
* Flannel really wants to ban someone, but has to leave in like 3 minutes.00:00
mneptokFlannel: whowhere?00:02
Flannelmneptok: fryguy in #u, it's a systemic thing, and he's been beligerrent ni the past, etc.00:02
FlannelHis original issue is giving bad information, and then its compounded because he gets smart about it in querys00:03
Flannelhe's banned.00:03
FlannelHe'll come in here and scream bloody murder (which is what I was trying to avoid, while I had to leave)00:03
Flanneljust... tell him he needs to take it up with me.  I won't be gone for more than 4 hours.00:03
fryguywhy was I just banned from #ubuntu?00:06
mneptokfryguy: looks like Flannel did the banning, i'd ask him.00:06
fryguyi did, he's unresponsive00:07
mneptokmaybe AFK00:07
fryguyban while i'm idling in the channel and then instantly go AFK? sounds sorta fishy00:07
fryguyanyway I can get unbanned? i'm trying to gather some information00:08
mneptokfryguy: not if he's trying to cool off00:08
mneptokfryguy: and no, another op will not remove another op's ban placed 5 minutes ago.00:09
fryguyi didn't do anything in the channel though.  How can I just get randomly banned from a channel?00:09
mneptokperhaps it was something you said in /query then00:09
fryguywhat would /query have to do with the channel?00:10
fryguyisn't that what things like /ignore are for?   Like i said I'm just trying to idle in the channel to gather some information that's not really suitable for a question00:10
jussi01fryguy: he will be back in under 4 hours - I suggest you come back in about 4 h.00:10
naliothfryguy: this is not serving you well.  the banning op isn't here.  please return when he is here.00:11
mneptokif you are displaying behavior toward an op that would warrant /ignore, then you should be banned, IMO00:11
fryguymneptok: i don't think I was, apparently he thinks differently.00:11
mneptokfryguy: which is why you should speak to him, and why we will not remove a ban without consultation.00:11
fryguyare there other channels related to ubuntu that would be suitable to join to gain hardware level information about changes from 8.04->8.1000:12
naliothfryguy: try ##linux 00:12
fryguynalioth: i'm curious about ubuntu-specific changes from 8.04->8.1000:12
naliothtry ##linux 00:12
fryguyi would have picked linux in other situations, but this is very ubuntu-specific00:12
fryguypicked ##linux00:13
naliothwe'd appreciate it if you'd wait elsewhere, fryguy 00:15
fryguy##linux isn't going to be able to provide me with information like whether my graphics card is going to work with the new configuration scheme in 8.10, something that I would be able to get from another ubuntu-specific channel.  Are there others I can check out, and if so what are they?00:15
nalioth  /msg alis help00:15
fryguyany specific recommendations?00:18
fryguythere's an awful lot of channels listed, probably more information than I can reasonably read in a short period of time00:19
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-around
naliothfryguy: this is not a support channel.00:21
fryguyit's for operator/abuse questions, of which I was asking about, and am now asking for a solution to my operator/abuse question.00:22
fryguya simple recommendation for another source for the information I need since I was denied the main source for some reason is all i'm asking for00:22
mneptokyou got several recommendations.00:23
mneptokusers do not get to idle here until they get the answer they want. they are allowed to idle here until they get an answer.00:23
fryguymneptok: I don't believe I was given a recommendation.  I was given a resource to obtain a complete list, many of which seem to be foreign languages and other things of no use to me.  I am asking for a recommendation of all of the information given is all00:23
mneptokyou got 2. "wait for Flannel" and "try ##linux"00:23
