when closing and sometimes openning a tab while listening to music? i use cmus as a player... and never had problems.. i think this is new from a firefox update... anyone can confirm this ? (this sound is like a flange, some milisecs ... around 0.4 second in lenght)19:11
Jaybobhow do you launch gui programs as root?19:11
lswestveryangryman: nope, never had that problem :/19:12
SchneeSchwarzJaybob: gksudo19:12
moesHardy 0.8.4 compiz 0.7.4 Emerald 0.7.2 Cannot get emerald to run..When I add emerald --replace to window decorations nothing happens..When I use code emerald --replace in console the console border changes but all other borders are grey and have no buttons19:12
outbackwifijaybob: gksu19:12
akahigeoutbackwifi: I don't know. the line is "eval gksudo chmod 644 $quoted" and if I make it "eval gksudo chmod -R 644 $quoted" the whole thing breaks19:12
cwillumoes, (it's 8.04, not 0.8.4 :p)19:12
angel_if there are some person come from chinese ???19:12
outbackwifiwhats the eval for?19:13
lswestakahige: is this in a bash script?19:13
moescwillu.. mistype 8.419:13
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:13
SchneeSchwarzRideh: #ubuntu-server19:13
akahigeoutbackwifi: bash script. yes.19:13
lswestakahige: if it is, chances are you will have to put it in a loop of some kind19:13
jaymanyone seen this... banshee 1.2.1 in hardy heron... radio stream will buffer but wont actually play?19:13
rakgeniusubottu: grub is der ..but os isnt bootin19:13
lswestakahige: since $quoted is a variable, you have to change it for every name19:14
piasdomrakgenius:i don't know what to write i boot.ini...have to reboot to go see...one comp19:14
outbackwifiakahige: you dont need the eval19:14
zamaraxhello, is this an appropiate channel to ask questions regarding gOS?19:14
lswestakahige: easier would just be to do cd /dir/ && chmod -R 644 *19:14
moes! emerald19:14
SchneeSchwarz!cn | angel_19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald19:14
ubottuangel_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:14
matthijs_can someone say how i can install openoffice 3.°19:14
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akahigelswest: this is a bash/nautilus script19:15
darren__hi to all, hope some one can help i downloaded a program from synaptic about 4 months ago but i lost it and now i can not remember what its called it lets you chouse how many kernels you want to show and can turn of the time limit you can also install boot up screens from it i think it was called some thing like start-up-manager if some one knows please let me know thanks.19:15
akahigeoutbackwifi: here's a pastebin if you want to see the whole script: http://slexy.org/view/s21LdgcZDv19:15
lswestakahige: so pass it the dir as a variable, it'll work better that way I think19:15
=== crypted is now known as confuded
JakeMonis there a repository i can add that should have the webdav module for apache?19:16
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl19:16
lswestakahige: if you pass the paths as multiple paths in one variable it will only change the first variable, better to pass it multiple variables, or put it in an array (if that works in bash scripts, never tried it)19:17
* outbackwifi is on a handheld, cant navigate to pastebins19:17
confuded[Problem] I have a Canon PIXMA ip100 printer and had downloaded the official drivers for it in .rpm format, installed (using alien) and the printer is not working. It does not respond to any print jobs and Ubuntu says there are none. Running 8.04 with latest updates...19:17
lswest*first path19:17
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haughtyReckon some of you here might know it. Is there a way to "reset" a value in java.. to get the value back to "null" ?19:17
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akahigelswest: I'm kind of out of my element with bash scripting. I'm just happy I got it to work.  =]19:18
lswesthaughty: just <variablename> null;19:18
sasuke781can someone help me with a ubuntu theme?19:18
haughtymight be the "=" sign that made it error then =) Ill give it a go.. thanks !19:18
lswestakahige: what exactly do you want the script to do?  Might be a different way to do so19:18
piasdomrakgenius:try this .... http://www.geocities.com/thestarman3/asm/mbr/bootini.htm19:19
akahigeoutbackwifi: to summarize... the quoted variable manipulates  $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS so it doesn't choke on file names with spaces19:19
LjLconfuded: first, are you sure you don't mean IP1000? i don't see an IP100 printer19:19
sasuke781anyone help me with a theme? anyone at all?19:19
lswesthaughty: np, don't think there needs to be a = sign, but I could be wrong, haven't set null values much, usually results in null pointer exceptions lol19:19
haughtysays that it isnt a satement tho19:19
dvyjonesI have a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick. Anyone got an idea on how to make it work on ubuntu?19:19
lswesthaughty: what data type is it?19:19
haughtytried with = sign, but didnt go back to null19:19
confudedLjL: YES it is a ip100 PIXMA canon printer19:19
haughtyits a integer19:19
confudedLjL: they even provide drivers for it19:19
lswesthaughty: I'd just set it to 0 then19:19
haughtyno, sorry.. a string19:19
confudedLjL: it's on the bottom of ip's19:19
confudedLjL: ;)19:20
eighty4has anyone tried photorec? I'm trying to recover a partition and right now photorec have found 21000+ mp3 files. I'm sure I didn't have that many mp3 files. Could anything be wrong`19:20
w0ls0nit is possible for me to move my hard drives over to a different mobo and it will work fine?19:20
lswesthaughty: just set it to stringname="";19:20
alberticozamarax, gOS is based on ubuntu, so I guess you may get some help on this channel19:20
haughtygot a method checking for null you see.. would be great if I could somehow get it back to null..19:20
sasuke781anyone wanna help me with a theme?19:20
lswestI'd avoid null values where possible19:20
akahigelswest: would like the script to be able to recurse if there are selected directories, and keep (or make the directories 755) while chmoding the files to 644.19:20
haughtyk.. Ill try and avoid it then =) hehe19:20
lswesthaughty: good luck with it19:20
LjLconfuded: good luck, it's probably so new it isn't even *mentioned* at linuxprinting...19:20
sasuke781anyone help me with a theme?19:20
SchneeSchwarz!ask | sasuke78119:21
* sasuke781 is currently away: He is brb....19:21
ubottusasuke781: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:21
* sasuke781 is currently away: He is brb....19:21
lswestakahige: if you want multiple directories to be changed, you'll have to pass it seperately each time to the command19:21
LjL!away > sasuke781    (sasuke781, see the private message from Ubotu)19:21
* sasuke781 is currently away: He is brb....19:21
ubottusasuke781, please see my private message19:21
* sasuke781 is currently away: He is brb....19:21
dvyjonesI have a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 Joystick. Anyone got an idea on how to make it work on ubuntu?19:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick19:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sidewinder19:22
LjLsakoman: then please read and heed the message from ubottu :)19:22
lswestakahige: e.g. cd dir1 && chmod -R 644 *19:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:22
SiDi_2What is the command to completely repair a broken X server ?19:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm19:22
roukounis there any way to change the color of the cursor in gnome-terminal ?19:22
sasuke781i did ask my wuestion19:22
sasuke781can someone help me with a theme?19:22
LjLsakoman: ?19:22
LjL!anyone | sasuke78119:22
ubottusasuke781: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:22
LjL!away | sasuke78119:22
ubottusasuke781: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:22
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy19:22
akahigelswest: is that just an issue of setting up a loop, or is it more complicated?19:23
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ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:23
lswestakahige: I'm not sure, I'd have to play with a few scripts myself19:23
SiDi_2Can people stop playing with the bot please? :|19:23
sasuke781ugh, its the vista theme, cant you answer a simple question instead of saying...OH here19:23
piasdombut they like it :)19:23
sasuke781no i dont19:23
lswestakahige: if you want, email me a detailed outline of what you want passed and what you want to happen at lswest@live.co.uk19:23
nelson_mtkwanhi there. I am a newbie in ubuntu. I have just setup the automounting of my partition by the 1st method on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions, which containing Chinese file name. Everything goes rights except those Chinese file name. They all became question marks!!! Can anybody here help me?19:24
lswestakahige: I'll sort it out and email you the script I come up with by tomorrow afternoon at the latest then19:24
SiDi_2Does anyone know what is the command line that does the same  thing as "fix xorg" in recovery mode, please ?19:24
sasuke781simple question....can someone help me with the vista gtk theme or not?19:24
akahigelswest: thanks.  I'll do that.19:24
LjLsasuke781: if you just want an answer so badly - no19:24
rakgeniusi want to run tranmission daily at 2 am..hv 2 do it19:24
lswestakahige: no problem, hopefully it'll be simpler than we both think19:24
bronzewalla84stuck at 640x480 display, someone please help19:24
SiDi_2nelson_mtkwan: the OS from which you wrote them was probably using a personal character encoding system instead of UTF-8 that it should have been using.19:24
sasuke781wow....that reminds me why i left this channel and server the last time...thanks for nothing19:25
confudedLjL: well, thanks! Though Canon happens to provide an unworking driver....19:25
dulakwhat a dbag19:25
StealThisAliasGreat to see people are expecting something for nothing here...!19:25
StealThisAliasSiDi_2, take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-504591.html19:25
StealThisAliasThat might be what you're after, I think..19:25
SiDi_2StealThisAlias: i got no X server, cant really browse teh web :(19:26
evan_I need a good walk through on how to install an  AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter19:26
StealThisAliasAhh I see sorry... Hang on I'll have a look!19:26
SiDi_2Thanks :)19:26
confuded_LjL: do every windows printer driver comes with a PPD file???19:26
lswestSiDi_2: you can use w3 or elinks to browse from CLI19:26
gta4kvHey all! I got a problem with my printer. Ubuntu don't recognize this. And when I start "system-config-printer" I got a error:  http://paste.org.ru/?ktljd719:26
SiDi_2I think the command is something like dpkg-reconfigure --something but i just cant remember :/19:26
JakeMonwhat program do i use to configure what init.d startup scripts to run when booting my computer?19:26
bronzewalla84can anyone help with ATI Raedeon card? stuck at poor resolution19:26
lswestSiDi_2: what are you trying to do?19:27
LjL!fixres | SiDi_219:27
StealThisAliasSiDi_2: Try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:27
ubottuSiDi_2: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:27
rakgeniusi want to run transmission daily at 2 am using crontab...hv 2 d it19:27
okbartcan I use a usb drive to save livecd settings so it boots back to my current setup?19:27
outbackwifiokbart: sure19:27
SiDi_2Thanks StealThisAlias19:28
balzHi.  When I use the alternate install CD and select the option to encrypt my computer witn an LVM, I ubiquity always uses an insane amount of disk space for swap (approx 10 gb!).  Is there a simple tutorial for manually setting up the lvm with custom logical partitions?19:28
okbartoutbackwifi: how?19:28
evan_ I need a good walk through on how to install an  AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter19:28
rakgeniusany soln?19:28
StealThisAliasYou're welcome SiDi_2, lemme know if it helps..!19:28
pavel-Hi. My gdm will not start on boot up (or at all for that matter). Instead of a login screen I get a blank (black) screen with an error message. The entire error message is squares including the, what I am assuming is, the OK button. After I click OK, gdm restarts (presumably) and the same blank screen with the same error appears. I have tried running `dpkg-reconfigure gdm' followed by `/etc/init.d/gdm restart' to no avail. I ran `dpkg-reconfigure x19:28
julianhi i got a problem i cant uninstall my vmware.server.deb its crashing. and since that i cant install new software. how can i get rid of it?19:28
outbackwifiokbart: see persistece option19:28
evan_ I need a good walk through on how to install an  AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter19:29
julianAR = atheros?19:29
brakkvatnAre there any Ubuntu Eee users here?19:29
okbartwow I love ubuntu19:29
brakkvatnThe wireless doesn't work after last update19:30
outbackwifievan use madwifi19:30
SiDi_2Sounds even worse now.19:30
dvyjonesAnyone got an idea on how to test if my joystick is working?19:30
evan_every article i have found doesn't help there is always some error in the process i don't know what to do19:30
SiDi_2It used to crash after showing the wallpaper and mouse cursor, now only the cursor19:30
SiDi_2and i cant open apps with a keyboard shortcut while i used to can19:30
rakgeniusguys sln to crontab19:31
SiDi_2Sounds like i'm gonna reinstall the whole OS -.-19:31
StealThisAliasWas gonna say SiDi_2, I'm afraid it sounds like a reinstall :(19:31
SiDi_2Its horrible, i just so dont have the time for this kind of things right now :(19:31
StealThisAliasPerhaps try on a different HD if you can to check if its a hardware issue19:31
SiDi_2and ive just done strictly NOTHING that could have caused a crash19:31
lswestSiDi_2: what's your graphics card?  What driver do you use?19:32
SiDi_2its not hardware. wouldnt let me login and then crash19:32
evan_what is the easiest way to install madwifi and get it working19:32
SiDi_2nvidia 8800gts, last drivers on repo, and didnt touch anything19:32
SiDi_2I think it comes from gnome/compiz :/19:32
lswestSiDi_2: the dpkg-reconfigure will have set up some other driver for you to use, probably, therefore the login may not show up if the driver is unsupported19:32
Tundrayeti312SiDi_2: a reinstall is probably a bit extreme for a X/graphics card driver issue19:33
lswestSiDi_2: try rebooting, then if that doesn't work, try re-installing your graphics driver19:33
pavel-Hi. My gdm will not start on boot up (or at all for that matter). Instead of a login screen I get a blank (black) screen with an error message. The entire error message is squares including the, what I am assuming is, the OK button. After I click OK, gdm restarts (presumably) and the same blank screen with the same error appears. I have tried running `dpkg-reconfigure gdm' followed by `/etc/init.d/gdm restart' to no avail. I ran `dpkg-reconfigure x19:33
SiDi_2if i startx from root it works.19:33
SiDi_2lswest: it has 0% things to do with my GPU.19:34
evan_i need help on getting madwifi working19:34
evan_i have hit a brick wall19:34
okbartI've connected my windows machine to my ubuntu machine by network cable. What's the next step to have them assign ip addresses etc?19:34
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lswestSiDi_2: if you run startx from normal user, does it give you and errors?19:34
SiDi_2lswest: no errors on tty1 or 8, just that it wont load anything apart from mouse cursor19:34
evan_I have looked through a lot of articles and nothing that i have found works19:35
lswestSiDi_2: My gut feeling is that the monitor or gfx card isn't configured properly, but I don't know19:35
w0ls0nit is possible for me to move my hard drives over to a different mobo and it will work fine?19:35
n8tuserpavel--> we can take a look at your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom  can you paste it pastebin?19:35
TAR-21i have finded a bug in lasted ubuntu version19:36
evan_can any one help me with getting mad wifi installed19:36
Tundrayeti312SiDi_2: sudo startx and everything works fine, otherwise only the mouse cursor shows up?19:36
SiDi_2lswest: it wouldnt work with startx from root then19:36
