[00:20] Floodbots need tweaking [01:04] hey ubuntu ops [01:04] i am starting public logging of #ubuntu [01:04] ivantis: is this a question or a statement? [01:05] do you mind that? [01:05] question [01:05] tell me if i should remove them [01:06] ivantis: Were you here yesterday? [01:06] … [01:06] yes [01:06] why? [01:09] ivantis: you were wanting to create a new bot for #ubuntu? [01:09] yeah [01:09] that was me [01:09] anyway [01:09] the logs are at http://ubuntu.irclogs.space-lab.us [01:10] tell me if you do not want them [01:10] ivantis: we have log bots already, thanks [01:10] i will remove them [01:10] please do :) [01:10] okay [01:10] and remove them from everywhere else you've not gained permission [01:11] i sent out a message [01:11] if a few users (not ops) say no, i remove them [01:11] if the staff get complaints, they may be removed from the network :( [01:11] ivantis: What about the people who aren't active in the channels at those times? [01:11] so make sure you have permission wherever you put them [01:11] ivantis: If you want to provide a logging service, I think it safer to make it 'opt-in' rather than 'opt-out' [01:12] good idea [01:12] still only in ##C++, #debian, #gnu, #kclug [01:12] everyone else voted out [01:13] ivantis: there are a couple of articles on blog.freenode.net's archive about it. [01:13] read em [01:14] do the ops in those channels know about your bots, ivantis ? [01:15] my bots? [01:15] i dont have bots there [01:15] i always ask [01:15] ivantis: do those channels you listed know about your logging them? [01:15] publicly? [01:15] the ops there [01:16] no one has said anything in #gnu since i said it [01:16] That is not the same. [01:16] ##c++ and #debian people didnt seem to care [01:16] they looked over them [01:16] ill take off #gnu until i get a response [01:17] ivantis: Again, lack of discussion isn't the same as consent. [01:32] ivantis: As an example, 3/4s of the people talking in ##C++ right now weren't around at the time of your announcement. [01:32] removed ##C++ [01:33] ivantis: This isn't about any particular channel, just the way you're going about the whole thing. [01:33] yeah [01:33] i have permission from the ones left now [01:33] ivantis: I think it best you stop them all until someone gives you permission. That someone being in charge of the channel. [01:33] waiting in ##C++ and #kclug [02:26] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [02:26] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit) [02:27] anyone catch the culprit? [02:27] we have all three FloodBots op'd up in #u [02:28] the D C C idiot? [02:28] 18:26 -!- k2 [n=tty@dhcp-0-9-5b-95-b5-71.cpe.quickclic.net] has left #ubuntu [02:28] k2? [02:28] i didn't get attacked [02:28] he left with the exploit in his part message [02:28] k2 (n=tty@dhcp-0-9-5b-95-b5-71.cpe.quickclic.net) [02:28] ah [02:28] quit message [02:29] yeah, thanks [03:00] FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join) [03:01] netsplit [03:01] just lag I think? [03:01] Oh [03:01] theres a netsplit [03:04] wow [03:04] like a five minute lag here [03:55] open week today i believe [03:56] Monday, yes. [04:01] it's already Monday some places :) [04:01] oh-god-hundred Monday, but still Monday [05:23] keep an eye out for oly562 in other channels [05:47] Is it a full moon? [05:50] no, just a quarter one [05:50] people must be getting their practice in for month's end [05:51] Practice is important. [06:07] ivantis: is there a reason your still here ? [06:19] Anyone with -offtopic awake? [06:20] Howdy Madpilot [06:20] hi Flannel [06:21] Flannel: i'm usually around [06:21] whee, intrepid decided to set my screen rez to something massive like 1600x1400... [06:21] nalioth: I'll ping in an emergency, just like I could o-p-s in an emergency. But I'd rather not have an emergency [06:22] Flannel: good, since i'm going for a ride [06:22] nalioth: well, Madpilot's here at the moment, I know he has -ot [06:22] trouble in -offtopic? [06:22] Madpilot: no, he wants backup if he stirs some up :P [06:23] Madpilot: 4chan discussions. [06:23] sounds like fun [06:23] Flannel, you've got ops in ot, right? [06:23] No [06:23] Or I wouldn't need *you* ;) [06:24] No? It used to come free with #ubuntu ops, whether you wanted it or not [06:24] * Flannel thinks he put the wrong emphasis there. but whatever [06:25] Madpilot: Yeah, not anymore. And the ones who did have ops have slowly been dying off. [06:25] In #ubuntu-cn, deaddummy said: !!!!idesperaso is so poor....... [06:40] hello lovelies ♥ [06:40] howdy Myrtti [06:46] morning