
legreffierHello here :)00:38
lifelessdoes jockey complain about non-free firmware?01:17
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maxb_ooi, why have the recent intrepid updates been issued through intrepid-security rather than intrepid-updates? The changelogs don't make them sound like security issues.01:27
keesmaxb_: the kernel update was a security issue.  the base-files thing is mostly to clean up a pre-release glitch, which was security related.  all very confusing and last minute.  :P01:39
nixternalkees: would the base-files package cause issues I am seeing where when running ant all of a sudden changes - to _ ? this issue is driving me up a wall and it just started happening today, and for everyone else at work at upgraded to Intrepid02:16
NCommanderHola world02:44
TheMusohey NCommander.02:44
NCommanderI'm in Boston, I just attended my first Ubuntu release party <g>02:45
* ajmitch hasn't been to one yet :)02:47
nixternalI was supposed to go to the Michigan one on Saturday, but a silly wedding is stopping me02:49
NCommanderI also got to meet my first (X)ubuntu developer in real life02:49
nixternalwho was it?02:50
TheMusoNCommander: and how was that experience?02:52
nixternalNCommander: oh man, don't ever talk to cody-somerville again, he can be dangerous :P02:52
NCommanderTheMuso, fascinating02:53
NCommandernixternal, I'll make sure to tell him you said that, he's less than five feet away from me ATM02:53
nixternalhe will see the highlight when he gets back, and then he will beat me up I am sure02:53
* cody-somerville sucker punches nixternal.02:53
nixternaltold ya02:54
nixternalif it is a release "Party", why are you geeks online?02:54
nixternalsee, in Chicago, our parties are...well just that, a party :)02:54
NCommandernixternal, I thought in Chicago they ended in a fight on how the White Soxes play baseball ;-)02:54
nixternalthe real people in Chicago don't care about the White Sox02:55
NCommandernixternal, cause $Party->over();02:55
NCommandernixternal, I was said when the Chicago Sun building was town down. There is like a big gap where it used to be in my heart02:55
nixternalwell, there is a big golden building now in that spot with Trumps name all over it :)02:56
nixternalI work right down the street from it02:56
NCommanderI would pass if it I still took the 10 bus to go anywhere02:56
nixternalooh the 10...I take the 51 or a cab everywhere now...CTA is garbage02:56
NCommanderThey haven't run the Loop into the ground (yet)02:57
nixternalthe loop will be there forever02:57
NCommanderNot for a lack of trying02:58
* NCommander remembers when the Loop used to be faster then taking a car from O'Hare02:58
nixternaloh, you are just talking about the El in general.... ya, that is a long ass ride on the blue line from o'hare to the city02:59
NCommanderI've always referred to it as the Loop03:00
* NCommander is not a Chicago native, but it is a place I would love to live03:00
NCommanderAlthough I've always wanted to go see Hell when its frozen over03:01
NCommandernixternal, ah, good you know what I'm talking about03:05
nixternalin 3 more months, hell will freeze over03:06
vorianthat's the truth03:06
vorianin more ways than one :P03:06
NCommanderYeah, Microsoft will open source Vista03:07
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* calc wants his jaunty fix :)05:52
MK93013I have installed package ubuntu-xen-server using apt-get  command. When I restart my computer I dont' get choice to boot from xen server... I have ubuntu 8.04 on my machine.. Has anyone run into this issue ?06:00
keesnixternal: not base-files, sorry.  it just fixes some file perms that were only a problem if you installed intrepid from a beta or earlier.06:10
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dholbachgood morning06:45
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* soren gets all excited as he subscribes to jaunty-changes07:02
* dholbach hugs soren07:02
* soren hugs dholbach :)07:03
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* lool waves 'morning08:03
loolHmm weird, I have a 404 with the .deb referenced of rhythmbox referenced in intrepid-proposed08:24
mvolool: probably one of the round-robin servers not in sync yet08:25
loolCould be; thanks08:26
seb128hey mvo lool08:30
seb128mvo: not on holiday?08:30
mvohey seb12808:31
mvoseb128: no, should i?08:31
seb128mvo: well, pitti sent a mail saying most of germany has a national holiday today so I was wondering ;-)08:32
seb128mvo: you likely have tomorrow as we have08:34
seb128but that's a saturday this year so08:34
mvoI have no touch to the real world, let me check with wikipedia ;)08:35
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
kagoui'v some problem hacking gfxboot. I'm doing localised iso in french for ubuntu-fr. I'v created lang and langlist with just "fr" in but help menu are always english version at menu boot.09:35
kagouim ean for F1 help screens09:36
