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angusthefuzzWhat happens if I determined that bug 288119 should be filed against gnome-panel-data but it isnt a choice.  Should i choose gnome-panel?01:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288119 in ubuntu "clock applet hebrew (rtl) week days are justified to the left (too much)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28811901:23
angusthefuzznevermind, answered my own question01:24
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* Woody86 is away: I'll brb, PM me or say my name05:31
* Woody86 is back (gone 00:00:23)05:31
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RAOF!away > woody8605:47
ubottuwoody86, please see my private message05:47
woody86RAOF- did my away message just come up again?05:50
RAOFOnly once; I only just noticed it.05:52
RAOFAnd it's annoying, and you might not have known that it's considered rude.05:53
woody86RAOF- Yeah, sorry about that, someone else let me know, too. I just switched from ChatZilla to xchat, and I didn't realize that it broadcast your away message like that, I thought it meant marking you as away on all networks. My bad :(05:58
woody86I changed it, so no worries anymore, but thanks for the pointer :)05:58
lifelesswe should really remove that option from xchat :)06:24
iktwhich option?06:25
macoikt: the one where it prints your /away blah blah blah to the channel06:25
macoikt: and when you come back it says you're coming back and how long you were gone06:25
thekorngood morning06:56
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Next Hug Day is 28 Oct | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
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joaopintoanyone with know-how to guide me into troubleshooting a non working sound input problem ?09:49
elmargolany ideas on bug #23660209:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236602 in f-spot "No applications available for photo editing if Gnome is not installed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23660209:56
seb128elmargol: try seeing what it's calling10:16
elmargolhttp://bayimg.com/nAlKFaABJ <-10:16
elmargolseb128: how?10:16
seb128elmargol: strace?10:17
elmargolseb128: i'm looking at the source. f-spot uses something called fime fetcher10:37
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elmargolsebner: on #f-spot they tell my I need gnome-session in order to get this working :(11:16
elmargolsorry sebner wrong nick11:17
sebnerelmargol: np11:17
BUGabundo_workcoming from both #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-testing11:36
BUGabundo_workgot a busybox with RC11:36
BUGabundo_workusing 64bits booting from pendrive11:37
BUGabundo_workburned with usb-creator11:37
BUGabundo_workany idea on how to get logs?11:37
james_wBUGabundo_work: I would suggest you boot again, choose language, then hit F611:38
BUGabundo_workthen what?11:38
james_wthen delete "quiet splash" from the kernel command line11:38
james_wand add break=top11:38
BUGabundo_workI already removed splash and quite11:38
BUGabundo_workI always do that11:38
BUGabundo_workbreak top11:38
* BUGabundo_work rebooting11:38
james_wthen we need to do some sed, but I can't remember the file to target11:39
* BUGabundo_work booting11:39
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BUGabundo_workit crashed even earlier11:39
BUGabundo_workat 2.744 sec11:39
james_wI need to know what dirs are in the root from your prompt11:39
BUGabundo_workwith input: at translated11:39
james_wif you've got a busybox prompt, that's not crashing, that's what break=top does11:40
BUGabundo_workah ok11:40
james_wit allows you to get a shell before anything happens11:40
BUGabundo_worknow what?11:40
james_w<james_w> I need to know what dirs are in the root from your prompt11:40
BUGabundo_workthat's why it only took 2.7 secs11:40
BUGabundo_workls it11:41
BUGabundo_work the /root is empty11:41
BUGabundo_workor did you mean / ?11:41
james_wyeah /11:41
james_wplain "ls"11:41
james_wis there a "scripts" dir?11:41
BUGabundo_workdev root bin conf etc lib sbin ...11:42
BUGabundo_workscripts init lib64 var usr sys proc11:42
BUGabundo_workand tmp11:42
james_wah, what's in scripts?11:42
BUGabundo_workyes there is11:42
BUGabundo_workneed and ls of it?11:42
BUGabundo_workinit-mount init-top nfs-top nfs...11:42
BUGabundo_worklocal-premount local dunctions casper-premount11:43
