
disturbedsaintwill let you know if it solved it00:00
pooliebeuno: i'm a bit surprised by the bzr-pqm failure because afaics iter_changes does _not_ require 8 arguments in 1.9rc100:00
abentleypoolie: It's _iter_changes, but *that* shouldn't require 8 arguments either.00:01
abentleyI don't know what happened there.  I've been treating the sympoms because that's an old version anyhow.00:02
beunopoolie, I was as well, but since slapping on the new version "just worked", I carried on without diving too deep into it00:02
pooliefair enough00:03
lifelessbeuno: merged my fix for search?00:21
beunolifeless, argh, no00:22
beunoI will now00:22
lifelessbeuno: nag nag nag00:22
beunoit's on my starred emails00:22
beunowhich have grown out of proportion00:22
lifelessbeuno: FWIW seeing this has increased my 'do not do big layout cleanups' twitch factor00:23
beunoit did for me as well00:24
beunoalso, it was a patch from someone00:24
beunonot something I actually did myself00:24
lifelesswell they don't understand python as much as they think they do :>00:24
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beunoseems not00:25
beunoand, I should pay a little more attention, or just not merge those things00:26
lifelessmore test coverage would reduce the risk00:27
beunothat change still doesn't fix the problem00:27
lifelessshow me your diff?00:27
lifelesscause it WFM00:27
beunoyeah, tests are high up there next to "make it stop eating ram until it blows up"00:27
beunowhich we kinda know what's doing it now00:27
lifelessbug 293750 might be fixed now poolie00:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293750 in bzr "Add paramiko SSH library to Windows installer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29375000:28
beunolifeless, http://paste.ubuntu.com/67620/00:28
lifelessbeuno: that should do it00:29
lifelessbeuno: have you restarted? does command line search work?00:29
beunocommand line works00:29
beunoI did restart00:29
beunodo you have latest trunk?00:29
lifelesswhat is the first exception00:29
lifelessrev 23500:30
BasicOSXpython-2.6 unsupported in 1.10dev ?00:30
lifelessBasicOSX: EPARSE00:30
beuno  File "/home/beuno/bzr_devel/loggerhead/trunk/loggerhead/controllers/__init__.py", line 98, in __call__00:31
beuno    vals.update(self.get_values(h, revid, path, kwargs, headers))00:31
beunoTypeError: get_values() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)00:31
BasicOSXlifeless:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/293886 :-)00:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 293886 in bzr "bzr: ERROR: exceptions.AttributeError: sendall" [Undecided,New]00:31
lifelessBasicOSX: a regression I guess; no core devs I know of are usingn 2.6 regularly00:31
lifelessBasicOSX: or more accurately, we haven't announced full 2.6 support yet00:31
lifelessbeuno: that exception is the symptom00:32
BasicOSXit's what I get for being bloody edge00:32
lifelessbeuno: its hiding the error00:32
lifelessbeuno: when I saw that I looked higher up in the log and could see the real exception, IIRC00:33
beunolifeless, ah, yes00:34
lifelessbeuno: I mean, you should fix that too; but its secondary00:34
lifelessbeuno: File "/home/beuno/bzr_devel/loggerhead/trunk/loggerhead/search.py", line 52, in search_revisions00:35
lifelessbeuno: print query there00:35
beunolifeless, [('a',)]00:36
lifelessbeuno: at line 122100:38
lifelessbeuno: print key00:38
lifelessbeuno: it may be you've just found a unrelated bug00:38
lifelessbeuno: we can check this by doing a search for 'a' rather than a completion lookup for 'a'00:39
lifeless(line 1221 of search/index.py I meant)00:39
beunolifeless, ('a',)00:39
beunoyeah, I guessed that  :)00:39
lifelessso type a and hit enter in the search box00:40
lifelessor search for something bigger00:40
beunoah, see, I was trying the "find as you type"00:40
beunosearching works00:40
lifelessyes, I know :P00:40
lifelessnow in the CLI00:40
lifelesstry 'bzr search -s a'00:40
lifelesson the branch that was erroring00:40
beunosame error00:41
lifelesslh is fixed00:41
lifelesspush that anytime00:41
beunoprints (u'a',)00:42
lifelessfile a bug on the search - and I need a copy of the .bzr/bzr-search folder for the thing that errored00:42
lifelessFWIW, 'bzr search -s a' works for me on an index of lh trunk00:42
lifelessI suspect it will be a bzrlib index change00:43
lifelesswhat bzrlib are you using?00:43
beunolifeless, sent the tarball00:43
beunoI'm on 1.9dev00:44
beunonightly PPA00:44
lifelessk, just tried with .dev00:44
lifelessworked on my index, I'll drop yours in00:44
beuno>>> bzrlib.__version__00:44
lifelesswhat branch does it index?00:44
beunothat's for lh's trunk00:45
beunomaybe it's an old format?00:45
beunothe search that is00:45
lifelessif it was normal search wouldn't work00:45
lifelessand the next format is btree based, but needs btree prefix searching implemented00:45
beunolifeless, deleting the .bzr/bzr-search and indexing again works00:46
lifelessit'll be a corner case00:46
beunoah, email is still sending00:47
beuno3.2mb apparently00:47
lifelessthough you could have attached it to the bug :>00:47
beunoah, I could, yeah00:48
beunoit's almost 2am here, european time doesn't seem to mix well with me00:48
lifelessare you home?00:49
beunoI wish!00:50
beunofor a few days00:50
beunothen Washington DC00:50
beunono no, LP UI world tour00:50
lifelessclearly I've missed some mails :)00:51
lifelesswhat are you doing?00:51
beunoLaunchpad UI00:51
beunowe're gearing up for a big change in 3.000:51
lifelessI got the UI bit :P00:52
beunodid you hear that we where sprinting in London for 2 weeks?00:52
lifelesswhat I mean is what are you doing at each location that can't be done from  home00:52
lifelessI knew about the EPIC00:52
beunoah, sprints00:52
beunowith each team00:52
beunogo through aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the pages00:52
beunoimprove existing, plan for future dominance00:52
lifelessyou'll be fucked then00:52
beunoyes, I'm starting to guess that  :)00:53
lifelesswhen do you come to .au?00:53
beunoI've been in nz00:53
lifelessmeh, sif that counts00:53
beunolong enough trip for me00:53
bob2.au jr00:54
beunoanyway, I'm off to sleep for a while00:56
beunoping me if I can do anything else00:56
beunothat email is still sending  :/00:56
beunog'night lifeless, and thanks for the patch + reminder00:56
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* arjenAU is trying to work out how to use tag so that it behaves as wanted04:31
arjenAUit appears to apply to the last committed rev# not the next04:32
arjenAUthat's just so odd04:32
lifelessarjenAU: hmm?04:35
lifelesscommit --tag tags the next commit04:36
arjenAUlifeless: ah04:36
arjenAUso what happens if I do bzr tag separately after doing bzr commit?04:36
arjenAUdoes it kinda get attached to that commit, or?04:36
lifelessyou tag an existing revision04:36
AfCarjenAU: ie, the last one, so "yes"04:36
arjenAUlifeless: no I want to tag what i'm committing.04:37
arjenAUlifeless: but I understand what you're saying04:37
arjenAUso I should ideally just speify the --tag on the commit, that's clear.04:38
lifelessarjenAU: so you want to record that you want to commit on the next commit04:38
lifelessarjenAU: I don't think thats built-in, so you need to use --tag on the commit, yes04:38
arjenAUlifeless: exactly. see most htings operate as a thing that gets committed later. bzr tag adds onto the previous commit. that's kinda unexpected04:38
arjenAUbzr commit --tag works as expected04:39
PetrachA question: When a repository is out of date, i.e. bzr update returns "working tree is out of date, run 'bzr update'"04:45
bob2that would be a working tree being out of date, not a repository04:45
