
CarlFKif I want to sample sound from a sound card using alsa, what .deb to i install?01:38
mynoushow can you view your NIC settings on a remote server?02:25
tonyyarussossh to it02:26
mynousjust ssh'ing to it doesnt give me the NIC settings02:27
tonyyarussoThen ifconfig, like you would locally.02:27
mynoustonyyarusso: im looking form the speed and duplex setting of my NIC02:31
tonyyarussomynous: hmm, I'm not aware of a built-in way of getting that.  You may need to use a network monitoring utility of some sort.02:35
mynousi know ethtool to set it but i wanted to check and see what it was set at02:36
tonyyarussocan ethtool do a dump of current settings?02:36
mynousim not sure02:37
tonyyarussosudo ethtool DEVICE maybe02:37
mynouswould that be the EEPROM?02:37
tonyyarusso(although that gives me "Unknown!" in both fields here)02:38
mynousahh, thats it02:38
mynousfor some reason it doesnt seem like its running full duplex02:39
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CarlFKdpkg-shlibdeps: failure: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/debug/libm.so.6 (used by debian/transcode/usr/lib/transcode/filter_levels.so04:40
CarlFKhow did that happen?04:40
CarlFKtrying to build transcode same way I have alwas done it.  and that magically happened04:41
CarlFKlets see if this changes it: unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH04:41
Wavesonicsgod i wish some one could help me... I'm setting up a RAID 10 array with 4 disks, each disk as 2 partitions on it, 1 encrypted (for swap) and 1 set up for RAID10 by mdadm, and 1 disk as a standard ext3 /boot partition. I installed just fine to the RAID10 md0 device, but when I try and boot, the first encrypted swap partition is decrypted fine, and then the md0 encrypted RAID10 device is "not found"... How can I make it recogni04:42
Wavesonicsze my multi-disk device?04:42
* antdedyet is on the search to find out why apt can't authenticate some packages04:54
antdedyet... in ibex04:55
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Wavesonicsanyone who is interested, please take a look and vote up: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15043/05:36
Wavesonicsin 8.10, how do I enable apache user directories?06:20
tonyyarussoWavesonics: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/public_html.html06:22
Wavesonics<tonyyarusso> thanks06:34
Wavesonicsif I want to have a user able to edit /var/www what group should I put him in?06:41
tonyyarussoWavesonics: www-data, and double-check that there are write permissions for the group.  (I think so, but haven't looked lately)06:56
Adam_<tonyyarusso> i added my user to that group: usermod -G www-data username07:10
Adam_but i still can't modify /var/www07:10
tonyyarussowhat are the persmissions on /var/www?07:11
Adam_1 moment, installing SVN :/07:13
Adam_drwxr-xr-x 3 root root07:14
Weasel[DK]is there a lilo guru in here ?    my server hangs at boot. probably after kernel upgrade. it says "LILO 22.8 Loading Linux" anda a lot of "." (dots), after 2lines it stops. Its Hardy with LVM07:16
Weasel[DK]can i enable debug output somewhere07:16
sorenWeasel[DK]: Can you boot an older kernel?07:21
Weasel[DK]soren, nahh i tryed to edit the lilo.conf and set default kernel to "LinuxOLD", but the same result07:22
sorenWeasel[DK]: How did you get to edit lilo.conf if you can't boot?07:23
Weasel[DK]soren, rescue boot from the CD... ;)07:23
sorenWeasel[DK]: I see.07:23
sorenWeasel[DK]: Could you try adding "large-memory" to your lilo.conf and try again?07:23
soren(of course you need to run lilo after changing the config)07:24
Weasel[DK]soren, just a line at the top ?07:29
sorenWeasel[DK]: Something like that, yes.07:29
sorenWeasel[DK]: As long as it's not in one of the kernel stanzas.07:29
sorenAnd you're sure you're correctly rerunning lilo?07:30
Weasel[DK]soren, nahh i just noticed that inside lilo.conf there is a boot=/dev/sda07:31
Weasel[DK]i use lvm07:31
sorenThat's fine.07:31
sorenboot=/dev/sda means that it'll install the bootloader on the mbr of /dev/sda07:31
Weasel[DK]soren, when runing lilo i get -> fatal device-mapper: mapped boot device cannot be on multiple real devices07:32
sorenWeasel[DK]: And you didn't before you added large-memory?07:33
Weasel[DK]did't put in the memmory stuf yet... struggeling with vi... im used to vim ;)07:34
sorenAh :)07:35
sorenSo you're in a chroot? You have /proc mounted and all that?07:35
sorenAnd /dev bind-mounted?07:36
Weasel[DK]i am booting from the install cdrom in rescue mode, runing mount shows that my LVM volume is the root07:38
Weasel[DK]had to be some kind of chroot env.07:39
Weasel[DK]soren, what do oyu mean by "And /dev bind-mounted"07:40
sorenWeasel[DK]: Do you have e.g. /dev/mapper/control ?07:40
Weasel[DK]soren, nah i have /dev/mapper/root-lv_root which is the rootfs07:41
sorenOk, that's fine.07:42
sorenI'm still a bit confused. You said you tried setting the default to LinuxOLD... So running lilo back then worked, but not now?07:42
sorenOr did you forget to run lilo back then?07:42
