
toorimaare there any big feature differences between 8.04 and 8.10?00:00
hadsSeeker`: Code up an option and submit it as a patch00:13
Seeker`hads: could do00:16
Seeker`hads: never looked at the myth internals before00:16
tgm4883_laptopWhos ready for some awesomeness?00:19
=== tgm4883_laptop changed the topic of #ubuntu-mythtv to: Mythbuntu 8.10 Now Released http://www.mythbuntu.org/8.10/release :: See our website at http://www.mythbuntu.org for release and support information :: Paste logs @ http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com Please stick around for people to answer your question. Test new features here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751668
ZinnHave you dugg it?  http://digg.com/linux_unix/Mythbuntu_8_10_Intrepid_Ibex_Is_Here00:23
r3ztgm4883_laptop, check priv msg.00:31
a1faafter this new update i am having a lot of buffering between myth backend and xbox fronted01:28
a1famirrors are hosed up01:30
tgm4883_laptopa1fa, how so?01:33
a1faafter this new update i am having a lot of buffering between myth backend and xbox fronted02:25
a1fawhat gives?02:25
foxbuntua1fa, I dont know anything about the xbox frontend, however word of advice, dont ask the same question over and over in an irc channel its not polite, also asking a question like "what gives" will lower your chances of getting a valuable response.02:29
pocketcookiesI installed mythbuntu-desktop on Ubuntu 8.10.  Is this the correct place to ask for help with it?03:39
frank23pocketcookies: yes it is03:46
pocketcookiesThanks.  I just did a clean install of Ubuntu 8.10 and added Mythbuntu onto it (from the instructions at http://www.mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu).  After going through mythtv-setup, when I try to use mythtvfrontend to watch tv, it either freezes (requiring a ctrl+alt+backspace to get everything working again) or causes the screen to briefly flash black (as if it's trying to play TV) before showing the main screen again.03:51
rhpot1991!logs | pocketcookies03:52
Zinnpocketcookies: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/03:52
rhpot1991check them, see if there is anything good in there03:52
rhpot1991your storage dir isn't in your home dir is it?03:52
pocketcookiesIt seems to be /var/lib/mythtv/recordings03:53
rhpot1991thats the default03:53
pocketcookiesThe end of the log seems to list two errors, "unknown video codec..." and "unknown audio codec..."03:54
pocketcookiesI think I may have figured it out.  I had accidentally set up my card as a V4L card when it should have been an mjpeg card.03:58
pocketcookiesrhpot1991: There was one other thing that was slightly troubling me.  I have two tuner cards installed in my computer (a pvr150 and hvr1800).  The first time I started Ubuntu, the pvr150 was registered as /dev/video0.  Now, it's registered as /dev/video2.04:00
pocketcookiesI'm not sure if this was a one-time thing but is there a way to force Ubuntu to assign the cards to a single device file consistently?04:01
r3zpocketcookies, I remember hearing something about hard setting a value to make them always show up correctly but I will see if I can find it ;)04:24
ajhtiredwolfSOmething weird has happened to me, the mythbuntu control centre seems to have dissapeared... all of the things that i enabled with it like the plugins and the extra themes are still there, but it is gone, its not listed under administrator or in the front end04:25
pocketcookiesr3z: Thank you very much.04:25
thedarkone2whatz diff in 8.10?04:35
toorimapocketcookies: I blacklist the modules for my tunercards then load them in /etc/modules that stoped it from happening for me04:38
pocketcookiestoorima: Thanks.  I guess I'll try that.04:39
pocketcookiesI can't find a /etc/modules.  Where should I tell it to load them?04:41
toorimablacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and load in /etc/modules04:43
pocketcookiesI really appreciate this.04:44
toorimathe module for the pvr150 is ivtv, dunno what the module is for your other card04:44
pocketcookiesI think it's something like cx2341x or something.04:44
