
NCommanderwgrant, whats going on?00:03
wgrantNCommander: He keeps replying to bugmail saying either nothing or LOTS OF CAPS ASKING FOR NO MORE MAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:05
NCommanderwgrant, *wince*00:05
NCommanderGood $TIME_OF_DAY elmo00:06
zokeI can't seem to use launchpad with bzr and plink00:07
NCommanderwgrant, what is structual subscripton mean specifically?00:07
zokeeverytime I connect, plink reports the connection as abandoned00:08
ajmitchwgrant: I see what you mean...00:13
* ajmitch wonders if the "You are subscribed because..." needs to contain very explicit unsubscribe instructions00:14
ScottK-laptopNah.  That's what spamcop is for.00:15
ScottK-laptopUbuntu (not PPA) source packages are all supposed to be signed on Launchpad, right?00:15
ScottK-laptopDoesn't appear to me to be signed.00:16
NCommanderScottK-laptop, I thought only the changes had to be actually signed00:25
ScottK-laptopWell only .changes has to have a signature of someone allowed to upload.00:25
ScottK-laptopI think .dsc needs A signature00:26
* NCommander tests it with an upload to his PPA00:26
TeTeTis there an easy way to see all bugs that had a status change between two dates, e.g. last Friday and today?00:35
jerrykTeTeT:   Hey that's exactly a question I had.  AFAIK as of this moment, no there isn't, but if there is one that I don't know about I'd be all ears.01:42
Hobbseewhat was the question?01:43
jerrykHobbsee:   TeTeT asked "is there an easy way to see all bugs that had a status change between two dates, e.g. last Friday and today?"01:43
jerrykHobbsee:   I assume he means via the API, although I'm not even sure how to do this with the advanced query page in the browser either.01:43
Hobbseeah, right01:46
Hobbseeno idea then, sorry :)01:46
TeTeTwould be nice to have a GUI for it01:47
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nelleryanyone have an idea why the packages in my ppa (https://launchpad.net/~nick.ellery/+archive) are not detected by Ubuntu?01:58
Hobbseenellery: define 'detected' here?01:59
nelleryHobbsee: if I attempt to install it from apt it installs the Ubuntu version?02:00
ScottK-laptopEither you made a lower version or you didn't add your PPA to your sources.list and then apt-get update02:00
Hobbseeor it hasn't actually published yet02:01
ScottK-laptopThat too02:01
Hobbseeit's not lower02:01
* ScottK-laptop is busy trying to resurrect a dead dist-upgrade attempt, so didn't look.02:01
nellerywow.  I am amazed at my intelligence02:01
ScottK-laptopWhich was it?02:02
nelleryI removed it from my sources.list, intending to put it back -_-02:02
Hobbseealways useful02:02
nellerythere we go, it works02:02
nellerythanks both of you for pointing out my stupidity ;)02:03
Hobbseeyou're welcome ;)02:04
Hobbseepeople have made more foolish errors.  *shrug*02:04
ScottK-laptopThat's why we're here. ;-)02:04
wgrantScottK-laptop: What went wrong with your dist-upgrade? All of mine went fine, except for the one where my mother decided to hit the reset button half-way through...02:10
ScottK-laptopwgrant: Intel D945Gnt motherboard and the new kernel can't connect with the installed SATA drives.02:11
wgrantAh, fun.02:11
ScottK-laptopIIRC in Gutsy this motherboard had a problem if it was a mixed ATA/SATA configuration02:12
ScottK-laptopI wonder if there's been a regression.02:12
* ScottK-laptop unplugs hardware.02:13
ScottK-laptopActually I'm going to play with the BIOS a bit first and see if a more ancient setting helps.02:14
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dholbachis there any ETA on the staging login issue? :)06:51
wgrantAll I know is that it's quite deliberate.06:52
wgrantI hear that staging is being used for testing DB changes.06:53
dholbachit makes using the LP API a bit difficult :)06:53
wgrantJust run your own. Oh wait.06:54
wgrantI wonder if demo.lp.net is suitable.06:54
wgrantHmm. That's running one old codebase.06:55
dholbachhm, EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT exists, but EDGE_WEB_ROOT doesn't06:56
wgrantWhat is *_WEB_ROOT for?06:56
dholbachI have a script that automatically logs in (so I can run it on a headless machine) - it uses _WEB_ROOT06:57
dholbachah, hang on06:58