Petrachis there an easy way to determine how foar out of date the repository is04:46
PetrachIs it possible to determine what revision the state of the working tree corresponds to?04:49
bob2bzr info should tell you04:49
PetrachThat tells me what revision I would get if I run bzr update04:50
lifelessPetrach: the wt has the revision id embedded in it, but not a revision number04:50
lifelessPetrach: we should expose this I guess04:51
PetrachWhere would I have to look for that?04:51
lifelesspython -c 'import bzrlib.workingtree; t = bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.open("."); t.lock_read(); print t.get_parent_ids()'04:52
PetrachAh, ok. Thanks04:54
lifeless(sorry that its crude)04:54
PetrachIt's comprehensible enough, thanks04:56
lifelesslog --show-ids on the branch will let you find that rev04:57
lifeless(unless someone uncommitted on the branch)04:57
pooliehi all05:06
lifelesswelcome back05:07
lifelesspoolie: so, want to talk split inv05:16
NfNitLoopecho "Obama" > president;  bzr commit;05:37
arjenAUNfNitLoop: hehe06:05
arjenAUhmm lp not scanning branches at the mo it seems06:05
spmarjenAU: no - am trying to figure out wtf is broken atm.06:07
arjenAUspm: no worries, was just noting06:10
pooliehi arjen06:21
arjenAUhey poolie06:25
arjenAUpoolie: in case i haven't raved enough - bzr rocks06:25
pooliethat's always nice to hear06:29
arjenAUnot even craving back bk, this is just good. doing the weirdest cross-branch merges and it hasn't failed me yet06:30
pooliearjenAU: i was going to propose to do a tutorial at the developer conference06:32
pooliei think i need to send that tomorrow06:32
arjenAUpoolie: euh, OSDC? won't be any tutes.06:33
pooliealso, some canonical people including myself are going to be in brisbane next week, do you want to catch up?06:33
poolieno, the mysql conference06:33
arjenAUpoolie: oh right. sounds good.06:33
arjenAUpoolie: ehm in Melb Sun eve- Wed eve, then US from Fri arvo. other than that, fine ;-)06:33
spmarjenAU: and to think I felt guilty about calling myself a Qlder still; even after moving from brisvegas to canberra 18ish years ago. At least when I lived there, I *lived* there. ;-)06:35
pooliewhere were you, spm?06:35
spmIn brisbane? jindalee - since about 71/72 ish.06:36
spmI can *just* remember scenes from the 74 floods06:36
spmpoolie: what about yourself? I believe we went to *cough* .. HIGHLY... rival high schools. :-)06:39
pooliein brisbane from about 1980 to 1999, and I went to BGS06:40
pooliearjenAU, so i suppose you'll be pretty busy, but maybe we could meet for lunch or during the day on Thursday?06:44
poolielifeless: if you're still around, do you have an easily obtainable test branch in your new format?06:55
lifelesspoolie: the only precanned branch i have is the 18GB one on banchmarks06:58
lifelessgenerally I take plugins and upgrade a copy06:59
pooliein that robertc directory somewhere?06:59
poolielike of the bzr-gtk plugin?06:59
lifelessbut bzr branch bzrtools foo; cd foo; bzr upgrade --development306:59
lifelessis quite fast06:59
lifelesspoolie: and with that, I'm going to call 'day'07:01
pooliei'm going to head off soon too07:02
spmarjenAU: looks like we're scanning again07:02
spmpoolie: oh yes - huge rivals @ highschool - GT. :-)07:02
vilahi all07:09
pooliehi vila07:10
arjenAUpoolie: sure - you've got my mobile, right?08:34
arjenAUpoolie: whereabouts will you guys be?08:34
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dissonanswhat's the correct way to revert an (uncommitted) merge?10:25
beunodissonans, bzr revert?10:26
* LarstiQ nods10:26
LarstiQbut, that will also revert any local changes you had10:26
LarstiQdissonans: if that is ok, then just `bzr revert` right ahead10:27
beunohiya LarstiQ10:27
LarstiQdissonans: if you want to keep the file changes, but not the recording of the merge, supply --forget-merges to revert10:27
LarstiQbeuno: heya :)10:27
LarstiQbeuno: still in London?10:28
beunoLarstiQ, almost. In Spain now for the rest of the week10:28
beunothen Washington DC10:28
dissonansLarstiQ: actually, I'd like to keep some changes from before the merge10:28
dissonansbut I guess bzr can't discern those from those introduced by merge?10:28
LarstiQdissonans: correct10:28
LarstiQdissonans: you could perhaps try to do something with merging the reverse changes10:29
LarstiQbut that would be tricky10:29
beunoand go through the changesw10:30
LarstiQthat would work if the merge didn't touch the same hunk as you changed yourself10:33
LarstiQand/or you had to resolve conflicts10:33
beunoyeah, I don't think there's a perfect and simple solution10:38
luksthat's why such a situation requires merge --force10:50
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thropehow can I install bazaar 1.8 with tortoisebzr? the 1.8 win32 setup lite installer doesn't seem to include it, but I can't find a non-lite one11:38
thropealso is there any documentation/tutorial online for tortoisebzr11:38
thropeI have to collaborate with some not so technical windows users and I would really like to use bazaar11:38
pooliethrope: hi, i think you should try the 1.9rc1-2 installer instead11:40
poolieseveral problems have been fixed in tbzr packaging11:40
thropethe trouble is I use 1.8 on other platforms11:40
thropewill it be ok to mix them11:40
poolieit will11:40
poolieunless you specifically choose the 1.9 format for something11:41
pooliei'm going to bed but if you hit problems ask someone here or on http://answers.launchpad.net/bzr11:41
thropehmmm - it doesnt work anyway - get a dll error trying to init with tortoisebzr from 1.9 installer11:41
pooliedo you have the -2 version?11:41
poolieit was just uploaded today11:42
thropei just downloaded it now11:42
thropedll load failed with errorcode 19311:42
thropeanyway I think I will leave it for now11:42
poolieplease send a mail or file a question11:44
poolieso we can track it11:44
pooliepossibly rebooting after installing would help that11:44
poolieanyhow, good night and good luck11:44
davi_is it possible to lock a branch so that no reads are possible?11:46
LeoNerdchmod? ;)11:50
AfCrm -r ? :)11:55
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Takhmm, how does one close a bug in launchpad?14:39
TakI've already set status to "Fix Committed" ...14:40
LarstiQTak: that depends on how the project wants to do things.14:42
LarstiQTak: fix committed could mean that the bug is fixed in a particular branch, and Fix released means it's in trunk.14:43
LarstiQTak: or fix committed could mean the bug is fixed in trunk, and fix released that is in a an actual release of the project.14:44
jrydbergit would be nice with a bug tracking software that knew about merges14:46
TakI more meant, what needs to happen for the bug not to show up in the open bugs list14:46
jrydbergyou mark a bug as fixed in one branch.  when you merge that into trunk, the tracking software automaticly sets the bug as fixed in the trunk14:46
LarstiQjrydberg: yeah, either launchpad already does that or it's supposed to.14:55
LarstiQjrydberg: but what we really need, imo, is a different bug status to distinguish between merged to trunk and committed on a branch.14:55
lukslaunchpad just links branches and bug reports, no?14:55
luksit doesn't change the bug reports14:55
LarstiQTak: either of those two statuses should do it afaict, if not, the Fix released certainly would.14:56
Takapparently "Fix Released" does and "Fix Committed" does not15:02
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gorgaporquestion: i deleted a file a few revisions ago, and now i want it back. what's the best way to resurrect this file and keep its history from before?15:28
rockstargorgapor, a reverse merge would be in order.15:31
LarstiQdoes that bring back the file with the same fileid as well?15:32
