
tominglishey, i have just installed mythbuntu 8.04, and i am having trouble configruing the mythtv backend00:34
tominglisi am unable to get it to connect to the database with the password i entered during setup, the default 'mythtv', and with a blank00:35
tominglisdo you have any suggestions?00:35
ajhtiredwolfhey anyone seen greybeard on here in a while?00:40
ajhtiredwolfguess not  :P, anyway, anyone here ever mount a drive over the network to store your mythtv files?00:42
hadstominglis: Check in mythbuntu-control-centre you can setup the database credentials there.00:44
tominglisyeah, but the problem i am having is when i am in the first setup screen00:50
tominglisand need to enter my mysql password00:50
tominglisi have tried the password generated during setup, the password i entered for mythtv root, and 'mythtv' and leaving it blank00:51
tominglissorry for root not mythtv root00:51
hadsThe password is stored in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt00:51
tominglisyeah, i've tried that one00:51
tominglisif i log in to mysql as root, maybe i can change it manually? is there any reason why the generated password would not work?00:54
tominglisi've tried it with the capitals in place and all lower case00:54
Coded1I'm having a problem with sound on mythbuntu 8.0.4 and SPDIF output to my surround receiver I can play a ac3 file but mp3 files appear to play but I get no sound00:55
Coded1some config info > http://pastebin.com/m275ede8000:55
squish102Coded1 i just been through something similar, i had an mplayer line like the following:  mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=1.300:57
squish102card 1 device 300:57
squish102and then also unmuting something something (although mine was over hdmi)00:57
Coded1squish102: did that resolve the problem?00:58
squish102yes, i could play wav files and mpeg2, didnt try mp300:59
squish102but after getting mythtv to play recordings with sound over hdmi, i switched machine off00:59
squish102took a couple hours to get that working00:59
Coded1not too much on the net about this01:00
Coded1mostly unanswered questions, that line you gave me gave me this out put > http://pastebin.com/m43bcb2db01:01
Coded1but still no sound01:01
Coded1i think the reciever is expecting 48kHz and is only getting 4410001:02
ajhtiredwolfhey so anyone else do that? mount a hard drive over the network to store your files? its working great only problem is that the mount is starts before the network oes some times, which causes it to take 5 minutes or so just hanging there01:03
tominglisso i looked at my mysql server, and it doesn't have a mythconverg database or a mythtv user01:04
tominglisis there a file i can reinstall to try and get these entries put in there?01:05
tominglispackage, sorry01:05
tominglisi am unable to get my backend to talk to the database, after installing mythbuntu 8.04.1 (+ updates et al), presumably because there is no mythconverg database or mythtv user in the mysql daatabase01:10
tominglisdoes anyone know how to correct this?01:11
tominglisi will try reinstalling mythtv-database through synaptic?01:12
squish102Coded1 i would have tried01:16
squish102card 0 device 301:17
squish102mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.301:17
Coded1squish102: just tried that but same outcome01:18
* trontos tries for a second time to get lirc_imon-pad working...01:49
ajhtiredwolfhey so anyone else do that? mount a hard drive over the network to store your files? its working great only problem is that the mount is starts before the network oes some times, which causes it to take 5 minutes or so just hanging there01:33
Coded1The remote sensor that came with my pinnacle pctv pci card is really just a sensor that plugs into my RS232 port.  I chose the pinnacle PCTV Pro from the list at setup but it doesnt seem to be working.   is there a generic one i can try?03:30
ajhtiredwolfhey so anyone else do that? mount a hard drive over the network to store your files? its working great only problem is that the mount is starts before the network oes some times, which causes it to take 5 minutes or so just hanging there03:52
oobeajhtiredwolf, put noauto in your fstab lines then add the mount command to /etc/rc.local05:58
