
beunoanka-ar, always00:03
anka-arte lo digo rapido pero lo tengo que reportar a lauchpad o no se a quien00:04
anka-artal vez me puedas guiar00:04
anka-arayer se me dio por googlearme00:05
anka-ardespues de probar varias conbinaciones se me ocurrio lauchpad+ mi nombre00:05
anka-arandres paul00:05
anka-ary oh sorpresa!, mi nombre y mis datos aparecian en una pagina de casino!00:06
anka-arlos datos son los que aparecen en launchpad00:06
anka-arhoy probe con mstreetlinux00:06
anka-arlo mismo00:06
anka-arcon meisok, lo mismo00:06
anka-ary hay mas00:06
anka-arno se si tengo que reportar que estan levantando info de lauchpad, si tengo que mandar algo a algun responsable del manejo de la info o que00:07
beunoanka-ar, URL?00:07
anka-ary sigue00:09
anka-ares la info de lauchpad00:09
beunoanka-ar, lo reporto yo, no te preocupes, gracias00:10
anka-arde nada00:10
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jspirohi all.  I would like to file a test bug that says "this is only a test".  In which project can I file it?01:01
Odd_Blokejspiro: Use staging.launchpad.net.01:04
Odd_BlokeIt resets every so often.01:04
jspiroOdd_Bloke:  how often?01:05
Odd_Blokejspiro: I'm not sure, but it's not live data so it probably doesn't matter?01:05
stdinjspiro: every 24 hours01:05
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alecwhIs there a plan for Launchpad becoming Free Software anytime soon?06:26
MTecknologykiko-zzz: Wanna ping me when you wake up?06:37
Hobbseealecwh: it's planned for before oscon next year, iirc.  I believe that's usually july06:38
rockstaralecwh, we are actively working on it.06:55
rockstarHobbsee is right.  It'll probably be July (definitely not later).06:56
alecwhrockstar: thanks a bunch, that's fantastic to hear07:01
=== al-maisan changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: al-maisan
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persiaAgainst what project should I file a bug about https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA ?10:04
bigjoolsmrevell, is that launchpad-doc? ^10:04
mrevellpersia: Yeah launchpad-doc, or feel free to file it against launchpad and we can change it. Alternatively, if it's a small change you can make the change yourself on the wiki10:05
mrevellpersia: Or we could talk about what needs changing, if that helps10:05
persiaSimple text change: "myapp_1.0.1" needs to be "myapp_1.0-1" and "myapp_1.0.2" needs to be "myapp_1.0-2".10:06
persiaAs it stands now, some users are confused, and uploading packages with native versioning when it's not needed.10:07
Hobbseepersia: you can edit that, i believe.10:07
* persia tries10:08
Hobbseeyou have to log in first, at the top right, iirc.10:08
persiaOh, cool.  I don't need to file a bug after all :)10:08
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mrevellThanks persia10:11
* mrevell ponders if we should make it clearer that the help wiki is (mostly) editable10:11
Hobbseemrevell: that depends how many people you want editing it10:12
persiaHaving people here note "You could just fix it" is probably sufficient.  Widely advertising it may lead to confusion as much as anything.10:12
Hobbseemrevell: and whether you think they're mostly clueful.10:12
mrevellYeah, that's the dilemma10:12
* Hobbsee has made a few "revert crack" commits on the ubuntu wiki before10:12
persiaI'm somewhat amused that I could edit it though : last time I tried to edit something on help.launchpad.net, I didn't have permission (although this was some time ago).  Has it been made more publically accessible sometime in the last year or so?10:13
Hobbseepersia: that was a bug.  that happened for a while, when people should have been able to edit, but couldn't.10:14
persiaOh.  I thought I just wasn't cool enough :)10:14
arnarlhi, who do I contact to get a neta10:49
arnarlmeta project?10:49
al-maisanarnarl: what's a meta project?10:50
al-maisando you mean a project group?10:50
arnarlsorry, I was thinking of a project that is a collection of projects10:51
arnarlyeah, probably10:51
al-maisanarnarl: please see https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/21010:51
arnarlhmm, ok10:51
arnarlI have several packages http://ztmproject.org/code/ and I sortof wanted a way to group them10:52
arnarlcurrently I only have registered ztm.topicmaps and ztm.navigator10:52
arnarlare there any better ways of doing this?10:53
