
hoontekeKmail, I've set it to sort by threads.  But how do I make it organize the threads by the date of the most recent message?00:00
hoontekeas opposed to the first message in the thread?00:00
notriddlelalakis: Under the [Compositing] section, set Enabled=false.00:01
JontheEchidnakwinrc, not kdmrc00:02
* Lars_G doesn't wants to reinstall00:02
notriddleJontheEchidna: Correct. Sorry....00:02
bluecopperhi guys i'm Dwayne from jamaica00:03
notriddlelalakis: I put 4 in paranthesis because under Kubuntu Hardy, it is needed. Under Intrepid, the four shouldn't be there.00:03
bluecopperi have a problem that i hope i can get some assistance with00:03
notriddlebluecopper: Okay. What?00:03
lalakisnano is for editing though ?00:04
bluecopperi'm currently running 8.04 but i cant seem to do an upgrade00:04
omicron23hi. i have problems connecting to a wpa wireless lan using networkmanager on 8.10:00:04
bluecopperi have tried kdesudo "adept_manager --dist-upgrade"00:04
notriddlelalakis: Yep. Nano is a program for editing files from a command line. Much simpler from the ever-popular vim and emacs ;).00:05
bluecopperalso kdesudo "/cdrom/cdromupgrade"00:05
omicron23couldn't get connection secrets: requested setting is empty00:05
bluecopperfor the alternat cd upgrade but still no luck00:05
notriddlebluecopper: What exactly happened.00:05
DaSkreech!hi | Congrats bluecopper We will send you a prize00:05
ubottuCongrats bluecopper We will send you a prize: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!00:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:05
notriddleDaSkreech: He tried the normal stuff already...00:06
bluecopperhey skreech00:06
Gribblerjust upgraded from 8.04 to 8.1 looks nice.... however.. for some reason, I can't access my CD00:07
DaSkreechI didn't see upgrade-manager-core -d anywhere there :)00:07
bluecopperi just ran from the terminal sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:07
DaSkreechhi bluecopper00:07
DaSkreechbluecopper: that'll break stuff00:07
DaSkreechRead the upgrade notes00:07
Lars_Gnotriddle: In those instructions it'll probably mention the steps he needs to take for going from a lts distro to a normal one00:07
bluecopperand all i get is "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."00:07
GribblerI followed the steps exactly00:07
notriddlebluecopper: apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't work for that.00:07
notriddleLars_G: The adept command bluecopper mentioned normally would work.00:08
JontheEchidnaLars_G: you could try installing gdm00:08
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Gribblerthose are the instructions I followed flawless00:09
Lars_GJontheEchidna: And what about running kde apps?00:09
JontheEchidnathings are bound to happen if you run startx from a root account00:10
GribblerI just upgraded to the new amarok it works great00:10
JontheEchidnaGribbler: great :)00:10
GribblerIts pretty nice.. I recomend it00:11
bluecopperlemmi read the info and get back00:11
JontheEchidnathey really poured the polish on in the context view widgets this time around00:11
hoontekeany idea how to change the thread default sorting order, or a pointer to documentation for me?00:11
JontheEchidnaand tons of bugfixes of course00:11
GribblerI tried 8.04 with 4.0 and it was crap.. its pretty good now00:11
=== deitarion2 is now known as deitarion
bluecopperfor some strange reason when i ran this last night "kdesudo "adept_manager --dist-upgrade""00:13
Gribblerso any hints on diaging my cdrom error?00:13
bluecopperi never got the version upgrade00:13
bluecopperi get it now00:14
Gribblerits a plot by Bill Gates!00:14
Lars_Gbluecopper: Maybe you had a few upgradeable packages in the older version00:14
notriddlebluecopper: Cool.00:14
bluecopperlet me see if the alternate cd method works now00:14
Lars_Gbluecopper: Version upgrade wont show until all your packages are up to date00:14
notriddleGlibber: What is?00:14
Gribblerthe install not working last night and working today00:15
* Lars_G goes berserk00:15
bluecopperactually no, i had ran the regular upgrade first before doing version upgrade00:15
notriddleGribbler: Jeeze...00:15
Gribblerthey are called the evil empire for a reason00:16
* notriddle wonders why Gribbler talks about BG. He's not running MS anymore.00:16
Gribblerthats just what he wants you to think!! (ok so I enjoy keeping the evil alive)00:17
bluecopperwhen i run kdesudo "/media/cdrom/cdromupgrade" i get command not found00:17
notriddlebluecopper: Perhaps /media/cdrom isn't mounted yet. You can mount it by right-clicking on the desktop icon.00:18
Lars_Gcanni: age sex dedication?00:18
emmaSay, using Kubuntu 8.10 here. How come when I sudo aptitude install firefox it installs so much gnome libs?00:19
notriddlecanni: After School Detention00:19
notriddleemma: Because Firefox makes use of them ;)00:19
bluecoppernotriddle: no thats not it cause am browsing the cd00:19
Lars_Gcanni: Killer crabs from space!00:19
emmanotriddle: are you really notriddle ?00:19
notriddleemma: What do you mean?00:20
emmanotriddle: are you quite sure that FireFox requires GNOME dependencies? Is FireFox a GNOME app. I thought it was supposed to be DE neutral.00:20
bluecopperis cdromupgrade supposed to be a file on the cd?00:20
Lars_Gemma: firefox is really a GTK based app00:20
notriddlebluecopper: Yep.00:20
emmanotriddle: there's a significant figure in the Kubuntu development community who's last name is Riddle. I wonder if your nick is ironic in that you are actually him, or you are intentionally trying to make sure people don't think you are him.00:20
jaakkomeemma: I don't know how you could be "DE neutral" in that sense00:20
canniyou gay ^00:21
Lars_Gemma: and gnome is gtk based. either firefox has started using gnome libs... or some of the gtk parts in ubuntu are included in the gnome packages (odd), or the package manager is just following package suggestions00:21
Lars_Gcanni: Yep I'm gay... so?00:21
ChrisMirIs there a shortcut for focussing the plasma dashboard?00:21
bluecopperoh snap i dont see the file on my cd00:21
notriddleemma: No. I'm not Johnathan Riddell.00:21
Joe_Knightcan anyone help me with my 8.10 new install of kubuntu00:21
DaSkreechemma: What Gnome libs is it installing?00:22
Lars_Gemma: I think his nick is Harry Potter related.00:22
Joe_Knightim tryin to get the netgear card to work with it00:22
emmaLars_G: It seems like a mistake to have GNOME libs installing with firefox in Kubuntu. I understand if gtk libs are necessary but GNOME stuff is weird.00:22
emmaDaSkreech: let me see.00:22
Trapecistahow can i use an older version of g++? 4.1 insted of 4.3 in kubuntu00:22
Lars_Gemma: Yeah, I'd double check it myself.00:22
Lars_Gemma: In fact let me see00:22
Lars_Gemma: since I have the dependencies open00:22
canniFor nothing00:22
notriddleemma: Firefox does have optional support for some GNOME stuff (i.e. GNOMEVFS). Guess who has them compiled in ;).00:23
emmaLars_G: try aptitude -s install firefox00:23
DaSkreechbluecopper: WHich Cd?00:23
bluecopperthe kubuntu alternate cd00:23
emmaLars_G: that will simulate an installation so you can see what it does.00:23
zeth_can the latest Kopete do IRC chat?00:23
canniSpanish someone00:23
tacosarecoolThis os isn't playing nice with my soundcard I think that's the problem00:23
Lars_Gemma: I bet the culpright is firefox-3.0-gnome-support00:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:24
emmaLars_G: is this a bug?00:24
Lars_Gemma: no00:24
emmaHaving GNOME libs in Kubuntu feels bad.00:25
JontheEchidnabug 29240300:25
Lars_Gemma: the detail would be to see who pulls firefox-3.0-gnome-support in, but gnome support requires gnome libs00:25
JontheEchidnawhere is ubottu00:25
JontheEchidnaubufox does00:25
DaSkreech!es | canni00:25
ubottucanni: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:25
DaSkreechzeth_: No00:25
=== canni is now known as Alta-Yanta
DaSkreechemma: Gnome LIbs aren't in Kubuntu. you installed them :)00:26
emmaI installed Firefox.00:26
DaSkreechWhich carries gtk libs00:26
emmaFirefox should not be installing gnome libs in a kubuntu package.00:26
notriddleemma: Yep. And Firefox uses GNOME libs.00:26
emmagtk libs != gnome libs00:26
bluecopperbut wat i dont understand is when i was burning the image to cd it checked the md5 and it passed00:26
DaSkreechWhich gnome libs are installing?00:26
emmaSo you are telling me that firefox cannot work without GNOME libs?00:26
DaSkreechbluecopper: What's up I got distracted00:26
DaSkreechYou may have ubufox installed00:27
emmalibgnomeui was installed and many others.00:27
zeth_DaSkreech : what takes its place?00:27
DaSkreechzeth_: Konversation00:27
bluecopperi was saying that the cdromupgrade file is not on my alternate cd00:27
emmamany others.00:27
JontheEchidnafirefox works without gnome libs00:27
zeth_DaSkreech : Thank you for that info00:27
JontheEchidnajust look at the bug report00:27
DaSkreechOk I have no idea why it's installing perl00:27
notriddleemma: It would seem that FF does need the GNOME libraries, or there is a packaging bug.00:27
emmaIf firefox works without gnome libs then why is a kubuntu package installing gnome libs in Kubuntu?00:27
DaSkreechemma: Listen to JontheEchidna00:27
emmaI am.00:28
JontheEchidnathey changed it so that recommends get installed by default00:28
JontheEchidnathey need to bump ubufox down to suggests but they dont' want to00:28
emmaDo you think that's a good idea?00:28
JontheEchidnanol of course not00:28
Lars_GI'm losing faith on being able to fix this00:28
JontheEchidnait's a mozilla team issue, not a kubuntu team error00:29
emmawhy would recommends be installed by default, how could that be a mozilla team issue?00:29
DaSkreechLars_G: What?00:29
DaSkreechemma: it's a packaging (ubuntu) issue00:29
Lars_Gemma: Btw kubuntu and ubuntu are just ubuntu with gnome or kde by default, the repositories and packages are the same for both, there is no such thing as a kubuntu firefox and a ubuntu firefox.00:29
Gribblervery odd.. I can see data CDs I have writen, but can't see audio CDs. any ideas?00:30
emmaLars_G: there are some packages that are for kubuntu.00:30
emmalike kubuntu-restricted-extras00:30
Lars_GDaSkreech: Basically after upgrading 8.04 to 8.10 no kde programs run, including kdm (shows a background, runs the greeter but never shows it)00:30
DaSkreechGribbler: try audiocd:/ in dolphin00:30
DaSkreechLars_G: Any errors?00:30
Lars_Gemma: those are metapackages, to pull groups of packages at once00:30
emmayes but is kubuntu-restricted-extras an identical meta package to ubuntu-restricted-extras ?00:31
tacosarecoolI have a issue with my soundcard under kde400:31
Lars_GDaSkreech: In general no, the programs I run hang up waiting forever, consuming more and more cpu and never show... kdm itself shows a background, but no login screen.00:31
notriddleemma: No. They may have some overlap, but are not the same.00:31
DaSkreechLars_G: Straight X apps show?00:31
emmaThen some packages were made specifically for kubuntu.00:31
Lars_Gemma: It's not, but they both pull packages that will run in ubuntu or kubuntu all the same, and that come from the same repo for both00:31
Lars_GDaSkreech: yes, so do gtk apps00:32
DaSkreechLars_G: reinstall KDelibs5 ?00:32
Lars_Gemma: No they where not.00:32
Lars_Gemma: metapackages are a way to quickly install sets of stuff.00:32
tacosarecoolI have soundblaster live 24bit00:32
bluecopperdaskreech: i guess i'll just get started on my internet upgrade on ma c&w "1 meg" connection00:32
emmaLars_G: yes I understand that.00:32
Lars_Gemma: I can install any package, including metapackages in ubuntu or kubuntu00:32
Lars_GDaSkreech: Sigh I'll try.00:32
DaSkreechbluecopper: I'd say try the server install from the website00:32
littleAnybody here that's installed the NVIDIA driver manually mind getting their brain picked? (:00:33
emmaLars_G: yes I undertand that as well. But it seems fair to say that kubuntu-restricted-extras was made with the intention that people with kubuntu user it.00:33
GribblerDaSkreech where do I put audiocd:/   I understand somewhere in Dolphin, but where?00:33
coreymon77Lars_G: there is really not much of a difference between ubuntu (gnome) and kubuntu (kde), anything that will run is one will run in the other00:33
bluecopperdaskreech: server install00:33
DaSkreechGribbler: Press ctrl+L then type it there00:33
emmaDid anyone else install the fglrx ati driver and have it break their monitor?00:33
Lars_Gemma: It could also be used by ubuntu users who want to have a dual gnome/kde system :D but ok I'll concede00:33
DaSkreechbluecopper: server upgrade00:33
DaSkreechemma: Or someone who just wants amarok00:34
zeth_I am testing Konversation .. can someone say my name? Thanks00:34
Lars_Gzeth_: aye00:34
emmazeth_: okay zeth_ how is this?00:34
littlezeth_ Done. (:00:34
tacosarecoolProblem with my sound under Kubuntu intrepid00:34
zeth_thank guys ... no audio notification00:34
zeth_how do I activate that?00:34
emmaI have some problems with sound as well. The start up music never finishes , it gets cut short.00:34
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littlezeth_: Settings --> Configure Notifications00:35
KDeskIs in KDE4 a command like kdeeject?00:35
littleemma: Is it a default sound file or one you added to the system?00:35
DaSkreechtacosarecool: Get the driver from Creative's website00:35
tacosarecoolDo I have to uninstall the old sound drive00:36
emmalittle: it's the default start up music. It is pretty neat but then suddenly gets cut off before it finishes.00:36
DaSkreechzeth_: Settings -> Configure Notifications like all other KDE apps00:36
DaSkreechKDesk: to do what?00:36
DaSkreechtacosarecool: No idea read the instructions for your sound card00:36
littleemma: I was hoping it wasn't a default file, since there could have been wrong with an external file.00:36
GribblerDaSkreech says could not read.. strange as can be00:37
emmayep it's just the default. :)00:37
littleemma: Have you tried using other sounds, and does the same thing happen with them?00:37
emmaNo I haven't.00:37
littleemma: Another thing you might want to try is to open the file in Amarok and see if it plays all the way to the end.00:38
KDeskDaSkreech: Alway I disconect my ipod from amarok 1.4 I get a message saying that the post-disconect command has failed. Amarok uses the kdeeject command to to that, but I dont have such command.00:38
emmagood idea.00:38
emmawhere does one find the default start up music?00:38
littleemma: If it happens with all the sound files and they play all the way through in Amarok, then it's something in the system setup.00:38
littleemma: Looking...00:38
Lars_GDaSkreech: Same problem... but there is ONE kde app that IS running. knetworkmanager... and it loads all it's windows allright00:39
littleemma: /usr/share/sounds00:39
bluecopper_daskreech: just had a power cut and ma ups not working00:39
KDeskI have the same problem as emma, so I have disabled the login sound :)00:39
emmalittle: cool.00:40
littleKDesk: Have you tried more than one sound with the same result?00:40
KDeskmaybe it has something to do with phonon00:40
DaSkreechGribbler: Scratched?00:40
emmaKDesk: it's a bug.00:40
bluecopper_wat were u saying abouot the server upgrade00:40
KDesklittle: the sound file is not the problem it is well00:40
DaSkreechLars_G: What's the console output?00:40
notriddleKDesk: Amarok 1 doesn't use Phonon.00:40
tacosarecoolNo drivers available00:40
tacosarecoolfor linux00:40
GribblerBrand new out of the box. I have tried several audio CDs will not read them, however it will read CDs I have used to back up pictures on00:41
DaSkreech!upgrade | bluecopper_ Do the server upgrade00:41
ubottubluecopper_ Do the server upgrade: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:41
littleKDesk: You and emma might want to do a search for sound problems on Launchpad and see if others have reported this and found a solution.00:41
KDeskI know, I meen that when login the sound are played by phonon, so maybe phonon has some problems in login00:41
KDesklittle: ok00:41
Lars_GLet me try with two programs DaSkreech00:41
littleKDesk: I suppose you could do a search for phonon on Launchpad, too. You might strike gold. (:00:42
DaSkreechJontheEchidna: The hell?00:42
DaSkreechemma: How tied are you to the name firefox?00:42
KDeskmany people have the same problem http://www.google.com.ec/search?q=kde+4+login+sound&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a00:42
DaSkreechJontheEchidna: having KDE is a bug?00:42
JontheEchidnaoh, that bug report00:43
EruaranThis is getting really annoying00:43
EruaranApps keep opening all over the place in stupid sized windows00:43
emmaDaSkreech: I'm not.00:44
littleKDesk: Maybe if you look through some of those messages, there will be a solution or a work-around.00:44
DaSkreechemma: try abrowser00:44
EruaranDo I really have to customize every single window/application I open just so it doesnt open in a retarded way ?00:44
Lars_GDaSkreech: http://rafb.net/p/R8QSb947.html00:44
emmalittle: -- I just played it in Amarok. It plays all the way through. Very satisfying ending.00:44
emmaDaSkreech: what's that?00:44
emma!info abrowser00:44
ubottuabrowser (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the unbranded abrowser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.3+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB00:44
Lars_Gemma: Afaik, friefox renamed00:44
DaSkreechemma: firefox in all but name00:44
KDesklittle: it seems that there is not a fix yet00:44
littleGribbler: It looks like you'00:45
littleGribbler: It looks like you're not alone: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/kde-4-does-not-recognize-audio-cds-662412/00:45
littleKDesk: Has it been filed as an official bug?00:45
Barberman_Billwill the kubuntu 8.10 amd64bit work on my laptop with amd turion 64x2 or should i use the regular one00:46
* little uses Kubuntu 8.04 LTS <--- No KDE 4 for me, thanks. (:00:46
JontheEchidnaKubuntu 8.04 isn't an LTS release00:46
DaSkreechLars_G: Do you have qdbus installed and running?00:46
KDesklittle: official? in the kde bug tracker? I have found in launchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/260270 and also mandriva users have this, and opensuse user too00:46
DaSkreechlittle: Works for me00:47
littleKDesk: Good. Then they know about it, and now it's only a matter of timee for me. (:00:47
Barberman_Billcan any body here help me with qustion00:47
EruaranI guess nobody cares about that then00:47
Lars_GDaSkreech: let me double check00:47
Barberman_Billwill the kubuntu 8.10 amd64bit work on my laptop with amd turion 64x2 or should i use the regular one00:47
littleDaSkreech: Yeah, I just happened to see the link when I went to the page KDesk linked, and Gribbler had mentioned not being able to play audio CDs.00:47
DaSkreechEruaran: huh? What way are they opening?00:48
KDeskWhen using a 64 bits distro is it faster than using a common 32bits distro?00:48
Lars_GDaSkreech: I have dbus installed and running, I do can query it with qdbus00:48
Barberman_Billcan any body here help me with qustion00:48
Barberman_Billwill the kubuntu 8.10 amd64bit work on my laptop with amd turion 64x2 or should i use the regular one00:48
littleBarberman_Bill: Shoot.00:48
Barberman_Billwill the kubuntu 8.10 amd64bit work on my laptop with amd turion 64x2 or should i use the regular one00:48
condonCan anyone tell me how to get sound back in Intrepid?00:49
condonDon't know what I did, but even after restarting X, no sound00:49
DaSkreechBarberman_Bill: Yes it iwll00:49
emmaI have reinstall kubuntu intrepid now00:49
DaSkreechcondon: try mplayer and see00:50
emmaI'll see if I can compile firefox from source to avoid getting GNOME libs.00:50
littleBarberman_Bill: Not sure, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. I heard a while back that there were issues with the 64-bit version (no Flash in Firefox, etc.). I'm not sure whether that's been ironed out. Also, unless you're really going to do intensive number crunching or intensive graphical work, you won't notice a difference in performance.00:50
EruaranDaSkreech: think of Konversation for example, opening as a small box in the top left corner of the screen every time you open it... This is happening for almost every app, only they open in different places... You have to go to advanced window settings and individually change the settings...00:50
DaSkreechemma: try abrowser see if it still uses ubufox00:50
emmaDaSkreech: I will. But it's too late now.00:50
DaSkreechEruaran: what window manager ?00:50
Lars_Gemma: You can avoid them, if you don't pull in suggested packages00:50
littleEruaran: Yes, but you can, and that's awesome. (:00:50
Eruaranlittle: I shouldn't have to00:51
emmaLars_G: is there a way to use aptitude or apt-get to not pull in suggested/recommended packages?"00:51
DaSkreechlittle: can awesome have to sucks00:51
EruaranDaSkreech: Kwin00:51
Barberman_Billok i recive an I/O error Error reading boot CD when i try to boot have burned 4 disks same thing used differant burners00:51
Lars_Gemma: I'd have to check the manuals....00:51
DaSkreechBarberman_Bill: does the md5sum check out for the ISO ?00:51
condonWhat do I do in mplayer?00:51
ybeddyJis it ok to let kunbuntu and ubuntu sahre the same user home folder?00:51
emmaLars_G: I'll try to look.00:51
tacosarecoolI tried00:51
emmaybeddyJ: yes certainly.00:51
ybeddyJis it ok to let kunbuntu and ubuntu share the same user home folder?00:52
littleybeddy: Yes.00:52
tacosarecoolBut couldn't find it00:52
DaSkreechcondon: play something in it. Just trying to see if it's KDE sound that's dead or hte entire machine00:52
Barberman_Billhavent no number to check with downloaded from kubuntu mirror00:52
emmaybeddyJ: yes that's what is happening when you install both kubuntu and ubuntu desktops and switch at login00:52
DaSkreechBarberman_Bill: What's the ISO called?00:52
condonNo sound00:52
condonin mplayer00:52
DaSkreech!sound | condon00:52
ubottucondon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:52
ybeddyJemma, well i tend to use different usernames so that the user folders dont clash00:52
emmaybeddyJ: okay.00:53
ybeddyJbut its not always convenient since i ssh alot00:53
emmayour applications menus will still probably have gnome and kde apps in them both.00:53
DaSkreechybeddyJ: YOu can do that as well but the effort is much more than the output other than your peace of mind00:53
Barberman_BillDaSkreech,    kubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso00:54
DaSkreechThere is no harm in the same user having different desktops00:54
condonwhat do I do in Gnome, if anyone can tell me.  Royally screwed up my KDE, waiting till the 5th when the update comes out to reinstall.00:54
DaSkreechBarberman_Bill: 824de6bea59d41637a41f17c00d33f7d *kubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso00:55
Barberman_Billmaybe the md5sum is bad00:55
littlecondon: You might want to join the #ubuntu channel to find out about GNOME.00:55
ybeddyJwell provided that i dont get any messed up configurations then i'm going to have them share the same home...i'm tired of having to change username when i'm remoting00:55
Barberman_Billhow i check it00:55
DaSkreechcondon: Umm You login then ... do ... stuff00:55
DaSkreech!md5 | Barberman_Bill00:55
ubottuBarberman_Bill: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:55
KDeskUsing a 64 bits distro is faster than using a common 32bits distro? Will it use the same amount of ram?00:56
Barberman_Billthanks DaSkreech00:56
Lars_GDaSkreech: Sorry to load on you dude but if you got any ideas, I'd love it00:56
condonI meant to get sound working again in Gnome00:56
DaSkreechcondon: Oh you need pulseaudio00:56
=== rmblr is now known as Ramblurr
DaSkreechLars_G: Tell me what yo uare doing now from startup so I have an idea00:57
zer0ohas anuone tried ibex? how's it?00:57
notriddleserOo: Using it right now. Love it.00:57
littleKDesk: You'll only notice a speed difference if you do really intensive things with your computer.00:57
DaSkreechzer0o: Really really bad00:57
DaSkreechzer0o: really really good00:57
DaSkreechzer0o: Typical release :)00:57
Lars_GDaSkreech: Well as kdm shows nothing, I'm right now killing kdm with init.d from console, and to work I run startx from root (it uses gnome)00:58
Joe_Knightcan anyone help get internet up and goin?00:58
Joe_Knightnew 8.10 install of kubuntu00:58
DaSkreechLars_G: Ugh as root? why as root?00:58
littleJoe_Knight: Is it behind a router?00:58
littleJoe_Knight: Did you disable DHCP?00:59
zer0oDaSkreech: thank u very helpful00:59
Joe_Knighti ran sudo dhclient and still nothing00:59
ybeddyJanyone found a way to speedup compiz and firefox scrolling on the ati 9000mobility?00:59
littleJoe_Knight: If so, then enable it and it will work. (:00:59
zer0o...anybody else?00:59
Joe_Knighthow do i enable it?00:59
DaSkreechzer0o: really depends on how you feel about a lot of things and your hardware00:59
DaSkreechSO far I've found Unichrome and Sound blasers to really make your experience suck01:00
littleJoe_Knight: If it's a common router, open a browser and type
zer0oDaSkreech: how do i feel about my hardware? well, i don't think it'll get angry if i say i feel nothing for it... it should have expected it01:00
DaSkreechIf you don't like KDE4 currently then please stay away for a little while01:00
* little stays away for a little while. (:01:00
DaSkreechlittle: thanks01:00
Joe_Knightoh i just looked dhcp is enabled01:00
notriddlezer0o: Some people have had trouble, others have had basically none, expect that with any new release ;).01:01
littleDaSkreech: I'm actually planning on switching to GNOME when the LTS version expires.01:01
notriddlezer0o: Oh, and he meant that it depends on your hardware and on what you think of a lot of things.01:02
DaSkreechlittle: See now that makes no sense :)01:02
ybeddyJi dont think i like the look and feel of knetwork manager in this kubuntu rmuch prefer the way it behaves in the ubuntu ibex01:02
* little winks at DaSkreech01:02
zer0onotriddle: no way!01:02
DaSkreechlittle: I'd go as far as to say that's downright stupid01:03
littleDaSkreech: I don't like the way the new Desktop is handled. My Desktop is my current workspace and I don't want to change that. I also hate that new menu. I'm an old dog and don't want to learn new tricks. (:01:04
EruaranI like the new menu01:04
bluecopper_well i just realize that there was some human error on my part01:04
EruaranI don't like that my systray icons wont paint properly01:04
notriddlelittle: Right click on the menu and choose "Switch to Classic Menu Style".01:04
bluecopper_the cd i download thru torrent was actually the live cd and not the alternate01:05
EruaranI don't like that I have to use advanced window settings to individually change stuff01:05
Lars_GDaSkreech: Give me a short while, I tried starting a plain Xorg instance, ran xterm in it, and from it startkde.. the ammount of errors is staggering, but in general LOTS of dbus errors similar to the konsole one I pastebined you01:05
bluecopper_am downloading the correct one now01:05
Lars_GDaSkreech: I'll rerun it and try to capture all errors to a file01:05
BoingoHello everyone.  In the latest Kubuntu 8.10... When I set the pager to 4x2 desktops and open any new windows, kwin crashes.  The pager sets to 1x1 and all my open windows show up on that one window.  I seem to be able to do it consistently.01:05
BoingoAny thoughts?01:06
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
EruaranI don't like that I can't right-click on the clock to change from 24h time to 12AM/PM time01:06
Lars_GDaSkreech: Btw in the (horribly slow) proces, the WM does start, as it takes over decorations for my running xterm01:06
littlenotriddle: Nice! I didn't know they'd done that. Maybe I'll grab Intrepid and run it in VirtualBox to see what they've changed. The only time I tried it was when it first came out, and I was pretty horrified.01:06
tacosarecoolI have problems with sound01:06
DaSkreechlittle: You have the old menu right now and the Desktop exactly as you have it now will be there in jan01:06
notriddlelittle: Makes sense.01:06
notriddletacosarecool: What problems, exactly.01:07
hazzyBoingo: Sorry, no guesses01:07
tacosarecoolI can't hear anything in this os01:07
littleDaSkreech: Glad to hear it! I'll give it another chance. (:01:07
littleWell, it's dinner time. Have fun, all!01:07
tacosarecoolof course01:07
DaSkreechBoingo: so 8 desktops = crash 1 desktop = no crash ?01:07
BoingoDaSkreech: yes01:08
notriddletacosarecool: Okay. First things first, check System Settings->Sound. How is the order of cards set?01:08
tacosarecoolSound blaster live is the main card for most things01:08
tacosarecoolExcept communication that's for mic01:08
notriddletacosarecool: What else is in there.01:09
tacosarecoolaccessibility and communication are mic01:10
tacosarecoolEverything else has the sound card set01:10
notriddletacosarecool: No. I mean what else is in the set below the Soundblaster.01:10
tacosarecoolSide speakers01:10
tacosarecoolI have headphones01:10
BoingoDaSkreech: Actually, > 1 desktop =crash01:10
tacosarecoolOh maybe I can try that01:10
notriddleOkay. First Soundblaster, then Side Speakers, then Headphones?01:11
tacosarecoolNo headphone mode01:11
brandon_Can anyone tell me how to change my display settings from a term. in Kubuntu 8.10 _64?01:11
tacosarecoolBecause these are analog headphones01:11
Joe_Knightok internet was workin for a second now nothing01:11
Joe_Knighthow do i get it goin again01:11
tacosarecoolGo to green icon01:12
tacosarecoolOn system tray01:12
tacosarecoolRight click activate connection?01:12
DaSkreechDo you have compositing on?01:12
DaSkreechbrandon_: What settings ?01:13
Boingowhere do i check?01:13
notriddletacosarecool: Okay. Try setting the side speakers to top. If that doesn't work, check the sound mixer (speaker icon in the system tray).01:13
DaSkreechBoingo: press Ctrl+F901:13
Joe_Knightanyone know how to get my connection again01:13
BoingoDaSkreech: Nothing01:13
DaSkreechProbably don't have it on then01:14
ybeddyJ language setting not setup correctly after initial install of kub ibex01:14
notriddleOkay. In the Mixer, what is listed?01:14
brandon_DaSkreech all display settings.01:14
DaSkreechBoingo: Switching desktops is fine. Opening a new app crashes?01:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfix01:14
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:14
Boingonew window.01:14
DaSkreechbrandon_: ^^01:15
Boingoeven a copy dialog01:15
DaSkreechBoingo: do you have any other window managers installed?01:15
tacosarecoolnotriddle not working still01:15
notriddletacosarecool: What is listed in the mixer?01:15
brandon_When I activate the proper nvidia driver and reboot I just get a black screen01:15
brandon_I guess I just need to change the res.01:15
tacosarecoolCa106 is the only thing that matter01:16
tacosarecoolThere's abunch of stuff in the ca10601:16
tacosarecoolAnd analog front matters01:16
tacosarecoolBut I have that up01:16
BoingoDaSkreech: Gnome was installed ages ago.  This is a kubuntu upgrade, from an upgrade, from an upgrade, from ubuntu01:16
DaSkreechBoingo: Ok can you run metacity --replace in a terminal01:16
notriddletacosarecool: Just list them.01:16
Joe_Knightno help networkin huh01:17
BoingoDaSkreech: That doesnt crash.01:18
tacosarecoolCan I just send you a picture?01:18
Boingo8 desktops,01:18
tacosarecoolI'll post on my site01:18
DaSkreechBoingo: Ok you need to change out your kwin settings.01:18
tininhey, how am I supposed to use kgrubeditor?01:18
BoingoK.  Which ones?01:18
notriddletacosarecool: Okay.01:18
DaSkreechtinin: With great care!!!01:18
tininI am not able to find it or run it01:18
tininit is installed01:19
JontheEchidnatinin: it's in systemsettings01:19
DaSkreechit's in system settings01:19
ardchoilleDaSkreech: hehe01:19
tacosarecoolActually I'll put on mediaffire01:19
tacosarecoolI wanna do this quick01:19
hazzyJoe_Knight: What kind of network card do you have?01:19
tininI'll try with kde 4.1, right now I'm using kde neon01:19
notriddletacosarecool: Okay.01:20
DaSkreechBoingo: in ~/.kde/share/config anything that says kwin back up then remove01:21
tacosarecoolOh how I take a snapshot01:21
tacosarecoolIn windows it ctrl alt printscreen01:21
tacosarecoolI know01:21
BoingoDaSkreech: I have .kde amd .kde401:22
notriddletacosarecool: Try KSnapShot.01:22
DaSkreechtacosarecool: run ksnapshot01:22
DaSkreechIt's supposed to be bound to print screen it's a bug should be solved soon01:22
DaSkreech8.10 ?01:22
=== david is now known as Guest66036
ardchoillelooks like upgrade rather than fresh install01:22
DaSkreechardchoille: I have both and I did a fresh install01:23
ardchoillemy bad01:23
tacosarecoolIs there a way for you to remote connect01:23
PleXuShi all, anyone known a tool like on windows bginfo for kde desktop background?01:23
notriddletacosarecool: Yep.01:23
tacosarecoolTo look01:23
DaSkreechardchoille: ~ partitions rock :)01:23
tacosarecoolI trust you to look01:23
DaSkreechPleXuS: What?01:23
notriddletacosarecool: It'd be stupid, though, for you to trust me like that...01:24
ardchoilleDaSkreech: :)01:24
BoingoDaSkreech: backed up and deleted01:24
Guest66036hello anyone know how to open skype once I downloaded it? I don't know what to open it with. It is a debian file01:24
DaSkreechBoingo: restart KDE01:24
tacosarecoolIt's fine01:24
tacosarecoolOh ok01:24
tacosarecoolI'll get ksnapshot01:24
DaSkreechGuest66036: Sudo dpkg -i skype*deb01:24
Guest66036thank you01:24
DaSkreechtacosarecool: Should be installed already01:24
faileasGuest66036: double clicking should do the trick. if that fails you can run it using sudo dpkg -i /path/to/skype.deb01:24
DaSkreechtacosarecool: alt+F2 -> ksnapshot01:24
PleXuSDaSkreech, something that regenerates the background but with network specs details on01:25
DaSkreechPleXuS: Umm why don't you just get a plasmoid to do that?01:25
PleXuSDaSkreech, like IP, dns server, etc...01:25
DaSkreechThere are a decent set that do that already01:25
DaSkreech Linux is a server admin's playground :)01:25
PleXuSwhats plasmoid?01:25
DaSkreechPleXuS: are you on KDE3 ?01:26
EruaranPleXuS: its a widget... kind of01:26
hazzyI think plasmoid is responsible for widgets01:26
notriddlePleXuS: The internal name for a desktop widget in KDE.01:26
ekDaSkreech: Or a serious headache depending on previous experience... :)01:26
tacosarecoolCan I just send it to you through im01:26
PleXuSnot such widget stuff?01:26
PleXuSdon't like heavy stuff :)01:26
DaSkreechtacosarecool: tinypic.com01:26
notriddletacosarecool: You could.01:26
Tokerzhey room01:26
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:27
