
Appl3KorkTANATHOS u still there?01:24
Appl3Korkor is anyone here?01:24
tonyyarussoAsking a question about Ubuntu Server tends to be more productive than asking if anyone is here.01:27
Appl3Korkwell I can't seem to ever get my server detected outside my home network01:30
Appl3Korkthat's what I always keep running into01:30
Appl3KorkI'm looking at the server guide right now, and trying to figure out in the search mydomain.example01:30
tonyyarussodefine "detected" ?01:31
Appl3Korki have apache, which people told me is used so people can download files from my server01:31
Appl3Korkbut when I give them g3rm.dontexist.com, it doesn't send them to it01:32
Appl3Korkthough when I type that in, it goes to it01:32
Appl3Korkso I guess the g3rm.dontexist.com is linked with my internal IP or something01:32
Appl3Korkwell actually when i type that in, it goes to my Modem config page01:34
tonyyarussoHokay, we'll start with some simple bits.  Check http://www.whatismyip.com/ and tell me if it's
tonyyarussoDo these other users also end up at your modem config, or an error page?01:35
Appl3Korkyes that's it01:35
* tonyyarusso tries himself01:35
Appl3Korkit just says for them unable to connect01:35
tonyyarussoAll right, pull up your modem config and find the bit about remote access if you can.01:36
Appl3KorkI found remote management/telnet01:36
Appl3Korkis that what i need?01:37
Appl3Korkthey are both set to off01:37
tonyyarussoBoth set to off eh?  Excellent.  Leave that alone then and find the bit about port forwarding.01:38
Appl3Korkya I have port 81 being forwarded on both TCP and UDP01:38
Appl3Korkcause I guess port 80 is blocked by my isp01:39
tonyyarussoOh really?  All right then.  Did you set up apache to use 81 to match?01:39
Appl3Korkya I set that up in apache using webmin01:40
ScottKAppl3Kork: Remember when I said webmin isn't supported here.01:40
tonyyarussoerr, yeah.  I have no idea what webmin does.  Perhaps you could just pastebin your configuration.01:40
Appl3Korkyes I know01:40
Appl3Korkis there a command that lets me look it up in putty01:41
ScottKYou'd be better off to ask the webmin folks how to use webmin to do what you want.01:41
tonyyarussoAppl3Kork: Everything's in /etc/apache2/, primarily in sites-available/default.  http://apache.pastebin.ca/ will even do pretty syntax highlighting for it.01:42
tonyyarussoOr what ScottK said if you'd like to stick with the webmin route.01:42
Appl3Korkwell I don't mind not using webmin01:42
Appl3KorkI was just following a tutorial that said to install that.  If you can just guide me through the linux way, I would rather do that anyways01:43
tonyyarussoSure.  You can use 'cat' to output the contents of the config file(s) and copy-paste from there to the pastebin, then give the link here, and I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.01:44
Appl3Korkjust type in cat in putty01:46
slestaki cannot find any docs on what is included in the different software selection prompts duirng install.01:47
slestaki want a minimal system, what is in "Basic Ubuntu Server"01:47
slestakinstalling JeOS for trac development01:47
Appl3Korkthis is from typing sudo cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/default: http://paste.ubuntu.com/65485/01:48
slestaki just didnt sleect any, i'll ust apt to get what i need01:50
AirstrikeIvanovHello everyone. I need to set up my mail server to read for multiple domains and based on MySQL databases - not Linux users. All I've done is tell the OS installer to install the mail server - among other things. How do I set my mailserver up to read on three seperate domains (@wizardwars.org, @legionrp.com, and @dbd-cz.com) and users not based on Linux users?03:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #291921 in samba (main) "package libsmbclient 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29192103:17
ScottKAirstrikeIvanov: There is no short answer to your question.  That's a not a beginner setup.03:18
ScottKAirstrikeIvanov: Some hints are you'll want Dovecot for your mail delivery agent and probable virtual domains.03:19
ScottKAirstrikeIvanov: I recommend "The Book of Postfix" as it has most of the piece parts you need described.03:19
