
jussio1Hello everyone00:03
jussio1quick popin, from Liverpool :D00:03
jussio1no one around? 00:04
jussio1nin then00:05
jussio1nini then00:05
* LjL waves at jussio100:06
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:21
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:21
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)00:29
jribyeah yeah yeah00:30
PriceChildLjL: cloaks sorted?00:41
LjLPriceChild: eh, what cloaks?00:41
PriceChildi have little backlog00:42
LjLand i haven't the slightest idea at all00:42
PriceChildnm, will sort it tomorrow00:43
tritiumMyrtti: Thanks!  Due date is May 9.02:41
mneptokmy fellow Americans: http://i35.tinypic.com/vh6tc6.jpg02:46
ubot3In ubot3, Shreedhar said: What is your email id ?09:16
jussi01ikonia: around?09:23
jussi01mrgh, Ill message you later.09:24
jpdsHey jussi01 09:54
ubottuIn ubottu, ardchoille said: !rkhunter is Rootkit Hunter scans systems for known and unknown rootkits, backdoors, sniffers and exploits.10:34
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, aubade said: !puppycam is <reply> http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.45.swf?cid=31701610:36
ubottuIn ubottu, ardchoille said: !chkrootkit is The chkrootkit security scanner searches the local system for signs that it is infected with a 'rootkit'. Rootkits are set of programs and hacks designed to take control of a target machine by using known security flaws.10:36
ubottumagnetron called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (TheSarge)10:47
FlannelMyrtti: no kicks are needed at the moment.  Although TheSarge is rather belligerent.10:52
MyrttiI know that without looking10:52
Flannelbut, not kickable, just hyper-defensive10:52
Myrttiand know without looking that TheSarge is the one more against the unofficial netiquette of ot10:52
MyrttiI trust magnetron.10:52
FlannelI've been following along for a few hours.  Its... an interesting group10:53
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:20
jribsome people are just really slow huh12:20
ikoniajussi01: I am now12:22
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)12:24
ikoniadoesn't it say he name of the person with the exploit normally ?12:29
elkbuntunot sure, dont think so13:35
ubottuIn ubottu, ziroday said: !releases is  Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:16
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, emorris said: !download is <reply> Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:18
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Hardy, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:36
stdin!download ~= /Hardy/Intrepid/14:36
ubottuI'll remember that stdin14:36
emorrisstdin: also, just noticed, that nl. link is wrong, it doesn't work14:38
stdinoh, yeah14:38
stdin!download ~= /nl\.releases/releases/14:40
ubottuI'll remember that stdin14:40
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:40
stdinthe main server will do I suppose14:40
stdinseems every mirror for the Netherlands fails14:41
emorriswhat's wrong with http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download btw?14:41
stdinemorris: ubuntu.com only offers Ubuntu CD's. what if I want Kubuntu or Edubuntu?14:51
emorrisstdin: ah, ok, got you14:51
MyrttiSAY WHAT15:41
MyrttiASUS-tek wants me to add him on my Skype roster?!15:41
MyrttiHELL NO15:41
snuxollsomeone mind muting Paddy_ERIE and grant931 in -offtopic for a few, they're fighting like little children16:09
snuxollah, nevermind, they finally calmed down -_-16:11
Myrttioh dear god, now I have to explain to him WHY I don't want him to be able to see when I'm online or to have a chance to call me on skype16:48
Myrttidear lorg16:48
Myrttihelp me16:48
MyrttiI don't think he understood me at all17:12
MTecknologyHey - could somebody pop into -offtopic? rafal is going on a troll session.17:30
* Myrtti checks17:32
MTecknologysorry, guess it's over17:32
MTecknologyoops - just realized I'm idling where I shouldn't be17:43
LjL[18:45:20] [Whois] novato001 is a user on channels: ##club-ubuntu-webteam #compiz-fusion #ubuntu #ubuntu-es #ubuntu-es-es17:45
Myrttinoticed the same17:46
tritiumHi Myrtti.18:30
Myrttihi tritium :-)18:30
tritiumThanks for your note yesterday.  :)18:30
Myrttiforking version 2.0 -news are always exciting :-)18:31
tritiumheh, yep.  We're quite excited.18:31
MyrttiI congratulated sh/ already too :-)18:31
tritiumOh, I hadn't heard about him yet.  That's great!18:32