notriddletacosarecool: Though I'm not sure about giving you my IM address.01:27
notriddletacosarecool: Just upload it to a sign-up server and post a URL is the usual way on IRC.01:27
Tokerzanyone who wants to chat on yahoo IM me at SmokeyTokez@Ymail.com01:27
DaSkreechtacosarecool: tinypic.com01:27
DaSkreechTokerz: Do you have a question ?01:27
Guest66036where are the program files kept in Kubuntu?01:28
DaSkreechGuest66036: on the file system what are yo ulooking for?01:28
TokerzI do yes, i need to fix my screen resolution in KUbuntu01:28
ekGuest66036: The standard directory is /usr/bin and /usr/sbin.01:28
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:28
Tokerzit should be higher but I'm stuck on 800x600, and when i install my hardware driver it just makes it even worse and the 800x600 option goes away, things need to be smaller01:28
Guest66036I downloaded skype using firefox and it is in firefox downloads so I am trying to find it01:29
Tokerzwill this work in ubuntu 8.10 too?01:29
hazzyUsually, Firefox downloads to desktop01:29
faileasoh downloads on firefox are usually to desktop01:29
notriddletacosarecool: getting.01:29
ekGuest66036: Oh. That's different. In Firefox, press CTRL+Y to open your download window.01:30
ekClick on the download and it will tell you where it downloaded to on the local disk.01:30
PleXuSDaSkreech, i just installed kde4.1 seems to run ok now :)01:30
notriddletacosarecool: Lots of theme are bottom. Try raising a few.01:30
Guest66036It asks me to choose a application to open I don't know what to give it01:31
Tokerzthat walk through on the x-window system is for Ubuntu, i need it for KUbuntu01:31
ekGuest66036: Don't open it with an application. Click on the "Save as" and choose where to save it.01:31
notriddleTokerz: Kubuntu uses X, too.01:32
Guest66036It does not allow me to save as I don't see that option01:32
ekGuest66036: What file are you trying to download?01:32
ekGuest66036: Also, what version of Firefox are you using?01:33
Eruarankrunner still broken for me01:33
Tokerzyes but it gives Ubuntu commands such as gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and KUbuntu does not have Gedit, does it?01:33
BoingoDaSkreech: Seems better.  Thanks01:33
hazzyTokerz: Kubuntu uses Kate01:34
Tokerzok so do i just replace gedit with Kate?01:34
Guest66036well I downloaded off of a skype website the linux version for ubuntu of skype.  I have version 3.0.3 Frefox01:34
condonOK, still no sound (when I run ALSA Mixer, it says Card: PulseAudio and Chip: PulseAudio, volume levels are maxed and no sound... anyone know what I can do to get sound in Gnome on 8.1001:34
anondoes anyone know what name is after Intrepid Ibex?01:35
ekGuest66036: Why not just type "sudo apt-get install skype" in a terminal?01:35
condonsomething Jacalope01:35
condonor jackalope01:35
Guest66036I tried that it did nothing01:35
anonthat sounds pretty cool01:35
patrickd_Jaunty Jackalope01:35
condonYeah, that's the one01:36
ekAh. Skype's gone from the repo(s).01:36
Guest66036it says it couldn't find the package01:36
condonAnyone know why I might not have sound in Gnome?01:36
NamShubcondon: if you find out, plz tell me ;)01:36
hazzycondon: What kind of sound card do you have?01:36
ekGuest66036: From this page? http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/01:36
condonahh...hold on a sec...it's onboard invida01:37
anonthis place seems pretty nice...lots of helping01:37
ekanon: Which place?01:38
Guest66036ek: thats exactly what I did already01:38
Joe_Knightany help here adept cannot find ndiswrapper then crashes01:38
Tokerzok I saved my changes to xorg.config, how do i make changes take effect?01:38
=== Guest66036 is now known as david_
ekGuest66036: So, when you clicked on the Ubuntu 7.04+ link (Which is what I'm assuming you clicked on), Firefox will prompt you for where to save the file.01:39
=== david_ is now known as david__
condonHDA Nvidia (AD198x Analog)01:39
david__yes and I saved it to desktop01:39
PleXuSis there a way to display desktop like old way in kde4 ?01:40
Tokerzok restarting brb room01:40
ekdavid__: Okay. So, go to your desktop and double-click the file.01:40
Joe_Knightand apt-get cant find the package01:40
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA01:41
hazzycondon: Ah, I was thinking OSS would be an option01:41
isaacj87Hey all, what file-system backend does Kubunt 8.10 use?01:41
DaSkreechdavid__: It's on your desktop01:41
Piciisaacj87: ext3 by default01:41
condonGuessing not, Hazzy?01:41
ekJoe_Knight: Try "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common".01:41
david__ek: yes I just did this now it says wrong architeture01:41
qw_how do i get beryl in ubuntu01:41
isaacj87Pici: Ah, I see...and Gnome?01:41
ekdavid__: What architecture are you using?01:41
Piciisaacj87: Same.01:42
Joe_Knightnope cant find that either01:42
hazzycondon: It's possible, but I'm not sure how you'd configure it01:42
david__I have a amd 6401:42
DaSkreechdavid__: 64 bit install?01:42
david__I downloaded i38601:42
isaacj87Pici: Maybe I worded it incorrectly. Doesn't Nautilus use GVFS or something like that? I'm trying to understand what that is01:42
DaSkreechThen it should work01:42
ekI don't see how the arch would be wrong then.01:43
Piciisaacj87: It uses gvfs for userspace mounting of filesystems, so that root access is not required.01:43
david__I don't get it01:44
hazzycondon: I have a web page with instructions on it, but I don't know whether it would work for your sound card01:44
DaSkreechisaacj87: what are you trying to figure out01:44
DaSkreechdavid__: what'sthe name of the file you downloaded ?01:44
condonAnyone know where I can get PulseAudio?01:44
isaacj87DaSkreech, Pici I'm just trying wrap my head around filesystems :)01:44
ekDaSkreech: It appears they only offer i386 pre-compiled binaries/.debs...01:44
DaSkreechisaacj87: Right where have you reached?01:45
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions01:45
Lars_GDaSkreech: I have a full log of a startkde here: http://show.degopro.com/kde-errors.log01:45
DaSkreechek: Right Ijust want to make sure it's a deb etc01:45
Joe_Knightok apt-get cant find anything ndiswrapper01:45
Lars_GDaSkreech: If you feel you can give me a hand with this.01:45
ekdavid__: You downloaded the i386 Kubuntu install as well?01:45
ekOr the AMD64?01:45
david__I have amd6401:46
ekJoe_Knight: Which version of Kubuntu?01:46
ekdavid__: AMD64 version of Kubuntu?01:46
Joe_Knightor from adept how do  update the repositories this is a fresh install of ibex01:46
ekdavid__: Ah. That is why it won't work.01:46
ekdavid__: Hold on a tick.01:46
isaacj87DaSkreech: Well, I understand ext3, I just want to know how GVFS factors is and is there any fundamental differences between how KDE and GNOME handle filesystems (if that makes sense). Basically, does Dolphin work the same way "under the hood" as Nautilus?01:46
david__Is it better to have a i386 version?01:46
ekdavid__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7706901:47
ekdavid__: If your arch is amd64, by all means use it.01:47
condonnever felt dumber in my life...opened audio preferences from the speaker icon for master volume, under playback master was up, but PCM was muted.01:47
condonSounds great now.01:47
DaSkreechdavid__: what does uname -m say ?01:48
hazzycondon: Glad to hear it :).01:48
DaSkreechisaacj87: Similar. KDE has what is called KIO Gnome uses GVFS same concept01:48
DaSkreechisaacj87: Neither of them are "real" file systems01:49
ekJoe_Knight: Try a "sudo apt-cache search ndiswrapper". Does that return anything related to NDISWrapper?01:49
ekJoe_Knight: It should find something.01:49
DaSkreechJoe_Knight: sudo apt-get update01:49
DaSkreechor click refresh in adept01:49
isaacj87DaSkreech: Virtual filesystem is correct right? I think I'm understanding now. KIO is what I was looking  for. Thanks for the info!01:49
david__DaSkreech: I don't know what you mean01:50
isaacj87You as well Pici :)01:50
DaSkreechdavid__: listen to ek. Seems to have more info than I01:50
ekdavid__: Open a terminal and type "uname -a" followed by ENTER.01:50
ekWhat does the output say?01:50
ekdavid__: Sorry. "uname -m".01:50
DaSkreechisaacj87: It makes things that aren't really local filesystems look as such01:51
brandon_DaSkreech I tried everything said on that webpage, but to no avail. I am kinda new to this but I figured out the same issue in Opensuse 11.0. do you have any simple commands that will get me to the display settings?01:51
david__yes it says x86_6401:51
DaSkreechbrandon_: Umm You could reboot and choose recovery console from Grub There is an option there to fix X01:52
Joe_Knightok adept cant find it but apt-get is installing ndisgtk01:52
brandon_Ok will try that. Thanks01:53
PleXuSDaSkreech, how can i get my desktop icons back on kde4.1 ?01:53
isaacj87PleXuS: KDE 4.1 doesn't have that capability yet.01:53
Joe_Knighthow do i configure netgear wireless card ?01:53
ekdavid__: Okay. Did you see the URL I pasted above?01:53
DaSkreechPleXuS: add a folderview plasmoid and it should point to your ~/Desktop01:53
david__yes I downloaded it01:53
ekdavid__: It wasn't a downloadable file. It was a thread on the Ubuntu Linux forums.01:54
ekIt explains how to install Skype's i386 binary on Ubuntu x86_64.01:54
isaacj87PleXuS: You can however use the folderview widget to achieve the same effect01:54
isaacj87PleXuS: In KDE 4.2 you'll be able to put icons on the desktop where ever you want01:54
PleXuSisaacj87, i did read something about that01:54
PleXuSisaacj87, but it seems i am missing it :s01:54
PleXuSisaacj87, wohoow nice :D01:54
emmaAny of you have any ideas or opinions on installing kubuntu with an encrypted drive?01:55
david__ek are you sure I have it on my desktop01:55
tacosarecoolwhere'd notriddle go?01:55
NamShubhow can I change the default ALSA sound card?01:55
emmaI am looking in the alternate CD and I see an option called 'physical volume for encryption' but it does not quite make sense since that does not let me mount it to anything and it does not let me specify a file system beyond that.01:55
NamShubI do not get any sound in non-kde apps; is it possible it tries to use my emu1616 instead of my nvidia card? (and how would I know?)01:55
david__skype static tar file01:56
digPleXus: for me, I just drag some folders to the desktop in KDE 4.1 for now01:56
Joe_Knightnow ho w do i run ndisgtk?01:56
ekdavid__: You said you clicked it an it said wrong architecture.01:57
DaSkreechemma: Ideas? no01:57
PleXuSDaSkreech, how can i add it, and where to find. because its not in my list01:57
ekJoe_Knight: Might be in your KDE Menu.01:57
PleXuSdig, you me to, but when i save files onto desktop i can't see them :)01:57
emmaWell how does a person do that?01:57
tacosarecoolGo to k01:57
emmaUbuntu gnome edition 8.10 put a private directory in the home folder. Might Kubuntu do that?01:57
DaSkreechPleXuS: There is a package for plasmoids in Kubuntu install that01:57
david__ek no the link that was posted was to a forum that had amd skype01:57
tacosarecoolDrag desktop01:58
tacosarecoolTo desktop?01:58
SmokeyTokezhey I did that thing with the X-Window thing, and my screen resolution is worse than b401:58
tacosarecoolWell you know the wall paper01:58
tacosarecoolFolder view01:58
PleXuSDaSkreech, aah ok.. that package isn't installed maybe :)01:58
DaSkreechemma: There is an option fora encrypted drive and one for an encrypted home directory01:58
tacosarecoolRight click it and just have it display desktop01:58
DaSkreechYou are looking for the encrypted home directory01:58
tacosarecoolInstead of home/desktop01:58
digPleXus, because the screen you see is widget system, not actual desktop.01:58
emmaDaSkreech: in the install disk? I didn't see that.01:58
emmaI'll check again.01:58
emmaDaSkreech: where did you see that option?01:59
DaSkreechemma: alternate ?01:59
emmaI have that CD I'll check again.01:59
david__ek: I give up for now01:59
isaacj87PleXuS: If you don't have the plasmoids installed, just go search for it in Adept and install it01:59
SmokeyTokezit went lower than 800x600, and i don't know how i can get it back01:59
SmokeyTokezI can't see the bottom of things to save changes and stuff01:59
SmokeyTokezi have to move the task bar out of the way01:59
ekdavid__: Okay. Well, feel free to come back and visit if/when you want to continue.02:00
david__it seems too confusing I know it's only skype I am tired02:00
* DaSkreech hugs david__02:00
david__you guys are the best thanks for your kind assistance02:00
favroSmokeyTokez: alt+left mouse drag will move a window02:00
ed__how can I figure out why X will not start in 8.10 ?02:01
tacosarecoolI have a problem with sound02:01
tacosarecoolI know it's a compat issue02:01
david__this kind of dedication would never come from windows users02:01
favro!resolution | SmokeyTokez02:01
ed__kde starts its splash screen shows the disk icon than stops and drops back to the console02:01
ubottuSmokeyTokez: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:01
=== ed__ is now known as edt
tacosarecoolLol because it's easier to fix windows program but more rewarding to run linux02:02
NamShubwow so the sound *was* working on my EMU card02:02
diged__: are you running the latest kernel?02:02
tacosarecoolPlus amarok is another reason02:02
NamShublistening to podcast on high quality monitor is PAINFUL (you hear all the noise they make in the bg... lol)02:02
DaSkreechtacosarecool: You realize we are trying to fix a windows program :)02:02
ekdavid__: Hah! There's actually a Windows channel on this network somewhere.02:02
jimmy51_homewhat's a good PDF reader for kubuntu?02:02
DaSkreechdavid__: Community is important :)02:03
david__one has to be wide awake to work on linux.02:03
ekHonestly, they do try to be as helpful as possible.02:03
DaSkreechjimmy51_home: okular02:03
edtI am installing in a kvm, ubuntu worked fine but I _really_ like kde more than gnome so I am now tring kubuntu.02:03
ekBut, you're right. The *NIX community around here is awfully patient and willing.02:03
DaSkreechedt: ok02:03
DaSkreechWelcome!! :)02:03
jimmy51_homeDaSkreech: ok, i think i have that but when i click pdf's in firefox, it gives me an app assoc error02:03
tacosarecoolfavro what do I do to fix sound02:03
tacosarecoolMy headphones are plugged in front02:03
david__I have learned alot with linux02:04
DaSkreechjimmy51_home: Firefox is silly :)02:04
edtsearching google brings up someone with the same problem with no resoultion.02:04
favrotacosarecool: if it is a compatability issue I wouldn't know02:04
DaSkreechjimmy51_home: Try downloading it and open it to check02:04
DaSkreechdavid__: Hope you learn a lot more and the journey is entertaining02:04
jimmy51_homeok, it opened like that02:04
jimmy51_homemust be FF's fault02:05
DaSkreechjimmy51_home: yeah probably02:05
isaacj87Hey guys, does Kubuntu 8.10 use the PulseAudio sound server?02:05
david__Just a quick question when I open say a program like firefox, the window is jumbled for a second then it looks fine do you hav any idea why that happens?02:05
Smokeyman i wanna know too david02:05
DragnslcrProbably video drivers02:06
DragnslcrWhat kind of video card do you have?02:06
favroor cpu usage02:06
PleXuSisaacj87, ok i find it :) it was painfull to find because it was in dutch :) lol02:06
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:06
SmokeyI'm using Nvidia GEforce 4, and its always been fine with previous versions of Ubuntu, and KUbuntu, and its fine with the Ubuntu 8.1002:06
Dragnslcrdavid__- same here02:07
DaSkreechWith compositing on it will blit the image twice per buffer so it takes a bit for you to see something proper02:07
edthow can I figure out why X will not start in 8.10 ? kde starts its splash screen shows the disk icon than stops and drops back to the console.  This is a clean install (I did use the drop the network connection at 82% trick) done in a kvm-75 under a 2.6.27-4 kernel on gentoo02:07
DaSkreechedt: run startx02:07
edtlogs are not giving me much to go one - this is with startx02:08
digedt: what does uname -a gives you02:08
david__I have the Geforce 7300 GT it always worked fine in other version of Kubuntu02:08
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david__it's no big deal just makes me cring02:08
david__for a second02:09
DaSkreechdavid__: it gives ou goodness like Ctrl+F902:09
DaSkreechThey will probably make it smoother in the future02:09
edtuname -a -> Linux ed-desktop 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:40:41 UTC 2008 x86_64 GUN/Linux02:10
david__I think so they will work out the bugs I am sure02:10
Joe_Knightanyone know where to download the netgear driver02:10
DaSkreechuten: Wheeee02:12
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david__wow what happened?02:12
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:12
rgreeningyeah.. how annoying02:13
david__we all went for a ride02:13
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DaSkreechfavro: GET OUT OF MY HEAD02:13
rgreening2min+ here02:13
dignet split....02:13
isaacj87oh jeez02:13
unity`neti need some helpp02:13
edtgeez the ca.archive.ubuntu.com server is s l  o   w...02:13
DaSkreechdavid__: Wait till they reshuffle servers all day it's like a roller coaster02:14
Joe_Knightanyone know where to find the netgear drivers02:14
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:14
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:14
DaSkreechJoe_Knight: What do you need them for?02:14
unity`netlove the bot..02:14
faileasedt: i tend to use adept to set the fastest server ;p02:14
DaSkreechJoe_Knight: Wireless router?02:14
DaSkreechyou don't need it for that02:14
david__take care guys!02:15
DaSkreechdavid__: You too nice to meet you02:15
Joe_Knightwireless card02:15
edtfaileas its not a xserver problem - kde is dieing when starting its services.  I get the disk icon but no others02:15
mot_question...i have an audigy NX USB soundcard. if i do 'speaker-test -c6 -Dplug:surround51' it will play sound out of all of my speaker (5.1 surround) however i don't see channels for rear left/right or center surround sound in alsamixer or kmix, i have a little script that i put in ~/.asoundrc to simulate 5.1 in alsa apps but for some reason those channels aren't listed in alsamixer....any suggestions?02:15
coreymon77holy netsplits batman!02:15
Joe_Knighti cant find anything with kubuntu02:15
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:15
DaSkreechJoe_Knight: ^^^^02:15
Joe_Knighti think i might better switch to ubuntu02:15
unity`nettrying to set uup nfs via ssh02:16
edtfaileas under kvm none are going to be all that fast02:16
DaSkreechJoe_Knight: Same drivers woudln't make a difference02:16
coreymon77Joe_Knight: what card?02:16
Joe_Knightyeah but i know how to use ubuntu better02:16
DaSkreechcoreymon77: netgear wg511v202:16
Joe_Knighti really thought kub looked nicer and wanted to try but this stuff is getting annoying02:17
edtubuntu 8.10 worked here, kubuntu is failing when starting kde/X02:17
Joe_Knightapt-get finds and installs and adept cant even find it02:17
DaSkreechJoe_Knight: ah bug in adept you need to rebuild the xapian database02:17
Joe_Knighthow do i do that?02:18
coreymon77Joe_Knight: i hate to say it, but that card requires ndiswrapper02:18
Joe_Knighti got ndisgtk from apt-get but cant find where it is02:18
coreymon77DaSkreech: i hate using ndis when it is not needed, but its eeded02:18
Joe_Knightall i need is the driver im pretty determined02:18
coreymon77what the heck is ndisgtk, heck with that02:19
coreymon77just follow the howto on the wifidocs site02:19
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:19
edtndis is gtk the stuff it loads and runs is not02:19
coreymon77edt: ndis is neither02:20
coreymon77edt: ndis is a utility that allows the usage of windows wifi drivers02:20
ekJoe_Knight: Did ndisgtk install ndiswrapper-common as well?02:21
unity`netcan anyone help me set up nfs on a remote pc?02:21
ekAnd most likely ndiswrapper-utils?02:21
coreymon77what he needs is -utils02:21
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edtcoreymon77 the code for ndis is gpl, but it loads windows drivers that are usually (with about 2 exceptions) non gpl.02:22
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tacosarecoolI have a problem with my sound card compat issue02:23
coreymon77edt: you said gtk, not gpl02:23
ralpho_what do you call a nigger with a Harvard education? nigger. no mr president.02:23
=== h4v0k__ is now known as Joe_Knight
coreymon77ralpho_: that was inappropriate02:23
Joe_Knightok back02:23
favro!ot | ralpho_02:24
ubotturalpho_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:24
edtcoreymon77 sorry.  typo02:24
DaSkreechunity`net: Follow the instructions on the web page?02:24
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:25
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:25
DaSkreechtacosarecool: which sound card?02:26
tacosarecoolSound blaster live 24 bit02:26
emmawhich kernel is in the kubuntu desktop?02:27
emmacould someone with kubuntu desktop do uname -a02:28
DaSkreechLinux Released 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Thu Oct 30 04:18:38 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux02:28
emmaDaSkreech: is that intrepid?02:28
emmaDaSkreech: I selected 'expert mode' on the alt cd, theres a lot of options that way, and a lot of them are over my head :)02:29
ardchoilleit's either Intrepid or he compiled his own kernel :)02:29
emmayou get to choose which kernel you want too though, apparently.02:29
DaSkreechask away02:29
DaSkreechyou would. It's a server install02:29
emmawell i think i've gotten it to make an encrypted LVM with a /home partition.02:29
coreymon77what happened to ubotu's seen command?02:29
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Seenserv took it over02:30
emmaubotu is not here.02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about comedy02:30
Joe_Knighthow do i find the essid of my router?02:30
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.02:30
tacosarecool!do you like pie?02:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:30
DaSkreechorly ?02:30
emmaMany people would argue that IRC is the same as IM but not me. I disagree with those people strongly.02:30
DaSkreechtacosarecool: please do that in a private message02:31
DaSkreech!help > tacosarecool02:31
ubottutacosarecool, please see my private message02:31
coreymon77DaSkreech: seenserv?02:31
DaSkreechcoreymon77: /msg seenserv help02:31
edtdamn got to reinstall - I manually updated, it installed a new kernel, now grub will not boot...02:31
coreymon77DaSkreech: ...02:32
Eruarancan still fix grub02:32
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:32
coreymon77DaSkreech: that whole thing was a joke, wasnt it02:32
edtits finding the kernel but not the vda root disk02:33
draikI seem to keep having issues with icons02:33
draikI tend to go from an actual icon to a while "paper" with a blue question mark on it.02:33
DaSkreechcoreymon77: the command you are looking for is /msg seenserv seen nick02:33
tacosarecoolThis isn't going to be as easy as looking at abunch of stuff02:34
tacosarecoolI need a clue02:34
coreymon77seenserv, no such nick/channe;02:34
tacosarecoolAt what I should look at02:34
mot_can anybody help me with a little alsa/audigy nx usb problem?02:35
coreymon77DaSkreech: seenserv doesnt exist huh02:35
chrisruls00_Hello, I have a question. I use an Nvidia graphics card that requires the 96 series of drivers. They do not currently work with intrepid right now, so I am using the back-upi driver. However NVidia just released a beta that says it could work. You have to manually install it so I did, but when It reconfigured my xorg.conf I could not boot up my xserver. I reloaded my backup and I realilized the xorg.conf file looks a lot diffrent02:35
chrisruls00_than it did in 8.04. Does anyone know how I could tell it to use the new nvidia driver correctly?02:35
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DaSkreechcoreymon77: Yeah it's not as hardworking as chanserv or nickserv :(02:36
DaSkreechGuest54584: Don't IRC as Root02:36
coreymon77DaSkreech: it doesnt answer commands02:36
coreymon77DaSkreech: so, what happened to the seen function02:36
DaSkreechcoreymon77: Went with ubotu02:37
coreymon77whens ubotu coming back02:37
coreymon77what happened to ubotu02:37
DaSkreechLeft in a huff02:37
Joe_Knightwhere do i find ndiswrapper ?02:37
Joe_Knightsays it installed02:37
coreymon77DaSkreech: darn, i wanted to do the !seen anything joke02:38
DaSkreechWasn't owned or run by canonical the person who did run it left one day took his server and so ubotu went with02:38
anonnick lee02:39
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode02:39
Joe_Knightafter ndiswrap is installed where do i find it?02:39
=== anon is now known as leeraconteur
coreymon77Joe_Knight: ndis is a cli utility02:40
coreymon77Joe_Knight: you dont find it02:40
Joe_Knightwhere is that02:40
leeraconteurLooking for help on multiple issues.02:40
ardchoilleDaSkreech: I thought ubotu was owned by seveas02:40
Joe_Knighti have the ndisgtk GUI02:40
DaSkreechardchoille: Well I don't see either of them02:40
ardchoillegood point02:41
DaSkreechleeraconteur: Mentioning at least one might help02:41
leeraconteurWhere is the search function to search my machine?02:41
draikardchoille: Hey there. How are you?02:41
ardchoilledraik: :)02:41
draikHow do I get the necessary package (or whatever I need) to get my media buttons to work? I have a Logitech Elite keyboard.02:42
leeraconteurdraik:  search synaptic first02:42
ardchoilledraik: Trying to get up the nerve to install Intrepid, but I can't seem to find libpatience02:42
draikardchoille: LOL. I think it missed the repos02:43
draikleeraconteur: What would I be trying to find?02:44
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
leeraconteurdraik:  search for logitech first.  see if the repo has any generic drivers for logitech02:44
ravhello. I'm trying out Kubuntu 8.10 on my laptop. I got the Nvidia card working fine, but with the exact same configuration i have on 8.04.1, my wireless card doesn't work on 8.10. I have to use ndiswrapper for my atheros card02:45
draikG15 keyboard from Logitech. I don't think that's what I have at all02:45
djg9282hi guys....i'm thinking about downloading kubuntu 8.10...but one of the bugs that it mentions in the release notes has to do with my wireless connection. Does anyone know if when these bugs are fixed they are put into the download section immediately or would i have to wait for 8.10.1 for those bugs to be fixed?02:46
ardchoilledraik: "apt-cache search logitech" returns a few things and "logitech-applet" looks interesting02:46
leeraconteur8.10 is good.  I don't use wireless.  I do have some questions, though.02:46
ardchoilledjg9282: the repos usually see bug fixes and security updates after release02:47
djg9282so the updates would come from adept or apt-get after installing?02:47
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
draikardchoille: logitech-applet is for the mouse02:48
ardchoilleah, ok02:49
ardchoilledraik: logitech keyboard?02:49
draikardchoille: Yes. Specifically, Logitech Elite02:50
edthey reinstall using the us. instead of the ca. servers built a kubuntu that starts X/kde correctly02:50
ardchoilledraik: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/logitech-elite-keyboard-howto-125333/02:51
h4v0kok wtf02:52
h4v0kwhere is the driver02:52
h4v0ki have the cd and cant find it02:52
ravdoes someone have an atheros wifi card working on Kubuntu 8.10 AMD64 using ndiswrapper?02:52
h4v0kim tryin to get a netgear wifi card working and having a bongo of a time02:52
draikI try to install a screensaver and this is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/67083/02:57
draikardchoille: Thanks. I knew it was out there somewhere.02:57
ardchoilledraik: yw02:58
draikardchoille: I have KeyTouch and that used to work, but pressing any button for it to recognize doesn't do anything.02:59
ardchoilledraik: :(02:59
ardchoilledraik: Where did you get that screensaver? I want to try compiling it02:59
draikThen again, that was back with Edgy (maybe Dapper)02:59
draikLet me get you a direct link03:00
ardchoilledraik: Lots of changes since then03:00
draikardchoille: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/KCometen4?content=8758603:00
ardchoilledraik: Ah, love that site03:00
draikardchoille: Yup :)03:00
ardchoilledraik:  ./configure: 77: cmake: not found03:02
ardchoilledraik: Ah, it's for qt4, I'm still on Hardy03:04
draikardchoille: You get can kCommeten 3.03:04
draikI had blue everything with the transformers (autobots) emblem in the middle of a black background. It looks great!03:05
ardchoilledraik: looks like kcometen3 would have compiled had I had x includes03:07
ardchoilleheh, almost forgot how to compile.. haven't had to do that in years03:07
mot_what should i try if i don't see any options for treble/bass in alsamixer/kmix?03:12
\KiraI have some questions about upgrading from kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10. Can anyone point me to a resource because I have quite a few questions.03:13
ardchoille!upgrade | \Kira03:14
ubottu\Kira: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:14
=== luis__ is now known as tigremx
\Kiraardchoille: is that the instructions or what will happen when I up grade? I know how to do it, but Im not sure what it will effect03:15
ardchoille\Kira: From what I've seen, some upgrades go well, some don't.. I don't know of any way to tell before hand03:16
\Kiraardchoille: im not worried about the system effects, really. What worries me if how many of my settings will be erased and etc.03:17
\Kiraardchoille: does it keep kde 3.5 and add 4.1? Or does it just replace 3.5?03:17
ardchoille\Kira: You can always make a backup of $HOME before the upgrade just in case, in fact I highly recommend it03:18
ardchoille\Kira: no idea03:18
\Kiraardchoille: okay, thanks03:18
ardchoilleI've never done an upgrade03:18
draikI am missing so many icons. Well, associations.03:22
draikHow do I set icons for apps?03:22
tacosarecoolYou think the sound problem could be that kubuntu is installed on top of ubuntu?03:23
CYREXtacosarecool: no03:23
condonCan anyone tell me how to remove KDE (4.1.2) and reinstall?03:23
tacosarecoolOh ok03:23
=== root is now known as Guest89323
tacosarecoolI wanna do that too03:23
tacosarecoolJust to see what happens03:23
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.03:24
CYREXshould be aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop but from a terminal outside of kde03:24
kabotagehow do i fix my kdm? i always had to sudo kdm03:24
CYREXbut if you need ubuntu just install it and the installer will tell you which windows manager you wish to use as default03:24
CYREXkabotage: what seems to be your problem?03:24
tacosarecoolI have a problem with my sound03:25
=== patricio is now known as Guest9527
condonnow purging it, will that reinstall it too or will I have to do something else?03:25
CYREXoki let me talk on private chat with you two to see if we can solve problem faster03:25
kabotageCYREX: kdm wont load. i always had to type sudo kdm to start it03:26
tacosarecoolOk let's go talk to cyrex in private chat03:26
tacosarecoolCyrex I'm on private chat03:26
Guest89323C    C03:27
draikHow do I change the keyboard that I am using?03:30
zerothisI'd like to make our organization's computers act enough like other operating systems that volunteers are not scared away from operating them. Similar look, same shortcut keys, menu layout, similar names for it all ("Stuff" menu instead of Start Menu, Contortion Panel, Finger instead of Finder, etc). I know how to do all that, but, can I then setup several "new user profiles", one themed mac, one themed XP, one themed vista. T03:31
Ketrelwhat version of KDE is in 8.10?03:31
CYREXKDE 4.1203:32
CYREXKDE 4.1.2 sorry03:32
zerothissetup several "new user profiles", one themed mac, one themed XP, one themed vista. Then when a new user is created, easily select one; ideally the new user would select it?03:32
Dragnslcrzerothis- I believe that a new user's home directory is made from /etc/skel, so there might be a way to choose a different one when you create the user03:33
KetrelCYREX: thanks03:34
edtany idea why adept dies with a signal 11?03:34
KetrelI had tried 4.0 but didn't like so I went to 3.5 again, so hopefully 4.1 will be good03:35
zerothisDragnslcr: so perhaps a script in /etc/skel is a good starting point?03:35
edtunder 8.10 newly installed on amd64, kvm-77 on 2.6.27-4 gentoo03:35
DragnslcrUgh, man pages don't work right in Konsole03:35
OxDeadC0dewhat are the differences between gdm and kdm? I don't see any except when I use gdm it unlocks the keyrings for say.. rhythmbox (and other gnome apps), where kde apps seem to not rely on kdm for that function. well, and themes03:36
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Guest89417Hi my system just updated now I lost my sound drivers any ideas?03:36
=== Guest89417 is now known as david__
CYREXKetrel: Well 4.0 was an alpha/beta version of KDE which was only for devs and fans, it was not a final version. 4.1 is the first production version while 4.2 will be a better enhanced version03:37
OxDeadC0deand 4.3 should have cool animations? :P03:37
Ketrel4.3 FTW :p03:37
Dragnslcrzerothis- by default, adduser reads /etc/adduser.conf, which has a SKEL variable. You can change which conf file is used with the --conf option to adduser03:39
corigoI upgraded to 8.10 II and now there's this damned HP driver instead of CUPS trying to control my print job.... and failing. Any idea how to force the use of CUPS and circum navigate the non-functioning HP Driver03:39
CYREXone thing everyone should remember is that 4.0 and all beginning versions for the 4.x are the start of a complete graphical enviroment03:39
CYREXit is not like 3.5 that has gone through a lot of work to get to the cool 3.5.1003:40
Dragnslcrzerothis- so you could do adduser --conf /etc/adduser.mac.conf, where /etc/adduser.mac.conf contains a different value for SKEL03:40
KetrelCYREX: what does that mean for 4.x?03:40
CYREXso we just need to help kde with the 4.x versions, as anyone can see on the 4.x versions it is a lot enhanced and is getting better faster03:40
CYREXwhat i mean with 4.x  is 4.0, 4.1, 4.1.2, etc03:41
CYREXthe x points to any version of kde 403:41
OxDeadC0dex = variable03:41
OxDeadC0de4 = constant03:41
OxDeadC0dewhere x is the minor version (bug fixes, updates), and 4 is the major version (where all the features should be set in place, mostly)?03:42
CYREXOxDeadC0de: Exactly03:43
KetrelCYREX: I know what 4.x meant, I mean what did 4.x being the start of a complete graphical environment mean for 4.x that it didn't for 3.x?03:43