naliothfryguy: let me be blunt.  Leave now and don't come back until flannel is active.00:24
fryguymneptok: flannel can't give me the information I want, and "try ##linux" is wrong00:24
fryguyI guess asking for a reasonable recommendation is too much to ask00:25
geniiDifficult fellow.00:25
mneptoktaaaaasty hobbitseses.00:33
LjLmeh as easy as starting a /query on mirc is, my sister had to try estabilishing a dcc chat00:34
LjLi didn't even realize it could be her, dismissed as a channel spammer :|00:34
mneptokreally? in 2008?00:35
PiciSadly I know many windows users who still use it :(00:37
LjLmneptok, pici: so what's wrong with mirc? it certainly scrolls and switches tabs faster than this elephant i have here00:40
LjLdon't suggest xchat on windows or i'll start laughing00:40
mneptokBersirc? HydraIRC?00:41
LjLi don't know, mirc works anyway, and it's what i know00:42
LjLanyway she just managed to query me00:42
Pici!election is <reply> Politics is offtopic for #ubuntu, but we invite you to join #election to discuss the US Presidental election.02:05
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici02:05
PiciHows that sound?02:05
tritiumSounds fine to me, Pici.02:05
naliothyou want a factoid that'll only be good for 4 more hours?02:08
PiciWhy not?02:08
naliothwell, there are more channels than #election 02:09
naliothand two, the factoid is not needed, imho02:09
PiciI just picked the one that #freenode had in its topic.02:09
naliothi'd suggest you add /msg alis list *election* instead of picking one02:09
naliothif not deleting it altogether02:09
tritiumAnd just use standard offtopic?02:10
PiciIt uses $chan02:10
naliothyes, imho, that would be best02:10
tritiumI'm asking nalioth what he proposes if you delete !election02:10
naliothPici: !o4o02:10
PiciI'll just tell ubottu to forget it if you feel that strongly02:11
naliothi'm just one person02:11
naliothwith one opinion02:11
naliothi don't think we need to touch on the election at all, officially02:12
PiciYou walk softly and carry a big stick...02:12
naliothtritium is here. ask him.02:12
tritiumI don't have a preference.02:13
Piciubottu: forget election02:13
ubottuI'll forget that, Pici02:13
PiciUse your fingers for the typing then :)02:13
naliothi usually do02:15
mneptoki headbang the keyboard, and usually get desired output between the lines of the death metal lyrics02:19
tritiumWhat's up with all the /join/parts from FSCK_FSCK_FSCK?  Just a bad connectoin?02:36
naliothno.  it's abuse.02:42
* genii sips his coffee03:54
* genii watches Flannel work in #ubuntu and takes notes04:06
Flannelgenii: auto_bleh++04:07
geniiFlannel: I'm just observing :)04:08
Flannelgenii: You can also watch... or, I guess not, the same guy continue to spam me in a query04:08
FlannelHes just hitting up and hitting enter.  Rather boring.  If you're going to be at obnoxious, at least be creative.04:08
FlannelEh, at what point does excess flood kick in anyway?04:09
mneptokFlannel: Depends (tm)04:11
* mneptok cracks himself up04:11
geniiIs there even some flood monitor in PM??04:12
geniiHah, they are persisting in political talk in #kubuntu even after several gentle warnings. Good thing it's slow support-wise atm04:21
voriani'll peak my head in04:22
geniiIt's slowed down now and mostly back on-topic04:23
voriangood deal04:23
Flannelit'd be +b *!*@unaffiliated/thedoc  right?04:26
Flanneltritium beat me to it04:26
tritiumAh, sorry.  :)04:26
FlannelNah, save me from having to manually message chanserv, etc.04:27
ubot3In #ubuntu-cn, deaddummy said: ubot3, ubuntu 8.10 is newest Ubuntu distribution !04:40
geniiOk, going /away since this nick is on quassel .... gnite04:42
jdongNO WAI!04:42
jdongactually 9.04 is but anyway.04:42
Flannelubottu: tell QAWAYO about away05:29
FlannelSeriously.  Why is it so interesting to people to shout something before they leave?06:18
