
Hobbseehas gasfurnace been anywhere else today?01:56
LjLyes Hobbsee01:57
LjLjust about everywhere01:57
LjLhe's also not going anywhere else for a while, though01:57
Hobbseewhy's he calling !ops and such?01:57
LjLbecause he's a troll01:57
Hobbseeah, right01:58
LjLbest answer i can give without my head exploding01:59
LjLHobbsee: search for "john_nel"02:00
LjLhe's had a crapload of nicknames, but until now, his only idents were John_Nel and Administ (i can say that in plaintext now, since this time he changed ident into OilFurna)02:03
LjLthere is a BT comment where i list all the nicknames of his i've come across during the months. trolled about all the times he joined.02:04
Hobbseeapparently he's klined now02:04
LjLgee, it's offtopic night tonight in #ubuntu02:05
LjLHobbsee: that's what i meant when i said he's not going anywhere for a while02:05
Hobbseeit's close to release.  be ready.02:05
* mneptok has Depends and bourbon at hand02:37
Flannelstupid chain spam idiot thigns04:45
Flannelanyone have ops in -ot?04:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu, peabody said: ubottu... seems like this is exactly what i am looking for.  If not, I shall return. Thanks in advance.04:55
naliothidiot alert in #ubuntu 08:01
nalioththey may hop a proxy and return08:01
* Mez wonders what Myrtti's nomming09:43
Myrttichocolate swiss roll09:43
* Mez wants some09:44
MyrttiI eated it already09:44
* jussi01 walks in10:18
ikoniamor jdong 10:18
ikoniamorning jussio1 even10:18
jussi01I got a cool picture foryou all :D http://lifematta.com/jussi01/event/14314/10:19
ikoniaahh ubuntu cola, there is a shop in london that stocks it10:19
FlannelHmmm bot attack11:08
Flannel#ubuntu, not attacking yet, just mass join/part11:09
ikoniathe lame user11:09
Mezhaha... lol - yeah, good ole floodbots11:09
FlannelInteresting that baner is on the same ISP as two of them, and joined immediately preceding11:10
ikoniaFlannel: you have that guy in ubuntu he's winding me up11:14
Flannelikonia: Leaning more and more towards trouble maker in my eyes11:20
ikoniaFlannel yup11:20
Flannelikonia: I say just don't reply11:21
FlannelWhy did ubottu not echo the ops call in -monitor by floodbots?11:27
* ikonia enjoys can-o-worms eating humble pie after him calling me a fool who knows nothing11:57
GazzaKikonia: you know something?  omgs :-)12:01
ikoniahad to guess right at some point12:02
ikonia11:21 < can-o-worms> ikonia: so, it is not my opinion, your lack of comprehenion makes it plainly obvious12:08
ikonia11:29 < can-o-worms> ikonia: you may be right, when you select the manual option, you can't resize the partition because it doesn't seem to know how much of the partition is being used12:08
ikoniahow nice it tastes12:08
ikoniaslow baked for 8 minutes, all the sweeter12:09
GazzaKkill it, kill it now!12:26
Myrttihello chalcedony 12:28
ikoniahow many hosts does mez have ???12:33
jussi011 billion dollars.... oops wrong line :P12:38
Myrttiikonia: I suspect he's playing with irssi :-P12:39
ikoniaI find your lack of faith distubing12:45
ikoniaoops wrong film12:45
zewbso when am i going to be unbanned from #ubuntu?12:58
zewbare you guys still pissed off about the whole trolling thing?12:58
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:59
zewbim starting to get the feeling that you guys really don't want me in #ubuntu13:03
bazhangzewb, you will need to speak with the person who banned you13:06
Picizewb: I don't forsee you being unbanned at any point in time. 13:07
PiciYou've been given chances already.13:08
zewbwell yeah13:27
zewbbut it's been like almost a year now13:27
zewbhow long can you hold a grudge?13:27
ikoniait was june 200813:28
zewbhuh, i don't remember that one13:28
