
LjLdug_: apparently down.00:00
LjLmisc--: are they the same model? because older moders used an atheros card indeed, but the 901, 1000 and others have a ralink00:01
jribdug_: was down for me earlier too, then worked about 30 minutes ago00:01
flav0rl3sswell that's the wrong window00:02
hslhas anyone a clue how I can restart my upgrade process? http://pastebin.com/d647938ed00:02
misc--LjL: yeah exactly the same. I'll double check with lspci actually00:02
rwwhsl: once you've done what it says, you should be able to continue the upgrade process by reissuing the same command you issued the first time :)00:02
jamesrdornhsl: dpkg --configure -a maybe?00:03
hslrww: it tells me there is no new release00:03
misc--LjL: yep exactly the same. Maybe I have a module loaded on the one that doesn't work that is conflicting.00:03
Yuretszjrib: I've tried to do DISPLAY=:0.0 vlc but still have the same error00:03
hslso it thinks it's already 8.0400:03
NeoNinjaFlannel you here00:03
LjLmisc--: not a clue00:03
jribYuretsz: with the same user?00:04
hsljamesrdorn: that command just gives me a new prompt, so it does nothing00:04
Yuretszjrib: Yes00:04
rwwhsl: can you pastebin the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list, please?00:04
redwhitewaldocan someone help me figure out why skype will not load?00:04
stemounthi guys - if I was to stop my machine from logging? could I symlink /var/log/ to /dev/null00:04
stemountfor example00:04
jribYuretsz: does it work for you from a tty on your computer?00:05
LjLstemount: i don't think your syslog would like that - at all00:05
rwwredwhitewaldo: since you just upgraded to 8.10, #ubuntu+1 should be able to help you. #ubuntu is only for 8.04 help :)00:05
Syco54645hello, all of my fonts are huge in gtk.  is there a way to set them to be smaller?00:05
hslrww: http://pastebin.com/d6930c32000:05
LjLstemount: i'd rather edit /etc/syslog.conf00:05
Syco54645like my menu fonts and such00:05
redwhitewaldorww: but maybe i can get help here. i'm desperate.00:05
stemountLjL: can you apt-get remove syslog?00:05
stemountor, how about a volume mounted as a tmpfs00:05
Yuretszjrib: Wait, I'll try00:05
LjLstemount: if you do that, i believe logs will be written without the aid of syslogd00:06
LjLstemount: a tmpfs should work00:06
mudkipdoes anyone know how to unmount a drive00:06
mudkipi tried unmount but it isnt working00:06
LjLmudkip: sudo umount /dev/whatever00:06
rwwhsl: Looks like you got most of the way through the install. A sudo apt-get update, followed by sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, should do it00:06
mudkipumount? i tried unmount00:06
LjLmudkip: umount.00:06
Yuretszjrib: I've found a soluti. I ran screen in my xterm00:07
mrichmanI have two nics eth0 and eth1...how do I add a default gw for network on eth1 ?00:07
LjLmrichman: you edit /etc/network/interfaces, module whatever network-manager might want to do.00:07
Yuretszjrib: And screen -x over ssh. Now all programs ran in Xsession. Thanks for your help00:07
dug_redwhitewaldo: when you upgrade, medibuntu is disabled, you can re-enable it and upgrade skype but medibuntu is overloaded today I think: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu00:07
jribYuretsz: k, though what we were trying should work.  It works for me on TTYs, but I assume it would work on ssh as well.  Glad you got it00:07
TornadoChas3rno one is responding in cacti so i thought i might ask here how i enable bandwithdh monnitoring for cacti with ubuntu00:08
hspaansmrichman: a second default gateway?00:08
hslrww: dist-upgrade gives me this: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:08
redwhitewaldodug_: yes, but i got skype.deb from skype.com. is that not good?00:08
hslrww: can't imagine everything is updated00:08
mrichmanhspaans: actually, this is a VM on a host with 2 nics, public and private...trying to get eth0 and eth1 to talk over the bridged network00:08
hspaansmrichman: bridging is layer 2 and routing is layer 300:09
subzidalgum brasileiro ae00:09
systmGentoo has rc-update to add things, how do i do the same for ubuntu00:09
LjL!br | subzid00:09
ubottusubzid: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:09
mrichmanhspaans: okay...i understand...just overwhelmed...right now i get "SIOCADDRT: no such process\nFailed to bring up eth0.00:10
subzidé que la ninguem esta me ajudando00:10
mrichmanhspaans: when doing networking restart00:10
dreamnidmrichman:  technically, you can only have one default gw for your machine00:11
LjLsubzid: aqui solamente falamos ingles, fale ingles o tem paciencia e espera em #ubuntu-br00:11
dreamnidmrichman: probably going to your public nic00:11
dreamnidmrichman: out of curiosity, are you at Softlayer?00:11
mrichmandreamnid: nope00:11
mrichmandreamnid: this is probably more for #vmware but there are more people i here00:11
hspaanstechnically multiple gateways isn't an issue, but you should be aware what you do and what the OS does. fallback or round robin00:11
systmrunman: how do i get something to start at boot then?00:12
redeemeddoes anybody know of a solution for syncing a windows mobile phone00:12
subzidinstead of starting the desktop that starting a print busybox ssh00:12
subzidin my ubuntu which may be how do I get00:12
dreamnidmrichman:  Perhaps we can help you better if you tell us your network setup00:13
LjLredeemed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile00:13
runmanupdate-rc.d whatever defaults00:13
TornadoChas3rAnyone here know a little bit no one is talking in acti00:13
subzidinstead of starting the desktop that starting a print busybox ssh00:13
subzidin my ubuntu which may be how do I get00:13
mrichmandreamnid: okay, i've got a windows server host running vmware with an ubuntu guest....2 NICs on the host: public & private. I set up VMware with 2 bridged adapters....no clue which adapter corresponds to eth0 and eth1 on the guest00:13
FloodBot1subzid: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
runmanor update-rc.d whatever start 2 3 4...00:14
rwwhsl: try apt-get -f install00:14
liquidHello all00:14
subzidsomeone help me00:15
liquidIm trying to get the HDMI working, its not displaying anything00:15
rwwhsl: I'm clutching at straws, though, 'cause I don't do upgrades very often :(00:15
dreamnidmrichman: ok, so why do you want 2 default gateways?00:15
mrichmandreamnid: i guess i dont...at this point i just want a route out00:16
redeemedwow does anybody know when support for windows mobile 6 is comming out??00:16
dreamnidmrichman: ok - yeah, I think you just want the default route to be the gateway of your public nic00:16
GodfatherofEireAnybody in here know if there's an SCIM selection for Greek?00:16
dreamnidmrichman: I'm not that familiar w/ bridging though :(00:16
mrichmandreamnid: thats ok i'll ask in #vmware00:17
GodfatherofEireAnyone know if there's anythin for SCIM on Greek?00:21
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ppnhow can i test putty in my own pc00:22
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CarlFKppn: install an ssh server...00:22
subzidinstead of starting the desktop that starting a print busybox ssh00:22
subzidin my ubuntu which may be how do I get00:22
afeijoI need help installing ubuntu into a eeePC00:23
hslrich_freecomm: restarting atm :-)00:23
afeijoI manage to load iso to USB drive00:23
CarlFKppn: but that's not 'easy' on windows, so assming you have a ubuntu box, apt-get install openssh-server and connec to that00:23
afeijoI boot with my usb, it start loading ubuntu on the eeepc, and now it shows: kernel panic00:23
mudkipdoes anyone know if there is an ubuntu operating system for mobile devices00:23
CarlFKmudkip: you might be able to get U to work on the freeruner (it runs debian) but that's about it00:24
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I get see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not ure what's wrong00:24
amason__hey all, quick question re dpkg, i'd like to do a complete re-install of a package. when i do apt-get remove pkgname then apt-get install pkgname it doesn't re-create the files in /etc00:24
amason__how can i get it to do this step00:25
mudkipok does anyone know if there is an ubuntu operating system for portable computers (laptops/notebooks)?00:25
dug_mudkip: ubuntu mobile00:25
tarelerulz1I have been using abobe flash player for months.  Have any of you found something telling on how to make it not run up the cpu ? It can be anywhere from 40-70 and 100 at times .00:25
amason__mudkip: there is ubuntu mobile00:25
subzidinstead of starting the desktop that starting a print busybox ssh00:25
subzidin my ubuntu which may be how do I get00:25
amason__tarelerulz1: you might need to ask on the adobe forums as its not software which the freesoftware community have access to00:26
esacamason__, try apt-get purge [packagename]00:26
dug_tarelerulz1: I don't know, but if you upgrade to intrepid and set up medibuntu, you'll have flash 10 installed instead of flash 9, maybe it is better00:26
afeijoneed help installing ubuntu on eeePC, kernel panic !00:26
esacamason__, that removes config files as well00:26
amason__esac: thanks00:26
RandallI have a question on how to get a Geforce4: MX 420 card to work on hardy. WHen i go through hardware drivers I need to get nvidia-glx-legacy but instead it gets nvidia-glc00:26
mudkipdoes anyone know here what a "kernel panic" is00:26
esacmudkip, BSOD for linux00:27
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I get see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not ure what's wrong00:27
mudkipwhat's BSOD00:27
tarelerulz1dug_ are you using intrepid and if so how is adobe flash working for you ?00:27
GodfatherofEireBlue screen of Death00:27
BlowfeldHey Guys.. how do i list all the computer with its names which are connected to my LAN?!?00:27
dug_tarelerulz1: works fine, but i didn't notice problems in hardy either00:27
Randallseij0: Do u see wireless in nm-applet?00:27
mudkiphi does anyone know if it's "an ubuntu install" or "a ubuntu install"00:28
ppnwitch ssh server did you recomend me ?00:28
esacmudkip, a kernel is the core of the operating system. it is the lowest level to interact with hardware devices and provides support for memory management, etc.. it runs in its own 'layer' of the processor. when there is an error in the kernel, there is no fallback mechanism (unlike normal applications) so the only thing you can do is display debug information about the state of the system and freeze. this is a kernel panic00:28
jrib!ssh | ppn00:28
ubottuppn: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/00:28
Randall have a question on how to get a Geforce4: MX 420 card to work on hardy. WHen i go through hardware drivers I need to get nvidia-glx-legacy but instead it gets nvidia-glx00:28
seij0Randall: No I don't. That is the problem. I only see Dial-Up00:29
tarelerulz1dug_ your lucky man. I had problem since I installed in on 7.10 and 8.04 . It works right sometimes ,but sometimes it just push my cpu up a lot.  I mean I know 40 % is not normal for media player to do that.00:29
Randallseij0: try sudo modprobe ndiswrapper00:29
mudkipesac: how can you recover from a kernel panic then?00:29
mrichmanWhy do I get connection refused when trying to ssh localhost ?00:30
seij0Randall: Nothing seems to have happened00:30
esacmudkip, reboot. if it happens again then it is usually a bad module that you can try to blacklist from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist , if you can boot off a system rescue cd. if it still happens past that, then it could be a misconfigured kernel or bad hardware. you could file a bug report on launchpad.net and have somebody help you to diagnose it00:30
Randallseij0: if nothing happens it means it works right click on nm-applet and see if there is a wireless option00:30
mudkipwhat about the documents i was working on in pico?00:31
Randallseij0: also run ndiswrapper -l and pastebin the output for me00:31
seij0Randal: Nope, nothing00:31
mudkiperr nano00:31
esacmudkip, if you didnt save them, then those changes are gone00:31
esacmudkip, sorry :(00:31
Randall  have a question on how to get a Geforce4: MX 420 card to work on hardy. WHen i go through hardware drivers I need to get nvidia-glx-legacy but instead it gets nvidia-glx00:32
afeijokernel panic err=1, anyone?00:32
vexeucan anyone tell me how difficult it is to dualboot ubuntu/xp on 2different hdd?00:32
mudkiphi does anyone know if it's "an ubuntu install" or "a ubuntu install"00:32
passbe|worki have just accidentally corrupted a file that i was working on. /var/www/project/index.php. this is a long shot but would ubuntu or apache have cached it, the index.php~ file is useless as it is days old.00:33
MolePrinzzzHi.  In Gnome there is a control panel applet to show current temperature and such for my timezone.  Is there a similar function under Kubuntu please?00:33
tarelerulz1How would you find out about the next version of Ubuntu ? the past 8.0400:33
MolePrinzzztarelerulz1: Next version is 8.10 intrepid Ibex, due for release On the 30th October.  Every 6 months.00:33
GodfatherofEireDoes anyone know if theres a Greek package for SCIM?00:33
Randall  have a question on how to get a Geforce4: MX 420 card to work on hardy. WHen i go through hardware drivers I need to get nvidia-glx-legacy but instead it gets nvidia-glx00:34
GodfatherofEireCause I haven't found anything so far.00:34
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chadany idea as to why i cannot ping local resources on my net?  DNS is setup and I am getting my info from dhcp, i just cant ping anything on this net via name00:34
seij0Randall: airplus: driver installed bcmwl5: driver installed device (14E4:4318) present (alternative driver: bcm43xx)00:34
MolePrinzzzchad: Try commenting out the server or domain line in /etc/resolv.conf00:34
Randallseij0: well i'm out of ideas cause everything seems to be fine so keep asking in here00:35
chadMolePrinzzz: trying00:35
misc--does anyone else have the problem where if you have a wpa2 wireless connection, and then reboot, it will set it back to wpa and you have to manually go into network connections to set it back to wpa2. It's Hardy H.00:35
esac!repeat | Randall00:35
ubottuRandall: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:35
dug_Randall: did you see this thread by chance: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63489800:35
woodyjlwtrying to install java to play a game on ubuntu 8.10, ,, Reading package lists... Done00:36
woodyjlwBuilding dependency tree00:36
woodyjlwReading state information... Done00:36
woodyjlwPackage sun-java6-plugin is not available, but is referred to by another package00:36
FloodBot1woodyjlw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:36
chadMolePrinzzz: ahh .. it looks like it only has the dns servers for my external network and not my internal one .. should i just add a line for my internal dns server as well ?00:36
MolePrinzzzchad: Probably a good idea.00:37
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong00:37
Randalldug_: I'm having the same problem as the last 2 posters and i'm not sure how to get nvidia-glx-legacy00:37
chadMolePrinzzz: would that work to just give it the ip for the cable modem router ?00:38
MolePrinzzzchad: If that's the one assigning addresses, then yes.00:38
=== MolePrinzzz is now known as MolePrince
chadMolePrince: well that is done but now my ping to "nas" resolves somewhere out on the cable modem network not inside mine00:39
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r0ndaare there any equivalent office suite to ms office in ubuntu ?00:39
chadr0nda: openoffice00:40
MolePrincechad: dig nas and see if it shows an internal IP as well.  Also try only including your internal DNS in resolve.conf00:40
woodyjlwcan anyone help me install java on ubuntu00:41
elijulHello, if I delete Vista on partition sda1 and leave ubuntu on sda2 then reformat sda1 into ext3 and a swap partition, will it affect my grub boot loader? Is grub allways on root when installed by ubuntu?00:41
Randall  have a question on how to get a Geforce4: MX 420 card to work on hardy. When i go through hardware drivers I need to get nvidia-glx-legacy but instead it gets nvidia-glx00:41
freetownthe hardy livecd don't come with the correct libdevmapper and kernel drivers?00:41
crdlbRandall: nvidia-glx supports your card00:41
freetownrunning sudo vgchange -a y gave me an error about incompatible libdevmapper / kernel driver00:42
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Randallcrdlb: When i enable it, it always boots to low-graphics mode how do i remedy this00:42
chadMolePrince: i removed everything but the nameserver address but still cant ping it or any of my internal machines via name .. dig gives this error:  ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached00:43
* Tako-san is away: off to eat00:43
etraskCould someone help me understand why I cannot seem to boot from the Ubuntu live CD?00:43
etraskEvery time I select "try Ubuntu without changing your computer" it freezes on that screen and I have to reboot00:43
crdlbRandall: I don't know; are you rebooting?00:43
Randallcrdlb: yes, that's when the error comes up and it messes up my resolution as well00:44
dug_Randall: just grasping at straws, but you might run (or install) nvidia-settings and see what it lets you do00:45
alesanI am with my mother she's still tryiung to install openssh-server00:45
MolePrincechad: Are you able to resolve external addresses still?00:45
alesansudo apt-get install openssh-server00:45
alesanSegmentation faulta dei pacchetti in corso... 0%00:45
chadMolePrince: yes .. getting google and yahoo00:46
alesanso apt-get gives a segfault, what do you think I can let her do to solve00:46
chadMolePrince: sad part is that my windows vm running on this machine can ping everything else via name00:47
elijulIf I delete Vista on partition sda1 and leave ubuntu on sda2 then reformat sda1 into ext3 and a swap partition, will it affect my grub boot loader? I see a grub directory under boot in root00:47
frogscottLittle help getting videos to play in mozilla...pops shut everytime00:47
woodyjlwcan anyone help me install java on ubuntu00:47
chadfrogscott:  flash videos ?00:48
frogscottchad yes all videos on you tube00:48
MolePrincechad: Check which nameserver your windows vm is using and try that one.00:48
chadfrogscott: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:48
Randalldug_: is sudo apt-get nvidia-settings the right cmd?00:48
frogscottalready did that00:48
Randalldug_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings00:49
jbcrawfordwoodyjlw: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:49
chadMolePrince: its using the nas tunnel to my linux host .. so in essence the box that cant resolve the name is resolving it00:49
crdlbRandall: this can be very hard to debug due to ubuntu's failsafe stuff :/00:49
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong00:50
Randallcrdlb: i have messed with the xorg file but with intrepid coming out will it possibly fix my problem00:50
dug_Randall: yeah00:50
crdlbRandall: on intrepid, there is no proprietary nvidia driver available00:51
crdlball you get is the open source 'nv' driver00:51
Randallcrdlb: how would u use something like compiz-fusion without priorietary drivers00:51
frogscottLittle help getting videos to play in mozilla...plays a blank video on you tube00:52
slevennt launch with fullscreen, i am using vmware. it used to work perfectly earlier00:52
dr_willis!flash | frogscott00:52
ubottufrogscott: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:52
dug_frogscott: i assume you have flash installed00:52
slevenfor some reason Ubuntu wont launch with fullscreen, i am using vmware. it used to work perfectly earlier00:52
LF|Irssiwhat's the command to like export a log file that's on like ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/#mychan.log  and make it go to /opt/lampp/htdocs?00:52
Randalldug_: also when updating how do u automatically update GRUB because the last time i updated to 8.04 my GRUB menu didn't update even though i am using hardy00:52
crdlbRandall: you wouldn't :/00:52
dug_Randall: it updated grub for me when i updated to intrepid this morning00:53
crdlbRandall: until the nouveau driver is ready, but that could be a very long time00:53
frogscottyes flash is installed let me try that ubottu link00:53
Randallcrdlb: so on intrepid I won't be able to use compiz for a while00:53
dArK_fUsSi0nhow is Intrepid?00:53
LF|IrssidArK_fUsSi0n: good so far00:54
esacrunning it now, loving it00:54
rwwyup, it's nice and stable :)00:54
dArK_fUsSi0nsweet, ill prolly wait for it to come out of beta first.00:54
alesanI hope they deliver a new kernel, the one I have takes so long to resume from suspend my thinkpad00:54
esacalesan, which thinkpad do you have ?00:54
crdlbRandall: that's right00:54
InfiniteBlueIt was looking good, and then I ran into a wall.  Literally.  I can't move applications onto my second monitor.  Anyone else run into this problem?00:54
alesanesac: T6100:55
LF|Irssiwhat's the command to like export a log file that's on like ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/#mychan.log  and make it go to /opt/lampp/htdocs?00:55
crdlbRandall: until nvidia releases an updated nvidia-glx-9600:55
Randallcrdlb: ah thanks00:55
chadMolePrince: any other possible ideas ?  this is just weird00:55
slevenfor some reason Ubuntu wont launch with fullscreen, i am using vmware. it used to work perfectly earlier00:56
etraskCan anyone help me boot from the Ubuntu live CD? It keeps freezing for me for some reason00:56
esacalesan, t61p here, in hardy i was having the same issue. i got a new hal pushed down, and at the same time i used envy-ng to switch to the 177 driver and it fixed the issue for me00:56
MolePrincechad: I'm a bit stumped as well I must say.  Sorry.00:56
chadMolePrince: np thanks for trying00:56
esac177 nvidia driver that is00:56
alesanesac: uh? can you explain? what is a new hal "pushed down"??00:56
esacalesan, software update00:57
chadMolePrince: no other files are involved in the lookup of addresses or dns other than resolv.conf .. right ?00:57
alesanwhat is envy-ng? 177 driver of what?00:57
esacalesan, nvidia00:57
InfiniteBlueDoes anyone use a dual monitor configuration on Intrepid? (ATI dual-head)00:57
alesanesac: I do not have nvidia graphics brrr...00:57
alesanI have intel00:57
esacalesan, hmm, maybe it was the hal that did it then00:57
MolePrincechad: Shouldn't be.  Might check your router settings and see if it's got something different too.00:57
chadMolePrince: kk00:58
LF|IrssiHello?! please,,what's the command to like export a log file that's on like ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/#mychan.log  and make it go to /opt/lampp/htdocs?00:58
frogscottdug Little help getting videos to play in mozilla...videos crash00:58
dr_willisLF|Irssi,  the logs are just text files i think.. just copy them over.00:58
jkocefrogscott what type of videos are you playing00:58
frogscottjkoce you tube00:58
|thunderwhats the deal with all the kernel updates lately ? why to in a week ?00:59
alesanesac: how did you install that new HAL?00:59
InfiniteBlueback in a bit.00:59
jkocefrogscott rgr that, i couldn't play them either without installing java (the full version from sun, not the open source plugin)00:59
LF|Irssiis there a way by command line to make a .log file a .html?01:00
markbtoanyone got a easy way too compile linux kernel with p4 code01:00
dug_LF|Irssi: mv01:00
frogscottjkoce the full tar?01:00
slevenfor some reason Ubuntu wont launch with fullscreen, i am using vmware. it used to work perfectly earlier01:00
LF|Irssilol that easy hah? Figures thanks :)01:00
dr_willisLF|Irssi,  a web browser can display normal text files.. or you just tack on the proper head/tail  i guess..01:00
slevenfor some reason Ubuntu wont launch with fullscreen, i am using vmware. it used to work perfectly earlier, how do i make the vmware display ubuntu in fullscreen?01:00
esacalesan, although maybe hope for you. intrepid just suspended in about 5-10 seconds and resumed in 2-3 on my t61p with no issues01:00
markbtosleven,  I had same problem,  try re-installing vmware tools01:00
dug_LF|Irssi: or to convert plain text to html, there is a package called txt2html01:01
jkocefrogscott i used the addons manager in firefox to do it.  if you go to firefox what addons are listed?01:01
alesanesac: I'm still on the previous one01:01
jkocetools > addons01:01
alesanesac: that is the name, the 'h' one01:01
dr_willisLF|Irssi,  you could just link some directory from the web server to point to your log files dir... no need to copy stuff around then01:01
esacalesan, yes, hardy01:01
alesanesac: that is why I hope they will upgrade the kernel in intrepid01:01
esacalesan, im saying when it is released at the end of this month you might want to try it01:01
slevenmarkbto: ok i m not wiping out my installs from ubuntu then? id hate to redo everything01:01
geremyhey all, having a terrible time trying to get my tv out working, I'd really appreciate some pointers01:01
LF|Irssidr_willis: how?01:01
jkoceclick on plugins01:01
alesanesac: of course I will upgrade01:01
esacalesan, they did upgrade the kernel. it is 2.6.27-7 at this point, versus 2.6.24-21 in hardy01:01
Syco54645_AAOhello, where is ume-launcher in the repos?  i cannot find t01:02
Formodealesan, I beleive every Ubuntu release entails a kernal update.01:02
jkocefrogscott click on plugins, and see which java is listed01:02
crdlbLF|Irssi: you could convert them to html for prettiness, google for "irc2html", there are several available01:02
markbtoselven:  when it happened too me,  I think there was a kernel update,  and that is what took out my vmware tools01:02
jkocefrogscott mine says java plugin 1.6.0_0701:02
dr_willisLF|Irssi,  with the 'ln -s' command   to make links.. check bash howto/command line basics guides for details.01:02
frogscottjkoce installing01:02
LF|Irssiok thanks guys01:02
jkoceok...good luck!  i hope it helps, cuz i've only used linux for about 5 days now01:03
=== dan_ is now known as dannybuntu
jkocecan anyone tell me why my disk usage analyzer says i have a 36 gig hard drive when it's only 20?01:04
frogscottjkoce yes because uve only used linux 5 days01:04
jkoceyou're right.  it has two things checked under preferences...not sure why.01:05
jkoceand they add up to 36 gig.  it's basicallly seing my hd twice01:05
NET||abusei tell you it is most frustrating not being able to manage my iphone under linux.01:06
jkoceok another question....can anyone tell me how to upgrade my video card?  i have an integrated card.  today i tried to install a pci gfx card and it crashed my system01:06
InfiniteBlue... Aw man, I hate it when the microsoft solution fixes problems on Ubuntu :P01:06
NET||abusedamn apple and it's freedom hating.01:06
frogscottjkoce install envyng01:07
jkocefrogscott i did that...what do i do next?  if i reboot with the nvidia card it just shows a cursor - no desktop01:08
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong01:08
jkocefrogscott i think if i could get into the command line or desktop then i could use envy, but i can't get that far01:08
geremyhaving a lot of trouble with an integrated intel 945 graphics card and video out01:08
frogscottjkoce sweet.....you cant use envy from menu/system tools in icon menu on desktop?01:09
dorobo18jphello all im very very new at linux just wanted to say hello01:09
NET||abusegeremy: i'm on the 945 with my eeepc.. worked absolutely perfect on interpid, didn't try hardy01:09
jkocefrogscott only if i boot with the integrated gfx card01:09
geremyNET||abuse: with s video?01:10
frogscottjkoce boot with the integrated card then and let envy find your drivers01:10
NET||abusegeremy: no, eeepc has no s-video01:10
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong01:10
geremyNET||abuse: thats the part I'm having trouble with01:10
dorobo18jpanyone out there that can help me get murrine engine installed ?01:11
frogscottlittle help my videos in mozilla are closing browser01:11
jkocefrogscott it says nvidia card not detected - cuz it's not installed at the moment.  should i install it and boot with the igp card, and then try to detect?01:11
NET||abuseright, home.. tired01:12
frogscottjkoce yes install it then boot in whatever mode u can to get desktop then go to envy console and set it up01:12
jkocefrogscott ok i'll give it a try.  back in a few.  did the java plug in work?01:13
frogscottno now it works but it is back to popping shut01:13
jkocepopping shut?01:13
frogscottstarts vid and BAM closes mozilla01:13
geremyhaving a lot of trouble with an integrated intel 945 graphics card and s video, if anybody knows how to fix this issue in either Hardy or Intrpeid I'd very much appreciate it01:14
InfiniteBlueIs there a good application for music that syncs with an iPod? (5G)01:14
jkoceif you have a different java plugin, uninstall the non sun plugin01:14
jkocegeremy sorry i cant help01:14
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong01:14
dorobo18jpanyone that can help me install murrine engine please private me01:14
* jkoce is a noob01:14
frogscottjkoce hmm in the synaptic manger or in firefox?01:14
jkocein the firefox01:14
frogscottgo do ur thing01:15
jrib!info gtk2-engines-murrine | dorobo18jp01:15
ubottudorobo18jp: gtk2-engines-murrine (source: gtk2-engines-murrine): cairo-based gtk+-2.0 theme engine. In component main, is optional. Version 0.53.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 37 kB, installed size 132 kB01:15
jribdorobo18jp: install that package01:15
* jkoce is restarting01:15
geremyjkoce: np, I just hope someone can01:15
dorobo18jpim a total noob i have know idea how to01:15
jribdorobo18jp: same way you install any other software on ubuntu.  Use one of the frontends to APT like Add/Remove or Synaptic01:16
dr_willisdorobo18jp,  fire up the package manager tool - look for that file.. click and install it.01:16
shekharhi can someone help me01:17
shekhari am unable to startup ubuntu and need some help... startup is hanging on "Recovering schroot sessions..." and i cannot get to a login01:17
RandallThere was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'. I am trying to print to a printer on my network?01:17
savageI am trying to make a data call over w/ my v3 over USB. if I dial the number followed by a ";" it will work, but I am not able to switch into data mode. however, without the ";" it will begin to dial but shortly thereafter says "NO CARRIER"01:18
extorIs it possible to use tar to backup a remote web server and recreate it on a vmware image on my desktop?01:18
geremyextor: yes01:19
frogscottlittle help my videos in mozilla are closing browser01:19
extorgeremy, do I leave out /dev and /proc and /opt?01:20
dr_willisis the bot dead today? :( or just lagged?01:20
Randall There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'. I am trying to print to a printer on my network?01:20
seij0Hello. I just installed a Dynex Wireless G card using ndiswrapper. I can not get the wireless to work though. When I go to the configuration all I see is Dial-Up. lspci recognises the card also. I'm not sure what's wrong01:20
geremyextor: give me a second, I've got a howto around here somewhere01:20
dublpawsshekhar: was this a new install?01:21
shekhardublpaws: no01:21
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dr_willisdorobo18jp, ' sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine '  will also install that package01:21
shekhardublpaws: the machine was booting fine yesterday01:21
frogscottshekhar how are u in irc if u cant start ubuntu?01:22
dublpawsshekhar: can you see the filesystem from a liveCD?01:22
shekharfrogscott: i have more than one computer01:22
shekhardublpaws: yes01:22
shekhardublpaws: fsck is clean01:22
shekhardublpaws: i also booted in recovery mode, same problem01:23
geremyextor: hmm can't seem to find it, I recall using vmware converter though, can you make an iso?01:23
Yuretszjoin symfony01:23
extoran iso?01:24
frogscottjkoce whats up?01:24
extorgeremy, I did make an old old dd image of /dev/hda...I guess that will work to recreate the base01:24
extorand then a tar of some of the changed files perhaps01:24
frogscottlittle help my videos in mozilla are closing browser Please01:25
dexterplzz help me to solve this error..i have put it up in http://paste.ubuntu.com/63243/          it is a disk error01:25
geremyextor: you could just mount the image and extract the tar into it01:25
extorfrogscott, helpful little videos, aren't they? Mine just sit there and play for the most part.01:25
extorgeremy, yeah...I already got a vmware machine made up of the old old dd image..I can just untar the new stuff and have it overwrite01:26
themiddlemanhey guys01:26
geremyextor: yeah01:26
frogscottextor say what?01:26
shekhardublpaws: any idea what i can do to fix this? can schroot be disabled?01:26
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dexterplzz help me to solve this error..i have put it up in http://paste.ubuntu.com/63243/          it is a disk error01:26
dublpawsI'd backup your filesystem before trying anything else shekhar01:26
geremyextor: you'll still have to go through the iso convert rigamarole though01:26
RandallThere was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'. I am trying to print to a printer on my network?01:27
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extorgeremy, you mean mounting the dd image? Already been done and a new vm created01:27
shekhardublpaws: i've done that :)01:27
extortar: Removing leading `/' from hard link targets <--- What exactly is tar saying here?01:27
dublpawsshekhar: this person was having a similar problem http://sidux.com/PNphpBB2-printview-t-3466-start-0.html01:27
frogscottwow no one on here can fix a mozilla playing flv problem?01:27
dexterhey i have got an error duing one of the routine disk tests.....i have pasted the error in http://paste.ubuntu.com/63243/          it is a disk error01:28
shekhardublpaws: yep that01:28
shekhar's the only related page i could find01:28
geremyhaving a lot of trouble with an integrated intel 945 graphics card and s video, if anybody knows how to fix this issue in either Hardy or Intrpeid I'd very much appreciate it01:28
dublpawsshekhar: here's another one: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg116255.html01:28
extordoes /sys need to be backed up too? Its acting funny01:28
dr_willisextor,  i dont think so.. its a special directory01:28
frogscottgeremy you are talking about using svideo out from computer?01:29
geremyfrogscott: yep01:29
frogscottgeremy help me with mine ill help you01:29
geremyfrogscott: what do you need help with01:30
reagleBRKLNhelp! my SO's printer, on a Kubuntu machine, stopped working. It connects via IPP to a USB printer on my Kubuntu machine. The only thing I can think is the kernel and cupssys updates that just ran...?01:30
themiddlemanheres the situation: i have an old tosheba laptop with a pentium and 16 mega of ram, it has no usb, networking, (floppy only), so i am taking the hard drive out, putting it into my laptop and booting from a cd and using a flash drive / cd for transfering stuff.   so ive copied the ubuntu alternate cd (plan to run fluxbox) onto the hard drive and grub also, its booting to the kernel but it hangs on "early unpacking initramfs..." and there is no workaroun01:30
themiddlemand to be found, so should i use an older kernel or what?01:30
frogscottwow no one on here can fix a mozilla playing flv problem?01:30
vitamin-carrotwindows xp is kickingmy butt01:30
vitamin-carrotisnt flv is flash01:31
dexterfrogscott; wats exactly ur problem?? can u tell me01:31
musikgoatyes, flash video01:31
shekhardublpaws: thanks for the second link, does it propose a fix? why is schroot starting at boot anyway?01:31
vitamin-carrothave ya got flash installed?01:31
dexteris ther no one who can reslove my disk error problem01:31
=== Guest75376 is now known as winterelf
shekhardublpaws: i edited the schroot.conf to turn off those scripts as in the first link but that didn't do it01:32
Randall Randall: There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'. I am trying to print to a printer on my network?01:32
* vitamin-carrot Eats windows Xp Install Disk01:32
geremydexter: did you manually fdisk?01:32
dublpawsshekhar: /etc/init.d/ ... it's in there somewhere probably01:32
vitamin-carrot*nom nom nom*01:32
geremyfrogscott: what do you need help with01:32
musikgoatdexter: what was the link to your paste?01:32
frogscottgeremy my mozilla is closing when I play flv or videos01:32
dextermusikgoat; http://paste.ubuntu.com/63243/01:32
danbh_intrepidthemiddleman: wow, 16mb of ram?  thats crrrrazy.    Maybe try damn small linux.  I think there sole goal is to run on as little resource as possible01:32
dublpawshaven't had to muck about with init scripts for awhile thankfully, so I'm rusty01:32
vitamin-carrotfinding drivers for winXP is so hard01:32
frogscottgeremy I found an answer for you01:32
themiddlemandanbh_intrepid, yeah, that just has crap for a package manager01:33
geremyfrogscott: thanks, can you post the link?01:33
dexterfrogscott;....u r using flash 9.....uninstall it and use flash 10 instead01:33
vitamin-carrotfrog did ya remove and rinstall flash?01:33
geremyfrogscott: what flash player are you using?01:33
FloodBot1vitamin-carrot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:33
=== patryk_ is now known as curz0r
frogscotthow to see flash version?01:33
vitamin-carrotive been told :(01:33
frogscottgeremy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90459101:34
mudkipgeremy: you spelled jeremy wrong01:34
cloggedI installed Ubuntu on VMware and it worked fine for a couple of times. Whn I started Ubuntu today it wasn't in fullscreen mode, but it used to be. How do I change this?01:34
Slackwhat do you call a small distro that fits on one floppy disk, whats the term for that01:34
dublpawsshekhar: it might be trying to boot into your alternate root?01:35
dexterfrogscott; go 2 ur synaptic...u must have installed flashplugin-nonfree01:35
musikgoatdexter: can you run fsck from livecd?01:35
frogscottdexter yes I did01:35
FAJALOUhi i am trying to get my wireless to work.  i have installed wicd, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  I am using ndiswrapper and madwifi to get it to work, any help would be appreciated in getting it to work properly!!!01:35
dextermusikgoat;;; so no i have 2 restart the system nd put in the live cd....then opn the terminal and then do fsck??01:35
geremymudkip: so you told me yesterday01:35
dexterfrogscott;; uninstall it.....01:36
frogscottdexter then what ... install flash 10 from flash site?01:36
musikgoatdexter: yes, but be careful as sdb may not be sdb on the live cd01:36
geremyfrogscott: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree, then go to a site that has flash01:36
geremyfrogscott: should prompt01:36
dexterya.....just go to adobe....or u can also google it out and dowload the flash that suits ur architecture01:37
=== dwhsix|laptop is now known as dwh6
dextermusikgoat; is ther no other solution than to restart the system and use live cd01:37
dexterfrogscott ya.....just go to adobe....or u can also google it out and dowload the flash that suits ur architecture01:38
frogscottgeremy how is that post01:38
frogscottdexter thanks let me try01:38
musikgoatdexter: thats the only that i can think of, maybe others have suggestions01:38
FAJALOUhi i am trying to get my wireless to work.  i have installed wicd, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  I am using ndiswrapper and madwifi to get it to work, any help would be appreciated in getting it to work properly!!!01:38
zibbamusikgoat, what's the problem?01:38
dextermusikgoat; fine thanq...i'll try t out01:38
Blowfeldhi all... is there a tool which graphs the wlan signal-strength ?!?01:38
vitamin-carrotOMG I HATE DRIVERGUIDE SO MUCH!01:39
geremyfrogscott: doesn't appear to pertain to my problem, but thank you anyway01:39
dwh6I know this isn't exactly the right place, but anyone have any tips on hamachi?01:39
musikgoatzibba: dexter is having disk errors see http://paste.ubuntu.com/63243/01:39
zibbaFAJALOU, everyone has mixed results with ndiswrapper, it's just not perfect01:39
dwh6got 2 ubuntu boxes next to each other, all logged in to the same hamachi network -- but can't get from one to the other01:39
dwh6alway get 'no route'01:39
themiddlemanheres the situation: i have an old tosheba laptop with a pentium and 16 mega of ram, it has no usb, networking, (floppy only), so i am taking the hard drive out, putting it into my laptop and booting from a cd and using a flash drive / cd for transfering stuff.   so ive copied the ubuntu alternate cd (plan to run fluxbox) onto the hard drive and grub also, its booting to the kernel but it hangs on "early unpacking initramfs..." and there is no workaroun01:39
themiddlemand to be found, so should i use an older kernel or what?01:39
FAJALOUzibba:  but sometimes it will work; other time it will not...01:40
zibbadexter, i agree, you need a liveCD and a fsck from there01:40
zibbaFAJALOU, i had the same thing happen with my linksys card01:40
zibbaFAJALOU, seems like it would work every other boot01:40
dexterzibba...i m going 2 try it......thanx 2 u both zibba and musikgoat..will be back after the fsck and i'll talk 2 u both.........01:40
FAJALOUzibba:  ya and sometimes not even at that:  sometimes it will cut out half way through.01:40
riz0nhello i have a gdm problem.. when gdm starts my text is soo small that it cant be read and when you log into a session via username and password all is well.. how can i adjust the screen resolution for gdm?01:41
curz0ris anyone using the new DUST theme?01:41
zibbaFAJALOU: yeah, i never had good luck with it, i recommend getting another wireless card if possible from the list of ones that ubuntu supports01:41
SeaPhordexter, what pc are you using? is it a name brand like HP or Gateway?01:41
FAJALOU... -.-01:41
zibbaFAJALOU: it will just avoid so much aggravation01:41
FAJALOUzibba this is a really good card though :(01:41
zibbaFAJALOU: it's only as good as the drivers :(01:41
dexterSeaPhor....nope...not branded......i got the individual components01:42
zibbaFAJALOU: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported01:42
FAJALOUzibba:  true. i think that it is supposed to be supported in .1001:42
zibbaFAJALOU: i believe the cheap linksys USB ones are supported, they are only $30 or so01:42
JulioNetois possible make a radio (FM) with Ubuntu? I'm working on a project and would like to adopt Ubuntu as the radio's SO.01:42
SeaPhordexter, try checking mfg bios update, if not that issue i would suggest that your HDD is dying01:43
vitamin-carrotseriously ... windows is pwning me01:43
FAJALOUzibba:  i was really looking for a pci one...01:43
zibbaFAJALOU: full size PCI? Desktop?01:43
FAJALOUno pci laptop01:43
zibbadexter: anything in dmesg? IDE errors and so forth?01:43
zibbaFAJALOU: yeah, work from the list of supported cards or wait until .1001:43
frogscottdexter I have flash 10 for Ubuntu now but on watching videos my mozilla still closes01:44
zibbaFAJALOU: try a pre-release maybe if you can't wait?01:44
FAJALOUzibba:  no it's too risky now...01:44
zibbaFAJALOU: then patience it is01:44
cloggedI installed Ubuntu on VMware and it worked fine for a couple of times. Whn I started Ubuntu today it wasn't in fullscreen mode, but it used to be. How do I change this?01:44
zibbaclogged: VMWare server, player? what version?01:45
frogscottdexter could it possibly be some other synaptic plugin for flash I need to uninstall?01:45
SeaPhordexter, yes, also check zibba  result, may be a IDE controller issue01:45
zibbadexter: any SMART errors in BIOS?01:45
flemotaE: flashplugin-nonfree: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 101:45
flemota#ubuntu-es #ubuntu-ar01:45
FAJALOUzibba: using wicd; the first ten seconds it says it's connected, then nothing01:46
SeaPhordexter, what MB do you have , possibly a ASUS MB?01:46
zibbaFAJALOU: yeah, maybe try earlier/later NDIS drivers? update firmware version? ndiswrapper is kind of shady....01:46
lufthanzai need some help01:46
Starnestommylastlog -win 28 xylia01:46
FAJALOUzibba:  why would it work though, i dunno why it just stopped :(01:46
zibbaFAJALOU: ndiswrapper is kind of a hack01:47
GundamDudeXHi, can anyone help me? My Desktop Effects won't show up on my Preferences list after I've added it using Add/Remove01:47
GundamDudeXand I have no idea how to start it01:47
musikgoatGundamDudeX: do you see it in appearances -> effects?01:48
GundamDudeXall I see are visual effects ?01:48
GundamDudeXI was trying to get the desktop cube efect.01:48
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »01:48
vitamin-carrotfinally i got the drivers01:48
zibbaeveryone wants the cube!01:48
csilkhow long did it take OOo to hack together docx support? as it only been since V3?01:49
dekkongGundamDudeX: you got advanced desktop settings?01:49
vitamin-carroti got the sphere01:49
zibbadodecahedron here01:49
GundamDudeXdekkong:No I do not.01:49
theJKHHi guys i got a question i got WINE to work with Counter Strike Source but everytime i make a game r join one i always get Server is nfourceing consistency for this file models\player\t_arctic.mdl01:49
dr_willisI disable compiz. :)01:49
theJKHHow do i fix that01:49
theJKHIm sure its something small01:49
dekkongGundamDudeX: you will need that to get the cube01:49
FlanneltheJKH: Try asking in #winehq01:49
zibbatheJKH: have you asked in #winehq?01:49
GundamDudeXokay thanks01:49
frogscottdexter you there?01:50
RandallI have a messed up video card and was wondering how to check if it is properly installed as well as if I need nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx? It is a Geforce4: MX 42001:50
vitamin-carrothas anyone seen the cube on vista?01:50
zibbaRandall: messed up in what way?01:50
vitamin-carrotits looks yucky01:50
zibbavitamin-carrot: is it built in?01:50
zibbavitamin-carrot: i like the default ALT-TAB in vista, it's nice01:51
theJKHI asked but no one has answerd01:51
zibbatheJKH: I am not sure if anyone in here will know. anything on google?01:51
dr_willistheJKH,  i would check the wine forums/app database  also.01:51
kansan__if a file is -rwxrwx---- root ubuntu-shared text.txt ... and i'm part of the ubuntu-shared group, and i can read but not write the to the file.  i did however change the groups setting without logging out and logging back in (don't know if that matters).  what do i need to do?01:51
SeaPhorRandall, if you need to reset xorg.conf to original, i can help,,,, other than that, GL01:52
vitamin-carrotbrb working on gf's machine01:52
zibbakansan__: do you have permissions for the parent directory?01:52
Randallzibba: When i enable it in Hardware drivers it always tells me it can't detect it and needs to load to low graphics mod01:52
cloggedzibba: vmware player installed in september, cant find versio nr, ubuntu 8041 desktop01:53
kansan__zibba, its 770; and david:ubuntu-shared01:53
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zibbaRandall: that may be because you need the legacy version01:53
cloggedwhat is compiz?01:53
dr_willis!compiz | clogged01:53
ubottuclogged: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:53
mneptokFAJALOU: you need a wireless card?01:53
dr_willisclogged,  its what gives ya those annoying special effects.01:53
Blowfeldhi all... is there a tool which graphs the wlan signal-strength ?!?01:54
FAJALOUmneptok: one that's supported ?  sure lol01:54
mneptokFAJALOU: you in the US?01:54
FAJALOUzibba:  of course:  rebooted, and now it's working perfectly01:54
zibbaBlowfeld: if you just need to check it real quick you can use iwconfig01:54
FAJALOUmneptok: yes?01:54
Randallzibba: how do i get the legacy version instead of just nvidia-glx01:54
mneptokFAJALOU: PCI or Cardbus?01:54
zibbaFAJALOU: yeah, it's very inconsistent01:54
FAJALOUzibba:  i just don't get it :|01:54
usserBlowfeld, kismet should be able to do that01:54
zibbaFAJALOU: send donation to ndiswrapper project?01:54
FAJALOUzibba:  would wicd's debug and log's be of any help?01:55
cloggedwhat cool effects? ive seen one where windows kind of shrinks like a bubble01:55
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Blowfeldusser thx ill give it a try01:55
zibbaFAJALOU: wouldn't hurt01:56
FAJALOUzibba; ok i have it; it's very _very_ discreet however01:56
Randallzibba: how do i get the legacy version instead of just nvidia-glx01:56
zibbaRandall: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:56
daleanybody skilled in setting up 4 monitors, using two ATI cards01:56
dexterzibba...wats the exact command that i have to type....i never woked with this fsck before....so how do i go about with the command01:57
SeaPhorATI-- ewww01:57
zibbadexter: what is name of root partition? /dev/hdaX /dev/sdaX ??01:57
daleill be getting nvidia cards soon if i cant this to work01:57
musikgoatdexter: what disks are mounted?01:57
zibbadale: I'm on dual head nvidia right now01:57
dalewell dual head ATI was easy to setup01:58
zibbadale: never had much luck with dual head ATI01:58
dalebut i cant get my second card to work for quad head01:58
dexterzibba; dev/sdb301:58
zibbadexter: fsck /dev/sdb301:58
FAJALOUzibba:  could it possibly be because i had a port forwarding and loggin enabled (the card cut out) so i disabled those, and it worked?01:58
zibbaFAJALOU: try rebooting 3 or 4 times. if your card is anything like mine, sometimes it will work on boot, sometimes not01:59
FAJALOUzibba:  well ya most of the time it works, but i think that the logging and portforwarding threw it off?01:59
zibbaFAJALOU: unknown, try some reboots01:59
FAJALOUit's working now :P01:59
cloggedwhat cool effects? ive seen one where windows kind of shrinks like a bubble01:59
Serwaydoes anyone know the defualt fonts directory?01:59
FAJALOUim good01:59
cloggedzibba: vmware player installed in september, cant find versio nr, ubuntu 8041 desktop02:00
FAJALOUSerway:  /home/[user]/.fonts?02:00
Guest61077does anyone know how to get yahoo streaming music to work on ubuntu?02:00
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:00
zibbaclogged: ubuntu starts in fullscreen or vmware does? i'm not sure of the problem02:00
dextermusikgoat; dev/sdb1  /boot              dev/sdb1  extended                 dev/sdb5 linux-swap        dev/sdb3   ext3   /02:00
dexterzibba thanxx02:01
musikgoatthats from mount?02:01
dextermusikgoat; no..just checked the gparted02:01
dextermusikgoat; how will i know which drives are mounted02:01
musikgoatdexter: the command mount02:02
WhoNeedszzzHey guys. I'm having issues with firefox 3.0.3. It's constantly crashing while doing certain tasks such as clicking certain links or trying to play certain videos. This leads me to believe it is a flash problem but it isn't a global issue, it's just certain sites. Anyone know how to solve this?02:02
zibbaWhoNeedszzz: what version of flash? have you tried v10 yet?02:02
cloggedzibba: before ubuntu would go to fullscreen now it just stays in some minimode02:03
WhoNeedszzzzibba: yeah. 10.0.0 d56902:03
dexteri havechecked it out..i couldn't make out wat it was....i pasted it at  http://paste.ubuntu.com/63491/02:03
zibbaclogged: can we get a screen shot?02:03
tictacaddictI'm running intrepid right now. dd, klogd and syslogd are eating up my cpu and my root partition is full. I'm not sure if I should kill them or what I might want to delete02:03
musikgoatdexter: and your on the livecd?02:04
zibbatictacaddict: when my disk is full i boot off a liveCD if possible. do you have one?02:04
cloggedzibba where do i post it?02:04
dexterno...just swirched back...i'll be back in the live cd02:04
zibbaclogged: not sure02:05
musikgoatdexter: well if the issue is fixed, nvm02:05
Guest61077has anyone sucessfully connected to yahoo lauchcast ?02:05
RetrogradeCulturanyone know how to add files to the playlist ni mp3blaster? f1 will only open up Terminal Help :/02:05
Fezzler1trying to find gparted from LivCD menu.  Where is it?02:06
tictacaddictzibba: I do have some liveCD's. Any ideas that don't require rebooting?02:06
musikgoatFezzler1: system -> admin?02:06
tictacaddictzibba: or what would you recommend using the LiveCD02:06
musikgoatFezzler1: partition editor02:06
macoanyone know of a way to listen to Pandora through Rhythmbox?02:06
zibbatictacaddict: durep is a handy program, it will show where the space is being used02:06
zibbatictacaddict: if you use knoppix i believe there is a disk used utility built in02:07
Fezzler1musikgoat> I already have Hardy installed.  Trying to change partition.  SOmeone said use LiveCD02:07
Guest61077ok if noone knows anything about lauchcast does anyone know how to install IE with active x?02:07
RetrogradeCulturanyone know how to add files to the playlist ni mp3blaster? f1 will only open up Terminal Help when i hit f102:07
Fezzler1musikgoat> just booted with LiveCD and now what?02:07
musikgoatFezzler1: as i said, go to system -> Administration02:08
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macoGuest61077: ies4linux02:08
musikgoatFezzler1: should be in there02:08
Fezzler1musikgoat> I see INstall; CHeck CD; Rescue; Test; Boot from...02:08
WhoNeedszzzSo anyone know a solution?02:08
spragieare the things in disk & file system settings logged (in KDE obviously)02:09
RetrogradeCulturno one here uses mp3 blaster02:09
zibbaRetrogradeCultur: what's the problem? your terminal emulator is capturing F1?02:09
SeaPhorRetrogradeCultur, try vlc02:09
RetrogradeCulturI meant to add a question mark to that.02:09
SeaPhorgood playlist config..02:09
RetrogradeCulturYeah f1 is supposed to let me add playlist files but opens help02:10
musikgoatFezzler1: i'm sorry, i didn't understand your question previously, i haven't been in that menu02:10
Fezzler1musikgoat> How do I go into Administration from the main LiveCD screen?  WHat do I select or press?02:10
zibbaRetrogradeCultur: are you using gnome terminal?02:10
zibbaRetrogradeCultur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-terminal/+bug/3134402:10
musikgoatFezzler1: sorry02:10
RetrogradeCulturok i'll look at the link zibba02:11
zibbaRetrogradeCultur: "the disabling of F1 in the terminal Edit->Keyboard Shortcuts... works just fine"02:11
Fezzler1Does anyone know how to reset my partitions from LiveCD?02:12
zibbaRetrogradeCultur: it's a DUMB bug for a terminal emulator02:12
Fezzler1Something about Gparted?02:12
zibbaFezzler1: reset == delete ALL?02:12
zibbaFezzler1: what are you trying to do?02:12
Fezzler1zibba> I had trouble upgrading Gutsy to Hardy so I did a fresh install of Hardy02:13
type_tFIFO is to PIPE as Socket is to __BLANK__ ....02:13
RetrogradeCulturty zibba02:13
Fezzler1zibba> I have an older 6gig HD that I put the OS on and a newer 200gig that I mapped to /home02:14
zibbaFezzler1: ok, so what's the goal here02:14
zibbaFezzler1: keep your /home and remove /?02:14
Fezzler1zibba> Someone here said my partitions were messed up and I needed to boot from LiveCD and use gparted to fix my partions02:14
zibbaFezzler1: what's your problem though? what are you trying to do?02:15
DeetaHehe, the old 6GB HD should use more power while it is running than the 6GiB it holds is worth ;-) (while even ignoring the slower access speeds :)02:15
Fezzler1zibba> It wasn't so much about getting rid of either.  They said my sd1 partition was too small and my sd0 was split02:15
zibbaDeeta: good for swap I guess02:16
SyLI've got the Atheroes madwifi driver install in 8.10, but this asprire 5315 laptop doesn't seem to be able to see the wifi. it appears as an unknown driver. ideas?02:16
Fezzler1zibba> IN plain language, my 200gig was two 96.6 gig drives instead of one big drive02:16
SeaPhorFezzler1, "someone here" = who? cause they need to follow thru and help you sety up///02:16
zibbaFezzler1: gotcha, but you resized it now02:16
Fezzler1zibba> make sense?02:16
spragieDoes anyone know what the fd0 mount is for in kubuntu ?02:16
zibbaFezzler1: i still have no clue what your problem is though02:16
zibbaspragie: mount /dev/fd0 /mnt ?02:16
spragiezibba: yes it appears to be out of the first hd02:17
Fezzler1zibba> well, in was Flannel02:17
Fezzler1zibba> or Flanner02:17
Fezzler1zibba> of Flanner02:17
Picispragie: fd0 is for the floppy drive.02:17
zibbaFezzler1: let me ask you this, is there any data on the drives you are trying to save or are you just looking to wipe everything?02:17
spragiePici: yes but i dont have a floppy hooked up, and it appears as a partition out of my primary hd02:18
cloggedzibba: http://img412.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntutt2.jpg02:18
spragiePici: & zibba it appears to be 1kb02:18
Fezzler1zibba> Yes, the OS is on the first drive and the /home is on the 200gig.  No, not trying to wipe.  trying to resize02:18
Picispragie: Thats weird.02:18
dextermusikgoat; i m on live cd...r u ther02:19
dexterzibba; i m on live cd02:19
zibbaFezzler1: you probably want gparted02:19
zibbadexter: ok, fsck your volume02:19
kansan__i'm trying to figure out why i can't ssh into my box.  i can ssh into (my IP address)... but i cant ssh into a QWEST assigned IP address.  (i've even tryied telnet 22 and gotten =< Unable to connect; connection timed out).  i'm plugged directly from qwest modem into my computer.  questions: 1) isn't this qwest's fault?  2) how do i view the log of the sshd server?  thanks02:19
vitamin-carrothas anyone actually gotten LanShark to work here?02:19
dexterzibba;; i did it this is wat i got........................................ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fsck dev/sdb302:19
dexterfsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)02:19
Pie-ratedoes anyone know how to fix the gspca (webcam driver) "no space left on device" bug? there's a fix (patch) for spca5xx, but it doesn't work for gspca02:19
zibbaclogged: CTRL-ALT-ENTER?02:19
Fezzler1zibba> Flannel said "Boot from LiveCD, use gparted to make sd1 one big drive instead of two 96.6gig drives02:19
spragiekansan__: port forwading for your router, or set you 0.3 as DMZ02:19
zibbaFezzler1: i'm in agreement02:20
kansan__spragie, huh?  there is no router i'm plugged directly into their dsl modem02:20
evan_hey is it possible to dualscreen ati and nvidia?02:20
Fezzler1zibba> Yes, gparted.  How do I get to it via the LiveCD02:20
kansan__spragie, i didnt get to set the ip address02:20
zibbaspragie: i would recommend NOT using DMZ but using just 22 port forward02:20
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zibbaFezzler1: Gparted maintains their own liveCD, if you are using ubuntu liveCD i am not sure if it exists on there, try opening a terminal and doing gparted02:20
dexterzibba;; i did it this is wat i got........................................ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fsck dev/sdb3    fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)02:20
zibbadexter: you need a leading / on the device02:21
dexterzibbai just got the output as fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)02:21
zibbadexter: /dev/sdb302:21
mxweasI'm in ubuntu live cd, when I run fdisk -l /dev/sda it says Cannot open /dev/sda02:21
mxweasany ideas?02:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu8.0402:21
Fezzler1zibba> SO I need to create a gparted LiceCD02:21
ubottuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents02:21
mrlabor1hello i'm a newbie here02:21
Chris_BrittonIs there some way I can restart my wired interface without rebooting the computer /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't do what I need02:21
zibbamxweas: try fdisk -l /dev/hda02:21
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu02:21
dexterzibba  so watdo i do now02:21
Fezzler1zibba> LiveCD02:21
zibbaFezzler1: not necessarily, try that with the terminal, gparted02:21
zibbaFezzler1: i'm not sure which liveCD you are using02:22
mxweaszibba: just goes to the next line02:22
mxweasdoesn't return anything02:22
spragiezibba: well here is my deal i am trying to mount a partition for a diff drive and accidentally set the mount pt and device different for this and when i used mount to try to find it it doesn't show up so i am kind of lost as to what to do02:22
zibbamxweas: maybe your storage system is not supported02:22
infinitehi folks i installed a driver(nvidia-glx) and something must've gone wrong.Every time i try to dnl n install new packages it gives me "Errors were encountered while processing: nvidia-glx. I tried to remove nvidia-glx but without any luck so far.can somebody help me?02:22
cloggedzibba : that didnt work02:22
alesanhey what to do if any command out of apt-get result in a segmentation fault. Any know fix?02:22
mrlabor1I tried to load vlc media player over the built in LinDVD that came with my puter02:22
mxweaszibba: k02:22
dexter<Cris_Britton>  go 2 the terminal and type  network-admin restart02:22
alesaneven synaptic crashes immediately02:22
mrlabor1now they are not letting the audio work at all02:22
dexterzibba  so watdo i do now02:22
geremyreally looking for some help in getting my tv out to work- intel 945 integrated controller, s video02:22
zibbaclogged: anything in menu about fullscreen?02:22
mxweasbasically I am installing ubuntu and it needs to put grub on the partition ubuntu is on. but I don't know if it's /dev/sda1-5...02:22
zibbadexter: what happen after fsck02:23
dexteri just got this output  fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)02:23
mxweasI think I am doing it wrong because it fuxx up my windows partition when I try /dev/sda2 which is what it should be going onto02:23
zibbadexter: that's kind of weird, what about fdisk -l /dev/sda02:23
mxweasSo can I skip the grub part and do it later why any chance?02:24
Chris_Brittondexter, thanks for the suggestion - not doing it for me :(02:24
dexter<Cris_Britton>  kk02:24
infinitehi folks i installed a driver(nvidia-glx) and something must've gone wrong.Every time i try to dnl n install new packages it gives me "Errors were encountered while processing: nvidia-glx. I tried to remove nvidia-glx but without any luck so far.can somebody help me?02:24
zibbainfinite: apt-get remove nvidia-glx ; apt-get install nvidia-glx02:25
evan_is it possible to dualscreen when having 1 ati and 1 nvidia card?02:25
dexterzibba.....how can i c my partitions in livecd02:25
zibbaevan_: yes but you will have to manually configure /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:25
zibbadexter: fdisk -l /dev/hdXX or /dev/sdXX02:25
memeemeeeanyone use rhythmbox?02:26
zibbamemeemeee: me02:26
SpinachHeaddoes ubuntu support any usb wifi cards without installing any drivers?02:26
zibbaSpinachHead: some, there is a list on the wiki02:26
memeemeeespecifically for podcast02:26
evan_zibba: the problem is more of getting both gflrx and nvidia driver at the same time02:26
zibbamemeemeee: negative02:26
infinitezibba: already tried that, it gives me the same error02:26
vexeuim looking for something that will put to 2 avi files together02:26
SeaPhorzibba, Chris_Britton , there is something dexter is not telling...02:26
zibbaevan_: i didn't say you would have GL02:26
memeemeeethanks zibba02:26
zibbaevan_: probably 2D only02:27
evan_zibba: ?02:27
Chris_BrittonSeaPhor, enlighten me02:27
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dexterzibba; i tried /dev/sdb3 ..but i get permission denied02:27
zibbadexter: su -02:27
SeaPhorChris_Britton, i'll let him,,,02:27
dexterSeaPhor; wat is it buddy...let me know02:27
cloggedzibba: i changed the resolution to 1280 800. funny i hadnt changed to 800 600 and it used to work02:28
dexterzibba kk02:29
geremyif there's anybody here who can help me get my svideo working, id really appreciate it, or a bit of help in even narrowing down the problem02:29
Guest61077does anyone know how to get lauchcast working in linux?02:29
Fezzler1can I run gparted from the HD that I booted from?02:29
dexterzibba...i entered the password..but authentication failed02:29
SeaPhordexter, there is something you have left out of the question, support can only help if all is known02:29
Guest61077lauchcast=yahoo streaming music02:29
zibbaFezzler1: no one knows which liveCD you have02:29
roxanFezzler1, yes. but you cant change the things you are on02:29
zibbadexter: sudo -s ?02:29
Chris_Brittonnetwork-admin just brings up the network window02:30
infinitehello , im having trouble with an installed package(nvidia-glx).i cant remove it and i cant install other packages.It gives me this error :Removing nvidia-glx ...02:30
infinitedpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory02:30
infinitedpkg: error processing nvidia-glx (--remove): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 202:30
Chris_BrittonI want to restart the interface02:30
infiniteErrors were encountered while processing: nvidia-glx02:30
FloodBot1infinite: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:30
zibbainfinite: you can force remove of packages02:30
Fezzler1roxan> So I need to make a Gparted boot disk02:30
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Coded1what file is it that holds the modules to load at startup?02:30
roxanFezzler1, you can donload the iso from its website02:30
zibbaCoded1: /etc/modules02:30
zibbainfinite: sudo dpkg --force-all -r02:31
Coded1zibba:  ty02:31
Fezzler1roxan> Will changing my partitions impact the data on the harddrives I repartition02:31
zibbaFezzler1: yes, it will be lost if you don't do it properly, i recommend backup02:31
seronisquestion:  does anyone know how to make Nautilus allow you to right click on a folder icon and choose to open a console window with the folder set as the current work directory ?02:31
dexterzibba...can u be more clear as wat i should do....02:31
zibbaseronis: http://koolinus.wordpress.com/2006/06/09/nautilus-actions/02:32
Fezzler1roxan> ?02:32
* seronis clicks02:32
asplundQuick question.  I am running Intrepid Ibex, and when things updated, my ethernet connection disappeared.  I am using the onboard ethernet on a biostar nvidia 8200 motherboard, and it has been working well for weeks, but with the last kernel upgrade, there is not ethernet available.  When I run the connection manager, there are no options for wired connections.  I can hand load the r8169 module (which I think is the right one), and hand edit the /etc/networ02:32
dexterSeaPhor; its that my filesystem is containing errors which i have pasted it before and given to zibba.....02:32
vluseranyone here been able to make a wacom tablet work? using hardy02:32
zibbavluser: yes02:32
geremyvluser: yes02:33
zibbavluser: worked out of box02:33
vlusermine doesn't02:33
geremyvluser: otb for me02:33
vlusermaybe because this is the 64bit version02:33
shekhardublpaws: you still there?02:33
u007hi, i'm using a 19inch lcd plugged into my laptop, but the lcd seems to flicker. i plan to adjust the sync rate for it, but i'm not sure if it will effect my laptop lcd... what should i do?02:33
roxanFezzler1, yes backup02:34
roxanFezzler1, i have bad record of losing data while repartitioning02:34
Fezzler1roxan> Ugh02:34
geremyreally looking for some help in getting my tv out to work- intel 945 integrated controller, s video02:34
dextermusikgoat...r u ther02:35
dexterSeaPhor..have u got it02:35
seroniszibba: EXACTLY what i've been needing,  thank you02:35
musikgoatdexter: sorry, back, where are you at with live cd, did you check mount yet, paste it for me02:36
SeaPhordexter, yes, and i told you, your HDD is prolly dying, if not then your bios is reading it incorrectly, either way you need to update the bios, and the run a check on your HDD02:37
AbstortedMindsI have an intel imac, and everything works great, but i think i need to install a driver for the video card, does ubuntu do this automatically or do i have to install it02:40
indrai can't unmount root particion02:40
terjehow can I configure my desktop system not to boot into Gnome. I don't want to run X11.02:41
geremydoes anybody have any recommendations for where I could go to get some more help with my tv out issue?02:41
SeaPhorpeace -out02:41
mrpocketsso Brasero just botched a burn, and now the drive is "busy" and won't open or burn anything else02:42
mrpocketstried to  unmount it but it says its not mounted.02:42
indrai don't know how unmount02:43
type_tcat /proc/partitions02:43
roxanmrpockets, try sudo eject02:43
mrpocketsroxan,  yeah that just worked02:43
RandallSo, I have a question i have a Nvidia Geforce4: MX 420 on hardy heron and when i enable it in hardware drivers and reboot it tells me i have to boot in low-graphics mode. How do i tell if i have installed the drivers properly? and i've heard i need nvidia-glx from some people and nvidia-glx-legacy from others?02:44
indrayes i was write02:44
indrai don't have unmount command02:44
scuniziRandall, have you tried to make modifications to the driver via nvidia-settings?  sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings02:44
mrpocketsindra, umont02:45
mrpocketsumount  *02:45
roxanmrpockets, umount -a = umount *02:45
Randallscunizi: i'm not quite sure how to, but it claims to be installed02:45
mrpocketslol, no, i meant that * as a correction to my previous typo02:46
scuniziRandall, there are a couple of ways to access it.. from terminal with nvidia-settings and system>Admin>Nvidia X server settings02:46
type_tbotched brasero burn.. its has to reset the .. somehow.02:46
mrpocketstype_t, wtf're you talking about02:47
Logikosi'm a windows user that has dabeled a little bit with linux here and there, id eventualy like to switch over to useing only linux ... but i dont want to sacrifice windows incase i need to do something in a hurry and dont have time to figure it out in linux ... is there an easy way to make it so i can use both on one computer?02:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:47
Randallscunizi: k, when i access it...it tells me i need to run it as root or something but when i type that it crashes the x-server. and i'm not sure what to change?02:47
CycomLogikos: Dual boot!02:47
roxan!dualboot | Logikos02:48
ubottuLogikos: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:48
scuniziRandall, try starting it with sudo nvidia-settings02:48
CycomLogikos: use something like Gparted to resize your discs (sorry guys, I still don't trust the installers resizing) and the install linux on the free space!02:48
alesanLogikos: Cycom: dual boot is so unconvenient. I work very well with virtual machines.02:48
Randallscunizi: and after that what would i change02:48
LogikosCycom: i understand the concept but not sure how to set it up, do i instal windows first, then linux on the same partition, do i instal linux first, then windows .. on same or different partitions02:48
type_tits happened where its like in lala land . cant close some eFing connection..02:48
Cycomalesan: yeah, but no wobbly windows in a VM :)02:48
LogikosCycom: reading that, sec02:48
scuniziLogikos, there are several ways.. dual boot.. virtual box and vmware and install windows in a vm.02:48
alesanCycom: why?02:48
Cycomalesan: no 3d support.02:48
Cycomalesan: at least, not with a windblows support.02:48
roxanLogikos, vm is alos a good idea and I also do the same02:48
amusemeor lived CD02:48
scuniziRandall, check  the resolution settings and make the needed changes for your system02:49
alesanCycom: vmware has 3d support inside virtual machines.02:49
go_beep_yourselfmy friend just installed openssh-server i can ping, nmap shows 22 open, i get a login prompt with his username asking for the password. i put in the password correct everytime and get permission denied. he even tried changing the password and we tried that. any ideas? please help.02:49
Logikosroxan: is vm kinda like ms virtual pc ?02:49
Cycomalesan: only for DX9, not for openGL02:49
Jangarihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/63499/ this is my output from trying to install a java application from a .bin file running ./file.bin. Any idea what's going wrong?02:49
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roxanLogikos, exactly but far better02:49
alesanwhy do you need 3d, the most unuseful feature ever.02:49
Cycomgo_beep_yourself: permission denied?02:49
Cycomalesan: I use expo and scale constantly.02:49
Randallscunizi: do i have to do that after i enable the driver from hardware drivers. Right now it says i don't appear to be using the nvidia x driver02:49
go_beep_yourselfCycom-> Permission denied, please try again.02:49
scuniziRandall, yes02:50
alesanCycom: I am not sure what is that but - do you need that in a virtual machine?02:50
Logikosroxan: so you have linux instaled and run windows in a vm ? does it have full access to all resources and perifials (usb ports etc) .. i know i had problems with ms virtual pc in that it couldnt see my flash drives for some reason02:50
dublpawsgo_beep_yourself: there might be a setting in sshd.conf (or something) where remote login is disabled02:50
alesando you need that so much that you dual boot for that?02:50
roxanLogikos, yes02:50
Randallscunizi: also would you know if i need nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy02:50
roxanLogikos, you can access all usb devices02:50
Cycomalesan: need? no. Want? yes.02:50
roxan!enter | roxan02:50
ubotturoxan, please see my private message02:51
Cycomgo_beep_yourself: how are you connecting to the machine?02:51
scuniziRandall, I've run nvidia-gls with a mx-440 just fine so maybe that one for yours.02:51
indraumount /dev/sda102:51
Cycomgo_beep_yourself: like 'ssh <host>' from your linux box?02:51
indrai am writting umount /dev/sda102:51
Logikosroxan: all of my hdd's are ntfs ... i could clear my primary drive out and keep my data on the other drives so that way i can use whatever ubuntu prefers for a filesystem on it ... but will both ubuntu and windows from the vm be able to access the other ntfs drives efficently?02:51
indraand he say device is busy02:51
bug_Hi I'm trying to change my startup sounds but they are not working, what do I do to get them to play?02:52
CycomLogikos: if you want to really use linux, I'd say dual boot, and force yourself to use it02:52
Randallscunizi: what is the exact command to check resolution settings and how do i change it in nvidia-settings02:52
CycomLogikos: or, if you have an extra machine, use that instead.  Linux will run well on just about anything newer than 5 years old :)02:52
roxanLogikos, yes it can. with shared drive. but if you want to put vmware's virtual machine in ntfs partition nudge me for a little trick02:52
scuniziRandall, once you enable the restricted driver then start nvidia settings it's graphical .. you'll see it02:53
n8tuser1indra-> sudo fuser -k /dev/sda1  assuming that sda1 is not where your root  /   is02:53
roxanLogikos, trust me go for it. you wont regret02:53
n8tuser1Randall-> dont know if  xdpyinfo  would show it02:53
indraknow is work02:53
Randallscunizi: will it tell me i need to start in a "low-res" graphics mode because that's what happens everytime i try enabling the driver02:54
LogikosCycom: i used to put linux on my secondary pc ... and figured i'd learn it ... and i messed with it a little but ... i didnt disiplin myself enough to use it :\02:54
scuniziRandall, maybe..02:54
bug_do the wavs have to be a certain length to be played on startup?02:54
CycomLogikos: basically, I put linux on my laptop and forced myself to use it for everything02:54
CycomLogikos: there were some times when I REALLY NEEDED WINDOWS because I had no idea what I was doing, but it turned out that I just learned how to do it in linux.02:55
roxanLogikos, if you want to use it use it. if you put in two pc you will never learn.02:55
roxanLogikos, i agree with cycom02:55
scuniziLogikos, what things do you think that you won't be able to do easily in linux that you would have to do quickly in windows?02:55
CycomLogikos: gradually I noticed neat things along the way like I could mount network shares more easily, or surf the web without worrying so much about viruses, or have my mighty mouse's horizontal scroll work02:55
CycomLogikos: videos suddenly played without 10 different applications02:56
roxanLogikos, actioni speaks louder than words. if you want to discuss between windows and linux you will get old and the discussion will still conitnue.02:56
SeaPhorRandall, yes, then sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings02:56
CycomLogikos: I didn't need to buy software as often, and when I did, I got a lot more value for my money.02:56
Randal1seaphor: yes to what?02:56
SeaPhorthen set your own ...02:57
roxanCycom, you can always donate money you were going to waste on software to projects like olpc02:57
=== dan_ is now known as dannybuntu
Randal1seaphor: but do u know if it will tell me it needs to start in a "low-res" mode after i restart the comp after enabling?02:57
SeaPhorthen set your own ... Randall02:57
riz0nhas anyone successfully configured ubuntu to allow vnc sessions to gdm02:57
Cycomroxan: I use it to buy gas for my car instead :)02:58
roxanriz0n, didnt' get you02:58
Jangarianyone know of a MIDlet emulator that works on linux?02:58
riz0nok here's what im trying to do.. im trying to set it up where i can use VNC to connect to gdm (a login window) and allow me to login to this server with any username or password on the system02:58
roxanCycom, whatever you do its your money :P02:58
riz0ni want this to also to be separate from the console xdm/gnome session02:59
Cycomroxan: till I spend it.  Or pay taxes on it.02:59
SeaPhorRandal1, have you installed drivers from the nvidia site?02:59
roxanriz0n, there is remote loging opton but havn't tried it02:59
Cycomriz0n: iirc gnome can't do more than one session02:59
LogikosCycom: yeah, i need to get there, i've messed with linux off and on alot ... but usualy used it to make servers ... rather than actualy useing it as a workstation ... for it to replace windows i need to use it as a worksation .. i can use firefox on linux, and openoffice ... and i hope to find other linux software to replace the other things i do...02:59
CycomLogikos: just get vmware on linux and run windows in a VM if the poop hits the fan02:59
riz0nwell normally there wont be anyone logged in from the console02:59
himuraWinMoHey all. I am trying find a good opensource/free documentation software. any suggestions?02:59
Randal1seaphor: no, I haven't no one has explained to me how really i've tried stuff read lots of wikis and community docs but nothing seems to work02:59
LogikosCycom, roxan: thank you both for your help03:00
CycomLogikos: good luck m803:00
JangarihimuraWinMo: documentation software?03:01
hellhoundis there a way to set the screensaver to not activate when watching a flash video ?03:01
SeaPhorRandal1, so yo have "tried" stuff, does that mean you have installed "stuff"?03:01
riegersnHow can I check if my dvd burner can burn dual layer dvd's ?03:01
scuniziSeaPhor, Randal1 has an older mx420 card..  the newer driver won't neccessarily work for him03:01
roxanLogikos, see you soon on linux :P03:01
scuniziriegersn, try it.03:02
Randal1scunizi: i can give u info u need to help me because i am on a wireless right now i don't necesarrily want to restart03:02
scuniziriegersn, k3b is a better burner than brassero .. at least in my opinion03:02
himuraWinMoHey all. I am trying find a good opensource/free documentation software. any suggestions?03:02
scuniziRandal1, sure what kind of info?03:02
SeaPhorscunizi, Randal1 may have installed a bunch of crap thats preventing him from being able to use his card effectively03:03
riegersnscunizi, i don't have any dual layer dvd's right now but don't want to buy any if i can't use them03:03
sma4kediriomong opo?03:03
Randal1SeaPhor: prolly right so now it's really messed up03:03
JangarihimuraWinMo: what sort of software?03:03
scuniziSeaPhor, maybe.. I won't know how to fix that for Randal1 .. do you have the experience to do that?03:03
Randal1scunizi: whatever info u need to figure out what is wrong03:03
Fezzler1If my boot drive is 6.01 gig, how big should my swap file be?  321mB too small03:03
flemotai cant install my webcam03:04
roxanFezzler1, its dependend on ram not boot drive03:04
SeaPhorscunizi, Randal1 my suggestion is to to go to ground zero, and start fresh03:04
sirjoebobFezzler1: swap should be about 3x RAM03:04
himuraWinMoi manage a small team of network technicians. we use a custom web app for collecting customer info. you know, IP info, cdkeys, and etc.03:04
scuniziRandal1, sounds like SeaPhor might be able to guide you better.. I wouldn't know where to start03:04
roxanflemota, so03:04
riegersnscunizi, found it "cdrecord dev=/dev/hdb -prcap"03:04
Randal1scunizi: thanks for trying :)03:04
scuniziriegersn, ah so you're doing this from terminal?03:05
roxanhimuraWinMo, redmine, mediawiki03:05
Randal1SeaPhor: meaning how?03:05
scuniziRandal1, np.. wish I could have helped more.03:05
himuraWinMoi would like to replace our current app with a searchable app that allows attachments and such.03:05
flemotamy ubuntu dont detect the webcam03:05
flemotaits Usb03:05
himuraWinMoJust got mediawiki installed today. what is redmine?03:05
riegersnscunizi, im not "trying" to burn one now, just want a way to check if my burner can03:05
roxanflemota, run and see the output lsusb03:06
hellhoundis there a way to set the screensaver to not activate when watching a flash video ?03:06
roxanhimuraWinMo, you can search03:06
roxanhimuraWinMo, its like launchpad03:06
scuniziflemota, webcam support is spotty.. there are so many different chipsets and very few linux based drivers.03:06
Randal1SeaPhor: what do u mean go to ground zero?03:06
Fezzler1how do i see my total ram?03:06
himuraWinMolol. gotcha. searching is tough atm. WinMobile.03:06
himuraWinMothanks for the info03:06
sirjoebobFezzler: you can type free03:06
SeaPhorscunizi, Randal1 scunizi is more experienced than i, but i have found that with xorg issues, just start over03:06
scuniziriegersn, ah.. k.. k3b might do that to. but via the gui03:06
Randal1SeaPhor: so how would i go about doing that>03:07
sirjoebobFezzler: that will tell you total ram. then RAMx3=swap is a pretty good thing to go off of03:07
roxansirjoebob, Fezzler1 3X is not always right03:07
type_triz0n .. you are trying to get vnc  .. whats the package name of the vnc software?03:08
Fezzler1looks like I have 645164 ram, so my swamp file should be?03:08
sirjoebobroxan: I always heard that 3x would be a good benchmark what do you think then?03:08
bobesponjahey all03:08
bobesponjamy cdrom is broken and my latop can't boot from usb, is there a way to make grub boot from a usb cdrom?03:08
bobesponjamy cdrom player*03:08
roxansirjoebob, if you have 1 Gig of ram then 3Gig of swap would be nonsense03:08
goldmetalcan vim 7.x be install as user instead of root in a linux box?03:09
scuniziroxan, if you ever watch your swap usage you'll find that mostly it's not used .. unless you're doing a lot of video editing and intensive stuff like that.03:09
SeaPhorscunizi, Randal1 boot from live cd, do a sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /media/disk/etc/X11/xorg.conf and that will load theoriginal xorg that you had to start with03:09
roxansirjoebob, also these days laptops come with 4 gig of ram then 12 gig of swap??? Fezzler1  can you ut -h option03:09
roxanscunizi, exactly then why waste disk space03:09
Randal1SeaPhor: does it have to be a hardy live cd03:09
scuniziSeaPhor, Randal1 close .. not quite..03:10
sirjoebobroxan: true. good point. i started out working on older HW and that is why he told me to run that much SWAP. I have 2GB of RAM and don't run SWAP03:10
SeaPhorRandal1, what are you on?03:10
Randal1SeaPhor: I am using 8.04 hardy heron03:10
T_D_HIs there a way with the 8.04 install disk to not run the GUI installer?03:10
type_triz0n ?03:10
Fezzler1ut -h = command not found03:11
soreauT_D_H: The alternate cd03:11
bastid_raZorT_D_H; use the alternate cd to install03:11
SeaPhorRandal1, then yeah, that would be best03:11
scuniziRandal1, you have to mount the drive in the live cd to do that then you have to find the mount point to copy the xorg to.03:11
Randal1SeaPhor: scunizi would it be better just to wait until Ibex is realeased and try again03:12
scuniziRandal1, SeaPhor sometimes it's easier not to use the live cd.. just go to Places/File system and look in /etc/X11/ for an older copy.. If it was done automatically it will be dated.. just copy that back to xorg.conf03:12
SeaPhorscunizi, that is true...03:13
Randal1SeaPhor: scunizi would it be better just to wait until Ibex is realeased and try again03:13
roxanXchat::hook_print('Join', sub { return Xchat::EAT_XCHAT if (lc Xchat::get_info('channel') eq '#ubuntu'); return Xchat::EAT_NONE; });03:13
scuniziRandal1, SeaPhor also you could just install ibex now since it's in RC and do the daily updates..03:14
go_beep_yourselfhow can i find out what gid=41 is?03:14
Randal1scunizi: RC?03:14
roxangrep 41 /etc/group03:15
scuniziRandal1, SeaPhor one thing to do on a reinstall is to make sure you create a seperate /home partition for all your date.. that way if you really mess things up and need to reinstall you can without loosing all your data.. I experienced that in the last week with a failed harddrive.03:15
SeaPhorscunizi, that is true...and you can document it that way too03:15
Randal1ok thanks for the help :)03:15
scuniziRandal1, RC=release candidate.. it's the release just before the official release with most of the bugs worked out.03:15
Fezzler1what tells me total ram?  free -t?03:16
Bangersfor some reason, my apach2 httpd.conf file is empty, how can I do a clean reinstall of apache2 so it restores it to default?03:17
roxanFezzler1, free -m03:17
Bangersapt-get remove and install didnt work03:17
linIs anyone here?03:18
roxanBangers, thats the ubuntu way03:18
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:18
Fezzler1says 63003:18
roxanBangers, see apache2.conf03:18
linabout this? how to use?03:18
SeaPhorTY scunizi , for separate home ,,, let me know if this is helpful:  http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=35&Itemid=903:18
roxanlin what do you mean?03:19
Fezzler1I probably have 640 - 2x256 and 1x 12803:20
Fezzler1so what should be my swap file?03:20
roxanFezzler1, you mean ram?03:20
scuniziSeaPhor, similar to what I followed the first time.. basically create a new partition and copy your data to it.. then change fstab to referance the new /home03:20
roxanFezzler1, try with 512 MB of swap03:21
rebel_kidi have a disc with one scratch on it, it works just fine but I cant copy it, how and with what can i copy this disc ignoring the errors03:21
roxanFezzler1, there is no hard and fast rule03:21
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:21
csilk!chinese > lin03:21
ubottulin, please see my private message03:21
SeaPhorscunizi, thanx again, i hope i wasn't stepping on your toes03:22
scuniziSeaPhor, no not at all.03:22
=== corelogik is now known as Corelogik
zmonxevery once in a while, my laptop fan starts, even though I do not work on the laptop at all; "top" shows no suspicious background task. what could cause that?03:23
scunizizmonx, heat03:24
roxanzmonx, he is colling your laptop03:24
musikgoatzmonx: cpu temp?03:24
csilkzmonx, sounds normal03:24
zmonxon login, I see: temp 55 C03:24
zmonx(login via ssh)03:24
roxanzmonx, i would complain if he stops doing so03:24
rebel_kidzmonx, if the laptop is on, it is using power and creating heat, if you are using it, it will create more heat03:24
ubuntuchickahas anyone successfully set up a virtual box or whatever and installed msoffice? would anyone happen to know a super cool !virtualmsoffice linky thing?03:25
zmonxit spins up about every 20 seconds; I understand it should spin once in a while, so I'm mainly looking on how to turn it down a bit.03:25
scuniziubuntuchicka, not with office but that should be trivial.. do you have windows installed in vbox?03:26
SeaPhorzmonx, and if its a vista box,,, then you can bank on it using more than it should!03:26