oobei do the same thing it works well05:58
ajhtiredwolfoobe, if i put it rc.local why add it to fstab aws well/06:04
oobewell i meant mount /path/to/mount/point06:08
oobebut you could do mount -t nfs host:/path/to/mount/point /path/to/mount/point06:08
oobeeither way will work06:09
Steven_Mhi all06:09
oobeits simpler to change fstab to noauto06:09
oobebox:/home/oobe/.mythtv/MythVideo /home/oobe/.mythtv/MythVideo  nfs noauto,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr06:11
oobethats my fstab line06:11
Steven_Mhow do you tell whether dma or what ever is called is on?06:11
oobemount /home/oobe/.mythtv/MythVideo06:11
oobethats my rc.local line06:11
oobeSteven_M, the program is hdparm06:12
oobei dont know the syntax06:12
oobeyou will have to check the man page or google it06:12
Steven_Moobe: did I get the  turm dma right?06:13
Steven_M* term06:13
ajhtiredwolfoobe, do you have it unmount manually too?06:17
oobeajhtiredwolf, no i dont06:22
oobebasically i wanted it mounted all the time06:22
ajhtiredwolfoobe, for some reason it hangs while unmounting too, let me try it now though making those changes06:22
oobeajhtiredwolf, do you need to umount it06:23
oobewhat purpose is it for06:23
ajhtiredwolf i save my recordings and  vidoes are read from it06:23
oobei have 5 different mount points for my remote frontend06:23
oobeall of which i do not wish to umount06:23
ajhtiredwolfwell they have to be unmounted when rebooting06:24
oobeyou dont need to mount you recordings06:24
oobebut for mythvideo you do06:24
oobeyeah they do umount when rebooting06:24
ajhtiredwolfthe recordings folder is on a seperate machine06:24
oobeand i dont experience problems with that06:24
oobeseperate from the frontend06:24
oobei mean backend06:24
ajhtiredwolfthe front end and the back end are on the same machine06:25
ajhtiredwolfthe actually storage directory is on a different one06:25
ajhtiredwolfhmm yeah so while rebooting it says this CIFS VFS: server no responding06:25
ajhtiredwolfCIFS VFS: No response for cmd 50 mid 4290606:25
ajhtiredwolfand it hangs here06:25
ajhtiredwolffor aw hile06:25
oobedo you need to use CIFS06:27
oobelike for password protection or somthing06:27
oobecause i dont really know much about it06:27
ajhtiredwolf darn looks like the same problem even when using automount, it is hanging at mount error 101 = network is uncreachable06:27
ajhtiredwolfhmm well that is the only way that i know of to do it06:28
oobeyou can try using NFS06:28
oobei can help you06:28
ajhtiredwolfoobe, alrighty, is that just a different network manager?06:29
oobeits just a different file share protocol06:29
oobewell not to different06:30
oobebut sounds like you network is coming up really late06:30
ajhtiredwolfoobe, yeah ive always had problems with it, some times it doesnt cmoe up at all heh06:30
oobeunless your fstab line is missing the noauto06:30
oobeis it wired06:30
ajhtiredwolfYes it is06:30
oobei would look at testing things with your network first06:31
oobedo you use NetworkManager06:31
ajhtiredwolfoobe, the problem is iwith the driver06:31
ajhtiredwolfoobe, but regaurdless it needs to be mounted after the network starts06:31
oobeyou nic driver?06:34
ajhtiredwolfonboard lan drvier06:34
oobedoes the network start before your window manager06:34
ajhtiredwolfoobe, hmm not sure06:35
oobeif it does you can add a a small mount script in ~/.config/autostart06:35
oobemake a small script call /usr/local/bin/netmount06:36
oobeadd the mount command06:36
ajhtiredwolfhow can i check if it does?06:36
oobechmod a+x /usr/local/bin/netmount06:36
oobethen "ln -s /usr/local/bin/netmount ~/.config/autostart06:37
oobethen "ln -s /usr/local/bin/netmount ~/.config/autostart"06:37
oobei dont really know06:37
oobeother than if it hangs before the wm loads06:37
oobethen it probably has already started06:37
oobeplus its likely that it has06:37
ajhtiredwolfoobe, i read that ther would be better driver support for my onboard lan in 8.1006:37
ajhtiredwolfso it might be best to just wait and see06:37
oobesince the networking scripts are at a lower run level06:38
ajhtiredwolfbtw do you use lirc?06:38
oobei guess or you could try and build the new driver yourseld06:38
ajhtiredwolfdoes irexec -d start for you automatically?06:39
oobei use a script06:39