StealThisAliasw0lw0n: To my knowledge, that should work fine, I don't think Ubuntu is hardware-dependant (not sure if thats the right wording...)19:36
TAR-21root bug19:36
SiDi_2Tundrayeti312: exactly19:36
mysticdarkhackanyone know a command to enable video in termial?19:36
Tundrayeti312any reason root would be using a different xorg.conf file?19:36
=== bloodelybay is now known as Papa_Smurf
lswestSiDi_2: gonna let someone else jump in, I'm not sure.  Check the permissions of your xorg.conf file though19:37
SiDi_2Well, i got only root and my main account19:37
evan_can any one help me with getting mad wifi installed19:37
mysticdarkhackvideo driver that come with ubuntu19:37
SiDi_2lswest: what should it be?19:37
SiDi_2rwx r r, right ?19:37
lswestSiDi_2: yup19:38
Stormx2mysticdarkhack, enable video? explain...19:38
StealThisAliasHeres one for you guys... Firefox will randomly stop loading some web pages half way through... I've tried all the usual tricks (disabling IPv6, full reinstall of Firefox and all addons, disable all addons....) nothing works.. Any ideas before I wipe and reload?19:38
defryskStealThisAlias, to many addons ?19:38
Stormx2defrysk: he said he disabled the addons19:39
evan_i can't get madwifi working i need help19:39
StealThisAliasdefrysk: Tried completely removing all addons, only got AdBlock Plus, Foxmarks and Stumbleupon19:39
Stormx2StealThisAlias, Does it only affect FF?19:39
defryski see it now too yes19:39
jamnzwhat is a good program for disk management in Ubuntu 8.04? I want to change external drive from NTFS to FAT3219:39
StealThisAliasStormx2: Haven't actually tested any other browser, good idea... Any recommendations that I can get via Synaptic?19:39
pavel-n8tuser: here's my gdm.conf-custom: http://paaste.ubuntu.com/6163419:39
SiDi_2Its related to the session19:39
defryskjamnz, gparted19:39
Stormx2jamnz, I don't think ubuntu can do an on-the-fly conversion.19:39
SiDi_2I made a test user and it just works with startx19:39
csilkevan_, whats the prob?19:39
mysticdarkhackStormx2, well, I want to tried enable ati driver on intrepid in terminal, because when I boot up, I end up in black screen, so I probably need to enable the ati driver.19:40
gta4kv>> Hey all! I got a problem with my printer. Ubuntu don't recognize this. And when I start "system-config-printer" I got a error:  http://paste.org.ru/?ktljd719:40
pavel-n8tuser: sorry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/61634 (typo)19:40
Tundrayeti312SiDi_2: very strange... one question i have... if you sudo startx, and then ctl+alt+backspace later what happens?19:40
Stormx2defrysk, you'll need to back up your data to another partition, delete the original partition, then create a new ntfs partition in it's place, and copy your data back19:40
harryjrtrying to install ubuntu on my 2nd gen macbook w/ alternate-cd. instal went fine, rEFIt sees my new ubuntu (dualboot), but when i select to boot into ubuntu it just shows the tux image and nothing happens..19:40
SiDi_2Tundrayeti312: still bugs19:40
mysticdarkhackStormx2, sorry is that doesn't make any since or whatso ever19:40
SiDi_2after X restart or hardware restart19:40
SiDi_2i'll backup and delete my .compiz and .gnome directories just to see19:40
Stormx2mysticdarkhack: Have you tried rebooting again? It could've been a fluke19:41
jamnzis gpart a GUI application?19:41
Stormx2jamnz, gparted. yes, it is.19:41
defryskjamnz, yes but as stormix said , you need to back up first then19:41
mysticdarkhackStormx2, yeah, but still end up the same19:41
n8tuserpavel--> have you tried those commands as suggested on that file ?19:41
confuded_[Printer] I have a Canon PIXMA ip100 (not the ip1000) and it seem to be absolutly unreposnsive with the official driver. CUPS is not even adding my jobs!19:42
Stormx2mysticdarkhack, check the X log, and you'll probably be better suited getting help in #xorg19:42
Meeso_OSwhat types of partitions can I install Kubuntu on?19:42
Studiosushi, all! I burnt dvd with growisofs -udf but now I can't mount it as dvd? mount -t udf says in /var/log/messages: 'UDF-fs: No VRS found'19:43
Stormx2Meeso_OS: A good few. Default is ext3, and you'll need to reformat the partition anyway, why?19:43
Meeso_OSbecause I am installing kubuntu on a different partition19:43
Ascorbic_AcidCould someone tell  me what is scype? or how to spell it19:43
Meeso_OSI am going to dual boot19:44
pavel-n8tuser: I have not yet, as I just restored my xorg.conf (and hopefully my consoles) using the LiveCD. I will try in a minute. (Is there a single/several config files I can restore from the LiveCD for gdm ? )19:44
Meeso_OSwhats recommended/ best for installing on19:44
n8tuserconfuded_-> did it create a ppd file in /etc/cups/ppd/  ?19:44
SiDi_2Damn what can it be?19:44
Meeso_OSor, does/can the installer reformat it19:44
Stormx2Meeso_OS: ext3 is the default partition type. You should use that unless you have a good reason to not do so.19:44
mysticdarkhackStormx2, thanks19:44
SiDi_2What is it when one session doesnt work but others do?19:44
n8tuserpavel not sure, if there are many gdm related files19:44
defryskMeeso_OS, ext3 is default, if you have to ask, use ext319:44
mysticdarkhackStormx2, but it all good19:44
jamnzusing xchat, how can I stop these join and depart messages from appearing in my chat window?19:45
jamnzthanks again19:45
Stormx2Meeso_OS, the installer will format the partition for you, you don't need to do it beforehand19:45
SiDi_2Could it come from an app that would try to launch?19:45
SiDi_2Where is the list of apps to launch stored ?19:45
Meeso_OSmy L: partition is NFTS, so just boot it, and it will do the rest?19:45
Stormx2SiDi_2: System > Preferences > Sessions. Not sure where it's stored in files/folders19:46
Stormx2Meeso_OS, I don't know enough about your system to know.19:46
Meeso_OSIts an x8619:46
piasdomis there a list of commands used by ubuntu in a terminal ?19:46
Stormx2Meeso_OS, you're currently a windows user, yes?19:46
Meeso_OSwith an AMD processor19:46
Meeso_OSI wish to dual boot19:46
=== SunWuKung|away is now known as SunWuKung|away|a
plasmaroxI dual boot XP and Ubuntu :D19:47
Meeso_OSI did too19:47
plasmaroxas you do :p19:47
Stormx2piasdom: ubuntu comes with a load of commands/applications. Why do you ask?19:47
Meeso_OSbut it took up too much space19:47
Studiosushow can I disable automount of CDs in Hardy?19:47
n8tuserpiasdom-> yes, do this .. hit tab key twice and say yes19:47
pc_doodeHelp please! I'm running Live session 64-bit Ubuntu, I am trying to install updates but some have failed and says I need su priviliges when I goto terminal and try to do su it asks for a pasword? I don't have one as far as I know! Anyone have any ideas?19:47
Stormx2Studiosus: Might want to try #gnome for that if you can't get answer here19:47
piasdomi would like a list i can print and learn more about ubuntu19:48
rakgeniusedit users nd groups19:48
Stormx2pc_doode, why are you installing updates from a live session?19:48
SiDi_2Stormx2: from command line? :P19:48
vaughnAny confirmation that the Release Candidate for 8.10 is coming today?19:48
Stormx2!cli | piasdom19:48
ubottupiasdom: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:48
Meeso_OSwish me luck!!!19:48
Stormx2piasdom, a full list won't help you at all19:48
FloodBot1Meeso_OS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:48
Stormx2Meeso_OS: Hold up.19:48
n8tuserpiasdom-> yes, do this .. hit tab key twice and say yes  <-- you can print this19:48
Stormx2Meeso_OS: How many partitions do you have currently?19:48
piasdomhahahahha   i know19:48
Stormx2What are they used for?19:49
Meeso_OSWindows is on C:19:49
Stormx2One is C:\ I assume.19:49
Meeso_OSand the empty, new one19:49
Meeso_OSis L:19:49
Meeso_OSfor linux! :P19:49
piasdom2200 possibilities :)   cool19:49
defryskStudiosus, you can set it up in nautilus19:49
Stormx2Meeso_OS, delete the second partition. I already said that you shouldn't create the target partition from windows19:49
pavel-n8tuser: I still dont have the local consoles (ctrl+alt+[1-6]) after restoring xorg.conf, so I can't run any of the suggested commands. I guess first order would be to figure out how to get those back now.19:49
Stormx2Meeso_OS, windows can't create ext3 partitions, so you'd only need to delete it anyway19:50
Meeso_OSAcronis can19:50
ceppe\server irc.darksin.eu/horror19:50
Meeso_OSI'm using Acronis Disk Director19:50
Stormx2Meeso_OS, really you're just making life difficult for yourself. Delete it. Then from the installer, when it asks where to install ubuntu, check the "use free space" option.19:50
Studiosusdefrysk thanks a lot19:50
piasdomguess i was looking for a list WITH a small discription :)19:50
defryskStudiosus, nautilus > edit >preferences > select media tab19:51
Stormx2It'll then recreate a partition in the unpartitioned space and take care of it all for you.19:51
FloodBot1Meeso_OS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:51
Meeso_OSI deleted it19:51
Stormx2!enter | Meeso_OS19:51
ubottuMeeso_OS: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:52
defryskMeeso_OS, you talk too much ;p19:52
confuded_n8tuser: sorry, where again?19:52
confuded_n8tuser: yes it did!19:52
Stormx2Uhg. I can't believe I helped some anti-tax person :(19:53
dvyjonesOk, I got my joystick working on /dev/input/js0, but it won't appear in the program I need it for (Second life)!19:53
w0ls0nit is possible for me to move my hard drives over to a different mobo and it will work fine?19:53
pipegeekfigured it was worth a shot...19:54
dublpawsw0ls0n: maybe19:54
pipegeekI just installed ubuntu server, and then I installed firefox.  And sound simply refuses to work.19:54
confuded_n8tuser: any ideas?19:54
pipegeekNo warnings, nothing.  It just never opens the sound card.19:54
=== confuded_ is now known as confuded
oobew0ls0n, most likley i have done it before19:54
pipegeekany idea why this might be?  alsa and oss are both working fine.19:55
oobei know people who do it with windows to which is more likely for mess up than linux19:55
pipegeekErr, I suppose I should specify that *flash* in firefox refuses to open the soundcard19:55
okbartE: Couldn't find package dnsmasq19:56
Wombat_hi, has anyone managed to compile the game xmris on ubuntu ?19:57
confudedAny printer gurus?19:57
dublpawsconfuded: what kind of printer?19:57
piasdomlater...thanks for ya'll help19:57
=== felix-da-catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
* piasdom is away: see ya monday19:58
confudeddublpaws: canon pixma ip100 (not ip1000)19:58
confudeddublpaws: linuxprinters only lists ip11019:58
confudeddublpaws: I can't even find such a model on google19:59
dublpawsconfuded: no idea, I've only troubleshot HP, sorry.19:59
JakeMonhow do i see what files a package installed and where?19:59
confudeddublpaws: thanks anyways :)19:59
FlannelJakeMon: dpkg -L package19:59
okbartwhat's the command I should use before make?19:59
=== doggymenz is now known as smallfoot-
okbartsomething like autoconfig19:59
dublpawsokbart: usually ./configure, but read the README or INSTALL20:00
okbartlivecd doesn't have configure?20:00
Flannelokbart: dnsmasq is in the repositories.20:01
Azhi_DahakaQuestion: Does MythTV work with Hardy?20:01
okbartflannel: is it a live cd problem that I can't apt-get install it?20:01
JakeMonFlannel: thanks20:02
okbartFlannel: I don't know what the repositories are. Do I need to reconfigure apt-get?20:02
Flannelokbart: You need to update first.  sudo apt-get update, to get the list of packages from the repositories.  You may also need to enable the repositories, we had one user yesterday who for some reason had them all disabled.  So, if `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dnsmasq` doesn't work, let me know.  Its a trivial matter to enable them20:02
okbartroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# apt-get install dnsmasq ipmasq20:02
okbartReading package lists... Done20:02
okbartBuilding dependency tree20:02
okbartReading state information... Done20:02
okbartE: Couldn't find package dnsmasq20:02
FloodBot1okbart: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
JakeMonwhat program do i use to configure what init.d startup scripts to run when booting my computer?20:03
dranyam_this is weird im  having trouble with flaash video but on youtube for example i see flash  playing all around me but the video doesnt work20:03
Flannel!startup | JakeMon20:03
ubottuJakeMon: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:03
Hamsunlol r u total n00b?20:03
dranyam_this is in firefox20:03
Flanneler, that's the wrong one, JakeMon20:03
Flannel!bum | JakeMon20:03
ubottuJakeMon: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:03
JakeMonFlannel: thanks again ^_^20:04
Gnea!noob > Hamsun20:04
ubottuHamsun, please see my private message20:04
mkquistconfuded: printer woes?20:04
eighty4is there a program that can edit filenames from tag info for movie files like there is for mp3 files?20:04
dranyam_i dont understand how flash is playing but the videos wont play20:04
HamsunWhat's jfgi?20:04
confudedmkquist: ?20:04
FlannelHamsun: look it up20:04
confudedmkquist: what does that mean?20:04
mkquistconfuded: who had the canon printer problem?20:04
Gneadranyam_: do they even have the play button on them?20:05
FloodBot1Hamsun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
=== alex-weej__ is now known as alex-weej
FlannelHamsun: Please take it elsewhere.20:05
okbartFlannel: it didn't work. Looks like apt-get update worked but still can't find dnsmasq20:05
dranyam_well   yes in the player20:05
HamsunTake what elsewhere?20:05
dranyam_but the screen just remains black20:05
confudedmkquist: me! it's not working!20:05
GneaHamsun: your attitude.20:05
HamsunDude.. -_-20:05
confudedmkquist: it's a Canon PIXMA ip10020:05
HamsunWhat's wrong with my attitude?20:05
FlannelHamsun: It's not on topic for this channel.  Look up the acronym if you're intent on finding out.20:05
bakermdHamsun, Seriously man20:05
vmeloanyone here see no partitions in ubuntu installer?20:05
JakeMonFlannel: is bum a gui program?20:05
FlannelJakeMon: I believe so20:05
joinericcan anybody help me with my screen resolution20:05
JakeMonFlannel: i need a cli program20:06
defryskJakeMon, yes20:06
Gneajoineric: what's wrong with it?20:06
vmeloI guess it's a gparted bug20:06
dranyam_and i mean videos play fine for me in vlc20:06
JakeMonwhat could i use thats equivelant to bum but accessible from the cli?20:06
FlannelJakeMon: There's plenty of alternatives, see the rest of the factoid and the wiki page about it, etc.  update-rc.d, etc20:06
dranyam_so its not a video card problem20:06
HamsunEverything HAS to be by the book, huh? And if you syntax-raped geektards see me disrupting the harmony of the channel, it's K-LINE for me!20:06
joinericGnea: i have an old ATI mobility rage card and i can only get 800x600 with it20:06
JakeMonthere isn't a default one that comes with the base installation?20:06
HamsunFuck ya'll.20:06
confudedmkquist: canon had just emailed me about not supporting the "Ubuntu operating system"20:06
HamsunI get it.20:07
HamsunI'll behave.20:07
SiDi_2What can cause a session not to open properly in graphical mode but any other ones to work ?20:07
Gneadranyam_: what version of flash did you install?  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flash | awk '{print $2 " " $3}'20:07
pavel-Well, I can't get my ctrl+alt+[1-6] consoles working at all now. So I just have a busted completely GDM and only access to terminals through the LiveCD (that and ctrl+alt+[1-6] when booting from LiveCD). Any ideas?20:07
mkquistconfuded: I was able to get my ip3000 working20:07
dranyam_10 i believe it said20:07
SiDi_2How to get a gnome config backed up to default ?20:07
vaughnAnyone have ipw2200 errors on install of the Intrepid beta?20:07
Flannelokbart: go to software sources, and enable them.  Or we can do it by editing a text file (which I always felt is faster and more straight forward).20:08
Gneajoineric: i'm having the same problem with a radeon 9000 :/20:08
Gneajoineric: maybe we can help each other out20:08
confudedmkquist: with which drivers?20:08
asulaohello. what reason may there be for ndiswrapper -l list my device hardware present, but then device ath0 not visible anywhere ?20:08
rwwhi | avarus20:08