toorimau can probably find it in dmesg, should say what module it uses04:45
toorimadmesg | grep cx04:46
toorimathat should give you something04:46
pocketcookiesLooks like it's cx23885.04:49
toorimaseems right04:51
pocketcookiesI suppose I'll try it.  Thanks again.04:52
Decepticonare you guys seeding mythbuntu-8.10-desktop-proper-i386.iso05:03
Decepticonits being very slow05:03
Decepticonwhy does mythbuntu not support nvidia geforce fx 520007:13
Decepticondo i have to use the alt insstall cd?07:13
Decepticoncan someone please tell me what is 'additional roles' 'frontend' 'master backend' and 'slave backend' for when installing via the alt cd for 8.10, (the regular livecd doesnt work, X gives a black screen for my nvidia geforce fx 5200)07:31
Decepticonso the livecd is actually useless for me because i cant get the gui to come up and i have to install via alt cd and im going to have to answer every config question manually instead of it being autodetected as in the livecd07:35
toorimawell the role is what setup you have, is it a combined backend/frontend or what are you seting up07:39
toorimaor do you have one machine doing all the recording and an other machine by the tv to play stuff with07:40
Decepticonone machine07:44
Decepticoni just installed everything07:44
Decepticonin ubuntu 8.10, same thing happened07:44
Decepticoni got a black screen instead of a gui07:44
Decepticoni had to installe the nvidida drivers with envyng-core07:45
toorimayou probably need the legacy driver, think support has been droped for fx 5200 in the regular driver07:45
Decepticonmy question is, because of my graphics card mess up, does this mean im left manually configuring everything for mythtv07:46
toorimawith a one machine setup u dont have to care about additional roles07:46
Decepticoninstead of as it would have been installed normally with a workinggraphics card through the livecd07:47
toorimathe actuall mythtv config starts when you have a desktop, so that part will be the same, its the actuall os install that will be non gui with alt cd07:48
Decepticoni ran mythtv-setup and im being asked about database configuration, i havent changed a single field and im getting a error when i finish databse configuraiton on step 2, a box comes up saying 'cannot login to database?' with a ok button and it reutrns you yo database config08:27
Decepticonpelase help08:27
Decepticonive never been able to get past this step with installing mythtv on ubuntu or even using the alt install cd mythtv-setup program08:27
Decepticoncan someone tell me how to make this error not happen? im assuming it means mysql is not started. so how do i start mysql so that i can run through the setup for once without a ereror08:30
sebrockI dist-upgrade from 8.04.1 will work fine?09:24
leo74hi all10:28
leo74may I use this TV tuner for Mythbuntu10:29
leo74   AVerTV Satellite Trinity10:29
Decepticoni have a pvr150, im in mythtv-setup, and im doing the channel scan but im getting nothing in the results... timeout scanning us-cable 2 -- no signal11:08
leo74   AVerTV Satellite Trinity11:10
directhexlinuxtv.org wiki. look there for device compatibility11:12
=== |gbutters| is now known as gbutters
r3z`speed:      0    B/s down -   2.4  M/s up13:23
r3z`tgm4883_laptop,  Seeding speed ;)13:23
=== r3z` is now known as r3z
=== clev is now known as clever
jphillip!mysql | Decepticon14:57
ZinnDecepticon: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common14:57
ZinnUse ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs.  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].  For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi15:40
MassiveBluehi everyone16:34
superm1!hi | MassiveBlue16:35
ZinnMassiveBlue: Hi $nick, how are you?  Something we can help you with today?16:35
MassiveBlueyes you can :-D i installed mythbuntu some minutes ago. i have a TT S-2300 (or Hauppauge Nexus S) in this box, can I use the TVout of this card? it's much better than the tvout the nvidia-card is providing16:38
jphillipI like how no one questions the $nick16:38
tgm4883_laptopjphillip, it's cause it's too awesome16:39
tgm4883_laptopthat would be like questioning chuck norris16:39