oobeits the one i call daemon in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90527106:40
ajhtiredwolfwhen mythtv crashes does the button you use to launch it stop working?06:40
oobewell it doesnt crash06:40
oobebut sometimes the remote stops working on my remote frontend06:40
oobethat may be a prob with the lirc drivers06:41
ajhtiredwolfdoes it have a delay some times? like when you are flipping thorugh channels or changing the volume, does it stutter?06:41
oobethe remote?06:41
oobenot really06:42
ajhtiredwolfive only met one other person with this problem06:42
ajhtiredwolfand he didnt know how to solve it either06:42
oobei think to be honest you should look at fixing your network and testing the speeds06:42
ajhtiredwolfit only seems to happen in mythtv06:42
ajhtiredwolfthere is a delay on the button press, and while im doing something, like turning up the volume, the video skipos, sound stays the same but vidoe skips06:42
oobeand having a backend record to a remote filesystem my be a big part of the problem06:42
oobethe network latency is probably enough to make mythtv crash06:43
ajhtiredwolfso i should put the backend on the same machine where the files are stored?06:44
ajhtiredwolfhey oobe will you be on tomorrow?06:47
oobeyeah that would make things a lot more simple06:47
oobehard to say06:47
oobeyou can pm me on ubuntuforums.org06:47
oobemy nick is oobe-feisty06:47
oobeor fiesty06:48
oobei get it mixed up06:48
ajhtiredwolfi just havent met anyone who had this much insite to what im trying to do, coudl I add on msn or something? Im on quite  a few pain killers from a surgery right now so im probably gonna crash pretty soon heh06:48
oobeyeah kasper6667@hotmail.com06:48
oobeand yes when i tried to set up all this stuff i had trouble finding support to06:48
ajhtiredwolfthanks man, il message you tomorrow if your on, thanks for  your help06:48
ajhtiredwolfwell i guess it kinda figures06:48
ajhtiredwolfmaking your own dvr isnt necessarily going to be easy heh06:49
oobebut it is worth it06:49
ajhtiredwolffor sure06:49
oobei had the added nightmare of using wireless06:49
ajhtiredwolfi wish i would ahve invested in a nicer card06:49
oobei spent about 200$ extra on stuff i didnt need06:49
ajhtiredwolfthe card that i got was onl y20$ hah06:50
ajhtiredwolfit was a real pain just to get linux to recognize it06:50
oobewell the graphics card i use for my remote fe is only 20$ but it displays in 1080i06:50
oobeand yeah i have had some shit cheap tv cards that are supposedly supported06:51
oobebut have been useless06:51
ajhtiredwolfletss see though06:51
ajhtiredwolfif i were to put the backend on the other machine, i would need the card there too right?06:52
oobethat would be my preference06:52
oobeotherwise you will have the same problems06:52
oobemy be/fe machine does all the work06:52
ajhtiredwolfyeah I dont think  i will be able to do that hah, that is my ftp server / ssh server already ,and i dont have a cable line running there06:53
oobeit has 160GB partition for recordings06:53
oobethats all i need06:53
oobeand of course it has the tuner aswell06:53
ajhtiredwolfI was thinking of getting a 1tb hd, they are only like 90$ now06:53
oobewow thats cheap06:53
ajhtiredwolfYeah seirously, im betting that 2tb will be out soon06:53
ajhtiredwolfthe prices just dropped dramatically hah06:54
oobei got one a few weeks ago for $200 aud06:54
oobewhich is about 120usd now but wasnt then06:54
ajhtiredwolf where are you from?06:54
ajhtiredwolfright on, my good friend elissa is from there06:54
oobeso i cant help with thinks like atsc or h.264 transcoding06:55
ajhtiredwolfhey is it not possible to have recordings automatically go to mpeg or avi?. some times told me it wasnt, but i kinda dobut that06:55
ajhtiredwolfit seems like it would be too usefl for someone to NOT make something to do that hah06:55
ajhtiredwolf Trying to not pass out heh06:57
oobewell what you are talking about is autostranscoding06:59
oobeit ends up being a nuv file06:59
oobeit ends up being mpeg2 or mpeg406:59
oobebut the extension is nuv07:00
ajhtiredwolfright, but could it made to automatically made into  an afile?vi07:00
oobeand it doesnt play very well in other players07:00
ajhtiredwolfhmm but it wont play in a regular program07:00