avaruswhen I want to install "libgtkada-2.8" I get "libgtkada-2.8: Depends: libgnat-4.2 (>= 4.2.4-1ubuntu3) but 4.2.3-2ubuntu2 is to be installed"20:08
avarushi rww20:08
defryskvaughn, /j #ubuntu+120:08
Gneajoineric: i started by looking at this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:08
dranyam_Gnea adobe-flashplugin
avarusand I'm wondering what's the catch with libgtkada-2.8, any idea?20:09
mkquistconfuded: i used some the the ip4200 that I found online20:09
vaughnthx defrysk20:09
rwwavarus, can you copy your /etc/apt/sources.lst file to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?20:09
mkquistconfuded: worked like a charm, and I didn't think I'd be able to use my canon w/linux20:09
joinericGnea: really? do yo have a small screen with a bunch of black screen all around it?20:09
Azhi_Dahakawhere can i see a list of changes between Intrepid and Hardy?20:09
=== SiDi_2 is now known as SiDi
avarusrww, http://paste.ubuntu.com/61648/ :)20:10
dranyam_same thing on hulu.com20:10
dranyam_maybe its firefoxx20:10
dranyam_i dunno20:10
Gneadranyam_: sudo apt-get remove adobe-flashplugin && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:11
* MANIAKA7000 bye all!20:11
confudedmkquist: ok thanks I'll go and try that now after I finish replying to Canon :P20:11
asulaohello. what reason may there be for ndiswrapper -l list my device hardware present, but then device ath0 not visible anywhere ?20:11
okbartFlannel: thanks it worked20:11
Gneadranyam_: make sure you close FF3 first20:11
mkquistconfuded: check here http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/Software/Linux/2006/features.asp20:11
the_lost_oneAzhi_Dahaka, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/beta#New%20Features%20since%20Ubuntu%208.0420:11
mkquistconfuded: i think that's where i got em20:11
rwwavarus, thanks, give me a minute to poke around the package lists20:11
chapalefuholas samigos20:11
avarusrww, muchas gracias20:11
Azhi_Dahakathanks, the_lost_one20:11
the_lost_oneAzhi_Dahaka, np20:11
confudedmkquist: http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010626.asp20:12
Gneajoineric: no, i don't have the black screen around it - have you checked the System->Preferences->Screen Resolution?20:12
joinericGnea: thanks for that thread, that might be just what im looking for, but im at work so i got to go, good luck20:12
confudedmkquist: and canon tells me they have no support for my printer...20:12
Gneajoineric: thanks, you too20:12
confudedmkquist: thanks! I'll try them out...20:12
joinericGnea: yeah, i checked that and messed with my xorg.conf file but i can only get this small screen in 800x60020:12
pavel-Is there a way to reinstall GDM from the CD while booted with the LiveCD?20:13
Gneajoineric: you might need to reset the monitor rates20:13
jon55why i cany change screen resolution with gksu gnome-display-properties20:13
Azhi_Dahakalooks nifty20:13
BullterdWhy Does my cronjob now run?!!?!20:13
Azhi_Dahakais there a way to store my current hardy and test drive intrepid?20:13
defryskpavel-, cant you do a sudo apt-get install gdm --reinstall ?20:13
Varangerhello people20:14
avarusAzhi_Dahaka, paragon drive backup e.g. :)20:14
jon55 why i cant change screen resolution with gksu gnome-display-properties20:14
dranyam_yes and no20:14
dranyam_i played one20:14
dranyam_and it sounded like it was in fastforward20:14
dranyam_then tried another20:14
dranyam_and it doesnt even startt20:14
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs20:14
the_lost_onepavel-, yes, but its much more easyer if you can boot the machine without any cd and reinstall gdm on a terminal like defrysk says20:15
avarusAzhi_Dahaka, I bought an extra drive to test the new version20:15
vmeloanyone here got no partitions in ubuntu installer (beta)?20:15
Flannelvmelo: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks20:15
jon55 why i cant change screen resolution with gksu gnome-display-properties20:15
dranyam_but i just read up and ff3  was open when i did that20:15
vmeloFlannel: thanks20:15
dranyam_should i redo it20:15
JakeMonhow do i list all the scripts set to startup and their runlevels?20:15
chapalefuin spanish please20:15
Flannel!es | chapalefu20:15
ubottuchapalefu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:15
pavel-the_lost_one: i have no access to a terminal, login screen does not come up (instead just a cryptic error), and my ctrl+alt+[1-6] terminals do not work for some reason20:16
jon55 why i cant change screen resolution with gksu gnome-display-properties20:16
defryskpavel-, did you do something funny to achieve that result ?20:16
rwwavarus: okays, looks like the wrong version is in universe. An update that'll fix it is in hardy-proposed; if you'd like, you could add that repository and that'd fix your problem20:17
Gneadranyam_: should be alright - just restart FF320:17
Flannelavarus, rww: just don't install everything from hardy-proposed, it'll break more than it fixes.20:17
avarusrww, yes, I'd like to fix my problem...what's the repository?20:17
avarusFlannel, it's already broken, so no worry for me :)20:17
dranyam_one more question and ill go away20:18
Curious-TuxHow to install Printer Canon LBP1120 in ubuntu 8.04?20:18
dranyam_my keyboard is waaaaaaaaaaaay to sensiitive20:18
jon55help please20:18
dranyam_barely touching a key makes it repeat20:18
jon55 why i cant change screen resolution with gksu gnome-display-properties20:18
dranyam_anywhere i can adjust this20:18
pavel-defrysk: lets see, installed coq, coqide last night, during the night there was a power outage, came back, GDM is broken, while trying to fix it, reconfigured xserver-xorg with dpkg, after that, lost all terminals20:18
rwwFlannel,avarus: True. Avarus, let me go find the specific file you need, and you could just download that one, rather than adding the whole repo.20:18
Flanneldranyam_: You mean the repeat time is... yeah.  Check the keyboard preferences page20:18
dranyam_thanks for the help guys20:19
h_hi. i want to start dhclient at startup but i disabled graphic boot (gdm), how can i do it?20:19
confudedmkquist: how did you install them?20:19
Gneadranyam_: cheers20:19
Curious-TuxHow to install Printer Canon LBP1120 in ubuntu 8.04?20:19
avarusrww, great :)20:19
confudedmkquist: make && make install?20:19
OeXI unrared the eclipse archive from their website and installed open JDK and it works really slow, any ideas why?20:20
Daremonaihello, is there some utility that will tell how many how many people (IPs) are accessing the different services I am running? (website (which sites) - ftp - ssh - vnc - etc.) ?20:20
FlannelOeX: Try using sun's java20:20
DigitalFizive installed samba and configured it like i do every other linux distro i usually do but for some reason i cant get xp/vista to see it and the ubuntu machine cant see them20:20
dranyam_there   thats better20:21
dranyam_thank god20:21
dranyam_that was killing me20:21
smoovepQuestion: when running a dns server, where is the entries stored? i would like to make a change to one.. Thanks...20:21
confudedmkquist: did you use alien?20:21
dranyam_soo ive just about completed everything i need with 8.10   on the dell mini 920:21
smoovepDigitalFiz? check the GATEWAY .. make sure they are using the same gateway ip address...20:21
the_lost_oneDaremonai, you have in a fast way netstat, or in ncurses based you have iptraf, wich i like more20:21
mkquistconfuded: no20:22
DigitalFizsmoovep, they are20:22
avarusdranyam, nice :)20:22
smoovepdranyam: how is the dell mini..20:22
Daremonaithe_lost_one alright, thanks, i'll get that20:22
mkquistconfuded: i just installed em20:22
dranyam_im in love20:22
dranyam_with the mini20:22
the_lost_oneDaremonai, np :)20:22
confudedmkquist: but they are rpm's!20:22
dranyam_got skype and webcam working20:22
smoovepDigitalFiz: can you ping the two ip address between the two computers....20:22
dranyam_sounds  great20:22
chill_Hello everyone20:22
dranyam_but im still a bit confused on this youtube business20:22
dranyam_and hulu.com still wont work20:23
DigitalFizsmoovep, yeah everythign is fine between them i can ping/ssh everything just no windows network visibility20:23
mkquistconfuded: i just looked at alien, the ones i d/l were debs20:23
jon55help help help20:23
plasmaroxhi chill20:23
rwwavarus: actually, better idea: follow the instructions in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed , including the ones in the "Selective Upgrading..." section20:23
jon55 why i cant change screen resolution with gksu gnome-display-properties20:23
der|kunstlercan you run ubuntu with 96 MB of RAM ?20:23
chill_im building a usb stick for students in my home town, does the Kernel handle ALL the drivers in ubuntu? or there are some in user space?20:23
confudedmkquist: oh ok, they were probably converted to deb using alien :P thanks!20:23
smoovepDigitalFiz: are they using the same dns server?20:23
DigitalFizsmoovep, yup20:23
mkquistconfuded: no the package i d/l'ed had both in it20:23
rwwavarus: once you do that, apt-get will only install from hardy-proposed if you tell it to (aka for this particular package), and to get required dependencies.20:24
jon55could you help me?20:24
smoovepthat should do it.. once they can both see the same dns server it should work..20:24
dranyam_and ive found some group that seems to be all about ubuntu 8.10 in the mini20:24
mkquistconfuded: extracted had rpms and debs20:24
der|kunstlerI have a machine with 96 MB of SDRAM... I'm having problems installing ubuntu20:24
avarusrww, I'll try that20:24
chill_jon55 what happens if you try without gksu?20:24
dranyam_maybe they can help with the hulu.com and youtube issues20:24
jon55the same20:24
confudedmkquist: I am confused...20:24
chill_kunstler try light ubuntu20:24
der|kunstlerchill_, hahaha... lol, light ubuntu ?20:25
jon55Cant change resolution monitor cloning20:25
Gneader|kunstler: you need 256MB. you might want to try elivecd.org20:25
chill_kunstler ill show you20:25
der|kunstlerchill_, didn't know there was a light version....20:25
youknowmeHow would one scrape text off an image?20:25
mkquistconfuded: if you like20:25
chill_its the lighest possible20:25
der|kunstlerGnea, the enlightenment cd can run with 96 MB ?20:25
spunkyouknowme: use GIMP.20:25
smoovepDigitalFiz, can you ping google.com by name from the ubuntu machine?20:25
der|kunstlerchill_, something like the DSL ?20:26
Gneader|kunstler: it's minimum requirements are 100mhz cpu and 64MB ram.20:26
chill_you better try DSL20:26
der|kunstlerGnea, that's what I need20:26
youknowmespunk, I'll look into that.20:26
Gneaelive > dsl20:26
chill_im reading the requeriments for that ubuntu and they ask for 192 min ram20:26
DigitalFizsmoovep, yeah im right here talking to you on the machine seem the only problem is samba20:26
der|kunstlerGnea, that one has gnome ?, or xfce20:26
chill_not good20:26
confudedmkquist: IT PRINTED A WHITE TEST PAGE!!!!20:26
mkquistconfuded: woot20:26
mkquistconfuded: or not?20:26
Gneader|kunstler: neither, e17 (and e16, but e17 by default)20:26
jinI am experiencing flash installation problem. I have installed the plugin to ~/.mozilla/plugins but still no flash in firefox. any one having this problem with flash 10? it also appears that the dependencie for flash 10 in the rpeo is broken.20:26
der|kunstlerGnea, ubuntu lite ?20:26
smoovepDigitalFiz, quick fix.. add the xp machines to hosts file .. do the same on xp and you should be cool...20:26
confudedmkquist: it was white though... let me try some colors :P20:27
mkquistconfuded: lol20:27
Gneader|kunstler: oh, no idea, never used it. but if it needs 192MB...20:27
jon55help  why i cany change screen resolution with gnome-display-properties20:27
chill_Ubuntulite runs LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment20:27
smoovepDigitalFiz, but you're having some dns issues that need to be resolved..20:27
the_lost_onekunwon1, http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/index_es.html 16MB of ram lol20:27
confudedmkquist: I just used the ubuntu printer setup utility and selected the ip4200 siplified driver :P20:27
der|kunstlerGnea, well.. I think my friend only has 96 mb... I think I'd better go for DSL20:27
J-_what command will let me create a cron with root privs?20:27
jbr_uxsudo crontab -e20:27
smoovepQuestion? Where does named store DNS entries ?  Thanks.20:28
chill_or Windows 9520:28
chill_your choices20:28
Gneader|kunstler: elive would really be a better choice... but okay, good luck.20:28
chill_windows 98 could work too20:28
chill_and the SE has usb support =P20:28
der|kunstleryeah, or minix20:28
youknowmespunk, maybe I'm not looking hard enough. How would I use Gimp to scrape text off of an image?20:28
der|kunstlerminix was it ?20:28
der|kunstlerhaha lol... unbuntu lite requires 96mb ram20:28
Gneano gui, just straight up cli20:28
der|kunstlerGnea, yeah, I was using slackware from 96 to 2003, I can tell :P20:29
louisehow can I recover .Xauthority? I can't login to gnome. The login windows keeps turning on and off. The Xorg log says I have the connection to xserver is being refused20:29
der|kunstlerbut this one has 96mb ram on ubuntulite :P20:29
spunkyouknowme: well, it depends what you mean by scraping off. I thought you needed an application to edit pixelated pictures... Can you describe more in detail your needs?20:29
confudedmkquist: damn20:29
csilkder|kunstler, same, I'm an ex-slacker :D20:29
confudedmkquist: just prints a white page :(20:29
the_lost_oneder|kunstler,  my boos has booted gentoo with 8 MB of ram, mounting the swap and boot time haha20:29
DigitalFizsmoovep, no dns issues its samba, the ubuntu box dont see the windows shares and the windows boxes dont see the ubuntu shares20:29
confudedmkquist: at least it responds :P20:29
der|kunstlercsilk, I learned linux underground stuff... but now I just wanna use it20:29
Gneader|kunstler: haha i used it till 2001, then i found debian20:29
der|kunstlerthe_lost_one, hahah lol..... only with the INITRD?20:30
jon55help:  why i cant change screen resolution with  gnome-display-properties20:30
dulakder|kunstler: I ran slack from 93 to 2000, I can't go back to no package management20:30
mkquistconfuded: i can send you the ones i d/l'd if you like20:30
JakeMonis there a ncurses program for managing users on  the cli?20:30
Gneadulak: agreed.20:30
mkquistconfuded: drivers that is20:30
der|kunstlerdulak, exactly... to compile stuff it's a nightmare20:30
chill_im building a usb stick to sell to students tired of windows pcs in cybercoffees with viruses, whats my best choice for speed and hardware compatibility?20:30
the_lost_oneder|kunstler, yeah i think so20:30
youknowmespunk, I scanned in a paper with text on it, created a png image, now I want to scrape the text off of the image and create a text file.20:30
csilkder|kunstler, yeah, distros like slack force you to spend so much time doign basic sys admin work when all I wanted to do was be productive, ubuntu wins, although I owe everything I know about linux to slackware20:30
J-_jbr_ux:  It says: "no crontab for root - using an empty one" "crontab: installing new crontab" ""/tmp/crontab.8jfAgB/crontab":1: bad minute" errors in crontab file, can't install." Not sure why.20:30
der|kunstlerwell... thank you guys! keep ubunting! :D20:30
chill_you need OCR youknowme20:30
dulakslackware rocked to learn linux, but it sucks to manage in a multi-server environment20:30
asathoorhow can I change pychess to port 23?20:31
confudedmkquist: em, sure :) Tha will be great20:31
der|kunstlercsilk, ubuntu works right off the bat20:31
spunkyouknowme: ah, ok. then you need an OCR application. Lets see...20:31
der|kunstlercsilk, I mean... it's a more serious thing... slackware is for geeks20:31
spencehi ubuntu, i'm Windows XP to Ubuntu casualty number 90149018420:31
chill_does anybody know why tunar doesnt automount hard drives even thou they are in my fstab and nautilus does it?20:31
der|kunstlercsilk, who cares of configuring linux from scratch ?, anyways20:31
jon55help:  why i cant change screen resolution with20:31
eighty4is there a program that can edit filenames from tag info for movie files like there is for mp3 files?20:32
chill_jon55 you need to go to the ubuntu forums and search for the model of your graphic card20:32
=== vitaly is now known as fusuka
