
ceafuhi everyone I have an encrypted private directory question.  I use it in gnome and have 2 scripts mount/unmount that mount it on my desktop. in xubunutu (xfce) it shows up in my home, but not on desktop. Am I missing something or can I just use the folder in my home?00:29
favroyou can use the folder in home or mount it to ~/Desktop00:30
ceafuWhen I click my mount or unmount scripts I use in Gnome, they do nothing in xfce. any ideas?  I will just use the one in home, but am curious00:32
stwestonhi, all. I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my iMac G3 (with the correct processor type), but I can't seem to get the CD-ROM drive mounted. Is this a problem with anyone else, or is it just one with old macs?00:33
favrohard to say without seeing the scripts - it "should" work the same in both00:33
favroceafu: ^00:33
stwestonand... is the drive an IDE or SCSI?00:34
ceafuok cool. thanks for info.00:34
favrostweston: tried asking in #ubuntu-ppc?00:34
stwestonno, I haven't.00:34
favrothey should know00:34
stwestondon't you mean, #ubuntu-powerpc?00:35
ceafustewston, sorry to but in, are you having an issue booting off of the cd?00:35
ceafuand sorry for name typo00:35
stwestonsomewhat. I booted fine under Server, but not previously under Xubuntu.00:35
favrostweston: #ubuntu-ppc will link to there00:35
stwestonoh. I'm already there, then...00:35
stwestonfavro: thanks.00:35
ceafui am a mac user and i had to boot with a nosplash command or something like that...00:36
ceafuon a ppc ibook00:36
ceafuacpi=nosplash  i do not recall exactly00:36
stwestonoh. I see... well, this is Server that I"m tyring now...00:36
ceafuoops. my bad. good luck anyways.00:36
stwestonyeah. thanks!00:36
stwestonit's for my brother's birthday coming next month, so...00:36
stwestonI know - what an odd present to give, right?00:37
stwestonthanks, again!00:37
stwestonwait... where exactly would the CD drive be located under the filesystem on a mac? or is that the same too?00:38
ballstweston: On MacOS X?00:39
stwestonno, under Linux.00:39
stwestonit's not loading like that, though.00:39
favro/dev/cdrom0 maybe00:40
stwestonall right. I'll try that.00:40
favro /media/cdrom00:40
stwestonokay. will try.00:40
stwestonhm... neither /media/cdrom nor /media/cdrom0 work.00:42
stwestondoes it have any PC card(s) that need servicing?00:42
ballstweston: dmesg|grep cdrom00:42
stwestonball: how would I use that, exactly?00:42
stwestonball: just the same place as I would type in /dev/cdrom and such?00:43
ballThat depends.  Where are you typing in /dev/cdrom?00:43
stwestonin a window that says "[!!] Detect and Mount CD-ROM" at the top00:43
stwestonsorry for the vagueness...00:44
favrotry in a terminal  dmesg|grep cdrom00:44
stwestonso, what is it I'm supposed to see?00:45
stwestonanything about the "kernel command line"?00:45
favrolines from the dmesg showing cdrom - if there are errors or ...00:46
stwestonI see one line, including a directory that starts with file=/cdrom/...00:46
stwestonwould it be that?00:46
stwestonand if so, what would I do with that information?00:47
favroif that is the only line try browsing to that dir00:47
stwestonwill do00:47
favroand see what's there00:47
stwestonI tried an ls of the directory, but no such dir.00:48
favrodidn't think that would show - you need some ppc specific help I'm afraid00:49
stwestonoh. I see.00:50
stwestonthanks, anyway, though!00:50
stwestonwait - what should I maybe ask?00:50
stwestonabout the current situation, I mean.00:50
favroI'd start of with asking for a link to install xubuntu on the g300:51
stwestonall right...00:51
favroread the topic in the ppc channel as well00:51
stwestonall right.00:52
stwestonfound it!00:52
stwestonbut this is where I got the server install for this current CD.00:53
favroso tell the ppc channel that and ask about the cd drive not showing00:54
mib_aqkwf7hola guys01:32
mib_aqkwf7i have xubuntu 8.04 installed with wubi01:32
mib_aqkwf7can i dist-upgrade it?01:32
stwestonsorry... I at least can't help you. My guess is that it would be a yes, but you should check with the experts.01:33
mib_aqkwf7i mean01:33
mib_aqkwf7i tried01:33
mib_aqkwf7but for some reason it doesn't work01:33
favrohardy is lts - you need to deselect the lts only box in the update manager01:34
mib_aqkwf7ohh ok01:34
mib_aqkwf7can i do it with update manager too? lemme try :)01:35
aerdnahdo i have to change repository to do the dist-upgrade?01:48
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:50
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aerdnahcan i do it from wubi right?01:51
favroI've never used wubi but can't see why not - it is still xubuntu01:52
aerdnahlets try, thanks01:52
aerdnahnp, this is just my test laptop01:53
TaffinFoxcroftis anyone here?02:02
favronope :)02:02
favroask away TaffinFoxcroft02:03
TaffinFoxcroftmy xubuntu install doesn't want to recognise my 2nd internal HDD. is there any way of getting xubuntu to see it?02:04
favrodoes it show up in   sudo fdisk -l   run in terminal?02:04
TaffinFoxcroftit does, but i'm a complete linux noob02:05
favrowe all started as noobs02:06
favroTaffinFoxcroft: it will be called something like /dev/sdb1 or similar - yes?02:06
TaffinFoxcroftyes, by the looks of it02:07
favrocan you copy the relevant line to here?02:07
TaffinFoxcroft/dev/sdb1 * 1 4864 39070048+ 7 HPFS/NTFS02:08
stwestonso, I'm trying (again) to install Server on that iMac from earlier; would anyone care to help?02:08
stwestonI'm taking that as a no.02:09
favroin terminal do   sudo mkdir /media/stuff && sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/stuff    - you can of course use a diff name then stuff02:10
favroTaffinFoxcroft: ^02:10
TaffinFoxcrofti pasted it, its a line below "ok"02:10
favrostweston: I ran out of ideas...02:11
stwestonfavro: oh. right.02:11
favroTaffinFoxcroft: that was a command to run in the terminal02:11
stwestonfavro: well, could you please remind me what we had covered? It's been a bit since I last tried...02:11
stwestonfavro: about an hour at least.02:11
TaffinFoxcroftfavro: oops, that slipped past...02:12
stwestonmake that an hour & 45 mins.02:12
favrostweston: you couldn't find the cdrom right - and I suggested the ppc channel - you might need to wait for them to wake up02:12
stwestonfavro: yeah. good point... how long til that happens?02:12
favrostweston: at a guess I would say 4-6 hours maybe - I would ask a question and check maybe hourly02:13
stwestonshoot... I'll be in bed by then.02:13
favroit was just a guess02:14
stwestonokay... I don't suppose you know how to list things by pressing the spacebar or whatever to scroll down in the Terminal, do you?02:14
favroTaffinFoxcroft: did the command run ok?02:14
stwestonor if anyone does.02:14
favrostweston: list what sort of things?02:14
stwestonfavro: long lists and such. like, instead of three columns, 1 or whatever... I'm trying 'ls /dev' in the installer.02:15
TaffinFoxcroftfavro: yes, thanks for the help.02:15
