
silokoDaekdroom: ok so the server started ok (horray!) but no compiz and no performance improvement00:01
Daekdroomsiloko: Try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/63459/00:01
gabiEyesOfARaven, do you use compiz?00:01
EyesOfARavenit's preinstalled on intrepid and doesnt require XGL anymore00:02
silokoDaekdroom: BRB!00:02
EyesOfARavenall u hav to do is install simple-ccsm and then configure it to ur tastes00:02
gabiEyesOfARaven, what about that maximus package? is it important?00:03
EyesOfARavenit makes all programs start maximized with title bar hidden00:03
EyesOfARaveni was using it until just now when i uninstalled it00:03
EyesOfARaveninstall it, give it a shot and see if u like it00:04
EyesOfARavenif u dont, remove it and killall maximus00:04
EyesOfARavenand it is gone00:04
redwhitewaldohi. i upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10. Now Skype won't load. please help.00:04
silokoDaekdroom: ok same deal :( no worries though man - thanks for rying!00:04
gabiEyesOfARaven, cool00:05
Daekdroomsiloko: Sorry for not being able to help. Anyway, I think it's easier to find how to get that same setup on the new Xorg at #xorg00:05
silokoDaekdroom: ok bed time now - will try again tomorrow - cheers!00:05
redwhitewaldowhere's the online forum equivalent of this ubuntu+1 chatroom00:06
gabiEyesOfARaven, what about window picker? I guess there's a compiz plugin for picking windows as well right?00:06
EyesOfARavenwindow picker replaces the bottom bar of gnome00:07
EyesOfARavenwith a small applet00:07
EyesOfARaveni decided to use "Window List" which comes with it instead after trying window picker for a few days00:07
EyesOfARavenwindow picker goes well with maximus if u like maximus00:07
gabiEyesOfARaven, nice. I think I like the compiz thing that does that00:09
gabiEyesOfARaven, but first, I have to fix wifi00:10
gabiEyesOfARaven, I will reboot now to see how the new desktop is00:10
darkphaderFYI - no keyboard, mouse or network with 8.10 rc on Thinkpad T20 alternate default install00:11
darkphaderacpi=force durin install worked00:11
darkphaderit didn't help to do acpi=force if the install didn't include the option00:12
redwhitewaldoguys, my skype no longer works after going from 8.04 Hardy onto 8.10 Interprid.  Should i do a fresh/clean install?00:15
gabiEyesOfARaven, I can't see the changes for some reason00:15
gabiredwhitewaldo, no. Just install it from medibuntu00:16
EyesOfARavenwhat did u install00:16
EyesOfARaventhat u expected to see00:17
redwhitewaldogabi: ok. will do so now.00:18
ideasman_4bedhiredgoon, how would I find the package maintainer for a package?00:18
redwhitewaldohope it works00:18
EyesOfARavenideasman_4bed, if u browse the repository in a browser it usually tells u00:19
gabiEyesOfARaven, I saw a pic of the desktop with big icons and a black theme00:19
EyesOfARavenu hav to replace nautilus with that urself in a custom session00:20
ideasman_4bedWould somebody be able to update blender3d package?00:20
EyesOfARavento test it out00:20
EyesOfARavenhit alt+f200:20
EyesOfARavenand type 'ume-launcher'00:20
ArkoldThosplease tell me, once i was flying flying hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighh i touch the sky (8)00:20
ideasman_4bedwe are up to blender 2.48a and the repo has 2.4600:20
romulodoes anyone know the fix for subversion? its not working on intrepid00:21
romulo3 days from release it scares me00:21
copproideasman_4bed: firstly, release is in 4 days00:21
ideasman_4bedsure but 2.48a has loads of bugfixes ;/00:21
copprothen file a bug in the package00:22
romuloideasman_4bed, blender?00:22
copproromulo: works fine here00:22
romulocoppro, not here :/00:22
=== ideasman_4bed is now known as ideasman_42
jribromulo: what isn't working exactly?00:22
ideasman_42original maintainer was "Cyril Brulebois"00:22
romulosvn: Unrecognized URL scheme for ''00:23
jribromulo: paste your command00:23
romulosvn commit :P00:23
chadanyone havinig an issue with DNS on 8.10?  i cant ping machines on my local net via name even though they are in dns00:24
gabiEyesOfARaven, I think I didn't get that ume-launcher package...00:24
ideasman_42Its just annoying we spend a lot of time to do bugfixes, Gimp has latest stable release I believe but blender version is quite old.00:24
gabiEyesOfARaven, do you know of a detailed how to?00:24
ideasman_42There are alredy quite a few bugs reported, should I try contact maintainer directly?00:24
jribromulo: hrmm, don't really have a svn repo to play around with to test00:25
copproromulo: sounds like something is messed up internally. Try rechecking out00:25
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I get see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong00:25
ideasman_42since 2.47 our bug tracker went from 200 to below 5000:25
copproI can commit fine00:25
romulocoppro, will do00:25
copproromulo: you should be able to save your changes by running an svn diff00:25
CarlFKI need to control the desktop that is displayed on the local CRT.  isn't VNC built in?  (which makes me wonder why "Install the x11vnc" is on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC00:26
EyesOfARavengabi, https://edge.launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive00:26
EyesOfARavenadd the deb source, the deb-src is broken it seems00:26
EyesOfARaventhen apt-get install desktop-switcher go-home-applet human-netbook-theme maximus metacity netbook-launcher window-picker-applet00:27
ideasman_42Because distro's lag behind like this, we mostly ignore bug reports from them since they are useless when they are from older releases. :/00:27
romuloyeah it worked now coppro00:27
romulolooks like the local directory is messed up00:27
copproglad it wasn't a huge repo00:27
chadany idea as to why i cannot ping local resources on my net?  DNS is setup and I am getting my info from dhcp, i just cant ping anything on this net via name00:31
gabiEyesOfARaven, crap... i can't click ok when adding the software source line00:31
EyesOfARaveni did it from nano in a terminal :p00:31
EyesOfARavenwhat r u using, gedit?00:31
EyesOfARavenhit maximize on the window00:32
EyesOfARaventhat will size it to the screen00:32
gabiEyesOfARaven, I was using the gui from system ==> preferences00:34
EyesOfARaveni dont know anything about the gui programs00:34
chadgabi:  you cant click ok if the deb line is not complete or accurate00:35
chadit will be gray00:35
EyesOfARavenshould read "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-team/ubuntu intrepid main"00:35
nickwinlYeah 8.10 rc is "good to go", IMHO.00:36
jaebirda couple of us are having issues with the live cd automatically logging into gdm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/28896000:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 288960 in gdm "autologin doesn't take place on system start" [Undecided,New]00:36
gabiEyesOfARaven, ok I got it. Nice00:37
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong00:37
EyesOfARavenlspci recognizing something just means its plugged in00:38
EyesOfARavenit doesnt mean that it's installed00:38
EyesOfARaventype "iwconfig"00:38
EyesOfARaventell me if u see anything that has wireless extensions00:38
seij0lo: no wireless extensions00:39
seij0that's what it says00:39
EyesOfARaventhat's all?00:39
EyesOfARaventhat's the loopback :p00:39
EyesOfARaventype "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper"00:39
seij0nothing seems to have changed00:40
EyesOfARaventry iwconfig again00:40
dug_seij0: try system->administration->hardware drivers, see if it lists b43-fwcutter or something for your wireless card00:40
seij0EyesOfARaven: same thing00:41
EyesOfARavengo with dug_ 's stuff00:41
seij0dug_ :okay00:41
seij0"No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"00:42
EyesOfARavenhow did u set up ndiswrapper00:43
dug_seij0: I'm not sure, but you can try installing b43-fwcutter through system->administration->synaptic package manager.  I did a search and that seems to be the driver people use for that card00:44
CameronI'm running intrepid, and after an update my gdm session won't login properly... I enter username and password, the screen goes blank, but no desktop shell is loaded00:44
seij0dug_: I'll try that next00:45
seij0dug_: ...how do I get that. I don't see it00:46
seij0and will it download? because that computer is not connected at all00:46
dr_willisNo network connection.. makes it a little harder.00:47
redwhitewaldoi've just installed skype-medibuntu-version, and it doesn't work.  please help me fix this.00:47
dr_willisgiven that skype is  closed source.. its hard for  the ubuntu guys to 'fix' much in it.. other then try to discover work arounds to problems.. tell the channel what is the exact problem00:48
dug_seij0: oh right, i'm not sure the right thing to download.  if you can, you can try a wired connection until wireless is working00:48
Cameronis network manager meant to start wireless connections only after you have logged in ?00:49
dr_willisCameron,  thats how it works for me.00:50
seij0There is no possible way to do that either. Maybe is there another way?00:50
dr_willisit uses the users keyring to store the passwords and stuff.00:50
dr_willisdownload the packages on another machine, to a thumbdrive... and sneaker-net :)00:50
Camerondr_willis: is there a way to trigger it to connect from a terminal - i.e. without logging into gdm ?00:51
redwhitewaldodr_willis: when i was on ubuntu 8.04, skype was working fine. but after upgrading from ubuntu version 8.04 to 8.10, skype no longer works. Here's the problem. I type in "skype" in terminal, and after 10 minutes, it says "segmentation fault". pls advise00:51
dr_willisCameron,  proberly is.. but i rarely use wireless.. so ive never looked into it.00:51
Camerondr_willis: thanks00:51
dr_willisredwhitewaldo,  no clue.. thats why i said 'tell the channel' :)00:51
dr_willisIve had some bad luck with upgrades.. on my 4 machines.00:52
seij0I found a deb for it00:52
seij0I'm going to put that on my flash drive and install it that way00:52
seij0I'll tell you how it goes00:52
gabiEyesOfARaven, I installed the packages now but I still dont see any changes and my wifi still is not working00:52
redwhitewaldohaven't i already told the channel the problem?00:52
dr_willisthe b43-fwcutter conects to the internet to download some packages also.. so you need to figure out what its downloading also..00:52
redwhitewaldodr_willis: what else can i say?00:53
dr_willisredwhitewaldo,  you addressed it to me specifically. :)00:53
gabiEyesOfARaven, what might be going wrong?00:53
dr_willisredwhitewaldo,  you may want to check the bug reports for any others with skype issues..00:54
redwhitewaldodr_willis: i see. sorry.00:54
redwhitewaldohi, everyone. when i was on ubuntu 8.04, skype was working fine. but after upgrading from ubuntu version 8.04 to 8.10, skype no longer works. Here's the problem. I type in "skype" in terminal, and after 10 minutes, it says "segmentation fault". pls advise00:54
EyesOfARavengabi, which eee do u hav00:54
EyesOfARavengabi, join #ubuntu-eeepc00:54
EyesOfARavenand ask there00:54
gabiEyesOfARaven, cool, I will do that00:55
dug_redwhitewaldo: did you upgrade skype after upgrading to intrepid?  cause medibuntu's been down today.  Otherwise, you might try downloading skype directly from their site http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/00:56
dr_willisYea- i noticed medibuntu was down today00:56
dug_when you upgrade, the medibuntu software source is disabled, you have to type the command here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu00:57
redwhitewaldodug_: first, i upgraded ubuntu. Then,  i tried using the skype the way it was. but the way it was skype (which i got from skype.com) did not work. so gabi here said that i should try the medibuntu version of skype. so i got the medibuntu version of skype. but skype still doesn't work.00:57
redwhitewaldodug_: and yes, i've tried downloading the skype deb direcetly from the skype.com site after i upgraded ubuntu versions.00:58
dug_redwhitewaldo: oh ok, i had medibuntu skype installed first, then upgraded to intrepid.  skype still works for me, but i haven't upgraded it yet because medibuntu is down00:58
redwhitewaldodug_:  what could be the problem in my case? i don' think the problem lies with skype itself.01:00
dr_willisThe problem very well could be skype is expexcting some older libs/ or other things..01:02
dug_redwhitewaldo: sorry, i don't know01:02
redwhitewaldodr_willis: oh, i see. is there a way to make skype not expect older stuff?01:02
CarlFKany of the devs from https://launchpad.net/remote-help-assistant want to help me test this (and get it working ...)01:02
dr_willisredwhitewaldo,  its not open sourced.. so theres not a lot people can do to make skype do anything..01:03
dr_willisother then figure out work arounds around the skype issues01:03
geremyis there due to be a change to the intel 9xx series drivers before release?01:03
storrgieis google calender working with evolution?01:06
storrgiewhen i first installed 8.10 beta it worked, but since i have updated it wont work anymore01:06
seij0hey all01:07
seij0alright tried installing the package01:07
seij0nothing still01:07
seij0all I see is dial-up01:07
storrgieAnyone using google calender with evolution?01:09
EyesOfARavenhow can i add the "Open in Terminal" to the right click of nautilus, like Linux Mint has01:10
ArkoldThosthe kopete client that is in intrepid is supposed to use display pictures in msn protocol?01:12
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong. I even installed the firmware. iwconfig doesn't detect anything. Please help.01:14
EyesOfARavenwe already helped u, did u install the fwcutter like they said?01:14
dr_willisi was thinking on my laptop the console, printed messages about what 'firmware' pakcages i needed to get. with the URL.. i think that was the same URL the fwcutter tool grabbed01:15
geremyOk, I've tried getting my intel 945's s video to work in Hardy, now i've tried Intrepid and no luck- the updated intel driver does not seem to have any effect. any help would be very much appreciated01:16
seij0EyesOfARaven: I sure did. Still nothing01:17
maxb_I'm not having a great time with GNOME 2.24 :-/01:21
maxb_regression in gnome-terminal, regression in gnome-keyring-daemon :-/01:22
dr_williscant say that ive been having any issues with gnome  so far01:23
storrgiemaxb_: can you explain regression? I am a little new to this01:24
dr_willisTechnical term for... 'what used to work. is now broken' :)01:24
storrgiei dont think its gnome, but nvidia-settings segfaults when you try to save the config01:25
storrgiethats a new one01:25
maxb_To be fair, neither issue is *that* painful to work around, but regressions in general are annoying, and I must have spent quite a few hours on them01:26
storrgieand has anyone been able to get evolution to work over a socks proxy? mine seems to ignore me01:26
dr_willisI saw some others mention that storrgie  bit not seen it happen myself.01:29
storrgieyou mean the proxy? or nvidia-settings01:30
AhadielWhenever network manager starts up it tries to connect to my wired connection, THEN it tries to connect to my home wifi AP. In nm-applet it seems to be connected to both at once, anyone else experience this issue?01:31
danbh_intrepidAhadiel: network manager and nm-applet are one and the same, are they not?01:34
Ahadieldanbh_intrepid, Was there a point to that?01:35
danbh_intrepidyou contradicted yourself, did you not?01:36
danbh_intrepidbtw, I won't have an answer, regardless01:36
Ahadieldanbh_intrepid, How did I contradict myself?01:38
danbh_intrepidAhadiel: you said nm connects your wired and then your wifi, serially.  Then, you said that nm connects them in parallel.  Are there differing circumstances that this happens?  Is it just random, does nm switch back and forth?  Or, did you just phrase it wrong?01:40
storrgieso how is the flash support for intrepid x64?01:42
dr_willisit works here...01:42
dr_willisit installed the 32bit comat libs I think01:42
Ahadieldanbh_intrepid, Fair enough, and yes I probably did phrase it wrong.01:43
Ahadieldanbh_intrepid, But did you understand the point I was trying to convey?01:43
danbh_intrepidAhadiel: no, I didn't.  I didn't get it at all, unfortunately.  But again, I'm not an expert either.01:44
storrgiedamnit is anyone using google calender with evolution?01:45
storrgieis there an evolution forum?01:48
storrgieor an irc spot?01:48
radamsHow do I allow Kopete to use the KDE wallet without having to enter my password each time I open it?01:51
CarlFKanyone here good with python and pyglet?  looks like the repo has v1.0, but http://www.pyglet.org/doc/programming_guide/drawing_primitives.html must be expecting 1.201:58
CarlFKwhich is making it really hard for me to do something like "draw a circle"01:58
soreauWould anyone be able to tell me which the kernel version Intrepid will come with? (for the official release?)02:00
void^!info linux-image-generic02:00
RAOFThe one that's there right now?02:00
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB02:00
soreauvoid^: Thanks02:01
bretzelHi there PLEASE, IMPORTANT, I see no where how to get into my usual networking setup using  the new NETWORK SETUP DLG!!!! asking me to add route manually ????????????????/02:05
mercutio22bretzel> uh oh02:05
bretzelUsing DHCP client all is okay, but going by manualy ( static 192.168.x.x network is unfesable02:06
Daisuke_Idoyou can leave route blank02:06
bretzelno, dlg does not enable the OK button02:06
Daisuke_Idodid you set your IP, gateway, and hostmask?02:06
Daisuke_Idoand your dns?02:06
bretzelof course02:06
Daisuke_Idoi use it in the same manner, and have never had to set a route manually.02:07
mercutio22I used static once. It worked02:07
mercutio22maybe something broke in the last update?02:08
bretzelThere is no more gnome-network  ( or Menu/System/Administration/Network "02:08
bretzelI have to right-click on the network-manager ttray icon to get into the failure dlg02:09
Daisuke_Idobretzel: system > preferences > network configuration02:09
bretzelUh oh!!! same dlg, but There is a bug in the dlg event's I must press RETURN on the (filled) fields fot the OK button to activate I mean, seems to be okay now ( not yet completed the manual setup tho ) I am righting here ...02:12
bretzelDlg setup done, let see if ifconfig comfirms new settings ( cu after re-connect )02:13
bretzelstill on dynamic IP02:13
bretzel1okay net setup okay, after ifconfig commands The dlg is really unusual and nothing warned me about the changes I had to guest through. and btw why network is under preferences ??? must be under admin for sure02:16
mercutio22bretzel> now that you are saying... it makes sense02:17
void^no, networkmanager stuff is per user02:17
mercutio22not an administrative task then?02:19
alanbshepard77Ok I downloaded ubuntu 8.10 RC and I have to know how to fix few this one issue with my laptops touchpad, every few seconds my desktop switches. What's triggering that to happen and how do I stop it?02:19
drakemangood night people02:20
drakemanhow r u guys! hope fine!02:20
mercutio22drakeman> so much for the selfish gene, and evolution produces such selfless altruism =]02:21
evan_can i dualscreen with both ati and nvidia?02:22
SyLI've got the Atheroes madwifi driver install in 8.10, but this asprire 5315 laptop doesn't seem to be able to see the wifi. it appears as an unknown driver. ideas?02:22
mercutio22drakeman> you ought to luv ubuntu02:24
soreauSyL: How did you install the drivers?02:24
SyLsoreau: I was trying to compile, but it errors out around pwrsave.02:24
evan_is it possible to dualscreen when having 1 ati and 1 nvidia card?02:24
soreauSyL: What is the output of 'lspci' for your card?02:25
SyLtoday I updated and ran the hardware driver finder and it sees the card, and I activated it, and the device is active, but it doesn't know what driver it is...02:25
SyLsoreau: stand by02:25
CarlFKevan_: yes.  I am doing it with Rage 128 and GeForce2 MX/MX 40002:26
SyL06:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)02:26
CarlFKevan_: this is my hardy box, but I would hope it didn't break :)02:26
soreauSyL: For your card, there is an updated hal, not sure if it made it into Intrepid, but did you try Sys>Admin>Hardware Drivers? (after installing linux restricted modules?)02:28
mercutio22SyL> I had problems with this hardware before02:28
CarlFKsoreau: are you sure you aren't talking about ath5k that got yanked in the last few days?02:28
mercutio22I solved it by compiling a version of the madwifi driver02:29
soreauCarlFK: No, madwifi-ng02:29
SyLsoreau: let me try real quick...02:29
evan_CarlFK: how did you do it?? i cant get my drivers installed at the same time?02:29
evan_and do you have 3d on both screens?02:29
evan_and do you have 1 big screen or 2 separated?02:29
* soreau has the working source02:30
soreaumercutio22: Right02:30
CarlFKevan_: no 3d (didn't really try) - whats the diff between 1 big and 2 sep?02:30
CarlFKevan_: I can drag windows between the 202:30
evan_ahh ok02:30
mercutio22the atheros device I mean02:31
evan_But..Tell me please how did you do it?02:31
CarlFKevan_: http://dpaste.com/87185/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:31
SyLmercutio22: I was trying to compile it as well, but it was complaining about pwrsave and it won't continue past it02:32
drakemanHello again to all th people, i have a little question, i thing when intrepid ibex comes out this will be fixed, but i just have the doubt, why when i right click to applications menu in gnome-panel and put edit menus nothings happend i should see a window to edit the items in the menus in the gnome panel, what can be that error?02:32
evan_CarlFK: i get tge xorg part... but the drivers...??02:32
shane2peruok, any ideas on setting up ATI Radeon correctly?02:32
CarlFKevan_: I actually have 3 cards in my box right now, but only 2 are active.  not sure what the problem is02:32
shane2peruit is better than it was on hardy, but still slightly lacking02:33
CarlFKevan_: what about the drivers?02:33
mercutio22SyL> what version are you trying to install?02:33
drakemananyones have a little idea about my problem_02:34
evan_CarlFK: you cant have nvidia driver enabled while having gflrx at the same time02:34
Cycomevan_: what if you have one nvidia card and one ati card?02:34
SyLmercutio22:version of what?02:34
mercutio22SyL> of the madwifi driver02:35
void^Cycom: stick with open drivers02:35
shane2peruhmm, perhaps mine is setup right after all, however bzflag is not playable, very messed up looking screen02:35
Cycomvoid^: well I do for the ATI, but for the nvidia, 3d? come on.02:35
evan_Cycom: then youve gotta mess:P02:35
SyLsoreau: I installed the restricted modules and it still sees it as unknown interface wifi0 and ath002:36
SyLmercutio22: hold on02:36
evan_Cycom: i want dual screen with 2 cards 1 ati and one nvidia02:36
CarlFKevan_: and binary drivers...02:36
Cycomevan_: Hell, I just want dual screens with my ATI card.02:36
Cycomevan_: I can't even get that02:36
soreauSyL: What is the output of 'lsmod|grep ath'?02:36
shane2peruSyL: for wireless?02:36
Cycomand with the nvidia card, it behaves...oddly02:36
CarlFKCycom: yeah, I have 2 ati too, and that didn't seem to fly02:36
CycomCarlFK: this is with one ATI using the Opensource drivers02:37
Cycomfglrx has some...issues with video playback02:37
evan_CarlFK: can you install 2 binairys at the same time?02:37
CarlFKevan_: install yes.  use... du no.  looking at my conf, I see I am using nv.  I don't think I bothered with a binary ati02:38
SyLmercutio22: kernel 2.6.27-generic, madwifi-0.9.4, madwifi-hal-, & madwifi-ng-r2756+ar500702:38
SyLsoreau: stand by02:38
drakemananyone can help me pleaseee?02:38
CycomI'm pretty sure you can use more than one graphics driver for more than one card.02:38
CycomI wonder if I could set up two X Servers on my machine, one with FGLRX and one with ATI/Radeon02:39
shane2peruSyL: this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948434&page=2  is how I fixed mine02:39
CarlFKevan_: http://dpaste.com/87187/  I added /var/log/Xorg.0.log to the end02:39
mercutio22SyL>  I Think madwifi-hal- solved my problem02:39
shane2peruSyL: I have athos internal wireless.02:39
SyLsoreau: ath_rate_sample, ath_pci, wlan, ath_hal02:39
soreaudrakeman: What happens when you run 'alacarte' from your terminal?02:39
shane2peruSyL: Oh, it is post number 2802:39
SyLmercutio22: and what kernel are you using?02:39
soreauSyL: Can you pstebin the output of 'dmesg'?02:40
SyLsoreau: yeah, hold on02:40
Guest61077can someone tell my why i cant install firefox on kubuntu 8.10 without installing half of gnome too?02:40
shane2peruGuest61077: hmm, beta. :)02:40
shane2peruGuest61077: ooops, I mean Release Candidate02:40
drakemanmmmm dont know anything about alacarte!02:41
drakemanlet me runit02:41
mercutio22SyL>  I don't remember... how do I check?02:41
drakemansoreau this is the last line02:42
drakeman    fd = open(getattr(self, menu).path, 'w')02:42
drakemanIOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/drakeman/.config/menus/applications.menu'02:42
soreaumercutio22: uname -r?02:42
SyLmercutio22: uname -a02:42
drakemani put sudo alacarte02:42
drakemanand now i can access02:42
evan_CarlFK: how good is the opensource ati driver?02:42
mercutio22SyL> 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:40:41 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:43
soreaudrakeman: Looks like your home permissions are messed up. Try running this as USER 'sudo chown -R $LOGNAME ~/'02:43
soreaudrakeman: Don't run alacarte as sudo02:43
CarlFKevan_: good enough?  purple.  does the job.02:43
Volkodavanybody found FF 3.1 beta for _64 bit?02:43
SyLsorry, was trying to paste the pastebin URL02:44
SyLI will hand type everything from now on...02:44
drakemansoreau i got this message chown: cannot access `/home/drakeman/.gvfs': Permission denied02:44
=== SyL is now known as Guest98097
CarlFKevan_: I like purple. :)  "how good" is pretty subjective works great for gaim02:44
soreaudrakeman: Did you run the chown command with sudo?02:44
=== SyL_ is now known as SyL
drakemanyes now i run it with sudo02:46
drakemanbut i got the same message02:46
soreauYou're not listening02:46
soreauBut you're permissions are borked02:46
drakemanmm it have solution?02:47
SyLsoreau: http://pastebin.com/d3a7cbd0702:47
CarlFKsoreau:  drakeman is runing ibex, which will probably blow up soon, and then a re-install will fix everything :)02:48
drakemanno no02:48
drakemanim runing hardy heron02:48
soreauCarlFK: My thoughts exactly02:48
drakemanin this moment i have 8.04 LTS02:48
shane2peruSyL: you have about the same atheros chipset as I do, use this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948434&page=2  post number 2802:49
soreauSyL: So you're not using madwifi-ng, but 0.9.4?02:49
shane2peruSyL: I have AR242x, you have AR242s02:49
SyLshane2peru: mine says AR242x when I do lspci02:49
SyLsoreau: I couldn't get any of the madwifi drivers to compile02:50
soreauSyL: Oh??02:50
SyLshane2peru: I'm looking at it now02:50
soreauSyL: Then how did you get the one you have installed now?02:50
shane2peruSyL: one thing is you are going to need to make sure you unload any and all drivers you are already using02:50
soreaushane2peru: I'm getting to that ;)02:50
drakemansoreau there is a way to fix my problem?¡02:50
soreaudrakeman: Clean install02:51
drakemanmm thats the only way?02:51
SyLsoreau: let me get you the compile error. I'm guessing it compiled most of it and it just won't work well with power saving... hold on02:51
shane2perusoreau: post 28 on this page gives the instructions that should fix it all:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=948434&page=2   for his atheros chipset02:51