Weasel[DK]soren, it allways where like that no matter what kernel i choose07:44
sorenWeasel[DK]: What is root set to in your lilo.conf?07:47
Weasel[DK]soren, my notebook lost power :(  sorry07:47
sorenNo worries.07:48
Weasel[DK]im back now did i miss anything ?07:48
soren07:47:34 < soren> Weasel[DK]: What is root set to in your lilo.conf?07:49
sorenWeasel[DK]: Oh, that's not going to work.07:52
sorenWeasel[DK]: I presume you have a /boot partition ?07:52
Weasel[DK]soren, no its LVM all way07:53
sorenHas this ever worked?07:54
Weasel[DK]yeah sure ;)07:54
sorenI didn't t hink the installer would let you do that.. :/07:55
Weasel[DK]until yesterday... i suspect the kernel update to be the reson but i dont know07:55
Weasel[DK]soren, well i also wondere why it was using LILO, the default is grub. maby LILO is better than grub for LVM ???07:57
sorengrub will not work at all. lilo might have a chance.07:58
sorenDo you have multiple disks?07:58
sorenIs it possible that your root volume is spread over multiple pv's?07:58
Weasel[DK]yeah, 3 disks with 2 LVM partition om each 1 for root one for swap07:59
sorenBy "LVM partition" you mean physical volume?07:59
Weasel[DK]sda1 +sdb1 + sdc1 = root-lv07:59
sorenThat will *definitely* not work.08:00
Weasel[DK]it has worked ;)08:00
sorenIt might have worked at some point.08:00
sorenIf the kernel is now spread across multiple pv's, you're screwed.08:00
soren(or the initrd)08:00
Weasel[DK]so you are saying.... put an IDE drive in and put /boot and bootloader on that ?08:01
sorenEither that or shrink one of your pv's on your /dev/sda and put it there.08:03
soren...and next time do yourself a favour and make sure to have a boot partition.08:04
Weasel[DK]soren, ill do that for sure !08:04
Weasel[DK]soren, ok, ill try to shrink sda1..08:06
Weasel[DK]soren, Thank you very much for the help :)08:07
sorenWeasel[DK]: Oh, don't just shrink sda1.08:14
sorenWeasel[DK]: You need to pvresize the data first, *then* shrink the partition.08:15
Weasel[DK]soren, yes ofcourse... orelse im in "real" trouble" ;)08:16
sorenWeasel[DK]: Yeah. Just wanted to make sure you knew :)08:20
* soren takes a break08:23
mvodoes anyone has a idea what might cause "Setting up landscape-common (1.0.23-0ubuntu0.8.10.1) ...^M08:56
mvoYour account has expired; please contact your system administrator^M" (bug #291334)08:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 291334 in pam "package update-manager 1:0.93.32 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29133408:56
mvoI have seen that in other reports as well08:56
mvo(not many though)08:56
bugfixeshello all08:57
hadsmvo: Sounds like the root account has expired.09:04
hadsI'm not sure of the correct way to do it but you can fix it by editing /etc/shadow09:06
mvohads: thanks, I saw it in some bugreport while doing triage on udpate-manager and wonder what is the best way to avoid this kind of error and how it happend09:12
hadsI'm not sure, I've seen it on VM's created with ubuntu-vm-builder09:13
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* soren nods09:14
sorenu-v-b for a while created locked root accounts.09:15
mvooh, thanks. I will ask about that09:20
sorenmvo: ...but it's a certainly a bug that a locked root account makes chfn fail, IMO.09:21
mvook, I reassign to pam09:22
Weasel[DK]soren, i reduced the filesystem on LVM then reduced with lvreduce and did a pvresize now fdisk still says the ther are no free sectors ?09:24
Weasel[DK]what did i forget ?09:24
sorenWeasel[DK]: To resize the partition that holds the pv.09:25
sorenmvo: Hm... It seems to happen in Hardy as well.09:48
mvosoren: with ubuntu-vm-builder? or in genral?09:49
sorenmvo: I mean chfn failing if the root account is locked.09:50
sorenI thought that was a side effect of the changes we made to the pam config in Intrepid.09:50
* mvo nods09:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #226369 in ubuntu "VFS Not responding error on shutdown (dup-of: 211631)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22636910:13
uvirtbotNew bug: #291186 in dnsmasq (universe) "disabling dnsmasq in /etc/default/dnsmaq disables init.d script" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29118610:15
carbon_monoxideany hardy backport repo for mono-runtime?10:31
carbon_monoxidei want newer version of mono-runtime10:31
Wavesonics 10:40
WavesonicsI think i somehow screwed up my account's permitions :( The main account I created during instal can no longer sudo, any ideas?10:40
sorenWeasel[DK]: Any luck?10:49
Weasel[DK]soren, nahh the phone keeps ringing.... :(   ill let you know soon... i hope10:53
sorenWeasel[DK]: :)10:53
Weasel[DK]soren, at last.... ;) do you have an advise for resizeing the physical partition on sda.... i have bootet an knoppix 5.1 with qtparted, but it does not seem to be up for the job11:12
Weasel[DK]soren, this parted does not know partitions types of  LVM ?11:18
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=== vendetta is now known as Abracadabra
