
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
Tumiehi :D12:13
boredandbloggingTumie: hi13:45
Tumiewhoehoew,, :p13:45
Tumiealmost done with the importent things of the translation13:45
Tumieso, then the pressure isn't their anymore :p13:46
Tumiearchives and feed, don't exist for the dutch publication,13:50
Tumiemaybe i make a feed, (later).. but now it's not needed13:50
mathiazhi! The Ubuntu Server Team meeting has been moved by 1 hour to Tuesday at 16:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. Could the fridge calendar be updated?14:04
boredandbloggingmathiaz: permanently or just today?14:21
mathiazboredandblogging: permanently14:21
boredandbloggingmathiaz: ok, I'll make the change14:21
mathiazboredandblogging: thank you!14:22
tycheMTecknology: Now, what's the information, and wait a second while I bring it up.  Hee hee15:11
MTecknologyI had somebody tell me I can use fridge.ubuntu.com to schedule meetings for my team. How do I go about getting this access?15:12
tycheOK, I'm in where I can enter the information.15:12
MTecknologytyche: Is there any way I can have my own calendar?15:12
MTecknologyRight now I have a meeting scheduled for 18:00-19:00 on the 14th15:13
tycheThe best way is to use a Google calendar.  No, it doesn't mesh with the Fridge Events calendar, unfortunately.  But that way you could control it for the team, and make your own entries.15:13
tycheOK, November 14 doesn't show anything, right now.  Let me bring up an event entry and I'll enter it.15:14
MTecknologyI was looking for something that I can use my webcal plugin. But it only accepts the format for the frigde15:14
tycheThat would take special permission from the administrators of the Fridge.15:15
tycheThe times are in UTC?15:16
MTecknologyidk the utc equiv - i think it's just +515:16
tycheThat would be Nov 14 at 23:00 UTC to nov15 at 00:0015:17
tycheMeeting name?15:17
MTecknologyIt's just a random meeting to talk about a roadmap, activities, memberships, faq's, blah15:18
tycheBTW, I got access simply because I'm getting all the recurring events moved from the Google calendar into the fridge.  Fridge doesn't handle recurring events, yet.15:19
tycheWhat group?15:19
tycheSouth Dakota LoCo Team Meeting?15:19
tycheAnd would this be a recurring event?15:19
MTecknologyI still plan on using meeting in my channel though15:20
tycheGreat.  2 more questions.  1.  What channel will this be held in?  2.  Do you have a link to an agenda?15:20
tycheOK, take a look at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1711 and see if I've put everything in right.15:21
MTecknologylol - is that the events module?15:22
tycheThat's the page you get when you click on the event in the calendar15:23
tycheThe calendar is at http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event15:23
MTecknologyi mean the events module for drupal15:23
tycheWhat I just showed you is the information I use (or WE use) for the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.  And yes, that's the event module, as far as I know.15:24
MTecknologydo you know what version of drupal the site uses?15:24
tycheHad you said it was a recurring event, i would have noted it under the agenda, then gone to the Google calendar we maintain and entered it there.15:24
tycheNo, I'm afraid I don't15:25
MTecknologyno, it's not15:25
tycheNow you know why all the questions I asked.15:25
tycheWe try to supply as much information as we can in the UWN.  This problem of no recurring events in the Fridge calendar has me doing double duty.  Ah, well, it keeps me off the streets.  Hee hee15:26
MTecknologyya, there's a module for drupal that does it - but getting it to work wouldn't be worth it15:26
tycheThey won't install it.  Supposedly there's a security problem with it.15:27
tycheWe're campaigning to get the events calendar moved to the Google calendar, to avoid half the work.  That's because we're lazy.  Hee hee15:28
MTecknologycould be interesting15:28
MTecknologymaybe it would allow the webcal plugin to not be a complete hack15:29
tycheWell, with the Google calendar it's easy to enter recurring events15:29
tycheIf this is something that is primarily for just your team, you might want to look into it for them.15:30
