
wo0fhi guys00:43
wo0fIm just about to reinstall ubuntu on my server00:44
wo0fim wanting this time to have terminal serivces functionality00:44
wo0f(like remote desktop)00:44
wo0f(/freenx etc/vnc)00:44
wo0fwill installing via tha LTSP option be of any use to me?00:45
wo0fi won't be connecting via LAN00:45
wo0fi just want a dev desktop available via the net00:45
Deepssounds like you're wanting ubuntu desktop rather than ubuntu server then00:46
wo0fi don't just want to enable 1 instance of remote desktop tho00:46
wo0fand i dont want to have X/gnome actually running on the server all the time00:47
wo0fi just need it to auto start an x session on my remote login00:47
Deepssounds like you want vncserver i guess then00:47
wo0fi see00:47
wo0fdo you know a decent tutorial for setting vnc up in this way?00:48
wo0fiv always had trouble previously00:48
arrrghhhanyone know where i download the code for the advanced tree to compile for xml-rpc?  i'm tired of my large torrents displaying incorrectly.00:50
wo0fdoes ubuntu impliment tightVNC ?00:50
Deepsto both of you, i'm afraid i dont know, but google might00:52
arrrghhhso if i'm copying a lot of data on my server from my ntfs drive to my new ext3 drive, what's the best method?  just cp?00:52
arrrghhhwo0f, it does vnc protocol which tightvnc is capable of connecting to...00:53
arrrghhhbut that doesn't really apply to ubuntu-server.00:53
Deepsi use rsync for large transfer batches00:53
wo0fi see00:53
arrrghhhis there anything special to use rsync locally?00:53
Deepsjust specify a local source and destination path00:54
Deepsi personally use...00:54
wo0fits just i dont want X to be running on the head of my server00:54
Deepsrsync -aPv /local/source /local/dest00:54
arrrghhhlike rsync -va --progress /media/500GB/* /media/500_100:54
wo0fi just want it to be invoked and used via network only00:54
arrrghhhis the capital P --progress?00:54
Deepssame thing, -P and --progress00:54
Deepsresumable, and you see progress reports, cp's too... quiet00:55
arrrghhhi've just had rsync fail for no reason before.00:55
Deepslikewise, and with cp too00:55
arrrghhhwell now i have a massive amount of space00:57
arrrghhhkinda weird having it all over in so many different partitions.00:57
wo0fhmm, i guess problem is, i dont want to use vnc to connect too an existing screen, rather invoke a fresh x session on login00:58
arrrghhheh i don't want to try and coordinate that00:58
arrrghhhwo0f, your server is running X?00:58
Deepsvncserver will let you do that wo0f00:58
Deepsgoogle it, test it locally / in a vm if needbe00:58
Deepsit's fairly straightforward00:58
arrrghhhx11vnc will allow you to view their current session _and_ uses better compression (imho)00:59
wo0fDeeps: n100:59
Deepsarrrghhh: he wants to connect and start an x session, not connect to a running session00:59
wo0fwhat about NX, is this worth looking into as an alternative?00:59
Deepsie, he logs off, x goes with him00:59
arrrghhhnx is sweet00:59
arrrghhhbut i had issues setting it up00:59
Deepshaven't used it personally, no idea00:59
arrrghhhi got it to work eventually, and it was like being there01:00
Deepsi remain of the opinion that servers shouldn't need more than a command line ;)01:00
wo0fwell if i wont01:00
wo0fi still want it headless01:00
wo0fjust serve up remote X01:00
arrrghhhservers = no X01:00
arrrghhhand you can forward X apps over ssh...01:01
arrrghhhno need for vnc, nx, etc01:01
wo0fhow do you do that?01:01
arrrghhhssh -X01:01
arrrghhhwell ssh -X user@server01:01
arrrghhhassuming you use the default port etc01:01
arrrghhhyea then from a command line run like "firefox &" - firefox will popup on your screen!01:02
arrrghhhtechnology has been in unix since like 1984 lol.  m$ still isn't capable of it (to my knowledge)01:02
Deepsurr, you just run a win32 X server01:02
DeepsXMing or some such01:02
arrrghhhthat's not from microshite01:03
wo0fwell i assume you have to be running a nix os for that to actually work01:03
arrrghhhi use xmming at work since all our workstations are winblows01:03
Deepsno, so? most packages in ubuntu repos aren't written by canonical01:03
arrrghhhi said unix has had the technology since _x_01:03
arrrghhhand m$ still hasn't implemented it01:03
Deepsms has rdp01:03
arrrghhhxmming + putty is not from microshaft01:03
wo0f(i mean, im chatting to via putty:P)01:03
arrrghhhbut that's not an individual application01:04
Deepswo0f: http://www.math.umn.edu/systems_guide/putty_xwin32.html01:04
wo0fDeeps: oo01:04
wo0fDeeps: (Y)01:04
Deepschange the relevant variables for your servers, rather than the umn.edu servers01:04
arrrghhhyou can't forward an individual application over the internet thru a secure tunnel.01:04
Deepsno, but you can still forward an entire desktop that'll be more responsive and require less bw with RDP than you get from forwarding a single X application01:05
Deeps(in my experience)01:05
arrrghhhi honestly haven't compared b/w usage between the two.01:06
DeepsX forwarding on a high latency low speed link is a very very painful process. not half as bad over RDP01:06
arrrghhhyea the compression isn't there w/ssh./01:06
Deepsi read something about NX making things faster in both camps, but i've yet to play with it as thankfully I dont have to deal with remote guis anymore01:07
wo0fthis is whats tempting me towards nx01:07
arrrghhhnx is seriously like being at the machine01:07
arrrghhhit's ridiculous01:07
Deepswell you can run rdp, x and vnc all through nx, which is nice01:07
wo0fi think nx runs as one user01:08
arrrghhhi don't know if nx runs as one user or not...01:08
wo0fso you have a separate accounts list just for nx01:08
arrrghhhit probably does.01:08
wo0frather than running as the user your logged in as, like vnc01:08
arrrghhhwo0f, there's a lot of options, it's linux haha01:09
wo0fsometimes too many for my liking/understanding01:09
Deepsgiven that you can run x, vnc, or rdp through nx, chances are it's a case of how you configure it01:09
wo0fso whats LTSP01:10
Deepsfreedom of choice, it's great01:10
Deepsthin client manager i believe01:10
wo0fso it doesnt use vnc at all?01:10
Deepsrun LTSP on a powerful server01:10
Deepsrun a bunch of underpowered dumb screens that simply connect to the server and accept local inputs, and display X forwarded from the server01:11
Deepsslightly overkill for what you're looking to do i think01:11
wo0fit just seems appealing as theres a install option on the disk in 8.10 now01:12
Deepsit's been an option for installing for a while, i think it was restricted to edubuntu before though01:12
wo0fis bitshift obsolete?01:22
arrrghhhi don't know what bitshift is01:24
wo0fis bitshift obsolete?01:24
wo0foops sry01:24
wo0ffor hard drives01:25
wo0fas opposed to LBA01:25
wo0f(logical block addressing)01:25
arrrghhhyea still don't know what bitshift is01:27
mynoushaving a server harddrive setup like this : /boot and /  on /dev/sda  and /home on /dev/sdb, would i see a performance boost by using /home/ftp as a directory for files to be transfered from over /ftp on /dv/sda like it is now?01:41
ShawnRhas anyone else tried installing 8.10 on a fakeraid raid 0 yet? it seems that it is only using 1 of my HDDs01:43
wo0ffake raid and linux just don't mix01:46
ShawnRwell, 8.10 is supposed to support it, so i figured i'd give it a shot01:46