sorenWeasel[DK]: what I usually do is this:11:57
sorenSay I have a pv of 100GB, and I want to downsize it to 80G. I start by resizing the pv to something well below 80G (say 75G).11:58
soren...then I reduce the partition size to 80G. Depending on the tool at hand, this might involve removing the partition and creating it again. This feels scary, but make sure the starting cylinder is the same, and you'll be fine.11:59
sorenThen I use pvresize again to grow the PV to the full size of the partition.11:59
sorenBefore that last step, I probably reboot, though.11:59
soren...but that's pretty much the process I use. It's a bit more involved than it has to be, but I prefer to err on the side of caution.12:00
Weasel[DK]soren, ok, but i think i messed up, if i do a pvdisplay the sda1 i was working on is way too big. Data seems still to be ok.12:14
Weasel[DK]bigger than the entire disk12:14
sorenWeasel[DK]: With pvdisplay? umm..  Do you still have the command line you used?12:16
Weasel[DK]soren, no but i should be able to set it at the same size at the other disks... the are identical12:17
Weasel[DK]well a bit smaller... verything should have been shrinked from the top12:18
sorenWeasel[DK]: Yeah, i'm jus curious how it happened.12:23
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Weasel[DK]soren, i guess i typed the size of the whole lvm group instead of the disk. It matches the size. on the other hand that would be clumsy to do so ?12:27
willwillhello, I installed suphp but phpmyadmin does not work. I then enable mod_php5 (suphp still enabled) and phpmyadmin worked but my script does not run as my user12:30
willwillI tried to comment all lines in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf and it still assign itself to .php12:31
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stewilshi.  i'm mid way through an ubuntu update.  ssh'd into the sever to do it and lost connecgtion mis way.  any way to get the session back12:42
stewilsso start the install process again?12:43
henkjannext time, start your upgrade in screen12:43
stewilsyeah :)....live and learn12:43
sorenYes. It might pick up around where it left off, though.12:43
stewilsi'lll get off and do that then.  thanks12:44
Frozen-Solidthanks i thought it might be quieter in here - it's really hard to kepe an eye on the other chat while at work with distrcations13:39
Frozen-Solidokay so this alternate cd thing... i'm assuming that's just download latest version, burn iso, and mount like normal?13:39
Frozen-Solidi've been on an rpm-based distro at home for years, this is my first time dealing with apt13:39
ScottKFrozen-Solid: Are you installing a server?13:40
Frozen-Solidrunning on a blade center13:40
Frozen-Solidubuntu se blows my mind in how awesome it is on our new environments13:40
ScottKGenerally you boot the CD on the machine you intend to install on.13:41
Frozen-Solidwe gt the install done... i'm looking into how upgrading works13:41
Frozen-Solidwe built our new systems on 8.04... and then 8.10 came out so i was charged with finding out hte best ways to upgrade with least amount of downtime and least invasive13:41
ScottKYou don't need a CD for htat.13:42
komotheitWhat I usually do, is set the Alternate CD as a repository13:42
ScottKsudo do-release-upgrade should fire it off13:42
komotheitAnd do the apt-get distro upgrade13:42
Frozen-Solidkomotheit was talking about using an alternate cd, so that's what i was asking about13:42
mvomake sure you edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to "normal" - because hardy is a lts it will not upgrade to a non-lts release by default13:43
mvoupgrades via the alternate cd are possible as well, but the upgrade should work fine over the net13:43
Frozen-Solidis it generally recommended to stick to lts editions, rather than the fall reelases?13:43
mvodepends on your use-case :)13:43
mvoif you want the long support then lts is certainly a good choice, if you want (or need) the latest stuff then upgrading is probably a good idea13:44
komotheitWell, unless you need something only offered in a new version, its best to stick to LTS releases13:44
Frozen-Solidwe're not sure our use case yet... we're migrating from an ancient novell netware 6.5 web server setup13:44
ScottKFrozen-Solid: ^^^ wrote the upgrade tools, so you are getting advice directly from the best expert.13:44
Frozen-Solidoh cool13:45
komotheitI didn't upgrade yet, I'm snooping around tech support chat/forums to get an idea of issues from upgrades13:45
Frozen-Solidwe're not doing a support contract yet, but it's something we may look into in the future... depends on how well we manage this new setup ourselves. I was just getting a feel for how upgrades should be looked at, because noene of us have done linux in such a live environment before13:46
Frozen-Solidso way for april. apt-get distro upgrade should be safe - does ubuntu require a full restart after an upgrade like that because of the new kernel?13:48