VSpikeCan anyone who knows how to use GDB have a look at this bug and suggest how I can debug it further? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/29067309:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290673 in samba "fusesmb mount disappears - libsmbclient segfaults" [Undecided,New]09:38
VSpikeI want to add a backtrace to the report but I can't seem to get gdb to attach properly09:39
kagoucjwatson, may be can you help me09:39
VSpikeThe essence is that when using fusesmb, libsmbclient.so crashes out with a segfault.09:39
cjwatsonkagou: what version?09:53
kagoucjwatson, 8.1009:53
kagouincluded in intrepid 8.1009:53
kagoucjwatson, i'v do this :09:54
kagoucd extract-cd/isolinux09:54
kagouecho "fr" > langlist09:54
kagouecho "fr" > lang09:54
kagoubut F1 Help screens are still in english09:55
cjwatsonkagou: pretty sure that's meant to work, perhaps you could file a bug09:55
cjwatsonand I'll see if I can figure it out from there09:55
kagoucjwatson, on gfxboot-theme ?09:55
kagouindeed, ok thanks09:55
joaopintocan someone confirm bug 291161 ?09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291161 in bind9 "nslookup: parse of /etc/resolv.conf failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29116109:57
kagoucjwatson, in fact it seem's that this is the case on the official iso too09:58
kagouok cjwatson #29149210:01
loolErr do I understand correctly that all exports in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init are passed down to init and the whole sysv init scripts?!11:41
apwsuperm1: about?11:56
sorenlool: I believe that's the intent, yes.12:02
loolsoren: that's awful :-(12:21
loolMODPROBE_OPTIONS for one is disruptive12:21
loolIt leaks so many generic names: blacklist panic debug ROOT quiet12:22
cjwatsonperhaps it should unset disruptive ones12:23
cjwatsonI don't think it should necessarily clear the whole environment12:23
loolcjwatson: I think it should only export for init the ones which it cares to export to init12:24
sorenlool: Oh, sorry.12:24
loolit's one thing to do the exports for the other initramfs scripts, but the way it's implemented it's too easy to export to the whole init script12:24
sorenlool: No, I misunderstood your initial question.12:24
cjwatsonlool: it wouldn't surprise me if some things depend on the behaviour that foo=bar passed on the kernel command line sets environment variable foo12:25
sorenlool: Hm... Let me check something.12:25
cjwatsonlool: so I think we should be pretty careful here12:25
loolcjwatson: I fully agree that it's going to be hard to fix this situation12:25
loolI suspect this makes it harder to not use an initrd, or to use a different initrd implementation12:26
sorenDoesn't init sanitize the environment?12:26
loolcjwatson: e.g. I just discovered that modprobe --all --quiet was broken, while modprobe --all works; the quiet is likely to have been set by the above MODPROBE_OPTIONS12:26
lool(obviously a bug, but I don't want people writing init script to rely on the behavior which is an accidental consequence of MODPROBE_OPTIONS)12:27
cjwatsonthe number of exports is strictly bounded, and I think it'd be easy for initramfs-tools to clean up after itself12:27
loolsoren: I think login might12:27
cjwatsoninit probably expects some things (e.g. PATH) to be set for it by the kernel12:28
loolSo when runs e.g. /etc/init.d/acpid start, it's not the same env as during boot and can behave differently12:28
cjwatsonbut it's been a while since I looked12:28
cjwatsonof course, it's not the same environment anyway. ISTR some people being bitten by DISPLAY being set, and there's always the problem of daemons hanging on to file descriptors.12:29
loolI certaintly don't want to add an env -i or something to initramfs; perhaps having something like an env dump and restore, or a subshell, or unsetting some specific env vars would do12:29
cjwatsonSo I don't think we necessarily need to be too set on it being an identical environment12:29
cjwatsona certain amount of cleanup does need to be handled on a per-package basis12:30
loolcjwatson: Well it's the opposite bug here12:30
sorencjwatson: Actually, upstart seems to explicitly set PATH.12:30
cjwatsonoh, ok12:30
sorenFrom upstart/init/process.c:12:32
soren        /* Inherit PATH and TERM from our parent's environment, everything12:32
soren         * else is often just overspill from initramfs.12:32
soren         */12:32
soren        NIH_MUST (path = nih_strdup (NULL, getenv ("PATH")));12:32
soren        NIH_MUST (term = nih_strdup (NULL, getenv ("TERM")));12:32
soren        if (clearenv () < 0)12:32
soren                nih_return_system_error (-1);12:32
loolcjwatson: I kind of wonder whether invoke-rc.d shouldn't be cleaning the environment in some ways12:32
loolcjwatson: It strikes me that if you restart apache2 with DISPLAY, dbus, XDG and what not env vars, you might be leaking interesting information12:33