Madpilotpeople like getting the last word in.06:26
FlannelHowdy Myrtti 06:44
* Flannel is apparently trogdor.06:54
Myrttia what?07:00
FlannelMyrtti: trogdor: http://www.homestarrunner.com/trogdor.html07:01
FlannelOh, thats a game.07:02
FlannelLet me find the video07:02
FlannelMyrtti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovEy8CZqN3c07:03
FlannelI believe its all clean.  But I haven't watched it in... forever, so... be aware.07:04
* Myrtti gets more coffee, cries a bit and watch the video after surviving the blues07:08
Madpilotmorning Myrtti 07:12
FlannelAlright, I'm off.  Have fun08:10
Tm_Thi kids08:44
Tm_Tjussi01: sorry no I do not know08:45
MARYEnter text here...09:49
Garygnomefreak: lol, I just flicked to what I thought was #Defocus and saw you join, and voiced you, oopsy09:54
Garyt'was #freenode, d'oh09:54
GaryI feel such a dork09:55
gnomefreakeh it isnt that bad, no worries09:56
elkbuntuhave there been many problems given today's political milestone?09:56
* gnomefreak was better off not remembering about yesterdays election :(09:57
gnomefreakits ok i was wondering how it turned out so i was gonna remember sooner or later10:00
elkbuntuoh. i hope it turned out the way you wanted.10:00
elkbuntui know it did for me. i will not verbalise why.10:01
elkbuntumainly because reading it afterwards would give me nightmares.10:01
gnomefreakno i was hoping for mickey mouse to win but eh10:05
elkbuntunah, should have been donald duck, then the finns would have been banned from seeing footage of the US president10:06
elkbuntu(it was finland he was banned from, yes?)10:07
gnomefreaknot sure10:07
* Myrtti wants a huggle10:08
Myrttihe wasn't banned in Finland10:08
elkbuntuit was somewhere in that region, i can never remember where though10:09
Myrttiit's an urban legend10:09
Myrtticities of Helsinki and Kemi cut down their spending, canceling their subscription of the magazine at dentists etc.10:10
elkbuntui did always wonder why people who skinny dip in holes in ice would be worried about a pantless duck.10:10
elkbuntuor is the skinny dipping another urban myth?10:11
elkbuntuok cool. if it was, i was going to ask if IRC and Linux were urban myths too,10:12
Myrttidon't forget ssh10:12
elkbuntubut if IRC and Linux were gone, i couldnt give a damn about ssh :P10:13
Myrtti[11:56] <+elkbuntu> have there been many problems given today's political milestone?10:13
Myrtti[11:57]  * gnomefreak was better off not remembering about yesterdays election :(10:13
Myrtti[11:59] <+elkbuntu> sorry10:13
Myrttithat was what I meant to paste10:13
elkbuntusnopes takes all the fun out of life though :(10:15
jussi01!no scanners is <reply> Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Skanlite (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR11:59
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0111:59
ikoniaubuntu appears to be a bit annoying today12:26
ikonialots of smart comments12:26
LjLthe floodbots are broken12:43
LjLthe floodbots are fixed12:58
elkbuntupossibly a bad time to go breaking them. can they be rolled back to a non-b0rked edition?12:58
LjLi didn't break them now, i just noticed they're broken now12:58
PiciFloodbots are dead, long live the Floodbots12:58
LjLthere were instances when they'd mute people but never unmute them12:58
elkbuntuwhy the freaking hell can i *still* not get wireless on my eee, despite it allegedly being fixed in adam's kernel?13:00
LjLsiccness is about to go13:00
elkbuntuLjL, please13:00
ikoniahe's been walking a tightrope13:00
LjLelkbuntu: adam's kernel is array.org's?13:00
PiciHas he? I just got here.13:00
elkbuntuLjL, yep13:00
LjLelkbuntu: but you've got a 701 yes?13:00
elkbuntuPici, he doesnt even use ubuntu13:00
elkbuntuLjL, yep13:00
elkbuntubut it allegedly fixed it for 701 too, no?13:01
