
R4z3rhello all04:47
R4z3rI would like to help create artwork for Ubuntu or other ubuntu based distros04:52
R4z3rhello aantn04:53
aantnhey R4z3r04:59
R4z3rhow are you today?04:59
R4z3rI would like to help with any art related projects :-)05:03
R4z3rI have experience with many graphic apps05:03
aantnR4z3r: I'm not the person to ask :(05:03
R4z3ras well as some knowledge of code05:03
R4z3rnot a problem aantn05:03
aantnR4z3r: perhaps try sending an email to the mailing list05:03
R4z3rkinda a blanket statement05:03
aantnR4z3r: or just pick out one that interests you05:04
R4z3rwhere would I "pick out one"? looking around the site and not finding much in terms of helping me : /05:05
R4z3rcause I got to here05:05
zirodayR4z3r: if you look in the topic, project kyudo is very much in early stages but gives you an idea on what ubuntu is trying to look like05:06
zirodayR4z3r: there is also the breathe iconset which you can help in by submitting icons05:06
R4z3rah :-)05:07
R4z3rthe Project Kyudo seems like fun actually :-)05:07
zirodayR4z3r: finally, mostly it goes by you creating and submitting a draft of something (usually to the ML) and then people giving you ideas and/or offering to help out05:07
zirodayR4z3r: currently everything is a little bit quiet due to intrepid about to be released05:08
R4z3rah ok :-)05:08
R4z3rI'm just moving over to Ubuntu/Vista from Gentoo/Vista05:08
R4z3rso didn't realize that Intrepid was just to be released05:09
zirodayR4z3r: and here is the main wikipage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork which you should probably have a good read through05:09
R4z3rthank you for the help ziroday, it's appreciated =]05:10
zirodayR4z3r: haha no problem :)05:10
zirodayR4z3r: finally you might want to have a glance through the intrepid submission pages to give you an idea of what people have done as well as get the community-themes package from kwwii's ppa to get a look at 3 themes that were really really good05:11
R4z3ryeah, was thinking that. trying to figure out the formats they'd like05:12
R4z3ras I can create some that may be asthetically nicer in Photoshop than in some of the recommended programs, so looking into all that as well05:13
zirodayR4z3r: mmm, I think the current intrepid wallpaper was made in photoshop, but really not certain05:13
R4z3rtrue, the icons they'd like in SVG :/05:14
R4z3rah Illustrator can do it :-)05:17
R4z3rI'll be back later :-) gunna mess around with some ideas :-)05:19
R4z3rthanks again!05:20
xivulonthorwil: hi, any progress?12:48
thorwilxivulon: a bit, yesterday. today i finally need to concentrate on this :}12:59
robstai've been wondering if you have heard of the css engine for gtk, and whether anyone here would be interested in doing a kickass theme for my next release13:03
thorwilrobsta: yes, i'm very interested in the css engine. not sure if how and when to do a theme with it, though13:06
thorwilrobsta: you might yield more responses by posting to the ubuntu-art list13:06
robstai'd rather keep it low noise and face-to-face for now13:07
robstathere's no documentation and not much testing13:08
thorwilrobsta: ok. i am interested, but don't have the time right now. maybe you can catch rsc when he shows up here, he's the man behind dust13:08
robstaanyway, the upcoming 0.3 should be the first with desktop-wide support (not just widget factory)13:09
robstaso it's starting to be more interested for themers13:10
thorwilrobsta: i mean to recall that there are some changes going on to make the css targets more designer friendly? will that be in 0.3?13:10
robstathorwil, yes13:10
thorwilrobsta: long term, do you expect performance similar to clearlooks, or are there issues there?13:11
robstacurrently it's very much tied to how gtk draws things, but i'm working on making it more intuitive13:11
andreasnrobsta: whups, time to blog for me :)13:11
robstathorwil: the gnome theming blog has some info13:12
robstaandreasn: yeah, well, if you did your (blogging) job properly i didn't have to be on the knocker myself :P13:13
* andreasn pretends it's raining13:13
thorwilrobsta: what's the point in repeating "gtk" everywhere?13:14
robstathorwil: you mean in the css classes?13:14
robstawell, you can have an arbitrary number of classes for each node, e.g. <div class="foo bar baz">...</div>13:15
robstaso we're setting the gtk-related ones apart13:15
thorwilah, ok13:15
robstaandreasn: well, if you don't blog it that's good too, because the post is outdated13:43
andreasnin what way is it outdated?13:43
robstaandreasn: just a few minor changes regarding the css classes13:44