BUGabundo_workinit-bottom local-bottom11:43
BUGabundo_workcasper-bottom casper casper-functions casper helpers lupin-helpers11:43
BUGabundo_workdone james_w11:44
james_wthere we go11:44
james_wsed -i '2a set -x' scripts/casper11:44
james_wenter that11:44
BUGabundo_workhumm here is ' on eng keyb?11:45
BUGabundo_workI have PT11:45
james_w" should work if you can find that11:45
BUGabundo_workI did11:45
BUGabundo_workits on º11:45
BUGabundo_workand ' is on ª11:45
james_wit's a US keyboard I think, so it doesn't match mine either11:45
james_wonce that command completed successfully type "exit"11:46
BUGabundo_workit seems to be booting11:46
james_wand the boot will continue, but with even more messages, try and spot any errors11:46
BUGabundo_workback to initramfs11:46
BUGabundo_worklet me do a pgup to see11:46
BUGabundo_worknothing there11:47
amageehi.. i've never submitted a bug report to ubuntu before so i'm not really sure where to start.. but i'm trying to install 8.10 rc through the live cd and when i get to the partitioner, nothing comes up11:47
james_wno errors, or nothing?11:47
BUGabundo_workother then the usual "unable to enumerate usb port"11:47
BUGabundo_worknothing other then the usual boot stuff11:47
amageeis this an appropriate place to ask about that?11:48
BUGabundo_workno ERROR word around or FAIL11:48
james_wamagee: yes it is, can you quit ubiquity, and then open a terminal, then run 'ubiquity-gtk' and go through to the partitioner again11:49
BUGabundo_workgoing back all the way to 42 sec I see nothing unusual11:49
james_wamagee: assuming you are installing Ubuntu, and not Kubuntu11:49
amageeubiquity is the installerL11:49
james_wBUGabundo_work: yeah, it won't necessarily have ERROR11:49
james_wamagee: yes11:49
james_wamagee: you don't need to reboot or anything, just close it like a normal application11:50
BUGabundo_workany more ideas james_w?11:50
amageeum there's no ubiquity-gtk, there's just ubiquity and ubiquity-dm11:50
james_wBUGabundo_work: the "unable to enumerate usb port" sounds like it could be it, as you are trying to boot from USB11:50
james_wamagee: one second please11:50
BUGabundo_workbut I've always seen that11:51
BUGabundo_workI think it's the webcam11:51
BUGabundo_workI can boot up on regular ibex and check the log11:51
BUGabundo_workI think I have a couple of them on some LP bugs11:51
BUGabundo_workjames_w: ill look at regular boot11:53
BUGabundo_workwith the break top11:53
BUGabundo_workor it can be a BIOS bug11:54
BUGabundo_workhaving the pen connected and choosing "boot from disk" fails11:54
BUGabundo_workand gets back to Casper11:54
james_wamagee: ah, it is just "ubiquity", sorry11:54
james_wBUGabundo_work: so just having the pen connected causes normal boot to fail?11:55
BUGabundo_workit fails to boot from disk11:55
amageeok so i'm at the 'prepare partitions' screen again11:55
amageeno output to the console11:55
BUGabundo_workfor some strange resson11:55
BUGabundo_workmy bios sees pendrives as disks11:56
BUGabundo_workso you can only choose on to boot from11:56
BUGabundo_workok, I booted to my disk11:56
BUGabundo_workand added break=top11:56
BUGabundo_workhow can I make it stop around 40 sec?11:56
BUGabundo_workto check for the USB enumerate?11:56
amageebtw it worked fine in beta 511:57
BUGabundo_worktoo fast for me11:57
BUGabundo_workI'll have to see dmesg when it boots11:58
james_wamagee: did you get to choose Guided or Manual partitioning yet?11:58
amageeit says 'setting up partitioner', then i get to the list of partitions, but there are no partitions11:59
amageeand all the buttons are grayed out11:59
amageeif i press next it says "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."11:59
james_wah, that's not quite what you said when you came in12:00
BUGabundo_workjames_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6192812:00
amageeif i press back it does nothing (!)12:00
james_wall the buttons are greyed out?12:00
amageenew partition table, new partition, etc12:00
james_wBUGabundo_work: that's from a successful boot?12:00
BUGabundo_workfrom my intrepid install12:01
BUGabundo_workcan't see any enumerate lines on the log12:01
james_wamagee: you don't have a "/dev/sda" Device?12:01
james_wor anything in the box?12:01
BUGabundo_workthey are on the kernel log12:02
BUGabundo_workpastin now12:02
BUGabundo_workjames_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6193012:02
