
Riddellhugs to rgreening and a|wen for testing!00:07
Riddelland whoever adder1972 is00:07
ScottK-laptopRiddell: My 14 year old daughter is doing a dist-upgrade test for us.00:07
Riddellhugs to ScottK-laptop's daughter!00:08
ScottK-laptopRiddell: She could follow the instructions just fine and she's not very technical.00:08
rgreeningnp. still doing more.. just waiting fer dl to complete on DVD and CD00:08
rgreeninggj Riddell on the clear/concide docs00:08
* a|wen hugs rgreening, Riddell, ScottK-laptop's daughter :)00:09
ScottK-laptopa|wen: You stay away from my daughter.00:09
* ScottK-laptop doesn't allow that sort of thing.00:09
* a|wen is scout troop leader for kids that age ... they deserve a hug when they do something good :P00:12
a|wenScottK-laptop: and dist-upgrade testing surely is in that category :)00:12
ScottK-laptopThat's abusive parenting.  Different issue.00:13
ScottK-laptopIf launchpad is serving unsigned .dsc files, that's a problem, right?00:14
ScottK-laptopSomeone tell me if they see a gpg signature on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/dapper/+source/spamassassin/3.1.3-1ubuntu1~dapper1/+files/spamassassin_3.1.3-1ubuntu1~dapper1.dsc00:14
JontheEchidnathat looks pretty much like plaintext to me00:16
a|wenat least it is sent over a SSL connection with proper certificates00:17
ScottK-laptopActually it isn't.00:19
ScottK-laptopThat link will redirect to launchpadlibrarian which is http.00:19
a|wenoh ... that's bad then00:20
* a|wen thinks he should be notified by that by kate00:20
a|wenhmm; opening a http link from konversation doesn't work on a fresh 8.10 install ... after installing firefox opening links now works (they open in firefox)00:34
Riddellhow strange00:41
a|wenRiddell: seems ScottK know it as well, bug 27159800:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271598 in kubuntu-default-settings "In KDE4 Konversation, clicking on URL does not open Konqueror" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27159800:43
* NCommander needs someone to beat me00:45
NCommanderI broke KDE on lpia :-/00:45
NCommanderScottK, you floating around00:46
txwikinger2Where die the cube effect go?00:47
NCommanderI'm not responsible for the kde4bindings FTBFS!00:47
JontheEchidnatxwikinger2: patch was causing regressions so it was reverted00:48
JontheEchidnayeah :(00:48
NCommanderJontheEchidna, well, at least I determined I didn't break the lpia KDE (Soyuz did that on its own)00:49
* Hobbsee glares at the uni00:50
txwikinger2What's wrong with the Uni?00:50
Hobbseelooks like they've put in a harder firewall00:50
Hobbseelooks like they're only allowing 80, 443, and 22 only inside uni00:51
txwikinger2A firewall is just an invitation for circumvention00:51
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Hobbseethat's true00:52
a|wenHobbsee: ssh -D is your friend then00:52
Hobbseebut I can't even ping outside the uni...00:52
txwikingerwell.. stopping ping is easy00:52
Hobbseea|wen: how exactly do I use that?00:53
a|wenHobbsee: "ssh -D 8080 example.com" ... you now have a socks proxy on localhost:8080 through your ssh-connection00:54
txwikingeryou can also an ajax ssh aplication00:54
Hobbseea|wen: but, what port do i use to get into the example?00:55
txwikingerthe one that goes through the Uni proxy00:55
Hobbseeso 80 or 443.  right.00:55
txwikingerOr are you saying that they allow no surfing outside the uni anymore?00:56
a|wenHobbsee: start by issuing the command (replacing example.com with whatever your server outside uni is called) ... now open interned settings, tick socks proxy and write "localhost:8080"00:56
Hobbseetxwikinger: they only do on 80 and 443.00:57
a|wenHobbsee: oh ... the ssh -D only solves your problem if port 22 is open00:58
Hobbseea|wen: that's what I thought.00:58
txwikingerWell, you need to have a server outside that runs sshd on port 8000:58
txwikingeror 44300:59
txwikingerthat's how I did it before00:59
txwikingeror that has a firewall that does the reverse translation00:59
Hobbseetxwikinger: do i need to do anything special if i put it on 443?00:59
txwikingerYou can configure sshd on any port01:00
txwikingerAs usual, only root can allocate ports <100001:00
txwikingerbut that is the same as 2201:00
Hobbseestill no dice.01:01
Hobbseedebug1: Connecting to hobbsee.com [] port 443.01:01
txwikingerwhat is running on that port on hobbsee.com?01:02
Hobbseetxwikinger: sshd, it should be.01:03
txwikingerand you do ssh -p 443 <username>@hobbsee.com ?01:03
Hobbseetxwikinger: yes01:04
txwikingerwell.. that should usually work01:04
Hobbseethat's what I would have thought.01:04