gorgapordoes revert -r do the trick?15:32
gorgaporok, how do i do that?15:33
gorgapori tried revert -r123 deleted_file, but it didn't work15:34
NfNitLoopgorgapor: I think it may be:   bzr merge -r <n>..<n-1> .    (where n is the revision that deleted the file you want)15:38
NfNitLoopbut I don't have a repo handy to test that.15:38
gorgaporokay i'll try that out15:38
gorgaporso, that seems to bring back the entire changeset15:43
gorgaporis there a way to just bring back the one file?15:44
Peng_lifeless: ping?15:55
Peng_Hmm, searching in Loggerhead is busted in one branch, but not another.15:57
beunoPeng_, I patched trunk15:59
beunodid you upgrade?15:59
beunoalso, found a bug in bzr search index15:59
beunoso you could delete de .bzr/bzr-search16:00
beunoand re-index16:00
Peng_beuno: Yeah, I upgraded.16:04
beunoPeng_, try re-indexing the branch16:05
Peng_Yeah, that fixed it.16:09
Peng_Oops, I didn't keep a backup of the bad indexes, if anyone was interested.16:10
beunoI have a b0rked index already16:11
beunoattached it to a bug16:11
Peng_ok :)16:12
Peng_Oh, LP is approaching 300,000 bugs.16:13
beunoyeah, seems software is REALLY buggy  :p16:13
Peng_OK, I just checked all of my other branches, and there weren't any more with broken indexes. Just the two.16:15
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emmajanebeuno, I think the upload plugin is your genius invention?16:29
beunoemmajane, well, vila did most of the heavy lifting16:29
* emmajane nods.16:30
beunoand, by heavy lifting, I mean code  :)16:30
beunoI just complained a lot16:30
emmajaneDo you know if there's a way to toggle between two different servers?16:30
beunoah, interesting16:30
beunowell, why wouldn't you be able to?16:30
beunoit remembers the upload server-side16:30
emmajaneI upload to testing, and then when it's working I need to upload to the live server.16:30
emmajanewithout having to put in the sftp:// nonsense again.16:31
* emmajane is lazy. :)16:31
beunoah, multiple locations16:31
vilaemmajane: you can use --remember for testing (since it's most often used) and look at the bookmarks plugin for your lazt fingers :016:32
beunowell, bzr, I *think*, has something to alias locations16:32
beunothat's it16:32
beunosee, vila is the real brains16:32
emmajanevila, awesome, thanks. :)16:32
vilabeuno: hi :)16:32
vilaemmajane: happy to help (c)16:32
beunohi vila!16:32
vilaemmajane: on the other hand, if you control the test server and have ssh access to it, why not install your working tree there and use sshfs if you need to access it from a remote workstation ?16:34
emmajanevila, the test server is my dreamhost account. the live machine is a college mainframe superfancy machine. I'm very happy to not tie dreamhost to the college.16:34
vilaemmajane: ok16:35
emmajanevila, I had to get Very Special Permission to even be allowed to connect to the college machine. :)16:35
emmajanevila, in a normal world where deployments happened from testing to live, it would make sense to do what you suggested. :)16:36
vilaevrything that suits a user needs make sense :)16:36
emmajanehm. I have bookmarks installed, but the documentation is a little... vague.16:41
emmajanewill it just remember places that I've uploaded files to? Or do I need to enter the locations manually?16:42
* beuno suspects manually16:42
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* emmajane reads the actual plugin python file to figure it out16:43
emmajanebeuno, let's pretend I wanted to actually add documentation for the plugins that I use (because if I can't figure it out, I'm sure there are others)... Where would I put this information?16:44
emmajaneLaunchpad doesn't seem to have a place for project docs.16:45
beunoemmajane, branch the code, addd the docs, push the branch, file a merge proposal16:46
beunoI'll be happy to walk you through it16:46
emmajanebeuno, hrm. and then normal people would have to find it in the --help at the command line?16:47
beunoemmajane, well, what other way would there be?16:47
emmajanebeuno, I usually check the wiki, to be honest. :)16:47
luksyou can create a wiki page on bazaar-vcs.org16:47
luksand make sure it's linked from the launchpad page16:47
emmajaneluks, none of the plugins seem to have documentation online... or am I just lucky in the ones I choose...?16:48
emmajanehttp://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins <--- there's usually a terse description but that's about it.16:48
luksemmajane: why not make something better than what other people do :)16:48
emmajaneluks, that I can handle. :)16:49
NfNitLoopHrmmm.  I'm curious.  How would bzr-svn handle working with a svn repo if someone went and changed a log message in the repo history?16:49
NfNitLoopI mean, I'm guessing at the very least, you wouldn't see that new message in `bzr log`, but I'm hoping it wouldn't break interoperability. :p16:50
vilaemmajane: 'bzr help bookmark' for usage and I'm pretty sure it stores them in .bazaar.conf16:50
* emmajane nods to vila 16:51
LarstiQNfNitLoop: good question16:51
emmajanethe pluginname with and without the S still trips me up.16:51
emmajanehelp bookmarks != help bookmark16:51
emmajanehelp tags != help tag16:52
james_wemmajane: do they have a "See also:" at the bottom to link them?16:52
emmajanehelp bookmarks doesn't say "see also: bookmark"16:52
emmajanetags does, bookmarks doesn't.16:53
james_wemmajane: that can be fixed at least :-)16:53
emmajanejames_w, patches welcome? ;)16:53
james_wit's an easy one16:53
emmajanesounds like a good hour of procrastination...16:53
emmajaneI'm in!16:53
james_whmm, though I'm not sure what "help bookmarks" displays16:54
james_wprobably the module help, and I'm not sure if you can link from that16:54
james_wif not then a bug report on bzr is in order :-)16:54
emmajanethe relevant bit is: From:     plugin "bookmarks"16:54
emmajaneSee also: plugins/bookmarks16:54
emmajaneIt's missing See also: bookmark16:55
emmajaneI think?16:55
vilaemmajane: did you *try* bzr help plugins/bookmarks ? :)16:56
vilaI think that the one that needs love :)16:56
emmajanevila, it needs love, I agree. :)16:57
emmajaneand I see where to edit that...16:57
vilagreat :)16:57
emmajaneit /seems/ as though it would be the same information though. How come plugins/* is different than just the plugin name?16:57
luksbecause the plugin name happens to be also a command name16:58
emmajanehelp bzr bookmarks != help bzr bookmark != help bzr plugins/bookmarks16:59
emmajaneand help bzr plugins/bookmark is not found.16:59
luksbecause there is no plugin "bookmark"16:59
emmajanethat's enough to confuse a person right there.16:59
emmajaneluks, correct.16:59
emmajaneis there a way to make bookmarks/bookmark relate to each other?17:00
james_w"help bookmarks" is also known as "help commands/bookmarks"17:00
* emmajane nods17:00
emmajanehelp plugins/bookmarks just reads from the actual .py file.17:00
james_wthere are different categories of help, commands/*, plugins/*, and topics/*17:00
emmajanethat popping noise? that was my brain exploding. :)17:00
LarstiQiirc help plugins/foo uses the module/package docstring17:01
* LarstiQ trots off to jitsu17:01
emmajaneLarstiQ, it appears that way, yes.17:01
james_wyeah, LarstiQ is right17:01
emmajaneLarstiQ, have fun beating up people. :)17:01
LarstiQemmajane: thanks, I'll try not to get too sore myself ;)17:01
emmajaneLarstiQ, duck and cover! :)17:01
emmajaneso I have two problems that need fixing. See also: for the help commands/* is not referencing relevant commands. AND help plugins/* could be more useful.17:02
* emmajane wonders if that even made sense.17:02
james_wI don't understand what you mean for the first bit17:03