zewbi must have been on drugs13:28
zewboh yeah now i remember13:30
zewbi got banned for speaking spanish13:30
zewbyou freenoders are really uptight about all this linux stuff13:32
ikoniais there a reason your still speaking ?13:32
zewbi'm not speaking13:33
zewbi'm typing13:33
ikoniaok, enough now, bye13:33
zewbyou see, there's actually a difference between reality and the internet13:33
LjLhow come that nickname reminds me of something13:35
zewbyou've probably seen me before13:35
zewbi've been being banned from ubuntu since 200613:36
zewbbut it's been a while since i last came here, so i thought i would check in and see how you guys are doing13:36
zewbi wonder who hates me more13:38
zewb#ubuntu or #debian13:38
zewbthe guys in #debian actually threatened to have me sued/arrested for trolling13:38
ikoniacan we just get rid of this guy please, it's going no-where as normal13:38
LjLzewb: hate is a strong word13:38
LjLalso, rest assured you won't be arrested or sued for trolling, really13:39
LjLbut, you're banned, and you'll stay that way13:39
LjLso any other questions?13:39
PiciWell. That works.13:41
ikoniawow, he really is a known issue13:41
Piciikonia: Serial troll. Serial Ban evader. And even some dcc exploit stuff far back in my logs.13:41
ikoniaI've seen him a few times, but only as a "troll" 13:42
Piciikonia: I just got back to my desk, else I would have backed you up before.13:42
ikoniaahh no big deal13:42
PiciI was hoping he would have left on his own.13:42
PiciOh. I guess it was probably because of #freenode.13:43
Picithe k-line I mean.  /me lays off the enter key.13:43
LjLPici: sagacious!13:43
ikonia oh dear, slating lilo isn't cool13:43
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops zewb13:44
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:44
ikoniais mez's client borked ?13:49
Meznah, am just playing with it.13:50
ikoniaahh you are there13:50
Mezgetting my chanopping abilities easy to use ;)13:50
PiciWhat client?13:50
ikoniathought it was going on an automatic rampage13:50
* Mez is setting up aliases etc etc13:50
Mezunless theres a chanserv.py equivalent for irssi?13:51
ikoniaMez auto_ble ?13:51
PiciMez: Theres auto_bleh.pl, but I don't like it.  13:51
GazzaKMez: autobleh.pl13:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about auto_bleh13:51
PiciMez: I prefer aliases: http://nullcortex.com/2008/06/23/irssi-aliases-scripts/13:51
PiciYou even commented on that!13:52
MezI commented on ?13:52
Picinullcortex.com is mine.13:52
Mezhaha, so I did13:52
ubottuIn ubottu, idesprado said: Thank you..this is my first time..next..I will just ask..13:52
ikoniaPici: I have some of yours linked in 13:53
ikoniaPici: I quite like osme of your aliases13:53
ikoniaanyone else getting "fignered" from sorf299313:54
LjLno, give him the finger13:55
MyrttiPici: you should update your aliases13:55
ikoniaMez: stop trolling me13:56
Myrttithe correct way is /alias alias /^msg chanserv13:56
PiciMyrtti: Like which?13:56
Myrttithat doesn't open up a new query window for handling chanserv13:56
Myrttibut puts it to status window13:56
PiciMyrtti: ooh. That would be nice.13:56
* Pici fixes post haste13:56
Myrttido you want my aliases again? ;-)13:57
Myrttisince that one is ripped off from me :-D13:57
Myrtti(and I ripped it off from ptree if I remember correctly)13:57
PiciAs did I.13:57
Mezcan you do that for autosendcmd too?13:58
MyrttiMez: for identifying?13:58
Myrttiin freenode?13:58
PiciMez: I use the server password trick on freenode.13:58
MyrttiMez: you *do* know that you can identify with using the ns password as the server password, right?13:59
Mezyes... I forget about that though.13:59
* Mez shrugs13:59
* Myrtti giggles13:59