MTecknologyI kinda like the events module, I don't have anything that recurs15:30
tycheWe've looked into it for the AZ team, but there's nothing but the standard Team meeting and an occasional install fest or release party which is well documented in the Team newsletter (that I also put out)15:31
tycheSee what happens when you retire?  People come out of the woodwork and find jobs for you to do.  LOL15:32
MTecknologywhen i retire?15:32
MTecknologyIt's a long time before I retire anything :P15:32
tycheYea, but I hit the point last year.  Within a month of joining the AZ team I was made Team scribe, then shanghaied into the UWN15:33
tycheOur team leader is a master manipulator.  Hee hee15:33
MTecknologyI'm the team leader now15:34
tycheHis favorite expression is, "Here, little fishie"15:34
MTecknologyThe guy that was managing the team lost interest so I'm trying to bring it all back to life15:34
MTecknologyor - to life to begin with15:34
tycheI wish you the best with that.  Feel free to bop into the #ubuntu-us-az channel for information.  johnc4510 is the team leader, and very helpful.  Or go to #ubuntu-us, which has people that are mentors (among others).15:36
tycheAnd if there's anything on our wiki that would help you, feel free to use it.15:36
tycheWe BELIEVE in sharing.15:36
MTecknologyI've been leaning on -us quite a bit lately15:36
tycheI know.  I've seen you in there.15:37
MTecknologyI'll pop back in there15:37
tycheAnd don't be afraid to ask johnc4510 or Nick Ali (boredandblogging) or I to enter stuff in the events calendar for you.15:37
tycheSince we have a direct interest in getting the information right for the UWN, we're happy to help.15:38
boredandbloggingtyche: he should be able to add events himself16:06
boredandbloggingtell him to join the LP team16:06
boredandbloggingthat should give him Fridge access16:06
boredandbloggingno Rinchen?16:13
tycheI haven't seen him in a couple of days.16:14
boredandbloggingbeuno: ping16:15
beunoboredandblogging, pong16:15
boredandbloggingis ubuntu-fridge set up so that no one can apply to it?16:16
boredandbloggingto join16:16
beunoboredandblogging, yeap16:17
beunoonly admins can add people to it16:17
boredandbloggingcan we change that? we want people to apply so they can get fridge access16:17
beunoboredandblogging, well, up to now, we've been discussing proposed members before we approve them16:18
beunoare we changing that?16:18
boredandbloggingwe have to, if we want people adding their own events to the calendar and submitting content16:20
boredandbloggingis it possible for someone to apply but not automatically be approved?16:20
boredandbloggingthink we need to be in that state16:21
beunoI think I can change that16:21
boredandbloggingbeuno: can you approve MTecknology?16:22
beunoboredandblogging, yeap, done16:23
boredandbloggingbeuno: thanks16:23
beunoboredandblogging, btw, you're going to UDS, right?16:23
boredandbloggingbeuno: yes16:24
beunoboredandblogging, cool, so am I16:24
beunowe'll finally meet!16:24
boredandbloggingMTecknology: try going to fridge.ubuntu.com now16:25
boredandbloggingand hit the login button16:25
MTecknologyyup - logged it16:25
boredandbloggingtyche: you wanna walk him through creating an event?16:25
MTecknologyI'm looking at where it's at16:25
MTecknologyI assume use UTC, don't overlap16:25
tycheSure.  I just got  back in.16:26
boredandbloggingMTecknology: correct16:26
MTecknologyor can I just use US/Central?16:26
MTecknologyso... now that I know how to do that...16:26
MTecknologynope nvm - I see why using UTC only is best16:27
tycheMTecknology: On the left hand side, you'll see your nick or name, and a bunch of links, like administer, contribute, about, and such.  Below that is upcoming events, at the bottom of which is a "more" link to get to the calendar.16:27
boredandbloggingno, use UTC16:27
MTecknologyHow the heck do I do that with my drupal site16:28
tycheThe calendar gives you the ability to see if what you want to enter is already there, and/or if you're going to conflict with another meeting/time in the same channel.16:28
MTecknologyso login uses LP in that same way16:28
tycheLP just is used to log you into the site as an editor.16:29
tycheSo, to create an event, go to the Contribute link (above) and click on that.16:30