shane2perusoreau: ahh, perhaps he needs to install buildessential02:51
soreaushane2peru: I was also getting to that ;)02:52
shane2perusoreau: it's all yours! :)  I'm off to bed.02:52
SyLsoreau: buildessential is already installed, and so is kerel headers (the correct ones)02:53
soreaudrakeman: Just remember for future reference, don't run as root or use sudo unless you have a concrete reason and know exactly what you're doing02:53
drakemanlet me try to fixit with the new version02:53
drakemandoing a clean install02:53
soreauSyL: Can you run '<madwifi>/scripts/madwifi-unload' and then 'modprobe ath_pci'?02:54
SyLsoreau: yeah... hold on02:54
SyLgives me could not open errors and no such file or directory02:55
drakemanthanks soreau02:55
=== Raven is now known as EyesOfARaven
soreauSyL: What command exactly gives you that? <madwifi>=the madwifi source directory02:56
drakemangood night people02:56
drakemanthanks for your help02:56
drakemansoreau going to fix with new version, thanks for your help02:56
a1lenHey guys. If I'm using a virtual disk, is it possible for me to read with rhythmbox the music files in Windows?02:57
SyLthe modprobe ath_pci gives me that...02:57
soreauSyL: Ah, so the modules unload ok? ..02:58
SyLsoreau: it's very odd... this post #28 seems to be working now, the driver is compiling fine...02:58
SyLsoreau: yeah, I'm a pretty advanced *nix user, I just don' know much about the wifi stuff lately. I don't own any laptops. =)02:59
soreauCompile it, install it, and if no errors 'modprobe ath_pci' then reboot and you should be good02:59
bhueyso my X11 is blown out from the upgrade. Manually configure it ? what's the best method02:59
soreauSyL: I have a desktop here. Atheros chipsets are in a lot of brand name hw02:59
soreaubhuey: 'blown out'?02:59
bhueysoreau: won't start properly02:59
bhueythe keyboard is disconnected03:00
soreauWhy not connect a keyboard?03:00
bhueyit is connected03:00
bhueybut it X11 isn't happy with it for some reason, anybody run into this problem ?03:00
soreauSo X starts and you only have mouse input?03:00
soreauSo use a known working xorg.conf..?03:01
drakemansoreau, guest what03:01
bhueyIt was my old config03:01
soreaubhuey: I have no idea what could cause that03:01
SyLsoreau: I'm going to reboot and if it doesn't work, I'll be back... that's for all your help03:01
bhueysoreau: I'll try it again03:02
drakemani install Build-essentials, and now when i right click it works..... and now when i run the command chown as may user i got this message : chown: changing ownership of `/home/drakeman/.gvfs': Function not implemented03:02
bhueymaybe I should reboot after the upgrade ?03:02
drakemanwhat is build essentials?03:02
drakemani install it because i see that somebody here write that i have to install....03:02
soreaubhuey: Uh, yea..03:03
soreaudrakeman: They weren't talking to you03:03
drakemanoh no? hehehehee03:03
drakemanbut it works03:04
soreauI doubt installing build-essential resolved your issue03:04
drakemanwhat is that? what is build-essentials? and now im right? thats the correct answer i have to get when runing chown command?03:04
drakemanbut is that the only thing i do03:04
soreau(unless you were getting build errors while trying to compile something)03:04
drakemanjust intall it and then i right click and donee, it works....03:05
drakemanbut then thats mean that i dont have permissions messed up?03:05
soreaudrakeman: I think that resolving your issues with the chown command I gave you fixed things ;)03:05
drakemanwell, now that doesnt matter, the important thing is that now everything works fine, and really thanks for your help Soreau, you and all the community are great, sorry, im trying a lot of things im trying to learn with an ebook03:06
soreaudrakeman: Just don't run as root or with sudo please03:07
drakemanok, done! thanks soreau03:07
drakemangood night, im going to sleep happy, hehe i cant wait for intrepid, hehehe..03:07
drakemanbye bye people!03:07
bhueysoreau: I'll try again03:13
bhueymaybe it was a general problem03:13
bhueyI haven't rebooted it yet as well03:13
td123So I hope ubuntu will finally fix the driver issue/webcam issue for the release :D03:20
td123I have no 3d acceleration on my intel 945gm03:21
mneptok!info gmpc03:24
ubottugmpc (source: gmpc): Gnome Music Player Client (graphical interface to MPD). In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 358 kB, installed size 1288 kB03:24
_mary_kate_there are a lot of packages in 8.10 which suggest packages that don't exist.  should these be reported as bugs?03:29
centaur5Is there a quick fix if the nm-applet no longer appears even if you manually launch it?03:34
penI figured that intrepid would kernel panic when I use pptp VPN03:34
penis there a fix to this?03:34
Hobbsee_mary_kate_: they're already tracked.03:35
vbabiyDoes any one know of a fix for the ubuntu 8.10 mic in the Dell XPS M153003:40
godlygeekis intrepid missing a valid rgb.txt?03:47
RAOFIntrepid _is_ missing the need for a rgb.txt file, yes.  You may be running into an nvidia-xconfig bug?03:48
godlygeeknope.  vim uses rgb.txt to allow for color names instead of #rrggbb codes in its colorschemes...03:48
godlygeekand i have a script that attempts to approximate the same support without connecting to an x server, which was done by searching against an rgb.txt file.03:49
RAOFHm.  I dunno.  As far as I'm aware, you're the first person who's cared about rgb.txt.03:50
godlygeekwhy is rgb.txt no longer needed?  some new feature in  modern x's, or...?03:52
OSUKid7hi, I just upgraded to Intrepid and Network Manager/nm-applet isn't starting automatically. any suggestions for troubleshooting that so I get it running again?03:52
keithclarkI created a usb startup disk with the built in command to do so, and all seemed well.  I tried to boot from it and my computer says "No operating system found"  Where did I go wrong?03:55
esacdang. i had flash 10 working perfectly in hardy. i moved to intrepid, and still running flash 10, and now it is experiencing the famous hang after 2 second issue03:57
td123esac: 2 more days till its fixed :D04:03
ethana2I countdown 'till midnight every day04:03
ethana2..'cause at midnight i can decrement my countdown to 8.1004:03
ethana2....even though I'm already on it04:03
esactd123, oh is there a bug # ?04:04
ethana2I've told people I'll be passing out 8.10 install discs instead of candy, they told me to remind them to skip my house04:04
macoethana2: oh thats a good idea04:04
ethana2What can I say?04:04
ethana2I like my reese's04:04
macoi cant eat most halloween candy04:05
godlygeekRAOF: can you elaborate on why intrepid doesn't need rgb.txt?04:05
vbabiyDoes any one know of a fix for the ubuntu 8.10 mic in the Dell XPS M153004:05
RAOFgodlygeek: No, not really; I presume that upstream xorg no longer requires it.04:09
godlygeekRAOF: ok.  thanks.04:09
EruditeHermithi, my pluginfinder service is not working at all. When I select a plugin to install, it shows a blank box and doesn't download anything04:11
EruditeHermitis this  a known bug? Does anyone know what packages the pluginfinder service for firefox is located in so that I can reinstall them?04:11
kubuntu_hi i am having trouble getting firefox installed04:12
kubuntu_searching 'firefox' in adept creates a lot of results none of which look right04:13
copprotry synaptic04:13
copprothe new adept is weird04:13
kubuntu_okay thanks i will right now04:13
madwhoanybody could help me with keyboard layouts?04:14
kubuntu_coppro: after you install with synaptic do you sometimes have to reboot or always or never?04:15
madwhox1250, r u smiling at me ? :)04:15
copprokubuntu_: only if you install a kernel-related package04:15
x1250madwho, yes! just ask... :)04:15
madwhox1250,  any hint how to set it ? i'm too lazy to type everytime setxkbmap in terminal04:16
madwhoi tried dpkg-reconfig console-setup04:17
EruditeHermitmadwho: that is how to do it04:17
EruditeHermitmadwho: HAL manages keyboard detection now04:17
madwhoEruditeHermit, i created /etc/hal/fdi/policy/x11-keyboard.fdi04:18
madwhobut it don't seem to work04:18
EruditeHermitmadwho: I'm not an expert so I can't really help with that, but I think you are in the right direction with that. Perhaps you have malformatted fdi file?04:19
SyLsoreau: ok, so what do I use so I can pick my SSID to see if the WIFI is working on this laptop04:20
madwhoEruditeHermit, could be but i can't find instructions on that and file i created i copied from some forum don't remember which one04:20
EruditeHermitask in #xorg maybe04:20
madwhoEruditeHermit,  ok i'll try04:20
soreauSyL: Does 'iwconfig' show ath0 wnd wifi0?04:20
EruditeHermitmadwho: or google for more fdi examples04:21
madwhoEruditeHermit, I did but i only find posts with problem but no solution04:21
EruditeHermitmadwho: a lot of people will be getting this because of the new Xorg04:21
madwhoI have no problem on other machine cause i set it during setup but i forgot to do it on this one04:22
madwhoand now can't find how to reconfigure it04:22
madwhook i'll ask in xorg04:22
EruditeHermitmadwho: you tried dpkg-reconfigure console-setup?04:22
madwhoEruditeHermit, yes didn't do a thing04:22
SyLsoreau: lo, eth0, wifi0, ath0 (looks like that's the wifi card) pan0. They all say no wireless card except for the ath0 one04:23
copproSyL: then the ath0 is the wifi card. Try iwlist scan04:23
soreauSyL: Great. I assume you're not running nm-applet?04:24
SyLcoppro: that shows SSIDs in the area... woot04:24
SyLsoreau: I'm guessing not? this is Ubuntu Studio... =\04:24
soreauSyL: Good, then just use iwconfig to set up your ssid and encryption key, then 'dhclient ath0'04:25
SyLsoreau: I bet I could install it though04:25
soreauSyL: Don't04:25
madwhoEruditeHermit, by the way where do i report bugs ? I had a hard time with grub04:25
SyLsoreau: is there a GUI client that I can use later... the owner of this laptop isn't "good" with computers. =)04:26
coppromadwho: launchpad.net04:26
madwhocoppro, ok thnx04:26
kubuntu_coppro: thanks got it working04:26
madwhohad to install grub manually from FC904:26
FFForeverhow can i ripemd160 hash my password?04:27
soreauSyL: For example, add something like this to /etc/rc.local (on ubuntu): iwconfig ath0 essid <essid> key <key>04:27
keithclark_How to adjust compiz settings?  I don't see any menu items for it in the default setup of live CD 64 bit running on a usb drive04:27
copprosoreau: that's not a gui04:27
soreauSyL: And then 'dhclient ath0'04:28
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: you need to install extra packages04:28
soreaucoppro: Was that not obvious?04:28
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: compizconfig-settings-manager04:28
keithclark_EruditeHermit: thanks04:28
soreauSyL: But make sure to test that those commands work in sequence first of course04:28
keithclark_EruditeHermit: where to enable extra packages?04:29
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: synaptic04:29
soreaukeithclark_: /etc/apt/spurces.list04:29
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: go to System-->Administration-->Synaptic Package Manager and search for compizconfig-settings-manager04:30
EruditeHermitcoppro: do you have a working plugin finder for firefox on your box?04:31
keithclark_EruditeHermit: not findig it.04:31
copproErudite: plugin finder?04:31
keithclark_EruditeHermit: I still don't know where to turn on the extras yet04:31
soreaukeithclark_: Or you could run 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager' (while synaptic isn't running)04:31
keithclark_soreau: let me try....04:32
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: check in System--> Administration--> Software Sources to see if web updates are enabled. If you are running a live CD the package isn't on the live CD.04:32
SyLsoreau: trying them04:32
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: once you install Ubuntu, it automatically enables web updates04:32
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: but a Live CD may not04:32
soreaukeithclark_: EruditeHermit is also correct04:32
keithclark_Ah, so in the live cd mode it is not possible04:33
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: it is possible, follow my last comment instructions to enable it04:33
keithclark_The effects work though....that is an improvement.04:33
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: in Software Sources, check to enable all web updates04:34
Freelancer86small question, anyone tried live usb creator in ubuntu?04:34
EruditeHermitFreelancer86: yes04:34
soreauFreelancer86: I heard it works fairly well04:34
EruditeHermitcoppro: the firefox plugin finder for java and flash etc04:34
copproEruditeHermit: never had it work04:34
copproany os04:34
EruditeHermitits broken for me on Intrepid now04:35
EruditeHermitit used to work on Hardy04:35
Freelancer86good, cause I tried doing it by hand before 8.10 and it was a disaster04:35
keithclark_EruditeHermit: I'm not sure I understand here....Under updates, the first two boxes are checked.  I still see nowhere to "turn on" extras04:35
EruditeHermitFreelancer86: as long as its an Ubuntu desktop iso, it works well04:35
Freelancer86cool, thanks04:36
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: in Ubuntu software, what do you have checked?04:36
keithclark_main, restriced and source04:36
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: in synaptic click reload04:37
EruditeHermitand then search again04:37
keithclark_EruditeHermit: ok04:37
soreauEruditeHermit: This is why I think it's easier to pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'04:37
EruditeHermitsoreau: he needs to do a sudo apt-get update first04:37
EruditeHermitsoreau: with that method04:37
keithclark_EruditeHermit: when I tried to close that window, it automatically asked to update04:38
soreauThen sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager ;)04:38
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: then search for it in synaptic again and it should appear04:38
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: or do what soreau said04:38
geremyhey all, still looking for help with an intel 945's tv out in either hardy or intrepid, assistance would be much appreciated04:38
EruditeHermitkeithclark_: both will do it04:38
EruditeHermitgeremy: try Xorg04:38
copproEruditeHermit: I always just use the plugin packages04:39
EruditeHermitgeremy: #xorg sorry04:39
keithclark_EruditeHermit: no, it does not show up, only compizconfig-backend-gconf does04:39
soreaukeithclark_: What happens when you run 'ccsm' from a terminal?04:39
geremyEruditeHermit: they were pretty much silent earlier, any other resources? I've been asking in multiple channels about this for 3 days now, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be told to shut up about it pretty quickly04:39
keithclark_soreau: "ccsm is not installed"04:40
soreaukeithclark_: And does it say how to install it?04:40
keithclark_soreau: ah, universe04:40
soreauAh yes04:40
EruditeHermitgeremy: what do you want to do specifically?04:41
keithclark_soreau: ok, let me try now04:41
EruditeHermitgeremy: try this http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:42
soreaukeithclark_: Enable universe, then 'apt-get update' (or gui method) then 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager' (or use synaptic gui)04:42
EruditeHermitgeremy: read up on TV out xrandr commands04:42
geremyEruditeHermit: looking for a way to get the image that would normally display on my monitor to be displayed on my tv via the svideo out on my intel 945 integrated graphics card04:42
keithclark_soreau: still does not show up.  Even after a reload04:43
geremyEruditeHermit: I've been trying those, the main problem at this point is that although I can get the output to display, it appears to roll from top to bottom, and if I switch to terminals I get rainbow colored snow04:43
soreaukeithclark_: That sucks. I don't know why it wouldn't04:43
keithclark_soreau: trying cl version04:43
soreaukeithclark_: It's in the repos, you just have to figure out how to install it (ccsm)04:44
EruditeHermitgeremy: roll from top to bottom?04:44
soreaukeithclark_: cl version?04:44
crdlbcommand line04:44
soreauWell finally04:44
keithclark_soreau: It worked!  I thank you04:44
keithclark_EruditeHermit: You as well.04:45
soreauYea, np *grumble*04:45
EruditeHermitthats weird04:45
geremyEruditeHermit: you know those old film reels where if the reel wasn't up to speed you could see the black space between the frames?04:45
EruditeHermitsynaptic didn't find it04:45
soreauEruditeHermit: The user didn't find it :p04:45
EruditeHermitgeremy: did you add a mode at 800x60004:45
keithclark_EruditeHermit: no, synaptic did not find it!  I'm not sure why.04:46
EruditeHermitsoreau: I guess less can go wrong with copy and paste04:46
geremyEruditeHermit: I added it, restarted X, no dice, why?04:46
soreauEruditeHermit: I'm not used to raw ubuntu support. I assume too much.04:46
soreauLike some weird 3rd world aol chat or sumthin04:46
keithclark_soreau: yes, it could be the user (me)04:47
soreauNot that I've ever chatted on aol, I only can imagine04:47
SyLsoreau: is there a way to see if I am connected to the Access point?04:47
EruditeHermitgeremy: I really don't know. TV out with intel should work. I would advise waiting it out on #xorg. The intel folk usually are good with helping you and if it is broken, they will try to fix it if you can debug it with them04:48
soreauSyL: For net access? What does 'ping www.google.com' say?04:48
EruditeHermitgeremy: TV out is one of those iffy areas with Linux though04:48
keithclark_Now, if I can just take this knowledge back to fix my 32 bit installation on my hard drive.  All would be great.04:48
soreauSyL: Also, the output of 'iwconfig' is of interest (for essid and access point)04:49
SyLsoreau: checking04:49
madwhoEruditeHermit, solved04:49
madwhoEruditeHermit, i was using legacy keys in .fdi file04:49
SyLsoreau: I don't see it associed, but all the other stuff looks ok04:50
EruditeHermitmadwho: cool, where did you find solution?04:50
geremyEruditeHermit: yeah... I guess I'll just hang around. Thanks for the reading material.04:50
soreauSyL: Pastebinnit | I will bbiab04:50
madwho:) i don't remember04:50
madwholet me check the history :)04:50
EruditeHermitmadwho: perhaps post in one of the forums so that others can find how to do it too.04:50
madwhoEruditeHermit, i found it here http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/tree/config/x11-input.fdi04:53
madwhoEruditeHermit, you were right it's a new xorg issue04:53
madwhoEruditeHermit, thanks for the hint04:54
EruditeHermitmadwho: no worries04:54
CarlFKAtheros AR242x - just activated the driver, dmesg:  ath_hal: (AR5210, AR5211, AR5212, RF5111, RF5112, RF2413, RF5413);  wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13)04:55
madwhogood nite04:55
CarlFKit worked good enough with ath5k - and I had it working with madwifi, and maybe with hardy (i forget exactly what I did to make it work)04:56
geremyEruditeHermit: you wouldn't happen to know when #xorg is most active, would you? Its *totally* dead right now04:57
EruditeHermitgeremy: nope sorry04:58
* crdlb would guess daytime (for Europe and Eastern US)04:58
EruditeHermitgeremy: try at different times of day to get people from different continents though04:58
geremyEruditeHermit: yeah... such is life I guess. I wonder what paid support goes for05:00
copprowhere have my printer settings gone?05:03
shirishhi all, I've been getting issues with $ ll *.torrent05:10
shirishit shows05:10
shirish~$ ll *.torrent05:10
shirishls: invalid option -- '_'05:10
shirishTry `ls --help' for more information.05:10
SyLsoreau: this access point is using WPA05:11
mayday_jayAnyone had any luck getting the Syntek Webcam working under Intrepid? Bus 003 Device 002: ID 174f:6a31 Syntek Web Cam - Asus A8J, F3S, F5R, VX2S, V1S05:20
RAOFmayday_jay: Yes; mine Just Works(tm)05:23
mayday_jayRAOF:  hmm...bizarre...works under Hardy....are you running a 64-bit kernel?05:25
RAOFBut that's unlikely to matter.05:25
rww!intrepid | mayday_jay05:26
ubottumayday_jay: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu05:26
mayday_jayDoes 2.6.27 use uvcvideo now instead of stkwebcam?05:26
RAOFI don't think so; the syntek cameras _arent_ uvc, as far as I know.05:27
mayday_jayrww: I realize things might be broken...just looking to see if anyone has had a similar issue.  I've scoured the forums, etc.05:27
mayday_jayRAOF:  Reason I was asking is I've seen a few threads mentioning - modprobe uvcvideo quirks=16 - to achieve luck....tried that and stkwebcam w/o luck...05:28
mayday_jayRAOF: when you lsusb you show the same device id 174f:6a31?05:29
RAOFNah; mine's a bit different.05:30
mayday_jayRAOF: Thanks anyhow, I'll look around upstream and see what the developers are showing in their bug tracking system....05:34
SyLsoreau: ok, so I got this to work. is there a GUI interface for setting up WIFI?05:35
Daisuke_Idothis is interesting05:35
soreauSyL: Seems like you have your drivers working. yay05:35
Daisuke_Idognome-session's maxing out one of my cores :\05:35
soreauSyL: nm-applet can be used, but I cannot say much about it as I use not nm-applet, but customized scripts (called from /etc/rc.local in *buntu )05:36
SyLsoreau: so apt-get install nm-applet05:36
soreauSyL: I cannot help you any further. You're drivers are now working. )don't break them!(05:37
wgrantSyL: Click on the network icon in your panel.05:37
Daisuke_Idothis is insane.  has anyone else experienced this?05:38
SyLwgrant: it's Ubuntu Studio, I don't see a network panel05:40
Daisuke_Idowell restarting x took care of it.05:42
DanaGHeh, FF3.1 no longer has an address bar....06:05
gaelfxso OOo 3.0 won't be in the final release of Ibex?06:05
DanaGit has a "Search Bookmarks and History" bar.06:05
rskigaelfx: no06:05
DanaGLooks really really stupid.06:05
gaelfxaw, that makes me a sad panda06:05
spencerhow to get totem-plugin to use totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer?06:07
DanaGI mean, "Search Bookmarks and History" is not even a NOUN.06:09
DanaGOr an adjective.06:09
DanaGIt's just plain wrong, in my opinion.06:09
DanaGYou don't use a "Turn this to steer the car" wheel.... you use a STEERING wheel.06:10
* DanaG goes off to name all his products with VERBS.06:16
* DanaG types on his "Make letters appear".06:16
DanaGAnd stares at his "Display an image".06:16
DanaGSounds utterly stupid.  =þ06:16
DanaGActually, that's not quite right, either... the thing in Firefox is an imperative verb.06:21
ZuckusFIllhey so when I first installed the Intrepid release candidate my gnome panels were kinda transparent and really cool looking, after installing some update they're back to the lame regular white ones, any idea why or how to fix it?06:24
ZuckusFIllI can't find anything about it06:25
ZuckusFIllno one even seems to know that the new theme was different for the gnome panels06:25
DanaGLook in the changelogs of the human-theme package; they disabled the background.06:25
ZuckusFIlldo i find that in launchpad or something?06:25
ZuckusFIlland why did they?06:25
DanaGaptitude changelog human-theme06:25
DanaGand then google for the launchpad bug number they mention.06:26
DanaGs/they mention/it mentions/06:26
DanaGlike, google for: ubuntu bug XXXXXX06:26
ZuckusFIllI just found it06:27
ZuckusFIllit's because of a theme changing "bug" except I know how to change the panel if I change the theme, I want my cool panels back!06:27
ZuckusFIllwhere can I find that background image06:28
DanaGYou can find the old version of the package on the launchpad.net page for the package, and then open it in archive-manager.06:28
DanaGI didn't actually see the cool panels; I don't use the default Human theme.06:29
ZuckusFIllI'm having trouble finding that package at that version06:30
DanaGWhat version?06:30
ZuckusFIllthe version that still has the background06:30
DanaGWhat version is that, I mean.06:31
ZuckusFIllwell the newest is 0.28.506:32
ZuckusFIllso whichever is before that I assume06:32
DanaGOh, I have it in my apt cache.06:33
DanaGI'll put it on a web space I have.06:33
ZuckusFIllI can find the right package, but I'm struggling to find the older version06:33
ZuckusFIlland it won't let me force-version in synaptic06:34
DanaGClick the version header.06:35
DanaGThen "builds - > i386"06:35
ZuckusFIllhmmm, I wonder why I couldn't find that06:36
DanaGThen the "resulting binaries" on the right.06:36
ZuckusFIllthanks man06:36
DanaGIt's rather obscure, actually.  I've had to dig around there myself sometimes.06:36
DanaGYou can just open it with archive-manager and grab the panel image itself.06:36
ZuckusFIllI got it working!06:38
ZuckusFIllsweet guys06:38
ZuckusFIllthis is the best IRC channel ever06:38
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:38
ZuckusFIllI don't think the moderator bot understood06:39
SebbohMaybe it's his best attempt to make an auto reply script? ;)06:45
Sebboh... nope.06:45
billybigriggerhow can i find out what ftp package my ibex beta server is using?06:46
billybigriggerlike i know port 21 is open, but what deamon is running?06:46
void^use netstat, with -p06:47
billybigriggerhrmm ok so where are proftpd's users info stored? i lost my password06:51
Sebbohnetstat -anpt <-- show listening ports, too, numeric, and skip the unix socket stuff.06:52
billybigriggerthe user is billysftp/ but i dont know the password, looking at /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf it says the user the deamon runs is the user proftpd06:52
coloquialist1Hi! just upgraded from Hardy to INtrepid, and display drivers are not loading properly.06:54
coloquialist1can anyone assist ?06:54
dli_coloquialist1, what video card?06:56
coloquialist1its a radeon 960006:58
coloquialist1it seemed to be working fine using "restricted drivers" in Hardy.06:59
dli_coloquialist1, it should work with the open source radeon driver06:59
dli_coloquialist1, make sure you have the package: xserver-xorg-driver-ati07:01
coloquialist1dli_: ok,07:03
elpargohi, I downloaded the USB image for the rc. where can I find instructions on how to run it?07:03
rhkfinelpargo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick07:09
rhkfinalso check this and if possiblee, comment/confirm/something: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/29016607:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 290166 in ubuntu "Intrepid alternate USB boot requires a cd" [Undecided,New]07:09
elpargorhkfin, oh I though that was a version the ran from the USB (same as the liveCD)07:10
rhkfinelpargo: I think you need to download the .iso cd image and process that to usb (with tools behind that link)07:11
coloquialist1dli_:The package is there, but Ubuntu is forcing me into low resolution mode07:19
elpargorhkfin, I'm confused the link you gave me gives instructions on how to create the liveUSB from the iso, but what I have is http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-rc-mobile-i386.img07:19
dli_coloquialist1, do you get a native resolution in command: xrandr07:19
rhkfinelpargo: huh, don't know about mobile.. But I'd think you have still use those tools to put it on usb..07:23
rhkfinjust copying it there will not be enough07:23
elpargorhkfin, yes I know it won't work.07:24
elpargobut now i know what happen. the name trick me. the download site says "Mobile USB image"07:26
Coloquialistdli_: I didn't understand what information you neededfrom xrandr07:26
elpargo"The mobile USB image allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all"07:26
Coloquialistdli_: I am just learning: windows sys admin turned ubuntu nub. so I'm trying to keep up.07:27
