
angusthefuzzis someone around to take a look at bug 288432 I think I am handling the bug incorrectly?00:37
angusthefuzzhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/288432 "upgrade to intrepid caused boot to console with nvidia card"00:45
hal14450is your X still borked?00:49
angusthefuzzi am not the poster, the poster fixed their own problem by adding a driver line to xorg.conf00:50
angusthefuzzI am trying to decide if I mark the bug confirmed, add the workaround in comments and change the title00:51
angusthefuzzI think the poster is trying to tell us that intrepid didnt configure his setup automatically00:52
hggdhangusthefuzz, this sounds correct00:52
angusthefuzzi was handling it as a bug/problem00:52
hggdhit seems like a bug00:52
hal14450sounds like bulletproofx isn't detecting the card properly00:52
hggdhif you look at the xorg.0.log, it is failing to correctly acquire the card00:53
hggdhat least one of them00:53
angusthefuzzyeah, so really the bug is that the card isnt correctly detected, not that the user needs support00:53
hal14450grep for the (EE)00:53
hggdhseems to be it00:53
angusthefuzzgreat!  thanks00:54
hggdhangusthefuzz, I would also ask for a lspci00:54
angusthefuzzyep, thats what i am doing now :-)00:54
hggdhangusthefuzz, and, of course, thank you for helping out00:55
angusthefuzzditto, learn something new every day in the channel00:55
hal14450i know this is probably the wrong place to ask but i finally got unlazy enough to send in my gpg key for approval and i still haven't gotten the confirmation email00:58
hal14450anyone have any idea on how long that takes?00:58
hggdhhal14450, gpg key for approval for what?00:58
hggdh(i.e., what are you trying to get access to?)00:59
angusthefuzzfor ubuntero?01:00
hal14450yes for ubuntero01:01
hggdhwell, at least when I did it, there was no reply. You sign the CoC, you upload it, upload your gpg key, and you are done01:01
hal14450on launchpad01:01
angusthefuzzhal14450: I got an encrypted email that I needed to decrypt with firegpg01:01
angusthefuzzhal14450: it took maybe an hour to get the email for me.01:01
hal14450angusthefuzz, that's what i'm waiting for heh01:02
hggdhdarn, yes, you are right --there is the email asking you to confirm the key01:02
hal14450i guess i have to be more patient01:02
hal14450it's been close to an hour now01:03
angusthefuzzhal14450: I decided the server had to work really hard to generate the encrypted email ;-)01:03
hggdhif the response is not automated, you will need to wait a few more hours -- most of the Lp folks are GMT01:03
hal14450A message has been sent to hal9000@XXXXXX.XXX, encrypted with the key XXXXXX/XXXXXXXX. To confirm the key is yours, decrypt the message and follow the link inside.01:05
hal14450that's all i have so far lol01:05
hal14450so i assume it may be automated if not then i'll wait until the UK wakes up01:05
hggdhwell, then you got it01:06
hggdhdo what it asks...01:06
hal14450just no email yet...01:06
hal14450and i've had some issues w/ email today01:06
hggdhbut did you follow the link?01:07
hal14450i don't have the link yet since no email has arrived01:08
hggdhah, sorry, I understood you had gotten it01:08
hal14450that was just the confirmation on launchpad01:08
hal14450i should have done this a long time ago but i was lazy01:09
hal14450went to OnLinux this past weekend and got inspired to get more hands on ;-)01:10
* hggdh thinks about going to the UDS at Mountain View this year01:18
hal14450hggdh, west coast eh?01:19
hggdhyay... I used to live in the Bay Area, and never returned there01:20
hggdh(the whole west coast, I mean)01:20
hggdhfor a while my office was at Redwood City01:21
* hal14450 lives in NY01:23
* hggdh lives in Plano, TX, but is (sigh) rarely there01:26
hal14450cool I know a guy from Dallas that uses linux for everything but his main box I'm wearing him down though01:28
hal14450the goal is to get him to try it for a month without dualboot as an option01:29
hggdhwell, I still have a virtual image of Windows -- need it for reporting times, and playing chess at playchess.com01:30
hal14450we all have guilty pleasures lol01:31
hal14450codeweavers is giving away software still for the next few hours anyway01:32