* dholbach tries something06:58
dholbachhm, still can't login07:00
dholbachusing https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/ did not make it work :-)07:02
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mptHow do I find out who is subscribed to a particular project's bug reports?11:27
Hobbseempt: look at the "also notified" panel?11:29
Hobbseefor any given bug on the project?11:29
sorenAh. that's much better than what I was about to suggest.11:29
sorenI would have filed a bug against the project suggesting it be reimplemented in php (unless it already was, in which case I'd suggest ruby), and see who responded.11:30
matsubarampt, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+subscribe has a bug subcriptions portlet11:31
sorenOr something of similar inflammatory effect. Perhaps some spam tossed in there for added effect.11:31
matsubarawhich is slightly better than also notified, because also notified includes people from dupes, which would be misleading11:31
Hobbseesoren: *grin*11:31
Hobbseesoren: brainfuck or something might be even better...11:32
wgrantmatsubara: Also notified doesn't contain dupe people.11:32
mptmatsubara, thanks, that's well-hidden11:32
wgrantmatsubara: "From duplicates" contains dupe people.11:32
sorenHobbsee: No, the trick is to make it sound as though you actually mean it. That's exceedingly difficult with brainfuck.11:32
wgrantAlso notified contains other structural subscriptions (ie. project groups or milestones), and the assignee.11:32
matsubarawgrant, indeed.11:33
matsubaraI forgot the from duplicates section11:33
* wgrant welcomes mpt to userland.11:33
mptmatsubara, do you have permissions to unsubscribe someone from Launchpad projects?11:33
wgrantYou need DB access, IIRC.11:34
wgrantI asked to have that Fritz guy unsubscribed from malone this morning.11:34
mptoh good, thanks11:35
matsubarampt, nope, you need to ask a question and the Losas can take care of it11:35
mpthe seems unhappy11:35
mpt"Dear Losas, what is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?"11:35
wgrantI don't think anybody useful noticed, so I might ask an answer.11:35
matsubarampt, african or european?11:37
wgrantNo! We need a UI designer /alive/!11:37
* mpt throws a dart at a Launchpad pie chart11:38
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Hobbseesoren: ahhh, right11:49
mptwgrant, why did you mark bug 290125 as a duplicate of bug 216668?11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290125 in malone "Default source package bugs list missing some bugs (dup-of: 216668)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29012511:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216668 in malone "Need overview of distribution bugs throughout all series" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21666811:58
mptI can see that they're related, but I don't think fixing either of them would fix the other.11:58
wgrantmpt: They're the same. Maybe my summary is bad.11:59
mptThe former is about a source package bugs list. The latter is about a distribution bugs list.12:00
wgrantmpt: They're surely the same fix... but true.12:00
wgrantThe same thing also goes for projects, I suppose.12:03
mptdo bug reports disappear off the project list when they're targeted to a series?12:03
wgrantIt's a fundamental design flaw in Launchpad.12:03
wgrantThe bug pages only show things open in their context.12:03
wgrantAnd series are separate contexts.12:04
wgrantIt's how it works, but it is rather strange.12:04
wgrantIf I have something closed in the devel series (or the non-series task, if it isn't targetted to the devel series), it won't appear on the non-series list.12:05
wgrantThat behaviour is useful sometimes, but there's no way to get the other useful list - everything.12:05
wgrantNo way at all.12:05
wgrantSomebody needs to redesign how that works.12:06
beunowgrant, would you like emailing me about that specific problem?12:06
beunoI have a soyuz sprint at some point12:06
beunoand I'm collecting data on it12:06
wgrantIt's not Soyuz.12:06
wgrantIt's Malone.12:06
beunoeven better12:06
beunoI have a sprint the last week of novemeber12:07
beunoit's sooner12:07
wgrantAh, convenient.12:07
