
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ScottKjdong: I just tested installing into an Etch chroot from etch-backports and it pulled dependencies from backports like you would want.01:44
ScottKSo I think replicating the backports.org approach has potential.01:44
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copprowhat is that approach?01:46
ScottKcoppro: Pin the backports repo to a lower priority than the main one http://backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=instructions01:49
copprobut then you manually have to do that01:50
copprofor every dependency01:50
ScottKcoppro: That's the thing is you don't.01:52
ScottKIf it can only satisfy the dependency from the lower priority repo, it'll pull it from there.01:52
copprooh, I see01:54
copprodo you need mutt for that?01:54
ScottKNo.  That's just an example.01:56
copproso pinning the backports repo definitely seems good then01:57
ScottKSeems to me.01:59
jdongScottK: yeah I gave it some thought over the night and think that pinning is probably our best bet02:13
ScottKWe mostly need good U/I for it.02:13
jdongforgive the 2AM grouchy jdong who wanted a more hairy solution that got everything right :)02:13
jdongmaybe at 2AM I should start writing dbus and hal02:14
jdongoops did I say that aloud?02:14
copproyikes, scary netsplit02:14
ScottKSpeaking of which, can you fix it so the print screen key fires up Ksnapshot again?  That's be really cool.02:14
ScottKjdong: ^^02:14
jdongScottK: I'll look into that when I have some time and dig out a keyboard with a printscreen key :)02:15
jdongwouldn't be surprised if it got mangled by the big xmodmap file of DOOOOOM02:15
ScottKDunno.  It worked in KDE3, but not KDE402:15
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superm1ScottK, jdong, dont use xmodmap to fix the problem... the equivalent to gnome-settings-daemon should just make sure it's listening for the (correct) standard keycode02:35
* wgrant would like to know what that equivalent is.02:39
jdongsuperm1: that's my point :)02:42
jdongsuperm1: the point is there's no equivalent AFAICT02:42
jdongQT4 looks *HORRIBLY* broken02:42
jdongfirst off, listening to all key events doesn't even capture the brightness keys XFMonBrightness{Up,Down}02:42
jdongso kubuntu xmodmaps them into XF86Launch4 and XF86Launch502:42
jdongwhich are, oddly enough, QT::Key_Launch6 and QT::KEy_Launch702:43
wgrantHa ha ha.02:43
wgrantKDE loses.02:43
jdongand you can guess where this road of hackjobs leads :)02:43
wgrantI'm glad I don't have to care about KDE. g-s-d is bad enough.02:43
jdongI'm gonna dig into qt4-x11 later this week{end}02:43
jdonggonna see why on earth this is the case02:43
jdongfun trivia fact: Converting the hex keysym for XFBrightnessUp using QT4 to a string calls it "Meta+(unicode mystery block)"02:44
wgrantOh good.02:45
jdongand registering that KeyEvent is as good as registering text message alerts for the Dow Jones going up these days :)02:45
jdongbut it's gotten me intrigued enough that I've gotta fix it :)02:46
panglossnhandler: any luck?03:02
nhandlerpangloss: I'll try now. I've been pretty busy today03:02
panglossnhandler: no rush if you are busy, I have alot of work to do as well so I wont be doing any ubuntu stuff tonight03:03
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jdongTip #5999 of bug reporting: Try to collect your thoughts for at least 5 minutes before adding a comment. This isn't twitter.03:11
jdongwatch, now I jinxed it and there'll be stream-of-consciousness bug reporting in edge.launchpad when I wake up tomorrow. Maybe with bzr somehow integrated.03:12
nhandlerDon't you mean identi.ca jdong ;)03:12
jdongLP needs a "You already opened your mouth within the past hour. Wait before posting again"03:13
ScottKnhandler: No.  We're talking LP, not Free software.03:15
ScottKActually never mind, identi.ca isn't FOSS either.03:15
nhandlerScottK: I thought identi.ca was meant to be FOSS03:16
* nhandler goes to re-read the info on their site03:16
ScottKnhandler: Depends on if you think AGPL is a Free license.  I really don't think it is.03:17
jdongI think the term is Less Unfree (aka AGPL)03:17
jdongack ScottK beat me to the punch.03:17
nhandlerjdong: Less Unfree is a good way of putting it.03:17
jdongor "Free or I'll sue you" :)03:18
ScottKPersonally I'm less likely to base work I'm doing on AGPL than a license that allows modification, but doesn't require redistribution.03:18
wgrantI hope LP doesn't go AGPL, but sabdfl suggests it will be...03:27
lifelessI think AGPL makes a lot of sense for service code03:30
wgrantlifeless: Yes, but many feel it is less than Free.03:31
jdongit sure sounds like LP is going full-swing in the opposite direction in terms of closedness03:31
lifelessGPL isn't free03:31
wgrantIt does make sense.03:31
lifelessGPL is specifically unfree to ensure access to the code transitively across all users03:31
copprogpl is free03:33
lifelesscoppro: puhlease. You can't make proprietary forks of GPL code. So there are things you are not free to do.03:33
lifelesscoppro: BSD is more 'free' from this angle, and public domain is maximally free03:34
lifelessbut BSD and public domain don't enforce a ecosystem03:34
lifelessso they are less useful IMO03:34
wgrantAGPL might be less bad if it were less ambiguous.03:34
copprothey are free by the FSF's definition of free03:35
copprofeel free to take it up with them03:35
wgrantIt doesn't define what degree of interaction with the user is required.03:35
lifelesscoppro: the prelude of the GPL states that they deny certain rights in the greater good03:35
lifelesscoppro: so please don't invoke greater authority that backs up my point!03:36
wgrantlifeless: Do I need to distribute AGPL source to those users to whom I serve 403s?03:37
copprowgrant: I think so03:38
copprotry #gnu though03:38
lifelesswgrant: thats a really interesting point03:38
lifelesswgrant: spirit-wise I would say no, resoundingly.03:38
wgrantlifeless: But to the letter, I think I'd have to drop all packets from users to whom I didn't want to give source.03:38
lifelessbecause permission-denied is for someone thats not a use03:38
wgrantEven if they couldn't use more than the access-control bit of the webapp.03:39
lifelessI'm just checking03:39
copprobut only if the 403 is generated by the webapp I think03:39
copproif the 403 isn't served by the app, then you don't03:39
wgrantOf course.03:39
jdongyour webapp can't generate 403 messages without giving away source? :)03:41
lifeless"all users interacting with it remotely "03:43
lifelessif you deny a hacker access, I think they are clearly not a user03:43
lifelessAGPL v3 section 1303:43
jdongwell now there's a vague/grey definition of "user"03:43
wgrantI interacted with your authorisation machinery.03:43
wgrantGive me your code.03:43
copprothey are interacting with it03:43
lifelessdepends on the definition of user03:44
copprowgrant: can you not write authorization code that passes the user on to the GPL code?03:44
jdongI got past your ACL once. give me your code.03:44
jdongcoppro: isn't that linking a GPL app with an AGPL app?03:44
copprojdong: you don't need to link03:44
jdongcoppro: oh come on now you are playing on the definition of link to a strict technical definition03:45
lifelessanyhow, I think its fine to deny someone access via an ACL and not offer them source; they haven't become a user at that point03:45
lifelessuser isn't defined in the GPL though03:45
jdongcoppro: this is the SAME problem with, saying, popen()'ing to ffmpeg from a proprietary application and saying "I'm not linking to libavcodec"03:45
wgrantWhile I agree that something like AGPL makes a lot of sense for LP, I don't think the license is good.03:45
jdongwgrant: +103:45
jdongI like the idea but the implementation looks troublesome03:45
jdongI support the spirit, but I don't know if I want to adopt the license for a substantial work or not03:46
wgrantlifeless: What if I release my authorisation machinery under the AGPL?03:46
wgrantI guess that's not exactly directly interacting with somebody over the network.03:46
copprojdong: I would say it's different; the code doesn't even need to interact with each other03:46
copprodo an HTTP redirect or something03:46
jdongcoppro: your authorization mechanism doens't need to interact at all with the site it's authorizing?03:47
lifelesswgrant: the phrasing is 'user interacting' not 'machine interacting' or 'human interacting'03:47
jdongwhat's your username?03:47
wgrantcoppro: I can only do that once my hypothetical authorisation machinery is executed and tells the user to go away.03:47
wgrantlifeless: Is 'user' defined anywhere?03:47
copprojdong: well, what I'm saying is, is the authorization machinery related to the site03:47
lifelesswgrant: no03:47
lifelesswgrant: I quoted the entire relevant text03:47
jdongcoppro: what authorization machinery ISN'T related to the site?03:47
copproe.g. does the application need to provide auth services, or can they be managed separately03:47
