
ScottK-laptopbryce: Is the guidance in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingXAutoconfiguration still correct for Intrepid?14:10
bryceScottK-laptop: nope that's all obsolete now15:16
ScottK-laptopbryce: Thanks.  I'd appreciate any advice you have onBug 290156 then.17:22
ScottK-laptopIt appears that X is getting no display information back and so it sets some parameter beyond what the monitor can take.17:23
bryceScottK-laptop: for reference, the X troubleshooting page is at wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting17:24
brycecan you post your Xorg.0.log?17:24
bryceXorg.0.log.old as well17:25
bryce(basically we need a log that matches the failed startup)17:25
ScottK2Both attached to the bug.17:28
ScottK2I suspect .old is not the failure17:29
bryceyeah me too17:29
ScottK2I need to swtch monitors and reboot.17:29
brycecan you reproduce the failure and then collect the Xorg.0.log from it?17:29
ScottK2It'll be a little bit though.17:30
bryceIt'll tell us where it's getting hung up17:30
bryceno prob17:30
ScottK2I'll ping you when I've got it.17:30
brycealso, I've updated the help.ubuntu.com page17:30
ScottK-laptopI think there's just barely enough time for it to finish booting and for me to slam the log into the bug.17:50
ScottK-laptopThen I've got to run out.17:50
ScottK-laptopbryce: Bug updated.   Back later.17:53
ScottK-laptopbryce: I added get-edid | parse-edid output to the bug.19:54
bryceScottK-laptop: ok19:55
ScottK-laptopbryce: How am I supposed to run the xrandr tool if I'm in the box via SSH and not in an X session?19:55
brycedid the xrandr stuff work?19:55
tormodxrandr -d :019:56
ScottK-laptopCan't open display 19:56
ScottK-laptopNo protocol specified19:56
ScottK-laptopCan't open display :019:56
ScottK-laptopIf I do it via vt1, will it work?19:56
bryceScottK-laptop: you might try putting xhost + into your .xprofile19:57
bryceand set /etc/gdm/gdm.conf to do timed or automatic login19:57
ScottK-laptopThis is kdm, so I don't think I have that.19:58
brycepresumably kdm has the equivalent19:59
tormodit's funny though, xrandr -d :0 on vt1 only reports if --verbose is added19:59
tormodoh forget it, I just realized xrandr does not do -q by default any longer...20:00
bryceScottK-laptop: in any case, I can upstream this now, so will go ahead and do that20:03
ScottK-laptopbryce: Great.  Here's hoping for an SRU ....20:04
bryceScottK-laptop: looks like your monitor's EDID only advertises a single resolution20:04
ScottK-laptopbryce: OK.20:05
bryceScottK-laptop: I'll let you shepherd an SRU through if you want20:05
jcristauxhost + in .xprofile? seriously?20:05
ScottK-laptopbryce: You give me a patch and I'll do that.20:05
brycejcristau: unless you have a better way20:06
tormodjcristau: I am sure it's for debugging on a non-networked computer :)20:06
jcristauoh. for debugging. ok :)20:06
jcristaubut, setting DISPLAY is simpler...20:06
brycejcristau: yeah just to get it up once20:06
brycejcristau: doesn't "-d :0" do the same thing?20:07
jcristauyeah it's the same20:07
bryceI think it's the xauth stuff preventing him from getting in20:07
ScottK-laptopbryce: Any idea why this would be a regression from Hardy?  It seems pretty basic.20:08
bryceI guess an alternate would be to run X directly, without using xauth.  20:08
bryceScottK-laptop: nope no idea20:08
bryceScottK-laptop: I'd guess it to be something special about your monitor20:08
ScottK-laptopbryce: I'm up for simple.  It's been long enough I had to mess with this stuff I've forgotten completely about it or it changed.20:08
ScottK-laptopYeah, well Hitachi is not precisely an obscure brand.20:09
ScottK-laptopbryce: Still get 'Can't open display' with xhost + in .xprofile20:16
ScottK-laptopbryce: What was your other suggestion?20:16
bryceyou need to bypass the login screen before the .xprofile stuff comes into play20:16
bryceso however this is done on kdm, make it so20:16
ScottK-laptopSwitch to a vt, login, kill kdm?20:17
jcristaufor debugging, just run X, without a dm20:20
ScottK-laptopI tried startx and it went straight to "Display out of range" again20:22
ScottK-laptopI'll work on this more later I guess.20:23
chrisccoulsonping bryce21:01
brycechrisccoulson: you can ask the question rather than pinging.  ;-)21:05
chrisccoulsonno problem:)21:06
