
boredandbloggingi see the sign in button is back on the fridge04:49
Burgundaviawow, openid actually works05:32
boredandbloggingvery cool05:36
boredandbloggingRinchen: has the queue been tested? like no one can just create an entry and post it to the front page?05:39
newz2000hi, I'm going to make a change to the way the fridge works, if anyone has a chance to test soon I'd really appreciate it19:38
newz2000ok, I set the default role to editor and nali and rinchen are also admins.19:45
newz2000The goal is to see if this re-enables the approval que system19:46
newz2000if someone has a min to test it, I would love to find out how it works19:46
newz2000(btw, not saying you others can't be admins, I'm happy to re-enable self approval)19:46
=== tyche_ is now known as tyche

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