arnarlhttp://launchpad.net/ztm.topicmaps and http://launchpad.net/ztm.navigator etc...10:53
al-maisanarnarl: could these be different packages of a single project?10:54
arnarlyeah, they are10:54
al-maisanin that case there's probably no need for a project group ..10:55
RinTinTiggerhey guys10:55
RinTinTiggercan anyone help me with my problem : (EE) intel(0): [dri] I830CheckDRIAvailable failed because of a version mismatch.10:55
RinTinTigger[dri] libDRI version is 5.0.0 but version 5.4.x is needed.10:55
RinTinTigger[dri] Disabling DRI.10:55
arnarlbut I sortof wanted the ability to do bzr lp:ztm.topicmaps and bzr lp:ztm.navigator etc...10:56
arnarlIs that stil possible?10:56
al-maisanRinTinTigger: please elaborate .. where do these error messages come from?10:56
RinTinTiggeral-maisan i tried to activate desktop effects10:57
RinTinTiggerwhich was not working10:57
RinTinTiggeri tried to figure out why10:57
RinTinTiggerand found that error10:57
HobbseeRinTinTigger: you probably want #ubuntu10:57
RinTinTiggeri asked there Hobbsee10:57
RinTinTiggerbut they cant help10:57
HobbseeRinTinTigger: well, this channel *really* can't help.  It's about a web application.10:58
al-maisanarnarl: let me check that.10:59
RinTinTiggersomeone at the ubuntu-forum told me to go to the lauchpad10:59
arnarlI've sortof imagined the same setup as Zope has10:59
HobbseeRinTinTigger: so, launchpad.net - that's not this channel.10:59
arnarl(the project is based on Zope)10:59
RinTinTiggeruhm ok.... Hobbsee im sorry10:59
RinTinTiggerdont the have an IRC channel?10:59
Hobbseethey do, and this is it, but it's for support about how to use launchpad itself, not problems with #ubuntu.  #ubuntu is for that, as is #ubuntuforums.11:00
RinTinTiggerok, my bad. Thank u Hobbsee11:01
HobbseeRinTinTigger: you're welcome11:01
al-maisanarnarl: a user may have multiple bazaar branches hosted on launchpad .. is that what you mean?11:01
arnarlnot really no11:02
al-maisaneach package would correspond to a bzr branch11:02
arnarlat least in my head a branch is the same code, but with some functionality changed11:02
arnarlthese branches implement different kinds of functionality11:02
arnarllike zope.component and zope.interface implement different functionality but are part of the larger Zope project11:02
arnarlstill they don't need to be projects of their own11:03
al-maisanarnarl: I guess it's a matter of nomenclature ..11:03
arnarlbut I would like individual bug trackers and similar things for each package11:03
arnarlyeah, probably11:03
al-maisanarnarl: yeah, that's fine .. you can associate bugs with packages11:04
arnarlok, I'll try and figure out what a package is11:04
arnarlthnx :-)11:04
arnarls/is/is in launchpad/11:04
al-maisanarnarl: you are welcome11:05
persiaal-maisan, You can associate bugs with packages for arbitrary projects, or just for distros?11:05
Mezyou've changed the openid thing11:06
MezI cant login as me anymore :(11:06
al-maisanpersia: I don't know off the top of my head11:06
al-maisanwould need to ask11:06
persiaal-maisan, I could be wrong, but I thought that there were two distinct classes of entity in Malone: those which had bugs directly, and those which had bugs against packages.  Further, I thought there was some links between the set of packages known to Soyuz and the set of packages against which bugs could be tracked.11:08
al-maisanpersia: I'll get back to you once I know more.11:08
persiaMind you, I mostly only use Malone for distro stuff, so that should be treated at best as hearsay, and quite possibly as a waste of bytes.11:09
persiaal-maisan, arnarl needs the info more than I :)11:09
wgrantal-maisan, persia: There is no subdivison of a product in Launchpad.11:17
wgrantDistros are all that have subdivisions.11:17
wgrantAnd sort of projects, but not really.11:17
al-maisanpersia, arnarl : apparently launchpad does not support the filing of bugs against packages in PPAs yet.11:18
persiawgrant, Well, the Japanese Kaizen project has bug reports on a per-package basis, but it seems related to packages known to Soyuz.11:18
wgrantpersia: Huh? Link?11:19
persiaal-maisan, What's the relation between a project and a PPA?  I don't understand the context of your comment, although I agree with the statement.11:19
al-maisanpersia: PPAs are tied to teams/persons11:19
bigjoolsthere is no link between projects and PPAs (yet)11:19
persiaal-maisan, Right, but projects aren't.11:20