bryceScottK-laptop: I've forwarded your issue upstream here:  https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1827621:06
ubottuFreedesktop bug 18276 in Server/general "Server picks 2048x1536 for monitor only supporting up to 1600x1200" [Major,New] 21:06
chrisccoulsoni could use your help with a laptop hotkey related bug report. bug 27883921:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278839 in linux "Hotkeys stopped functioning - Dell Inspiron 1420" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27883921:06
chrisccoulsoni think there might be more than 1 problem21:06
chrisccoulsonfor the sleep key, a keypress gets through to the X server, but I don't think it is the right one21:07
chrisccoulsonand I'm not really sure which package to assign it too21:07
bryceok, it's likely not linux, but likely not xorg either21:11
brycelet me finish reading it21:11
bryce(I'm on a 1420 myself at the moment)21:11
chrisccoulsonthats good! you might be better placed to work out what is going on:)21:11
brycenot really ;-)21:13
brycebut I've seen another bug report about the multiple key presses21:13
bryceif you search on Inspiron 1420 you should find it21:13
chrisccoulsoni saw something else about that after googling too, but i wasn't sure whether it would be related21:13
chrisccoulsoncertainly for the sleep key, GPM doesn't grab XF86Standby. It grabs XF86Sleep21:15
brycewe definitely need a hotkey-debugging guidebook in wiki21:16
bryceI started drawing one up for X since we get a lot of questions about hotkey issues, however in truth these are very rarely X issues; usually it's something between the kernel and X, like gnome-power-manager, acpid, hotkey-support, hal, etc.21:17
wgrantNo - we definitely need to go back to TTYs! They make everything so much easier to debug.21:17
brycechrisccoulson: fwiw, I've seen on *some* systems gpm does handle the hotkeys, whereas on others, it's handled at the hardware layer21:18
brycein some cases it's scripts in hotkey-support, although those are getting phased out21:18
brycegods acpi is a mess21:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, i find it all a little confusing21:21
chrisccoulsonit might be worth asking the reporter to provide some data from hardy, to do a comparison?21:23
brycesee also #26995121:23
chrisccoulsonthe eject key could be a configuration issue, as that is configurable through gnome-settings-daemon21:24
chrisccoulsonbug 26995121:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269951 in acpi-support "Fn+F1 (XF86Standby) on Inspiron 1420 does not trigger hibernate or sleep" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26995121:24
chrisccoulsonlooks similar21:25
brycechrisccoulson: here we go, here's the bug I was thinkiing about - #26494721:25
chrisccoulsonbug 26494721:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264947 in hotkey-setup "fn buttons dim and brighten screen to fast" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26494721:25
brycehmm, it's a bit different though21:27
chrisccoulsonit is a little21:27
chrisccoulsoni think i'm getting slightly confused between kernel keycodes and xkeycodes21:27
chrisccoulsonthey aren't the same are they?21:27
brycechrisccoulson: nope21:28
brycechrisccoulson: I took a stab at trying to describe how all that works - see wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting and look at the 'keyboard doesn't work' section21:29
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll have a look at that21:29
chrisccoulsonso, what happens when you press FN+F1 on your laptop? i take it that it still doesn't work?21:30
brycechrisccoulson: looking at this bug, you seem to have a good view of the steps to debug hotkeys - would you be interested in working with me to make an Intrepid hotkey troubleshooting document?21:30
chrisccoulsonyeah, i don't mind doing that21:31
bryceone sec let me test; I think I ended up getting it working21:31
chrisccoulsoni'd be interested to see what xkeysym you get when you press FN+F121:31
brycehmm, nope not working at the moment21:31
chrisccoulsonand you still see XF86Standby in xev?21:32
bryceKeyRelease event, serial 33, synthetic NO, window 0x3000001,21:33
bryce    root 0x7b, subw 0x0, time 536695250, (1248,270), root:(1253,343),21:33