luksemmajane: if you can write the documentation, I'm sure I can fix these semantic issues17:03
emmajanejames_w, the See also: at the bottom of bzr help bookmarks doesn't say "see also: bookmark" the way it does for tags/tag17:03
* emmajane grins at luks. "Deal!"17:03
emmajanejames_w, which is different than the documentation being vague in the actual plugin which is used for bzr help plugins/bookmarks17:04
james_wemmajane: for that you need to add see_also = ["bookmark"] somewhere in cmd_bookmarks17:04
emmajaneknowing nothing about Python, /me looks17:04
james_wjust under """List bookmarks.""" would do17:05
james_wkeeping the same indentation17:05
emmajanewhite space makes you able to fly.17:06
emmajaneI know that part thanks to xkcd.17:06
emmajanewill it append, or overwrite the See also: plugins/bookmarks?17:06
emmajaneI don't want to lose any information.17:06
james_wappend I believe17:07
james_wyou'll have to try it I'm afraid17:07
emmajaneafter making my edits do I need to do anything fancy to test? or just run the command again?17:07
emmajanewoo. fail.17:08
emmajaneUnable to load plugin 'bookmarks' from '/home/emmajane/.bazaar/plugins'17:09
emmajanePlugin 'bzrlib.plugins.bookmarks' has no docstring.17:09
james_wtry "bzr -Derror help bookmarks"17:09
luksmost likely broken indentation :)17:09
emmajanehrm. I let vim do the indentation...17:09
luksusing tabs maybe?17:10
james_wyou might need ":set expandtab"17:10
emmajanejames_w, same error message17:10
emmajaneI redid the edits with :set expandtab on17:11
emmajaneit seems to work now. :)17:11
james_wheh :-)17:11
emmajanealthough the see also was ignored. :(17:11
emmajanethe other two plugins I have installed don't use variants, so they don't have a see_also for me to compare against17:13
james_wchange it to _see_also17:13
james_wthat seems silly to me17:13
emmajanethat worked. :)17:14
emmajaneand it appends.17:14
emmajaneFrom:     plugin "bookmarks"17:14
emmajaneSee also: bookmark, plugins/bookmarks17:14
* emmajane thinks that's nifty.17:14
emmajaneI should do something with this change.17:15
james_wso was there more to fix, or just documentation to improve?17:15
emmajaneseems greedy just to keep it on my own machine.17:15
james_wcommit it!17:15
emmajaneI want to make changes to the help at the top (which is triggered by help plugins/bookmarks) too.17:16
emmajanebut I haven't actually been able to /use/ the plugin yet because I couldn't find all the help files. ;)17:16
emmajanefirst commit made for the See also: stuff.17:18
emmajaneI'm going to actually test out the bookmarks and then I'll bug y'all again when i'm ready to push the changes. :)17:18
emmajaneok. the help information is updated.17:54
emmajaneNow I suppose I need to push the changes back to the server?17:54
james_wbzr push lp:~emmajane/bzr-bookmarks/fix-documentation17:56
james_wor similar17:56
emmajanethat creates a new branch, right?17:57
emmajanebzr: ERROR: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()17:57
emmajaneI don't have write permissoins I guess.17:57
james_wbzr launchpad-login emmajane17:57
james_wthat will make the "lp:" thing use a writeable transport for you17:58
emmajaneit's thinking17:58
emmajanewhich is better than failing.17:58
* emmajane wonders if that was the right password....17:59
emmajaneit's still thinking...17:59
beunodepends if it fails at the end, then it's worst!17:59
emmajaneand new branch created.17:59
emmajanenow what?18:01
luksnow you ping me about merging the branch? :)18:03
emmajaneluks, ping!18:03
emmajaneluks, would you be able to take a look at the changes I made to bzr-bookmarks? :)18:03
emmajanehm. I should also update my email to have the Ubuntu address I guess....18:04
emmajaneidentity is such a hassle.18:04
luksemmajane: pulled, reviewed, pushed -- thank you!18:06
emmajaneluks, thanks :)18:08
james_wemmajane: unfortunately launchpad won't yet detect that, so you should mark your branch as merged in launchpad18:09
emmajanePropose for merging into another branch ?18:11
NfNitLoopso I just commented on a bzr-svn bug that appears to still be a bug despite having been marked "fixed":  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/29066418:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 290664 in bzr-svn ""Can't get entries of a non-directory"" [Undecided,Fix released]18:11
NfNitLoopdo I need to do anything other than that?   (Mark it as not-fixed somehow?)18:11
beunoemmajane, that creates a merge proposal18:12
beunowhich is useful if it hasn't alaready been merged by the magic of IRC18:12
* emmajane makes the merge proposal.18:12
* emmajane resists complaining about how confusing she finds LP.18:13
beunoemmajane, are you on the beta-testers team of LP?18:14
emmajanebeuno, I'm not.18:14
beunobecause we *just* re-wroked the whole merge-proposals bit18:14
beunoand it's 100x times simpler now18:15
* beuno adds emmajane compulsively to the beta testers team18:15
emmajane100x is an awful lot :)18:15
luksI wonder how you do measure that :)18:15
emmajaneluks, in beers, I'm sure. :)18:15
beunoluks, how much work it took  :)18:15
emmajaneluks, how many new gray hairs the entire team has ;)18:15
beunoemmajane, you're in18:16
emmajanebeuno, cool.18:16
emmajanehow does this change my life?18:16
beunoemmajane, new things faster18:16
beunoisntead of every 1 month or so18:16
beuno(my typing is horrible today)18:17
emmajanebeuno, fancier tag clouds. that's what it means. ;)18:17
beunoemmajane, well, to me it means more feedback on UI changes faster  :)18:17
emmajanebeuno, hehe.18:17
emmajanebeuno, are they all reported as bugs?18:18
emmajanecos baby I gots feedback if you want it. ;)18:18
luksit would be nice if the beta launchpad didn't insist on using edge. urls18:18
beunoemmajane, yes, we live in bugs18:18
james_wbeuno: you don't know what you have started :-)18:19
emmajanebeuno, what you've started is a total release of james_w from listening to me complain about one of my favourite topics. ;)18:19
* beuno stops and thinks18:19
* emmajane chuckles.18:19
beunomaybe the beta team isn't a good fit for you (?)18:19
emmajanejames_w, you're going to have to buy beuno a LOT of beer at the UDS. ;)18:19
james_walways :-)18:20
beunoI may need beer now, from what I'm seeing happening18:20
beunoemmajane, are you going to UDS?18:20
emmajaneI'm not a programmer. ;)18:20
beunogood, you can help balance things out!18:21
emmajaneby not attending. ;)18:21
beunoanyway, I'm looking forward to your feedback18:22
james_wbeuno: how's Madrid?18:22
emmajaneI'm starting REAL easy. :)18:22
beunoand, now, I'm running away from the computer before I make my life harder in other new creative ways18:22
* emmajane grins at beuno 18:22
emmajanebeuno, first one submitted.18:22
beunojames_w, much better weather than london18:22
emmajanebeuno, vvvveeerrrrry easy18:22
beunoemmajane, if that's true, i may even fix it quickly18:23
james_wbeuno: of course :-)18:23
emmajanebeuno, :)18:23
beunonow, I'll be back in a few hours to go through new bugs  :)18:23
beunogood talking to both of you18:24
emmajanebeuno, laters :)18:24
emmajanethanks again for your help today18:24
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
NfNitLoopHrmm, how do I enable a debug flag in bzrlib.debug?18:26
NfNitLoop--debug <flag> ?18:26
luks-D<something>, I think18:26
NfNitLoopno, that's not it, hrmm.   I'll try that.18:26
NfNitLoopluks: ah, that did it, thanks.18:27
NfNitLoopSo if I'm trying to branch from an svn repo that has had...  very poor standards compliance w.r.t. tags/branches....18:39
NfNitLoopis there an option to tell bzr-svn to only grab /trunk and ignore everything else?18:39
* emmajane stops at three new bugs for beuno 18:40
* emmajane goes back to work-work now. :)18:40