* Mez looks @ Myrtti's irssi config copy and notices13:59
Mez    autosendcmd = "/msg nickserv identify WITHHELD";13:59
Myrttiyes, that's the *old* one13:59
* Mez doesnt know14:00
MyrttiI sent that to you like AAAAGGEES ago14:00
MezThu, 14 Aug 2008 23:04:28 +0300 (21:04 BST)14:01
* Mez likes the way OFTC allows identifying :D (ssl certificate)14:01
Myrttimore that two months ago, and so many things have changed since14:01
Mez2 months isnt aces14:03
Myrttiwell it's so long ago that I've rewrote my aliases14:04
Myrttiand changed that identifying to be done with the server password14:04
Myrttiremoved half of the scripts loaded by default14:04
PiciMyrtti: Do you use something for capab identify on freenode? 14:08
GazzaKit's format_identify14:09
MezPici: I do...14:09
PiciGazzaK: I know.14:09
GazzaKPici: what I mean is, yes I do14:09
PiciIt never works when I put /quote capab identify-msg in my autosendcmd, only if I manually do it sometime after connect.14:10
MyrttiI've got no idea what you're talking about14:10
MezMyrtti: shows you at a glance (usually by a ~) whether a person is identified to Nickserv or not14:11
GazzaKI get their nicks in green if they are id'd and red if not14:11
MezGazzaK: that screws up my highlighting14:12
PiciI have it set to put a ? in front of nicks who aren't IDed14:12
PiciWell, I was wondering if any of you who use irssi have it and where do you have it set so it does it on connect.14:12
ikonia@bansearch bahadunn #ubuntu14:16
ubottuNo matches found for bahadunn!n=bahadunn@mail.linuxbs.org in #ubuntu14:16
MezPici: should work if you set it up on autosendcmd14:17
Mez"/quote CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG14:17
PiciMez: I'll try it again then.14:18
Mezthough I don't actually see any way of sending the password for a server in irssi14:19
MezMyrtti: feel free to send me a newer copy ;)14:19
PiciMez: Just add a password = "yourpass" line to your freenode section of your config file.14:20
Mezthat means I generally have to quit out...14:20
Piciadd. /reload 14:21
ikonianalioth: knows how to do that well, he's got it setup for floodbots quite clever14:21
ikoniamaybe worth asking him14:21
PiciGot what setup?14:21
LjLikonia: ... what?14:22
ikoniathe irssi auto ident14:22
ikonia(sorry thought thats what you where asking about)14:22
Piciikonia: The floodbots aren't on irrsi.14:22
Mezikonia: floodbots != irssi14:23
Mezand also, er, to the network bit or the server bit?14:23
Picifloodbots = php ( and voodoo magic)14:23
ikoniaMez: no but he'd done it before with some irssi configs, 14:23
LjLthe floodbots authenticate both to the server and to nickserv, to be (stupidly) on the safe side. and still manage to authenticate too late at times14:23
* Mez hugs LjL 14:23
MezLjL: are you actually using torpor for the floodbots anymore?14:24
LjLMez, no, nalioth is running them14:24
MezLjL: fair enough14:24
MezI'll leave the account there for now though (seeing as you did send me the proper SSH key eventually!)14:25
LjLthe original plan was to have 4 floodbots14:25
LjLbut seeing how people complain enough with 3 when they get noisy, i'm not so sure14:25
Mez(only after I threatened to remove your account though!)14:25
LjLMez: doing things at the last minute is my specialty14:26
* Myrtti rolls eyes, mutters "Italians..."14:26
ikoniaMyrtti they are too busy looking good in leather and drinking fien wine to do work14:26
Mezhey, I look good in leather ;)14:28
PiciI dont!14:28
ikoniaMez: are you italian ?14:29
Mezikonia: nope14:29
ikoniathats why you don'tlook good in leather14:30
=== thunders1ruck is now known as gnomefreak
Mez@btsearch X3N800 14:31
Mez@bansearch X3N800 14:31
ubottuNo matches found for x3n800!*@* in any channel14:31