ScottKFrozen-Solid: For going from release to release, do-release-upgrade is recommended because it often has special processing to deal with known issue.13:49
komotheitSince you're running a server, I wouldn't know. I'm running a desktop environment, I probably would need a restart unless I would shut down X-server before upgrading13:49
ScottKFrozen-Solid: You do have to reboot.13:49
ScottKBecause of the new kernel.13:49
Frozen-Solidokay thought so13:49
Frozen-Solidi need to remember do-release-upgrade. *makes note*13:51
Frozen-Solidwhile this hsouldn't happen, say network goes down... ubuntu's server's go down... something odd happens during an upgrade... what kinda safty procautions do i need to make?13:52
ScottKFrozen-Solid: You should always back up important data.13:52
komotheitWas going to say that too :P13:52
Frozen-Solidyeah i know that much, i meant specifically from a ubuntu se perspective13:53
ScottKIf you lose power on a half upgraded system, it's possible that it could be in an odd state, but generally would be bootable/fixable.13:53
Frozen-Solidlike, if the network goes down, can i just rerun do-release-upgrade again and it can recover? or what happens13:53
ScottKShould work.13:53
ScottKJust don't reboot a half-upgraded system.13:53
Frozen-Solidlosing power would be pretty much impossible on this server13:53
ScottKGenerally it's pretty straight fowared.13:54
Frozen-Solidi tend to do much more invasive upgrades on my home systems... full format cept for the /home partition, reinstall from scratch13:55
Frozen-Solidobviously i dont' want to do that here13:55
ScottKThere's generally no need for that.13:55
Frozen-Solidi use Mandriva at home, it's not quite as "neat" of an upgrade as ubuntu seems to have13:56
ScottKI've only ever had to reinstall after doing experiments I knew were risky.13:56
Frozen-Solidand it feels nice starting fresh13:56
ScottKUpgradability is one of the key features of Debian based systems.13:56
Frozen-Solidyeah that's why we chose Ubuntu SE. so far i'm VERY impressed from a server perspective13:56
Frozen-Solidit's "easy" but it still expects you know what you're doing and doesn't hold your hand. i really appreciate how it's setup13:57
Koonmathiaz: I have been considering revisiting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImproveSSLCert for Jaunty... what is your position on that spec ? Something you want to do yourself, something you want someone to do...13:57
Fenix|workGood morning13:57
* ScottK points Frozen-Solid to http://ubuntukids.org/blog/?p=11713:57
Fenix|workI have a question that I hope someone has an answer to13:57
Weasel[DK]soren, i changed my angle of attack a bit... i now removed one of my swap partitions, re-formated it for ext3 and copied the old /boot into the partition.13:57
mathiazKoon: I don't really have strong opinion on doing it myself.13:58
Frozen-Solidhaven't used ubuntu desktop yet... i'm kinda aattached to my mandrake i've used for 10 years13:58
mathiazKoon: if you have more ideas, please add them to the spec.13:58
sorenWeasel[DK]: Heh. That should certainly work, too.13:58
Weasel[DK]edited fstab, now i have trouble with lilo again13:58
sorenWeasel[DK]: You need to adjust lilo.conf accordingly.13:58
Koonmathiaz: ok :)13:58
Fenix|workI'd like to make a bootable DVD of my install so if a HDD or two decide to screw the pooch, I can stick in this bootable DVD and restore my system to a working state, then restore the most up-to-date stuff from backup13:58
Fenix|workanyone with any ideas?13:59
ScottKFrozen-Solid: Right, well I've never actually used Ubuntu on the desktop for more than a minute or two myself.  Kubuntu (KDE) is my thing.13:59
Frozen-Solidlol excellent post scott13:59
Frozen-SolidI'm a big Gnome fan... but the fact that ubuntu seems to pick one distro to base it's installs around (kubuntu vs ubuntu) rather than give you abit of everything like i'm used to with mandriva keeps me off ubuntu/kubuntu14:00
Weasel[DK]soren, can you tell me how to set those options... i tried diffent things bu i always get : Fatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0010 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)14:01
Frozen-Solidi use gnome, but a lot of KDE software on it (K3B, Amarok, Kaffeine) as opposed to the gnome counter-parts14:01
ScottKFrozen-Solid: They are both in the same repository, so you can certainly install whatever KDEish bits you want.14:01
komotheitThat's what I did14:01
Frozen-Solidyeah... mandriva just does it all though, so it's hard for me to go for a switch14:01
komotheitI'm a fan of klipper :)14:01
ScottKMyself I like having a common core system so I only need to know one.14:01
Frozen-Solidi'm also attached to my root user and it feels rong not being able to log into my good ole root on ubuntu14:01
sorenWeasel[DK]: Let me think..14:01
ScottKThat's easy enough to enable if you want it.14:02
Frozen-Solidi'm sure i'll swithc and try ubuntu soonish. mandriva's starting to show it's bloat14:02
Frozen-Solidi need to look into ubuntu install on a Novell Netware network, i haven't checked if the novell client is on the apt-get repos yet14:02