CYREXa oki03:44
CYREXwell the QT library version 4 for starts03:44
CYREXbetter memory, i/o performance03:44
CYREXeasier management of windows and objects03:44
OxDeadC0decool plasmoid system?03:44
CYREXapart from other stuff03:44
CYREXthat for one03:44
CYREXgo to the now bought by nokia qt place03:44
CYREXthe framework is very very awesome03:45
OxDeadC0denow if only they'd fix the ruby scriptengine for plasmoids, I'd be happy :P03:46
OxDeadC0deit's borked on kde::combobox's :/03:46
draikOxDeadC0de: How's it going?03:48
OxDeadC0dedraik good, and yourself? Everything still working? :)03:48
corigoOr do I need to find some HP support channel?03:49
draikOxDeadC0de: Yes, it's all working. Just trying to get my keyboard's media keys to work, icons to show (white sheet with blue question mark), change icoons on some apps (prefer a mixture from various themes) and that's about it.03:49
OxDeadC0demedia keys (should be) easy, icons to show - uhh? change icons on apps : ea03:50
OxDeadC0deeasy * :D03:50
OxDeadC0deoh I see, menu editor, give them an icon they're set to the default icon of nothing ;)03:50
draikmedia keys, not so easy.03:52
draikIcons,  not listed :(03:52
OxDeadC0deand if you have a laptop, you should really right click on the desktop, hit add widgets (unlock first if they're locked), get new plasmoids - from the internet, and get my cpu frequency scaler app ;) It's nice in ubuntu, although i have some problems with it not wanting to load once in a long while when plasma starts (python script engines fault, not mine, although my metadata.desktop file in it was messed up so I don't know, fixed that, maybe it will03:53
draikOxDeadC0de: You made that?03:54
OxDeadC0decheck the username :P03:55
OxDeadC0dethat should be proof enough03:55
baudthiefIs it possible to stream audio from one kubuntu desktop to another? (ie: from my latop to my desktop attached to audio equipment)03:56
OxDeadC0defor multimedia keys doesn't k-menu/settings/keyboard and mouse/keyboard shortcuts do it for you?03:56
OxDeadC0debaudthief yes it is! with pulseaudio03:57
baudthiefschweet, lookin into it now :D03:57
corigoAnyone having troubles printing with new HP driver installed with 8.10? HP driver tells me the print is successful, but the printer does nothing.03:58
OxDeadC0debaudthief set up pulseaudio server on both computers, make sure it's running (I keep my fedora box having it always running), then you can use pacat to copy the stream and have it play out both at once (With network delay on the server), or use padevchooser to switch the server to the remote one so it comes out those speakers in sync with say.. video (I use it to watch movies on my laptop with sound coming out my stereo hooked up to my server without 03:58
draikrusslar: Hey there.03:59
draikOxDeadC0de: No03:59
draikOxDeadC0de: Now I'm afraid to reboot. There  was an update to my nVidia driver04:00
OxDeadC0deand I must continue drinking my tequila and pass out soon04:01
corigo0xDeadC0de: pass the bottle already04:01
Ketreldraik: this should be like russian roulette04:01
draikKetrel: Not really all that funny.04:02
=== Cueball|Away is now known as Cueball
OxDeadC0decorigo: I'm still waiting for star trek like food replicators to be able to do that kind of stuff through the net.....04:02
russlarOxDeadC0de: replicators? transporters would be better04:03
OxDeadC0derusslar arn't they based on the same principals? or is this for an off-topic room to discuss in :P04:03
Ketrel(they are based on the same principle)04:05
draikOxDeadC0de: Ummm... Caould not open the plasma-cpufreq package required for the Cpu Frequency Selector widget.04:05
OxDeadC0dedraik: you may need to apt-get install python-plasma for it to work04:06
draikOxDeadC0de: I tried "sudo apt-get install plasma-cpufreq"04:07
=== tkesler is now known as gargoyle76
OxDeadC0dedraik that won't work, plasma-cpufreq is the name of the plasmoid (if you look in ~/.kde/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids you'll see it there) that's the cpu frequency scaler itself04:09
zerothisDragnslcr:sounds like really good Ideas. I'm going to try an combine them with some other suggestions and see what I can accomplish04:09
OxDeadC0deit won't load because you don't have the python bindings installed yet, apt-get install python-plasma04:09
draikOxDeadC0de: Script initialization failed04:09
OxDeadC0deI might have broke it, I'll check, I do that sometimes sry :P (Damn inebriation)04:10
russlarOxDeadC0de has passed the Ballmer peak04:10
gargoyle76can anyone tell me how to turn multi touch pad back on after upgrade?04:10
russlargargoyle76: what sort of hardware did you have multitouch on?04:11
draikNow, the dreadful part... rebooting. BRB everyone.04:11
dwidmanngargoyle76: I'm not sure on the specifics, but the synaptics manpage is pretty comprehensive so I'd look there.04:11
gargoyle76toshiba laptop trackpad04:11
ardchoille!bugs > me04:11
ubottuardchoille, please see my private message04:11
ardchoillefound two more bugs :)04:11
gargoyle76it might not be on04:12
gargoyle76don't know where to start]04:14
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dwidmanngargoyle76: hehe, told ya it's comprehensive04:16
draikHow is it possible to have an icon for Konversation in my K Menu, but not in my system tray?04:17
draikThe same goes for my KNetworkManager04:18
dwidmanndraik: you should be able to turn off the systray icon in the settings window for konversation04:18
draikdwidmann: Point is that it doesn't have an icon.04:18
dwidmanndraik: that's awfully strange then.04:18
Sokal-ECok finally got my wifi card workin now04:18
Sokal-EC<Joe Knight04:18
dwidmanndraik: try reinstalling them?04:19
draikReinstalling a theme?04:19
Sokal-ECallthe terminal i hgtk in ad to do to open ndis was type ndis04:19
Sokal-ECi had to type ndisgtk in the terminal04:19
dwidmanndraik: I was thinking the programs (ie: konversation, knetworkmanager?)04:19
draikThey have icons that I can see in the K Menu, but not in the system tray04:20
=== Sokal-EC is now known as h4v0k_d0m
DemocracyAdvisorIf you are voting and they have computerized elections, demand a paper ballot. Also, go to the Secretary of State and DEMAND that all Windows-based election equipment be decommissioned. Voting shall be relegated to archible paper ballots. Tell the officials in your precinct about the issue. Microsoft Windows Vista and XP SP2 contain a backdoor that gives the Republican party remote access to election systems to change votes. Re04:24
h4v0k_d0mok how do i change the desktop theme04:24
h4v0k_d0mcan i replace with my own picture?04:24
DemocracyAdvisorIt is advised that in order to ensure you are most likely to be lawfully included in tomorrow's Democratic process of the first Republic, you give no hint of being pro-Linux.04:24
DemocracyAdvisorh4v0k_d0m: Your question is too broad.04:25
DemocracyAdvisorh4v0k_d0m: What window manager? Are you using X's background setting command?04:26
DemocracyAdvisorThe background is the root window.04:26
h4v0k_d0mi just installed04:26
h4v0k_d0mkubu ibex04:26
h4v0k_d0mso i have a graphical background04:26
DemocracyAdvisorNo idea; Linux isn't really intended to be used as a desktop operating system.04:27
condonOK...so..is there anyway to setup a new KDE4 profile?04:28
h4v0k_d0moh jeez04:28
russlarDemocracyAdvisor: kindly stfu04:28
h4v0k_d0mwtf ever04:28
russlarh4v0k_d0m: it can be done04:28
condontried kde4-config...did nothing, no error, command not found, nothing04:28
russlarright click on your desktop04:28
DemocracyAdvisorrusslar: You know I'm right.04:28
ubottuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.04:28
* DemocracyAdvisor criesm :'(04:28
h4v0k_d0mrusslar: your awesome thanx04:28
condonanybody?  Trying to get my right-click-ability and menus back in KDE04:29
condondid the whole "aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop" then install kubuntu-desktop but everything is as I had it before (screwed up)04:29
ardchoillecondon: purging kubuntu-desktop will not take kde of your system, it will simply remove the kubuntu-desktop package and that's only a met-package04:32
condonso how do I reinstall kde itself?04:32
ardchoilleno idea04:32
ardchoillecondon: I just filed a bug about that04:33
condonDon't know if this is a bug..I think I just did a number on it04:33
h4v0k_d0mis there no mozilla package for kub04:34
OxDeadC0deDemocracyAdvisor I know a LOT of people switching to linux over microsoft as their destop environment.04:34
condonWas trying to tweak it for multiple desktop backgrounds.  Actually got it to work...just lost my menus in the processes.04:34
OxDeadC0deanyone I can convince :P04:34
condonwhat are you trying to convince us of Ox?04:34
OxDeadC0decondon: nothing, he was saying linux isn't meant as a desktop os, but .. my mom uses it and she's dumb as a stack of bricks when it comes to computers04:35
condonAh, lol, gotcha.  Yeah, I hooked my boss up.  It was interem until he got his new computer, but used it for months with nearly no instruction.04:36
condonActually tells me he liked it more, but his kids didn't want to learn something new.  Thought that was kinda funny04:36
OxDeadC0dedamn kids, need to get over their bias! :P04:37
tacosarecoolI have a sound issue04:39
h4v0k_d0manyone know how i cn use my own photo as a desktop?04:39
condonexactly.  Saddly Mac users are usually even harder to convince that Linux is the way to go.04:39
tacosarecoolAugigy card probably audigy value04:39
draik"You're doing all of this for a taco?" Hmmmm... you're right. Maybe I should also get a burrito!04:39
OxDeadC0deeh osx can't be that bad with it's linux core can it?04:39
OxDeadC0debsd core sorry04:40
condonNa, not nearly as microcrap04:40
tacosarecooli have 7.1 but it's cao10604:41
chrisruls00Ilike Xp better than Macs, The interface makes more sense to me and I don't like the way macs are built. I like linux better than both of them though. (Except when it decides to stop supporting my graphics card)04:42
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condonlol chrisruls00 - I can sympathise.04:43
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* faileas thinks, personally that the best OS is the one the user feels most at home with ;p04:43
chrisruls00hopefully NVidia updates their 96x driver soon. I tried the new beta but that gives me the white screnn.04:44
chrisruls00I agree with faileas for the most part.04:44
tacosarecoolCan anyone help me?04:44
faileaswhich is why most of my boxen are dual boot ;p04:45
condonwhat's your issue taco?04:45
tacosarecoolDon't ask me to do system settings I tried that04:45
condonI gathered as much... I mean... um... too much sound, not enough sound, no sound, grainy sound?04:45
tacosarecoolno sound04:46
tacosarecoolUsed to have soun04:46
chrisruls00I would dual boot, but the only computer that is mine is a 60GB laptop, too small to partition effectivly IMO. I use my dads when I need windows.04:46
faileaschrisruls00: i have a dual XP/linux boot on 20 gigs04:46
condonHave you right clicked on your volume controls, gone into preferences, and raised the level on the ...christ...no desktop at my command..can't picture it...want to say PCB?04:46
faileasthe linux partition is 4.5 gb , which is JUST a little to small on handsight04:46
mot_i am simulating 5.1 surround on my usb audio 2 nx04:47
mot_however i only see left/right channels in alsamixer/kmix (even though i'm getting surround sound, but more importantly i don't have any tone control (treble/bass) can anybody help?04:47
chrisruls00well I'm still in high school so I really can't give too much time to my computer right now. (In fact I should be reading Huck Finn right now. I guess I'll have to read an extra chapter tomorrow.04:48
condonI hate Mark Twain04:49
tacosarecoolI'm in high school I have a job on saturday and sunday I work 4 hours04:49
tacosarecoolso 8 hours all together04:49
chrisruls00I hate english altogether.04:49
mot_you'll never have more time to sit on your computer and do jack shit than in high school, truuuuust me.04:49
condonYou got that right mot04:50
tacosarecoolI have time I don't have homework04:50
mot_wait till you get to college04:51
mot_why do you think college students drink so much? it's the only way to survive four years of bullshit so thick you could cut it with a knife.04:52
tacosarecoolI have a cousin who works for google and my best friends dad is a exec at qualcomm04:52
karmais this a help channel ?04:52
russlarkarma: aparently not04:52
draikkarma: Define "help"04:53
chrisruls00karma: It is supposed to be04:53
condondepends on the kind of help you're looking for04:53
mot_anybody here know anything about tone control on the audigy 2 nx by the way?04:53
karmawell i am trying to help a friend who has installed Kubuntu KDE4 and he is having issues with the network manager04:53
mot_i'm simulating 5.1 in alsa but i can't get any sort of bass/treble control =\04:53
russlarkarma: joing the club04:53
russlarwhat's up?04:54
tacosarecoolI'm having issues with sound04:54
karmait gives an error i searched and its a known bug but there isnt a walk around that i can find04:54
condonI have no menus or right-clickability in kde 404:54
karmahey brad04:55
russlarhey kerma04:55
=== brad_ is now known as some_dude
russlarhey some dude04:57
some_dudemy phone stoped working as a usb harddive since the upgrade to 8.1004:57
condonwhat's the isntaller in kde?04:58
Dolois there any way to get abc channel player working on ubuntu?04:58
someone101anyone here able to help ?05:07
russlarsomeone101: depends of what you need help with05:08
hoontekedo the volume media buttons work for other folks?05:08
someone101i need help with setting dns manually05:08
russlaropen terminal05:09
someone101since there is a bug that wont allow the network manager to load in the control area05:09
russlarsudo vi /etc/resolv.conf05:09
mot_anybody with 8.10 have problems with widget settings/positions not being restored on reboot/05:09
russlarmot_: you need to lock your widgets before you reboot05:10
=== laurence is now known as membogg
mot_i do05:11
mot_doesn't help05:12
some_dudemy phone is not working as a memory stick under 8.1005:14
draiksome_dude: Take it out of your phone05:17
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some_dudethe phone is a card reader05:18
draikThe phone is a phone with the ability to store on a memory card05:19
some_dudeuntil today, when I pluged the phone in, it would show up as /dev/sdf105:19
some_dudenot it's not there at all05:20
h4v0k_d0mis there a way i can replace konqurer with mozilla as my favorite05:29
spaikany egyptians ?05:30
jmichaelxh4v0k_d0m: go to 'system settings' and then select 'default applications'05:30
spaikmy 3d box isn't working. i have kubuntu 8.10 and the ccsm and the 3d windows and rotating is cheked but it is not working, any help please?05:32
jmichaelxspaik: have you tried installing 'fusion-icon'?05:33
spaikno, what is that and how to ?05:33
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball|Away
jmichaelxspaik: the usual way.. 'sudo apt-get install fusion-icon' . after it is intalled, hit alt-f12 and enter 'fusion-icon' and hit enter. you'll then have an icon in your system tray that will allow you to adjust compiz settings05:35
spaikok i will try, thank u very much05:36
jmichaelxoops, don't hit alt-f12.... hit alt-f2. i have no idea how f12 got on the screen.05:36
spaikno problem ;)05:36
digis fusion-icon the actual 3D desktop?05:37
digI guess no05:37
jmichaelxdig: it will allow you to make quick compiz config changes... such as enabling/diabling the cube05:38
digjmichaelx: Do I need to isntall compiz?05:38
spaiki did but when i hit alt f2 it didn't work and the run command appeared05:38
h4v0k_d0mwhen i go to system settings and try to change my default browser firefox doesnt show up05:38
jmichaelxdig: well, you do if it is not already installed05:38
h4v0k_d0mand in k menu eith noter why05:39
h4v0k_d0maargh lol05:39
jmichaelxspaik: the run command is what you are looking for. enter fusion-icon, and press enter05:39
spaiki got it from the menu05:39
jmichaelxspaik: ok, you can do that, too lol05:40
spaikok iam trying05:41
spaikit still dosent work nothing from compiz is working05:41
spaikok i made it work05:42
jmichaelxspaik: have you been able to use compiz with you video adapter in the past?05:42
spaikthank you very much05:43
delilazhello all, I have a problem. Before installing flashplayer 10 I used to be able to watch videos but now I can not.  The only reason I installed it was because I visited a site that required the latest flashplayer and so I installed it but the effects is reversed.  How can I fix this???05:43
jmichaelxdelilaz: did you install flashplayer from the repos?05:43
delilazno I downloaded the tar.gz from the flashplayer site05:44
delilazI did try  installing swf macromedia flashplayer from adept but that did nothing05:44
Dr_willisthats the hard way to get flash going. I normally install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package and ig gets flash and some other parts i need05:45
delilazI already have that package I believe, maybe needs an update??05:46
jmichaelxdelilaz: i would recommend installing from the repos as well... and the adobe site is now providing .deb's as well. no need for tar.gz05:46
delilazjmichaelx: I would have downlaoded the .deb if I could but I have dapper drake not 8.0405:47
Dr_willisClean install here, i install kubuntu-restricted-extras and flash is working.05:47
Dr_willisdapper? Egads.05:47
digjmichaelx: sorry a quick one, how to rotate the desktop cube.05:47
jmichaelxdelilaz: ahh , i see05:47
* Dr_willis backs away05:47
jmichaelxdig: i am not the one to ask about the finer details of configuring compiz. i am actually sticking with kwin right now.05:48
delilazok, jmichaelx or Dr_willis, how can I uninstall flashplayer 10 I installed?05:48
Dr_willisNo idea.  on that.. depends on how you installed it i guess05:48
delilazDr_willis: I installed it through the terminal05:49
Dr_willisdelilaz  thats tells us very little. :)05:49
jmichaelxdelilaz: you could locate the director for mozilla plugins, and (cautiously) delete anything manually that has to do with flash. then 'sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree' in a terminal05:50
jmichaelxdelilaz: instaed of deleting, maybe safely moving to another folder would be a betetr suggestion05:50
jmichaelxok, i am mistyping everything... make that 'sudo apt-get istall flashplugin-nonfree'05:51
delilazjmichaelx: would that be in ~./mozilla??05:52
jmichaelxminus the typos05:52
jmichaelxdelilaz: possibly so, take a look05:52
condonCan anyone tell me if there's a way to get the wine menu in kde 4?  Shows up in the menu on my gnome desktop, but not in KDE05:52
delilazOk, will do, I'll be back though lol05:53
chulli have a problem with firefox, ive got a popup for scannerantispyware that will NOT close. I can't kill all of firefox and restart because I open the same things all the time.05:55
jmichaelxgood luck, delilaz. i am poking around, too. it should not be too difficult to find05:55
Dr_willischull  time for some addblock/noscript extensions I think.05:56
delilaztrue, I found the plugin folder but before I do any moving, I ran into something...05:57
chullhmm ok how can i do that?05:57
Dr_willisgo to firefox extension web page.. install extensions...05:57
chullDr_willis, i appreciate the suggestion, firefox always just blocked stuff05:57
Dr_willischull  proerly some new spamware ads getting aroud the normal blocking05:57
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anjanhi all05:58
chullyes, (chalcedony i got a wild ad today too)05:58
anjangot sound problem05:58
anjanit was working fine before i installed a driver for virtual box05:58
delilazwhen I installed flashplayer it told me to  "ask admin to reomove xpti.ddat from compnents directory of Mozilla or Netscape browser" I did remove it into trash, but now somehow it's back in the directory. Could that be the problem???05:58
anjanthe error after running alsamixer in konsole is05:58
anjanalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory05:58
anjanany help ?05:59
delilazok so in the plugin folder I found flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so... I'm guessing I move the flashplayer.xpt out right?06:03
billytwowillyHi, how do I enable the nvidia drivers in 8.10?06:12
Dr_willisI think im theonly person in the world that the Restricted-driver tool for nvidia - actually worked  for. :)06:13
billytwowillyheh. how do I start up the restricted driver tool again to test it out?06:13
Dr_willisits in themenus somewhere..or the command line tool is err... 'jocky<tab>' :) i forget the name06:14
Dr_willisor was it jockey>06:15
=== richard is now known as Guest78591
Renegade15good evening06:17
billytwowillyDr_willis: if I add a driver=nv line to the device section will it work? the xorg.conf file is all weird in 8.10...06:18
Dr_willisIf you have an older xorg.conf  it might work also..06:19
tcadoes a partition being /dev/sdb1 garuntee it will be hd1,0 in grub?06:19
Dr_willisand thats not the right format for the driver line. :)06:19
Dr_willistca  not sure of a guarentee. :) but ive alwyas seen it be that way06:19
Dr_willisunless you are booting from a external usb drive06:20
Dr_willisThen ive seen them switch around06:20
tcawell i cant seem to get my windows drive to boot06:20
Dr_willisif you ahve 'moved' a windows drive from one cable to another.. you may need  to tell the bios t boot that specific drive..06:21
tcais there anyway to find out if its something else?06:21
Dr_williswe would neeed more details on the exact error/problem/messages06:21
tcano i havent moved it the 8.10 installer just didnt autoconfig it properly06:21
billytwowillyhow do I tell what driver x.org is using?06:21
billytwowillyI see nv when I grep lsmod06:21
Dr_willisgrep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:21
Dr_willisis one way06:22
billytwowillynothing is in there.06:22
Dr_willislooks like its all doing auto-magic configuration06:22
billytwowilly8.10's xorg.conf is weird. Almost nothing in there.06:22
Dr_williswhich seems to cause a lot of problems. :)06:22
Dr_willisgrab a example xorg.conf from a live cd, or other location perhaps..06:22
Dr_willisor try that nvidia-settings, or nvidia-xconfig tools to generate a new one?06:23
tcaiirc correctly i get grub err12 if i try booting from grub on the windows drive and err13 from the linux drive06:23
tcathats all i really know06:23
OxDeadC0deiirc = if I recall correctly so iirc correctly is if I recall correctly correctly, kind of like asking for a pin number06:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webhost06:25
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unitypunkcan anyone help me turn my desktop into a website...06:26
Dr_willisYou mean 'run a webserver' on your 'ubuntu desktop machine' ?06:27
OxDeadC0deI think he means run a web browser applet as his desktop background?06:27
Dr_willisIve no idea what he really ment. :)06:28
OxDeadC0deme either :P06:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about localhost06:29
unitypunkyeah dr_w06:30
unitypunki wanna run a webserver from my desktop06:30
=== ubuntu is now known as ulysses__
tcaunitypunk, sudo apt-get install apache206:31
unitypunkwhat about.. like php06:32
unitypunkor cxpanal06:32
Renegade15cpanel requires a license, afaik06:33
tcaunitypunk, libapache2-mod-php506:33
tcawhy would you want cpanel anyway06:34
Renegade15check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_panel_(Web_hosting)#FOSS06:34
condonanyone here use xwinwrap?06:34
tcanot very helpfull if its for yourself06:34
unitypunkive used free hosts that had cpanal06:34
unitypunknever hosted a website before.06:34
condoncan someone tell me what "nice -n 15 ./xwinwrap" accomplishes?06:35
condonwhat is nice?06:35
Tm_Tcondon: it's "set this application to be low priority"06:36
Tm_Tin this case06:36
Tm_Tnice (1)             - run a program with modified scheduling priority06:36
condoncool.  Thanks man06:37
Renegade15is there any sort of standard way to deal with an "irq 18: nobody cared" problem? it suggests booting with "irqpoll", but google results indicate that that generally leads to booting problems...06:38
MariachiElfAnyone here get the vmmouse driver working on 8.10?06:41
ectospasmKDE4's panels suck if you want to customize them.  I can't reliably add or remove widgets, widgets can't be placed on the panel the way I want them to be... This really sucks.  Can I slit the throat of the idiot that decided to ship Kubuntu with KDE4 when it wasn't ready?  PLEASE?!?!?06:41
fulat2khi folks, any idea how i can change the shortcut key for krunner?06:42
dr_willisthey could of just delayed the whole kubuntu release for another 6 mo..would you be happy then>06:42
ectospasmdr_willis: no, they could have stuck with KDE306:42
* HollowPoint seconds ectospasm's recommendation06:43
Tm_Tectospasm: you could stay with 8.0406:43
dr_willisectospasm,  they dident force you go to with 8.10  - perhaps there will be kde3 in backports or some ppa sites06:43
ectospasmTm_T: Too late (-;06:43
dr_willisthis 'argument' shows up in here at least once a day... :)06:43
Tm_Tectospasm: then don't behave that way, son06:43
HollowPointit will do right now lol06:43
ectospasmwho said I was a son?06:43
fulat2kectospasm: 8.04 is still avail for d/l. :)06:44
Tm_Tectospasm: I did06:44
Renegade15can't you just download the KDE 3 source and compile?06:44
dr_willisRenegade15,  you could I imagine06:44
HollowPointyou know how long it takes to compile KDE3? lol06:44
Tm_THollowPoint: not long06:44
ectospasmdepending on the machine a couple to several hours at least06:44
Renegade15I don't have to - I'm sort of happy with 4 :)06:44
HollowPointwhat system are you using Tm_T? A super cluster?06:44
ectospasmRenegade15: sort of...?06:45
Tm_THollowPoint: old fart singlecore06:45
MariachiElfWhile HollowPoint and ectospasm are busy slitting their throats I'd like to pat them on the back, give them a big "Thank you!" and buy them a few rounds of beers!06:45
Renegade15meh, lots of customization gone, lots of new weird things06:45
Renegade15needs tweaking06:45
* dr_willis notices that hes using GNOME now on his laptop.. not kde :P06:45
Renegade15but at least it shuts down properly >_>06:45
Renegade15heretic :P06:45
dr_williswireless at least works now, and hibernate/suspend06:45
HollowPointI've compiled KDE3.5.9 on an AMD Athlon 2.4Ghz with 4GB of RAM and it took over a day lol, you sure you compiled the full package and not just a base package?06:46
dr_willis64bit seems to work well also.. even the nvidia drivers.06:46
HollowPointI'm still on 8.04, was originally a 64bit Ubuntu install but I just don't get along with Gnome06:46
ectospasmI hate GNOME06:46
Tm_THollowPoint: I build whole kde4 here06:47
ectospasmwhich is why I won't install it at home or at work06:47
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:47
unitypunkafter i install apache..06:47
HollowPointwhat in an hour I suppose? You sure you compiled it and not just installed it? and I HATE people telling me to go to offtopic, it SUCKS! so I'll simply discontinue the conversation :D06:47
ectospasmso... is anyone else having as much trouble as I am customizing the panel?  The whole "Add Widget" window seems horribly broken, if not simply hard to use...06:48
Tm_THollowPoint: behave06:48
Tm_Tectospasm: all works here fine06:48
fulat2kectospasm: is yours a clean install?06:48
ectospasmfulat2k: yep06:48
HollowPointectospasm: I had a few problems with my 8.10 VM install, to the point that after installing the Virtualbox drivers it won't run the X server anymore, prior to that disaster I did indeed have problems with adding widgets yes06:48
ectospasmI even moved ~/.kde out of the way to be sure06:49
fulat2kectospasm: what kinda weird stuff r u facing?06:49
Renegade15<_< >_> anybody know stuff about irq 18: nobody cared?06:49
Renegade15unitypunk: check if PHP is installed, I guess...if not, install it06:50
unitypunkhow would i check?06:51
unitypunkwell.. i doubt it is.06:51
unitypunkall i did was aptget install apache06:51
ectospasmfulat2k: well... when I move the clock the area the widget wants to take up half the panel, and it can only be put in the center of this area.  I had the dictionary widget up, and that kept everything in place.  But since the dictionary doesn't work on the panel, I removed it (I still don't know how, because I can't add it back).  I finally got a second panel on the bottom of the screen (my main panel is on the top), with the task mana06:52
HollowPointunitypunk: what exactly are you trying to acheive? I get the installing apache and php bit but what's your end goal? I ask because this determines how you install both Apache and PHP06:52
unitypunkwanna host a webpage06:53
unitypunkthinking a community bbs06:53
HollowPointwebpage uses php?06:53
HollowPointso I'm assuming you need to use PHP sessions then?06:53
unitypunkwith a portal page..06:53
unitypunkno idea what i need to use.06:53
HollowPointok, well if you're thinking about using a php forum for example? Then you're best bet is to install php as a module, as opposed to cgi06:54
digectospasm: feel the painc here06:54
V1pstaHello, Can I go from Ubuntu -> Kubuntu without loseing data. Just a simple upgrade?06:54
HollowPointthere are quite a few in depth tutorials out there for installing various different forums, bulleting boards, blogging systems etc, to a certain extent each has different requirements, for example, do you need SSL?06:55
HollowPointV1psta: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:55
Renegade15(that is a yes)06:55
V1pstathanks hoolow06:55
unitypunkHollowPoint, i have ssh running on the desktop right now.06:56
Renegade15SSH != SSL06:56
HollowPointSSH is fine, I said SSL06:56
unitypunki dont really think so06:56
HollowPointlol thanks for the php explanation there Renegade1506:56
unitypunknot gonna be doing anything with credit cards.. or important info06:56
HollowPointso you don't require anyone to login over a secure connection in their web browser? You understand that without it any logins to the forums etc, the passwords will be sent in clear text?06:56
HollowPointincluding your own login, in which case, make sure your forum password has nothing to do with your server password etc06:57
unitypunkso ssl is a pretty good idea then.06:58
HollowPointI'd say so06:58
HollowPointit's useful to execute login scripts etc at the very least06:58
Renegade15if you don't want to pay for a certificate, you can use self-signed ones06:59
HollowPointlet's say someone logs into the forum, their password will be sent in clear text, but not only that, the PHP script running behind it will execute a MySQL connection, which uses a username and password, if you're not on the same server as MySQL database that may get sent in clear text as well06:59
Renegade15though be aware that FF3 doesn't like self-signed certificates06:59
HollowPointyeah, the only issue with self signed ones is that the browser complains it's not just FF3 either, IE6 and 7 both complain, as does Google Chrome, Flock. etc06:59
HollowPointif I remember rightly FF2 does too, you get a notification that it could not identify the Cert issuer07:00
unitypunkdo most websites use ssl?07:00
HollowPointif they use login details with passwords etc and the administrator has any sense, then yes lol07:00
Renegade15especially the serious ones07:00
HollowPointI'm writing a PHP secure backend to my site at the moment, in pure PHP and XHTML/CSS, no matter how secure I make my validation and authentication etc, without SSL everything still gets sent in plain text, anyone watching gets everything the program passes over a network connection07:02
unitypunkthings always seem so diffficult..07:03
tcanot difficult07:04
HollowPointit's exactly the same reason you use SSH instead of Telnet, Telnet sends everything in plain text, whereas SSH establishes an encrypted tunnel and sends everything down it07:04
tcajust time consuming07:04
HollowPointexactly what tca said, there are plenty of step by step tutorials just a google search away, it just takes a bit of time thats all07:04
dr_willisDifficult is troubleshooting windows...07:04
mr---t-naw just reboot07:05
* HollowPoint corrects dr_willis, "Difficult is using Windows to do anything but use Word"07:05
unitypunkdo i neeed sql then too?07:05
dr_willisIv enot had much luck with WORD either..07:05
HollowPointif you're going to use a database, which if you're using a forum you will be, then yes07:05
HollowPointunitypunk: http://www.phpbb.com/support/documents.php?mode=install there's one for you, you may need to look elsewhere for the initial apache, php, mysql, ssl etc installation but you get the idea07:07
pxchey... so, quick question regarding Kopete: the only option I have for formatting is to send smileys, and the usual shortcuts for rich text formatting do nothing. Why?07:07
pxc(this is the KDE 4 version of Kopete on Intrepid)07:08
HollowPointunitypunk: http://www.ubuntux.org/quick-apache2-ssl-mysql5-php5-dapper-install there's an OLD step by step for Dapper, tells you how to install apache, mysql, ssl and php, don't think the installation procedure has changed much, but try your own searches or ask on the kubuntu/ubuntu forums if someone can point you at a decent how to07:09
=== angela is now known as roadburn
HollowPointdr_willis: I was ok with word back in the days of Windows 3.1.1, then it started to think it's english grammer and spelling were better than mine, even though it wasn't :D07:10
=== roadburn is now known as roadburn22
pxcyou sure? It's spelled "grammar", after all. :-P07:11
HollowPointyeah well it's 8:15 at night here and I'm about to go get beer so yeah07:12
HollowPointplus living in Kiwiland has really hurt my english :( they spell things with Z's and pronounce Router as Rowter etc, I've been here too long07:12
Renegade15there it was again!07:13
HollowPointthere what was?07:13
Renegade15third time in two hours x_x07:13
Renegade15damn network card shuts down x_x07:13
pxcyou should curse and threaten it in simple language and grunts07:14
HollowPointand on that note I'm going for a case of carlsberg, back in a bit07:14
HollowPointthat usually doesn't work pxc but I get your meaning lol07:14
Renegade15any idea what Tainted: P means?07:15
pxcin what context? is it in some weird error log relating to your network device?07:15
mr---t-whats a carlsberg?07:17
HollowPointcarlsberg is "probably the best lager in the world"07:18
Renegade15http://www.pastebin.ca/1244647 <-- that context07:18
Renegade15it's not the full error each time07:18