favrotry ls | less02:15
favrostweston: ^02:15
favrohit enter for more02:16
stwestonI don't understand, exactly... sorry02:16
stwestonthe | is the \ button, right?02:17
stwestononly with shift?02:17
favrols /dev | less   will fill the page and stop - you have a read - hit enter to read more02:17
favrothe | is shift+\ here02:17
stwestonyes. exactly.02:17
favroTaffinFoxcroft: you can have that disk mounted at boot if you want with a little work02:18
TaffinFoxcroftfavro: really?02:19
stwestonso, what exactly am I supposed to type? I keep getting "less: not found"02:19
favroTaffinFoxcroft: yep - it involves adding one line to the file /etc/fstab02:19
stwestonfavro: ^02:19
TaffinFoxcroftwhere can i get this line?02:19
favrostweston: try ls /dev | more   then02:19
favroTaffinFoxcroft: we can make it now02:20
favroTaffinFoxcroft: in terminal type   gksu mousepad /etc/fstab02:20
stwestonquestion... what should I look for in terms of the CD drive? what kind of devices?02:20
TaffinFoxcroftyep, now what?02:21
favroTaffinFoxcroft: add the line   /dev/sdb1       /media/stuff     ntfs-3g    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       102:21
favrostweston: here it is only listed as cdrom or cdrom002:22
stwestonI'll look.02:22
stwestonwow. this really stinks...02:23
favrostweston: you can do   ls /dev | grep cdrom   or whatever you are looking for02:23
stwestonall right.02:23
favrogrep means find lines with the following word in them02:23
stwestonall right02:24
stwestonit's recognizing the ports and peripherals and such, but no CD-R drive!02:24
stwestonthis *really* doesn't make much sense.02:24
favrostweston: the prob here is that the ppc architecture might list things diff - and I don't know if the linux commands work the same with it02:25
stwestonthey prolly do, but not with the same devices, methinks.02:25
stwestonjust saying.02:25
favrostweston: do you have a /cdrom folder - ls /cdrom02:27
favroTaffinFoxcroft: then you save the file and close it02:27
TaffinFoxcroftfavro: one quick question: how do you delete a directory in terminal?02:27
favrostweston: a /dvd folder02:28
stwestonlemme check.02:28
TaffinFoxcroftand i saved and rebooted it, and its working fine02:28
stwestonno such file or directory... I guess /cdrom has one, but it just has nothing in it.02:28
favroTaffinFoxcroft: sudo rm -r   if it is a system file   rm -r if it is in your home folder02:28
TaffinFoxcroftok, thanks02:28
favrostweston: is there a cd in the drive?02:29
stwestonwait - doesn't RM do something bad?02:29
stwestonfavro: yes.02:29
stwestonfavro: it wouldn't boot from anything else.02:29
stwestonfavro: well, this or OS X.02:29
favrostweston: you can get a ban if you suggest sudo rm -r /02:29
stwestonfavro: oh. I see.02:29
stwestonfavro: what does it do, exactly?02:31
favrostweston: there's a cd in the drive but the system doesn't see it right/ - that is why I was suggesting a ppc channel02:31
stwestonfavro: aah.02:31
favrostweston: it will delete the system files and render it useless02:31
stwestonfavro: what about #ubuntu?02:31
stwestonfavro: I see.02:31
favroyou could try02:31
favroin #ubuntu02:31
stwestonall right. I will.02:31
favronp :)02:32
ballIs there any truth to the rumour that it's possible to turn Ubuntu into Xubuntu?03:05
stwestonI believe so, ball03:06
ballOkay, trying that through Synaptic03:13
ballIt will be interesting to see what happens.03:14
ballThat reminds me, I need to validate my launchpad login03:17
ball...and eat more cake03:21
Odd-rationaleball: install xubuntu-desktop03:26
Odd-rationaleand you got xubuntu! :D03:26
ballOdd-rationale: that didn't take long to download at all.  I'm guessing I have to reboot now03:27
Odd-rationaleball: nope. just log out... and choose xfce from the gdm sessions menu :P03:28
ballOkay.  brb (hopefully)03:29
tdizzle86I was wondering if anyone can help me out with some video issues I'm having?03:43
ballyeah, I broke it.03:47
ballIs it difficult to install (or enable) sshd?03:49
tdizzle86installation is easy, configuration is another story03:51
ballPerhaps I should resort to VNC then03:53
tdizzle86It just depends on what you want it to do.  I just set it up so I can connect to my linux machines for command line.03:54
ballThat would be a start.03:55
Blaenkhey guys I'm wondering what the minimum system requirements are for 8.10 xubuntu03:55
tdizzle86It gets tricky when working with the public key authentication.  If you don't want to do that then installation will take less than 3 min03:55
BlaenkI'm using the alternate install disk03:55
hunk_alguien habla español?03:55
hunk_necesito un empujon :(03:56
balltdizzle86: what's the drill?03:56
ballhola hunk_03:56
hunk_que suerte03:56
hunk_tengo un problemilla03:56
tdizzle86Do you want to use synaptic, or want to do it from the command line03:56
hunk_mira que se me han desaparecido las barras de mi xubuntu :(03:56
hunk_mande un alt + F2 -> xfce4 panel y las recupero03:57
balltdizzle86: whiever is quicker03:57
hunk_pero en cuanto cierro mi ses. se me desaparecen :(03:57
Blaenkhunk_'s XFCE bars seem to have dissappeared (the top/bottom ones), that's his problem03:57
Blaenkhunk_: que es un ses?03:57
ballIs it xfce-desktop that provides those?03:57
hunk_ses = session03:58
hunk_mi session de usuario (reinicio)03:58
Blaenkhe says he does alt +f2 and does xfce4-panel and he gets them back03:58
hunk_cuando reinicio se me vuelven a desaparecer, entonces tengo que volver a ejecutar "xfce4-panel" para que me aparezcan03:58
Blaenkbut as soon as he closes his session they disappear again03:58
Blaenkanyone think they can help him? I'm just translating03:59
BlaenkI'll help interpreting, I don't mind03:59
fornaxHi, does anyone know what it means when my caps lock blinks when the system is loading (or sometimes when it is already loaded)?  Whenever it blinks the system appears to be in a hard freeze.04:00
tdizzle86ball type this in the command line, "sudo apt-get openssh-server"04:00
balltdizzle86: okay, I'll run to the study and try that now04:01
ballanything I need to do after it's installed?04:01
tdizzle86No, I don't believe so04:01
tdizzle86you may want to get the client too "sudo apt-get install openssh-client04:02
Blaenkcan someone please tell me what the minimum system requirements for xubuntu are? I find it ironic that they aren't found anywhere yet it's considered the one for 'lower-end/older PCs'04:04
tdizzle86hang on a sec, I'll see if I can find them04:04
Blaenkthank you tdizzle8604:04
tdizzle86Blaenk: Minimum system requirements To run the Desktop CD (LiveCD + Install CD), you need 128 MB RAM to run or 192 MB RAM to install. The Alternate Install CD only requires you to have 64 MB RAM. To install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk. Once installed, Xubuntu can run with 192 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM.04:06
fornaxHmm.  That's pretty steep for the DSL of Ubuntu, isn't it?04:06
Blaenkthank you tdizzle8604:07
tdizzle86lol, I think I got it to run with 128MB of Ram04:07