persiaWell, they are, but by an entirely different means.11:20
thekornhi, even :)11:20
persiawgrant, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-jp-improvement11:20
al-maisanarnarl was looking for the capability to file bugs against packages in a PPA ..11:21
thekornis it possible to find out who and when a tag was added to a bugreport?11:21
al-maisan.. or at least that's what I understood11:21
wgrantthekorn: Check bugmail archives.11:21
thekornand if not, does anyone know of a open bugreport about it11:21
persiaNo, arnarl was looking for a means to have bugs per component of a project, and thought a meta-project was the appropriate solution.11:21
persiawgrant, Note that it is considered a feature that bugs in that project are against packages known to be in Ubuntu by Soyuz.11:22
wgrantpersia: I don't see a package relationship there.11:22
al-maisanpersia: fair enough .. I pointed him to project groups11:22
thekornwgrant: ok, that does not sound like a very productive way to get this information ;)11:23
persiawgrant, Hrm.  They used to be there.  Interesting,11:23
al-maisanI understood from the project groups FAQ, however, that these are more applicable to *established* projects11:23
wgrantthekorn: Indeed. I think everyone agrees that the activity log is pretty useless... but it seems LP devs have other priorities.11:23
wgrantpersia: I'm fairly sure they never could have been.11:23
persiawgrant, Hrm.  Dunno.11:24
thekornwgrant: I really like the way additional information is added to a subscriber, having a tooltip for tags saying "added xx-yy-zzzz by abc" would perfectly fit my needs11:25
wgrantthekorn: File a bug and pray.11:25
Hobbseewgrant: actulaly, i find it useful.11:26
persiaMaybe it gets an Ubuntu task once a patch is available (which is when I see most of those bugs), and I'm just confused.11:26
wgrantpersia: That's not unlikely.11:26
Hobbseewgrant: to go down and hunt whatever nutcase has decided to assign / subscribe ~ubuntu-core-dev to a bug, before going and yelling at them.11:26
thekornwgrant: will do11:26
wgrantHobbsee: Right. Subscribers can now also be hovered over to see who added them.11:26
Hobbseewgrant: or to find out who has done (insert whatever other E, B & W thing they've done)11:27
Hobbseesince when?11:27
wgrantSeveral months ago.11:27
wgrantAnother thing that the changelogs could mention.11:27
wgrantThe changelogs from late '05 and early '06 were excellent.11:28
Hobbseeoh, right.  doesn't include the 'also notified' either, i note.11:28
Hobbseethat's...kinda cool11:29
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jmlleonardr: hi, you around?11:51
leonardrjml, yes11:51
jmlleonardr: I'm just mucking around with launchpadlib and having some problems authenticating my "just testing" example.11:52
leonardrjml, are you using staging? because we know that doesn't work11:52
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jmlleonardr: I am indeed using staging :)11:52
jmlleonardr: what should I use instead?11:52
leonardrjml, try edge11:52
leonardri guess i should look into fixing staging11:53
wgrantleonardr: Given that it makes launchpadlib fairly useless, that would be nice.11:58
jmlwgrant: that's a) not true and b) flat-out rude.12:02
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wgrantjml: I knew that was going to happen.12:03
wgrantjml: How am I meant to use launchpadlib if I can't test my app on something where people won't murder me for altering live data?12:04
jmlwgrant: well, I'm managing for the moment :)12:05
wgrantjml: How?12:06
wgrantAh, you have a launchpad.dev!12:07
jmlwgrant: experimenting with r/o operations -- the write ops are obvious extensions of those. any app I write isn't going to talk to staging for tests anyway, it'll work off the wadl or some sort of mock12:07
wgrantjml: I don't mean formal tests.12:07
wgrantI mean I want to check that my script to close off bugs meeting criteria X, Y and Z isn't going to misfire.12:08
jmlwgrant: sure, it's nice to have a service for end-to-end testing.12:08
jmlwgrant: but this is well beyond "useless"12:08
wgrantjml: It means that only existing applications using launchpadlib can be safely used.12:09
jmlwgrant: no it doesn't.12:10
Hobbseewgrant: not necessarily.  You can still guess, and then presumably request that the admins revert a whole lot of data (or you do it yourself) if it doesn't work.  Suboptimal, though.12:10
