
panglossgouki: did you follow the recipes?00:00
LaneyPackaging something from scratch is generally considered to be "advanced". Have you considered working on some bugfixes at first?00:00
goukipangloss, yeah, pretty much. When I was able to do actually do something that worked, I bumped into a license problem, and ended up going back to 0 :)00:01
persiaAnyway, here's the list of my personal open needs-packaging bugs : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.bug_reporter=persia&field.tag=needs-packaging00:01
persiaFeel free to take one of those if you want an example to learn packaging, and if you don't want to maintain it, that's fine.00:02
panglosspersia: thank you =)00:02
persiapangloss, No, thank you.  Those are toys I'd like to play with, but haven't actually gotten around to packaging.  ingen is probably the most interesting, as there are a couple dupes to the bug report, and it means we get to drop the obsolete om.00:03
persiaIf you package them, I get new toys and an opportunity to drop cruft :)00:03
goukipersia, the entire output is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6905300:06
goukiThis would help me fix the typing game error I'm also having.00:06
goukiSince the error is the same, on both packages (and the game is actually fun :))00:06
wgrantHmm, I didn't realise that we had amassed 120000 bugs in less than 11 months.00:08
wgrantWell, LP, not us.00:09
persiaIf you're packaging a game, I'll suggest you come join #debian-games on OFTC.  We're a mix of Debian and Ubuntu folk, and just push everything to Debian to reduce the number of revisions.00:09
goukipersia, sure thing. Let me just tell you that this is text-based game, to practice fast typing :) Not something complex like a FPS :)00:10
persiawgrant, A lot of those were Ubuntu, but a decreasing percentage.  I'd say we're getting close to a throughput of about 2500 bugs a week.00:10
persiagouki, That's OK.  Some people claim kanatest isn't even a game.00:10
panglosspersia: 2500.. wow thats great00:10
panglossis there a way to compare that to non opensource projects bug throughput?00:11
wgrant2500 is the opposite of great.00:11
wgrantNon-free projects don't often have public bugtrackers.00:11
wgrantAnd there is no non-free Ubuntu.00:11
panglosswgrant 2500 is bad for free?00:12
wgrantWe can't manage 2500 new bugs a week very well.00:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
persiawgrant, No, 2500 is great.  That's bugsquad throughput.  That bugsquad needs to attain such numbers is the opposite of great.00:12
persiaWell, last week wasn't stellar.  Only 2109 bugs closed, but it does get over 2500 some weeks.00:15
persiaScaling to more incoming reports just needs more eyes, but that's not the real issue.  The real issue is the 19321 bugs that are waiting for developer input.00:17
persiaThat number is growing by 150-200 bugs a week, which is where we're really failing to scale.00:17
persia(146 for week ending 1st November)00:18
wgrant19321 are Confirmed? Or New?00:20
persiaconfirmed or triaged and unassigned.00:21
persiaMind you, the practice of the Ubuntu Desktop Bugs team of assigning themselves to lots of stuff masks the numbers some, so consider that a lower bound.00:21
wgrantAnd kernel team to.00:22
persiaYeah, well, I don't mind so much with the kernel team, as it's going to be the kernel team that fixes all of those.00:22
persiaWhereas with the Ubuntu Desktop Bugs team, I often encounter people who want to fix it, and are working on a patch, but aren't sure how to proceed because the bug is claimed.00:23
wgrantI've never seen a rationale for that policy.00:23
panglosspersia: cant you just reassign the bug to yourself?00:23
persiaThat said, I've seen bugs where members of the Ubuntu Desktop Bugs team pushed patches upstream *three* years ago, and they still aren't available in Ubuntu, which bothers me a bit.00:23
persiapangloss, Dunno.  Ask the Ubuntu Desktop Bugs team.00:23
persiaI consider it impolite to reassign a bug without discussing with the current assignee.00:23
wgrantI think that can be considered a special case where that usually sane rule can be disregarded.00:24
persiaWell, except that the Desktop team seems to get annoyed if someone pushes a patch to fix some bugs, and would rather that the patches get pushed upstream and accepted upstream, even if that takes several years because upstream is inactive.00:26
persiaAnyway, it's only about 50-60 packages that are covered by that team, so it's at most a minor irritant.  If the bug is frustrating enough, talking to them may permit a patch to be applied.  Just assigning oneself may well cause strife.00:27
nhandlerQuick question, in debian/control, you only need one Section tag under the Source section of the file, correct? You don't need one in the Source *and* in each Package section00:28
persianhandler, Depends on the package.  If all the binary packages belong in the same section, putting it in source is fine.  If a couple of the binary packages go in special sections, only add section to those stanzas.  If every binary package belongs in a different section, there's not much point to having one in the Source stanza.00:30
nhandlerpersia: Thanks a lot. I just wanted to verify this before telling someone to change it on REVU00:30
persiaSo, say you're packaging something that produces a library, a development library, a daemon, a couple front-ends, and a plugins package.  You'd put the right section in source, and add special sections for the libfoo and libfoo-dev binary packages.00:31
persiaWheras something like libjs could probably just have binary sections because each of the binary packages belongs in a different section.00:32
YasumotoRAOF: got my first attempt at merging miro up at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/miro/+bug/294459 :)00:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294459 in miro "Please merge miro 1.2.8-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:32
YasumotoRAOF: if you wouldn't mind checking it out if you've got some time (no rush), I'd appreciate it00:33
RAOFYasumoto: Thanks.  I noticed it, and it's on my list.  This weekend's going to be a bit busy, though ;)00:35
YasumotoRAOF: yeah, no worries, I've got to work on stuff for SCaLE and some homework projects, just wanted to check in and let you know00:36
geserYasumoto: it's better if you list the remaining changes instead of the dropped changes in your merge changelog entry00:38
Yasumotogeser: As I was going through, I didn't find any changes that were remaining, all the conflicts were just version updates00:39
Yasumotoer.. That's what I should be making note of, right? Things the MoM found issues with?00:39
geserYasumoto: if you look at the Debian->Ubuntu debdiff: everything there is a remaining change00:40
persiagouki, Sorry for the delay.  I think I found it.  You're pushing stuff to $(CURDIR)/bsod-0.1/ and you want to push to $(CURDIR)/bsod00:40
Yasumotogeser: *doh*00:41
Yasumotothat would make sense00:41
Yasumotogeser: I wouldn't relist changelog entries, right?00:43
persiaYasumoto, Depending on the changelog entry, that might be the easiest way.  If the previous entries are particularly verbose, feel free to tighten up the wording, as long as it remains clear.00:43
nhandlerAnyone know how long DaD will be down?00:50
Yasumotogeser + persia: thanks guys00:50
persiaI don't think it's a planned outage.  Use MoM while you wait.00:50
nhandlerpersia: Yes it is. It is being upgraded for jaunty00:51
goukipersia, ohh, thank you for getting back to me!00:54
goukipersia, I'll change that on rules and see if it works.00:54
persianhandler, Ah, in that case, probably be fixed over the weekend.  May as well tackle UEHS, unless you'd rather look at MoM.00:55
goukiBTW ... Is it recommended to delete commented lines from rules?00:56
wgrantUEHS should now have a working watch wizard and popcon results.00:56
persiagouki, The more you can make debian/rules easier to read, the better.00:57
azeemgouki: depends on whether the comment is useful or not00:57
goukipersia, hmmm, OK.00:57
persiawgrant, Is this new now, or as of ~ 12 hours ago?  (It seemed to be working for me then)00:57
wgrantpersia: The watch wizard wasn't fully working until a few hours ago.00:57
persiaAh.  I grabbed a couple watch files, but that would explain the number of errors I saw.00:58
wgrantThere are still lots of errors, of course.00:58
persiaPoor quality debian/copyrights, I presume.00:58
goukipersia, as for the error, it's weird, since I don't have anything to change in rules that is pointing to $(CURDIR)/bsod-0.1/00:59
persiaDoes watch wizard understand the machine-readable debian/copyright format yet?00:59
wgrantI don't quite know.00:59
wgrantWas one ever decided on?00:59
persiagouki, Compare your debian/rules to the build output.  Look for what is being replaced.  There's probably a hint somewhere to determine how it generated that, and fix it.01:00
persiaDecided upon, kinda.  Approved, no.01:00
goukiOK, persia.01:00
persiahttp://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat would be the current candidate, which seems to be seeing use in an increasing number of packages.01:01
directhexi used that one!01:01
persiaMind you, few of these would show on UEHS, as we're (mostly) enforcing sanity in REVU, and packages that were updated are unlikely to be orphaned.01:02
goukipersia, sorry, but .. I've been looking at the rules files and comparing the output from pbuilder, and I can't find anything worth changing :S01:32
persiaOK.  paste debian/rules and debian/control01:32
goukipersia, they're on REVU: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/banihstypos-0811072139/banihstypos-0.2/debian/01:36