spenceyes, eighty4. it is called ID3 tagging and if you Google search ID3 tagging, for instance a program like MusicBrainz will turn up to assist you20:32
jon55i did that -  they didnt knew20:32
chill_whats that model?20:33
jon55My rsdeon 9250 is unsupported20:33
spunkyouknowme: look for an app called tesseract-ocr20:33
chill_we'll thats bad20:33
erUSULjon55: try "gksudo displayconfig-gtk"20:33
chill_have you tried setting the resolution in your xorg.conf?20:33
asathooranyone here playing pychess on fics?20:33
eighty4spence: Isn't MusicBrainz only for mp3 files?20:34
youknowmespunk, got it, installing now.20:34
spencewould anyone be willing to help diagnose my XP/Ubuntu issue? I've already tried drive mapping with the GRUB menu.lst20:34
spunkyouknowme: nice20:34
Minty95when the final 8,10 come out will it update the beat version that I'm running ?20:34
jbr_uxJ-_ : sth.s wrong with ur crontab entry20:34
chill_whats the problem spence?20:34
csilkIs there known bug where an atheros card says it's installed and in use in the hardware drivers menu but there is no wifi option anywhere?20:34
csilksuch as the nm-applet etc20:34
eighty4spence: I want the same for _movie_ files20:34
FlannelMinty95: Yes20:34
oomphmy ubuntu hangs up at the splash screen?20:34
J-_jbr_ux:  what?20:34
spenceeighty4 that's right. sorry i skimmed your question. i'm not sure about audio visual files.20:34
oomphhow can i troubleshoot it20:34
VirusKongeni gets an error when i wanna play DVDS with movie player aand codecs (cannot read from reccourse)20:34
the_lost_onecsilk, yeah20:34
jon55It worked20:34
oomphthis began happening after an update20:34
chill_oopmh does it work the in live cd?20:34
csilkthe_lost_one, can you provide info or url?20:35
jon55You are my hero - for next 10 min20:35
VirusKongenand in VLC nothing happens20:35
the_lost_onecsilk, sure20:35
chill_oomph have you tried the other kernels? the older ones?20:35
spencechill_: i installed Ubuntu over XP and I appear to have wiped out the master boot record that XP relies upon. when I add XP manually to the GRUB loader i get an error that NTLDR is not present20:35
oomphtrying them now20:35
Minty95Flannel, thanks20:35
youknowmespunk, hmm.. running tesseract-ocr in the terminal tells me command not found..20:35
VirusKongenplz help20:35
youknowmespunk, maybe I should try gocr?20:35
chill_spence im sorry i can't help you20:35
jbr_uxJ-_  you have entered sth. wrong what did you type in?20:35
apreichnerI'm having a problem with install the Nvidia restricted driver on Ubuntu 8.1020:35
spunkyouknowme: it seems to me that tesseract only support tiff images. so you need to convert from png to tiff.20:35
Flannelapreichner: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks20:36
spunkyouknowme: have you tried "hash -r"?20:36
eighty4spence: I might want to boot from a win xp cd and restore mdr boot from that and then reinstall grub20:36
the_lost_onecsilk, this one whas my bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22854820:36
jon55<erUSUL> is best20:36
csilkthe_lost_one, before i read, was there a fix or workaround discussed?20:36
eighty4spence: I*ve had the same problem, but it was a _long time ago20:36
Pirate_Hunterhow do i check UID belonging to my partitions? is there a command to show partitions by UID?20:36
FlannelPirate_Hunter: blkid20:37
spenceeighty4, i need to be careful that i don't wipe out my access to Ubuntu because it's my only PC20:37
dHEhey, can i query an operator? i need help20:37
spenceif i reinstall the MBR will Ubuntu be inaccessible?20:37
the_lost_onecsilk, yeah i get it working building mandwifi, looking fot the url, one sec20:37
chill_spence yes it will20:37
jinhow do you set firefox to open torrent files with deluge instead of transmission?20:37
eighty4spence: Doing that from the xp-cd will remove grub20:37
erUSULdHE: about what?20:37
spunkyouknowme: I've installed tessract-ocr. I can run in from terminal with "tesseract".20:37
Pirate_HunterFlannel: your a genious thanx20:37
csilkthe_lost_one, yeah we just did that, built madwif then did modpribe ath_pci etc20:37
csilkstil nothing20:37
eighty4spence: thats why you'll have to reinstall grub. But it can be tricky and noting I suggest if you dont have another comuter20:38
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spencehmm, why can't Microsoft, Apple and Linux just work on a boot loader that plays together?20:38
youknowmespunk, hash -r appears to do nothing, tesseract-ocr still gives me command not found..20:38
dHEhow to create a irc server in my internal network?20:38
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youknowmespunk, I'll look into it, thanks for the help!20:38
erUSULdHE: install and configure a irc server?20:38
erUSUL!find ircd20:38
ubottuFound: dancer-ircd, dancer-ircd-doc, inspircd, inspircd-dbg, ircd-hybrid (and 7 others)20:39
=== visi_ is now known as visik7
dHEyeah. i has already installed ircd, but i don't know how to create a channel20:39
dHEand register this, in my server20:39
the_lost_onecsilk, you grabed this one? -> madwifi-hal-
csilkthe_lost_one,  yup20:40
avarusrww, thanks, after I followed the wiki entry I issued "aptitude install libgtkada-2.8 -t hardy-proposed" and it installed it successfully :)20:41
Pirate_Hunteris there a way to get gnome-terminal to log everything to a file?20:41
spunkyouknowme: youre welcome, good luck!20:41
erUSULPirate_Hunter: man script20:41
rwwavarus: glad to hear it :D20:41
csilkthe_lost_one, did you have to modprobe anything after install?20:42
mnI am missing libncurses and libcurses.  How do i get them?20:42
the_lost_onecsilk, so you unloaded (rmmod) old drivers, deleted the old atheros modules (rm -rf) and compiled the new ones and loaded again (modprobe) and still dont work?20:42
csilkthe_lost_one, we didnt use the driver you just linked us to , we used an older one, thats probs where the issue was20:43
csilkthe_lost_one,  this isnt for me, this is just me helping someone out, I didnt realise this was a known bug to begin with20:43
Pirate_HuntererUSUL: ty but it seems i have to run that all the time, im looking for something like in xterm that logs everything i do on every login20:44
blinkzhow do yo use gnome ppp20:44
the_lost_onecsilk, ah ok, now i understand :)20:44
blinkzhow do use gnome ppp???????20:45
pingu_Hallo, anyone knows how to receive older Ikhaya RSS entries via Thunderbird when they're not in the last 20?20:45
LjL!dialup | blinkz20:45
ubottublinkz: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up20:45
youknowmespunk, well that failed, I got nothing but gibberish.. Guess its time to do it by hand! Ugh..20:45
the_lost_oneblinkz, what are you tryng to get working? some USB 3G from vodafone or so?  i get one working20:46
kexmananyone using virtualbox ?20:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libncurses20:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libcurses20:46
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:46
blinkztrying to connect a samsung instinct20:47
LjLmn: what do you need ncurses for?20:47
blinkzas a modem20:47
spunkyouknowme: Hello again, I just found this, thought it could be interesting: http://www.howtoforge.com/ocr_with_tesseract_on_ubuntu70420:47
mnljl: so i can run ./configure   It's giving me an error and won't work because it says it cant find libcurses and libncurses20:47
LjLmn: ./configure for what package?20:48
mnljl: it's for kismet20:48
mni already unpacked the .gz20:48
LjLmn: kismet is in the official Ubuntu repositories20:48
LjL!info kismet20:48
ubottukismet (source: kismet): Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007-10-R1-2build1 (hardy), package size 946 kB, installed size 2480 kB20:48
blinkztrying to connect a samsung instinct20:49
blinkz as a modem20:49
mnoh, snap.  I hate it when i do that20:49
mnthnx ljl20:49
=== sean is now known as Guest83662
LjLblinkz, there is a tutorial on connecting using cellphones as modem, but via bluetooth. parts of it might apply. see /msg ubottu bluetooth20:49
LjLblinkz: there's also a very short and sketchy tutorial at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/3GInternet20:49
reqqithow can I debug this issue: I create a new empty file, call it index.html, I then hit enter once, finish name, then enter again, open file. Bloody 'opening file' sits there for 30 seconds20:52
mgromanHi, rdesktop cursor on host is not matching up with cursor on local machine, any ideas on what to look at?20:52
reqqitfor a blank html file.20:52
reqqitAnyway I can profile what is happening?20:52
ksdoes anyone know how to get the huawei usb modems to work on ubuntu?20:52
reqqitIt seems firefox opens it, and doesn't report back that the file is open?20:53
reqqitthe browser doesn't try and get focus20:53
ksdoes anyone know how to get the huawei usb modems to work on ubuntu?20:53
reqqitand the window seems to time out20:53
reqqitonce again, right click in nautilus, create blank file, something.html, enter, enter... fail20:53
mnaiight, now i have kismet.  how do i use it?20:54
reqqitAlso, notepad++ is a GNU app, isn't there a linux build?20:54
reqqitCan't find one...20:54
reqqit(except for wine, isn't there a linux build?!)20:54
reqqitNot that I like notepad++ with its fail 'diff' implementation and really annoying tabs, but really. Does GNU hate linux that much?20:55
=== nickklau is now known as marcules
Jeruvyreqqit: why would you want a unicode editor specific to windows on linux?  More importantly what does it do that Gedit doesn't?20:58
LjLreqqit: where does it say it's a GNU application?20:58
kosnicki am installing ubuntu in a eee pc . while installing will installer destroy partition if i ask it to resize windows partition?20:58
LjLkosnick: it should not, but you should have a backup. try also #ubuntu-eeepc20:58
kosnickLjL thx20:59
mkquistconfuded: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=776547838b000f5dd2db6fb9a8902bda it uploaded here20:59
mkquistconfuded: sry took a mo20:59
reqqitJeruvy, the quick change 'codepage' convert menu. YOu can kinda do it in gedit, but I don't know if it is as flexible as notepad++20:59
reqqitI've used it a few times when picking up other peoples crap code.20:59
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:00
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:00
* spence slaps ubottu21:02
* reqqit slaps spence and cites outrageously stupid anti-machine-hate legislation brought about by rms21:04
Tigerplugoh crap!!!! I installed ubuntu and set a password for the default user and now cant login. Im DEFINATELY using the right password... is there anything that I can do?21:06
spencethrow PC out the window21:07
spencebuy a Mac21:07
mkquistTigerplug: u mean the su account?21:07
* reqqit bought a mac. Me waits anxiously for delivery21:07
Tigerplugmkquist I setup an account called shane during installation now I cant login (ubuntu server)21:08
* confuded bangs head on wall21:08
confudedI hate printers21:08
mkquistconfuded: get the link?21:08
mnhow do i figure out my wireless chip name and type?21:08
confudedmkquist: yea thanks21:08
confudedmkquist: speeds area awfull21:08
mkquistconfuded: still no joy huh?21:08
confudedmkquist: no I have not tried it yet21:09
=== liam is now known as baddog
confudedmkquist: I am still downloading the driver :P21:09
confudedmkquist: mediafire is not the best host.....21:09
dublpawsmn, try $lspci21:09
Haskearo/ has anyone managed to get the ati 4850 working under 8.10 64?21:09
mkquistconfuded: no, gave me probs too21:10
confudedmkquist: whats your model?21:10
mkquistTigerplug: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43538321:10
mkquistconfuded: ip300021:10
Tigerplugmkquist - thankyou!21:10
confudedmkquist: the ubuntu setup utility has a driver for that!21:11
confudedmkquist: why, it didnt work?21:11
histo!anyone | Haskear21:11
ubottuHaskear: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:11
Tigerplugmkquist: not what I was looking for. I have a reasonable amount of experience. Im just gonna reinstall :( aw well, it'll be worth it!21:11
Pirate_Hunteram i able to create multiple directories with mkdir command i.e. mkdir /media/ sd* /media/ sd*  /media/ sd* . Will that create three directories or just one?21:12
confudedmkquist: hmm... ever thought of using the PictBridge?21:12
LjLPirate_Hunter: it will create as many as you tell it21:12
tapashi, when playing nexuiz something turns my screen's gamma settings etc. back to the defaults after like 10 minutes of playing21:12
tapaswhat could it be?21:12
tapasusing nvidia-binary drivers..21:13
dublpawsscreensaver tapas21:13
tapasthis does not seem to happen in kde21:13
Pirate_HunterLjL: ok just making sure the command was right21:13
confudedmkquist: nevermind that...21:13
LjLPirate_Hunter: well, in the command you gave, you put spaces where none belong21:13
Guest49999Bonjour ! J'aurais besoin d'aide, quelqu'un sait-il m'aider ?21:13
LjL!fr | Guest4999921:13
ubottuGuest49999: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:13
tapasdublpaws: why would it reset the gamme, etc?21:13
tapasoh there's a bugreport already21:14
Pirate_HunterLjL: yah but i thought i need spaces im creating three folder or more in the same directory, if not how would i do it, do i have to cd into the actual directory?21:14
tapasoh it's the fading feature21:14
confudedmkquist: you have got me more rpm's :( !!!21:14
confudedmkquist: I already have that... :(21:14
LjLPirate_Hunter: no, you just type mkdir /media/foldername1 /media/foldername2 /media/foldername321:15
andresmhi am trying to get memcache to work on my ubuntu and I get this error: mod_mem_cache.so: undefined symbol ap_cache_cacheable_hdrds_out21:15
andresmhany ideas?21:15
LjLPirate_Hunter: which is not what you typed above21:15
bloodelybayman, those sqlite guys don't talk much, do they.21:15
mkquistconfuded, no debs in that package?21:15
Pirate_HunterLjL: that is so true didnt notice that was an error but thanx for spotting it21:15
mkquistconfuded: fudge, hold ont...21:16
BCBUDDHAhi, if I want to use something like a windows "task manager" is there anything i can do besides the top command in terminal?21:16
alex6691Hey i need some help can someone please tell me what to type into terminal please so i can install flash?21:16
dulakBCBUDDHA: System->administration->system monitor21:16
confudedmkquist: nope21:17
alex6691Hey i need some help can someone please tell me what to type into terminal please so i can install flash?21:17
LjL!flash > alex6691    (alex6691, see the private message from Ubotu)21:17
ubottualex6691, please see my private message21:17
BCBUDDHAdulak: thanks!21:17
Pirate_Hunteralex6691: you could apt cache search flash to get the actual name of the package and than sudo apt-get install [package name]21:17
HorizonXPhey guys, is there a way to install the server edition of ubuntu from the desktop edition CD? I assume that I'd have to do some configuration post-install21:17
Pirate_HunterLjL: ahh got beaten to it and in fashion21:18
LjL!es | alber21:18
ubottualber: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:18
LjLalber: y escribe en minusculo21:18
histoHorizonXP: No you would have to remove all the gui garbage21:18
bachirhi world21:18
histoHorizonXP: what exactly are you looking for just a command line system?21:18
mkquistconfuded: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=776547838b000f5dd2db6fb9a8902bda21:19
mkquistconfuded: debs, this time for sure21:19
mkquistconfuded: sorry21:19
histoalexbobp: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree21:19
bachirdoes ayone here know how to use autotools?21:19
ikoniabachir: what's up21:20
bachirnothing special ^^21:20
confudedmkquist: ah I see, thank you! It's ok :)21:20
bachirikonia: do you know how tu use autotools?21:20
HorizonXPhisto: pretty much. i need a server to act as a wireless router for my ADSL. I need it to do MLPPP, and provide LAMP services, then broadcast internet to the rest of my house21:20
ikoniabachir: depends in what way21:20
voglsterok so i have an ubuntu box that I must have messed up user permissions for... logging in locally to the machine Settings->admin->Users And Groups... i click unlock and it asks me for a password for the account "admin" except there is not account "admin" suggestions? ps i can sudo/gksu fine...21:21