cjwatsonmm, I'd tend to agree there12:33
sorenlool: No.12:33
sorenlool: Apache's init script clears the environment.12:33
loolNot as grave has the filehandle on the terminal but still12:33
loolsoren: Pretty bad example then12:33
loolsoren: $other service :)12:34
sorenlool: But you're right about the theory.12:34
sorenlool: :)12:34
loolarf, i see apache resets path which puts the discussion on ruby gems in yet another light12:34
loolHmm if we try to not leak too much env when invoke-rc.d-ing services, then we ought to do the same on startup12:36
* lool pictures months of effort to fix this12:37
ma10bryce: why do you keep closing Bug #211610? Do I have to open another bug so that I am the original reporter?12:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211610 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 "[fglrx] fglrx freezes randomly : Soft lockup" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21161012:42
cjwatsonma10: it's often a good idea to file a new bug anyway. It's easier to mark a bug as a duplicate when it turns out to be the same than it is to split comments out of a bug when it turns out to be different.12:43
cjwatsonma10: hence why we talk about "original reporter", because it's very common for people to tag along with an existing bug when it actually turns out that they have a different bug with similar symptoms12:44
ma10cjwatson: I'm pretty sure it's the exact same issue.. I'll do it anyway. Thanks12:45
loolI didn't get the env vars I fear I'd get with upstart12:48
loolIt might be clearing the env12:49
loolclearenv() in init/procesS.c12:51
lool        /* Inherit PATH and TERM from our parent's environment, everything12:51
lool         * else is often just overspill from initramfs.12:51
lool         */12:51
sorenlool: i pasted that code 20 minutes ago :)12:51
loolsoren: Doh12:51
sorenlool: i also just checked.. I don't have a lot of superfluous stuff in my environment in my init scripts..12:52
loolsoren: I guess it's only with sysvinit12:52
sorenlool: I have the following variables:12:52
loolI have about the same12:54
loolSo at least this is a strong motivation that fixing initramfs wouldn't break Ubuntu :)12:54
sorenlool: or fix sysvinit?12:56
sorenlool: Why are you using sysvinit anyway?12:56
loolsoren: or fix both; but I can't help but think we should limit the number of places where we clear the env12:56
sorenlool: "fixing initramfs" is kind of hard. There are quite a lot of packages that put stuff in initramfs.12:57
loolsoren: I'm not; I wanted to fix a bug in modprobe in boht Debian and Ubuntu, but I'm using upstart on both; when I understood the bug, it seemed it would affect everybody equally but it doesn't affect upstart12:57
loolsoren: Well if upstart clears the env, initramfs could do so as well -- jsut an example quick solution, i don't want to advocate this particular implementation of the fix12:58
cjwatsonI suspect lots of the exports in casper at least are unnecessary and that plain shell variable settings would do fine13:02
ogradont drop COMPCACHE_SIZE !13:04
ograits necessary to be exported13:04
loologra: down upstart?13:05
ogra(it can be unset before changing over to eh real root though)13:05
ogralool, its not used after initramfs, but inside initramfs it needs to stay exported13:05
benjoHello everybody, I have a problem13:07
benjoI installed ubuntu 8.10 on my macbook13:08
benjobut this doesn't work correctly, the rEfit doesn't work13:09
Picibenjo: The support channel is #ubuntu, have you asked there yet?13:09
rtganyone know where smbd gets its list of shares from?13:52
sistpoty|workrtg: /etc/samba/smb.conf13:54
rtgsistpoty|work: thats what I thought too, but no joy.13:55
sistpoty|workrtg: strange... but I guess slangasek would know for sure ;)13:56
rtgIf you do it via the gnome file manager, I wonder if its stored in a binary format somewhere.13:57
amitkrtg: do what?13:57
sistpoty|workthat would leave the question, how smbd would access it then13:57
amitkrtg: you can check gconf-editor in for gnome specific configs13:58
sistpoty|workrtg: maybe gnome file manager directly uses ipcclient?13:58
rtgamitk: if you share a folder so that a windoz box can mount it. I'm replicating my dev box, and just want to copy a conf file.13:58
rtgamitk: if I don't share this one directory , then the spousal unit checkbook doesn't work and I will suffer sudden and intense grief.14:00
rtgamitk: .gnome2/nautilus-share-modified-permissions14:02
amitkrtg: didn't know you could share a folder using gnome file manager. So you have your windows domain, etc. configured in smb.conf already?14:02
rtgamitk: I just left it as the default WORKGROUP, but you have to add whatever account will be attaching using 'smbpasswd -a'14:03
amitkrtg: then I'm at a loss since I don't run samba on the network.14:07
rtgamitk: oh, I found it in /.gnome2/nautilus-share-modified-permissions, but I guess it means I have to be logged in before the shares are advertised.14:07