Renegade15there's also lots of interrupt, handle and similar info07:19
Renegade15scream if you want to see it07:19
=== blizzzek is now known as blizzz
fulat2khi folks, any idea how i can change the shortcut key for krunner?07:20
mr---t-must be a southern hemisphere thing07:20
Renegade15have you never heard that slogan? "Carlsberg - Probably the best beer in the world!"?07:20
Renegade15well I'm definitely northern hemisphere07:21
dr_willisUnderaged drinkers :)07:21
EruaranAdept 3.0 = Usability Fail.07:21
Tm_T!ot | Renegade1507:22
ubottuRenegade15: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:22
Renegade15I'm copying dmesg error message...I am secretly on topic >_>07:23
mr---t-oh my07:23
* Tm_T slaps jmichaelx07:24
pxchey renegade, why don't you actually try adding irqpoll to your boot parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:24
EruaranNow even System Settings is opening full screen07:24
EruaranI didn't want it to07:24
Renegade15because I googled the problem, and every single time it came up, the reporters said adding irqpoll led to boot problems07:24
EruaranWhy am I having to stuff around with advanced window settings for  EVERY APP ???!!!07:24
EruaranThis is fail.07:24
* jmichaelx asks Tm_T, "How dare you? you insensitive clod!"07:25
Tm_Tjmichaelx: just to remind you, no nazis here (delayed few days I am)07:25
jmichaelxwatch the OT subject matter!07:26
dr_willis!info nmap07:27
ubottunmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.62-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1031 kB, installed size 3644 kB07:27
Tm_Tjmichaelx: I am07:27
jmichaelxok, that's what counts07:27
Renegade15this is the full error... http://www.pastebin.ca/1244656 does that mean anything to anyone?07:32
OxDeadC0de!info moc07:34
ubottumoc (source: moc): ncurses based console audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.5.0~alpha3-3ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 206 kB, installed size 664 kB07:34
HollowPointI love the way ubottu has such a friendly demeinor sp?07:37
=== david is now known as Guest42108
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about demeanor07:40
HollowPointI've got Carlsberg now so couldn't be bothered to use dictionary.com07:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spellcheck07:40
mr---t-oops ot07:41
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:41
OxDeadC0de!help ubottu07:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help ubottu07:41
* Renegade15 -- /msg EvilRenegade sexy; /msg EvilRenegade pass your_password; !date bday <month> <day> <year>, where month is a three-letter-abbreviation.07:42
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about damnit07:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dig07:43
* Renegade15 -- /msg EvilRenegade sexy; /msg EvilRenegade pass your_password; !date bday <month> <day> <year>, where month is a three-letter-abbreviation.07:43
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".07:43
HollowPointshouldn't he be Kubottu in here anyway?07:44
ardchoilleHollowPoint: he's used in more than just this channel07:44
HollowPointah multi talented bot, nice07:44
mr---t-he's everywhere ... not just here07:45
ardchoilleyeah, jussi01 did a good job07:45
HollowPointjussi01 created him?07:45
ubottuThis bot is owned by jussi01 - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots07:45
stdinI'm sure he loves all the pings too ;)07:45
shydoghello everyone07:45
HollowPointmust speak with him about why ubottu doesn't respond to != lol, every good bot should respond to !=07:46
mr---t-hey stdin any good troubleshooting guides for sound cards out there? I have tried the one in the forums07:47
stdinthe only one I know of is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but I've never had any trouble with my sound so can't really say how good any of them are07:48
mr---t-been there done that07:49
HollowPointwhats the sound card mr---t?07:49
mr---t-how can I determine if I have an irq problem?07:49
mr---t-ensoniq pci 588007:50
HollowPointcheck out lspci, dmesg etc if you mean a conflict that is?07:50
mr---t-when I do lspci I don't get irq s07:50
HollowPointI actually found a really good document the other day online for IRQ checking, was part of an LPIC training doc07:51
mr---t-when I run knoppix it works fine but the same driver doesn't work in kubuntu07:52
HollowPointand I meant check out lspci not just type the command, lspci -vvv will give you IRQs and more07:52
mr---t-is that v v v ?07:52
HollowPointwith every command comes arguments to make it tell you more or less07:52
HollowPointyeah v v v but together07:52
HollowPointuber verbose basically07:53
mr---t-cool  but I'm on a different box now07:53
mr---t-I will try that07:53
HollowPointjust a tip for the future, whenever you find a command like lspci, dmesg etc always look at the man pages, there is almost always a way to get it to tell you more or less information, output to text files etc etc, loads of handy gadgets07:54
dr_willis'when in doubt, read the docs' :)07:54
HollowPointlspci -vvv > /home/user/Desktop/lspci.txt (for example) will put the output to a text file for easy reading later or on a different system etc07:55
mr---t-I've had trouble reading the "generic" command stucture in the man pages I do better with examples , I'm still learning07:55
HollowPointnp, man pages are getting better these days, documentation in general is a LOT better now than it was a couple of years ago, "info lspci" is a good one as well some times you get more common sense in the info file than the man file07:56
mr---t-command (-v) (-o) (arguement) (module)07:57
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
HollowPointyeah occasionally you actually have to "learn" how to read a man page to "learn" how to use the command I know lol07:58
dr_willisman info07:58
mr---t-cool thanks doc07:59
HollowPointonce you understand that every (I think every anyway, not come accross one I can remember that doesn't) bash command can take arguments and most can take options too, it becomes easier to read07:59
zombiehoffaHi, I'm having some serious problems with the nvidia drivers. I keep getting weird mtrr messages in dmesg when I use them and they don't every actually load. I see the x for the mouse for maybe a second before it black screens07:59
HollowPointzombiehoffa: are you using 8.10?08:00
mr---t-thanks guys great info... I'll come back smarter I'm sure08:00
zombiehoffaHollowPoint, yes08:00
zombiehoffaI see a thread in the forums about it, but those fixes didn't work.08:00
HollowPointzombiehoffa: Nvidia drivers don't work well with the new Xorg at all, you might be better off not trying for now if you've tried the main fixes posted in the forums and it's still not working08:01
zombiehoffaso, basically, I'm stuck until nvidia releases something?08:01
mr---t-nite all08:02
zombiehoffaany place I can watch the nvidia progress to a release?08:02
HollowPointbasically yes, and considering they've known about the issue since Xorg was in Beta, which was back when Fedora released Fedora 9 and they still haven't fixed it I don't know how soon it will be08:02
zombiehoffaatleast it's been a problem for a while;)08:02
zombiehoffamaybe something is coming.08:02
HollowPointunfortunately proprietary drivers are still abit slow in coming for Linux08:03
heyhoHi guys, just upgraded my laptop to 8.10 and I'm finding the wireless interface to be unresponsive..08:03
HollowPointthe one saving grace is that when it does come it'll probably be one of the better drivers out there and the nvidia-settings app will probably work better than ever08:03
HollowPointwhats the laptop heyho?08:03
heyhoLenovo y41008:04
heyhoI had kde4.1 installed on hardy previously08:04
heyhoand it worked perfectly but now the whole interface has changed08:05
HollowPointyeah it's probably nothing to do with KDE, it's more likely the updated network manager thats causing the problem in 8.1008:05
heyhobefore, I had an issue with the type of encryption my router used but I somehow managed to get it to work. I guess i'll just tinker with it some more for now.08:07
heyhoAre there any known issues with this updated network manager?08:07
HollowPointI cant' see any problems reported with that laptop and 8.1008:07
HollowPointin fact I'm seing people on that laptop model say that 8.10 works a lot better with it than 8.04 did08:08
heyhowell there was this big issue with sound that was fixed in the later alsa versions08:08
heyhoand I think standby and rebooting never worked for me (but I never pursued a solution for those since I never used it)08:09
HollowPointyeah that seems to be the main subject from what I can see, Gutsy didn't like the sound and Hardy wasn't too great with it either, yet Ibex has fixed it08:09
=== jacques is now known as Guest97092
mike-solidusi need the c++ man pages on my system, i'm pretty sure i installed them, but when i do something like man math.h or man math or man rand it says no entry has been found08:14
mike-solidusam i using man wrong?08:14
heyhoweird, my laptop isn't refreshing available networks. I turned off my wireless security and laptop still shows it as being secured... time for a reboot!08:14
favroheyho: you could just restart the networking08:15
favrosudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:15
heyhoI'll try that. Thanks. didn't know the commands :P08:16
zenojust upgraded to 8.10, apparently this gave me ktorrent-kde4, imported torrents but now it thinks there are dupes, and having to click through 4 thousand "you are already downloading xxxxx", any way to skip08:17
HollowPointuninstall and purge the program I guess? But that will probably kill off anything you do have downloading08:19
heyhofavro: no luck.. I put that command into the console and nothing's happened for like 4 minutes08:19
favroheyho: did it return to prompt?08:20
zenoHollowPoint: well i need to keep my torrents/settings08:20
Zetany idea why my kubuntu 8.10 does not bring up eth0 on boot? I have to manually "ifup eth0" every time08:20
HollowPointI haven't used wireless from the command line for some time but you could try, I think it's iwconfig?08:20
zenoHollowPoint: manually re-downloading 4 thousand torrents and setting locations isnt an option08:20
HollowPointyeah doesn't sound like fun08:20
favroheyho: I don't know what you changed - any typos or similar?08:20
HollowPoint4 thousand torrents though? What on earth are you downloading? Or shouldn't I ask?08:20
dr_willisProberly best we dont know.08:21
HollowPointyeah thought so08:21
HollowPointI only download FOSS and TV shows, as in publicly broadcasted material by torrent lol08:21
heyhofavro: changed? I'm not sure what you're talking about.. by the way, it doesn't even ask me for the password08:21
dr_willishe has 4000 Linux Disrto Isos! hes seeding!08:22
zenoHollowPoint: legal text files, creative commons music, linux distros... :)08:22
HollowPointheyho it won't if you've already used sudo in the last 10 or 20 minutes08:22
* zeno coughs08:22
heyhoI haven't used sudo08:22
heyhoI rebooted once after the install finished08:23
HollowPointI wish I was back in the U.K. where I had uncapped internet at 8Meg down speeds :'(08:23
favroheyho: sorry then - thought you changed stuff and it wasn't recognised - if you have used sudo recently it won't ask for a password08:23
zenoHollowPoint: i guess i COULD download the source, find the error dialog activation function, and replace it with nothing, but should be better way08:23
HollowPointlol zeno that would probably work yes, I don't actually use ktorrent so I wouldn't know where to look for an option to turn off errors, not to mention I'm still on 8.04 with good ol KDE 3.5.908:24
heyhonope. I haven't changed anything. the OS is still vanilla unless moving around the panel and getting rid of the desktop folderview caused the error heh.08:24
favroheyho: try ctrl+c to kill it and go with your first choice of a reboot - but if the networking won't restart...08:25
favro<heyho> weird, my laptop isn't refreshing available networks. I turned off my wireless security and laptop still shows it as being secured... time for a reboot!08:25
zenoHollowPoint: damn its using 1.5 GB memory too08:25
heyhoalright. rebooting08:25
HollowPointheyho you didn't edit the /etc/network/interfaces file at any point before the upgrade did you?08:25
heyhonot that I knew of08:26
heyhomaybe it's best I just do a clean install?08:26
HollowPointso you never had to change it to make your wireless work?08:26
heyhowell everything I tried previously I did through the GUI08:26
zenoHollowPoint: my friend in korea got a uncapped gigabit for 35 a month :(08:26
HollowPointthat can sometimes be the best option in terms of time but you learn nothing from it really08:26
zenoh8 usa broadband08:26
HollowPointMines uncapped I suppose now that we changed to xNet but we pay per MB, which sucks08:27
heyhoheh well I figure I won't completely break anything if I'm constrained within the GUI08:27
heyhogreat.. now my computer won't turn off08:27
HollowPointsudo shutdown -r now08:27
heyhothis happened the first time I rebooted too but I thought it was an isolated incident08:27
mike-solidushey i'm trying to upgrade from the beta and it says adept_manager is not a known command08:28
heyhoall it's showing is a black screen with mouse.. any way to get to a command prompt?08:28
HollowPointwhen you click on Adept in the menu it says that? Or are you trying to run the command manually?08:28
favroheyho: ctrl+alt+F2 might work08:28
heyhowait nvm. ctrl alt backspace worked08:28
HollowPointlol always good08:29
HollowPointif all else fails use a kill shortcut :D08:29
HollowPointmike-solidus: ?08:29
mike-solidusHallowPoint: I'm trying to follow the isntructions to upgrade, not sure if i have to, i was using the 8.10 beta, but now that its released want to make sure i'm using the stable version. When i attempt to run kdesudo "adept_manager --dist-upgrade", it claims that the command is not found, checked in a terminal and the command adept_manager is not a known command08:31
mike-solidusalso, whats the package name to install the c++ man pages?08:31
heyhomike-solidus: that's the exact same command I used to upgrade so it worked for me.08:31
mike-solidussudo: adept_manager: command not found08:32
HollowPointyeah sudo won't work for graphical programs08:32
ardchoilleiirc, there is no adept_manager in intrepid08:32
ardchoilleit's just adept now08:33
HollowPointare you typing kdesudo or kdesu btw?08:33
Eruaranand it sucks08:33
HollowPointbecause it should be kdesu08:33
mike-solidusHallowPoint i think its because there is no adept manager anymore, i'm using kdesudo but it says the command can not be found as well08:33
HollowPointlike I said, kdesu not kdesudo08:33
JackWinteri just installed a fresh 8.10 on my laptop, there is a postit and a the desktop.  but in addition i see something flickering, seems like it is continously (every few seconds) trying to open some window and then failing or closing it...?08:34
ardchoilleHollowPoint: what's the output of this?  file /usr/bin/kdesu08:34
EruaranJackWinter: like, ever 10 seconds ?08:34
HollowPointwhy do you ask ardchoille?08:34
JackWinterEruaran: could be08:34
zenoany ktorrent users here?08:34
* Eruaran uses ktorrent08:35
heyhogreat... I've rebooted and I'm encountering the same problem08:35
ardchoilleHollowPoint: Because I wanted to know if it was just a symlink to kdesudo08:35
zenoEruaran: do you know how to 1. turn error you are already downloading... error or 2. how to find whats causing them and delete the dupe torrents?08:35
EruaranJackWinter: I've seen that but not on my own system... the system I saw it on had a 9800GT, which I think might have had something to do with it08:35
HollowPointlol put it this way, kdesudo returns an error for me, so symlink or not kdesudo reports an error, kdesu opens adept08:35
HollowPointyeah there are issues with Nvidia proprietary drivers in 8.1008:36
JackWinterEruaran: this is an onboard intel 910 or some such08:36
zenoHollowPoint: like what? i haver the nvid drivers08:36
heyhoanyone have any final ideas for me to try? otherwise I'm going to do a clean install tomorrow08:36
zenoheyho: whats the prob08:37
HollowPointzeno they don't work properly supposedly, have you checked in your xorg.conf that your driver hasn't been automatically changed to nv or vesa? i.e. did you manually install your nvidia drivers or was this an upgrade?08:37
heyhozeno: upgraded to 8.10 just now and the network manager isn't working and by working I mean it's not doing anything08:38
zenoHollowPoint: upgrade, and its loaded and in use according to restricted drivers app08:38
favroheyho: what is in the /etc/network/interfaces file?08:39
zenoheyho: turn off manual config08:39
HollowPointheyho just out of curiosity have you done a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade since the upgrade itself finished?08:39
zenoheyho: add a network with its gui08:39
EruaranJackWinter: I'm having a look at this page at the moment: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/27847108:39
Zetwhat the hell is wrong with the finnish keyboard layout in 8.§008:39
zenoheyho: its annoying to get working but once you do easier08:39
Zet8.10, that is08:39
HollowPointzeno what card you using?08:39
zenoHollowPoint: 8800gts08:39
ZetI can't seem to type the dollar sign or the pipe character in konsole or xterm08:39
Eruaranzeno: sorry not familiar with that problem08:40
HollowPointinteresting, you must have one lucky system, errors reported all over the web for Nvidia drivers not working with the new xorg08:40
JackWinterEruaran: thanks, that sounds like the same i'm seeing.  gonna go read that thread no08:40
heyhointerfaces says: auto lo | iface lo inet loopback | address | netmask
BleSSI've not internet conection since 8.10 live-cd, how fix it? the problem is by network-manager08:41
zenoupgrade was a breeze except for freaking ktorrent08:41
heyhoHollowPoint: I didn't. Completely forgot to try ethernet to see if it would work08:42
zenoheyho: just use dhcp08:42
zenoheyho: do it via gui not /etc/network/interfaces08:42
heyhooh. err, care to explain? I'm a noob =)08:42
zenoheyho: BleSS right click, enable everything, hit connect to network08:43
EruaranJackWinter: looks like there's progress being made there08:43
heyhozeno: right click where?08:46
HollowPointon the network manager icon08:46
zenoheyho: networkmanager applet08:46
heyhoI don't see an option to "enable everything"08:48
EruaranI'm trying to install the latest beta of Amarok 208:49
EruaranI've added the repository but its not there !!!08:49
zenoheyho: enable wireless then enable networking08:49
Eruaran(yes I've updated)08:49
V1pstaHello, Can I go from Ubuntu -> Kubuntu without having to make changes to files/folders/programs ?08:50
heyhozeno: oh sorry.. I just found the network manager..... I was looking at the globe on the taskbar..08:50
zenoV1psta: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop then log out and choose session type kde08:50
zenoheyho: use the globe on taskbar08:51
V1pstaand if I want to go from Kubuntu -> Ubuntu go to session type bde? right?08:51
V1pstazeno ^ sry08:51
larsiviis there anything known that makes KDE3 programs not being persisted over sessions (Konversation and Basket) ?08:51
zenoV1psta: then go to session type gnome08:51
V1pstazeno: thanks08:51
heyhozeno: yeah, the problem is that it's not responsive. I can delete and find my router but it simply won't connect08:51
zenoheyho: the manual config has to be disabled did you do that08:52
hoontekekmail: the quote indicate is carot space.  Is there a way to make it only add a space if it's a first-level quotation?08:52
hoontekee.g. in thunderbird, it would be '> some text', then '>> some text',08:52
hoontekebut in kmail, it appears to either be '>some text', then '>>some text', .... or '> some text', then '> > some text'08:53
zenohoonteke: is there a need to have it that way?08:53
hoontekezeno, I want it like thunderbird08:53
EruaranAdept fails08:53
EruaranCan't install amarok-kde4 from adept08:54
hoontekeumm, yes? what do you mean?08:54
Eruarandoesnt show up08:54
Eruarango to a bash prompt and use apt-get and its there08:54
Eruaraninstalling now08:54
zenoEruaran: sudo aptitude install amarok (i think kde4 version is default for 8.10)08:54
Eruaranzeno: kde4 version isn't default for 8.10, and I'm installing the latest beta of Amarok 2 now... But Adept was a massive fail.08:55
heyhook well I somehow froze it08:56
heyhoso I reboot. now the wireless works..08:56
EruaranThe new Adept is nicer looking but I don't know what anyone was thinking with the redesigned interface... its a usability failure.08:56
EruaranAnd... it doesn't work properly08:57
zenoEruaran: well use aptitude or apt-get09:00
Eruaranzeno: I did09:01
JackWinterEruaran: thanks disabling the monitor change service solved my flickering.09:02
EruaranJackWinter: cool :)09:02
Eruaranzeno: Adept is broken though09:03
heyhozeno: thanks a lot for your help. rebooted again and it seems to be working fine now. not exactly sure what I did though.09:11
zenoheyho: :) if it works whateva09:12
exia_hey guys..09:12
comeditI have VMware server 2 installed on a kubuntu 64 bit machine09:14
comedit<comedit>I tried to connect yesterday somehow the browser interface does not connect me09:14
comedit<comedit>it is installed on the standard 8222 port09:14
comedit<comedit>I have restarted my machine as well09:14
comedit<comedit>did not help09:14
comedit<comedit>anybody a clue09:14
chris__may someone help me with a configporblem on KDE? In Systemcontrol->Spellchecker there are no options, althrough I got aspell and ispell installed09:35
EruaranThis is getting worse09:37
EruaranNow Konqueror tabs are incorrect09:37
EruaranI'm a die hard KDE fan and Kubuntu user since 2005... but this is not good.09:39
* Eruaran starts up the bug report wizard09:40
irina_rEruaran: good, saves me the trouble :-)09:44
V1pstaIm trying to move some thing around on my bottom bar09:48
Eruaranirina_r: I'm checking to see if it has already been reported first, if it has I'll confirm it. Otherwise I'll make a new bug report.09:48
V1pstalike the window bar, etc. I just want to move everything except the task bar, help?09:48
jussi01V1psta: right click the bar, then panel options, you can now drag and drop. :909:49
V1pstathere isnt a panel options :(09:50
V1pstapanel settings09:50
jussi01V1psta: yeah, sorry09:50
exia_the same09:50
V1pstasorry, just a little drunk09:50
V1pstai cant move to other bars09:50
V1pstathats what im trying to do09:50
jussi01V1psta: no you need to remove it from 1 the re add it to the other09:51
aguitelhello, how create launcher in desktop ?09:51
V1pstaits very cluttered09:51
V1pstacan i atleast move my vitual desktops somewere?09:51
jussi01aguitel: same as one in your menu?09:51
exia_aguitel: a widget one?09:51
aguiteljussi01: NOT09:52
jussi01aguitel: so just a normal file?09:52
V1pstajussi01: Can I atleast move some of these icons somwere else?09:53
aguiteljussi01: need to launch this:xset dpms force off09:53
aguiteljussi01: this commnad:xset dpms force off09:53
jussi01V1psta: first, best to do this sober ;) second you can remove them, then use the add widgets to drag and drop to the other bar...09:54
exia_aguitel, in gnome its just right click on the desktop then create launcher ... and you enter there whatever you want09:56
aguitelexia_: exact09:56
aguitelexia_: in kde4 ?09:56
floownwhat's the program I should launch to activate my graphic card for 3D?09:56
exia_aguitel, i don't know, sry, but i think i'll try to figure out it too09:57
jussi01floown: which graphics card?09:58
floownnvidia jussi0109:58
jussi01floown: again, which one09:58
floown8600 gt ?09:58
shoaibAnybody knows how2 get Yahoo Messenger in UBUNTU09:59
shoaibtel meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee09:59
jussi01ok, :) kmenu - seystem - hardware drivers09:59
shoaibi have ended up in this window.................09:59
jussi01floown: ^^09:59
jussi01shoaib: launch a program called kopete09:59
floownok, 3D is activated by default :)09:59
jussi01floown: likely - it usually pops up10:00
Eruaranshoaib: Are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu ?10:01
shoaibEruaran im using UBUNTU10:01
aguiteljussi01: and10:02
Eruaranshoaib: Ok, you can use Pidgin for Yahoo10:02
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin10:02
shoaibI Tried Pidgin but it seems than none support VOICE CHAT10:02
VinciWuHi, anyone know witch folder is the plasma theme download to?10:03
shoaibi downloaded Gyachi, but its showing some Compability issues10:03
dr_willisYou never mentioned voice chat till just now.. :P10:03
shoaibPlease guys help me out10:03
shoaibIm new to UBUNTU10:03
* dr_willis wonders why peple want to voice chat on IM clients.. and send text messages on their cellphones.10:04
shoaibLets wonder about it later willis, now plz help me with this plzz... will u10:04
favroshoaib: were did you d/load it from - it isn't in the repos10:05
shoaibCoz Voice on IM is FREE and Text Message on Phone is FREE10:05
shoaibi downloaded gyachi from Google Search10:05
dr_willistxt messaging on phone is definatly not free around here...10:05
dr_willisIve no idea what im clients do voice other then skype10:06
shoaibhmmm but its free in here10:06
dr_willisSome of them do support voice/cams i recall. but i dont use any of them10:06
shoaibSo Skype is in the Repos  ? ? ?10:06
favrogoogle search couldn't be any more vague...10:06
dr_willisSkype is in the meduibuntu repos10:06
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:06
shoaibIm looking through it ubottu...10:07
mmo|Am I the only one having the problem that keyboard shortcuts to e.g. konsole is not working in 8.10?10:07
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo10:08
Eruaranshoaib: Skype will give you voice chat but not with Yahoo10:08
shoaibso what does Skype support ?10:09
EruaranSkype supports Skype10:09
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:09
ActionParsnip1Eruaran: gyache does voice in yahoo10:10
mmo|Anyone? Do none of you have problems assigning a keyboard shortcut to Konsole in 8.10?10:10
EruaranActionParsnip1: ok10:10
shoaibSo do i need to create a new account or something for Skype10:10
jussi01shoaib: check out gizmo: http://gizmo5.com/pc/10:10
=== Guest78481 is now known as pvandewyngaerd
shoaibEuaran i downloaded Gyache but its showing problems10:10
dr_willis!info gyache10:11
ubottuPackage gyache does not exist in intrepid10:11
shoaibIn Hardy it is10:11
shoaibDependency is not satisfiable..... This error i get10:11
dr_willis!info GYachI10:12
ubottuPackage gyachi does not exist in intrepid10:12
dr_willisYep..  No Ubuntu Loving at their download site. :()10:12
dr_willisperhaps a ppa repo exists for it10:12
shoaibcould u tell it more clearly plz10:13
ActionParsnip1dr_willis: could easily compile source10:14
dr_willis'ppa' are  Unoffical repositories of software.10:14
ActionParsnip1or find a repo with debs10:14
dr_willisor try the debian debs.10:15
dr_willishttp://ubuntusite.com/gyachie-yahoo-messenger-for-linux/   is what this guy did10:15
dr_willisbut again.. they are a bit out of date.10:15
shoaibi got the source code fot Gyachi10:15
shoaibcould anyone tell how to compile it10:15
exia_aguitel, did you solve ur problem?10:16
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:16
shoaibin the install read me, it given to execute this first - ./autogen.sh10:16
dr_willisinstall 'build-essential' packages first.10:16
dr_willisand you will proberly need a dozen other **-dev packages also for the dependencies10:17
shoaibbut notin is workin10:17
shoaibyou Guys really rock10:17
shoaibwhats the difference between Ubuntu & Kubuntu10:17
aguitelexia_: yes10:17
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:18
exia_aguitel, how?10:18
ActionParsnip1shoaib: ubuntu uses gnome desktop with metacity window manager, kubuntu uses kde desktop with kwin window manager'10:18
aguitelexia_: i add item using kmenu10:18
dr_willisOR one looks at the PPA repos and finds ------>  https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive  that has gyachi10:18
ActionParsnip1shoaib: you can install apps from either system on both but installing gnome apps will also install gnome libs if you are running kubuntu10:19
mmo|Is it possible to change the kde4 taskbar color?10:19
larsivimmo|: only via the them I think10:19
shoaibmetacity ? ?? ?10:19
ActionParsnip1shoaib: yeah, the ubuntu window manager is metacity10:19
shoaibhow can i get xmma10:19
shoaibhow can i get xmms10:19
dr_willisLinux -Runs -> X -> runs the desktop..10:19
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.10:20
dr_willisshoaib,  compile it..  or look for PPA repositories.. is one way10:20
dr_willistheres a guide on compileing it.10:20
exia_aguitel, well.. i guess you could also create a shell script for that ^^10:20
mmo|larsivi: Where do I change the theme?10:20
larsivimmo|: probably in system settings10:20
shoaibvb.shoaib@gmail.com , this is my Id...10:20
shoaibpls help me with some thing..10:20
exia_aguitel, also i dunno how to use that kmenu so that would be a good way to figure out with this problem10:21
ActionParsnip1shoaib: you can run any window manager ontop of gnome, i love fluxbox myself10:21
shoaibi utterly need your help...10:21
shoaibi got to go now.10:21
shoaibi will come back later..10:21
aguitelexia_: kde4 is beatifull but i change again to gnome because is very sample and usefull10:21
shoaibThanks Guys10:21
shoaibUBUNTU Rocks10:21
dr_willisthis is Kubuntu :)10:21
aguitelexia_: gnome is more intuitive10:21
exia_aguitel, completely agree^^10:21
aguitelexia_: do you think?10:21
dr_willisi find some parts of gnome not very intuituve.. but then again.. intuition changes with experience10:22
ActionParsnip1aguitel: fluxbox can run alongside gnome, you are mixing desktop environment with window manager10:22
ActionParsnip1its very common10:23
aguitelthe task manager is not working in kde4 !!!!10:23
dr_willisGnomeBox :P10:23
ActionParsnip1aguitel: ps -ef10:23
exia_ActionParsnip1: is there a gui for this? like show system activity10:25
ActionParsnip1exia_: no idea, i always use cli10:25
floownalt + F2 does not work now with Intrepid Ibex, I miss a paquet?10:29
ActionParsnip1floown: maybe check its configured in keyboard shortcuts10:29
exia_yeah, at me it works perfect10:30
floownActionParsnip1: where it is please?10:32
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:33
ubottukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts10:33
exia_i was just entering the text of question about multimedia keys ^^10:33
exia_thank you very much10:33
jussi01ubottu: is a bot10:37
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.10:37
ActionParsnip1i love you ubottu10:37
ActionParsnip1!paste > carlinhos10:38
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:38
chris__May somebody help me. I want to activate Sonnet (the new Spellchecker-API) on KDE4. How do I do that?10:39
ActionParsnip1!info sonnet10:39
ubottuPackage sonnet does not exist in intrepid10:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sonnet10:39
chris__Kspell seems to be replaced by sonnet. I want to activte a spell-checker on my new Kubuntu10:40
j3j5good morning!10:41
Benjism89hi everybody !10:43
Benjism89may anyone help me10:43
j3j5someone here has Kubuntu 8.10??10:44
Benjism89I've just upgraded from Kubuntu Hardy to Kubuntu Intrepid10:44
ActionParsnip1!ask | Benjism8910:44
ubottuBenjism89: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:44
Tm_Tj3j5: most of us I guess10:44
ActionParsnip1j3j5: just ask10:44
Benjism89I've just upgraded from Kubuntu Hardy to Kubuntu Intrepid and I've just been able to boot one time : now the screen is black after I log in to Kubuntu10:45
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: does ctrl+alt+backspace sort it?10:45
Benjism89I haven't tried that ... What would then be the reason for it ?10:45
Benjism89ok I'll try anyway10:47
j3j5I've a little problem, when I start my PC with the live CD, Kubuntu doesn't start, it's impossible boot with X10:47
j3j5I tried startx & startkde and both fails10:48
j3j5(sorry for my english, I'm learning)10:48
ActionParsnip1j3j5: have you tried disabling acpi and dma before booting the live cd?10:48
j3j5from Bios?10:48
ActionParsnip1j3j5: from the kernel options10:49
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:49
dr_willisso the KDM login screen works? and you can login?10:49
ActionParsnip1j3j5: id also hit the bios and disable any unnecessary hardwrae10:49
j3j5thanks! I'll try!10:50
j3j5altough I've a log from Xorg10:50
j3j5where can I paste the log for show you?10:50
j3j5any website known?10:51
ActionParsnip1!paste | j3j510:54
ubottuj3j5: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:54
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:didn't work10:55
j3j5thanks ubottu, I was looking for this website, but I didn't remember, for that reason I asked.10:55
j3j5look this, it is my Xorg.0.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/67257/10:57
j3j5at the end is (I think) the problem10:57
j3j5but I don't know how solve it.10:57
ActionParsnip1j3j5: try fixing xorg from recovery menu in grub10:58
j3j5how can I do that?10:58
j3j5sorry, I know10:58
j3j5but this is an error with the live CD10:59
j3j5I can start my Kubuntu 8.04 without problems10:59
ActionParsnip1j3j5: does fixing the xorg make things ok?11:00
=== patrick is now known as com_h
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:do you have an idea what my problem, which seems to be graphical, can be due to, and how to solve it ?11:02
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: what happened, what are wwe trying to resolve?11:02
j3j5sorry, I don't understand you, how can I do that?11:03
zer0ohi guys, if i go to "find file" it tells me "malformed URL" what does it mean?11:03
Benjism89ActionParnsnip1:I just upgraded to Intrepid and I have only be able to start one time Kubuntu. Now the screen goes black after I log in, and all I can do is reboot with shortkeys.11:04
ActionParsnip1j3j5: reboot and press esc when prompted, you will then choose your current kernel and then select fix xserver or xorg or however its worded11:04
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: check system logs to see whats going on11:04
j3j5but, that is from the instalation CD??11:05
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:looks like it's a graphical problem ... the logs say it tried several screen sizes which failed, and after it goes black11:06
ActionParsnip1j3j5: did you md5 check the downloaded iso and cd once it was burned?11:06
j3j5no, I didn't, it's a good idea11:06