elpargorhkfin, the one you are talking about is the "MID USB image" "This USB image is optimized for handheld devices with 4-7" touchscreens and limited processing power."07:27
genesismachineI've just installed 8.10 on a macbook (2,1) and the keyboard is all messed up. What used to be keys 108 and 116 are now something else - 108 is the down arrow, not sure about 116. I now have no down arrow button. However, I know that X is detecting it correctly since in the gdm login screen, the arrow works fine... So it's something in my user profile07:27
genesismachineAny ideas what it is in my user profile that could be messing things up? I deleted the contents of my .xmodmap file to no avail... Right click was mapped to right apple, and middle click was mapped to enter. Now, down arrow = right click, unless I disable the 'mouse keys' setting - in which case, down arrow does nothing. Except if I do fn-down arrow, it's still page down, so I know the key number is still mapped correc07:29
rhkfinelpargo: whatever :)07:31
elpargorhkfin, awesome way of saying I don't know what I was talking about.07:31
elpargoanyone here knows how to get this http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-rc-mobile-i386.img into the USB to use it?07:32
Coloquialistdli_: what info should I be looking for from the xrandr command ?07:33
dli_Coloquialist, resolutions07:33
rhkfinelpargo: I still believe you have to use the tools provided here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick07:34
rhkfinanyone confirm?07:34
elpargorhkfin, so I'll just use the .img file instead of the .iso file as input? if so then why provide this .img file?07:35
Coloquialistdli_: Screen 0: minimum 1600 x 1200, current 1600 x 1200, maximum 1600 x 120007:35
rhkfinelpargo: I think so, yes.07:35
dli_Coloquialist, and you want higher?07:36
rhkfingive it a try..07:36
rhkfinelpargo: it's called "mobile" because of this: This USB image is optimized for ultra-mobile PCs and netbooks with screens up to 10". You will need at least 256MB of RAM to install from this image.07:37
rhkfinand .img because .iso refers usually to a cd07:37
rhkfinI guess..07:37
Coloquialistdli_: no.. lower. This machine is a laptop. Everything is TINY!.07:38
dli_Coloquialist, randr -output LVDS --mode 1024x76807:39
dli_Coloquialist, for example07:39
dli_Coloquialist, then, you can also config in System->preferences->Screen Resolution07:40
dli_Coloquialist, it's not a driver issue, just set the resolution07:40
RAOFColoquialist: System->Preferences->Screen Resolution would be the obivous choice for resolution settings; that way they'll be remembered across sessions.07:40
elpargorhkfin, i'll try it, but I think the wording is wrong. "USB image" stands for something you put in your drive, the same way as CD image, if it's just optimized for "ultra-mobile PCs" it should be call USB.07:41
=== histo_ is now known as histo
Coloquialistdli_: I only have the one option in resolution settings. Also: whenever I boot, I'm being told that ubuntu is forcing me to low graphics mode (don't remember the exact error). and then forced into 1600x1200.07:42
rhkfinelpargo: right, you put it on usb just like you put a cd image to a cd. You don't just copy it, it needs to be put there in a special way. It's usb & mobile because mobile devices usually don't have a cd drive..07:43
rhkfinelpargo: found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/ImageWriting07:44
scientusanyone have a recommended virrtual machine host?07:45
rhkfinI think it essentially does the same what the other tools do07:45
elpargoohh there you go. that's exactly what I was looking for.07:46
dli_Coloquialist, does xrandr work?07:46
elpargoscientus, host as in webhost or which server to use as host when you are installing it?07:46
Coloquialistdli_: when I pasted  "xrandr -output LVDS --mode 1024x768" into the console, I got the help display07:47
elpargorhkfin, ok so it seems I do have the wrong file. as I don't have a "mobile" device.07:47
rhkfinelpargo: in that case yes07:48
scientusweb host that offers virtual machines root access07:49
elpargoscientus, I do but this isn't really the channel for that.07:49
beilabsHey guys, just updated to intrepid, now gconfd is now taking up 100% of my CPU....any ideas what I could do?07:51
Coloquialist dli_: I see.. you missed a - .. now: "xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768" does seem to work no issues (returns with no errors or help text), but does not change the resolution.07:51
beilabswhen I try and kill gconfd then it just restarts straight away07:51
dli_Coloquialist, so your resolution is indeed 1024x76807:51
dli_Coloquialist, running xrandr without parameter would confirm this07:52
Coloquialistwhen I run xrandr without parameters, I get:  randr -output LVDS --mode 1024x768, even after running "xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768"07:53
Coloquialistdli: uhh ..that came out wrong.07:53
vegaColoquialist: just put the output in pastebin.com ..07:53
ZuckusFIllhey guys, my window borders flicker between there and just whiteness as my move my mouse around them, has anyone seen that before?07:55
ZuckusFIllI'm on a 7600GT07:55
ZuckusFIllI've seen it before back in Gutsy07:56
ZuckusFIllbut I never fixed it07:56
ZuckusFIllI'd hate to live with this for another 6 months07:56
alanbshepard77are there any known bugs for 8.10 involving a laptop touchpad? At the moment using a completely updated 8.10 RC install with a touchpad is a miserable experience.07:56
ZuckusFIllif I put my mouse on the window border sometimes it's as if the window border just turns white07:57
wgrantalanbshepard77: I largely maintain touchpad stuff now. What is your issue?07:57
Coloquialistdli_: http://pastebin.com/m66e397f4 I guess thats better than07:58
Coloquialistvega: thx for etiquette help.07:58
ZuckusFIllanybody seen that?08:00
alanbshepard77wgrant: when using a/the touchpad the mouse the windows jump around, scroll erratically and the system switches between desktops at it's own will, seemingly. None of the previously mentioned issues occur when using a mouse.08:00
dli_Coloquialist, I think the driver fails in identifying LVDS, sounds like a driver issue here08:00
wgrantalanbshepard77: You're sure that you're not using a region of the touchpad intended for scrolling?08:01
Coloquialistdli_: Ok... so what is my next step?  bug report? Find new driver ? regress to Hardy ?08:01
alanbshepard77wgrant: mouse the windows jump around = the cursor jumps around and moves windows along with it. Sorry. To answer your question no I'm not using a region of the touchpad devoted to scrolling.08:01
wgrantalanbshepard77: OK, which type of laptop and touchpad is it?08:02
dli_Coloquialist, xrandr --screen 0 --mode 1024x76808:02
wgrantFor touchpad type, is it ALPS, Synaptics, or something else that uses the -synaptics driver?08:02
alanbshepard77I have a sony vaio model PCG-71ml version VGN-FS98008:02
BUGabundo_workgood morning everyone08:03
* BUGabundo_work waves at wgrant08:03
alanbshepard77wgrant: i believe the touchpad is an electrostatic type.08:03
wgrantalanbshepard77: Not quite what I was looking for - find it in the output of 'xinput list', and tell me what it is called.08:04
wgrantHi BUGabundo_work.08:04
alanbshepard77wgrant: sorry, one second on that info.08:04
Coloquialistdli_: command failed.08:04
VSpikeZuckusFIll: have you tried selecting a different theme, preferably one using a different engine?08:04
VSpikeZuckusFIll: I've seen some strange stuff before with a particular theme with compiz + nvidia that was fixed by switching theme08:05
VSpikeZuckusFIll: not ideal, i know but could save your sanity :)08:05
* BUGabundo_work humm I can already feel the smell of the new jaunty chainlogs!08:05
ZuckusFIllwell, darkroom still did it, but let me try some others08:05
alanbshepard77wgrant: "AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint"id=4[XExtensionPointer]     "PS/2 Mouse"id=5[XExtensionPointer]08:05
wgrantOK, so it's an ALPS.08:06
wgrantalanbshepard77: Enable SHMConfig (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig), fire up 'synclient -m 10' and do so some stuff on the touchpad for a few seconds.08:06
wgrantThen pastebin the output and give me the link.08:06
dli_Coloquialist, try manually xorg.conf: Ctl-Alt-F1, stop X by sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop; sudo X -configure08:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:06
wgrantdli_: Why?08:07
dli_Coloquialist, I think the new driver version failed in reading your display modes08:07
wgrantX -configure is very rarely a good idea.08:07
alanbshepard77wgrant: ok, will do.08:08
wgrantalanbshepard77: Thanks.08:08
ZuckusFIllwell... glossy doesn't do it, but it also really doesn't fit08:10
alanbshepard77wgrant: the page you linked to says I must log out and then back in for the changes to take place in enabling shmconfig so I'll be right back.08:11
Coloquialistdli_: just to be clear the "stop;" in your text means "end of cmd line1, begin 2nd command" right ?08:11
dli_Coloquialist, Ctl-alt-f1 to console, login to stop X08:11
ZuckusFIlloh wait, All i had to do was change the window border to glossy! yay!08:12
dli_Coloquialist, and try X -configure from there08:12
ZuckusFIllman 2 for 2, you guys are kicking butt in here today!08:12
noami'm on kubuntu 8.10, and audio in flash doesn't work.08:12
cloud-ieeeHas anyone here done a Ubuntu network install?08:12
IejoorWill kubuntu and ubuntu be released simultanuously?08:12
wgrantThey always are08:13
noamwill audio in flash in firefox work on kubuntu when it's released?08:13
wgrantdli_: Why do you recommend X -configure? That has not been recommended for a very long time.08:13
alanbshepard77wgrant: I followed the instructions on the linked page to enable shmconfig but it's not working, any advice on that front?08:15
mntnpngnjust wondering which version of the kernel is 2.6.27-7-server based on?   is it just 2.6.27 ?08:16
wgrantalanbshepard77: What do you mean not working?08:16
wgrantmntnpngn: From the second-last changelog entry:08:17
wgrant  * Linux
mntnpngnahh ok08:17
alanbshepard77when I type this  "synclient -m 10" into a terminal I get this response "Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?"08:17
coloquialistdli: and.. blank screen08:18
dli_coloquialist, what did you do?08:18
wgrantalanbshepard77: Erm... xinput list-props "AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint"08:19
ZuckusFIllnoam, what audio card do you have?08:19
ZuckusFIllnoam: does audio work in other applications?08:19
alanbshepard77wgrant: pastebin the output?08:19
wgrantalanbshepard77: Please.08:19
coloquialistctl+alt+F1, logged ito the CLI, and entered the command "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop;" and " sudo X -configure" as you requested08:20
wgrantWhy are you running X -configure?08:20
wgrantI've asked a few times now.08:20
wgrantIt's almost never the right thing to do.08:20
alanbshepard77wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/63542/08:21
dli_coloquialist, yes, now edit /root/xorg.conf.new08:21
coloquialistdli_: not to sound rude.. but how? I had to log into IRC frrom my media server sitting next to me. My laptop is still sitting at a completely blank screen.08:22
dli_coloquialist, the easiest would be install openssh-server on the laptop, it's much easier to test from ssh login08:24
wgrantIt's also somewhat easier and better to *use the proper configuration method*.08:25
alanbshepard77wgrant: any ideas as to what's wrong if anything?08:28
coloquialistdli_: Ok.. Just so I'm on the same page.. Your requesting that I reboot the laptop, get into the Ubuntu GUI, grab the OPEN SSH package configure the device so it can be SSHd into, SSH into the device, kill Gnome display manager using /etc/init.d/gdm stop; and then enter the X -configure command before we can proceed?08:28
wgrantalanbshepard77: OK, so that's sort of working. You put the appropriate file in /etc/hal/fdi/policy?08:28
wgrantcoloquialist: What is the problem that you are encountering?08:29
dli_coloquialist, yes, and you have to edit the xorg.conf.new file, since the driver failed in some auto-detecting08:29
alanbshepard77wgrant: according to the linked page yes.08:29
wgrantalanbshepard77: Hrmmm. Perhaps reboot - HAL might not have picked it up.08:30
alanbshepard77wgrant: will do, brb.08:30
BUGabundo_workwgrant: do you know where I can find leann?08:31
ArShAmhi all08:31
ArShAmI recently downloaded the intrepid alternate CD08:31
itai_michaelsonhi, what kind of upgrade is it from beta to stable? just a few packages?08:32
ArShAmit wants to remove 467 of my packages, or it says it has to get almost 1.4 Gb of data08:32
ArShAmas soon as I have a very slow connection , I don't need the either ways08:32
wgrantBUGabundo_work: ogasawara in #ubuntu-bugs.08:32
ZuckusFIlluse sneaker-net with apt-on-cd08:32
wgrantitai_michaelson: RC to stable is fairly small, but beta could have hundreds of upgrades.08:33
ArShAmhow can I do the upgrade without fetching the whole upgrades nor removing the current stuff?08:33
wgrantArShAm: You probably can't.08:33
itai_michaelsonwgrant, i meant RC ,downloaded yesterday08:33
wgrantitai_michaelson: Ah, not too huge an upgrade, then.08:34
itai_michaelsonwgrant, thanks08:34
wgrantI can't give you anything too exact, sorry.08:35
coloquialistwgrant: FYI, upgrade from hardy to intrepid, hardy used restricted drivers, intrepid now forcing me to low resolution mode. xrandr communicating only one resolution, and no ability to set resolutions in Resolutionmanager. Laptp using mobile radeon 960008:35
alanbshepard77wgrant" ok it's working. Anything specific you'd like to capture or just random movement will be enough?08:35
BUGabundo_workthanks wgrant08:36
wgrantalanbshepard77: Nothing in particular, just normal movement.08:36
wgrantBUGabundo_work: np08:37
alanbshepard77wgrant: pastbin the whole thing? Should I have output to a file instead of letting it scroll down the terminal window?08:39
wgrantalanbshepard77: You could output it to a file, and perhaps run it with -m 100 instead.08:40
wgrantThat will reduce the volume of data by an order of magnituded.08:40
alanbshepard77wgrant: ok08:40
alanbshepard77wgrant: add the -d option?08:40
wgrantI wasn't aware it took -d08:41
alanbshepard77wgrant: I said that because of this  -->  (03:40:31 AM) wgrant: -d               you posted that after you asked me to make it -m 10008:42
wgrantalanbshepard77: Ah, sorry, I meant "minus the 'd'", as I had an extra 'd' on the end of 'magnitude'08:42
alanbshepard77wgrant: oh ok.08:43
alanbshepard77wgrant: the output -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/63547/ unfortunately the touchpad didn't act as crazy when collecting the data as it normally does.08:45
coloquialistdli_: ok.. SSH server installed, ssh to the device, kill gnome window manager and... the laptop becomes unpingable08:45
dli_coloquialist, disable gdm from being started, update-rc.d -f gdm remove; reboot08:46
wgrantalanbshepard77: Hmm, there's nothing too insane about that.08:46
coloquialistdli_: rebooting now. I'm assuming I shouldn't be getting a window manager when it boots ?08:49
alanbshepard77wgrant: yea things never went crazy when collecting the data. But a lot of the time windows scroll at random......08:49
alanbshepard77wgrant: , things zoom in and out at will, the active desktop switches, other windows get selected, etc....  when/while it's happening the computer becomes unusable.08:50
wgrantalanbshepard77: Reminds me of something that used to happen on a laptop I had a bit over a decade ago... does it only happen on Intrepid?08:50
wgrantAs that turned out to be a hardware fault.08:50
coloquialistdli_:system rebooted. in the CLI. where to now ?08:51
alanbshepard77wgrant: yea everything worked/works fine with hardy but not with intrepid.08:53
dli_coloquialist, X -configure08:54
wgrantalanbshepard77: Grmph. A synclient trace for when it is going crazy would be useful08:54
wgrantTouchpads can be very... touchy.08:54
alanbshepard77wgrant: right now I can go into windows or even the 7.10 release of ubuntu and everything works fine. I only have problems with 8.10RC.08:54
wgrantalanbshepard77: OK, there goes the easy way out :(08:55
* wgrant likes being able to blame things on hardware.08:55
coloquialistdli_: uhh.. same thing.. laptop screen goes blank. Laptop unping-able08:55
hackelThe bluetooth-alsa package was removed from Intrepid.  Is there a replacement?  Why was it removed?08:55
BUGabundo_workwgrant: bah I've been testing hibernation.,...08:55
BUGabundo_workthat's a real mess08:55
wgrantBUGabundo_work: Why?08:55
alanbshepard77wgrant: At first I thought it was a newly implemented feature that I needed to get used to, then I started thinking oh I don't want to get used to this, my comp is crazy!08:56
wgranthackel: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=49905208:57
ubottuDebian bug 499052 in ftp.debian.org "RM: bluetooth-alsa -- ROM; obsolete, have better replacement" [Normal,Closed]08:57
alanbshepard77wgrant: would a longer capture be helpful?08:57
wgranthackel: It seems that you want bluez-audio08:57
hackelwgrant, ah, thanks. :)  I was even searching Debian's BTS but didn't manage to find that one.08:57
wgrantalanbshepard77: I only need it for the time when it's going crazy.08:58
hackelwgrant, but bluez-audio was removed from Intrepid also!08:58
alanbshepard77wgrant: I'll start the capture and paste the part relevant to when it starts acting weird.08:58
wgranthackel: It was NBS... let's see what I can find out.08:59
wgrantalanbshepard77: Sure.08:59
coloquialist@DLI_: uhh,,, screen goes blank, , but when I go to Ctrl+Alt+1 it brings me back to the same CLI I just left08:59
wgranthackel: bluez-alsa, perhaps.08:59
dli_coloquialist, you can do X thing from ssh loging09:00
dli_coloquialist, now, you need to specify monitor and screen sections09:00
wgrantWhat is so special about coloquialist's hardware configuration that requires the obsolete manual configuration?09:01
hackelwgrant, yeah, I'm not certain and I don't have my hardware here to test if it's working, but I'll keep playing with it.  Thanks.09:02
coloquialistdli_: that would work, 'cept when I kill the window manager,  it killes my wifi link.09:02
coloquialistdo I really now need to bring my laptop across the house, so I can SSH to it ?09:03
alanbshepard77wgrant: GOT IT! it just went freakin nuts. I was browsing the web and it clicked on random stuff and then just started clocing windows and scrolling pages. To answer the obvious question, yes it acts the same with other programs not just firefox.09:03
wgrantalanbshepard77: OK, let's see that trace!09:04
alanbshepard77wgrant: clocing = closing.09:04
alanbshepard77wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/63553/09:05
wgrantalanbshepard77: At which stage did it go crazy?09:05
alanbshepard77wgrant: The real crazy part was real close to the time 190.38409:06
coloquialist@DLI_: allright.. laptop now across house, hardwired to router. not pulling DHCP for some reason. how do I grant it a static via CLI ?09:07
coloquialist\w coloquialist stuff09:07
BUGabundo_workwgrant: because it aint working, and I'm triaging it now!09:08
BUGabundo_workoh nice, now my mouse doesnt work09:08
BUGabundo_workI guess I found what's making it fail.... usb ?09:08
BUGabundo_workfreezer test failed09:10
BUGabundo_worknow to test devices09:10
dli_coloquialist, ifconfig eth0 netmask
dli_coloquialist, ifconfig eth0 up09:10
BUGabundo_workkernel lock... how nice09:10
alanbshepard77wgrant: anything abnormal that you notice so far?09:11
Prometheus7777hi, have ubuntu intrepid rc and i use Quanta in gnome and i can't find kio package that allow me to use sftp in quanta? Which package should i install?09:12
coloquialistdli_: ssh connection refused09:12
skwashdanyone been finding that evolution is crashing regularly, EDS is hanging a lot more frequently and evo even segfaulting?09:14
skwashdrunning 2.24.1-0ubuntu2 here09:15
alanbshepard77sorry for this question but does anyone else think the default background looks like a blood stained piece of leather and is it supposed to be exactly that?09:16
coloquialistdli_: ok .. so SSH is no go unless we bring up the ssh server under the CLI.09:16
coloquialistalanbshepard777: uhh.. I see a vaguely stylized image of an ibex (atleast I assume thats what the horsey thing is)09:17
skwashdalanbshepard77: i think it looks rather ye olde worlde ... but is pretty cool09:17
skwashdit grew on me more over the first day ... the herron ended up annoying me even tho i really like it when i first saw it09:17
skwashdbut i do think it looks more like a bird than an ibex09:18
alanbshepard77lol ah I see it now, to me the horns looked like a ring left by condensation on a cup without a coaster.09:19
alanbshepard77ronny: Hi.09:21
coloquialistdli you there ?09:21
ronnyanyone knows how to get pulseaudio to work with xfce on intrepid?09:21
ronnyits kinda borked09:21
ronnyno sound, no mixer, and alsamixer refuses to work09:22
skwashdronny: the number of things broken seems to increase with each update :(09:22
coloquialistit Appears my anonymous support buddy has ditched me with a laptop that is essentially bricked for my skill level.09:23
ronnyskwashd: thats unfortunate09:24
coloquialistI would enter something sarcastic here, but I guess that wouldn't do anything. Night all. Gluck.09:24
ronnyskwashd: we planned to hold an linux install party with intrepid on  Nov 2609:25
skwashdronny: thing were looking good with intrepid about 2-3 weeks ago ... but each time i update more stuff breaks09:25
skwashdhardy was worse tho09:25
skwashdronny: cool ... lets hope there is a rush of fixes09:26
dustofdusthi :)09:27
dustofdusti have a problem with 8.10rc, i have a msi kt3 with geforce2mx and a crt monitor which can do 1280*1024 @100hz. at install i get 1920 or so, i dont get an option with 1280*1024@100hz09:27
BUGabundo_workwgrant: can you give me some pointers on bug 29019109:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290191 in linux "debuging hibernate fail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29019109:28
dustofdustfor people who want to switch from windows to ubuntu, how can they do a backup of all their windows stuff, on for example an external usb harddisk. any programs on board?09:29
BUGabundo_workdustofdust: I would use clonezilla09:30
BUGabundo_workI use for everything that is backup related09:30
dustofdustthanks looks good, do you have any idea how i can find out problems with an external usb hd. im pretty sur it can transfer quicker than 700kb/s09:32
[tla]when trying to upgrade to intrepid from hardy why is download of the *ntfs-3g* files returning "forbidden"? Thx09:38
nickbookerWhere are the ACPI scripts now?  I'm informed that /etc/acpi/ scripts are now deprecated.09:39
vega[tla]: sounds like repository problems.. try again after some time09:44
zbyszekhi i have a seriour roblem with 8,10 while booting the system i get a message "starting NFS kernel deamon" and nothing else09:45
zbyszekno login screen09:45
alanbshepard77wgrant: you still there?09:45
zbyszekdo you know this problem?09:45
[tla]vega: ok.  just removed the offending packages and the upgrade is going ok09:46
alanbshepard77shouldn't enabling the cube in compiz automatically set your number of desktops to four?09:48
jonaskoelkerhi all.  I'm trying to apt-get upgrade to procps=1:3.2.7-9ubuntu2 (from s/2$/1/).  I get "Failed to fetch http://localhost:3142/mirrors.dk.telia.net/ubuntu/pool/main/p/procps/procps_3.2.7-9ubuntu2_i386.deb  Size mismatch"; my one /var/lib/apt/lists/*telia*intrepid_main_binary* says procps has size 225984.  When I download procps through http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/i386/procps/download from telias mirror, I also get 225984 octets.  What give09:48
jonaskoelkernvm... it's probably apt-cacher-ng screwing up (listening on localhost:3142), as it works when I don't use it09:50
alanbshepard77having said that how do I set my number of desktops to four?09:52
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: wmctrl -n 409:53
jonaskoelkerthat sets it transiently09:54
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker:  Thanks.09:54
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: didn't work, does it require a logout?09:56
zbyszekhi can anyone help me? i cannot access my PC09:57
alanbshepard77zbyszek: can you be more specific? What exactly is the problem? What led up to you not being able to access your PC?09:58
dustofdustany idea why an external usb hd is slow at 700kb/s with 8.10rc?09:58
zbyszeki alanbshepard77 i installed 8.10 and now when i try to boot the system, it hangs on "Starting NTP server ntpd"09:58
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: I didn't see you were talking about compiz, sorry09:58
alanbshepard77zbyszek: sorry that problem is beyond my skill level (most likely) but someone else should be able to help you. The more info you can give when requesting help the better. ;)10:00
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: ccsm -> general -> desktop size10:00
Almindorany idea why disk activity is so crippling ?10:00
AlmindorI noticed this since 8.04 or so, whenever there was disk activity (minimal cpu) everything goes to hell (including graphical stuff already loaded/cached)10:01
jonaskoelkerzbyszek: do you have anything in /etc/init.d/* | grep ntp?10:01
jonaskoelker(that'd be the same as /etc/init.d/*ntp*)10:01
definitelyHello i am one problem. I am using AMD64 version of Intrepid Ibex. When i try to play music with any player i get something like distrubs  in sound always.10:01
definitelyi have one problem''10:02
zbyszekjonaskoelker well i can do nothing now10:02
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: for which values of "any player"?10:02
zbyszekeven acces commnd line10:02
jonaskoelkerzbyszek: boot into single user mode10:02
definitely<jonaskoelker> Bashee, rhythmbox10:02
zbyszeki tried befre with recovery mode10:02
zbyszekand it succeded10:02
zbyszekbut i think there was something wrong with xrg10:02
definitely<jonaskoelker> Also Totem10:03
zbyszekcos i couldnt use mouse10:03
jonaskoelkernevermind that, I only want you to use it to hack the ntp problem10:03
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: try mplayer.  Does banshee use totem?10:03
jonaskoelker(I don't know banshee)10:03
jonaskoelkersorry, s/totem/gstreamer10:03
jonaskoelkerlooking at its dependencies, that would suggest so10:04
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker:  Thanks that did it.10:04
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: np :)10:04
definitely<jonaskoelker> ok installing mplayer.10:04
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: I think it's a bug in gstreamerd -- banshee, rythmbox and totem all use the same code to turn mp3s into .wav'ish data that's sent to the sound card.  mplayer uses something different.10:05
definitelyWhat uses Exaile ?10:05
definitelyI didint tryed exaile but it's also my favotire music player10:06
elmargoltry totem-xine10:06
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: run "apt-cache show exaile | grep Depends:", see how gstreamer occurs10:06
jonaskoelkerelmargol: what, something with a gui??  ;)10:07
elmargoljonaskoelker: the dark age is over10:07
Almindorbtw. what about the network manager?10:08
Almindorit disapeared from my panel and I have no visual network configure tool10:08
Almindor(not that it worked...)10:08
definitelyjonaskoelker: Same with mplayer10:08
Almindor(I can add an applet which looks like it but it's just the watch thing)10:08
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: damn.  Try vlc and totem-xine, just in case10:09
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: which kernel are you running?  2.6.27-*?  Try running older ones, just in case it's an alsa or driver issue...10:10