ShawnR dmsetup status01:47
ShawnRnvidia_ecfbjcdh: 0 976773166 mirror 2 8:0 8:16 7453/7453 1 AA 1 core01:47
wo0fare you wanting software raid, or fakeraid?01:47
wo0fif fakeraid, have you checked your chipset is supported?01:47
ShawnRand iostat shows dm-0 and dm-1 being used when doing file transfers, but i see that sda is working, but sdb is sitting still01:47
ShawnRi am pretty sure it is supported, it installed fine... but where can i double check?01:48
wo0fim not sure how youd check01:49
wo0fi know suse supports raid out of the box01:49
wo0fbut i really shouldnt say that here :P01:49
ShawnRit's an nforce chipset, should be supported01:49
wo0fim pritty sure the nvidia chipsets work01:50
wo0funlike the amd ones :/01:50
ShawnRAMD has their own chipsets now? or do you mean the ATI ones?01:51
ShawnRi guess maybe AMD rebranded the ATI chipsets with their own name01:51
arrrghhhhardware raid or nothing!02:01
ShawnRwell, this is a somewhat budget file server for my own house02:07
ShawnRand the 1 pci-e slot has my eSATA card in it02:07
arrrghhhyea i just built a budget file server02:08
arrrghhhno raid...02:08
wo0fyeh amd bought out ati02:08
arrrghhhthat they did02:09
arrrghhhwhich will hopefully open the accelerated graphics drivers for the processors.02:09
arrrghhhthe graphics processors that is02:10
arrrghhhanyone have experience setting up a pxe server?  i'd love to be able to just plug machines in and boot the newest ubuntu w/o needing optical drives.  i've already got nfs setup, and i have been struggling with tftp and dhcp.02:55
ShawnRi've wanted to play with it myself, but never had the reason to actually impliment it02:56
arrrghhhi've been repairing a lot of computers lately so i'd love to have a pxe server02:56
arrrghhhshow the masses ubuntu02:56
J-_When using the inadyn DNS dynamic IP updater, should I use the root, or user crontab -e?03:36
J-_Using wget03:36
hadsIf it doesn't need root permissions don't run it as root. That's pretty much the theory.03:38
hadsA dynamic DNS updated shouldn't.03:38
J-_Thanks dewd. :)03:39
J-_hads:  Are you familiar with afraid.org's method of updating via wget? Would, 1-59 * * * * /usr/bin/wget http://freedns.afraid.org/dynamic/index.php?action=script&data_id=xxxxxx -o - >/dev/null 2>&1' >> /tmp/crontab work?03:42
arrrghhhthis doesn't really have much to do with my server, but i can't get my monitors at the right resolution & in separate X screens.  twinview works tho...03:42
hadsJ-_: No I'm not familiar03:42
J-_Okay cool, thanks anyway!03:42
J-_!info drupal hardy03:50
ubottuPackage drupal does not exist in hardy03:50
* J-_ facepalms03:50
J-_!info drupal03:50
ubottuPackage drupal does not exist in intrepid03:50
J-_How can I enable mod_rewrite in apache2 in Hardy?04:12
zoredachetry a2enmod04:15
J-_mod_rewrite isn't in the most.04:18
zoopstera2enmod rewrite did it for me04:22
J-_hmm, not exactly sure what I ment to say. lol, I'm tired.04:27
J-_But I'll try that again04:27
J-_Is cl-url-rewrite the package I want to install/ enable?04:27
J-_hmm, it's already enabled. But, drupal is saying otherwise.04:28
hadsI think it's shipped with apache04:28
J-_Nevermind! It worked now.04:28
J-_I could have sworn it did before.04:29
J-_Thanks again.04:29
uvirtbotNew bug: #294528 in postfix (main) "installing getlive crashed on wizard gui when pressing cancel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29452804:41
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josh_where is the apache root directory?05:57
josh_thats what i thought.  so, i have saved 2 files there how do i access them from the internet?06:00
zoredachethere is a redirection setup by default, you probably need to remove that...  look in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default06:01
hadsI thought there was just an "It Works" page06:02
josh_it says that i dont have permission06:05
josh_deleted through terminal06:14
josh_i am trying to add a file to a folder with terminal.  i used "sudo mkdir" to make the folder. how do i add to it?06:27
incidencejosh_, man mv06:50
kinnaz_josh_ touch filename06:50
incidenceoh meant that way06:51
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antdedyetjosh_: or cp if you just want to 'add' a file to that directory and not remove it from the old location06:58
KiNnaZit would be easier to say, cp to copy file06:59
KiNnaZmv to move file06:59
KiNnaZrather to try to explain difference of cp and mv06:59
hads$EDITOR my.file07:33
gammyI noticed tha tthe init script for policy kit doesn't actually do *anything* except upon 'start'. Anyone care to teach me a lesson? :)08:54
gammyIs it in the kernel? :o08:58
sorenHow is this server related?09:00
gammyWell, it's running ubuntu server. I don't know how you have exactly defined "server specific" since the term is pretty loose.09:02
gammyOr am I only allowed to ask questions regarding topics in your serverguide (which is pretty much empty) ?09:03
hadsThere's stuff in the server guide.09:04
sorenNo, but policykit is a tool used on the desktop to achieve elevated privileges for discrete tasks.09:04
sorenIt's not server related at all.09:05
gammysoren: Alright - I did not know that. I was forced to install it because console-kit-daemon kept giving me SEVERE logs about it.09:05
gammy"console-kit-daemon[6283]: CRITICAL: cannot initialize libpolkit09:05
gammyThat's why I installed it and related packages.09:05
gammyI wonder why it gives a critical error about it if it isn't supposed to depend on it.09:06
gammysoren: So it's only server related if it's a base package in server? Or..? Please tell me where I would be more on-topic in that case.09:07
gammyie, it's not server-related if I run server with additional packages then09:07
Kamping_Kaiserdepends what the 'aditional packages' are09:08
hadsGnome :)09:08
Kamping_Kaiserits on topic if its server related - eg, services running on a server. not if its 'my desktop wont work on a server install'09:08
gammyI thought bloody policykit was a service.09:09
gammythis is 8.10 server edition. I only got policykit due to http://pulia.nu/tmp/console-kit-daemon these issues09:09
gammyNow again, console-kit-daemon did this out of the box - what is the *right* way to do then, if policykit is the wrong way?09:10
gammy...I see.09:12
sorenLook... It's not that we don't want to help. It just way easier to ask desktop people if you're having trouble with desktop stuff.09:12
gammyYOU are telling me this is a desktop issue09:13
gammyI have *no* idea why you're telling me thart09:13
gammythat, sorry.09:13
gammyI am not running X, I don't have gnome installed, I don't even have a screen09:13
gammyThis is ubuntu SERVER on a SERVER SERVING peoples homepages and shells. I just want to solve the problem at hand, being console-kit-daemon giving me critical errors in my log. I have no idea why it's even installed but I presumed it was "woven" into ubuntu for some reason09:14
sorenI'm terribly sorry, but policykit is simply not our domain.09:14
sorenWhat is that you don't understand?09:14
soren09:12:46 < soren> Look... It's not that we don't want to help. It just way easier to ask desktop people if you're having trouble with desktop stuff.09:14
gammyI don't understand why it's a desktop issue.09:15
gammyYou have as of yet not explained that.09:15
sorenLook at policykit's description.09:15
