
DarkKnighthey how do i update my swiftweasel02:00
[reed]fta: yeah02:39
[reed]fta: but what can be done?02:39
elmargolHi. my ff3 gets slower and slower every day. the urlbar and the google searchform... I think my history is too big... is there a fix for this?07:44
asachah ... 1k+ karma gain from the last 24h bug triage09:33
directhexasac, you remember the question of how to pull up the plugin installer for sites which try to use JS-based detection instead of just failing (and causing the plugin installer to appear)?09:56
asacdirecthex: yes i remember that. its called a "anti-plugin-detection-kit" ;)09:57
asac(if it would exist)09:57
asacdirecthex: whats the point?09:58
directhexasac, i was wondering about implementation09:58
directhexi.e. at what layer to slot in the cleverness10:01
asacdirecthex: wait a sec10:04
asacdirecthex: so the cleverness can start at multiple places10:20
asacdirecthex: the most obvious way is to add code deep in the guts of dom/ code that recognizes when a plugin tabs for certain plugin names in the window.plugins array10:20
directhexthe cheap way is to detect when people are pointed to adobe.com/flash et al ;)10:21
asacdirecthex: thats what i did once ... and it worked at least for youtube10:21
asacdirecthex: no thats bad ;)10:21
asacbut well10:21
asacthe problem is i woul dlike  a solution that works for most cases10:21
asacbut if thats the only way we can do it for now we can try ;)10:22
asacits not really something that can be done 100% perfectly. only thing we should try is to keep this code non-intrusive for the website (e.g. dont change the websites appearence) so that people dont start to look how they can workaround ;)10:23
directhexyeah :/10:23
directhexdefinitely a goal for jaunty though IMHO10:23
asacok its done10:24
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/66680/10:24
* asac wipes his maildirs with such bugs10:25
asaclong-life bug screening trhrough gmail ;)10:26
asacok bugzilla bugmail reorganization done14:35
fta2i'm sending a new xul 1.9.1 to my ppa with a work-around, far too many people are complaining :P14:37
asacfta: about waht?14:39
fta2the gre file i dropped that confused dpkg14:52
Nafallohmm. thunderbird in intrepid is too old :-P14:53
asacok EOBT17:49
asachave to move my profile away ;)17:49
sebnerasac: is shredder shredding your data? ^^17:50
asacsebner: no. shredder works quite good here17:55
asacusing it for MMP now since yesterday ;)17:55
asacMMP == Massive (bug)Mail Processing ;)17:55
asacat least the threading stuff works better now17:56
asace.g. show only threads with unread ... is great ;)17:56
sebnerasac: what is so special with your pictures?17:56
asacand quite quick17:56
asacits just 1.5 ;)17:56
sebneroutdated crap :P17:56
asacthats what my job is about17:57
asacfinding people to test the bits i do for the "real" stable users17:57
ScottKasac: Would you have a moment to discuss a possible solution on the "Firefox installs Gnome apps" bug?18:00
asacScottK: oh it came back now ;) ... i am out now for a few minutes ... will ping you18:09
ScottKasac: OK.  Thanks.18:13
asacScottK: ok18:24
asacScottK: i really dont think that dumping -gnome-support to suggests is the right thing to do.18:27
asacespecially in a SRU18:27
asacfor jaunty i can think of a better way18:27
asacthough i would like to keep it in such a way that apt-get install firefox installs everything18:27
ScottKasac: For an SRU I agree.18:30
ScottKasac: For Jaunty if it were dropped to suggests and seeded directly as part of Ubuntu Desktop, then it'd be there in the default install, but derivatives could seed it or not as they chose.18:32
asacScottK: call now :( bbl18:33
ScottKasac: Back?19:21
asacScottK: right now19:32
asachung up :)19:32
ScottKasac: OK.19:32
ScottKI can see not changing stuff for Intrepid.  It's too late to do anything invasive.19:32
asacScottK: point is that apt-get firefox should install our default bundle19:32
ScottKasac: Why.  It's in the default install.19:32
asacScottK: people that uninstall it should get it back by firefox19:33
ScottKasac: So that leaves no room for derivatives that don't want it.19:33
asacScottK: well. you can explicitly deslect it19:33
ScottKThat or patch every package manager package we have for some other special case.19:34
asacimo thats an important feature for app-install-data19:34
asacScottK: no ... there should be a general solution19:34
asacScottK: there also could be tinyubuntu19:34
asacthat doesnt want most recommends19:34