hggdhhal14450, thanks -- I have forgotten about the lameduck thingy... If I can get completely out of Windows (and forget my MCSE) I will be happy01:37
hggdhhum... codeweavers got hit hard...01:38
hal14450haha yeh01:39
hal14450i have it already01:39
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.com/87436/ SIGSEGV .. malloc_consolidate (av=0xb8079140) at malloc.c:485201:50
CarlFKcan anyone tell me what is the root of this problem?01:51
CarlFKso I know who to bother01:51
=== asac_ is now known as asac
bdmurrayhggdh: it'd be great to see you there02:29
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mrooneythat dustin kirkland, pushing people way down on planet.ubuntu.com03:53
bdmurrayis he rambling about scotch?03:54
mrooneyhggdh: I'll be there, we can have a jam session on EeeBotu!03:54
mrooneybdmurray: haha no, he must have imported all his posts from his old blog into his new one03:54
mrooneyand ALL of them showed up and basically covered the front page03:55
mrooneypushing anything recently before it immediately to the very bottom03:55
mrooneyI still got a pretty decent response to my call for translations, so that is all good I suppose03:56
woody86can anybody give me some advice, or point me in the right direction with this bug:04:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288660 in update-manager "Update Manager unable to lock the administration directory" [Undecided,Incomplete]04:37
macowoody86: im converting it to a question because it's not a bug, its just the person trying to use 2 apt's at once04:38
woody86or this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/28879604:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 288796 in ubuntu ""Enable mouse clicks with touchpad" turns on unexpectedly" [Undecided,New]04:38
woody86maco- that's my first instinct, too, but he said he tried to run it again from a fresh reboot, and checked the system monitor to make sure no other instance of aptitude or synaptic04:41
woody86was running04:41
macowoody86: yeah, he's trying to click with his mouse on a TUI04:42
macoas in, where he should be using tab and then enter to hit the OK04:42
macoi just read through now04:43
woody86where can I find the upstream bug reports for Pidgin?05:22
macowoody86: developer.pidgin.im05:25
woody86maco- thanks again :D05:25
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Next Hug Day is 30 Oct | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:41
dholbachgood morning06:47
Hobbseemorning dholbach06:51
dholbachhi Hobbsee06:51
^lars^good morning06:53
dholbachhi ^lars^06:53
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azimoutquestion: there are a lot of bug reports on launchpad that never saw any activity after the reporter filed them... is there some way (e.g. filter) to find those?10:10
thekornazimout, no, not really, as there is not "show only bugs with no activity"-filter,10:14
thekornbut as a workaround you can search for bugs in a "New" state10:14
azimoutyes, i'll just start going through "new" bugs starting from the oldest one...10:14
thekornas all untouched bugs *sgould* have the status "New"10:15
azimoutthank you, thekorn10:15
jibelazimout: you can also create a python script to count the number of comment for bugs in new/undecided state starting from the oldest one.10:28
azimoutthank you jibel for the idea, and congratulations on joining bugcontrol10:29
jibelazimout: further infos at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev/python-launchpad-bugs/Examples10:29
jibelazimout: Thank you, I'm glad to join the team10:29
azimouti have never written a python script for launchpad, although i have python experience from gnuradio10:30
azimouti will read the links you sent me and attempt this...10:30
azimouti will keep you posted10:30
jibelazimout: And don't forget to test your script on staging before running it on the production launchpad10:33
azimoutok, i will try that10:34
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=== Happiness is now known as Roleplaying
* thekorn kicks launchpad13:35
Hobbseethekorn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/29066813:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290668 in malone "Bug page timing out; suspect slow query on ValidPersonCache" [High,In progress]13:36
Hobbsee(as that's probably what you're hitting?)13:36