andreasnwell, I still want to draw more eyes to the project13:44
robstaat this point it doesn't matter so much, as long as i find a designer with time :)13:45
robstaanyway, i want to start using the css engine myself before 0.3, so if bad comes to worse i'll do a theme myself13:46
robstamaybe finish gilouche or so13:46
robstathorwil: to answer your question about performance, it really depends on the theme i'd say14:30
robstaif you just use solid fills and css-native borders you'll get faster rendering than with all-svg14:31
thorwilrobsta: i wasn't even aware of svg support14:31
robstaalso the whole thing is not optimised at all at this point, there are more pressing needs14:32
robstathorwil: you can use png and svg interchangeably14:32
robsta(only the latter ones will scale smoothly)14:33
thorwilrobsta: can you change colors of svg parts via css?14:34
robstathorwil: there's also a patch in the works so you can design all svg parts in a single svg file and reference like "background-image: url('theme.svg#foo')"14:34
robstathorwil: recoloring doesn't work, i'm more interested in standards-compliant css features at this point14:36
robstayou can use gtk system colours though14:36
thorwilhi aantn. i a had a look at your presentation slides yesterday. very well done!14:36
aantnthorwil: thank you14:38
thorwilrobsta: this all sounds very good. i will have to make some time to play with it in the coming month :)14:40
robstathorwil: let me finish 0.314:47
cak3robsta, I was just reading the irc logs noticed you were talking about a css engine for gtk which I'm very interested in. where can I get it? :D15:39
robstacak3: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gtk-css-engine/0.2/15:40
robstacak3: but you should read the release notes, they say it's experimental, far from ready for public consumption, and will try to sell drugs to your kids15:40
cak3haha im ok with that, this is something I've been looking for a long time15:42
robstacak3: seriously, i'm just changing the css vocabulary, so 0.2 is pretty outdated15:43
cak3oh.. when is the next version expected?15:44
robstashould be a matter of weeks15:44
robstacak3: as said, i'm looking for designer(s)15:44
cak3im very interested in making a theme using css15:45
robstacak3: awesome, let's stay in touch15:46
cak3sure, is there much point attempting to make a theme with 0.2?15:46
robstacak3: i'm especially interested in themes that look nothing like current themes, e.g. http://exchange.enlightenment.org/files/theme/154/screenshot.png15:46
robstacak3: not really, pretty much everything changes, gets better and tastier, and more attractive to $other_gender15:47
cak3well the reason why I've been wanting a css engine is to do something completely different15:49
robstacak3: so if you are serious about this you'd try to seduce me with a mockup first and i'd try to get a rough version up so you see how stuff works15:50
robstacak3: so you have a theme (in the more abstract sense) in mind?15:57
cak3not yet, I've only just found out a working css engine existed 10mins ago lol.. I've always put off making a theme till css was supported.. I can better describe my ideas with a mockup16:02
robstacak3: are you the designer of "Dust"?16:03
cak3nah, is the designer of Dust a mystery or something?16:05
robstaoh, mixup, that'd be "rsc"16:06
robstacak3: where can i find your portfolio?16:07
cak3I haven't got one, never have the time till recently.. I can only show you bits of my work, http://www.polybonk.com (co owner) pretty much everything on that site apart from the music was made by me.. umm http://www.hilltophoods.com sadly my contract with these guy recently ended..16:11
cak3I haven't made a gtk theme before but im very willing and able :)16:14
robstacak3: hilltophoods is awesome16:14
robstapolybonk is slick too16:15
cak3is it possible to have proper transparency without compiz with the css engine?16:19
robstacak3: please elaborate16:20
robsta(though probably not)16:21
aantncak3: "proper" transparency?16:21
cak3for example if i made transparent png background for a window and then moved the window around would it be a static or would i be able to see through the window and everything behind it16:24
cak3sorry if that doesn't make sense16:24
robstacak3: you need compiz, and gtk needs to be fixed too16:24
cak3fair enough16:24
robsta(people are working on it)16:25
thorwilcak3: hilltophoods looks very stylish. i'm looking forward to see theming work from you :)16:50
cak3thanks thorwil16:51

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