jmichaelxubuntuchicka: i have vista with msoffice installed on this machine using virtualbox.... but you still need to have licenses for both the windows OS and the office suite03:26
ubuntuchickascunizi: i haven't done anything with a vbox ever.  i just wanted a way to run msoffice so i could sync my winmo phone... i really don't know what i am talking about but i wanted to make sure i was googling in the right direction03:27
zmonxSeaPhor: that's not a very great relief right now, but thanks.03:28
ubuntuchickais vbox separate from virtual machine?03:28
scuniziubuntuchicka, well.. you install vbox then install windows into vbox and activate windows.. then install office just like you normally would.. that easy.03:28
igorshi all..the CTRL+S in my gedit doesn't save anymore, open the Find dialog, anybody knows how can i change it?03:28
jmichaelxubuntuchicka: what does msoffice have to do with a phone?03:28
SeaPhorzmonx, sorry, not bashing windows, just being honest03:29
scuniziubuntuchicka, you could also use vmware.. same sort of thing03:29
jmichaelxinstalling and using vbox is very easy, same is probably so for vmware03:29
roxan!welcome | babaklinux03:29
ubottubabaklinux: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.03:29
=== scott is now known as Jadewolf
babaklinuxwhat command can format my floppy disk?03:30
CorelogikWill someone answer a newb question,...03:30
clockw0rkhi guys03:30
roxan!ask | Corelogik03:30
scunizi!ask | Corelogik03:30
ubottuCorelogik: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:30
ubuntuchickathanks scunizi! jmichaelx, i need to sync my contacts/calendar/tasks/etc preferably to outlook03:30
ubuntuchickascunizi: vmware is a windows running thingy?03:30
JadewolfHi, do you guys know of a dvd encoding program in ubuntu?03:30
CorelogikWhere's the best place to buy an Ubuntu Pre Installed system on a budget, Dell's sales support is clueless,..03:30
scuniziubuntuchicka, just like vbox.. sort of .. same basic capability03:30
clockw0rkjadewolf: DeVeDe03:31
scuniziCorelogik, Dell  is probably it.. order it direct from the website.. you need a link?03:31
jmichaelxubuntuchicka: i am not sure, but i would suspect that there is a chance that you could do the same thing with linux apps03:31
CorelogikNo, thanks have the link,..03:31
babaklinuxwhat command can format my floppydisk?03:31
ubuntuchickascunizi: so would you recommend i check out vmware or vbox first?03:32
scunizibabaklinux, type man fdisk into a terminal for instructions03:32
rebel_kidis there a program or a command to ignore disc reading errors while burning?03:32
superjoe30what would you use a floppy disk for anyways?03:32
CorelogikThe sales agent at Dell tried to tell me that the support packages they offer were for the DVD playback license,..03:32
zmonxubuntuchicka: vbox; it's free and only distroys your disk image rarely03:32
roxanscunizi, i need the link.03:32
scuniziubuntuchicka, vmware is a little more straight forwared.  but vbox offers a nice interface.. you have to get vbox from their site to get usb support03:32
Jadewolfclockw0rk, thanks, I just had an event here at my house and want to encode the avi's to a dvd for giving out to the guests03:33
ubuntuchickajmichaelx: yeah, i have done tons of googling about how to sync with evolution but i am an accounting/finance major and i am going to need excel anyway03:33
scuniziroxan, k.. just a sec03:33
scuniziroxan, http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/ubuntu?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&dgc=IR&cid=11973&lid=47188503:33
CorelogikI'm going to need a laptop and a desktop I can dual head in about another month,...03:34
jmichaelxubuntuchicka: ok gotcha. i use virtualbox and found it to be very easy to use. vmware may be just as eay, i have no idea. if you use virtualbox, you will want to download the version from the website, in order to have usb support03:34
Corelogiktime to retire the Mac's03:34
Randal1when i install things and it gets to a debconf thing the computer always freezes after i try and click foward and when i reopen the window the info is gone03:34
CorelogikI'm looking at about 1500 for both to start then upgrade to dual display, memory and HDD later03:35
ubuntuchickai am going to go check that out. thanks guys!03:35
CorelogikDon't get me wrong, I like my Mac's, but theyre getting old and I cant afford to keep paying apple,..03:36
Randal1when i install things and it gets to a debconf thing the computer always freezes after i try and click foward and when i reopen the window the info is gone so now i have a broken package03:36
upt1mewhois ubuntuchicka03:36
scuniziCorelogik, you might just look at upgrading your motherboard that has a built in dual head nvidia card.. that an a processor I think I saw on tigerdirect for under $16003:36
dVs--hello everyone ..  i just reinstalled ubuntu on this computer, i have / on one partition and /home on another. When i reinstalled my user account set up fine, but when I try to add two other accounts that were on the other partition its giveing me an error about the dir already existing. Can someone tell me how to fix that ?03:37
marcos22alguno sabe como desinstalo el ubuntu de mi maquina?? quiero poner windows vista y me vino con esta garcha03:37
CorelogikiMac G5,.. no upgrading,... time to just get new machines03:37
CorelogikSeaphor, you have a page somewhere or just hang out here?03:38
roxandVs--, because the user's directory already exists on home folder03:38
Randal1how do i fix broken packages exactly?03:38
ubuntuchickaupt1me: what do you mean who am i? i am just another ubuntu noob that's trying to learn more03:38
dVs--roxan:  correct how do i relink them ?03:38
marcos22one knows how to uninstall the ubuntu on my machine? I want to put Windows Vista03:39
dVs--or what do i do  ?03:39
SeaPhorG'night all03:39
Corelogikmarcos22 , run the install disc and reformat?03:39
scunizimarcos22, go to ##windows for windows support03:39
roxandVs--, ahmm go to the home partition rename all the folders that have the user name you were going to create and after creating just shift back03:39
roxanmarcos22, theres windows KB on that03:39
dVs--heh .. k ..03:40
marcos22but I said there was an error in the partition03:40
Randal1how do i fix broken packages exactly?03:40
slevenwhere can  see a list of everyting i can apt-get?03:40
roxandVs--, there may be better way though03:40
roxanRandal1, what do you mean?03:41
Corelogikmarcos22 , unless soemthings changed with Vista, delete the partition, repartition the drive, reformat, install windows, pray,..03:41
dVs--how ?03:41
scunizisleven, you can go to System/Admin/Synaptic package manager.03:41
* Corelogik hasn't used Windows in 8 years,...03:41
roxandVs--, if i ware you i would have done that. there may exists a better way of which i am unaware currently or isn't striking my mind03:41
Randal1roxan: well this debconf thing came up and froze  so i had to force quit the thing and it broke the pakage03:42
dVs--oh ok  ..  naw thats simple enough .. i juust didnt think of it :(03:42
igorshi all..the CTRL+S in my gedit doesn't save anymore, open the Find dialog, anybody knows how can i change it?03:42
roxanRandal1, wait03:42
igorsi've already asked before, sorry...but i really have no idea what to do!03:43
Randal1roxan: like the window goes blank03:43
justin__Anyone able to tell me how to set up a L.A.M.P.?03:44
scunizijustin_, do you have desktop installed?03:44
justin__well it's on unslung03:44
scunizijustin_, ?03:44
superjoe30igors, system->preferences->apperance preferences->interface03:44
roxanjussi01, http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies03:45
=== bruenig_ is now known as bruenig
Corelogikooh, now theres a link I find useful03:45
scuniziroxan, there's an easier way03:45
Randal1k, when i update to ibex when it is released will it probably fix my driver issue with my video card03:45
igorssuperjoe30, i has "editable meu shortcuts keys", i've unchecked now, but how can i change the shortcut now?03:46
justin__I am running ubuntu, but i want to set up a torrent on a linksys wireless operating on linux, can only access it through terminal03:46
ElijahI am trying to get Ubuntu to work with Quickbooks online but it says I need IE 6 or higher? Is there a way to put IE 6 + on Ubuntu?03:47
lufthanzajustin__: rtorrent03:47
superjoe30igors, make them editable, and then I dunno, right click on the toolbar in gedit or something and change it back, and then make them uneditable03:47
roxanElijah, you can use wine but there is firefox addon that can do the same03:47
justin__I'm was trying to get torrentflux to work, but i can't seem to get the web interface to work03:47
RoMeLuKoGod job! :D03:47
scunizijustin_, to install LAMP open Synaptic package manager.. go to edit and choose Mark Packages by Task.. in there you'll be able to put a check mark next to LAMP and install.03:47
Randal1k, when i update to ibex when it is released will it probably fix my driver issue with my video card also when i update do i need to specify during the update for it to update grub03:48
scuniziRandal1, don't do update.. do a reinstall.03:48
roxan!ibex | Randal103:48
ubottuRandal1: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu03:48
lufthanzaI need help setting up an mta to use my yahoo  account to send email03:48
justin__I wish it were that easy, on here i could use synaptic but on the slug i can only use ipkg03:48
Randal1scunizi: how would i do that?03:48
_2roxan why did you call the bot on Randal1 ?03:49
justin__I just don't know how to set up mysql, or phpmyadmin to read php files I guess03:49
scuniziRandal1, download the new iso and burn it.. put it in the cd rom and restart the machine.. on boot it will have an install button after getting to the gui03:49
CorelogikQuestion about running LAMP stack on Linux, after install is there a directory somewhere that serves as web root for url's a browser?03:49
scuniziCorelogik, /var/www03:50
Randal1scunizi: so don't do it through update manger? and i won't lose files or have to repartition?03:50
_2Randal1 short answer to both of your questions.   hopefully and shouldn't.03:50
Corelogikscunizi http://localhost/var/www ?03:50
_2Randal1 just wait until the release date and use the update manager   (assuming it's not broken.)03:51
scuniziRandal1, if you currently have a seperate /home partition then no you won't if you don't format it as part of the install.. if your /home is part and parcel with your root directory now then you'll loose it unless you move it before installing.03:51
justin__i think it's /opt/share/www03:51
FlannelCorelogik: /var/www/ is http://localhost/03:51
scunizijustin_, nope03:51
=== Linuturk_ is now known as Linuturk
Randal1scunizi: ok03:51
FlannelCorelogik: /var/www/index.html is http://localhost/index.html03:52
blackvdI just built a computer off newegg and ordered all the parts and remembered I need a wifi card for it. Given Linux track record with wifi I was wondering if someone could suggest a card that would work well?03:52
CorelogikFlannel, so how would I enter that in a browser to test pages? on my Mac its http://localhost/03:52
roxanRandal1, di you still need to fix the broken package?03:52
Flannelblackvd: Try #ubuntu-offtopic03:52
blackvdFlannel:ok thanks03:52
Randal1also it freezes when i get to this "Debconf on randall-desktop" part on the installation of a package is there anyway to fix this03:52
scuniziCorelogik, same03:52
FlannelCorelogik: You'd put something into /var/www/ and then view it in http://localhost/03:52
Randal1roxan: yes03:52
justin__right I was accessing it on a different server than my own puter03:52
Corelogikah gotcha, thanks03:52
roxanRandal1, i have bad memory and i couldn't remember but sudo dpkg --configure -a is the thing u need03:53
_2!hardware > blackvd03:53
ubottublackvd, please see my private message03:53
scuniziRandal1, maybe.. open synaptic and go to edit then choose Fix Broken Packages03:53
babaklinuxdo this command copy 1 in to the floppy ? dd if=/1 of=/dev/fd003:54
_2babaklinux if file 1 exists in the pwd yes.03:54
Elijahroxan: Does the firefox addon fvully emulate IE?03:54
_2err i mean in  /03:54
Randal1if i fix the package from recovery mode do i need an active internet?03:55
roxanElijah, i think it does. can you search in the addons03:55
scuniziElijah, nothing fully emulates IE.. not even IE5lin03:55
IamSOGI have been trying to View this web page, but my friends tells me there's no way to View OCX under linux... but I wonder   <--- U guys know how to View this ?03:55
roxanRandal1, you can try without internet and come back to internet after it needs new thing03:55
Randal1actually i'll remove the pkg not sure how though03:56
beiubonghi moi nguoi03:56
ElijahI am in the field right now on my non-ubuntu compatible laptop, can anyone test this with a IE emulator in Ubuntu? http://oe.quickbooks.com/buy_now.cfm03:56
Randal1the part it gets stuck on is "Debconf"03:56
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_2babaklinux "if=" translates to "input file is"    so it has to be a file (inode) at the address given.03:56
CorelogikIamSOG , looks like there somethign missing from the page, either some code or some kind of plugin03:56
ElijahI am trying to make a decision for a company very far away03:56
roxanRandal1, did you tried dpkg --configure -a03:57
ElijahThe link will just say your browser is not compatible ... you need IE 6+03:57
IamSOGCorelogik it's not missing, just need um.. OCX03:57
slevencan i do something to get the PID of the terminal i have open (say i ahev several open)?03:57
Randal1roxan: dpkg: status database area is locked by another process03:58
scuniziElijah, that's because it requires directx and probably some custom asp programming.. I go to several sites like that and as a result need windows installed in a VM.  Makes me mad but not much to do about it.03:58
_2babaklinux aslo the file will be writen "raw" to the "of="  which translates to "output file is"  and in the example you gave the file /dev/fd0 is the "floppy disk device"03:58
scuniziRandal1, try again after closing synaptic03:58
CorelogikElijah , probably requires some srt of Active X control, thats specific to IE03:58
flemota#ubuntu-es #ubuntu-ar03:58
ElijahI wish quickbooks online would just work in more bloody browsers than IE 603:58
roxanRandal1, then another process is doing it. ya close all synaptic, apt-get aptitude and all03:58
slevenE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:59
Randal1scunizi: all i have open is update manager? and it won't really close03:59
slevenvery annoying, how do i get rido fthat?03:59
scuniziRandal1, that's what you need to close03:59
roxanRandal1, you can do killall -9 udpate-manager03:59
ElijahHmm, maybe I can just run their old version of quickbooks in Wine03:59
bastid_raZorsleven; either you need to use sudo or close some other program using your update manager .. synaptic or aptitude or apt-get04:00
tarelerulz1Is there any way to read .mkv tagging system in say nautilus ?04:00
scuniziElijah, remember win2k & pro don't need activation for installation in a vm04:00
_2roxan OUCH  -9  ?     will plain killall not do it ?04:00
roxan_2 it can04:01
Elijahscunizi: All they have is an upgrade disk and the OS boot drive just failed big time (loud noises), can't even buy Pro anymore can you?04:01
_2roxan well good habit would be use as little force as you can to kill things, so they can clean up after themselves04:02
Elijahscunizi: I did not know pro and 2000 didnt need activation in a VM though! Thank04:02
CorelogikElijah , http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2571830&Sku=M17-7503&SRCCODE=WEBGOOSOFT&cm_mmc_o=7BBTkwCjC-p8ByplCjCabTwyKbywgfCjCmH404:02
roxan_2, well instead of saying do killall then again do killall -2 then angain dillall -10 then again killall -15 then finally killall -9 is better than to say do killall -9 atleast in irc04:03
_2roxan i mean while it's true that   sudo kill -9 -1   will indeed. close a stuck terminal.   it is usually far more than you need.     but i'll not debate it here.04:04
roxan_2, i agree with you.04:04
theJKHHey guys i got WINE and i reinstalled Counter Strike Source now twice! and everytime i join a gam or make one i get the error04:04
ElijahCorelogik: thanks a bunch04:04
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases04:04
babaklinux_2: I have a folder on my desktop to the name of sky and now I'm here baber@baber-desktop:~/Desktop$  but when I type this command dd if=/sky of=/dev/fd0  this error appear dd: opening `/sky': No such file or directory04:04
theJKHSerevr is enforceing consistancy for this file04:05
roxanbabaklinux, that path would be ~/Desktop/sky04:05
scuniziElijah, that is win2kpro04:05
_2babaklinux there is no /sky on your system.    think about it.    (path is the answer)04:06
CorelogikElijah , you're welcome04:06
babaklinuxroxan: now I'm here  baber@baber-desktop:~/Desktop/sky$  but that error appear dd: opening `/sky': No such file or directory04:07
slevenis Ctrl-d bad close? like in python it has quit(), is that better or it doesnt matter?04:07
_2babaklinux   example.   ls / | grep sky      and also.  ls ./ | grep sky04:07
_2babaklinux incorrect path.04:07
_2babaklinux path is the answer.    you are telling it not to look in /home/baber/Desktop/   but rather in /    they are not the same.04:08
_2babaklinux also you don't use dd on directories.04:09
_2fundamental error there also.04:09
Bit_Breaker No suitable module for running kernel found. For Virtualbox-ose on ubuntu 8.10 2.6-2404:10
Bit_Breakercan someone help04:10
Bit_Breakeror is it a bug?04:10
LLI'm scanning in a bunch of old photos into F-Spot, but F-Spot change date doesn't actually save it to the file, so if I copy the pictures over to another computer the date is wrong... how can I physically change the date of these files, so that they appear in the right timeline?04:10
_2Bit_Breaker maybe ask in #ubuntu+104:10
scuniziBit_Breaker, open synaptic package manager and search for virtualbox.. you'll see the guest kernel mods there.. pick the one that matches your kernel (highest number) and install04:11
Bit_Breakerahh. thank you scunizi04:12
scuniziLL  google a program called Mapivi.. much better manipulation of exif data and dates and such04:12
scuniziBit_Breaker, np04:12
madwhoanybody could help me to set keyboard layouts ??04:12
madwhoin xubuntu 8.1004:13
madwhotryed dpkg-reconfigure console-setup04:13
n8tuser1madwho-> ask in #ubuntu+104:13
madwhook thnx04:13
baby-dhey i need help....what is the lost and found folder for?04:13
_2madwho i thought it was console-data ?04:14
babaklinux_2: now what do I have to do? I  have to copy iir_btld.img on flopy disk but it can not work04:14
slevenrm nevers asks if i really want to delete a file. is it permanently lost if i erase a file by mistake?04:14
Bit_Breakerscunizi i386 vs generic? arent they the same?04:14
scunizisleven, yep04:14
Bit_Breakerplease xplain04:14
baby-dany one know what the lost and found folder is?04:14
Elijahscunizi: What is the shred program for then?04:14
scuniziBit_Breaker, your kernel will be listed as either generic or i386.. basically the same but the two files have to match04:15
scuniziElijah, shred?  or shared?04:15
Bit_Breakerok i do uname -r but dont see difference04:15
_2babaklinux cd ;find . -iname iir_btld.img -exec dd if='{}' of=/dev/fd0 \;04:15
Bit_Breakeroops it generic04:15
LLscunizi, thanks I'll give it a shot04:15
Elijahscunizi: Isn't there a shred or tear or something like program?04:15
_2babaklinux you may need sudo also... i'll repost with sudo04:16
_2babaklinux cd ;find . -iname iir_btld.img -exec sudo dd if='{}' of=/dev/fd0 \;04:16
scuniziElijah, for erasing things on the HD?04:16
Elijahin the cli? Yes to erase04:16
n8tuser1Elijah-> yes there is shred, but you may have to install it if you dont have it04:16
Randallk, so upon startup "Starting Winbind daemon" fails how do i fix this?04:17
qbmaniacI just got a dell laptop with ubuntu, and it doesn't detect my wireless... it was working great yesterday, today right now it dissappeared... like if i had no card... anyone had this issue?04:17
scuniziElijah, yea there are.. milspec in fact. overwrites with 0's 3+ times to insure .. but for the life of me I can't remember the name04:17
Randallalso, how do i check my system for errors?04:17
ElijahSo what is Shred for if RM is there?04:17
SegFaultAXshred is a data destroyer04:17
n8tuser1Elijah-> man shred please04:17
scuniziElijah, I have no idea.. never used it04:17
ElijahIt must mean the data can still be recovered if a RM command is used04:17
_2shred is in coreutils04:17
scuniziElijah, could be04:18
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html04:18
Flannelbut yes, use shred.04:18
Randallk, so upon startup "Starting Winbind daemon" fails how do i fix this? also how do i check my system for errors?04:18
SegFaultAXwhen you delete a file, the clusters it occupies are simply marked as free, but the data remains until the space is allocated to something else04:18
ElijahVery nice!04:18
pureworldHello, there.04:19
ElijahThat is exactly the link I was looking for Flannel04:19
SegFaultAXshred destroys the data by zeroing out the space it occupied, or filling it with other data04:19
scuniziElijah, don't forget ~/.thumbnails  pics of most everything04:19
pureworldCould anyone help out?04:19
CorelogikIs 8.04 still lacking in support for ATI cards?04:19
scunizi!ask | pureworld04:19
ubottupureworld: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:19
ElijahSo sleven, there is still hope if you stop using your disk shortly after the RM comman was used!04:19
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pureworldI recently installed Hardy on my desktop of Quad Core 6600.04:20
scunizipureworld, congrats04:20
Bit_Breakerim back04:20
Bit_Breakerthanx scunizi04:20
scuniziBit_Breaker, np :-)04:20
pureworldWhen I see the cpu usage( like top) the cpu usage doesn't goes to full when I load bunch of programs.04:21
scunizipureworld, must be working nicely04:21
slevenis there a rm-command that asks for confirmation before deleting?04:21
Bit_Breakerhow do i remove unwanted versions from my menu.lst?04:21
pureworldIs there any thing that i have to tune for mutiple core cpu?04:21
slevenor can i set it to?04:21
SegFaultAXsleven: man rm04:21
Randallk, so upon startup "Starting Winbind daemon" fails how do i fix this? also how do i check my system for errors?04:21
SegFaultAXsleven: but generally the -i option04:21
pixelatedBit_Breaker, use a text editor04:22
n8tuser1sleven-> put a symlink  for rm to rm -i04:22
_2you can't symlink an option.  but you can alias them04:23
n8tuser1sleven-> rather an alias04:23
Randallhow do i check my system for errors?04:23
r00t_How do i fix this? W: Failed to fetch http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/ubuntu/dists/feisty/screenlets/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found04:23
scuniziBit_Breaker, you talking about older kernels?  uninstall them from synaptic  .. if you simply edit menu.lst then the drive space isn't freed04:23
SegFaultAXRandall: what type of errors?04:23
Bit_Breakerwhere do i make the changes ?04:23
TiMiDor00t_, the error is pretty clear.04:23
TiMiDothe url must be down. or something r00t_04:23
pixelatedRandall, man fsck04:23
Bit_Breakercd vcs04:23
slevenElijah: what is the disk in this scenario? my harddrive?04:24
trumpetmicanyone know how to fix ati video flicker?  I searched the forums and couldn't find anything that worked04:24
=== TiMiDo is now known as kill-9
_2Bit_Breaker grub menu ?04:24
SegFaultAXpixelated: for filesystem inconsistencies only04:24
RandallSegFaultAX: well errors in general...but particularly why winbind daemon dinblind fails on startup and why my driver for my video card won't work04:24
babaklinux_2: excuse me what do this command ?   cd ;find . -iname iir_btld.img -exec sudo dd if='{}' of=/dev/fd0 \;04:24
nick_hey all I want to create my own web sit but what opensource program can I use and were is some good info on someone to learn?04:24
_2Bit_Breaker removing the extra kernels  should remove their entries in "/boot/grub/menu.lst" also04:24
_2Bit_Breaker use the packagemanager04:25
SegFaultAXnick_: this is not the channel for that, try #django04:25
nick_ok thanks04:25
SegFaultAXsleven: symbolic link04:25
trumpetmicis ubuntu known for having issues with ati?04:25
RandallSegFaultAX: well errors in general...but particularly why winbind daemon dinblind fails on startup and why my driver for my video card won't work04:25
babaklinux_2: I confused I don't know what to do for solve this problem?04:26
Bit_Breakerthanx 204:26
scunizitrumpetmic, all things linux have issues with ati04:26
trumpetmicscunizi: disappointing... so nvidia is the way eh?04:26
scunizitrumpetmic, yep04:27
trumpetmicanyone know where to find a good deal on a pcie nv card?04:27
baby-dif my comp fails to start up right away and it takes it two to three times to load up is it the partition or the computer?04:27
* trumpetmic hops on denver craigslist04:27
SegFaultAXtrumpetmic: newegg.com04:27
_2babaklinux did you run the command ?04:27
trumpetmicthanks SegFaultAX04:27
scunizitrumpetmic, tigerdirect04:27
trumpetmicthanks scunizi04:27
Corelogiktigerdirect or newegg has good deals.04:28
babaklinux_2: this command ?   cd ;find . -iname iir_btld.img -exec sudo dd if='{}' of=/dev/fd0 \;04:28
SegFaultAXbaby-d: sounds like hardware failure04:28
_2babaklinux yes that command04:28
RandallSegFaultAX: well errors in general...but particularly why winbind daemon dinblind fails on startup and why my driver for my video card won't work04:28
baby-dim new to running my own comp and this linnux stuff04:28
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babaklinux_2: yes not error and go here root@baber-desktop:~#04:28
baby-dthanks SegFaulttax04:28
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baby-dso is that why this lost and found folder appeared?04:29
Bit_Breakerdo i have to change menu,lst as well?04:29
_2babaklinux </blinks>   surely you jest ?       type exit, and try it without the sudo.04:29
scuniziBit_Breaker, no04:30
SegFaultAXBit_Breaker: its always good to keep your grub menu in good order so you dont attempt to load a kernel that isnt installed04:30
Randallhow do i check for general errors on my system (not files)04:30
scuniziSegFaultAX, if Bit_Breaker uninstalls unneeded kernels grub will automatically be updated to reflect that04:31
_2Randall read the log file04:31
Bit_Breakerahh i see04:31
Bit_Breakerthis is absolutely cool04:31
Bit_Breakerim never using window again04:31
Randall_2: I don't really understand it and i'm trying to fix certain problems04:32
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SegFaultAXscunizi: depends on how grub is configured, but in general, yes04:32
Bit_Breakerlol.. i like this freedom .. its overwelming04:32
Bit_Breaker< using ubuntu for 1 year now04:32
RyanPriorBit_Breaker: But You Haven't Seen How Great Windows 7 Is Going To Be.  !!!.04:32
_2Randall what problems?  and is the on hardy or intreped ?04:32
Bit_Breakerit doesnt matter04:32
Bit_Breakerill wait and see .. were u ‌being sarcastic?04:33
Guest64811i have wubi, is there a way to make my wubi a full install of Ubuntu and make it my main OS04:33
Freelancer86small question, has anyone tried the new live usb creator app in 8.10?04:33
SegFaultAXRyanPrior: ironically windows 7 is being developed by unix junkies04:33
n8tuser1Freelancer86->  ask in #ubuntu+104:33
Bit_Breakerlol@ Unix junkies04:33
pixelatedmaybe it will work?04:33
Randall_2: It's on hardy (1) starting winblind daemon winblind fails on startup (2) driver for video card doesn't work04:33
RyanPriorSegFaultAX: ironically the whole NT kernel was developed by unix junkies. But, if you wanna discuss it, love to take you to #ubuntu-offtopic or ##windows04:34
babaklinux_2: without sudo this message appear  http://www.binpaste.com/v.php?id=edidr04:34
Guest64811can i make the wubi install my main OS?04:34
Randall_2: It's on hardy (1) starting winblind daemon winblind fails on startup (2) driver for video card doesn't work04:35
_2Randall set the startup script for win<whatever> to verbose and have it log the output to a file.   as per the vidio chip/module  that's out of my realm04:35
Bit_Breakeruhh.. ok  Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall.04:35
Bit_Breakerbut wait theres more04:35
Bit_Breakervirtualbox-ose is already the newest version04:35
RandallDoes anyone here know how to get a Nvidia Geforce4: MX 420 working on hardy heron04:36
Bit_Breakeran error on my part i believ04:36
Bit_Breakerwow i had trouble with that card earlier today04:36
Bit_Breakeron windows however04:36
Bit_Breakeru have a Dell 8200?04:36
_2babaklinux i get nothing from that url.   http://www.binpaste.com/v.php?id=edidr   contains nothing a can read.04:36
geremyHola all, still looking for help with the intel 945's tv out capability- any assistence would be much appreciated04:37
Bit_Breakeri would enable restricted drivers >> System>Hardware Drivers04:37
Guest64811Can i make Wubi bigger?04:38
babaklinux_2:  can you see this ?  http://www.binpaste.com/v.php?id=edidr04:38
Guest64811i have a wubi install, can i do more with it?04:38
_2babaklinux no it's the same page.04:38
sp00nHi, I don't know where I should ask or go for information for this, but I went to install a program that depends on qt4 and I wasn't sure what package from the repos that would be, so I downloaded the source from sourceforge & I'm compiling it myself but it's been about six hours...should it be taking that long or do I have bad options set for gcc or something?04:38
trumpetmicdoes anyone know of a way to stop ati video flicker?04:38
_2babaklinux what i mean is i get the page   but there is no "paste" on it.   nothing to read.04:39
RandallDoes anyone here know how to get a Nvidia Geforce4: MX 420 working on hardy heron04:39
babaklinux_2:  this is  2880+0 records in04:40
babaklinux2880+0 records out04:40
babaklinux1474560 bytes (1.5 MB) copied, 0.00647153 s, 228 MB/s04:40
babaklinux2880+0 records in04:40
babaklinux2880+0 records out04:40
babaklinux1474560 bytes (1.5 MB) copied, 0.00593688 s, 248 MB/s04:40
FloodBot1babaklinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:40
Bit_BreakerRandell: Check System> hardware drivers04:40
_2babaklinux  ok.  you have copied the file to the floppy disk.04:40
_2babaklinux that is normal output for dd04:41
RyanPrior!hi | flishlee04:41
ubottuflishlee: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:41
Bit_Breakerhow can i use netcat an dd to backup my Ubuntu box04:41
RandallBit_Breaker: when i do that and restart it says it needs to load in "low-res mode" and messes my resolution up04:41
xcercawhere can i find new panel applets ?04:41
babaklinux_2:  but when I openn floppy disk there is  no file in it04:41
chetnicki saw the new version of vlc player on windows, it looks much better than old one. How can i try to update my vlc on ubuntu?04:41
_2babaklinux one other thing to remember.   generally speaking, in linux "no error message" means "no error occured"04:42
_2babaklinux i can't help what was in the .img file.   but you did copy it to the disk.04:42
xcercachetnick , do sudo at-get reninstall vlc04:43
xcercaor remove then install04:43
babaklinux_2:  can you see this? http://ftp.sco.com/pub/openserver5/507/drivers/iir_507b/iir_readme.txt04:43
_2babaklinux or at least to /dev/fd004:43
xcercaactually i think it's sudo aptitude reinstall vlc04:44
Bit_Breakeri have issues with Virtualbox -ose04:44
babaklinux_2:  did you see that?04:44
_2babaklinux sure.04:44
xcercabut if you just run apt-get update and there is a new version then it will show you in the update manager04:44
pixelatedBit_Breaker, me too, but when i get a new machhine they will be fixed :')04:44
Bit_Breakeri installed kernel modules through sypnaptic manager, and i get wierd message when starting it from term04:45
pixelatedwhat error?04:45
chetnickxcerca: thanks, i already ran sudo apt-get update, i will try one of the two suggestions you gave me :)04:45
Bit_BreakerCould not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall.04:45
pixelateddid you reinstall?04:46
type_tsp00n its usual to take so long have you compiled that long before.?04:46
erbican somebody help me with extracting contents of .iso into my external HD ?04:46
Bit_Breakeri do an install and then it tells me newest version is already installed04:46
sp00ntype_t: I have not seen compile times like that that weren't recompiling kernel or something.04:46
pixelatedwhat bout reinstall?04:46
Bit_Breakeri did04:47
pixelatedstill says it?04:47
SegFaultAXerbi: man mount04:47
Bit_Breakerno good should i disable then re-enable modules?04:47
sp00ntype_t: as long as that does seem normal for compiling a package like Qt, I didn't want to have to go through all my compile settings04:47
SegFaultAXsp00n: try compiling open office, its an experience believe me04:48
RandallDoes anyone here know how to get a Nvidia Geforce4: MX 420 working on hardy heron? I already tried restricted drivers04:49
type_tits a good thing if you let it be for a while. unless it totally seems fedup.04:49
PeterByehow do I find out what wireless driver I'm using and then configure kismet using that information04:49
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babaklinux_2:  did you read?04:49
slevenis it possible to copy text from windows to vmware-ubuntu? it doesnt seem to work for me...04:50
Spets!PeterBye "lshw -C network"04:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:50
Oculusx9Does anyone know how to reset monitor contrast? I was playing tetris and pressed something on the keyboard and it inverted the colors.04:50
PeterByeSpets, thanks trying it now04:50
TardisHi! I have a shell account that i can use irssi with, but there is probblems with certain letters (i use swedish charters) anyone know how this is working ?04:50
SpetsTardis: change to UTF-804:51
geremystill looking for help with the intel 945's tv out capability- any assistence would be much appreciated04:51
_2babaklinux that howto is very streight forward.  (even though the author suggested formatting the floppy for no apparent reason)   what exactly is the issue you are now having ?04:52
TardisSpets, shall i do this in irssi or my ssh client ?04:52
SpetsTardis: irrsi04:53
babaklinux_2: I want use that structure for make raid disk04:53
FlannelTardis: both.  And screen if you're using it (start it with -U)04:53
_2babaklinux and it's probably old seeing that it suggests floppy disk usage in a season that almost nothing uses floppies now.04:53
Bit_Breakerim tired04:53
Spets:Tardis:  /SET term_type utf-804:53
RandallDoes anyone here know how to get a Nvidia Geforce4: MX 420 working on hardy heron04:54
SpetsRandall: you have to crank it by hand04:54
RandallSpets: probably04:54
SpetsRandall: on a serious note i believe the legacy driver will work04:54
babaklinux_2: your mean is I don't use floppy disk for make raid disk?04:55
Bit_Breakerhey _204:55
RandallSpets: can you explain how to me as well as if there is conflicting packages which i will need to uninstall04:55
Bit_Breakerany ideas for virtualbox troubles04:55
SpetsRandall: depens on what you have installed. I think nvida-legacy will remove it for you04:56
RandallSpets: what happens is that when i enable it from hardware drivers and restart it tells me i need to run ubuntu in low-graphics mode04:56
pixelatedBit_Breaker, have a pastbin of the terminal output when you run it?04:56
RandallSpets: what command do i run i terminal to make sure i have nvidia-legacy installed04:56
TardisSpets & Flannel: I am using SecPanel... So before i start irssi i shall type  /SET term_type utf-8 ?04:56
Bit_Breakergimme a sec04:56
SpetsRandall: were you expecting high-grapics perhaps?04:56
Bit_BreakerHow do i pastebin?04:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:56
Spets!pastebin | Bit_Breaker04:57
ubottuBit_Breaker: please see above04:57
RandallSpets: pretty much because that never came up even when i enabled it on 7.1004:57
SpetsRandall: and now you are using?04:57
babaklinux_2:  is this output means iir_btld.img has copy on floppy disk?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/63513/04:57
SpetsRandall: i had some problems with MX 440 on 7.10 and earlier04:58
havok88@find serj tankian04:58
RandallSpets: 8.04, but my GRUB menu didn't update and i'm not sure if somewhere in the update process i need to specify it to update04:58
havok88hah oops04:58
RandallSpets: though i am sure i am on Hardy04:58
Tardisnormally i type "irssi -h [my vhost] can i combine this 2 commands then ?04:58
Spetsman irssi04:59
Bit_Breakerhere u are pixel04:59
RandallSpets: how would i check if i have my driver for it installed properly04:59
Bit_Breakerthanks for the advice Spets04:59
_2babaklinux this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/1140305:01
SpetsBit_Breaker: Sudo lshw -C display05:01
* _2 <shruggs>05:01
=== kano_ is now known as Kanito
RandallSpets: how would i check if i have my driver for it installed properly05:01
Spetsthat wasnt it?05:01
Kanitohow can i reload sound drivers?05:01
theJKHHey guys REALLY EASY question how do i edit the applacations menu i uninstalled some stuff but there still there in the menu05:01
theJKHAny help would be appreceated05:01
_2gconfedit theJKH05:02
FlanneltheJKH: right click it and hit "edit"05:02
bruenigtheJKH: /usr/share/applications05:02
SpetstheJKH: left click and select Edit Menus05:02
Kanitohow can i restart alsa drivers?05:02
bruenigthen a text editor05:02
_2gconf-editor theJKH05:02
pixelatedBit_Breaker, and when you use reinstall instead of install?05:03
babaklinux_2: I do these steps ?05:03
theJKHi tried uninstalling wine but its still there in the applacations meu05:03
bruenigtheJKH: wine creates stupid entries in the home directory because it is stupid05:03
FlanneltheJKH: you need to purge the package (or "complete removal" in synaptic)05:03
_2babaklinux that would be a script i made from the "howto" you posted.05:03
bruenigFlannel: purging shan't remove those created home dir entries05:03
Bit_Breakerwill do pixel05:04
Flannelbruenig: It'll remove the wine thing, but not the entries for the programs installed in wine05:04
_2babaklinux if you ran that script it would do everything that you can do from the present system. including telling the next steps.05:04
_2babaklinux that's all i can do for you on that.05:04
=== andersson is now known as Andersson-Swe
babaklinux_2: I'm very confused first step is make floppy disk now I don't know it maked or not?05:05
ElijahAnybody here taken the Ubuntu Certification courses?05:05
Kanitohow can i reload sound drivers?05:05
SpetsElijah: whats that? link05:05
genesismachineI just installed 8.10 on my 2,1 generation Macbook and the right click is now mapped to the down arrow instead of the right apple. Middle click is mapped to who knows what, when it should've been mapped to the enter key. I have right set to 108 and middle to 116, which worked fine as of 8.04...05:05
genesismachineSo anyone have a macbook and have this issue?05:06
ElijahSpets: http://ubuntu.savoirfairelinux.com/elearning/05:06
Kanitoedit xorg.conf05:06
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:06
theJKHOkay now im reinstalling it05:06
Spetsgenesismachine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam05:06
ElijahSpets: It was linked to directly from Ubuntu.com -- http://www.ubuntu.com/training/e-learning05:06
theJKHSo anyone know where i can find wine but in a deb file05:06
theJKHthew newst wine in a deb file05:06
Kanitohow can i reload sound drivers? :/05:07
freetownElijah, ugh....LPI??!?!05:07
FlanneltheJKH: winehq has a repository05:07
ElijahWhat is LPI?05:07
Bit_Breakerhere spets05:07
SpetsElijah: i did become "ubuntero" yesterday, that was quite fun05:07
theJKHbecuase its an old version in symnaptic05:07
ElijahWhat is "Ubuntero"05:07
Bit_Breakerlol im an ubuntero 2 :-)05:07
freetownElijah, a rubbish certificate from 'Linux Professional Institute'05:07
Bit_Breakerits a title from launchpad05:07
Flannelfreetown: That's nonsense.05:07
Flannel!ubuntero | Elijah05:07
ubottuElijah: To become an Ubuntero on Launchpad you need to sign the Code of Conduct.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto05:07
ElijahI just want to learn how to use everything FAST05:08
Bit_Breakerlol@ elijah05:08
ElijahI wouldn't mind paying some $$ since it is free anyhow05:08
mengqinglinhow to install chinese input05:08
Bit_Breakerwith great  power come great reponsibilty05:08
freetownFlannel, HA! I am sorry but stupid questions like how swap I should configure and an answer of 2xRAM don't cut it05:08
ElijahLinux is the way of the future05:08
Flannelfreetown: Please take offtopic discussions elsewhere.  This is a support channel.05:08
Bit_Breakerit takes time to become a foo master Elijah05:08
csilkElijah,  nothing that is really worth learning (tech wise) can be learnt fast05:09
ElijahI still have issues, I can't even get my Sprint EVDO U727 modem to work with U buntu05:09
SpetsElijah: its accepting the code of conduct over at launchpad. But they make it so that its a quiz/puzzle05:09
Bit_Breakerok back to bug hunting then05:09
FlannelSpets: No it's not.05:09
ElijahSo what did you guys do to become Ubuntero05:09
FlannelElijah: Have you tried intrepid?  It has improved evdo support05:09
FlannelElijah: Read the link ubottu gave you.05:09
SpetsFlannel: yeah, well...05:09
Bit_Breakerwe joined launchpad05:09
Bit_Breakerand setup gpg keys05:09
Bit_Breakerafter that the world is yours05:10
Bit_Breakerok im off05:10
jshrivergreetings, how do I specify my monitor attributes? (manually, not detect) as it's not detecting correctly05:10
ElijahFlannel - I glanced at it, its something about security and keys05:10
jshriverI tried Screen resolution, but it's only allowing up to 800x60005:11
jshriverand offers no way to specify what monitor I have05:11
ElijahBit_Breaker: Right but there has to ba a way to speed up my learning process, I mean googling for things when I need them is great but ya know, kinda slow.05:11
ElijahMaybe I should join a Linux Meetup group05:11
FlannelElijah: don't google, use help.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com/community/05:12
pixelatedgoogle them before you need them...05:12
ElijahOk, so the certification program I linked to is lame?05:12
FlannelElijah: That's offtopic.  But certification generally isn't a way to learn.  You might ask about it more in #ubuntu-offtopic05:12
Geoffrey2hi folks, I'm back after some time off to once again try and make my notebook's internal wireless see my wireless router like it used to...anyone who can help?  And please don't tell me to google it or direct me to a wiki..tried them, doesn't change anything05:13
DaveKongIs there some reasoning behind why most of the default folders and files are lowercase then the "home/user/" are capitalized along with a few others?05:13
FlannelDaveKong: the folders in home user?05:14
theJKHHey guys would counter stike source run in windows xp in a virtal machine05:14
theJKHunder ubuntu05:14
theJKHand xp as guest05:14
DaveKongFlannel, home/someusername05:14
DaveKonglike home/davekong05:15
DaveKongguess could just say the /home folders05:15
ElijahFlannel: good point05:15
pixelatedDaveKong, the / dirs are lower case for historical reasons, the subfolders in the user directories are capitalized because it is 'proper'05:15
bugalooguys... does anybody know how to disable the nautilus auto completion? also disable it on "alt+f2" feature?05:17
Daisuke_IdotheJKH: i wouldn't expect good performance, if it runs at all05:17
Geoffrey2theJKH, any program that runs in Windows XP will, as far as I know, run in XP within a virtual machine...the question would be how sluggish graphics intensive games like counter strike would be....05:18
theJKHI just couldnt get it to work in wine05:18
theJKHand i wish i could of:(05:18
DaveKongpixelated, proper according to what standard?05:18
theJKHSerevr is enforceing consistancy for this file error kept comign up05:18
theJKHand coudldnt find a fi05:18
pixelatedproper english05:18
Daisuke_IdoGeoffrey2: exactly, i'm pretty sure cs:s requires acceleration to be able to play, which VMs can't really provide05:19
dublpawsbugaloo: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts05:19
bugaloodublpaws: trying...05:19
bugaloodublpaws: then what?05:19
DaveKongpixelated, or in other words, who says that it is proper?05:20
Geoffrey2Daisuke_Ido, that, and keep in mind the vm/XP combo is putting extra layers between the game and the video card driver05:20
bugaloodublpaws: I dont think it is a shortcut what I'm trying to do05:20
Daisuke_IdoGeoffrey2: yep.  so in short, i don't even know if it WOULD work, let alone work well.05:20
pixelatedDaveKong, why are you DaveKong and not davekong?05:21
Daisuke_Idopixelated: because it's irc and you can have pretty much any nick you want05:21
DaveKongpixleated, looks better to me... I was wondering if it is part of some naming standard of GNU/Linux or Human or something like that05:22
kc8pxyhow do i turn off compiz?05:22
dublpawsbugaloo: there's also $gconf-editor, which is like regedit05:22
pixelatedDaisuke_Ido, and given the choice the capitalization looks better and easier to rea05:22
frogscottneed help my mozilla crashes everytime I run a video on it05:22
Geoffrey2wireless apparently remains the great mystery of Ubuntu operating systems05:22
bugaloodublpaws: I found it, but I couldn't find where to change a value to that05:22
frogscottGeoffrey I know someone who has configured everything wirelessly05:23
Daisuke_Idoi've got a desktop and a laptop in the house both running wirelessly, no great mystery05:23
Daisuke_Idocertain chipsets are a pain,, but those are getting fewer with each release.05:23
Geoffrey2except when it doesn't work, and nobody seems to have an inkling of how to make it work....05:24
DaveKongpixelated, programmers have naming standards often to make apps work better with each other and things easier to find stuff like that05:24
g_Does anyone know what the highest file compression that is possible in linux?05:24
DaveKongpixelated, so I thought maybe it had to do with something like that05:24
Daisuke_Idoactually it is05:24
rwwGeoffrey2: most of the times when wireless cards don't work, they're from a crappy closed-source vendor who actively refuses to cooperate with efforts to write Linux wireless drivers.05:24
frogscottGeoffrey first off make sure your wireless router and your modem are set up right what type of router?05:24
freetowng_, try bzip205:25
DaveKongpixelated, or if changing things might make apps try to install things in the wrong place if they use any of those folders05:25
frogscottneed help my mozilla crashes everytime I run a video on it05:25
g_which is higher 7zip or Bzip2?05:25
kc8pxyrww: not even with fwcutter?05:25
Daisuke_Idoi think freedesktop's standard calls for Desktop, Documents, etc. for compatibility between desktop environments05:25
Gneag_: bzip205:25
Geoffrey2rww, in my case...the wireless was working fine, had been working fine since Hardy came out, then all of a sudden one day stopped seeing anything...since then, all attempts on here to find out if my card's simply dead or if it's something I can fix have pretty much been met with total silence05:26
Daisuke_Idocheck the hardware switch, is it seen by lspci, two places to start05:27
Geoffrey2it's a Dell Inspiron 6000....Broadcom BCM4311 [Airforce 54g) is what lspci detects it as....the Wi/Fi light is lit, and it shows up when I run ifconfig05:29
freetownhello all...where is the setting for ubuntu to use lilo/grub stored?05:30
csilkfreetown, /boot/grub ?05:30
csilkdepends specifically what your looking for05:31
Geoffrey2wlan0.....UP, BROADCAST, MULTICAST05:31
PeterByethere's a new update for hardy that was just released ?05:31
csilkGeoffrey2,  did this happen after an update?05:31
csilkor some other event?05:31
csilkPeterBye, yes05:31
freetowncsilk,  i am not asking for the lcoation of grub configuratoin files.05:31
PeterByeI see one of the updates as linux-headers-2.6.24-21 but I already have that kernel05:31
PeterByecsilk, thank you for replying05:31
LF|IrssiHi im having probs trying to get this .sh script working on a cron, it's not chmod'ing 777 the chat3.html file like it's supposed to heres the paste http://pastebin.com/d7b30dbf805:32
csilkPeterBye, they are just kernel security updates and a few minor bug fixes for thunderbird and gtk libs05:32
=== cens0red is now known as DefamedPrawn
PeterByecsilk, is there a place I can read about these updates before they are released ?05:32
PeterByecsilk, for example, did you know about them before they were released just now ?05:33
Gneafreetown: what are you asking for?05:33
csilkPeterBye, not officially as far as I know, unless you follow the mailing list or talk with package maintainers and developers05:33
Bit_Breakeri filed a bug guys05:33
PeterByecsilk, ok thanks man05:33
csilkBit_Breaker, link/05:34
Geoffrey2csilk, actually, rather strange how it did happen.....on my laptop Ubuntu is suffering from the low resolution logon screen bug.....I tried switching to a plain login screen and found it went so far off my monitor that I couldn't even see the text boxes...somehow, after a lot of button hitting, I managed to get logged in, switched back to the Human interface, and restarted...from that moment on, the onboard wireless won't see any r05:34
Geoffrey2outer at all05:34
Bit_Breakerseeya i have to get up for work in 3hrs05:34
Bit_Breakerok csilk05:34
csilkGeoffrey2,  that's pretty strange, I know it' a lame suggestion but have you tried re-insatlling the kernel module /driver?05:35
LF|Irssiim having probs trying to get this .sh script working on a cron, it's not chmod'ing 777 the chat3.html file like it's supposed to heres the paste http://pastebin.com/d7b30dbf805:35
theJKHHey guys how di i gain ROOT access with useing file browser05:35
Geoffrey2csilk, how about completely reinstalling the operating system from the CD......did that, no change05:35
theJKHso i can do stuf with root acess in the file browser05:35
csilktheJKH, terminal, sudo nautilus05:35
pixelatedLF|Irssi, did you try the chmod first the chown?05:36
csilkGeoffrey2, that's pretty extreme05:36
freetownGnea, long story...need to install nvidia driver but whatever script dpkg is running is looking for lilo but i want grub and lilo is busted anyway...i've purged lilo right now...05:36
GneaLF|Irssi: and it's being run as root?05:36
LF|IrssiGnea: yep05:36
Gneafreetown: how are you installing the nvidia driver? from the website or from the supported ubuntu repository?05:37
theJKHThank you but i want to be able to get into my home folder05:37
csilktheJKH,  you can05:37
csilkjust navigate to it05:37
LF|Irssiwell its a crontab -e using root terminal05:37
GundamDudeXHi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out? When I installed Ubuntu, I did not have to install a video card driver and the OS was able to run fine graphically, but then I decided to be a jackass and tried to choose a driver using the Screens and Graphics application..can anyone tell me how I might reverse this process???05:37
freetownvia synaptic...this ain't your normal ubuntu install too05:37
freetownGnea, via synaptic...this ain't your normal ubuntu install too05:37
theJKHdoesnt show05:37
theJKHjus the root folder05:37
theJKHand like filesystem05:37
GneaLF|Irssi: what's the ls -l /opt/lampp/htdocs/chatlogs/chat3.html | awk '{print $1}'05:38
Gneafreetown: what's abnormal about it?05:38
LF|Irssils -l /opt/lampp/htdocs/chatlogs/chat3.html | awk '{print $1}'05:38
LF|Irssistill dont have 100% irssi skills yet :)05:39
GundamDudeX Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out? When I installed Ubuntu, I did not have to install a video card driver and the OS was able to run fine graphically, but then I decided to be a jackass and tried to choose a driver using the Screens and Graphics application..can anyone tell me how I might reverse this process???05:39
LF|IrssiGnea: -rw-------05:39
theJKHsweet nvm05:39
slevenhow do i add a dir to my path? how do i do it permanently?05:39
GneaLF|Irssi: and if you chmod 777 from the commandline right now? is there some other program that's changing it to 600 like that?05:40
Geoffrey2csilk, I was getting nowhere, I figured if it was software related, given my limited linux experience, just letting the live CD blow away root and reinstall everything would probably be the least dangerous route to take05:40
LF|IrssiGnea: not that im aware of,05:40
csilkGeoffrey2,  if a re-install didnt work it must be an update / kernel module and kernel header version missmatch05:41
csilkGeoffrey2, update hardy then re-install the driver05:41
GneaLF|Irssi: well, i figure the /opt/lampp/ is in relation to some sort of program, so i'm figuring on dynamic content05:41
LF|IrssiGnea: im assuming the cron is running as root since i did "crontab -e" in a root terminal05:41
LF|IrssiGnea: it's Xampp for Linux05:41
GneaLF|Irssi: what is the result of:  crontab -e -u root05:42
babaklinuxhow van erease cd with command?05:42
theJKHis there any tool for cleaning out your linux machine05:42
theJKHlike of cache an d stuff05:42
theJKHand tmp files05:42
GneaLF|Irssi: i'm sorry - crontab -l -u root05:42
theJKHthings that are useless but wont hurt computer if taken away05:42
freetownGnea, 1) install on lvm which is also on a raid1. 2) /boot on another raid1. 3) installer stuffed lilo as my default option and I got a kernel panic after install. Worked around that by running LiveCD to get into the system and install grub on mbr. Finally boots up now but then after I tried installing the nvidia-glx-new package along with updates ..  i ran into an error. THen realized /dev/md0 was not mount on  /boot...wiped out contents05:42
freetownin  /boot (oops) and then mounted md0 on /boot and tried running dpkg --configure -a as synaptic ordered05:42
slevenhow do i add a dir to my path? how do i do it permanently?05:42
rskithere will be in 8.10 theJKH05:42
Geoffrey2csilk, ok, apt-get update and upgrade says everything is up to date, so I guess the next step is to reinstall the driver...05:42
theJKHThank you!05:43
LF|IrssiGnea: http://pastebin.com/d3d0189d505:43
theJKHIs the update to it going to be easy?05:43
theJKHto 8.1005:43
theJKHWill we just use the udate manage05:43
Daisuke_Idothe "cleaner" in 8.10 is a joke.05:43
GundamDudeX Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out? When I installed Ubuntu, I did not have to install a video card driver and the OS was able to run fine graphically, but then I decided to be a jackass and tried to choose a driver using the Screens and Graphics application..can anyone tell me how I might reverse this process???05:43
Daisuke_Idogod forbid you have any packages installed manually from anywhere.  if nothing else depends on them and they aren't in the repo, your software goes bye bye05:44
GneaLF|Irssi: hrm, perhaps it got put into your normal user's crontab, i don't see a single chmod entry there05:44
gabii love the netbook remix ! =]05:44
LF|IrssiGnea: the chat.sh is the script that sets the chmodding05:45
Daisuke_IdotheJKH: quickest thing to do is sudo apt-get clean (that will clear out all of the archived packages is /var/cache/apt)05:45
DoYouKnowanyone know of a command-line tool to switch gcc versions that can be invoked from the shell?05:45
theJKHwill it hurt it at all05:45
yell0wanybody got a reccomendation for a small news reader ?05:45
theJKHolike nothing will screw up will it?05:45
babaklinuxhow can erease cd in terminal?05:45
histo!best | yell0w05:45
csilkGundamDudeX,  what screens and grfx application?05:45
ubottuyell0w: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:45
Daisuke_Idothe absolute *worst* thing that would happen in that case is that if you had to reinstall a package, it would have to redownload it.05:46
LF|Irssiyell0w: Liferea is really good05:46
GneaLF|Irssi: take a look at the order you're doing this in - you're changing the mode, removing it, and then recreating it - when you recreate it, it's turning up as 0600 - you'll need to re-chmod it after you've recreated it.05:46
yell0whisto: i'm not asking for best, just a few suggestions/reccs05:46
GundamDudeXcsilk, just the one that is under Applications/Others/Screens and Graphics05:46
yell0wthanks LF|Irssi05:46
csilkGundamDudeX, I've never seen that?05:46
GundamDudeXcsilk, oh..in that case....err..05:47
n8tuser1DoYouKnow-> why would you want to do such in a script?05:47
csilkGundamDudeX, is taht some ati/intel/nvidia specific app?05:47
army12bci got a ? bout mounting iso05:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:47
GundamDudeXcsilk, I don't tihnk so, It was available after my Ubuntu install.05:47
n8tuser1army12bc-> ask away05:47
army12bcwhen i input $ su - no bash command found05:47
army12bci got the cyberciti.biz in front of me and first step is worng05:48
n8tuser1try /sbin/su05:48
bugaloodoes anybody know how to disable the auto completion on gnome apps, like nautilus?05:48
Gneafreetown: that's pretty heavy.  can you pastebin the error that installing nvidia-glx-new provides?05:48
histobugaloo: setting is probably in gconf-editor05:48
iandexterGundamDudeX: stop X; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; restart X05:49
DoYouKnown8tuser1, because if I make a mistake my machine will be unusable. it allows for some margin of error05:49
Daisuke_Idobugaloo: what autocompletion?  i can't think of any situations where it autocompletes off the top of my head05:49
DoYouKnowwell, not necessarily05:49
bugaloohisto: I already had a look in it, but couldn't find the correct option05:49
DoYouKnowbut still.05:49
GundamDudeXdo I type that after pressing Alt-f2?05:49
Gnea!caps | sleven05:49
ubottusleven: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:49
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have question regarding X11 server, when i have a user running X, and i ssh to that machine in my network, how can i run a program which displays something on that users screen ?05:49
bugalooGundamDudeX: any path... like /usr/share/local05:49
n8tuser1DoYouKnow-> gcc is a compiler,  what do you mean by unusable?05:50
iandexterGundamDudeX: you need to stop X first. Alt-F2 just brings up a virtual console. you may have to init 305:50
army12bc$su - no bash command found anyone help on mount iso05:50
bugalooguys, I'm talking about a problem INSIDE the X/Gnome05:50
bugaloonot in console05:50
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:50
GundamDudeXI guess this is is a bad time to say I've never touched Linux until yesterday?05:51
bazhang_army12bc, see above05:51
palomerhow do I input japanese?05:51
Gneapalomer: use a japanese keyboard.05:51
bugalooDaisuke_Ido: I only want to disable it05:51
bazhang_palomer, install scim/skim05:51
palomerahh, found it05:51
iandexterGundamDudeX: Gnome or KDE? I'd assume Gnome05:52
bazhang_palomer, you may also wish to get quick locale switcher a FF plugin05:52
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:52
yell0wLF|Irssi: something that will sit in system tray and pop up when new article comes out ?05:52
n8tuser1palomer-> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-684469.html05:52
freetown2Gnea, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/63526/05:52
iandexterGundamDudeX: Alt-F2, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:52
iandexterGundamDudeX: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:52
freetown2Gnea, that is the current show stopper05:52
iandexterGundamDudeX: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:52
=== strAlan is now known as Chris_Britton
bazhang_he left05:53
Gneafreetown2: Failed to symbolic-link boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic to vmlinuz.05:53
MTecknologyjussi01: you busy?05:53
Gneafreetown2: do you have a /boot/vmlinuz and/or a /vmlinuz files?05:53
LF|Irssiyell0w: Lifrea does exactly that05:54
Chris_Brittonis there a way to restart my wired network interface - /etc/init.d/network restart & ifconfig <interface name> down/up doesn't work either05:54
freetownGnea, so I just have to create that symlink?05:54
yell0wLF|Irssi: yah nvm i just found it05:54
LF|Irssiyell0w: but you have to set it in the preferences to make it do that05:54
histoChris_Britton: use sudo05:54
LF|Irssiok :)05:54
Gneafreetown: possibly05:54
Chris_Brittonhisto, I use sudo05:54
histoChris_Britton: sudo ifdown eth(x)05:54
Chris_Brittonthat doesn't05:54
Wobertanyone who can help me with scons ? - please take a look at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/63522/05:54
Chris_BrittonPlease assume any commands I discuss use root permissions05:55
histoChris_Britton: what happens when you try that?05:55
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> static or dhcp allocated ip address?05:55
Chris_Brittonwhat I'm looking at is the lights05:55
Chris_Brittonon the access point that it's connected to05:55
Chris_Brittonand on the interface05:55
Chris_Brittonyou know the green and amber lights ?05:55
bazhang_!enter | Chris_Britton05:55
ubottuChris_Britton: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:55
Chris_Brittonubottu, relax dude05:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about relax dude05:56
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> the interface is up or not?05:56
bazhang_Chris_Britton, dont use enter key as punctuation05:56
histoChris_Britton: ubottu is a bot.05:56
freetownGnea, i kinda suspect that whatever script linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic --reconfigure is calling...is tryihg to stuff the symlink on / and not /boot.05:56
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, the interface is not illuminated so I'll asume it's not up05:56
Chris_BrittonI do see the interface in ifconfig, though05:57
Gneafreetown: putting it in / is actually a common practice. why it's failing is what's raising the red flag.05:57
freetownGnea, any idea where/what script it calls?05:57
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> what status does ifconfig shows?05:57
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, I don't see anything in ifconfig that says "status" but it doesn't have an address from the dhcp server05:58
Gneafreetown: it's part of the package, so you'd have to take the package apart and grep through it to find out. alien can help with that.05:58
slevencan someone tell me how to add a dir to my path?05:58
=== chili is now known as Guest73310
slevenusing bashrc or soemthng05:58
histo!user | sleven05:58
ubottusleven: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo05:58
histo!path | sleven05:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about path05:58
bazhang_Chris_Britton, how many entries in ifconfig05:59
freetown2Gnea, hmm... no problem doing touch /test. There is also a /vmlinuz...i think i will blow that away first05:59
zzaapppis there a way to get a wireless card to connect without having to log into gnome/kde?  the box is a server...  users don't log into X on it.  they want to ssh into the box, but it needs the wireless network up first.05:59
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> try ifdown eth0; ifup eth005:59
Gneasleven: edit your .bashrc and look for the PATH="/something..." line and just add to it, following the format05:59
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, I've already tried that and the interface is not lit05:59
histosleven: edit the ~/.bash_profile05:59
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, I'm certain the cat V cable is good05:59
Gneafreetown2: sounds good05:59
freetown2great...dpkg --configure -a completed at last06:00
palomerI installed SCIM06:00
palomerwhat now?06:00
histosleven: add something like PATH=/where/do/you/want/to/go/today:"${PATH}"06:00
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> ifup is a different command06:00
freetown2Gnea, now to see about that nvidia driver...06:00
bazhang_palomer, configure it and then restart it06:00
n8tuser1palomer-> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-684469.html  <-- followed this?06:00
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Gneafreetown2: you should be on the home stretch now06:00
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, sorry for the misunderstanding, is says "ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0"06:01
army12bcgeorge@george-desktop:~/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911$ $ mount -t iso9660 Battlefield_2142-Razor1911_to_mount_on -o ro, loop=/dev/loop006:01
army12bcbash: $: command not found06:01
army12bcanyone help with this06:01
freetown2Gnea, yeah...giving synaptic another go...are modules-restricted supposed to be uninstalled if i use the nvidia=gx-new package?06:01
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> well use what ever the correct interface name if not eth006:01
Gneaarmy12bc: arguments before filenames, always06:01
Woberthelp please : http://paste.ubuntu.com/63522/06:01
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, the interface name is eth006:01
slevenhisto: but how? i jave no clue06:01
bazhang_!cn | palomer06:01
ubottupalomer: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:01
palomerI don't speak chinese very well06:02
palomerbtw, I found a REALLY nasty bug in uim06:02
palomerhow do I report it06:02
bazhang_!bugs | palomer06:02
ubottupalomer: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots06:02
Chris_Brittonthe interfaces I have are eth0, lo, wlan0 (connected), and wmaster006:02
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> which nic card? and you have the driver loaded?06:02
freetown2palomer, welcome to the club...however...my problem is not being able to read06:02
palomermy problem is that uim introduces memory leaks into my gtk programs06:02
jcookeAnyone know of a way to integrate music player controls and song display into gnome panels?06:02
Gneaarmy12bc: like -t iso9660, -o ro, loop=/dev/loop006:02
bazhang_Chris_Britton, sudo dhclient eth0 returns what? put in paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url06:02
histoarmy12bc: what are you trying ot do?06:02
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, it's a Lenovo T60 - whatever intel ethernet card they send and I know it works06:03
lonejackhi. does somebody know how can I install eplaser driver(epson open source printer driver)?06:03
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Gneafreetown2: not sure... only if they're being upgraded06:03
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> if we take the time to assist, can you at least take the courtesy to find out what card?06:03
sekyourboxWhat is the standard practice, for migrating a corrupt user account?06:04
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, that's not really the problem - I know the card works if I reboot my machine w/ the cat V cable connected to a swtich or other network device06:04
WobertCould someone who knows about scons take a look at this, please ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/63522/06:04
Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, I appreciate your assistance but there has to be some way to restart the interface06:04
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Chris_Brittonn8tuser1, I mean restart it in an electrical sense06:05
vikkuhi all06:05
vikkuiam tryg to install libdvdcss in home dir by doing sudo apt-get install /home/vikku/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb but i get err as Couldn't find package libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb....i also  tried doing it by placing the deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives , same err msg06:05
bazhang_vikku, is it on your desktop?06:05
army12bchttp://slexy.org/raw/s2UOR6MlcS i'm so confused06:05
n8tuser1Chris_Britton-> what is the results of   ifconfig -a  ?  paste in pastebin06:06
bazhang_!paste | Chris_Britton06:06
ubottuChris_Britton: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:06
LF|IrssiGnea: thanks for your help earlier, the prob was how i had the cron's in order, thanks very much :)06:06
legend2440vikku: right click the deb and choose gdebi installer06:06
cloud-ieeeGood evening, can anyone help me with an Ubuntu Hardy network install? Please? :(06:06
vikkulegend2440: lemme try06:07
arooni-mobilewith: perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:06:07
arooni-mobile;  how do i fix that on ubuntu hardy?06:07
vikkubazhang_: itsa now in /var/cache/apt/archives06:07
army12bcsomeone help with above slexy06:07
Chris_Brittonok n8tuser1 1 sec06:07
bazhang_vikku, do what legend2440 suggested06:07
Gneaarmy12bc: okay, with the mount command, it blindly assumes that commandline switches, AKA arguments, are to be given before the filenames/devices/directories are -  so: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /home/eorge/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911_to_mount_on /dev/loop0   is probably what you're looking for06:08
GneaLF|Irssi: cheers :)06:08
bazhang_!icons | Wobert06:09
ubottuWobert: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:09
army12bccommand not found gnea06:09
army12bcbash: sudo: command not found06:09
=== badman is now known as crazyman
Gneaarmy12bc: are you stuck in a chroot?06:09
army12bcwhat's a chroot?06:10
Wobertbazhang_,  thats not very helpfull :/06:10
Gneaa jail06:10
Chris_BrittonI have to go to bed, goodnight06:10
army12bci don't think06:10
bazhang_Wobert, explain clearly what you are trying to do06:10
Gneausually a directory that's been cordoned off from the rest of the filesystem06:10
army12bchow do i tell that06:10
Wobertbazhang_, im trying to complile a beta version of a game - the problem is that i get that strange error when i want to compile it06:11
bazhang_Wobert, what game06:11
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=== yell0w is now known as fool_
Gneaarmy12bc: well, i ask because sudo is a defacto program in ubuntu - for it to not be there denotes that: a) the PATH has been tampered with, or b) the shell has been chroot'd06:11
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Wobertbazhang_, Globulation 206:11
bazhang_Wobert, you have build-essential installed?06:11
army12bcok what do i do06:11
Gneaarmy12bc: or c) it's been removed somehow06:11
jcookeIs there a known issue/fix for flash/gstreamer conflicting and causing gnome to lock up in ubuntu.06:11
army12bcall i want to do is install this game from iso06:12
Gneaarmy12bc: try:  sudo -i06:12
Wobertbazhang_, do you mean stuff like...mercurial scons gcc g++ boos ?06:12
army12bcsame command not found06:12
army12bcsudo worked yesterday on other stuff06:12
bazhang_Wobert, aye; best to check the read me file that came with it or contact the maker06:12
Gneaarmy12bc: open up a whole new terminal window, please06:13
Gneanow try:  sudo -i06:13
army12bctook me to root@george-destop:~#06:13
Gneaokay, good06:14
bazhang_jcooke, how did you install flash and what version; also what version of ubuntu06:14
army12bcfrom george@george-desktop:~#06:14
Wobertbazhang_, I know - im no c++ programming06:14
Wobertbazhang_, So i was hoping someone would take a look at the bin and give me a clue as to what is wrong06:14
jcookebazhang_, Hardy, flash is the adobe binary, version 1006:14
elpargohi, I downloaded the *movile*.img file which is supposed to be run from a USB, is there a tutorial on how to actually move it there?06:14
army12bcnow what06:14
jcookebazhang_, have had this issue with flash 9 as well06:14
Wobertbazhang_, programmer*06:14
bazhang_jcooke, how was flash installed06:14
Gneaarmy12bc: okay, exit from that shel and try the  sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro /home/eorge/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911_to_mount_on /dev/loop006:15
bazhang_jcooke, how about installing flashblock (FF plugin)06:15
Gneayes, when you're at a command line prompt like that in *nix, you're considered logged into a shell06:15
jcookebazhang_, downloaded the binary from adobe, not using apt, the one I installed with apt originally had the same issue06:15
army12bchow exit shel?06:15
elpargoGnea, you miss a g there.06:15
Gneatype exit, enter06:15
jcookebazhang_, it's most prone to occur with flash, but it happens in other instances as well06:15
Gneaelpargo: thanks06:16
jcookebazhang_, for example sounds from pidgin will lock it if I have music playing, it's a conflict issue apparently06:16
bazhang_jcooke, well you may wish to wait a couple of days; flash works very well in next version :)06:16
elpargoI didn't knew 2142 worked on linux, thanks for the hint :)06:16
army12bcsame command not found06:16
jcookebazhang_, I'm leaning towards it being a conflict issue with sound in gnome in general06:16
Gneaarmy12bc:  exit06:16
army12bcbash:      sudo:  command not found06:16
jcookebazhang_, since I have the issue in other cases06:16
bazhang_jcooke, no such problems here with hardy or ibex (RC)06:17
jim_phere is a weird one. i copleted the installation on tha laptop yesterday, and the very first thing i installed was flashplugin from the medibuntu repo, all done the proper apt-get way. however, running firefox as a normal user, and going in about:plugins tells me "No plugins installed" and i have no flash at all. running firefox as root shows the flash plugin in "about:config" and i do have flash then. what am i doing wrong?06:17
arooni-mobilewith: perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:  how do i fix this in ubuntu hardy?06:17
cloud-ieeeAnyone available to help me with a Ubuntu Hardy network installation?06:17
elpargothe overall problem is that flash sucks, and the people that own it don't give enough attention to the linux port.06:17
jcookebazhang_, Yeah, it appears to happen on all of our HP notebooks, I'm betting it's the audio driver, I may try and play with that. Thanks.06:17
Gneaarmy12bc: okay, try this:  mkdir tmp && mount -t loop /home/george/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911_to_mount_on tmp/06:17
army12bcmount: only root can do that06:18
Kernelhello all. how do i use suspend to ram?06:18
_skeet_hello all, I have a installation question if anyone has a few :)06:18
jim_p_skeet_: hit it!06:18
army12bcsudo mkdir tmp && mount -t loop /home/george/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911_to_mount_on tmp/ gets mkdir: cannot create dir 'tmp":file exists06:18
elpargojim_p, did you closed the firefox in the account?06:19
Gneaarmy12bc: sorry, should be:   sudo mount -o loop /home/george/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911_to_mount_on tmp/06:19
quicksilver_Hey all. Since my gcc updated. Ive been having problems using vmware and pidgin (thats all Ive noticed thus far).. And ideas on how to get them back?06:19
jim_pelpargo: the non-root account. yes! i restarted it a few times to be sure06:19
army12bcno such file or dir06:19
_skeet_I'm trying to install 8.04 on a Dell Optiplex gx270. I am having an issue where as soon as the kernel loads, the keyboard dies...06:19
elpargoquicksilver_, unless you are compiling them that shouldn't be an issue, what exactly is "problems"06:19
Gneaarmy12bc: then you need to check the Battlefield filename and make sure to type the right one in06:20
_skeet_I have looked on the forums and there are quite a few issues with reguard to this, but none seem to resolve the issue06:20
_skeet_this is a PS/2 keyboard06:20
quicksilver_I click on my pidgin icon... It loads (and sleeps in the processes)... But never actually opens.06:20
army12bcu mean iso file?06:20
quicksilver_The same thing happened with vmware... But I fixed that by re-running the config.06:20
jim_p_skeet_: some more specifications on dell optiplex? like lspci or something06:20
_skeet_I have tried the apci=off noapic nolapic ndd=on06:20
_skeet_no workie06:20
quicksilver_I just haven't figured out how to redo pidgin. I think Id just have to uninstall it and reinstall it?06:21
army12bchome/george/Battlefield_2142-Razor1911 is folder. iso is rzr-2142.iso06:21
elpargojim_p, just wondering what's wrong with flashplugin-nonfree from the std package?06:21
_skeet_cant do the lspci command because the keeboard does not work06:21
elpargo_skeet_, not even in the shell?06:22
Gneaarmy12bc: okay, is this a game that you downloaded?06:22
ortsvorsteherarmy12bc: you tried to mount to /tmp . that cannot work. choose another location to mount. make a new mountpoint like "mkdir /var/<mountpoint>06:22
Gneaortsvorsteher: no, he tried to mount to ~/tmp06:22
jim_pelpargo: dunno! the thing is adobes installer does not istall because it cant find some dir06:22
army12bcmade iso cause friend borrowd cd06:22
_skeet_nope, I was able to install by hitting the numb-lock key randomy at boot, but it does not seem to be working anymore06:22
Kattman_skeet: are you using a usb mouse ?06:23
elpargojim_p, yes you shouldn't use that. I'm talking about the one that comes in the std ubuntu repo.06:23
ortsvorsteherGnea: oha. i didnt see the ~ ... :(06:23
Gneaarmy12bc: okay - where is the rzr-2142.iso reside?06:23
Gneaortsvorsteher: it was never there - i never said /tmp, just tmp/ since it was obvious he was in his ~ already06:23
jim_pelpargo: the one in the ubuntu repo has that only-root-can-use-me problem i said at first06:23
_skeet_I am using a USB mouse, but I have also tried an adapter that converts it to PS/206:23
elpargointeresting google seems to think rzr-2142.iso is related to torrent sites.06:24
jim_p_skeet_: lspci please ...06:24
_skeet_I have also looked in the BIOS and didnt see any settings on turning on legacy support06:24
army12bci know i used same filename lol06:24
elpargojim_p, ehh no you said it was from "medibuntu"06:24
Gneaelpargo: hrm, i see that too06:24
_skeet_jim_p: any ideas on how to get a shell to run that command?06:24
elpargoarmy12bc, what are the odds of that!06:24
Kattman_skeet_: do you have a true ps2 mouse anyware?06:25
_skeet_Kattman: no I dont :(06:25
jim_pelpargo: yes that problem comes from the medibuntu installation06:25
Gneaarmy12bc: yeah, sorry, can't continue, we don't support warez in here.06:25
jim_phere is a weird one. i copleted the installation on tha laptop yesterday, and the very first thing i installed was flashplugin from the medibuntu repo, all done the proper apt-get way. however, running firefox as a normal user, and going in about:plugins tells me "No plugins installed" and i have no flash at all. running firefox as root shows the flash plugin in "about:config" and i do have flash then. what am i doing wrong?06:25
WebDawgi have the ubuntu cd in the drive now.  I need to install using ncurses instead of all that graphics ish.  how do i do that.06:25
frogscottHelp someone Mozilla crashes on any video played06:25
_skeet_I can try without the mouse at all..?06:25
army12bcits not warz06:25
elpargohehe so you went to look for the name of the torrent to file to then name your image.06:25
jim_p_skeet_: are you on a live enviroment now?06:25
elpargojim_p, medibuntu is not ubuntu main repo.06:25
Gneaarmy12bc: do not argue, you downloaded it from a bittorrent site, it's warez.06:25
Gnea!warez | army12bc06:26
ubottuarmy12bc: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o06:26
jim_pelpargo: well do you know another repo that hosts flashplugin?06:26
_skeet_jim_p: I have tried both the live CD and the alternate CD06:26
WebDawgcan anyone help?06:26
elpargojim_p, dude it's in the std dist.06:26
Kattman_Skeet_: I have to have two mice pluged in.  One is just  a dummy. But it works for me06:26
babaklinuxI want write an iso file on a blank cd in terminal but I don't know where is my cdrw how can I understand in which dev/? is my cdrw?06:26
elpargojim_p, in multiverse.06:27
jim_pWebDawg: use the alternative cd, or use an option at boot06:27
_skeet_might a older version of Ubuntu resolve the issue? It seems to me a kernel problem06:27
WebDawgwhat is the option.  im looking through the prompts06:27
WebDawgi tried to google but nothing definitive came up.06:27
elpargobabaklinux, there is a symlink call /dev/cdrom, unless you have 2 drives that should be it.06:27
jim_pelpargo: is there i chance that apt grabbed the package from there?06:27
jim_pWebDawg: damn i dont have a live cd near me. can you try the alternative one?06:28
elpargojim_p, open synaptic search for "flashplugin-nonfree" look at the properties, under Section it will tell you.06:28
jim_pelpargo: sec06:28
elpargojim_p, didn't they merged into one a long time ago?06:28
Geoffrey2woohoo, wireless works again..06:28
WebDawgdear god.06:29
WebDawgits gonna take 3 hours to download this06:29
WebDawgthier isnt a command line option for text mode?06:29
jim_pelpargo: multiverse :|06:30
babaklinuxelpargo: when I type this command  dd if=OpenServer-5.0.7Hw-10Jun05_1800.iso of=/dev/cdrom  ths error appear  http://paste.ubuntu.com/63529/06:30
jim_pWebDawg: let me search06:30
jim_pbabaklinux: well you dont mount the iso that way :P06:30
elpargobabaklinux, last I heard you can't dd a cdrom.06:30
elpargojim_p, he wants to burn it.06:31
WebDawgi see that the alternative has text mode.06:31
babaklinuxelpargo: now how can I write iso on blank cd with dd command?06:31
elpargobabaklinux, why not use cdrecord?06:32
jim_pWebDawg: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/images/dualboot02.png is it something like this?06:32
kinnazbabaklinux if you would have written that question to google you would already have answer06:32
adelie42Anyone here help with a question about hydrogen? Do I need to use a separate program to adjust the pitch of the beats? I see all this stuff about running hydrogen through JACK to do cool stuff. Is that the only way to use the sounds as instruments?06:32
kinnazbabaklinux http://www.slashdotdash.net/articles/2006/08/14/create-iso-cd-dvd-image-with-mac-os-x-tiger-10-406:32
babaklinuxelpargo: is your mean this ?   dd if=OpenServer-5.0.7Hw-10Jun05_1800.iso of=/dev/cdrecord06:33
elpargobabaklinux, no a program call cdrecord06:33
kinnazbabaklinux hmmmz seems i failed06:34
kinnazwith link :P06:34
kinnazuse k3b06:34
elpargoyou shouldn't be using dd if you are asking how it works, it can kill your drive if you use it wrong.06:34
jim_pWebDawg: what do you get if you press f4?06:34
elpargobabaklinux, ^^^06:34
adelie42dd is a great tool for what it is for != cd burning for too many reasons06:34
jim_pWebDawg: or f606:34
amason__you can't use dd for burning cd's06:34
babaklinuxelpargo: what?06:34
WebDawgnormal, safe graphi, use driver update, and oem06:35
amason__you can use it ot make an ISO06:35
amason__which you can burn to cd06:35
elpargobabaklinux, cdrecord is a thin layer on top of dd to do just that so use it.06:35
WebDawgno text mode anywhere06:35
amason__dd is for block devices06:35
WebDawgit looks like you NEED the alternate cd.06:35
elpargobabaklinux, you shouldn't be using dd if you are asking how it works, it can kill your drive if you use it wrong.06:35
adelie42dd does not make iso. it makes raw images06:35
amason__cd is not a block device06:35
adelie42amason__: +106:35
elpargoamason__, you can still use it.06:35
jim_pWebDawg: wait. i must have an older 7.04 somewhere06:35
paul68jim_p: is there a way that I can bring up my 2nd ethernet interface and build a firewall in my current config ?06:36
WebDawgits cool06:36
adelie42elpargo: can? yes. but you will not get the desired result06:36
WebDawgit will be done in 1 hr06:36
WebDawgbut i got to sleep.06:36
amason__elpargo: you have to have an iso9660 image created with dd or somehting else. DD will treat you burner as a block device06:36
paul68jim_p: current config is isp modem router server new config is isp modem server router06:36
WebDawgim still here..06:37
jim_ppaul68: sorry i dont know06:37
WebDawgill wait till you acknowledge.06:37
WebDawgaight jim_p?06:37
jim_pWebDawg: i am making an iso of the 7.0406:37
amason__elpargo: either way though your right its not the tool to use06:37
WebDawgim out06:37
elpargoadelie42, amason__ you can do it, and get it right, but it's not the way of doing it.06:37
paul68jim_p: no problem if you would have known every question about linux your bank account would be a little bit more healthier I suppose :-)06:37
elpargospecially if you are asking how dd works.06:37
jim_ppaul68: lmao!06:38
adelie42elpargo: these is a whole suite of tools with cdrecord that let you do ANYTHING with a CD that is likely built on the same library as DD06:38
amason__elpargo: iirc you need to put the device into the correct mode before you can begin writing so you would need to issue those commands first otherwise the output of dd will try to be interpreted by the controller no ?06:39
elpargoso no one has used the USB file from here http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ ?06:39
WebDawgim out06:40
WebDawg4 real06:40
elpargoadelie42, correct cdrecord was build so you don't have to know the details.06:40
amason__elpargo: cdrecord uses the scsi bus.06:41
elpargoamason__, good to know.06:42
liquidHello All06:42
liquidDoes anybody use truecrypt??06:42
elpargoliquid, for?06:42
TeslaTonyIs there any way to have two seperate LAN connections at once? Specifically, I want to be able to access one router for the internet, and a second router that I am experimenting with firmware on (but won't have a net connection)06:42
orange72_camarohi,  ever since I installed and set up compiz my icons on the desktop went away and sometimes flash or when I go over them with a the mouse they show up for a second.  anyone know how I can fix it?06:42
paul68jim_p: is there a commandline to check which servers are currently running?06:43
liquidelpargo, In general, I know that on a windows box you can encrypt the whole drive asking for a password before booting but it doesnt seem to work with linux06:43
jim_ppaul68: servers where?06:43
elpargoorange72_camaro, please ask in the compiz channel.06:43
paul68jim_p: my servers at home like dhcp dns and so on06:44
adelie42is hydrogen only a beat generator, or can sounds be used as instruments?06:44
SegFaultAXTeslaTony: yes, with two network cards06:44
elpargoTeslaTony, yes although it isn't simple. you will have to learn the internals of linux networking and probably get rid of network manager as it will get confused.06:44
jim_ppaul68: you can use nmap for a quick scan of your network. i suppose you know what ip refers to what pc06:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nmap06:45
TeslaTonySegFaultAX: Ausgezeichnet. My net connection is Wifi anyways.06:45
liquidelpargo, Is that something that can be done encrypting the whole driver06:45
saywatmanganybody know if tehres a way to custimizee the animation of the 3d gears ?06:45
saywatmangin compiz06:45
elpargoliquid, of course, that tecnology was invented in linux :)06:45
paul68jim_p: I just want to know when I'm on my server which servers are currently running since i have them all on 1 machine?06:46
liquidelpargo, I was looking online but cant find anything im using the GUI06:46
jim_ppaul68: you mean if ftp server is on, dhcp is on etc? well... can you check the ports on that server?06:47
paul68jim_p: thats what I mean, if you tell me how I sure can06:47
liquidelpargo, I found this on a site.. system partition encryption with pre-boot authentication (Windows only), and improved performance.06:48
arooni-mobilehif i'm tryin to send emails from mydomain.com .... should i set up an A record of mail.mydomain.com or a cname record for mail.mydomain.com?  or do i need to do anything like this?  i want to send mail via postfix06:48
MTecknologyCan some all knowing person please help me with something with ubottu config?06:49
elpargoliquid, as far as I know this is really done at the kernel level. with tools like http://ecryptfs.sourceforge.net/06:49
nicholaspaulI think I broke my install by deleting /home/user/tmp< now when i log in it says Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds...etc...how can I fix this?06:49