oobeyou can transcode nuv files to dvix xvid avi files using nuvexport07:00
oobethere is a great howto for that on ubuntuforums07:01
ajhtiredwolfyeah but that has to be  done manually07:01
ajhtiredwolfmy hope was that the recorded episodes would be made into divx automatically and then be saved in the sahred folder on my ftp07:01
oobebut it depends on how you watch your recordings07:01
oobeno i have a remote frontend i have no need to export my nuv files07:02
oobeas my fe box is plugged into the big tv07:02
ajhtiredwolfbtw what is fe stand for?07:02
ajhtiredwolffront end07:02
ajhtiredwolfhaha sorry i m a little spacy right now07:02
oobethats cool07:02
oobedont get addicted to your meds :P07:02
ajhtiredwolfhaha, no chance there07:02
ajhtiredwolfim just in a hell of allot of pain right now07:02
oobethats cool07:03
ajhtiredwolfwell not right now07:03
ajhtiredwolfbecause im on them lol07:03
ajhtiredwolfi tired to not take them today, to see how i woulod do07:03
ajhtiredwolfyeah, im not quite ready teo stop yet haha07:03
ajhtiredwolfI had all four wisdom teeth pulled out, and two of them were ubstructed, so they had to drille thorugh my jaw07:03
ajhtiredwolfhurt like a mother ******07:03
oobei bet07:04
oobei need some dental work07:04
oobebut i can afford it07:04
ajhtiredwolfso you have the machine hooked up to a big tv?07:04
ajhtiredwolfi hear that,... I dont have dental insurance, but i got financed i have a ayear to pay it off07:05
ajhtiredwolfwill be around 125$ a month07:05
ajhtiredwolfnot too cheap07:05
ajhtiredwolfbut it was either that07:05
ajhtiredwolfor live with the constant pain, it became a little too much though07:05
ajhtiredwolfi work in a call center, im a bill collector, so using my mouth is kinda important07:05
ajhtiredwolfand it was killing me07:06
ajhtiredwolfi have to point out im working there to pay my way thorugh school, most people figure im a slacker when tehy hear i work in a call center hah07:06
ajhtiredwolfbtw whats your name oobe?07:06
ajhtiredwolfaaron, pleased to meet you, ive met some great people i nthe ubuntu portions of linux hah07:07
ajhtiredwolfits relally different from other places, most of the linux irc places are so incredibly unfriendly its impossible to say anything without being torn to shreds07:07
oobeyeah i think i know what you mean07:08
ajhtiredwolfhave you ever been in #mythtv ?07:08
oobei have been around a few years prior to using ubuntu07:08
oobe#mythtv is for developers07:09
ajhtiredwolf#mythtv-users i mean07:09
oobethey dont support mythtv there07:09
oobeyeah i have07:09
ajhtiredwolfyeah I used fedora a few years ago07:09
ajhtiredwolfive been in there twice.. and flipping a, that is probably the worst one ive been in07:09
oobesomtimes i get what i need07:10
oobeother times they tell me what i want to do is impossible07:10
ajhtiredwolfasking a question i nt here is basically like jumping infront of half a dozzen rifle men looking for target practice07:10
oobethen i end up proving them wrong07:10
oobeyeah they can be rude or sarcastic07:10
ajhtiredwolfwhen i mentinoed that i used ubuntu in there they basically told me to buzz off07:10
ajhtiredwolfwith a bit more colorful language hah07:11
oobei think you need to keep things mythtv specific thats all07:11
oobelike if you have mythbuntu installed and you are trying to solve a network issue they wont consider it mythtv related07:11
ajhtiredwolfhmm i suppose not, there problem seemd to be with the fact that i was using ubuntu though07:12
ajhtiredwolfthey wennt on about how ubuntu users are all a bunch of noobs that dont belong in linux hah07:12
oobewell that is kinda of true in one way cause its very easy to install and configure07:16
oobeso it attracts noobs cause its popular and easy to use07:16
oobebut that doesnt mean its not a great os07:16
ajhtiredwolfeh, well sure, but attracting more people is good isnt it? brings more potential deveolopers into the game and helps linux grow07:16
oobeor that people learning dont deserve respect07:16
oobeajhtiredwolf, yes07:17
oobei think that its only a good thing07:17
ajhtiredwolfah i dont feel like i need respect, its just too bad they cant treat others politely07:17
oobeand that people should not be discouraged07:17