a|wenHobbsee: you changed /etc/ssh/sshd_config and not /etc/ssh/ssh_config right?01:04
Hobbseea|wen: yes.01:05
txwikingerand restarted it01:05
Hobbseeoh, i suck.01:06
txwikingerAm I allowed to test it with my sniffer on?01:06
* txwikinger does not ping other peoples machines without permission01:06
* Hobbsee pokes a hole in the firewall01:06
Hobbseei win.  Thanks guys!01:10
txwikingeryou are welcome01:10
Hobbseeso I can tunnel over 443.01:11
Hobbseeahhh, nice konversation :)01:11
a|wenno problem01:12
Hobbseefor future reference, sudo ssh -p443  -fND 3456 user@host.com works.01:12
* Hobbsee has an evil thought01:14
Hobbseenow that i've proxied out...perhaps time to rsync the iso's again?  :)01:14
a|wenremember it should be the dvd iso ;)01:15
NCommanderhow goes things Hobbsee01:16
HobbseeNCommander: well, now thta i've managed to poke a hole thru the arcane uni firewall, which has got even *more* restricted before, pretty good.01:16
a|wenno more testing for me now ... goodnight everyone01:17
txwikingero/ rgreening01:19
txwikingerwhy :p?01:21
rgreeningno reason. just being funny ..01:22
txwikingerAh :)01:22
* rgreening is giving his hard drive a workout installing/testing these iso's01:23
Riddellanyone got any windows machines?  wubi needs testing01:24
* txwikinger wonders what a windows machine is :)01:24
* txwikinger has only one laptop atm01:24
* rgreening windows free since '9301:25
txwikingerWhere is MooDoo when you need him01:25
txwikingerprobably sleeping01:25
rgreening2.7 of 3.6 Gig dl of DVD...01:27
* txwikinger does not even try that01:27
txwikingerI have only 50kB/s atm01:27
rgreening8Mbps at home (Cable Internet)01:28
txwikingerIt is cable here too01:28
txwikinger500kbps or so01:28
txwikingerI need to get my own place again :D01:29
rgreeningI'm gettin 300-400KB on the DVD01:29
txwikingerI think you can get mobile Internet here with 2Mbps01:30
rgreeningthat not bad01:30
txwikingerand fixed up to 18Mbps or so01:30
nixternaloi, got a presentation on saturday introducing ibex to chicago...there is a lot of info on Ubuntu 8.10, but not for Kubuntu 8.1003:26
nixternalGNOME does much better marketing oriented release notes than KDE does I noticed03:26
rgreeningwe need writers/marketing doods03:27
nixternalI am one of the writers, but I think the marketing people control the release notes03:32
nixternalremember, devs != marketers...that's the problem with FLOSS03:32
* rgreening should have said weneed ""more""03:51
ScottK-laptop"Ubuntu Cruft Cleaner - Now 98% more efficient"03:59
vorianmy head asplode04:03
* rgreening still testing iso's... iso sore...04:06
* ScottK-laptop finally got the kid's computer booted in Intrepid.04:17
ScottK-laptopThanks NCommander.04:17
NCommanderScottK-laptop, I highly recommend you never turn that machine off :-P04:17
ScottK-laptopOf course I had to cannabalize the LCD monitor from my wife's computer to do it.04:17
ScottK-laptopYeah, well never ship a new kernel and I'll never reboot it.04:18
ScottK-laptopSo I cranked the resolution down.  Now I'll switch back.04:18
ScottK-laptopYou promised me a boot option to fix this ....04:19
NCommanderI don't know of any offhand04:20
ScottK-laptopOK, well I either plugged the monitor back in or bent a bunch of pins.  I'll know in a minute04:21
ScottK-laptopNCommander: There's a BIOS option for hard disk pre-delay.  Does cranking that up help here?04:22
ScottK-laptopAnd how is it usplash knows enough to determine the right display mode, but X doesn't?04:25
ScottK-laptopIt's back to display out of range again after the reboot.04:27
* ScottK-laptop reads man xrandr04:27
ScottK-laptopxrandr only works when you're in the running X session.04:31
* ScottK-laptop is running short on ideas.04:31
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Monitor specs say Max Resolution - 1600 x 1200 / 75 Hz04:35
NCommanderScottK, it reads it from a config file04:37
NCommanderScottK, you might need to manually hack your xorg file04:37
ScottK-laptopBut I don wanna04:37
ScottK-laptopOnce it boots again I'll look through the old ones and see if anything seems appealing.04:39
* NCommander nods04:39
nixternalScottK-laptop: boot into safe mode, go into system settings, and then advanced, and then services...uncheck that randr crap04:40
NCommanderYou probably need to set the resolution04:40
nixternalthat fixed my issues this week04:40
nixternalkrandr == shit04:40
ScottK-laptopnixternal: What did you install instead?04:40
nixternalI just disabled randr monitor checking in system settings and my monitor came back to life04:40
rgreeningintel vid cards rule in Linux04:40
nixternalthat they do :)04:40