persiaAh, then I want a build log for that :p01:39
goukipersia, sure thing :)01:39
persiauncomment DH_VERBOSE=1 for extra information.01:39
persiagouki, My apologies.  I keep getting distracted.  Could you paste a binary build log?  The error isn't shown at 6907102:06
goukipersia, no problem whatsoever!02:37
goukipersia, a binary build log, like the one generated on pbuilder?02:37
persiaThe log that shows the build failre.02:39
persiaCould be pbuilder, sbuild, debuild -b, cowbuilder, PPA, etc.02:39
persiaOn that note, does anyone know if qemubuilder is working properly?02:39
goukiI paste a pbuilder output a couple of hours ago: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69053/02:40
goukiWould that be good?02:40
persiaThese are two separate packages.  Hard to compare.02:42
effie_jayxhow do i check what kind of patching I must use for a specific package. I am thinking about changing some paths in the source code02:43
goukipersia, my bad! But bsod is also on REVU, let me get you the link02:43
persiahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/69053/ vs. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/banihstypos-0811072139/banihstypos-0.2/debian/rules02:43
goukipersia, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=bsod02:43
persiaOh, See I actually wanted to look at banihstypos.  I'll look at bsod, if you've pushed the same version that generated that log.02:43
goukipersia, yeah. So: This is the package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=bsod     and this is the output from the build: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69053/02:44
persiaeffie_jayx, what-patch might help, from ubuntu-dev-tools02:44
effie_jayxpersia, thanks02:44
effie_jayxpersia, it says "patchless?"02:45
effie_jayxand I wouldn't be suprised if it is so02:46
persiagouki, Ah, I think you want DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/ run debuild -b and check.02:46
goukipersia, sure thing.02:46
goukioops! :S02:46
persiaeffie_jayx, Run lsdiff against the diff.gz.  Sometimes what-patch doesn't catch those.02:46
effie_jayxpersia, lsdiff kipina_0.2.2-0ubuntu1.diff.gz  gives no output at all02:47
persialsdiff -z02:48
goukipersia, thank you. I was able to see from the output of debuild -b that dependencies are not being satisfied. I have ncurses-dev on my control, and I'm sure it doesn't require anything else. Do you want me to paste it for you?02:48
persiagouki, Remember that the dependencies are typically automatically pulled by pbuilder/sbuild/cowbuilder/etc.02:49
persiaYou need to install them on your local system if you want debuild -b to work.02:49
goukipersia, ohhh, so let me try that again with the package installed.02:49
* persia usually does debuild -b in a chroot to avoid cluttering the local system02:49
goukipersia, I'm running on a VM with a clean snapshot taken. :)02:50
effie_jayxpersia, I can see the files modified by the patch, how can I tell what patch system to use02:51
persiaeffie_jayx, Look at the output of lsdiff.  If there's stuff in debian/patches, what-patch is supposed to tell you, and if it doesn't, check debian/README.source, and if that doesn't help, check debian/rules.02:52
persiaIf there's not stuff in debian/patches, and there's stuff outside of debian, it uses patch-in-diff.gz, so just change the stuff you want to change in an editor, and generate a new diff.gz against the orig.tar.gz.02:53
persiaIf there's not stuff in debian/patches and there's nothing outside debian/ you get to choose.  In this case, for packages from Debian, I recommend looking at other packages with the same maintainer, and using that patch system.  Where that fails, if the package uses CDBS, use simple-patchsys.  The rest of the time, use whatever you personally prefer.02:54
effie_jayxpersia,  ok. there is no debian patches and there is stuff changed outsude debian02:54
goukipersia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/69080 is the output of debuild -b02:54
persiaeffie_jayx, Then it's patches-in-diff.gz, so just edit in place, and generate a new diff.gz.02:56
persiagouki, That's expected.  However, right now you have the broken build-tree to play with.  Check for debian/tmp and debian/bsod.  See what exists and what doesn't.02:56
persiaThis can help you troubleshoot your rules.02:56
goukipersia, my debian/bsod is empty. Normal?03:01
persiaThere was a debian/bsod?03:03
persiaWas there a debian/tmp?03:03
goukiNo, but apparently one was created when I ran debuild -b03:03
goukiNo, there weren't any of those.03:03
persiaRight, that's why you ran debuild -b : to find out what was being created.03:04
persiaIf it's empty, the upstream build system isn't creating the directory structure properly.03:04
persiaAdd the directories you need to debian/bsod.dirs without the initial /03:04
persiaAlso, you want to make it use /usr/bin, rather than /usr/local/bin03:04
goukiMy mentor told me to delete dirs, since it was only creating know folders.03:05
persiaYour mentor obviously didn't actually review just how broken the upstream build system apparently is :)03:08
persiaMost upstream build systems create the folders they need for installation.03:08
persiaIn these cases, debian/dirs is mostly useless.03:08
goukiSo, having the initial debian/dirs file is OK, with usr/bin in it.03:08
persiaIn the rare case where upstream doesn't do that, you need it (which is why it exists).03:08
persiaIf you need it, yes.03:08
persiaAlways try without debian/dirs first, and only add it if the build breaks because the directory is missing.03:09
goukiVery well. I'll create the file again and give it another test drive :)03:09
goukiOh, OK! Thank you very much persia, really!03:09
persiagouki, No problem.  Thanks for helping.  Now purge bsod and concentrate on a useful package :)03:09
goukiLOL! OK! :P03:10
* gouki goes back to his spelling game03:10
goukiWell, even with usr/bin on debian/dirs, it still fails with the same error :S03:15
effie_jayxpersia, this seems like looking for a nail in a hay stack03:18
persiagouki, /tmp/buildd/bsod-0.1/debian/bsod/usr/local/bin': No such file or directory03:18
persiagouki, Notice the lack of "/usr/bin" in that.03:19
persiaIf you put /usr/local/bin in debian/dirs, that would make the error go away, but that would be wrong.03:19
persiaSo put /usr/bin there, and find a way to tell the build system to use that instead of /usr/local/bin03:19
persiaeffie_jayx, What?  How do you mean?03:19
effie_jayxpersia,  I am trying to find in line in the source code where the app loads a xml file from /usr/etc instead of /etc/03:20
persiaeffie_jayx, strace is the tool you seek.03:21
* effie_jayx man's strace03:21
persiaIt shows every system call made by the program, so when you get to the access to /usr/etc you can see waht comes before it, and that can help you understand where in the code it is happening.03:22
effie_jayxmmkey, very cool tool03:22
persiaIf it's early enough in the output, you can probably step through the code while reading the strace and see every step it takes to get there.03:22
effie_jayxuff lots of output03:23
persiaWell, it's *every* syscall :)03:23
effie_jayxlet me send it to a field03:23
persiaI usually pipe it into a file, and then view the file and search for the bits I want.03:23
effie_jayxpersia, cool03:24
goukipersia, hehe! Thanks! Found it, and it worked! :)03:25
goukipersia, if you have a minute, I believe this is working OK: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=banihstypos03:30
persiagouki, Unfortuntely, I need to head out soon.  Maybe someone else could take a look?03:31
nhandlergouki: I'll take a look at it03:31
goukinhandler, thank you very much! :)03:31
effie_jayxpersia,  very helpfull your tips as usuall... I found my issue. I need to move a file to /home/$user/.kipina and that would be it03:39
effie_jayxand install file would be good03:40
Adri2000nhandler: DaD: universe/multiverse is done, and universe.php is generated. I just launched main; main.php will be generated as soon as it is finished03:53
Adri2000also, everyone, note that unfortunately there are still a *lot* of broken merges (the /!\ ones) which seems to be mainly due to snapshot.d.n lacking some packages. in that case we cannot do anything except advising to use MoM.03:55
effie_jayxanyone could point out a url that might help me get started on writing an install file?03:57
nhandlerThanks a lot Adri2000 for the heads up03:57
goukinhandler, just saw your comment. Will work on it right away.03:58
nhandlergouki: I subscribed to the package, so I should get an email when you prepare a new upload.03:59
goukinhandler, thank you very much.03:59
goukinhandler, about the License ... Do I have to mention the /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL file even when the license used is gplv2?04:01
goukiBecause I have the path to the license: "On Debian systems, the complete text of ..." under the license.04:01
nhandlergouki: I must have skipped over that.04:02
nhandlergouki: You can ignore that comment then04:02
goukinhandler, ok. thank you.04:03
goukiShould I ask on REVU or is here OK?04:04
nhandlerAbout what?04:04
goukiNow would be about the games warning.04:04
nhandlerYou can ask here04:05
goukiEven with this text-only (typing game) it should be installed to usr/games?04:06
nhandlergouki: If you specify a Section of games in debian/control, I believe you are required to install to /usr/games04:07
goukinhandler, OK.04:07
goukiOne last thing ..04:07
goukiThe error about the distribution ...04:08
nhandlerThe first one gouki?04:09
goukinhandler, yes, the first one.04:09