wgrantbeuno: There's not much to email about - there's just no way to list all bugs open in a pillar and its series.12:09
wgrantPillar or sourcepackage, actually.12:10
beunowgrant, and there's a bug for it?12:10
beunoI'm in the middle of a sprint12:10
wgrantBug #216668, but it should be generalised.12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216668 in malone "Need overview of distribution bugs throughout all series" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21666812:11
beunoso I won't really retain most of this  :)12:11
philni have an issue with a "private" project/team.. one new member of the team is not able to see the private bugs12:18
philnwhereas other members of the team can12:18
philnbac, kiko, someone: can you help me? ;)12:19
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pro-rsoftis it possible to somehow add a branch that everyone can check changes into?14:24
woodsHello, please one help. I am Brasilian person. I downloaded of Ubuntu.com the LINUX 8.04 DESKTOP, i need to use image .iso in DVD and no in CD, dont have other mirror of DOWNLOAD DVD .ISO ? PLEASE HELP, IS VERY IMPORTANT!14:31
woodsTurns out he already burned 4 CDs virgin mine, and not just my CD rewritable, but my reader not the rewritable, so I try to save the. Iso in a DVD, I need a link. Iso DVD on the Linux desktop ubuntu 8.04 please!14:33
salgadowoods, você pode gravar o .iso em um DVD.  mas o melhor lugar pra pedir ajuda seria o canal #ubuntu-br14:33
woodsHummm Obrigado, mas eu ja queimei 3 DVD Virgem tentando gravar, 2x eu tentei gravar direto o .iso do ubunto de CD no dvd, e o terceiro agora eu usei o daemon no .iso peguei os arquivos e fiz um dvd inicializavel com os arquivos, assim tambem queimou, eu acho que não da pra gravar .iso de CD em DVD, a n ser que eu burle de alguma forma, mas não quero burlar, quero um link direto de .iso dvd =S14:35
woodsVou ver lá no ubuntu-br14:35
salgadowoods, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/14:36
woodsEsse é 4.3GB, não é o desktop eu to baixando ele aqui já, mas nunca usei ele, tenho pouca pratica com linux, tu tem como me confirma se isso é o que eu estou procurando?14:39
woodsQUero Instalar o Ubuntu 8.04 DESKTOP num Pentium 3 de 512 memoria ram, com grafico, por isso não escolho o alternate, esse intrepid não é algo diferente até por ele ser 4x maior? e eu acabar me perdendo depois em instalar e usar? não é diferente?14:40
woodsSe for praticamente o mesmo, que vá abrir aquela janela digamos que em 'portugues' que o desktop faz, ai me serve, o ideal seria o desktop, eu quero instalar e usar so o ubuntu na maquina, mas quero ele a nivel de iniciante14:41
woodsJa usei o Slackware e é mto hardcore pra mim14:42
salgadowoods, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04/release/ubuntu-8.04.1-dvd-i386.iso é o .iso pro DVD. versão 8.04 (Hardy)14:42
woodsPor que ele tem 4GB ? @.@14:42
woodsTá, tá bom se é o 8.04 em serve o tmanho é o de menos14:43
woodsUnica duvida que fico agora14:43
woodsé em relação ao ALTERNATE e o DESKTOP, eu não quero o ALTERNATE, esse que você me mostrou e ja estou baixando é um "DESKTOP" né ?14:44
woodsvaleu ;@~14:44
woodsvou baixar e tentar a tarde14:45
salgadowoods, o alternate só tem a instalação diferente. depois de instalado ambos são iguais14:45
woodsah então tudo bem14:45
woodsvaleu mesmo ai14:46
=== Verterok is now known as Verterok|lunch
asabilhi all16:28
Odd_Blokeasabil: o/16:36
asabiljust wondering, is it normal that the branches of a project I have hosted in LP are standalone branches ?16:38
asabiland not part of a repository16:38
beunoasabil, yeap17:10
beunothere anre't any shared repositories in launchpad17:10
asabiloh ok17:10
beunothere are stacked branches, which achieve something similar17:10
MTecknologyIs it possible to make tasks or bugs or something that relate to a specific launchpad group?18:23
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rockstarMTecknology, what do you mean?18:38
MTecknologyI mean something like a forum... Task: Jump Twice  User1: I jumped twice 3 times in the store  User2: I jumped twice in my neighbors house18:39