hadsOoo circles09:15
sorenIt's not that hard.09:15
gammysoren: Yes, but let's *ignore* policykit for a minute.09:15
Kamping_Kaisergammy, you can `aptitude why $package` to find out what you installed that drew in policy kit as a dependancy (assuming you didnt manually install it )09:15
gammysoren: And let's look at console-kit-daemon09:15
soren...which yells about policykit.09:15
sorenRight? That's your problem, isn't it?09:16
gammySo the server component is whining about a desktop component09:16
gammyand you're telling me this is *not* a server issue?09:16
sorenCan't you just accept that the desktop guys are the guys who deal with consolekit and policykit?09:16
gammyyou just told me desktop was "dealt with" by the desktop guys. you had not previously said so.09:16
gammySo now I know.09:17
gammyI .. guess.09:17
sorenDo you honestly think it's more useful if I just say "I don't know" instead of leading you to the right place to ask your questions?09:17
sorenBloody hell!09:17
soren09:16:59 < gammy> you just told me desktop was "dealt with" by the desktop guys. you had not previously said so.09:17
soren??? Big surprises there.09:17
sorenDesktop guys deal with desktops. Who would have guessed?09:17
hadsNever would have guessed that.09:18
sorenNo, how could you?09:18
lukehasnonameGUYS, guys... I'm trying to code, all this blinking is distracting me09:18
* soren glances at his 381 irc windows and sends no sympathy to lukehasnoname09:18
domaslet's hilight lukehasnoname a bit too!09:19
Kamping_Kaiserlukehasnoname, hehe09:19
domasso that lukehasnoname's coding would be more productive!09:19
Kamping_Kaiserdomas, but lukehasnoname might be struggling!09:19
domasyeah, but if we don't hilight, lukehasnoname would stop coding!09:19
Kamping_Kaiserdomas, ah in that case i guess lukehasnoname better stay in converstaion :D09:20
lukehasnonamewhy can't 1/0 be defined09:20
lukehasnonamethen I wouldn't have to handle that09:20
sorenlukehasnoname: It is defined.09:21
sorenlukehasnoname: It's \infty09:21
lukehasnonamenew idea for a language function09:22
lukehasnonamedouble IntegerOffset(int n)09:23
lukehasnonamereturns a number VERY MINUTELY tweaked below or above n09:23
lukehasnonamedouble IntegerOffset(int n, bool upDown = 1) //0 is down, 1 is up09:24
sorenAt any rate, 1/0 is defined. It's positive infinity.09:25
soreninfinity: Not you.09:25
sorenHowever, using that as an offset might not be defined. It depends.09:25
lukehasnonameso IntegerOffset(0, 1) would return 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 or similar. I suppose I could define that as 0+Math.pow(1, pow(10,20))09:25
lukehasnonameI'm writing a genetic algorithm whose fitness score is 1/radius of a circle09:26
lukehasnonameif that radius is calc'ed to 0, then I have to handle it09:26
sorenA circle can't have a radius of 0.09:28
sorenA circle is the set of points at a given distance from a given point. The set of points at 0 distance from a point is just the point itself.09:29
lukehasnonamerather, I'm calculating the max radius a circle can have, given a center and some parameters to meet09:29
lukehasnonamethere are times that the parameters are not met and the max radius val is 009:29
lukehasnonameI have 8 hours to debug my algorithm, run tests on it, and write a one page paper about it for a test grade09:33
Kamping_Kaiserif $rad=0; <do not fail painfully>; fi ?09:34
sorenif radius==0: <forget everything you used to believe about circles>09:37
lukehasnonameThe zeros thing isn't trouble anymore, I don't think... it's something else now.09:39
domassoren: you're not that good at math, are you?09:46
domassoren: 1/0 is not infinity09:46
Deepsthe internet disagrees09:47
domasDeeps: <309:47
domassoren: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_by_zero :)09:47
sorendomas: I just don't limit myself to real maths.09:55
sorendomas: I studied maths at university. I usually know what I'm talking about.09:55
domasoh, wait, me too! :)09:56
domasI wonder how you get the 'positive infinity' number09:56
sorenWhat else would it yield?09:59
domasnegative infinity, if you approach it with a limit :)10:00
domasof course, if you define a concept of unsigned infinity, you can use it as much as you want10:00
domasI don't like math10:00
sorenMe neither.10:02
sorenIronically :)10:02
sorenAbstract algebra is wicked cool.10:02
sorenPretty much anything else, I really don't like very much.10:03
domasmath is applied philosophy :)10:03
domasphysics are applied math \o/10:03
domassome more nested applied sciences10:03
domasand we end up building information systems :)10:03
domasand sit in #ubuntu-server10:04
jamey-ukI'm trying to get a custom shell script to run when I insert a USB hard drive, so far I've installed autofs and "/etc/init.d/autofs status" returns this as the configured mountpoint: "/usr/sbin/automount --timeout=300 /media program /tmp/test.sh". But it doesn't work, any ideas?10:50
yann2nijaba   http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/29106  :)12:43
yann2ah right, <52.. good we updated too hardy :)12:44
Spirits-Sightwhat do I type to install LAMP on Ubuntu13:15
Deepsand select it from the list13:16
Spirits-Sightdo I do that at the term13:17
Deepssudo tasksel13:18
_rubenor sudo apt-get install lamp-server^13:20
Spirits-Sightthanks for your help13:23
jamey-ukDoes anyone have any experience with ivman?13:36
jamey-ukI'm trying to get a script to run when an external USB hard drive is plugged in. So far I've tried usbmount, udev rules and now ivman. I've been watching /var/log/messages, USB drive is initiated as /dev/sdb but none of the daemons have worked and run my test script. Can someone help me?13:39
sorenjamey-uk: I'd use dbus and subscribe to DeviceAdded events from Hal.13:40
sorenI didn't know about ivman. It seems like it does kind of the same thing?13:40
jamey-uksoren: yeah I think it must do. So I have to apt-get install dbus then? I don't understand, how/what is "subscribing" to the DeviceAdded event?13:40
sorenIt's a dbus term.13:41
sorenDBUs has a notion of signals to which you can subscribe.13:41
sorenHal emits DeviceAdded and DeviceRemoved signals when... Well, I imagine you can guess when :)13:41
jamey-ukthanks, so how does Dbus relate to Hal, it's basically the bus that hal reports onto?13:42
sorenPretty much.13:42
sorenHow does ivman fail you?13:42
sorenI'm looking at its config now, and it seems to do what you want?13:42
sorenBetter yet: What are you trying to do exactly?13:43
jamey-ukyeah it does, none of the tools i've tried have worked which leads me to believe I've set something up wrong or haven't got a needed package13:43
jamey-uksoren: thanks for asking :)13:43
jamey-ukwe've got a truecrypt encrypted drive, we want it to automount this external usb drive when you plug it in, but we don't want regular mount* stuff, we've got a command/shell script that will mount the drive for us. so far, when you plug it in dmesg says it's assigned to /dev/sdb. And we can succesfully mount it manually into somewhere like /media/usb-backup.13:44
jamey-ukso now I just need *anything* to make a script run when a usb (hard drive) is plugged in. sounds simple, so far proved to be very tricky!13:44
jamey-ukany help would be much appreciated :)13:44
sorenAt the bottom of /etc/ivman/IvmConfigActions.xml...13:45