tonyyarussoI'll second that - great book, and seems to be the unanimous rec. of everyone I asked.03:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #291937 in samba (main) "package libwbclient0 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29193703:32
tonyyarussoAppl3Kork: what about /etc/apache2/ports.conf?03:32
AirstrikeIvanovThe Book of Postfix? Got it. And I do have Dovecot installed - Dovecot 1.0.10, Postfix 2.5.1 and Procmail were installed by the ubuntu installer's mailserver bundle.03:38
slestaki have a jeos intrepid vm running that i had to install the generic kernel due to pae not being implemented in vbox.  i want to uninstall the default server kernel package because i am really lowballing this thing for space and resources04:29
slestakcannot determine what the name of the default server kernel package is04:29
slestakthought it would be linux-server, but that is not installed04:29
firecrotchslestak: linux-image-server04:30
slestakfirecrotch: hmm, apt says its not installed, but i still have those choices in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:32
slestakcan i do a dpg-reconfigure of grub to get the menu.lst rebuilt based on current kernels?04:33
centaur5slestak: My server is just running linux-image-generic04:34
ScottKslestak: update-grub is IIRC what you want.04:35
slestakcentaur5: mine is now, but not by default when i installed.  i had to install the generic package.  i followed the JeOS howto at ubuntu.com and vm wouldnt boot because kernel required pae04:35
slestakso i had to reboot in rescue mode to get diff kernel package04:36
slestakupdate-grub, ok04:36
firecrotchslestak: what kernels are actually in your /boot directory ?04:36
slestaklol, too minimal a system, no man pages, and update-grub --help tries to run.  glad i didnt use sudo. :0)04:37
centaur5slestak: So you're using Jeos and virtualbox?04:37
slestakserver and generic04:37
slestakcentaur5: yes04:38
slestaki know its not in the docs04:38
centaur5slestak: Just out of curiosity why did you choose that combination?04:38
slestakim using vbox for soem other vm;s and neede da quick vm for some dev work04:39
slestakdidnt really want to mix diff vm type on this laptop, its not that beefy04:39
slestakwanted sth minimal with ssh, python, and trac04:40
centaur5Oh, so you're not actually running multiple virtual servers for e-mail, LDAP, etc?04:41
slestakcentaur5: no, just trying to cut my teeth with floss development.  (pun not intended.)04:41
slestakhelping someone with a trac plugin.04:42
slestakive been a consumer of foss for years, want to try ti contribute04:42
centaur5Alright, I just decided this week I want to do virtual servers but not sure which application I want to use. Jeos, vmware, vbox, qemu. So many choices.04:43
slestaki figured i want to pick one and learn it well enough to fit my circumstance.  not get 3 different vm products, and learn none of them well04:43
slestakvbox works well enough for me, and the price is right04:44
centaur5I want to use only one as well just not sure the best way to go about it. I know that there will probably be benefits to one over the other just haven't figured that out yet.04:44
slestakthere are cheerleaders in all of their camps.  imo, vbox has the easiest learning curve04:45
slestaki do see linux-image-generic and linux-image-virtual04:47
slestakis the 2nd necessary?04:47
slestakhey, u missed my last comment and question :)04:47
centaur5My upgrade to intrepid must have automatically adjusted my power settings and shut me down while I was discharging.04:48
slestakman, pidgin will not let me repeat easy.  just a sec04:48
slestakthere are cheerleaders in all of their camps.  imo, vbox has the easiest learning curve04:48
slestaki do see linux-image-generic and linux-image-virtual.  is the 2nd necessary?04:48
slestaki guess one reason i picked vbox is i never liked the way vmware always makes fake nics that pollute my ifconfig output, and i can just nat vbox.  and xen seems to require way too much complexity04:50
centaur5I've never had a reason to install the image-virtual but then again I haven't started playing with virtual servers yet.04:50
slestakwell, this is the guest that has -virtual04:51
slestaknot the host.  both are ubuntu intrepid though04:51
