
=== Hydrogen is now known as hYDROGEN
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vilahi all07:07
phokuhi there07:13
matkorHi ! What does conflict mean "Contents conflict in foo" ? I see only foo.BASE and foo.OTHER ?08:42
matkorWhy no partially merged foo ?08:42
lifelessprobably a binary file08:43
lifelessor a parallel add08:43
matkormhmmm ... its py file so popably parallel add ... thanks lifeless08:44
lifelessif bzr st shows both as versioned08:45
lifelessthen its parallel add08:45
lifelesspick one and bzr mv it to the right name08:45
fullermdIf there's only a .BASE and .OTHER (no .THIS), wouldn't that mean you had deleted it, and OTHER had changed it?09:21
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lifelessfullermd: no, it warns clearly on that case09:29
lifelessI think09:29
fullermdNo, it just says 'Contents conflict, with foo.OTHER add'd and foo.BASE unknown.10:00
Odd_Blokejelmer: I'm getting a "SubversionException: ("Can't get entries of non-directory", 160016)", what might be causing that?10:37
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Odd_Blokejelmer: This is when doing a "$ bzr branch svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-voip/freepbx/trunk freepbx" BTW.10:40
james_wlifeless, spiv: tdflanders is a tricky customer, I think it's best to just leave him be for a bit. I'm dealing with him on several other bugs as well.10:46
matkorI had file in rev_A, I did bzr update to rev_B and file is missing ... How can I get latest revision when file existed in branch ?11:42
awilkinsmatkor: Get the file-id from a revision where you knew it existed, and do a verbose log with file-id grepping for it11:56
awilkinsmatkor: It's also fairly trivial to hack in a "log on file-id" option to the log command (not this is the 4th time that's come up in the channel, I think I may submit a patch for it)11:57
jelmerOdd_Bloke, please file a bug11:57
Odd_Blokejelmer: Will do.11:59
matkorawilkins: Thanks !12:08
awilkinsmatkor: You're welcome ; the problem with logging on file-id is that because of the way inventories work, you can't actually pin down which revision it was deleted in.12:10
awilkinsmatkor: But the last revision it was _changed_ in should be good enough if you just want the file back12:10
awilkinsmatkor: for the deletion revision, you have to run the full log12:13
PieterI made a fix on my old fastimport branch yesterday. But someone had introduced a new bug in the fastimport-dev version. So I merged in fastimport-dev and now want to refer to the commit that introduced the bug. But that commit has another commit number in my branch than in fastimport.dev. how should I refer to it?12:15
Pieteruse --show-ids?12:15
KinnisonIf I want to refer to a rev on a moving branch then I use the revid12:16
Kinnisonthey're a bit longer, but they're stable12:16
PieterHmm, I made changes to my working tree before merging, and now they're added to the merge commit :(12:16
Kinnisonif you've not pushed that, uncommit, pick them out, revert and start again12:20
Pieteryeah.. I wish bazaar would auto-commit on merge12:21
Kinnisonbut the merge might not be right12:21
KinnisonE.g. you might want to fix a semantic error caused by the line-by-line merge12:21
Pieteryeah, in that case you can just amend the commit12:21
KinnisonIt'd be trivial for you to write yourself a script which did merge, check-for-conflicts, commit-if-okay12:22
KinnisonIf you really want that12:22
Pieterhmm..? http://pastie.org/29958712:22
KinnisonYou can't push to launchpad over http12:23
Pieterbut why is it a saved location then?12:23
KinnisonIt's probably where you pulled from?12:23
Kinnisonuse bzr push --remember URL-TO-RIGHT-PLACE12:23
Pieternice :)12:25
Peng_Pieter: The bad URL being given by break-lock is known (bug 250451).12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250451 in bzr "bzr suggests wrong URL for break-lock with a LP hosted branch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25045112:43
mwhudsonso the launchpad plugin doesn't seem to cope with random network suckage all that well12:44
mwhudsonwhen will ~ work in bzr+ssh urls?14:08
awilkinsWhen a developer gets annoyed enough by it to patch it, I suspect14:09
mwhudsonit's too easy to work around i guess14:10
awilkinsIt's a one-time annoyance for most branches14:10
awilkinsSo I suppose it doesn't pee you off on a daily basis14:10
RedLizardis it possible to synchonize working copies using bazaar without committing the changes?14:11
fullermdIt annoys me on a semi-regular basis.  Probably would a lot more often it it weren't for bookmarks...14:12
fullermdRedLizard: You can use merge --uncommitted on a [local] branch to bring across uncommitted changes.  But it's not really a synchonization tool.14:12