MTecknologyrockstar: I'm guessing it might be better to have my own site that does exactly what I want and keep the LP group as a membership role18:41
MTecknologyI think that's what most groups do, isn't it?18:41
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jcastrocody-somerville: what are all those lists for that you just requested?19:25
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cody-somervillejcastro, OEM Services20:03
jcastrocody-somerville: ok, approving20:03
_jbl_I have a PPA question/issue20:44
_jbl_I get a mail with: Rejected: [...] Version older than that in the archive. 0.8.0-0~ppa1 <= 0.8.0beta1-0~ppa220:44
_jbl_which totally makes sense, however, the upstream version is that way: 0.8.0 comes after 0.8.0beta1...20:45
wgrant_jbl_: You probably wanted 0.8.0~beta1, then.20:50
_jbl_no, that's the thing. I package 0.8.0-beta1 and upstream just released 0.8.0 and I wanted to package that. Would have been smooth if upstream had 0.8.1 ;)20:52
wgrant_jbl_: You needed to use 0.8.0~beta1 for the beta. That's how Debian package versioning works. You could use for now, I guess.20:55
_jbl_ok. any way I can revert this then ?20:58
geseruse something like 0.8.0rel till 0.8.1 comes out21:00
wgrant_jbl_: You'll have to work around it until they release
geserand don't make the mistake in the future again :)21:00
geserit certainly helps to wait on answers before leaving the channel21:01
wgrantDon't tell them that.21:02
xlyzis staging.launchpad.net down?21:14
wgrantxlyz: Yes.21:14
wgrantIt is being used for testing of big Launchpad changes.21:14
xlyzi'll try again in 1-2 hours then. thanks21:15
wgrantIt will be longer than that, I suspect.21:15
wgrantIt has been a couple of days already.21:15
xlyzoh. I'll try tomorrow, with all fingers crossed ;)21:16
JazzvaHello... Is there someone who has the privilege to edit comments on bug reports in Launchpad?21:28
spmJazzva: what's the problem?21:31
Jazzvaspm, I replied once to the bug report and left the e-mail address in the quote. Now that person would like if his/her address could be removed.21:33
Jazzvaspm, I asked a question on answer tracker and got the response that it's impossible, but that person insists on this, I'm asking here to see if it's really impossible...21:33
Jazzva*so I'm21:34
Jazzvait's bug 95670 and question #3782521:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 95670 in debian "[needs-packaging] Jabbin" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9567021:36
spmJazzva: I see... An unpleasant situation. Curtis has answered the initial query specifing out the situation. If the individual in question still has a problem with this, I would advise that they raise it as a question themselves. Your being man-in-the-middle is unfair (imho) to yourself and unnecessary.21:48
Jazzvayeah... I guess.21:49
Jazzvaspm, thanks.21:49
spmJazzva: it might also be worthwhile sitting a day or two before replying. This looks like heading into flamewar-email-pong.21:50
spmAlternately, don't answer at all. Which might be a less inflamatory option. ???21:51
Jazzvaspm, looks like the beginning of the flamewar. I think it's polite to answer and that to be final from my side (as I certainly tried to help)21:55
spmJazzva: agreed.22:17
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wgrantIs it that hard for a LOSA to issue that single UPDATE? Or is that against policy?23:03
rockstarwgrant, it's not a good idea to just go loose on the database on every time someone wants something changed.23:16
wgrantOf course not.23:16
wgrantBut if there's no other way, and it gets somewhat reasonably irate users to be a bit less irate...23:16
rockstarIf it comes to that, it comes to that.  It's just not something me jump at the chance for.  *shrug*23:17
* rockstar can't type tonight23:23
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vmeloanyone can give me some answers about rosetta?23:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:30
vmelook, the option "Packaged" is a upstream option?23:31
vmeloit's the translated message from upstream?23:31
vmelowell, I asked the question23:33
wgrantSo probably nobody who's watching right now knows.23:33
wgrantWait a while, I would recommend.23:33
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