amitkaah.. i don't even have that file. I guess it is created when you first create a share14:08
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
rtgthats what I assume14:08
jdongasac: is network-manager supposed to forget wired static settings every reboot? :(14:21
asacjdong: yes there is a bug for "nm forgets settings if you change auto connection without renaming them"14:22
asacjdong: so try to rename your connection or create a new one14:22
asacjdong: is that system or user setting?14:22
jdongasac: I did rename it to "MIT Static" and appled it system wide, after some combination of rebooting and suspending it was lost14:23
jdongonly figured out this morning when I had to scan all of to find my machine :D14:23
asacjdong: try again. if no file is saved in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections then its not saved14:23
asacjdong: could also be a dbus/policykit bustage thing (especially if your system is running for a while this appears to become more unreliable)14:24
jdongasac: ok, I'll give it another shot14:24
jdongasac: apply systemwide should trigger a policykit dialog, right?14:24
asacjdong: yeah ... and look for crsahes of consolekit ... if that thing goes down nothing works anymore14:24
asacjdong: yes. it should and it does if everything is in clean state. i think consolekit crashes are the most common reason for this not working14:25
asacjdong: please play around14:25
asacjdong: and let me know when the file is created and when not14:25
jdongasac: okay I'll give this a try when I get back in my room in an hour14:25
jdongasac: I'll let you know if the file gets created14:25
asacjdong: yes try different things: a) rename auto ... b) create new ...14:26
jdongok, will do14:26
jdongasac: one clue is I don't recall ever getting a policykit auth dialog when I hit apply systemwide14:27
jdongI'll verify that when I get back14:27
jdongif policykit is rejecting something, where is it logged?14:27
asacjdong: i think it should pop up ... not sure how much any "do auto authentication" might prevent that from happening14:27
asacbut i think policykit is at least supposed to pop up14:27
asacjdong: well if nothing happens look at syslog ... and see if consolekit has crashed14:28
jdongwill do14:28
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
MacSlowpitti, dbus still hates me14:50
MacSlowpitti, got a minute (or perhaps 5)=14:50
james_wjdong: /var/log/auth.log14:54
=== thegodfather is now known as fabbione
Keybukkees: ah, you've already done a fix for the dictionaries-common problem?15:08
pittiGood afternoon15:11
pittiMacSlow: how does it hate you today?15:12
pittihm, still no -proposed updates for me15:15
loolin base-files 4.0.4ubuntu2.2 AIUI15:15
jdongasac: Update: Editing or renaming the Auto eth0 connection has no effect, even when system-wide is checked. No PolicyKit auth dialog, no /etc/network-manager files, completely lost when network-manager restarts15:16
jdongasac: creating a new profile does work and survive reboots AFAICT15:17
asacjdong: no policykit pop up in any case?15:17
jdongasac: the latter case (creating a new profile system-wide) does pop up PolicyKit correctly15:17
jdongasac: but it seems like renaming or modifying Auto eth0 doesn't work period15:18
keesKeybuk: yeah, it was a bit of a sledgehammer solution, but it seems to behave okay15:32
keesKeybuk: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/base-files_4.0.4ubuntu2.2.debdiff15:32
KeybukI assume it was dictionaries-common you noticed too?15:33
Keybuklool: ROFL @15:36
KeybukThis isn't a problem for upstart systems such as Ubuntu systems as15:36
Keybukupstart clearenv()s in init/process.c (with the comment that initramfs15:36
Keybukis leaking env!), but it is a problem for sysvinit systems such as15:36
superm1hi apw yeah15:41
sabdflBADSIG on update today?15:42
loolKeybuk: Hmm?15:43
loolKeybuk: Eh I actually didn't reproduce an acpid problem by using upstart instead of sysvinit15:43
MacSlowpitti, remember the email I send you some days ago.15:47
MacSlowpitti, by now I tried every combination of yes, no and auth_admin ... reboot and shutdown can no long be triggered15:48
MacSlowpitti, I tried it via my own calls to dbus and also via d-feet15:49
MacSloweverytime I get "no privilege"-errors15:49
ograsabdfl, seems to work here15:49
ogra(though i'm using a.u.c directly, not the german mirror)15:49
sabdflogra: that's the one i'm using too15:50
ograits very slow but i just got all updates including new kernel15:51
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
apwsuperm1: you said i should check back in with you at the end of the week about a studio 15 i have which has some issues with intrepid15:52
Keybuklool: ?15:52
superm1apw, sure what's happening15:52
apwi have two issues right now.  first the sound is all crackles under alsa (which may be a wider issue than just dells) and resume has become 95% hangs15:54