thekornHobbsee, yes exactly, got alot of timeouts on edge13:36
thekornthank you13:37
Hobbseethekorn: you're welcome13:39
macoHobbsee: thanks for the warning. just hit it too14:14
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
bucket529Could I please get someone to change bug 290266 from 'undecided' to 'wishlist'? Packaging request with a very ugly license.14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290266 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] game editor" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29026614:53
bucket529Okay, just an ugly license. I didn't find anything that would keep it out of Multiverse.14:59
macobucket529: done15:00
bucket529maco: Thanks15:00
mrooneyDoes anyone know anyone good to ping in #canonical-sysadmin?15:49
bdmurraymrooney: about what?15:50
mrooneyI have been trying to get a fairly simple ticket resolved for about a month now, no one ever responds :[15:50
bdmurraymrooney: this week is a bit busy for them too I'd imagine15:50
bdmurraymrooney: if you forward the ticket to me I'll see if there is anything I can do15:51
bdmurraymvo: bug 285402 has the same traceback as something you fixed earlier15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285402 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with BadStatusLine in _read_status()" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28540215:52
mvobdmurray: I think the problem is that its fixed in intrepid, but this guy is running hardy, we may consider a backport15:54
bdmurraymvo: the changelog in 204075 says hardy15:56
* mvo checks15:57
mvobdmurray: you are right, I was confusing it with a different _read_status() failure that got fixed in intrepid - hmmm15:58
mvothanks, I think the fix is not compelte, I update the code16:00
kimfbug #29076216:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290762 in ubuntu "RAID not detected on nforce 4 ultra after install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29076216:31
BUGabundo_work1asac: ping16:41
BUGabundo_work1I'm trying to debug NM pptp16:42
BUGabundo_work1and using dbg, but nm-applet is non-responsive16:42
BUGabundo_work1it kinda makes it hard to open a VPN16:42
BUGabundo_work1bug 25916816:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259168 in network-manager-pptp "Network Manager unable to connect to PPTP VPN" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25916816:47
BUGabundo_work1any one??16:47
asacBUGabundo_work1: not sure17:01
munckfishHi bdmurray & folks. Ubuntu is going to feature PS3 support once again in Intrepid. I'd like to check you guys are aware that in order for any PS3 specific bugs to get PS3 community team attention they need to be linked to the 'ubuntu-ps3-port' project in Launchpad, cheers.17:05
BUGabundo_work1asac: had to reboot to even have control of my desktop17:06
BUGabundo_work1it was moving everything to slow17:06
bdmurraymunckfish: I saw that, thanks for the information!17:07
munckfishbdmurray: great! np17:08
bdmurraymunckfish: you might consider looking at the ps3 bug tag17:08
munckfishyeah I look it sometimes when I remember17:08
munckfishsome turn up with the 'playstation' tag too I noticed17:09
asacBUGabundo_work1: what did you do?17:09
asacBUGabundo_work1: just install the -dbg packages ... then restart everything17:09
asacyou dont need to run nm in the debugger if that is what you mean by "slow"17:09
munckfishbdmurray: there are probably some with 'ps3' tag which can be closed now - I'll review those in the coming days17:10
asac(at least for now)17:10
BUGabundo_work1asac: I just rebooted17:10
BUGabundo_work1but how will the dbg version be used?17:10
BUGabundo_work1don't I need to start it?17:10
asacBUGabundo_work1: well. the output you get ... it already has a stack17:11
asacthis means that the plugin already does the backtracing17:11
BUGabundo_work1so syslog shoould be enough?17:11
asacto get a first impression just see what happens with all the -dbgsym installed17:11
asacBUGabundo_work1: just the backtrace17:11
BUGabundo_work1let me try the VPN  PPTP then17:11
asacBUGabundo_work1: you need the -pptp-dbgsym package17:12
asac(just to be sure)17:12
BUGabundo_work1ahh ok17:12
asacand all the others of course too17:12
asacBUGabundo_work1: well. you need all symbols for everything involved to get something meaningful17:12