ajhtiredwolfI tihnk that ubunut open the door to making linux available to more than ust the hobbiest07:18
oobewell i think it always was open to that07:19
oobei mean i have used linux since 200207:19
oobeand it was still a great server then07:19
ajhtiredwolfbut are you not a hobbiest? :p07:19
oobewell i dont do it for a living07:20
oobebut i dont need windows for anything07:20
ajhtiredwolfwhat i mean is, you are more expert in computers than the average folk07:20
oobemy point was linux has its place in commercial enterprises for a long time07:20
ajhtiredwolfubuntu is can be used by more than just the computer advanced, they use it in my university allot to07:21
oobeyes its very easy to install and use07:21
oobei have seen people who have never used linux before setup pcs with ubuntu very well07:21
ajhtiredwolfyeah, it still has a ways to go though07:22
ajhtiredwolfbefore its about as easy as windows is07:22
ajhtiredwolfor more importantly mac07:22
oobei dont think so really07:23
ajhtiredwolf just my opinion07:23
oobeits just that people who use linux/ubuntu for the first time are already used to windows07:23
ajhtiredwolfwell you still have to use the terminal allot even in ubuntu07:23
oobeif someone who had never used a computer b4 used ubuntu they would pick it up as fast as windows07:23
ajhtiredwolfand what people are used to now is pure gui07:24
oobei used to use dos a lot in windows07:24
ajhtiredwolfyeah but that isnt the wayt it is going now07:24
oobei know what you are saying07:24
ajhtiredwolfand mac is taking it a step futher withh touch interfaces07:24
oobebut there is a gui equivalent in linux for most admin tasks07:24
ajhtiredwolfbut its not qutie as intuitive07:25
oobebut i usually find it easier to tell people how to use the console07:25
oobeim gonna watch some wsop now07:25
oobei will ttyl07:25
ajhtiredwolfalright man, good to meet you, take it easy07:26
oobenice to meet you aaron07:26
gpdI had a disk failure and lost /home.10:45
gpdI setup using mythbuntu-control-panel - to auto login and stat mythbuntu session - but it just comes up with a standard XFCE desktop and doesn't run mythfrontend10:46
gpdmy .dmrc file is ok - now lost as to how to fix.10:46
gnoshiHi - how does one enable XDMCP in mythbuntu? For ubuntu, you'd use the 'login screen setup' in administration, but it is not present in mythbuntu. Cheers.10:55
gnoshihmm. Or maybe it is already running - excuse me one moment while I investigate.11:02
gnoshiSorry, I just discovered I don't need to run XDMCP - using Xming I can go through plink, which seemingly avoids the need to run XDMCP (that, or it is already running).11:08
Glukois there a way to change the dvd format of mytharchive from udf to iso9660?11:57
killerbeesatemeHello everyone, does anyone have a few to help point me in the right direction?  I have a secondary backend with a tuner that doesn't want to stream to frontends.13:56
killerbeesatemeHello everyone, does anyone have a few to help point me in the right direction?  I have a secondary backend with a tuner that doesn't want to stream to frontends.14:30
adnchello, i unfortunately set a very low display resolution on my settings. i need to set it back , but i cant my mouse doesnt move to the rest of the screen, is it possible to move via the arrow keys somehow?18:34
directhexadnc, generally, tab moves to the next field. alt-n to go to next page.19:14
leprasmurfHello all....perhaps it's my sleep deprived insanity kicking in, but I'm going a little more crazy trying to setup LIRC in mythbuntu using an ir blaster and a streamzap receiver (the remote I'm actually using with this receiver is a universal remote)20:58
leprasmurfcurrently, it seems like my lirc daemon is only setup for the irblaster, despite having setup both in the mythbuntu control center... and irw is not displaying any data when I attempt to press random buttons20:59
leprasmurfthe ir blaster will light up, but something has to be off, as it's not giving any signal to the box20:59
leprasmurfcan anyone help me out?20:59
CRXLPYwhy does mytharchive not tell me how much space the recordings I have selected will take up? The scale on the righthand side never shows anything. I have spent a day waiting for iso's to be made only to find that I cant use them and need to start over21:01
