
BUGabundo_workthe wiki for spreadubuntu has links to http://diy.spreadubuntu.com09:20
BUGabundo_workbut that's 40409:20
BUGabundo_workwhat is the correct page, so that me or some volunteer can fix them'09:20
quesh-mhello katkin 13:22
katkinquesh-m: hi there :)13:51
quesh-mkatkin, remember me ?13:58
katkinquesh-m: yes, french loco team?14:01
quesh-mkatkin, yes14:02
quesh-mkatkin, I recognized you on the Ubuntushop web site picture but the French team thinks it is'nt you.14:06
katkinquesh-m: yep, its me :)14:06
quesh-mkatkin, I met nijaba and he told me it's you14:07
katkinquesh-m: yep :)14:07
quesh-m(sorry for my english)14:07
quesh-mi reconized the glasses and the smile14:09
katkinquesh-m: :)14:20
quesh-myop huats 14:20
quesh-mby huats15:13

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