definitelyhow to check wich i am using10:10
definitely ?10:10
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: $ uname -r10:10
definitelyxine gives the same..10:11
jonaskoelkerbad xine :(10:11
jonaskoelkertry an older kernel10:11
definitelyfirst i need to finish update. As i see some updates are here.10:12
alanbshepard77is there anything like btnx for intrepid?10:15
victim[v]Hi, how can I enable screen resolutions greater than 640 by 480? glxinfo - http://paste.ubuntu.com/63571/  xorg - http://paste.ubuntu.com/63572/10:15
lup0can anyone tell if there is a channel for boot optimization in ubuntu?10:15
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: ok that was only a half fix for compiz. The setting for number of desktops was greyed out so I adjusted the horizontal and vertical virtual desktop settings. That gave me a grid of desktops and the cube somehow worked but it slowed my system to a crawl.10:19
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: The cube worked great with hardy. I did have to use gconf-editor to enable 4 desktops but that's greyed out as well.10:20
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: greyed out in intrepid in both places, just clarifying.10:20
jonaskoelkerdo you need four desktops for anything in particular, or is four workspaces equivalent? [if it's up to speed, of course]10:21
Almindoroh great work on that driver AMD..10:22
Almindornow fullscreen/gl doesn't work right10:22
definitely<jonaskoelker> yeah it is smth with alsa, in sound preferences when i push test i get the same distrubs10:22
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: anything that allows me to have several sets of workspaces/desktops is acceptable to me so I can multitask. Letting me use them with the cube of compiz was just a bonus. I'm just wondering why it's not working anymore.10:22
Almindoris there a way to use the free radeon driver?10:23
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: do you have good sound on older kernels?10:23
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: ... as of course it should :)10:23
definitelyDunno its new pc, and new ubuntu here10:23
crdlbalanbshepard77: number_of_desktops has been disabled by ubuntu since it's never a good idea to use it10:23
crdlbI can't imagine why viewports would be particularly slow though10:24
jonaskoelkercrdlb: why are desktops a bad idea to use?10:24
crdlbbecause compiz doesn't use them10:24
crdlbevery plugin is designed for viewports, desktops supports is only there for completeness10:25
crdlband the ubuntu people have apparently realized that completeness is not always a good thing :)10:26
alanbshepard77crdlb: Thanks for the info.10:26
alanbshepard77I guess I won't be using the desktop cube anymore. To get it to work I needed to have 4 horizontal and 4 virtual desktops for a total of 16 :-o10:27
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: that sounds strange... how have you found that out?10:27
crdlbthat doesn't make any sense; if you did that, the desktops would only be accessible via the pager, since nothing in compiz will let you switch them10:28
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker:   CCSM -> General -> Desktop size10:28
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: CCSM -> General -> Desktop size  gives me three options, number of desktops is disabled though. but I did find that if I set both of the other options to 4 each (16 total) the desk cube worked as advertised (like it did with hardy)10:30
crdlbit will also work if you set vertical to 110:30
crdlbvertical is only really usable with Wall10:30
crdlb(but you can always access them with Expo)10:30
definitely<jonaskoelker> same problem with older kernel10:32
alanbshepard77crdlb: lol duh :::::facepalm::::::  vertical to 1 does work also10:32
alanbshepard77crdlb:  I'm going to be in the corner if anyone needs me.10:32
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: did someone pee or your sound card? ;)10:33
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: I love corners.  Let me come sit with you10:33
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: You know what they say, misery loves company.10:34
definitelyjonaskoelker: what means pee10:34
definitely ?10:34
OxDeadC0dehello all, I downloaded kubuntu metapackages from the regular gnome II, now when I start kde I have a couple problems - Guidance power manager and nm-applet keep starting, I can't figure out where to disable them in favor of the kde versions that are running too, any ideas?10:34
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: urinate10:34
definitelyjonaskoelker: i cant find word urinate in dictionary10:34
jonaskoelkeryellow penis liquid10:35
definitelyNo ;D10:35
definitelyIt's new pc. Everything is Intel or geforce10:35
jonaskoelkerno yellow liquids from girly bits either?10:36
alanbshepard77geforce or peeforce?10:36
definitelynot funny.10:36
definitelyIn windows my sound works ok10:36
jonaskoelkeralanbshepard77: isn't peeforce a versioning system? ;)10:36
alanbshepard77jonaskoelker: In some respects ;)10:37
jonaskoelkerokay, so we can assume the hardware works10:37
definitelyin btw in older kerneli was gettings sound beeeeep till i logged into desktop10:37
alanbshepard77definitely: Maybe your hardware requires restricted drivers. i'd love to help you but I'm not familiar with your setup so some other knowledgeable gent will have to do it.10:38
definitelyor ubuntu just hates me lol10:39
jonaskoelkercould be10:39
definitelyIn btw motherboard: Intel G3110:39
jonaskoelkerthe betas really hate a lot of people ;)10:39
definitelyIt is RC not  beta :P10:39
alanbshepard77yea and I'm one of "those" people10:40
OxDeadC0deI downloaded kubuntu metapackages from the regular gnome II, now when I start kde  - Guidance power manager and nm-applet keep starting, I can't figure out where to disable them in favor of the kde versions that are running too, any ideas?10:40
definitelyIt's discrimination of my hardware lol.10:41
definitelyHow can i check alsa version10:44
definitely ?10:44
* jonaskoelker punts10:44
OxDeadC0dealsamixer -v ?10:45
definitelythnx hmm10:46
faileasi've got a IBM r61 which i am trying to get bluetooth working for on kubuntu ibex. i can't seem to find the name of the adaptor and kbluetooth4 seems to 'run' but isn't visible. any ideas on what i can do?10:47
definitelyresolved problem.10:49
definitelylol'' ;D10:49
definitely <jonaskoelker>: This is problem when i set 100% sound in volume controler lol10:50
definitelyNow ubuntu loves me xD10:51
alanbshepard77definitely: glad it's working for you, sorry I was of no help.10:51
void^faileas: fwiw, i have a r61 with broadcom bluetooth and it works, not using kde though.10:51
faileasvoid^: well i don't even know whats the bluetooth adaptor ;p10:52
definitely<alanbshepard77> np ;]10:52
jonaskoelkersometimes it's the simplest of things :]10:52
faileasthere's a pan0 listed.. but it seems to be disabled10:52
faileasvoid^: i don't mind installing another DE for this. its better than needing to reboot to windows just for that ><10:53
alanbshepard77anyone know of a way to make use of my mouse's extra buttons using intrepid? btnx that I used with hardy isn't working.10:53
definitelyGnome is mother of Linux. KDE it just stupid chilren lol10:53
mnemocGnome the mother of Linux? come on10:54
definitelyi am kidding lol ;]10:54
faileasvoid^: no wait. i found it. the IRC help curse might have struck again *g*10:54
definitelyTerminal is mother ;D10:54
faileasdefinitely: the terminal is father, the terminal is mother... wait thats the corps ;p10:54
alanbshepard77Linus is father terminal is mother10:55
alanbshepard77i'm the unwanted offspring10:55
definitelyhehe :)10:55
definitely<alanbshepard77> why you think that you are unwanted lol ?10:56
alanbshepard77my computer is the broken cond.....  :-010:56
definitelyMy also was. Now its good cond.. :D lol10:56
mnemocLinux is a bastard child of tanenbaum and linus10:56
alanbshepard77bastards are hot10:57
definitelyLinux is computers. Computers is Linux. If you use windows,  to use them not computer. ;D10:57
alanbshepard77and highly customizable.10:57
definitelyyou use''10:57
definitelyEven word Vista in my country sounds stupid - chicken. :DD10:58
* faileas loves and hates bluetooth ;p10:58
alanbshepard77faileas: I feel the same way but my hatred for bluetooth was caused by sparkfun.com10:59
jonaskoelkerdefinitely: where are you from?11:00
definitelyLithuanian ;D11:00
faileasalanbshepard77: well i hate it cause it dosen't awlays work and its quirky as **** when it does. i like it cause it makes my phone useful ;p11:00
definitelyfaileas: :DD11:00
mnemocdefinitely: labas! :p11:00
definitelymenmoc: ;DD11:00
jonaskoelkernow I know twice as many lithuanians as before11:00
* mnemoc too11:00
definitelymnemoc: not lithuanian ?11:01
alanbshepard77 lithuanians rock11:01
definitelyTotaly no :D11:01
faileasi hate it right now. since it dosen't work ;p11:02
OxDeadC0deAnyone know how to prevent nm-applet and guidance-power-manager from starting in kde sessions?11:02
mnemocdefinitely: nope, but a friend is11:02
definitelymenmoc: Hehe :) Lithuanians are everyone. A bit like Chuck Norris xDD11:02
definitelyare everywhere'' ;D11:02
mnemocdefinitely: like diseases? *G*11:03
alanbshepard77 lithuanians have to be cool, they use Linux, apparently.11:04
definitelyWhere are you from :) ?11:04
alanbshepard77The United States Of Retardation (America).11:05
definitelyBush owns ya face. :D11:05
alanbshepard77Yea but not for long11:05
rskithere will be a pensionere running the country instead11:06
faileasnaw. bush is the reason crossover is free for a day ;p11:06
jonaskoelkerlol, USoR11:06
mnemocthanks bush!11:07
alanbshepard77I'll vote for whoever promises to make Linux (Ubuntu Linux to be specific) the national OS with fines and the death penalty for whoever doesn't adopt it.11:07
mnemocalanbshepard77: biden is pro-ms and pro-drm :(11:07
definitelyFunny here ;D11:07
alanbshepard77mnemoc: :-o Aw and I thought he was of sound mind.11:08
definitelyFuckin intel doesnt let me to tune up Q6600 even to 2.5 Ghz, resets it automatically ;D11:08
alanbshepard77Anyone who will be voting needs to write in Tux for their presidential nominee.11:09
definitelyIn btw, how many days here is till Ubuntu Intrepid full ?11:10
alanbshepard77I think it will be out the 30th11:10
mnemocalanbshepard77: http://www.linux.com/feature/14843611:11
definitelyI ordered cd, hope they will send AMD64 xD11:11
mnemoc"Linux.com's guide to the 2008 US presidential candidates"11:11
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases11:11
Almindorflash is freezing again :(11:12
rskiofcourse it does, we can't fix it =(11:12
definitelyHmm is there problem for everyone or just me. I am not able to see avatars in skype ?11:12
mnemocflash10 sucks!11:12
Almindorrski, em.. it didn't on 8.0411:13
Almindorrski, I had flash 10 there too and it worked flawlessly11:13
Almindorpulseaudio disabled on both too11:13
* Almindor thinks it's the crappy AMD driver11:13
AlmindorI can't revert to 8.8 tho, the module doesn't compile with .27 :(11:13
Almindoryes it is getting slower, old news tho11:14
rskilink to phoronix.com instead mnemoc11:14
rskino need for sub-site spam =)11:14
mnemocrski: :)11:14
mnemocno more links, ok11:14
definitelyIt isnt slower at all i think.11:15
Seeker`I get kernel panics when I try to run 8.10 RC (kernel panics shortly after X starts, cant get far enough to actually find out what is wrong) - is this a known issue?11:15
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
mnemocrski: I tend to point to subsites as they provide summaries :p11:15
AlmindorI'm kind of disapointed in 8.1011:16
Almindor1. network manager is crap11:16
Almindor2. latest ati driver is semi-broken on 64bit and there's no way to use older ones11:16
Almindor3. my boot splash is gone ?11:16
definitelyeverything is ok for me. Intel and Geforce rules. ;D11:17
Almindorand it seems to me that the whole disk freeze is getting worse, but it might be just my imagination11:17
slestakWMnm is giving me probs with pptp + 0.711:19
slestakWMtheres a bug open on it, just saying me too11:19
alanbshepard77during my install using the 8.10 alt CD I said yes to the option of encrypting my Home dir using a passphrase. Why am I never asked for the passphrase I provided? My home dir is wide open.11:19
definitelyfor me everything is ok umm11:23
Almindordefinitely, try something disk-crunching like transmission with incomplete torrent :)11:23
Almindordefinitely, abysmal IO perf. which ruins non-related programs (even already loaded ones)11:24
definitelyTransmission sux at all. :)11:24
Almindorone program has no right to ruin the fun for all the others, something's wrong11:24
xxploiti always replace it with deluge11:24
Almindoreither CFS, IO-S, both or some driver but I noticed this since 8.04 or so11:24
definitelyMe too Deluge rules. :)11:24
Almindorany higher disk activity freezes everything else pretty much11:24
punzadadeluge's project has gotten so good lately11:25
punzadathe daemon service and such now11:25
punzadais great :)11:25
definitelyYeah, but it's still only older version in repos.11:25
definitely0.5x as i remember...11:25
punzadawell yeah but, repos are rarely newest packages11:25
jonaskoelkerI'm out.  You kids play nice together now, y'hear? :)11:30
=== BaD-Laptop is now known as BaD_CrC
slestakWMyeah, right11:31
arsham1I upgraded to intrepid (kubuntu) and now I cannot login into KDE4 , it says the ksmserver has crashed11:35
joaopintoarsham1, upgrade or clean install ?11:36
arsham1upgrade from alternate CD11:36
arsham1and now I am in shell, I don't have any desktop environment , and my connection is so slow to download more stuff11:37
dr_willisarsham1,  your best option is to update, and upgrade, and hope whatever bug causing that got fixed... most likely..11:38
dr_willisor try starting X with startx and see if kde starts up that way..11:38
arsham1ok , let me try , thanks and brb11:38
arsham1oh , with startx I don't have anything there , just a cursor11:39
dr_willisyou mean a mouse pointer?11:39
roy_im having a keymapping problem running an xp vmware machine inside ibex - it was fine under hardy heron but after upgrading 8.10 the down cursor key for example now is the windows key11:40
dr_willisas a test.. try making a file called .xinitrc11:40
dr_willisand in it have 2 lines...11:40
dr_willisxterm &11:40
arsham1in home or etc?11:40
dr_willisIts a . file.. :) so its in the users home11:40
dr_willisThen try startx again11:41
* dr_willis is pulling out his old troubleshooting techniques...11:41
OxDeadC0deecho "xterm &\nstartkde" > ~/.xinitrc    ? :P11:41
dr_willisOxDeadC0de,  i always goof those kind of commands.. :)11:42
dr_willisand people just look at them as if they were voodoo...11:42
OxDeadC0deit is though, bash voodoo :P11:42
dr_willisjust be sure you dont get > and >> confused.. :) and all path/filenames right11:42
arsham1now I have a shell there , too, nothing more11:42
arsham1what is gpmctl?11:43
dr_willisdoes the xterm have window decoration?11:43
OxDeadC0detype startkde into the shell, what's it say ?11:43
dr_willisSo it seems that kde is partially working.. :)11:43
dr_willisOxDeadC0de,  stole my next suggetion! :P11:43
arsham1it doesn't have11:43
dr_willisNo window decoration.. Hmm.. you DID use 'xterm &'   not just 'xterm' ?11:44
Seeker`I think network manager is causing kernel panics - If i boot into safe mode and remove it, the system will boot fine, if i then reinstall and start networkmanager, the kernel panics again11:44
OxDeadC0decould it be your network card causing the panics?11:44
arsham1it says #DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to X11:44
arsham1I did xterm & in the rc file11:45
groogyYo! I just updated to intrepid and I'm using Cairo-dock, the desklets I had just vanished and the lists with applets are empty. Help?11:45
mnemocecho $DISPLAY   =)11:45
Seeker`the error messags I see in the log are related to acx11:45
ChousukeOxDeadC0de: are you sure echo correctly treats \n as a newline?11:45
ChousukeOxDeadC0de: mine doesn't :p11:45
alanbshepard77is a kernel panic what happens before corn turns into popcorn? ah what's happening.....POP!11:45
arsham1$DISPLAY is void11:45
Chousukeexport DISPLAY=:0 then :=11:46
dr_willisHmm.. thats weird.. how did xterm not get display set.. when it ran..11:46
Chousukeif X is running it's usually :011:46
roy_im having a keymapping problem running an xp vmware machine inside ibex - it was fine under hardy heron but after upgrading 8.10 the down cursor key for example now is the windows key - any ideas?11:46
arsham1failed to load module type1, does not exists11:49
dr_willisarsham1,  interesting...11:50
arsham1let me start over11:50
dr_willisthat was the error for the 'startkde' command? after exporting the DISPLAY?11:50
roy_im having a keymapping problem running an xp vmware machine inside ibex - it was fine under hardy heron but after upgrading 8.10 the down cursor key for example now is the windows key - any ideas?11:51
arsham1now , I got the kde session11:51
arsham1but right before the desktop shows up , its gone11:51
arsham1like the was before11:52
vegaroy_: no need to repeat your question every 10 lines11:52
roy_sorry - wasnt sure if anyone read it11:52
OxDeadC0deChousuke you were right, needs -e to recognize \n11:52
arsham1again it says ksmserver segfault at 011:53
roy_does anyone know of a more appropriate place to ask about this11:53
dr_willisarsham1,  so it is kde crashing... we sort of have shown that...11:54
arsham1it seems to be something in libQTcore11:54
arsham1I am trying to reinstall libqt to see what happens11:55
OxDeadC0dehave you - or can you, do sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade ?11:55
OxDeadC0dehow slow is your connection?11:55
arsham1256 Kb11:56
arsham1but it gives me at most , 27 KB11:56
OxDeadC0dewell, try what I said, if you have to let it run overnight, if you arn't limited by bandwidth that is11:56
misiaczkowskiI find problem on kubuntu 8.10.... I can't move mp3 from Dolphin to amarok ( on amarok I see only link to the mp3)11:56
dr_willisservers were VERY slow just now when i uodated11:57
Almindoranyone knows if official AMD 8.10 drivers work on ibex and it they differ from what canonical cooked?11:57
dr_willisso 'expect delays' ahead. :)11:57
dr_willisOfficial AMD drivers... for what? AMD makes a lot of things...11:57
OxDeadC0deI just upgraded 5 packages and it all worked fast for me11:57
dr_willisOxDeadC0de,  it did forme to just now.. a few min ago they all timed out11:58
dr_willis'expect delays' :)11:58
Almindorthe packaged driver is very broken, I know for a fact that official catalyst 8.10 also has most of the issues, but I think the fullscreen problem isn't there11:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 279287 in linux "[intrepid] NetworkManager 0.7 hangs system" [High,Incomplete]12:00
Seeker`thats what I have12:00
Almindoryeah the whole nm thing is borked12:00
xxploiti just replaced nm with wicd12:00
chadHas anyone been able to successfully connect to a pptp vpn using network-manager in 8.10 ?12:06
KimfYes, but that was before they "fixed" something. haven't tried in a couple days now12:07
chadKimf: mine just says failed although the connection works fine in windows12:07
KimfYup, that is what happened to me aswell. But it did work at one point. Actually had it working when I first tried it in alpha 3 I think.12:09
chadKimf: dead now though .. right ?12:09
Kimfhaven't checked the last couple of days, but I think so.12:10
chadAnyone know how to manually make a vpn connection in 8.10 using the terminal ?12:11
KeithamusMy girlfriends laptop has trouble connecting on kubuntu intrepid. Weve both got the same laptop, both on kubuntu intrepid. Mine connects fine, hers gets up to "IP Configuration" then dies. Anyone got any ideas?12:20
dr_willisswap laptops when shes not looking.. :)12:21
dr_willisOh wait.. hers dosent work..12:21
Keithamusyeah no fun12:24
Keithamusare there any files i can compare to get this sorted?12:26
rhkfinKeithamus: all files in /etc12:27
Keithamusthats quite a few!12:27
Keithamusour /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces are identical12:28
myk_robinsonmorning, all12:28
mnemocKeithamus: diff -Nudr12:29
mnemoc(of course you have to copy her etc locally first)12:29
Keithamusis there a saner and less laborious method?12:30
Keithamusseeing as our systems are going to have slight changes because of our own preferences12:30
Keithamusso im just gonna have to wade through tonnes of crap to find out what is what12:31
vegaKeithamus: if you have static ip's then "identical" is not so good.. but i'm guessing not?12:32
Keithamuswe do have static ips12:33
Keithamuswell, reserved ips on the router.12:33
vegawhat does that mean, are they bound to the mac address or something?12:34
vegain that case, shouldn't you have differing interfaces file?12:34
Keithamusuhm no, it doesnt define a static ip12:34
Keithamusit still asks for a dynamic ip, but the router always gives it the same one12:35
predator363hey does intrepid use gnome12:35
Keithamuspredator363: of course12:35
vegapredator363: yes?12:35
predator363was just wondering cos i cant get themes to work right12:35
predator363and i cant find anythemes in .gtp files12:35
KimfI'm having a rather non standard problem, that might be a more general problem. I'm running vista on a (nvidia fake)raid 0 and installed ubuntu 8.10 on a 3rd drive (nonraid). I'm booting this from the vista bootmanager with grub4dos and the menu.lst file from the ubuntu install. But I only get a busybox in the initramfs and a message that /dev/disk/by-uuid/.... does not exist(where it should be installed)12:35
predator363cos thats what the theme manager wants12:35
predator363so where would get themes in .gtp files?12:36
vegaKeithamus: try to restart networking from command line and see if that gives any errors12:36
Picipredator363: Just drag a tar.gz theme onto the theme window.12:36
Keithamusvega: how do I do that?12:37
vegaKeithamus: /etc/init.d/networking restart or "ifdown ethX && ifup ethX"12:37
vegaand use "ifconfig" to see if you get an ip address12:37
predator363i did that and it dosent show up12:38
predator363theme manager closes and when i reopen it the themes not there12:38
Keithamusvega: i did that before with no luck. ifconfig doesnt give me an ip12:38
predator363i tryed copying it to the theme folder but no cake12:38
Keithamustrying again now, still no luck by the looks of it12:38
Keithamusknetwork manager fills the little bar up to 100%, but the cog still spins for like a minute before it gives up12:39
vegaKeithamus: you can see the dhcp request messages but no answer from server?12:39
Picipredator363: Are you decompressing the .tar.gz file?12:39
Keithamushow would I see them vega?12:39
vegaKeithamus: at least when using the "ifdown ethX && ifup ethX" command12:39
KeithamusI can see in my router logs it gets the computer (tells me the hostname and mac, and then tells me it has assigned it an IP address)12:39
Keithamusvega: did I mention its wireless?12:40
Picipredator363: Is it every theme that you are having trouble with, or just one specific?12:40
Keithamusmy bad, thought I did12:40
vegaWEP/WPA ?12:40
Keithamuswpa2 ccmp12:41
vegaactually never used wpa myself.. but guess you checked relevant settings12:41
Keithamusweve got exactly the same setup in the network manager, and mine connects like a breeze12:41
predator363every theme iv tryed metacity themes compiz themes gnome themes emerald themes (i cant even get emeralds manager to open cos it freezes) nothing seems to work12:41
predator363when i look in synaptic and search for gnome it dosent say its installed should i try installing it? and what am i using if im not it gnome?12:42
Keithamusvega: my router has a "guest mode" where it sets up a second access point, i did that and made it unsecure, but her lappy still cant connect to that, so Im thinking its not a wpa issue12:43
pawanwhen is the new version coming out12:43
Picipawan: The same day that I told you in #ubuntu, October 30th12:43
dr_willisDo we need to set a ON JOIN spam message to people? :)12:43
matjan_workhi, has anyone here had the problem with the iwlagn driver (kernel panics)?12:43
dr_willislets start telling everyone it will be out on October 33rd!12:44
Keithamusmatjan_work: yes; sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-2.6.27-7-generic12:44
pawanwhats special in new version12:44
vegaKeithamus: dunno really, running out of ideas, any differing firewall config on the laptops?12:44
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
dr_williseverything has been updated...12:44
Keithamusvega: havent touched it12:44
matjan_workKeithamus, ok... and that solved the problem? (just to be sure...)12:44
Keithamusmatjan_work: did for me, needs a restart though12:45
Picipawan: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/810rc#New%20Features%20since%20Ubuntu%208.0412:45
Keithamusvega: can i check by just running ufw?12:45
matjan_workKeithamus, right, makes sense12:45
vegaKeithamus: also, compare /etc/dhcp3/ and /etc/NetworkManager/12:45
rhkfinsome on join message would be handy..12:45
predator363i'll be back in a little bit. gotta go but still need help with themes (found a good howto maybe i wont be back if it helps) thanks anyone for any replaies i got12:45
vegaKeithamus: don't know, i use shorewall12:46
vegaKeithamus: "sudo ufw status" might tell something12:47
Keithamusvega: both say not loaded, comparing the files you said, both seem identical12:48
Keithamusvega: the router cant be iffy can it? Mine connected fine, my wii connecting in about 2 seconds, two other wired machines connect fine, its literally just her lappy12:49
vegaKeithamus: has the laptop wireless ever worked under linux? or was it so that they were identical12:51
Keithamusworked up until yesterday, and hasnt worked since12:51
vegaboth run intrepid, same upgrade status?12:52
pawanany good webcam software12:52
rhkfinKeithamus: try with a live cd?12:52
* Elektrikz rr -.-12:53
dr_willispawan,   i like cheese :)12:53
pawani like bread12:53
Pici!info cheese | pawan12:54
ubottupawan: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2334 kB, installed size 7140 kB12:54
nemohm. version of rexml in ubuntu 8.10 has a pretty annoying crasher12:54
nemocauses Gnome Art Manager to blow up12:54
pawanhow to install12:55
vegapawan: sudo apt-get install cheese12:55
Picipawan: The same way that you install anything in Ubuntu.12:55
vegaor through the graphical frontends..12:56
Keithamusk thanks guys12:56
pawanoh thanks12:56
Keithamusill try a livecd and get back to you.12:56
Kimfcrap... think I just got it working with my strange setup. Just did an exit on the initramfs and it booted. Hmmm Now to see if everything is ok12:57
vegai'd check the upgrade status of nm and kernel packages, nm has got a lot of updates recently (and still it's crap :))12:57
KimfStrange at least. hehe12:57
KimfBut my raid is not showing. :(12:59
erryHello i updated frm 8.04 to 8.10 and it wont wake up from sleep(takes me in black screen w/ mouse cursor but mouse dont move)13:01
erryanyway to fix rthat13:01
pawananyone from india here13:01
erryno can u help me\ tho?13:02
aLeSD_hi all13:03
xxploitanyone know if theres a firefox plugin to integrate gwget into firefox(alot of older posts refer to using fireget but it doesnt support firefox 3)13:03
aLeSD_do you confirm me that dhcplient works for yours maquines ?13:03
mnemocaLeSD_: works fine here13:05
aLeSD_something wrong with my roter13:05
aLeSD_shit ... it locks sky2 and sly2 modules13:06
aLeSD_and I haven't other hw to test it13:06