apwon the resume (from suspend or hibernate) we get as far as flipping to X and typically it hangs the machine hard with just the cursor on the black screen, sometimes it gets a little further15:55
apwand puts up the background of the password box, but no actual contents.  on the hardy kernel i still have the sound is ok, and the resume is more like 95% successful, but it does hang the same way intermittantly15:56
apwthere is a bug for both out there.  bug#289212 and bug#27357815:57
pittiMacSlow: sounds like a missing XDG_SESSION_COOKIE then15:58
MacSlowpitti, like I mentioned in my email-reply XDG_SESSION_COOKIE is set for sure15:59
superm1apw, are you on the intel or amd graphics variant?15:59
pittiMacSlow: have a confcall now, will look at your mail later15:59
apwintel usin the i915 driver i believe15:59
MacSlowpitti, it used to work just during the week of the summit/hackfest15:59
MacSlowpitti, main changes were only package-updates on my intrepid-based laptop16:00
MacSlowpitti, ok I'll look out for your emails16:00
apw00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)16:00
superm1apw, well normally you should be testing on command line with pm-suspend.  sleep.sh is deprecated16:00
apwyep pm-suspend hangs just the same as using the fast-user-switcher16:01
superm1apw, you are the first report that i've heard with issues related to this though16:01
superm1apw, when it's hung, can you get ssh'ed in?16:01
apwi was put onto sleep.sh just because it is how one is meant to debug suspend, and it showed that the machine can come back from resume.  in that case it gets stuck trying to use vbetool post to restore the graphics16:02
apwnope, enabled sshd and she is not back on the network.  _but_ there is no gueantee that network manager has restored the network if x is stopped16:03
superm1apw, you might check with rtg on the sound.  it shares the same chipset as another laptop rtg was struggling with similar issues16:04
apwyeah, i did talk to him earlier in the week, but with the release it seemed sensible to wait a while16:04
apwi think its pretty widespread and as he has a broken example too i suspect it'll get fixed without my input16:05
superm1apw, but i'd also keep all your debugging to your own audio bug rather than mooching onto the t61p's audio bug.  snd-hda-intel has different code paths for different codecs16:05
apwahh ok ...16:06
superm1but that being said, i've got a studio family laptop with the same codec as yours  that is functional sound wise, so i'd double check on a live disk to rule out configuration issues16:06
apwyeah thats a fair suggestion, will go download one now.  anything else i can poke here to get more information on the suspend jobbie?  i can't decide if the sleep.sh vbetool post hang is a herring rouge, or something worth chasing; mostly cause its easier to poke than the hard hang on restore.  as i am suspicious that the xserver is doing the same post when it wedge, just internal16:08
superm1apw, well I think it's a good idea to take NM out of the picture, switch to networking without it, and then if you can get into SSH, there's your best debug route.16:10
ChipzzI have a question: someone is asking the following: "I have an old edgy install that I want to upgrade to intrepid". What is he supposed to do? Upgrades are only supported between consequetive (LTS) releases...16:10
Chipzzand I think feisty is no longer supported?16:10
apwsuperm1: oh one thing... i am using an amd64 install16:10
Chipzz(at least edgy is no longer supported)16:10
superm1apw, i've we've never done testing here with amd64 at least...16:11
Chipzzmvo (not sure if you're the right person to ask...): ^^^ ? got any idea?16:11
loolChipzz: Perhaps trying to install via http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ not sure if that's easy though16:11
apwso another thing to eliminate then16:11
superm1apw, that and windows 64 bit doesn't even ship on it, so if there are any BIOS bugs that are 64 bit specific, they will certainly show up.16:12
wasabiChipzz: Upgrade to whatever came after edgy.16:12
wasabiChipzz: And then onward.16:12
directhexforwards, not backwards!16:12
Chipzzwasabi: which is feisty, and I think no longer supported (ie no langer installable?)16:13
wasabiChipzz: Though I bet an upgrade between thw two would work anyways.16:13
wasabiIs feisty still in the archives?16:13
Chipzzthat's what I am wondering too16:13
Chipzzedgy isn't (according to him)16:13
wasabiMight be in the old archives. heh.16:13
apwsuperm1: its more odd that it got so much worse in the intrepid kernel, and just booting back to the hardy kernel improves things majorly (other than wireless not being supported of course)16:14
superm1apw, ah you went with intel wireless, yeah on hardy only the broadcom wireless is supported.16:14
apwheh yeah, and that because intel wireless is more commonly supported16:15
apwlife is hard sometimes16:15