tgm4883_laptopyou would just get a round house kick to the face16:39
superm1MassiveBlue, generally the tv out on those types of cards is nice for mpeg2 content at specific resolutions, so before starting, do you have anything else you like to watch?16:40
superm1like DVD's, HD content, mpeg4 files, etc?16:40
jphillipgames don't work well either16:40
MassiveBluesuperm1: yes, i want to watch MPEG4-movies too. i was running easyvdr (linvdr) before and used the tvout of the TT-card for this, if this helps16:44
MassiveBluesuperm1: but watching TV via DVB-S is most importing for me16:45
thedarkone2is mythstream fixed in 8.10?16:46
superm1MassiveBlue, if you are wanting to watch mepg-4 I would say just use nvidia tv out.  You will overall have a better experience16:48
superm1it's quite frustrating otherwise with the tv out on these mpeg2 acceleration cards16:48
superm1thedarkone2, should be fine....16:48
thedarkone2in 8.04 it stoped working16:49
MassiveBluesuperm1: ok, i could live without watching mpeg4. the box will be used for watching DVB-S mainly16:51
superm1MassiveBlue, then if you really want to go down this path, you'll have to try to use xserver-xorg-video-ivtv to do it (provided your card is supported by this type of functionality).  Since it's a DVB-S card, i'm almost thinking it might not be.16:52
thedarkone2massiveblue i have mine setup for mpeg2 dvb-s on dishnet16:52
superm1but talk to people who know for sure, seems thedarkone2 would be better than I here :)16:53
MassiveBluesuperm1: ok, thank you for your quick answer16:54
MassiveBluethedarkone2: i'm living in europe and using astra. do you use such a setup? do i have to install the xserver-xorg-video-ivtv package?16:57
thedarkone2well i am usa16:57
MassiveBlueok, i will try16:58
thedarkone2anyone know why i get a dcopserver error17:15
Decepticoni did dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0, dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database, dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common, ran mythtv-setup, ran the mythfilldatabase step to completion, now im looking at the mythbuntu desktop (the black looking desktop) and theres aicon there that says "information available"17:31
Decepticonwhen i click it, it says i should do dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database over17:31
Decepticonwtf, why17:31
Decepticon"mythtv-database reconfigure required" "the mythtv database package was upgraded or intalled but was unable to contact a mysql server."17:31
Decepticon"if you were in the process of dist-ubradping . this is normal as mysql server is stopped for a portiion o f the uprgrade. if this is a fresh package installlatiuon, verify that mysql server is installed anr dunning. once you have verifiied the server is running you can reconfigure the package by running sudo dpkg reconfigure mythtv-dtabase17:32
Decepticonif your root password ofr location of the myseql server are nonstandard you can also update them via sudo dpkg reconfigure mtythtv-database17:33
Decepticonhow can i test if my mysql is not working properly at this juncture, i thought i already managed to fix everything with sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.017:33
Decepticoni can even do mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv and get a prompt17:33
Decepticonso whats the big deal17:33
Decepticonplease advise17:34
Decepticonwhat is my next step17:34
superm1!hi | laga17:46
Zinnlaga: Hi $nick, how are you?  Something we can help you with today?17:46
laga!stab superm117:47
* Zinn stabs superm1 with a rusty spork.17:47
jphillipDecepticon leave out the p17:50
jphillipif you do -p it will prompt you no matter what17:51
Decepticonmysql -u mythtv?17:51
jphillipya it should then either prompt you or give you a better hint17:51
DecepticonERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: NO)17:51
jphillipthere you go, you didn't set things up right, cause there is no user17:51
Decepticoni set a password, the password is 'mythtv'17:51
jphillippassword for what?17:51
jphillipthis is normal confusion, mysql will ask you for a root mysql password17:52