liquidelpargo, So truecrypt wouldnt do it06:49
army12bcwhat is terminal command for run *.exe06:50
elpargoarooni-mobile, that depends on how you have your DNS setup, is this your server?06:50
Robb_Mjust ask MTecknology06:51
Robb_Marmy12bc: you need wine to run an executable file....sudo aptitude install wine in a terminal....then try executing the file again.06:51
elpargoliquid, I haven't used that solution, so I really don't know06:51
arooni-mobileelpargo, yes06:51
army12bci have wine ok06:51
nicholaspaul..can i just mkdir tmp ? but what about permissions?06:52
army12bclol now how do i find the folder i mounted in lol06:52
XpistosHey everybody! Can someone help me rdp into my ubuntu server?06:52
nicholaspaulI made a new tmp but it still wont login06:52
MTecknologyRobb_M: I'm trying to use the PackageInfo plugin that ubottu uses. I keep getting an error thrown at me and I'm sure it's because of the supybot.plugins.PackageInfo.aptdir setting, but I don't know what to set it too or if there's something else I need to do06:52
liquidelpargo, I thank you, I knew it was easy on a windows box06:52
SegFaultAXliquid: i believe the truecrypt client for linux is command line only06:52
liquidSegFaultAX, It has a GUI, do you use it??06:53
Robb_MMTecknology: your question might be better suited in #supybot i think? or #ubuntu-ops? heck im not sure, but i really do not think this is the right place....06:53
elpargoliquid, according to this thread you just do it and it works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69646106:53
MrPeepers310hey, for some reason, firefox cannot load java applets. I tried reinstalling the plugin and that didn't work either06:53
SegFaultAXliquid: heh, i do everything from the command line06:54
liquidSegFaultAX, Im  a new linux user and am still getting used to it06:54
Robb_MMrPeepers310: errors outputted?06:54
billybigriggerhow do i change a proftpd's user's password? i've forgotten the password, i see the deamon runs as system user proftpd but i can't find any .conf files that show where users are stored in /etc/proftpd06:54
MTecknologyRobb_M: that's why I didn't just ask... It can't be answered in #supybot because they don't deal with it and it's innapropriate for -ops06:54
elpargomudkip, I'm sorry to hear that.06:54
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX any chance I can fix my error with the command line?06:54
MrPeepers310Robb_M: through the firefox error consol?06:54
jim_pWebDawg: sorry mate, the live cd does not have the option for text install :(06:54
billybigriggerso changing the system user proftpd isnt going to change billysftp's password, where do i do this06:54
elpargoMTecknology, and -dev?06:55
bazhang_mudkip, please stop06:55
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: whats up?06:55
mudkipbazhang_: stop what?06:55
elpargojim_p, did you fix the flash issue?06:55
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  hey:) I think i broke it by deleting /home/User/tmp, now I cant login.06:55
jim_pelpargo: no :(06:56
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  it says 'your last session lasted less than 10 seconds...'. I tried mkdir tmp but am not sure if i got the permissions right.06:56
johnsonsDCC SEND "startkeylog" 0 0 006:56
Robb_Mgreat :(06:56
jim_pelpargo: any idea i can try?06:57
bazhang_!en | anastya06:57
ubottuanastya: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat06:57
MrPeepers310Robb_M: no no errors from the error consol06:57
elpargojim_p, are you positive the .bin file didn't install? maybe you have two copies of it.06:57
=== vico is now known as vico_
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: it seems extremely unlikely that deleting anything in the home filesystem would break your account06:58
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: oh ok.06:58
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: i only discovered it when i restarted ...06:58
jim_pelpargo: i ctrl+c on it since it could not find the dir06:58
elpargojim_p, did you try with two non-root users? it may also be an issue with the profile.06:58
MTecknologyelpargo: any other suggestions for where to go?06:58
=== vico_ is now known as vico
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: is it only on a specific account?06:59
jim_pelpargo: i only have 1 user here!06:59
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: i only have one.06:59
elpargojim_p, try this, close all firefox windows, mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-back, then run firefox in the shell.06:59
MrPeepers310hey, for some reason, firefox cannot load java applets. I tried reinstalling the plugin and that didn't work either07:00
elpargoMTecknology, no sorry. I know very little about ubuntu-etiquete.07:00
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: are you logging in through gnome/kde/etc. or the terminal07:00
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: usually Gnome07:00
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: want me to tell you exactly what it says?07:01
elpargoMrPeepers310, are you using sun's JVM?07:01
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: have you tried logging in at the command line07:01
SegFaultAX!pastebin | nicholaspaul07:01
ubottunicholaspaul: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:01
Robb_MMrPeepers310: thats kinda....odd07:01
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: paste it for me07:01
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: yea, the Safe mode07:01
MrPeepers310elpargo: i think so is that the gcj plugin?07:01
sp00nmy computer just ran out of space compiling! after 8 hours!07:01
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: id have to type...i'm at a difft machine :)07:01
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: does it boot up into root when you boot into runlevel s?07:02
elpargoMrPeepers310, no. you need to migrate to java-sun.07:02
sp00nomg that sucks SOOO bad07:02
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:02
bazhang_!ot | sp00n07:02
ubottusp00n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:02
bazhang_sp00n, please take chat elsewhere07:03
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: i dont know what runlevel s is :D07:03
elpargo!java | MrPeepers31007:03
ubottuMrPeepers310: please see above07:03
daikiraihi, i don't have an external tools dir in my tools folder on my gedit07:03
daikiraiwhy is this07:03
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: single ("safe" mode)07:03
liquidSegFaultAX, If somebody was to get the harddrive from my lappy would they be able to plug it into a computer and read the info??? considering that most people use windows?07:03
WIGGMPkI am having an issue with my laptop and I cant figure it out. Every time I login (before the Compiz splash screen) before everything gets fully loaded. It haults, no error's, just freezes.. Mouse and Keyboard are poofed.. But my caps lock light keeps blinking on/off. Any thoughts?07:03
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: i'll just finish typing this error then i'll try07:04
MrPeepers310elpargo: ya i've already done that07:04
liquidSegFaultAX, Not like I have a ton of stuff on my lappy, and nothing is really secret07:04
SegFaultAXliquid: thats a subjective question for 2 reasons. 1) if it were me, yes. 2) it depends on the fs your using07:04
MrPeepers310but there is a plugin for firefox to run java applets and it's gcj as well as icedtea and neither of them work07:04
elpargoMrPeepers310, what does java -version says?07:05
XpistosAnyone know how to RDP into a linux server from a linux desktop/07:05
liquidSegFaultAX, Lol I love it, okay for a semi/non computer nerd, who uses windows and really doesnt know anything about it07:05
MrPeepers310java 607:05
FynderHow can I manually set the time to match a web time-server from the command line, and how do I unset the 'system clock is set to UTC" setting?07:05
elpargoMrPeepers310, no gcj is GNU java compiler.07:05
liquidSegFaultAX, And how would I find out what FS im using07:05
MrPeepers310elpargo: ok but there is a gcj web plugin07:05
SegFaultAXliquid: if you want a place to store encrypted data, truecrypt is a complicated option07:06
MrPeepers310elpargo: that ubuntu wants you to install when you dont have a java applet plugin07:06
SegFaultAXliquid: you might consider using encfs via fuse07:06
liquidSegFaultAX, I think im not going to anymore pointless, but I was just wondering07:06
elpargoMrPeepers310, the package you need is sun-java6-plugin07:06
elpargoMrPeepers310, and get rid of the gcj stuff before installing that.07:07
SegFaultAXliquid: if its something your interested in it could be a nice way to get acquainted with filesystems and especially fuse07:07
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  My error after attempting Gnome login: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63534/07:07
daikiraihi, i don't have an external tools dir in my tools folder on my gedit07:07
MrPeepers310elpargo: i'm not seeing the sun-java6-plugin package in the repository07:08
elpargodaikirai, make one?07:08
liquidSegFaultAX, I will for sure read up started on it, please tell me what fuse is so I can get07:08
liquidSegFaultAX, I will for sure read up on it, please tell me what fuse is so I can get started07:08
MrPeepers310elpargo: i see jdk07:08
elpargoMrPeepers310, which ubuntu version? and which are your repo?07:08
MrPeepers310elpargo: 8.0407:10
MrPeepers310elpargo: I have a lot of repos07:10
elpargoMrPeepers310, do you have multiverse?07:10
MrPeepers310elpargo: is that a repo?07:10
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: Here is my error after attempting Gnome Failsafe login : http://paste.ubuntu.com/63535/07:10
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: do you have disk space available?07:11
MrPeepers310elpargo: hmmm not seeing it07:11
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  i had about 20% free...07:11
SegFaultAXliquid: fuse is a service that allows you to create filesystems in userspace (something you would normally do as root)07:11
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  Available : 1812088bytes07:12
liquidSegFaultAX, Thats great thank you for the info.. How long have you been using linux for?07:12
frogscottHelp someone Mozilla crashes on any video played I have installed flash 1007:12
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: does it boot up in single user mode correctly?07:12
nicholaspauljust in Terminal FailSafe07:13
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: is that single user mode?!07:13
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: you could create a new account from the command line and attempt to boot into that07:13
elpargoMrPeepers310, make sure multiverse is in "Software Sources" because it exists http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/sun-java6-plugin07:14
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: how would i do that?07:14
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: that might facilitate recovering for primary account07:14
liquidThanks all07:14
MrPeepers310elpargo: o ya there it is, i was looking at third party repos07:14
mudkiphi does anyone know if it's "an ubuntu install" or "a ubuntu install"07:14
bazhang_mudkip, an07:15
bazhang_mudkip, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic07:15
WIGGMPkQuestion, I have kernel 2.6.24-21 installed but it locks up when I login (caps lock light blinks) Now im logged into kernel 2.6.24-19, I ran the update manager and there are updates. but its asking me to update to kernel 2.6.24-21. does it not see any updates done in the different image? im confused07:15
bazhang_WIGGMPk, do you have proposed enabled?07:15
paul68!ot |mudkip07:16
ubottumudkip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:16
mudkippaul68: shut up07:16
bazhang_!coc | mudkip07:16
ubottumudkip: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/07:16
WIGGMPkbazhang_: only LTS, the updates are for the kernel I already have but its locking up my laptop so I booted the older one07:16
paul68!attitude |mudkip07:16
ubottumudkip: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:16
mudkipbazhang_: you too shut up07:16
robb_m!ettiquite | mudkip07:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ettiquite07:16
hoberryDCC SEND "hahahah" 0 0 007:17
paul68!etiquete | mudkip07:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about etiquete07:17
robb_mtoo late paul, i couldnt find the right spelling, but either way :)07:17
ackbahrHi folks! Can someone help me write a very short sheel script?07:17
bazhang_WIGGMPk, iirc that later kernel is from proposed; that is a at your own risk type kernel07:17
coloquialist1I accidentally fat fingered the password for my default keyring. how do I reset this ?07:18
WIGGMPkbazhang_: 2.6.24-21 is not from proposed07:18
bazhang_!info linux07:18
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB07:18
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: i cant make a user...when i typer 'useradd newone' it says 'useradd: unable to lock password file.07:18
mudkipdoes ne1 know where i can find ubuntu in icelandic07:19
mudkipor a channel for ubuntu in icelnd07:19
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  so i tried Sudo .... 'configuartion error - unknown item FAIL DELAY07:19
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: try adduser07:19
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  (except Ubuntu spelled correctly...)07:19
MrPeepers310elpargo: is it already in the synaptic package manager or do i need to put it in the third party one?07:19
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  ok07:19
WIGGMPkbazhang_: i only have (hardy-security, hardy-updates) selected along with LTS Releases Only..07:20
elpargoMrPeepers310, huh?07:20
bazhang_WIGGMPk, I suggest you do the updates, and see if that helps07:20
larsemilhow do i install gnome? i dont want to use the ubuntu-desktop as it pulls so much, just core gnome. gnome-core package does not work07:20
mudkiphi i need to get ubuntu support in icelandic is there a chanenl??07:20
slevenso I still dont know how to add a dir to my PATH!?07:20
bazhang_!irc | mudkip check the last link07:20
ubottumudkip check the last link: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:20
paul68!patience |mudkip07:20
ubottumudkip: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:20
WIGGMPkbazhang_: my question is why is it asking me to update if I already have that image? I booted the older image but doesnt it see it or something?07:20
MrPeepers310elpargo: do i need to put in the multiverse repo myself or is just a little check box07:20
SegFaultAXsleven: what shell are you using?07:21
mudkip!shutup paul6807:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shutup paul6807:21
bazhang_WIGGMPk, could be a security fix or other; I am on ibex so cant tell you07:21
bazhang_mudkip, stop that07:21
mudkip!etiquette paul6807:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:21
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  i get the same error with my new user...07:21
elpargoMrPeepers310, oh in the software sources, both work but use the checkbox.07:21
nicholaspaul!brain mudkip07:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brain mudkip07:22
paul68bazhangf_ can you stop him please07:22
bazhang_paul68, he is gone07:22
paul68bazhang thanks07:22
WIGGMPkbazhang_: another question sorta pretaining to this. When you have a newer image, and boot to an older image, shouldnt things be relativly the same. Not that its a big deal but my screenlets were all over the place, half on the widget layer, etc havent noticed anything else different yet07:22
MrPeepers310elpargo:  ya that's checked and i'm still not seeing sun-java6-plugin07:22
slevensegfault: the terminal that comed with ubuntu 8.0407:22
robb_mWIGGMPk: yeah they stay the same..only thing thats different is the kernel thats active07:23
bazhang_WIGGMPk, depends; sometimes wifi is messed up newer kernels so some folks choose to boot the older ones until the bugs are worked out07:23
FrogzooWIGGMPk: a kernel update is only going to fix kernel bugs, they're seldom visible to the user07:23
elpargoMrPeepers310, 1st close all synaptics, then click and hit close, it should update the repo list. then use synaptics search it IS there.07:23
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  any ideas what might have caused this?07:23
SegFaultAXsleven: export "/path/to/add:$PATH"07:24
WIGGMPkFrogzoo, bazhang_, robb_m: so there could be a deeper under lying problem to the customizations made (ie: screenlet locations, current gtk theme, etc)07:24
bazhang_WIGGMPk, could well be with fine tuning07:25
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: nothing comes to mind at the moment. but it sounds like gnomes configuration has been corrupted07:25
robb_mprobably WIGGMPk07:25
genesismachineI've just installed 8.10 on a macbook (2,1) and the keyboard is all messed up. What used to be keys 108 and 116 are now something else - 108 is the down arrow, not sure about 116. I now have no down arrow button. However, I know that X is detecting it correctly since in the gdm login screen, the arrow works fine... So it's something in my user profile07:25
genesismachineAny ideas on what it is in my user profile that's messing things up?07:25
bazhang_#ubuntu+1 for that genesismachine07:25
MrPeepers310elpargo: ok tried that still nothing. just to make sure we're on the same page. I go to settings > repositories> click software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse) then hit reload07:25
genesismachine#ubuntu+1 ?07:26
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: unless you can tell me more about what might have caused the error07:26
frogscottcan anyone answer this? Mozilla crashes on any video played I have installed flash 1007:26
robb_mgenesismachine: please type /join #ubuntu+107:26
bazhang_frogscott, flash?07:26
larsemilhow do i install gnome? i dont want to use the ubuntu-desktop as it pulls so much, just core gnome. gnome-core package does not work as it has no installation candidate07:26
Frogzoogenesismachine: do you have a ~.xmodmap ? or .xkeymap?07:26
bazhang_frogscott, try installing flashblock07:26
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  i'm trying to think ... all i can think of is removing ~/tmp.07:26
frogscottbazhang what is that?07:26
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: i dont tinker too much!07:26
SegFaultAXfrogscott: flash is notoriously poor on linux, just fyi07:26
genesismachineI had a .xmodmap, but even if I change or delete its contents, it makes no difference07:26
bazhang_frogscott, a FF plugin07:26
frogscottbut im trying to play like flv videos you tube videos07:27
=== lolz is now known as theo5
bazhang_frogscott, that is what it is aimed at; it blocks them until you choose to play them07:27
theo5!etiquette |paul6807:27
Frogzoogenesismachine: after d/ling xmodmap, logout & back in07:27
ubottupaul68: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...07:27
frogscottbazhang_, ok let me see07:28
elpargoMrPeepers310, oh no, go System -> Administration -> software sources07:28
drago1i have the problem in booting.when os is selected from loader, error "ERROR :15  invalid press any key" occurs.how do i get rid of this problem?07:28
paul68Theo 5 do I know you?07:28
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: is it possible to fix X11 somehow from the terminal?07:28
bazhang_that was mudkip07:28
extorAm I the only person who thinks that the iptables TARGET should actually be called ACTION?07:29
elpargoMrPeepers310, you may need to uncheck it and check it again, so it will reload.07:29
SegFaultAXnicholaspaul: manually configuring x11 from the command line can be extremely difficult. even still it doesnt sound like x11 is throwing the error07:29
paul68bazhang_: still keeps sending msg to07:29
Frogzooextor: sometimes a target isn't an action07:29
genesismachineFrogzoo: What do you mean downloading xmodmap?07:29
Frogzoogenesismachine: deleting07:30
bazhang_paul68, he is PM'ing you07:30
MrPeepers310elpargo: in kde?07:30
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX:  oh ok. Is copying my home folder to another drive and reinstalling a good idea?07:30
genesismachineFrogzoo: It's not a separate package now, it's installed with xserver-utils, which I'm not sure that I can delete...07:30
paul68bazhang_: he was as mudkip and theo507:30
bazhang_paul68, thanks07:30
extorFrogzoo, but an ACTION is usually a VERB...DROPPING, ACCEPTING an REJECTING are verbs...not targets. Destinations can be targets07:30
Frogzoogenesismachine: I mean in your home directory - does ls  ~/.x* show anything?07:31
genesismachineFrogzoo: but even if I could delete it, I don't want to since I want to eventually get the right click mapped to the right apple key like it was before...07:31
feng14how do i install xface desktop?07:31
elpargoMrPeepers310, I don't use kde. did you try the unselect then select again?07:31
MrPeepers310elpargo: ya it didn't work07:31
genesismachineFrogzoo: oh, you mean delete the .xmodmap file? ok, will do07:31
bazhang_feng14, xubuntu-desktop07:31
frogscottbazhang_, that didnt do anything except temporarily block it..once i watch it does the same thing07:31
Frogzoogenesismachine: don't delete - just rename07:31
slevenSegFaultAX,  export "/usr/lib/ghc-6.8.2/lib/:$PATH" didnt work07:31
feng14bazhang_ yes,just sudo apt-get install?07:31
sleven: not a valid identifier07:31
dianefy imutz07:32
MrPeepers310elpargo: what's the exec for Software sources07:32
bazhang_feng14, yes07:32
bazhang_!en | dian07:32
ubottudian: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:32
genesismachineFrogzoo: Do I need to restart X, or can I just type in a command to update the settings?07:32
MrPeepers310elpargo: so i can just run it from cmd07:32
elpargoMrPeepers310, no clue. let me see.07:32
Frogzoogenesismachine: restart X07:32
nicholaspaulSegFaultAX: can you help me copy /home to another drive?07:32
drago1 i have the problem in booting.when os is selected from loader error occurs. i need to edit partition and then boot.everytime hav to do this.is thr any way to save this .......07:32
Frogzooextor: sometimes targets are another set of rules07:32
elpargoMrPeepers310, gksu --desktop /usr/share/applications/software-properties.desktop /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk07:33
SegFaultAXsleven: are you sure? type echo "$PATH"07:33
gr3phi, does anybody know how to view the changes for each package that needs an update while doing a 'apt-get upgrade'?07:33
slevenyes not there07:33
frogscottbazhang_, could it be something in synaptic left over from libflash or flashplugin?07:33
slevensays not a valied identifier07:33
SegFaultAXsleven: did you close the terminal?07:33
jim_pelpargo: it worked !! i copied libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and it worked07:33
bazhang_frogscott, how did you install flash07:33
MrPeepers310elpargo: haha it's the same window for synaptic lol07:33
bazhang_frogscott, and which version of flash is it07:33
SegFaultAXsleven: if you want to make it permanent, you need to put it in your rc/profile07:33
genesismachineFrogzoo: Same thing as before07:34
slevenseg: ok how?07:34
=== chili is now known as Guest45519
slevenwhere is that?07:34
frogscottbazhang_,  I uninstalled flashplugin and then went to adobe to get 10 for Ubuntu07:34
elpargoMrPeepers310, ok then click unclick, you should see it downloading some files.07:34
Sylentwhat command could I use to change the name of all files in a folder so "%20" becomes " "07:34
Frogzoogenesismachine: dunno - try preferences -> keyboard layout07:34
MrPeepers310elpargo: and then under the Ubuntu software tab check and uncheck sotware restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)07:34
=== Guest45519 is now known as chilicheez
frogscottbazhang_, I do not have flashplugin non-free installed but some of the libflash things are still there07:35
genesismachineFrogzoo: I've tried apple, apple laptop, apple laptop international, macbook/macbook pro and  all sorts of stuff, they all have the same results07:35
chilicheezsecuity question07:35
elpargoMrPeepers310, ehh no uncheck and check, it will only update if it detects changes.07:35
bazhang_frogscott, well since you went outside of the package manager there is no telling what conflicts there are07:35
SCCCwild_freeZzРусские есть?!07:35
bazhang_!ru | SCCCwild_freeZz07:35
ubottuSCCCwild_freeZz: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:35
frogscottbazhang_, sweet but this happened before that07:36
SegFaultAXsleven: ~/.bashrc07:36
SCCCwild_freeZzдофигища же тут людей07:36
genesismachineFrogzoo: I'm going to try the other layouts again, brb07:36
bazhang_frogscott, so no way to tell what the conflicts are.07:36
MrPeepers310elpargo: did it and, nothing07:36
chilicheezcan someone target an IP of a user running ubunto and redirect them to a server with malware installs?07:36
MrPeepers310any place i can just dl the package?07:36
bazhang_chilicheez, that is not the kind of question we answer here.07:37
chilicheezwhere should i ask?07:37
frogscottbazhang_, um can I just uninstall some things and reinstall everything?07:37
elpargoMrPeepers310, did you close it?07:37
bazhang_chilicheez, no idea. NOT here.07:37
chilicheezreal nice07:37
bazhang_frogscott, sure07:37
chilicheezwhat use are u then07:37
frogscottbazhang_, lol07:37
jimmydimmycan any of you folks help a novice user get audio up and running? ubuntu recognizes my sound card and nothing's muted or turned down according to a visual volume monitor (it's active when i play audio files, just can't hear them)07:37
WIGGMPkA lot of my repositorys arent being found on sudo apt-get update, is anyone else having an issue?07:37
SpinachHeadtry alsamixer07:38
ha6ii installed boot loader after installing windows.but while booting error is shown...how to solve it.?07:38
SegFaultAXWIGGMPk: depending on the package, it can take a while to get into the respos.07:38
jimmydimmySpinach: i saw that mentioned on a few sites but uh...what of it exactly? :)07:38
bazhang_WIGGMPk, pastebin sources.list on paste.ubuntu.com07:38
SegFaultAXWIGGMPk: sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and compile it yourself07:38
MrPeepers310elpargo: ya07:38
chiliis there an ubuntu security channel07:38
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SpinachHeadopen a terminal and type alsamixer07:38
bazhang_chillitom, this is it07:39
jimmydimmyWHOA lol07:39
bazhang_oops sorry that was for chili07:39
slevenwhat is ~/? the master-parent dir? i cant find it there. should i create that file then? and names it .bashrc ?07:39
SpinachHeadsometimes the Analog F is down all the way07:39
elpargoMrPeepers310, then the thing should be there, there is no way you are the only one missing that package.07:39
Guest19781tx baz07:39
WIGGMPkbazhang_: one sec, im trying again real quick07:40
jimmydimmyeverything is up07:40
=== Guest19781 is now known as paranoidix
SegFaultAXsleven: ~/ refers to your home directory, .bashrc should already exist in your home directory07:40
jimmydimmyalthough i don't see this analogue F...07:40
ha6iIi installed grub  after installing windows.but while booting error is shown...how to solve it.?07:40
genesismachineFrogzoo: No effect :( The apple laptop layouts are all the same07:40
etraskCan someone help me get the Live CD working? It doesn't want to boot for me07:40
paranoidixi was wondering about exploits in the upgrade/update process07:41
SegFaultAXetrask: try the alternative cd07:41
bazhang_etrask, did you md5 the iso, do the disk integrity check and burn at very low speed?07:41
genesismachineit's kind of amazing that with 1200+ people in this room, nobody has a macbook and has tried to install 8.10...07:41
bazhang_!md5 | etrask07:41
ubottuetrask: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:41
etraskbazhang_: I did that, plus I torrented it so the file itself was fine07:41
paranoidixare there any groups that can help me with information / protection07:41
bazhang_!ibex | genesismachine07:41
ubottugenesismachine: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu07:41
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slevenit doesnt, in home there is just user and no files07:42
nicholaspaulgenesismachine: i have a macbookpro, but just use VirtualMachine.07:42
bazhang_genesismachine, wrong channel for that07:42
etraskbazhang_: the disc itself is fine, I think it's a problem with my laptop07:42
SegFaultAXparanoidix: look into SE Linux or OpenBSD07:42
SegFaultAXsleven: try ls -laF07:42
paranoidixso - you would not recommend ubuntu07:42
WIGGMPketrask: did you check to make sure the BIOS is set to boot from CD/DVD drive first?07:42
SegFaultAXsleven: its .bashrc, so its hidden07:42
slevensame result07:42
etraskI get into the boot screen07:42
etraskand I select "Start Ubuntu without changing your computer"07:42
etraskand hit enter, and it freezes right there07:43
WIGGMPketrask: what kinda of laptop?07:43
Frogzoogenesismachine: dunno, maybe try google07:43
etraskSony VGN-NF310E07:43
SegFaultAXgenesismachine: whats the problem?07:43
slevenSegFaultAX, there is only one home right?07:43
genesismachineFrogzoo: tried, with no success... This was my last-ditch attempt...07:43
SegFaultAXsleven: per user07:43
bazhang_paranoidix, if you have a specific question please ask it07:43
gr3phi, does anybody know how to view the changes for each package that needs an update while doing a 'apt-get upgrade'?07:43
Frogzoogenesismachine: I don't believe it's only you with this problem07:44
ha6ican someone help me in correcting my booting problem,when i select option for ubuntu on loader,its displaying error....07:44
elpargoetrask, don't use enter as punctuation.07:44
slevenSegFaultAX, so i should cd into user?07:44
WIGGMPketrask: try and pass these kernel options "noapic irqpoll noirqdebug" you have to hit F6 I think and it will bring up a line, at the end of it put that in (without the quotes) and see if it works07:44
cakeyoh nice07:44
SegFaultAXsleven: just type cd, it will take you to home07:44
sleveni should be in /home/user not ~/home ?07:44
cakeyCrossOver is free07:44
SegFaultAXsleven: correct07:44
etraskWIGGMPk: I'll try that, thanks. I'm on the laptop in question right now so I have to reboot for each trial solution :P07:44
jimmydimmyI turned up everything in alsamixer but still no audio...speakers are def in right port too :P argh07:45
anilomkarHi all, I bought Dell Studio 1535 Laptop and installed Ubuntu Hardy in that, but Wifi is not working in that. Could you guys please help me out..07:45
bazhang_genesismachine, #ubuntu+1 NOT here.07:45
sleveni see it now07:45
genesismachinebazhang_: will do, but nobody is paying attention on #ubuntu+1...07:45
WIGGMPketrask: ok, its a long shot though, so dont get your hopes up07:45
frogscottbazhang_, if i want to remove pulse audio and i remove my desktop how do I put my desktop back after?07:45
slevenSegFaultAX, how do i open i then? and exactly what do i need to add?07:46
genesismachineSegFaultAX: follow me to #ubuntu+107:46
etraskI swear I've used a Ubuntu live CD for this laptop before, I don't know why it doesn't work anymore (even went back and tried 7.10, which I think was the one that worked before)07:46
bazhang_frogscott, switch to alsa in sound preferences; that may be one source of trouble07:46
bazhang_frogscott, also set vlc or other apps to use alsa and not pulse07:46
SegFaultAXsleven: vim/nano/pico/emacs or whatever editor you use07:46
slevenok i did id with gedit07:46
frogscottbazhang_, yes I think it is but how can I get rid of pulse?07:46
ha6ican anyone help me to reinstall grub after installing windows ....?07:47
SegFaultAXsleven: you could just add that export statement07:47
bazhang_!grub | ha6i07:47
ubottuha6i: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:47
bazhang_ha6i, read the restore grub link07:47
anilomkarcan anyone help me out, my Wireless LAN is not working in my Dell Studio laptop07:48
genesismachinealright, well I'm out... too tired to continue debugging :(07:48
etraskAnyone else have a possible solution to my live CD woes while I wait for the newly-downloaded ISO to finish burning? :D07:49
MrPeepers310elpargo: well i can't get it working just yet but i will. the reason there is no sun-java6-plugin for me is because i am running the 64bit version07:49
SpinachHeadetrask, how much RAM?07:50
etraskSpinachHead: 2 gigs07:50
kc8pxyok, anyone here successfully playing oblivion on hardy?07:50
riz0ni have a question.. i am using postfix to deliver mail to linux users, and using mail directories. when a user receives a message it gets delivered to the proper folder however when user tries to access that folder to read messages (like using mail from shell) it says Permission denied07:50
SpinachHeadoh, thats not the problem.  I couldnt get it to boot live on old laptop, but def not your problem07:50
SegFaultAXriz0n: did you check the file permissions?07:51
elpargoMrPeepers310, oh you forgot to mention that when you said ubuntu 8.04 :) it seems you have a big problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91044707:51
etraskYeah, I'm stumped. I'm disappointed, all I have on this laptop is Vista, which blows07:51
WIGGMPkcan someone pastebin there hardy /etc/apt/sources.list for some reason my list is completely out of order (I usually keep it commented and seperated)07:51
SpinachHeadmy sources is out of order too07:52
frogscottbazhang_, yes I think it is but how can I get rid of pulse?07:53
Frogzoo!easysource | WIGGMPk07:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource07:53
Frogzoo!easysources | WIGGMPk07:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easysources07:53
WIGGMPkFrogzoo =* I think I remember that site07:54
Brian88Hi, I want to install the latest KDE version (4.1) to some PCs (I have 2 PCs and 1 Laptop) but I don't have much bandwith (and I will not do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on 3 PCs). Can I have the *.deb file so a single download can install to 3 PCs?07:54
Gnea!sources | WIGGMPk07:54
ubottuWIGGMPk: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:54
mntnpngnjust wondering if 8.10 will be released ontime07:55
rskiBrian88: you can setup a local mirror and apt-get from that one07:55
Gneamntnpngn: see what happens in a few days.07:55
WIGGMPkGnea: thanks07:55
GneaWIGGMPk: cheers07:55
mntnpngnI've been having some rough time with 8.04.1 lately07:56
Gneamntnpngn: ubuntu has a historic record of releasing often, and on time.07:56
mntnpngnand I just found a big bug on 8.10 rc server07:56
Gneamntnpngn: you should mention it in #ubuntu+1, we don't deal with 8.10 issues yet.07:57
mntnpngnahh ok07:57
mntnpngnI did submit it to launchpad though...07:57
histoGod virtualbox is awesome this seamless mode rocks nowI can play poker again.07:58
mntnpngnmaybe I should roll up my sleeve and fix the problem myself07:58
Brian88rski: How can I do that?07:58
afancy Hi, How to start Ubuntu into console, without start x-windows?07:59
Brian88rski: How can I start the local mirror??07:59
elpargo!runlevels | afancy07:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevels07:59
elpargoumm stupid bot.07:59
Info73elpargo - Excuse you but I'm doing what i was programmed to do, and saying "stupid bot", ETC. is rude and disrespectful. If you don't like it put me on ignore or leave the channel.07:59
etraskhahah, wow08:00
afancyelpargo: what do u mean08:00
etrask"touchy" bot08:00
GneaInfo73: hi.08:00
=== chili is now known as Guest87390
afancyelpargo: could u give me more details?08:01
Gneait only seems to respond to 'stupid bot'08:01
Info73Gnea - Excuse you but I'm doing what i was programmed to do, and saying "stupid bot", ETC. is rude and disrespectful. If you don't like it put me on ignore or leave the channel.08:01
elpargoLMAO @ Info73 comment :)08:01
aepurnieti was hoping someone could give me some pointers with dual booting osx and ubuntu08:01
etraskafancy: http://www.linux.com/articles/11410708:01
Gnea!dualboot | aepurniet08:02
ubottuaepurniet: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:02
elpargoafancy, do you want this for trouble shooting or normal use?08:02
etraskafancy: basically linux has a few different "run levels" you can configure it, and they'll start different services based on which one you pick. It's customizable, and that's about all I know about this :P08:02
aepurnietim having a problem installing ubuntu gives me a weird allocation size problem after choosing the language08:02
aepurnietthen it says the code dealing with that is highly experimental and then stalls08:03
riz0nI am trying to convert dovecot from using password files to using the users/passwords built into Linux... what changes do I need to make to my dovecot.conf file in order to convert the configuration? thanks08:03
aepurnieti read a lot of these articles and none of them adress my specific issue08:03
Gneariz0n: /join #dovecot08:03
elpargoetrask, that's basically it, you add scripts to each runlevel and then say boot me (or take me to runlevel X)08:04
etraskI've been out of the linux loop for a while, not that I was ever great at it. And now the live CD hates my laptop so I can't even join in the fun :(08:04
Gneaaepurniet: you should provide the detail from the problem - screenshots or take some pictures or just write it all down, then post it somewhere so that we can look at it. not all of us have macs so only a handful of people are going to be able to reliably help you, but getting that information will get your problem solved faster than not.08:05
Gneaetrask: what laptop?08:05
etraskGnea: Sony VGN-NR310E with upgraded RAM08:06
aepurnieti dont think i can take a screenshot during the install08:06
Gneaaepurniet: digital cameras tend to work nicely08:06
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org08:06
ashmeetsinghhi all I have a problem with my sound driver08:07
aepurnietto give you more info about the problem, i installed osx first, then ubuntu08:07
ashmeetsinghcan any one help08:07
etraskGnea: ... I had no idea. I just bookmarked all of those, thank you :D08:07
Gnea!sound | ashmeetsingh08:07
Brian88Hi, I want to install the latest KDE version (4.1) to some PCs (I have 2 PCs and 1 Laptop) but I don't have much bandwith (and I will not do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on 3 PCs). Can I have the *.deb file so a single download can install to 3 PCs?08:07
ubottuashmeetsingh: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:07
Brian88Hi, I want to install the latest KDE version (4.1) to some PCs (I have 2 PCs and 1 Laptop) but I don't have much bandwith (and I will not do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on 3 PCs). Can I have the *.deb file so a single download can install to 3 PCs?08:07
aepurnietduring the ubuntu install (after the language selection in the gui portion), when it starts the partitioner, there is a message saying "weird" block allocation size detected on /dev/smb (or something like that), and then stalls08:08
favro!aptoncd | Brian8808:08
ubottuBrian88: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers08:08
Gneaetrask: looks like someone got opensuse working on one08:08
* Info73 gives a cold beer to Hen108:09
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.08:09
* Info73 gives a cold beer to Len08:09
etraskGnea: But... but I want Xubuntu :P08:09
* Len gives a cold beer to Hen108:09
sylockhi here08:09
Gneaetrask: it should work then. what's it getting caught up on?08:09
Hen1using ubuntu 8.04 and my atheros wlan is connected, but I don't have internet08:09
Gnea!wifi | Hen108:10
ubottuHen1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:10
Hen1sudo iwconfig says I have connection with an access point08:10
sylockI have a problem with Intrepid Ibex : no floppy anymore08:10
etraskGnea: the live CD itself won't boot up correctly. I get to the portion where I select "Start Linux" and hit enter, and it just freezes08:10
Gneasylock: that's a feature, not a bug.08:10
=== asso2 is now known as duuututuuuu
aepurnietahh, im getting how this goes08:10
Hen1I read the wireless documentation08:11
Hen1but I am a linux noob and I'm stuck08:11
etraskand unfortunately for now I can't use the alternate CD install -- just trying out Xubuntu and I'd have to do some hard drive mojo in Windows before I could install08:11
sylockGnea, could you explain plz ?08:11
LenHen1 pwnd by linux08:11
Hen1signal strength: 85%08:11
Hen1access point: blabla (connected)08:11
LVHenl: do you have nm-applet running?08:12
Hen1one moment08:12
Gneaetrask: hrm, you should be able to scrape all of the GUI stuff out of the startup and see the kernel message when the error occurs - just press F6 at the livecd boot prompt and backspace over 'quiet splash'08:13
faria_khanhi all08:13
sylockGnea: floppies are not supported anymore ?08:13
LVHen1, do you have a picture of a monitor with a little red x in it, or a set of bars, or something, up near the clock?08:13
Gneasylock: who uses floppies? they die too quick.08:13
faria_khanany one can help me on squid ??08:13
Gneafaria_khan: the people in #squid can08:13
etraskGnea: I tried that, and when I hit enter it still froze on that first screen (the one with all the boot options). Nothing else ever showed up :(08:13
Hen1no red x, exclamation mark08:14
faria_khanGnea they are sleeping08:14
Hen1but I am on ethernet now, not wireless obviously08:14
Gneafaria_khan: then you must be patient.08:14
Gneafaria_khan: what's the problem anyway?08:14
Hen1hm, I can't run nm-applet?08:14
Hen1just updatet to ubuntu 8.0408:14
sylockGnea: Sure. But it can help. Thx for your help08:14
LVok, if you right click that icon, you can see if Wireless is an option08:14
=== kano_ is now known as Kanito
Hen1so I should have it, right?08:14
Hen1wireless is an option08:14
LVerr Enable Wireless...08:14
scientuscan i do a dpkg dump from 32 and install it on 64?08:14
Gneasylock: i suppose... when did the error occur?08:15
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.08:15
faria_khani just  need to how can and where can i put ip tables setting for transparent proxy08:15
LVHen1, if it's enabled, then, LEFT click on the icon, and you should see a list of wireless networks08:15
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!08:15
Hen1got it08:15
dannybuntuhello everyone, i was just wondering why video playback on ubuntu is so slow specially if I am running multiple programs. I don't want to mention it, but in XP Media Player, video plays just fine even while I am running more than 5 applications at the same time. I have installed libdvdcss2 w32codecs too. :)08:15
LVHen1, n joy08:15
faria_khanGnea : i just  need to how can and where can i put ip tables setting for transparent proxy08:16
LVdannybuntu, different drivers.08:16
Gneafaria_khan: oh... iptables -A PREROUTING -s -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination  something like that08:16
sylockGnea: I have no error messages. The /dev/fd0 don't exist, that's all.08:16
scientushow do i dump my packages and reinstall on a nw system08:16
dannybuntuLV i am using nvidia 96*  this is the newest one and most appropriate for my card08:17
favro!aptoncd | scientus08:17
ubottuscientus: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers08:17
Gneasylock: and you have a real floppy drive? are you sure it's enabled in the bios and that the cable is securely connected?08:17
etraskGon' give this one more shot, I'll be back (as everyone waits with breath held)08:17
scientusno, im going to 64 bit so i would want 64 bit versions08:17
LVdannybuntu, the nvidia windows driver is updated constantly by driver geeks.  Where does the linux driver come from?  how often is that updated?08:17
sylockGnea: and I'm too young yet with linux to node it. It seems with dmesg that it is not recognize on the boot process.08:17
scientusi just want the package list08:17
ArShAmHi all08:18
=== ara_ is now known as ara
sylockGnea: yeah, it is enabled in the bios. I booted on the floppy to be sure that it works well and this is the case.08:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudobash08:18
* Info73 gives a cold beer to Len08:18
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.08:18
favroscientus: try   dpkg -l > dpkg.txt08:18
Gneasylock: can you pastebin the output of dmesg?08:18
=== mlucena is now known as CalaveraFN
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about weed08:18
ArShAmI am about to upgrade with an alternate CD , and it is going to remove lots of my current packages08:18
dannybuntuLV: ummm. i am not sure but in windows, i didnt even upgrade my video drivers.08:18
faria_khanGneaq yes but where to put this command ???08:18
Gnea!botabuse | Len08:18
ubottuLen: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:18
ArShAmI am a limitted network access and I cannot upgrade all of my packages , what to do?08:19
sylockGnea : oki08:19
rskiArShAm: not upgrade or upgrade in small stages.08:19
Hen2I'm back08:19
frogscottur back with different name08:20
Hen2My network card was recognized, but know when I want to configure ath0 (my wireless connection), I get: "the interface does not exist"08:20
Hen2lol, don't know why it's changed08:20
ArShAmrski, I have to upgrade , because I need to use the new kernel08:20
rskiso get someone to download the .debs for you and install them locally08:21
rskithat's the only way then if you can't do it yourself08:21
ArShAmrski,  is it possible to bypass the removes?08:21
Hen2can anyone offer some wireless network help?08:21
frogscottGnea I need to fix my flash settings for mozilla - mozilla crashes everytime I run a video on it08:21
ArShAmit says it needs to get 1400 MBs if I want all the updates08:22
* Len gives Hen2 some wireless08:22
rskiok so? you just update the kernel then.08:22
riz0nhow can i get the mail program (which runs from shell) to read from Maildir and not from the Mbox file?08:22
sylockGnea: my dmesg http://pastebin.com/d432f832608:22
ArShAmrski, the new kernel is not in hardy repos08:22
rskiright so order 8.10 from shipit08:22
rskior download a new kernel from kernel.org and install it manually08:23
Hen2so I got driver support for atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards08:23
rskior get a friend to download it for you08:23
ArShAmok , thanks anyway08:23
rskiso there you go ArShAm08:23
rskiloads of options08:23
rskijust pick one08:23
Hen2But now when I want to configure ath0, I get an error saying 'the interface does not exist'08:23
frogscottHen2, u need to find it08:24
ArShAmrski, thanks , bye08:24
dannybuntuLV: Anyway. may I ask if you think this has to do with linux and assigning processes?08:24
Hen2can you tell me how?08:24
frogscottHen2, this is ur laptop right?08:24
frogscottHen2, laptop is hub?08:25
frogscottHen2, what type of router do you have at hub?08:26
Hen2ath0 iwconfig recognizes an access point08:26
Hen2belkin 54g08:26
frogscottHen2, is it wireless? lol08:26
Hen2it's not the router08:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sources.list.d08:26
Hen2I want to connect wireless yes08:27
WIGGMPkAnyone happen to have some info on sources.list.d and how it works?08:27
Hen2yes, it's wireless, 4 other people are connected to it now and using it08:27
frogscottHen2, have you tried configuring the router properly according to belkin and made sure you have password?08:27
Hen2ssid: devlag08:27
Hen2access point: 00:11:50 etc. etc.08:27
Hen2everything is configured right08:27
Hen2it has to be something with my configuration on laptop08:28
itai_michaelsonhi, what kind of upgrade is it from ibex beta to ibex stable, is it just some packages?08:28
frogscottHen2, check if the card is supported on Ubuntu08:28
SpinachHeadthat belkin54g wont work right !08:28
homerjthe kind of upgrade where it copies new files over old ones08:28
Hen2it does work for 4 other people08:28
SpinachHeadeverytime i connect to belkin54g from linux it crashes the cable modem08:29
Baronanyone know what CMS is used for ubuntu.com?08:29
frogscottHen2, check their settings08:29
Hen2everything is the same08:29
inktriwho here can help me with wireshark08:29
Hen2reboot it is08:29
Hen2oh wait08:29
frogscottHen2, or is it just a matter of ur pc doesnt see the modem?08:29
rskiinktri: man wireshark is a good start08:29
Hen2I cant find WICD08:29
inktrirski: i'm just wondering why i don't see all packets being sent in my wireless network08:30
inktrirskI: i only see packets i send out and packets sent to me. promiscuous mode is on08:30
LVdannybuntu, you were talking about video performance and multiple windows08:30
dannybuntuLV: correct :)08:30
yodcreCoy^, sup08:30
LVso I was saying, it's likely a driver issue with the stream decoding08:30
Hen2upgrading to 8.10 then08:30
LVeg it's more optimized or whatever on windows08:30
LVjust a guess tho08:30
LVbut that's what it had to do with it08:30
FloodBot1LV: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:30
Hen2lennart ga nou eens wat nuttigs doen08:31
riz0nis there a way to get mailx to read from Maildir (mail directory) instead of the single mail fil?08:31
frogscottHen2, excuse me08:31
reCoy^yodc: hey!08:31
* Info73 gives a cold beer to Hen208:32
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.08:32
error404notfoundhow can we check which version of a certain software exists in respositories without even downloading it?08:32
etraskBut what kind of beer?08:32
* etrask approves08:32
frogscottHen2, Fat Tire08:32
Hen2fat tire?08:32
etrask...surely you know fat tire08:33
domi235Amstel \o/08:33
frogscottHen2, Colorado USA08:33
dannybuntuLV: Interesting insight. Thanks. However, I merely pointed out the video because that is where it is really more noticeable. In other instances such as firefox the performance is the same: ff3 slower on Ubuntu than ff3 on windows. I love Ubuntu, I hope they get to the bottom of this. I am reading some posts about ubuntu being slower than XP and I notice 2 schools of thought. Nevertheless, the problem is there for me personally. :)08:33
riz0nhow do you get the cute hostmasks on here?08:33
Hen2you're american?08:33
Hen2que pasa?08:34
frogscottnothing hambre hombre08:34
Brian88_hi, I w08:34
ay^je no habla español08:34
Brian88_I am going to install kubuntu-desktop package on my Ubuntu, is that KDE3 or KDE4???08:34
etraskI was operating under the assumption that Fat Tire is Belgian. Am I crazy?08:34
Hen2fat tire is beer?08:34
frogscottNope muy pquito08:34
frogscottHen2, yes and a very good one08:35
henk_hey hen208:35
Hen2hoegaarden is belgium, and it's better08:35
frogscottHen2, u dont know that08:35
etraskHen2 strong words since you've obviously never had fat tire :P08:35
Hen2true true hombre08:35
Hen2si si senor08:35
frogscottHen2, but overall european beer is better08:36
Hen2i've had a flat tire08:36
toddoonhi, why when i run ediff-revision for example i have a gnome window open to select a file whereas the minibuffer?08:36
henk_you guys drink heineken over there, heineken sucks so you guys don't know shizzle08:36
frogscottow wow08:36
* Info73 gives a cold beer to henk_08:36
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.08:36
Hen2don't drink heineken too much08:37
dannybuntuLV: Anyway. may I ask if you !wine08:37
Hen2!beer |henk08:37
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.08:37
* Info73 gives a cold beer to |henk08:37
ubottuhenk: please see above08:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vodka08:37
Ohmuwhy is heineken similar to a honeymoon on a yacht?08:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drugs08:37
frogscott!slap |henk08:37
* cosmo_ slaps frogscott around the head with :frogscott!n=Scott@c-71-196-255-47.hsd1.co.comcast.net PRIVMSG #ubuntu :-!slap |henk.08:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slap08:37
frogscottwow that felt good08:38
* henk_ slaps Hen2 with a large trout!08:38
Hen2because it isn't08:38
Hen2nice slap08:38
Hen2que pasa?08:38
frogscottBeer slapper!08:38
Hen2colorado ftl!08:38
etraskNit a mention of linux in sight on my screen.08:39
frogscottLinux is excellent08:39
Hen2windows is exxxcceellent08:39
etraskI still can't use the live CD08:39
etraskI'm beginning to think it just hates me08:39
sylockGnea: did you found something in my dmesg ?08:40
frogscottno one here has what it takes to help me08:40
Hen2!beer |frogscott08:40
* Info73 gives a cold beer to |frogscott08:40
ubottufrogscott: Beer is always appreciated.08:40
Hen2that'll help08:40
frogscottwell that helped08:40
etraskThat's your answer to everything!08:40
frogscottstudy my dear etrask08:41
etraskOh no, I love beer, it just doesn't sem to help my current situation08:41
Hen2capital of germany?08:41
Hen2fail frogscott, no beer today08:42
Hen2capital of holland?08:42
Hen2!beer |etrask08:42
* Info73 gives a cold beer to |etrask08:42
ubottuetrask: Beer is always appreciated.08:42
Hen2!wireless |henk08:42
ubottuhenk: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:42
frogscottexcuse me pal I got it first08:43
Hen2(09:42:37 AM) etrask: Amsterdam?08:43
Hen2(09:42:37 AM) frogscott: Amster08:43
etrasknot on my scree you didn't08:43
Hen2no you didn't08:43
Hen2but anyway08:43
frogscottlol like i meant amster08:43
Hen2first president of america?08:43
frogscottI abbreviated08:43
Hen2!beer |frogscott08:43
* Info73 gives a cold beer to |frogscott08:43
ubottufrogscott: Beer is always appreciated.08:43
etraskSo... anyone know why the live CD for Ubuntu doesn't want to work for me?08:43
Hen2no-one wants to work for you08:44
frogscottyes etrask08:44
zaggynlMy psysich powers are failing me, I'm afraid you're going to have to explain the problem to me etrask :(08:44
dannybuntuetrask: did you check the CD if its md5sum is good?08:44
frogscottno he has another os on there08:44
frogscottand it is causing space problems08:44
etraskThe CD integrity is fine, it boots up, but when I pick "Start ubuntu" it just freezes08:44
frogscottpartition etrask08:45
etraskI'm not trying to install right now08:45
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Hen2any tips for a linux noob?08:45
Ganandorfhi guys i am having some trouble with the nvidia glx new driver every time i install it via synaptic my screen resolution gets messed up when i choose extra in visual effects it gets really low08:45
frogscottyes learn more08:45
Hen2the terminal is a strange thing08:45
drago1how to know on which partion is my windows installed... can someone tell the command...08:46
frogscottGanandorf, ok ganan go get Envy NG08:46
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alex____hi. I have an off topic question... Can someone point me towards a great domain name register ? or recommended reading on domain name registration and later hosting?08:46
Ganandorfalso when i install in via enable hard ware drivers resolution gets low again what is the correct way to install08:46
frogscottGanandorf, I just told you08:46
Ganandorffrogscott:  envy ng is that for nvidia08:46
Ganandorfok cool thanks08:47
frogscottit is an Ubuntu program08:47
alex____ganandorg "apt-get install envy-ng"08:47
frogscottwell third party08:47
alex____its in the repos08:47
Ganandorfbut why is teh nvidia driver giving probs like that08:47
ghalebhello, how can I join tar and split in one command ? I used this command but it's not working  tar -cvf data.tar.gz /data/sw | split -b4000m - data.tar.gz08:47
alex____you may need to edit xorg.conf ...08:47
alex____or try nvidia-settings-manager08:48
alex____but ry another driver first ... envy-ng is a big set of scripts to install drivers08:48
etraskSo no ideas why the live CD just freezes on me?08:48
frogscottfirst get the proper drivers from Envy get Envy in Synatic Manager08:48
alex____etrask: too little ram08:48
etraskalex____: I've got 2 gigs though :(08:48
dannybuntuGanandorf: In System > Administration > Nvidia X Server Settings - you can change the resolution to what you like08:48
frogscottetrask, bad copy?08:49
GibbaTheHuttwhere does it freeze ?08:49
ha6ihow to know the partition on which windows installed.../08:49
alex____etrask: hmm... burn it again on slow speeds?08:49
etraskI've downloaded two different images (Ubuntu and Xubuntu live discs) and burned it about 10-15 times now, they all get the same problem :(08:49
zirodayha6i: if you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l we will tell you  :)08:49
etraskGibbaTheHutt: it freezes right after hitting enter for "Start ubuntu"08:49
alex____ha6i: open gparted ('gksu gparted') and find the ntfs partition.08:49
frogscottah ok so it isnt the disk or the ram08:49
dannybuntuha6i: Or, to check you have to look at the partitition and see which one has the Windows folder :)08:50
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zirodayetrask: are there any error messages at all?08:50
GibbaTheHuttetrask, could be a few things, I have to add irqpoll to my boot options in grub though to stop mine hanging08:50
GibbaTheHuttmaybe hit alt-f2 when its booting08:50
alex____etrask: hard lockups can be real hardware problems? but you could try an alternate CD for install08:50
romain_#server uni-irc.net08:51
Ganandorffrogscott:  i am seeing a bunch of stuff with envy included in the names like envyng core ,envyng -gtk, nvidia-glx-envy which  is the exact oen i need08:51
etraskziroday: there are no messages at all, it just freezes right on the list of boot options. GibbaTheHutt: i tried irqpoll, sadly still nothing. Alex____: ... I don't want hardware problems :(08:51
frogscottGanandorf, I know sweet isnt it?08:51
SuperATPdoes anyone know how to set the bitdepth in x11vnc when starting it ??08:52
alex____ganan: envyng08:52
alex____prolly glx08:52
ha6iziroday:http://paste.ubuntu.com/63548/ i need this to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst...08:52
zirodayetrask: can you remove the splash and/or quiet option from the boot options and see if there are any error messages08:52
frogscottGanandorf, oh i see let me look one sec08:52
etraskziroday: Tried that too! Right after I hit enter the DVD drive makes a noise like it's about to read the disc, then nothing happens at all. Not even any console messages. I tried starting from the console too, and it just froze on "Booting..."08:53
zirodayha6i: you have two windows partitions, which hardrive is windows on?08:53
alex____ha6i: sdb1 is obviously where windows is08:53
alex____oops or hda508:54
zirodayetrask: okay, you can try a variety of boot options like acpi=off, noapic etc...to see if you can get it to boot. Other than that I have no clue :(08:54
ha6ialex____: then what should i use in editing /boot/grub/menu.lst...08:54
zirodayalex____: and what about the NTFS partition in sda5?08:54
ljsoftnethow can i play quicktime videos in http://www.apple.com/trailers/?08:54
alex____what do you want to do?08:55
frogscottGanandorf, http://albertomilone.com/envyngfaq.html#A08:55
etraskah... well thanks for the help guys. If I had to guess I'd say it's the disc drive. Cheap piece of crap :(08:55
ziroday!quicktime | ljsoftnet08:55
ubottuljsoftnet: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:55
alex____ziroday: see above! =)08:55
Ganandorffrogscott:  thanks08:55
zirodayalex____: oops missed that line08:55
GibbaTheHuttetrask, how are you burning the livecds ?08:56
alex____ha6i: what are you rying to do?08:56
zirodayha6i: anyway, you have two ntfs partitions on two different harddrives. Which harddrive the 80GB one or the 40GB one did you install windows on?08:56
GibbaTheHuttand have you removed quiet from the boot options to let it tell you as much as possible08:56
frogscottGanandorf, no problem08:56
ha6ialex____:when i try to boot linux or windows an error is shown... i have to edit at boot ,root and then boot.even then windows is not booting...08:57
lonranwhat program can i use to configure dual monitors with an ATI card?08:58
SpinachHeadwhen are wireless cards going to include linux drivers?08:58
alex____sounds like a grub error08:58
rskiSpinachHead: when they want too.08:58
alex____you could pastebin you /boot/grub.menu.list for us to look at08:58
ha6i)alex____: how do i solve it...08:58
zirodaylonran: you can try the utility in System > Administration > Screen Resolution08:59
SpinachHeaddo bill and steve give them kickbacks ?09:00
zirodaySpinachHead: you can talk about that in #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish09:00
alex____ha6i where did you install linux?09:01
murloxis it possible to print the individual chart in gnumeric by selecting it (excel has the capability)?09:02
alex____grub looks fine.  numbering for grub is 1 less than for fdisk (hda1 = hd0,0) so it should be fine. what is your error when starting up?09:03
alex____murlox: you can save it as an image? and print that09:03
ha6ialex____: some error wit error:no "press any key..."09:04
alex____if you are keen, you could add an entry to grub like the windows one (at the bottom) corresponding to the other NTFS partition, the ones with the boot flag in your pasted output, see if windows will boot from them?09:05
dakhow do you get rid of the boot screen that shows the ubuntu logo so you see the old startup09:05
SymbiosWhich user account is running Apache web server [${APACHE_RUN_USER}] ?09:06
Symbios*** ERROR: account ${APACHE_RUN_USER} not found in system table /etc/passwd !09:06
SymbiosWhich user account is running Apache web server [${APACHE_RUN_USER}] ?09:06
Symbioswhy i can't install?09:06
sims1sup all09:06
rskiinstall what and how?09:06
sims1anyone idea how i can use the nunchuk buttons and analog stick as mouse?09:06
=== Co_idaman-wanita is now known as iwan
sims1wminput works, i just dont get the config09:07
murloxalex____: well, it looks kinda ugly as an image; I prefer to print it normally. Thanks for the response.09:07
rskiSymbios: is it in ubuntu?09:08
ha6ialex____: trying.... i will login afterwards09:08
dannybuntucan anyone tell me of a cool looking alternative to gnome aside from kde and xfce?09:08
dakhow do you get rid of the boot screen that shows the ubuntu logo so you see the old startup09:08
dakso its like debian09:08
rskidannybuntu: e1709:09
Symbiosrski, In attempt to establish ocs-nventory I have such problem, учентая to wash down apache (www-data) is included09:09
baboguys, the skype package is broken ...09:09
xHemlockI hate polythiophene09:09
Symbiosrski, ubuntu 8.0409:09
goldmetali am using lastest vlc, how come dvd menu dont' work?09:09
rskiwas that some russian?09:09
rskii do not understans09:10
dannybunturski: enlightenment? i am running an old pentium 3 pc. would that be faster?09:10
lamegodannybuntu, fluxbuntu09:11
rskithat would be insanley faster yes dannybuntu09:11
=== andychinghe is now known as cWe_mOeDz
Prometheus7777hi, have ubuntu intrepid rc and i use Quanta in gnome and i can't find kio package that allow me to use sftp in quanta? Which package should i install?09:11
lamego!intrepid | Prometheus777709:11
ubottuPrometheus7777: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu09:11
kc8pxyanyone here familiar iwth wine/quartz on ubuntu?09:11
dannybunturski: ok thanks i will apt-get now :)09:11
rskidannybuntu: it's not in apt-get09:11
rskie16 might be thou.09:11
zirodaykc8pxy: what is your question?09:12
histo!anyone | kc8pxy09:13
ubottukc8pxy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:13
=== andychinghe is now known as cHuCkY
dannybunturski: ok googling it now09:13
ljsoftnethow can i play quicktime videos in http://www.apple.com/trailers/? using firefox09:14
kc8pxyziroday:  i am trying to play oblivion, but every time i play it, i get no sound. not in the menu, or in the engine. but movies play fine. when the parts that doint play sound begin, i get a error about quartz fumbling an interface it can't find.09:14
zirodaykc8pxy: you can ask in #winehq09:14
dannybunturski: ah but it is >> deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e1709:14
rskiusing edgy? :)09:14
dannybunturski: can i use that in hardy?09:14
rskii have no idea09:15
kc8pxyziroday:  everyone seems to be afk there.  I'm running wine on ubuntu, so this seemed the next best place.09:15
rskii have never used a repo for e1709:15
rskionly built it from source09:15
dobblegois there a tower defense game in the repositories?09:15
dannybunturski: ok googling again :)09:15
dannybunturski: ah here it is deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu hardy e17 :) thanks09:16
alex____ubuntu folks dont build form source!09:16
rskialex____: all software is not in apt-get09:17
dannybuntualex___: very true. tried that once. took several hours09:17
alex____*ssorry about shouting09:17
lamego!caps | alex____09:17
ubottualex____: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:17
dannybuntualex____: in fact it took 2 hours to build pidgin from source...09:17
alex____why do it then?09:17
=== Cow_CaKep_MuPenG is now known as CoW_SmG
alex____open office takes something like 8!09:18
erUSULkc8pxy: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=315009:18
alex____gee .. i didn't think pidgin was that big09:18
dannybuntualex___: my pc is old...09:18
seekingtruthwhats the CLI command to update Ubuntu with all the latest files and security files etc?  apt-get update && upgrade ?09:18
alex____i see!09:19
peterererhow old is old these days? heh09:19
seekingtruthdannybuntu: so am I :)09:19
alex____&& apt-get dist-upgrade09:19
dannybuntupetererer: i bought my pc in 1999909:19
seekingtruthalex whats diff between  apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:19
=== CoW_SmG is now known as CoW_SmG_AloNe
alex____gee. my little second hand ibook g4 isn't that old!09:20
TiMiDoseekingtruth, apt-get upgrade or update?09:20
seekingtruthisnt dist-upgrade  when u want to upgrade from one version to another?09:20
=== Cow_CaKep_MuPenG is now known as PANGERAN_KESOREA
alex____dist-upgrade does all the kernel and imprtant system stuff. Right folks?09:20
seekingtruthTiMiDo:  whats the CLI command to update Ubuntu with all the latest files and security files etc?  apt-get update && upgrade ?09:20
alex____its not just for version changes09:20
TiMiDoseekingtruth, not really when you update you're packages must like it09:20
alex____itsa debian thing09:20
seekingtruthTiMiDo: whats diff between  apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade ?09:21
TiMiDoseekingtruth, apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade09:21
peterererdist- will install new packages if necessary09:21
seekingtruthand what does apt-get upgrade do then?09:21
TiMiDoseekingtruth, update you're mirrors09:21
[tla]no doubt i am the millionth person to ask this but here goes ... when trying to upgrade to intrepid from hardy why is download of the *ntfs-3g* files returning "forbidden"?  Thx09:21
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:22
alex____it just isn't quite as deep and thorough...09:22
=== liyafeng007 is now known as liyafeng
peterererit will upgrade existing packages09:22
dannybuntuyo yo yo ActionParsnip09:22
peterererbut if existing packages have new dependencies and require a new package to be installed, dist-upgrade must be used09:22
alex____tla: its a bug. wait for some time before trying again... up to a week.09:22
seekingtruthwhat does this do.. apt-get -u dist-upgrade ?09:22
ActionParsnip!intrepid | [tla]09:22
ubottu[tla]: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu09:22
alex____petererer: ah! i see!09:22
dannybuntu3 days to go!09:22
redeemed_2 days isn't it?09:23
dannybuntuummm yeah 2 days :)09:23
dannybuntuhallo dust09:23
alex____tla: if you need to upgrade, uninstall ntfs-3g first.09:23
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: -u == Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be upgraded. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Show-Upgraded.09:23
redeemed_ello ello09:23
seekingtruthalex what does this do.. apt-get -u dist-upgrade ?09:23
[tla]ty all09:23
seekingtruthActionParsnip: ok09:23
ActionParsnipseekingtruth: man apt-get ;)09:23
TiMiDoseekingtruth, man apt09:24
werdnusWhat's the default font path?09:24
seekingtruthActionParsnip: i prefer female09:24
damaltorhello everybody. i have a small problem: i have a "server" computer running 24h in my house. on this computer, there is about 100 GB of music. as i love amaroK, i mounted the 100 gb via NFS to the computer i'm usually sitting on. it works indeed, i have read and write access without any problems. mounting an NFS is NOT the problem. the problem is, amarok uses to keep the collection of music nice and tidy. but even when i click on a ...09:24
seekingtruthfemale apt ?09:24
damaltor... song to play it, it will update the score of the song by 1. copying it over the network 2. changig the score 3. copying it back over the network 4. refreshing the whole database. refreshing the whole db takes about half an hour via network. how can i speed this up? is there an alternative?09:24
ay^when is intrepid final released?09:24
alex____seekingtruth: yes. read to man pages. ubuntu has even moved them to HTML!!09:24
ActionParsnipTiMiDo: apt-get is the command09:24
alex____man aptitude09:24
seekingtruthok cheers big ears :)09:24
alex____oh and try apt-get moo09:24
alex____or aptitude moo !!!09:24
ActionParsnipalex____: then apt-get moo -vv09:24
ActionParsnipalex____: then apt-get moo -vvv09:25
ActionParsnipalex____: and so on09:25
dustofdusti have a problem with 8.10rc, i have a msi kt3 with geforce2mx and a crt monitor which can do 1280*1024 @100hz. at install i get 1920 or so, i dont get an option with 1280*1024@100hz09:25
nickbookerI understand acpi-support is now deprecated.  I've got a laptop here whose wireless doesn't come back after resume so where should I put the runes to re-enable it?09:25
click170damaltor: Run amarok on the server and forward the x window to your local machine?09:25
ActionParsnip!intrepid | dustofdust09:25
ubottudustofdust: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu09:25
alex____oh i thought aptitude had the cow ?09:26
damaltorclick170: no x on the server09:26
puffI'm updating an old system for the openssl issues.  Besides installing the new openssl and libssl packages, what do I need to do to make sure the ssh server has new keys?09:26
alex____err the snake eating the thing ?09:26
click170damaltor: gigabit?09:26
ActionParsnipalex____: yeah09:26
alex____apt-get moo09:26
alex____aptitude -v moo09:26
damaltorclick170: nice idea =) but hard to put on a notebook09:26
damaltorclick170: do you know wich db system is the fastest/easiest? (sqlite or mysql)09:27
click170damaltor: I'm no expert there09:27
JonRobhi, has anyone else here encountered totem crashing when going to full screen on 8.10?09:27
damaltorclick170: ah ok09:27
ActionParsnipclick170: just use xul remote09:27
JonRobi suspect compiz, but i'm new to ubuntu and don't know where to switch it off09:27
alex____i reckkon mysql, but I'm no expert either09:27
zeno_flash sound isnt working09:27
zeno_firefox, flash 1009:28
ActionParsnipclick170: you can use xul to control the system remotely via firefox09:28
puffJonRob: System/Preferences/Appearance09:28
JonRobpuff - awesome, thanks09:28
zeno_it worked before now, and sound is ok in other apps09:28
click170damaltor: there you go - ActionParsnip09:28
JackWinter_oops a game changed resolution, what are the hotkeys to change res ?09:28
alex____jonrow. try avg for video playing. to switch off compiz use "metacity --replace" and to turn it back on "compiz --replace"09:28
ActionParsnipdamaltor: websearch for amarok xul remote09:28
ActionParsnipdamaltor: you can then control it with a firefox plugin09:29
puffdamaltor:  For what purpose?09:29
ActionParsnipdamaltor: its the only reason i sue firefox09:29
puffdamaltor: Generally I'd suggest mysql is probably more bang for your buck.09:29
ActionParsnipzeno_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402209:29
damaltorActionParsnip, puff, click170: i have no x on the server, so i dont have any amarok to remote-control. i have amarok running locally, and the music on my local server. but it is to slow, updating the db takes 30 mins and more09:30
ActionParsnippuff: both are free ;)09:30
alex____i reckon use a gui to manipulate mysql too, command line is too much for me! mysql seems really complex09:30
ActionParsnipdamaltor: you could run mpd on the remote system and control via web interface09:30
damaltoralex____: mysql is the worst interface ever. but with a nce qui its no problem09:30
puffActionParsnip: Yeah, but his time isn't :-).09:30
dannybuntui was just wondering why video playback on ubuntu is so slow  specially if I am running multiple programs.  I don't want to mention it, but  in XP Media Player, video plays just fine even while I am running more than  5  applications at the same time. I have installed libdvdcss2 w32codecs too.  :)09:30
ActionParsnippuff: hence the ;)09:31
ActionParsnip!mpd | damaltor09:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mpd09:31
ActionParsnip!info mpd09:31
ubottumpd (source: mpd): Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.1-3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 143 kB, installed size 428 kB09:31
litbhi all09:31
damaltorActionParsnip: so there is no real possibility to use my beloved amarok, no?09:31
alex____i love mpd09:31
alex____and sonata09:31
alex____they together are great!09:31
click170damaltor: does it run from command line, as in without the X frontend?09:31
erkidannybuntu: What software are you using to play the videos?09:31
ActionParsnipdamaltor: you could have your library use the files on a remotely mounted system09:31
dannybuntuerki: both vlc and totem have problems09:31
alex____*althogh banshee does random for whole library better09:31
erkidannybuntu: Have you installed proper video card drivers?09:32
klikxxhio who can helps me?09:32
click170dannybuntu: whats your proposed problem with vlc?09:32
aepurniethey everybody just wanted to tell you all that i solved my problem.  the installer stalled saying a /dev/blahblah device had an invalid logical cluster size.  solution: unplug your ipod before installing09:32
ActionParsnip!ask | klikxx09:32
ubottuklikxx: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:32
dannybuntuerki: yes through System>Administration>Hardware Drivers09:32
litbthose mates in here say that ubuntu has a bug that can make the harddisk fail09:32
litbis that true?09:33
erkiaepurniet: Check :)09:33
ActionParsnipaepurniet: nice one. shouldve had it out anyhoo, who knows what couldve happened to it09:33
puffdamaltor: Actually, I misunderstood the context of your mysql/sqllite question, so nevermind my answer.09:33
ActionParsnipaepurniet: use the KISS method09:33
damaltorActionParsnip: this is what i have at the moment. the 100 gb music is mounted via NFS to my machine, and amarok uses the files as if they were on this machine. but it takes way to long to update db and such, and this is what amarok does every few minutes09:33
damaltorpuff: np =)09:33
dannybuntuclick170: video playback is slow on both vlc and totem09:33
* puff gets back to updating ssh keys.09:33
ActionParsnipdamaltor: make it refresh less09:33
damaltorActionParsnip: how?09:33
aepurnieti shouldve unplugged my gamecontroller too, maybe linux would have tried to install itself on that09:34
ActionParsnipdamaltor: id gues its part of the library options09:34
ActionParsnipaepurniet: that too, less stuff the better09:34
damaltorActionParsnip: a parial update wopuld be great, but it seems to re-write the db every time and re-reads whole musik each time09:34
aepurnietits not like actively plugged in the ipod before installing, it was just plugged in (tri boot environment now!)09:34
ActionParsnipdamaltor: flick round the options09:34
ActionParsnipaepurniet: whatever floats your boat09:35
damaltorActionParsnip: cant find such an option. do you think using mysql instead of sqlite qill speed it up a bit?09:35
JackWinter_please i can't google with this resolution :)  what is the X hotkey for switching resolution ?09:35
ActionParsnipdamaltor: ive never played with it that far. give it a go, see what you get09:35
alex____there is none jack09:36
alex____close all apps and tru 'ctrl alt backspace' this will restart X09:36
ActionParsnipJackWinter_: you need to install video drivers and configure them09:36
aepurnietaight, i have a new problem now, my second monitor is blank, and im using the proprietery nvidia drivers, any place i should look besides the screen res panel (only one monitor listed there)09:36
alex____if you are lucky, try xrandr09:36
JackWinter_hmm, i seem to remember some ctrl-alt-+ or something like that...09:36
ActionParsnip!dualhead | aepurniet09:36
ubottuaepurniet: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama09:36
alex____aepurniet: you can set nvidia up using nvidia-settings09:37
ActionParsnip!xinerama | aepurniet09:37
ubottuaepurniet: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead09:37
alex____try 'gksu nvidia-settings-manager' or something like that (use nvidia-<tab>)09:37
JackWinter_so, i have to log out/in to get my desktop going again ?09:37
ActionParsnipJackWinter_: cant hurt to try09:38
alex____Jackwinter: its easy just press crtl alt backspace09:39
damaltorActionParsnip: will try. thanks so far.09:39
ActionParsnipalex____: more graceful to log off and on09:39
aepurnietubottu: xinerama looks pretty good, im gonna give that a try now09:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:40
alex____grace shmace!09:40
aepurnietdamn these bots are smart09:40
ActionParsnipalex____: its all about grace, or you'd have a system held together with spit and string09:40
ha6ialex____: i somehow managed to solve by using hd0,0 for windows and hd0,1 for linux. anyway thanx...09:40
alex____Ubottu: are you smart?09:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about are you smart?09:40
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.09:40
JackWinteroh well, worked to relogin.  strange i'm pretty sure there are hotkeys to cycle through x resolutions...?09:40
ActionParsnipalex____: theres loads09:41
ActionParsnipi love you ubottu09:41
ActionParsnipwatch this09:41
alex____you can set them yourself if it doesnt know already tho right?09:41
ActionParsnipyeah alex____09:42
ActionParsniphi shingo09:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moo09:42
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java09:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cocaine09:42
shingoi'm on a livecd of ubuntu and i'm trying to do su09:43
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.09:43
shingoi don't know the password09:43
ushillsdoes anyone use jungledisk09:43
ActionParsnipshingo: no need, just sudo everything09:43
shingoeasy enough09:43
shingothanks :)09:43
ActionParsnip!root | shingo09:43
ubottushingo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:43
ActionParsnipbit o matrix for the lads09:44
vallhalla81hi just a qyuick question i wish to add a new sound card to my system will i need to re install ubuntu or add a program or should it auto detect? (it is a suported card)09:44
ay^vallhalla81: it should autodetect09:44
vallhalla81ay^: excelent thank you09:45
ay^np :D09:45
vallhalla81back soon wish me luck gl every109:45
ActionParsnipvallhalla81: install it pysically as normal. id suggest disabling onboard if you have it. if its fully supported it will work, otherwise you'll have to configure it. no need for clean install09:45
ActionParsnipoh well09:46
shingois there a way to try mplayer while on the live cd?09:46
ushillsI need to get jungledisk to run at login, however, it needs to run as root - I have tried modifying permissions but never works09:46
ActionParsnipclean install for a soundcard would be laughable09:46
rskishingo: apt-get install it if you got enough RAM09:46
ActionParsnipushills: try adding it to rc09:46
shingowell 1gb09:46
shingoi'll try that now09:46
ActionParsnipshingo: sudo apt-get install mplayer09:46
ay^oh hell, I have to go to an exam now09:46
ActionParsnipshingo: you coulld always uninstall other apps to make room09:47
shingoand how can i check how much is used?09:47
Chousuketop tells you09:48
ActionParsnipdf -h09:48
ushillsActionparsnip how do i do that the command i need to run is junglediskmonitor09:48
Chousukewell, that too :p09:48
ActionParsnip!startup | ushills09:48
ubottuushills: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot09:48
ActionParsnip!boot | ushills09:48
ubottuushills: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto09:48
ActionParsnipushills: you want the second lot09:48
shingo491m available, should be enough :p09:49
acidsworldok anyone know a program with apache allready in it09:51
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:52
ActionParsnipacidsworld: or you can just install apach from repos09:52
ActionParsnipacidsworld: apache is aprogram itself09:53
shingocouldn't find package mplayer, is it under a different name?09:53
cloud-ieeeCan anyone help me with a Ubuntu network install?09:53
ActionParsnipshingo: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install mplayer09:53
acidsworldi know apache is a program itself09:53
shingoah i see thank you09:53
acidsworldi ant running ubuntu server09:53
acidsworldreg ubuntu09:54
=== Rika|BBS is now known as Tokorona
acidsworldand wanna host my personal site with it09:54
ActionParsnipacidsworld: you dont need the server to run apache, you can run apacha on ANY of the buntu range09:54
acidsworldi dont know where to look in add remove programs for it09:54
shingoeven after the update i get E: Couldn't find package mplayer09:54
ActionParsnipacidsworld: use terminal09:55
ActionParsnipshingo: can you ping websites?09:55
acidsworldwhat is link to use in termonal09:55
acidsworldu know by chance09:55
shingoyes I can09:55
ActionParsnip!terminal | acidsworld09:55
ubottuacidsworld: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:55
puffAnybody really familiar with generating SSL certs and keys?09:55
ActionParsnipacidsworld: sudo apt-get install apache<press tab>09:55
ActionParsnipshingo: hmm strange, maybe you need some new repos09:56
puffI'm triyng to a) regenerate my SSL keys and b) in the process add several domains as aliases.09:56
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | shingo09:56
ubottushingo: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:56
alex____acidworld and then get your router to forward port 80 (?) to your machines ip09:56
ActionParsnipshingo: when you use apt-get or synaptic you download fromservers called repositories09:56
alex____puff: go to #debian , pretend you run debian and ask them. They know09:57
ActionParsnipalex____: just getting the hhtpd installed and configured is his main worry ;)09:57
alex____oh! thats easy!09:57
dannybuntulol @ alex09:57
puffalex____: Actually, I do run both debian and ubuntu.09:57
acidsworldPackage apache is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:57
acidsworldThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:57
acidsworldis only available from another source09:57
acidsworldE: Package apache has no installation candidate09:57
FloodBot1acidsworld: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:57
acidsworldi get an error09:57
acidsworldthat dont work09:57
ActionParsnipacidsworld: dont flood09:57
ActionParsnipacidsworld: did you press tab after typing apache?09:58
ActionParsnipacidsworld: youo can tab complete packages09:58
alex____#debian is full of real hackers. ubuntu is full of new folks, running desktop linux. debian runs servers and know what ssl is.09:58
ActionParsniptry apa then press tab09:58
alex____sudo apt-get install apache2 whould be fine09:58
shingowell I know the install worked.. Fetched 2B in 0s.. Reading package lists.... Done09:59
acidsworldi posted the error i get09:59
ActionParsnipshingo: hmm, try sudo apt-get install mplay<press tab>09:59
shingono good10:00
shingodoesn't complete10:00
ActionParsnipacidsworld: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP10:00
alex____press tab a few times10:00
ActionParsnipshingo: press it a few times10:00
acidsworldapache2 works10:00
shingodid, nothing10:00
shingoapache works though :p10:00
alex____how do you get a domain name to point to your ip address?10:00
ActionParsnipnice bit of gratitude there eh10:01
ActionParsnip"thanks alex____ and ActionParsnip, you guys really helped me"10:01
alex____how? =)10:01
alex____oh right! yeah! what about a bit of pleasantries!10:02
ActionParsnipalex____: get an account with no-ip or dydns10:02
shingodamn it, bad time for my windows drive to have died... i just want to watch a video10:02
CoRnJuLiOxok, deluge lets you add multiple trackers to a torrent, but it looks like it only uses one at a time. doesnt utorrent use all the trackers in a torrent at once, gathering peers from all of them?10:02
alex____use vlc10:02
BezNalogovHi people. I have just installed ubuntu 8.04 on a machine, but the default resolution is wrong. After I logged in I changed the resolution via system->preferences->screen resolution. Now it works fine, but only for the current user. How can I make that gdm and other (new made) users use this resolution by default too?10:02
alex____it will work, i guarantee it~!10:02
shingois vlc preinstalled?10:02
* dannybuntu will be right back... :)10:03
shingoapt get vlc doesn't work either :\10:03
alex____BezNalogov: prolly need to edit xorg.conf a little bit, its complicated.10:03
alex____shingo: sudo apt-get install vlc10:03
lamegoshingo, you need to have the universe repository enabled10:03
rskiReading state information... Done10:03
rskivlc is already the newest version.10:03
rski0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:03
alex____vlc is the best thing since sliced bread! I should donate money to them actually...10:03
rskiyour sources is broken shingo10:04
rskifix them and then install it10:04
BezNalogovok, is there a guide about changing xorg.conf somewhere?10:04
aepurnietcan i quit x, and go to the command line ?10:04
rskino other way around it10:04
shingolamego: and I do that how?10:04
shingoi see10:04
BezNalogovThe resolution thqt I want as default is 1280x96010:04
lamego!universe | shingo10:04
ubottushingo: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:04
erkiaepurniet: No need to quit X, just press ctrl+alt+f110:04
ActionParsnipalex____: i find it bloated, mplayer is much cleaner imho10:04
aepurnietwill that work for installing drivers? well i'll give that a try10:05
erkiOr SMPlayer, which is mplayer+bloat, which I love :)10:05
ActionParsnipaepurniet: dependson the device10:05
alex____hmm... vlc bloated... at least it plays _everything_ ! do you know if vlc accepts donations?10:05
aepurnietnope wont work, need to go to tty1, and kill x10:06
ActionParsnipalex____: any player can play anything if you have the codecs10:06
aepurnietis there a gui quit button some where here?10:06
alex____I don't think it is bloated. it is a 10 - 30 mb download, runs a portable app in windows.10:06
alex____codecs suck. how do you know what codecs are good? on windows codecs are a recipe for diaster10:06
newbe1got a program that want me to run the uninstall as  root   what is    root10:06
ActionParsnipalex____: you research10:06
shingoWhere can I see which version of Ubuntu I'm running?10:07
alex____newbel: sudo == run as root10:07
proteusguyHow can I tell exactly what version of ubuntu I'm running? I've got a 64bit AMD cpu but not sure if I'm running 32 or 64bit Ubuntu.10:07
ActionParsnipnewbie2: put sudo at the start if the uninstall is going to run n console, or gksudo if its graphical10:07
alex____look up linux documentation. root is superuser, admin. root is boss10:07
ActionParsnipproteusguy: lsb_release -a10:07
ActionParsnipproteusguy: you downloaded it, surely you know what architecture your linux is10:08
newbe1alex>  type    sudo==run as root       just like that10:08
shingoI'm on Ubuntu 7.10 codename gutsy10:08
ActionParsnipproteusguy: also uname -a will tell you (i686 = 32bit, X86_64 == 64bit)10:08