superm1apw, going forward any new Broadcom based Dell adapters will have support via wl16:16
apwand the intel is supported and good now in 2.6.27 intrepid kernels so ... i just need to sort my other bugs and i'll be laughing :-/16:16
jdongsuperm1: wl has really surprised me in how well it actually works16:18
jdongI'm really close to cannibalizing a computer to transplant a broadcom card into my Macbook :)16:18
superm1jdong, yeah :/  even performance wise it holds a much more reliable connection.  i can watch HD content via wifi with it on a mini916:19
jdongsuperm1: oh cool the mini9 uses broadcom?16:19
jdongsuperm1: please stop tempting me to spend money.16:19
jdongthat's gotta be against the CoC somehow16:19
superm1jdong, yeah it's a 4312 based adapter.  oh the mini 9 isn't too pricey, just get a few family members to splurge on it for you for xmas or something :)16:21
mvoChipzz: he can still upgrade via old-releases, but its going to be a bit of a pain because he has to do every single one until hardy16:21
mvoChipzz: might be easier to do a "preserve-home" install of hardy, intrepid and install the mising packages afterwards16:22
* mvo is out of a bit16:22
dfgas1can anyone one help with me with a suspend to disk problem, kernel panic afterwards16:27
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
VSpikecan anyone suggest how I can get a gdb backtrace for a crash in libsmbclient when using fusesmb?17:02
sorenasac: My firefox says (in about:plugins) that libnullplugin isn't enabled... How do I change that?17:04
* soren has to run17:06
asacsoren: it says its not enabled or it isnt there at all?17:06
VSpikeIf I have the info "fusesmb[16090]: segfault at 4 ip b7c03590 sp b5514dc0 error 4 in libsmbclient.so.0[b7b88000+386000]", and I have the symbol files loaded for fusesmb and libsmbclient, how can I view the line of code causing the problem?17:16
sistpoty|workVSpike: in gdb? bt would give you a backtrace17:21
VSpikesistpoty|work: I can't seem to get it to do so :/17:21
VSpikesistpoty|work: if I use it to run gdb, it just tells me that the main process exited normally straight after it starts17:21
sistpoty|workah, so you didn't get the segfault when run inside gdb, right?17:22
VSpikesistpoty|work: I tried setting the fork follow children, and the setting to debug threads, but neither helped17:22
VSpikesistpoty|work: no17:22
VSpikesistpoty|work: the segfault doesn't happen right away - you have to load up the connection, use a few programs17:23
VSpikesistpoty|work: according to gdb, fusesmb exits right away, but it must be spawning some kind of child surely?17:23
sistpoty|workVSpike: not too sure about fusesmb17:25
sistpoty|workVSpike: you could use disas 0xb7c03590 to look at the function where it crashed17:25
sistpoty|work(there must be an easier means to do it though, but I'm by far no gdb expert)17:25
VSpikeThe samba in 8.10 is one behind the current stable release.  None of the fixes in the change log look very relevant though.17:26
VSpikesistpoty|work: I tried looking at the disassembly in the area but it makes little sense.  I'd like to relate it to the symbols in the dbgsym package to see which line of code it relates to, really17:27
VSpikesistpoty|work: I worked out the offset into the library from the message, and used objdump17:27
sistpoty|workVSpike: sorry, can't help you really then17:38
Kanohi, is it possible to specify a script that runs at bootup using the preseed way=18:00
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superm1Kano, you can set up early and late commands to run before or after the installer, but not on general systems18:25
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* directhex has used it before!18:40
* directhex delights in the joy of preseeds18:40
directhexespecially when the syntax changes with every d-i build18:40
Kanosuperm1: well i would like to use it in live mode18:45
Kanobasically after xconfig18:46
superm1Kano, well it will work in live mode as an early command then.  casper (which is on the live disk) processes early commands18:46
Kanobut is that not too early?18:46
ograits in initrmfs18:46
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Kanois it possible to use a late command for xserver-xorg?18:52
NCommanderOut of curiosity, roughly long after the toolchain is uploaded to Jaunty will the archive open?19:00
ograone/two weeks19:01
ograNCommander, but usually everyone is cleaning u leftovers or stuff that piled up during release testing the first few days after release anyway19:03
NCommanderogra, I just was looking for the timeframe I have to get initial work done on the ports kernel :-)19:03
directhexat what point to i request demoting a package?19:03
ograNCommander, well, we usually also copy over the old packages for the first run19:04
ograso it will use the old kernels in the beginning anyway19:04
NCommanderogra, right, this I knew19:05
ograso no hurry19:05
