
UplinkRovin: but your speakers work?00:00
SuperATPcannot find package, is there any way to list installed packages?00:00
ghindoIs there any way to align the icons on a GNOME desktop to the right instead of the left?00:00
UplinkSuperATP: what do you want to remove?00:00
SuperATPrealvnc server00:00
KillerOrcaSuperATP: if you type the first few letters then hit tab00:00
RovinUplink: this is a laptop, they work yes,but I want to disable them and only make sound from headphones00:00
trece8ghindo, drag them?00:00
UplinkSuperATP: try synaptics :)00:00
Trokairanyone know of a way to change the screensaver from the linux terminal??00:00
philsfunop: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/62637/00:00
Trokaireverytime i load up the screensaver change window it freezes00:01
SuperATPthanks :)00:01
ghindotrece8: Is there any way for GNOME to do that automatically?00:01
trece8don't know, ghindo00:01
trece8Has anyone been running with linux-rt with a 1680x1050 screen resolution?00:01
trece8(I can't)00:01
UplinkRovin: type this on terminal "alsamixer"00:01
cloggedhow do i change vmware to run ubuntu at fullscreen? now it is just this small window which is really annoying. cant really use it if it is like this00:01
philsfunop: I'm not doubting you, but your information conflicts with mine, and you didn't say you checked00:01
unopphilippe, http://pastebin.com/m2853cc4600:02
unopphilsf, ^^00:02
RovinUplink: done that, there is a graphic display00:02
Curtiscan ubuntu run on a comptuer with no ram?00:02
m1dn1ghtHi guys.  Can anyone tell me if there is a logfile of who has connected to my computer via remote desktop?00:02
FlannelCurtis: No00:02
trece8Curtis, nothing can run with no ram00:02
UplinkRovin: look around... mess with the settings00:02
Curtiswhat about 512?00:03
FlannelCurtis: Yep00:03
trece8it is ram00:03
philsfunop: so, your last bookmark was in april?00:03
trece8it works00:03
AboSamoorcyberjackal, I am trying to run gpg --send-keys but it fails, what do I have to copy from the output of gpg --list-keys ?00:03
curtmackwhoa, that's weird00:03
unopphilsf, could possibly be, yea00:03
RovinUplink: I will :)00:03
Curtislol what about 256?00:03
UplinkRovin: good luck00:03
UplinkRovin: you might wanna try gnome-alsamixer00:04
Ruttysorry to interrupt. is this a good place to get help with WPC300N Linksys setup and my keyboard has issues with a few keys00:04
philsfunop: I recommend you checking this further, to be sure, at least until mozilla releases weave to the great public00:04
curtmackCurtis: Theoretically it would. I wouldn't try it though.00:04
FlannelCurtis: yes, the GUI stuff needs at minimum 64MB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements00:04
RovinUplink: thanks00:04
UplinkRovin: np00:04
tha_infamousflannel its sey !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.00:04
curtmackalso my first name is Curtis00:05
FlannelCurtis: A server requires 'at least' 32MB, but thats an artificial limitation, mostly for the installer.  You can convince debian installer to install on 8MB.00:05
curtmackI was a bit confused when everyone was answering to Curtis00:05
philsfRutty: is that a question or two?00:05
cyberjackalAboSamoor: when you run gpg --list-keys, find your key and the line that says 'uid'.  you can use your name or email from that line, with quotes if it contains a space00:05
Ruttyitès two. i canèt even use my apostrophe key00:05
FlannelRutty: try pushing it twice.00:06
philsfRutty: try pushing it, and then space00:06
FlannelRutty: You have a keyboard configured to use deadkeys.  Change that and you'll be fine.00:06
cyberjackalAboSamoor: or you can use the letters/numbers on the 'pub' line following the key size (i.e., 1024D/xxxxxxxx, using the x's as the key-id)00:06
xk001hello, anybody having issues with taskbar with dual monitor in ubuntu 8.10 ?00:06
philsfRutty, Flannel: in my setup (latin1), pushing apostrophe twice yields a different character than apostrophe (acute sign)00:07
photonHow can I make ubuntu start in text/command line mode only at each system start (I think it's called runlevel 2)?00:07
Flannelphoton: Ubuntu (like debian) doesn't use runlevels (they're all the same), what you'll want to do is stop GDM from starting at boot.00:08
Flannel!bum | photon00:08
ubottuphoton: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:08
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  I had remote desktop enabled with password access, but I just looked up and the icon said 2 people were connected.  Kind of panicked and quickly disabled remote desktop but now want to make sure it was a glitch and not someone having cracked my password.  Is there a logfile?00:08
ajhtiredwolfphoton, init 300:08
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photonFlannel: Thanks for the hint and the links.00:08
Ruttyive tried changing the keyboard setup under system. but itès not working00:08
photonajhtiredwolf: thanks, I'll try that00:08
AboSamoorcyberjackal, I got this message gpg: no keyserver known (use option --keyserver) gpg: keyserver send failed: bad URI00:08
cyberjackalAboSamoor: you have to specify the keyserver to send your keys to with the --keyserver option00:09
curtmackhmm, the USB stick installation instructions say to rename the isolinux directory to syslinux, and inside that, isolinux.cfg to syslinux.cfg00:11
xk001hello, anybody having issues with taskbar with dual monitor in ubuntu 8.10 ? it does not work very good on 2 monitors00:12
cyberjackalAboSamoor: for example, gpg --send-keys <key-id> --keyserver hkp://sub-keys.pgp.net00:12
seronis!ask 8.0100:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask 8.0100:12
seronis!ask 8.1000:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask 8.1000:12
curtmackbut the mini CD doesn't have that much, it has isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg, both on the root00:12
K_DallasGood evening folks! Q: I am trying to use skype under linux so I log less and less back to my windows xp. Today for the first time I tried it and the only problem that I have got with it is that the other side did not hear me even though the video was ok. I tried to play with sound/audio both in skype and in ubuntu but none of changes I made worked. Where should I look for a solution? Thanks00:12
curtmackshould I just rename those to syslinux.bin and syslinux.cfg and see what happens?00:12
photonWhen I configure my fstab to mount / as read only, is it guaranteed that neither the kernel, nor drivers, nor any other software can write to the device that / is on (unless *I* explicitly remount / as read/write)?00:13
curtmackphoton: Yes.00:13
SmegzorCan I move /tmp into my /home partition and how do I do it?  /tmp is currently in / but I don't have enough free space to run aptoncd.  I have 33gigs free in /home.00:13
Jordan_UK_Dallas: Have you tried using your mike with another application to test if it's working like Applications > Sound and Video > Sound Recorder ?00:13
curtmackBut I don't think your system would boot like that.00:13
CurtisK_Dallas, please check my pm00:14
K_DallasJordan_U, i try that, It works under windows so the mic is ok. let me see if I find the sound recorder00:14
curtmackhey, I still have the normal install ISO. I'll just use that.00:14
K_DallasCurtis, I don't like pms, sorry00:14
curtmackSave myself a lot of headaches in the end.00:14
photoncurtmack: why would it not boot?00:14
CurtisK_Dallas, i know how to fix it but whatever00:14
ajhtiredwolfK_Dallas, then dont get married00:14
Neodemihas anyone here had ubuntu running on the eeepc00:15
K_DallasNeo-Omega, only if i knew it beforehand :):):)00:15
Jordan_USmegzor: You can simply create a directory for temporary files on your /home and make a symlink to it at /tmp00:15
CurtisNeodemi, http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/00:16
K_DallasCurtis, people help each other here in the chan so others could benefit and you really dont need my skype ID to help me, do you?00:16
Tom_Davisquick question: how would I ftp an entire directory from an ubuntu ftp server to an ubuntu client?00:16
CurtisK Dallas00:16
curtmackphoton: I'm not 100% sure, but I think some of the daemons that run when starting up require write access.00:16
Jordan_UNeodemi: Do you know about http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/ ?00:16
Tom_DavisI am connected by ftp and logged in but dont know the command to get it, get * aint doing it00:16
seroniscurtmack:  then how does a livecd work ?00:16
curtmackYou can try it though, the worst that could happen is you'd have to use a boot disc to fix it00:16
seronis(just curious)00:16
ajhtiredwolfhey anyone here automount network dirves with samnba? Minei s working fine the only problem is it is mounting before the network starts so it hangs00:16
Neodemiive seen that site already00:16
curtmackseronis: Good point.00:16
Neodemii was wondering if anyones had it going?00:17
Vinconzois there any way to mount a (ext3) hard drive without permission-stuff (like ownershot and read-write permissions)00:17
Vinconzoin fstab, ofcourse00:17
ajhtiredwolfVinconzo, do you mean give it read write permissions to everyone or no one?00:17
philsfTom_Davis: you can use ncftp, or maybe wget for that00:18
Tom_DavisI tried wget but it just looked at me funny,  perhaps wrong syntax00:18
philsfTom_Davis: I think the default ftp client that comes installed is lftp, ut I never used it. I live ncftp very much00:18
AboSamoorcyberjackal, Thanks very much.00:18
ajhtiredwolfgftp is good00:18
philsfTom_Davis: it includes a command ncftpget that's non-interactive, useful for scripting, at'in, and cron'ing00:19
cyberjackalAboSamoor: np, glad it worked00:19
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  I had remote desktop enabled with password access, but I just looked up and the icon said 2 people were connected.  Kind of panicked and quickly disabled remote desktop but now want to make sure it was a glitch and not someone having cracked my password.  Is there a logfile that displays the ip and time of connections?00:19
AboSamoorcyberjackal, I don't know what is the server supposed to be and this page completed the task https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey00:19
Vinconzoajhtiredwolf: to everyone00:20
ajhtiredwolfm1dn1ght, that can happen if you login more than once without logging out00:20
Jakob_the_liarcan someone help me with wireless00:20
Jakob_the_liarits not connecting00:20
ajhtiredwolfVinconzo,  chmod 77700:20
Jakob_the_liari have signal , drivers , wep key00:20
Jakob_the_liarthe applet just keeps circling and then just asks for the key again00:20
m1dn1ghtajhtiredwolf: that's what I suspect's happened, but would really love to confirm that with a log if one exists :)00:20
seronisquestion:  i've installed and used boost in WinXP with visual studio and mingw, current installing on ubuntu 8.04 for first time.    Is there any debian repository link on the site that im missing?00:20
seronisin synaptic i can find the 1.34.1 dev package but not 1.36.x,  and i see no linux repository links on the website, just the .7z00:20
ajhtiredwolfm1dn1ght, i believe that it is in var/log/auth00:20
=== mandy is now known as cube
ajhtiredwolfm1dn1ght, check in there00:21
JediMasterhey guys, I'm trying to mount a virtually dead ntfs partition in ubuntu, but having no joy (it doesn't mount in windows either), anyone have any suggestions on how to get any files off?00:21
Vinconzoi tried that, but everytime i locally make a directory in the shared directory, i can't edit (eg. add/remove files/dirs in it) from smb00:21
ajhtiredwolfJediMaster, sounds like it is dead.00:22
cyberjackalJakob_the_liar: make sure you are using the correct type of wep key (passphrase vs hex)00:22
curtmackJediMaster: there are companies that do that, but they charge stupid amounts00:22
JediMasterajhtiredwolf: pretty much, getting I/O errors00:22
curtmackbut if it's worth it, then yes, you can get the files off of a dead drive.00:22
JediMastercurtmack: yeah I know, just trying to see if I can get something off it for a friend, but I may just low-level format if it's completely dead00:23
ajhtiredwolfJediMaster, I would recommend taking it into a pcclub if you have one, they have helped me get info off dead drives before00:23
ajhtiredwolfJediMaster, or just spin it with your hand? :p00:23
m1dn1ghtajhtiredwolf: thanks.  just had a look in auth.log but nothing for vnc unfortunately...shows ssh and sudo though00:23
curtmackJediMaster: run fdisk on it and see if it can print off the partition table (or if it will even run)00:24
curtmacki.e. fdisk /dev/hda00:24
ajhtiredwolfm1dn1ght, hmm you might want to googel where the vnc logs are then i dont remember sorry :p00:24
|tom|is there a way to pull up the info on my hardware (type of processor etc)?00:24
RezagratsWhat's a good text-based client that is like Finch ?00:24
JediMasterCurtis: yes, it can read it00:24
m1dn1ghtajhtiredwolf: no worries.  google's not helping but I'll persevere.  Thanks for the help00:25
alesanhey guy do you know of a program that uses the soundcard as a frequency generator?00:25
curtmackso chances are the filesystem is corrupt...00:25
ajhtiredwolfm1dn1ght, course man my pleasure ;)00:25
oOarthurOoinstall wine as default to run older apps and then move on to a truly secure system.00:25
oOarthurOosorry, wrong window, I meant to say that in #windows00:26
ZodiaxQuick question, i'm looking for a nice GUI hardware monitor, which has things like memory used, cpu used, etc etc. anyone know a nice one?00:27
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curtmackSince the drive itself still works, you might be able to hunt for data directly. But that would be time consuming, and I'm not sure it's entirely straightforward on NTFS.00:28
curtmackEspecially if the disk is fragmented.00:28
Jakob_the_liardoes anyone have anything valid about my problem00:28
dna_what would be the full 'wget' command to mirror a site(subdirectory of a site) and all it's files?00:28
JediMastercurtmack: that's what I assumed00:28
curtmackall right them00:29
philsfZodiax: menu System>administration>system monitor00:29
Jakob_the_liareven when i try to connect to wireless networks with no key it just keeps spinning and doesnt connect00:29
Georgeinmexicomay I ask a question00:29
unopdna_,  wget -r -nh http://example.com/subdir   # but have a look at the wget manpage and read the section about mirroring00:29
bbeecherHey, can someone explain to me what the -wholename flag does on the find command?00:29
philsf!ask | Georgeinmexico00:29
ubottuGeorgeinmexico: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:29
msaulHi, I checked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi to config my Dlink DWA-542 network adaptor, but got message when issuing command:  wlanconfig ath0:avahi create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta00:29
Georgeinmexicook, thanks00:30
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I network install ubuntu minimal CD?00:30
Jakob_the_liarsometimes it shows the bars and says im connected but i cant get online00:30
THE_GFR|WORKfrom windows00:30
msaulError reads: wlanconfig: ioctl: Input/output error00:30
Jakob_the_liari wasnt aware there was a minimal cd THE_GFR|WORK00:30
THE_GFR|WORKJakob_the_liar: yes. it's 9.5MB00:30
msaulThe weird thing is that network adaptor detects my wireless card when I go into SYSTEM -> Network00:30
unopbbeecher, see the find manpage about -path00:30
Jakob_the_liaryou mean install it from a windows session?00:31
=== KaoS is now known as Trokair
Jakob_the_liari dont think you can do that you have to boot the cd00:31
msaulAny ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated - I suspect I'm very close to a solution00:31
msaulI'm running 64bit Ubuntu 8.0400:31
bbeecherunop: thanks - I'll check it out00:31
THE_GFR|WORKJakob_the_liar: use windows to tftp and the minimal install disc to get it to my other computer00:31
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, you are havning network issues?00:31
msaulBut I think I'm close to a solution00:32
THE_GFR|WORKJakob_the_liar: I want to use a tftp server to netboot and install on my old P2 300 Mhz laptop but I need the minimal disc00:32
philsfmsaul: can you repeat your question all in one post?00:32
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, cant connect or what?00:32
THE_GFR|WORKbut I need some assistance on that00:32
philsfmsaul: s/post/line/00:32
msaulCan't go to network manager applet and change to ath000:32
Jakob_the_liarah THE_GFR|WORK sorry i cant help you there i've tried it with gentoo but im not skilled enough to help00:32
THE_GFR|WORKbleh ok thanks Jakob_the_liar00:33
msaulath0:avahi error00:33
Jakob_the_liarthe gentoo has excellent documentation on how to do it00:33
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, sorry need a little more info :P wjhen you click on the network applet eth0 isnt there?00:33
Jakob_the_liarim probably going to be moving to gentoo soon00:33
Jakob_the_liari just got the hardy cd's today00:33
Guest69737graffiti mode.  guy likes that trav on "American Graffiti" <<< TAG00:33
philsfTHE_GFR|WORK: why can't you use the alternative cd for that?00:33
msauleth0 is there because I'm hard wired temporarily, but trying to connect to wireless00:33
Guest69737sneak, quietly00:34
philsfTHE_GFR|WORK: you can customize what gets installed with that00:34
JabberWalkieJakob_the_liar: gentoo? run!, run and never look back!00:34
bbeecherunop: ahhh, the path flag is deprecated. '-path   See Wholename'00:34
bbeecherunop: good one :)00:34
biggerfisch when is the offical release date for 8.10?00:34
philsfbiggerfisch: 3000:34
Guest69737Trick with ur treats00:34
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, ok so you see the option eth0 there but when you click on it it doenst connect?00:34
Jakob_the_liaryou use gentoo JabberWalkie ?00:34
unopbbeecher, my manpage says the opposite.  -wholename patter  See -path.    This alternative is less portable than -path.00:34
GeorgeinmexicoI installed ubuntu on a usbdrive for the first time today, One of the partitions of my hard drive was usable this morning and I could brows the files. Gparted now displays the message "cannot find mountpoint" , and when I try to mount the drive in my computer it says the drive is already mounted. I cannot open the drive or browse the files. Any suggestions?00:35
msauleth0 exists, but ath0:avahi gives error00:35
Guest69737hey,! retro-grade.  What if the guy wasn't me,  huh, huh00:35
Guest18533hello to all, on this system i see the update icon (gnome) only after a apt-get update command, some suggestion for not digit that command?00:35
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, please type myname before a message to me ;)00:35
rmcelligI am having a real problem. Everytime I restart my PC it always opens up in Firefox and this chat software. I turned off the option in Sessions that allows you to restart with current apps open intact. What should I do?\00:35
dna_is there any good software for password protecting access to my USB or for encrypting its contents with a password etc?00:35
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, is this a laptop?00:36
msaulNo Desktop00:36
Guest69737msaul is approx 280 miles from my present location, sneek peek shack00:36
msaulhp 64 bit machine running Nvidia 9500 geforce video card00:36
bbeecherunop: really? how odd... the man page says to see wholename, but the info page claims it's deprecated00:36
msaulrunning Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit00:36
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, did you try unplugging the ethernet cable and then connecting ot the wireless?00:36
THE_GFR|WORKwell what's best for a P2 300 Mhz laptop anyway? I have ubuntu 8.04 installed but it's too beefy for the system to rightly handle00:36
SuperATPhow can i install a .deb from console??00:36
msaulwill try again00:36
bbeecherunop: could it be a version diff in my docs?00:36
philsfSuperATP: sudo dpkg -i file.deb00:37
MarcinqI need a help I'm newbie :/ and I want apache but I don't know where it is, I installed it in synaptic00:37
unopbbeecher, which version of find?00:37
curtmackThat didn't work.00:37
javimansillawhat a "c" means in aptitude? "Conflict"? And what can I do for installing that package?00:37
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, do you have another pc?00:37
scientushow can i make 1 partition static and have writes go to another drive, like on a livecd?00:37
scientusis it easy?00:37
trece8apache is a linux distro... correct me if I'm wrong00:37
Guest69737msaul, don't u already know? what you did...00:37
bbeecherunop: GNU 4.2.3200:37
stanman1why does ubuntu use the -0.92 version of clamav instead of 0.94?00:37
msaulyes, a notebook00:37
unopbbeecher, mine is   -  find (GNU findutils) 4.4.000:37
int20hi all. I have problem with my Samsung R40 Plus laptop. How I can detect my dial-up modem?00:37
msaulwhat I notice, is with the final command in the howto00:38
Guest69737are u fighting the imagination of war!!!00:38
Marcinqbut where is httdocs ?00:38
THE_GFR|WORKany recommendations as to an easy linux distro that would run great on a P2 300 Mhz laptop with 6.4GB hard drive?00:38
alesanthe program I was looking for is "siggen"00:38
bbeecherunop: ahhh, I need an update then. Didn't even realize it! Thanks!00:38
Guest69737writ wit00:38
msaulI get  wlanconfig ath0:avahi create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta00:38
msaulwlanconfig: ioctl: Input/output error00:38
dranyamany idea  why my wireless card would be weaker in ubuntu than in windows right here where im sitting in windows i get a full connection with ubuntu it shows as barely even being connected00:38
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, are you able to connect  to the router using the wireless?00:38
scientustrece8, lol noone responded apache is a wwwserver only00:38
Georgeinmexicocan anybody help me see the files on a drive that says it's already mounted, but won't  show the files00:38
scientustrece8, a program only00:38
msaulyes, and it allowed me to view my ESSID and the whole smash00:38
Marcinqso who can help me00:39
msaulI just can't connect to it from network monitor in applet00:39
trece8well... can't help you00:39
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, hmm that is weird..00:39
unopdna_, you could do something like that - but you would make the portable USB device quite unportable - there are no major filesystems to date which support that - and for good reason00:39
Marcinqwhere is apache00:39
Guest69737boy, your laziness may well indeed be FINAL00:39
scientusMarchiq what are you looking for?00:39
favroGeorgeinmexico: in  terminal   suso fdisk -l   to see where it is mounted00:39
msaulcould it be that RADIO WIRELESS not configured in kernel?00:39
favroGeorgeinmexico: in  terminal   sudo fdisk -l   to see where it is mounted00:39
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, sorry that one might be beyond me :-\00:39
quaggaso if i find myself in need of network file sharing and have determined that nfsv4 is too complicated, would samba be my best bet?  i have no windows machines but it seems the simplest setup00:39
trece8if anyone knows how to get ubuntu with linux-rt running in 1680x1050 screen resolution, please contact me00:39
trece8i can't00:39
scientusdo man apache Marcinq00:39
unopdna_, the best thing to do would probably put the files in an encrypted archive00:40
dranyami just wonder whats up00:40
philsf|apache | Marcinq00:40
philsf!apache | Marcinq00:40
scientusMarcinq, see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/httpd.html00:40
ubottuMarcinq: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:40
Georgeinmexicohows that again00:40
Georgeinmexicoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ suso fdisk -l00:40
Georgeinmexicobash: suso: command not found00:40
favroGeorgeinmexico: in  terminal   sudo fdisk -l   to see where it is mounted00:40
RezagratsIs lkl safe to use ? it won't send logged stuff anywhere, right ?00:40
unopGeorgeinmexico, sudo *00:40
favrothe suso was a typo00:40
scientusGeorgeA, sudo00:40
msaulajhtiredwolf, let me try a few things and will return...00:41
stanman1clamav outdated?00:41
dna_unop: im helping a friend out. he's got Ubuntu installed onto USB.. however he doesn't like the fact he can read the file system/delete/format the USB key from within Windows if hes booted into Windows XP00:41
stanman1why is that?00:41
Guest69737doubt here?00:41
dna_Is there anything he can do to prevent this from happening?00:41
ajhtiredwolfmsaul, rightio00:41
dranyamthe worst of all00:41
Georgeinmexicowhat am I looking fore00:41
dranyamits an atheros card00:41
dranyamso you would think it would do fine in ubuntu00:41
Guest69737so, what's everyone going to do Hallow's Eve.  Hoods, or just Hood Winks.  Shall I liq. up, and prepare00:42
=== AboSamoor is now known as aboSamoor
dranyamany idea  why my wireless card would be weaker in ubuntu than in windows right here where im sitting in windows i get a full connection with ubuntu it shows as barely even being connected00:42
Guest69737u have clearwire?00:43
dranyami hated to repost that but no one ever responded00:43
favroGeorgeinmexico: can you paste the output?00:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:43
THE_GFR|WORKany recommendations as to an easy linux distro that would run great on a P2 300 Mhz laptop with 6.4GB hard drive?00:43
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, try compiling a more up to date driver manually00:43
unopdna_, using an encryption filesystem doesn't automatically take away the capability to format it - I guess he has to be careful then - and that doesn't take much - having said that, some USB devices have a write-protect lock which may be useful00:43
trece8THE_GFR|WORK, DSL00:43
dranyamim running 8.1000:43
trece8Damn Small Linux00:43
trece8or Feather Linux00:43
dranyamwould it have the newest driver00:43
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, not necessairly00:43
trece8google that00:43
THE_GFR|WORKtrece8: DSL? does it have a GUI?00:43
trece8of course!00:44
unopdna_, think about it, if you used an encrypted filesystem on the disk and lost access to it somehow, you need the means to be able to use it again - i.e. format it, etc00:44
Guest69737yeah, watch those gd hands fly, u knowin00:44
THE_GFR|WORKtrece8: does it come with firefox installed and does it work with pcmcia cards?00:44
trece8don't know that00:44
trece8search it00:44
philsfeverytime I login I have to reset the "Location" in my clock/calendar applet in my laptop, but the same doesn't occur in my desktop. How can I fix that?00:44
=== Aragon^ is now known as Aragon
bludstemhi im having a problem with the ubuntu 8.10 upgrade00:44
trece8Feather Linux even runs from RAM00:44
trece8(doesn't need a hard drive)00:44
THE_GFR|WORKtrece8: or how about feather linux?00:44
dranyamany  chance youd would assist me wi00:44
dranyam, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.00:44
dranyam[18:36] [Notice] -NickServ- You are now identified for dranyam.00:44
THE_GFR|WORKtrece8: ok thanks looking00:45
dranyamat wtf00:45
Guest69737bludstem, honestly, did u create the prob.  R U the prob.00:45
philsfeverytime I login I have to reset the "Location" in my clock/calendar applet in my laptop, but the same doesn't occur in my desktop. How can I fix that? I tried deleting .gnome* and .gconf* and starting fresh, but it didn't work00:45
RezagratsIs lkl safe to use ? it won't send logged stuff anywhere, right ?00:45
Georgeinmexicofavro here it is:00:45
dranyamcrazy  touch pad00:45
movedxI'm running vsftpd on my VPS and I've set 'file_open_mode' in the configuration file to '644'. However, when I upload a file the actual file permissions granted are: --w----r-T. What does this means?00:45
GeorgeinmexicoWARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.00:45
GeorgeinmexicoDisk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes00:45
Georgeinmexico255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders00:45
GeorgeinmexicoUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes00:45
GeorgeinmexicoDisk identifier: 0x66dd66dd00:45
FloodBot2Georgeinmexico: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
Georgeinmexico   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System00:45
bludstemwhen i login to ubuntu the desktop wont load any help?00:45
trece8THE_GFR|WORK, look up in wikipedia about that... it has the information well put together00:45
favro!paste | Georgeinmexico00:46
ubottuGeorgeinmexico: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:46
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, gnome wont load?00:46
dranyamajhtiredwolf any chance you'd assist me with doing that im total noob to ubuntu00:46
Guest69737vlashkeet omstead imur  pan' kea' ostu.00:46
dna_true unop, thanks for the explanation, my friend understands now00:46
bludstemyea i cant see my desktop at all00:46
bludstemi'm using a live cd to load it00:46
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, sure i will givei ta shot, what is your wireless car?00:46
ajhtiredwolf dranyam car*00:46
bludstembut i did the upgrade last night00:47
ajhtiredwolfDragnslcr, card* god sutpid d dkey00:47
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dranyamAtheros AR500800:47
dna_unop: he's just worried about someone popping his USB key into an XP box and reading all his files etc00:47
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ajhtiredwolfbludstem, did you try and use a different desktop environment?00:47
bludstemim not sure how to change it without being able to see it00:48
unopdna_, did you say he has ubuntu installed on the USB disk? and he can boot from it?00:48
favroGeorgeinmexico: and in terminal   df -h   and pastebin it please00:48
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:48
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, you can login to init3 and install a different desktop invironemtn like xfc or whatever it is called00:48
dtoljAnybody know how to minimize CPU usage for Adobe Flash 9 Firefox plugin?00:48
dranyami really wanna keep ubuntu but if i cant get the wireless working better00:49
dranyamits gonna be hard to00:49
unopbludstem,   ajhtiredwolf, i think you mean runlevel 3 - but that has no effect on ubuntu, like debian, runlevels 2-5 are all the same00:49
Spetsdranyam, are you running 8.10 and what card?00:49
ubuntu_toddhow to change the document property of pdf file in ubuntu?00:49
dranyamyes 8.10  and atheros AR500800:49
bludstemajhtiredwolf can you message me so that i can keep up?00:49
ajhtiredwolfunop, hmm i always booted into init 3 in fedora, might be different :p00:49
dna_unop: yeh00:50
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, better to ttalk in public chat incase someone else has your same question00:50
filth_i'm running 8.10, is it normal behavior for my mouse pointer to echo circles around it when i enter ctrl?00:50
unopajhtiredwolf, debian/ubuntu are differrent from redhat/fedora - quite different00:50
ubuntu_toddI am using acroread and Document viewer iin matlab00:50
Spetsdranyam: try and update the firmware on your router and see if that helps00:50
filth_and how do i deactivate this facility.00:50
ubuntu_toddNot matlab, ubuntu00:50
damnhi guys.. how do i down my wlan0 interface?!00:50
ajhtiredwolfunop, oh for sure i totally agree, lots of things ccarry over though, this wanst one of them i guess hah00:50
bludstemhow do i login to int3?00:50
ubuntu_todddamn: sudo ifdown wlan000:51
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, well really you should just have to press ctrl-alt-f300:51
bludstemand am i able to do so from the live cd?00:51
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, try that00:51
unopdna_, i guess he could use truecrypt on the /home partition then - which should make /home readable only to ubuntu when it is booted00:51
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, it hsoul give you aa console00:51
favroGeorgeinmexico: are you mounting the disk in /media/disk? - you need to make that folder00:51
damnthx and how do i up it again?00:51
ajhtiredwolfbludstem, oh you havent installed it yet you are just running from the live cd?00:51
Georgeinmexicosure how do I do that00:51
favroGeorgeinmexico: df: `/media/disk': No such file or directory00:51
bludstemok ill be back to let you know how it works00:51
dtoljAnybody having problems with high CPU usage when loading Flash pages?00:52
favroGeorgeinmexico: sudo mkdir -v /media/disk00:52
unop!truecrypt > dna_00:52
ubottudna_, please see my private message00:52
ubuntu_toddIs there any way so that I can change the property of PDF files. After doing that, I can right-click the file to get enough information about the file.00:52
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  I had remote desktop enabled with password access, but I just looked up and the icon said 2 people were connected.  Kind of panicked and quickly disabled remote desktop but now want to make sure it was a glitch and not someone having cracked my password.  Is there a logfile that displays the ip and time of connections?00:53
dranyamat this point im considering putting the broadcom card back into this laptop00:53
Georgeinmexicoit says directory created now what00:53
favroGeorgeinmexico: unplug/replug the disk in00:54
stanman1anyone knows a bit of ispconfig?00:54
Georgeinmexicoit's an internal harddrive00:54
favroGeorgeinmexico: sorry - mount -av00:55
Georgeinmexicoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ mount -av00:55
Georgeinmexicomount: only root can do that00:55
GeorgeinmexicoI'm running the os off a usb00:55
scientuswhat the free space command again?00:55
scientusdg -h or something?00:55
favroGeorgeinmexico: sudo mount -av00:55
unopscientus, df00:55
CaptainMorganI sudoed gconf-editor to put my home folder and computer on the desktop... anyone wager to guess why they're not showing after I did this?00:56
unopscientus, think of it in mnemonic terms  df = disk free00:56
Georgeinmexicoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -av00:56
Georgeinmexicomount: tmpfs already mounted on /tmp00:56
Georgeinmexiconothing was mounted00:56
CaptainMorgangconf-editor > apps> nautilus > desktop > home_folder_visible checked00:56
favroGeorgeinmexico: so you don't have an fstab entry for it - sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2   if that is the one that is not mounted00:57
GeorgeinmexicoThe one I would like to mount is one of the sda's00:58
unopCaptainMorgan, running gconf-editor under sudo  sets gconf-editor to run as the superuser, so any modifications you make in it affect root's gconf not the user's00:58
bbeecherunop: ok, I think I got what it does - you mind answering a question about how it works? http://paste.ubuntu.com/62655/00:58
CaptainMorganunop, !00:59
favrosudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda300:59
unopCaptainMorgan, so, why are you using sudo anyway?00:59
favroGeorgeinmexico: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda300:59
philsfeverytime I login I have to reset the "Location" in my clock/calendar applet in my laptop, but the same doesn't occur in my desktop. How can I fix that? I tried deleting .gnome* and .gconf* and starting fresh, but it didn't work00:59
CaptainMorganunop, I assumed sudo would be necessary... thank you. all better.01:00
GeorgeinmexicoThat did something, but still no file browsing  http://paste.ubuntu.com/62656/01:00
unopbbeecher, the second one should be   find . -wholename "./test/test.txt"  # if you ask why, because find is operating on a directory named . - so all files it finds are prefixed with ./   as contrasted with   find  /home/blah  in which all files are prefixed with /home/blah/  - so you have to bear in mind what -wholename matches, it's the full and entire filename, including path01:01
favroGeorgeinmexico: my bad -   sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/disk01:01
bbeecherunop: that makes perfect sense! thanks!01:02
Georgeinmexicoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/disk01:02
Georgeinmexicomount: according to mtab, /dev/sda3 is already mounted on /media/disk01:02
unopbbeecher, to make the distinction clearer,   simply run and compare these commands.   find /home/blah   and   find ./01:02
Openvirushow do I rename a file in command line?01:02
unopOpenvirus, mv, rename, etc01:02
favroGeorgeinmexico: try   sudo umount -v /dev/sda3   then   sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/disk01:03
unopOpenvirus, basically,  mv  old_filename  new_filename01:03
scientuscan i turn off the ext3 log while the system is running?01:03
Openvirusok kol thanks unop01:03
mstrjay4need help installing a persistence of vision installation shell script.01:03
_2scientus the journal ?01:03
bbeecherunop: ah, that does make it clearer. Ok - I got it now, thanks again!01:04
_2scientus you need to mount it as ext2   -o remount   might work.01:04
scientuscan i do that on a root partition?01:04
favroGeorgeinmexico: well done :)01:04
unopscientus, yes, but _it is not_ advised and you should umount the filesystem before doing it - for the sake of keeping the data safe01:04
Georgeinmexicothank you01:04
enkihello. quick question: when I upgrade from 8.04->8.10, will I lose any of my GNOME settings, or any settings in general?01:04
_2scientus test it.  i've never tried to disable a journal after boot time01:04
scientuswell there was importand data lost01:04
scientusbut the system cant go down right now01:04
scientusand im trying to save the journal data for a recovery01:05
scientuswith ext3grep01:05
GeorgeinmexicoNow, on a related note, I think I accidentally formated my primary partition while I was installing ubuntu 8.10 on the usb01:05
Georgeinmexicocan you tell me how to mount the sda1 partition01:05
mstrjay4running an installation shell script? Need help.01:05
unopenki, the idea is that you shouldn't - the upgrade should ideally be smooth-sailing -- but there's always a possibility that you may be surprised, things will stop working because a newer version of the program no longer support what you want, has bugs, was not installed well, etc  - always backup important data/settings before an upgrade01:06
zezuwhen i try to run an install binary, it extracts properly and then complains it can't find the files it extracted (in /tmp), anyone know why this might happen ?01:06
_2scientus oh no.   you want to simply kill it and boot a live CD to recover data from   the more you play with mount and other things the less chance you have of saving anything.01:06
favroGeorgeinmexico: sudo mkdir -v /media/sda1   then  sudo umount -v /dev/sda1   then   sudo mount -v /dev/sda1 /media/sda101:06
bludstemi fixed it01:06
Georgeinmexiconternal error: No mount object for mounted volume01:07
complexityI did a stupid thing upgrading to the intrepid beta version , anyone know if I can downgrade ?01:07
scientusi know but this is a critical server01:07
GeorgeinmexicoI think it's been labeled ubuntu801:07
scientusit holds the pos for a 24-hour restraunt01:07
Georgeinmexicobut when I open it it says internal error: No mount object for mounted volume01:07
bludstemi needed to change the default login to gnome to fix it01:07
enkiunop: I did back up my home dir and /etc (figuring most of the config files would be in there so if I had to reset them I could easily). I'm running the update program right now, and it kind of freaked me out when it said it was removing 40 apps, installing 200 and upgrading like 1200.01:07
unop!downgrade | complexity01:07
ubottucomplexity: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:07
bludstemi had to do select session01:07
enkii dont know why it's upgrading some of them, since they are all up to date01:08
complexityunop, my system is already horked01:08
favroGeorgeinmexico: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/sda101:08
=== rparish is now known as mrrcp
bludstemi manually configured mine to do the upgrade01:08
unopenki,  hmm, it depends on how you are upgrading - but yea, some packages might have to be removed since they may be in conflict with other new ones01:08
sugiIs it possible to make a bash file and have it edit a text document and save it?01:08
enkii didn't know if it uninstalls GNOME and reinstalls the newer version if that will wipe out all my configuration settings, or will it leave them.01:08
Georgeinmexicolooks like that did it, thanks sooo much01:09
Georgeinmexiconow if I could only go back and unformat that partition01:09
_2enki "leave them"01:09
Georgeinmexicook thanks so much favro,01:09
unopcomplexity, there is no easy way to downgrade - but i'll give you a clue  "apt pinning"01:09
dranyamif anyone  could help me with this atheros card i would gladly listen01:09
favroGeorgeinmexico: np01:09
enkiwell, the ones it was removing seemed to be mostly GTK stuff, and things that would be replaced. but it removed the lame libraries, and a few other things that didnt make sense01:09
unopsugi, you mean a bash script?01:10
SeaPhordranyam, what atheros card?01:10
ryan5620In firefox i can view videos (youtube) but i cannot hear the music...any1 have this problem??01:11
_2sugi "sed"01:11
unopenki, how exactly did you set off the upgrade process?01:11
enkiunop: ok cool. thanks for your help. oh, one other thing, when 8.10 goes public, I assume I will have to upgrade again, right? will it be as complex, or just what has changed since RC.01:11
sugiunop: yea, sorry. can i make a bash file edit a text document and save it.01:11
_2sugi "sed"01:11
enkithe way it said on the website to upgrade01:11
sugi_2, i am sorry. i don't understand this refer01:11
dranyami have a connection01:12
enkiupdate-manager -d01:12
unopsugi, there are a multitude of ways - depending on what you want changing, where you want changing, etc .. but as sugi said, sed it probably best01:12
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  I had remote desktop enabled with password access, but I just looked up and the icon said 2 people were connected.  Kind of panicked and quickly disabled remote desktop but now want to make sure it was a glitch and not someone having cracked my password.  Is there a logfile that displays the ip and time of connections?01:12
dranyamits twice as strong in windows01:12
dranyamas it is in ubuntu01:12
_2sugi short answer to your Q is "yes. use sed to do the editing"    you don't have to use sed of course but that's kind of what it's for.01:12
sugiunop: is sed a probably or a command?01:12
unopenki, no, once 8.10 is released, all you do is make sure apt is updated and upgraded and then you are on the official release01:12
unopsugi, sed is a command, yes01:13
enkiunop: ah ok, cool. update-manager -d  was the proper way though right?01:13
SeaPhordranyam, what laptop you have?01:13
unopenki, errm, probably - though i've never done it that way01:13
unopenki, meaning, i am inclined to agreeing01:14
thiebaudeenki:that's how i upgraded01:14
enkioh. when I did that it popped up telling me that there was a newer version, click here to upgrade, etc.01:14
_2sugi if you don't want to use sed   maybe "perl"01:14
enkihow do you do it otherwise? manually?01:14
sugiunop, _2, so sed /home/sugi/Desktop/test\ document01:14
sugiThen input the information here.  (do i have to type anything to make it save?)01:14
ryan5620I can watch youtube videos but cannot hear any sound from them....maybe reinstall flash player or idk...any suggestions??01:14
dranyamseaphr its a dell mini01:14
dranyambut i have added this atheros card01:14
dranyamit originally had a broadcom card01:15
krihow do i check if my wlan works well?01:15
unopenki,  there's two ways i use ..  sudo do-release-upgrade  and  sudo aptitude dist-upgrade01:15
lalakhi is there a diffrent webbrowser plugin for movies embended besides mplayer?01:15
lalakMplayer lags like crazy01:15
lalakon my machine01:15
prince_jammyssugi: no, sed takes its commands as arguments. what are you trying to do?01:15
SeaPhordranyam, PCMCIA or USB?01:15
enkioh, good to know =]01:15
unopsugi, no, I suggest you read a sed howto/tutorial01:15
dranyammini pci-e01:16
_2sugi sed is intended to be non-interactive    if you explain a little more clearly what you are trying to do the answers might be a little more clear to you.01:16
sugiprince_jammys: unop, _2, i am not find much right now01:16
prince_jammysdescribe what you want to do01:16
enkiyou don't think this upgrade will mess up some of my specialized drivers do you? I'm on a Thinkpad and it took me a while to get some things working like my fingerprint reader (and cooresponding PAM module)01:16
sugiprince_jammys: unop, _2 i am not finding much in google right now on a how to.01:16
_2sugi terminal: info sed01:17
GeorgeinmexicoFavro, would you mind telling me how to mount the other half of my usb drive sdb201:17
prince_jammyssugi: describe what you want to do01:17
sugiprince_jammys: i need to run a game through wine and then edit a text file edited by the game to the default or else it crashes the game the next time i start it up01:17
krii cant connect to my router wireless, is not encrypt and its gonna stay that way01:17
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu01:17
sugiprince_jammys: if you don't mind. could you PM me and I will go into more details01:18
dac_Can someone help me? I'm trying to connect to the Efnet.org IRC server in Xchat.01:18
unopsugi,  http://www.unix.com.ua/orelly/unix/sedawk/index.htm01:18
prince_jammyssugi: edit it exactly how?01:18
sugi_2, thanks01:18
=== dac_ is now known as Dacvak
_2sugi wait.01:18
sugi_2 yes?01:18
prince_jammyssugi: i prefer no pm, thanks. there's also #sed, btw01:18
lalakhi is there a diffrent webbrowser plugin for movies embended besides mplayer?01:18
_2sugi if all you need to do is reset one file   simple make a wrapper that will run your program then copy a backup copy of the config to the the config name.  no editing needed.01:19
favroGeorgeinmexico: sudo mkdir /media/sdb2   then   sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2 /media/sdb201:19
sugiprince_jammys: i don't know, but oh kay.... thanks for the information though01:19
dranyamugh man i really dont wanna go back to windows01:19
_2sugi example:  cp blah blah.backup ;wine command args ;cp blah.backup blah01:19
CaptainMorgandranyam, what's the problem ?01:20
ajhtiredwolfso i have a drive on a seperate machine that is automatically mmounted when the system starts, this is a probblem because the network needs to be mounted befoe the network drive is, kno wa way i can do this? what is a script that woul be mounted afte the network s oi can put it in there?01:20
sugi_2, i don't know what you mean by wrapper, but you just gave me an idea.01:20
sugi_2, that's my idea :D01:20
dranyammy atheros card seems to be twice as strong in windows as it is in ubuntu01:20
prince_jammyssugi: yes, that sounds more reasonable, if you just want the file restored to how it was01:20
SeaPhordranyam, there should be someone here with better knowledge of power management ,,, thats where you need to look01:21
Dacvakis there a command I can type into xchat to get me connected to the efnet server?01:21
sugi_2, i am having issues with the file type though. the terminal doesn't want to see the file though.01:21
DacvakI seriously can't figure out how to connect to freakin' efnet from here, lol01:21
dranyamim mean im barely getting a signal01:21
dranyamthats crazy01:22
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, did you try installing a new driver?01:22
Georgeinmexicoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb2 /media/sdb201:22
Georgeinmexicomount: /dev/sdb2 already mounted or /media/sdb2 busy01:22
sugiprince_jammys: i am unsure of the powers of sed and perl, but..... hahah, nevermind01:22
dranyami do not know how01:22
prince_jammyssugi: quote the filename if it contains spaces or other special characters.01:22
dranyamthats why ive been asking for hellp01:22
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, ah wait oyu asked me abotu that didnt you hah01:22
_2sugi if the change to the file is only one line or one string sed would still work well, example: wine command args ;sed -i 's=new string=old replacement string=g' config.file01:22
dranyamfor the past 30 mins01:22
dranyamand no on seemed to want to help01:22
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, sorry im on allot of pain pills for surgery and cant concentrate to well haha01:22
_2sugi issue sounds like path.01:23
SeaPhordranyam, yeah, i know what you mean, i have a pci card with same issue, its a power management issue, the card is not allocated the right amt of power01:23
dranyamand i didnt want to spam01:23
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, first thing you need to know what the name of the wireless car iss01:23
_2sugi  use full path even if it's in your $HOME  # you can use that variable btw.01:23
dranyamAtheros AR500801:23
bsod`hi all, i compiled a kernel but now yaird gives errors when building the initial ramdisk. what do i do?01:24
angahi have problem with my atheros01:24
angahit not working properly01:24
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, alright now google for the driver, download it and il tell ya how to install it01:25
DacvakCould someone please help me get connected to irc.efnet.org through xchat? I tried adding a new server and connecting to it, but it just hangs at the connection screen. :(01:25
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, also have you done an update?01:25
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, like apt-get update i think it is01:25
Georgeinmexicoshould I unmount it first (what is that command)01:25
dranyamits saying to use madwifi01:25
_2Dacvak /newserver irc.efnet.net01:25
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, what is?01:26
angahi have problem with my atheros wifi..anyone?01:26
benhellionCan someone make me a room and make me admin01:26
kri_dac_: /connect irc.csbnet.se or /server irc.csbnet.se = efnet connection asablished01:26
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, did you give madwifi a shot?01:26
thiebaudeDacvak:it's on the list of network servers, efnet01:27
sugi_2, Unop. prince_jammys, my terminal says no such file. but I prmoise you. there indeed is a .ini file I need to cp and move to another place. It's called Option.ini.  I am selling it right and the path to the location of the .ini is correct.  it's like the terminal can't see it or something01:27
favroGeorgeinmexico: yep   sudo umount /dev/sdb201:27
_2benhellion room ?     i think you want /join benhellion01:27
dranyamnot really sure how to01:27
Grey_LokiI take it most of you guys have seen this? http://www.maximumpc.com/article/features/everything_you_need_know_about_ubuntu_810_intrepid_ibex?page=0%2C001:27
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, try sudo apt-get instlal madwifi01:27
thiebaudeDacvak:efnet is not connecting for me either01:27
SeaPhordranyam, try to put the nick of the person you are talking to in the post, type just the first few letters of the nick and hit "Tab" until the nick completes ;-)01:27
cloggedwhat irc-client do you use? im using windows right now but running ubuntu on vmware. also how do i install on linux? i downloaded and untared BitchX(terrible name) but when i lick it nothing happens01:28
benhellionoh this isnt like mIRC where you need a admin to make you a room and make you admin01:28
_2sugi use full path.01:28
unopsugi, you probably aren't using the right path to the file - if the filename has spaces, you will need to escape them properly01:28
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, yeah please put the nick fist, more likely that i will respond to you ;)01:28
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, if you type my  nick in a message it will let me know and flash red01:28
D3RGPS31How do I mount a swap partition on an external harddrive? (Isn't in fstab)01:29
_2sugi btw. your aren't using \ in place of / are you ?01:29
ajhtiredwolfbenhellion, mirc is just a differnet IRC client the server would be the same01:29
dranyamReading package lists... Done01:29
dranyamBuilding dependency tree01:29
dranyamReading state information... Done01:29
dranyamE: Couldn't find package madwifi01:29
FloodBot2dranyam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
benhelliono ok thank you ajh01:29
cloggedwhat irc-client do you use? im using windows right now but running ubuntu on vmware. also how do i install on linux? i downloaded and untared BitchX(terrible name) but when i lick it nothing happens01:30
_2!tab > sugi01:30
ubottusugi, please see my private message01:30
ajhtiredwolfbenhellion, xchat is a good irc client btw01:30
benhellionso i hear01:30
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, alrighty so oyu have to install it manually01:30
SeaPhordranyam, try sudo01:30
sugiunop, _2, I am using the correct path. I have copy the path from the terminal )when i need to cd to it's location.) and i can't open it with nano or egedit from the terminal, but if I use the GUI it's able to see it and open it.  I have tryed ti open it from the terminal for the last 3 days now.  i think it's more that a human error01:30
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, google ubuntu madwifi01:30
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.01:30
=== kri_ is now known as kri
benhellionajhtireredwolf   how do i add bots?01:30
cloggedhow do i get my keyboard-layout back? when i run ubuntu on vmware none of the keys are where im used to(im using eurpean layout)01:30
unopsugi, what's the full filename?01:30
kridac_: /server irc.csbnet.se01:31
cloggedi only have USA-layout as option, how can i get another one?01:31
D3RGPS31How do I mount a swap partition that insn't on fstab?01:31
sugiunop, nothing too stange. /home/sugi/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Lineage\ II/system/Option.ini01:32
SeaPhorD3RGPS31, find the uuid and add it to fstab01:32
_2sugi ant the error message ?01:32
D3RGPS31SeaPhor, this isn't a long-term thing, and I don't want to touch fstab01:33
cloggedi only have USA-layout as option, how can i get another one?01:33
krii cant connect to my router with the wireless (gui) how do i connect manually from terminal? (the wireless part of the router is not encrypted, is open)..?01:33
_2D3RGPS31 swapon /dev/device01:33
SeaPhorD3RGPS31, then back up the fstab , edit it, then change it back when done?01:34
D3RGPS31_2, thanks01:34
_2D3RGPS31 more specificly, as root:   swapon inode     it can be a partition or file.01:34
sugi_2, unop, no such file directory01:34
m1dn1ghtHey guys.  I had remote desktop enabled with password access, but I just looked up and the icon said 2 people were connected.  Kind of panicked and quickly disabled remote desktop but now want to make sure it was a glitch and not someone having cracked my password.  Is there a logfile that displays the ip and time of connections?01:35
_2sugi that's the entire error message ?01:35
unopsugi, what happens when you do this?   ls  -l  /home/sugi/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Lineage\ II/system/Option.ini01:35
cloggedwhat irc-client do you use? im using windows right now but running ubuntu on vmware. also how do i install on linux? i downloaded and untared BitchX(terrible name) but when i lick it nothing happens01:35
unopsugi, or better.  ls -l "/home/sugi/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Lineage II/system/Option.ini"01:35
csilkclogged, BitchX is an aweful irc client01:35
arvind_khadriclogged, xchat01:36
unopsugi,  if that fails, make sure you have the right case in the filename, i.e. capitals, smalls, etc01:36
favro!apt | clogged01:36
ubottuclogged: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:36
_2csilk and pico is better than emacs  ;/01:36
dranyamim using this01:36
dranyamand i get to where it says to wget and it tells me it cannot resolve the host01:37
D3RGPS31_2, how do I mount it to take files out of it01:37
csilk_2, nah, i don't think it's a religious bias thing such as vi vs emacs, I think everyone can agree BitchX is aweful :-D01:37
=== Doctor_IP is now known as Guest45765
_2D3RGPS31 wow.  files in swap space ???01:37
_2D3RGPS31 maybe we need to redefine swap here01:37
ajhtiredwolf ising for01:38
ajhtiredwolfing for you?01:38
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:38
D3RGPS31_2 it is swap, i accidentally put stuff in it under windows01:38
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, then it is a broken link probably01:38
_2D3RGPS31 </blinks>01:38
urioli am from spain01:38
ajhtiredwolfdranyam, gotta find another link that works ;)01:38
csilkwindows can see linux swap space?01:38
uriolfrom barcelona01:38
dranyami kind figured thatwget http://madwifi.otaku42.de/madwifi-cvs-current.tar.gz01:38
D3RGPS31_2 :D01:38
sugi_2, unop, oh kay. it was a human error. i am sorry. this is the command I use to get it working within the bash file. cd /location/of/Lineage\ II/ && cp EXTRA/Option.ini system/Option.ini ( i was putting / before directories. i might not even need to put the Option.ini after system/ but it doesn't hurt it.)01:38
urioli don't speak english very well01:38
=== user_ is now known as UbuBoy
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp01:38
urioli have installed ubuntu recently01:39
uriolon my operating system01:39
urioland using xchat01:39
sugi_2, unop, thanks :D01:39
_2D3RGPS31 sudo fdisk -l  #find out what fs it says is there   or at least what device it is,  and    file -s /dev/device01:39
uriolfor first time01:39
ajhtiredwolfothere one seems to be loading for me01:39
D3RGPS31_2 happyness!01:39
thorny_sunwhat are folks preferred avi->dvd tool?01:40
uriolbut i don't know how this os works01:40
urioljust testing01:40
_2sugi again the error was a path issue.01:40
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:40
=== Guest45765 is now known as Doctor_IP
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:41
_2D3RGPS31 you know what format (filesystem) is there now ?   mount it with something like:  sudo mount -o fmask=000,dmask=000 -t ntfs-3g /dev/device /mnt01:42
sugi_2, unop, i am having issues running it the #!/bin/bash file.  i use a bash file called l2, but I have made a copy of it. and added that line on to it. (the cp item system/). I run the test copy of the L2 bash and it doesn't load anything. the terminal doesn't even have an output....  On the issue of the cp part. it was a path issue.  My human error. sorry for lieing to you.01:43
D3RGPS31_2 as i said, swap01:43
D3RGPS31_2 do you question that?01:44
csilkI wasn't aware windows automatically sees swap partitions01:44
D3RGPS31it doesn't01:44
unopsugi, if you want to debug a bash script - include this line, possibly after the first one,   set -x01:44
sugi_2, unop, the l2 bash file does work.  So i just copied it and called it test.01:44
unopsugi, that will give you a step by step breakdown of what the script is doing01:44
csilkD3RGPS31,  so how did you manage to write to it from windows then?01:44
_2D3RGPS31 only how you can have files there and expect to retreve them.  but hey, i don't use swap.01:44
sugiunop, doesn't bash files usually have terminal outputs?01:44
_2sugi bash scripting lesson one.   use "set -x" for debugging01:45
unopsugi, no, not unless needed01:45
D3RGPS31csilk, i just did; _2 there's not way to get them from linux?01:45
_2and always execute from a terminal: until you are sure the script works correctly.01:45
tony__Hey guys, I'm having problems loggin into an ssh server, its on the client side, because I can log in from other machines, but from my desktop, it won't work01:45
isaac_Ubuntu 8.04.  When you're in a program and you want to load a file, you have a little file browser window.  How do you get it to show hidden files in that browser window?01:45
kitty_anyone up for some one on one helping me with ntldr ?01:45
krithis is starting to getting irritating have search google for 1 hour now, i want to connect to my router with wlan i have all codecs needed but it want connect.01:45
isaac_I want to load a plugin for XChat, but I can't SEE the XChat folder!01:46
csilkD3RGPS31, I'm just really curious, if windows can't see your swap partition how did you write file to it from windows?01:46
philsfeverytime I login I have to reset the "Location" in my clock/calendar applet in my laptop, but the same doesn't occur in my desktop. How can I fix that? I tried deleting .gnome* and .gconf* and starting fresh, but it didn't work01:46
kitty_kri, what does "iwlist interface scan" report?01:46
_2D3RGPS31 i'm with csilk   how did you do this ?01:46
csilkD3RGPS31, and no, I'm pretty sure you can access the swap partition in the manner you would like to from linux (or any OS as far as I am aware) -_-01:46
kitty_kri, if you don't know your interface's name, just omit it and use iwlist scan and it will show all results01:46
isaac_csilk, suggest you run a Linux OS from the cd and have the file you want to write to swap on a flash drive.01:46
dnb1997is there a channel for the release party for 8.1001:46
isaac_And write it that way.01:46
isaac_dnb1997 Ubunt+101:47
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu01:47
sugi_2, unop, i don't know. but I always get outputs of all my bash file. i almost have a bash file or allias for all my programs i usally run. easier then just cd to it's location and typing in it's full path.  anywho, what's the line i should put in for the bash file?  set -x didn't work.01:47
arvind_khadriisaac_, you can see them in the terminal01:47
dnb1997thanks isaac_01:47
csilkisaac_, erm....?? thanks for trying to help but you got the wrong end of the stick01:47
=== albamar is now known as Mariele
sugi_2, unop, "#!/bin/bash01:47
sugiset -x01:47
sugicommands blah blah blah01:47
isaac_csilk Oh well, nobody's perfect :/01:47
csilkisaac_, yup ;)01:47
jack__how do i connect a usb drive so it mounts right away?01:47
tony__any help with ssh if you know its the client causing the problem, not the server?01:48
D3RGPS31csilk, _2 I used a windows program that allowed me to read and write ext2/3 & swap, I'd tell the name but it's in the swap partition01:48
isaac_arvind_khadri Elaborate.  I can't see them from the file browser that "load" gives me to select the file to load.01:48
krikitty_: just omit it?01:48
amrikare there any guides to setting up japanese input on ubuntu?01:48
kitty_kri yeah just use "iwlist scan"01:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:48
arvind_khadriisaac_, you want to see hidden files right?01:48
_2D3RGPS31 then use that program and retrieve your files01:48
unopsugi, yea, that's the idea01:48
dranyamwhat a friggin disaster01:48
will2why are boobs big?01:48
kriwhere do i paste the result?01:48
D3RGPS31_2 I don't have windows anymore01:48
dranyami give up01:48
isaac_I can see them just fine in a normal browser window01:48
csilkD3RGPS31, oh rite, although I've never heard of that happening it makes a little more sense now, I can only suggest you go back to windows and use the same application to get the files out01:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:49
unopwill2, stay on topic and mind the language please01:49
kitty_use pastebin01:49
UbuBoyis there a way/switch to use the swap partition when  I want?01:49
dranyammadwifi  has whipped me into submission01:49
XiXaQwhat do I need to do when I want to run another users x application on my own display? I am sudoer.01:49
kitty_and send me the link01:49
arvind_khadriisaac_,  ls -a /path/to/directory01:49
_2D3RGPS31 and if that partition has been mounted as swap space, i highly doubt that you have usable data one it anymore either.01:49
arvind_khadriisaac_, a / after directory too01:49
bsod`anybody who compiled a linux kernel on intel 64-bit before?01:49
D3RGPS31_2 it hasn't been mounted01:50
bsod`yaird crashes on me01:50
jmspeexanyone can help getting my scanner working again? gscan2pdf and gimp both tell me they can't detect it, but I can see from dmesg that it registered:01:50
jmspeex[4452147.338942] usb 5-8.1: new full speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4601:50
jmspeex[4452147.428492] usb 5-8.1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice01:50
isaac_arvind_khadri Yeah, I can do it that way.  Right click on the file, go to properties, copy the path, paste it in the file browser.  It's a pain though.01:50
sambagirlhas anyone installed the zimbra community email server thjingy in ubuntu desktop? (server not desktop zimbra)?01:50
csilkD3RGPS31, yeah _2  has a point, if it is mounted as swap then linux will of probably trashed whatever was on there01:50
UbuBoyis there a way/switch to use the swap partition when  I want?01:50
arvind_khadribsod`, ask #kernel :)01:50
yrjokindoes anyone know what I have done to break 'save link as' and prevent torrents downloading - I'm using ubuntu and removed some 'unnecessary' packages tonight01:50
yrjokinin firefox01:50
isaac_arvind_khadri I was hoping to just be able to view all hidden files from in the file browser I have to load files in.01:50
csilkyrjokin, what packages were removed?01:51
tony__my ssh client is having problems connecting to a ssh server,and I can do so from other clients, so its not the server... any idea?01:51
krikitty_: if i type iwlist scan just 2 comes up 'lo', 'eth0', 'wmaster0', = Interface dont support scaning. And wlan0 = No scan results.01:51
kitty_UbuBoy, you can omit the swap space in ftab and it won't be auto used untill you tell it to01:51
jack__i hava 16gb  sd card in my pc and it wont mount - must be superuser?01:51
sambagirlis there that much of a difference between the server version of ubuntu and the desktop version?01:51
arvind_khadriisaac_, then search a nautilus script for that.. am sure there would be one in www.gnome-look.org :)01:51
sambagirldesktop can still use the server functions yes?01:51
tony__yes big different01:51
kitty_kri: what type of card are you using, normally wmaster are the ndiswrapper cards01:51
sambagirlthat significant?01:51
arvind_khadrisambagirl, server version has no gui01:51
jmspeexalso, xscanimage tells me it doesn't find a scanner, while I get "found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0104) at libusb:005:046" from sane-find-scanner01:51
yrjokincsilk: lots of k-stuff (from kde and I'm using gnome)01:51
sambagirlwell i know that part.01:51
krikitty_: is a ibm lenovo thinkpad (R61i) so i think its some intel01:52
sambagirlso that is the main issue yes? gui?01:52
UbuBoykitty that is exactly what I want. Which line do I have to edit in order to tell it not to use it?01:52
kitty_kri: type in "iwconfig wlan0"01:52
jack__i hava 16gb  sd card in my pc and it wont mount - must be superuser?01:52
tony__sambagirl: pretty much, think of the server edition as a barebones version... it has only the base, and you can add whatever you want01:52
kitty_UbuBoy, /etc/fstab01:52
csilkyrjokin, if they were all ki libraries and other kde related things (why did you have them in the first place?) they shouldn't of caused any issue within gnome01:52
krikitty_: ive got some info now where do i paste it?01:52
csilk*k libs01:53
sambagirlcool so i have what i want then with the desktop01:53
sambagirlthanks much01:53
Raylzjack__: what filesystem?01:53
kitty_kri, you can paste it to pastebin if you want01:53
kitty_or you can just wait and we'll see if we can do something with it01:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:53
UbuBoythank you kitty01:53
tony__sambagirl: you will be able to install whatever you want on the desktop edition yes01:53
kitty_did it actually show you the settings or ?01:53
sambagirlyes i have been busy doing things ;)01:53
UbuBoyanyone has any idea where should I start to learn Ubuntu or linux in general?01:53
sambagirlinfact i have ebox installed01:53
jack__Raylz ubuntu01:54
thiebaudesambagirl:what is ebox?01:54
sambagirlactually i could probably just use the  server version with ebox and lose the gui01:54
tony__UbuBoy: Best advice, just starting using it... get to a point where nothing works.. and keep asking questions01:54
sambagirlvisit ebox_platform.com01:54
krikitty_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62672/01:54
Raylzjack__: filesystem like ext3, ntfs, fat?01:54
sambagirlit is my new environment i will be using for now on.01:54
thiebaudethanks sambagirl01:54
kitty_ok thats good01:54
sambagirlno problem.01:54
kitty_do you have your router's configuration handy ?01:54
thiebaudesambagirl:its a window manager?01:55
UbuBoygood advice tony - LOL I will definitely do that :=01:55
krii know their is a text based program for terminal use that lists wlan etc01:55
jack__Raylz whatever ubuntu installs by default01:55
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:55
kitty_iwconfig wlan0 essid "Router's ssid" mode managed nick "ubuntbox"01:55
krikitty_: yes but we share it so i cant go and mess with WEP etc they want it open01:55
kitty_if you're not using wep/wpa01:55
Raylzjack__: i mean on the usb stick01:55
jack__Raylz oops - are you asking about the SD card?01:55
csilkyrjokin, generally when I see issues in firefox like that they are usually fixed creating a new ff profile01:56
kitty_that'll make it easier :P01:56
jack__Raylz lol I just figgered that out!01:56
csilk*by creating01:56
yrjokincsilk: I think it is something else - just realised that I removed something I shouldn't but synaptic won't let me re-install because of a dependancy issue. (which is how it became uninstalled to begin with)01:56
jack__Raylz I didnt do anything but stick it in the pc - perhaps not formatted?01:56
krekIf I have a folder with several videos, is there a way to automatically create a picture for every video consisting of a few screenshots?01:56
krikitty_: so what do i do from here?01:56
chetnickGuys, need a little help, i copied some files and folders from another hard disk to this one, and when i open file browser i dont see the copied folder, when i access it with teerminal and list it it shows like this "d????????? ? ?    ?       ?                ? Video" i tried to change the owner but i get"chown: cannot access `Video': Input/output error01:57
krikismet is the program called01:57
kitty_don't bother with it01:57
Raylzjack__: could be, easy formating can be done with gparted01:57
kitty_do you know your router's ssid ?01:57
yrjokincsilk: wow I have removed gnome and the desktop environment but it won't allow me to install it again01:57
_2jack__ sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt -o umask=000  # sda is only a guess it may be partitioned for all i know. i haven't delt much with sd cards01:57
kitty_iwconfig wlan0 essid "Router's ssid" mode managed nick "ubuntbox"01:57
krikitty_: no i have to list it somehow but i can logon at http://routerip01:57
fsufitchhi. i'm having an issue with ubuntu 8.04 on my dell xps m1330. when i put in a music cd, rhythmbox and amarok can see the tracks on it, but can't play them. i'm even getting right cddb entries on what they did read, but whenever i tell them to play a track the cd drive gives a small whir then stops. amarok even freezes. what's going on?!01:57
jeanpaul145hello everyone01:58
jack__Raylz should i see if gparted will do it?01:58
kitty_ok... slow down kri01:58
D3RGPS31csilk, _2, you know where I can ask?01:58
jagwirezIntrepid Graphics Question - I have a S3 Savage4 video card, how can I choose the correct driver in 8.10?01:58
kitty_do you know your wireless router's ssid ?01:58
yrjokincsilk: because keyring manager is not installable01:58
jeanpaul145I have 2 samsung spinpoint F1's (each 1TB) in Raid 1 mode01:58
csilkD3RGPS31, i already told what to do01:58
jeanpaul145and they are being seen as 1 array, which is also great01:58
Raylzjack__: if there are no data on it yes01:58
D3RGPS31csilk, I have no windows computers around01:58
roganIf I have a folder with several videos, is there a way to automatically create a picture for every video consisting of a few screenshots?01:59
drownerrogan: You mean as an icon?01:59
kitty_rogan nautilis does that automatically for me :P01:59
jeanpaul145the only problem is that I can write to the array only with root priviliges, not with ordinary user privileges01:59
csilkD3RGPS31, are you sure swap isnt mounted right now?01:59
jeanpaul145how can I change this?01:59
krikitty_: yes01:59
D3RGPS31csilk yes01:59
csilkD3RGPS31, how did you stop it from mounting?01:59
krinow i have installed kismet also01:59
anthony__i've a problem01:00
_2D3RGPS31 someone in ##linuxhelp or ##linux might know something about that.   sometimes you find a developer in there01:00
jack__Raylz started it up but it doenst see the 16gb sd card01:00
kitty_kri, you can just use iwconfig to connect to networks01:00
anthony__when i replace my hub by a switch, internet doesn't work01:00
D3RGPS31csilk it's from an external harddrive01:00
=== NetEcho__ is now known as NetEcho
krikitty_: ok and how do i do i have the router ssid01:00
D3RGPS31csilk all files that were placed in it over time have never been erased, even from switching it from windows to linux01:01
jack__Raylz - yes it does - fat3201:01
Raylzjack__: look in the right upper corner01:01
D3RGPS31_2 thanks01:01
kriand whats kismet for then?01:01
kitty_kri: iwconfig wlan0 essid "Router's ssid" mode managed nick "ubuntbox"01:01
_2csilk if it wasn't plugged it at init time, maybe...   idk.01:01
Raylzjack__: another reason is that your not in the plugdev group01:01
rogandrowner, kitty: no .. just take screen shots from video?01:01
anthony__nobody know what could be the problem ?01:01
jmspeexOK, apparently the problem I'm having with SANE is permission-related (works as root). Any clue on what it can be?01:01
krikitty_: essid?01:01
jack__Raylz ?01:01
jack__Raylz formatting to ext301:01
Luriais there a cli command to open a data file with the associated gui app?01:02
Raylzjack__: ye, try that01:02
Lurialike a pdf or doc file?01:02
kitty_kri: what is the ssid of your router ?01:02
_2jack__ unless  you only want to use it there i wouldn't01:02
Luria(without invoking the specific app)01:02
Raylzjack__: if it still doesnt work, try to look up the groups your user is in in the user management,01:02
=== root is now known as Guest66212
krikitty_: i want post that here its 'XXXX network'01:03
_2Luria mailcap  might.01:03
krikitty_: and the security mode is WPA-personal01:04
yrjokindoes gnome-keyring-manager (>=2.20.0) but it is not installable mean anything to anyone - where can I get it if it is not available01:04
kitty_kri, i thought you said it was open ?01:04
_2Luria  mailcap /path/to/file.name     worth a shot01:04
kriwell i live with others they recently got a new router they never had any wep on the old01:05
Luriayeah, a bit cludgier than what i was looking for01:05
Luriabut thanks01:05
kriso i thought it was no on this either01:05
kitty_ok so lets step through this.. slowly01:06
jack__Raylz done but still wont mount.  error reads must be superuser01:06
jagwirezAnyone know how to choose the video card driver in Intrepid Ibex?01:06
Raylzjack__: add yourself to the plugdev group01:06
muckerhi guys i would like some help please?01:07
krikitty_: i think the case is closed i thougt the hole time it was open01:07
jack__Raylz how where do i do that?01:07
kriit works with the gui now01:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:07
kitty_kri: iwconfig wlan0 essid "XXXX network" nick "Ubuntbox" mode managed01:07
hale3rdhow can i install mozilla minefield?01:07
kitty_try using that and then see if you can "iwconfig" and it says it is associated to an AP:01:07
hale3rdi downloaded, but not sure what to do...01:07
muckerok i have just installed ubuntu on my dell latitude d600 but i can not access my router01:07
Raylzjack__: there are two ways01:07
Raylzjack__: first: use the user management01:08
Tom_Davismucker wired or wireless?01:08
Raylzjack__: second: edit the /etc/group (i do that on my gentoo)01:08
phunis there a way to edit the "compositing" transparent volume meter in gnome?01:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:08
jack__Raylz the add user is greyed out01:08
uglyfrogdoes ubuntu come with a assembler? so i can compile some asm code?01:09
Raylzjack__: lets do it over the /etc/group01:09
Tom_Davisjack__, open terminal, sudo adduser username groupname01:09
Raylzjack__: gui is hard to explain01:09
uriolwhat is gnome01:09
urioland KDE ?01:09
mucker¤ Thank You ¤  guys i will hit that link ubottu01:09
bsod`uglyfrog apt-get install nasm ?01:09
_2uglyfrog gcc ?01:09
vladimir_Buenas alguno conoce los driver de codecs escential para ubuntu?01:09
uglyfrogso you use nasm in linux?01:09
Raylzuriol: desktop environments01:09
uglyfrogyea gcc doesnt have asm right?01:09
bsod`if its att style asm, use gcc indeed01:09
jeanpaul145@jagwirez: you need to add a line to the "Device" section of your xorg.conf. Try adding "Driver     "<your_driver_here>""01:09
Raylzjack__: sudo gedit /etc/group01:09
_2uglyfrog let me check i thought it did01:10
uglyfrogatt ?01:10
uriolit is posible to have ubuntu Os and KDE ?01:10
Tom_Davis!es | vladimir01:10
ubottuvladimir: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:10
uriolat the same time ?01:10
kitty_kri: if it does, then you can just "dhclient wlan0" and you're online01:10
bsod`uh there are 2 kinds of asm languages for x86 machine code01:10
vladimir_oops rorry01:10
Raylzuriol: yes01:10
Tom_Davisuriol: ubuntu is an operating system, kde is a window manager that runs on top of it01:11
cloggedi try to do sudo apt-get but get could not get lock /var/lib/dkpg/lock01:11
cloggeduneable to lock the admin dir01:11
Raylzuriol: you can run all the different environments if you want to01:11
hale3rdanybody get Minefield working?01:11
krikitty_: and when i want back to ethernet?01:11
_2uglyfrog maybe not.  but  nasm - General-purpose x86 assembler01:11
bsod`clogged then you already have a package manager active somewhere01:11
uglyfrog_2  alright well i'll read up on it from there. thanks for the recommendation01:11
kitty_ethernet what? we're just adding an interface to your network options01:11
jack__Raylz type sudo adduser username groupname exactly?01:11
kitty_ifconfig wlan0 down01:12
kitty_will remove it from being used01:12
uriolwere can i download ubuntu 8.10 ?01:12
Tom_Davisjack__, well plug in the real username and real groupname01:12
Raylzjack__: lets edit it by hand, i cant remember the exact command ;)01:12
Raylzuriol: www.ubuntu.com01:12
jack__Raylz what is groupname01:12
uriolit is released ?01:12
Raylzjack__: plugdev01:12
_2uglyfrog ffr   apt-cache search asm01:12
uriolthe 8.10 version ?01:12
_2uglyfrog ;/01:13
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu01:13
Raylzuriol: beta is online, it will be released on 30.10.01:13
kilowhiskysry to bug you guys, have anyone of you heard of WiredTree?01:13
jeanpaul145@Raylz & Uriol: the rc is even online01:13
krione thing i did not get was 'iwconfig wlan0 essid "XXXX network" nick "Ubuntbox" mode managed' where to i type in WEP-Personal and the key?01:13
Raylzjeanpaul145: ah ye, didnt keep track of it xD01:13
=== fen is now known as fen`
jack__Raylz already a member!01:14
cloggedi try to do sudo apt-get but get could not get lock /var/lib/dkpg/lock01:14
cloggedi try to do sudo apt-get but get could not get lock /var/lib/dkpg/lock01:14
kitty_kri, if you need to add a key to it, you'll want to read "man iwconfig"01:14
complexityI am trying to copy files from my camera and keep getting [   73.885478] Buffer I/O error on device sdc, logical block 1301:14
complexity I can copy them perfect on windows, so i dont see what the problem is01:14
Luriashouldnt it be #ubuntu++ ,  not #ubuntu+1 ?01:14
Luriajust sayin01:14
kitty_cause you said it was open on 5 different occasions01:14
fen`clogged: do you have the update-manager open or are you running apt in another terminal01:14
kudakclogged: use root when using apt-get01:14
Raylzjack__: then it should work, hm01:15
kitty_who wants to help me with a boot problem?01:15
dranyami give up01:15
fen`kitty_: you want #shoes :p01:15
csilk!ask | kitty_,01:15
ubottukitty_,: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:15
dranyami went by the total noob howto on the madwifi page01:15
dranyamand got errors that it doesnt show how to fix01:15
_2package installation and removal requires super user, while package searching and reporting does not.01:15
Luriacomplexity, perhaps the mount incorrectly determined filesystem type?01:15
jack__Raylz  rite click reaads "mount" but it wont and reads must be superuser01:16
csilkfen`,  he actually joined #shoes.. then again so did i -_-01:16
complexityLuria, it is vfat01:16
Raylzjack__: cat /etc/group | grep plugdev01:16
b33ris there a link to show the differences between 8.04 and 8.10?01:16
_2Raylz UUoC01:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nu01:17
vladuz976hello everyone01:17
kitty_i upgraded from dapper to feisty, had to use the alternate install cd, i have a windows partition as sda1 with ntldr on it, it will no longer boot, so i can't load windows01:17
jack__Raylz plugdev:x:46:jack01:17
csilkb33r, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=886980 < not 100% complete but it has some info01:17
kitty_anyone want to ask me the obvious questions or point me to howtousegrub bullshit?01:18
jeanpaul145@b33r: yeah, it's called the 8.10 release notes ;), see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810  (it's not complete (yet))01:18
b33rcsilk, k thanks01:18
Raylzjack__: if jack is your acc, it should work, nvm, you can mount it by hand anyway ;)01:18
complexityLuria, I do mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt/camera01:18
jack__Raylz lol ok01:18
csilkb33r,  in fact, take what he says with a pinch of salt, I just looked at his blog and lost all respect for him01:18
kudakkitty_: when u choose the win loader it tell us NTLDR is missing ?01:19
prince_jammyskitty_: you want the grub links/factoid? do a '/msg ubottu grub'01:19
kudakkitty_: try this http://www.tinyempire.com/shortnotes/files/ntldr_missing.htm01:19
kitty_nope it just says "Starting ..."01:19
elm1Anyone got suggestions for where to go for wireless help?01:19
complexitydoes anyone run jewbuntu?01:19
fen`elm1:what problem are you having?01:20
csilkkitty_,  out of curiosity, any reason why you've only just upgraded to an outdated version?01:20
csilkrather than move to hardy or wait for intrepid (few days)01:20
fen`i would have but i was too cheap to buy it :p01:20
kitty_well, where i live its kindof hard to get "GOOD" highspeed01:20
complexitykudak, its real I am running jewbuntu01:20
csilkoh rite01:20
jack__Raylz gotta run thx for help01:20
elm1fen`: I get "Failed to read scan data : Resource temporarily unavailable" when I do iwlist wlan0 scanning01:21
csilksorry was that jewbuntu... is that a joke?01:21
Raylzjack__: xD01:21
kitty_i have to drive my car 15 miles, park it in a parking lot running off a power inverter and let it download stuff over wireless01:21
complexityno its real01:21
Lurialol. fur alle mensches01:21
prince_jammysis it a hasidic, orthodox, or reformed ubuntu?01:21
fen`elm1: pm01:21
kudakcomplexity: i know, i just find that issue amusing :)01:21
dranyami   think i got poobuntu01:21
Luriacomplexity, what pray tell, did they do, shorted fstab a bit?01:21
Tom_DavisI guess if they have ubuntu satanic edition it was bound to happen\01:21
kudakcomplexity: and im jew too :P01:21
complexityya me to dranyam01:21
csilkcomplexity, honestly, if I would of found that by myself I would of thoght it to be a bad joke.....01:22
Luriaerr shortened01:22
prince_jammysthere's a biblical ubuntu also, or something01:22
Luriaso, seriously,  what's different in jewbuntu01:22
* dranyam stabs madwifi01:22
kitty_so, how would i go about booting win2x directly without using ntldr ?01:22
=== willwh|afk is now known as willwh
cloggedhow can i get european keyboard!? i only have US as an option01:23
csilkLuria,  well, ubuntu is linux for human beings but jewbuntu is "linux for jewish beings" -_- (no joke, it actually says that)01:23
Tom_Davisumm ntldr is required01:23
prince_jammysLuria: none of the packages combine meat and dairy.01:23
cloggedhow can i get european keyboard!? i only have US as an option01:23
fen`kitty_: ntldr is a core part of the windows boot proccess01:23
prince_jammysand are all written by rabbis01:23
Raylzcsilk: sounds racist :P01:23
kudakyou need to bless a progy befor execution01:23
Luriayes, i get that01:24
LjLclogged: hey, calm down01:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:24
kitty_ok fen, then how can i make a bootsector file for ntldr so i can load it with grub?01:24
csilkRaylz,  my thoughts exactly, I was half expecting to see foreskin jokes on that website....01:24
LjLclogged: to begin with, there's no such thing as an "european keyboard". which keyboard do you want?01:24
Luriajewxubuntu is for reform jews, then, huh?01:24
prince_jammyshasidibuntu won't boot on a saturday01:25
LjLclogged: drop the caps please. yes, there's no such thing as an european keyboard layout.01:25
fen`kitty_: to restore you windows bootsector you can go to the rescue mode command line and fun fixmbr, but you will then need to reinstall grub01:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:25
Luriahasidubuntu does its morning cron job very late, about mincha-time01:25
kitty_oh that'd require being able to boot windows fen, thanks for the suggestion01:25
Raylzcsilk: lols01:25
LjLi said !offtopic 3 times, wasn't that clear?01:26
krikitty_: i did not work i even copyed the 'wep personal key'01:26
cloggedok then what layout do i need? it is ifne when i run windows when i nrun ubuntu its all messed up. options say usa only01:26
fen`kitty_: windows cd not windows01:26
kitty_don't have a windows cd available01:26
shmengieHowdy, I have an issue with compiz I don't know how to resolve.01:26
LjLclogged: err, let me check my crystal ball and see which country you are in01:26
shmengiewhen I alt-tab to switch, the icons are corrupted.01:26
kitty_well i have this windows 95 cd somewhere01:27
jahvhi. does anyone know if there were some changes on how gnome 2.24 handles session items? it doesn't seem to use the default.session file anymore?01:27
fen`kitty_: that will not work01:27
kitty_the install cd that came with my gateway will just blank my hd and startover and i'm not too keen on that01:27
shmengieIf you have an i386 directory, try winnt3201:28
Szaln_hi , i have an issue forwarding X through ssh: /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/sara/.Xauthority01:28
fen`you did a backup before installing ubuntu as instructed by the installer right?01:28
LjLclogged: fine, then you want a swedish layout. Ö to the right of L, Å to the right of P, right?01:28
shmengieThen install windows into another directory.01:28
dranyamheres what i dont get01:28
sugiunop, _2, I got the bash file working now.  it took a bit of editting and everything.01:28
dranyamif ubuntu  comes with madwifi01:28
sugiif your still around01:28
dranyamwhy when it updates01:28
dranyamwould it not update madwifi01:28
shmengiedoh, madwifi drove me nutzo01:29
kitty_fen` are you trying to demonize my inability to "follow instructions to the letter" or just avoiding helping01:29
_2sugi pastebinit01:29
sugidoes anyone know if I can make command stall for like 10 seconds?01:29
fen`a little from column a, a little from column b :p01:29
sugi_2, would you like to see it's bash file?01:29
_2sugi sleep 1001:29
BreetaiHey all, I am running hardy, I grabbed the .config file and kernel soruce for intrepd's 2.6.27-7 and built it. I am trying to get the nvidia drivers going. I thought the best way is to build from source the nvidia-173 stuff from intrped. I have extracted it and patched it. How do I build deb packages?  I see dkms stuff in the debian folder. Is that any help?01:29
shmengieubuntu 8.10 is working with the atheros wifi on a laptop here.01:29
fen`no but seriously01:30
_2sugi yes pastebin it.01:30
fen`you need a windows cd01:30
fen`a normal one01:30
tarelerulz1how do I set up Ubuntu  to I can back it up easy ?  So I can keep my personal data  docs , pictures  and other media . So I could just maybe redo my os files and not touch you data01:30
fen`even if you have to borrow one01:30
Yuretszsugi: sleep 10 && echo 'Hello after 10 seconds'01:30
prince_jammystarelerulz1: you could have /home in a separate partition01:30
kitty_i downloaded the ntldr boot iso available from one of those many sites people point me at when they tell me to ntldr missing help01:30
kitty_but sofar i've been unable to get it to load windows01:31
LjLkitty_: that sounds like a good question for ##windows doesn't it01:31
sugiYuretsz: is it possible durring the sleep to run another command when it's sleeping?01:31