LjLelkbuntu: works on my 901, except for the known issue that you cannot turn it off without crashing13:01
LjLelkbuntu: try -proposed perhaps, i'm using it13:01
jussi01elkbuntu: can you tell me how things are with 3g prepaid connections over there? do they exist? how much etc?13:01
elkbuntuLjL, it's only livecd atm13:01
LjLelkbuntu: live cd of what, ubuntu eee?13:02
elkbuntujussi01, they exist only on 12-24mth contracts13:02
elkbuntuLjL, no. vanilla intrepid13:02
Nafalloelkbuntu: works for me with plain 8.04.1 + BenC's test-kernel.13:02
jussi01damn - so yu cant get a prepaid data ?13:02
LjLelkbuntu: but vanilla intrepid is not the array.org kernel13:02
LjLNafallo: now what's benc's test kernel?13:02
elkbuntuLjL, i know. but it's not like the array.org kernel appeared yesterday13:02
Nafalloelkbuntu: UNR broke horrible on 8.10 last time I tried :-)13:03
elkbuntuNafallo, unr?13:03
elkbuntui dont have time to maintain a TLA dictionary anymore, sorry.13:03
LjLelkbuntu: but the array.org kernel is made of hacks. talk to synrg in #eeepc, he'll explain the situation much better than i can13:03
Nafalloelkbuntu: Ubuntu Netbook Remix13:04
elkbuntuLjL, hacks are better than no wifi :(13:04
NafalloLjL: http://blog.phunnypharm.org/2008/08/ubuntu-kernel-next.html13:04
LjLelkbuntu: not in the long term13:04
LjLelkbuntu: other than 3g, you don't, like, have a railways site with comprehensive timetables like everybody else?13:06
elkbuntuLjL, cityrail.info countrylink.info13:07
elkbuntuNafallo, way too much effort for an eee13:08
elkbuntuand, i leave for work in 8 hrs, so bed time for me.13:08
LjLelkbuntu: i had missed cityrail. still meh, i'm used to typing start station, end station and departure time, not browsing through a list of lines... you are lagging behind technology :(13:09
LjLour railways site is wonderful, shows where every train is in realtime. they're all so much delayed that one wonders *why* they want you to see that in realtime.13:10
Nafalloelkbuntu: I disagree. but it's running damn well on that one :-)13:11
* Nafallo ponders trying to steal kernels from intrepid-security pinned instead.13:11
jussi01stdin: lokai is trolling a bit, you think?13:35
stdinpersonally, I'm sick of people coming in and saying "OMG KDE4 IS THE SUXORZ!!!!1" 13:35
stdinI'd say, if they are asking for support, then ok. if they are just complaining, then they're being a little trollish13:37
ikoniastdin I'm sick that also13:37
LjLbazhang: what, there is *yet another* DE around?13:46
bazhangLjL, hehe13:46
bazhanghe is definitely t--rolling13:47
bazhangLjL, cant figure out how to not have key press repeat on lxde though.13:47
LjLbazhang: well, i'm seeing screenshots, and the launcher is identical to the eeepc. and i have a key repeat problem on the eeepc. so, there's your explanation - they copied all of it ;)13:48
bazhangLjL, yup that's it :)13:48
bazhangjust installed on my eeepc as well13:49
LjLbazhang: anyway trolling or not he's most probably right, kde 4 on my nvidia card works terrible too, with or without kwin effects, and i'm pretty sure that's a bug somewhere (possibly in the nvidia code), not merely the computer not being good enough13:49
LjLi'm using the netbook remix interface on mine13:49
jussi01yeah, nvidia code has a few issues with kde4 although my 9500gt is going alright :D13:51
LjLjussi01: i get very slow scrolling/resizing and garbage showing up briefly when opening a menu13:52
ikonia@bansearch askdksdl13:53
ubottuNo matches found for askdksdl!n=user@h63n7c1o1097.bredband.skanova.com in any channel13:53
jussi01LjL: yeah, same here with the garbage, the slow resizing and stuff only sometimes. but yeah, its useable13:53
jussi01it is nvidia.ko fault though...13:54
LjLalthough i don't get it, with effects disabled wouldn't it just be using pretty standard graphics calls13:54