ScottKGlobally not having recommends is easy enough for a derivative to do.19:34
asacso it should be easy for derivates to properly select packages ... with or without recommends19:34
asacScottK: thats not what i mean19:35
asaca black and white solution wont help19:35
asacderivates should be able to deselect individual recommends19:35
ScottKOK.  What I'm hearing is that you're sympathetic, but that the packaging system ought to solve the problem, not your package?19:35
ScottKI don't understand why if someone has explicitly uninstalled ubufox and firefox they need to get ubufox back without asking for it?19:36
ScottKAm I misunderstanding?19:37
ScottKasac: ?19:39
asacScottK: ubufox isnt ubuntu only19:41
asacso this shouldnt be discussed here19:41
ScottKasac: Where then?19:42
asachere == for this gnome dependency bug19:42
asacScottK: no i am not saying the packaging system should fix that19:42
asacthe packaging system does the right thing19:42
ScottKOK.  Then I misunderstand.19:42
asacit installs the packages19:42
asacthat should be installed19:42
asacnow if kubuntu wants to offer a high-level UI tool where firefox is avialable19:42
asacit has to take care that those packages that the high-level tool is not supposed to install shoudlnt be installed19:43
asacthats my understanding19:43
asaci will talk to mvo19:43
asacabout the technical implications19:43
ScottKasac: I think recommends ubufox is a simple packaging bug.  ubufox is not 'required except in unusual situations'19:44
ScottKYou may want it, but it's a policy violation as is.19:44
ScottKThe package should not specify recommendations that don't qualify as recommendations.19:45
asacScottK: could be. but there is always room for interpretation ;)19:48
asacScottK: imo we should discuss what to do for kde at uds again19:48
asacScottK: i mean, last time i tried to discuss that the only feedback i got was: why care about kubuntu ... we want to use konqueror19:48
ScottKasac: It's not part of the Kubuntu default install, but lots of users add it later.19:49
asacScottK: riddell actually suggested that i should just pull in the gnome libs in the main firefox package ("why not?")19:49
ScottKFor Intrepid we were heavily focused on KDE4 migration.19:49
asacScottK: thats what i am saying all the time. i outreached for input on how we can do a -kde-support package19:49
ScottKWell obviously some community members have a different opinion.19:49
asacScottK: only feedback i got when i asked on kde api specifics was: "not possible"19:49
asaclater i found out through scott wheeler that things should work19:50
asacanyway that session was at last UDS19:50
ScottKWell the first step would be to not have the Gnome package forced on us.19:50
asacnobody from kubuntu folks seemed to care at all19:50
asaci found that sad19:50
asacScottK: no. first thing is to fix kde support19:50
asacfirefox is broken withpout gnome support19:50
sebnerasac: what about ff-qt? already dead or still progress?19:51
asacthats in progress19:51
asacbut it wont provide integration19:51
asacjust qt rendering19:51
asacbut its definitly a good chance to revive the idea of get proper kde integration19:51
ScottKasac: I use it without ubufox and it's not the prettiest thing in the world, but it works fine.19:51
asacScottK: ubufox is undebated we can talk about this. but its irrelevant to the gnome depends ;)19:52
asacScottK: also i think that adept should be able to handle this19:52
asacits the packagers intend that it gets installed19:52
asacits a service that its not a hard depend ;)19:53
ScottKAdept had to be completely rewritten for KDE4, so it's still a little weak.19:53
asacbut well19:53
asacScottK: i am not even sure if that thing can be expressed in app-install-data19:53
asacScottK: but i also want to get that feature in there if it isnt19:53
asacpeople that go to command line and do apt-get install ... just can use --no-install-recommends imo ... only those that go to the distribution maiun installer should get what the derivate wants to be shipped19:53
asacanyway, the ubufox thing is something i will sleep about for sure. its just that its not required if the adept thing would be fixed imo.19:54
asacor update-manager or whatever ;)19:54
ScottKI'm not going to UDS this time.  I'll ask and see who could talk about this.19:55
ScottKasac: Just to give you an example of how far this goes, I just reinstalled Firefox in Intrepid and ended up with synaptic installed.19:57
