
goat|lappyI'l like to see about modifying my unaffiliated cloaked account to an ubuntu cloaked account04:16
naliothgoat|lappy: care to identify to services?04:19
goat|lappyi just did04:19
goat|lappyto my main account04:19
naliothdo you have a launchpad page?04:20
goat|lappyyes, would you like it?04:20
naliothit doesn't matter to me04:20
naliothyou're the one wanting the cloak04:20
goat|lappyright, i wondered if it was needed to assign the cloak04:20
goat|lappyshould there be a specific person to direct my request? or just await response04:23
naliothgoat|lappy: you're talking to me04:23
naliothgoat|lappy: do you have a launchpad page?04:25
goat|lappynalioth: ~musikgoat04:25
goat|lappynalioth: so yes04:25
naliothah yes04:26
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember04:26
naliothcome back when you've completed that step  :)04:26
goat|lappyk, thanks04:26
goat|lappynalioth: can you tell me what the --key-id refers to?04:36
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts04:37
goat|lappywhen i --list-keys i have a pub, a uid, and a sub04:37
naliothyour key id will be the 8 digit number after "pub'04:38
naliothnot all numbers04:38
naliothA1B2C3D4 or something else04:38
goat|lappyahh, after the 1024D,  thatsthe problem04:38
goat|lappynalioth: i've done what you've asked05:13
naliothgoat|lappy: i don't think you've read that web page very well05:27
naliothit takes a solid contribution to the Ubuntu community to become a member05:27
goat|lappyno?  support in the forums and comments and bug reports are not substantial enough?05:27
goat|lappyit seemed from the reading that becoming an ubuntero seemed to be enough05:28
naliothgoat|lappy: the trail to Ubuntu membership is on that page05:34
naliothif you feel you are up for it, you can read the page and find out how to go about it05:35
goat|lappyi see the additional information that i missed,  i will work on that and move further from there.  thanks nalioth05:37
=== Mirv is now known as Mirv_
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
* Mirv wonders about the 31 Oct 15:04 < jussi01> nalioth: PriceChild elkbuntu LjL ^^09:34
Myrtti[10:08] <+Myrtti> PriceChild, nalioth: have you recently checked people waiting to be  cloaked with member cloak? atleast my boss seems to be waiting for  his cloak at -irc09:35
Mirvok missed that one :)09:35
Myrttiwas at #ubuntu-ops :-P09:35
elkbuntuMirv, all i can do is nod for the staffers in the list.09:39
Mirvyep I've zero hurry, just curious09:39
* Myrtti pokes PriceChild, with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™09:40
Myrttimy aliases need tlc09:40
Nafallothe lumberjack clown?09:47
* Myrtti slaps Nafallo with a sour herring09:49
Myrttitender loving care09:50
MyrttiNafallo: oh, oh, did you see this one already? http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/2990374672/09:51
Nafalloactually thought you misspelled TCL first :-P09:51
NafalloMyrtti: ehrm. no. what is it about? I have more keys than that ;-)09:52
Myrttithe pink one ♥09:52
Nafalloscary, yes.09:52
Myrttihe also made me a bookmarklet for creating quickresponse 2D barcodes with url's :-D09:53
Myrttimakes installing software to N95 easier09:53
Myrttiof course he has made the extension for firefox, but I don't use firefox so I needed the bookmarklet09:53
Myrttiyou might actually like the extension09:54
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
adeola0405this is my first time doing this irc thing15:27
adeola0405i 'm new to ubuntu15:27
erUSULadeola0405: wellcome!15:28
adeola0405and trying to get the concept of installing packages from tar files15:28
erUSULadeola0405: but you should /join #ubuntu15:28
adeola0405didn't find it15:28
naliothadeola0405: and don't install anything from a tar file :(15:28
erUSULadeola0405: this is not the support channel. This channel is for operators of Local channels15:28
* Myrtti pokes nalioth with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™15:29
* nalioth giggles and wonders why the poke . .15:29
Myrttinalioth: Mirv and @ubuntu/member/mirv; https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki15:31
naliothMyrtti: /whois him and see if it's ok  :)15:34
Myrttinalioth: looks nice ♥15:34
* Myrtti huggles her team boss15:35
naliothanyone else need sorting?15:36
jcastroAnyone going to be around at the top of the hour? I would like to step out for lunch and was wondering if someone could handle changing the topics in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat for the next session.17:20
Mirvnalioth: thanks! :)17:40

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