kitty_LjL: which column are you in ?01:31
JuanHello, I am running the latest live CD.  I want to access my windows drive, how can I do this?01:32
LjLkitty_: sorry?01:32
fen`kitty_: this might help http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p18.htm01:32
LjL!windowsdrives | Juan01:32
ubottuJuan: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE01:32
Juanthank you01:32
SmegzorI'm in the live cd and need to delete my swap partition, but I can't because the live cd is using it.  How do I delete my swap?01:32
drownerkitty_: A littl from Column A, A little from Column B?01:32
tarelerulz1prince_jammys , I thought the home stored  config for you use programs in it . I how would you keep that straight . So having home on different partitoin and update or redo the other os files .01:32
LjLSmegzor: "sudo swapoff -a" to make it stop using it01:33
drownerSmegzor: Why do you want to delete it, though?01:33
Smegzorbecause it is between the free space and the partition I want to resize01:33
drownerfair enough ;)01:33
Kelvin_0how can I know if a pendrive is dead o is some software failure?01:33
dougemdhey can some one help me with compiling a 64-bit application in gcc on ubuntu 64?01:33
elm1Kelvin_0: try it in another computer?01:34
prince_jammystarelerulz1: /home usually contains the home dirs of all users (except for root), and has your personal files and the custom config of your programs01:34
PaperBagHey all Hardy 8.04 no system sounds but all audio from rythem box and mplayer is fie.  ay guidace?01:34
JuanHi, when I run command "sudo fdisk -l  I cannot see the disk that I am looking for.01:34
LjLdougemd: if the application is 64-bit, and your Ubuntu is the 64-bit version, then you're all set. nothing different from normal.01:34
sugi_2, don't laugh. it's pretty small for being a bash file and uninteresting. http://pastebin.com/dfc3f51d01:34
=== NeoNinja is now known as Owner
case^PaperBag: kill the pulseaudio process and try again01:35
krii wnat my wlan001:35
dougemdLjl: I'm trying to compile my own program. I made a long int and did size of in a little c program. I get 8 bytes which is right.01:35
JuanMy usb disk mounted automatically, but I want to access the disk that my windows OS runs on.01:35
staspikaHi, is there anybody who have upgraded to Intrepid?01:35
LjL!intrepid | staspika01:35
ubottustaspika: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu01:35
prince_jammystarelerulz1: so if it's on a separate partition, you can reinstall the os, or even install another distro altogether, and have your personal files untouched. most if not all your settings would work on the new installation.  another way is to have a separate 'data' partition, with the same idea.01:35
PaperBagcase.  no pulse audio installed01:36
dougemdLjL, so then I tried setting long int i = 1 and shift through 63 times...The shifts stop at bit position 31.01:36
PaperBagcase just in case,  what is the kill command for that01:36
case^PaperBag: I try the easy answers first :)01:36
=== Owner is now known as NeoNinja-Bored
=== NeoNinja-Bored is now known as Virus
GreedyBAny ideas why my ubuntu trys to boot in to initramfs when I enable any of my IDE drives??01:37
Smegzorthe partition I want to resize is set as active.  Do I need to make it not active first?  It isn't letting me resize it at the moment.  Its not mounted.01:37
case^PaperBag: kill -9 pulseaudio01:37
tarelerulz1So  if I put home and different partition I could  make new install use  that home for my use directory ?  If that is true I will set up my new system like that.  I am all ways messing up something or need fresh install  so maybe fix for error and get program working01:37
=== Virus is now known as NeoNinja
LjLdougemd: that's way outside the boundaries of this channel's scope, try asking in #gcc01:38
LjLdougemd: or in ##c, although they might frown upon compiler-specific questions01:38
case^PaperBag: god nows I'm lazy and the system monitor01:38
dougemdLjL: thanks..hey is there any easy way for me to check to make sure I definitely have a 64 kernel?01:38
clayganyone here play dofus?01:38
LjLdougemd: uname -a01:39
claygi am trying to get it to work in ubuntu but can't aand it's killing me going into xp just to play a flash gamme01:39
dougemdLjL, thanks.01:39
thomcHello I resized my ubuntu partition and now it doesn't recognize my swap partition?01:39
jeanpaul145so, nobody who knows how to make a readonly RAID1 array RW for normal users (as opposed to the current situation, where only root can write to the array)01:39
prince_jammystarelerulz1: yes, you could do that. that's what i have. there are guides in the internet you can follow.01:40
ltracy_Is this the same as the ubuntu server version?01:40
jeanpaul145btw: I've already set the RW flag in /etc/fstab for the entry01:40
sugican i run another command when i have one already in sleep process?  like in a /bin/bash file?01:40
prince_jammyssugi: you'd have to background the command, using '&'01:41
prince_jammysthen bash would execute the following command without waiting for the first to finish01:41
JuanWhy is my OS drive (which the live cd should be using) not shown with "sudo fdisk -l"01:43
tarelerulz1price_jammys ,  I all ways wonder  why Ubuntu/ linux  had no backup stuff built into it.  Seeing how it is that easy. I can redo my install easy.  I don't know anyone that has 100% working instal.  that is the dream anways. thanks01:43
_2sugi something like:   { sleep 10 ;command ; } & command     #might be what you are asking.  in short i'm sure there is a way01:43
danopia_So what is hte main difference between xubuntu and alt xubuntu (downloads page)01:43
ThePandemic82Question:  Whenever I download a file off the internet, my internet browsing experience gets really really slow.  I am on a 15mbps connection with 1mbps upload.  Im usually downloading off bit torrent at around 600kbps and upload at 20kbps.  why does this slow down my browsing??01:43
ThePandemic82i mean,,it gets so slow,,its almost like dial up01:44
case^ThePandemic82: your router is shitting itself01:44
ThePandemic82what are the optimal settings for the router?01:44
_2sugi and did you pastebin that script ?   if so i missed the url to it.01:44
danopia_I torrent up at 70 kb/s with much shittier internet with no issues01:44
case^ThePandemic82: try limiting your global connections to 10001:44
photonIs there a way to disable caching of files completely in gnome and nautilus?01:44
ThePandemic82ya think that might do it?01:45
danopia_Shitter == 300 kb/s down and 80 kb/s up on a good day01:45
GreedyBAny ideas why my ubuntu trys to boot in to initramfs when I enable any of my IDE drives??01:45
ThePandemic82lemme try..brb01:45
fen`ThePandemic82: get a router with more ram or a higher number of nat tables or better yet use a linux box as a router01:45
mkartichey, can i ask about grep/regex here?01:45
sugi_2, i did i think you miss ited hold on01:45
danopia_So what is hte main difference between xubuntu and alt xubuntu (downloads page)01:45
ThePandemic82I only have one pc01:45
ThePandemic82so i cant use another box as a router01:45
ThePandemic82setting global connections to 100 helped a lot01:46
mkartic(anything):(anything but 0) <-- can someone make me a regex out of it?01:46
sugi_2:  it's uninteresting. http://pastebin.com/dfc3f51d01:46
ThePandemic82once I get another pc, how can I use it as a "router"?01:46
mkartic(anything): (anything but 0) <-- can someone make me a regex out of it?01:46
case^ThePandemic82: glad I could help01:46
danopia_ThePandemic82, wiht only one PC, why do you need a router?01:46
ThePandemic82well,,,my mom uses her pc ..it has windows on it01:47
ThePandemic82then there is mine01:47
willwhThePandemic82: you basically need 2 network cards in it01:47
ThePandemic82ty case01:47
willwhnot too much config required01:47
ThePandemic82my pc has two network cards01:47
ThePandemic82680i chipset01:47
willwhso you don't really want to set up a router01:47
ThePandemic82tell me more, will01:47
willwhbut a server :P01:47
willwhand no01:47
willwhgo and read about it01:47
willwhif you google, ubuntu router or soemthing similar01:48
ThePandemic82hook me up with a link01:48
willwhyou'll find plenty of material01:48
willwhare you seriously that lazy?01:48
FloodBot2willwh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
ThePandemic82i said i would do it01:48
sugi_2, did you get it?01:48
_2sugi yes.01:48
ThePandemic82no, im not lazy at all :)01:48
hubarAnyone tried the latest flash player?01:49
hubarIt is not working for me. :(01:49
angusthefuzzmkartic: not sure what this has to do with ubuntu but ^((?!0).)*$01:49
sugi_2, anything you were looking for?01:49
m1dn1ghthubar: didn't work properly for me on hardy, works on intrepid01:49
GreedyBAny ideas why my ubuntu trys to boot in to initramfs when I enable any of my IDE drives??01:49
hubarhmm, same, doesn't work on hardy.01:49
hubarintrepid? You mean the beta?01:50
m1dn1ghthubar: The Release Candidate01:51
Tom_Davisibex fixed the ali15x3 issue, I'm pleased01:51
kitty_how do i install supergrub?01:51
hubarHow do I install the 9.0 back?01:51
m1dn1ghtuninstall in synaptic, re-install flashplugin-nonfree01:52
_2sugi lines 4 and 5 are redundant unless you are intentionally overwriging a backup copy each time.   i.e.  cp Option.ini ../system/Option.ini01:52
m1dn1ghthubar: uninstall in synaptic, re-install flashplugin-nonfree01:52
hubarkk thanks!01:52
prince_jammyskitty_: i think you download and burn a live cd from its website01:52
kitty_they need to make those links larger on the left01:53
GreedyBAny ideas why my ubuntu trys to boot in to initramfs when I enable any of my IDE drives??01:53
sugi_2, i tried that. but it keep giving me errors. that's what we were talking about way before.  but I just decided to go the long way around.  a workaround :-/01:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about soundmax01:54
cloggedanyone good with vmware+ubuntu? for some reason my vm hangs and now it starts in the same place the whole time01:54
cloggedubuntu is haned and i ant do anything01:54
cloggedbut close the vm01:54
sugiis there a way to make sure a program uses both of my dual cores or is it through the program it's self *wine*01:55
_2sugi errr sorry. i meant lines 5 & 6    miscued the numbers...01:55
_2sugi i have no idea. sorry.01:56
sugi_2, yep the cp Option.ini ../system gives me erros. oh well01:57
tarelerulz1How do you make a shortcut in Gnome ?01:58
cloggedanyone good with vmware+ubuntu? for some reason my vm hangs and now it starts in the same place the whole time01:58
sugitarelerulz1: launchers. right click on desktop01:58
tarelerulz1I did that and changed to location and made path to directory I wanted to open ,but it says it don't have app for the file type01:59
logan_hello everyone02:00
kitty_clogged which version of vmware?02:01
logan_I'm quite new to Ubuntu, and I'm wondering if someone could help me with some wireless drivers02:01
kitty_logan_ drivers?02:01
tarelerulz1can how you do system links work with directory like it does with files ?02:01
kitty_yes tarelerulzl02:02
b33rtarelerulz1, ln -s02:02
m0u5eusing terminal services, is there a way to get out of full screen to switch back to my local computer?02:03
gandazgultry alt+enter02:03
gandazgulnot sure02:03
kitty_m0u5e move your mouse to the top of the screen and see if it pops up the little border02:03
m0u5ekitty_: alright ill try that02:03
gandazgulyeah that02:04
logan_yes, i'm trying to crack my own network's WEP code but for some reason my computer keeps freezing at the last step. i can find all info about the AP, begin logging packets, do a false authorization, and start sniffing for ARP packets to inject them, but as soon as I detect an ARP packet my computer freezes and the caps lock starts flashing. i'm using the ipwraw driver so maybe thats it? ive heard other people having success with it though.02:04
case^caps lock flashing I think means kernal panic02:04
elm1m0u5e: try F11?02:04
gandazgulLogan: try this distro Backtrack02:05
gandazgulLogan: is a live CD specially for security networking etc02:05
ShakedownI'm looking to get a book on linux, are there any must-have ones I should look at first?02:05
m0u5eelm1: no it doesnt work, im currently using "enable window manager's" key bindings...02:05
logan_i have heard of backtrack, so i can simply put it on a cd and boot that way?02:06
tonybaloney867Okay, I found an old drive from a Windows NT 4 machine (I think) and it appears to be formatted with FAT16 with 64k clusters. It's rather nonstandard and I was wondering whether the Linux FAT(32) drivers had support for at least reading it02:06
elm1m0u5e: *shrug* Alt-tab?02:06
elm1m0u5e: Alt+Super+tab?02:06
m0u5eelm1: no, i just alt tab like it does in windows... (i'm connecting to a windows box)02:06
humbolthow do I get pulseaudio to run with a negative nice level?02:07
alberticologan_, yeah02:07
Zodiaxlogan_, yup02:07
elm1m0u5e: in which case no idea. Sorry.02:07
alberticologan_, which wireless card do you have?02:07
Zodiaxlogan_, just see it as a livecd with loads of tools02:08
krekIf I have a folder with several videos, is there a way to automatically create a picture for every video consisting of a few screenshots?02:08
logan_albertico: I have intel 3945abg02:08
alberticologan_, that chipset does not support injection02:08
alecw1Can I rename my Desktop folder inside the home directory to _desktop easily?02:09
GreedyBAny ideas why I get bumped in to initramfs when I enable my IDE drives?02:09
logan_i have been looking into that, and there have been open source drivers made for it which support injection. i have done tests and the card will inject, it will simply freeze after a few seconds02:09
alberticologan_, really, what drivers are you using?02:10
logan_and that BackTrack liveCD, does it contain an aircrack-ng suite or a WEP cracking suite like it?02:11
logan_albertico: i am running ipwraw. i also know that iwl3945 supports injection but i dont yet have the Ubuntu knowledge to install it02:11
alberticologan_, yeap, aircrack and many other tools02:11
alberticologan_, but I am not sure if Backtrack is going to suit you using that wireless card02:12
viet94Hi everyone02:13
Zodiaxlogan_, BT has everything you will ever need for wireless cracking, it seems to be build for mostly that.02:13
JoesephI would like someone to help step me through installing the android SDK---  it's in a zip format located here: http://code.google.com/android/download_list.html02:13
logan_albertico: it's preloaded with drivers, right?02:13
Szaln_logan_: are you sure that you use ipwraw? the default module is iwl3945, i have that card02:13
alberticologan_, patched madwifi drivers02:14
logan_Szaln_: i removed iwl3945 and installed ipwraw02:14
alberticologan_, it will work nice with atheros chipsets02:14
Szaln_logan_: and how it performs in normal connections?02:14
alberticologan_, and ralink if I am not wrong02:14
elm1whois: fen`02:15
sugi_2, are you still there?02:15
Szaln_for wep cracking i like atheros pcmcias, but alfa is poooowerful02:16
logan_Szaln_: it is a monitor mode driver only. i have to unload it and reload iwl3945 to use normal internet. the new patched iwl3945 can use both managed and monitor modes, but i still havent figured out how to install it02:16
GreedyBhey guys It seems that when I enable my IDE drives my ubuntu doesnt boot.. any ideas whats happening??02:16
idespradoThis channel requires that you have registered and identified yourself with the network's nickname registration services (e.g. NickServ). Please see the documentation of this network's nickname registration services that should be found in the MOTD (/motd to display it).02:17
kitty_GreedyB what do you mean by "enable my IDE drives" ?02:17
idespradoHow to apply my password?02:17
idespradoI'm using Chatzilla...02:17
b33ridesprado, /ns identify password02:17
idespradoand don't know where to fill the password for my nickname....02:18
GreedyBkitty_: I've been battling for a while and determined that when I enable my IDE drives Ubuntu drops me in to some initramfs prompt and I see a bunch of "cannot find /sys  or /boot " messages02:18
kitty_ok, slow down for me02:18
GreedyBkitty_:  soon as I disable my IDE drives everything works great02:18
kitty_where are you disabling them at, in bios?02:18
Szaln_logan_: have a look here: http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=iwl394502:19
cellofellowI want to allow someone to access an unprivileged account via SSH without having to use a password, and they aren't the techy type, they use a Mac. How do I set this up?02:19
sugisleep 10 ;echo 2 ; } & echo 1 --------that doesn't work error: bash: syntax error near unexpected token '}'02:19
GreedyBkitty_: correct initially everything was enabled and after installing Ubuntu I'd be dropped in to initramfs02:19
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:19
danopia_ubottu, wifi02:19
logan_Szaln: yes, i have tried that, but i dont know how to apply the patch (yes, i feel stupid now)02:19
b33rcellofellow, set chmod 777 on that location02:19
ShakedownSo I tried removing a separator on a panel and instead it removed my open firefox window icon, and now nothing appears on the panel. What have I done and how do I restore it?02:20
GreedyBkitty_: I've determined that when I enable my ide drives it goes to the initramfs.. I think the drives are getting reordered??02:20
JoesephIs it possible to get the build-essentials packages from the internet? I don't have my cd on me/02:20
kitty_which version of ubuntu are you using?02:20
cloud-eCan anyone tells me why Ubuntu choses to reboot? I thought *nix systems did everything live?02:20
=== cloud-e is now known as cloud-ieee
prince_jammysJoeseph: why don't you install it from apt?02:21
kitty_ok, so want to try something ?02:21
cellofellowb33r: no, I mean the SSH keys and stuff.02:21
kitty_i assume you have 2 computers ?02:21
csilkcloud-ieee, depends exactly what your doing02:21
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=== Tonno is now known as Kattollikisd
Szaln_logan_: maybe this helps you: http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=r8187&s=rtl8187  just below patch line02:21
GreedyBkitty_: I'd love to.. and yes02:21
jeanpaul145@cloud-e: even in the *nix world software needs to be replaced. In theory it can be done without rebooting, but the user needs knowledge then. It's often easier for tje user to just reboot02:21
ShakedownWhen I minimize things they don't go to any panel. How do I fix this?02:21
Joesephprince_jammys: when I install it with "sudo apt-get install buildessentials" it ask me to put in the Ubuntu cd, and then to press enter.02:21
prince_jammys!ssh > cellofellow02:21
ubottucellofellow, please see my private message02:22
sugisleep 10 ;echo 2 ; } & echo 1 --------that doesn't work error: bash: syntax error near unexpected token '}'02:22
kitty_if you're able to get the "non broken" computer on this irc chat tha'td be great, so we can reboot the broken one02:22
kitty_and you're using grub to boot ubuntu right?02:22
krekcan someone recommend an easy to set up graphical ftp server?02:22
philippe-I am looking for a playlist creator/manager, I have already try fbx-playlist with no success. ty02:22
prince_jammysJoeseph: build-essential, not 'buildessentials', correct?02:22
Raylzprince_jammys: yes02:23
Joesephprince_jammys: yes, that's what I put in the terminal, sorry02:23
cloud-ieeejeanpaul145, thank you kindly for the reply.02:23
cellofellowIs there a Macintosh app like Seahorse (for managing SSH and PGP keys)?02:23
Joesephbut as I said, I don't really feel like burning another disc for just that....02:23
prince_jammysJoeseph: do you get the 'please insert a cd' message when you try to install any other packages?02:23
ShakedownHow come nothing appears on my panels? No workspace switcher visible (although it's there, I click them and they work)02:24
dick-richardsonI'd like to run a warsow server for a single friend, but can't figure out how to specify the port in-game...02:24
cloud-ieeeCan anyone recommend a good FTP app for Ubuntu? Good as in reliable but more importantly secure?02:24
Joesephprince_jammys: No I do not.02:24
dick-richardsoncloud-ieee, I use nautilus02:24
b33rphilippe, try audacious player02:24
kitty_ftp server or client cloud?02:24
elementz_what the h*** 25: *** This driver requires kernel 2.6.19 or newer, and matching kernel sources. You may need to override KVER=2.6.24-21-generic or KSRC=/lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/source or KBUILD=/lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/build or MOD_DIR=/lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic/kernel.02:24
cloud-ieeeThanks Dick...02:24
cloud-ieeeKitty, good question. How about both?02:25
WintervenomIn a partitioning scheme where there will only be swap, root, and home, will twenty gigabytes be enough for root?02:25
GreedOtherkitty_, hi02:25
elementz_^^ i seem to have the proper linux-source installed02:25
Szaln_Wintervenom: mostly , yes02:25
elementz_anybody know why i can't compile?02:25
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Norrland_jrelementz_: got build-essentials ?02:26
elementz_Norrland_jr: sure02:26
kitty_ok greed, wanna do me something, goto pastebin and show me the fdisk -l output for the broken one?02:26
logan_Szaln_: i'm going to try that out. in case it signs me out thanks Szaln_, albertico, and Zodiax for your help02:26
prince_jammysJoeseph: strange. well, build-essential is also in the ubuntu install cd02:26
alberticologan_, if you have any success, come back and share02:26
Guest47896I need some help with screen resolution on a laptop... no matter what I set in xorg.conf, it seems to default to 800x600 and 'Screen Resolution' in the preferences menu only lists 800x600...02:26
cloud-ieeeSo foobar plays in Wine. .sigh. there is a GOD! I have not been able to figure how to use yahoo messenger in ubuntu though. I want to use yahoo messenger for the voice in chat rooms. Anyone know of an yahoo messenger variant that works in Ubuntu? Yahoo messenger 9 failed to install miserably in Wine.02:27
kitty_Guest47896, looks like you might only have that one available to you02:27
Joesephprince_jammys: exactly:  I don't want to download and burn the cd right now- I'd rather get it off the net.02:27
b33rcloud-ieee, try kopete02:27
GreedyBkitty_: http://pastebin.com/m2acf581d02:27
Guest47896Kitty_: I actually had it working fine before, I tried to get an external monitor working, which failed, and also caused this02:27
Kattollikisdthe terminal show me a error installing a Package, here it is....    http://paste.ubuntu.com/62693/02:27
b33rcloud-ieee, oh sorry kopete doesn't support chat rooms02:28
cloud-ieeeB33r, ty02:28
prince_jammys!packages | Joeseph02:28
Guest47896kitty_: I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org as well, to no effect02:28
ubottuJoeseph: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!02:28
cloud-ieeenp bro02:28
FloodBot2cloud-ieee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:28
b33rcloud-ieee, but webcam works in kopete02:28
kitty_GreedyB, ok when you reboot you use grub right?02:28
prince_jammysJoeseph: check out the web site02:28
cloud-ieeeFloodBot, I am hardly flooding. :|02:28
kitty_copy your menu.lst from /boot/grub to pastebin if you don't feel too insecure about it02:29
jeanpaul145cloud-ieee: you're welcome :)02:29
Joesephprince_jammys: Wait, why?   I'm trying to install google's android sdk.02:29
GreedyBkitty_: that will blow my cover :P02:29
cloud-ieeeJeanpaul, I said ty earlier :p02:29
kitty_whats nice with the newer kernel is you have uuid instead of /dev/sdwhatever102:30
cloud-ieeeB33r, okay cool thanks! I did not know that Kopete had webcam :)02:30
prince_jammysJoeseph: didn't you say you want to download the package?02:30
logan_albertico: sure thing02:30
Joesephprince_jammys: yes--- do they have those specific packages avaliable for download?  sorry, I should look.02:30
csilkcloud-ieee, doesn't pidgin support the yahoo chat protocol?02:31
GreedyBkitty_: I did the uuid myself cause I was having issues with drives changing every time I rebooted02:31
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:31
GreedyBkitty_: if I show you my grub config it will blow my cover :P02:31
asathoorI try to set up ndiswrap on a pc, but how can I find out which wifi card is present in order to get the correct drivers?02:32
Kattollikisdthe terminal show me a error installing a Package, here it is....    http://paste.ubuntu.com/62693/02:32
roganClam virus scanner is saying I must be "root" to install updates .. how do I do it02:32
kitty_you using usb disks to boot?02:32
prince_jammysJoeseph: yes, the packages are available through there02:32
GreedyBkitty_: nope can I pm you?02:32
kitty_it looks like you're using the wrong root in grub and its not finding your kernel image02:33
prince_jammysJoeseph: though i'd still work on figuring out why you get that message when trying to install build-essential with apt-get02:33
kitty_that's my guess02:33
kitty_you can pm me but i probably won't beable to pm you back02:33
OpenvirusCan anyone take a look at my code and tell me what is wrong with the addition variable and it saying it may not be initialized? http://paste.ubuntu.com/62698/02:33
filo1234Kattollikisd: command is wrong!! right this sudo dpkg -i name package.deb02:33
GreedyBkitty_: http://pastebin.com/m44270b9b02:33
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prince_jammysOpenvirus: wrong channel02:34
JoesephDoes anyone else get a "please insert the ubuntu install cd" message when they install build-essential? prince_jammys?02:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiswrap02:34
jeanpaul145cloud-ieee: I know, but I just saw it moments before I replied :P02:34
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:34
Openvirusprince_jammys, woops you are right thank you :P02:34
asathoorthanx joseph02:34
Joesephasathoor: you're welcome02:34
kitty_ok greedy, reboot and when you're @ grub boot list, hit c for command line02:34
n8tuserJoeseph-> what was your exact command?02:35
Kattollikisdfilo1234, take a look02:35
GreedyBkitty_: okay brb be on the other irc02:35
Kattollikisdfilo1234, take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/62699/02:35
GreedOtherkitty_, im going to enable my ide drives before is that okay02:36
Joesephn8tuser: my command came directly from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingEasyHowTo  and was "sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall"  and when I tried it in Synaptic, I got the same message.02:36
prince_jammysJoeseph: google this, and go to the second link: 'ubuntu apt-get build-essential insert cd'02:36
kitty_yeah thats fine02:36
filo1234Kattollikisd: maybe you can try sudo apt-get install -f  for force dependencies02:37
kitty_tell me when you're at the grub root, we're gonna look for files using the cat command :P02:37
GreedOtherkitty_, im in the command line02:37
b33rJoeseph, check your sources.list and try removing anything that looks that it's searching the cd02:37
n8tuserJoeseph-> or you can just use sudo apt-get install build-essential02:37
kitty_ok, type in "cat (hd0,0)\" but don't hit enter, hit tab and see what it says02:37
asathoorhow can I find out the name of my wifi chipset?02:37
prince_jammysJoeseph: there's also several other links with people who seem to have the same problem02:37
Joesephb33r: That's a good idea, I'll try that.02:38
kitty_tab is the "auto complete" trigger02:38
prince_jammysthat's what's suggested in the link i recommended02:38
kitty_so it should give you a listing of files on that disk, if its not your linux filesystem, try hd1,0 and 2,0...02:38
igorsanybody could help me with this error? http://dpaste.com/86766/, i'm on a macbook.02:39
GreedOtherkitty_, its telling me filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist02:39
kitty_Ok, try "root (hd0,0)" then "cat [tab]"02:39
GuiriHey what's my best bet for getting an ubuntu box to mount storage as a local drive at a different location? I've heard of iSCSI. what do you guys think?02:39
Joesephb33r, prince_jammys, n8tuser: Thanks, It's installing now: I unchcked the cd from the repositories....  hmmmmmm In my opinion, it should try the internet first... seems a bit silly to me.02:40
kitty_Guiri what type of share is it?02:40
prince_jammysJoeseph: cool.02:40
b33rJoeseph, glad it worked02:41
Guirikitty_: Just a 500 GB drive of storage space that I want to add to a small server in a different State as a local drive. Both servers have fast connections so it shouldn't be too much of a problem02:41
prince_jammysJoeseph: i suspected that from the beginning, but when you said apt-get doesn't ask that for other packages, i changed my mind.02:41
GreedOtherkitty_, when I type root(hd0,0) cat then hit tab it tells me unrecognized devide string02:41
=== pipegeek_ is now known as pipegeek
prince_jammysi don't know why it's only with build-essential02:41
Joesephprince_jammys: Yeah, I guess the ones I was referring to were not on the cd.02:42
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Joesephnow onto the android developer's kit install...02:44
isaac_Okay, I think I need flash player help.  I've tried everything, including uninstalling all flash plugins and all firefox bits, and reinstalling firefox and flash nonfree.02:44
isaac_Still no sound.02:44
kitty_sorry wife was talking02:44
isaac_I also tried the gnash plugin for firefox (after uninstalling the official nonfree version)02:44
n8tuserGuiri-> try sshfs02:44
b33risaac_, check if something else is using the sound any other software02:44
kitty_greed "root (hd0,0)" then "cat /[tab]"02:44
Guirin8tuser: Thanks02:45
isaac_b33r I rebooted and nothing is playing any sound.02:45
kitty_Guiri if its a windows based share you can try just mounting02:45
Guirikitty_: It's on a different computer network actually, Otherwise I'd use CIFS02:46
GreedOtherkitty_, possible files are lost+found var etc media cdrom bin boot dev home inird lib mnt proc root sbin srv sys tmp usr vmlinuz initrd.img initd.img.old vmlininuz.old02:46
perilluxI'm trying to install ubuntu on a laptop, using a minimal installation CD.  When preparing for the install it says "no disk drive was detected"  should I just continue anyway?  I've tried running a liveCD on the same laptop and it ran, I was even able to go into the hardrive and look at the files on the laptop.  So It is strange that I would see that message.02:46
kitty_yay greed, that looks like your linux system yes?02:46
ted_hello, i had ubuntu 8.04 installed for quite a while now. I had to install windows for some school programs, so i decided to make use of some free hd space andmake a dual boot. however the windows install failed and brought back hd errors. then i booted back into ubuntu, was listening to some music, when rhythmbox crash. i tried to kill gdm, but that didnt work. so i rebooted, and when i logged in graphically again, it was pretty much frozen, and nothing02:46
ted_ works...02:46
Technomike9000Hey Rich02:46
GreedOtherkitty_, I guess?  thats the exact message I got :P02:46
RichDevXhey mike02:46
crashsystemsHas anyone running 8.04 noticed updates to bind9-host, cpp-4.2, dsuntils, and/or gcc-4.2 recently?02:47
ted_any ideas anyone, i removed eveything out of my home folder, yet that username still freezes02:47
JoesephIt's amazing how things work out when you follow the official online guide.02:47
isaac_ted_ Windows kind of likes to be installed first.02:47
kitty_cat /boot/[tab] and see if you have your images there02:47
isaac_Usually with a dual boot you install Windoze then install Ubuntu.02:47
ted_so it wrecked my user isaac_ ?02:47
ted_i figured i could still install windows on the front of the partition, then just redo the boot loader02:47
RichDevXmike use ubuntu, it doesn't bite02:48
kc8pxy_why is pa killing how do i kill pulseaudio?02:48
Technomike9000I use ubuntu on my desktop at times02:48
ted_any idea why that specific user would have massive processor usage on boot?02:48
RichDevXon your eee pc?02:48
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isaac_ted_ if it were me I'd boot from the CD, save all files I want, then wipe out everything, reinstall Windoze, then reinstall Ubuntu.02:48
GreedOtherkitty_, possible files are a bunch of files that look like kernel files02:48
Guirin8tuser: Is it possible to automount the sshfs at boot using the user/pass credentials?02:48
isaac_But that's just me.02:48
Technomike9000RichDevX - nope02:48
RichDevXI use ubuntu on my laptops02:48
b33rted_, it shouldn't wreck anything maybe you have hard drive problems02:49
ted_isaac_, i booted frm cd, copied my entire home folder over02:49
kitty_ok, try "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet splash"02:49
kitty_see what it says02:49
n8tuserGuiri-> sudo sh -c "echo 'fuse' >> /etc/modules"02:49
ted_b33r, i ran the fsck hd checking thing, it reported no errors02:49
GreedOtherkitty_, cat before that?02:49
ted_oh and also, when i went into text mode, it reported a similar hd error that windows reported, which made me connect the two and think it is a hd problem..02:50
kitty_nope you'll want it to load your kernel image02:50
n8tuserGuiri-> thats just to load fuse at boot, now to automount at boot..you can too, but i have to think of the command for now02:50
arrrghhha couple of questions.  i want to get a S-ATA controller card as my old mobo for my NAS doesn't have any S-ATA ports.  problem is, no PCI-E ports either - is it even worth it to get a PCI S-ATA controller card?  second question would be which is the best card for hardware RAID :D02:50
GreedOtherkitty_, ahh thats a load command okay let me try02:50
b33rted_, the only thing that can happen if you install xp after ubuntu that it might remove your grub02:50
curtmackOkay, does anybody have any experience getting the Ubuntu installer to boot off of a USB drive?02:50
ted_b33r, right, that is what i assumed...02:50
arrrghhhted_, it _will_ remove grub.  unless you have a separate hdd that you're installing windows to.02:50
kitty_greed if you look at your own pastebin post, you can look over your boot commands02:50
ted_so my ubuntu processor errors on boot, were due to something else other than a harddrive error that windows encountered?02:51
curtmackI followed the instructions and it doesn't work, the BIOS just skips over it.02:51
MacLiamHi all02:51
n8tuserGuiri-> and entry on your /etc/fstab like  [hostname/IP]:/path/to/folder /local/folder fuse defaults 0 002:51
perilluxis there any options I can select from the liveCD so that I can install ubuntu without running it?  Such as "Install with driver update CD"  or  "OEM install (for manufacturers)"  ??02:51
MacLiamI was wondering about drivers for a Sharp HDTV; can I ask the general question here or is there a better channel?02:51
ted_i am just trying to figure out now what was causing the processor to be 100% on boot, even after i removed everything from my home folder02:52
GreedOtherkitty_, it says linux-bzimage, setup=0x2a00 size=0x1ce27802:52
arrrghhhted_, top didn't give you any info?02:52
kitty_type in "boot" and see what it says02:52
ted_oh right, no02:52
Guirin8tuser: I don't need to enter any credentials?02:52
arrrghhhted_, command line tool that shows cpu utilization of processes02:53
favrocurtmack: seen this? - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:53
ted_i ran that from the text interface, but nothing02:53
kitty_oh if you want a list of commands, just hit tab at the prompt with nothing there and it'll show a list, help also works02:53
GreedOtherkitty_, kernal panic - noy syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root FS on unknown wn-block(104,1)02:53
arrrghhhted_, nothing?02:53
ted_then, i login to gui, it all goes crazy, i cant get back into text environment02:53
MacLiam@perilux: what do you mean "without running it"?02:53
kitty_is that normally what happens?02:53
curtmackfavro: Those are precisely the instructions I followed02:53
ted_i guess i can go try to relogin to the bad user using text environment one more time02:54
ted_brb then arrrghhh02:54
GreedOtherkitty_, nope also says please append a correct root= boot option02:54
MacLiamso anyone have a line on drivers for Sharp HDTVs?02:54
kitty_try rebooting and just using your menu entries and tell me what happens02:54
kitty_with your extra ide drives enabled that is02:54
GreedOtherkitty_, ok02:54
* Saivindis wonders when OpenGeu will be compiled s.t. the i386 version runs on actual P-III hardware (otherwise, why? It thinks EPIA should have NX instructions?)02:54
curtmackMy BIOS recognizes the iriver during start-up, and I have it set to boot there first02:55
GreedOtherkitty_, it goes to the loading screen and then goes to a busybox/initramfs Scunizi02:55
curtmackand it still goes to my main HDD.02:55
kitty_is that a shell ?02:55
kitty_type in ls02:55
curtmackso something didn't work out right when I was using syslinux.02:55
n8tuserGuiri->try and see if it prompts you, if it does, look into libpam-ssh02:56
ted_arrrghhh, nothing from top02:56
GreedOtherkitty_, I get a initramfs prompt and when I type ls I get some sort of file system02:56
GreedOtherkitty_, what command was it to see the disks?02:56
kitty_nifty is it your linux file system?02:56
Guirik thx02:56
arrrghhhted_, nothing?  i usually have at least 90 things in top haha.02:56
kitty_fdisk -l02:56
kitty_and df02:56
arrrghhhi don't see how you can have _nothing_02:56
ted_well, i meant, nothing totally destroying the cpu02:56
ted_1 percent usage at max02:56
GreedOtherkitty_, damn those dont work in this prompt02:56
kitty_try mount02:57
arrrghhhwell that doesn't make sense.  how can you say something is pegging the cpu when something obviously isn't?02:57
ted_it is pegging the cpu when i login graphically02:57
GreedOtherkitty_, I think the ide drives are messing up something with the device paths or something02:57
favrocurtmare you doing it from windows?02:57
kitty_ok then lets switch around our drive letters02:57
ted_and by the time i login graphically, i cant open the process analyzing tool because its at 100 percent processor usage haha02:57
kitty_reboot, and hit the edit key in grub02:57
SaivindisIt's possible that I/O wait is hogging the CPU, though...something is wrong with the way he compiled the kernel in that case.02:57
ink-I am currently trying to compile a app with a dependency of glfw, so I installed it (8.10). but when I compile, I get many linker errors regarding the absence of a libxrandr... which from all I can tell is installed (dev, runtime, and dbg).. I am at a loss as for a fix02:58
SaivindisWhat is given for the other percentages? idle, etc?02:58
GreedOtherkitty_, want me to make it 0,1 or 0,2  or something?02:58
ted_i edited the clock, when i was checking to see if the bios was set to boot from cd, that cant have anything to do with all this can it02:58
Kohlrakwhat's ubuntu's equivalent to the environment variables in windows?02:58
b33rted_, do you have compiz running?02:58
palomerwhat's the default music player for ipod?02:58
ink-Kohlrak: export command02:58
kitty_lets change the /dev/sda1 part02:59
palomerits like an itunes clone02:59
n8tuserKohlrak-> type  env02:59
palomerbut I forgot the name02:59
kitty_not the root () part02:59
tarelerulz1How would you change vidoes container and not the video and audio ?  Take banshee don't play .mkv02:59
ted_yes, my other account was set to have it running b33r02:59
kitty_did you select an item from the menu and hit "e" ?02:59
kitty_you should see a command list if you did02:59
ted_i wasnt sure how to stop it from starting on boot though b33r02:59
GreedOtherkitty_, I'm on the correct one waiting to edit it02:59
kitty_you can goto the second part where it tries to load the kernel and you can hit e again02:59
MacLiampalomer: Amarok maybe?02:59
ted_and i didn't change anything with it either02:59
kitty_and it'll give you the command and you can arrow over and change it to /dev/sb102:59
GreedOtherkitty_, sdb1 ?03:00
kitty_and then hit enter and "b" and see what it yells about then03:00
gwarqwatarelerulz1: You could use avidmux or demux with mplayer and then join the bits again with mkvtools03:00
GreedOtherkitty_, its looking good03:01
ted_good call b33r , it was probably compiz, though why did it start acting up after i did not change anything?03:01
kitty_booting up like normal ?03:01
b33rted_, I don't know ;/03:01
GreedOtherkitty_, I think so03:01
palomernot amarok...03:01
palomeranother one03:01
kitty_you were enabling the whole ide controller ?03:01
GreedOtherkitty_, sweee its working!!! you the man03:01
meoblast001anyone know how i would copy my gconf settings into a global gconf setting where all users would get this setting applied to them03:01
b33rted_, check this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64703903:01
liquidHello All03:01
GreedOtherkitty_, I'm running all SATA except one drive so I narrowed it down to the IDE drive causing the issue03:02
liquidWith a noarch.rpm do I have to rebuild it for my system?03:02
kitty_ah, i see03:02
kitty_what is on your ide drive?03:02
ted_thanks b33r , i guess that compiz running on boot froze things up03:03
GreedOtherkitty_, between installing ubuntu again and everything Its actually empty now but I desperately want to install another copy of linux on it03:03
b33rted_, is it working now?03:03
MacLiamSo no one with experience configuring Ubuntu with a Sharp HDTV huh?03:03
kitty_i see03:03
kitty_i think you've accidently erased it and installed a broken copy of linux on it03:03
Joesephahhh! bleh.... I have to install two other packages just to install the android plugin into eclipse!!!03:03
MacLiampalomer: gtk-pod is another one...03:03
ted_lemme install, and try logging into the other user?03:03
kitty_cause we totally booted a kernel image from it03:03
GreedOtherkitty_, I think you are right03:03
GreedOtherkitty_, I had alittle slip up and lost a lot of data03:04
ted_wow i cant sudo.03:04
=== C is now known as Guest48426
kitty_try editing the menu.lst and change the root entries for hd1,0 and sdb103:04
n8tuserJoeseph-> do not be surprised if android is not 100% java compatible03:04
kitty_for the kernel root03:04
GreedOtherok let me restart03:04
kitty_no need03:04
Joesephn8tuser: What do you mean?03:04
GreedOtherkitty_, crap I already started :P03:04
kitty_well you'll have to save the changes to your menu.lst03:05
n8tuserJoeseph-> google for an article regarding googles own jvm and its not sun java jvm03:05
kitty_so you don't have to always go in and change it03:05
kitty_just edit the file as root03:05
GreedOtherkitty_, and then restart to see if it works?03:05
GreedOtherso 1,0 = /dev/sdb1 ?03:06
GreedOther0,0 = /dev/sda103:06
kitty_yeah, i'd suggest putting several deviations on the settups in, and labeling them so you know which ones worked03:06
Joesephn8tuser: gahh I'm going to go insane before I even start programming!!!!!  that's new! and It requires Even More Plugins!03:06
n8tuserJoeseph-> there03:06
n8tuser's a new book on android, i have not completely read it yet03:07
kitty_ok i'm gonna go burn a copy of super grub and start kicking my computer if it doesn't work03:07
GreedOtherkitty_, thank you03:07
Joesephn8tuser: that suggest you've started it though: Does Android seem good?03:07
n8tuserJoeseph-> i just read a chapter or so at the bookstore while sipping java :P03:08
liquidWith a noarch.rpm do I have to rebuild it for my system?03:08
Norrland_jris there some way that i can speed up transfers in scp over lan? I get only about 2MB/s over a Gbit network :/03:08
palomernot gtk-pod either03:08
palomersomething else...03:08
nfuscoIve just setup an ubuntu box, whats the easiest way of enabling VNC from windows to it? Also can I get it load up at start?03:09
Joesephn8tuser: I'm tempted to buy the g1. I'm trying to  see if I could develop an application for it.  My biggest hurdle (after I get it installed it seems) is that I've never really done UI design--- even though I do know a bit of HTML03:09
ted_thanks b33r03:09
ted_i think03:10
b33rnice =)03:10
ted_yeah woot03:10
ted_take care03:10
n8tuserJoeseph-> i've only read it in passing, i have no real deep interest03:10
b33ryou too bye03:10
kuryeeedoes hardy come with compiz fusion?03:13
kc8pxy_what is the latest wine in hardy?03:13
Eva1can anyone help with a wireless internet connection?03:14
b33rkc8pxy_, for the latest version just build from source03:14
aaronwhat does RELATED,ESTABLISHED mean in iptables ?03:14
n8tuserEva1-> what did you do so far?03:14
kc8pxy_b33r:  never done that by hand in ubuntu, and my "home distro" does that for me.03:14
neosisaniwhick pkg are glibc headers in (like stdio.h and unistd.h)?03:14
dulakaaron_: means it's not a new connection and it's related to an established connection03:14
Joesephoh goodness.... stupid eclipse....  you're.... not.... working....03:15
aaronestablished is connected like at the moment you create the rule or whast ?03:15
roganwould someone please pm me with instructions on how to install a wifi driver with ndiswraper03:15
nfuscoAny help with VNC on Hardy?03:15
WarriorSlsomeone help me, i'm trying to use a program that uses oss audio (teamspeak) and sudenly it says that the device is busy, how i can fix that?03:16
groceryheistplease help me, I am a noob. I installed hardy last week and it was great. Then  tried to install KDE-desktop which destroyed everything. Now grub can't find my installations03:16
dulakaaron_: no, a connection is established once the initial handshake is done, has nothing to do with when the iptables rule was run03:16
alberticonfusco, you could try being specific03:16
neosisaniWarriorSl, quit all stuff that plays music (including firefox if any flash is open), that is stupid solution but should work03:17
WarriorSlneosisani, gonna try03:17
Dred_furstHey, I am having a few issues with upgrading ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8.10, it appears to have halted at the end, with a lot of disk activity, saying update-initramfs: generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic, and at the top it says searching for obsolete software, is this normal03:17
frosterrjis there a link ferry out there for IntrepidRC wireless help for the Aspire One?03:17
aaronok ..  i am trying to figure out why you would include this command when setting up iptables . --> $ sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT <-- , could you explain it  please ?03:17
Eva1n8tuser > the first step of troubleshooting in the documentation says to go to system > preferences > hardware, but that isn't there03:17
groceryheist please help me, I am a noob. I installed hardy last week and it was great. Then  tried to install KDE-desktop which destroyed everything. Now grub can't find my installations03:17
Joesephgroceryheist: Just some looking back: it's quite easy to install multiple desktop enviroments onto one ubuntu install, but sometimes installing gnome and kde causes a few problems- at least it did for me.   You'll have to give more info if you want help though.   specific errors.03:17
nfuscoalbertico, Ok I want to VNC into my newly installed Hardy box, Ive got shell access - an opened the necessary ports in firewall, just dont know where to go from here, Id also like it that I dont have to login to x to be able to vnc..03:18
dulakaaron it tracks connection state, allowing a packet that is part of an already established connection03:18
groceryheistwell i was getting error 16 and 18 from grub03:18
aaronthank you .. exactly what i was wunderin  :)03:18
n8tuserEva1-> what kind of wifi card? pci? usb? pcmcia?03:18
Xcercai'm installing the 8.10 beta (someversion) right now and i got an error that said LILO isn;t installed and i will have to set it up,   did we switch to useing LILO instead of GRUB ?03:18
WarriorSlneosisani, lol it worked out dude, thanks a bunch ^^~~03:18
dulakaaron with that rule you would need another rule to accept the handshake that establishes a connection03:18
moDumasshey all, i have a quick NAS mounting question03:18
b33rkc8pxy_, it's easy to build from source03:18
=== After_Math is now known as OpenVirus
moDumassi moved physical location of my NAS and removed one hub from the pathway03:18
neosisaniWarriorSl, np, but check out if you can use alsa for audio output, better quaility and won't have those problems03:19
moDumassnow i cant find it from my machine03:19
Xcercaor can i just keep GRUB with 8.10 ?03:19
moDumasssudo mount -a gets  mount error 113 = No route to host03:19
moDumassRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)03:19
WarriorSlneosisani, i think i cant man, the program only uses oss03:19
moDumassi can log into the NAS from this machine though03:19
Pici!8.10 | Xcerca03:19
ubottuXcerca: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu03:19
Joesephgroceryheist: That's a start. Have you looked them up in more detail on google?03:19
WarriorSli've search many tutorials trying to run teamspeak with alsa but didn't manage to do it03:19
alberticonfusco, vinagre is the vnc client on ubuntu03:20
frosterrjis there a channel for Intrepid/Betas?  Ubuntu+1?03:20
mouseboyxyes frosterrj03:20
nfuscoalbertico, ok, so can i connect to that from VNC on win32?03:20
Eva1n8tuser> not sure03:20
alberticonfusco, also available through Applications->Internet->Remote Desktop Viewer03:21
elm1anyone able to help with iwl3945 wireless problems?03:21
n8tuseraaron-> you only want coming from your box and no new connection towards you03:21
kc8pxy_WarriorSl:  IIRC, it was not designed with alsa.03:21
alberticonfusco, vinagre is the vnc client03:21
nfuscoalbertico, I want to connect from windows03:21
Sonderbladeoh why is pulse audio still broken in hardy??03:21
n8tuserEva1-> then i can only pull my crystal ball and guess wrong03:21
alberticonfusco, then you must enable the vnc server on you ubuntu box03:21
Eva1n8tuser > could you tell me how to find this out?03:21
sightlesscan anyone help me please, i wanna watch a video with subtitles on ubuntu, i thought the usual method would work, place file .avi and file .srt in the same folder, media player does the rest03:21
nfuscoalbertico, How do I do that and can I do it from boot?03:22
WarriorSlkc8pxy_, srry i don't understood03:22
n8tuserEva1-> perhaps you can describe your computer to us and what cards do you have on it03:22
Tom_Davisnfusco: attempting to vnc to a ubuntu box from winders?03:22
kc8pxy_WarriorSl:  IIRC, teamspeak was designed with oss, not alsa, and i have yet to see a version that does alsa.03:22
nfuscoTom_Davis, yup03:23
alberticonfusco, if you are using x, go to System->Preferences->Remote Desktop and configure it03:23
kc8pxy_WarriorSl:  I've seen it work with aoss, but that still doesnb't work for when i lay ET.03:23
lucaxcant see usplash... got it tilt on boot-manager but cant see it03:23
WarriorSlkc8pxy_, yep that's true, but have so many ways to emule oss with alsa to have the mix but i didn't manage to emule oss with alsa for teamspeak03:23
Joesephgroceryheist: Are you able to pastebin your grub's menu.lst?  both the grub errors suggest an ill formatted device string in that file.03:23
Eva1n8tuser> i'll just boot into windows for a sec and find out what card it is03:23
Tom_Davisnfusco, here is how I do it, www.realvnc.com for the winders, and x11vnc for the ubuntu\03:23
nfuscoTom_Davis, Can you config it to work on boot r do you have to be logged into X for it work?03:24
Tom_Davisunfortunately it has to be logged in I think03:24
Xcercadoes 8.10 use LILO as it's defualt bootloader ?03:24
nfuscoTom_Davis, dammit03:24
Tom_Davisbut lemme look03:25
kc8pxy_Xcerca:  #ubuntu+103:25
Tom_Davisyou could cygwin from the winders box and forgo all the vnc stuff03:25
ayilmazwhen press Ctrl-Alt-1-6 I cannot see the terminal. I might have disabled them. How can I recover?03:25
appserver__hi .. im getting this error when install sun java application server --> appserver@appserver:/opt$ ./sjsas_pe-8_2-linux.bin03:26
appserver__./sjsas_pe-8_2-linux.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:26
Piciappserver__: Its F1 through F6, not 1-603:26
appserver__what does that mean?03:26
Piciappserver__: sorry, wrong person03:26
nfuscoTom_Davis, Can i not even start the server from the shell?03:26
Piciayilmaz: Its F1 through F6, not 1-603:26
appserver__i already install build essential03:26
ShakedownHow can I ignore updating something and prevent the updates available icon?03:27
appserver__but not solve my problem03:27
Tom_Davisnfusco I have never had any luck with that03:27
ayilmazcorrected: when press Ctrl-Alt-F1-F6 I cannot see the terminal. I might have disabled them. How can I recover?03:27
groceryheistok, i was dual booting with XP, then i tried installing kde, then screwed around with the grub boot manager, i screwed up the universe. it doesn't matter though since im just messing around.  I want to completely remove grub and reinstall ubuntu. I don't know how to do this.  It would be fantastic if someone could walk me through it or at help me figure it out.03:27
nfuscoTom_Davis, Ill keep diggin, thanks03:27
rogerHello - I am having trouble installing fonts, some work and some dont? Im using ubuntu 8.04 on a pentium 2.8ghz machine03:27
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:28
woodyjlwanyone want to help me with a couple of questions on my ubuntu ?  im new to linux but really want to make this work so I dont have to install microsft on my pc anymore03:28
Tom_Davisnfusco, they DO make an xserver for winders, might look at that03:28
Joesephgroceryheist: Did you read my suggestions to you?  But if you really just want to reinstall ubuntu, It shouldn't be any different than you did the first time, except make sure to not install over your xp partition.    How did you install it the first time?03:28
nfuscoTom_Davis, Ta03:29
pibmdi installed kde by doing aptget install kde, but its a 3.* version, how can i get the latest 4.* ?03:29
kc8pxy_how do i compile the latest wine with the 3dmark patch?03:29
groceryheisti just installed off of the live cd, i don't think i did anything wierd03:29
peterererapt-get install kde4, maybe?03:29
groceryheisti already reinstalled a couple times, even reformatted, it did no good03:29
Shakedownwoodyjlw: What's your question?03:29
Evan1n8tuser> back, it's a pci03:30
Joesephgrocery: are you in a live session right now?03:30
groceryheistim on a different computer03:30
Joesephgroceryheist: what are you in now?03:30
Witnesswhere do i find ndiswrapper?03:30
woodyjlwI want to know how to install a program after I download it from the web03:30
groceryheistwell, i had one running03:30
groceryheisti just restarted though to see what the error message was03:30
woodyjlwI downloaded vmware03:30
Tom_Daviswoodyjlw, eww, just eww03:30
woodyjlwits not an exe like windows03:31
Joesephgroceryheist: I'm almost sure you messed up your grub's menu.lst.  If you can get in a live session, I can direct you some from there.03:31
Tom_Daviswoodyjlw, try virtualbox, much nicer03:31
groceryheistthat sounds about right03:31
groceryheistlet me get back in live03:31
zezuICH9 not supported for sound ?03:31
alberticonfusco, you should read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC03:31
ytooxI installed ubuntu on a sony vaio and I connect external speakers to it but the sound from the laptop does not stop and the sound on the speakers is very weak, how can I solve this please?03:31
cellofellowIs there a way to tell locate not to index a certain directory tree? (/mnt/Windows to be precise).03:32
Shakedownwoodyjlw: To install virtualbox type in a terminal 'sudo apt-get install virtualbox'03:32
Joesephgroceryheist: My guess is that you have a separate boot partition (it's possible) if you even reformatted your ubuntu partition and it still gives you a grub error.03:32
groceryheisti did sudo grub03:33
groceryheisti reinstalled grub03:33
groceryheistthrough live03:33
Witnessi did sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper and it said package not installed?03:33
Joesephgroceryheist: When, just now? or before it messed up?03:34
groceryheistafter it messed up03:34
CjMasterHello, I'm trying to install the package for my printer driver, iP1800, but the package installer gives me this: "Error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: libglib1.2" Help?03:34
groceryheistok im back in live03:35
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ip180003:35
Witnessubottu help on ndiswrapper install please03:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:36
ShakedownSo after reading the man pages I'm still not clear on what the difference between 'sudo apt-get clean' and 'sudo apt-get autoclean' is. Which should I use?03:36
Joesephgroceryheist: You need to open up your menu.lst and send it to me in pastebin.  Do you know how to do both of those things?03:36
groceryheisti don't know what pastebin is03:36
CjMasterShakedown: Either will work, just use autoclean03:36
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:36
WitnessDoes people see me?03:36
bimberi!ndiswrapper | Witness03:36
ubottuWitness: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:36
WitnessOkay thanks03:36
ShakedownThanks CjMaster03:37
MagicFabWitness, why don't you just use ndisgtk ? it will bring all needed ndiswrapper stuff, plus provide a GUI to install Windows wireless drivers.03:37
zezuanyone? ICH9 audio ?03:37
onealCarl Jonson Master ?03:37
CjMasterHello, I'm trying to install the package for my printer driver, iP1800, but the package installer gives me this: "Error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: libglib1.2" Any way to fix?03:37
CjMasterLol no03:37
onealthis what Channel ?03:38
WitnessOkay MagicFab03:38
WitnessThank You03:38
onealCarl Jonson Master ?03:38
ytooxanybody can help me here?03:38
Joesephgroceryheist: While you're doing that.... do you know what devices and partitions your installs are on? Like, is ubuntu on your master and xp on slave, and whether you created a seperate partition for any part of ubuntu, etc.03:38
onealthis what Channel ?03:38
Witnesshow do i get the ndisgtk?03:38
bazhangoneal, please stop03:38
bazhangoneal, read the /topic03:38
CjMasterCJ does not mean carl jonson lol03:38
onealWhat ?03:38
onealSAM LOL03:38
FloodBot2oneal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:39
Evan1my pci wireless card in my laptop is not recognized by ubuntu, and there is no system > preferences > hardware which the documentation troubleshooting says to go to first03:39
CjMaster!spam | oneal03:39
ubottuoneal: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...03:39
Witnessugh oh03:39
MagicFabWitness, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager - then use the search03:39
ShakedownAre there some standard steps an Ubuntu user can take to keep the installation clean? Such things like 'sudo apt-get autoclean'03:39
WitnessOkay Thank You MagicFab03:39
n8tuserEvan1-> sorry my kid had to use my computer, so i cant assist you for now..03:39
dr_willisShakedown,  depends on your definition of clean. :)03:39
CjMaster!autoclean | Shakedown03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about autoclean03:40
Evan1ok, great03:40
CjMaster!clean | Shakedown03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clean03:40
WitnessMagicFab what about configuring a network?03:40
Joesephgroceryheist: Have you found your menu.lst?03:40
onealon what subjects this Channel ?03:40
CjMasterUbottu is so dumb >.<03:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is so dumb03:40
MagicFabWicked, what about it ?03:40
onealon what subjects this Channel ?03:40
bazhangoneal this is ubuntu support03:40
dr_willis!ubuntu | oneal03:40
ubottuoneal: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:40
CjMasteroneal, you ask for help here.03:40
ShakedownAutoclean? That's all I need to periodically do?03:40
WitnessI mean help please03:40
MagicFabWitness, what about it ?03:40
bazhangoneal this is not a chat channel03:40
groceryheistim working on it03:41
alfredoanybody knows how to install nedit ?03:41
CjMasterShakedown: You don't really have to do anything03:41
onealYou andestend me03:41
Witnessabout putting in Ip and wep MagicFab03:41
groceryheistsudo gedit menu.lst03:41
onealyou understand ME ?03:41
alfredothanx dude03:41
favroShakedown: I always use sudo apt-get --purge autoclean/remove03:41
MagicFabalfredo, it's a standard package - just use Synaptic03:41
bazhang!ot | oneal03:41
ubottuoneal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:41
b33rgroceryheist, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:41
Evan1n8tuser: so it's a pci card03:41
MagicFabWitness, once you get your wireless drivers installed, you shoudl see a list of networks available (access points)03:41
CjMasterHello, I'm trying to install the package for my printer driver, iP1800, but the package installer gives me this: "Error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: libglib1.2" Help?03:41
bazhanggroceryheist, use gksudo03:41
ShakedownHmm...thanks for the replies03:41
favro!topic > oneal03:41
ubottuoneal, please see my private message03:42
MagicFabWitness, double clicking on any of them will automatically request any needed password, and then negotiate the cnonection etc.03:42
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:42
MagicFabCjMaster, what package03:42
Witness!ubottu wireless network configure03:43
CjMasterMagicFab: Cnijfilter-ip1800series03:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:43
CjMaster!wifi | Witness03:43
ubottuWitness: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:43
WitnessThank You03:43
groceryheistits empty03:43
onealÑëûøü Dj Master03:43
MagicFabCjMaster, where did you get it03:43
Joesephgroceryheist: That will bring up menu.lst into edit mode if you are in the correct directory, which is /boot/grub03:43
onealåáàëî òðàõ03:43
onealÂû âñå òóò lol03:44
CjMaster!spam | oneal03:44
ubottuoneal: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...03:44
CoRnJuLiOxok, i noticed that updating from the apt repos is kinda slow. back in 7.04 i was able to get upwards of 30-40 kbps, but i'm only getting less than 15 kbps (it says 7506B/s now) atm. is it not set up correctly?03:44
groceryheistya it opened it03:44
Witnessnow what happens if my ndist does not work?03:44
CjMasterMagicFab: One second03:44
MagicFabCjMaster, and that seems to be for Canon printers03:44
Joesephgroceryheist: Alright, can you pastebin it?03:44
Tom_DavisCoRnJuLiOx, upgrading to ibex?03:44
groceryheistit was empty03:44
groceryheisti probably did something wrong03:45
CjMasterMagicFab: http://forums.linux-foundation.org/read.php?25,5512,5707,quote=103:45
Joesephgroceryheist: It was empty?   Are you sure you're looking in the correct directory of your hard drive?03:45
CjMasterGroceryheist: what are you trying to do again?03:45
CoRnJuLiOxTom_Davis, no, just updating. installing the system updates ubuntu always tells me is 'ready'03:46
groceryheistim trying to remove grub03:46
b33rgroceryheist, type in terminal sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:46
CjMasterWhy? you want to uninstall ubuntu?03:46
Joesephgroceryheist: Wait, you told me that you were trying to reinstall grub, correct?03:46
connectrom10need help with installign asterisk on ubuntu, getting compile error03:47
b33rgroceryheist, to reinstall grub http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435103:47
Joesephgroceryheist: Or at least get Ubuntu running again.... what do you want?03:47
groceryheisti screwed up grub, it doesn't see anything03:47
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groceryheisti want to get ubuntu running again and get my xp dual boot to work as well03:47
SeaPhori have the 8600GT vid cadr thet has 2 vga ports, i have 2 monitors plugged in, how do i access the 2nd monitor?03:47
groceryheistxp is on a dif harddrive03:47
CjMastergroceryheist: you should use wubi then.03:47
Joesephgroceryheist: wait03:48
ShakedownWhat's the splash screen compared to the login screen?03:48
WitnessI used wubi03:48
wishiethere is an alsa debugging script (alsa-info.sh) that is part of the alsa-driver source code.. why isnt it packaged for ubuntu at all ?03:48
CjMaster!wubi | groceryheist03:48
ubottugroceryheist: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:48
Witnessits neat03:48
groceryheistno, i don't want to do that03:48
Joesephgroceryheist: Did you just enter in "gksu gedit menu.lst" into the terminal?03:48
mikematicping mikematic03:48
MagicFabCjMaster, which one of these did you get: http://hex1a4.net/xubuntu/howto.php?htid=0403:48
Shakedown!awk | Shakedown03:48
ubottuShakedown, please see my private message03:48
connectrom10anybody with asterisk exppeience on ubuntu03:49
WitnessOkay now cjmaster how do i get my silly Linksys WPC54g to work?03:49
groceryheisti entered sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:49
callkalpa1does anyone know how to enable video preview in nautilus in Hardy ?03:49
Witnessfor Ubuntu03:49
CjMasterMagicFab: I can't use any of those, I get an access denied error :P03:49
slowboti know its not ubuntu related but03:49
groceryheisti don't know if i want to do wubi, i had it working great - i loved it - until I started messing with kde03:50
slowbotcould anyone help me with a python issue?03:50
Joesephgroceryheist: hmmmm okay....   do me a favor:   click places->computer and tell me what's there03:50
CjMaster!wifi | Witness03:50
dr_willisgroceryheist,  i dont care for wubi  - i much perfer a full install, or running in a virtualbox session03:50
ubottuWitness: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:50
MagicFabCjMaster, so which ones are you using ?03:50
SegFaultAXslowbot: go to #python, ill help you there03:50
MagicFabCjMaster, repeatedly sending the same link won't help03:50
callkalpa1does anyone know how to enable video preview in nautilus in Hardy ?03:50
WitnessThank You03:51
Witnesssee ya03:51
groceryheista media drive, my optical drives, my xp drive, and filesystem03:51
CjMastereh? sorry did i already send him that? lol03:51
rogerubottu: thanks for that link - sorry for the late acknowledgement - (wifes fault)03:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
callkalpa1does anyone know how to enable video preview in nautilus in Hardy ?03:51
Shakedown!metacity | Shakedown03:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity03:51
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CjMasterI'm trying to use the ip1800 specific one.03:51
CjMasterit doesn't want to install though.03:52
callkalpa1does anyone know how to enable video preview in nautilus in Hardy ?03:52
ajhtiredwolfhey so anyone else do that? mount a hard drive over the network to store your files? its working great only problem is that the mount is starts before the network oes some times, which causes it to take 5 minutes or so just hanging there03:52
MagicFabCjMaster, which FILE and where FROM ?03:52
Joesephalright, (not directed at groceryheist...) if you're in a live session, is your 'filesystem' the memory loaded/the cd?03:52
Crewsr3I have been having lots of problems getting updates and the servers over whelmed due to Ibex coming out03:52
ShakedownGDM themes are login screen themes, yeah?03:52
Joesephgroceryheist: Go to the drive where you think you have ubuntu installed.03:52
CjMasterWitness: Whats wrong with the internet again? Does it just not want to connect?03:52
Shakedown!GDM | Shakedown03:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm03:52
CjMasterMagicFab: http://forums.linux-foundation.org/file.php?25,file=14703:53
groceryheistthis was amd_64 hardy btw03:53
Joesephgroceryheist:  now find "/boot/grub/menu.lst" in your hard drive, not on the current file system.03:53
groceryheistgot it03:54
groceryheistpastebin here i come03:54
Crewsr3Is there a problem with the repositorys, because I'm getting several fails when I run apt-get update03:54
favro!info gdm | Shakedown03:54
ubottushakedown: gdm (source: gdm): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.7-0ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 1923 kB, installed size 15936 kB03:54
ShakedownSo if I'm on www.gnome-look.org and I want a new login screen, I want to look at GDM Themes, right?03:55
CjMasterThis chatroom is too chaotic O_o03:55
favroShakedown: what's happenning/not happening with gdm?03:55
MagicFabCjMaster, normally libglib1.2 should already be there... try  installing libglib1.2ldbl03:55
Shakedownfavro: Nothing, I just want a new login screen03:55
CjMasterShakedown: Yes03:55
ShakedownThanks Cj03:56
ShakedownSo what's a splash screen?03:56
CjMastercjmaster@cjmaster-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install libglib1.2ldbl03:56
CjMaster[sudo] password for cjmaster:03:56
CjMasterReading package lists... Done03:56
CjMasterBuilding dependency tree03:56
CjMasterReading state information... Done03:56
FloodBot2CjMaster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
CjMasterlibglib1.2ldbl is already the newest version.03:56
SegFaultAXShakedown: the ubuntu logo and a progress bar preceding the login screen03:56
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Tom_DavisShakedown, that thing you see instead of the black and white text at boot03:56
ShakedownAhh...okay, thanks03:57
SegFaultAXShakedown: assuming grub has splash set as a boot param03:57
ShakedownIs there a way I can find out (other than installing one and trying it)?03:57
Joesephgroceryheist: hmmmm.... there's this reallly great (I think foolproof) guide I used for dualbooting xp and ubuntu.... let me see if I can find it for you, cause I don't know your Hard Drive setup and their master/slave relationship03:57
SegFaultAXShakedown: find what out?03:57
groceryheistwell, they are both on sata03:58
ShakedownYou said "assuming grub has splash set as a boot param"03:58
b33rgroceryheist, what's your problem btw? what's not working I mean03:58
groceryheistso there is no master/slave, when i installed i had the windows as #103:58
groceryheistgrub can't see any of my operating systems03:58
SegFaultAXShakedown: when you boot up, do you see Ubuntu and a progress bar, or a bunch of text03:58
Joesephgroceryheist: Wait, both of your OS's are on 1 hd?03:58
MagicFabCjMaster, correct . It's a known bug - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib1.2/+bug/20779803:58
Crewsr3Is there a problem with the repository's, because I'm getting several fails when I run apt-get update03:58
ShakedownOh, I see Ubuntu and the progress bar03:59
SegFaultAXShakedown: then splash is set03:59
b33rgroceryheist, so when you boot grubs load but nothing is working?03:59
ShakedownCool, thanks for the help03:59
MagicFabCjMaster, "glib1.2 as well as gtk+1.2 are deprecated for a few years now" sorry I mislead you (reading further)03:59
groceryheistim going to try again so i can see exactly what happens, give me a sec03:59
CjMasterMagicFab: So is there any workaround?04:00
SegFaultAXShakedown: anytime04:00
groceryheistit sees my operating systems,04:00
groceryheistwhen i try to boot to ubuntu, i get error 17: cannot mount selected partitions04:00
Joesephgroceryheist: what did you do different this time?04:00
Joesephgroceryheist: To make it see the os's?04:00
groceryheisti don't know04:01
ham5is it safe to change from hardy to intrepid in my sourses.list and update?04:01
groceryheistsame error for recovery mode04:01
MagicFabCjMaster, there seems to be. You'll have to read the bug report.04:01
danbh_intrepidham5: not really, use the !upgrade factiod04:01
groceryheisterror 16: inconsistant file structure when i try xp04:01
SegFaultAXham5: probably not yet04:01
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grum04:01
spartacusi have no system > preferences > hardware information tool04:02
ham5im actually using mint, so I dont have that tool I have theirs :\04:02
b33rgroceryheist, ubuntu installed on first or 2nd hard drive?04:02
Nuroim having a problem getting my screen saver to go full screen. I am using electric sheep.04:02
Nurocan anyone help me fix it?04:02
Joesephgroceryheist: so Windows is installed on your second one?04:03
Nuroi tried googling and i cant find anything04:03
Joesephfirst, sorry04:03
groceryheistwindows is on #1 ubuntu is on #204:03
SegFaultAXNuro: do you have compiz enabled?04:03
Nurobut even when i disable it04:03
Nuroit doesnt work04:03
b33rtry changing to (hd1,1) for ubuntu04:03
SegFaultAXNuro: sounds like a driver issue04:04
CjMasterMagicFab: I don't really see one, besides the alien one. I don't even know how to get alien lol04:04
pppZeroI have a share mounted with nfs, and inside that share (on the server) is another mounted FS, the dir shows up with ls, but when i try to cd into that dir, i get "Stale NFS file handle", suggestions?04:04
NuroSegFaultAX: what should i do?04:04
Joesephgroceryheist: IT would be helpful if you could bring up a list of your partitions... but I don't know how to do that for you.... and I have to go,04:05
ShakedownWhat's the offtopic random chatter room?04:05
SegFaultAXNuro: try updating your video drivers04:05
MagicFabCjMaster, Synaptic ? Maybe reading/undestanding a bit more about packages will help04:05
CjMaster!ot | Shakedown04:05
ubottuShakedown: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:05
Joesephgroceryheist: It looks like someone is helping you now anyway, goodluck.04:05
ShakedownAh, thanks04:05
groceryheistJoeseph: thanks for the help04:05
NuroSegFaultAX:  i downloaded all the drivers ubuntu wanted me to04:05
CjMasterNah I searched in synaptic, I only really saw games about blowing up aliens :P04:05
spartacusi'm missing the system > preferences > hardware tool04:05
groceryheistb33r: i'll let you know when if i can set it to (hd1,1)04:06
SegFaultAXNuro: do you have an integrate or dedicated video card?04:06
mink09Sorry if  I'm interrupting or irrespective of ongoing, ... .  Lost my audio on upgrade to 8.04.  Kind of takes all the joy out of streaming.  Video flash and real seems ok, just silent.  Also struggling with firefox3 irc plugin, but mostly want my streaming sound to work with video.  Any help appreciated, please.04:06
mink09~$ uname -a04:06
mink09Linux dell-desktop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux04:06
Nurointergrate i think04:07
tehkHow do I get the debconf grub update prompt to reappear I incorrectly kept the original menu.lst04:07
Nuroim using a laptop04:07
Nuroit came with a video card04:07
MagicFabCjMaster, alien - convert and install rpm and other packages04:07
b33rgroceryheist, in menu.lst line 131 (hd1,0) changie it to (hd1,1)04:07
MagicFabCjMaster, try searching by name only ?04:07
b33rgroceryheist, save and restart04:07
CjMasterspactacus: Get it from Add/remove04:08
thon0925Is anyone here an expert with networks?04:08
CjMaster!anyone | thon092504:08
ubottuthon0925: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:08
Shirakawasunahi!  I have a computer here that had some corrupted files and want to reinstall every package04:09
thon0925Basically, I'm trying to get a simple firewall setup between my cable modem and my router04:09
CjMasterMagicFab: Found it04:09
Shirakawasunaright now I've done: `dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ {print $2}' > temp` and then `apt-get install --reinstall `cat temp`04:09
thon0925I just cant seem to configure my router to be able to connect to firestarter04:10
ShirakawasunaI'm getting this error: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend coreutils for debianutils, probably a dependency cycle04:10
Shirakawasunaany ideas?04:10
Shirakawasunaeven if I remove coreutils from the list, it moves onto a different package and gives an error for it04:10
ransomi having some trouble finding the tutorial on the ubuntu website on how to install ubuntu on a mac with rEFIt.  can someone point me in the right direction?04:11
groceryheistok restarting04:11
pppZeroi keep getting "Stale NFS file handle" when trying to cd into a dir thats actually a differnt disk on the server. the rest of the dis/files work, just not the mounted dir, anyone see this before?04:11
thon0925Also, firestarter wont allow me to get DHCP setup, so I cant just autoconfigure the router04:11
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danbh_intrepidShirakawasuna: interesting, mind pastebining it all?04:13
thon0925Any ideas, I really need this to work so I can capture packets between my PSP and PS304:13
groceryheistnow i get error 22" no such partition04:13
b33rgroceryheist, how many partitions do you have?04:14
groceryheistwhen i try xp i get: error 18 selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS04:14
groceryheistonly 1 i think04:14
CjMasterthon, maybe you should try the ubuntu forums.04:14
b33rgroceryheist, you have 2 hard drives and 2 partitions?04:15
Nurocan someone help me get my electricsheep screen saver to run in fullscreen?04:15
groceryheist2 harddrives with one partition each04:15
danbh_intrepidShirakawasuna: btw, your reg exp is incorrect...04:15
b33rgroceryheist, and you have swap too?04:16
ShakedownI remember reading that the ATI proprietary driver isn't supported in the new release of Xorg that comes with 8.10? Is this true...will I have to use the opensource ATI driver if I upgrade to 8.10 (stable)?04:16
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:16
NuroI installed Electric Sheep, ran in for a while so it downloaded and started displaying sheep, so everything is working fine. However, if I set the screensaver to Zoom to fullscreen, it simply moves it to the upper left of the screen in the same regular resolution.04:16
GreedyBIf I'm installing another copy of Ubuntu in a VMPlayer should I write a boot loader?04:16
groceryheistno, im not using swap04:16
groceryheistthat i know of04:16
b33rgroceryheist, if you are not using swap then your config was right in the first place :/04:17
groceryheisthmm... so i should go undo that?04:18
b33rgroceryheist, only thing I can think of is maybe ubuntu is on first drive and xp is on second04:18
Shirakawasunadanbh_intrepid: sorry, should've updated. using aptitude reinstall '~i' seems to be working04:18
Shirakawasunadanbh_intrepid: and my regexp worked, so poo ;)04:18
danbh_intrepidShirakawasuna: really?  its just listing all installed packages for me.  Is that what you wanted?04:19
CjMasterMagicFab: Thanks for your help, but I just remembered I can just use my lan storage :P04:20
groceryheisti think i might have put grub on my windows drive04:20
Shirakawasunadanbh_intrepid: yup! :)04:20
groceryheistim not sure what i was thinking but i did grub> setup (hd0,0)04:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pokethebot04:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about poke04:21
b33rgroceryheist, do sudo grub04:21
groceryheistim booting back into live, it takes awhile my ram is slow04:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:21
danbh_intrepidShirakawasuna: ah, I see.  Well, cool command.  I learned something new!  I love those tricky commands that do crazy stuff  : )04:21
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:22
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:23
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu04:24
Mixed432anyone knows how to make the icons appear smaller in compiz when you press "alt-tab"???04:24
dVs--i used firestarter to set up my firewall (iptables?) and now i am trying to use webmin to set up iptables and its saying there are rules from a script that I have to disable if webmin is to control iptables , but does firestarter even run after you set the rules ??04:24
groceryheistok im in sudo grub04:25
Shirakawasunadanbh_intrepid: :D04:26
b33rgroceryheist, find /boot/grub/stage104:26
ShakedownI remember reading that the ATI proprietary driver isn't supported in the new release of Xorg that comes with 8.10? Is this true...will I have to use the opensource ATI driver if I upgrade to 8.10 ?04:26
Nurodoes anyone know how i can run mplayer to run a screensaver04:26
b33rgroceryheist, root (hd1,0)04:27
danbh_intrepid!intrepid | Shakedown04:27
ubottuShakedown: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu04:27
b33rgroceryheist, setup (hd1)04:28
groceryheistsuceeded done04:28
b33rgroceryheist, type quit, then check again your menu.lst04:29
dVs--anyone ?04:29
roxandVs--, afaik firestarter or webmin is just a frontend04:30
nnulldVs--¬ did you purge/disable firestarter before using webthingy04:31
b33rgroceryheist, link isn't working :/04:32
groceryheistits 6272304:32
groceryheistnot 3204:32
dVs-- ok thankx guys04:32
AngryElfis there some app that can convert an html document into a pdf?04:32
b33rgroceryheist, try restarting now :/04:33
groceryheist... ok04:33
SpetsAngryElf: maybe html2pdf ?04:33
groceryheisti think i tried this eariler04:33
wolfie2xhave a question about screen brightness on laptops04:34
b33rgroceryheist, just try one more time04:34
groceryheistim in a grub command line04:34
Mixed432b33r, do you know where the path for  the grub menu is at?? I just installed 64 Studio to try it out and then every time I turn on my machine the first choice is 64 studio :-(04:34
roxanMixed432, /boot/grub/menu.lst04:34
wolfie2xi can change the brightness using Fn+Up Down even while in grub menu04:34
b33rMixed432 ^04:34
wolfie2xdoes that mean OS support is not needed for it?04:34
Mixed432roxan, thanks!!!  b33r, you should switch to wine 18% alcohol :-)04:35
roxanwolfie2x, until and unless os doesn't sieze it04:35
b33rlol I prefer vodka :P04:35
groceryheistb33r: error 17: cannot mount selected partition04:35
wolfie2xroxen : how do i disable OS control of it?04:35
groceryheistfor xp: error 13: invalid or unsupported executable format04:35
wolfie2xmy intrepid is screwing it up.. how do i disable os control?04:36
b33rgroceryheist, I don't know man it should've worked :S04:36
Mixed432b33r, vodka gives a mother of all hangovers, just like tequila although its my favorite04:36
roxanwolfie2x, i dont know but maybe you should try on keyboard shortucut04:36
SpetsWolfie2x: You want OS support to enable energy saving mode on battery04:37
ShirakawasunaI'm not up on my atp-fu.  Could someone tell me how to get it to ignore some errors?  In this case, it's having trouble configuring acpid (it won't load as I'm in a chroot environment, etc)04:37
ShirakawasunaI just want to use it to update some packages...04:37
Shirakawasunaspecifically, I need to at least install the newer kernel packages + configure them04:38
wolfie2xSpets: is there a way to just trick the OS to not now *only* my screen brightness keys?04:38
groceryheistb33r: well thanks... you have any more ideas about what i could try looking at?04:38
Shirakawasunaif there's another method (dpkg?), I'd appreciate the tip! :)04:38
wolfie2xOS to not know04:38
Spetswolfie2x: Rephrase please04:38
b33rgroceryheist, no sorry :s04:38
wolfie2xSpets: can I just disable only screen brightness control?04:39
wolfie2xSpets: leave everything else as they are04:39
SpetsWhat are you trying to do and why?04:39
kendor1967go #anger management04:40
wolfie2xIntrepid screws up my brightness controls04:40
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wolfie2xSpets: brightness works even at grub menu04:40
wolfie2xSpets: so I guess if I can disable OS taking control of my brightness keys04:40
wolfie2xSpets: it would just work fine04:41
Spets sudo setpci -s 00:02.1 f4.b=ff  Works on mine to set brightness to 100%.04:41
Evan1so whenever i boot up ubuntu, it spends a really long time in startup, then goes to a command line called busybox and i cant do anything04:41
groceryheistim going to reformat and reinstall ubuntu04:42
CapaHQuestion: How is Ubuntu different than Debian ?04:42
b33rgroceryheist, do fdisk -l04:42
ThePandemic82What is the difference between using Preferences>Network Proxy...and using squid proxy server??04:42
SpetsEvan1: try installing 8.10 instead?04:42
CapaHEvan1: First install?04:42
wolfie2xSpets: what happens if I change the /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants entries for key brightness04:43
b33rgroceryheist, sudo fdisk -l04:43
SpetsCapaH: Ubuntu uses the unstable sid debian branch04:43
ShirakawasunaEvan1: run in safe mode, see if it's having problems due to misconfigured grub04:43
CapaHSpets: ?04:43
bullgard4CapaH: It is a different distribution. This means, it provides you as a Default with different application programs and tools.04:43
Spetswolfie2x: I imagine they will alter the key bindings04:43
Evan1capah: it happened the first install too, which is why i tried again04:43
ShirakawasunaEvan1: it's possible that it's trying (and failing) to mount one or mor eof your partitions04:44
CapaHEvan1: What version are you trying - and does the live disk work ok and its just not installing on disk?04:44
ShirakawasunaEvan1: or are we talking a livecd?04:44
CapaHI wonder if there is a problem with Evan1's video settings -- i.e. its not starting X04:44
CapaHEvan1: Does it take you to a login prompt?04:44
wolfie2xSpets: so i think that should work.. I'll try that04:44
CapaHand a text-based system?04:44
SpetsCapaH: its more noob-user friendly and more fancy on functionality04:44
Shirakawasunawoo, I win.  bye all04:45
Evan1capah: it works on the livecd, using whichever version is latest, doesn't go to login prompt, not sure how to start safe mode, problem started when i installed a whole mess of updates and did the required restart04:45
CapaHEvan1: Ah - so its not based on a fresh install but based on an updated version?04:45
Nuroanyone know why when i type " electricsheep --mplayer 1" into the terminal it just says terminated and doesnt run?04:46
Evan1capah: yes it worked until i did all those updates04:46
CapaHEvan1: have you tried apt-get update, apt-get upgrade04:47
CapaHi.e. try to upgrade everything again04:47
CapaHtry that04:47
Evan1should i run the livecd and put that in the terminal then?04:48
CapaHOk let me ask you this when you turn on your computer - do you get to a log in prompt?04:48
Randalli have a non working video card and would wondering if someone could help me figure out what is wrong it is a Geforce4: MX 420 on Hardy04:48
CapaHEvan1: What do you get ot?04:48
maritohi people, Im using a Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (card) it works for image.. but audio is not working.. a havent tried reconfigure alsa cuz i saw a saa7134_alsa module and Im confuse, any help?04:48
Evan1capah: it goes from the loading screen to the command line04:49
CapaHok -- so the command line04:49
groceryheistb33r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62727/04:49
CapaHtype this04:49
CapaH(first check your disk)04:49
FloodBot2CapaH: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
b33rgroceryheist, few minutes on the phone04:49
CapaHonce that is done --- then do this: apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade04:49
jim_pgood morning04:49
groceryheistk no prob04:49
joe1977whats new in ubuntu04:50
Randall i have a non working video card and would wondering if someone could help me figure out what is wrong it is a Geforce4: MX 420 on Hardy04:50
CapaHRandall: Nvidia right?04:50
Evan1capah: just to be clear, i should type that in the busybox command line?04:50
kitty_ok is fen` here or LjL ?04:51
jim_pjoe1977: in 8.10? gnome 2.24 with all the stuff it carries04:51
trumpetmicany idea why the ubuntu install cd would lead my machine to just a blank black screen?04:51
kitty_how far in did you get trumpetmic ?04:51
jim_ptrumpetmic: with a blinking cursor?04:51
trumpetmicno blinking cursor04:51
CapaHtrumpetmic: At that blank screen -- have you tried CTRL+F1 , CTRL+F2 (to see if you get to a non-blank screen) ?04:52
joe1977jim_p man i was just saying like what is going on thanks though04:52
trumpetmici put the disc into the drive, turned it on, the logo showed for a few minutes, and then a blank screen04:52
trumpetmici can get to a terminal04:52
CapaHtrumpetmic: Did you do a check on the cd - integrity check?04:52
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jim_pRandall: did you install the proper drivers?04:52
trumpetmicbut alt f7 shows blank04:52
MindVirusWhen my desktop goes screensaver mode, is there any way to make processes not freeze?04:53
RandallJim_P: yes, at least i think i did04:53
trumpetmici didn't do an integrity check, but the cd worked on another computer04:53
kitty_i needs help inserting an updated file into a bootable iso image, any suggestions ?04:53
CapaHtrumpetmic: Look in your xorg.conf - does it say "vesa" or what does it say in the Device section?04:53
MindVirusI'm seeding some torrents and I'd like them to continue seeding even when I'm not there.04:53
shredder12hey people.. i don't know how to connect 2 computer using ubuntu on LAN..Any help??04:53
MindVirusAny suggestions?04:53
RandallJim P: how can i check?04:53
trumpetmicCapaH, do you know by chance where i can find that file/04:53
CapaH-> /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:53