newbe1alex  space between ==10:08
ActionParsnipnewbie2: whatever command you need root power, type sudo at the start of it10:08
proteusguyActionParsnip - Doesn't say if I'm 32 or 64 bit. I didn't install it which is why I'm trying to find out.10:08
newbe1alex   ok     i will try that10:09
ActionParsnipproteusguy: can you paste the output of uname -a here, i'll tell you10:09
proteusguyActionParsnip, uname -a says Linux vai 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Tue Oct 21 23:43:45 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux. Does the i686 mean my CPU or the build's bitwidth?10:09
ActionParsnipproteusguy: 32bit10:09
ActionParsnipproteusguy: i68610:09
ActionParsnipproteusguy: if its a desktop pc then 32bit is fine10:10
proteusguyActionParsnip, thanx. that explains why it's only seeing 3GB out of my 6GB RAM.10:10
ActionParsnipoh, then you NEED 64bit linux10:10
shingoAlright guys, I'm going to bed. Thanks for the help :)10:10
proteusguyActionParsnip, can I upgrade to 64 bit without rebuilding the whole machine?10:11
alex____proteusguy: you can install  the server kernel, it will recognise your ram10:11
ActionParsnipproteusguy: you need a whole new setup10:12
proteusguyalex____, do tell. :) how do I do that/10:12
ActionParsnipproteusguy: as your apps will be 64bit too10:12
ActionParsnipproteusguy: for stability id hit a 64bit OS as much as you can10:12
proteusguyActionParsnip, I don't really need 64bit apps, just the kernel to get my RAM right?10:12
ActionParsnipproteusguy: you can run 32bit apps on a 64bit kernel10:12
ActionParsnipproteusguy: right10:13
alex____'sudo apt-get install linux-server linux-headers-server' from here: http://samiux.wordpress.com/2008/01/10/how-to-use-4-gb-ram-on-a-32-bit-ubuntu/10:13
alex____as i understand it ... you are right.10:13
ActionParsnipalex____: hmm, might have to hit that, 64bit kernel + 32bit browser ;)10:13
ActionParsnipalex____: cheeky10:13
alex____i have 4 gig ram, but onlly use normal kernel, 32 bit OS, I don;t miss that .4 gig10:13
ActionParsnipi have 1b, suits me fine10:14
alex____nono. its not 64 bit kernel10:14
alex____jsut compiled for more ram10:14
alex____this mac has 512 mb, thats all you need, unless you get multitasking, with windows virtual machine etc...10:15
ActionParsnipruns unreal tournament and uran terror fine with onboard nvidia gfx10:15
newbe1alex>   thanks for the info10:15
proteusguyok going the server kernel upgrade and will see how that works. thanx.10:15
newbe1alex>  it work great10:15
=== user__ is now known as msandbu
kylekruchokI have a bit of an issue, if anyone's willin' to help.10:15
alex____newbel, what works great?10:16
ActionParsnipproteusguy: if you dont like it you can always change10:16
alex____!ask | knlekruchok10:16
ubottuknlekruchok: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:16
mysterycoolS.O.S help! My resolution went mad and the only option is 800 x 600! How can I fix it?10:16
kylekruchokHaha, ok. :)10:16
proteusguyActionParsnip, yeah that's what i figure. the install isn't removing any packages so I presume this will all be selectable via grub.10:16
zackerooI am thinking of compiling SSE into my Ubuntu kernel ... any thoughts on this?10:17
kylekruchokWhen I click on the Firefox icon, either from the applications menu, or from the shortcut I created, it doesn't completely start the program. It shows up as a process, but disappears from my tray. It stays in the running processes though... Any ideas?10:17
zackerooanyone ?10:17
ActionParsnipproteusguy: just follow the guide. ive never done it myself10:17
zackerooFlannel: you around?10:17
msandbuHi all! anyone know of a MSN terminal client ?10:18
CosmicBzackeroo: doesn't the stock ubuntu kernel stupport sse ?10:18
mysterycoolS.O.S help! My resolution went mad and the only option is 800 x 600! How can I fix it?10:18
kylekruchokmsandbu: If you find one, lemme know. :)10:18
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: run it from terminal after killing all firefoxes, you will get intelligent outputs10:18
msandbukylekruchok: will do :)10:18
zackerooCosmicB: dunno ... do you?10:18
CosmicBmsandbu: pidgin (gnome), kopete (kde) f.example10:18
CosmicBzackeroo: I'm pretty sure the stock kernel supports sse10:18
msandbuthat can be run in CL ?10:18
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: if all else fails, rename ~/.mozilla to something else and rerun to get stock profile, you will then have to readd favourites etc10:19
zackerooCosmicB: ok .. but is it active ?10:19
ActionParsnipmsandbu: you can run any app from terminal10:19
mysterycoolHow can I change my screen resolution?10:19
CosmicBzackeroo: try "cat /proc/cpuinfo"10:20
kylekruchokActionParsnip: Nope. It asks me if I want to restore, or start fresh. Both terminate the program on the desktop, and tray, but leave it running in System Monitor.10:20
msandbuActionParsnip: that I know, but I want to keep running in the CLI, dont want any GUI, just cli :)10:20
zackerooCosmicB: what am I looking for?10:20
ActionParsnipmsandbu: you can webbrose without an xserver, you just cant have flash embedded10:20
mysterycoolHow can I change my screen resolution?10:21
alex____you can run it in another tty: ctrl alt F1...6 and get back with ctrl alt F7 (usually)10:21
CosmicBzackeroo: look at the "flags" line, it shows what instructions your cpu supports10:21
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: killall firefox10:21
CosmicBzackaroo: I'm 99,9% sure that implies your kernel supports it10:21
alex____mysterycool: no easy way. try nvidia-settings or xrandr or xorg.conf10:21
kylekruchokNo processes killed.10:21
mysterycoolalex____: I am not using nvidia.10:22
zackerooCosmicB: well I know it supports SSE ... but does that mean Ubuntu is able to utilize that?10:22
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: ps -ef | grep fire10:22
alex____xrandr works10:22
alex____its a CLI app though10:22
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: is it still there10:22
mysterycoolalex____: What should I do?10:22
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: then kill its PID10:22
kylekruchokBut a zero counter on the clock...10:22
kylekruchokkyle      6637  6502  0 03:22 pts/1    00:00:00 grep fire10:22
alex____read the manual! 'man srandr' after you install 'sudo apt-get install xrandr'10:23
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: thats the command we just ran10:23
CosmicBzackeroo: I'm also 99,9999% sure the ubuntu stock kernel utilize that, I mean, sse is like 10 years old or something (?)10:23
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: try: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old10:23
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: then run firefox10:23
alex____* actually xrandr10:23
kylekruchokSo, all that did was move my settings folder, and FireFox had to create a new one?10:24
Harts!fr| Harts10:24
ubottuHarts, please see my private message10:24
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: bingo10:24
CosmicBzackeroo: to be 100% sure, download kernel sources, and from source dir. issue "$cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config", then when you do a make menuconfig you're loading your current config, then you can easily check what 's supported and whats not10:25
dani am using qvwm and it looks like windows 95 lol10:25
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: if the setttings get malformed, programs go wonky10:25
CosmicBzackaroo: there might be an easier way to do this, but I can come up with one right now10:25
cloud-ieeeGot the network install to work! :D10:25
zackerooCosmicB ... thanks10:25
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1210:25
ActionParsnipcloud-ieee: wt!10:26
cloud-ieeeIn case anyone is interested. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/QuickNetboot10:26
cloud-ieeeGreat guide! :p10:26
kylekruchokActionParsnip: It still won't load FireFox. I've uninstalled, and reinstalled it twice now. Something tells me it's not just Firefox that is causing the problem. This has happened a couple times before, and naturally fixed itself... not sure why it's not just fixing itself now.10:26
cloud-ieeeAction, thx bro.10:26
ActionParsnipcloud-ieee: the wonders of websearches eh10:26
cloud-ieeelol no doubt man...10:26
CosmicBzackaroo: come to think of it, just open up /boot/config-$(uname -r) and search for SSE, should be easier, :)10:26
cloud-ieeeI got tired of asking for help :p10:26
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: ok run firefox from terminal and wait for it to crap out, then can you pastebin the outputs you get (if any) and give us the link10:27
ActionParsnipcloud-ieee: you should do it the other way, try websearches, THEN ask10:27
milligan_I want to install freeeradius .. how can I check what version of it is in the ubuntu repos?10:28
cloud-ieeeAction, believe it or not I did. No one was replying to me so I just kept researching :p10:28
kylekruchokActionParsnip: Pastebin = ? Just put screenshots online?10:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freeradius10:28
backenfuttermilligan_, apt-cache search freeradius10:28
cloud-ieeeAction, you're right though.10:28
ActionParsnip!info freeradius10:28
ubottufreeradius (source: freeradius): a high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.7-1build4 (hardy), package size 750 kB, installed size 2824 kB10:28
milligan_dang, that's old.10:29
mrichman_I've added a 2nd network adapter...how do I get it to show up as eth1 ?10:29
milligan_ActionParsnip, any way of checking what version they are shipping in interpid ?10:29
ActionParsnipmilligan_: there maybe another repo out there with a newer version10:29
ActionParsnipmilligan_: you can search the repos on the ubuntu website10:29
davidhello, i need help with vwserver10:29
=== david is now known as Guest17586
backenfuttermrichman_, it should show up as unconfigured eth1 in ifconfig, doesn't it?10:30
Guest17586i set up a virtual windows xp, and i powered it on. now how do i see it?10:30
ActionParsnipGuest17586: you can view it in the vmware console10:30
ActionParsnipGuest17586: type vmware & in terminal10:30
mrichman_backenfutter: not sure how to tell10:30
=== mrichman_ is now known as mrichman
backenfuttermrichman_, type 'ifconfig'10:31
kylekruchokActionParsnip: There is nothing to paste...10:31
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: gah, ok then check system logs10:31
alex____virtualbox is better!10:31
mrichmanbackenfutter: i see eth0, eth1, and lo10:31
alex____(actually i haven't tried vmware)10:31
backenfuttermrichman, ok, the adapter was found, now configure it with ifup - use 'man ifup'10:31
ActionParsnipalex____: on dual core systems, vmware is way more efficient that vmware10:32
Fauskinhi! im totally new to ubuntu.. can anyone tell me how i can create a .conf file? When i try in the text editor, i get the answer that i dont have the rights to save to etc.. Would appreciate all help! :)10:32
GneaActionParsnip: orly?10:32
moDumasshey all, i have somehow lost access to my smb nas10:32
moDumassjust moved machines, nothing else10:32
alex____mrichman: nah edit /etc/network/interfaces ... much better!10:32
backenfutterActionParsnip, ;-) d'oh10:32
ActionParsnipalex____: plus i found setting up the rdp easer as it has a bridged LAN I can see on my routers dhcp list10:32
Guest17586ActionParsnip, so it is browser based?10:32
[Si|0]i randomly did an update and i think my distro has chanbged, and now compiz and emerald wont work....Anyone know how i can fix it?10:33
cloud-ieeeAction, I have a quick question for you. A few days ago I installed Ubuntu on a HD that has an NTFS partion. I was able to access it and named it /media/disk-1. I installed VirtualBox and was running Windows inside of it. I ended up having to reboot Ubuntu and came back to that partition going from /media/disk-1 to /media/disk. I was unable to access my Windows hypervisor, but more importantly what would cause Ubuntu to r10:33
alex____actionparsnip: so the virtual OS can use multiple cores?10:33
benoitchi all10:33
ActionParsnipGuest17586: no, the vmware & will allow you to conect to the local host to view running vms10:33
Gnea[Si|0]: try making a new account and logging in with it and see if compiz is broken with it or not10:33
[Si|0]ok thx10:33
ActionParsnipalex____: yes as well as the system as far as ive seen runs much smoother10:33
benoitcis there any possibility to reinsyall all base system on ubuntu 8.0.4 ? I tried tasksel but it segfault :/10:33
alex____I'm not changing, I have had a virtualbox disk image for years now, since I used debian etch in testing. It is still going and runs my windows onlyl apps for Uni.10:33
ActionParsnipalex____: its a case of !worksforme10:34
mrichmanbackenfutter: i have /etc/network/interfaces set up, but when i do networking restart, I get SIOCADDRT: No such process\nFailed to bring up eth110:34
Guest17586ActionParsnip, so everytime i want to start windows i have to login the browser?10:34
backenfutter[Si|0], using intrepid or hardy?10:34
alex____oh and seamless mode is cool toO!10:34
[Si|0]intrepid now it seems :>10:34
[Si|0]was hardy before tho im sure10:34
GneaActionParsnip: is vbox more efficient than vbox?10:34
bendis_vishi all10:34
litbalex____: yay seemless mode rocks hard!10:34
ActionParsnipGuest17586: if the system is started i dont believe so, what i do is use alltray and dock it to the system tray10:34
backenfutter[Si|0], my compiz.real crashes every once in a while on ibex as well... hope they get it fixed before release10:34
newbe1need to completely uninstall the  Wine app  got part ie6 in there and it won't reinstall10:34
litbkwin rocks them all anyway10:34
alex____seamless chrome in linux is a cool way to show off =P10:34
Guest17586ActionParsnip, can you explain that a little better?10:34
ActionParsnipGnea: ive not looked at efficiecy, i just liked how it got setup etc. i find it smoother, maybe its more efficient, maybe its slicker10:35
[Si|0]backenfutter: I didn't even mean to update to that distro, i just did the updates as usual and bam :|10:35
alex____copy and pase would be good, and drag and drop10:35
ActionParsnipalex____: seamless chrome?10:35
GneaActionParsnip: so it's more efficient than itself?10:35
backenfutter[Si|0], ???10:35
ActionParsnipGnea: that doesnt make sense10:35
Guest17586AccessExcess, how do i know if it is started on startup? does it mean that every time i start ubuntu it automatically starts windows?10:35
ActionParsnipGnea: x > x ?10:35
puffso, I followed this tutorial to originally set up this server: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts10:35
alex____running google chrome in seamless mode in a virtual machine, looks native in linux, runs real fast etc...10:36
backenfutter[Si|0], complete version update should take around an hour or more10:36
[Si|0]yeh it did10:36
GneaActionParsnip: neither does this: 05:32 < ActionParsnip> alex____: on dual core systems, vmware is way more efficient that vmware10:36
ActionParsnipGuest17586: add it to your startup guff10:36
backenfutter[Si|0], did it take that long?10:36
tekstacyCan someone tell me a program in the repos for beginner-level web page design?10:36
[Si|0]but i didn't realise what it was doing lol10:36
[Si|0]i just thought it was a run-of-the-mil;l update10:36
Guest17586ActionParsnip, add what, firefox to open localhost:88...?10:36
ActionParsnipGnea: gah, i meant vmware more effiecient than vbox10:36
backenfutter[Si|0], that's funny... thought you'd explicitly have to tell it to update to new verion...10:36
GneaActionParsnip: figured i'd point that out before you got too far into the discussion :)10:36
puffHowever, I don't remember setting up SSL certs for apache, and there's nothing in the tutorial about that.  Are the self-signed certs set up automatically by the package install?10:36
backenfutter[Si|0], at least that's how it used to be10:36
ActionParsnipGuest17586: im unsure, i always have the gui app thing churning away in my systray10:36
backenfutter[Si|0], how did you update? what did you type?10:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nas10:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs10:37
Guest17586ActionParsnip, whats the name of the gui app?10:37
kylekruchokActionParsnip: This is what I get: Oct 28 03:31:28 Bessy anacron[7075]: Anacron 2.3 started on 2008-10-2810:37
kylekruchokOct 28 03:31:28 Bessy anacron[7075]: Normal exit (0 jobs run)10:37
alex____tekstasy: I recmmend htmldog (search google) and gedit10:37
pufftekstacy: I do it all by hand, but I'm a programmer, not a designer.10:37
ActionParsnipGnea: long day and my operations and network guys arent picking up their phones10:37
[Si|0]didn't type anything, it just came up in the 'software updates available' thing10:37
GneaActionParsnip: I haven't tried vbox on multi-core systems yet, so now I'm interested in trying :)10:37
[Si|0]an extra 500mb of updates10:37
ActionParsnipGuest17586: vmware10:37
ActionParsnipGuest17586: install alltray10:37
GneaActionParsnip: eh, it happens, no worries10:37
ActionParsnipGuest17586: then have a startup item: alltray vmware &10:38
tekstacypuff, it's for my 12 year old niece, she would scream and run away from that.10:38
alex____what is the kde app for html editting? wysiwyg and all?10:38
ActionParsnipalex____: kate10:38
ActionParsnip!info bluefish10:38
ubottubluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-4 (hardy), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6728 kB10:38
litbalex____: you want Quanta10:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta+10:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta10:39
Gnea!info quanta10:39
litbbad ubottu10:39
ubottuquanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy1 (hardy), package size 2346 kB, installed size 5704 kB10:39
* Gnea eyes litb suspiciously10:39
ActionParsnip!info quanta10:39
alex____i wasn't thinking of quanta either10:40
newbe1! uninstall wine10:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uninstall wine10:40
ActionParsnip!info kdewebdev10:40
ubottukdewebdev (source: kdewebdev): web development apps from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy1 (hardy), package size 16 kB, installed size 56 kB10:40
nenadhi people. may i ask a question about ubuntu :)10:40
newbe1need to completely uninstall the  Wine app  got part ie6 in there and it won't reinstall10:40
SlimeyPetealex____: komposer10:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:40
alex____the little html editing I have done was using gedit anywho. I jsut wanted to recommend it to the poster above.10:40
backenfutternenad, don't ask to ask, just ask10:40
Gnea!ask > nenad10:40
ubottunenad, please see my private message10:40
missillehi, new to ubuntu. Have a problem, I installed it on a usb 2.0 stick. But it only runs on usb 1 so its very slow10:40
emmais there something from the command line to make a cd eject?10:40
litbGnea: ive already done !ask10:40
emmait's not ejecting for some reason.10:41
Gnealitb: you didn't direct.10:41
newbe1! wine10:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.10:41
pufftekstacy: Idaknow, don't underestimate kids' power to learn.10:41
ActionParsnipemma: sudo eject /dev/<cd name>10:41
missilledoes anybody know an command line or anything to fix the problem10:41
ActionParsnipemma: man eject10:41
nenadyeah sorry.. as soon i asked to ask I recalled that I read somewhere that I shouldn't do that10:41
kylekruchokmissille: Which problem?10:41
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:41
Gneamissille: obtain a system with usb 2.0 ports10:41
SlimeyPetemissille: you sure the PC you've plugged it into supports USB2?10:41
alex____tekstacy: try komposer, or perhaps quanta10:41
ActionParsnipmissille: are you running intrepid?10:41
missilleyeah i got usb 2 ports10:41
ActionParsnipmissille: are you fully updated?10:42
missilleintrepid... no idea10:42
missillecant fully update10:42
kylekruchokActionParsnip: Dude, there's nothing regarding Firefox in the system log.10:42
Gneamissille: then it shouldn't be running at 1.1 speeds.10:42
missilletakes like forever10:42
ActionParsnipmissille: lsb_release -a | grep -i code10:42
tekstacyyeah, I was just looking at quanta, looks cool.10:42
kylekruchokThe last update was like... 3 hours ago.10:42
ActionParsnipkylekruchok: there are loads of logs dude10:42
nenadwhasince new ubuntu is about to be released, do you think it's better to install on a freshly formatted partition or to do dist-upgrade... and why..?10:42
kylekruchokI know. I looked at them.10:42
alex____I still think gedit and understanding html yourself is best!10:42
emmaIt won't eject10:43
ActionParsnipnenad: try an update, if its good use it, if not, install clean10:43
* Gnea prefers vim over gedit, but yeah, knowing html > using a gui to get it done10:43
missillebtw how can i check if my ubuntu only runs on usb 1 or if the problem is elsewhere10:43
* ActionParsnip agress with alex____10:43
alex____nedad: intrepid is released on 30th, new install is best IMHO10:43
kylekruchokThese logs, I checked.10:43
kylekruchokOct 28 00:17:01 Bessy CRON[1589]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)10:43
ActionParsnipalex____: may as well try an update first, it might work, if not, clean install10:44
kylekruchokWhoops. Wrong paste.10:44
zirodayemma: you can try find a process that is using the cd, that usually prevents it from ejecting10:44
tekstacypuff, yeah, she's pretty smart. She prefers ubuntu over vista10:44
alex____vim == lots of typing, modern folks use mice  ;)10:44
[Si|0]backenfutter: You think im better off reinstalling ubuntu?10:44
kylekruchokActionParsnip: auth, daemon, debug, kern, messages, syslog, user, xorg.010:44
kylekruchokThose logs.10:44
ActionParsnipemma: try unmounting the cd, if it says its busy try: cd ~/; lsof | grep <mount point name here>10:44
Gneatyping code requires lots of typing, not mouse roving ;)10:44
alex____I like to have 2 OS partitins, one for new ubuntu, one for old!10:44
alex____install new ubuntu, if it works, I can slowly migrate things I forgot, if it don't I can go back... Oh and have a separate /home partition! very important10:45
ActionParsnipalex____: i have 1 for linux and one for /sswp; ~/ is mounted to my file server10:45
Gnea!info vim-gtk10:45
ubottuvim-gtk (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 933 kB, installed size 1864 kB10:45
nenadyeah, i know that nothing beats fresh install, but seems like an awful lot of work downloading all the packages and configuring stuff like azureus, compiz fusion etc etc etc... if i keep my home folder, with all the hidden app folders with settings, will it do good?10:45
alex____server? surely that slows things down10:45
backenfutter[Si|0], na, intrepid will be just fine in a few days... not worth the effort10:45
alex____oh home10:45
alex____that is nice10:46
[Si|0]backenfutter: My compiz wont even start10:46
alex____does having ~ on a server slow things doen at all?10:46
ActionParsnipyeah, saves messing with worrying about backups as they are all done on the server side10:46
ActionParsnipalex____: 100Mbps is fine for me10:46
tekstacyAlso, is there something in the repos to help a kid learn beginning programming skills?10:46
acidsworldanyone know how to change apache default to where outside views can see here is what i get http://acidsworld.com go look for urself10:47
backenfutter[Si|0], just turn it off for a couple of days - I bet you itll be just fine - have you considered opening a bugreport?10:47
OxDeadC0deI downloaded kubuntu metapackages from the regular gnome, now when I start kde  - Guidance power manager and nm-applet keep starting, I can't figure out where to disable them in favor of the kde versions that are running too, any ideas?10:47
missilleactionparsnip: i tried your command in terminal and it only said no lsb modules are available10:47
Gneaalex____: i like how a lot of the : commands are menuified - makes learning vim that much easier. so during those times that you get stuck in console and need an editor that can get the job done... ;)10:47
alex____yep. does the server run ubuntu? where is its home??   =)10:47
ActionParsnipmissille: lsb_release -a10:47
ActionParsnipalex____: its not logged in so no where10:47
alex____Gnea: i use nano when stuck without x ... I am relatively new to the linux thing though10:47
ActionParsnipalex____: it runs mandriva10:48
alex____no apt-get ? how do you get by!10:48
Gneaalex____: ah, i used to use pico, went to joe and eventually to vi/vim. nano is just another name for pico :)10:48
acidsworldanyone good with apache that can help10:48
ActionParsnipalex____: urpmi10:48
shingowhat are some good alternatives to kde and gnome?10:48
ActionParsnipalex____: debian isnt the only system base10:49
Gneaacidsworld: not when you're not here10:49
moDumasssudo mount -1 gives : mount error 113 = No route to host10:49
ikoniashingo xfce/fluxbox/enlightment10:49
rskishingo: e17 xfce10:49
OxDeadC0deshingo: blackbox, fluxbox, xfce,10:49
moDumassbut i can see the host10:49
Gnea!lamp | acidsworld10:49
ubottuacidsworld: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:49
ikoniamoDumass: what command are you using10:49
moDumassi can log into its admin page10:49
ActionParsnipshingo: you can use kde or gnome but use a slimmer windows manager on it, like fluxbox10:49
moDumassikonia what do you mean?10:49
Ohmuguys, I had some disk partitioning util on System->Admin on my ubuntu BootCD.  But it's not there on the full install.  What's it called, so I can get it?10:49
acidsworldno i need to know how to change apache http config10:49
alex____e17 or xfce10:49
tekstacyshingo, I use xfce on an older system that sucks w/ kde10:49
ActionParsnipshingo: same apps, differnt frontend to you10:49
ikoniamoDumass what command generates that error10:49
acidsworldbut cant find httpconfig10:49
acidsworldinstalled apache210:49
acidsworldand it is working10:50
alex____Ohmu: gparted10:50
OxDeadC0deanyone know how to disable nm-applet and guidance power manager when kde and gnome are installed together?10:50
ikoniaActionParsnip: its in /etc/apache - it's not called httpd.conf in ubuntu10:50
moDumassikonia sudo mount -a10:50
Gnea!gparted | Ohmu10:50
OxDeadC0dein kde10:50
ubottuOhmu: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:50
ikoniamoDumass: in your fstab do you have any remove hosts10:50
missilleActionParsnip:No LSB modules are available.10:50
missilleDistributor ID:Ubuntu10:50
missilleDescription:Ubuntu 8.04.110:50
FloodBot1missille: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:50
ActionParsnipikonia: fire it at acidsworld10:50
shingoapt-get installed blackbox, now how do i switch from gnome to it?10:50
ActionParsnipmissille: dont flood please10:50
Gnea!pastebin | missille10:50
ubottumissille: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:50
ikoniaActionParsnip: sorry - did that go to you10:50
alex____gparted live cd is fantastic10:50
ActionParsnipmissille: you are on hardy10:50
ActionParsnipikonia: indeed ;)10:50
moDumassikonia nothing should have changed, i only moved my machine about 5 yards10:50
moDumassgime a sec10:50
OxDeadC0deshingo gdm should allow you to switch to it by clicking "sessions" before you log in10:50
missillecheck, no flooding10:50
OxDeadC0deblackbox is very lightweight, you'll need to edit all your menus by hand in ~/.blackbox/10:51
ikoniamoDumass: check if you have remote hosts in your fstab10:51
CoRnJuLiOxok, i've just installed mame through apt, where would mame.ini be?10:51
ActionParsnipmissille: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgarde; sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade'10:51
CoRnJuLiOxis there a default directory for .ini files?10:51
acidsworldok i guess nobody can help me10:51
ActionParsnipmissille: without the '10:51
ikoniaCoRnJuLiOx: linux doesn't use ini10:51
GneaOxDeadC0de: I prefer to edit my menus via gui in e1710:51
tekstacyah, back to work. Thanks for the advice guys.10:51
CoRnJuLiOxikonia, no, mame is asking me to check the rompath defined in the mame.ini file, where would that have been placed since i installed it through apt10:52
tsrepadminHow can i build drivers for the amd64 arch? I crash my system (libasound.so.2), when make install sound or graphics driver10:52
ActionParsnipCoRnJuLiOx: sudo find / -name mame.ini10:52
ikoniaCoRnJuLiOx: look at your mame config10:52
Gneatsrepadmin: what drivers?10:52
missilleap: thanks will try those ones out10:53
newbe1need to completely uninstall the  Wine app  got part ie6 in there and it won't reinstall10:53
RanyAlbegi have a file called "jdk-6u10-linux-i586.bin" = java development kit , which i want to install. how do i do that?10:53
ikoniaRanyAlbeg use the java instal out of the ubuntu repo10:53
moDumassikonia //\040DISK\0401 /media/NAS200/200Gig cifs auto,iocharset=utf8,uid=evilsherpa,gid=users,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 0 010:53
shingoso to start fluxbox i have to kill gnome?10:53
ikoniamoDumass: thats the problem then10:53
ActionParsnipRanyAlbeg: chmod +x ./jdk-6u10-linux-i586.bin && ./jdk-6u10-linux-i586.bin10:53
ikoniamoDumass: no route to host 192.x.x.x10:54
moDumassthe ip of my nas is now though10:54
alex____um... is it usual for gparted to take a long time to resize large (600 gig) partitions?10:54
OxDeadC0deGnea: I prefer kde now that I have a computer fast enough, and it's polished10:54
ikoniaActionParsnip: yes10:54
GneaRanyAlbeg: you shouldn't, just: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk10:54
moDumassim guessing when i moved everything the nas was re addressed10:54
acidsworldanyone know how to change apache default to where outside views can see here is what i get http://acidsworld.com go look for urself10:54
tsrepadminGnea: for example the actual alsa driver10:55
RanyAlbegGnea: Thanks , but for knowing to deal with a similar case in the future what am i supposed to do10:55
GneaOxDeadC0de: e17 has become quite polished, and minimum requirements, these days, are as little as a 100mhz cpu and 64 megs of ram.10:55
alex____I asked gparted live cd to change some partitions, and it has taken a day so far, and is advising me it will take anothe 5o hours!!!!!!! can I cancel it?10:55
ikoniaacidsworld that looks like file system permissions on your sites content10:55
acidsworldhow do i change it10:55
ikoniaacidsworld: I would not advise it10:55
acidsworldit is the apache10:55
GneaRanyAlbeg: apt-cache search <for what you want to search for>10:55
backenfutteracidsworld, chmod -R 755 /path/to/dir10:55
ikoniaacidsworld: use the file manager to change the permissions or the chmod command10:55
GneaRanyAlbeg: or use the search function in synaptic10:55
acidsworldi want people to see it10:55
ikoniaacidsworld: it could also be an apache "Directory" directive that needs setting depending on the location10:55
acidsworldit is apache10:55
Oprtzanybody know how to play streaming video in ubuntu ? i am facing problems, i just install mplayer plugin for  firefox, and it load the video but after that NO VIDEO ....10:55
emilieni know this is only partly ubuntu related but has anyone got any idea on making windows usb installer in ubuntu ?10:55
ikoniaacidsworld: how do you know it's apache ?10:56
Gneatsrepadmin: alsa drivers come with ubuntu, why would you need to compile it?10:56
RanyAlbegGnea: Yea but if i have a bin file10:56
ikoniaemilien: what ?10:56
acidsworldi installed it10:56
backenfutteracidsworld, take a look at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default   -   that should give you a head start10:56
ikoniaacidsworld: I've just explained the possible errors, you need to check them10:56
tsrepadminI have a ASUS P5E-VM HDMI motherboard and try to use sound and graphics card with actual drivers. Graphics isn't working with two monitors, and I have no sound10:56
GneaRanyAlbeg: all i'm saying, is that in cases like the JDK, you don't need the bin file - you'll get less errors by installing the packages made for ubuntu10:56
shingoif i kill gnome is it going to kill all the apps i have running with it?10:57
ActionParsniptsrepadmin: lspci will tell you what hardware you have, you can websearch from there10:57
shingolike pidgin for example10:57
ikoniashingo yes10:57
shingoor is it like killing explorer?10:57
emilienikonia:  i have no cdRom and i need to install windows using a usb , all tools to do this are windows only10:57
ikoniaemilien thats nothign to do with ubuntu, join ##windows10:57
RanyAlbegGnea: :) I understand you , and i did what you said , but yet how do i install this bin file10:57
GneaRanyAlbeg: if in doubt, search the repository first. then search google for it (i usually throw the search word 'ubuntu' in there with it) to see if someone else has made a package for it or not. they may have a third-party repo setup.10:58
alex____anyone experienced gparted taking way too long?10:58
OxDeadC0deshingo: there used to be a "Desktop chooser" tool you could use to switch window managers on the fly without closing everything10:58
ActionParsnipGnea: and if no luck with google, hit up www.ask.com10:58
ikoniaalex____ you've asked and you've been told10:58
ActionParsnipOxDeadC0de: log out, change session type10:58
OxDeadC0deyea I know10:58
emilienikonia: true , but there going to point me here because im using linux10:58
GneaRanyAlbeg: you could just chmod 700 file.bin and then ./file.bin, but it won't be my fault if your system gets screwed up as a result :)10:58
ActionParsnipalex____: change hard drive setings with hdparm before starting10:59
shingotoo bad I don't have it :\10:59
ikoniaemilien you need to do it on a windows host then - or use trial and error to get linux to make the usb the correct format,10:59
OxDeadC0deAnyone know how to disable nm-applet and guidance power manager in kde sessions?10:59
emilienikonia:  had a feeling would be down to trial and error XD11:00
shingoSO CTRL ALT backspace will kill genome and goto console?11:00
ikoniashingo no it will restart X11:00
backenfuttershingo, will restart x-server11:00
RanyAlbegGnea: why it will get fucked off :D11:00
alex____actionparsnip: its running now. I was happy for it to take some time, but now 3 days!11:00
OxDeadC0dethat depends on whether or not gdm or kdm is running or some other *dm11:00
ikoniaRanyAlbeg: moderate your language please.11:00
backenfutterRanyAlbeg, whatch language pls11:00
ikoniaalex____ don't lie - you said it was 1 day before - now your saying 311:01
RanyAlbegsry .11:01
alex____it has taken 1 day, now that bit finished (reading partition) resizing is gonna take 50 hours!11:01
RanyAlbegGnea: what problems can it make? :)11:01
alex____no lie11:01
ikoniaalex____: thats the tiemm it takes then11:01
alex____shite... gotta let it go now eh...11:02
ikoniaalex____: you've asked the same question 5 times and you've been told "yes it can take a long time for big partitions with lots of data"11:02
ikoniaalex____: control your language please.11:02
GneaRanyAlbeg: browser crashes, general instability11:02
alex____? I wasn't told at all, just got grumpy old you telling me I ask too much11:02
ikoniaalex____ I told you it could take a long time, and I advised you not to quit it mid-resize11:03
RanyAlbegGnea: Thanks, i installed it11:04
GneaRanyAlbeg: cheers11:05
RanyAlbegGnea: :P11:05
alex____*sigh ... well I hope it doesn't take twice as long as it said it would this time (it did for the last bit)... 100 hours is a lot.11:05
newbe1sudo  command to remove  wine  please11:07
CoRnJuLiOxnewbe1: sudo apt-get remove wine11:08
ikonianewbe1 you may find it easier using a tool like synaptic11:08
alex____newbel: surely you could have thought that out yourself?11:08
ikoniaalex____ he asked a legitate question11:08
ikoniaalex____: gparted presents you with the time yet your still asking how long it takes to finish11:08
ikoniaalex____: people can ask simple questions.11:08
GorlistGood Morning, quick question - I just had my desktop crash and return to login prompt, and since then the package manager won't load (it appears on screen for a second then disappears). Any suggestions?11:09
ikoniaGorlist is anything else that requires root permission to run failing ?11:09
ikoniaGorlist: more so at a gui level11:09
GorlistWill try, one second11:10
GorlistAppears to be fine, only the package manager11:10
calwiganyone know where i can get icecast icegenerator11:10
ikoniaGorlist ok so from teh command line do "gksudo synaptic" and monitor the output in the terminal11:11
Gorlistikonia: nothing11:11
ikoniaGorlist nothing returned, or nothing happened11:12
Gorlistnothing returned11:12
Gorlistit prompts for password, the main gui screen appears then disappears11:12
ikoniaGorlist: humour me, do "gksudo firefox" - does the same happen ?11:12
Gorlist(in the taskbar ive also got an error notification of "A problem occurred when checking for the updates")11:12
GorlistFireFox loads fine11:13
ikoniaGorlist interesting11:13
GorlistI recently installed alsamixurgui, when I clicked on it the list disappeared for a second before coming back - not sure if thats related11:14
ikoniaGorlist: lets try this "sudo apt-get update" in the terminal11:14
alex____Gorlist: try command line: apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:14
ikoniaalex____ whoaaaaa11:14
ikoniaGorlist just do the update11:14
GorlistOkay thats done a few things, and has completed11:14
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Gorlistim regards to Ikonia11:14
tanto_i have 1 data partition which mount on /media/disk. is it okay?, or should be mount on /mnt.11:15
ikoniaGorlist: so that updated the source file correctly, now, what happens if you try to launch synaptic11:15
ikoniatanto_: fine on /media11:15
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ActionParsniptanto_: you can mount ANYWHERE except /proc11:15
Gorlistikonia: Thank you, thats now working again.11:15
ikoniaGorlist: cool11:15
GorlistWhat do you suspect the problem was?11:15
ikoniaGorlist: looks like synaptic crashed mid source update, and couldn't recover form the corrupted file11:16
Gorlistah right11:16
GorlistOkay, well thank you for that :)11:16
VladimirLVHelp me please! Im using postfix mail server and mails from it doesnt reached to gmail.com ?11:16
tanto_ikonia: actionparsnip: ok. thx a lots.11:16
ikoniano problem11:16
ikoniaVladimirLV: are you on dhcp ?11:16
VladimirLVikonia: no11:16
VladimirLVstatic ip11:16
ikoniaVladimirLV: home dsl ?11:16
xogerhello all11:17
ikoniaVladimirLV: data center ?11:17
VladimirLVikonia: collocation with static ip11:17
VladimirLVwithout any dhcp or router11:17
ikoniaVladimirLV ok first thing to do is the postfix log - see if it looks like it's sending11:17
ikoniaVladimirLV: send to other hosts to see if they can get mail11:17
VladimirLVwhere is it? can find ;/11:17
VladimirLVikonia: yes.. mail.ru - can, inbox.lv - can11:17
ikoniaVladimirLV: check mail black lists to see if your ip is blacklised11:17
VladimirLVand others - can11:17
VladimirLVbut gmail.com - no11:17
VladimirLVwhere is it?11:18
VladimirLVikonia: thank you :-)11:18
ikoniaVladimirLV: probably a black list or a r-dns issue11:18
ikoniaVladimirLV: where is what11:18
VladimirLVblack list11:18
ikoniablack list could be on the itnerenet, or internal to google depending on what they use11:18
missilleActionParsnip: am btw still installing the upgrades, checked out usbview. It gives only an error that it cannot open /proc/bus/usb/devices. could that have to do with my problem?11:18
VladimirLVikonia: oh..11:19
VladimirLVikonia: some mails is reaching, but some - no11:19
calwiganyone here know about icecast, icegenerator? please.....!11:19
ikoniaVladimirLV gmail could be queing or blacklisting you11:19
ikoniaVladimirLV: you need to be specific you said no mails where getting to gmail11:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast11:20
ActionParsnip!info icecast11:20
ubottuPackage icecast does not exist in hardy11:20
newbe1Help  part of IE6  is still in wine  i need to completely remove the wine app11:20
VladimirLVikonia: oh. ok, thank you :-)11:20
OhmuGParted says I have a /dev/sda3... and it's an ext3.  but ls /dev/sda3 doesn't work.  how to find whats on it?11:20
filleokusgday everyone11:21
ActionParsnipnewbie2: sudo apt-get --pure remove wine11:21
ActionParsnipnewbie2: also to remove all user settings: rm -rf ~/.wine11:21
filleokusi have a problem with ffmpeg when im gonna convert movies to my ipod touch11:21
tanto_on m y /fstab, there is an error.  "relatime, errors=remount-ro". what it's mean.11:22
ActionParsnipOhmu: sudo fdisk -l11:22
zirodaytanto_: thats not an error, those are mount options11:22
ActionParsniprelatime needs to be changed to something else11:22
enurienhello all11:23
clevummmm, init is eating 100% cpu11:23
clevthat aint good11:23
OhmuActionParsnip, thanks.  That shows me it's my boot partition.  But how do I see which files are on this partition, and which on my other?  For some unknown reason my ubuntu seems to be spanning 2 partitions. (and thats not counting the swap partitions).11:23
tanto_ziroday: can you explain, or give me a link related this.11:23
ActionParsnipOhmu: you need to mount it see the files11:25
newbe1ActionParsnip>  it said pure is not understood11:25
alexharringtonAny libvirt gurus? Trying to get to the qemu monitor on a kvm setup but having problems11:26
ActionParsnipnewbie2: --purge11:26
legend2440newbe1 purge not pure11:26
ActionParsnipnewbie2: not pure11:26
OhmuActionParsnip, its probably mounted somewhere already (else how could it have files in it? ... I started ubuntu with an empty hdd)  Can I list all mounted devices?  /mnt is empty11:26
ActionParsnipOhmu: mount on its own will show you what is mounted11:27
dr_willisOhmu,  'mount' command shows all mounted media.11:27
useh31337hi there11:27
newbe1ok   wine is still in the pull down of applications11:28
dr_willisOhmu,  if you some how forget to mount somthing to its mountpoint - you can copy files to the directory.. and sort of not realise the stuff is getting copied to the wrong place11:28
zirodayalexharrington: you can ask in #ubuntu-server11:28
alex____wow. I read a post in ubuntuforums, a guy billgoldberg: ran gparted resizing for 70 hours!!!  stopped it and all data were intact! I think I might stop mine, 50 hours of estimated time is too much, recommendations?11:29
alexharringtonziroday: thanks. Tried in #ubuntu-virt but it's dead atm. I'll try server too11:29
dr_willisalex____,  what are you resizeing?11:29
alex____my home partition and some other things11:29
zirodayalex____: didn't ikonia already tell give you a recommendation?11:29
legend2440newbe1: you already ran        rm -rf ~/.wine    in terminal?11:29
dr_willisalex____,  how large? this is ext2/3/ntfs?11:30
alex____its a 750 gig hdd, wanted room for more space on other partition11:30
alex____600 gig p[artition11:30
alex____could take weeks!11:30
dr_willisalex____,  50+ hrs... seems way way too long...11:30
newbe1Lenend2440>  yes it said it is not installed11:30
sibikosguys, i have an open question11:30
OxDeadC0deso nobody knows how to at least disable gnomes nm-applet in kde sessions without uninstalling it?11:30
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newbe1Legend2440>  yes it said it is not installed11:30
alex____seems like its not unexpected, but its a long time! especiall since its a live cd,11:31
alex____no other apps to use11:31
zirodaysibikos: what is your question?11:31
dr_willisOxDeadC0de,  i noticed that gnome and kde's nm applets wehre both running for me under gnome.. so i closed kde's and told the gnome sessions  to not start it.. Perhaps kde's session manager tool has similer thing.11:31
legend2440newbe1: right click  Applications on top panel choose edit menu and you can remove   the Wine entry in your pulldown menu11:31
sibikosi am wondering how ircd hosting servs ircd shell to its client? we all know that one ircd can run only on one port, how they servs all of their client if everyone want to run ircd at 6667 for example?11:32
OxDeadC0deI looked through the kde session manager, nm-applet isn't loaded there or anywhere in the default gui's for kde11:32
sibikoslike i said, it is an open question. sorry if that kind of question is not suppose to be asked in here ;)11:33
zirodayOxDeadC0de: you can ask in #kubuntu11:33
simon1245Hi all :)11:34
VladimirLVwhere i can see postfix logs?11:34
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useh31337vladik preved11:35
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roy_im having a keymapping problem - im running an XP virtual machine in ubuntu - it was working fine with hardy heron but on upgrading to RC of intrepid ibex some of my keys are not mapped correctly - any ideas ?11:37
ikonia!ibex > roy_11:37
ryanhaighHi all, I have been running a disk check on my new 1TB drive all day (checking for bad sectors) and it has just completed. From what I can see there are no errors however as indicated e2fsck reports that there are: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63592/11:37
ubotturoy_, please see my private message11:37
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that roy_11:37
Ohmuheh it's mounted as / (duh!).  It's /dev/sda1/ thats confusing me now.  I've mounted it and it sesems to have a complete linux filestructure. must have created it in my sleep.   doh11:37
mohbanahi when is the next release due11:38
bazhang10/30 mohbana11:38
ikoniamohbana end of the month11:38
dr_willisI think we need to get the bot to msg everyone on join the aswers to that question.. :)11:39
dr_willisEnd of month, support in #ubuntu+1 till then,  'when its done' and ... lets see what else always gets asked...11:39
alex____or 30/10 if you're not american11:39
alex____jackalope next right?11:40
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newbe1Need IE 6 or higher  for a windows app in wine    I have a IE 6  disc   wine tells me that a newer version is on system11:44
ikonianewbe1 thats a wine issue, you'll find support for wine in #winehq11:45
newbe1ikonia>  is that a irc11:45
dr_willisnewbe1,  for wine - ther is that mozzilla-wine thing that is supposed to fake out the wine apps into using mozilla.. or gecko. also.11:45
ikonianewbe1 it is11:46
economyxi have a bit of a beginner question if anyone is available11:49
zirodayeconomyx: sure, just ask away11:50
economyxok, i am dual booting with vista installed first, and i am trying to decrease the partition vista is using to create a third partition, i have downloaded gparted live cd and burned it, but it won't boot when i restart11:51
economyxit brings me back to the same menu to choose vista or ubuntu11:51
zirodayeconomyx: you are aware that the ubuntu livecd includes the gparted partitioner right?11:51
economyxyeah, and i tried that one too11:51
economyxit asked me if i would like to reinstall ubuntu11:52
economyxbut i was told thats not necessary11:52
newbe1_ok   what to do about this IE 6  version thing11:52
zirodaynewbe1_: have you seen ie4linux?11:52
bazhang!en | FAFA11:52
ikonianewbe1_ #winehq as suggested11:52
ubottuFAFA: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:52
legend2440newbe1_: did you have ie6 installed before you removed wine?11:53
newbe1_IE 6  fail before it was installed11:53
zirodayeconomyx: so you have ubuntu installed currently?11:53
ikonianewbe1_ #winehq will get you specialist wine support11:53
economyxziroday: yes, an i'm using it now11:54
zirodayeconomyx: are you aware that you can install gparted on your current ubuntu11:54
economyxziroday: i have that as well, and when i run it it shows one large partition encompassing the entire HD... which of course is mounted and i can't mess with it11:55
legend2440newbe1_: check in folder  /opt  see if ie6 is already in there11:55
newbe1_allmost ready to delete ubuntu    how do i find  #winehq11:55
ikonianewbe1_ type "/join #winehq"11:55
dr_willisnewbe1_,  or just click onthe word  #winehq in most irc clients...11:55
ikonianewbe1_newbe1_ in your current irc window11:56
bazhangnewbe1_, where you type 'where'11:56
dr_willisnewbe1_,  giving up on Linux because wine dosent work properly.. isent a very good reason.. :)11:56
zirodayeconomyx: ah okay, and you can't just access the live environment on the live cd?11:56
dr_willisnewbe1_,  there are some 'set up ie under linux' tools out there also...11:56
economyxziroday: exactly, i'd rather just boot from my livecd and screw with it there11:56
ikoniaeconomyx so whats the problem ?11:57
MaevaI have AMD64 and adobe flash 10 but I can't watch the video's on this site: www.deredactie.be other site like youtube work though. I get a black screen and the video doesn't load11:57
economyxikonia: well now i'm not entirely sure. i have vista and ubuntu sharing a HD and i want to decrease the partition for vista in order to use the space for a third partition. i have the livecd for gparted but it doesnt boot when i restart... and now i'm not sure if there are even two separate partitions...? gparted from linux shows one big block that is mounted11:58
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ikoniaeconomyx looks like you've merged the two partitions11:58
economyxikonia: uh oh, how did i do that??11:58
ikoniaeconomyx resized one to the full size of the disk normally11:58
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jribMaeva: wfm on amd64 with flash10.  It takes a couple of seconds to play after clicking the play button.  Did you try waiting a bit so it can buffer?11:59
economyxikonia: in fact i haven't messed with the partitions except when i initially installed ubuntu. and now when i try to add files to ubuntu it says i don't have space...11:59
ikoniaeconomyx I thought you just said you messed with them when you booted gparted from the livecd11:59
BactaHi, how do I install a .sh file?12:00
economyxikonia: livecd won't boot for some reason. i'm using gparted through ubuntu12:00
ikoniaeconomyx what happens when you try to boot12:00
economyxikonia: it asks me to use ubuntu or vista12:00
economyxikonia: i don't know how to make it boot from CD12:00
ikoniaeconomyx thats not booting from the cd12:00
ikoniaeconomyx: thats booting from the harddisk12:00
Mechdaveeconomyx, what kind of computer have you got?12:01
Maevajrib: YEs i waited nothing happens12:01
economyxmechdave: hp pavilion dv600012:01
private_metahiho... got a small question: i got ubuntu server in a virtual machine, 4gb disk, but i need to set the swap partition to 1gb... how can i resize the system partition to 3gb to be able to increase swap?12:01
newbe1looks like i am the only user in winehq12:02
jribnewbe1: you aren't in #winehq...12:02
newbe1i know12:02
jribnewbe1: so how does saying "looks like i am the only user in winehq" make any sense?12:03
jribMaeva: right now, does youtube work ok?12:03
paul68I have 2 ethernet cards in my server, only one is active at this point, if I activate the 2nd is that going to interfear with the original setup or can I do this without any problem?12:03
Maevayes it does jrib12:03
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newbe1i may just format the ubuntu partition and be done with it   the IE 6 thing sucks12:03
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Mechdaveeconomyx, to get to BIOS you need to press F10 as the HP logo displays12:05
JockeoIn OpenOffice.Org Calc, how do I generate a set of random numbers based on the "normal distribution", where I manually set the standard deviation?12:05
economyxmechdave: and from bios?12:05
jribMaeva: don't know then, the site is working fine for me and if you get a play button and then after clicking it just a solid black screen then that's exactly what happens here except the video starts after a few seconds of black12:06
floydhow do i install comix-3.6.5.tar.gz in ubuntu12:06
Archiehi, i'm completely new to ubuntu, thinking of getting the new 8.10 release.12:06
Mechdaveeconomyx, when you are there see if you can change the boot priority, I don't have the details yet... still googling12:06
ArchieI have a core 2 duo processor, which I'm guessing will run the AMD64 version, but considering I'm new, mainly will be using it for web/word processing and the occasional gaming, is the extra hassle of running a 64 OS worth it?12:06
ArchieAlso, can I run a 64bit ubuntu OS on a different partition, but on the same hard drive as a 32bit windows system?12:06
bazhangjust downloaded the free crossover office pro; it is a .sh file; is the correct action to move to /usr/bin/ and then chmod +x and ./filename.sh ?12:06
economyxmechdave: i'm sorry i know that's horribly green of me, i just messed with it for a couple hours though and got absolutely stumped. shouldn't i be able to shrink my vista partition through gparted in ubuntu without booting from cd? it just shows one big mounted partition12:06
FloodBot1Archie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:06
Maevaok thx jrib it's strange though12:06
jrib!info comix | floyd12:07
ubottufloyd: comix (source: comix): GTK Comic Book Viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.4-1.1 (hardy), package size 229 kB, installed size 1416 kB12:07
Maevacan I download the release candidate or should I wait for Ubuntu 8.10 ?12:07
jribfloyd: avoid downloading tar.gz as they are usually not necessary.  It is better to install software from the repositories using a program like Add/Remove or synaptic12:07
bazhangI'm guessing I need to sudo chmod +x; is that about right?12:08
floydi went to add/remove and it wasnt in there12:08
floydwhen i typed the name12:08
floydill try again12:08
jribfloyd: use synaptic12:08
Picifloyd: It may not be, not everything is in add/remove.12:08
Ujjwolhow to shutdown X window but after restart start as normalk12:08
Mechdaveeconomyx, you dont need to apologise for being new at this, we all were there once :)12:08
Picifloyd: Everything is in Synaptic though. See System>Administration12:08
floydits weird cuz it was in my buddies and not mine12:08
jribUjjwol: what do you mean by "normal"?12:08
floydthanks guys12:08
jribfloyd: make sure you've enabled universe in Software Sources as well12:09
Mechdaveeconomyx, could you please re state your problem for me?12:09
Ujjwoljrib, i mean same login window and gnome desktop | for now i want to shudown X and work on tty212:09
zirodaybazhang: yeah chmod+x it, then do sudo -i and then run the .sh file. The cx stuff puts itself in /opt12:09
floydit worked!!! thanks again12:09
floydman that makes things alot easier12:09
economyxmechdave: i have gparted installed in ubuntu but when i open it it shows one big partition labeled '/host' and of course i can't mess with it because it's mounted. i'm not even sure my OS's are on different partitions now...12:09
jribUjjwol: you realize you can work in tty2 and keep X working in tty7 (just hit ctrl-alt-f2 and ctrl-alt-f7 to come back to X).  Why do you need to shutdown X?12:10
bazhangziroday, thanks! so no need to mv to /usr/bin/ ?12:10
paul68I have 2 ethernet cards in my server, only one is active at this point, if I activate the 2nd is that going to interfear with the original setup or can I do this without any problem?12:10
zirodaybazhang: nope12:10
r0ndahave any of you guys moved from windows Vista to Ubuntu and loved it ?12:10
bazhangziroday, cheers :)12:10
zirodaybazhang: it installs itself to /opt12:10
economyxr0nda: yes yes yes12:10
Mechdaveeconomyx, just a minute I am doing some reading on gparted12:10
Ace2016_http://down.codeweavers.com/   ITS FREE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:11
PiciAce2016_: Please don't advertise  in this channel.12:11
Picipaul68: You will probably need to setup the routes for the new chard.12:11
Ace2016_its free, not advertising, its completely free to download + license for the pro version12:12
Ujjwoljrib, i need to shudown X so to save power of laptop when i can manage to work on tty2-712:12
Ujjwoljrib, isn;t there any way12:12
Picipaul68: sorry, 'card'12:12
jribUjjwol: ah, well just logout and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' in tty212:12
Ujjwoljrib, when i shutdown and login in next time will the x be normal12:13
Mechdaveeconomyx, hgow did you manage to install gparted on to the hard drive?12:13
paul68Pici: I know I need to do that but in order to continue I need to know if I can safely activate both interfaces without interfearing with the current setup12:13
jribUjjwol: yep12:13
economyxmechdave: synaptic manager12:13
Picipaul68: I'm unsure of what effects it will have on the current state.  Have you tried asking in #ubuntu-server as well?12:13
alex____how do I boot to a command line form grub?12:13
jribalex____: for what purpose?12:13
alex____init=/ or something right?12:13
Mechdaveeconomyx, Oh I see, you have Ubuntu installed and you used synaptic to install gparted on to Ubuntu12:14
alex____uninstall firestarter, which causes freeze on boot12:14
dr_willisalex____,  append 'single' to the end of the kernel options in the grub menus12:14
jribalex____: select "recovery mode" from the grub menu12:14
Ujjwoljrib, /etc/init.d/gdm: No such file or directory12:14
dr_willisor recovery mode. :) if ya look i think it has single on the end.12:14
jribUjjwol: kdm or xdm then12:14
cloud-ieeeWhat is the command in terminal to update distro?12:14
paul68Pici: no I didn't but at this point  eth0 is staying like it was no changes there eth1 is going to activate adn gets another range of IP other then that there are no changes yet since I need to work out the firewall part12:14
floydcan i find plugins for compiz in synaptic?12:14
Ujjwoljrib, ok12:14
jrib!upgrade > cloud-ieee12:15
ubottucloud-ieee, please see my private message12:15
economyxmechdave: yes. i installed ubuntu through vista to dual-boot. i assigned it 25GB partition space, and installed gparted later. now i can't see the separate partitions, it all shows up as /dev/sda1 and it's labeled '/boot /host' and i can't mess with it because it's mounted12:15
floydprolly not12:15
dr_willisfloyd,  fire up synaptic and search?12:15
Ujjwoljrib, kdm or xdm both said same as for gdm12:15
Ujjwolnot found12:15
alex____recovery mode didn't work. gonna try single12:15
fiyawerxhow can i disable xterm not passing through ctrl key?12:15
fiyawerxit seems like its intercepting it12:15
jribUjjwol: what ubuntu are you using? ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu?12:15
Mechdaveeconomyx, can you see the size of this partition?12:16
Ujjwoljrib, hardy12:16
dr_willisfiyawerx,  its possible its the window manager, or compiz  intercepting it..12:16
jribUjjwol: ps -ef | grep gdm return anything?12:16
=== choon-hee is now known as rrr69
economyxmechdave: yes, i'm using 65.11 GB of 140 max. but it's all on one partition12:16
fiyawerxdr_willis, ahh do you know where to turn it off in gnome?12:16
ttye0Easytag and/or both my ID3 related libs are writing tags that are typically malformed on my Pilot MP3 player. Has anyone else experienced this issue? It's only on the player12:16
dr_willisfiyawerx,  i tend to just disable compiz as a #1 thing to test  in such a case12:16
Mechdaveeconomyx, have you lost vista?12:17
Ujjwoljrib, yes12:17
economyxmechdave: nope. i can boot either perfectly12:17
jribUjjwol: what does it return?12:17
Ujjwolroot      1989     1  0 03:44 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/gdm-binary -nodaemon12:17
Ujjwolroot      2090  1989  0 03:44 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/gdm-simple-slave --display-id /org/gnome/DisplayManager/Display112:17
Ujjwolroot      2091  2090 12 03:44 tty7     00:06:18 /usr/bin/Xorg :0 -br -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-cookie-XX3B8XJU-for-gdm -nolisten tcp12:17
Ujjwolgdm       2140     1  0 03:44 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session12:17
FloodBot1Ujjwol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:17
Ujjwolroot      2224  2090  0 03:45 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/gdm-session-worker12:17
alex____hmm... I think single is no good too. I wan to stop firestarter from starting, boot to command line (really early) and uninstall firestarter. It conflicts with serialmonkey rt7312:17
paul68Pici: no I didn't but at this point  eth0 is staying like it was no changes there eth1 is going to activate adn gets another range of IP other then that there are no changes yet since I need to work out the firewall part12:17
alex____what is the kernel option in grub to boot only to root chell?12:18
Ujjwoljrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/63603/12:18
dr_willisalex____,  single normally works for me.. or init=/bin/bash   perhaps12:18
alex____thats it!12:18
Mechdaveeconomyx, right, ok now sounds like you are seeing the Ubuntu partitions /boot and the root directory /12:18
dr_willisI dont see how firestarter can be doing this.. its a gui front end...12:19
alex____I thnk I'll remember that from now on12:19
Mechdaveeconomyx, and not the vista partition12:19
jribUjjwol: and what does 'ls /etc/init.d/?dm' return?12:19
fiyawerxdr_willis, heh, its crawl that im trying to play :) gonna drive me nuts if i can't find this.. cant disable stinkin traps without ctrl12:19
economyxmechdave: sorry, i'm not sure what you mean. i can only see /dev/sda1 and it's ntfs, i'm thinking somehow they're both there. because i can't be using 65GB of space on my ubuntu partition12:20
dr_willisfiyawerx,  try the game in a dfferent window manager/terminal application also.. as a test12:20
alex____i guess you hardcore folk always use init=/etc/vim12:20
fiyawerxturned visual affects off12:20
dr_willisalex____,  init=/bin/irssi :)12:20
=== Cemud_g_ndiri is now known as cE_cr_c0_efeZ
Kian841hi guys! i have a problem with aMule... i noticed that my servers didn't work, so i deleted them and downloaded a new list and yesterday i was able to see all the servers i also have on eMule on Windows........... today i reopened aMule and i see the old servers mixed with the new ones.... and if i click on a good server, aMule keeps on connecting to unknown ones... and the downloads don't work..... what can i do?12:21
ne2k__alex____: are you trying to have a nick that ends with more underscores than mine?12:21
Ujjwoljrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/63604/12:21
alex____nope... limechat chose it for me12:22
jribUjjwol: what is that the output of?  It's not of 'ls /etc/init.d/?dm'12:22
Ujjwoljrib, pasted here output http://paste.ubuntu.com/63604/12:22
=== Odo is now known as Guest7255
alex____but i do have a nick with more ___ than you12:22
jribUjjwol: did you just run 'ls /etc/init.d/' instead?12:23
Ujjwolthere is output visit that site12:23
jribUjjwol: right, but I am trying to figure out the command that gave you that output12:23
=== _odo is now known as Odo
fiyawerxdr_willis, tried aterm - don't have another wm to try just using gnome, im pretty sure i've run into this before12:23
fiyawerxbut can't for the life of me seem to find where to tell it to ignore control keys as an app12:24
Mechdaveeconomyx, ok now I have installed gparted too...  top right hand side make sure the drop down list has /dev/sda visible12:24
steveccchi all - i have a usb2 hard disk which I have inserted and can see in dmesg is sdc but its the first time I have used it and it has an ntfs filesystem - what is the easiest way to wipe it and format as ext312:24
jribsteveccc: gparted12:24
dr_willisfiyawerx,  ive never seen xterm 'steal' the control key.. its very likely its comiz doing it.. IF you are using compiz.. install  'jwm' and try it in there.. its about as small andminimal a window manger as ya can get.12:24
alex____I cant remove firestarter... i get 'unable to write to /var/cache/apt/' help!12:25
jribalex____: because you are being silly.  Just stop from starting12:25
demontagerhow to on or off kernel module? I mean do not use command rmmod12:25
Mechdavealex____, are you trying to remove it as sudo?12:25
alex____started as root ... much harder than sudo!12:26
jribalex____: well first you have to figure out how it starts.  Then I would use a live cd and stop it from starting12:26
Picidemontager: Put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist if you don't want it to be inserted on boot.12:26
=== DefamedPrawn is now known as cens0red
Ujjwoljrib, what to do12:26
stevecccjrib: thanks installing it now - what is the easiest way to encrypt a whole disk?12:26
jribUjjwol: tell me the command you ran that gave you the output you pastebinned12:26
alex____if i rm /etc/init.d/firestarter, that should do it right?12:26
jribsteveccc: don't know about encryption12:27
jribalex____: just chmod -x that12:27
Ujjwoljrib, ls /etc/init.d/ ?dm12:27
dr_willisalex____,  or just move it.. :)12:27
jribUjjwol: ok.  Did you mess around with gdm settings or something?  You don't have a /etc/init.d/gdm12:27
alex____read only filesystem12:27
alex____chmod ?12:28
Ujjwoljrib, not at all12:28
haluk hi guys, got en error "LaTeX Error: File `rotating.sty' not found" but idk what package is missing? Can anyone help me?12:28
jribUjjwol: what does 'apt-cache policy gdm' return?12:28
LjLjrib, there is a space between / and ? there12:28
Elektrikzhi, is there a way to return the panels options to default?12:28
jribLjL: right, but I just grepped the output myself to save time :)12:28
LjL-Temp!resetpanel | Elektrikz12:29
ubottuElektrikz: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:29
Ujjwoljrib, there is any way kill the X process12:29
jribUjjwol: sure, but I don't see how gdm will be starting without a /etc/init.d/gdm12:29
LjLUjjwol: of course there is, but you most certainly shouldn't be trying to do that if you don't have a working gdm12:29
jrib!resetpanel | Elektrikz12:29
ubottuElektrikz: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:29
alex____bloody firestarter. I should log a bug with serialmonkey12:30
dulakwhat's a good gnome burner program?12:30
jribLjL: Ujjwol just wants to turn off gdm (he's in X now), and somehow has no /etc/init.d/gdm.  ps -ef | grep gdm  returns a bunch gdm stuff too12:30
LjL!burn | dulak12:30
ubottudulak: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:30
Elektrikztnx! :)12:30
jribalex____: just use recovery mode, or if that fails because of firestarter too, use a live cd12:31
LjLjrib: maybe he's asked the same question before, and he's been answered to update-rc.d gdm remove?12:31
LjLjrib: well no, that wouldn't remove it from init.d anyway12:31
UjjwolLjL, i didn't did update-rc or anything like that12:31
alex____yep i used a live cd to mv /etc/init.d/firestarter to somewhere else12:33
jribalex____: then move it back and purge firestarter12:33
alex____booted up fine12:33
alex____and quitting gparted didn't break anthing!12:34
kasansweatI have a laptop with an intel video card and a minimal xorg.conf with one screen on top of the other as a large virtual screen for dual head.  This only works in Gnome, other window managers just duplicate the screen -- how can I get this working in other wms?12:34
zirodaykasansweat: which window manager are you thinking about here?12:35
kasansweatziroday - something more minimal, xfce or flux.12:35
zirodaykasansweat: have you tried asking in #xubuntu or the projects respective rooms?12:36
kasansweatziroday - not yet. I am interesting in figuring out how Gnome automatically "knows" how to do this where the others dont.12:36
zirodaykasansweat: ah, well I am not familiar with xfce or fluxbox sorry, all I can recommend you do is ask in the projects respective rooms about the dual screens :)12:37
Ujjwoljrib, any updates on howto12:38
kasansweatziroday - aha, thanks anyway, I'll poke around and see what i can find.12:38
steveccccan anyone help me please on the best way to encrypt a whole disk12:38
jribUjjwol: what does 'apt-cache policy gdm' return?12:38
fiyawerxdr_willis, hmm, think ive narrowed it down a little. It appears its just ctrl-numpad that isn't working12:38
Ujjwoljrib, it's empty12:38
Ujjwoljust display nothing12:38
jribUjjwol: that's not possible, there has to be output.  The command is: apt-cache policy gdm12:39
dulakthat can't return empty, even if a package isn't installed it will show the package and just not show it installed12:40
LjLUjjwol: ok, so let's try "apt-cache policy sdf", that will definitely display something12:40
cokerjangemengepe seh lo???12:40
LjL!en | cokerja12:41
ubottucokerja: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:41
Pici!id | cokerja12:41
ubottucokerja: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:41
UjjwolLij now i have to go u know power problem in india12:41
cokerjaemboh lah...........12:41
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pawanwhen is the new version coming out12:42
zirodaypawan: end of the month12:42
Picipawan: October 30th12:42
FloodBot1cokerja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:42
LovokI am working on my Conky rc, and I am getting "permission denied" for statfs ; any ideas what I should do?12:43
FloodBot1cokerja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
Lovokbump : I am working on my Conky rc, and I am getting "permission denied" for statfs ; any ideas what I should do?12:45
PiciLovok: Where are you trying to edit it?12:45
LovokPici: off my /home12:46
dr_willisLovok,  you mean  your conly config cis having issues with its statfs feature? or are you havingissues Editing the .conkyrc?12:46
PiciLovok: Its possible that you've accidentally set ownership to root if you've been using sudo or gksudo on programs that you don't need to use them against.12:47
yayai can't extract .tar.bz2 file. why?12:47
Piciyaya: tar xjvf file.tar.bz212:47
Lovokdr_willis: when I run my .conkyrc (located in /home), I get "Conky: statfs '/dev/Jupiter/Ganymede': Permission denied"12:47
humboltdoes anybody know, where and when mark shuttelworth will next be speaking publicly?12:48
PiciLovok: Sorry, I misunderstood the question.12:48
LovokPici: No problem :) I might not have been clear enough12:48
ikoniahumbolt check the fridge calander, bit off topic for this channel12:48
LovokShould I run my conky using gksudo ?12:49
PiciLovok: no.12:49
paul68Pici: parently everybody is still asleep in the server channel12:49
ikoniapaul68: I'm awake12:50
ikoniapaul68: try waiting longer than 60 seconds for a rezsponse12:50
paul68ikonia: understood but was kicked out from the chanel that's why I had to reask my question12:51
LovokAny ideas on how I can circumvent the permission issue?12:51
ikoniaLovok what permissions issue12:52
Lovokikonia: when I run my .conkyrc (located in /home), I get "Conky: statfs '/dev/Jupiter/Ganymede': Permission denied"12:52
dr_willisLovok,  hmm.. either you are doing somthign weird.. or thats a very odd /dev/SOMTHING/SOMTHING name... normally it wants a Mount Point12:52
* Elektrikz rr -.-12:53
ikoniaLovok thats a device file system, what is /dev/Jupiter/Ganymede12:53
Lovokikonia: It is my partition for (i think) home, using LVM12:53
ikoniaLovok ok - so it should be monitoring where its mounted, not the device file, look at your conky config12:54
dulakLovok: use /home not the /dev12:54
LovokAlright, thanks guys :) Will do12:54
dr_willisLovok,  which is to say.. it wants a mount point. :)12:55
lucaxhow do i configure pidgin auto response when im away?12:56
slevenhow do i make the files on the desktop sort themselves in rows?12:56
jbroome_how do i find answers for myself?12:56
lucaxask here12:56
lucaxhi kiamo12:58
kiamohow do i determine what device my cf card reader is? so i can mount it12:59
kiamoim running ubuntu server12:59
lucaxfs -l13:00
cambridgecowdoes anybody know if canonical provides developer support?13:01
rskihow do you mean13:01
kiamoit says "fs command not found, you can get it by sudo apt get etc. then when i apt get it it says it cant find it..13:01
kiamonm i mispelled it lol13:01
dimebaram running into problems with the wifi (Atheros AR5001X) on this laptop: it says the driver is active in the 'Hardware Drivers' window but nothing shows up in iwconfig13:02
HiltonOkay so, yesterday I install Ubuntu 7.04 mistakenly thinking it was the latest. My bad.13:02
HiltonToday I get 8.04 (didn't feel like using an RC), burn it, try to install.13:02
rski6months release scheduele proving to be rapid13:03
rskiyet again.13:03
zirodaycambridgecow: what do you mean?13:03
jbroome_Hilton: the final is released in 2 days.  probably gonna wish you installed intrepid13:03
HiltonEvery time Ubuntu tries to start, it freezes up - the bouncing bar stops at some point (different every time) and just stays there forever. Nothing else happens - I let it run for 15 minutes one of the times.13:03
HiltonThis includes the Try Live and Install options.13:04
kiamolucax: whats fs? iv installed it but it says unrecognized operation "-l"13:04
HiltonDid a Check for CD Defects, it says errors found in 6 files ... on an ISO I just downloaded direct from ubuntu.com and burned to a fresh CD?13:04
ikoniaHilton check the checksum on th image so you nkow if the problem is the image or the burn13:05
jbroome_Hilton: re-download, chck the md5sum and burn it again slower13:05
cambridgecowziroday, i'm looking to get some help making debs I have spent some time working with the MOTU's but I'd really rather just pay someone to help me, that way they work around my schedule13:05
jbroome_!md5 > Hilton13:05
ubottuHilton, please see my private message13:05
paul68ikonia if you would be so kind to check the server thanks13:05
zirodaycambridgecow: I have no idea about that, sorry.13:05
cambridgecowno problem, I emailed canonical and I expect they will get back to me sooner or later13:05
joaopintocambridgecow, is thar for an opensource app ?13:07
Hiltonjbroome_: Perhaps I should wait until the final is released before I play around any more. It's going to be 2 days before I get to actually play with the OS anyway.13:07
GleepGlopcurious, i've had to compile a kernel module for an onboard nic, will I have recompile the module and insmod and depmod -a every time I update the kernel?13:08
joaopintocambridgecow, buf you just need working .debs, or plan to have them include on the official repositories ?13:08
jbroome_Hilton: you can download and install now to beat the rush.  if you keep the machine updated with apt-get dist-upgrade it'll be the same as if you downloaded on release day13:08
joaopintoincluding on the repositories is a stricter process :\13:08
kiamohow do i determine what device to mount to access my cf card reader?13:08
cambridgecowjoaopinto, i don't anticipate that they will ever be in the repos, but i want to make sure they are correctly built debs... I'm going to be shipping them as part of a suite of applications we're selling13:08
cambridgecowjoaopinto, so they need to be professional quality13:09
joaopintocambridgecow, you can also try requesting at getdeb13:09
cambridgecowwhat is getdeb?13:09
lukasthumwho is german in here?13:09
FloodBot1lukasthum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
joaopintocambridgecow, a software portal for ubuntu, www.getdeb.net13:10
ziroday!de | lukasthum13:10
ubottulukasthum: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:10
chombeeIf I use the 'Print' function in gedit to print to pdf then it outputs my source code text files all nicely line-wrapped and syntax-highlighted. Does anyone know of a way to do this en-masse, if I have a lot of text files I want to convert to nice PDFs?13:10
cambridgecowjoaopinto, cool thanks I was unaware of getdeb.net13:10
mikebeechamhi guys...wonder if I can ask a question:  Will Ubuntu 8.10 have greater support for Windows shared folders over a dual boot system, or will SMB be easier to implement.  I have a windows system that I'm thinking about dual booting, but my media center accesses media from windows shared folders over SMB13:10
GleepGlopmikebeecham: you wouldn't use smb to share on a dual boot system13:11
scunizichombee, you might be able to use imagemagic and it's convert function13:11
GleepGlopmikebeecham: you'd mount the other partition or drive in Ubuntu13:12
mikebeechamGleepGlop: it's difficult to explain everything in my first post!! :D  I have a mac mini in another room, which utilises SMB to access the media from the PC.  If I turn my pc into a dualboot system I want my media center to be able to access those shares irrespective as to whether I am logged into PC or Linux13:12
HiltonDid it get really quiet or am I lagged?13:12
dulakmikebeecham: you can use samba to smb share it from the linux boot13:13
GleepGlopmikebeecham: ahh, I see. I 've never had a problem networking my mac, linux, and windows boxes using samba13:13
pawanwhats samba13:13
mikebeechamdulak: GleepGlop, can I use samba with IP address....it makes sense to do it this way?13:14
dulakmikebeecham: what do you mean with ip address?  as in accessing the share by ip?  yes13:14
mikebeechamI'm using software called Plex, which is a derivative of XBMC13:14
cambridgecowjoaopinto, so I donm't think getdeb will be the best bet for me... the main thing I need built is dc1394 support for the version of gstreamer distributed with hardy, do you think the people at getdeb would know how/want to do that/13:14
GleepGlopmikebeecham: instead of hostname? yes, ip is preferred. If i'm sharing on a LAN I always use statics13:14
dulakmikebeecham: plex works great with a linux smb share, I have it setup from my file server here at home13:15
tanto_pici: tar xjvf file.tar.bz2 ="cannot open:no such file or directory"13:15
mikebeechamdulak: YAY...someone who knows what I'm talking about when I say PLEX :D13:15
mikebeechamI created the mediastream skin, by the way :D13:15
Next1Is it normal to have unauthenticated apt updates?13:15
SephirothI'm trying to manually update the m4 installation in Heron to 1.4.12, how would I do this from source? I've already got the source tarball to use and already configured it once.13:15
GleepGlopmikebeecham: too bad you have to share to a windows box, because NFS is so much faster.13:15
tparcinainstructions on http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p5 tell me to install cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data but I get message "E: Package cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data has no installation candidate" can you recommend me what to do?13:15
dulakmikebeecham: very nice, but that skin effs with my playback for some reason13:15
joaopintocambridgecow, that would mean changing a core library (gstreamer), we don't do such packaging, stability concerns13:15
mikebeechamGleepGlop: yeah, but I also use Photoshop CS3, which does not work in Ubuntu at present13:16
tparcinaor, if someone can recommend me better instructions how to install print server13:16
dulakmikebeecham: with that skin enabled, if I FF, audio goes WAY out of sync, it's weird13:16
mikebeechamdulak: what machine do you use it on?  Mini?13:16
dulakmikebeecham: yes13:16
GleepGlopmikebeecham: I know, that sucks, maybe one day Adobe will listen13:16
mikebeechamdulak: new plex release is about to drop...hold yer breath for that resolution!13:16
mikebeechamI now work with Plex13:16
cambridgecowjoaopinto, well so dc1394 ships with bad10.6 which is the version that ships with hardy... hardy is missing libdc1394-22, also are you sure that the version of dc1394 in the newer version of bad isn't compatible with the current gstreamer-core in hardy?13:17
mikebeechamGleepGlop: hence why I need dualboot13:17
mikebeechamto make matters worse, I've just gotten CS4...theres' NO way that's going to run!!13:17
GleepGlopanyone? custom kernel modules should be recompiled and installed after a kernel update?13:17
cambridgecowjoaopinto, hardy doesn't have libdc1394-22 which is required for dc1394src so its not included with hardy13:17
GleepGlopmikebeecham: never underestimate the wine community13:17
dulakmikebeecham: you can even use the same ip, same hostname, and same share/workgroup names between linux boot and windows boot, though it might make more sense to use 2 sources to avoid confusion13:17
SephirothI'm trying to manually update the m4 installation in Heron to 1.4.12, how would I do this from source? I've already got the source tarball to use and already configured it once.13:18
mikebeechamdulak...might have to hit you up when I dual boot the PC to know how thats done, if thats ok?13:18
SephirothIn other words, where would I tell m4 to install to?13:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about m413:18
Next1Why do I have pending apt updates that are unauthenticated?13:18
steverhello, why my gedit is so slow every time?13:18
dulakmikebeecham: I'm around a lot13:18
jjdiamondwill i be able to upgrade from 8.04LTS to 8.10?13:18
jribjjdiamond: yes13:19
mikebeechamdulak: thanks mate....will wait till 8.10 drops then will d/l and install13:19
GleepGlopstever: launching gedit or just general use is slow?13:19
steverevery time i start gedit with sudo , it is so slowly that will takes more than 5 mins to start, why ? how can do?13:20
domaswhy would people strip symbols from packages? :(13:20
GleepGlopstever: but it starts ok as a regular user?13:20
dulakdomas: symbols only necessary for devel debugging, unstripped binaries take up more space on the drive as well as more ram for no gain in production13:20
mikebeechamone other question, if I can....how easy will it be to implement dual-screen?  I have an Nvidia card13:20
cambridgecowstever, have you tried starting it with gksudo/13:20
domasdulak: on-disk bit is true, in-memory is false13:20
lucaxdomas: if u are using intrepid ibex the same happen to me13:21
dulakdomas: absolutely not, try an unstripped apache and compare ram usage with a stripped version13:21
GleepGlopstever: I second starting it with gksu13:21
domasdulak: on the other hand, symbols can be used in daily system administrator work (like oprofile usage :)13:21
cambridgecowgksu? or gksudo?13:21
cloud-ieeeHow can I switch over to a Gui boot in Ubuntu? Right now it is all text at login.13:21
GleepGlopI always use gksu13:21
domasdulak: you're probably not seeing the difference between VSIZE and actual memory use :)13:21
domasdulak: the page is on disk, it doesn't have to be in memory unless referenced13:22
tanto_cannot extract using tar xjvf, why?13:22
cambridgecowcloud-ieee, did you install the server or desktop client?13:22
steverjust take sudo with gksu?13:22
cambridgecowcloud-ieee, can you start the gui with "startx"13:22
cambridgecowstever, use gksudo13:22
cloud-ieeeCambrigde, I installed the client through a network install.13:22
SephirothWhere would I tell m4 to install to, so the cli comes up with my version instead of ubuntu's version?13:22
GleepGlopstever: hit alt+F2: gksu gedit13:22
cambridgecowcloud-ieee, but did you install the server or desktop edition?13:22
dulakdomas: again, run apache side by side and get back to me on that ram usage thing13:22
=== Raynes|ZzZ is now known as Raynes
CephisusUsing 8.04 if I lock the screen I can't unlock it unless I switch user. I get an unknown user in my logs, but the user exists in /etc/passwd13:23
lucaxdoes any one knoe how to delete the arrow uppon gnome-menu?13:23
KDB9000hey everyone. I am having some trouble installing 8.10 into my Hardy system after a kernal update (not to Intrepid). I have an install log and it has "Failed to build fglrx-8.542 with DKMS". Any thoughts?13:23
KDB9000Sorry, 8.10 is the for the ATi Driver13:23
domasdulak: do you sum up data in top/ps columns too? :-)))))13:23
cambridgecowKDB9000, are you doing a clean install or an upgrade?13:24
steversorry, but it do nothing while i do so13:24
cloud-ieeeCambridge, I installed the Desktop client13:24
cloud-ieeeShould I run this in the terminal? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:24
cambridgecowcloud-ieee, what happens when you type: startx13:24
steverstever: hit alt+F2: gksu gedit.... i did it, but return nothing13:24
cloud-ieeeCambrigde, currently I am running this command : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:24
KDB9000cambridgecow, I removed the old version from DKMS so I would say clean. I had an old version for one of my other kernals but it broke after the kernal upgrade.13:24
cambridgecowcloud-ieee, if you don't have a desktop installed the, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will install it for you, but if you installed the desktop edition it should already have been installed13:24
cambridgecowKDB9000, so you want to upgrade to intrepid/13:25
domasdulak: even if those pages would be read into memory, they'd be released after any system work, due to LRU policies ;-)13:25
domasdulak: and symbol tables have great locality :)13:25
CephisusDoes anyone have any thoughts about the following: using 8.04 if I lock the screen I can't unlock it unless I switch user. I get an unknown user in my logs, but the user exists in /etc/passwd and it's getting pretty annnoying13:25
domasdulak: what the heck would apache comparison tell me?13:25
KDB9000cambridgecow, not right now. Right now I just want to get my ATi card working with direct rendering again.13:25
cloud-ieeeCambridge, the network install gave me the option to install the desktop or the desktop suite. I chose the desktop install. For some reason it lead me to the text interface and not the desktop gui.13:25
benzsswhat would you use to transcode .vob to .avi? (xvid or whatever)13:26
chombeeIf I installed the cups-pdf package, anyone know how I can print to PDF from the command line, e.g. using lpr? It looks like I need t oset the $PRINTER environment variable, but I don't know what to. The device name of the printer seems to be cups-pdf:/ but that doesn't work13:26
cambridgecowso I'm not sure what you want to do, why did you want to upgrade to 8.113:26
jarussihi, can anyone help me with instalation of ubuntu 8.04 x64 ?13:26
cambridgecowjarussi, what is the problem?13:26
cambridgecow!ask | jarussi13:26
ubottujarussi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:27
stevergksu is as slowly as sudo? my god!!13:27
jarussisorry =)13:27
steverwho can help me13:27
cambridgecowstever, do you have the same problem when using sudo with other commands?13:27
steverno,just gedit13:28
cambridgecowstever try changing your password13:28
steversudo gedit is very slowly13:28
cambridgecowstever, never mind13:28
krokodilerianok, I was stupid last night to upgrade to interpid and seems like that they killed xserver-xgl from it. My problem is that now when firefox loads a big page everything just stops for a while, as the X server is eating all the CPU possible and everything else is waiting (that wasn't happening with xgl). I'm using nvidia, compiz, x86_64 machine, any ideas ot should I open a bug in launchpad?13:28
steverchang my root passwd?13:28
LjL!intrepid | krokodilerian13:28
ubottukrokodilerian: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu13:28
cambridgecowstever, you shouldn't have a root password only a userpassword13:28
LjL!root | stever13:28
ubottustever: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:28
KDB9000cambridgecow, one, it isn't fully released and isn't fully released till the 31 of this month plus I already have 8.04 and haven't seen the upgrade button yet, second, it won't solve my problem, I will still need to install the ATi drivers.13:28
dulakdomas: I have seen the differences in real ram usage from stripped apache vs. non-stripped.  You can argue it all you like, but I have SEEN it. Whether it's an issue with apache specifically or symbols, I don't care, I just know my servers run leaner if I strip.13:29
jarussii've instaled it on a particion of my hd, c: - formated the particion and stuff .. created the swap, and the / particion too .. installed and when I restarte, gets te DISK BOOT FAILURE thing .. anyone knows what it can be?13:29
nurv101does any one here have problems connecting to an wpa protected network using ipw2100?13:29
domasdulak: how do you see 'real ram usage'?13:29
dulakdomas: also, imo if you are to the point where you need symbols, you are probably already gonna be rolling your own packages for production13:29
SephirothWhere is Ubuntu's m4 1.4.10 package installed to?13:29