jdongcoppro: the application needs to at least get the user's id or profile from the authorization service.03:48
wgrantSay I grab a copy of LP, and restrict access to some team, and disable registration.03:48
jdongcoppro: and that would be interacting with it03:48
copproyou could used a shared database03:48
copprowhich isn't linking03:48
jdongcoppro: that makes no sense.03:48
lifelesswgrant: arguing that a http request which is 403'd with no other content (than the error page) shown is a 'user interaction' would strongly depend on the rest of the site03:48
copprowhy not?03:48
jdongcoppro: user "foo" authenticates now goes into the site03:48
jdongcoppro: how do I know who he is?03:48
copprohave the auth code check the DB from the site03:48
lifelesswgrant: if there is any anonymous access, then the 403 discussion is irrelevant, they can get the code from the 'please log in' page03:49
jdongcoppro: how can you set a cookie?03:49
jdongcoppro: now you're abusing cookies like a communications pipe03:49
copproof course03:49
jdongthat's really nothing more than circumventing a license.03:49
copproyeah, I guess03:49
jdongand I thought v3 of the GPL was supposed to be designed to be resistant against these silly technicality tricks?03:49
lifelesswgrant: otherwise, if all interactions until logged in get a 403 challenge, I would argue they are not interacting with it03:49
copprowait, wgrant, are you deciding to put a project under AGPL, or trying to use an existing one03:49
lifelesswgrant: they are trying to *start* interacting03:49
wgrantlifeless: They are using my authorisation machinery in order to get their 403.03:50
lifelessbtw, I thought we wanted folk to have a valid real name in ubuntu channels03:50
wgrantlifeless: Only launchpad-beta-testers ever required that, and even that was dropped months ago.03:50
lifelesswgrant: but they aren't a user at that point;03:50
wgrantlifeless: How do you know? The license doesn't say.03:51
lifelesswgrant: I'm arguing a point of view03:51
copprowgrant: are we discussing applying AGPL to LP?03:51
copproor what?03:51
wgrantcoppro: That's where this started, but I suspect that this is the failings of the AGPL in general.03:51
copprowgrant: well, you can always write an exception in03:51
jdonga point of view is good, the spirit and ideology is good, but I'm not convinced any of these would be helpful if I had to , say, deal with a legal battle regarding the AGPL and my code.03:52
jdongcoppro: then it's no longer AGPL compatible.03:52
ethana2Greetings all.  I filed a bug on window-picker-applet by Canonical, and the bug was fixed03:52
ethana2The i386 Canonical build failed however03:52
wgrantWhat does this have to do with Canonical?03:52
ethana2I was wondering what I'd have to do to contribute an i386 build of this applet03:52
ethana2they made it03:52
lifelessI would seek clarification vis-a-vis authenticated services from the fsf; as far as LP goes, the site has anonymous access, so the entire 403 discussion is irrelevant03:52
jdongethana2: no, Ubuntu developers made it03:52
ethana2it started as part of ubuntu-netbook03:53
jdongethana2: and we do not take contributed binary builds03:53
jdongethana2: can you link to the failed build, bug, etc?03:53
ethana2ah, i'll try03:53
wgrantlifeless: Canonical's Launchpad instance does. My hypothetical one does not.03:53
ethana2https://edge.launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive  shows it near the bottom03:53
ethana2the red 'x' with 'i386' next to it in blue03:53
copprojdong: my general rule when writing a modification would be to allow the exception to be removed, leaving it compatible. But you're right that it doesn't solve the overall problem03:53
ethana2ok, https://edge.launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive/+build/75090603:54
jdongchecking whether build environment is sane... configure: error: newly created file is older than distributed files!03:54
ScottKme is back.03:54
jdongerr, either timestamps are funky on the file you uploaded, or time is funky on the server.03:54
wgrantHi ScottK.03:54
jdongI would have to guess the former03:54
ethana2I didn't upload anything03:55
jdongwhoever uploaded it, then03:55
ethana2Hmm, ok03:55
ScottKSince AGPL is not DFSG Free, it's non-free.03:55
jdongconsidering it built on all other arches....03:55
jdongethana2: have you tried asking for them to do a rebuild?03:55
copproScottK: DFSG Free?03:55
jdongethana2: whoever has admin acceess to that PPA03:55
ethana2How do I go about..03:55
Hobbseeor me03:55
ScottKcoppro: Debian Free Software Guidelines.03:55
ethana2so I file a bug asking for a rebuild of 4.5 for i386 fixing timestamps in some file03:56
Hobbseeethana2: no, i just cued ti for a rebuild.03:56
wgrantethana2: No, that's not right at all. You find a team member, or ask Hobbsee.03:56
jdongethana2: well yeah, contact anyone on the netbook-remix-team03:56
jdongethana2: they have a button that magically attempts a rebuild03:56
ethana2..but unless the time stamps are fixed, it'll just fail again, right?03:56
ethana2Hobbsee: do packages often fail to build once, but then just work the second time?03:57
wgrantThe Xen instance might have had a bogus timestamp.03:57
wgrantEr, bogus clock.03:57
jdongHobbsee: just curious, so buildd-admins apply to PPAs too?03:57
Hobbseejdong: oh yes.03:57
wgrantGiven that the others succeeded.03:57
jdongethana2: not *often* but sometimes03:57
jdongwgrant: could be timing03:57
Hobbseeethana2: depends what the build failure is03:57
lifelessScottK: how is it not DFSG free?03:57
jdongwgrant: i.e. clock off by 10 minutes on uploader; build queue time03:57
ScottKlifeless: It requires redistribution.  Fails the desert island test.03:57
wgrantjdong: Hmm, indeed.03:57
lifelessScottK: no it doesn't03:57
wgrantScottK: Nobody is accessing it if I'm on a desert island.03:57
jdongwgrant: (of course considering how these new tickless kernel things keep time like a clock with a dead battery....)03:58
lifelessScottK: it requires distribution to folk that use it only03:58
Hobbseeholy, <expletive lists>03:58
wgrantHobbsee: What?03:58
ethana2fascinating, thanks, Hobbsee03:58
ethana2https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/samarium   I've never seen how this was done before03:58
Hobbseeoh, there we go, w-p-a has been taken.03:58
wgrantHobbsee: Lots of i386 builds?03:59
Hobbseewgrant: somehow the buildds have managed to get up to a queue of 858 on i386!03:59
wgrantLots of langpacks.03:59
Hobbseeah, so it is langpacks.  I thought there weren't that many03:59
wgrantCould be a couple of releases worth, I suppose.03:59
Hobbseethat's true03:59
wgrantWait, but langpack exports aren't meant to be running until 2.1.11, are they?04:00
Hobbseei'm used to seeing them at 0, or a very small number04:00
ethana2oh hey, cody-somerville_ :)04:00
ethana2.....or not....04:01
lifelessScottK: (which is to say it has exactly the same requirements as regular GPL, modified to the more general 'use' made of web services)04:01
goukiOn the License part of debian/copyright, is it OK to point to the license instead of pasting it?04:01
ScottKlifeless: Not at all.  It forces redistridution.04:01
lifelessScottK: ok, lets get details here. Do you mean section 13?04:02
* ScottK has to go look it up.04:02
lifelessdo so04:02
lifelessremember that the desert island test is (paraphrased) 'can I use this software legally on a desert island with no network to the world'04:03
lifelessAGPL passes that test04:03
ScottKI disagree.04:03
lifelesshow does it fail - give me a use case04:03
ScottKYou can't if you've modified it.04:03
lifelessI'm on an island with my laptop04:03
lifelessI have a webapp - 'helloweb' which is GPL04:04
lifelesson my laptop04:04
lifelessI change the text it shows, run the app, point ff at
lifelesshow am I breaking the AGPL at this point04:05
wgrantI have to agree with lifeless here.04:05
wgrantNobody else is accessing it, so nobody else has the right to get to the code04:05
ScottKI guess.04:05
lifelessthere is a 'get code' link on that page, if I click that it gives me the live webapp code04:05
lifelessbecause thats what the thing is meant to do04:05
lifelesseven if there are other people on the island04:06
lifelessif they are able to demand access to the code, they must be in network range of me04:06
lifelessits not *at all* like the brain dead licences that say 'must send changes to authors'04:06
ScottKYou argue it better than mako did when I had this discussion with him.04:06
* ScottK ponders.04:07
lifelessalso note that AGPL makes no difference between edited and unedited code- the get source link has to work for the original author as well as downstream sites04:07
copprothe original author of GPL or AGPL code with no modifications isn't bound by them always04:08
ScottKcoppro: Actually he is bound by AGPL, just not only by AGPL.04:09
lifelesscoppro: once he distributes it kicks in04:09
wgrantIn any version distributed under the AGPL, the AGPL must be followed.04:09
wgrantHe can do whatever he wants with it without the link, but can't distribute it as AGPL.04:09