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: try repairing the xserver with recovery mode in grub11:06
j3j5I'm going to try that11:06
j3j5thanks, after I tell you11:07
ActionParsnip1j3j5: you should ALWAYS check them, tcp is good at ensuring data is accurate but data corruption especially for operating systems can cause errors11:07
ActionParsnip1j3j5: they dont make md5 hashes for kicks you know :D11:07
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:how do I repair it ?11:07
ActionParsnip1!md5 | j3j511:07
ubottuj3j5: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:07
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: reboot, press esc when prompted and select recovery for your kernel11:08
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:ok, and after ? that's all ?11:08
j3j5thanks ubottu, I know how do it, it's just I didn't do it, thanks, I'll try.11:09
=== leaf_ is now known as leaf__
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: then select repair xserver or fix xorg or similar, it'll be on the screen, just read11:10
=== leaf__ is now known as leaf_
* ActionParsnip1 puts away his spoon11:10
Benjism89ok ActionParsnip1 thanks a lot I'm gonna try :)11:10
bastidoes anyone know if there is new site for kbfx?11:13
bastikbfx.org seems to be sold11:13
ActionParsnip1maybe http://www.linuxlots.com/~siraj/kde/plugin/home/11:14
brandon_can anyone help a NOOB get write permissions so that I can change my resolution and reefresh rates for my nvidia card?11:16
ActionParsnip1brandon_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings11:16
ActionParsnip1brandon_: you need that app11:16
bastinot really. i am looking for some plugins. does anyone know, where to get them?11:16
ActionParsnip1basti: plugins for what? pidgin, firefox, mplayer????11:17
bastithought that would be clear when i firs asked for that11:17
faileasanyone knows of a VM software which i can do a simulated boot off a actual USB drive? i got a few projects that need me installing OSes to USB hard drives...11:18
brandon_ActionParsnip I have that app, but when i enable the card I get just a black screen and I haven't found how to change these settings from a term11:18
ActionParsnip1faileas: id imagine you could mount the usb stick as the virtaul systems internal drive and install to that11:19
larsivibrandon_: do you have drivers installed?11:19
faileasActionParsnip1: naw. i need to test if a certain setup will work, and i can't spare an actual PC to do it11:19
ActionParsnip1brandon_: you need to install drivers for the nvidia card as well as the app11:19
brandon_not at the moment becacause everytime I do I get a black screen even with nvidia cards and app11:20
brandon_this happens whe I reboot11:20
faileasActionParsnip1: specifically attempting installing to USB an OS and seeing if it works11:20
ActionParsnip1faileas: im suprised, you could symlink the virtualbox folder to the mounted usb, it would then store the machine11:20
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:20
exia_can anyone advice me something like flashfxp for ubuntu? but now kftpgrabber... just some distr that can auto-reconnect11:20
exia_but not*11:20
bastiexia_, filezilla?11:21
exia_basti thanks^^ i'll try it11:22
faileasActionParsnip1: its not an ubuntu install i'm looking at. i DO have vmware (on a windows box) and i was thinking of trying virtualbox, but i really need to replicate a USB boot in the same way it would do on native hardware11:22
ActionParsnip1faileas: the second link tells you how to install the OS to a usb stick so you can carry the installed system in your pocket11:23
faileasActionParsnip1: my target OS is not ubuntu11:23
=== ubuntu is now known as niunio
=== omayer is now known as DaHopi
Benjism89ActionParsnip1 : XServer recovery told me : "xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possible-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg_conf...."11:24
ActionParsnip1faileas: what OS?11:24
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: yep its writing you a new one11:24
faileasActionParsnip1: windows...11:24
faileasActionParsnip1: there's a specific, very hackish way to do so11:25
ActionParsnip1faileas: then http://www.ngine.de/article/id/811:25
niunioNeed help with Grub. It doesn't show the menu (error #22 IIRC). Right now I'm using the Kubuntu CD.11:25
ActionParsnip1faileas: id ask in ##windows11:25
faileasActionParsnip1: yeah. thats the howto i am gonna use.11:25
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:yes but it doesn't change anything, still bugs11:25
Benjism89ActionParsnip1:but this repairs the OS ? not KDE, does it ?11:25
Benjism89(cause GNOME works)11:26
faileasActionParsnip1: well, my specific issue right now is finding a VM software which allows me to boot from a attached USB device so i can do the whole process without dedicating a computer to it11:26
ActionParsnip1Benjism89: hmm, id check memory for issues then (also part of the menu you used earlier)11:26
faileasand my main box *is* ubuntu11:26
niunioHello. I need help with Grub. It doesn't show the menu (error #22 IIRC). Right now I'm using the Kubuntu CD.11:27
niunioI was reinstaling Kubuntu Hardy...11:27
ActionParsnip1niunio: what does error 22 mean?11:28
niunioDon't know.11:28
niunioThe Hardy installer was freezed at 82%11:28
ActionParsnip1niunio: well go find out and you may find some answers11:28
brandon_Can anyone tell me how to get write permission so that I can alter my xorg.config file?11:28
ActionParsnip1niunio: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as check the cd for defects?11:29
niuniobrandon_: use sudo.11:29
ActionParsnip1brandon_: kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:29
dr_willissudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf :) for console geeks11:29
niunioI was checked the CD and it said it's Ok11:29
* ActionParsnip1 loves nano11:29
niunioCan I download a new ISO and create a new CD from the Kubuntu Live CD?11:30
ActionParsnip1niunio: as long as you have sufficient ram to store the iso11:31
ActionParsnip1you could fsck your drives in live cd to make sure they are healthy11:31
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot11:31
niunioOk. I'll use fsck right now.11:31
j3j5thanks guys, my ISO was corrupted, I'm downloading again and then I'll try again11:32
j3j5thank you very much!!11:33
favrothe sudo shutdown -F -r now is very handy11:33
dr_willisalias Panic='sudo shutdown -F -r now'11:33
ActionParsnip1j3j5: the guides all say md5 check11:33
ActionParsnip1j3j5: dowanloads arent always 100%11:33
j3j5yeah, yeah, I know11:34
j3j5but I'm so happy with my new version and I can't wait :P11:34
j3j5thanks for all, equally!11:34
niuniofavro: can't use shutdown -F -r now because GRUB doesn't show the menu!11:34
niunioOk. fsck said the filesystem is Ok. I'll reboot to see what error returns GRUB, then I'll thell you.11:35
niunioSee you.11:35
gan-xiaofeiwho know how to update to kde 4.1.2 for ubuntu 8.1011:36
ubottuKDE 4.1.2 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.2 - Support in #kubuntu-kde411:37
larsivigan-xiaofei: if you have 8.10, you have 4.1.211:37
gan-xiaofeibut i think it can not be run well11:37
ActionParsnip1gan-xiaofei: try it, you can always switch back to 3.511:38
VinciWuhi, i can't change icon of my account11:38
ActionParsnip1if you want your desktop to run well instal fluxbox11:38
gan-xiaofei i have a problem11:38
VinciWuthe system say the adim don't allow me to change11:38
gan-xiaofeii can not change the number of desktop11:38
gan-xiaofeiit always have 2 desktops11:39
ActionParsnip1gan-xiaofei: in compiz?11:41
gan-xiaofeithe desktop cube can not be realized11:42
dr_willisone must use the ccsm tool general tab to set the # of desktops to get cubeish # of desktops11:42
* dr_willis finds the cube useless11:43
=== ubuntu is now known as Niunio
NiunioHi. Its me again11:43
NiunioThe GRUB output is:11:43
Niunio*is just Error 2211:43
NiunioI'm looking for it in Google.11:44
gan-xiaofeiis it a bug11:44
NiunioA bug?11:45
gan-xiaofeican not change the number of desktop11:45
gan-xiaofeiis this a bug11:45
dr_willisCCSM has several ways of storeing its configs.. kde4 may of changed that.11:47
dr_willisYou may need to set it to save its configs in a 'flatfile' format in the options11:47
dr_willisPersonally - i dont use compiz + kde411:47
gan-xiaofeibut i do not know how to use the CCSM11:48
gan-xiaofeiit does not display well11:49
gan-xiaofeibut i have updated the Graphics driver to the latest11:49
ActionParsnip1gan-xiaofei: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager11:50
ActionParsnip1gan-xiaofei: you done that?11:50
ActionParsnip1gan-xiaofei: then id ask in ##compiz11:50
gan-xiaofeito the nvidia 178.011:50
gan-xiaofeiit's latest11:51
gan-xiaofeihow to update kde to latest in command11:55
SlimeyPetegan-xiaofei: what do you mean by "latest"?11:55
SlimeyPeteKDE4? KDE3.5.9?11:55
gan-xiaofeikde 4.1211:55
gan-xiaofeior i want to repair it11:56
larsivigan-xiaofei: unless you have very specific compiz needs, you should use kwin11:57
SlimeyPetetry "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kde4"11:57
gan-xiaofeii will have a try11:57
SlimeyPetethough... hrm... might need to be kde4-base or something11:58
SlimeyPetedepends which bit's broken11:58
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:58
gan-xiaofeii think compiz has no problem11:58
gan-xiaofeiit run well in gnome11:59
=== villoni is now known as Copelia
dr_willisi dont even find compiz running well in gnome.. :)11:59
dr_willisbut compiz is a bit more designed/tested to work with gnome. then kde or kde412:00
leaf_Can compiz running on Fluxbox?12:00
gan-xiaofei"Desktop effects" can be run well too12:00
gan-xiaofeiwhat is fluxbox12:01
dr_willisleaf_,  No.12:01
dr_williscompiz replaces the normal window manager.12:01
dr_willisso it replaces kwin, in kde, or metacity in gnome.12:01
dr_willisand since fluxbox IS the window manager.. :) theres not a lot to fluxbox for it to replace.. other then the whole thing12:01
ActionParsnip1thats why when you wanna turn off compiz you type kwin --replace12:01
leaf_So, fluxbox doesn't have a windows manager, sorry, I'm new to Fluxbox12:02
leaf_Oh, Okay12:02
SlimeyPeteleaf_: fluxbox *is* a window manager12:02
dr_willisFluxbox IS a window manager.. it is NOT a 'desktop'12:02
SlimeyPeteso compiz would replace fluxbox12:02
ActionParsnip1you can have fluxbox managing kde apps12:02
ActionParsnip1SlimeyPete: yes12:02
dr_willisLinux = all about layers and layers of programs12:02
leaf_So, when I'm running Fluxbox, the windows manager is X11, right?12:03
SlimeyPeteleaf_: no, the window manager is fluxbox.12:03
dr_willisX is the foundation of the GUI. :)12:03
ActionParsnip1fluxbox is the windows manager12:03
leaf_I'm quite confused with all these...window managers12:03
ActionParsnip1if you installed kubuntu your DESKTOP is KDE12:03
dr_willisLinux runs -> X -> runs Window manager -> runs exra apps for the desktop/icons/launchers12:04
ActionParsnip1so you get all your kde apps with a clean look12:04
dr_willisdesktop = 'window manager + extra apps'12:04
dr_willisLayers upon layers. :)12:04
leaf_OK, so, dr_willis, those are the layers, am I right?12:04
ActionParsnip1you can run it on gnome instead of metacity, same gnome apps, ligther look12:04
dr_willissort of. :)12:04
dr_willisYou coule replace kwin with fluxbox if you wanted12:05
SlimeyPeteleaf_: basically fluxbox is just a window manager, whereas (e.g.) KDE is a big bundle of software which includes a window manager (kwin) amongst other things12:05
leaf_OK, thanks12:05
gan-xiaofeiwhat desktop are you using12:05
ActionParsnip1leaf_: all the plasma and the menu in the bottom right is the window manager12:05
dr_willisI use 'jwm' as my window manager, and rox-filer as the filemanager/desktop12:06
gan-xiaofeiwhat is the ubuntu default window manager12:06
dr_willisgnome = metacity12:06
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE12:06
dr_willisubnut defaults to the gnome desktop12:06
dr_willisI rember when gnome  first came out big time and decided to use Metacity.. everyone was like.. "where did metacity come from?"12:07
dr_willisThe good old Gnome Days..12:07
dr_willisBack when Ximian was big. :)12:07
* ActionParsnip1 has always used kde12:08
ActionParsnip1a bar at the top and one at the bottom, how many bars does a guy need?12:08
dr_willisI like a SIDE bar with my windowmaker warf applets.. :)12:09
dr_willisbut thats getting rare these days12:09
ActionParsnip1app catcher and yakuake is all i need12:09
dr_willisand the cube!12:09
dr_willis'bow down to the cube'12:10
ActionParsnip1screw the cube, it breaks too much12:10
ActionParsnip1i had mine as a cylinder for a while, that was funny12:10
=== metbsd is now known as Guest4748
dr_willisMy laptop for some reason on the cubve.. the right arrow- seems to 'stick'  and goes 3-4 desktps at a time..12:11
dr_willisbut it dosent do it in any other apps.. :)12:11
SlimeyPeteI find that the cube just gets annoying after a while, as with most transition effects.12:11
dr_willisNot sure waht the deal is done it for  the last 2 releases of ubuntu/compiz12:11
Tm_Tyou can have cube in KDE4 too without compiz12:11
leaf_My thought is the cude is to attract new guys.12:12
ActionParsnip1yeah, then they get sick of it and realise they didnt just get ee candy, they got a fairly decent OS12:12
ActionParsnip1you can spot a new ubuntu user a mile off, they make loadsa noise about the cube12:13
ActionParsnip1and dont have video drivers installed12:13
dr_willisDa Purty Wiggly  Windows!12:13
* dr_willis sets the windows to blow up into flames and play a LOUD noise when they close..12:14
leaf_I have a few friends transfered from Win, after seeing the cube, few days later, they asked me how to play Starcraft12:14
dr_willisits always amuseing when you mazamize a window and the wiggle effect gets stuck and keeps it wiggling for a few min..12:14
ActionParsnip1those effects drive me nuts12:15
ActionParsnip1i do like spinning the cube during compiles12:15
dr_willisthe wife does like the ZOOM12:15
dwidmannI've got the strangest problem lately and I'm not really sure what's causing it ... When I eject disks the tray ejects ... but then immediately pulls it back in! It's damaging my disks :( Any idea what's causing it Anybody?12:15
ActionParsnip1and downloads12:15
ilyaПривет всем12:16
digI wonder in kubuntu8.10, is there an open as root option in dolphin. (like 8.04)12:17
digI quite miss that feature.....12:17
ActionParsnip1!ru } ilya12:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ru } ilya12:18
ActionParsnip1dig: kdesudo dolphin12:18
faileas!ru > ilya12:18
ubottuilya, please see my private message12:18
ActionParsnip1!ru | ilya12:18
ubottuilya: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:18
digthx, awesome12:19
ActionParsnip1dig: keep its use to a minimum12:19
dwidmannhmm, seems like it was bug 28576112:21
joe_i don't know how to config my graphic's card and i need to so that i can fix the screen reslotion, can anyone help me out?12:22
ActionParsnip1joe_: what graphics card? lspci will tell you12:22
dwidmannOr rather 283316 ... but it says that it's "fixed" ... but it clearly isn't12:22
joe_my graphic's card is riva tnt12:23
Spexiushi all12:23
ActionParsnip1joe_: which one? can you give us the line from lspci please12:24
joe_how do i do that?12:24
Spexiusa short question: Where do I change the setup of Thinkpad keys? I have 8.10 running and the special Thinkpad keys got seriously messed up compared to 8.04 :-/12:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about warrez12:25
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:25
ActionParsnip1joe_: copy it from terminal and paste here12:25
ActionParsnip1joe_: only that line12:25
joe_nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] (rev 15)12:26
favrothe tnt cards are limited to the nv driver in intrepid going by the release notes12:26
joe_oh, ok12:27
joe_so then how do i fix my screen resoltion from 640X480 to 1020X102412:28
ActionParsnip1joe_: you can install nvidia-settings to tweak it12:29
joe_ok, and how do i that?12:29
ActionParsnip1joe_: envyng-qt may help but if favro says its limited its not gonna fly12:29
ActionParsnip1joe_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings12:29
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:30
joe_i'm srry, i have only used linux for about a week and i'm still try'n to get the hang of it12:30
favroI use xrandr12:30
joe_You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.12:31
* exia_ is away: Gone away for now12:31
ActionParsnip1joe_: ok nvidia-settings is no good for you12:31
joe_that's what it gave me when i tried to open it up from the kmenu12:31
joe_so now what?12:32
ActionParsnip1joe_: try sudo apt-get -y install envyng-gtk; gksudo envyng-gtk12:32
ActionParsnip1ok not gksudo kdesudo12:32
joe_EnbyNG came up12:33
faileasActionParsnip1: i thought envy in general was a bad idea?12:34
joe_do i hit automatic or maual install???12:34
ActionParsnip1joe_: use auto12:35
ActionParsnip1faileas: ive seen very few issues with it12:35
=== rgreening1 is now known as rgreening
jussi01!envy | faileas12:36
ubottufaileas: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk12:36
dwidmannSpeaking of nvidia ... the new package naming scheme for the nvidia packages for ubuntu really is quite the improvement.12:37
=== david_ is now known as ArkoldThos
joe_ok and it's still doing it's thing12:37
ActionParsnip1joe_: awesome12:37
jussi01joe_: which gfx card do you have?12:38
jussi01there is a new nvidia driver in -proposed12:38
jussi01 nvm, I read back12:38
joe_it's not done yet12:38
dwidmannjussi01: which version is in proposed?12:38
jussi01but yeah, the new driver in -proposed should work for those old card12:39
jussi01dwidmann: http://albertomilone.com/wordpress/12:39
joe_ok it's done12:40
joe_but it want's me to restart my computer though?12:40
Spexiusif you changed your X config you usually only need to restart X-Windows itself, not the whole system.12:41
joe_that's what it asked me and i said no12:41
ActionParsnip1joe_: reoot when you are ready to12:41
joe_ok i'll do it now and if i work's or doesn't i'll u let u guy's know,  thnx for help'n me  ^_^12:42
=== rametux is now known as RameTux
ActionParsnip1Spexius: its envyng, no idea why it wants a reboot12:44
jussi01Does anyone know how to request a read receipt in kmail?12:46
=== our-pc is now known as usergr
usergri have a problem . can anyone help me for a minute?12:47
SlimeyPete!ask | usergr12:48
ubottuusergr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:48
DaHopijussi01: in Options menue, second point..12:48
jussi01DaHopi: kmail in kde4 btw12:49
aguitel_i am free12:50
DaHopijussi01: yup.. create a new mail, in the maileditor you have the options menue.. first point is "urgent", second point is read receipt for me in kde4 kmail..12:50
aguitel_exia_, i am free12:50
jussi01DaHopi: curious, my second thing is "request disposition notification" which I have no idea what they are talking about...12:50
usergri have ubuntu/kubuntu. flash player is buggy (on firefox and  opera) ,when i scroll down a page that contains flash content like youtube, myspace etc, it doesnt scrooll smoothly12:51
usergrwhat should i do ?\12:51
ActionParsnip1usergr: you on 64bit or 32bit?12:54
favrousergr: it's prob the vid card driver12:54
ActionParsnip1usergr: could try removing all flashes and then hitting a flash site like www.rathergood.com/blode212:54
ActionParsnip1favro: nice one12:54
usergrthis site is ok12:56
sfearsmy alt+f2 doesn't bring up a run command box anymore12:56
ActionParsnip1sfears: try reassigning the hotkey in keyboard prefs12:56
sfearswill try12:56
joe_i'm srry to say guy's but it didn't work at all12:56
DaHopijussi01: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_receipt12:57
jussi01joe_: enable the proposed repository, then install the drivers through jokey12:57
ActionParsnip1joe_: did you see an nvidia symbol?12:57
joe_yes i did12:57
jussi01DaHopi: thanks12:57
joe_and i don't know how to enable the proposed repository srry to say12:58
ActionParsnip1joe_: if you saw nvidia symbol fullscreen before desktop you have drivers12:58
DaHopijussi01, ur welcome..12:58
ActionParsnip1joe_: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and you can set stuff from there12:58
joe_i didn't see it at fullscreen i saw it at 640X48012:58
ActionParsnip1joe_: didit fill the screen before anything was shown?12:59
joe_ok this is really start'n to piss me off and it's not u guy's it's my damn computer12:59
usergrthanks for your time favro12:59
ActionParsnip1joe_: then thats full screen, just at a bad res12:59
sfearsActionParsnip1, i think it has something to do with compiz taking over the shortcut keys first.. it's set correctally in the keyboard prefs13:00
favrousergr: did I help?13:00
ActionParsnip1sfears: maybe ask in #compiz then13:00
ActionParsnip1joe_: if you install nvidia-settings it will hook into what you have and let you setup13:00
usergrof course ,thanks13:00
joe_it say's i have nvidia setting's but when i click on it, it say's this13:01
joe_You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.13:01
joe_but my screen resoltion isn't want it want it to be it's 640X480 and that's not what i want13:01
joe_cuz it blow's everything up really big13:01
eduardoalguien habla español?13:01
joe_i want it where it can fit my screen with no problem's13:02
Pici!es | eduardo13:02
eduardoalguien habla español?13:02
ubottueduardo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:02
ActionParsnip1joe_: you gotta wrestle your card till it gives you a finer res13:02
joe_i don't know how to13:02
favrojoe_: in  the device section of the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf is nvidia listed or is it nv13:02
ActionParsnip1joe_: can you give us a pastebin of /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:02
joe_don't know let me look13:02
joe_ok i'll give u pastebin of my xorg.conf13:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)13:03
EyesKillerHi is this English-spoken-channel?13:05
favroEyesKiller: is english your first language?13:06
aguitel_exia_, i am free13:06
EyesKillerFine, I've upgraded kubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10. Unfortunatelly my ntfs-partition disappeared from "k"->Host/Machine/PC (<-don't know how it's called in English since I'm using German "K"->"Rechner")13:06
EyesKillerfavro: Nope, I'm german.13:07
jussi01joe_: so did you try adding the proposed repo like I said?13:07
joe_i don't know how to13:07
jussi01joe_: open adept (system - adept manager)13:07
favroEyesKiller: your english is good :)13:07
jussi01EyesKiller: you can also use #kubuntu-de if you prefer13:07
EyesKillerfavro: Thank you, I don't want to talk English if this would be a German-Channel, so not every german would understand my questions. ;)13:07
ActionParsnip1EyesKiller: did you overwrite any config files during upgrade?13:08
EyesKillerjussi01: No probs.13:08
EyesKillerActionParsnip1: Not me but perhaps "adept --dist-upgrade" did. :/13:08
jussi01joe_: then click soureces, then the updates tab13:08
EyesKillerMaybe I have to write a new line into /etc/fstab huh?13:08
ActionParsnip1EyesKiller: makes sense13:09
jussi01joe_: sorry, you have to click edit software sources first13:09
=== universidad is now known as Fachf
joe_ok, how do i do that?13:09
EyesKillerman fstab would tell me which parameters is needed, right?13:10
jussi01joe_: so in adept, click sources, then edit software sources13:10
jussi01EyesKiller: should yeah13:10
joe_i don't see sources13:11
EyesKillerHm... I don't find the infos about parameters for ntfs. I only want to get mountable/writable for nonroot-users.13:11
jussi01joe_: you opened adept manager from system? not adept installer?13:11
joe_yes adept manager13:12
jussi01joe_: wait, which version are you on, 8.04 or 8.10 ?13:12
EyesKillerAnd the partition should be mounted "manually" (like by going "K"->Host->WinXP)13:12
joe_how do i find that out?13:12
ActionParsnip1EyesKiller: im not familiar with that, I use CLI13:12
jussi01!version | joe_13:13
ubottujoe_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »13:13
EyesKillerActionParsnip1: Ok, thank. But wtf is CLI?13:13
jussi01command line interface13:13
EyesKillerAh... ok.13:14
joe_8.04 hardy13:14
jussi01joe_: ahh... well you shouldnt have the problem then... hrm...13:14
ActionParsnip1!cli | EyesKiller13:14
ubottuEyesKiller: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:14
EyesKillerubottu: Thank, I already know xterm/konsole. ;)13:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:14
joe_yeah i know but i am haven problem's with it though and it's start'n to tick me off13:15
EyesKillerOops... it's a bot. :D13:15
joe_but i'll make sure i keep my anger in check though  ^_^13:15
EyesKillerThanx Action.13:15
jussi01joe_: ok, so what happens when you open the hardware manager?13:15
jussi01!tab | EyesKiller13:15
ubottuEyesKiller: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:15
ActionParsnip1EyesKiller: i dont use the kmeu much if at all, all apps executed from yakuake13:16
=== trojan_ is now known as chmoooo
EyesKillerjussi01: Oh... I didn't know about autocompletion for IRC. Thanx.13:17
joe_NVIDIA Acceleratied Graphics driver (legacy cards) not enable13:17
joe_but if i do then i get whati have now and i don't want that13:18
jussi01joe_: can you enable it by clicking the box?13:18
joe_yes but i don't want it cuz that's where i am now with my screen reslotoin13:18
jussi01joe_: are you sure?13:18
joe_my computer was built for a window's 2000 and the only thing that i did put in it was a 80 gig hard drive and a 256 sd ram of memory13:19
joe_just to let u guy's know13:20
joe_so how do i fix my screen resoltion???13:21
aguitel_i am free13:24
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:24
EyesKillerUmm.... so anyone of you use ntfs in kde? If yes, could you printout 'aptitude search ntfs'?13:24
ActionParsnip1!ntfs-3g | EyesKiller13:26
ubottuEyesKiller: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:26
EyesKillerubottu: Thanx. I'll read.13:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:27
EyesKillerUmm... Thanx ActionParsnip1.13:27
ActionParsnip1ubottu only replies if someone pokes him13:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cofffee13:28
ubottucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java13:28
ActionParsnip1like that13:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about print_moneys13:30
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about anyth1ng13:36
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msgtgebit13:40
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:40
=== rametux_ is now known as RameTux
XenThraLkeep getting a message13:47
XenThraL"Error - artsmessage"13:47
XenThraL"Sound server fatal error: cpu overload, aborting"13:47
DarkSmokeapt-get is bugged?13:47
DarkSmokeit says it can't resolve packages.medibuntu.org13:48
DarkSmokebut i can go there with firefox :/13:48
kgxhas anyone had problems upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10? this is for my work laptop, i afford to waste time fixing it should something go wrong13:49
larsivi__kgx: I had many problems13:49
ActionParsnip1DarkSmoke: you need a carridge return on the end of the last line in sources.lst13:49
XenThraLkgx: worst dist-upgrade I've ever done13:49
ActionParsnip1!medibuntu | DarkSmoke13:50
ubottuDarkSmoke: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:50
DarkSmokecarridge return ?13:50
XenThraLeverything from sound, video, to my joystick is broken13:50
DarkSmokeActionParsnip1: wow, i didn;t know what was medibuntu13:50
ActionParsnip1just a lil factoid13:50
kgxlarsivi__ , XenThraL : thanks,  might just do a clean install when stuff at work calms down a bit13:50
XenThraLthis joystick bug13:50
XenThraLanyone ran across it?13:50
XenThraLmy joystick now just keeps pressing 'up'13:51
XenThraLthough its not13:51
XenThraLit was working fine before the upgrade13:51
ActionParsnip1XenThraL: recalibrate it13:51
XenThraLI have13:51
EyesKillerHow is the menu called which opens if you click on "K" in left bottom corner?13:52
hateballEyesKiller» Kicker13:52
EyesKillerI need it as keyword for google.13:52
EyesKillerKicker? Ok, thanx.13:53
XenThraLjoystick issue is known13:53
XenThraLand no fix I can locate13:54
OsugiSakaehi, anyone know how to get the jpeg information functions in krename? what package needs to be installed?13:56
XenThraLhow do I kill a process that wont die with sudo killall ?14:15
XenThraLnvm got it14:16
gan-xiaofeiThank you to everybody for helping14:26
gan-xiaofeii have solved my problem just now14:27
* exia__ is away: Gone away for now14:28
untiledhow to restart cups?14:30
gan-xiaofeiwhat is cups14:30
geniigan-xiaofei: Common Unix Printing System14:31
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions14:31
gan-xiaofeii don't know and i have never used it14:31
geniiuntiled: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart14:32
untiledgenii it write me sudo: /etc/init.d/cupsys: command not found14:32
scribblesis bind10 out?14:32
untiledmaybe i haven't installed it? O_O14:32
Captain_Haddockkubuntu is supposed to enable pulseaudio by default, right?14:33
geniiuntiled: PErhaps you don't have cups installed then14:33
JontheEchidnaCaptain_Haddock: Kubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio14:33
Captain_Haddockoh? Only Ubuntu then?14:34
Captain_Haddockor is it Gnome only?14:34
untiledgenii so i have to use "sudo apt-get install cupsys"?14:35
JontheEchidnaUbuntu only at this point, and probably won't be in Kubuntu14:36
JontheEchidnaPhonon is what KDE uses14:36
geniiuntiled: Yes, that should do it14:37
bastidoes anyone know how to disable the personal image in kbfx?14:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about phonon14:37
untiledgenii it alert me cupsys is just installed :(14:38
Captain_HaddockJontheEchidna: they're competitors? sound similar14:39
OsugiSakaeuntiled: you want to restart cups? isn't it /etc/init.d/cups ? not cupsys?14:39
hagabakait seems that as long as i have kde3 kdelibs installed, kde4 kdm won't run14:39
JontheEchidnaeh, sorta. they sorta do different things14:39
geniiuntiled: Did you do something like delete a bunch of files by accident?14:40
untiledgenii no, it was as told OsugiSakae : sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart14:40
ben_hello everone14:41
geniiuntiled: Ah, I think I may need more coffee this morning yet :)14:42
Captain_HaddockJontheEchidna: I see. Thanks.14:42
Captain_Haddockuntiled: you can also do that from system settings' services applet14:42
untiledCaptain_Haddock i thinked it but i didn't find cups ^^14:44
terran4000Hey, does anyone know where is the setting in KDE 4.1 to scroll over the desktop to switch to a different desktop?14:44
terran4000I can't seem to find it ... or was it removed? o.O14:44
ben_terran4000: it's probably either not yet reimplemented or it doesnt have a configuration option yet14:45
ActionParsnip1terran4000: it does it with mouse wheel i believe14:45
lup0terran4000: I simulate it by scrolling over the desktop switcher in the bottom panel14:45
terran4000lup0: yeah ... that seems to be the only thing tha tI found out that works14:46
terran4000ben_: <sigh> yeah ... so it seems, sadly >_>14:46
terran4000thanks guys.14:46
ben_terran4000: you might check with the kde folks14:46
terran4000Aye, will do. Thanks ben_14:46
ben_it might still be present, but you have to edit an rc file14:46
terran4000Good point there ... forgot about 'em pesky config files.14:47
patrickd_I have dual monitors setup with nvidia on kubuntu but everytime I restart I have to set it up again using nvidia-settings. Can anyone tell me where/how to save the settings? I've looked at the /etc/xorg.conf file but that doesn't seem to be used anymore.14:47
=== ben_ is now known as benklop_
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BluesKajG' Morning14:49
ActionParsnip1!dualhead | patrickd_14:49
ubottupatrickd_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama14:49
terran4000Eve' BluesKaj14:49
patrickd_BluesKaj: Thanks14:49
benklop_i just upgraded to intrepid, and i've got this rediculously annoying flicker14:49
BluesKajbenklop_: nvidia ?14:50
ActionParsnip1benklop_: on the whole screen or just some apps? are you running compiz?14:50
=== Guest49259 is now known as ghost
benklop_roughly the bottom half of my screen will flicker between corrupted graphics (everything shifted left a ways) and regular graphics14:50
benklop_both with and without deskop effects enabled14:50
ActionParsnip1benklop_: try reducing refresh rate slightly14:50
=== ghost is now known as Guest59907
benklop_i only have 60 hz available, and its a laptop lvds panel so it doesn't matter anyway14:51
OsugiSakaeanyone use krename?14:51
ActionParsnip1!info krename14:51
ubottukrename (source: krename): Powerful batch renamer for KDE 3.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.14-1 (intrepid), package size 332 kB, installed size 1288 kB14:51
ActionParsnip1i use find -exec for that sort of thing. Whats it doing, OsugiSakae14:52
benklop_ActionParsnip1: i think it might be related to the i810 Xorg driver14:52
ActionParsnip1benklop_: you could reset up your video drivers14:52
OsugiSakaewhat it isn't doing - i can't find the package that let's krename access jpg data from files.14:53
benklop_ActionParsnip1: i have tried that, and nothing seems to make much of a difference. i havn't tried using a different driver, but right now i'm running without an xorg.conf in order to use default config values14:53
OsugiSakaelike creation time, resolution, etc.14:53
ActionParsnip1OsugiSakae: i think imagemagik can do that. Im not familiar with it. try man krename14:54
OsugiSakaethanks, will check.14:54
aloneamy keys to lower the brightness (fn + f7 or f8) do not work and I want to  save my battery14:54
exia_hey guys... well i have a canon pixma ip1500 printer, and gnome ^^ when i've connected the printer through usb port, switched it on, the system found it as pixma ip1500 - that's all right... but it doesn't print anything ^^ search for a printer driver to download doesn't make anything, and my printer's make and model is "Generic text-only printer", i've also downloaded official drivers from canon site but it seems that they haven't installed properly... what14:55
exia_should i do?14:55
benklop_ActionParsnip1: i'd like to try downgrading my xorg; is that really possible?14:55
ActionParsnip1benklop_: you can set it to failsafe with the command at the top of xorg.conf14:56
benklop_ActionParsnip1: i've used linux for quite a while(6 years) , but havn't realy messed with debian based distros14:56