ronniedulak: just used the top command13:30
domasdulak: oh, we have all custom packages for our site ;-)13:30
calvinostever, thats a known bug of sudo13:30
domasdulak: but here I'm deploying my private server :)13:30
cambridgecowKDB9000, right above you said "hey everyone. I am having some trouble installing 8.10 into my Hardy system after a kernal update (not to Intrepid)" I have no clue what you are trying to do b/c 8.10 is INTREPID13:30
schofthey anyone fimilair with airodump13:30
jjdiamondis there an app for network file sharing?13:30
domasdulak: anyway, there's no good tool telling how much memory does stuff like apache use13:30
cambridgecowstever, looking around on the forums its looks like most people have been able to fix this problem by doing a clean re-install13:30
schoftyes, jjdiamond, try konqueror13:30
cloud-ieeeCambridge, I found this....apt-get install gnome-core13:31
KDB9000cambridgecow, and then i send another message clearing that up, saying 8.10 for the ATi driver13:31
jjdiamondschoft thanks.13:31
steverre-install what? gedit?13:31
domasdulak: so I have no idea how you could get the 'leaner' thing ;-)13:31
angryuserjoin #bash13:31
cloud-ieeeI think this is what I need. Thank you for your assistance!13:31
schoftUhm, anyone familiar with airodump ?13:31
schofti can't get it to work13:31
jjdiamondschoft, konqueror is a web browser, no?13:31
cambridgecowstever, which luckily only takes about 30 minutes, plus if you have a /home partition you won't lose your data13:32
schoftfile sharing for linux & windows13:32
Kottizenubuntu is very nice13:32
cambridgecowKDB9000, so you want to install the ATI driver in hardy right?13:32
schofto wait its a webbrowser aswell13:32
cambridgecowubottu you are the man!13:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:32
Kottizenvad gör alla här inne?13:32
Kottizenkan någon svara?13:33
ronnieKottizen: english plz13:33
jjdiamondschoft, i don't think i have a K desktop environment.  or do i.....13:33
KottizenRonnie: OK.13:33
KottizenBye :)13:33
cambridgecowKottizen, what is your native language13:33
KDB9000cambridgecow, yes. I know ATi driver 8.10 has a GUI install and used that but I get an error. I also tried building the deb but I get an error.13:33
dulakdomas: VSZ is code+stack+data, and RSS is simply resident in ram right?13:33
schoftyou can get the program by typing this: sudo apt-get install konqueror13:33
cambridgecowKDB9000, have you tried envy?13:33
Kottizencambridgecow: Swedish13:33
=== juro is now known as Guest19299
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se13:33
KDB9000cambridgecow, envy?13:34
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk13:34
steverok, i will read the guider carefully13:34
KottizenUbottu: Can you speak Swedish?13:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:34
jjdiamondschoft, i use the add/remove applications manager13:34
LjL!se | Kottizen13:34
ubottuKottizen: please see above13:34
dulakdomas: VSZ gets a big reduction, RSS gets a much smaller reduction13:34
cambridgecowKDB9000, you can use EnvyNG to install the driver for you13:34
KottizenOK. Bye.13:34
steverbesides can i user RTX under ubuntu?13:34
dulakdomas: I have gone from being able to run 300 apache processes to closer to 400 simply stripping binaries on a heavily loaded client's server13:35
domasdulak: all of those RSS pages are shared...13:35
steveruse RTX13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rtx13:35
nevansquestion about a version number: 1.3.0~RC1really1.2.0-2ubuntu3 ... what does that mean?  is it 1.3 or 1.2?  :)13:35
cambridgecowstever, what is rtx?13:35
nevansthat's from http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/rubygems ... I'm just looking into certain packages before I upgrade.13:35
steverbecause our company use rtx insides13:35
ronniecan somebody tell me what is rtx13:35
stevertecent rtx13:35
domasdulak: simply the fact that you are running 400 apache processes tells something bad about you :(13:35
jribnevans: try #ubuntu-motu13:36
nevansjrib: thanks.  will do.13:36
dulakdomas: as opposed to running what on a web server?13:36
KDB9000cambridgecow, will it install the ATi drivers or the generic one?13:36
cambridgecownevans, that means it is version 1.3.0-RC1really1.2.0-213:36
cambridgecowKDB9000, it will install the LATEST ATI drivers13:36
domasdulak: proper apache?! :)13:36
cambridgecownevans, that means it is version 1.3.0-RC1really1.2.013:36
dulakdomas: proper apache?13:37
domasdulak: see, you allocate lots of memory in all other places to idle13:37
nevanscambridgecow, yeah... but what upstream version does that correspond to?13:37
KDB9000cambridgecow, I will give it a try and see what I get.13:37
Tobbytusanyone know if those 3G stuff mentioned in 8.10 release notes. Will I be able to use it with on my kubuntu since it's the same thing or is it for gnome?13:37
domasdulak: well, reduce blocking. major issue with apache is blocking when writing to user13:37
cambridgecowthe -2ubuntu3 is what is added by the packager13:37
domasdulak: lingerd + big kernel write queues help a lot13:37
cambridgecowso check out 1.3.0-RC113:37
domasdulak: lots of big sites set maxclients to 50 or so13:38
cambridgecowTobbytus, the only difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu is the Window Manager, the core code is the same, so you will be able to use 3G with Kubuntu if you can use it with Ubuntu, but the GUI will be different13:38
jarussiok ... i'll change my question, can anyone help me do a dual-boot?13:38
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:38
dulakdomas: lingerd looks nifty13:38
jarussitkz! =)13:38
domasdulak: of course, it is possible to use squid/etc for client-side serving13:38
Info73Erm... I've no idea what to search for. Use !google keyword(s)!13:38
ubottugoogle is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux13:38
=== Guest19299 is now known as juro
Tobbytuscambridgecow, how will the gui be diffrent? will it just look uglyer? or?13:38
cambridgecowTobbytus, Kubuntu is KDE and ubuntu is Gnome13:39
=== juro is now known as Guest43678
Tobbytusok, Thanks for the answer:)13:39
cambridgecowTobbytus, I've never used Kubuntu and "Uglier" is a matter of opinion, if you're asking for mine then yes KDE is uglier then gnome13:39
domasdulak: if you have brave soul, you can set nolinger sockopt inside apache ;-)13:39
domasthats most efficient :)13:40
domasjust broken clients may be more broken13:40
dulakdomas: lingerd looks like it will make a huge difference, I never heard of it13:40
iyk_irihas anyone used asterisks on ubuntu13:40
redwhitewaldo hi, folks. i can't submit a bug report for "skype" under ubunu ditrubution. it says "There is no package name 'skype' published in Ubuntu"13:40
zylcheQuestion: If I install the 8.10 RC, will it update itself to the official release when possible or will it stay with (possibly) outdated code within?13:40
domasdulak: don't forget to increase write queue, default is tiny :)13:40
steverno RTX?13:40
domasdulak: anyway, in any proper performance model, symbols is 0.000001% of cost13:40
jribredwhitewaldo: because there isn't a skype package in the ubuntu repositories13:40
domasdulak: though, if you have them, you can resolve all 99.99999% costs better13:41
schoftairodump Unsupported hardware link type 803  << anyone familiar with this error13:41
redwhitewaldojrib: so what can i do if i think i've found a bug with skype's relationship wiht ubuntu?13:41
geevhellow friends am looking for you help i installed my usb network card twe444ub using ndiswrapper but it does not to the access point what is help you have13:41
joaopintoredwhitewaldo, what is exactly the bug ?13:41
neo_chanI have a question about ubuntu 8.1013:42
redwhitewaldojoaopinto: terminal says "segmentation fault"13:42
jribredwhitewaldo: "skype's relationship"?  what does that mean?  If it's a bug in the package, file it against the place you got the package from (medibuntu)?  If it's a bug with skype, file a bug with skype13:42
geevhellow friends am looking for you help i installed my usb network card twe444ub using ndiswrapper but it does not associate to the access point what is help you have13:42
neo_chan I would like to know 'apt-get update and upgrade'  to 8.10 from 8.04, Can I?13:42
dulakdomas: what are the write queues you are talking about?  a sysctl setting?13:42
jrib!upgrade > neo_chan13:42
ubottuneo_chan, please see my private message13:42
domasdulak: net.ipv4.tcp_wmem and net.core.wmem_max13:43
redwhitewaldojrib: well, by "skype's relationship with ubuntu", i mean that perhaps the problem only arises on ubuntu computers13:43
neo_chanthank you for jrib. I will look at that.13:43
joaopintoredwhitewaldo, that is a skype *only* problem you need to report it to the skype company, not to ubuntu13:43
redwhitewaldojoaopinto: i see.13:43
dulakdomas: thanks for the info, you just made my job so much easier on at least 3 clients13:45
jadams__I can't log in to my X session because once compiz starts it goes white.  I'd like to disable compiz from starting with X.  How can I do that?  Failsafe GNOME works just fine.13:45
domasnow you will be able to run 500 apache children! :)13:45
redwhitewaldoif i install a package that is "static", does that mean that the program is more likely to work? what does "static" mean? Is it preferred to get static packages?13:45
aboSamoorwhere can I find a channel for ns2 ?13:45
domasdulak: there're more tricks around. like kernel-level connection filters, etc13:45
jadams__I think it's because I just started using Direct Rendering maybe?13:45
cambridgecow what is the difference between ssh user@hostname -X  and  ssh user@hostname -Y13:45
domascambridgecow: one is -X and other is -Y13:46
frogscottcan someone help me fix video and audio everytime I run a vid in mozilla it closes13:46
LjL!ko | powlr9313:46
ubottupowlr93: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko13:46
cambridgecowdomas, thanks that very helpful....13:46
LjLredwhitewaldo: it's preferred to get Ubuntu .deb packages from the official repositories13:46
cloud-ieeeI did this command: apt-get install gnome-core, and I am still in text mode. Someone please help me get into gui mode?? :(13:46
dulakdomas: lingerd will make the biggest difference there I think, enough so we can cut back on apache processes and extend the server life, I have been pushing for a new beefier server but this should fix it right up13:47
powlr93Is it easy to hack ubuntu?13:47
redwhitewaldoLjl, yes  i usually do. but one program i need is not in official repos.13:47
LjLcloud-ieee: gnome-core doesn't install X. why don't you just install "ubuntu-desktop"?13:47
frogscottpowlr93, no it is not easy at all13:47
domasdulak: you can get more performance with apache2.2 or lighttpd and fastcgi processes too13:47
cambridgecowdoes anybody know what the REAL difference between -X and -Y in ssh are?13:47
jribpowlr93: sure, apt-get source PACKAGE, hack away13:47
domasdulak: if thats your problem :)13:47
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
cloud-ieeeLjL, okay I will try that. :)13:47
domasdulak: we have hundreds of servers with MaxClients 50 here ;-)13:48
LjLredwhitewaldo: well, a static binary simply means that all (or at least most) of the required libraries are built right into the binary itself. so yes, that will make it more likely to work generally speaking (and also less cooperating with the rest of the system, sometimes)13:48
frogscottjrib, lol13:48
KDB9000cambridgecow, well it isn't completely up to date. ATi released 8-10,envy only shows 8-613:48
dulakdomas: it's just an over loaded box and they won't spring for a second one to distribute the load13:48
domasdulak: overloaded as in cpu overloaded?13:49
redwhitewaldoLjL do you think a static deb will fix a "segmentation fault" problem when i use a non-static deb?13:49
cloud-ieeeLjL, ran: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop in terminal. Installing now. Thx!13:49
LjLredwhitewaldo: a static *deb*?13:49
frogscottcan someone help me fix video and audio everytime I run a vid in mozilla it closes13:50
dulakdomas: no cpu is good, it's ram, constantly full, constantly swapping13:50
redwhitewaldoLjL yes, skype-static VS skype13:50
FloodBot1domas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:50
domassorry! :)13:50
cloud-ieeeAt least the bots ask nicely before booting you :p13:51
domasdulak: slide#13 at http://dammit.lt/tech/velocity-wikipedia-domas-2008.pdf (titled: "don't overload" :)13:51
frogscottbots dont ask anything13:51
LjLredwhitewaldo: i suggest you try the Skype from medibuntu instead, if you haven't13:51
domascloud-ieee: I think the bot sucks! my both 'hehe' and 'hehehe' had lots and lots of insight in there :)13:51
LjL!medibuntu | redwhitewaldo13:51
ubotturedwhitewaldo: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:51
ashmeetsinghhey I installed grub in the wrong partition and the file system is now corrupt in that how to rebuild it and uninstall the grub13:51
dulakdomas: I can't force a client to pay for hardware, but it's what I recommend everytime they call me out13:51
redwhitewaldoLjL i've tried the skype from medibuntu to no avail. Does medibuntu have a static skype?13:52
tparcinaI can't access my_ip_addr:631 CUPS web interface. How to trouble shoot the problem?13:52
dulakdomas: anyway, thanks much for the info, I'm gonna do some reading13:52
zirodaytparcina: is cups running?13:52
tparcinaziroday: how to check that?13:52
LjLredwhitewaldo: yes, it does13:52
LjL!skype | redwhitewaldo, other alternatives here13:52
ubotturedwhitewaldo, other alternatives here: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:52
zirodaytparcina: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys status13:53
LjLredwhitewaldo: anyway yes, a static build is likely to fix the segmentation fault13:53
tparcinaziroday: it's not running :(13:53
tparcinaroot@cisco13:/home/tomo# /etc/init.d/cupsys status13:53
tparcinaStatus of Common Unix Printing System: cupsd is not running.13:53
zirodaytparcina: then you can start it with, sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start13:53
LjL!pm | ashmeetsingh13:53
ubottuashmeetsingh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.13:53
Shanix_hi all, if I have a program that is taking 100% of CPU usage, what kind of debug program/step that I can use to find out what it's doing?13:53
zirodayShanix: what program?13:54
LjLShanix_: i fear that if the program wasn't compiled with debug symbols, any debugger won't give very meaningful output13:54
cambridgecowShanix, what is it?13:54
Shanix_ziroday, it's a cluster program call fenced13:54
cambridgecowShanix, have you tried running the program from the command line?13:54
Shanix_LjL, and it is not compiled with debug symbol13:54
domasdamn, takes ages to rebuild php5 packages13:55
zirodayShanix: you could possibly use strace to see where is gets up to, but I am really not to sure13:55
Shanix_cambridgecow, it is run the command line13:55
domasah, I guess all the tests add up13:55
cambridgecowShanix, if there isn't an output to the command line then your stuck up creek13:55
Shanix_ziroday, done that, but doesn't really tell me anything13:55
frogscottHi, my video and audio are closing mozilla everytime it runs a video13:55
LjLShanix_: i really can't think of anything useful unless you can recompile the program with debug/profile information13:56
zirodayShanix: well then I have nothing, all I can recommend is you ask the programs devs13:56
monniewolfHi all, I am running Hardy Heron on an Acer TM300. When I updated to the latest headers (2.6.24-21), hibernate stopped working. My computer shows a failed message on trying to wake up from hibernation. It also will not sleep with the lid is closed. Any ideas? I should mention I am a linux newbie13:56
=== Ravi`s is now known as PadepokanLinux
tparcinaziroday: it doesn't start - here is the data from /var/log/messages - http://pastebin.ca/123862113:56
CzarAlexDo I need to restart my server if a new kernel was update was applied?13:57
prasadhi there13:57
zirodaytparcina: could you please pastebin at a different site, pastebin.ca doesn't seem to be working13:57
CzarAlexomg i cant type..really.13:57
rskiCzarAlex: if you want the new kernel to be used then yes13:57
CzarAlexThanks rski13:58
domasdulak: anyway, switching to lighty can save way more resources ;-)13:58
prasadi need to know bout a free windows emulator 4 ubuntu13:58
rskiprasad: wine13:58
joaopintoprasad, or use a virtualization software, like virtualbox or vmware13:58
rskiprasad: what windows apps do you need to run?13:58
prasadhow 2 install pl help13:58
prasadgames only13:59
frogscottHi, can someone help me make video not crash mozilla?13:59
rskiwhat games13:59
prasadexe games13:59
rskiwhat exe games13:59
tparcinaziroday: here it is - http://pastebin.com/d230b72a814:00
jjdiamonddoes Terminal Sever Client have a timeout option?  it keeps dropping my commection to VNC on my other machine.14:00
zirodaytparcina: thanks14:00
prasadgames that r windows applications having extention .exe14:00
rskiprasad: but wich one's ?14:00
prasadGTA Vice City14:00
=== ubuntu is now known as pingviller
Chris_could someone tell me what the ubuntu equiv of "echo i686-redhat-linux > /etc/rpm/platform" would be?14:00
=== pingviller is now known as pingviller32
rskithat works in wine, anything else?14:00
Chris_to set the package manager to i68614:00
prasadCricket etc14:00
zirodaytparcina: no clue, sorry14:01
tparcinaziroday: thank you for trying!14:01
zirodaytparcina: sorry I couldn't help you more :(14:01
prasadHow to install Wine anything better or Wine is the best14:01
frogscottHi, can someone help me make video not crash mozilla?14:01
rskiprasad: search for the games you want http://appdb.winehq.org/14:01
pingviller32I got a "small" problem.. trying to burn an iso while using LiveCD ubuntu. Problem is I managed to eject the ubuntu livecd and now I can't get the cdrom mounted with the empty cdrom to burn. Don't ask why I have to do this, it's a long story, but I really gotta burn an ISO while using LiveCD ubuntu14:01
=== PadepokanLinux is now known as Ravi`s
ziroday!wine | prasad14:02
ubottuprasad: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:02
rskiprasad: you install wine as any other program in ubuntu, apt-get install wine14:02
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype on alsa14:02
jbroome_pingviller32: do you have enough ram to use the "toram" option when booting the livecd?14:02
pingviller32jbroome_: I'd think I do, got 4 GB so it really should be enough imo14:02
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype????? on alsa14:03
infiniteErrors were encountered while processing: nvidia-glxls: cannot access /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1: No such file or directory14:03
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype????? on alsa14:03
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype????? on alsa14:03
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype????? on alsa14:03
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype????? on alsa14:03
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype????? on alsa14:03
FloodBot1ashmeetsingh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:03
jbroome_pingviller32: yeah, try that.14:03
prasadnew to ubuntu!14:03
LjLashmeetsingh, that's very rude.14:03
jbroome_ashmeetsingh: my psychic powers seem to be telling me you want to use skype with alsa14:04
LjL!etiquette > ashmeetsingh    (ashmeetsingh, see the private message from Ubottu)14:04
ubottuashmeetsingh, please see my private message14:04
monniewolfanyone here have hibernate issues, or running ubuntu on an Acer?14:04
pingviller32jbroome_: ok, how exactly do I manage to do the toram option?14:04
redwhitewaldo i've just installed skype-static from medibuntu repo. now when i type skype-static, terminal says "command not found."14:05
frogscottI bet no one can fix my mozilla issue..any takers?14:05
LjLredwhitewaldo: isn't the command still "skype"?14:05
ashmeetsinghhelp me plz14:05
redwhitewaldoLjL i'm not sure14:05
prasadrski r u there?14:05
redwhitewaldoi'll try14:05
prasadnew 2 ubuntu14:06
ashmeetsinghhow to configure skype14:06
tparcinahow to check which version of Ubuntu I'm running on server?14:06
rskiprasad: yes14:06
geniitparcina: lsb_release -a14:06
tparcinagenii: thank you!14:07
geniitparcina: You're welcome14:07
frogscottCan anyone fix my mozilla issue..any takers?14:07
redwhitewaldoLj you're right.14:07
snowjyo guys,14:08
snowjanyone using opera here?14:08
pingviller32how do you use the "toram" option while booting up the livecd for ubuntu?14:09
prasaddont know how to install Wine14:09
Caleb|Hello.  I recently installed ubuntu and then updated my nVidia drivers using the restricted driver.  Now my PS2 mouse is not working.  I can't really use a USB mouse, for some reason it's incredibly choppy and slow, and it also causes my keyboard to be choppy and slow.14:09
monniewolfprasad: open a terminal window14:09
monniewolfand type: "apt-get install wine"14:09
monniewolfyou may need to add "sudo" before the command14:09
monniewolfto run it as root14:09
monniewolfand it will ask you for your password14:10
iyk_irihi all14:10
monniewolfIf I am not mistaken, you will still need a copy of windows to make it run14:10
iyk_irii need to get virtual box running but it gives me an error14:10
Caleb|Is there anyone that can help me?14:10
dulakwine doesn't require windows14:10
pingviller32monniewolf: you are mistaken :) wine have no need for windows14:10
monniewolfah well, that is even better :)14:10
iyk_iripvt me if u know how to get virtual box working14:11
rskiprasad:  write this in a terminal sudo apt-get install wine and press enter and it will install14:11
jribiyk_iri: you need to tell us the error14:11
monniewolfI have never used it. Yiup prasad, that should do it14:11
mikebeechamquick question: how easy will it be to implement dual-screen on 8.10?  I have an Nvidia card14:11
prasadRespected Monni Sir I will join from my Ubuntu machine now now i am working on a windows machine14:11
iyk_iriit demands a generic dependency apps14:11
iyk_irii dont know which to install14:12
Tundrayeti312Caleb|: For what devices did you install nVidia drivers?14:12
frogscottIs everyone afraid of Mozilla? Can someone tell me what to install to run videos14:12
monniewolfI was thinking wine was like vmware, but it isn't. I will have to check it out.14:12
Caleb|Tundrayeti312: My video card.  Do you want a model number?14:12
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:12
monniewolfI am still a linux newbie, so my learning curve is steep :)14:12
kiamohow do i determine what device to mount to access my cf card reader?14:12
frogscottyes I have flash but it is conflicting or something14:13
jrib!who | iyk_iri14:13
ubottuiyk_iri: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:13
pingviller32vmware is a virtualization software, wine simply interpret windows code to make it run under linux (basically something like that)14:13
schoftcan anyone help me with an aircrack problem ?14:13
jribiyk_iri: paste the actual error on paste.ubuntu.com and link us14:13
Tundrayeti312Caleb|: no.  It doesn't make sense that that would cause your issues.  I would roll back the driver and see if that is really where your issues are coming from14:13
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iyk_irihi all14:14
iyk_iridid u get ur astheros wireless to work on 8.0414:14
vinoocan you guys help me? i can't create templates files in my 8.0414:14
iyk_iripvt me to help me fix mine14:14
rskilet's hope not _everyone_ responds iyk_iri that would be a lot of spam14:14
Caleb|Tundrayeti312:  This is the second time I've installed Ubuntu and it's definitely the nVidia driver.  This only happens after I install the driver.  It may have modified xorg.conf14:14
frogscottflash in mozilla crashing help please14:15
=== cambridgecow is now known as slayton
rskiiyk_iri: first try the ubuntu wiki14:15
ikoniaCaleb|: are you usinhg the restricted driver manager14:15
schoftcan anyone help me with an aircrack problem ?14:15
ikoniaCaleb|: or tools like envy14:15
Caleb|ikonia: Yes.14:15
thiebaudefrogscott:you using flash 9?14:15
schoftairodump Unsupported hardware link type 803  << anyone familiar with this error14:15
vinooi've already created ~/Templates and put a model.tex file there but it does not  work14:15
jribiyk_iri: please stop asking people to private message you, just communicate in the channel14:15
frogscottthiebaude, no flash 10 from adobe site14:15
iyk_iribut to many msgs keep floating14:15
Tundrayeti312Caleb|: Do you have a backup xorg.conf? Have you tried using that?14:15
iyk_iriand i am workin on other workspaces14:15
iyk_irido u understand14:16
iyk_iriu cant even solve my problem14:16
Tundrayeti312!enter|  iyk_iri14:16
ubottuiyk_iri: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:16
jribiyk_iri: try to keep your answer on a single line and put the nick of the person you are speaking with in your message.  Did you pastebin the error I asked you for?14:16
Caleb|Tundrayeti312: No, I don't.  Is there any way to download xorg.conf fresh from Ubuntu, as if I just installed?14:16
ikoniaCaleb|: the nvidia drivers from the restricted drivers shouldn't alter the xorg.conf14:16
jjdiamondhow do i find my netowrk name?14:16
amortvigilhi did i break my video catd??:S http://paste.ubuntu.com/63625/14:17
erUSULjjdiamond: "hostname"14:17
ikoniaCaleb|: be interesting for the purpose of a bug report to do a clean ubuntu install, backup the xorg, install the nvidia drivers then se the differences14:17
=== pantsman is now known as benage
Caleb|ikonia: Will do.14:17
keystr0kWhat's the best way (ie. software?) to share a file with a friend... I am looking for a piece of software that lets me directly connect with a friend to share a file.14:17
frogscottthiebaude, any ideas?14:17
=== benage is now known as pantsman
ikoniaCaleb|: be very intersting to see14:17
thiebaudefrogscott:i don't know14:17
iyk_irithis is wat it says (VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic..14:17
iyk_iriVBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).) @jrib14:17
SiON42XHas anyone ever tried VMWare Converter?14:17
iyk_irijrib did u get that?14:18
thiebaudefrogscott:re-install flash14:18
monniewolfI will try posting in a forum for the hibernation issue in Hardy Heron. I have not found any solutions in an online search yet. Thanks anyway :)14:18
Caleb|ikonia:  One other thing!  I had to download the nVidia driver from somewhere else because ubuntu got a "Could not retreive" error, so I google'd the filename and found somewhere else that hosted the same .deb14:18
erUSULiyk_iri: the error msg says how to correct the problem14:18
ikoniaCaleb ok - there we have it14:18
ikoniaCaleb|: possibly14:18
ikoniaCaleb|: never get debs from anywhere other than the ubuntu repos14:18
frogscottflash 10 in mozilla crashing help please...I have un/reinstalled different flash versions14:18
iyk_irido u think i havnt tried that14:18
Caleb|ikonia: I think it was hosted on an ubuntu server.14:19
Tundrayeti312Caleb|:  You can regenerate the xorg.conf file w/ 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', though the post i found said it doesn't work w/ HH, maybe someone can clarify14:19
iyk_irii tried installing two latest generic kernels14:19
jjdiamondtrying to setup Network Folder Wizard.  what does MS Windows network drive name mean?14:19
ikoniaCaleb|: well, - lets stop, do a re-isntall, use the proper tools and if they fail we'll fix the tools rather than get the packages from anywhere else14:19
jribiyk_iri: That's not what it says.  You need virtualbox-ose-modules-$(uname -r)14:19
ikoniaCaleb|: lets do it properly and see if the problem turns up14:19
Caleb|ikonia: Will do.14:19
PedeDo anybody know where I can get a "Radio player" in ubuntu.. (so i can stream Radio over the net)14:19
Caleb|ikonia: Lemme find my Ubuntu install CD.14:20
erUSULiyk_iri:  Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules <<<<<14:20
iyk_iriis that a command to go in a terminal @jrb14:20
ikoniaCaleb I'll be around, so no rush14:20
iyk_irii will do that again then erUSUL14:20
jribiyk_iri: no.  you can do: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules      It should grab the right package for you14:20
iyk_irinoted @jrib14:21
Caleb|ikonia: Alright.  Doing a clean install of ubuntu.\14:21
frogscottthiebaude, I will check it out14:22
iyk_iriso how do i get my in built wireless to work... do u know how @ jrib14:22
jrib!wifi > iyk_iri14:22
ubottuiyk_iri, please see my private message14:22
|sonic|is there any official web site for applications that work in Ubuntu ?14:22
|sonic|free and paid software14:23
iyk_iriits an atheros AR5700EG14:23
rski|sonic|: packages.ubuntu.com14:23
rski|sonic|: winehq.appdb.org and many many others.14:23
|sonic|tr rski14:23
joaopinto|sonic|, regarding free software, if it works, it should be on the repositories14:23
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
mkartichow to create an apt dvd for my frnd to install packages from? :-\14:23
mikebeechamdulak: do you have a 'how-to' for the samba setup between Ubuntu and Plex?14:23
pingviller33ok, tried to start up the LiveCD with the "toram" option, but it failed, so I'd love some help on how to get it running (need to be able to burn an ISO from the livecd-session, don't ask why: long story)14:23
ackbahrHi there! I'm trying to share a folder from my Ubuntu account. I managed to set the folder as "shared", but now how do I remotely access it (from Ubuntu or Windows)?14:24
jjdiamondcan anyone help me with KNetAttach14:24
jribackbahr: smb://ip_of_server     in nautilus' location bar14:24
poopuserhi all i have a question.i am running ubantu in virtualbox.when i exit gui the sreen becoms terrible small.how can i change resolution in non gui enviroment?14:25
Zaqqcan anyone guide me build a front end to my television? 3 must have features -- LIRC, Video14:25
ackbahrjrib: Thanks!14:25
ZaqqAudio and torrents14:25
pingviller33jbroome_: still there?14:25
thiebaudepoopuser:for example i use, xrandr -s 800x600 -r 8514:25
thiebaudein a terminal14:25
lucaxprasad: wine is the only14:25
Zaqqi want to build a Media center basically14:26
poopuserthiebaude: thank you14:26
=== Cephisus is now known as Narcissus
thiebaudeyw poopuser14:26
ackbahrjrib: Doesn't do anything, though....14:26
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1214:26
pingviller33ok, tried to start up the LiveCD with the "toram" option, but it failed, so I'd love some help on how to get it running (need to be able to burn an ISO from the livecd-session, don't ask why: long story)14:27
jribackbahr: did you get errors when you tried to share the folder?14:27
pingviller33the other option is to force eject the livecd and then mounting it again with an empty cdrom in order to burn it if that's possible.14:27
ackbahrjrib: No, but not really what I expected either (the explanations I had were oldish, in fact : http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/)14:28
poopuserah  xrandr is related to X and i nead to change terminal resolution14:28
ackbahrjrib: Oops, wait til I read the end of the page.... :D14:28
jarussihi, here is the problem... i have one hd with 2 partition, c with windows and d with documents. when i formated c to install ubuntu, it changed the d: to c: and now, i can reboot the pc, because it will first read c:, that doesn't have anything .. i tried to change bios, but don't have anything, anyone can help me?14:28
jribackbahr: you just need to right click on a folder and go to "share" now14:28
ikoniajarussi not sure how thats anything to do with ubuntu14:29
Deveshi all just upgraded to 8.10 and when I boot up the boot screen locks up until I press esc anyone know any fixes oh and im on a hpdv670014:29
ikonia"ibex > Deves14:29
ikonia!ibex > Deves14:29
ubottuDeves, please see my private message14:29
jarussimaybe on the ubuntu test system i can change something ...14:29
ikoniajarussi nope, the boot order is the bios14:30
ackbahrjrib: Yep, but I can't see the share folder(s) from my other computer.14:30
jribackbahr: you got the ip of your server using 'ifconfig'?14:31
BadServoCan anyone take amoment to assist me with debmirroring a ppa?14:31
ackbahrjrib: No, but I'm sure I'm hitting the server (I'm VNCing it at the same time)14:31
danbh_intrepidjarussi: are you able to install ubuntu?14:32
redwhitewaldoto those who have skype installed, can you post a screenshot of your main skype window, please? i want to see how my static-skype compares14:32
jribackbahr: you're using the local ip though?  Or trying to get in through a router?14:32
jarussidanbh_intrepid: i can install ... but i can finish after the reboot thing, it reads my documents only, no os files14:32
ackbahrThrough a router, but DMZ is set properly (VNC and FTP can perfectly get through)14:32
danbh_intrepidjarussi: didnt you overwrite your os files?14:33
ackbahrjrib: Sorry, forgot to address this sentence to you. "Through a router, but DMZ is set properly (VNC and FTP can perfectly get through)"14:33
jarussidanbh_intrepid: no ... i formated the old c: that had windows ... now i dont have any OS and the documents partition is now my main partition and i can't change that!14:34
slevenhow do i unzip and untar files from the terminal?14:34
prasaddownloading a package reqired for chatting there on the ubuntu machine14:34
jribackbahr: never connected to samba over the internet, so not sure if you need to do something special14:34
troal01Is there any way to extract the files from a deb package?14:34
BadServosleven:  tar -xzvf <filesname>14:35
jribackbahr: if you just want to be able to copy some files you could copy over ssh though14:35
danbh_intrepidjarussi: I think you should install ubuntu before you worry about which partition is the main one.  (I don't really know what it is for a partition to be the "main" one anyway)14:35
prasadrski it is sayiong that some file can not be locked. what is that?14:35
mrI updated ubuntu 7.04 to ubuntu 8.1014:35
=== mr is now known as Guest23386
Guest23386but my screen resolution is too bad14:35
pingviller33when running openssh-server while running LiveCD ubuntu. what's the default password and user name used in order to gain access?14:35
Andy80what's happening to ubuntu.com website? all links in the home page redirect to www.ubuntu.com :S14:35
Guest23386my video card is Ati HD 320014:36
Guest23386I couldn't change resolution14:36
schoftairodump: Unsupported hardware link type 803  << when i try /airodump <interface>... etc14:36
musictotoAndy80: that's not happinging with me14:36
Devesanyone know any fixes to the boot problem on 8.10 were you have to press esc to proceed14:36
danbh_intrepid!ibex > Guest2338614:37
ubottuGuest23386, please see my private message14:37
ackbahrjrib: Yep, but the client is not always Linux.... Do you know of a simple FTP server for Ubuntu (working a bit like Filezilla Server, where I can simply set up accounts with passwords and tell where this or that account connects in my computer)?14:37
skorasaurushey, how do i ensure that when I install a program from src, that it does not interrupt or overwrite with another older version, already installed (via aptitude)14:37
schoftairodump: Unsupported hardware link type 803  << when i try /airodump <interface>... etc14:37
ikoniaskorasaurus i fyou can't manage it, you really shouldn'ty14:37
jarussidanbh_intrepid: ok ... i'll reinstall ubuntu ..14:37
ikoniaskorasaurus: what are you looking to install?14:37
danbh_intrepidjarussi: wait, why are you REinstalling?14:37
skorasaurusikonia: i'd like to relearn how.14:38
supermakuanyone have problems with 8.10 and nvidia graphics card?  I was running ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop with a nvidia geoforce 400 and it was using the nvidia proprietary drivers, but now that I've upgraded to 8.10, it's not looking for or using them anymore.  My resolution is fine on my laptop, but when I plugin an external LCD projector the screen is all garbled with little boxes. Anyone seen this?14:38
ikonia!ibex >sup14:38
ikonia!ibex > supermaku14:38
ubottusupermaku, please see my private message14:38
ikoniaskorasaurus: what are you trying to isntall14:38
Andy80musictoto: try this link: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-8.10-desktop and tell me if it works for you14:38
skorasaurusikonia, parted.14:38
BadServotroal01:  try dpkg --unpack14:38
ikoniaskorasaurus thats packaged in the repo's14:38
ikoniaskorasaurus: there is no reason to build it14:38
skorasaurusikonia, it is outdated.14:38
n8tusersupermaku-> can you try  #ubuntu+1 for 8.10 help please14:38
prasadrski monni pl help14:39
ikoniaskorasaurus it's reasonable up to date and stable14:39
ikoniaskorasaurus: what featrues are in the later version that you want ?14:39
danbh_intrepidAndy80: they are probably changing the website, and there are 404s, leading to redirects to the main page.  There is a release in 2 days, so thats my guess14:39
jarussidanbh_intrepid: because i alredy installed ubuntu, and when the computer restarts, it dont enter on te partition i've installed it ... it goes on my documents partition ...14:39
ackbahrjrib: My brother actually told me "ftp" had grown to be some kind of old fashion swear-word because it lacked encryption, but everything I ever read about ssh seemed so complicated....14:39
jribackbahr: you can copy over ssh using windows or osx.  On windows, just download winscp.  On os-x, you can use fugu.  If you really want to use ftp though, see:14:39
danbh_intrepidjarussi: whats the problem then?14:39
Andy80danbh_intrepid: ah.... they're changing the website lyout?14:39
musictotoAndy80: not working, danbh_intrepid is right14:39
jrib!ftpd | ackbahr14:39
ubottuackbahr: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP14:39
skorasaurusikonia, it's 1.7.1, the latest stable version of parted is 1.8; released in august 0714:40
shagrathcan anyon help me14:40
supermakun8tuser..thanks.  I'll try there.14:40
ikoniaskorasaurus what functions of 1.8 do you want that are not in 1.7.1 ?14:40
shagrathmy wireless isn't workking14:40
shagrathi have ubuntu 8.1014:40
BadServoCan anyone take a moment to assist me with debmirroring a ppa?14:40
Guest23386Anyone help me with Ati HD 3200 graphic card on ubuntu 8.1014:40
jarussidanbh_intrepid: i cant enter the os... it keeps booting on my documents partition, and it can find no os, so it doesn't boot14:40
ikonia!ibex > shagrath14:40
n8tusershagrath-> can you try  #ubuntu+1 for 8.10 help please14:40
ikonia!ibex > Guest2338614:40
ubottuGuest23386, please see my private message14:40
pantsmanftp is really only worth using for anonymous access14:40
skorasaurusI think there's a bug in the program, because I'm having difficulty mounting a drive; before filing a bug regarding it, i wanted to go to the newest stable version.14:40
Guest23386I can't change resolution after update ubuntu from 7.04 to 8.1014:41
ikoniaskorasaurus parted is not a mounted14:41
ackbahrjrib: I've tried most of them, but was never able to configure them in a simple way.... What's your personal experience in this?14:41
redwhitewaldoskype users, does your skype (non-static) look like my static-skype? http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/4861/screenshotmmmmskypeox2.png14:41
ikoniaskorasaurus: what is the error/problem your getting ?14:41
jribackbahr: I just use ssh14:41
danbh_intrepidjarussi: whats the exact error messages you recieve?14:41
jjdiamondhow do i remove an app using the terminal?14:41
BadServojjdiamond:  sudo apt-get remove >package name>14:42
schoftGuest23386: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution14:42
Guest23386but it' only 800x6014:42
Guest23386no more resolution to change14:42
schofti had that aswell14:42
ackbahrjrib: And do you have some good documentation about it (and can it do remote desktop stuff as well)?14:42
Guest23386my graphic is Ati HD 320014:42
=== richard is now known as Guest34096
jarussidanbh_intrepid: when i boot the pc, if the ubuntu isn't in the drive, it gets the boot disk system error ou boot failure, something like that14:43
ikonia!ibex | Guest2338614:43
ubottuGuest23386: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu14:43
jjdiamondE: Couldn't find package knetattach14:43
skorasaurusikonia: additionally, 1.8.0 made some fixes regarding hfs+14:43
jjdiamondbut it's in my applications dropdown14:43
skorasauruswhich is what i'm working with.14:43
danbh_intrepidjarussi: yeah, I dunno.  Maybe you need to reinstall ubuntu14:43
ikoniaskorasaurus what problem are you having mounting the partition14:43
skorasaurusikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94175714:43
jrib!ssh > ackbahr14:44
ubottuackbahr, please see my private message14:44
schoftguest: application -> other > screens & graphics14:44
jrib!vnc > ackbahr14:44
jarussidanbh_intrepid: ok .. i'll do that ... any advise for the partition things?14:44
jribackbahr: I don't really use vnc much, so I can only point you to the wiki14:44
jjdiamondBadServo:  i got an error14:44
skorasaurusI've asked this in this chan as well, and after some help from others, we weren't able to diagnose the problem.14:44
danbh_intrepidjarussi: its very hard, because I can't really tell whats going on.  From what OS are you using IRC now?14:45
skorasaurus(whether it's a problem with the drive, or it's a problem with parted.14:45
pingviller33thanks anyway14:45
Guest23386schoft: after enter screens & graphics and type my password there's nothing happen14:45
schoftmaybe you typed in a wrong passw lol14:45
ikoniaskorasaurus what happens if you just try to mount it with the mount command ?14:45
jarussidanbh_intrepid: i`m on another computer ... on my notebook .. i can't do anything with the other computer14:45
Guest23386oh no14:45
Guest23386I'm sure14:46
skorasaurusikonia, parted does not detect14:46
skorasauruswhen i list all the drives in parted.14:46
skorasaurusbut it's detected in my dmesg.14:46
ikoniaskorasaurus no - what happens if you just mount it witht he command line - nothing to do with parted14:46
danbh_intrepidjarussi: are you using the livecd when you try to install?14:46
skorasaurusikonia: k14:46
skorasaurusikonia: i'll get it out and try14:46
jjdiamondi try to remove an app using the manager and it's not listed.  i tried removing the app though terminal and i get an error.  what gives?14:47
ikoniajjdiamond what is the app, and what is the command your using to remove14:47
jarussidanbh_intrepid: sorry , but i dont know .. the livecd is the one u can test ubuntu without installing it?14:47
danbh_intrepidjarussi: yeah14:48
jjdiamondikonia: knetattach14:48
pantsmanjjdiamond: did you install it using the package manager?14:48
jarussidanbh_intrepid: them i am!14:48
jjdiamondpantsman: yes14:48
prasadhelp on running exe games like Cricket in ubuntu14:48
ikoniajjdiamond what command to remove14:48
ikoniaprasad: they are windows games14:48
danbh_intrepidjarussi: well, just start it up then, and ask for help here.  People should be able to give commands that will show whats up with your computer, and help with the partition stuff14:48
jjdiamondikonia: sudo apt-get remove knetattach14:48
prasadhow to run these on ubuntu?14:49
ikoniajjdiamond: do apt-cache search knetattach14:49
danbh_intrepidjjdiamond: please pastebin all errors14:49
slevenhow do i unzip and untar files from the terminal?14:49
ikoniajjdiamond: find out if the package is the correct name14:49
bazhang!wine | prasad14:49
ubottuprasad: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.14:49
bazhang!appdb | prasad check here14:49
ubottuprasad check here: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:49
jjdiamondikonia: nothing14:49
sysh4cktar xvf fili.tar14:49
jarussidanbh_intrepid: tkz14:50
musictotoprasad: you can try it with wine or crossover14:50
ikoniajjdiamond dpkg -l | grep  knet14:50
prasadnew to ubuntu and Linux14:50
ackbahrjrib: Thanks, I'll go and have a look at this (I was trying to setup gproftpd, but without success)14:50
koma_just a question, I got problem on installer, hangs after language selection , some trick ?14:50
prasadKindly tell step by step14:50
musictotoprasad: you can also try cedega14:50
jjdiamondikonia: nothing again14:50
prasadwant free emulators14:51
ikoniajjdiamond: looks like it's not installed on your system in the package manager14:51
jribackbahr: the server guide has vsftpd fwiw: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html14:51
bazhangprasad, you need to read that link14:51
ikoniajjdiamond: how did you install it14:51
squee_Does anyone know of a good video conferencing application?  If possible I need it to support group chat14:51
musictotoprasad: wine is best14:51
jjdiamondikonia: add/remove14:51
prasadhow to install Wine14:51
ikoniajjdiamond areyou %10014:51
jrib!wine > prasad14:51
ubottuprasad, please see my private message14:51
bazhangprasad, first check appdb14:52
jjdiamondikonia: 100% what?14:52
ikoniajjdiamond: %100 sure you did it thorugh add/remove14:52
gavifolks, i fail to mount specific ntfs volume.. ntfs drives have already been mounted but a specif ntfs drive i cannot mount, the message states to run chkdsk /f on windows twice which i did. whats the command to force a volume14:52
ikoniajjdiamond: as the package manager knows nothing about it14:52
prasadKindly help14:52
slevenhow do i unzip and untar files from the terminal?14:52
frogscottanyone know how to kill Amarok?14:52
bazhangprasad, first go to that site14:52
ikonia!info knetattach14:52
ubottuPackage knetattach does not exist in hardy14:52
skorasaurusfrogscott: use the top command,14:52
jribsleven: unzip and tar xf14:52
jjdiamondikonia: yes.  i guess it was installed with konqueror?14:52
skorasaurusthen you'll see amarok listed14:52
skorasauruspress k14:52
=== a_ is now known as r0nda_
ackbahrjrib: Yes, I'd seen this page before, but I don't understand why you can't just tell it the user "x" with password "y" can connect to /home/z/ and nowhere else?!?14:53
ikoniajjdiamond what is knetattatch (I'm googlging but a summery would be good)14:53
frogscottskorasaurus, it is not open it is opening14:53
skorasaurusand enter in the 4 digit number on the left hand side, that corresponds with amarok.14:53
skorasaurusfrogscott, ?14:53
grobda24Where can I change the settings for screensaver hacks ? I can see the settings in XML files, but where is the GUI ?14:53
skorasaurusikonia, how do I identify the mount point ?14:53
fat_rat!pl | prasad14:53
ubottuprasad: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl14:53
frogscottskorasaurus, skill amarok ot?14:53
ikoniaskorasaurus you can mount it where you want14:53
jjdiamondikonia: Reading package lists... Done14:53
jjdiamondBuilding dependency tree14:53
jjdiamondReading state information... Done14:53
jjdiamondE: Couldn't find package knetattach14:53
FloodBot1jjdiamond: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:53
ikoniajjdiamond according to the package maanger that package does not exist in hardy14:54
fat_rat!enter | jjdiamond14:54
ubottujjdiamond: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:54
frogscottskorasaurus, what do you mean top command? I am new to Ubuntu14:54
jjdiamondikonia: it's in my applications > internet dropdown and opens the wiazard when i click on it14:55
koma_just a question, I got problem on installer, hangs after language selection14:55
Larbi129salut a tous14:55
prasadhow to switch to a private window for chatting14:55
schoftright click name, open14:55
Larbi129j desir instaler msn sur ubuntu ,,! KÉLK1 PE MAIDER !,14:55
schoftopen dialog window14:55
ikoniajjdiamond doesn't look like it was installed via the package manager though14:55
bazhang!fr | Larbi12914:55
ubottuLarbi129: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:55
prasadrski / monni there?14:55
Tundrayeti312frogscott: top is a command, that will show you your running processes from a terminal14:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about top14:55
Larbi129ok soory14:56
jjdiamondikonia: is it a default?14:56
ikoniajjdiamond a default what ?14:56
frogscottTundrayeti312, thank you14:56
Larbi129were i can join ubuntu fr ,14:56
LjLLarbi129: type /join #ubuntu-fr14:56
jjdiamondikonia: one of those apps that you can't remove or something?14:56
bazhangLarbi129, /j #ubuntu-fr14:57
ikoniajjdiamond: you may want to check the kde guys in #kubuntu see if it's part of any other package14:57
ikoniajjdiamond: I don't think it's a "default" as you see it,14:57
musictotogavi: what was your question again ?14:57
doggymenz2 more days til 8.10 intrepid ibex!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHAWWWWWWWWWW BABY!!!14:57
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.14:57
gavifolks, i fail to mount specific ntfs volume.. ntfs drives have already been mounted but a specif ntfs drive i cannot mount, the message states to run chkdsk /f on windows twice which i did. whats the command to force a volume14:57
bazhangdoggymenz, please dont14:57
ikoniadoggymenz: we don't need that please.14:57
Machtinhow to upgrade to 8.10? by just editing the sources.list and update/dist-upgrading?14:57
ikonia!ibex > Machtin14:57
LjL!upgrade > Machtin    (Machtin, see the private message from Ubottu)14:57
ubottuMachtin, please see my private message14:57
geevany body knows how to madwifi modules shipped with ubuntu14:57
LjL!8.10 > Machtin    (Machtin, see the private message from Ubottu)14:57
frogscottTundrayeti312, I now have a question I am working on about my mozilla crashing with flash 10 can you help?14:57
jjdiamondikonia: thanks.14:57
prasadhelp on running windows games in ubuntu14:58
ikoniajjdiamond: seems a bit "specific" so the kde regulars in #kubuntu may find it easier14:58
gavi$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).14:58
bazhangprasad, you asked and we told you wine, you need to check the appdb14:58
esoxhello, heavy bugs since the kernel update of today...14:58
ikoniaesox: what sort of bugs14:58
Tundrayeti312gavi: I have heard of similar issues caused by a windows user still being logged on even through restarted etc... solved by booting back to windows, making sure to log everyone out, then rebooting back to ubuntu14:58
bazhangprasad, please dont repeat the same questions; go to that site and read if it will run on wine14:59
esoxikonia, http://pastebin.com/mb236f23 at gdm startup14:59
Larbi129sorry j trouve pa la room francophone !14:59
gaviTundrayeti312, i didnt follow14:59
koma_someone can help me  please14:59
skorasaurusikonia: i did cat /proc/partitions and the partition is not listed14:59
Tundrayeti312frogscott: no experience there sorry14:59
ikoniaesox I can't understand french14:59
gaviTundrayeti312, i shut off the computer before i took out the disk.. also this isnt the primary active partition14:59
bazhangLarbi129, /j #ubuntu-fr14:59
ikoniaskorasaurus what device is it on ?15:00
sambagirlwould riojamsserver  be like the hostname? i know that riojams.com would be the domain and ftp.riojams.com would be the sub domain but what is the host name? whatever i choose?15:00
esoxikonia, it says about that gnome-deamon can't be loaded15:00
Tundrayeti312gavi: ok, im just saying ive seen similar issues solved in that manner15:00
ikoniaesox: I can't see the error details why though15:00
frogscottTundrayeti312, all I need to know is if I followed one instruction properly for putting a code into a file I will show u instruct and what I put15:00
musictotogavi: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89144115:00
skorasaurusit's on an external usb connector (it's an ide drive)15:00
ikoniaskorasaurus I mean what /dev device is it on15:00
skorasaurusikonia: which is explained in the thread i posted.15:00
ikoniaskorasaurus: what does dmesg show it as15:00
gaviill take a look musictoto  and thanks Tundrayeti31215:00
esoxikonia, is there a way to revers today's update ?15:01
ikoniaesox: boot intot he old kernel15:01
ikoniaesox: it's still installed15:01
graingertesox: it's fine for me...15:01
graingertesox: what is wrong with the new kernal?!15:01
esoxikonia, in fact with the new kernel, I cant evan start a gnome session, those issues are with former kernel wich was working fine before the updates15:02
esoxgraingert, when I start gdm http://pastebin.com/mb236f2315:02
fxautodoes ubuntu have any graphical server tools? like to control firewall, ssh/scp/ftp, etc?15:02
skorasaurusikonia: dmesg does not list a specific drive, afiak.15:02
ikoniaesox: I can't understand the error messages15:02
ikoniaskorasaurus: it must list a device as you can see dmesg sees it15:02
skorasaurusthis is what dmesg says: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94175715:02
musictotofxauto: do you want those for an already installed server, or do you want a new server installation15:02
skorasaurusi can do it again.15:02
frogscottcan someone tell me if I added this code to my sources list in the right place?15:03
esoxikonia, it says that it cant load gnome settings deamon,15:03
ikoniaskorasaurus dmesg is dynamic I need to know what it says now, not what it says in an old thread15:03
bazhangfrogscott, put in paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url15:03
fxautomusictoto: new server installation15:03
ikoniaesox it says more than that, the most common cause will be your video card15:03
ikoniaesox: do you have an nvidai/ati card ?15:03
musictotofxauto: try www.apachefriends.org15:04
slaytonfrogscott, it doesn't matter where you add the line just as long as it is the right syntax15:04
esoxikonia, I removed nvidia drivers and started with free driver : same thing15:04
fxautomusictoto: thanks ;-)15:04
ikoniaesox: how did you install the nvidia drivers initially15:04
sambagirli have 1 dumb question tho. there is the hostname and there is the domain. well lets say the domain is riojams.com the host name would be like chat.riojams.com or streams.riojams.com or would the hostname be something else? i looked online to read about it but it isnt very clear to me.15:04
musictotofxauto: it works like a charm for me, their xampp project15:04
esoxikonia, with envyng15:04
sambagirlis like riojamsserver the hostname?15:04
frogscottslayton, I added it but can u check the sytax against the instruction?15:04
ikoniaskorasaurus: your hostname is your machien name, call it what you want15:04
ikoniaesox: ok, then I think we hve a winner15:04
sambagirlor is ftp.riojams.com the subdomain and hostname?15:04
esoxikonia, wich means ? because before the update, everything was ok15:05
sambagirlis subdomain and hostname the same? but if htat is the case why would i have a riojamsserver ?15:05
slaytonfrogscott, just run sudo apt-get update... if it works then the syntax is correct15:05
ikoniaesox: it means the envy setup is broke with the current kernel15:05
ikoniaskorasaurus: the hostname is your machine name15:05
jjdiamondhow do i find the name of my network?15:05
ikoniaskorasaurus: sorry no tyou15:05
esoxikonia, what can I  do?15:05
ikoniasambagirl: the hostname is your machine name15:05
sambagirlok so lets say sambagirl is the hostname15:05
sambagirli get it.15:05
sambagirlok ok15:05
sambagirlthat makes sense15:05
FloodBot1sambagirl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
ikoniaesox: first thing I'd do is force the xorg.conf to use the vesa driver15:06
ikoniaesox: see if that gets your gdm loading15:06
frogscottslayton, ok it worked now problem I am having is mozilla  3.0 with flash 10 is crashing and this was the suppossed fix15:06
sambagirlso i was right so when i use lets say network neighborhood i can see fooserver as the hostname or lets say sambas_pc aka would be a hostname yes?15:06
skorasaurusikonia: np15:06
schoftAnyone :< Aircrack problems :< unsupported hardware link ??15:06
esoxikonia, I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, no improvement15:06
ikoniasambagirl: it can be15:06
ikoniaesox: that won't do anything15:06
skorasaurusikonia: http://pastebin.ca/123868315:06
ikoniaesox: xorg is dynamic now15:06
esoxikonia, what do I do to force vesa =driver ?15:07
VladimirLVschoft: there is on off site.15:07
ikoniaskorasaurus /dev/sdc15:07
slaytonfrogscott all adding the line to your file did is allows apt to see the new repository, if you fix flash then you need to install a new program hosted in that repo15:07
ikoniaesox open your xorg.conf and in your video card section do Driver "vesa"15:07
esoxikonia, it also says it could be a bonobo issue15:07
esoxikonia, ok15:07
slaytonfrogscott, btw who is hosting this repo? how do you know you can trust them?15:07
skorasaurusikonia: is that the mount point ?15:07
logikoshi, if i open a window to browse a drive or directory and i click view > view as list ... how do i tell it to do that all the time? ... because as soon as i dclick a new folder it switches back to this icon view...15:08
geevany body knows how to madwifi modules shipped with ubuntu15:08
frogscottslayton, it is pulse audio15:08
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:08
Gneageev: how to what madwifi modules?15:08
skorasaurusikonia: i just did sudo parted /dev/sdc and it just returns me to the prompt15:08
prasadhelp on running windows games like Cricket (i.e.)exe applicatioons in ubuntu15:08
Tundrayeti312!wine > prasad15:08
ubottuprasad, please see my private message15:08
bazhang!appdb | prasad visit this site15:09
ubottuprasad visit this site: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:09
esoxikonia, and then I restart gdm ?15:09
frogscottslayton, basically all my audio and video programs are not working as of yesterday which includes firefox crashing when I open a video15:09
bazhangprasad, wine questions in #winehq15:09
prasadsite opened15:09
prasadHow to install Wine15:10
jribprasad: did you read the link ubottu gave you?15:10
jrib!fr | Larbi12915:10
ubottuLarbi129: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:10
ikoniaesox restart X15:10
bazhangLarbi129, /j #ubuntu-fr15:10
ikoniaskorasaurus I keep telling you to stop using parted15:10
geniiLarbi129: Anglais ici exclusive15:10
prasadshould i switch to that room15:10
esoxikonia, I come back15:10
ikoniaskorasaurus: am I not making that clear ?15:10
jribprasad: specifically, this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine15:10
zerothisI finally got a 2nd monitor working, somewhat, using my USB2VGA. But, I have to 'yank' my cursor to change monitors. I cannot drag windows between them. grandr does not see the USB adapter. xrandr only sees the monitor I run it from and does not name the USB adapter (how do I xrandr it specifically?). xorg is manually edited. I have pastebins of everything.15:11
slaytonfrogscott, just realize that when you allow apt to see other repositories you can really screw up your system.  Maintainers of repositories don't always create proper packages that can really ruin stuff, plus if they want they can insert malicious code into the repo and you would never know15:11
skorasaurusikonia: i was not clear on that, it's been a while since i used nix15:11
ikoniaskorasaurus what part of "stop using parted" was I not making clear15:11
musictotoprasad: http://winehq.org/site/docs/wineusr-guide/getting-wine#INSTALLATION-METHODS15:11
ikoniaskorasaurus: "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc" and put the output in a pastebin please.15:11
whatvnubutu 8.115:12
frogscottslayton, can you please please help me to clean this up I cant seem to fix it I'll buy you a beer15:12
whatvnubuntu 8.1015:12
ikonia!ibex > whatvn15:12
ackbahrSo long folks, see you!15:12
ubottuwhatvn, please see my private message15:12
skorasaurusikonia: i did that, returns me to the prompt, no output15:13
slaytonfrogscott, pretty much wait until Intrepid15:13
musictotoprasad: sorry i was wrong.. it's http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb15:13
zerothis!ibex > zerothis15:13
ubottuzerothis, please see my private message15:13
ikoniaskorasaurus: nothing at all15:13
slaytonEverybody has been dealing with FF crashing with flash15:13
ikoniaskorasaurus: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc15:13
whatvn@ubottu: I understand, sorry :D15:13
slaytonfrogscott, I think the issues are resolved in Intrepid15:13
slaytonnot sure though15:14
ikoniaschmidtm: just want to confirm and be clear on that15:14
slaytonfrogscott, I would remove libflashsupport and intall gnash15:14
slaytonthat is what I did15:14
frogscottslayton, when is that coming?15:14
slaytonfirefox crashes some times but not like it did15:14
slaytonfrogscott, 2 days15:14
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu15:14
skorasaurusyup, nothing, I'm pretty confident I issued it correctly.15:14
ikoniaskorasaurus: no problem, just want to be %100 clear15:15
skorasaurusi did once, c&p; another manually typed it in15:15
ikoniaskorasaurus: please "ls -la /dev/sdc"15:15
frogscottslayton, I have gnash installed but i should uninstall libflash?15:15
ikoniajean-martin: yes ?15:15
drcodehi all15:15
drcodeI want to install ubuntu without X only console morede any idea?15:15
ikoniadrcode: easy is to install the desktop and disable/remove X15:15
skorasaurusikonia: brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 32 2008-10-28 10:50 /dev/sdc15:15
drcodeI try to use alternate15:15
ikoniaskorasaurus: is that a /dev/sdc1 too ?15:15
drcodeI mean minimal install15:16
drcodewithout all packges15:16
ikoniadrcode: same thing, install ubuntu, remove X15:16
squee_Does anyone know of a good video conferencing application?  If possible I need it to support group chat15:16
ikoniadrcode: minimal is debatable15:16
drcodeI see15:16
ikoniadrcode: install ubuntu and remove what you don't want15:16
drcodewhjere I can download it?15:16
skorasaurusikonia, i don't understand15:16
frogscottslayton, i have libflash0c2 and libflash-mozplugin installed... do I get rid of these?15:16
slaytonI would15:16
ikoniaskorasaurus: is there /dev/sdc115:16
slaytonbut listen15:16
jean-martinits worse, and same error message, this time I copied the fisrt error message :http://pastebin.com/m5234918915:17
drcodeis there such release?15:17
ikoniadrcode: ubuntu.com15:17
skorasaurusikonia: I did  sudo ls -la /dev/sdc1 and it said there's no such file or directory15:17
slaytonfrogscott, lots of people have found ways to get flash to work better, most people get it to work differently15:17
drcode debatable version?15:17
slaytonfrogscott, I don't know the flash issues well enough to provide you with a definitive solution15:17
eightyeightafter i come out of a suspend, networkmanager picks up my last known wireless ap, and connects, but if i want to connect via cat5, it doesn't connect at all. how can i fix this?15:17
ikoniaskorasaurus: ok thats fine, so it looks like that disk does not contain a reable partition table by ubuntu15:17
slaytonfrogscott, all I know is that I unintalled all the adobe flash stuff and I'm using gnash and it works pretty good for the most part15:17
pendoes anyone know the channel for gnome-do?15:17
skorasaurusikonia: so, does that mean I will be unable to read the data on it ?15:18
eightyeightthis wasn't a problem with gutsy, btw. just hardy15:18
* skorasaurus sighes.15:18
ikoniaskorasaurus: in it's current configuration yes15:18
eightyeighthopefully it's fixed in intrepid, as this is getting really annoying15:18
skorasaurusikonia: is the hard drive dead, or is it just something not supported in the kernel ?15:18
ikoniaskorasaurus: could be either15:18
ikoniaskorasaurus: what is the hard disk, eg: where did it coem from, what was it doing before ?15:18
* skorasaurus doesn't have another comp to try it out on 15:19
frogscottslayton, thanks I will look for adobe...where do I find out if it isinstalled?15:19
eightyeightany help with networkmanager?15:19
skorasaurusit was from my iBook, which suddenly died. it would boot up to even a livecd; after diagnosing the problem on several forums, it was a logic board problem15:19
drcodeIs there version of ubuntu like it was in 7.10 ?15:20
ikoniadrcode: what ?15:20
drcodewith minimum install?15:20
skorasaurus(i had experienced the exact symptoms 5 months earlier, and had the logic board replaced, this 2nd time around, my applecare had expired.15:20
ikoniadrcode: there is but it is more straight forward to install ubuntu and remove what you don't want15:20
musictotoprasad: does it work ?15:20
drcodeI want to save disk15:20
skorasaurusikonia: the computer would not even start up at all15:20
ikoniaskorasaurus: ok, so this will have a pre-intel mac disk label15:20
skorasaurusikonia: correct.15:21
ikoniadrcode: installing and removing will save disk15:21
drcodeI prefer to install only what I need15:21
skorasaurusit was from a g4, ppc ibook (circa 2005)15:21
ikoniaskorasaurus: I need to do a little proddingo n that15:21
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ikoniaskorasaurus: I'm not %100 up the mac disk labels before the intel era15:21
ed0n0ni have ubuntu 8.10 and when moving (drag & drop) files with nautilus, it closes the nautilus window and after opens users home dir. Same happens since upgrade in another computer. Do you know why this happens?15:21
ikonia!ibex > ed0n0n15:21
ubottued0n0n, please see my private message15:21
skorasaurusI've did a bit of searching on it (on the ubuntu forums) and there is very little information on it.15:21
Sumroadhey! i need  little help with my wibu installation15:21
skorasaurusit's still an hfs+ formatted hd15:21
ikoniaskorasaurus: let me find out about the partition table on the macs15:22
geniisquee_: There is an application called AccessGrid which is not an official package but very good for such things as town hall meetings and so on, for which an Ubuntu deb is at http://www.vislab.uq.edu.au/research/accessgrid/software/debian/15:22
Flyboyhi, I've got a fresh install of Hardy (install from the alt-installer) which i made at the weekend. I did the kernel upgrade today (to but on reboot i get "Error 2: bad file or directory type" from Grub. Rebooting and using the older kernel is fine.15:22
ikoniaskorasaurus: file system should be fine - it's the partition table that may be a problem, or the disk is dead15:22
FlyboyThe kernel files etc all appear to be in the right place. Other people have this problem due to 128-byte and 256-byte inode compatibility issues with Grub and ext3. However, this is a fresh install/fresh disk and i thought the version of grub with Hardy was patched against this. Has anyone else seen this or do you know how to solve it?15:22
skorasaurusthank you ikonia15:22
* skorasaurus really hopes the disk is not dead15:22
musictotoskorasaurus: is that hfs+ drive comming from your mac ?15:22
drcodeikonia:  how it called?15:22
* skorasaurus has most, but not all things backed up15:22
ikoniaFlyboy: what file system are you using for your root file system15:22
=== ma101 is now known as ma10
skorasaurusmusictoto: i removed the hard drive from the mac15:22
skorasaurusbut, es15:22
fwepppppppppppppuuussssiiiiiii ggggggggaa15:22
squee_genii, Thanks alot, i'll look into that15:22
geniisquee_: You're welcome15:23
musictotoskorasaurus: did you have Journaling enabled on that mac ?15:23
skorasaurusmusictoto, i'm not sure.15:23
musictotoskorasaurus: because ubuntu can't read from hfs+ drives with journaling enabled... if it was enabled, you have to disable Journaling using a mac computer15:24
skorasaurusmusictoto: it was from a general consumer ibook g4, so i'm not sure if I had configured it or not.15:24
skorasaurusmusictoto: meh.15:24
Flyboyikonia: it's ext3 without LVM15:24
ikoniaFlyboy: so how did the file system get the larger block inodes ?15:25
musictotoskorasaurus: i had the Journaling problem, there's only one way to solve it.15:25
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musictotoskorasaurus: but if it isn't that, i can't help you any further (my knowledge isn't big) :)15:25
skorasaurusmusictoto: which is to disable journaling in mac os x ?15:25
prosoftQuick question - Does Kkathman still hang around much? Or does he usually just randomly show up..15:25
ikonia!offtopic | prosoft15:25
ubottuprosoft: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:25
musictotoskorasaurus: to disable journaling in mac osx, you must use 'diskutily'15:25
snowjhey guys I hope some one can help me with my problem, Im using an external screen with my laptop (dvi), so when I start X I managed via nvidia-settings that the laptop screen gets disabled, and the ext.screen enabled, but since I dont want to chose 1920x1200 (native resolution) I want to stick to a lower one, however the nvidia-settings dont offer the widescreen ones, like 1280x800, and now that Ive chosen 1280x960 everthing (especially15:26
prosoftThanks ikonia, sorry!15:26
Flyboyikonia, I have no idea... I've just been googling around trying to work out what causes that error. The kernel image files etc all appear to be in the right place and there's no symlinks etc. The inode problem seems to crop up quite a bit but maybe I'm following the wrong path. I thought the version of grub in hardy was patched anyway15:26
mxweasI just installed ubuntu desktop, when I try to run install build-essential it fails saying the package is not available...15:26
musictotoskorasaurus: read here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=234649415:26
mxweasIs there something I have to do to get ubuntu to update it's known packages?15:27
Scunizimxweas: do all your updates first.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.. then try again15:27
geniimxweas: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential15:27
musictotoskorasaurus:  i'm not sure if your problem is Journaling-related, but it could be if it's a hfs+ drive15:27
geniiScunizi: You think he needs all the updates applied first ?15:28
ikoniamusictoto how would journeling affect a partition table ?15:28
pendoes anyone know the channel for gnome-do?15:28
musictotoikonia: i'm not very skilled with ubuntu :) what's a partition table15:29
skorasaurusmusictoto and ikonia: i'm not trying to write to the disk, just read it, so i can copy my data over to my ext3-formatted hd15:29
mxweasok one other question, I plan to use this as a server. I was having trouble downloading the server version so I installed the desktop version. Is the only difference a GUI and things like apache, mysql and php in the install menu?15:29
* skorasaurus imagines that ikonia is putting his hands in his face after reading musictoto's response15:29
Picipen: Try looking on irc.gimp.net15:29
* musictoto is sorry about that15:30
mikebeechamthats it...I'm downloading 8.04 and I'm turning my PC into a dual-boot machine...I'm gonna do it...dont no-one try and stop me15:30
mikebeechami'm serious...I'll do it15:30
IRWolfie-Can I install in Ubuntu a second version of ubuntu to another partition15:30
n8tuserIRWolfie--> yes, on a separate partition15:31
bazhang!lamp | mxweas check this15:31
ubottumxweas check this: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:31
mxweasI know what lamp is...15:31
mndohi there!15:31
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:31
mikebeechamshould I get 8.04, or get bleeding edge when it's dropped?15:31
bazhangmikebeecham, ^^15:31
IRWolfie-yes n8tuser , can i do this not by booting from the cd?15:32
mxweasI just wanted to know what the server version has that the desktop one does not...15:32
n8tuserIRWolfie--> yes, use debootstrap15:32
Picimxweas: The other difference is that the server version uses a different kernel that doesnt have support for some restricted hardware and does have support for >4gb of ram on 32 bits.15:32
mxweasPici: damn15:32
mxweasok thanks15:32
mxweascan I switch to that kernel?15:32
mikebeechambazhang: I can see you're goading me into doing it...I will, you know!15:32
mndoi am using hardy and when a do a df -h it tells me that my root partition is using 105G and has 4.2G free out of 115G, is this normal?15:33
logikoshi, sorry i'm kinda new to linux, i recently instaled ubuntu desktop and i'm trying to play avi and mpg files, it notified me that i didnt have the right codec, so i searched, selected top one, and now the video plays but no audio ... audio from flash apps on webpages work though, and the voluem is up, i asume its a codec issue but not sure ..15:33
Picimxweas: Sure.15:33
mxweaslast question, how do I remove the ubuntu loading screen so I can see everything booting up15:33
mxweaslike to check if different services are failing at startup15:33
Paddy_EIRE!splash | mxweas15:34
ubottumxweas: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.15:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash15:34
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:34
c3be2f5hey there15:34
Paddy_EIREmxweas: I will have a little look its pretty easy though I just cannot remember the exact line needed for grub15:35
mxweasI found it15:35
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore15:35
Scunizimxweas: I had to reboot because of a kernel upgrade.. what are you trying to add to grub?15:35
c3be2f5does anyone know how i make it possible for my server to have encrypted hard disks and yet be rebootet remotely?15:36
bazhangPaddy_EIRE, please /msg ubottu for fun if you wish15:36
mxweasScunizi: im just trying to remove the ubuntu logo at startup so I can see that all of my services are running15:36
n8tusermxweas have these grub options   splash=silent showopts15:36
Scunizimxweas: ah15:36
e-frameIRWolfie-: i'm sure u can15:36
e-frameups :p15:36
Paddy_EIREbazhang: it was not for fun15:37
RingtailedFoxhiya. my friend has a problem. he upgraded ubuntu linux from 2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-21, and now his sound does not work. he ran ALSA, but now, not even OSS will work.15:37
Paddy_EIREbazhang: 30 secs lag for some unknown reason15:37
WelshDragonc3be2f5, not possible, and would be pointless if it was.15:37
Paddy_EIREmxweas: edit /etc/grub/menu.lst, search for "splash" and replace for "nosplash"15:37
LjLPaddy_EIRE: the lag was on your end15:38
Paddy_EIRELjL yeah I know15:38
RingtailedFoxright now, he's trying pulse audio, but if that fails, what should he do?15:38
mikebeechamshould I get 8.04, or get bleeding edge when it's dropped?15:38
Paddy_EIREits back to the normal 0.1s lag again15:38
c3be2f5WelshDragon: why pointless? if i could input the passphrase via ssh ?15:38
sandbuntuHello@all, I've a technical question regarding ubuntu 8.04. Is this the right channel? Sorry if I write slowly, I'am not familiar with IRC15:38
n8tuserRingtailedFox-> you can try this test    speaker-test15:38
Picisandbuntu: Yes, just ask :)15:39
Scunizimikebeecham: 8.04 is LTS but 8.10 will supposidly fix a lot of audio/wireless issues..15:39
mikebeechamScunizi: I hear talk that 8.10 will also be a little buggy though?15:39
deusgood evening again15:39
Scunizimikebeecham: wait until 8.10.115:39
Paddy_EIREmikebeecham: every OS is a little buggy15:39
joaopintomikebeecham, not more than 8.04 was :)15:39
mikebeechamI want Ubuntu NOW, dammit :D15:40
WelshDragonc3be2f5, If the entire harddrive is encrypted, The pass phrase has to be entered even before the kernel is loaded. So it'd be impossible to enter it over SSH.15:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:40
pantsman8.10 isn't that bad, I'm running it on an Eee Box, which I didn't expect to work15:40
mikebeechampantsman: I thought it wasn't released for another 2 days?15:40
bazhangmikebeecham, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here15:40
mikebeechamor are you using a beta15:40
c3be2f5WelshDragon: dammit :) thnx for the insight though15:40
pantsmanmikebeecham: beta15:40
Paddy_EIREmikebeecham: the "Release Candidate" is available15:41
sandbuntuWell, ok: I've a problem with my SD-Cardreader (Dell D420). It doesn't mount the inserted card. dmesg says:  mmcblk0: error -84 transferring data. The card works in the camera and with windows xp.15:41
mikebeechambazhang: sorry...was trying to get correct information on which to make a good decision, thats all15:41
deusI have a squid proxy machine, a firewall and a single client. The firewall implements a bridge over which all the traffic of the client is tunneled. Now I would like to create an iptable rule in the firewall which redirects the client's web traffic to the squid proxy.15:41
Paddy_EIREmikebeecham: also ubuntu is available for download no matter what stage of development it is in15:41
c3be2f5WelshDragon: i would have thought that maybe there was a pre-kernel possibility for this15:41
deusTo do this, I tried this rule: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s <ip client> --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination <ip proxy>:312815:41
deusHowever this doesn't work. Any ideas on this one?15:41
drcodein ubuntuyn 7.10 I read this "The absolute minimum Ubuntu installation provides only a command-line interface and installs very few packages"15:42
drcodeis it also in 8.04?15:42
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: linux is not windows.... what is the chipset of your card reader?15:42
rskiwhat's ubuntuyn drcode ?15:42
drcodeubuntu 7.1015:42
c3be2f5WelshDragon: i think it would make sense. n.e. way, i will forget about it at once15:42
rskidrcode: you want that?15:42
LjLdrcode: yes, but that's not what you get by installing from the normal Desktop CD15:42
drcodebut it was nice15:43
rskithen grab the alternative installer and go15:43
RingtailedFoxspeaker-test: error while loading shared libraries: libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory15:43
LjLdrcode: you need the Server CD or the Minimal CD15:43
drcodein 8.04 I get the X15:43
drcodeI will download it15:43
Paddy_EIRE"the" X15:43
LjL!server > drcode    (drcode, see the private message from Ubottu)15:43
ubottudrcode, please see my private message15:43
LjL!minimal > drcode    (drcode, see the private message from Ubottu)15:43
jjdiamonddoes anyone use terminal server client?15:43
Pici!anyone | jjdiamond15:43
ubottujjdiamond: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:43
sandbuntuWell I can't answer that question, how do I find out that?15:44
drcodethe ubottu15:44
RingtailedFoxnow, this is odd becuase the file is located right in /usr/lib/15:44
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:45
RingtailedFoxso, why does my friend have no sound?15:45
n8tusertry to run  sudo ldconfig15:47
RingtailedFoxn8tuser: is that at me?15:47
evan_hey does nv driver work with geforce 8200? and does this still work with radeon: "xmodule=fbdev"  ??15:47
n8tuserRingtailedFox-> if you dont prefix your response with a nick, its confusing isnt it?15:47
RingtailedFoxyes it is15:47
n8tuserso learn to do it right15:48
RingtailedFoxno need to get snippy15:48
xukunhi all. I'm really having hard time to get my sound to work.  I have no sound when I play movie with vlc or even no sound when I play test sound. Any help would very welcome. I tried selecting alsa or pulseaudio in Sound Preferences15:48
RingtailedFoxn8tuser: that still says the same error15:48
bazhangRingtailedFox, type n8 then hit tab15:48
n8tusernot snippy, im letting you taste the medicine :P15:48
sandbuntuPaddy_EIRE: Well I can't answer that question, how do I find out that?15:48
karab44How to capture video stream like Fraps ?15:49
karab44is something familiar ubuntu built in?15:49
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: ok.. go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal,  then type; "lspci" minus the quotes15:49
rskikarab44: try xvidcap15:50
justin_I have a login security question for anyone who feels they can answer it15:50
sandbuntuPaddy_EIRE:  SD Host controller: Ricoh Co Ltd R5C822 SD/SDIO/MMC/MS/MSPro Host Adapter (rev 18)15:50
Picijustin_: Don't ask to ask, just ask :)15:50
musictotojustin_: ask the question, or we can't say if we know it or not15:51
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: once you press enter you will get a load of output possibly... paste that information here http://pastebin.com/  and return the link it generates to me so I can read it.. do not paste the output of lspci here though15:51
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sandbuntu Paddy_EIRE: ok15:51
justin_Pici:  lol sorry. anyways, I want to create a false admin account, so for instance a unknown user tries to log in. I would want to know if there is a possibility at the login screen that a webcam built in to the laptop could automatically begin recording at logins. If the user tries to login to this false admin account i would want it to save the video feed. So anyone logging into a regular account, would not be saved. Is this possible?15:52
lucaxsome one know how to update fonts without restarting the hole computer?15:52
sandbuntuPaddy_EIRE: http://pastebin.com/m568a5a4015:52
justin_is an unkown user tries to log into these false admin*15:52
xukunanybody please who can help me with my sound problem?15:52
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: nice one.. just a moment please15:52
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | xukun15:53
ubottuxukun: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:53
joaopintolucas2, you do not need to restart the system when you update fonts15:53
lucaxjoaopinto: i know, dont remember the command15:53
Picijustin_: login attempts will logged to /var/log/auth.log15:53
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer15:53
jjdiamondwhy does terminal server client timeout?15:53
xukunPaddy_EIRE, I did that but maybe you missed that and did see it15:54
justin_Pici:  Yes true, however if they did manage to find out the password I yes would know they logged in however would not know who did it. That is what i am trying to solve, to figure out who exactly logged in under this false admin account.15:54
xukunhi all. I'm really having hard time to get my sound to work.  I have no sound when I play movie with vlc or even no sound when I play test sound. Any help would very welcome. I tried selecting alsa or pulseaudio in Sound Preferences15:54
lucax!fonts update15:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fonts update15:54
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: read through this forum post which is marked as "Solved" and see if it helps you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64477915:54
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: no fear asking questions if you need a little guidance :)15:54
sandbuntuPaddy_EIRE: ok thx, I will notify you later15:55
Paddy_EIREsandbuntu: ok15:55
Paddy_EIRExukun: sorry mate I must have missed that :P15:56
* Paddy_EIRE scrolls back15:56
mxweasPaddy_EIRE: I can't find /etc/grub/menu.lst15:56
jjdiamondi guess noone uses tsclient15:56
mxweasthere is no /etc/grub15:56
mxweasjust /etc/grub.d15:56
xukunPaddy_EIRE, np15:57
Paddy_EIREmxweas: open a terminal window from Applications>Accessories>Terminal15:57
mxweasit was in /boot/grub :P15:57
mxweasyou said /etc/grub :)15:57
Paddy_EIREmxweas: use the terminal15:57
n8tusermxweas-> its /boot/grub/menu.lst15:57
mxweasI don't have a gui anymore :P15:57
mxweasand I was using terminal15:57
Paddy_EIREcool good15:57
Paddy_EIREmxweas: ah lol15:57
blackdayzwhat command would you use to do a system scan for suid and sgid binaries?15:58
Paddy_EIRExukun: ok type in a terminal "alsamixer" minus the quotes and make sure none of the other tracks are muted15:58
Paddy_EIRExukun: keep me informed anyway15:59
jribblackdayz: checked if 'find' would do the trick?15:59
mxweasso you know how you can switch consoles by using alt+F1-8 ?15:59
blackdayzjrgp: yeah16:00
mxweasmy install is going to F7, how do I switch it to F1 ?16:00
Paddy_EIREmxweas: ctrl+alt+f116:00
jribmxweas: press ctrl-alt-f1... what do you want to do exactly?16:00
mxweasno I mean at boot :P16:00
blackdayzjrib: yeah***16:00
mxweasit auto goes to F7 I want it to automatically go to F116:00
jribmxweas: see the second part of my answer16:00
xukunPaddy_EIRE, ok16:01
mxweasjrgp: I want to put a different gui on16:01
mxweasbut it goes on F716:01
mxweasand I don't want it to show the gui by default16:01
jribmxweas: you aren't really making sense to me16:01
m_hello people16:01
mxweascontrol+alt+f7 goes to the GUI right?16:01
mxweasand control+alt+F1 goes to a console type thing16:02
Paddy_EIREjrib:  I think he wants it to boot into another tty other than 716:02
FloodBot1mxweas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:02
Paddy_EIREjrib: by default that is16:02
karab44rski: thank You mate16:02
jribmxweas: with gdm still running on 7?16:02
=== haptiK is now known as horsetail
justin_Pici:  did you understand what i was trying to accomplish16:02
Paddy_EIREjustin_: spying are we..?16:03
blackdayzdont "touch" me "foo"!!16:03
mxweasI g2g, anything jrib?16:03
jribmxweas: nope, chvt is a command that changes the foreground vt.  That may give you some place to start16:04
Paddy_EIREmxweas: disable gdm from starting ... then just start it manually yourself16:04
heiths_hey, is there an ubuntu that has "andlinux" like features? in other words... built into windows? I know andlinux is based on ubuntu, but its giving me trouble...16:04
xukunPaddy_EIRE, I have sound now. I disconnected my usb sound card and reinstalled it, because I there was nothing after I started alsamixer. and know I have sound. Thanks for your help m816:04
jrib!wubi | heiths_16:04
justin_yes lol. If im administering a network, i would prefer to find out whose trying to login as an admin16:04
ubottuheiths_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:04
mxweasPaddy_EIRE: can I do that with chkconfig?16:04
Paddy_EIRExukun: happy to help.. cool16:05
cjonesi installed ubuntu then added the ubuntu studio desktop package when i upgrade will i get both upgrades?16:05
heiths_thanks, I noticed that.  but isn't that a dual boot like installer?16:05
Paddy_EIREmxweas: I am not familiar with chkconfig16:05
joaopintocjones, yes16:05
mxweaschkconfig on redhat distros anyway stops things from starting at startup16:05
heiths_or can I actually run windows/linux programs side-by-side?16:05
cjonesjoaopiinto thanks16:05
deusI'm trying to build a firewall using iptables. Most stuff works fine but I' m struggling with ftp.16:05
Paddy_EIREmxweas: although to disable gdm that is pretty straight forward http://www.google.co.uk/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&=&q=disable+gdm&btnG=Google+Search&meta=16:06
dulakdeus: ftp is actually 2 ports not just 116:06
dulakdeus: 20 and 2116:06
deushere is a snippet of my iptables: http://pastebin.com/d482bc0fe Connecting to the ftp works fine, but I can't list any files or directories16:06
heiths_I already have ubuntu dual booted on my system, I just want to be able to use ubuntu when I "need" to be in windows16:06
dulakdeus: you need 2 ports for ftp to work, 20 and 2116:06
peterereror use passive ftp16:07
Paddy_EIREheiths_: then you need a VM mate16:07
deusdulak: if you look at the snippet: http://pastebin.com/d482bc0fe you can see that I'm allowing those 2 ports16:07
sandbuntuPaddy_Eire: Sorry, the hint doesn't work. Here is what dmesg says: http://pastebin.com/m12634caa16:07
Paddy_EIRE!vm | heiths_16:07
ubottuheiths_: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications16:07
mxweasthanks for all the help everyone16:07
mxweasI really appreciated it!16:07
deusany idea how I can support directory listing?16:08
heiths_have any of you heard of "co-linux"?16:08
=== vince_ is now known as vvinet
ikonia!offtopic | heiths_16:08
ubottuheiths_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:08
heiths_sorry, was just trying to illustrate the type of ubuntu solution I was looking for16:09
blackdayz!help find16:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help find16:09
Paddy_EIREgrr disconnected there for a sec16:09
marcoaesisi have atheros 24xx wireless integrated on my compaq cq60...with ubuntu 8.10 works ?16:09
ubottuSearch for a pacakge or a file: !find <term/file>16:09
debmukh50how can i play wma formats for audacity??16:09
ikonia!ibex > marcoaesis16:10
