
generalsnususing edubuntu 8.10 ltsp server, when thin clients boots, they halt at this message: ltsp disconnecting: que, disconnect, sock, done09:25
generalsnususing edubuntu 8.10 ltsp server, when thin clients boots, the booting stops at this message: "ltsp disconnecting: que, disconnect, sock, done"  whats wrong?09:40
kwak_anyone awake. i need to reinstall my server after failed attempts with xubuntu. which one should i get ubuntu-server or desktop. before i used alternate. does it matter?10:14
Nubaeuse alternate10:52
Nubaethen hit F4 on start10:52
PerSeLhello I'm new to ubuntu and need some help if possible12:17
mib_v9xpgh54anybody here12:20
PerSeLi'm here12:21
sbalneavMorning all14:35
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
Mip5hi - running edubuntu 8.04.1 and having my client hang on boot up21:29
sbalneavWhere's it hanging?21:30
Mip5Before the login screen21:30
Mip5I see an item in my syslog about tftp client not accepting options21:31
sbalneavSo, does the graphical kernel boot screen come up?  It's just when it switches to the login screen it juet goes black?21:31
Mip5I have changed the pxe default so that it's not quiet, and nosplash21:32
sbalneavSo, does the kernel actually load and boot?21:33
Mip5I don't think so - it just hangs, and when I try to ctrl-alt F2, etc I just get a blinking cursor in teh upper left hand - no login prompt21:34
Mip5If you can tell me how to get to the logs of the my client, I can post them21:36
Mip5Would they be available in the chrooted environment?21:36
Mip5As you can tell - I'm pretty new to ltsp stuff - though I've been using linux for a few years21:37
sbalneavWhen you turn on the terminal, does the kernel come down, and do you see the kernel messages?21:39
sbalneavI'm still not clear on this point.21:39
Mip5Sorry - yes, I believe that the kernel begins to come down.21:40
Mip5I get an address, it then runs through the pxe configs, and begins to load, and then it hangs21:40
Mip5There are numbers on the left of the screen as it scrolls, and it gets to about 18.xxx and hangs21:41
sbalneavWhat's the last thing it prints out?21:41
Mip5It's across the hall - I'll go and write it down (unless there's another way for me to get it - )21:41
sbalneavIf the kernel's not booting, then no, there's no other way to get it.21:42
Mip5okay thanks - Here's what I see21:45
Mip5_Here's what I see as the client boots:  [ 18.649040] /build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-core.c: v2.6:USB HID core driver21:49
sbalneavthat's where it hangs?21:49
sbalneavThen the kernel doesn't like something with your usb port21:49
sbalneavYou using any USB devices?21:49
Mip5_okay - but it also hangs (sooner) when the usb mouse is not connected21:50
Mip5_USB mouse is the only usb device21:50
Mip5_here's what I get when the usb mouse is not connected:21:50
sbalneavDisconnet the usb mouse, and disable the usb port in bios.21:50
Mip5_ [  18.120205] eth0: link down21:50
Mip5_This error seems strange to since the link us up and working fine during the preceding part of the boot process21:52
sbalneavTry disabling the usb port: it and the ethernet device might be on the same interrupt21:53
sbalneavCould be an ACPI issuce.  Might need something like acpi=force or noacpi on the pxe command line.21:54
Mip5_okay - I'l try that. FWIW, disabling USB didn't have any effect on the eth0 link down issue21:55
sbalneavDid you disable it in the bios before, or just umplug the mouse?21:56
Mip5I disabled it in the BIOS (I had previously unplugged the mouse)21:57
Mip5Anyway - the idea of acpi=force did the trick21:58
Mip5It booted all the way, got the login prompt and was able to login.21:58
Mip5I'd like to try it with the usb mouse21:58
Mip5thanks for your help - this is great!21:59
sbalneavBetcha it works.  Lots of times ACPI issues cause problems.21:59
sbalneavWhat kind of mobo's are in the thin clients.  They're not Via EPIA 1ghz's are they?21:59
Mip5_It's an nvidia m2npv-vm22:06
sbalneavNot familiar with that.  Anyway, nice to know it's working now.22:07
Mip5_and I think the chipset is 615022:07
Mip5_Yeah - it's great.22:07
sbalneavOkiedoke, I'm heading home in a few minutes, be on again thisevening.22:08
sbalneavgood luck22:08
Mip5_Do you think I have to take extra steps to get nvidia drivers installed? Are these restricted?22:08
Mip5_Cool - thanks again for your help22:08
sbalneavDunno, I've never used the nVidia drives.22:08
sbalneavAnother place to check would be #ltsp22:08
sbalneavthe LTSP developers hang out in there (I'm one), you may find more people who may help.22:09
Mip5_okay - thanks22:09
sbalneav#ltsp and #edubuntu have a lot of the same people in them, but #ltsp's usually more actively watched :)22:09
Mip5_You know, I wonderd about that. I'll tune in there.22:10
Mip5_Thanks again!22:10
thismamacooks200I'm trying to transfer my home directoy to an external (windows) drive so I can install linux on my a bigger internal hard drive22:52

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