
Ahmuckit's there now.  however i've done a "sudo aptitude update" "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" and then a "sudo ltsp-build-client" since the install00:06
Ahmucki have noticed that when i do a ltsp-build-client it downloads a large number of new packages00:08
Ahmuckhrm, when ltsp client fails, it also fails to configure the second nic for serving dhcp ltsp clients00:49
Ahmucki'm falling back to ubuntu00:49
Ahmucki was under the impression that ltsp-server, client, etc. configured that00:49
sbalneavEvening all01:25
Ahmuckhi sbalneav01:27
stgraberhi Rideh01:28
Ridehhey stgraber !01:29
Ridehi'll be back in a few minutes01:29
davidgroosHi--anyone have any opinions about good edubuntu classroom management software?02:40
stgraberiTalc ?02:40
davidgroosThat's cool, I was looking at that.02:40
davidgroosI'd also heard of something like samoyan02:41
davidgroosor something02:41
davidgroosunfortunately I can't remember the name of the software exactly and haven't had luck googling 'samoyan' samboyan etc.02:44
davidgroosNot sounding familiar to anyone?02:44
stgrabernot really no, the only thing that I can think of based on that name is sabayon but it's not really a classroom management software so I doubt it's what you are looking for02:46
davidgrooshmmm maybe I misunderstood what was being described--the name is too similar to be a coincidence, I think.  Thanks stgraber for throwing it out there!02:48
davidgroosI'm going to check it out!02:48
davidgroosAnother question--I'm just starting a project where I'll be using edubuntu thin clients and need an easy way to import users from some csv or other formate file.02:50
davidgroosI was totally unable to find software to load users into the ubuntu server.  Any ideas here?02:50
stgrabera shell script parsing that file and doing the adduser is certainly the easiest, though if you have a lot of user and may need to split them across two servers soon, having a LDAP server may be best (then use some LDAP tools to add the users)02:51
davidgroosCool info!  I'm really quite a noob at this so what is obvious to you is an insight to me!02:52
davidgroosI've got a friend who could write a script like this, I'd guess.  Anything in particular I should tell him?02:53
stgraberyeah, add the user to the same groups as a normal user (from a desktop installation) except adm and admin02:54
stgraberso they can have sound and everything working correctly but can't run sudo02:54
stgraberoh, and for LTSP, you'll need to add them to the "fuse" group too to have usbkey support02:55
davidgroosThanks so much stgraber.  I've put some stuff on line about my project but wonder if I put the info in the right place--should I be using an edubuntu wiki instead of the Ubuntu wiki?02:57
davidgroosHere it is: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MinnesotaTeam/Education02:58
stgraberdavidgroos: oh, I'll send that URL to some guys at the office, they might be interested and may give you a hand.02:59
stgraberI'm working for a company that does thin clients and desktop deployement mainly in school districts02:59
davidgroosThat would be awesome!  which state?03:00
stgraberWe're in Canada (Quebec) and have some school districts here in Canada and one in Indiana03:01
stgraberand another in the US IIRC03:01
davidgroosI would love to share ideas--though I enjoy and am ok w/ technology my specialty is teaching.03:01
davidgroosmy e-mail is djgroos@gmail.com03:02
stgraberok, mine is stgraber@revolutionlinux.com (or stgraber@ubuntu.com for the Ubuntu community side :)) and my company is http://www.revolutionlinux.com/?lang=en03:03
Ridehstgraber: this channel is much more free with info than your typical irc channel :D03:04
davidgroosI know very little about irc protocol and appreciate clear instruction on such!03:05
davidgroosThanks so much to all you who are helping get these great open source solutions into kids hands.03:13
davidgroosI expect to be on this channel quite a bit :-)03:13
Ridehdavidgroos: irc has been around a very long time03:16
Ridehmany "script kiddies" and such roam and use this as a play ground to flex their skills03:17
Ridehthings are becomming more civil but still be cognosent that like anywhere there are always ppl with ill intentions lurking03:17
Ahmuckany suggestions for a "burn in" linux iso?03:18
davidgroosThanks Rideh.  I searched script kiddies and so they could use e-mail addresses?  Or the worry would be some lurker noting the address then03:21
Ridehnah email address is just a email address but you might get unnecessary hassle03:22
davidgroose-mailing me off line purporting to help but getting info to do otherwise?  Or am I missing something?03:22
davidgroosRight.  Thanks.03:22
stgrabermy e-mail addresses are already on all existing spammer list (my server gets around 40k spams a day) so one more place isn't really a problem :)03:24
Ridehstgraber: wasnt really directed at you, i'm fairly confident your aware of irc's roots03:25
Ridehdavidgroos: just mentioned hes new to irc03:26
Ridehsuch a good resource hate to see ppl turned away from it because of bs03:26
stgraberdavidgroos: http://blog.revolutionlinux.com/en/post/2008/10/28/T-L-2008-%3A-Thin-Client-Lab-Setup03:30
stgrabergood example of what you can do with LTSP and localapps + a lot of people from various school districts were T+L and used (maybe without knowing) thin clients while attending conferences in that room03:32
davidgroosThanks, I'll check it out!03:32
Ahmuckif i use the server for my main pc will i still be able to serve 8 clients from it?04:00
Ahmuckwrong question.  can i use a quad-core, 4g ram server for my use and still serve 8 clients comfortablly?04:01
sbalneavAhmuck: Should be able to with no problem.04:02
* Ahmuck grumbles the server boards don't come with sound04:03
Ahmuckvanilla ubuntu ltsp server install on a board with two nics won't connect to the inet unless one goes in and unremarks the dhcp line in /etc/network/interfaces04:06
sbalneavWell, typically, an LTSP server doesn't have the "internet" side as a DHCP interface.04:07
sbalneavServers should have fixed IP interfaces.04:07
Ahmuckah.  yes04:08
Ahmuckit fixes eth1 as the static, so is it serving eth0 ?04:08
sbalneavWell, eth1's probably managed by network manager, which you should set as a static interface as well.04:09
sbalneavUsually, in a server environment.04:09
sbalneavWell, late here, heading to bed.04:15
sbalneavNight all04:15
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