sorenthere's a match-all snippet.13:45
sorenDo you see it?13:45
sorenIt's uncommented right now.13:45
jamey-ukerm, looking in that file, no 'match-all'...?13:47
sorenIt doesn't say "match-all"13:47
jamey-ukoh heh13:47
soren 97     <ivm:Match name="*">13:47
jamey-ukah gotcha "...Match name="*"'13:47
sorenThe line just before that one says: \!--13:47
soren<!--, I mean.13:47
sorenRemove that...13:47
jamey-ukyep, so remove the XML <!-- and --> comment delimiters, gotcha :P13:48
sorenand the line just below </ivm:Match>, which reads "-->"13:48
jamey-uk /etc/init.d/ivman force-reload13:48
sorenRestart ivman (sudo /etc/init.d/ivman restart)13:48
jamey-uk"Restarting ivman: manager.c:1387 (do_startup_configure) Directory /etc/ivman/ will be used for configuration files."13:48
sorenYes, that should do it too..13:48
sorentail -f /tmp/devices13:48
sorenand try plugging something in13:48
jamey-ukokay, here goes :P13:49
jamey-uk*awesome*, it works :D13:50
jamey-uk"usb_device_1058_702_5758485A3037303239313933 attached at Thu Nov 6 13:50:25 GMT 2008"13:50
sorenOk. So ivman works :)13:50
jamey-ukso..., how do I get it to run a script now? :)13:50
jamey-ukfantastic, *nothing* has so far!13:50
sorenLook at the config file.13:50
jamey-ukso an exec line13:50
sorenThe part you just enabled runs a command line.13:50
sorenJust change that to point to your script.13:51
jamey-ukwhat is "execun" vs exec13:51
sorenProbably unplug vs plug13:51
sorenI don't know, to be honest.13:51
jamey-ukoh, der13:51
sorenI've never used ivman.13:51
jamey-ukyeah it is lol13:51
jamey-ukokay so i'm going to tell it to run /tmp/test.sh, which is a simple bash script that echo's "Running script" then touch's /tmp/it-is-running (which I just rm'd)13:52
sorenHere's a trick:13:52
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sorenWhen the drive is plugged in, use lshal to find the name of the attribute you want to look for.13:52
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sorenIn your case, you want the one that tells you the name of the block devices.13:52
sorenSorry, block device. Not plural.13:53
jamey-ukokay let me just check this script works (because it hasn't yet) and then we can get onto lshal :)13:53
sorenRight. When you're comfortable that it works, run lshal, find your harddrive and pastebin that part that pertains to that.13:54
jamey-ukOkay, it works fantastic :D13:57
sorenjamey-uk: Ok, for starters, try replacing the match name="*" thing with this:13:59
soren<ivm:Match name="hal.usb_device.serial" value="5758485A3037303239313933">13:59
soren...and see if it still triggers.13:59
soren(don't forget to restart ivman)14:00
sorenI don't know if it picks up changed config files, so I'm just taking the safe approach.14:00
jamey-ukyep, it's still working with serial clause :)14:01
jamey-ukyeah I did force-reload14:01
jamey-ukmaybe I could do it on hal.info.product ("External HDD") because we're going to be using two different external HDDs that both will be mounted with the same encryption etc14:02
jamey-ukawesome, thank you *very* much soren :)14:02
sorenOk, what you probably want to do now is to find the disk in /dev/disk/by-id/14:03
sorenor /dev/disk/by-uuid/14:03
sorenand use that in your script.14:03
scienteswhy does everybody have to do all this virtualization junk when unix has had all of the same abilities with 0 overhead for decades?14:03
sorenThis way, ivman will make sure your script is only called for the right devices.14:03
scientesis it just cause windows sucks?14:04
soren...and your script will make sure it find the right block device to mount.14:04
sorenscientes: Because it hasn't.14:04
scientesyou have to run the same kernel but otherwise what is differnt?14:04
sorenPrimarily, anyway.14:05
sorenLots of other stuff, too.14:05
scientesIts just doing a second round of permissionss, software and hardware, when there are allready these things14:05
sorenMigration options, for instance.14:05
scientesit just seems like its all there but developemers have neglected it so we have to do the meta=solution14:06
sorenscientes: You clearly don't know what you're talking about.14:06
sorenExplain to me what you'd do instead of using virtualisation?14:07
sorenWhat are these magic old school incantations that achieve the same thing?14:07
scientesrun the same app under differnt users with differnt permissions, and SELinux, etc14:08
scientesand yeah chroots14:08
scientesi guess the virtualization is cleaner, and makes the the kernel do one task and irt another14:08
sorenThese things all run in the same memory space, process space, filesystem, network...14:08
jamey-uksoren: or instead of /dev/disk/by-id/* I could use that match line with hal.info.udi ('/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1058_702_5758485A3037303239313933')?14:09
sorenjamey-uk: You can't use that to mount the disk.14:09
sorenjamey-uk: ...because that's not the name of a block device.14:09
scientesyou can multicast the network exactally the same as a virtual machine does, memory space is kept clean by access controls in kernel14:09
sorenscientes: No, it's not.14:09
scientesand nice etc control scheduling14:09
jamey-uksoren: ah sorry I thought you meant to use that as a "filter" so that only *that* USB hard drive gets mounted14:09
sorenNo, no. It was to make sure you grab the correct block device.14:10
jamey-ukyou mean to use /dev/disk/by-id/* to find where the symbolic link goes to, and that is the block address for the HDD14:10
jamey-ukcool, thanks14:10
soren/dev/sd? are handed out as devices pop up.14:10
jamey-ukit's ok, they're always going to be /dev/sdb because we're only connecting a single USB HDD at once (well USB device in general)14:10
sorenjamey-uk: Don't bother following the symlink. Just use the symlink directly.14:10
sorenjamey-uk: Well, yes, until something goes bad and you have a block device that's stuck for some reason.. :)14:11
sorenIt happens :)14:11
jamey-uksoren: okay so better safe than sorry, I should have a script for each drive that looks in /dev/disk/by-id/ for the expected symlink and use this to mount? :)14:11
jamey-ukand then two different match blocks in ivman conf file?14:11
sorenjamey-uk: Unless I'm gravely mistaken, the symlink will be named after one of the attributes you can see from hal. Pass that on the command line to your script.14:12
soren...and you can get by with just one script.14:12
soren...but possibly two match rules in ivman's config.14:12
jamey-ukah, clever14:12
sorenOr perhas ivman has other clever ways to handle it. I don't know. This is the first time I've ever heard of ivman :)14:13
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jamey-uksoren: unfortunately not, the symlink is "usb-WD_3200BEV_External_5758485A3037303239313933-0:0" which isn't in http://pastebin.ca/124686614:13
sorenIt's derived from the serial.14:13
jamey-ukso what do you suggest?14:14
sorenHow many files match /dev/disk/by-id/*5758485A3037303239313933* ?14:14
jamey-ukah I see :)14:15
sorenHeh :)14:15
sorenscientes: Anything that has root privs can go snooping around in every other process's memory space.14:16
sorenscientes: Anything that runs as user foo can go snooping around in every other process run by user foo.14:16
scientesbut if you took away the 1024 port limit nothing would ever need root privs14:17