PiciHi Myrtti!13:58
ikoniaMyrtti: perk up13:58
bazhang<Linux_> does anyone know how come i cant get on hack this site's IRC server?13:59
* genii sips his coffee14:33
* genii hands Myrtti a nice apple cider14:57
naliothno apfelschnapps?14:59
geniinalioth: I may have some peach schnapps someplace.... 15:00
* nalioth prefers a shot of southern comfort in a tumbler of apple juice15:02
jussi01LjL: having fun in #k ? :D15:18
LjLjussi01: i really wouldn't call it fun15:26
jussi01@bansearch lokai15:34
ubottuNo matches found for lokai!n=vsudilov@opti6.mpe-garching.mpg.de in any channel15:34
* ikonia is fed up of people thinking the server release is a minimal install16:15
ikoniawhen did a server become a "minimal" install16:15
ikonia"I don't want X so I installed the server"16:16
PiciSince minimal isn't advertized that much on the download page?16:16
ikoniaeven so 16:17
ikoniaserver is not a minimal install in any book16:17
naliothikonia: there are two "servers" in folks' mind, and most of them are thinking of the non-live install disc 'server option', not the actual ubuntu-server distro16:22
ikoniayup, just gets tiresome to hear "I don't want X so I installed an enterprise big iron server"16:22
nemoHey guys, I have to know. Seriously, did you guys make a rule specifically banning the three *letters* "WTF" from #ubuntu ?16:24
nemo'cause, well, doesn't that seem stupid? heck. WTF is about as family friendly a way to express a WTF as I can think of16:24
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:26
bazhangall #buntu channels16:26
nemoriiight. and what mental convolutions did folks jump through to arrive at that?16:26
jribnemo: just try to avoid.  Some people are offended16:26
nemothat's idiotic - one of the main points of the accronym is to avoid the profanity16:26
bazhangthink it dont type it16:27
nemogetting reprimanded for deliberately trying to use inoffensive language to express extreme anger - rather annoying16:27
jribnemo: for *you*.  Others feel differently about it.  Remember, people in #ubuntu come from very many different cultures16:27
nemothinking it doesn't convey it16:27
jribnemo: think of it as being informed, not reprimanded16:27
bazhangthen take a time out until the rage passes.16:27
nemoI'm at a loss to think of a culture that would both know what it means and think that that combination of letters is offensive16:28
jribhow is spelling it out any different than the acronym?  They have the same meaning16:28
nemojrib: spelling it out is using the precise word that some consider offensive16:28
jribcharacters -> eyes -> brain -> meaning16:28
nemoit is like saying  f-word16:28
nemoor f!@#16:28
nemojrib: the whole point is to protect "innocents"16:29
nemoif any "family" member knows what WTF means they are, defacto, not innocent16:29
jribnemo: same "yogurt" instead of "wtf", that will work16:29
nemoright. if the word actually conveyed the same meaning, it'd get banned too16:29
nemooh well. question answered. you're all idiots. thanks for clarification :)16:29
bazhang@bansearch nemo16:30
ubottuNo matches found for nemo!i=nemo@c-76-21-160-106.hsd1.md.comcast.net in any channel16:30
PiciThink it, don't type it.16:30
ikoniawhy do you have to express the meaning "what the fuck"16:30
ikoniawhy not say "this is confusing", or "this is frustrating"16:30
ikoniawhy do you have to convey that message16:30
bazhangirc rage?16:30
rNhxYA_rikonia: how the fuck should i know16:31
ikonialjl is in disguise again16:31
GaryI'm an idiot, woot16:31
bazhang!ohmy | LjL16:31
ubottuLjL: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:31
rNhxYA_ri'm not in disguise it's just by bouncer16:31
rNhxYA_ri rebooted a couple times, it got confused16:31
ikoniarNhxYA_r: thats what all ban evaders say16:31
ikonia@bansearch rNhxYA_r16:31
