[05:01] Hello, can I install a gtk engine in home folder ? ~/.themes/ pixel fonts? [09:48] andreasn: yeah; / bitmap fonts. trying out fontforge atm. [09:49] inkscape+fontforge is the way to go [09:49] the fontforge ui is horribe in it's places, but it's the best tool out there [09:49] hmm [09:49] i'm cool with inkscape. [14:41] hi! so Agostino currently leans towards going with 1D. if everyone here has another preference, now would be the time to leave a comment on the blog. http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2008/11/01/wubi-logo/ [14:51] i think ubuntu should ship with Dust and Dust Sand as optional themes... [14:51] those are awesome [14:52] * _MMA_ thinks it should rain puppies and gumdrops. [14:52] hehehe [14:52] * thorwil puts on a helmet [14:53] * melat0nin cranks up the barbecue [14:53] <_MMA_> :P [14:57] hahaha [14:57] well, it would be nice imho [14:58] anyone have problems get Dust to work? [14:58] <_MMA_> Yes. Rainin' gumdrops would be nice. Though the Slayer fan in me wants to make a "Raining Blood" comment. I guess I just did. ;) [14:58] doggymenz: thank you for your opinion. we will place it right next to the other 10000 in that corner over there [14:59] * _MMA_ reminds himself and others to be patient. ;) [15:06] Cimi: thanks for the comment :) [15:07] I am going to update the community themes package sometime soon [15:08] so the newest dust will be in it soon [15:09] thorwil: I like 2D best [15:09] oh, and http://sinecera.de/rockstar3b.png is the final (I guess) version of the button I showed you last week [15:09] kwwii: as do so many. i have to convince ago somehow [15:10] ;-) [15:11] kwwii: from memory, the only change i noticed is in contrast/tone [15:11] thorwil: basically right...I also increased the size of the "can be a" [15:12] kwwii: good. who's that YOU going to be? [15:17] ah, my window has been put into place: http://wubi-installer.org/ [15:18] <_MMA_> :) [15:19] thorwil: that pic is for an upcoming page on the wiki, something to do with "hall of fame" or such...not really supposed to talk about it yet [15:20] kwwii: oh, interesting. i heard nothing :) [18:58] Hooray! I've made a nice discovery for scalable screenshot making :) [18:59] The high contrast theme + Inkscape's Trace Bitmap tool actually comes really close to doing the trick [19:01] Picklesworth: and then? [19:02] Well, + the ten minutes that would otherwise be spent messing with scaling in a way that fits without being blurry [19:02] painting over the lines with fancy Human-esque gradients [19:03] then the result looks close enough for some purposes :)