ograand make sure to coordinate with the kernel team if you do any kernel work ;)19:06
* directhex would like to demote mono-dbg, unless someone knows a good reason not to19:06
pwnguindirecthex: im not sure mono and ubuntu-devel have a big overlap19:07
directhexpwnguin, sure they do. me!19:07
directhexpwnguin, and slomo if he's not too busy. which he usually is19:07
pwnguindirecthex: ok then, the next time i find someone upset about mono or monodevelop, i'll drop your name ;)19:08
ograpwnguin, enough overlap that we ship f-spot and tomboy by default :)19:08
directhexpwnguin, since we're planning on making mono 100% syncable, i'd be the right contact19:08
directhexpwnguin, or pkg-mono-devel@lists.debian.org anyway19:09
directhexpwnguin, oh, and if they're moaning about patents, send them to /dev/urandom for me plz19:09
superm1directhex, how is moonlight looking?  will there be a package showing up during jaunty for it, or still a bit premature?19:12
directhexsuperm1, you want a package? needs rebuilding against intrepid19:12
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superm1directhex, well i dont have any silverlight websites i visit currently that would need it, just curiosity really :)19:13
directhexa884d84c51fbd8bff90b27e2c96c9e49  pkg-mono/moon/trunk/debian/rules19:13
directhexmarillat made a package but it's garbage tbh19:14
superm1well that and i dont know how many silverlight websites need silverlight 2 vs 1 at this point, so i'm not sure how useful it will even be until moonlight w/ stable support for silverlight 2 is around19:15
directhexsuperm1, well observed! we're holding back on svn-buildpackage until we can build 2.0 support19:15
directhexsuperm1, SL2 support in any state requires mono 2.0, which will happen in about a week tops19:16
superm1directhex, ah didn't realize it needed mono 2 even.19:17
directhexsuperm1, i really don't want to maintain intrepid backports alongside hardy though :/19:17
superm1directhex, yeah wouldn't blame you there.19:18
directhexsuperm1, the hardy backports are classy though ;)19:18
directhexthoooooooooooousands of users ;)19:19
directhexsuperm1, now, smack people around & make them ship me my damn latitude e4300!19:22
NCommanderjdong, ping19:23
tedgHow does NIS work, does it just write all the users to an /etc/passwd file or is there something more complex?19:23
directhextedg, on the SERVER, yes, it's just that19:24
tedgdirecthex: On the clients?19:24
directhextedg, clients, no, it connects via the NIS protocol to get entries19:24
directhextedg, think like a solaris developer. all the solarisy ways of doing things19:25
tedgThen does libc take care of whether you're talking to NIS or /etc/passwd with the functions to access the passwd entries?19:25
directhextedg, that's the job of PAM and/or NSS19:26
directhextedg, "getent passwd" gets all passwd values publically readable from services in /etc/nsswitch.conf19:26
directhextedg, pam is for directly speaking to auth services, nss for things that pretend to be /etc/foo19:27
tedgOh, wow.  Crazy.  I think I get it now.  Way more complex than I was hoping for :)19:28
directhextedg, if it's in nsswitch, treat it like normal, via things in libc like getent, whether it's in ldap or nis or files or all three19:28
directhexpam is more complex19:29
directhexlook for libnss-foo packages to see potential options19:29
ograshudder, are you guys really discussing NIS ?19:30
directhexogra, it's still popular in my like o' work!19:30
* ogra thought that was dead since 10 years19:30
directhexnope. buy a cluster today, it'll ship with NIS19:31
ograhow about all the password sniffing ... ?19:32
ograah, well, a cluster mght have its own backbone it uses internally anyway19:32
directhexogra, given the problem of getting security updates onto a cluster, it's the leats of your worries19:32
directhexogasawara, personally i have my own ldaps:// auth server19:32
ogralean will be happy to hear that :)19:33
ogra*leann even19:33
ogasawaraogra: hehe, thanks for sharing :)19:33
directhexdeployed on debian. dapper was a catastrophic failure19:34
NCommanderdirecthex, do you have a hardy box?19:38
pwnguinso i guess this channel topic needs to change19:39
pwnguinthere is no ubuntu+119:39
ograpwnguin, feel free19:40
djhashhey.. quick question (not support question).. while looking at my dmesg (8.10).. i noticed something.. [   14.090990] em28xx #0: The support for this board weren't valid yet. Please send a report of having this working not to V4L mailing list (and/or to other addresses).. i'd like to be helpful and i hope this is something someone wants to see.. but i'm not sure who to send to and what is it that I need to send..19:40
ograprobably to what it say .,...19:41
ogra"V4L mailing list"19:41
djhashI have a fairly good idea on which of my hw that is talking about.. Plextor PX-TV1000U19:41
ogradoesnt sound like #ubuntu-devel :)19:41
djhashit said NOT to V4L mailing list.. or is that typo?!!19:41