Hobbseeoh, safely used.  Right.12:11
wgrantjml: It does.12:13
jmlwgrant: safety in software is a matter of degrees.12:14
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
wgrantMisclosing several hundred bugs gets users angry. It needs to be safe.12:14
jmlwgrant: I'd rather use something with a whole lot of good unittests that hasn't been run against staging than something that's only been run against staging a couple of times.12:14
* persia suggests that rather than arguing about safety, developers might benefit by developing, and that leonardr is likely to render the entire debate useless soon enough.12:15
jmlwgrant: for a thing like that, I would want to run against staging.12:15
jmlwgrant: however, I stand by my first proposition.12:15
wgrantlaunchpadlib appears to be largely useful for bug manipulations at this time.12:15
jmlwgrant: launchpadlib is useful without staging and you were being rude without cause.12:15
wgrantWe have lots of bugs.12:15
wgrantTherefore a misfiring of a launchpadlib script is likely to adversely affect hundreds of bugs.12:16
wgrantI don't see an awful lot of rudeness in my original statement.12:17
Hobbseejml: I don't think anyone's saying that launchpadlib is *completely* useless without staging.  What wgrant's saying is that it's rather useless to anyone who wants to test their scripts on temporary data, who doesn't have a launchpad source, or another instance to test it on.12:17
Hobbseejml: and he's also saying that people aren't wanting to guess and hope for the best, when dealing with possibly large amounts of live data.12:18
jmlHobbsee: sure. A nicer way to say this would be "launchpadlib isn't that useful for me without a service to test on, so please do look into that leonardr"12:18
Hobbseejml: or a whole lot of other people too, who are also using launchpadlib, or looking into it.12:19
* Hobbsee suspects slight terseness would be due to the length of time staging has been out of action, too....12:19
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jmlleonardr: is there a backwards compatibility / deprecation policy for the APIs?12:51
leonardrjml: yes, backwards incompatible changes will mean we rev the version number12:52
leonardrand old versions will stick around for a while before redirecting to new versions12:52
leonardrbut, that policy only goes into effect after the beta period ends12:52
jmlleonardr: *nod*12:52
jmlleonardr: so old versions will be available at different URLs or in response to some sort of version header or something?12:52
leonardrversion 1.0 will be available at /1.0/ even after 1.1 is released12:53
leonardrdifferent urls12:53
jmlleonardr: cool.12:53
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jmlleonardr: last question: is HTTP 1.1 strictly necessary?13:03
leonardrjml: i don't think so, assuming the server doesn't require a Host header13:06
persialeonardr, Once there are stable versions tracked that way, would you expect it to be possible to continue to support whichever version of launchpad lib happens to be in any supported Ubuntu releases?13:06
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leonardrpersia: i think that's what we decided, but i don't know for sure13:07
wgrant<!-- at least 98 queries issued in 16.50 seconds -->13:08
wgrantI thought it was a bit slow.13:08
persialeonardr, That's excellent to hear.  Even just support for current stable is probably a win, although a full 60 months is of course ideal.13:09
jmlwgrant: which page is that?13:13
wgrantjml: /ubuntu13:14
wgrantEr, bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu13:14
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko
thekornI have a question about bug nominations: for which group of users does the nomination get auto-accepted?13:25
wgrantthekorn: I believe it's the driver of the project, distro or series, or the uploaders for the distro component.13:26
thekornwgrant: ok, thanks this makes sense, I always thought it's for bug supervisours/contacts13:29
thekornwhich is not true13:29
thekornbut driver sounds right13:29
wgrantActually, it might be uploaders for the package, but that set is identical to the package's component's set except for a couple of packages.13:30
jmlwgrant: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/294672 if you haven't already seen it.13:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294672 in malone "bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu page is too slow" [Undecided,New]13:31