Frozen-Solidthne i'll totally switch for work purposes14:03
sorenWeasel[DK]: What is boot and root set to?14:03
Frozen-Solidthanks for all your help, i gotta meeting to go to so.14:04
Weasel[DK]soren, boot=/dev/sda      boot is only in the append line and says /dev/mapper/root-lv_root14:05
Weasel[DK]the new boot is on sda214:05
Weasel[DK]soren, right now i have booted knoppix, mounted the rootfs and mount the new boot into that14:06
komotheitFrozen-Solid: Take care and good luck on your upgrades! :)14:07
sorenWeasel[DK]: I wish I had a box with a similar setup so that I could be more sure..14:09
sorenWeasel[DK]: I keep forgetting how much stuff lilo works out on its own.14:09
sorenWeasel[DK]: If you run lilo now, what happens?14:10
Weasel[DK]soren, i run lilo -C /mnt/root/etc/lilo.conf14:10
Weasel[DK]and it responds with     Fatal: Trying to map files from unnamed device 0x0010 (NFS/RAID mirror down ?)14:11
sorenWeasel[DK]: oh, do this:14:11
sorenWeasel[DK]: lilo -r /mnt/root14:11
Weasel[DK]soren, Fatal: raid_setup: stat("dev/sda")14:12
sorenWeasel[DK]: sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/root/dev14:14
sorenWeasel[DK]: And try again.14:14
Weasel[DK]soren, i get some complaints but at the end i says Added Linux and LinuxOLD14:16
Weasel[DK]should i give it a try14:17
sorenGo for it :)14:17
Weasel[DK]soren, IT IS BOOTING.... !14:20
Weasel[DK]soren, you are my hero14:20
sorenWeasel[DK]: I accept beer deliveries. http://www.øltorvet.dk/ for your clicking pleasure :)14:21
sorenWeasel[DK]: Make sure you check that lilo runs as expected in the running system.14:21
Weasel[DK]soren, seems to be ok14:29
=== Abracadabra is now known as Vendetta
TechnovikingI'm using 12 GB of ram on a 32bit version of Ubuntu 8.04.1 Ubuntu Server14:42
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TechnovikingSomeone is worried that even with PAE you can't assign 9-10GB to one process, because that14:43
Technoviking"overflows size_t"14:43
sorenTechnoviking: Well..14:44
sorenTechnoviking: The explanation is not entirely accurate, but the problem is real.14:45
sorensize_t is mandated by the hardware, and it happens to be 32 bits, which limits you to 4 GB of addressable memory.14:45
Technovikingso even with PAE, you can not use more than 4 GB for a process/app PostgreSQL for example14:47
sorenTechnoviking: That's correct.14:47
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Technovikingsoren: thank for clearing that up for me14:50
Weasel[DK]soren, PM me your delivery address or do you live near by ?14:51
* Weasel[DK] promised his family a trip to Bilka... so c u later.15:06
sorenWeasel[DK]: Other end of the country, unless I'm much mistaken. Aalborg, specifically.15:13
CRELOUR hi16:08
jtmoneyhello, guys... 2 x 1 TB drives just got here, and i'm reading up on setting up RAID-1 in ubuntu server... can someone tell me how i can determine if dmraid now supports error handling? the fakeRAIDhowto isn't very clear... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto#RAID-1%20Notes16:21
Rubinjtmoney, i would guess that it is not in there16:24
jtmoneyheh okay16:25
jtmoneybut how can i find out definitively?16:25
Rubinjtmoney, i'd try to find a site for the author of the patch that enables it, and see if they have any kind of info about it16:30
Rubinor you could go through the kernel package and try to figure out what patches they have applied etc16:30
lukehasnonameI see Ubuntu Server has an ad running on the Ubuntu home page16:34
lukehasnonameprops to the person who got that ball rolling16:34
Rubinwasnt there something on slashdot yesterday about ubuntu loosing money but if server takes off for a couple years they will be in the black?16:35
lukehasnonameI wouldn't doubt CANONICAL is losing money right now, but they have a lot of it, so their demise is not imminent. A takeoff of their server OS and the support that businesses would buy for it would really help the company, though.16:36
Rubinthats what the article said, almost exactly.16:38
Fenix|workcan I resize an ext3 partition on the fly?16:38
ScottKIIRC Canonical has not made a secret of being in the red nor not being particularly worried about it.16:38
Rubini think he said he'd continue to fund it for 5 years16:39
RubinFenix|work, no16:40
RubinFenix|work, that kind of thing is reserved for 'real' filesystems, like advfs :P16:40
Fenix|workHow long does an offline resize take?16:40
Rubinif its not heavely fragmented i'd guess it doesn't take very long16:40
Rubincourse depends on your hardware16:41
Rubinare you making it bigger or smaller?16:41
lukehasnoname5 years for ubuntu losing money before MarkS turns off the tap? It sounds like a long time, but it will be here before we know it. I'm sure profitability is in their sights.16:41
Fenix|workI have a 458GB partition that I'd like to lop off 58GB and make another partition16:41
Rubinlukehasnoname, 13.04 could be the last version :P16:41
RubinFenix|work, that could take quite a while16:41