=== pwnguin changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs || Evil bug 286175
ograogra@osiris:~/Devel$ modinfo em28xx|grep description19:42
ogradescription:    Empia em28xx based USB video device driver19:42
ograogra@osiris:~/Devel$ modinfo em28xx|grep author19:43
ograauthor:         Ludovico Cavedon <cavedon@sssup.it>, Markus Rechberger <mrechberger@gmail.com>, Mauro Carvalho Chehab <mchehab@infradead.org>, Sascha Sommer <saschasommer@freenet.de>19:43
ograpwnguin, while your at it, i think the evil bug thing can go as well19:43
pwnguinwonder what bug #286175 is19:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286175 in fontconfig "evince crashed with SIGSEGV in FcConfigSubstituteWithPat()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28617519:43
pwnguinpriority high and confirmed =/19:44
djhashogra: so one of those emails?19:44
ogradjhash, well, find out where that driver is developed or just file a bug in launchpad and let the devs sort it19:44
djhashogra: ok.. thanks..19:45
jcolehi guys (and gals), i've remastered an iso (installed packages, modified /etc/skel, modified the default gconf db, system wide files, etc.)19:48
jcoleit seems all is well for the live session user except the gconf settings19:49
jcoleadding a new user and switching to the new user seems to work but the live session user does not have the gconf settings... does the live session user get it's gconf from a special place?19:49
* jt66 is away: I'm busy19:50
NCommanderjcole, check the casper package, it generates the ubuntu user and the default config ont he liveCD19:50
jcoleNCommander: ok19:53
ogradid you run update-gconf-defaults after changing the system keys ?19:57
ogra(assumng you properly added a gconf file to /usr/share/gconf/defaults/ )19:57
ograjcole, ^^^19:58
jcoleogra: ah, that may be my problem19:58
ogramake sure your file has a higher number so it will override the existing ones19:59
jcoleogra: you are too cool, that was my problem19:59
jcoleogra: thank you :)19:59
ograwelcome :)20:00
Keybukpitti: around?20:22
Keybukcjwatson: ?20:25
Keybukmaybe this is a silly bug20:27
Keybukbut the apt cache isn't valid on new intrepid installs20:27
Keybukwhich means jockey doesn't work :p20:27
superm1Keybuk, I think you need to have a network cable plugged in while you do install to get a valid apt cache20:29
Chipzzsuperm1: I think that's an incorrect assertion, since I saw some bug floating by here a few days ago about the need to have an uncompressed Packages file on the live CD20:30
pwnguinso a simple apt-get update is a workaround, no?20:33
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cjwatsonKeybuk: it depends, unfortunately, on whether you had network access during the install23:27
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think the best way to fix this is to copy the Packages files across from the livefs; it's pretty fiddly though as the mirror will in the general case be different from the livefs (which uses archive.ubuntu.com) and so you end up having to predict /var/lib/apt/lists filenames23:27
cjwatsonbut, anyway, yes it is a bug23:27
cjwatsonogra: actually I'm hoping to open jaunty for general development no later than about Monday23:28
wgrantcjwatson: Isn't that about the earliest ever?23:32
cjwatsonwgrant: I haven't kept notes :) We usually do manage it within about a week, but yes I think this should be pretty quick23:34
cjwatsonwgrant: it helps that the toolchain changes this time aren't quite so huge23:34
wgrantI guess that would help, yes.23:34
cjwatsonTBH, we're very nearly done now23:35
wgrantI saw gcc-4.3 in NEW last night, and binutils came through this morning... is that it?23:36
cjwatsonglibc still to come, I'm just eyeballing the interdiff23:37
cjwatsonbut I understand that's it23:38
sistpotycjwatson: is that an announcement? *g*23:41
cjwatsonsistpoty: not quite yet :-)23:41
sistpotyok :)23:41
cjwatsonsistpoty: one of the steps on the new-release-cycle process is "Inform #ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-devel-announce that the new release is now open for uploads, pointing to merge-o-matic output"23:41
cjwatsonso it will not be forgotten :-)23:42
cjwatsonfolks should also be glad to hear that I've already given authoritative go-ahead to LP to open jaunty translations23:42
wgrantcjwatson: Excellent!23:42
wgrantAnd hopefully people will notice earlier this time if something goes wrong.23:43
sistpotycjwatson: alright if I send http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/65447/ to ubuntu-motu?23:55
cjwatsonsistpoty: sure23:56
sistpotythanks cjwatson :)23:57
wgrantcjwatson: It looks like dists/jaunty isn't being rsynced to a.u.c... is that intentional?23:58
cjwatsonwgrant: no - it could just be load problems though, I don't think there's any release selectivity there23:59
cjwatsonelmo: confirm?23:59

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