benklop_ActionParsnip1: you mean so it uses the vesa driver?14:56
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ActionParsnip1benklop_: yeah that should be fine14:57
aloneaI have a hp laptop dv6700 if that helps14:57
aloneaI saw some fnfx thing, but thats for toshiba laptops14:57
benklop_yeah but no accel that way...14:58
benklop_or do you mean to test?14:58
ActionParsnip1benklop_: true but you can start there and build up14:58
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benklop_alright, i'll report back14:58
webmarenhey I just lost keyboard input for all my applications14:59
webmarenhad to log out and log back in to get it back14:59
ActionParsnip1webmaren: you can check logs to see what happened14:59
webmarenany idea of what log to look at14:59
ActionParsnip1webmaren: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles15:01
aloneais there a place I can manually lower the brightness? like display settings? I looked, but did not see anything15:02
matzehi, how i can run kde3-apps with kde4?15:06
matzegot problems with qt while compiling15:07
OsugiSakaehmm. the mp3 and ogg rename functions in krename are missing also.15:09
ActionParsnip1matze: search synaptic for kdelib15:10
ActionParsnip1matze: appears to be sudo apt-get install kde15:11
matzeActionParsnip1: my problem is: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!15:13
aloneaI seem to be unable to change my brightness on my hp laptop. On startup it starts out a lowest birghtness then shoots up to highest.15:13
aaroncampbellWhat's the best way to backup before an 8.10 upgrade?  (Or rather what exactly needs to be backed up)15:14
ActionParsnip1matze: i think kde will install 3.5, you could maybe fine one more suited to kde415:14
matzebut kubuntu 8.10 is kde4 only -.-15:16
ActionParsnip1matze: is there no old kde3.5 on the repos? try tab completing15:17
matzeActionParsnip1: why should i install kde3.5, i just need >= Qt 3.3 and < 4.015:18
ActionParsnip1matze: then install qtlibs15:18
matzechecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!15:18
avinashhey how to resolve the broken package problem?? plz help15:18
ActionParsnip1matze: or you could tell it to ignore but i dunno how stable it will e15:18
ActionParsnip1avinash: sudo apt-get -f install15:19
ardchoilleActionParsnip1: I read that as sudo apt-get fail15:19
ActionParsnip1ardchoille: -f == fix15:19
ardchoilleit's too early in the morning15:20
avinashi have to install samba15:20
ActionParsnip13:20pm here, been up 9 hours nearly15:20
ardchoille. and I'm old15:21
ActionParsnip128 here15:21
aloneaanyone have ideas? even a manual method would make me happy at this point15:21
ActionParsnip1ardchoille: how old is old?15:22
ilyaalonea: what?15:22
aloneailya: I cannot change the brightness of my laptop screen. keys do not work and when compy starts it sets screen to max15:22
aloneailya: I think I might have found a solution.15:24
aloneawhile going through a bunch of forums someone was using an app called kpowersave to do it manually of so it finally installed. I found the brightness tab and it worked. Out of curiosity I tried my keys again and they work too15:25
aloneawhether is saves my brightness settings is another matter, but being able to change them is a must, though it seemss linux isn't reading my battery correctly15:26
aloneasays I have less than an hour left. This battery lasts around 4 hours.15:27
dr_willissounds like general apci type issues.. which are  sadly often common.15:27
aloneadr_willis: do you know anything about touch pad drivers?15:27
aloneaif I so much as accidentally brush the pad while typing my cursor goes elsewhere or I somehow paste something.15:28
dr_willisNot really.  There have been a lot of changes to the touchpad stuff in the latest X releases..15:28
aloneafigures. I might look around for some sort of driver. I used to have an app that had sensitivity options when I had kubuntu 6 or 715:29
aloneaso far the support for most of my hardware is awesome, it just none of my volume or brightness keys work. also my headphone jack doesn't work either.15:30
ActionParsnip1alonea: fix one thing at time15:34
alirioi vave a problem with openoffice and kde415:35
alirioi dont know what is happening but when i open openoofice, kde4 crash15:35
alirioi neeeeeeed heeeeeeeeeeeeelp15:35
* dr_willis waves his magical wand...15:36
patrickd_Which group(s) do I need to be part of so that I can "automount" my windows partitions without having to use "sudo"15:36
alirioi have a problem with openoffice and kde415:36
alirioi dont know what is happening but when i open openoofice, kde4 crash15:36
aliriohelp me please15:37
=== ben_ is now known as benklop_
dr_willisalirio,  i would check the kubuntu forums to see if others are haivng similer issues..  and are you using anything unusual with  kde4? compiz?  perhaps disable all effects...15:37
dr_willisIve not heard anyne else  mention issues with kde4 and OOo  in here.15:38
aliriobut i dont know what heppen15:38
alirioi open openoffice and then the taskbar disapperar15:38
alirioor the color gone15:39
dr_willisalso.. has it EVER worked? is this a upgrade or clean install.. try it under a different user, you could also try it under a different window manager.15:39
* dr_willis thinks of more troubleshooting things to try.15:39
aliriois a clean install15:39
ActionParsnip1alirio: ask away duder15:39
OsugiSakaealirio: have you tried renaming your .openoffice2 directory and starting it again?15:39
OsugiSakae(basically what dr_willis just said)15:39
alirioi had installed it 3 times again and so and so15:40
aliriobut the same problem is always15:40
OsugiSakaealirio: reinstalling is usually not the answer15:40
dr_willisI would try it under a different desktop/window manager also.. see if its a kde specifi issue. or not.15:40
dr_willis'reinstalling is windows training' :)15:40
alirioi dont know15:41
OsugiSakaerather than reinstall, try as with a clean user - no previous openoffice settings15:41
alirioi had tried it15:41
aliriobut the same problem15:41
alirioi think it is a problem with openoffice15:42
alirioanybody has kde415:42
bazhangalirio, what version of open office and how was it installed15:42
dr_willisThis is the first ive heard of it in here alirio15:42
alirioversion 3.015:42
alirioby console with debs15:42
dr_willisSO you are using the BETA of openoffice 3 then?15:43
bazhangalirio, that is the beta15:43
benklop_ActionParsnip1: the flickering disappears when using the vesa driver15:43
ardchoille!info openoffice.org15:43
ubottuopenoffice.org (source: openoffice.org): OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.4.1-11ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB15:43
bazhangalirio, downloaded from where15:43
benklop_ActionParsnip1: so it looks like the intel driver could be the cause15:43
dr_willislast i looked OOo 3 was not in the repos or backports, or ppa repos yet...15:43
alirioi downloaded the last version from openoffice.org15:44
bazhangno wonder15:44
alirioas always15:44
dr_willisalirio,  thats the issue then...15:44
dr_willisor so it seems.15:44
dr_willisI would try it with a different window manager if you MUST have OOo315:44
bazhangalirio, use the repos not random websites15:44
dr_willisUnless you really MUST have the latest.. i would use the one in the repos15:44
matzehow i can change prefixes for configure?15:44
matzegot error:15:44
matzechecking for KDE... configure: error:15:44
matzein the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail.15:44
matzeSo, check this please and use another prefix!15:44
aliriobut my question is:15:45
dr_willisor wait for oo3 to get in the bacports or ppa repos and try it then.15:45
bazhangits not a problem for kubuntu.15:45
bazhangits a problem for Open Office beta alirio15:45
aloneaActionParsnip1: oh yes. I am terrible at doing many things at once. I was going to put windows xp on a partition last night to get the nasty surprise of no drivers for my sata15:45
alirioanybody had kde415:45
dr_williswell it may be a kubntu issue.. but no one proberly knows much about it..  :)  both may be to blame.. its hard to tell.15:45
ardchoillealirio: generally, using software outside of the repos is unsupported15:45
dr_willisDefiatly falls in the 'you are on your own' area. :)15:46
alirioit means i must leave openoffice default15:46
alirioit means 2.415:46
dr_willisthe guides i saw swaid you could have both installed...15:47
dr_willisyou may want to try a different window manager.. itmay not crash in those15:47
aliriono but i want kde15:47
VinciWuhi all15:47
dr_willisLooks like you got some tough choices then..15:47
VinciWui got a question15:47
dr_willisi would definatly try a 'new' user and see if it affects them15:47
alirioi m used to kde15:47
alirioyes it affects15:48
VinciWui can't change my account icon15:48
alirioif you create a new user it happens again15:48
alirioi m so angry15:48
benklop_alirio: what's happening?15:48
ActionParsnip2VinciWu: try in user manager in system settings15:48
bazhangalirio, why do you need version 315:49
VinciWuthe system tell me that "your system admin don't allow you change"15:49
aliriobenklop: i have problems with openoffice and kde415:49
aliriothe system cash15:49
bazhangopen office beta15:49
alirioor at least the taskbar gone15:49
ardchoilleVinciWu: It's a weird permissions thing, hold on and I'll find the fix I used..15:49
aliriono openoffice is out15:49
sokolovssHello, are there any Koffice aplications written on Qt4 available?15:50
alirioi dont know what to do15:50
hoontekewhat is kmail's dbgsym package named?15:50
ardchoilleVinciWu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60835415:51
benklop_alirio: do you have an nvidia video card?15:51
aliriohey anybody of you have install kde4 and have it now15:51
VinciWuardchoille: thank you!15:51
alirioand what opeoffice have15:51
bazhangalirio, yes I have kde415:51
sokolovssyes, I have KDE415:51
ardchoilleVinciWu: see the post by cookies, second from the bottom15:52
alirioand you have openoffice 2.415:52
alirioand compiz too15:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:52
ActionParsnip2alirio: i have all 3, wassup15:52
VinciWuardchoille: i used sudo in console, and it shows "Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-vinci" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0."15:53
benklop_alirio: do you have an nvidia video card?15:53
alirioit means is a problem with openoffice315:53
alirioyes  i have a nvidia15:53
bazhangalirio, it means that you should stick to the repos.15:53
ardchoilleVinciWu: systemsettings > Advanced tab > System Administration > Login Manager15:54
benklop_alirio: there is a known problem with nvidia drivers and kde4 that is triggered by openoffice and some other programs15:54
benklop_alirio: there is a race condition between opengl drawing and X drawing15:54
VinciWuardchoille: let me check15:54
sokolovssI also have openoffice, KDE4 and all works pretty fine with 177 driver15:54
benklop_alirio: if you disable desktop effects, the problem might go away15:54
aliriobut the desktop effects was why i wanted15:55
aliriokubuntu 8.1015:55
benklop_alirio: me too. :)15:55
VinciWuardchoille: oh! i can change that!! Thank you!15:56
sokolovssm... I have only default effects =)15:56
aliriothats the problem15:56
VinciWuardchoille: but why i can't change icon in About me?15:56
alirioi had confiured  several effects15:56
ardchoilleVinciWu: Over on the right side of Login Manager, in the User Image Source section, check "User, admin"15:56
ardchoilleVinciWu: after you do that you should be able to change the about me icon15:57
benklop_alirio: the problem is, xorg can't synchronize painting between 2d X events and opengl painting. it's not a problem with most drivers because they use a single thread. nvidia usees more threads and does drawing asynchronously, so sometimes the desktop effects are told the painting is done before it really is, and it draws things wrong. it's annoying, but the only fix is an update to xorg that is still being worked on15:58
VinciWuardchoille: oh! oh! Thank you!15:58
alirioit means i must come back to kubuntu 8.0415:58
ardchoilleVinciWu: you're welcome :)15:58
benklop_alirio: or just turn off desktop effects until it gets fixed15:58
bazhangor use standard open office15:58
benklop_it will get fixed, but it's just not fixed yet15:58
VinciWuardchoille: after change the user image source, should i relogin?15:59
benklop_bazhang: actually, for me the problem occurs using openoffice 2.4 as well15:59
bazhangbenklop_, never used compiz with kde4 so cant say :)15:59
benklop_alirio: some people have luck disabling the blinking cursor - it's wierd, but for some people if the cursor doesn't blink then the problem doesn't happen15:59
VinciWuardchoille: because i can't change still15:59
aliriowith openoffice 2.4 too16:00
bazhangseems a bit of overkill16:00
ardchoilleVinciWu: I didn't have to, but I did have to start the systemsettings again before I could change the about me icon16:00
ardchoilleVinciWu: did you click the "Apply" button?16:00
alirioi m thinking is a serious problem of kde416:00
VinciWuardchoille: ohh! sorry! that's my fault. i still using root identity16:01
ardchoilleVinciWu: oh, cookies says you need to restart kde, so I guess you do have to log out and back in, but I didn't have to do that16:01
benklop_bazhang: it's actually kde's plasma that seems to run into it when desktop effects and thus opengl acceleration is turned on. compiz doesn't make plasma do that, so maybe kde4 using compiz would work16:01
ardchoilleVinciWu: ok16:01
VinciWuardchoille: yeah! i can change now! thank you again16:01
benklop_alirio: it's not actually a kde4 problem - they are doing things right - it's xorg that's causing a problem for nvidia, and kde4 just uncovered it be doing things in a different way16:02
bazhangthanks benklop_ :)16:02
benklop_bazhang: i spent most of last week researching why my taskbar buttons were disappearing :)16:03
aliriowell i m gonna come back to kubuntu 8.0416:04
=== OxDeadC0de1 is now known as OxDeadC0de
alirioi hope they fix that problem16:05
alirio`cause it is a bad thing16:05
benklop_me too16:05
benklop_alirio: i have read some discussion between developers about it and they seem to have an idea what to do - they are working on it16:06
aliriobut when16:06
bazhangwhen new xorg 'wayland' is finished :)16:07
benklop_alirio: hopefully with xorg's next release... no idea though16:08
=== ubuntu is now known as RedBull73
aliriountil then i m gonna install 8.0416:08
ardchoillealirio: why not just use the openoffice in the 8.10 repos?16:08
aliriobut when i use it without comiz it seem work16:09
aliriobut with compi it fails16:10
alirioand i want compiz effects16:10
aliriois fro that16:10
ardchoillealirio: why do you need openoffice 3 instead of openoffice 2.4?16:11
alirioit is not my problem16:11
alirioi left openoffice 2.416:11
aliriobut with compiz everithing crash16:12
alirioit is the real problem16:12
EruaranI have installed restricted-extras and followed the instructions on the website to get dvd playback but I still cant play dvd's16:13
ardchoilleEruaran: iirc, dvd playback isn't supported here16:14
ubuntu_happyHi, I have a question. I just upgraded from Ubuntu Hardy to Ubuntu 8.10 yesterday. The KDE side also got upgraded. Maybe I never tested the sound before but now I discovered that Songbird and Rhythmbox didn't work in Kubuntu (but worked in Ubuntu).. it seems that it complains about gstreamer. Does anybody know how to fix this?16:14
woden1What are the best free games for linux?16:15
ardchoille!dvd | Eruaran16:15
ubottuEruaran: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:15
=== fran is now known as Guest1439
EruaranWell If I had known this was going to be a problem I wouldn't have upgraded16:16
bazhangwhat about installing libdvdcss2 Eruaran from medibuntu16:17
stdin!best | woden116:17
ubuntu_happyi am pretty sure I got all the gstreamer plugin installed, as listed here : https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html#codecs-gstreamer  , however, songbird and rhythmbox can't play music, while amorak and VLC can.16:17
ubottuwoden1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:17
woden1stdin: wow thanks so much16:17
=== mike is now known as Guest96236
alirioi will see you from kubuntu 8.0416:18
aliriothanks for all16:18
bazhanggood luck :)16:18
edjuI know that KDE3 is no longer supported.  But Hardy is, right?  If some app, say gcc or whatever, is updated, it will be updated in Hardy?16:19
luke__G.day all..16:19
ubuntu_happyWhy does Songbird and Rhythmbox not work in Kubuntu but works in Ubuntu? Thanks. Amarok and VLC are fine in Kubuntu , btw.16:20
ardchoilleedju: usually only bug fixes and security updates are seen in the repos after release, we don't usually get new versions after release16:20
ekedju: Yes. Hardy still gets updates.16:20
luke__I would wonder what the preferred browser is amongst Kubuntu users ?16:20
faileasFF for me.16:21
woden1What are some popular free games for linux?16:22
edjuUhh -  will hardy get new versions, then, or no?16:22
ardchoilleedju: doubtful16:23
faileasanyone getting an error with medibuntu repos about an error with signature verification?16:23
ardchoillefaileas: did you download their key?16:23
faileasardchoille: i did before.16:23
faileasunless they suddenly changed it for some reason16:24
Eruaranbazhang: Do medibuntu repositories work with 8.10 ?16:24
edjuardchoille, So "LTS" means just bugs and security?16:24
ardchoillefaileas: I don't see any news about that on their website16:24
bazhangEruaran, not sure; still have my libdvdcss2 from hardy and it works :)16:25
=== luke__ is now known as Luke_US
bazhangerr gutsy iirc16:25
ardchoilleedju: no LTS means Long Term Support; 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server16:25
faileasEruaran: the site has a repo16:25
faileasardchoille: will try reinstalling the keyring16:25
Eruaranbazhang: the instructions on the Ubuntu site for 8.10 don't work16:25
faileasnope, no biggie16:25
faileasEruaran: i had them working before16:25
bazhangEruaran, you mean for the repo or just the single package16:26
EruaranI just want to play my dvd's16:26
edjuardchoille, Then why doesn't 8.04 go untill 11.04?16:26
bazhangEruaran, then answer my question16:26
ardchoilleedju: because kubuntu 8.04 is not an LTS release, only Ubuntu 8.04 is LTS16:26
faileasedju: 2 releases a year last day of year + month16:27
EruaranI installed libdvdread316:28
Eruaranand ran the shellscript16:28
Luke_USWell -  Aside from Kubuntu - What is another nice Distro for newer folks to Linux ?16:28
ganymedehello, how can i disable the update-notifier-kde and print-applet (since i never print and i never really update except via command-line anyway) they take up about 30 MB memory or more in total16:28
Eruaranbazhang: either will do16:29
faileasLuke_US: just try distros till you find one you like ;p16:30
ardchoilleganymede: Hardy has "System Services" in systemsettings and you can turn those two off in there so they don't start on boot16:30
Luke_USYeah I have been doing just that.. Just looking for some guiding light..     I have been in the IT industry mainstream for a few yrs.. and just getting intrigued more and more by Linux every day16:31
benklop_bazhang: if you are interested http://forum.kde.org/showthread.php?tid=7216&pid=8122#pid8122 discusses the bug i think alirio was having16:31
faileasLuke_US: what do you want to do with it?16:31
Luke_USSimply learn16:31
ardchoilleLuke_US: May I pm you?16:31
bazhangbenklop_, much appreciated :)16:32
ganymedeardchoille, i did not see a system servies option under the advanced tab. i saw autostart and kde services configuration but neither of them had the two things i wanted to disable16:33
ardchoilleganymede: I was afraid of that16:34
Eruaranthe medibuntu package is installed but still nothing16:35
aaroncampbellWhat's the best way to backup before an 8.10 upgrade?  (Or rather what exactly needs to be backed up)16:37
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umanCan anyone recommend a tool to throttle the bandwith of specific applications/ports/interfaces(overall traffic, upload, download) ? thanks16:38
deepfreezhow know where i can see the information about how to install a perfectkubuntu?16:38
spawn57hi folks, can anyone tell me how to enable acls in the cifs module?16:39
VinciWuganymede: i have the same question16:39
cuznt!cifs module | spawn5716:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cifs module16:41
htrhrtwhrwhrwесть тут кто?16:41
htrhrtwhrwhrwhey people16:41
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:41
Linuturkwhat's a good image editing program for KDE ?16:42
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umanCan anyone recommend a tool to throttle the bandwith of specific applications/ports/interfaces(overall traffic, upload, download) ? thanks16:43
Linuturkuman: QoS16:44
umanlinuturk is that an app or are you just saying quality of service, because i dont want to regulate the QoS, i want to be able to make an app not consume more than 50 KB/s for example or for an entire network interface to not download more than 100 KB/s16:45
Linuturkuman: I was saying quality of service16:46
woden1What are some popular free games for linux?16:49
bazhangtux racer frozen bubble and others ; look in the package manager for a full list woden116:50
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Linuturkwhere do I configure printers? do I have to install cups first?16:50
woden1bazhang: I looked in the package manager but only saw a few that looked interesting to me.  OpenArena, Nexuiz, Tremulous...16:50
woden1bazhang:  What are some non-free games for linux?16:51
bazhangwoden1, your google is broken?16:51
woden1bazhang: I already looked on google.  There is a bunch of stale information and suggestions for lame games like frozen bubble and tux racer.16:52
Linuturkwoden1: I enjoy tremulous16:52
woden1Linuxturk:  Yea tremulous is fun I have played it.  Urbanterror is fun too.  Just looking for other suggestions.16:53
Linuturkwoden1: Scorched Earth. Warzone16:54
Linuturkwoden1: Liquid War16:54
Eruaranbazhang: the instructions on the site work for the repo and install the package, but media remains unplayable16:56
ardchoillewoden1: have you looked at http://www.happypenguin.org/ ?16:56
Linuturkhey, how do I add printers to Kubuntu?16:56
Linuturkthere isn't a thing in System Settings16:56
ardchoille!printer | Linuturk16:56
ubottuLinuturk: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows16:56
bazhangEruaran, all dvd's? and using what player16:57
Linuturkardchoille: so, printing support isn't installed by default?16:57
Eruaranbazhang: All, with any player. Have tried Kaffeine, Dragon Player and VLC.16:57
ardchoilleLinuturk: I don't know, never used printing, I was just trying to point you in a direction :)16:57
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Linuturkwell, all that is Ubuntu specific, using the gnome printing dialogs16:58
bazhangEruaran, that is odd16:58
Eruaranbazhang: maybe I should uninstall and reinstall again16:58
Noisek79How do I repair my broken splash screen? I've added the vga=791 to menu.lst but it doesnt show anyway.16:58
bazhangEruaran, works here with the libdvdcss2.deb installed16:58
ardchoillewhich is why I feel we need separate bots16:58
woden1Eruaran:  Encrypted DVDs require libdvdcss16:59
andreasalve a tutti17:01
andreaavrei bisogno di aiuto17:01
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Guest80864avrei bisogno di aiuto17:01
Guest80864mi chiamo andrea17:01
Guest80864c'è qaualcuno?17:01
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:01
umanHi, i have a really big problem. The thing is yesterday i installed a whole bunch of updates (like 160 MB) on ubuntu 8.04, since after the update (im thinking thats what could have caused it) i cant run Vmware workstation 6. i click on it in the system applications, and in the lower menubar a small rectangle appears saying vmware is opening. Then that rectangle closes and vmware never opens. What could the problem be? thanks17:03
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:04
ubuntualguem ae:17:04
ubuntualguem quer tc:17:04
woden1speak-eh zee een-glish17:07
bazhangwoden1, that is not helpful17:07
woden1bazhang:  what?17:08
bazhang!coc | woden117:08
ubottuwoden1: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/17:08
woden1bazhang:  Man, it was a joke calm down.17:09
Eruaranbazhang: Works with VLC after installing ffmpeg17:12
bazhangEruaran, great news17:13
mirkohello has any1 found linux-kernel-devel for intrepid? how can i get it?17:14
Eruaranbazhang: Kaffeine still refuses to play17:14
OxDeadC0demirko: aptitude search kernel | grep dev17:14
OxDeadC0demirko: then once you find it, sudo apt-get install package17:15
mirkooxdeadc0de it's not in the repository, i couldn't find it17:15
dandhi, how can i change kde 4 style?17:16
EruaranI don't get it... VLC works but Kaffeine still complains that its encrypted17:16
dandfor example the style of applications as firefox17:16
spawn57Eruaran: you need to install libdvdcss17:16
OxDeadC0demirko linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic for the headers17:17
Eruaranspawn57: its installed17:17
Eruaranbazhang: get this... VLC - all good, Dragon Player - all good, Kaffeine - nooo.17:18
bazhangEruaran, well sorry about that17:18
OxDeadC0debut I can't seem to find the rest of the source besides headers, maybe I'm not looking right17:19
spawn57bazhang: what's the error message?17:19
Eruaranbazhang: thats wierd cause usually if Kaffeine can't play something then Dragon is the same and only VLC works...17:19
Eruaranwierd that Dragon works and Kaffeine wont17:19
bazhangspawn57, ask Eruaran :) mine works fine17:20
spawn57hehe sorry17:20
spawn57Eruaran: what's teh error message?17:20
Eruaranspawn57: This DVD Video is encrypted.  To be able to watch it you will need to install libdvdcss by running from a console: sudo /usr/share/doc/kaffeine/install-css.sh.  In some countries it is illegal to install the decryption software without permission from the video copyright holder.17:21
Eruaranspawn57: the thing is, its installed, and Dragon Player and VLC are working...17:22
spawn57Eruaran: are you using 8.10/ibex?17:22
spawn57Eruaran: I think I know what the problem might be... go to settings, xine engine parameters, click on media.  and for the section that says dvd.device, change it to /dev/dvd117:23
spawn57also for the bits wehre you see /dev/cdrom or /dev/dvdrw ...change'em to /dev/cdrom1 or /dev/dvdrw1 ..17:24
Eruaranspawn57: nope, that just made the error come up quicker17:25
spawn57`Eruaran: when you do ls /dev/dvd* does it show /dev/dvd1 ??17:28
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Eruarandvd and dvdrw17:29
spawn57`change those media settings back to /dev/dvd :$17:30
spawn57`Eruaran:  are you sure you have libdvdcss installed? use adept to check17:32
Eruaranspawn57: In the decoder section Kaffeine is being pointed to /usr/lib/codecs, but there is no codecs directory17:33
spawn57`same for me ...but my dvd still works17:34
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=== jens is now known as jens_
jens_I'm experiencing some strange font issues with KPDF (PDF-viewer).. spacing is off rowspacing is kinda off.. do I have to install some additional fonts or anything else to rectify this?17:36
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EruaranWell I got to get going, bazhang & spawn57, thanks for the help.17:37
=== paolo_ is now known as jinhentai
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:41
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)17:43
benklop_i'm having a flicker issue with intel drivers. the following workaround works for me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/256142/comments/3017:44
benklop_does anyone know if this is being worked on? the bug report seems to indicate that it's just confusing17:44
jens_which is the preferred PDF-viewer in Linux?17:44
Gentix I recently did an releasecandidate install but now that kubuntu 8.10 is out I'm not getting any option to upgrade from the release candidate.. how come?17:44
spawn57`for kde, okular17:44
ardchoillejens_: for kubuntu intrepid it's okular17:44
spawn57`Gentix: just use adept and it'll update to a release version for you17:45
jens_cool.. Im in 8.04.. I cant say Im overly impressed with KPDF :-/17:45
Gentixspawn57`: already tried that17:45
spawn57`Gentix: you should be updated then.17:47
spawn57`anyway, bed time for me17:47
spawn57`cya guys17:47
Gentixspawn57`: hrmms, seems that kde 4.1 has alot of bugs in it then....17:47
tony_Ciao Raga!17:48
tony_hi boy!17:48
spawn57`Gentix: it's not great, but it's usable for now17:48
benklop__Gentix: what bugs you encountering specifically?17:48
tony_who is it Italian????????17:48
tony_i want a server Italian17:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:49
benklop__heh.. bang it....17:49
Gentixbenklop__: mostly within konqueror with loading pages and/or plugins as the flash plugin for example17:49
tony_Ok, tank you!17:49
bazhangprego :)17:49
benklop__Gentix: i've had some issuew with konqueror as well, but not really anything that wasn't an issue with kde 3.5. for me flash 9 works better than 10 in konqueror though17:50
Mixed432I am unable to configure wireless security on a linux client, WEP AND WPA will not work on ubuntu but it does on winXP, anyone has any ideas why???17:51
Gentixbenklop__:  hrmmm, gues I better install kde 3.x for now.. ??17:51
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benklop__Gentix: i'd just suggest using firefox when knoqueror fails you17:51
Gentixbenklop__: I'm already using that option ;)17:52
benklop__Gentix: kde 4.2 comes out at the beginning of next year, so i'm expecting konqueror will improve more then.17:53
benklop__in the meantime bugfix releases are released pretty often17:53
wolfjbhow do I use gpg with kmail in kubuntu 8.10? I have setup my key in the kmail crypto settings, but when I try to sign a message I get an alert that says 'invalid passphrase' even though I was never offered the opportunity to enter it. I have kgpg running and a gpg-agent running trying to make things work, but I'm not getting anywhere.17:54
wolfjbany help here?17:54
wolfjbI'm happy to rtfm, but the looking online I only found docs for mail from kde3.517:55
tadejHi guys quick question; the sound is coming from my computer if the earphones are plugged in, otherwise not. Any suggestion?17:55
Mixed432tadej, launch alsamixer and raise the volume up on the other outputs17:56
Gentixbenklop__: what's the easiest way to get a full kde3.5 desktop?17:56
GentixI know there's a metapackages but wich?17:56
Mixed432sudo apt-get kde-desktop17:56
tadejMixed432: already done that17:56
Mixed432sudo apt-get install kde-desktop17:57
bazhangnot kde-desktop17:57
Mixed432Gentix:  what bazhang said17:57
benklop__Gentix: i'm not sure on intrepid17:57
bazhang!info kubuntu-desktop17:58
ubottukubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.100 (intrepid), package size 20 kB, installed size 48 kB17:58
Mixed432tadej: so you mean you only get sound on the headphones but dont get sound on the other output?? what type of sound card do u have?17:58
wolfjbhttp://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdepim has no documentation for kmail. and kwatchgnupg doesn't seem to have a package in kubuntu. is there no way to use kmail and sign messsages in kubuntu?17:59
tadejyes, that is correct; Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller17:59
ardchoillewolfjb: That's in the kmail config: Security > Composing > first checkbox18:01
wolfjbardchoille: I checked that, but when I try to send a message, I get an alert saying 'bad passphrase'. I've never had the opportunity to enter a passphrase18:03
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ardchoillewolfjb: Did you setup a gnupg key? kmail config: Identities > modify > Cryptography tab18:03
Mixed432tadej:  turn on your audio devices and type this in a terminal: "speaker-test -c2 -D default -t wav "18:03
ardchoillewolfjb: Hmm.. that worked here, sorry18:04
=== benklop is now known as benklop__
wolfjbardchoille: well, thanks for helping. appreciate the response.18:04
=== benklop__ is now known as benklop
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=== Alan is now known as AlanLockwood
tadejMixed432: if this is a sound test I'm not getting anything18:05
tadejit's making loops over front right/front left18:06
Mixed432tadej:  what is the output of this: " cat /proc//asound/cards"18:07
jens_When I connect to my server via SSH with Putty, the password prompt is instantaneous.. however when I connect via SSH from my linux desktop, there's a 6-7 seconds lag.. while 6-7 seconds lag wont kill my enthusiasm, I'm still curious why this is.. some dns lookup or something? Anyone got any ideas?18:07
Mixed432tadej:  then the sound test worked then?18:08
tadej [Intel          ] HDA-Intel - HDA Intel, HDA Intel at 0xd8500000 irq 1718:09
ectospasmjens_: it's probably to do with DNS... make sure your Windows and Linux machines have the same DNS info.  Look at /etc/resolv.conf and make sure all nameservers are correct18:09
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:09
Mixed432tadej:  now what is the output of "cat /proc/asound/modules"18:09
geniiAlthough that Intel HDA factoid is for alsa. I don't know if there is some pulseaudio equivelent yet18:09
tadej0 snd_hda_intel18:10
Mixed432tadej:  so when you did the sound test you heard sound coming from the output you wanted to hear sound from or just the head phones??18:11
tadejonly headphones18:11
Mixed432plug your headphones into the slot you want to hear sound from, if it's surround sound try all the outputs you see in the back of your pc18:12
Gentixoh man! Where's the tooltip image preview in konqueror 4 ???18:13
tadejthere are only two slots where I can plug in my headphones, the slot for headphones and the otherone for mic. It does not, however, play any sound if it is in mic18:14
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jens_ectospasm: thanks, will check resolv.conf18:16
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ectospasmspeaking of console lag... when I type into my irssi screen, I get no delays, but when I switch to a different window in irssi there's a half second delay or so.  And when I "sudo -i" there's a noticeable half to full second delay before it displays the password prompt... not sure if they're related...18:17
Mixed432tadej: so if the headphones work and the only  output is the headphones, what does not work???  you cannot get OUTPUT from a mic, mic is for INPUT18:17