asacgive it a try17:12
BUGabundo_work1I need to dongrade nm-pptp too17:12
* BUGabundo_work1 installing pptp-linux-dbg and nm-pptp-dbg17:14
BUGabundo_work1asac: how much sensitive data does it store?17:15
BUGabundo_work1I don't want my password to be sent publicly17:15
asacBUGabundo_work1: err. it doesnt store anything17:15
asacBUGabundo_work1: you can see what you send17:15
BUGabundo_work1and do I need MPPE ?17:15
BUGabundo_work1it was once necessary17:15
asacif there is the password visible just dont send it or anonymize17:15
BUGabundo_work1and it worked17:16
asacnot sure17:16
BUGabundo_work1but now with it or without it doesn't17:16
BUGabundo_work1I'll try both17:16
asacBUGabundo_work1: i think you know how to get the crash ;)17:16
BUGabundo_work1VON FAILESD17:16
BUGabundo_work1actually I don't17:17
BUGabundo_work1with MPPE : VPN FAILED17:17
BUGabundo_work1can I upload the syslog ?17:17
BUGabundo_work1asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6418917:18
BUGabundo_work1anything of use?17:19
asacBUGabundo_work1: err, i dont see any crash in there17:24
BUGabundo_work1it didn't crash17:24
BUGabundo_work1but it didn't connect either17:24
asacBUGabundo_work1: well. the bug i thought we are talking about had a crash ;)17:25
asaclets track that17:25
BUGabundo_work1it might!17:25
BUGabundo_work1nm tends to blow17:25
BUGabundo_work1either on VPNs or WiFi17:25
BUGabundo_work1but right now, it aint crashing17:26
BUGabundo_work1I just want my VPN to work...17:26
BUGabundo_work1I need it to connect to my Univ WiFi17:26
BUGabundo_work1either that or the WPA Entrepise PAP Eduroam17:26
asacBUGabundo_work1: try http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/NetworkManager?view=revision&revision=421017:28
asacthat patch17:28
asacBUGabundo_work1: try the latest nm packages from ppa in intrepid17:28
asacat least a bunch of EAP issues were fixed yesterday17:29
BUGabundo_work1no PPA version tweak for that one?17:29
BUGabundo_work1I had the PPA version17:29
BUGabundo_work1but it failed too17:29
asacBUGabundo_work1: no. thats not integrated yet. would be cool if you could verify. then i will ramp that up17:29
BUGabundo_work1and you recommend me to install the dbg version17:29
asacBUGabundo_work1: you tried the latest ppa on WPA-EAP?17:29
BUGabundo_work1how do I do it?17:29
BUGabundo_work11st time paching sources!17:29
asacBUGabundo_work1: cannot explain that ;) ... ask in -motu ;)17:30
asaccannot explain == have to run in a few17:30
asacotherwise you need to wait for next ppa update ... when i will upload a new snapshot there17:30
BUGabundo_work1WPA and WPA2 is working fine for me17:30
BUGabundo_work1but entreprise aint17:30
asacBUGabundo_work1: those it doesnt work17:30
asac18:26 < BUGabundo_work1> either that or the WPA Entrepise PAP Eduroam17:30
BUGabundo_work1WPA personal = OK17:31
BUGabundo_work1WPA Entreprise = Timesout a lot and can't reconnect17:31
asacBUGabundo_work1: right. nm3 should fix that17:31
BUGabundo_work1nm3 ?17:31
asacBUGabundo_work1: the package uploaded today to nm ppa17:31
kimfBUGabundo_work1:You getting the "no vpn secret"?17:32
asacBUGabundo_work1: should fix the timeout thing17:32
asacBUGabundo_work1: network-manager - 0.7~~svn20081018t105859-0ubuntu2~nm317:32
BUGabundo_work1let me upgrade to the PPA version17:32
asacplease verify that ... and also verify the pptp patch ;)17:32
asacthanks ;)17:32
BUGabundo_work1I have now ~nm117:33
asacBUGabundo_work1: thats old17:33
asacBUGabundo_work1: i am talking about network-manager17:34
asac-pptp has nothing to do with WPA-EAP17:34
* BUGabundo_work1 running sudo apt-get update17:34
BUGabundo_work1I know asac17:34
asacok ;)17:34
asacyou never know ;)17:35
BUGabundo_work1just because I don't patch it doesn't mean I don't know my network transport types!17:35
BUGabundo_work12 bugs!17:35
BUGabundo_work1PPTP fail to connect17:35
BUGabundo_work1and WPA Entreprise timeouts17:35
asacyou need latest of PPA to verify the latter17:35
BUGabundo~$ apt-cache show network-manager17:37
BUGabundoArchitecture: amd6417:37
BUGabundoVersion: 0.7~~svn20081018t105859-0ubuntu2~nm317:37
BUGabundook, now I have nm317:37
asaceverything needs to be restarted (-> reboot)17:37
asacthen test EAP17:37
BUGabundoI miss read17:37
