
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== nellery_ is now known as nellery
=== superm1` is now known as superm1
NCommanderHow long after a package enters dep-wait will it clear once its dependencies are available08:13
NCommanderhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/19414431/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.alsa-plugins_1.0.18-1ubuntu1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz - this build log is extremely puzzling08:14
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
geserNCommander: why should it leave DEPWAIT?08:59
NCommandergeser, LP to my knowledge clears things that are actually dep-wait on its own08:59
NCommanderAm I wrong?08:59
NCommander(the status is MANUALDEPWAIT)09:00
geserthat's correct09:00
NCommandermaybe I'm not following you09:00
geserbut amd64-libs is not available09:00
geserperhaps I did get your question/your problem09:01
* NCommander only looked at amd64's depwait09:01
NCommanderamd64-libs did exist09:02
NCommanderThen it vanished09:02
geserfor amd64 is easy: alsa-plugins (main) vs ia32-libs (universe)09:03
NCommanderia32-libs is not in main?09:03
geserlooks like the build-dependencies need an update for at least i386 and amd6409:03
* NCommander fails09:03
geseria32-libs is not in main according to LP: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs09:03
NCommanderI would have swore it was09:04
gesertill dapper is was in main09:04
NCommanderHow did lib32asound2-dev then get built09:04
NCommanderif ia32-libs is in universe09:04
geserwithout checking I guess with the needed lib32* libs09:05
geseror lib64 libs09:05
geseramd64-libs is on the sync-blacklist09:05
NCommanderia32 libs will not be installed out of the box09:05
NCommanderI mean they are physically not installed09:05
NCommanderIt might be saner to do a promotion of ia32-libs to main09:06
geserI mean the biarch packages like lib32asound209:06
geseror lib32z109:06
NCommanderOh I see09:06
geserI doubt the archive admins want it back in main09:07
NCommanderso alsa-plugins actually needs fixing09:07
NCommanderThe 32 bit fix is clear09:07
NCommanderI have no idea how to fix building the 64 varients09:07
geserthere are lib64* variants of some packages09:08
NCommanderI give09:08
NCommanderalsa-plugins is not depending on ia3209:08
* NCommander begins working backwards09:09
NCommanderoh wait09:09
NCommanderfound it09:09
gesercheck which 32bit packages it needs on amd64 and if they exist in a lib32 version09:10
NCommandergeser, they are listed in the control file oddly enough09:10
NCommander(both are)09:11
NCommanderwhat was the bug number?09:11
geserbug number?09:11
NCommanderthere was a bug that pointed me to that build failure09:12
NCommanderI forgot I posted the log :-)09:12
* NCommander tweaks his build environment to build only in main/restricted09:14
NCommanderapachelogger, ping09:15
NCommanderStevenK, ScottK: ping09:16
persiaNCommander, Are you seeking advice or an upload?09:40
NCommanderpersia, the later09:41
* NCommander has created and built tested the fix patch in main-only pbuilder instances09:42
persiaNCommander, Just subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors then.  Shouldn't be too long.09:42
persiaAnd it's time critical because?09:42
NCommanderupgrading pulse audio uninstalls other packages, and removes the -desktop packages?09:44
persiaAnd you've marked the relevant bug critical?09:44
persiaI'd bump it, based on breaking the default installation for a majority of users.09:44
NCommanderI thought critical was only for violations, or serve risk of data/security lose and issues09:44
* persia checks09:45
* NCommander finds Ubuntu's priorities are at best a little loosely defined09:45
persiaCritical: A bug which has a severe impact on a large portion of Ubuntu users09:45
NCommanderWorks for me09:45
* NCommander bumps09:45
persiaSo it'll probably be one of the first things that any of the main sponsors hits.09:46
* NCommander did mark the urgency critical in the changelog so it will take relatively little time to build09:46
persiaThat said, the number of jaunty users currently is small, and all of them are expected to be able to deal with breakage of that sort, so a day or so won't hurt, really.09:46
persiaIn the changelog you'd be better off with "medium".  It sorts before others, but still lets someone push something truly critical (like a key toolchain bug or something) in front of it.09:47
NCommanderThe toolchain will go first anyway09:47
NCommanderthe kernel and the toolchain are scored so they are built a moment a builder is together09:47
NCommanderFrom the way I understand09:48
NCommanderfor packages without explicate build scores09:48
persiaWell, OK, but still.  Using "critical" means there's no flexibility.  "medium" would have the same relative effect, and leave flexibility.09:48
NCommanderSo I should kill the patch and reupload?09:49
wgrantDoes urgency actually matter in Ubuntu?09:49
NCommanderwgrant, it actually affects the build score09:49
NCommanderThe way I understand it, if a package isn't scored explicately (i.e., kernel, toolchain), it starts at 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 for main, restricted, universe, multiverse09:49
NCommander(I'd guess parther is 5000 if there is anything built from source there)09:50
NCommanderThen a number (its either 1 or 5 if I understand correctly) is added for each queued build09:50
NCommanderso if there are two queued packages for main, its 1005 and 1010 respectively09:50
persiawgrant, Only a very little, and only within an otherwise identical set.09:50
NCommanderUrgency bumps the build score by ten per level of urgency set09:51
* NCommander notes that might not be 100% correct09:55
NCommanderScottK, & jdong: http://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/11d7ba7d3a88a605 - care to weigh in on this?10:40
wgrantNCommander: Erm, wrong URL?10:40
NCommanderBug #29549510:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295495 in hardy-backports "Please backport debhelper 7 from intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29549510:41