centaur5Oh wait, when I installed vbox on Gutsy to play around with it I had to download it directly from their site to install the .deb package and I never had a different kernel installed.04:51
slestakthe version from them is called peul, and has a couple of extra features.  the one you get from apt is ose, and is "free-er"04:52
slestaki liek the usb and shared folders in peul so i always get it04:52
centaur5Well my friend told me vmware can easily do snapshots so you can restore easily if something goes wrong. I don't know the limitations on their free version.04:53
slestakvbox does that too.04:53
slestakand you can launch them headless04:53
slestakfrom cli04:53
slestakvmware is prob better (at the office) but for home use, i've made up my mind04:54
centaur5The thing I can't decide is I want to play with ebox but I don't know if I should have the host be the ebox router or one of the virtual servers run ebox and configure every other virtual server to use the virtual ebox for routing.04:55
slestakneat, havn't seen that04:56
slestakany of the virt products will prob work.04:57
slestaki would do the second, especially if you already have any of those services already running04:58
slestakyou can run the vm's on a private ip subnet04:58
centaur5Are you running vbox command line or does it have that option or is your host using quite a few resources?05:00
slestakyou can run with gui visor or control vm from shell05:01
centaur5I figured I should have the host use as little as possible since all the resources will be needed for the real work the vm's will do.05:02
slestakthats where i think jeos comes in, 3 vms with 256m ram each can prob run on a decent modern machine.  ebox server will likely need more05:03
centaur5slestak: Have you played with ebox at all?  I can't wait for them to add more services and features to the current services.05:05
slestaki had never seen it till you mentioned it.  is it j2ee?05:06
centaur5perl for the backend I'm not sure about the web based front end.05:07
centaur5I've never been very good at programming I just started studying Perl 2 months ago and not doing so well.  Wondering if I should be doing Python.05:07
slestakeven if its slow for testing, wil prob work05:07
slestakim trying to learn python05:09
centaur5Are you using Intrepid with Gnome for your vbox host?05:09
centaur5How long have you been working on Python?05:10
slestaklightly maybe a year, but not much practical experience05:10
slestakive just found someone that is kinda mentoring me.  gsve me commit perms on a trac plugin.  try to fix some bugs05:12
centaur5Well Perl is what ebox and a couple web apps that I use are written with so I would like to help with those.  I hear Python is easier though and it seems to be everywhere I look now.05:12
slestakthats kinda how pyhton has snuck up on me.  between gentoo ports, trac, pytivo, and some other projects, i keep on running into it.05:19
centaur5Hmm...perhaps I should get a book.05:20
centaur5I've been thinking about it.05:20
slestaki have a 4-5 volume set of perl books that i'd let go cheap :0)05:21
slestakthey are maybe 3 years old05:21
slestakits the oreilly perl library05:21
centaur5Oh, I was referring to getting a Python book.05:22
slestakim not getting rid of any of them05:22
slestakperl is too terse for me05:22
centaur5I understand, I'm thinking that I probably won't cut it in Perl.05:22
slestakwonder why subversion wants to install mysql?  didnt think it used it...05:24
slestakim sure you could learn it05:25
slestakperl or python05:25
centaur5Well I think Python would also be the better choice for doing a GUI since that is what a lot of people are using.05:28
slestakyeah.  pygtk05:28
slestaki need to get some sleep.  good luck w your project05:29
centaur5Therefore, I should probably learn Python.05:29
centaur5Thanks for the advice.05:29
slestakboth :)05:29
ShawnRok, i know you can restart a service, but what's the command to tell it that you updated the .conf and just need it to reload it?05:38
ShawnRi can't remember05:38
ShawnRis it reload?05:40
jmedinaShawnR: it depends on the service05:43
jmedinamost of the time you can send a HUP signal05:43
jmedinakill -HUP PID05:43
jmedinasome services have a reload option05:43
ShawnRthe HUP sounds familiar05:44