bryce    state 0x0, keycode 213 (keysym 0x1008ff10, XF86Standby), same_screen YES,21:33
bryce    XLookupString gives 0 bytes: 21:33
bryce    XFilterEvent returns: False21:33
chrisccoulsoni think that is part of the problem. i've had a look through the source for GPM, and it doesn't even try to grab that key21:33
chrisccoulsonit grabs XF86Sleep instead21:33
bryceyeah that could be21:34
chrisccoulsonso, i wasn't sure whether GPM shold try to grab XF86Standby, or whether the Xerver should pass XF86Sleep21:34
brycethere's been 2-3 hotkey issues I've looked into recently that boiled down to bad logic in GPM's key handling21:35
chrisccoulsonthat might be part of the problem then!21:35
brycewhen I looked into the code more, I found that the whole section was fairly recently rewritten majorly, and I think a lot of corner cases were ignored21:35
chrisccoulsonso it might be a case of GPM needs to look at more keys21:36
bryceI get really suspicious of GPM when you turn it off and the problem goes away21:36
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's not good ;)21:36
chrisccoulsonthe reporters other non-functioning keys might be unrelated. The FN+F3 combination actually produces a null xkeysym for some reason21:36
chrisccoulsoni don't know if that is an Xserver issue21:37
superm1XF86Standby is supposed to represent S3, and XF86Sleep represents S4 I thought21:50
superm1so GPM should really be listening for both21:50
superm1but doing the right thing on each21:50
superm1FN-F1 generally is generally used for S3, so XF86Sleep seems to be right21:51
chrisccoulsonhi superm1. i'm starting to think that GPM should be listening to both21:58
chrisccoulsonit seems keys are commented out in the GPM source, and there is a comment saying that XF86Sleep "should be configurable" - but I've no idea where21:58
chrisccoulsoni'm just wondering whether to propose a patch to make GPM grab XF86Standby21:59
superm1there is a document that refers to this on hal's freedesktop website i think21:59
superm1let me see if i can find it22:00
chrisccoulsonthanks. if i proposed a patch to GPM, i could map the key either hibernate or sleep, which correspond to S3 and S4 I think don't they?22:01
superm1yeah they do22:03
superm1well my bookmark for that document isn't valid anymore and it's not in my awesome bar anymore either. so looking in /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop a little bit, anything that keys the raw code to "sleep" is putting out a "suspend" which means S3 or suspend to ram.  anything putting out the raw code to "suspend" is representing S4, or suspend to disk/hibernate22:04
chrisccoulsonthere is already a callback in GPM for handling the hibernate key, but it seems that it is never called 22:04
superm1so really its up to what the FN-F1 key should really be doing.22:05
superm1according to the hal fdi file, it should make the machine hibernate22:05
chrisccoulsonthat make sense. i think that the FN+F1 combination should be hibernate from the bug reports i've seen22:05
superm1in the past it's done suspend though, which was probably the wrong behavior then22:05
jcristaupeople still use anything other than suspend?22:06
superm1i personally never hibernate.  it takes way too long to resume22:06
chrisccoulsonnot me! neither suspend or hibernate work on my desktop;)22:06
chrisccoulsonand they haven't done for a long time!22:06
superm1so the other problem here then is that gnome power manager only has one drop down option22:07
superm1for "when the suspend button is pressed"22:07
superm1is that keying off of the keycode FN-F1 is putting out then?22:07
chrisccoulsonwell, it's not doing anything off the keycode that FN+F1 puts out at the moment, because it doesn't grab it22:08
chrisccoulsoni don't have a laptop, but I assume that most models generally only have one sleep key? in the case of the dell 1420, it is FN+F1?22:09
chrisccoulsonif that is the case, then it should probably be configured to sleep rather than hibernate shouldn't it?22:09
superm1well all dell laptops only have one key22:12
superm1lenovos have two keys22:12
superm1you can look at the fdi files to see the rest and how many keys they've got22:12
chrisccoulsoni'll do that22:12
superm1i personally think that gpm should be reading off both keys and provide two settings 22:13