Myrtti [06:51] ♥ [07:11] In ubottu, driftwood said: apt is cool.... err why the message tho, javid [07:12] Hi driftwood, how can we help you? [07:12] just got an odd message from ubottu thats all [07:13] well may log off and ponder [07:24] back to bed to have a bit of shuteye... [07:47] very well [07:47] i'm back. [07:47] are you ready to do the right thing? [07:47] Howdy nekostar [07:47] Question for you: Why should we unban you? [07:51] hm? [07:51] we could start with a heavy handed banning in the first place. [07:56] ~_~ [07:57] nekostar: Were you planning on finishing with anything? [07:57] > [07:57] ? * [07:57] finishing what? [07:57] what's there to finish [07:57] all that was the other day - their all helped lol [07:58] nekostar: "we could start with... [07:58] nekostar: " usually implies you're not finished. [07:58] oh [07:58] I was just waiting for your full statement [07:59] your actually paying attention to what i'm saying this time eh? [07:59] wow [07:59] no no need [07:59] nekostar: I've never not paid attention to what you were saying. [07:59] Flannel i wouldnt say that. [07:59] either you were not listening or not capable of grasping what i was saying. [07:59] either of which is kinda blah [08:00] nekostar: The fact that I was paying attention is why I'm able to say that no, you wont be unbanned right now. And if this attitude persists, it may be a long while before you are. You should re-read the code of conduct, and IRC guidelines (or read them in the first place, if you haven't) [08:00] nekostar: I can give you links to them if you'd like [08:01] naw [08:01] i'm already in the chan [08:01] ^^ [08:01] really. prove it. [08:01] ... [08:01] gl with that lol [08:01] i don't believe you. [08:02] go find a troll to feed [08:02] i'm already doing that. you really shouldnt speak with your mouth full. [08:03] lulz [08:03] ah, you're one of them. [08:03] ? [08:03] hey inx - new nick? [08:04] inx, not you. [08:04] registered today [08:04] Madpilot: ^^ [08:04] elkbuntu: ah OK :) [08:04] ah [08:04] Madpilot: hadn't been used for five years, so [08:05] grabbed it because of my INX project :) [08:05] !idle | nekostar [08:05] nekostar: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [08:05] ... [08:05] Mez i'm not really quite done [08:06] anyway just checking that it was grouped and so on [08:06] 08:06 <+Flannel> nekostar: The fact that I was paying attention is why I'm able to say that no, you wont be unbanned right now. And if this attitude persists, it may be a long while before you are. You should re-read the code of conduct, and IRC guidelines (or read them in the first place, if you haven't) [08:06] Mez unlike some i can, and actually do read. [08:06] really? [08:06] nekostar: then how are you *not* done ? [08:07] !who | mez [08:07] mez: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [08:07] nekostar: I dont get your point ? [08:08] er [08:08] Mez, i'm pretty sure he has no point other than to be a nuisance. [08:08] stupid tab complete [08:08] lol [08:08] nekostar: you didnt use tab complete, or would have capitalised my name. Please leave, You have no further business here at this moment in time [08:08] cheers btw elkbuntu - at least you can construct a decent sentance [08:09] mez [08:09] first yes i did lol [08:09] unlike you, it seems. [08:09] E_SENTENCE_FRAGMENT [08:09] Mez i'm capable, just not willing. [08:09] yeah, sure. [08:09] i believe you. millions would not. [08:10] hey, that's my phrase elky ;) [08:10] @_@ millions :starz in eyez: [08:10] elkbuntu, is this a 48hr ban, or a longer one for nekostar? [08:10] Madpilot, it's until he can prove that he's worth unbanning. [08:11] ah, one of those [08:11] orly [08:11] don't think he's doing very well so far [08:11] grr [08:11] see [08:11] and there we are [08:11] /remove #ubuntu-ops nekostar As you've been told, your business is concluded here. [08:11] now you know why i wasnt done Mez [08:11] nekostar, you said yourself you are evading. prove to us that the evader can behave rationally and civilly. [08:11] ? [08:11] which bit? [08:12] the part where i come in here and try to explain in the middle of the situation why the op is abusing his/her/it's powers? [08:12] this bit: i'm already in the chan [08:12] or when i come in the next day, and ask nicely if your done with the bs? [08:12] that bit. [08:12] what does that have to do with this? [08:12] nekostar, i think you fail to understand irony. i base this on your second last sentance. [08:12] nekostar: You came in here and were given a simple question: Why should we unban