aLeSD_who can help me to investigate the problem ?13:06
BluesKajwhat's the word on 3D and DRI on 8.10 / kde4.1.2 using ATI 200X graphics ...was fine on 8.04. The xorg.conf file is totally changed and almost uneditable. Why the dumbing down of user options ?13:07
aLeSD_maybe it could be usefull for the ibex13:07
aLeSD_is there one of the ubuntu staff ?13:09
grimsqueaker13anyone know if i can do a dist-upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 using the normal cd? all the docs say you have to download the alternate cd which seems odd. i tried turning off all sources except the cd and doing apt-get dist-upgrade but it didnt offer me a full upgrade13:09
BluesKajwhich router aLeSD_ ?13:09
aLeSD_it's a fastweb router ... adsl - ethernet ... wait ... I try to find out the model13:10
BluesKajgrimsqueaker13:   http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/810rc13:10
aLeSD_BluesKaj: pirelli age-ra13:12
grimsqueaker13BluesKaj: it works from the internet, just wanted to know if i can tell it to go from the cd13:12
BluesKajgrimsqueaker13:  I upgraded to 8.10 on the web using the instructions here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IntrepidIbex/RC/Kubuntu13:12
erryHello i updated frm 8.04 to 8.10 and it wont wake up from sleep(takes me in black screen w/ mouse cursor but mouse dont move)13:12
grimsqueaker13i already have te cd, i would like to not have to download the whole image again if possible13:13
BluesKajgrimsqueaker13:  why ?13:13
grimsqueaker13saves time, the connection here is shitty :)13:13
BluesKajyou can do it without using the cd , is my point13:14
BluesKajdunno the cd , I didn't try it13:14
grimsqueaker13ok kl13:14
erryCan you please help me/13:14
aLeSD_BluesKaj: it's the default router of fastweb provider .. in Italy13:14
BluesKajerry, ctrl+alt+backspace13:15
erryWill that even work?13:15
erryit kills my mouse13:15
erryim petty sure it will also kill my keyboard13:15
aLeSD_BluesKaj: I have only a telnet port opened by my side13:15
BluesKajbrings you back to the login page, erry13:15
erryw/e im gonna try it13:15
erryhope its fixed till the 30th..13:15
BluesKajno ethernet ?13:16
BluesKajeth0 ?13:16
errydid u even undersdtand my problem?13:16
OxDeadC0deerry suspend is having trouble resuming?13:17
errylast time i tried it brought me to a black screen with mouse cursor but mouse ddint move13:17
aLeSD_BluesKaj: I post you the out put of the dhpclient13:17
erryi think it killed my hardware13:17
BluesKajit's a hardware prob that 8.10 hasn't fixed yet due to the fact that they are using the HAL instead of a proper xorg.conf on the mouse and keyboard ...I have the same prob with my graphics card13:18
erryso is it fixable?13:18
BluesKajI hope so13:18
erryIll prolly have to downgrade13:19
erryi spent 2 hours upgrading and now this13:20
BluesKajerry, everything seems generic in the xorg.conf file. I'm trying to find out if it's possible to even edit xorg.conf to get 3D and DRI working on my setup.13:20
erryI wish 3D worked.13:20
OxDeadC0dewhat graphics cards are you using?13:20
nemoHey folks, if anyone here uses the gnome art manager, I fixed a couple of issues I had with it13:20
nemoattached the diffs to this bug:13:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 108834 in gnome-art "art manager closes unexpectedly" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:20
erryAti radeon and it has never worked propelry in linux13:21
nemobug could probably use confirming, too13:21
errynever. :(13:21
BluesKajgoogle earth is one of my fav apps and it  just crashes13:21
errymine makes the screen blink13:21
erryi wanna play a game13:21
OxDeadC0debleh, I hated radeons, stupid things never worked right in linux, that's y I use nvidia or intel now13:21
erryi killed my windows lol13:21
erryit was an accident.13:21
BluesKajI have ATI X200G onboard and worked just fine in 8.04/kde313:22
nemoOxDeadC0de: Radeon never worked for me in windows either13:22
nemoOxDeadC0de: they never responded to bug reports, even ones with test code.13:22
erryit works for me in windoes but13:22
erryi killed windows13:22
nemoOxDeadC0de: We ended up ditching ATI for all our machines13:22
nemoOxDeadC0de: was just impossible to develop for13:22
nemotheir OpenGL implementations were particularly sucky13:22
erryi have nvidia in my desktop13:22
errybut its an old desktop13:22
nemoalthough they do do ok at Direct3d13:22
erryfrom win2k time13:23
OxDeadC0denew ones are probably okay, but the last radeon I had was igp 320m and it just sucked13:23
errywould it work if i had wine there?13:23
nemoOxDeadC0de: why does your name have an Ox instead of a 0x?  I find that very confusing.13:23
nemoI keep wondering why tab complete isn't working13:23
OxDeadC0deis it oh or zero? :P13:23
BluesKajwell, i tried kbuntu live cd 8.04 on wifes new vista pc with nvidia graphics ...it sucks, couldn't proper res on the monitor13:23
OxDeadC0deif it's oh it's because the irc server won't let me use zero13:23
nemouse a different nick then? :)13:24
* nemo runs OxDeadC0de through the nickometre13:24
OxDeadC0debut I like this one, was the funniest thing I ever saw in a debugger, don't know why13:24
OxDeadC0dethe code wasn't working, and the debugger said it was 0xdeadc0de in those addresses... I just thought that was funny13:25
aLeSD____BluesKaj: hellpo13:26
aLeSD____it's the gnome network manager13:26
aLeSD____if I run dhcp clients with the network manager disabled it works13:26
aLeSD____but if I active it13:26
aLeSD____the connection is broken ..13:26
aLeSD____and if I run the dhcp client by the console I have:13:27
aLeSD____(sorry for the paste)13:27
aLeSD____dhclient eth013:27
aLeSD____There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid with pid 822913:27
aLeSD____killed old client process, removed PID file13:27
aLeSD____Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.113:27
aLeSD____Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium.13:27
aLeSD____All rights reserved.13:27
aLeSD____For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/13:27
aLeSD____SIOCSIFADDR: No buffer space available13:27
aLeSD____Listening on LPF/eth0/00:13:77:5d:3a:b513:27
aLeSD____Sending on   LPF/eth0/00:13:77:5d:3a:b513:27
aLeSD____Sending on   Socket/fallback13:27
aLeSD____DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 6713:27
aLeSD____send_packet: Message too long13:27
aLeSD____DHCPREQUEST of on eth0 to port 6713:27
aLeSD____send_packet: Message too long13:27
aLeSD____so ... I have to13:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:28
OxDeadC0depastebin or bugreport or forums anyone?13:28
mnemocaLeSD____: you could have used pastebin13:28
aLeSD____disable the network manager13:28
aLeSD____mnemoc .. I will13:28
aLeSD____modprobe -r sky213:28
aLeSD____modprobe sky213:28
aLeSD____and then the dhcp client works ... but with the network manager disabled13:28
aLeSD____that's all13:29
aLeSD____I mean ... could I run the gnome network manager in a terminal with debug option on ?13:31
mnemocthe network manager is a daemon13:31
nemoaLeSD____: ... send pack - message too long13:32
nemoaLeSD____: could you have an MTU issue?13:32
aLeSD____mnemoc: well ... usually u can run a demon undemonized13:32
nemoaLeSD____: like, you're using jumbo frames on one of the two ends?13:32
aLeSD____nemo ... don't know ... but the problem sussists only when the network daemon do the yob13:33
aLeSD____after I can't run an ifconfig .. look13:33
aLeSD____well ... I haven't the log now13:33
redwhitewaldohi, folks. Question 1: Which part of the ubuntuforums.com can Ubuntu 8.10 testers post questions to?13:33
aLeSD____:) ... and I won't lose connection13:33
krokodilerianok, I was stupid last night to upgrade to interpid and seems like that they killed xserver-xgl from it. My problem is that now when firefox loads a big page everything just stops for a while, as the X server is eating all the CPU possible and everything else is waiting (that wasn't happening with xgl). I'm using nvidia, compiz, x86_64 machine, any ideas ot should I open a bug in launchpad?13:34
aLeSD____mnemoc: what's the name of the daemon ?13:34
BluesKajredwhitewaldo: here13:34
redwhitewaldoQuestion 2: where can we submit a possible bug report13:34
krokodilerianredwhitewaldo , bugs.launchpad.net13:34
redwhitewaldoBluesKaj: no, i meant on ubuntuforums.com13:34
joaopintoredwhitewaldo, launchpad.net13:34
redwhitewaldokrokodilerian: joaopinto thank you 2.13:34
victim[v]I've just reinstalled 8.10 RC and I still cannot change my screen resolution from 640 * 480, I have an Nvidia FX5200 and the 173 drivers active13:35
aLeSD____ok NetworkManager13:35
victim[v]what can I do?13:35
BluesKajlotsa graphics troubles with 8.10RC ...there's vitually no options in the xorg.conf13:36
krokodilerianvictim[v] , have you tried using the nvidia-settings shit13:36
redwhitewaldoto submit ubuntu 8.10 bugs, should the "distribution" field in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug be "ubuntu"? I don't see any specific version of ubuntu. thanks.13:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment13:36
BluesKajtoo late for me too victim[v], I'm using ATI13:36
krokodilerianvictim[v] , otherwise, from what I remember, once i had to remove all the "modes" from the xorg.conf and it detected the resolution and worked13:37
* mnemoc is using ATI (Radeon Mobility X1400) with the open source radeon driver and works like a charm13:37
krokodilerianotherwise if there were modes, it tended to bad thigs...13:37
mnemockrokodilerian: same here, regenerating a default xorg.conf gave me the resolution I wanted13:38
aLeSD_____I have the log of NetworkManager13:38
krokodilerianmnemoc , btw, are you using compiz/ibex?13:39
mnemockrokodilerian: yes13:39
redwhitewaldohi, folks. i can't submit a bug report for "skype" under ubunu ditrubution. it says "There is no package name 'skype' published in Ubuntu"13:39
mnemockrokodilerian: but only for transparencies13:39
mnemocredwhitewaldo: skype is not free software13:39
Owe1what is the encryption strength of the private folder in ll13:39
krokodilerianmnemoc , so ok, when you load something big in firefox, does everythin stop for a while and the X server go to 100% CPU, or that has never happened with you?13:39
redwhitewaldomnemoc: yes, but i would like to submit a bug to ubuntu team13:39
BluesKajmnemoc: well, that site doesn't apply to 8.10RC , if you wanna take alook13:39
aLeSD_____nemo: http://pastebin.com/m1a3d77bc13:40
aLeSD_____what do u think ?13:40
mnemockrokodilerian: I have similar issues, but I blame flash13:40
joaopintoredwhitewaldo, you can't file a bug report for a software which can't be included on the repositories13:40
nemoaLeSD_____: no clue13:40
aLeSD_____nemo do u know whois working on NetworkManager ?13:41
krokodilerianmnemoc , if you feel like it, can you run 'vmstat 1' in a window, and try to open http://swamp.ludost.net ? it's plain html, but a lot of it13:41
mnemocBluesKaj: I doubt there are nvidia proprietary drivers for xorg 7.4 yet13:41
aLeSD_____or where I can find who is working on it13:41
krokodilerianwhen I do that, even the fucking clock freezes13:41
nemoaLeSD_____: anything in dmesg ?13:41
krokodileriani want to know if it's an nvidia issue or compiz's fault...13:41
redwhitewaldoso what can i do if i think i've found a bug with skype's relationship with ubuntu?13:41
nemoaLeSD_____: nope.  file a bug I guess13:41
nemoaLeSD_____: and I suppose search for other people with similar errors.13:41
krokodilerianredwhitewaldo , probably talk to skype13:42
mnemockrokodilerian: I see nothing special when openning it13:42
aLeSD_____nemo: the debug in dmesg it's the same more or less13:43
redwhitewaldokrokodilerian: ok. i've sent them a ticket13:43
krokodilerianmnemoc , did the 'us' column change ? to something bigger, e.g. some 20-30% more13:43
redwhitewaldomaybe i should downgrade back to 8.0413:43
redwhitewaldoi think 8.10 is heavier, anyway.13:43
krokodilerianmnemoc , but well, if you terminal didn't stop updating for a few seconds, then the issue might really be with the nvidia crap13:44
mnemockrokodilerian: no stop, but I have two cores13:45
krokodilerianmnemoc , me too,the problem is that the X server gets the maximum on one core to process something and stops responding13:46
redwhitewaldoif i install a package that is "static", does that mean that the program is more likely to work? what does "static" mean? Is it preferred to get static packages?13:46
krokodilerianredwhitewaldo , it means that it doesn't use external libraries. it will be bigger, will probably look different (if it's something GUI related) and is not generally recommended13:47
mnemocredwhitewaldo: static means it's not dynamic13:47
joaopintoredwhitewaldo, it means it was statically linked, it does not depend on the OS libraries, the libraries code was included on the  binary13:47
krokodilerianbut if nothing else works, this is an option...13:47
joaopintoskype is working fine on me, with the regular (dynamic) .deb package13:47
redwhitewaldojoaopinto: then why did skype stop working for me when i moved from 8.04 to 8.10. Boohoo.13:48
redwhitewaldothis is sad.13:48
redwhitewaldoi need skype for making regular calls13:48
joaopintowell, try the static version13:49
redwhitewaldowhere's the static skype for ibex?13:49
krokodilerianredwhitewaldo , the static version should be the same for all linux distributions13:50
joaopintoredwhitewaldo, static builds are not distro specific, they are generic, you only have one static version to download13:50
nemojoaopinto: wellll13:50
BUGabundo_workredwhitewaldo: they have a copy on their site13:50
nemoeven the static build has *some* external dependancies.13:50
nemoI think13:50
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: on whose site? skype?13:51
BUGabundo_workbut there is an apt on the medibuntu reps13:51
BUGabundo_workthat offers a 64 bit version13:51
redwhitewaldoi need 32 bit version, because i'm running 32 bit ubuntu 8.1013:51
BUGabundo_workwhy don't you use medibuntu reps?13:51
joaopintoBUGabundo_work, why should he violate copyright for something he can get from the site :P ?13:52
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: ty!13:52
BUGabundo_workbecause this one keeps uptodate13:52
BUGabundo_workwhy is it a violation ???13:52
joaopintoBUGabundo_work, because the skype license does not allow distribution by 3rd parties :) ?13:52
BUGabundo_workjoaopinto: o gouky andava a tras de ti no #ubuntu-pt13:52
BUGabundo_workthen I don't know13:53
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: i have installed that deb already. i'm looking for STATIC skype13:53
BUGabundo_workbut its there and its working fine13:53
joaopintothe .deb from the site is working fine also here, just not for redwhitewaldo :P13:53
BUGabundo_workSTATIC version !!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^13:54
_Enchainedhi all13:54
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: thank you!!! 8-)13:54
redwhitewaldoshould i just dbl click the i386? shouldn't i get the deb via apt or terminal?13:54
_EnchainedI'd like to install vlc < 0.9.x13:54
redwhitewaldoor is it the same?13:54
_EnchainedHow can I do this ?13:55
BUGabundo_workI keep having a hard time finding the 64bits version of skype on the official website13:55
BUGabundo_workno redwhitewaldo13:55
BUGabundo_workyou better install the mediabuntu repos13:55
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: yes, i'm installing http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/s/skype/skype-static_2.0.0.72-0medibuntu4_i386.deb13:55
BUGabundo_work_Enchained: which version are you using of Ubuntu?13:56
BUGabundo_workno redwhitewaldo13:56
luboszmy suspend icon is not avalable in the "Shut down the computer" menu from gnome panel. i have ubuntu studio icon theme. is this normal?13:56
_Enchainedinterpid BUGabundo_work13:56
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: no what?13:56
_EnchainedIn interpid, there is vlc 0.9.413:56
BUGabundo_workredwhitewaldo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu13:56
redwhitewaldohuh? isn't http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/s/skype/skype-static_2.0.0.72-0medibuntu4_i386.deb MEDIBUNTU stuff?13:56
_Enchainedand I want to "downgrade" it to 0.8.613:56
BUGabundo_work_Enchained: and why do you want an older version?13:56
redwhitewaldoi'm confused?13:56
BUGabundo_workredwhitewaldo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu13:56
BUGabundo_workplease see how to had the repos13:57
BUGabundo_work_Enchained: and why do you want an older version?13:57
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: i've already added the medibuntu repo13:57
redwhitewaldoand the gpg key13:57
_EnchainedBecause I use a software for watching movies and listening music on my TV and it's not campatible with VLC 0.9.x13:57
BUGabundo_workredwhitewaldo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install skype13:57
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work:  i already installed skype and it's not working for me. that's why i'm wanting to try skype-static.13:58
BUGabundo_work_Enchained: then you need to file a bug on LP and also talk to VLC developers13:58
BUGabundo_workredwhitewaldo: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install skype-static then !!!! lol13:58
redwhitewaldoBUGabundo_work: ok.13:58
redwhitewaldothanks. i'm a newbie13:58
redwhitewaldocomputers = aagh13:58
_EnchainedIn fact, it's the other software I use developpers I should contact..13:58
BUGabundo_work_Enchained: its going to be hard to use older version13:59
joaopintoBUGabundo_work, the problem seems to be with the software he is using, not with VLC13:59
BUGabundo_workI see13:59
_EnchainedThere are a lot of changes inside VLC beetween 0.8.6 and 0.9.413:59
BUGabundo_workok talk to them then13:59
BUGabundo_workI guess you can get an older deb and "fix" for now13:59
joaopintothat is likely to break your system14:00
joaopintobecause vlc provides libraries used by other multimedia apps14:00
BUGabundo_workhumm not for VLC14:00
joaopintoare you sure :P ?14:00
_EnchainedI try to compil older version but there are a lot of dependencies for configure...14:00
* BUGabundo_work same MOTO always: backup backup backup backup backup backup backup 14:00
myk_robinsonhey guys. New to Gnome, what application do you use to rip CDs?14:01
nemomyk_robinson: soundjuicer seems popular14:01
* nemo doesn't do much ripping14:01
redwhitewaldoone day, one day., i hope ubuntu will be userfriendly and bugfree.14:01
_Enchainedmyk_robinson: audio CD to mp3 for example ?14:01
redwhitewaldoand easy for my grandma to use. 8-)14:01
nemoredwhitewaldo: I think for any OS to achieve that goal you have to strictly control all inputs, all outputs and offer a tiny set of functionality14:01
redwhitewaldonemo: i guess you're right.14:02
nemoredwhitewaldo: mobile phones or mini PCs are probably your best bet14:02
myk_robinson_Enchained: yes14:02
nemoredwhitewaldo: even OSX which controls the HW is not userfriendly and bug free14:02
_Enchainedmyk_robinson: sound-juicer14:02
nemoI should know :(14:02
antoranzHi, guys!14:02
myk_robinsonthank you.14:02
redwhitewaldonemo:  i have an eeepc.... i put debianneeepc on it14:02
antoranzLook, I want compiz to use a random effect for minimization of windows14:02
myk_robinsonlooks like that is not installed by default14:02
_Enchainedand install lame for mp3 support (by feault it extract to ogg format)14:02
antoranzbut it doesn't work14:02
myk_robinsonwill apt-get14:02
nemoantoranz: WFM14:02
redwhitewaldoand my mic on that is not working (for now).14:02
_Enchainedby default*14:02
antoranznemo, what's that?14:03
redwhitewaldoantoranz: Wednesday Friday Monday. 8-)14:03
nemoantoranz: Works For Me :-p14:03
myk_robinsonmy usual topic... anyone having luck with Intel 3945abg?14:03
_Enchainedsound-juicer was installed OTB in prvious Ubuntu. Why they removed it ? :/14:04
antoranzwell... that relieves me a whole lot. :-P14:04
nemoantoranz: well, did you set it up correctly?14:04
nemoantoranz: CCSM->Animations->Minimise Effect14:04
redwhitewaldoi've just installed skype-static from medibuntu repo. now when i type skype-static, terminal says "command not found."14:04
nemoantoranz: then set it to random, and check off the ones you want in the pool14:04
antoranzsure... I set it up there14:05
nemoworks just fine14:05
nemoantoranz: did you enable the pool anims? :-p14:05
antoranzfuck, I'm so stupid14:05
myk_robinson_Enchained: thanks again, this looks much nicer and easier to configure than Grip14:05
antoranzno animations are selected.14:05
myk_robinsonhopefully it works faster than KAudioCreator14:05
_Enchainedmyk_robinson: You just have to install lame library to extract to mp3 format if you want it.14:06
antoranzstill nothing. hell!14:06
redwhitewaldoHi, Guys. Good news skype-static now loads up in my ubuntu 8.10. Yahoo!!!14:06
redwhitewaldothanks folks14:06
redwhitewaldoi usually use non-static files, but i  won't complain with a working static package!14:06
redwhitewaldonow i don't need to downgrade back to 8.0414:07
graingertmyk_robinson: my wireless card works fine14:08
graingertmyk_robinson: same with my freinds14:08
myk_robinsongraingert: been having issues with mine dropping the connection and making the touchpad lose sync for a few seconds14:09
graingertmyk_robinson: !14:09
myk_robinsoni have installed the Intel drivers and get random results14:09
graingertmyk_robinson: my touchpad loses sync....14:09
graingertmyk_robinson: I just thought it was carp14:09
myk_robinsonusing my USB Belkin, i have no issues at all14:09
myk_robinsonno, if you connect by another means and rmmod iwl3945, the touchpadsync issue stops.14:09
myk_robinsoni ordered an Atheros 5007 mini pcie to install in my laptop, tired of fighting and using a 3 inch long USB stick14:10
graingertmyk_robinson: strange it doesn't happen often...14:10
graingertmyk_robinson: it happens all the time if I plug it into a certian power socket at college!14:10
myk_robinsongraingert: you are probably dropping connection too, it usually reconnects, though, and it is a silent drop. NM never shows the connection is lost, just seems like the connection is really slow all of a sudden, then kicks back in. dmesg shows it dropped, tough14:11
myk_robinsonlike a firmware error of some sort, follwed by an error about mouse losing sync14:11
evan_hey is my video cardbroken?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/63625/ see Screen 114:11
graingertmyk_robinson: my network seems fine though....14:12
=== evan_ is now known as amortvigil
graingertmyk_robinson: never drops or goes slow (unless I torrent hehe)14:12
myk_robinsonlucky you :)  Seems that there are a lot of random results with that chip. Lots of people report issues, but lots of people report none14:13
myk_robinsonbeen working with a dev at Intel and another at Redhat to resolve some issues but each daily build of the driver seems to produce a new issue14:14
myk_robinsontodays build would not even allow me to connect at all. Funny thing is, it was working fine in Hardy with the compat-wireless driver14:14
victim[v]thanks for your help with fixing the resolution problems with a Nvidia FX5200 and a fresh install of 8.10 RC. I did "sudo nvidia-xconfig" at the terminal and then restarted the PC, which gave me a resolution of 1280 by 1024, I found this out with Nvidia X Server settings. BUT, when I opened System Settings and clicked on the Display icon, the screen immediately changed to 640 by 480.14:14
myk_robinsonmy Atheros should be in today, though :)14:15
victim[v]I can select 1024 by 768 in the drop down, but when I restart it is 640 by 480 again14:16
amortvigilhey is my video card broken?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/63625/ see Screen 1...14:19
=== Cephisus is now known as Narcissus
redwhitewaldoto those who have skype installed, can you post a screenshot of your main skype window, please? i want to see how my static-skype compares14:32
danbh_intrepidredwhitewaldo: well, Ive had both installed at different times.  They look the same IIRC14:34
redwhitewaldodanbh_intrepid: ok.14:34
WelshDragonIsn't that because they are the same? :s14:35
nemoWelshDragon: welll, theoretically they'd be using different versions of Qt14:36
nemoWelshDragon: I could envision some interface differences14:36
nemoeven if the function hooks stayed the same14:36
WelshDragonah ok14:36
nemos/interface/user interface/14:36
bsnidermy every effort to print anything is failing miserably14:37
redwhitewaldodanbh_intrepid: does your     skype look  this: http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/4861/screenshotmmmmskypeox2.png ?14:39
danbh_intrepidredwhitewaldo: Im running the skype-static-oss14:40
redwhitewaldodanbh_intrepid: from medibuntu?14:40
redwhitewaldook. me too14:40
danbh_intrepidso, I think we are running hte same thing14:40
danbh_intrepidand yes, it looks just like that14:41
supermakuanyone have problems with ibex and nvidia graphics card?  I was running ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop with a nvidia geoforce 400 and it was using the nvidia proprietary drivers, but now that I've upgraded to ibex, it's not looking for or using them anymore.  My resolution is fine on my laptop, but when I plugin an external LCD projector the screen is all garbled with little boxes. Anyone seen this?14:41
danbh_intrepidsupermaku: see /topic14:42
BluesKajsupermaku:  there's very few nvidia cards supported in 8.10 ibex14:42
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ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:44
supermakublueskaj: yeah. I manually installed nvidia settings and my resolution locally on my laptop was not high at all, so I dropped those packages and went back to the default 8.10.  THe laptop screen resolution is perfect, just no lcd function.  The lcd projects my bios, the ubuntu loading logo, but once it actually kicks in to the user login it is unreadable, like a bunch of ASCII flourescent characters all over the screen.14:44
BluesKajsupermaku:  that's cuz the X window isn't loading properly into your video output14:52
supermakuyeah, i'm hoping some will be fixed after the 30th.14:56
chadHas anyone been able to get VPN working from network-manager ?14:59
BUGabundo_worknope chad14:59
BUGabundo_worklet me get you the LP id for it15:00
chadBUGabundo_work: so its everyone then ?15:00
chadthank you15:00
graingertwill the ibex gdm include a composited face browser?15:03
graingertor where can I find out if it will15:03
czajkowskihow are people finding the new release?15:03
graingertI found it at ttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing/810rc czajkowski15:04
czajkowskigraingert: sorry, I meant, how are you finding the new release, nice? things work ?15:05
graingertczajkowski: I know :-p15:05
vbabiyhey does any one have issues with notification icons using Nvidia 17715:05
czajkowskiany problems, big things to overcome to get it to just work15:05
graingertczajkowski: try in a virtualbox vm15:05
graingertczajkowski: to see if you like it15:05
graingertczajkowski: otherwise seems fine15:06
graingertczajkowski: or try a liveseedy15:06
czajkowskigraingert: I'll upgrade tonight15:06
czajkowskijust wondered15:06
graingertczajkowski: wait till the 30th15:07
czajkowskigraingert: well I'm hosting a release party then so want to have things set up for then15:07
BUGabundo_workchad sorry for the delay: bug 25916815:09
graingertczajkowski: k00l15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259168 in network-manager-pptp "Network Manager unable to connect to PPTP VPN" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25916815:09
czajkowskigraingert: yup, should be fun15:10