ScottKlifeless: OK.  I think it's DFSG in roughly the same way that Firefox's Trademark license is DFSG free.04:09
lifelessScottK: hah!. I think its much better than that actually, but unhappy agreement >> disagreement ;)04:10
lifelessfor now though, -> code to write04:10
ScottKForcing distribution as it does is allowed, but one really ought not to do it.04:10
lifelessScottK: its the moral equivalent of forcing distribution for binaries like 'cat'04:10
ethana2Anyone have an idea how long it takes new builds to propagate to launchpad librarian and PPAs?04:11
wgrantethana2: They're in librarian seconds after they finish, and published in the PPA after no more than 20 minutse.04:11
ethana2oh, ok, sweet04:11
ethana2so half an hour and then check-update04:11
* ethana2 hugs .bashrc04:12
ScottKlifeless: It restricts my ability to make use of my own work.  There's stuff I write and use that I'm unwilling to distribute because it's a special purpose hack.04:12
lifelessScottK: so don't permit network access for other people04:12
lifelessScottK: and voila, you don't have to distribute04:12
ScottKWhich kind of defeats the point.04:12
lifelessScottK: its entirely contingent on other people using the software04:12
lifelessScottK: which is *precisely* the point of free software04:13
ScottKInteract with/Use04:13
copprohmm... reading the DFSG, I don't see any obvious conflicts with the AGPL, but I'm not an expert at this04:13
ScottKwhich is a fundamental difference.04:13
ScottKcoppro: Upon reflection I think it's OK.04:14
ScottKPersonally I find it very distasteful and would be very unlikely to make any use of AGPL'ed works in a project of mine.04:14
ScottKI can see where it'd be attractive for LP.04:14
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CarlFKI have been running apt-cacher for years, a week or so ago (few days before ibex release) I started getting invalid signature messages.  I figured maybe my cache had gotten messed up, and installed apt-proxy on a 2nd box.  that wokred fine until today, when I got "Invalid signature" -04:15
CarlFKdid something in repo land change that may be causing this?  todays apt-get error: http://dpaste.com/88601/04:15
CarlFKand where is the right place to post about this?04:15
wgrantCarlFK: I've seen at least two other people with the problem recently.04:15
copproperhaps the mirror is dying04:15
CarlFKcp333 is my local box04:15
copproI don't get that issue04:16
* StevenK calls his local mirror 'silver'04:16
CarlFKwgrant: using a cache, or hitting a real mirror?04:16
lifelesshi ho ?04:16
StevenKBecause mirrors used to be made with it04:16
wgrantCarlFK: Using apt-cacher.04:16
wgrantStevenK: Nice, nice.04:17
CarlFKwgrant: thanks. I'll stop trying to debug my box :)04:17
wgrantCarlFK: No, keep going, I don't think anybody has worked out why it happens yet.04:17
copproScottK: well, an example of where I'd expect the AGPL to be useful is something like phpBB.04:17
CarlFKwgrant: well... um... my plan was to nuke the cache and start over :)04:17
copproyou want modifiers to have to release source if they let people use it04:18
CarlFKwgrant: any sugestions on what to do to debug ?04:18
wgrantCarlFK: No idea.04:18
CarlFKwelp... just re-ran the command, worked fine.04:19
StevenKCarlFK: Nuke the release files04:19
StevenKapt-cacher is ... thpecial04:19
wgrantNone of apt-{proxy,cache{,-ng}} seem to work reliably.04:20
StevenKAnd mirroring solutions like debmirror and apt-mirror have their own problems04:21
CarlFKwhy did apt-get update say: Hit http://cp600 sid Release.gpg04:21
StevenKdebmirror is dumb as a post, and will happily delete 30GB at a pinch04:21
CarlFKwait... I may have a sid in my sources.list...04:22
StevenKCarlFK: Because sid appears in your sources.list?04:22
wgrantStevenK: I was mildly displeased when Hardy's debmirror ate my entire mirror due to a bug.04:22
CarlFKyep: www.debian-multimedia.org sid main04:22
StevenKwgrant: \o/04:22
wgrantI had 4 releases. That would have taken like 4 months of off-peak to fix.04:22
wgrantSo now I use apt-cacher, and hit it when it breaks.04:23
StevenKwgrant: I managed to avoid that issue. I dumped debmirror, and moved to apt-mirror, since I was sick of the 100-odd line wrapper I had around debmirror04:23
wgrantStevenK: apt-mirror takes something not unlike a sources.list, doesn't it?04:24
StevenKwgrant: I can paste my list if you wish04:25
ScottKcoppro: I'd find AGPL useful if I'd written some web service thingy and wanted to make sure no one added stuff to it that I couldn't get access to.04:25
StevenKwgrant: But it's roughly like it04:25
wgrantScottK: Which is precisely what LP needs.04:25
wgrantBut such a license has large issues in practise.04:25
ScottKwgrant: needs/wants, but sure.04:25
wgrantScottK: Oops, true.04:26
ScottKAs a practical matter I think it just discourages other people from caring about extending your software.04:26
ScottKWhich might well be considered a feature in this case.04:27
wgrantIt wouldn't surprise me.04:27
goukiAfter Intrepid, all 'Recommends' get installed, correct?04:30
goukiThank you.04:30
ethana2oh, blast, that build had another bug of the same magnitude that makes it unusable also04:32
* ethana2 files04:32
wgrantethana2: Do not file bugs against PPA packages.04:33
StevenKNetbook Remix has a bug tracker04:33
StevenKThere's a netbook-remix project in LP04:33
ethana2i'm on netbook remix's thing04:33
ethana2...so I can file a bug there, right?04:34
Hobbseeno, that's a team.04:34
Hobbseethat'snot the project.04:34
Hobbseeyou can't file bugs against people or teams04:34
Hobbseei know!04:34
StevenKethana2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/netbook-remix04:34
ScottKGrump here wonders if that's OT for MOTU anyway.04:34
StevenKIt is04:34
ScottKGrumpy and can't type.04:35
StevenKIs the latter the reason for the former?04:35
ethana2bookmarked bug submission page, refreshing X session to verify that this is indeed a bug04:37
jdongbug 29343104:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293431 in transmission "transmission needs to decimal information for large torrents" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29343104:39
jdongyou've got to be joking me.04:39
StevenKIt needs to what now?04:39
jdongStevenK: the progress bar for torrents needs to have more sig figs04:39
jdong"When a user (i.e. me) is downloading large torrents (between 4 GIB - 804:39
jdongGIB) the percentage increase between each percentage takes a long time.04:39
jdong(say from 1 to 2%) . Somewhere down the line I hope it can be made more04:39
jdongverbose so it shows instead of 1% to something like 1.05 % and so on &04:39
jdongso forth, so the user knows how much the torrent is moving along."04:39
StevenKUm. It des04:39
jdongack crappy paste04:39
StevenKjdong: BAD JDONG04:39
StevenKjdong: It does04:40
jdongthat's a firefox bug04:40
StevenKjdong: It shows 3 significant figures04:40
jdongStevenK: that's what I thought.04:40
StevenKjdong: I'll kick off a large torrent, and screenshot, and nail the bug shut04:40
Hobbseeoh, that was shirish.04:41
StevenKWell, it did the last time I ran Transmission, which was Hardy04:41
Hobbseethat explains all.  I thought it looked a bit strange.04:41
jdongStevenK: it does here too04:41
jdongwhat the hell?04:42
jdonghe submitted a bug 1 hour ago04:42
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Won't display info)04:42
jdongand makred it incorrect?04:42
jdongoh shut up stupid ubottu04:42
StevenKNow now, jdong04:43
ubottu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!04:43
StevenKjdong: Screenshot attached04:46
superm1would querying DEBIAN_FRONTEND env variable from within a postinst be a reliable way to determine if being ran from a noninteractive frontend?05:59
StevenKIs there a sensible default instead?06:03
superm1well in this particular case i'm trying to avoid copying in an update-notifer note if it's ran from noninteractive06:04
superm1well long story short, this note is created when a mysql server isn't contactable during postinst.  well during a squashfs build for live disks, you dont exactly have a mysql server06:05
StevenKIgnore it, and get livecd-rootfs to empty the update-notifer directory before it makes the squashfs?06:06
superm1well isn't it possible that there are valid notes though that you'd want livecd-rootfs to keep?06:07
StevenKActually, I think it gets masked by a tmpfs ...06:07
superm1well mind you - i'm just porting all of the mythbuntu live cd creator code, and this was an old hack that we used to remove it, so i'm trying to remove as many old hacks as possible before making the switch over to livecd-rootfs06:08
superm1according to livecd.sh in trunk of livecd-rootfs:06:09
superm1    # Removing update-notifier notes is now considered harmful:06:09
superm1    #rm -f ${ROOT}var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/*06:09
StevenKThen ignore it06:10
superm1well my original proposed solution would appear to work if i read the debconf data from debconf/frontend06:12