ubottumarcoaesis, please see my private message16:10
DanskmandHowdy :-) - I want to install capisuite with "sudo apt-get install capisuite". It then installs all the dependencies for it - also the courier mta (mail transfer agent). How can I install capisuite without the mta ? - I have my own which I want to use instead....16:10
deusI tryed also running modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp but this doesn't help either16:10
blackdayz!find suid > blackdayz16:10
ubottublackdayz, please see my private message16:10
ubuntu_newbieI have a problem, i tried to install kde 4.1 but it didnt install, then i try to uninstall it16:10
debmukh50how can i play wma formats in audacity??16:11
joaopintoDanskmand, sudo apt-get install equivs, use equivs to fake the package installation16:11
joaopinto!codecs > debmukh5016:11
ubottudebmukh50, please see my private message16:11
ubuntu_newbieand it deleted some gnome files and i cant enter ubuntu, how can i re format the partition i have to install ubuntu again?16:11
blackdayz!find suid16:11
RonPaulanyone use TVersity?  is there anything in Ubuntu that could replace TVersity?  I'm trying to stream media over my netork to my playstation.16:11
ubuntu_newbieI need to know how to reformat an ubuntu partition to reinstall it again16:12
heiths_ok, here is one more issue I have.  I have a gigabit nic that will only show as 10/100.  From reading through some forums I think it has something to do with its auto negotiations... is there a command I can issue that will make it support the gigabit speeds?16:12
dublpawsdebmukh50: have you checked to see if .wavs play ok?16:12
justin_ubuntu_newbie:  Use the cd?16:13
Danskmandjoaopinto: So there is no option in apt-get....Thats why I didnt find it ;-)16:13
=== horsetail is now known as haptiK
dug_debmukh50: audacious is a newer alternative to audacity and xmms, see this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59090116:13
heiths_I got mediatomb steaming to my PS3 on ubuntu flawlessly.  I recommend it.16:13
ubuntu_newbiecan somebody help me?16:13
RonPaulTX heiths16:14
nothing12345whats your problem?16:14
blackdayz# find and !find are two different things16:14
RonPaulI'll check it16:14
ikoniablackdayz: can you stop mesing around please.16:14
dug_ubuntu_newbie: like justin_ said, try the cd installer, it will reformat your partition for you16:14
justin_ubuntu_newbie:  You can burn the softwre onto a cd and boot from the cd, format an sindtall the partition16:14
blackdayzikonia, yes.16:15
ikoniathank you16:15
ubuntu_newbiewhen i use it formats a new partition, i want to know how to reformat the existing partition it has16:15
Raylzubuntu_newbie: do it manually16:17
justin_ubuntu_newbie:  may i ask why? re-formatting the existing partition is the same as formattinga new partition the same size16:17
ubuntu_newbieok, how can u do that? im new to ubuntu16:17
Raylzubuntu_newbie: theres an option in the installer of the live cd16:17
Raylzubuntu_newbie: when formating choose manually16:18
heiths_gparted I believe16:18
Shanix_hi all, what's the best way to read the mail archive? I download them and extract it, it's in txt format now16:18
Shanix_was in gz format16:18
Shanix_I would like to read it as if I subscribe the thread16:18
ubuntu_newbieI found one that says manual, and when i click on it, my ubuntu partition appears16:18
Shanix_*mailing list16:18
ikoniaShanix_ it's a text file - nothing more16:19
Shanix_ikonia, yes, but I want it to looks like a thread16:19
ubuntu_newbiebut i cant format it cause it says " no root file system defined"16:19
ikoniaShanix_: it's a text file - use some sed foo to format it how you want16:19
Shanix_ikonia, as if I am reading it from Thunderbird16:19
ikoniaShanix_: its a text file, it will be read as a text file16:19
justin_ubuntu_newbie:  I still have to ask the question why you want to format the partition, and not just delete it and create a new one.16:19
Shanix_no other tool can sorted by the title?16:20
ubuntu_newbiethats what i want to do, but when i delete it, it says " no root file system defined"16:20
ubuntu_newbiethats when i click on forward16:20
ikoniaShanix_: "it's a text file" so what you want is a mail read that will import text files and covnert to a mail format16:20
geniiShanix_: You could try copy it into /var/mail/<yourusername>16:21
justin_ubuntu_newbie: when you delete it, there should be an option to create a new root file system. or name it the same thing16:21
zerodevicehi. does anyone knows how to make ubuntu to enter wpa keys?16:22
justin_ubuntu_newbie: hopefully if im wrong some one would correct me lol16:22
zerodevicei read the wifidocs, but it doesnt work16:22
zerodevicei tried to find the wpa_supplicant.conf but its not there inside the /etc16:23
morpheousanyone use bittorrent ??16:24
justin_morpheous: Yes16:24
bazhanggraingert, dont post that here16:24
graingertbazhang: woops wrong tab16:24
graingertsorry guys!!16:25
justin_graingert:  lol guessing we dont want to look haha16:25
RonPaulmorpheous I am the one.  give me pills16:25
morpheousi downloaded bittorrent via package manager and cant find it in menus to add to desktop??16:25
RonPaulmorpheous look in apps/internet...16:25
morpheousblue or red?16:26
RonPaulboth...that ould be strange16:26
morpheousdid that but to no avail :(16:26
dulakred, let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes16:26
justin_morpheous:  It would most likely be accessible when you try to open a torrent file16:26
justin_morpheous:  however yes, as said it should also be in the menus16:27
RonPaulMatrix 4: Neo rides the space-time continuim and takes the Red pill...16:27
RonPaulne'er mind16:27
RonPaulam i talking to myself?  yes you are.16:27
morpheousok guys thanks :)16:27
graingertjustin_: you never know16:27
bazhangRonPaul, please stop16:28
bendis_visRonPaul, Neo is already dead in matrix 3...16:28
justin_graingert:  I prefer not to look on a school wireless lol16:28
graingertjustin_: hehehe16:28
RonPauloh yeah.16:28
Donhow do I find the totally new-guy support room?16:28
justin_Don:  your her16:29
Donso this is it, I guess16:29
didohello .what is the difference between Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10?16:29
joaopinto!intrepid > dido16:29
ubottudido, please see my private message16:29
DivineDeliriumi've a problem with wireless in intrepid if i write ''iwconfig'' it's recognise but if i do ''sudo ifup wlan0'' it say ''Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.16:30
blekoshello, could u suggest a good (free) antivirus to install on ubuntu?16:30
bazhangblekos, clamav16:30
DivineDeliriumblekos linux don't need for antivirus16:31
RingtailedFoxblekos: there's also avast! antivirus (Free for home and personal use)16:31
justin_ill be back later, have a good day everyone :)16:31
RingtailedFoxand AVG, but yeah... linux only has 50 or so viruses...compared to the 5 trillion for windows :P16:31
bazhangDivineDelirium, #ubuntu+1 for that16:31
DivineDeliriumuff ok16:31
blekosi know linux doesnt need one, but i'm going to connect to a windows network and need to check my files etc automatically16:31
bazhangblekos, it is in the repos16:32
blekosi c16:32
geniiDivineDelirium: Checking suspect Windows files from inside linux is a use of an linux antivirus16:32
blekosi'll give it a try, do u know if it checks files automatically?16:32
DivineDeliriumgenii you are right16:33
fogravenwhen is Ibex out?16:34
mongolaican some tell me the difference between linux-headers-(version), and linux-headers-(version)-generic  that seem to be available in the system update today??16:34
geniifograven: 2 days16:34
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu16:34
fogravenwhen can I get the CD?16:34
kinnazright after you dl it and burn it16:34
dido i need a book speaking about Ubuntu .the title is the official Ubuntu book.did anyone have this book?16:34
unitedpotsmokershello... before i upgrade to interpid, how to make backup hardy heron... pls help16:35
bazhang!backup | unitedpotsmokers16:35
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:35
itsatrickHas anyone had trouble with CD's in Ubuntu 8.10.  Ubuntu claims that the disc isn't a valid filesystem.16:35
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab16:35
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe16:36
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories16:36
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate16:36
bercikWhat You suggest? Emerge rc verion now and upgrade after two days (when it release) or wait ?16:36
unitedpotsmokersi think if u used interpid beta now, it is no problem, just updates the OS16:37
bercikso there will be no chages beethween rc+update and pure release?16:38
dulakbercik: there are constant updates but you just update with your package manager16:39
itsatrickAnyone having trouble with CDs in 8.10?16:39
itsatrickI'm getting a "wrong fs type" error.16:39
mongolaiitsatrick:  are we talking audio or data CDs?16:40
itsatrickmongolai: Audio CD's.16:40
mongolaiitsatrick:  can you get ANY audio CD to work?16:40
itsatrickNope.  It says that the CD has a wrong fs type.16:40
itsatrickMaybe it's because Ibex is still beta?16:40
mongolaiitsatrick:  yea, I just realized that was part of your original message...16:41
didocan any one know how to install new vlc player?16:41
eleutheriosi doubt that...from what i've heard ibex has had very little trouble even in the beta version16:41
Robb_Mitsatrick, are you trying to find ibex support?16:41
itsatrickRobb_M: Yes.16:41
Robb_Mitsatrick: #ubuntu+1 for ibex support please16:41
unitedpotsmokershello, i used acronis true image before, can i used this software to backup ubuntu partition?16:41
mongolaiitsatrick:  one thing I can think of is that certain modern CDs have some data tracks that can confuse some CD players16:42
dulakI upgraded to it on saturday, been rock solid and no issues for me16:42
blekossorry to ask, but is there a real difference between Vista's UAC and ubuntu asking the psswd when installing smg?16:42
Robb_Mblekos: not really..same principle...16:42
ikoniablekos totally different implimentation16:42
itsatrickmongolai: So I need to wait 'til Thursday in order for a CD to work?16:42
unitedpotsmokersi used acronis, using emergency cd... it will make a backup outside OS, i mean not in windows or linux16:42
mongolaiitsatrick:  did you see if this is an issue for ibex?16:43
blekoswhat do u mean ikonia, bottom line is that if u know the password you can really mess up your system16:43
mongolaiitsatrick:  rather, are others having a similar issue with ibex16:43
Robb_Mitsatrick: no, it should work right now.....unless your cd md5sum was messed up..but anyways #ubuntu+1 is where you really should go for intrepid ibex support...even burning a cd for it :D16:43
mongolaican some tell me the difference between linux-headers-(version), and linux-headers-(version)-generic  that seem to be available in the system update today??16:44
itsatrickThanks Robb_M and mongolai16:44
mongolaiitsatrick:  good luck16:44
karab4_4is crossover for free today?16:45
kitchemongolai: the linux-headers-(version) is most likely a vanilla setup16:46
dulakcrossover is free today on the lame duck special16:46
karab4_4why :D16:46
kitchemongolai: linux-headers-(version)-generic is probably ubuntu's generic headers16:46
Robb_Manybody else that needs intrepid ibex (ubuntu 8.10) support should go to #ubuntu+1 as this room is NOT the place to get help for it....we can only support Hardy (8.04) and below....its just 2 days people! :D16:46
sandbuntuPaddy_EIRE: Sorry, your hint didn't work for me. In the meantime I downloaded (svn: ) and compiled an other Ricoh driver, but i doesn't for so far. I searched for some bug reports and I found this: https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=+Ricoh+R5C822 What du you think?16:46
kitchekarab4_4: look up lame duck challenge and you see why16:46
=== Raynes_ is now known as Raynes
mongolaikitche:  OK. Thanks. So you're saying that one is ubuntu specific and the other is just the vanilla kernel headers?16:47
Anzamy yahoo account on thunderbird keeps sending the emails incomplete, like just the first line or part of sentence I write, does anyone know how to fix that?16:49
danddoes anyone use a canon ip1200 printer on linux?16:50
joshritgercan anybody help me with envy ng and updating the linux-headers? When I update from linux-headers-2.6.24-19 to linux-headers-2.6.24-21 envy ng stops working, any ideas?16:51
metallicaoslorekdoes anyone know how to convert png images to svg?16:51
joshritgercan someone help me with envy ng?16:53
mongolaijoshritger:  I can't really help you with that particular issue since I don't know about envy, but do the headers match the kernel version?16:54
kitchemongolai: probably16:54
joshritgermongolai: how do I check that?16:55
KaiForceRobb_M: Intrepid is going to release in two days?16:55
mongolaijoshritger:  what's the output from uname -r16:55
Anzahow can I know what version of an app I have installed? something I put in a terminal?16:55
qdiiwhat does "skanks" mean for girls ? my being french ..16:55
elfgohHello, I wish to enquire about ufw. May I know how to disable it permanently?16:56
openforlifeI am having problem with my ubuntu installation in VMWare Fusion. I use an Apple wired keyboard, and the left arrow won't work!16:56
zinakei'm still pretty new to the whole ubuntu experience, is there normally a bid difference between the .04 and .10 versions?16:56
joshritgermongolai: 2.6.24-19-generic16:56
geniiAnza: apt-cache policy <packagename>16:56
bazhangqdii, not here16:56
KaiForceqdii:  it means oh NM16:56
otacI am new to ubuntu, and i wonder, is it possible to connect my ubuntu laptop too TV (I apologize my poor english, but hope you understand)?16:57
openforlifeotac: yes that should work.16:57
twizzledotac does it have tv out16:57
mongolaiis there an entry in /usr/src/2.6.24-19-generic?16:57
ssh_rdphey, Is it possible to debootstrap a amd64 from i386 ubuntu? I am trying to test intrepid but debootstrap fails16:57
zinakeotac: you can providing your laptop has proper connections16:57
mongolaijoshritger:  is there a directory /usr/src/2.6.24-19-generic?16:57
kristonHow does one install RealVNC 4.1.3 on Ubuntu 8.04.1?16:57
qdiic'mon people :)16:57
bazhangqdii, stop16:58
otacI connect trought the RPG channel, and when I start the computer it show up on the tv until the login screen16:58
joshritgermongolai: yes16:58
twizzledotac is it intel video or nvidia etc ?16:58
openforlifeWhat is the most likely reason the left arrow on my keyboard doesn16:58
openforlifedoesn't work?16:59
geniiopenforlife: Spilled liquid inside16:59
twizzleddo you have the proper drivers installed and the nv tv out ?16:59
openforlifegenii: It works in OS X, just not in ubuntu16:59
yoyonedopenforlife: hardware or wrong keymap16:59
otacit worked before while I was running windows, but I cant figure out how to do it in ubuntu16:59
joshritgermongolai: I think i got that wrong, there isn't one for just 2.6.24-19-generic but there is one for linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic16:59
Anzamy yahoo account on thunderbird keeps sending the emails incomplete, like just the first line or part of sentence I write, does anyone know how to fix that?17:00
Dillizarhelp i have a virus17:00
twizzledotac is the restricted driver installed?17:00
mongolaijoshritger:  well, like I said, I'm not too familliar with envy, but it seems that there is a running kernel/header mismatch when you installed the 24-21 headers17:00
openforlifeyoyoned: I have tried different keymaps. And it works fine in OS X. I have set VMWare to do direct transfer of keys, and use the standard Apple keymapping.17:00
twizzledand in synaptic there is a nvidia tv out package, get it.17:00
bazhang!virus | Dillizar17:00
ubottuDillizar: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:00
joshritgermongolai: ok, I can run the old one till I upgrade I guess17:00
Dillizarbazhang: its exe virus17:00
otactwizzled: all the restricted drivers I can run at once are running17:00
bazhangDillizar, this is linux not windows17:01
andrewneedshelpmy wireless mouse and keyboard don't work if i don't use them straight away when ubuntu boots up. help?17:01
twizzledokay otac get the nvidia tv out package from synaptic package manager and reboot17:01
kane77how do I convert text files that were created in windows to unix "formating"?17:01
openforlifeDillizar: .exe viruses are ment for windows. They doesn't work in Ubuntu17:01
unitedpotsmokershello my friend.... now im using hardy heron, but i cant wait more, so i need some advise from u my friend.. if i use interpid beta now, then when interpid final release, i need to format and reinstall interpid, or just update the OS? or make a fresh install is better17:01
Dillizarbazhang: yeah but i have installed a program with wine17:01
otacok, I try that, ty :)17:02
kitcheunitedpotsmokers: if you update to interpid now you will most likely have final release17:02
Dillizarand now its in my processes17:02
bazhangDillizar, then install clamav17:02
Frijoliewhat's an alternative photo management software in GNOME for f-spot?17:02
SlackDoes anyone here use the logitech v20 usb speakers17:02
mongolaijoshritger:  there was a new kernel + headers made available today in the system update. I haven't finished installing yet, but I'd bet if you installed the important updated and re-ran envy your issue might clear up. Don't quote me on that though :)17:03
Dillizarbazhang: what is that17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav17:03
joshritgermongolai: how do I go about insatlling the new kernel, it doesn't come up in the updates17:03
fourmierver irc.geeknode.org17:04
joshritgerthe header did but not the kernel17:04
geremystill looking for help with the intel 945's tv out capability- any assistence would be much appreciated17:04
mongolaijoshritger:  do you have automatic updates enabled? it should be one of the updates, as well as the headers...17:04
twizzledgeremy i have a 915 and it sucks17:04
zinakeandrewneedshelp: does your wireless reciever plug into USB?17:04
geremytwizzled: any luck at all?17:04
joshritgermongolai: I have auto update on and it just shows me the header update17:04
twizzledya but black and white only17:05
Dillizarbazhang: will clamav clean the exe viruses17:05
mongolaijoshritger:  no linux-2.6.21-24-image (or something like that)?17:05
bazhangDillizar, install it and try17:05
kristonHow does one install RealVNC 4.1.3 on Ubuntu 8.04.1?  I get missing libraries that I can't find in Synaptic.17:05
unitedpotsmokerskitche,  sounds great... ok i will install interpid next morning...17:05
twizzledgeremy i got it to work on both, monitor stays color, tv goes B&W17:05
unitedpotsmokers:) yeay!!!17:05
unitedpotsmokerskitche, r u using interpid or hardy now?17:06
andrewneedshelpzinake: yes17:06
joshritgermongolai: this is what updates came today that I installed b4 the issue Upgraded the following packages:17:06
joshritgerlinux-headers-2.6.24-21 (2.6.24-21.42) to 2.6.24-21.4317:06
joshritgerlinux-headers-2.6.24-21-generic (2.6.24-21.42) to 2.6.24-21.4317:06
joshritgerlinux-image-2.6.24-21-generic (2.6.24-21.42) to 2.6.24-21.4317:06
joshritgerlinux-libc-dev (2.6.24-21.42) to 2.6.24-21.4317:06
FloodBot1joshritger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
geremytwizzled: Ive found a ton of stuff about that, it seems to be working now17:07
zinakeandrewneedshelp: does your mobo support USB on boot?  I've had the same issue on older equipment.17:07
twizzledgeremy cool17:07
Bit_Breakerandrewneedshelp: i have the same issue on older PCs as well17:07
twizzledgeremy i havn't tried in a while on that either, gave up a while back lol17:07
mongolaijoshritger:  OK. I just got done installing those same files, but there's a reboot pending for my machine...17:08
Bit_Breakerits a BIOS feature called USB_HDD emulation17:08
geremytwizzled: here, hold on and I'll pull it up for you, if nothing else itll be good to have around if you ever decide to play with it again17:08
Bit_Breakeron PCs 5+ yrs old17:08
joshritgermongolai: ok17:08
twizzledgeremy thanks, well i still use it, and theres still a tv beside it,,,,so i probly will take another go at it17:09
unitedpotsmokersi used interpid before, but my laptop buzzing when before login ubuntu and make a sound when i shutdown my laptop... is interpid has updates now? i really afraid when hearing my laptop make sound17:09
DonIs anyone real familiar with running XP in QEMU and the blue screen of death showing up irregularly ?17:09
rblstkriston: you can use vino or x11vnc as a server, and xvncviewer as a client, you can install them from synaptic17:10
mongolaijoshritger:  I may be having kernel issues of my own here in a minute! I'd re-ask your question about now though since new people are here.17:10
geremytwizzled: solution is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/10993417:10
kristonrblst: Thanks, but I want an independent Xvnc running and need to upgrade it to realvnc-4.1.317:11
LamoI'm trying to fix my ssh connection problem by upgrading from 2.6.24-19 to 2.6.24-21 according to synaptic I have linux-headers-2.6.24-21 & linux-headers-2.6.24-21-generic installed. however only 2.6.24-19 shows up in why boot menu?17:11
kristonI guess I'll just symlink to libstdc++ and hope it works.17:12
SuperATP1anyone know why everytime i browse my linux machine from my windows machine it asks for a login??17:12
slaytonLamo, what do the linux headers have to do with ssh?17:12
=== gnu is now known as Guest43340
LamoI don't know17:12
andrewneedshelpzinake: no idea17:12
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unitedpotsmokersneed your advise...now im using hardy heron, if tomorrow i want to use interpid beta, which better, i make a fresh install, or just upgrade from hardy to interpid beta?17:12
zinakeandrewneedshelp: how old is your system?17:12
joshritgercan anyone help me with envy ng, I had issues when installing the new kernel today17:13
jjdiamondi have port fowarding set in my router but transmission torrent client says port is closed17:13
SlartSuperATP1: linux machines assume you want to use your current username when you don't specify another one.. I don't know how windows machine does it17:13
andrewneedshelpzinake: a few years17:13
SuperATP1but when i put the username and password for the xubuntu machine is still doesnt work17:13
Lamoslayton: someone said the problem was fixed in the latest kernel update "2.6.24-12"17:13
Lamooops 2.6.24-2117:14
SlartSuperATP1: might be a samba config problem.. might be something else.. hard to tell17:14
mongolaijoshritger:  just one last thought, did you reboot the computer after installing the new kernel?17:14
zinakeandrewneedshelp: it's quite possible that it doesn't support USB on boot then...   "(01:08:10 PM) Bit_Breaker: its a BIOS feature called USB_HDD emulation"... you might want to look in your BIOS to see if it supports that.17:15
Stonekeeperhi! Anyone have a link on how to setup raid 10 during install?17:15
zinakeSuperATP1: it sounds like SAMBA configuration17:15
joshritgermongolai: yes I did reboot, I actually did twice, I reverted back to the old kernel so my graphics would work again17:15
LamoSo how can I upgrade my Kernel to 21 from 19?17:15
Slart!raid | Stonekeeper17:16
ubottuStonekeeper: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:16
mongolaijoshritger:  never mind, then :) I've got to reboot now...17:16
rblst SuperATP1: in /etc/samba/smb.conf , try to add these settings to your share, if not yet present: available=yes, browsable=yes, pubilc=yes, guest ok=yes17:16
samije suis français17:16
Slart!fr | sami17:17
ubottusami: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:17
dxdemetriouwhere can I find ubuntu release+1 annoucements? I just want to see if 8.10 is like Edgy after the LTS release17:17
andrewneedshelpzinake: it works if i use it but if i don't start using it pretty much straight away, neither mouse nor keyboard work17:17
ubuntu__Hy everybody17:17
Slartdxdemetriou: the ubuntu site I suppose.. but I don't think it's out yet17:17
Slartdxdemetriou: you could try asking in #ubuntu+1 , that's the channel for intrepid stuff17:18
zinakeandrewneedshelp: sorry, no idea then.  I thought you said you couldn't use it during boot.17:18
ubuntu__Can I ask a question concerning the beta ubuntu release?17:18
Shanixikonia, genii thanks17:19
dxdemetriouSlack, I know that.. I mean about the annoucements that is decided the name for the +1. I found them before but I can't find them now17:19
ubottuubuntu__, please see my private message17:19
ganymedehello, is there a way to disconnect and reconnect a USB device remotely, to make the automounted retry to automount the device?17:19
ganymedei only have ssh access to the machine17:19
geremyganymede: what kind of usb device?17:20
dfgashow do i find out what is using alsa17:21
ganymedegeremy: it's a USB hard disk drive and it is at /dev/sdb. i don't to run eject on it in case i can't reconnect it17:21
geremyganymede: why can't just umount it?17:22
fontisit feels so good to be back in ubuntu17:23
fontisi've been away for way too long17:23
ganymedegeremy: i'd like the mounting to be taken care of by the automounter, so when the device is disconnected, the mount directory will be removed so the next time it is plugged in and mounted automatically, there won't be an underscreo appended to the mount location, because that would break symlinks17:23
lbciatheros 5001x+ chipset... running ibex... after last upgrade NetworkManager doesnt see wireless after reboot17:23
unitedpotsmokersnobody can help me i think...17:23
ganymedegeremy: it usually mounts to /media/DISK but if i mount if there manually, then next time i plug it in, it will mount to /media/DISK_ since the driectory already exists and that would break symlinks17:23
geremyganymede: you're symlinking to a usb hard drive? why not just copy the files over?17:24
armageddonhey there17:24
lbciif i go to hardware manager, deactivate driver, reactivate driver and then select configure connections in Network manager then it loads and works? anyone have and idea where its breaking?17:24
ganymedegeremy: because the symlink is into a folder with 500 GB of content, and the laptop hard disk is only 80 GB17:25
armageddonhas anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:25
SerraphynIs there a way to resize NTFS partitions?17:25
dxdemetriouanyway, I just to know if 8.10 will be a stable release for production use or if is going to be like edgy that were tried a lot of new features and were recomended to be used by ppl that could find a solutions from problems that might appear17:26
armageddonSerraphyn: I'm sure there is17:26
armageddondid it a while ago17:26
geremyganymede: well, that's a pretty good reason.17:26
Bit_BreakerSerraphyn: I would use Partimage/Gparted. however its risky. Please backup items17:26
Neutroxhey everybody!17:26
zinakeSerraphyn: gparted17:26
armageddonSerraphyn: risky, backup please :P17:26
Lamook so I'm need to boot into kernel 2.6.24-21 but my grub boot menu only has 2.6.24-19?? How do I get 21 so I can use ssh over wifi?17:27
armageddonagain: has anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:27
geremyganymede: not sure, you could always force the automounter to mount at the given location, but that doesn't actually certify that you'll always get it at the same spot, just that IF you get it, itll be at that spot17:27
zinakeSerraphyn: also, defrag the NTFS partition before doing17:27
ScuniziLamo: do you have two different linux installs on your machine?17:27
Lamodual boot with vista17:27
Neutroxis there anybody from turkey?17:27
armageddonSerraphyn: if you have some place to backup everything17:27
Serraphyndon't have a windows active on PC anymore :) had 2 partitions a 45gig and a 155g gig17:28
rjones1Probably really simple - I have just finished applying some theme stuff on my laptop, but the only thing i cant seem to affect is the "File Edit Options View" bar colors. The window around it, scrollbars, all that is themed, but cant seem to change those main UI colors...17:28
rjones1any ideas how/where?17:28
armageddonSerraphyn: just copy everything over, completely reformat your ntfs to a bigger one and copy back17:28
armageddonSerraphyn: much faster than waiting 3 days and nights :P17:28
ScuniziLamo: with the kernel update it should have updated grub for you automatically.. in the interim.. sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change all references to 19 to 21.. make sure you actually have 21 installed.17:28
ganymedegeremy: how do i force the automounted to reconsider all plugged in devices?17:28
armageddonagain2: has anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:29
zinakeSerraphyn: agreed with armageddon17:29
geremyganymede: no idea, honestly17:29
SiON42XAnyone know how I can downgrade perl from 5.10 to 5.8?17:29
Serraphynif only I hd a place with 60g free17:29
LamoScunizi: thanks how do I know if its actually installed?17:29
Serraphyner had17:29
armageddonSiON42X: is there a reason for doing so ?17:29
unitedpotsmokershello... crossover is free now for download?17:29
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Serraphynmy bf PC is only got 12g free17:29
synthetiqanyone know an IDE for the Console to write java code? like eclipse or maven providing the api17:29
yoyonedunitedpotsmokers: just today17:30
musictotounitedpotsmokers: i read so today17:30
ScuniziLamo: check in System/Admin/Synaptic and see if there is a colored box next to the kernel..17:30
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SiON42Xarmageddon: I'm setting up an Ubuntu VM just for Zimbra, which requires perl 5.8 only.17:30
armageddonyoyoned: I'm using vim for everything17:30
SiON42Xarmageddon: Stupid problem, but I really don't want to go with another OS.17:30
Bit_BreakerSerraphyn: U can use DD and Netcat from a live CD as well17:30
armageddonSiON42X: so it does not work with 5.10 at all ?17:30
unitedpotsmokersthanks my friends... do you think crossover is better than wine and playonlinux?17:30
SiON42Xarmageddon: nada.17:30
SerraphynBit_Breaker, huh?17:31
musictotounitedpotsmokers: i don't know... wine is not bad, is it :)17:31
ScuniziLamo: you also might consider just going to the terminal and typing.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.. that will bring your system up to the latest of what's in the repos.17:31
dxdemetriouif I'm correct, LTS is a stable release, LTS+1 is like a testing for new features release, LTS+2 is more eye candy release? I'm trying to understand the difference between each release17:31
StormOrjinHi.  I'm installed ubuntu but having problems with booting ubuntu. Boot menu does not appears and system directly boots windows xp.17:31
armageddonSiON42X: so what is the actual OS  ? Ubuntu ? Try apt-get remove pearl-5.10 and apt-get install perl-5.8 or similar to this17:31
WelshDragonAnyone know of a way I can tell the mouse to click from the terminal?17:31
SiON42Xarmageddon: I'll give it a go.17:31
unitedpotsmokersyeah wine is not bad, i always play winamp using wine, but a little problem, i cant run bearshare application using wine, it can install but it cant run bearshare17:31
LamoScunizi: If I search kernel I get linux-headers-2.6.24-21 & linux-headers-2.6.24-21-generic. would like to upgrade but it's my work laptop and I can't have it down right.17:32
armageddonSiON42X: do apt-cache search perl first and look for the exact names17:32
SiON42Xarmageddon: Good command to know, thanks.17:32
armageddonSiON42X: there is also aptitude17:32
ubottudxdemetriou, please see my private message17:32
nutzerwhat is that for a chat????17:32
armageddonSiON42X: it has all of them, install, search, remove ....17:32
unitedpotsmokersizzit ok if i install crossover and wine both? or i need to uninstall wine? what u think my friends?17:33
ganymededoes anyone know if there is a way to force the automounter to remount a drive? or all drives?17:33
Picinutzer: #ubuntu-offtopic os one.17:33
gothicsatan187_Hi, i'm currently running Ubuntu, and i want to go to Kubuntu, at the download page, it says "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."  does that mean checking the box gives me a graphical installer, or the text based one?17:33
ScuniziLamo: do the sudo apt-get lines I gave you and let it do it's thing.. are you running any vm type software on the lappy?17:33
yoyonedunitedpotsmokers: you can have both17:33
unitedpotsmokersthanks yoyoned17:33
armageddonagain3: has anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:33
unitedpotsmokersi want to try it now17:33
musictotounitedpotsmokers: bearshare is a gnutella client, just like limewire. limewire will work on ubuntu, i think17:33
UncleDI run a webserver and when it reboots /usr/sbin/apache2 doesn't start so I always have to start it manually. How do I simply add it to startup so it executes once the machine is started?17:33
nutzercan anybody speak german17:33
Pici!de | nutzer17:33
ubottunutzer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:33
LamoScunizi: no, but I'm worried its gonna take a few hours and I need to ssh into our server to fix some mysql problems I'm having. been using putty but it keeps glitching.17:34
yoyonedmusictoto: unitedpotsmokers use gtk-nutella on linux17:34
musictotoyoyoned: yes, indeed17:34
armageddonnutzer: me :P17:34
ScuniziLamo: if you're on a broadband connection .. minutes only.. very short.. you will need to reboot with a kernel upgrade though.17:34
musictotoyoyoned: unitedpotsmokers: any Gnutella will do the job17:35
tavishi have a problem17:35
unitedpotsmokersthanks yoyoned , yeah but in bearshare, i not only can find music, but i can meet new friends, it functioning like myspace or friendster17:35
armageddonwhat does happen when i have a kernel module that came with ubuntu installed, and compile and make install another module for the same device or so17:35
rblstUncleD:  System->Administration->Services17:35
armageddontavish: speak17:36
UncleDrblst: I'm on console only.17:36
UncleDIe #17:36
sdfdoes anyone know what happened to bitchx in hardy heron, cant seem to find it anywhere to install?17:36
tavishi had ubuntu on ntfs using the option in ubuntu hardy heron to install it in windows. in which ubuntu creates the root disk on the host drive as a file17:36
rblstUncleD:  update-rc.d17:36
Picisdf: BitchX is no longer supported upstream.17:36
lbciarmageddon: they will conflict if both get loaded, one may need blacklisting17:36
unitedpotsmokersizzit gtk-nutella have function like bearshare? i mean we can meet friend, add people like myspace?17:36
kitchesdf: taken out considering it's no longer in development bitchx2 should be used instead17:36
LamoScunizi: ok gonna go for it. worried about gnome updates taking forever17:36
Scunizisdf: you running it on the command line?  try irssi17:36
oewidjoweDCC SEND "dickrapeyou" 0 0 017:37
tavishthe hard disk got bad sectors and ia was unable to boot ubuntu17:37
SuperATP1using xubuntu, and my 'shared folder' gui is greyed out, anyone know why ?17:37
tavishis there a way to get some files off root.disk17:37
ScuniziLamo: nope.. really depends on how many.. on a fresh install you might have 100+ but even that does it's thing in the background and you can keep working.. at 100+ it might take 10 minutes to download and process..17:37
armageddontavish: Have you tried booting with a ubuntu live cd ?17:38
Lamosudo apt-get dist-upgrade <---isn't working also tried sudo apt-get upgrade -d17:38
unitedpotsmokersizzit gtk-nutella have function like bearshare? i mean we can meet friend, add people like myspace?17:38
jasuushi supposed hypothetically that I just clicked thru the update manager without looking at what was being installed...is there a record somewhere that would show me what was installed17:38
armageddonhas anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:38
geremyarmageddon: if you count trying and failing, yeah17:38
dxdemetriourblst, thanks, I'll read it. It's like this I tried to find before about 8.10 but I didn't know how to tell it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000064.html17:39
piasdomcan someone tell me why me dropdown menu only has lines and no words ?17:39
armageddongeremy: what did you try ?17:39
unitedpotsmokershello... who have a crossover serial number? i really need it17:39
armageddongeremy: and how long ago :P17:39
Anta30sudo modprobe -r r8187 had no effect to unload the alternate driver when i make ndiswrapper -l17:39
geremyarmageddon: been a while17:39
lbcijasuus: /var/log/dpkg* files17:39
forestpixiepiasdom: what menu17:39
ScuniziHow do you ls a list of hidden directories?  ls -a <path> ?17:40
armageddongeremy: where was your problem17:40
ubuntudoes anyone know when running from livecd, where ubuntu keeps the wifi config info?17:40
armageddongeremy: maybe you got further than me :P17:40
piasdomin emc2(a cnc program)17:40
tavishi have17:40
piasdomi have a pic at http://imagebin.org/2972517:40
soneilunitedpotsmokers: you have noticed that crossover are giving their products away free today?  their servers are a bit busy, but you'll get further that way, than asking for pirated software here17:40
tavisharmageddon: but how would that help17:40
jasuuslbci, got it, thx much!17:40
=== jono_ is now known as jono
Ste1Hi, on every linux guide on watching Tv on Pc it sais connect audio cable to enable sound.17:41
Ste1But on winXp I get sound w/o hardware changes. So that's a contradiction.17:41
unitedpotsmokerssoneil, i download crossover now, but i saw it is *sh file.. what is this? how to install it?17:41
Ste1What else can I look at?17:42
forestpixiepiasdom: sorry no I don't17:42
Ste1Ok, so in general, I don't get sound while watching tv.17:43
AnzaI have two files on my desktop: thunderbird-    and    thunderbird- tar.gz   How can I do to install the package?17:43
slobad23i am trying to boot linux from my samsung q45 - i can do this with acpi=off from the live cd and then i can install it - i do not know how to give ubuntu the acpi=off when it is booting from the HDD17:43
armageddontavish: you could try to mount the device and backup to some external storage17:43
armageddontavish: at least the parts without errors17:44
michellespankrocdoes anyone know when running from livecd, where ubuntu keeps the wifi config info?17:44
Ste1Anza, use synaptec and search for thunderbird.17:44
armageddontavish: or is the hard drive completely dead ?17:44
rjones1Probably really simple - I have just finished applying some theme stuff on my laptop, but the only thing i cant seem to affect is the "File Edit Options View" bar colors. The window around it, scrollbars, all that is themed, but cant seem to change those main UI Interface colors? any ideas?17:44
tavisharmageddon: i used that install in windows option17:44
tavisharmageddon: how can i mount a file named root.dsk17:44
armageddontavish: don't know about how that works17:44
Anzaah wait, its one... LOL   just thunderbird-
AnzaStel: I want to know how to install this way17:45
Ste1ok =)17:45
PiciAnza: You should avoid installing things from compressed archives.17:45
armageddontavish: sorry, I never used the windows install17:45
AnzaPici, Why?17:45
armageddontavish: but how could you get defective sectors that way ?17:45
PiciAnza: Because they are not subject to the same security patches that Ubuntu provides updates for.17:46
AnzaPici, ok, I will instal from the console17:46
tavisharmageddon: thanx neway17:46
armageddontavish: I think i now know what you mean17:46
geevi see like there are two kenel on my computer this started after failed to finish update how to correct this help me17:47
armageddontavish: so your windows doesn't work either17:47
armageddontavish: ?17:47
tavishi am using another hard disk17:47
tavisharmageddon: i think the ubuntu files arte fine17:47
geevi see like there are two kenel on grub when booting my computer, this started after failed to finish update how to correct this help me17:48
ksrkHi there... i've got a problem with an instalation of ubuntu 8.04... specially: i can't end the instalation, at 96% instalation stops and my computer is crashed. I tried 4 other CDs, i tried to put it on other particions, i've made a swap and ext3 particions (1024mb swap and 11gb for ext3) - why it is happening ? can any1 help me ?17:49
FiReSTaRTguys, i have a couple of migration questions re: hardy -- > intrepid.. 1) i'm assuming debs that worked on hardy should work on intrepid with no issues? 2) if i wanna transfer my user data like contact lists, account settings, program settings, all I need to do is copy the corresponding folders from my home folder to the new home folder once i have the ibex up and running?17:49
ILoveYouMananyone here using ubuntu on an iBook G4?17:49
armageddontavish: sorry, no success doing a quick google search17:50
joaopinto!intrepid > FiReSTaRT17:50
ubottuFiReSTaRT, please see my private message17:50
Dillizarbazhang: i still i have the virus17:50
armageddontavish: i suggest you try google yourself once more, and after that do a polite posting of forums.ubuntuusers.de17:50
GneaILoveYouMan: there could be17:50
ILoveYouManwell, i have a little question about a recommendation - I have an iBook G4 and I was wondering what version of ubuntu would be best for me?17:50
tavisharmageddon: ok. :)17:51
armageddontavish: good luck17:51
Ste1I think the latest is just the best version.17:51
ILoveYouManit has 256mb RAM17:51
armageddonhas anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:51
ILoveYouManand a 1 ghz processor17:51
ksrksome1 know name of a # for ubuntu help ?17:51
joaopintoksrk, this is the right channel17:52
geevi see like there are two kenel on bootloader when booting my computer, this started after failed to finish to update it how to correct this and i use ubuntu 8.0417:52
ksrki've already paste the question but no1 has answered it...17:52
ILoveYouManwhat do you guys think would be suitable for me?17:52
ksrkso bb.17:52
joaopintoksrk, asking for another channel will not help either, be patient17:52
GneaILoveYouMan: http://pinguin.uni-psych.gwdg.de/~ihrke/wiki/index.php/Installing_Ubuntu_on_iBook   it's a bit dated (dapper), but for the most part, should work for you just fine17:52
joaopintoILoveYouMan, xubuntu or fluxbuntu17:52
armageddonhas anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:53
ILoveYouManthanks, guys17:53
GneaILoveYouMan: you should be able to use8.04 or 8.1017:53
ILoveYouManI will read up on them17:53
unitedpotsmokerssoneil, i download crossover now, but i saw it is *sh file.. what is this? how to install it?17:53
Piciunitedpotsmokers: chmod +x file.sh ; ./file.sh17:53
jjdiamondwhy would music files sound 'scratchy' when using VLC?17:53
joaopintoGnea, ubuntu does not run smoothly with 256 MBs of RAM17:53
armageddonunitedpotsmokers: a .sh file is a shell script17:54
Gneajoaopinto: and yet, someone got it to work on an iBook g4. let him find out on his own and he can decide from there.17:54
armageddonunitedpotsmokers: maybe this is just an installer file and you need the actual data from elsewhere17:54
kitcheunitedpotsmokers: chmod +x the file then run sh <file>17:54
unitedpotsmokersi will try17:54
armageddonhas anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?17:54
unitedpotsmokersbut wait i want to save this command17:54
joaopintoGnea, there is no need to let someone become frustrated when there is already a lot of experience on this case17:55
armageddonunitedpotsmokers: those are some of the very essential linux commands, you should be able to remember them after a while :P17:55
jjdiamondwhy would music files sound 'scratchy' when using VLC?17:55
arcoshi, how can I play a dvd with ubuntu? I just want to watch season 2 of heroes and it is not reading the disk17:55
ILoveYouManOK guys I will read up on xbuntu and fluxbuntu and come back if I need anymore help, thanks again17:55
DonAny one familiar with solving XP blue screen of death while running under QEMU in ubuntu 8.0417:56
armageddonarcos: try installing vlc17:56
unitedpotsmokershehe armageddon ; im new in linux world.. but i happy now with linux now, 80% im using linux now...17:56
Gneajoaopinto: if you want to get technical, elivecd outperforms xubuntu and fluxbuntu.17:56
unitedpotsmokersi will try my best17:56
Gneajoaopinto: only need 64mb ram.17:57
arcosarmageddon: i have vlc installed but when i put in the disk a video and audio file pop up, i don't know how to get vlc to read it17:57
Gneajoaopinto: i just installed it on a system with 256mb on it. it's flying.17:57
armageddonarcos: just try file -> open media17:57
Ste1arcos, VLC is in the applications/audio-Video menu17:58
AnzaI was trying to delete thunderbird completely from the system to see if that fixes a problem I have been having there, but once I installed back it loaded the whole account as before, how can I delete thunderbird from the whole system so that when I install back it wouldn't load old configurations???17:58
arcosarmageddon: i just see file --> open disk or open file, and it doesnt work when I use either17:59
kitcheAnza: delete the package and delete ~/.thunderbird17:59
Gneajoaopinto: but i have no idea if elivecd works on an ibook g4.17:59
unitedpotsmokershello guys, have a little problem here.. i update hardy heron manually everyday... but tonite i have problem, because in update manager 1 file left.. i try to thick the checkbox, but i cant do that.. the file name is bogofilter-bdb.. what is this?17:59
unitedpotsmokershello guys, have a little problem here.. i update hardy heron manually everyday... but tonite i have problem, because in update manager 1 file left.. i try to thick the checkbox, but i cant do that.. the file name is bogofilter-bdb.. what is this? it wont update this file.. why?18:00
Anzakitche, says it couldnt find ~/.thunderbird18:00
armageddonarcos: try xine18:00
Gnea!repeat | unitedpotsmokers18:00
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:00
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:00
armageddonarcos: i am only shell-user but i think it is called gxine18:00
diellonwhy don not amsn in ubuntu fo terminal18:00
arcosarmageddon: i will try18:00
unitedpotsmokersno... im not repeat Gnea , i just add a little information...18:01
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: it's best not to argue.18:01
jjdiamondwhy would music files sound 'scratchy' when using VLC?18:01
Gneajjdiamond: slow system18:01
unitedpotsmokersu now its hard to me to use a new OS, i really want support from u guys.. im sorry18:02
armageddonanyone sucessfully using some kind of digital tv card ?18:02
omniusIx set my desktop resolution to 896 x 672 but my monitor doesn't support it and now i have a black screen. I'm using the livecd now and have checked out my xorg.conf but the monitor sections says "configured monitor", any ideas how i could fix this??18:02
jjdiamondGnea: impossible18:02
bttbarmageddon, yep18:02
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: then you need to show some respect.18:02
diellonok ok18:02
armageddonjjdiamond: what kind of system do you have ?18:02
Gneajjdiamond: oh?18:02
armageddonbttb: could you please explain your setup18:02
armageddonbttb: i mean your hardware :P18:02
diellonubuntu 8.04 lts18:02
jjdiamondamageddon: amd 64bit 2.8ghz, 8gn of ram18:02
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: so what is this bogofilter?18:03
jjdiamondoops 8gb18:03
diellonno 32bit18:03
unitedpotsmokersone more thing, my english is very2 bad, its hard to communicate with you.. but i will try the best.. if u understand it is ok... that's why i repeat text, just want make people here understand.. that's all18:03
slaytonhow do I get sudo to keep environment variables?18:03
armageddonjjdiamond: do you have and pci sound card or is it on board18:03
bttbarmageddon, I have an usb2 dvb-t card. When I wanna watch I load my channels file into vlc and that's that :)18:03
jjdiamondarmageddon: on board18:03
joaopintoslayton, man sudo, it's described there18:04
armageddonjjdiamond: does it work with other applications, or is it just music ?18:04
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: i understand. if you have something else to add to something like that, it's best to type it by itself, otherwise you're just repeating yourself and adding extra cruft.18:04
diellonfuck windows fista18:04
Gnea!language > diellon18:04
ubottudiellon, please see my private message18:04
joaopinto!language | diellon18:04
ubottudiellon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:04
unitedpotsmokersi dont Gnea , everytime i open update manager, it will show all files to update... all files i can update, but this one i cant... i cannot thick the checkbox, and i try to update this file, i cant18:04
armageddonbttb: did you use the kernel modules that came with 'buntu ?18:04
=== geo is now known as geo05
jjdiamondarmageddon: you mean VLC? i've only played music with it.18:04
domashehehe, just had kswapd/jfs deadlock on 8.04 %)18:04
domasfun stuff18:04
dielloni form kosova in city prishtina18:04
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: i have the same problem with k3b - and yet, the system works just fine anyway. it's not broken, so i don't bother fixing it.18:05
mongolaijjdiamond:  have you tried one of the other music players?18:05
unitedpotsmokersok.. thanks for your guide Gnea , yeah i will respect pople here.. respect is everthing.. im sorry18:05
bttbarmageddon, no, but I used an Ubuntu guide to install the svn dvb/v4l drivers18:05
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: it's quite okay :)18:05
bttbarmageddon, still using stock hardy kernel18:05
armageddonjjdiamond: what exactly do you mean by scratchy ?18:05
jjdiamondmongolai: yes, amarok18:05
armageddonbttb: hmm18:05
armageddonbttb: i am getting strange errors18:05
armageddonbttb: about root file does not match18:06
mongolaijjdiamond:  did they sound "scratchy" with amarok as well?18:06
diellonubuntu is hacking from kosova18:06
jjdiamondarmaggedon:  the song will be playing normal and all of a sudden some scratchiness to the sound, then normal again.18:06
unitedpotsmokerswhat us k3b? i think i not install k3b before? bogofilter-bdb and it's detail is : a fast bayesian spam filter (berkely DB) (size: 244KB)18:06
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: k3b is a cd burning program.18:07
jjdiamondmongolai:  i want to say maybe, but i don't completely remember18:07
bttbarmageddon, you mean firmware?18:07
armageddonjjdiamond: where do you play your music files from ? are they raw wav, flac, mp3 ?18:07
PatrickBicgood evening.18:07
omniusHow do you change desktop resolution from the command line??18:07
diellonspeak albania yua all18:07
armageddonbttb: I have no idea what causes this error18:07
jjdiamondarmageddon: mp318:07
bttbarmageddon, pastebin?18:07
jjdiamondarmaggedon: i haven't tried flac yet18:07
armageddonjjdiamond: try increasing cache sizes or something18:07
arcosarmageddon: it still isnt working18:07
domasawesome deadlock: http://p.defau.lt/?AlJEt5Ag1Py45xgUyCb_zA ;-)18:07
arcosarmageddon: should i restart the comp?18:07
unitedpotsmokersoh i c.. but i not install k3b before.. now i confuse what to do now.. just left that file in update manager... or i need to re-install hardy again..18:08
armageddonjjdiamond: maybe there might be a problem with proper OSS/ALSA support of your onboard sound18:08
unitedpotsmokerswhat u think Gnea18:08
Anzawhen I do sudo nautilus, this appears:  ** (nautilus:9814): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported18:08
AnzaNautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.18:08
armageddonjjdiamond: try switching from oss to alsa or the other way round, whatever you are using18:08
Anzawhat does that means?18:08
diellonwhy ubuntu not install apt-get install amsn18:08
diellonin terminal18:08
jjdiamondarmageddon:  ok18:09
armageddonarcos: rebooting might be a good idea :P18:09
mongolaijjdiamond:  try rythymbox first. If that is ok, then there might be some conflict with pulseaudio18:09
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: i think it's better to just leave it alone. in 2 days, intrepid ibex will be out.18:09
armageddonarcos: once a day at least :P18:09
armageddonarcos: month for servers :P18:09
diellonwhy ubuntu not install apt-get install amsn18:09
diellonwhy ubuntu not install apt-get install amsn18:09
diellonwhy ubuntu not install apt-get install amsn18:09
FloodBot3diellon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:09
armageddonhas anyone experience with compiling the v4l-dvb modules and vdr ?18:10
unitedpotsmokersGnea, if i can wait for 2 days, izzit relevan for me to try interpid beta, than run update manager everyday?18:10
armageddonbttb: i can try pasing it18:10
bttbarmageddon, you got a full featured card?18:10
armageddonbttb: yes18:10
armageddonbttb: skystar 118:10
armageddoncan i post 2 lines directly ?18:11
bttbarmageddon, you don't need to compile anything. Should be fine with out of the box drivers18:11
bttbarmageddon, possible you need the firmware, though18:11
armageddonbttb: well, the problem is that i need to apply a little patch18:11
armageddonbttb: i have the firmware18:11
cRineU :'(18:11
bttbarmageddon, for vdr just use the debs18:11
armageddonbttb: tried a patched one :P and the normal one18:11
bttbarmageddon, ah, that patch18:12
PatrickBicrather download rc-version and upgrade in a few days (with high speed) or wait a few days and get intepid with a low speed due server usage?18:12
armageddonbttb: i also need to compile the vdr myself, or wotherwise i won't be able to compile any plugins18:12
JonathanEllisHi. Sorry if I am asking a stupid question but how do I add the network status button and the minimise button to the taskbar?18:12
bttbarmageddon, never tried that, sorry buddy18:12
armageddonbttb: and the plugins arer the actual reason i need to do all this shit at all :P18:12
mongolaiJonathanEllis:  right-click and "Add to Panel..."18:12
armageddonbttb: let me guess, you have not heard of the plugin dvb-sc :P18:12
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: i would seriously just ignore the bogofilter-bdb altogether unless you know for sure that there's an update for it that you need to install. otherwise, it's being held back for a good reason, possibly due to how you set your repositories up.18:13
bttbarmageddon, :)18:13
armageddonbttb: you have ? xD18:13
armageddonbttb: i desperately need it :P18:13
bttbarmageddon, well, let's just say I've never setup the stuff in Ubuntu18:13
armageddonbttb: or my father kills me :P18:14
armageddonbttb: i broke his d-box18:14
armageddonbttb: so i have to setup all this shit virtually now :P18:14
unitedpotsmokersGnea, : oh... thanks Gnea .. now i have an idea, maybe i must go to synaptic manager, find that file, and uninstall... what u think?18:14
armageddonbttb: read out our premiere key with a card reader18:14
Ste1How can I test if ubuntu recognises audio from my tv card?18:14
jjdiamondarmageddon:  how do set the cache you mentioned?18:14
bttbarmageddon, forget about it. The channels will change the method end of this month anyway. There'll be no way18:14
armageddonjjdiamond: hmm somewhere in the vlc options18:14
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: it's up to you18:15
armageddonbttb: really ?18:15
JonathanEllisSorry, I want to add the network status icon to the system tray and the minimize all windows button to the panel18:15
bttbarmageddon, 100%18:15
armageddonbttb: what a ****, but there has to be a way to compile this shit anyways18:15
Ste1(19:12:51) mongolai: JonathanEllis:  right-click and "Add to Panel..."18:15
armageddonbttb: did you get lirc working ? :P18:15
slaytonis it possible to create a script that will be run everytime sudo is invoked?18:15
bttbarmageddon, I bet there is, but I wouldn't know how18:15
bttbarmageddon, never tried that with ubuntu18:16
armageddonbttb: with what else :P18:16
unitedpotsmokersGnea, : ok try and error.. thanks 4 helping us Gnea18:16
bttbarmageddon, gentoo18:16
armageddonbttb: i have an old serial miro infrared reciever18:16
armageddonbttb: oh, ok18:16
Gneaunitedpotsmokers: cheers18:16
bobbob1016JonathanEllis: You should just have to right click a blank spot in the panel, and do "Add to panel"18:16
unitedpotsmokersok i found bogofilter in synaptic manager, it has 3 files there.. now i want to uninstall them, and see what happen18:17
armageddonbttb: LOOL18:17
armageddonbttb: didnt think I would get it to work like that18:17
armageddonbttb: e.g. i dunno if it works but i dont  get the error18:18
bttbarmageddon, forget about it, tv is boring anyway. Nobody watches these days. It's too 1900 ;)18:18
esacis there a way to remove the ubuntu logo from next to the applications menu ?18:18
armageddonbttb: i just removed the part throwing this error from the sources :P18:18
unitedpotsmokersi still confuse.. how this file/application running in my OS, because i never install them...18:18
bttbway to go :)18:18
armageddonbttb: i want to be able to watch simpsons :P18:19
armageddonbttb: AND record it :P18:19
bttbarmageddon, waste of time :) See you later18:19
mongolaiesac:  you could right-click the menu, remove it, then right-click a blank space and add a Main Menu18:19
Ste1another good reason to get tv on ubuntu, is to prevent switching to win to watch tv...18:19
mongolaiesac:  NO WAIT!! I was wrong :(18:20
esacmongolai, i was going to say, main menu is just the ubuntu logo :)18:20
unitedpotsmokersi hope nothing happen if i remove this files... i also afraid these files is use in another application..18:20
mongolaiesac:  I accidentally did just what you are asking once, but I'll be darned If I remember now...18:20
bobbob1016armageddon: bttb is somewhat a troll, in that he says "tv sucks" and then doesn't seem to want to help you.  I pay for TV, then get the shows in other ways....  I'm paying, and can record, but I'm too lazy to, so it works18:21
omgircwhat does this mean : : The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 2EBC26B60C5A2783 Medibuntu Packaging Team <admin@lists.medibuntu.org>18:21
bobbob1016Ste1: What do you mean?18:21
=== omgirc is now known as GeForce88
jjdiamondhow annoying18:21
bobbob1016Ste1: MythTV works with ubuntu, so does Mythbuntu18:22
Ste1bobbob1016 well, I have no sound when I watch tv on ubuntu18:22
Ste1so they switch to win18:22
bobbob1016Ste1: That is a different issue.  My TV works fine on Ubuntu.  If it was a bug, or a major problem, it would be fixed.18:22
bobbob1016Ste1: It could be your setup or something.  Maybe a weird setting.18:23
Ste1Many guides talk about attaching a wire from tv card to audio in...18:23
armageddonbobbob1016: are you talking about digital dvb ?18:23
Ste1Do you happen to know howto test if ubuntu is accepting audio from my tv card?18:24
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armageddonbobbob1016: have you got experience with vdr ?18:24
unitedpotsmokersGnea, i just uninstall bogofilter in synaptic manager just now, then i open the update manager, i saw there is no bogofiles-bdb to update.. thanks Gnea  gave me an idea..18:25
bobbob1016armageddon: As in what?  I missed the beginning of your question.  I just installed Mythbuntu, and hooked my coax up to my tuner, no real config, apart from saying "My tuner is here"18:25
domasI love systems which deadlock at full disk :)18:25
jjdiamondok, so with VLC i get the 'scratchy' 'hatchy' playback.  with Amorok it doesn't do that but the volume seems low.18:25
Ste1I'll give Mythbuntu a try18:26
armageddonbobbob1016: wel, i am trying to compile de v4l dvb module drivers and vdr and some plugins for vdr18:26
mimmo93ciao a tutti18:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:26
armageddonbobbob1016: but i am using ubuntu-server, so no xx-environment18:26
armageddonbobbob1016: one x18:26
armageddonbobbob1016: any idea of that ?18:27
mongolaijjdiamond:  perhaps vlc has some other compression options somewhere, or like I said before, It might be a pulseaudio issue. Did you install the vlc-pulseaudio plugin?18:27
TorwayHi, I am sellin the computer and started a sudo shred process a few days ago. It is still running (currently at 9/25), and I need to deliver the computer tonight. Is it OK to stop this process now or will something "bad" happen? If so, how should I proceed? Thanks:)18:27
bobbob1016armageddon: Why're you using server?  Why not normal ubuntu and then remove the gnome-y things?  So you can set it up on a system with packages meant for users, that might make it easier to do what you need (non-server stuff)18:28
armageddonbobbob1016: well, it consists of only server things :P18:28
armageddonbobbob1016: it should becom a streaming server for at the moment one ff but later up to three ff or 2 ff and 2 budget dvb-s cards18:29
bobbob1016armageddon: Maybe I don't know what vdl is, but I know v4l is video4linux, and recording TV isn't a server thing.18:29
jjdiamondmongolai: not on purpose.  but in the VLC settings there's an Audio output module with a selection for pulse audio.  but all those options sound hatchy when applied18:29
mongolaijjdiamond:  can you try one of the other options, perhaps ALSA18:29
jjdiamondmongolai:  i did.  theyre all hatchy.18:30
bobbob1016armageddon: I don't know much about that stuff to be honest.  I just have my Mythbuntu box record to my FreeNAS Server18:30
hwildehello I need a non-sudo command to see the size of a diskdrive *not the size of partition18:30
GeForce88i was trying to get gyachi ( instant messenger client) working on hardy heron, and the make file works, but up on running make it fails with error 2. i tried with an older snapshot and nothing, tried with a current release and i'm told i'm missing files and i can't find them in the repos.18:30
jjdiamondmongolai:  in amarok it sounds fine.18:30
armageddonbobbob1016: well, why is such a thing then called streaming SERVER ? :P18:31
armageddonbobbob1016: the thing i try to compile is called vdr18:31
unopGeForce88, how does the makefile work when make itself fails?? also, are you following build instruction as per the README/INSTALL file that came with the source?18:31
GeForce88unop : yes, i run ./makefile...then, when it tells me to , i run make...it compiles for 4 minutes and stops with error code #218:32
armageddonbobbob1016: and since that machine is my 4 TB file server at the same time, and the mpeg2 stream can directly be recorded to the hard disk, it makes sense to do so :P18:32
mongolaijjdiamond:  weird. is there a particular reason why you want to use vlc for music?18:32
bobbob1016armageddon: Ubuntu Server != Streaming SERVER, Ubuntu Server == Generic SERVER according to what I know.  ANY server or fileshare CAN be streaming,18:32
unopGeForce88, do you mean ./configure there? instead of ./makefile ? because that's odd18:32
hwildehello I need a non-sudo command to see the size of a diskdrive *not the size of partition18:32
GeForce88i'm sorry, i meant ./configure18:32
jjdiamondmongolai:  not particularly.  i would like to play .flac and .shn files though.18:33
whatvnusing root, you dont need sudo :P18:33
smoovepQuestion? All email go to user www-data.. is there anyways to send external? Thanks.18:33
jjdiamondi removed VLC18:33
bobbob1016armageddon: I'd do the recording on another machine to the SERVER's drive that it SERVES.  Recording video is not in the roll of a server directly, it can be added, but it isn't easy.18:33
unophwilde, lshal, lshw, etc18:33
geniiwhatvn: Please don't advocate using root18:33
Piciarmageddon: Whats wrong with the vdr package in the repositories?18:33
AnveoI seem to have lost the icon on my toolbar where I can see all the wireless network around me, I can only manually configure now. How can I get the auto configure back?18:33
unopGeForce88, ok, that makes sense? did the source come with a README or INSTALL file?18:34
nachhi !18:34
danopiaI moutned a file system18:34
nach I can I resize the main gnome menu in order to supress the slider ?18:34
danopiaHow can I let anyone write to it18:35
Gneadanopia: anyone??18:35
Gneadanopia: or everyone? :)18:35
danopiaGnea, well....18:35
kilowhiskyis "sudo aptitude install build-essential" and sudo aptitude install update" 2 different things?18:35
danopiaGnea, atm only I can write to it18:35
unopkilowhisky, off course18:35
armageddonPici: no precompiled version of vdr-plugin-sc18:35
danopiaGnea, I am using samba to share it and it denies write privledges but allows read18:35
GeForce88unop, yea, it did, and i followed those, see, i had this wrking with gutsy, and now it's broken, i did a clean install of 8.04 and now seems i can't figure out which packages if any i'm missing. i'm going to pastebin the output of both ./configure and make18:35
kilowhiskyso once i setup ubuntu, those two are the only updates i put on?18:35
vitamin-carrotbuild-essential are the kernel headers arent they?18:35
armageddonPici: and to compile a plugin i need the sources of exactly what i have isntalled18:36
mongolaijjdiamond:  it looks like others were having problems with vlc's audio, but it's been described as "stuttering"...18:36
kilowhiskyGeForce: build essential?18:36
jjdiamondbbl with more questions...heh18:36
armageddonPici: wich isnt apt-get source vdr18:36
jewelz12502apt-get update refreshes your packages doesnt install anything18:36
danopiaGnea, poke?18:36
armageddonPici: seems to be slightly different18:36
Gneadanopia: ah, what role does samba play? authenticated users or is it a member server?18:36
nach I can I resize the main gnome menu in order to supress the slider ?18:36
GeForce88unop : http://pastebin.ca/123885718:36
ubuntuhi, how can I delete all the blank spaces in a plain text file?18:36
matrix_hello i am on ubuntu using firefox I can view email. When I try to write or reply email, I am presented with only the ‘Subject’ and ‘To’ boxes. There is nowhere to write my message.18:36
kilowhiskyso what works as a software update?18:36
danopiaGnea, no user/pass is what I want18:36
* vitamin-carrot Hugs Everyone18:36
danopiaGnea, atm it takes no pass (public)18:36
rhousandsudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc18:37
Gneadanopia: okay...... have you installed swat?18:37
danopiawhat would that do18:37
Jowimatrix_, with what webmail site?18:37
Gneadanopia: swat is this really nifty web-frontend to configuring samba. it takes a lot of the guesswork out of what the differnet options mean and makes a lot of tasks very simple.  i would strongly recommend sudo apt-get install swat samba-doc18:38
Jowimatrix_, haven't tried hotmail since mid 90's. But check that you haven't got javascript deactivated.18:38
danopiaGnea, but I was thinking that maybe samba's user account can't get to the drive18:38
jinhow can I rollback from Intrepid RC1 to Ubuntu Hardy?18:38
Gneadanopia: samba doesn't have a user account. only user accounts have user accounts.18:38
unopGeForce88, try this.   sudo aptitude install libmcrypt-dev;  make clean;  ./configure && make18:38
matrix_it worked fine some weeks ago18:38
danopiaGnea, I mean the one it uses for anonymous access18:39
GeForce88unop : k18:39
ubottujin, please see my private message18:39
Gneadanopia: the guest account?18:39
danopiaGnea, if that is what it uses18:39
=== bananin is now known as Guest56750
=== Guest56750 is now known as Basti_dash
unopGeForce88, i'm working on the assumption that you need a mcrypt.h file (line #367 from your output)18:39
danopiaGnea, it has guest_account = nobody18:39
Piciarmageddon: sudo apt-get build-dep vdr18:39
danopiaGnea, shld I make an account for it and figuore out how to give that accout write access?18:39
zinakedanopia: don't forget to chown user of smb.conf before using swat or you will not have all options available to you18:39
GeForce88yes, i saw that. i dunno if thats the error #2 but it can't hurt i gues18:39
Piciarmageddon: That will install all the build dependencies for vdr18:39
Gneadanopia: well, once you have swat installed, it suddenly becomes easier to be able to assign a share to guest access or not18:39
matrix_i have all things activated18:39
Jowimatrix_, to see if there is a problem with the site or with firefox - start firefox using a clean profile "firefox -ProfileManager"18:39
danopiaGnea, for the share I have18:40
danopiareadonly = no18:40
Gneadanopia: no, you should be able to share it out to guest without too much trouble18:40
nach I can I resize the main gnome menu in order to supress the slider ?18:40
danopiaguest ok = yes18:40
Gneadanopia: look, install swat. if you want to discuss specifics, you'll need to do that in #samba18:40
mongolainach:  what do you mean "slider"?18:40
=== adam is now known as Guest35971
GeForce88unop : same error code18:41
vitamin-carrotwoot i got updates18:41
SlackI just installed a new icon pack, where do i install this at18:42
GeForce88lots of these : gyachi-gpgme.c:326: warning: format ‘%s’ expects type ‘char *’, but argument 3 has type ‘int’18:42
MarcC_I have Wine 1.0 installed but wine-dev is listed as .9 something...how do I roll back Wine to .9?18:42
unopGeForce88, can i see the new output18:42
vitamin-carrotdrag and drop into your apperance prefernces window18:42
nachmongolai: since i installed crossover, i get slider on the second menu of gnome application...  that are useless18:42
danopiazinake, poke18:43
danopia<zinake> danopia: don't forget to chown user of smb.conf before using swat or you will not have all options available to you18:43
danopiachown to what?18:43
Gneadanopia: ignore it18:43
GeForce88unop : http://pastebin.ca/123886118:43
matrix_its same thing i tryed even with Konqueror webb browser and Epiphany  i can not write on hotmail18:43
zinakedanopia: you need to change the ownership of your smb.conf file to you instead of root18:43
Gneadanopia: clearly, if you can install swat and if it doesn't error out, you don't need to do that18:43
Gneazinake: no he doesn't. since when?18:43
Slackvitamin-carrot: are you sure that works for icon packs18:44
vitamin-carrotwhat does hotmail say matrix?18:44
danopiaGnea, uhhh18:44
vitamin-carrotyes slack im sure18:44
zinakegnea: since i last installed samba on my laptop18:44
mongolainach:  are you talking about CodeWeaver's MS emulation software that is free today?18:44
vitamin-carrotunless the icon pack ha sbeen made differently18:44
Slackvitamin-carrot: is their a certain tab it shoudl be drug under18:44
danopiaGnea, I need root to write to smb.conf so unels I run swat as root, woudln't it need a chown to save?18:44
Gneazinake: i've installed samba on many production servers and have never once had to re-chown the configuration file. there has never once been a problem with it.18:44
zinakegnea: if you do not have writing capabilities on smb.conf w/o using sudo, swat will not allow you to write your smb.conf18:44
unopGeForce88, ok, it's not the same error this time18:44
vitamin-carrotit should either install the icon pack or tell you it cant in which case extract the tar.gz file and see whats inside18:44
zinakegnea: then you are lucky18:45
danopiaGnea, unles you run swat as root :P18:45
nachmongolai: yep that one18:45
GeForce88unop, is it too old a package?18:45
mongolainach:  sorry, I haven't got it yet :)18:45
unopGeForce88, scroll through the output - and look at line #108 - it's missing a header file18:45
zinakedanopia: that isn't an issue w/ other distrobutions... but ubuntu has root disables by default18:45
Gneazinake: wrong, as long as you don't manipulate the ownership of the files in the first place, you won't have to worry about it later on.18:45
yoyoneddoesn't swat run as root?18:45
unopGeForce88, to find out which package houses that header - use  http://packages.ubuntu.com18:45
Slackvitamin-carrot: got it working, thanks18:45
JowiSlack, as vitamin-carrot says you can also extract the icon archive in its own directory under /home/username/.icons/18:45
infinitehello, i seem to have a broken driver(nvidia-glx). I already tried: sudo apt-get autoremove, sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx -f but it doesnt work.Because of this im unabe to install any new packages.Can somebody help me?Thnx in advance18:45
vitamin-carrotyour welcome18:45
danopiaSo wtf happens when I run sway?18:45
GeForce88unop, my stuff is wanting to reboot from a kernal update, let me reboot and i'll be back18:46
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209818:46
Gneayoyoned: yes.18:46
Gneadanopia: it's going to throw a line in your /etc/inetd.conf file to run as18:46
vitamin-carrotmine wants a restart aswell18:46
vitamin-carrotyay for updates18:46
dradiscontacti have the newest beta release. on occasion ubuntu completely freezes and the mouse disappears, but it only happens when i do something intensive in firefox. any tips?18:46
Gneadanopia: if you think i'm wrong or lying to you, then go ahead and follow zinake's advice.18:47
zinakegnea: i'm sorry, but that last statement is innacturate.  there are 2 ways that you can change the smb.conf file... that is either owning the file or being in the group that owns the file.  I have had installs that i didn't need to do anything, i've had others that it would not let me write the smb.comf18:47
danopiaGnea, but when I run swat, what happens?18:47
danopiaIt just sits there18:47
Gneadanopia: then you can make it work like you want it to18:47
Gneazinake: i have never ONCE heard about the need to change the ownership of the smb.conf file.  clearly, you are misinformed.18:48
zinakedanopia there is a possibility that you may not need to chown smb.conf. but if you only have 3 options @ the top of the browser when you log in, then you need to.18:48
danopiaWhere am I logging in?18:48
danopiaWhat port?18:48
zinakei got my info from samba website18:48
Gneazinake: which isn't ubuntu's method of setup, which doesn't directly apply.18:49
zinake"if you don't have all options available, then you do not have write access to file"18:49
zinake"change write access for group or owner"18:49
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Gneazinake: right, that's only if your distribution is brain-dead.18:49
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TorwayHi, I am sellin the computer and started a sudo shred process a few days ago. It is still running (currently at 9/25), and I need to deliver the computer tonight. Is it OK to stop this process now or will something "bad" happen? If so, how should I proceed?18:49
zinakewell, i guess that ubuntu 8.04 is brain-dead18:50
GneaTorway: lol, why are you shredding it?18:50
danopiaGnea, swat just shows home/status/view/password and documentation links that 40418:50
zinakeb/c that's what i'm currently running and had the issue with18:50
Torwaygnea: thanks to the excellent advice of some person on this forum:)18:50
vitamin-carrotwell thatw as weird18:50
tomoyuki28jpAfter upgrading my kernel to 2.6.24-20 (or 2.6.24-21), the volume controller does not work correctly. Volume up/down does not go up/down the volume.  Does anybody know why this happen?  I am using ubuntu hardy on thinkpad X300 with alsa-snapshot.18:50
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Gneazinake: well, you're the first one i've ever heard of having that problem. did you file a bug report?18:50
zinakedidn't realize it was a bug18:50
GeForce88unop, i'm back. do oyu have a solution for the new error?18:50
GneaTorway: so you're shredding it while it's running itself?18:51
unopGeForce88, scroll through the output - and look at line #108 - you're missing a header file that needs installing ( http://pastebin.ca/1238861 )18:51
unopGeForce88, to find out which package houses that header - use  http://packages.ubuntu.com18:51
Torwaygnea: its running on the installation cd18:51
GeForce88unop : where do i get this header file ?18:51
mongolaiTorway:  as long as you can get it stop gracefully you should be ok18:51
GneaTorway: oh okay. uhm, should be fine, I guess... how big is the HD to shred?18:52
Torwaymongolai: What is your definition of gracefully? :)18:52
unopGeForce88, repeat the process until you have no errors - and then gyachi should make successfully18:52
x-caliburwho can help me, i want to give a user permission to start 1 program....  how can i do that?18:52
TorwayGnea: its 750 GB18:52
GeForce88how do i know what i need ?18:52
GneaTorway: o.OOOO18:52
vitamin-carrotX you could make a custom group and have that user as a member18:52
GeForce88unop: am i looking for gpgme.h ?18:53
x-calibur@vitamin i already did18:53
unopGeForce88, yes18:53
micettonerocould you say me the simplest program to plot a graph? Not octave or freemath please...18:53
GneaTorway: i would just let it run until it's time to deliver and then just format it18:53
GeForce88unop : ok. thx18:53
vitamin-carrotright well im out of ideas18:53
micettoneroon gnome...18:53
PatrickBicmicettonero, self written18:53
x-caliburok ?18:53
TorwayGnea/Mongolai: So I can just close the terminal window I am running the shred in at the moment and then when rebooting the buyer can install whatever he wants easily?18:53
unopx-calibur, can't that user start the program now?18:53
x-calibur@unop no18:54
mongolaiTorway:  that's not what I mean gracefully. Just a sec...18:54
micettoneroPatrickBic: please... :D18:54
PatrickBicmicettonero, plotting a graph from an array is.. like.. under 50 lines (with window and stuff) in java18:54
Gneazinake: well, since no one else has had a problem with it, and you're the first one to complain about it, the problem is either that ubuntu screwed up, or you did. since no one else has had the problem and since i'm not finding a bug report for it yet, it's a pretty safe bet that no one else is having the same problem.18:54
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PatrickBicbut no clue where you want it to be18:54
PatrickBicand which language and stuff18:55
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micettoneroPatrickBic: not from an array, from an expression18:55
x-calibur@unop it says Permission denied18:55
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Gneadanopia: the 404 means you need to install samba-doc18:55
PatrickBicmicettonero, never tried but i guess it wont be that difficult18:56
GeForce88unop, ubuntu reports my gpgme is newest18:56
Gneadanopia: and you need to login as root, which means you need to set a root pw18:56
mongolaiTorway:  try the ctrl+c "signal invoker" at the terminal that shred is running18:56
danopiaGnea, i already logge din as root18:56
PatrickBici would change my lines-"idea" to 30 :P18:56
vitamin-carrotoh great after update i cannot resolve my host in terminal18:56
Torwaymongolai: and then? What does this do?18:56
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bremb1hi. I have a linking problem. Anyhow I set the linker to link against my own-compiled shared libraries, there's a problem with compiling. sometimes the configure script tells me the C compiler cannot create executables (using LDFLAGS variable), now I used LD_RUN_PATH (which should be the same as -rpath) and at the very beginning of compiling it tells me Segmentation fault. Any ideas?18:57
danopiaGnea, and swat only helps by showing entries that my file don'set have but could have, other than that it's pracitcaly the same thing18:57
PatrickBicmongolai, query me the expression18:57
mongolaiTorway:  it should cause it to stop. If it does, you're fine. If not, then try ctrl+d, or ctrl+z18:57
PatrickBicmaybe i can come up with some basic stuff18:57
Gneadanopia: you don't have globals/shares/printers?18:57
unopGeForce88, which package has that file according to your system?18:57
danopiaGnea, i do now18:57
TorwayMongolai: then when it stops, the buyer can reboot and install whatever he wants next time around?18:58
micettoneroPatrickBic: so there isn't a program like kmplot for gnome?18:58
PatrickBicmicettonero, no clue.. i once helped a friend with his diploma project.. and he needed such a plotting algorithmn.. so i wrote it for him...18:58
mongolaiTorway:  right. The drive is shredded. You only needed a few iterations to be reasonably secure. You already had 9 of 25!18:58
PatrickBicbut i am not aware of any lib/program18:58
GeForce88omgirc@ubuntu:~/Desktop/gyachi-1.0.5$ sudo apt-cache search gpgme18:58
GeForce88libgpg-error-dev - library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components18:58
GeForce88libgpg-error0 - library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components18:58
GeForce88libgpgme11 - GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy18:58
GeForce88libgpgme11-dev - GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy18:58
FloodBot3GeForce88: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
Torwaymongolai: thanks! :)18:58
GeForce88oops, i didn't know xchat would make multiple lines. sorry18:58
Gneadanopia: alright. so check out your globals make sure it's set to share18:58
Akazawadoes anyone know how to change the starup sound? (not the login sound the sound that plays at the login screen before you login)18:58
zinakegnea: thanks for calling me an idiot.  this is a place to try to get help and give help if you can.  I've installed Ubuntu 3 or 4 times on this computer and i didn't have the issue each time.  It is quite possible that I did mess something up.  However, after searching the internet for the answer, not asking here, i found a way to solve the issue.  I'm sorry that I seem to be offending you, however, If you do not have full acces18:59
danopiaGnea, make sure what is shar?18:59
jsilviaThe startup sound is in the sounds panel, under System - > Preferences -> Sound - > Center tab18:59
azethothhi im havign a problem with sound. i just installed this last night. i get a tone at the log in screen but no sound from anything inside on the desktop18:59
Akazawajsilvia: no, that's the login sound which plays after you login18:59
legend2440vitamin-carrot: one thing to check is  open   /etc/hostname and  /etc/hosts   2nd line of /etc/hosts should match what it says in /etc/hostname19:00
danopiaGnea, I logged in as nobody using su and I cna't write to the drive itehr, so it's not all samba's fault19:00
unopGeForce88, that there doesn't list installed packages19:00
sisifHello guys. I know that what i`m going to ask it`s a rather *lame* quetion, but bare with me: I`m trying to use gnomad2 to add some music to my mp3 player (iriver clix 2 gen) that is on MTP. The gnomad sees my devices ok, I am able to create playlists, but when it comes to actually transfer the music to it, nothing happends. I`m using 8.04 (testing repos) and gnomad is version 2.9.1. Any sugestions?19:00
infinite_hello im having trouble removeing a driver(nvidia-glx).it gives me this error:Removing nvidia-glx ...19:00
infinite_dpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory19:00
x-caliburhow can i give permission to a group to run certain programs?19:00
jsilviaAkazama: Doh!19:00
infinite_dpkg: error processing nvidia-glx (--remove): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 219:00
vitamin-carrotthank you legend i love you19:00
infinite_Errors were encountered while processing: nvidia-glx19:00
unopGeForce88,   dpkg -S /path/to/gpgme.h19:00
FloodBot3infinite_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
dubsidedHello all,19:00
Akazawajsilvia: I want to change the sound that happens before I login, but at the login screen19:00
vitamin-carrotwas just searching the forums cause i was sure it was on there aswell19:00
Akazawajsilvia: the drum diddle19:00
danopiaGnea, http://danopia.pastebin.com/d6d0f308719:00
x-caliburhow can i give permission to a group to run certain programs?19:01
jsilviaAkazawa: It does play a sound - can you find it's filename?19:01
GeForce88unop: interesting, even though ubuntu says it's newest, i can't find it : dpkg: /path/to/gpgme.h not found.19:01
Gneazinake: all i'm sayin' is, if there's a bug with it, you should file a bug report. i didn't call you an idiot.19:01
dubsided8.10 is supposed to be released officially in two days. Are they usually on time with their releases?19:01
puffzinake: calm down.19:01
Akazawajsilvia: I have no idea what it would be named19:01
azethothanyone got some time to help me with that?19:01
jsilviahang on19:01
danopiaGnea, ...19:01
puffGnea: You do realize your choice of words, adjectives, etc, could be construed as hostile to somebody in a frustrated state of mind?19:01
Akazawajsilvia: it's that quick drum diddle that sounds before you login19:01
zinakegnea: well, that's what it seems like.19:01
unopGeForce88, /path/to/gpgme.h is a ficticious name - and how do you know gpgme is newest?19:02
zinakegnea: it didn't seem to be a bug, just a permissions issue19:02
zinakegnea: no need to send a bug for that19:02
puffzinake: While people here can be obtuse sometimes (even when they're *trying* to help) you will find it a lot more useful to assume they are trying to help.19:02
danopiaGnea, ls -l says that my sahre is only writeable by root19:02
Ste1how do I launch a .sh file from cmd?19:02
mongolaisisif:  it seems as if MTP is not properly implemented19:02
puffzinake: If you did everything right and permissions are wrong, then yes, it's a bug.19:02
Gneazinake: if the permissions aren't set correctly when the system is installed, and it prevents proper functionality from occurring, then yes, that is indeed a bug.19:02
GeForce88unop : Reading state information... Done19:02
GeForce88libgpgme11 is already the newest version.19:02
unopSte1, chmod +x file.sh;  ./file.sh19:02
Ste1ok I didn't add ./ before the file. what does it do?19:03
sisifmongolai : using amarok works ok. Also, I am able to browse the device from within gnomad2. It`s just I can`t add music to it.19:03
mongolaisisif:  nice pun, BTW19:03
puffzinake: Sometimes people are busy and their tone ends up being abrupt, but they're still here, and still trying to help.19:03
unopGeForce88, what packagename does this say here? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gpgme.h&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy19:03
Gneapuff: if the person is of a hostile mind and persona to begin with, sure.19:03
sisifmongolai : "pun" ?19:04
rblstazethoth: in terminal, type: alsamixer, check if anything is muted (MM), unmute them19:04
GeForce88unop, i install that package as well sir19:04
Gneazinake: but i'm sorry if you felt offended by my words, that wasn't my intention.19:04
GeForce88unop : no change19:04
puffGnea: It's easy to slip into that mindset when you're frustrated.19:04
Gneapuff: true.19:04
azethothk one sec19:04
unopGeForce88,  make clean  - then try again19:04
azethothnothing is muted19:04
unopGeForce88, make clean is important19:04
puffGnea: E.g. I was asking for help generating multi-domain certs with openssl, last night, and somebody (elsechannel) responded with "did you read the openssl man page", which is useless advice.19:05
GeForce88unop, gpgme.h is located : /usr/include/gpgme.h19:05
GeForce88make clean in which directory? the gyachi one ?19:05
mongolaisisif:  that's what I mean. MTP is not properly implemented, some features of some devices might work, but not all...19:05
Gneadanopia: okay - there's a translation issue going on when you add the samba layer to the unix filesystem layer - we should really discuss this in #samba19:05
sisifmongolai : what do you sugest shall I do ?19:05
puffGnea: And often incredibly annoying when you've already read the page and either a) didn't see your answer or b) your answer is completely not there.19:06
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danopiaGnea, but only root can touch the share19:06
LovokConky is saying my Swap RAM usage is 0/2.80GB, is that normal?19:06
jewelz12502Digg brought down the Codeweavers servers19:06
mongolaisisif:  Does amarok work to transfer *to* the device?19:06
puffGnea: So it can come off as incredibly annoying, but that's just because you're in a frustrated state of mind.19:06
rblstazethoth: are master and PCM set to a value other than 0 in alsamixer?19:06