wgrantjml: I hadn't; thanks!13:31
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kikohey jml!14:12
kikojml, have a second for me? a quick question, honest :)14:12
Odd_Blokekiko: Don't ask to ask... ;)14:13
mwhudsonkiko: i'm here, for my sins, but battery is about to run out14:14
kikoOdd_Bloke, problem is jml's shy14:14
kikomwhudson, ah, exactly the person I wanted! wanted to ask you about some pending questions and whether I can do something about them14:14
Odd_Blokekiko: Try putting a lump of sugar on your hand and holding it out with a flat palm. :D14:14
mwhudsonkiko: link me up, i guess14:15
kikomwhudson, vvv14:15
mwhudsonthe gstreamer branch is odd, there doesn't seem to be an associated CodeImport14:16
mwhudsonbut iirc, it was killed by the 'file-created-by-merge' problem14:16
mwhudsonblender, nfi14:16
kikomwhudson, can I just nuke that branch and start it off anew, or is that not going to work14:16
mwhudsonkiko: if it's still cvs it won't work, i'm fairly sure14:17
mwhudsonand dunno about the salsaga import14:17
kikothe salsaga one is pending on you doing some tarball magic14:18
kikowhich reminds me14:18
mwhudsonfor salsaga, i was going to do this https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LPHowTo/CodeImportFromLocalRepo14:18
mwhudsonyou could try to trick a losa into doing it14:18
kikomwhudson, can anybody do that?14:18
mwhudsonit's not the sort of thing i'm going to do when officially on leave :)14:18
mwhudsonkiko: you need to be able to log in to the slaves14:19
kikomwhudson, okay, gotcha.14:19
jmlkiko: what14:25
kikojml, mwhudson's helped me out. when are you visiting brazil?14:25
jmlkiko: when is Canonical sending me there? :P14:25
kikojml, RSN I hear14:25
jmlkiko: cool :)14:26
jmlkiko: then I'll be visiting Brazil real soon.14:26
kikojml, you not making it out to UDS right?14:29
jmlkiko: not unless it's *really* necessary. I'm speaking at OSDC in Sydney which is almost the same time.14:30
kikojml, nah, just that it would be fun to have you there14:30
kikonext year maybe14:30
jmlkiko: it would be fun to be there :)14:30
* Mez cries14:31
jmlbut I can't deprive the people of Sydney of my wisdom14:31
Mezkiko: who removed the delegation on lp,net/~foo14:31
kikoMez, how about you repeat that differently for the non-phd crowd out here14:33
Mezkiko: Before the last release of launchpad, when you went to a user's Launchpad page, it had headers that would say "this is an openid page, for this identity" - now it's been removed... breaking my logins :( I thought, seeing as you have access to the changelog, you might be able to tell me who I can blame :d14:34
kikoflacoste, bac: did that actually change in 2.1.10?14:35
* Odd_Bloke used his user page for OpenID just the other day.14:38
Odd_BlokeOr am I missing the point?14:38
MezOdd_Bloke: it's now changed, it actually just forwards you to the id.launchpad.net instead of allowing the ~user as an id14:42
* kiko pokes flacoste and bac agen14:43
juliuxwhy isn't it possible to add a junk branch for a team?14:43
backiko:  you'll need to ask sinzui114:43
kikosinzui1 then?14:43
kikojuliux, history, I swear, it's all history14:43
baci'm looking though14:43
=== sinzui1 is now known as sinzui
juliuxkiko: if i want to add a branch for a team it is optional to choose a project;)14:45
juliuxkiko: but if you try to add it a project is required14:45
papasmile\p launchpad14:47
kikojuliux, yeah, it's one of these oddities in our model. might be worth asking a question on a.l.n to kick off a discussion14:48
sinzuiMez: Yes, we removed the ~name because it is mutable. You can change your name, and someone else can take your. That is not permanent, and could lead to scary/confusing situations when logging. So we removed it14:50
Mezsinzui: ah, well - I dont like it ... I've now lost my login to around 10 sites14:51
Mezsinzui: I didnt know you could actually change your name - I remember I never used to be able to (and had to get mark to do it for me!)14:52
kikoMez, yeah, but you can, and that's a bit of a nasty exploit too14:53
kikoMez, it was beta for a reason!! :)14:53
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Mezkiko: indeed... but... *cries*14:54
kikoMez, we hadn't considered the exploit originally, so my apologies for the short-sightedness14:54