BUGabundo_workczajkowski: you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/269904 ?15:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 269904 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Screen refresh problems with nvidia on intrepid" [Medium,Confirmed]15:10
czajkowskiBUGabundo_work: oh joy and I just installed compiz and it's soo pretty15:12
chadBUGabundo_work: hey sorry about that my network connection is sometimes flakey in 8.1015:13
chadBUGabundo_work: did you happen to find the lp site ?15:13
BUGabundo_workwhat do you mean?15:13
BUGabundo_workI did, and I told you15:13
BUGabundo_work"chad sorry for the delay: bug 259168"15:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259168 in network-manager-pptp "Network Manager unable to connect to PPTP VPN" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25916815:13
ArShAmhi all15:13
chadBUGabundo_work: no .. sorry i got dc there15:13
chadBUGabundo_work: np thanks15:14
ArShAmI am the one who had problems after upgrading to intrepid from alternate CD15:14
ArShAmI cam to inform you the problem was the nvidia driver15:14
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org15:16
CypherAll righty... I just got Intrepid Ibex last night on my i386, and when I used eNVy to get a driver for my NVidia Geforce, it seems to have broken X11.Anyone else had this happen?15:17
ArShAmCypher, I have had it and solved it15:18
ArShAmwait I'm on the phne15:18
CypherArShAm: I can wait. =P Nice to know someone knows how to do this stuff though.15:19
darkphaderhow to use aptitude to install a package w/o it's dependencies ??15:19
joaopintodarkphader, you can't install a package w/o it's dependencies, that would give you a broken install15:19
ArShAmCypher, I just solved it15:19
darkphaderjoaopinto: not really15:19
ArShAmyou need the kernel restricted modules to be installed15:19
dug_darkphader: maybe try -f for force15:19
CypherKernel restriccted modules... lemme get a piece of paper15:20
darkphaderi think force just eliminates prompts15:20
ArShAmand install nvidia-177-modalias package15:20
DaekdroomHow to make udev do not modprobe a module? blacklisting it didn't work.15:20
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dug_darkphader: see this thread if it helps, i didn't read all the way thru it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12717415:20
ArShAmthen dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:20
joaopintodarkphader, what are you trying to install ?15:20
Cypher... phone15:21
ArShAmwhy wow?15:21
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darkphaderi want to instal tftpd-hpa and the pacake manager wantes to install xinetd with it15:21
darkphaderit can use xinetd15:21
darkphaderbut it can also run on it's own15:21
darkphaderas i've done it on many systems15:21
ed0n0ni have ubuntu 8.10 and when moving (drag & drop) files with nautilus, it closes the nautilus window and after opens users home dir. Same happens since upgrade in another computer. Do you know why this happens?15:22
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CypherArShAm, what's the commands I do again?15:22
joaopintodarkphader, you can use equivs15:23
ArShAmapt-get install linux-restricted-modules15:23
ArShAmapt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`15:24
joaopintodarkphader, sudo apt-get install equivs15:24
fiXXXerMethow can I upgrade my ubuntu 8.04.1 server install to 8.10?  I don't have / want X installed, so update-manager won't do15:24
ArShAmthen : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:24
DaekdroomfiXXXerMet: use update-manager-core package15:24
ArShAmthat will flush your X configuration file15:24
darkphaderequivs has a ton of deps!!15:24
CypherOk then15:25
joaopintodarkphader, equivs allows to "fake" dependencies15:25
CypherThankee sir!15:25
=== klac is now known as lacqui
darkphadereven exim !!15:25
ArShAmapt-get install nvidia-177-modaliases15:25
fiXXXerMetDaekdroom: How do I use it?  That package is already installed.15:25
joaopintofiXXXerMet, you have the "do-release-upgrade" which is the command line equivalent15:26
fiXXXerMetoh, I see15:26
darkphaderthere was something else i ran across with the exim dep that was totally unnecessary15:26
fiXXXerMetjoaopinto: Seems to be working.  Thank you.15:27
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
nemoanyone here have any idea why like half or two-thirds of my icon themes no longer seem to work properly?15:31
nemothey all seem to no longer render folder icons15:31
nemoother icons, curiously, work fine15:31
nemoFor example. Dropline Neu! works, Dropline Neu and Dropline Nuovo, don't.15:32
jaysonsantosHello people, how can I upgrade my installation (hardy heron) to intrepid from cdrom ?15:34
AlcapondHi - I just graded up to kubuntu 8.10 rc (from 8.4, KDE4) - now I lost most of my icons (just stupid icons are shown at most places), and my kontact only has old mails, and looks very kde3ish... Any help on these issues?15:35
nemojaysonsantos: you doing it from CDROM to save network bandwidth?15:37
nemojaysonsantos: you have a slow connection?15:37
jaysonsantosnemo, Yes15:37
jaysonsantosnemo, The problem is: I can't find that cdromupgrade in cdrom root15:38
nemohm. I don't have an 8.10 image15:38
* nemo checks his 8.04 image15:38
jaysonsantosnemo, Here iso contents http://pastebin.com/m76811fef15:40
nemooh. of course15:40
nemohm. or not.15:40
nemojaysonsantos: those upgrade instructions are a little ambiguous15:41
nemojaysonsantos: from the path though, it implies to me you boot off of the upgrade CD15:41
nemojaysonsantos: I think /cdrom is a path you get when you're booted off the CD15:41
nemojaysonsantos: now *why* it doesn't say that in step 2....15:41
* nemo boots off his 8.04 image to check (yay virtualbox)15:42
jaysonsantosnemo, Do I need boot from cdrom ? That instructions says I only need put cdrom on my drive15:43
nemoI think so15:43
nemoand I agree. they are ambiguous15:43
jaysonsantosnemo, Ok thank you, i will try that.15:44
peterererhmm, i wonder if amsynth works now15:45
DaekdroomHow to make udev do not modprobe a module? blacklisting it on modprobe didn't work.15:45
nemoDaekdroom: um. you were here a couple of days ago weren't you?15:45
nemoDaekdroom: and didn't you discover you had a typo in your blacklist?15:45
nemolike, _ vs - ?15:45
DaekdroomI didn't. Apparently someone typo'd on launchpad.15:46
evan_hey does nv driver work with geforce 8200? and does this still work with radeon: "xmodule=fbdev"  ??15:46
DaekdroomAnyway. To make sure, I blacklisted with - and with _, it didn't work15:46
evan_if not, is there any way? or driver in wich i can get them to work?15:46
nemoDaekdroom: wonder if alsa is loading the module15:47
Daekdroomnemo: Well. The boot hangs at udev. Not sure how it works15:48
DaekdroomBut it just came in my mind that I should see if udev has a blacklist itself.15:48
AlcapondCan anyone help? After Updateing my Icons are totaly messed up - in all KDE4 apps15:49
nemoDaekdroom: looks like udev does do a modprobe15:49
nemoDaekdroom: but, if it does that for one on the blacklist, surely you should be ok15:49
DaekdroomOf course it does.15:49
DaekdroomIf it didn't, I'dnt get a modprobe traceback xD15:50
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nemoDaekdroom: heh. I only have a passing familiarity with udev - for all I knew, the probing occurred earlier :)15:50
nemoDaekdroom: looks like the modprobe manpage is pretty explicit15:50
nemo       -b --use-blacklist15:50
nemo                 This option causes modprobe to apply the  blacklist  commands15:50
nemo                 in  the  configuration file (if any) to module names as well.15:50
nemo                 It is usually used by udev(7).15:50
nemosorry. 4 lines is a little excessive15:51
DaekdroomI'm not very sure it was that module. Could have been another. modprobe crashes, I get a few more outputs about saa7134 and then boot hangs.15:51
nemoDaekdroom: interesting, I see no evidence of a reference to -b anything in the udev rules15:51
nemooh. there is a -b15:52
nemoDaekdroom: alrighty. should all work fine then :)15:53
nemoDaekdroom: say, do you have an /etc/modprobe.conf ?15:53
DaekdroomI have an /etc/modprobe.d/blacklits15:53
nemoah. good, 'cause modprobe said it would use that preferentially over the .d15:53
nemowhich would be bad15:53
DaekdroomThe worst is that I'm getting used to Vista again :/15:55
nemonever had vista to get used to15:56
nemodon't plan to either15:56
DaekdroomIt's not that bad. It's just.. a little heavy.15:56
nemoDaekdroom: if you say so, I've performed 3 Vista to XP upgrades for friends though15:56
nemoat their request15:56
nemoI always made it an XP/Ubuntu machine15:57
AlcapondCan anyone help? After Updateing to kubuntu 8.10 my Icons are totaly messed up - in all KDE4 apps (before I had 8.4 / KDE4 remix)15:57
frybye Hi - in connection with the crossover free download today - one gets a "install-crossover*.sh" shell script - what do i need to do with it...??16:02
bazhangfrybye, chmod +x filename.sh16:02
bazhangthen sudo -i ./filename.sh16:03
frybyeand what then please??16:03
frybyeok - thanks...16:03
graingertcrossover is free?16:04
dulaktoday only16:05
bazhangtoday only: lame duck special16:05
graingertlame duck?16:05
frybyeit says:-  -bash: ./install-crossover-pro-7.1.0.sh: No such file or directory16:05
mnemocgraingert: bush :p16:05
bazhangfrybye, you need to get to the desktop after sudo -i16:06
frybyei am already at the desktop...#16:06
bazhangtry ls16:06
graingertwhat did bush do?16:06
nemoDaekdroom: anyway, why not just stay on Hardy until this issue is resolved?16:06
darkphaderjoaopinto: -R solved my problem - appears the xinetd wasn't a hard dep16:07
mnemocgraingert: the answer to that is way too Off Topic16:07
Daekdroomnemo: Too lazy to reinstall 8.04, get my USB modem working and set it up fine all again.16:07
graingertmnemoc: sorry I am a uker, so I don't know16:07
frybyeright I do ls and the file is listed.. in green print in fact...16:07
graingertmnemoc: url me to the news?16:08
mnemocgraingert: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lame_duck_(politics)16:08
frybyebazhang: so what am i doing wrong pal???16:08
mnemocgraingert: http://lameduck.codeweavers.com/free/16:09
bazhangfrybye, from that message you either are not in the right directory or you dont have the name correctly16:10
nemoDaekdroom: you know, there's one easy way to do a blacklist16:10
nemoDaekdroom: erase the damn module :D16:10
nemoDaekdroom: and any that have that evil string in it16:10
bazhangfrybye, I suspect the former16:10
eternal_pgood for them, btw (crossover)16:10
nemoDaekdroom: or move 'em to some disabled directory16:10
frybyebazhang: don't get me wrong now - but isn't ./filename.. to run a p r o g r a m m e not a script or..16:11
Daekdroomnemo: Erase the module? Checked. Anything that has the evil string in it. Unchecked. Make sure to do that everytime I upadte a kernel, impossible >.>16:11
bazhangfrybye, did you chmod +x it?16:11
frybyeI am at tilde/Desktop16:11
mnemocfrybye: that script includes an encoded copy of the tarball to be installed16:11
nemoDaekdroom: meh. doing it everytime you update kernel isn't that horrible. would be a oneline shell script16:11
nemoDaekdroom: would be interesting to see if that solves things though16:11
frybyeI suspect that that is indicated by it being green or..?16:11
nemoif it doesn't, you know your problem lies elsewhere16:11
Daekdroomnemo: I'm not sure I deleted the module anyway. The module folder is a big mess.16:12
frybyemnemoc: so what do i have to do to deal with that...16:12
nemoDaekdroom: what's the module name again?16:12
Daekdroomnemo: saa7134 and saa7134-alsa16:13
marcoaesisi have atheros 24xx wireless integrated on my compaq cq60...with ubuntu 8.10 works ?16:13
frybyemnemoc: the scripts are very small - cant be much in them at all I guess.. except a few commands I suspect or..?16:14
mnemocfrybye: 26Minstall-crossover-pro-demo-7.1.0.sh16:14
mnemocfrybye: If yours is smaller, it's probably incomplete16:15
nemoDaekdroom: udo find /lib/modules -name "saa7134*" -exec rm -f {} \;16:15
nemoer. sudo16:15
Daekdroomnemo: Isn't that a little.. er.. risky?16:15
nemoWhy? :)16:15
frybyeyeah it is 26M - just I have a fast dsl and hardly noticed the d-load..16:15
marcoaesisany ideas for my atheros 24xxx wireless card ?16:16
joaopintobecause you are not supposed to remove files installed by packages, manually...16:16
Daekdroomnemo: and I just noticed why I couldn't find it using find xD16:16
nemojoaopinto: we are aware of that16:16
Daekdroomnemo: I'll write down that syntax16:16
mnemocfrybye: then, as you were told, chmod +x it and run it with sudo16:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover16:16
joaopintonemo, so don't ask why ;)16:16
nemojoaopinto: that's not a risk though16:16
frybyemnemoc: ok I will try it again...16:16
jlintzanyone have any problems with the hamster-applet for time tracking?16:17
nemofrankly, only thing I can imagine Daekdroom is concerned about is maybe that find wiping all of /lib/modules for some reason16:17
nemoand I didn't put a recursive in there or anything :)16:17
jlintzi thought it was coming included but do not see it in the list of applets, and installing the package does not yield it showing up in the list of applets16:17
mnemocdug_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrossOver16:17
dug_anyone get spearhead/medal of honor working in wine?16:17
dug_that's the only reason i boot up to windows now and then :)16:18
frybyemnemoc: and sudo -i is the right command - yeah??16:18
nemodug_: have you checked the wine app db? :-p16:18
DaekdroomLook on wine APPdb16:18
nemodug_: also, if you're a hard core wine user, hopefully you added the wine channel to your sources list16:18
frybyelike - cos it wont have worked for -some- reason I geuss...16:18
nemodug_: 'cause a lot of stuff works way better in wine 1.1.616:18
mnemocfrybye: sudo -i <command>16:19
frybyesorry - I am a bit lost here ..16:19
frybyeyou mean put the ./filename.sh into < >16:20
frybyethe "<" and ">" actually have to be in the console command or...?16:21
mnemocfrybye: sudo -i ./filename.sh16:21
frybyethat is what I did 10 mins ago... i will do again.. hang on...16:22
mnemocfrybye: sorry, remove the -i16:23
frybyemnemoc: ok - I try that...16:24
mnemoc-i changes dir, so you would need to pass $PWD/filename.sh16:25
mnemoc(absolute path)16:25
frybyeit said:- '/home/ron' must exist and belong to you in order for the installation to proceed.16:25
frybyeand :- If installing as root, you may need to log in as root, use 'su -' or 'sudo -H'16:25
mnemocfrybye: then use -i and the absolute path16:26
joaopintomnemoc, sudo sh filename.sh16:26
joaopintoops, frybye16:26
frybyeso it is sudo sh filname.sh .. right???16:26
mnemocthat wont help16:26
joaopintoit it's an sh file, it will work just fine16:27
frybyewhen you say - absolute path - you mean like /home/user/Desktop etc etc.. yeah???16:27
mnemocjoaopinto: he already chmod +x it and got that message about the ownership of $HOME16:27
joaopintoah ok, it's using the login user credential16:28
mnemoci haven't installed it, but it seems to want to be installed as luser and not as root16:28
frybyethis thing with "   sudo -H  " wont do it??16:28
mnemocfrybye: try ;-)16:29
frybyeyep that did it... but I just realized I need to wait for the serial number to come by email in the comming days first...16:30
nemoI answered jaysonsantos badly. I feel bad :(16:30
frybyebut that did it - brought up a "windows-looking" install window etc..16:30
frybyeat least i know what I need to do when the ser. numbers are here.. thanks a load guys...16:31
mnemocfrybye: yw16:31
DivineDeliriumi've got a problem with wireless in intrepis16:32
DivineDeliriumwireless is recognise in ifconfig16:32
DivineDeliriumbut i can't connect to this16:32
DivineDeliriumthere is a tool for look wireless?16:33
DivineDeliriumtoc toc16:33
AlcapondCan anyone help? After Updateing to Kubuntu 8.10 my Icons are totaly messed up - in all KDE4 apps (before I had 8.4 / KDE4 remix)16:36
nemoDivineDelirium: are you using gnome?16:41
DivineDeliriumyes namo16:42
nemoDivineDelirium: in System->Administration->Network Tools is your wireless set to "roamin" ?16:42
DivineDeliriumthere isn't wireless voice16:43
DivineDeliriumonly loopback and ethernet16:43
nemoDivineDelirium: you don't have a kill switch do you?16:44
DivineDeliriumi don't know16:44
nemoDivineDelirium: do you know your way around a command line?16:44
DivineDeliriumspeak like i am a child, im italian my english isn't good16:44
nemoDivineDelirium: how's your french? :)16:45
DivineDeliriumis better english16:45
nemoDivineDelirium: do you know how to use a command prompt?16:46
nemodmesg | grep -i "kill switch"16:46
DivineDeliriumsay me warh i must to write into the shell16:46
nemorun that16:46
itsatrickHey, I'm having some trouble mounting audio CD's in Ibex.  No matter what disk I put in, I get a "wrong fs type" error.  The disk is /dev/scd0 and I'm mounting it on /media/cdrom0.  Before it prints out the "bad fs type," I get a long list of "end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, secor ####"  (after I type sudo mount /dev/scd0)16:47
DivineDeliriumok nemo i run that16:47
nemoDivineDelirium: did it return anything?16:47
nemoalrighty. so much for that theory.16:48
nemoDivineDelirium: so, when you say you see it in ifconfig ... it is there, but down?16:48
itsatrickIn /etc/fstab, I have /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec    0       016:48
nemoDivineDelirium: do you mind dumping your entire dmesg and uploading it to a pastebin?16:48
itsatrickAnyone else having trouble?16:48
nemoDivineDelirium: something like  dmesg > ~/Desktop/dmesg.txt16:48
dulakor install pastebinit and dmesg | pastebinit16:49
nemodulak: heh16:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:49
nemoor that16:49
void^itsatrick: audio cds don't have filesystems16:49
nemovoid^: aye. shouldn't be able to mount them at all16:49
DivineDeliriumhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/63677/ nemo16:50
nemoDivineDelirium: lol.16:50
nemoDivineDelirium: was wanting more a pastebin of the dmesg output :-p16:50
DivineDeliriumi don't undertand.. :)16:50
nemo12:48 < nemo> DivineDelirium: something like  dmesg > ~/Desktop/dmesg.txt16:51
nemo12:49 < dulak> or install pastebinit and dmesg | pastebinit16:51
nemoDivineDelirium: I'd like to read everything, so I can see if your computer is having wireless problems16:51
nemoDivineDelirium: also, it'll tell me what eth0 is16:51
nemo(I doubt it is your wireless)16:51
itsatrickvoid^: How do I mount an audio cd and play it, though?16:52
td123void^: what about cdfs?16:52
itsatrickDo I need to wait 'til Thursday for Ibex to completely work?16:52
etnoycdfs != audiocd16:52
dulakitsatrick: audio cds aren't mounted, the cd drive itself plays them16:52
etnoyyou need something like sound-juicer to play audio cds16:52
DivineDeliriumi'm imploding16:53
etnoyif you need to rip cd tracks, sound-juicer can be used as well16:53
td123DivineDelirium: time to hit the gym16:53
itsatrickHm...now it works.16:53
chairmanplatius r u here/16:53
itsatrickI wasn't able to do this before. :(16:53
DivineDeliriumwicd nemo?16:53
chairmani'm still having a problem getting the adobe flash. i got it installed but nothing happened on the web page16:54
etnoychairman: you restarted firefox?16:54
etnoywhat does about:plugins say?16:54
nemochairman: how did you install it? using package manager I hope?16:54
chairmanusing adept packager16:55
Nece228does ubuntu 8.10 removed problem with flash?16:55
etnoyNece228: what problems?16:55
Nece228ff uses a lot of cpu when watching youtube or playing flash games16:56
etnoythat would be a problem with the adobe flash player, not firefox16:56
nemoetnoy: and his graphics acceleration, most likely16:56
etnoysince flash is closed source, we have no way of improving it16:56
nemoNece228: say, do you have a cheap graphics card and are using flash?16:56
mnemocNece228: it uses even more now :(16:56
nickwinladept isn't tht great a program go to adobe's web page directly and download it.16:56
Nece228as i know ubuntu 8.10 should have flash 1016:57
WelshDragonmnemoc, I've noticed an improvement with Flash 1016:57
mnemocWelshDragon: improvement as on eating your CPU faster?16:57
chairmanok. i got it now thanks guys16:57
Nece228nemo: my video card is super powerful: radeon 960016:57
Nece228mnemoc: bad bad :(16:57
WelshDragonmnemoc, improvement as in it's using ~20% less CPU on average than Flash 9 used to.16:58
Nece228WelshDragon: thats a lie16:58
Nece228WelshDragon: nothink is going faster than previous versions16:58
mnemocWelshDragon: you are blessed then16:58
Nece228WelshDragon: flash 8 worked much faster than 916:59
Nece228WelshDragon: why flash 10 should be faster than 9?16:59
WelshDragonPut it this way, When using Flash 9 i couldn't visit some sites without enabling AdBlock. With Flash 10..I can.16:59
nickwinldownload sysstat or scan /proc to really find out, ppl!16:59
Nece228mnemoc: but in gutsy i didnt have these problems16:59
etnoyflash 10 is newer, better, shinier than version 9 :)17:00
mnemocmy daughters used their via c3 box (566Mhz, 512M) mostly only for gmail, pidgin and "panfu"... a flash game... it was pretty usable until I updated their box to 8.10 ... no it's unplayable17:00
Nece228etnoy: flash 10 is fatter, lazier, bigger17:00
* mnemoc shared Nece228 opinion17:01
etnoywell, adobe flash is crap and we all know about it17:01
nickwinland adobe keeps changing their server-side configs therefore the window controls are always different with each upgrade.17:01
mnemocsadly open source implementations are even worse :(17:01
Nece228ive also heard big performance criticisms in photoshop cs417:02
Nece228in fact my machine is 3000+ 64 athlon so i dont think thats its old17:02
Nece228because ubuntu works fast17:02
mnemocthey clearly have a "pact" with HW manufacturers17:02
WelshDragonUbuntu works fast on a 200mhz laptop...17:02
Nece228i mean with gnome and all demons enabled17:03
Nece228it also works fast with kde 4.117:03
mnemocWelshDragon:  smoking?17:03
Nece228also i bought that pc few months ago17:03
Nece228and im not gonna to buy new one again17:03
WelshDragonmnemoc, What?17:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:04
mnemocPici: :)17:04
WelshDragonDoes this channel close when for a short while once Intrepid is released?17:06
WelshDragonUntil Jaunty Development starts?17:06
PiciWelshDragon: Yes.17:06
Daemonik I were to encrypt the root filesystem of a laptop with a 3.4ghz Pentium 4, what would be the performance penalty?17:17
aleksandar_teI have one question17:18
dfgashow do i find out what alsa is using17:18
dfgasi wish alsa would get fixed17:18
aleksandar_teWill Intel 4500MHD be supported in 8.10 Final Release?17:18
Daemonikaleksandar_te, It runs Compiz quite nicely, the version I was using about three weeks ago would freeze the machine though.17:19
Nece228and remember17:19
Nece228the dog is everythink17:19
Daemonikaleksandar_te, I suggest running 8.10 release candidate.17:19
aleksandar_teI tried 8.10 Beta, but there are no drivers17:19
aleksandar_teI only see white screen17:19
aleksandar_teI had to set VESA driver to get it working17:20
Daemonikaleksandar_te, If you can find newer drivers from Xorg's repositories or intel's site, try building and using them.17:21
dxdemetriouhi, where can I find the annoucements for release+1 that is decided the name using for the next release and what is the scope of the +1 release that starts after a few days of the current release?17:21
ubuntu__Hello everybody17:22
ubuntu__May I ask a question concerning ubuntu beta release?17:23
WelshDragon!ask | ubuntu__17:24
ubottuubuntu__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:24
td123ubuntu__: it may have been fixed in the rc :P17:26
_deba_I am not sure why but kvkbd is not displaying the selected language layout. any suggestion to fix it ?17:26
Darthfrog*Can* the X configuration be altered manually anymore?  Xorg.conf seems pretty much a non-issue these days.17:28
DarthfrogOr are we back to the days of waving a dead chicken at it?17:29
DaekdroomIt can, but most people won't need.17:30
DarthfrogDaekdroom: Got a pointer for me to figure it out?  While most people won't need to, I want to know how to. :-)17:30
AlcapondCan anyone help? After Updateing to Kubuntu 8.10 my Icons are totaly messed up - in all KDE4 apps (before I had 8.4 / KDE4 remix)17:32
ubuntu__I cannot install the new ubuntu beta to hdd, when I use automatic partition setup, the partition manager  says "swap memory on scsi3 (sda) could not be created." I also cannot create manual partitions with it, same error occurs. The partition manager does not detect any existing partitions at all. I tried it with not partitions installed on hd, and a linux partition, but it was both not found and installing was not possible because of t17:32
ubuntu__he error I told before. When I start gparted from the live cd, it cannot find a device. Fdisk does so, also. Other linux version I tried, can detect my hdd and create partitions so it seams to be a ubuntu problem.17:32
DaekdroomDarthfrog: Well. It's more or less the same way it was before. But they removed a few options and moved others17:33
ubuntu__any suggestions :-)17:33
DarthfrogDaekdroom: Thanks.17:33
Darthfrogubuntu__: Can you boot into the live CD and do your partitioning from there?17:33
DaekdroomDarthfrog: I think people at #xorg would flood you with documentation links if you asked there17:34
DarthfrogDaekdroom: Is this new way the Xorg way?  Or the Ubuntu way?17:34
ubuntu__@darthfrog: I can boot into live cd, but partitioning is not possible because gparted does not detect any device.17:34
DaekdroomDarthfrog: Well. Xorg in general doesn't need a complex .conf anymore17:34
Darthfrogubuntu__: Have you checked the MD5sum of the iso from which you burned the disk?  Did you run the disk check from the CD boot menu?17:36
Darthfrogubuntu__: Nevermind gparted, does fdisk see the drives?17:36
DarthfrogOr cfdisk.17:37
ubuntu__no, fdisk doesnt work anyway17:37
ubuntu__no, I did not run the check tool from disk17:37
DarthfrogYou might have a bum CD.17:37
ubuntu__@dartgfrog I will give it a try, run the check tool and check the md5 sum17:38
ubuntu__thank you17:38
Darthfrogubuntu__: you're welcome.  And good luck.17:38
Jabarhello everybody!17:40
JabarI upgrade my ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10, and have problems. I get the login screen and able to login after it just freezes. I had to dual boot to XP to get help, so please forgive me if i don't have the answers.... However i was here the othertime and was ask to note any errors in ./.xsession-errors which i did17:42
mini-manJabar, that happened to me a couple times last week... did you try failsafe mode?17:44
JabarFirst Error : X-session-manager[5675] : WARNING Could not read /home/jabar/.config/autpstart/bluetooth-applet.desktop < I don't have bluetooth, so any help is greatly appreciated ...17:44
JabarMini-man - I can get into failsafe root17:44
mini-manJabar, try booting into failsafe and do a apt-get remove bluetooth17:45
mini-manor remove bluetooth-applet from sessions autostart17:45
ArkoldThossomeone getting crashes at burning at k3b?17:46
JabarSecond error : X-session-manager [5675] : WARNING Unable to find 'gnome-wm' of required component 'windows manager' < sorry couldn't read my handwriting17:47
mini-manJabar, looks like a compiz issue17:48
JabarMini-Man - i appreciated your help.. i will try them when i am happy to logout of winxp17:48
mini-manJabar, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/27734417:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 277344 in compiz "Intrepid CD Live Gnome desktop fails (dup-of: 259385)" [Low,New]17:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 259385 in compiz "Intrepid Compiz hangs on login for i830MG and i845 video cards" [Medium,In progress]17:49