BUGabundoPreparing to replace network-manager-pptp 0.7~~svn20081015t024626-0ubuntu1 (using .../network-manager-pptp_0.7~~svn20081015t024626-0ubuntu2~nm1_amd64.deb) ...17:37
BUGabundoit was replacing17:38
BUGabundo_work1EAP ?17:38
BUGabundo_work1I don't have EAP17:38
* BUGabundo rebooting17:38
asacBUGabundo_work1: you are talking about WPA Enterprise timeouts17:39
asacthats EAP17:39
BUGabundo_work1can't test those now17:39
BUGabundo_work1not at univ17:39
kimfBUGabundo_work1:You getting the "no vpn secret" on that PPTP VPN?17:39
BUGabundo_work1I'm at work17:39
* BUGabundo_work1 GDM starting17:40
BUGabundo_work1at our University we use EDUROAM17:40
BUGabundo_work1that's WPA Entreprise + TTLS + PPA17:41
BUGabundoasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/64197/17:42
BUGabundoVPN (nm3) PPTP with MPPE17:43
BUGabundo(of course)17:43
BUGabundotommorow I'll try to test/log WPA Entreprise17:43
asacBUGabundo_work1: from the patch that you didnt apply yet it seems that pptp overrides everything NM sets through /etc/ppp/options.pptp or just options17:43
asacyou might to check that there are the right settings17:43
BUGabundoany other advice before I go?17:43
asacBUGabundo: what are the symptoms? you dont get any password dialog?17:44
BUGabundoit asks to unlock17:44
BUGabundoI set allow for session17:44
BUGabundo$ pastebinit -i /etc/ppp/options.pptp  http://paste.ubuntu.com/64198/17:45
BUGabundoOct 29 17:42:06 blubug NetworkManager: <WARN>  get_secrets_cb(): Couldn't get connection secrets: vpn-password-dialog.c.299 (nma_vpn_request_password): canceled.17:45
kimfTry to remove the password you have set in the VPN, so that you get the password pop-up and try to connect and enter the password17:45
BUGabundoyou mean this?17:46
BUGabundoall passwords removed from NM config and keychain (seahorse)17:47
BUGabundoits asking for the pass17:47
BUGabundoI enter it, don't select any checkboxs17:48
BUGabundoand VPN ballon show up saying it failed17:48
BUGabundoand now asac "leaves the room"17:49
asac18:47 < BUGabundo> you mean this?17:49
asac18:48 < asac> right ... do what kimf says ;)17:49
BUGabundoasac: $ pastebinit -i /var/log/syslog17:49
BUGabundowho is kimf?17:49
BUGabundoahh the other person who asked me to remove the pass17:49
kimfyup, hehe17:49
BUGabundo(2008-10-29 17:47:34) freenode: all passwords removed from NM config and keychain (seahorse)17:50
BUGabundo(2008-10-29 17:47:47) freenode: its asking for the pass17:50
BUGabundo(2008-10-29 17:48:02) freenode: I enter it, don't select any checkboxs17:50
BUGabundo(2008-10-29 17:48:13) freenode: and VPN ballon show up saying it failed17:50
BUGabundosorry kimf....17:50
BUGabundodidn't read the nick17:50
BUGabundowas expecting an answer from asas17:50
BUGabundobah asac17:50
BUGabundo_work1keep rotating my head to two monitors makes me a bit dizzy17:50
kimfNo problem. Noticed it was a problem similar to mine. And there I can connect if I type in the password in the password pop-up17:51
kimfSo would at least have been a workaround17:51
BUGabundodidn't work for me17:52
asacBUGabundo: read the backlog17:52
asac18:47 < kimf> Try to remove the password you have set in the VPN, so that you get the password pop-up and try to  connect and enter the password17:52
asacBUGabundo: ^^17:52
asacwell ... not sure then17:52
asaci would try to tweak the options a bit17:52
asaci mean the ppp/options file17:52
asacBUGabundo: in the log i see its MS-CHAP17:52
asacBUGabundo: which is refused in your options.pptp17:52
asacBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/64203/17:53
BUGabundolet me select only mschap217:53
BUGabundoits a ISA server here at work17:53
asacno clue what that is though17:53
asacbut go ahead17:53
BUGabundoISA Server?17:54
BUGabundoor mschap2?17:54
asacenable MPPE and get a fresh log ... at best not all, but only the last 3 minutes ;)17:54
BUGabundohow can I tell syslog to rotate?17:54
asacBUGabundo: first only enable MPPE17:54
BUGabundoor should I just tail it?17:54
asacthen tail -f -n0 it17:55
asacand reproduce and paste it17:55
BUGabundoMPPE with MSCHAP2 only17:55
asacBUGabundo: maybe also read: http://marc.info/?l=pptpclient-devel&m=109408957028647&w=217:56
BUGabundoits taking a lot of time to rotate the log17:56