Myrttiit is a bit cryptic but I know a forking news when I see one ;-)18:32
tritiumYeah, it took me a bit to get it.18:33
ScottKPlease look at X3 trolling in #ubuntu-devel18:50
LjLhm, he was looking for developers or something earlier18:52
LjLinsisted a bit too much to do his "announcement" in #ubuntu even after i told him it was not the appropriate channel18:52
ScottKWell it's clearly OT for #ubuntu-devel.18:54
LjLScottK: i'll keep a watch but i don't personally have op privileges in that channel18:54
naliothScottK: nothing appears to be happening atm there18:54
naliothbut as ljl says, we're watching18:54
ScottKnalioth: http://paste.ubuntu.com/69306/18:55
ScottKI gather he's hit other channels too.18:55
LjLhe's +i i think, can't know which channels he's in18:56
LjL[19:54:53] <tv7497> kennnn: thats sad mate  :( i  am a normal user so cant help you so much try #club-ubuntu or wait for some more time so that anyone of wizards among here may help you :)18:56
LjLare we even remotely ok with ##club being suggested for support?18:57
LjL(that was -ot)18:57
* ScottK wonders off.18:57
GaryLjL: they did mention #ubuntu first.18:57
LjLi know, still18:58
LjLMyrtti: meh, women have so little sense of humor19:06
MyrttiLjL: he was earlier on -women19:06
LjLgood thing konversation doesn't close tabs when you leave a channel anymore19:06
Myrtti[19:20] ~~~Commie_Cary [n=cary@unaffiliated/commiecary/x-90615] has joined  #ubuntu-women19:06
Myrtti[19:20] < Commie_Cary> WOMEN!19:06
Myrtti[19:20] < Commie_Cary> on freenode19:06
Myrtti[19:20] < Commie_Cary> :O19:06
Myrtti[19:21] ~~~Commie_Cary [n=cary@unaffiliated/commiecary/x-90615] has left  #ubuntu-women ["Leaving"]19:06
LjLwell must say the nickname never inspired anything very good19:07
LjL(and that's not saying anything against commies, just something about someone having that word in their nick)19:07
Garylol @ LjL (in #freenode )19:11
Myrtti[21:10] ~~~Commie_Cary [n=cary@unaffiliated/commiecary/x-90615] has joined  #ubuntu-women19:13
Myrtti[21:10] < Commie_Cary> how is there women on freenode!19:13
Myrtti[21:12] < Myrtti> And I have to wonder how there are INTELLIGENT MEN on freenode19:13
Myrtti[21:12] < Myrtti> no, wait...19:13
GaryMyrtti: all the brainy men are gay19:14
* Gary hides19:14
MyrttiGary: or gentoo users19:14
Myrttieither or, it seems19:14
LjLno gentoo users are gay?19:15
MyrttiI don't know, I don't know that many gentoo users19:15
Myrttimight be both though19:15
LjLi have some experience with their ops channel19:15
LjLi'd say both :P19:15
* Myrtti rolls eyes19:15
Myrttithen again...19:15
MyrttiI'm considering LFS.19:16
Myrttiwhat does that tell of me?19:16
LjLi don't know, just for some reason when i see the acronym LFS i always associate it with FFS19:16
LjLand not in the Fast File System meaning19:16
LjLGary: also the problem with what you said is, if you reverse the statement it's absolutely no longer true19:18
Garyoh no, I know a lot of very thick gay males19:18
GaryOh, oops19:19
* Myrtti lols19:19
GaryI did not mean, oh oopsy19:19
LjLGary: oh don't worry, only myrtti with her twisted brain thought about that. really.19:19
MyrttiI need a slap on my face19:19
* Gary slaps Myrtti 19:20
LjLMyrtti: i don't even have the trout, i'd need to fire up mirc19:20
Tm_TGary: glad I'm not a man19:20
Myrtti@lart Myrtti19:20
nickruddang pidgin messed with my logut20:06
nickrudjust ran it long enough to be sure I was answering a question about it's config folder. Gunk20:07
naliothpigdin isn't an irc client20:08
naliothpigpen isn't an irc client20:08
nickrudneither is irssi, for humans20:09
robotgeekit must be okay since i am a robot20:10
Myrttinickrud: chicks dig irssi20:11
Myrttier, wait20:11
nickrudoh, I'm not swinging at that softball20:11
Myrttipidgin does have it's perks.20:12
MyrttiI, though, fail to see most of them.20:12
MyrttiI just realised I had used my juice pint for milk before >___<20:14
nickrudon a lighter note, anyone seen this before? http://z.about.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/f/f/get_a_brain_morans.jpg20:14
Tm_TMyrtti: awww <320:34
MyrttiTm_T: hm?20:34
Tm_TMyrtti: milk and juice20:35
Myrttiyou're sick.20:35
Tm_Tthanks, sister20:36
Myrttilike, EWWWW20:39
Myrttihttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/15322/ this needs more ups20:40
MyrttiTm_T: http://identi.ca/notice/1032338 <-- I know that nick from somewhere, but can't figure out where20:42
Tm_Tdascreetch or something20:47

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