=== Arby_ is now known as Arby
edsonhi. after the upgrade that following packages: libgphoto2-2 (2.4.0-8ubuntu7) to 2.4.0-8ubuntu811:18
edsonlibgphoto2-port0 (2.4.0-8ubuntu7) to 2.4.0-8ubuntu8, the web pics on firefox cant be seeing. some one can help?11:18
cjwatsonNCommander: it's five per level of urgency set; doesn't make a whole lot of difference though since that's less than most other factors11:47
NCommandercjwatson, oh, I thought it was ten11:47
cjwatsonNCommander: for comparison five minutes in the queue gets you a credit of 5, 15 minutes gets you a credit of 10, 30 minutes a credit of 15 ... being in main vs. universe grants 1000 vs. 25011:48
cjwatsonI look forward to LP being open source so that we can just stick a URL to the relevant code in some documentation :)11:48
Hobbseeoh, neat.11:50
NCommanderLP internals11:54
NCommanderBuild scores probably should be doc'ed somewhere11:54
StevenKThe numbers themselves mean very little11:54
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
ScottKNCommander: I know backports.org backports debhelper regularly with no issues.  Since it only affects building packages, not using them, I think it's worth considering.14:53
DeadPandahey, just wondering if DKMS would throw a fit if it replaced a module already in the kernel?  (I need a newer uvcvideo than that available in Intrepid for this laptop)15:14
superm1DeadPanda, as long as the kernel module isn't compiled as "part" of the kernel (eg not modular), it would be fine15:17
DeadPandasuperm1: thanks15:18
Pelomorning folks I think something is broken in the envyng packages,15:40
tseliotPelo: what exacty?15:41
Peloenvyng-gtk install , along iwth common, but when I run envyng-g it wants  me to install envyng-qt , which I do and then it seems to install a full kde , very unnessary , just tought I would let you know15:41
Pelonever did that in hardy15:41
tseliotPelo: the gtk ui wasn't ready therefore you will have to use either the qt ui or the textual ui15:42
Pelotseliot, understood , thanks15:42
superm1cjwatson, is there a particular reason that laptop-detect casper and lupin casper aren't just in the live task, but instead explicitly listed in livecd-rootfs?15:45
jdongNCommander: backporting debhelper 7 is outside my scope of comfort, I think ScottK should answer your question :)18:09
ScottKjdong: Since -release can't build against -backports and debhelper is only relevant to the build process, I think it should be fine.18:10
ScottKdebhelper is one package where if it wasn't backwards compatible a huge amount of stuff would have blown up and we'd know it.18:10
=== dfiloni_ is now known as devfil
ScottKThere's an etch-backport of debhelper 7 if that's any comfort.18:11
jdongScottK: alright, that sounds safe to me then18:29
ScottKSafe in the scheme of backports safe, yes.18:30
X3hi everyone18:49
X3please dont hate me18:49
X3|18:33:58| (X3) off topic question Im looking for skilled coders both windows and linux for new projects hardware manipulation/embedded systems/some web coders with knowledge of current standards other skills necessary these are opensource projects that will be be using some existing sourcecode most of it is really done just needs modifying/updating/adding features to suit the wip concept...18:49
X3|18:34:00| (X3) no reinventing of the wheel just making it current running better and target a large audience immediatly available to use programs in both projects please message me with contact detail @ http://x3webworx3.spaces.live.com/ any help even finding interested coders even students are welcome. thank you...18:49
X3|18:38:31| (X3) http://www.xps-wiki.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88&goto=newpost18:50
X3|18:39:11| (X3) http://www.xps-wiki.com/forum/showthread.php?t=87&goto=newpost18:50
X3that contains more information about project that may give you an idea many new laptop users could benefit os both that wish to dual boot linux and windows18:51
X3not just Dell laptops but all laptops18:51
X3no ok19:04
emgentsomeone know in that package is lzm2dir ?19:30
ScottKemgent: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-do-i-decompress-lzm-files-586399/19:44
emgentsaw that danke :)19:45
* jdong questions mail-notification's "sent: about 41 minutes ago" field.20:55
jdongis that really rough enough an approximation to require wording it that way? :)20:55
Kopfgeldjaegerdo-release-upgrade stops when /var/lib/update-notifier/ doesnt exist (when update-notifier isnt installed..). but that's probably not that important because afaik you should install ubuntu-desktop before upgrading.(?)21:35
Kopfgeldjaeger[the same with /var/games]21:37
* soren notes that the trigger related stuff is missing from Debian/Ubuntu Policy.. How odd.22:15
liwis it a policy issue?22:16
sorenThe policy lists all the ways in which maintainer scripts can be called.22:16
=== Knightlust is now known as Igorot
sorenThe policy lists all the ways in which maintainer scripts can be called except the trigger related ones.22:17
sorenChapter 6.22:17
liwoh, I didn't know triggers involve calling maintainer scripts in special ways22:17
sorenHow would you? It doesn't say in the debian policy :)22:18
ion_Documentation often lags behind code. :-)22:22
liwhttp://lists.debian.org/debian-dpkg/2007/04/msg00076.html -- right, that does specify that the postinst takes care of triggers22:24
liwsoren, you should perhaps file a bug against the debian-policy package in the Debian bug tracking system22:24
sorenYes, I should.22:25
ScottKBut the entertainment value would probably be higher if you could get Ian Jackson to file the bug.22:33
CheeryI'd like to know how to disable no-execution -flag for my heap22:37
CheeryQ9550 seems to have such retarded feature22:38
sorenScottK: :)22:38
click170Howcome irb in Hardy isn't compiled with --readline ?23:47
click170*hangs head in shame* nm, found it23:49

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