asacif there is a blank or special sign in password it might be an issue here17:56
BUGabundojust letters and numbers17:57
BUGabundohow wait17:57
BUGabundothere is a '.'17:57
asacCHAP authentication failed17:57
asac# specifying the wrong domain (E=691),17:57
asacspecifying the wrong password (E=691), (e.g. by not quoting special characters),17:57
asacusing spaces or blanks as part of your password (E=691), (our tests show this doesn't work).17:57
asacthose are all 69117:57
asaccheck them17:57
asacmost likely not properly escaped password17:59
BUGabundowhy is it using mschap when I select only mschap2 ?17:59
BUGabundoill use another user for the test17:59
BUGabundolet me just connect to the AD17:59
BUGabundonew user, simple password (just 4 chars)18:02
BUGabundoso it aint the password escape, alone18:02
asacBUGabundo: is that the log?18:03
BUGabundobut I don't see any E=691 errors now18:03
BUGabundoso it's a 2 fold bug?18:03
BUGabundolatest log http://paste.ubuntu.com/64209/18:04
asacBUGabundo: the paste above has E69118:04
asacBUGabundo: that has the same error18:04
BUGabundoyes it has18:04
BUGabundoeye tired18:04
asacreally. try to remove the options stuff as i said18:04
BUGabundoI did18:04
BUGabundoall out18:04
asaci think you are really on MSCHAP18:04
BUGabundojust MSCHAP2 and MPPE18:04
asacwhat is in your options now?18:05
* BUGabundo printscreen18:05
asacBUGabundo: no18:05
asacoptions.pptp file we need18:05
BUGabundoI never thouch that18:05
BUGabundodoesn't NM handle it?18:06
asacBUGabundo: why don t you read what i sais above?18:07
BUGabundoI think I did18:07
BUGabundosorry if I'm causing you trouble18:07
BUGabundolong day of work18:07
asacBUGabundo: 18:43 < asac> BUGabundo_work1: from the patch that you didnt apply yet it seems that pptp overrides everything NM  sets through /etc/ppp/options.pptp or just options18:07
asac18:43 < asac> you might to check that there are the right settings18:07
BUGabundoI already pastbini it !18:08
asacBUGabundo: try to remove the refusal stuff from there18:08
asacBUGabundo: i dont want it paste binned18:08
BUGabundoso, should I just comment those lines?18:08
asacand when i talk about options i talk about that file18:08
asacand not about options in NM18:08
asacno clue18:08
asaci have never used pptp to be honest18:08
asaci would expect that a comment shouldbe enough18:09
BUGabundolet me try again18:09
BUGabundostill fails18:09
asacyeah. then we cant debug it18:09
asaci need to know what is wrong ;)18:09
asacand then i can fix that in nm18:09
asacnm doesnt do much except running pptp18:10
asacthe logs dont show anything18:10
asacat least not to me18:10
BUGabundoI can't give you a VPN account18:10
BUGabundoto our server18:10
asacBUGabundo: that would probably be helpful18:10
BUGabundothen you will have all the logs I do18:10
asacBUGabundo: can we do that tomorrow?18:10
BUGabundoI'll be all week18:10
asacno guarantees18:10
asacbut can take a look18:10
BUGabundoif you pinky promise not to damage our server/network18:11
asactesting self is much quicker than remotely ;)18:11
asacBUGabundo: i dont want another account18:11
asacwhat damage can i do ;)18:11
asacBUGabundo: you can close the account down after a few hours i think18:11
BUGabundowell.. you will be inside the network18:11
BUGabundoonce you connect to the vpn18:11
BUGabundoMS bug: you close the account and the user is keept connected18:11
asaccant you setup VPN in such a way that i can authenticate, but my packets dont get routed ;)18:11
BUGabundoyou do that on the client side18:12
BUGabundoor at least you did on nm 0.618:12
BUGabundocan't find that option on nm0.718:12
BUGabundoits the Gateway option18:12
asacdid what?18:12
asacoh now18:12
asaci mean you could setup a firewall on the vpn server18:12
asacthat doesnt let any packet from me through ;)18:13
BUGabundoI need it on18:13
asacand hand out a fixed ip to me or something18:13
BUGabundoppl connect from out side18:13
asacBUGabundo: yeah. thats why i mean: "block just me"18:13
asacanyway ... have to prepare for evening18:13
asaclets do that tomorrow18:13
BUGabundomessing with the firewall, might interfire with the connection login18:13
asacyou can send me credentials with my gpg key if you want18:13
asacwith my gpg key encrypted ... if you want18:13
BUGabundoI'll look you up on LP18:13