alex6691Hi i want to change my screen resolution but when i go on the settings it will only let me go 800 by 600  can i change it so its like 1000 or something?21:21
histoHorizonXP: So you don't want a GUI like gnome on it?21:21
bachiri want to use them in order to compile my C++ project21:21
histoHorizonXP: cuase that the only difference between server and desktop editions is pretty much gnome.21:21
erUSULalex6691: try "gksudo displayconfig-gtk"21:22
HorizonXPhisto: no, no need for it because once it's all set up, i'm tucking the box away in a corner, and accessing it via SSH only21:22
ikoniabachir: have you got things like your aclocle, and m4 stuff generated ?21:22
confudedmkquist: I need libglib1.221:22
confudedmkquist: thats imposible21:22
bachirikonia: yeah21:22
alex6691erUSUL: how? i have only just re-installed ubuntu its been a while. =/21:22
histoHorizonXP: yeah then you need to download the server cd because by the time you remove gnome and all its bloat you could have downloaded the server iso.21:22
drumstyk1anyone know of a good dvd ripper and/or encoder?21:22
mkquistvoglster: i believe it the same as sudo password...21:22
ikoniabachir: so what part are you stuck on ?21:22
ikoniadrumstyk1: mencoder - it's the nuts21:22
bachirikonia: i started to learn that on  few tuto i found on the net21:22
histoHorizonXP: plus its smaller also.21:22
ikoniabachir: good approach21:22
voglstermkquist, tried that... just popped back up asking for the password again21:23
HorizonXPhisto: even downloading at 120 kb/s at my GF's place?21:23
drumstyk1ikonia: checking that out now, thanks21:23
bachirikonia: i want just to know how to use the to create a fonctionnal Makfile21:23
histoHorizonXP: yeah it will only take 40min or so. its a smaller iso21:23
erUSULalex6691: just run that command21:23
w0ls0nNFS is failing on me when I boot up my box. What is the best way to get into safe mode to uninstall nfs?21:23
ivanovhi all21:23
voglstermkquist, is there a group that my user must be in to access admin features in gnome?21:23
ikoniabachir: hang on, let me see if I have a link21:23
sadlederis there ar way to reinstall all packages that were installed with ubuntu?21:23
Flare183I am working on a home server, can ubuntu server edition work on a small HD?21:23
bachirikonia: no problem :D21:23
histoHorizonXP: So if it takes you 2 hrs. to dl the server iso vs. 2 hours of removing garbage? Choice is yours. I'm not saying it couldn't be done but it would be easier to dl the server cd.21:23
voglstersadleder, use the cd? :-P21:23
ivanovcan somebody help me? My desktop gone black without any icons... only top and bottom bars21:24
voglsterFlare183, how small is small?21:24
bachirvoglster: very small :D21:24
drumstyk1hey ikonia, does mencoder rip as well? it doesn't mention it in the description21:24
ikoniabachir: http://devmanual.gentoo.org/general-concepts/autotools/21:24
storkhey, anyone know why flash is being totally ridiculous on a fresh ubuntu install?21:24
bachirikonia: thakns21:24
sadledervoglster: i don't want to do that ;-)21:24
voglsterivanov, if you press ctrl-alt-backspace that should kill X and restart you to login screen21:24
HorizonXPyeah i'll just download it21:25
bachirikonia: that's interesting21:25
alex6691Thanks erUSUL :)21:25
HorizonXPhisto: thanks21:25
ivanovvoglster my desktop become black after I mounted my ntfs partition21:25
Flare183voglster: Well its a old DOS HD that I am running on a pentium 3 dell desktop computer. And according to DOS (I can't really convert the bytes really well so here goes) I have 212058112 bytes in total disk space21:25
dannypophi! i installed mac4lin, all looks good but when i enter the appearance preferences to change the theme i get this notice "this theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine " is not installed". how can i fix this? thanks!21:26
ivanovit's very strange. everything is ok, i am using ubuntu now, but I have not any icons and wallpaper on my screen21:26
histosadleder: yeah you can make a package list. May I ask why you are trying to do this.21:26
histoivanov: can you right click on the screen?21:26
drumstyk1anyone know of a good dvd ripper for ubuntu?21:26
mike__hi all21:26
aba-Flare183: 200mb21:26
ikoniadannypop: is mac4lin in the ubuntu repo's ?21:26
ivanovhisto no21:26
ikoniadannypop: I can't see it21:27
ivanovonly on the gnome menu on the top and on the taskbar21:27
aba-you can google.. "212058112 bytes in megabytes" and it will do the math for you :)21:27
dannypopikonia no21:27
harryjri installed firefox, but when i try to run it from cli it's just hanging. no output, no firefox, no nothing.21:27
ikoniadannypop: then I suggest you get support on the mac4lin project, as ubuntu don't package it and your problem isn't really anything specific to ubuntu21:27
histoivanov: yeah gnome-panel is running but other stuff has crashed.21:27
mike__? I just installed the KDE desktop on ubuntu but the wireless network program doesnt autostart. How do I get it to run on startup?21:27
ivanovhisto exactly21:28
sadlederhisto: just to see which packages would get installed if i installed intrepid today21:28
histoivanov: I believe nautilus controls the desktop21:28
sabauawill GNOME 2.24.1 come to INTREPID?21:28
histoivanov: ps aux | grep nautilus21:28
voglsterFlare183, thats a 25 meg hd?21:28
Flare183voglster: Yeap the HD is (lame!)21:29
histoivanov: try nautilus -q or sudo killall nautilus21:29
histoivanov: one of those should restart it.21:29
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:29
Flannelsabaua: Even if not by name, the fixes should all be implented, yes.21:29
magnetron!helpersnack | Pirate_Hunter21:29
ubottuPirate_Hunter: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:29
LjL!intrepid > sabaua    (sabaua, see the private message from Ubotu)21:29
ubottusabaua, please see my private message21:29
Flare183voglster: I'm trying to install one HD into the same computer but with no luck.21:29
harryjr.. and how do i obtain which X display i'm at atm?21:29
sabauai hope they will fix the firefox bugs with java :(21:30
Flare183Can anyone help me with installing another HD my other computer?21:30
LjLsabaua, Firefox isn't part of GNOME21:30
LjL(and neither is Java)21:30
sabauabut a part of the internet, i know dude... :]21:30
Pirate_Huntermagnetron: lol why the sarcasm that was for me21:30
magnetronPirate_Hunter→ no sarcasm! i appreciate your support efforts21:31
ivanovhisto it doesn't helped me21:32
ivanovivanov  i received msg "there is no process to kill"21:32
chetnickThe buttons for 'shutdown' and 'restart' have disappeared from the quit dialog box. System > Administration > Login Window settings also disappeared. Please help.21:32
Pirate_Huntermagnetron: hmmm.... ok than, going back to setting my fstab21:32
voglsterivanov, is the machine completely locked? alt-f2 should bring you to a terminal try it21:32
bachirikonia: in the config.ac file21:33
bachirikonia: what is primordial?21:33
jamnzI need to know where within a DVD Iso image of Ubuntu, is the kernel and Initrd and options are located. Any one can help, I appreciate it!21:33
voglsterFlare183, 25 megs isnt going to be enough man... what are you trying to do with the box?21:33
simonesorry for my poor english, but i have a problem to solve with my intrepid ibex distro21:33
ikoniabachir: fancy way of saying "before" or "base"21:33
simoneanyone can help?21:33
LjL!intrepid | simone21:33
ubottusimone: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu21:33
bachirikonia: ??21:33
ikoniabachir: in what sense21:34
ivanovvoglster it's not compleatly blocked. I am using it now. just no icons and wallpaper after I mounted my ntfs drives and restarted the system21:34
S-i-Ahow can remove Complete Gnome or Ubuntu desktop, because the ubuntu-desktop is just metapack?21:34
tony_has anyone here ever been a field technician?21:34
bachirikonia: what this file should conatin?21:34
ikoniatony_: what's the question21:34
ikoniabachir: oooh21:34
ikoniabachir: I've never used it as a file21:34
voglsterivanov, unmount the ntfs volume? see if the problem goes away?21:34
simoneI have a problem with Forceware drivers, version 96.xx.xx21:34
bachirikonia: ah ok21:34
simoneno way to get them work21:34
=== nurettin is now known as kidalabama
tony_ikonia, i got an employer asking me if i could start monday but i'm not quite ready. is it detrimental to tell the if they could hold off my employment?21:35
LjLsimone, Ubuntu includes its own Nvidia drivers (also, use #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support)21:35
ikoniatony_: this is nothing to do with ubuntu, I suggest you talk to a recruitment advisor21:35
simoneyes but they're screwed up!21:35
kidalabamawhois nurettin21:35
LjLsimone: they work for most people (although they work in Hardy, *not* necessarily Intrepid, because Intrepid is *not* stable). in any case, we can't support third party drivers.21:36
simoneno way to configure them to work with the new xorg and the new kernel21:36
Uplinkwhere can i check the top applications for ubuntu? like a top 10 list for diff type of applicatins21:36
ikoniakidalabama: you and nurettin are the same person21:36
Ab3Lgood night21:36
LjLsimone, so please head to #ubuntu+121:36
confudedmkquist: good noght! no luck at all...21:37
Pirate_Huntercan somone look at my pastebin and tell me if it is alright or where i might get problems (http://pastebin.ca/1235028)?21:37
mkquistconfuded: sry21:37
confudedmkquist: niht*21:37
simonesorry LjL?21:37
confudedmkquist: its ok :)21:37
chetnickThe buttons for 'shutdown' and 'restart' have disappeared from the quit dialog box. System > Administration > Login Window settings also disappeared. Please help.21:37
simonewhere do I have to go?21:37
LjL!it | simone21:37
ubottusimone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:37
louePart *21:37
confudedmkquist: I'll just have to dual boot for printing or something...21:37
mkquistconfuded: used to do the same.. g/l21:37
cybanWireless Intell(R) Link 5100 AGN card, any ideas for drivers?21:37
confudedgood night!21:38
simoneIt' s the same for me...italian english...no problem at all21:38
LjLsimone: Intrepid non è supportata. È instabile. È normale che le cose non ti funzionino. Quindi se proprio vuoi usarla, il canale di supporto (inglese) è #ubuntu+1, *non* questo. Lo stesso vale sui canali italiani.21:38
flakratanyone know what component adds the functionality to the bash shell in Ubuntu that allows you to enter a command and then hit tab to display the valid switches / arguments?21:38
simoneok...thanks for the answer21:38
flakratI've not seen that on my RH servers, but just discovered it on my Ubuntu laptop last night21:38
rwwflakrat: bash-completion21:38
LjLflakrat: /etc/bash_completion21:38
Uplinkwhere can i check the top applications for ubuntu? like a top 10 list for diff type of applicatins21:38
avarusgood night21:39
erUSULflakrat: bash completion. Enabled in ~/.bashrc21:39
LjL!best | Uplink21:39
CunnyHi guys, our intranet is run on mandrake at work at the moment (php) ... whats the easiest way to get it up and running on ubuntu?21:39
ubottuUplink: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:39
flakratrww, LjL, erUSUL  thanks, going to read up on it, really cool extension of the traditional file completion21:39
UplinkLjL: well best rated then21:39
LjLUplink: the Add/Remove Programs utility also comes with "stars" rating21:39
Pirate_Huntersince no one responded can i take it that my fstab is alright and i shouldnt have any problems, please someone at least reply to this?21:39
LjLUplink: yes, as it says, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots21:39
=== Shovi is now known as shovi`afk
dublpawsping Pirate_Hunter21:40
M-Korpis this quake.net ?21:40
erUSULUplink: in the case of diff apps... gnu diff is the defacto standar. unless you are talking about graphical diffing apps21:40
PokolokoHello all21:40
M-Korphow i get to quakenet21:41
Cunnyconnect to another irc server21:41
CunnySo anyone got any tips for my problem? XD21:41
LjLPirate_Hunter: looks more or less ok to me, i'm not so familiar with fstab and mount options to say "it's perfect", though21:41
avarus/server irc.quakenet.org, M-Korp21:41
Steffanxi've got a SDcard.. when i work with it ubuntu/X hangs completely21:42
M-Korpok, thanks21:42
Algyzafter installation of nvidia driver now max resolution is only 800x600, when max available 1600x1200, I would like higher resolution :)21:42
M-Korpwhat server is this21:42
Pirate_HunterLjL: that is what i also think but will try it out now, is there a way i can make fstab refresh without restarting my system?21:42
rwwM-Korp: freenode21:42
SteffanxAlso 'rm' gave a 'Segmentation fault'21:42
kidalabamaikonia: yes same21:42
sia-eXtremecan anyone help me with TCP/IP over DNS ?21:42
Gneayou mean DNS over TCP/IP?21:43
ikoniasia-eXtreme: over dns ??21:43
LjLPirate_Hunter: mount -a21:43
dublpawsAlgyz: $nvidia-xconfig  might be what you're after21:43
erUSULPirate_Hunter: sudo mount -a -o remount21:43
sia-eXtremeno TCP / IP over DNS21:43
sia-eXtremeit calls DNS tunneling21:43
ikoniasia-eXtreme: no21:43
Gneasia-eXtreme: url?21:43
ikoniasia-eXtreme: thats not tunneling21:43
ikoniasia-eXtreme: dns is not a protocol21:44
M-Korpwhat irc program you are using?21:44
Pirate_HunterLjL, erUSUL: thank you21:44
rwwM-Korp: pidgin, because I use the same program for IM21:44
M-Korpi just downloaded pidgin and using it right now21:45
M-Korphavent been at irc before21:45
erUSULPirate_Hunter: no problem21:45
Pokolokohehe if you go to to undernet you wont use it anymore21:45
rwwM-Korp: do you need help setting up Pidgin to connect to Quakenet?21:45
Pokolokospam central21:45
M-Korpyes please21:46
sia-eXtremei may can do it if i had a vps21:46
ikoniasia-eXtreme: this isn't really an ubuntu question21:46
sia-eXtremeis there any fre trial vps service ?21:46
=== |Jelly|Ghost is now known as |Jelly|
sia-eXtremewhere i have to ask it ?21:46
ikoniasia-eXtreme:not here21:47
sia-eXtremeok , sorry21:47
ikoniasia-eXtreme: you have a guide you sent through, I suggest you look for details on the group/author of that guide21:47
kidalabamasia-eXtreme:  i bought vps21:47
kidalabamaif you want buy21:48
rwwM-Korp: pull up the buddy list window (click on the pidgin icon in your system tray if the window isn't open. Then, go to Accounts -> Manage Accounts -> Add. On the window that pops up, change the Protocol to IRC, put the name you want to use in Username, and change the server to irc.quakenet.org21:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:48
rwwM-Korp: then you should be able to connect to Quakenet in the same way you appear to have connected to Freenode ;-)21:48
M-Korpok, thanks21:48
=== mklefenz_ is now known as Freddchen
sia-eXtremekidalabama: check pm21:49
Pirate_Hunterhow do i umount all current drives in fstab or is sudo mount -a -o remount sufficient?21:49
PokolokoDoes anyone know if it will be possible to upgrade to the 8.10 ubuntu on 8.421:49
Gneasia-eXtreme: why would you need to tunnel through dns?21:49
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: umount -a21:49
rwwPokoloko: yes, it will21:50
PokolokoThank you rww21:50
Pirate_Hunterikonia: thanx it seems im getting device busy will have to restart the system :/ ahhh so annoying21:51
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: you won't be able to unmount anything in use, or the root file system (it's in use too)21:51
rwwPokoloko: You're welcome! If you have further questions about 8.10 right now, feel free to join us in #ubuntu+1 :)21:52
Pirate_Hunterikonia: that explains why its probably trying to umount the / as well instead of any other drive, guess will have to restart21:52
IllusionHello all, I seem to have a problem within /var/log/mail.log21:52
Illusiononly local emails are being send there, no outgoing emails sent with php mailer. I'm using postfix for it21:52
Illusion*emails are being sent, but not logged. I've tried tail -f /var/log/mail.log as well. Besided the mail.log file is only create everyday at 9am but doesn't get updated during the day.21:52
erUSULPirate_Hunter: remounting the filesystems make them use the new options on /etc/fstab iirc i do not see the need for a reboot21:52
=== kidalabama is now known as nurettin
trigpini need to install a doggy .deb  , is there a way of makign sure it has nor spy ware or what not ?21:52