nhandlerjdong: You can ignore the "bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file jaunty". That will go away once lintian is updated in Ubuntu04:09
nhandlerYour distribution in debian/changelog is correct04:09
goukiYou meant gouki, right? :)04:09
nhandlerYes I did gouki ;)04:10
goukiHeheh! Sure nhandler, thank you very much.04:10
goukiOhhh .. As for the manpage ...04:10
nhandlerWhat about it?04:11
goukiIf the software doesn't come with a manpage ... ?04:11
nhandlergouki: Most applications don't come with manpages. You need to create it.04:12
goukinhandler, any pointers on how do I do that?04:13
nhandlergouki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/SupplementaryFiles#Man%20Pages04:14
goukiEvery time I delete the commented lines in rules, it fails to build the package sources.04:18
nhandlerAre you sure you are only removing the commented lines?04:19
nhandlerThe commented lines are the lines beginning with a #04:19
goukinhandler, yes. It happened several times before, and I can't understand why :S04:19
nhandlerThat is really strange gouki. Comments should not affect how the package builds04:20
goukinhandler, lintian -i to see a more detailed report, right?04:23
goukiWell, got it down to one error :) the jaunty one04:23
nhandlerYou can ignore that one, so you are good :)04:25
goukiHmm, not really :S04:27
goukiFails to build04:27
goukiI changed what I had (/usr/bin) to usr/games on the makefile. doesn't seem to work very good04:29
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goukiMaybe I need the dirs file.04:31
nhandlergouki: I'm too tired to think straight any longer. I'm heading off to bed. I'll be glad to help you some more tomorrow if you still need help04:31
goukinhandler, ok. Thank you very much for the help.04:31
nhandlerYou're welcome gouki04:31
jdonghmm interesting, ondemand -> performance has significantly cut down on audio blipping on this iMac.04:44
jdongI thought these modern chips were supposed to transition frequencies fast enough for this not to be an issue.04:44
jdongperhaps timer/clock skew?04:44
wgrantjdong: Doesn't mjg59 recommend against frequency scaling?04:50
jdongwgrant: does he really?04:51
jdongwgrant: I was unaware of that04:52
jdongwgrant: I've only read him recommending against locking your CPU in the lowest frequency (i.e. 'powersave') as it actually keeps the CPU awake longer, wasting more power04:52
lidbis revu day going on?04:52
wgrantRight, http://mjg59.livejournal.com/88608.html is my reference. It seems he recommends running in ondemand, actually.04:52
wgrantI haven't read that in a while, so might be a bit forgetful.04:53
wgrantSo it seems I was somewhat wrong.04:53
lidbhello, any one can review my package: iptux, fqterm and llk-linux, thanks04:54
jdongwgrant: interestingly in battery life tests I've done, ondemand vs performance had little impact. But I can feel right now the latency of those state switches. compiz desk switching is jerky. Sometimes scrolling in FF is jerky. Flash videos have skippy audio on CPU activity. For now, I'll go with performance...04:57
wgrantjdong: What do I poke at to change the governor these days?05:00
jdongwgrant: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor05:01
jdongwgrant: if you use GNOME, the frequency scaling applet can do it too05:01
jdongit's now PolicyKit enabled too05:01
jdongwgrant: from my testing, removing powernowd using update-rc.d should lock you into performance at startup05:02
wgrantOh, I didn't know the applet could do anything but view it.05:03
wgrantAha, I see.05:04
jdongsure thing05:04
wgrantPowerTop likes my batter:05:10
wgrantPower usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) :   0.1 W (453.8 hours left)05:10
jdongwgrant: do you have the world's first nuclear powered laptop? :)05:11
wgrantjdong: Of course.05:12
jdongawesome :)05:13
ScottKHPPA doesn't do nearly as good a job of keeping up when 80% of the packages on FTBFS on that arch.05:25
wgrantScottK: Hmm, is it really that high now?05:30
ScottKNo.  It's doing quite well now.05:30
ScottKFor most of the latter part of Intrepid it was pretty bad.05:31
ScottKNo, now that stuff's building it's way behind.05:31
wgrantPoor ia64 isn't going too quickly this time.05:31
ScottKNo.  PowerPC is doing well.05:31
* NCommander wakes up05:57
NCommanderDid someone say PowerPC?05:57
NCommanderwgrant, we're waiting for at least alpha one before smashing the FTBFS in ports05:57
NCommanderSince a good number of failures are just misidentified dep-waits05:57
=== superm1` is now known as superm1
NCommanderHow did lpia finish building everything os fast ....06:14
wgrantIt has newish hardware, and a fair bit of stuff likely doesn't build there.06:16
NCommanderwgrant, you care about ia64?06:17
* NCommander notes that lpia has LOADS of build failures :-/06:17
iuliangeser: Heya, may I steal the hnb merge from you?06:44
* NCommander searches for intelligent conversation07:16
iuliangeser: Anyway, I see bug 245706 which tells us we should sync instead of merge. As far as I can see the package was not tested in Ubuntu (using the Debian patch). I'm not really sure what to do. In the mean time I will test the debian version to see if it works using the Debin patch, if yes then we can sync, if not I will merge it keeping our patch.07:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245706 in hnb "Please sync hnb 1.9.18-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24570607:28
iuliangeser: Any advice would be appreciated.07:29
iulianOr anyone else.07:29
NCommanderdirecthex, ping08:17
iuliangeser: OK, I tested the Debian version and confirmed bug 49618. On the other hand, the modified package (the one with the Ubuntu patch) FTBFS with the following message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69135/plain/08:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 49618 in hnb "editing node: cursor stays at end of line" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4961808:24
geseriulian: Hi and yes, you can have hnb for merging08:37
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
iuliangeser: Thanks. Any ideas why it FTBFS? I resolved the conflicts by just removing the debian changes from the src/ui_draw.c and src/ui.edit.c files and kept the ubuntu changes.08:45
iuliangeser: I can make a debdiff between the debian .dsc and the modified one to convince yourself.08:47
geseriulian: but the Debian package builds?08:49
geserthe current Debian package uses quilt for patch management while the current Ubuntu delta is applied directly, so a first step would be to convert it into a quilt patch (perhaps it also solves your FTBFS problem this way)08:50
iuliangeser: Yes, I tested the Debian package and it builds fine.08:51
iulianOK, I'll see what I can do, thanks.08:53
iuliangeser: I've no idea how to fix it. It seems that there are two different bugs regarding the position of the cursor. I will just leave the merge to someone more experienced than me.09:40
persiagouki, Nuked.  Thanks for asking.09:41
geseriulian: no problem09:42
* NCommander just learned that Debian's spiral isn't the complete official logo10:00
* jpds throws his http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1593270690/ in NCommander's direction.10:02
* NCommander recongizes names on the review page10:03
NCommanderjpds, as an aside, that ain't the official logo either10:04
jpdsNCommander: The book has a section on the logo.10:05
NCommanderit does?10:05
jpdsYeah, among a bunch of other things.10:05
NCommanderok, care to sum up why the official logo isn't used any mor?10:06
jpdsNCommander: http://www.debian.org/logos/ ?10:08
NCommanderI've never seen the genie bottlle on before10:08
persiaUsed to be available as a default background, although it's been a while since I ran a default install on a desktop.10:09
NCommandernot on edge or lenny10:09
NCommanderI don't think it was for sarge either10:09
persia(which perhaps demonstrates about how long I've been running an Ubuntu desktop)10:09
NCommanderwhat release was before sarge10:10
NCommanderwoody was the first Debian system I used10:10
NCommanderI don't think it was there10:10
persiaNot the primary one, but in the standard desktop-backgrounds set.10:12
persiaI think there was a gdm theme with the bottle as well.10:12
persiaMight still be there, although I've long forgotten the relevant package name.10:13
NCommanderI dunno then10:14
* NCommander just learned backports.org backports kernels ...10:16
persiaGiven a six-month release cycle, and the number of issues we have every cycle due to API changes, don't let that be an inspiration.10:19
NCommanderI didn't say anything !10:22
* NCommander is crazy, but not THAT crazy10:22
DktrKranzpochu, if you have time, mind have a look at bug 260765?10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260765 in gst-plugins-base0.10 "DVD playback does not work anymore" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26076510:23
* NCommander glances at the intrepid/hardy bug lists10:32
NCommanderhey DktrKranz10:32
DktrKranzmorning NCommander10:32
DktrKranzbut I guess is quite late there10:33
NCommanderDktrKranz, yup10:33
NCommanderDktrKranz, are you running intrepid?10:33
DktrKranzjaunty, but I have a VM available10:33
NCommandercare to test something?10:33
DRebellionIn `sudo pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd', how does the 'buildd' option affect the chroot/building process?10:34
DktrKranzvmware is doing some cleanups, in a half an hour I guess, but sure10:34
NCommanderDRebellion, it installs build-essential10:34
NCommanderfakeroot, and devscripts I think10:34