rgreeningnever an issuew 4 me04:41
ScottK-laptoprgreening: That's what I've got.04:41
nixternalI had one, but that was a krandr issue04:41
rgreeningamy xorg error04:41
nixternalkrandr couldn't configure itself to save its own ass04:41
ScottK-laptopnixternal: I can't get into a kdm session to do that without switching monitors.04:41
ScottK-laptoprgreening: I've been throught reconfiguring04:42
nixternalScottK-laptop: you can't even set a bogus modeline in xorg.conf to let you in?04:42
rgreeningoh, is it a855 gm or older?04:42
rgreeninghmm.. should auto fine04:42
nixternalScottK-laptop: grep 'kcmrandrrc_display_applyonstartup' ~/.kde/share/config04:43
nixternaldoes it return true or false?04:43
ScottK-laptopAuto's fine with the LCD off my wife's computer.  Not with the monitor that's normally on it.04:43
ScottK-laptopnixternal: Will check04:43
rgreeningoh..nthatd edid04:43
nixternalyowsers, what does that say? :)04:43
rgreeningthats edid probing. disable it04:43
ScottK-laptopnixternal: False04:44
rgreeningTomb Raider Anniversary rox... oh Laura...04:45
ScottK-laptopWell none of the old xorg.conf's laying around do anything other than specif keyboard.04:46
nixternalsee if the kcmrandrrc [Screen...] lines are commented out in ~/.kde/share/config/startupconfig04:48
nixternalit is one of them damn randr settings..has to be04:49
nixternalmine are commented out in startupconfig....if that doesn't help, then boot up with the lcd and then try disabling that setting in system settings (re: my blog for details as well)04:49
ScottK-laptopthose are all commented out04:49
* nixternal crashes04:49
nixternalooh, ScottK-laptop try killing kded4 and then trying04:51
ScottK-laptopSwitching to the LCD now.04:51
nixternaloh :)04:51
nixternalalrighty, good luck on that...I am going to bed...have a stupid awards banquet to go to tomorrow night04:52
ScottK-laptopSleep is for the weak.04:52
rgreening42in Laura Croft oh my04:52
nixternalthat it is, and I am damn weak04:52
Greenerydid kubuntu update their xv video driver recently? cause when i play video on dragon player, it show black spots all over it05:36
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
davmor2Riddell: you know the wubi install that failed was that on you intel gfx system?09:32
Riddelldavmor2: no, ati machine09:35
Riddelldavmor2: have you tried it?09:35
Riddelldavmor2: it's very likely down to the lack of disk space, but I need someone to confirm that09:40
=== emonkey-t is now known as emonkey
Riddellnixternal: lastfm tells me you're listening to severed fifth :)10:34
Riddellkwwii: seen http://www.andreasn.se/blog/?p=88 ?10:53
kwwiiRiddell: that is somewhat silly10:59
kwwiipicking certain icons which just so happen to fit is not reality either10:59
kwwiiand how many large tango icons are there? and why are they not in the same theme?10:59
kwwiiI could go on and on10:59
kwwiiseems like andreas is trying to justify his fear away11:00
nixternalRiddell: always listening to severed fifth :)11:26
nixternaljust updated rockbox on my sansa, uploading my new tunes...getting ready for a busy day at work11:27
seelehmm.. can you guys start gwenview by clicking on an icon?11:51
seele"KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/gwenview'"11:52
seeleit looks like gwenview is in /usr/bin/11:53
Nightrosejcastro: http://pastebin.com/m46404696 <- wanted to give gwibber a try :/12:15
rgreeninglol. no svg12:17
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help topic'12:33
rgreeningkubotu: help topic12:33
kubotutopic add(at)|prepend|del(ete)|replace|sep(arator)|learn|restore|clear|set|undo: manipulate the topic of the current channel; use topic <#channel> <command> for private addressing12:33
rgreening~topic set "Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Only 2 days left! | Test test! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all"12:35
kuboturgreening, you don't have 'topic' permissions here12:35
rgreeningRiddell/apachelogger... I though someone said we weren't elitist .. lol12:35
* Hobbsee wonders what was wrong with /topic12:38
ScottKrgreening: That's just the bot discriminating.  You can change it as Hobbsee says.12:42
rgreeningoh. lol12:42
=== rgreening changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: set "Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Only 2 days left! | Test test! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all"
ScottKNow, in return, please fix my kernel problems ...12:42
* rgreening hugs hobbsee12:42
* rgreening slaps ScottK12:43
* rgreening ducks12:43
rgreeningScottK: what kernel prob12:43
ScottK-laptopFortunately I'm over here.12:43