CapaHmemorize that - it will prove very useful to you04:54
jim_pRandall: can you please post me the output of this? cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver04:54
jim_pmind the caps04:54
kitty_MindVirus, just leave your torrent client open and it'll seed as you have it configured... ?04:54
CapaHYou will see something like this: Driver "nvidia" or Driver: "vesa" or something -- tell me what it says04:54
RandallJim P: cat: /etc/X11/xorg.cong: No such file or directory?04:54
wolfie2xnop; changing the keybindings  didn't disable my screen brightness OSD04:55
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CapaHRandall: conf not cong04:55
jim_pRandall: its xorg.conf, u made a typo04:55
kitty_i downloaded the fixntldr.iso, i need to insert a new boot.ini to the iso image, but i don't have any utilities capable of doing it while retaining the bootability of the image, any suggestions?04:55
wolfie2xdoesn anyone know how to disable the screen brightness OSD?04:55
RandallJim P: the problem is that when i enable it in Hardware drivers and restart it always tells me that it is starting in low graphics mode04:55
Evan1capah: i apologize for being dumb, but i'm a bit confused as to where to put the apt-get upgrade and apt-get update commands04:55
MindViruskitty_, it doesn't.04:55
trumpetmicok, under which section of xorg.conf should i find my video driver?04:55
CapaHEvan1: Right at your terminal prompt04:55
MindVirusWhen my screensaver activates it's like a ctrl+z in the console for each running process.04:56
Evan1ok...i'll try that04:56
kitty_disable screen saver, next ?04:56
shredder12hey people,,how do i connect 2 computer using ubuntu using a lan wire..04:56
CapaHtrumpetmic: You have to look for it - you will see something like Driver "<something here>" --- just show me anything you see like that (on one line)04:56
jim_pRandall: well do the check that i said. there is a reason i asked04:56
trumpetmici have a section called "device"04:57
kitty_shredder12 do you have a hub or router or is this a crossover cable?04:57
MindViruskitty_, I would like to keep my screensaver and not freeze processes.04:57
jim_pRandall: only these 2?!04:57
trumpetmicall it has is Identifier "configured Video Device"04:57
shredder12Kitty..its just a cable..04:57
TigranGHi. nm-applet no longer loads for me. What can be a possible cause/fix for it?04:57
CapaHRandall: Any others?04:57
jim_pTigranG: yes, crappy network manager!04:58
kitty_shredder12 you normally need a device between your two computers or a crossover cable to be able to communicate, there are some "media smart" cards that will swap over for you, plug them in and see if the leds light up in back04:58
TigranGjim_p: notification area wasnt added to the panel04:58
TigranGjim_p: lol04:58
RandallCapaH: none04:58
CapaHRandall: Well -- then it has no video driver04:58
CapaHRandall: Type this: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:59
CapaH(and memorize that - it will also prove useful later)04:59
kc8pxy_how do i remove pulseaudio and still have a working system?04:59
MindViruskc8pxy_, you probably want PulseAudio.04:59
CapaHRandall: At a point in that process it will ask you to select a video driver, resolution, etc --- choose 1024x768 and for driver choose: VESA from the list04:59
MindVirusIt's an excellent sound daemon.04:59
shredder12kitty..yes they do...but when i look in the Places->network..i just find an icon "window network" and the same thing appear in the other computer..05:00
kc8pxy_MindVirus:  the wine guys say that pulseaudio is getting in the way of sound in the games I'm trying to play.05:00
kitty_shredder12 are both computers running ubuntu ?05:00
CapaHkc8pxy: You should be able to get around that with wincfg05:00
shredder12kitty.. ya ubuntu 8.0405:00
MindViruskc8pxy_, what CapaH said.05:00
kitty_shredder12 are they connected to the internet somehow or are you on a third computer?05:00
kc8pxy_CapaH: .... ok,  how?  i'm runnign on pure alsa.05:01
MindVirusFurthermore, you can just kill the pulseaudio process without removing it.05:01
RandallCapa: what is framebuffer device interface?05:01
MindVirusPure ALSA isn't a sound daemon.05:01
CapaHkc8pxy: In winecfg go to Audio - and play with the settings05:01
MindVirusIt doesn't allow multiple programs outputting sound.05:01
shredder12kitty_ No, they are not connected to internet..05:01
CapaHRandall: What are your choices?05:01
MindVirusI mean, it does, but only as much as hardware supports.05:01
kitty_shredder12 on one computer, "ifconfig eth0" on the other "ifconfig eth0" then see if you can ping each other05:02
kitty_or if the network lights even blink05:02
RandallCapa: Yes/No on kernal framebuffer device interface05:02
kc8pxy_MindVirus:  how do i tell it give total priority to my game sound?05:02
CapaHRandall: Ah ok - choose No05:02
MindViruskc8pxy_, kill the other programs.05:02
MindVirusThere are probably better ways.05:02
MindVirusBut that's where I'd start.05:02
shredder12kitty_ i will try i may be offline for a while..coz as i have already if i m trying this lan thing i won't be connected to internet..05:02
trumpetmicCapaH / Randall: any ideas?  it doesn't seem to have specific driver information configured05:03
CapaHtrumpetmic: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:03
kc8pxy_MindVirus:  all the progs i know actually have sound are closed.05:03
CapaHAnd when prompted --- choose VESA from the driver list, and choose resolution 1024x76805:03
user_i have a problem with my keyboard layout. where used to be plus is now minus etc. there is only one alternative too, USA. what can i do to solve this05:03
kitty_shredder12 well it sounds like you're in need off a hub/switch or a router to me05:03
MindViruskc8pxy_, so kill off pulseaudio before you run the game.05:03
CapaHuser_ : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg :)05:03
army12bctook me about 20 to figure out how to even get in this channel05:03
kitty_shredder is this computer one you're taking over to the other one?05:03
trumpetmicCapaH, since I'm on my old TV, could I select 800x600?05:03
CapaHyes trump05:04
MindViruskc8pxy_, then run it again after the game.05:04
army12bccan someone help me out with snort and stuff05:04
trumpetmicthanks CapaH05:04
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MindVirusIt'll let you run the game but it's a hack.05:04
CapaHI think the topic should be: "Try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg first" heh05:04
MindVirusHeh CapaH.05:04
joshhuntIs there a command line equivilent of windirstat from windows, for ubuntu?05:05
CapaHarmy12bc: ... help with snort... thats a toughie05:05
ac13hey, I've noticed that the graphics are laggy whenever a large part of the screen refreshes (i.e. scrolling in firefox or fullscreen videos or games). small windows are not a problem. this is a new problem that cropped up after I "updated" to 8.10 rc, there was no problem before with 8.04. anyone know why that could be?05:05
kitty_joshhunt what the heck does windirstat do?05:05
MindVirusarmy12bc, well first, put your finger on a nostril, then put your other nostril over the snort, and inhale.05:05
army12bcwell before i start using ubuntu i want all the security set up05:05
CapaHarmy12bc: What are you trying to achieve with it exactly? I would say step one is load up synaptic and see if you can find snort / oinkmaster05:05
army12bci want to install it lol05:06
MindVirusCocaine isn't digital.05:06
army12bci just got ubuntu yesterday05:06
joshhuntkitty_: Creates a graphical representation of the files on my hdd and how much space they take up etc05:06
army12bcgot avast install now i need the firewall05:06
CapaHarmy12bc: I hope you are more concerned then about iptables than snort :)05:06
trumpetmicinteresting output CapaH: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config/dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable05:06
joshhuntI just want to know where most of the space is being taken up on my machine05:06
army12bci just want to make sure i'm secure05:07
CapaHarmy12bc: Get iptables installed/set up then - that is most important05:07
kitty_whats a nice application that can insert new files to an existing iso image?05:07
army12bcok how do i do that capah05:07
CapaHsnort / aide if you are really paranoid05:07
justin_anyone mind helping me with setting for my laptop?05:07
ytooxhey, how do you buil TAO on ubuntu?05:07
Tom_Davisarmy12bc, be careful you can lock yourself out with iptables05:08
kitty_or is able to extract the bootimage from an existing iso so i can re-use it05:08
ac13anyone know answer to my question way above?05:08
dr_willistheres secure. then thers paranoid. ;)05:08
CapaHarmy12bc: Best to start with some simple tutorials on google - look up iptables ubuntu05:08
army12bclol i'm cyber security student so.....05:08
army12bcok i will look05:08
dulakarmy12bc: it's a good idea to cron a script that will flush iptables every 10 minutes when you are working with it remote, just in case05:08
Tom_Davisarmy12bc, well then linux is for you05:09
army12bcsecond question is how do i set up multiple monitors05:09
carpediemac13: you should ask in #ubuntu+1 since you've installed a prerelease05:09
kitty_army12bc- apt-get kmyfirewall05:09
pjotrarmy12b: iptables is installed by default and is just a front-end of netfilter05:09
ac13carpediem: thanks05:09
army12bci got that kitty haven't played with it yet05:09
CapaHtrumpetmic: Try googling that error first - see if ya get something useful05:09
user_i have a problem with my keyboard layout. where used to be plus is now minus etc. there is only one alternative too, USA. what can i do to solve this05:09
CapaHuser_: Did you dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?05:09
CapaHThere is a spot there for you to choose in more detail what keyboard you are using - it will say things like "is there an N character?" etc - and better chooses the right keyboard05:10
army12bcok coming from windows this command line stuff is rediculous05:10
army12bchow do i find out what i'm typing definitions05:10
kitty_user_ take a screwdriver, pop off the - and replace, or use finger paint and make it a +05:10
dr_willisarmy12bc,  comming from windows.. i find the comand line concise, and very helpfull...05:10
carpediemarmy12bc: man <command>05:11
army12bci know dos commands05:11
CapaHarmy12bc: You will find that the amount of command-line stuff you *need* will decrease over time05:11
shredder12_kitty_ ..yes, i was able to ping them..and i even succeded to connect them through ssh...but isn't there a gui mode to connect..05:11
carpediemarmy12bc: I guarantee in a short period of time, you'll hate using dos05:11
kitty_connect to what shredder ? if you're not sharing anything it won't see anything, setup samba and share some folders05:11
pjotrarmy12bc: firestarter is a graphical user interface for iptables05:11
niccholaspageI am building a Disto based on Ubuntu called Ultimate os05:12
CapaHI still do not get - what makes a Distro based on Ubuntu not Ubuntu but rather a new distribution? Can anyone answer that one for me please? :)05:13
user_capah> i dont even know what that means05:13
carpediemCapaH: then is Ubuntu Debian?05:13
shredder12_kitty_ ..yes, i was able to ping them..and i even succeded to connect them through ssh...but isn't there a gui mode to connect.05:13
CapaHIs "Distro" just another way of saying that you install Ubuntu, change a few things around, and call it something new?05:13
FreshUbuntuNoobCapaH, Depends on who supports it05:13
CapaHcarpediem: That is my question I think :)05:13
army12bcok i used kmfirewall to set up basic wall i think i'm good now05:13
CapaHuser_: Type: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    as root05:13
CapaHarmy12bc: You have much to learn about being paranoid :)05:14
* kc8pxy_ was an idiot.05:14
CapaHarmy12bc: Grab Nessus :)05:14
carpediemCapaH: a distribution is a fairly loose term....but Ubuntu typically refers to those as a Remix05:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mupen05:14
* kc8pxy_ removed enough things that gnome-panel won't load. i log in and i get no bars.05:14
CapaHkc8: How did you manage that?05:14
kitty_Shredder12_: the browser in nautilus is showing you windows shares, if you share some stuff then you'll appear in the browser05:15
CapaHcarpediem: So if someone says to me they made a new Linux DISTRO called "my awesome OS" --- do I believe they just played with ubuntu customization or that they did something more wizardly? :)05:15
kc8pxy_CapaH:  i removes all the pusleaudio stuff i could find. and lost the bars before i talked to yall.05:15
carpediemCapaH: good thing about OSS, the good stuff succeeds, and the bad stuff fades away05:16
user_capah whwere in the terminal05:16
kc8pxy_CapaH:  tried simply reinstalling ubuntu desktop, and i didn't get it all back.05:16
user_of ubuntu or should i start a vm05:16
shredder12_kitty_ how do i share..do i just have to drop a folder in the window network folder  to get it shared..05:16
kc8pxy_CapaH:  recovery tips?05:17
user_i tye dkpg/reconfigure and get must be run as root05:17
carpediemI personally wish the guy luck, but UltimateOS is way too elitist sounding to be embraced by people who dig a fat penguin.05:17
trumpetmicCapaH: googled my video problem... there was a suggestion to chmod 777 a configuration file... tried that, but the error came up again.05:17
user_how do i run as root_05:17
pjotruser_: sudo05:17
user_and how do i later log off the root05:18
carpediemuser_: you don't, you put sudo before each command05:18
trumpetmicgoogling ubuntu tvout ati... nothing yet05:18
kc8pxy_user_: sudo runs only that command as root05:18
kitty_shredder12: right click on a folder, if you see "sharing options" then you have samba installed05:18
CapaHtrumpetmic: Are you ROOT when you ran it?05:18
CapaHBefore running it type: whoami -- make sure it says root. If it does not, type: sudo bash05:18
user_use kernek framebuffer device interface yes no05:19
dulakCapaH: sudo su -05:20
dulakCapaH: sudo bash doesn't give you a full login shell05:20
dulakCapaH: just an fyi05:21
user_what is swedens ISO country code_05:21
shredder12_kitty_ ... yes it had samba installed.but when i tried to share a folder..and clicked "create share" i got the following response..>>>>>>'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.<<<<<05:23
shredder12_kitty_.. what does it mean..??05:23
kelvin911is there a way to check what kinda ram i am using in ubuntu?05:23
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dionkelvin911: open the machine up and look at the modules :p05:24
MaevaI can watch video's but somehow It doesn't load the big flash thing on this website deredactie.be05:24
dulakkelvin911: system->administration->sytem monitor05:24
dulakkelvin911: oh you said kind of ram, not ram usage, my bad05:24
Randal1capaH: so i have no idea how to fix my driver problem05:24
user_configuring xserver-xorg now it tells me to choose pc105 and some others but i cant click ok or choose anything05:24
Randal1User: press the left arrow key i think05:25
Randal1and it should go over the ok05:25
CapaHRandal1, Are you root when you dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?05:25
pjotruser_, tab05:25
pjotrand enter05:25
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CapaHuser_: Try using arrow keys/tab/etc05:26
kelvin911i am too lazy open it now05:26
kelvin911i am working in a big project i dont wanna shut down05:26
kelvin911does ubuntu support 2 moniter?05:27
user_wtf it dodint chang enayhting05:28
user_do i have to restart_05:28
joshhuntCould someone please help me with rsync. The paths i specified are not being exluded.05:28
joshhuntHere is my command 'rsync -avl --delete --stats --progress --exclude '/home/joshhunt/backup/massiveatom.com/public/flux/html/' --exclude '/home/joshhunt/backup/massiveatom.com/public/ipwn/' /home/joshhunt/sites/massiveatom.com /home/joshhunt/backup'05:28
Tom_DavisI restarted in january05:28
dulakkelvin911: sudo lshw -C memory05:29
kitty_ok, i'm getting tired of wasting cd media ... can someone help me or is pounding my head into a wall the best solution ?05:29
trumpetmicok, so interesting, CapaH:  i ctrl  alt backspace from f7 and go back to command, and am able to run the reconfigure05:29
Tom_Daviskitty: what seems to be the problem?05:29
favrokitty_: burn the disks at 4x05:30
trumpetmicran the reconfigure, went back to f7, and it's still just blank05:30
Spetskelvin911: yes albeit not perfect. You may have to do some fiddeling around05:30
kitty_they burn fine favro, they work fine favro, i can't get the right information on them favro05:30
kelvin911dulak: doesnt work05:30
dulakkelvin911: works great for me05:30
kc8pxy_CapaH:  ok, i got my panels back.05:30
Tom_Daviskitty: is the md5 right?05:30
kitty_Tom_Davis, I am unable to boot windows partition, it doesn't say ntldr files missing dont point me to those helps again i'll strangle someone05:30
kelvin911dulak: http://pastebin.com/m78bef16705:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:31
user_im reconfiguring the keyboard but it is not working05:31
user_do i have to restart ubuntu05:31
dulakkelvin911: no space: sudo lshw -C memory05:31
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dulakkelvin911: not - C05:31
Tom_Davisuser_: ctrl-alt-backspace and relog, should pick it up05:31
kelvin911i didnt put any spacwe05:32
kelvin911what ?05:32
kelvin911what not -C ?05:32
ezzieyguywufis there a way to make left+right click equal a fourth mouse button as opposed to emulated a third button (which i have?)05:32
dulakkelvin911: it's -C, not - C05:32
nephlimanyone else having ssh hang when trying to connect (client)?05:32
dulakkelvin911: no space after the -05:32
saftarni reconfigured my keyboard as you said kapa but it didnt work05:32
Spets"sudo lshw -C memory"05:32
saftarndo i have to restar tubuntu05:33
Tom_Davissaftarn: ctrl-alt-backspace and relog, should pick it up05:33
Mr_Politeis empathy getting shoehorned in as the default IM client in Gnome/8.10?05:33
kelvin911dulak: ok05:33
kelvin911dulak: http://pastebin.com/m55dfec0305:33
kelvin911what does it mean?05:33
dulakkelvin911: it means you have 2 512 meg dimms installed for a total of 1g ram05:34
kelvin911can i buy a 2GB or 4GB and stick in there?05:34
saftarnwhere is .emacs on ubuntu05:34
dulakkelvin911: it looks like you need pairs, and have 2 banks free05:34
kelvin911why do i need pairs?05:35
dulakkelvin911: you need 2 1g sticks of 533mhz dimms05:35
dulakkelvin911: cuz it's running in ddr mode05:35
kelvin911whys that?05:35
Spetsdual data rate05:35
kelvin911ddr mode?05:35
dulakkelvin911: because god said you do05:35
mrpocketsis there anyone using the Ubuntu EEE?05:35
Spetsi am05:35
kelvin911ddr2 or ddr3?05:35
saftarnwhere is .emacs on ubuntu05:35
Spetsin the repos?05:36
dulakkelvin911: hold on let me look up which is 533mhz05:36
travHello How is everybody today!05:36
dulakkelvin911: ddr3 533mhz05:36
kitty_trav: homocidal05:36
trumpetmiccan ubuntu tell me what video card i have via the command line?05:36
nephlimsaftarn, sudo apt-get install emacs, then type emacs &05:36
kelvin911why is it in bank 0 and 2?05:36
rippsEmpathy vs. Pidgin: should I replace Pidgin with Empathy?05:37
kelvin911should that be in 0 and 1?05:37
travThats terrible whats going on/?05:37
kitty_i still can not get windows to boot and i don't have a way to fix this crap05:37
liufangjinHello.every one.05:37
Spetsbecause bank 0 and 2 is a pair and 1 and 3 is a pair05:37
dr_willisripps,  install them both. use what you like.05:37
dulakkelvin911: ddr banks are even and odd05:37
kelvin911here is my mobo http://img.neoseeker.com/v_image.php?articleid=1795&image=5605:37
kitty_dulak, some motherboards will recognize single sided and double sided chips as seperate banks05:38
kelvin911what diff between the blue slot and black slot?05:38
dulakkelvin911: blue is one bank, black is another bank05:38
dulakkitty_: I'm trying not to confuse him05:38
kelvin911should i get 667mhz or 533 mhz ram?05:39
dulakkelvin911: 533, match what you have installed05:39
dulakkelvin911: mix and match ram is never a good idea05:39
kelvin911is 667 better?05:39
SpetsIts faster05:39
nephlimssh hangs on connect (client). worked for the past 3 years. any ideas?05:39
kitty_lol that sure doesn't leave alot of room for expansion cards05:39
dulakkelvin911: it's faster, but if your board doesn't support it, you'll just run at 533 anyways and waste money05:40
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dulakkelvin911: trust me, get 533 and match what you have05:40
kelvin911http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/asusp5nd2sli/ here is the spec05:40
kitty_i still use an a7v100 :D05:40
kelvin911in memory there it said ddr205:41
kelvin911i dont know diff between ddr2 and ddr3?05:41
b33rddr3 is faster and a lot more expensive05:41
dulakkelvin911: everything I see lists 533 as ddr3 but if the specs say ddr2, get that05:41
kelvin911Max. 8 GB/4 GB DDR2 667/533/400 non-ECC memory (8 GB DDR2 support for 64 bit OS platform only)05:41
kelvin911does that mean i need to use ddr2 ram?05:42
dulakkelvin911: yes, get 533 ddr2 ram05:42
travQuestion: If I was to clone myself; And then Have sex with that clone do you think that would be GAY:?05:42
kelvin911can i get 667 ddr2?05:42
kelvin911and sell my 533?05:42
brad_Can I get some help fixing a WiFi screwup?05:42
b33rkelvin911, yes better05:42
dulakkelvin911: if you want, just don't mix and match different speeds of ram05:42
kelvin911what about the max?05:42
kelvin911is it 4gb or 8gb?05:43
andresmhi want to start checkgmail *after* getting a network connection05:43
andresmhhow can i do that?05:43
dulakkelvin911: depends what OS you are running05:43
kelvin911and xp05:43
pjotrkelvin911, 64 or 32 bit05:43
dulakkelvin911: 32bit is only gonna see like 3.2g of ram05:44
b33rkelvin911, 32 bit support up to 4GB05:44
kelvin911i heard that xp can only see 2GB05:44
kelvin911ubuntu 32bit05:44
dr_willisandresmh,  start it from rc.local is one way.05:44
nephlimbrad_, tell us more05:44
kitty_can someone tell me what the hell 1394 is good for anyways?05:44
kelvin911so i cant use 4gb on ubuntu?05:44
kitty_brad_ problems?05:44
dr_williskelvin911,  on a 32bit system - you will proberly lose a little bit of the ram.05:44
brad_I had enabled WPA-SPK ( I think)  and it only worked on this computer.05:45
brad_so I turned it off, got internet back on every other one.. except this one.05:45
kelvin911do i have to install ubuntu 64bit if i get more ram?05:45
kelvin911what about softwares?05:45
favrokelvin911: all 32bit os's have alimit around 3G for mem05:45
brad_I swiched the wireless security off, and I still can't get it05:45
dr_williskitty_,  1394 = firewire, used by a lot of video cameras. and  external drives/devices.05:45
b33rkelvin911, if you get more than 4GB you need 64 bit05:45
dr_williskelvin911,  you do not have to.. if you want to access more then 4gb you will need to.05:45
kitty_what does that port look like ?05:45
Gun_Smokewhat about the big mem kernel?05:45
kitty_i thought it was a smaller usb cable05:46
kelvin911so i better just wait?05:46
nephlimbrad_, can you  reset the router without losing anything important?05:46
dr_williskitty_,  i wold say check the wiki page for it.. theres proberly images there..  its roundish  on one side.05:46
kelvin911just stay with what i have?05:46
brad_I could.. Not LOL05:46
brad_I'm on a sprint EVDO card ATM since I can't connect to WiFI05:46
SpetsIf you want to access beyond 3.3.. GB ram you need a 64bit OS05:46
jeeves_Mosshow do I burn a .DDA file05:46
dulakkelvin911: if I was you, and I needed more ram, I would just buy 2 1g sticks of 533 ddr2 and be done with it05:46
dr_willisthe amount of ram 'lost' when you have exactly 4gb on a 32bit system. can depend on your exact hardware also.05:47
kelvin911so total 3GB?05:47
b33rkelvin911, you will get some performance boost if you change your 533 to 66705:47
nephlimbrad_, maybe try using another flavour of wpa?05:47
kelvin911how much boost?05:47
brad_nephlim, all the security is turned off05:47
jeeves_Mossanyone?  burning a .DDA file?05:47
dulakkelvin911: that depends on where your performance bottleneck is, but 3g will put you under the limit your OS can see05:47
nephlimbrad_, linksys?05:48
brad_WRT-300N Rev 105:48
b33rkelvin911, if you are looking for some good boost I'd get the 800mhz if your mobo supports it05:48
kelvin911dulak: brb05:48
saftarni did dkpg-reconfigure but i still have the same keyboardmess, do i have to restart ubuntu to see the effect05:48
kelvin911here is my mobo spec http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/asusp5nd2sli/05:48
dulakb33r: his specs only put him a 667 max05:49
kitty_well all i know about 1394 is when you buy a laptop and you think it has onboard lan you're sadly mistaken05:49
b33rthen he should stick with 66705:49
nephlimbrad_, i'm stumped. I will say that i swore by linksys until they got flaky, then switched to netgear. no problems since.05:49
pjotrsaftarn, nope just restart X, ctrl+alt+backspace05:49
nephlimbrad_, have you tried grabbing a neighbors unlocked router?05:50
brad_I'm the one everyone mooches off05:50
kitty_I LOVE INSECURE NETWORKS wish they were closer to my house05:50
nephlimare the other computers ubuntu also?05:51
HESANhello people.  i got ububtu 8.04 and i was wondering how to enable compiz fusion05:51
nephlimthat CAN connect05:51
Gun_Smokekitty_, they are everywhere http://www.wigle.net/05:51
FiveipadsHESAN you need to get the compiz fusion manager started05:51
jeeves_Mossanyone?  how do I burn a .DDA file?05:52
FiveipadsHESAN: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:52
BeatKiLLhowdy biznitches05:52
CoRnJuLiOxquestion: i'm using the update manager, and its downloaded around 30/152 files i need, if I were to stop it now, would it save the 30 I already downloaded and continue where it left off, or would it start from the beginning again?05:53
jeeves_MossGun_Smoke, any ideas on burning a .DDA file?05:53
dulakCoRnJuLiOx: it should start where it left off, each file is cached for the install phase05:53
CoRnJuLiOxok thanks05:53
brad_this stupid wifi problem is pissing me off05:54
Fiveipadswhat was your wifi problem?05:54
brad_theres no linux alternative to ipconfig -renew and - release05:54
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brad_so I turned it off, got internet back on every other one.. except this one.05:55
brad_I had enabled WPA-SPK ( I think)  and it only worked on this computer.05:55
brad_so I turned it off, got internet back on every other one.. except this one.05:55
FloodBot2brad_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
Fiveipadsso you turned off encryption05:55
brad_yes. and I deleted it out of the connections05:55
Gun_Smokesudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:56
Fiveipadscheck the type of WPA05:56
Fiveipadsare the other machines windows?05:56
brad_five, wireless secuity is off now05:56
Fiveipadswhat kind of wireless cards are in the other five windows computers05:57
HESANfiveipaids: how do i start it?05:57
brad_its mixed05:57
Fiveipadslike B and G cards?05:58
brad_theres 2 linksys, 2 d-links, a dell, and a HP05:58
brad_All  are G are one except for a N linksys05:58
FiveipadsHESAN: once that apt-get installs correctly05:58
Fiveipadsits under the preferences under advanced user settings05:58
Fiveipadssomething to that effect05:58
Fiveipadsand the other five windows machines cant connect under the WPA connect05:59
Fiveipadsthey should be able too05:59
Gun_Smokei thought the ms machines were up and the linux box couldn't05:59
Fiveipads*brad_: the windows can connect05:59
Gun_Smokeand it used to connect fine05:59
brad_it was the only PC that worked with the WPA06:00
Gun_Smokewhat did you change/add?06:00
brad_I added WPA, it didn't work. I turned it off and removed the security check in connections, I still can't connect06:00
Fiveipadscan you do WEP?06:00
brad_not going to06:01
Gun_Smokebrad_, so no encryption is up at the moment and you can't connect?06:01
Fiveipadsi was just asking if you tested that06:01
brad_NO its off06:01
Gun_Smoketry restarting networking yet?06:01
brad_I get "authentication required by wireless netwo"06:01
Gun_Smokesudo /etc/init.d/networking restart06:01
brad_yes I did06:01
brad_it did nothing06:02
Gun_Smokeand how about sudo iwlist wlan0 scan06:02
Gun_Smokesudo iwconfi essid "yours"06:02
brad_command not found06:02
lyk3ndoes anyone have experience in virtual systems in ubuntu06:02
Cycombrad_: anything about wireless in the output of dmesg? like if you do "dmesg | grep wlan"06:02
Cycomlyk3n: like VMWare?06:03
ajhtiredwolfhey so anyone else do that? mount a hard drive over the network to store your files? its working great only problem is that the mount is starts before the network oes some times, which causes it to take 5 minutes or so just hanging there06:03
lyk3nCycom: sure looking to try redhat, but virtually06:03
brad_theres output06:03
Cycomajhtiredwolf: how are you mounting the drive exactly?06:03
SpetsBrad: is kill switch on?06:04
Cycomlyk3n: I'm a fan of VMWare workstation, but that's $$.  You can run server 1.x on ubuntu I think...06:04
Spetsdmesg | grep kill switch06:04
lyk3nCycom: do you know a free one06:04
HESANthx fiveipaids06:04
Cycombrad_: most wireless cards have a hardware or software kill switch06:04
spasticteapotI have a really weird problem. I can play video just fine, but it's all in black and white!06:04
Cycomlyk3n: vmware server, but it's far from the only one.06:04
SpetsIf kill switch is on then your network is down06:04
gatengoogle maps won't work in firefox 3.0.3 or minefield, and neither will youtube videos. ive run it in safemode with the same results. any suggestions?06:04
SpetsIts a software switch for the network card06:04
LinuxWizard_hiya ppl... can anyone tell me how to script an app to start once another program runs????06:04
Mr_Politegaten: install flash06:04
kitty_anyone help me with modifying a bootable iso image ?06:05
Spetsspasticteapot: sure its not just that one program?06:05
Uplinkomg i need help, my userlist in xchat just disappeared06:05
spasticteapotTried mplayer and VLC.06:05
brad_no killswitch, and my bluetooth is on which means wifi is enabled06:05
lyk3nCycom: I'll give that one a try. THANKS06:05
Spetskitty_: reconfigurator06:05
Cycomlyk3n: np. VMs are awesome.06:05
kitty_whats that spets?06:05
SpetsIts what you want06:05
Rat409lyk3n: virtual box is another06:05
Spetsgoogle it06:05
gatenMr_Polite:  does gmaps need flash? and yes, that is an on going problem. flash won't work no matter what i try (install/reinstall etc)06:05
Cycomlyk3n: I spent the $$ to get a licence for workstation for a bunch of extra features, but that's your call.  Server will work fine, or like Rat409 said, virtualbox06:06
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kitty_i have been just making isos with mkisofs06:06
lyk3nCycom:ok, sounds good guys06:06
Cycomgaten: did you try the ubuntu-rescrited-extras?06:06
kitty_but i don't know how to get this to EXTRACT the boot image so i can modify it06:06
Mr_Politegaten: firefox beta and minefield will not get teh flash plugin installed using the installer from adobe. the plugin must be manually installed06:06
lyk3nRat409: thanks, I haven't heard of this one06:06
Cycomkitty_: I think you can mount it as a loopback device as rw, but I could be wrong, and I don't know how to do it :)06:07
MindhazingsquidI'm having graphics issues, I don't think it's my card because it works fine in windows, but my screensaver (in ubuntu) just shows a black screen no mater what setting it's on and programs on or off WINE don't work either.  I think it's driver issues but don't know enough about how to fix it.06:07
Spetsubuntu-rescrited-extras is a meta package with all sorts of nasties though06:07
Gun_Smokebrad_, does sudo iwlist wlan0 scan return with your network and list encryption key off ?06:07
ajhtiredwolfCycom, in fstab as // blah06:07
gatenMr_Polite:  i tried that. still no go06:07
SpetsMindhazingsquid: It could be a graphics driver issue06:07
dulakkitty_: you mount it on the loopback, copy it out of the mount to a rw location, do your changes, and use mkisofs to create a new iso of the changed copy06:08
Mr_Politegaten: goto adobe.com and download flash 10, but get teh .tar.gz version. unpack is and copy the libflash*.so to the plugin directory of what ever browser you want to use it with. restart the browser and you're set06:08
Cycomajhtiredwolf:  hrm.... why not just use the 'Places, Connect to server, bookmark' option?06:08
dulakkitty_: if it's bootable you have to extract the boot bits from the original iso to use with mkisofs06:08
kitty_dulak i wants to change the boot image06:08
Cycomajhtiredwolf: if you REALLY need to mount it via fstab, set it for noauto and set up a cron job or init script to mount it after the system is 'all the way up'06:08
brad_Gun_Smoke, http://pastebin.ca/123668606:08
MindhazingsquidSpets, I suspect the same but I'm not sure how to fix it.  Can I just install the drivers from Nvidia? (I have a geforce card) I was told a while ago not to do that but I didn't really understand why.06:09
nephlimssh client hangs on connect (won't). all other machines behind the router connect fine06:09
nephlimany ideas?06:09
Cycombrad_: what about ifconfig? it looks like you have a decent connection...06:09
gatenMr_Polite:  in the interest of not wasting your time, here's a thread with the steps ive taken so far: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=1aa2f764948565f79acdc9cdca366a53&p=6034609#post603460906:09
Gun_Smokebrad_, looks good.. how about sudo dhclient wlan006:09
ajhtiredwolfCycom, put it in fstab AND in a sctript?06:09
gatenCycom:  yes, and no go06:09
kitty_ok lets pretend somehow i extract the bootimage, and now i have it as a .bin file, how am i going to modify it (its a floppy image)06:09
dulakkitty_: k3b can extract the boot image from an iso06:09
flav0rl3ssanyone know what to call this kind of graphic symptom? http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t76/injected666/ss3.jpg06:09
Cycomajhtiredwolf: right, but don't put it as automount06:09
Spetskitty_: sorry, i meant reconstructor06:09
Cycomwait, brad_, can you paste the output of ifconfig wlan0 and iwconfig wlan0?06:10
brad_gun: http://pastebin.ca/123668706:10
Spetsflav0rl3ss: "artifacts"  Clock down your video card06:11
brad_is ipconfig06:11
brad_eer ifconfig06:11
bullgard4Is the following sentence true? "The Linux console is a kernel driver plus some user-space utilities for console support." If so, what  is the name of thi kernel driver?06:11
dulakkitty_: you mount the .img file on the loopback, copy the filesystem off to a rw location, make changes, and use zcat and cpio to make it back into an image06:11
dulakkitty_: there is mad docs on all of this available from google06:11
ajhtiredwolfCycom, something like mount -t cifs noauto // /location ?06:12
Cycomajhtiredwolf: right, and then you set up your script to do 'mount /location'06:12
Maevai can't watch video's on a certain site, it worked before though. I have fnome and adobe flash 9.006:12
ajhtiredwolfCycom, is that syntax correct?06:13
Gun_Smokebrad_, that last one looks like your up.. ping something06:14
SpetsMaeva: quickfix: get the url of the video and open it in vlc06:14
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:14
brad_let me discoonnect my EVDO card06:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yo06:14
Cycomajhtiredwolf: heck if I know06:15
saftarni cant use the scroll on my mouse, how can i solve that?06:15
Cycomajhtiredwolf: are you able to mount it and umount it?06:15
Cycomsaftarn: depends on the mouse06:15
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ajhtiredwolfCycom, yes i have been mounting it manually for now06:15
MaevaSpets: i'll try updating flash first :)06:15
Spetswhat site is it?06:15
Cycomajhtiredwolf: so yeah, just throw noauto in there, and then set up something in an init script06:16
MaevaAdobe Flash Player version
Maeva.deb for Ubuntu 8.04+ | 3.8MB06:16
Maevalooks good :)06:16
MaevaSpets: other users also tell they got black screen, i can watch video's on other sites like youtube though06:17
hiptobecubic^wow, irssi sucks.06:17
dr_willishiptobecubic^,  your opinion is not shared by many others.. :)06:17
hiptobecubic^it's such a cluttered display06:17
Gun_Smokehiptobecubic^, it's good to know anyhow.. you'll find yourself someday without x06:17
outbackwifi!etiquette| alejandrock06:18
ubottualejandrock: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...06:18
Gun_Smokehiptobecubic^, try it from another tty06:18
Maevaerror: wrong architecture 'i386'06:18
hiptobecubic^Gun_Smoke: i'm not in x, which is why i'm using irssi06:19
SpetsMaeva: http://www.deredactie.be/cm/de.redactie/mediatheek?mode=popupplayer&clickedMediaId=http://www.deredactie.be/cm/de.redactie/mediatheek/1.403866&fullscreen=false   works here Firefox/3.0.306:19
Gun_Smokeyou could play with bitch06:19
* outbackwifi is happy with his chatzilla06:19
pixelatedif irissi isnt your bag, then you could try telnet...06:20
* Uplink is happy with xchat06:20
Gun_Smokeoutbackwifi, xchat is where it's at06:20
Uplinklol heck yea Gun_Smoke ;)06:20
MaevaSpets: I don't see everything, normally under 'strip' (left above) you could see the news, I mean the video's in a slide06:20
Uplinklook at my xchat theme http://s71.photobucket.com/albums/i130/carlosrc007/?action=view&current=Screenshot.png06:20
pixelatedbut thats for Real Men only...06:20
Uplinki made it myself :D06:21
saftarni cant use the scroll on my mouse, how can i solve that?06:21
Uplinksaftarn: is your mouse USB?06:21
saftarnwhen firefox downloads a flash pluign for me, does it install it to?06:21
saftarnuplink: i dont know, how do i checl?06:21
Uplinksaftarn: lol06:22
Uplinkhow can you not know if your mouse is USB? :|06:22
kelvin911why the ddr2-533 ram is cheaper than pc4300 400 ram?06:22
Uplinkits DDR2 thats why =p06:22
MaevaI downloaded adobe flash 10 and I click on the .deb icon and it sais packet: adobe-flashplugin status: Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'06:22
kelvin911ddr2 is newer but cheaper?06:23
SpetsMaeva: seems i got flashplugin-nonfree 10 from backports06:23
Gun_SmokeUplink, check out uberscript for xchat06:23
UplinkGun_Smoke: link me06:23
saftarnuplink: well teach the noob then06:23
dulakkelvin911: basic supply and demand, older stuff is rarer since it's not made as much so more expensive than newer stuff that is made a lot even with high demand06:23
Uplinksaftarn: uhh... how can i show you? wait06:23
kelvin911is this what i should get pc2-5300 2X1GB DDR2-667 ??06:24
MaevaI use AMD6406:24
MHz128hello world06:24
Maevamaybe I must disable the 9.0 in order to install 1006:25
MHz128I've accidentally removed an entire icons path using rm -r. Is there any way to bring it back?06:25
MHz128is rm permanent?06:25
dulakkelvin911: only do that if you are gonna remove the 533 stuff you have installed06:25
UplinkMaeva: you need flash x64 then06:25
kelvin911dulak: what is the average price now?06:25
dulakkelvin911: if you want to keep what you have, match it exactly06:25
kelvin911is this good deal ? http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=18583&vpn=VS2GBKIT667D2&manufacture=CORSAIR06:26
dulakkelvin911: I don't know, google can tell you06:26
kelvin911what abour the latency stuff like that?06:26
dulakkelvin911: corsair is a good brand of ram, I use them a lot06:26
saftarnit is an optical mouse it is in the usb port06:26
Gun_Smokekelvin911, rm is forever06:26
Maevawhere do I find that Uplink06:26
kelvin911what do i need to need to look other than 667MHz06:26
saftarnnow how do i scroll it?06:27
UplinkMaeva: 2 seconds06:27
kelvin911what rm?06:27
Gun_Smokeerrr.. MHz128 rm is forever06:27
gentoo4lifeunless you backed up :)06:27
Gun_Smokewelcome to linux..06:27
pixelatedwhy thank you06:28
MHz128Gun_Smoke, so I guess im screwed??? reinstall?06:28
Gun_Smokehehe.. could be the fastest route.. what did you toss?06:28
kelvin911what is the diff between pc2-5300 and pc2-5400 ?06:28
Cycomhehe. the unix hater's handbook talks about that06:28
pixelatedkelvin911, 10006:28
kelvin911is this one good http://www.ncix.com/products/index.php?sku=18582&vpn=TWIN2X2048%2D5400C4&manufacture=CORSAIR?06:29
UplinkMaeva: adove flash player 10?06:29
Maevallooks like they don't support a 64 bit version06:29
Maevayes Uplink06:30
kelvin911675 MHz?06:30
UplinkMaeva: for firefox?06:30
Gun_SmokeMHz128, you just dumped icons?06:30
MaevaMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; nl; rv: Gecko/2008092510 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.306:30
dulakkelvin911: yup, you want 5300, which is what your mb supports06:30
UplinkMaeva: hmm 2 seconds let me see06:30
dulakkelvin911: but only if you are dumping your existing 533 stuff06:30
Maevayeah normally I always solve my problems true google, but in this case I had to come here06:31
kelvin911dulak: should i get 2X1GB 667 or 2X1GB 533+2X512 533 I have now?06:31
AlgorithmicContrCould someone help me with my problem? basically i installed a program earlier called ROOT (has nothing to do with root user access, it's a poorly named program) and then i installed a package which reinstalled ROOT but with a newer version + with extra tools not found in ROOT normally. so i need this second program to be the ROOT another program knows about.  so basically, i have some problem with dependencies for one of my other pr06:32
Maevalol the nick06:32
RetrogradeCulturwhat is the syntax of 'find' to find any file in the dir tree called log.backup.txt ?06:32
dulakkelvin911: I've told you multiple times not to mix and match ram speeds, I'm not gonna say it again.  If you are keeping your existing 533, then expand with 533, if you are replacing, get 667 for the performance increase06:33
dulakkelvin911: I'm totally done repeating myself to you06:33
Spetseighter 4x512 533 or 2x1GB 66706:33
MaevaUplink: maybe this ? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2482606:33
kelvin911dulak: i mean should i get 2GB 667     OR      1GB533+2GB533?06:34
kelvin9112GB 667 or 3GB533?06:34
dulakkelvin911: I can't decide for you, do you want 2g or 3g of ram?06:35
godsynplease assist. I've written a bash script to ease the streaming of video via VLC. we'll say it is called vlcstream.sh and is executable. the content (of importance) would resemble vlc $1 (other commands). The issue is when supplying a file with a space in it, it is treated as two arguements (even if excaped with "\06:35
kelvin911which one give me better performance?06:35
dulakkelvin911: 533 to 667 is not a huge boost, you will barely notice it06:35
MHz128Gun_Smoke,  ya dumped entire icons directory06:35
RetrogradeCulturactually I got it, thanks though all06:35
kelvin911what about ns?06:35
godsynplease assist. I've written a bash script to ease the streaming of video via VLC. we'll say it is called vlcstream.sh and is executable. the content (of importance) would resemble vlc $1 (other commands). The issue is when supplying a file with a space in it, it is treated as two arguements (or more) even if excaped with "\". Resolve?06:35
kelvin911the current ram here is 1.9ns06:35
Gun_SmokeMHz128, Go find some nice ones at www.gnome-look.org and install them.06:35
ubottugodsyn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:35
UplinkMaeva: try gnash then =]06:36
dulakkelvin911: I've never paid much attention to that speed for ram06:36
b33rkelvin911, get 2X1GB 667 and throw away your 53306:36
godsynoutbackwifi, sorry, pressed enter too early. added info, and resubmitted text. Purely an accident.06:36
outbackwifigodsyn: does quoting the filename help?06:36
kelvin911the kingston ram i am looking at here is 3.75ns06:36
Maevais there a 64 bit 10 flash plugin ?06:36
godsynoutbackwifi, nope :( tried both " and '06:36
aldrengodsyn, did you try to use the argument into " "?06:36
kelvin911does the access time make any diff?06:37
outbackwifigodsyn: can you pastebin your script?06:37
dulakkelvin911: what exactly is making you want to upgrade anyways?06:37
Cycomkelvin911: chances are if you need to ask for advice on which ram to get, you don't really need the super high performance :)06:37
godsynoutbackwifi, sure, one moment.06:37
kelvin911i think i gb of ram isnt enough06:37
godsyn!pastebin godsyn06:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin godsyn06:37
UplinkMaeva: nope... adove flash doesnt support 64bit06:37
gentoo4life#c%s hmmmmm06:37
Maeva"You are supposed to execute a script. No to install flash-plugin non free directly, which will fail."06:37
b33rkelvin911, depends what you do on your pc06:37
kelvin911i open opera with like 20 tabs, working pidgin, skype, vlc, emacs, have like 4 pdf files open06:37
kelvin9112 image open06:38
kelvin911coupld xdvi open06:38
Rat409!pastebin | godsyn06:38
ubottugodsyn: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:38
b33rkelvin911, if you open 100 websites at the same time then yes 1GB is not enough06:38
kelvin911i notice lag when i close some application06:38
Cycomkelvin911: personally, I'd go with the cheaper option.  if that is 2x512MB 533mhz, go for it.06:38
kelvin911and i have compiz on06:38
dulakkelvin911: if I was you I'd go to 3g of 533 and not worry about 667, but that's me06:38
kelvin911with the osx dock thing06:38
godsynpatebin of script in question is located @ http://pastebin.com/d296957106:39
dulakkelvin911: which is exactly the advice I gave you like an hour ago btw06:39
kelvin911so i  should just buy 2 more 1GB ram?06:39
Maevabut why did it worked before06:39
army12bcHELP NVIDIA DRIVER!!!!06:39
kelvin911what about the bank should i put the faster ram to bank 0+2?06:39
godsynarmy12bc, going to need to be a little more specific.06:40
b33rkelvin911, I have 2GB of DDR2 800mhz and I rarely use more than 1GB so imo if you are a regular user 2GB is more than enough06:40
MaevaAdobe Flash Player is not supported for playback in a 64-bit browser. However, you can run Flash Player in a 32-bit browser running on a 64-bit operating system.06:40
army12bcinstall nvidia config and settings and now stuck at 800x60006:40
army12bcwon't enable driver06:40
kelvin911b33r: do u open more than 6 app at the same time?06:40
b33rkelvin911, yes06:40
kelvin911when i am working i open like 20 tabs in browser06:40
Flannelkelvin911: Depends on the MoBo.  Some do pairs in 0,2 and 1,3 some do it 0,1 and 2,306:40
army12bctry to reinstall driver xserver running cannot stop it06:40
b33rkelvin911, it also depends on the apps06:40
kelvin9112 math softwares06:40
kelvin911maple + octave06:41
kelvin911open more than 3 pdf files06:41
Cycomkelvin911: all running at once?06:41
Flannel!enter | kelvin91106:41
aldrengodsyn, you just need to put the file with ""06:41
ubottukelvin911: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:41
b33rkelvin911, get 2X1GB if you think it's not enough you can get 2GB more06:41
aldrenit will work06:41
kelvin911all running at once06:41
Maevacan I run a 32 bit browser running on my 64 bit ubuntu system ?06:41
Flannel!chroot | Maeva06:41
ubottuMaeva: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box06:41
outbackwifi!envy | army12bc06:42
ubottuarmy12bc: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk06:42
leninhey men LinuxMint Fluxbox CE is Marvelous!!!06:42
Cycomkelvin911: and that begs the question, why?06:42
army12bcwtf newbie here need to be a little slower06:42
Uplinklenin: define marvelous06:42
Flannellenin: This is #ubuntu, you're looking for some other channel.06:42
FloodBot2inFaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:42
inFazNe dionuz06:43
kelvin911kingston or corsair ?06:43
inFazturkce konusun06:43
godsynaldren, so sudo ./vlcstream.sh "/media/gorfystorage1/Video/Movies/The\ Godfather.avi" ?06:43
Spetskelvin991: corsair06:43
dulakkelvin911: corsair06:43
aldrengodsyn yeah06:43
Flannel!tr | inFaz06:43
ubottuinFaz: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.06:43
kelvin911so mixing different brand of ram is fine?06:43
kelvin911as long as they are same speed06:43
Cycomkelvin911: mixing brands is usually ok06:43
army12bcwhat is command to revert so backup config06:44
godsynreturns (amung other complaints) [00000329] access_file access warning: Godfather.avi: No such file or directory06:44
Rat409!tk inFaz06:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tk infaz06:44
Cycomkelvin911: I've even had completely whacked out ram setups that worked, but you're better off getting at least the same brand for pairs in slots06:44
godsynit also complains that it can't open "the"..06:44
=== Guest96309 is now known as jno
inFaz w    w w .Pa s a s o  h b e t . c o m  Aga  Buraya Gelin06:44
inFaz w    w w .Pa s a s o  h b e t . c o m  Aga  Buraya Gelin ,06:44
inFaz w    w w .Pa s a s o  h b e t . c o m  Aga  Buraya Gelin ,06:45
inFaz w    w w .Pa s a s o  h b e t . c o m  Aga  Buraya Gelin ,06:45
FloodBot2inFaz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
aldrenbecause you had used \06:45
aldrenjust put the path and file into a ""06:45
godsynsame issue.06:45
Maevaubottu & uplink: what about this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47692406:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:45
lenini´m never saw my pc runing so fast until now06:45
kelvin911so 4200 is 533?06:45
godsynsudo ./vlcstream.sh "/media/gorfystorage1/Video/Movies/The Godfather.avi" returns the same error.06:45
Cycomgodsyn: it's a bash script, yeah?06:46
UplinkMaeva: thats for dapper-gusty06:46
aldrenhm, maybe the vlc does not understand spaces06:46
Cycomaldren: no, it's a shell expansion thing I'm pretty sure, I just can't remember how to solve it06:46
MaevaUplink: Click here if you want to download the script for r124 Flash plugin. (recommended Gutsy-Hardy)06:46
pjotrgodsyn, rename the avi?06:47
penanyone knows mozplugger?06:47
penhow can i add vlc support?06:47
Cycomaldren: I seem to remember needing triple backslashes or something silly like that.06:47
penso instead of using totem06:47
penit will use vlc06:47
godsynpjotr, not an option.06:47
godsynCycom, correct.06:47
UplinkMaeva: sure give it a shot... and if you get stuck we can help you06:47
Cycomgodsyn: I'd check out in #bash, more likely to find a bashscript hacker in there06:47
RetrogradeCulturwhat's the quickest command to find a file?06:48
RetrogradeCultursay foo.txt06:48
godsynCycom, thanks for the advice, will ask there.06:48
Cycomgodsyn: good luck!06:48
MaevaUplink: i'm giving it a try it's for hardy06:48
UplinkMaeva: yea i just saw06:48
pjotrRetrogradeCultur, locate foo.txt06:48
army12bccan anyone help with graphics problem06:48
aldrengodsyn, have you tried to use the script on the directory, so, just execute the script sudo bla.sh "The Godfather.avi"06:49
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk06:49
RetrogradeCulturit terminated with no output06:49
RetrogradeCulturdoes that mean it found nothing?06:49
RetrogradeCulturah I see why06:50
RetrogradeCulturI left the path out06:50
jhalsteadI'm trying to do a "sudo zcat boot.img.bz > /dev/sdb1" where dev is a USB Flash drive.  but even with sudo I'm getting permission denied.  Anyone know why?06:51
RetrogradeCulturit still didn't work06:51
army12bcfinally something working06:51
dulakjhalstead: you don't deal with the /dev file in that situation, you mount it and zcat onto the mount point06:52
RetrogradeCulturi don't know the path of this file but i'm trying to locate it and I get no response out of 'locate' other than clean termination06:52
Flanneljhalstead: because the sudo is being run on the zcat, not the pipe.  Do this instead: zcat boot.img.bz | sudo tee /dev/sdb106:52
dr_willisjhalstead,  you sure you dont want /dev/sdb ? and not sdb1?06:52
RetrogradeCulturi need to break out my old linux for dummies06:52
pjotrRetrogradeCultur: sudo updatedb, then locate file06:52
outbackwifijhalstead: you need to check for write-protection on the usb06:52
stdinjhalstead: use "zcat boot.img.bz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb1"06:52
penanyone knows mozplugger?06:52
dr_willisRetrogradeCultur,  locate uses a 'database' thats only updated every so often. (like once a day) unless you update it more.06:53
dulakjhalstead: are you trying to make the usb stick bootable?06:53
RetrogradeCulturk thx06:53
penanyone knows mozplugger?06:53
RetrogradeCulturI appreciate it06:53
Flannel!anyone | pen06:53
ubottupen: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:53
bn43hello - does anyone have their suspend function working perfectly on their laptops?06:55
penFlannel: finally some body take notice of me. See, if I ask my next question first, no body cares06:55
penFlannel: if you scroll up a bit you can see I already asked a question06:55
MaevaUplink: it sais flash isn't installed now06:55
bn43mine is driving me insane!!06:55
UplinkMaeva: where06:55
ubottupen: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:55
Tom_Davispen: please state the nature of your ubuntu emergency06:55
dr_williswhen people start rambling on - i tend to blot them out... :)06:56
MaevaUplink: any video site like youtube, it sais I need to install adobe flash, swfdec or gnash06:56
UplinkMaeva: do you have ubuntu extras?06:57
Freakin_Busycan someone help me troubleshoot my internet? I can't get my eth0 to connect to the internet06:57
pjotrMaeva: so why don't you install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:57
Tom_Davisfreak, into a router or direct to modem?06:57
outbackwifiFreakin_Busy: are you on wired or wireless06:57
Uplinkpjotr: i think he has it?06:57
penI want to set mozplugger to use vlc, does anyone knows how to do it?06:57
Tom_Daviseth0 would be wired06:57
Maevathat is installed06:57
penTom_Davis: what do you mean?06:57
Tom_Davispen, it was a joke06:58
Flannelpen: Again, you're using "anyone06:58
Maevain a browser like seamonkey I have the same problem06:58
Uplinkugh 64bit06:58
Flannelpen: you should ask your questions about it, and repeat them about every 20-30 minutes.  If someone knows the answer, they'll answer you.  If no one answers, you're not being ignored, it's just that no one awake knows the answer.06:58
Tom_DavisFreakin_Busy, open terminal, type ifconfig and see if youre getting an ip addy06:58
penFlannel: so you mean you don't understand what I'm trying to do?06:59
Freakin_Busyyea i am... but it doesn't seem like the right ip? i'm usually around the 75.x.x.x and it's a 125.x.x.x ip06:59
Flannelpen: I mean I don't have an answer for you.06:59
pjotrMaeva: remove gnash and install adobe-flashplugin ?06:59
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=433904 pen06:59
balrogvlc is playing an mp3 but im not getting sound, any help?07:00
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522656 pen and here07:00
jhalsteadthanks stdin,  that did what it was ment to do but I'm still having no luck with the big picture.  I'm looking to install eeebuntu onto an 8GB SDHC card and cannot find guide that works for me07:00
bazhanghttp://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2612603 pen also here07:00
gray                      07:00
Freakin_BusyTom_Davis: and the device is slightly different... it's eth0:avahi07:00
bn43Freakin_Busy: does your internet connection involve a router that provides your ip?07:00
Freakin_Busya hub.. no router07:00
Maevait's installed and same problem as before07:00
stdinjhalstead: I can only suggest https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Installation07:01
Tom_Davisand your modem will dhcp more than 1 machine?07:01
Maevawhat about Swiftweasel 3.0.307:01
pjotrMaeva: write about:plugins in Firefox address bar07:01
Freakin_Busyit's supposed to lol.. i usually run 2 computers off of it wiith seperate ips07:01
penbazhang: seems like no one has change it successfully07:01
bn43Freakin_Busy: do you provide those pc's with ip's manually?07:02
bazhangpen then you have your answer07:02
bn43Freakin_Busy: ok - try this then - sudo dhclient eth007:02
Maevaapplication/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash enabled yes07:02
penbazhang: but somewhere in this universe there are people who know the solution to this07:03
pjotrMaeva: if it say gnash, restart Firefox and it should start using adobe-flashplugin07:03
Maevait does pjotr07:04
Maevamy problem is it works for everything but not this site www.deredactie.be the flash strip where you can go left and right07:04
Freakin_Busybn43: "no dhcpoffers recieved"07:04
Maevaand I have an AMD 64 bit and adobe flash 10 doesn't support 64 bit :s07:05
mantispalmHi guys. I'm setting up eclipse on ibis. However, when I try select a .php to be opened from insidein eclipse, screem starts up and opens the file instead.07:05
owen1how to start ssh on server?07:05
mantispalmIs there an ubuntu setting that I have to set in order to prevent this?07:05
bn43Freakin_Busy: that means either your network cord is not connected to the router or your router is not providing a dhcp service07:05
enzotibowen1, install openssh-server07:06
karexHI, anyone know how to convert ogg-video to audio (only audio)?07:06
bn43Freakin_Busy: do you have your second pc working off the router?07:06
owen1enzotib: thanks!07:07
Freakin_Busythe cord's connected... yes... this box i'm on right now is connected to the same hub..07:07
Traveleri need help installing ubuntu eee07:07
bn43Freakin_Busy: the box you on is running linux?07:07
Freakin_Busyyes.. both are linux07:07
Travelerit will only boot from memory card07:08
pjotrMaeva: install 32 bit browser http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117443507:08
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:08
outbackwifiTraveler: after you boot from memory card, install07:09
Maevapjotr: yeah I'm also using that site07:09
Travelerinstallation is done from memory card07:10
Travelerwithout it the computer can't find it's memory (or something)07:10
phonyshi, i need some help on installing a wireless adapter(WUSB54G ver4) on Unbuntu 8.04 but I'm new to linux. Anyone can help?07:10
HeinHeinhow to use "*" ?07:11
karexHI, anyone know how to extract audio from audio files?07:11
outbackwifiTraveler: where have you installed grub? on the card or on the SSD07:11
Maevawhen i double click Swiftweasel 3.0.3.deb it gives me an error: dependancy is not satisfiable: ia32-lib-firefox07:11
Traveler<outbackwifi> seems like its installed on the card07:12
outbackwifiTraveler: whats your eeepc model?07:12
jim_pto people speaking english as a native language (mothers tongue): what is the past of choose? chose or choosed?07:12
gray 07:12
dr_willisjim_p,  choosen ?07:12
dulakkarex: mencoder should be able to get audio out of a video file07:12
jim_pbazhang: thanks thats what i meant07:12
phonyshi, i need some help on installing a wireless adapter(WUSB54G ver4) on Unbuntu 8.04 but I'm new to linux. Anyone can help?07:13
HeinHein=/ answer me!07:13
=== co_daviki is now known as cew_lucu
cew_lucuhy leh knln g07:14
Traveler<outbackwifi>i thought i'd do it again, the installation, but same thing happened07:14
Hoover_4000i just installed 8.10 and was just wondering is there a way to use the bluetooth because it wont recognize it.07:14
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that Hoover_400007:14
Hoover_4000i need help07:15
dulakthis channel is for 8.04, go to #ubuntu+1 for help with 8.1007:15
MaevaThe 32bit firefox browser for the amd64 version of Ubuntu. To launch open a terminal and type in firefox32. This will not replace the 64bit version that is installed by default on the AMD64 version of Ubuntu. It installs to a seperate directiory.07:15
bazhangHoover_4000, this is not the channel; #ubuntu+1 is07:15
dr_willisHoover_4000,  #ubuntu+1 for that.. for now.07:15
outbackwifiTraveler: where did you choose to install grub?07:15
Maevai type firefox32 and he doesn't recognise the command07:16
karexHI, camorama said that it can't connect to camera device. help me...07:16
karexbut, cheese can do it07:16
Hoover_4000ok how the **** do i switch to that07:17
Traveler<outbackwifi> i'm on  the installation menu after booting from memory card07:17
dulakHoover_4000: /join #ubuntu+107:18
outbackwifiTraveler: ok07:18
Hoover_4000hohow do i do that07:18
Hoover_4000thats my question07:18
dulakHoover_4000: type /join #ubuntu+107:18
=== tidus is now known as Tidus
jim_panyone knowing a nice *bats fonts with symbols for pcs? like a hdd or something07:19
Traveler<outbackwifi> now i'm at step 4 of 7 where it asks you how to partition the disk.07:19
outbackwifiTraveler: ok07:19
outbackwifiTraveler: which disk have you selected?07:19
Maevawhen does ubuntu 8.10 comes out ? wasn't it supposed to be 8 oktober ? 10th month and 8th day07:20
Traveler<outbackwifi>guided, 16.1 ATA Asus Phison SSD07:20
outbackwifiTraveler: ok go ahead07:20
wolfie2xMaeva: 30 oct is the release date07:20
peter_what is the name of program like amarok but for gnome?07:20
FlannelMaeva: 8th year, 10ths month.  October 30th is when its scheduled.07:20
Maevahi peter from poland07:20
devilhi too07:20
Traveler<outbackwifi> i've done this twice before, still nothing happends after install without memory card07:20
outbackwifipeter_: rhythmbox07:21
outbackwifiTraveler: what do you choose at the grub install screen?07:21
Flanneljim_p: Unicode has a dingbats section.  http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2700.pdf  Might be in there, if not, a few other possibilities: http://unicode.org/charts/symbols.html  and many Linux fonts do most/all of unicode07:21
Traveler<outbackwifi> which screen is that?07:21
peter_outbackwifi, cant find in aptitude ;/07:21
outbackwifi!info rhtyhmbox07:22
ubottuPackage rhtyhmbox does not exist in hardy07:22
outbackwifi!info rhythmbox07:22
ubotturhythmbox (source: rhythmbox): music player and organizer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.5-0ubuntu8 (hardy), package size 3133 kB, installed size 13180 kB07:22
outbackwifipeter_: its available there07:22
MaevaI tried gnash and the other one, it isn't good07:22
UplinkMaeva: hmm07:22
peter_outbackwifi, ah ;) Already installed ^^07:23
outbackwifipeter_: there you go07:23
wolfie2xsimple Q on gimp: how to draw a circle/rectangle on a pic (lets say for reporting a bug) ?07:23
Traveler<outbackwifi> i'm at step 7 now, what should it say somewhat?07:23
outbackwifiTraveler: dont remember whats at step 707:24
Travelerready for install07:24
Maevait shows a video with a black screen, all the rest works so it must be the site07:24
outbackwifiTraveler: ok07:24
jim_pFlannel: how can i find what i need here? http://unicode.org/charts/symbols.html07:24
jim_pFlannel: sorry i just saw the pdf link. let me have a look07:25
Traveler<outbackwifi> it says following partitions will be formatted; partition nr 1 SCSi2(0.0.0)as ext307:25
Flanneljim_p: if its not in that one, try "misc symbols" etc07:25
outbackwifiTraveler: ok07:26
jim_pFlannel: i looked at the pdf file. no symbol look like what i want07:26
army12bcneed help with backup file07:26
army12bccp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_BACKUP doesn't exist07:26
Traveler<outbackwifi>partition nr 5 SCSI2(0.0.0) as swap07:26
Traveler<outbackwifi> what shall i do?  just go ahead?07:27
army12bccp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_BACKUP doesn't get07:27
army12bccp: cannot stat `/ect/x11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory07:27
outbackwifiTraveler: sure07:27
outbackwifiTraveler: when you get to the grub part; be careful what you specify07:28
Traveler<outbackwifi>ok. installing...07:28
dr_willisarmy12bc,  Linux is Case SeneSetive07:28
Traveler<outbackwifi> what grub part?07:28
dr_willisarmy12bc,  its X11 not x1107:28
simon1245Hi every one07:28
simon1245Is it coming a new version of Ubuntu07:28
Flannel!intrepid | simon124507:29
ubottusimon1245: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu07:29
army12bc sudo cp /ect/X11/xorg.conf /ect/X11/xorg.conf_BACKUP07:29
army12bccp: cannot stat `/ect/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory07:29
Traveler<outbackwifi>grub part dind't come up before installation07:29
favafroarmy12bc: /etc not /ect07:30
outbackwifiTraveler: whats happening now?07:30
favafronp :)07:31
army12bcnow for other error07:31
phonyswhy i install ndiswrapper 1.9 I keep getting error when i type MAKE. It gives me error like "Fix it to use EXTRA_CFlag. STOP"07:31
army12bcxserver nvidia Unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup07:31
dr_willisarmy12bc,  you are running the nvidia-setttings tool or what exactly?07:32
favafroarmy12bc: are you using nvidia-config or whatever it's called/07:32
army12bcx server settings07:32
Traveler<outbackwifi>52% in at install07:32
outbackwifiphonys: you dont need to compile from source; even then, type "make" not "MAKE"07:32
dr_willisarmy12bc,  nvidia-config needs to be ran as root. inorder to write to  system directories,.07:33
favafroarmy12bc: sudo nvidia-settings07:33
Traveler<outbackwifi> copying files07:33
simon1245Is it coming a new Ubuntu?07:33
Uplinkwhere can i get the hardware list support of linuxmint alyssa?07:33
dr_willissimon1245,  released in a few days07:33
simon1245Is it for desktop to?07:33
ubottusimon1245: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu07:33
dr_willissimon1245,  it has several versions07:33
army12bcgot it ty fav07:33
simon1245Ok :)07:34
army12bcwill restart and see if it keeps this time07:34
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favafroarmy12bc: luck07:34
* Tako_Zzzz is away: wanders aimlessly away mumbling to himself07:34
Llewxamanyone around to help me with a little issue with samba?07:34
army12bcfor some reason it reverts to 800x600 on restart07:34
Flannel!away > Tako_Zzzz07:34
ubottuTako_Zzzz, please see my private message07:34
outbackwifi!anyone| Llewxam07:35
ubottuLlewxam: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:35
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Llewxamyea well here's the thing: since last night i cannot access the shared folders on my windows machine. once i go into network i can get into the workgroup and open up the comp i want to go to and it shows up empty.07:36
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outbackwifiLlewxam: is the pc on the network, can you ping it? are the folders shared?07:37
Uplinkwhere can i get the Linux Mint HCL?07:37
dr_willisLlewxam,  i often have to type in the full path to the share, then it pops up the username/.pass dialog and THEN it rembers/sees it07:37
inktrithis is a hypothetical question... if A has a TCP connection with B and A's IP instantaneously changes to another, would the TCP connection be broken?07:37
Llewxamoutbackwifi: yes it's all configured.07:37
dr_willisUplink,  perhaps at the Mint web site..  if its identical to the ubuntu HCL  then the bot has a factoid to it07:37
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection07:37
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Uplinkdr_willis: sounds good... ty07:38
peter_amarok is nice*looking, unfortunatly it starts so slow ;/07:38
outbackwifiinktri: all sockets would be broken yes07:38
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lyyi'm dual booting and my windows is screwed and I need to reinstall it..07:39
pawangiriI am having trouble with booting my ubuntu07:39
lyygrub isn't loading up my cdrom..07:39
guyvdb_anyone suggest a good firewall/traffic shaping script using iptable and tc07:39
peter_polandlyy, next time try to use virtualbox for windows :)07:39
outbackwifilyy: we are all happy that your windows is screwed; for help on reinstalling it, i would ask microsoft07:39
pawangiriI am running it on mac with nvidia quadro 450007:39
outbackwifilyy: grub never loads cdron, your bios does07:39
lyyso i['m screwed07:40
lyybecause it doesn't read my cdrom07:40
outbackwifilyy: change boot order to cdrom in bios, pop in the windows cdrom and boot07:40
lyyi already looked at that07:40
lyyit just doesn't load up07:40
pawangirican someone help me with booting issue07:40
outbackwifilyy: change drive/cd and check again07:41
rummyhow  I can open mdb files?07:41
outbackwifirummy: are those the files that microsoft access produces?07:42
pawangiriany nvidia expert here07:42
guyvdb_rummy i dont know anything about it but look at this link i found on google  http://dba.openoffice.org/drivers/mdb/index.html07:42
outbackwifirummy: well, the good news is you cant; the bad is that you can install crossover office and open them, export the records to csv and import into mysql or postgres07:43
CokeFTWI need help. I am having External Drive mount problems. Every time I try plug in a flash drive, external hard drive, or external cd-rom I get a mount error.07:43
pawangiriI am really having tough time with ubuntu on nvidia07:43
dt84is there a plugin for f-spot to tag people inside photos, like in facebook? or maybe other program other than f-spot that can do that?07:43
rummyoki, thanks07:43
guyvdb_rummy there is also mdb tools at source forge http://sourceforge.net/projects/mdbtools07:44
simon1245Back :)07:45
paul68rummy what seems to be the problem?07:45
outbackwifiCokeFTW: sudo apt-get install pmount; edit /etc/pmount.allow07:45
simon1245How to install things that already is on my desktop?07:46
pjotrrummy, mdbtools can also be found in main packages07:46
outbackwifi!info mdbtools07:46
ubottumdbtools (source: mdbtools): JET / MS Access database (MDB) tools. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB07:46
simon1245We say i have download java and it's on my desktop how to install it from desktop?07:46
ay^simon1245: depends on what file it is07:46
rummycan I open mdb files in OOO?07:46
paul68you can allways check with the openoffice community at http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/07:46
ay^simon1245: but java-stuff is in the repos so there is no need to download it do your desktop07:47
simon1245ay^: can you say some07:47
rummyyes, I found it, thanks :-))07:47
guyvdb_rummy I gave you the link http://sourceforge.net/projects/mdbtools07:47
ay^simon1245: either its a .deb and then you use dpkg for it, or it could be .bin och .run and then you use sh filename to run it07:47
pjotrsimon1245, don't download it to your desktop, use apt-get, synaptic, or adept07:47
simon1245How to download something that's on my desktop07:47
rummyyes, but I fount openoffice.org-base :-)07:47
outbackwifisimon1245: if its on  your desktop its already downloaded, from there you can only install/open/delete/rename whatever07:48
simon1245How to use apt-get synaptic...07:48
guyvdb_rummy sorry this link http://dba.openoffice.org/drivers/mdb/index.html07:48
ay^simon1245: or you have some sort of compressed format like .tar .tgz .tar.gz, tar.bz2 etc etc, in which case you unpack it and compile it07:48
simon1245outbackwifi i mean install it07:48
ay^simon1245: what java are you trying to install?07:48
outbackwifisimon1245: open up a terminal, navigate to desktop and type sudo ./filename07:49
outbackwifisimon1245: thats a dot-slash07:49
Flannel!synaptic | simon124507:49
ubottusimon1245: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:49
Flannelsimon1245: If you're installing java, it's in the repos.07:49
Flannel!java | simon124507:49
outbackwifi!java| simon124507:49
ubottusimon1245: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:49
CokeFTWoubackwifi: after running that command I still get the same mount error07:49
rgrasellwhat if I use the intrepid repos in hardy?07:49
Flannelrgrasell: Don't.07:49
simon1245Ty every one :)07:49
rgrasellwell what happens?07:50
ay^simon1245: np, and good luck!07:50
vattsHello there, is Ibex releasing on 28 October?07:50
vattsor november?07:50
outbackwifiCokeFTW: did you edit pmount.allow ?07:50
Flannelrgrasell: Depends on what you install, etc.  You could break your system, or it might run fine, etc.07:50
ay^rgrasell: thre will be errors on some packages07:50
pjotrsimon1245: in terminal sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin07:50
Flannelvatts: Oct 30.07:50
rgrasellok got it07:50
simon1245Ay can i private message you if i neeed help07:50
rgrasellI want the newest pidgin07:50
ay^simon1245: sure07:50
vattsFlannel, thanks07:50
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: I guess I am not sure what that is07:50
paul68rummy: for all your questions in openoffice go to their community they give very good support07:50
DigitalFizrgrasell, you could just compile pidgin from source ;)07:50
ay^simon1245: but it is always best to ask stuff in main, so everyone can help you :)07:50
Flannelrgrasell: Or wait for intrepid07:50
rgrasellnah I like having regular updates and stuff!07:50
simon1245Ok :)07:51
Traveler<outbackwifi>ok. now it's done and it asks me to restart my computer instaed of using live-cd07:51
outbackwifiCokeFTW: did you read my response. i asked you to install pmount and then edit /etc/pmount.allow to allow your user to mount. after that your mounting blues would go away07:51
outbackwifiTraveler: ok07:51
Traveler<outbackwifi>is there any changes to be made before rebooting?07:51
Traveler<outbackwifi>anything to be done, to make sure all is as it should be? what does the grub look like?07:52
outbackwifiTraveler: nope, assuming it installed grub on the SSD07:53
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: I ran the install pmount, and then ran sudo edit /etc/pmount.allow. and I still get mount error07:54
favroCokeFTW: what is the mount error you get?07:54
outbackwifiCokeFTW: did  you actually edit that file or just ran the command??07:54
CokeFTWI ran the command, I don't know how to edit it07:55
outbackwifiCokeFTW: can type sudo gedit /etc/pmount.allow? it should open up the default gnome editor  with the file07:56
Traveler<outbackwifi>it takes a really long while...just black screen. shall i simply wait? or do i restar manually?07:56
Marcinqwho know how can I unpack the *.daa files ?07:57
CokeFTWoubackwifi: okay it opened up what looks like a text file07:57
outbackwifiTraveler: you could try that07:57
outbackwifiCokeFTW: add your device name there like /dev/sdb1 (whatever applies to the device you are trying to mount)07:58
ltracy__Is the Ubuntu Server Ubuntu channel some sort of alias of this or something (i.e. if I go join that will I see myself?)07:58
UplinkMarcinq: MagicISO i believe07:58
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ltracy__<--- had a bit of wine.  May not make sense :)07:58
Traveler<outbackwifi>error 15: file not found07:58
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: how do I find out the name?07:59
Traveler<outbackwifi>press any key to continue07:59
outbackwifiCokeFTW: as soon as you plugged in the device, the last few lines of dmesg should tell you08:00
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dulakltracy__: #ubuntu-server is a different channel08:00
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ltracy__This one is probably much better08:00
Traveler<outbackwifi>is it some editing required? what shall the commands say before booting?08:01
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: sorry for my noobness but how do I see the dmesg08:01
dulakltracy__: if you are using 8.04 people in here should be able to help08:01
outbackwifiTraveler: i dont think it installed properly; i installed a stock ubuntu using a 2GB USB stick on both a 701 and a 1000 and then just replaced the kernel with the array.org kernel08:01
outbackwifiCokeFTW: type dmesg inside a terminal08:01
ltracy__dulak, :) No problems right now.  Every time I went to the other one, though, the only answered questions were "Which button do I push in update manager GUI to make updates happen" type questions.  It was rather frustrating when I had actual problems.08:02
Traveler<outbackwifi>what does that mean?08:02
outbackwifiTraveler: it means that i have not encountered the issue that you are encountering right now; i have managed to install ubuntu on 2 models of eeepc08:03
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outbackwifiTraveler: so sorry, i am at the limit of my support on that issue :)08:03
Traveler<outbackwifi> ok so what shall i do?08:03
SpetsTraveler, try ubuntu eee http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/08:03
Travelerthats what i did08:04
outbackwifiSpets: thats what he' s trying to install08:04
SpetsAnd then what happened?08:04
Traveler<outbackwifi> 3 times08:04
outbackwifiTraveler: i didnt use that; i used a standard hardy live cd on a usb stick08:04
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Traveler<outbackwifi>i've installed ubuntu eee 3 times now.everything works great if i boot from memory card. if not nothing works08:05
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: I see a vast amount of lines of text, I don't really know what I am looking for..08:05
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SpetsTraveler: did you use unetbootin08:06
outbackwifiCokeFTW: the last few lines (if you just plugged in your external disk) should say something like USB disk found; partitions sdb1 etc08:06
Traveler<spets> yes08:06
SpetsThe old version failed on me a few times08:07
SpetsManaged to install the new one with a different thumbdrive08:07
outbackwifiCokeFTW: other option is to type sudo fdisk -l after you plug in the device08:07
SpetsCan you verify the image from the bootmenu?08:07
paul68outbackwifi: should  mounting with the UUID be an option ?08:08
Traveler<spets> ?, i am very much a beginner. i don't understand thumbdrive08:08
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: okay so when I add "/dev/sdb1" to the list do I have to add a # before it, or just add it in on the next line08:08
SpetsUsb memory stick08:08
Traveler<spets> ok where doi verify?08:08
outbackwifiCokeFTW: the # is a comment; so you dont add it08:08
outbackwifipaul68: i find that using the uuid is useful if i plug my external harddisk in different usb ports but want it to be automounted at the same mount-point always08:09
SpetsTraveler: http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/linux/images/ubuntu6/01-Boot.jpg check cd for defects08:09
outbackwifipaul68: cos the device names are different for different usb ports08:10
valpine8can someone help me with ubuntu problem08:10
CokeFTWoutbackwiki: so I added it and saved it so should I take out my usb drive and plug it back in to see if it works?08:10
paul68outbackwifi: ok understood , I read about difficulties when mounting the external hds and they said that UUID might solve the problem08:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:11
valpine8i am not able to boo after installation of ubuntu08:11
Traveler<spets> that didn't work either...08:12
SpetsTraveler: are you able to boot from it at all? How far do you get08:12
army12bcit works finally08:12
outbackwifiCokeFTW: yes08:12
army12bcnow how do i see my vista files on my laptop from this08:12
outbackwifipaul68: sudo blkid /dev/sd?? will give you the UUID of that disk08:13
Spetsarmy12bc: install samba08:13
outbackwifiarmy12bc: what are vista files?08:13
army12bcty spets08:13
army12bci'm goin to get my music and stuff08:13
paul68outbackwifi: I know thanks vista files are files located under ms vista :-)08:13
outbackwifiSpets: he doesnt need samba if he has a windows partition in the same machine08:13
Spetstainted files08:14
outbackwifipaul68: i thot as much :)08:14
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paul68if he has the vista files on the same machine he can find it under the complete filesystem08:14
SpetsWhy would he want to see his "vista files" if hes already got linux?08:14
paul68spets dual boot08:14
Traveler<spets> unless i press esc when asus eee is showing, nothing happends. if i do and select to boot from usb, all works08:14
outbackwifiCos he has bill gates photos there08:15
Spetsarmy12bc: Are you trying to clean out a virus08:15
army12bcno i got my school stuff08:15
paul68Spets: unfortunatly most of the schools work with windows and not with linux08:16
Spetsarmy12bc: Mount the drive its on, may need the ntfs-3g, dont know if thats standard08:16
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: I still seem to be getting the same error08:17
army12bcinstalled samba now wat08:17
CokeFTWoutbackwifi: maybe I am giving it the wrong name from dmesg08:17
dr_willisarmy12bc,  i normally set up the users with a samba password 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'    then the users should be able to share a folder..08:17
Traveler<spets> ok so now i'm in ubuntu eee (from memory card) is there anything i can do from there?08:18
Spetsarmy12bc: now you have samba, which comes in handy if you want to see windows shares on the network08:18
kelvin911hi do i have to use itune to upload songs to ipod in order for the song to be played in ipod?08:18
army12bci can see them just can't get in08:18
SpetsIm going to PM with traveler a bit08:18
dr_willisarmy12bc,  be very concise as to what you mean..  are you refering to linux seeing windows shares? or windows seeing linux shares?08:18
army12bclinux seeing windows08:19
army12bci can see the pc just can't get in08:19
dr_willisarmy12bc,   i hacve often had to type in the full path to the windows share with the grub file manager.. it for some reason did not see/scan and get/show the share names.08:19
dr_willisoops i mean the gnome file manager. :) not grub08:20
paul68!samba| army12bc08:20
ubottuarmy12bc: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209808:20
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dr_willisarmy12bc,  ie: in the gnome file manger i enter  the whole name/path    smb://cow/public/08:21
MimiHello, my home folder shows this file, running df -h from terminal:    gvfs-fuse-daemon       15G  3.8G   11G  28% /home/mint/.gvfs   What the bunny is it?:P08:21
army12bci got it08:22
magnetronMimi→ it's where your drives are mounted08:22
army12bchad to input next folder and enter pass in order to go any farther08:22
magnetronMimi→ for instance, if you connect to a SSH server in "connect to server"08:22
Mimimagnetron,  Oh!! :/ Even if I'm not currently logged in to my ssh server? ^^; Just find it odd that it would take 28% of my partition when I am not conneccted to Ssh08:23
CokeFTWanyone know the sudo command for finding the name of a mounted device08:23
MimiThank you for the answer though!:D magnetron08:23
army12bchow does linux encryption work08:23
MimiYikes, holy vague question ^^;08:23
onexusedI've been updating my system by command line for a while, doing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade.  I did an apt-get update today.  Why, when I change the server I download from ("Software Sources"), does it tell me my stuff horribly out of date, and download megs of files?08:24
dr_willisarmy12bc,  thats sorr of what i said. :)08:24
onexusedCokeFTW: Does just "mount" not give you what you want?08:24
dr_willisarmy12bc,  theres a slight glitz in gnome file manager in that area it seems.08:24
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army12bcits kewl08:24
army12bcthanks tho08:24
Mimiarmy12bc, http://encryptionhowto.sourceforge.net/Encryption-HOWTO-6.html  *shrugs perhaps that will help ^.^;08:24
onexusedAlso, sometimes after I do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, then open the "Update Manager" GUI, it shows a good number of packages that weren't updated, even though apt-get says everything's fine.  What's up with that?08:25
army12bcno i meant what type like 128bit ect08:25
Reenenlo, my terminal does "color" my files... ie directories and normal files are all the same color, how do I fix that?08:26
CokeFTWonexused: well I am trying to find the device name like sdb108:26
Reenendoes = does not08:26
Sonderbladeis there a linux program that can take music and generate chord listings from it?08:26
army12bc#ubuntu help08:27
onexusedCokeFTW: You want to know what the /dev name of the device mounted on /mnt/foo is, right?08:27
dr_willisReenen,  alias ls='ls --color=auto'08:27
CokeFTWonexused: yes08:27
Reenendr_willis: I need to put that into some rc file to make it like that always?08:27
dr_willisReenen,  its allready in my .bashrc  under ubuntu.. not sure how you lost yours08:28
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paul68outbackwifi: if my memory isn't failing on me You are quit up to date with dns and dhcp right08:28
onexusedCokeFTW: If I type mount (nothing else, don't need sudo) at the prompt, I get a list of devices that are currently mounted.  The first thing on the list is the /dev name.  The second is the mount point: /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/fat type ext3 (rw,noatime)  /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /mnt/fat.  The FS type is ext3, etc.08:28
onexusedCokeFTW: Or are you seeing something like /mnt/vurt/distfiles on /usr/portage/distfiles etc. ?08:29
Reenenthanks dr_willis, I'm off!08:29
monicahi! anyone there?08:30
Glacieshi people08:30
onexusedmonica: no.08:30
dr_willis1233 people in here  monica08:30
monicac'è nessuno?08:30
Flannel!it | monica08:30
ubottumonica: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:30
monicahi dreamer!08:30
larsemili am using a eeepc701, it worked just perfectly with ubuntu until some weeks ago when i started having problem with the sound. all the sound goes through the pcspeaker and its cracking alot. also there is no sound at all if i mute the pcspeaker in the mixer.08:31
monicathanks obottu!08:31
monicahi larsemil! are you in trouble with sound editing?08:32
ay^monica: it's a bot08:32
sap1ok a question for the masses what do you ppl prefer kubuntu or ubuntu (helps in making my decision on what to download the new release)08:32
SaberZAnyone know of any good themes for Ubuntu Hardy Heron?08:32
ay^SaberZ: the default one :)08:33
SaberZUbuntu(Gnome) to me seems a bit quicker than Kubuntu.08:33
iniksap1: ubuntu fine for me08:33
paul68outbackwifi: you stil present ?08:33
SaberZyeah i like it, but want it darker, but anytime i customize it some screen objects don't appear right08:33
onexusedSaberZ: You can find themes for any distro: gnome on gnome-look.org, KDE on kde-look.org, xfce on xfce-look.org08:33
SaberZoh, thanks onexused08:34
sap1hmm so ubuntu is faster due to gnome but what is more versatile kubuntu or ubuntu08:34
SaberZthat i can't say. Most every desktop bar Suse has been gnome for me, kubuntu reminds me of os x with its nice bright shiny interface08:35
SaberZnot sure about under the hood though08:35
sap1well then only one thing left download kubuntu if i dont like it download ubuntu08:36
larsemili am using a eeepc701, it worked just perfectly with ubuntu until some weeks ago when i started having problem with the sound. all the sound goes through the pcspeaker and its cracking alot. also there is no sound at all if i mute the pcspeaker in the mixer.08:36
paul68sap or run both livecds and check first before you install08:36
iniksap1: you can install ubuntu and add kde later08:37
larsemilis it kde4 in 8.10?08:38
sap1inik:yea but the problem is i stay in my college hostel and the bastards dont allow me to download08:38
sap1its irritating actually08:38
sap1so have to download both the cds08:38
sap1on torrents08:39
paul68or from ubuntu.com08:39
sap1direct download is too fickle08:39
waanI'm having problems getting ubuntu to wake from suspend mode, I tried switching back to metacity as I thought compiz might be the problem, but it still wont wake after suspend. Any ideas?08:40
onexusedsap1: There are download resumers.  Like wget.  Then if it disconnects, you can restart from where it left off.  I never download large files with the browser.08:40
sap1wget doesnt work08:40
sap1only torrents work as i encrpt the connection08:40
su3180hello all08:40
favro!cn | lijian08:41
ubottulijian: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:41
su3180i have troubles playing "alpha centauri" on linux08:41
wangleilijian laji08:41
onexusedsap1: I haven't tried wget with encryption08:41
su3180something about glib library; does any one have a solution?08:41
nike_mhi all, does someone know XCHAT?08:42
jim_pnike_m: i am on xchat!08:42
favroI use it08:42
nike_mWhat causes the message connection reset by peer?08:43
lijianHellow everyone08:43
jim_psu3180: with wine?08:43
paul68jim_p: are you familliar with dns and dhcp configuration? if so can you check out my config?08:43
su3180jim_p - no, native; there is a linux edition08:43
nike_mthe config should work08:43
jim_ppaul68: not that familiar, but anyway hit it08:44
nike_mim now on xchat08:44
paul68jim_p: thanks http://paste.ubuntu.com/62777/08:44
nike_mbut not for every chat server08:44
CircsDoes flash 10 have less issues than 9 on Ubuntu?08:44
jim_psu3180: do you have proper drivers installed?08:44
jim_psu3180: proper vga drivers08:44
OxDeadC0defor me flash 10 plays audio perfect over pulseaudio without extra plugins, it doesn't crash firefox without nswrapperplugin, and gives way less choppy video with better cpu performance08:45