mini-manlooks like your errors17:49
Jabarlast error : X-session-manager [5675] WARNING Application 'gnome-wm.desktop' fail to register before timeout17:49
Jabarmini-man - not sure if this is the same, i updated using terminal update command17:50
DivineDeliriumi've got a acer extensa 5620z but wireless don't work17:50
mini-manJabar, try disabling compiz and see if that helps?17:50
Jabarmini-man : please forgive me, how can i disbale compiz..?17:51
Jabarinteresting i have intel 82845 video card... re bug 25938517:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259385 in compiz "Intrepid Compiz hangs on login for i830MG and i845 video cards" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25938517:52
mini-manJabar, can't remember, on Hardy i used to disable it with the appearance dialog, but that's obviously not going to work here :)17:52
mini-manJabar, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60823317:52
mini-manmight help17:52
mini-maniirc, compiz isn't started in gnome-failsafe mode, you could probably remove it from startup or such from there if you don't login as root17:54
Jabarmini-man : i tried the failsafe without gnome..just freezes17:55
FiReSTaRTguys, i have a couple of migration questions re: hardy -- > intrepid (clean reinstall).. 1) i'm assuming debs that worked on hardy should work on intrepid with no issues? 2) if i wanna transfer my user data like contact lists, account settings, program settings, all I need to do is copy the corresponding folders from my home folder to the new home folder once i have the ibex up and running?17:56
joaopintoFiReSTaRT, 1) wrong, 2) why are you going to reformat /home ?17:56
ArkoldThoshow can I burn a cd via console? :o17:57
ArkoldThosjoaopinto: probably he gots all in one partition :O17:57
BenHoltz3Can someone help me figure out where to start to see why compiz won't load at startup?17:58
joaopintoIntrepid allows to install into an existing partition without removing /home17:58
joaopintothere is no need to reformat17:58
FiReSTaRTactually there is unless i can repartition17:58
joaopintoFiReSTaRT, no there isn't, the installer will remove /usr, /var, ... etc, but not /home17:59
FiReSTaRTso if i save my /home partition, all of my user data will be restored?17:59
joaopintothat was improved on the latest version, so that people do not need to have different partitions for reinstalls17:59
joaopintoFiReSTaRT, it is not restore, it simply is not deleted at all17:59
joaopintojust make sure you do not select to "Format", during the custom partitioning18:00
FiReSTaRTi know.. but i really wanna repartition my system to make it run more efficiently (it is true that i have everything on one part. atm)18:00
alteregoaheh is there a mp3 list or audio file llist maker for linux?18:00
FiReSTaRTand i have about 100gb of wasted space, tyvm brother bill18:00
FiReSTaRTwhich i'll just wipe off18:01
joaopintoFiReSTaRT, splitting into partitions does not increase efficiency18:01
FiReSTaRTok, so under those circumstances... i can install intrepid and reassign the partition currently assigned to v**ta any which way i please?18:02
__ubuntuHello again, I was here 15 minutes ago with that ubuntu installation problem. I now run the checktool, which did not found any errors. I compared the md5 sums, and they were equal so the iso is not demaged...18:02
joaopintoFiReSTaRT, you can resize your single partition18:03
joaopintojust use the partition editor from the live cd18:03
FiReSTaRTahhh ok.. that'll make it easier... now just for that one concern...18:03
FiReSTaRTi have some apps that aren't in the repositories.. so my only option is to compile from source? what's the issue with the hardy debs?18:04
JabarMini-Man : That was very helpful, i read launchpad.net/bugs/259385 <appears i will try the suppose fix... thanks for your help and time ;)18:05
joaopintoFiReSTaRT, it depends on the compatibility/availability of the libraries those built apps depend on18:07
BenHoltzCan someone help me with an issue of compiz --replace not working?18:07
mnemoc[34852.879079] rtl8187: 8187B chip detected. Support is EXPERIMENTAL, and could damage your18:08
mnemoc[34852.879082]          hardware, use at your own risk18:08
FiReSTaRTahh so it's a hit and miss thing18:08
NakkelInstalled latest Kubuntu RC and it still doesnt keep most of my settings. Windows wont remember their toolbars or columns in listviews when quit. Themes reset back to Oxygen on logout/reboot even so that the actual line in config files magically dissapears between boots. Some application settings wont hold even after closing the setup window.18:08
FiReSTaRTok thanks a lot joao.. i better split now.. the electrician's coming in :) ciao18:08
__ubuntunobody any suggestions for ubuntu beta installation problem? The installer cannot creat the swap partition, it even cannot see the partitions which are already there. Other linux distrs work and can create partitions.18:11
jAkMini-Man : it WORKED.... your the man!! ;)18:14
jAkoh blast, he/she isn'tonline...well... thanks am in ubuntu 8.10 at last !!!18:16
LARefugeehowdy howdy. Almost daily updates to the bluetooth stack and still I only can get a hissing sound from my headset and an error message from aplay. Anyone have better luck?18:17
* BenHoltz hates compiz problems.... also wishes to get some help...18:18
LARefugeeAnd how about network manager and vpns? The vpn support seems to be turned off (grayed out). Any tips there?18:20
Turgon Hello. I have been trying to install my laptop's webcam driver (Bus 003 Device 003: ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller), which I found here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/m560x-driver/ I extract the files, run "make", then "sudo checkinstall". Everything seems alright. The problem comes when I try to load the module "/lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/media/m5602.ko"; I get this error message: "Unknown symbol in module,18:21
Turgon or unknown parameter (see dmesg)". My dmesg output is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63699/ Just in case it helps, here is the makefile that it is used to compile the driver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63700/ I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 RC (updated from 7.10). Any ideas about what can I do to load the module m5602? Thanks a lot for your help and kind work :-D18:21
* BenHoltz hears the jeopardy theme song in the music on hold for this channel.18:25
W8TAHi heard someplace that ibex contains the ability to have an encrypted personal file store - of some kind - -how is this done?18:33
W8TAHas in how do i set it up18:33
PiciW8TAH: Its in the release notes18:34
W8TAHok thanks18:34
jinhow can I rollback from Intrepid RC1 to Ubuntu Hardy?18:38
larsemilhow is symbols in xkb in X11 working in intrepid? cant find a /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/se file on intrepid but it is there on hardy18:38
victim[v]i'm using Kubuntu 8.10 RC, freshly installed today. I had some issues with my FX5200 and the 173 drivers from Nvidia (I can now restore the screen resolution to 1028 8768). I've just started OpenOffice Writer and several 'bits' of the KDE4 panel (at the bottom) have turned blue. The panel is fine if I create a spreadsheet or create a text doc then a spreadsheet.18:39
W8TAHpici -- the release notes that i am finding state it exists but not how to install / configure it - -or even a name that i can work from for further searching18:40
victim[v]It only happens when I have an OOO Writer window open18:40
PiciW8TAH: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/810rc#Encrypted%20private%20directory18:40
W8TAHthank you18:40
W8TAHthanks -- i was looking in the wrong area18:41
mnemocis ubuntu supposed to "share the load" if one has more than 1 wifi device connected to the same network?18:42
Picimnemoc: No, It won't know to do that automatically.  I assume its possible, but I don't know how to configure it.18:43
jimmy51_hello, i've got an nvidia riva tnt2 and can't find nvidia-glx-legacy in the repos18:44
jimmy51_what can i do?18:44
mnemocPici: my pci card is detecting a 1M bandwidth, but I plugged a usb wifi thumb which detects the 54M .... shall I remove the pci to use the thumb?18:45
Picimnemoc: If you want.18:46
larsemilhmm cant seem to get nm-applet.. why could that be?18:49
devon_does anyone know how to configure network manager to stop scanning when it's connected to an AP?18:50
devon_I get booted from my network 2-6 times daily18:50
devon_and looking at older defects (with other wireless chipsets) the constant scanning is strongly associated with that behavior18:50
=== tretle_ is now known as tretle
groogyYo! I have a problem. I'm making this program in ruby that is using OpenGL. And sometimes when I closes it, the screen drops down to commandline and after a second I am back to the login window. My guess is that I by mistake crash something? In Hardy it worked perfectly.18:57
groogyAny idea what the problem is?18:57
groogyhalp plz? ^_^18:59
bytor4232I'm running cairo dock under xubuntu intrepid, and there is no option or configuration to change it to the 3d angled look.18:59
victim[v]A screenshot of my normal desktop http://www.ukimagehost.com/uploads/d6085c4dc1.png19:03
victim[v]A screenshot of the missing panels and K menu when OpenOffice writer is focused http://www.ukimagehost.com/uploads/d5aa869b0e.png19:03
RHSanbornDoes anyone know off the top of their head if the new network manager supports third party wireless drivers?19:08
RHSanbornI'd been using wicd in hardy and I'm not sure if having wicd on there prior to upgrade may have upset anything.19:08
larsemilwhen i run nm-applet i only get a warning saying: No connections defined. what is that about?19:10
funkyHatOnly DVD images for intrepid? :(19:12
GibbaTheHuttI used cd19:12
GibbaTheHuttlarsemil, does it carry on and work though ?19:12
funkyHatI'm looking at the rc release download page and it's only dvds19:13
larsemilGibbaTheHutt: i am connected with wire yes19:13
larsemilGibbaTheHutt: but i dont see a applet19:13
larsemilGibbaTheHutt: so its not working, cant see any wlans and so on19:13
GibbaTheHutttop right corner ?19:13
larsemilnothing in notification area19:13
GibbaTheHutthttp://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/ are all cds funkyHat19:13
funkyHatAh, I was looking at a different page, silly google!19:14
funkyHatthanks GibbaTheHutt :)19:14
Supersaiyan_IVlarsemil, run nm in the console19:15
Supersaiyan_IVthat or nm-applet19:15
larsemilSupersaiyan_IV: nm: 'a.out': No such file19:15
Supersaiyan_IVsry my bad, completely wrong command :P19:16
Supersaiyan_IVit's nm-applet19:16
Supersaiyan_IVit should start the network manager19:17
larsemilSupersaiyan_IV: i know that it should start it. this is my problem. :) its not starting it. :D19:17
Supersaiyan_IVps -A | grep nm19:18
Supersaiyan_IVdoes that give any output is nm-applet is actually running?19:18
larsemilits starting the process, nothing visible in the notification area and if i run it in terminal it gives me: no connections defined19:18
Supersaiyan_IVso, i suppose ifconfig gives the correct output?19:19
Supersaiyan_IVtried reinstalling nm-applet?19:21
larsemilSupersaiyan_IV: yes. i even tried a newer version then the one in intrepid19:21
Supersaiyan_IVsudo ifconfig eth0 up, then start applet, does that change anything?19:22
larsemilnope same error19:24
Supersaiyan_IVlarsemil, or, sudo ifconfig eth0 mode auto19:24
Supersaiyan_IVsorry thats for iwconfig19:25
Supersaiyan_IVlarsemil, im out of ideas19:25
Supersaiyan_IVlarsemil, when reainstalling, did you purge the config files?19:26
larsemilSupersaiyan_IV: yes i did sudo apt-get purge19:26
larsemiland also autoremove on the other packages that was pulled on installing19:27
Supersaiyan_IVlarsemil, sorry, but im of no help in this case19:27
larsemilthanks for trying19:28
KDeskI will install Kubuntu in a system in a few days. But I dont know if I should install 8.04 (with the kde 4 repo) or 8.10. The system should be stable, so I thought better would be 8.04. So my question is what do you recomend me to do?19:29
GogetaXhey all.. any1 can help me with ubuntu 8.10's networking?19:31
GogetaXi've got that Orange's iCON 255 (mobile netstick) im using. looks like the "Network Connections" could not understand my modem althought the lsusb CAN find it.. any1 can help me with that plz?19:33
GibbaTheHuttKDesk, if you want stability, use 8.04 just at first, but maybe try the livecd 8.10 a few times until happy its stable for you before using that19:33
calcKDesk: 8.10 has KDE 4.1 8.04 3.519:33
calcKDesk: 8.04 probably would be more stable but 8.10 is new and shiny19:34
GogetaXsry i dont understand.. :s i just want that the netowkr list will regonize that network modem of mine..19:34
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
Lr5If I upgrade from 8.04 to the 8.10 release candidate version instead of waiting for the final release, will anything be different or will they be completely same versions after updating?19:37
PiciLr5: They should be the same19:38
Lr5ok, thanks19:39
KDeskGibbaTheHutt: ok, I will try the live CD too see how it works a few hours.19:40
Lr5I guess I'll try it first on a live cd before upgrading to it, or is there some other way to test if it works fine?19:40
KDeskcalc: But I would add the kde4 repo to 8.0419:40
sahakCan anybody listen to preset HBR1 radio stations in rhythmbox under Ubuntu 8.10?19:41
calcKDesk: ok19:41
calcKDesk: i imagine kde in 8.10 is more stable than the one that was built for 8.04 (unless they have updated it recently)19:41
DaekdroomI disagree19:43
Daekdroom4.0 tree is very stable now. 4.1 is new.19:43
GogetaXany1 here know why my modem is not reginized by ubuntu's Internet Connection Lists?19:44
GogetaXany1 here know why my modem is not reginized by ubuntu's Internet Connection Lists?19:47
MimiI don't know19:47
MimiI don't know19:47
GogetaXgrrr >_<19:47
GogetaXi asked if "any1" u dont need to answer if u dont know u know19:47
frank23I think I'm going to have to jump ship from kubuntu to ubuntu. KDE4 and the kde4 ports of apps aren't there yet and I'd like to upgrade. I'm still running gutsy19:48
histoAnyone know where I can begin trouble shooting why any keyboard I plug in numpad doesn't work?19:48
larsemilnoone has any idea why nm-applet says: no connections defined when running it? it does not show in tray19:51
joshua1hi folks, i am having a "little" problem with a rt61 chipset based w-lan card. according to the wiki it should run out of the box since ubuntu 8.10 which it does not do in my case, is anyone used to this chipset?19:51
histonvm I found it accesibility defaults to the keyboard being able to control the pointer in ibex. REtarded19:52
bullgard4Where will I find a summary what new features are implemented in Intrepid Ibex compared with Hardy?19:55
bullgard4histo: Check your dmesg. It will reflect keyboard errors.19:56
histoI already found the problem.20:02
joshua1is no one here who can help me?20:03
binspaceHello, is there a package for firefox2 on 8.10?20:03
joshua1if i login to the box via ssh and start wpa_supplicant with a definitly correct wpa_supplicant.conf i just get CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-RESULT20:04
joshua1no suggestions?20:04
nekostarthis is so wierd20:04
nekostarcompiz bloats xorg up to 230MB20:05
nekostarand then it goes stable apparently20:05
nekostarnautilus goes to 50-80MB20:05
nekostarand compiz stays around 58-62 MB usually20:05
* nekostar sighs20:05
nekostarhowever ive got really bad video tearing in metacity AND c-f20:06
PatrickBicis is better (as in time needed to get it working properly) to install the rc and update the packages or to wait a few days (when the server got over the first download rush) and download intrepid then?20:06
nekostaros[Linux 2.6.27-7-generic - Debian lenny/sid - Ubuntu DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu ( http://www.ubuntu.com )] | up[1 days, 11 hours, 58 minutes] | cpu[Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz SMP (4 processors), 2399.986 MHz (19200.18 bogomips)] | chipset[Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller (rev 02)] | video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600 GT (rev a1) at 1680x1050 (32 bits)] | opengl[GeForce 8600 GT/PCI/SSE2 powered by NV20:06
nekostarIDIA Corporation with driver 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.12] | xchat[Version: 2.8.6] | [sysinfo-dg 1.1-DocTrax_1.46]20:06
nekostarPatrickBic i set it up early20:06
nekostari'm gonna ride this setup till nov 3020:06
Owe1what is the encryption strenght of the private folder in ll20:06
nekostarPatrickBic are you decent at troubleshooting?20:06
jbg7474Hi all--anyone have any luck getting gpilot to synch with a Palm device in Intrepid?20:06
nekostarb/c this intrepid is in my opinion worth the bit of trouble it was to setup20:07
nekostarjust remember if your vid card isnt autodetected to run jockey-gtk20:07
nekostarits SICK20:07
PatrickBicnekostar, i installed and used/tested over 50 distributions.. including stuff like lfs, gentoo ...20:07
PatrickBicso i guess i am fine with troubleshooting20:07
nekostarthen yeah dont wait20:08
nekostarget in and setup b/f release20:08
nekostaroccational update isnt so bad20:08
nekostarbut here's how i do it.20:08
ratpoisonhello! kubuntu amd64 8.10 user with ATI x1950 (r550). I'm experiencing a flashing display issue: The Display flashes once about 10 seconds.  I'm using radeonhd.20:08
nekostari wont update any of: restricted modules, linux-kernels, linux-headers, nor compiz more than twice -20:09
nekostarmost of the rest of it is ok20:09
nekostar^^ gl PatrickBic20:10
nekostaroh btw guys20:10
PatrickBicthanks :P20:10
nekostardunno if anyone ever bothered20:10
nekostarconky can update quite fast :P20:10
nekostartho it spikes a cpu20:10
nekostaron my quad, ive had it updateing up to every .002 seconds20:10
nekostarwas hilarious - when it was finally killed it would not disappear20:11
nekostarit gets 'stuck' to the screen somehow20:11
nekostargonna research that later this week20:11
nekostarer 'it gets 'stuck' to the desktop wallpaper', rather20:11
nekostarkk i'm out20:12
YuretszHi all, what would be the differences with ubuntu 8.04 with all upgrades and ubuntu 8.10 ?20:15
bullgard4Where will I find a summary what new features are implemented in Intrepid Ibex compared with Hardy?20:16
vegaby perhaps reading the topic?20:17
jbg7474Has anyone successfully synch'd a Palm device with gpilot on Intrepid?20:17
calcYuretsz: extra packages installed that are no longer installed by default20:17
calcYuretsz: maybe some other stuff as well, not sure20:18
Yuretszcalc: If I'll update, I'll have to update /etc/apt/sources.list by hands?20:20
calcYuretsz: no there is a description of how to update on ubuntu.com (from what i recall) using update-manager20:21
WelshDragonYuretsz, You can type 'update-manager -d' (without quotes) in the terminal.20:21
jbg7474Palm device?  Anyone?20:24
=== alexin0147 is now known as K
megatog615i have an amd athlon64 x2 5600+20:28
megatog615only one of the cores is activated20:28
megatog615is this a known issue?20:28
megatog615if so, where is the bug report?20:28
TheInfinityhow do you know @ only one core?20:29
megatog615cat /proc/cpuinfo20:29
megatog615any number of things that show cpu cores20:29
TheInfinityok ... bios settingss ok?20:29
jbg7474Has anyone successfully synch'd a Palm device using gpilot in Intrepid?20:31
Hoover_4000i cant get it to even recognize my palm20:33
jbg7474Hoover: I can see my Palm using lsusb, when I hit the hotsync button, so I know something is happening--but gpilot just sits there ignoring it20:34
Hoover_4000well i cant get mine to get recognized at all so i gave up20:35
=== lobo235_ is now known as lobo235
jbg7474Hoover: I think people have done it with jpilot, but I'm personally reluctant to go away from evolution20:36
firetoadwhere do I go to configure wifi settings in ibex?20:36
Hoover_4000i tried it on both of them i gave up and decided to just use windows20:36
jbg7474Hoover: ugh--that's not exactly the response I was hoping for!20:37
Hoover_4000ya i know20:37
Hoover_4000people dont like me mentioning the W word20:37
megatog615[   31.276186] powernow-k8: Found 1 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+ processors (1 cpu cores) (version 2.20.00)20:38
Tux007Und jetzt?20:38
eventmaster   20:38
eventmaster  CONCEPTRONIC Wireless Desktop PCI Karte 300Mbps C300Ri    is this card working under hardy/intrepid20:38
jbg7474Hoover: I think something has to be done with a .fdi file, but I'm a little clueless on how to make those work right20:39
Hoover_4000jbg7474: i will work on finding out how but as of right now am stuck with syncing with ubuntu20:46
joshua1megatog615: check your kernelconfig, where you will find an option which allows you to use multiple cores but if you didn't compile your kernel yourself it should be enabled, another point is that, at least i can with gentoo but the feature is kernelbased and so should also be available in ubuntu, turn on and off the cores/cpus if you have more than one. But this is as far as i know experimental feature which shouldn't be enabled in the default ke20:48
Tux007Welche Einstellung in Netzwerk Configuration entspricht dem "Roaming" in Version 8.04? DHCP funtioniert bei mir nämlich nicht.20:52
megatog615joshua1: i am using the latest intrepid kernel(2.6.27-3-rt) on x86_6420:53
megatog615where would I find this kernel config?20:53
joshua1megatog615:change to /usr/src/linux (which is a symlink, maybe it is /usr/src/linux-<kernel-version>) and then type sudo make menuconfig20:54
megatog615i see # CONFIG_SMP is not set20:54
joshua1megatog615: is not set does not mean that it is disabled20:54
megatog615i dont feel confortable building my own kernel20:54
megatog615as i have never been successful20:55
lbciafter latest update, atheros 5001x+ chipset loads but network manager does not see, if i deactivate->reactivate and choose edit connections it then connects automagically like it should? ne1 have an idea on where break is happening?20:55
dug_oh well20:55
joshua1megatog615:hat the same problem, changed to gentoo tried and tried and tried and somehow it worked xD20:55
megatog615i dont want to switch to gentoo either20:55
megatog615is there some kind of kernel command line switch i can use at grub to enable smp?20:56
mnWhy is II taking so long to boot, and why do my top and bottom tool bars go away when I use firefox20:56
Tux007What is the altenate setting to "Roaming" in Vers. 8.04? DHCP dont work with my con. Roaming works - but there is no "Roaming" in 8.10 NM. I use a simple open WEP WLAN - Connect > Password... ready... NO DHCP - this works but not stable.20:58
joshua1megatog615: these are the only things i can think of but maybe it has something to do with powersaving, but if you did not build your own kernel and wrote your own menu.lst this should not be the problem because ubuntu has a quite good hardwareautodetection especially concerning cpus20:58
mnSorry, something happened.20:59
mnNow why do my top and bottom toolbars go out of sight when I use firefox and why is it taking II so long to boot?20:59
zernyHi, I just upgraded to the new release to test it out before the final release. Since the upgrade it seems that xorg.conf ignores any keyboard+mouse device entries. Is that so?21:00
wgrantzerny: That's correct.21:01
wgrantzerny: What are you trying to do?21:01
zernywgrant: I would like to enable alt-switch (used in many european countries)21:01
megatog615joshua1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21301121:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 213011 in linux "Athlon X2 Dual Core Processor - Second CPU/Core not working with i386 kernel" [High,Fix released]21:02
zernywgrant: I did this with: Option "XkbOptions" "lv3:ralt_switch" before21:02
megatog615though i am not using an i386 kernel21:02
wgrantzerny: You can probably put that in an fdi file.21:02
wgrantSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config#hal21:02
DaekdroomIs it the x64 kernel?21:02
zernywgrant: thanks I will take a look21:03
DaekdroomIs the system up to date?21:03
DaekdroomWell. There might be a report concerning that too.21:03
wgrantzerny: What's wrong with that setting in System->Preferences->Keyboard?21:03
wgrantThere's a checkbox for just that.21:03
DaekdroomThey can't release a new kernel version at this point. Maybe there's a fix and it wasn't released. Or maybe they didn't know it happens under other conditions too.21:03
zernywgrant: another thing. the keycode for AltGr on my thinkpad changed from 113 to 92 in intrepid. Is that not a bit undesirable?21:03
megatog615Daekdroom: is there a bug report?21:04
wgrantzerny: That I'm not quite sure of.21:04
Daekdroommegatog615: No idea. I haven't looked at launchpad lately21:04
megatog615hmm, i think i see a discrepency21:04
megatog615the latest rt kernel is 2.6.27-321:05
megatog615the latest generic is 2.6.27-721:05
wgrantThat's not relevant.21:05
wgrantIt just means that -rt came about later, so has a low ABI.21:05
megatog615well maybe it was fixed in the generic21:05
wgrant-rt is based on the latest -generic.21:05
seclm193Need some help21:05
seclm193wireless worked perfectly to my schools network in ubuntu 8.04, but 8.10 wont work without a certificate?21:06
joshua1megatog615: so your sure you have the 64bit version? try uname -r21:06
alteregoacan someone help me with the koyyanisqatsi?21:06
wgrantI know -rt is up to date because we were all watching the buildds just before releasefreeze, and linux-rt took up a lot of buildd time.21:06
megatog615yes i do have x86_6421:06
wgrantzerny: Found the checkbox in the GNOME keyboard preferences yet?21:06
joshua1is now someone here who is used to w-lan pci cards?21:06
evan__hey how do i kill xorg from ssh?21:07
alteregoayeah eierless lan rocks21:07
lobo235I am getting an error when trying to apt-get a new package, the error is "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." This is happening after tasksel died in the middle of adding lamp-server21:07
lobo235any ideas?21:07
wgrantevan__: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' will kill it and prevent it from restarting.21:07
alteregoaok do it aga21:07
zernywgrant: oh, sorry did not see that msg21:07
megatog615wgrant: i am assuming you are a dev21:07
wgrantmegatog615: That is correct.21:08
evan__wgrant: nope thats not working... my screen is all black and keys are not responding21:08
megatog615i will give you any info you need21:08
joshua1megatog615:quite funny. do you maybe just have both of the cores seen as one, but this one with the power of both?21:08
wgrantzerny: It has moved in Intrepid; in System->Preferences->Keyboard, Layouts, Other Options, Third level choosers.21:08
seclm193can anyone help me with my problem, does vista store the certificate? and can i use that certificate?21:08
megatog615joshua1: i can tell my performance has dropped due to everything running on one core21:08
wgrantmegatog615: I'm an X guy, not much of a kernel one, sorry.21:09
megatog615also, sensors detects both core temp sensors21:09
evan__wgrant: i managed to stop gdm and after it i killed xorg by  sudo kill -9 (pid)21:10
megatog615though one core is running at a much higher temp than the other21:10
megatog615difference of 5 degrees21:10
wgrantevan__: Erk. Which video driver are you using, and where does it fail in the log?21:10