BUGabundo_workso that can't be it12:02
amageejames_w: what exactly do you mean12:03
amageethere are no devices listed in the bok12:03
james_wamagee: here in the large table in the middle I have in the Device column "/dev/sda", do you have anything in the table?12:03
amageeno, there's nothing at all in the table12:04
BUGabundoOct 24 10:48:08 blubug kernel: [    3.965071] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 112:04
BUGabundothis is what I had on the pen boot too12:04
BUGabundoany more tips?12:04
james_wamagee: ok, are you just installing on to a normal hard drive, or is there anything odd about your setup?12:04
BUGabundoshould I MD5 the pen install?12:04
james_wBUGabundo: definitely12:04
BUGabundothe iso md5 is valid. I always check12:04
james_wthough I don't know how to do that.12:04
james_wBUGabundo: have you done the intergrity check from the boot menu?12:05
amageejames_w: um, a normal hard drive.. it has a fair few partitions already on it though12:05
amageebut as i said it worked fine in beta 512:05
BUGabundono I didn't12:05
BUGabundo/media/KINGSTON$ md5sum -c md5sum.txt > /tmp/md5rc12:05
amageeit's already got like 2x ext3, 2x ntfs and a swap12:06
BUGabundojames_w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61931/12:06
james_wamagee: ok, i think you should file a bug on "ubiquity" with all of the information that you told me12:06
BUGabundoall OK12:06
BUGabundo_workrunning out of ideas!12:07
amageejames_w: ok.. how exactly do i do that?12:07
BUGabundo_workthis is recent12:07
BUGabundo_worklast week I booted fine12:07
james_wamagee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+filebug12:08
amageeubuntu-bug ubiquity?12:08
james_wor that, yes12:08
amageeis that better?12:08
james_wyeah, that's better12:08
BUGabundo_workjames_w: should I try the 32 bits version?12:09
james_wBUGabundo: you could do12:09
BUGabundo_workwill it do me any good?12:09
amageeor since it's still running, ubuntu-bug PID12:09
amageejames_w: i've submitted the bug report.. thanks for your help12:16
amageepretty impressed with the bug system :)12:16
BUGabundo_workjames_w: new i386 image burned12:17
BUGabundo_workwill reboot as soon as the 68 updates are instaled12:17
johnfluxif I create a new bug, by default it sets the bug as "This bug doesn't affect me "12:24
johnfluxwhich is rather strange12:24
johnfluxwhy would I report a bug that doesn't effect me? :)12:25
Hobbseethere's already a bug reported about that12:25
BUGabundo_workI've filed bugs that don't affect me!12:26
BUGabundo_workits a choise12:26
BUGabundo_workbut of course the large majority I'm affected by then12:27
* BUGabundo_work rebooting to rc 32bits12:29
BUGabundo_workjames_w: same busy box on i38612:29
amageedo bugs like mine usually get fixed quickly?12:30
Rocket2DMnwhy am I unable to view bug 288691 ?  I thought bugcontrol had access to private bugs13:22
ubottuBug 288691 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/288691 is private13:22
thekornRocket2DMn: private bugs can only be accessed by the reporter and the direct subscribers,13:24
Rocket2DMnhmm, alright.  I've been working on bug 285682 and the OP was able to file a bug through apport I guess, but I just can't look at it13:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285682 in linux "Ubuntu 8.10 can't mount digital camera" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28568213:26
Rocket2DMnIf I have him subscribe me to it, I will be able to view it then thekorn ?13:26
BUGabundo_workor you can email the bug report, and ask the op to remove the private flag13:27
Rocket2DMncan the gvfs team view it?13:27
Rocket2DMnI'm not trying to break through the security, if it's private for a reason, then I'll leave it as so.  I was going to finish the triage on the initial bug anyway13:28
thekornRocket2DMn: exactly, when the reporter subscribs you to the bugreport, you can access this one13:28
Rocket2DMnthanks thekorn , ill have him subscribe me.13:29
thekornRocket2DMn: or wait a bit until the retracer adds ubuntuu-bugs as a subscription13:29
Rocket2DMnahhhhhhh, i thought it was strange that i couldnt see it.  bugcontrol DOES have access to private reports right?13:30
Rocket2DMnI've always been able to see them in the search queries and access them13:30
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james_wRocket2DMn: no, bugcontrol gets no special access granted by LP.13:34