LjLMyrtti: yes, i admit my guilt - once upon a time, i thought i was different from the rest of the bunch, but it turns out i'm not, i'm tried to get used to the idea14:31
MyrttiLjL: to your credit, your not disturbingly Italian.14:32
MyrttiI hope people can say I'm not disturbingly Finnish.14:32
MyrttiI doubt they can14:32
LjL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CIAO A TUTTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:32
ikoniaI had no idea ljl was italian until he told me14:32
ikoniaLjL: ahh thats italian14:33
MyrttiLjL: oh for gods sake14:33
ikoniabelle bele beele14:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:33
Mez/cs kb LjL14:33
Myrttioh dear god14:33
PiciLjL: aaaahhh14:33
Myrtti/mode +c #ubuntu-ops 14:33
Myrttibefore he starts to use colours14:33
LjLMyrtti: u is girl? i want speak whit girl14:34
ikoniaha ha ha14:34
* Myrtti facepalms14:34
PiciMez: +Q, why?14:34
ikoniaLjL: your broken english is good14:34
MezPici: "Peace" mode14:34
MyrttiPeace mode?14:34
* Myrtti looks it up14:34
ikoniaI've never seen +Q14:34
PiciMez: users cannot be forwarded to a +Q channel14:35
MyrttiUsers will not be able to be forwarded (see +f above) to a channel with +Q. 14:35
Myrttithat's just WRONG14:35
PiciEspecially here.14:35
Mezok, I'm thninking of a different IRCD14:35
elkbunturiiiight. why do i have a rash over my whole legs below my knees?14:36
elkbuntuit itches like all heck14:36
Myrttielkbuntu: you're allergic to Italians14:37
Mezelkbuntu: been walking round through the undergrowth in shorts?14:37
ikoniaelkbuntu ljl's dirty italian has that effect on me too14:37
LjLto hit a man when he's smoking14:37
elkbuntusomeone please send me some cortisone cream kthx14:37
Myrtticalamine lotion with added Italian repellant14:38
Myrttinow with Pink Sparkles14:38
Myrtti*bling bling*14:38
elkbuntuMez, nope. i suspect i've walked past something that my skin doesnt like14:40
elkbuntubut it's going to make sleep a really interesting task14:40
* Mez hugs elkbuntu 14:40
Mezelkbuntu: calmomine lotion14:40
elkbuntuespecially since there's no pharmacies open, and the closest thing to a lotion i have is aloe gel.14:41
Mezelkbuntu: dock leaves?14:41
LjLelkbuntu: call my sister, she's always full of all sorts of creams14:41
LjLshe's probably also sleeping though14:41
ikoniaMez doct leaves ?14:42
elkbuntuLjL, your sister would be an hour away. it's approaching 1am14:42
LjLelkbuntu, eh, i know what time it is14:42
elkbuntuLjL, i'd not do that to someone. i'm positive it's not anything dangerous, as dangerous rashes tend to not itch.14:43
LjLelkbuntu: without even considering the fact that i've got sydney time on the panel, i can make the sum mentally14:43
LjL(which is NOT an easy feat for me! :P)14:43
Mezelkbuntu: roll a glass tumbler over the rash to make sure that it fades when you do though14:44
elkbuntui suspect i'll have to go a combination of the aloe and some pre-wax numbing spray that stinks of camphor14:44
elkbuntuand an antihistamine14:44
elkbuntuwhich will help the sleep bit too!14:44
LjLelkbuntu: besides, i really should try and get her to fix her wireless connection that never worked. but i wake up at her bedtime, and when she wakes up she goes to school or stuff at once14:44
LjLelkbuntu: sounds like a good plan for all-night rush14:44
LjLmix everything you have in the house and splash onto your skin14:45
Mezelkbuntu: try rice pudding ;)14:45
elkbuntuoh that's interesting...14:45
Mezelkbuntu: though, seriously, glass tumbler for any rash that you dont know what it is14:46
elkbuntuhrm... it's not really fading much14:48
elkbuntubut, my skin is really quite hot14:48