ubottuNo matches found for rnhxya_r!n=ljl@213-140-17-103.ip.fastwebnet.it in any channel16:31
bazhangnothing yet16:32
GaryrNhxYA_r: have you seent he /topic, no idlign here pls16:32
jribyou know, I'm waiting for the day a ban evader realizes he just needs to change his ident to 'ljl'16:32
rNhxYA_rsee, i'm innocent like some child who doesn't know "wtf"16:32
rNhxYA_rjrib, right, give them ideas16:32
GaryLjL, innocent? mwhahaaaa16:32
rNhxYA_ralso, i'd never heard you commenting "idiot" after someone left before, i'm worried :P16:32
jussi01I couldnt... not to ljl16:32
Garyjussi01: I could...16:33
jribrNhxYA_r: well you can only say it outloud so many times before your fingers take over16:33
jussi01@mark rNhxYA_r because he needs to be in the BT :D16:33
=== rNhxYA_r is now known as LjL
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:33
Gary /CKICK rNhxYA_r No Idling here pls16:33
jussi01ok, where is she?16:33
jussi01just slow16:34
LjLjrib: but this way your appellation of saint jrib will eventually be revoked?16:35
LjLwhy does my wifi card not want to work in AP mode :<16:35
jussi01LjL: because it hates you16:37
LjLit's mutual16:38
ikoniais /csak a common alias for anyone16:42
PiciNo, what does that do?16:43
ikoniano idea, got a guy in pm who was sending people ctcp version requests16:43
ikoniawhile asking him why he was doing it he did /csak ugy 16:43
ikoniaby mistake16:43
ikoniawondering what he's up to / trying to do 16:43
ikoniahe's been sat idle in #ubuntu for a while and two people have nudged me to say he was sending out version requests16:45
ikoniaI think he's playing "dumb"16:45
LjLikonia: who is this guy, is he banned?16:46
ikonianot banned, talking to him in pm16:46
ikoniaclaimed he was just "bored"16:46
ikoniahe seems genuine, but the /csak clip makes me think he's playing dumb16:46
LjLikonia: sending random people ctcp versions is rarely genuine16:47
ikoniaI know16:47
ikoniabut young kid hitting buttons on xchat - for example16:47
ikoniait is plausable16:47
PiciIts one thing to do it to a bot... 16:47
Pici(which he did)16:48
LjLikonia: is he hungarian?16:48
ikoniahe's agreed to stop16:48
ikoniaLjL: yup16:48
ikoniaLjL: or so he claims (broken english a bit)16:48
LjLcsak means "only"16:49
ikoniaok, but the / in front of it ?16:49
ikoniatypo ?16:49
PiciIts in the same form as my chanserv commands. i.e.: /csban16:50
ikoniaPici: thats what made me think16:50
ikoniaPici: same for my kick command16:50
ikoniacould just be a typo though, eg: fat figners hitting / 16:50
LjLcould be, weird coincidence he's hungarian though16:50
LjLi didn't check whether he was when i asked you - it was a conjecture only based on the word csak itself16:51
ikoniahe does seem genuine16:51
ikoniaand apologetic16:51
ikoniaand he's done nothign else wrong, not even spoke16:51
ikoniajust said he was bored16:51
PiciTell him its disruptive16:51
ikoniahe knows16:52
ikoniahe was fine16:52
LjLso "csak ugy" means "la-la" according to a dictionary. tells, erm, a lot, i guess.16:52
ikonianot to worry, I was just double checking as the /csak woke me up16:53
geniiHmm. What to do with a nick like:  ubuntu_sucks_dic17:40
naliothgenii: ask them to change it?17:40
nalioth( in a PM, of course )17:40
geniiWoops too late17:41
geniiLooks like they are AFK or just lurking, etc17:44
Seeker`woo for lurking17:44
LjLperhaps it's time to prepare for closing -party?17:47
geniiRedirect them all to ##politics    ;)17:47
FlannelThat'd be against the CoC ;)17:48
LjLi'd do it softly softly, i.e. just set +i17:48
LjLbut for starters, i'll remove references to it from topics17:48
naliothgenii: that's not nice at all  :(17:59
geniinalioth: Very true, yes18:00
Josesordothis is the help channel?18:04
PriceChildJosesordo: Change your ident please. You aren't the first and its definitely not witty.18:05
Josesordomy nickname?18:05
PriceChild-!- Josesordo [n=fuckyou@] has joined #ubuntu-ops18:05