JackTopdoes kde 4.1 have something like gkrellm ?18:18
tadejUmm..no, sorry I did not completely understand what you were saying. From the test, I only heard sound from headphones, but I would also like to hear the sound from my speakers18:20
Mixed432tadej:  where are you plugging in the speakers to??? you said you only have 2 slots, the mic and the headphones18:22
tadeja slot for headphones18:22
tadejoh no no sorry18:22
tadejit's a laptop18:22
tadejso they are integrated18:22
Mixed432tadej: if you unplut the headphones, can you hear the speakers???18:23
Mixed432tadej: if you UNPLUG the headphones, can you hear the speakers???18:23
tadejI have already tried that.. and the answer is no :)18:24
ectospasmSo how do I add widgets to the panel?  "Add Widgets..." doesn't work, reliably anyway.18:25
Mixed432tadej: it could just be a setting, if you go try QAMix and try raising the volume on the applets that you see, maybe it'll work18:25
Mixed432tadej:  if you're unable to hear sound from your LAPTOP speakers then it could be the drivers or maybe bad hardware, you can go to the "#alsa" room and when someone logs in they may be able to help you more18:26
tadejthe speakers did work on 8.04 ... thanks for the helpž18:26
ectospasmtadej: not sure if you've already looked, but check the full mixer settings18:27
Gentixtadej: does it have a cdrom drive and has it a volume button?18:27
Gentixtadej: I owned a laptop once and I had to turn it18:27
* exia_ is away: Gone away for now18:27
tadejit does have volume buttons on a keyboard, but is't all set to 100%18:28
Mixed432tadej:  i would just go to the "#alsa" room and tell then you have a LAPTOP and the speakers dont work and they used to work withi 8.0418:29
=== oguz is now known as ogzy
Gentixtadej: does kmix say it has any sounddevice available?18:29
Gentixtadej: sometimes you need to open up some pcm channel18:29
=== ubuntu is now known as RedBull73
foodcomankkathman!  Greetings again.  LTNS18:47
kkathmanhey :)18:47
=== johnflux is now known as JohnFLux
=== JohnFLux is now known as JohnFlux
jpedrozahello all, I am having an issue where out of the blue I lose the ability to click with my mouse in 8.10. I can move the mouse, keyboard still functions, just no clickage. Has anyone else seen this?18:54
jussi01jpedroza: is it only on plasma? or in other progams also?18:56
jpedrozaAll applications are affected. The only way to return clickage is to ctrl-alt-Backspace18:56
noobstyleHi! :) Can someone tell me how i install a .bin file in Kubuntu?18:57
jpedrozajussi01: It affectsa both mouse and trackpad18:57
noobstyleit is called "jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin" and is placed on the desktop18:57
ilyanoobstyle: run terminal18:58
stdinnoobstyle: sun java 6 is available in the repositories18:58
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper18:58
noobstylesudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre ?18:58
stdinnoobstyle: yes18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ruby18:59
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi
noobstyleilya - how do i make Java work in Firefox?18:59
ilyanoobstyle: you can call java applications from webpage using javascript19:01
stdinnoobstyle: make sure you have sun-java6-plugin installed and restart firefox19:02
noobstylehmm help me?19:02
noobstyleTerminal can't find sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin19:02
ilyanoobstyle: *.bin ?19:03
stdinit's in multiverse, same as sun-java6-jre19:03
stdin!info sun-java6-plugin19:03
ubottusun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-10-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1 kB, installed size 100 kB19:03
noobstylehow do i install it in terminal?19:03
noobstylesudo apt-get install what?19:03
stdin"sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin"19:03
ilyanoobstyle: try to set attribute "executable" and run this file itself19:04
ilya!info mono19:06
ubottuPackage mono does not exist in intrepid19:06
noobstylei am not sure what to write in Terminal now19:06
=== ubuntu_ is now known as AlanLockwood
crysis87hye... anyone know how to play mp3 file using amarok!!??19:08
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:08
ilyacrysis87: yes19:08
ilyacrysis87: install amarok-engines19:09
noobstyleilya i cannot install sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin19:09
ilyatry to type just "sun-java6-plugin"19:10
noobstylewithout Sudo or anything? command not found19:13
ilyanoobstyle: cd "~/Desktop/"19:13
ilyanoobstyle: ./sun-java6-plugin.bin19:14
ilyanoobstyle: oh, sorry :)19:15
noobstylewell im danish desktop = Skrivebord19:15
noobstyleit is in Home/Skrivebord19:15
noobstylewhat is the total command i write in Terminal?19:15
noobstyleno sudo or anything! just:             cd "~/home/skrivebord/jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin/"19:16
ilyanoobstyle: no. just run this file19:16
noobstylei do not know what to write in Terminal.. i'm all new to this19:16
stdinnoobstyle: try "sudo bash ~/Skrivebord/sun-java6-plugin.bin"19:17
noobstylebash: /home/marc/Skrivebord/sun-java6-plugin.bin: No such file or directory19:18
noobstyle 19:18
noobstyle 19:18
noobstyleit is :P jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin19:18
noobstylestill no such file or directory19:19
bastidoes anyone know hwo to remove/disable this personal image in kbfx?19:19
=== ubuntu__ is now known as RedBull73
ilyanoobstyle: try type just "sudo /home/marc/Skrivebord/sun-java6-plugin.bin"19:19
noobstylemarc@mhe:~$ sudo /home/marc/Skrivebord/sun-java6-plugin.bin19:20
noobstyle 19:20
=== luke__ is now known as LuKe_US
LuKe_USHello Folks,19:21
noobstyleStill doesnt work19:21
noobstylecommand not found19:21
noobstylewe need an command19:22
bastinoobstyle, are you sure it is there?19:22
noobstylecd or bash or anything..19:22
bastils /home/marc/Skrivebord/19:22
LuKe_USI absolutely cannot figure out how to install the VMWare Tools on the Kubuntu OS..19:24
noobstylesudo ls /home/marc/Skrivebord/jre-6u10-x64.bin19:24
noobstyledoes not work19:24
ilyaLuKe_US: use virtualbox19:24
LuKe_USI suppose I just do not understand the nature of the files... or What is equal to an .EXE19:24
ubuntu_hi to all ubuntu users :)19:25
ilyanoobstyle: ls /home/marc/Skrivebord19:25
LuKe_USMeh... I dunno, I really like VMWare bud19:25
ilyaubuntu_: hello!19:25
LuKe_USHello Worlds19:25
ubuntu_well is see that u are not sow many19:25
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: There used to be a vmware-install or vmware-tools-install (perhaps with a .sh or .pl file extension installed globally)19:25
LuKe_USWhat well.. I have that on the Kubuntu os but.. not sure WHAT the executable file to run... or what to run it in19:26
LuKe_USStill learning19:26
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: open up a terminal, and type vmware and hit tab twice19:26
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: That will show you what vmware tools/scripts are available to run after your install19:27
noobstyleilya: ls /home/marc/Skrivebord/jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin19:27
FuriousGeorge_hey all19:27
FuriousGeorge_java is inexplicably not working here19:27
ilyanoobstyle: command ls just shows all files in directory19:27
FuriousGeorge_ive installed sun-java-6-bin and i do have the java bin19:27
noobstylewell it found it19:27
sevenseeker1I have upgraded from 8.04 and now my synaptics pad has no scroll, is there a settings area for that?  I don't see it under mouse/keyboard19:28
noobstylei became green with ls /home/marc/Skrivebord/jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin19:28
FuriousGeorge_for some reason when i go to websites that need java, ff says i lack a plugin19:28
=== miguel is now known as Guest81002
noobstyleso we got the directory line19:28
noobstylehow to install ?19:28
sevenseeker1FuriousGeorge_: open up FF, and in URL window, type about:plugins (or it may be singular about:plugin)19:28
LuKe_USso it says execution aborted when I try to the install.pl19:28
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: run it as sudo (sorry, forgot to mention that), so 'sudo vmware-install.pl'19:29
FuriousGeorge_sevenseeker1: its not there19:29
ilyanoobstyle: make sure that this directory includes "jre-6u10-linux-x64.bin" and then run it19:29
noobstylei just installed it19:30
noobstylebut still no java in firefox19:31
sevenseeker1FuriousGeorge_: ok, so we know we don't have two competing ones.  Open up aptitude, synaptics, smart, whatever and search for sun-java6-plugin and uninstall if there, and then reinstall19:31
sevenseeker1noobstyle: you too, it may need to recreate links or somesuch19:31
noobstylesudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre19:32
sevenseeker1noobstyle: is sun-java6-plugin installed on your system?19:32
noobstylehow do i see if it is?19:33
sevenseeker1dpkg -l sun-java6-plugin and see if it prints 'ii' in the far left column19:33
noobstyleim removing it now19:33
noobstyleit is installed - removing it now19:33
sevenseeker1noobstyle and FuriousGoerge_: could you give me a URL to test mine on, I want to follow your progress since I just upgraded19:34
sevenseeker1heh, cool, thanks19:35
alebocohi guys, am i the only one experiencing very bad/hard freezes randomly in intrepid?19:35
noobstylei still can't install sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin19:36
sevenseeker1ok, java is working for me, although I upgraded from kubuntu 8.0419:36
sevenseeker1noobstyle: what error if any are you receiving?19:36
noobstyleserver couldn't find sun-java6-plugin19:37
FuriousGeorge_sevenseeker1: fixed thanks19:37
sevenseeker1FuriousGeorge_: awesome, good job19:37
sevenseeker1noobstyle: ok, have you run 'sudo apt-get update'?19:37
noobstylein 2 seconds i have19:37
noobstyle'still no java19:38
alebocokwin just doesn't work anymore. i can just move the mouse, and nothing else. no xorg reboot even.19:39
sevenseeker1noobstyle: can you check your /etc/apt/sources.list for the following entry? deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid multiverse19:40
noobstyleim running x64 - i googled it and it does not seem so i runs on 64bit19:40
sevenseeker1gah! that stinks19:40
sevenseeker1I guess I will be in the same boat soon, getting some athlon 64 systems soon19:41
senahello all, does anybody know more about kvpnc and vpnc and some time out problems19:41
noobstylei have to go19:42
noobstylebut thanks for the help :)!19:42
sevenseeker1sena: that is a broad set of possible problems, can you run in verbose mode and paste-bin your results?19:42
noobstylemuch appreciated19:42
sevenseeker1noobstyle: good luck19:42
scribbleshow do I list processes, I'm trying to kill ddclient so I can update its conf file and restart it19:42
senawell I am at home and I use it in my university I can describe my problem better maybe this will hepl a bit19:43
sevenseeker1scribbles: does ddclient have an init script and did you run it from there?19:43
scribblesi ran sudo ddclient19:43
scribblesin order for the changes to the conf file to stick the program can't be running correct?19:43
sevenseeker1scribbles: ok, try killall ddclient19:43
senai am runnin kubuntu 8.04 and I installed kvpnc with adept19:43
senai configured everything in kvpnc and it connects to the network without any problems19:44
senai can tell you the versions of all deamons if you need19:44
LuKe_USSoooo.. On the VMWare Tools.. What specific file is suppose to be ran... ?19:45
LuKe_USWhat file extension is equal to an exe.. I Suppose is the proper question19:45
sevenseeker1sena: nah, I am not that intimate with it, but remember common problems and workarounds depending on the log messages19:45
senaso when i connect everything firefox skype .. have connection19:45
ilyaLuKe_US: no extension19:45
scribblessevenseeker1: "ddclient: no process killed"19:46
ilyaLuKe_US: executables have not extension19:46
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: well, scripts and binaries can be executable, run 'ls -l file' and see if 'x' shows up in the permissions on the left19:46
senaok i will have a look at the logs and I actully look at the messages but the client is connected19:46
ilyaLuKe_US: in UNIX19:46
LuKe_USYes, this is Kubuntu19:46
senaat the beggining everything is fine and then firefox looses connection19:46
LuKe_USRunnin on  VMWare 6.019:46
senai saw that it maks tun0 interface19:47
senawith ifconfig -a19:47
senaand i thing its some kind of route problem19:47
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: well, it will be something similar to vmware-install, vmware-config, or the like19:47
senahave you had smth like this19:47
LuKe_USLet me check Seven19:47
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: could have no extension, or *.sh, or *.pl if I remember correctly (its been awhile)19:47
ilyaLuKe_US: or *.rb or *.php19:48
LuKe_USSooo I clicked install VMWare tools.. and it prompts to open with Dolphin19:48
LuKe_USOne folder is Tar.gz and one is RPM19:49
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: open up a terminal, and run that command from the command like like 'sudo vmware-install.sh'19:49
umanis there a terminal command to know the system uptime? thanks19:49
jens_try uptime19:49
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: oh, I was assuming you had already installed vmware19:50
LuKe_USI have it installed Seven19:50
LuKe_USI am running Kubuntu in VMWARe19:50
LuKe_USand trying to install VMWare tools19:50
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: doh, sorry, was thinking you were running this on the host, not the guest19:51
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: ok, so you are running the tools install from the menu and it pops open an editor?  Well, I usually opened up a terminal in the linux guest and ran the install like 'sudo vmware-tools-install.sh'19:51
sevenseeker1LuKe_US: if that is not available, then let me know... you have to extract the tar.gz file and run it from there, I will walk you through it19:52
LuKe_US BRB let me try this19:52
sevenseeker1ok, question... with an upgrade from 8.04, do I need to reconfigure xorg.conf to use shmconfig for my synaptics touchpad to have scrolling?19:53
aaroncampbell_I just upgraded to 8.10, and while eth1 hows as up, and I can ping my router and dsl modem, I can't ping google, it's like the name servers aren't set up.  Where can I fix that?19:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:56
Bauldrickaaroncampbell_: /etc/resolv.conf ?19:57
booxterhello guys! I'd like to ask you if it's possible to install kde4 translations from kde svn 'trunk' to Intrepid KDE4.1? I've installed the translations into /usr/share/locale-langpack/be@latin/LC_MESSAGES (compiled .mo files) but there is no my language option in KCMLocale module. My language is new for KDE and will be officially supported in KDE4.2 but I want to try it before release on KDE4 system available for me - Intrepid. Any suggestions? I think19:57
booxterthat there is a file with available language options in the system somewhere, and the reason for my language miss is because I installed translations "by hand". Any thoughts?19:57
aaroncampbell_Bauldrick: that's an empty file (except for a comment that says "# Generated by NetworkManager"19:57
sevenseeker1I found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config, but was wondering if a full reconfig / reset of all xorg and hal related files was possible (to pretend I didn't upgrade) as I have no custom 'stuff' in xorg to keep or port19:57
nseratctrl+alt+Esc = killer window ......   not fount !!!!  kde419:59
Bauldrickaaroncampbell_: I don't know NetworkManager... but I think that file should have your routers IP address in it20:03
jussi01How do I add things to the lancelot part menus?20:05
LuKe_USSoooo.. Ok there are 2 folders... one is VMWare Tools.tar.gz the other is VMWare Tools.rpm  I chose the tar.gz folder and opened it with that ARK program..  It extracts the files.. and I see an Installer folder20:07
LuKe_USSound right so far?20:07
aaroncampbell_Bauldrick: I added the name servers to that file and it works now, but will they stay there?20:08
Bauldrickaaroncampbell_: not if that file is generated by networkmanager and networkmanager isn't telling it to do that. check networkmanager settings or use wicd (I like better - but who am I?)!!20:11
jpedrozaI am still having the issue where mouse clicks get dropped. I have checked Google and have seen some bugs, but none of the solutions worked for me. I can still move the cursor, and navigate with the keyboard, but no clcking.20:14
jpedrozaThere are also no messages in dmesg, but I am not sure about the xorg logs20:14
jpedrozaEven unplugging the mouse and reinserting fails to restore functionality20:15
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper20:16
GillesMMamsn is not in intrepid ?20:23
jpedrozaCan anyone tell me if there is a newer version of Quanta that doesn't require the KDE 3 kioslaves?20:23
jpedrozaSince there are no KDE 3 kioslaves in intrepid.20:24
sevenseeker2ouch, got d/c: NetworkManager[5594]: segfaultat 6572662f ip b7db24fb sp bfb6c450 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.1800.2[b7d5a000+b5000]20:24
jpedrozaor is there a way to use kde 3 kioslaves in KDE 420:25
emilsedghjpedroza: ?? kioslaves are part of kdelibs i think20:25
emilsedghat least some basic ones like kio_http20:25
amews_ajI configured xorg.conf with "DisplaySize338254# 1280x960 96dpi", but even if I increase the sizes A LOT, the dpi is still shown as 98x96 when doing xdpyinfo | grep resolution. What is wrong?20:26
jpedrozaemilsedgh: I will install and see if that makes sftp function in Quanta...20:26
ActionParsnipGillesMM: i believe it is20:26
ActionParsnipGillesMM: sudo apt-get install amsn20:26
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jussi01!info amsn20:28
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 264 kB, installed size 876 kB20:28
jpedrozaemilsedgh: Looks like the sftp is still non-functional in Quanta, I get a malformed URL error if I try and open a file using sftp. It works fine in Dolphin. See Bug #27107420:28
GillesMMemesene is amsn ?20:28
emilsedghjpedroza: ah, no idea then :)20:28
emilsedghjpedroza: but i was a quanta+ user myself but im more comfortable with kate now, give it a try.most of the quanta is kate20:29
ActionParsnipGillesMM: i dunno, i use pidgin for all chats but i just tab completed amsn in yakuake20:29
LuKe_USYeah Pidgin is great20:29
LuKe_USMy personal fav,20:29
LuKe_USNever used in in a Linux Enviro20:30
=== ilya_ is now known as ilya
LuKe_USOh my gosh20:30
BauldrickKnowbama: is that some kinda lisp20:30
KnowbamaFUCK U20:30
ikoniaahhh pici won the race20:30
exia_can anyone say me plz how can i enter the directory if it's called for example "(2008) Sound Fiction" - it just doesnt let me open it (in shell of course)20:31
adz21chi, I can't seem to get a hold of gb.archive.ubuntu.com, anyone else have this issue?20:31
Piciexia_: escape the spaces with backslashes or enclose the path with double quotes.20:31
stdinor use <TAB>20:32
jpedrozaemilsedgh: Can kate manage a site at a project level, or just file level?20:32
Piciexia_: ie.: cd (2008)\ Sound\ Fiction20:32
stdinadz21c: yes, it's known. give it a few mins20:32
adz21cstdin: ok, thanks20:32
exia_Pici thanks!20:32
stdinfwiw, the parentheses need backslashing too20:33
jpedrozaI am thinking I am going to try bluefish or screem20:33
sevenseeker2LuKe_US: back now, have you gotten any farther?20:34
thismamacooks200I made a package list using "dpkg --get-selections>ips" but "dpkg --set-selections<ips" isn't working20:34
emilsedghjpedroza: it supports sessions and file browser plugin20:34
OxDeadC0deUpdate to all the users of the cpu frequency scaler plasmoid, there's a ruby version available now, I suggest you use that version. It works better and should be more stable without the python binding "bugs". Right click on desktop, add widgets, install new widgets, download from internet. It may require an "apt-get install libkorundum4-ruby1.8 libqt4-ruby libqt4-ruby1.8" to work20:35
sevenseeker2plasmoid, not familiar with that... what are the binding bugs, btw?20:35
stdinthismamacooks200:  sudo dpkg --set-selections < ips && sudo dselect-upgrade20:35
OxDeadC0desevenseeker: the python plasma bindings weren't released in 4.1 branch, they're still not finished, some missing methods etc, I think ubuntu backported those in particular20:36
OxDeadC0desevenseeker2: also sometimes the python version of the widget doesn't reload when plasma starts for me, that's another "bug"20:36
sevenseeker2OxDeadCOde: oic, what all does plasmoid allow you to do?20:36
OxDeadC0desevenseeker2: cpu frequency scaling, set your cpu to Xmhz supported or change the governor to set it automatically (like ondemand, powersave, performance, conservative)20:37
stdinwhy not use Guidance Power Manager?20:37
OxDeadC0dethat didn't let me set the frequency using the userspace governor20:37
sevenseeker2OxDeadC0de: oh, so is this a replacement/competitor to the normal power manager?20:37
OxDeadC0deit's a copy of the cpu frequency scaling applet available to gnome users20:38
OxDeadC0denot as fancy though, just a drop down box version20:38
stdinOxDeadC0de: you could file a but against it for adding the version20:38
stdinand it's not a copy, both are just frontends20:38
OxDeadC0dewhen I started it I said to myself, "I'm going to copy the functionality of the gnome cpu freq scaler applet", that's what I mean by copy20:39
sevenseeker2stdin: is Guidance the default kde applet for powermanagement?  I have an icon but it is saying only 'Power Manager'20:40
stdinsevenseeker2: should be there by default, try right-clicking it20:41
OxDeadC0deI have kpowersave atm, but with it I can only set the governor, not the frequency with userspace governor, the other powermanager that came by default did the same for me20:41
stdinand it's a "Good Thing" ™ that they have the same functionality20:41
sevenseeker2just says, 'Power Manager' oh well, just was curious20:41
OxDeadC0destdin it is for me, when I'm watching a flash video fullscreen for example I don't need my cpu at 1.8ghz which all the governors want to set it to, 800mhz is fine for me20:42
stdineven "Dynamic" ?20:42
OxDeadC0deor when my computer starts to get to 100C I set it to 800mhz to keep from overheating20:42
* thismamacooks200 is installing dselect20:43
dvheumenhi, could anyone try to reproduce the following crash (I'm trying to determine if it is config related) ... on any KDE window (border), right click, "Configure Window Behavior", Tab: Windows, Tab: Buttons, enable "Use custom titlebar button positions"20:43
fedebeca parle rancais ?20:45
thismamacooks200stdin:ah! that gotem. its installing the packages now. thanks20:45
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:45
fedebestdin> pas de kubuntu fr ...20:45
jpedrozaLooks like I will be in Bluefish until Quanta comes up to par with 4.120:45
sevenseeker2dvheumen: no crash here, I enabled and hit ok both with no crash20:46
sevenseeker2dvheumen: 'Apply' and 'OK' (not enable)20:46
dvheumensevenseeker2: k, for me it crashed already before the 'tick' is shown in the box, tnx ... probably a config problem20:47
stdinfedebe: écrire /join #kubuntu-fr20:47
MinusSevenI installed an nvidia driver20:49
MinusSevenran he nvidia config, but the settings don't seem to get saved20:49
billyjhello guys20:49
MinusSevenwhen I reboot, it goes back to a different resolution20:50
billyjDoes anyone know something about  Wireless card intel 4965 AGN ?20:50
billyjhow could i turn it in monitor mode20:50
login_alguem ai de fortaleza ?20:50
genii-around!br | login_20:50
ubottulogin_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bt20:50
login_what ?20:50
* genii-around hands stdin a coffee20:51
* stdin gluggs20:51
billyjI eant it for aircrack20:51
billyjI want it for aircrack20:51
binskipy2uhey guys what is the command to save your kde taskbar , plasma settings?20:52
binskipy2uafter you get done setting it up the way you want20:52
billyjjoana apo pou eisai?20:52
stdinjust save your ~/.kde/ dir somewhere20:53
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes20:53
binskipy2ukde plasma &&20:53
binskipy2usomething like that20:53
binskipy2uthat saves your current settings20:53
dvheumendoes anyone know how I can delete all the current KDE(3) settings?20:54
stdinbinskipy2u: huh? what would *start* plasma20:54
binskipy2uno.. after you set it up the way you want20:54
binskipy2uhow do you save the way it looks20:54
aaroncampbellI upgraded to 8.10, and my desktop wallpaper only shows on the left (main) monitor.  It used to show on both.  I have two 1680x1050 Dell monitors20:54
stdinbinskipy2u: it does automatically20:54
binskipy2ui set up everything. something freezes.. i restart20:54
binskipy2uand its back to original20:54
binskipy2uit wont stay20:54
stdindvheumen: did you upgrade to intrepid yet?20:55
dvheumenstdin: yeah I did ... (sorry, should've said that :P)20:55
dvheumenstdin: but the current settings obviously cause some problems, so I want to make a fresh start (without reinstalling everything :P)20:55
stdindvheumen: then all the old settings would be upgraded to KDE 4 now, no way to separate them out20:55
exia_can anyone tell me please how should I "disable Internet Sharing/NAT/firewall/ISP cache"? i guess its just NAT... cant launch shoutcast server for the internet, locally it works perfect20:56
dvheumenstdin: but isn't there a way to delete all KDE settings (both of 3 and 4) so I can make a fresh start?20:56
stdindvheumen: if you want a clean start. logout and start a console session, then "mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.bak". that will regenerate all the settings20:56
dvheumenstdin: k, tnx :)20:57
OxDeadC0dethis looks like a bug with combobox's on the panel http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?image=75778153lx8.jpg , had it in the python one too20:57
stdinyou can then start adding things back if all goes well and see what the trouble was. or just start over20:57
OxDeadC0deoops wrong chat room sry20:57
K`zanHi folks, there was a root console in one of the menus and it finally closed and now I can't find it, can someone tell me what the name of that application might be?  TMIA!20:57
exia_can anyone tell me please how should I "disable Internet Sharing/NAT/firewall/ISP cache"? i guess its just NAT... cant launch shoutcast server for the internet, locally it works perfect21:00
amews_ajAnyone who knows what to do about messed up fonts in wine? The text is just like a lot of random dots and lines.21:00
OxDeadC0dek`zan if there isnt one you can always add one with gksu konsole as the command (or some other graphical su program)21:00
stdinexia_: you probably have to forward some ports in your router21:00
K`zanOxDeadC0de: I know I can do that, but I liked the setup for the root console, seems it just disappeared :-/.21:01
dvheumenIs the KDE4 (Intrepid) application launcher button really an arrow???21:01
OxDeadC0dedvheumen it is for me, because I changed it to an arrow (I use the lancelot menu typically,  but have both the regular and lancelot menus available on my panel)21:02
stdinapparently, though I found removing it and adding it again restored it21:02
dvheumenOxDeadC0de: I actually mean the original icon of the original menu, because it's the "previous" |< for me21:03
OxDeadC0devery strange dvheumen, try stdin's suggestion, remove it and re-add it21:03
dvheumenOxDeadC0de: that's after I started with a fresh config :D21:04
stdinwhen I upgraded to intrepid I had 2 main panels, one was setup from my last KDE 4 install, and the other was the default panel. even with the default theme :p21:05
dvheumenstdin: hehe, so I'm not the only one with the strange surprises, that's good to know :D21:07
sourcemakeris there a release date for the next kde 4.1.3?21:10
alexeihi, did anybody managed to get subpixel font rendering with *slight* or *medium* hinting in QT applications? My fonts come out always too thin as if full hinting was enabled.21:10
dvheumenWell, thanks for the input everyone, I'm gonna fiddle around some more with the amazing surprises of KDE 4 :P21:10
alexeiOTOH gtk application handle this combination well21:11
patricksup sup sup21:12
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aaroncampbellIs there anyone that can walk me through some networking issues I'm having on the new 8.1021:12
Guest55800what are ya trying to do21:12
oimhi to every one21:13
Guest55800im gonna start networking up my server to my workstation21:13
oimmy kdebluetooth 4 is not starting. how can  use my blutoth dongle21:13
OxDeadC0dePartick you should do /nick somenickname to change it from Guest5580021:14
=== Guest55800 is now known as neoartifact
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neoartifactI converted to linux about 3.5 month ago and I have no intention of going back to windows lol21:15
neoartifactjust thought i would throw that in21:15
OxDeadC0deglad to have you with us neoartificat ^^21:16
thedark_what does the capture channel in kmix->Input represent?21:16
OxDeadC0deyour mic input?21:16
OxDeadC0dethedark_ most likely mic input via alsa device21:18
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=== Drr is now known as DrrtEgrrT
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thedark_ok I have it unmuted and at max volume, why can't I record in audacity?21:18
thedark_I have everything unmuted and at max volume21:19
OxDeadC0dedo you have pulseaudio running?21:19
thedark_I don't know...what is pulseaudio?21:19
DrrtEgrrTis anyone familiar with wine?21:19
marekthi can you helpwith vpn ?21:19
neoartifactyeah i know wine21:19
OxDeadC0dethe dark_ try changing the audacity command to pasuspender audacity and try again21:19
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help21:20
DrrtEgrrTI can not get wine to run for anything21:20
OxDeadC0deDrrtegrrt how did you install it?21:20
neoartifactsometimes some windows apps wont run on a fresh wine install21:20
OxDeadC0deI installed the repositories on winehq, gives a newer version21:20
DrrtEgrrTtrying to play spore21:21
neoartifacti had to add libraries to my wine windows folder to get things to work21:21
DrrtEgrrTwin32 files21:21
thedark_pasuspender not installed21:21
OxDeadC0deand if you already had wine before, try renaming your old .wine folder21:21
thedark_I guess I need to install it?21:21
OxDeadC0dethedark_ never mind, you don't have pulseaudio installed that can't be the issue21:22
OxDeadC0dedrrtegrrt http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1261421:22
DrrtEgrrTlet me see.21:23
OxDeadC0deneoartificat i didn't, wine automatically installs it's own native ones on a clean home folder, and a default registry, but I can add windows dll's and override the native ones to get more things to work "right(tm)" in it21:24
thedark_agh I try every device to record in Audacity, have the input volume up, and it won't record anything from my Mic or my system!ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH21:24
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Mehrabhey guys21:25
stephanin 8.04 i could open a mp3 folder on a audio cd21:25
stephanwhere is this gone on 8.1021:25
paradigmI have a quick question, I'm sure it's asked a LOT...but I heard the 'rule of thumb' for the amount of swap is double your current RAM, anyone agree/disagree, and why?21:25
MehrabI can;t login to my kubuntu desktop. after logging in just a white screen can be seen21:25
stdinstephan: do you have kdemultimedia-kio-plugins installed?21:25
stdinparadigm: generally, but the larger the RAM the smaller the swap needs to be21:26
paradigmstdin, I have 4g currently, so should I make 8g swap? Or?21:26
stdinunless you want to be able to suspend to disk, then it needs to be at least the size of RAM21:26
stdinif you want to suspend to disk (hibernate), then I'd say 5GB is a generous amount21:27
stdinif not, then don't go over 2GB21:27
genii-aroundIf you want suspend-to-disk and perhaps are suspending it while using already the RAM size of your swap, is when you need that much21:28
stephanstdin: yes its installed21:28
Mehrabhow can I deactivate my graphic driver in console mode?\21:28
stdinstephan: try going to audiocd:/ in konqueror or dolphin then21:28
SlyliasHow can I disable the internal wireless card on my laptop? (I have an external dongle I'd like to use instead)21:29
stdinSlylias: sometimes there's a switch on the laptop, other times there's an option in the BIOS21:30
genii-aroundSlylias: If for good, then look in your computer bios for an area like Peripherals   or so.21:30
stephanstdin: yes that works, in 8.04 there was a "auto open" dialog which has done the correct thing, seams now broken21:30
stdinif not then you can find out what driver it's using, then add it to the backlist21:30
SlyliasI ment a way to do it in ubuntu21:30
genii-aroundSlylias: Then in the blacklist21:31
Slyliasbut I'll reboot and check.21:31
paradigmstdin, alright, thanks =)21:31
paradigmOh, can anyone give me a link/information on possibly resizing an already used NTFS partition, is this possible?21:31
stephanparadigm: gparted21:32
Slylias_Sorry, I got disconnected21:33
Slylias_How do I blacklist the wifi card?21:33
aaroncampbell_Is there anyone that could help me with some networking issues on 8.10?  I can't get nameservers to stay put.  I can only access things by IP21:34
genii-aroundSlylias_: Find what driver it uses. Then add that driver name into the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist21:34
Slylias_okay, how do I find out what driver it uses?21:35
genii-aroundSlylias_: That depends on what kind of card it is.21:35
paradigmstephan: gparted?21:35
genii-aroundSlylias_: In Konsole, what is the result of command:    lspci | grep Ethernet                 ?21:36
Slylias_no output21:37
Slylias_oh, wait21:37
Slylias_-ChanServ- [#kubuntu] Welcome to #kubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there. This channel is publicly logged. The official Ubuntu logs are at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/21:37
Slylias_<-- DracNoc (n=DracNoc@ip-87-82-123-97.easynet.co.uk) has left #kubuntu ("Gone To Chat With Smurfs")21:37
Slylias_ sims_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)21:37
Slylias_<Slylias> How can I disable the internal wireless card on my laptop? (I have an external dongle I'd like to use instead)21:37
Slylias_<-- holycow has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))21:37
hazzyThat's ok21:38
MehrabI've installed nvidia 173 driver, and now after working for some time I just have a white screen in my kubuntu 8,10 desktop21:38