asacBUGabundo: https://edge.launchpad.net/~asac18:14
calcis there a reason that +upstreamreport doesn't base the upstream number off the triaged numbers (because triaged is too new or something?)18:16
calcaiui shouldn't it be - 1. all bugs 2. triaged 3. upstream (triaged) 4. bugwatched (upstream)18:17
calcistr someone complaining about it because they hadn't triaged their bugs yet when the report first started, but its been a while now18:18
asaccalc: i wouldnt try to put too much sense into what is listed there ;)18:18
asaccalc: i actually thought that triaged should only be used to show the oppertunity of forwarding18:20
calciirc triaged is supposed to mean you have enough information to reproduce and/or fix the bug from the submitter18:20
calcif isn't forwardable because it is an ubuntu bug it would still be triaged once it has enough info in the report18:20
calcconfirmed only really means someone else sees the bug not necessarily that the developer can see it18:21
asaccalc: yeah. well. as i said dont put too much sense in it18:21
asacusually bugs with an empty upstream target should be "to forward"18:21
asacand triaged doesnt really matter at all18:21
asaclike when you go to launchpad search page you can search for "bugs that are supposed to go upstream" or something18:22
asacso the ratio that matters here imo is:18:22
asacall bugs / bugs with upstream target / bugs forwarded / bugs with empty upstream target (e.g. to be forwarded)18:23
asacbut then the argument was that a bug needs to be properly triaged before being forwarded so having a triaged vs. empty upstream target ration might be good as well18:23
asacok off for real18:23
calcgoodnight :)18:25
calcthe argument from my side about the above is yes you can be fairly certain a bug is for upstream but until you have enough info to be 'triaged' you don't really know for certain, at least in most cases.18:26
calcand sometimes users mark bugs as upstream themselves, ugh18:27
geekkitI've been tracking (lurking) a particular bug that seems to have gone unattended for three versions now at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emerald/+bug/20536419:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 205364 in emerald "Repositories tab missing in emerald-theme-manager" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:19
geekkiti was wondering if there's a way to find the group/person who can look into fixing this. it appears to be one line of code to uncomment19:19
crimsungeekkit: my understanding is that "upstream" doesn't support emerald19:19
geekkitsorry? upstream?19:20
crimsunthe developers19:20
geekkitcrimsun: so upstream is the developer group?19:21
arno_bis someone able to reproduce bug 286436 (see the last comment)?19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286436 in thunderbird ""send to..." don't work" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28643619:31
arno_bI try to debug with gdb with no result :s if someone has an idea19:31
MadsRHIf i want to report a bug for the shutdown window, witch package is that?19:44
james_wMadsRH: Hi. Which shutdown window?19:46
MadsRHthe one in the system menu19:46
eightyeight(not specifically bug-related, but...) does anyone use gmail filters to filter out the bug emails coming from launchpad? because the email is from myself to myself, matching '[Bug ' in the subject is getting more than i want20:18
bdmurrayeightyeight: I don't know if gmail shows them but there are specific headers associated with launchpad bugs that would be helpful20:26
eightyeightyeah. i see the X-Launchpad-* headers, but gmail filters won't allow that20:27
eightyeightahh. 'replyto:(*@bugs.launchpad.net)' works20:28
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Kimfbug #29076221:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290762 in ubuntu "RAID not detected on nforce 4 ultra after install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29076221:55
bcurtiswxhey, anyone know if sound juicer rips from DVD's?22:14
nhandlerbcurtiswx: I don't think it does. I know acidrip can though22:14
bcurtiswxnhandler, ty22:14
nhandlerbcurtiswx: You can also use ffmpeg. And there is also a way to use vlc to do it22:15
bcurtiswxinteresting, ok ty22:15
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