sorenOh, really?14:17
scientesand there is a practically unlimited number of users available14:17
sorencron could magically run as a non-privileged user?14:17
sorenbackup systems?14:18
sorenmail servers?14:18
scientesok, then its just a way to get around lowsey old unix defaults14:18
sorenAnd if anything could listen below port 1024, *any* user could hijack the ssh port, the http port or any other port during logrotate, for instance.14:19
scientesnot if you set user permission to specific ip addresses,14:19
scientesidk, hardware is suddnly going to be rewritten for hypervisors and we are going to have sub-kernels, i guess thats ok14:20
sorenHow does user permissions relate to ip addressses and how does that relate to privileged port hijacking?14:21
sorenYou're essentially saying that if we redefine the entire security model we already have, we wouldn't need virtualisation...14:21
sorena) We're not going to do that14:22
sorenb) There's lots of other benefits of virtualisation14:22
sorenHave you ever managed a system that you later needed to split over several machines due to performance requirements changing?14:23
jamey-uksoren: this doesn't pass the serial number on: <ivm:Option name="exec" value="/root/scripts/backup_to_usb2.sh `$hal.usb_device.serial`" />, is my syntax wrong? (I've got it "touch /tmp/$1"-ing)14:25
sorenI think you need a $ at the end as well.14:26
jamey-ukoh yeah *duh* thanks :)14:27
jamey-ukshould it be enclosed in back ticks or single quotes?14:27
sorenjamey-uk: Neither, probably.14:30
sorenjamey-uk: It doesn't look like something that really needs escaping, but to be on the safe side, you can put it in single quotes.14:31
Spirits-Sightwhat do I do to connect to a system on the outside network when there is more then one system on the network for VNC14:34
jamey-uksoren: I'm learning the basics of bash scripting heh14:35
sorenSpirits-Sight: Huh?14:36
Spirits-SightI am trying to test and see if I can connect to a computer on my network from the outside, I am not sure what I have to do to make it see able, I know it works from the network but I am unable to connect if I just use the WAN IP address14:37
jamey-uksoren: in my shell script I have this: DRIVE=`ls /dev/disk/by-id/*$1*` ... If ls failed it is set to "ls: cannot access /dev/disk/by-id/*[xxxxxx]*: No such file or directory"... How can I check whether it has "failed" and so exit the script early? :)14:40
yann2jamey-uk > http://pastealacon.com/160314:41
jamey-ukyann2: so it returns 2 if it fails, 0 otherwise? :)14:42
Deeps0 if it succeeds14:42
Deeps>0 if failed14:42
Deepstrue of most applcations you run14:43
jamey-ukhttp://pastealacon.com/1604 > the syntax must be wrong because even when $? returns 0 it echo's "ls failed", where am I going wrong? :)14:47
Deepsjamey-uk: -gt, -lt, -eq, not >, < or =, when dealing with numbers14:51
jamey-ukDeeps: thanks, I've now got: "if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then". How do I add "or if $DRIVE is empty" to that if statement?14:53
PizarroHellow everyone15:01
PizarroI just installed Ubuntu Server 8 and I wonder if eBox comes already isntalled (I don't know how to acces it). If not I tried to install it by apt-get install ebox but I get a broken dependencies error. Can anyone help me please? thanks15:02
Deepsif [ "$DRIVE" == "" ]15:06
PizarroDeeps, is that for me?15:06
DeepsPizarro: no, it's for jamey-uk15:06
Deeps!ebox | Pizarro15:06
ubottuPizarro: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox15:06
Deepsis all i can suggest15:06
Deepsthat and looking if there's any bugs on launchpad of anyone having the same problem as you15:07
PizarroI dont understand this line:15:08
Pizarrosudo apt-get install “^ebox-.*”15:08
jamey-ukDeeps: I get "[: 46: ==: unexpected operator]"?15:08
Pizarrowhat are those symbols around ebox?15:08
jamey-ukPizarro: it means match any packages that begin with "ebox-" and have any characters after that, e.g. "ebox-", "ebox-something", "ebox-sdkfjsdkgfjsdkl"15:09
jamey-ukso effectively, install all ebox related stuff15:09
Pizarroyes but I am talking about this:  “^15:09
Deepslooks like an error15:10
Deepssudo apt-get install ^ebox-.*15:10
Pizarroah ok, it is confussing ok ok15:10
jamey-ukyeah ? means "0 or 1 of ^ebox" but seems like an aerror15:10
Deepsthe ^ and .* are used in regular expressions15:10
Pizarrolet's try that15:10
jamey-ukDeeps, was that to me? any idea why I get == being an unexpected operator?15:11
Pizarroso I don't have to type  “, do I?15:11
Deepssudo apt-get install ^ebox-.*15:11
Pizarrook, thaks15:11
Deepsjamey-uk: no, google for bash scripting / bash conditional guides15:12
Pizarroi got a broken packets error15:12
Pizarroand this is a brand new server isntallation, just 10mi ago15:12
DeepsPizarro: paste the full error into a pastebin?15:13
Pizarroit is in spanish...15:13
Pizarrobut anyway15:13
Pizarro"Hecho" is done15:14
Pizarrothe line 16 says15:14
Deepsproblem resides with the 'libapache-authcookie-perl' package15:15
Pizarroyeah that's right15:15
Deepshablo espaniol ;)15:15
Pizarroit says "it's not installable"15:15
PizarroHa ok, perfecto entonces15:15
Deepsin here we speak english though15:15
Pizarrothe channel?15:15
Pizarroah ok15:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 255368 in ebox "ebox: Depends: libapache-authcookie-perl but it is not installable " [Undecided,Confirmed]15:16
Pizarrolet's see15:16
Pizarroso basically the file was removed, that's the issue15:17
alpine_stylelet's say i stuff a NIC card in my Ubuntu server and it's recognized as eth0, then one day i pull it out how do i free up eth0 so it can be used again by another NIC at the OS level?15:17
Deepsalpine_style: /etc/udev/rules.d/??-persistent-net.rules15:18
PizarroIs there any other alternative to eBox?15:19
PizarroI don't feel confident using it now after this..15:19
Deepsnot that is supported by ubuntu15:19
Deepsthere are various other tools that do similar things15:19
PizarroSuported by ubuntu?15:19
Deepswebmin, ispconfig15:19
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.15:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ispconfig15:20
Deepsfair enough15:20
PizarroWell I would say the ebox is not longer suported by Ubuntu too, since you can't install it due no existing dependencies15:20
Deepswell, it is officially supported, that it cant be installed right now is a bug15:20
PizarroWell I can download manually from launchpad, but how can I do it from the server? wget?15:21
alpine_styleDeeps: can you just delete the iface from that file?15:22
PizarroIs it possible to do this?: apt-get [whatever].deb ?15:22
Deepsalpine_style: yep15:22
alpine_styleDeeps: wow, never new anything about that trick15:23
PizarroI mean, sorry. apt-get install [whatever].deb15:23
DeepsPizarro: nope, you either need to add the launchpad repository to your apt sources, or you need to wget all the relevant debs and dpkg -i blah.deb15:23
PizarroDeeps, I already downloaded the main ebox package, but to install a DEB pkg from the command line? Shall I use apt-get install too?15:24
Deepsapt-get will download packages from the apt repositories listed in your apt sources file15:26
Deepsdpkg -i will install deb files you've downloaded yourself manually15:26
alpine_styleDeeps: you can delete lines from 70-persistent-net.rules, but as soon as you reboot they just reappear15:33