CircsOxDeadC0de: So basically way better all around.08:45
jim_ppaul68: what is all this supposed to do? and where does it fail?08:46
su3180jim_p - I think so; the game starts without any problem; thing is that at some points exits telling me something about memory issues and glibc 2.something  (which is quite old,so...)08:46
user_Circs: 10 has less known security bugs08:46
jim_psu3180: glxinfo | grep direct08:47
CircsWell on I go then08:47
=== root is now known as Guest67757
su3180jim_p - yes, i do have direct rendering capabilities08:47
paul68jim_p: at this point it doesn't fail, I'm busy to change my server config in order have my server installed as router with dhcp dns and firewall, before actually testing this out I made new config files before I get the wife angry ;-) and you knw they can be very visious when they angry08:48
jim_psu3180: could it be a module that loads through xorg.conf?08:48
jim_ppaul68: lmao08:48
wangleiis li jian here08:49
su3180jim_p: less likely; perhaps it is better to copy paste the message here, otherwise it's a shot in the dark; just a minute...08:49
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
jim_ppaul68: well i dont know if all these work for real, this has to be your network08:50
jim_ppaul68: but it seems ok in general. i am only curious about that commented line on 4208:50
waanI'm having problems getting ubuntu to wake from suspend mode, I tried switching back to metacity as I thought compiz might be the problem, but it still wont wake after suspend. Any ideas?08:50
paul68jim_p: why is that?08:51
Parsec300Hi, why does Firestarter only has the capability to be the firewall on one Network card?08:51
legend2440i am going to be doing a clean install of intrepid in a few days. can i backup my home folder and copy the config folder ie for xchat to the new home folder? will those configs work with the newer versions?08:52
Daremonaihow can I know which IPs are connected to my PC? (through http or whatever else?)08:52
Parsec300So that if you have it set to WiFi and then plug in a cable on a different location, it doesn't firewall?08:52
nnullDaremonai¬ get Etherape08:52
bodyaрусско гаварящие есть?08:52
waanDaremonai: man netstat08:52
ompaul!ru | bodya08:52
ubottubodya: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:52
nnullDaremonai¬ sudo apt-get install etherape08:52
forestpixielegend2440: I use the same config in hardy and intrepid08:52
favrowaan: do you know the size of your swap and how much memory you have?08:52
dr_willisits just a front end to the  iptables stuff Parsec300  could be  it just dosent have that ability.  There are other firewalling front ends that may.08:52
su3180jim_p: it's a segmentation fault (it was built with glibc 2.1); it also gave me stack dump, but that's not relevant now08:53
Daremonaiwaan: is there no program that can keep on running?08:53
Uplinkwhats a good size for my root partition?08:53
paul68on line 10 I give a list for the unknown ranges so if someone connects to my network they use that range, the known wireless is from 22 on up and everything wireless is from 40 and up08:53
Parsec300Ok, so iptables is the actual firewall? dr_willis08:53
legend2440forestpixie: do you have both hardy and intrepid installed?08:53
dr_willis!firewall | Parsec30008:53
ubottuParsec300: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:53
paul68jim_p: that way i have the ability to define the options better when installing the ip tables08:53
jim_psu3180: can you show me that?08:53
Parsec300dr_willis, thanks. I'll look into it.08:53
waanDaremonai: man wait08:54
dr_willisParsec300,  theres aso the ufw and a front end to ufw commands now.08:54
waanDaremonai: sorry, man watch08:54
su3180jim_p: the stack dump?08:54
Parsec300dr_willis, ok thanks.08:54
jim_ppaul68: sure. is it just me or you could have used static ips and do the same?08:54
forestpixielegend2440: yes08:54
waanfavro: yeah, 512mb shared memory, swap is 1gb08:54
Daremonaiwaan: thanks08:54
legend2440forestpixie: ok thanks08:54
jim_psu3180: all that you can get from the terminal08:55
waanfavro: 70% usage by programs, 30% as cache08:55
paul68jim_p: well I use static ip for all the machines just for the unknown users its from 50 -6008:55
favrowaan: well that should be fine - you need more swap then mem for suspend/resume afaik08:55
jim_ppaul68: so your network is not constant. ok then08:56
Uplinkwhats a good size for my root partition?08:56
waanfavro: yeah it should be ok, i'll check my swap size again to make sure its 1gb08:56
Uplinkwaan: why you made a swap of 1GB?08:56
FloodBot2su3180: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC08:56
jim_pUplink: 10G is fine depending on what you install. for me even 5 is enough08:56
waanUplink: because 512 was too small for running vbox08:57
Mr_Politethats getting annoying. when did 'anyone' become such a big deal around here? who cares the format a question is asked? you guys are going to far with the anyone trigger. it a real put off.08:57
Uplinkwaan: oh your running vbox? i see08:57
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:57
legend2440forestpixie: one more question. do you have your /home on a seperate partition that you share with both hardy and intrepid? or does each have its own /home folder?08:57
Uplinkjim_p: ok thanx08:57
paul68jim_p: well most of the times it's the same users however when people ask me to fix their computer I hook that up to my network and then it should be getting an ip in the range 50 -60 with limited access on the firewall08:57
waanUplink: not right now, but it sucks up all my ram and swap when I do. Haven't used it for ages, but I just made a 1gb swap from the start08:57
Daremonaiwhat's /tmp/orbit-USER ?08:57
FlannelMr_Polite: The problem isn't the format of the question, but the lack of a question.  "Can someone help me?" isn't really a useful question.08:57
Uplinkwaan: how much RAM?08:58
forestpixielegend2440: I have seperate home - both using - not that I would endorse it08:58
waanUplink: I have 512mb shared, 128 taken for video08:58
Uplinkwaan: ouch...08:58
marc_hi,  I am trying to edit a conkyrc file that I copied from someone else and whenever I run conky it hides the icons on my desktop.  doies anyone know what I could change to make it not hide my icons?08:58
su3180jimp_p: [0x8352d5d][0xb7f72420][0x82b754f][0x81c46d6][0x8234443] [0x82cae36]   [0x8425e7d][0x8048111] - this is the stack dump; the rest is message "BUG! going down hard (built with glibc 2.1)" and support info for loki08:58
jim_ppaul68: nice thought and nice materialization too08:59
waanUplink: it's an old asus notebook, I mainly use it as a netbook so not a problem for me yet08:59
Uplinkwaan: i see... i used to have problems with not booting up correctly after hibernation08:59
legend2440forestpixie: really? because i was thinking of putting /home on a seperate partition before installing intrepid. why wouldnt you recommend it?08:59
dr_willismarc_,  conky+gnome requires some special options/work - the conky homepage has a lot of info on getting it working with differetn window managers09:00
waanUplink: hibernation works like a charm, just not suspend09:00
Uplinkwaan: same... suspend or hib09:00
jim_psu3180: i cant say an exact solution, but i am sure that if you make an sl of the current glibc where the game expects to find it, you will be gine09:00
Uplinkwaan: sometimes wouldnt even suspend... lol and i had to shut my pc off09:01
forestpixielegend2440: I wouldn't recommend sharing it, my home only has configs now anyway, data kept elsewhere - next time I'm fidkking about my seperate home will go and I'll just backup the configs when I clean install09:01
=== LFC|Doppp is now known as Doppp
Tybear241083hey peeps... does anyone know why I would get this error:'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied09:01
Tybear241083You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.09:01
Uplinkneither would i legend244009:01
paul68jim_p: thanks only thing I'm not quiet certain about is mentioning the routers and eth cards in the dhcp config, but if this is to your opinion no problem I'm willing to give it a go when the time is right :-) some where late at night when the wife is sleeping or out working :-)09:01
legend2440forestpixie: ok thanks again09:01
marc_ok thanks dr willis Ill check that out some more.09:01
su3180jim_p: hmm... that I have not tried; 10x man ;)09:01
Tybear241083I was trying to share a folder on a network09:02
waanUplink: that happens everytime, instead of waking up it just sits there with the lights on, have to power it off09:02
paul68jim_p: another technicality is how to connect back to my server is I should run into problems and need to replace the new config with the old ones09:02
Uplinkwaan: same here... it used to do that...09:02
jim_pdoes anyone know where i can find that glib (or package that contains it) that su3180 asked??09:02
paul68jim_p: is= if09:02
waanUplink: well, intrepid might fix the problem09:03
Uplinkwaan: i dont have the problem no more09:03
jim_ppaul68: i am sorry, no idea about that last one09:03
EdLinis there a good alternative to the wifi support in 8.04? I'm running a dell mini 9, and it can't seem to remember my wifi password.09:03
paul68jim_p: no problem thanks anyways09:04
zirodayTybear241083: go to System > Administration > Users and Groups and make sure you are part of the netshare group09:04
UplinkEdLin: what exactly u need?09:04
Tybear241083ziroday: thanks I will try that09:04
Tybear241083sorry... I'm a bit of a noob..lol09:04
EdLinUplink: wifi support that remembers WPA passwords.09:04
ushillsI am having a problem installing xubuntu on to a PIII, installs OS but hangs at boot repeatdly09:04
joaquinmEdLin: use Networkmanager, it comes by default with ubuntu09:05
EdLinjoaquinm: I am09:05
UplinkEdLin: nm-applet09:05
zirodayushills: ask in #xubuntu09:05
EdLinas far as I know, I'm using the network manager applet.09:05
UplinkEdLin: it does remember passes09:05
EdLinit doesn't here.09:05
ushillsokay thanks09:05
jim_pEdLin: ok since everyone said network manager, i say the oposite. avoid that piece of junk at all consts. use wicd09:05
UplinkEdLin: i wouldnt be connected if it didnt09:05
EdLinwhat's wicd?09:06
jim_pEdLin: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/09:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd09:06
EdLincan I apt-get it?09:06
Uplinkwhy is not on the repo?09:06
jim_pEdLin: there are instructions on the page. it has an ubuntu repo you must add09:07
AlgyzWill 8.10 be able to mount UFS partitions without recompiling of kernel?09:07
wolfie2xquestion about packeges: I have "ffmpeg (3:0.svn20080206-12ubuntu3)". I need "ffmpeg (3:0.svn20080206-12ubuntu3+unstripped4) intrepid;"09:07
joaquinmdoes anyone knows how to share internet and limit the bandwidth ? im already using cbq.init and it works it limit the bandwidth per ip, but i was wondering if there is a way to limit the bandwidth to X amount and if there is unused bandwidth to increase the limit, anyone knows an script or app or something ?09:07
EdLinjim_p: thanks09:07
wolfie2xI have added "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/motumedia/ubuntu intrepid main"09:07
zirodayAlgyz: ask in #ubuntu+109:08
nickoeWhat are the original settings for ~/.local/share/Trash/files?09:08
wolfie2xziroday: ubuntu+1 is asleep09:08
zirodaywolfie2x: well then stay and wait :), you should also ask your question there09:08
wolfie2xconsider as a general q on packages09:08
nickoeups, not settings, but permissions09:08
zirodaywolfie2x: its intrepid specific, please ask there and read the channel topics09:09
zirodaynickoe: rwx permissions for the owner only09:10
waanjoaquinm: ipchains might be what you are after.09:10
joaquinmwaan: ohh kewl thx man09:10
waanjoaquinm: I think it's based on ip_firewall for freebsd09:11
joaquinmwaan: do you know any good site that could help me ?09:11
nickoeziroday, ahh, that helped! Thank you very much09:11
waanjoaquinm: sorry no09:11
joaquinmwaan: ok, now i know what to look for :)09:11
Tybear241083!net usershare09:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about net usershare09:11
ziroday!msgthebot > Tybear24108309:12
ubottuTybear241083, please see my private message09:12
waanjoaquinm: actually I think ipchains is only a routing tool, it might not limit speeds09:12
joaquinmwaan: yeah im reading something right now :(09:12
su3180bye all09:13
joaquinmi tought cbq.init could do it09:13
joaquinmbut i dont know if i have something wrong cause it doesnt works as i want09:13
waanjoaquinm: So do you want to limit each ip to a certain speed?09:13
joaquinmwaan: yeah, already have it working09:13
joaquinmwaan: but i want to like break the limits on certain rules09:14
Tybear241083ziroday: thanks for that. but if someone else had not done that on the public channel I would not have known about it. but whatever....09:14
joaquinmwaan: for example if i have an ip with a 256k limit and my total bandwidth is 1mbit and nobodyelse is using the internet i want to increase that limit09:14
waanjoaquinm: hmm you might be on your own there, maybe write a script or something09:14
joaquinmwaan: donno if that's possible tho09:15
zirodayTybear241083: did you check if you were part of that group?09:15
waanjoaquinm: how would it know though?09:15
zirodaydinesh_: do you have a question we can help you with?09:15
Tybear241083ziroday: yeah I did but I can't find the group or anything that resembles it09:15
zirodayTybear241083: okay. have you install samba?09:15
joaquinmwaan: there is a way to know the amount of traffic, i dont know if there is a tool to handle that09:15
Tybear241083Ziroday:ok cool... what does that do09:16
zirodayTybear241083: its basically the software that handles sharing folders over the network09:16
ziroday!samba > Tybear24108309:16
ubottuTybear241083, please see my private message09:16
waanjoaquinm: there might be, but it would probably be hard to find09:16
Tybear241083ziroday: great thanks. I will do that.09:16
joaquinmwaan: yeah that suxs :( hahaha09:16
dinesh_can i know how can i install vlc player in ubuntu09:17
dr_willisask then leave.. :)09:17
joaquinmi also can use iptables and tc to limit the bandwidth thats not a problem, the problem is to break those limits on fly09:17
zirodaydr_willis: most irritating09:17
waancouldn't figure out how to add/remove ?09:17
waanpretty basic stuf09:18
ziroday!ch | lijian09:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch09:18
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:18
waanjoaquinm: probably need something like a bash script to check the usage and set access as needed09:18
holymooman, this channel is really starting to see a lot of international visitors09:18
waanholymoo: is ubuntu only one nationality?09:19
joaquinmwaan: yeah im trying to code something for that, still figuring things out09:19
lijianthank you!09:19
joaquinmholymoo: yah of course09:19
joaquinmjoaquinm: ubuntu is from africa, im from central america09:20
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
holymooit was rare to see chinese visitors and indian visitors in the past09:20
holymoothose countries are heavily resistant to non windows anything09:20
waanubuntu is addictive09:20
joaquinmnot really, im sure we have a lot from those places right now09:20
dr_willis'redwall linux'09:20
joaquinmbut they type in english09:20
waani'd never go back to loosedows09:20
joaquinmwaan: actually linux is addictive09:21
joaquinmwaan: i only use ubuntu in 1 of my pcs09:21
waanjoaquinm: yeah I have archlinux which I really love too, in the process of setting up gnome on it09:21
waanjoaquinm: having some trouble with the wpa_supplicant though09:21
joaquinmwaan: oh boy arch, i dont like it, is like ubuntu too much bin packages for me09:21
holymooits just that in those two countries windows is basically free because of 'piracy'.  gaining brainshare in such an environment is an impressive feat09:21
holymooespecially with no budget09:22
emilienhas anyone managed to run tremulous ?09:22
joaquinmwaan: i was slack user long time ago, but switched to gentoo09:22
holymooits cool to see09:22
Spetstomato on the router09:22
waanjoaquinm: I used to use freebsd and i favour the linux package manager to ports now09:22
zirodayemilien: what is the problem?09:22
dr_willisemilien,  i have in the past... that game makes me so dizzy i puke09:22
SpetsOk, im too tired to scroll09:22
* Spets going to bed09:22
joaquinmSpets: nn man09:22
waanjoaquinm: whats gentoo like compared to ubuntu?09:22
emilienziroday,  here is problem http://pastebin.com/m54dd4bff09:22
holymoowaan: roughly a week09:23
joaquinmhmmm like 3 times faster hehe09:23
emiliendr_willis,  once you get pased the puking it great game09:23
dr_williswaan,  about like one of those 'build your own motocycle kits, vs actually walking into the dealership and buying one' :)09:23
holymoothats how long it takes to compile everything from source09:23
joaquinmjoaquinm: i love ubuntu live cd09:23
dr_willisemilien,  i never got that far. ;) the fisheye+wallcrawling   killed me09:23
waandr_willis: so its like arch then, dyi?09:23
zirodayemilien: did you press ctrl + c in the terminal whilst waiting for the game to start?09:23
dr_williswaan,  gentoo is proberly more DIY then arch.09:23
joaquinmwaan: its a great live cd, i allways use it to install gentoo lol09:24
waandr_willis: wow crazy I thought it was pre-made desktop sort of thing09:24
joaquinmwaan: to start with gentoo you first need some free time09:24
dr_williswaan,  gentoo premade? No... sabayon is a bit of gentoo-prebuilt a little..09:24
joaquinmwaan: cause compile monsters like gnome xorg and open-office09:24
joaquinmtakes some time09:24
beilabsHey guys, just updated, running nvidia-glx-177 package.  Core temp of gfx card 8400M is now average of 62 degrees.  Seems quite hot especially with no extra settings enabled.  Any clues09:24
emilienziroday,  no , the game starts and is fine then it turns buggy and i have to kill from tty09:24
joaquinmthe thing that i like from gentoo is customzation09:25
waanjoaquinm: ohh god compiling09:25
zirodayemilien: ah right, then how is it buggy?09:25
zirodaybeilabs: are you using intrepid?09:25
joaquinmwaan: and of course the performance to have an os 100% from source09:25
beilabsziroday, aye, no-one active in #ubuntu+109:25
waanjoaquinm: yeah true, but i'll happy to give that up for easyness09:25
zirodaybeilabs: you just have to wait :)09:25
Nvidiotbeilabs: maybe the card is in 3D mode? (Compiz enabled?)09:25
dr_willisi would like to see some benchmarks proving that source is faster.... and by how much.09:26
joaquinmwaan: at this time my gentoo has everything that ubuntu has, talking about easyness hehe09:26
emilienziroday,  it turns blue you can only see backgound menu is unsable black boxes pop up kinda a nightmare09:26
joaquinmwaan: but man, if i ever need to install linux on a new computer, ill choose ubuntu09:26
beilabsNvidiot, nope, no compiz09:26
waanjoaquinm: I spent way too much time compiling in freebsd to like it anymore09:26
zirodayemilien: what graphics card and are you running compiz at the time?09:26
joaquinmwaan: takes no more than 20 mins to have everything up and runing09:26
waanjoaquinm: yeah09:26
joaquinmwaan: well with gentoo you only need to compile the first day09:26
joaquinmwaan: after a while you get some experience09:27
emilienziroday,  yes , let me try with out09:27
joaquinmwaan: but you know, i gave an ubuntu cd copy to all my friends so they can test it09:27
joaquinmwaan: and right now like 75% of them are using linux09:27
emilienziroday,  ok , surprise surprise work now.09:27
beilabsNvidiot, switched over to metacity09:27
waanjoaquinm: great09:28
joaquinmwaan: i would never give gentoo minimal install to a friend that doesnt know anything of linux, he will cry and throw the cd to the thrascan hahahah09:28
waanjoaquinm: my friends are stubborn win fanboys, too bad for them09:28
Nvidiotbeilabs: hmm, well, the card being in 3D mode would explain the temps. Windows puts it in 2D-slow mode to keep the temps down for the desktop09:28
zirodayemilien: yeah, compiz has that effect on games especially with not as powerful graphics cards . You should disable it before playing a game09:28
emilienziroday,  it s a shame to turn compriz of every time i play can i do it automatically?09:28
Nvidiotjoaquinm: not to mention he won't ever like linux again :)09:28
beilabsNvidiot, any idea how I could turn it into 2d slow mode?09:29
Nvidiotbeilabs: you could look at the driver options, but I don't know how to do it exactly09:29
zirodayemilien: you can write a script that does it for you09:29
joaquinmNvidiot: exactly hehehe09:29
emilienziroday,  can you guide me though it ?09:30
waanDoes anybody know of some problems which cause suspend to not wake up?09:30
beilabsNvidiot, will do, going to try it out now09:30
VirusCan I use a bot with pidgin?09:30
waanVirus: what do you mean by "use a bot"?09:30
zirodayemilien: sure but it can be complicated, do you have any experience bash scripting?09:31
schmrzVirus: that is not ubuntu related question09:31
Virusbecose is for pidgin09:31
waanVirus: pidgin is an opensource program, not just for ubuntu09:31
joaquinmthose are 2 different things hahahah09:31
emilienziroday,  not really09:31
jim_pVirus: you can set an away message i think09:31
VirusI am using ubuntu 8.04 LTS09:31
joaquinmVirus: you dont need pidgin for an irc bot09:31
zirodayemilien: okay, can you open up a new text file09:31
joaquinmVirus: you could make your own eggy with python, is really easy09:32
waanVirus: if you want a boot, look at the eggdrop module, megahal09:32
emilienziroday,  ok09:32
zirodayemilien: and at the top add the line "#!/bin/bash" which basically defines the file as a script09:32
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there. I am running hardy in virtualbox under windows because of broken intel drivers. I managed to access my _whole_ disk from inside the virtual machine, and I have to say ubuntu works really, really great that way. The only thing I had to do is to change xorg.conf. Do you know of a way of choosing which xorg.conf to use depending on being runned into virtualbox or not?09:32
joaquinmziroday: thats not true09:32
zirodayemilien: underneath that add the line "metacity --replace &" which means you close compiz09:32
VirusI go to see09:32
joaquinmziroday: you could even run a script without that line09:32
zirodayjoaquinm: its the simplified version :)09:33
EdLinthanks for the wicd advice09:33
waanLe-Chuck_ITA: maybe bash script that checks first?09:33
joaquinmziroday: the #!/bin/bash line its only to tell where to run the things09:33
waanLe-Chuck_ITA: and replaced the xorg as needed09:33
EdLinI couldn09:33
zirodayemilien: then underneath that line add the games name, which in this case is tremelous09:33
Le-Chuck_ITAwaan: yes but how do I detect that I am inside vbox? Perhaps from /proc/cpuinfo?09:33
whispereri just upgraded my hardy to ibex pre0release09:33
VirusI have installed, and now?09:33
Flannelwhisperer: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks09:33
whisperercant change screen resolution09:34
waanLe-Chuck_ITA: something like that, there would be multiple ways to check, not too sure myself though09:34
EdLinI couldn't install from the repository, btw, I had to use the raw deb.09:34
whispererk, thx09:34
Le-Chuck_ITAwaan: ok cpuinfo is as usual :)09:34
zirodayemilien: finally underneath that add the line "compiz --replace & disown" which restarts compiz when the game is finished. After doing all that save the file09:34
Le-Chuck_ITAwaan: vbox does a great job09:34
zirodayemilien: you still with me?09:35
schmrzVirus: Go to #eggdrop for eggdrop help.09:35
emilienziroday, yes =)09:35
Dynetrekkhi folks - anyone tried to install ubuntu on a macbook pro? I can't seem to get the boot selector to recognize the ubuntu partition after installing...09:35
Le-Chuck_ITAsuggestions on how to detect being runned inside virtualbox anyone?09:35
VirusYou need to be identified to join that channe09:35
VirusI cant09:36
ay^Le-Chuck_ITA: what?09:36
zirodayemilien: great go to where you saved the file, right click it go to permissions and tick the box that says "Allow Executing the file as a program"09:36
joaquinmVirus: that means that you need to register your nickname, then identify with nickserver then log in09:36
zirodayemilien: sorry right click, go to properties and then permissions09:36
_terror_hi all!09:36
emilienziroday, ok done09:36
EdLinDynetrekk, try using a boot camp partition, or use refi(something) which is an alternate booter for EFI09:36
zirodayemilien: double click the file and hit run, it all should work :)09:37
DynetrekkEdLin: I partitoned in Boot Camp, and reformatted that partiton with ubuntu installer09:37
roy_how to share file between OSX and 8.0409:37
Le-Chuck_ITAay^: I run the same ubuntu installation under virtualbox and bare hardware and I want to detect this at boot09:37
emilienziroday, done! works nicely thanks09:37
jim_proy_: nfs09:37
Rufusis there a command line tool in ibex that can configure X from scratch?09:37
DynetrekkEdLin: but, afterwards, there is no ubuntu partition, and it does not mount in OS X either.09:37
Le-Chuck_ITAay^: (because xorg.conf needs to be changed)09:37
EdLinDynetrekk, refi, forgot the rest of the name, might be required.09:37
_terror_Hi fucking guys! :)09:37
zirodayemilien: and whenever you want to run the game just double click it and hit run :)09:37
ziroday!language | _terror_09:38
ubottu_terror_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:38
DynetrekkEdLin: it's rEFIt. and, I found installation instructions which supposedly don't require rEFIt09:38
roy_jim_p: 8.04 had taken away the share folder in Administration09:38
EdLinDynetrekk, well, appparently those instructions aren09:38
DynetrekkEdLin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro09:38
joaquinma guy from russin cursing, i love it :)09:38
EdLinnt working for you09:38
_terror_Ñëûøü ÷òî ëü, òóò ðóññêèå åñòü?09:39
EdLinDynetrekk, thought of running it in Virtualbox?09:39
DynetrekkEdLin: apparently :-) you suggest I install rEFIt instead? I don't feel particularly inclined to, though.09:39
ziroday!ru | _terror_09:39
ubottu_terror_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:39
DynetrekkEdLin: well, I thought of something like that. Virtualbox is open source?09:39
_terror_Russia is cool )) USA suck09:39
DynetrekkEdLin: how would you go about doing it? and will it be slow?09:39
RufusI don't want to install ubuntu for the 5th time today, can someone help me?09:39
Le-Chuck_ITARufus: what's the matter?09:40
roy_how to do simple file sharing between 8.04 and OSX09:40
_terror_Is this fucking channel?09:40
zirodayroy_: you can use samba09:40
EdLinfast, as far as I know. I do the same sort of thing with VMWare.09:40
Dynetrekkroy_: how simple? USB key?09:40
Rufusinstalled ibex, worked fine, updated to the nvidia drivers and now X doesn't start09:40
ziroday!ops | _terror_ is trolling09:40
ubottu_terror_ is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:40
waanroy_: OSX shouldn't have a problem reading samba shares09:40
joaquinmroy_: try to use nautilus-share, right click on the folder and click share09:40
DynetrekkEdLin: fast, as in native speed?09:40
EdLinDynetrekk, sure09:40
Le-Chuck_ITARufus: did you try dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg09:40
Rufustried using the xorg.conf.failsafe, but it doens't work either09:40
DynetrekkEdLin: the point would be to do numerics, so..09:40
roy_Hi, have try right click but OSX cannot see and computer09:41
Le-Chuck_ITARufus: then watch the X log under /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:41
_terror_Hi fucking guys :)09:41
EdLinDynetrekk, VMWare can devote an entire core or two just to the vm, I think VB can do the same.09:41
DynetrekkEdLin: okay, sound good...09:41
joaquinmim sure he dont even know what the f word means, por guy09:41
damagednoobhaving a problem with my wireless, not all access points show up in an iwlist scan09:41
damagednoobi'm using madwifi drivers09:42
DynetrekkEdLin: I mainly wanted to install ubuntu as a double boot install in case it turned out to be more useful09:42
NvidiotI created a raid array, added it to /etc/fstab with the "users" option so everyone can mount it. This works, however, I still cannot write to the mountpoint as a regular user. How to I fix that?09:42
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DynetrekkEdLin: than mac os X, I mean. but I don' think it's really necessary.09:42
damagednoobi can connect to other access points09:42
DynetrekkEdLin: I figured it would be cleaner than virtualization09:42
EdLinDynetrekk, actually, OS X can run most Unix software...09:42
DynetrekkEdLin: I know09:42
joaquinmdamagednoob: whats your wifi card ?09:42
BuyydeeHey, could anyone please help me write subscript in oo.o presentation?09:43
damagednoob Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)09:43
DynetrekkEdLin: that, and the nice user interface, is the motivation for buying it :)09:43
joaquinmdamagednoob: what you did to install it ?? are you using madwifi or ndiswrapper ?09:43
banister`sleephey how do i set up an alias to grep files in a certain directory? want to automatically grep files in a directory for a certain word, like when i type: rsource hell;o i want it to grep files in my ruby source directory for files containing the word hello09:43
jussi01Buyydee: format - font:)09:44
EdLina good motivation, I have two computers, a dell mini running ubuntu, and a mac mini running os x. :)09:44
Rufus@Le-Chuck_ITA: I tried Le-Chuck_ITA: dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg but it kept looping at the keyboard options09:44
DynetrekkEdLin: did you install ubuntu on the mac?09:44
joaquinmrofl _terror_ is banned from #gentoo too lol09:44
EdLinno, only as a vm instance for a while.09:44
damagednoobjoaquinm, i downloaded the latest snapshot from madwifi homepage and installed it09:44
DynetrekkEdLin: and a VM instance is what? a disk image file?09:44
Le-Chuck_ITARufus: what do you mean with kept looping? In any case, take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see what the true error is09:45
Buyydeejussi01: you mean go to the main toolbar, there format? I have no font menu in there...09:45
joaquinmdamagednoob: man if you can connect to a wirless router or any other access point, i really dont know whats going on with your card09:45
EdLinDynetrekk, I mean a VMWare image file or something, my terminology isn09:45
joaquinmdamagednoob: what security has that access point ?09:45
jussi01Buyydee: sorry, hink its character...09:45
EdLinn't precise. (Did I  tell you I hate this keyboard?)09:45
DynetrekkEdLin: okay, point being, ubuntu is stored in a single file on your Mac, or similar09:45
Dynetrekkno partition etc09:45
damagednoobjoaquinm, none09:45
Buyydeejussi01: no, neither09:46
Rufus@ Le-Chuck_ITA: no screens found09:46
damagednoobjoaquinm, same as my one09:46
Rufusseems heaps of people get "no screens found" after installing nvidia drivers09:46
jussi01Buyydee: you are on open office writer?09:46
EdLinI have a boot camp partition with Windows, and it runs under VMWare too.09:46
joaquinmdamagednoob: so what's exactly the problem ??? you cant see it right ?09:47
DynetrekkEdLin: so you can have a boot camp partition, with the other OS, and run it from VMWare?09:47
jussi01Buyydee: in open office writer, go to format, character, postition09:47
joaquinmdamagednoob: if is that, you should check if the access point is broadcasting the eesid09:47
DynetrekkEdLin: I think this sounds cleaner than installing ubuntu inside OS X09:47
damagednoobjoaquinm: yeah, i can connect to my neighbour's unsecured wireless, but i can't see or connect to mine09:47
EdLinfor windows, I could run it in a normal vmware file.09:47
Buyydeejussi01: no, presentation. but I found one in 'position' right now.. but it seems I have to go through several menus to have a subscript character. that's really not the method of choice for a chemical presentation. can you make a keybind?09:47
damagednoobjoaquinm: it is broadcasting, i have a another pc here that can see it and connect to it fine09:48
joaquinmdamagednoob: what are you using to scan the wifi nodes ?09:48
damagednoobjoaquinm: iwlist scan09:48
EdLinDynetrekk, installing ubuntu in a vm program is a simple proceedure. simpler than boot camp.09:48
damagednoobjoaquinm: and wicd09:48
Le-Chuck_ITARufus: are there other lines that start with (EE)?09:48
magnetronRufus→ support for the 8.10 beta only in #ubuntu+1 plz09:48
Le-Chuck_ITAthese are errors09:48
DynetrekkEdLin: okay... might try that then09:48
graingerthow do I setup pulseaudio to stream sound to another lan box (both are hardy)09:48
Le-Chuck_ITARufus: I have to go in any case09:48
Le-Chuck_ITAbye all09:48
NvidiotI created a raid array, added it to /etc/fstab with the "users" option so everyone can mount it. This works, however, I still cannot write to the mountpoint as a regular user. How to I fix that?09:48
Rufus(EE) No devices detected09:49
joaquinmdamagednoob: could you paste the output of iwlist scan plz ?09:49
jussi01Buyydee: I thought there was one, just cant find it now. :(09:49
damagednoobjoaquinm: d-link is my neighbour's router09:49
BuyydeeI'm searching too, considering I have to write about 200 subscripts in that presentation :D09:50
damagednoobjoaquinm: mine is called testing and doesn't show up09:50
oddis there a channel for wine issues ?09:50
joaquinmdamagednoob: are you 100% that is called testing ?09:51
joaquinmdamagednoob: if you card cant see it, try setting it manually09:51
graingert/join #winehq09:51
damagednoobjoaquinm: yeah, i can see it on another pc here09:51
Buyydeejussi01: I found it :) normally it's ctrl-shift-B, but you can change it09:52
graingertodd: #winehq09:52
jussi01Buyydee: excellent. :)09:52
Buyydeejussi01: thank you for your help09:53
krekonhello. I use ubuntu in greek. I install the Anjuta for development but it is on greek this too. howw I could install only this package in english?09:53
joaquinmkrekon: try switchin your system language to english and install anjuta again09:54
krekonjoaquinm I want to keep greek on my system09:54
papoif I want to adapt the linux kernel, what's better: compiling from the tarball of the package linux-source or compiling from what I get with apt-get source?09:55
maheshcan anybody help about how to solve the veoh problem in linux?09:55
joaquinmyeah after you install the app, switch to gree again, and check if the app dont switch to greek09:55
jim_pmahesh: virtualization and shared folders between host and quest os. best solution so far09:56
maheshjim_p: i didn't get you...!! i'm asking about the video files download...09:57
roganHi the only way my wifi card will work with ubuntu now that I have it installed is WEP Hex encryption... however my 2 other roomates windows laptops dont have the option for WEP so what do i do?09:58
maheshi found the solution for that is, change the format of the file and then download!! but, it is not working for the heavy size files!!09:59
graingertrogan: wep is the most common crypto, surely the suport it09:59
graingertrogan: they*09:59
jim_pmahesh: oh, then look at veohproxy10:00
roganMy firends HP Graingert only has the option for wpa type settings10:00
jim_pmahesh: command line only but it does the job10:00
graingertrogan: I have HP laptop wep works fine10:01
graingertrogan: are they using windows to manage wireless, or some crappy "came with the card" wireless manager?10:01
graingertrogan: windows suports wep out of the box...10:02
what_ifI need a recommendation for a firewall gui. Likeness to zonealarm (in easiness) i s preferred :)10:02
maheshjim_p: i found that in the firefox add-ons!!! but, it is not working!! do you know the download solution?10:02
dr_willis!firewall | graingert10:02
ubottugraingert: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).10:02
jim_pwhat_if: firestarter is a gui for iptables the built in linux firewall10:02
dr_willisgraingert,  theres also ufw and the gui front ends for that.10:02
teo_get link connection greek ubuntu server?10:02
graingertgraingert: I know...10:02
dr_willisoops wrong nick.. :) sorry10:02
what_ifjim_p: is firestarter fairly simple or would guarddog be better ?10:03
graingertwhat_if: firestarter firewalls kill samba10:03
dr_williswhat_if,  why do you even need a firewall?10:03
graingertwhat_if: do NOT use firestarte10:03
jim_pwhat_if: i have not used guarddog10:03
teo_i want connection greek ubuntu server10:03
graingertwhat_if: you only need a firewall if you need to ristrict the network behind you10:03
velkokrekon, you haven't "installed" anjuta in english. you installed it in all possible languages. you can switch a language if you run the program this way: LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 anjuta10:04
dr_williswindoes has people trained to think that everyone 'needs' a firewall. :)10:04
what_ifdr_willis: i end up goin to a lot of lan parties and LUG meetups10:04
z80ASManyone has any knowledge how to solve a problem, that root doesn't ask the password on Ubuntu 8.04?10:04
teo_help i wand connection ubuntu server?10:04
dr_williswhat_if,  so? :)10:04
graingertwhat_if: how can they hack you if you don't open ports on apps...?10:04
what_ifdr_willis: lots of script kiddies ;)10:04
magnetron!root | z80ASM10:05
ubottuz80ASM: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:05
graingertwhat_if: put ssh on a different port10:05
dr_willisor just turn off sshd :)10:05
graingertdr_willis: what_if even better10:05
z80ASMthere is a password.10:05
z80ASMin some programs it asks it, in some it doesn't.10:05
magnetronz80ASM→ you mean, for sudo?10:05
magnetronz80ASM→ sudo will chache your password for a few minutes.10:06
DIFH-icerootsudo is aksing for the user-password not the root-password10:06
graingertwhat_if: linux firewalls only make sense for network administrators to make a network firewall to block things like games etc from windows boxes10:06
magnetronz80ASM→ i mean "cache"10:06
graingertwhat_if: so absolutely no need in a lan gaming party!!10:06
z80ASMyes I know, but in Ubuntu 8.04 root has same password as the user10:06
=== GM-Cosmo_PW is now known as Cosmo
graingertz80ASM: it really doesn't10:07
Bodsdahey guys -- my screen res is stuck at 800x600 after udate&upgrade -- heres my current xorg: http://pastebin.com/f7f36f40d -- my nvidia graphic drivers say they are in use but the enabled box is not ticked, ive tried ticking it and rebooting with no joy10:07
z80ASMit does.10:07
z80ASMatleast on me.10:07
what_ifgraingert: how about at a lan party where more than one person in studying or has a CEH certification, lol10:07
dr_willisz80ASM,  no its not..  unless you set a root password.10:07
esaySysinfo for 'qqq-desktop': Linux 2.6.24-21-generic running KDE 3.5.10, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)4CPU2.60GHz at 2612 MHz (5229 bogomips), , RAM: 750/757MB, 119 proc's, 1.2d up10:07
z80ASMI set my password to *censored*.10:07
dr_willisz80ASM,    so it dosent matter then. :)10:07
z80ASMthen I typed sudo and it asked for the *censored*.10:07
z80ASMbut now, the sudo has stopped working.10:07
graingertz80ASM: yes that is how sudo works10:07
thodoris_turtlei wont connection ubuntu greek servers10:07
z80ASMand my browser doesn't type in the new URL.10:07
velkoz80ASM, indeed. but this is not the _root_ password. stop talking nonsense10:08
graingertz80ASM: sudo asks for your own password not the root one; that is the point10:08
z80ASMlike if I use Firefox, I type in some address.10:08
dr_willisif you are a user and use sudo.. it wants the users password.. 'su - ' would want the root uusers password.10:08
z80ASMthen I go to some link.10:08
Bodsda!enter | z80ASM10:08
ubottuz80ASM: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:08
graingertwhat_if: trust us, you really don't need one10:08
z80ASMit stays the same.10:08
graingertwhat_if: what servers do you have listening on what ports?10:09
magnetronz80ASM→ sudo *caches* your password, so if you type it in once you will not have to type if for the next 5 minutes10:09
magnetronz80ASM→ maybe it's not 5 minutes. but for some time.10:09
z80ASMso, anyone knows how to solve the problem, that my browser doesn't refresh the URL like in YouTube if I search for something the URL bar says still YouTube's normal URL.10:09
graingertz80ASM: unless you use sudo -K10:09
z80ASMmagnetron: OK, I just thought it might be dangerous like, if someone would get into my system.10:10
atle_Has anyone experienced that the fan is constantly running after upgrading to Intrepid??10:10
graingertz80ASM: go to moznet....10:10
z80ASMmmh, ok...10:10
graingertatle_: go to ubuntu+110:10
graingertz80ASM: also you can set sudo not to cache10:10
z80ASMgraingert, how?10:10
Nvidiotquestion: mail to root will be forwarded to the first user that's created by default?10:10
graingertz80ASM: check out your /etc/sudoers list10:11
what_ifgraingert: you want the whole list? all on default ports: mysqld sshd ipp10:11
z80ASMOK, I'm currently on Windows, so I'll switch to Ubuntu soon.10:11
z80ASMWell, off to Ubuntu now. ->10:11
graingertwhat_if: the most they can do is try to break your ssh password; print to your printers and try and crack your mysql password10:12
graingertwhat_if: with ssh, use public key authentication rather than passwords; and make sure your mysql and ipp password is secure; you really have no need for a firewall10:12
comptonhost auth for mysql10:13
graingertwhat_if: allso put ssh on an alternate port or just switch off all of your deamons10:13
pharumjoin #ubuntu-pl10:13
graingertwhat_if: (that you don't need)10:13
graingertwhat_if: check out (google: securing ssh)10:13
what_ifgraingert: will do. tyvm :)10:14
comptonhow do I set apt-get to use universe etc without using the GUI?10:14
graingertcompton: read your /etc/apt/source.list it will tell you (un comment a bunch of lines)10:15
what_ifcompton: edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually10:15
Verdelicioushola folks10:15
thcmonkeypresumably it's possible to rd from ubuntu to vista?10:15
z80ASMcan't find /etc/sudoers10:16
dr_willisthcmonkey,  Huh?10:16
* Verdelicious falls out of her chair when she sees how many people are in this room10:16
z80ASMwhere you can set the cache time for sudo, anyone knows?10:16
dr_willis -->   /etc/sudoers10:16
thcmonkeydr_willis i want to take remote control of my vista machine from ubuntu machine10:17
dr_willisthe sudoers man page mentions the cache i recall.10:17
dr_willisthcmonkey,  i tend touse vnc for that.10:17
graingertz80ASM: you need to be root to edit it10:17
graingertz80ASM: for obvious reasons :-p10:18
z80ASMgraingert: thanks.10:18
Q_ContinuumAnyone have an understanding of the bug(s) where gnome locks up and I can't launch any new applications, requiring a reboot?10:18
dr_willis timestamp_timeout10:18
dr_willis   - setting contrlls the timeout of the sudo cache.10:18
z80ASMwhat the... /etc/sudoers: command not found10:18
graingertthcmonkey: use vinegre should be installed by defauls10:18
graingertz80ASM: you need to EDIT it not RUN it10:18
thcmonkeysudo apt-get install vnc (?)10:18
graingertthcmonkey: it's installed already10:18
thcmonkeygraingert sorry, typed before read10:19
graingertthcmonkey: (on hardy)10:19
z80ASMgraingert: like how?10:19
comptonwhat's the ubuntu live cd root password?10:19
graingert!editor | z80ASM10:19
ubottuz80ASM: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code10:19
dr_willissudo visudo10:19
favrocompton: that mostly happens with a bad burn - it shouldn't ask10:19
dr_willisbe VERY carefull when editing the sudoers file. :)10:19
comptonfavro: what password do I use to login to ssh?10:20
z80ASMI sure will.10:20
graingertthcmonkey: Applictations -> internet -> remote desktop somthing10:20
ByteJugglercompton: the password of the account you're logging into10:20
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida10:20
thcmonkeylol yeah I got that far but by default doesn't  seem to let me connect10:20
comptonByteJuggler, root on the live cd10:21
thcmonkeyI've found something on a forum though so thank you10:21
neekaAnyone happen to know if my T8100 intel core2 duo processor counts as a 32-bit processor?10:21
graingertthcmonkey: np10:21
comptontry tight vnc if that fails10:21
ByteJugglercompton: root's account is locked on ubuntu, it does not have a password10:21
ByteJugglercompton: specify a user for ssh10:21
favrocompton: you should have set that up yourself10:21
comptonByteJuggler, wow10:21
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ByteJugglercompton: e.g.10:21
comptonByteJuggler, what's the syntax to create a user?10:21
graingertneeka:you should only use x86_6410:21
ByteJugglercompton: ssh user@host10:21
z80ASMI got the file opened, but it says this file must be edited with the 'visudo' command as root. Then I typed visudo /etc/sudoers to terminal and it gave usage -c, -q -s, -V and -f sudoers, so what do I do?10:21
dr_williscompton,  sudo adduser billgates10:22
neekagraingert: thank you10:22
graingertneeka: but it will pretend to be a 32bit un10:22
dr_willisz80ASM,  its a system file.. it MUST be editied as root.. thus use sudo sudoers10:22
ByteJugglercompton: sudo adduser billgames will add a machine to the local machine (liveCD if that's what you're booted from)10:22
dr_willissudo visudo10:22
dr_willisoops typio.. :) my bad.10:22
graingertneeka: in backwards compat mode; but 64bit softy is mostly better on 64bit processer10:22
dr_willisz80ASM,  of course that will use vi as the editor I think.  :)10:22
ByteJugglercompton: compton: that's not very useful.  If you're trying to ssh into another machine on your network, from a livecd boot, then just use ssh user@host10:23
z80ASMyes, uses vi, but what do I edit now?10:23
graingertz80ASM: you probalby want to use sudo gedit /etc/sudoers10:23
neekagraingert: so it is a true 64bit processor?10:23
graingertneeka: yes10:23
dr_willisz80ASM,  from the 'man sudoers' pages - the option was timestamp_timeout10:23
neekagraingert: great, thanks for the help10:23
graingertneeka: I am pretty sure that all IC2D use 64bit10:23
Nvidiotneeka: if you want to run the codecs for windows fileformats you may want to stick with 32-bit, as far as I know they don't work with the 64-bit version10:23
z80ASMdr_willis, there's no timestamp_timeout text in the whole sudoers. ;P10:24
lee1how do I login in a nested window in Ubuntu 8.04?10:24
graingertneeka: if you are okay with a bit of dubius legalaty the x64 is fine10:24
laughtearhi everybody, i need some help about buying a graphic card... anybody could give an advice to me for which irc channel is good for that kinda chat?10:24
z80ASMoh, I maybe got it now10:24
dr_willisz80ASM,  so? add one.. logical eh? theres 100000+ options NOT listed in that file...10:24
comptonByteJuggler, I don't understand why I'd use ssh user@host. I'm using putty anyway10:25
graingertz80ASM: have a look around on the net for sudo info10:25
comptoncreating a new user worked10:25
dr_willissudo and sudoers is dicuussed in many web sites/forums I recall.10:25
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lee1how do I login in a nested window in 8.04?10:26
graingertdr_willis: yes because it is such a difficult call to get it secure and user friendly10:26
ByteJugglercompton:  OK if you're trying to ssh into your LiveCD booted machine, then you should try to connect to user "ubuntu" iirc, which is the user being used by the LiveCD boot10:26
pepHi, anyone know where I can get help about evolution? I've got some question about tasks and also gmail interaction...10:26
graingertlee1: have a look at properties of fast user switcher, and install xnest10:26
ByteJuggleryou should probably set a password first10:26
dr_willisive seen a lot of 'discussions/flamewars' on if sudo caching the password is good/bad/acceptable.. :)  I dont seeit as being much of a security issue10:26
lee1graingert: thanks10:26
dr_willisTheres more to 'sudo' then just the command you tupe to do 'rooty things'10:27
z80ASMthis sounds so easy, but isn't10:27
pepthere is no #evolution channel afaik...10:27
ByteJugglercompton: you'd also probably have to install openssh-server first10:27
comptonByteJuggler, done10:27
ByteJugglercompton: what are you trying to do exactly?10:27
BlackDalekdoes anyone know how to get the text to appear in google-earth?10:27
dr_willisz80ASM,  you are being paranoid about  the wrong things I think... basically you add the    line      'timestamp_timeout10:28
dr_willis 0    '  to that file.10:28
comptonByteJuggler, remote control my other computer10:28
dr_willisoops   'timestamp_timeout 0'10:28
z80ASMto where in the file?10:28
z80ASMjust to the bottom?10:28
dr_willisz80ASM,  at the top i imagine.10:28
z80ASMwhere to the top?10:28
ByteJugglercompton: So are you trying to putty (from Windows) into ... what?10:28
z80ASMabove the # /etc/sudoers line?10:28
dr_willisz80ASM,  below the comments.. the file only has lke 4 lines tha tare not comments...10:28
dr_willisz80ASM,  # is a comment. :)10:29
simon_bsomeone has an idea, how to go further with the following issue: i'm using xine to play dvd's, spdif out... mp3's, *ts files are played great, also surround, but i get no sound from the dvd's*!10:29
z80ASMIt has 1 which isn't a comment.10:29
z80ASMDefaults            env_reset10:29
comptonByteJuggler, computer running ubuntu livecd on the network10:29
dr_willisz80ASM,  put it whever you want then...  and see if it works.. if not move it...10:29
dr_willisenabling root password.. then worrying about the sudoers time out.. is sort of.. err.. silly10:30
ByteJugglercompton: OK, then what I've said should work -- 1) install open-ssh server, 2) set password for user "ubuntu" or add a new user, 3) putty from windows box using IP address10:30
fukashello guys10:30
shesekhey, I tried to install ubuntu on my MSI wind, I created a bootable flash drive with the installion cd using unetbootin10:30
fukasanybody using transmission for torrents?10:30
shesekinstalled it as I normally do (I wanted it to have dual boot)10:30
shesekand when I restarted grub just wouldn't show up10:31
fukaslee1:: oh, have a question10:31
z80ASMI added timestamp_timeout 0 to the file, but how to save with Vi?10:31
shesekit loads windows10:31
shesekany suggestionfs ?10:31
z80ASMYou can't edit with gedit, so what to do with Vi?10:31
fukaslee1:: cannot add functionality to it. What I need - is:10:31
dr_willisz80ASM,  you could of edited it with gedit.. but its BEST to edit that file with visudo10:31
dr_willisz80ASM,  esc then :wq10:31
z80ASMcan  edit with gedit, but can't save.10:31
fukasfor instance, I have 3 torrents, all of them have to be leeched. I need only one of them to be active in leeching, and two others to be queued10:31
z80ASMOK, I pressed esc now.10:32
fukasnow three of them are active10:32
fukasand that's not good10:32
dr_willisz80ASM,  because you HAD to run gedit with root permissions.. ie:   'sudo gedit /path/to/file'   thats sort of the point of sudo :)10:32
ByteJugglerdr_willis:warning, "visudo" doesn't use vi anymore10:32
neerhi there10:32
ByteJugglerit uses nano10:32
dr_willisByteJuggler,  it is here on a fresh 8.10 install..10:32
comptondo you really need to use visudo?10:32
ByteJugglerso it's ctrl-o, ctrl-x10:32
neeris the new edition of ubuntu coming on October 30?10:32
lee1can't you pause them?10:32
dr_willisByteJuggler,   but i do install vim-full.. so it may of changed the default10:32
z80ASMdr_willis, it goes to read only -mode. ;P10:33
dr_willisByteJuggler,  if he isusing nano.. then he aparently cant read the menus at the bottom eh.. :)10:33
ByteJugglercompton: visudo checks the edits for validity, since breaking sudoers can lock you out of the PC10:33
z80ASMyou can edit, but saving doesn't work. :P10:33
ByteJugglercompton: hence why they recommend using visudo10:33
fukaslee1:: yea, I can do it. But.. when the leeching torrents will be finished - I want torrents from queue to start automatically10:33
ByteJugglercompton: to prevent that10:33
dr_willisz80ASM,   then you started the editor wrong.. 'sudo visudo'   is how it should of been started10:33
z80ASMit works now. ;P10:33
ByteJugglerdr_willis: ok sorry missed that10:33
z80ASMI just edited with vi and pressed esc. ;P10:33
comptonhow can I stop and start the gui from the command line?10:33
fukaslee1:: it's usuall practice in utorrent(under m$), deluge, azureus...10:33
lee1maybe you should give other torrent applications a try, i've never needed to do what you're doing so I don't know, maybe you could take a look at Ktorrent10:34
z80ASMnow it asks password everytime. :)10:34
neerCan anyone tell me if the new edition of Ubuntu? coming on October 30.200810:34
dr_willisz80ASM,  and this makes it safer how> :)10:34
ByteJugglercompton: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:34
dr_willisneer,  thats the planned date.10:34
ByteJugglerand start10:34
fukaslee1:: ok, I just wanted to use something more lite, than azureus :)10:34
neerdr_willis: thats cool10:34
neerdr_willis: thanks for the informatino10:34
neerdr_willis: any new thing on that edition?10:35
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comptonByteJuggler, I executed that from ssh with success but nothing happened on the actual pc10:35
dr_willisneer,  same as last realse.. every thing gets updated.. and lots of tweaks...10:35
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dr_willisneer,  my laptop wireless now works.. :)10:35
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darqhey guys i just downloaded the rc interpid ibex and it wont boot (AMD Barton 2800+, 1GB ram, ATI HD2400) ... it gets me to the gdm and there it stops10:36
neerdr_willis: ??10:36
Guest16296wer is ir ubuntu??????10:36
z80ASMhmm, what is the server of moznet?10:36
BlackDalekhow do I make the text appear in google earth?10:36
z80ASMlike, when I type /server *what do I type here to access moznet?*.10:36
shesekhey, I tried to install ubuntu on my MSI wind, I created a bootable flash drive with the installion cd using unetbootin, installed it as I normally do (I wanted it to have dual boot), and when I restarted grub just wouldn't show up, it loads windows. any suggestions ?10:36
fukasz80ASM:: using firefox + irc plugin?10:36
ByteJugglercompton: let me check ...10:37
lee1what the heck is .gvfs?10:37
z80ASMfukas: oh... I thought I could access with Irssi. xD10:37
lee1& how do I end a user's session?10:37
darqand then only the caps lock led is blinking .. and nothing starts. does anybody know that bug?10:37
pepanyone knows where the evolution people hang out? on another server?10:37
dr_willisdarq,  caps lock blinking is a sign of a bad crash...10:37
fukasz80ASM:: ah, why I asked - firefox irc pluging is really weird, and command seemed familiar to it :)10:37
skenubuntu 8,1010:38
skenis it good?10:38
skenwhen it will be released?10:38
dr_willissken,  yes.. when its done.10:38
jim_psken: in 4 days10:38
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu10:38
_coredump_in 4 days, and it cant get worser than ;)10:38
* dr_willis waits for service pack 1 for 8.1010:38
jim_pis there any ati user?10:38
shesekno one? please, help :O10:38
darqdr_willis hmm does this mean the new kernel messed something up. 8.04 runs ok10:39
shesekI can't stand that annoying windows for another day10:39
skenis it going to be a stable and a faster system?10:39
z80ASMshesek, just get FreeBSD.10:39
jim_pshesek: can you please repeat, i just enterted10:39
dr_willissken,  wait 4 days, try i and see10:39
favrosken: for intrepid Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu10:39
shesekjim_p, hey, I tried to install ubuntu on my MSI wind, I created a bootable flash drive with the installion cd using unetbootin, installed it as I normally do (I wanted it to have dual boot), and when I restarted grub just wouldn't  show up, it loads windows. any suggestions ?10:40
jim_psken: if you do want a faster system, install server edition and any package you need afterwards. its not that hard, i have done it myself10:40
shesekjim_p, thanks :)10:40
skenhow jim?10:40
_coredump_z80ASM, freebsd is awesome, i have 7.1beta2 running, its smokin fast and extremly stable.10:41
keith keith081510:41
jim_psken: in simple terms... install ubuntu server and sudo apt-get install xorg gnome-core firefox and so on10:41
z80ASM_coredump_ I know it is.10:41
jim_pshesek: do you mean it ignores grub on the usb thing?10:42
xukunafter updating and restarting my system I now have xfce as display manager. how can I restore the default ubuntu display manager?10:42
jim_pxukun: log out and select gnome from the sessions menu10:42
shesekjim_p, it loaded the installion, it installed it succefully, but after a restart windows just load as it normally does10:42
lee1other than logging into the superuser account and changing the theme, is there any way to change the graphical theme for root?10:43
jim_pshesek: no grub there at all?10:43
shesekno, it doesn't show up at all10:43
xukunjim_p, that easy he ok I will thanks10:43
Acknixhey guys im having a problem with an SU command, im trying to run it and then it asks for a PW, so i entre it10:44
Acknixand then it says authtenication failure10:44
jim_plee1: sudo gnome-appearence-properties perhaps?10:44
Acknixacksaw@Mars:~/Desktop$ su -c "./et-linux-2.55.x86.run"10:44
Acknixsu: Authentication failure10:44
FloodBot2Acknix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
lee1jim_p: cool, i'll try- thanks10:44
jim_pshesek: then it was not installed. here10:44
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:44
Nvidiotgah. This is stupid, some windows don't fit on the screen in 1024x768...10:45
shesekhow come? do I have to install it seperatly?10:45
jim_pAcknix: sudo sh et-...run10:45
jeppI have a problem with cairo-dock. It is in my "sessions" but when it starts after I turned my pc on, it doesn't start properly which means that cairo-dock isn't displayed on every desktop. So I have to quit and reopen it again. Does somebody know how to fix this?10:45
shesekI remember that it was installed when I installed ubuntu when I had windows too10:45
jim_pshesek: well if it was not installed at normal installation, yes10:45
shesekand why wouldn't it ?10:46
lee1sudo gnome-appearance-properties results in "Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'."10:46
shesekjim_p, did I do something wrong ?10:46
lee1wait, then it appears anyway... odd10:46
skenubuntu 8.10 is the best10:46
jim_pshesek: loads of reasons. weird partitioning or even installed on the wrong lo10:46
shesekI let it use the free space as it wish10:47
jim_pshesek: loads of reasons. weird partitioning or even installed on the wrong "location" on the drive10:47
emilienhow do i install globe compriz plugin ?10:47
shesekis there a gui for setting up grub ?10:47
jim_plee1: then i dont know something else10:47
jim_plee1: there is also a similar program named switch2, try it with sudo10:48
jim_plee1: i dont remember which package installs it10:48
jim_pshesek: yes, but dont rely on it10:48
lee1jim_p: after the error it came up anyway, strange but meh10:48
shesekjim_p, why not ?10:49
jim_pbecause if you install grub the way the bot says is like talking directly to the grub. if you use some program, its like using a "translator". are you sure that it will translate properly?10:50
shesekjim_p, is there any chance reinstalling ubuntu may cause it to work?10:50
jim_pshesek: installing grub takes like 10 seconds max! reinstalling ubuntu is far more time consuming10:51
shesekyeah.. but.. I'm a bit afaraid to fuck something up :O10:51
jim_pshesek: does thet laptop have a cd drive?10:52
dr_willisGrub is the kind of thing - its worth reading/learning about10:52
shesekI loaded the cd from a flash drive10:52
jim_pi agree, like apt10:52
jim_pshesek: did you reach a live enviroment?10:52
shesekI'm on it now10:53
pepin evolution, does anyone know how to make the tasks appear on the planned day, in the week-view?10:53
jim_pinsane question but does 2.6.24 fully support its processor?10:54
shesekubuntu should work on msi wind, http://wiki.msiwind.net/index.php/Ubuntu_8.04_Hardy_Heron10:54
pepthey add themselves to the task list on the right, but that doesn't tell me when I have to do what on first sight...10:54
army12bcso i gotta completely random question.  why linux?  what's the big deal about it.  i've never had problems with vista10:54
shesekthere shouldn't be any issues10:54
shesekI probably did something wrong10:54
jim_p2.6.24 is the ubuntu 8.04 kernel. its that old that it does not support intels 45nm cpus and p45 chipset :P10:54
jim_pshesek: does it use atom?10:54
favroarmy12bc: that's a question that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic10:55
jim_pshesek: game over10:55
Buyydeearmy12bc: stop trolling10:55
shesekwhat? why?10:55
shesek"With the exception of "Suspend" and "Hibernate" (there is a workaround for suspend that has been confirmed to work - see the Ubuntu 8.04 Tweaks page for details), virtually everything else (sound, hotkeys, shutdown, Compiz, bluetooth) seems to be working out of the box. "10:55
BlackDalekHow do I get text in Google Earth? I get no text in version 4,3 but I get text in version 4.2... Why?????10:55
army12bcwhat is trolling?10:55
dio444army12bc: this is a support channel, not a discussion channel10:55
Buggieomg, xchat autojoins here on first start without so much as giving a server Window Ô.o10:55
sheseklots of peoples got it working :010:55
army12bc#ubuntu -offtopic10:56
Adeeelhi can some1 help me with freebsd i am in trouble and i canot join that channel :S10:56
jim_pshesek: can you try a distro with a more recent kernel? i can think of loads of tests to do10:56
magnetronarmy12bc→ type /j #ubuntu-offtopic10:56
shesekjim_p, but.. but.. but.. I want ubuntu10:56
shesekjim_p, and it should work10:56
army12bc/j #ubuntu-offtopic10:56
shesekjim_p, I mean, look http://wiki.msiwind.net/index.php/Ubuntu_8.04_Hardy_Heron10:57
jim_parmy12bc: trolling is making questions that require loads of answers or offtopic questions10:57
el_grimleyhello all10:57
Adam234hello , i need help please, i am new to Ubuntu , i am trying to compile package , and got the next step : "Add the ./scripts directory to your $PATH. " what does it mean ?10:57
el_grimleycan anyone tell me how I can navigate through the directory structure in terminal10:58
Nvidiotel_grimley: cd directory  to change to that directory10:58
jim_pel_grimley: cd ..10:58
Nvidiotel_grimley: cd .. to move up one level, ls to show what's in the directory10:58
army12bcwhere can i get a list of terminal commands10:58
jim_pAdam234: what app is this?10:58
jim_parmy12bc: there are loads of command cheatsheets online, search10:59
shesekjim_p, hmm.. are you sure there should be problems with atom ?10:59
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux10:59
Adam234jim_p: some nlp tool for my study11:00
jim_pshesek: can you wait for me to switch to chat? chatzilla is slow!11:00
jim_pAdam234: can i see the site you refer to?11:00
shesekjim_p, sure11:00
Nvidiotarmy12bc: http://writers.fultus.com/garrels/ebooks/Machtelt_Garrels_Introduction_to_Linux.pdf seems to be a nice guide :)11:00
shesekthanks again11:00
MichaelKohlerhow can I change the keyboard layout off the login-screen in Ubuntu 8.04?11:02
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BlackDalekHow do I print out a hardcopy in binary of the contents of all sectors of both my hard drives?11:04
jim_pok back11:05
jim_pAdeeel, are you there?11:05
Adeeeli m11:05
jim_pshesek, you there too?11:05
shesekyeah, I'm here11:07
el_grimleyThanks for the previous help. Does anyone know how I would ascertain the encoding of a .reg document. I have taken this from my window machine and I am trying to convert it to the appropriate format for my linux box to run photoshop under wine. (Basically I'm following these instructions and getting stuck http://luiscosio.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps )11:07
BlackDalekwhy do I get text in Google Earth 4.2 but no text in Google Earth 4.3, plus I have to run 4.3 as root for it to even start....??? why?11:08
shesekjim_p, I'm trying to reinstall it and make sure I haven't done anything wrong11:09
shesekand set up the partitions manually11:09
Peloany mention of BRASERO reading all blank DVDs as having 0 space avalable recently ?11:09
shesekbecause.. well, it should work11:09
jim_pshesek, ok11:10
shesekshould I let it set up partitions on its own, or DIY?11:10
jim_pshesek, i am still reading the guide11:10
shesekwell, DIM11:10
PeloBlackDalek, I'd try to find a goobleearth forum or channel if I were you , I think you'd have better luck there11:10
shesekwhat guide, the wiki ?11:10
Peloshesek, if you are having issues let the installer do the job, it's usualy safer11:11
shesekPelo, I had issues when I let it do the job11:11
Peloshesek, well if you do it manualy , make sure you have a partition for swap11:12
Peloshesek, you can try making the partitons before you start the installer, gparted is available in the system>admin menu11:12
shesekswap should be proimary or logical ?11:13
marcelhi, can someone help me, how to delete some folders at my usb-stick11:13
Peloshesek, use all primary partitions unless you absolutely need to have more the 4 partitions11:13
shesekbeginning ?11:13
Pelomarcel, what's the issue ?11:13
Peloshesek, ??11:14
shesek"Location for the new partition"11:14
shesekdoes it even matter ?11:14
shesekI'll just leave it on beginning11:14
Peloshesek, start at the beginning of the hdd11:14
Peloshesek, this setup works well for me ,  10 gig for /, 2x RAM for swap at the end of the HDD, and the rest for /home11:15
shesekshould I create a different partition for /boot or something ?11:15
marcelPelo, i have folders like .Trash-1000; and if i want to delete these folders with rm -rf11:15
marcelPelo, i havent enough rights11:15
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RanyAlbegshesek: are you from israel?11:16
Pelomarcel, open a terminal type  sudo rm -rf  then the path ( or just drag drop the folder in the terminal )11:16
marcelPelo, i have do that, i will copy you the message okay?11:17
* Pelo realy hates his internet connection these days 11:17
BonieHi, which application can I use to monitor incoming and outgoing network connection on all my machines11:17
Pelomarcel, ok11:17
shesekPelo, I don't need a /boot partition ?11:17
PeloBonie, give wireshark a try , but you can also ask in #networking11:17
Peloshesek, not specificaly ,11:17
Peloshesek, you will need to flag one partiton as boot however if that is what you meant ,  the / one usualy11:18
shesekdo I really need ram x 2 for the swap?11:18
shesekthats 4 gb11:18
Peloshesek, max at 1 gig in your case11:19
jim_pshesek, msi wind has an ssd i think. dont use swap11:19
magnetronshesek→ you need at least 1x ram to be able to suspend11:19
shesekits an hd11:19
army12bchow do i install .bz211:19
shesekso should I use 1gb or 2gb?11:19
shesek(I have 2GB of ram)11:19
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jim_parmy12bc, what package? this is possibly the source code11:20
marcelPelo, root@workstation-mar:/media/dban-1.0.7# ls -la11:20
marcelinsgesamt 6811:20
marceldrwx------ 3 marcel root 16384 2008-10-26 10:54 .11:20
marceldrwxr-xr-x 4 root   root  4096 2008-10-26 10:53 ..11:20
marceldrwx------ 4 marcel root 32768 2008-08-31 15:26 .Trash-100011:20
FloodBot2marcel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
marcelroot@workstation-mar:/media/dban-1.0.7# rm -rf .Trash-100011:20
magnetronarmy12bc→ it's a compressed file, similar to .zip files. double click it to see the content11:20
* shesek will brb, I'm going to get something to eat11:20
Peloarmy12bc, what is it ? if it is an application you need to compile it , if it's a theme or some such you just drag it on the theme manager windows11:20
Pelomarcel, you don'T realy want to delete .Trash folders , they are part of the filesystem on ext3 and the like11:21
magnetronarmy12bc→ to install azureus, go to Applications > add/remove > search for azureus11:21
PeloAdeeel, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel11:21
jim_pmagnetron, i am on a desktop so i dont use suspend. my 2gb swap never ever ever reached over 1% of usage. can i cut it down to 1GB or 512? i have 2gb of ram11:21
marcelPelo, but i have not enough space11:22
graingertjim_p: not if you want hibernate11:22
Pelomarcel, empty the trash folder then11:22
graingertgraingert: suspend does not require swap, me thinks11:22
Pelomarcel, empty folders don'T realy takeup any space11:22
magnetronjim_p→ if you don't need suspend or hibernate, you can make the swap smaller. keep in mind that having a swap increases your performance11:22
Adeeelhi can some1 help me with freebsd i am in trouble and i canot join that channel :S11:23
jim_pmy performance in what? it is rarely used11:23
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graingertjim_p: if something starts using a lot of ram, a pc with swap will survive; but without I think it may kernal panci11:23
magnetronAdeeel→ we cannot help you with freebsd, this is the ubuntu channel11:23
graingertjim_p: ie printing at highest possible quality in openoofice11:24
PeloAdeeel, this isn't realy a freebsd channel, sorry,  why cna't you join the freebsd channel ?11:24
Adeeeli cant11:24
jim_pgraingert, what will use 2gb or ram at once?11:24
Adeeeli am not identified11:24
graingertwhoit Adeeel11:24
graingertAdeeel: Idenitfy yourself then11:24
marcelbut in this folder are all .mp3 i had deleted11:24
Adeeeli am joing here 1st time11:24
graingert!irc | Adeeel11:24
ubottuAdeeel: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:24
PeloAdeeel, try in #bsd11:24
magnetronjim_p→ swap memory is used in improving performance for your regular RAM11:24
graingertAdeeel: register an account...11:25
Pelo!register > Adeeel11:25
ubottuAdeeel, please see my private message11:25
graingertmagnetron: no... it's not like that11:25
graingertmagnetron: it is just emergancy fake ram :-p11:25
groogyjoin #cpp11:25
jim_pgraingert, the worst case scenario for me is to have 1GB in use for a guest os in vbox and some app open like ff at the same time.11:25
Pelomarcel, you need to emtpy the trash bin,   open the usb drive in nautilus and look in the file menu for empty trash11:26
magnetrongraingert→ hey, i know that's the main use for swap. but swap is ALSO used for improving performance.11:26
graingerthmm, how much space do you have left, is freeing 1.5gb really worth it?11:26
magnetron!pm | Adeeel11:26
ubottuAdeeel: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.11:26
graingertmagnetron: rarely if you have 2gb11:26
joaopintograingert, sleeping processes get swapped to leave free mem for active ones11:26
Pelomarcel, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel11:26
marcelPelo, the problem is i have 2GB space on my usb-stick. and if i delete things they are not realy deleted.11:27
graingertjoaopinto: I find with a lot of ram (it is the C21) that it does not swap...11:27
magnetrongraingert→ you don't understand what i'm saying. i'm saying that swap isn't only used when the RAM is full. it's used to improve performance EVEN when the RAM isn't full. swapping can improve performance by providing more RAM to filesystem buffers.11:27
jim_pmarcel, what filesystem is it?11:28
Pelomarcel, if stuff ends up in your .Trash-0001 , folder they are not realy deleted, they are moved to trash,  you need to empty the trash can .   look in the file manager windows , in the file menu, for "empty trash" or something similar11:28
Pelomarcel, if that doesn't work ,  just sudo rm the files , not the trash folder11:29
jim_pmarcel, there is also a nautilus option that says "include a delete command that bypasses trashbin"11:29
marcelPelo, okay thanks11:30
Norrland_jrhi guys, where do i find the .conf file for my pure-ftpd?11:30
PeloNorrland_jr, most likely in the hidden folder for the app in /home11:30
jim_pNorrland_jr, inside /etc11:30
bullgard4Whhere is described the effect of the switch 'CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y' in /boot/config- I cannot find a file ../Documentation/Configure.help.11:30
Pelolater folks11:31
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msshamshi. i want to compile an application. but when i make it, it says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62840/ can you please help me that how can i solve this prob?11:35
dr_willismsshams,  mdc_common.h:40:19: error: GL/gl.h: No such file or  looks like you need some support/developer files/libs isntalled.. and i got no idea what ones..11:37
andatcheare there still edgy repos available anyway? a friend trying to upgrade his server is complaining there isn't11:37
relixHi, I'm having quite an annoying problem11:39
relixmy server is still running edgy eft, but I haven't used it in ages11:39
relixnow I want to install something, but obviously the repo's are all gone11:39
andatchelo relix :)11:40
relixthe problem is I can't dist-upgrade either, because it can't find the files for that11:40
relixlo andatche :p11:40
relixso I'm in a kind of predicament11:40
relixanyone know a fix?11:40
relixexcept for the obvious "reinstall from scratch"11:40
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magnetronrelix→ edgy reached end-of-life more than 6 months ago11:41
instyHey~ Is it possible to not lose my mounted HD's after a reboot? Was use to Fedora keeping them :<11:41
relixmagnetron yes, I know that11:41
graingertrelix: yeah there is not much you can do...11:41
relixmagnetron that's why i'm not all llike "omgz the repoz are gone UUU eeediots"11:41
graingertrelix: you could just copy the sources.list from a hardy machine11:41
army12bchow do i close update manager when it's 'thinking"11:42
magnetronrelix→ i haven't tried it, but you can upgrade an existing install to the next release using the alternate CD11:42
relixgraingert and then do dist-upgrade?11:42
graingertrelix: yeah, but not going to be a good idea11:42
magnetronrelix→ don't listen to graingert, that's a very bad idea11:42
graingertrelix: it may work11:42
relixalright :p11:42
magnetronrelix→ use the alternate cd instead.11:42
relixmagnetron I'm gonna try download the CD11:42
army12bcyou can always backup first and try it11:42
relixmagnetron can I just use the latest?11:42
relixor should I do it incrementally11:42
graingertrelix: you may as well wait for ubuntu+111:42
graingertrelix: or install now11:43
magnetronrelix→ you can go from LTS to the next LTS, or incrementally11:43
relixgraingert yeah, but I need to update *now*11:43
graingertrelix: ok install the RC11:43
relixbut edgy isn't LTS11:43
magnetronrelix→ then you have to go incrementally11:43
relixgraingert no, it's a server, I'm not installing any RC's :)11:43
relixbut feisty has repos left, right11:43
relixso it's just the same11:43
magnetronrelix→ feisty has gone out of life too!11:44
relixawwww, shucks11:44
graingertrelix: ok go to hardy, then update to ibex in a few days?11:44
magnetronrelix→ what you do is you use the feisty alternate CD to upgrade to feisty, then try "do-release-upgrade" to get gutsy11:45
Cheeryso, soon ubuntu intrepid ibex will be released?11:45
graingert!ibex | Cheery11:45
ubottuCheery: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu11:45
relixgraingert yes, but that's not my problem right now11:45
magnetronrelix→ what do you say of my suggestion?11:45
relixmagnetron your suggestion is fine11:45
relixI'm looking for the feisty cd :p11:45
Cheerythats cool then11:46
relixaww, can't find it11:48
Oprtzwhat is the command to install Real Player in ubuntu 8.04 in Terminal ? thanks11:48
magnetronrelix→ you are only a week late, the feisty CD was widely available until Sunday a week ago11:49
relixguess I've learned my lesson then ;)11:50
magnetronrelix→ http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11:50
magnetronrelix→ found it!11:50
relixmagnetron but it doesn't have feisty11:50
relixI stumbled on that page a couple of minutes ago :)11:51
magnetronrelix→ oh.... they haven't put it up yet... bah!11:51
relixI'm in distro limbo11:51
bullgard4Where is described the effect of the switch 'CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y' in /boot/config- I cannot find a file ../Documentation/Configure.help in Ubuntu
kapilhi i just installed kde 4 and all the gnome application in kde dont look good11:51
kapilcan i do something about it11:51
magnetronelkbuntu→ do you know where one could get a hold of the Feisty alternate CD? relix needs it for dist upgrade from edgy11:52
Nvidiotfeisty is what? 7.10 ?11:52
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details.11:52
Nvidiothmm, I can get hold of 7.10 and 6.06, figures11:53
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.11:53
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases11:53
favro6.06 is supported 'till the middle of next year11:54
Nvidiothttp://ubuntu.virginmedia.com/releases/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso <- there11:54
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relixthanks Nvidiot !11:54
drownerWill the NEXT release (after Ibex) be LTS?11:54
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:54
DIFH-icerootdrowner: no11:54
drownerso if you are still on the dapper11:55
drowneryou will have to update to Hardy, i presume?11:55
DIFH-icerootdrowner: if you want lts, yes11:55
drowneryou couldn't go dapper-> Ibex though, surely?11:55
soundraydrowner: only via hardy11:55
kapilhi i just installed kde 4 and all the gnome application in kde dont look good11:55
kapilcan i do something about it11:55
drownerwhen is the next LTS due?11:55
comptonhow do I enable colours in vim?11:56
DIFH-icerootdrowner: after lts from hardy is stop11:56
drownerno more lts?11:56
DIFH-icerootcompton: :syntax on11:56
soundraydrowner: the support periods of two successive lts's overlap by a year11:56
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drowneroh ok, so you can't skip an LTS in your upgrading. cool.11:57
drownerI'm on hardy, and i'll get ibex, but i was just curious11:57
soundraydrowner: there is something to be said for fresh installs11:58
drownersoundray: you prefer them?11:58
drowneri might actually fresh install Xubuntu or fluxbuntu, actually11:58
soundraydrowner: yes12:00
soundraydrowner: upgrading is fine if you use a machine for a limited purpose -- e.g. only webbrowsing and office work. Then you can quickly test if everything works after the upgrade or not, and if it does, you know that you'll be fine for the support period.12:01
drownerfair enough12:02
aurel42Hi. Is there a way to watch C-Span on Ubuntu? They only seem to offer rtsp streams, but I can't play them even with *cough* realplayer (no audio, wrong colors).12:02
soundraydrowner: if you're a bit of an enthusiast, though, and are always trying out new software and hardware, it's better to start occasionally from a clean slate.12:03
drownersoundray: I am going to fresh install a XFCE desk i think12:03
drownerBut i don't know if i can be bothered reinstalling all the codecs, and such, and rebuilding my media libraries and all that12:03
drowneri have a seperate /home partition12:03
drownerSo, maybe i'll be OK12:04
bullgard4kantor: Yes. Please create a swap partition for Linux. Otherwise voluminous data operations will be performed much more slowly.12:04
=== Wayfaring_Spirit is now known as Step_Striver_4_L
bullgard4Where is described the effect of the switch 'CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y' in /boot/config- I cannot find a file ../Documentation/Configure.help in Ubuntu
soundraydrowner: codec installation has become much easier and less involved since dapper12:04
drowneryeah, that's true12:04
aurel42bullgard4: the Documentation order is found in the kernel-source-* packages.12:05
aurel42bullgard4: (after unpacking the source archive in /usr/src/linux-source...*.tar.bz2)12:05
bullgard4aurel42: Please tell me what a 'Documentation order' is.12:06
soundraybullgard4: vt consoles are the ones you can switch to with Ctrl-Alt-F1 (F2, F3... F6). It's not sensible to disable them except on a headless or embedded system12:06
aurel42bullgard4: that's a brain fart of a German who just woke up, I meant to say "Documentation folder".12:06
drownersoundray: are you on gnome or flux or what?12:06
Skriptkidplease any one can help me with john the ripper?12:06
drownercause i want to fresh install flux, but i'm scared of it. It confuses me.12:06
soundraydrowner: gnome12:06
shesekI'm back12:07
shesekI see that none of the ones I was talking with is here ?12:07
shesekhmm, I have MSI wind, with 2GB ram, and an HD (not SSD). should I make the swap 1GB or 2GB?12:08
bullgard4soundray: In contrast to them, what is affected by 'CONFIG_HW_CONSOLE=y'?12:08
aurel42Skriptkid: ask your question (and explain why your use of john is legit *g)12:08
unopdrowner, by flux, do you happen to mean fluxbox?12:08
drownerunop: yes, fluxbox.12:08
Skriptkidjust my XP needs it password reset. So I need John?12:09
SkriptkidI need to know how to crack SAM pass12:09
Skriptkidusing John12:09
aurel42Skriptkid: I don't think John would help there, but tbh, I know zilch about Windows passwords.12:09
Skriptkidzilch? What is that?12:10
unopdrowner,  it's quite easy to have it installed (just install the fluxbox package) - here's some relevant documentation that could help you run/configure it http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Faqs12:10
aurel42Skriptkid: "zilch" as in "nothing at all"12:10
scuserdear all, I'm trying to run the command "fs setacl /afs system:anyuser rl" and It gives this error "you don't have the required acess rights on /afs" and afs is not accessible by the cd command even when I logon as root, any ideas please?12:10
SkriptkidAnd this is my time using an IRC.12:11
aurel42Skriptkid: there are plenty of "password recovery tools" specialized on Windows passwords, perhaps Google is your friend.12:11
humbolthow can I test my microphone recording settings?12:11
drownerunop: Thanks - i've already got the fluxbox WM installed - when Intrepid comes out though, i was thinking of doing a fresh Flux-only install. but flux is a little 'different' from me - although, if i got used to gnome, i suppose i will get used to flux too. I really like flux's speed12:11
humboltI would need some app, that gives me an immediate echo back from my recording device12:11
humboltso I can find out, which settings work12:12
humboltis there any?12:12
unopdrowner, there are ways to have the fluxbox window manager run under gnome - or gnome subsets (like the panel, desktop, etc) run under fluxbox - that might help you.12:12
Analkrutcould anyone help me with installing, a tar.gz archive, I've tried the "./configure" command and it doesn't work??12:13
FougnerSkriptkid, google for trinity rescue kit12:13
abchirkAnalkrut you have to unpack it12:13
Analkrutdone that12:13
Fougnertar -zxvf archive.tar.gz12:13
Analkrutalready done12:13
abchirkAnd then change into the DIR12:13
Analkrutalso done that12:13
drownerunop: possibly. I really like how fast flux is. Its so fast. But I don't find Gnome so slow - its usually ok, until something complicated happens.12:13
abchirkhm make?12:13
drownerFlux and XFCE cope with busy programs better12:14
aurel42Analkrut: explain "./configure does not work" - error message?12:14
Fougnercheck if you've got an configure-file?12:14
drownerI have an old computer, you see12:14
unopAnalkrut, firstly, not all tar.gz files contain source to be built, secondly, you have to be in the source directory for ./configure to work, thirdly, not all source packages use ./configure  - i suggest you read the README or INSTALL files within that archive to know what you have to do12:14
ChrisBookwoodHello ... Is there any way to make AWN -never- take focus? It enoyes me that it takes focus from nautilus when i, e.g., Ctrl+Alt+D12:14
Grondickehello people12:14
Analkrutno configure file in the directory, and the make command just results in different erros and warnings12:15
Grondickehow could I change the colour depth from 16 bits to 32 in Ubuntu 8.10?12:15
aurel42Analkrut: then check README and INSTALL or other docs.12:15
shesekI'm trying to install ubuntu, why after adding an ext3 partition for / the rest of the space becomes "unusable" so I can't create swap ?12:15
unopAnalkrut, read the README/INSTALL file _before_ you do anything - it has instructions12:15
Analkrutaurel42 Okay I'll try doing that12:16
aurel42Analkrut: the source might be in a subdirectory, or it might want you to create configure using automake, or it might use a totally different build mechanism.12:16
Nvidiotshesek: are you messing around with LVM ?12:16
abchirkAnalkrut if not nopaste the output from make12:16
shesekno, just using the installed interface for creating partitions12:16
shesek(I don't really know whats LVM, but I guess it means I'm not messing with it)12:17
ChrisBookwoodIs there any way to make AWN -never- take focus? It enoyes me that it takes focus from nautilus when  i, e.g., Ctrl+Alt+D12:17
Nvidiotshesek: not doing anything with encrypted filesystems either?12:17
magnetronAnalkrut→ du kan inte använda ett annat nick i den här kanalen? tack12:17
shesekater adding 1 partition it won't let me add any other ones, the rest of the space becomes unusable12:17
shesekI'm just using the normal livecd installer12:18
Analkrutmagnetron Varför?12:18
relixso I added the CDrom to apt12:18
Nvidiotshesek: hmm. I've been there before, but I don't know how I fixed it...12:18
relixdo i use apt-get upgrade, or apt-get dist-upgrade ?12:18
rummyI have bundle file, how to install it?12:18
aurel42Anyone able to watch C-Span streams on Ubuntu? (and, yes, that's an intentional meta question)12:18
magnetronAnalkrut→ du har ingen aning?12:18
Analkrutmagnetron Aldrig haft någon som har tagit illa upp av det förut, men visst, jag kan byta det12:19
magnetronAnalkrut→ tack12:19
=== Analkrut is now known as Rakapparat
Nvidiotshesek: there is just 1 partition on this disk yes?12:19
shesekit has windows on it12:19
shesek3 partitions12:20
aurel42magnetron: isn't there #ubuntu-swedish-chef-bork-bork-bork or something like that? ;)12:20
shesekthe weird thing is that it worked for12:20
Nvidiotshesek: ahh, there is your problem :) You can only have 4 primary partitions12:20
groogyYo! Anyone here knows of any good strategy games for Linux/GNOME?12:20
Nvidiotshesek: create an extended partition with 2 logical volumes in it, one for your / and one for swap12:20
magnetronaurel42→ never heard of it12:20
abchirklol aurel4212:20
shesekI have there some weird 4194mb fat32 partition12:21
sheseknot sure what it is12:21
unopmagnetron, what language are you speaking? norwegian?12:21
shesekI think its something that windows created? does anyone knows what it is?12:21
groogyfat32 => Windows old filesystem if I remember right12:21
shesek(maybe I can just remove iut)12:21
rummyanyone can help me?12:21
fat_rat_!enter | shesek12:21
ubottushesek: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:21
shesekokay, sorry12:22
Rakapparatunop It's Swedish12:22
unoprummy, ask a question to the channel12:22
Nvidiotshesek: if it's a brand-name like HP/Compaq/Dell that may contain extra (bios) tools12:22
rummyI asked!12:22
shesekNvidiot, ah, that's probably it12:22
unop!ask | rummy12:22
ubotturummy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:22
fat_rat_!ask | rummy12:22
rummyOh, I asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:22
shesekso how do I create an extended partition?12:23
rummyhow to install bundle file12:23
bullgard4aurel42: I found the /Documentation folder. But it does not include a Configure.help file (as suggested in the WWW). Where can I find documentation for the 'CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y' switch?12:23
aurel42rummy: meta questions, often starting with "can anyone...?" don't count. ;)12:23
unoprummy, what is a bundle file?12:23
rummyI don't know12:24
rummymay be it's archive?12:24
aurel42bullgard4: I'm pretty positive any kernel source package since kernel 1.0.9 comes with Documentation/Configure.help. Mine do.12:24
unoprummy,  hmm, no idea - what does this command give you?   file -s filename.bundle12:24
Nvidiotshesek: I don't know, look around in the partitioning tool in the setup12:24
rummyjust a moment12:25
rummyI'm downloading it file and after that will write result12:25
groogyAnyone know of a good Strategy game for Linux? Turn-based Empire-wide?12:26
unoprummy, well, it doesn't look like a standard archive - maybe there are instructions on the site from where you are downloading it on how to go about installing/using it12:26
aurel42groogy: freeciv is a decent Civilization 2/3 (I think) clone.12:27
=== drago is now known as Drago84
rummymay be it's text installer as crossover?12:27