BlaenkI think the box has 256, I hope so04:08
fornaxI've checked the CD, and there's no errors.  On a likely related note, my Windows install has suddenly also seemed to go bonkers (BSOD: PAGE FILE IN NON PAGED AREA).  It was running fine yesterday.  Any suggestions on what I should try first, or what might be causing this?04:08
tdizzle86Have you tried a memory test?04:09
fornaxHmm, no.04:09
fornaxI just got it back from service, they said they replaced the memory.04:10
fornaxI just do that through the LiveCD, right?04:10
tdizzle86yes it should have memtest on there04:11
fornaxAlright, I'll try that, thanks04:11
balltdizzle86: that enabled me to ssh in and run Xclients, so thanks.'04:11
tdizzle86Your welcome04:11
ballIt would be nice if I could somehow bring up :0 (on the Xubuntu box) as a window (on another box), but I imagine that's non-trivial04:12
ballI fell asleep04:36
hat0has anyone else installed the gsynaptics touchpad control panel?  i did so, via synaptic, and there is no icon in the xfce settings manager, just the text "Synaptics settings" (which, lacking an icon, sits aligned to the top of the row, rather than the bottom)04:42
ballhello hat004:42
hat0hi ball04:42
hat0another question -- is there an equivalent to displayconfig-gtk in 8.10?  (if it's in a package, which package?)04:44
* ball grins, having just launched xfce4-panel attached to MacOS X04:44
ballCan up upgrade to Ubuntu 8.10 from the command line (or from a menu)?04:49
balljoin #ubuntu-uk04:55
balloops, sorry04:55
noniehello guys05:47
noniei have just burned an xubuntu 8.10 copy05:48
noniehow can i upgrade may existing 8.04 to 8.10 using the cd instead05:48
cody-somervillenonie, it would have to be the alternative cd05:48
noniei have the alternate cd, how can i do the upgrade?05:49
cody-somervillePop the cd in05:51
cody-somervilleand tada!05:51
noniekewl, thanks . i did an upgrade in the office but i did it online05:51
nonieits a long process, i never had rebooted the machine coz i have05:52
nonieto go home that time.05:52
noniethnks for the  help.05:53
zerothisdoes xubuntu include an easy way to see current disk usage? (not just current free space)?06:11
noniewhere can I find the deb files that was downloaded during the synaptic installation?06:15
listdatazerothis: you could try conky07:25
jeponghi... just like to comment that i love the new xubuntu.org site07:35
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!09:04
uvokIs it possible to disable the sasseion-saving completely? I don't want this dialog which asks me if I want to continue a new session or start a new one. I want a new session every time I log in (I want to start with a "blank screen") and it shuldn't save the session.09:05
uvoksasseion-saving => session-saving09:05
TheSheepuvok: settings->setting manager->sessions and startup09:05
TheSheepuvok: there is an option to disable it09:05
uvokTheSheep, Which options should I disable? The 1st and the 2nd?09:07
TheSheepuvok: probably, they all have descriptions if you hold the mouse cursor over them09:07
uvokTheSheep, Thanks. I tried it before, but it didn't work then. Now it worked. (Maybe because I crossed the "Sve session" button on the logout-screen....)09:15
uvok... the last time i tried09:16
TheSheepuvok: if you have any trouble with saved sessions, just delete the ~/.cache/sessions direcotory09:16
TheSheepthat will give you a fresh start with them09:16
uvokthanks, i'll try09:17
whyking__I just upgraded to intrepid but I can't get X working with dual monitors.. I was using nvidia drivers with twinview, but since nvidia drivers do not work with X I have to use nv, I reckon it does not support twinview so I would have to use xinerama, correct so far?11:19
favrosounds right whyking__11:32
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nikolamOk, How do I format and use floppy disk in 8.10?12:07
nikolamthere is no even device in /dev/12:08
nikolamI am using 64-bit xubuntu 8.1012:11
nikolamand in order to update MB bios i need to write it to the FD12:11
favrodoes it show in   sudo fdisk -l   ?12:12
nikolamfavro, NO12:15
favroin    lsusb   maybe?12:16
nikolamit seems that there is nothing like *fd* in /dev12:16
nikolamit is not usb device, favro12:16
favrooops a floppy12:16
nikolamyes. Ordinary plain floppy12:16
nikolamObviously not supported by kernel in 8.10... or by system..12:17
favrohere the floppy is listed in /dev/fd12:17
nikolamno it is not12:17
nikolamits not floppy12:17
nikolami tried to link it or mount it12:18
nikolamit sirectory containing links .. 0 -> /dev/pts/012:19
nikolamwhat`s that? ...12:19
nikolamI added gnome--utils and gfloppy is saying: Cannot initialize device Unable to open any device, formatting cannot continue.12:20
nikolamI did sudo modprobe floppy12:22
nikolamI now have floppy device in /dev/fd012:23
nikolamBut I don`t know after restart..12:23
nikolamI also need to change manually /etc/fstab..12:23
favrotry this - /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       012:24
nikolamafter modprobe an changing fstab, icon appears on desktop12:25
nikolamI added /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 012:25
nikolamalso it complains that i need to make mountpoint..12:25
favromkdir /media/floppy012:25
nikolamyes. And now I opened it from desktop icon.12:26
nikolamSo, conclusion is that someone screwed up floppy support in 8.1012:27
nikolamand there is a reason to file a bug report. ;)12:27
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/12:27
ballI wonder how many developers still have machines with floppy drives12:28
nikolamball, better to think about.. how many Users with old machines has floppy drives..12:31
nikolamMaybe all of them with older machines12:31
favroI haven't used a floppy since win9812:32
ballnikolam: right, but if the developers don't then it becomes hard for them to test.12:33
ball...and I haven't built a machine with a flopy drive for years.12:34
ballI might still have some 5.25" drives somewhere though.12:34
nikolamanyway, i will post a bug12:34
nikolamsunce most of xubuntu users at least, wants them in their older machines12:35
nikolamAnd xubuntu is mostly for that etc..12:35
nikolamOk, Su All got to go flashing bios12:36
ballI would happily run Xubuntu on a brand new machine.12:40
DefineByteI'm stuck at the 'Cleaning up' stage of the upgrade and I'm not sure how best to proceed.12:54
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tsillbillI thought i need help but now i dont need help :D man i love xubuntu13:42
IndoctrineI only switched from straight Ubuntu today13:42
IndoctrineThe only thing I don't like is the inability to turn touchpad clicks off, it's annoying13:43
tsillbilloh i need help still :D how can i see my computers on my local network :D13:43
_sebastian_hi all, just wanted to make a new clean install of xub but all options I tried hang when starting gnome-desktop manager - can anyone help?13:43
Indoctrinetsillbill: Good point, I can't see mine either. :P13:43