M-Korpis server the place where are these chat rooms?21:53
ikoniatrigpin: don't install dodgy deb packages21:53
Steffanxhmm, nice SDcard... (not)21:53
Pirate_HuntererUSUL: i tried your command but got that my drives couldnt be mounted, either in use (which they arent or bad command) do you suggest anything?21:54
trigpinikonia,  i know common logic , but there no way to test ? even if not recommended21:54
erUSULPirate_Hunter: :|21:54
=== JannoTT_ is now known as JaNNoT
erUSULPirate_Hunter: so you have to reboot after all21:54
rww!virus | trigpin21:54
ubottutrigpin: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2121:54
Pirate_HuntererUSUL: yah seems so :'(21:55
chetnickThe buttons for 'shutdown' and 'restart' have disappeared from the quit dialog box. System > Administration > Login Window setting also disappeared. Please help.21:55
trigpinrww, thanks21:55
TonnoCan someone tell me how to put the Open Office in a Spanish Language ?21:55
Jordan_Uchetnick: What version of Ubuntu are you using?21:56
erUSULchetnick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41775521:56
chetnickJordan_U: 8.0421:56
rww!msg | M-Korp21:56
ubottuM-Korp: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.21:56
erUSULTonno: System>Admin>Language support21:56
chetnickerUSUL: that does not help me. System > Administration > Login Window setting also disappeared.21:57
cybanI installed NDIS wrapper for the Windows drivers for my WiFi card but still not working, any ideas abotu WiFi link 5100 AGN Intel cards?21:57
nate_Hi. Does anybody know anything about Wubi? Is it recommended or what??21:57
chetnickerUSUL: i saw this post alreaduy21:57
IllusionIs somebody able to help me/answer my question?21:57
comicinkernate_: yes21:57
alexi5since 64 bit OS can go into compatible mode for  32  bit applications is there any reason why the 64bit version of ubuntu  still come with 64 bit fire fox even though it doesn't have full flash and java support ?21:58
rwwnate_: I've used it a few times. It's on the official install CD, and is officially supported. Do you have a question about it?21:58
TonnoerUSUL, change the language...? not of the program... I mean that when I put a word... in spanish, the Open Office don't fix it if the word is wrong21:58
rww!msg > M-Korp21:58
ubottuM-Korp, please see my private message21:58
GolanTrevize1illusion: what do you mean by "phpmailer"?21:58
erUSULTonno: well install the apropiate language packs (spanish) and dictionaries (myspell etc) then configure in OO.org21:59
IllusionGolanTrevize1: php's mail function i mean21:59
Assassyniptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p TCP --dport 80 -m mac --mac-source 00:0C:29:DD:C1:8F -j DROP21:59
rwwTonno: Install myspell-es21:59
Assassyni get invalid argument21:59
Assassynhelp pls21:59
rwwTonno: sudo apt-get install myspell-es from the command-line, for example21:59
nate_I dont want multiple partions but i want the ability to boot into each OS. (ubuntu and vista/xp) but Will performance be affected that much. I have a 1.6 x2 Turion AMD with 2 Gb Ram and an Nvidia graphics  card21:59
spinsakinstall wifi in ubuntu for acer22:00
rww!hi | smo_22:00
ubottusmo_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:00
smo_glxinfo | grep rendering tell me : Yes and with sudo : No, an idear?22:00
smo_hardy or intrepid22:00
Exaltiahello eveyrone22:01
erUSULalexi5: flash works well with nspluginwrapper (if it crsh it does not crash firefox only flash)22:01
rwwHello Exaltia!22:01
PokolokoHello exaltia22:02
GolanTrevize1illusion: what did you enter in your php.ini as runtime configuration for php-mail?22:02
rwwand hello jogan!22:02
erUSULalexi5: and it is true that the openjdk based plugin for firefox is not as complete as sun's but it will eventually get there XD22:02
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:02
comptonwhat should I use to remote control ubuntu from windows over the network?22:02
erUSUL!vnc | compton22:02
ubottucompton: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:02
* Pirate_Hunter smiles at the knowledge that his fstab works22:02
Exaltiai need help with usplash, compiled myself a new time, no error at compilation time, installation goes fine, but the expected picture doesn't display, in exchange i have a strange thing with box sizes and colors (screenshot available) could someone help me ?22:02
GolanTrevize1illusion: if it uses sendmail - wrapper it should also appear in the mail.log22:02
erUSULcompton: or ssh via command line22:02
Wickedid use ssh to do it22:02
Tonnorww, what that command do?22:02
Wicked!ssh | compton22:03
ubottucompton: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/22:03
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:03
Illusion[23:02:04] <GolanTrevize1> illusion: what did you enter in your php.ini as runtime configuration for php-mail? - it was working a week ago but haven't checked php.ini22:03
comptondo I have to start the ssh daemon on ubuntu first?22:03
Exaltiai used startupmanager to update initramfs, so afterall my way do do seems wrong :)22:03
rwwTonno: the "sudo apt-get install myspell-es" one? it installs the myspell-es package, which contains Spanish language spellchecking files for OpenOffice.org22:03
erUSULcompton: yes22:03
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/22:03
comptoncan I apt-get vnc?22:04
Odd-rationalecompton: yes. it is simple: sudo apt-get install openssh-server22:04
Odd-rationalefor ssh.22:04
erUSULcompton: yep and you need a client for windows22:04
Tonnorww, god.... thanks man22:04
rufneck/server iirc.undernet.org22:04
dvstinI wrote a bug for ubuntu 8.10 and I found the root cause and a solution but my bug is just sitting there, #285621 .. is there any way to get people to notice it or should I just be more patient?22:04
GolanTrevize1illusion: so you could check SMTP, smtp_port and sendmail_path22:05
simone_any suggestion for froceware 96xxx to work with intrepid??22:05
simone_got lots of problems22:05
IllusionGolanTrevize1 i wonder if thats the problem cause the mails are being sent22:05
magnetron!intrepid | simone_22:05
ubottusimone_: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - Warning lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, *NOT* #ubuntu22:05
microchipv420heys guys, i need some serious help getting my girlfriend's wifi card working on her lappy, i installed 8.04 last night, everything is perfect except for her card22:06
simone_i'm already in ubuntu+122:06
anders_so magically everything will be stable on the 30th ? :~22:06
GolanTrevize1illusion: perhaps you configured your internet relay as SMTP, then mails will get sent and you won't see it in your maillog, because it does not speak with your localhost postfix22:06
spinsakplease like me can do to operate the wifi ubuntu hardy I do not recognize the22:07
=== microchipv420 is now known as vote_4_Obama
vote_4_Obamais it the drivers you thinkj?22:07
spinsakis a atheros22:08
vote_4_Obamamy issue is with an Atheros card as well22:08
thankyou_mhello guys22:09
thankyou_mI'm a linuxnewbie and stick in some network connection troubles22:09
thankyou_mI'd like to connect a laptop pc with a knoppix live cd to my ubuntu desktop pc.22:10
thankyou_mI set up my adapters like this:,,
spinsakMy laptop is an acer but I do not recognize the wifi as a saver and wanted to do work and if I have to forgive mistakes but not English and use a translator xD22:11
comptonhow do I configure vncserver after apt-get installing it?22:12
vote_4_Obamaspinsak: what language do you speak?22:12
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:13
dvstinintrepid is shipping with a screwed up pulseaudio configuration, they need to ship with libao-pulse if they are going to include pulseaudio so that sound capture works.. the libao-alsa doesn't work when pulseaudio is running.. how do I get someone to change this for 8.10?? :S22:13
thankyou_mmy language is python22:13
GolanTrevize1spinsak: did not want to sound picky, but my English is also not the best, so had problems to understand: acer wifi - do you have a hardware switch that turns on / off wifi-card?22:13
Exaltia!usplash faq22:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about usplash faq22:14
spinsakgolantrevizel: yes22:14
magnetron!usplash | Exaltia22:15
ubottuExaltia: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:15
spinsakpero aun pulsandolo no me va22:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:15
Exaltiamagnetron : already done that, no amelioration, i thought there may be an error in the way i've done graphics myself, but i don't know what22:15
Uplinkanyone can help me with DrPython?22:16
PokolokoIs there any way to run for example the command unrar x filename in the background ?22:16
vote_4_Obamajust add && exit22:16
ikoniaPokoloko use "bg" or &22:16
magnetronPokoloko→ sure, add a & at the end22:16
PokolokoThanks will try it out22:16
vote_4_Obamai need serious help getting a wifi card working, can someone help? compaq presario c700 & Atheros Wifi card22:17
magnetronExaltia→ the page ubottu linked you to states that you need a 4:3 picture in a resolution supporte by the low-level driver. 800x600 for instance22:17
spinsak but I will not even tapping22:18
josh||hey does anyone know what version of 8.10 will ship?22:18
josh||version of KDE*22:18
Mixed_--_ anyone knows how to configure samba so that you dont have to use IP address when connecting from linux clients?22:18
Exaltiaso no 640*480 ?22:18
dulakjosh||: ask in #ubuntu+122:18
josh||lol alright22:18
GolanTrevize1spinsak: one moment plz - try to find a link - I've also had an acer once and the hardware switch is no hardware switch. acer ships actually with a software controlling that switch (how dumb can engineers be - but anyway). you can switch it on somewhere, just have to search how....22:18
thatguyhm i'm trying to upgrade to the 8.10 beta and it keeps on saying that i need to clean up ~80MB of space in '/boot' i've already done apt-get clean, anyother ideas22:22
comicinkerMixed_--_: you should consider using ssh for connecting linux PCs. (if no win clients are on the net)22:23
ikoniathatguy: apt-clean doesn't clean /boot22:23
ikoniathatguy: 8.10 support is in #ubuntu+122:23
thatguyoh thanks22:23
will00i just replaced my motherboard because the last one started melting. i was previously running hardy 64 bit but now the live cd wont even boot, it gets all sorts of kernel panics22:23
adaccan somebody tell me how to set up a samba share? Is this possible to do over nautilus?22:25
will00is that a problem with the iso image or is that something to do with the hardware22:25
Bach1685Good day all22:25
Bach1685Is there an easy way to go from a "desktop version" of Ubuntu to a "server version"?22:26
dekkongHello I need help with Elisa Media Center22:26
Bach1685Or at least a way to deinstall all desktop apps and X?22:27
dekkongHow can I get elisa to locate files from another disk not the main /home/video22:27
=== Igorot is now known as Knightlust
Dudewill the RC come out today?22:30
raphaHow can I record PCM audio that is currently playing (through a Flash applet) to a file? (AudiÃo-Recorder doesn'twork)22:30
brian_I need to remove all options but the Logoff options for a certain group of users. I have done it before but forgot how to. Could someone help me out?22:31
GolanTrevize1spinsak: you could try something like http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/how-i-solved-the-wireless-ipw2200-kill-switch-problem-483548/22:32
comptonhow do I configure vncserver after apt-get installing it?22:33
tapascompton: through its config files22:33
tapascompton: run vncserver once22:33
snikkerhi, i've got a problem with minicom. it don't accept keyboard input... can you help me?22:33
tapasand it will create a .vnc or something22:33
compton./usr/bin/vncserver ?22:33
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comptonin ~?22:33
raphaIs there really no audio-recording tool in Linux besides the Audio-Recorder from the menus?22:33
tapascompton: yes in the home dir22:34
tapascompton: it also has  commandline parameters to set dimensions, etc..22:34
Dudedoes anybody know whats going on with the RC?22:34
ikoniaDude: it's not out yet22:35
Dudeany idea when?22:35
ikoniaDude: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2008-October/026766.html22:35
ikoniaDude: try reading the topic in #ubuntu+1 the development channel22:35
spinsakthanks for your help proved22:36
sybaritenfuck this channel is growing out of proportions22:36
sybaritensame for the OS perhaps22:36
Joker_-__IS that possible to copy over an installation of ubuntu? I have a server that is setup well, with datas and all but I installed 2 new drives in it in order to make raid mirroring. I re-ran the install and setup raid and everything is functionnal. Can I just copy over all the datas on my older drive? I guess the kernel has to have some different modules or something in order to load the software raid... any idea?22:38
brian_I need to disable or remove all options from the shutdown menu other than logout for a group of users. I have this implemented on my desktop, but forgot how to do it.22:39
marko_hey ...i am a noob.....22:39
brian_All of the options from google are for global settings22:39
Joker_-__anyone here knows about software raid and all?22:40
kosnickhow can i manually check some boxes in the session table? i unchecked some and now i can get only a terminal so is ther any manuall way to recheck them?22:40
sybaritenis there a nice command that really works to change the keyboard layout, preferably not in X, after the OS is loaded?22:41
sybaritenwhen on Damn Small Linux i always do 'loadkeys se-latin1' after having exited X22:42
sybaritenthen everything works like a charm , even when back in X22:42
Joker_-__IS that possible to copy over an installation of ubuntu? I have a server that is setup well, with datas and all but I installed 2 new drives in it in order to make raid mirroring. I re-ran the install and setup raid and everything is functionnal. Can I just copy over all the datas on my older drive? I guess the kernel has to have some different modules or something in order to load the software raid... any idea?22:42
duskeris anyone here familiar with the network deployment software, cobbler?22:42
duskeris it available in ubuntu?22:42
graftyo, i got this error: ls: cannot access /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin: Input/output error22:42
graftwhat do i do?22:42
jabagawee_graft: honestly, no clue. give more background info?22:44
=== Jesus is now known as PastorJesus
=== PastorJesus is now known as Jesus
graftjabagawee_: i haven't got much more background info... apt stopped working, with that input/output error22:45
graftjabagawee_: i can't rm the file, even if i wanted to22:45
DCPomI need a 10 day uranium trade. Any offers?22:45
=== Jesus is now known as WitchJesus
=== WitchJesus is now known as Jesus
ikoniaDCPom: what are you talking about ?22:45
jabagawee_graft: even with root privs?22:45
helluescan you give infos about super ubuntu22:45
aliasbodycan anyone say's to me why the most recently beta release of ubuntu 8.10 is very slow with flash movies ? it is normal?22:45
jabagawee_!ot | DCPom22:45
ubottuDCPom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:45
kitchegraft: sounds like to me something is dieing on your machine22:45
ikonia!ibex > hellues22:45
ubottuhellues, please see my private message22:45
graftjabagawee_: yep, even as root22:45
DCPomikonia, i didn't realize amsg worked for all servers :\22:46
graftkitche: nah, the install is fresh, disk is fine22:46
kitchealiasbody: #ubuntu+1 for 8.10 support22:46
jabagawee_graft: well, you can always try to use a livecd22:46
alecjwhey, can anyone recommend a gtk latex editor?22:46
DocUSN-USMCi need some help. i extracted a tar file but when i enter it, and press ./configure nothing happens????22:46
kitchegraft: well your error seems to deal with the drive22:46
aliasbodywhere can i enter to this irc?22:46
kitchegraft: or the program itself22:46
ikoniaDocUSN-USMC: not everything is configured like that22:46
ikoniaDocUSN-USMC: what are you trying to build22:46
kitchealiasbody /join #ubuntu+122:46