ShawnRif you just do a restart, that's not the same?05:44
jmedinabut a HUP wont stop the service, only forces it to re-read the config file05:44
jmedinaa restart, stop and start again the service05:44
ShawnRok, then HUP is what i remember05:46
ShawnRso it's a switch on the kill command?05:46
ShawnRfigured it woulda been in conjunction with the /etc/init.d/servicename HUP or something05:46
jmedinadebian uses start-stop-daemon in the init scripts05:49
jmedinaother distros o rc scripts sometimes uses killproc or kill -HUP `cat /var/run/service.pid`05:50
jmedinasomething like that05:50
ShawnRi've been without my music for the last few days (both RAM sticks went 100% bad at the same time).... i'm so glad ot hear my music again06:03
FFEMTcJim lookin for something to do on my server.. i dont touch any of the resources that it has available, so im looking for something to do with it06:34
zirodayFFEMTcJ: you can seed torrents06:37
FFEMTcJziroday: i setup rtorrent to do that06:37
FFEMTcJbut it stops seeding06:37
FFEMTcJand icant figure out why06:37
zirodaywell I hardly use rtorrent, sorry06:38
FFEMTcJi was seeding 8.10 and now it stopped but i know there is more of a demand for it.. im tryin to figure out why it stops workin but havent found any help yet06:38
zirodayFFEMTcJ: try asking in #rtorrent06:40
FFEMTcJi did.. noone seemed alive06:40
zirodayFFEMTcJ: the official channel is #libtorrent on irc.worldforge.org, you can ask on their06:41
FFEMTcJok.. ty06:42
zirodayor just use a different torrent program06:42
scienteswhat would be a minimal way to test the video capture card on my ubuntu-server?09:24
scientesi installed xawtv on a server and it didnt work (it displays a vid capture stream)09:29
scientesi was trying fbtv but it complains that there is no console font file09:38
domasHi! Which filesystem for server should I chose? :) XFS is the only one that allows parallel O_DIRECT access, but seems to have some very evil performance regressions, JFS deadlocks with kswapd from time to time, ext3 seems to be slow for high r/w workloads, etc :(13:00
domasok, sorry, no trolling, getting back to work :(13:01
ScottKdomas: ext3 is the default because it's safe (safest).  Unless that's not your first priority for filesystem features, I'd stick with that.13:18
domasperformance is13:18
domasor, better definition, performance with powerful i/o subsystem and lots of parallel transactional load on top :)13:19
domasI raised lots of eyebrows when I pointed out that O_DIRECT makes all file accesses serialized13:19
domason every filesystem out there, except one, which in one condition allows parallel one13:20
carbon_monoxideI'm using Mono. Mono uses /usr/lib, but I'm using 64bit Hardy. How can I make Mono to use /usr/lib64?13:22
domascarbon_monoxide: /usr/lib has 64-bit libs too13:22
carbon_monoxidehow about /usr/lib/libz.so?13:23
domasand usr/lib64 is symlink to 'lib'13:23
Nafallodrwxr-xr-x 176 root root 57344 2008-10-29 09:13 lib13:23
Nafallodrwxr-xr-x  32 root root 36864 2008-10-27 08:19 lib3213:23
Nafallolrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     3 2008-10-15 23:20 lib64 -> lib13:23
domasif you want 32-bit libz, then install lib32z113:24
carbon_monoxidei want 64-bit libz13:24
domasthen it will use the one it has13:24
domascarbon_monoxide: Ubuntu installs 32bit libs to /usr/lib32/13:24
Nafallo/usr/lib/libz.so. ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped13:25
Nafallofile is handy :-)13:25
domasNafallo: unfortunately, when you lack 32-bit library support Ubuntu tells you nothing, just silently exits the program13:25
domasNafallo: I just had to figure out whole nuances of 32-bit support few days ago :)13:25
Nafallodomas: sounds like a feature :-)13:26
domasthats why I am so smart now!13:26
domascarbon_monoxide: by the way, did you install mono from Ubuntu packages?13:26
domascarbon_monoxide: if yes, why do you have to care about libz? :)13:26
carbon_monoxideNafallo: feature LOL you regard Ubuntu13:26
Nafallocarbon_monoxide: sorry. not sure what that meant.13:26
carbon_monoxidei installed mono from Ubuntu repo13:27
domascarbon_monoxide: so why are you looking for libz? :)13:27
carbon_monoxideand afterwards i install newer release from a backport repo13:27