NCommanderDktrKranz, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/mtd-utils/+bug/29442810:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294428 in mtd-utils "mtd-utils build fail" [Undecided,Fix committed]10:35
DRebellionNCommander, that's it? And the normal pbuilder doesn't?10:35
NCommanderit doesn't matter10:35
DRebellionNCommander, thanks.10:35
NCommanderpbuilder will install fakeroot/build-essential if needed10:35
DktrKranzNCommander, I'll take it soon10:36
NCommanderthanks :-)10:37
NCommanderthe package built w.o failure10:37
NCommanderSO it should just be an ACK10:37
DktrKranza verification one10:38
=== cedric_ is now known as cedricv
DRebellionHow can I get pbuilder to build, then clean, then build again from the cleaned sources? Does revu-build do this?11:27
HobbseeDRebellion: it does that by default?11:31
DRebellionHobbsee, pbuilder or revu-build?11:39
HobbseeDRebellion: pbuilder.  no idea what revu-build as such does11:40
* DRebellion checks his build logs11:40
DRebellionHobbsee, it doesn't seem to have done that here.11:43
DRebellion`sudo pbuilder build --logfile xxx.log xxx.dsc'11:43
HobbseeDRebellion: it creates a new chroot, clean and without the build-deps in it, each time.11:43
DRebellionHobbsee, oh, I think you have misunderstood. I want to create the chroot, install the deps, etc. Then build in the chroot, then clean those sources, then build again in the same chroot with the cleaned sources.11:44
Hobbseeoh, right11:44
* Hobbsee doesn't think it has a builtin for that.11:45
LaneyDidn't someone add pbuilder --build-twice or something not too long ago?11:46
DRebellionLaney, Hobbsee, `man pbuilder': " --twice is for --build option It builds the package twice in a row to check for possible clean issues. It will generate the .deb of the second build."11:47
DRebellionthat's it11:47
DRebellion: )11:47
Hobbseeoh, there you are, then.11:47
LaneyDRebellion: hugs to nxvl for that feature ;)11:48
slytherinNCommander: I see you updated jedit in jaunty. Do you have any plan to port the package to Debian?11:51
NCommanderslytherin, once I'm a DD, and Debian is out of freeze, I plan to move all 0ubuntuX packages I can if possible ;-)11:52
sebnerNCommander: DD, big plans. :P12:00
NCommandersebner, I'm through AM with a +1 from my sponsor12:01
sebnerNCommander: AM? I only know DM12:02
NCommanderIt means my application manager has +1ed me12:03
NCommanderI'm waiting on the buracat parts of the system12:03
directhexdebianization is a loing scary process12:04
directhexi'm fine with just firing things though a sponsor ;)12:04
sebnerNCommander: O_o I'm impressed even more about you12:05
sebnerdirecthex: hi btw =)12:05
DktrKranzsebner, get MOTUship first12:05
sebnerDktrKranz: /me isn't even NM :P12:05
* NCommander was wondering if I would be a DD before MOTU12:05
NCommanderContext: my DD application is eight months old12:06
DktrKranzNCommander, anu progress so far in your NM?12:06
DktrKranzyou're almost there ;)12:06
NCommanderDktrKranz, Final FD approval, DAM approval12:06
NCommanderso about another four months ;-)12:06
DktrKranzso, I guess who I should bother for Debian stuff :D12:06
NCommanderI'll find another transition in Hardy that needs doing!12:06
* NCommander starts looking12:07
* DktrKranz is thinking to upload crap just to ignite NCommander 12:07
wgrantHe's too insane; he won't burn well.12:08
NCommanderNo, I'm a firefighter12:08
NCommanderI self-extinish12:08
* NCommander notes that every firefighter has a pyro inside wanting to get out12:08
* NCommander thus dons a flamethrower12:08
* NCommander reduces DktrKranz into Italian sausage that is flame broiled12:09
* DktrKranz likes it12:09
* NCommander feeds DktrKranz to the dog12:09
* DktrKranz doesn't like it12:09
DktrKranznot for me, it's your dog who will need medical care12:10
NCommanderI doubt you'd even give my dog gas, let alone indigestion12:10
Hobbseedepends if he implodes the dog.12:11
NCommanderI have phoenix downs handy12:11
NCommanderand an ample supply of duct tape, and superglue12:11
sebneranother DD to annoy. that will be fun =)12:11
* NCommander aims his flamethrower at sebner 12:11
slytherinNCommander: the freeze does not stop you from putting it in unstable.12:12
sebnerNCommander: upload all the stuff from Debian mentors which is made by ubuntu folks! :P12:12
NCommanderMost people, myself included don't upload to sid during freezes12:12
NCommanderSince then we have to use tpu to fix lenny if necessary12:12
slytherinNCommander: anyway, the reason I asked the question is do you have any plan at all to get the package in Debian. If not I will try to put it in pkg-java svn12:13
NCommanderNot at this time12:14
NCommanderI am not a DD, and likely another month before that happens12:14
DktrKranzNCommander, I think it doesn't apply for NEW packages, since it won't part of Lenny anyway12:15
sebnerNCommander: what's the way until beeing a DD. in other words, how many years of hard work?12:15
NCommanderI got sponsored within a month of working on the m68k team12:16
NCommanderSponsorship via a team is the fastest way12:16
NCommander(or portering team in this case)12:16
NCommanderThe rest is waiting12:16
NCommanderLots and lots and lots of waiting12:16
* NCommander was active in Debian for a year and a half before applying12:17
sebnerDktrKranz: become part of a team!12:17
NCommanderTHe hard part is meeting the GPG key signing requirement12:17
sebnerNCommander: kay, thx12:17
DktrKranzsebner, that's the problem, I haven't a specific interest12:17
sebnerDktrKranz: so you'll join everywhere?12:18
DktrKranzor nowher12:19
* DktrKranz can't type today12:19
DktrKranzNCommander, did you find troubles in that? My area is widely populated by DDs, so no big issue :)12:20
* Yagisan hasn't found GPG key signing to be hard12:20
NCommanderDktrKranz, for someone who lives in NYC, yes I did12:21
Yagisangranted - you may need to lay a trap and hold the dd in a net to get it signed - but still ...12:21
NCommanderThat's what I did12:21
DRebellionDoes anybody know how to do a newline (\n) in a manpage?12:21
DktrKranzNYC lacks DDs12:21
DRebellionThe .PP macro does a new paragraph, but I want to only make a list, with no blank lines in between.12:21
Yagisanodd - I've met DD's from NYC12:21
* NCommander has too12:22
NCommanderYagisan, where are you from?12:22
Yagisan<- Not a DD. Just lurks here on occasion12:22
StevenKYeah, I don't think NYC lacks DDs12:22
StevenKI think there's five or six12:22
YagisanHi StevenK12:22
* StevenK waves12:22
Yagisanlong time no see12:22
StevenKYagisan: Indeed. How are you?12:22
YagisanI can't say in a G rated channel :/12:23
Yagisanbut lets just say yesterdays final uni exam results where not expected12:23
StevenKWonderful :-/12:23
Yagisanwell - it cost me an employment opportunity12:24
YagisanI've been told to re-sit them in feb12:24
StevenKThat's even worse12:24
Yagisanoh well - I've another one I interviewed for - lets see if I get an offer for that12:24
StevenKYagisan: I moved employers, too12:25
Yagisanwhere to now StevenK ?12:25
slytherinYagisan: and when university exams were ever as expected?12:25
StevenKYagisan: Canonical :-)12:25
slytherinI mean results12:25
YagisanStevenK, nice :D12:25
Yagisanslytherin, I expect a pass or fail12:25
Yagisanslytherin, I got two credits and a big fat - dude - you need to resit this exam O-o12:26
slytherinYagisan: ahh, reappearing is nightmare.12:26
Yagisanno - explaining it to Mrs Yagisan is the real nightmare12:27
Yagisanwell - it's been 6 years since I promised to take her home12:29
Yagisanand no degree == no work for me in her country == unhappy wife12:29
DktrKranzwhat the heck! ... does anybody know why vmware decided to switch keyboard layout to something unknown? Or better... how to fix it12:31
slytherinin my country marriage usually happens 6 years of after having a degree. :-)12:32
YagisanStevenK, one nice thing about the other job I interviewed for - is most of the workstations are kubuntu boxes12:32
NCommanderslytherin, you from germany?12:32
slytherinNCommander: nah, India12:32
* NCommander knows in Germany it takes a long time to get a degree12:32
sebnerNCommander: where are you from btw?12:33
Yagisanslytherin, I apparently am doing this backwards ;) marriage -> high school -> kids-> tertiary education12:33
slytherinNCommander: I didn't say it takes long time to get degree. I said it takes long time to get married. :-)12:33
NCommandersebner, Rochester, NY12:33
NCommanderslytherin, elope12:33
sebnerDktrKranz: keyboard isn't working in vmware. true =)12:33
NCommander*is gunned down*12:33
sebnerNCommander: ah, k12:33
DktrKranzsebner, I noticed...12:33
* Yagisan hugs kvm ...12:33
sebnerDktrKranz: maybe it's fixed with version 2?12:34
DktrKranzI have workstation 6.512:34
* sebner server 1.0.712:34
DktrKranzfunny part I can't find no option to configure it12:35
sebnerDktrKranz: /me thinks itS' b0rken12:35
YagisanDktrKranz, last time I used it - vmare seemed to need an "export LANG=C" before starting it before it would be happy.12:35
* Yagisan wishes his xubuntu torrent would hurry up12:36
DktrKranzYagisan, 6.0.x worked, I'll try your method12:36
NCommanderYAY, xubuntu user!12:36
* Yagisan uses all of them - depending on system12:37
* Yagisan has almost finished getting all license issues sorted out with his deng package. Almost ready to send it to revu (it's taken 3 years!!! so far to fix licensing on it)12:40
Yagisanyay - torrent done12:43
DktrKranzmh, export LANG didn't help12:44
YagisanDktrKranz, is it not recognising keypresses at all ?12:45
DktrKranzwell, some keys are correct12:46
Yagisanmaybe it wants a US keymap12:46
DktrKranzbut if I press arrows, they've been mapped as CTRL-(something) keys12:46