Decepticoni set them both to the same thing17:52
jphillipwhich you then need to specify when mythtv is installing17:52
Decepticonthe myttv username/password, and the root mysql pass17:52
jphillipand then it makes a mythtv user and the password will be in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt17:52
superm1jphillip, do you know if we have a bug opened about this confusion?17:52
superm1i convinced kirkland to fix it during jaunty, but i need to point him at it17:52
jphillipsuperm1 I'm not entirely sure17:52
jphillipits not really a bug, just more of a what password is where deal17:53
jphillipit works once you know whats going on, but its confusing as all hell17:53
superm1well it's a bug with how mythtv's package handles it17:53
jphillipalso if you don't reconfigure both mythtv-database and mythtv-common your mysql.txt is out of sync17:53
Decepticoni opted to use a simple password17:54
Decepticonfor the root pass for mysql, and the mythtv user's password17:55
Decepticoni deleted the mysql.txt file and the xml file in ~/.mythtv and did dpkg-recomnfigure everything17:55
Decepticoni did dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database, dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common17:55
Decepticoni did mythtv-setup17:55
Decepticonalso went through mythfilldatabase17:55
Decepticonnow i ran the frontend17:55
Decepticonbut when i hit watch tv, i get black screen17:56
jphillipsomeone correct me if I am wrong, but you don't ever choose the mysql mythtv password, that gets generated18:02
jphillip!blank% | Decepticon18:02
ZinnDecepticon: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory18:02
Decepticoni was having trouble getting it to work with a blank password18:02
Decepticonso i opted to use a easy password18:02
jphillipif your mysql is worked out, that may be your current problem18:03
jphillipI'd make sure your mysql is correct first, get to the point where you can login with the mysql command to the mythconverg db18:03
Decepticonim getting a primpt if i do mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv18:03
Decepticonwhats wrong with that18:03
jphillipshould be able to do show tables; and see stuff in there18:03
jphillipok if you enter the password do you get in?18:03
Decepticonyes im given a prompt18:04
jphillipthrow a mythconverg at the end18:04
jphillipdo you get in though18:04
DecepticonWelcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.18:04
DecepticonYour MySQL connection id is 21618:04
DecepticonServer version: 5.0.67-0ubuntu6 (Ubuntu)18:04
DecepticonType 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.18:04
jphillipnot does it prompt you18:04
jphillipif you do -p it will prompt you no matter what18:04
jphillipthrow a mythconverg on the end18:04
jphillipthen do show tables;18:04
jphillipand see if there are things in there, if so, you are good18:04
Decepticonshows a whole bunch of stuff18:05
Decepticonrecordedprogram |18:05
Decepticon| recordedrating |18:05
Decepticon| recordedseek |18:05
Decepticon81 rows in set (0.00 sec)18:05
jphillipDecepticon then your mysql setup is fine18:11
jphillipcheck this now:18:11
jphillip!blank% | Decepticon18:11
ZinnDecepticon: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory18:11
Decepticonany idea where my recording directory is18:11
jphillipyou should have set it up in mythtv-setup18:12
Decepticoni remember it being /var/lib/mythtv/18:12
Decepticoncant be sure18:12
jphillipgo and double check18:12
Decepticonls -laF /var/lib/mythtv/18:23
Decepticondrwxrwsr-x 2 mythtv mythtv 4096 2008-10-31 14:19 recordings/18:24
Decepticonjphillip well its chmodded properly18:24
Decepticonso im not sure why im getting a black screen18:26
=== clever is now known as clev
MassiveBluedoes mythtv support slowmotion? my livetv looks so :)18:45
Decepticoni cant get any signal, when im doing channel scan in mythtv-setup. im getting 0% signal strength in the scan for try-all. it says timeout scanning try-all 38 -- no signal18:54
Decepticoncan someone please help me19:03
cbovyhi all, anyone can help me debugging mythtv on Ubuntu? I want to provide some more debugging information to ticket #583220:18