superm1i'm just rather wary doing that still06:12
dholbachgood morning06:15
goukiMorning dholbach.06:17
dholbachhi gouki, hi warp1006:18
warp10morning dholbach!06:18
lukehasnonameDoes Ubuntu grab all its universe packages from debian-unstable every release, then Ubuntu-ize them as necessary?06:49
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sorenlukehasnoname: Something like that, yes.07:05
lukehasnonamealright. There was some discussion on whether we still import from Debian on another chat.07:06
Yasumotolukehasnoname: if that's the question, then yes, we definitely still do syncs (do a straight pull from debian) and merges (debian + ubuntu changes to a package) from the debian repos07:09
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stefanlsdwhats the syntax for closing multiple bugs in the changelog?08:37
persiastefanlsd, The same as for one bug, only multiple times :)08:39
stefanlsd(LP: #12345) (LP: #12346) (LP: #12346)     kinda thing?08:40
persiaGenerally you don't want to do it like that.  I'll prep a paste.08:40
stefanlsdpersia: thanks!08:40
persiaBother.  My browser crashed whilst I was composing the example.  Here's a real one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/67185/08:44
persiaNote that there is a separate note for each bug fixed.08:44
persiaSo, that closes three bugs, but when someone reads it, they can understand what is closed, and why.  It's much more useful than just listing bug numbers.08:45
stefanlsdpersia: yeah, i normally do that, in this case though, im doing an SRU and one fix is closing 2 bugs, and i wanted to add the SRU bug as well. so essentially same fix closes 3.08:46
persiastefanlsd, Are the bugs not duplicates then, if they are being closed by the same fix?08:47
persiaAnd shouldn't you use the original bug for SRU processing, so that the reporter and subscribers can see it's being fixed?08:48
stefanlsdpersia: I suppose they would be duplicates if its the same fix. Very different description's though as its an apparmor profile issue that would affect many different packages.08:51
stefanlsdpersia: wrt to the bug number - from the SRU wiki page:   "Also be sure to reference the SRU bug number in the changelog using the 'LP: #NNNNNN' convention."08:52
persiastefanlsd, Sure.  Just because the reporters described it differently doesn't mean it's not the same bug, as long as it has the same (small) fix.08:52
stefanlsdpersia: kk. thanks. marked it as a dup. Will LP mark all dupes of a bug as fixed released when published?08:53
persiaAs an example, consider "crashes on launch" and "pulseaudio connection issues".  Depending on the reporters, these could be the same bug.08:53
wgrantHmm. I wonder if SiS does the bug closing magic.08:53
persiaI think LP just ignores the dupes, but the users will be notified.08:53
wgrantProbably not.08:53
sbeattiewgrant: I think that's a known bug, that it does not.08:54
wgrantIt also seems to break update-manager's changelog handling.08:54
persiastefanlsd, Right.  Reference the SRU bug.  In this case, the SRU bug is the master bug you're fixing (or at least the appropriate release task for that bug)08:54
sbeattieIf I recall my conversation with kees correctly.08:54
sbeattiestefanlsd: an apparmor SRU will probably want to fix bug 271252 as well.08:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271252 in apparmor "aa-logprof generates faulty output messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27125208:56
stefanlsdpersia: ok. thanks. maybe that was a little unclear. Can i amend that line to read something like - "Also be sure to reference the original bug number in the changelog that this SRU is addressing using the 'LP: #NNNNNN' convention."08:58
stefanlsdsbeattie: thanks. will take a look at that08:58
persiastefanlsd, I'm not someone who can authorise that.  If you feel you can authorise yourself to do it, go ahead.  If you're not feeling sufficiently self-confident, speak with a member of MOTU SRU.09:00
stefanlsdpersia: kk. thanks. will get some input to ensure its correct.09:01
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stefanlsdsbeattie: has an upstream bug been logged about the apparmor syslog parsing issue?09:10
sbeattiestefanlsd: I'm not aware of one.09:11
huatsmorning everyone !09:15
stefanlsdsbeattie: looks like it could be this - https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=30449109:19
ubottubugzilla.novell.com bug 304491 in AppArmor "profile tools don't work with syslog messages" [Major,Resolved: fixed]09:19
slytherinDoes anyone know when is MoM likely to catch up with packages in jaunty?09:24
Hobbseeslytherin: sometime after the archive is open for general uploads?09:25
slytherinHobbsee: what do you mean by general uploads?09:26
Hobbseeslytherin: things that are not part of the toolchain.09:27
Hobbseethere will be a mail to u-d-a about it09:27
sbeattiestefanlsd: no, https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=304491 is not the same; at the time that bug was filed, it didn't work against syslog at all.09:32
ubottubugzilla.novell.com bug 304491 in AppArmor "profile tools don't work with syslog messages" [Major,Resolved: fixed]09:32
Hobbseebesides, MoM looks updated.09:32
Hobbseeat least main is09:33
sbeattiestefanlsd:  bug 271252 is different; it's due to the way the kernel passes audit messages to syslog changing its format slightly sometime between 2.6.24 and 2.6.2709:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271252 in apparmor "aa-logprof generates faulty output messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27125209:33
stefanlsdsbeattie: aah ok. thanks. would you be able to open an upstream bug re this bug?09:34
sbeattiestefanlsd: yeah, much as I can't stand novell's bugzilla.09:35
stefanlsdsbeattie: hehe. kk. thanks. also, we can include the patch by Jesse Michael to get it 'vetted' by upstream09:35
slytherinHobbsee: I was looking at packages in universe and they don't seem to be updated. I will take another look.09:41
persiaslytherin, Also note that Debian is fairly frozen : there haven't been many updates.  50 or so bugs to go.09:43
persia(note that fixing Debian RC bugs means fresh updates from Debian earlier in the Jaunty cycle, which makes for less scramble later)09:43
Hobbseeslytherin: i didn't really check universe.  It may be that they want to do main first.09:44
persiaI'm not sure even main is working properly : see recent traffic in -devel09:45
persiawelcome ido_09:46
ido_i would like to help fixing bugs, and would like someone to guide me on how to start]09:46
ido_other then pointing me to the long long wiki,09:46
persiaThe shorter wiki starting page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing :)09:47
tbielawaIt's a great read to get you on your way09:47
persiaBasically, find a bug (there are lots in LP).  Fix it.  Submit a patch (preferably as a debdiff).  Ask here if you have questions.09:47
ido_I've already found a bug I want to fix. seems a simple one.09:48
persiaWhich bug?09:48
ido_I don't know how to get the sources though09:48
ido_well, I'm not sure its listed on launchpad, searching now09:48
ido_in the gnome-netstatus-applet about page, it shows a close button which doesn't close. only Esc closes the applet09:49
persiaWell, first step is to get it in Launchpad, and assign yourself.09:50
sbeattiestefanlsd: filed and attached09:50
stefanlsdsbeattie: great thanks! just need to link up the report.09:51
persiaNext step is to download the sources (apt-get source gnome-netstatus-applet), and prepare a patch.  The section in the wiki on patch systems is worth a read.09:51
ido_the but was already filed by someone09:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289649 in gnome-netstatus "Gnome-netstatus-applet about box not closing properly" [Unknown,Confirmed]09:51
ido_how do I tell if its assigned to anyone ?09:51
persiaIf it's assigned to someone, their name appears under "Assigned to".  This one appears to be assigned to the "Ubuntu Desktop Bugs" team.  Usually we discourage bug assignment to teams, but some teams prefer to work that way.09:53
ido_apt-get source doesnt work09:53
persiaI'd recommend asking in #ubuntu-desktop about that one.09:53
persiaWhy doesn't apt-get source work?09:53
ido_oh. it did.09:53
ido_lemme paste it, and you tell me if its ok09:53
persiaIn a pastebin please :)09:54
jfcgauss_what is linux-backports-modules package? how does it differ from linux-restricted-modules and linux-ubuntu-modules packages? is it recommended to install that as well?09:55
persiajfcgauss_, For the last question, I'll suggest #ubuntu.  For the first question, it's backported modules from the upstream mainline : they may break things, and they may be better : no guarantees.  It's roughly like linux-ubuntu-modules.09:56
ido_persia, did you check it ? and also, where are the sources downloaded to09:57
persiaSources download to the current directory.09:58
persiaYou probably want to install devscripts09:58
ido_oh. ok. will get that.09:58