rgreeningcodeweavers is taking a pounding today...12:44
echidnamanThis is my kernel problem: bug 26729512:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267295 in linux "2.6.27-2.3 fails to boot on Compaq Presario S6010V: " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26729512:44
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
ScottK-laptopMine is Bug 29015312:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290153 in linux-meta "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt (with Jmicron ATA controller)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29015312:46
ScottK-laptopLooks like I put it on the wrong package though.12:46
* Hobbsee hugs rgreening back :)12:47
usrHi! I am at Kubuntu 8.10 RC+, and I remember that in the Kubuntu wiki was wrote: Kubuntu 8.10 will come with KPackageKit, but it comes with Adept. Why?12:48
JontheEchidnausr: nobody said it would come with kpackagekit, at most it was said that we would look in to using it12:50
ScottK-laptopIIRC it's available if one wants it.12:50
JontheEchidnayeah, that's true too12:50
usrok, JontheEchidna. Thank you :-)12:51
mornfallusr: Ah, you have mailed me right?12:51
usryes, mornfall12:51
ScottK-laptop.kde only gets touched if a user has logged in, so if I'm going to revert to Hardy, the only user that's screwed is the one I've used, right?12:52
rgreeningJontheEchidna: your bug. could be a pci routing issue. have you tried moving the card to a different slot or enabling some of the apic/pci work-arounds...simply disabling the pci card seems to point in that direction. especially the preempt crash line. If the pci code is hung up, preemp could crash (I think)12:52
rgreeningScottK-laptop: should be correct. yep12:53
rgreeningnp. looking at your bug now...12:53
mornfallusr: Well, to reply here -- I'm not interested in PackageKit. I find it to be fundamentally flawed and I don't want to throw any time on it.12:53
mornfallYes, people are trying to come up with ways to make things like searching through slow, crappy dbus interfaces work, but that's something I'd just rather avoid.12:54
* rgreening hugs mornfall * thanks for all the work on Adept * +++++mornfall12:54
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Welcome to the Kubuntu developers channel | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs | Only 2 days left! | Test test! http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all"
jjessewell tell me how you really feel about it :)12:54
* JontheEchidna wonders how "set" got in the chan topic12:54
* rgreening hides...12:54
rgreeningJontheEchidna: my fault12:55
rgreeningdiff between ~topic and /topic... never removed the "set" from ~topic command12:55
rgreeningScottK-laptop: did this only happen once? or every boot?12:56
ScottK-laptopEvery boot12:57
ScottK-laptopExcept if I boot a hardy live CD, it's fine12:57
ScottK-laptopIntrepid live CD has the same problem.12:57
rgreeningstrange brew indeed12:57
rgreeningis it a SATA I or II drive12:58
rgreeningdo you have raid or lvm or encryption? or just regular ext313:00
rgreeningScottK: ^13:00
ScottK-laptopSATA I I'm pretty sure (it's ~almost 2 years old.13:00
ScottK-laptopRegular ext313:01
rgreeninglots seem to have the issue, but all with lvm/raid13:01
usrok, mornfall: thank you you for your answer. Adept 2.0 was slow, but 3.0 is very good, their search filter is very fast. Now it is even faster than synaptic. I think that you are doing a great work with Adept 3.0.13:01
ScottK-laptoprgreening: If you remember the Intel boards that wouldn't work in Linux for a while because Intel planned to ship with no ATA at all and slapped a Jmicron ATA controller on at the last minute?13:01
ScottK-laptopThis is one of those.13:01
rgreeningcheck the old hardy kernel and see if a patch existed for it. maybe it wasn't applied for the new tree... and should be13:02
ScottK-laptopOK.  Got network.13:03
ScottK-laptopActually it was an issue back in Gutsy, IIRC.  In Hardy it's fine.13:03
usrmornfall: thank yo13:04
usrthanks for giving us a better alternative to synaptic13:04
rgreeningScottK-laptop: I wonder if jmicron module isn't in initramfs. can you see if it is?13:04
mornfallGlad to be of help.13:05
rgreeningScottK-laptop: or isn't loading...13:05
ScottK-laptoprgreening: It's the SATA one it can't find.13:05
ScottK-laptopIt's a timing issue somehow because if I wait a minute or two and exit initramfs, the boot is fine.13:05
rgreeningyeah, cause something is probing and forcing the right module ot load. might need to force it manually/sooner... or add a rootdelay13:06
