
james_wwgrant: bug 29331800:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293318 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon leaks memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29331800:02
wgrantjames_w: Argh. Let's see...00:16
james_whey wgrant 00:16
james_wI don't see anything obvious in your change00:16
james_wI imagine it does call some functions more frequently, and so an existing leak would become an issue00:17
wgrantI expected that my previous batch of changes could leak.00:17
wgrantHmm. Possibly.00:17
wgrantThis shouldn't be calling anything that often, though.00:17
james_wah, ok00:19
james_wis it just on device insertion/removal?00:19
wgrantWell, actually, some of the code will be running on every X event.00:20
wgrantWhich narrows it down somewhat.00:20
james_wshall I ask him if he's inserting 20 devices a second? :-)00:20
james_wah, ok.00:20
wgrantThe stuff outside the if in devicepresence_filter will be running lots.00:20
wgrantBut that looks perfectly safe.00:22
james_wyou don't have to unref the return value of gdk_x11_get_default_xdevice() do you?00:24
wgrantxdisplay, you mean?00:25
wgrantIt doesn't look like it.00:27
wgrantIt certainly doesn't leak here, on i386.00:27
wgrantEven with thousands of hotpluggings.00:28
james_wso you think this could be amd64 specific?00:29
wgrantI wouldn't think so, but all of the other regressions caused in my changes in Intrepid were my code exposing 64-bit unsafeness in the xserver.00:30
wgrant(well, X libs, actually)00:32
wgrantI thought I saw it leaking very slowly then, but its usage just dropped, so that can't have been it.00:35
wgrantjames_w: Do you have amd64 hardware you can test on?00:37
james_wsorry, I don't00:38
ianloichey I'm having X freezing up02:36
ianloicso I installed the debug version of libgl1-mesa-dri02:36
ianloicbut it's not being loaded02:36
ianloicoh wait02:36
ianloicwait no02:46
ianloicI didn't get it02:46
ianloicsetting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't seem to help02:46
ianloichow can I actually use these debug packages to get more meaningful stack traces?02:46
ianloicjcristau, how can I convince X to load debug versions of modules & libraries?02:53
ianloicjcristau, here's my bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/29223402:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292234 in mesa "X Freeze in i965_dri.so" [Undecided,New] 02:54
ianloicjcristau, I feel (perhaps naively) that if I could just get a little more out of that stack trace I'd be able to hack at it myself :)02:54
tjaaltonomg, now the wayland-crazyness hit brainstorm: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15205/08:01
wgranttjaalton: Already!?08:10
tjaaltonwgrant: yep..08:10
tjaaltonsoo many "facts" are wrong..08:10
wgrantDidn't he specifically say that it wasn't intended to replace X.org?08:10
tjaaltonand to be useful it needs the xserver running on top of it08:11
wgrantDo you have privs to close it and devcomment on it?08:11
Ngmvo: your HAL fdi thing for scrollwheel emulation - what led you to the properties you ended up setting?13:26
Ng(wrt http://mvogt.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/xorg-evdev-and-emulatewheel/)13:26
mvoNg: you mean how I figured out the exact names? 13:28
Ngmvo: yeah13:28
NgI'm curious why it worked at all13:28
mvoNg: I think I asked around here13:28
mvoit seems to be not plagued by the bug that it does not work after supsend13:28
mvoor rather, affected differently, it seems like every second resume its fine, but about half/25% of the time its not. but cures itself on the next resume again13:29
Ngmvo: that is kinda weird. It would be interesting to know if the patch fixes that13:30
Ngbut I'd also like to construct a HAL fdi for it. Not for my own use, but to prove that it works with those settings as well13:30
Ngthe thing is, you don't specify the wheel emulation Y axis, so I'm wondering if it defaulted to 4 5. It can't be relating to the ZAxisMapping you set, because you actually spelt Axis wrong, so unless X corrects for that, that setting was probably ignored ;)13:31
Ng(I built a deb of the current intrepid i386 package with the patch included, if you fancy giving it a test run, it's attached to the bug)13:31
NgI'd also like to figure out if it's possible to get horizontal scrolling going, but that's way less important13:36
Ngoh, I just did that :)13:37
tjaaltonNg: got an X300 to play with.. should it work with hardy?-)13:58
Ngtjaalton: all the important stuff other than sound will work13:59
Ngthat just needs a newer alsa to get the driver14:00
Ngshould all work with intrepid, apart from the scrollwheel emulation ;D14:00
tjaaltonNg: heh, ok.. I'll try with hardy first14:00
mvoNg: haha, I spelt it wrong? oh well15:27
Ngtjaalton: are you borrowing it? why not chuck intrepid straight on? :)15:27
tjaaltonNg: I'm installing it for a colleague, and yes intrepid it is since hardy refused to netboot15:28
tjaaltonor, failed to install the kernel15:28
Ngsteal it ;)15:29
tjaaltonit's tempting ;)15:30
crevetteX300 ... hmmm15:30
tjaaltoncould swap my X61 for it15:30
crevetteX61 is not bad15:30
tjaalton"look, it's smaller"15:30
tjaaltonno it's not15:30
crevetteI'm happy with y T6A but I should have wait some week to have a X400 with a powerful cpu15:30
crevettedamn technical evolution15:31
tjaaltongot my X61 last December, and a month after they released X300..15:32
Ngcrevette: the X61 and the X300 seem to have very similar internals15:37
Ngthe 301 has a much newer chipset15:37
crevetteI didn't know there is a 30115:37
Nghmm, or not, I can't remember exactly. i think I remember being surprised that it wasn't ICH10, which would make it ICH9 (where the 300 is ICH8)15:37
Ngcrevette: physically the same apart from DisplayPort, then a newer chipset and a faster CPU, with the option of a 128GB SSD instead of just 64GB15:38
crevetteNg, DisplayPort is the external display port so is it DVI now ?16:16
Ngdisplayport is supposed to replace DVI, I believe16:17
crevetteah DisplayPort is a type of port16:18
* crevette is not into hardware :)16:18
Ngit's not compatible with DVI, although DVI signals can be passed over it, hardware support willing16:18
Ng(the X300 just has VGA)16:19
* crevette reads wikipedia article16:19
crevetteyeah my T61 too :/16:19
Nghaving VGA is no bad thing, every projector in the world can talk to it, vs almost none talking displayport :)16:23

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