joshua1megatog615:ok, no problem. that sensors detects both one sounds very strange..the difference maybe means that that one with the lower temp is not used21:10
megatog615tis running pretty cold(i take good care of my box) at 23 degrees21:11
megatog615while the other is running at 2821:11
geremyhey all, still looking for help with an intel 945's tv out in either hardy or intrepid, assistance would be much appreciated21:11
joshua1megatog615: so how you found out that you are using 64bit?21:11
evan__wgrant: no errors... but im trying to do dual screen maybe thats teh error21:11
megatog615joshua1: several ways21:12
megatog615uname -m21:12
megatog615the fact that i installed 64-it ubuntu 8.04 back when it came out21:12
wgrantevan__: Which video driver?21:12
megatog615the fact that all my packages are amd6421:12
zernywgrant: hmmm. it does not seem to do what it used to...21:12
joshua1megatog615:ok that is what i wanted to know, thought that maybe you installed the 64bit version userspace but the 32bit kernel (of what i am not sure whether it works)21:13
wgrantzerny: Uncheck that, add the fdi file, and see if it works, I guess21:13
evan__wgrant: i have a nvidia 8200 wich is connected to a monitor wich ehhh recieves a signal ( all black... ) and i have an ati HD345021:13
seclm193Anyone can help with my wireless problem?21:13
wgrantAh. Ew.21:13
evan__wicht dont receive signal21:13
joshua1ist no one familiar with the rt61 chipset?21:13
wgrantI'm not sure how well XRandR works with two video cards.21:13
alteregoai need help with my koyyanisqatsi21:14
alteregoait doesnt' run21:14
alteregoai tried it with dreamcatchers and stuff21:14
alteregoabut it won't work21:14
joshua1megatog615:did you try uname -m when you inserted a ubuntu live cd?21:14
megatog615look, i know its x86_6421:15
wgrantjoshua1: If one has a live CD, one should already known which arch it is.21:15
joshua1megatog615:sry i meant cat /proc/cpuinfo21:15
megatog615see my bug report comment21:15
megatog615joshua1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21301121:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 213011 in linux "Athlon X2 Dual Core Processor - Second CPU/Core not working with i386 kernel" [High,Fix released]21:16
seclm193Is no one here about to help me?21:16
megatog615its the last comment21:16
joshua1megatog615: if you have the same problem using the livecd you know that it is a problem of your hardware or of ubuntu itsself (kernel or whatever) but not of your configuration. This is why i asked whether you checked /proc/cpuinfo when your system is running the live cd you probably used when you installed your system21:18
megatog615i used do-release-upgrade -d21:19
zernywgrant: this keyboard stuff it too weird. AltGr now identifies as ISO_Level3_Shift, but in programs (xmonad, metacity) it acts like a Hyper (mod5) key...21:19
megatog615from 8.0421:19
joshua1megatog615: before it worked?21:19
megatog615in 8.04 i had two cores working21:20
zernywgrant: I will try look in to it more later. Thank you for you help and nice work on the release!21:20
joshua1is really no one here who knows something about w-lan?21:20
megatog615i am going to try the generic kernel just for kicks21:20
joshua1megatog615:ok, good idea...21:20
lobo235Has anyone been able to install Opera on a new 8.10 install? I cannot do it using apt-get because it says "E: Package opera has no installation candidate"21:21
joshua1megatog615:I myself am not using ubuntu, so i can only help in the general way but not concerning the different versions of ubuntu...21:21
wgrantzerny: You haven't got an xmodmaprc somewhere21:21
zernywgrant: yes, that is what I am using to remap the keys21:22
wgrantzerny: Remove it and see what works.21:22
wgrantI believe it's even in the release notes.21:22
wgrantKeycodes have changed.21:22
evan__wgrant: do you know whether the BusId changes when i put the connector in a different slot ( like instead of the dvi slot into the vga )21:23
zernywgrant: yes I have noticed some changes, but I believe I would need xmodmap to add special keys as triggers for the Level3 shift21:23
wgrantevan__: I'd be very surprised if it didn't change when moving bus.21:24
evan__wgrant: how do i look that up?21:24
evan__that id21:24
wgrantzerny: Try without it and see what things map to... and use the GNOME preference, rather than an fdi file.21:24
wgrantNo idea.21:24
megatog615joshua1: the generic kernel fixes it21:24
megatog615so the rt kernel has a bug21:24
joshua1megatog615:so quite a simple thing, isn't it?21:24
wgrantWhat is the problem that you're seeing with -rt?21:25
wgrantIt's known not to work properly on SMP machines, for example.21:25
megatog615and i know the problem21:26
megatog615rt worked fine on my system before21:26
zernywgrant: I will try it out and come report back if necessary. Will let it lay for today though, as I can hardly see the screen anymore (too tired). Thank you very much for your time and help!21:26
megatog615rt has config_smp is not set21:26
wgrantIntrepid -rt is very different, and was hastily put together.21:26
megatog615while generic has config_smp=y21:26
wgrantzerny: Great.21:26
wgrantmegatog615: That's because -rt doesn't work properly on SMP now.21:27
evan__wgrant: how do i look the Right BusId up?21:27
wgrantevan__: I've no clue. Graphics drivers are evil and I generally keep away from thosee details.21:27
wgrantAll my machines autodetect fine.21:28
evan__wgrant: you just leave that option away?21:28
joshua1megatog615:so then lots of fun with both of your cores21:28
captainci have got to say, conduit is looking really good.21:28
evan__wgrant: does it mean that if my ( detected ) ati card always says no signal on the monitor screen?21:29
megatog615any way i can get an update on when smp will work with the rt kernel?21:29
wgrantmegatog615: The official word is to use the Hardy or perhaps Jaunty kernel.21:30
* wgrant heads off to uni.21:30
evan__wgrant: how can i set my primairy deveice? because xorg is asking me that alot?21:33
mnevan__ what primary device?21:42
ruffZhi. i'm not getting a correct screen resolution until i manually edit xorg.conf21:44
=== evan__ is now known as amortvigil
applecutterhi, having problems with my iwl4965 after upgarde to intrepid21:49
EnderTheThirddoes x.org no longer use modelines if i enter one manually?  i tried one i found online for my Toshiba DLP, but it didn't change the resolution at all21:49
ruffZEnderTheThird, it works. that's what i had to do on my laptop21:50
EnderTheThirdruffz:  it goes into the monitor section, right?21:51
ruffZEnderTheThird, just a second. let me open up my xorg.conf file21:51
EnderTheThirdruffz: can you pastebin your xorg for me, just so i can check?21:51
ubuntu_what size shoud have the / partition in a new install?21:51
ruffZEnderTheThird, sure thing21:51
ruffZEnderTheThird, http://pastebin.ca/123903521:52
EnderTheThirdruffz:  thanks21:52
ruffZEnderTheThird, ooops.. sorry ahah.. this is my desktop's configuration21:53
ruffZEnderTheThird, i'll get the notebook's xorg.conf file21:53
EnderTheThirdruffz:  heh, i was about to ask where the modeline is21:53
applecutterwhile using hardy wpa2 connection worked well but after upgrade I don't see my network anymore21:53
ruffZEnderTheThird, ok there you go http://pastebin.ca/123903921:56
EnderTheThirdOh, you just specified resolutions.  I mean something like "ModeLine "1744x984@60" 146.8 1744 1776 2280 2360 984 1004 1014 1034 +hsync +vsync"21:57
ruffZEnderTheThird, mmm.. well.. i used to have modelines on hardy but then i lost that file after upgrading to intrepid21:58
EnderTheThirdruffz:  I see.21:59
EnderTheThirdI just remember Intrepid is supposed to automate a lot of the manual stuff for X, so I'm not sure if it still takes manual modelines by default or if i need to change something for it to use it21:59
ruffZEnderTheThird, interestingly, when i tried to use my old xorg.conf file with the modelines thing it just didn't work it was however a bug on the via driver i suppose22:00
EnderTheThirdruffz:  thanks for trying though22:00
ruffZit's ok :)22:00
EnderTheThirdanyone else know if i need to do something to convince X to use a modeline in Intrepid?22:00
jean-martinhello, is the ibex stable enough to be runned on a production machine ?22:00
ruffZjean-martin, not really.. u'd better stick to hardy for a while, buddy22:01
jean-martinruffZ, the problem is that my hardy messed up with today's update...22:01
ubuntu_jean-martin: with kde maybe yes.22:01
ruffZnow that's a problem... :S22:02
EnderTheThirdanyone else able to run xvidtune in Intrepid?  I'm told it can't access the monitor or some such22:02
ubuntu_jean-martin: then install intrepid rc, look at the live cd first.22:02
jean-martinruffZ, the problem : http://pastebin.com/m61bc2a9522:03
jean-martinubottu, I'm on gnome... and the update even messed up the former kernel setting22:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:07
aurel42Anyone got an idea how to get audio with Java (Web Start) applications without starting them in a VirtualBox running Windows?22:08
SpudUlikeHi room.  Today's update of Intrepid has borked my system.  I think X is starting all right, I have a cursor and the trackpad moves it, but my Gnome session doesn't start.  Where do I look for reason behind this?22:08
ruffZjean-martin, as far as my french goes.. i think i understood you're not being able to use themes as they don't show up properly, is that right?22:09
ruffZjean-martin, try using a newly created user and check if everything works ok22:11
EnderTheThirdno dice on modelines eh?  Intrepid seems to be ignoring the one i entered.22:11
=== evan_ is now known as amortvigil
amortvigilhow can i checkif my videocard isnt broken?22:22
crimsunif you're able to use it for display output /at all/, then it's not completely broken22:23
amortvigilcrimsin it never gives a signal on screen... ( its my second screen btw ) but ubuntu does recognize the hardware22:24
crimsunsorry, but I need to leave to teach class now.22:25
crimsunI would try isolating it as the primary display22:25
crimsunif you're attempting to use dualhead/twinview/xinerama/etc., check your configuration22:25
alteregoajust use windows to check22:26
alteregoaits ot complicated if weird errors happened22:26
amortvigilalteregoa: are the windows lives disks??:P22:27
doggymenzWhen will nvidia 71, 96, and 173 work on 8.10 ?22:28
alteregoabartpe or something22:28
Tukonhi all22:28
Tukonis there any way to prevent all the drawing artifacts when using firefox?22:29
alteregoayeah, just polish the wires of the gfx plugs22:29
Tukoni'm guessing this is more a firefox xul problem than a kubuntu problem then... is that what you're saying?22:30
amortvigilalteregoa: yeah im downloading it22:31
amortvigilbut those are for windows ppl isnt it?22:32
amortvigilalteregoa: can i use wine ?22:33
alteregoawith bartpe22:33
alteregoai think that could work22:33
alteregoayou just need a windows disc22:33
alteregoaor a pirated copy22:34
linuxpoeto.k. anyone has any idea how to get intrepid to have sound?22:35
linuxpoetI am running a Dell 1535 Studio22:35
linuxpoetsound worked wonderfully in hardy22:35
linuxpoetnow it is all gone22:35
megatog615what exactly is executing pulseaudio?22:36
DaekdroomI'm going to stop being lazy and make a bug report about my problem with intrepid.. >.<22:36
Tukonlinuxpoet: i had a possibly similar problem22:36
linuxpoetWhat do you mean executing pulseaudio?22:36
linuxpoetYou mean like audacious?22:36
Tukonlinuxpoet: pcm audio volume was all the way down22:37
megatog615what causes pulseaudio to start when you log in22:37
Tukonlinuxpoet: check alsamixer22:37
megatog615because i want to stop that from happening(i hate pa)22:37
linuxpoetmegatog615: I assume : /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio22:38
linuxpoetTukon: 100% over master22:38
Tukonpcm also at 100%? that's my only idea22:39
Tukoni just started using kubuntu this week22:39
tapashi, korganizer really likes to crash here22:39
tapasespecially when closing the program22:39
tapasand the daemon crashes right away22:39
keithclarkGotta say, Ubuntu 8.10 fail on a stock Compaq R4000 Laptop.  No wireless or graphics card recognition out of the box!  These are old items now that should have been corrected by now.22:40
mneptokkeithclark: correct. by the people that made the wireless and graphics.22:42
mneptokkeithclark: you know, like they did for Windows.22:43
onthefence9281when 8.10 comes out of beta, should i just do an upgrade? or do a fresh install?22:43
keithclarkmneptok, no problem, just wanted to let everyone know.  ATI X200 has Linux drivers, just do not work out of the box for Ubuntru22:44
ds[de]onthefence9281: just do an upgrade22:46
mneptokkeithclark: are these free, open source drivers?22:46
ds[de]onthefence9281: saves you the reconfiguring of the systems to your needs22:46
RyanPriorWhat is function call fortification? Google doesn't show anything useful.22:46
onthefence9281ds[de]: how much carries over?22:46
keithclarkmneptok, I tried both.  Free and proprietary22:46
mneptokkeithclark: does AMD/ATI allow their redistribution and full access to the source code? if not, they will never be in a default installation.22:46
onthefence9281ds[de]: or is it just a kernal upgrade?22:46
alteregoaheh how can i made my gadafi mirrors /root ? http://pastebin.com/d6d02d73822:47
mneptokonthefence9281: "kernel" :)22:47
ds[de]onthefence9281: I upgraded to 8.10RC a few hours ago and I downloaded approx. 900mb of packages on a clean, up-to-date 8.0422:47
bsnidermneptok, they have made documentation available, and pay open source devs, but the main work is being done at novell by luc verhaegen22:49
onthefence9281i'm thinking about buying some new harddrives for my laptop, is theer any chance that there might be a very easy back-up system that will transfer to 8.10? or do i need to manually get an app list and reinstall eevrything using apt-get?22:50
keithclarkmneptok, no worries....maybe the next distro will work.  Not to mention hibernations.22:51
ds[de]onthefence9281: are you planning on replacing the disk ubuntu is installed on or just buying some additional HDDsß22:51
onthefence9281ds[de] i have a two harddrive system22:51
alteregoathere is no easy to use mirror utility22:51
alteregoai need to mirror my system drive asap22:51
onthefence9281my /home is mostly on /dev/SDA22:52
onthefence9281and my kernel install in on sdbx22:52
onthefence9281is on*22:52
onthefence9281with some parts of /home on sdb122:52
onthefence9281it's the result of a semi organic install from when i first tried ubuntu 8.04 from being a windows user22:53
keithclarkWell, this is the fourth installation of Ubuntu that does not work with my video card or my wireless card.  Linux is the underdog and should not expect the large hardware drivers to write for it.  I tried and I've seen nothing really develop.  I think the hardware world is out running the software world when it comes to Linux and it will never catch up.  I have stuff that is two generations old and still do22:57
keithclarkes not work.  Good luck in the future!22:57
onthefence9281keitheclark: i'm sorry but my ubuntu understood ALL of my laptop's hardware23:01
onthefence9281including the fingerprint scanner which i didn't expect23:01
apwkeithclark: well those are the two hardest areas, the manufactuers refusing to give out any hardware specs for video hardware, and it being against the law to give out information on wireless cards23:01
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
apwyou can't blame ubuntu for either23:01
wgrantSure he can. People blame as for things that are much less our fault.23:01
DaekdroomWhat's the runlevel at the time of the boot where udev is ran?23:04
keithclarkonthefence9281, I think that is great!  My stuff is some of the most common stuff on the market and still not supported properly.  In fact, the X200M even has a driver for Linux and it still does not work.23:05
bsniderwgrant, you mean like blaming ubuntu for ati/amd's incompetent buffoonery?23:05
wgrantbsnider: And nvidia's... and other things.23:05
bsnidernvidia makes the only good graphics driver for linux, so i certainly disagree with that statement23:06
DaekdroomI thought Intel had the best ones.23:07
madooy guys ... hello there ...23:07
madoi have a problem with kubuntu 8.10rc ... can you help me please? ... thing is ...23:07
madoi downloaded the cd and installed it ...23:08
outbri!ask > mado23:08
ubottumado, please see my private message23:08
marshtompis there any guarantee that all the issues currently existing with ubuntu 8.10 will be fixed in two days ?!?!?!!23:08
bsniderintel's driver has no hardware acceleration, although intel graphics chips are so powerless it hardly seems worth the bother23:08
ds[de]mado, it's easier for us if you ask your question in one piece23:08
wificonfiggersup y'all, I'm having a problem getting my ndiswrapper wireless card to connect to encrypted networks. Will ibex fix this?23:08
madook ds[de] ...23:08
dug_marshtomp: they'll keep posting fixes even after 8.10 is released23:09
madoafter the installation ... i started the os and did some things ... for example ... tried to mark a folder ...23:09
madothis simple task took about a minute!23:09
madoand i don't know why23:10
madoso my question now ... how can this be?23:10
madois it the hardware i am using?23:10
madois there a problem with 8.10rc?23:10
DaekdroomThere are a lot of problems.23:10
keithclarkmado, yes, many problems23:11
DaekdroomSo many problems that I can't boot it succesfully >.<23:11
keithclarkmado, they will be fixed though23:11
keithclarkmado, this is a RC23:11
madoyeah ... but how can this be?23:11
madoi mean ...23:11
keithclarkmado, Wait a month23:11
DaekdroomThe final release isn't stable, either.23:11
bsniderthere aren't many issues left23:12
DaekdroomThere are.23:12
keithclarkmado, all will be well.  Same happened with 8.0423:12
madoi installed "8.04" with kde4 some time ago ... it was a test-run ... this went good23:12
DaekdroomMostly to blame hardware for now.23:12
madoso my hardware is the problem?23:12
amortvigilhow can i umount my home partition, so i can schrink it?23:12
madoor is it a generell hardware-problem?23:13
DaekdroomWell. Hardware compatibility.23:13
madouhuu ... ok ... i see23:13
keithclarkmado, no, your support for your hardware is.  It will eventually be supported.23:13
DaekdroomThere are always a few problems, even after the release.23:13
JontheEchidnamado: uninstalling scim will probably fix it23:13
madopardon me JontheEchidna ?23:13
JontheEchidnamado: uninstalling the scim package will probably fix your slowness problem23:13
JontheEchidnaor at least, we have had reports of everything running slowly when scim is installed23:14
madouhuu ... ok ... i will try that23:14
madobut not now :)23:14
madoi am happy with 8.04 at the moment and will try to install 8.10 tomorow ... i have more time then :)23:14
keithclarkWhy install 8.10 before it is ready?  It can wait23:15
madoand erm ... maybe it's just me but ... i am not so good at computer-stuff ... i thought "rc" means "nearly finished and almost "stable" "23:15
bsniderit's all but finished as is23:15
mn8.10 is great!23:16
bsniderthere were what? 6 updates today?23:16
madokeithclark, one word -> curiousness :)23:16
keithclarkmado, understood.  Same as me!23:16
mado*laughing a bit*23:16
WelshDragoncuriousity* =P23:16
keithclarkmado, yeah, me too!23:16
madoWelshDragon, sorry ... english isn't my mother-tongue ... so i thought this would be the right word23:17
keithclarkmado, worked for me.23:17
madook then ... so ... oy! ...23:18
madodoes any one of you know "borland"-compiler?23:18
_ykramwhich one23:18
madoit a compiler for ... c and c++ as far as i know23:18
madoversion 423:18
_ykramow thats old23:18
madoi don't know _ykram ...23:18
madoi'm asking because ...23:19
_ykramused it way back23:19
madois there so much difference between this borlad-thing and gnu?23:19
madobecause ... i need a compiler for programming some small stuff23:19
ds[de]mado: don't you mean gcc? ;)23:20
madods[de], ... yeah ... could be ...23:20
madosee? ... i'm not so good at computers :)23:20
wgrantA C compiler should be a C compiler.23:20
wgrantSo it's worth a try.23:20
madogcc ... yeah :)23:20
_ykrami used bcb for programs for work and all can say is quickest way to make a full program23:20
q0r3hey all.  i'm a little confused about this nvidia binary driver debacle with xorg 7.4.  as far as i can tell, everyone keeps saying it's nvidia's fault.  but they didn't change anything; xorg did.  why aren't people clamoring for xorg to be patched instead?23:20
madowell ok then but ... which one?23:20
madothere are so much gcc and g++ in my repository ... for each one there are 423:21
madoand i only need one23:21
_ykramis to use bcb23:21
wgrantq0r3: Because Xorg needed to break ABI to introduce new functionality.23:21
madobcb is also a compiler?23:21
wgrantq0r3: And every other video driver performed the trivial rebuild needed to get it to work.23:21
ds[de]mado: sudo apt-get install build-essential23:21
dug_mado: if you want a C or C++ IDE, you might check out options like anjuta, eclipse cdt, kdevelop, etc.23:22
q0r3wgrant, that makes it clearer, thanks.  what's abi?23:22
dug_code::blocks too23:22
madodug_, ... i thought about "net beans" or something ... or just kate :)23:22
ds[de]q0r3: application binary interface23:22
wgrantq0r3: Application Binary Interface. It's what allows different libraries to talk to each other.23:22
q0r3+1 for code blocks23:22
wgrantCode::Blocks is good, but I dislike IDEs.23:22
wgrantIt's the best I've found recently.23:22
madobuild-essential ds[de] ?? why that one?23:23
dug_mado: i use netbeans, i forgot it does c/c++ too23:23
q0r3yeah, i use kate myself.  the embedded terminal is great.23:23
madono problem dug_23:23
wgrantmado: That will install the stuff that you need to build basic C(++) programs.23:23
ds[de]mado: because it installs the tools necessary to compile stuff :o)23:23
_ykramanyone used the intel compiler ? any good ?23:23
wificonfiggerwait is ibex beta now, or rc?23:24
Certhwho upgraded to intrepid?23:24
madoi love you guys and gals :)23:24
wificonfiggeror same thing?23:24
wgrantwificonfigger: RC.23:24
wificonfiggernice nice!23:24
wgrantWell, more *ridiculously* close to final.23:24
madoreally ... i am not drunk but i really enjoy it more and more being here23:25
* wgrant enjoyed it more a couple of months ago when it was a bit quieter.23:25
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madowgrant, is it so noisy at the moment?23:25
Certhi want to couple23:25
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
madowell ... erm ... *thinking*23:27
wificonfiggerwait so what nvidia drivers are affected? I think I use either "nvidia" or "nvidia-new" or something like that23:27
q0r3as well as the older binary drivers23:27
Certhpeople please help me with intrepid which is very buggy23:27
madoi thought it was called "nvidia-glx(-new)"23:28
wificonfiggerI thought fglrx was for ati23:28
=== mneptok changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Intrepid Ibex Release Candidate Released | Support and development issues only, please. General Intrepid release chatter is in #ubuntu-release-party | Ibex is still beta software, and may break your system | Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/810rc for details
madoCerth, .... why not using 8.04 instead?23:28
Certhin first 10 minutes with intrepid i found i cant connect the internet, edit texts and shut down computer23:28
mneptokmarshtomp: heya23:28
q0r3wificonfigger, you're right.  nvidia 71 and 96 series binary drivers don't work.23:28
Certhmado: i can't rollback now23:28
wgrantwificonfigger, q0r3: fglrx was fixed a couple of weeks ago. nvidia 71 and nvidia 96 are all that don't work right now.23:28
madowhy is that?23:29
wificonfiggeralright, so I'll be without hardware accelleration for a few days?23:29
madoyou can nearly always go back a step23:29
wgrantnvidia says that they're working on it.23:29
wgrantmado: You can't downgrade.23:29
wgrantWe'll hopefully be able to SRU the drivers when they finally appear.23:29
madouhuu ... thanks wgrant ... didn't know that23:29
bsnideraaron plattner seems to think a 96 release is imminent23:30
wificonfiggerso they weren't compatible with the new X.Org?23:30
madoerm ... my dear guys and gals ... i have to go away from my computer now ... for at least an hour ...23:30
madothanks for your time and help23:30
wgrantwificonfigger: Still aren't, yes.23:31
madosee you :)23:31
wgrantBye mado.23:31
madoerm ... before i go ...23:31
madois it allowed to "/away" in here?23:31
madobecause some channels don't like this23:32
q0r3#nvidia is silent about the issue23:32
bsnidersilent about what issue?23:32
wgrantmado: You can go /away, but don't use the scripts that actually say stuff to the channel when it happens.23:33
q0r3updating the drivers to work with xorg23:33
bsnidernvidia's forums have recent posts by plattner and others saying they're close to releasing a 96 driver23:34
jtismewgrant, what script are u referring to i am unaware of them23:34
q0r3bsnider, good to know.  wonder what 'close' means...23:35
wgrantjtisme: Some IRC clients have obnoxious scripts that pollute the channel with "/me is away" and "/me is back (gone HH:MM:SS)"23:35
bsniderclose means probably not finished by intrepid's final release23:35
wgrantUsers of those will have unprecedented torrents of hate sent to them.23:36
jtismewgrant, ok thanks23:36
wgrantIntrepid is so frozen that they probably wouldn't be accepted now, anyway.23:36
Daekdroomprobably? They wouldn't23:36
wgrantWe are still accepting things.23:37
wgrantAlbeit only critical fixes.23:37
wgrantBut I doubt they'll let them in, as it would mean another respin of desktop and alternate CDs.23:37
bsniderknowledgeable users could still use dkms to install them, or nvidia-installer23:37
wgrantbsnider: Or click the button in jockey after we SRU things.23:37
wgrantOnly clueless people are likely to use nvidia-installer.23:37
wgrantIt's never a good idea.23:37
Tux007W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release: Die folgenden Signaturen konnten nicht überprüft werden, weil ihr öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht verfügbar ist: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278323:38
Tux007An now? How do i get it?23:39
wgrantMedibuntu != Ubuntu23:39
wgrantYou want to ask them about that.23:39
DaekdroomHow do I make udev do not modprobe a module? (blacklist doesn't work, apparently removing it from kernel tree neither)23:40
amortvigilhow do i mount /dev/sda7 in livecd?23:40
wgrantBlacklisting in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist works for me.23:40
* wgrant disappears to test some ISOs.23:40
DaekdroomIs there a plan B, wgrant?23:40
Tux007I thought thats not important,,, To get a key is the same everywhere... - im noob - sorry23:40
DaekdroomVery evasive.23:41
drogintrepid still buggy?23:44
bsniderall software has bugs23:44
DaekdroomIs that a rethorical question?23:44
WelshDragonFor nvidia cards you have nvidia-settings....Is there an alternative for ATI cards?23:49
bsnidercatalyst control center23:50
WelshDragonAhhh tyvm23:50
bsnideri think the command is "aticonfig" or something23:50
bsnideri don't use their craptacular junk though23:50
WelshDragonna netither do I, it's a mates =P Found the package in apt though =)23:51
drogDaekdroom, really, I haven't tried it yet23:55
Daekdroomdrog: A few bugs. Most of them are related to hardware compatibility.23:56
centaur5How do you solve conflicting routes with the new network manager?23:56
drogDaekdroom, how's the general application performance? Getting past the hardware issues, is the system usable?23:57
Daekdroomdrog: Yes23:57
droggood good23:57

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