ScottK-laptopOK. If rootdelay does what it sounds like, that sounds workable.13:07
rgreeningtry rootdelay=40 on kernel line13:07
rgreeningfrom bug 27817613:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278176 in mdadm "Intrepid ubuntu server won't boot RAID1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27817613:07
rgreeningScottK-laptop: maybe we should add rootdelay to the failsafe kernel line for future...13:09
rgreeninglet me know if it works...13:10
ScottK-laptopI'd appreciate it if a German speaker would look at https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/11004 and see if maybe it's relevant to my problem.13:10
ScottK-laptopIt's been a long time since I had to look at menu.lst13:12
rgreeningScottK-laptop: I looked over that bug... I didn't see anything that stood out...13:13
ScottK-laptopOK.  Thanks.  It was one of the very few hits on D94513:14
rgreeningbut I dun speak it... just looked for the commands, errors and other english bits to decipher...13:14
ScottK-laptopSo where do I put rootdelay?13:15
rgreeningah, on the kernel line. try before the quiet13:15
* rgreening crosses fingers13:15
* ScottK-laptop reboots13:16
rgreeningI even crossed my toes13:19
rgreeningand eyes13:20
* ScottK-laptop will try 300 just to see if the idea is feasible.13:20
rgreeninggo spartans go...13:21
ScottK-laptopGot network automatically on that boot, so that problem is solved.13:23
rgreening30 worked?13:23
rgreeningif so, try 60. I think that was one of the suggestions in that bug I ref'd13:24
ScottK-laptopWaiting now.13:24
ScottK-laptopBIOS takes a LONG time on this box.13:24
ScottK-laptopIntel D945 was not a good choice.13:25
ScottK-laptoprgreening: 300 worked13:27
* ScottK-laptop tries 6013:29
rgreeningok, so, SATA or jmicron module is loaded to late... which is why a longer delay is required,.,.13:34
rgreeningat least you have a work around, just need to report to initramfs dev to look at13:35
ScottK-laptopSo it's an initramfs bug and not a kernel bug?13:36
ScottK-laptoprgreening: ^^13:36
* ScottK-laptop tries 9013:37
rgreeningScottK-laptop: I would suggest...13:37
ScottK-laptopYou suggest it's an initramfs bug?13:37
rgreeningpossibly. Try an older initramfs and do the update-initramfs -u with an older one and see if it works.13:37
ScottK-laptopSeems scary.13:38
rgreeningbut we devs deal in scary all the time13:38
rgreeningand its halloween13:38
ScottK-laptopI think for this morning, I'll be happy with rootdelay= some right number.13:40
* ScottK-laptop hands NCommander some rootdelay=13:41
ScottK-laptoprgreening: 90 works.  Thanks for the help.13:41
rgreeningScottK-laptop: np13:42
NCommanderAh, so that was it13:42
rgreeningupdate the bug and assign initramsf to it.13:42
ScottK-laptopOK.  Well it's a work around.13:42
rgreeningsee if they can reason why the delay is necessary13:42
ScottK-laptopI'm also going to release note it.13:42
rgreeningdon't send money, just crispy cream donuts... their icing is crack13:43
ScottK-laptoprgreening: What package does initramfs live in?13:48
rgreening1 se c13:49
rgreeningdpkg -L busybox-initramfs13:51
rgreeningI think that's the correct one.13:51
rgreeningScottK-laptop: might want to add initramfs-tools too13:56
ScottK-laptopI started there.  That one doesn't exist in Intrepid.13:57
rgreeningdpkg -S initramfs-tools13:57
apacheloggerrgreening: we are not, kubotu is13:58
ScottK-laptoprgreening: Nevermind.  I can't use Launchpad.  But we all knew that.13:59
rgreeningScottK-laptop: anything in /etc/modprobe.d/initramfs14:03
* ScottK-laptop looks14:03
ScottK-laptopFile doesn't exist14:03
rgreeningok. nothing blacklisted14:03
rgreeningI think the problem is initramfs-tools on further looking.14:04
ScottK-laptopOK.  Added that one.14:05
ScottK-laptopEventually something will stick.14:05
* ScottK-laptop moves on to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingXAutoconfiguration14:06
* rgreening thinks ScottK-laptop needs to download an older initramfs-tools and update with that one14:06
* jjesse is glad his upgrade to intrepid was as painful14:08
ScottK-laptoprgreening: It boots.  I'm happy.  Currently it only displays with the LCD off my wife's computer.  She gets back in town tomorrow ...14:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you should fix your HTML engine14:09
rgreeningI never seem to have any reall problems (other than the wireless hiccups during alpha)14:09
ScottK-laptopThis is the first time in a long time I've had any trouble.14:09
rgreeningScottK-laptop: :)14:09
rgreeningScottK-laptop: do you get and .xsession-errors or kdm.log or Xorg.0.log with an indication of what is detected/failed?14:10