you. You didn't really answer said question, and actually gave us more reason to keep the ban. [08:13] Flannel, i agree wholeheartedly. [08:13] Flannel i completely disagree. [08:14] i'm merely refusing to cater to your whim of me trying to apologize for doing something wrong. [08:14] sure perhaps i was a bit hot headed yesterday [08:14] but if i'm willing to go that far we should not stop till i receive an in chan apology from teh op involved [08:14] nekostar, you're doing a very poor job of proving you're more rational today [08:14] lol [08:14] nekostar: To be brutally honest, the continuance has almost nothing to do with whatever the original reason for your ban was, and more to do with your continued behavior which is out of line with the code of conduct. [08:14] and your doing a really poor job of laying bait [08:14] Go away, come back in 48hrs or more. [08:15] no. [08:15] i wont be back in here. [08:15] i'd just continue to evade, and one day the ban is gone. [08:15] lol [08:15] begging for it, or begging for it? [08:16] !staff | mind seeing if you can trace the evader from the /whowas or something? [08:16] mind seeing if you can trace the evader from the /whowas or something?: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) [08:34] need sleep. don't let the trolls bite. [08:34] * Flannel worries not about troll bites, only grues. [08:55] *yawn* [09:29] hi [09:29] they dont read minds. [09:29] could someone please find out why i got banned from #kubuntu-de? [09:31] when and what nick were you using at the time? [09:32] about ten minutes ago i've been on the channel with this nick (substr) [09:32] usually loco channel bans are dealt in #ubuntu-irc [09:32] Myrtti, sorry, i didnt notice the -de part [09:33] well, next channel to ask in.. ;) [09:33] i brought him here from #freenode. it'd be why you're not appearing in our bantracking system though [09:34] :-/ [09:49] odd thought... can wubi run in wine? [09:55] o.O [09:55] maybe not so odd... [09:58] minus the wine part though [10:15] ivantis: is there a reason your still in the channel [10:15] ivantis: I believe you questions about running bots has been answer [10:15] answered [10:38] !idle | ivantis [10:38] ivantis: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [11:31] wow [11:32] some folks just cant seem to read instructions [11:33] yup [11:33] bluee and now clint [11:33] they are trolling me ;) [11:34] hehe [11:34] use the DESKTOP!!!! [11:34] wat? [11:34] that was bluee earlier [11:35] yeh [12:12] !version [12:12] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [12:35] [12:50] having fun in trollville [12:50] ? [12:51] not me sir [12:51] ma'am [12:51] * Pici tips hat [12:52] heh [12:52] I'm way too awake for this Monday morning. [12:52] yesI have a little buzz this morning [12:52] although I feel tired, long train ride this morning [12:53] Its probably because of the time change here. [12:53] I wish there was a time change here [14:00] If anyone's curious, I fixed my capab identify issue. A newer version of the format_identify script supports automatically detecting and enabling it. I was on an old version. [14:00] phew [14:00] now I can sleep nights. [14:00] :P [14:04] Myrtti: for some reason, your blog is showing as having a link to mine from yours yesterday? but I cant find it.... (damn link tracking) [14:05] oh, dunno [14:06] link from http://myrtti.fi/blog/2008/11/02/daily-digest-for-2008-11-02/ [14:06] says you linked to me... [14:06] weirdness... [14:06] Mez: You are on the 'Saw it on Teh Intternet' sidebar [14:07] ha! true [14:07] oo, telephone [14:07] ah! [14:08] that makes sense then ;) [14:08] saxamaphone [14:08] Pici: good spot... [14:08] must use referer tracking [14:08] Indeed [14:08] wow... that must er... [14:09] what a waste of resources (pinging back every referrer?) [14:10] Hey, i was wondering if anyone could shed light onto why im banned from the #ubuntu channel? [14:10] @btlogin [14:10] marcboy: one moment please [14:10] ok :) [14:11] @bansearch marcboy [14:11] Match: *!?