MTecknologybut I'd love to be able to do that with my site. Considering how I did my site, I think it would be awesome16:30
MTecknologytyche: yup - I found when I got in here - it's familiar to me ;)16:30
tycheThat brings you to a page with the types of contribution you want to make.16:30
tycheEvent is the one you want.16:30
MTecknologyhow do I link things together between drupal and launchpad with openid?16:31
tycheIf you're familiar with the events module, then the only thing I'll add to your information is some of the stuff that we use for the UWN (DON'T make me find you.  Hee hee)16:31
tycheThat would probably do it.  But Launchpad uses it's own OpenID16:32
tycheIn the body, put: "Location:  IRC channel [name of channel]16:32
tycheUnder that, put: "Agenda: [link to agenda]"16:33
tycheThat gives us the rest of the information we need.16:33
MTecknologyalrighty - I'll just be copying what you did for me :)16:33
tychePretty much so.16:33
MTecknologyIs the module canonical uses for drupal to log in using LP public or private?16:33
tycheI don't know.  beuno might know, or boredandblogging.16:34
beunoMTecknology, standard drupal16:34
MTecknologybeuno: the openid login built into drupal?16:34
tycheDrupal should have a login function of its own16:34
beunoMTecknology, yeap, openid as well16:35
MTecknologytyche: it can also do an openid login - I was just looking for something with openid16:35
MTecknologys/with openid/that mimics the fridge16:35
beunoMTecknology, the only magic we have, is the Launchpad teams16:36
beunowhich give us permission control, etc16:36
MTecknologyso you have a different group for each level of control?16:37
beunoyou could16:37
beunonot sure what we have  :p16:37
MTecknologyI'm just trying to figure out how you have the OpenID module use that LP group16:38
MTecknologyThat's just really cool so that's what I'm looking into16:39
MTecknologyya... I setup openID on my site and I still can't make it do that way16:42
MTecknologythen that pops over to https://login.launchpad.net/+openid16:42
MTecknologyclass ove - brb16:44
tycheMTecknology: Make sure you log out of the Fridge when ever you leave it.16:45
MTecknologyGoogle doesn't seem to have much on that subject either16:49
MTecknologyhttps://login.launchpad.net/+decide there we go - I need to figure out how to submit something to that16:51
MTecknologyDid my user account on the fridge need to be manually created adn then linked back to my lp id?16:54
boredandbloggingMTecknology: its all automagical16:55
MTecknologyhow does it work?16:56
boredandbloggingno clue, there are docs somewhere16:56
MTecknologyI've been trying to find something16:56
MTecknologyIt seems for how I'm planning on using it - I need to form some input for +decide and it will pretty much handle the rest16:58
MTecknologySorry, I'll shutup17:02
tycheMTecknology: You're so far beyond me that I'm speechless.  And you can ask anybody.  For that to happen is extremely unusual.  Hee hee17:04
MTecknologyI'm using curl to read that page before redirect17:04
tycheBut then, that's why I tell everyone that I'm a perpetual n00bie.  LOL17:04
MTecknologyI'll just consider myself that and make myself feel smarted17:05
MTecknologyThis module I have lets me pop things out but limits me to 500 chars17:11
Tumieboredandblogging: i've got the dutch translation,17:15
Tumiei check the last things, then publish it on wiki.ubuntu.com17:16
boredandbloggingTumie: excellent!17:20
boredandblogginggood work17:20
tycheboredandblogging: The man's FAST!17:20
Tumieit is not the full issue, but allmost all "in the press" ,, is english,, and i checked if ubuntu was in the press in dutch.. but no...17:21
boredandbloggingyeah, no need to translate english press17:22
Tumiesomeone else is now checking the whole issue17:23
Tumie(also adding his name in the credits :P )17:23
MTecknology18 chars left to drop17:24
Tumiei loved to do this, it is a lot of work, but a good practice for my english17:26
boredandbloggingwe are happy you are17:26
tycheYou do well, Tumie17:27
Tumieboredandblogging, do you mean "we are as happy as you are" ??17:27
boredandbloggingwe are happy you are doing it17:27
Tumieok :p17:27
TumieUWN-NL must become the biggest :p17:28