saywatmanganyone have an idea on why "host localhost" would be slow for me.... it immediately retunrs 127..1 and shows a warning about a malformed message packet then pauses for 10 seconds, tthen shows a connection timed out error22:47
alecjwDocUSN-USMC, was that @me?22:47
graftkitche: well, clearly the fs got corrupted (regarding that file), but i think the hardware is fine22:47
alecjwsaywatmang, what does ifconfig return?22:47
jabagawee_graft: what fs are you using then?22:47
ikoniasaywatmang possibly the ip6 lookup22:47
graftjabagawee_: ext322:47
DocUSN-USMCi dont think so alecjw??? unless u can fix it lol22:47
ikoniaalecjw: ifconfig doesn't matter  it's localhost22:48
bonhofferi am trying to mount a cifs drive from my fstab22:48
saywatmangalecjw, what should i look for in ifconfig22:48
saywatmangikonia, how can i determine if its trying ipv622:48
bonhofferusing mount -a gives error 113 = No route to host22:48
ikoniasaywatmang: what does host localhost return exactly22:48
bonhofferi think rebooting will help -- but do i ahve any other option?22:48
alecjwsaywatmang, actually nvm ikonia tells me that aint gonna help22:48
kambiz_what is the command to select all files and folders in a directory. it doesnt seem to be *.* which is just all files.22:48
grafti'm going to reboot and see what happens22:48
ikoniakambiz_: *22:48
kambiz_ikonia: thank you!22:49
kitchekambiz_: for copy it's cp -r22:49
saywatmangikonia, localhost has address\ ;; Warning: Message parser reports malformed message packet.\ ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached22:49
alecjwDocUSN-USMC, i meant when you said OOo 3...i  thought that might be a respone to me asking for a gtk latex editor22:49
kitchekambiz_: and it's just * not *.*22:49
ikoniasaywatmang looks like it's trying to hit a dns server first22:49
kambiz_kitche: understood, thanks22:49
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
ikoniasaywatmang: what is in /etc/nsswitch.conf for hosts22:49
saywatmang   files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns422:50
kambiz_i've got another question, i'm writing some python code, and i've noticed i get some 'ghost' files that end in .py~ and .pyc how can i prevent those from being made22:50
ikoniasaywatmang: thats odd22:50
ikoniasaywatmang: what does your host file look like22:50
kitchekambiz_: what's your editor?22:50
saywatmang127.0.0.1 localhost localhost.localdomain22:50
kambiz_kitche: text editor22:50
alecjwikonia, saywatmang, maybe aint in /etc/hosts?22:50
saywatmangtehres also 3 other lines for
kitchekambiz_: what's your editor the name they all are text editors22:50
kambiz_kitche: i mean geditor, lol sorry22:51
yowshianyone else been having wierd problems with pidgin?22:51
ikoniaalecjw: the ip doesn't matter, the name "localhost" does22:51
kitchekambiz_: ah gedit hmm probably have to look at the options to turn off backups I never really used gedit myself22:51
alecjwikonia, oh right xD i'll shut up and stop embarrasing myself lol22:51
movedxI've installed rsync but when I try and run it, either by: rsync --daemon or /etc/init.d/rsync start it doesn't start. There's zero output to the console. Even if I apply '-v' I et no output. What am I doing wrong?22:51
saywatmangikonia, i just aded the localhost.localdomain to see if it made a diff and it didnt22:51
ikoniaalecjw: no no, all ideas are good22:51
ikoniasaywatmang: is there a "localhost" - on it's own in there22:52
yowshisomething is jamming pidgin but i cant find out what exactly22:52
saywatmangikonia, there was before, lemme change it back and test again just to make sure22:52
kambiz_kitche: do you recommend another gui editor, perhaps a bit more robust?22:52
kitchekambiz_: well if you want to go more advance you could always use gvim22:52
saywatmangikonia, yea, same thing22:52
dekkonghello can anyone help me with elisa media center?22:53
dekkonghow can I get elisa to locate files that are on a different partition?22:53
kambiz_kitche: and gvim doesn't make ghost files?22:53
ikoniasaywatmang: thats most odd, out of interest if you ping it, does it respond quick22:53
ikoniasaywatmang: or if you did "nslookup localhost"22:53
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saywatmangikonia, on both of those yes22:53
TheRealFaceOfBoeis it possible to make changes to the display settings when not running a graphical interface22:53
kitchekambiz_: it does but you can turn them off pretty good and they are not really ghost files they are just backups of files really22:53
ikoniasaywatmang: so they both respond quick....Hmmm22:53
yowshianyone know how i might figure out why pidgin isnt loading properly and how i can fix it?22:54
ikoniasaywatmang: ahh I think I see a potential issue, hang on22:54
kambiz_kitche: ahh i see, thanks for the help! i appreciate it, i'll give gvim a run22:54
kambiz_thanks all for the help!22:54
ikoniasaywatmang: host trys dns servers first - before files, it doesn't use nsswitch.conf so thats what the delay is, timing out dns servers22:55
saywatmangikonia, ah... u know what sucks is taht i have a lot of programs that hang for 10 secs cuz of this22:55
caigesIs intrepid rc coming out today?22:55
ikoniasaywatmang what uses host22:55
saywatmangikonia, so i use my rotuer as a dns server, im asusming its an issue w the routers dns serve22:55
ikoniacaiges: read the topic in #ubuntu+122:55
Rovinhello, how to get sound only through headphones?22:56
ikoniasaywatmang: your dns server should never resolve localhost (that is correct) so your router is behaving correctly as is your box22:56
saywatmangikonia, so what would be causing the 10 sec delay22:56
ikoniasaywatmang: 10 second delay with what ?22:56
saywatmangikonia, host, git, certain socket functions in ruby22:57
ikoniasaywatmang: depends on how they resolve, host - that uses dns servers, which will never resolve localhost, so will always time out, git/ruby depends what resolver they are set to use22:57
WDCIs there a piece of software that will allow me to put an entire folder in a .tar.gz with a GUI?22:57
ikoniaWDC: nautilus22:57
WDCikonia: Really? Will it let me span it?22:58
ikoniaWDC: span it ?22:58
Rovinhello, how to get sound only through headphones?22:58
WDCikonia: like in parts. Or is that only in rar22:58
ikoniaWDC: thats not possible in tar22:58
WDCikonia: too bad. .rar will do that. Thanks! I overthought what I was trying to do22:59
juice_ can anyone here help me figure out why firefox 3 crashes constantly on my ubuntu installation? i've removed all the add-ons and themes and it still crashes easily22:59
ikoniadefine crash22:59
ikoniawhat ubuntu version22:59
saywatmangikonia, ok great, thanks for the help23:00
RovinHello, please - How to get sound only through headphones? In other words, make the main sound cut when I plug in headphones?23:01
histojuice_: the enwer versions are a lot more stable with ibex. Which will be out at the end of the month.23:01
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histoRovin: double click ont he speaker by the clock and click on the switches tab.23:02
histoRovin: enable the headphone sense23:02
=== Android is now known as Androidz
Rovin@histo: thanks, did that - but sound still comes from both headphones and normal sound speakers (this is on a laptop)23:03
histoRovin: hrm.. that works for me perhaps search the forums.23:04
pavel-Hi. In short: gdm is broken. Details: after booting the login screen is not displayed, instead a blank (black) screen with a cryptic error dialogue (all characters of the message are squares, same with OK button). I have compared my `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' and `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom' with ones from a working machine, they are identical. I have attempted to run `gdm restart' - same result. `killall gdm' followed by `gdm start' - same result. Any help23:04
Omega11ubuntu linux sucks23:05
Omega11i installed it23:05
Omega11and my soundcard23:05
Omega11made beeeps23:05
FloodBot1Omega11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
Omega11it was annooying23:05
magnetronOmega11→ when did it make beeps?23:05
Omega11after i loaded the desktop23:06
Omega11it went nuts23:06
Omega11its cauz linux sux23:06
EyesOfARavenhow do i clock my cpu up to 900mhz? (i'm on an eee)23:06
EyesOfARavenin win i use a tray util23:06
Omega11don't use linux23:07
Omega11its easy23:07
Omega11linux is shit23:07
FloodBot1Omega11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:07
EyesOfARavenwrong channel for u then sir23:07
Omega11fuck u floodbot123:07
unop!ops | Omega1123:07
ubottuOmega11: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:07
TigerplugI'm trying to mount an external harddrive on ubuntu server (hardy) - can anyone help?23:08
chmacTigerplug: Is the drive attached already?23:08
chmacTigerplug: Can you see it in /dev/???23:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:08
BullterdWhy isnt my cron job running23:08
chickenfuego2This is stange, I installed ubuntu linux and my sound card made beep.23:08
Bullterd08 23 * * * tar czpvf /backup/backup-`date '+%d-%B-%Y'`.tar.gz /mnt/docs23:08
BullterdThat's an OK crontab -e line, isnt it ?23:08
pavel-Attempt ++i; In short: gdm is broken. Details: after booting the login screen is not displayed, instead a blank (black) screen with a cryptic error dialogue (all characters of the message are squares, same with OK button). I have compared my `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' and `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom' with ones from a working machine, they are identical. I have attempted to run `gdm restart' - same result. `killall gdm' followed by `gdm start' - same resu23:09
chmacI've switched to a new 3g network, but NetworkManager won't connect any more. I've specified the new APN, but it's not working23:09
chmacIt disconnects immediately. I'm guessing pppd is being called with the wrong apn somehow.23:09
Tigerplugchmac:  is has a number of partitions but I see Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes when I do fdisk-l23:09
drekBullterd, check mab "your shell session" for correct falgs23:09
chmacI'm running NM 0.7 on Hardy, anyone have any suggestions?23:09
chmacTigerplug: /dev/sdb will be the disk, then /dev/sdbN (1/2/3/etc) will be each partition23:10
chmacTigerplug: You want to start with `man mount`23:10
chmacTigerplug: Then something like `mount /dev/sdb1 /media/blah` :)23:10
Tigerplugchmac can I mount all partitions to one place (/media/store)23:10
n8tuserchmac where do you have the script to initiate the pppd to call? check that?23:10
unopBullterd, no, % is special to cron - see http://wooledge.org:8000/BashFAQ#head-99d7bd94dd17698b5f63d11b66e56e81b166b26423:10
chickenfuego2This is stange, I installed ubuntu linux and my sound card made beep.23:11
chmacn8tuser: I'm not sure, that's the issue. The pppd call made by networkmanager doesn't reference any scripts specifically23:11
chmacn8tuser: Grepping /etc/ and /root/ and ~/ for the old APN doesn't turn up anything23:11
chmacTigerplug: Each disk needs to be mounted in a different place23:11
chmacTigerplug: But they can all be within one folder if you like23:11
RovinHow can I save/edit files? I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61731/ :(23:11
Tigerplugchmac - ok , how can I unmount?23:11
Rovinhow to get permissons? :?23:11
chmacTigerplug: `man umount`23:11
n8tuserchmac theres got to be a config file where ppp stashes passwords and dial out numbers23:12
chmacTigerplug: `umount /media/blah`23:12
Tigerplugchmac - thanks!23:12
unopRovin, what application gives you that error?23:12
chmacn8tuser: It's the init strings that set the apn rather than username/password/no, those are the same for all 3g connections23:12
tim__bAnyone in here managed to compile avisyth3 with hardy? sticking with "configure: WARNING: Boost library (1_33) not in /usr/lib" while "./configure --disable-assembly --with-boost-includedir-path=/usr/include --with-boost-libdir-path=/usr/lib --with-boost-lib-name=libboost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_34_1". libboost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_34_1.* files are in /usr/lib/.23:12
chmacn8tuser: Only thing is, pppd is launched with a networkmanager specific plugin, I figure maybe it does some magic23:12
chmacn8tuser: I can connect fine with gnome-ppp (as I am now :)23:12
Rovinunop: I'm editing it in "gedit"23:13
imbezoli notice that ubuntu's ls likes to list the hidden files and non-hidden files together when you get a listing with "-al". Any way to get put that back to standard hidden first, then non-hidden?23:13
Rovinnot sure how else I could edit though?23:13
unopRovin, you'll have to launch gedit under gksudo then23:13
chmacimbezol: There's probably an option somewhere in `man ls`23:13
RovinOh, thanks :)23:13
crimsuntim__b: tim__b you need libboost-dev installed23:13
imbezolchmac: nope23:13
n8tuserchmac i dont know then, I am assuming gnome-ppp would use same config file to dial out23:13
chickenfuego2imbezol, "ls -lar?23:14
chmacn8tuser: gnome-ppp uses ~/wvdial.conf I believe23:14
chickenfuego2ls -lar23:14
chmacn8tuser: While wvdial uses ~/.wvdialrc23:14
tim__bcrimsun i have it instaled, tried the repo version and the 1.36 version from ppa23:14
imbezolchickenfuego2: r is reverse23:14
chickenfuego2list all revers23:14
chmacn8tuser: Both wvdial and gnome-ppp work, but NM launches pppd as root23:14
chmacn8tuser: Maybe if I create /root/.wvdialrc it'll work...23:14
chmacI gotta disconnect to find out... :)23:15
chmacI'll brb...23:15
crimsuntim__b: where does the compile actually fail?23:15
tim__bcrimsun http://paste.ubuntu.com/61599/ I tried it with diffrent lib names23:16
Uplinkits asking me if i want to remove libisc32?23:16
chmacimbezol: first result for "ls hidden first" on google is http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=4561523:17
crimsuntim__b: I'll look in a bit23:17
tim__bthanks, crimsun23:17
Tigerplugchmac - any idea about mounting ntfs partitions? - or partitions of which i dont know the filesystem23:17
chmacTigerplug: Do you have a specific error?23:18
DEVELOPERhi all23:18
pavel-Hi. In short: gdm is broken. Details: after booting the login screen is not displayed, instead a blank (black) screen with a cryptic error dialogue (all characters of the message are squares, same with OK button). I have compared my `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' and `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom' with ones from a working machine, they are identical. I have attempted to run `gdm restart' - same result. `killall gdm' followed by `gdm start' - same result. Any help23:18
Tigerplugchmac I can mount the first 3 partitions, the 4th is mac (i think called HFS extended) and the 4th is NTFS, I can mount with the -force switch both no directory listing23:18
[TiZ]Hi. I'd like to create a script that will automatically set up a chroot inside an extracted livecd squashfs, give me a terminal so I can mess around in it, and automatically close everything up once I'm done with it. Is this doable?23:18
DEVELOPERi wont ask a qusetion about ati drivers ???23:19
chmacTigerplug: You need to read up on `man mount` about the different options for mounting different disk types23:19
=== anthony_ is now known as tonyyarusso
Rovinthis might sound silly (from a user coming from Windows) - does Ubuntu have a Task Manager?23:19
chmacTigerplug: I don't know the specifics off the top of my head23:19
[TiZ]Rovin: System -> Administration -> System Monitor23:19
Tigerplugchmac - ok, I'm off to read the man pages. Thanks for your help :)23:19
RovinCheers TiZ23:19
chmacTigerplug: nw, good luck, try searching as well, you might find it quicker  :)23:20
pavel-(Rovin: or ps)23:20
unopRovin, it has several23:20
halberdI can't seem to get bitchx... the lines pertaining to universe and multiverse are uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list23:20
DEVELOPERi install them but when i start the session i see white window ??? now i enter in gnome safe mode who can help me ???23:20
halberdand I did apt-get update23:20
bachirsome one knows how to use Cmake to creake makefiles?23:21
Rovinany shortcut key to the "System Monitor"?23:21
unop!info bitchx hardy23:21
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in hardy23:21
unophalberd, ^^23:21
unop!info bitchx gutsy23:21