lukehasnonameRubin: heh16:42
Rubini did that a while ago to break /home into its own, but i didnt time it or anything16:42
Fenix|workRubin, it's a production web/ftp server and the previous admin failed to make web and ftp separate16:42
Rubincompleted it in an evening if i recall16:42
RubinFenix|work, clone it, do the change on the other one, swap the IP over16:42
Rubinor add another hard disk :P16:43
Fenix|workfor that matter, he failed to move web and ftp out of the system partition16:43
Fenix|workso everything is lumped into /dev/sda116:43
Rubinyeah lame.16:43
Rubinhard disks are cheap though. juts add another16:43
Fenix|workhard disks may be cheap, but servers aren' t:)16:43
Fenix|workI don't have a spare to swap to16:44
Rubinpsh. real production setups have hot spares or failover pairs :P16:44
Fenix|workRubin, real servers use hardware raid and the OS can't see hot spares :)16:44
Rubinno i mean whole spare systems16:44
lukehasnonameBTW I just read about the installation-time server profile of "Virtualization Host"16:45
lukehasnonametotally awesome16:45
Fenix|workooh, well in that case I don't have a real production server :)16:45
RubinFenix|work, then they can handle some down time :P16:45
Fenix|workcorporate website may not handle downtime well with marketing and execs16:46
lukehasnonamefive nines16:46
Fenix|workhow does one check the fragmentation of a partition?16:47
RubinFenix|work, then they should spring for a real setup with failover and/or hot spare servers :P16:47
Rubinuptime costs money16:47
Fenix|workyes, yes it does16:47
Fenix|workbut that still doesn't solve my more immediate problem :)16:48
lukehasnonameRubin: What's the problem with software raid? For a SMB server, wouldn't software raid do alright?16:48
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
Rubinlukehasnoname, there are several problems with it, but it does alright yes.16:48
Rubinit doesnt handle errors very well, as you noticed. its slower than hardware raid, etc16:49
Rubinbut if a disk full out fails, your golden after a reboot (and maybe unplugging it worst case)16:49
Rubini run a mirror lvm setup on my home server16:49
lukehasnonamegentoo4life, lol16:56
r00tintheb0xHello all, if I have 6x147GB SCSI drives in a RAID6 array... what would be my total available space?17:05
r00tintheb0xOr could someone give me a rule of thumb to calculate RAID space in general?17:06
r00tintheb0xSorry, my client crashed.17:11
r00tintheb0xIf anyone responded to my question, could you please re-respond.17:11
jtmoneyhey guys, recently purchased 2 x 1 TB drives for a file server... it seems like fakeraid (through dmraid) is in its infancy and has poor error reporting... i'm too paranoid that i would screw something up if i used softraid... would it make sense at this point just to use rdiff or something similar to copy files from one partition to another?17:49
jtmoneyseems like there's no good answer17:49
* antdedyet dwindles in the fun that is email delivery18:02
trashguyi has 8.1018:30
r00tintheb0xHello all, if I have 6x147GB SCSI drives in a RAID6 array... what would be my total available space?18:50
r00tintheb0x Or could someone give me a rule of thumb to calculate RAID space in general?18:50
Deepsraid6 - you 'lose' 2 disks worth of space for parity data18:54
Deepsraid5 - you 'lose' 1 disks worth of space for parity data18:54
kirklandScottK: hi, i have a couple of dumb mail server questions ...18:56
maswanraid10, you lose half of the space for parity data18:57
Deepsr00tintheb0x: you can potentially 'lose' more disks if you factor in that it's sometimes smart to have a 'hot spare' as well18:57
kirklandScottK: i simply want an ubuntu system to accept incoming mail, and if there's a local user matching the address, use his .forward file18:57
kirklandScottK: so machine, "foo", dustin@foo address, with a .forward file pointing to gmail or some such18:58
ScottKOK, so no actual local delivery?18:58
kirklandScottK: i've got mail to dustin@localhost actually working18:58
kirklandScottK: right, no local delivery18:58
kirklandi think i just need some magic to accept traffic from outside, perhaps?18:59
ScottKDo you need to use actual .forward files or is that just the effect you want?18:59
ScottKkirkland: I assume you're using Postfix?  Please pastebin the output of postconf -n19:00
kirklandScottK: yes, postfix19:00
kirklandScottK: .forward is the effect i want, if it can be configured differently, that's cool too19:01
ScottKI do this with virtual alias domains.  It's pretty easy.19:01
kirklandcool, let me pastebin that for you19:02
kirklandScottK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/65346/19:03
* ScottK looks19:03
ScottKkirkland: foobar.com is your actual domain you want mail from or the machine's hostname?19:04
kirklandScottK: i just sed-replaced that19:05
ScottKYeah.  I figured.19:05
ScottKFor virtual alias domains, here's what I have ...19:05
ScottKvirtual_alias_domains = example.com (note that it should not be listed in mydestination.19:06