NfNitLoopI see the bzr svn-branching-scheme command, but didn't find a list of branching schemes after some goodling.18:40
Peng_NfNitLoop: "bzr branch svn://.../trunk/"?18:41
Peng_Though that would still try to fetch tags.18:41
NfNitLoopPeng_: right, that's what I'm doing, and it's trying to get tags.18:46
NfNitLoopand someone thought it would be fun to put a *file* in /tags/18:46
NfNitLoop(I wouldn't even rely on the directories in /tags/, to tell the truth.)18:46
=== mw is now known as mw|food
Peng_NfNitLoop: Oh. I think that's been fixed recently.19:10
Peng_NfNitLoop: What did it do when it came across the file in tags/?19:11
Peng_Well, from 0.4.14, there's "Ignore tags that happen to be files.".19:11
mickbeaverI'm having difficulty pushing to a usb flash drive on Windows Vista 64. Using both the win32 and the cygwin version yield the same result.19:21
mickbeaverbzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "[Errno 13] Permission denied"19:21
mickbeaverAny tips for starting to debug this?19:21
disturbedsaintmarkh, the chages you made seem to have fixed the would recurse to death error19:31
disturbedsaintnone of those in the log from today, been browsing the directories that are under bzr control every now and then (in explorer and different file-open dialogs)19:32
NfNitLoopPeng_: it threw an exception and died.19:41
NfNitLoopPeng_: and I'm using 0.4.14... is there some option I need to specify to "Ignore tags that happen to be files"? :p19:42
Peng_NfNitLoop: Oh. I dunno then.19:43
Peng_Sorry I can't help. :\19:46
jelmerNfNitLoop, check the 0.4 branch19:57
jelmerNfNitLoop, it's got another fix19:57
=== mw|food is now known as mw
NET||abusewe have an svn repo in the office here, and i was looking to work with something like bzr or git as my primary client, but i am a beginner with bzr.. is it a reasonable thing to do to take a checkout of the trunk into a bzr branch, operate away on it, maybe pull the branch between my laptop and desktop a few times (few days of development work)20:35
NET||abusethen merge that work back into the svn trunk?20:36
NfNitLoopNET||abuse: Yes.20:39
NET||abuseok, just looking to learn the workflow20:39
NfNitLoopNET||abuse: in fact, that's exactly what I'm working on advocating at my workplace at the moment.20:39
NfNitLoopNET||abuse: the nice thing is there is no "the workflow"...  bzr supports quite a few. :)20:39
NET||abuseok,, well, in my case i just need to learn the commands, and "the" workflow i'm interested in is, we have central svn repo, i do bzr branch svn+ssh://me@host/path/to/repo/20:41
NfNitLoopyes. :)20:41
NET||abusethen i do some work on some files, which i actually just did, edited one file, delete a directory tree that was obsolete. then i do bzr commit, write my log, then bzr merge, it says mergin from remembered location svn+ssh:///blah.. Nothing to do20:42
NET||abuse??? nothing??20:42
NfNitLoop(others:) I just installed and read up on `bzr help rebase`, but `bzr rebase` in my local, changed repo claims that there is no work to do?20:42
NfNitLoopNET||abuse: That's merging from "upstream" into your local repository.20:42
NfNitLoopNET||abuse:  you want to "push" back to the remote repository.20:43
NET||abuse.. oh.20:43
NET||abuseok,, umm, little confused by the workflow description,, bzr comit --local? bzr unbind/commit/bind20:43
NET||abuselooking at the centralized with local commits20:43
NfNitLoopIf you do "branch", you by default have local commits.20:44
NfNitLoopand are working with an "unbound" branch.20:44
NET||abuseah, ok20:44
NfNitLoopwhich means that when you "commit", it goes into only your branch.20:44
NET||abuseso bzr pull is like an svn style checkout?20:44
NfNitLoopif you have a "bound" branch, it means that any commits you do go into your local branch *and* the upstream.20:44
NfNitLoopno, `bzr checkout` is. :)20:44
NET||abuse... umm, ok20:44
NET||abuseah, but i did bzr merge?20:44
NfNitLoop`bzr pull` is like... svn update.20:44
NET||abusehmm, the forks in the process, because it's not a linear cyle of workflow, it's a bit confusing..20:45
NET||abusehmm, are there any dangers to the central repo that i should be away of for now though, big nono's that i shouldn't do when operating bzr on the central svn repo?20:47
NET||abuseumm, away=i meant aware20:47
NfNitLoopNET||abuse: Yes.  I've been reading up on those, actually.20:48
NfNitLoopa big one:   SVN only supports linear history.20:48
NET||abuseooh, do share.. i realllly don't wanna screw up our svn repo.20:48
jelmerNET||abuse, you should have a look at the bzr-svn FAQ20:49
NfNitLoopso, while you could do "bzr commit (some stuff); bzr merge (from trunk): bzr commit (more stuff);"...20:49
NET||abusejelmer: will do .20:49
NfNitLoop... that would make your `svn log` look strange.20:49
NfNitLoopso you probably want to use `bzr rebase` instead of `bzr merge`.20:49
NET||abusebzr rebase... hmm20:50
NfNitLoopNET||abuse: it's a plugin.20:50
NET||abusei need a cheetsheet with the sequence of commands detailed and explained..20:50
Odd_BlokeDidn't Ian make one of those a while ago?20:51
lifelessits in the docs20:52
NET||abusewhich docs?20:53
lifelessNfNitLoop: NET||abuse: I don't think y ou want rebase20:53
lifelessrebase is rarely the correct tool if you are just collaborating20:54
lifelesssvn supports merge as of 1.520:54
NET||abusewell, it's 5 of us building django site20:54
NET||abuse4 coders(1 is an intern) and 1 graphics guy who does some html/css also.20:55
lifelessstandard offline work for svn with bzr is 'bzr branch; hack, commit, hack commit, bzr merge <svn> until happy; bzr push <svn> || bzr dpush <svn>'20:55
lifelesspush and dpush do slightly different things, I imagine the bzr-svn docs explain20:55
NET||abuselifeless,, that's really good, thanks.. think i needed it sort of just summarized like that.20:55
lifelessjelmer: you pinged me yesterday20:55
jelmerlifeless, Hi!20:56
NET||abuselifeless: what's the <svn> bit, do i need to specify teh repo again?20:56
lifelessNET||abuse: it should remember it, I was being clear20:56
jelmerlifeless, Yeah, that was about branch.nick on bound branches - I commented in lp already (and you replied)20:56
lifelessNET||abuse: also, after a 'bzr merge <svn>' you need to 'bzr commit' to save the result of the merge20:56
lifelessjelmer: cool20:56
james_whey jelmer20:57
jelmer'evening James20:57
james_wjelmer: I saw you said you fixed ptabtools, but you didn't upload anything20:57
NET||abuselifeless: ahh, ko.. will any changes from the svn repo be checked for conflicts20:57
lifelessNET||abuse: of course20:57
lifelessback in a little bit, breakfast time20:57
jelmerjames_w: I did, but it hasn't shown up on revu for some reason20:57
NET||abuseso, bzr merge, does a sort of, svn up and svn commit..20:57
james_wjelmer: ah, I'll ask an admin to have a look20:57
NET||abusethe bzr commit after the merge does what though?20:57
Odd_BlokeNET||abuse: A merge can cause conflicts or cause tests to stop working, so you'll want to check that before committing it.20:58
Odd_BlokeSo you need to commit separately.20:58
jelmerjames_w: nevermind20:58
jelmerjames_w, I seem to have uploaded a binary package..20:58
james_wah, that'll be it20:59
* jelmer bangs his head against the wall and uploads a source package20:59
NET||abusehmm, does the commit send the revision to itself and the remote repo at the same time?20:59
NET||abusejust not sure at what point files are being written to the remote repo20:59
jelmerNET||abuse, if you have a bound branch the files are going to the remote repo on "bzr commit"20:59
james_wjelmer: actually, I've just noticed, your version number should be -0ubuntu1, not -1ubuntu121:00