tsillbilli did seen ubuntu but not in xubuntu13:44
IndoctrineMight be because I haven't yet set up smbclient13:44
Indoctrinetsillbill: You can set it up in Shared Folders13:45
tsillbillok my new at this linux stuff so were is shared folders :D13:46
IndoctrineApplications -> System -> Shared Folders13:46
tsillbillok for got that my zub is in estonian13:47
ballI would like to visit Estonia one day.13:55
IndoctrineTiny place with nothing to do. :p13:55
ballIt's somewhere I've wanted to go for a long time.13:55
tsillbilllike Indoctrine said tiny and nothing to do here :D13:56
Mopmaneveryone always says that about where they live ;)13:56
tsillbillbut this place is small and there is nothing to do here :D13:57
ball"nothing to do" sounds right up my alley.13:58
tsillbilllol :D13:58
ballAnyway, I'd best go and wake Mrs. ball13:58
tsillbilldamn still cant see my other computer13:59
JammetHello there ...14:01
JammetI have a problem with Inteprid here, cannot get X11 to have Xv support. I use the Ati-drivers and Xoverlay somehow just doesn't work, xvinfo shows me that no supported device was found.14:07
Ad0what ati drivers? did you use envy-ng?14:08
JammetI don't know what envy-ng is, it's the Ati drivers Ubuntu suggests to use after installing.14:08
JammetThe non-free ones I suppose.14:09
Ad0try envy-ng to install14:09
Ad0wow my text got supersmall now14:10
JammetWhat is envy-ng?14:10
IndoctrineHow do I mount my Samba share? It just came up in the Network thing in Ubuntu after installing Samba; now I can't see my workgroup14:12
JammetAre you sure it's a driver problem? I was hoping it's simply a matter of putting the right Options and Extensions into xorg.conf.14:13
_sebastian_hi all, just wanted to make a new clean install of xub but all options I tried hang when starting gnome-desktop manager - can anyone help?14:13
IndoctrineAd0: That doesn't work14:17
IndoctrineAd0: It says I don't have the file permissions even when running it through sudo14:17
Ad0you have to set user and pass14:19
Ad0it's in the options14:19
IndoctrineNot even that works as far as I can see14:20
pidgasI notice that the Listen player was added to Intrepid14:46
pidgasI'm having the weirdest problem with the sound system and I can't hear anything played in Listen14:46
pidgasI can hear sounds in Pidgin, but only if I use `aplay %s`.  I can hear sound from Audacious, but only if I use the ALSA plugin.  VLC plays sounds fine.  I've gone through the troubleshooting and it looks like my sound card is set up properly.  Is this a PulseAudio problem?14:48
pidgasListen player produces no sound.14:48
TheSheeppidgas: xubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio by default14:48
TheSheeppidgas: also, make sure you have mp3 codecs installed14:49
pidgasrgr - they are14:49
MopmanWinamp 5.54 paused14:49
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:49
pidgasthanks for the tips.  Does Listen player use ALSA by default?  Is it worth using Pulse?  Probably wrong place to ask, but if you have thoughts I'm interested.14:52
pidgas@TheSheep: Thanks!14:52
Ad0font size on everything is so small14:54
bytor4232Figured out my cdrom problem on my laptop.14:55
bytor4232A few months ago I disabled hal polling on my cd burner to preserve battery power14:56
bytor4232I was able to burn cds with this disabled.  Apparently the latest versions of Brasero, thou, needs hal polling to detect a CD in the drive.14:56
Ad0omg can't see anything14:57
Ad0I seriously need help14:57
pidgasAd0: is this a new problem?14:58
=== pslayer2 is now known as pleia2
Ad0it's a fresh install pidgas15:03
Ad0I just used envy-NG to install drivers15:03
Ad0seems like the DPI is smashed15:03
Ad0fixed by15:09
Ad0Option   "DPI" "96 x 96"15:09
Ad0in xorg15:09
Ad0one other thing15:12
Ad0terminal insists on popping up every startup15:13
TheSheepyou probably saved it in your session15:13
Ad0I didn't do anything myself15:14
Ad0how do I smash my session ? :)15:14
spadewarriordon't you specify that at log off time?15:16
Ad0I haven't done anything myself to store session15:16
TheSheepAd0: you have a checkobox 'save my session' in the logout dialog15:16
Ad0but I never checked that15:17
TheSheepAd0: and it's enabled by default15:17
Ad0it's disabled now15:17
spadewarriorin settings manager15:17
Ad0yeah was disabled15:17
TheSheepAd0: you can delete your saved sessions from ~/.cache/sessions15:17
Ad0that's what I don't get15:17
Ad0ok cool15:17
spadewarriorsessions and startup->session chooser15:17
spadewarrior(and then also at log off)15:17
spadewarriorsorry, meant 'log out settings'15:18
Ad0perfect it worked15:19
Ad0thanks a lot!15:19
Ad0now I have to set up vdr and all that crpa15:19
spadewarriorwhats vdr?15:19
Ad0video disk recorder15:19
Ad0it's like tivo, only for linux :)15:20
IndoctrineHeh, I ended up mounting my share through mount. :P15:20
Ad0works with DVB15:20
IndoctrineRather than smbmount or smbfuse or any of that stuff15:20
spadewarrioroh right, sounds cool :)15:20
Ad0hehe yeah15:22
spadewarriorAnyone know of a repository that has libxfcegui4-1.0? Can't locate it...15:24
ggreeris there a live usb creator on the xubuntu live cd?15:25
ggreersimilar to the liveusb thing on the regular ubuntu disc15:25
ggreerah, sudo apt-get install usb-creator gets it15:29
ggreerthis place is dead compared to #ubuntu15:35
ggreeranother question to the silent crowd: I use the dvorak keyboard layout, but I prefer to use qwerty keyboard shortcuts. is there a way to have ctrl/alt/meta change the keyboard layout while they're held down?15:37
ggreersimilar to OS X's dvorak-qwerty layout15:37
Eeyore-Jrggreer: the noise ratio is better here15:52
ggreerheh, that's for sure15:52
ggreerI just got an acer aspire one and I'm installing xubuntu on it. I've never set up a distro on a laptop before15:55
ggreerdesktops and servers are so much easier to set up15:55
ggreeris there any other way to adjust trackpad acceleration? if I move it to 0 it's too slow but if I move it one pixel over it's way too fast16:08
ggreerI'm just using the xfce settings manager for this. I'm guessing there's a config file underneath16:08
ggreerman, I see a bunch of little things as well. gradients are "lit" from inconsistent directions. some stuff is from the top, some stuff is from the bottom. ditto for left/right :/16:11
PsynoKhi0ggreer: does "grep synaptic /etc/X11/xorg.conf" return anything?16:14
ggreerhmm, hold on a sec.....16:14
Odd-rationaleggreer: is this xubuntu 8.10 ?16:17
ggreerfresh install, default everything16:17
Odd-rationaleok. the xorg.conf of 8.10 is pretty sparse...16:18
ggreergrep -i returns nothing as well16:18
pidgaswhy doesn't xubuntu use pulseaudio?16:19
PsynoKhi0ggreer: you could use some of the info from Arch Linux wiki http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics16:19
Odd-rationalecould be that xfce's integration with pulse is not as advance as gnome's16:19
PsynoKhi0ggreer: of course, skip the part with pacman since it's irrelevant to you :)16:20