Mezer, if it's not fading... go see a doctor IMMEDIATELY14:48
elkbuntuit is, but it's not fading much14:50
Mezelkbuntu: fever? 14:50
elkbuntunot at all14:50
elkbuntuwent for a walk along the harbour this evening, yes.14:50
elkbuntuspringtime and every damned flower in sight is blooming. yes.14:51
elkbuntuknown to get hives. yes.14:51
* Mez hugs14:51
Mezwell, if not fading when glass tumbler is pressed firmly against it, could be septicaemic14:51
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Myrttisee, Italians.14:53
Myrtti"ciao a tutti"14:53
* Myrtti facepalms14:53
elkbuntuMez, it's not looking like septicaemia at all14:53
elkbuntuit's blotchy itchiness14:54
elkbuntuand i have had this before14:54
Mezelkbuntu: then go get some dock leaves ;)14:54
LjL[15:50:17] <PeterBye> why don't you leave him alone14:55
LjL[15:50:37] <LjL> excuse me?14:55
LjLi assume it could only refer to my !enter to idewhatever14:55
Mezok, that turned out wrong14:55
Myrttiyou can say that again14:56
Myrttiand I'd still agree14:56
elkbuntui didnt visually catalog every piece of green i walked past14:56
Mezelkbuntu: no, those leaves are a VERY good remedy for what you have14:56
Myrttiplaintain leaves are what are used here... or cabbage14:57
Mez(generally used to treat nettle rashes etc etc)14:57
elkbuntuah. well i doubt i'll find any here at the moment14:57
MezIn Western Europe, dock leaves are a traditional remedy for the sting of nettles, and suitable larger docks (such as broad-leaved dock Rumex obtusifolius or curled dock Rumex crispus) often grow conveniently in similar habitats to common nettle (Urtica dioica)[8].14:58
Meznot just nettles though, they're great for other rashes etc etc14:58
MyrttiMez: see the second paragraph in that page14:58
Myrtti"growing mainly in the northern hemisphere"14:58
Mezoops ;)14:59
Myrttimight be a bit difficult to find :-<14:59
MezI didnt know that14:59
elkbuntuwell, plaintain is an agracultural weed14:59
LjL[15:59:06] <w0ls0n> anyone that talks to PeterBye is just asking for trouble. He just pm'd me and told me to sudo rm -r /14:59
LjL@mark peterbye14:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:59
Picielkbuntu: psst, you have your halo on in #u15:01
elkbuntuPici, i generally dont mind others deoping me15:01
elkbuntuespecially if i'm idle by nickserv standards15:02
PiciDone, twice it seems.15:02
elkbuntui got in 2 secs before you15:03
Mezhalo ?15:03
PiciMez: @15:03
elkbuntubut it's fyi anyone. if i'm not active, deop me. i'll probably have forgotten i was opped, so probably wont even know you deoped15:03
Mezyeah, I dont see her being deopped anywhere?15:03
elkbuntuMez, look harder.15:04
Picielkbuntu: noted.15:04
Mezweird, it shows up in lastlog, bug I cant see it in my screen15:05
Mezthough, amusingness15:05
Mez14:07 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-o elkbuntu] by ChanServ, ChanServ15:05
PiciProbably because I issued the command around the same time as someone else did.15:06
elkbuntuPici,  my client sees you deop 2 secs after i15:12
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Mez:( who upset her?15:30
MezI think someone needs to add "You got asked for a username and password when you installed" to !password15:33
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
jdong11:44 -!- bluefoxicy [n=bluefox@] has quit ["* Bluefoxicy picks up  a book on amateur seduction and reads <Sephiroth> Bullshit Blue,  you've gotta be reading that outta bor]16:46
jdongsomeone wanna have a gentle word with him about that when he returns?16:46
* gnomefreak too tired for gentle* today17:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:53
Picisshing to my computer is painful today.  My ISP capped my upload speed to 150kbits.  Download is still 15mbits though.  18:05