jelmerNET||abuse, if the branch is not bound, the changes are local only and you have to push them to the remote repo using "bzr push" (or dpush)21:00
lifelessNET||abuse: when you 'push' they are written to the svn repo21:00
lifelessNET||abuse: using the workflow summary I gave21:00
jelmerjames_w, Thanks, I'll fix that as well.21:01
lifelessNET||abuse: if you use 'bzr co' instead of 'bzr branch' then ignore all bzr stuff and just use your exact same svn commands21:01
NET||abuselifeless: thanks.. ok, i think i get it fairly completely now.. this is awsome.21:02
NET||abusei will get it in a linear sense, then in a day i'll try pulling code between my 2 workstations (laptop/desktop) without touching the central svn and do a real branch style work flow21:02
james_wjelmer: -0ubuntu1 not -1ubuntu0 :-)21:04
NET||abuselifeless: thank you very much, NfNitLoop: you too21:04
NET||abuseok, i'm late for a dinner.21:04
james_wjelmer: and is there a need for bzrtags?21:04
NfNitLooplifeless: I don't want rebase?21:05
NfNitLoopIf you do a 'push' back into svn with non-linear history, bzr does a replace on that branch in svn, which breaks history.21:05
jelmerNfNitLoop, it's not the non-linear history that's the problem21:06
NfNitLoopwhich would make my coworkers unhappy. :p21:06
NfNitLoopjelmer: no?21:06
jelmerNfNitLoop, it's the fact that the mainline sometimes changes21:06
NfNitLoopoh, that's what I meant, was I misusing terminology?21:06
jelmerNfNitLoop, non-linear history means merge revisions and indented revisions in "bzr log"21:07
NfNitLoopin short:  if Joe has committed 10 changes to svn, and suddenly my 'bzr push' blows them away (from the perspective of svn log) he's going to be unhappy.21:07
jelmerNfNitLoop, changing of mainline can also happen if you e.g. uncommit and then commit another revision21:07
NfNitLoopjelmer: ah, but that's what happens when I merge in from svn, no?21:07
NfNitLoopI mean, I just did "bzr merge" when someone had committed a few changes to svn and I had local changes committed.21:08
NfNitLoopand I got a merge revision w/ indented revisions.21:08
jelmerNfNitLoop, yes, if you merge from a svn location and then push that means the mainline of the svn mainline changes21:08
NfNitLoopso to avoid doing that I should... use rebase?21:09
NfNitLoopor something else?21:09
jelmerjames_w: there were actually older debian changelog entries (from my private debian repo) in there as well - I've removed those now21:10
NfNitLoop(I'm curious... because I'm eventually going to be making the case for using bzr to coworkers.)21:10
james_wjelmer: also, I was wondering how that Makefile rule ever worked :-)21:11
jelmerNfNitLoop, yes, bzr rebase was written with that use case in mind21:11
NfNitLoopjelmer: Ok.  So I should just always 'bzr rebase' instead of 'bzr merge'?21:11
jelmerjames_w, the shared library on e? :-)21:11
NfNitLoop(I tried merge then rebase, but that seems to make it think there's no rebase work to do?)21:11
jelmerNfNitLoop, if you don't want to change the existing mainline in svn, then yes21:12
NfNitLoopOk. :)21:12
NfNitLoopjelmer: thanks!21:12
jelmerjames_w, It probably works if the shared library is already there21:13
jelmerjames_w, so it's sort of a chicken-egg problem :-)21:13
james_wjelmer: heh, yeah, that'll probably do it.21:13
lifelessNfNitLoop: alternatively21:15
lifelessNfNitLoop: have a second branch which is a checkout of the svn mainline; cd to that, update, merge your branch, commit21:15
lifelessNfNitLoop: it will not alter the mainline at all, ever.21:16
lifelessNfNitLoop: and has less to do that rebase21:16
NfNitLooplifeless: but that way I lose my local revision history, no?21:18
NfNitLoopall of my local revisions will appear as a single merge.21:18
NfNitLoopthat then gets pushed to svn?21:18
lifelessunless you use dpush IIRC21:19
lifelessI think my point was that regular bzr does this too21:19
jelmerno, dpush' behaviour doesn't differe there21:19
lifelessjelmer: hmm, would be good to allow some way to set the branch flag to rpeserve mainline, for svn branches21:19
lifelessjelmer: and perhaps have it on by default for svn branches21:20
jelmerlifeless, problem is, you don't want to preserve the mainline of the local branch21:20
jelmerbut that of the branch you're merging21:20
NfNitLooplifeless: regular bzr does that too, but still maintains the history.  In bzr I can see that, yes, that merge actually merged in X number of changesets (each still containing its original commit message)21:21
jelmerNfNitLoop, bzr-svn can preserve that history too but it wouldn't show up in the same svn branch21:21
NfNitLoopjelmer: *nod*21:21
jelmerNfNitLoop, just like it doesn't show up in the same bzr branch, but bzr has a nice way to show merged revisions (by indenting them), svn doesn't21:22
NfNitLoopmostly, I'm getting at this:   If we use bzr to commit to /trunk, and bzr "breaks" 'svn log' on trunk... bzr will get blamed for it.21:22
NfNitLoopfair or not. :)21:22
NfNitLoopso I'm just thinking of the best workflow to document & recommend to coworkers.21:23
NfNitLoopI think I may compromise and go w/ lifeless's recommendation of merging into a local mirror of trunk then committing that.21:28
NfNitLoopone less plugin to install.  one less plugin for me to explain to newbies. :p21:28
lifelessjelmer: I mean to honour the dont-alter-history setting on the svn side:)21:42
jelmerlifeless, we already have that - the append_revisions_only setting21:43
jelmerI guess it would indeed be nice to have bzr merge honor it21:43
lifelessjelmer: how do you set that on a svn branch?21:43
lifelessjelmer: I don't mean 'on a branch pulled via bzr-svn'21:43
lifelessI mean literally on the svn branch21:43
jelmerlifeless, you set it in locations.conf21:43
lifelessjelmer: that won't default to on21:44
lifelessjelmer: which is what I proposed above21:44
lifelessjelmer: nor do other users see it21:44
jelmerI don't think this sort of thing should be a default21:44
lifelessjelmer: which is what I was assuming when I said it would be nice to allow this21:44
jelmerunless it's a default for bzr branches as well21:44
lifelessjelmer: back in a few, local interrupt21:45
jamlifeless: I'm heading out to pick up my son. If I'm not back for the standup, can you have poolie/whoever call me on my cell phone?21:45
lifelessjam: sure21:54
lifelessjelmer: I think that branches in an svn repository have some expectations held by svn client user21:54
lifelessjelmer: that flag makes bzr meet those expectations; I don't see why it would be an issue to have it default on for SVNBranch21:54
jelmerlifeless, I don't think it's a bad idea to suggest this setting to users21:55
jelmerbut I don't think having a non-changing mainline is particularly expected by all svn users21:56
jelmerespecially now with merge tracking support in 1.521:56
lifelessjelmer: the problem is every user needs to read the right docs and set the right setting21:56
lifelessjelmer: what proportion would you say?21:56
jelmerlifeless, or e.g. people who embed a svn branch in their bzr project (by-value nested trees)21:58
lifelessjelmer: I don't see why it would affect those people21:58
jelmerlifeless, or e.g. people who push their bzr work to a svn repository but have their primary branch in bzr21:58
jelmerlifeless, bzr merge will do funny things to them if they merge in a new copy of the svn branch21:59
jelmerlifeless, since it will change to use the mainline from the remote svn branch21:59
lifelessit will ?21:59
jelmerwell, that's what this setting would do, no?21:59
lifelessit would only affect the svn branches21:59
lifelessnot anything thts been copied into bzr21:59
lifelessthe setting doesn't propogate21:59
jelmeryes, but what happens if you "bzr merge <remote-url>" ?22:00
lifelessyou merge its content22:00