DktrKranzright arrow is now CTRL+C, it broke my download12:47
YagisanDktrKranz, checked the vmware forums ?12:48
DktrKranzI was planning to do it12:48
DktrKranzsince I can't find any rationale behind this12:48
Yagisangoogle suggests vmware is to blame. pm'd you a link DktrKranz12:51
* Yagisan -> off to install xubuntu12:53
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
nhandlerI'm working on a merge, and I am a little unclear about one of the old Ubuntu changes. The change removed dpkg-distaddfile from debian/rules so that "the package gets uploaded properly". From the man page, I saw that dpkg-distaddfiles adds the specified files to debian/files. However, I am not 100% clear about what this file is used for. Could someone either help clear this up or link me to some documentation about this?13:29
pochuDktrKranz: sure, I'll look at it (gstreamer dvd playback)13:29
slytherinpochu: which bug about gstreamer dvd playback are you talking about?13:41
pochuwhere did he go? :)13:44
* iulian looks for dfiloni13:49
sebneriulian: found :P13:58
iulianI know I'm a psychic, sebner ;)13:58
iuliandfiloni: Hey, do you work on mapnik merge?13:58
dfiloniiulian: take it13:59
karoogahi, if a package written by [1] is based a library written by [2] - does [2] become an 'Upstream Author' in copyright?14:21
karoogathe library src is distributed with the package btw.14:22
=== ziroday` is now known as ziroday
karoogaanyone around to answer some qs on copyright files?14:48
pochukarooga: yes14:49
pochukarooga: if those you asked before: no, using a Library doesn't make the library authors authors of your application14:50
pochukarooga: and no need to list them in debian/copyright14:50
karoogapochu: really?  coz in the COPYING file of orig source, the lib author is mentioned...14:51
pochukarooga: furthermore, you are encouraged to get (if it's not already) the library in the archive, and use the library from the archive with your package, instead of the copy shipped with your tarball14:51
pochu(if possible)14:51
pochukarooga: perhaps I didn't understand it well... Is it an application which uses a library, and ships the library in its tarball?14:52
karoogapochu: mmm... it would seem that the library has been granted special perms to be used for this application.  Lib author sells a $$ version.14:52
karoogapochu:  python package which makes calls to the library.14:53
pochuit would be interesting what terms are those... possibly they make the library non-free14:53
karoogapochu: do you think I am barking up the wrong tree? :-)14:53
geserkarooga: can you pastebin the COPYING file from the lib?14:54
karoogageser: sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/69227/14:54
karoogageser: I've emailed the author of the library for confirmation of LGPL-3...14:55
geserkarooga: if you package both you should list both upstreams in the copyright file15:00
karoogageser: you mean package both in the same package?15:02
StevenHarperUK_Hi my new package is in pending : however it only appears to be in jaunty, I supplied diffs for the Hardy and Intrepid releases, will the get processed also?15:03
iulianWould anyone like to upload this patch - http://paste.ubuntu.com/69228/plain/ ?15:03
ScottKStevenHarperUK_: Did you subscribe motu-sru to the bug?15:04
StevenHarperUK_ScottK: no, I didnt know I had to15:04
ScottKDktrKranz: If you're around, SRU processing assistance needed ^^^15:04
StevenHarperUK_AcottK; Should I subscribe the bug now anyway? or is it too late?15:09
StevenHarperUK_ScottK: * ^^15:09
ScottKStevenHarperUK_: Not to late.15:10
ScottKStevenHarperUK_: SRU has to happen after it's fixed in the development release anyway.15:10
StevenHarperUK_Scottk: ok ill do that and posta  comment so they get it: will that be enough?15:11
cody-somervilleIf I was to add support to dput to have a special URI for PPAs, would folks prefer lp:<ppa-id> or ppa:<ppa-id>?15:11
ScottKStevenHarperUK_: See wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for details on the process.15:11
pochucody-somerville: imho ppa:15:11
slytherincody-somerville: ppa:15:12
StevenHarperUK_ScottK: thanks15:12
geserkarooga: at first yes, unless the lib is bigger and can be used by itself15:13
StevenHarperUK_ScottK: I like the pending sru page very handy15:13
StevenHarperUK_Scottk: I understand nearly all of that process - just this bit I dont fully get "pload the fixed package to release-proposed"15:17
superm1cody-somerville, are you running into a situation that is pulling all of gnome into xfce jaunty disks?15:17
superm1at least live disks15:18
karoogageser: ok cool.  Re: the header of the licence in debian/copyright, do i understand that only upstream src should have the licence files and in the package i just include a link to /usr/share/common-licences?15:18
cody-somervillesuperm1, I haven't had a chance to look at them yet. I'm in Lexington atm.15:18
ScottKStevenHarperUK_: You need a MOTU to do that for you.15:18
superm1cody-somerville, well i suspect you will be affected by the same problem that i'm seeing when porting mythbuntu live disks to use livecd-rootfs15:19
superm1cody-somerville, gdm depends upon: "gnome-session | xterm | x-window-manager | x-terminal-emulator,"15:19
StevenHarperUK_ScottK: ok I seem to have done all of teh rest of teh process15:19
StevenHarperUK_ScottK: Thanks for teh help15:19
superm1which since the metapackages list xfce4-terminal "after" gdm cause a problem.15:19
superm1it might be okay with tasks, but i dont know for sure15:19
slytheringeser: Do you have some time to ack bug 295524?15:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295524 in imagej "Please sync imagej 1.41n-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29552415:21
* sebner winks \sh 15:22
\shhey sebner...:)15:22
\shsebner: up for some action? ,-)15:23
sebner\sh: in what regard? :P15:23
\shsebner: new package ,-)15:24
sebner\sh: so?15:24
\shsebner: this one: http://dojotoolkit.org/ ,-)15:24
\shsebner: we need it for zend-framework ,-)15:24
sebner\sh: wth? XD15:25
sebner\sh: btw, noticed my mail? you don't need to answer if you don't want of course =)15:25
\shsebner: I think I have a mail backlog since monday...which means more then 4k mails in my inbox...I'll deal with it next monday15:26
\shit's hard to concentrate when you have a forking woman at home15:27
sebner\sh: don't worry. circumstances15:27
nixternalforks are evil!15:27
nixternalnever fork a woman, they start to get buggy!15:27
\shnixternal: yeah...belly is really showing some strance behaviour15:28
\shstrange even15:28
nixternaloh, I must have read that wrong :P15:28
nixternalto early to get jokes I guess15:28
* \sh needs to earn more money ... for sure15:28
\shnixternal: no..over the 3 M timeline15:28
geserkarooga: if the used license is included in /u/s/c-l/ than a reference in debian/copyright is enough (else you need to copy the whole license text into it)15:29
\shnixternal: please share with me: "what did you expect when I write about fork" ,-)15:31
* \sh needs more alc...15:32
geserslytherin: ACKed, do I see it correct that imagej can be moved to universe after the sync?15:33
slytheringeser: yes, I will file a separate bug for that.15:33
slytheringeser: One merge coming your way if you are available for another hour.15:33
pochuslytherin: we were talking about bug 26076515:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260765 in gst-plugins-base0.10 "DVD playback does not work anymore" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26076515:37
slytherinpochu: I remember seeing another bug similar to what I faced few days ago. There are some assertion failure produced by libdvdnav which causes segfault. I don't remember the bug number.15:38
superm1cody-somerville, okay well i'm going to do an upload of gdm without that explicit depend on gnome-session.  i think gdm should be fine without it since gnome-session is pulled in by metapackages for ubuntu-mobile and ubuntu-desktop15:41
* cody-somerville nods.15:41
superm1now i've just got to wait 4 more days for this build to actually happen so i can make sure the livefs looks right :)15:41
karoogais license associated with packaging == license of program?16:03
superm1karooga, not always, but it's generally easier to write debian/copyright when you use the same license16:05
karoogathanks superm116:06
slytheringeser: bug #29553916:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295539 in libjogl-java "Please merge libjogl-java 1.1.1+dak1-1 (multiverse) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29553916:07
slytherindoes ubuntu wiki have any shortcut for launchpad bug urls?16:11
ScottKHobbsee, jdong, and wgrant: I was wrong.  It's not that a backports upload will close tasks against backports, it's that it'll close a task against Ubuntu.  See Bug #29562116:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295621 in launchpad "Uploads to -backports pockets should not auto close bugs except against the -backports project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29562116:23
slytherinwhy has this bug cropped up again?16:24
ScottKYou don't really want me to answer that.16:27
sebnerScottK: is it possible to remove a package from every archive (jaunty -> dapper)?16:28
ScottKsebner: No.16:28
sebnerScottK: only jaunty, rigt?16:28
sebnerah true. You once told me. thx16:28
ScottKI think in an extreme case (Like Canonical loses a lawsuit) it's possible, but not generally.16:29
slytherindoes anyone know if it is possible to share a dvd drive over firewire network?16:30
sebnerScottK: would you mind take a look at bug #29562316:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295623 in qmail "Please remove qmail from the archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29562316:33
