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waseemHi I cant seem to connect to the medibuntu repositry. can anyone help?15:05
waseemConnecting to www.medibuntu.org||:80... failed: Connection timed out. Retrying.15:07
* mpt hits Ctrl Alt Backspace by mistake18:41
crevettempt: add NoZap18:52
crevetteI usedto do when trying to deleting a word on a test18:53
dobeyhrmm, bluetooth has been a real pain in intrepid though :(19:35
crevettedobey: what's you problem?19:38
crevetteI can perhaps help you19:38
dobeywell, apparently, sometimes the bluetooth controller doesn't even show up19:38
crevettethat's true we have some bug in bluetooth19:39
dobeywhich i guess explains why my mouse wouldn't work19:39
dobeyso i installed gnome-device-manager, and the bluetooth controller didn't show up in the list19:39
crevetteweird I say we where I'm not not nor ubuntu canonical unemploye19:39
dobeyi had to turn the hardware wireless switch off then on, and then it showed up19:40
dobeyand now my mouse is connected and works19:40
crevettemost bluetooth knowledgeable people are in #u-mobile I think but I guess you known it19:40
dobeyi don't know who knows what19:41
dobeyi just know i don't know why stuff doesn't work19:42
dobeyhrmm, i wonder why some of the stuff in /etc/init.d doesn't show up in the "Services" dialog under the Administration menu19:48
dsasdobey: It uses a hardcoded list I think.19:55
dsasIndeed, bug 21449619:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214496 in gnome-system-tools "postgresql isnt shown in "Services Settings"" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21449619:56
dobeyhrmm, i wonder if meetup.com has a REST API or anything...19:57
dsasdobey: The rationale for hardcoding services for services-admin is at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142721#c220:03
ubottuGnome bug 142721 in services-admin "not all scripts listed, no runlevel boot (gentoo)" [Major,New]20:03
dobeydsas: sure. but i still think it's incorrect that for example, Postgres doesn't show up in the list on ubuntu, it should probably do string matches, rather than hardcoding, for scripts. or it would be nice to have a --list-services option to the "service" command, which services-admin could use to get a list of services20:06
dsasdobey: Sure, it should maybe have a blacklist rather than a whitelist.20:06
dobeyand having it show apmd and acpid both as enabled is kind of weird too20:07
dobeyit's not even a whitelist i don't think20:07
dobeyit's weird20:08
dobeyoh well20:08
ottoshmidtis there a separate channel for firefox?20:40
dsasottoshmidt: ubuntu-mozillateam20:44
ottoshmidtdsas, THX20:45
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak

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