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PiciLovok: yes.19:06
sisifmongolai : yes, it does.19:06
LovokPici: thanks again :)19:07
jsilviaAkazawa: I think the file you want is in /usr/share/sounds19:07
Gneapuff: basically you were looking for some sort of example script or some such. yeah, the manpage only goes so far, but a simple "yes, but i need this, that and the other thing" will usually get them out of the read-the-fine-manual glaze :)19:07
azethothyeah everything is at max19:07
vitamin-carroti can has a question?19:07
rblst azethoth: what desktop do you use?19:07
kc8pxyis there a way to tell a prog it can allocate as much memory as it wants?   i'm trying to run oblivion on wine, ad i think it's running into a memory ceiling19:07
puffGnea: Well, that's what I started wtih :-).19:08
azethothi just installesd the ultimate edition of ubuntu 19 i beleive19:08
trebelab /server irc.goto10.org19:08
azethoth1.9 i mean19:08
puffGnea: I'm trying to do weird thing XYZZY with SSL certs, does anybody really know this stuff well?19:08
Gneapuff: heh... that's usually about the time that i google for something like "ubuntu ssl certification generation guide"19:09
rblstazethoth: let us suppose it's gnome then, have you tried to play around with System->Settings->Sound?19:09
azethothah yeah it is gnome sorry19:09
vitamin-carrotI share my EXT2 file systems with my windows OS ... I bought a new HD formated to ext2 but windows wont let me assigned a drive letter to it ...19:09
Gneapuff: without the quotes :)19:09
azethothno cant say i have lets see what i get19:09
mongolaisisif:  then the issue seems to be with gnomad2? You could check the version of gnomad2 has this issue in general, and see if any updates fixed it. If so, you might need to find a new version from the PPA repos (or somewhere else)19:09
puffGnea: Heh, yeah.  Well, it turns out that it's really weird (and I haven't *quite* accomplished it yet, but I think I'm on my way) but doable.19:09
GeForce88unop: unless i need to specify the path to the gpgme file, this is a lost cause for me19:09
vitamin-carrotand before you ask19:09
Gneadanopia: try sudo chmod 777 /media/shared19:09
danopiaGnea, chmod refuses to doa nything to the drive19:10
sisifmongolai : ok. Thanks for the help :)19:10
azethothwhat am i looking for on the first screen its all set to autodetect19:10
vitamin-carrotyes i have the EXT2 driver for windows installed19:10
Gneadanopia: what is it mounted as?19:10
digitalfallacypuff,what special abt the word one writes in double asterisk ... like *quite*19:10
puffGnea:  Basically you have to not just self-sign, but self-CA, and set certain values in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf,  and use certain options in the openssl ca command to copy those values into your cert.19:10
azethothwow when i set the playback to also and tested it i got a tone19:10
unopGeForce88,  sudo aptitude install   libgpgme11-dev;  make clean;  ./configure && make19:10
jpeasyhi. I need to transfer /home to another partition which I will then mount as /home19:10
puffdigitalfallacy: I don't understand your question.19:10
jpeasyI tried a simple cp -R as root, but I get lots of perm errors19:10
infinite_Hello im having trouble removing a driver.error:Removing nvidia-glx ...19:11
infinite_dpkg-divert: error checking `/usr/lib32/libGL.so.1': No such file or directory19:11
infinite_dpkg: error processing nvidia-glx (--remove): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 219:11
infinite_Errors were encountered while processing: nvidia-glx19:11
infinite_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:11
FloodBot3infinite_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:11
jpeasycp -R /home /mnt/backup19:11
infinite_I also tried to remove /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1 manually as said here:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/366219:11
vitamin-carrotstop it19:11
rblstazethoth: try changing them and press test to check19:11
mongolaidigitalfallacy:  it's for *emphasis*19:11
danopiaGnea, FAT3219:11
bremb1jpeasy: all you need to create that partition, copy all files to it and in /etc/fstab change it appropriately19:11
danopiaGnea, this PC is basicaly a file server and I need to get this shared drive wokring, if it won't work I'll have to run windows becuase it works perfectly on windows19:11
azethothyep i got it now thanks19:11
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digitalfallacypuf,you just wrote quite like  *quite* in double19:11
azethothsound now works19:11
digitalfallacypuff....just that ...k19:11
Gneapuff: yeah, openssl can get pretty hairy, especially when it comes down to how they're supposed to be signed... there's a difference between generating a CA for secure-pop/imap and a secure CA for a network connection ;)19:11
puffGnea: If you do so, you can set the subjectAltName property of your cert to included multiple domain names, and then you can use the same ssl server with a single IP for multiple domains without modern browsers comlaining.19:11
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:11
azethoththanks a bunch19:11
glukiHi, i have oracle installed corectly, also ISPconfig is installed and using port 8080. For oracle i'm setting port 8081. And i cant to connect to Oracle control panel via browser(
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anacron19:12
puffGnea:  this is complicated further by the fact that I'm doing it under the ispconfig site managment tool :-).19:12
Gneadanopia: oh geez... can you get it converted to NTFS in windows with the convert.exe command? FAT32 blows fat chunks.19:12
bobborrittenhouse: ping19:12
hendryis there a USB install option for Ubuntu? I was thinking of installing it on a Thinkpad X40 which does not have a CDROM19:12
legend2440!separatehome | jpeasy19:12
ubottujpeasy: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome19:12
vitamin-carrothendry yes19:12
Pici!usb | hendry19:13
ubottuhendry: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:13
Jowi!install | hendry (see first link)19:13
ubottuhendry (see first link): Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:13
Oprtzhow to install ubuntu 8.10 from a USB HDD ? without burning the iso image to DVD, is this possible?19:13
GeForce88unop: no luck. still exiting with error code 2 and a host of gpgme errors19:13
Gneapuff: such a prestigeous hosting site should have clear and concise documentation for such a task :P19:13
azethothnow i got another question when i play video files with movie player in full screen the ficture is slightly pixelated. is there a way to fix that?19:13
vitamin-carrot!usb | Oprtz19:13
ubottuOprtz: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:13
unopGeForce88, let's see the new output then.19:13
chadIs there a channel where i can ask a question about thunderbird on ubuntu ?19:13
hendrythanks guys, bye19:14
azethothjust seems kinda fuzzy and pixely i guess19:14
mongolaichad:  just ask. if someone directs you to #thunderbird (if it exists) then so be it :)19:14
bremb1Oprtz: you would have to open the image somehow, then boot the kernel and ramdisk there...19:14
Oprtzvitamin-carrot: thanks for the weblinks19:14
vitamin-carrotyour welcome19:14
puffGnea:  Yeah, ispconfig end-use docs seem non-existent, I think they sorta expect you to be used to cpanel (the commerical equivalent) enough to find your way around.19:15
vitamin-carrotazethoth ... is the media file small in resolution?19:15
Oprtzbremb1: okie19:15
TigranGHi how can I reconfigure my keyboard from the console or how it would do it when installing ubuntu. I've tried from system->preference->keyboard and it works but when I restart it no longer works (some keys).19:15
GeForce88unop : http://pastebin.ca/123890119:15
RediXeIs there a way to disable the alt+leftmousebutton for windows (using xubuntu but should be close to the same?)19:15
Gneapuff: and they don't have a forum somewhere where people are talking about?19:15
gluki<gluki> Hi, i have oracle installed corectly, also ISPconfig is installed and using port 8080. For oracle i'm setting port 8081. And i cant to connect to Oracle server control panel via browser(
Tundrayeti312Is virtualBox the standard virtual machine for ubuntu?19:15
chadok .. so i copied my thunderbird profile from another machine to this machine (ubuntu to ubuntu) and for some reason it seems that the profile settings cant be edited by this user.  when i ls-l them it shows me as the owner, but the coloring is off in comparision to the other folders in my home .19:15
bremb1Oprtz: I am not sure if that would work, but, if you know what you're doing, you cannot lose anything, but time19:16
unopGeForce88, your error keeps changing - it's not the same - review the output, identify which header is missing, install it and repeat the process19:16
vitamin-carrotazethoth: do you maximize the media when it is playing?19:16
danopia_Gnea, FAT32 USB drive, why woun't chmod work?19:16
mongolaichad:  are they links?19:16
azethothyeah thats how i did it in windows19:16
azethothi jsut want to sitch to this19:16
bremb1Oprtz: do you know how to open the image?19:16
GeForce88unop: ok. wish me luck19:16
Gneadanopia_: is that a thumbdrive or a hard drive?19:16
danopia_Tundrayeti312, I use vmware :P19:16
azethothand they looked fine there19:16
Jowigluki, "sudo lsof -i tcp:8081" to see what program (if any) is using that port19:16
vitamin-carrotazethoth: what player are you uing?19:17
sebsebsebcan someone remind me, how I do a ssh/vnc sleep.  I mean where someone gets on my SSH, and then have say  5 minutes where unless they enter another command for vnc in another terminal, they get kicked off my ssh.   yes  that ssh sleep stuff.  I have to do something to the Ubuntu account, but I don't ermember exactly what, and maybe edit a config file for ssh sleep as well19:17
TigranGHi how can I reconfigure my keyboard from the console or how it would do it when installing ubuntu. I've tried from system->preference->keyboard and it works but when I restart it no longer works (some keys).19:17
azethothjust said "movie player"19:17
Gneadanopia_: because FAT32 has *NO* concept of file permissions. it wasn't until NTFS that microsoft got around to enacting true permission control at the filesystem layer.19:17
vitamin-carrothave you tried mplayer?19:17
infinite_hello im having serious trouble removnig a driver.It keeps me from installing any new packages. http://paste.ubuntu.com/63716/plain/19:17
danopia_Gnea, 500 GB harddrivre19:17
azethothlet me see if i can find it19:17
vitamin-carrotit should be in the repos19:17
danopia_Gnea, one half is what LInux runs off (ext3) and hte other half is FAT32 partition that I need to sahre19:17
vitamin-carrotbrb having a smoke19:17
danopia_Gnea, so what iA need to konw is how can I get a user accout to get write acess to it.19:17
Oprtzbremb1: i am reading the weblinks vitamin-carrot gave me19:17
glukinothing is shown19:18
chadmongolai: not that i know of .. my pop profile is working fine its just when i go to add a new mail account to that profile none of the settings will sqave19:18
bremb1TigranG: you have to change it in the xorg.conf file. there is keyboard layout settings19:18
danfgdanopia_: set that up on /etc/fstab, the permissions, etc19:18
gluki2 Jowi - no output for this command19:18
chadmongolai: its weird though cause they are like green txt on green background where all the other folders are blue19:18
danopia_danfg, how would I do that in fstab?19:18
azethothforgive my noobishnesws but where might i find  that. i know to go to applications -sound and video and i get a list of players but i dotn see m player in there19:18
Jowigluki, so no program is using port 8081 - no wonder you cannot connect to it.19:18
danopia_danfg, I use /dev/sdb1/media/sharedautodefaults0019:19
Gneadanopia_: if i were you, i would backup all of the data from the FAT32, reformat it to NTFS, then use the ntfs-3g driver on it (it handles read/write just fine) and share it like that - you'll get MUCH better performance19:19
=== KaiForce_ is now known as KaiForce
gluki2 Jowi do u have Oracle installed or tried?19:19
Jowigluki, no19:19
chadmongolai: actually its blue txt on green background19:19
danopia_Gnea, I already use NTFS for a third partion :P but I don't have any place to throw 200 GB of junk19:19
danopia_Gnea, I need to get working as-is19:19
mongolaichad:  I just almost sent something...19:19
bremb1TigranG: /etc/X11/xorg.conf, down there Section InputDevice, keyboard,...19:19
TigranGbremb1: http://rafb.net/p/YBuhi033.html19:20
danopia_Gnea, I use FAT32, NTFS, and ext3 at the same time normally.19:20
gluki2 Jowi may be you can help me to detect where is my errors?19:20
mongolaichad:  can you pastebin the out of ls -l on the directory in question>19:20
danopia_/dev/sda2/media/windowsautodefaults00              /              /dev/sdb1/media/sharedautodefaults0019:20
lolhi help i need plz help in icelandic19:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:21
gluki2 Jowi i have installed also ISPconfig that using port 8080 and changing apache2 settings19:21
=== lol is now known as Guest34998
bremb1TigranG: yes, that's what you're looking for. change it to whatever you want...19:21
vitamin-carrotokies im back19:21
Tundrayeti312danopia_: are the packages in the repos for vmware?19:21
chadmongolai: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63722/19:21
TigranGbremb1: i think it already is...lol19:21
mongolaichad:  also, how did you transfer the profile (files)? samba?19:21
Jowisebsebseb, the setting is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. the manual ( "man sshd_config" in a terminal) say to use the option "ClientAliveInterval" and "ClientAliveCountMax" to set the number of seconds for timeout19:21
danfgdanopia_: i use these options: rw,nosuid,uid=1000(the uid of the user),gid=1000(gid of the user),umask=00719:21
sebsebseb If I remember correctly to do the SSH sleep/timeout   I had to edit the account properites change Shell:  /bin/bash  to something else, and maybe also set up the amount of time I want before the sleep/timeout in  config file for ssh, but I don't remember how to do this stuff.   so  basically  user connects to my ssh in one terminal and then uses a second terminal to get on my vnc, with the first terminal not letting them do any other commadns19:21
TigranGbremb1: its ok19:21
danopia_danfg, so "rw" is what I need?19:21
chadexternal drive via nautilus copy19:21
mongolaichad:  you said all of these had the weird colors in the ls -l listing?19:22
chadmongolai: yes19:22
danfgdanopia_: rw = read and write19:22
monstahhow do i get b43-fwcutter drivers to work?19:22
* vitamin-carrot Hugs everyone19:22
bremb1TigranG: the problem is ok or the settings are ok, but the problem still exists?19:22
danfgdanopia_: the uid and gid to tell which user/group has access to the drive, i think that is important, security-wise19:22
sebsebsebJowi: do I need to  change  /bin/bash in the account properites to something else as well?19:22
Jowigluki, if oracle is supposed to serve the web-page then you should have a look at its config (and/or restart the service). I can't help more than that since I've never set up Oracle...19:22
belkinhelp2join /#dd-wrt19:23
Jowisebsebseb, no19:23
Guest34998hi help i need plz help in icelandic19:23
Gneadanopia_: you need to also make sure that the share allows guest = yes19:23
mongolaichad:  OK first thing, are you sure that this is the correct *.default profile directory that you needed to copy to?19:23
Gnea!ask | Guest3499819:23
ubottuGuest34998: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:23
danopia_Gnea, done like 5 months ago19:23
vitamin-carrotdoes anyone speak Nord?19:23
azethothhmm sunaptic cant find mplayer19:23
sebsebsebJowi: I think last time that got changed.  basically user connects to my ssh in one terminal, and they are not allowed to enter any more commands in that terminal, instead they need to use a second terminal,  to put in a command to connect to my localhost for vnc19:23
danfgsome ppl here speak Nerd19:23
Guest34998i need ubuntu icelandic channel19:23
glukithanks, and ispconfig you have used?19:23
azethothbah synaptic19:23
danopia_danfg, if I use umask=777 would the mouted fs be 777/19:24
vitamin-carrotazethoth: have you allowed your third party sources?19:24
chadmongolai: ok i have done that .. the 9seovzeb.default is it .. i double checked19:24
monstahanyone know how to get Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)19:24
monstahto work?19:24
danopia_root@danopia:/media/shared# umount /media/shared19:24
danopia_umount: /media/shared: device is busy19:24
danopia_umount: /media/shared: device is busy19:24
FloodBot3danopia_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:24
danfgdanopia_: yes, and also every file in it, you shouldn't allow running execs from a windows drive though19:24
RediXeIs there a way to disable the alt+leftmousebutton for opened windows? (using xubuntu but should be close to the same?)19:24
azethothwheres that option19:24
Guest34998plz can anyone tell me where i can find ubuntu icelandic help channel19:25
danfgdanopia_: use -f (i think) to force dismount19:25
Jowisebsebseb, that means that vnc is not set up properly (to only allow connections from the local host) or your firewall is not letting the traffic in. Nothing to do with ssh19:25
vitamin-carrotazethoth: system > Administration > software sources19:25
danfgi just updated my linux kernel and i'm getting an error with XKB: "Error activating XKB configuration. (...)", i had a custom keyboard layout that was working before, but not anymore. ideas?19:25
imaginativeonewhere can I ask questions about K9Copy?19:25
azethothone sec19:26
mongolaichad:  OK, so when you try to save a new account, does it *prevent* you from doing so, or just fail silently?19:26
GneaGuest34998: try #ubuntu-is19:26
danopia_Opps I apsted19:26
* danopia_ kills self19:26
vitamin-carrotazethoth: it should have a list of check boxes19:26
danfgdanopia_: ?19:26
azethothi enabled the 4 options in third party software and it still cant find it19:26
chadmongolai: perfect example .. i need TLS on this new account i can check the button and then click ok and the option is erased when i click ok19:26
Guest34998there is no #ubuntu-is19:26
Gneadanopia_: eh?19:26
* vitamin-carrot Dies19:26
danopia_My DSl dies every 30 seconds.19:26
danopia_It's ok.19:26
Guest34998!etiquette | tombar19:27
ubottutombar: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...19:27
GneaGuest34998: there you have your answer. we speak english here, are you okay with that?19:27
* vitamin-carrot UnDies19:27
=== juliano is now known as JBastos
vitamin-carrotlolz undies19:27
sebsebsebJowi: no it's for a listening vnc connection19:28
=== JBastos is now known as JulianoBSD
* vitamin-carrot hugs danopia_19:28
danopia_danfg, still failed :(19:28
danopia_danfg, it's still owned by root too19:28
Gneavitamin-carrot: please don't do that.19:28
vitamin-carroti sorry19:28
danopia_and it's 75519:28
* vitamin-carrot hugs Gnea19:28
hwildeunop, lshw | grep capacity     thnx19:28
azethothi found a .tar.bz2 for mplayer but im not very good at makign that work yet19:28
Lr5If I upgrade from 8.04 to the 8.10 release candidate version instead of waiting for the final release, will anything be different or will they be completely same versions after updating packages?19:29
mongolaichad:  that's weird. I really don't know what to say, other than re-iterate your original question, and perhaps ask on #thunderbird on the irc.mozilla.org server19:29
Gneavitamin-carrot: do you have an ubuntu-related question?19:29
vitamin-carrotazethoth: should be able to find it in add/remove19:29
danfgdanopia_: ? did u set a uid and gid?19:29
vitamin-carrotGnea: im helping19:29
danopia_danfg, yes19:29
azethothits installing an update atm maybe after that19:29
danopia_danfg, after i edit fstab, then what19:29
GogetaXhey all.. any1 can help me with network on ubuntu 8.10? :P19:29
vitamin-carrotGnea: but since you offerd19:29
Gneavitamin-carrot: then do it without the hugs and all of that, this isn't the proper forum for it.19:29
Pici!8.10 | GogetaX19:29
ubottuGogetaX: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu19:29
chadmongolai: do you have thunderbird?  will you check your .mozilla-thunderbird/Profile directory to see what permissions are on your direcory ?19:29
lindenlehow  do i specify a  preseed file from the mini iso?19:30
mongolaichad:  if you can give me a few minutes...19:30
bremb1Lr5: go to Ubuntu+1 for intrepid issues19:30
lindenleand auto install19:30
vitamin-carrotGnea: my ext2 driver in windows wont let me assign a volume letter to a new hd i formated to ext2 with gparted19:30
chadmongolai: thank you19:30
arashanyone know what CMS system ubuntu.com uses?19:30
danfgdanopia_: you do realize that changes to fstab require a restart, right? but before you boot, try mounting with mount using these options to see if they are to your liking19:30
Gneavitamin-carrot: why not?19:30
chadmongolai: and who owns those folders too please .. i would assume its your account since its the home dir but who knows19:30
danopia_danfg, oh right19:30
vitamin-carrotGnea: I think the permissions are wrong19:31
Gneavitamin-carrot: using what driver?19:31
danopia_danfg, thanks, it worked19:31
vitamin-carrotGnea: the EXT2 volume manager sees it but doesnt give me the option19:31
danopia_no nobody has write19:31
danopia_now I need to see if samba works19:31
mongolaichad:  I have to re-install it, and set up a mail account, but I'll give it a shot :)19:31
Gneavitamin-carrot: what driver did you install in windows?19:31
mongolaichad:  it'll take about 10 min19:31
chadmongolai: dont do all that .. ill find out :-d thanks though19:32
vitamin-carrotGnea: hang on ill find the link again19:32
rblstmongolia, chad: i can paste my permissions, i have TB set up19:32
vitamin-carrotGnea: http://www.fs-driver.org/19:32
mongolaichad:  well, I really don't like evolution anyways, and was planning to do this anyway. Now;s just a perfect time19:32
sebsebsebJowi: not suer what to edit in the config file19:32
danfgoh no, ron paul has quit :(19:32
vitamin-carrotGnea: that one19:32
Guest33839does any one know which mail client that works with microsoft exchange 5.5 ?19:32
Gneavitamin-carrot: you must not have re-run the configuration setup19:33
=== Guest33839 is now known as mohamed
mongolaiGuest33839:  if anything, evolution does19:33
vitamin-carrotGnea: actually i did19:33
g_hello, how can I browse the samba shares on my network with xfce?19:33
[admin]Guest34998, thunderbird and evolution19:33
Meadscan somebody help me please19:33
vitamin-carrotGnea: Bah19:33
danopia_and btw Gnea, I already had samba set up right, swat did not help at all :P and I don't see why it would19:33
mongolaimohamed:  if anything, evolution does19:33
[admin]!ask | Meads19:33
ubottuMeads: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:33
Guest34998!ask | meads19:33
ubottumeads: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:33
danopia_It only helps with, like, the status sectoin19:33
vitamin-carrotGnea: im sure its a permissions thingy19:33
=== mohamed is now known as Guest27806
chadmongolai: awesome .. ill brb then baby changin time :-D19:33
MeadsCan somebody take a look at this please, http://rafb.net/p/teC3C896.html19:33
azethothvitamin-carrot: in synaptic on the main screen i have an area labled packages and tabs saying installed version and such. if i scroll down i see mplayer. if i click on it it says the chosen action also effects other packages. than thers a field that says to be removed and it says gnome mplayer gui19:34
Guest27806mongolai: :?19:34
Gneavitamin-carrot: well i don't know, maybe someone else does19:34
mongolaichad:  cool beans19:34
Meadsi am having problems with ym ps running ubuntu server 8.04.119:34
vitamin-carrotGnea: can i have a hug then?19:34
vitamin-carrotGnea: maybe google will tell me19:34
[admin]Meads, dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.19:34
Gneavitamin-carrot: you've already been informed about that.19:34
Meadsi did that19:34
[admin]Meads, just do that with sudo19:34
lindenleCan i use preseed with the minimal cd19:34
[admin]Meads, with sudo  ?19:35
rblstchad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63729/19:35
Meadsi done that if u look right down past the apt error u will see the dpkg error19:35
gregbradyI seem to be having an issue trying to connect to an external mysql database from Base.  I installed the mysql connector and I still cannot get it to connect successfully.  I am running OO.o 2.4 Under Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit version19:35
vitamin-carrotazethoth: you might have mplayer already installed19:35
[admin]Meads, ibex ? 8.10 ?19:35
azethothah no i think i figured it out. right click mark for installation19:35
Meadsi dont know what that is19:35
g_is there a way to integrate samba share browsing with thunar?19:35
vitamin-carrotazethoth: coolies19:36
=== Guest27806 is now known as madel
[admin]Meads, dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.19:36
[admin] 19:36
[admin]Meads, sorry i meant cat /etc/lsb-release | grep DESCRIPTION19:36
madelmongolai: with which mail client ?19:36
Lr5bremb1: ok, thanks. I guess I misunderstood the "development" part19:36
CrippsI have a paste here (http://www.pastebin.ca/1238917) showing a line in my fstab, and the resulting output from mount -a  ... I've done the same thing (tm) manually (read: mount -t cifs //workstation/My\ Music /home/acripps/music -o dom=DOMAINNAME,credentials=/home/acripps/.creds ) and had successful results, but it doesn't seem to like my fastab. Any ideas?19:36
MeadsDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.1"19:37
suboneis there an app i can use to tag snippets of code or notes, so i can search using tags?19:37
mongolaimadel:  what?19:37
Crippssubone, have you tried cscope?19:37
rblstchad: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63730/19:37
vitamin-carrotGnea: I may as well have the HDD automount in ubuntu anyways19:37
madelmongolai: you know which mail client works with microsoft exchange 5.5 ?19:37
[admin]Meads, type date19:37
suboneCripps: no19:38
vitamin-carrotGnea: whats the cmd for automount volume19:38
MeadsMon Jun 29 15:44:05 EDT 193119:38
mongolaimadel:  I'm not sure, but if anything, the Evolution client would. It should19:38
Meadsthats messed up right19:38
Crippssubone, it works with vim ... there should be other compatible editors too. It does what you're looking for.19:38
madelmongolai: ok thanks :)19:38
[admin]Meads, correct your date first then run sudo dpkg -- ......19:38
kthakorehow can I edit the folder that the PIctures Folder screensaver gets the images from?19:38
penI accidentally mv two file into the same filename19:38
Meadshow do i correct my date from shell19:38
penhow can I recover the previous file?19:38
suboneCripps: i only see KScope the IDE in aptitude19:38
sahakCan anybody listen to preset HBR1 radio stations in rhythmbox under Ubuntu 8.10?19:38
Meadsits a VPS you see19:38
Guest34998!ask | pen19:39
ubottupen: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:39
Guest34998!patience | pen19:39
ubottupen: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:39
kthakoreMeads, its gets ur date from ur system date settings19:39
penGuest34998: you didn't see my previous comments19:39
[admin]Meads, date  -s, --set=STRING          set time described by STRING19:39
suboneCripps: all i want is like a notepad like tomboy notes but with tag searching19:39
GneaGuest34998: once was enough.19:39
azethothwhen i open a file with mplayer i get this message. error opening/initializing the seclected video_out(-vo)device19:39
azethothseems liek somethign to do with my vid card?19:39
subonei guess i could write one as my first Qt app :p19:39
vitamin-carrotazethoth: did all the dependacies install aswell?19:40
penI accidentally mv two files into the same filename. How can I recover the previous file?19:40
azethothno i think jsut the program19:40
[admin]pen, i don't think you can19:40
suboneanyone else have any suggestions?19:40
primskiwhats the preffered way to changing default locales ? I want to keep language english and changing other locales settings.19:40
Crippssubone, http://cscope.sourceforge.net/ read there, it'll tell you all about cscope ... I know that in hardy you can "apt-get install cscope"19:40
pen[admin]: why can't?19:40
Jeruvypen: unless you mv'd a backup first you can't19:40
vitamin-carrotazethoth: i think mplayer needs the restricted codecs make sure your restricted sources are on19:40
penJeruvy: no other way?19:40
[admin]pen,  you didn't mv you overwritten the old file with the new one19:40
Jeruvypen: no, mv is destructive19:40
eyeszhello, I have a pci to rs232 ite8817 card. I've got tired searching for away to let work in ubuntu, any help please?19:41
suboneCripps: no thats not what i'm looking for, i want something way simpler than that, i just need to be able to tag notes like you can tag photos19:41
azethothwhere might i find that option. i really appreciate allt he help19:41
vitamin-carrotazethoth: System > Administration > Software Sources19:41
penJeruvy: not even dd?19:41
Jeruvypen: now if you want to find a data recovery tool and check before messing further you 'may' have some luck...19:42
vitamin-carrotazethoth: make sure that proprietry drivers is checked19:42
azethothi dont even see that option19:42
Crippssubone, I see. Well then, I can't say I know of anything that does precisely that, but if worse comes to worse, you could always write one ;)19:42
suboneCripps: so that i can store things like notes on obscure function names in certain APIs and tag it with something that makes more sense19:42
vitamin-carrotazethoth: you may as well have everything checked19:42
azethothnvm i see it im fing blind19:42
azethothit ids checked19:42
penJeruvy: btw, does gvim leave backup? I used gvim19:42
suboneCripps: yeah thats what i was thinking that would give me something to do for my first Qt app, but i'd have to figure out db access etc19:43
Meadsadmin: Thank you very much, it is fixed19:43
penor vim19:43
[admin]pen, [filename]~19:43
Jeruvypen: I don't know.  Try reviewing the 'man' page..19:43
Gnea[admin]: the inodes should still be accessible19:43
[admin]vim .[filename].swp19:43
Gnea!undelete | pen19:43
ubottupen: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html19:43
Crippssubone, if you use python, database access is a snap. not too bad with java either.19:43
suboneCripps: lemme learn one thing at a time here lol19:44
[admin]Gnea, yup why not , but not always , since mv might use the same inodes19:44
Crippssubone, lol. Writing in C++ ?19:44
hubarhmm, does anyone know what format publishers prefer (the submission in) ?19:44
Crippshubar, *shudders* *.doc19:44
Crippshubar, give 'em a pdf19:44
suboneCripps: yeah learning Qt19:44
stelthow do i access my Vista files from Ubuntu ?19:45
balachmarHi, my sounds is hanging at the moment, repeating a very small piece of sound. How can I make it go normal again, without rebooting?19:45
Pici!offtopic | hubar19:45
ubottuhubar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:45
[admin]stelt, just mount the drive19:45
vitamin-carrotazethoth: oh dear19:45
joshua1hi at all19:45
azethothoh dear?19:46
joshua1i am having a problem with a dlink rt61 chipset w-lan card19:46
hubaren, I am sorry about the Ooff topic. :)19:46
Gneastelt: share folders out with vista and use network neighborhood in ubuntu to find it19:46
[admin]Gnea, he/she was asking about a drive , not another PC19:46
eyeszI have a pci to rs232 ite8817 card. I've got tired searching for away to let work in ubuntu, any help please?19:47
kevorHello, ive some problems with my dhcpserver, eth0 is configured as static ip, but when I start dhcpserver at boot, it gives the error that there is no subnet declaration for eth0 (
vitamin-carrotazethoth: im at a loss now ... as when i installed mplayer it installed allt he dependancies aswell19:47
joshua1according to the ubuntu wiki it should work out of the box since ubuntu 8.10, which it does not do, has anyone experiences with this chipset?19:47
Gnea[admin]: didn't see it specified19:47
azethothwell there are other downloads like mplayer doc and no gui.19:47
subonemeh fuck it i'll just make a quick php app to do it19:47
Picijoshua1: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid/8.10 support/discussion.19:47
Picisubone, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you.19:47
[admin]Gnea, it is hidden in the message :)19:47
geniikevor: 169.254.x.x is the number an eth gets when no dhcp server is found to give it a number19:47
joshua1pici: thank you, hope you dont mind19:48
vitamin-carrotazethoth: if mplayer isnt going to work then remove it19:48
Gnea[admin]: suuure it is :)19:48
kevorgenii: so where lies the problem then, in the DHCP server or in the static ip declaration?19:48
vitamin-carrotazethoth: sorry dude ... was trying to see if the issue happens with a different player19:48
_JayT_echo audio drivers for ubuntu?19:48
* vitamin-carrot Fails19:49
balachmarMy sound is hanging and when I restart alsa using sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart it actually is still hanging!19:49
geniikevor: Does ifconfig  report the static IP you gave it as being there for eth0 ?19:49
azethothah well yeah out of all the players thata are on this install they all have the same issues19:49
HandcraftedOn the 30th I'm going to install ubuntu on my eeepc. I'm going to install it on a SD-card and boot from that. Does anyone have a good guess about what boot times I can expect?19:49
icchi! i need help with pure-ftp. I've some virtual users, but i can't login with them... any help??????19:49
azethothsome worse than others. some in full screen have video skip around19:49
vitamin-carrotazethoth: indeed19:49
[admin]balachmar, try sudo fuser /dev/snd/pcm* and paste on paste.ubunto.com19:49
kevorgenii: ifconfig gives no IP19:49
histoHrm... No matter which keyboard I have plugged in the numpad will not work. Does anyone have a clue as to where to start looking?19:49
GneaHandcrafted: the people in #ubuntu-eeepc might know19:49
lindenleis there a way to prevent the installer  from asking me about the keyboard layout?19:50
azethoththey look fine in window mode but when i go full screen its distorted a bit19:50
HandcraftedGnea: wow, didn't know that channel existed! Thanks!19:50
geniikevor: eth0 is supposed to have it's own static IP, and then assign numbers on it's eth0 to some other computers?19:50
Gnealindenle: no, i just hit enter a lot19:50
balachmar[admin]: it is only one line: /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p:    7113m19:50
kevorgenii: if I ifdown eth0; ifup eth0, ifconfig eth0 gives the IP I have set in /etc/network/interfaces19:50
_JayT_any got echo audio drivers running under ubuntu?19:50
kevoryes, exactly19:50
GneaHandcrafted: cheers :)19:50
lindenleGnea: even with preseeding?19:50
PatrickBiclindenle, maybe using the oem installer19:50
Gnealindenle: preseeding?19:50
kevorgenii: now the DHCP server starts, but it does not do so at boot19:51
[admin]balachmar, sudo ps awux | grep 711319:51
azethothwell actually it looks kinda weird in windowed mode too19:51
lindenleGnea: yes preseeding19:51
Gnealindenle: please define.19:51
kevorso somehow the settings in /etc/network/interfaces are not set on eth019:51
vitamin-carrotazethoth: could be a codecs thing but i dont know enough to fix those19:51
[admin]histo, sudo dpkg-recofigure xserver-xorg-input-kbd19:51
balachmar[admin]: willem    7113  0.8  0.1 220616  5784 ?        Ssl  18:25   1:16 /usr/bin/pulseaudio -D --log-target=syslog19:51
azethothah no worries know where i migth be abel to find the answer19:51
lindenleGnea: It is a feature of the debian installer so you do not have to answer questions, look at your documentation19:51
joshua1so well then i'm moving to #ubuntu+1, see you19:52
histo[admin]: No I found it accesibiltiy options had the pointer controlled by keypad enabled all is working now.19:52
[admin]balachmar, always pulse, i hate it, try sudo kill -15 711319:52
jlewis__how do I unlock a locked file burned from a cd for backup19:52
[admin]histo, great for you19:52
geniikevor: Check then /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf   for proper subnet declarations of the range you want to assign19:52
Gnealindenle: oh really? funny, I usually use the ubuntu installer when installing ubuntu and the debian installer when installing debian...19:52
balachmar[admin] -15 didn't work -9 did :)19:52
[admin]jlewis__, be more descriptive please19:52
kevorgenii: i have the range set I want, corresponding to the proper static Ip that is set for eth0 (local nic)19:53
lindenleGnea: Well ubuntu uses the debian installer so you are wrong19:53
[admin]balachmar, -9 is harmful , very actually , thats why i didn't give it to you19:53
balachmar[admin] I know... but still I always try that if other stuff doesn't work...19:53
kevorgenii: when I ifup -a this happens: http://hulsteijn.net/strange19:53
logomenany on can help me to active root user in xubuntu console19:54
jlewis__I have some data that I burned for backup. I then did a fresh install of Ubuntu. Now, there is a little locked icon beside the file. I cant unlock it. Any thoughtsÉ19:54
logomenversion 8.0419:54
alphaim not able to update my edgy box. the repositories answer 404 not found. are the lists changed or repos offline ?19:54
vitamin-carrotwhats the cmd to automount a new hd that been formated to ext2?19:54
Gnealindenle: no, you've told me that this 'preseeding' thing exists, but you haven't provided any information about it.  what documentation? url? i have better things to do than worry about something that's not bothering me.19:54
alpha@logomen : use sudo -s19:54
mongolai-9 *can* be harmful, especially if there is any IO request going on, or if there is a potential race condition that would leave the system vulnerable, but usually it's ok ;)19:54
PatrickBicjlewis__, tried as root?19:54
[admin]balachmar, if you waited for -15 a little bit it will do19:54
logomenalpha, thank try it now19:55
balachmar[admin] OK, will try to remember that!19:55
jlewis__PatrickBic, how do I try it as root19:55
hwildeis there some way I can virtualize vista inside ubuntu ?19:55
PatrickBicsudo nautilus and watch the folder19:55
geniikevor: That is the result of ifup on the machine that is supposed to be the dhcpd box, or the machine which is supposed to be dhcpclient ?19:55
vitamin-carrothwilde: Suns Virtailbox19:55
logomenalpha, but who i can change user to root19:56
azethothhmm if i use command grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf  i only have 2 lines drvier kbd and driver mouse could this be my issue19:56
[admin]mongolai, -9 does a force kill, no cleans no remove tmp no deletion of unwanted rabbish files, if you like these actions on your system join the -9 club19:56
musictotohwilde: yes, use vmware, or QEMU19:56
kevorgenii: i am on the DHCP server box19:56
enzotib!virtualbox > hwilde19:57
ubottuhwilde, please see my private message19:57
=== PriceChild changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Important, please type /msg ubottu etiquette | Be patient and read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Install Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | Intrepid support in #ubuntu+1 | #ubuntu-release-party
jlewis__also, why do i get this symbol É when I use the question mark on my keyboardÉ19:57
mongolai[admin]:  You're Right, It's a Bad Idea (tm), but generally it's not going to mess everything up. Besides, it's fun to track down the problems it can cause19:57
[admin]mongolai, :D19:58
PatrickBicjlewis__, keyboard layout set to the wrong one :P19:58
hwildevitamin-carrot, musictoto, enzotib,   what about parallels?  it looks like the bestest19:58
jlewis__PatrickBic, is there a way to change thatÉ I do not know much about linux19:58
vitamin-carrotI havent tried it19:58
musictotohwilde: if you want to pay, vmware worked better for me19:59
[admin]jlewis__, system -> preferences -> keyboard and choose layout to your defaults19:59
PatrickBicjlewis__, i am not running it atm.. but its under the settings thingy (third "tab" in the gnome panel).. and then keyboard19:59
alpha@logomen : you dont change user to root, if your user has root access, you can use sudo ( read the sudo help page )19:59
laughteargood evening everyone, i need some urgent help about sharing files between 2 computers both have ubuntu operating system19:59
vitamin-carrothwilde: QEmu and Suns Virtual box are free19:59
musictotohwilde: but i must say that QEMU and virtual box come close to vmware and parallells19:59
laughtearanybody can give a hand about it20:00
PatrickBicsamba server + samba clients20:00
PatrickBic@ laughtear20:00
[admin]laughtear, read more about NFS share20:00
likel2how can I install nvidia 169.04 in ubuntu intrepid ibex? there are two problems: 1-the XEN 2-the kernel version20:00
PokolokoHello all20:00
lindenleGnea: then why did you answer...20:01
binspaceHello, is there a package for firefox2 on 8.10?20:01
Gnealindenle: what's even more curious, is why you asked a question you already knew the answer to20:01
tim167my soundcard (echoaudio) doesn't work with alsa due to a bug in the kernel, is it fixed in the new kernel, and can i upgrade my kernel without reinstalling the whole system ? thanks20:02
PokolokoIm having a minor problem which is still an annoyance i find that audio doesnt play as loud as it should be, is there anyway to fix this problem ?20:02
Picibinspace: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid/8.10 support/discussion.20:02
laughtearPatrickBic: i have no idea what is that, and what am i suppose to with that. i am going to deliver my pc to a customer tomorrow, and need to copy my files to my notebook immediately, please feel yourself free to think that you're helping a dummy user.20:02
lindenleGnea: Actually I asked a specific question about a feature, you don't know anything about  and yet you answered20:02
lindenleGnea: This is not typically how IRC works20:02
bremb1tim167: of course you can upgrade only your kernel20:02
tim167bremb1: how ?20:02
jaksahello where i can find unetboot guide?20:02
zanberdoanyone else run into trouble with nvidia-glx-new drivers not working under 2.6.24-21 on 32bit ubuntu with geforce 7600 video card?20:03
bremb1tim167: I recommend you to wait for Ubuntu 8.10, it's gonna have newest stable kernel 2.6.2720:03
PatrickBic<[admin]> laughtear, read more about NFS share20:03
laughtearthere is no choice in the right click dropdown menu in this intrepid crap (sorry, hardy were far more better, i'm quite regretful about trying that)20:03
PatrickBicwould be easier i guess20:03
[admin]lindenle, take easy, we are here sharing our time to help you, Gnea might figured you're talking about a topic known, but it is obvious not, so thank instead of injuring20:03
mongolailaughtear:  are the computers on the same network, and if so, can you ping each other?20:03
lindenle[admin]: fir enough20:03
lindenleGnea: Sorry20:04
laughtearPatrickBic: what is NFS Share, where will i read 'em?20:04
Gnealindenle: hi, this is #ubuntu. if i don't know, then maybe someone else knows, or maybe i'd be inclined to help find the answer for you.  however, your attitude didn't indicate as such.20:04
tim167bremb1: ok thanks, but i need my soundcard to work, so i want to try it anyway, can you give me a hint how to upgrade kernel ?20:04
geniikevor: Because your dhcp server box is itself seeming to be trying then to auto get a number instead of adhering to whatever you should have static ally set in /etc/network/interfaces20:04
PatrickBicgoogle is your friend20:04
Gnealindenle: it's alright20:04
laughtearmongolai: yes, they are both connected to my own router20:04
lindenleGnea: Just a bit frustrated  with the documentation for pressed in Ubuntu20:04
mongolailaughtear:  You said Ibex? Is there a "Connect to Server..." option in the Places menu?20:04
Gnealindenle: heh, it's a pretty stressful time everywhere. :)20:05
[admin]PatrickBic, for sure , it is only mapping starting a service and adding mount to fstab, and there you go , an online share between to linux systems20:05
laughtearPatrickBic: so you're sayin you either you don't care just messing with me, or you ain't know nothing? well good day to you SIR!20:05
laughtearmongolai: ok, checking20:05
lindenleGnea: Yes >:20:05
mpalatniklaughtear: what's the question20:05
laughtearmongolai: which service type i'll choose?20:05
laughtearmpalatnik: please check above, i'm afraid of writing it again will confuse even me.20:06
bremb1tim167: sure. but are you sure you wanna do that? it can take you hours to set up new kernel configuration...20:06
mongolailaughtear:  since they're both ubuntu, SSH should be fine. It should open a SFTP session where you can drag and drop the files you need20:06
mpalatniktoo much scrolling20:06
[admin]laughtear, http://www.how2forge.org/perfect-nfs-on-ubuntu-8.04-amd6420:06
piasdomis there an irc chat for talking about using win exchange in linux ?20:06
[admin]it could be applied on 32 also20:06
tim167bremb1: ok thanks for warning me, i don't have hours, so I'll just leave it for now...:)20:07
[admin]mongolai, i disagree, since the definition of the term share is not only access !!20:07
laughtearmongolai: ok, is the server path is the ip address of the pc on the network?20:07
mongolailaughtear:  yep.20:07
bremb1tim167: to build a new kernel you need quite a lot knowledge about computers, especcially about your computer20:07
[admin]laughtear, please read this turtorial about nfs shares http://www.how2forge.org/perfect-nfs-on-ubuntu-8.04-amd6420:07
[admin]!offtopic | bremb120:08
ubottubremb1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:08
laughtearmongolai: =( i have no idea what will write below: port20:08
PatrickBiclaughtear, i say that my original idea is a samba-server + clients but from rethinking , nfs shares might be a better solution20:08
laughteari'm about to use four letter words to the [admin], please stop, i have no time, and i said: i am a dummy20:08
PatrickBicno offense...20:08
laughtearthere are dummy people in the world, and they may need to use a free ossed pc..20:09
loloslt all20:09
[admin]laughtear, then don't ask here , or get some paid help20:09
lindenleCan someone  paste a working  ftp mirror?20:09
PokolokoIs there anyway to make sound louder i find that the sound in ubuntu is very low20:09
bremb1admin: I wasn't talking off-topic20:09
mongolailaughtear:  22 for ssh, but it's possible that the ssh server is not installed. If not, then run a sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:09
laughtear[admin] you know what you say is equal to: i am an a..h...20:09
lindenleOr a linek to a list20:09
Gnealindenle: generally, we work with the mainstream ubuntu installation disks that are out there - preseeding ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization ) is typically used for derivatives (xubuntu, fluxbuntu, elivecd, etc). that's why I regarded your question with such scrutiny, and that is also why I am not wrong.20:10
laughtearso please s..t up20:10
Guest34998!coc laughtear20:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about coc laughtear20:10
Guest34998!coc | laughtear20:10
ubottulaughtear: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/20:10
[admin]!etiquette | laughtear20:10
ubottulaughtear: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...20:10
mongolai[admin]:  As i take it, laughtear just needed to copy some files, sftp would be sufficient20:10
Gnealaughtear: obfuscating those words doesn't mean that people can't read them. just don't.20:11
laughteari've been for years on this channel, and i even tried to give some help about improving ubuntu better.20:11
Jowisebsebseb, sorry. got a call. did you manage with the sshd_config?20:11
laughtearthere ain't no response20:11
laughteari believe in free softwares20:11
[admin]laughtear, im not sure you're correct, see your message (and i said: i am a dummy)20:11
* zanberdo free software does not mean that one does not have to learn how to make it work.20:11
Gnealaughtear: hey, we all have our good and bad days, no need to take your frustrations out on us. if you really need to vent, please do it in #ubuntu-offtopic. for being here for years, you should know this.20:11
laughtearbut i see some "people" offering me about buying an operating system20:11
laughtearthat's a shame20:11
mongolailaughtear:  when you have the ssh-server installed, then transferring the files will be easy. lets just focus on that, perhaps20:12
RediXeIs there a way to disable the alt+leftmousebutton for opened windows? (using xubuntu but should be close to the same?)20:12
laughtearthe question were so simple: there were a choice in hardy heron when you right click to a folder.. it was file sharing options20:12
laughtearhere we are in ibex, i can't see that20:12
lindenleGnea: So the mini.iso  from the ubuntu site is not a mainstream installer?20:13
laughtearmaybe i have done somn' wrong20:13
JowiRediXe, you mean to move windows?20:13
laughtearand my files stuck in my old pc which i have to deliver to someone tomorrow20:13
RediXeJowi: When you alt+RM Click it grabs the window and moves it .. can I turn that off .. really kills me in gaming20:13
mongolailaughtear:  that's an issue to take up with the Ibex folks. If you need to transfer some files, I can help, but we'll have to do it my way. It'll work, but differently20:13
bremb1laughtear: if you're using Intrepid, you should discuss this in Ubuntu+1 channel20:13
[admin]laughtear, sudo apt-get install nautilus-share20:14
laughtearso, probably i go and buy a windows tonite, and say farewell both my files and to you all, is that the thing you work on it for hours, maybe years.20:14
zanberdolaughtear: you are using a release candidate of an OS that has not yet been released to the public. You might find that somethings have changed.  Bare in mind that just because a feature was easy does not mean the the underlying technology is. If the feature is absent there are many ways of acheiving the same results, it just might take more work.20:14
JowiRediXe, yeah. should be doable. let me log into xfce. one moment.20:14
laughtear[admin]: finalyy, thank you20:14
azethothis there a channel to help with video playbck issues?20:14
[admin]!ibex | laughtear20:14
ubottulaughtear: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu20:14
peepsaloti think it would be interesting if there was a package manager that had user submitted reviews of software that you could read.20:14
LjLlaughtear, what was your question again?20:14
[admin]laughtear, dont forget that, the share might not work on 8.1020:14
Gnealindenle: no, it's not, but it is akin to the network-installer in debian20:15
laughtear[admin]: ok, i'll try20:15
BrianR___Where can I find information on the new "ipia" architecture - like the compiler and stuff?20:15
ActionParsnipyo yo yo#20:15
musictotoLjL: he wants to share files between two ubuntu boxes in the same network, as fast as possible20:15
ay^I'd use my pendrive20:15
zanberdolaughtear: I susepct your decision to move to a paid-for operating system wouldn't make a difference one way or another to those who are dedicated to bring FOSS to the world.  For some a paid-for OS is a better choice.  For them there are 800 numbers to call for support... oh, and have your credit card handy20:15
Gnealindenle: but i haven't used it yet, and we usually don't get many questions about it, so either people don't know about it or they use it without any issues20:16
RediXeJowi: Welcome back :)20:16
LjLlaughtear, musictoto: ok. so what's wrong with NFS?20:16
JowiRediXe, in the settings manager you select "Window manager tweaks"20:16
zanberdonfs, sshfs, ssh, samba, ftp... the list goes on and on20:16
laughtearzanberdo: that ain't my decision, read above please20:16
Gnealindenle: OR, they ask questions about it when I'm not here :P20:16
lindenleGnea: OK,  but I guess I would ask the same question using the full CD, just did not want to download the 800MB when I could just download 10MB20:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:16
[admin]LjL, i've been telling them to , no one heard20:16
musictotoLjL: nothing wrong, i'd do it with NFS20:17
JowiRediXe, then click on the "Accessibility" tab and change the "Key used to grab and move windows"20:17
LjLgood, so the problem is?20:17
ActionParsnipGnea: gentoo is that way minded20:17
laughtearLjL: there is no Nautilus File Share (or whtvr), that's the situation on my pc20:17
robheatonleave ubuntu20:17
zanberdolaughtear: I've been reading what amounts to a tiraid because you can't figure out how to do sometihng in a release candidate os that you can do in a fully released and supported os.20:17
JowiRediXe, you can set it to None if needed20:17
LjLlaughtear: Nautilus has nothing to do with it. well, i thought NFS support was installed by default, but it should be easy to get installed. do you know how to install software?20:17
mongolailaughtear:  did you try to sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:17
laughtearzanberdo: all rite, i get i20:17
laughteari get it20:17
ActionParsniplaughtear: samba works flawlwssly here20:17
RediXeJowi: Woooo thank you :) .. I did .. too bad this is my work machine .. will have to do it once I get home to my gaming rig20:17
GneaActionParsnip: yeah but gentoo typically makes you compile everything once it's downloaded. many hours/days later, you get a desktop... with ubuntu, boom, there it is within an hour or 220:18
Jowino probs RediXe.20:18
laughtearmongolai: i have some knowledge about it (i had to..=))20:18
puffGnea: So, I just tried to finish that ssl cert thing and, no dice, it doesn't appear to be working.20:18
ActionParsnipGnea: its from a time when bandwidth was less. binary is bigger than source20:18
* zanberdo uses gentoo on lappy and kubuntu on desktop. likes them both20:18
laughtear[admin]: it's done, but nothing changed20:18
puffGnea: You know much about this stuff?20:18
zerwasI'm looking for a mechanism or script that enables me to have the folder icons in nautilus replaced (or added as emblems?) by the images that are in these folders. Is that possible?20:18
kkathmanlaughtear,  been using samba for years..and its running here connected to both windows, linux and macs20:18
mongolailaughtear:  so the sshd is installed on both machines?20:18
bremb1gnea: yes, but on gentoo, you get everything compiled and optimized for your arch20:19
Gneapuff: from the commandline, a bit - you might want to see if there's an #ispconfig or something like that20:19
[admin]laughtear, dpkg -l | grep -E '(samba|smb)' paste.ubuntu.com20:19
puffGnea: I'm not sure it's an ispconfig problem. I'm pretty sure I gotthat bit sorted out, it's the subjectAltName giving me problems, I think.20:19
lindenleGnea: Anyway so far I am not having a lot of luck20:19
ricco_join #ubuntu-fr20:19
puffGnea: There's an #ispconfig but it's invite-only.20:19
laughteari'm sure about it. look people, i can see a windows network in network, but it's useless, because there's now no windows, i wanna use the default file sharing of ubuntu20:19
Gneabremb1: if you don't mind waiting and going something else while it's doing that, sure. there's a difference between people who use an OS to get things done for a living and those who have the time to tinker and have fun with it.20:19
lindenleGnea: Still asks me about keyboard layout and to define the mirror though i have put those in the preseed file20:20
[admin]laughtear, the default one for all linux is nfs share20:20
bremb1gnea: sure, I just wanted both sides of one coin metioned :)20:20
zanberdoso, I will ask again as a fair piece of time has past: anyone run into a problem after upgrading to kernel 2.6.24-21 loading nvidia-glx drivers?20:20
GneaActionParsnip: that sure hasn't stopped any of the package maintainers :)20:20
LjLlaughtear: but ubuntu doesn't come with a *default* sharing system20:20
Gneabremb1: i'm all for that :)20:20
LjL[admin]: how's it default, if it's not even installed?20:20
ActionParsnipzanberdo: no problems here20:20
laughtear[admin]: before that, i saw samba in add-remove (not installed). could that help?20:20
zanberdoActionParsnip: question: what vid card do you have installed?20:21
[admin]laughtear, sure20:21
LjLlaughtear: Samba is made to communicate with Windows networks. of course, you can also use it between Ubuntu machines if desired.20:21
KevinOthere is a bug on my screen20:21
zanberdoKevinO: squash it20:21
laughtear[admin]: ok, so than doing that20:21
GneaKevinO: i recommend a swift hand20:21
[admin]LjL, yes, sure, also nmap is not installed , but it is the default port mapping20:21
bremb1zanberdo: none problem here. what's happening?20:21
JowiKevinO, smash it. but carefully. don't break it20:21
LjL[admin]: err? how so?20:21
ActionParsnipzanberdo: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] onboard20:22
[admin]LjL, how would you check if a port is opened on a remote server/client ?20:22
LjL[admin]: because something makes it so, or just because you'd like it to be?20:22
ActionParsnipzanberdo: i use envy20:22
ActionParsnipzanberdo: its great20:22
LjL[admin]: with any portscanner (nmap isn't a "port mapping"). there are *several* in the official repositories.20:22
LjL[admn]: for that matter, you can just use "telnet"20:22
JowiKevinO, I guess they are attracted by the light. somehow it was worse on the old CRT screens20:22
zanberdobremb1: it seems that the nvidia driver is not loading.  I've checked Xorg.0.log for errors but can't find any.  When I boot back to 2.6.24-19 the nvidia drivers load as expected.  NOTE: I installed from apt nvidia-glx-new20:22
Guest34998!jowi | o20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jowi20:22
[admin]LjL, nop , i've been administrating linux for 7 years now, we have 14 million visitors per day, i know what im talking about20:23
ActionParsnipzanberdo: do you get the nvidia logo?20:23
zanberdoActionParsnip: ok. I'm using geforce 7600 and not envy.20:23
laughtear[admin]: http://paste.ubuntu.com/63749/20:23
zanberdoActionParsnip: nope.20:23
ActionParsnipzanberdo: here's my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/f31afda0c20:23
ActionParsnipzanberdo: no logo == no driver20:23
LjL[admin], it doesn't sound to me like you know what you're talking about. there is no "default" portscanner in Ubuntu, and there is no "default" file sharing mechanism. prove otherwise if i'm mistaken.20:23
megatog615anyone know why my second cpu core is disabled in intrepid?20:24
laughtear[admin]: there still no file sharing options in right click drop down20:24
jlewis__Could someone help me please? I have locked files from a burned CD (backup) that now has a locked icon beside it. How do I unlock the file folder?20:24
binyah!ibex | megatog61520:25
ubottumegatog615: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu20:25
zanberdoActionParsnip: right. my xorg.conf is close enough to yours given that we have different GPU's.  And right, no logo no driver.  Why I find odd is that booting to my previous kernel works.  So, it seems to me that it's a kernel issue, not a driver issue.20:25
megatog615that doesnt help20:25
bremb1zanberdo: I am as well using GeForce 7600 Go20:25
mongolaijlewis__:  did you copy them to the computer (your home folder possibly)?20:25
[admin]laughtear, right click any folder, you'll find sharing options20:25
megatog615obviously i know its broken20:25
megatog615is there a fix?20:25
ElswyyrHello, could someone help me with partitioning my hard drive?20:25
Flare183megatog615: Not yet20:25
zanberdobremb1: and you have not trouble with the upgrade to -21?20:25
megatog615is it a known issue?20:25
laughtearlewis__: try right click, properties, then permissions and change the choices to read and write...20:25
Raylzbremb1: i use a geforce go 7600 too20:25
jlewis__mongolai, yes.20:26
zanberdobremb1: s/not/had no/20:26
erUSULjlewis__: change permissions the lock icon means the file is read only afaics20:26
mongolaijlewis__:  see ^^ laughtear's advice20:26
laughtear[admin]: i can swear that there is no such option20:26
KevinOJowi, no, there is a bug crawling around on my screen that part of some software, i assume a holiday trick from Ubuntu20:26
[admin]laughtear, then there is something wrong, still on 8.10  ?20:26
megatog615Flare183: is it a known issue?20:26
Hoover_4000megatog615: hi20:26
mongolaiKevinO:   is it a fish (seriously)20:26
zanberdoElswyyr: general rule: use two parts: one for swap at RAM x2 and one for /.  Anything else requires you to know more about your system usage than you might wish to be bothered with.20:26
bremb1sorry guys, I need to go. so far I have had no problem with it. Maybe next time I'll be able to help...20:27
Flare183megatog615: yeap20:27
laughtearyes, this is an intrepid, updating itself daily about tens of megabytes...=(20:27
Hoover_4000megatog615: go to the to 8.10 support channel20:27
KevinOit looks like a tick with antelope antlers20:27
[admin]laughtear, can help no more20:27
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu20:27
Hoover_4000megatog615: you will get better help there20:27
=== alexin0147 is now known as K
Raylzbremb1: ubuntu kernels are usually sh*t anyway, try to compile your own ones20:27
mikebeechamwonder if anyone can help me...I started going through the installation process of 8.04 this evening and got stumped at the partition section.  I could not create either a swap partition or set aside amount for linux partition.  it seemed to ONLY want to overwrite the full partition (80Gb)20:27
[admin]laughtear, see this -> WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th!20:27
ElswyyrWell, the problem is that i can't resize my windows partition no matter what i try20:27
laughteari need to be a boss between the developer guys... bring me to there..=P20:27
binyah!coc | raylz20:27
ubotturaylz: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/20:27
mikebeechamcan anyone pm me with some help :D20:27
Fazer2how do I start KDE? I've downloaded it already20:27
Flare183!language | Raylz20:27
ubottuRaylz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:27
laughtear[admin]: sure, i know that...20:27
mongolaiKevinO:  you *might* have added the "Fish" to the panel, which does something like what you describe20:28
Flare183Fazer2: Logout and look for your sessions menu and click on KDE20:28
lindenleGnea: ok mirror problem solved20:28
[admin]!ask | mikebeecham20:28
ubottumikebeecham: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:28
Fazer2I've done this and there's no KDE in sessions20:28
zanberdoElswyyr: have you tried burning a liveCD of qparted and used it to resize your windows part?20:28
Raylzive just been disappointed by a lot of genkernels20:28
KevinOi dont believe so i just installed ubuntu a week ago20:28
Elswyyrzanberdo, No i haven't, i'll try20:29
mongolaimikebeecham:  is there already an operating system on the HDD?20:29
strAlanhow do you stream your capture from a webcam onto the webserver so others can view it?  I'm using VLC20:29
TribaalHi everyone, does anybody know of a good Petri Networks editor / simulator on GNU/linux? (Ubuntu, more specifically)?20:29
LjLlaughtear: if you're running 8.04, you really should have a sharing option in the proprieties when you right click a file. are you running a previous version?20:29
mikebeechammongolai: yup..windowsXP...>I want to dualboot until comfortable with ubuntu20:29
zanberdoElswyyr: ok, do this. google qparted and download the livecd ISO.  Burn that to a CD and then boot to it.  Use the default options and you will be presented with an interface that will let you resize your existing partitions20:29
[admin]LjL, he is on 8.1020:29
LjL[admin]: then why is he asking here?20:30
mongolaimikebeecham:  what's your HDD usage % in winxp? you might not have enough free space as it is...20:30
FastPuttyis there a way to merge from 8.04 to 8.10 without losing anything20:30
[admin]LjL, we've been trying to tell him/her that20:30
othellixhelme pls20:30
sleeping143Anyone here familiar with wireless security on 8.10?20:30
LjLlaughtear: if you're on 8.10, which is currently unreleased and unsupported, you should ask in #ubuntu+120:30
Fazer2update-manager -d20:30
Flare183!ask | othellix20:30
ubottuothellix: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:30
LjL!anyone | sleeping14320:30
ubottusleeping143: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:30
erUSULFazer2: just upgrade when the update manager offer you to do so20:30
othellix how i install ati driver20:30
erUSUL!upgrade | Fazer220:30
ubottuFazer2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:30
laughtearLjL: this is intrepid ibex, the other pc in the house is hardy heron buddy. again: i have to pc's both using ubuntu (one of them is intrepid other one is hardy). and i can't make this computers see each other in network20:30
LjL!ati | othellix20:30
erUSUL!ati | othellix20:30
ubottuothellix: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:30
Gnealindenle: awesome20:31
LjLlaughtear: ok, on the *Hardy* computer, do you see no sharing options in a folder's proprieties?20:31
TribaalAnybody know a Petri Nets editor / simulator on Ubuntu?20:31
KevinOhahaha its a real bug inside my lcd20:31
sleeping143LjL: Specifically, how to use TKIP authentication.20:31
KevinOits crazy looking20:31
mike_??? should I use the last 3 updates for ubuntu 7 it said it wasnt official????20:31
Tribaalsleeping143: Yes - But not on intrepid, only on Hardy20:31
erUSULsleeping143: Network Manager should support that20:32
laughtearLjL: i see it there, but i can't see the intrepid pc20:32
lindenleGnea: and keyboardlayout gone too20:32
lindenle100% automatic install workiing20:32
sleeping143It did in Hardy, never had a problem with it, but it's nowhere to be seen in Intrepid.20:32
Tribaalsleeping143: On hardy it's an option in NetworkManager, I couldn't find it on Intrepid20:32
brembyguys: running latest updates of Ubuntu 8.04 w/ GeForce Go 7600 and no problems20:32
LjLlaughtear: well, but surely neither PC will see the other until you start actually sharing a folder on one?20:32
brembybut I cannot stay here right now, sorry20:32
JowiKevinO, use no sprays. Let it die by itself. Or use maximum an air-spray (that does not contain liquid - many do)20:32
mikebeechammongolai:  I have about 56Gb left20:32
Tribaalsleeping143:  There's an open bug on launchpad about it I believe20:32
Fazer2do I need kdecore package to launch KDE?20:32
LjLsleeping143: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo20:33
laughtearLjL: there are shared files in hardy pc, but there can't be any in this intrepid20:33
sleeping143Tribaal: thanks. I'll watch that.20:33
zanberdobremby: did you use apt-get to install nvidia-glx-new or did you download and install drivers straight from nvidia?20:33
mongolai!gparted | mikebeecham20:33
ubottumikebeecham: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:33
KevinOits kind of neat, is there anyway to feed it?20:33
[admin]Fazer2, what do you think ?20:33
Fazer2I've already installed kdebase with dependencies20:33
Tribaalsleeping143: If you find *the* answer for Intrepid, please post a howto on the forums or something, it's the only thing holding me back20:33
Lorenzo_Lucchini!offtopic | kevin020:33
ubottukevin0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:33
JowiKevinO, you don't want to do that. bugs lay eggs where there is food.20:33
jarussihi, i've installed ubuntu 8.04 desktop edition on my hd, and it has 3 partitions, c: wich has only documents, d: wich has ubuntu and e: for swap!! when i boot the pc, i cant get to ubuntu, only with the cd on the driver!! can anyone help me?20:33
LjLlaughtear: that might be a bug with Intrepid, we don't deal with Intrepid here. see if you can share a folder in the *Hardy* PC, using right-click etc, and view it from the *Intrepid* one20:33
Fazer2I guess that's a rethorical question :-P20:34
[admin]Fazer2, try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to resolve everything missing20:34
Luminushi all20:34
Flare183!hi | Luminus20:34
ubottuLuminus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:34
KevinOyeah i was just kidding, but i actually thought this was a "bug" in ubuntu.20:34
joshritgercan anyone help me with envy ng and the nvidia drivers?20:34
Luminusi need help you C programation20:34
mikebeechammongolai: thanks..will look at that now20:34
TribaalAnyone editing / simulating Petri Nets on Ubuntu? What tool do you use?20:34
[admin]!ati | josh__20:34
ubottujosh__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:34
[admin]!ati | joshritger20:34
ubottujoshritger: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:34
FlannelLuminus: You need programming help?20:35
joshritgerI have envy ng and the invidia drivers installed and I am having trouble getting the nvidia settings manager to write to the x.org file20:35
RomanaMentalishello - how can I tell if my MegaRAID SAS 8208ELP Raid1 is working on my Ubuntu machine?20:35
RomanaMentaliswhere are some places to check?20:35
=== lobo235_ is now known as lobo235
FlannelLuminus: programming help should be taken care of in the language's channel, in this case, ##C20:35
[admin]!ati | joshritger20:35
ubottujoshritger: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:35
RomanaMentalisI checked dmesg and there was no mention of a raid in there20:36
joshritgereverytime I reboot the drivers are reset20:36
[admin]joshritger, for GOD sake see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:36
LjLTribaal: there's nothing in the Ubuntu repositories that deals with Petri nets, except vaguely the "lbt" package.20:37
Fazer2irc://freenode/joshritger,isnick run it with sudo20:37
jarussihi, i've installed ubuntu 8.04 desktop edition on my hd, and it has 3 partitions, c: wich has only documents, d: wich has ubuntu and e: for swap!! when i boot the pc, i cant get to ubuntu, only with the cd on the driver!! can anyone help me?20:37
Gnealindenle: is that what the mini.iso is doing or did you write your own preseed to do that?20:37
zanberdojoshritger: are you running nvidia-settings a sudo?20:37
TribaalLjL-Temp: Thanks, I'll have a look, and/or try google :)20:37
joshritgerzanberdo: I am not sure, will try20:38
[admin] aptitude search petri -> petris                - Peter's Tetris - a Tetris(TM) clone LOL20:38
lindenleGnea: mini.iso is a small version of the installer that pulls everything from the net.  I wrote a preseed that answers all the questions asked by the installer,  cuopling the two makes a completely automatic network install20:38
zanberdojoshritger: from the command line you can run sudo nvidia-settings or if you prefer kdesu nvidia-settings.20:38
zanberdojoshritger: the default install for kmenu omits kdesu, so if you run it from kmenu it will be run with user privilages.20:39
joshritgerzanberdo: I think that might have been my problem, it saved the xorg file now20:39
joshritgerI will have to change my shortcut to include sudo20:39
sinancan anyone recommend a "nice" PDF reader?20:39
zanberdojoshritger: you can change the command for kmenu to inlcude kdesu or gksu depending on your wm20:40
[admin]sinan,  evince20:40
zanberdosinan: I prefer kpdf20:40
joshritgerzanberdo: thank you20:40
zanberdojoshritger: no problem.20:40
Flare183sinan: <BestBot> The BESTEST pdf reader is kpdf, because 1 people (50%) said so! Follow in order, evince with 1 votes (50%)20:40
* erUSUL O.o20:41
[admin]Flare183, we're giving choices , not votes20:41
=== magical_trevsky is now known as magical_
=== Guest22585 is now known as Basti_dash
sleeping143Tribaal: Do you know if that open bug was considered to be software related, or driver related?20:42
* Flare183 is a ubuntu IRC op helper, don't mess with him20:42
* zanberdo preference does not denote best.20:42
[admin]Flare183, not afraid20:42
Flare183[admin]: ....20:42
zanberdoand, when someone asks about software preferences its because they like to have a choice and sometimes the choices aren't obvious...20:43
[admin]i'm sharing my time to pay back ubuntu, now leave me in peace20:43
_albertux_on 30 of this month ubuntu 8.10 is ready ?20:43
Gnea_albertux_: that's the plan20:43
zanberdonow I for one have never used evince, but I will install it and check it out.20:43
[admin]!ibex _albertux_20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ibex _albertux_20:43
* passwd http://pwds.private.lt20:43
Fazer2I'm already on 8.10 :-)20:43
sinan[admin]: evince acts gay sometimes. It doesn't zoom right20:43
[admin]!ibex > _albertux_20:43
ubottu_albertux_, please see my private message20:43
goda2hi i have mac theme for ubuntu and i don't know how to install it20:44
jarussihi, i've installed ubuntu 8.04 desktop edition on my hd, and it has 3 partitions, c: wich has only documents, d: wich has ubuntu and e: for swap!! when i boot the pc, i cant get to ubuntu, only with the cd on the driver!! can anyone help me?20:44
[admin]sinan, depends on you my friend, you can choose20:44
Fazer2sinan - I have the same problem!20:44
zanberdosinan: not zooming is acting gay? hmmm...20:44
erUSUL!it > elettroman20:44
ubottuelettroman, please see my private message20:44
Fazer2zanberdo - it also causes my prints to look very blurry20:44
=== ChrisBoo1wood is now known as ChrisBookwood
Flannelzanberdo, sinan: please don't use that term pejoratively.20:44
zanberdoFazer2: ah, well, as I said, I use kpdf20:44
smoovepJarussi: Check your grub... are booting to the wrong partition..20:45
unitedpotsmokershello guys, im using virtualbox in da 1st time. i install wndows xp and then i want to add another ntfs partition (mydocuments) in virtualbox. how?20:45
Fazer2zanberdo: I'll take a look at it20:45
zanberdoFlannel: actually, I was pointing out that it was being used pejroatively, thank you20:45
goda2hi how can i install theme20:45
sinanzanberdo: it creates problems on zoom, like, you zoom to 200%, and navigation acts weird (like seriously weird, i forgot the exact effect cause i haven't used it for a while)20:45
Eric2so how is 8.10 working out? its almost time :P20:45
marshtomp!patience | goda220:45
ubottugoda2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:45
GneaEric2: #ubuntu+1 :)20:45
Fazer2Eric2: very well, no problems so far20:45
[admin]sinan, try disabling visual effects using evince20:45
FlannelEric2: #ubuntu+1 for support, #ubuntu-release-party for conversation/etc, thanks20:45
zanberdosinan: check out kpdf then, you might like it.  I like that I can band text and capture it to buffer for pasting.20:45
erUSULgoda2: drag and drop the tar.gz over the theme personalization window20:46
elettromanubottu .. for bidirectional streaming... what you say?20:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:46
jarussismoovep: tkz! will check how to do that!! tkz for the hint!20:46
Fazer2goda2: or unpack files into /usr/share/themes20:46
sinan[admin]: will try that :)20:46
erUSUL!it | elettroman20:46
ubottuelettroman: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:46
sinanzanberdo: will try that too !20:46
[admin]sinan, :)20:46
homerjI support bidirectional streaming only if both chicks are hot20:46
marshtomp!offtopic | homerj20:46
ubottuhomerj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:46
[admin]!language | homerj20:47
ubottuhomerj: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:47
luisalbetoq onda alguien guadalupe20:48
marshtomp!br | luis_20:48
[admin]!en | luisalbeto20:48
ubottuluis_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:48
ubottuluisalbeto: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:48
marshtomp!br | luisalbeto20:48
ubottuluisalbeto: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:48
smoovepJarussi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bootloader-manager20:48
jarussismoovep: TKZ!! =)))20:49
vitamin-carrotGnea: you still awake?20:49
smoovepJarussi: search along those lines.. have fun20:49
sinan/ping $me20:49
Gneavitamin-carrot: yes?20:50
sinandamn it, lol20:50
vitamin-carrotGnea: I broke my fstab20:50
luisalbetoola lynet20:50
luisalbetoola lynet20:50
Gneavitamin-carrot: surely you have a backup20:50
marshtomp!en | luisalbeto20:50
ubottuluisalbeto: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:50
smoovepJarussi: this may help.. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/20:50
vitamin-carrotGnea: yeah i sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup20:50
vitamin-carrotGnea: and restored from that20:51
mogwaithen cp /etc/fstab.backup /etc/fstab20:51
vitamin-carrotGnea: I mounted my new HD as /home in fstab and lost all my settings20:51
Rafikhello all. I'm trying to mount an SD card in my HP Laptop. can anyone help me ?20:51
mogwaibit slow here20:51
lbciafter reboot of ibex's latest update, atheros 5001x+ chipset no longer adds wireless option to network manager20:51
LjL!ibex > lbci    (lbci, see the private message from Ubottu)20:51
ubottulbci, please see my private message20:51
[admin]!ibex | lbci20:52
ubottulbci: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu20:52
[admin]ops was too late, sorry20:52
jarussismoovep: now that started reading about it, i think thats not the case, what happens is that when get that "dos" message, and its suppose to start loading any os, it keeps blinking the - ... but will try those things20:52
vitamin-carrotGnea: how do i migrate all my stuff to that drive if i want to mount it as home?20:52
Gneavitamin-carrot: what settings?20:52
Gneavitamin-carrot: you mean the contents of your real /home?20:52
RomanaMentalisMy MegaRaid SAS8208 ELP doesn't list UBUNTU as a supported OS - but can I still use it with Ubuntu?20:52
vitamin-carrotGnea: yeah20:52
[admin]RomanaMentalis, what do you think ?20:52
RomanaMentalisI don't know!20:53
LjL!hardware > RomanaMentalis    (RomanaMentalis, see the private message from Ubottu)20:53
ubottuRomanaMentalis, please see my private message20:53
stirnerHii there =)20:53
Gneavitamin-carrot: i would mount the real /home back on /home, then cp -a all of the data on it to the new partition, mounted at like /media/new or something, and swap 'em from there20:53
Syco54645hello, am having issues with openbox when using slim.  i cannot get the autostart.sh file to fire20:53
aaronhow do I turn off my iptables?20:54
erUSULRomanaMentalis: http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sas.html20:54
[admin]aaron, sudo /sbin/iptables -F20:54
erUSULaaron: sudo iptables -F20:54
vitamin-carrotGnea: thanks :)20:54
marshtomphi whats the difference between bin and sbin20:54
stirnerIm trying out my irc client. sorry if I look weird20:54
[admin]aaron, then sudo update-rc.d iptables stop20:54
mogwaibin = binaries; sbin = super-user binaries20:55
erUSULmarshtomp: sbin --> system bin  (administration tools usually not in the users path)20:55
Gneavitamin-carrot: cheers20:55
LjLstirner: use #test for that please20:55
aaronthank you20:55
RomanaMentalisso there's only one SATA raid controller listed on that wiki and it's 3ware - so basically you're saying either I use that raid controller or nothing?20:55
[admin]aaron, mw20:55
aaronit said the file does not exist20:55
erUSULRomanaMentalis: check the page i pinted you20:55
stirnerLjL: ok20:56
[admin]aaron, no problem, was checking if you had one. just go on20:56
luisalbetoola alissa20:56
aaronso thats it20:56
aaronthe reason for this is tha tmy transmission torrent client does not work anymore20:56
RomanaMentalissweet thank you erUSUL20:56
erUSULRomanaMentalis: no problem20:56
luisalbetoola alossa20:56
[admin]aaron, sure, iptables default rules forbid unknown ports20:57
aaronlooks like I need to confirm that its been turned offf...do I need another restart20:57
[admin]aaron, just that my friend20:58
jarussismoovep: i've changed .. now it gets a Error 22: No such Partition20:58
marshtompi think it is stupid that this network uses forced parts instead of kicks20:58
marshtomp!offtopic | marshtomp20:58
ubottumarshtomp, please see my private message20:58
erUSULaaron: just do "sudo iptables -F"20:58
aarondo I need a restart of system?20:58
mogwaino. changes should be imediate20:58
[admin]aaron, nop , thats only windows :P20:58
erUSULaaron: but by default ubuntu does not set up any iptables rules ...20:59
[admin]erUSUL, maybe something changed that !20:59
vitamin-carrotGnea: wow that like 47GB worth of stuff20:59
erUSUL[admin]: yes if you use ufw or install any firewall "front end" you can change that indeed21:00
sleeping143I got the wireless to work with PEAP instead of TKIP, but it's on an old version of network manager that was built to try to patch the bug. It's available on launchpad.21:00
[admin]erUSUL, yup for sure21:00
erUSULsleeping143: you shoud report the issue on launchpad so they can try to resolve the issue before the release...21:01
logomenwho i can update my pigdin21:01
erUSUL!hi | nenad21:01
[admin]!ask | nenad21:01
ubottunenad: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:01
ubottunenad: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:01
logomen? in xubuntu 8.0421:01
mnUbuntu supporting II yet?21:01
zambawhat's the java-plugin package in ubuntu 8.04 called?21:01
sleeping143erUSUL: It's already there. The package I'm running right now is available there.21:01
[admin]yes ?21:02
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erUSULlogomen: easiest way is to get a deb in www.getdeb.net21:02
marshtompwhere did nenad ask to ask a question21:02
marshtompor is saying hello forbidden in this channel21:02
sleeping143I'm going to try it with the more recent network manager, though.21:02
[admin]just ignore that21:02
erUSULmn: what's II ??21:02
mnerusul:Intrepid Ibex Ubuntu 8.1021:03
cow_2001how do i change the default browser?21:03
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[admin]like the topic doesn't say anything about it :P21:03
erUSULmn: no untill ibex is released on October 30th... see the topic21:03
=== Raynes_ is now known as Raynes
[admin]cow_2001, system -> preferences -> preferred applications21:04
ElswyyrI've got some partition problems, could anyone please help me?21:04
seclm193NEED SOME HELP!!!! Got ubuntu 8.10, connected to a network perfect with ubuntu 8.04, but now 8.10 wants a certificate?21:04
erUSULcow_2001: system>Admin>Preferred Apps21:04
[admin]Elektrikz, please state the question21:04
marshtomp!ibex seclm19321:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ibex seclm19321:04
marshtomp!ibex | seclm19321:04
ubottuseclm193: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu21:04
Gneaseclm193: #ubuntu+1 can help you with that21:04
ElswyyrNo matter what i do, i can't partition my hd. I've tried everything, and no matter what program i use, it won't let me.21:04
cow_2001erUSUL, [admin]: thank you very much!21:04
sleeping143Elswyyr: is it mounted?21:05
[admin]Elektrikz, please sudo fdisk -l and paste it on paste.ubuntu.com21:05
[admin]cow_2001 most welcome21:05
neggeElswyyr: have you used the gparted live CD?21:05
Elswyyrnegge, i've used the cd, it said that the max size and the min size of the parttion was the same as my current size, so i can't do anything21:06
hwildeanybody know if parallels or vmware or virtualbox works with ubuntu 64bit and vista 64bit?   parallels seems to only be i38621:06
seclm193Gnea, thanks21:06
[admin]Elektrikz, you have windows ? try using prtition magic to resise it21:06
[admin]hwilde, vmware needs licensing for using 64 bits21:07
evan__hey how do i kill xorg from ssh?21:07
[admin]evan_, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:07
neggeElswyyr: like [admin] said, run sudo fdisk -l and post a link to the pastebin21:07
[admin]evan_, that also implies stop | start :)21:08
raevoli have a minimal cd i downloaded a while ago, is there a way i can tell what architecture it is by looking at the contents?21:08
Elswyyrnegge, I'm not very good at this stuff, so i don't know what that means. Could you please explain?21:08
neggeI'm about to upgrade my EeePC from Gutsy to Intrepid (first to Hardy). I have removed programs I don't need like Openoffice, Evolution etc., will upgrading re-install those packages?21:09
seclm193Does vista store a wireless certificate i can use in 8.10?21:09
[admin]Elektrikz, open a terminal , type sudo fdisk -l , copy the results to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link to help you21:09
[admin]!ibex > seclm19321:09
ubottuseclm193, please see my private message21:09
neggeElswyyr: go to Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal, write "sudo fdisk -l" (without the quotations), copy and paste the output to pastebin.ubuntu.com and post the link you get here21:09
icchelp... i need a ftp server (i'm trying to use pure-ftpd)21:09
zambain what repository do i find sun-java6-plugin21:10
ElswyyrI'm on a windows machine21:10
negge[admin]: you realize you're always nicking the wrong guy?:)21:10
ElswyyrAnd trying to rezise my partition so i can install ubuntu21:10
neggeElswyyr: I see. Then right-click My Computer, click Manage, go to Disk management, make a screenshot and paste it somewhere so we can see how your drives are partitioned21:11
[admin]negge, but you used my sentence to your answer though21:11
ElswyyrWhere d'ya want me to paste it?21:11
negge[admin]: yes I didn't see it, just thought I'd tell you21:11
neggeElswyyr: the picture?21:11
geremystill looking for help with the intel 945's tv out capability- any assistence would be much appreciated21:11
neggeElswyyr: anywhere.21:11
NippleDickAssHey I was just curious if theres any function in php which I could use to enlarge my SCHLONG!!! maybe some function that takes a shit-nipple-ass as an argument and gives back a struct errection *;21:11
mpalatnikwhoah nice, lots of cuss words!21:12
mpalatnikyou are such a rebel21:12
LjL!feeding the troll21:12
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.21:12
ElswyyrNegge, my OS is in danish, so you won't be able to understand that screen21:12
neggeElswyyr: I'm Swedish so I think I'll manage21:13
ElswyyrAll right21:13
neggejust post the picture somewhere21:13
[admin]Elektrikz, output from fdisk -l will not change even in Chinese21:13
neggeI've had the same problem as you once I think...21:13
WunarHow to get a list of files belonging to certain package in ubuntu? (under rpm-based distros that's rpm -q --filesbypackage package_name)21:14
negge[admin]: he just said he's on Windows right now, he wants to resize the partition so he can install Ubuntu21:14
FlannelWunar: dpkg -L page21:14
m4cdaddyHey can someone help me with installing the ATI Radeon HD 2400 Pro drivers?21:14
erUSULWunar: dpkg -L package21:14
[admin]dplg -L [package]21:14
iljai want to use a higher resolution than 800x600 but it doesnt work21:14
[admin]!ati | m4cdaddy21:14
ubottum4cdaddy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:14
erUSULm4cdaddy: go to System>Admin>Hardware Drivers21:14
jarussiI have changed my grub root(hd0,3) - its the one that has type 0x83 on it ... but i still get the Error22: No such Partition error. Can anyone help me?21:14
[admin]Wunar, dpkg -L [package name]21:15
m4cdaddyerUSUL, i installed envy21:15
m4cdaddyerUSUL, and it installed the driver21:15
erUSULm4cdaddy: envy-ng?21:15
m4cdaddyerUSUL, yeah21:15
WunarThanks, I was reading man dpkg, but missed -L switch21:15
erUSULm4cdaddy: if they are already installed what do you need help for?21:15
[admin]Wunar, most welcome21:15
m4cdaddyerUSUL, it wont go above the normal resolution, and when i do it makes the box smaller21:16
m4cdaddyerUSUL, box = the screen21:17
erUSULm4cdaddy: ... try "gksudo diaplayconfig-gtk"21:17
iljacan someone help me?21:17
michaelplacentraHi. Anyone ever experience strange graphic display problems including unsmooth blending? On some solid colors there's also this diagonal line dividing light and dark21:17
ElswyyrNegge, maybe i'm just confused, but where did you want me to put that picture? I'm not very good at this stuff.21:17