kikowe try hard but sometimes reality is hard to change14:55
Mezkiko: I can see the point for changing it... but I don't like it - it'd be nice to have an option to switch it on... "I know there are security risks, but do it anyway"14:55
Mezkiko: a month and  a halfs work down the drain :(14:56
Odd_BlokeCould it not just be disabled when an account _is_ renamed?14:57
flacosteMez: there is another reason why we removed ~username as an openID identifier, we plan on running id.launchpad.net on a separate server for high availability reason, using launchpad.net as the identifty domain prevents that14:57
Mezflacoste: how?14:58
flacosteMez: and this has always been an undocumented feature because we did intend to remove it14:58
Mezflacoste: if it's just delegating to id.lp.net14:58
sinzuiMez: your profile page (~/mez) does work for OpenID 2.0 I believe. Launchpad return the URL to id.launchpad.net when an auth request it made to the profile page. OpenID 1.0 must use the new URL14:58
flacosteMez: because the domain would be unavailable (during upgrade, which wouldn't happen with id.launchpad.net)14:59
Mezsinzui: it doesnt get accepted as the ID though - so It comes back as the new URL, rather than allowing the old one. Which means the URL I was using is no longer valid14:59
sinzuiMez: understood. I am mistaken15:00
Meztwas a nasty surprise...15:00
sorenMez: I'm surprised the sites you're having trouble with don't provide alternative means for logging in.15:01
Mezsoren: openid only15:01
flacosteMez: i am very sorry for the inconvenience, but where did you get the idea of using ~Mez as your openid identifier, it's not documented anywhere15:02
kikoflacoste, it's kinda the natural thing and most beautiful fwiw15:02
flacostewe have pages explaining how to use the beta OpenID service, and none of them mention that one15:02
kikokinda not my point :)15:03
Mezflacoste: I assumed... generally, an openid is "a web page that identifies a user"15:03
flacosteand we had a bug open saying that this was to be removed15:03
Mezwhich would be my LP page....15:03
Meznot some randomly generated URL15:03
kikoflacoste, still, you gotta understand that people don't always walk on the sidewalk..15:03
flacostehey, i'm all for that, Montreal is the capital of jay-walkers15:04
flacostebut still, we kind of look before crossing the streets15:04
Mezinfact https://id.launchpad.net/793/mez - doesnt even identify me.15:04
MezIt is not a web identity15:04
flacostethat's not how OpenID work btw15:05
kikoflacoste, well, it does take a URL..15:05
Mezflacoste: technically, no - but on a social aspect... yes.15:06
Mezan openid *should* be something that is an identity for a user, say their blog, their facebook page, something like that. A random URL is Not an identiy15:07
Mez"OpenID takes advantage of already existing internet technology (URI, HTTP, SSL, Diffie-Hellman) and realizes that people are already creating identities for themselves whether it be at their blog, photostream, profile page, etc. With OpenID you can easily transform one of these existing URIs into an account which can be used at sites which support OpenID logins."15:08
MezI dont see the URL given as an identity for me :(15:08
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
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flacostewe can easily fix that by redirecting to your launchpad profile, i'll file a bug about this15:10
Mezit's still not an identity IMO - just a random URL15:12
* Mez starts sending begging emails15:17
juliuxkiko-afk: now i have a very good solution :)15:17
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
juliuxkiko-afk: so how it is possible to use lp branches without having a project? or is it in your interest that we register for everything a project?15:32
gmbjuliux: If you push the branch to ~$you/+junk it won't be associated with any project.15:33
gmbe.g. bzr push lp:~juliux/+junk/some-branch15:34
kiko-afkjuliux, well.. that's what junk branches are for!15:34
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juliuxgmb: we want to use it for a team15:37
gmbjuliux: bzr push lp:~team-name/+junk should work, IIRC.15:38
juliuxgmb: thanks15:39
thekorn_gmb, hmm I get  """ bzr: ERROR: Generic bzr smart protocol error: Permission denied: "Cannot create team-owned junk branches." """15:40
gmbthekorn_, juliux, so I guess IDNRC. Hmm.15:40