ido_is there a log for what I manually install via apt-get ?10:01
ido_I'm new to ubuntu10:01
persiaido_, By the way, there's a patch for that bug in the GNOME bugtracker, posted by a member of the Desktop Bug team in March 2005.  You definitely want to chat with pedro about it.10:04
persia(as there's probably some reason the patch hasn't been applied)10:04
ido_well, even if I don't submit it, it'll be good practice for a first time thingy10:05
ido_ok, after downloading the sources10:06
ido_i need to first build it to see it works, right ?10:06
ido_./configure && make ?10:06
ido_or do ubuntu packages need anything else ?10:07
persiaPackages use debian/rules to determine how to build.  The recommended practice is to build it in a sanitised environment.10:07
ubottusbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto10:07
ubottupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto10:08
ido_ugh. Sbuild or PBuilder then ?10:08
persia`sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-netstatus-applet && debuild -b`might also work, but it will install all the dev libraries on your system, and then compile against your system, which may not be what you want.10:09
ido_no, i prefer not to do that10:10
ido_lots of packages to install which I will not need later on10:10
ido_Sbuilder is not an  option since i dont have a space 5gb for LVM10:13
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jfcgauss_hi. i've noticed a proprietary driver named "wl" with little description under Xubuntu>System>Hardware Drivers. does anyone know what that is?10:41
sorenwifi driver.10:45
jfcgauss_i also have a broadcom driver for wireless, but what is wl really for?10:46
sorenCertain broadcom wifi adapters.10:46
ido_hrm. after doingi a pbuilder build *.dsc, what now ?10:50
ido_persia ?10:51
* persia doesn't use pbuilder, and hopes someone else can help ido10:54
ido_oh. any other pbuilder users out there ?10:54
james_wlook in /var/cache/pbuilder/result10:56
stefanlsdido_: pbuilder will put the resulting .deb in /var/cache/pbuilder/result10:56
ido_hrm. result of the build from the sources it downloaded10:57
ido_and if i want to change the sources now and rebuild them ?10:57
stefanlsdido_: pbuilder will build the .deb file, which is now the binaries.  you still have the sources you downloaded. so you need to modify those, run debuild again, and then pbuilder.10:58
ido_where do the sources exist though ?10:59
ido_i only see the .gz10:59
stefanlsdido_: you downloaded them with apt-get source   ?11:01
ido_yes, into my home dir11:01
ido_and the did a pbuilder build11:01
stefanlsdido_: pbuilder will build a .deb from a .dsc - which uses the .orig.tar.gz and the .diff.gz file.11:03
stefanlsdido_: debuild will build the .dsc for you.11:04
stefanlsdido_: the resultant .deb file from the pbuilder will be in /var/cache/pbuilder/result11:04
ido_so now if i want to make changes, i need to make them and run debuild, which builds the ,diff file and .dsc ?11:04
ido_and then run pbuilder build .dsc again ?11:04
ido_am I correct ?11:04
stefanlsdido_: correct11:05
ido_hrm. how do i run debuild ? (and where ? the source package dir ?11:06
stefanlsdido_: from the source directory, i run debuild -S -sa11:08
stefanlsdthe -sa may not be necessary11:09
ido_complains about not finding a debian/changelog file11:09
stefanlsdido_: are you in the package source directory?  does debian/changelog exist?11:09
ido_oh. source tree of package, i syooise11:09
ido_how do i extract the package then ?11:10
ido_can't I do it directly from the sources ?11:10
stefanlsdido_: apt-get source should of extracted package for you...  have a look here - this may explain it better: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff11:12
stefanlsdido_: also, consider attending the session on Packaging 101 with dholbach later today - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek11:13
stefanlsdido_: There are also some cool you tube videos on it - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Videos11:14
james_wI'm still marked as "Contributor" on REVU, how do I change that?11:17
james_waha, can a REVU administrator change that please?11:18
james_w^ those three can be archived as well11:22
ido_hrm. any time i work with pbuilder i need to run pbuilder to build it, which extracts base.tgz which takes a really long time..11:23
sorenThat's how pbuilder works. :)11:24
ido_can't it leave them extracted ?11:24
ido_ugh that sucks.11:24
sorenpbuilder doesn't remove all the packages it installs to build your package.11:24
ido_so my other option is Sbuilder and work with LVM ?11:24
soren...so if it didn't use a base.tar.gz, it would be no different than a regular chroot.11:25
sorenThat's another option, yes.11:25
ido_i think I'm missing something..11:25
ido_the whole point of using pbuilder is to have the env chrooted..11:25
ido_right ?11:25
stefanlsdido_: a fresh base chroot11:26
ido_so can't i manually extract the base.tar.gz somewhere11:26
ido_and chroot it11:26
ido_and work from there ?11:26
stefanlsdido_: you could do something like that manually, but for each package you install, you want a fresh chroot. hence the extract.11:26
ido_well, I'm going to be working only on one package for starters..11:27
ido_so i dont mind working with it, i think,.11:27
stefanlsdido_: we want a fresh base chroot, as then we can be sure that the packages we are building are pulling in the correct build and runnign depends11:27
ido_but if i only want to change a line in the source, doesnt that require me to build everything from scratch ?11:29
ido_i mean, the chroot env..11:29
slytherinsoren: pbuilder removes the packages after build11:29
ido_seems impossible to work with..11:29
slytherinido_: what help do you need with pbuilder?11:29
sorenslytherin: Are you sure? That seems like an awful waste of time.11:30
slytherinsoren: yes, I am pretty sure. pbuilder is the only build tool I use.11:30
ido_well, I not pbuilder in specific, but I'd like to know how I can take a package, work on it in a chroot env, rebuild it after changing it, and at last repacakge it..11:32
ido_getting the package source is done with apt-get source11:32
ido_pbuider build *.dsc makes the chroot'd env with the correct dependencies for that package11:33
sorenslytherin: You wouldn't happen to a have a build log from pbuilder handy, would you?11:33
slytherinsoren: not now. I am in office. :-)11:33
sorenido_: Use "pbuilder login" instead, and work from there.11:33
ido_but now when i want to change the source, i have to go all over the build *.dsc again, which takes tons of time because it builds all its deps again11:33
slytherinido_: If you want to install all the build dependencies of this package in the chroot you can try this - sudo pbuilder --login --save-after-login11:35
ido_oh. and that gives me a shell inside the chrooted env ?11:35
slytherinthat will let you login inside chroot and then you can install build dependencies. Then quit and you have a modified chroot available.11:35
ido_that i can work in11:36
stefanlsdido_: technically speaking, using pbuilder isnt required. that is actually something which happens when you supply the debdiff.  we use pbuilder to ensure that the source package we are building, does actually build and remove properly. it also generates the .deb's for us to actually test if whatever we were fixing was fixed. so its really something we want to be doing11:36
ido_I'd like to  use pbuilder so that my working ubuntu env doesnt get garabaged with unneeded -dev packages11:36
slytherinido_: Then outside the chroot, modify the package source, add changelog entry and create new source package. And then pbuilder build *.dsc. Now all teh dependencies are already installed in chroot so it will take less time.11:37
ido_hrm. can pbuilder get itiself the required dependencies without deleting them ? (like it does with pbuilder build)11:38
sorenslytherin: I've looked at a few pbuilder logs now, and I see nothing to suggest that it removes the packages it installed.11:38
sorenslytherin: Case in point: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11921692/mnemosyne_1.0-0ubuntu1.build11:38
slytherinsoren: remove as in uninstall from chroot, right?11:39
sorenslytherin: yes.11:39
ido_there's a --preserve-buildplace for pbuilder11:40
slytherinsoren: perhaps those packages were toolchain packages.11:40
slytherinor may be the PPA have some different configuration11:40
sorenslytherin: The PPA's don't use pbuilder.11:41
slytherinsoren: I though the file you were referring to was a PPA build log11:41
sorenslytherin: No.11:41
Hobbseeslytherin: if you have an apt-cache, it won't make that much difference anyway - you remove the download time, but it still takes time to install.11:42
sorenslytherin: It's a pbuilder log attached to a bug.11:42
Hobbsee(if that's a help)11:42
slytherinHobbsee: I know that already and I share pbuilder cache with the usual apt-cache even to cut down download time.11:42
slytherinHobbsee: soren is arguing that pbuilder does not uninstall packages after build is finished. I do not have any log handy to prove otherwise.11:43