asacScottK: but thats gnome recommends right?19:58
asacScottK: btw, reinstlal shouldnt install recommends previously deselected19:58
asacthats a bug in apt for sure19:58
asaci think there are also some more bugs in apt with recommends still19:59
ScottKWell I think it's a bug in the packaging that Firefox recommends stuff that's not needed.20:00
ScottKasac: I'd say discuss it at UDS.  Not sure who will be there.20:06
asacScottK: there is a spec firefox kde integratio intrepid20:08
asacthat was the outcome20:08
asacof last cycles discusion20:08
ScottKasac: I'm pretty sure without looking that the spec did not include I get synaptic installed in my KDE if I install Firefox.20:10
asacScottK: no that probably was the "install recommends by default" spec ;)20:11
ScottKRoderick Greening (rgreening on IRC) will be at UDS and would be glad to sign up to be the Kubuntu person for the discussion.20:13
ScottKasac: ^^20:13
ScottKasac: ubufox pulls in synaptic as a dependency, so that comes with any ubufox install.  I think that pretty clearly makes ubufox a Gnome and maybe Xfce only consideration.20:15
asacScottK: it pulls in apturl. thats an apturl bug20:19
asacapturl needs to support whatever the kde package manager is20:20
ScottKOK.  Who's in charge of apturl?20:20
asacScottK: mvo. remember, its not really like this happened yesterday. if nobody complains, there will be no fixes20:22
asacScottK: this was the first time someone really raised any concerns in this direction20:22
asacScottK: so now that people care things will be fixed most likekly20:22
asacrgreening: welcome ;)20:39
rgreeningfta: hey, was speaking with asac on ubuntu-bugs. I can possibly help with ff-qt or at least I'd like ot be involved as asac and I are going to be working in the kubuntu spec for ff integration at UDS20:39
rgreeningty asac20:40
asaci am off for a while. fta will surely pop up later ;)20:43
rgreeningk. I have to run for an hour. back later :)20:43
ftargreening, ok, sure. i need to work on the merge of the packaging 1st20:55
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
ftastevel, how far is the 1st rc ?21:14
stevel_fta: hopefully tomorrow21:15
ftastevel_, is there a tag already (in svn) ?21:16
stevel_yup, Songbird1.021:16
ftastevel_, hm, it's a branch, not a tag21:17
stevel_ahh sorry - misread. yeah we don't have a tag.  we're doing it in the branch21:17
stevel_(sorry in a meeting, so only half paying attention to irc)21:17
ftaok, tell me if/when the release is tagged, i'll update my package21:18
stevel_will do21:18
=== willguaraldi__ is now known as willguaraldi
[reed]network manager fails again23:15
[reed]I hate you, NM!23:15
OSUKid7[reed]: heh, yeah I still need to let your friend know about my NM problems in intrepid, but another one of my friends had similar problems with NM today with a completely different network card23:44
asac[reed]: eap stuff?23:44
asacor something else today ;)?23:44
[reed]asac: no, I just upgraded my other laptop to intrepid, and it wiped out all my VPN configs23:45
[reed]which is really annoying23:45
OSUKid7[reed]: yeah that happened to me as well :\23:45
[reed]considering I have like 723:45
* fta hates dpkg-source, it's so damn slow23:45
[reed]asac: fix it!23:45
asacyeah. i think the problem lies in the fact that vpn plugins are not in main23:45
* fta hates hg too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/66315/23:46
asacand nobody noticed how important those are for our users23:46
asacuntil they broke now ;)23:46
asac[reed]: so are your vpn networks at /system/networking/vpn_connections ?23:50
ftahuhu.. 1st jaunty breakage23:50
ftathis is jaunty http://paste.ubuntu.com/66315/  but it's fine in intrepid23:51
[reed]asac: yes23:51
ftaso it's python23:51
asac[reed]: you filed a bug with your gconf dump right?23:52
* fta hates python23:52
rgreeninghey fta, asac23:52
[reed]asac: not this time, but I did earlier or something23:52
asac[reed]: sure. i mean what bug was that ;)23:52
asacme goes and searches23:52
asacthat was openvpn i think23:53
[reed]lp 27732923:53
asachmm no bug filed by reedloden23:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277329 in network-manager-applet "upgrade from 0.6 [hardy] to 0.7  [intrepid beta] does not migrate (all) connection settings" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27732923:54
[reed]that's cause you filed it for you23:54
[reed]for me23:54
asacok let me see ;)23:55

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