gmbThat's a pain. I wonder why we do that.15:41
gmbIn that case I'm not sure there's a nice way to do what you want to do.15:41
thekorn_juliux, create a project called "junk" ;)15:42
gmbHang on, I'll ask someone who'll  know more than me..15:43
gmb(Not hard)15:43
thekorn_hehe, ok15:43
juliuxthekorn_: but then i have to ask everybody who created some stuff for our locoteam about the license this stuff is;)15:44
juliuxthekorn_: and doing this for stuff from three years need a lot of time15:44
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gmbthekorn_, juliux: Okay, the person I was going to ask doesn't seem to be available atm. Best to file a question at http://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar; someone from the Code team will help you.15:47
thekorn_gmb, thanks gmb15:48
juliuxthekorn_: you or i?15:53
thekorn_juliux, mach du mal15:53
thekorn_ups wrong window15:53
juliuxthekorn_: hehe15:54
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=== al-maisan changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: nobody
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dilingerhi, how do i get myself off a bug notification list?16:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294527 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 "Conflict between nvidia-glx and openafs-modules kernel module" [Undecided,New]16:49
dilingeri was automatically added to that bug because i one did openafs stuff, but i don't work it it anymore.. and i see no way to unsubscribe myself16:49
kiko-fudfucking impatient users17:03
persiaWell, if they don't want help, they don't get any.  Seems simple, although I would like a plugin for my IRC client to remove comments by anyone who joins a channel, says something ,and departs without anyone else commenting.  It's usually spam or impatience.17:05
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kikoman needs lunch you know :)17:11
MTecknologysabdfl: Hi17:18
MTecknologysabdfl: Just wanted to say something to you at some point in my life. ;)17:18
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persiaI'm trying to link bug #249815 to Debian bug #504200.  Malone is telling me "u'Package recite not published in Debian'"  Any suggestions?19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249815 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24981519:20
ubottuDebian bug 504200 in recite "segmentation violation when running recite" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/50420019:20
persiaErr, bug #29481519:20
ubottuBug 294815 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/294815 is private19:20
yarkoI'm getting an error on launchpad I don't understand - medium has reached its concurrent request limit.  .... anyone know what this is? anything _I_ can do about it?19:41
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newz2000Hi, in case anyone else has fought with filtering launchpad bug email in gmail: www.bearfruit.org/blog/2008/11/06/gmail-filters-for-launchpad-bug-email21:05
RainCTLP is rejecting my uploads with   "Could not find person '<launchpad-id>'".  Any idea what the problem could be?21:26
lifelesspackage uploads?21:27
RainCTlifeless: yep21:30
lifelessRainCT: signed the changes files?21:31
RainCTlifeless: if it may have anything to do with it: my GPG key expired recently, but I changed the expiration date and send it to keyserver.ubuntu.com again21:31
RainCTlifeless: of course :)21:31
lifelesscheck your key in the lp ui21:31
lifelesshow recently did it expire?21:32
RainCTlifeless: just a few days ago21:32
lifelessthats probably it21:32
lifelesseach appserver builds a little cache of keys (because it uses gpg, and thats what gpg does)21:32
lifelessI'm fairly sure it doesn't poll the key server on every operation21:32
lifelessfile a question on this21:32
RainCTlifeless: Okay, thanks21:33
lifelesswe need a losa to login to the app servers and refresh your key (and clearly there is an associated bug that an expired key should trigger a check on the keyserver or something)21:33
RainCTlifeless: against which project should I file it, launchpad or soyuz?21:33
RainCTDone. Thx.21:39
lifelessspm: ^22:16
spmlifeless: ta, adding to todo list. :-)22:17
ftano eta for PPA /w jaunty ?22:42
persiafta, None yet declared.22:44
ftapersia, ok, thanks22:46

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