geniiPici: Ouch18:05
=== GazzaK is now known as SpongeBob
PiciHow can we help?18:13
Picifyi, If I don't respond, my current connection is flaky.18:13
peter771when connecting from my university halls I get diverted to the ubuntu-proxy channel alerting me that I am using a proxy18:14
PiciAre you using mibbit?18:14
peter771the only different thing now is that I'm connecting from home18:14
peter771and no just x-chat18:14
PiciTor? 18:15
PiciWhat university?18:16
PiciLjL: ping. 18:18
peter771its from my private halls, I had no problem before until my friend with his infinite wisdom decided to troll the ubuntu channel18:18
PiciOn your computer?18:18
peter771his own18:18
PiciHis name is Peter too?18:19
PiciBecause I see here that its coming from the same host and ident that you normally use.18:19
PiciAnyway. LjL is the one who set it to forward you to -proxy-users.  I'd like to wait for him to return to continue this.18:20
peter771i've gtg18:32
jussi01hrm, ok, bots not forwarding stuff here, need to check it out...18:41
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.18:41
LjLjussi01: it doesn't if the factoid proposed is too long18:50
LjLold buggety18:50
LjLPici: what was the matter with peter? i don't see him banned18:51
PiciLjL: See students.aspley.opal.ask4.co.uk18:51
LjLah, that18:51
LjLPici: yes, i've banned a couple of troublemakers from there18:51
LjLPici: forwarded to -proxy-users given the hostname was obviously a NAT18:51
PiciLjL: I only saw joins from him and one other in my logs.18:52
PiciAnd the other had the same ident.18:52
LjLPici: look at #kubuntu too, though. there was one or a couple giving dangerous commands18:54
PiciLjL: Ah, I didnt check there18:54
LjL(well not really dangerous, since they got the syntax of "dd" wrong, but clearly that was the intention)18:54
LjLpseudo-random nicknames18:54
PiciLjL: That was in #ubuntu I thought. as 'cewihfdlv'18:55
LjLqpftixcp cewihfdlv18:55
LjLone in #ubuntu one in #kubuntu, i guess18:55
PiciLjL: Both with the ident of peter?18:56
LjLPici: with the nickname of peter, too18:56
LjL[00:16] *** peter_!n=peter@students.aspley.opal.ask4.co.uk has joined #ubuntu18:56
LjL[00:16] <peter_> yes18:56
LjL[00:16] <peter_> fire away18:56
LjL[00:16] *** peter_ is now known as cewihfdlv18:56
LjL[00:17] <cewihfdlv> see what u need to do is issue something along the lines of...18:56
LjL[00:17] <cewihfdlv> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/18:56
PiciI saw.18:57
LjLPici: i don't know about the ident of the other one, though, because for some reason his join wasn't logged on me18:57
PiciLjL: But I figured it was more than that because it was a forward to -proxy-users instead of just a ban.18:58
LjLPici: no, that was simply because of what the hostname looked like18:58
PiciOkay then18:58
LjL@mark peter77118:59
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:59
* Pici sighs19:06
=== SpongeBob is now known as Gary
Flanneljussi01: bots are also not forwarding ops calls from -monitor either20:04
ubottuIn #kubuntu, DaSkreech said: ubottu: ubuntu is Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the Gnome interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.20:27
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:27
DaSkreechPici: People keep asking how to install it20:28
DaSkreechWe probably should have instructions how to do so20:28
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde420:29
DaSkreechLike that ^^^^20:29
ubottugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-#kubuntu20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-kubuntu20:29
ubottuk/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.20:29