Hobbseeslytherin: why would it uninstall the package after the build has finished?  It removes the entire build directory, last i checked.11:44
Hobbseeslytherin: but that doesn't mean that the dependancies get installed in the base tarball11:45
Hobbsee(which is what the build directory is based off each time)11:45
slytherinHobbsee: Right. That is what I was talking about. The base tarball is not modified. I may be wrong about the details.11:47
Hobbseeslytherin: but, why are you recommending making your base pbuilder tarball unclean, and not the standard?  That's a great way of setting yourself up for build failures on the buildds.11:47
Hobbsee(with your pbuilder login --save-after-login)11:47
slytherinHobbsee: I am not recommending it. I just told him the way he could save time by modifying the base tar.11:48
slytherinIn fact I am against it.11:48
Hobbseeslytherin: well, that certainly *won't* save time when he has to create the base tarball over again to get it back to a clean status.11:48
ido_since I'm working on the UMPC, which is rather slow11:48
slytherinido_: Just FYI ... I do not recommend modifying the base tar ball. I am against it. :-)11:49
ido_it takes I think around 10 minutes just to build a small package..11:49
Hobbseeah, right, that wasn't very clear above.11:49
james_wpersia: there are also a couple of old packages from you on REVU, are they still wanted?11:50
persiajames_w, which packages?12:11
james_wpidgin-maemo and moblin-media-browser-plugin12:12
persiaThose can be archived.  Did someone else archive the rest of them already?  Also, can you not archive?  I thought that was a MOTU grant, rather than requiring an admin.12:12
StevenKSo did I.12:12
james_was I said above, I'm not a MOTU on REVU yet, so could an admin do that.12:14
james_wIf I get archive privileges from that then I'll take care of them12:14
persiaOh.  I missed what you wanted fixed :)  Let me see if I can figure out how to do it with the latest code.12:14
Hobbseezul: you around?12:15
persiajames_w, james-w on LP, right?12:19
james_wpersia: yup12:19
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persiajames_w, Sorry, but I'm getting a SyntaxError from the script :(12:20
james_wpersia: what's the error?12:21
persiaCould a REVU Hacker confirm I'm supposed to be running `sudo -u revu1 /srv/revu-production/scripts/alter_user.py -njames-w -l1`12:21
persiajames_w, "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" on line 35 of alter_user.py (the SQL statement)12:21
james_wah, ouch12:22
siretarttry -lreviewer12:22
persiasiretart, same error.12:22
persiaI remember hearing about some ACL changes, and wonder if this script just didn't get updated.12:23
siretartok. then its broken12:23
ido_anyone working with a bluetooth keyboard ?12:29
zulHobbsee: kind of13:05
porthosejames_w, persia: pidgin-maemo and moblin-media-browser-plugin archived :)13:34
james_wthanks porthose13:34
james_wporthose: care to do some more?13:34
james_wnetbook-remix-launcher screen-resolution-extra python-fstab ubuntu-desktop-testing please13:35
persiaido_, I have one.13:36
persiaporthose, Thanks!  I completely forgot the point of trying to grant james_w access :)13:37
persiaporthose, On an unrelated note, are you stuck for a solution for the Debian RC ampache bug, or just stuck for time (or am I mismapping?)13:38
porthosepersia: RC bug fixed and uploaded to debian13:39
* persia is clearly not watching closely enough :)13:39
porthosepersia: waiting on RFE13:40
persiaHeh.  That's the frustrating time :)13:40
porthosepersia: yea13:41
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bddebianHeya gang14:40
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cody-somervilleHeya bddebian14:51
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bddebianHi cody-somerville14:52
sportman1280hello.  If i have a package (Synkron).... how do i go about submitting it for jaunty?  I've been testing it in launchpad's ppa...  But would like to contribute it to the ubuntu compunity15:06
slytherin!tell sportman1280 about revu15:08
ubottusportman1280, please see my private message15:08
RainCTsportman1280: note that you can tell REVU to get it from your PPA using http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/import.py (that's still experimental so if you use it you'll be helping to test it, but poke me as imports don't run automatically right now :))15:34
slytherinRainCT: Just replied to your mail about tags. Going home now. May not login later as I am down with severe cold. But if I login we can sure have detailed discussion here.15:42
RainCTslytherin: alright, I hope you get fine soon :)15:49
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geserHi bddebian16:17
bddebianHeya geser16:19
sebnerhi geser bddebian =)16:22
geserHi sebner16:22
bddebianHello sebner16:24
danbhfivehello all.  How long does it take for a package that is declared, in a bug report, to be in -proposed, to actually get in -proposed?16:33
danbhfiveDoes it take a few days or something?16:34
RainCTdanbhfive: if an archive admin say that it has been accepted into -proposed, then until it's build. usually some hours, but if the buildds are busy it may take more, up to a few days16:34
danbhfiveRainCT: mk, makes sense.  Thanks16:35
goukiHow can one make bugreport work with Debian (the one one Ubuntus repositories, I mean)?16:43
nxvlreportbug you mean16:44
goukiDohh! yes, nxvl.16:44
nxvlit works with ubuntu?16:44
nxvli always used it for debian16:44
nxvli thought it never worked with launchpad16:44
goukiI was told yesterday that something had to be changed in order to work with Debian BTS...16:45
james_wgouki: "man reportbug" tells you how to tell it to use a different distribution16:45
james_w"reportbug -D debian" or something16:45
goukijames_w, ok. Thanks16:45
ScottKThe default doesn't 'work' with Ubuntu, it just sends mail to some Ubuntu ML.16:47
goukiI know I asked this yesterday, but I'm about to do it and want to confirm with you guys/gals ...16:48
goukiI'm about to package 2 or 3 packages that are new to both Ubuntu and Debian. In Ubuntu, a bug should be created with title: [needs-packaging] package and in Debian I need to file an ITP.16:49
goukiSo far so good?16:49
goukiAfter having the package on REVU, the Ubuntu bug get's changed to Fix Committed, and after someone sponsors that package, it gets changed to Fix Released. I should also assign this bug to myself, correct?16:51
* sebner winks persia =)16:52
james_wgouki: assign it to yourself, but set it "In Progress"16:53
james_wFix Committed would be used when it is uploaded to NEW I think16:54
goukiWell, I'm more worried with the Debian part.16:55
goukiUsing reportbug (the file to change BTS is in /etc/reportbug.conf, BTW) I file an ITP.16:56
goukiAfter that, what changes do I make to the bug report?16:56
goukiBookmarked! Thank you.16:59
goukiWhen the package already exists, being on Ubuntu or Debian, theres no need for a bug report, or is it?16:59
sebnergouki: yes17:04
sebnergouki: so I mean, you are right17:04
goukisebner, thank you.17:04
goukiOne more thing ... When updating a package (I'm thinking about updating OpenArena) one only downloads the tarball from upstream and copies the debian/ from the already existing package in Ubuntu?17:06
sebnergouki: well, that's the best-case. More often you have to check if everything is fine with the b-p, patches , maybe you can update the standards version ....  Also important: Don't forget to add a changelog entry17:07
Laneygouki: There might be changes outside of debian/17:07
LaneyI usually use uupdate17:07
goukisebner and Laney, thank you. I'll go read about uupdate.17:08
goukiOne thing I forgot to ask .. When updating an existing package, it's recommended to also get this into Debian, correct?17:08
goukiWell, I'm off. I have enough on my plate for today :)17:09
goukiThank you all for the help.17:09
LaneyWe currently sync openarena from debian17:09
sebnergouki: maybe first updating in debian so you can sync it to ubuntu easily17:09
Laneyso you should update it there17:09
goukiSure thing.17:09
porthoseIf a kind MOTU has a minute would you please look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=quickplay.  I have it up on m.d.n and I just wanted a *quick* REVU from a second set of eyes for any major show stopper errors.  Thx :)17:11
RainCTporthose: there are two menu files17:16
RainCTporthose: debian/menu and debian/quickplay.menu (using the old section name), which can be removed17:17
porthoseRainCT:  Thank you very much17:17
RainCTporthose: the comments from the top of the manpage can be removed. debian/control: "and utilized" -> "and uses" (though that complete line isn't probably really interesting to users); "light weight" -> "lightweight"17:19
RainCTporthose: that's all I see on a quick glance17:19
porthoseRainCT: Thank you very much that is what I needed to know :)17:21
RainCTporthose: you're welcome :)17:22