jelmerand if you then push it, the revision changes !?22:00
lifelessthat setting is totally unrelated to merge22:00
lifelesswhen you push, then the push will fail if that setting is set22:00
lifelessbecause it enforces svn-like behaviour22:00
pooliehello all22:00
jelmerso you're basically suggesting append_revisions_only defaulting to yes?22:01
lifelessjelmer: for SVNBranches only22:01
lifelessjelmer: I'm suggesting two things: allow setting it in svn, not just in locations.conf (so that the admin can choose a setting); and defaulting it on for SVNBrach22:01
lifelesshi poolie22:01
lifelesspoolie: jam says use his mobile for the call22:02
lifelesspoolie: if he's not answering on skype22:02
jelmerdefaulting it to on would make sense, but we need to make sure to indicate properly why the push is failing22:02
lifelessjelmer: sure, improving the error text shouldn't be hard22:02
poolielifeless, jam, spiv, call in 2m22:08
jampoolie, lifeless: I'm back around, is the call still going?22:12
=== fta_ is now known as fta
* NfNitLoop reads scrollback. 22:22
NfNitLoopI like the idea of making the preserve-history option default to true.22:22
NfNitLoopI've been using bzr since... 0.6?  ...  and have never even heard of locations.conf :p22:23
NfNitLoopand breaking 'svn log' history is a definite bad impression if someone isn't expecting it, and isn't familiar enough with distributed vs. non-distributed SCMs to know why it happened.22:24
markhare all the bzr-devs aware of the dvcs/bzr discussions on python-dev?22:25
spivmarkh: yeah22:25
jelmerNfNitLoop, The thing I'm not sure about is having inconsistent behaviour between svn and bzr branch22:26
NfNitLoopit's completely consistent while you're in bzr-land.22:27
NfNitLoopthe only inconsistency is when you try to push it back into svn.22:27
NfNitLoopand things do work differently in svn-land.22:28
markhI decided its best to not throw "windows support" into the mix for that thread at this time ;)22:29
jelmerNfNitLoop, it's consistent in both, except svn doesn't have a good way to display it before svn 1.5 and svn users aren't used to it22:29
NfNitLoopjelmer: aah, I'm still in 1.4 land, so I'm not entirely sure how 1.5 support looks for all of that.22:30
NfNitLoopmy initial reading of 1.5 features makes me very wary for using it for anything more complicated than one-off branches.22:31
NfNitLoopthere are different commands for trunk->branch and branch->trunk merging....22:31
NfNitLoopand once you've merged back to the trunk, you have to throw away your branch.  (!?)22:31
jelmeryes, just like you do with bzr22:32
NfNitLoopYou don't have to throw it away, though...22:34
NfNitLoopyou could keep using the branch and then merge back into trunk again and again.22:34
NfNitLoop(whether or not that's a great workflow)22:34
NfNitLoopSo it looks like svn is just tracking r# when the branch is created, and tracking each merge from trunk into branch... then replaying diffs to merge back into main -- NOT actually keeping all revision IDs of what's been merged.22:35
NfNitLoop(This is my guess after reading the svn book page on branching & merging in 1.5)22:36
NfNitLoop(but I admit it wasn't all that thorough.)22:36
jelmerit does keep track of what revisions were merged in 1.522:36
NfNitLoopOh? Ok.22:36
NfNitLoopMakes me wonder why you have to throw your branch away then.22:36
jelmerwell, you don't have to - you can have a single feature branch22:37
uwsjelmer: fwiw, gnome svn has been upgraded to svn 1.5 repositories recently22:37
NfNitLoopSo, when bzr-svn pushes into svn1.5, does it actually show merge history?22:39
NfNitLoopI don't have a 1.5 install around to play with. :p22:39
jelmeryes, it should be able to show which revisions were merged (if they are also present in the svn repository)22:40
NfNitLoopaah.  but not if they're bzr-local.22:41
lifelessjelmer: I don't think that inconsistency is bad22:42
lifelessjelmer: because svn branches are by definition not bzr branches22:42
jelmerlifeless, it makes behaviour less predictable22:43
lifelessjelmer: you can't tell a-priori whether a bzr branch has that setting either22:43
jelmerlifeless, e.g. it means we'd need a hack to be able to run the bzr repository testsuite (if it'll ever be generic enough) against svn repositories22:43
jelmerlifeless, you can know that if you create a bzr branch yourself it doesn't22:44
lifelessjelmer: I don't think we'd need a hack for that;22:44
lifelessjelmer: I think we'd just call the api setting to set it off for any test that needs it off22:44
NfNitLoopre: "predictable" behavoir:  breaking my svn history was unpredictable.  ;)22:46
NfNitLoopwell, at least, I didn't see it coming.22:46
lifelessspiv: so22:52
lifelessspiv: what inner loop was it in?22:52
emmajaneInstruction question... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training/KnowledgeBase#Launchpad%20and%20Bazaar Step # 4, Create your own branch doesn't seem to make sense to me. Can someone confirm that I'm just full of fail? :)22:52
lifelessemmajane: looks the same as 3 to me22:53
emmajanelifeless, Ok.22:54
emmajanelifeless, would that even work?22:54
emmajaneI'm pretty sure it's "wrong" to include Step #4, but I'd hate to alter good instructions. ;)22:54
lifelessno idea; I'd suggest stepping through the docs end to end; thats what I do to validate docs22:54
* emmajane nods. kay.22:54
lifelessit certainly looks odd to me22:54
emmajanemaybe I'm not completely crazy then. Cool. :)22:55
emmajanelifeless, thanks :)22:55
spivlifeless:  http://rafb.net/p/58nFen92.html22:55
jamSo... the installer for bzr-setup-1.9rc1-3 is built and tested on my machine, I just have to get an upload to LP to finish22:56
jamIt takes about 8 minutes to upload 15MB on my connection22:57
jamand it has timed out once already.22:57
markhyeah, that sucks :(22:57
markhwell - I don't see timeouts I don't think - just occasional launchpad errors22:58
markhjam: any idea about that bug re the qt binaries failing to load?22:58
jammarkh: for whatever reason in the -2 build QtGui4.dll is only 6MB instead of 10MB22:59
jammy best guess is that a copy got cancelled22:59
markhright - weird!22:59
jamand that the build process though the half-copy was up-to-date22:59
jamthe new build script I wrote nukes the target22:59
jamand rebuilds everything22:59
jamso I should be immune to that22:59
markhideally it would also nuke the 'build' dir from every sub-project too22:59
jammarkh: hmm... I suppose23:00
jamI actually could just nuke them completely23:00
markhor exact same thing could happen during *its* build23:00
jamThe script already is smart enough to download the latest releases, etc.23:00
lifelessspiv: uhm23:00
lifelessspiv: my likne 2183 is empty space :P23:00
markha re-download each build might be going a little too far though?23:01
jammarkh: We have shared repos for that23:01
lifelessmarkh: why? reproducable :>23:01
jamso it is mostly just nuking the working dir23:01
jamand then connecting to LP, seeing it has everything, and checking out a WT23:01
markhright - I thought you also meant all the python packages (qt, crypto, etc)23:01
markhthe bzr based stuff sounds reasonable23:02
jamanyway, I'm done for tonight. You can find the script in C:\home\shared\bzr\releases\build_release.py if you want to give it a look23:02
jamand I know the build-release for bzr uses "build_ext -i -f" to force a rebuild of everything23:02
jamI'm not sure if we would want to do that for the others23:02
markhI don't quite trust distutils --force23:03
markh(in the same way I don't trust --dry-run to not do anything in all cases ;)23:04
jammarkh: as an aside, the icon overlays aren't working for me23:04
jamis that a known problem for Vista?23:04