netratwhen doing a new install of ubuntu server 8.04 or 8.10 with LVM on top of software raid, is LVM automatically aligned with stripe size of the raid?15:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #294728 in samba (main) "Public shares not possible in home folder (Hardy 8.04) " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29472815:39
Pizarronew issue15:42
PizarroI want to install a vpn server to get access to Microsoft comptuers outthere..however using OpenVPN I have to setup certificates to give to the clients..which is not usuall under Micrsosoft enciroments when usint the default vpn client..any clue?15:43
netratif you want to use openvpn in windows, then you have to install the openvpn client15:45
Pizarroso they can't use the default XP vpn cliente, right?15:45
netratMicrosoft XP has built-in support for PPTP and L2TP vpn tunnels15:45
PizarroFor example, I was given only an VPN account name and password, nothing else, and I can connect to that VPN network...I want to do the same in my side, but using OpenVPN I have to send each client a certificate!!!15:46
Pizarrowhich is a little bit complicated since the users can use difierent computers15:47
Pizarroam I right?15:47
netratinstall a pptp server on your ubuntu box15:47
PizarroAh i tried to instal poptop in the last server isntallation and I couldn't make it to work properly; whenever the clients use to get disconnected after some seconds15:48
PizarroAnd I couldn solve it, and no help15:48
Pizarroso I wanted to move to OpenVpn15:48
Pizarrois there any alternative to poptop?15:49
AlekaTrying to get help on where the setting to turn the terminal bell would be >> right now I am doing setterm -bfreq 0 , but that is per session15:50
PizarroAlso I cant install OpenVPN!!!!! I got the same dependencies error as when installing ebox!!15:53
PizarroIs this happengin only to me?15:53
PizarroCould you please check the packet "openvpn"?15:54
PizarroPLEASE Can anyone help me with Open VPN??? I am really bad16:45
PizarroNobody can help me please???16:52
PizarroI really want to keep going with linux, but the situation forces me to move on with another thing16:53
PizarroHi, can anyone explain me how to set up a VPN network???17:27
PizarroI am confusesd about local ip and remote ip17:27
PizarroI dont understand de concept17:27
darkvertexPizarro: read about it here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network and http://openvpn.net17:31
darkvertexPizarro: you're welcome17:34
penguinhuntersAnyone have some good documentation on migrating 2003 AD information into openLDAP...17:37
ghost3I have an issue.. I have a tower im using as a server at my brothers house cause he has high speed access. there are 3 pc connected to the router which issuse ip address in the likes of and so on. but when I goto whatismyip.com it give me a diffrant ip addy.. my server is running a noip client but when ever I try to access my server from a remote site it times out. any ideals?17:59
darkvertexghost3: that would be because whatismyip.com sees your legal ip addr.18:02
ghost3ok, the router they have is for there voip phone. not sure if I should/can disable dhcp on the router..if I did/could would that fix the issue and if not what could I do to access it?18:03
darkvertexghost3: by what ip addr sis you try to connect to your server? the 192.168.xx.xx one? that would not work.18:06
ghost3no. I know that is for the local network. the noip I was using was michaelhoward.hopto.org I started noip client on this pc so it canceled out the redirection to this pc..i just stoped the client and the server should up date the client here in a few mins. I don't remember the ip18:09
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ghost3the server is of course running ubuntu but my brothers pc are running windows xp & vista. im not sure what the network is doing with 3 diff os's captureing the request on one legal ip address.18:12
ghost3im watching my noip account on line when the server sends for the up date ill get the ip address then ill tell you what it is.18:14
ghost3is anyone thinking about what I said or am I wasting my time? its just to quiet not sure if anyone is listening18:16
darkvertexghost3: The differences in OS's doesn't really matter, they're NAT-ed to a single legal ip addr. That is common usage at a small network (e.g. home network, soho etc). I just don't quite get your question.18:17
unit3ok, I've been tracking bug #286080, problems with apparmor.18:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 286080 in apparmor "cups fails to print to network printer if resolvconf package is installed (apparmor)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28608018:18
unit3and after a bunch of discussion with jdstrand, and building a new proposed apparmor package...18:18
unit3I'm still having problems with apparmor.18:18
PizarroOk, I solved the VPN connection, now it is working with PPTP instead ofr OpenVPN18:18
unit3jd helped me track it down to the apparmor profile for clamav-daemon, which doesn't contain a reference to the latest resolvconf stuff, and suggested I purge and reinstall clamav-daemon to get it to install the correct version of that profile.18:19
ghost3ok. thank you. when ever I goto michaelhoward.hopto.org it times out. I have apache listing on port 8080 and I have some other services running.. I can't access any of them.18:19
unit3So I've done that, but it's still broken.18:19
darkvertexPizarro: great! :)18:19
unit3I verified after a purge that /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.clamd was gone, and that after apt-get install apparmor it came back.18:19
unit3But it's the same broken version that's supposed to be updated in the intrepid package.18:20
Pizarrodarkvertex, yeah, my issue was due the staff related to certificates with OpenVPN, so finally I went with PopTop18:20
unit3ie, doesn't contain a reference to "#include <abstractions/nameservice>"18:20
unit3Does the i386 version of this package just contain an old version of the config file, or what?18:20
PizarroNow I have another question (last one I promess), Is there any web tool to manage Ubuntu server remotly? (eBox is not installable now sine one of the dependencies has been removed temporaly because is bugy), and Wibmin is not supported by Ubunut anymore18:21
ghost3pizarro: I use webmin.18:22
Pizarroghost3, How did you install it? It is not under apt18:22
ghost3browser based server admin tool18:22
ghost3you have to download it. very easy to install. ill find the link18:23
Pizarrook thanks mate18:23
darkvertexghost3: What are you trying to do? Connect to your server over the internet? I can  ping michaelhoward.hopto.org fine right now.18:23
penguinhuntersnow that we have some activity I will ask again...18:23
penguinhuntersAnyone have some good documentation on migrating 2003 AD information into openLDAP...18:23
ghost3pizarro http://www.webmin.com/18:23
jdstrandunit3: :/18:23
Pizarroghost3, thanks, I'll take a look18:24
unit3jdstrand: yeah, I'm pretty puzzled... I'm going to go pull apart the package file I've got in /var/cache/apt, and see what the config looks like in there.18:24
jdstrandunit3: it appears *I* had a modified usr.sbin.clamd file18:24
unit3... :)18:24
* jdstrand filly very silly18:24