* sebner is out for dinner16:34
ScottKsebner: Why?16:34
hagabakawhy does the shoes package depend on rubygems? the library itself doesn't16:47
sebnerScottK: because I was hungry? ^^16:49
ScottKsebner: No, why dump qmail?  See my comment in the bug.16:50
sebnerScottK: Ah. I'm really wondering since it's buildable in debian .. and do really so many people download our qmail source?16:51
ScottKsebner: Qmail is a very unique package.  I don't know of any other open source program that has a strong following a decade after upstream abandoned it.16:52
ScottKsebner: If it's buildable in Debian, make it buildable on Ubuntu.16:52
ScottKUntil recently you couldn't ship patched binaries, so source was all we could ship.16:53
sebnerScottK: It was never in ubuntu so I think this task is too high for me (for now) ..., and besides .. that's the reason why I asked you to look at the bug ;)16:53
ScottKOK.  Well I gave you an opinion.16:54
DktrKranzwasn't qmail "you can modify it only if I gave you permission to do so" software?16:55
ScottKDktrKranz: It was.  It's not any more.16:55
ScottKActually it was more like "You have to distribute it exactly the way I made it - ship patches separately."16:56
slytherinhow come such a package even entered in Debian?16:56
ScottKslytherin: I think it was in non-free.16:56
DktrKranz     qmail |    1.03-47 | unstable/non-free | source16:57
slytherinis tomorrow the Debian RC day?17:02
ScottKIIRC yes, but feel free to start early.17:02
sebnerScottK: ok, so thx for you help17:03
ScottKsebner: No problem.  If you were MOTU already would you have sent that bug to an archive-admin or would you still have asked?17:04
sebnerScottK: I was pretty sure that the best is to remove it *but* as this was the very first removal bug I ever filed I would have ask also as a MOTU17:05
ScottKsebner: OK.  Just so you know, if a MOTU sends a removal bug to the archive-admins they generally don't think about it very hard.  They assume the MOTU knows what they are talking about.17:06
sebnerScottK: also, one thing that was interesting to me was that wikipedia says that qmail is still very popular in unix and linux so I was wondering and wouldn't have removed it17:07
sebnerScottK: at least they would wonder if a MOTU sends a please remove Firefox3 or gnome stuff ^^17:07
DktrKranzsebner, a removed package can be restored, but better double-check it before ;)17:08
sebnerScottK: but again. thx. I'll be more carefully with that stuff in future (and I'm not saying that because you will comment on my MOTU application ;))17:09
sebnerDktrKranz: sure =). more money to pay you :P17:09
* DktrKranz never imagined to sponsor a fix from his "neighbour"17:09
ScottKsebner: True.  Those are in Main and would need a core-dev.  I did howerver recently get firefox removed.17:10
sebnerScottK: -2 is obsolete :)17:10
DktrKranzsebner, he asked to remove firefox-3, use midori instead ;)17:10
sebnerDktrKranz: I'd rather say konquerer as he is a kde guy :P17:11
DktrKranzlynx, so everyone's happy17:11
ScottKI do mostly use Konqueror.  I mostly just use FF for sites that don't work with Konqueror.  Much as I used to do with IE.17:12
ScottKFirefox - The new Internet Explorer.17:12
LaneyCan someone merge my LP branch into ubuntu-dev-tools? It's just adding jaunty to known releases in various scripts. bzr merge lp:~laney/ubuntu-dev-tools/dev17:13
DktrKranzFirefox - The browser formerly known as Internet Explorer17:14
DktrKranz(as much as Prince)17:14
ScottKWell I know how many security uploads FF has had and how many Konqueror has had.17:14
slytherinis bug 262649 worth a SRU?17:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262649 in robocode "robocode depends directly on openjdk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26264917:15
iulianDktrKranz: Hiya. Can I steal the node merge from you?17:17
DktrKranziulian, definitely ;)17:18
iulianCool, thanks.17:18
iulianToo many OOPSES from launchpad today.17:23
cody-somervilleiulian, what number?17:23
iulianI got a few numbers but lost them because I refreshed the page.17:24
iulianI'll paste you the current one.17:24
iuliancody-somerville: (Error ID: OOPS-1043ED80)17:24
iuliancody-somerville: Just refreshed again: (Error ID: OOPS-1043EC65).17:25
iulianIf it helps, I can paste here more.17:25
iulianBy the way, this is when I try to file a bug.17:26
cody-somervilleiulian, against?17:26
iuliancody-somerville: I only wrote the summary of the bug. I wanted to report against the node package.17:27
iuliancody-somerville: After I clicked "Continue", it gave me those oopses.17:28
iuliancody-somerville: It works now.17:29
* jdong muses over issuing "prevu prevu"17:36
* sebner never got prevu working :P17:36
jdongsebner: what was wrong?17:36
sebnerjdong: it was preparing a jaunty chroot instead of intrepid17:37
jdongsebner: DIST=intrepid sudo -E prevu-init?17:38
iulianDktrKranz: Would you like to have a look at the node merge? It should be easy to review.17:39
sebnerjdong: ah no. I wanted a hardy environment ^^. well I changed my sources.list to hardy and run prevu-init like the wiki says (you really should update the wiki page)17:39
DktrKranziulian, I'm after a FTBFS, once I figured it out, I could give it a try17:40
iulianDktrKranz: Sure, thanks a lot.17:40
jdongsebner: yeah I need to update that a bit. Use the DIST env variable to affect what the target distro is, and remember -E to sudo so that it doesn't strip out the environment17:40
* sebner hugs jdong =)17:40
ScottKsebner: It's a wiki.  Go for it.17:41
sebnerScottK: heh, right. I'm just afraid that my english is more like opensource than freeware =)17:42
iulianHi emgent.17:44
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
slytherinsebner: if it is opensource, someone will improve it. :-)17:47
sebnerslytherin: heh. I'm afraid that you are the only one who got that joke :P17:47
* slytherin proposes proper English communication as prerequisite for those who are applying for MOTU membership. :-P17:49
emgentheya iulian17:49
gesersebner: your English isn't that bad that it would be better you when you were writing in deutsch so people have a better chance to understand you :)17:54
sebnergeser: at least for non-germans :P17:55
sebnerthough also there sometimes strange words appear ^^17:55
ScottKWell maybe not even all Germans.17:56
sebnerScottK: so?17:56
ScottKWhen we had German students living here there were times when my wife (who speaks German) would have to translate among Germans from different parts of the country.17:56
slytheringeser: can you please take a look at bug 262649 and see if it is worth a SRU?17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262649 in robocode "robocode depends directly on openjdk" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26264917:57
sebnerScottK: your are definately right with that ;)17:57
sebnerScottK: your wife speaks german. COOL =)17:57
geserI've seen a report on tv recently which had german subtitles for the spoken dialect17:57
sebnergeser: But I think only "Kölsch" is not understandable, right?17:58
gesersebner: "Schwäbisch" or "Bayrisch" is also hard to understand18:00
geserSächsisch is also nice to hear :)18:01
sebnergeser: Bayrisch not for us Autrians :P18:01
* RainCT does not understand schwäbisch but was born there XD18:01
`ChrisHello, currently I have started packaging this project. When it is finished, where do I go to upload it?18:02
gesera friend of mine comes from Franken. When she uses fränkisch I had to ask her several times what some words mean :)18:02
slytherin`Chris: which project is it?18:02
sebnertell Chris about revu18:02
sebner!tell Chris about revu18:02
sebner!REVU | CarlFK18:02
RainCT!revu | `Chris18:02
ubottuCarlFK: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU18:02
ubottu`Chris: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU18:02
slytherinwhatever happened to limiting revu to UUCs only?18:03
ScottKslytherin: It's been discsussed a bit.  That's it.18:03
geserslytherin: how common is it that people don't have openjdk installed and only an other java-vm?18:03
RainCT(btw, has anyone here used tbeta/mtmini/something like that?)18:03
`ChrisShould I get it from Debian or use the tar?18:03
`Chrisfrom the official site18:03
slytheringeser: many people still prefer to use Sun JRE.18:04
CarlFKhuh? :)18:04
sebnerCarlFK: sry =)18:04
CarlFKno prob - that's what I get for sleeping around in all these channels :)18:04
slytherin`Chris: if debian has it, why are you packaging it?18:05
sebnerChris: If it's in Debian it will be synced automatically to ubuntu. no need to package from scratch18:05
geserslytherin: do those people also deinstall openjdk?18:05
* sebner is off for a while18:05
neurobuntuwhat does: debian/rules:44: *** commands commence before first target.  Stop., mean?18:05
* iulian is looking for someone to upload this trivial patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69228/plain/18:05
jdongsebner: per your request I just refreshed the prevu documentation :)18:05
geserslytherin: if I understand the problem correctly, it's not about the use of an alternative java-vm but just the dependencies18:05
* sebner hugs jdong 18:05
`Chrisslytherin: I was following the MOTU videos, it is not yet in Ubuntu and I found it over in Debian. I thought it'd be nice to get it into Ubuntu too18:05
slytheringeser: not likely. I use Sun JRE in office because I know everything java works with it. I don't have openjdk installed. At home I play around only with openjdk.18:06
slytherin`Chris: it will automatically enter Ubuntu in this development cycle.18:06