PsynoKhi0the default settings on that page work fine on my latop and the touchpad is quite comfy to use as a result16:21
Odd-rationalei've even setup up my touchpad with circular scrolling! :D16:22
ggreeroh, good. the sensitivity is fine but acceleration is either none or THEYVE GONE TO PLAID16:22
ggreeris there a way to get multi-touch scrolling? I'm guessing that requires hardware support16:23
Odd-rationaleggreer: yeah, depends on whether your touchpad soppurts that...16:23
TheSheepggreer: just enable it in your xorg.conf and see if it works16:23
TheSheepggreer: most modern touchpads support it16:23
Odd-rationalemine doesn't. :(16:23
TheSheepmine does, but it's someow broken -- it often scrolls to bottom when I remove my fingers16:24
PsynoKhi0ggreer: how about "sudo aptitude search synaptics"?16:25
PsynoKhi0does it return a line with "i" in front?16:26
ggreerthat looks promising16:26
PsynoKhi0ok so at least the touchpad driver is there16:26
TheSheepthere is also gsynaptics for gui settings16:26
TheSheepand a plugin for xfce, to have touchpad settings in mouse settings of xfce16:27
ggreerTheSheep: oh? what's the package name for that plugin?16:27
ggreerI'm not seeing that one16:28
ggreerare you on 8.10?16:28
TheSheep!info gsynaptics-mcs-plugin16:29
ubottugsynaptics-mcs-plugin (source: gsynaptics-mcs-plugin): Gsynaptics MCS plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 12 kB, installed size 140 kB16:29
ggreeroh, I bet I don't have the non-free repositories enabled16:29
TheSheepggreer: enable the universe repository16:29
PsynoKhi0funny I'd expect more people to stick to hardy16:30
ggreerPsynoKhi0: the AAO has a ton of issues with HH16:30
TheSheepPsynoKhi0: gimp 2.6, openoffice 3.0...16:30
PsynoKhi0eh... you can install OOo 3 debs in hardy16:31
Odd-rationaleoo3 is not it 8.10? is it?16:31
ggreeralso what can I do about windows that are too tall? is there some way to stop them from getting created with >600pixel height?16:31
TheSheepOdd-rationale: dunno, I have it16:31
TheSheepOdd-rationale: but I can't rememeber where from16:31
Odd-rationale!find openoffice16:31
TheSheepggreer: no, but you can hold down alt+ctrl and use arrows to move or resize it16:32
Odd-rationale!info openoffice.org16:32
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-11ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB16:32
TheSheepggreer: you can set which keys to use for that in your window manager settings16:32
ggreercontrol + alt switches desktops16:32
ggreerwell, control + alt + arrows16:32
TheSheepggreer: then maybe it was alt+shift or something16:33
ggreerwhatever, I can look it up. anyway that's better than having to use the crazy trackpad right now :)16:33
TheSheepI can't remember these keys because I always remap them to use the dreaded windows key16:34
PsynoKhi0anyway, how about MY needs? :P I have a vanilla ubuntu gutsy that's approaching end of shelflife so I'm more willing to give it a beating, I'd like to switch to xfce using apt-get install xubuntu-desktop but totem-gstreamer conflicts with the xine backend that the xubuntu packages want to install, any way I can avoid that? aptitude keep totem-gstreamer && aptitude install xubuntu-desktop?16:35
ggreerwow, this _is_ a tiny xorg.conf16:37
ggreer34 lines, most of which are whitespace/comments16:37
PsynoKhi0since hardy xorg ships with a paris hilton conf file...16:38
PsynoKhi0nothing much interesting and you can't really understand what's going on there anymore16:39
PsynoKhi0the old ones were intimidating at first but in the end much more useful once you got the hang of it16:40
PsynoKhi0IMO anyway :)16:40
hat0(asking again since new people are here..)  has anyone else installed the gsynaptics touchpad control panel?  i did so, via synaptic, and there is no icon in the xfce settings manager, just the text "Synaptics settings" (which, lacking an icon, sits aligned to the top of the row, rather than the bottom)16:40
ggreeroh, and what's the standard xfce graphical text editor?16:41
hat0ggreer, mousepad?16:41
PsynoKhi0mousepad I think16:41
ggreerI didn't see one in accesories16:41
scimmiettarossahi! i need help about 8.10 installation... someone could help me?16:48
Odd-rationalescimmiettarossa: sure. what's the issue?16:54
lee555J5just installed 8.10 desktop i386 on old box with 768MB RAM and nVidia GeForce4 MX 420 and 19" LCD at 1280x1024... image is shifted about .25in to the right--shifted, not sqeezed. I can live with .25in less on left; but the Quit and Trash icons are almost gone, and all full-screen apps are .25in off the right side of screen.17:01
TheSheeplee555J5: find an 'autoadjust' menu option in you monitor's osd17:02
TheSheeplee555J5: and select it17:02
hat0another question -- is there an equivalent to displayconfig-gtk in 8.10?  (if it's in a package, which package?)17:03
lee555J5when I change to 1152x864, autoadjust is automatic and screen looks great. change back and shifted right17:03
TheSheephat0: there is displayconfig-gtk17:03
TheSheeplee555J5: each mode requires adjusting separately17:04
hat0thesheep, which package is it in?  it's not installed by default on my 8.1017:04
TheSheephat0: oh, you are right :/17:04
lee555J5well, damn. that worked.17:05
lee555J5thanks, TheSheep17:05
TheSheephat0: seems it's not there anymore17:05
lee555J5this was the default res after install. I wonder why the monitor didn't do this automatically with new video sig. Oh, well.17:06
lee555J5like I said, 1152x864 worked fine with no manual auto-adjust.17:07
lee555J5just for kix, I'll see what others do. brb17:07
hat0thesheep, do you know what the replacement would be?  i'd like to see if that xorg 7.4 external monitor support is available to us in xubuntu-land17:07
ggreeroh, and is there some way to say "don't think trackpad touches are clicks if I already have the left button pressed down"? the slightest wrong move on the trackpad and drag-and-drop stops dragging17:08
scimmiettarossaanyone experienced freezing during the Xserver start after upgrading to 8.10?17:09
lee555J5some res' caused an auto-adjust and some didn't. oh, well. 1280x1024@75 seems to work well, now. Thanks, TheSheep.17:12
TheSheephat0: no idea, let us know if you find it17:15
TheSheephat0: you can try playing with xrand17:15
hat0thesheep, sure, but to be honest i hate doing those sorts of manual adjustments -- i'm one of those people who came to *buntu from slackware to get away from it, to be able to just use the computer.  :)  it's rare these days to have to do that sort of thing, which makes it all the more surprising17:17
TheSheephat0: well, xubuntu will never be as automated as ubuntu17:30
scimmiettarossaanyone experienced freezing during the Xserver start after upgrading to 8.10?17:36
hat0i don't miss most of those things, but frankly speaking i'd be very surprised if the xubuntu solution to dual-monitor support remained, "open up terminal..type xrandr blah blah.." -- esp. since we did have these things in releases past17:36