rgreeningyou should pastebin them for me... I'll look14:10
ScottK-laptopJust starting to look.  OK.14:10
ScottK2I'm multiplying14:12
jjesseor cloning yourself?14:13
rgreeningRiddell: in the OEM GUI install, should we not link the Add/Remove or Adept in the folderview? and maybe have a quickstart readme on how OEM's can install/customize/brand (or a link to such docs)? Too late for Intrepid, but what about Jaunty14:14
jjessergreening: propose a blueprint?14:15
rgreeningyeah, will likely do that. I need to know what currently exists for OEM's. Then I'll gladly do up a spec.14:16
ScottK2I think my problem is that the graphics card will do more than the monitor and X is auto configuring based on just the card.14:18
apacheloggerryanakca: can we somehow get rid of the sidebar for the release news?14:24
apacheloggerlooks pretty supid14:24
apacheloggermaybe create a special content type and do some magic stuff to not display the left region for that type at all?14:25
ryanakcaapachelogger: on the left side? What would happen if a user thinks ``Oh, this is really cool, I want it'' while reading the release news but can't find the prominent download button14:26
apacheloggerthen we add a download button14:26
Riddellrgreening: seems sensible14:27
ryanakcaapachelogger: ok. and, got carried away with other things, before I stick on the planet, any objections to http://blog.ryanak.ca/archives/uncategorized/13 ?14:29
apacheloggerryanakca: 404 is a bit 404 :P14:30
ryanakcaapachelogger: gah, *unticks the private box*... try again14:31
apacheloggerryanakca: you are aware that we will end up with loads of nerdwork? ;-)14:32
apacheloggerryanakca: looking good otherwise14:32
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: the news needs some structure14:32
rgreeningRiddell: should I blueprint this up? A more fleshed out OEM spec... and is there any OEM docs out there for Kubuntu (or Ubuntu)?14:33
ryanakcaapachelogger: yes. doesn't mean we need to take it all, and if they use [Kubuntu Intrepid], it's good advertising :)14:33
apacheloggerryanakca: I doubt the advertisyness of nerdwork :P14:34
* apachelogger has a unique POV on nerdwork vs. artwork anyway14:34
jjessehow do you add a screenshot to a wiki? never uploaded an image before14:36
jjessewas going to upload my dekstop on my dell mini 914:36
ryanakcaapachelogger: there, fixed it up, better?14:37
ScottK2rgreening: It looks like the video driver is reporting back nothing about the display and so if the display can automatically cope, it's OK ...  otherwise, not.14:44
nixternal!info linux-image14:44
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB14:44
nixternal!info gcc14:44
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.62ubuntu6)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB14:44
apacheloggerryanakca: yus14:44
rgreeningScottK2: hmm... can you test the bad monitor on another system, see if problem follows monitor (could be we need to add it to the monitor db/list for detection)14:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: bug 211674 that actually sounds more like software-prop crashes which causes as crash in adept15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211674 in adeptmgr "Adept Manager crashes when you add bad URL of a mirror" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21167415:04
Riddellrgreening: sounds like a UDS topic15:19
nixternalare we gonna do some hacking at UDS in between the partying?15:23
* apachelogger giggles about the "partying"15:24
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nah, a bad sources.list crashes adept15:25
Riddellit's time best used for discussion rather than hacking15:25
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: immediately?15:25
JontheEchidnaback when I tested it, it would crash when reading state15:26
apacheloggernixternal: bug 24261415:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242614 in kubuntu-docs "package kubuntu-docs 8.04-3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24261415:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, then this a 2 layer problem15:26
rgreeningRiddell: where should I doc it then, if we want to add for UDS topic? LP Blueprint or elsewhere?15:26
nixternalapachelogger: I can't do anything about that right now....at work15:26
apacheloggernixternal: note it on your todo :P15:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: software-prop should only write valid sources.list and adept shouldn't crash on them15:27
JontheEchidnabrb, resetting router15:27