leprasmurfhow large/long is the file you're trying to archive?21:01
CRXLPYseveral small (100-250MB)21:02
CRXLPYdoes the scale just not work and I should pretend it isnt there?21:03
leprasmurfso you're trying to archive video files?  I'm no expert, but that might cause a problem.  I've only tried to archive recordings.21:03
CRXLPYno, recordings are what I have21:03
leprasmurfare they still in MPEG 2?21:04
CRXLPYmaking a dvd, not an archive21:04
CRXLPYdoes the scale work for you?21:04
leprasmurfmy system is a bit crippled now, so I can't do much of anything21:04
CRXLPYdid the scale work for you?21:05
leprasmurfbut whne I've used it in the past, with tv shows, the scale worked fine21:05
leprasmurfI had to transcode the shows to the EP and I could fit 4-5 hour long shows21:05
CRXLPYdid you transcode the files to remove commecials first, then go to mytharchive?21:07
CRXLPYso you removed commerecials from within mytharchive?21:07
leprasmurfI think (and, again I'm no expert) but if you create a cutlist, archive will automatically snip those parts21:07
CRXLPYI did not find that to be the case, but I guess I probly did it wrong21:08
leprasmurfand I'm wondering if mytharchive is capable of handling space usage with transcoded files.21:08
CRXLPYI transcode b4 mytharchive because I am putting alot of ep's on each cd so I have a dir full of recordings21:09
leprasmurfwith the recordings being mpeg2, mytharchive may just transcode to a lower setting (or direct copy) since (most)commercial dvd players require MPEG 221:09
CRXLPYdvd = mpeg221:09
leprasmurfI don't doubt it could work, but that might be why the scale doesn't work21:10
CRXLPYIf I knew how much space the menu takes up then I might be able to do it21:10
leprasmurfthat, I couldn't answer, though I imagine the Menu and the images themselves aren't that much.21:11
leprasmurfI just wonder if mytharchive is trying to reencode them to MPEG2 and that's why #1 it takes all day and #2 you run out of room quickly21:11
leprasmurfhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=741935 - sounds like a similar situation21:13
leprasmurfare you selecting "Don't Re-encode"?21:13
CRXLPYI use the simple menu, just a list of files, no chapt or preview21:14
CRXLPYI will try with dont re-encode. I have usually left it at the default of sp21:17
leprasmurfit probably won't show the status bar still, but that *should* let you export it to DVD21:17
CRXLPYI can just select less ep's too21:17
leprasmurfkeep in mind, unless your dvd player is specially designed / equipped to play xvid, any dvd you burn with "Don't re-encode" will not work21:17
leprasmurfhow many files are you trying to put in there?21:18
CRXLPYnow that I have the files set to "dont re-encode" it shows up on the scale!21:20
CRXLPYbut, I cant use it21:20
CRXLPYcuz I am burning them as dvd's so they will play w/o needing to check21:20
CRXLPYso I need to undo all this21:21
CRXLPYI am glad you mentioned the xvid caveat21:22
CRXLPYnow I wont make a bunch of coasters21:22
CRXLPYthis is so frikkin tedious21:22
CRXLPYI need to check my transcoder settings, I must be changing them to mp4. I need to keep them mp2 so they are more dvd freindly21:24
CRXLPYyup, my most used transcoder was set to mp4. changed it to lossless21:27
leprasmurfyeah, just keep in mind, the mp2 takes alot more room21:28
leprasmurfwith my setup, mpeg 2 takes about 1 gig / hour or 1.5 hours21:29
leprasmurfwhereas mpeg 4 takes about 200 megs / hour21:29
leprasmurfall depending on your quality settings of course21:29
CRXLPYyeah, maybe I will just leave it all alone and just select less eps21:35
CRXLPYof course now it is hung cuz I tried changing things while a dvd creation was in progress21:37
||ChAoS||anyone around that might be able to provide some directon on following steps to fix a NForce2 audio driver issue,.. I have a article that should fix it but I cant do some steps due to not having the full ubuntu UI/control panel.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30076  I cant do steps 2 and 423:37
rothgar_is anyone else using the 8.10 rc? I just installed it this weekend and I can't watch live TV23:39

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