TheSheephat0: I have it bound to a key...17:41
viddwhy not add it to your GDM?17:45
TheSheepvidd: because I don't want to restart X every time I connect or disconnect a monitor17:53
viddTheSheep, it was meant for hat017:54
viddand how often do you swap out monitors?17:55
hat0well sir, i've got a second monitor hooked up to my laptop - i'd like to be able to unplug it and take the laptop elsewhere, without having to restart x or anything like that17:59
skephello, anyone aware of a good calendar applet (similar to rainlendar)?18:10
Odd-rationaleskep: orage?18:11
skepwell..to be honest i find orage very ugly and i would like to have support for .ical format ect.18:12
stwestonanyone here able to help me on my iMac problem as stated about twelve hours ago?18:12
viddstweston, i wasnt here then....what was the issue?18:13
stwestonvidd: I couldn't mount my iMac G3's CD-R drive, while it booted fine from the Ubuntu Server install disk (sorry I'm not asking this in some other channel)18:14
stwestonvidd: I've tried #ubuntu-powerpc, but nobody's responded.18:14
skepOdd-rationale: oh..just checked orage again and umm..seems like i must have used orage ages ago..seems ok for my needs.. :)18:15
stwestonvidd: shall I boot it up into the disk and let you know what I'm doing/what happens?18:16
viddstweston, is this intrepid or hardy?18:17
stwestonvidd: intrepid18:17
viddits a know issue last i heard18:17
stwestonvidd: oh? what's the issue, then?18:17
stwestonvidd: I mean, what's wrong with it?18:18
viddi recommend that you install fom the hardy server install, upgrade to intrepid, and then add the desktop18:18
stwestonvidd: all right. Will try.18:18
viddthe issue is "No cd drives or external hard drives are recognized even though they are found during install"18:18
viddlast i heard they were fixing it...but i never got word that it was resolved18:19
Odd-rationaleskep: just wait until xfce 4.6 :P18:19
stwestonvidd: well, the problem is that it's trying to install, but nothing's being mounted... or is that what you said?18:19
viddits basicly what i said =]18:20
stwestonvidd: ok18:20
viddhardy works....18:20
stwestonvidd: oh!18:20
stwestonvidd: well, then... let me try that.18:20
viddand the issue is the installer disk...not the final product18:20
stwestonvidd: aah.18:21
viddso upgrading from hardy to intrepid wont break your system18:21
stwestonvidd: gotcha.18:21
skepOdd-rationale: what happens then?18:21
Odd-rationaleskep: more cool features for orage18:22
skepOdd-rationale: is there a website where i can read more about it?18:22
stwestonvidd: or maybe I could just stick with Hardy? I dunno. it's LTS, so it should be fine longer.18:22
stwestonvidd: amirite?18:23
Odd-rationaleskep: this lists some: http://www.linux.com/feature/15121118:24
viddstweston, one thing you have to remember is that ppc-arch is not an official product....so LTS is not extended to it....18:24
stwestonvidd: I see...18:24
stwestonvidd: well, that ruins my understanding, then.18:24
viddhowever, the community will do its best to keep it as up-to-date as possible18:24
stwestonvidd: gotcha. thanks for the tip18:24
viddlook at it this way....18:24
viddthe difference between ppc-arch, i386 arch and amd64-arch is the kernel....18:25
viddalmost everything else is software built on top of that....18:25
stwestonvidd: aah.18:26
viddso xfce will be supported....18:26
stwestonvidd: okay.18:26
Odd-rationalebut don't they use different binaries?18:26
viddbut there is no guarentee that the kernel or your ach-specific drivers will be supported....18:26
Odd-rationaleis the ppc repo smaller?18:26
viddbut if they work, how much support do you really need =]18:27
stwestonvidd: I'm not sure, actually.18:27
viddOdd-rationale, 95%...no...same binaries18:27
Odd-rationaleoh ok...18:27
Odd-rationalewait. 95% smaller?18:27
vidd95% of the binaries are the same18:28
Odd-rationaleok. just making sure...18:28
stwestonwell, I'm'a go. I18:28
stwestonI'll wait for the DL to finish.18:28
stwestonthanks a bunch, vidd!18:28
viddOdd-rationale, the only binaries that are different are the kernel-space binaries18:29
viddeverything in userspace is the same18:29
Odd-rationalei guess that makes sense...18:30
* vidd needs to go polute his lungs.....18:31
viddbe back in 10 (or so)18:31
zerothisI remember long ago in my redhat days, I could put applications into the gnome-panel. How is that done now and does it work with the xfce4-panel?19:41
TheSheepzerothis: "put applications"?19:43
TheSheepzerothis: you mean launcher icons?19:43
spadewarriorDoes anyone know how to change the default xfce file manager to pcmanfm from thunar?19:45
TheSheepspadewarrior: what do you mean change? just use pcman19:46
zerothissorry, i mean the application actually loads into the panel. it looks like a little screen in the panel with the application actually running in it19:47
spadewarriorTheSheep, i mean so that the 'Places' and desktop shortcuts load up pcmanfm instead of thunar.19:47
zerothis"swallowed app" i think it was called19:47
TheSheepspadewarrior: I think that you would have to modify the places plugin and the xfdesktop program19:48
TheSheepspadewarrior: or somehow make pcman register as a file manager in dbus, I guess19:48
spadewarriorah, ok I think that's way out of my abilities.19:48
TheSheepspadewarrior: not sure here19:48
TheSheepspadewarrior: yup, it would have to be in dbus as /org/xfce/FileManager19:49
spadewarriorTheSheep, thanks I'll have a look into that.19:51
TheSheepspadewarrior: dbus-monitor lets you see what messages are sent when you use the places plugin19:52
spadewarriorTheSheep, wow that's cool, I never knew about that.19:52
TheSheepdbus is one extremely cool invention19:53
stwestonjust so anyone here knows (and if I happen to have problems or questions in the future), I'm finally installing Ubuntu Server on that iMac G3.20:15
stwestonoh! for future reference, how do I upgrade to Intrepid under Server?20:16
viddstweston, go into /etc/apt/sources.list and replace every instance of "hardy" with "intrepid"...save changes....sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:21
viddsame as any other upgrade20:21
stwestonvidd: I never did that before, so I wouldn't've known that.20:21
zerothisstweston: sudo do-release-upgrade20:21
stwestonvidd: thanks!20:21
stwestonzerothis: oh... is that the same as vidd's suggestion or what?20:21
viddthere is an easier way....20:22
stwestonthere is?20:22
zerothiswell, myself i prefer not to go poking arround in the sources.list20:22
viddstweston, listen to zerothis20:22
stwestonvidd: aah. thanks.20:22
viddi just couldnt find the command in a timely manner20:22
stwestonvidd: aah...20:22
zerothisstweston: more info <http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20%28Recommended%29>20:23
stwestonwell, I guess sudo do-release-upgrade works, then.20:23
viddstweston, yes....that is the prefered way20:23
stwestonvidd: okay.20:23
viddchanging the sources.list is the "down-and-dirty way of doing it20:24