apacheloggerArby: for bugs fixed for KDE 4.1.3 please set intrepid-updates as milestone15:28
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
Riddellrgreening: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUDSJauntySpecs15:31
rgreeningty. I'll add it to the list.15:31
rgreeningRiddell: done15:36
apacheloggerkde bug 5339715:48
ubottuKDE bug 53397 in general "KDirLister::OpenURL(_url) don't concern about  the FileChanged of  "url" itself " [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5339715:48
rgreeninggood bug. hah16:23
rgreeningRiddell: for Jaunty, would it be beneficial to extend update-notifier-kde right-click menu for About, Help, and possibly show the dist/devel upgrade options (maybe via an advanced popup) to allow users to access the upgrade that way? Maybe make a persistant version of the icon for the systray?16:58
jtechidnargreening: ideally we would be able to make it into a plasmoid, I'd think17:03
jtechidnasorta like the new device notifier but one that displays updatable packages maybe?17:03
jtechidnawith clickly-pushy buttons to open up adept :D17:03
Riddellrgreening: I think it does have a menu option17:05
rgreeningright-click exists, but not populated with anything other than name and exit17:05
rgreeningthat's what I was thinking we could extend...17:06
rgreeningif you like the idea, I'll add it to the spec17:06
Riddellgo ahead17:06
rgreeningk. cool.17:07
nixternalhrmm, is there an issue with kubuntu and dvd's?17:07
Riddellnixternal: works for me17:12
jcastronixternal: last chance for openweek sessions!17:15
jcastroI know you want one!17:15
KDesk9.04 will use KDE 4.2? Then KDE 4.2 will have Extenders, Extenders could be used as a notify method. http://commit-digest.org/issues/2008-09-07/17:20
Riddelljcastro: you didn't convince apachelogger to teach us all ruby?17:38
ScottK-laptoprgreening: I picked the "Go to #ubuntu-x and beg for help from bryce" approach.17:47
rgreening-1 apachelogger for no ruby17:48
* rgreening ducks17:48
ScottK-laptopjcastro: Just sign him up and if he claims he doesn't remember signing up, tell him you suspect he was drunk when he did it.17:48
jcastrogood idea17:49
ArkoldThosanyone getting crashes when burning at k3b :S?17:49
ArkoldThosat intrepid17:49
rgreening+1 ScottK-laptop for being devious17:50
* ScottK-laptop has had a boss who was uncertain of his memory. That can be made to work for you.17:51
ScottK-laptopgotta run.  See you all later.17:52
txwikingerhi jcastro17:54
jcastrohi txwikinger17:55
nixternaljcastro: when is openweek?18:13
jcastro3-7 nov18:13
jcastronixternal: right after release18:13
nixternalunless I can do an openweek session at 19:00 or later CST, I won't be able to do one since I am at work18:16
jcastroNightrose: https://edge.launchpad.net/~jorge/+archive for intrepid and hardy, testing on kubuntu appreciated, if it doesn't blow people's stuff up I'll put those up in the official PPA.18:22
Nightrosejcastro: if you only changed the dep nothing should blow up here ;-)18:29
jcastroNightrose: you'd be surprised the things I can break.18:29
Nightrosefood now - will try testing it later18:29
jcastroI'll let it bake in there for a while, get some feedback and push it up probably later in the day18:30
* jcastro nods18:30
Arbydoes anybody have an nvidia card and use kontact calendars regularly?18:39
Arbyif so have you seen anything resembling bug 258611?18:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258611 in kdepim "Korganizer: Terrible delay in mouse action on calendar" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25861118:39
ArbyI can't reproduce it and no idea what might cause it18:40
rgreeningsoftware mouse rather than hardware?18:46
rgreeningnm. just read the bug. bad description... lol18:47
rgreeningArby: I have intel vid here. Can't reproduce. Could it be related to compositing/shadows under KDE or Compiz? e.g. one of the plugins causing an issue?18:53
Arbyrgreening: not sure about visual effects, I was wondering of it was an X or graphics problem but then other apps don't do it.18:54
rgreeningArby: It's still possible it's in other apps, just not as noticeable. I posted a comment anyway. Get some additional details from the reporters18:56
rgreeningI have seen noticable slowdown on my intel with shadow/transparancy both enabled. I have disabled both, and it's all good.18:58
rgreeningcould be reasonable to assume they have these on and it could be part of the issue.18:58
Arbymaybe I'm crediting the user with too much intelligence :)19:01
ArbyI'd take it as a given to turn those off19:01
rgreeningcardinal rule #1...19:06
rgreening~facts about assume19:06