ubottubitchx (source: ircii-pana): Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 1515 kB, installed size 6524 kB23:21
bachirsome one knows how to use Cmake to creake makefiles?23:21
imbezol!info irssi hardy23:21
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB23:21
unophalberd, sounds like it was dropped in hardy23:22
halberdbut how can I get it23:22
halberdI have to download it manually?23:22
xomp!repeat | bachir23:22
ubottubachir: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:22
this_sucksdas any one now how to get a wireless card towaork on hardy23:22
unophalberd, yes23:22
bachirok sorry23:22
halberdis there a compelling security reason why bitchx is no longer supported?23:22
bachir!reapeat | bachir23:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reapeat23:23
bachir!repeat | bachir23:23
ubottubachir, please see my private message23:23
Rovinare there any shortcut key to the "System Monitor"?23:23
unopRovin, you can create one23:23
Rovinhow to? :(23:23
Rovinbit of a newbie sorry23:23
BullterdOk Here's a weird one. When I run the command via cron it does 7.3mb of the tar and stops. Whereas if I run it via ./ it does nearly a gig23:24
louisehello I think I have a problem with xauth and gdm's permission to access the xserver23:24
bonhofferstill trying to mount with 'sudo mount -a' and getting error 113 = No route to host23:24
louiseI can't log in23:24
unop!keyboard shortcuts | Rovin23:24
this_suckscan some one help me I have slow wireless connect23:24
imbezol!info bitchx2 hardy23:24
ubottuRovin: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts23:24
ubottuPackage bitchx2 does not exist in hardy23:24
bonhofferany options (short of rebooting)23:24
louisecan someone help me out on this one? I no nothing about this23:24
Rovincool - thanks both23:24
halberdI have a problem also, I am trying to configure my wireless card23:25
crimsunhalberd: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=45137323:25
halberdand I can do "iwlist scan" and that finds my router23:25
halberdbut when I do ifup wlan0 it never finishes the DHCP query23:25
EyesOfARavenHow do i clock my processor up from within linux23:25
halberdit doesn't get a reply23:25
this_suckshit ctrl + alt + f1 and see if you can login there23:25
mneptokEyesOfARaven: try Amazon. or Newegg.23:26
EyesOfARaveni am totally talking about changing my FSB23:26
EyesOfARavennot buying a processor23:26
=== shovi`afk is now known as shovi
halberdwhat can I do to debug that23:26
BullterdEyesOfARaven: BIOS23:26
louisethis_sucks, I can login but not into gnome23:26
EyesOfARavenit's an Eee23:26
EyesOfARavenbullterd: from within linux i said :p23:26
bonhofferstill new to linux and trying to get mount to work i have a cifs mount in my fstab23:27
louisethis_sucks, the login screen goes away before I can type and the cycle repeats forever23:27
this_suckshave you rebooted23:28
halberdah crimsun i guess that's the answer23:28
DEVELOPERwho can halp me23:29
DEVELOPERwith ATI driverss23:29
halberdhow can I debug the fact that my wireless card doesn't get a dhcp lease despite being able to find the wireless router?23:29
louisethis_sucks, I did23:29
louisethis_sucks, didn't help23:29
csilkDEVELOPER, what card you got?23:30
freeflashstuffI updated my Ubuntu Studio about a week ago and now I have the Nautalis bonobo-slay error everytime I start up, and a Cannot Mount Volume error in org.freedesktop23:30
GodfatherofEireAnyone know what program I might have installed that causes a GNOME startup manager to appear after log-in23:31
louisehalberd try iwconfig ap wlan0 yourRouterAddress23:31
this_suckshave you done any thing sents you were in gnomr last23:31
chmacAnyone know how NetworkManager 0.7 passes the APN to a mobile broadband connection?23:31
mongolaiGodfatherofEire:  did you save your session when the startup manager was running?23:31
GodfatherofEireProbably, but I cant remember exactly what I did/installed23:31
louisethis_sucks,  pardon?23:32
this_sucksis this a fresh install23:32
louisethis_sucks, nope23:32
Tigerplugis there any way that I can completely remove everything from my ubuntu box reverting to a fresh install (without actually reinstalling)?23:33
halberdno doesn't seem to work louise23:33
GodfatherofEireMongolai, any idea what I might have unintentionally enabled?23:33
BobbyFerretchmac: It think it must be part of the chat or wvdial script it creates23:33
freeflashstuffCan anyone help me out?23:33
csilk!ask | freeflashstuff23:34
ubottufreeflashstuff: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:34
mongolaiGodfatherofEire:  no idea, but you can go to System>prefs>sessions and start looking around there23:34
louisehalberd, I messed up, the syntax is the other way around23:34
GodfatherofEireOk, thanks23:34
halberdah yes louise but I did it the right way and it still doesn't dhcp discover23:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:34
drekTigerplug, I would just place everything I wanted in an empty partitionmap and reinstall but leave that map and then just mount it23:35
louisehalberd, did you try to set your ESSID and Key using iwconfig first?23:35
pavel-Hi. In short: gdm is broken. Details: after booting the login screen is not displayed, instead a blank (black) screen with a cryptic error dialogue (all characters of the message are squares, same with OK button). I have compared my `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' and `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom' with ones from a working machine, they are identical. I have attempted to run `gdm restart' - same result. `killall gdm' followed by `gdm start' - same result. Any help23:35
this_suckssorry louise I can't think of any thing23:36
louisethis_sucks, this sucks =]23:36
louisethis_sucks, just kidding]23:36
JakeMonis there a ncurses program for managing users on  the cli?23:36
halberdlouise yes I set my essid and it's an unencrypted router23:36
freeflashstuffCan anyone help me out? I have a Nautalis(I don't think I spelled that right) error on startup(bonobo -slay), and I cannot mount volumes.23:36
Kr0ntabpavel-: was it working before and something messed it up?  Or was this a clean install and it never worked?23:36
halberdand I'm sitting right next to it so the signal is strong23:37
this_sucksdes any one now why my wireless internet is slow23:37
louisepavel-, are you using intrepid ibex beta?23:37
GodfatherofEireSay, Mongolai, if it only ran on login, would it have any specific setting attched to it? Like restart?23:37
halberdquality 93/10023:37
drekthis_sucks, to thick wall in between?23:37
pavel-Kr0ntab: it was working yesterday evening, after installing coq/coqide and reconfiguring some of its shortkeys i left the computer on, power outage during the night, today booted the computer and result as i described23:37
louisehalberd, weird, I don't know what to do]23:38
pavel-louise: no i am not23:38
drekpavel-, just uninstall what u did last night23:38
mongolaiGodfatherofEire:  i don't really know23:38
louisepavel-, something similar is happening to me23:38
BobbyFerretpavel-: I recommend: apt-get --purge remove gdm; apt-get install gdm; dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg23:38
JackOSis the 8.10 RC out yet?23:38
Kr0ntabpavel-: BobbyFerret has outlined an almost sure shot way of bringing back your configuration...23:39
Rovinhow to shutdown safely, my button in the top-right has frozen...or can I restart a process using the System Monitor?23:39
pavel-drek: ill try purging/removing coq/coqide packages. BobbyFerret: ill give it a go, though Ive already gone through a reinstall of gdm. Thanks23:39
histoRovin: hit alt+f2 and killall gnome-panel23:40
drekRovin, use terminal and 'sudo shutdown -r now'23:40
Kr0ntabpavel-: gdm does not control your X configuration... BobbyFerret is giving you a command that will.  which is to reconfigure X.23:40
histoRovin: Or you can hit ctrl+alt+F1 and log in.  Then tyep in sudo shutdown -h now23:40
drekRovin, histo s way is a good one23:41
csilkIs the official Ubuntu line on envy... "dont use it" ?23:41
pavel-Kr0ntab: sorry, i meant to say i have done a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org (twice), both times breaking my ctrl alt F[1-6] consoles which ive restored through the livecd, nevertheless i will try again23:41
Drakesonbind9 is too heavy for the following use-case, so I am asking for your recommendations: I want to resolve hostnames to local IP addresses in a small LAN. modifying /etc/hosts is a bit cumbersome for a laptop (in that case I have to modify it whenever I commute between home and work). What would you use?23:42
drekpavel-, what exact command did u use?23:42
perforatehow do I use remote desktop viewer...any takers?23:43
joaopintoDrakeson, that resolution services is only required for your laptop ?23:43
pavel-drek: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org (i.e. no -phigh flag)23:43
drekpavel-, try the purge command23:43
histopavel-: what is the problem?23:44
fatfishyI applied the latest system upgrade on hardy, some cpp patches etc, now my nvidia driver is stuck at 640x480 if i uninstall the driver max it will do is 800x600. reinstalling it via restricted driver hardware panel puts it back at 640 is there a conflict with the latest driver?23:44
pavel-drek: booting up :) (just restored my xorg.conf again...)23:44
perforatejust wanted to use it on my network to start23:44
histopavel-: I misssed your original problem.23:44
fatfishyI remember a driver patch came out recently23:44
perforateto view other computers23:44
Drakesonjoaopinto: the laptop and very few other machines23:44
drekpavel-, heh okey =/23:44
BobbyFerretpavel-: --purge is the key since it will not preserve loacl modification to config files.23:44
pavel-histo: In short: gdm is broken. Details: after booting the login screen is not displayed, instead a blank (black) screen with a cryptic error dialogue (all characters of the message are squares, same with OK button). I have compared my `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf' and `/etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom' with ones from a working machine, they are identical. I have attempted to run `gdm restart' - same result. `killall gdm' followed by `gdm start' - same result. An23:44
=== louise is now known as mercutio22
fatfishyI down grade23:45
Frijoliehow do you get a list of installed fonts on your system?23:45
drekpavel-, check BobbyFerret , he can explain better23:45
histopavel-: maybe its an issue with X then have you checked the logs for errors?23:46
drekFrijolie, press system-->apperance23:46
fatfishyI guess ill try the envy driver installer23:47
squee_I'm running a tftp server.  I need to run a script every time someone downloads a file from it, how should I go about that?23:47
drekFrijolie, system-->pref.-->apperance23:47
Frijoliedrek: Thanks23:47
roganMy friend is wanting to try out Ubuntu.. he has vista and plans on running and emulator with ubuntu. is this the smartest rout?23:47
pavel-histo: i've been going through the error log for the last while. I figured there is a better way though :23:47
drekFrijolie, np23:47
EyesOfARavenrogan: i recommend a live cd23:47
Frijoliedrek: I'm looking for the Garamond font and don't know where to get it. I already have msttcorefonts installed23:47
squee_rogan, I wouldn't suggest it, the speed hit from running within an OS will probably dampen the experience for him23:48
diskinpavel-, check permissions in the sytem, I had similar problem, and it were broken permissions23:48
EyesOfARavenrogan: it would be faster, more comfortable, and not bother his windows install23:48
roganbut playing the cd wont really give full effect will it23:48
drekFrijolie, check out http://art.gnome.org/themes/gtk2/23:49
angusthefuzzFrijolie: the package texlive-fonts-extra contains garamond23:49
drekFrijolie, it will get u started23:49
dreksry guys, gotta get some sleep before work23:50
drekand gl23:50
RovinI managed the shutdown lol23:50
drekRovin, gz mate =)23:50
palangohi there, why is there only a dvd image of the intrepid RC?23:50
pavel-BobbyFerret & all: well i did a reinstall of gdm, did a xserver reconfig and once again my consoles are gone23:50
Frijolieangusthefuzz: texlive-fonts-extra is already the newest version no Garamond23:50
freeflashstuffCan anyone help me with my Nautilus and volume mounting problem? I get a bonobo -slay error everytime I login or try to open a folder and I can't mount any volumes.23:50
pavel-make that unreachable23:51
histoRovin: how'd you end up doing it?23:51
shawn_hey i'm running ubuntu 8.4 and my taskbars disapired23:51
pavel-let me attempt purging/removing coq23:51
shawn_can any one help me get them back?23:51
histopavel-: but does X work when your consoles are gone?23:52
Rovinhisto: "sudo shutdown -h now"23:52
histoRovin: k. Like I said you could have done that or restarted the panels.23:52
dHECan anyone tell me how to create a permanent channel in my internal irc server??23:52
pavel-histo: same error, blank screen, cryptic message23:52
histodHE: maybe you should ask in #help or some other irc channel. But you probably need a bot to sit idle in the channel.23:53
histodHE: also why would you want an internal irc server.23:53
BobbyFerretpavel-: Can you by any chance get hold of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and put it on pastebin?23:53
histopavel-: This is not a problem with GDM I garantee is a problem with X23:53
pavel-BobbyFerret: right after i restore xorg.conf with the livecd again :23:53
BobbyFerretpavel-: Ouch, well it would be helpfull :)23:54
shawn_im so confused... (n00b to linux) how do you get the taskbars back.. don't know how to do any thing or get any thing back... don't know even know how to open termanial23:54
csilkdHE, it depends what server your running and what servies it has.. you shoul dbe able to register a channel with chanserv23:54
histopavel-: what type of video card do you have?23:54
Jake_can someone help me plz23:54
shawn_someone pm me23:54
csilk!ask | Jake_23:55
ubottuJake_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:55
rolfschaafgood morning23:55
writinghow do I install the postgresql docs in ubuntu?23:55
histoshawn_: hit alt+f2 and type in killall gnome-panel23:55
writingwhat is the package called?23:55
Jake_<csilk> how do i find the port to nessuss or wat is a port and how do i find it23:55
writingI want the doxygen23:55
pavel-histo: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:29c2] (rev 10)23:55
shawn_dosent do any thing23:55
csilkJake_,  sorry, I'm no nessus expert, maybe you can consult the manual?23:56
pavel-(taken from identical machine which I'm on currently speaking with you all :) )23:56
dHEthe chanserv command don't work, it's appear as unknown command..  i'm using ircd-irc223:56
Jake_do u know how to find the port though23:56
xomp!u | Jake_23:57
ubottuJake_: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..23:57
csilkdHE, what output does /cs give you?23:57
shawn_Alt + F2 dose nothing,,23:57
freeflashstuffI need help with a volume mounting problem and a nautilus error...23:57
Jake_anyoen know how to find the port for nessuss23:57
roganEyesOfARaven: could anything go wrong if he uses an emulator?23:58
shawn_i really dont want to have to reinstall23:58
histopavel-: hrm... check the /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any errors23:58
fatfishyanyone know what would make the nvidia driver stick at 64023:58
histoshawn_: then restart X did you remove the panels or something?23:58
fatfishyenvyng didnt help23:58
histoshawn_: ctrl+alt+backspace will restart X and put you bakc at a login.23:59
pavel-histo: im in the process of pasting a copy to the pastebin23:59
Jake_pm me if u know how to find the port for nessuss i would rly appreciate it23:59
=== halberd_ is now known as halberd
shawn_no my system just crashed and i restarted and loged back in and ever thing was gone23:59
dHEi put in command "/chanserv register #server"23:59
histoJake_: man nessus will show you.23:59
halberdahh well wireless is working23:59
bonhofferin the gnome file finder (the result of an 'open' button click) how can i see file size?23:59
dHEwithout "23:59
Jake_it gives me oen put then it says cant fin dlocal host23:59

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