stwestonthanks, vidd and zerothis!20:24
viddthe other way is less likely to break something from typo's20:24
viddout of curiousity....can you ssh -X into a server that does not have an x-server on it?20:25
stwestonvidd: is that directed to me?20:25
stwestonvidd: if it is, then no.20:25
TheSheepvidd: yes20:26
viddstweston, no...to one of the other "more experienced" server users20:26
stwestonvidd: oh... got'ca20:26
zerothisvidd: you can do anything you want, but that won't do anything20:26
TheSheepvidd: the graphics and input is handled by your running X server20:26
viddso TheSheep you can log in, but not use GUI tools?20:27
Ahmuckis there a way to add more resolutions for the display?  currently i'm set at 800x64020:27
TheSheepvidd: it's kind of confusing, since the X server usually runs on the client, and the 'client' -- the application -- runs on the server20:27
TheSheepvidd: you can use gui tools just fine20:27
viddi doubt ill have the oppertunity to set something like that up...but i was interested20:29
TheSheepvidd: the bad thing is that you cannot 'detach' the running application from your X server and log out leaving it running20:30
viddthat isnt anything i'd expect to do....20:30
=== Ahmuck is now known as Eeyore-Jr
TheSheepvidd: at least not with current xorg, the protocol anticipates that20:30
viddi was thinking something along the lines of using a graphic text editor like mousepad to edit config files on a headless server20:31
TheSheepvidd: sure, it just works20:31
viddand the app (like mousepad) would be installed on the server....right?20:32
TheSheepvidd: yes20:32
TheSheepvidd: it will require some X libraries, but not whole x server20:33
viddnice...thats the kind of thing im looking for20:33
viddand the machine i remote in from needs to have a unix-compatable window manager....like xming on windows?20:35
TheSheepvidd: it needs x server running20:38
stwestonhow do I edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades?20:38
TheSheepvidd: has nothing to do with unix20:38
viddstweston, you shouldnt need to edit it20:39
TheSheepstweston: like any other text file20:39
stwestonTheSheep: and... how?20:39
TheSheepstweston: but there is a gui for changing that option20:39
stwestonvidd, okay.20:39
TheSheepstweston: in the update manager20:39
viddbut if you NEED to edit it....20:39
stwestonTheSheep: I'm in Server.20:39
stwestonTheSheep: sorry to confuse you.20:39
viddtype sudo nano path/to/file/name20:40
TheSheepstweston: well, then just edit it as root with the text editor of your choice20:40
stwestonTheSheep: all right...20:40
viddwhere /path/to/file/name is the path to the file name20:40
stwestonvidd, thanks20:40
stwestonit's upgrading!20:42
stwestonthanks, guys20:42
viddstweston, vi is a more powerful CLI text editor....but i dont personally have the expertice to assist ya with it20:42
viddstweston, no problem....happy to help20:42
stwestonthanks again!20:43
TheSheepvidd: vi + new user trying to exit = random character generator ;)20:43
stwestonand then the next step to finish this is to do "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop", right?20:43
viddTheSheep, hehe20:44
stwestonsorry, did I miss something?20:44
viddstweston, if that is the desktop manager you wish to use....then yes...that is the next step20:45
TheSheepstweston: lets just say that vi is very unintuitive )20:45
stwestonvidd: well, it's kinda my only optilno.20:45
stwestonTheSheep: LOL20:45
stwestonwhy might it be called vi?20:46
viddTheSheep, unintuitive? it was specifically designed to weed out comp-sci students in the mid-to-late 80's/early 90's20:46
TheSheephmmm... wikipedia says: The name vi is derived from the shortest unambiguous abbreviation for the command visual in ex; the command in question switches the line editor ex to visual mode. The name vi is pronounced /ˈviːˈaɪ/,[1] or /vaɪ/.[2]20:46
stwestonsweet! I pronounced it right!20:47
viddstweston, how can you tell?20:48
TheSheepvidd: it says so in that text, at the end20:48
stwestonvidd: from the "the name vi is pronounced..." part.20:48
viddi pronounce it like "rymes with rye"20:48
stwestonso do I.20:48
viddTheSheep, i cant understand what on earth that part means....=\20:50
TheSheepvidd: oh, you never learned a foreign language?20:50
viddnot really20:50
TheSheepvidd: that phonetic notation is used in all dictionaries20:51
bytor4232netboot.tar.gz is broken after last nights kernel update.20:52
Odd-rationale"vee eye"20:52
bytor4232Thats means the mini.iso is broken as well.20:52
stwestonbytor4232: I suppose that kinda stinks, then...20:52
viddTheSheep, yeah...i i never quite got to understanding the phonetic notation20:52
TheSheepvidd: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IPA_for_English20:53
bytor4232Hasn't even been out for a week and they manage to break netboot.  Nice.20:53
viddbytor4232, i think it was planned....20:53
bytor4232Probably.  But I don't install from CDs, I install from my network.  Sucks to be me.20:54
viddbreak it....see if anyone notices....if no-one does, discontinue it =]20:54
bytor4232I have to install hardy I guess and dist-upgrade.20:54
viddbytor4232, you COULD just write your OWN install disk20:55
viddi saw somewhere a how-to for setting up a net-boot installer20:55
viddwhere a system boots off the NIC20:56
viddbut that was a while ago...before i had any computers that could boot of the NIC card =]20:57
scopecreephow do i delete my session, i tell it not to restore but it does anyway?21:03
jbbarnesHow do you view the startup messages instead of the XFCE logo with the progress bar? Thanks.21:04
jbbarnesSuch as when you hit the Esc key in SuSE to remove the graphic and see the startup in detail.21:05
viddscopecreep, in terminal rm ~./config/xfce4-session/*21:08
TheSheepvidd: that's wrong21:09
TheSheepvidd: it's ~/.cache/sessions21:09
scopecreephehe, i did both, brb21:10
favrojbbarnes: at the grub prompt press e - then move down to the kernel line and press e - then remove from the end of the line "quiet splash" - press enter then b to boot21:12
karen|anyone around to help?21:13
jbbarnesfavro: Thank you. I will try that now. I'm trying to streamline my boot process.21:13
favrojbbarnes: or edit the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove "quiet splash" from the kernel line21:13
karen|i'm having an issue installing xubuntu, and mind you, this is my first attempt at linux21:14
stwestonwell, I might even be able to help, despite that I'm a linux newbie as well.21:14
karen|okies :)21:15
stwestonwhat do you need help with?21:15
karen|i get halfway through just fine, but when it comes to partitioning the drive i get an error saying that it cant (i want to dual boot XP and xubuntu)21:15
karen|i tried xubuntu's allocation tool that it has in the install, the sliding thing21:15
stwestonand then?21:16
jbbarnesfavro: Works great. Everything flies by pretty fast, though. Does all that info get written to a log file I can inspect once booted?21:16