groogyNah already tried that one. I'm used to the real Civ so it feels kind of wierd playing it with sprites12:27
unoprummy, no idea - try finding some documentation for it - on the website perhaps?12:28
aurel42groogy: I know exactly how you feel. :D12:28
aurel42groogy: that's why I keep a Windows partition for games.12:28
groogyIt would be nice to find a Total War clone or something like that12:28
rummyI downloading it from ftp and here is no some manuals12:28
bullgard4aurel42: I did 'sudo updatedb'. I did then '~$ locate Configure.help' and obtained no output. Why?12:28
gaelfx1I assume it's still too early to talk about Intrepid in here, but as I have no takers in +1, could someone help me figure out why I can't connect my mouse via bluetooth?12:28
groogyYeah I used to do that too. But got tired of having to shutdown linux in order to play12:28
aurel42bullgard4: you installed the package kernel-source-whatever?12:29
shesekwell, I'm creating it with gparted12:29
unopbullgard4, where is Configure.help located?12:29
devilk tal chabales?12:29
aurel42unop: in his (probably not yet untared) kernel source ;)12:29
bullgard4unop: I do not know. I would like to read this file but cannot find it on my Ubuntu 8.04.1 laptop computer.12:30
shesekhmm, I created it with gparted, but now I don't see what I created on the installer12:30
unopaurel42, that's an assumption i take it?12:30
devilalguien habla español?12:30
unop!es | devil12:30
ubottudevil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:30
aurel42unop: it's an assumption that he didn't untar it yet, which I was going to verify with my next question. It's not an assumption that Configure.help is part of the Kernel source.12:30
unopbullgard4, did you install the kernel headers?12:31
* aurel42 passes the torch to unop.12:31
shesekcan someone please walk me through it? I really want to get ubuntu up and running on it12:31
magnetron!hi | ce_tomboy12:32
ubottuce_tomboy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:32
devilI am speking spanish?12:32
magnetron!es | devil12:32
ubottudevil: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:32
Delvienhow do i switch channels in irssi without alt or ctrl?12:32
simon1245Hi every one :)12:32
aurel42shesek: you did backup your Windows before you started, right? So if we make a mistake, nothing is lost?12:32
devilcomo cambio de canal ubottu?12:33
devila ubuntu-es12:33
magnetronDelvien→ are you using irssi via ssh?12:33
shesekaurel42, no, but f*k windows, I don't really need it12:33
magnetrondevil→ /j #ubuntu-es12:33
shesekjust keeping it for CS anyway, nothing important there12:33
unopshesek, language, language12:33
Delvienmagnetron aye on my g1 phone12:33
bullgard4unop: /usr/src/ includes linux-headers-2.6.24-19 and linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic and the same for -21.12:34
magnetronDelvien→ you can use <esc> followed by the channel number12:34
Delvienmagnetron esc key?12:34
magnetronDelvien→ Escape key12:34
Delvienmagnetron no esc key12:35
unopbullgard4, try installing this package.   sudo aptitude install linux-source   # then run this command.   find /usr/src/ -iname "*configure.help*"12:36
magnetronDelvien→ if you don't have any keyboard, i don't see how you can ssh in the first place. there are IRC clients better suited for usage on phones, mirggi for example12:36
Smokeyhello all12:37
Delvienmagnetron i have a keyboard im on ssh from my smart phone there are most of the keys ... not esc crtl or alt12:38
Smokeyis there a bios raid boot command?12:38
magnetronDelvien→ for obvious reasons, you can't use the the letter keys for switching channel in irssi12:39
comptonit's awesome ubuntu has vnc working and built in12:39
Delvien magnetron isnt there a / command12:40
Smokeyim ubuntu ultimate just awesome so far12:40
bullgard4unop: I did as you advised. '~$  find /usr/src/ -iname "*configure.help*"' does not obtain any output.12:40
magnetronDelvien→ there are. consult the channel about it12:40
Delvienthats what i did :(12:41
DelvienDoes anyone know the / command in irssi to switch channnels?12:41
unopbullgard4, hmm, are you sure configure.help is part of the linux source?  because i have never heard of it12:41
bullgard4unop: Some website told me about Configure.help in the context of explaining the config file switches. Just now I can you only refer to http://www.linuxhq.com/kernel/v2.2/0-pre8/Documentation/Configure.help as an example.12:45
triggerhapp_Has anyone managed to get synpatic-disable-on-type working on the asus EeePc 1000h ?12:47
=== RaynesTehSleep is now known as Raynes
LjLtriggerhapp_: i haven't (but i haven't managed to on the 901, anyway), but you should probably try asking in #ubuntu-eeepc12:50
blip-hi, i downloaded a deb package and installed GDebi.  can i make it uninstall and remove ALL changes it made to the system ?   thanks12:50
LjLblip-: you can purge it (sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename)12:50
triggerhapp_thanks LjL12:50
LjLblip-: that won't remove *all* changes. actually, sudo apt-get --purge autormove packagename will remove some more things (dependencies, namely)12:50
bullgard4aurel42: On my Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer the DEB program packages linux-source and linux-source-2.6.24 are installed. Ubuntu does not offer DEB program packages whose names begin with 'kernel-source-'.12:51
LjLblip-: then you may have configuration files left in your home directory, those cannot be rolled back automatically12:51
LjLbullgard4, aurel42: indeed, the "kernel-*" packages are deprecated in both ubuntu and debian in favor of "linux-*"12:52
blip-LjL: the package "adds a file to the Xsession.d directory"... will that be undone with --purge ?12:52
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bullgard4LjL: Thank you for explaining.12:52
LjLblip-: can't assure it will12:52
LjLblip-: anyway, that directory is in /etc/X11, should be easily checked12:53
blip-LjL: i forgot to mention,  i have the actual .deb package there.  when i specify packagename i give it this .deb file so it can reverse the effects right ?12:53
LjLblip-: no, you give packagename without any .deb or version numbers. apt-get knows nothing about your locally downloaded files12:54
blip-LjL: i see what you mean, but how do i know the actual name of the package.  ie it may not be the same name as the file... this package isn't a program it's some wierd script installing thing12:56
LjLblip-: dpkg --info filename.deb will tell you the real name12:56
LjLbut anyway, most likely it's whatever comes before the _ in the filename12:57
triggerhapp_LjL, dead quiet in there :P12:57
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lee1is there a vga=mode for 1440x900?12:59
NBrepresenthi, could someone help me to troubleshoot printer sharing from ubuntu to win xp? i followed these instructions ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP ) exactly, and I can see the jobs that i attempt to print from the XP machine in the CUPS web interface, but they just say that they're done... but they weren't printed.13:00
LjLlee1: don't think so, but anyway if you do vga=ask, it'll list them for you13:00
lee1LjL: ok13:00
LjLlee1: i think you could also use the "svgatextmode" package to give you more flexibility, by changing the mode at runtime13:00
lee1ok, i'll try that in a second13:00
replmanHi! I'm trying to use javaws from sun, but it seems not to be installed with the jdk (sun-java6-jdk). Is there no webstart available for java6, amd64?13:01
lee1how do I use svgatextmode when its installed13:01
unopbullgard4, hmm, well, i can't find configure anywhere on my system - maybe it's no longer used on 2.6.X (what you showed me pertains to 2.2.x)13:02
blip-that did it.  thanks for the help LjL13:02
ackehey how do I access a nfs share from a different linux machine? is this correct? nfs://ip:/share`?13:03
bullgard4unop: I suspected that it has survived in some other distributions than Debian and Ubuntu. --  Thank you very much for your effort.13:03
NBrepresenthi, i'm trying to get printer sharing going, and i followed the article here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP , and I can see the jobs successfully completed in the CUPS web interface, but nothing has printed... any ideas?13:05
geeky_goowyi am trying to connect my new motorokr em30 phone in MSC mode in Ubuntu Hardy.. but it is not getting recognized.. in MTP mode, it gets recognized as a camera.. but 'm not able to browse its contents.. help please..13:06
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mellery_I think a recent update broke my pulseaudio, has anyone else had any problems?13:08
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mneisenHi, after an update to linux-image-2.6.24-21-server, I still have only the *-19 in grub/menu.lst. Is this normal, or did the update fail?13:10
DrthTaterI'm trying to change the GDM theme13:11
comptonhow can I get the list of recommended packages apt-get shows the first time you install?13:11
Nvidiotmneisen it should auto-add it to the list, so I think something went wrong there13:12
tanto_hello, i have new partition for my data. it was mounted but i can work on it. what should i do.13:12
DrthTaterI was trying to follow the instructions at the download site for the theme I want : http://rozbarwinek.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-pl-GDM-Theme-9108503913:13
mneisenNvidiot: That's what I feared. Do you know how I can, well, re-do it?13:13
DrthTaterwhen I get to the install part, there's nothing to install13:13
Nvidiotmneisen: you could apt-get remove the package, then reinstall ?13:14
Wobert_Hi guys, how can i fix a broken sources.list file ?13:14
mneisenHmmm - removing a server-image ... I am not that confident I might be comfortable with that approach.13:14
mneisenNvidiot: But thanks, anyway.13:14
aurel42Nvidiot: (perhaps even apt-get remove --purge?)13:14
Schuenemannhey, my system restarted after I tried to play a game. Which log should I see to discover the cause?13:14
Nvidiotmneisen: maybe a reconfigure will do, but I'm not sure13:14
scheussoi'm having trouble with the 8.10beta: i use hal fdi policy for emulate wheel with my 3rd mouse button. this works, but each time my laptop wakes up after suspend, the policy seems to not work anymore and i have to restart X, has this already been reported ?13:15
mneisenNvidiot: Ah, yes, that seems to be a better idea. I will try that.13:15
mneisenNvidiot: Thanks for now! :-D13:15
thiebaudeunzip:  cannot find or open /tmp/Ubuntu_pl_GDM_Theme_by_rozbarwinek.zip, /tmp/Ubuntu_pl_GDM_Theme_by_rozbarwinek.zip.zip or /tmp/Ubuntu_pl_GDM_Theme_by_rozbarwinek.zip.ZIP.13:15
thiebaudeDrthtarter, that what i get.13:15
Phantomashow can i burn a dvd with subtitles which is compatitible with standard dvd players from an .avi and a .srt file?13:16
DrthTaterI have a screenshot, if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong13:16
magnetronPhantomas→ you can use the DeVeDe software for creating DVDs13:17
DrthTaterso I shouldn't unzip it?13:17
Phantomasmagnetron: which option i have to select to include subtitles?13:17
thiebaudeDrthtater:I could not open it13:17
Wobert_Hi guys, how can i fix a broken sources.list file ?13:18
magnetronPhantomas→ i don't know if DeVeDe support subtitles.13:18
DrthTaterI'm keep fiddling with it I suppose13:18
mneisenNvidiot: dpkg-reconfigure did not work ...13:18
Nvidiotmneisen: :/13:18
DrthTaterI was just looking for advice, since this is my first linux build13:18
cybernoutwhere would i find the config file for wep wireless13:19
cybernoutthe directory13:19
cybernoutthat is13:19
PhantomasI need subtitles... anyone knows how can i do it?13:19
gribouilleI've just built a source package with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -S. how can I build the resulting tar.gz source package to get a binary package ?13:19
Wobert_cybernout, you should never use wep anyway ?13:20
ackenfs://ip:/share is that the way to mount a nfs share?13:20
mneisenNvidiot: A manual call to update-grub did the magic.13:20
Nvidiotmneisen cool :D13:20
mneisenNvidiot: I wonder why the upgrade did not do this.13:20
Schuenemannhey, my system restarted after I tried to play a game. Which log should I see to discover the cause?13:21
Impy^Hi Installed xp yesterday on top of ubuntu and it wiped the grub boot loader but then i managed to get it back. Now i need to add xp to the grub any ideas?13:21
jt3k "Emulate3Buttons" "False" does not work.13:22
thiebaudeImpy^:It's better to install windows first then ubuntu13:22
cybernoutnormally an grub update would show xp again13:22
Impy^yeah I know but there's a way of adding xp to grub i've tried adding it to menu.lst i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong :(13:23
tanto_i have new data partition, it was mounted but i can't work on it. what should i do?13:23
cybernoutdo sudo fdisk -l13:23
cybernoutto see where xp is13:23
cybernoutread there a bit13:24
cybernouton how to13:24
cybernoutlow on battery13:24
LjLjt3k: what do you mean it does not work?13:24
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:24
FloodBot2cybernout: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:24
LjL!enter | cybernout13:24
ubottucybernout: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:24
cybernoutsee       there too13:24
cybernoutgood luck13:24
kathey is there any way to set like the maximum processor power like you can do in windows? my comuter gets way warm13:25
snowjhi there, does anyone know of a guide if I want to set my notebook screen to 1280x800 and, If plugged in an external monitor, use this one as my primary display and get it to 1920x1200??13:25
Impy^cybernout it's on sdb413:25
jt3kLjL, I mean, when you click on mouse1 + mouse2 pressed mouse3 but I do not want this13:26
Impy^so in the menu.lst it should be (hd1,3)13:26
MatBoynot if it's wise or not, but is it simply possible to remove sudo like you have on a debian system ?13:26
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LjLjt3k: show me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:27
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)13:27
jt3kI wrote in xorg.conf Option "Emulate3Buttons" "off". but does not work13:27
Smokeyubuntu ultimate how can i install the latest nvidia 177.80 drivers?13:27
jt3k2LjL -^13:28
MatBoythiebaude: ok, but is it done from time to time by people ? I mean, ubuntu has some newer packages :)13:28
geeky_goowyi am trying to connect my new motorokr em30 phone in MSC mode in Ubuntu Hardy.. but it is not getting recognized.. in MTP mode, it gets recognized as a camera.. but 'm not able to browse its contents.. help please..13:28
LjLjt3k: yes, you said that before13:28
katDoes anyone know how to set a minimum or maximum processor level so that it doesn't work on 10013:28
kat% all the time13:28
thiebaudeMatBoy:I wouldn't even know that13:28
katit makes my laptop so warm even when its not doing anything13:28
skenderbeuhow many hours i would be banned13:29
LjLskenderbeu: ?13:30
LjLskenderbeu: sorry, you're not making sense.13:30
skenderbeuthey banned13:31
Smokeyhow do i add the repo for the latest nvidia drivers?13:31
skenderbeuand iam answering how many hours i woulb banned13:31
skenderbeuwould be13:31
SchuenemannMy system either crash or reboot when I play 3d games (openarea or castle wolfenstein)... what could be a cause for that? I've installed nvidia restricted drivers13:31
LjLskenderbeu: if you have a question about an IRC ban on Ubuntu channels, ask on #ubuntu-ops13:31
LjLthis channel is only for technical support13:31
kathey is there any way to set like the maximum processor power like you can do in windows? my comuter gets way warm13:32
LangleyHi, I'm connected to a server through SSH. I've had a game server opened (the console), but I was disconnected from the internet. Now my question is: Is there a way to resume the TTY the server console is running on13:32
aurel42Schuenemann: is that a problem persisting over several driver releases?13:32
skenderbeuanother question how can i find from internet who is calling me in my phone house?13:32
NvidiotLangley: this is why you should use "screen" next time. I don't think you can grab it after the fact though :/13:33
LjLkat: "apt-cache search cpufreq" will show a few packages, but i think it depends on the processor whether these will be effective or not13:33
Schuenemannaurel42, well, I remember I had it in gutsy too13:33
danuthaiduc http://queleimporta.com/downloads/flash10_en.sh <-- THANKS!13:33
LangleyNvidiot: Thanks. A pity :/13:33
MatBoythiebaude: ok :)13:34
aurel42Schuenemann: could be a hardware problem then, have you tried setting the related BIOS settings to.. uhm... more conservative values?13:34
NBrepresenthi, can someone help me to troubleshoot sharing a printer on ubuntu? I can see the jobs sent here in the CUPS queue, but they appear as 'Done', and nothing has printed...13:34
skenderbeuanother question how can i find from internet who is calling me in my phone house?13:34
NBrepresentany ideas?13:34
Schuenemannaurel42, hmm, no. What related settings?13:34
SchuenemannI took a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and there is no error there.13:35
katLjL, what does that do?13:35
aurel42Schuenemann: yeah, the system wouldn't have any time to actually write any logs when it crashes hard. ;)13:35
Schuenemannaurel42, I think I have a power problem... not sure it would cause that13:36
aurel42Schuenemann: if it was an AGP card (ie. not the newest hardware), I would try reducing the AGP settings.13:36
aurel42Schuenemann: oh, yes, it would.13:36
Schuenemannit is AGP13:36
bindaasbhai22hi ..i have a problem with totem player...not sure i am at the right place or not...need help!!!13:36
aurel42Schuenemann: if you have a problem with your power supply, it's often peaks caused by HD activity or the GPU taking more power that cause hangs or reboots.13:37
Schuenemannit's this stupid power source with neonlights13:37
GNuBoiDoes Atheros AR928x network card run in out-of-box ubuntu(8.10) installtion i am getting a notebook with this network card13:37
aurel42Schuenemann: "style over substance", huh? ;)13:37
skenderbeuyeah it runs13:37
skenderbeui have the same13:37
Schuenemannaurel42, haha. It was the only one available when I needed one :p13:38
LjLkat: that searches for packages whose names or descriptions contain the word "cpufreq", and lists them.13:38
bindaasbhai22getting this message while trying to play youtube videos "ffdemux_swf: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug"13:38
scuserhi all, when I type this command "fs setacl /afs/ system:anyuser rl" I receive the following error "fs:'/afs/'Segmentation fault" any help13:39
GNuBoiskenderbeu, r u sure i found some posts in ubuntu forum saying it didn't work with ubuntu installtion13:39
katLjL,  oh thanks a lot :)13:39
skenderbeuow fuck them try again13:39
LjL!language | skenderbeu13:39
ubottuskenderbeu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:39
bindaasbhai22can somebody help please?13:40
marcopilo mi vedi?13:40
=== skenderbeu is now known as redi
GNuBoihey is this ubuntu irc13:41
LjLGNuBoi: yes13:41
bobbob1016For some reason, firefox only starts in full screen mode.  It isn't actually full screen though, since I can still enable full screen mode.  Any ideas?13:41
GNuBoiLjL, i didn't get u13:41
LjLGNuBoi: you asked a question, i answered "yes"13:42
bobbob1016xchat works fine, but firefox has that issue still.13:42
GNuBoiLjL, does finger print scanner also works out of box13:43
LjLGNuBoi: i don't know, sorry. i don't think so13:43
=== pep` is now known as pep
nnullim trying to change voices in festival but i keep getting SIOD ERROR: could not open file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/cmu_us_awb_arctic/festvox/cmu_us_awb_arctic.scm -- any ideas guys?13:43
NightKnightGreetings, How do I delete those old kernels that stack up on my PC after several kernel updates?13:43
bindaasbhai22getting this message on TOTEM while trying to play youtube videos "ffdemux_swf: Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug"13:43
jjdiamondis this thing on?13:45
LangleyIs there a way to connect to a ubuntu server with a GUI?13:45
Langley(i need that for a program)13:45
jjdiamondnew user here needing help13:45
PhotosynthesisIm trying to install   apt-get -y install --force-yes postfix    but Keep getting interactive config questions! How do I unattend this? Ive tried everything from.. debconf-get-selections and debconf-SET-selections to looking into PUPPET ( but I do not want to go as far as puppet ) I just wanna apt-get unattended setup for postfix (and possilble others!)  Any ideas? Im on ubuntu/debian13:45
LjLNightKnight: type    dpkg -l | grep "\blinux"   to see a list of them, then remove them using "sudo apt-get remove packagename packagename etc". be careful not to remove the one you're using.13:46
sly2008there is a way to get somewhere flash for powerpc13:46
comptonhow can I view the dns cache?13:46
LjLLangley: not sure what you mean... view the server's GUI remotely?13:46
dusty_Does anyone use the T-Mobile Mobile Broadband USB dongles in Ubuntu 8.04 ?? I am having severe trouble getting it to work.. I know its possible to get it to work from what i've read on google but all attempts for me seem to fail.13:46
NightKnightThanks LjL! One thing, deleting old kernels won't have a secondary effect, right?13:46
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LangleyLjL: Yes, do I have to install an Xserver first?13:47
Bodsdawhat packages do i need to install to get compiz working? ive just removed compiz* cause it was causing problems13:47
LjLNightKnight: it won't13:47
LjLLangley: no, you need the xserver only on the remote machine (client), not your actual server (yes i know, it seems confusing, but the X *server* is the stuff that gives you graphics on the screen, while the *client* is the program that runs)13:47
NightKnightSee you around and thanks for the help.13:47
jjdiamonddoes anyone want to help out a first time user?13:47
comptonyes probably13:48
LjLLangley: on your server you do need X-related libraries, but those will normally be installed automatically when you install an X program on the server13:48
velkojjdiamond, just ask your question13:48
jjdiamondshould my hard drives be labeled sda and sdb?13:48
scunizi!ask | jjdiamond13:48
ubottujjdiamond: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:48
LjL!vnc | Langley, or this is another option13:49
ubottuLangley, or this is another option: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:49
NBrepresenthi, could someone help me to troubleshoot printer sharing from ubuntu to win xp? i followed these instructions ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP ) exactly, and I can see the jobs that i attempt to print from the XP machine in the CUPS web interface, but they just say that they're done... but they weren't printed.13:49
scunizijjdiamond, yes.. and your partitions would be sda1, sda2, sdb1, sdb2 etc.13:49
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX13:49
velkojjdiamond, why not. and what is your real question?13:49
dusty_Anyone ?13:49
jjdiamondso a is primary drive and b is slave?13:49
LangleyLjL: Is there a way to connect from a windows machine to the linux server? I don't mean SSH13:49
LangleyLjL: So you can see a GUI13:50
LjLLangley: VNC has several Windows clients available13:50
velkojjdiamond, no. a is the first drive, and b - the second13:50
jjdiamondok thats what i meant13:50
RovinHow can I enable "Headphone jack sense" in the Volume Control? I don't have a "Switches" tab13:50
alberticoLangley, VNC13:50
Photosynthesisapt-get -y install postfix   without prompts... possible? I already tried numerous things... help!13:50
velkojjdiamond, i'm not sure if the system guarantees that the master is listed first. and you can have up to 2 masters13:51
jjdiamondwhen i click on places, i see the second drive.  when i open it, it won't let me create a folder13:51
LjLLangley: also, VNC can provide a Java applet that works from browsers, so you can avoid installing anything on the clients in the first place (if they have Java)13:51
thiebaudejl-satyr:I use irssi13:51
jjdiamondall i see is lost and found folder13:51
LangleyClients mean my windows machine here, right?13:51
LjLLangley: yes13:51
frojndto comple programs, what packages do I need ??13:51
LangleyLjL: thank you13:52
scunizi!who | jjdiamond13:52
ubottujjdiamond: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:52
LjL!compiling > frojnd    (frojnd, see the private message from Ubotu)13:52
ubottufrojnd, please see my private message13:52
velkojjdiamond, this is maybe a permisson problem. check if your user owns the folder and if it has write permissions on it13:52
jjdiamondvelko i don't know how to do that13:52
velkojjdiamond, right click the folder and go to properties. select the permissions tab13:53
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jjdiamondvelko, all grey13:53
jim_pwhat is more lightweight? awn or cairo dock?13:53
velkojjdiamond, who is listed as the owner of the folder?13:53
scunizivelko, jjdiamond a lost+found folder you can't do much with anyway...13:53
linuxadminhello everyone13:53
jjdiamondvelko, root13:54
theo_como vejo em portugues13:54
NvidiotHow do I make samba start on boot?13:54
linuxadminserver smb start13:54
Curtisat it in sessions13:54
velko!pt > Nvidiot13:54
ubottuNvidiot, please see my private message13:54
RovinHow can I enable "Headphone jack sense" in the Volume Control? I don't have a "Switches" tab...13:54
jim_pi am interested in an easy to configure dock with not much bling bling13:55
Nvidiotlinuxadmin: "service" is not installed13:55
jim_pand sets of icons of course13:55
flemmarouhi, for a few weeks i have a multimedia problem, i can't listen muqic on rythmbox and when i try to read a video with totem for example it is lagging13:55
jim_pNvidiot: samba WILL start on every boot unless you say it not to.13:55
Nvidiotjim_p: it wasn't started after installing it and rebooting...13:56
velko!permissions > velko13:56
ubottuvelko, please see my private message13:56
=== flemmarou is now known as toddoon
jim_pNvidiot: and for service (sudo service...) to work you need sysvconf-rc installed13:56
velkojjdiamond, look at this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:56
GreedyBso I plan on re-installing Ubuntu today.. would it be smart if I kept files like my fstab/menu.lst13:58
toddooncould someone help me to solve my multimedia problem?13:58
jim_ptoddoon: can you repeat please?13:59
Prettohy guys, is there a way to lock some ports for specific hosts in the openvpn subnet?13:59
jjdiamondvelko, thanks but it's like reading a different language13:59
toddoonjim_p: ok, i can't listen music with rythmbox and other... and the video lag14:00
jjdiamondi was told this OS was easy14:00
Photosynthesishttp://blog.hjksolutions.com/articles/2007/07/27/unattended-package-installation-with-debian-and-ubuntu   why does this not stop the nagging config prompts at installation time? I wanna automate this14:00
jim_pGreedyB: keep fstab, sources.list, xorg.conf and any other major user created file you want like... conkyrc14:01
jim_pPhotosynthesis: cant you just apt-get install (a ton of packages here) --yes  ?14:01
jim_pjjdiamond: please repeat your question14:02
jjdiamondwhen i go to places > 500GB(storage drive) and click on it it opens a window14:02
GNuBoifonts in ubuntu are hopeless than in vista is there anything to make it look good14:02
jim_ptoddoon: do you have everything set to alsa in gnome-sound-properties. and disabled/removed pulseaudio?14:02
jjdiamondthe location i see is /media/disk14:03
jim_pjjdiamond: removable drive?14:03
jjdiamondjim_p, internal14:03
jim_pjjdiamond: then use fstab to have it mounted permanently!14:03
jim_pjjdiamond: i will make you the proper line14:04
kc8pxyhow do i force my ubuntu to use the sblive and NOT the onboard sound?14:04
toddoonjim_p: not everything set to alsa but no it is , i test14:04
J-B_anybody know how to run amsn with voice support on intrepid???14:04
jjdiamondjim_p, cool.14:04
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that J-B_14:05
kc8pxyJ-B_:  intrpid support is on #ubuntu+114:05
jacobmoHi.. anyone know why X crash just efter login? i use 8.10..14:05
thiebaudejim_p:when i want to mount a floppy drive what is the command i use with fstab?14:06
J-B_Jacobbs, intrpid support is on #ubuntu+114:06
toddoonjim_p: ok cool, now totem works well!14:06
bazhangjacobmo, #ubuntu+1 for that14:06
oliebolHi. I've a bit of an emergency question, does sb know how to reach Ubuntu release engineering?14:06
jim_pa floppy?!?! let me think14:06
NBrepresenthi, i almost have printer sharing working, because i can see the windows jobs in the CUPS queue, but they show up as 'Done' without actually printing... what can I do to troubleshoot this?14:06
jacobmoups, sorry14:06
GNuBoihey is there any place where we can check whethter cerain laptop works fine for ubuntu or not14:06
jim_poliebol: though the lauchpad perhaps?14:06
oliebolI maintain a package with potential copyright infringements, and would like to avoid it goes out with interpred14:06
jim_ptoddoon: well done14:07
Mnemonic^Hi.. Does anyone know a tool to undelete a catalog with files from an esx3 partition. I just deletet the wrong folder .. STUPID me :)14:07
olieboljim_p: it is in lauchpad, but no reaction since 10-10, either they don't understand, or it doesn't reach the right people14:07
jim_pMnemonic^: photorec or testdisk14:07
BadElvishow can i set a static ip adress for my pc?14:07
nfuscoHey all, can anyone point me in the right direction of setting up a VNC server on a Hardy box? I did this many years ago and it seemed to be easier! Its seems there is a default vncserver in hardy (vinagre), but this doesnt suit - to use this method you have to be logged into X on the box itself, I need this not to be the case, I remember years back when I set this up, it was something like "vncserver -geometry 1024x768" was wh14:08
nfuscoat i used to have to do to get it running, can anyone help me out/point me in the right direction?14:08
oliebolIt can be dealt with with a simple notice, so it could be in inteprid anyway14:08
Mnemonic^jim_p: Ok, I will look into those.. Have you tried them?14:08
toddoonjim_p: but vlc hasnt sound14:08
jim_ptoddoon: change vlc sound output to alsa14:08
toddoonjim_p: ok14:08
jim_pMnemonic^: i recovered some photos from a cf card a few months ago14:09
jim_pMnemonic^: with photorec i mean14:09
velkoBadElvis, put these lines in /etc/network/interfaces: iface eth1 inet static \\ address \\ netmask \\ gateway \\ auto eth114:09
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velkoBadElvis, adapt the numbers to your setup14:09
=== Igorot is now known as ManyakisAko
jim_pthiebaude: /dev/fd0  /media/floppy  auto  rw,noauto,user  0 014:10
Mnemonic^jim_p: Ok .. But that is not a ext3 partition.14:10
thiebaudeok, jim_p, thanks14:10
BadElvisvelko: atm, my /etc/network/interfaces isauto lo \\ iface lo inet loopback14:10
Mnemonic^jim_p: Or .. Normally it would not be14:10
BadElvisvelko: i expected to find my wlan adapter wlan0 there.14:11
velkoBadElvis, yea, comment these lines and put the addaptation of mine14:11
jim_pMnemonic^: well, you never know until you try. i think it relates to the filesystem, but its not that important14:11
jim_pthiebaude: you are welcome14:11
velkoBadElvis, yes. my example assumes wired connection14:11
BadElvisvelko: ok, i am using wireless. what kind of device is lo?14:11
velkoBadElvis, no idea. i use wired14:11
Nvidiotlo = loopback14:12
BadElvisok, thanks14:12
=== ManyakisAko is now known as Igorot
BadElvishmm, i would like to configure a static ip for my wlan adapter called wlan014:12
jim_pyou are welxome14:13
jim_pBadElvis: you know stull like subnet and gateway for it?14:13
tanto_i have 70 GB data which mounted in /media/disk. how to mount it permanently14:14
Nvidiottanto_: add it to /etc/fstab14:14
jim_ptanto_: through fstab14:14
Wobert_What is the easiest way to fix a broken sources.list14:14
BadElvisjim_p: gateway is ...1.1 and subnet is the usual14:14
joaopintotanto_, sudo umount, and remove it from fstab14:14
Wobert_What is the easiest way to fix a broken sources.list14:15
BadElvisjim_p: i checked with ifconfig14:15
joaopintooh, mount, add it :P14:15
kc8pxyI've seen my riend manually edit which alsa drivers to load.   how do i do that?14:15
jim_pBadElvis: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces14:15
BadElvisyes, but there is no wlan0 device. only the loopback device14:16
shellWobert_,  show the sourcelist ?14:16
jim_pBadElvis: can i pm you the lines?14:16
chillshey guys this might sound stupid.. but i deleted my desktop panel .. now that i add it it comes on the top of the screen how do i bring it to the buttom. in kubuntu14:16
BadElvisyes, sure14:16
shellWobert_,  whats the messge from apt-get when u update ?14:17
velkoBadElvis, i think that wireless is handled by the NetworkManager and it assumes DHCP. but i may be wrong. look if you can configure static IP in network manager14:17
tanto_Nvidiot: jim_p: should i write manually on fstab14:17
jim_ptanto_: yes14:17
Wobert_shell, E: could not find package14:18
velkochills, can't you just drag it with the mouse?14:18
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chillstried.. not wrking14:19
tanto_jim_p : which mount point is the best. i will use this for data storage only.14:19
GreedyBjim_p: after backing up my files when re-installing Ubuntu.. when I re-install do I re-install a boot loader?14:19
jeppwher can i download the movie "the code linux" in hq?14:19
LangleyI've installed xserver-xorg-core and vncserver via apt-get; then started vncserver but I still cannot connect to it, why?14:20
tesseract85wow, has anyone had any experience with mac4lin?14:20
jim_ptanto_: inside /mnt14:20
tesseract85its amazing!14:20
jim_pGreedyB: yes, it will install itself as usual14:20
tesseract85if you have a chance to try mac4lin 1.0 rc give it a shot14:21
shellWobert_,  maybe its not source.list beinng, broken but rather the14:21
tanto_jim_p : for <dump> and <pass>, what should i fill.14:21
shellpakcage name is wrong or you need to add some repository to get that specific package14:21
jim_ptanto_: 0 014:22
Wobert_shell, well i tried putting diffrent "standart" types into the file, so its broken now for sure14:22
Wobert_shell, it will just tell me error in line 1 - if i try to run it14:22
tanto_jim_p : ok, thanks a lot.14:22
LangleyI've installed xserver-xorg-core and vncserver via apt-get; then started vncserver but I still cannot connect to it via TightVNCviewer, why?14:23
shellWobert_, can you send me your source.list file14:23
Wobert_....I could place it in a pastebin14:23
chillshey guys this might sound stupid.. but i deleted my desktop panel .. now that i add it it comes on the top of the screen how do i bring it to the buttom. in kubuntu14:23
jim_ptanto_: you are welcome14:23
jim_pchills: i think you could get more advice from the ones that use kde, in #kubuntu14:24
Wobert_shell, http://pastebin.ca/123693114:24
velkochills, have you searched the "Control panel" for the panels configuration?14:24
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velkochills, does this behavior exist also for new users? can you drag the panels for a newly created user?14:26
Wobert_shell, this was a random scource.list from the internet i tryed out...but it did not work, I know its fubar, so im just wondering how to fix this file :/14:26
chillsvelko, dont have any other user just this account14:26
velkochills, then create one14:26
nfuscoAnyone here used/using NXServer?14:27
chillshmm k wait14:27
XThiefi use free-NX14:27
nonemHow did I list all folders and files in another folder? I know it's "ls" but what was the argument used?14:27
interflo1After upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10, my broadcom wireless card doesn't seem to work anymore even though it says it's connected.14:27
shellWobert_,  yes but i cant get it from that url14:27
bazhanginterflo1, #ubuntu+1 for that14:28
Wobert_shell, the pastebin is buggin ?14:28
shellWobert_,  which ubuntu do u run, gutsy or hardy ??14:28
bazhangWobert_, put it on paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url14:28
Wobert_shell, gusty14:29
Wobert_shell, and its a server btw14:29
InsomniaCitywill the new NetworkManager in 8.10 support all the openvpn options?14:29
NvidiotHow do I get ubuntu to start my wireless on boot? there is already a "auto wlan0" in /etc/network/interfaces14:29
Wobert_bazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/62897/14:29
Nvidiot(together with the relevant WPA options)14:29
alberticoInsomniaCity, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid support14:29
tantor_give me command-line for removing directory.14:30
Bodsdatanto_, rmdir14:30
shellWobert_,  send me the source.list wob14:30
InsomniaCityalbertico: thanks14:30
bazhangWobert_, that seems to be missing a lot14:30
Wobert_shell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/62897/14:30
tantor_Bodsda: thanks14:30
Dreamgliderican anyone help me setup and test remote controll to ubuntu ?14:30
Bodsdatantor_, or you can use rm -r but be careful with that one14:30
Wobert_bazhang, yes i had to try and "fix" it, i know this is fubar - so im asking for help, there must be some way of recreating it ?14:30
TyreusHello, cant get my Atheros AR5006X wlan running. Can anyone help me?14:31
s0l1dsnak3123hi there, I'm having a problem partial upgrading from hardy to intrepid. The Upgrader was hanging at wvdial, so i killed it. Now I'm doing dpkg --configure -a and it's doing the same thing14:32
velkoWobert_, if you don't want some random sources.list from anyone here you can start the live cd and copy the original one14:32
Wobert_velko, its a server i have ssh - can i use live cd on that ?14:32
nonemI want to list all files and folders in another folder. How do I do this? ls -??14:32
velkos0l1dsnak3123, do you connect to the internet via a modem?14:33
Wobert_velko, i dont care if its random tbh, what I care about is that it works14:33
s0l1dsnak3123velko: router through wireless14:33
velkoWobert_, so why not just take some functional file from someone here?14:33
Bodsdanonem, depends what parameters you want to use but i use   ls -lah /path/to/file14:33
s0l1dsnak3123velko: it's part of the automatic upgrade14:33
webashello..is there any similar program like fraps ? or can fraps be amulated sucessfully in linux?14:33
velkos0l1dsnak3123, this means you don't need wvdial. just delete this package14:33
RovinHow can I enable "Headphone jack sense" in the Volume Control? I don't have a "Switches" tab...14:34
s0l1dsnak3123velko: how can i do that?14:34
pronoyis it possible to reinstall ubuntu from the cd and not delete any of the downloaded updates and packages...i have a problem with KDE 4.0 and i feel it will be best to revert back to original environment...?14:34
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Wobert_velko, I tryed from my own ubuntu version - it did not work14:34
velkos0l1dsnak3123, sudo apt-get remove wvdial14:34
s0l1dsnak3123webas: try gtk-recordmydesktop14:34
shellWobert_,  deb-src hrc http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restricted multiverse14:34
s0l1dsnak3123velko: thanks :)14:34
shellWobert_,  deb-src http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main universe restricted multiverse14:34
shellWobert_,  correct top line to this14:34
velkoWobert_, what do you mean by that? is it from another ubuntu version?14:34
nonemBodsda: that only lists the folders, not what's in them14:35
shellWobert_,  remove hrc from top line14:35
Wobert_velko, yes :/14:35
Wobert_shell, ok :)14:35
Bodsdanonem, ls -lAhR14:35
alberticoTyreus, did you install madwifi drivers?14:35
Bodsdanonem, man ls14:35
Wobert_shell, <3<3<314:36
Bodsda!hi | TANATHOS14:37
ubottuTANATHOS: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:37
TANATHOSMy 8.04 ubuntu install keeps crashing14:37
TyreusYeah, didnt work. I also tried ndiswrapper. Ubuntu installed the restricted drivers but i cant see the card14:37
TANATHOSit is a fresh install14:37
TANATHOSany ideas?14:37
Cool-Nicki get lots of hits in firestarter, what are these hits???14:38
aurel42Cool-Nick: bad people looking for vulnerable systems?14:39
velkoCool-Nick, why worry if they don't come trough?14:39
MyKniGhThello all14:39
MyKniGhTi've got a little question14:39
alberticoTyreus, did you follow the steps at the madwifi site?14:39
MyKniGhThow can i see my current version of.... linux-kernel-devel and linux-headers please ??14:39
MyKniGhThow can i see my current version of.... linux-kernel-devel and linux-headers please ?? which command can give me that ?14:40
Cool-NickI'm just asking if these are harmful or dangerous14:40
aurel42MyKniGhT: in your favourite package manager (synaption, aptitude...)14:40
Cool-Nick*these hits14:40
TyreusAs far as i understood them, yes14:40
nonemBodsda: Thanks!14:40
lockeduphey, i need help, my computer has no sound after i installed ubuntu14:40
Bodsdanonem, no probs :)14:40
MyKniGhTah yes aurel42 i'll try this :D14:40
Cool-Nickvelko: I'm just asking if these hits are harmful or dangerous14:41
aurel42Cool-Nick: they might be dangerous if they weren't blocked by the firewall.14:41
webass0l1dsnak3123 that program eats all my cpu.. :( and its not very comfortable :(14:41
alberticoTyreus, check this out: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo14:41
Cool-Nickaurel42: how can i know if they were blocked by the fw?14:41
aurel42Cool-Nick: oh, I assumed that's what you meant by "hits in firestarter"... blocked connections.14:42
scuniziCool-Nick, there's no way to tell specifically if they are bad or not.. because they are blocked they were "not invited" to begin with.. that's what you want a firewall to do.14:42
velkoCool-Nick, no. the firewall blocked them. but you can lookup if the hits target any particular port. this may give you hints what happens if you dual boot any other operating system on this computer14:42
MatBoyhas anyone experience with webmin and virtual hosts on Ubuntu ? it seems one virtual host is recognizing even the IP :S14:42
nonemI want to create one jpg for every video that I have in a folder. And the jpgs should consist of a couple of screenshots from the video. So every picture should be a preview of what the video contains. Anyone know how to do that?14:43
TyreusDo i have to disable the restricted drivers?14:43
Cool-NickI have only Ubuntu and most of the hits are for this port: 708014:43
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aurel42MatBoy: with Apache, the first virtual host will probably get all the requests not going to hostnames defined as ServerName or ServerAlias in other virtual hosts.14:43
godsynSeeking software to stream video of all sorts (personal dvd collection ripped to avi, and placed on server), preferably with a php / html frontend so other members on the lan can browse / open.. any ideas?14:43
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MatBoyaurel42: mhh, so.. I should set the server alisasses ?14:44
Cool-Nickwhat is 7080 port for??14:44
godsynSorta like mythTV's video plugin... but standalone. VLC would dod the job if it had a frontend.14:44
godsyn(web based)14:44
scunizigodsyn, sounds like a multimedia pc.. mythtv, mythbuntu, and others.14:44
Acknixwhtas the best irc client for ubuntu that ISNT irssi or xchat14:45
LjL!best | Acknix14:45
joaopinto!best | Acknix14:45
ubottuAcknix: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:45
aurel42MatBoy: depends on what you want to do.14:45
godsynscunizi, I'm wanting to avoid the requirement of server / client matching. mythserver is fine, but won't play well with other OSes.14:45
MatBoyaurel42: run multiple domainnames on that webmin managed server :)14:45
godsynlooks like i'm stuck w/writing my own PHP / VLC frontend :/14:46
MatBoygodsyn: go outside and get some fresh air than ?14:46
aurel42MatBoy: and you want requests to the ip address or undefined names to go where exactly?14:46
LjL!it | scorpedine14:46
ubottuscorpedine: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:46
ryan5620Can you play dvds on ubuntu, do u have to mount them first?14:47
MatBoyaurel42: all requests go to one vhost and I want only every vhost listen to his own request name14:47
nonemryan5620: You can play iso files without mounting them.14:47
aurel42MatBoy: we're off-topic, let's take it private.14:47
LjLaurel42, MatBoy: just FYI, you could also go to #ubuntu-offtopic, which is pretty quiet atm14:48
ryan5620yes i have done that with .iso but like if i have an actual dvd, rented and just want to play it, movie player says cannot read from source14:48
ufki'm using latest ubuntu with apache, after my apache answers a few requests is freeses. any ideas what can it be?14:50
Dreamglideri have setup ubunt for remote desktop but im only able to test it inside the LAN, can anyone try to log on to it and see if it works ?14:50
ryan5620none yes i have done that with .iso but like if i have an actual dvd, rented and just want to play it, movie player says cannot read from source14:50
velkoDreamglider, tell me your ip14:50
magnetron!dvd | ryan562014:51
ubotturyan5620: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:51
NvidiotDoes anyone have a good guide on tuning samba over a gbit link?14:51
LjLDreamglider: are you very sure that's a good idea?14:51
velkoDreamglider, nope14:51
velkoDreamglider, does not work14:51
magnetronNvidiot→ how are you accessing the sambashare?14:51
DreamgliderLjL i dont know any other way to test it !14:51
Nvidiotmagnetron: windows XP14:51
LjLDreamglider: well, letting strangers access your desktop doesn't seem like a wonderful idea either way14:52
velkoDreamglider, i cannot event ping this address14:52
ryan5620<magnetron> yes just a dvd14:52
nonemryan5620: try searching for dvd css ubuntu, I think that might be the problem14:52
kruxetTips på bra musikspelare  ?14:52
alberticoDreamglider, I agree with LjL14:52
NvidiotLooking at my network speed it shows about 14% usage of the gbit link, I recon it can go a bit faster than that :)14:52
LjL!se | kruxet14:52
ubottukruxet: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:52
DreamgliderLjL there is nothing on it, i just installed ubuntu on it14:52
magnetronNvidiot→ you should be aware that SMB is a slow protocol and it's quite poorly designed in terms of performance14:52
kruxeteller vad kör ni för musikspelare ? =)14:53
Adam24I have a question.14:53
LjLkruxet: fråga BestBot i #ubuntu-bots också för "what's the best audio player"14:53
magnetronryan5620→ read the link that ubottu gave you plz14:53
nonemkruxet: only english here. I use rhythmbox. it's good enough :)14:53
Dreamgliderkruxet amarok14:53
ryan5620none ok ya i was just going to ask around if not theres always google magetron ok i will thank you14:53
aurel42magnetron: got a recommendation for a network file system that works?14:54
magnetronaurel42→ depends on what you want to do14:54
magnetronaurel42→ and SMB works. it's just very slow14:55
aurel42magnetron: the stuff NFS can do, but it should work. ;)14:55
nonemryanakca: I don't know exactly how to do it since all my dvds are pirated but that _should_ be the solution to your problem. good luck14:55
alberticoaurel42, NFS, Samba14:55
pronoyis it possible to reinstall ubuntu from the cd and not delete any of the downloaded updates and packages...i have a problem with KDE 4.0 and i feel it will be best to revert back to original environment...?14:55
aurel42albertico: well, I have surprisingly persistent problems with NFS on Ubuntu. That's why I'm considering alternatives.14:56
ShanDooohow is default login on MikroTik v2.9.6 ruter ?14:56
WhitorHi, Ive read the the next version of ubuntu 8.10 doesn't support certain Nvidia drivers. I've noticed this on one pc I have with a not so terribly old Nvidia gforce fx 5900.... My laptop also has an nvidia card in it, how can I tell if it is supported or not ?14:56
ShanDooouser: admin . pass: admin14:56
alberticoaurel42, if you have linux and windows boxes on your ecosystem, them samba may be the way to go14:56
ShanDoooor samting else ?14:56
Whitorthe = taht14:56
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nnullim trying to change voices in festival but i keep getting SIOD ERROR: could not open file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/cmu_us_awb_arctic/festvox/cmu_us_awb_arctic.scm -- any ideas guys?14:56
DIFH-icerootShanDooo: look at the manual/google14:56
gnusarcan someone explain to me what the application "KNotify" does? does it spy on me? ;)14:57
aurel42albertico: as magnetron pointed out, Samba is very, very slow. I use it for the Windows boxes, but I hope for something more efficient for the use with Linux boxes.14:57
alberticoaurel42, you should also take into accont the integration with an identity provider (ldap, active directory, etc), I mean, in case you need that14:57
ad_if i install ibex do I need to redit my fstab to mount /home partition14:58
NvidiotI know Samba isn't exactly efficient, but I recon something can be done to make it a *lil* faster than just over 100 mbit :)14:58
aurel42albertico: nope, it's a trusted (home) network.14:58
ad_fresh install14:58
alberticoaurel42, do you have a sort of file server in that network?14:58
magnetronNvidiot→ you got it up to 100Mbit/s ? i'm impressed14:59
jjdiamondhow do i change permissions to a directory?14:59
aurel42albertico: yup, that's a Debian/lenny.14:59
magnetronad_→ intrepid beta is only supported in #ubuntu+114:59
Nvidiotmagnetron: well, 100 isn't that hard to get on a gbit link, heh14:59
nnullim trying to change voices in festival but i keep getting SIOD ERROR: could not open file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/cmu_us_awb_arctic/festvox/cmu_us_awb_arctic.scm -- any ideas guys?15:00
magnetronNvidiot→ i mean, it's SMB and all15:00
shmengiejjdiamond: chmod 0755 .15:01
shmengiethat would give full to owner rw to group and everyone15:01
shmengieif the current directory is the one you want to change.15:02
reconNvidiot: just for the record, it's spelled "reckon". that way, I don't get highlighted. :-)15:02
ubotturecon stands for something related to lousy Internet service providers.15:02
jjdiamondshmengie, explain to me like i'm stupid15:02
alberticoaurel42, well, then I would suggest you take a look at the FreeNAS project...15:02
LjLrecon: like we'd care15:02
reconLjL: :P15:02
alberticoaurel42, that would be for your file server15:02
shmengie. period represents current directory.15:02
magnetronLjL is having a casual Sunday i recon15:03
beytasorry, i try to install tarball into my ubuntu... i have extrace and read file 'intall'. it tell me to type cd and directory.. it success. then .configure... also success. but after that i type make.. terminal shows me command not found... makefile also not found.. why? a lot of ware i try to install be like this..15:03
* recon disconnects the alarm clock from his computer's PC speaker15:03
osotogarican anyone help with deleting files from my trash can?15:03
Nvidiotrecon: oops, sorry >.<15:03
shmengiejjdiamond: chmod changes permissions on files/directories.15:03
shmengieit's a command line command15:03
shmengieif your in a gnome-terminal and you15:04
shellosotogari,  you cant delete them ?15:04
shmengiehave cd'd into the directory you wish to change perms on.15:04
shellosotogari,  what errror message do you get ?15:04
osotogari@shell: Nope, i have tried as root too15:04
osotogarigetting a permissions error15:04
beytasorry, i try to install tarball into my ubuntu... i have extrace and read file 'intall'. it tell me to type cd and directory.. it success. then .configure... also success. but after that i type make.. terminal shows me command not found... makefile also not found.. why? a lot of ware i try to install be like this..15:04
gr1ff1nhi everyone15:04
shellosotogari,  have you tried from console ?15:04
osotogariError removing file: Permission denied15:05
shmengieyou might need to sudo if you don't own the directory15:05
zokehas nvidia provided drivers that work with old cards yet ?15:05
nnullim trying to change voices in festival but i keep getting SIOD ERROR: could not open file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/cmu_us_awb_arctic/festvox/cmu_us_awb_arctic.scm -- any ideas guys?15:05
shellosotogari, can you do a > ls -l15:05
flatsGood morning,  I am running the ultimate edition of ubuntu and I have a laptop running 1920X1280.  When I first login to ubuntu before the desktop and when I exit ubuntu I have screens that look like they out way out of sync.  The normal desktop is OK but these two login and logout screens looks all out of whack.  Anyone familiar with what I'm talking about or how to fix it?15:05
aurel42albertico: thanks, but my problems with NFS don't seem to be server-side (since they don't affect all clients simultaneously). And I don't need a ready-made fileserver distribution, I'm quite happy with setting things up myself. I was only interested in experiences with other network file systems that could replace NFS in my setup.15:05
gr1ff1ncan anyone tell me what is wmaster0, what is it used for ? please15:05
shell# ls -l file_name15:05
shellosotogari, let me see the permissions of the file15:05
aurel42There is an Ultimate Edition of Ubuntu? Is there Ubuntu XP Home, too?15:06
osotogari@ shell: Yeah i tried that using the following command sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/files/*15:06
joaopintoaurel42, ultimate edition is not an official release, is just a custom edition built by someone15:06
flatsJust a fully loaded edition with a bunch of whistles and beels15:06
soundray!ultimate | aurel42, flats15:06
ubottuaurel42, flats: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate15:06
flatseven bells15:06
aurel42joaopinto: ah, I see... probably with Medibuntu etc. already switched on, huh?15:07
joaopintoaurel42, eventually15:07
Cool-Nickcan i encrypt my connection??15:07
aurel42flats: ty15:07
shellosotogari,  think you have wrong permissions in that directory15:07
LjLCool-Nick: your connection to what?15:07
beytasorry, i try to install tarball into my ubuntu... i have extrace and read file 'intall'. it tell me to type cd and directory.. it success. then .configure... also success. but after that i type make.. terminal shows me command not found... makefile also not found.. why? a lot of ware i try to install be like this..15:07
osotogaritrying to run ls in that directory doesnt bring back any files15:07
joaopintoCool-Nick, you either use vpn, for an encrypted connection to a given network, or use encrypted protocols, you do not encrypt your connection15:07
LjLbeyta: what are you trying to compile?15:08
shellok put § chmod 755 dir_name15:08
LjLway to make me waste typing time15:08
flatsI assume there's a setting related to login and logout screens as to what appears and what  the resolution is, but I don't know what it's called or where to find it15:08
shellosotogari,  change persmissions on that directory15:08
Cool-NickLjL, joaopinto: for example: i don't want anyone to know anything about me when i'm chatting15:09
osotogariill try to do that now15:09
LjLCool-Nick: that needs cooperation at both ends of the chat.15:09
Cool-Nicklike a secure line15:09
soundrayflats: in normal ubuntu, you configure your screen with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk', but this may or may not apply to ultimate15:09
flatssoundray: worth a try.  brb15:10
joaopintoCool-Nick, that has nothing to do with encryption, that is anonymity, and something out of the scope of this channel15:10
Cool-NickLjL: do you mean me and freenode?15:10
alberticoaurel42, well man, that was just a suggestion... I also do things myself.  At least the project may help you to see network file system alternatives, since it is a distro designed specifically for that purpose.15:10
LjLCool-Nick: no, you and the other party. freenode itself offers no encryption.15:10
LjL!info pidgin-encryption | Cool-Nick, this is a possibility15:11
ubottucool-nick, this is a possibility: pidgin-encryption (source: pidgin-encryption): pidgin plugin that provides transparent encryption. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0-2 (hardy), package size 105 kB, installed size 552 kB15:11
aurel42Cool-Nick: learn about "tor".15:11
WhitorDoes anyone know if the next version of x.org will support nVidia Quadro FX 570M ?15:11
LjLaurel42: completely useless to encrypt a chat.15:11
flatssoundray: That sets the desktop and is working well.  I'm looking for login and logout screens if that makes any sense15:11
Cool-NickLjL joaopinto: what are the sources, books....topics to learn about that?15:11
vockJust wondering what the difference between Xorg and Xgl is, and if games using 3D would run better under Xgl?15:11
fabiimhi i'm trying to run a program with needs tcl/tk , but i got the following error message Application initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:15:11
aurel42LjL: his original request was: "nobody should know anything about him when chatting"15:11
joaopintoCool-Nick, google.com15:12
fabiimhow can i install it correctly ?15:12
aurel42LjL: as has been pointed out, he wants anonymity, not encryption.15:12
joaopintoCool-Nick, learn about networking in general15:12
cs_studentWhats the best way to get php / apache on ubuntu?15:12
Whitorcs_student, USE SYNAPTIC15:12
joaopinto!lamp | cs_student15:12
ubottucs_student: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:12
Whitorsorry about the caps15:12
ompshello all15:12
LjLaurel42: if that's what he meant, then yes15:13
jjdiamondi noticed that my numbers keybad isn't working15:13
jjdiamondoops keypad15:13
aurel42LjL: I'm not quite sure he knows what he meant. But learning about tor can't hurt.15:14
Wobert_hmm i wonder what this means ? : Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!15:14
ompsi do not understand why gnome eat so much of memory..15:14
ompsthe nautils anyone having any idea to customize gnome to use less memory15:14
LjLWobert_: without context, it's hard to say what it means. but generally speaking, a man-in-the-middle attack is when you're transfering information with someone else, and there is an unwanted third party "in the middle" that has access to the transmission channel.15:15
aurel42Wobert_: it probably means you have an established an encrypted connection with someone without having checked whether the other side is really the other side. ;)15:15
flatshow can I find my sound card driver?15:15
LjL!audio | flats15:16
rhsanbornI just read an article on Ibex and it has exactly what I've been looking for (better bluetooth and mobile internet support). I know it's coming out in 5 days, but is there really much risk in upgrading a little early?15:16
ubottuflats: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:16
cool_penguinHello everybody15:16
Wobert_LjL, aurel42 im just working on my ssh server it tells me someone might be doing something nasty and i should change some file...but how can i change the file without ssh access :P15:16
LjLrhsanborn: should ask in #ubuntu+1, we run hardy here15:16
joaopintorhsanborn, for intrepid questions please ask on #ubuntu+115:16
cool_penguinI was wondering if anybody has installed and using Ubuntu 8.1015:16
aurel42Wobert_: you are connecting from your workstation to your server and get that message?15:16
rhsanbornWill do, ty guys15:16
nnullim trying to change voices in festival but i keep getting SIOD ERROR: could not open file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/cmu_us_awb_arctic/festvox/cmu_us_awb_arctic.scm -- any ideas guys?15:16
paul68!8.10 |cool_penguin15:16
ubottucool_penguin: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu15:16
LjLWobert_: the server you're connecting to has probably changed its fingerprint for some reason - can you think of any valid reason?15:16
aurel42Wobert_: have you reinstalled that server with a fresh OS or something like that?15:17
cool_penguinlots of broken software??15:17
Wobert_aurel42, yea i did distupdate15:17
Wobert_now i get this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/62904/15:17
Wobert_aurel42, distupgrade even15:17
aurel42Wobert_: it might have created a new fingerprint if your old SSH was affected by the SSH-OpenSSL vulnerability.15:18
vockJust wondering what the difference between Xorg and Xgl is, and if games using 3D would run better under Xgl?15:18
LjLvock: xgl is a hacked xorg server, and no15:18
LjL!xgl > vock    (vock, see the private message from Ubotu)15:18
ubottuvock, please see my private message15:18
aurel42Wobert_: on your workstation, you have a copy of the old fingerprint in your ~/.ssh/known_hosts15:18
Nvidiothmm, got samba at about 25% of my gbit link now15:18
Wobert_aurel42, Do you know how i can connect without this error msg ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/62904/15:18
Nvidiotincreased the send/receive buffers :)15:18
aurel42Wobert_: okay, do you connect to many other hosts by SSH?15:18
vockLjL awesome thanks15:18
Wobert_aurel42, no this is the only one15:19
Cool-Nickhow to setup tor???15:19
aurel42Wobert_: excellent. rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of the old fingerprint.15:19
aurel42Wobert_: on the next connection you will get a "new host" message.15:19
RanyAlbegwhat is zcat?15:19
LjLCool-Nick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR15:19
Wobert_aurel42 ....looks scary :/15:19
LjLRanyAlbeg: "cat" for gzipped files15:19
Nvidiotwee, 40%15:19
aurel42Wobert_: you're right. mv ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts.old15:20
velkoWobert_, it's not. do what aurel42 told you and you are all set up15:20
jjdiamondwhat is the lost+found folder for?15:20
THE_GFR|WORKhey Nvidiot do you know how to netinstall debian?15:20
LjLjjdiamond: files that have lost their inode or something, recovered by fsck15:20
Wobert_thx aurel42 :) that fixed the problem15:20
aurel42Wobert_: very welcome15:20
howieswhat is the easiest way to create a ad-hoc netowrk with ubuntu15:21
jjdiamondLjL, can i delete it?15:21
aurel42Wobert_: remember to do updates more often in the future.15:21
cool_penguinHow does Wicd work in Ubuntu hardy?? does it work well with Madwifi ?15:21
howiesi need some helps15:21
LjLTHE_GFR|WORK: look at this channel's name15:21
flatsAny sound specialists here?  I am running an older dell laptop xps M170.  It seems like I have 2 sound generators.  If I hit mute, I still here sound via another source.  I ran aplay -l and show two card 0 but a device 0 and a device 4.  Is that normal?15:21
LjLjjdiamond: no15:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about adhoc15:21
LjLjjdiamond: no reason why you should15:21
jjdiamondLjL, ok.15:21
howiesthat helped me15:21
Wobert_aurel42, I will15:21
jjdiamondi need help with a new storahe drive15:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ad-hoc15:21
cibershopalguien en españoll x ahi?15:22
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:22
LjL!es | cibershop15:22
ubottucibershop: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:22
jjdiamondcan't paste and can't create shortcut15:22
Bodsdahow can i redirect web pages? like when someone using my computer wants to go to www.facebook.com it goes to www.hahanochance.com15:22
zezuis compiz default now ?15:22
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naknomikI have a folder pair on two computers and I want to always keep it sync'd, in both directions, how do I do that?15:22
aurel42Bodsda: you could use a squid as transparent proxy to do that, but it's... sick. ;)15:22
Nvidiot50 mbyte/sec writes across the network to a samba share. That'll do :D15:22
nnullim trying to change voices in festival but i keep getting SIOD ERROR: could not open file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/cmu_us_awb_arctic/festvox/cmu_us_awb_arctic.scm -- any ideas guys?15:22
cool_penguinHow does Wicd work in Ubuntu hardy?? does it work well with Madwifi ?15:23
Bodsdaaurel42, im pretty sure i can use the /etc/hosts file but dont know how15:23
paul68Nvidiot: how do you do that?15:23
LjLhowies: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc15:23
howiesthank you LjL15:23
paul68Nvidiot: increase the networkspeed that is15:23
aurel42Bodsda: no, just changing the IP will only work in select cases.15:23
aurel42Bodsda: most webservers are "name-based" these days, not IP-based.15:24
Nvidiotpaul68: gbit network plus increase the send / receive buffers for samba from 8192 to 4096015:24
RanyAlbegLjL, so it'll display gzipped file contents?15:24
Bodsdaaurel42, ok ty15:24
LjLBodsda: just add an entry with the IP address of the server you want them to get, followed by the hostname they'll be typing.15:24
LjLRanyAlbeg: yes15:24
paul68Nvidiot: how do you adapt the buffers?15:24
RanyAlbegLjL thanks15:24
lucaxwhats the name if icon of bookmarks?15:24
drhe|lapwhats the best program to use to burn dvd movie images in ubuntu?15:24
LjLRanyAlbeg: same for zless and zgrep15:24
BodsdaLjL, so 69.563.443.111 www.facebook.com           for example?15:24
cool_penguinBrasero is a good program to burn DVD15:24
LjLBodsda: likely, if that's the IP you want them to end up at15:25
BodsdaLjL, cheers dude15:25
* aurel42 sighs.15:25
Nvidiotpaul68: socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_KEEPALIVE SO_RCVBUF=40960 SO_15:25
NvidiotSNDBUF=40960     <- put that in /etc/samba/smb.conf15:25
LjLBodsda: although, that is not an IP to begin with15:26
aurel42LjL: ...and it will only work for select target domains.15:26
jjdiamondcan someone please help me with some basic commands15:27
THE_GFR|WORKcould anyone walk me through installing ubuntu with a minimal GUI that would run on a P2 300 Mhz across a network?15:27
paul68Nvidiot: under general options?15:27
paul68Nvidiot: and where to put the socket options part15:27
LjLTHE_GFR|WORK: i'd recommend using the minimal CD, if you can put a CD in the computer at all15:27
OrsHi there,  I have 26 broken packages according to aptitude (2527 MB). What shall I do with them?15:27
BodsdaLjL, yeah lol, how can i find the ip of a web page? i pinged www.ubuntu.com and used the ip that it resolved but when it redirects it takes me to http://www.canonical.com/15:27
Nvidiotpaul68: yes, that's under general options15:28
InspectorCluseauBodsda, use for the ip to direct to15:28
LjLBodsda: that's what aurel42 is saying. one IP could host several actual websites. no way to get around that using /etc/hosts15:28
aurel42Bodsda: if you redirect www.wellknowndomain.com to www.myhomepage.com via hosts, the server hosting www.myhomepage.com will get a HTTP request with "Host: www.wellknowndomain.com", there is no way to know what domain will be served as response except for trying.15:28
paul68Nvidiot: also for the socket options?15:29
THE_GFR|WORKLjL: cannot get a CD in since there is NO cd drive and only network boot15:29
Bodsdaaurel42, LjL -- thanks i understand now15:29
BodsdaInspectorCluseau, why would i want to use the loopback?15:29
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LjL!install | THE_GFR|WORK, netinstall instructions are here, i've never used them though15:29
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK, netinstall instructions are here, i've never used them though: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:29
Nvidiotpaul68: that entire line I pasted is one config option to go under [general] in smb.conf15:29
mandarkhey both my firefox and swiftweasel are crashing...plzz help15:30
aurel42Bodsda: on your machine you can control your apache to serve what you want or redirect to anywhere.15:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about festival15:30
LjL!info festival15:30
ubottufestival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.96~beta-7ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 895 kB, installed size 2656 kB15:30
nnullanyone know if festival has a channel?15:30
Spreadsheetok im in debian but no one is helping me in #debian15:30
Bodsdaaurel42, not running any webservers, just trying to stop family going to certain sites15:30
Spreadsheetso i tried everything that was possible on my keyring but it didnt work15:30
LjLSpreadsheet: not a good excuse to ask questions in an unrelated channel, for sure15:31
paul68Nvidiot: ok got it how to test the connections then ?15:31
SpreadsheetLjL: ok15:31
InspectorCluseauBodsda, I use that to kill any spurious attempts by cookies to reach an outside site15:31
=== BadElvis_ is now known as BadElvis
Spreadsheetbut this is a keyring problem15:31
velkoSpreadsheet, what is the problem?15:31
BodsdaInspectorCluseau, oh, okay15:31
Spreadsheetso you should be able to help me15:31
Spreadsheetvelko: i forgot a password,15:31
Spreadsheetbut i tried everything that it could be!15:31
aurel42Bodsda: you can do that by installing an apache and redirecting those sites there. what you do then, is left to your fantasy and ability. you could redirect them where you want or just serve the text ":P" ;)15:31
roganHow can I get a lsit of realtime processes in terminal15:31
LjLrogan: what do you mean realtime processes?15:32
OrsAnyone could help me with broken packages?15:32
Bodsdaaurel42, cheers dude :)15:32
LjLOrs: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list15:32
Spreadsheetso what do you recommend i do15:32
Spreadsheetwill making a new user help?15:32
Nvidiotpaul68: my samba client is windows xp, so I just use the network tab in task manager15:32
__doc__you might find this sociogram interesting http://codeflow.org/ubuntu.png15:33
velkoSpreadsheet, do you mean the gnome keyring?15:33
BodsdaSpreadsheet, pressing enter lots wont help for sure15:33
Spreadsheetvelko: yes15:33
aurel42rogan: if I understand the question: for example with top, htop, "ps auxwww"15:33
velkoSpreadsheet, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34930215:33
aurel42rogan: I also like pstree for a nice overview.15:33
Spreadsheetk thanks15:33
bb1i just installed the release candidate of ubuntu and now it only opens in console mode, why?15:33
joshux where's sshd's log file ?15:33
roganaurel42: thanks15:34
segosa__joshux: probably /var/log/15:34
LjL__doc__: that's not really ontopic, #ubuntu-offtopic will love it though.15:34
aurel42joshux: /var/log/auth.log15:34
aurel42joshux: possibly also some info in daemon.log15:34
joshuxthanks :)15:34
Anta30scheisse wie kann man den channel wechseln15:35
LjL!de | Anta3015:35
ubottuAnta30: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:35
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aurel42Anta30: /join #ubuntu-de15:35
LjLAnta30: /join #channel15:35
LjL!it | Apone15:35
ubottuApone: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:35
jjdiamondthis is very frustrating15:35
jjdiamondwhy can't i create a folder in the new drive that i mounted?15:36
LjLjjdiamond: probably because it's mounted with root permissions only15:37
OrsLjl: I am a beginner so not quite sure what to do.  I have put sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in Terminal and it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to unistall, 0 not upgraded.15:37
LjLjjdiamond: what filesystem does it have?15:37
aurel42jjdiamond: own the biatch!15:37
paul68Nvidiot: thanks at this point 2.2mb per second from linux to linux15:37
LjLOrs: then where do you get the broken packages error?15:37
filthi have some problems with my laptop battery, i'm getting 1hr 50minutes at 100% as opposed to my windows 3.5 hours.15:37
aurel42aurel42: go, wash your mouth with soap!15:37
filthis there a workaround to this apparent bug?15:37
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OrsLjl: in aptitude15:37
jjdiamondLjL, ek3 or whatever it's called15:38
Nvidiotpaul68: only 2.2 mb/sec? Ouch, that's slooooow15:38
jjdiamondaurel42, how?15:38
LjLOrs: what did you do in aptitude?15:38
n8tuser1filth-> i dont think those battery indicators are that accurate15:38
filthn8tuser1: well, considering the fact that when it reaches 0% it switches off, i'd assume that it is, to an extent.15:38
paul68Nvidiot: wireless connected15:38
LjLjjdiamond: ext3. type "ls -l /media/whereveritsmounted", see what the owner and permissions are15:38
Nvidiotpaul68: ohh ok :)15:39
OrsLjl: -f15:39
jjdiamondLjL, it's under /mnt not /media15:39
n8tuser1filth-> the number 1.5 vs 3.5 hrs are not accurate, i have seen it where it says 100% but in less than 30 minutes by battery needs recharging (in windows)15:39
LjLjjdiamond: same thing15:39
aurel42filth: does Ubuntu notice when you go from AC to battery, does it e.g. dim the display?15:40
paul68Nvidiot:  so I think it's quit ok or not15:40
filthaurel42: yes.15:40
Nvidiotpaul68: yeah15:40
LjLOrs: so apt-get isn't complaining about anything but aptitude is? that's weird. anyway, do "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", and paste it all into the pastebin15:40
=== Justme is now known as Guest49208
Wobert_hmm, I cant apt-get update - it tells me something about "lock" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/62905/15:40
Guest49208how do I get into superuser mode.. I am using su then it doesnt recognise my password15:40
LynetIf I want to make a multi-boot CD/usb-key with several different hardy/ibex images, what changes would I have to do to each image? Just the casper paths in the initrds?15:41
aurel42Wobert_: you have another package manager running, probably.15:41
barcleyis somebody able to help me: I'm searching for a method to move a program automatically (by a script) to another virtual desktop15:41
jjdiamondLjL, don't understand15:41
Wobert_aurel42, so many of them - TT15:41
connectrom10anybody has experience asterisk with ubuntu, getting libpri compilation error15:41
filthbarcley: sshd?15:41
aurel42Wobert_: you first have to quit aptitude or synaptic (or both) or use them to update the package list.15:41
OrsLjl: It says 26 broken packages, 2527 MB15:41
LjLjjdiamond: type "ls -l /mnt/whatever" and paste the output15:42
saftarnHow do I make my mouse do scrolling?15:42
Guest49208how to get into super user mode?15:42
Wobert_aurel42, I do it from a ssh prompt15:42
drhe|lapwhat is commond to close dvd rom tray?15:42
shesekHow do I change the date format displayed on the top bar ?15:42
LjLOrs: ok, i still want to see your /etc/apt/sources.list15:42
barcleyfilth: mhm, the gnome virtual desktop?15:42
saftarnIt works on Windows, now I run Ubuntu on vmware and i cant scroll the mouse15:42
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saftarnshesek: click it and change?15:42
jjdiamondLjL, total 1615:42
jjdiamonddrwxrwxrwx 2 root root 16384 2008-10-26 01:34 lost+found15:42
Wobert_aurel42, so i have no synaptic packet maneger running (i think atleast)15:42
LjLjjdiamond: do also "ls -l -d /mnt/whatever"15:43
aurel42Wobert_: if apt-get tells you it can't work because there's a lock, there's a high probability that another instance of apt-get or another package manager is running.15:43
SeaPhormy video card, nvidia 8600gt, has 2 VGA ports, i have 2 19" monitors plugged into them, but cant get a signal on the 2nd monitor, anyone know how to dual monitor?15:43
Wobert_aurel42, rebooting the server should fix it ?15:43
jjdiamondLjL, drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2008-10-26 10:45 /mnt/seagate50015:43
OrsLjl: what is the pastebin? I know I should know it...15:43
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:44
aurel42Wobert_: definitely, but rebooting is so... windows. ;)15:44
LjLjjdiamond: ok that is the problem, you don't have permissions to write to it. try, for a start, "sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /mnt/seagate500"15:44
zezuwhats with all the glx drivers now ?15:44
Wobert_aurel42, ha ha - indeed, but ill give it a try15:44
aurel42Wobert_: uhm...15:44
zezuglx, glx-old, glx-new, envy, envyNG15:44
zezuwth do i use ?15:44
LjLconfusing huh15:44
LjLzezu: wasn't one automatically selected for you by ubuntu?15:45
aurel42Wobert_: your last update worked? I didn't follow all the discussion, but you don't have any currently broken packages on your system, right?15:45
simon_bhi! anyone had troubles playing dvd's with xine? i get no sound thru spdif...15:45
hardcorewhats the difference between the ubuntu beta release and candidate release?15:45
zezuLjL: no15:45
saftarnaurel42: how do i check that or kill it then? i had that problem yesterday and had to reboot15:45
LjL!beta | hardcore15:45
ubottuhardcore: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Intrepid. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:45
zezumatter of fact i manually installed on and it didn't work15:45
Wobert_aurel42, yes i do - it tells me all of the time :/15:45
LjLuh, that's not the factoid i wanted to give you, hardcore15:45
aurel42Wobert_: because they kinda might hurt you when you're trying to reboot.15:45
simon_bbut the sound works with mp3 and other media format15:45
LjL!intrepid | hardcore15:45
ubottuhardcore: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu15:45
zezuusing generic nvidia driver15:45
Wobert_aurel42, o.O15:45
zezuwith no glx15:45
aurel42Wobert_: if it's anything used for booting, the boot process might fail.15:45
JimmyhatCan somoene help me with my silly monitor? I just got a new one, and I cannot get the resolution corrext.15:46
jjdiamondLjl, ok15:46
LjLzezu: does "grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf" say anything?15:46
aurel42saftarn: "ps auxwww|grep apt" should give you a hint.15:46
Wobert_aurel42, they are not, im in ssh again - and the update is running but just buggin alot "already had this" - "ignoring that" - not getting anything15:46
=== adam is now known as Guest60170
quaalhow do you run a program from the terminal and make it detach from the terminal once the window comes up15:46
Wobert_aurel42, this seems strange since i have never apt-get updated before15:46
Guest60170hey guys15:46
zezuLjL, no15:46
finnadd an & quaal15:47
Jimmyhatanyone help me with my resolution woes? i'm not using ATi, can't be that hard15:47
finnprogramm &15:47
paul68quaal use screen15:47
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.0415:47
Guest60170i have a quicky i have to slave drives that i want to mount when the system start15:47
LjLzezu: don't install envy if you can avoid it. unless your card is particularly weird, try either nvidia-glx-new or nvidia-glx (your mileage may vary i suppose). see /msg ubottu nvidia15:47
finnthat's not what he wanted paul6815:47
ubottuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen15:47
Guest60170not when i click on them15:47
zezuLjL, and the funny thing is i just went through nvidia setup and then when it crashed after ctrl-alt-backspace i set it up in the config menu there too15:47
zezuLjL, i selected nvidia-glx-new15:47
saftarnIt works on Windows, now I run Ubuntu on vmware and i cant scroll the mouse15:47
zezuLjL, , I've got a pretty std 9600GT15:48
paul68finn I work with screen to do this15:48
saftarnMouse works on Windows, now I run Ubuntu on vmware and i cant scroll the mouse, why?15:48
JimmyhatNoone then?15:48
aurel42Wobert_: did you already give us details like contents of sources.list etc.? (via nopaste?)15:48
finnit's good if you want to reattach, but he just wanted it disattached15:48
zezuLjL, audio doesn't work either ... new machine is always a royal pain in linux15:48
LiNuX_Is_ThE_BeSdo you speak italian¿?15:48
simon_bno idea?15:48
LjL!it | LiNuX_Is_ThE_BeS15:48
ubottuLiNuX_Is_ThE_BeS: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:48
paul68fin ok15:48
RuttyCould anyone help me with my keyboard issue. Using HP compaq nx 901015:48
OrsLjl: I have put it on pastebin15:49
finnLiNuX_Is_ThE_BeS, try #ubuntu-it15:49
=== pronoy is now known as pronoy_
Wobert_aurel42, ye - I did this was another mistake but it works now, even though I use an itilian mirror and im from denmark - should i pb the scource.list again ?15:49
LjLOrs: you need to give us the URL15:49
Jimmyhatthere is my GLXinfo15:49
Ruttyfor example using shift+2 does not give the symbol instead it gives me "15:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:49
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.0415:49
jjdiamondLjL, thanks.15:49
LjLfinn, paul58, quaal: just type "commandname &" to make the thing run in the background. however, any console output from the program will still fill your terminal.15:49
LiNuX_Is_ThE_BeSi can't connect to internet15:49
pronoy_if i do a fresh installation of ubuntu from cd is it possible to do it without deleting the earlier installed packages ???15:49
aurel42Wobert_: well, if it's working now, no, then I don't need it.15:50
finnLjL, thats what I wrote ;o15:50
JimmyhatCan anyone help me with my resolution I cannot make my monitor go to 1680x1050, I have a samsung 223BW, and a 8600GT GPU.15:50
outbackwifipronoy_: packages from where?15:50
nnullneone know of any festival irc chans?15:50
CuraHackHow can I bridge my laptops networkadapters (eth1 = wired / eth 2 = wireless) so that i can use the laptops internet (from eth 2) for my Pc (without an wireless adapter)?15:50
Wobert_aurel42, it does, but I can download any packeges15:50
pronoy_the earlier installed updates and packages from the ubuntu repositories15:50
zezuE: nvidia-glx-new: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 215:50
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.0415:50
outbackwifiJimmyhat: are you using the correct driver? look inside  your /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:50
WhitorHi, I upgraded to 8.10 a little early... but my nvidia card is no longer supported by x.org. Is there a way to un-upgrade ? I want my compiz back !15:50
Wobert_aurel42, if i try to install anything it just tells me I have broken packeges15:50
SeaPhorJimmyhat, you mayneed to manually add that res to your xorg.conf15:51
aurel42Wobert_: nopaste us those lines, please.15:51
JimmyhatThis is done how?15:51
CuraHackWhitor: downgrade15:51
zezugreat now the package manager will be a pain for the rest of the days of this install15:51
n8tuser1CuraHack-> huh? come again, that didnt seem to come out right15:51
pronoy_outbackwifithe earlier installed updates and packages from the ubuntu repositories15:51
quaalLjL, thanks15:51
Wobert_aurel42, http://paste.ubuntu.com/62908/15:51
WhitorCuraHack, ok, thanks15:51
Jimmyhatseaphor: how do I dod that?15:51
pronoy_outbackwifi: the earlier installed updates and packages from the ubuntu repositories15:51
outbackwifipronoy_: from a hardy install?15:51
OrsLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62907/15:52
SeaPhorJimmyhat, i'll pastebin my xorg and you'll see how mine is structured15:52
CuraHackHow can I bridge my laptops networkadapters (eth1 = wired / eth 2 = wireless) so that i can use the laptops internet (from eth 2) for my Pc (without an wireless adapter)?15:52
Tumiehi guys, i want to install an command-line system with the Ubuntu 8.04 Alternate CD (32-bits).. But If i run the alternate cd, and press F4, then go down to "Install a command-line system".. and press "Enter",, it just doesn't react... what am i doing wrong?? (i checked cd for defects)15:52
pronoy_outbackwifi: yes15:52
Jimmyhatseaphor: ok thanks15:52
WhitorCuraHack, bash: downgrade: command not found15:52
Wobert_aurel42, it keeps on going like that and just end with "destroyed packages"15:52
n8tuser1CuraHack-> maybe am misreading that. you want to do wireless but no wireless adapter?15:52
outbackwifipronoy_: i could be wrong but if you choose to format the root partition during the fresh installation, you nuke everything15:52
CuraHackwithor: no I mean downgrade to an earlyer Os15:52
Tumiehi guys, i want to install an command-line system with the Ubuntu 8.04 Alternate CD (32-bits).. But If i run the alternate cd, and press F4, then go down to "Install a command-line system".. and press "Enter",, it just doesn't react... what am i doing wrong?? (i checked cd for defects)15:53
hwilde!downgrade | CuraHack15:53
ubottuCuraHack: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:53
WhitorCuraHack, yeah, how ? I'd rather not install from scratch15:53
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.0415:53
aurel42Wobert_: I don't seem to remember apt ever telling me anything about "destroying" packages.15:53
arkuhello. I'm installing SAMS on ubuntu 8.04, import data in db, edit conf file and get ip/sams/ .. and i can't login, i'm doesn't see... Any help? http://portal.esoo.ru/image/pics/e5efec6e58c90f6a902e3bc58ba3dea9.png15:53
n8tuser1Tumie-> you already have a running 8.04?15:53
aurel42Wobert_: ah, you're translating localized messages?15:54
=== Guest_430 is now known as Guest_430_
WhitorIs there no mechanism to un-do an upgrade ?15:54
hwildeWoet, do you have errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:54
Tumien8tuser1.. yes, i have running a server install15:54
n8tuser1Tumie-> having a linux installed, you have access to a terminal or console by default..ie its a command line15:54
RuttyHi there. Looking for help with my keyboard issue. shift + any of the number keys isnt working. apostrophe key is not working. apparently neither is my question mark key. very new with ubuntu15:54
aurel42Whitor: yes, there is, it's called "restoring your backup".15:54
hwilden8tuser1, he means server install, not desktop install15:54
Woettossed event which came in late15:55
WoetmieqEnequeue: out-of-order valuator event; dropping.15:55
FloodBot2Woet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
hwilde!pastebin | Woet15:55
ubottuWoet: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:55
aurel42Wobert_: ping?15:55
Woethwilde: those 2 lines, for 6 or 7 times.15:55
Wobert_aurel42, sry - it could mean broken packages too15:55
hwildeWoet, sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:55
Tumien8tuser1,, omg, i want a new command-line installation15:55
Wobert_aurel42, what should i ping ?15:55
hwildeWoet, pastebinit -i /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:55
pronoy_can i download kubuntu 8.10 or ubuntu 8.10 from the internet now ?? i really need it15:55
Woethwilde: I'm not gonna pastebin 2 linues.15:55
saftarnMouse works on Windows, now I run Ubuntu on vmware and i cant scroll the mouse, why?15:55
Woetlines *15:55
LjLOrs, your sources.list looks fine. can you give me the full output of the aptitude command you're running?15:55
hwilde!download | pronoy_15:55
ubottupronoy_: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!15:55
n8tuser1Tumie-> you want to install a server services?  am trying to understand what you're doing15:55
hwildeWoet, I want to see before that15:55
outbackwifiTumie: you could download the ubuntu server iso and install that. its pure command-line15:55
arkuhello. I'm installing SAMS on ubuntu 8.04, import data in db, edit conf file and get ip/sams/ .. and i can't login, i'm doesn't see... Any help? http://portal.esoo.ru/image/pics/e5efec6e58c90f6a902e3bc58ba3dea9.png15:55
ubottuarku: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:56
Tumien8tuser1, i'm running the alternate cd, and i want to install a command-line system..15:56
outbackwifi!intrepid| pronoy_15:56
ubottupronoy_: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu15:56
arkuoutbackwifi, 2 minute is not quickly..15:56
Woethwilde: http://pastebin.com/f7926b34115:56
hwildeTumie, did you try the ubuntu server cd and it did not work ?15:56
outbackwifiarku: you should not repeat your questions15:56
n8tuser1Tumie-> im having difficulty following you, you have an existing running linux or not?15:56
Tumiehwilde: i try'd, but it didn't work well15:57
Tumien8tuser1: yes, i have ubuntu on my pc, but i just want a command-line system,,15:57
outbackwifiTumie: what do you mean well?15:57
Tumieoutbackwifi: no internet,15:57
melamsHi, I have a question that I believe may be a simple answer, btw I'm a newb to linux and ubuntu15:57
n8tuser1Tumie-> you already have it, do this,  ctrl+alt+F1  and log on, then you have a command line interface console15:58
outbackwifiTumie: so try solving that issue; trying to install os again does not solve it15:58
OrsLjL: I have only typed sudo aptitude, and then -f15:58
Tumien8tuser1, but i want a NEW installation,15:58
shesekcan I get alt-tab to show more than 3 windows ?15:58
melamsafter hours of inactivity my processes go into sleep mode, but dont wake up when i need em15:58
hwildeWoet, check on your nvidia drivers.  this post is the same error   http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-671950.html15:58
shesekmake them smaller maybe ?15:58
LjLOrs: try, from the command line, "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"15:58
Tumieoutbackwifi: i'm now trying the alternate, insteads of the server15:58
n8tuser1Tumie-> what exactly do you meant by a new installation? another linux?15:58