james_wRocket2DMn: however, when apport retraces a bug it subscribes the crash bug triagers, of which bugcontrol is a member, so any member of bug control can view the bug.13:35
Rocket2DMnoic.  launchpad is one of those few things that i never bothered to learn the intracacies of13:36
=== BugMaN1 is now known as BugMaN
thekornRocket2DMn: damn, I lost my connection, sorry, I hope your questions were answered13:45
BUGabundo_workjames_w: can you take a look at bug 28861713:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288617 in linux "suspend to ram" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28861713:47
james_wwhy me>13:47
BUGabundo_workany more tests I can do to figure why my system won't boot from pendrive?13:47
Hobbseejames_w: because you have to fix everything!13:48
BUGabundo_workeheh why not james_w?13:48
BUGabundo_workHobbsee: any tips are welcome13:48
BUGabundo_workI want to file that report with as much acure intel as I can13:48
* Hobbsee shrugs. no idea13:48
TreenaksBUGabundo_work: does it boot from other pendrives? do other systems boot from the pendrive? it could be a hardware thing..13:49
james_wBUGabundo_work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingGNOMEPowerManager#Finding out why suspend or hibernate aren't offered13:50
BUGabundo_workthanks james_w13:50
BUGabundo_workTreenaks: haven't tried other systems today13:50
BUGabundo_workill use another pc here at work....13:50
BUGabundo_workbut they are slower machines and most of them 32 bits13:50
BUGabundo_workon my laptop I've used 2 pendrives13:51
BUGabundo_workfrom the same iso, both using usb-creator13:51
BUGabundo_workeven if it was HW13:52
BUGabundo_workits strange it work all the way up to last week13:52
BUGabundo_workMonday was the 1st day I noticed I couldn't boot from pen13:52
* BUGabundo_work rebooting another PC to test i386 image13:53
Rocket2DMnthekorn, yes, thank you.  I'm running afk :)13:53
BUGabundo_workTreenaks: what does "missing operating system" mean?13:55
BUGabundo_workI've booted this PC just this week from clonezilla13:56
james_wBUGabundo_work: can you boot from CD?13:56
BUGabundo_workso I know it can boot from USB13:56
BUGabundo_workbah... do I really need to burn media?13:56
BUGabundo_workI only have DVDs here13:56
james_wBUGabundo_work: that's probably a usb-creator bug, you need to run install-mbr /dev/sdb or whatever13:56
BUGabundo_workI have an RW around13:56
* BUGabundo_work burning DVD rw13:57
BUGabundo_workdoesn't burn to disc offer to format rw?13:58
BUGabundo_workbah I'm starting to lose features13:58
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bdmurraymvo: ping15:56
mvobdmurray: pong15:57
bdmurraymvo: you were looking for some logs for a filed kde4 remix upgrade to Intrepid right?15:58
mvobdmurray: yes15:58
* BUGabundo_work booting via CD to check if usb-creater has a bug. wgrant james_w15:58
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bdmurraymvo: bug 277285 has some but I upgraded yesterday without a problem15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277285 in update-manager "kubuntu hardy -> ibex via upgrade-manager fails on 'kubuntu-kde4-desktop'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27728515:59
BUGabundo_workjames_w: guess what?15:59
BUGabundo_work"Reboot and Select proper Boot device"15:59
BUGabundo_workhow can a CD not be recognised?16:00
BUGabundo_workactaully it's a DVD-RW but still...16:00
mvobdmurray: thanks, I check it out16:01
mvobdmurray: one issue I found was that gobuntu-desktop causes trouble, but that is fixed now (fix is in the queue)16:01
mvobdmurray: hmmm, thanks for this one, I have a suspicion16:02
mvowe really should just have kept the kubuntu-kde4-desktop package as a transitional package in the archive :/16:02
bdmurraymvo: kubuntu-kde4-desktop is quirked though right?16:03
mvobdmurray: it is, however I believe that there is a corner case not covered16:03
mvoI test this theory now16:03
bdmurraymvo: okay thanks, let me now as I've found a couple of likely duplicates16:04
mvowill do, takes ~10min16:05
jibelmvo: bug 277389 is also a duplicate with some log files if it helps16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277389 in kubuntu-kde4-meta "Error trying to update to Intrepid from Hardy : failed to mark 'kubuntu-kde4-desktop' for install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27738916:08