markhin the binary version?  It should work - but most likely is .bzr.log is reporting it would "recurse to death" - in which case a fix has been pushed23:05
markh(and assuming its a 32bit vista)23:05
jammarkh: I don't see tbzr putting much of anything into .bzr.log23:07
markhjam: right - so no icon in the taskbar at all?23:07
jamI guess I see:23:07
jam0.172  return code 323:07
jam134.107  opening working tree 'C:/Users/jameinel/dev/bzr/bzr.dev'23:07
jam134.138  opening working tree 'C:/Users/jameinel/dev/bzr/bzr.dev'23:07
jamIt does have a taskbar icon23:07
jamthough it takes a *long* time to show up23:07
jamand if I kill it23:07
jamit will eventually show up again23:07
markhyeah - it will come back next time an icon overlay or menu is requested23:07
markh(that is also when it *first* appears)23:08
jamah, well something is causing it to not actually get results23:08
markhfyi, tbzrcache.exe can be run explicitly from a cmdline to see what it is doing.  '-v' and --log-level=debug might be useful options.  You will need to shutdown the existing one before a new one will start.23:09
markh(tbzrcachew.exe is a gui version that is automatically run)23:09
markhbut I'll grab the binary and have a play too23:09
lifelessspiv: hello?23:11
spivlifeless: I think that's line 2111 in your branch23:12
lifelesssure, I'm just puzzled at the difference :P23:13
spivlifeless: I had bzr.dev merged in from an earlier attempt to get apples-to-apples comparisons on network behaviour23:13
lifelessah right23:13
lifelesspush that somewhere if there were conflicts :P23:13
lifelessI can benefit from that23:13
spivlifeless: but to be sure nothing wacky was going on, I just tried reproducing it with your pristine branch, and got a traceback instead!23:14
lifelessspiv: remember my tip may be bust23:14
lifelessgo back 123:14
spivAh, ok.23:14
* spiv does that23:14
lifelessso this function is currently full-inventory every time23:14
spivYeah, going back one fixed that.23:17
lifelessspiv: that function could be better cast like the loop I put into fetch23:18
lifelessto delta all the inventories in a chain23:18
lifelessand only do a full inspect of the first one if the basis parent of the first is inaccessible23:19
lifelessspiv: I think that would be quite managable to do and fix the major inefficiency23:20
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
mDuffIs a working bzr-svn package available for current Ubuntu (Intrepid)? The one apt finds for me is too old for the Ubuntu-installed bzr 1.8.23:27
* mDuff is playing dumb user for the moment.23:28
mDuff...blerg, probably ought to upgrade to the New Shininess (bzr 1.9), and break from sticking with the Ubuntu packages anyhow.23:29
* mDuff finds the bzr PPA on Launchpad... oooh, didn't know 'bout that.23:30
lifelessmDuff: :)23:32
mDuff...odd; "apt-get install bzr-svn" is still trying to install an older one, rather than the new package from the bzr-beta PPA.23:34
mDuff...oh, the bzr-svn in the beta PPA still depends on bzr <<1.7~ :(23:35
emmajanejelmer, downloading is push?23:40
jelmeremmajane, no, but it's the same bug23:40
emmajanekay :)23:40
jelmeremmajane, It's a bug in the progress bar handling23:40
emmajanedo you work on olive?23:41
emmajaneI tried using this afternoon for the desktop course and none of us could get it to even open a downloaded branch for the course. :(23:41
Odd_Blokeemmajane: How were you trying to open the branch?23:41
emmajaneOdd_Bloke, by clicking on the directory in Olive.23:41
emmajaneOdd_Bloke, massive freeze.23:42
emmajaneOdd_Bloke, no problems for other projects though23:42
jelmeremmajane, no, though I work on most other things in bzr-gtk23:42
* emmajane nods23:42
Odd_Blokeemmajane: Right, I think you're meant to run it from within the branch.23:42
emmajaneI know our team would *love* to have something other than the CLI for the project.23:42
jelmerolive could use some attention :-/23:43
emmajanejelmer, mostly I know how to submit bug reports. :/23:43
emmajaneOdd_Bloke, how do you run it from within the branch? it's got a button under applications to start it ;)23:43
jelmeremmajane, that's still very useful23:43
Odd_Blokeemmajane: From the CLI. >.<23:43
emmajanejelmer, three today. :/23:43
emmajaneOdd_Bloke, nono, there's a button in the applications menu.23:43
emmajaneOdd_Bloke, you sholdn't have a button if it doesn't work. :)23:44
Odd_BlokeRight, I'm saying there shouldn... yeah.23:44
Odd_BlokeI'm too CLI-centric to want Olive, TBH.23:45
Odd_BlokeI don't even used gvim. :p23:45
emmajaneI have a button for gvim.23:45
emmajanecontrol-S is wrong though, so I never use it23:45
emmajanejelmer, let me know if there's anything else I can do to help out with it.23:46
jelmeremmajane, thanks, will do :-)23:46
emmajanebtw, it freezes if i open it from the command line as well... and then about 10 seconds later it kicks in23:47
Odd_Blokeemmajane: How big is the branch you're running it on??23:47
Odd_BlokeThat probably explains the pause.23:47
Odd_BlokeThough doesn't really justify it.23:47
emmajanelots of pauses as I open folders and move around, but it's not freezing now23:48
* emmajane tries to remember which dir has 125 PNGs in it...23:48
emmajanefound it. :)23:48
Odd_BlokeLeave Britney^WOlive alone!23:48
* emmajane waits a long time.23:49
emmajaneand there we go23:49
* emmajane wonders if beuno hates her yet too :)23:50
lifelessspiv: does that make snese?23:50
* emmajane promises to go back to work tomorrow and stop reporting bugs. :)23:50
beunoemmajane, you're one of my favorite people now!23:51
* emmajane chuckles.23:51
emmajanebeuno, i think I stopped at four.23:52
beunoemmajane, you did. 3 of them are assigned to me already  :)23:52
beunoyou will have to start hiding once I start to produce mockups, cauise I'll hunt you down and squeeze all the information I can out of you!23:53
emmajanebeuno, you're welcome to ping me whenever you'd like!23:53
emmajaneI would love to not be complaining about launchpad anymore.23:53
* beuno double checks he's logging the conversation23:53
beunoemmajane, we have a big re-design ahead of us23:54
emmajanebeuno, good :)23:54
beunoI want to stop complaining as well  ;)23:54
james_wbeuno: I used your merge proposal redesign the other day23:55
james_wbeuno: I like it23:55
beunojames_w, ah!  great to hear!23:55
beunoI still have loads of things to improve on it23:55
beunobut it's a pretty massive change  :)23:55
james_wI would have your babies right now if it came with a multi-branch loggerhead thing to review with though23:55
james_wand built-in PQM23:56
beunoPQM + Launchpad is coming soon23:56
* emmajane chuckles.23:56
beunocode is there, needs a proper UI23:56
james_wthat's your job!23:56
beunoand, diffs in merges is very far ahead as well23:56
* james_w cheers23:56
beunoso I'll plan for my babies around Jan/Feb23:57
james_wI think you'll be receiving crates rather than beers from me at UDS23:57
Odd_BlokeWhen/where is UDS?23:57
lifelessdec san fran23:57
beunoI'll make sure I eat often23:57
lifelessright after fosscamp23:57
james_wit took me ages to find the thing to mark one as merged though23:57
beunojames_w, they get marked automagically23:58
james_woh, great!23:58
james_wI was just going to point out that it should be possible :-)23:58
beunoonce LP scans either the target or proposed branch, it finds the revid, and bingo23:58
beunosame will happen with branch statuses23:58
* james_w dances23:59
beunothere is a patch floating around23:59
beunoyeah, we did a lot of work in the 1 week sprint23:59
james_wnow just for bug statuses and I'll be happy23:59
beunoplus a ton of notes  :)23:59
beunowhat about bug statuses?23:59
james_wlike Fix Committed when it's in the development focus23:59

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