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MTecknologyDoes anybody know how I can remove a contact email address from a group in launchpad?01:59
HobbseeMTecknology: you could, butit's a pain01:00
Hobbseelet me see...01:01
HobbseeMTecknology: can you just set another one?01:02
Hobbseeor do you want to use the first one for something else?01:02
MTecknologyThe second doesn't exist anymore and I want to make sure the third doesn't get spammed01:03
Hobbseehmm, looks like your only option is "manage addresses" on the team page.01:03
MTecknologyThat only lets you add one though...01:03
HobbseeI know they took some of this functionality out - it was partially duplicated.01:03
Hobbseeso they removed the entire lot01:03
HobbseeMTecknology: then your only option is to file a bug about it, and/or ask a question at lp.net/launchpad/answers iirc for an admin to remove it01:04
MTecknologyaight - thanks01:04
Hobbseewould suggest you do the latter (at least) if you want it done in the next week or so01:04
MTecknologyty for the help01:05
Hobbseeyou're welcome01:05
MTecknologyHobbsee: another question... I changed the mailing list admin from -owner to -admin but email being sent to -owner is still coming through... lists.ubuntu.com01:07
HobbseeMTecknology: i've no idea how long it takes to update01:07
MTecknologyI was just wondering if that was the reason or if they leave it dupe for a while intentionally01:08
HobbseeMTecknology: no idea.  I've not had much to do with teh mailing lists, as you can't use listadmin on them.01:12
MTecknologyya lost me - I just woke up01:13
Hobbsee(listadmin is a useful admin tool for lists)01:13
Hobbseebut you can't use it on launchpad lists01:13
Hobbseeit's particularly useful if you administer multiple lists, and/or there's a big moderation queue01:13
MTecknologyis using ubuntu-us-sd-admin@lists.ubuntu.com ok?01:15
HobbseeI would think so01:15
MTecknologydang that's long... :)01:15
Hobbseelong?  I was using kubuntu.ubuntu-devel-discuss@hobbsee.nospammail.net for a while...01:15
Hobbseestill do use the one with s/-discuss//01:16
MTecknologyit's too bad they can't be shortened01:19
MTecknologylike s/lists.ubuntu.com/l.u.com01:19
Hobbseeu.com probably belongs to someone else01:19
stgraberName: IANA_RESERVED01:21
stgraberthat's the whois record for u.com, so there should be some policy that a domain name must be at least X characters long01:21
MTecknologyoh -  that's why I kept getting invalid01:23
MTecknologythanks again for the suggestion01:24
vdshi all08:46
vdslaunchpad.net kepps oppsing when I access https://code.launchpad.net/ubunet/+activereviews08:46
vdsany hint?08:47
spivvds: what about https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubunet/+activereviews ?08:59
vdsspiv: works perfectly! thanks!08:59
vdsspiv what's edge?09:00
spivvds: it runs the development version of the code (but still on the live production database)09:00
spivvds: "edge" as in "bleeding edge" :)09:01
vdsspiv: thanks! :)09:01
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Muttleyhi, been trying to load launchpad staging for about 5 minutes and it 's not working. It suggests I let you know13:34
Muttleyalso I was wondering. If I setup a project on the staging and want to go ahead with it can I just push it to live or do I have to set it up all over again?13:35
persiaMuttley, You'd have to set it up all over again.  staging is wiped regularly by a dump of the production database.14:07
Muttleyfair enough, thanks14:12
stefanlsdI am getting a branch assertion error when using a stacked branch - https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stefanlsd/mplayer/hardy14:12
stefanlsdanyone have any ideas?14:12
NCommandercan someone help me zap every bug in a project?15:03
JordanCNCommander: There's always bugs15:04
JordanCBut I'd be happy to help - which project?15:04
NCommanderJordanC, Feisty Fawn Backports15:05
NCommanderJust zap every bug to Won'T Fix15:05
JordanCHmm, I don't think I'd be of much help15:05
NCommanderJordanC, ?15:05
JordanCYou mean in launchpad itself?15:06
persiabug #275688 in Ubuntu has an intrepid task, and says "status tracked in intrepid".  It needs a Jaunty task, as the fix for Jaunty is *different* than the fix for intrepid.  How can I add one?15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275688 in fpc "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-3 (universe) with patch from bug #260464" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27568815:11
NCommanderpersia, jaunty doesn't exist as far as launchpad is concerned15:32
NCommanderpersia, jaunty won't appear as an option if I understand things right until its created as an actual release and the archive is made15:32
persiaNCommander, I guess.  Some bugs have release tasks and aren't listed as "tracked in foo".  Maybe this is a bug somewhere.15:38
persiaAnyway, I'm patient.  I can get an answer when it's Monday somewhere.15:38
persia(although I may need to file it on answers.launchpad.net to get one then)15:38
glade88hello.. I find this odd.. a team admin can directly add a member to his team without the user's confirmation (checked this with a "Restricted team" .. if that matters :) ).. why not ask the users if he wants to be added?17:05
persiaglade88, There's a bug about that : note also that users can never completely remove their relation with a team once added.17:09