hyperairhello. can someone sponsor bug #267922 for sru please?17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267922 in banshee "Banshee hangs up/crashes when pluggin in MTP-USB-Player" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26792217:33
=== macd_ is now known as macd
DktrKranzhyperair: I looked at it briefly, be sure to set target to intrepid-proposed and adjust version to be 1.2.1-3ubuntu1.1; if you're around later, I can have a deeper look. Just ping me ;)17:40
hyperairDktrKranz: why 1.1?17:41
DktrKranzhyperair: just to make sure it won't clash with future versions in jaunty17:44
hyperairi see17:44
hyperairDktrKranz: gimme a moment, i'm done with the debdiff.17:44
DktrKranz(you're encouraged to fix it for jaunty too, if you have occasion once archives will open)17:45
bsnideris martin pitt here?17:46
DktrKranzbsnider: no. he usually is on #ubuntu-devel, ircname "pitti"17:47
bsniderthank you17:47
chrisccoulsonhe's in #ubuntu-desktop at the moment though17:47
hyperairDktrKranz: debian has 1.3.3-3. bug's fixed in there. it would probably be better to grab 1.3.3 from debian for jaunty17:48
apacheloggerpersia: if you get a chance, please vote on NCommander's MOTU application :)18:46
NCommanderthis is a stupid question but18:47
NCommanderDo I need to be a core dev to upload to proposed on a main package?18:47
NCommander(I'm going to guess yes, but maybe I'm wrong)18:47
geserI don't know either but I guess yes too18:48
jdongNCommander: yes.18:48
* apachelogger asks geser to vote as well18:48
NCommanderThat makes sense18:48
geserapachelogger: I know, I try to do it this week18:48
apacheloggerNCommander: the pocket is basically in a freeze state, like the regular pockets would be around release date18:49
NCommanderapachelogger, then why can't backports upload anything to the backport pocket if its a universe package?18:49
NCommander(the ACL is set so only core devs can upload to the backports pocket)18:49
apacheloggergeser: ok, would be great to have him break stuff right away once jaunty opens ;-)18:49
NCommanderYay for breaking stuff18:51
apacheloggerNCommander: jdong will know, but IIRC backport uploads don't require archive admin approval18:51
NCommanderapachelogger, yes they do18:51
NCommanderThey get stuck in unapproved18:51
NCommanderjdong, hrm, maybe if the ACL for pockets match release, a backporter uploading to hardy-backports on universe might work18:51
* apachelogger always shudders when a package gets stuck18:52
apachelogger=> getting some tea18:52
* NCommander works on evil bug18:52
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi
jdongNCommander: I've been told it "should" "work" "for" "all" "MOTUs"19:04
goukiHow can I include files in a package, say an example configuration file?19:06
NCommanderjdong, should? Does it?19:07
jdongNCommander: havent' tried yet19:08
NCommanderIf it does, then I can stop nagging for non-main backports <g>19:08
jdongNCommander: it... applies to all backports19:09
NCommanderoh, very cool <g>19:09
Yasumotogouki: are you thinking something like installing it in /usr/share?19:11
goukiYasumoto, could be.19:11
Yasumotoand I guess it'd be in the debian directory in the package19:12
Laneygouki: You mean a file that you created yourself? i.e. isn't in the upstream tarball19:12
goukiLaney, no, a file that's present on upstream tarball.19:12
james_wgouki: to a first approximation put the example in "debian/" and then put "debian/example.conf" in "debian/docs"19:12
goukiIt's a sample configuration file, that if I don't make it present on the package, will make it hard for users to know how to use the software.19:13
goukiI'll try what james_w said.19:13
LaneyIf it's already present then don't bother copying it to debian/19:13
Laneyjust give the path in debian/docs19:13
goukiLaney, OK.19:14
goukiThis software also includes a data/ folder (where images required to create HTML pages are stored). Would it work the same way?19:14
Laneygouki: Use a debian/install for that19:15
Laneydocs for docs, install for other stuff19:15
Laneyman dh_installdocs and man dh_install19:15
goukiLaney, thank you.19:15
* Laney eyes the channel19:21
Laneymotu-sru member, please look at bug #28012919:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280129 in ghc6 "Please SRU ghc6 in Hardy to fix correctness bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28012919:22
NCommanderLaney, backporting the fix is safer then plucking the newer version in MIA19:24
RainCTgouki: if it's a sample, you'll want to use debian/<package>.examples rather19:24
LaneyIt sure is19:24
* NCommander grabs the source package19:25
NCommanderI can do the backporting19:25
goukiRainCT, thank you.19:25
LaneyI have it already19:25
LaneyNCommander: ^19:25
NCommanderLaney, can you attach the debdiff to the bug?19:25
LaneyI'm seeking an motu-sru opinion on which way to go though.19:26
RainCTbtw, anyone knows if debian/examples (without <package>.) works? because the manpage doesn't mentione it19:26
NCommanderRainCT, it should19:26
NCommanderdue to the way debconf works19:26
RainCTNCommander: debconf?19:27
* NCommander properly lights up the "I would test it to be sure" board19:28
RainCTNCommander: yeah, I think I'll have a look at the source19:28
james_wRainCT/NCommander: could one of you fix the problem that was preventing people from making me a reviewer on REVU please?19:31
NCommanderjames_w, someone has to mark you a reviewer manually in the system19:31
NCommanderso if you didn't request it ...19:31
james_w"SyntaxError: invalid syntax" on line 35 of alter_user.py (the SQL statement) apparently19:31
RainCTah, there's a typo there that script will probably disappear anyway once we switch to LP groups for permissions19:32
RainCTjames_w: what's your nickname on LP?19:34
RainCTNCommander: re dh_installmanpages, I see debhelper actually provides a perl module and the code to find the debian/* file comes from there, so it should work :)19:35
NCommanderRainCT, yup19:35
hyperairDktrKranz: about just now... debian has 1.3.3-3. bug's fixed in there. it would probably be better to grab 1.3.3 from debian for jaunty19:37
DktrKranzhyperair, definitely19:37
YasumotoIf anyone has some spare time, could you look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomecanvas/+bug/272316 to see if there's anything else I should add to it?19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272316 in libgnomecanvas "[regression, intrepid] redraw problems, patches from fedora" [Low,Confirmed]19:38
hyperairDktrKranz: anyway i've made the changes. what comes next?19:38
DktrKranzhyperair, provide a test case (if you didn't do already) and subscribe motu-sru19:39
james_wRainCT: did you make me a reviewer?19:40
RainCTjames_w: yep, if I got the number right :P19:41
james_wheh :-)19:41
RainCTjames_w: check the text in the comment box, it should say "Reviewer"19:41
james_wah, just changed, thanks :-)19:41
james_wI should have more patience19:41
RainCTpatience? what's this? ;)19:42
james_whow do I move a package to "Needs work"?19:42
RainCTjames_w: comment without advocating19:42
hyperairDktrKranz: ok done.19:43
RainCT(once I find time for it I'll add neutral comments and then there'll be a box to select veto/neutral/advocate)19:43
hyperairDktrKranz: anything else, or do i just wait?19:44
RainCTsiretart: ahh, I remember why the cronjob runs as root now: because the config file has chmod 60019:45
DktrKranzhyperair, wait for a motu-sru ACK, then ask a sponsor to upload it for you. I could have some time to review SRUs later, but I probably have a TV marathon to see U.S. election day :)19:45
RainCTsiretart: ah no, but the owner is revu1 (and it's 640 actually), nevermind :P19:46
hyperairDktrKranz: hahah. okay, but if it still isn't reviewed when you're done with the tv marathon, could you do it? =p19:47
sebnerhyperair: that makes 150€ for him ;)19:47
DktrKranzhyperair, I guess it will be around 2 AM local time, so I will probably some sleep at the time ;)19:47
hyperairDktrKranz: heh nevermind then =p19:48
hyperairsebner: D=19:48
DktrKranzsebner, that's all yours, I never asked money, YOU are my exception19:48
* sebner hides19:49
hyperairhmm what went on before?19:49
=== hyperair1 is now known as hyperair
uniscriptI have a .deb binary package in _all that I want to transition from hardy to intrepid. Is there a way to create a .changes file without having to unpack the package and rebuild it?20:07
DktrKranzuniscript, AFAIK, you have to unpack it and launch dpkg-genchanges -S20:08
psusiwhen I run debuild it appears to be trying to sign the package with my private key identified by my user name instead of my full name, so it fails to find it20:29
psusihow does debuild decide what your name is?20:29
hyperairpsusi: from the debian/changelog entry20:29
hyperairpsusi: can be overridden by DEBEMAIL environment variable20:29
psusiohh, ooops... forgot to fix that up this time...20:29
hyperairno wait20:30
hyperairdebuild will look in debian/changelog20:30
hyperairso you should get it right in debian/changelog20:30
hyperairdch looks in DEBEMAIL20:30
