
=== asac_ is now known as asac
stgraberogasawara: hey, I filed bug 292411 a couple of days ago, any opinion on that ? I'm really wondering why it's not included by default in the initrd, especially if it's for a good reason :)00:58
ogasawarastgraber: lemme look00:58
stgrabergreat, no bug-parser bot around it seems ...00:58
stgraberit's basically making the Asus EEE 1000HA to fail installing using netboot (or you'll have to copy the module and insmod manually as I did)00:59
stgraberwhich is kind of a problem for a computer without a cdrom drive :)00:59
ogasawarastgraber:  I'll ping the kernel team about it01:01
stgraberok, thanks01:01
ogasawarastgraber: we saw a similar issue with the igb driver, I think it's a matter of us just adding the driver to the nic-modules files in the kernel (similar to bug 273904)01:07
stgraberright, looks very similar01:08
stgraberogasawara: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=commitdiff;h=d44b8d6dcad34b1a5e5b2194b8190f7e5dea44e2;hp=ab74b1b0b30ac157694a33d79f9965b21d24937c01:09
stgraberogasawara: you can see: +atle ?01:09
stgraberbut that's likely a typo as the driver is atl1e :)01:09
stgraberand AFAICS atl2 doesn't exist either01:10
ogasawarastgraber: modinfo atl2 shows me info01:10
stgraberoh, right it's in ubuntu/atl2, I was looking in drivers/net :)01:11
ogasawaraanyways, I'll post a note about the typo and bug 292411 in your report01:11
stgraberso it's a one character typo in nic-modules :)01:11
ogasawarathen I'll ping rtg in the morning01:12
stgraberok, it's not a big issue as I just added the module to my initrd but it may well be for some other EEE users (these things are quite popular now :))01:12
ogasawarastgraber: it's a simple enough fix I think we can get it in as an SRU for Intrepid and definitely available for Jaunty01:13
aramorning all :)07:44
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davmor2Morning Everybody08:41
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james_wara: howdy, I see ubuntu-desktop-testing on REVU, is that still intended for upload?12:11
arahey james_w, no, that was intended for intrepid. We will have to rethink it for jaunty12:13
arajames_w: thanks12:13
james_wara: cool, thanks. I'll ask for it to be archived, feel free to ping me when you have something for Jaunty12:13
arajames_w: cool, thanks12:14
* ara -> lunch12:31
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davmor2ara: I've got screenshots now for wubi and most of kubuntu, tomorrow I'll finish that and do the xubuntu screenshots while I start getting some of the kubuntu stuff uploaded.16:30
aradavmor2: cool. I hope I will be able to do some stuff on the testcases tomorrow. Can you send me an email with the stuff that needs to be done?16:31
davmor2Yes I'll do that tomorrow first thing I going to knock off now bad head.16:32

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