hwildemelams, go into System->Preferences -> Power Management ?15:58
outbackwifimelams: can you give an example of a process that does this and you wanted to use it?15:58
spazmI'm having a little trouble upgrading my dist... I get "Not found" error when trying to upgrade packages...15:59
Tumien8tuser1: i mean a fresh installation without my old crap15:59
patrickodcan someone help me with a network problem I'm having? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=959350 for details15:59
hwildeTumie, does the regular ubuntu desktop livecd run on your system ?15:59
outbackwifiTumie: irrespective of whichever distribution you install, there is always a commandline option. if you booted into gnome, press ctl+alt+f1 to go to a text-only terminal15:59
Tumiedon't have enough RAM for that15:59
Woethwilde: and how do you suggest I go 'check on' my nvidia drivers?15:59
n8tuser1Tumie-> you have enuff disk space for a new install or want to write over the old one?15:59
hwildepatrickod, does the devices show up in ifconfig16:00
hwildeWoet, did you read the post16:00
hwildeTumie, how much ram do you have16:00
Tumien8tuser1: want to write it over the old one16:00
Tumiehwilde: 25616:00
patrickodhwilde: yes16:00
arkuoutbackwifi, how long i'm need wait to repeat question?16:00
hwilde256megatbytes ?16:00
patrickodas etho, the onboard as eth116:00
n8tuser1Tumie-> how about disk space? how much?16:00
Tumien8tuser1: 80GB16:00
outbackwifiarku: you dont repeat at all; if no one answered, no one knows16:00
melamsoutbackwifi: pidgen mail16:00
outbackwifi!patience| arku16:01
ubottuarku: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:01
hwildepatrickod, plug in the cable and type "sudo dhclient eth0" and see if you get a dhcp address16:01
=== Guest_430_ is now known as marco
n8tuser1Tumie-> how many partitions do you have now? is the /home separate partition?16:01
OrsLjL: I have tried that as you have already suggested: 0 packages...16:01
=== marco is now known as marcusdy
Tumiebut my only problem is that i can run the alternate cd, but if i press F4 and choose Install a command-line system, it doesn't react16:01
shesekHey, can I get alt-tab to show more than 3 windows?16:01
arooniim looking for a mail server that allows me to easily create/edit/update accounts from a web ui, and runs on ubuntu hardy server.  server should also be REALLY easy to set up.  suggestions?16:01
LjLOrs: the first time, i suggested apt-get, not aptitude16:01
melamsoutbackwifi: my pidgin mail16:01
shesekWhen I have many windows opened its hard to navigate16:01
outbackwifishesek: did you try and it did not work>16:01
shesekno, I don't know how to do that16:01
shesekwhere can I set that ?16:02
Dextorionno sound in flash in firefox. Anything you guys know right off?16:02
outbackwifimelams: after how much time do they sleep and dont wake up?16:02
hwildeDextorion, close all your other programs and open just firefox and see if it work16:02
outbackwifishesek: theres no setting; its default behavior; you can cycle thro open windows using alt-tab16:02
=== lucifiel11111 is now known as Lucifiel
Tumien8tuser1: my only problem is, that i'm running the alternate cd, but if i press F4, and select Install a command-line system.. it doesn't react,,16:02
cs_studentWhen trying to access my index.php in /var/www/ from firefox using http://localhost/ I get "Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 016:02
cs_studentFatal error: Unknown: Failed opening required '/var/www/index.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in Unknown on line 0"16:02
OrsLjL: Sorry, you are right.  Anyway, no difference: 0 package will be installed, upgraded or removed.16:02
FloodBot2cs_student: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:02
patrickodhwilde: its not getting anything, just sending out discover requests16:03
Dextorionhwilde, it doesnt.16:03
=== Lucifiel is now known as ughhhh1111
shesekoutbackwifi, I'm sorry, but have you read my question? I want this to show more than 3 windows, which is the default16:03
hwildepatrickod, and you're sure that cable is good?16:03
outbackwifishesek: theres no setting; its default behavior; you can cycle thro open windows using alt-tab16:03
patrickodhwilde: I use it with the onboard ethernet card16:03
shesekit shows 3 windows at a time, I want it to show more16:03
patrickodand it works16:03
hwildecs_student, you have to chown the file as the user the webserver is running as... typicall www-data16:03
patrickodso yes, I am absolutely positive16:03
outbackwifishesek: i can scroll thro about 5 windows i have open right now16:03
shesekme too, but it shows only 3 of them at a time16:04
melamsoutbackwifi: I'm not too sure the system power settings say that my comp is never suppose to go to sleep, I would say at least a few hours16:04
shesekbefore this new fancy thingy you could see all of them at the time16:04
hwildepatrickod, that is very strange.  if it shows up in ifconfig it should be good.  you should report the bug and include that the cable works on the onboard16:04
n8tuser1Tumie-> that can be resolve, if you wish, you can install another linux with the current one, by using debootstrap, you just have to have a new partition for the new install and can use the old /home if its a separate directory16:04
patrickodhwilde: will do16:04
droopsta915what can i use to watch quicktime videos?16:04
outbackwifishesek: if you mean compiz, you can disable that in System-Preferences-appearance16:04
LjLOrs: i'm not really sure what aptitude is on about, but it doesn't really seem to me like you have any actually broken packages16:04
patrickodhwilde: is there anything else I can do?16:04
cs_studentThanks, that worked :)16:05
mandarkhey both my firefox and swiftweasel are crashing...plzz help16:05
hwildepatrickod, ask in #ubuntu-bugs   sounds like yo ugot one16:05
patrickodfair enough16:05
melamswow soo many questions at once, u guys helpin us are heroes16:06
=== Doctor_IP is now known as Guest98416
outbackwifipatrickod: can you pastebin your lspci16:06
hwilde!donate | melams16:06
ubottumelams: To donate to Ubuntu, you can !participate or go to http://www.ubuntu.com/donations16:06
OrsLjL: that is good to know.  I was concerned because my internet connection broke a couple of times and I was not sure whether it might have had any effect.  Althougt it should not have...16:06
=== NeoNinja_ is now known as Hacks
patrickodoutbackwifi: ^16:06
Kaff3inedoes anyone know how to get the xfire plugin for gaim working on pidgin?16:06
droopsta915what can i use to watch quicktime videos?16:07
Kaff3inewhat kind?16:07
hwildedroopsta915, just click on them16:07
jelgMy ubuntu boot gets stuck when trying to mount the swap16:07
=== spurr is now known as John
=== John is now known as ninja
NicEXEit seems that Adobe started to show some respect over Linux16:08
outbackwifipatrickod: can you also pastebin the output of this dmesg| grep Ethernet16:08
patrickodoutbackwifi: will do16:08
jelgI am using a ubuntu install hosted on the Windows XP NTFS disk16:08
melamsoutbackwifi: actually in my systems monitor it shows all processes sleeping except gnome-system-monitor16:08
outbackwifimelams: thats default behavior16:09
melamsbut everything works except I cant get to my pidgin mail16:09
outbackwifimelams:what is the symptom16:09
Kaff3inei've never used irc before, can someone reccommend a good channel?16:09
zezuok i can't even remove the nvidia package16:09
Kaff3inenaw, that channel sucks.16:09
zezucan't update it16:09
Kaff3ineXD jk.16:09
zezuit can't find libGL so it fails16:09
=== spurr is now known as JOHN
=== JOHN is now known as NeoNinja
melamsafter hours of inactivity, my pidgin mail is no longer in the sys tray and I cant access it anywhere16:10
=== JulioNeto_away is now known as JulioNeto
outbackwifi!girls | Kaff3ine16:10
ubottuKaff3ine: Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/16:10
saftarni cant scroll my mouse, im running vmware+ubuntu16:10
patrickodoutbackwifi: snipr.com/4ptqs16:10
Coloquialisthello.. anyone available to assist me with some wifi setup ?16:10
melamsi think the only way to get it back up is to stop the process and restart it16:10
melamsbut that is annoying to do every time my comp is inactive for a few hours16:10
askandIs there any open nondestructive soundformats?16:10
zezucan i force apt-get to remove something even if it fails ?16:11
zezui tried -fm doesn't help16:11
ZambeziAnyone know how I can mount /home and / on an encrypted LVM (connected as external drive) after grub got overwritten? It seems it's encrypted, but it's not mounted.16:11
outbackwifipatrickod: is the GiGe on eth0 or eth1?16:11
patrickodoutbackwifi: eth016:11
patrickodeth1 is the onboard and its working fine16:12
outbackwifiaskand: surely you mean lossless?16:12
askand outbackwifi: surely that is what I  mean :)16:12
hwilde!ogg | askand16:12
ubottuaskand: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:12
=== henkules_AFK is now known as Henkules
outbackwifipatrickod: what does sudo ethtool eth0 say ?16:12
shesekcan I get all the menus to be sub-menus of one button?16:12
shesekto save up some space16:12
outbackwifipatrickod: if the link is up the last line should say so16:12
shesek(Applications, Places, System)16:13
patrickodoutbackwifi: ok16:13
GweeetszoranoDoes anyone know how to auto configure Xorg.conf... ?16:13
patrickodoutbackwifi: no link detected16:13
hwildeGweeetszorano, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:13
outbackwifipatrickod: and is it ?16:13
Gweeetszoranohwilde: Thanks bro16:14
patrickodis it what?16:14
mandarkhey both my firefox and swiftweasel are crashing...plzz help16:14
outbackwifipatrickod: is the card connected to a switch/hub etc?16:14
patrickodoutbackwifi: yes16:14
patrickodthe cabling is perfectly operational16:14
patrickodits just this card16:14
zezudpkg-divert: looks for /usr/lib3216:14
zezuwhich doesn't exist16:14
zezuits /usr/lib16:14
hwildeGweeetszorano, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:14
zezuso the removal fails16:15
zezuand i'm stuck16:15
hwilde!enter | zezom16:15
ubottuzezom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:15
hwilde!enter | zezu16:15
ubottuzezu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:15
zezuhwilde, terribly sorry but i'm stuck in 800x60016:15
outbackwifipatrickod: if ethtool is not detecting a link, im lost; sorry like someone said, it could be a bug16:15
fsufitchhi. i got a problem with my cdrom drive. it fails to read any "big" files from CDs and DVDs with a "Read/Write Error", and it won't even eject the disc when i push eject. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit on a Dell XPS M1330 (64-bit).  I also have a slot-loading drive, if that makes any difference.16:15
zezui can barely see the text scroll by16:15
patrickodoutbackwifi: ok16:15
hwilde!fixres | zezu16:15
ubottuzezu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:15
zezuhwilde, the problem is the driver16:16
ksbalajiWhich application allows me to know the applications accessing internet connection?16:16
Onkabetsewhat are the GUI for ubuntu made with ?Any specific C library  ?16:16
outbackwifiksbalaji: wireshark16:16
hwilde!gnome > Onkabetse16:16
outbackwifi!info wireshark16:16
ubottuOnkabetse, please see my private message16:16
ksbalajiWhich application allows me to know the applications accessing internet connection from my computer?16:16
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1504 kB16:16
hwilde!kde > Onkabetse16:16
ksbalajioutbackwifi, thanks - is it available in ubuntu repositories please16:17
hwildeksbalaji, yes16:17
hwilde!find wireshark hardy16:17
ubottuFound: wireshark, wireshark-common, wireshark-dev16:17
linkmaster03What is a fast way to print a folder of images, as is, without having to go into EOG or something and print them all manually?16:17
outbackwifiksbalaji: that message just said it is in the universe repository; didnt you read?16:17
akonkwa_go to arch linux : it is like ubuntuinbetter16:17
hwilde!offtopic | akonkwa_16:17
ubottuakonkwa_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:17
ksbalajihwilde, outbackwifi thanks please!16:18
ColoquialistHaving trouble with NDISwrapper and a wirelesscard. Using NDISwrapper and a how-to I am able to get a driver installed. The card shows up as a "wired" connection though. any thoughts?16:18
outbackwifiColoquialist: what card is it?16:19
hwildeColoquialist, give up, buy a supported card :/16:19
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Coloquialistit is a realtek 8185.16:19
hwildeI have never got ndiswrapper to do anything useful16:19
outbackwifiColoquialist: can you pastebin your lspci?16:20
xukuncan I disable pulseaudio and use alsa instead it's messing things for me up16:20
hwilde!alsa | xukun16:20
ubottuxukun: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:20
Cletuswhois Cletus16:20
Coloquialistoutbackwifi: I can try.. this is on another machine. only network card is the wireless.. lemm see if I can grab it via gedit16:20
xukunhwilde, thanks I will16:21
outbackwifiColoquialist: tx16:21
saftarni cant scroll my mouse, im running vmware+ubuntu16:21
saftarni cant scroll my mouse, im running vmware+ubuntu. how can  fix that?16:21
outbackwifisaftarn: your mouse type must not have been configured in vmware16:22
saftarnoutbackwifi, no prob not, how do i do that?16:22
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fsufitchhi. i'm reposting as this is kind of urgent. i got a problem with my cdrom drive. it fails to read any "big" files from CDs and DVDs with a "Read/Write Error", and it won't even eject the disc when i push eject. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit on a Dell XPS M1330 (64-bit).  I also have a slot-loading drive, if that makes any difference.16:22
outbackwifisaftarn: dunno, i can only help with ubuntu not vmware16:22
outbackwififsufitch: look into your dmesg and see if theres any error messages16:23
DextorionAnyone else had problems with sound not working in firefox flashplayer?16:23
Coloquialistoutbackwifi:  00:08.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)16:24
scunizisaftarn, you might need to install vmware tools.. look on the ui for that option16:24
kbrosnanDextorion: fairly common16:24
kbrosnanDextorion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio see known issues16:24
fsufitchoutbackwifi, i see a LOT of errors mentioning " attempt to access beyond end of device" and  a few of "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block <somenumber>" at the end16:24
outbackwifiColoquialist: i dont see why you are trying with ndiswrapper; can you also check dmesg|grep Ethernet16:24
Ruttythis keyboard issue is ridiculous16:25
Dextorionthanks kbrosnan, i'll take a look :)16:25
saftarnvmware says it is an ubuntu thing16:25
outbackwififsufitch: that means that either the disk or your drive is broke; there must be a way to manually eject cd if its stuck (use a pin in a hole or something)16:25
outbackwifisaftarn: whats the mouse-type in vmware?16:25
fsufitchoutbackwifi, ejection works if i right click on the disk icon and click eject. and the problem can't be the disks (i tried a whole bunch and none work) or the drive (it worked just fine last time i checked, and this is still a new computer)16:26
Coloquialistoutbackwifi I went with ndiswrapper in ignorance. Card was not showing up after fresh install.  should I back out the ndiswrapper changes and try something else ?16:26
outbackwififsufitch: what changed before it stopped working16:26
fsufitchoutbackwifi, since regular button ejection doesn't work, could this mean the disk is in use or something? or the driver or backports are broken for 32 bit OS on 64 bit system?16:26
Coloquialistoutbackwifi: I used ndiswrapper for broadcom drivers on my laptop here, and just followed the same procedure.16:27
fsufitchoutbackwifi, last major change i made was wiping my HD and installing ubuntu 32 bit and vista home premium 32 bit instead of my old ubuntu 64 bit16:27
outbackwifiColoquialist: ndiswrapper is only recommended for unsupported cards. you should first check whether your card is supported in the hcl16:28
outbackwifi!hcl | Coloquialist16:28
ubottuColoquialist: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:28
outbackwififsufitch: like you said it could be a driver issue since its a slot-loader16:28
Coloquialistoutbackwifi: thanks! I'll check these out.16:28
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.04, http://pastebin.com/f7926b341 is my Xorg log. I'm using the latest restricted drivers.16:29
jAkHello everybody16:29
fsufitchoutbackwifi, it's always *been* a slot-loader ;)16:29
fsufitchthe problem is that it worked before, and it doesn't now16:29
outbackwififsufitch: those errors that you get certainly point to a disk/drive issue16:30
fsufitchoutbackwifi, okay. i'll see if i can get a usb drive or something. I'll look deeper tinto this. thanks anyway :)16:30
outbackwifiWoet: what do you mean when you say restarting16:31
zamaraxanyone else having a hard time installed hydroxygen icons from gnomelook in ubuntu?16:31
outbackwififsufitch: yw and all the best16:31
jAkI've just upgraded to 8-10 from 8.04, the whole process took almost 3hours... it finished. When i login to either kernals, it just freezes. Anybody experiance this?16:31
Woetoutbackwifi: the same as if you do ctrl + alt + backspace16:31
outbackwifi!intrepid| jAk16:31
ubottujAk: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu16:31
outbackwifiWoet: are there any errors in your X log files? /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:32
netsurf3hmm is there any way to make an application run as part of a group?16:32
Woetoutbackwifi: the pastebin is there.. http://pastebin.com/f7926b34116:33
outbackwifinetsurf3: yes add the owner of that app to the group16:33
outbackwifiWoet: does this behavior happen with any other application too?16:34
netsurf3outbackwifi, hmmm i am having issues with virtualbox poping/crackling/stuttering audio in virtual box via pulseaudio want just this application to have pulse-rt access to see if it helps16:34
n8tuser1jAk-> thats why i do not recommend people to do an upgrade, but rather do a fresh install16:34
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Woetoutbackwifi: Yes, it's completely random16:35
outbackwifinetsurf3: i used to have a prob with pullseaudio; i removed that and installed esd and audio stuttering stopped16:35
outbackwifi!esd | n8tuser116:35
ubottun8tuser1: esd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead16:35
netsurf3outbackwifi, see i am too used to pulse now :(16:35
jAkits a bit silly if they offered the upgrade16:35
netsurf3!est netsurf316:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about est netsurf316:35
netsurf3!esd netsurf316:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esd netsurf316:35
outbackwifi!it | prist16:35
ubottuprist: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:35
jAkso am screwed, i take it can be fix then .....16:36
mandarkhey wen i installed flash10...it says wrong architecture.....wat do i do16:37
outbackwifiWoet: can you check if this happens with and without compiz enabled16:37
outbackwifimandark: install the right architecture16:37
ric1does any one know how i can update from 5.10 , but i only have 186mb of ram16:37
mandarkoutbackwifi; how will i know wat's my architecture nd which is suitable 4 it??16:38
outbackwifimandark: well you own the computer :) anyways if you have a standard intel computer, the architecture is 386,16:38
mandarkoutbackwifi; mine is intel16:39
Woetoutbackwifi: it's completely random, sometimes 2 times in 20 minutes, sometimes nothing in 2 weeks16:39
mandarkoutbackwifi; actually the error i got is 'wrong architecture i386'16:39
outbackwifiWoet: sorry i cant seem to figure it out16:40
outbackwifimandark: what is the version you're trying to install?16:40
mandarkflash10 fire firefox16:40
MocFreaking weird, I have video issues with ubuntu/compiz/nvidia, but after a while, all the issues stop..16:40
mandarkflash10 for firefox16:40
saftarnwow linux is actually very easy to use and all the admin tasks are right there not hidden away n some corner like in windows16:41
jAkis this the right channel to try and resolve issues with 8-10?16:41
outbackwifimandark: are you trying to download and install from a page that looks like this --> http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux16:42
kbrosnanjAk: #ubuntu+1 for a few more days16:42
Caleb|Hey folks.  Got a problem here.  Just installed ubuntu and I'm loving it.  I finally got the install for my graohics card to work, and boom.  I boot up, and then my mouse stops working.  It's a PS/2 mouse.  I know most people use USB, but my 4 USB ports are filled by my keyboard, my mic, my webcam, and my iPod.  Any help would be great, thanks!16:42
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jAkcheers kbrosnan16:43
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mandarkoutbackwifi; ya from the same website16:44
outbackwifiCaleb|: I think your mouse is not configured properly in the xorg.conf file16:44
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jAk4 days before the offical release is due, i should have waited... well, hopefully it will be resolved ;)16:44
ric1Caleb| use a usb hub or install a pci card with usb ports16:44
outbackwifimandark: that should be exactly the same url for a ubuntu deb download16:44
hwildejAk, ubuntu+116:45
kbrosnanmandark: are you using an x64 distro16:45
UrbanMystichi, i am facing some problem with skype16:45
UrbanMysticactually with my mic16:45
ric1does any one know how i can update from 5.10 , but with only have 186mb of ram?16:45
jAkhwilde : on the channel... just waiting for reply..16:45
outbackwifiUrbanMystic: use alsamixer to select the correct mic16:45
n8tuser1ric1-> why not do a fresh install?16:46
danopia_I called beep a bunch of times, now can I cancel all the beep requests?16:46
mandarkoutbackwifi; my ubuntu is 64 bit16:46
kbrosnanmandark: x64 is not supported by adobe16:46
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, when i speak into the mic, i can hear myself from the speakers. but when i use skype, the other person cant hear me16:46
outbackwifimandark: kbrosnan asked you that16:46
Caleb|outbackwifi: I really don't exactly have that option right now... Is there any way I can properly configure my mouse?  I think it might be a problem with Compiz, actually, because everything was working fine before I installed these nVidia drivers.16:46
outbackwifiUrbanMystic: does the skype echo test go well?16:46
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, i ran vumeter and spoke into the mic but the levels didnt rise16:46
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, the skype echo test doesnt go well16:47
mandarkkbrosnan, outbackwifi; so now wat do i do...flash 9 always crasahes my browser16:47
outbackwifimandark: sorry cant help you with that16:47
Exortiuso/ gents16:48
kbrosnanmandark: nspluginwrapper may alow flash 10 to work16:48
asta fantasia16:48
outbackwifiUrbanMystic: can you fire up alsamixer in a terminal and move the mic slider to the top16:48
fsufitchoutbackwifi, i'm back, and i sorta nailed my cdrom problem16:48
jAkswitching to ubuntu+1, thanks for your help people16:48
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, it is to the max16:48
outbackwififsufitch: great; what did you do16:48
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.04, http://pastebin.com/f7926b341 is my Xorg log. I'm using the latest restricted drivers.16:48
ric1n8tuser1 what do you mean?16:48
Exortiusinstalling ubuntu on a laptop with no on-board wifi card, install is stuck at 87% "getting the time from a network time server"16:49
n8tuser1ric1->  do a fresh install instead of upgrade16:49
Exortiuswhy is this not timing out? it's been 20 minutes16:49
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, if it helps, skype was working perfectly fine until a few months ago16:49
fsufitchit's not my cdrom, it's readonly files. whenever i try to copy a readonly file off the cd, it makes a readonly file locally, then refuses to write to it because it's readonly. i havent figured out a solution yet, since I can't use chmod a+w on the cd since it's a readonly filesystem16:49
outbackwifiUrbanMystic: i have seen that at times in my laptop i cant use skype properly because the current capture device is my built-in mic and im trying to use a headset. changing this in alsamixer helps me16:49
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, actually i dont use my linux box so often these days since i got a laptop. but my mom uses skype and now it isnt working16:49
Caleb|Outbackwifi: How do I disable CompIz?16:49
NauarchLysanderIs there a possibility to exclude certain directories from a search with the 'find' command?16:50
mandarkkbrosnan, outbackwifi; kk...i installed it thanxxx.....16:50
Thylacineric1: you should download and install xubuntu for less than 256 ram16:50
fsufitchoutbackwifi, and somehow it's only doing this for bigger files16:50
outbackwifiCaleb|: System-Preferences-Appearance16:50
ric1like install 8.10 from scratch? i dont think i have enough ram and my internet connection is to slow to download xubuntu16:50
outbackwififsufitch: if it copied the files to the hard disk, you can change persmissions16:50
mandarkkbrosnan, outbackwifi; my browser used 2 crash always...so someone told me that it was flash9...so i uninstalled it and installed nspluginwrapper....will it crash again16:51
Exortiushey guys, can anyone help me with a problem i'm having while installing ubuntu?16:52
outbackwifi!ask | Exortius16:52
ubottuExortius: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:52
UrbanMysticoutbackwifi, so do you have anything in mind that I can try?16:52
Thylacineric1: you can try a smaller distro, like puppy...16:52
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.04, http://pastebin.com/f7926b341 is my Xorg log. I'm using the latest restricted drivers.16:52
outbackwifiUrbanMystic: try changing the mic in preferences in the volume control applet16:52
UrbanMystictried that too outbackwifi16:53
fsufitchoutbackwifi, the odd thing, though, is if i wait for my cd to wind down due to unuse, and try to copy one of the files then, it doesn't even start up before giving me the R/W error16:53
UrbanMysticdoest work16:53
kbrosnanmandark: it may still crash, flash is not ment for the x64 platform. the only other option is to set up firefox 32 bit to work, non-trivial google chroot firefox16:53
Exortiusok, my ubuntu install is stuck at 87% "getting the time from a network time server", my laptop has no on-board network card, shouldn't this have timed out and continued with the install?16:53
NauarchLysanderIs there a possibility to exclude certain directories from a search with the 'find' command?16:53
fsufitchoutbackwifi, i'm going to restart, brb16:53
ThylacineExortius: how much time did it pass?16:54
ExortiusThylacine: it's been over 20 minutes16:54
mandarkkbrosnan; so i have 2 use chroot16:54
ThylacineExortius, that's a lot of time, i don't really know why16:55
kbrosnanmandark: or not have flash16:55
tribalihcan i ask here for some problems with my amsn?16:55
ric1Thylacine i think i tied that before but i didnt work16:55
melamssorry I asked this question a while ago, but had to reboot before it was answered16:55
melamscan anyone help me with troubleshooting my pidgin mail16:55
mandarkkbrosnan; is der any better browser which supports flash....16:55
wowfunhappyHello. I am running Xubuntu Hardy. Everything used to work just fine, but recently, xubuntu has become unable to detect my SD card when I insert it into the reader. Any idea what the problem might be?16:55
melamsit for some reason goes invisible after a few hours of inactivity16:55
melamsthe process is running but i cant find the app16:56
NauarchLysanderIs there a possibility to exclude certain directories from a search with the 'find' command?16:56
WoetMy x-server keeps randomly restarting.. usually when I click the tray icon of Kopete. How to resolve this? Running 8.04, http://pastebin.com/f7926b341 is my Xorg log. I'm using the latest restricted drivers.16:56
outbackwifimelams: doing a alt-tab might bring it up16:56
Thylacineric1: i think you could order a cd with ubuntu or if you have a friend with a better internet connection, ask him16:56
unopNauarchLysander, sure with -prune16:56
melamsno that didnt work before16:56
melamsi close the window16:56
melamsit was running on my panel16:57
melamsor in the ubuntu equivalent of windows sys tray16:57
kbrosnanmandark: no clue i don't use x64. however other options are Opera and konqueror16:57
unopNauarchLysander,  find /someplace -name "*pattern*to*exclude*" -prune -o -print16:57
ThylacineWoet, you should be ok with 8.10, it has a new xorg16:57
Gigacorehi guys, Is it true that ubuntu/linux can damage Hard disks ?16:58
zupb2hi, guys, i try to run this16:58
zupb2command ooffice  -calc "macro:///home/user/script/SuperScript"16:58
zupb2but i get such mistake16:58
zupb2ooffice  -calc "macro:///home/user/script/SuperScript"16:58
WoetThylacine: I'd prefer using a released version16:58
FloodBot3zupb2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
tribalihwho has amsn?16:58
spasticteapotUnles you're using a SSD and have the pagefile set up wrong.16:58
zupb2sorry, i get this javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!16:58
ThylacineWoet, just 4 days left but the RC is very stable, why fix a problem in an old release?16:59
Thylacine8.10 RC is really good, i'm using it and is better than 8.0416:59
Thylacinemuch better16:59
NauarchLysanderunop: Sorry, I don't get it. I'm trying to run a search for all directries containing 'scr' but I want to exclude everything beginning with ./proc. How would the command look like?16:59
Gigacoreis that true ?17:00
wowfunhappyHello. I am running Xubuntu Hardy. Everything used to work just fine, but recently, xubuntu has become unable to detect my SD card when I insert it into the reader. Any idea what the problem might be?17:00
unopNauarchLysander, find . -wholename "./proc" -prune -o -name "*scr*" -type d -print17:00
melamsok i guess i dont really care too much about the pidgin right now... I was more curious about whether I can install LAMP without reinstalling ubuntu?17:00
unopmelams, sure17:01
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:01
AltairsHey, this question may be random, but when I enter commands in terminal, I often have to type "sudo" in front of the command. what does it do?17:01
=== tekteen_ is now known as tekteen
segosuruns it as root17:01
unop!sudo | Altairs17:01
ubottuAltairs: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)17:01
tribalihhow i can connect amsn??17:01
outbackwifiAltairs: it gives you administrative powers17:01
Altairsohh okay17:02
melamsso i have to install apache, mysql and php seperatly17:02
NauarchLysanderunop: It works, thank you very much.17:02
Altairsalso, i've heard about this thing from my buddies called "compiz", what is it?17:03
amrikHi so my sister would like for me to be able to connect remotely to her computer and fix her problems. she is running xp and i am running ubuntu. what is the best program to do this? is tightvnc ok?17:03
musictotomelams, if you want an easy LAMP setup on a graphical ubuntu installation, go to http://www.apachefriends.org17:03
ay^amrik: sure, that'll work17:03
melamsthank you17:03
unopNauarchLysander, here's something for you - http://wooledge.org/mywiki/UsingFind17:03
Thylacinei've made a script and modified sudoers with sudovisudo command and it is still asking me for a password when i try to run the script, why?17:03
Altairsoh well maybe..17:03
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:03
NauarchLysanderunop: Thanks.17:03
amrikay^: are there other programs that could work?17:04
ay^amrik: not that I know of17:04
unopThylacine, when you make changes to a file - tell us about those changes17:04
finnhttp://pastebin.com/d39fc19e0 any ideas?17:04
unopThylacine, so, what did you put in sudoers exactly?17:04
tribalihhow can i deinstall a program?17:05
finnsudo apt-get remove <programm>17:05
ay^tribalih: did you install it with apt, or th elikes?17:05
Thylacineunop: below root ALL=... i put user ALL=NOPASSWD: /PATH/scriptname17:05
rummyI have problem with sound. when I have open rhythmbox don't have sound in skype or in firefox, in other programs or if I have sound in firefox then don't have in others :-)17:05
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.17:06
tribalihay: ehm... how can i now that... i am not really good in this things17:06
melamsmusictoto: it says compatible on a x86 processor, sorry my computer knowledge is shady, how can i make sure that my processor is x8617:06
kbrosnanrummy: problem with adobe flash and pulse audio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio see known issues17:07
unopThylacine, that shouldn't work because scripts are actually run by interpreters i.e. /bin/bash or /usr/bin/perl etc17:07
dulakmelams: what kind of computer you have?17:08
melamsso generally x86 processor is any 16 or 32 bit but not 6417:08
melamsi have a 32 bit processor17:08
melamsintel centino17:08
tribalihay^: sorry now = know...17:08
dulakmelams: then you have an x86 processor17:08
dulakmelams: x86 means it's intel compatible17:08
musictotomelams: that will work17:08
Thylacineunop: i type in the terminal sudo /path/scriptname, it asks me for a password and after that it works17:08
melamsthanks guys17:08
Thylacineit should not want a password17:09
Thylacineit is in sudoers17:09
fsufitchoutbackwifi, now it works. apparently it was a weird problem because i changed my password (which i did just earlier today). this was somehow fixed by me restarting my computer. im happy it works now though :). thanks for oyur help17:09
melamsanother newb question, but is a linux shell the same as the terminal17:10
Thylacinemelams: nope17:11
Thylacinemelams: yes, sorry17:11
sleveni write perl in my terminal and it just stands there and blink, does Perl come with the ubuntu-distro?17:11
musictotomelams: it's not exactly the same but pretty much17:11
sleveni write python i starts the interpreter. doesnt perl have one?17:11
melamsi can get to different shells by doing function f1 - f7 right?17:11
dulaksleven: perl requires input, it's not interactive like python17:12
slevendulak: i see17:12
unopsleven, perl does not have an interactive shell (like python) - that's why it is expecting some input17:12
dulaksleven: so something like perl script.pl17:12
sleveni see17:12
unopsleven, or  perl  #next line   print "hello world"  #when finished  CTRL+D17:12
slevenwhat si the equivalence of C:/ on ubuntu?17:13
dgn1I installed Ubuntu server but I was not connected to the internet then. So I choosed to set up the internet connection later. Now its done installing and I'm connected to the internet. How do I setup my connection now? (wifi would be great too)17:13
zigovrhow can I prevent adept (or apt-get or any other tool) to remove a package that is marked as "broken" when I want to upgrade my system ? The package in question actually works just fine and I need it, it was just installed forcibly and come from a a future (intrepid) distribution17:13
dulaksleven: there really isn't one, but the closest thing to it is /17:13
unopsleven, there is no equivalent, linux doesn't use the concept of drive letters17:13
amriksleven: there is no real equivalence per se, since the mount points in nix systems are virtual. however if you only have one hard drive most likely it corresponds to / (unless of course you are referring to a windows partition from an ubuntu dual boot)17:14
slevenim running on vmware17:14
amrikzigovr: does aptitude hold [packagename] work?17:14
slevendoes thta make it a lot slower?17:14
dgn1of course17:14
amriksleven: running on vmware will be significantly slower, and will not be able to make full use of all available hardware such as hardware accelerated rendering for compiz desktop effects17:15
jjdiamondsweet.  i got vnc to work17:15
dulaksleven: the amount of slowness depends on your cpu17:15
zigovramrik: I didn't try that, I will17:15
Joseph303Hello, I'm hoping for help with installation.  I am an experienced Ubuntu user, but I am stumped.17:17
Joseph303I decided to keep my Athlon 64x2 processor and upgrade my motherboard.17:17
SaberZwhich is better? Virtualbox or VMWare.17:17
copperkidis there any way around firefox's problem of reversing left/right navigation when using touchpad scrolling?17:18
Joseph303I installed an XFX nForce 750a motherboard.17:18
robert__in xfce is there a way to remove those 3 desktop icons or are they just stuck there? I couldn't find a way17:18
finnhttp://pastebin.com/d39fc19e0 any ideas?17:18
finnis it a memory error?17:18
capricorrrrrnhi room17:18
capricorrrrrni m having problem with youtube17:18
capricorrrrrni cannot see the videos on it17:19
Joseph303When using the liveCD, I can start the kernel, but then everything just stops.  Apparently the computer "forgets" how to recognize the CD burner.17:19
capricorrrrrnalso when i tried to install flashplayer17:19
capricorrrrrnit give me error17:19
Joseph303I don't know whether I need a separate driver for the CD burner, or maybe I have set something wrong in the bios.  I have messed with the bios for hours.17:19
finnI have no idea what those APIC errors are17:19
copperkidcapricorrrrrn: what error?17:19
capricorrrrrnERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the17:19
capricorrrrrn       Adobe Flash Player installer.17:19
capricorrrrrni think its archetecture problem17:20
amrikcapricorrrrrn: did you try apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree?17:20
theJKHOKAY guys i have a question can you guys helpme i got VMWARE workstation installed but it has no sound it say Failed to open sound device /dev/dsp1: invalid arguement Failed to connect virtual device sound... CAN anyone help me at all17:20
theJKHOr know why its doing this17:20
dgn1I installed Ubuntu server but I was not connected to the internet then. So I choosed to set up the internet connection later. Now its done installing and I'm connected to the internet. How do I setup my connection now? (wifi would be great too)17:20
capricorrrrrnflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.17:20
capricorrrrrnamrik : yes17:20
amriktheJKH: vmware tries to grab hold of the sound card all for itself; to get it to work usually involves temporarily killing pulseaudio (pulseaudio -k) and when done with vmware restarting pulseaudio (pulseaudio -D)17:20
capricorrrrrnamrik : its already install17:21
amrikcapricorrrrrn: and so the problem is that you get a grey box?17:21
Spanklordyow can anybody help me out . i cant get my wired connection to work on 8.1017:21
rebel_kidis there a way (without virtualizing windows) to force netflix watch instantly to work on ubuntu?17:21
theJKHI did that but still says same message17:21
capricorrrrrnfirst i was having problem that it say to install flash player17:21
finnis there a way to run a memory test from a running system?17:22
capricorrrrrnnow i get white screen when i play some video on youtube17:22
ghost3i have a supramax 56i pci modem not working in ubuntu. i did a google and came up with nothing useful, i tried linxant site still nothing. anyone want a challange? please.17:22
Spanklordanybody got an idea why my network stoped working when i upgraded to 8.10 ?17:22
theJKHwhats the command to kill audo?17:22
theJKHthe pulse audio command17:22
amrikcapricorrrrrn: ok so you are trying to install flash on a 64 bit platform. unfortunately adobe does not support 64 bit (the bug that was filed is about 4 years old now)17:22
amriktheJKH: pulseaudio -k17:23
amrikcapricorrrrrn: however there are ways around this17:23
savidHelp!  I'm trying to log into a server via ssh and it's hanging after successfully logging in.  Here's the output from ssh -v:   http://pastebin.com/m5ea31bb7.   Any ideas on what might be happening?17:23
mr_politegood morning ubuntuites!17:23
theJKHi did that btu i stil have sound amirk17:23
capricorrrrrnamrik: tell17:23
theJKHisnt getting rid of sound in ubuntu17:23
snowmanhi. after updating my sound driver, i cannot login gnome anymore.it crashes (10 seconds error) and sys it cannot find libasound.so.2 anymore. i got an amd64 arch17:23
MatBoywhat do you guys recall as the most easy and stable ftp server under ubuntu ?17:23
snowmanis there any solution without removing and reinstalling libasound.so.2 ?17:23
ghost3good morning to you too mrpolite17:23
amrikcapricorrrrrn: ok so what i do for youtube is i have a greasemonkey script installed that replaces the flash player on youtube with either mplayer or totem. it works all the time instead of only sometimes and the fullscreen is much faster17:24
amrikcapricorrrrrn: however i cannot seek in the middle of videos, but its a minor drawback. plus greasemonkey can be switched on an off very easily17:24
MatBoysegosu: also for hosting ?17:24
theJKHAmirk it says failed to kill daemon17:24
rebel_kidmy guess is no, oh well another one for the round file17:24
ghost3i have a supramax 56i pci modem not working in ubuntu. i did a google and came up with nothing useful, i tried linxant site still nothing. anyone want a challange?17:25
amriktheJKH: ps aux | grep pulseaudio to see if its still running. it probably isnt17:25
tribalihdo somebody speak german?17:25
segosuMatBoy: probably not. maybe pureftpd is better, no idea. never had to host an ftpd to the internets. i use ftpd locally.17:25
Joseph303tribalih:  maybe you should try #ubuntu-de17:25
amrikcapricorrrrrn: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/2548117:25
tribalihah... okai.. thanks... joseph17:26
devil78hi al17:26
slevenwhat doe sit really mean that the mount-points are virtual?17:26
devil78hi all17:26
jjdiamondwhat version of adobe flash player do i install .dem or APT?17:26
theJKHAmirk it says 8707 0.0 0.0 3004 748 pts/2 R+ 14.25 0.00 grep pulseaudio17:26
jjdiamondoops .deb17:26
amrikcapricorrrrrn: also http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/22281 (this is the one i use, requires mplayer)17:26
slevenhow would you explain an image of the OS to your mother?17:26
b33rcapricorrrrrn, flash works just fine on 64 bit firefox17:26
MatBoysegosu: yes, proftpd is also kinda nice17:26
capricorrrrrnamrik: i have install greasemonkey using firefox addons17:26
amriktheJKH: right so pulseaudio is dead now, so try running in a terminal "padsp vmware"17:26
ghost3jjdiamonns use deb17:27
capricorrrrrnbut its not working17:27
capricorrrrrnb33r: how ?17:27
jjdiamondthanx dhost317:27
amrikcapricorrrrrn: that is correct. install greasemonkey first, then install one of the scripts, which links i have provided17:27
ghost3so k17:27
theJKHOKay trying that now17:27
b33rcapricorrrrrn, install the macromedia flash17:27
melamswhen i type su in the terminal and type my admin password when prompted it says "authentification failure"17:27
melamsany suggestions as to why?17:27
b33rcapricorrrrrn, but first uninstall the other stuff that you have tried like gnash17:27
capricorrrrrnb33r: apt-get install ??17:27
segosuput your user password in instead17:27
ghost3melams are you oon the sudoers list?17:27
amrikmelams: if you want a root prompt try sudo su17:27
segosumelams: put your user password in instead17:27
capricorrrrrnb33r: plz give full detail17:28
theJKHAmirk its the same thing17:28
amrikmelams: chances are there is no root account set up, so no password will actually work17:28
theJKHThere isnt even a directort for dsp117:28
melamssorry i put my user password in17:28
jjdiamondghost4, error17:28
segosusudo su && passwd17:28
hardcoreis there a way to remove the trash, home,and file system icons from the desktop in xfce?17:28
melamsi figured it was the same17:28
segosuset, done17:28
amriktheJKH: hmm that usually works for me, do you have a /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp-1?17:28
theJKHhow do I find out17:28
b33rcapricorrrrrn, try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:28
melamsso i should try the sudo17:28
amriktheJKH: go into /dev and type ls dsp*17:28
b33rcapricorrrrrn, but first uninstall any other things that you have tried17:28
capricorrrrrnb33r: i have not tried much and i have flashplugin-nonfree already installed17:29
jjdiamondghost3, error wrong architecture17:29
b33rcapricorrrrrn, have you tried something else before that?17:29
hiptobecubici'm having an issue with notify.  wicd daemon runs scripts as root, but one of the scripts makes a notification popup which only appears when i run the script as myself. can i force it to display on my desktop? i tried putting DISPLAY=:0.0 at the top of the script.17:29
DasEimelam: trying to change your pw ?17:29
slevenif i wtir python somefile.py, where does that file have to be located to be run?17:29
b33rcapricorrrrrn, check if you have gnash installed17:30
amriksleven: in the current working directory17:30
Xangsleven: In your current working dir.17:30
theJKHOh wat there was an error in the terminal Amirk it said ERROR ld.so: object 'libpulsedsp.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded :ignore17:30
amrikb33r: capricorrrrrn's problem is that hes trying to watch youtube videos on 64 bit17:30
b33ramrik, yes it works I have 64 and youtube works just fine17:30
jjdiamondwhich version of adobe flash plugin do install for ubuntu 64bit?17:30
slevenif i write a python script and i want to be able to call it fromt he terminal. where do i need to place it?17:30
amrikb33r: well it works sometimes for me but not always. i feel capricorrrrrn has a similar issue to what i had17:30
kbrosnanSaberZ: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/3.0.3/releasenotes/ (known issues) The mouse button assignments for Back and Forward have changed, users may need to reconfigure their pointing devices https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42029417:31
ghost3sleven: place it in your home folder17:31
DasEijjdiamond: flashplugin-nonfree and mozplugger, use ff17:31
amriksleven: depends on what you want to do. if you want to be able to call it from any directory it would have to go in your PATH somewhere17:31
b33ramrik, I feel that he has installed some other free plugin first and that's what causing the problem17:31
theJKHOh and amirk i did ls dsp and it just says dsp17:31
Torwayhi, i am selling my computer and need to wipe the HDD clean. Heard that the dd command using installation CD might be a good idea. Tried some of the dd commands i found online, but nothing seems to work. Anyone know?17:32
capricorrrrrnany solution for my problem17:32
b33rcapricorrrrrn, check if you have gnash installed and in firefox link type about:plugins and tell me what's there17:33
paul68Torway use hiren bootcd17:33
slevenif i write a python script and i want to be able to call it from the terminal. where do i need to place it?17:33
askandHm my computer is totally borked.. I try to remove /tmp/gconfd-askar and get I/O error17:33
sauvinTorway: why do you want the hard drive zeroed?17:33
amriksleven: do you want to be able to call it *anywhere*?17:33
Xangsleven: You could put it anywhere your path has defined.17:33
theJKHSo yeah Amirk it came up with dsp and dsp1 and then there was the error in the termina that said ERROR ld.so: object 'libpulsedsp.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded :ignore17:33
hiptobecubicsleven, add the path to your PATH or but a simlink in /usr/bin17:33
Xangsleven: Type "echo $PATH"17:33
slevenyes i want to be able to do python script.py from anywhere17:33
jjdiamondDasEi, huh?17:33
amriktheJKH: ok so go into the vmware settings and tell me what it says for sound17:34
Xangsleven: I always put mine in /usr/local/bin17:34
Torwaysauvin: The person I am selling it to needs to be able to install whatever he wants + i dont want him finding my old files...17:34
theJKHok one sec17:34
Xangsleven: And that is defined in typical $PATH.17:34
slevenok isee thanks17:34
DasEijjdiamond: close your browser(s), open a terminal...17:34
sauvinTorway, you're not worried about a forensics examination finding all your off-the-beaten-track porn or warez?17:34
jjdiamondDas, ok17:34
paul68Torway: use hiren bootcd it has an option to wipe your hd clean17:34
zer0ohi what's a TD ?17:35
ubottujjdiamond:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:35
Torwaysauvin: haha no... just heard that the dd thing is the easiest way. ...17:35
DasEijjdiamond: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:35
theJKHOKay Arik it says Auto detect, and dev/dsp and dev/dsp1 i just tried dsp1 and same error17:35
sauvinTorway, what paul68 said makes sense. You could also just fdisk and mkfs.17:35
caris_mereI just wiped out Vista from my grub when upgrading kernels...now my wife is really mad...I know the hd# for it, but not the rest17:35
XangSauvin: Boot off of a Live Linux CD and use the shred command.17:35
shellaskand,  can u do a : ls -l  /tmp/gconfd-askar17:36
jjdiamondDasEi, ok17:36
DasEijjdiamond: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree mozplugger ubuntu-restricted-extras17:36
amrikTorway: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda or something to that effect?17:36
sauvinTorway: did you see what Xang said?17:36
DasEijjdiamond: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree mozplugger ubuntu-restricted-extras17:36
Joseph303Can someone please give me installation advice?  Computer not recognizing the CD drive after loading the kernel.17:36
shellaskand,  whats the output ?17:36
capricorrrrrnamrik i miss that17:36
askandshell: input ouput error again17:36
Xangsauvin: Sorry..meant Torway :)17:36
capricorrrrrncan u repeat it again ?17:36
kc8pxycaris_mere:  makeactive    then chainloader +117:36
amriktheJKH: did you manually set it to /dev/dsp and tried also?17:36
DasEijjdiamond: use ff (firefox) , go to youtube...17:36
theJKHI just dd no error yet!!!17:36
sauvinXang: no harm, no foul :D17:36
theJKHlets see if it works17:37
jjdiamondDasEi, downloading stuff17:37
Torwaywill try the dd that Xand told. thanks17:37
shellaskand,  try as root17:37
b33rcapricorrrrrn, check in synaptic if you have gnash installed and in firefox link type about:plugins and tell me what's there17:37
askandshell: doesnt help  :(17:37
theJKHso do i need to turn oulse audio back on17:37
theJKHnow that i disabled it17:37
kbrosnanb33r: capricorrrrrn in synaptic gnash is called libflash17:37
* sauvin never did manage to get pulse audio running17:37
amriktheJKH: when vmware is done reenable pulse with pulseaudio -D17:38
jjdiamondDasEi, it seems to be d/l a bunch of stuff17:38
capricorrrrrnamrik: in firefox plugin there is long list17:38
shellaskand,  check if that dir or file is mounted17:38
b33rcapricorrrrrn, use pasetbin17:38
eth_My Logitech MX 5500 Revolution desktop set does not work in Ubuntu 8.10 RC after I installed all the available updates. Does anyone know why?17:39
DasEijjdiamond: depending on how maintained your sys as, maybe ... 3 new packages only17:39
amrikcapricorrrrrn: there should be a section for "shockwave flash"17:39
devil78hi all17:39
eth_It's connected via USB.17:39
DasEijjdiamond: *was17:39
shellaskand,  try : umount /tmp/gconfd-askar17:39
capricorrrrrnok gnash is installed17:39
eth_My PS2 keyboard works fine.17:39
devil78i've little problem with ubuntu in my office ...17:39
kk_ubuntuhi all, kindly help me with this I have tryed hard but can't get my context menu key to work under ubuntu on my lenovo thinkpad r60 this is generally used to popup a menu like right clicking the mouse or pressing shift + f10 the context menu or popup menu key is in between the right side alt and ctrl17:39
b33rcapricorrrrrn, that's your problem uninstall it17:39
eth_Oh, wrong channel. :p17:39
mandarkany idea how to tweak my network settings17:40
askandshell: then it says not mounted..  I get this message, but instead of permisson denied I get input/ouput error17:40
sleveni want to copy a file from pathto/desktop/pyprogs/im.py to /usr/local/bin/, how do i dothat from the terminal?17:40
askandshell: that is why I try to remove /tmp/gconfd-askar17:40
devil78after hardware update i used my installed os and all work done ...17:41
b33rcapricorrrrrn, uninstall gnash and uninstall the nonfree plugin then reinstall the nonfree and it should work =)17:41
soundraysleven: 'sudo cp pathto/desktop/pyprogs/im.py /usr/local/bin/'17:41
devil78only my cd/dvd devices not17:41
soundray!cli > sleven17:41
ubottusleven, please see my private message17:41
capricorrrrrnb33r: http://pastebin.ca/123705717:41
capricorrrrrni have uninstalled gnash17:41
kc8pxywhy the heck can i get the video render of oblivion in wine work perfectly, but i can't get the sound to work!!!!!17:41
b33rcapricorrrrrn, now uninstall the non free and reinstall it again17:41
jjdiamondDasEi, configuring sun-java17:42
sleven!cli =?17:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cli =?17:42
amrikkc8pxy: i think theJKH can help you with that i just told him how to fix sound problems17:42
DasEijjdiamond: ...17:42
soundraysleven: that was a command that made ubottu send you a private message17:42
ubottusleven: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:42
jjdiamondDasEi, how do i know when it's done?17:42
amrikkc8pxy: basically kill pulse with pulseaudio -k, run wine , then when done pulseaudio -D to start it back up gaain17:43
hardcorei accidently deleted my bottom toolbar in xfce, how do i restore it?17:43
kk_ubuntusome how i just can't understand why the context menu key does not work under any version of ubuntu on my lenovo thinkpad17:43
DasEijjdiamond: when you got your prompt in terminal back17:43
capricorrrrrndid that17:43
capricorrrrrnHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.17:43
jjdiamondDasEi, package configuration screen in terminal17:44
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jjdiamondDasEi, i scrolled down, now what?17:44
b33rcapricorrrrrn, now check the about:plugins you should only see the shockwave17:44
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DasEijjdiamond: any quests to answer ? else hit enter17:44
jjdiamondDasEi, nothing happens17:45
zezuafter switching to envy all of my fonts are horribly tiny, even in a smaller res., anyone know how to fix ?17:45
capricorrrrrnno shockwave entry there17:45
zezuI can hardly read anything17:45
kk_ubuntuhello, can some one tell me how to enable my context menu key under ubuntu hardy on my lenovo r60 thinkpad it does not do the default action and I have to press shift f10 every time I hav to get a menu popup17:45
b33rcapricorrrrrn, did you install the flashplugin-nonfree again?17:45
hardcorei accidently deleted my bottom toolbar in xfce, how do i restore it?17:45
b33rcapricorrrrrn, and nspluginwrapper?17:46
capricorrrrrnDownload done.17:46
capricorrrrrnmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz17:46
capricorrrrrnThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.17:46
capricorrrrrnwhen i try to install it apt-get . got this error17:46
b33rcapricorrrrrn, you tried sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?17:47
capricorrrrrnand paste u the result i got17:47
jjdiamondDasEi, ok, i didn't know you could use right/left arrows17:47
b33rcapricorrrrrn, do sudo apt-get update17:48
Gneacapricorrrrrn: what version of ubuntu?17:48
kbrosnancapricorrrrrn: is libflash listed in synaptic as installed?17:48
s000501I have have a NetBIOS hostname resolution problem:17:48
s000501* Couldn't resolve other Ubutu/Windows machines using their hostname (e.g. «ping pc-x» or «ssh ubuntu-x» fails).17:48
s000501-> Solved by adding "wins" to "hosts: files dns" in /etc/nsswitch.conf.17:48
s000501* Now when «smbclient -v \\\\pc-x\\C$ -U pc-x\\administrator» no "Domain=[xxx] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]" is shown and BackupPC backups fail.17:48
FloodBot3s000501: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:48
s000501-> *Any suggestions?*17:48
DasEijjdiamond: installation finished ?17:48
Gneaah, known issue, old version. you should upgrade to 8.04 at the least.17:48
jjdiamondDasEi, yes17:48
dfgashow do i clean out all debs downloaded that were installed already? i keep trying to force a version to be installed and nota17:48
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erUSULdfgas: sudo apt-get clean17:49
DensuXhello all17:49
DasEijjdiamond: ff > youtube ??17:49
Xangdfgas: sudo apt-get clean17:49
elexodusMy USB drive won't mount any more. It used to, but then I got this DarksUSB trojan thing on there, and had to format it. The format was done through Windows XP, and ever since, I get the error message "Unablew to mount location    No media in the drive"17:49
soundraydfgas: or delete the package in question from /var/cache/apt/archives17:49
Gneacapricorrrrrn: 8.04 has it working just fine. is there something else holding you back to 7.10?17:49
jjdiamondDasEi, thank so much.17:49
DasEijjdiamond: np17:49
ay^elexodus: try formatting it in gparted17:50
capricorrrrrnmy wireless card was creating problem so i come back to 7.1017:50
capricorrrrrn8.04 is still beta ?17:50
Gneauh, HEH...17:50
capricorrrrrnlibflash is not installed17:50
Dephenomhi, is there any way to use the nVidia drivers direct from nVidia? I have been told that I could compile them myself if i could use "init 3" to drop out of a GUI, but "init 3" on Ubuntu is the same as "init 5". Any ideas how i can stop gnome so I can compile the drivers?17:50
soundraycapricorrrrrn: no, 8.04 is released. 8.10 is beta17:50
Gneacapricorrrrrn: no, 8.04 has been stable for months. in fact, Oct 30th is the release date for 8.1017:50
capricorrrrrnshould i go for it ?17:50
Gneawhat wireless nic do you have?17:51
elexodusay^: any way to get it without having to reformat? I have a some info on there that I need.17:51
soundraycapricorrrrrn: no, wait for the release17:51
b33rcapricorrrrrn, wait few days and go for 8.1017:51
zezubah, what controls the overall font size in xorg ?17:51
capricorrrrrnthe fc*k intel17:51
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capricorrrrrnlibflash is not installed17:51
soundraycapricorrrrrn: don't worry about that17:51
doilgheasi need a systemlink like ln -s /etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh /etc/rc0.d/K15umountnfs.sh where my network devices will automaticly unmount before a suspend. has anyone an idea?17:51
Gneacapricorrrrrn: i'm not familiar with that version (btw, obfuscation of swearing in here is the same as swearing)17:51
capricorrrrrnok sorry for that17:51
DensuXI was wondering if someone can help me with a grub problem. I installed windows next to my ubuntu 8.04 install today. Now i have restored grub and i can boot back into linux. So now i'm trying to add the windwos drive to the grub menu.lst i think i have the right entry but i still can't boot. I think the problem might be the Jmicron raid controller the drive is on anyone have any experience with this?17:52
DasEicapricorrrrrn: following your with one eye, wanna another try ?17:52
capricorrrrrnlibflash is not installed .. should i install it ?17:52
soundraycapricorrrrrn: no17:52
capricorrrrrnb33r: u were asking abnout libflash ?17:52
b33rcapricorrrrrn, no17:52
b33rcapricorrrrrn, how did you install the nonfree plugin the first time?17:52
capricorrrrrnso what should i do to get flash player work17:53
capricorrrrrnwell i installed it and used it after long time17:53
dfgasi took the svn repo out of the sources.list but the svn version shows is the latest version out. how do i get the stable version to show, have done apt-get update as well17:53
capricorrrrrni made wrong installation by using 64 bit17:53
zezuplus i get : glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3217:53
capricorrrrrnin past i used 32 bit17:53
soundrayDensuX: special controllers can be a problem, but if you put your menu.lst on paste.ubuntu.com I'll have a look at ti17:53
Gneacapricorrrrrn: well, you could upgrade to 8.04... just not sure how it's going to affect your intel wireless card, which you seem to refuse to want to divulge the chipset version information to17:53
capricorrrrrnmy system was crashed and reinstall it and then i was using vista17:53
capricorrrrrnGnea: didnt get u17:54
capricorrrrrnok tell me apt-get to upgrade to 8.0417:55
capricorrrrrni forget the command17:55
DensuXsoundray: Ok i'll post it now i'll also post what df -m gives me so you can see what drive is the windows one17:55
slevengod i friggin love ubuntu so far, it is not that you cant do the stuff on windows it is just so incredibly easy to navigate and work with ubuntu and the terminal. the dinwos command prompt is like a crippled midget in comparison to the ubuntu terminal17:55
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soundray!upgrade | capricorrrrrn17:55
ubottucapricorrrrrn: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes17:55
zezuok, where can i get to system->preferences if i'm using xubuntu ?17:55
b33rcapricorrrrrn, you can use 32bit firefox with flash and java if you are interested http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20253717:55
Gneacapricorrrrrn: see the url that ubottu just gave you17:55
zezucould switch to gnome i guess ;|17:55
jjdiamondwhat is the path to my (C: drive)?17:56
Gnea!xubuntu | zezu17:56
ubottuzezu: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:56
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:56
Xangsleven: Glad to hear that :)17:56
FloodBot3ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
XangBattle of the bots!17:56
capricorrrrrni guess i have performed these steps yesterday night17:56
soundraycapricorrrrrn: you mean you have upgraded already?17:57
Gneacapricorrrrrn: what is the result of this then?  lsb_release -a17:57
capricorrrrrnnot the upgrade17:57
capricorrrrrni was talking about flash 32 link17:58
theJKHOkay i got another question folksi have to like have my lips up to the mic for it to hear me and it was never like that in windows theres like no senstivity at al i download alsmixer and ut on the boost but that mae mno diffrence is there anyway to mak it more sensitive becuase i didnt hae o have my lips up to the mic before17:58
DensuXsoundray: this is the paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/62943/17:58
jjdiamondis / my (C: drive) in ubuntu?17:58
capricorrrrrni am going to 8.0417:58
capricorrrrrnpray for me :P17:58
theJKHand ts just a regular mic thats hooked into my sound card17:59
reggy_when i do:  sudo nano -w sudoers i get this error >>>> sudoers file: syntax error, line 21 <<<17:59
reggy_how can i fix it ?17:59
GneatheJKH: you need to open alsamixer in a terminal and make sure the db is turned on17:59
b33rcapricorrrrrn, you better wait a few days and get the 8.1017:59
soundrayDensuX: looks okay -- what happens when you choose Windows?17:59
capricorrrrrnwhy 8.1017:59
Gneab33r: he wants it *now*17:59
kc8pxyreggy_:  rescue mode??17:59
cHiOshe can download now and update once final is out17:59
reggy_kc8pxy,  how17:59
AucklaHi, I found this link to help me with my wireless.17:59
theJKHOkay Gnea ill try taht nd tell you what i see18:00
Gnea8.04 will do just fine18:00
AucklaMy question is, do I have to have the internet going to use the synaptic?18:00
kc8pxyreggy_:  reboot and select it18:00
b33rI don't like updating always get some problems if update18:00
DensuXsoundray: well it gives a grub error message. something about the drive not being present.18:00
onlinebaconhey, I just installed 8.04 and my RT2500 wireless card only operates at 1mb/s instead of 54mb/s... any ideas what I could do to fix this?18:00
capricorrrrrnok upgrading in process18:00
GneaAuckla: if you want to install from the internet, yes. otherwise, no.18:00
mahfiazAuckla, if you want something more than available on cd18:00
n8tuser1reggy_-> use sudo visudo and not nano18:00
jjdiamondwhat would the equivalent to C: drive in windows be in ubuntu?18:00
capricorrrrrnok tell me18:00
mahfiazjidiamon, /18:01
Dephenomjjdiamond, its /18:01
capricorrrrrnhow can i hide my IP on linux on mirc channel18:01
Aucklamahfiaz : Well just to get me up and running, and then I will get updated driver if available?18:01
soundrayDensuX: it would be good to know the exact message or the two-digit error code18:01
Xangjjdiamond: /18:01
kc8pxyn8tuser1:  why?18:01
theJKHGnea How do i make DB turned on?18:01
capricorrrrrni use http tunnel software on windows18:01
Aucklamahfiaz : Do you think this should get me up and running?18:01
theJKHIN alsamier18:01
jjdiamondok, so /filesystem is my main drive?18:01
n8tuser1kc8pxy-> why what?18:01
Xangjjdiamond: Yes.18:01
DensuXsoundray: ok i'll reboot and write it down. be back in a sec18:01
Aucklamahfiaz : Meaning, that there will be the ndiswrapper on the cd so I can use the windows driver?18:01
kc8pxyn8tuser1:  why not nano?18:01
jjdiamondthanks everyone.18:01
Dreamgliderkc8pxy: reggy_ here, im in recovery mode, how do i fix it ?18:01
n8tuser1kc8pxy-> kindly look up in google about editing sudoers file with editors other than visudo18:02
GneatheJKH: it should be called something like 'Mic Boost' and have an 'MM' above it, denoting that it's muted - if you press the 'm' key while it's highlighted, it should turn it on18:02
capricorrrrrnhow can i hide my IP on linux on mirc channel18:02
b33rcapricorrrrrn, register your nick18:02
theJKHI have done that now i like hear my mic through my speakers18:02
capricorrrrrnregister will hide my ip ?18:02
b33rcapricorrrrrn, /ns register password email I think18:02
capricorrrrrni dont think so18:03
b33rcapricorrrrrn, I think so18:03
DasEicapricorrrrrn: # freenode is a good channel for irc-related quests18:03
kc8pxyDreamglider:  you should have a root, right?18:03
mahfiazAuckla, not sure, google for it18:03
Gneacapricorrrrrn: you need to register in order to be considered for it18:03
soundraykc8pxy: you can run this:  sudo EDITOR=nano visudo18:03
mahfiazAuckla, but quite likely it will, some extra information may still be needed18:03
capricorrrrrni wish i can use http-tunnel on linux18:03
RetrogradeCulturnormally, would ^V paste into an app in terminal mode? (XWIN Terminal)18:04
mahfiazAuckla, also there is dvd version18:04
b33rcapricorrrrrn, tunnel is a lame software imo if you want anonymity you should use socks =P18:04
SladeHi. I have an Intel DG35EC mother board with one PCI-E slot. Iput in my pci-e ASTI  radeon 1600pro card in, and the bios won't detect it. I set the primary video adapter in bios to use the PCI-E card, bvut the integraded gaphics is all thats detected. is there a way to disable onboard video on this board?18:04
GneaRetrogradeCultur: no, middle-click will, once the desired text has been highlighted18:04
RetrogradeCulturb33r: then again, the anonymity socks provides is relative still18:04
soundrayslade: might try ##hardware for this question18:05
b33rRetrogradeCultur, not if you use chains18:05
DensuXsoundray: the error i get is >> error 21: selected device does not exist18:05
RetrogradeCulturGnea: if you only have two buttons, doesn't clicking both at the same time do the same thing? because I only have two on the mouse i'm using atm18:05
RetrogradeCulturb33r: ah okay :)18:05
GneaRetrogradeCultur: yes18:05
RetrogradeCulturb33r: yeah I see what you mean..18:05
Joseph303Can anyone help me with an installation question?  System not recognizing CD drive after loading the kernel.18:05
theJKHOKay Gnea its working now how do i make it so i dont hear ym MIC through my speakers18:05
RetrogradeCulturb33r: but that's still the same effect, sort of hehe. it just obscures your Internet location18:06
theJKHits making like a high pichting buzing soudnd when mic is on full blast18:06
RetrogradeCulturfurther obscures i mean18:06
GneatheJKH: keep the mic away from the speakers and turn down the volume on the mic18:06
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DasEiJoseph303: running hardy ?18:06
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PedrolitoI just installed the RC version of intrepid. Will I need to reinstall it when the final version comes out, or will regular updates suffice?18:07
RetrogradeCultura decent shell account would be the same effect, assuming you're not looking to conceal a major computer crime :P18:07
b33rlol ;P18:07
Joseph303DasEi, it's the same thing whether I'm trying 8.04 or 7.10 or going back to version 6.  I tried 32 and 64 bit versions.  New XFX nForce 750 mobo.18:07
RetrogradeCulturNot that anyone here would do such a thnig18:07
theJKHOKay thanks another question I got is i cant do i quick cpture on youtube or live stream with ustream it doesent show my web cam it just says connecting webcam how do i fix this becuase my cam does work withi ubuntu18:07
DasEiJoseph303: so you couldn't install untill now ?18:07
Joseph303I don't know whether I have messed up the bios settings or I need a separate driver.18:08
b33rRetrogradeCultur, best idea is to connect to rdp through socks then in rdp use some more socks chains and after that connect to your destination =P18:08
Joseph303DasEi, correct, I have installed Ubuntu onseveral machines over the past few years, and this time I can't do anything.  Can't even boot to live Cd.18:08
theJKHAnybody know a fix?18:08
soundrayDensuX: I think the best solution will be to reinstall NTLDR to your system. Then you can try booting Ubuntu with that (instructions on the web)18:08
DasEiJoseph303: did you already tried boot options ?18:08
Joseph303DasEi, I can start the disk and choose an installation option, then the problem starts.18:08
Joseph303DasEi, well, I tried various options, though I don't know 100% what I'm doing.  I tried noapic, docache, various things like that.18:09
GneatheJKH: i don't understand your question... you want to use your webcam to capture live from youtube to stream to your xbox?!18:09
DensuXsoundray: By ntldr you mean the windows boot loader?18:09
DasEiJoseph303: is what i thought off, hmm, other options..18:09
rtc443Anyone know of a chat room for batteries and ubuntu, my battery is 3688mAh out of 8600mAh, horrible!! any1 know of tips or just buy a new 118:09
sudobashthats not a problem there is an XBMC python script for youtube for the XBOX18:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hw18:09
sudobashXubuntu for Xbox also which can surf the internet18:10
sudobashXbox-Ubuntu not Xfce-Ubuntu18:10
Joseph303DasEi, I'm sorry, I don't understand.18:10
soundrayDensuX: yes. Look here for example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208951  -- Step 4 is the relevant one. Note, you should save your current grub MBR before reinstalling NTLDR18:10
theJKHGnew no lol I just want to do a quick video capture on youtube or live stream from ustream on my ubuntu machine but it always says connecting webcam and thats all, now i know my webcam works on ubuntu because i use it with cheese but youtube nd ustream keeps saying that its connecting it then after that my wbcam wont work in cheese or anytthing else untulll i restart my computer18:11
ubottuJoseph303: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:11
DensuXsoundray ok thanks i'll give it a try18:11
DensuXsoundray: ok thanks i'll give it a try18:11
ubottuJoseph303: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:11
kc8pxyfixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on MPU-401 UART, disabling mixer18:11
soundrayDensuX: hope it works -- I'll be back later18:11
kc8pxywhy am i getting that error?18:11
theJKHNow my cam alwyas shows that its on that might be a problem18:11
DensuXsoundray: ok :D18:11
volvoI'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04.1 and I've wasted 4 cds already. Everytime it fails saying cd/dvd fault, clean the lens or whatever. I've burned at diff. speeds and redownloaded the iso just in case to no avail.18:11
soundraykc8pxy: did you try the variable trick for nano?18:11
Joseph303DasEi, it's a different machine than this laptop I'm using.  It's an Athlon 64 x2 4600, XFX nForce 750a SLI, 4 GB RAM18:12
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Joseph303ubottu, thanks for the advice.18:12
theJKHAny ideas Gnea?18:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:12
kc8pxysoundray:  not yet.  i'm more concerned about not getting this stupid sound working fully..   stopping pulseaudio only helps half of it.18:12
diego_ho bisogna di aiuto...18:12
Dephenomhi, is there any way to use the nVidia drivers direct from nVidia? I have been told that I could compile them myself if i could use "init 3" to drop out of a GUI, but "init 3" on Ubuntu is the same as "init 5". Any ideas how i can stop gnome so I can compile the drivers?18:13
ubuntu__hello guys18:13
Joseph303DasEi, lol, thanks, I will check out those links.18:13
ubuntu__i have problem with grub after installation xubuntu 8.1018:13
ubuntu__it didin't create /boot/grub directory18:14
Gnea!ibex | ubuntu__18:14
ubottuubuntu__: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu18:14
GneatheJKH: checking it out18:14
DasEiJoseph303: wait18:15
theJKHbecuase i click accept in fash to let it use my cam but it always just says connecting18:15
DasEiJoseph303: got sth to install : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-915033.html18:15
kc8pxysoundray:  not yet.  i'm more concerned about not getting this stupid sound working fully..   stopping pulseaudio only helps half of it.18:15
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ubuntu__anybody could help ???18:15
volvoI'm trying to do a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04.1 and I've wasted 4 cds already. Everytime it fails saying cd/dvd fault, clean the lens or whatever. I've burned at diff. speeds and redownloaded the iso just in case to no avail.18:16
Joseph303DasEi, wow, this seems to address my exact situation.  I will read this.18:16
theJKHYeah Gnea it just says looking for camera activity18:16
theJKHI think mabey its becuase its already on before i go on to youtube18:16
theJKHbecuase the lights on on my cam18:16
kc8pxyvolvo:  goofy drive? or bad media?18:16
Joseph303volvo, what speed are you burning?  My only advice is to use a very slow speed like 1x or 2x.18:16
DasEiubuntu_: and also : google super grub cd and join #grub18:16
gigatropoliswhen I go to networks and mount a windows share, is it mounted on the file system somewhere?18:16
ubuntu__could anybody help me with grub ???18:17
trakinasdoes anyone here has the Gigabyte mother board GA-MA770-DS3P?18:17
DasEivolvo: sounds like you gotta bad burner, use another18:17
Xang!grub | ubuntu__18:17
ubottuubuntu__: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:17
trakinasubuntu__, what is the matter?18:17
SlimeyPeteubuntu__: just describe the problem and then if anyone can help, they will18:17
volvokc8pxy: i dont think its bad media cause i redownloaded it. and i've used this drive to install ubuntu before it never gave me any trouble18:17
trakinasgidna, hello18:17
volvoDasEi: ive tried two lol18:18
gidnaDoes someone use tuxguitar?18:18
kc8pxyvolvo: i think i agree..  but drives do go bad.18:18
volvoDasEi: should I use my own computers burner?18:18
ubuntu__volvo, what log says ?18:18
volvowhere is it?18:18
ubuntu__volvo, what r u using to burn ?18:19
GneatheJKH: nifty, i didn't even know about cheese - so basically, you want to record something with cheese and then upload it to youtube?18:19
volvoubuntu__: nero18:19
DasEivolvo: you can check download by md5sum,  and the burning with the installers option check media for defects...18:19
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more18:19
volvoDasEi: I;ve doen check for defects it says there are no errors18:19
theJKHNo i just want to do a quck capture useing youtube18:19
ubuntu__oh u on windows ... can't help u didn't use it 9 years18:19
theJKHthe youtubes site quick capture18:19
theJKHand i have to let flash use my webcam and mic and accept18:20
theJKHbut when  do it just says looking fo camera activty18:20
DasEivolvo: so what happens if you install ?18:20
theJKHand it shows nothing18:20
GneatheJKH: why not just install youtube-dl? :)18:20
sternahow can i use scp in ubuntu server installer?18:20
theJKHwhats that ? lol18:20
trakinasGnea, he wants to upload a video of him.18:20
Gneait downloads the video straight off of youtube18:20
sternai need to rescue a filesystem18:20
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I make things startup auto with x?18:20
jjdiamondshould this folder exist /media/mynewdrive18:20
Gneatrakinas: no he doesn't18:20
trakinasGnea, not download18:20
theJKHyeah tahts it18:20
slevenhpw do i sudo inside emacs? i dont have access to overwrite a file in /usr/local/bin18:21
volvoDasEi: on one attempt it got to 82% and then just crashed. second attempt wouldnt boot squashsf errors or smt. third attempt when I laucnh the installer, at the keyboard step it gives me an error.18:21
slevenhow do i cd from / ? liek if im in /desktop/ do i have to cd .. back or can i say cd from /18:21
theJKHI want to upload of video fo me from my cam on youtube useing yotubes quck capture18:21
trakinastheJKH, you want to capture a video of yours directly to youtube, correc?18:21
ay^sleven: run emacs with sudo ;)18:21
zezusleven, you run emacs w/ root privs (sudo)18:21
trakinastheJKH, so, does the webcam work on desktop?18:21
theJKHbut it always says looking for camera activity but i know my cam does work becuase i use it with cheeze18:21
Gneawell, you still need to be able to convert from oggtheora to a format that youtube will recognize18:22
trakinastheJKH, i never tried it before, but could be some permissions to hardware access, maybe.18:22
theJKHand i think its becuase its already on before i go on to youtube becuase my cameras light comes on when i start y computer18:22
theJKHOh okay so how would i do that18:22
volvoDasEi: right now I'm downloading the alternative cd, maybe that helps18:22
Gneasec, trying18:22
DasEivolvo: sound more than a hardware-problem, then, tied bootoptions (like no  no apic , no lapic ... ) and also tired anothe cd drive ? I had same (differnt) errs with a faulty drive once18:23
trakinastheJKH, idk. so far, all i've done was to use Cheese to capture some videos of mine, convert to a format youtube wouldnt complain and upload it.18:23
trakinasnever used the flash thing18:23
jokergigatropolis: your ntfs partition should be mounted under /media18:23
rparishquestion... when i try to go to pages that have alot of images and stuff with firefox it shuts down and it is always slow... any ideas?18:24
jjdiamondshould this folder exist /media/mynewdrive or did i create it by mistake?18:24
Gneatrakinas: what did you use to convert? ffmpeg?18:24
THE_GFR|WORKhow do I make things auto-start?18:24
trakinasGnea, mencoder.18:24
rgrasellI have  problem with cheese, if anyone can help.  once I record a video, it can't press the stop recording button :(18:24
slevenhpw do i sudo inside emacs? i dont have access to overwrite a file in /usr/local/bin18:24
sleveni put a file im.py in /usr/local/bin/ but i still cant access it from anywhere18:25
kbrosnanrparish: just a guess but it may be flash related18:25
trakinassleven, you could save in nother place and then move the file to there18:25
rparishprob... what can i do to fix it18:25
slevenbut /usr/local/bin is in my path18:25
ubottuTHE_GFR|WORK:: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto18:26
DasEi|THE_GFR|WORK: could also run a script from rc.local18:26
THE_GFR|WORKI just want vncserver to start automatically when x is started18:26
trakinasanyway, i gtg.18:26
emikarhi all18:26
trakinasidle from now on18:27
THE_GFR|WORKI don't know where to add that so it autostarts18:27
theJKHI have the same problem with cheese once i record a vido i click stop recording and then it freeses and i cant stop it18:27
theJKHWhat do I do to fix this18:27
volvoDasEi: i only have one drive, its a laptop, ill try to options you said right now18:30
rparishkbrosnan: how can i fix18:31
theJKHrparish im having the same probem18:31
rparishits real annoying18:31
theJKHtell me if you find a fix18:31
theJKHI know18:31
go_beep_yourselfmy gf just messed up a lot of permissions on her ubuntu 8.04 computer. how can i reset all permissions back to default18:31
theJKHit freeses for me18:31
theJKHbut i can still see myslef moving18:31
Gneaweird, it doesn't freeze for me18:31
theJKH and it wont stop recording18:31
rparishyea it freezes here and closes18:31
Gneaof course, i also have a webcam that doesn't work all that well in low light18:32
kbrosnanrparish: type about:plugins in the address bar copy all the text on that page, submit it to pastebin18:32
kbrosnan!pastebin | rparish18:32
ubotturparish: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:32
jjdiamondwhat is the difference between ip address and broadcast address?18:33
scionubuntu rocks18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about networking18:34
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:34
jokerdoes anyone have problem running blender in hardy? i found that blender's menu doesn't work while nautilus is running, otherwise it"s ok.18:34
reggy_i want to setup a ftp server, anyonee able to help me ?18:34
Xang!ftp | reggy_18:34
ubottureggy_: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd18:34
fiyawerx!ftpd | reggy_18:34
Xang!fpd | reggy_18:34
ubottureggy_: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fpd18:35
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reggy_i need help to set it up !18:35
DextorionWhat would be a... minimalistic msn client?18:35
ubuntuchickadoes anyone have experience burning xbox360 backups in ubuntu?18:35
theJKHDoes cheese record audio too?18:36
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garryfreKind of like saying "I want to build a house but all I know is knitting.  Can anyone help me?" Its a thing that might turn into an afternoon project, not   something folks are willing to risk getting roped into.18:36
RanyAlbegtheJKH: i dont think so18:36
out0flawI'm using Evolution in different computer and would like my calendar and tasks to be synchronized. Is there any technology that does this? Thanks!18:36
theJKHany free video recrding software for ubuntu that does?18:37
smacnayHi, how does the support for ubuntu on Dell machines work?  I see I can get certain Dell machines with 8.04 installed but am not sure how long support for these machines lasts.18:37
adnchello, i've mythbuntu with xfce, unfortunately i set the screen resolution very low and i can not move with the mouse through the whole screen, this only is for one user, how can i set it back or move via the arrow keys with through the whole display area?18:37
RanyAlbegtheJKH: cheese records video18:37
NauarchLysanderHow can I disable the system sound? I just happened to login and hit backspace once more (when there was nothing in the field anymore) and because I was wearing earphones it literally (I really mean that, it was awful!) blew my ears away.18:37
theJKHYeah but I want video recording sfotware that also records audio as well18:37
theJKHso i could upload to youtub18:38
gidnaI can't listen to midi files..18:38
slevenwhere is python?18:39
slevenin waht dir?18:39
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo18:39
puttersonI am running 8.10 right now and when I try to open any of the nautilus bookmarks in the ubuntu main menu it runs mplayer18:39
mrxmikecan i configure samba graphically via cli or browser?18:39
Xangsleven: type "which python"18:40
rparishhow can i use two hard drives for ubuntu... like i want to make my big HD for /home18:40
=== aat1 is now known as aatk
rparishbut the ubuntu setup only lets ya use one18:40
ubuntuchickawhen extracting a large rar file, i get the error "Inappropriate ioctl for device". would anyone know what that means?18:40
puttersonand mplayer spits out the error "seek failed"18:40
NauarchLysanderHow can I disable the system sound? I just happened to login and hit backspace once more (when there was nothing in the field anymore) and because I was wearing earphones it literally (I really mean that, it was awful!) blew my ears away.18:40
Xang!lvm | rparish18:40
ubotturparish: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO18:40
=== dooglus is now known as dooglus_
cloudy_nzrar files are handled much better in windows, ubuntuchicka18:41
RanyAlbegtheJKH: audacity18:41
ubuntuchickacloudy_nz: so should i give it up and boot to windows XPoo?18:42
ldiamondI installed gnome + x on a ubuntu 8.10 RC1 server installation. Now I want to remove evolution and other stuffs like that. How do I do it? ( I tried synaptic, but it wont let me uninstall Evolution without uninstalling gnome)18:42
=== dooglus_ is now known as dooglus
theJKHis audacity in symnaptic18:42
GneatheJKH: i may have found a solution...18:42
Xangubuntuchicka: how are you extracting the rar archive?18:42
cloudy_nzubuntuchicka: yeah, any rar file recently encoded can only be decoded in linux on a 40 day trial18:42
GneatheJKH: yes.18:42
=== dooglus is now known as dooglus_
Flannelldiamond: Removing evolution will require the removal of ubuntu-desktop, but that's just a metapackage.  It won't actually remove the entire environment18:42
RanyAlbegtheJKH: try that, i dont know really18:42
ubuntuchickaright click>extract here18:43
r00t_hi my soud has stoped working,can i get a hand? or a leg?18:43
jokerNauarchLysander: go to System-> Preferences -> Sound18:43
ubuntuchickacloudy_nz: i didn't know that. that may be the issue18:43
cloudy_nzubuntuchicka: yeah...unrar is a dog18:43
Xangubuntuchicka: Do you have the rar installed?18:43
ldiamondFlannel, so I can remove it through the synaptic?18:43
mrxmikecan i configure samba graphically via cli or browser?18:44
XangI have never had any trouble using rar e foo.rar18:44
Flannelldiamond: Whichever package manager you prefer, yeah.18:44
Info73Hi, is there a good GUI macro program for Ubuntu that can record mouse and keybaord movements?18:44
cloudy_nzXang: most of my downloaded rar files from torrents won't decode18:44
NauarchLysanderjoker: Oh, sorry, I'm using KDE. Perhaps this is the wrong channel for it, although kubuntu is part of Ubuntu. Still, don't you know how it's done with KDE?18:45
ldiamondFlannel, is there a way to do this via cmd line using aptitude ?18:45
fredlhi. Kind of strange, but when I do: 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' and then try to start a gnome-terminal it says oracle@boson:~/database$ gnome-terminal18:45
fredlNo protocol specified18:45
fredlcannot open display:18:45
Flannelldiamond: Of course.  Do you know what the evolution package name is?18:45
beastcloudy_nz:  I've never had a problem with unrar18:45
go_beep_yourselfmy gf just messed up a lot of permissions on her ubuntu 8.04 computer. how can i reset all permissions back to default18:45
BlinkizI have a usb drive that I can't umount because it says it's in use. I have tried the "force" argument to umount without luck. How can I see what process is using the mounted usb drive?18:45
Flannelgo_beep_yourself: which permissions?18:46
XangBlinkiz: Try "fuser"18:46
Info73Hi, is there a good GUI macro program for Ubuntu that can record mouse and keybaord movements?18:46
ldiamondsudo apt-get remove evolution seems to be working18:46
Tom_DavisBlinkiz, are you perhaps IN that directory?18:46
slevenwhere is python, i cant find python ony my system but it clearly is there?18:46
=== _Dulak is now known as Dulak
ubuntuchickaXang: if you mean the actual "rar" from synaptic, then no i have not installed that... im not sure if i installed anything for rars actually.  does hardy come with a default one?18:46
go_beep_yourselfFlannel-> i dont even know what all permissions she changed. i want ownerships and permissions back to default18:46
Flannelldiamond: mmm, alright, apt-cache search shows a few, evolution, evolution-common, evolution-data-server.  But yes, evolution itself will remove the majority of it.18:46
fredlI also tried just doing 'ssh -X oracle@localhost' but then the DISPLAY variable doesn't get set at all...18:47
rparishkbrosnan: any ideas18:47
jokerNauarchLysander: guess there should be a system setting somewhere in KDE. Sorry, I'm not familiar with kubuntu18:47
Flannelgo_beep_yourself: Easiest way to do that is reinstallation.18:47
ldiamondflannel "majority" ?18:47
NauarchLysanderjoker: Ok, still, thanks.18:47
Flannel!repeat | Info7318:47
Xangubuntuchicka: I don't believe so, but I am not absolutely certain. I have installed rar from the repos, used it, and have not had any trouble.18:47
ubottuInfo73: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:47
Flannelldiamond: Yeah.18:47
go_beep_yourselfFlannel-> maybe i should write a program to do that but i need something now18:47
rparishHow can i disable all extras like on gnome so it uses less ram etc?18:47
ldiamondbut how do I remove them all^18:47
Xangubuntuchicka: Once you sudo apt-get install rar18:47
bttbgo_beep_yourself, or just reinstall all deb you got18:47