superm1cbovy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash20:25
superm1that's generally the most useful way to get debugging symbols, traces, and all that fun stuff20:25
cbovysuperml: I'll try it. I tried to recompile deb myself to include debug symbols, but this works better. :-)20:28
superm1yeah this is the much easier way20:29
superm1but if you want to do it that way with symbols "in the deb", there is one or two lines that you need to change to do it that way20:29
cbovyjust remove dh_strip in rules?20:30
cbovysuperml: I installed mythtv-backend-dbgsym and libmyth-0.21-0-dbgsym, but I'm unable to get any debug symbols.20:40
superm1cbovy, no not removing dh_strip20:40
superm1that env variable should do it20:41
cbovythanks! I'll give it a try.20:42
=== Mazga397 is now known as Mazga
larstrwhat is the best place to specify that you have a PAL TV? I've tried editing xorg.conf, but still I get no sigar22:53
KjetilKlarstr: dunno, but come over to #mythtv-norge too :-)22:56
wilberfanJust installed myth on top of ubuntu 8.10... i notice that the xorg.conf file looks COMPLETELY different...  Will I be able to use the xorg.conf setup from my 8.04 mythbuntu setup?23:09
wilberfanThis is what it looks like:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/65432/23:09
wilberfanThe Hardy myth was perfect:  My TV was one screen, and the monitor connected to the backend machine was a 2nd screen...23:10
directhexyes, it ought to work, but i'd consider removing the input sections & allowing autoconf of those23:10
wilberfandirecthex,  cool.  how would that work?23:11
wilberfanremove the "Section 'Input Device'" sections, and then run....what?23:12
directhexautomatically. no InputDevice sections needed23:12
wilberfanso just copy that xorg.conf file over...and delete the InputDevice sections?   then...reboot...or...?23:12
MythbuntuGuest86hello everyone. i wonder if anyone have some time to try to help my. tried to upgrade my mythbuntu to 8.10 and something seems to have gone terrible wrong23:15
MythbuntuGuest86help me23:15
wilberfanouch.  i'm glad, then, that i left my 8.04 alone and did a clean install of 8.10 on a separate partition!23:17
MythbuntuGuest86mm, i whish i never tried to do that upgrade. i'm not that good with linux or ubuntu to figure out what is happening23:18
wilberfanyeah, i'm pretty new at this, too...23:19
hadsIf you ask your question and/or explain what is happening someone may be able to help.23:19
MythbuntuGuest86well, i could say as much that the system wont start up. now i get to the screen with the mythbuntu logo and below that is the text Performing autostart... been there for atleast 20 minutes now23:20
MythbuntuGuest86after some time i was able to login to ssh, and doing a ps -A it seems that i have about 50-100 processes with jockey-gtk,mythfrontend.re, the PID counter is currently at 16197 and counting. It feels like some startscript or something is in a loop23:22
hadspstree may help you find out what is starting everything23:24
MythbuntuGuest86i'll try that23:24
MythbuntuGuest86my system disk just wont stop working, so everything i'm trying to do takes forever23:25
hads`sudo invoke-rc-d gdm stop` may help that.23:25
hadsIt will stop X windows therefore stopping child processes of that which is likely where the processs are spawned from.23:26
wilberfanHere's the xorg.conf I want to try (I commented out the "Input" lines) http://paste.ubuntu.com/65436/23:27
hadsThough you may wat to see what is starting everything before you kill it all if you can23:27
wilberfanDoes it look okay?23:27
MythbuntuGuest86waiting for some output from pstree now =)23:27
MythbuntuGuest86hmm, that was not easy to read23:28
wilberfanokay...i'm just gonna jump in and try that xorg file...23:31
MythbuntuGuest86does this make any sense? http://pastebin.com/d24420f9823:31
hadsNot to me, weird characters.23:35
MythbuntuGuest86i guess it is not possible to revert a upgrade back to 8.04 without reinstall?23:55
MythbuntuGuest86look at this, it is crazy. http://pastebin.com/d757b128d23:57

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