karen|but it doesnt want to allocate the free space on the exisiting partition21:16
karen|could it be because that empty space is on the windows partition?21:16
stwestoninteresting... either this is a bug, or I don't understand... most likely the latter.21:16
stwestonactually, now that you mention it, I believe so!21:16
stwestonit might be that the partition is formatted wrong...21:16
viddkaren|, if you want to dual-boot....21:17
favrojbbarnes: not unless you enable boot logging - I leave the quiet part in so it is more readable - errors will show21:17
karen|i tried to just partition the space with Windows's disk management, but it says NO to me21:17
viddlaunch xp and run the installer from xp21:17
stwestonbut there's always the chance that an expert (or, more likely, a newbie) is wrong.21:17
karen|i dont have an XP disc (thanks dell.)21:17
viddkaren|, does XP load?21:18
stwestonno... that's not what Vidd mans.21:18
viddok...load xp....insert xubuntu live cd...run the installer application21:18
stwestonhe means, just insert the *buntu disk, and you should be able to install it side-by-side with XP21:18
stwestonif it's 8.04 or later.21:18
viddit has "damn it windows, resistance is futile" powers =]21:19
karen|I'll give it a shot, thanks :)21:20
viddand it will install on windows just like any other app will21:20
karen|on windows?21:20
stwestonit's called Wubi installer.21:20
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.21:21
karen|so would i be booting to windows, then using xubuntu?21:21
karen|(excuse the ignorance D:)21:21
stwestonI think...21:21
stwestonit's just like emulating a dual-boot, methinks21:21
nikolamwubi is usefull for testing and getting to know with linux. Real thing is to install it on dual-boot for start..21:22
stwestonam I right?21:22
viddits for all those newbies that say "wubi easier if i didnt have to format anything"21:22
TheSheepit just installs xubuntu to a file on the windows partition, but you still have to reboot to start it21:22
karen|i get it now21:22
favro!dualboot | for those that like to read21:23
ubottufor those that like to read: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:23
viddim outy guys21:23
stwestonI'll be back soon. see ya, Vidd21:24
ghummanI need help21:26
ghummanhow to install ttf font?21:26
ghummanactullly xubuntu fail to display my native language font21:27
favro!fonts | ghumman21:27
ubottughumman: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:27
houdinihi.  I hope someone can help me here22:08
houdiniI just upgraded my Xubuntu 8.04 system to 8.1022:08
houdiniwhen it rebooted, I got a text console.  when I logged in, startx and apt-get (as examples) complain about shared libraries22:09
houdini(program): error while loading shared libraries: (some library): cannot open shared object file: No suck file or directory22:09
houdiniapt-get complains about libstdc++.so.6, startx complains about libX11.so.622:09
nikolamhoudini, how zou did zour upgade? from alternate cd or fron internet?22:10
houdinidoing an ls on /usr/lib gives me a lot of "ls: cannot access /usr/lib/(something): No such file or directory"22:10
houdiniwhich I think is odd22:10
houdininikolam: internet, using the graphical update manager22:11
favroyou could try   sudo apt-get install -f   to see if it fixes it22:11
houdiniapt-get complains about a shared library, and won't run22:11
houdinisorry, I didn't say that "complains" up there == "complains and dies"22:11
favrotried with the -f?22:12
houdiniit gives me the same error22:12
houdinijust tried it22:12
nikolamyou can use sudo dpkg -i command to install individual packages22:12
houdiniusing ldd on the apt-get binary shows me that libstdc++.so.6 isn't found22:12
nikolamdoes aptitude works?22:13
houdiniok.  suggestions of what I need to install to fix this?22:13
houdiniaptitude wants libept.so.0, which is missing22:13
houdini(just checked it, hadn't before)22:13
nikolamdoes your internet works? I would suggest to download alternate cd of 8.10 to have it.22:13
houdinidpkg runs22:13
houdininikolam: ok22:13
favrowhat does   sudo dpkg --configure -a   return?22:14
houdinifavro: no output, returned 022:14
houdinihm.  I don't have lynx or links22:14
favrothere should be w3m22:15
houdiniw3m dies when it can't find libz.so.122:15
houdiniman, what happened here?22:15
favroat a guess I would say the servers were very busy and dropped packets when you were upgrading22:16
houdinibut doesn't it download all of the packages before it installs them?22:16
nikolamzou have wget? houdini where are you from?22:16
houdiniI would expect that if it couldn't, it would bomb out22:16
houdininikolam: wget also wants libz.so.122:17
houdiniand, you mean physically? :)22:17
houdiniNew Mexico, USA22:17
nikolamwe could install those packages manually to make apt-get work for a start22:17
houdiniI could boot from a CD and download stuff22:17
houdinimy Mac works just fine, so I could download a CD there22:18
houdininikolam: suggestions?  I'm willing to try whatever22:19
nikolamI am thinking.. to install manually all missing .debs22:19
nikolamuntil apt-get works22:20
houdiniso I can download (somehow) whatever package libstdc++.so is in, install that, and hope that apt-get works?22:20
nikolamOR we could go to /var/cache/apt/archives22:20
houdinioh, ok22:20
nikolamand install everything we have in cache22:21
nikolamhoudini, yes, that too.22:21
nikolamhoudini, you use i386 or 64-bit?22:22
houdinilooks like i38622:22
houdiniat least, that's what `uname -a` gives me22:22
nikolamtry cd /var/cache/apt/archives22:23
nikolamsudo dpkg -i *.deb22:23
houdiniit's going22:24
nikolamlet`s hope that`s it22:25
houdiniupdate-mime-database is complaining about missing libz22:27
houdiniit'll probably get installed later, right?22:27
nikolamlets install all we can22:29
houdiniit's going22:34
houdiniI think I have FS issues23:30
houdiniyep.  crap23:31
nikolamfsck ?23:31
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot23:32
houdinithink I'll need a boot CD now23:34
nikolamhoudini, backup ypur data from that disk23:35
* houdini nods23:36
houdinidoes the ubuntu/xubuntu disk not have the SMART utils on it?23:39
nikolamsthere is smartmontools package23:41
houdinican I use that from the CD?23:41
nikolamyou could try it if you boot from live cd23:41
houdiniwell, I'm booted from the cd23:42
houdiniand smart<tab> gives me smartdimmer23:42
houdinithis is the 8.04 disk23:42
nikolami think so. i think it can be installed while live cd is running, while not writing to disk23:42
nikolamsame thing23:43
houdiniok, that worked23:44
houdinirunning the short test on the disk23:44
kalaa79i need some help please with xubuntu and ps3...  I cannot go back to my ps3 OS :(23:50
kalaa79dont really have any experience with linux before today23:51
kalaa79the boot-game-os command doesn work for me23:52
kalaa79not sure if i had a bad install, its possible23:52

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