r00t_hi my soud has stoped working, anyone have an idea?18:47
Xangubuntuchicka: you can perform "rar e foo.rar"18:48
bttbgo_beep_yourself, debs18:48
r00t_whats some games for linux that arnt in the repos? im looking for a offline rpg with good graphics18:48
kansascanuckHello all18:48
Xang!hello | kansascanuck18:48
BlinkizXang: fuser does not display any processes/users using the drive. Problem started when "Install Live USB" crashed when it installed the iso file to the usb drive.18:48
ubottukansascanuck: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:48
ubuntuchickaXang: ahh, i think i found what i did... i have installed "unrar" non-free version. do i need to remove that before grabbing rar?18:48
fredl1421 total users, hmmm, and nobody can answer an (I think) simple question about why gnome-terminal doesn't seem to see the DISPLAY variable....18:48
cloudy_nzunrar won't handle recent rar files... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unrar18:49
Flannelldiamond: evolution depends on these packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/evolution  some of those packages are required for other things as well.  We now have a feature called autoremove, which may be able to clean stuff up (but depending on your situation, it may be overzealous as well), lets do this: `sudo apt-get --simulate autoremove` and see what it wants to remove (pastebin the output that command gives you)18:49
Xangubuntuchicka: no..you can just install rar18:49
bttbgo_beep_yourself, isn't your nick a little dull? Everytime someone talks to you he's telling you to ...18:49
kansascanuckQuestion...I am new to Ubuntu and absolutely love it.  I am wondering if Intrepid Ibex is solid enough to install and use on a regular basis?18:49
ubuntuchickaawesome, giving that a try right now, thanks Xang!18:49
slevenwhere is python, i cant find python ony my system but it clearly is there?18:49
Flannelsleven: 'which python'18:50
Xangubuntuchicka : good luck :)18:50
slevenlike if i install a library to python 2.5, where should i put it?18:50
kbrosnanrparish: did you pastbin your about:plugins?18:50
cloudy_nzsleven: /usr/bin/python18:50
ldiamondsudo apt-get autoremove evolution does not seem like a good idea.18:50
jokerr00t_: try gleist18:50
Flannelldiamond: No autoremove evolution, just "sudo apt-get --simulate autoremove"18:50
ldiamondstill not a good idea, seems to want to remove basically everything18:51
r00t_joker, i was looking for something not in the repos18:51
Flannelldiamond: But, what does it want to get rid of?  I'm concerned that now that you've removed your -desktop metapackage, it may try and remove a good deal of the GUI stuff18:51
Chunky_KsAfternoon everyone. Does ubuntu have an equivalent to the OSX/Windows "open" command at the command line?18:51
fredlfunny, no surprise that when I ssh -X to my Debian box it works as it should.18:51
kansascanuckI am running Hardy right now and didn't know if I should wait for the official release of Ibex or if I could using it now?18:51
slevenFlannel: ok but that is just a file not a dir, like on windows i have C:/Python25/Lib/site-packages, but when instlaling libs on ubuntu i just put it in /usr/bin and run python setup.py?18:52
Flannelldiamond: alright. So, we'll have to do it by hand.18:52
go_beep_yourselfbttb, you mean reconfigure all debs?18:52
go_beep_yourselfdpkg-reconfigure -a ?18:52
ubuntuchickaXang: sorry to bother but im stumped on your "rar e foo.rar" comment. My terminal yelled at me18:52
ldiamondWell, now that I removed evolution using "sudo apt-get remove evolution18:52
rparishis there a program to fix your mounts?18:52
ldiamondits better than nothing18:52
jokerr00t_: maybe use cadega and install your windoze games?18:52
Xangubuntuchicka: replace foo.rar with the name of your rar file.18:52
r00t_ im looking for a offline rpg with good graphics,ive played everything decent in the repos so please only talk about packages that arnt in the repos18:52
Flannelsleven: No.  /usr/bin/python is where python is located, like you asked.  I'm not sure where python libs live.18:52
Flannel!repeat | r00t_18:52
ubottur00t_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:52
ldiamondI guess it'll be fine like that Flanel18:52
zylexhello :)18:53
Xang!hello | zylex18:53
ubottuzylex: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:53
Flannelr00t_: Also, if you're looking for packages not in the repos, you may try looking elsewhere.18:53
zylexanyone here good at mounting stuffs?:)18:53
zylexgot an issue with mdf mini image18:53
Flannelldiamond: Well, we can grab a few more packages, and get even more of it.  And you actually want to purge these packages, not just remove them.18:53
ldiamondFlannel, alright18:53
theJKHGnea whats the soultion you suggest18:53
kansascanuckIf I use the Alt-F2 command and update from Hardy now to Ibex will there be any problems and does the update keep all my background, icons and other stuff that is currently used in Hardy?18:53
Chunky_Ksoh, gnome-open18:53
Flannelldiamond: sudo apt-get purge evolution evolution-common evolution-data-server18:54
ldiamond113MB Freed!18:54
Flannelkansascanuck: Upgrades keep all your data.  Of course, it's an OS upgrade, you should have backups.18:54
rparishhow can i see what the permissions and mount options are to a 2nd hard drive18:54
zylexnoone knows howto mount an mini image here?18:54
Xangrparish: After it is mounted?18:55
Flannelzylex: You didn't ask a question.18:55
spazmI'm having trouble upgrading my dist...18:55
ldiamondFlannel, Is that all for evolution^18:55
spazmI get the following error18:55
Flannel!ask | zylex18:55
spazmW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libx/libx11/libx11-data_1.0.3-0ubuntu4.1_all.deb 404 Not Found18:55
ubottuzylex: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:55
=== scion is now known as coax
Xangrparish: "mount" command.18:55
slevenhow do i register my nick? iw ant to be able to join #python18:55
kansascanuckflannel...will I have to reset everything after the update is complete as in drivers, files, backgrounds and icons?  Also is Ibex stable enough to be used?18:55
spazmit can't find any of the files on the "upgrade-list"18:55
zylex!ask mount mini image18:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:55
Flannel!register > sleven18:55
ubottusleven, please see my private message18:55
ubuntuchickaXang: you're a genius and i hope you win the lottery18:56
zylex!ask | How do i mount an mini image? its *.mdf18:56
ubottuHow do i mount an mini image? its *.mdf: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:56
rparishXang: /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)   <-- does this mean ubuntu had control of the hard drive?18:56
fishsponge_hey people - is there a repository anywhere where i might find a later version of kino, for example?18:56
gidnawhy this  * Starting TiMidity++ ALSA midi emulation...                            [fail]18:56
gidna ?18:56
Flannelzylex: No, you won't need to reset stuff.  Intrepid isn't a stable release yet, still a development version.  #ubuntu+1 is likely to be able to give you better information.18:56
webascan anyone help me shortly with quake3 instaliation on 64bit ubuntu? when i install pointrelease i get this error - http://pastie.org/30090018:56
Xangubuntuchicka: Thank you! :)18:56
rparishor has... for some reason it doesnt mount on boot ...18:56
fishsponge_i know the standard repos are "stable", but in some cases, "latest" is good to have :-)18:56
scoobynzhi there. Why cant I see the list of users in a channel to the right of XChat?18:56
rparishall the time that is18:56
zylexi dont get this...18:56
Eviltechie1Does anyone know how to fix a mouse issue with Americas Army?18:56
Xangrparish: Not sure what you mean..restate please?18:56
Flannelscoobynz: You likely have xchat-gnome and not xchat.  install xchat instead18:57
NauarchLysanderI feel a bit stupid asking this, but how do I make a new file in the terminal? I can't find a command for it...18:57
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd18:57
ismael_Somebody knows the way to install 3D transitions in openoffice.org 3.0. In complements web i don't find anything neither googling18:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gftp18:57
FlannelNauarchLysander: touch file18:57
matthew_does anyone know if you can install x86 programs on ubuntu 64amd18:57
FlannelNauarchLysander: Or, just open it in whatever editor (nano filename) and then save it.18:57
rparishXang: i am using this as my 2nd hard drive just to save music and stuff. Some times it lets me write to it and some times after i boot it doesnt mount right a way...18:57
reggy_i give up.18:57
scoobynzthanks flannel, will try to remove and reinstall.18:57
NauarchLysanderFlannel: Ok, thanks.18:57
rparishtrying to make sure i have it set right18:57
matthew_does anyone know if you can install x86 programs on ubuntu 64amd18:57
ldiamondFlannel, is that it for removing Evolution?18:58
Xangrparish: hmm..check /etc/fstab ?18:58
Flannel!chroot | matthew_18:58
ubottumatthew_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box18:58
n8tuser1matthew_-> did you try? i dont have a 64bit myself18:58
Flannelldiamond: More or less yeah18:58
Lynetmatthew_: You mean 32bit programs on 64bit Linux? Sure, you just have to make sure you have all the 32bit libraries the program needs.18:58
matthew_I don't wanna try18:58
kansascanuckIs Ibex stable enough to use on a daily basis yet?18:58
spazmI'm having trouble upgrading my dist...  I get a "404 Not Found" on all the files on the upgrade-list...18:58
Flannelkansascanuck: #ubuntu+1 is the place to ask that question.18:58
matthew_I've been using ubuntu for years just afraid to try it lol18:58
ldiamondFlannel: No I guess I need to restart in order to get that Icon out of there right?18:58
spazmam I using an old faulty server or something?18:58
Flannelspazm: What version are you upgrading from and to?18:58
Flannelldiamond: which icon?18:58
matthew_well dpkg and apt will find them right18:59
rparishit doesnt show it in there18:59
ldiamondFlannel: The evolutoin shortcut in the top pannel18:59
spazmFlannel: from 6 something to 7.0418:59
matthew_usually they get missing files18:59
Flannelspazm: 6.10?18:59
ldiamondBah, remove from pannel worked18:59
derek0can anyone help me config my wireless card? The driver's installed but it won't work still.18:59
matthew_I've had this am64 bit laptop running with x8618:59
ldiamondI also need to setup wifi. But nothing is installed18:59
matthew_for fear that 32 bit software wouldn't work18:59
Flannelspazm: Alright, 6.10 and 7.04 are now EOL, so your repos probably aren't available in their regular places.  You'll need to go to your sources.list and change all of your repos to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/18:59
matthew_maybe I should just try it18:59
spazmCould not download all repository indexes19:00
spazmThe repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.19:00
Flannelspazm: And then you can do a full update, then dist-upgrade to 7.04, and then dist-upgrade to 7.10, etc.19:00
Flannel!upgrade | spazm19:00
ubottuspazm: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:00
Lynetmatthew_: Which 32bit programs are you worried about?19:00
zylexIs it possible to mount mini images in linux?19:00
volvoDasEi: nothings working.....lol wow19:00
Flannelspazm: Correct.  Those repos don't exist anymore.19:00
matthew_the only reason I ask is because I have this program that the data file is all and the program is x86 weird eh19:00
spazmFlannel: ok :)19:00
ismael_Somebody knows the way to install 3D transitions in openoffice.org 3.0? In complements web i don't find anything neither googling19:00
matthew_maybe I should just try it19:00
derek0I found the right driver and all but for some reason the wireless network isn't even an option in my network settings19:00
derek0it's annoying19:00
Kr0ntabzylex: define mini images19:00
matthew_brb I'll tell you all how it turns out19:00
DasEivolvo: machine specs ?19:01
faria_khani got problem19:01
Xang!hello | faria_khan19:01
ubottufaria_khan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:01
zylexlike a nocd image19:01
faria_khanwhen i insert cd in rom then it says no disk19:01
zylexfor an application that requires a cd to be in the cdrom drive19:01
volvoDasEi: toshiba p25-s5093 laptop19:01
mohohi to all19:01
Xang!hello | moho19:01
ubottumoho: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:01
newhi all19:01
derek0zylex you mean mounting an image19:01
Xang!hello | new19:01
ubottunew: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:01
derek0what's mini about that19:01
volvoDasEi: pentium 4 3.0ghz with ht, 32mb nvida go5200 gfx, 1.25 gig pc2100 ram19:01
FlannelXang: please stop19:01
zylexthe image is 70kb big19:02
Kr0ntabzylex: you mean a small ISO?  yeah, doesn't matter about the size.19:02
matthew_dpkg: error processing pokerth_0.6.2-0~getdeb1_i386.deb (--install):19:02
matthew_ package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)19:02
matthew_Errors were encountered while processing:19:02
XangFlannel: Why?19:02
mohoi am new19:02
zylexi think its an small iso19:02
mohocan i join19:02
matthew_that sucks19:02
derek0if it's any iso there's a program thatll mount it19:02
derek0i dunno what it is19:02
FlannelXang: bit spammy to do it a few times in a row.19:02
matthew_what was that link to switch x86 to amd6419:02
Flannelmoho: join what?19:02
zylexits an image to fool the application so it thinks the cd is in the drive. similar to a nocd fix19:02
faria_khanwhen i insert cd in rom then it says no disk19:02
XangFlannel: Just welcoming people..19:03
Kr0ntabzylex: you can issue the mount command with "-o loop":    sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /path/to/empty/directory19:03
mohowat is going on19:03
Flannelzylex: You don't need to jump through hoops to do that, just mount the iso.19:03
volvoDasEi: I'm trying the same cd on my other laptop right now19:03
derek0it created a virtual dvd drive that the game will look at and say hey it's there19:03
zylexi cant mount it19:03
r00t_hi my sound has stoped working, anyone have an idea?19:03
zylexsec ill copy paste19:03
Flannel!paste | zylex19:03
ubottuzylex: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:03
volvoDasEi: so far it seems to be working19:03
volvoDasEi: hmm yae it works19:03
DasEivolvo:there you get in live ?19:03
zylexmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,19:04
zylex       missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:04
zylex       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:04
zylex       dmesg | tail  or so19:04
FloodBot3zylex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
spazmFlannel: not sure how to edit sources.list... I mean, not sure what to remove or keep..19:04
volvoDasEi: yea and sound works and when it was booting I got no squashsf errors. on my laptop it gives alsa error and a bunch of squash errors19:04
Flannelspazm: pastebin your sources.list and I'll take a look19:04
mohoi need traninng from the beginning19:04
Flannelmoho: On installation as well?19:05
volvoDasEi: my hardware didnt change tho...whys it giving me a problem now19:05
arthurmacielI have a notebook that does not boot through usb. Running ubuntu netboot, is it possible to make it point to the usb?19:05
DasEivolvo: closest gues is a dirty cdrom19:05
Flannelmoho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Standard%20installation  once installed, https://help.ubuntu.com/ has a bunch of instructions for common tasks19:06
mohoFlannel : thanx19:06
spazmFlannel: http://pastebin.com/d1d6c988d19:06
terrorbite_can any 1 help me configure my graphics card or do u no were i can doenload a driver for it its a ati mobility radeon 900019:06
zerothisI have can't get GNU Source Installer working in Hardy. Can I ask about it here?19:06
smacnayHas anyone here ordered a Dell system with Ubuntu pre-installed?19:07
zerothissmacnay: I hope not!19:07
* Gnea looks at zerothis 19:07
r00t_How do i fix this:UCKUNICORNS:~$ glest19:07
r00t_ln: creating symbolic link `./configuration.xml': File exists19:07
r00t_ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave19:07
r00t_void Shared::Platform::Window::setStyle(Shared::Platform::WindowStyle) not implemented.19:07
r00t_ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:874:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave19:07
FloodBot3r00t_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
r00t_open /dev/[sound/]dsp: Device or resource busy19:08
zerothissmacnay: Its cheeper to buy a dell with better specs and then purge windows and install ubuntu19:08
Xangsmacnay: I bought at 1525N with Ubuntu pre-installed.19:08
Xangsmacnay: Of course I did a clean install once I got it. :)19:08
smacnayzerothis: why?  Seems like it would be a good way to get all the system's stuff working.19:08
slevencould running ubuntu on vmware on vista be unstable? is there any known problems?19:09
smacnayXang: do you run a laptop?19:09
Gneazerothis: it's also a good way to void warranty19:09
zerothissmacnay: I suppose, if you don't mind a system with lower specs19:09
smacnayzerothis: ah...19:09
Xangsmacnay: Yes several..and desktops as well.19:09
Gneazerothis: the highest specs are going to be out of date in 6 months from now as it is, what's the difference?19:10
scorchwhat is the difference between the BSSID, and MAC address fields in network manager for network settings?19:10
zerothisGnea: there are many ways to void a Dell warrenty. My boss does it on accident several times a day19:10
smacnayXang: does Ubuntu find and support built in webcams?19:10
hacker /msg iSLiFECORP19:10
volvoDasEi: lens cleaner to the rescue?19:10
Xangsmacnay: It can, yes.19:10
spazmFlannel: did you see it? :)19:10
Gneascorch: the BSSID is the SSID of the remote access point, the MAC is the MAC of your nic19:10
ismael_Somebody knows the way to install 3D transitions in openoffice.org 3.0? In complements web i don't find anything neither googling19:10
DasEivolvo: or...19:11
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:11
Gneazerothis: so that means that everyone else should, too?19:11
volvoDasEi: i dont think I can boot from usb, old laptop19:11
scorchGnea: ok so how do I specify which AP to use id the SSIDs are all the same?  (ie repeater mode)19:11
matthew_flannel you still there ?19:11
derek0Guys how do you force ubuntu to look at your wireless card and give you a wireless option in Network Settings?19:11
cloud-ieeeGood afternoon. Does anyone know how to get .wmv files to play on 8.04.1? I have Vlan player installed, which I thought played everything under the sun.19:11
smacnayXang: any recommendations on laptops or desktops that are decent but not high-priced or bleeding edge?19:11
volvoDasEi: can I find the ubuntu 8.04 iso, not the .1 one19:12
Gneazerothis: we're talking about personal systems here, not business systems. it would be preferable to make sure that you understand the difference.19:12
ompaul!wmv | cloud-ieee19:12
ubottucloud-ieee: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:12
smacnayXang: seems my trusty old desktop has died (mobo) and I am immediately in the market.19:12
cloud-ieeeUbottu, thank you.19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you.19:12
Gneascorch: i usually just select the one i want to use from the list19:12
DasEivolvo: ubuntu.com19:13
Flannelmatthew_: you can't switch from 32 to 64bit, you have to reinstall.19:13
scorchGnea: there is only one.....  I have a AP in repeater mode, so only one SSID shows up because they are the same19:13
cloud-ieeehehe Bots :P19:13
Xangsmacnay: Good thing is..there are plenty of choices out there now.19:13
Xangsmacnay: and good deals..19:13
kempokempohello all, i've just installed 8.10 - all working nicely except the graphics... i'm stuck on vesa drivers. It's one of the intel series 4 chips... any ideas?19:13
silokohi - what's the quickest way to reset theme/desktop/gdm to the Ubuntu default?19:13
Gneascorch: so connect to it?19:14
DasEivolvo: did you try ibex ??? on an old laptop ?? now ?19:14
yhagerhi. how do you compile php with imap?19:14
spazmFlannel: did you catch my link to pastebin?19:14
Xang!ibex | kempokemp19:14
ubottukempokemp: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu19:14
matthew_flannel I did a clean install of 64 bit19:14
scorchGnea: yeah19:14
slevenhow do i set /usr/local/bin/ so i can write there?19:14
ubottuvolvo, please see my private message19:14
scorchGnea: BUt I got High latency19:14
slevenwhen i try to save a file there emacs says read-only19:14
volvoubottu: havent tried it yet19:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:14
scorchGnea:  I tried putting the MAC address of the AP I want in the BBSID box19:14
terrorbite_can any 1 help me configure my graphics card or do u no were i can doenload a driver for it its a ati mobility radeon 900019:15
scorchGnea: still high latency19:15
Gneascorch: i don't understand what you mean... you're typing what into where? there's a network gui on the upper-right of the top bar of your desktop - you click it, it tells you the SSIDs... you click on one, it connects you19:16
Xangsleven: sudo chmod 757 /usr/local/bin19:16
scorchGnea: the MAC address of the repeater, in the GUI, Edit onnections19:16
scorchGnea: the MAC address of the repeater, in the GUI, Edit connections19:16
=== hiptobecubic is now known as hiptobecubic-afk
memeemeeecan someone help me configre my static ip?19:16
r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e919:16
ikoniamemeemeee: what's the problem19:17
terrorbite_can any 1 help me configure my graphics card or do u no were i can doenload a driver for it its a ati mobility radeon 900019:17
memeemeeeI keep getting destination host unreachable when i try to ping the router19:17
GneatheJKH: still there?19:17
Genscherdoes anybody know if usplash supports making themes with > 256 colors?19:18
newbie-ubuntuanybody can help me to configure wireless network19:18
Tom_Davismemeemeee, are you on the same network as the router ip?19:18
Gneascorch: i don't know that that's going to work right...19:18
GenscherI mean in the momenet the normal way is to make a 256 color palete right?19:18
jblackhallAny bug triagers around?19:18
volvo!ask | newbie-ubuntu19:18
ubottunewbie-ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:18
arthurmacielompaul, if my laptop does not have a cdrom, does boot from usb, through netboot can I point to a cdrom and boot from it (the cdrom is not ubuntu - I don´t want to install ubuntu on it)19:18
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:18
Flannelspazm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62963/19:18
memeemeeeTom_Davis, yes I am19:18
scorchgnea: ok, what should i do?  windows sees both point sepratly, ubuntu does not19:19
Gneascorch: iirc, a repeater is just passing the BSSID along for another AP, so it should automatically tell you which one to use, unless the repeater isn't setup right19:19
Flannelspazm: that's what you need your sources.list to be, once there, follow the regular update guidelines (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, then do the update-manager thing)19:19
Tom_Davismemeemeee, same subnet?19:19
Flannel!upgrade | spazm19:19
ubottuspazm: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:19
memeemeeei edited the /etc/network/interfaces and restarted19:19
GneatheJKH: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4248681&postcount=119:19
memeemeeenot sure Tom_Davis19:19
GneatheJKH: once you get it installed, use the mkmp4 script19:19
spazmFlannel: perfect, thank you very much!19:19
scorchGnea: no, it lets you connect to it19:19
jokerGenscher: AFAIK usplash only supports 256 colours19:19
Tom_Davismemeemeee, what flavor router?19:19
scorchGnea: its the BElkin wireless range extender19:20
ldiamondI need help setting up my wireless card19:20
Genscherjoker, alright thanks19:20
gidnaI have no soud with tuxguitar19:20
jblackhallnm i'll come back later19:20
* Gnea gags at the mention of belkin19:20
kc8pxyjust because i can, and don't have anything of lasting need on the machine, I'm gonna reinstall to fix my wine issue..  it used to work, now it doesn't. i goofed something. clean slate will work :)19:20
Gneascorch: oh, sorry... uhm, what are you extending from?19:20
Tom_Davismemeemeee, you should be on the 192.168.1.x network with subnet mask of
scorchGnea: the routher19:20
scorchGnea: my router19:20
Gneascorch: which is made by who?19:20
memeemeeeOk Tom_Davis how do I find out what network to put in?19:20
scorchGnea: Belkin19:21
paul68!wireless |ldiamond19:21
ubottuldiamond: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:21
ompaularthurmaciel, ?19:21
Tom_Davismemeemeee, like that19:21
memeemeeeis it network
scorchGnea;  WORKS FINE in windows19:21
Gneascorch: hrmmm19:21
Tom_Davismemeemeee, that should be the ip of the router19:21
memeemeeeand gateway too?19:21
Tom_Davismemeemeee, yup19:21
scorchGnea: obviolsy a Network Manager issue19:21
r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e919:22
Flannelspazm: Going from feisty to gutsy might be difficult, once you do the full upgrade to feisty, and are up-to-date you can try (since feisty is still recently EOLd) to switch those back to archive.ubuntu.com (or nl.archive.ubuntu.com) and see if they're still up.  If not, you'll have to make update-manager happy, let this channel know if oyu do.19:22
memeemeeeand broadcast is
Tom_Davismemeemeee, yes19:22
idnzorhi, I have set up proftd and I can log in through the local network, using the local IP, but cannot seem to log in using my static IP address, I just get a permission denied error. does anyone have any experience with this? thanks19:22
memeemeeeno luck Tom_Davis19:22
Gneascorch: calm down, no need to shout or type friviously... when you attempt to connect without typing anything in, are you getting any errors in syslog?19:22
Tom_Davismemeemeee, perhaps a firewall?19:22
M4rotkudoes anyone know if Intrepid fixes the hibernate and suspend problems?19:23
scorchGnea: ?19:23
ikonia!ibex > M4rotku19:23
ubottuM4rotku, please see my private message19:23
memeemeeenever had this problem before to19:23
Gneascorch: /var/log/syslog19:23
scorchGnea: without typing anything in network manager u mean?19:23
patch|eeeis there a ubuntu eee channel here?19:23
spazmFlannel: I'll try my best :)19:23
scuniziM4rotku, depends on the machine.. they are not all the same.19:23
ikoniapatch|eee: yes19:23
derek0I have my wireless card drivers set up, but in network settings there is NO WIRELESS entry at all. Can anyone help?19:24
Gneascorch: if you open a terminal and type:  tail -f /var/log/syslog    and then try to connect without typing anything into the network manager19:24
slevenchmod 757 means moderator give user access to this file?19:24
memeemeeeTom_Davis, how would i look into that?19:24
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ikoniasleven: thats all access to everyone19:24
scorchGnea: ok just a sec19:24
patch|eeeikonia: whats the channel name?19:25
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ikoniapatch|eee: #ubuntu - your in the channel now19:25
Tom_Davismemeemeee, have you done anything to the iptables, either directly or through a gui?19:25
patch|eeelol...ubuntu eee channel....19:25
Xangsleven: That adjusts the /usr/local/bin directory to allow read-write-execute from other.19:25
memeemeeeTom_Davis, does the order of the network/interfaces file matter?19:25
Tom_Davismemeemeee, shouldnt matter19:26
ikoniapatch|eee: oh, it's normally discussed in here if its an ubuntu install on an ee pc19:26
ikoniaeee pc sorry19:26
memeemeeewell I stupidly used the gui to try to set up the static route initially. I knew how to do it manually and should have just done it that way Tom_Davis19:26
saykouhow to install and run linux in usb pen drive19:26
Gnea!usb | saykou19:26
ubottusaykou: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:26
ransomI've got a Core Duo iMac and I've installed hardy.  I got the wireless to work using b43 drivers and b43-firmware.  however, after i updated it stopped working.  according to the hardware drivers program, it is enabled but "not in use." any suggestions?19:26
Tom_Davismemeemeee, that probably is where you borked it19:26
slevenXang: it is still read-only even after i restarted emacs19:27
ikoniaransom: enable them19:27
volvoDasEi: is there any way to install ubuntu from the iso inside the live cd19:27
Tom_Davismemeemeee, but all is not lost, just edit /etc/network/interfaces properly19:27
memeemeeelol always better to use cli if possible19:27
memeemeeewell I have. and it's still not working19:27
ransomikonia: they are enabled.  i even re-enabled them.  they are still listed as "not in use"19:27
ThedjatclubrockHow would I right-click on a MacBook Pro?19:27
ikoniavolvo: iso inside the livecd ?19:27
Xangsleven: Are you editing a file from within the /usr/local/bin dir?19:27
Tom_Davismemeemeee, did you do any editing of routing?19:27
ikoniaransom: check if they are leaded with lsmod19:27
DasEivolvo: ?19:27
slevenyes from emacs19:27
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:27
paul68Thedjatclubrock: use a mouse solve this19:28
volvoikonia: if i boot from the live cd and have the iso on a flash drive, since the cd keeps failing19:28
ransomikonia: how do i do that?19:28
Thedjatclubrockpaul68: Umm, why?19:28
ikoniavolvo: doesnt really work like that, but you could work if you hacked the installed19:28
ikoniaransom: type lsod19:28
DasEivolvo: you can mount the iso and play it to a usb(seelink above) or boot in live and choose install19:28
ikoniaransom: lsmod19:28
memeemeeeI didn't mean to but maybe the gui changed something else?19:28
memeemeeeTom_Davis, I didn't mean to but maybe the gui changed something else?19:28
paul68Thedjatclubrock: to my knowledge is that the only way to rightclick on a mac19:28
FlannelThedjatclubrock: Doesn't the button, even though there's only one, still have a left/right click side thing?19:28
Tom_Davismemeemeee, check the gui and see if theres a "reset defaults" kind of thing19:28
ThedjatclubrockNot on mine..19:28
cak054there is no right in mac19:28
cak054its not all wrong either19:29
ldiamondHow do I set time in linux so it doesnt mess my Windows time ^19:29
ransom 19:29
ikonia!pm > patch|eee19:29
ubottupatch|eee, please see my private message19:29
ransomikonia: what does that do?19:29
cak054press and hold control and clik away please19:29
ikoniaransom: show the kernel modules (drivers) loaded19:29
ransomikonia: if it is not loaded, how do i load it?19:30
ikoniaransom: check if it's loaded first19:30
memeemeeeDefault gateway in Routes is
Flannelldiamond: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple%20Boot%20Systems%20Time%20Conflicts19:30
ransomikonia: okay, i'm going to have to switch from os x to ubuntu, be back in a sec19:30
memeemeeeTom_Davis, Default gateway in Routes is
FlannelThedjatclubrock: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#Right%20/%20Middle%20Clicking19:31
arthurmacielompaul, I was wondering if it was possible to boot ubuntu through netboot and from it, boot from usb cdrom (my laptop does not boot from usb and its inside cdrom does not work)19:31
paul68Thedjatclubrock: my wife has a mac and she can only right click when she uses a mouse19:31
Flannelpaul68: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro#Right%20/%20Middle%20Clicking19:31
Tom_Davismemeemeee, install nmap run it on then run it on the assigned ip for the machine and see if theres any difference19:32
Gneapaul68: i've plugged a USB mouse into a mac and used all 3 buttons19:32
ldiamondFlannel, according to this link, I should set UTC=no, but it already is (and is messing my time in win)19:32
Gneai know, total blasphemy, but it worked19:32
memeemeeek. i'll try that19:32
memeemeeeproblem Tom_Davis. can't connect to internet to install nmap19:33
Tom_Davismemeemeee,  using the command nmap -v -A
Tom_Davismemeemeee, that does propose a problem doesnt it19:33
paul68Gnea without a mouse you can't right click, or I thought that before flanner send me that link19:34
Gneapaul68: :)19:34
ompaularthurmaciel, I don't know check this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation%20without%20a%20CD19:34
ransomikonia: i don19:34
memeemeeeis there another way to look at that info? perhaps another config file Tom_Davis19:34
Tom_Davisguys what is the master reset for iptables?19:34
ransomikonia: i don't see the driver, but i do see ndiswrapper.  is that interfering with it?19:35
ompaulikonia, bann it19:35
Tom_Daviskeel it19:35
ompaulFlannel, third tome19:35
GneaTom_Davis: iptables -F && iptables -F nat && iptables -F mangle19:35
ikoniait's real in pm - just trying to find out what's going on19:35
XangTom_Davis: iptables -F19:35
ikoniait's invite people to it's channel19:35
patch|eeei have installed ubuntu eee on my new asus eee 901 (1gb memory, 20gb ssd) ...if i turn on my wireless, it crashes....mouse wont move...etc....somone who have had the same problem?19:35
memeemeeek. i'll try that19:35
Tom_Davismemeemeee,  did you get that from gnea?19:36
memeemeeeyes Tom_Davis19:36
Gneamemeemeee: don't forget to change your policies to ACCEPT19:36
memeemeeenot sure what that means Gnea19:37
Gneait sucks when you don't do that and you're ssh in :)19:37
s000501Some help needed with NetBIOS hostname resolution.19:37
s000501Adding "wins" to /etc/nsswitch.conf worked for «ping pc-x», etcetera19:37
Gneamemeemeee: iptables -P input accept && iptables -P forward accept && iptables -P output accept19:37
Serwayhey guys, do you know if pidgin can act as an email notifier for my gmail? i already have google talk running on it..19:37
memeemeeestill destination host unreachible Gnea, Tom_Davis19:37
Virus_BotCan I use a irc bot with a pidgin?19:38
Virus_BotI have a new channel19:38
samuraipenguinHi all... i've got a system installed with the 8.10 beta, and i'm having issues installing atheros wifi drivers.  I can't find the ath5k .deb, and i cant find kernel headers for my kernel to compile it myself(2.6.27-4).19:38
ikoniaVirus_Bot: I'm warning y ou19:38
s000501But since that change «smbclient -v \\\\pc-x\\share -U pc-x\\Administrator» fails.19:38
ikoniaVirus_Bot: thats nothing to do with ubuntu19:38
ompaul!offtopic | Virus_Bot19:38
ubottuVirus_Bot: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:38
arthurmacielompaul, thanks.19:38
IzinucsSerway: not sure but you can have Evolution connect w/ Imap or pop3 and do it.19:38
Tom_Davismemeemeee, did you perhaps change the ip of the router?19:38
definitelyHow to install Nvidia 177 drivers in Ubuntu Hardy Heron ?19:38
ompaularthurmaciel, how it works for you19:38
GneaVirus_Bot: do you think that anyone is going to help you spread a virus?19:38
Virus_BotI go to ubuntu-es19:38
Izinucs!nvidia | definitely19:39
ubottudefinitely: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:39
ompaularthurmaciel, hope it works for you (the typo of doom ;-))19:39
jokersamuraipenguin: you should log into #ubuntu+1 channel19:39
pitufo_how can I install packages from CD_rom ? do I have to mount the filesystem.squashfs ?, I need building tools for buiding my network drivers19:39
samuraipenguinjoker... just saw that when virus_bot got corrected :)  Thanks.19:39
definitely<Izinucs>: Does it works with 177 drivers really ?19:39
ransomikonia: the broadcom drivers did not show up in lsmod19:40
slevenlook, I want to have somewhere in Ubuntu where I can storre my programs, I want to be able to call them from the terminal from any dir. like python somescript.py. how do i do that? right now i dont have write-rights in /usr/local/bin/19:40
jokersamuraipenguin: no prob19:40
memeemeeeno Tom_Davis It's still
ikoniaransom: ok, so they are genuinly not in use then, do the drivers require ndiswrapper ?19:40
Izinucsdefinitely: probably will there is a linux version I think.. Although installing them can sometimes be tricky.. do the current nvidia drivers not work for you or do you just want the bleeding edge?19:40
pitufo_ [n=piotr@host-89-228-82-104.olsztyn.mm.pl] has quit [Client Quit]19:40
Xangsleven: Did you do "sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/bin" ?19:40
arthurmacielompaul, it does not work for me. I was thanking the effort.19:41
memeemeeeGnea, after your command I got bad builtin chain command19:41
Tom_Davismemeemeee, but you cant ping
definitelydunno going to install intrepid, coz thoose on in hardy not works19:41
pitufohow can I install packages from CD ? I need building tools for compiling my network drivers19:41
=== ghost is now known as Guest6770
memeemeeeright Tom_Davis19:41
ransomikonia: no, they are linux drivers made by the manufacturer.  i had to install a firmware driver called b43-firmware that is closed source, but the drivers themselves are free software off the ubuntu cd19:41
memeemeeebut I'm connected through it on my laptop now19:41
ikoniaransom: did your update update the kernel19:41
Gneamemeemeee: run each one separately to find out which one it has a problem with19:41
ransomikonia: yes19:42
slevenXang u said 75719:42
ikoniaransom: kernel updates can break drivers (3rd party)19:42
Decepticonhow do i stop this wheelchair icon in my systray?19:42
ikoniaransom: I would re-do the install process now the new kernel is running19:42
THE_GFR|WORKhow do you configure the network interface for static addressing via terminal?19:42
Xangsleven: Try 777 then.19:42
GneaDecepticon: what wheelchair icon? got a screenshot?19:42
ikoniaGnea: disability options19:42
Xangsleven: I doubt you are a member of the root group..the other 7 should have done the trick.19:42
slevenemacs still bepps like a ***** when i try19:43
slevenroot group?19:43
Gneaikonia: 'accessibility options'19:43
Tom_Davismemeemeee, youre connected to the router on a laptop by cable or wireless?19:43
DecepticonGnea it looks like some disability stuff, iu dont want it, it messes with my fonts, and i cant see a clear way to exit from it19:43
ikoniaGnea: thats it19:43
memeemeeegnea all three19:43
slevensleven == nob -> true19:43
memeemeeewireless (but the machine I'm having problems with is wired19:43
ikoniasleven: stop messing around please19:43
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:44
Xangsleven: Does it say the file you are editing is read-only?19:44
Decepticondoes anyone know how to get rid of it19:44
Gneamemeemeee: try iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT19:44
Tom_Davismemeemeee, on the off chance, do you have another net cable handy?19:44
rummyhow i can change menu bar icon? I changed some values from configuration editor but don't changed19:44
Decepticonhow to get rid of wheel chair icon in systray19:44
slevenXang: emacs says that yes19:44
Gneamemeemeee: and capitalizing on the other 2 as well19:44
Tom_Davisand do that too19:44
Xangsleven: How about "chmod 777 /us/local/bin/file.foo"19:45
Decepticoneverytime i boot this wheelchair icon is there19:45
memeemeeeah Gnea that did the trick19:45
Decepticonplease someone telll me how to get rid of it19:45
cdickersonIs there an apt-get fix deps type thing?19:45
Xangsleven: replace file.foo with your py script filename.19:45
GneaDecepticon: looking for it - please don't pester, be patient.19:45
IzinucsDecepticon: System/Preferences/Assistive Technology.. turn it off.19:45
DecepticonIzinucs its already off in there, i tried that19:46
Brandon_Hey guys.19:46
bobbycheetahanyone know why my network manager in ubunu is trying to grab a bogus ip address via wireless?19:46
slevenstill the same19:46
GneaDecepticon: did you try right-clicking on it and removing it?19:46
Decepticonit wont let me right lcick it19:46
Xangsleven: Did you restart emacs?19:46
ikoniabobbycheetah: on what device is it trying to assign the ip19:46
memeemeeewell Gnea & Tom_Davis I have to go now. thanks I'll be back to fix it later19:46
slevenXang: yes19:46
Gneamemeemeee: cheers19:46
=== david is now known as Guest81164
Brandon_Does anyone know why Ubuntu doesnt detect my built in wireless card?19:46
bobbycheetahi was working fine last night. and today when i fired up my laptop, it wont find a network19:47
GneaBrandon_: what version of ubuntu and what wireless card?19:47
Xangsleven: Do a ls -al file.foo and paste to pastebin?19:47
Brandon_its ubuntu 8.04 i think19:47
GneaBrandon_: lsb_release -a   will tell you for sure19:47
Brandon_and a realtek built in card19:47
imme-emosolSo, my ubuntu crashes after about 10 minutes...   What could it be?19:47
GneaBrandon_: does it show up in lspci?19:48
anders_what does the syslog say imme-emosol ?19:48
imme-emosolIt seems to be something related to time, or network...19:48
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
GneaBrandon_: good.19:48
imme-emosolanders_: A lot.19:48
Brandon_Hardy heron19:48
imme-emosolanders_: Last message was from ntpd19:48
imme-emosolanders_: And the other time before the restart it give cron-messages...19:49
Brandon_Gnea do you know how I can get it to recognize my card?19:49
anders_ok imme-emosol19:49
rippsimme-emosol: Does it crash or just freeze?19:49
GneaBrandon_: could you please pastebin the output of the lspci command?19:49
Gnea!pastebin | Brandon_19:49
ubottuBrandon_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:49
DecepticonGnea i got it19:49
fluxedDoes any one know how to eject a pendrive from command line(not umount it)?19:49
imme-emosolripps: I don't know, I think crash, Alt+SysRq doesn't work, so...19:49
s000501Any idead why Samba's smbclient fails when wins resolution is in /etc/nsswitch.conf?19:49
ikoniafluxed: unmount it19:49
Flannelfluxed: "eject" is unmount19:49
DecepticonGnea oh never mind i still havent fixed it19:49
slevenXang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62968/19:49
slevenis that what you wanted?19:49
GneaDecepticon: have you tried logging out/logging in after removing it in the configuration?19:50
helluesare there other someone19:50
DecepticonGnea which configuration19:50
scorchGnea: no errors with nothing typed in19:50
ComputerI have the Ubuntu 8 install disk. How do I run it in text installer mode?19:50
hellueswhich has a channel for scheme19:50
Xangsleven: you are trying to edit im.py ?19:50
GneaDecepticon: the one that someone else told you about above19:50
Brandon_How do I pastebin?19:50
slevenrwx means read write i suppose? so it is somethign with emacs?19:50
rippsimme-emosol: I get that every once and a while too. It happens less with the server kernel (which I'm using right now)19:50
slevenXang: yes19:50
ComputerUbuntu 8 installation in text mode? Possible? No? How do I run the installer in text-only?19:50
Brandon_Ohh i get it19:50
imme-emosolripps: So you don't know why... ?19:50
fluxedno I was talking about an actual eject wherein the name of the removable drive dissapears from the nautilus sidebar.19:50
Xangsleven: hmm..it is wide open..you should be able to edit.19:50
imme-emosolripps: With me it happes almost all the time after about 10 minutes.19:51
Xangsleven: are you logging in as "user" ?19:51
slevenXang: so could be emacs hat is the problem?19:51
Decepticonwhere is the config?19:51
Xangsleven: shouldn't be.19:51
Decepticonhow do i remove this wheelchair19:51
Gnea!install | Computer19:51
ubottuComputer: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:51
slevenhmm i renamed the file now i cane dit that file..19:51
Xangsleven:  try gedit or vi to see maybe?19:51
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:51
slevenwhat does x mean?19:52
sleventhre new file is rw19:52
sleventh eold is rwx19:52
Izinucssleven: execute19:52
rippsimme-emosol: all i know is that a lot of people have it. It's probably a regression in the kernel that their having trouble fixing. Try the server kernel until they release a fix.19:52
Xangsleven: r = read w = write x = execute.19:52
imme-emosolripps: Okay.19:52
kempokempohi - i'm a massive linux noob - how do i force linux to use intel drivers for graphics, rather than vesa? I've got the gma x4500MHD (i know there are some issues - but thought i'd read these were fixed in 8.10... which i've installed, but i'm still stuck in 800x600 and no compviz)19:52
imme-emosolripps: Thanks.19:52
mmcjiI use putty to ssh from windows to my ubuntu box all the time to tunnel vnc.  This works perfectly.  However, I am having a problem doing the same thing from ubuntu to ubuntu, how should I set this up?19:53
Izinucskempokempo: 8.10 questions are answered in #ubuntu+1 .. thanks.19:53
dany_21a_mmcji: did you check the man pages of ssh? ("man ssh" on a console)19:54
Xangmmcji: ssh -X remotehost ?19:54
mmcjiman pages, google, howtos on tightvnc, realvnc, belllabs etc..19:54
mmcjii can establish the tunnel w/no problems19:55
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:55
mmcjithe problem comes when i launch vnc19:55
slevenXang: thanks it is solved now. But i still cant do python myscript.py from anywhere. i want this dir to be where i can put a bunch of useful script and just run them from anywhere19:55
NeoNinjahey sup19:55
Decepticoncan someone PLEASE tell me how to get rid of universal assistive technologies from LOADING into my systray, i DONT want it and it keeps messing up my fonts19:56
kempokempolzinucs: thanks i'll try there.19:56
Xangsleven: Type this command and paste to pastebin: echo $PATH19:56
dany_21a_mmcji: whats your ssh command line?19:56
Xangsleven: /usr/local/bin is in your path..you should be able to execute without using absolute path.19:57
Decepticoncan someone PLEASE tell me how to get rid of universal assistive technologies from LOADING into my systray, i DONT want it and it keeps messing up my fonts. i accidentally launched it once by accident and now i cant quit it, i cant even right click/exit it, and i dont even know what process its linked to that i could kill it...19:57
mmcjiin putty i am doing ssh -p 443 -l userid domainname   then my tunnel is L5900 localhost:590019:57
mmcjibut I am not doing it straight from cli19:57
Flannel!session | Decepticon, have you checked your session stuffs?19:57
ubottuDecepticon, have you checked your session stuffs?: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:57
mmcjiusing putty19:57
DecepticonFlannel i already did that19:57
s000501"Domain=[xxx] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]" message disappears when adding "wins" to "hosts files dns" in /etc/nsswitch.conf and tar fails, any ideas?19:57
mmcjido you think it would be better to do it straight from cli?19:58
slevenXang: i can do this : python /usr/local/bin/script.py19:58
slevenand it works19:58
slevenbut not without the path19:58
DecepticonFlannel i deleted it out of the sessions dialog box, but it still loads up19:58
r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e919:58
Xangsleven: but not python script.py ?19:58
snajimi have a iBook G2 What kind of ubuntu should i install?19:58
slevenpython: can't open file 'script.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory19:58
sleveni get then19:58
Th3Unkn0wnDecepticon: <Izinucs> Decepticon: System/Preferences/Assistive Technology.. turn it off.19:58
dany_21a_mmcji, try  "ssh -L *:5900:localhost:5900 user@ip"19:58
Virus_Botfuck you19:58
Decepticontheres no thing TO TURN OFF19:58
Decepticonits already "off" in that dialog box19:58
George111Can anyone tell me the commandline to execute forefront to recover .xls files from internal drive "dev/sda1" to usb hard drive "dev/sdc1"19:58
mmcjidany_21a: thanks I will19:59
rippssleven: have a bin directory in my home. To make a default launch director just add the lines "PATH=/home/$USER/bin:${PATH}", "export PATH" to the bottom of your .bashrc file.19:59
DecepticonTh3Unkn0wn that dialog box is useless because ive got everything turned off19:59
snajimwhat kind of ubuntu should i use for my apple 2?19:59
Xangripps: He has the script in /usr/local/bin which is already in his path.19:59
fluxedI am writing a pendrive formatting script for Ubuntu, here it is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ajqxlf  That is where I need a clue to 'eject' pendrives. I am actually trying to mount the pendrives manually after the format. Please read the script and tel me your opinions.19:59
rgraselluse a light distro, not ubuntu19:59
snajim[12:55pm] mmcji: in putty i am doing ssh -p 443 -l userid domainname  then my tunnel is L5900 localhost:590019:59
snajim[12:55pm] The-Compiler joined the chat room.19:59
snajim[12:55pm] legend2440 joined the chat room.19:59
snajim[12:55pm] mmcji: but I am not doing it straight from cli19:59
snajim[12:55pm] Flannel: !session | Decepticon, have you checked your session stuffs?19:59
snajim[12:55pm] ubottu: Decepticon, have you checked your session stuffs?: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:59
FloodBot3snajim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e920:00
mmcjisnajim, that is what I do from windows to either my freebsd server or to my ubuntu server20:00
mmcjiworks fine20:00
Xangsleven: type "which script.py"20:00
Xangsleven: and post output.20:00
Decepticoni already checked that and i deleted the assistive tech bullshit from sessions dialog box as well and it wont stop fucking loading in the systray still20:00
slevenmy home == home folder you mean?20:00
mmcjibut from ubuntu server to ubuntu server was not working20:00
mmcjithanks everyone20:00
Gnea!patience | Decepticon20:00
ubottuDecepticon: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:00
Flannel!language | Decepticon20:00
Decepticondoes anybody have any idea what config this stupididty is residing in20:00
ubottuDecepticon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:00
rippssleven: if you have "#! /usr/bin/env python" at the top of your script, you don't have to specify python before the script's name.20:01
George111does anyone know how to execute forefront_20:01
Decepticoncant believe they made this so difficult to get rid of20:01
Pandemic187Can I upgrade from 8.04 to the 8.10 RC?20:01
Decepticonwhat is seahorse ? /usr/bin/seahorse-daemon -d20:01
FlannelPandemic187: Yes, instructions are in the topic of #ubuntu+120:01
GneaDecepticon: i'm finding it difficult to believe that you're getting so bent out of shape over it.20:01
rippsDeception: It manages your keys and encriptions.20:02
Flare183r00t_: Looks like your device is already doing something20:02
Pandemic187Thanks, Flannel20:02
DecepticonGnea i loaded it up by accident somehow and I DONT WANT IT20:02
marculeshi there20:02
slevenbash: which script.py: command not found20:02
GreedyBAnyone know the equivalent to peerguardian in linux?20:02
Flare183Decepticon: Well sudo apt-get remove it20:02
DecepticonGnea if i cant REVERSE my actions, this is just ... retarded20:02
=== nick_ is now known as Skky
fluxedI am writing a pendrive formatting script for Ubuntu, here it is: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ajqxlf  That is where I need a clue to 'eject' pendrives. I am actually trying to mount the pendrives manually after the format. Please read the script and tel me your opinions.20:02
Skkyanyone here play Call of Duty on Wine?20:02
DecepticonFlare183 if only i knew what pacakge it comae from and what its process is called20:02
GneaDecepticon: yes, but you're freaking out, and we don't put up with that in here. you need to respect that. if you will be patient, i will try to help you again.20:02
Decepticonill be patient now20:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about attiude20:03
FlannelDecepticon: Repeating your question over and over isn't going to get it solved.  Neither is getting angry.  Ask the question about every 20-30 minutes, and in the meantime, search the forums, google, etc.20:03
Th3Unkn0wnDecepticon, open yoru Synaptic Package Manager, and try removing and purge at-spi? It's an idea...at-spi is the Assistive technology program20:03
GneaDecepticon: are you familiar with the pastebin site?20:03
DecepticonTh3Unkn0wn ok ill try that, yes i am Gnea20:03
GneaDecepticon: alright, please pastebin the output of this command:  ps axf20:03
slevenif i dont use python before i get permission denied20:03
go_beep_yourselfwant to find a command with beginning with s and 3 chars long, something like this whereis "s??"20:04
George111Can anyone tell me how to execute forefront to recover .xls files from internal drive "dev/sda1" to usb hard drive "dev/sdc1"20:04
ikoniasleven: becauses it's a python script20:04
ikoniasleven: you need to use the python interperater to run it20:04
Gneago_beep_yourself: try #linuxnewbies20:04
fluxedGeorge111: Please clarify.20:04
benhellionis  anyone here good with WINE?20:04
go_beep_yourselfGnea-> linuxnewbies know about regular expressions?20:05
Flare183!wine | benhellion20:05
ubottubenhellion: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.20:05
Gneago_beep_yourself: ask them and find out.20:05
George111I-d like to recover a drive I accidentally quick formatted20:05
DecepticonGnea http://pastebin.com/m6ab5e76820:05
go_beep_yourselfGnea-> waste of time20:05
slevenikonia: yes but he said i could put #! /usr/bin/en python in the script and i wouldnt have to...20:05
GneaDecepticon: thank you, one moment please20:05
spazmFlannel: ran into another little problem when trying to upgrade... "No valid mirrors found" so I let the install-prog create it's own sources.list... but it still won't work..20:05
benhellioni need help setting up wine to play an MMO20:05
elupushi, are there git repositores for the xserver stuff for the ubuntu packages? i've found the debian ones, but are there any ubuntu specific?20:05
Flannelspazm: Doing which upgrade?20:05
DasEi benhellion: I#m no doc in that, but you might join #wine20:05
spazmFlannel: the one explained on the website20:05
ikoniasleven: no, just #!/usr/bin/python  at th efront20:05
spazmFlannel: I get a lot of these "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80]"20:06
spazmFlannel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades20:06
r00t_Flare183, it shouldent be busy20:06
Flannelspazm: Right, because you should be using old-releases.ubuntu.com20:06
George111I have the command line more or less, but I haven't been able to specify a folder in the external usb drive20:06
slevenfron of the script?20:06
sleveni run and get permission denied20:06
Flannelspazm: archive.ubuntu.com doesn't exist for Edgy (and possibly not for Feisty), which is why we switched your repos20:06
spazmFlannel: well I am.. and it says no valid mirrors found and that it can't continue unless I let it make its own sources.list20:07
r00t_Flare183,  theres no reason my sound car should be busy.20:07
spazmFlannel: I'll try again and show you20:07
r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e920:07
Flare183r00t_: huh Go an report a bug or post a thread on the forums, maybe you might get some help tehre20:07
Flannelspazm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/26418120:07
spazmFlannel: No valid mirror found20:07
spazmWhile scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the upgrade was found.This can happen if you run a internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.20:07
spazmDo you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all 'edgy' to 'feisty' entries.20:07
spazmIf you select 'no' the update will cancel.20:07
FloodBot3spazm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
TheHidd3n[INFO]Channel view for “#ubuntu” opened.20:08
TheHidd3n-->|YOU (TheHidd3n) have joined #ubuntu20:08
TheHidd3n=-=Topic for #ubuntu is “Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Intrepid help in #ubuntu+1”20:08
FloodBot3TheHidd3n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:08
TheHidd3n=-=Topic for #ubuntu was set by jrib on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:57:17 AM20:08
TheHidd3n[INFO]Conference mode is now enabled for this view.20:08
Flannelspazm: actually, that doesn't have a workaround, but this one does: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/23552720:08
GreedyBDoes anyone know the equivalent to peerguardian in linux?20:09
GneaDecepticon: this is going to sound odd, but please bear with me - does the icon remain if you turn desktop effects off?20:09
ripps!info moblock20:09
ubottuPackage moblock does not exist in hardy20:10
rippsGreedyB: moblock20:10
gandazgulanybody knows how to tell git to use my private key to autenticate with the server?20:10
racquadhi guys! i have recently upgraded to ubuntu 8.10 and mi wifi worked fine. but, few days ago, i did a dist-upgrade and it stopped.20:10
racquadthe ath5k module is gone!!20:10
GreedyBoooo thanks ripps20:10
MarsjaninHello. Please, help me: what I have to type as font name in Kaffeine with Xine? Default was 'sans' and work, also i randomly typed 'mono' ant that work; none other font name diddn't display any subtitles.20:10
melamsanyone know why my www folder doesnt give me write permission20:10
DecepticonGnea, ill check, do you want me to login/logback out etc?20:10
GneaDecepticon: sure20:10
MrSoundlesshi all, does anyone know if there is a WMLscript channel, or a channel where I'm allowed to ask WMLscript related questions?20:10
spazmFlannel: thanks, but what does it mean with "do-release-upgrade"?20:10
gandazgulmelams=: add yourself to the www-data group20:10
ikoniaMrSoundless: no20:10
MrSoundlessikonia, no for both?20:11
ikoniaMrSoundless: correct20:11
Flannelspazm: that's a command20:11
MrSoundlessikonia, any idea where I could get WMLscript help ? :)20:11
racquadany idea about the ath5k module?20:11
melamsgandazgul: Im a newb to ubuntu and linux for that matter... can u quickly explain how20:11
=== Raynes_ is now known as Raynes
MrSoundlesseven if it's non-irc20:11
spazmFlannel: ok so I do it all in the terminal instead of via the gui?20:11
gandazgulmelams: sudo adduser your_username www-data20:12
ikoniaMrSoundless: I've just said "no" - not here20:12
GneaMrSoundless: try searching google for:  ubuntu wmlscript20:12
Th3Unkn0wnto force upgrade to a testing of ubuntu inside of the desktop you do, "update-manager -d" ... what do you do if you are working on the server version to achieve the same?20:12
gandazgulanybody knows how to tell git to use my private key(ssh) to authenticate with the server?20:12
MrSoundlessgnea, non ubuntu20:13
MrSoundlessbut thnx both20:13
Flannelspazm: Likely.  Its easier to describe terminal commands, etc, through IRC or websites than to dscribe button pushes20:13
=== alberto is now known as Guest24669
TheHidd3nKnown Networks ChatZilla error Connected Networks <none>20:13
TheHidd3nURL irc://foo/bar Not Connected Lag <unknown>20:13
TheHidd3nURL irc://freenode/ubuntu Mode +tncLfJ #ubuntu-unregged 2,5 Users 1417, 1@, 0%, 0+20:13
FlannelTh3Unkn0wn: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, thanks20:13
TheHidd3nTopic Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Intrepid help in #ubuntu+120:13
TheHidd3nURL irc://foo/bar Connected via <none>20:13
FloodBot3TheHidd3n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
DecepticonGnea yes the icon is there20:13
Gnea!paste > TheHidd3n20:13
ubottuTheHidd3n, please see my private message20:13
DecepticonGnea, it is one of the first things that loads20:13
DecepticonGnea, it is one of the first things that loads in the systray20:13
GneaDecepticon: okay - have you turned the desktop effects off yet?20:13
DecepticonGnea, yes ive turned them off and logged back in20:13
spazmFlannel: understand... but I still don't understand how the workaround works... can't find any command called "do-releases-upgrade" nor an argument for apt-get that's called that either20:14
droopsta915is podcast made for ipods?20:14
army12bcwhat is hardy channel link20:14
melamsgandazgul: do i have to restart or something, bc the terminal said it was successful but it still is not giving me permission20:14
TheZealotanyone know how to completely remove mysql server from my ubuntu system so I can reinstall it and recreate the username and password and database?20:14
popeydroopsta915: what podcast?20:14
Flannelspazm: Do you have update-manager-core installed?20:14
gandazgulmelams logout and login20:14
roolyso does anyone else have this problem: when i play a game, it causes my computer to no longer open new programs like firefox20:14
droopsta915podcast on rythm music player, does it work on ipods20:15
gandazgulmelams: to make the groups effective you have to logout and login20:15
Ab3Lgood night20:15
spazmFlannel: guess not "bash: update-manager-core: command not found" only update-manager...20:15
popeydroopsta915: some ipods20:15
fluxedrooly: which game?20:15
roolyalmost any game20:15
roolyanything using opengl20:15
estehughi guys, wondering can someone help me out?i have intrepid installed on a usb disk. it works ok on my computer in work but it has issues with my laptop. I get to the login promp. I put in my details and the next screen i see looks like a commodore 64 loading screen. Can somone give me some advice how i can fix it?20:15
droopsta915whats the best program to use for an ipod?20:15
spazmFlannel: now I've installed it20:15
bttbdroopsta915, gtkpod, because nothing else supports gapless20:16
droopsta915is that in the apps?20:16
gandazguldroopsta915: I use amarok20:16
FAJhi in ndiswrapper, how can i change the driver from ndiswrapper to ath_pci?20:16
popeydroopsta915: i would recommend banshee-120:16
popeyFAJ: uninstall ndiswrapper?20:17
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FAJpopey:  i am using ndiswrapper to get on the internet now...20:17
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army12bcwhat's the best way to test a firewall20:17
=== MagH5 is now known as Zingzung
litelhi, I'm searching a alternative web browser, does somebody have an idea ?20:18
TheHidd3nKnown Networks ChatZilla error Connected Networks <none>20:18
TheHidd3nURL irc://foo/bar Not Connected Lag <unknown>20:18
Gneaarmy12bc: nmap it20:18
TheHidd3nURL irc://freenode/ubuntu Mode +tncLfJ #ubuntu-unregged 2,5 Users 1417, 1@, 0%, 0+20:18
TheHidd3nTopic Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Intrepid help in #ubuntu+120:18
binskipy2uhey guys, i was wondering, when you do a "dist-upgrade" will you still have any system tweaks you've done to the previous system.. such as swappiness, tuning the harddrive, etc?20:18
TheHidd3nURL irc://foo/bar Connected via <none>20:18
FloodBot3TheHidd3n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:18
Th3Unkn0wnlitel, Firefox and Iceweasel20:18
FAJhi how can i change the driver from ndiswrapper to ath_pci for wireless card?my ?20:18
arbirwhich is the distro for ubuntu which runs LXDE off the box, just like Xubuntu does for XFCE ?20:19
GneaTheHidd3n: that's really annoying.20:19
Gnea!language | Detroid20:19
ubottuDetroid: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:19
gandazgulFAJL look into modprobe20:19
litelTh3Unkn0wn, thx, firefox is starting to be TOO perfect for me :p20:19
FAJgandazgul: how so?20:19
rippslitel: epipany-browser, arora20:19
FAJor should i just remove the driver from ndiswrapper?20:19
Th3Unkn0wnlitel, rofl and I hear anything "too" is bad =(20:19
Detroidme russia20:19
gandazgulFAJ: man modprobe?20:19
GneaDecepticon: still looking into this...20:20
arbiranybody uses reiser4 ?20:20
finoupetit coucou a tous le mondes personne ne parle francais?20:20
Gnea!ru | Detroid20:20
ubottuDetroid: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:20
gandazgulFAJ: uninstalling ndiswrapper is a good idea20:20
Info73How do I change what $DISPLAY im using? (im making macros using xmacro) and i need it to record stuff OTHER than what's on display :0.020:20
Gnea!fr | finou20:20
DecepticonGnea im trying to purge at-spi paackaage20:20
ubottufinou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:20
magnetron!fr | finou20:20
FAJgandazgul:  should i just remove the windows driver to the card?  would that work20:20
GneaDecepticon: i'm not sure that's going to do it20:20
FAJand gandazgul i use ndiswrapper to get on the internet20:20
spazmFlannel: I don't get it :/20:20
DecepticonGnea you're right... it didnt do it20:21
arbirhey Flannel, how are you ?20:21
finouok merci bonne soiree a vous tous20:21
FlannelHowdy arbir20:21
MNGoldenEagleHey guys, I just recently installed Ubuntu on my computer and now whenever I boot I get an Error 22 from GRUB.  I have tried reinstalling GRUB to no effect.  Any recommendations on how to fix this?20:21
Flannelspazm: You need to manually edit some files mid-upgrade20:21
arbiri am good.. long time no see20:21
GneaDetroid: that's really not necessary.20:21
FAJMNGoldenEagle:  have you ever heard of super grub disk?20:21
Flannelspazm: this one might give you more step-by-step info: http://geckoblue.livejournal.com/222205.html20:21
FAJgoogle that, and try it out20:21
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:21
arbirFlannel: which is the distro for ubuntu which runs LXDE off the box ? just like xubuntu does for XFCE20:21
MNGoldenEagleI have, and I've tried using it, but the menus are very confusing for me.20:21
army12bci got nmap now i can't find it20:21
FAJMNGoldenEagle:  haha ya i had the same issue with it.  try it again20:22
ransomdoes anyone know where i can get a .deb of the broadcom STA wireless card drivers?20:22
MNGoldenEagleTry what again?  The Super GRUB Disk?20:22
Flannelarbir: No idea.  It's certainly not an official one.  LXDE isn't even in the repos.20:22
jacobw-ukhi i've just  installed 8.10 RC20:23
MNGoldenEagleFAJ: Okay, but what do I do with it?  I can't tell what menus will help me and what menus will break me.20:23
arbirFlannel: also have you been using Reiser4 ?20:23
jacobw-uki've got a few problems20:23
Flannelarbir: No20:23
Gnea!ibex | jacobw-uk20:23
ubottujacobw-uk: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu20:23
jacobw-ukyes i know gnea ;)20:23
Info73How do i open additional displays, other than :0.0?20:23
magnetronjacobw-uk→ then use that channeö20:23
FAJMNGoldenEagle:  try looking on the SUper GRUB disk site.20:23
arbirFlannel: i am not happy with ext3 performance, its slow... i was thinking of switching to either JFS , reiser3 or reiser420:23
jacobw-ukah, ok thank you20:23
FAJthat and read the help on the disk itself20:23
Gneajacobw-uk: then /join #ubuntu+1 and ask there20:23
army12bchow do i find nmap after installatoin20:23
army12bcused apt get20:23
magnetronarmy12bc→ you use it from terminal20:23
raheemanyone can help me to sync my htc p3400 with ubuntu ? it runs win ce, i guess20:23
Flannelarmy12bc: just type 'nmap' and it'll work20:23
FAJarmy12bc:  nmap has no gui originally.  the gui for it is zenmap20:24
Gritstone1Anyone using a Dell D830? I have it on mine and the fan keeps cutting in like it's too hot, even idling for a long period of time?20:24
FAJ!info zenmap | army12bc20:24
ubottuarmy12bc: zenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.53-3 (hardy), package size 786 kB, installed size 3272 kB20:24
Gneaarmy12bc: best to nmap from another system20:24
Info73How do i open additional displays, other than :0.0?20:24
army12bceven not found20:24
MNGoldenEagleFAJ: I tried looking on their site, but that confused me a lot too.  And their forum registration is broken, and their chatroom is deserted. -_-20:24
FAJMNGoldenEagle:  then go off of what the disc says20:25
FAJyou want to restore GRUB20:25
MNGoldenEagleFAJ: Well, I did reinstall GRUB, if that's what you're referring to.  It seems more like it's trying to load from the wrong partition, though.20:25
FAJo,... i dunno much about that... sorry MNGoldenEagle20:26
graingertMNGoldenEagle: sounds not good20:26
raheemhow can I synhronize my HTC P3400 with Ubuntu ?20:26
Info73How do i open additional displays, other than :0.0?20:26
hadi57hi, i  want to use my ubuntu and log to microsoft server where they use domain, how can i do that? any one here can help me?20:27
DecepticonGnea i dont really want to reinstall because of a handicap icon20:27
army12bcwhere is command for running nmpa20:27
=== dooglus_ is now known as dooglus
node357army12bc, do you mean nmap ?20:27
graingerthadi57: join #samba20:28
fluxedwhere can I get a wine-gecko deb package for 8.04?20:28
army12bcyes node35720:28
node357army12bc, try nmap --help20:28
node357army12bc, in console20:28
raheemhow can I synhronize my HTC P3400 with Ubuntu ?20:28
hadi57ok thanks20:29
velkoMNGoldenEagle, did you tried "sudo update-grub" in a terminal?20:29
graingertfluxed: wine-gecko install automagically on html render20:29
node357sorry, terminal/console20:29
Hoover_4000raheem bumb20:29
Th3Unkn0wnfluxed, check http://wiki.winehq.org/Gecko20:29
spazmFlannel: still doesn't work... after editing the sources.list mid-update and then saying "Yes" it tries to rewrite the sources.list anyway and fails..20:29
Th3Unkn0wnfluxed, it's explained right there, step by step20:29
jokerDecepticon: is it possible that your handicap icon was caused by the braille service being enabled? check System->Admin->Services20:29
Decepticonjoker i also took a look at that, its turned off20:30
GneaDecepticon: i'm still struggling with it20:30
Decepticonall i did was install gok, thinking it was a on screen keyboard, but all i got was a little box with some buttons on it that had nothing to do with keyboard, ever since then this icon has been sitting in my tray20:31
roolyokay...i think i know better what the problem with my machine is20:31
fluxedThanx, Th3Unkn0wn graingert!20:31
graingert!info gok | graingert20:31
ubottugraingert, please see my private message20:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bump20:31
graingertubottu: you havent sent one20:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:31
GneaDecepticon: aaaaah.....20:31
rooly#1, no sound works after running a graphically intensive program, and also, gtk-based applications no longer work correctly20:32
army12bckeeps tell me scan type not supported for spoofing source address20:32
graingertubottu: I know, and you just failed the turing test20:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
graingertubottu: you should revise...20:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
raheemHoover_4000: any idea ?20:32
elliotjhughi all, does anyone in here know where I'd get the source behind the default ubuntu main menu?20:32
George111 Can anyone tell me what command I use to execute forefront to recover files of an accidentally formatted hard drive.20:32
Gnea!botabuse | graingert20:32
ubottugraingert: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:32
George111I'd like to recover  .xls files from internal drive "dev/sda1" to usb hard drive "dev/sdc1"20:33
DecepticonGnea its ok, im just going to reinstall20:33
elliotjhugGeorge111: You'd probably need to find a dedicated program to do that - Linux.com has an article http://www.linux.com/articles/5658820:33
Guest50014Anyone have any expierence setting up a headset via bluetooth using kubuntu?20:34
raheemhow can I synhronize my HTC P3400 with Ubuntu ?20:34
Hoover_4000no ideas20:34
ikoniaraheem: you cant20:34
raheemikonia: thank you20:34
ikoniaraheem: it's a windows phone so pretty much none of the sync functionality works20:34
GneaDecepticon: that is so weird... i can't even get the wheelchair to appear on the desktop20:35
spazmFlannel: nevermind, got it to work... thanks for your help :)20:35
raheemi just bought it.. should've checked beforehand :(20:35
Hoover_4000raheem: i myself cant connect my treo to the computer20:35
raheemikonia: thanks anyway20:35
yellowrabbithey all - is there anything out there i can use for roaming wireless connection on my laptop?  Something that plugs in at init time perhaps to determine whether i am in the office or at home and set the wireless connection appropriately?  If so, and should it matter, work uses wpa_supplicant (WPA) and home, WEP -- should that change anything in terms of an answer.  Thanks!   (And no, i am not using GNOME.)20:35
Hoover_4000so i prefer to use windows20:35
pianoboy3333Is there a way to make a deb with checkinstall with python projects that come with a setup.py file?20:35
raheemHoover_4000: thanks a lot . i got windows as guest anyway ;)20:35
theJKHHow do i turn on pulseaduio again20:35
raheembye guys . it is midnight here20:36
Hoover_4000rahem: well works perfectly in mac and windows20:36
raheemi just hope some day we will find a solution20:36
GneaDecepticon: there must've been some other steps that you forgot about that got the wheelchair to get there in the first place.... i'm guessing that if it's really that much of a bother to you, i suppose reinstalling won't hurt too much as long as you have your data backed up20:36
Hoover_4000even the bluetooth on ubuntu doesnt work20:37
GenscherHoover_4000, it does work20:37
roolyit sure works20:37
Hoover_4000not for me20:37
GneaHoover_4000: works fine here20:37
KottizenHello! :)20:38
army12bcwhat's the best way to scan for an ip address20:38
Genschereven a no-name usb-bluetooth adapter20:38
GneaHoover_4000: what are you trying to get working with it?20:38
Hoover_4000my treo20:38
yellowrabbitping the broadcast?20:38
Hoover_4000it works perfectly in windows20:38
pianoboy3333Is there a way to make a deb with checkinstall with python projects that come with a setup.py file? I tried "sudo checkinstall setup.py install" but that did not work20:38
Gneanever used one of those20:38
velkopianoboy3333, no20:38
KottizenUbuntu is very good.20:38
yellowrabbitpianoboy3333: run the setup,pu script first then run checkinstall with just "make"?20:38
Hoover_4000also tried it on my old rarz it still doesnt work20:39
andre_dAnyone know why "rdiff-backup --exclude /home/*/.gvfs" gives me ListError user/.gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/user/.gvfs'? I've specifically tried to exclude that fuse file, but it still seams to look at it20:39
GneaHoover_4000: who's your provider?20:39
yellowrabbithey all - is there anything out there i can use for roaming wireless connection on my laptop?  Something that plugs in at init time perhaps to determine whether i am in the office or at home and set the wireless connection appropriately?  If so, and should it matter, work uses wpa_supplicant (WPA) and home, WEP -- should that change anything in terms of an answer.  Thanks!   (And no, i am not using GNOME.)20:39
Hoover_4000Gnea: what do u mean by provider/20:40
graingerttheJKH: pulseaudio -d20:40
hadi57hi, i am using aspire one, and my wlan not recognized, so i downloaded the madwifi hal 0.10.6 r3698. any one can help me fix the wlan driver?20:40
graingerttoothblue workz for m320:40
GneaHoover_4000: your cellphone provider?20:40
graingertHoover_4000: well durh20:40
graingertpianoboy3333: you may need quotes...20:40
FloodBot3graingert: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:40
Hoover_4000one is motorola and the other is palm one20:40
pianoboy3333graingert: ok20:40
K_DallasGood afternoon folks! Q: Should I wait till 8.10 upgrade to install OO3.0 ? Thanks20:40
pianoboy3333graingert: no it didn't work20:40
graingertpianoboy3333: oh20:41
GneaHoover_4000: uh, no, provider, not manufacturer. i know who makes them. who do you pay money to in order to get cell service?20:41
graingertwhat happens when you run it? pianoboy3333?20:41
mrwizardyeah, the pastebin mentioned in the guidelines is a dead link20:41
Hoover_4000Gnea: T-mobile20:41
pianoboy3333graingert: its pmed20:41
Decepticonok another question, when im tyrying to add a new device in bluetooth, ubuntu sees my device, but when i click it, at the bottom this text box comes up and it fills up with ;20:41
Decepticonok another question, when im tyrying to add a new device in bluetooth, ubuntu sees my device, but when i click it, at the bottom this text box comes up and it fills up with ;'s and the 'forward' button disables... and i cant do anyhting... what is this behavior and why?20:42
GneaHoover_4000: are you able to even sync with a pin?20:42
alberticohadi57, take a look at this page: http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo20:42
RomanianI have just upgraded to rTorrent 0.8.3, and now none of my keys work, i.e. D is supposed to increase throttle but it does nothing, C is supposed to decrease but it does nothing, arrow keys won't select my torrents, etc. Any ideas why?20:42
Rovindepressed again :(20:42
LunarEffectGood evening, guys! Can someone please help me with this weird problem I have? =)20:42
Hoover_4000Gnea: funny thing is right now the mouse and keyboard am tyiping on use the bluetooth to connect but ubuntu doesnt recognize the bluetooth20:43
RovinI've been trying for days to get this sound problem to work - how to cut off speakers when headphones are plugged in? Any ideas would be appreciated.20:43
philsfhow can I set the keyboard in en_US with deadkeys, so that c-cedilha works across libraries? I can get GTK and GNOME apps to print c-cedilha, but not QT or TK (like skype and amsn, respec)20:43
philsfthose print c-acute instead of c-cedilha20:44
Decepticonok another question, when im tyrying to add a new device in bluetooth, ubuntu sees my device, but when i click it, at the bottom this text box comes up and it fills up with ;'s ... if i hit other things on the dialog box, the ;'s start filling up from the beginning to end (pretty fast too), it also happens on the cancel button too20:44
army12bcwhat is command to mount an iso20:44
GneaHoover_4000: the protocol is one thing, how the protocol is used is a different thing. i can use my bluetooth headset to listen to music and for things like skype, but my razr isn't going to work because my provider shut some things off - if they hadn't, i could just pair it and i would be able to browse the OBEX20:44
George111elliotjhug: thank you for refering me to the article. Can you explain to me what this http://paste.ubuntu.com/62989/ means20:45
Romanianarmy12bc, sudo umount [ISOpath] [DIRECTORY], I believe20:45
=== Ferox is now known as FeroxJB
mrwizardMy X won't launch. (http://paste.ubuntu.com/62990/)20:45
Romanianarmy12bc, mount -o loop -t iso9660 ISOFILE.iso /DIRECTORY20:45
LunarEffectI'm having this problem: Ubuntu works fine on my PC, however, when I do anything network related (surfing the web, updating the system...etc) I have terrible fps drops and networkspeeds never exceed 20kB/s =( can someone help me with that please?20:45
graingertRomanian: army12bc: you only need iso path or directory20:45
Hoover_4000Gnea; in windows my bluetooth works flawlessly so i know its a problem with ubuntu20:46
graingertRomanian: army12bc: not both20:46
GneaHoover_4000: we don't care about windows here.20:46
FeroxJBLunarEffect: are you using IPv6 ?20:46
Romaniangraingert, do you not need to determine where the ISO mounts?20:46
gnychisi'm trying to install build-essential, but t has a problem with libc6-dev, when i try to install it i get: libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu4) but 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu6 is to be installed20:46
graingertRomanian: not to unmount20:46
velkoarmy12bc, "sudo mount -o loop=/dev/loop/0 /path/to/iso /mount/point" for mounting20:46
DextorionAnyone know of a good photo manager program?20:46
LunarEffectI turned IPv6 off earlier and the problem remained, I also just switched to wicd...same problem20:47
RomanianOh, sorry, he asked "mount". I gave it for umount first time 'round. Second one was the correct.20:47
FeroxJBWireless or wired?20:47
Hoover_4000Gnea: that was a way to tell you something needs to be done to ubuntu to make it better than windows20:47
RomanianI have just upgraded to rTorrent 0.8.3, and now none of my keys work, i.e. D is supposed to increase throttle but it does nothing, C is supposed to decrease but it does nothing, arrow keys won't select my torrents, etc. Any ideas why?20:47
FeroxJBWhat nic manufacturer?20:47
GneaHoover_4000: and that was a way to tell you that telling someone something like that isn't going to work that way.20:48
perilluxcan someone just answer a quick question.  I don't remember, but when using the Hardy Heron liveCD, did it give an option for a text based install without having to actually boot up from the CD first?20:48
Genscheri only hope that ubuntu display driver gets fixed before release20:48
Genscheri alsways get crippled display until i manually put driver="vesa"20:48
FeroxJBIs it built onto the motherboard ?20:48
graingert!ibex | Genscher20:48
ubottuGenscher: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu20:48
pianoboy3333graingert: velko: I got it to work20:48
=== cooldude|away is now known as cooldude13233
graingertpianoboy3333: oober20:48
LunarEffectno, its a usb one20:48
Hoover_4000Gnea: i know but then still my treo cant connect throught usb either20:48
TheZealotdoes anyone know a web-style way to manage your mysql database?20:49
philsfhow can I set the keyboard in en_US with deadkeys, so that c-cedilha works across libraries? I can get GTK and GNOME apps to print c-cedilha, but not QT or Tcl/Tk (like KDE/skype and amsn, respec). Those print c-acute instead of c-cedilha20:49
pianoboy3333graingert: I had to do sudo checkinstall python setup.py install20:49
Genschergraingert, hey i know how to fix it ;) I was only wondering because the same problem was in 8.04 :)20:49
LunarEffectI tried it in fedora 9 and it worked well20:49
GneaHoover_4000: and rightfully so, you should be more patient and learn how this works rather than assuming and expecting things to work just as well as windows right off the bat.20:49
FeroxJBNot sure, sounds like a driver problem.. sorry for the generic answer.  I had the same issues with my NIC but it was fixed once I updated to a new driver and disabled IPv620:49
army12bcok i don't understand sudo mount -o loop=/dev/loop/0 /path/to/iso /mount/point20:49
LunarEffectI see, thank you very much anyway, Ferox =)20:49
army12bchere is path20:50
gnychisi'm trying to install build-essential, but t has a problem with libc6-dev, when i try to install it i get: libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu4) but 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu6 is to be installed20:50
army12bc/home/george/.azureus/Documents/Azureus Downloads/Battlefield_2142-Razor191120:50
Hoover_4000Gnea: well am pointing out the things that need to be improved in ubuntu20:50
elliotjhugGeorge111: Sorry for slow response, try running "photorec_static" in a terminal once you have it installed - otherwise get back to me and I'll try and help you with installing it20:50
tyler_Can anyone tell me what Samba's default port is?20:50
Decepticonwhy do i have to 'enter password for default keyring to unlock' So that my wifi may work??20:51
GneaHoover_4000: and you're paying me how much to do something about it? right, now, if you want to troubleshoot this, you're going to have to give me something technical to go on here, otherwise this is all just a waste of time and you might as well go reinstall windows.20:51
graingerttyler_: /join #samba20:51
Hoover_4000Gnea: plus the only reason i use windows is because of games, that need direct x to play and open gl and stuff which apparentlu dont work in ubuntu, not even if i use wine, they dont work20:51
tyler_graingert: didn't work20:52
Decepticonwhy do i have to 'enter password for default keyring to unlock' So that my wifi may work? why cant it just do it automatically20:52
Blaenkhey guys what command can I do to get system specs20:52
gnychisi'm trying to install build-essential, but t has a problem with libc6-dev, when i try to install it i get: libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.7-10ubuntu4) but 2.8~20080505-0ubuntu6 is to be installed20:52
GneaHoover_4000: that's porbably because you aren't aware of the cedega program, which allows games to work in linux that require directx.20:52
RovinI've been trying for days to get this sound problem to work - how to cut off speakers when headphones are plugged in? Any ideas would be appreciated.20:52
Blaenkwhat program can I run in the terminal to see like the processor, ram, hd space, etc.20:52
Hoover_4000Gnea: just to point out to you i use both windows and ubuntu20:52
George111is there a room I can join for newbies20:52
Gnea!cedega | Hoover_400020:52
ubottuHoover_4000: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega20:52
tyler_graingert: I set up a file server with a spare drive in ntfs. The drive doesn't show over the network even after I set it to public access so I'm thinking my samba port is blocked by the router20:53
GneaHoover_4000: figured i'd point that out, since you seem to enjoy it so much.20:53
Hoover_4000ok can it run like fsx20:53
graingerttyler_: do you run firestarter?20:53
GneaGeorge111: #linuxnewbies20:53
George111thank you20:53
RomanianI have just upgraded to rTorrent 0.8.3, and now none of my keys work, i.e. D is supposed to increase throttle but it does nothing, C is supposed to decrease but it does nothing, arrow keys won't select my torrents, etc. Any ideas why?20:53
philsfhow can I set the keyboard in en_US with deadkeys, so that c-cedilha works across libraries? I can get GTK and GNOME apps to print c-cedilha, but not QT or Tcl/Tk (like KDE/skype and amsn, respec). Those print c-acute instead of c-cedilha20:53
GneaHoover_4000: that's an offtopic question, we don't support specific programs that aren't part of the main installation here.20:54
tyler_graingert: not that I know of. The server is running a default Hardy install.20:54
Decepticonhow do i make my wifi permanently at 54MB/s .... at startup its always 1MB/s and i have to fix it with 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M'20:54
graingerttyler_: hmm strange20:54
graingerttyler_: samba is not great for serving20:54
tyler_graingert: And i shut down the router's firewall and made sure it wasn't blocking ports20:54
graingerttyler_: try rsh...20:54
Hoover_4000Gnea: well i know you are 100% commited to ubuntu but am 50/5020:54
tyler_graingert: SSH is working fine, but I was looking for more of a drop box function and Unison isn't going to cut it20:55
thinkl00pIm trying to get my frostwire to work, i have to modify a hidden file. How do i show hidden files in ubuntu?20:55
GneaHoover_4000: are you done?20:56
billybigriggerafternoon all20:56
tyler_thinkl00p: ctrl+h20:56
LunarEffecthey billy ^^20:56
anders_thinkl00p, ls -al20:56
Hoover_4000Gnea: not yet20:56
tyler_graingert: can you think of a decent hosting program based on ssh?20:57
graingerttyler_: mount a drive using sftp20:57
IzinucsHoover_4000: What you don't seem to understand is this channel is for direct support of technical issues. A wish list of fixes and updates can be posted on the forums, launchpad bug support and brainstorm.ubuntu.com..20:57
graingerttyler_: use connect to network share20:57
tyler_graingert:i'll look into it20:57
Hoover_4000gnea: i have to pay F**** cash to get cedega so not worth it and i hear is a montly or something like that subscription20:57
Gnea!language | Hoover_400020:58
ubottuHoover_4000: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:58
GneaHoover_4000: obfuscating is the same thing as really saying it. don't do it again.20:58
Hoover_4000Sorry i have stopped20:58
IzinucsHoover_4000: check #winehq for direct compatibility of your games without cadega but WITH wine..20:58
GneaHoover_4000: if you can afford a treo, you can afford cedega.20:58
GneaHoover_4000: http://www.newt.com/debian/treo650.html  and this might help20:59
Hoover_4000Gnea: i got a treo for free for christmas20:59
graingertGnea: if you can afford a treo and cedega you can afford qdos20:59
GneaHoover_4000: must be nice20:59
Gneagraingert: heh20:59
Hoover_4000Gnea: i would not waste over 500 bucks on a treo i will instead buy a computer or ipod or ps3 or 36021:00
mrwizardI'm having horrible issues with X (http://paste.ubuntu.com/62996/)21:00
=== Raynes_ is now known as Raynes
GneaHoover_4000: true, it's so much easier to waste other people's money, isn't it?21:01
magnetron!ibex | mrwizard21:01
ubottumrwizard: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu21:01
SlimeyPetemrwizard: does virtualbox provide Guest Additions for Linux? I forget21:01
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r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e921:02
GneaHoover_4000: now please, if you wish to continue this discussion, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic21:02
Hoover_4000Gnea: as long as it isn't my money yaaa -_-21:02
mrwizardSlimeyPete: yes, it does21:02
onlinebaconhey, anyone have any idea how to make wireless work on boot? if I use network manager it doesnt, so I'm sure there is a way to do it with config files, my /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/62998/21:02
mrwizardmagnetron: thank you21:02
trollboy_so I've a Toshiba Satellite A205-S5804 and the wireless isn't working21:03
billybigriggeri was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction here on this whole visualization thing, basically i don't know the best route to go here like with vmware? server/workstation? or virtualbox? or do i pay for vmware or get the free version? i just want to have ubuntu as my os, and have winxp run on a vm, i have 4gb ram on my laptop so whats the best way for me to get this working?21:03