domasthen install libz backport too, if it wants different version13:28
domasbackporting is pain on whatever system you're running13:28
carbon_monoxidedomas: I'm running a game server emulator for my curious with Mono13:28
domasit is better to backport source packages then13:28
domasmy private server for a long time has been FC3, I became backporting god :)13:28
carbon_monoxidedomas: i wanna downgrade my mono now13:29
carbon_monoxidehow can i use the mono package from ubuntu repo?13:29
domasjust remove whatever you have now, and use apt-get install whatevermonopackageyouneed13:29
carbon_monoxidedomas: removing package with apt-get is pain in the ass13:33
carbon_monoxidedomas: i should use aptitude :(13:33
carbon_monoxidedomas: it's too late13:33
Deepswhat advantage does using aptitude give over apt-get?13:33
ScottKDeeps: It has more smarts about dependency resolution so it may be able to sort out complex dependeny relationships apt fails on.13:35
ScottKMy personal experience with it hasn't been good though.  My preference is to let apt do it's best and sort the rest out myself.13:36
domasjust remove few packages13:37
domasthen do autoremove13:37
Deepsah, i was under the impression that all it did was autoremove installed dependancies when you removed the package that required them (That apt-get does now aswell)13:37
domaseasy :)13:37
ScottKNo.  It knows how to look harder for depency problem resolution.13:37
ScottKdomas: More than just autoremove.13:38
ScottKPersonally I don't use it, but many people swear by it.13:38
domasanyone has some secret very clever method how to do custom packages, but get them upgraded automatically whenever upstream has updates %)13:42
domasthere's too much manual labor involved in maintaining local package versions :(13:42
carbon_monoxidei'm having horrible dependency problem now13:43
onkel2000Good morning13:52
onkel2000i want to install ubuntu server over the network, but i can't find a netboot img for the server13:54
domasonkel2000: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/13:54
domas(replace hardy with whatever you want)13:54
onkel2000is that image not for the client?13:54
domasI guess you can pass some configuration13:55
ScottKdomas: The best way is to get the packages into the Ubuntu repository and then maybe someone else does the update work for you.13:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #292130 in samba (main) "Copying from RISC OS to intrepid with Samba fails to close the remote file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29213013:57
domasScottK: nah, I want custom things, like... compiling imagemagick without threads support, or PHP have debug symbols, etc13:57
domasScottK: some small apache lingering hack13:57
ScottKOh.  No secret trick then.13:57
domas</3 reentrancy problems13:58
onkel2000should i try to use this netboot image (i have a verry slow i-net connection)13:59
domasthere're two mandatory packages for a server: command-not-found and openssh-server14:00
domaseverything else can be sorted out later14:01
onkel2000ok thank you14:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #292150 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql-server package installation returned error on 8.04 -> 8.10 kubuntu upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29215014:42
=== yann2_ is now known as Yann2
uvirtbotNew bug: #291979 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package update-manager None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/update-manager.list] failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29197915:11
carbon_monoxidehi domas16:13
carbon_monoxidei forgot the command you gave me to apt-get install libz3216:13
carbon_monoxidei need libz.so 32 bit on my AMD64 system16:38
carbon_monoxidecan i simply obtain them with apt-get and have /usr/lib32 ?16:40
XiXaQdidn't think you could use 32bit objects on 64bit os?16:42
carbon_monoxidenot sure16:43
carbon_monoxidei have no knowledge on it16:43
carbon_monoxidehow can i check whether a specific lib is for 32bit or 64bit on my system?16:44
XiXaQwell, if you're running a 64bit os, then it probably is 64bit and vice versa. What do you need it for?16:47
carbon_monoxidei'm using mono to run a game emulator program in c#16:55