=GOD@* by ompaul in #ubuntu on Jul 18 2008 07:04:09 (ID: 2710) [14:11] marcboy: You can rejoin the channel now, sorry for the inconvenience. [14:11] @btlogin [14:11] Mez: I just removed it. [14:11] I don't see it in bt [14:11] thanks :) [14:11] no problem [14:12] oooh, gotta go [14:12] Pici: what did you search for in bt to see him ? [14:12] ikonia: I used @bansearch [14:12] I searched on marcboy and nothing comes back (it still doens't [14:12] Myrtti: toilet's that way *points* [14:12] why did bansearch see it but bt doesn't [14:13] Because bt doesnt know who marcboy is, or his current hostmask [14:13] ikonia: cause bansearch searches permutatins of the full mask. The ban that matches doesnt include his nick [14:13] ah so it searches the current user using marcboy and his host etc etc, rather than the hardcoded words fo the search [14:13] I thought it jsut searched bt [14:14] Mez: sorry, to the bus. oh. [14:14] btw. [14:14] MARMITE IS HORRID JUNK [14:14] Myrtti: was a boke ... [14:14] BLECCCCHHHH [14:14] Myrtti: thank god someone agrees ... [14:14] you English are Weird Bunch. [14:14] noone else I know agrees... [14:15] I've never had, and hopefully never will [14:15] \o/ marmite hilight [14:15] Myrtti: dont blame me - I hate it... [14:15] popey: ? freak. [14:15] I blame popey [14:15] --> [14:15] \o/ [14:15] Freak! [14:16] Myrtti: you don't eat it by the spoonful, you spread it very thinly on toast (or dunk a dollop in a bowl of soup) [14:17] I think I killed my PC... [14:18] 17Gb it got to with the tar... and well... then didnt go any firsther [14:18] further [14:18] ah, never mind... it's just started again. [14:23] LjL: Did you happen to see the freenode blog post about the new ircd? [14:23] Pici: i think so, unless it's new [14:23] why? [14:24] ah yes it's new [14:24] i'll go read it. still i have *been* on the new ircd already, and so have my bots - if that's what you're thinking about [14:25] LjL: It was indeed. [14:25] Pici: well i can tell you there are a couple of problems, but i've seen nothing that can't be fixed easily enough [14:25] Pici: i already have a branch that mostly works in there, if you've got nothing to do we can join and have another look [14:26] LjL: Nah, I do have other stuff to do right now actually :) [14:26] Just was making sure that you saw it [14:26] Pici: really the most annoying thing is you can't forward people to channels randomly anymore :< [14:26] also, the +q being separate from +b is a nuisance with the bots [14:26] Myrtti: Vegemite FTW [14:26] LjL: I know :( [14:27] No more sending people to ##windows :( [14:27] Pici: what's the URL for the blog post? [14:27] tritium: just go to blog.freenode.net [14:27] first post [14:27] thank you [14:27] http://blog.freenode.net/2008/11/help-us-test-ircd-seven/ [14:27] although there was an older post about it [14:29] Interesting. [14:30] * nalioth blinks at tritium active during the light of day . . . [14:30] nalioth: heh, fair enough. I took today off to take my wife to visit her family. [14:31] tritium: ah, great :) ( on the day off ) sorry to hear that ( visiting the MIL ) [14:31] heh [14:31] heh :) [14:35] whats worse, working or visiting the inlaws [14:37] * tritium ponders [14:40] you work over your inlaws, wow [14:40] (work over/beat up) btw, not a typo! [14:42] with my inlaws, i'd do overtime at work :p [14:52] Can I get a manual test run at me for that DCC exploit please? [14:53] cannonball: you're good [14:53] thank you [14:53] Good because I didn't disconnect? [14:58] anyone want to buy a luxury yacht? [14:58] http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/11/02/iraq.yacht.ap/index.html [15:03] emonkey: how can we help you today? [15:03] jussi01: I'll take to [15:03] two [15:04] jussi01, sorry for joining, little mistake by clicking on the wrong thing in a channel ... ;-) [15:04] Good evening and bye all === Pici` is now known as Pici [15:23] In #ubuntu, and-enabled-tour said: ubottu wow, you is multi-lingual :) [15:23] heh [15:37] albhack> to crack a wireless wep wep Quelle Surprise [15:37] * Pici sighs [15:38] he cant not enter after a single word. [15:48] sentence buffering! [15:49] hehe [15:52] Have a good day, all. [15:52] Cyas tritium [15:52] :) [15:58] bye tritium :) === Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker` [17:22] !version [17:22] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [17:34] In ##apple, TheInfinity said: !git is GIT ist ein Versionsverwaltungssystem, das anders als CVS dezentral organisiert wurde. Viele Projekte wie der Linux kernel nutzen Git bereits. Mehr Informationen: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Baustelle/Git . [17:34] ##apple ? [17:34] hmm [17:35] german apples at that. [17:36] ikonia/nalioth ? [17:36] that's nal's bot [17:37] yeah, I see them two in there though... so wondering if they know why it's in there.... [17:37] Mez: it's my bot (for Ubuntu help on Apple hardware) [17:38] see two of who? [17:38] the two people I mentioned... [17:38] s/them/those/ [17:39] nalioth: I dont personally think its a good idea to have it there..... [17:39] noted [17:39] I