bdmurrayheh bug 28874616:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288746 in update-manager "update hoary to intrepid RC failed with dpkg locked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28874616:11
BUGabundo_workbooting via CD seems to not fail as did pendrive wgrant james_w16:21
BUGabundo_workwho is the guy behind usb-creator?16:21
BUGabundo_workI have a new bug for him16:21
BUGabundo_workwgrant: now to try suspend to ram from livecd16:21
BUGabundo_workwgrant: suspend works with RC LiveCD16:23
mvobdmurray, jibel: thanks, I can reproduce it now and I'm in the process of fixing it16:30
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bdmurraymvo: okay, so bug 277285 should be the master?16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277285 in update-manager "kubuntu hardy -> ibex via upgrade-manager fails on 'kubuntu-kde4-desktop'" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27728516:31
mvobdmurray: yeah, sounds good16:31
mvothanks a lot for brining this up16:31
* mvo hugs bdmurray16:31
bdmurraymvo: no problem, I'll be interested to see what was going on and the fix16:35
bdmurrayoh Launchpad you big tease16:39
mvobdmurray: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main/revision/1146?start_revid=1146 <- this should fix it, I'm testing it right now17:02
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woody86is there any way to remove a comment from LP?18:02
greg-gwoody86: If you feel it is inappropriate content/spam you can email the launchpad-users mailing list (http://lists.ubuntu.com).18:05
bdmurrayI think answers is the right way to go18:05
greg-gI have only seen it on the lp-users list,  so that is what I think of18:06
woody86greg-g-  well I kind of made a silly mistake, I had 2 bugs open in tabs next to eachother, and I minimized them for a little bit while I was looking some info up, and I accidentally left the comment on the wrong bug :P18:07
bdmurraysee https://answers.launchpad.net/malone/ for examples18:11
stperesomeone can tell me where should I go to fix a translation error in jockey?18:27
stperelaunchpad tells me :  This project is not configured to use Launchpad for translations.18:28
nellerystpere: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+translations18:28
stpereI typed the name of the program "jockey" into the search box at the top of tha page, it found it, I clicked on "Help translate" and it told me that the project wasn't configured to use Launchpad for translations18:34
stpereand trying to find the template name where nellery you shown me is very slow18:35
stperebecause they are sorted by importance and I can't sort it by name18:35
persiastpere, The difference is that upstream jockey doesn't use LP for translations, but the jockey in Ubuntu does, so you'll have to do it the awkward way.  Someone in #launchpad might have a better idea of how to navigate to what you want.18:55
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=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
marmutahi, I'm trying to assign my bug to an Ubuntu source package but can't figure out how21:27
marmutathe project search returns only the standalone project "onboard"21:28
marmutawhat would I enter as project to link it to ubuntu source package onboard?21:29
affluxmarmuta: nothing. Use "also affects distribution"21:29
marmutayay, thank you afflux, it worked!21:31
affluxyou're welcome21:31
=== csilk_ is now known as csilk
angusthefuzzwhat is the triage protocol if bug creators cant provide information because they downgraded distros?23:42
bdmurraytry to recreate the bug23:47
angusthefuzzi thought of that but its hardware specific23:48
angusthefuzzbug 28786623:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287866 in linux "USB Gigaware Microphone" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28786623:48
angusthefuzzits grossly incomplete as well23:48
bdmurrayMaybe give it some time and see if anyone else comments on it or ask them to test with a Live CD.23:49
persiaMight be a good idea to wait until after intrepid release : the debug information may still be useful for jaunty, and more users may have that device.23:50
angusthefuzzokay, thanks for the help23:51
calcanyone know how i switch to the guest user in intrepid, i need to test a bug with it23:52

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