HippySurferHi, bzr newbie here. Is it safe to copy a branch onto a CD from a Linux box, then back onto a Windows box? Ignoring anything that that might happen to the filenames in the working copy, will the bzr files be OK?14:13
awilkinsHippySurfer: That should work, AFAIK14:15
awilkinsHippySurfer: Do a remove-tree on the folder first and save yourself the space (unless there are unsaved changes)14:15
RedLizardfullermd: that should work I think, thanks :)14:15
HippySurfergood point.14:15
RedLizardfullermd: is it possible to merge your changes into the external branch, rather than the other way around?14:21
awilkinsRedLizard: You can merge the changes from the external branch, then push to it, but merging needs a working tree because you may have to resolve conflicts14:22
fullermdWell, merge has a -d option to do the merge in another directory.  But that's of limited use; it's usually a lot easier to just cd $wherever; bzr merge $other14:22
fullermd(and anyway, you'd have to poke around $wherever to verify the changes and commit them anyway)14:23
RedLizardawilkins: but can you push uncomitted changes?14:24
fullermdNo.  Push pushes revisions; it there's no revision, it can't be pushed (pash?)14:24
RedLizardcan i merge --uncommited -d to a remote (as in, not on the local filesystem) branch?14:26
fullermdNo, working trees can only be accessed locally.14:27
fullermdRealize, you could always commit the changes, push it somewhere, and then use uncommit or pull to 'step back' your branch and not include that commit.14:27
RedLizardi don't think that's going to help me14:29
RedLizardi'm trying to keep a working copy synchonized over several machines, while retaining the proper merging bazaar provides14:30
RedLizardwithout abusing commits just to synchonize14:30
RedLizardany ideas on how to accomplish this?14:31
fullermdWell, as a general rule, if you're moving between machines more than once without a commit, You're Doing Something Wrong(tm).14:37
RedLizardwhat's wrong with what i'm trying to do?14:38
fullermdWell, it's not like there's a RULE about how often you have to commit.  But if it takes so long between commits that you're moving where you're working, that tends to suggest that you're doing a whole lot between commits.14:38
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RedLizardi work both at home (on my home computer) and at the university (on my laptop). Therefore, i need to synchonize twice a day, regardless of how much work I accomplish.14:40
RedLizardIn particular, i often need to synchonize something that isn't a logical atomic change, and therefore shouldn't be a commit14:42
fullermdWell, but commits ARE the item that bzr synchronizes.  You can fake it with 'temporary' commits that you push around and uncommit, but...14:43
fullermdmerge --uncommitted is a tool to handle the case of "Whoops, I should be making that change in _this_ branch instead"; it won't (and isn't intended to) handle syncing back and forth.14:43
fullermdThat's what revisions are for after all.14:43
RedLizardwell, it's true that the problem I'm trying to solve is outside the scope of bazaar, but I don't think there's a different way to do it14:45
RedLizardin particular, I can't just rsync working copies around and merge those, because that would mean i would be merging .bzr directories, which will undoubtedly screw things up14:45
fullermdIt could be done without screwing things up, but yes, it would take a bit of rather careful (which means 'fragile') handwork.14:46
fullermdIt may help to just scale back the meaning you assign to a commit.  While every commit I make [ideally of course; I fall short in practice sometimes] is of a _single_ thing, that thing isn't necessarily _complete_.  Often isn't, in fact.14:47
fullermd's why I have a lot of side branches; I don't stand for half-done things sitting on a 'main' branch, but in topic branches it's far and away the common state.14:48
RedLizardthat could work, but there's a requirement that complicates things:14:49
RedLizardi don't want any of those synchonization-commits to show up in the public logs14:49
RedLizard[of the main repository]14:49
RedLizardsince they often contain testing files containing passwords etc.14:50
fullermdWell, I never add those sort of temp things anyway; if they exist, they're individual and tiny files, and don't change much, so I just scp 'em around manually if necessary.14:51
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Odd_BlokeI'd like to email a series of patches (i.e. one for each commit) to someone.  What's a good way to do this?15:26
semsliedoes anyone know if the trac-bzr plugin supports remote repositories?15:26