ScottKThen I have virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual19:06
ScottKThis is all in main.cf BTW19:06
ScottKThat map has entries like example.com Whatever (need that, it doean't matter what's on the right side)19:07
ScottKscott@example.com scott@example.org19:07
ScottKThen in smtpd_recipient_restrictions I have check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/somename19:08
ScottKsomename has postmaster@example.com permit19:09
ScottKThat can be permit, reject, or dunno19:09
ScottKSo the virtual table says where it goes.19:09
ScottKthe check_recipient_access does your recipient validation.19:09
kirklandlet me give that a shot19:10
ScottKDon't forget to postmap or postalias your table.19:10
kirklandso no dovecot required at all for this, then?19:10
ScottKYou do this all in the MTA.19:10
kirklandright, i was hoping so19:10
* ScottK needs to run out. Back later if you have questions.19:11
ScottKThere's a good REAME on virtual stuff on postfix.org too.19:11
ScottKThat's pretty much straight out of it.19:11
kirklandScottK: awesome, thanks for your help19:14
ScottKYou're welcome.19:14
ShawnRfor a single user (PC sitting in my house) is there any real benefit to using a non-root login? (it seems like a pain to have to sudo everything)19:18
trashguyi su in to root19:19
trashguyim used to freebsd so it seems sane to me19:20
ScottKtrashguy: If you want to do that, use sudo -i.  It gives you a slightly more sane environment.19:20
ShawnRon my debian install, i just logged in as root all the time, i know for multi-admin users, it's better to not have one ROOT that everyone/anyone uses, but for a home/personal use, i didn't know if there were any real security flaws19:21
trashguyScottK, root is sane for me19:21
kirklandShawnR: i find it keeps me from stepping on my own ... feet19:21
ScottKtrashguy: sudo -i gets you a root prompt.19:21
trashguyShawnR, there are program like irc i wouldnt run as root19:21
ShawnRyeah, that is true19:22
ShawnRbut for administration19:22
ShawnRi'll run many programs as not root, but for configuring everything... i mean, i couldn't even make /downloads without having to sudo... then i had to sudo chmod it to allow myself write access19:23
trashguythese are good things19:23
trashguyim all for having to do extra steps to promote secure methods ^^19:24
ShawnRi would be, too... but is it really any more secure than me having a password on the root account?19:25
trashguyif you need to do a bunch of admin stuff you can sudo -i or su19:25
ShawnRi won't be running services as root, just configuring things as root19:25
trashguythen use sudo -i19:25
ShawnRmaybe i'll try and get in the habit of doing that19:25
ShawnRi guess part of me just loves the idea of logging in as "root"19:25
trashguyit just t hrows you in a root prompt19:25
ShawnRroot@WOPR:~# just looks so sexy19:26
trashguyi only log in as root on most machines if im local19:26
trashguyavonders@avonders-desktop:~$ sudo -i19:26
trashguy[sudo] password for avonders:19:26
ShawnR9/10 times i will be local19:26
ScottKShawnR: Up until you rm -rf * and aren't in the dir you thought you were, sure.19:26
trashguyor umount var19:26
uvirtbottrashguy: Error: "^" is not a valid command.19:26
ShawnRthat'll be my own problem... but i don't do those things19:26
ScottKOf course.19:27
ShawnRthis is just going to be a personal file/media streaming server with LAMP things just for when it's convenient19:27
trashguysmash buttons19:27
ScottKShawnR: If it's exposed to the internet be sure to turn off SSH root login.19:27
CarlFKhow can I turn ono the cpu fan?20:20
ShawnRput a hairdryer on it, that should trigger the thermal sensors20:22
ShawnRit's not on currently?20:23
lukehasnonamethe server guide needs to be moved from doc.ubuntu.com to help.ubuntu.com as the 8.10 guide21:18
Appl3Korkso I've got Ubuntu Server installed, and I got it all setup in webmin, but I can't get ppl outside the home network view it?21:28
ScottKAppl3Kork: Webmin isn't in the Ubuntu repositories, so it's not supported here.  Ask the webmin people.21:30
Appl3Korkwell I'm not using webmin to configure it. sorry.  I'm trying to get the ddclient working through putty21:31
ShawnRappl3kork ppl from outside can't view what? can't access webmin or what services?21:32
Appl3Korkcan't access my server21:33
Appl3Korkit's running apache21:33
ShawnRand you cna view it locally, right?21:34
Appl3KorkI've forwarded ports21:34
ShawnRcan you access any other service from outside?21:34
ShawnRwhat error do ppl get?21:35
Appl3Korkwell I just give them the url, and it just says cannot be found21:35
ShawnRwhat url?21:35
Appl3KorkI'm just trying to do the basics right now, of them seeing it say "It Works!"21:36
ShawnRon port 80, right?21:36
Appl3KorkI think port 80 is blocked by my ISP, so my buddy said to use 8121:36
ShawnRand you forwarded ports 81?21:37
Appl3Korkboth router and modem21:37
ShawnRand when you access it locally, you use http://g3rm.dontexist.com:8121:37
Appl3Korkno actually21:37
Appl3KorkI just typed in g3rm.dontexist.com21:37