psusiyea, that fixed it... I forgot to put my full name in the changelog20:30
hyperairfull name? i thought it only depended on the email?20:30
DktrKranzpsusi, you can also pass -kyouraddress@yourprovider.ext to debuild20:31
psusigot it working now... just had to fix the changelog to use my full name instead of my user name20:31
psusihrm.... looks like dput uploaded to main instead of my ppa... hrm...20:42
NCommandergeser, ping20:42
NCommanderhey ajmitch20:52
geserNCommander: pong20:55
Laneycjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Jaunty open, go wild21:02
NCommanderJaunty is open?21:02
* Laney dist-upgrades21:03
psusiwoot! PPA is building my package... neat..21:06
* NCommander do-rekease-upgrade -p -d's21:07
Laneyd-r-u knows about jaunty already?21:08
* NCommander does it by hand21:09
NCommanderPPAs still don't know about jaunty :-/21:10
* ajmitch isn't surprised21:10
ajmitchI should probably upgrade to jaunty around beta time21:10
LaneyThere wasn't any massive breakage in intrepid :(21:11
LaneyI remember one late in the Hardy cycle21:12
lagaLaney: unless you had an intel NIC :)21:12
Laneysadly not :<21:12
ajmitchLaney: it's depressing reading some of the upgrade reports on the NZ loco list, to be honest21:16
* RainCT does s/NZ/cat/ and agrees with ajmitch21:17
Laneyajmitch: I saw some bad ones on SA, yes21:17
Laneyit's mostly the same old problems21:18
NCommanderWhat are the issues?21:18
Laneypulse, flash, xorg21:19
ajmitchthat sounds familist21:20
Laneyoh and wireless21:20
RainCThere we have more unusual complains (don't remember any right now, though) :P21:21
wgrantPulse seems to work fine as long as you didn't try to "fix" it in Hardy.21:21
* ajmitch does wonder why upgrades from the alternate CD are still supported or expected to work21:22
* ajmitch sees quite a few uploads to intrepid-proposed already21:24
lagaif motu-sru looked at stuff, it'd probably be more.21:26
jdonglaga: I've been trying to keep up; is the queue that bad? :(21:27
NCommanderI thought you uploaded to proposed, then had SRU ack it21:28
lagaNCommander: no, first get an ACK then upload to proposed21:28
lagaalthough the docs are not clear.21:28
pochuor upload to proposed, it's unapproved, then get an ACK, then it's approved, then you test21:28
lagajdong: i dunno about the queue, i just need to get mythbuntu-diskless into shape: bug #29231921:29
NCommanderwhat pochu said21:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292319 in mythbuntu-diskless "SRU: nbd-client is killed during diskless client shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29231921:29
lagajdong: could lead to data loss etc.21:29
jdonglaga: gimme one sec, let me just finish this bit of firefox mangling21:29
lagajdong: sure, no need to rush. i didn't mean to tell anyone to change their workflow ;)21:30
jdongScottK: you did say that me uploading backports should work, at one point, right?21:30
jdongScottK: I'm going to try that and see if anything explodes :)21:30
* ajmitch waits for jdong to break the world21:31
jdongalright, now I wait for big FAIL e-mails from the installer :)21:36
jdonglaga: is that versioning scheme going to be consistent? :)21:41
jdonglaga: I'd usually just do 0.9-0ubuntu1.121:41
jdonglaga: unless you expect Jaunty to remain at 0.9-0ubuntu1 at release time21:42
jdongScottK, NCommander: Confirmed, firefox3 is in gutsy-backports approval queue!21:42
NCommanderOh good, gutsy can now explode in a shower of bits21:43
jdong(oh god I ph33r the big rush of requests from NCommander in the next few days)21:43
NCommanderSpeaking of that, does that mean uploading for MOTU works?21:43
jdongNCommander: that is correct21:43
NCommanderjdong, bahahahahha21:43
lagajdong: i guess we can release 0.10 for jaunty.21:44
jdonglaga: or even -0ubuntu2 would be fine.21:45
jdonglaga: usually I only recommend the weirdly spliced 0.0.whatever versions if you got a package you don't expect would change for several releases or if you're the Mozilla team21:46
jdong</lighthearted jab>21:46
lagajdong: i usually prefer -0ubuntu2, but that security team wiki got me worried :) i'21:49
lagai'll change it21:50
goukiCan I use debian/rules to copy a folder to /var/www or that isn't recommended?21:50
jdonglaga: ACKed21:51
lagajdong: thanks!! much appreciated :)21:54
NCommanderHere's a question21:54
ajmitchthe answer is no21:54
NCommanderHow do I version an upload so that LP will accept it, and then sync when Debian has a newer version21:54
NCommanderXubuntu is going to be uploading 4.4.3 to jaunty soonish, based off Debian unreleased packages (unreleased because of lenny)21:55
NCommanderWhat I want to happen is that when those packages hit, expect for those with a normal 0ubuntu1 string will get auto clobbered21:55
ajmitchjust for extra evil21:55
NCommanderI've been told 0~ubuntu121:55
NCommanderor even 1~ubuntu121:55
Laneyoh, autosync21:55
ajmitchautosync *will* clobber it if it has -0build1, but it's a nasty way to do it21:56
ajmitchand assuming that the orig.tar.gz is the same, etc21:56
NCommanderYeah, I'll get yelled at for uploading packages once I become an MOTU21:56
NCommanderajmitch, it should be21:56
ajmitchof course you can't trust my opinion on such things :)21:57
NCommanderI could just do a normal 0ubuntu1 upload21:57
LaneyHave I seen ~releaseX before? I think so21:57
NCommanderI've seen ~ubuntu1 on some core packages21:57
NCommanderLaney, we do that for backports21:57
NCommander(and some people use it for SRUs)21:57
Laneyright, in the main archive21:57
ajmitchI don't know what the autosync behaviour is for packages with ~ubuntu121:57
NCommanderajmitch, as far as I know, autosync checks explicately for XubuntuX21:58
NCommanderX~ubuntu1 won't work21:58
ajmitchthat's the problem, as far as you know...21:58
RAOFOh, arse.  evolution-sharp is broken in Intrepid.21:58
NCommanderRAOF, what, again?21:59
NCommanderDIdn't we already fix that -_-;21:59
RAOFNCommander: You fixed the strange and evil mono segfault while building evolution-sharp.21:59
NCommanderThat wasn't its fault22:00
NCommanderThat was mono22:00
RAOFThis is more a common-or-garden "libedataserver1.2 bumped soname to -11, but evolution-sharp still points at -9" problem.22:00
NCommanderoh, yay, SRU22:00
RAOFSlightly compounded by the fact that evolution-sharp _should_ have refused to build against libedataserver1.2-11.22:01
chrisccoulsonRAOF - bug 28733222:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287332 in evolution-sharp "beagle-backend-evolution cant find libedataserver-1.2.so.9" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28733222:11
RAOFWe can almost certainly get away with an SRU that's not "make the libevolution3.0-cil -> libevolution5.0-cil transition", though.22:13
chrisccoulsonyeah, it seems that the SRU will make it libevolution5.0-cil though, but evolution-sharp doesn't have many rdepends22:15
RAOFYeah, only 4 by my count.22:17
Philip5hi guys... i have a question about a setting for the cdbs rules when building a deb package. i'm not sure what setting to use in the rules file to force a check for orphant files that doesn't get installed in a package during build but are left in i.e debian/tmp/usr/lib22:36
Philip5i was guessing it's DEB_MAKE_CHECK_TARGET := check but am not sure and think the cdbs docs could explain abit more22:36
Philip5anyone here who can help me on that one?22:37
RAOFDEB_MAKE_CHECK_TARGET is for running the upstream tests; you're (probably) after the 'list-missing' target.22:40
RAOFI can't offhand think of a package that uses that target, although I know there are several.22:40
Philip5RAOF: aha... yes it's list-missing i guess... but how would i use that properly?22:42
RAOFMake it a dependency of one of the targets.  I think common-post-binary-install is the one you're after.22:42
Philip5but that would only check if it's needed? it wouldn't work on i.e icons or such files?22:44
Philip5what i understand --list-missing is a parameter to dh_install but would that be a way to go when using cdbs?22:46
Philip5i'm not sure that i think cdbs helps or make the life easier than old style rules :)22:47
logari81hi, after reading the PythonPackaging documentation I achieved to deb-ize a pygtk application I wrote, I would like to upload my work in my ppa, but I am not that sure about the versioning part of my package, is here the right place to ask about that?23:13
lifelesslogari81: sure, you can ask here23:14
lifelesslogari81: there are docs on it though, in the more general packaging area23:15
logari81my problem is that it is the first package of the application and I am not sure if I should include any of the suffixes I ve read in the documentation23:30
logari81As I ve understood the schema is like <upstream version> <ubuntu version> <ppa version>23:30
logari81but I see in ppa of others, packages missing the 2nd and/or 3d suffix, I suppose also they are not obligatory23:30
logari81I would say in my case I dont need the too last suffices either23:31
logari81is that correct?23:31

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