jcristaumy dell laptop has 2 keys :)22:13
jcristaufn+esc and fn+f122:13
superm1oh that's right fn-esc22:14
superm1consumer laptops don't advertise that key generally22:14
jcristaufn+esc is what i use for suspend22:14
chrisccoulsonwhat xkeysym does FN+ESC produce?22:14
chrisccoulsonthat makes sense. and that is the key that GPM grabs. 22:18
superm1but the argument here is that GPM should be grabbing both22:19
chrisccoulsoni agree. i'll have a chat with tedg tomorrow when i'm less tired22:20
chrisccoulsonin the meantime, i'll upload a patched GPM to my PPA which grabs XF86Standby22:21
ScottK-laptopbryce: Subscribed.22:49
ScottK-laptopbryce: If I use the xrandr tool with the working monitor and switch monitors will the setting stick?22:49
brycexrandr cmdline changes don't stick, but Screen Resolution changes do22:50
bryceoh wait, kde, dah22:50
bryceokay, I don't know kde well enough, but on gnome, the screen resolution tool and gnome-settings-daemon maintain per-user xrandr settings in a file that is invoked on X startup, to keep the changes persistently22:51
bryceI know that KDE has a new xrandr-based GUI screen tool, but don't know anything about how it works.  I assume it has some other means of persisting its settings.22:51
bryceworst case, you can place your good xrandr command line string into your .xprofile and that should have basically the same effect22:52
ScottKOK.  I'll try something like that.  $MIDDLE_CHILD is using said box for homework with the good LCD currently.23:01
wgrantbryce: What do you think about SRUing a fix for bug #280148?23:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280148 in gnome-settings-daemon "After resume, ALPS touchpad fully functional, but with wrong settings" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28014823:06
wgrant(I have a fix in my PPA)23:06
wgrantAnd it affects removable mice.23:06
wgrantIt's unfortunately a non-trivial diff, but it annoys people...23:07
wgrantEspecially left-handers.23:07
brycewgrant: depends on the patch23:09
brycewgrant: non-trivial diffs often won't be allowed unless the issue is particularly serious.  if it's just an annoyance, that may not be important enough23:10
brycewgrant: of course if you want to give it a shot, the worst that can happen is it gets denied ;-)23:10
wgrantI'm aware, but it breaks gnome-mouse-properties completely if you hotplug input devices.23:11
brycewgrant: do you know how to file SRU's?23:11
wgrantI do.23:11
wgrantI've never done a main one before, but I've done far too many for universe.23:11
wgrantAnd they're similar.23:11
ScottKwgrant: Is it a regression from Hardy?23:11
wgranthttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/18883376/gnome-settings-daemon_2.24.0-0ubuntu2_2.24.0-0ubuntu4~wgrant1.diff.gz is the almost-diff. Soyuz is braindead, so that also includes changes from the last primary upload. It basically factors out the actual mouse configuration bits, and calls them in the old callsite, as well as on addition of new input devices.23:12
wgrantScottK: Yes.23:12
wgrantinput-hotplug broke it.23:13
bryceif it can be described as a 'severe regression', or if the patch can be made 'trivial', it may stand a chance of getting accepted by the release team23:13
wgrantAs the X devices now disappear and reappear when the actual device does.23:13
ScottKWell regression is a keyword that helps getting it in.23:13
wgrantThe patch can't be made trivial - it needs to hook an extra X event.23:13
wgrantUpstream blessing could hopefully be sought soon; all distros will run into this soon.23:14
bryceyes, having a patch that's accepted upstream often counts favorably23:14
wgrantThis is what we get for being early adopters :(23:15
brycewgrant: you can always run it by slangasek first to get an indicator of if it's worth shooting for an SRU23:15
brycewgrant: yep :-/23:15
brycewgrant: the patch doesn't look too bad to me; since that's a GNOME change I don't know that my vote would count, but I'd +1 it if it would23:16
brycehmm, actually I'd probably prefer seeing this accepted upstream before I formally +1'd it23:17
brycebut really I think you'd need lool or seb128 to give a +123:17
wgrantAs would I. On both points.23:18
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