carbon_monoxidethe game emulator implemented 32bit libz compression library16:56
carbon_monoxidei just need a 32 bit libz.so1.2.3+ for it17:06
NafalloXiXaQ: you can run 32-bit apps in a 64-bit userspace if you have the right libs/dependencies.17:08
carbon_monoxideNafallo: =]17:08
carbon_monoxidefor instance, playing ZSNES on 64bit Hardy17:09
Nafallowasn't NES 8-bit? /usr/lib8?17:10
carbon_monoxidenot sure17:10
NafalloI am.17:10
Nafallocause I had a SEGA, boosting double the amount of bits NES had :-)17:11
carbon_monoxidebut the emulator should be 32bit aye?17:11
Nafalloor 6417:11
* Nafallo shrugs17:11
Nafallosnes9express - GTK+ front-end for snes9x17:12
Nafallosnes9x-x - X binaries for snes9x - Super NES Emulator17:12
Nafalloseems to exist some 64-bit binaries.17:12
Nafalloif not znes...17:12
carbon_monoxideNafallo: you got any idea about getting 32bit libs for 64bit Hardy?17:14
keescarbon_monoxide: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs    doesn't cover it?17:37
carbon_monoxidethanks kees17:38
carbon_monoxidehow can i check whether ia32-libs contains what i need or not?17:38
keesI'd just install it and do    dpkg -L ia32-libs    but then I have a full local mirror17:40
keesclicking around on packages.ubuntu.com might work, there's a "files" link somewhere for each package17:40
Nafallolib32z1 I think17:40
* kees doesn't tend to run much unpackaged software. :P17:41
carbon_monoxidei need libz.so17:41
carbon_monoxidethanks Nafallo!17:41
carbon_monoxidethen ia32-libs should include it17:43
Nafallodepends on it.17:43
carbon_monoxideafter installing ia32-libs, it won't overrides my lib64, right?17:46
carbon_monoxidethat package makes life easier17:47
shaihi there18:35
shaiI have to ubuntu 8.04 servers running vanilla setup. Both have samba installed and server our office of 25 XP machines. One server "userserver" has no problems at all. The other, "dataserver", has issues with solidworks parts files getting corrupted. I've narrowed it down. Any other file type regardless of size is ok. BUT when you transfer a .SLDPRT file to the dataserver the file is changed. I've verified this both wi18:36
shaithrough further testing I've found other extenstions that also corrupt, so this doesn't seem to be solidworks specific18:36
domasthats what irc logs are for..18:47
shaidomas: was that at me?18:49
domasshai: no18:51
domasshai: the guy before came here asking for something I told him few hours ago18:51
raleskhello all; I noticed in recent versions of Ubuntu (hardy, intrepid, maybe gutsy too) that on the console the bright colours all appear as dark grey, so I'm kinda unable to use mc or even a man because it's barely readable...18:59
raleskis any of you 120 people here at all?19:17
shaiwere all waiting for help :)19:17
raleskheh :)19:17
domasbah, Ubuntu mysql packages have security flaw :(20:15
domasokie, reported to security@20:28
=== Ahmuck is now known as Eeyore-Jr
bugfixeshello all20:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #292364 in openldap (main) "slapd init.d file fails to set -f or -F" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29236422:01
=== ralesk is now known as Ralesk
photonhow do I have to change permissions of a script so that they run as root? I tried chown root:root script.sh && chmod +s script.sh, but I still have to type in the admin password23:17
ScottKphoton: That's a function of your permissions, not the scripts if you run it.23:18
photonyea, that's what I'm asking for... " how do I have to change permissions" ?23:18
ScottKYou have to have admin access to run it as root so you have to type the password in.23:19
photonI don't think that's entirely true. you can have setuid scripts, which should make this possible, but it does not work for me as intended.23:20
greenflygenerally speaking you want to avoid any setuid root scripts if at all possible23:56
greenflya better alternative is to allow a user to run it as root via sudo23:56
greenflyyou could even potentially set up sudo to run it without requiring a password be typed in. While that could open you up to a security hole depending on what the script does, at least sudo will log every time a user runs the script23:57
photonokay, thanks23:59

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