kubotu[13/13] rule #1 of tech support - never assume as it makes an 'ass' out of 'u' & 'me'19:06
Arbyheard it before :)19:10
Arbyanybody know at what point ktimetracker replaced Karm?19:11
Arbystart of 4.x?19:11
* Arby pokes around in launchpad19:12
Arbyseems to appear around 4.119:14
jtechidnathat was when kdepim was introduced, so it makes sense19:15
Arbyhere's a fun one :) bug 19845819:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198458 in kdepim "Installing a network bridge broke kioslaves" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19845819:23
ArbyI'm with the user, where to start?19:23
Arbyis that really kdepim's fault, and is it a KDE bug at all or should I blame virtualbox?19:24
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a|wenArby: testing the same within a new virtualbox and see if it changes things could possibly discard kdepim if it works19:43
Arbya|wen: I have no idea how to configure the sort of network setup he describes19:44
a|wenArby: oh ... it is a rather old bug also, so i would consider it reasonable to ask if the same thing happens when using hardy (or newer) as either host or guest or both19:47
Arbyfair enough19:48
JontheEchidnayeah, the ping-and-hope-they-don't-respond trick works everytime! ;D19:52
JontheEchidnaexcept when it doesn't, then, sucks to be the triager19:52
a|wenluckily it is often fixed in the new version; and if it isn't SRU worthy you are done ...19:56
ArbyJontheEchidna: I've done many bugs that way.19:58
Arbyevery triager learns it sooner or later :)19:58
JontheEchidnaoh yes, KDE4 is great about not qualifying for an SRU :D19:58
JontheEchidnaof course people get mad when they learn that KDE4 doesn't suck as much as their preconcieved peeves make it out to be19:59
JontheEchidnaand then yell at you to fix it in KDE319:59
Arbya|wen: does bug 163737 sound like anything you've come across already?20:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 163737 in kdepim "kaddressbook cannot connect to ldap server if it cannot verify the secure connection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16373720:00
a|wenArby: nope, that's a new one ;)20:01
Arbythis would be an example where the ping and hope trick fails then :)20:02
Arbya) I don't what ldap actually is, b) I have no means of testing it20:03
* Arby looks in the wiki20:03
smarteryou don't what ldap is? you totally it! :P20:04
a|wenArby: i would try testing agains another SSL/https remote resource ... is not unlikely a generic problem with not getting a popup for non-validated certificates20:04
xerosisI'm almost certain I have the same setup at work and I get the popup20:05
Arbysmarter: in my world ldap is 'somebody elses problem'20:06
Arbyuntil now20:06
smarterin my world, ldap is a boring acronym for something that looks boring :p20:06
Arbya|wen: thanks I can ask them to check that20:07
a|wenxerosis: is there a deny and "do not show this anymore" option?20:07
xerosisa|wen: I think there is20:08
a|wenArby: then i might be, that they just hit that one ^^20:09
Arbythe thought did cross my mind20:09
Arbyis there a way to undo that20:09
a|wenArby: it is probably stored in some file somewhere in the .kde directory20:10
ArbyI thought it might be20:11
* Arby digs a bit20:11
smarterArby: grep for "[Notification Messages]" in the *rc file of the app where you ticked the don't ask me anymore20:39
Arbysmarter thanks for the hint, I suppose it would be kmail or kontact20:39
Arbynixternal: ping22:13
Arbynixternal: do you mind if I close bug 75416, reporter says bug is no longer present.22:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 75416 in kdepim "[kmail] doesn't display a signed message, where the key is unknown" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7541622:13
Arbyjust trying to tidy up kdepim bugs and that one's assigned to you.22:14
larsiviwill the upgrade from hardy to intrepid also migrate my mail accounts?22:32
ScottK-laptoplarsivi: Hardy KDE3 or Hardy KDE4?22:32
larsiviScottK-laptop: kde322:32
ScottK-laptopYes then.22:32
ScottK-laptopQuote of the day from my 14 year old that I helped upgrade to Intrepid yesterday:22:33
larsiviok - that was the main reason for me not going for kde4 earlier22:33
ScottK-laptop"Dad, guess what?  I figured out widgets.  They are SO cool!"22:33
larsiviplus some kopete/xmpp issue ...22:33
JontheEchidnaScottK-laptop: heh22:34
Arbyplasma, kool for kids :)22:34
Arbysorry *whince*22:34
jussi01ScottK: hehehe, nice22:35
a|wenwidgets ARE cool ... /me just found the drag-and-drop of picture to generate picture frames with them :)22:38
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