Tumiethen YOU need to learn dutch! to translate it into english :p17:28
boredandbloggingmaybe one day17:29
Tumieit will never happen :p17:29
MTecknologyI'm not figuring this out17:35
MTecknologyapparently it is all just openid17:35
MTecknologythe form method is confusing17:35
MTecknologyI wanna make it work!!! ;'(17:40
tycheWell, it throws me into your page, but that's all.  No edit capability.17:41
MTecknologyit doesn't let you login either17:41
tycheNor does it spit me out.  It just throws me to your page.17:41
MTecknologythere's something I need to do with the form action17:41
tycheLooks like17:42
tycheBut *I* don't know what.17:42
MTecknologythere's something else in the code I'm missing17:43
MTecknologyjavascript somewhere17:43
MTecknologyI wish I learned more about using a form to submit javascript to the same page17:43
MTecknologynope - it doesn't do that either17:44
MTecknologytyche: closer.....17:47
tycheYou'll get there yet17:47
MTecknologysomewhere on the LP page it's forming everything that gets sent to the lp site... once I figure that out - i'll have the rest17:48
MTecknologygrr... it redirects to itself and then somewhere itself forwards to lp17:49
MTecknologybut I don't see any script on the page17:49
MTecknologybeuno: You have any idea?17:52
tycheIt's somewhere in the "form action=", I think17:52
tycheBut I don't know what17:52
tycheI don't think it's sending it to OpenID17:53
MTecknologyright - that part is just making it go back to itself17:53
tycheAnd I don't know enough about how Drupal works to be able to help you.  Do you have the Drupal manual?17:54
MTecknologyit's not with drupal i don't think17:54
MTecknologyit has something to do with that form that I'm missing17:54
tycheIf it's a Drupal plugin, then it would have something to do with it, I think17:54
tycheHold on.17:54
MTecknologygrrr... I need to reboot to windows soon... tool I use for test taking doesn't run inside a virtual machine17:57
tycheSorry.  I just checked the manual, and it doesn't say much about it.  You may need to look at the source for the plugin, and see if it has any information.17:57
MTecknologyit's not the plugin17:58
MTecknologylaunchpad will send things back in the format drupal expects17:58
tycheBut first you have to reach launchpad17:58
MTecknologybut... I need to figure out how to make a form to push info to it17:58
MTecknologylook at what the button does now17:59
tycheLook at the source for https://login.launchpad.net/+openid17:59
MTecknologyI was trying18:00
tycheYep.  DEFINITELY look at that link and create a form like theirs18:00
MTecknologywait - source there?18:00
MTecknologyI was looking at +decide18:00
tychepull up the page, and "view source"18:00
MTecknologyI'm seeing css18:01
MTecknologythat's all the code there18:01
tycheI don't know what to tell you, then18:02
MTecknologywhat were you wanting me to see?18:02
MTecknologythere's javascript at +decide18:03
MTecknologybut i can't make through it18:03
tycheThere's a "form action" there that posts to /+decide18:03
tycheIn under it is the login information18:03
tycheThen the "submit" under that.18:04
MTecknologydisable javascript18:04
tychedon't be late for your test18:04
MTecknologyI've been in class since 9:30 - it's 12:0518:05
tycheYou're only an hour ahead of me.  It's 11:05 here18:05
MTecknologywell - time to take off18:06
MTecknologythanks for the help18:06
MTecknologythanks as well to noscript ;)18:06
Tumiepublising on wiki.ubuntu.com now..19:26
Tumieboredandblogging: it is finished :)19:28
Tumienow starting promotion19:29
tycheCongratulations, Tumie!19:30
Tumietyche: thanks :)19:36
MTecknologySo - being able to add events on the fridge is a pretty big priviledge?20:02
MTecknologyAnybody know much about how the fridge works with lp?20:27
MTecknologyHey, I'm trying to have my site use launchpad to log in. I only want users in the group to log in. afaik, that just means I need to create a single user account in my site and associate all their openid's to it. I have my login form at http://pastebin.com/m74176107. It seems to work except that openid login always fails. I took that form from fridge.ubuntu.com... I'm trying to set this up at http://loco.profarius.com  The page is at ht21:55

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