ghost3darkvertex yes. that address is to noip.com which redirects to my server.18:24
unit3Heh, well, at least we're tracking it down. :)18:24
darkvertexpenguinhunters: sorry, no idea18:24
unit3So, wanna get your modified config into clamav-daemon? ;)18:24
ScottKjdstrand: You probably tested the TCP sockets change I haven't uploaded yet.18:26
unit3ScottK: oh, is that for a fresh copy of clam not being allowed to start a socket? because I'm running into that now after the purge-reinstall, and I *really* need clam to be running because dspam (and exim) block on it missing. :(18:28
unit3oh, I guess if I just unload the apparmor profiles it starts.18:29
Pizarroghost3, can't install webmin18:29
unit3I should mark the clamd profile as warn rather than enforce for now, I guess.18:29
darkvertexghost3: pinging to that address never times out for me. FTI, I'm across an ocean from where you are.  But I can't access your web on 8080 port.18:29
Pizarroghost3, I get the same error as with ebox,18:29
jdstrandunit3: just put in in complain mode18:29
unit3jdstrand: yeah, that's what I meant. :)18:30
jdstrandunit3: you can also update it yourself-- it's just a conffile18:30
Pizarroghost3, there are some libs that have been remoeved from the repositories18:30
unit3jdstrand: I just don't want to get into the situation where it sees it modified, so I don't get the newest maintainer version on upgrade in future releases.18:30
Pizarrois not under the repositories now,18:30
ScottKunit3: Or you can make this change to the profile and have it work: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/18953684/usr.sbin.clamd-patch18:32
darkvertexghost3: If you encounter the same problem, that is you cannot access the web server, then I suggest you open port 8080 on you firewall/router.18:32
unit3ScottK: oh, that's where that patch is... no, I'm cool with complain mode for now if I know that it'll get patched into an official package shortly.18:33
ghost3darkvertex ill try that when I go back over there. duh. I can't believe I didn't think of that. thanks18:33
jdstrandunit3: yes, it is bug #288942 that I verified, which is why I had the updated profile installed18:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 288942 in clamav "clamd daemon fails to load" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28894218:47
unit3jdstrand: gotcha, makes sense.18:48
jdstrandScottK: what is the git repo for clamav? I can't seem to find it in the alioth pages18:48
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unit3Now if I can just get some motion on the killer raid10 bug I found yesterday, I'll be feeling better about intrepid.18:48
ScottKjdstrand: ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-clamav/clamav18:49
jdstrandScottK: thanks18:49
jdstrandScottK: btw-- any word on when that will get uploaded?18:50
ScottKjdstrand: They're working on 0.94.1 now (there has been ML traffic).  Once they've uploaded, I'll have it for Jaunty and intrepid-updates very shortly.18:50
jdstrandScottK: great! thanks18:51
unit3Do any of the kernel (package) maintainers hang out here at all, or do I need to another channel to get their ear?18:51
unit3or are they too busy right now to discuss stuff on irc? ;)18:52
ghost3it got real quite when you asked about that unit318:53
unit3I noticed. ;)18:55
ghost3shhh...were taking a nap18:55
unit3I'll take the hint for now, but honestly, bug #285156 has me quaking in my boots...18:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 285156 in mdadm "mdadm RAID10 arrays cannot be rebuilt, will not use available spare drives" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28515618:56
unit3I've got at least two machines on raid10 that have been upgraded to intrepid before I discovered that issue, and one of them has already had a drive failure... and as of now, I have no way of fixing that array.18:56
unit3So I'm pretty worried.18:56
ghost3downgrade to 8.04?18:57
ghost3is this a 8.10 bug only?18:57
unit3it seems to be a 2.6.27 bug actually.18:57
unit3although that's only been confirmed across debian and ubuntu so far, so it could be a debian packaging problem too.18:57
unit3but behaviour looks like a kernel regression since .2618:57
ghost3hmmm... is it possible to downgrade your kernal?18:58
unit3Maybe, might be the easiest solution.18:58
ghost3test it on a DD'ed partion.18:58
unit3ghost3: you mean the re-add? dd it out from /dev/zero and then add it?18:59
unit3I'll try that, and then see if I can grab a debian linux-source-2.6.26 to build a kernel package from.19:00
unit3assuming there isn't too much difference between the debian and ubuntu kernel packages?19:00
ghost3if it works let everyone know. for a short term soultion anyway19:00
slicslakso.... the full vim isntalled by default right?  what do i have to install to get it?  i thought i had done it before with the package name vim, but aptitude says that's already installed19:01
unit3ghost3: will do, and I'll post results on the bug of course.19:01
ScottKunit3: Ubuntu does their kernel completely seperately from Debian.19:01
unit3ScottK: ok... is there a source or amd64 generic package for 2.6.26?19:01
ivoksapt-get source linux-image-2.6.26-generic19:01
ivoksapt-get source linux-image-2.6.26-XY-generic19:02
ScottKNot any more.19:02
unit3yeah, that's what I thought... :(19:02
ivoksoh, right... 2.6.26 :)19:02
unit3well, regardless, dd'ing now.19:02
ScottKunit3: You should be able to dig through the history of the linux-source (I think that's what it's called) and find 2.6.2619:02
unit3ScottK: dig through where? on launchpad somewhere? or in git?19:03
ScottKOn Launchpad somewhere.  Git would work too no doubt.19:04
unit3ok... I'll poke at launchpad since I don't know the git setup as well...19:04
unit3after I get control of my machine back though, since that dd is apparently doing a number on my system responsiveness. :(19:04
slicslaknvm, had to do a update first19:05
BaversjoUbuntu Professionals! Is there any way i could invoke a script when a user is authenicating? Not when the user is authenicated, before that.19:16
unit3Baversjo: you could with a custom pam module, although that may be more programming than you're looking for.19:17
unit3Not sure if there already exists a pam module that just runs a custom script.19:18
BaversjoWould be great if it did19:18
BaversjoHere is my problem: I don't want multiple instances of the same users (needed) on my system. When I am connected to my SSHD and my Internet goes down, I'm still logged in on that computer. Then my users cannot login again.19:19
BaversjoBecause they are allready logged in!19:19
unit3I'm not sure what you mean... you don't want people to login more than once?19:20
unit3I'm not sure how that relates to a loss of internet access though...19:20
BaversjoWhen a user is allready connected, I don't want the same user to be able to connect on another computer. I added this line in the /etc/security/limits.conf for this to be possible: @ssh - maxlogins 119:22
BaversjoThis works great, but the user is still connected when his/her connection to the server is somehow interupted, and then they cannot login again.19:22
ScottKBaversjo: But can't they just work around this by ssh to another machine from the remote one they are in?19:23