ShawnRhttp:// will default to port 80 unless otherwise specified21:37
ShawnRso you're still running on port 8021:37
Appl3Korkk let me change that really quick21:38
ShawnRhave you restarted apache?21:38
TANATHOSeither port 80 nor port 81 works21:38
ShawnR80 works locally, and 80 is blocked by ISP21:38
Appl3Korkwell I don't think on dyndns.org will allow me to make the site say g3rm.dontexist.com:8121:39
TANATHOSwhat kind of isp block port 80?21:39
Appl3Korkgay ones21:39
ShawnRcomcast used to21:39
ShawnRsome still do, they don't want you using your home ISP connection as a server21:39
ShawnRno, dyndns will not21:39
TANATHOSI don't really think you can forward21:39
ShawnRyou just gotta tell ppl to use the :81 at the end21:39
TANATHOSI was about  to write that21:39
TANATHOSnot necesarily21:40
Appl3Korkwhats the command to restart apache?21:40
TANATHOS./etc/init.d/apache restart21:40
TANATHOSas I remember it21:40
ShawnRtanathos what would be the alternative to telling ppl to include port #?21:40
TANATHOSmake a redirect from another page21:41
TANATHOSoh I thought you were laughing at me21:41
ShawnRbut that'd be a lot of work21:41
ShawnRno, just at the backbending21:41
Appl3Korkwell in webmin it actually asks what port for the server21:41
TANATHOShe could make a redirect from another page21:41
Appl3Korkand I put 8121:41
TANATHOSAppl3Kork yes21:41
TANATHOSbut that is locally21:41
TANATHOSyou need to redirect from outside your isp21:42
ShawnRyeah, but if he has a hosted page somewhere, why not just put the website there?21:42
Appl3Korki didn't think I had a hosted page21:42
Appl3Korkor is that the g3rm.dontexist.com21:42
ShawnRby hosted i mean on someone else's computer... like at a website hosting company21:42
TANATHOSdo you have another hosting account somewhere21:42
TANATHOSeven better21:43
Appl3Korknot that I know of21:43
TANATHOSdo you own dontexist.com21:43
Appl3Korkno it was just a free one with dyndns.org21:43
ShawnRnope, that's a dyndns.org name21:43
ShawnRall they do is redirect the subdomain to his IP at home21:43
TANATHOSI could give you a hosting package at my comapny21:43
ShawnRwell, this looks like a match made in IRC heaven21:43
Appl3Korkya but how much is that?21:43
TANATHOSbut still you have to own a domain21:44
TANATHOSAppl3Kork for free21:44
TANATHOSI own the company21:44
Appl3Korkso if I own a domain you can host it for free?21:44
TANATHOSI got about 16 working servers21:44
ShawnRi want a free hosting package!21:44
TANATHOShold your horses21:44
ShawnRi'm just playin21:44
TANATHOSAppl3Kork is in trouble not you21:44
ShawnRi've got one hosted now, i'd hate to keep switching... unless you can get me exchange for free :P (which i highly doubt you'd do for me)21:45
TANATHOSShawnR how much do you pay for that package21:45
TANATHOSI'll make it half:))21:45
ShawnRwell, i don't have exchange right now21:46
TANATHOSand try not to lie21:46
ShawnRit's ike USD $80/yr21:46
ShawnRi think 84 to be exact21:46
TANATHOSwhen does it expire?21:46
ShawnRi just paid for another year... heh21:46
ShawnRbut all i want is shell access to do file management and backup and i'd REALLY like exchange21:47
TANATHOSwell your los21:47
TANATHOSexchange server?21:47
TANATHOSMicro shit?21:47
TANATHOSI only have 2 of those21:47
ShawnRexchange being that i could sync up my phone contacts with outlook and not have to worry about when i get a new phone21:47
TANATHOSsorry I can't give you on MES21:48
ShawnRbut it's not worth me paying like $100/yr more or whatever it is, just to have that feature21:48
ShawnRit's ok21:49
TANATHOSare rented21:49
TANATHOSand can't really mess them up21:49
Appl3Korki think I own a domain name21:49
Appl3Korkhad one before21:49
Appl3Korklemme check my email really quick21:49
ShawnRwell, i'm headed out now... good luck appl321:49
Appl3Korkso TANATHOS if I've got a domain name and you can host it, does that make it so people can see my server?21:51
Appl3Korkim just checking to see where my domain name is21:52
Appl3Korki was just going to get a new one cause it was 1.9922:06
Appl3Korkjust trying to think what it should be called22:06
TANATHOSo lol22:06
TANATHOSonly 1.9922:06
TANATHOSwell then get me tanathos.org22:06
Appl3Korkdoes it matter if it's .com .net and whatnot?22:07
Appl3Korkfor your hosting22:08
mindframeso my update to ibex failed during the download and now update-manager -d wont show it as an option.  how can i upgrade my system?22:28
mvomindframe: if that happend during the download (and not during the install then its odd) - should work22:32
Appl3Korkbut TANATHOS when I have a domain and a host, how does it all setup with the server?22:32
mvomindframe: could you put your /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log up somewhere please?22:32
mindframedamnit pastebin wont let me paste.. saying i trip the spam filter22:36
LordDicraniusis there an easy way to move cron jobs from one system to another?23:11
mindframecopy / paste?23:13

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