* Flannel likes fishing.20:29
ubottuubuntu is Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the Gnome interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.20:29
FlannelAh!  there it is.20:29
Pici!ubuntu-#kubuntu =~ s/ubuntu is//20:29
ubottuI'll remember that Pici20:29
PiciMuch better.20:30
LjL!ubuntu-#kubuntu =~ s/Gnome/GNOME/20:30
ubottuI'll remember that LjL20:30
Picis/Linux/GNU\/Linux/ :P20:31
LjL!no | pici20:31
ubottupici: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!20:31
LjLgnvis gndu gnvill gndiskutere gnpå Gnorsk, gnvennligst gngå gntill #ubuntu-gnu. Gntakk!20:32
* Flannel votes Pici off the island, and Paul Hummer off of planet.20:32
PiciI'm tired of the 8.10 people in #ubuntu who think their questions are on-topic because they had the same issue in < 8.0420:34
Pici<= rather20:37
* LjL hands Pici a much of MODE +b *!*@*!#ubuntu+1s20:39
PiciI read it as bunch.20:39
LjLand sorry for shouting but i'm sick and tired of making a stupid typo every sentence20:39
LjLi hope it isn't early alzheimer20:40
Flannelnah, its early-onset i-know-what-you-mean20:40
Flannelboooooo hisssssss20:41
LjLgah, hiccup20:42
* Flannel multiplies Pici by 10^-1220:43
PiciI prefer nano20:44
* DaSkreech writes a femto20:45
Flannelwhere are .desktop files? /usr/share/....?20:48
Flanneloh wait, menu editor20:48
PiciDaSkreech: Can we help you with anything else?20:48
* Flannel ignores me.20:48
peter771hey Pici I've got a few mins if LjL is available!22:27
geniiApparently only a couple minutes23:16
PiciNot even.23:16
ubottuIn ubottu, DaSkreech said: ppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ. Discussions and support in #ubuntu-powerpc23:20
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:21
DaSkreechWonder if #ubuntu-ps3 can be mentioned or if the topic in #ubuntu-powerpc is enough23:22
DaSkreechOr should there just be a !ps3 ?23:23
mneptoki think CBE is different enough from PPC to warrant a separate factoid.23:23
DaSkreechso !cell 23:24
DaSkreechThough .. I think the cell team is focusing only on PS3 last I checked23:25
PiciI don't see #ubuntu-ps3 on our wiki's IRC channel page.23:25
DaSkreechIt's there though23:26
DaSkreechDunno if they have to bring it to note or something 23:26
DaSkreechI know they changed the name of the chan for it to fit in with the rest of the ubuntu IRC chans23:26
PiciMac_Taylor: How can we help you?23:29
Mac_Taylorno i am seeing one thing23:29
PiciMac_Taylor: See the /topic then.23:29
Mac_Tayloroh yeah23:30
Mac_TaylorShould i stay out of a room that i got banned a couple weeks ago23:30
PiciMac_Taylor: Is this regarding an #*buntu* channel?23:30
DaSkreechNo First you should learn your lesson :)23:30
PiciMac_Taylor: Which?23:31
Mac_TaylorI dont remember23:31
Mac_TaylorBut i am still banned from it23:31
Mac_Taylorbut i am suddenly able to access it23:31
Mac_Taylorwow nevermind ubuntu was the channel23:31
PiciMac_Taylor: What nick were you using?23:31
DaSkreechWell read the CoC and that should prevent that in future23:31
Mac_Taylorthat i dont remember23:32
PiciDaSkreech: Do you mind keeping the comments to yourself?23:32
* DaSkreech sits over there --->23:33
naliothMac_Taylor: not only are you evading a kline, but bans, too.23:33
Mac_Taylorbut am i still klined from freenode23:33
Mac_Taylorand how did you know i am evading bans23:35
Mac_TaylorI thought i was unbanned23:36
naliothMac_Taylor: i don't see the point of this conversation. please leave the network.23:39
Mac_TaylorOk 23:39
Mac_TaylorHow would i know if my old ip got unbanned23:39
Mac_TaylorWILL EMail that email know?23:43
Mac_Tayloram i banned from #ubuntu? 23:52

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