semsliecurrently my bzr repository is hosted on a different server to my trac install15:27
jelmersemslie, In theory I think it should, but it would be unworkably slow.15:31
semsliejelmer: well, thats a pretty convincing argument against. I'll try to set things up more sensibly instead.15:31
mdmkolbeEvery time I revert a file, bzr leaves behind a *.~1~ file, is that default or is that something that has to be set per repository?  Also how do I disable that?15:42
fullermdWell, you could use --no-backup to make it not create a backup file.15:43
jelmermdmkolbe, it's the default15:43
mdmkolbeok, then is there an easy way to get to or check if I have a pristine code tree.  e.g. "bzr st" doesn't show *.~1~ by default and I need it to15:44
fullermd.~whatever files are ignored.15:45
mdmkolbefullermd: yes, but is there a way to (temporarily) make them not ignored?15:46
fullermdNo.  You could just whack 'em with find, or finger your way through bzr ignored.15:48
mdmkolbefullermd: it looks like bzr ignored will do just what I need, thx15:49
jdobug #28875115:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288751 in bzr "bzr push returns error Revision <x> not in <y>" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28875115:54
jdojust got that using 1.9dev15:54
jdoUsing saved push location: bzr+ssh://jdobrien@bazaar.launchpad.net/~jdobrien/ubunet/subscription-payments15:54
jdo bzr: ERROR: Revision {jdo@canonical.com-20081006141744-k8myay8ls316o14y} not present in "purchase.py-20080823031523-leymwbfdmocqr4fp-4".15:54
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RaceConditionI think I might have asked this yesterday, but how do I convert a git repository to a Bazaar one?16:09
RaceConditionwas it fastimport?16:10
Odd_BlokeRaceCondition: Yes.16:11
RaceConditionso bzr init mybranch; cd mybranch; bzr fastimport ../mygitrepo/?16:12
RaceConditionhmm, I branched bzr-fastimport, but python setup.py install not easy_install . do not work16:16
RaceConditionpython setup.py install gives no ouput, easy_install complains16:16
RaceConditionNo eggs found in /Users/erik/bzr/fastimport/egg-dist-tmp-uIh1Oe (setup script problem?)16:16
james_wRaceCondition: it's a bzr plugin, drop it in ~/.bazaar/plugins16:17
james_wnamed as "fastimport"16:17
RaceConditionthe fastimport module, right? not the whole branch16:17
RaceConditionhmm, there is no fastimport module16:17
james_wno, the whole branch16:18
RaceConditiongot it16:18
RaceConditionnice, it worked16:23
RaceConditionalthough it went crazy when I accidentially did git fast-export -all instead of --all16:23
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RaceConditiondoes bzr-upload also upload files that are not under version control?16:46
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beunoRaceCondition, no16:54
RaceConditionbeuno: weird, it did upload a file that was NOT under version control17:03
RaceConditionbut that was the initial upload, following ones might be different17:03
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fynnHi. How do I get all patches committed by user foo?19:08
fynnincluding a summary, a patch name, and possibly the full diff as well?19:09
=== Kinnison is now known as dsilvers
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fynnOK, I'm encountering a weird issue.19:58
fynnwhen I run bzr (no arguments) in a directory that contains a .pyc file, that .pyc file is executed.19:58
fynnOK, this isn't just a .pyc file: it works if the directory contains a .py file.20:00
fynni.e. same problem.20:00
fynnanyone knows why that is?20:00
fynnthe problem seems to be caused by a file called parser.py20:01
jamfynn: I'm guessing you are on windows?20:08
fynnjam: nope, Ubuntu Hardy.20:08
jamhmm... we *do* "import parser" in 'bzrlib.tests.test_source' because 'parser' is a module that is part of the standard library20:09
jamso you naming a file the same as a standard lib isn't a great thing to do20:09
jamhowever, '.' shouldn't be on our search path20:09
jamby default it isn't20:09
jamthere were some problems with /usr/lib/python2.x/site.py20:10
jamwhich was accidentally including '' into the default search path20:10
jambut IIRC that was only on win3220:10
jamfynn: can you try: "python -c 'import sys, pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path)" and paste the output?20:10
fynnjam: here's a simple, straightforward reproduction of the problem:20:10
jamfynn: right, that doesn't happen here, and I believe it is because your site.py is setting up a bad python module search path20:11
fynnjam: http://dpaste.com/86634/20:13
jamfynn: notice the '' as the first entry20:13
fynnjam: I suspect the problem is ... right20:13
fynnI thought that was normal for PYTHONPATH?20:13