erUSULm4cdaddy: choose the apropiate monitor (leave the driver part alone)21:17
m4cdaddyerUSUL, i did it.. nothing happened21:18
cow_2001the default browser loads quanta21:18
cow_2001how do i make it load firefox?21:18
mogwaijarussi: So your Linux partition is the 4th on the drive 0?21:18
m4cdaddyerUSUL, i have the ATI catalyst thing but i dont think it does much21:18
[admin]cow_2001, goto system -> preferences -> preferred application, and chnge it to firefox or whateva21:19
neggeElswyyr: you know there are thousands of sites where you can upload pictures, try http://imageshack.us/ for example.21:19
erUSULm4cdaddy: well i use nvidia so my ati-fu is limited...21:19
ElswyyrNegge, here it is : http://img265.imageshack.us/my.php?image=udklipce8.jpg21:19
neggeilja: you need to provide a bit more information if you want people to help you. Start with telling us what kind of graphics card you have21:19
m4cdaddyerUSUL, haah21:19
erUSULm4cdaddy: you have to restart X after the "gksudo diaplayconfig-gtk" ...21:19
m4cdaddyerUSUL, haha makes sence XD21:20
cow_2001[admin]: it says "firefox" but it loads quanta21:20
kilowhiskyhey all what does sudo aptitude upgrade do?21:20
m4cdaddykilowhisky, it upgrades to the next version?21:20
m4cdaddykilowhisky, i thunj21:20
m4cdaddykilowhisky, i think21:20
[admin]cow_2001, then you have choosen an editable file like css or js, not an html or htm file21:20
neggeElswyyr: what happens if you right-click the C: partition and choose "Shrink partition" (or whatever it says in Danish)?21:20
ElswyyrNEgge, it says that the max i kan shrink it is 0kb21:21
iljai need help, someone help me please?21:21
[admin]cow_2001, try right-click, open withand choose firefox21:21
erUSULkilowhisky: download new versions of the packages installed if aviable on the repos. the list of aviable packages is updated with aptitude update21:21
[admin]cow_2001, try right-click, open with and choose firefox21:21
kilowhiskyi was just wondering, what the very first "step" i have to do, after installing ubuntu21:21
m4cdaddyilja, want to explain more?21:21
neggeilja: did you read what I said?21:21
[admin]!ask | ilja21:21
ubottuilja: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:21
erUSULkilowhisky: use it normally21:21
jarussimogwai: yeah!! i got it!! i've changed it on the boot menu, pressing the 'e' key or something21:22
iljai want a higher resolution than 800x600 but it doesnt work21:22
mogwai sudo aptitude upgrade = downloads and installs latest packages for your distro (eg: Hardy)21:22
marshtomp!ati | ilja21:22
ubottuilja: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:22
kilowhiskyso if i do 1. sudo aptitude update 2. sodu aptitude upgrade 3. sudo aptitude build-essential  /// would this be ok?21:22
jarussitkz for the help!!21:22
marshtomp!noprob | jarussi21:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about noprob21:22
neggekilowhisky: it's sudo aptitude install build-essential21:22
erUSULkilowhisky: if there is updates aviable the update anager tell you so graphically21:22
iljaill try thanks21:23
kilowhiskyoh i'm on my vps21:23
ElswyyrNegge, it says i can shrink it 0mb21:23
kilowhiskyssh only :(21:23
marshtomp!hello PatrickMello21:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:23
neggeElswyyr: that's probably because it's the system partition. Have you tried the Gparted live CD?21:23
cow_2001[admin]: thanks!21:23
[admin]cow_2001 most welcome21:23
PatrickMellohi marshtomp...21:23
Elswyyrnegge, yes, it says i can shrink it 0mb, and so does all the other tools i've tried, including the console21:24
joshua1Hi at all, i am trying to get my d-link rt61 based w-lan pci card working but i am failing for some time now... has anyone experiences with this chipset or w-lan in ubuntu itself?21:24
[admin]joshua1, try ndiswrapper21:24
neggeElswyyr: you sure? I don't understand why Gparted wouldn't let you shrink your partition21:25
mogwaiIs the partition full? You can only downsize a partition if you have free space21:25
marshtompdoes anyone here know how to wrap and ndis?21:25
neggemogwai: he has free space21:25
[admin]joshua1, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/21:25
[admin]marshtomp, http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/21:25
ElswyyrNegge, i'm completely sure. I can't shrink it from the ubuntu cd either, and i've just done a defrag: Nothing works21:25
kc8pxymarshtomp:  ndiswrapper?21:26
joshua1[admin]:well this is the last solution i would use, isn't there another way? i don't like the idea of using windows drivers for linux...21:26
neggeElswyyr: that's really weird21:26
mogwaii'd say21:26
kc8pxyjoshua1:  what card?21:26
Elswyyrnegge, i know, everyone i've asked has been stumped21:26
michaelplacentraGradients don't blend smoothly on my screen, IE with gradients there are blocks of color instead of a smooth transition. Is my color depth too low? (I tried setting it to 24 in xorg.conf but I'm not sure if it worked.) Is this common?21:26
ieldibI feel the same way about using windows drivers on linux21:26
joshua1kc8pxy: d-link dwl-g51021:27
[admin]joshua1, i ran my rtl using ndiswrapper it worked better than windows21:27
neggeElswyyr: and you're absolutely sure you've been trying to resize the actual C: partition and not the first 700 MB rescue partition you have?21:27
RomanaMentalisif I don't see a RAID bus controller in lspci then I know my Raid is not working, correct?  If I see it, but it's listed as Broadcom raid bus controller when it's actually a MegaRAID - is it working?21:27
puff/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:27
joshua1[admin]: but there are linux drivers for this chipset, as far as i know the ndiswrapper is not working for my hardware version (2)21:27
jarussiok, i changed on the boot menu, but i can change permanetly, if i reboot, i goes to the way it was, i tryed doing it on the console, but it kind dont save ... can anyone help me?21:27
marshtomphi hhelp whenever i log into ubuntu i get what is called a "kernel panic"21:27
kc8pxyjoshua1:  that's not an atheros?  why do you have an aversion to ndiswrapper?21:27
Elswyyrnegge, yes, i'm completely sure, i can send you a screenshot of my trying to resize21:28
=== neko is now known as schnak
[admin]joshua1, that was a choice for you, you can choose other ways21:28
neggeElswyyr: no need, I believe you21:28
zielonyHI hou to put devil's pie to autostart21:28
ikoniazielony: pardon ??21:28
[admin]jarussi, just make it permanent in /boot/grub/menu.list21:28
schnakdoes the terminal keep a logfile somewhere?21:28
neggeif it can't be done with Gparted I don't know how it could be done21:28
zambawhere has sun-java6-plugin gone to?21:28
schnaki need to check something that i accidentally closed.21:28
zielonyikonia: its a program21:28
schnakthat came up post-installation.21:29
ikoniaschnak: your .history file21:29
[admin]schnak, history command21:29
ikonia!init | schnak21:29
ubottuschnak: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:29
jarussi[admin] - will try that .. tkz21:29
marshtomphi hhelp whenever i log into ubuntu i get what is called a "kernel panic"21:29
joshua1(23:34:32) kc8pxy: joshua1:  that's not an atheros?  why do you have an aversion to ndiswrapper?21:29
joshua1sry i do not really understand the question21:29
[admin]jarussi, most welcome21:29
zielonyI mean I know system>...>sesion21:29
marshtomphi does anyone know what happens to ubuntu if you run out of hard drive space when using it21:30
zielonybut I can't find master activation devilspie file21:30
ikoniamarshtomp: nothing - limits it's functions21:30
ubuntakiasany good site for aircrack ?21:30
andersit's included in the repos ubuntakias21:30
neggemarshtomp: nothing really, it's happened to me on my Eee.21:30
marshtompwhat happens if you try to download a file though21:31
marshtompor even browse the internet and try to download pages21:31
ikoniamarshtomp it can't get written to disk21:31
jarussi[admin]: it says i dont have permission to save the file... i only have one ubuntu user21:31
ikoniamarshtomp: anything in memory will be fine, anything that writes to disk will fail21:31
[admin]jarussi, use sudo21:31
lobo235is there any way to undo an apt-get remove command?21:31
joshua1 DWL-G510 Rev C2  PCI  RT61-Chipsatz  WEP/WPA/WPA2 ohne wpa_supplicant  RT61-CVS Treiber benutzen; Läuft problemlos mit Intrepid Ibex (Ubuntu 8.10) incl. WPA221:31
ikonialobo235: re-install21:31
LjLmarshtomp: it'll tell you there's no space left on device. negge, "nothing really" is not entirely accurate... *many* programs don't properly check for low-disk conditions, and can crash very badly21:31
LjLlobo235: yes, reinstall the package that you removed21:31
neggemarshtomp: downloading files doesn't work, I haven't tried to surf the web though. First thing you should do if it happens is delete unnecessary files/packages to free up some space21:32
joshua1no word of ndiswrapper21:32
[admin]joshua1, 8.10 ?21:32
pwnedulongtimehow would I list all files recursively within a directory modified after a specific date?21:32
lobo235ikonia: in this case, I did an "apt-get remove lamp-server^" and it ended up removing packages that it shouldn't have and now I can't even get gnome running21:32
joshua1[admin]: right now, yes. tried everything from 7.04 to 8.1021:32
ikoniapwnedulongtime: ls -lR  | sort21:32
marshtompand what happens if the hard drive is unmounted or removed when the operating system is in use?21:32
ikonialobo235: lamp-server won't touch gnome21:32
[admin]pwnedulongtime, find . -mtime21:33
zielonysooo? any body know st about it:?21:33
schnakikonia: thanks, btw.21:33
neggemarshtomp: you can't do that21:33
ikoniaschnak: no sweat21:33
schnakhey, i've got another question, actually.21:33
ikoniamarshtomp: system crash21:33
[admin]ikonia, recursively he/she needs21:33
ikoniamarshtomp: is this going somewhere21:33
ikoniaanders: -R21:33
ikonia[admin]: -R21:33
spaykzwhere can i get a good tutorial for a WEBMAIL?21:33
schnaki'm trying to install something that's supposed to be in the universe repository.21:33
schnakusing gutsy, btw.21:33
erUSULlobo235: install ubuntu-desktop metapackage21:33
Flannelschnak: What is it?21:33
schnakbut aptitude can't find it.21:34
marshtompikonia: the same questino could be asked of your and all our lives21:34
joshua1[admin]: unfortunatly in the #ubuntu+1 room there is no one who seems to be used to rt61 the chipset or even w-lan21:34
musictotospaykz: a tutorial to set-up a webmail ? or what do you want ?21:34
neggeschnak: make sure you have the universe repository enabled21:34
[admin]!ibex | joshua121:34
ubottujoshua1: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu21:34
lobo235erUSUL: okay, i'll give that a try21:34
schnakhow do i do that via command line?21:34
[admin]joshua1, wait after 30th21:34
evan__how can i set a "(II) Primary Device" in xorg because it cant detect one...:(21:34
spaykzmusictoto yes to set up a webmail... step by step postfix, courier, ... well every to set-up a webmail21:34
[admin]!ibex > evan_21:35
ubottuevan_, please see my private message21:35
neggeschnak: you edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file and uncomment the lines that have to do with universe21:35
musictotospaykz: give me a minute21:35
joshua1[admin]: well i do not think that this problem is solved within 2 days and i don't care of installing 7.10 or 8.04 or whatever as long as i get this card working21:35
spaykzmusictoto tankz21:35
marshtomphi what is the earliest version of ubuntu21:35
ikoniamarshtomp: current early support is 7.1021:35
[admin]joshua1, try then we could help21:36
jarussi[admin]: can u help me with that? i'm really noob to ubuntu .. as u can tell lol21:36
ikoniamarshtomp: 8.04 is current LTS21:36
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk
ConstantineXVImarshtomp: i want to say the first was 4.1021:36
pwnedulongtime[admin]: -mtime 100 finds nothing21:36
ConstantineXVImarshtomp: but i have no idea why you'd want to use it21:36
[admin]jarussi, the problem is that there are alot of packages broken till now in 8.10, the problem might not be with your drivers21:36
reqqitIs FF3 fixed in ibex?21:36
schnaki can still only find the documentation for it.21:36
musictotospaykz: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/21:36
ikoniareqqit: it's not broke21:36
schnaki know where i can find it on sourceforge, but i'd like to do it through my package manager so as not to mess with dependencies.21:36
reqqitfixed meaning 'fixed', i.e. the fsync ballsup21:36
jarussi[admin]: i`m using 8.04 ...21:37
reqqitikonia, sadly, only one of us is right21:37
[admin]pwnedulongtime,  -mtime File’s data was last modified n*24 hours ago.21:37
ikoniareqqit: explain the problem21:37
schnaki installed it using the source code, but when i tried to install a gui for it, it couldn't find the install.21:37
ubuntakiasany good tutorial how to deface site through ubuntu ?21:37
[admin]pwnedulongtime, r u trying to find 100 days old files ?21:37
musictotospaykz:  you can also try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer21:37
ubuntakiasok sorry21:37
spaykzmusictoto tkz, i tried this already21:37
musictotospaykz: didn't work ?21:38
mongolaiubuntakias:  create your own site, and deface it as yo please !21:38
reqqitikonia, FF3 has many problems, the fsync problem is one of them (poor performance) is this actually being looked at in 8.10 ? Firefox is fsyncing 600 times a second and wondering why they want to flush all buffers so that they can output to disk the current search drop down history, and then they wonder why they have performance issues21:38
ikoniamongolai: don't feed the situation21:38
reqqitikonia, or just google 'installing FF2 on 8.04'21:38
spaykzi will try this second..21:38
ikoniareqqit: firefox 2 is not being support by ubuntu21:38
spaykzmabe i got some mistake21:38
schnakis it possible to add a cvs repository to my repository list?21:38
ikoniareqqit: in that not being fixed by ubuntu, in that 3 is "current"21:38
pwnedulongtime[admin]: is -mtime supposed to be a negative number?21:38
musictotospaykz: adress me with musictoto: please, then i get a sound notification :)21:39
mongolaiikonia:  you're right, besides people don't need to know about localhost re-direction etc21:39
ikoniareqqit: unless there is a bug report saying "being fixed"21:39
[admin]pwnedulongtime, no 24*number after mtime hours21:39
lobo235erUSUL: that worked21:39
spaykz(musictoto)~%: yes sorry21:39
cyzieis there a way to switch from xubuntu to server edition and if so, how ?21:39
[admin]pwnedulongtime, like 2 days ago = -mtime 221:39
ikoniacyzie: why do you want a server install ?21:39
ikoniacyzie: or do you just not want X21:39
brainfoghow do I find which version ofr gtk2 im running?21:39
pwnedulongtime[admin]: wouldn't that mean exactly 2 days ago?21:40
reqqitikonia, I was more in the market for someone with knowledge about this specific issue, rather than, you know, someone who wanted to speculate and question the accuracy of the issue. Anyway, I guess I will wait and see.21:40
[admin]pwnedulongtime, yes from command issue time21:40
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eighty4I'm experiencing something strange... It seems like my /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd changes places on reboot. Anything that could cause this?21:40
ikoniareqqit: is there a bug report21:40
[admin]pwnedulongtime, use -daystart to have 00:00 begin time21:40
cyzieikonia, i have build my own package and app on my xubuntu and many servers app, so i think server edition is what i need.21:40
ikoniareqqit: sorry the netsplit flooded me, is there a bug report for the isue21:40
paul68ikonia: as I was changing my interfaces file and it got sour on me is there something that I missed? here are the both interfaces files http://paste.ubuntu.com/63773/ can you please check21:40
[admin]ow 2ice21:40
pwnedulongtime[admin]: how would I do modified less than or equal to three days ago21:40
ikoniacyzie: the desktop/server edition are compatible package wise21:41
paul68ikonia: as I was changing my interfaces file and it got sour on me is there something that I missed? here are the both interfaces files http://paste.ubuntu.com/63773/ can you please check21:41
reqqitikonia, it is ok. I've read the bug reports (on bugzilla) just wondering because I've looked and not seen anything from their side21:41
cyzieikonia, so is there a way to do the switch?21:41
athlohi everyone!21:41
ikoniareqqit ubuntu doesn't maintain firefox, - so they won't be fixing it in 8.10,. however is there an ubuntu logged against it21:41
ikoniacyzie you don't need to21:41
cyzieikonia, i think i can decide what i need but is there a way to do the switch ?21:42
hubarCan anyone recommend me a network PCMCIA card that is ganranteed to work with hardy/intrepid w/o any tricks?21:42
[admin]pwnedulongtime, find . -mtime 321:42
ikoniacyzie: clearly you can't as the package compatability between server and dekstop works21:42
marshtompdoes anyone know if hardy heron is supported in this channel21:42
BuFFhow to view *.ppt or *.pps ? i'm using open office but all formulas can't be shown, pls help21:42
danfgi updated my linux kernel to 2.6.24-21, now my keyboard has problems, i get a "Error activating XKB configuration." error on startup. what now?21:42
hubarI need a very simple card.21:42
ikoniacyzie: and if you did know - you would know the differences between the server and desktop os and how they can/can't be swapped in part21:42
Zorbinskiany one here from Utah?21:42
ikoniapaul68: that inet file looks fine apart from eth1 gateway21:43
cyzieikonia, thanks but no thanks.21:43
ikoniacyzie: no problem21:43
schnakhow do i add a cvs repository to my list of sources for aptitude?21:43
rblsthubar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported21:43
schnakfor instance, a project repository from sourceforge?21:43
danfganyone having any problems since updating the linux kernel to 2.6.24-21?21:43
ikoniaschnak: they need to be source repos - not source "files"21:44
paul68ikonia what should the eth1 gateway be then?21:44
pwnedulongtime[admin]:  find -mtime 3 -daystart  ...it's not showing files I modified today21:44
ikoniadanfg: a few people have had a few issues21:44
ikoniapaul68: what is the gateway for the 10.X network21:44
osirisschnak, apples and oranges.21:44
simon1245I got problem with the number pad. Like when i press "4" it's going left "8" it's going right "5" It's like left mouse button "7" north-west....21:44
danfgikonia: i'm having problems with my keyboard, XKB error on X startup21:44
schnakosiris: when i simply added the address, it told me that it didn't understand the type 'cvs'21:44
hubarrblst: thanks a lot!21:44
[admin]pwnedulongtime, find . -mtime -321:44
ikoniadanfg: I'd be surprised if that was a kernel issue, anything else got updated21:45
rblsthubar: welcome21:45
athloif anyone can help me... I download a Wmware image from this page http://isv-image.ubuntu.com/vmware/ but I don't know the root'pass!If anyone knows it could help me ..21:45
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ikoniaathlo: if it's an ubuntu image there should be no root password21:45
paul68I was thinking
simon1245I got problem with the number pad. Like when i press "4" it's going left "8" it's going right "5" It's like left mouse button "7" north-west....21:45
danfgikonia: maybe not, but the problem happened after updating the kernel, where can i find a log of the latest updates done?21:45
pwnedulongtime[admin]: ah better thx21:45
osirisschnak, cvs is a version control system.  aptitude is a package manager21:45
[admin]athlo, when it boots, choose recovery nad reset the password21:45
TrokairHey ? guys, where is the default profile for the terminal located on the hard drive21:45
TrokairWOW mass join21:46
[admin]athlo, when it boots, choose recovery nad reset the password21:46
reqqitTrokair, just a netsplit. relax.21:46
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:46
osirisbasicly, cvs is for source code, and aptitude is for .deb files21:46
Trokairlol im not excited :)21:46
simon1245* Andril (n=Andril@c-66-229-10-12.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) has joined #ubuntu21:46
jean-martinbig issues since today's update on hardy http://pastebin.com/m50e8001d21:46
marshtompdoes anyone know if hardy heron is supported in this channel21:46
ikoniamarshtomp: it is21:46
athloadmin: ok im trying21:46
Trokairreqqit you wouldn't happen to know where the default profile for the terminal is located on the filesystem21:46
Trokairwould u?21:47
eighty4I'm experiencing something strange... It seems like my /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd changes places on reboot. Anything that could cause this?21:47
osirismarshtomp, yes, it should be21:47
reqqitTrokair, you mean for welcome messages and such?21:47
ubun2hello, can anyone tell me how I could reinstall 'at'?  I had a problem and followed a bug report that said to remove it and re-install.  When I try to apt-get install at, I get: E: Package at has no installation candidate21:47
simon1245I got problem with number pad. Like when i press "4" it's going left "8" it's going right "5" It's like left mouse button "7" north-west....21:47
JInTheOfficeHello, since the upgrade this morning (I believe a kernel upgrade) to Hardy my KDE and Gnome desktops are broken. How do I recover?21:47
reqqitsimon1245, I accidentally my numbrpad21:47
ikoniaJInTheOffice: what video card do you have21:47
evan__[admin]: it isnt opening...21:47
evan__!ibex > evan__21:47
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu21:47
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ubottuevan__, please see my private message21:47
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[admin]jean-martin, i can't understand french sorry21:47
Trokairwell in Awn, im using the terminal applet (pops up a small terminal, and it has a spot to apply a profile setting)21:47
JInTheOfficeNvidia on the motherboard. 6150 I believe.21:47
[admin]!fr | jean-martin21:47
ubottujean-martin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:47
simon1245What reqqit?21:47
ikoniaJInTheOffice: where did you get the drives for that card21:47
amortvigil!ibex > evan__21:47
amortvigil[admin]: is it about the 8,04 ubuntu?21:48
simon1245I got problem with number pad. Like when i press "4" it's going left "8" it's going right "5" It's like left mouse button "7" north-west....21:48
reqqitsimon1245, I accidentally my numpad21:48
jean-martinI can speak in english21:48
JInTheOfficeikonia, I installed them long ago. I think they were downloaded from nvidia, but not sure.21:48
ikoniaJInTheOffice: thats the problem21:48
[admin]amortvigil, sorry i lost your question , what was it again !?21:48
danfgwhere can i find a log of the latest updates ubuntu has done?21:48
ikoniaJInTheOffice: lots of people have had issues, the new kernel needs a new nvidia->kernel interface21:48
amortvigilwhat happend?21:48
JInTheOfficeikonia, they were stable for ... maybe 8 months or so?21:48
paul68ikonia: I was thinking
ikoniaJInTheOffice: the kernel has been changed21:48
ikoniapaul68:  thats the local box21:48
JInTheOfficeikonia, I see. What do I do to recover ?21:49
ikoniaJInTheOffice: use supported drivers21:49
ikoniaJInTheOffice: or "compatible" drivers I should say21:49
rblstdanfg: /var/log/dpkg21:49
JInTheOfficeikonia, if I edit xorg.conf to use nv will that work?21:49
mikebeechamI hope someone can help.  I've just installed ubuntu 8.04 and installed the nvidia-settings through synaptics.  Having chosen twinview, all my windows stretch across both my monitors, what am I doing wrong?21:49
jean-martinikonia, I didnt solve since this afternoon, using vesa driver didnt solve21:49
ikoniaJInTheOffice: maybe21:49
danfgrblst: thanks :)21:49
ikoniajean-martin: apologies can you refresh me on the problem21:49
simon1245I got problem with number pad. Like when i press "4" it's going left "8" it's going right "5" It's like left mouse button "7" north-west....21:49
paul68ikonia: so I need to change my adress and leave the gateway like it is21:50
athloadmin, I don't have any option to do recovery at boot, do I have to do something special?21:50
ikoniapaul68: errr no21:50
ikoniapaul68: then the gateway wouldn't exist21:50
[admin]ikonia, he/she speaks frensh, i informed with !fr21:50
JInTheOfficeikonia, thanks. "maybe" doesn't fill me with confidence though :/21:50
ikoniapaul68: why do you think you need a gateway if the gatway is its self21:50
simon1245I got problem with number pad. Like when i press "4" it's going left "8" it's going right "5" It's like left mouse button "7" north-west....21:50
ikoniaJInTheOffice: depends in teh nv driver supports your card21:50
rblstdanfg: /var/log/dpkg.log sorry, and also: /var/log/apt/term.log21:50
jean-martinikonia, yes of course... gnome settings deamon error since today's update21:50
ikoniaJInTheOffice: I don't know without looking if it does21:50
reqqitsimon1245, my numpad also moves21:50
JInTheOfficeikonia, thanks again. We'll see I guess.21:50
ikoniajean-martin: ahhh thats right, it was in french21:50
simon1245How to fixi t?21:50
ikoniajean-martin: please show me your xorg.conf in a pastebin21:51
paul68ikonia:  i need a gateway to transfer data from eth0 to eth121:51
reqqitsimon1245, press numlock21:51
simon1245Reqqit How to fix it?21:51
reqqitsimon1245, press scroll lock21:51
ikoniapaul68: no you don't - they are the same box21:51
simon1245I have alreaddy try21:51
reqqitsimon1245, you have to accidentally your numpad21:51
simon1245How to do that?21:51
paul68ikonia: I'm lost21:51
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simon1245Reqqit how to do that?21:52
TrokairAnybody know where the default text file for the terminal display settings are located?21:52
ikoniapaul68: you don't need a gateway as eth0 and eth1 are teh same physical machine, the data doesn't need to go out of a gateway to get to the same box21:52
jean-martinikonia, http://pastebin.com/m1ba5a89721:52
[admin]Trokair, /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:52
ikoniajean-martin: your still using the nvidia driver in that xorg.conf21:52
Trokairadmin: i meant for the actual terminal in X21:53
Trokairnot the screen settings :)21:53
paul68ikonia: ok so what would the solution be here I can't figure it out?21:53
[admin]Trokair, sorry can't help21:53
ikoniapaul68: remove the gateway line for eth121:53
amortvigil[admin]: how do i check my hardware is there a specific program like systeminfo in windows?21:53
jean-martinikonia, yes, but forcing the vesa driver didnt solve. And I cant use the pc with vesa driver : the screen is awfull, the resolution is messed up21:53
Trokairadmin: thank you anyways21:53
TrokairAnybody else know?21:53
LjLamortvigil: "lshw" perhaps?21:53
Tundrayeti312Trokair: I thinik there is a ~/.bash or ~/.bashrc ...21:53
[admin]amortvigil, lshw and lspci and lsusb commands will display21:54
ikoniajean-martin: the resolution is messed up but it's a base for you to get the nvidia driver working again21:54
ubun2hello, can anyone tell me how I could reinstall 'at'?  I had a problem and followed a bug report that said to remove it and re-install.  When I try to apt-get install at, I get: E: Package at has no installation candidate21:54
joshua1ok I'll leave for a lot of coffee and google21:54
joshua1see ya21:54
ikoniaubun2: can you show me the bug report that says re-install at21:54
TrokairTundrayeti312: I'll check real quick, Thank you21:54
jean-martinikonia, but with vesa driver, I have the same gnome settings deamon error21:54
amortvigil[admin]: i know those bit id search a more organized and gui window so i can see if its broken or not21:55
[admin]jean-martin, did you try sudo dpkg-recofigure xserver-xorg-video-nv ?21:55
ubun2ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-report-tool/+bug/13874321:55
jean-martinikonia, I olny tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:55
paul68ikonia: thanks for your help21:55
ubun2ikonia: so I removed it, then tried to reinstall, but I get that error21:55
ikoniajean-martin: I told you earlier that won't do anything21:56
ikoniapaul68: no problem21:56
ikoniaubun2: what command do you use to remove it21:56
jean-martinikonia, I'm back on the former kernel... the doesnt even start21:56
ubun2ikonia: apt-get remove at21:56
[admin]amortvigil, system -> administration -> hardware Drivers for restircted drivers21:56
RomanaMentalisis there an article somewhere on how to tell if your raid is working?  like step by step?21:56
jean-martinikonia, anyway, I do it know21:56
ikoniajean-martin: oh, rt kernel too21:56
jean-martinikonia, it's ubuntustudio... I'm musician21:56
electronpluspluhello people21:57
electronplusplui need some help21:57
schnakhm, i seem to have serious problems when updating to 8.04.21:57
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electronplusplui'm going to tun a contest on my home pc21:57
schnaki think that it's video driver errors.21:57
electronplusplui need a DDoS to my PC21:57
electronpluspluin order to teste my DSL Connection21:57
ikoniaubun2: try installing anacron and cron packages21:58
electronplusplu85.243.136.133 is my IP21:58
schnakit prompts me to start ubuntu in low graphics mode, and then never finishes booting.21:58
amortvigil[admin]: it is showing off my ati card but i cant get any signal on my screen from it21:58
ikoniaubun2: the package is called "at"21:58
schnaki can get into the os in recovery mode, but when i try to activate the restricted drivers, i have to reboot.21:58
electronpluspluDDoS to my ip ->
ikoniaubun2: I've just found it in the repo21:58
[admin]amortvigil, when booting ? or whole time ?21:58
ikoniaelectronplusplu: no21:58
ikoniaelectronplusplu: this is a support channel21:59
schnakwhen i run recovery mode, though, i have to do the repair xserver option to get anything at all.21:59
amortvigil[admin]: whole time21:59
electronpluspluikonia, just a wget with an infinitive loop21:59
ikoniaelectronplusplu: NO21:59
ubun2ikonia: yes, but when I try to install it "apt-get install at" I get the error: Package at is not available, but is referred to by another package.21:59
ubun2This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package at has no installation candidate21:59
jean-martinikonia, no change21:59
ikoniaubun2: what version of ubuntu are you using21:59
ubun2ikonia: 8.04.122:00
[admin]amortvigil, when booting, wait a little bit, and press CTRL+ALT+F1 login and try sudo spkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:00
amortvigil[admin]: btw i use dual screen nvidia is showing nice... but my other vard hasnt gave me a signal since i baught it22:00
bundyc1where can i download the dvd version of ubuntu22:00
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r3c0nhey ppl22:00
ikoniaubun2: sudo apt-get update first22:00
schnakikonia: is there a way for me to backup my current configuration, try to update, and if that doesn't work, to revert back to 7.04?22:00
ikoniaschnak: what config ?22:00
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[admin]amortvigil, do you change the HW without telling your system to reconfigure ?22:00
ubun2ikonia: did that22:00
schnakwell, 7.04 works, but i'm having problems with the repositories.22:01
schnak7.10 *22:01
ikoniaubun2: I can't explain it as I can see the package fine22:01
schnaki wanted to update to 8.04, but when i did, i was getting display problems.22:01
schnakso i reinstalled after trying to fix stuff.22:01
amortvigil[admin]: even if i have dual screen ?? well about the change it was in there before i installed ubuntu... but ive toke it in and out without ginging any command, wich should i try??22:01
schnakand i was wondering if there was a way to revert to the old kernel if the update goes awry.22:01
ubun2ikonia: maybe I'm missing the repo in my sources.list?22:02
jean-martinikonia, the dpkg-reconfigure for nvidia didnt hel22:02
[admin]amortvigil, yes  ....22:02
ubun2ikonia: can you tell me what repo it should be in?22:02
r3c0nhow do we install airoscript.sh to ubuntu ? i run sudo sh airoscript.sh but i got this result /home/r3c0n/Desktop/airoscript.sh: 39: Syntax error: "}" unexpected ..... what is the problem ???22:02
ikoniajean-martin: I've said 3 times now - that will do nothing22:02
[admin]r3c0n, try viewing the line 3922:03
r3c0nok brb22:03
amortvigil[admin]:  wich commands are the once i should try next to spkg-reconf?22:03
mongolaischnak:  it seems that major kernel releases leave an option in the GRUB menu, however, minor point-releases, like the one issued recently don't.22:03
jean-martinikonia, you just told me to do  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-video-nv didnt you ?22:03
ikoniajean-martin: no - I didn't22:04
amortvigil[admin]: too enable the hardware22:04
ikoniajean-martin: I've said 3 times that dpkg-reconfigure will do nothing22:04
jean-martinikonia, so I misunderstood, I'm very sorry22:04
[admin]amortvigil, thats it, once you login , open system -> administration -> hardware drivers and enable the ati there22:04
schnakmongolai: 7.10 was not still in the menu/22:04
RomanaMentalisis there a tutorial on installing a raid on ubuntu?22:04
r3c0nthere is nothing wrong in line 3922:05
laughtearmongolai: on this machine, the xchat does not let me open a dialog window..=D22:05
r3c0nits right at the moment22:05
amortvigil[admin]: can i use the open ati driver too22:05
favro!raid | RomanaMentalis22:05
ubottuRomanaMentalis: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:05
mongolaischnak:  I'm sorry, I think I missed your original question. Plese let me go back a bit.22:05
[admin]amortvigil, depends on what you desire22:05
schnakmongolai: i probably misspoke.22:05
r3c0nwhy is it giving me a syntax error ?22:05
jean-martinikonia, you have an idea on what to do ?22:05
ikoniajean-martin: update your nvida drivers to compatible ones22:05
daysleeprhello all, i just installed and configured postfix on ubuntu 6.06 LTS... but i can't seem to find the email alias setup... i'm used to sendmail on fedora... there its called the virtusertable in /etc/mail22:05
schnaki updated from 7.10 to 8.04 a while back, but when i completed the update and restarted, i was having some serious issues.22:06
jean-martinikonia, I'm not on the new kernel, I'm on a kernel that was working perfectly before update22:06
schnakwhen i booted ubuntu, it would prompt me to go into low graphics mode, which i would try to do, and then it would never finish booting.22:06
mikebeechamhey guys...I've just installed Ubuntu and nvidia-settings.  However, all my windows are stretched over both monitors...how can I change this?22:06
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ikoniajean-martin: it wasnt just the kernel that got updated22:06
amortvigil[admin]: what does the command do exactly?22:06
schnaki could boot in recovery mode if i used the repair xserver option.22:06
RomanaMentalisI'm talking about a hardware raid22:07
jean-martinikonia, how can I go back to the former nvidia drivers ?22:07
RomanaMentalisI have a SAS/SATA Raid adapter22:07
[admin]amortvigil, dpkg-recofigure ?22:07
schnaki would try to use the restricted drivers and reboot for it to take affect.22:07
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: it needs to be true hardware raid22:07
ikoniajean-martin: you've not updated your drivers - thats the problem22:07
RomanaMentaliswhat do you mean true?22:07
ikoniajean-martin: your current (OLD) drivers don't work with the udpates22:07
schnakbut when i rebooted, it would just send me back to low graphics mode prompt.22:07
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: a supported hardware solution22:07
[admin]daysleepr, try /etc/aliases22:07
schnakif i rebooted into recovery mode, then the restricted drivers would be deactivated again.22:07
RomanaMentalisis there a list of supported hardware raids?22:07
amortvigil[admin]: restarting goes way to fast!22:07
=== riot_le_ is now known as riot_le
jean-martinikonia, you know where to get better drivers ?22:08
[admin]daysleepr, when done, issue newaliases22:08
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: pretty much LSI and 3ware only (really)22:08
ikoniajean-martin: I'm not going through this with you again22:08
RomanaMentaliswell I have LSI22:08
mikebeechamhey guys...I've just installed Ubuntu and nvidia-settings.  However, all my windows are stretched over both monitors...how can I change this?  Can anyone help me with this?22:08
ikoniajean-martin: you're having this problem because you got drivers from nvidia.com - now the drivers don't work with the current ubuntu updates, you'll need to find compatible drivers22:08
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: a good start22:08
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: try it, see how it goes22:09
RomanaMentalisI did but I'm not sure if it's working22:09
aurel42Anyone got an idea how to get audio with Java (Web Start) applications without starting them in a VirtualBox running Windows?22:09
[admin]it s 1:00 AM here, trying to have a good sleep. bye bye22:09
RomanaMentalislike for example when I do lspci I see Broadcom as the raid bus controller22:09
RomanaMentalisand not Megaraid22:09
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: are you sure ?22:09
jean-martinikonia, and you dont know where to get such drivers ?22:09
lucaxjean-martin: why dont u use nvidia-glx?22:09
RomanaMentaliswell that's what's in lspci I don't know what else to check22:09
ikonialucax: too late for that22:09
Raylzlacqui: nvidia-glx-new?22:09
lucaxjean-martin: did u try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx?22:09
ikoniaRomanaMentalis you have a fakeraid driver on the board, is it enabled/disabled ?22:09
Raylzglx is legacy support right?22:10
jean-martinlucax, no, I try that now22:10
Pay_Jay1982hi there22:10
RomanaMentalishow can I tell?22:10
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: no22:10
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: did you disable it in the board ?22:10
daysleepradmin, the /etc/aliases file just contains "root:   daysleepr"22:10
Pay_Jay1982Can anyone help me? ive got a problem with pppoeconf..22:10
RomanaMentalismy boss put it together then handed it to me22:10
lucaxikonia: i dont know, he maight install them without problems... jean-martin or sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx22:10
RomanaMentalisso I don't know22:10
ikoniaRomanaMentalis: check in the bios22:11
kylepikehey, anyone good with installing nvidia drivers?22:11
Pay_Jay1982I have to connect with pppoe over wlan...but when i run "sudo pppoeconf" it does not work22:11
daysleeprwell, let me try and figure this out myself before i bother you further22:11
daysleeprthank you22:11
ikoniakylepike: enable them through restricted driver manager22:11
jean-martinlucax, I need to reboot I think : I cant run apt-get or synaptics22:12
fantomasCan I get an old mysql server as Ubuntu package?22:12
mgolischfantomas: why?22:12
kylepikeikonia, id love to do that..... it doesn;'t show up anymore... not to mention the restricted driver manager disappeared until I just reinstalled it.22:12
ikoniakylepike: what happened to make it go away ?22:13
LjLfantomas: uhm, no, you can get the version that comes with your Ubuntu release22:13
fantomasmgolisch: have an old archive - compressed /var/lib/mysql/dbname data. Need to import it into 5x22:13
kylepikeikonia, just let the package manager do an upgrade, changed kernel versions and now everything f'd up22:13
lucaxkylepike: open synaptic and type nvidia search there the drivers for ur card, its not difficult22:13
ikoniakylepike: where you using the restricted drivers ?22:13
aurel42fantomas: 4.x MyISAM? Should work fine with 5.x. Worth a try.22:13
kylepikeikonia, yes22:13
fantomasaurel42: ok, I'll try22:14
kylepikelucax, i've manually uninstalled the nvidia packages, and reinstalled apt-get install nvidia-glx-new22:14
kylepikebut it won't use them...22:14
kylepikeran nvidia-config *22:14
mgolischfantomas: why do you need the old thing as debian package then?22:14
lucaxkylepike: but did u restart the computer? is your video card in nvidia-glx-new description?22:15
=== farside is now known as Far^Side
fantomasmgolisch: to get it installed. Then I would copy a dir into /var/lib/mysql/, then dump, then ta-da!22:15
r3c0nairoscript.sh: 36: Syntax error: "}" unexpected .....whats this ??22:15
kylepikelucax, yes rebooted... and yes its listed under the nvidia-glx-new as supported.22:15
r3c0nwhy do i get an error22:15
r3c0ni checked the line nothings wrong with it22:16
lucaxkylepike: did u try -glx before?22:16
mgolischfantomas: why not just compile from source? if its just to run mysqldump on it anyways and will go to trash afterwards22:16
r3c0nany ideas ?22:16
kylepikelucax, yeah, im using the same laptop as my boss. and those are the packages he's using22:17
lucaxkylepike: theres also a xserver-xorg-nv package22:17
kylepikelucax, no I'm sure its not that... I remember having issues like 6 months ago. too bad I didn't make notes22:17
lucaxkylepike: when reboot, go to safe mode, theres there a fix xserver option... run it22:18
kylepikeI wish I could "force" the resticted driver manager to just see it... I've installed that way initially22:18
fantomasmgolisch: this is next step if simple copy wont work )22:18
ubun2ikonia: can I find a http link to a .deb for 'at' somehow?22:19
Thiag1I've a problem22:19
Thiag1who can help me?22:19
kylepikelucax, wont that just put me back to vesa or something?22:19
aurel42ubun2: sudo aptitude install atd22:19
brembyThiag1: ask the question22:20
JInTheOfficeHello again. Is there a procedure for reverting to an earlier kernel? The latest kernal update did not go nicely for my box, which has an on-board Nvidia 6150 card.22:20
kylepikeJInTheOffice, hehe... that happend to me as well22:20
hubarIt is so frustrating.22:20
brembyThiag1: don't ever ask to ask - just ask whenever you're on IRC, that's the rule22:20
ubun2aurel42: Couldn't find package "atd".  However, the following22:20
Thiag1look, I installed ubuntu on my pc but I don't know if it's for 32 or 64 processors22:20
lucaxkylepike: try it if nothing happens, run in terminal sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx-new and restart xserver22:20
hubarTrying to find out the perfect network card.22:20
Thiag1how can I get this information on my pc22:20
hubarThat works just *fine* with hardy.22:21
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JInTheOfficekylepike, I'm hoping that there's an easy back to what worked -- since it was fine until the kernel upgrade this morning.22:21
lucaxThiag1: if u know the name of the processor u know it22:21
ubun2aurel42: packages contain "atd" in their name: <long list without anything to do with at'22:21
hubarI wanna punch the dumbass who said linux supports the most devices.22:21
Thiag1NO NO22:21
Thiag1I know22:21
RomanaMentalisis there a good program or tutorial on gathering as much information you can about the hardware of an ubuntu system?22:21
amortvigilhow can i check if my vidioe card isnt broken?22:21
r3c0nairoscript.sh: 36: Syntax error: "}" unexpected .... what could this be ??22:21
lucaxThiag1: what processor u have?22:22
Thiag1it's a 64 bits22:22
RomanaMentalislike from the command prompt22:22
aurel42ubun2: my mistake, if you're talking about the tool to start commands with a delay, it's sudo aptitude install at22:22
Thiag1but I don't know if the system is the same22:22
kylepikeJInTheOffice, yeeeah, thats what ive been having fun with today... havn't gotten **** done cuss of it.22:22
Raylzhubar: maybe your device isnt just like the most22:22
Thiag1athlon x 64 520022:22
aurel42ubun2: it will run a daemon called atd ;)22:22
ubun2aurel42: No candidate version found for at22:22
brembyThiag1: you should know what you downloaded22:22
brembyThiag1: try uname -a in terminal22:22
r3c0nis there any problems with sh22:22
lucaxThiag1: system monitor22:23
r3c0ndoes it need upgrading22:23
Raylzhubar: new pc?22:23
kantlivelongis it a bad idea to install fuse on a webserver?22:23
hubarRaylz: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported out and tell me how many devices have YES/YES (work with installed system/work out of box)?22:23
JInTheOfficekylepike, I'm ahead of you there ;P     Since I'm at a different location, and running on a Windows box. Bleh. (On the other hand, it currently works.)22:23
r3c0nwhen it needs to be installed ..22:23
aurel42ubun2: that's fishy.22:23
r3c0nairoscript.sh: 36: Syntax error: "}" unexpected ... because of sh ?22:23
ubun2aurel42: can I not just find a link to the .deb somewhere?22:23
hubarRaylz: It is either needing ndiswrapper.22:23
r3c0nor is the issue something else ?22:23
hubaror some tweaks to work.22:24
ubun2aurel42: goolge for 'at' is a mistake. lol22:24
Raylzhubar: the more fun to work :D22:24
Thiag1it's showing: 2.6.22-15-generic #1 SMP Tue Oct 21 23:47:12 GMT 2008 i686 GNU/Linux22:24
Raylzhubar: from what i see you can get all of em working22:24
hubarI spent 1 hour trying to get NETGWG511 to work on my wife's laptop.22:24
aurel42ubun: packages.ubuntu.com/at should help, but it would be better to fix the underlying problem.22:24
Thiag1it's showing  2.6.22-15-generic #1 SMP Tue Oct 21 23:47:12 GMT 2008 i686 GNU/Linux22:25
brembyThiag1: that should be 32-bit. Also, as lucax said, try opening System monitor22:25
hubarI tried ndiswrapper too, but it keeps complaining invalid driver.22:25
Thiag1what you thinks22:25
aurel42ubun2: like make sure that your package manager has all the necessary package sources or something like that.22:25
Thiag1I tried but there's nohitng22:25
ubun2aurel42: I got to this page, but don't see anything but a "source" download.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/admin/at22:25
AntuandeStürkçe bilen var m0131 dostlar22:25
kantlivelonganyone know?22:25
aurel42ubun2: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/at/download -- if on i38622:26
Raylzhubar: and wlan is not absolutely necessary22:26
ubun2aurel42: oh, duh. :)22:26
aurel42ubun2: but still, you shouldn't need to.22:26
Raylzhubar: you should try intel devices22:26
LjL!tr | AntuandeS22:26
ubottuAntuandeS: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:26
brembyThiag1: I guess then it's 32-bit, but I am not using 64-bit. I think it would have been written there, if it was 64-bit22:26
Raylzhubar: they support linux very well22:26
hubarRaylz: for PCMCIA card?22:27
ubun2aurel42: maybe my sources.list is missing a repo22:27
aurel42ubun2: have you tried refreshing your package list (in your package manager or using "sudo apt-get update")22:27
ubun2aurel42: yeah22:27
brembyif you want to be sure, you can look in /usr/lib64/ - my 32bit system has only two .so files in it22:27
aurel42ubun2: if so, it's not "a repo", it's "the main repo that you cannot live without".22:27
hubarThey only have miniPCI listed there.22:27
Thiag1If I UPGRADE through the system to 8.04 LTS, is it going to adapt to 64 bits?22:27
Raylzhubar: 06:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)22:28
ubun2aurel42: well this is a work system, so they have apt-proxy.  But I just did an apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and it worked.22:28
mikebeechamhi guys...I've just installed Ubuntu with nvidia-settings, but twinview seems to stretch the windows across both monitors, and when I have rebooted i go back to one monitor...what am I doing wrong?22:28
Raylzhubar: its a built in card22:28
aurel42ubun2: fishy.22:28
Thiag1I checked, the folder is showing lib3222:28
frawfrawHi.  I am installing 8.04.  I am trying to partition my disk so I keep windows intact.  I clicked "manual", but I am not sure what to do next.22:28
LjLThiag1: upgrading from the 32-bit to the 64-bit version is, to my knowledge, not supported22:28
ubun2aurel42: btw, downloading and isntalling the .deb fixed the problem (original one anyway)22:29
aurel42ubun2: excellent22:29
hubarRaylz: oh, I am looking for a card for my wife's CompaqN600c laptop. :(22:29
frawfrawSorry, "manual" is what I clicked in the disk partitioner.22:29
aurel42Another try... anyone got an idea how to get audio with Java (Web Start) applications without starting them in a VirtualBox running Windows?22:29
Raylzhubar: hm, are there any usb wlan cards?22:29
brembyThiag1: if you upgrade, it will stay whatever it is22:29
brembyThiag1: anything else?22:30
jsilviaAnyone have any advice on how to get cpufreq-selector to overclock the CPU?  I'm running an Intel Atom at 1.6g, and want to push it to the 1.9 turbo speed it's designed for22:30
Thiag1I'm downloading the CD for 64 bits trhought the web site22:31
Thiag1and then I'll install to replace the currect one (7.04 - 32 bits) is it a probloem?22:31
Thiag1or do I have to format all first?22:32
Raylzhubar: it says Netgear WG511T works out of the box22:32
brembyThiag1: consider using 64-bits instead of 32 before installing - it doesn't offer that much speed increased, but it has lower stability with programs designed for 3222:32
Raylzhubar: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw/devices22:32
hubarRaylz: I have a very old version WG511 v1.22:32
brembyThiag1: I have never upgraded from 32 to 64 bits, I think it should be possible, but I wouldn't do that, since there may be many dependency problems and others22:33
EatShroomsHowdy ho neighborinos! Is there any way I could have a different set of icons for each workstation?22:33
Thiag1oo god...22:33
brembyThiag1: if you're not gonna run apps that need that much speed, like servers or databases, I wouldn't do that22:34
jean-martinikonia, I removed nvidia new and nvidia-glx and still have the problem22:34
hubarRaylz: I think I will get the 3com one. :)22:34
hubarRaylz: cheap and seems to work!22:35
brembyThiag1: it's a lot different, programs need to be often rewritten to use 64-bit, and although it should be compatible, it's not 100% guaranteed22:35
Thiag1but If I install 64bits, later, will I be able to run anything which is for 32 bits only?22:35
brembyThiag1: yes, but as I say - better to run 64-bit apps on 64-bit OS, and 32 on 32, but I don't recommend running 32 on 6422:36
brembyThiag1: remember the old Windows ?22:36
Thiag1I used XP no longer time22:36
brembythey had 16-bit core but emulated 32bits... how messy that was... it's not a good idea to play with bits :)22:37
brembyThiag1: if you're a general user, go with 32 bits22:37
brembyyou get better app range and support...22:38
Thiag1ok then22:38
bender1337hi, is the new version of ubuntu coming out tomorrow?22:38
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Thiag1Actually I'd like to use all the powerfull from my PC22:38
brembybender1337: depends on where you're from :)22:38
Thiag1by installing an OS accordingly22:39
brembyThiag1: you won't see much speed increasement22:39
bender1337bremby, us?22:39
onthefence9281hey how do i see what kind of harddrives my laptop uses so i know what to look for when i look for a rpelacement22:39
Wickedso the new ubuntu is gonna be released in 2 days....is it still being worked on? or just being finalized and distributed to all the download servers?22:39
Thiag1but as you're saying that probably I can have problems with 32B programs... I don't know now...22:39
brembybender1337: yes, you :) if you're from Eastern Europe, then yes, if later, then the day after tommorow :)22:39
Wickedcould i install it tonight? or do they make the final iso on the day its released?22:39
bender1337bremby, cool beans22:40
EatShroomsIs there any way I could have a different set of icons for each workstation?22:40
Thiag1and about upgrade my current version to 8.0422:40
Thiag1do you see some difference?22:40
brembyThiag1: I would prefer stability than that little speed you get with 64 :)22:40
nalkaHi guys, problem mounting usb drive : dmesg "usbcore: deregistering interface driver usb-storage", on ubunty hardy22:40
brembyThiag1: upgrade to 8.04? THAT'S a DIFFERENCE!22:41
hubarHow do you upgrade?22:41
EatShroomsIs there any way I could switch between save states of my login? Like have multiple ones?22:41
Thiag1new design?22:41
hubarUsing GUI? or Command line?22:41
onthefence9281when 8.10 comes out should i upgrade my hardy heron? or try to do a complete reinstall?22:41
marshtomp!ibid | onthefence928122:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ibid22:42
marshtomp!ibex | onthefence928122:42
ubottuonthefence9281: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu22:42
FloodBot3marshtomp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
_ykramthe upgrade worked for me22:42
brembyThiag1: everything gets new, what is developed - for example latest stable karnel, newest stable compiz fusion, etc.22:42
hubar_ykram: How did you upgrade?22:42
hubarapt-get distro-upgrade?22:43
Thiag1os it's better..22:43
Thiag1I'll do that now22:43
Thiag1will I lose my files that I saved here?22:43
brembyEatShrooms: how do you mean it?22:43
AirstrikeIvanovHey everyone. I need a spot of help with a plugin installing. I performed sudo apt-get install php5-gd successfully, but my GD-enabled PHP script still reports that it's not installed. Did I do something wrong?22:43
brembyThiag1: if you're running from harddrive, then you won't lose anything22:44
cobelloyhi I have a little problem with internet - I have a wireless modem that works fine with wvdial but only when the ethernet and regular wireless adapters are disabled, the ppp0 interface does not show up in the network manager so I cannot set it as the default route - how do I make it show up there?22:44
cobelloyI am using kubuntu - but that channel is very quiet22:44
Thiag1yes, I'll do that by using Update Manager22:44
EatShroomsIs there any way I could switch between saved running applications states of my login? Like have multiple ones?22:44
Thiag1there's a button to upgrade22:45
AirstrikeIvanovnevermind - my script can find it now all of a sudden22:45
Thiag1so that's it...22:45
brembyThiag1: If you're running normal instalation of Ubuntu, you won't lose anything. That would be only if you were running in RAM :)22:45
Thiag1thanks a lot22:45
marshtomp!noprob | Thiag122:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about noprob22:46
brembyEatShrooms: you want more accounts or what?22:46
Thiag1by everybody22:46
brembyThiag1: always happy to see new faces with Ubuntu! :)22:46
Thiag1for sure22:46
pr0faneWhat is better in 8.10 than in 8.04?22:46
iljai got a nvidia driver enabled but i still cant get a higher resolution22:46
Thiag1I'm at this better side22:46
marshtomp!ibex | pr0fane22:46
ubottupr0fane: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - WARNING: lots of broken software between now and October 30th! - Use #ubuntu+1 for support, NOT #ubuntu22:46
EatShroomsbremby: I'd like to avoid more logins but I guess that's one solution. I have a lot of OS problems with making accounts22:47
hel_where is the language configuration file? I seem to have the wrong language22:47
Thiag1after using one time a linux OS I saw the freedom22:47
Thiag1bye all22:47
pr0faneilja, I recommand you to install EnvyNG and install nvidia driver from there22:47
pietrubensanyone familiar with amaya?22:47
jarussianyone knows how to recogniza CD-rom on APT or something like that?22:48
Flanneljarussi: sudo apt-cdrom add22:48
cobelloyanyone know how I can get network manager to see the ppp0 interface if it does not show up there?22:48
jsilviaifconfig ppp0 up22:48
brembyEatShrooms: I don't know what you're trying to achieve. For example I have 1 normal account for programming and stuff, other for playing games, other for other bussiness22:48
cobelloyjsilvia: the interface is already up, using wvdial22:49
cobelloyit just doesnt show up in network manager22:49
iAlienis fetch available on ubuntu - when i try to run fetch http://www.somewebsite.com/file.tar.gz it says command not found22:49
marshtompcowbellboy: hello22:49
FlanneliAlien: Whats wrong with wget?22:49
EatShroomsI tried that too, but I have ridiculous problems with applications when I use certain logins22:49
pietrubensnobody in here knows amaya?22:50
iAliennothing really -- i just type fetch by force of habbit22:50
mikebeechamcan anyone help me to sort out my dual-screen with nvidia-settings, as all my applications, browsers, etc are stretched across both monitors when I maximise22:50
marshtomp!patience | pietrubens22:50
ubottupietrubens: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:50
marshtomphi netecho from sorcerynet22:50
yoyonediAlien: use wget22:50
NetEchomarshtomp thats only 1 of many networks I'm on22:51
marshtomp!offtopic | netecho22:51
ubottunetecho: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:51
NetEchouh you're the one who started the offtopic bud22:51
marshtompno i just said hello22:51
NetEchoyou also brought another network into the talk22:52
iAliennot that it really matters - but what is the diffrence22:52
JowiiAlien, "wget -c http://.....blah...blah..." will continue if download fails halfway22:52
marshtompit was just a greeting; greetings are permitted under various clauses of the code of conduct. for further discussion of rules, please join #ubuntu-offtopic22:52
brembymikebeecham: I know what you wanna achieve, I never know how I did it - I just switch to "Separate X screen", save to file, restart X server, switch back to TwinView, save to file, restart X server, here it goes22:52
JowiiAlien, you can use "alias" to use wget if you type "fetch"22:53
mikebeechambremby: just do that, or do it all the time?22:53
helpfulistdoes anyone know where i can get proper Ati drivers for my: X1650 pro because I'm apparently using some restricted drivers and when i try to play any games or movies i have a constant flickering :(22:53
NetEchomarshtomp please stop trying to act like an operator and actually try to help someone22:53
mikebeechamand how do I restart X server?22:53
VladimirLVHow i can view PHP processes (some runing php daemons, as php irc bot..)?22:53
helpfulistdoes anyone know where i can get proper Ati drivers for my: X1650 pro because I'm apparently using some restricted drivers and when i try to play any games or movies i have a constant flickering :(22:54
pr0faneinstall EnvyNG, helpfulist22:54
NetEchowinterelf I would suggest not using IRC under the root account, it can be hazardous22:54
brembymikebeecham: once you have it connected, you do it once and it's there. and I use CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to restart X server. Warning: it shuts down all your running apps22:54
helpfulistwhat does EnvyNG do?22:54
Jowimikebeecham, "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" or CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE22:54
NetEchowinterelf can we help you?22:55
winterelfno, listen22:56
winterelfi m changing my irssi theme, and i wand to enter this channel and exit, cause i wanna see how the theme looks like, and here u people talks a lot so it helps me see my theme22:57
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NetEchoI see, winterelf you are aware running your irc client as root is a bad idea right?22:57
winterelfhmm, no... but how do u know that?22:57
NetEchowinterelf is n=root@ * root22:58
hubar[18:57]===winterelf <n=root@> “root”22:58
pr0fanewhy is it a bad idea?22:58
NetEchoirssi and most other clients default to the logged in user for that info22:58
NetEchopr0fane because if there is an exploit in the client an attacker can gain full root control of your machine22:58
takamarouHi, I'm trying to install the game Black and white with crossover..  The game seemed to install fine, but as soon as I get past the intro movie, it crashes.  Anyone have any previous knowledge or ideas on this game?22:58
Jowipr0fane, should only use root/admin accounts when modifying system. it's not needed otherwise22:58
marshtompcan i run cron as root22:59
winterelfdidn't know that stuff22:59
Jowi!root | winterelf (this is a good read)22:59
ubottuwinterelf (this is a good read): Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:59
Jowitakamarou, http://appdb.winehq.org/ is very useful to troubleshoot wine games23:00
winterelfi think i need to reloogin23:00
marshtompdoes 'sudo' stand for 'super-user do'23:00
marshtompto do something as a super-user23:00
kitchemarshtomp yes23:01
Flannelmarshtomp: switch user do, but close enough.23:01
takamarouJowi, does that work with crossover, usually?23:01
wificonfiggerhello I'm having issues setting up wifi on my sister's computer; does anyone here have experience with that23:01
pjvandehaar@wificonfigger - tried ndiswrapper?23:01
Jowitakamarou, don't know. they use the same base but I know crossover is not 100% compatible23:01
kitcheFlannel The sudo (short for super user do :)23:01
brembywificonfigger: go on with the question...23:01
kitcheFlannel: but that's ok same thing really23:02
wificonfiggerpjvanderhaar, yes, and it works with unencrypted networks but not with wep or wpa23:02
wificonfiggerI don't know why it doesn't work with wpa -- I am using network manager to try and connect23:02
helpfulistwhere do i find EnvyNG in ubuntu because when i tried installing it it said its already there23:02
winterelfguess i'm not a root now !23:03
pr0faneapplications-system tools, helpfulist23:03
pjvandehaar@wificonfigger - are you sure? I really thought it had an option for wep or wma23:03
pjvandehaaror whatever its called23:03
Flannelkrazihrz:/lastlog kitche23:03
wificonfiggerpjvandehaar, it has the option, it just doesn't work (stalls, then fails)23:03
helpfulistwhere do i find EnvyNG in ubuntu because when i tried installing it it said its already there23:04
pr0faneapplications-system tools23:04
pr0faneopen it from there23:04
=== Rabbitbu1ny is now known as Rabbitbunny
helpfulistthere is no system tools in that menu23:05
pjvandehaar@wificonfigger - i have no idea then. you've tried doing a google search or searching ubuntu forums?23:05
helpfulist@ pr0fane there is no system tools in that menu23:05
brembyhelpfulist: try searching :)23:05
pr0fane@helfulist... i know that it`s there in Ubuntu 8.04 :D23:06
helpfulist@ pr0fane oops i'm in 8.1023:06
wificonfiggerpjvandehaar -- I've tried searching and tried alternate solutions like wpa supplicant but they haven't worked so far (It's been about 2 months since I tried last) I think part of the problem is I don't know exactly what is going wrong. Why does wifi work, just not with encryption?23:06
pr0fanesearch then23:07
winterelfsay, can someone tell me where can i find yakuake keys? i meen like when i want to switch between sessions or open another session , what's the shortcats?23:07
helpfulisthow? alt+f2?23:07
pr0fanethat should work23:07
Scuniziwificonfigger: ask in #ubuntu+1 if the new version fixes this.. You might be surprised23:07
pr0fanealt+f2 and EnvyNG23:07
wificonfiggerscunizi: will do!23:08
onthefence9281how complicated would it be for me to replace one or both of my laptop's harddrives?23:08
helpfulist@ pr0fane Nothing, anything that i can do in terminal?23:08
winterelfpr0fane: did u tell me about the alt+f12? cause i didn't understand23:09
brembyonthefence9281: you can break warranty, if you have any23:09
Jowionthefence9281, hard as in physical undoing the screws or hard as in moving all your data over?23:09
onthefence9281bremby: i already did by using ubuntu i guess23:09
pr0fanejust push and hold alt+f2 and type in EnvyNG and hit enter23:09
pr0fanei dont know how to open it from terminal23:09
winterelfu didn't understand23:10
brembyonthefence9281: why do you think so?23:10
onthefence9281Jowi: hard in the software sense, since i have most of my /home on sda and my ubuntu install/swap and some of /home of SDB23:10
Ro1Is the new Ubuntu different from the current one?23:11
helpfulistpr0fane: it says ''could not open location''23:11
Jowionthefence9281, then it's not very hard. You can use the data on /home if you install the system on another disk. no probs23:11
winterelfpr0fane: i ment, when i'm on yakuake, and i m using session1 how can i open another session whithout using the mouse? and if i have 2 sessions open how can i switch between them23:11
pjvandehaar@ro1 - yes, but not so different23:11
onthefence9281Jowi: will ubuntu freak at the new drive? or will it not care?23:11
pjvandehaarand comes out in 2 days23:11
ScuniziRo1: always there are differences between the current and new releases.23:12
pr0fanei don`t even know what yakauake is23:12
Ro1thank you :)23:12
onthefence9281Jowi: and what about maybe rpelacing SDB?23:12
DanskmandHi :-) - I am installing capisuite with "sudo apt-get install capisuite" it also installs courier-mta - but I dont need it ! - So I execute "sudo apt-get remove courier-mta" - this removes courier-mta AND capisuite.....How can I install capisuite WITHOUT courier ?23:12
pietrubensanybody in here can help me out with amaya?23:12
Falcons_roostI have a flash vidio I want converted into avi What program should I use ?23:12
winterelfi think /j yakuake will help :P23:13
Scunizipietrubens: installing it or what?23:13
Jowionthefence9281, it will detect the new disk but shouldn't care about it. if you wish to replace the disk that contain the system files then a clean install is recommended and then just mount sda as /home on the new system23:13
amortvigilhow can i umount my home partition so i can shrink it?23:13
ScuniziFalcons_roost: avidemux23:13
pjvandehaar@danskand - im sure there's a way, but is it a problem?23:13
Chousukeamortvigil: boot from a live CD23:13
Jowineed to sleep. 'night all23:13
Scuniziamortvigil: use the live cd23:13
onthefence9281jowi: ok then maybe i'll do it when i decide to use 8.1023:14
amortvigilScunizi: ok ty23:14
pietrubens@scunizi: no the help file is a bit vague, and i could use some help in using it23:14
winterelfguess what, nobody live in yakuake channel just wierd CIA guys23:14
Danskmandpjvandehaar: Yes it is :-) - I then have 2 mta's installed on the same machine !23:14
Scunizipietrubens: sorry.. I'm not well versed in it.. this would be the right channel anyway.. not ubuntu specific enough.. you might try ##linux or maybe amaya has a channel23:15
notdarkyetwhat is the difference if you download the release candidate now and in two days?23:15
Scunizipietrubens: would not be the right channel ..23:15
Scunizinotdarkyet: if you do the updates .. nothing23:15
BlaiddI need help with an ati x1550 card.  Anyone feel lik banging their head against a wall with me?23:15
amortvigilBlaidd: whats the prob?23:16
ScuniziBlaidd: too late I already have an indentation.. not going there again.. :)23:16
Blaiddamortvigil: I can't seem to get the ati drivers working, and not sure where to look next23:16
pietrubens@scunizi: i created an amaya room, since there was none, and still waiting for the first visitor... hehehe23:16
Scunizipietrubens: good luck with that. :-)23:16
Blaiddamortvigil: Already tried everythin here : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide23:16
BlaiddScunizi: No worries, I understand completely23:17
pietrubenscheers scunizi, thank you for your time ;)23:17
Scunizipietrubens: np.. good luck23:17
Blaiddamortvigil: I get green lines and a fuzzy screen when I try to use the fglrx driver, but I need it to use xv accelerated video playback for myth23:18
wificonfiggerdoes anyone here know how to use wpasupplicant with ndiswrapper (specifically -Dwext or -Dndiswrapper... the ndiswrapper wiki seems to be down)23:19
ubnotewificonfigger: -D wext23:20
Blaiddam I likely to have more luck with something like a geforce 8800 gt?23:20
wificonfiggerubnote: you are awesome. thanks23:20
q0r3hey all.  i'm a little confused about this nvidia binary driver debacle with xorg 7.4.  as far as i can tell, everyone keeps saying it's nvidia's fault.  but they didn't change anything; xorg did.  why aren't people clamoring for xorg to be patched instead?23:20
for_ever__I'd like to know how I can uninstall a source code...23:21
Certhwho updated to intrepid?23:21
q0r3for_ever__, the source should have come with a makefile.  if you go into the installation directory, in the terminal type "make clean"23:21
for_ever__i'll try...23:22
for_ever__it's running...23:22
ScuniziCerth: check out #ubuntu+1 for intrepid info & q&A23:22
tundrayeti312I've been messing around with Samba, and now every time i try to sudo, it says 'unable to resolve host', how do i fix this?23:22
BlaiddI"m just looking for something that's going to work that I can use for my mythbox.. any suggestions?23:23
CerthScunizi: thanks23:23
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
for_ever__q0r3: it ran, but the program it's running yet23:24
Scunizitundrayeti312: I had this issue the other day.. go to System/Admin/Network and unlock.. then click Hosts and add and your user name23:24
marshtomphi can i ask a question plz23:24
brembymarshtomp: ask it23:24
tundrayeti312Scunizi: ty, will do23:24
for_ever__q0r3:  i went to directorie where i could install the program, and i type "make clean", it ran but...23:24
Scunizitundrayeti312: or actually add your desktop name.. my login is .. well lets say.. Scunizi but the machine is scunizi-desktop23:24
dulakBlaidd: any 8000 series nvidia card should do you up real nice for myth23:25
q0r3for_ever__, but...23:25
Scunizitundrayeti312: should also take effect right away23:25
marshtomphahaha what u gonna do without ubottu23:25
dulak!ask marshtomp23:25
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
marshtomptheres no ubottu !23:25
Myrttimarshtomp: get over it23:25
Scunizi!ask | marshtomp23:25
_ykramwheres the setting for concurency=on for startup23:25
q0r3for_ever__, as far as i understood, you wanted to undo the changes that you made when you compiled a program from scratch.  'make clean' does just that.23:25
BlaiddThe last thing I found about the 8800 GT was that it was new to the nvidai driver.. has it been optimized?23:25
eriscoI want to connect to both a wireless and a wired network. the wireless network as an internet gateway, but the wired network does not. In fact, I want this computer to be the internet gateway on the wired network. how do I do this? in my network manager I cannot seem to simultaneously connect to two networks23:26
for_ever__i installed a program, but i dont want more23:26
dulakBlaidd: I don't have an 8800 so I don't know, 8600 works great for myth though for sure23:26
q0r3for_ever__, "make clean" removes the program.  it doesn't install anything.23:27
brembyerisco: try "routed", a program, routing daemon23:27
Danskmandpjvandehaar - Are you there ?23:27
brembyerisco: google i23:27
Scunizierisco: by chance are you wanting to use the wireless to provide access to another machine like internet connection sharing?  otherwise why bother23:27
* md22 cries xfi sound card doesn't work in Ubuntu 8.0423:27
eriscoScunizi, yes. the situation is that I have one wireless adapter and two computers23:27
Blaidddulak: how was it for install?  pretty painless?23:27
nalkagoodbye !!23:27
=== nick__ is now known as Skky
dulakBlaidd: yeah no issues for me23:27
eriscoScunizi, should I look at "routed" like bremby suggested?23:28
Scunizierisco: and a wireless router?23:28
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Blaidddulak: sweet.. thanks..23:28
for_ever__q0r3: yeah, but when i run my program that need this program (what i want to uninstall), my program runs perfectly23:28
eriscoScunizi, yup23:28
=== Xang_away is now known as Xang
LjL!away > Xang_away    (Xang_away, see the private message from Ubottu)23:28
Skkyquestion - i have been looking through Wine, and I am unsure about this.  How exactly do you install windows programs to run on wine, on linux?  Just put their installation CD in?23:28
Scunizierisco: so is it a problem to plug one machine in and use the wireless with the other?23:28
Blaidddulak: do you mind if I ask the specs?23:28
eriscoScunizi, both machines are at remote locations, so both must use wireless. I have only one adapter though23:28
md22question are the  XFi sound cards supported in Linux ?23:28
dulakBlaidd: like the full specs of the computer?23:28
eriscoScunizi, they are both beside each other, see23:28
q0r3for_ever__, then obviously the other program doesn't "need" that program to run, does it.23:29
Blaidddulak: no, of the video card.   the ram and what not23:29
dulakBlaidd: sec and I'll link a spec sheet23:29
Scunizierisco: k.. not sure if "routed" is the right thing.. but ICS is.. unfortunatly without ubbotu I can't provide a link.. maybe someone else here will know where to go.23:29
LjLSkky: that might not be enough since i don't think ubuntu will do the autorun thing on the cd. you will have to start the setup.exe (or whatever it's called) manually23:29
Blaidddulak: thx..23:29
Windsurfer619How can I lock my virtual terminals when my screensaver turns on?23:29
SkkyLjL: and then Wine will know what to do, and take over?23:30
eriscoScunizi, the other thing is that my network manager, wicd, doesn't seem to let me connect to two networks at the same time23:30
for_ever__q0r3: no, my program needs it23:30
eriscoScunizi, I do not know how to overcome this, even if I do know how to share the connection23:31
q0r3for_ever__, we just proved it doesn't.23:31
jordan_I need help with my wireless, its slow and I cant get drivers to work in ndiswrapper23:31
Socapex_2KHello everybody! I am currently having big problems with my 1hr or  so new 8.04 install. I have an ATI 1650pro video card, and after my install ubuntu kindly asked if I wanted to install the drivers for it. I said, well yes of course, and after reboot and ubuntu splash screen is done loading, everything is black.23:31
q0r3for_ever__, which program did you just install?  and which program allegedly needs it?23:31
jordan_I need help with my wireless, its slow and I cant get drivers to work in ndiswrapper23:31
for_ever__q0r3: what i want it is to uninstall this version and install another23:31
Scunizierisco: when ics is setup you'll be able to.. basically the machine with the wireless will connect to the router with wireless.. then the hard nick card in that same machine will connect to the other machine probably with a crossover cable to provide internet to it.23:31
brembyerisco: I think your network manager just sets the primary network device, which to use to go to Internet. but in fact you're connected to both (if there are no problems like with IPs or something... )23:32
dulakBlaidd: http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_8600.html23:32
kthefSocapex_2K, have you tried ENVY?23:32
Socapex_2KMy question is this, how can I locate the drive to uninstall it (using apt in root shell, I would think)?23:32
=== MenZa_ is now known as MenZa
LjLSkky: not necessarily. your GNOME might or might not know that Windows executables need to be started with WINE (i suspect having the "binfmt-support" package installed helps with that), and if it doesn't, you'll have to run the program manually with something like "wine /media/cdrom/setup.exe"23:32
dulakBlaidd: I have the 8600 GT23:32
eriscobremby, I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 but its 3 years old23:32
Windsurfer619)Q( How can I lock my virtual terminals when my screensaver turns on?23:32
Socapex_2Kkthef: what is envy?23:32
eriscobremby, any ideas where I can learn how to setup ics?23:32
=== Raynes_ is now known as Raynes
q0r3Socapex_2K, it's a utiility to download, install, and configure the latest binary nvidia or ati driver23:33
kthefSocapex_2K, it is an auto video driver installer for ATI and Nvidia23:33
for_ever__q0r3: i need to uninstall graphiviz-2.20.3, and install graphiviz-2.21.3, before install the second... i need to uninstall the old version, don i?23:33
kthefSocapex_2K, sudo apt-get install envy23:33
Blaidddulak: great, thanks23:33
winterelfback again23:33
jordan_I need help with my wireless, its slow and I cant get drivers to work in ndiswrapper23:33
XangSocapex_2k: Python program for installing proprietary graphics drivers.23:33
winterelfgreat, i found my irssi theme!23:33
kthefSocapex_2K, it works great for Nvidia...  it has an ATI installation in it too, but I haven't used it.23:34
Socapex_2KI didn't know about it! But now i'm in the root prompt, so I'll give apt-get a try with envy, see what that does.23:34
NetEchocongrats winterelf23:34
jordan_I need help with my wireless, its slow and I cant get drivers to work in ndiswrapper23:34
Socapex_2Kyou see i can't load ubuntu no more :(23:34
q0r3for_ever__, really depends on the specifics of how that application compiles.  you might want to check out their documentation.  but if you installed the newer version, then uninstalled the older one, and the newer one works fine, i'd say you have nothing to worry about.23:35
ScoutIf I upgrade to Ibex now will I be able to run a software update and get the full version when it comes out?23:35
Myrttipatience, jordan_23:35
MyrttiScout: yes23:35
NetEchojordan_ repeating the question every few seconds won't help23:35
brembyerisco: I think the howto you provided is just fine. If you think you can follow the steps, there shouldn't be any problem :)23:35
kitcheScout: if you update now you will pretty much have full version23:35
MyrttiScout: I'd wait until Friday though, if I were you23:36
Doc8404my vlc media player doesnt play music.... but my firefox does... why23:36
ScoutWhy is that?23:36
tundrayeti312Scunizi: the problem seems to be that i have 'WORKGROUP' specified in domain name under General.... so it keeps changing user-desktop to user-desktop.WORKGROUP, any thoughts?23:36
jordan_well I need help asap before my wireless disconnects me23:36
MyrttiScout: because of the last minute fixes that are bound to come before the official release23:36
brembyerisco: "routed" as I suggested before was the first thing that came on my mind, it's probably old by now. As you can see, Googling is really helpful, you managed it on your own :)23:37
for_ever__q0r3:  i'll try to install the newer, and i see what happens, thank your help23:37
ScoutYeah but I figure since I won't have time on Thursday I might as well go through the setup now and upgrade on Thursday23:37
NetEchojordan_ if you're connected then your drivers should be working, could possibly be an issue with the router23:38
eriscobremby, it says "Reconfigure ipmasq to start after networking has been started"... is this after network interfaces are brought up or network services?23:38
Socapex_2Kkthef, should i install envyng_core, envyng_qt or envyng_gtk. or none?23:38
jordan_i use windows and its fine23:39
jordan_here on ubuntu I get like 48% signal when I get 92% signal on windows23:39
amortvigilhow do i mount /dev/sda7 in live cd?23:39
kthefSocapex_2K, just envy23:39
kthefit will do the rest23:39
kthefSocapex_2K, using apt-get install23:39
Socapex_2Kthen it can't find :(23:39
LjLjordan_: signal percentage is something given arbitrarily by the driver, don't rely on that for anything23:39
blip-hi, i noticed eclipse 3.2.2 is on the hardy repos... but the latest is 3.4.1.... can i use the built-in update feature to update or should i instead download the prog from eclipse.org directly ?   Thanks23:39
Socapex_2Ki'll check out my sources23:39
dulakSocapex_2K: install envy-gtk and it'll install what you need23:39
jordan_yes but speeds are slow23:39
brembynetworking means network interfaces. Services do their job, routing shouldn't be dependent on them...23:40
jordan_i get around 10-30kbps on wireless when i get like 200-500kbps on windows23:40
kthefSocapex_2K, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html23:40
brembythat was for erisco23:40
eriscobremby, looks like I made the wrong choice then...23:40
eriscobremby, I hope I can just back up to that step23:41
AnzaI know its not something to discuss here, but does anyone know how to fix it when gmail doesnt let u send emails because it marks it as spam?23:41
brembyerisco: why? what's wrong?23:41
eriscobremby, I said for it to start after services, not interfaces23:41
pjvandehaaranza - search google23:41
LjL"i know it's not something to dsicuss here but i'll do it anyway". anza, please don't. #ubuntu-offtopic if you just don't know where you ask something23:41
Anzapjvandehaar, I am on it, but not a hint about how to fix it23:42
brembyerisco: it shouldn't be a problem, you can try it and then reconfigure23:42
LjLblip-, you won't have much luck upgrading the package, since it's not even in intrepid. but as for what you "should" do, if you ask me, i'd keep the current version, instead of going through the risks of installing it from eclipse.org23:42
=== Raynes is now known as TehKake
brembyerisco: if it wouldn't work23:42
jordan_so what do i do to fix this, how do i install ralink2500pci drivers into ndiswrapper23:42
tundrayeti312Whenever I use sudo it says "unable to resolve host", i keep adding my computer name as in hosts, but it keeps changing it to compname.WORKGROUP, how do i fix this?23:43
eriscobremby, now wicd says I am connected to the wired network23:43
eriscobremby, yet I am still talking to you23:43
eriscobremby, bleh... weird things... I don't like 'em23:44
favrotundrayeti312: you need to have the same host listed in /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname23:44
LjLtundrayeti312, /etc/hosts should say " localhost" (the name being localhost), not just
brembyerisco: you see, you're still connected over both interfaces23:44
eriscoam I still connected?23:45
eriscoam I connected?23:45
FloodBot1erisco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
hellenicAlUsersomeone can help me?23:45
eriscobremby, I dunno, did you see it twice?23:45
brembyerisco: yes you are23:45
eriscobremby, I said "testing123" twice...23:45
brembyerisco: yes, you did :)23:45
NetEchoerisco you also said am I connected twice23:46
eriscobremby, so wicd is simple setting the "default" interface, then23:46
NetEchoerisco thats why FloodBot1 warned you23:46
eriscoNetEcho, that is a relief, thanks23:46
=== TehKake is now known as Raynes
brembyersico: remember, Linux and other *nix-based OSs are network-based. which means you can get a lot of magic from them :)23:47
tundrayeti312favro: ty thats the issue. I'm trying to setup samba, so i want to keep a domain name, so should i be using the compname.WORKGROUP then for both?23:47
hellenicAlUsersomeone help me?23:47
LjL!ask | hellenicAlUser23:48
LjLhellenicAlUser: saying "someone help me" is useless, ask your question23:48
favrotundrayeti312: the entry in both those files has to match so yes23:48
hellenicAlUseri'm new to ubuntu23:48
brembyLjL: replacing ubottu? :)23:48
tundrayeti312favro: ok ty again23:48
hellenicAlUserand i can't install my graphics card23:48
LjLbremby: since it's MIA...23:48
LjLhellenicAlUser: which graphics card is that?23:48
hellenicAlUserati HD387023:49
=== kano_ is now known as Kanito
blip-LjL:  i didn't get the part about intrepid... when i run the update tool within eclipse it shows me some updates, strangely enough the update is title eclipse 3.2.2 and eclipse 3.2.2-patches so maybe it's trying to reinstall the same thing again.   I noticed they offer the download on their website as a .tar.gz  http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4.1-200809111700/linPlatform.php#EclipseSDK   .... do you think its a binary or23:49
blip-something i have to compile manually ... if so then it's definitely not worth it.   (isn't it strange that the repo version is so old... or is it because most focus on the repo updates goes to 8.10 ? )   Sorry too many questions there.23:49
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DG19075c xz23:50
hellenicAlUseri search all 2 days but i cant find solution23:50
LjLblip-: Intrepid is 8.10. there might be several reason why the new version isn't even there. the package they offer is probably a binary (at least, one of them is), but that can actually be *worse* that compiling from source code.23:50
LjLhellenicAlUser: this page has instructions for ATI cards - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI23:50
swifI just opened a Terminal window and issued the `sudo su` command.  It asked for my user password, and once entered appears to escalate me to the root user.  The shell apparently then `exit`s the root session and returns me to my user prompt, and the `exit` command appears when I press any button.  The shell then no longer responds.  See my terminal output here: http://rafb.net/p/DXPcmd44.html (2 lines)23:50
_Krishna_  "Money is power or shall we say, the monopoly to create credit money and charge interest is absolute power" : Alex James23:51
_Krishna_"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws":  Amschel Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 183823:51
_Krishna_Letter written from London by the Rothschilds to their New  York agents introducing their banking method into America:  "The few who can understand the system will be either so  interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours,  that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on  the other hand, that great body of people, mentally  incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that  Capital derives from the system, wi23:51
blip-LjL: i see.  i guess i'll settle with 3.2.2 until they upgrade the repo package.  thanks for the help23:52
LjLblip-: don't hold your breath though... if it's not in Intrepid, it's unlikely to be anywhere soon23:52
FloodBot1_Krishna_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:52
LjLblip-: it's not even in debian unstable23:52
FloodBot1_Krishna_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:53
NetEchobot is lagged23:53
LjLno it isn't23:53
gasullHi,  I just installed postgresql-8.2.  I restarted the server, but Postgres is not running.  How should I start it?  /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.2 start does nothing23:53
blip-LjL:  ye i guess there isn't much demand for it.  most poeple probably write code with a vim...23:53
NetEchoLjL it warned him/her 3 mintues after the fact :o23:54
LjLblip-: i doubt that's the case23:54
LjLNetEcho: not true, they were still doing it, but were muted.23:54
MyrttiNetEcho: he kept flooding unseen to your eyes ;-)23:54
NetEchothat makes more sense23:54
LjLNetEcho: and they won't reply to your pings, either23:54
pjvandehaaris LjL a person?23:54
Myrttipjvandehaar: very much so23:54
LjLpjvandehaar: i don't think so, why?23:55
brembyLjL is a Japanese bot! with advanced AI!23:55
pjvandehaarToo smart to be a bot, but too general of answers for a person23:55
_JayT_just installed 8.04 - how come i dont see the advanced desktop settings?23:56
CurtisRealtek RTL8193 10/100 Ethernet LAN anyone get that to work in ubuntu?23:56
LjL_JayT_: maybe your card isn't supported by them, what card is it?23:56
bremby_JayT_: you need to install a package, i think ccsm... ?23:56
blip-that's pretty advanced23:56
_JayT_like a 8600GT23:56
_JayT_yeah i think so23:57
_JayT_ccsm ?23:57
_JayT_maybe i do need that pkg23:57
blip-same as mine actually.  everyone has that card these days23:57
NetEchoLjL is it a specific ban that only ops can see the person talking?23:57
_ykramcan i please ask if i can please ask or should i just ask if i can ask that23:57
bremby_JayT_: you can use Add/Remove applications23:57
brembyor Synaptic23:57
LjL_JayT_: it makes no difference which APT program you use to install packages23:57
_ykramoops wrong channel :/23:57
LjLNetEcho, i'd do !mode > NetEcho on you, but the bot is MIA23:57
blip-_ykram: ask if you can please ask to ask....23:58
LjLanyway, yes23:58
_JayT_right, no diff23:58
_JayT_i gotcha23:58
NetEchointeresting modes this IRCd has23:58
NetEchoback on topic for me23:58
diese1i was trying to setup network sharing and created a folder in /media.  but i know it won't let me remove via right click23:58
LjLgood idea23:58
diese1how can i delete a folder via terminal?23:59
brembydiese1: rmdir23:59
jlcrm -fR <folder>23:59
_JayT_where is it under add/remove23:59
kthef_kthef, test23:59
diese1>jaT: /media23:59

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