trollboy_It was working under the previous distro, but not the current21:03
mrwizardbillybigrigger: virtualbox is great21:04
billybigriggeris it another window manager? cause i like gnome21:04
mrwizardbillybigrigger: I don't know about your system, I have ubuntu as the guest on a mac, but I know it works well for me21:04
trollboy_I tried doing a live boot with current in case I was upgrade funkiness and it didn't see my wireless adapter at all21:05
Th3Unkn0wnbillybigrigger, virtualbox is a virtual machine application, just like VMware Workstation/Server21:05
billybigriggermrwizard: have you tried vmware and virtualbox?21:05
onlinebacontrollboy, what wireless chipset is it?21:05
billybigriggermrwizard: well whats easier to setup/use?21:05
mrwizardbillybigrigger: I use virtualbox but I've never tried vmware21:05
Th3Unkn0wnbillybigrigger, if you want free, try VirtualBox or VMware Player. If you want easy support for troubleshooting, buy VMware Workstation21:05
trollboy_Realtek RTL8187b21:06
Th3Unkn0wnbillybigrigger, I have used VMware Workstation for a few years now, and I think the process of it is very easy. Unfortunately, I haven't decided to try out VirtualBox yet, but I hear it's performance is great, which really doesn't say anything about the setup.21:07
trollboy_sorry onlinebacon I logged on from the laptop to ask, trollboy is me on my desktop21:07
George111is it possible for me to mount an individual file to the root directory21:07
onlinebaconoo ok :) i think you have to use ndiswrapper for it, are you using it?21:07
trollboy_I was21:08
* jagggy ls21:08
* jagggy help21:08
=== jagggy is now known as jaggy
MNGoldenEagleWhat is the username for the LiveCD?  It apparently failed to automatically log in, and now I'm stuck at the login screen.21:08
onlinebaconi searched and the only way people have it working is ndiswrapper i think21:08
Sladehey, is there any a/v plugin for pidgin so people can use a webcam?21:08
onlinebaconso you may want to try that :)21:08
ikoniaMNGoldenEagle: reboot and see if it fails again21:09
alberticoSlade, not that I know21:10
FastPuttyhello is it possible to limit a program to run only to 70% of cpu unstead of 100% ?21:10
FastPuttyor giving less priority?21:11
ikoniaFastPutty: you can't limit it very easy but you can lower it's priority with nice21:11
FastPuttyhow does nice work ? some quick sample?21:11
Decepticonhow do i make my wifi permanently at 54MB/s .... at startup its always 1MB/s and i have to fix it with 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M'21:11
ikoniaFastPutty: man it, but it's basiclly a priority number assigned to a proicess21:12
[biabia]is there a way to install ubuntu updates that require restart, without actually restarting the machine21:12
FastPuttynice ./app ?21:12
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ikonia[biabia]: you can install them bu tthey won't take an effect unti lthe restart21:12
ikoniaFastPutty: man it21:13
unopDecepticon, use a post-up command in /etc/network/interfaces  -- see the documentation for interfaces(5)21:13
IzinucsFastPutty: type "man nice" in a terminal21:13
onlinebacondoes anyone know how to get wireless working on boot?21:14
onlinebaconseems like no matter what i put in my /etc/network/interfaces it won't work21:14
alberticoSlade, try looking at skype, gizmo or wengophone21:14
IzinucsSlade also ekiga21:14
miklo_hi whats up?21:15
r00t_My computer has decided it no longr wants to play audio from games mp3s youtube etc,can someone give me a hand? http://pastebin.com/m36aa49e921:15
FastPuttynice +10 nano21:16
FastPuttynice: +10: No such file or directory21:16
ikoniaFastPutty: read the man page21:16
Sladei have skype21:16
FastPuttyi redad it and ittell me to use nice [range number] command21:16
mrwizardr00t: f***unicorns? An... odd... name.21:17
ikoniar00t_: you may want to consider your machine hostname when asking random people for hlpe21:17
RomanianI have just upgraded to rTorrent 0.8.3, and now none of my keys work, i.e. D is supposed to increase throttle but it does nothing, C is supposed to decrease but it does nothing, arrow keys won't select my torrents, etc. Any ideas why?21:17
billybigriggeri have a bunch of zips...all for 1 archive, ie 1.zip 2.zip how do i extract them all?21:17
Sladeare there any other AIM clients that will send webcam?21:18
Sladepidgin and Kopete won't21:18
Sladeexcept Kopete will send thru a yahoo account21:18
flatsGtk:ERROR:(/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkplug.c:182):gtk_plug_set_is_ch                                                                         ild: assertion failed: (!GTK_WIDGET (plug)->parent)21:18
SpetsRomanian: maybe hotkeys arent retained between updates21:18
SpetsSlade: kopete has webcam support, dont know if it works with Aim21:19
flatsAnyone seen this error.  Firefox keeps crashing with this error everytime I try to start meebo.   Gtk:ERROR:(/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkplug.c:182):gtk_plug_set_is_child: assertion failed: (!GTK_WIDGET (plug)->parent)21:19
r00t_ikonia, lol i didint even think of that. might have been a good idea not to let someone on lsd name a computer.lol21:19
flatssorry bout that21:19
mxweasAnyone here have experience installing ubuntu on a macbook pro?21:19
mxweasI have the new one21:19
ikoniamxweas: what's the issue21:19
mxweasAll the guides I find require me to use bootcamp or format the entire hd21:19
mxweasI need windows so bootcamp isn't an option21:19
mxweasand I have like 30 gbs of music that I don't want to get rid of21:19
billybigriggerhow do i extract a bunch of zips in a dir?21:19
christopherHey every need some help21:20
ikoniamxweas: you can boot windows from bootcamp can't you ?21:20
Spetsmxweas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam  There is also a chan for ubuntu laptop21:20
mxweasthats not the problem21:20
ikoniamxweas: so what's the problem ?#21:20
mxweashow do I install ubuntu21:20
christophergot an inspiron 1420, wireless was working, but now it just stoped21:20
tyler_dhas anyone been able to play an orb stream in ubuntu?21:20
ikoniamxweas: what part is not clear ?21:20
mxweasiono I can't find a guide that will show me how to install ubuntu without removing my windows or mac partitions21:21
mouseboyxchristopher, turn roaming mode, on them off again then try to connect.21:21
christopherchecked the driver, it's enabled, but says not in use21:21
ikoniamxweas: you use the partition tool to resize21:21
mxweason ubuntu?21:21
christophermouseboyx, how do i turn it on or off?21:21
ikoniamxweas: yes21:21
mxweasok thanks21:21
mxweasnow how do I boot into ubuntu on my mac once installed21:22
mxweaswill bootcamp show it as a bootable partition?21:22
mxweaslike it does for windows21:22
ikoniamxweas: bootcamp will manager your boot process21:22
mxweasI've heard bootcamp can only see mac osx and windows partitions21:22
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mxweasbut cool if that manages it than that's perfect21:22
mrwizardI would think that you'd need to install GRUB21:22
ikoniamxweas: you do need to install grub21:22
ikoniabut bootcamp should be able to boot grub21:22
mxweasok cool21:22
christophermouseboyx, When I open the network settings, it doesn't show wireless21:23
ejoseanyone knows21:23
mouseboyxoh, ok21:23
ikoniaejose: anyone know what ?21:23
ejosewhen the new ubuntu come out21:23
mouseboyxhave you tried rebooting?21:23
ikoniaejose: end of the month21:23
ejosethis mont21:23
mrwizardmxweas http://blog.mobiledude.com/articles/2006/08/20/apple-macbook-dual-booting-ubuntu-linux21:23
ejosei mean month21:23
Spetsejose: 5 days from now21:23
ejoseand is thre a vid somewere21:23
christophermouseboyx, you asking me if I've rebooted? I have several times21:24
ejosewere i can see a preview21:24
flatsAnyone seen this error.  Firefox keeps crashing with this error everytime I try to start meebo.   Gtk:ERROR:(/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkplug.c:182):gtk_plug_set_is_child: assertion failed: (!GTK_WIDGET (plug)->parent)21:24
ikoniaejose: search the web21:24
mouseboyxOh, ok tried reinstalling the driver?, christopher21:24
christopherhow do i reinstall the driver?21:24
graingertflats: join moznet21:24
mxweasmrwizard: thx21:24
[newnick]how do you remove a package with all its dependencies with apt?21:24
ikoniaflats: get support from meebo21:24
ejosehey ikonia21:24
ejosewho can i do the red thingy21:25
mouseboyxDid your wireless card start working when you installed ubuntu, christopher21:25
graingertchristopher: you might need to try rebooting21:25
ikoniaflats: seems obvious that the issue with with the meebo/ajax window21:25
ikoniaejose: red thingy ?21:25
graingertejose: eh?21:25
ejosethe private mesage21:25
ejoselike the ones you r sending me21:25
christophermouseboyx, i'm dual booting, it was working under ubuntu, but now it's not, it still works in windows21:25
ikoniawhat private message21:25
mee2easypass on21:25
ikoniaejose: I'm not sending you any private messages21:25
graingertejose: you say the persons name21:25
christophergraingert, I've rebooted several times21:26
ejoseikenia like this21:26
flatsWhat server?  freenode?21:26
graingertejose: you can tab compleate it if you like21:26
ikoniaejose: like what ?21:26
mouseboyxchristopher, ok, but did your wireless card work automatically when ubuntu was first installed?21:26
graingertchristopher: it was suposed to be ironic21:26
fat_rat!ohmy | ejose21:26
ubottuejose: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:26
simihi, in kde4 the shortcuts key do not work, so i need a easy to use application to set my laptop keyboards to control the volume of the sound. CAn you point me to such an application?21:26
ikoniaflats: he's not using bad language21:26
mxweasmrwizard: that guide requires using bootcamp to make the partition21:26
ejoseikenia: ok21:26
ikoniafat_rat: he's not using bad language21:26
christophermouseboyx, no, I added the dell repo's and an update installed the driver21:26
mrwizardoh sorry21:26
mxweasI've already used bootcamp to make my windows partition....21:26
mee2easyrun off21:26
mxweasThats my problem21:26
FloodBot3mee2easy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
graingertsimi: does not work either message me with answer if you get it21:27
mxweasif I can get the partition setup I can get the rest going hopefully21:27
flatsI didn't say anything21:27
RonzOnew ubuntu = AMAZING21:27
mrwizardmxweas: in that case, http://wiki.onmac.net/index.php/Triple_Boot_via_BootCamp_Ubuntu21:27
mouseboyxchristopher, do you know what the name of your wireless card Is?21:27
broadbandguys, anyone with an idea as to how i can read .pdb documents in ubuntu?21:27
ejoseikenia: i think i find21:27
christopherit's a dell wireless n21:27
mxweasmrwizard: thx21:27
broadbandguys, anyone with an idea as to how i can read .pdb documents in ubuntu?21:27
fat_ratikonia: ok then21:27
ejosea vid of ubuntu 8.1021:28
christophermouseboyx, it's a dell wireless n21:28
mouseboyxIs that all the information you have, it must be very specific, christopher21:28
graingert!flood | broadband21:28
ubottubroadband: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:28
mrwizardmxweas: you're welcome, I also use a mac, and I've been trying to get things going myself21:28
yamikelalguien habla espanol aqui ????21:28
mee2easychip sets on the inet sale21:28
Flannel!es | yamikel21:28
ubottuyamikel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:28
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christopheris there a way to find more21:28
ejoseyamikel: si yo21:28
Izinucsbroadband: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27013321:28
rfrawleyanyone know how to change the vga (or framebuffer) resolution on a mobility 7500? does the radeonfb have to be used?> i've heard had combatability problems with that. other options? i'm running intrepid-server on an evo n610c.21:28
mee2easylspci as su, and search for network chipset, luck21:28
mouseboyxyeah, what's your computer model number, etc21:29
christophermouseboyx, is a 142021:29
TJ-42is there an easy way to extract compressed files by dragging them into nautilus.  It seems like I should be able to, but nothing happens when I release the mouse key21:29
ejoseyamikel: yo hablo21:29
christopherit says this: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)21:30
ikoniaTJ-42: you need to double click them to open them21:30
mee2easybroadcom is predominently atherus, i believe21:30
billybigriggerin the cli how to i get a directory of zips to extract?21:30
TJ-42ikonia: yes but when it is opened, I can't drag the files inside the compressed file21:30
mee2easyshuld wurk, why come it dont wu21:30
Flannel!compression | billybigrigger21:30
ubottubillybigrigger: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression21:30
ikoniabillybigrigger: depends how they are compressed21:30
ikoniaTJ-42: because they are not uncompressed, just for "browsing"21:31
billybigriggerits like 1.zip 2.zip 3.zip but they all have the same 1 file21:31
[[thufir]]at what temp should I start being concerned about the CPU?21:31
ikonia[[thufir]]: depends on your model, check teh hardware guide21:31
christophermouseboyx, it says this: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)21:31
mee2easythey have a driver, compile it, and use ndiswrapper21:32
TJ-42ikonia: hmm, I was really used to that behavior in other OSes (windows and Mac)... so every time I want to extract the file, I must open the compressed file, click extract, browse to where I want to extract it to, and then choose OK?  It doesn't seem to remember where I last extracted to21:32
billybigriggerikonia: its 1 file expand over 70 zips21:32
christophermee2easy, how do i go about that?21:32
Spetscant you use b43_fwcutter?21:32
ikoniabillybigrigger: i don't know if the unziop routine will support spanning21:32
billybigriggerbut it seems like i have to extract every single zip by hand in nautilus, just wondering if theres a quicker way to do it in the cli21:32
christopherI hate to admit it, i'm a noob, I'm trying to learn, just need wireless21:32
mr_politeopinion - i have my /home on a sparat4e partition, after having to re-do settings for multiple users i finally decided i should create a /home partition so i dont lose all that when a do a clean install. does anyone here also have /opt on a separate partition?21:33
billybigriggerikonia: nvm, its 70 rar files in 70 zips21:33
mouseboyxchristopher, can you update again how did it start working in the first place?21:33
mee2easylet's see.  download, install build-essential via synaptic:  then, in folder of files, for net as su:  ./make ./make install and perhaps ./configure first21:33
ikoniabillybigrigger: rar is closed source, don't know about zip tools supporting spanning21:33
billybigriggerikonia: just need to know how to exract 70 different zips, i have the unrar part down21:33
ikoniamr_polite: why do you want /opt on a sepreate parttiion21:33
mee2easythen ndiswrapper, of course21:33
vegas_I finally decided to make the leap from ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 - All the drive mappings changed, is there a way to see what sda1 will be, and hdc1 will be etc?21:33
christophermouseboyx, I just tried a few minutes ago, it says I'm fully updated21:33
ikoniavegas_: no21:34
mouseboyxchristopher, how did it start working in the first place?21:34
vegas_ikonia: that's great - trial an error then?21:34
graingertvegas_: lol I hope you are looking forward to ibex in 3 days21:34
mr_politeikonia: because the stuff in there is not distro dependent and can easily be run on any distro/install as long as /home remains consisstant. its usually just games and SOngbird/Flock21:34
mee2easythat's worked by me in the past, but it's a new level of cumminication, wave===21:34
ikoniavegas_: trial and error with what ?21:34
ikoniamr_polite: so what's your question ?21:34
christophermouseboyx, I clicked the update button, in the hardware drivers, it shows that the driver is installed, just not in use21:34
vegas_ikonia: locating what the new drive names are21:34
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mr_politejust looking for opinion21:35
ikoniavegas_: drives are referenced from uuids21:35
ikoniamr_polite: opinions on what ?21:35
[[thufir]]ikonia: you mean the manual which came with the CPU for temp parameters, to see if the temp is excessive?21:35
ikonia[[thufir]]: correct21:35
mouseboyxcan you enable it in system > admin > hardware drivers?21:35
[[thufir]]I lost that stuff long ago21:35
mr_politeon /opt having its own partition21:35
ikonia[[thufir]]: it's normally on the web21:35
ikoniamr_polite: my opinion doesn't matter, it's more a case of it it meets your needs21:35
vegas_ikonia: my drives are encrypted via truecrypt - ubuntu wasn't able to recognize them to create uuid (I assume) - This means I need to find the names of my drives21:35
blip-hi, is the system boot theme called "usplash" ?     Where do i select usplashes from ?21:35
[[thufir]]how do I find what my hardware is?  lsub something?21:35
Flannel!usplash | blip-21:36
ubottublip-: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork21:36
graingert[[thufir]]: lshw21:36
christophermouseboyx, come to think of it, it did stop working after a kernel upgrade21:36
sayron_guys, how to install login splash new picture ?21:36
Blaenkhow can I see the current time in the terminal?21:36
[[thufir]]graingert: thanks21:36
graingert!info lshw | [[thufir]]21:36
ubottu[[thufir]]: lshw (source: lshw): information about hardware configuration. In component main, is standard. Version 02.12.01-2ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 309 kB, installed size 856 kB21:36
mee2easyand for gui, lshw -X with gui installed21:36
ikoniavegas_: you can assume that the primary disk will be sdsa, secondary sdb etc etc21:36
vegas_ikonia: thanks21:36
blip-Flannel: thanks21:36
mouseboyxIf everything is working perfectly I never do kernel upgrades.21:36
christopheris there a way to find out what kernel I have install now?21:37
Flannelchristopher: installed? or are using?21:37
ikoniachristopher: uname -a21:37
mee2easyuname -a21:37
vegas_christopher: uname -k21:37
fat_ratBlaenk: date21:37
mee2easyand yes it's hackable.  try grep rep uname21:37
mee2easywas once or sumpin21:38
DensuXhi all21:38
Blaenkthanks fat_rat21:38
DensuXsoundray: hey there, i fixed my problem an other way i installed Gag boot manager instead21:38
fat_ratBlaenk: check cal -y also :)21:38
christophervegas_ uname -k is invalid option21:38
Blaenkthanks again21:39
fat_ratBlaenk: np21:39
mee2easysaucer went down anyways, good show!21:39
haydnHey, Can anyone explain why/how Firefox is playing Flash without a Flash plug in installed?21:39
mee2easywe know it as drunks getting sik above the Marriot21:39
blip-Flannel: can you please clarify... so this command enables the theme "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u"... but where do i actually select the theme ?   i don't see any parameter in this commanmd specifying that... i'm using hardy which isn't mentioned on that page... but i don't want to make custom artwork, just select from what's already out there.21:39
ikoniahaydn: it's downloaded for you21:39
mouseboyxuname -r21:39
graingerthaydn: it has a plugin21:39
vegas_christopher: uname -r21:39
vegas_christopher: sorry21:39
graingerthaydn: called flash21:39
mee2easyjumpin and stay21:40
haydnWhy can't I see it in Synaptic21:40
graingerthaydn: you are blind, check about:plugins21:40
mee2easyled around 9 maj offenses, i believe21:40
mneptokhaydn: about:plugins21:40
mneptokhaydn: load that in Fx. what does it say?21:41
graingert*no offence to people who are blind btw*21:41
mee2easypilfer reed, or sump jump21:41
mee2easybring thoose bak21:41
christopheris there a way to see if the wireless card is on?21:41
rusty_Can someone get me some help with this? http://tinyurl.com/helppg21:41
Flannelblip-: on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto it walks you through the steps of creating your own.21:41
mneptokchristopher: iwconfig21:41
vegas_christopher: on? plugged in?21:41
silvestreneed some help21:41
mee2easydrain to off state via sudo halt -n keep the i on21:42
christophervegas_ it's an internal card21:42
yamikelalguien que hable espanol aqui ?21:42
Flannel!es | yamikel21:42
ubottuyamikel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:42
haydnmenptok: How can I uninstall/reinstall?21:42
=== petj is now known as Peter_30
christopher Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)21:42
christopherlo no wireless extensions21:42
christophereth0 no wireless extensions?/21:42
mneptokhaydn: what does about:plugins tell you?21:43
TheZealotAnyone know the name and location of the config file that says what services start on startup?21:43
christopherit's like my wireless card is not even turned on21:43
Flannel!bum | TheZealot21:43
ubottuTheZealot: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:43
graingerthaydn: go to that "page" and ctrl-f flash21:43
=== petj is now known as Peter_30
haydnI have two plugins installed to handle flash type files. x-shockwave-flash & futuresplash21:44
=== petj is now known as Peter_30
mneptokhaydn: no, that's a single plugin21:44
christopheris there a way that ubuntu didn't turn the wireless card on?21:44
mneptokhaydn: i suggest you look carefully21:44
TavoXIs there anyone with ubuntu 8.10 and intel hda audio that's got sound working?21:45
mneptokchristopher: most likely it;s a Broadcom with no free Linux driver21:45
haydnmneptok: In Synaptic?21:45
mneptokTavoX: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions21:45
FlannelTavoX: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks21:45
mneptokhaydn: no, in about:plugins21:45
TavoXok, sorry!21:45
christophermneptok, i had ubuntu on this laptop once before and it worked, and it worked on this latop under ubuntu21:46
TheZealotCan bum be used without a gui??21:46
graingertTavoX: I have21:46
mneptokchristopher: were you using fw-cutter or somesuch?21:46
FlannelTheZealot: you use update-rc.d et al21:46
TheZealotok thanks21:46
graingerthaydn: on firefox21:46
mneptokchristopher: so then use it again21:47
haydnmneptok: I only see three entries related to flash. One large category for flash and video/flv21:47
graingert!info fw-cutter | graingert21:47
ubottugraingert, please see my private message21:47
mneptokhaydn: how many *actual plugins* are listed there?21:47
TavoXgraingert, have you done anything in special to get it working?21:47
mneptokhaydn: do NOT cofuse plugins with their MIME type associations21:48
graingertTavoX: works out of box21:48
mneptokhaydn: and the answer to your original question is "you have the Flash plugin installed. that's why you can see Flash."21:48
Spetscristopher: "dmesg | grep kill switch"  will tell you if the software network switch is on21:48
TavoXgrangert, I tried the beta and updated it to last tuesday and it didn't. Which version did you install?21:49
haydnmneptok: If I have the flash plugin installed then why can't I see it in Synaptic or dpkg --get-selections21:49
christopherSpets, Switch: no such file or directory21:50
eliihello, how can I find out which version is available for a particular package?21:50
CYRmuy buenas21:51
CYRque tal gente21:51
mneptokhaydn: did you install it with Synaptic?21:51
mneptok!es > CYR21:51
ubottuCYR, please see my private message21:51
Flannelelii: apt-cache policy package21:51
chaddoes anyone know how to get the package libltdl3 to install in 8.10?  the package seems to be orphaned and i cant find the package that replaced it21:51
Spetschristopher: thats a good thing21:51
Flannelchad: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support21:51
christopherSpets, ok, what does that tell me21:52
mneptokchad: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions21:52
Spetschristopher: that your problem lies elsewhere21:52
haydnmneptok: I don't remember21:52
chadwhat is the package for 8.04 then ?21:52
christopherSpets, elsewhere, can ya give me a hint on where to look?21:52
mneptokhaydn: sudo updatedb && locate libflashplayer.so21:52
Spetschristopher: the driver is intalled, checked, in use, and then what?21:52
christopherSpets, the driver is installed, but it says it's not installed21:53
netsurf3hmm anyone know of a 1GB sata compatible memory with 100 or 200mbyte/s transfer speeds?21:53
eliiFlannel: thanks but actually I'm trying to install n old flah player version but it's not shown with policy21:53
Spetschristopher: lshw -C network21:53
netsurf3thinking of having an ultra charged kernel boot21:53
eliiFlannel: I'm looking for version 721:53
Spetschristopher: can you check that little box? Did you get the extract firmware gui?21:54
christopherSpets, I did21:54
christopherSpets, when it stoped working, i unchecked the box, rebooted, checked it and rebooted, nothing21:55
Spetsnetsurf3: ramdrive from gigabyte21:55
Spetschristopher: when did it stop working?21:55
haydnmneptok: Ok so that found it. Now how do I uninstall that. Or do I just delete it.21:55
netsurf3Spets, does the ramdrive have nonvolatile storage with it?21:55
christopherSpets, after the upgrade thing updated the kernel21:55
mneptokhaydn: found it *where*?21:56
=== tonswin is now known as tonsofpcs
mneptokhaydn: then it was probably installed via the package system21:56
mneptokhaydn: why do you want to remove it?21:56
TheZealotanyone know the netstat switch that only shows services running on network ports?21:57
haydnFlash will play a video but no sound21:57
DrkCodemanin /etc/network/interfaces what is "network" used for?21:57
mneptokhaydn: killall pulseaudio21:57
graingerthaydn: it 's a pulseaudio problem21:57
Spetschristopher: no, it has a backup battery21:57
* mneptok tootles off to TV world21:57
Dapsafter downloading gcc - with: sudo apt-get install gcc      -  where does it go? how do i use it?21:57
DrkCodemanwe setup a virtual linux server for testing and NAT is blocking all incoming connections21:57
christopherSpets, when I run lshw -C network, it shows the Broadcom Corporation Network controller is network UNCLAIMED21:57
FlannelDaps: You actually want to install build-essential, because you need more than just gcc.  And, gcc is a terminal program, so you invoke it with "gcc" (plus options, etc)21:58
haydnWhy does Ubuntu decide to push these packages on us. Network Manager does the same thing. Great support for morons, but the second someone with tech knowledge wants to edit something we've got to start pulling our systems apart21:58
Spetschristopher: when did this happen, and do you have the b_43-fwcutter installed?21:58
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:58
unopDrkCodeman, NAT does that by virtue of its operation - either configure your router/firewall to forward/open ports or don't use NAT21:58
christopherSpets, how do i know if I do, i didn't install it myself21:59
FlannelDaps: What are you compiling?21:59
Spets!christopher, it says on the lshw, and it will show up in synaptics21:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:59
DapsFlannel: so just type gcc ?? i tried... got nothing.. i will install build-essential now21:59
Spetschristopher: it says on the lshw, and it will show up in synaptics21:59
FlannelDaps: gcc is a program that isn't interactive.  So you'll need to tell it what you want it to do in the command itself.22:00
Flukeyguys, i have a problem :(22:00
Flukeyapt-get install apache2 returns22:00
FlukeyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:00
Flukey  apache2: Depends: apache2-mpm-worker (>= 2.2.4-3ubuntu0.1) but it is not going to be installed or22:00
Flukey                    apache2-mpm-prefork (>= 2.2.4-3ubuntu0.1) but it is not going to be installed or22:00
Flukey                    apache2-mpm-event (>= 2.2.4-3ubuntu0.1) but it is not going to be installed22:00
FloodBot3Flukey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
George111can anyone tell me how to format a usb drive sdb222:00
ikoniaGeorge111: use gparted if you want an easy tool22:00
FlannelFlukey: pastebin your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) and use the pastebin at paste.ubuntu.com22:00
George111it looks like the partition is locked22:00
christopherSpets, it's not installed22:00
ikoniaGeorge111: you need to lauch gparted with root permisions using gksudo22:01
George111great how do I do that22:01
Spetschristopher: try and install that and search around for chipset+problem22:01
ikoniaGeorge111: exactly how I've just told you22:01
DapsFlannel: well i had started to learn C++ some years ago when i was still in UNiversity.. in Windows.. but i stopped and i want to try again22:01
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
christopherSpets, search for chipset+problem?22:01
George111do I type gksudo gparted22:02
musikgoatGeorge111: alt+f2: gksudo gparted22:02
Flukeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/63011/ :(22:02
Spetschristopher: "broadcom BC43xx+not working+ubuntu"22:02
George111Unable to load file '/usr/share/gnome-panel/glade/panel-run-dialog.glade'.22:03
christopherSpet, where ya find that?22:03
FlannelDaps: Ah, alright.  You'll just need to learn how to use gcc then.  Or use a IDE that does it, etc.  Lets see about finding a gcc tutorial thing.  http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~beechung/ref/gcc-intro.html22:03
ikoniaGeorge111: is that fatal, or just a warning22:03
George111just a warning22:03
ikoniaGeorge111: ok, so don't worry22:03
andresmhhow do I remove the name of the day from the gnome panel?  I want it to say just "Oct 26 18:01" instead of "Sun Oct 26 18:01"22:03
Spetschristopher: you told me earlier i think22:03
George111it says could not display run dialogue22:03
christopherSpet, I didn't I figured it should work22:04
George111so I guess that-s fata. I'm running from the live cd22:04
ikoniaGeorge111: give it a minute see if it launches22:04
Spetschristopher:  Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)22:04
George111ok, thanks22:04
KNROAny packagers around?22:05
christopherYea, I said that, but I've also read that dell's repo has the driver, that's where the driver came from, and it was working22:05
magom3rl1nHello everybody22:05
ali_what kind of replacement can i get for logmein for ubuntu?22:05
Decepticonwhy do i have to keep authorizing my wifi... cant it just automatically put the password in22:05
DapsFlannel: thanks a bunch for that, i remember the hello world tutorials lol... But what i want to find out specifically is how to open the window where the actual code is written.22:05
magom3rl1ni had big problems with a presario F700 drivers :S22:05
FlannelFlukey: What version of Ubuntu are you using currently?  (lsb_release -a will tell you if you don't remember)22:05
Spetschristopher: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59690222:05
IntrepidI'm having trouble installing ubuntu on a laptop. It gets to one point in the livecd boot and hangs.22:05
FlannelDaps: gcc is just a compiler, your editor will be whatever text editor you prefer.  (Or you can use an IDE like anjuta or eclipse)22:06
magom3rl1nUbuntu didn't recognize the ath0 interface22:06
DapsFlannel: for example in Windows i used to use Code Warrior, and it was just as simple as clicking on the icon and there it is.. the open screen for me to start coding.. then i just pressed a compile button and it make it... well.. it made it work..22:06
FlukeyFlannel: Hardy 8.0422:06
Spetschristopher: its the wireless card in dell XPS M133022:06
DapsFlannel: ahh, i see... i am seeing the difference now22:06
Decepticonwhy do i have to keep authorizing my wifi... cant it just automatically put the password in?22:06
FlannelDaps: Right, that's an IDE.  Look into Anjuta, sudo apt-get install anjut22:06
ikoniaDecepticon: if you can't manage the principals of a file system - your going to struggle with learning c++22:06
FlannelDaps: er, sudo apt-get install anjuta22:06
FlannelFlukey: alright.22:07
Decepticoni dont care about c++22:07
graingert!info anjut22:07
ubottuPackage anjut does not exist in hardy22:07
christopherSpet, so basically I need to give up?22:07
graingert!info anjuta22:07
ubottuanjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.4.1-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1777 kB, installed size 4540 kB22:07
FlannelFlukey: wait, are you sure?22:07
FlukeyFlannel:  yups :)22:07
Spetschristopher: no, it will work22:07
christopherSpet, I'm reading the forum and not finding an answer22:08
FlannelFlukey: Since, those dependency errors don't agree with you, nor does this sources.list, do you have any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/?22:08
DapsFlannel: thanks :D22:08
Spetschristopher: reverse whatever you did when it stopped working. Are you running 8.10?22:08
WhatsinanameHelp please,  using nomachine nx server on 8.4 ubuntu.   My Vista client will not connect (even to test servers) error message is "can not initialize display service".  If I boot into safe mode nx client works fine.  Help.22:09
vmelohello, my panel background image is gone after updates, is it normal?22:09
delux25nabend gibt es ein program in den mann eintext einfügt und der program es vorlest22:09
Flannel!de | delux2522:09
ubottudelux25: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:09
FlukeyFlannel: nopes.22:09
FlannelFlukey: can you pastebin the output of `lsb_release -a` please?22:09
vmelono more panel background image??22:09
formodeHey, Flannel.22:09
FlannelHowdy formode22:10
formodevmelo, You can set Panel Background images still in 8.04.22:10
HalphaZcome posso cancellare tutti i files jpg da una cartella e da tutte le sue cartelle interne?22:10
Flannel!it | HalphaZ22:10
ubottuHalphaZ: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:10
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
magom3rl1ni also had problems with 8.04 effects with a radeon 9250 :(22:10
vmeloformode: yeah, but my background image is gone, were you using the default?22:11
formodevmelo, right click on your panel, select "Properties" and click the "Background" tab. You can there select images, shades, or system theme.22:11
monicawhen you install madwifi thru synaptic, where is the dir created?22:11
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:11
formodevmelo, Make sure to keep the background image for the panel in a safe place. :) If you delete it the panel cannot open it. :)22:11
FlannelFlukey: thats extremely interesting.  Sorry for being a nag, but I want to be sure, can you pastebin the output of this: ls -l /etc/apt/suources.list.d/ ?22:11
ali_how do i install  GZipped Tarfile  in ubuntu22:11
=== Narcissus is now known as Narc
FlannelFlukey: er, lets spell that correctly.  ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:12
Coder365_fellas I'm in xubuntu 8.04, and I can't get my menu to load22:12
Coder365_the menu bar at the top, that is22:12
Coder365_whats it called / command.22:12
monicawhen you install madwifi thru synaptic, where is the dir created?22:12
vmeloformode: ok, but I was using the default and it doesn't exist anymore... but that's ok22:12
FlukeyFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63013/ :S22:12
formodevmelo, The "System Theme"?22:12
musikgoatCoder365_: you could try killing gnome-panel, it should reload...  sudo killall gnome-panel  in alt+f222:13
vmeloformode: yeah22:13
FlannelFlukey: Alright then.  This is extremely odd, and I have no idea how you're on hardy with this sources.list, but that's fine, we can fix it.  go ahead and open your sources.list with sudo (alt-f2, then gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list) and I'll get you a new sources.list to put in there.22:13
formodevmelo, Was it a custom theme you used?22:13
FlukeyFlannel:  okies. thank you sir :)22:14
vmeloformode: no, the default, human22:14
monicawhen you install madwifi thru synaptic, where is the dir created?22:14
vmelovmelo: sorry, I'm talking about intrepid22:14
formodevmelo, Really? That's so odd. Can you choose "Solid Color" as the option, then select "System" again, and tell me what the error says?22:14
FlannelFlukey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63014/22:15
wiivile2ubuntu 8.10 come out when22:15
vmeloformode: I did it, no error, just the background image gone22:15
xompHi, I'm in need of resizing an NTFS partition. I am in my live CD right now and have GParted up but I'm unable to take freespace from my ext3 partiton and add it to my NTFS partition. Any help?22:15
FlannelFlukey: go ahead and paste that overtop of the stuff you currently have (so the file will be those three lines only)22:15
musikgoatwiivile2: its out on the 31st22:15
musikgoator the 30th?22:15
wiivile2but thats halloween22:15
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu22:15
wiivile2it cant come out on halloween22:15
wiivile2oh ok it snot coming out on halloween22:16
formodevmelo, You're aware that the Human Theme's panel background is just a greyish/white thing, right?22:16
vmeloformode: are you using 8.10?22:16
NaisenuWhat's the easiest way to reinstall grub after installing Windows? (I'm in Ubuntu Live CD mode right now.)22:16
FlannelFlukey: save it, then we'll take a moment before installing apache to get you up to date on your updates: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:16
FlannelFlukey: then once that's done, sudo apt-get install apache2 will work just fine for you.22:16
formodevmelo, I thought we were talking about 8.04. :)22:16
WhatsinanameHelp please,  using nomachine nx server on 8.4 ubuntu.   My Vista client will not connect (even to test servers) error message is "can not initialize display service".  If I boot into safe mode nx client works fine.  Help.22:16
FlukeyFlannel: thank you, i'll do that now22:16
vmeloformode: sorry, I'm using intrepid rc, there was a panel background22:17
graingert!ibex vmelo22:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ibex vmelo22:17
graingert!ibex | vmelo22:17
ubottuvmelo: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu22:17
formodevmelo, Ah! :) When did it disappear? After an update round or something?22:17
vmeloformode: that's it, after recent updates22:18
FlukeyFlannel: :D you wonderful man! :D22:18
formodevmelo, It's possible it's just broken for now. Give it a couple days.22:18
SpetsNaisenu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:18
NeIXeRubuntu 8.10 rtl8187b? good?22:18
monicawhen you install madwifi thru synaptic, where is the dir created?22:18
formodeFlukey, Flannel is great. :)22:18
vmeloformode: ok, thanks for your help22:18
NaisenuSpets: Thanks.22:18
feanorI'm desesperate! no way to make my soundcard working...22:19
formodevmelo, If you still have problems in 5 days, come back and ask again. You could also try changing themes, and changing back to Human22:19
musikgoatmonica: you can check in synapic22:19
feanorAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:19
monicait will tell me the dir?22:19
graingertfeanor: you could probably cut a hole in it, and blow accross it to get a tone....22:19
formodevmelo, It's worked for me :-P22:19
musikgoatmonica: go to the file you installed, and right click prop's and go to the installed files tab22:19
vmeloformode: ok, thanks, I was just curious, it's not a big thing :)22:19
feanorI've download the backport, but still doesn't work22:19
monicaok, brb, ty musikgoat22:20
netthi guys... i wanted to install a plugin for kaffeine but "make" gives me errs : http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/392577/ why is that?22:20
feanorgraingert, I'm addicted to music... I need to make it work22:20
musikgoatmonica: yw22:20
DekkardNet install build essential?22:20
graingertfeanor: you could probably make a neat make-shift drum out of it too...22:20
formodevmelo, No problem :D22:21
feanorthanks for your help grainget!22:21
magom3rl1nHello People... i tried to install the PPPoE Interface via the sudo pppoeconf but it doesn't recognize the modem... what can i do? i am running 8.0422:21
DropKickPhoenixHey folks, Is there a way to run the Vista on another partition THROUGH my running ubuntu install?22:22
Spetsmagom3rl1n: enable PPPoE in your modem?22:22
feanorgraingert, maybe your mother can help me...22:22
graingertfeanor: she is a music teacher...22:22
magom3rl1nit's enabled spets...22:22
graingertDropKickPhoenix: you use magic, also virtualbox does this, and you don't have to move into extra planes22:23
feanorso give me her number.22:23
definitelyHello, i installed cairo-dock, but there isnt any launcher in meniu, how i can run it ?22:23
LjLwhy do i get this slight feeling... like a completely offtopic argument going on22:23
LjLbetween feanor and graingert possibly22:23
DapsFlannel: Anjuta is like Code Warrior... but how do i compile one the code is written? i tried the hello code and its written, but how do i get to run it?22:23
DropKickPhoenixThanks Graingert, that's somewhere to start22:23
graingertLjL: omg22:23
movedxDoes anyone here use X-Develop?22:23
kikagageman Im hungry for some chocolate chip cookies22:24
daleanybody using quad monitor with ATI video cards?22:24
formodeLjL, I understand that. :)22:24
FlannelDaps: I've never used anjuta, sorry.  But there's probably a compile button around somewhere.  If not, the build menu looks promising.  (and probably has a keyboard shortcut, like f5 or something too)22:24
feanorok, I came here just for asking if someone here, had experienced the same problem as me22:24
feanorAudio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)22:24
feanorno working audio.22:24
feanorthe he started to laugh about my trouble.22:25
musikgoatfeanor: i saw others with that problem with intrepid, are you using intrepid?22:25
feanormusikgoat, I don't know, what's intrepid?22:25
Flannelgraingert: When helping, please be helpful.22:26
graingert!ibex | feanor22:26
ubottufeanor: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu22:26
musikgoatnew beta release of ubuntu22:26
kikagagefeanor: it's the newest version of ubuntu also known as 8.1022:26
graingertFlannel: danger is dangerous22:26
feanorno, I use 8.04 Hardy.22:26
monicamusikgoat: can you help me please, i am really confused22:26
graingertFlannel: I am stealing that as my tagline/personal message22:26
xompHi, I'm in need of resizing an NTFS partition. I am in my live CD right now and have GParted up but I'm unable to take freespace from my ext3 partiton and add it to my NTFS partition. Any help?22:26
musikgoatmonica: i'm not too familiar with madwifi, but how can i help?22:26
monicapm plz?22:27
Flannelgraingert: please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:27
kikagagefeanor: sorry if you've been asked but have you tried moving the volume sliders with the volume app?22:27
daleif anybody has experience with the ati fglrx driver and multiple monitors please check out my post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6039171#post603917122:28
CephisusDoes anyone have an up-to-date sources.list that I can take a look at please?22:28
kikagageI had a similar problem with my intel chip and i tried moving the sliders in the volume app and found that one was down22:28
FlannelCephisus: For which version of Ubuntu?22:28
Cephisushardy 8.0422:28
FlannelCephisus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63014/22:28
CephisusThe one on the wiki gave me a lot of errors, thats Flannel22:28
FlannelCephisus: which wiki page?22:29
xompHi, I'm in need of resizing an NTFS partition. I am in my live CD right now and have GParted up but I'm unable to take freespace from my ext3 partiton and add it to my NTFS partition. Any help?22:29
LjLCephisus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63035/22:29
IzinucsCephisus: http://pastebin.com/f7a98cb5622:29
smacnayAny recommendations on a decent laptop that is well supported by Ubuntu?22:29
graingertxomp: use windows to partition NTFSage22:29
kikagagesmacnay: dell/acer/asus22:29
xompgraingert: NTSFage?22:30
Tazstagday everyone. has anyone played with or got working a Intel Pro Wireless LAN 2100 mini PCI card? its for my dell Latitude D400 any help would be appreciated22:30
CephisusJust looking for in Flannel22:30
Izinucssmacnay: I use a dell vostro 1400 which works well.. upgraded with nvidia and the alternate wireless adptor.22:30
smacnaykikagage: thanks22:30
Flannelsmacnay: You'd probably be better off asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is mostly about support, not general questions.22:30
graingertxomp: NTFS partition, I wanted to type less22:30
graingertim off d00dz22:30
CephisusFlannel: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#sources.list22:30
smacnayFlannel: ok - sorry and thanks22:30
FlannelCephisus: Ah.  Don't use that wiki.  Use help.ubuntu.com/community/22:30
TigranGWhen I do sudo tasksel and choose to install lamp-server its just stuck at 0% and I see no hard drive activity.22:30
=== Justme is now known as Guest67812
darkvertexsmacnay: my toshiba laptop also works with ubuntu22:30
xompgraingert: ok, so I should create a new partition as ntfs then boot into windows and reclaim that freespace?22:30
=== NiaGhost is now known as Niamor
CephisusOkay, thanks Flannel22:31
Guest67812how do I use kde.. Im in gnome with ubuntu 8.04.1 but it isnt on the options menu22:31
graingertxomp: dunno22:31
graingertim off22:31
NaisenuErr okay I know I need to use the Troubleshooting partition of this wiki page (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Troubleshooting) ... but I also know my drive is not hda0 ... how do i remember what the drive is labelled?22:31
xomplol nice waste of time22:31
TigranGWhen I do sudo tasksel and choose to install lamp-server its just stuck at 0% and I see no hard drive activity.22:31
LynetIs anyone familiar with how the different install disks are built?22:31
IzinucsNaisenu: sudo fdisk -l to view different partitions22:31
xompanyone else want to try and help me? Preferring someone who knows what they're talking about?22:32
Tazstagday everyone. has anyone played with or got working a Intel Pro Wireless LAN 2100 mini PCI card? its for my dell Latitude D400 any help would be appreciated22:32
FlannelLynet: What's your question?22:32
feanorHow to make the Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) work in ubuntu 8.04 ?22:32
Guest67812how do I use kde.. Im in gnome with ubuntu 8.04.1 but it isnt on the options menu22:32
FlannelGuest67812: install kubuntu-desktop22:32
NaisenuIzinucs: sda1 ... thanks :)22:32
IzinucsNaisenu: np :)22:32
FlannelGuest67812: then you'll be able to choose at the login screen under "sessions"22:32
LynetFlannel: I'm trying to make a bootalbe usb-stick with lots of different (hardy/ibex, 32/64bit) install images as multiboot.22:32
Spetsfeanor: shot in the dark, check that output isnt muted22:32
Guest67812what is the kde download command in terminal.....   IT isnt in the sessions22:33
feanorSpets: ....22:33
IzinucsGuest24872: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:33
NaisenuThere isn't some easy GUI to just repair my grub is there?22:33
Genscherstartup theme managers are bad :(22:33
LynetFlannel: So just wondering if there is any documentation somewhere on how the different install minages are built.22:33
Daxxhow do i see what graphics card i have?22:33
RaylzNaisenu: sudo update-grub22:33
feanorI've installed kernel backport, but noway...22:33
Genscheruspalsh doesn't support more than 256 colors and splashy doesn't support custom progress bars22:34
Flannelxomp: ext3 partitions can only have their ends moved, not their beginnings.  Or at least, directly.  How big is your ext3 partition, and how much freespace do you have?  (and how much are you looking to give to windows?)22:34
NaisenuRaylz: Will that work if I'm currently running off the Live CD?22:34
Daxxhow do i see what graphics card i have?22:34
FlannelLynet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization22:34
mistercash_feanor, you could probably cut a hole in it and blow accross it to get a tone ....22:34
RaylzNaisenu: if you chroot into your partitions and mount proc and dev, yes22:34
Spetsfeanor: check bios, driver, levels, and google22:34
IzinucsNaisenu: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm#Re-install_Grub_with_Live_CD22:34
xompFlannel: thanks :) I have just freed up 16Gb from my ubuntu partition just now and it's unallocated. I was looking to take that 16GB and give it to my NTFS partition.22:35
Guest67812ok.....  its working,,,    thanks22:35
RaylzNaisenu: its quite easy22:35
NaisenuRaylz: You completely lost me on the chroot part stuffs22:35
Flannelxomp: How much space is your Ubuntu partition currently?22:35
feanormistercash_ thanks!22:35
Daxxcan someone help me i just got this laptop and want to know what graphic card it has22:35
IzinucsDaxx: lspci or sudo lshw from terminal will give you all kinds of info22:36
xompFlannel: currently NTFS = 41GB, Ext3(ubuntu) = 17GB and Ext3(unallocated) = 16GB22:36
RaylzNaisenu: you need to mount your partitions in your pc22:36
feanorAllright if you don't have an Intel card, and had to solve it, better keep quiet.22:36
Raylzthen you chroot into it (sudo chroot /path/to/disk22:36
NaisenuRaylz: Both the / and the swap?22:36
X4Dhello, I'm having some problems with RC ibex, first is that I cant get past GRUB, I get a kernel panic "aperture above 4GB..." I worked around that by removing 1GB of RAM (I had 2GB) and it get's past that point but I cant get into the login since m monitor doesn't receive a signal, I can however get into the console with alt+ctrl+F1, any suggestions to get things running smoothly? I've used ibex since the first beta in Virtualbox and it worked22:36
faultreporterhi all, just updated system to newest version and now the firefox searchbar no longer searches for terms i enter there - irrespective of search engine used - does go to respective site if no term is entered before search22:36
DaxxIzinucs wow where should i look to see the graphics card?22:36
feanorI'm just asking for someone with the same trouble, no to how to solve it...22:36
evan_how do you get the black from around the cairo dock22:36
Flannelxomp: If you shrink your Ubuntu partition to 16G, (and expand the other one to 17), you can then move your current partition to the later one, and then you'll have freespace next to NTFS, and you'll be able to expand it.22:37
RaylzNaisenu: are you currently in your livecd?22:37
NaisenuRaylz: Yes.22:37
IzinucsDaxx: look through the list and you'll see reference to agp or pcie or pci express.. etc.. the names will give it away too.22:37
darkvertex!ibex | X4D22:37
ubottuX4D: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu22:37
LynetFlannel: That covers customizing a livecd, nothing as far as I can see on how to put several on the same disk. And the -alternate disks seems to do things differently too.22:37
musikgoatfeanor: mistercash_ was booted, you can keep trying to solve your problem, but you may want to detail the problem again22:37
Naisenumy root is /dev/sda1 & swap is /dev/sda222:37
xompFlannel: ahh ok I think I understand now, free up the space at the beginning of my ubuntu drive! Gotcha thanks!22:37
evan_anyone know how to get rid of the black outline around cairo-dock22:37
FlannelLynet: alternate CDs use an installer that unpacks the packages on the disk to install them.22:37
kikagagefeanor: does your audio work while using the liveCD?22:38
RaylzNaisenu: lets do this via query22:38
FlannelLynet: are you just looking to be able to install both? or run them live?22:38
feanornon tested in live-cd.22:38
Izinucsevan_: it's in the properties section someplace..22:38
feanorI've the codecs properly installed... and drivers, I've checked the mixer, all ok.22:38
Izinucsevan_: right mouse click and choose properties..22:38
feanorbut no sound at all,22:38
evan_under configure22:38
Daxxizinucs i see PCI bridge  is that it?  sorry im new to ubuntu22:38
evan_is it in prefrences?22:39
Spetsfeanor: and the volume ;)22:39
=== rosajanerinegre is now known as txsb
feanorthe player start to play, non error, but no audio.22:39
NaisenuRaylz: Sure. No idea what the ID is for the Windows partition, unless it's that /sda322:39
LynetFlannel: I was thinking mini and alternate for all (hardy|ibex/32|64) combinations, plus a hardy32 live.22:39
feanoryeas, the volume too...22:39
faultreporterrepeat: just updated system to newest version and now the firefox searchbar no longer searches for terms i enter there - irrespective of search engine used - does go to respective site if no term is entered before search22:39
FlannelLynet: Ah, that should be easy enough then.  Just need to have both preseeds plus the packages.22:39
faultreporterany help?22:39
FlannelLynet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization22:39
=== rosajanerinegre is now known as txsdb
feanorI've seen in google that this card doesn't work, it told me to install kernel-backport22:40
feanorI did it, but still mute...22:40
IzinucsDaxx: do this.. sudo apt-get install pastebinit.. that installs a pasting service.. then type sudo lshw | pastebinit.. it may buzz and whirr for a sec then it will return with a web address .. right mouse click & copy then paste it here addressed to me.22:40
steve__can anyone one help, I can not get my happauge usb tv tuner to work...everytime I use tvtime it says no device /dev/video022:40
xomp!ibex > faultreporter22:40
ubottufaultreporter, please see my private message22:40
FlannelLynet: at least, for the alternate/minimal CD.  Minimal CD is alternate CD, except doesn't contain packages (and relies on the internet), the alternate will get packags from the internet if available.  So don't package the minimal CD separate, that's duplicated functionality.22:40
faultreporterubottu, thanks will see if i can find it :)22:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:41
kbrosnanfaultreporter: try clicking on the dropdown that selects the search engine and choose manage engines, choose restore defaults. does that help?22:42
LynetFlannel: So, same boot kernel/initrd, just stuff all the packages in the same directory tree and just pick different preseed files?22:42
spragieWhat is a good archiver for kde ?22:42
LjLspragie: "archiver"?22:42
darkvertexspragie: ark22:43
Izinucsspragie: right mouse click.. choose archive typically.. not sure what the default is but it might give you options. .. pick one.22:43
spragieArk seems to be giving me a lot of problems22:43
steve__can anyone help me to get me-tv to detect and use my usb tv tuner22:43
=== rosajanerinegre is now known as deasfd
mxweasok I have made a partition I want to install ubuntu on, it's 8gb and it's the third partition on my hd. How do I get ubuntu to install on it?22:43
LjL!tv > steve__    (steve__, see the private message from Ubotu)22:43
ubottusteve__, please see my private message22:44
mxweasI tried manual partitioning but I must be doing something wrong22:44
mxweasguided partitioning tries to make a new partition or use the entire disk22:44
darkvertexspragie: what kind of problem?22:44
DaxxIzinucs this is what it said.....    error no arguments specified!22:44
musikgoatmxweas: usually you want at least 2 partitions, one for / and one for swap22:44
musikgoatmxweas: but the swap isn't required22:44
spragiewell its deff crashed right now lol22:45
Izinucsmxweas: if you've created the partition then start the installer and when it gets to the partitioining part choose manual.. identify which partition is the 8gig one and tell it to install there.22:45
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:45
mxweasI selected it22:45
DaxxIzinucs and alot of stuff after22:45
mxweasbut it's only letting me mess with it22:45
mxweasshould I set that partition to bootable?22:45
theJKHHey guys how do i turn on pulse audio i had it on before but then  i dutnedit of so how do i get it back on22:45
spragiedarkvertex: how can i kill ark from terminal?22:45
CaptainMorgananyone know how to fix a screen that goes to a screensaver (laptop) and then freezes? if that makes sense.. but I can't get the desktop back, I have to hard boot to gain it back22:45
CaptainMorganbut I've turned off the screensaver... so I'm still not sure why it does it22:46
feanorsee you folks.22:46
IzinucsDaxx: k.. copy and paste this exactly .. ie.. highlight it then go to terminal and use the mouse wheel click or 3rd button.. sudo lshw | pastebinit22:46
darkvertexspragie: i believe there are other archivers, but i'm not familiar with them. sorry22:46
spragiedarkvertex: thanx22:46
IzinucsDaxx: nevermind.. I'm doing it wrong.22:47
DaxxIzinucs im on a laptop with only left and right click22:47
DaxxIzinucs  o ok22:47
DapsFlannel: so once u have a piece of source code written, how would u compile it without Anjuta ?22:47
IzinucsDaxx: hang on.. experimenting here.22:47
mxweasok I set my 8gb partition as the root partition22:47
DaxxIzinucs ok ty22:47
FlannelLynet: As far as I understand it, yeah.  You'll just tell debian-installer to install different versions22:47
mxweashow big should my swap space partition be?22:47
Hoover_4000now i need real help how do i get my flash drive to work22:47
CaptainMorgananyone know how to fix a screen that goes to a screensaver (laptop) and then freezes whenever I close the lid of my laptop?  if that makes sense.. but I can't get the desktop back, I have to hard boot to gain it back22:47
mxweasshould it have a bootable flag? Is it ext 3 journald?22:47
FlannelDaps: by invoking gcc manually.  Or writing a make file (which then invokes gcc)22:47
musikgoatmxweas: usually 2x your ram22:47
Hoover_4000help with flash drive22:48
mxweasah so another 8gb?22:48
musikgoatmxweas: but that is not really as necessary when you have 4gb of ram, how much ram do you have?22:48
smauhi all22:48
mousegood mo~ning22:48
mxweasI'm only using this install for simple linux stuff22:48
mxweasno guis or anything22:48
mxweasmore of a quick boot server thing22:48
=== smau is now known as _smau_
musikgoatmxweas: 1 or 2 gb is fine22:49
DapsFlannel: and how would u invoke it? i tried just typing GCC into terminal... is that wrong?22:49
mxweasso I can boot it host some stuff for a few minutes and shut it down22:49
mxweasmusikgoat: so make a swap space partition or no??22:49
Hoover_4000Anyone willing to help me with the flah drive22:49
xomp!anyone | Hoover_400022:49
ubottuHoover_4000: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:49
musikgoatmxweas: for your situation, its probly not beneficial22:49
mxweasso no swap space?22:49
musikgoatmxweas: no22:49
go_beep_yourselfi chrooted from a live cd and its not letting me run a gui app. is it possible? I tried putting DISPLAY=:0 first22:49
_smau_Daps: you need to invoke in terminal "gcc <filename>"22:49
mxweasI can always add it later and reformat22:49
Hoover_4000how do i make the pc sense it22:50
musikgoatmxweas: sure22:50
mxweasbut I'm sure it'll be fine22:50
Hoover_4000its plugged in but i cant acces it22:50
xompHoover_4000: do you have admin access on the system?22:50
xompHoover_4000: what type of usb drive?22:50
DaxxIzinucs if i disconnect ill brb internet sucks...22:50
Hoover_4000Xomp: sony22:50
go_beep_yourselfanybody please?22:50
go_beep_yourselfi chrooted from a live cd and its not letting me run a gui app. is it possible? I tried putting DISPLAY=:0 first22:50
=== timmy is now known as Guest33286
xompHoover_4000: what happens when you plug it in? Does anything show up in "Computer"?22:51
DaxxIzinucs ill brb have to restart22:51
Hoover_4000xomp: nothing happens not even a notification sound22:51
yoyonedgo_beep_yourself: what are you trying to do?22:51
IzinucsDaxx: k.. do this.. lshw > ~Desktop/Hardware.txt.. when it's done type.. pastebinit ~Desktop/Hardware.txt.. THEN paste the link here.22:51
Daps_smau_: thanks22:51
cloud-ieeeHoover, you can run sudo fdisk -l and find out what partitions are on your drive. If you see the partition called /dev/sbe for example see the size and if it matches up to this size of your flash drive you can attempt to mount it. with sudo mount /dev/sdbe22:52
xompHoover_4000: what shows when you go into "Places" > "Computer"?22:52
cloud-ieeeermm system not drive22:52
go_beep_yourselfyoyoned-> run a gui app from a chroot22:52
yoyonedgo_beep_yourself: what gui app and why?22:52
cloud-ieeeHoover, in terminal that is. The way xomp is suggesting is all graphical which is much easier.22:53
Hoover_4000xomp: just my harddrive mmemory card reader and they file system22:53
go_beep_yourselfyoyoned-> fix groups a user belongs to with users-admin22:53
yoyonedgo_beep_yourself: use usermod from cli22:54
perilluxwhat exactly is the server edition of ubuntu as opposed to the desktop edition?22:54
juanfer2kHEllo!!! GZIP messed up my console22:55
DaxxIzinucs ok im back22:55
IzinucsDaxx: k.. do this.. lshw > ~Desktop/Hardware.txt.. when it's done type.. pastebinit ~Desktop/Hardware.txt.. THEN paste the link here.22:55
theJKHGuys how do i turn on pulseaudio again?22:55
theJKHi turned it off now i forget how to turn it off22:55
yoyonedgo_beep_yourself: to add goups to a user : sudo usermod -a -G group user22:55
theJKHand what is pulse audio anyways22:55
IzinucstheJKH: type pulseaudio in a terminal22:56
theJKHwhat is pulseaudio anyways?22:56
theJKHdoes it need to be turned on22:56
musikgoatperillux: its usually directed towards headless installs, doesn't install a graphical desktop environment22:56
FlannelDaps: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~beechung/ref/gcc-intro.html will walk you through it.  You need to tell it what it's doing, etc.22:56
IzinucstheJKH: it's a sound "server"22:56
theJKHI had to turn it off for vmware22:56
theJKHso is it nessacary to turn it on22:56
=== Raynes is now known as RaIith
baioccoc 6?22:57
DapsFlannel: thanks22:57
Street_link to get to Firefox irc Please22:57
musikgoatStreet_: they are on their own server...  irc.mozilla.org i think22:57
FlannelStreet_: That's on irc.mozilla.org, and its #firefox22:58
perilluxmusikgoat: would it be possible to install a server edition (on a laptop that I intend to use as a desktop)  and then with that, later install the desktop environment??22:58
musikgoatperillux: yes22:58
zezueven with universe / restricted i'm still not getting acroread in apt-get22:58
Street_can I get on while Logged in here?22:58
DaxxIzinucs  when i type   lshw >  ~Desktop/Hardware.txt       it says  no such file or directory22:58
juanfer2khttp://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorgziphf2.png check this gzip error22:58
musikgoatperillux: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-destop22:58
yoyonedperillux: ues, I do that a lot22:58
Flannelperillux: You can also install the desktop edition, and then install server things.22:58
DapsFlannel: g++: hello.c: No such file or directory22:58
Dapsg++: no input files22:58
perilluxmusikgoat: desktop*  got it, thank you :)22:58
Flannelperillux: you'll want the generic kernel, instead of the server kernel22:58
DapsFlannel: where specifically should it be saved?22:58
perilluxFlannel: wait.. so the server edition comes with things that the desktop edition does not come with?22:59
FlannelDaps: Your current directory22:59
NaisenuRaylz: It worked ... except how do I make it so I don't need to press Esc to see all the options?22:59
Raylzit would be so nice if you could choose your environment at the installation22:59
IzinucsDaxx: copy and paste this.. middle button on a lappy is both right & left buttons at the same time.. lshw > ~Desktop/Hardware.txt... looks like you had too many spaces in your rendition.22:59
RaylzNaisenu: sec22:59
Flannelperillux: All editions merely come with different default packages installed, you can convert from one to the other, etc, at will.22:59
perilluxFlannel: and how do I do that?  "you'll want the generic kernel, instead of the server kernel"?22:59
afiefRaylz, that would require rather large disks, more like DVDs not CDs22:59
Flannelperillux: well honestly, I think it would be simpler to start with the desktop and then add the server things.23:00
theJKHwhen the new ubuntu comes out will existing users just be able to update to it sence it does not cost money????23:00
DaxxIzinucs same thing  no such file23:00
afiefRaylz, alternatively install a server and then apt-get [xk]ubuntu-desktop23:00
kitchetheJKH: yes23:00
musikgoattheJKH: yes23:00
juanfer2khttp://img126.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorgziphf2.png check this gzip error23:00
theJKHThank god23:00
perilluxFlannel: well I don't want the server things at all, I just want the desktop.  But I only have 650mb CD's.23:00
nstegeranyone here?23:00
DaxxIzinucs  if i just type lshw i get a whole list of things23:01
afiefnsteger, lots of people23:01
Flannelperillux: ah.  Use the minimal CD23:01
Flannel!minimal | perillux23:01
ubottuperillux: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:01
=== Nospiests_ is now known as Nospiests
nstegeri got questions23:01
musikgoatnsteger: 1344 people are yere23:01
Flannel!ask | nsteger23:01
ubottunsteger: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:01
IzinucsDaxx: it's suppose to create it on the fly. arg..23:01
perilluxFlannel: very nice, thank you :)23:01
flemitaa spanish channel?23:01
Flannel!es | flemita23:01
ubottuflemita: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:01
flemitaim from argentina23:01
Flannel!ar | flemita23:02
ubottuflemita: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe23:02
DaxxIzinucs should i format my laptop?23:02
IzinucsDaxx: if you have the whole list then highlight it and paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com ..23:02
noone00110011does any on e know a program I can use to transfer files to my blackberry???23:02
IzinucsDaxx: no don't format23:02
* afief wonders how many ubuntu channels there are on freenode...23:02
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:02
nstegerim wondering if i can switch from windows vista to ubuntu, where could i find all the drivers for my hardware easily? Im sacred and dont know what can happen23:02
afiefnsteger, you should use a liveCD, pop it in, reboot, Ubuntu will load *without* making any change to the installed system. if the hardware detection is fine with you install if not you better come here and ask first23:03
noone00110011does any one know a program I can use to transfer files to my blackberry??? would help me allot..23:03
magicrobotmonkeyare there recommended specs for ubuntu?23:03
kitchensteger: only place really is in the linux kernel itself unless a manufacturer actually releases linux drivers which you will be a lucky person if they do23:03
Uplinkhow can i do an nslookup on linux?23:03
xompnoone00110011: there is no such thing for linux unfortunantly.23:04
poutineI have an ubuntu 8.10 system, I used to run fallout in wine just fine, this most recent upgrade causes a persistent Xwindows cursor smack dab in the middle of the screen while I'm trying to run this game, any clue how to fix it? (I see fixme:dinput:SysMouseAImpl_Acquire Clipping cursor to (0,0)-(640,480) in the console logging)23:04
Pici!ibex | poutine23:04
ubottupoutine: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu23:04
noone00110011that suckss :(23:04
DaxxIzinucs ... how do i copy from terminal?   sorry for being noobish23:04
nstegercan i use ubuntu?23:04
afiefnsteger, so the drivers are in the Ubuntu disk itself, if they aren't there, they most likely don't exist23:04
Flannelmagicrobotmonkey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements23:04
UplinkDaxx: select, right click, copy23:04
afiefnsteger, as I said, try the LiveCD23:04
magicrobotmonkeyty, Flannel23:04
nstegerwhere would i get that?23:04
xompnoone00110011: there have been some small groups trying to make tranferring to and from a blackberry possible under linux but they have all failed iirc.23:05
Slikecan anyone give me a md5 checksum of ubuntu-8.10-rc-desktop-i386.iso, please?23:05
FlannelSlike: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/23:05
=== Administrator is now known as SamanthaGothLove
DaxxIzinucs ok i pasted it want the address?23:05
nstegerCan anyone help me with window vista?23:05
IzinucsDaxx: yes23:05
afiefnsteger, it is known as the "desktop CD" nowadays23:05
DaxxIzinucs http://paste.ubuntu.com/63052/23:06
afiefnsteger, for help about windows vista you should go to #Windows23:06
nstegerok i will23:06
InfoNutzubuntu lts8.04 with intel chipset 965gm on a lenovo t61 trying to get dual head working.  anyone have a xorg.conf file?23:06
IzinucsDaxx: yea! it worked.. hang on I'm looking23:06
SlikeFlannel: whoops, didn't notice it...thx :P23:06
DaxxIzinucs okay thanks again23:06
SamanthaGothLovean somebody please help me? I had ubuntu installed and then installed windows xp on a different partition and now i can't startup ubuntu i think i deteted the boot loader by mistake is there any way to install the boot loader with out having to install ubuntu from scratch?23:08
Pici!grub | SamanthaGothLove see the relevant link here23:08
ubottuSamanthaGothLove see the relevant link here: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:08
SamanthaGothLovethank you23:08
kitchethe Restore grub one of course :)23:08
SamanthaGothLovei'll come back if i can't do it on my own23:09
IzinucsDaxx: ok.. as you look at it you'll see two sections that begin with *-display:0 and *-display:1.. It shows an Intel Copr. 82852/855gm controller for a video card..23:09
DaxxIzinucs okay so if i want to update drivers thats what i would be looking for?23:10
go_beep_yourselfwhy does ubuntu have both /etc/group and /etc/group-23:10
IzinucsDaxx: so your card is an Intel 82852/855gm.. Intel is well supported in Ubuntu.. the drivers are built in but may not be activated correctly.. do you have bad screen resolution? like 800x600?23:10
IzinucsDaxx: or are you trying to activate all the cool graphics.?23:11
DaxxIzinucs no i am just trying to make sure the drivers are updated as much as possible23:11
go_beep_yourselfwhy does ubuntu have both /etc/group and /etc/group-23:11
mrrcpQuestion: How do install flash for Firefox23:12
mrrcpor the best way23:12
Odd-rationale!flash | mrrcp23:12
ubottumrrcp: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:12
Black_Magecan someone please tell me what version of gcc will be in the new ubuntu?23:12
LjL!info gcc intrepid | Black_Mage23:13
flemitawhat this gcc?23:13
ubottublack_mage: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.74ubuntu2)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.1-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB23:13
IzinucsDaxx: ok. if it's running and the compiz, the spinning cube thing, works then you're fine.. they either work or they don't.. Ubuntu has the latest driver for intel that was available at the time of the release.. occasionally they will push an update but not often.23:13
Black_Magethanks! :)23:13
cloud-ieeeHas anyone used the Ubuntu Live Usb tool? http://klik.atekon.de/liveusb/#download  <---I am creating the live usb and it has been saying 'please wait device is still active' for over 30 minutes. Shouldn't this be done by now??23:13
IzinucsDaxx: type glxgears in a terminal and see if you see the gears.23:13
DaxxIzinucs o okay my compiz works fine i was just checking if it was updated... gunna try and get some games onhere23:13
IzinucsDaxx: be aware that some games don't play well with compiz activated.. check out http://getdeb.net23:14
DaxxIzinucs sorry for the waste of time, but you help me learn more about ubuntu23:14
IzinucsDaxx: been there .. done that.. welcome.. It's a different mind shift from windows land. :)23:14
mrrcpwhat about for ubuntu 8.04 how shall i install flash for firefox?23:14
DaxxIzinucs  hehe  yes... yes it is23:15
mrrcpnever mind i see23:15
DaxxIzinucs whats the getdeb link for?23:15
IzinucsDaxx: one thing that helped me understand a lot was "Beginning Ubuntu Linux".. available at B&N.. getdeb is a link for the most up to date versions of a lot of the popular games..23:16
cloud-ieeeMrrcp, I usually go to www.miniclip.com since it is an flash enabled site. It will ask Firefox to install flash and you will receive the install flash prompt.23:16
chovyhow is aptitude different than apt-get?23:16
mrrcpits really not23:16
xompchovy: aptitude is kde's package manager23:16
TANATHOSaptitude is the program runs in shell23:16
puffchovy: aptitude is a work-alike to apt-get, but in some ways it's a bitmore user-friendly.23:16
Izinucsxomp: aptitude is also in gnome..23:17
DaxxIzinucs oh ty  im assuming my laptop specs are not the best so some games just wont run regardless23:17
DaxxIzinucs such as WarHammer... lmao23:17
xompIzinucs: I've yet to see "aptitude" specifically in Gnome, have only seen it in KDE.23:17
IzinucsDaxx: you'd be supprised.. if you're running compiz.. they will probably run.. if they are designed for windows it's anybody's guess.23:17
puffchovy: e.g. you would do "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-cache search emacs" and then "sudo apt-get install emacs22"23:17
Izinucsxomp: open a terminal and type aptitude.. it's always there.23:17
cloud-ieeeHas anyone used the Ubuntu Live Usb tool? http://klik.atekon.de/liveusb/#download  <---I am creating the live usb and it has been saying 'please wait device is still active' for over 30 minutes. Shouldn't this be done by now?23:17
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DaxxIzinucs are you familuar with WINE?23:18
puffchovy: Whereas you would do "sudo aptitude update" and "sudo aptitude search emacs" and "sudo aptitude install emacs22"23:18
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TANATHOSdoes aptitude run a x server? I am only using it in terminal23:18
chovypuff: cool. thanks23:18
FlannelTANATHOS: No23:18
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puffTANATHOS: No, aptitude is a shell utility.23:18
xompIzinucs: I can't be arsed to do such now but I'll take your word for it.23:18
flemitai got problems installing my Impresora.23:18
IzinucsDaxx: some.. for me it's a pain but it works for a lot of people.. check their site for win compatibility of specific games.23:18
flemitalexmark z32.23:18
TANATHOSif it does not run in x server it's futile to say that it belongs to kde or gnome, am I wrong?23:18
DaxxIzinucs so ihave to disable compiz to play some games? thats what you said right?23:19
Izinucsxomp: arsed?23:19
LjLTANATHOS: aptitude has nothing to do with X23:19
IzinucsDaxx: some yes.. you'll know23:19
chovyi just got an ssh "connection reset by peer" error when logged in via shell.23:19
TANATHOSLjL: I know that23:19
xompIzinucs: http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/can%27t+be+arsed23:19
TANATHOSI was just making a point23:19
LjLTANATHOS: so yes, it's futile to connect it to GNOME or KDE either.23:19
DaxxIzinucs will it crash compiz or just be a pain... ( sorry im about 2 weeks into this ubuntu adventure )23:20
Izinucsxomp: AH!  thus the difference between British english and American.. it has different implications here.23:20
LjLxomp: aptitude is not KDE's package manager. that's complete nonsense.23:20
LjLyou might be thinking of Adept.23:20
puffQuestion: my laptop hard drive failed, I'm using a live CD and it's doing okay, but does take a while to boot.  Once it's booted, I use suspend-to-ram to avoid rebooting, but eventually have to reboot (presumably stuff fills up my ram disk).  It looks like it's going to take another 2-3 weeks to replace my hard drive.  Any suggestions for ways to improve my life until then?23:20
IzinucsDaxx: It'll hang.. doesn't mean you need to reboot.. that's typically not necessary. there are other ways of closing a stuck program.. without taking the entire system down.23:20
xompLjL, ah that's right, it was Adept.23:21
mxweasI got ubuntu working on my macbook pro23:21
mxweasI used the server version23:21
DaxxIzinucs oh okay gotcha... well thanks for your time, you have been a big help23:21
mxweashow do I get ubuntu to use the macbook pro wifi card?23:21
LjLpuff: boot from a USB key or SD23:21
LjLand use that23:21
puffLjL: SD?23:21
IzinucsDaxx: no problem.. learn  what you need to do at the time you need to do it and it will stick.. :)23:21
TANATHOSsd card23:22
LjLpuff: Secure Digital card, many laptops come with a card reader for those23:22
puffI tried to build an ubuntu boot CD about eight months ago (for a friend), is it it easier these days?23:22
puffEr, ubuntu boot USB key.23:22
puffLjL: Ah.23:22
TANATHOSpuff: it was never hard as I remember it23:22
LjLpuff: if your BIOS supports HD-style booting of USB keys, then i think you can simply install Ubuntu onto the SD card as if it were a hard drive23:22
DaxxIzinucs, yeah i got sick of windows and wanted to learn something new   linux is actually quite the brain teaser at times but im digging it23:22
LjLUSB key, whatever23:23
Daxxalright later room,  until next time !  ::waves::23:23
IzinucsDaxx: you're where I was at 2 years ago.. since I have to have windows for some work sites and programs I run a version of win in a Virtual machine. Makes life easier.23:24
TigranGI just did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 and rhythmbox crashes when I launch it23:24
angel12-eeehey, anyone using evolution to connect to an exchange 2007 server?23:24
jariep1_hello all23:25
jariep1_i am looking for a software for organizing notes23:25
FreshUbuntuNoobjariep1_, Tomboy?23:26
TANATHOSjariep1_ : there is one in the mozilla package23:26
TANATHOSand one more in the ubuntu office software23:26
jariep1_FreshUbuntuNoob, is there anything available that will work in java23:26
Izinucsjariep1_: Tomboy.. built in23:26
jariep1_or in windows23:26
Izinucsjariep1_: check ##windows for windows programs23:27
TANATHOSjariep1_: search mozilla suite23:27
jariep1_Izinucs and TANATHOS23:27
TANATHOSgo ahead23:27
castillohow can i configure a broadcom 43XX?23:28
TigranGI just did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 and rhythmbox crashes when I launch it23:28
fattmoleyI'm looking for help getting an internal Sprint EVDO card working under Intrepid Ibex23:28
kernandois it possible to play ra rm and rmvb files??23:28
kc8pxyhow do i force ubuntu to forget about my on-mobo sound card, and only use the pci sound card?23:29
LjL!codecs > kernando    (kernando, see the private message from Ubotu)23:29
ubottukernando, please see my private message23:29
LjLkc8pxy: i guess blacklisting the module responsible for it (lsmod | grep snd) would be a crude but effective way23:29
[Solars]kc8pxy disable the onboard sound in your bios23:29
TANATHOSfattmoley : what kind of card23:30
Vantraxanyeon know what causes "Bad magic number in super-block while opening filesystem"  when running debugfs23:30
TANATHOSfattmoley: wireless, broadband?23:30
flice*hello :)23:32
||ChAoS||Anyone around that might be able to offer some suggestions on confuruing NForce2 audio stuff with a limited front end (mythbuntu)  I found an article but cant do some things based on the limited ui.23:33
fliceI'm trying to setup bridged networking on Ubuntu, per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox#Networking23:33
flicehowever, something doesn't work, and vbox says "Failed to initialize Host Interface Networking. VBox status code: -3100 (VERR_HOSTIF_INIT_FAILED)." on start-up. I also don't see "vbox0" in the output of ifconfig. what am I doing wrong?23:33
rfrawleyis it possible to upgrade from ubuntu server intrepid to xubuntu (the package xubuntu-desktop doesn't seem to exist)23:37
TANATHOSrfrawley: upgrade? what?23:37
jack__why canti mount my 16gb sd card? error readsmust23:38
axtr rfrawley install just the xfce23:38
jack__error reads must be superuser23:38
Zerothisis there a standard/proper way to setup a shared "public documents" that 'nobody' owns?23:38
TANATHOSZerothis: samba does that23:40
darkvertexZerothis: make thedirectory owned by root and give the sticky bit? like /tmp?23:40
uglyfroghey how do i change into a directory that has a space?23:40
axtrrfrawley:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop23:40
castillouse "folder "23:40
uglyfrog*tries and thanks!23:40
castillotry that23:40
kitcheuglyfrog: use " " or \ word23:41
Zerothisok, so no, there isn't I guess. I'll just keep the one I manually setup23:41
xaronIs it possible to install ubuntu on a USB flash drive with an encrypted root (using the alternate installer CD)?23:41
uglyfrogkitche, castillo , thanks. worked like a charm23:42
TANATHOSZerothis: that why we like linux, there is now proper way there is only your way23:42
Dulakmy way involves a sharp knife and a life chicken23:42
DulakI'm running out of chickens though23:42
castillohow can i configure a broadcom 43XX??23:43
TANATHOScastillo: that's a wireless network card?23:43
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:43
TANATHOSthat;s your answer23:44
axtrcastillo: http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/23:44
castillothanks all...23:44
wiivile2hi im thinking of installing ubuntu over windows but i have a question.. can it use the internet ?23:45
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ZerothisTANATHOS: Yes, that does have its appeal. But I like some of the things I configure to work for anyone else who wants to use it, without having to explain it. For instance, if someone adds a user to the church computer, that 30 people use, I want a "Public Documents" folder link to automatically be created on the desktop.23:45
bassohey hey23:46
FlannelZerothis: just change /etc/skel23:46
Zerothis Flannel: AH! there *is* a standard/proper way to do it. thank you23:47
flicecan anybody help with setting up the bridged network to VirtualBox? I posted the problem above23:47
ce_juteeeeexxxxxany body know what application that i should use to convert my picture23:48
seelecan someone help me find an older kernel package from a live cd?23:48
seelei've no idea where it might be23:48
Formodeseele, What Kernel version are you looking for?23:49
||ChAoS||Trying to follow steps here, with limited UI... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30076... can anyone tell me where the confir for step 2 and step4 are written?23:49
ce_juteeeeexxxxxany body know what application that i should use to convert my picture23:49
axtr flice: convert input.jpg output.png23:49
seeleFormode: whatever was on alpha 423:49
fliceaxtr: err?..23:49
Formodece_juteeeeexxxxx, Try Gimp.  Right click on the image and open with gimp :)23:49
Formodeseelee, Sorry, I have no idea.23:50
seeleFormode: do you know where the deb package is listed/downloadable in launchpad?  i tried looking there but i couldnt find it23:50
axtr flice oh sorry23:50
ArtificialSynapsHello, does anyone know a good client to monitor syslog files with that isn't syslog-ng?23:50
Formodeseele, I do not, unfortunately. Perhaps you could find it through Synaptic?23:50
ce_juteeeeexxxxxi meant is, my pict is more than 5,4 mb and i want it become 1 mb23:50
cafuegosyslog-ng isn't a monitor, it's a logging daemon23:51
Flannelseele: Do you not still have it installed? (did you remove it?)23:51
axtrce_juteeeeexxxxx: convert -resize 50% input.jpg output.png23:51
seeleFormode: bug 268565 so no networking23:51
Formodeseele, Ask flannel. :)23:51
ArtificialSynapsRight.. I'm looking for a command line based monitor of syslog output23:51
Flannelseele: Just choose the older kernel at your GRUB menu (you may have to hit escape after your POST screen to see your grub menu)23:51
seeleFlannel: fresh install no older kernels23:52
ce_juteeeeexxxxxok  i will try, but any application than that tool?23:52
Formodece_juteeeeexxxxx, again, GIMP will resize and all that. It's essentially linux's photoshop.23:52
Miyavix31I'm a linux n00b, but what the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-studio?23:52
seelehuh.. no bugbot in here23:52
Flannelseele: If you can find an alternate CD for alpha4, you can grab it from there23:52
Flannelubuntu 26856523:52
FormodeMiyavix31, Ubuntu Studio has alot of audio/video editing forware. :)23:52
LjLMiyavix31: ubuntustudio comes with a kernel and a selection of packages suited for audio/video/etc authoring/editing23:52
Formodemiyavix31, Nothing else. :)23:53
Miyavix31So they're the same thing, but studio has more pre-installed programs?23:53
seeleFlannel: yes, i have one.. i just didn't know how to get it off23:53
axtrce_juteeeeexxxxx: gThumb or the Gimp23:53
FlannelMiyavix31: yeah23:53
FormodeMIyavix31, Yes.23:53
TANATHOSI have a question now, is there any linux IM that supports a/v for Y Messenger?23:53
Flannelseele: do you have the alternate CD or the desktop CD?23:53
seeleFlannel: i tried adding the cd as an apt source, but the older packages weren't showing up23:53
seeleFlannel: live cd, whicever that one is23:53
Flannelseele: just grab the deb file from it, and use dpkg to install it23:53
ce_juteeeeexxxxxi have try but my desktop so hard to open my pict in Gimp. then appear words "not responding"23:53
FormodeTanathos, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78882223:53
axtrce_juteeeeexxxxx: Open your picture using GIMP (right click the picture and select open with "GIMP Image Editor"...or if it's not there, select "Open with other Application" and find and select GIMP)23:53
axtrThen select23:53
axtrImage-->--Scale Image-->....then adjust height and width...-->--press "Scale"23:53
seeleFlannel: right.. i couldnt find it.  do you know the package path?23:53
Flannelseele: LiveCD doesn't actually have packages on it (well, it has a few), you need the alternate CD23:54
seeleFlannel: oooh, that's probably why.  hmm. might have another cd around somewhere23:54
djdarkmanhello, does someknow know where can I get server related help?23:54
Flannelseele: you don't have to actually burn it either, you can just mount the iso and read it from there23:54
Flanneldjdarkman: this channel, and #ubuntu-server23:55
seeleFlannel: i have to download it somehwere else because it's a networking bug :)23:55
Flannelseele: that's correct.23:55
Formodeseele, Do you have an odler live CD? :)23:55
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uglyfroghow do you run an executable from terminal?23:55
uglyfrogjust type it out?23:55
FormodeAn .exe? Uglyfrog?23:56
Flanneluglyfrog: yep, and you can use tabcomplete too.23:56
uglyfrogno . its built for linux23:56
uglyfrogmhm *tries23:56
LjLuglyfrog: if it's in the $PATH, you just type its name.23:56
FormodeThen yes, type it out, Uglyfrog.23:56
seeleFormode: i have an official 8.04 disk.. will that have packages or is that a live cd too?23:56
LjLuglyfrog: if it's not in the path, you should think carefully about whether you actually want to run it in the first place23:56
unopAnyone (in europe perhaps) have an issue with evolution not taking into account the Daylight Saving change? All my appointments seem to be an hour ahead now - which is odd.23:56
Miyavix31One more question. What's the difference between MyUbuntu and Ubuntu?23:56
Flannelseele: No, that's the desktop CD as well (and wont have the proper kernel for intrepid)23:56
Formodeseele, Well no but if you can boot from a live cd you can use networking, perhaps?23:56
seeleFormode: oh, great idea.  yes, i have an alpha 4 cd23:57
FlannelMiyavix31: MyUbuntu?  or Mythbuntu?23:57
Formodemiyavix31, MYTHbuntu, is for mythtv. :)23:57
Miyavix31Er... all three? (To save me from asking more questions)23:57
uglyfrogjust typing it in doesnt work...23:57
LjLMiyavix31: no such thing as MyUbuntu. the only reference to something with that name i can find is a desktop theme.23:57
uglyfrogif i drag and drop and nail enter it goes just fine though...23:57
FlannelMiyavix31: Myubuntu (which I've never even heard of) is a third party spinoff, we don't support it, and have no idea.23:58
Miyavix31My mistake, I'm kinda tired.23:58
||ChAoS||uglyfrog: if your in the dir as the executable try ./myexecutable23:58
FlannelMiyavix31: Mythbuntu is a MythTV thing.23:58
Miyavix31Mythbuntu than23:58
FormodeMiyavix31, if your a general user, going for Ubuntu standard, or Kubuntu, is probably best. :)23:58
Miyavix31I prefer gnome, but thanks23:58
axtrMiyavix31: myubuntu is a gtk theme for youre desktop on ubuntu23:58
Formodemiyavix31, me too! :)23:58
uglyfrog||ChAoS||,  that did it. thanks much23:58
osiriscan anyone recomend a system monitoring app similar to gkrellm ?  what are people using for system monitoring lately ?23:59
||ChAoS||uglyfrog: you can fix that by adding ./ to the end of your path variable so it always probes the local folder last.23:59
FormodeAnyone know how to disable leave/enter notifications on Pidgin's IRC client?23:59
sfearswhile ubuntu is starting up.. loading the kernel drivers & such.. what log file can i look at to see the error messages??23:59
LjL||ChAoS||: and if that were a good idea, it'd be done by default. it isn't.23:59

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