jamfynn: you have "PYTHONPATH=''" ?20:13
jamor do you have it something like "PYTHONPATH='something:'"20:13
jamwith a trailing ':'20:13
jamanyway, you could hack the bzr startup script with20:13
jamimport sys20:14
jamif '' in sys.path:20:14
jam  sys.path.remove('')20:14
jambut you may want to try and debug how '' is being put into your path20:14
fynnjam: no, I'm not changing PYTHONPATH at all.20:14
jamfynn: ah wait a sec, part of the issue is that 'python -c' is running in the local working directory20:15
jamso yeah, it adds ''20:15
jamcan you try adding the 'pprint' stuff to your 'bzr' script?20:15
fynnwhere is that?20:15
jamfynn: probably /usr/bin/bzr20:16
jamyou can just copy it somewhere else if you don't want to modify it there20:17
jamcp /usr/bin/bzr ~/bzr20:17
jamand then test it with ~/bzr20:17
fynnjam: it adds the CWD as the first entry.20:19
jamfynn: it should add the directory of the 'bzr' script, but not CWD20:19
jamyou are seeing "CWD" always be added?20:19
jamwell, CWD not the literal 3-letter string :)20:20
fynnjam: yes.20:22
fynnthe first entry on the sys.path seems to consistently be CWD.20:23
jamfynn: just to cover all bases, here is a test script20:24
jamcan you copy that into a file like "test.py"20:24
jamand then run it as20:24
jamcd ..20:24
jampython directory/test.py20:24
jamand see if it has CWD or only CWD/directory in the search path20:24
jamand assuming that fails like the rest20:25
jamthen it is something with your python installation20:25
jamand that takes a bit more to debug20:25
fynnjam: $ cat bar.py20:30
fynnimport sys, pprint20:30
Odd_Blokeloggerhead just made it into unstable. \o/20:30
Odd_Bloke20:26:03 < BTS> loggerhead (NEW) 1.6-1 uploaded by Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org> (Closes: #492477) http://packages.qa.debian.org/loggerhead20:30
fynnjam: $ python bar.py20:31
jamfynn: that is expected. And if you run it from another directory?20:31
fynnjam: same behavior:20:32
jamfynn: '/home/xif' is also in the path, right?20:33
fynnjam: if I run it from a different directory?  no, it's not.20:33
jam(the directory containing the script should always be added, and CWD should not. Unless, of course, the script is *in* CWD)20:33
fynnah, one second then.20:33
fynnjam: OK, I checked20:34
fynn1) the CWD is always added20:34
fynn(as the first entry in sys.path)20:35
fynn2) the script directory is added as well, but not as the first entry.20:35
jamfynn: ok, so part (1) is a bad python installation setting, which we can try to debug, but isn't specifically a bzr problem20:35
jamfynn: you can try editing /usr/lib/python2.5/site.py20:37
jamfor example, there is a function "removeduppaths"20:37
jammy guess is that it will end up having a '' in sys.path20:37
jamwhich gets expanded to CWD20:37
jamjust before line 95 or so there is "sys.path[:] = L"20:37
jamyou could add20:37
jamimport pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path); pprint.pprint(L)20:38
jamand then paste that20:38
jamthat will tell us what paths remove dup paths is getting, and what it is setting it to20:38
jamfynn: it *could* be that you have a rogue 'foo.pth' file in your path, causing python to get confused about the correct paths20:39
fynnjam: you want me to add that debugging line before or after "sys.path[:] = L"?20:39
fynn(that's not it: I tried it from several newly-created directories)20:40
jamfynn: *before* that line20:40
jamfynn: the foo.pth is in some /usr/lib/* location20:40
jamwell, a "rogue foo.pth" would be there20:41
fynnOK, line 100-101 now looks like this:20:41
fynn(100-101 in my site.py)20:41
fynn    import pprint; pprint.pprint(sys.path); pprint.pprint(L)20:41
fynn    sys.path[:] = L20:41
jamfynn: right20:41
jamnow try running bar.py or bzr20:41
fynnhm, running 'python -c "pass"' doesn't do a thing.20:42
fynnI would have expected a printout.20:43
fynnjam: possibly stdout for site.py is suppressed.20:45
jamfynn: well looking here if I add "print testing" to site.py it shows up20:47
jamit may be that 'removeduppaths' isn't getting called20:47
jamfynn: you might try looking at the 'def main()' function20:48
jamand adding some debugging there20:48
jamfynn: also are you editing 'site.py' in place, or in a local copy?20:49
fynnjam: OK, thanks. I guess I should try that.20:49
jamA local copy won't be run20:49
fynnediting it in place, of course :)20:49
fynnjam: this is a fairly vanilla Hardy installation, so I'd suspect I'm not the only one seeing this.20:50
jamfynn: the first *I've* seen :)20:50
jamand as all python programs would suffer similar issues...20:51
fynnhm, I guess it _could_ be my setup.20:52
fynnwould debug this a bit more when I have the time.20:52
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