can see stuff like the above being a potential issue. [17:39] (another spam avenue that you're the only one with control over) [17:40] spam avenue? [17:40] PriceChild: right next to troll boulevard [17:40] PriceChild: think people flooding the bot with edit requests.... [17:40] them being forwarded here... [17:40] Mez: i am not the only op in ##apple [17:41] only ubuntu opers that have access to that chan are freenode staffers AFAIAA [17:41] one doesn't have to be an "ubuntu oper" to recognize bot abuse [17:42] nalioth: however, if the abuse is in a channel outside our control, we have god knows how many extra fences to jump over, espescially if you're asleep... [17:43] Mez: in the years since ubot3 has been there, it's an issue now? [17:43] well, now that it's in public irc logs with nice keywords, it might just be [17:43] nalioth: It's only been bought to my attention NOW. I'm just stating my POV [17:44] if there ever was an edit request flood, there's always /mode #ubuntu-ops +b %ubot3!*@* [17:44] well, thanks for lesson #435 for the trolls [17:44] but an op in the channel would likely take care of it before that was needed [17:44] "edit request flood of #ubuntu-ops" //check// [17:45] nalioth: if thats your POV... you're not exactly helping... [17:45] nalioth: where would you RATHER issues are bought up? [17:45] well, since we _know_ trolls peruse the #ubuntu-ops logs regularly, a PM would have been a good start [17:46] hi trolls! \o/ [17:47] nalioth: whereas I would rather not, you see, public channls at least give accountability for what's said. [17:47] Mez: you called [17:47] #ubuntu-ircbots-team is not publically logged and the very same point could have been made there [17:47] ikonia: read backlog [17:48] nalioth and how long now till a troll breaks in and logs ? :P [17:48] nalioth and how long now till a troll breaks in and logs ? :P [17:48] (sorry bout double) [17:48] nalioth: Really, its not nearly as big of a deal as you're making it. Anyone who submits a factoid sees that it gets forwarded here, anyone who reads the logs already knows they get forwarded here. [17:49] but now the trolls _know_ that 'edit floods' irritate mez (and most likely #ubuntu-ops) [17:49] nalioth: common sense. Floods of ANY kind annoy the ops [17:50] ah, I didn't know anything about a bot in ##apple, never seen it get used [17:50] well, you need to keep adding to your list. there are some #ubuntu-* channels inhabited by ubottu, ubot5 or ubot3 with little op presence as well [17:51] nalioth: though, in those cases its in our namespace, so a Council member an step in., [17:51] if they're awake [17:52] ##apple has the same access list entry as all #ubuntu* channels are supposed to ---> freenode staff [17:52] nalioth: yes. However, the thing is - with the aforementioned channel... afaik, you're the only one of our team who can step in. [17:52] can other freenode staff not ? [17:52] I got tomaw to help in apple the other night [17:52] he was quick and handy [17:52] quite so. [17:52] nalioth: just forget it. My points have been made... [18:19] erUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (pervert_) [19:07] In ubottu, MTecknology said: practices is Please use common sense practices. Non-standards are extremely irritating to read in code as well as in nick completions. [19:31] DaSkreech called the ops in #kubuntu (cisco_ is being fun) [19:31] heh [19:32] Hmm?/ [20:14] Mez: I've had really odd problems with ide hard drives not working which came down to a faulty power supply. [20:14] Mez: replace the power supply and try the drives again. === freqk is now known as freqk|away === freqk|away is now known as freqk [20:58] freqk: is there something we can help you with today? [20:59] no, why? [20:59] !idle | freqk [20:59] freqk: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [21:01] freqk: so again I ask, is there something we can help you with today? [21:11] stupid floodbots... [21:21] In ubottu, ompaul said: no mikem is factoid lost in the interwebs [22:09] Is it worth it to upgrade? [22:09] i run 8.04 [22:36] jussi01: what did they do [22:37] LjL: just giggling at them reporting every message they get, including global notices... [22:37] there's no difference at all between a global notice and any notice [22:38] "global notice" is just a facility an ircd may provide to send NOTICEs to every connected user [22:42] yeah, just /msg * blah blah blah [22:52] Ahahah "Yes, it's condescending. There's a reason for that." [23:34] nalioth: isn't it /notice * blah blah blah? [23:35] LjL: yes, something like that