slytheringeser: yes, just the dependency.18:07
geserslytherin: then I guess it's not worthy an SRU (IMHO), but you're free to talk to MOTU SRU about it18:07
`ChrisOh, Debian developers stealing my fun18:07
geseriulian: why are you bumping the compat level? any specific reason?18:07
CarlFK`Chris: you have an odd idea of fun:)18:08
slytheringeser: I should have noticed it when I was working on MoveToUniverse. I will talk with motu-sru.18:08
slytherin`Chris: you want to have some fun. try fixing FTBFS with jboss packages. :-D18:08
geseroh, this is really big fun :)18:08
`ChrisFrom jboss.org?18:09
slytheringeser: by the way, did you see my debdiff for libjogl-java?18:09
geseryes, I've it opened in my browser but didn't had time yet to look at it18:10
slytherin`Chris: no, the packages are in Ubuntu. Just that they fail to build. Of course, if build failures can be fixed by updating them that will be great.18:10
`ChrisI'll see if I can spend this hour on it then, I guess it's gonna be hard since you lot have put it off :p18:10
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iuliangeser: Not really, no. Every package I maintain uses dh 7.18:11
* slytherin - it feels nice to know, that most programs quit with Ctrl + Q shortcut.18:11
geseriulian: if there is no specific reason for those changes, then please don't do them as they increase the delta to Debian for no good reason and make backporting a little bit harder.18:14
iuliangeser: The package is not in Debian.18:14
geserthat's different then (I didn't check very closely)18:15
slytheringeser: should we plan to kill Sun Java 5 in jaunty?18:18
slytherinif the upstream tar ball contains documentation in PDF format (along with source in .sxw format) should the PDF documentation be removed while creating .orig.tar.gz?18:41
DktrKranziulian, I should have managed my FTBFS (finally!), which is bug #?18:44
DktrKranz(node merge, I mean)18:45
iulianDktrKranz: It's bug #29564618:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295646 in node "Please merge node 0.3.2-5 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29564618:46
ScottKslytherin: Why would you do that?18:46
slytherinScottK: I am just asking.18:47
geserslytherin: don't change the .orig.tar.gz if it's not necessary (e.g. for DSFG freeness)18:47
ScottKIdeally you should build the PDF from the provided source I guess.18:47
ScottKBut as geser says, no need to repack the tarball.18:47
slytherinScottK: that will anyway happen I guess when I run the doc target in ant build file.18:48
geserslytherin: you can rm the pdf in the clean target if you want (but wouldn't that imply that you need to build-depend on openoffice to recreate it?)18:48
slytheringeser: I will first check if the target creates PDF and how.18:49
DktrKranziulian, I'm not a supporter of bumping Standards-Version in Ubuntu, others could think about it differently. Also, libax25-dev change is useful just to have lintian happy.18:51
Elbrusslytherin: I would be interested in how to do it, I could not get it to work18:52
iulianDktrKranz: OK, I will attach a new debdiff in a moment.18:52
DktrKranzanyway openbsd-inetd | inet-superserver change was controversial (I can't remember bug #'s, but some DDs were against this change)18:52
iulianDktrKranz: Will remove that too.18:54
swegnerWhat's the proper format for a version string for packages uploaded to a PPA which don't have a native debian or ubuntu equivalent package?18:55
ScottKDktrKranz: Actually Ubuntu Policy explicitly says don't bump standards version.18:55
ScottKiulian: ^^18:55
DktrKranziulian, well... that change can stay, I was curious to see that discussion, just to make sure it's a wanted change18:56
DktrKranznot sure why it was introduced in Ubuntu some cycles ago18:56
iulianScottK: Oh, didn't know that, thanks.18:56
DktrKranzbut we carry it from there, and this will probably happen forever18:57
DktrKranzScottK, was it made policy? I wasn't aware of that18:58
ScottKDktrKranz: Yes.  We now have an ubuntu-policy (I think that's what it is called) package and it's in there.18:59
DktrKranzhere it is: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-policy/ubuntu/revision/31919:00
iulianDktrKranz: What about the debhelper version. Is it ok to bump it from 2 to 6? IMHO version 2 is too ancient.19:01
DktrKranzI'd ask Debian to do so for us19:02
DktrKranzunless there are valid reasons to do so (e.g. FTBFS, uncompatibility, whatever)19:02
DktrKranzmh... ntp is broken again... why it tells me it's 18:33 UTC?19:04
DktrKranzI lost half an hour!19:04
iulianDktrKranz: This is it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69313/plain/19:07
jfcgauss_how do i add packages to my launchpad PPA? how do i set my PPA (for instance i want to target hardy but i see apt sources.list entries:19:08
jfcgauss_deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jfcgauss/ubuntu jaunty main     under my PPA.19:08
iulianDktrKranz: If needed I'll attach it to LP as well.19:08
iulianDktrKranz: Attached it to launchpad.19:11
DktrKranziulian, done19:21
iulianDktrKranz: Thanks a lot.19:25
emgentsomeone know in what package is lzm2dir ?19:31
geserjfcgauss_: have you read https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA19:31
bobboemgent: dpkg -S /path/to/lzm2dir should work19:32
geseremgent: packages.u.c doesn't know that file19:32
emgentgeser: know..19:33
geseremgent: are you sure it's packaged?19:33
emgentgeser: i think so19:34
emgentbobbo: i dont have it installed.19:34
geserhmm, packages.d.o doesn't know it either19:34
emgentokkay i will investigate about it.19:34
geseremgent: a quick google search found http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-do-i-decompress-lzm-files-586399/?s=b60963bc1eec224ba4954d26ad5c6aa919:36
geseremgent: http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/alfredo/sagelivecd/sage_livecd/SAGE/tools/lzm2dir is that script19:37
emgentyep saw that19:37
sebnerember: thx for this comment! Did you just CC me or have did you forget to send it to the MC mailing list?19:37
emgentbut i thought that this file was packaged.19:37
emgentalso my email seems broken.. sebner you saw my email ?19:38
swegnerI have a small project that I've been maintaining in a PPA but I think I'd like to get it packaged for Ubuntu.  Am I better off going through the packaging process for Ubuntu, or try to package it for Debian?19:38
sebneremgent: yep. and you once wrote stefar instead of stefan :P19:38
sebneremgent: nvm, np19:39
Elbrusswegner: the nicest is to try to get it into Debian19:40
Elbrusbut Ubuntu is usually slightly easier19:41
swegnerElbrus: yeah, that's what I've generally gleaned from the wiki so far.  I think I'll probably try to go with Ubuntu,19:42
swegnerTo follow up: I've been maintaining the debian/ directory inside the same source control as the project, simply because it's been convenient for me.  When it's packaged for Ubuntu, does the debian directory need to be specifically separate from the source?19:43
ScottKIt's easier for us if it's not included in the upstream tarball.19:45
swegnerOk, so I'll split that off and start getting it ready for review19:46
swegnerLast question: I was getting pretty confused about the version numbering with upstream releases, etc.  If I'm getting a new package ready for Ubuntu and not Debian, should the changelog string19:49
swegner{package-name} ({packageversion}-ubuntu1~ppa1) intrepid; urgency=low19:49
Elbrusswegner: looks right to me19:50
Elbrusbut when uploading to REVU you want to remove the ~ppa1 part19:50
Adri2000should be upstreamversion-0ubuntu119:50
nhandlerswegner: You should also target 'jaunty' instead of 'intrepid'19:51
* Elbrus is keeping his mouth shut and hides under a stone19:51
swegneralright great-- thanks everyone for their help!19:52
directhexwhatever happened to the monthly naked wallpaper of ye olde releases?19:52
* RainCT notes that it isn't actually that hard to get a package into Debian19:52
* directhex agrees with RainCT 19:53
nhandlerRainCT: Aren't they frozen for Lenny right now?19:53
RainCTnhandler: yes, that will probably make it harder to get stuff sponsores right now19:54
ScottKswegner: -0ubuntu119:54
RainCTnhandler: but I think stuff can still enter sid (but won't transition to lenny then), or else there's experimental anyway19:54
directhexRainCT, the reverse - getting things in now is fairly easy, as they'll just be frozen in sid. they aren't gonna bother the release managers19:55
emgentnice ubuntu alias seems broken20:15
emgentsomeone can confirm it ?20:15
karoogaanyone using the "legal" section on revu?  Looks new and looks like I have a *lot* of errors...21:24
ScottKkarooga: It is new.  It's not meant to give you a definitive good/error result, but to tell you what to look at.21:24
karoogaScottK: mmm... seems to insist that every src file has a copyright at the top...21:25
ScottKkarooga: That is how it is supposed to be.21:26
ScottKCopyright and license (at least the header part).21:26
ScottKkarooga: Lack of it won't get the package rejected (you MUST have a full copy of the license in the upstream tarball), but it should be that way and it's worth asking upstream to fix.21:27
RainCTkarooga: that's just the output of  licensecheck -r --copyright21:27
karoogaScottK: whew...  ok, I can check that off the list then.21:28
ScottKkarooga: Do ask upstream to fix it though.21:28
ScottKRainCT: Cool.  It's getting used.21:28
karoogathanks RainCT.21:28
RainCTScottK: :)21:28
karoogaScottK: "Getting used"..???  I'm getting grey hairs.  As fast as I try to wrap this mickey mouse package up, revu keeps telling me there are more and more problems. :-P *sigh*21:30