persiaAnyone know how to view the old title for a bug with a changed title with the latest malone UI?17:10
glade88persia: thanks. and right, they always lie at "Former members" even when deactivated by the user him/herself..17:11
persiaglade88, Yep.17:11
geserpersia: doesn't the activity log show it anymore?17:13
persiageser, Indeed it does.  There used to be a handy button "See Original Description", but Activity Log is a reasonable workaround.  Thanks.17:21
lamalexIs there any PQM/Launchpad integration?17:37
lamalexDo you guys offer pqm instances, or any plans to implement?17:37
beunolamalex, it's in the process of being built17:37
lamalexthat's awesome.17:37
lamalexIs there a project page I can track somewhere, or is it a private thing right now17:38
lamalexalso: will there be a beta period? The GNOME Do project would love to help17:38
beunolamalex, yes, there will be a beta period in edge17:38
beunoit would be great if you guys would test it when it lands17:39
ArbyHi folks, I'm trying to push a branch to launchpad. I just keep getting a permission denied error regardless of what I try.17:39
beunoI hear it will land around christmas17:39
Arbythe most recent attempt was bzr push lp:~rbirnie/kbstate-applet/kbstate-applet17:39
beunoArby, did you upload your ssh key?   did you do "bzr launchpad-login <username>"?17:39
beunosee: https://help.launchpad.net/BzrHowto17:40
Arbybueno yes two different ones17:40
Arbyyou can see them on https://launchpad.net/~rbirnie17:40
Arbyand yes I've tried that bzr command17:40
beunoArby, what's th exact error you're getting?17:40
lamalexbeuno: thanks a lot, we'll stay tuned. We can't wait17:41
ArbyPermission denied (publickey).17:41
Arbybzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)17:41
Arbyis that a permissions error at my end17:41
beunoyes it is17:41
Arbyok, what are the correct permissions for the local public key file?17:41
ArbyI'm working inside a chroot which may be the cause of the problem17:42
beuno600 maybe?17:42
Arbylet me try17:42
Arbythat's odd. even if I use chmod 777 on id_rsa.pub it still fails17:45
Arbysame erroe17:45
beunoit will fail on 77717:46
beunobecause ssh doesn't work with insecure keys17:46
Arbyah maybe that's why17:47
Arbyhang on17:47
Arbyok chmod 600 failed with the same error17:48
matsubaraArby, if you add -Dhpss what other information do you get?17:51
persiaArby, set your private key to 600 and your public key to 64417:51
Arbytrying that17:51
Arbyok 600 and 644 didn't work17:53
Arbyand bzr -Dhpss push lp:~rbirnie/kbstate-applet/kbstate-applet17:53
Arbydidn't add anything17:54
beunoArby, look in ~/.bzr.log17:54
Arbybueno the last major chunk is http://paste.ubuntu.com/62942/17:57
thumperArby: it is beuno17:58
rockstarArby, it might be helpful to tab complete his name.  :)17:58
beunoArby, it's a problem with your ssh key17:58
beunotry sshing into launchpad:    sftp bazaar.launchpad.net17:59
Arbyit fails with17:59
ArbyConnecting to bazaar.launchpad.net...17:59
ArbyPermission denied (publickey).17:59
ArbyCouldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer17:59
Arbywhich is expected I guess17:59
beunothere you go18:00
beunoit's not bzr18:00
Arbybeuno: thanks for the help, I think it's my chroot that's the problem18:02
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beunoArby, happy to help. Good luck with that  :)18:03
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epsyhi, I'm having trouble using malone's bugmail interface23:42
epsyis gpg signing of mails needed?23:42
epsythe whole mail is showing up(gpg headers and malone commands included) instead of just nothing23:43
spivepsy: have you seen https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface ?23:43
spivIf gpg headers are showing, it sounds like your mail client isn't signing the mail properly.  Unfortunately I don't know much about debugging that.23:44
epsyalso, i still did not receive the usual "bug changed" mail23:44
epsyis there a place i can tackle with it, instead of trying on real bugs?23:45
epsystaging.launchpad.net is down23:45
spivstaging is the usual place.23:46
spivIt's usually not down for more than a day at a time.23:46
lifelessstaging is currently being used to test some significant db changes23:47
persiaspiv, staging takes incoming mail now?23:47
* persia hasn't tried to mail staging in ~2 years, but it didn't accept mail then23:47
epsyright, maybe could an admin remove my "spammish" comment? https://bugs.launchpad.net/armagetronad/+bug/285637/comments/323:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 285637 in armagetronad "Backward compatible LEGACY_LOG_NAMES default" [Medium,Fix committed]23:48
spivpersia: I think it does, but I'm not sure.23:48
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persiaspiv, Yeah : that was what someone said then too :)23:49
wgrantlifeless: Isn't it also being used for langpack exports, so likely to be broken?23:49
lifelesswgrant: no, they are running off of production23:49
lifelessthe db locking issue there was hot fixed, and the run completed - the packaging side is running now23:49
wgrantAh. Last I heard they were still on staging.23:50
wgrantGood to hear it's been fixe.23:50
epsywhat time would it be back on?23:51
epsyalso, is what's23:53
epsyalso, is what's after " done" insterpreted as a comment?23:53

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