unit3Baversjo: oh, is your problem primarily that if the connection gets interrupted, and there's an existing connection, they can't establish a new connection?19:24
BaversjoScottK: I'm using scponly so they can't do that, even if I don't care acually. I don't want them to be logged in to my system with multipe instances.19:24
unit3I'm not sure how you'd work around that, other than having an idle timeout on existing logins.19:25
Baversjounit3: Exactly.19:25
unit3Lemme check the sshd_config manpage, see if it's got any helpful hints. :)19:25
Baversjounit3: Thank you very much :D19:25
unit3oh, there is an idle timeout option:19:25
unit3ClientAliveInterval. by default it's not used, but you can set it to a number of seconds, after which it will disconnect a client that hasn't sent anything.19:26
unit3So if you set that to something suitably low, like 30s, then if there's a connection interruption they should only have to wait 30 seconds before they can login again.19:26
unit3Will that work for you?19:26
unit3Also, note that it only works with SSH/SFTP v2 clients.19:27
Baversjoye i have that19:27
unit3Ok, well, give that a try then, see if it works the way you want.19:27
Baversjounit3: But I don't know, the user can't send any commands to the server so they will maybe be disconnected immidietly.19:28
BaversjoI'm building a proxy service xD19:28
unit3Baversjo: it doesn't mean commandline commands, it just means as part of the protocol it requests a response from the client.19:29
unit3any ssh/sftp v2 client should send those responses automatically.19:29
unit3so you shouldn't have to worry about it, the only time it should disconnect someone is if the connection gets interrupted for the amount you specified.19:29
BaversjoNice, I'm using putty (or actually plink, command line putty) to make the connection. I'm going to disconnect and w8 for a minute and two now and see if it works and I'll come back here after that :D19:33
Baversjoor two*19:33
unit3ok. :)19:33
unit3oh, except it may not work for existing connections.19:33
unit3you probably need to put that into the sshd_config, then restart sshd, then make a new connection to test it with.19:34
Baversjoye done already xD19:35
unit3heheh alright then. :)19:37
Baversjo_Yey it worked! Thx unit3!19:38
unit3Cool, good to hear. :)19:39
unit3alright, back to my raid10 issue... spare partition has been zeroed, time to re-add again.19:40
Baversjo_I've built my own proxy program that is powered by Ubuntu, sshd and Putty and users connect to my server using their MAC-address as username and their own password, the thing with this feature is that users cannot use their account on different computers even if they MAC-spoof because the user only can be connected with one instance at once ^^. Success! :D19:40
unit3Neat. :)19:40
unit3Damnit! even after zeroing the partition, it refuses to rebuild the array. :(19:41
unit3well, I'll update the ticket with that anyway. Time to build a 2.6.26 kernel package.19:41
Baversjo_unit3: Sounds complicated :S xD19:41
unit3Baversjo: yeah, it's a rather nasty bug with raid10 in intrepid... so don't upgrade any machines that are using linux software raid10 to intrepid just yet. :(19:41
Baversjo_unit3: I started with Linux like one year ago and I got to admit that i thought it sucked pretty much from the beggining. But now when I've learned the basics I find it much better then Windows that I'm used to.19:43
unit3Baversjo: it's one of those things that's really powerful once you learn more, and makes it difficult to go back because you expect that level of power and control everywhere else. ;)19:44
Baversjo_agreed :D19:45
jdstrandScottK: where is the debian/ directory for pkg-clamav? is it in a different repo?19:56
ScottKThere are several branches there.19:56
ScottKThere's a 0.94.1 and a 0.94.1+debian.19:56
ScottKDebian's debian dir is in the latter.19:57
ScottKThere is also an Ubuntu/devel branch that has our changes in it.19:57
jdstrandok-- I thought I checked there, but must have missed it19:57
jdstrandScottK: thanks19:57
Aleka've been getting a "302 Moved Temporarily [IP: 80]" on a lot of my apt sources today (universe, multiverse). This is a clean server install.. anything I need to correct?20:04
andolAleka: I'm not sure on how apt handles those? Does it automagially follow the new url?20:06
andolAleka: Or does it simply break?20:06
Alekajust breaks20:06
=== Aleka is now known as aleka
andolAleka: Well, then you might want to use another mirror, at least temporary.20:08
andolaleka: the 302 is a standard http response. In other word it is something happening on the repository mirror, not on your computer.20:09
alekaandol: At this point, they're all pointing to us.*.ubuntu*, should I just have all of them point to *ubuntu.com?20:10
andolaleka: Not entirely sure what the best syntax/choice is when it comes to US-mirrors.20:11
andolaleka: If you know a good one close by I would specify it by name.20:11
andolaleka: Those I am familiar with are in Sweden, and most likely not your first choice :-)20:12
alekalol.. I guess not20:12
alekaI am just wondering if I should try and remove the us mirror and just have it point to ubuntu.com20:12
andolaleka: That would work, but might not be optimal20:13
andolaleka: Another option is to pick one from here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors20:13
alekaandol: Actually, its not even the us mirrors a getting the http error on... its the security repos(security.ubuntu.com) and the archive (which is a us mirror)20:14
andolaleka: That sounds more strange then. Myself I have no trouble reaching security.ubuntu.com20:15
andolaleka: In short, I don't know then :) Perhaps there are some local problem, or you might be behind some kind of proxy or I don't know20:16
alekaI can't even ping it20:17
andolaleka: right now I'm mostly guessning20:17
alekaandol: Thanks... will try to get it figured out20:17
unit3ugg... I forgot dpkg-buildpackage -b builds *all* the different kernel variants.21:16
unit3Can someone remind me what I need to do to just build the -generic variant and modules?21:16
sorenunit3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance has a lot of info on the subject.21:53
sorenunit3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenanceStarter likewise.21:54
unit3great, thanks.21:54
sorenThe latter is the "cheat sheet" for the former :)21:54
unit3heh, it actually finished just now, so I guess I don't need it right at this moment anyway. ;)21:54
sorenThese sorts of questions are likely to be answered faster in #ubuntu-kernel, though.21:54
unit3But I'll remember it's in the wiki for next time.21:54
sorenFaster and more competently, even :)21:54
unit3Oh ok, I'll head that way, since the problem I'm fighting with is a kernel issue (I think)21:54
Baversjo_Hey! I'm using PAM to limit number of logins to my server (maxlogins). When another instance of the user is active the new instance just gets disconnected. Is it possible to view the Access denied message instead? I need this that information, the ssh client can not just exit :S23:00
Baversjo_that information*23:00
Baversjo_Maybe that's not the way PAM works? Should I use my own script to determine if a user can authenticate instead?23:04
moo---happy world plone day (plone.org)23:19

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