ScottKkarooga: You used the link to legal and asked about it about a day after RainCT put it up there, so that's good.21:30
karoogaAnyone familiar with python modules?21:31
ScottKkarooga: We're trying to reduce the number of problems with debian/copyright in submitted packages.21:31
ScottKkarooga: Yes.21:31
karoogaScottK: got 5 minutes to look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=3880  ? PyEphem provides scientific-grade astronomical computations.21:32
sebnerRainCT:  Next REVU Day: TODAY (Friday, November 7th 2008)   <-- Is really somewhere still friday on earth?21:32
karoogaScottK: only one day?  seriously?  Just my luck. :)21:33
ScottKkarooga: I'm looking.  REVU day is just a day we try to focus there.  It's not the only day we look at stuff.21:33
karoogaScottK:  yeah, was referring to the legal link and my luck for picking today... hehe21:35
ScottKWell the stuff it point out we'd have looked for anyway.  Just makes it more obvious to you.21:36
RainCTsebner: Nop, thanks for noticing this :P. REVU should show the correct date within the next minutes.. :)21:36
sebnerkay :)21:36
RainCT(it takes the date from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Headers/NextREVUDay, btw)21:37
ScottKkarooga: Looking at your .diff.gz it looks good.  Does the package build correctly?21:37
karoogaScottK: there were two warnings re: orig-maintainer + Python-version using pbuilder.  I'm still running hardy... dunno if that makes a difference?21:39
sebnerRainCT: if Friday remains you could leave "Friday" but fetch the time from a time server and then make if(time > timeatanyplaceonearth) ...21:40
ScottKkarooga: Those are normal.  Is your pbuilder set up for Jaunty?21:40
nhandlerRainCT: You could also set up a cron script to run editmoin21:40
karoogaScottK:  I have ln -s to intrepid, which is ln -s to hardy?21:40
RainCTsebner: I'd still have to update the wiki then (and would probably forget it :P)21:41
RainCTbut nhandler's suggestion could work..21:41
karoogaScottK: all ready to backport you see.21:41
ScottKkarooga: Yes. and you can do the same for Jaunty or just update from hardy-backports.21:41
karoogaScottK: do you mean backports will fix the pbuilder scripts for jaunty? or that I need hardy-backports to dev backports?21:43
ScottKThe updated debootstrap that has jaunty defined in it as well as an updated devscripts where dch defaults to jaunty (and the current lintian) can all be installed from hardy-backports.21:45
karoogaScottK: great.21:45
ScottKThere is also an updated pbuilder package there, but that's not essential.21:45
karoogaare there any tricks to handling multiple versions of the same program? e.g. [x] package for hardy, [x] package for jaunty etc?21:49
ScottKkarooga: Bad news.21:51
karoogaScottK: hit me21:51
ScottKkarooga: Look at the license statement in precess.c in libastro.21:51
ScottKkarooga: "can't be sold" means the package will have to go into multiverse, not universe.  Not the end of the world, but you need to cover that license in debian/copyright.21:52
ScottKkarooga: Also earthsat.c is copyright somebody else with no license statement.  As is, it's not distributable (that is a showstopper).21:53
karoogaScottK: you used legal didnt' you?21:54
ScottKkarooga: No.  I used 'grep -ir copyright *'.21:55
karoogaScottK: ok, I missed that.  So would the next step be to try get upstream to include it?21:55
ScottKkarooga: The legal stuff is often the hardest (and most important) to get right.21:56
karoogaScottK: line 10 copyright, is the showstopper?21:56
ScottKkarooga: I see there is a google Code project for libastro.21:56
ScottKI'd suggest looking there and see if it's the same libastro.21:57
ScottKIf it is, then perhaps it has license terms that are usable and we can remove the embedded copy.21:57
ScottKUnfortunately their svn is empty.21:58
karoogaScottK: I see that.21:58
ScottKkarooga: So now it's a bit of a detecitve game then.21:59
ScottKThe pyephem people no doubt grabbed libastro from somewhere and embedded a copy21:59
karoogaScottK: so all I'm trying to determine is, what licence applies specifically for that file?22:00
ScottKMore generally with libastro.22:00
ScottKThat's one spot that's very clearly problematic, but it's equally clear that the pyephem people didn't write libastro.22:00
ScottKSo my advice is go hunt for the true source for libastro and see about how that's licensed.22:01
karoogaScottK: actually no they were 'given' permission to use it.  I confirmed this with libastro upstream that it was LGPL-3 earlier today.22:01
ScottKIf it's distributable, then package that and dump the pyephem embedded copy.22:01
ScottKkarooga: OK.  Can you package libastro from upstream then?22:01
ScottKkarooga: Technically I think the package is fine with the exception of breaking libastro out into a separate binary package so others can use it (regardless of which place you get the source from) would be goo.22:04
karoogaScottK: am not sure.  As I understand the library comes from another program xephem... let me check xephems src22:04
karoogaScottK: do you have library packaging experience (and patience)? :-)22:05
ScottKkarooga: Some.  I need to leave shortly.  We do have some good docs on it.22:06
karoogaScottK: thanks you've been most helpful.  I need to go too.  Will check out in the morning.22:07
ScottKkarooga: stefanlsd is decent with library packaging and sistpoty is our real expert.  Neither are here at the moment.22:07
karoogaScottK: great.  Thanks, I see what other details I can get regarding the source and take it from there.22:09
=== Knightlust is now known as Igorot
goukiI'm creating a man pages, following this (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/SupplementaryFiles#Man%20Pages) template but I have a few questions.22:59
goukiWhat is =over 8? Or what does it do?23:00
RainCTgouki: uhm not sure, try if it works without that23:01
goukiRainCT, OK. How can I test the manual?23:02
RainCTpod2man --section=1 --release=$(VERSION) --center "" debian/myapp.pod > myapp.123:02
Elbrusgouki: I assume (not tested) that it is indenting?23:02
RainCTgouki: where debian/myapp.pod is the name of the file23:02
goukiElbrus, hmm, not sure. I'll test it.23:03
goukiRainCT, doesn't that require me to install the package to test it?23:03
RainCTgouki: you only need perl for that23:04
* RainCT is who has written the documentation for POD but is not sure what the "=over 8" is doing there :P23:04
goukiRainCT, converting to HTML gave me a really good preview of how things are coming out :)23:16
goukiNow, after having the man page created, what do I need to add to debian/rules to include it on the package (or for it o be installed when  the package is installed).23:17
RainCTgouki: I think the wiki explains this too23:19
RainCTbut basically just tell dh_installmanpages to take care of it23:19
goukiRainCT, the example on the wiki is for DCBS, I believe.23:20
goukiOk, cool. Thanks RainCT .23:20
murdokhello. I'm trying to create a patch. It simply adds a file to /etc/sysctl.d. The problem is that this file should be removed once you remove the package, and instead, it's kept until I do remove --purge package23:31
murdokHow do I do this file to be automatically removed?23:31
RainCTmurdok: you could do it with a postrm, but I'm not sure if you actually want to do this :P23:33
murdokYes i have thought about postrm23:33
murdokbut I think it's a ugly solution23:33
murdokI have tried to find the code that says all the other files to be removed but i have not found it23:34
RainCTmurdok: stuff in /etc is only supposed to be removed when a package is purged23:34
murdokreally?? uhm23:35
murdokwait i'll try something23:35
bdrung_can someone from ubuntu-universe-sponsors have a look at bug #244613? i have created a patch for jaunty and one for intrepid-proposed last week, but i got no response.23:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244613 in apt-mirror "[intrepid alpha1] apt-mirror gives error "closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 537."" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24461323:41
murdokRainCT: may be related to *.spec.in files? what are they for?23:46
RainCTmurdok: I've never heard about them before :P23:46
jmarsdenIs there a lintian that doesn't complain about jaunty yet?  If so, how can I install it under Intrepid (x86) ?23:47
murdokI have not found them in the wiki neither hehe :?23:47
jmarsdenmurdok: Files with a .in suffix are usually input files for autotools, I think?23:48
murdokjmarsden: I also think so but I don't know what are they exactly23:50
jmarsdenRainCT: Your idea of #include <cstdlib> worked for koverartist, BTW -- now I just need a development env. for janty so I can rebuild stuff "properly"...23:51
RainCTjmarsden: great :)23:52
RainCTjmarsden: there shouldn't be any problem if you test it in intrepid, btw23:52
jmarsdenRainCT: OK.  It builds fine under Intrepid locally and in an Intrepid pbuilder, so that's looking good.23:53
RainCTjmarsden: alright, create a debdiff and I'll look at it tomorrow or Monday23:53
jmarsdenCool, will do.23:53
* RainCT grumbles about the fact that it's easier to create a multi-touch pad than to get a webcam working :P23:56
goukiRainCT, about pod2man, is this the correct command? pod2man --section=1 --release=$(VERSION) --center "" debian/myapp.pod > myapp.123:58
goukiIt's failing because of $(VERSION)23:59
RainCTgouki: yes, but replace myapp with the name of the executable23:59
RainCTgouki: and if it is a game/library/something you'll have to change the section23:59
goukiYeah, it happens to be a game.23:59
RainCTgouki: OK, the section should be 6 then23:59

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