LjLbut seriously, if you want to "crack" some zip file19:00
PiciA hammer?19:00
LjLis it *so* hard to type "apt-cache search zip crack"?19:00
geniiI gave him already the syntax for unzip with password19:01
PiciHe doesn't have the password19:01
geniiMakes one wonder of the origin of the file.... ;)19:02
LjL'course it does19:02
PiciLjL: orgthingy is a bit of a troll if you aren't already aware.19:06
LjLPici: so am i19:06
LjLif you aren't already aware19:06
LjLPici: ah right, this time there *was* a reason why hedkandi was on my highlight list19:09
LjLcheck bt19:09
LjLif you haven't already19:09
LjLthat explains why they aren't "helpful" in -motu19:09
PiciLjL: ah... him.19:11
* Pici bops Myrtti on the head with some celery19:12
Myrttithanks. I had a headache from crying, now with celery I'll get a straight on migraine.19:12
* nalioth drops the celery in a bloody mary and offers it to Myrtti 19:13
* LjL just has a strobing camera flash on his hands, uses on Myrtti19:13
* Myrtti hisses to the idea of eating raw celery19:13
naliothno, you don't eat it, you stir the drink with it  :)19:14
MyrttiI stay within minimum 5 meters perimeter from raw celery in any form19:15
Myrttior something19:16
PiciYour decision? or theirs?19:16
geniiI think this is the first time I've ever heard of a celery allergy19:18
MyrttiI'm not allergic to celery19:23
MyrttiI just get one hell of a migraine from it19:23
PiciYou coul'd just say you were and we'd believe it.19:24
naliothcelery stalks are not my favorite food, either, but celery root is another story19:28
MyrttiI love celery, if it's not raw. However, it's impossible to get in other forms19:29
geniiCelery salt is awesome19:30
PiciCelery soda is *yech*19:34
genii--> urza (n=root@ has joined #ubuntu19:35
genii<urza> hello niggers.19:35
Picigenii: already removed.19:35
PriceChildnixternal: did he do it to you?19:55
PriceChildoh wait i just noticed it against me.19:56
PiciThe floodbots banned him19:56
nixternalthe floodbots did't prevent him from sending me that crap19:56
PiciFor some reason mib_bzm4b7 is /actioning joins and parts.19:56
PriceChildnixternal: klined19:57
Picinixternal: indeed, but you can't do a dcc send to an entire channel after you've been banned.19:57
MyrttiPriceChild: poke Wellark?20:11
PriceChildMyrtti: pardon?20:11
Myrttiabout yesterdays NetworkManager stuff20:11
PriceChildah yeah I did, and he said thanks but was ill20:11
Mez"Steve Gray is starting to think he smells cos he`s sitting in a pub with no customers AGAIN!!!! someone please come out i`ll give you free drinks."20:13
MezThink I may go out ;)20:13
MyrttiI think I will *gasp* go to bed and sleep20:15
PiciHeh. #defocus-uncensored20:15
PiciMyrtti: I expect a smile tomorrow, feel better20:15
Myrtti I will, I just take byebyes badly20:16
Myrttia glass of orange juice, a cheddar-mince-rice filled crepe and off to bed.20:17
Myrttinomnomnom crepes20:27
elkbuntuPici, you kid, surely20:28
Tm_TMyrtti: might have startings tomorrow, so standby (;)20:29
* Myrtti huggles20:30
Tm_Tmight, might be next week20:30
* Tm_T <3 huggles20:30
MyrttiI just had a lovely week.20:30
Tm_Tgood (:)20:30
Tm_Tyou deserved it20:30
Myrttiand now I think I'll really head to bed to get back the missed sleep20:31
Tm_Tgood night littlesister20:31
Myrttinini brutha :-)20:31
=== LcrxqYLe is now known as LjL
ubottustdin called the ops in #ubuntu (acm1pt)23:19
=== genii-2 is now known as genii-around
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.23:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:36
geniinalioth:  ?23:36
naliothoh, never mind  :P23:36
geniinalioth: Apparently it doesn't like one of my work connection info or such23:36
genii-aroundIt shows my cloak and accepted my nickserv identify.23:38

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