Slylias_01:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)21:38
Slylias_05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8055 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 12)21:38
Slylias_Those are the entries21:38
Mehrabany idea what should i do?21:38
genii-aroundSlylias_: What make is the dongle one?21:39
marekthi i would be really thankful if somebody help me with pptp connection21:39
Slylias_ALFA, with a realtek 8187 chipset21:39
paradigmWhat is gparted?21:39
Slylias_the marvell one listed is my wired connection21:39
Slylias_the realtek one listed is the one I want to disable.21:39
stdin8185 uses rtl818021:39
stdindo blacklist that module21:40
stdin8187 uses rtl8187, so it should be ok to disable the other21:40
OxDeadC0deDrrtEgrrt: this one says 1.0.1 works flawlessly on new wines, check out setting up the winehq repo for wine instead of using ubuntu's: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1383921:40
stephankde 4 is really slow here, i have already disabled effects but its still nothing compare to 3.521:40
OxDeadC0deI don't know stephan for me it uses about 5-10% of dual core 800mhz when idleing, not to bad for firefox, pidgin, and a few applets running21:42
OxDeadC0deI use compiz too + nvidia drivers which eats some cpu21:42
hazzyEh, to be honest, I see no difference in speed from KDE 3.521:43
northboywhy I can't see anything in my kubuntu desktop? I just have a white screen21:43
OxDeadC0denorthboy Did it ever work for you? Did you just upgrade? is it a new user?21:44
OxDeadC0dedoes it work for new users?21:44
DrrtEgrrTIm working on this now.21:45
northboyOxDeadC0de: Im using it for ssome day, I think this is because of installing nvidia 173 driver today21:45
OxDeadC0deI use 17721:46
stdinnorthboy: did you have desktop effects enabled before installing the driver?21:46
stephanOxDeadC0de: its a 1.6ghz centrino here21:46
vasilisa in konqueror, using kde4, is it impossible to right-click/delete folders on the navigation panel? :/21:46
OxDeadC0destephan 800-1600mhz turion x2 tl-56 here21:46
OxDeadC0deer, 800-1800mhz I mean21:47
stdinvasilisa: navigation panel?21:47
vasilisastdin: The left pane, using konq as a file browser21:47
northboystdin: I did it one time and exactly the same thing happened, but after that I disabled desktop effect21:47
vasilisait used to let me right-click and delete till i installed Intrepid21:47
stdinvasilisa: there's only one display in the window, the file display. how did you enable that panel?21:48
vasilisasettings>show navigation panel ?21:48
stephanis there a why to hide dock icons like in 3.5 ?21:48
vasilisaused to be under view, now its under settings21:48
paradigmIs gparted safe? Will there be damage to my NTFS partition?21:49
stdinnorthboy: make sure it's disabled by looking in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc and searching for "[Compositing]" and "Enabled=false"21:49
vasilisakde on hardy used konqueror with this browser by default.21:49
stephanparadigm: always backup important data before formatting21:49
stephanparadigm: ther is alway a hance that you loose all your data21:49
vasilisaparadigm: Yeah, though you'll usually be fine. just better safe than sorry21:50
stdinvasilisa: hmm, apparently it's not possible then. you could file a bug at http://bugs.kde.org if you want it back21:50
northboystdin: I've just checked it21:50
paradigmstephan: well, beyond the annoyance of installing programs and what not again, I have no 'important data' on there. all of my work stuff is on a USB stick21:50
vasilisastdin: >.< So they just , took it out?21:50
paradigmAlright, I'll go through with it21:51
* paradigm fingers crossed.21:51
vasilisastdin: I also cant right-click archives and say 'extract here' in konq anymore21:51
steinarnoen som skriver norsk21:52
stdinvasilisa: it wasn't "taken out", just not added to the KDE 4 version21:52
aaroncampbell_Is there anyone that could help me with some networking issues on 8.10?  I can't get nameservers to stay put.  I can only access things by IP21:52
vasilisai see...21:52
vasilisaugh, but dolphin is just so unattractive.21:52
vasilisai guess i'll set it as my standard browser again. *sigh*21:52
stdindolphin is not so bad, it's quite a decent file manager21:53
stdinyou just have to give it a chance21:53
vasilisaim really fast in konqueror, especially at sorting image files. but i dont really have a choice i suppose21:53
stdinkonqueror, in fact, uses dolphin under the covers to display it's file management21:53
northboystdin: do you know the exact name of the package: nvidia 173 driver? maybe uninstalling it would solve the problem21:53
sevenseeker2if I want to scrap my xorg.conf and regen it from scratch, is the best method to run 'dpkg --configure xorg'?21:54
stdinnorthboy: nvidia-glx-173 ?21:54
OxDeadC0denorthboy can't you just uninstall from jokcey?21:54
northboyOxDeadC0de: what is jockey?21:55
OxDeadC0denorthboy in a console type: jockey-kde21:55
vasilisastdin: BTW, maybe you can help me figure out why i have to use xbindkeys for keyboard shortcuts? KDE's daemons simply dont work at all.21:55
northboyOxDeadC0de: aha, ok, Im going to try it21:56
stdinsevenseeker2: "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" may work21:56
northboystdin: thanks, I'm gonna try it21:56
sevenseeker2stdin: thanks21:57
=== gryg is now known as lotek
andrei_hello, i had some problems with kubuntu install. I want to install it on a special partition with grub on it. (hd0,4) or sda5 gave me an error.  Why not usr the gtk installer during the install, it works better...21:58
stdinvasilisa: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/25333721:58
paradigmI just tried to resize my partition with gparted and it wouldn't let me, I got an error?21:58
vasilisastdin: oh, its a known bug. so i guess i'll just wait oni t21:58
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vasilisaat least xhotkeys is fantastic21:59
vasilisaer xbindkeys21:59
stdinshould hopefully be fixed in the next point release of KDE22:00
aaroncampbell_Is there anyone that could help me with some networking issues on 8.10?  I can't get nameservers to stay put.  I can only access things by IP22:00
stdinaaroncampbell_: in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf you can add a line with "prepend domain-name-servers <IP of DNS server>;" to add a permanent DNS server to use22:01
paradigmI just attempted to resize my NTFS, and give myself 25g of space to install ubuntu, however it said there was an error and the operation couldn't be completed?22:01
aaroncampbell_stdin: I'll do that for now.  Seems like I should be able to0 configure them somewhere, but knewtowrkconfigure or whatever it's called seems mostly useless22:02
KDeskIs not possible to install amarok-kde4 and amarok 1.4 at the same time?22:02
aaroncampbell_It doesn't seem to do anything22:02
stdinaaroncampbell_: that is the place to configure it actually, dhcp overwrites /etc/resolv.conf every time it's run22:03
stdinnot very friendly of it22:03
=== alan__ is now known as Alan_Lockwood
vasilisastdin: Crud, dolphin crashes just trying to open a picture....22:04
Alan_LockwoodIs someone here using Kubuntu 8.10?22:05
aaroncampbell_stdin: so once I modify the file, what do I need to do to make it take effect?22:05
* sevenseeker2 raises hand22:05
Alan_LockwoodI cant keep 1280 x 1024 :(22:05
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: I am. First time im bleeding edge... maybe wasnt such a good idea huh22:05
Alan_Lockwoodmaybe not22:06
sevenseeker2same here, I upgraded to test... oh well22:06
vasilisaeverything crashes for me, code blocks cant pop up windows, hot keys downt work... yeah, im considering downgrading until its matured a bit22:07
aaroncampbell_stdin: also, are the servers space separated?  I restarted networking, but still no-dice22:07
Alan_Lockwooddoes anyone know why 8.10 is so animated? I uninstaled Compiz, but it still not using Kwin.22:07
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: The special effects in kde4 have to be turned off. t22:07
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: They're built into it :P22:08
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: I forget, but i think its in system settings... hang on22:08
vasilisayeah appearance22:08
vasilisawait no... where was that22:08
JontheEchidnadesktop affects are in the desktop section22:09
KDeskKDE 4 has nice effect without composition.22:09
stdinaaroncampbell_: it should be separated by spaces, yes. try "sudo dhclient -r eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0" (replacing eth0 with the interface)22:09
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: System settings / desktop22:09
Alan_Lockwoodok, ty22:09
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: Turn off the effects there if they annoy you. they annoyed me, so i had to turn em off. 1 gig of memory and a 1.5 gz processor22:09
vasilisaAlan_Lockwood: I cant be too flashy22:09
hazzySomething that had always bugged me about KDE was that there wasn't a lot of room on the task bar for open windows, is there any way to display them in columns?22:10
Alan_LockwoodOk, Desktop effects are down now =)22:11
vasilisastdin: How do you set what dolphin opens files with?22:11
brandon__I have Kubuntu 8.10 amd_64 and am having problems with my nvidia geforce 6100 graphics card.22:11
brandon__Everytime I enable it I just get a black screen when I reboot.22:12
brandon__Can anyone help?22:12
vasilisabrandon__: Just run envy-ng. its in the repos. i hate setting graphics up, so i let that program do it22:12
stdinvasilisa: System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations22:12
vasilisabrandon__: it'll go grab drivers, install them, reboot22:12
brandon__Thanks, I will try that22:12
vasilisastdin: ... oh it uses the system settings. Ok, well, any way to do a right-click "extract" in dolphin?22:12
brandon__I have the drivers, and nvidia settings, but when I reboot I just get a black screen and I am a NOOB! lol22:13
vasilisabrandon__: at least you're not trying to do it with an ati22:14
brandon__If that is the same version of envy that I tried last night, it does the same thing22:14
brandon__lol no doubt22:14
vasilisadownload envy from the repos. envy-ng22:14
vasilisait usually just works22:14
brandon__I will try now.22:14
stdinvasilisa: not sure22:15
stdinvasilisa: maybe they know in #kde ?22:15
vasilisastdin: nobody ever answers me in #kde ;)22:15
stdinthey never will unless you ask ;)22:16
* stdin is in a "proverb" mood22:16
vasilisastdin: I did X) only the crickets reply22:16
aaroncampbell_stdin: that command seemed to fix the name servers, but it killed my static IP, and I can't figure out how to put it back22:16
=== OxDeadCode is now known as OxDeadC0de
sevenseeker2does anyone know if a) webex works on ubuntu, and b) if not, a good alternative?22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdewebdev22:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:20
jpedrozais anyone aware of a channel for the KDEWebDev package?22:21
stdinaaroncampbell_: how did you set the static address? KNetworkManager asks for a DNS server when setting a manual IP22:23
aaroncampbell_stdin: I set it in 8.04, when knetworkmanager worked for me :|22:24
aaroncampbell_I think I got it back now...I restarted networking and it came back... DNS stayed22:24
stdinaaroncampbell: if it doesn't come back another time, you can just "echo nameserver <IP Address> | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf" too add a name server22:25
stdinand it should take effect immediately22:25
=== ubuntu is now known as egweimai
brandon__vasilisa I am getting the same black screen. I think I can change the xorg.conf file, but I need one to look at to make sure I have it right.22:27
vasilisabrandon__: well i dunno anything beyond using envy, i hate that stuff ;)22:27
brandon__vasilisa I am beginning to hate it as well.22:27
brandon__does anyone else have any help to offer on this?22:30
brandon__It would be greatly appreciated22:30
aaroncampbell_stdin: yep, after a reboot everything's broke again (eth0 & eth1 are both enabled, eth0 should not be and there are no name servers)22:35
aaroncampbell_There's got to be a permanent solution22:35
scandunedid u wiki it?22:37
patrickhey everyone22:37
scandunehi patrick22:37
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aluno/echo aa22:38
Guest65108i have a quick Q, with kubuntu 8.10, nvidia drivers 177 and compiz, the graphics are fairly slow on a 8800GT22:38
Guest65108is there any way to make it snappier?22:38
alunochange your nvidia ;)22:38
Guest65108on hardy it was way faster22:38
scanduneor write ur own driver :)22:38
scandune8.10 is still going to be slow cuz it just came out22:39
scandunegive it a while and more of the kinks will work out22:39
Guest65108i managed to make it bearable by installing compiz-icon and setting loose binding to on, and indirect rendering to on22:39
cuzntis the card configured correctly?22:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:40
Guest65108its still teary when moving windows, but at least the applications now open faster and min-maximise faster22:40
scandunei tried 8.10 out for a day then switched back22:41
scandunemy sound wasnt working :(22:41
alunolook on your weboage fabrication22:41
Guest65108how can i configure the nvidia card?22:42
Guest65108i have nvidia x server config applet22:42
Guest65108not sure about cli based configs22:43
cuzntit would seem something is amiss.22:43
Guest65108hey scandune, have you set all your sound device entries to ALSA?22:43
ubuntu_how many sound cards are soported by hardy ubuntu ?22:43
cuzntmine is good22:43
scandunenvidia conf22:43
cuznti have gforce550022:43
scandunei think22:43
scandunecuz with ati cards its aticonf22:44
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:44
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scanduneyeah i made sure my sound was working before i degraded22:44
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scanduneis ubittu a bot?22:45
scribblesI setup apache2 to use port 8080 and 80 is blocked by comcast. locahost:8080 shows the default It Works! page but my external ip:8080 doesn't work. I forwarded in my router to this port and even turned off my firewall to see and it still doesn't work? what gives?22:45
ActionParsnipoh yeah new desktop http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/andrew_woodhead666/Desktop.jpg?t=122583868222:45
ubuntu_alsa is soporting all soud cards ? hellou ? because i listen mpr files and try to speak on skyp eans is not working...sow the codecs are not sow good or maybe my sound card is not soported ?22:45
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!22:45
scandunelol yum22:46
scanduneehh that desktop is ugly22:47
ubuntu_SUNT SI ROMANI PE AICI ?22:47
Guest9229i had loads of problems with sound in ubuntu 8.04. sometimes its good to set everything to alsa, and sometimes it's good to dedicate an application solely to OSS22:47
ActionParsnipscandune: default kwin with some running apps22:48
Guest9229i have a text reader that uses OSS22:48
alesanhi the other day somebody pointed me to an howto how to install KDE 3.5 on ubuntu 8.1022:48
alesanit was in a forum or something22:48
alesancan you help me to retrieve that?22:49
scanduneyeah i see that22:49
scandunei just dont care for the backgrount22:49
Guest9229lol i have gnome and kde installed, i went back to gnome sorry.. :D  KDE apps lag sometimes22:49
alesanGuest85697, me too I went to gnome now22:49
alesanbut still I think KDE 3.5 was better than gnome22:49
scandunehaha did u google it?22:49
aaroncampbellI restarted my system after working on a networking issue I had (upgraded to 8.10 earlier today), and now I can't get desktop effects to turn on.  I go to Application->System->Desktop Effects, change it to standard and click apply, but nothing happens22:49
alesanwhile kde4 is like windows vista22:49
Guest9229hey is 7553 fps in glxgears good?22:50
ActionParsnipalesan: im a fan of fluxbox22:50
aaroncampbellIt was working about 10 minutes ago, rotating cube and all22:50
aaroncampbelljust how I had it in 8.0422:50
Guest9229i got an intel core duo 655022:50
ActionParsnipalesan: kde4 is lighter in ram ive heard22:50
alesanActionParsnip, and? I have 4GB of RAM22:50
Guest9229i heard kde was rough on ram22:50
ActionParsnipalesan: good for you, still leaves more resources for more apps22:51
=== OxDeadC0de is now known as deadc0de_
=== deadc0de_ is now known as deadc0de__
alesanKDE4 is simply unusable, you cannot even place the quick lanugh buttons on the taskbar22:51
alunoand have any core two duo express.. 12mb cache, using two hdd 1tr only raid 122:51
ActionParsnipalesan: works for me :)22:51
ActionParsnipalesan: just dont use kwin and you are ok22:52
ActionParsnipalesan: you are refering to kwin not kde with the quicklaunch stuffs22:52
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alesanActionParsnip, yes I want KDE3.5 (with dolphin uninstalled of course)22:52
Guest9229whats wrong with dolphin?22:52
scanduneso here is a ? i got i have icons that i have downloaded and put them in my./icon folder. how do i apply these to my current theme since when i go to the system> preferences> appearance> customize it wont install them since there is no package installer22:52
alesanGuest85697, what is wrong with konqueror I would say22:53
Guest9229its got ftp and is quicker than naut'22:53
ActionParsnipalesan: Guest9229: both suck, use command line22:53
=== deadc0de__ is now known as OxDeadC0de
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:54
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes22:54
=== KdeSudoNeedsRoot is now known as rgreening_
Guest9229ok, some people have been ripping into me about using the cli for file management instead of using a gui file manager22:57
Guest9229why is it that i feel that using cli for that purpose is shit slow.. lol22:57
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:58
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes22:59
ActionParsnipGuest9229: you'll probably find the people are well versed22:59
Guest9229sorry about language22:59
ActionParsnipGuest9229: i use cli for file management and have a billion scripts to do stuff stupidly fast22:59
runpain2i am running Ubuntu under kde desktop and cant see a icon for my internet connection in the panel on bottom how can i get it to show either ethernet or wireless when they are connected22:59
ActionParsnipGuest9229: but ive been in linux a while and these have amassed over many many years22:59
runpain2i am running Ubuntu under kde desktop and cant see a icon for my internet connection in the panel on bottom how can i get it to show either ethernet or wireless when they are connected23:00
ActionParsniprunpain2: do you mean network manager or just the webbrowser23:00
scanduneright click on the panel and click add23:00
runpain2network manager23:00
Guest9229hmmm, so with cli, you sort of have to remember the whole path23:00
ActionParsniprunpain2: run knetworkmanager23:01
Guest9229like when copying files, you gotta know the path string.. i usually forget it fairly easily lol23:01
Guest9229i have a pea brain lol23:01
ActionParsnipGuest9229: no most is abstracted, plus you have tab completion to help loads23:01
=== david is now known as Guest49340
Guest9229i must learn more about cli23:01
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scanduneif you forget you should be able to navigate through the dir/ ls command23:01
ActionParsnipGuest9229: well you gotta click the folder names, I just type a bit of it and press tab23:01
Guest9229im a web developer and i need to shave time anywhere possible23:02
Guest9229so cli sounds good to me23:02
runpain2 knetworkmanager dont have it installed23:02
ActionParsnipGuest9229: its what suits you23:02
david__Hello does anyone know how to fix the into song in 8.10? Mine plays partially I was hoping to fix it.23:02
Guest9229yeah true23:02
ActionParsniprunpain2: sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager23:03
ActionParsnipGuest9229: like everything in any OS23:03
scandunego into system>preferences>sound23:03
Guest9229i moved from windows to linux, and so far i love it because i dont feel guilty using pirate windows software.. lol!23:04
ActionParsnipGuest9229: very little paid software in linux23:04
Guest9229its oem windows, but i install it on every other computer23:04
ActionParsnipGuest9229: it might not suit the requirement of the system23:05
david__I don't see preferences23:05
scandunein the upper pannel?23:06
ubuntu_oem windows is not a russian product ?23:06
scanduneits the first one down from system23:06
ubuntu_guest 922923:06
scandunewhat do u mean u dont see it23:06
DarkSmokethe russia mafia released it ? :P23:06
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ubuntu_not the rmafia , lol23:06
Guest9229oh yeah?23:07
vasilisaAnyone know how to fix dolphin crashing every time you try to move files?23:07
vasilisapretty bad bug23:07
ardchoilleis there any way to get Kate to "use system colors" in Hardy?23:07
Guest9229nah it says dell when you install it23:07
vasilisaSpecifically, its only when there's a preview window open. My guess is its seg faulting because its trying to load the picture as its moved23:07
Guest9229its windows vista23:07
ubuntu_hey, sombody knows why , now mwwnitme i install hardy heron , i have this problem "An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the CD failed"23:08
david__scandune: Sorry but the sound area has nothing for the intro song23:08
Guest9229i always call it windows crapsta (crap is not a swear word, its a gambling machine and you gamble your livelyhood when using vista)23:09
ActionParsnipardchoille: i acn see the colour setings in kate settings23:09
scandunethere should be a sound tab23:09
scandunein the sounds section23:09
scandunein that section you can config ur system sounds23:09
ardchoilleActionParsnip: yeah, I just need to get in there and set them, too bad it doesn't respect system colors like other apps23:09
david__the advanced23:09
ActionParsnipardchoille: how about kwrite instead23:10
ubuntu_An attempt to configure apt to install additional packages from the CD failed23:10
ubuntu_why ?23:10
ActionParsnipGuest9229: if you dont like it, dont install it23:10
scandunetry from the main server not the cd23:10
ubuntu_whell i"m installing ubuntu23:10
scanduneor is the cd inserted????23:10
ubuntu_right now23:10
david__scandune: I see one called backend23:10
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ActionParsnipubuntu_: add the cd as a repo in synaptic23:11
Guest9229ActionParsnip: yeah i'm not going to install it. It's a 10GB virus.23:12
ubuntu_guest9229 why do you say that ? 10 gb of virus ?23:12
ardchoilleActionParsnip: That's be good as long as kwrite can have a tabed ui. I tend to have dozens of files open in an editor23:13
ActionParsnipardchoille: give it a whirl23:13
david__is it possible to change the startup song?23:13
ActionParsnipardchoille: it can be uninstalled23:13
ubuntu_what is a repo ¿23:13
Guest9229vista = 10GB installed (roughly) and it downloads viruses, regardless of what antivirus software you have23:13
Guest9229so vista is like a trojan23:14
ubuntu_vista is a big shit , sombody just buy a pc today and get a virus hehehhehe23:14
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:14
ubuntu_whit vista installed23:14
Guest9229open your browser, naively download an innocent looking file, run it, and suffer the consequences23:15
ActionParsnipjust buy systems with no OS23:15
Jed_84hello everyone23:15
ardchoilleActionParsnip: is there a way to have a tabbed ui in kwrite?23:15
Guest9229with linux, the chances of it happening is 0.00000001%23:15
Jed_84is there any "Cube" effect for KWin4 like Cube effect in Compiz?23:15
ActionParsnipGuest9229: theres that user protection system installed which helps. just dont be a windows idiot and run everything as administrator23:15
ubuntu_yes , u buy a sistem whit no os and u cannot install other exept vista with the new bios made just for vista ;)23:16
KDeskWhen I delete a file in amarok a message apears: "could not start process unable to create io-slave: klauncher said unknown protocol trash" in Intrepid, what can I do?23:16
ActionParsnipGuest9229: there are linux virii, dont be fiooled23:16
Guest9229yes i am aware of that23:16
aaroncampbell_I restarted my system after working on a networking issue I had (upgraded to 8.10 earlier today), and now I can't get desktop effects to turn on.  I go to Application->System->Desktop Effects, change it to standard and click apply, but nothing happens23:17
Guest9229but not as many as windoze23:17
aaroncampbell_Also, all my network stuff is broke again (eth0 & eth1 are both enabled, eth0 should not be and there are no name servers)23:17
david__Hi Tara23:17
aaroncampbell_Anyone know what to do?23:17
ActionParsnipKDesk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=285133&page=523:17
tara_i'm new here23:17
david__I am too23:17
Guest9229hahaha id rather type my password everytime than run everything as admin23:17
tara_is the first time i connect here23:17
ActionParsnipGuest9229: theer are vastly more vulnerabilities in software though23:18
KDeskActionParsnip: I have already googled...23:18
ubuntu_hi guys23:18
david__are you new to linux?23:18
ubuntu_well i think many of us are new in linux :P23:18
tara_i use it from some months23:18
tara_i started with ubuntu 8.0423:18
ubuntu_good choise23:18
tara_now i'm from a montyh with kubuntu23:19
david__me to23:19
ActionParsnipKDesk: i got no idea then as thats all i was gonna do23:19
ubuntu_i must restart go go go23:19
david__do you have 8.10 now?23:19
KDeskActionParsnip: ok, thanks anyway :)23:19
ActionParsnipKDesk: does a reboot help?23:19
david__how do you like it?23:19
tara_i like it a lot23:20
david__me too23:20
tara_i have some problems with webcam drivers23:20
tara_that's all23:20
david__a little buggy though23:20
ActionParsnip!webcam | tara_23:20
ubottutara_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:20
KDeskActionParsnip: nop, I have this problem since Intrepid, I think Amarok need some kde 3 libs or apps.23:20
tara_and sometimes dunno23:20
Guest9229webcams are a beach23:20
tara_maybe cause my pc is really old23:20
tara_it get crazy23:20
Guest9229i used a rather interesting set of drivers to get my cam working23:21
ActionParsnipKDesk: amarok                                     2:1.4.10-0ubuntu3                           versatile and easy to use audio player for K23:21
ActionParsnipKDesk: runs great for me23:21
ActionParsnipKDesk: dpkg -l | grep -i amar23:21
KDeskActionParsnip: the same version.23:21
Guest9229the cam drivers are called "gspca"23:22
tara_philisp spc 710 nc23:22
tara_i searched but i didnt find nothing in the past23:22
tara_my cam remained dark23:22
david__Does anyone know how to access the intro wav file?23:22
tara_really dark23:22
linux_oi galera!23:22
cuzntcreative cams rarely work vs they are supposed to23:23
ActionParsnipKDesk: try sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install amarok23:23
ActionParsnipdavid__: how do you mean intro wav?23:23
david__ActionParsnip: When you open Kubuntu and you hear sound jingle mine cuts out too short23:24
ActionParsnipdavid__: try: sudo find / -name *.wav23:25
OxDeadC0demine seems to cut off as soon as pulseaudio starts23:25
tara_bye all23:26
tara_viva linuc23:26
tara_fanculo bill gates23:26
david__bye tara23:26
Guest9229lol.. i got virtualbox running with windows xp, for photoshop purposes, and windoze crashed.. so I turned off the virtual machine and rebooted.. problem solved. all without leaving linux.. beautiful23:26
Guest9229see ya23:26
Guest9229windows inherently needs loads of reboots.. i have a linux server that has been running non-reboot for about 2 months now23:27
edtin 8.10 how do you set the taskbar to autohide and only appear when the lower edge of the screen is touched?23:28
ActionParsnipGuest9229: photoshop runs in wine and cedega23:28
ActionParsnipGuest9229: i have professional sql servers at work with 2 years uptime23:29
ActionParsnipGuest9229: running win 200323:29
david__OxDeadC0de: Mine does it the same way23:29
edtActionParsnip all up to date with the latest security patches?23:30
ActionParsnipedt: waiting for a decent time to reboot after sp223:30
aaroncampbellI'm trying to enable desktop effects, which was working about an hour ago, but nothing happens.  I tried running desktop-effects-kde4 from the cli and enabling "standard effects" (clicking apply) and here is what it said: http://paste2.org/p/9699323:31
tacosarecoolLol all this time23:31
aaroncampbellAnyone know what's wrong?23:31
tacosarecoolThe problem with my sound is I just had to mute something23:32
edtI find, that while many oses can go long times between reboot, its usually not a good idea.  At my office we try to schedule reboots every three to four months, never waiting more than a year...23:32
Guest9229yeah i had photoshop running in wine23:33
Guest9229but it's not quite the same23:33
Guest9229theres a few bugs23:33
Guest9229in virtualbox its really smooth, almost like im using windows installed on a physical machine23:33
ActionParsnipGuest9229: im a gimp fan :)23:34
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: do you have 3d accelleration?23:34
Guest9229hahaha yeah23:34
Guest9229gimp is good23:34
aaroncampbellActionParsnip: I should23:35
Guest9229i got gimpshop the other day to help me gradually make the transition23:35
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: glxinfo | gre -i direct23:35
Guest9229i have to use flash cs3 as well though so hence why i use virtual windows23:35
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: you got direct rendering?23:35
aaroncampbellActionParsnip: direct rendering: Yes23:35
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: cool23:36
david__some of my sound programs work and some don't23:36
Guest9229vmware and the rest work horrible compared to VBose23:36
Guest9229its amazingly good23:37
aaroncampbellActionParsnip: I used to be able to enable effects by going to Application->System->Desktop Effects, change it to standard and click apply, but now nothing happens23:37
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: all i can suggest is: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager23:37
ActionParsnipGuest9229: id disagree but i guess it varys23:37
Guest9229yeah it does23:38
chrisruls00Is there anyway on 8.10 to o back to the old adept manager? I liked it better.23:38
ActionParsnip!sound | david__23:38
ubottudavid__: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:38
Guest9229vmware works fine on my other comp23:38
Guest9229windows is quite smooth23:38
aaroncampbellActionParsnip: and then how do I use it to enable effects?23:38
Guest9229but VB works good on it also23:38
JontheEchidnachrisruls00: nope, depends too deeply on KDE323:38
DarkSmokeGuest85697: tried playin' call of duty 4?23:38
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: run ccsm in konsole23:38
Guest9229all depends on the virtualisation extension on the processor23:38
DarkSmokeyou'll be playin' like a ship in a desert23:38
chrisruls00ok, well I'm trying to install the new beta 96 driver for nvidia and I can't find it in the new one.23:39
aaroncampbellActionParsnip: I used that to adjust all the settings before, but the problem is...I don't know how to turn them on.  Once they're on, I can adjust them23:39
ActionParsnipDarkSmoke: games in vms is not gonna perform well, cod runs ok in wine / cedega23:39
ActionParsnipDarkSmoke: there may be a linux installer for it23:40
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: compiz --replace &23:40
DarkSmokeActionParsnip: at the loss of graphics, smoothen smoke edges and long field(or what is it called) must be disbabled for it to work23:40
aaroncampbellActionParsnip: will that be permanent, or will I need to do that after any reboot?23:40
david__ubottu: I don't see that I have 8.1023:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:41
ActionParsnipaaroncampbell: add a bash script to run it in ~/.kde/Autostart23:41
JontheEchidnathat sound macro is outdated...23:42
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ActionParsnip!br > linux_23:43
ubottulinux_, please see my private message23:43
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mnwhat is kwrapper?23:48
edtIn 8.10 how do you set the taskbar to autohide and only appear when the lower edge of the screen is touched?23:49
JontheEchidnaedt: you can't do that with KDE 4.1, you will be able to in KDE 4.223:50
edtJontheEchidna guess I wait for 4.2 before switching - thanks for the answer23:51
JontheEchidnayup, no problem23:51
edtkvm is great for testing new dists23:51
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eduardo__necesito ayuda23:55
eduardo__en español23:55
jussi01!es | eduardo__23:56
ubottueduardo__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:56
Mojo_risinhow can I set the sound to USB output in Kubuntu?23:56
condonI know some channels don't like having links posted, is it OK to post a link to an screenshot segment I've uploaded that I have a question about?23:56
jussi01Mojo_risin: system settings - sounds - set the priority you want23:57
jussi01condon: thats fine23:57
jussi01condon: just dont spam us :)23:57
Mojo_risinjussio1: in the hardware tab?23:57
condonWouldn't ever23:57
jussi01condon: thanks for asking though :)23:57
aaroncampbellWhat happened to the quick launch in 8.10?23:57
jussi01aaroncampbell: what do you mean by quick launch?23:58
condonCan someone tell me whe my icons do this?23:58
condonit's constant23:58
nejodeeduardo__: la mayoría de los canales ubuntu y kubuntu también están localizados por país: #ubuntu-ve, #ubuntu-ar, #ubuntu-co, etc23:58
JontheEchidnajussi01: that applet that had the tiny launcher icons for apps23:58
condonWhen I open a new ap, they go back to normal, (all but the network status icon, it just stays black)23:58
jussi01condon: yeah, thats a known bug afaik23:59
JontheEchidnaaaroncampbell: let's just say you wouldn't want to use it in its current state. Should be much better (and included) in kde 4.223:59
aaroncampbelljussi01: I used to have icons for my most used programs next to my KDE button (thunderbird, firefox, Komodo IDE, etc)23:59
condonoh, ok.  Hopefuly a fix in 4.1.3?23:59
JontheEchidnaaaroncampbell: if you really want it you can download it from kde-look.org and compile it23:59
Mojo_risinjussio1: the audio device combo doesn't include any usb option23:59

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